September 13, 1929

Page 1

Interesting and

Entered as second-class mall matt 2»' postofflce at Omaha, Kebraska, trade %

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uuuary 27, VJZ1, nt ct ot March a,

AU the News of Interest to Jews


FSECOMMUNTTY '- rublic Reception to Be Accorded to Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis Tonight CENTERS JOIN IN DEBATING LEAGUE


L No. 35

Venerated Leader of Jewry Is Dead

Famed Jewish Artist to Sponsor Exhibition RECUPERATING FROM Louis Marshall, venerated leader of world Jewry,' died at Zurich WednesStillman was born near Minsk,' From apprentice in a Sioux City A REIGN OF TERROR -day, following two operations for abgoldsmith's , shop to international Russia, thirty-five years ago. He

scess of the pancreas. fame as an artist has been the came to this country -while stili a ! Minor Outbreaks Continue to At first the operations seemed suc- meteorjc rise of - a former resident youngster. At the age of 21 he Keep Jewish Population in cessful; however, three specialists of Omaha, H. Ary . Stillman. The broke away from the jewelry profesConstant Dread could not stop, the progress of gang- young artist has accepted the invita- sion he was pursuing and headed for rene. Two last-minute blood trans- tion of the Art Institute to give an Paris. His rise was" rapid, and beTO START SOON RELIEF MONEY POURING IN fusions were attempted in a vain efexhibition of his drawings at the fore long he was an internationaliyfort to save Marshall's life. femous figure. i A Mid-western Jewish Community Aquila Court beginning Monday. Marshall,; a renown attorney,, was After three weekfi of horrible butchCenter debate league was organized While in Omaha. Mr. Stillman is. Stillman's merit h&s" been recognhead of the. non-Zionist.'Jews. His ering-g in which the blood of close to last -week at St. Louis, for the purcrowning achievement was the recent ized by all the great critics of the visiting with his relatives. Dr. A. 150 Jews desecrated the Holv pose of promoting a keener appreI consummation of the Jewish Agency, world and favorable comments "have Rubnitz and A. H. Brodkey. He has j P a ] e s t i n c fe K r a < h l a l l y ' R p p r o a c h i n g ciation of the values involved and a Arab maranders are t uniting both Zionists and non-Zionists appeared in the leading periodicals \ travelled throughout the world, and n o r n i a j c y > •greater interest in controversial subin all parts of the world. His works after a short stay here plans to re- still perpetrating individual attacks in the rehabilitating of the Jewish najects of universal importance and to have been exhibited, twice in Paris, turn to Paris to resume his studies. throughout the land and are keeping tional homeland. develop a spirit of cooperation among once at the BerxJieim-Jeune Galleries, , Marshall -was .also president of the the Jewish populace in & constant the various. Centers,-. .American Jewish Congress, chairman •where he was given a one-man show, SLAVER TO .REPORT AT fear of new outbreaks, despite the Judge Irvin Stalmaster, assistant of, the board of Jewish Theological five times at the-Paris Salons, and HEBREW CLUB MEETING presence of the British armed forces. attorney general, represented the Seminary of America, President of in the leading American galleries. 1 Outlying suburbs and colonies are Omaha Community Center. The other Temple Emahuel of New York, foundAmong the paintings which the Sam Klaver, chairman of the sue- j daily evacuated fcr their Jewish ininstitutions entered in the forensic er of the American Protectory and public may view at the Art Instiutc cessful Omaha Hebrew -club picnic habitants. .Rabbi and Mrs. Abr->lnm loop are Indianapolis, Kansas City, Aid society, and president of the are water colors of- Palestine drawn and vice president of the organization, There is little danger of another St. Louis, and Pittsburg. Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Bengis the officers of the Beth Hamedrosh will render a complete report of the general insurrection, due. mainly to American Jewish relief committee. He j there in 1925. He is most noted. Stalmaster, who has been in charge will be the recipients of a public re- Hagodol synagogue. The subject of outing at the club's meeting next Sunof the Omaha Community Center's ception this evening following the first Rabbi Bengis' sermon is "the Future was also known for his philanthropy, I however, for his landscapes, figures, day at the Jewish Community Center. the close watch by the British air and played an important part in j a n ( forces, who have taker, command nf activities for a number of years and Friday evening service under the guid- of Judaism in America." A noted speaker will address the bringing about the British Mandate the situation. These together with The critics, say that Stillman is "a •who is himself a noted speaker from ance of the r new spiritual leader of Sam Beber, president of the Con- over Palestine. quiet artist, a painter enemy to all assembly. English infantry and the aid of the the rostrum, plans to call a meeting servative Synagogue, has extended a bluffing and drumrbeating who has ] French soldiers in outlying; districts of all local candidates in the very the Conservative Synagogue, newly cordial invitation to the entire comorganized modern orthodox group. The munity. Besides the local spiritual The Jewish agricultural school for hsve forced the Moslems i.o disconnear future. All the Jewish groups and parties, very carefully avoided the meeting The following subjects have been services and reception will be held at heads, Rabbi Taxon of Chicago will including the ultra orthodox, submit- places with their sterile theories and girls in Jerusalem was burnedfc<ythe tinue their concerted drives. the auditorium- of 'the Jewish Com- be present to partake in the welcomT ted 3. report to the High Commissioner artificially erected schools" who Arabs. chosen for the debates: Many Destitute starting at 8 o'clock. ing ceremonies. of Palestine in Afhich Palestine Jewry, "translates the phenomena of nature Tel Aviv was attacked but the at1. Resolved: That the British munity Center, r Over 100 formerly well-to-do famCantor" S. KaKano\ntcb~and choir Mandate Constitutes a Sufficient AsDr. A. Greenberg is chairman of officially indicted the Grand Mufti and a n ( j humanity with sensitive fidelity*' tackers were repulsed. In Haifa atilies in Palestine are now homeless surance of a Jewish State in Pales- •will chant the"seryices"by courtesy of general arrangements. the government officials for the bloody j revealing "an original personality." j tacks broke out Monday. and reduced to utter destitution. tine. massacres. • • • , — Jewish leaders through out the world 2. Resolved: That the Church Has are demanding compensation from ^mt££^SSS32Bgg!g£Zm£*m&L*^™l^Mm^^ a Justifiable Place in American Polithe British government, but as yet tics, and the latter has refused to make a. 3. Resolved: That the Establishdefinite statement of the policy to ment of a Jewish State in Palestine bs pursued. In the meantime the is Necessary for the Preservation of CBeports by Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Palestine Emergency Fund has the Jewish people. All Proceeds from Affair ort staged a successful campaign to raise Tentative dates for the three FaH Activities Wilt Be in Full Thursda3r Will Be Turned ^^ S\13StfrS<^^»tfft\frtt?/»1^?^ money. In the United States, S30.rounds have been set as follows: Orer to Palestine Fund Swing Soon;"Renovations i 000 is cabled to Palestine daily. first round, Nov. 17; second round, Jewish Communists distributed The Moslem Grand Mufti demands i "Jewish ambition and greed," asDec. 22; third round, Febr. 2. Omaha Made on Building for the Arabs "political and economic serted the Grand Mufti in his inter- printed appeals among their comrades LARGE CROWD EXPECTED Jews throughout the rest of the world sre also contributing nobly. meets Kansas City in the first round, equality with ihe Jews" and return of; view with Renter's "were deliberately urging subscriptions to a fund to aid and the:winner>-clashes,'3sdtItJhe-supPreliminary estimate of the. Jewish SERVICES TOMORROW •Tespon«iblg~f ox "grove-king.- the Arabs' Palestine A Palestine Emergency Fund-britfee vivor of the eHminatibn contest of damages places the figure at several attack in order to gain the support of will be sponsored by the local chapter the other three for the championmillions Regular services at- Temple Israel Arab Delegation Callsthe whole world for reopening the of. the Junior Hadassah on Thursday ship'. • will be resumed this evening at 8 Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of question of the Wailing Wall and inAn Arab delegation called at the evening, September 19, in the main One of the most important facts Each team will be composed of o'clock. Rabbi Frederick Cohn has the Jewish Agency and the Zionist or- fluencing the Labor -government to White House. " Secretary of State auditorium of the Jewish Community in the coritroverEj* is that the Arabs two members of the Community Cen- chosen "The Secret of Survival in the ganization, states that a change of the amend the status quo as constituted Stimson received them and empha- Center. The affair is for both men continue to build over the Wailing ters. Battle of life'! as his subject for this British government's policy toward by the White Paper." sized the fact that the Arabian socie- and women, with prizes at each table. Wall, the original cause of the dis-Palestine should now be expected. A trophy will be warded to the e v e n i n g ' s s e r m o n . 1 •.•;;-• . ties should -do all in their power to The entire proceeds will be sent to turbance. The building is going on victor. The first institution captur- All of the activities of the Temple This idea was also advanced in an - Referring to Dr. Chaim Weizmann's discourage the uprisings. alleviate the sufferings in Palestine. under government protection, ing the championship three times will will soon be under way. The first address by Louis Lipsky", head of the statement that 1,000 Jewish immiThe local bridge is but one of numerArabs in Investigation become permanent possessor of the Saturday, morning's service will be American Zionists. .. . grants will enter Palestine for every ous other affairs being sponsored by Sir Walter Shaw is head of the prize. held tomorrow at-10i30. Rabbi Cohn The investigation being carried Jew killed, the Arab leader Mussa' B r i t i s h inqairy Commission. Junior Hadassah units throughout the Allan Bloom of Indianapolis i s will speak on. "Jewish Ethics." The out by the British authorities does Dr. Stephen Wise, oppositionist, has Pasha, declared: "The Arabs can country for the same purpose. head of the organization. Sunday School^ will'nbt open till a declared that in this crisis Zionists double that number." Miss Sally Morgan is chairman of not i»lease all of the Jews, as in An attempt of Jewish Communists week from-Sunday, at 10 o'clock. and non-Zionists must forget their the bridge. She and her committee many places Arab police officers in to demonstrate in the streets of WarDr. Cohn expressed the hope that a differences. expect a record crowd because of the J whom the Jewish population huve*nn Building Continues saw, carrying inscriptions expressing large crowd would greet the opening The Germans under Herr Oscar Latest reports from Jerusalem indi- sympathy for the "Arab revolution." •worthiness of the cause and the re- confidence are placed in charge. The of the services. "AH the activities of Wassennan have followed the example cate that the feeling there is still sponse given to other Hadassah bene- Jews refuse to submit evidence .jo was checked by the police. the Temple will" shortly be in full of Dr. Wise. fits. tense. The building operations of the these. The Communists, who painted inswing," he stated. "Everyone is corMoslem Supreme Council near the scriptions in red on some houses in Her assisting committee is as folThe Jews in Palestine also greatly dially invited."' ~" • Wailing Wall are continuing with the the Jewish quarter: "Long live the lows: Pearl Brown, Sarah Brookstein, resent the English attitude, toward Arthur Henderson, British foreign The main auditorium of Temple Isgovernment permission, in the ColonDorothy Rosenthal, Dorothy Ringle, their self-defense. Although this orFeminine Congregationalists of rael has been renovated for the open- minister, assured the League of Na- ial Office's proclamation on the Pal- Arab revolution," held a mass meeting Lillian Rosenblatt, Sarah Kurtzman, Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol ganization of the youth saved JeruSaturday night. ing of the season's activities. New tions Council that England does not estine situation on Sunday. Fan Katelman, and Lillian Weiner. Outline Program salem and many other centers from intend to abandon the principle of the curtains, the gift of the Temple SisTickets are being sold by members the fate of Hebron, the British Balfour declaration and mandate. Major Zagrodski, an officer in the have jbeen placed downstairs Change Mandate? -MRS. J. ADLER IS HEAD terhood, j Polish army who returned from Pal- of the Junior and Senior Hadassah, frowned on them, disarmed them, and Lord Passfield expressed the same in the vestry.;: .: However, the press of other nations estine today, ina press interviews ex- and at the Jewish Community Center. reported them opposed to English The annual meeting, of the Congre- opinion. The work of laying walks in the gation of the Temple is. scheduled for are asking that the mandate be taken pressed his admiration for the Jewish authority. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemetery Sunday-; afternoon. The first gatherGermany's self-defense in Palestine." Being near "The Palestine government betrayed away from England. Pioneering, Spirit in Sarpy county, the first step in an ing of the season for the Sisterhood the Jews," emphatically declared papers want the U. S. to take it over. the events, I gained the conviction The spirit of pioneering youth so extensive improvement planned by will -be held>Sundayv September 29, Wolfgang von Weisel, noted German The Poles and Turks ask that they -that the Chaluzim have revived the evident in the Holy Land remains spirit of the Maceabbees. A small •women of the congregation, headed ^followed by it luncheon the next day. newspaper man who was critically assume the mandate. •unshaken, however. Rebuilding has number of Chaluzim withstood large by Mrs. J. Adler, was completed this wounded in the riots. already commenced in some places, The Palestine Hebrew, appearing hordes, which is a categorical denial week. A petition to gravel the road after an enforced layoff, contains a of the popular conception oi" 'Jewish while in others, communities refuse approaching the cemetery is still 54 Church Federations "will work sharp note of criticism of the British cowardice.' T have fought for many to evacuate though facing the clanger being circulated and it is hoped that among Christians to help in the gath- government. years for Poland's freedom, having of annihilation, • progress'will be reported in the near ering of money for Jewish victims in been wounded on many occasions, but Although fasts and meetings of future. • . .'.. Palestine. Dr. Parkes Cadman is I bow my head in respect for the sympathy were staged by Jews in Mrs. Ernest Meyer heads the com- pZurich;"./".(j!1 "After hearing head of them. courage and heriosm of these Jewish every corner of the globe, Russian mittee soliciting contributions to the \ full .report of; the recent1;;anti-Jewknightly idealists," he said. Jewish communists expressed symfund to' beautify the cemetery. She Not content with Tus attempt 'to pathy with the Arabs. asks that checks be mailed to Kbyno, jUthiianiai .thglExecutive *Comr place the blame for the anti-Jewish Shifra Sundstein of the township, The demand for British investigaat 2919 North 20th street. Dues for 'inittee.''^^^e;.(&fliua|^'.-oiii.-'tije Rights Arab outbreaks on the Jews, the Price of $4,155,296 If Accepted Bialki, went insane upon receipt of a of Jewish Minorities, which held a tion, first made by the Jews, is now annual membership in the recently, Will Mean a Free Grand Mufti has come forward with ;i cablegram from Palestine reporting seconded by the Arabs, The Moslems formed organization, which will look meetlng^-here, <iespatched '•&• telegram new allegations. Bridge the death of her son Joseph, a pionhave been trying to cover up their after the perpetual care of the ceme- to Prime Minister "Waldemaras. The new charge is "Jewish Bolsheveer settler. He went to Palestine two hideous work by making perfidious tery, may be sent to Mrs. Harry "• In rthe-telegrarn, ^hlcD"was signed iks are behind the Palestine events." The chief subject of conversation in years ago. by Dr". Stephen -S.-Wise,-Dr. Leo Trustin, 3104 Lincoln boulevard. charges and spreading unwarranted the daily newspapers in the last few Among the additional names re- Motzkin and", Nahum- So^olow, the falsehoods, days has been the street railway comcently added to the membership Executive. Committee-declared that it According to all reports, England pany's offer to sell the Douglas street BOYCOTING roll are Mesdames - !•. H. Cherniss,. learned. with ; grjat regret of the bridge for $4,155,296. does not in any war intend to give Among nation-wide expres-: Famine is facing Palestine J. Bernstein, M. D. Colton, L Abrar anti-Jewish excesses in Lithuania, but It is apparent that several people up the mandate. sions of sympathy over the Palhamson, B Abrahamson, Max Blotky, added that it; is "firmly" convinced Jewry with the Jewish househave expressed opinions before giving estine atrocity were the followM. Braude, Max Cohn, B. BraviroS', that .Wald.emaras, as. the creator of the subject very careful consideration. wives boycotting Arab merchI SWINDLER OF GERMANY'S the declarationof JewisK ^autonomy ing by NebTaskans: We don't know who is right, but we do M. Grossman, Sam Gross, Morris ants, fearing foul play. ! ANTI-SEMITES SENTENCED in Lithuania, Svill use. effective means GOVERNOR WEAVER: "The feel our readers who want a free Forbes, Mendel Forbes, Mrs. Geden- in--order -to.'-re-establish •. safety' and At the same time the Arabs massacres in Palestine constibridge, want to get it without raising' ken, I>. Feblowitz, "S. FJewitz, L. justice and' to' enable the developtute both an outrage and a Frankfort.—(J. T. A.)—Because he their taxes. j in the neighborhood of JerusaHarris, Sam Frohm, Ben Levenslry, ment of a norjnal-life.i'pr.'the Jewish tragedy. World. public opinion, _ _, , , . . , had obtained huge aims of money lem are acutely feeling the pinch We don't know whether §4,155,296 J. Kooper, -A. Kaiman, Harry Lapi- population which has collaborated to Ben ap_ .. +L__ condemning the massacres as . , , ,Klaver . , . (above) has. been I from German noblemen and, _ether n is the right price, but we do know, of poverty because they cannot dus, J. Kulakofsky, L. Myerson, Sam its fullest energy in the creation of pointed district manager for Omaha c r e d u l o u s a n t i . S e m i t i c zmXo%B m the murder, will be helpful in securthat Omaha has been talking about Meyerson, C. D. Mendelson, Harry the Lithuanian State." ' • • sell their produce. The Moslems ing from the Mandatory Power by the State Life Insurance Co., entation that he had invented a free bridge for 30 or 40 years, and Malashoky Max Simon, B. Shames, ' Kovno. (J." T. A.-)—Prime Minister ' protection of an innocent popuare complaining to their Grand with offices at 612 Omaha Natunuu & < J e a t h y a y w h k h w o u l ( 1 annihilate that here is a chance to get one with. Sophie Ross, J. Simon, A J. Sham- Waldemaras yesterday received a delMufti that if the Jewish boycott lation comprising the citizens of Bank building. Mr. Klaver was bom jB e r l i n J e w ^ . -n o n e m i n u { e , Bruehan out raising anybody's taxes, and have berg, D. Siegle, S. S. Spar, H. Suss- gation of American Jews now visiting many ntions." is not discontinued, the Arab and reared in Omaha and has been | h a s b e e r , s e n t e n c e ( 1 to two years' ireit free in six and one half years. J man, L. Simon, C. Solson, L. Schlai- here, headed by'.Judge William M. SENATOR HOWELL : "I engaged in the insurance business for | p r j 8 0 n m e n t aTui five years' 1<>st> of villages are facing starvation. If the city can get hold of the fer, H. Wohlner, Sara Wirtz and Lewis of Philadelphia. The situation greatly deplore the tragedy that a number of years. Even the leading Jewish citizenship rights, bridge tolls and start paying for the H. B. Weinstein. of the Jewish population in Lithuania has befallen the Jewish populahotels in Jerusalem have been bridge at once, with the certainty that was discussed and the" Prime Minition in Palestine and "they inThe same vices which are huge and He who does not stretch himself forced to restrict most of their it should be free in a few years, we deed have my sympathy." insupportable in others we do net feel Applause is the spur of noble ster expressed. his regret over the 1 According to the coverlet will find his meals to a diet .«£-jdee only. shouldn't pass up the chance "without I feet uncovered. —Goethe. minds, the end and aim of weak ones. Slobodka events. " . ' —La B in ourselves. doing a lot of serious thinking. i

Judge Irvin Stalmaster Is Local Representative at Organizing Meeting


Glimpses of Palestinian Crisis








1 H E JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, fcy

THE ^JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—An intensive : Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone; Atlantic 1450 campaign againsf the observance of DAVID BLACKER * - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR I FANNIE,KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent

SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street OSfiEROFF - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT 1616 W. 16th Street $2.50

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CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give;your name.



All Jewry bow their heads in grief over the loss of their beloVecf leader, touis Marshall. ; ^[Marshall spent his life working for his people. No stauncher supporter'of Judaism, no stronger champion of the Jews can be found on the iface of the globe, liis every act was for the betterment of the Jewish people. As a parting gift to Israel, Marshall left the Jewish Agency. ; It is indeed a pity that he could not live to see the fruits of his labors. ' It seems almost incredible that one man could have taken part in so many activities, that one man could do so much" constructive good. And it seems equally incredible that such a man lives no more. But only his body is gone. His soul, his name, his achieve: ments will live in Jewish annals eternally.: ', •:

MENDELSSOHN'S DESCENDANTS Germany has just completed the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of its famous son, Moses Mendelssohn, noted ; Jewish philosopher. \ Jews throughout the world, honoring the soul of a brother Israelite, have ample cause to mourn for the departed. Mendelssohn was the foremost Jewish figure in the eighteenth century and his life was dedicated to the perpetuation of Judaism. And today, two hundred years later, every living descendant of this learned Jew has been converted to Christianity. The Jews have learned that a sturdy oak tree may have mouldy leaves.

THIS BUSINESS OF BEING A JEW During the past week a. local newspaper gave special emphasis to the fact that a certain wrongdoer was a Jew. This is not an isolated instance; it is a frequent occurrence. Although statistics prove that a surprisingly low percentage of Jews are criminal, the vices, crimes, and failings of any single Jew, no matter how estranged from his people's faith he may be, are attributed to his Jewishness and. are blamed onto the entire Jewish'race. Itfis a grave responsibility—being a Jew.rL'Neither can we escape.from it nor shirk pur duty. AH Jews are mutually accountable for each other. As our sages inform us, every Israelite holdsjthe honor of his entire people in his hands.



The world-did not believe .David A. Brown, chairman of the Palestine Emergency Fund, when he announced that ?50,000 would-be cabled daily to the Holy Land. That sum was absolutely needed to aid the 42,000 Jewish men, women and children rendered homeless and destitute by the Moslem atrocities. - The American Jew faced the crisis nobly. More has already been given than was requested, and the flood of money pouring in is steadily gaining momentum. All Jewry, rich and poor alike, gave more than they could afford, gave "even after it hurt." Nor is the money collected the only gratifying result. Usually in a nation-wide campaign months are frittered away before the necessary machinery can be put in operation and adequate returns obtained. In this emergency, however, everything was spontaneous. Everything came from the heart of the Jewish people. ' ! ' ; : . • • • " ; •' -. • •••' . • - . - • . Tjieir giving has strengthened the bonds which unified Israel. They have dedicated their material wealth alongside the lives of their, falestdnian brethren in again rebuilding the national homeland, iow fertilized with fresh Jewish blood and thereby made holier.fhan ever to the Jewish people. ,. CHURCH PEACE UNION ^CHOOSES JERUSALEM Frankfort—(J. T. A.)—Jerusalem or Calcutta, India, will be the meeting place for the next world congress of the Church Peace Union and World Alliance for International Friendship, it was I decided at the dose of the World .Religious Peace Conference held here._. An Executive Committee was chosen including Rabbi Loewenthal of Paris, i-


By PHILIP M. RASKIN The following poem by the famous. Anglo-Jewish poet, P. 51. SatUn, was read at the Madison Square Garden meeting \n New York before an audience of twenty-live thousand Jews protesting a«alngt Arab outrages in Palestine.

Although they comprise only 17 per cent of the population in Palestine, Jewish pupils in Jewish schools form 41 percent o£ those attending schools in Palestine during the year, i according to government reports. The statistics reveal that only one person in every 13 is reached by the schools in the Holy Land. The government schools, exclusively maintained for the benefit of the Arab population, care for 30.8 per centfii 21.6 fall to the share of the Chris-

the Jewish High Holidays, beginning this year on October 5th, is under way under the leadership of the Jewish section of the Communist party. By our sacred soil "Red Rosh Hashanah" and "Red Koi With blood stm wet, Nidre Night" will ^e features of the We swear once more: campaign, which is designed to wean Lest we forget! the Jewish working masses away from observing the traditional Jewish holiBy the graves of our Sons days. The original plan of declaring Open yet, the Day of Atonement, October 15th, We swear once more: as a compulsory day of labor for the Lest we forget! Jewish workers who are to give their day's earnings for the industrializaBy the lives of our youth tion of the Jewsh masses, was abandAnd the doom they oned but a voluntary "Jewish indusmet, trialization day" will be proclaimed on We swear once more: the second day of Rosh Hashanah, Lest we forget! October 6th. A decision to this effect was reached By a Nation's trust last night at a conference between And a Nation's debt, Jewish Communist leaders and repreWe swear once more: sentatives of artisans' and workers' Lest we forget! organizations in Moscow. After heated discussions, it was decided that the Let heart to heart observance of the industrialization day Grief-beset, by working is to be voluntary and that Echo our oath: the earnings are to be given by the Lest we forget! workers towards the fund required for the construction of a Soviet aeroplane to be named Bidjan. The Jewish section of the Communist party plans to Xn Mendelssohn's Memory carry out a registration of Jewish • Berlin. (J. T. A.) On the occasion workers hy the various factories and of the two-Kundredth anniversary of of the Jewish artisans, thus checking the birth of Moses Mendelssohn, Ger- J zap on those who will not participate man Jewish philosopher, a wreath ] in the industrialization work. was laid on his grave in the name SENTENCE ARAB OFFICER of the city of Berlin by Councillor' I FOR AIDING IN RIOTS Treitel. The wreath was inscribed with the : Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—A sentence following words: "In honor of our of seven days in jail and the forfeit- great citizen, Moses Mendelssohn." ing of fourteen days pay was imposed upon an Arab police officer Cairo.—(J. T. A.)—Representatives here. The punishment was imposed of the Jewish community here called because the officer was absent from on the Egyptian Ministry of the Inhis post without leave, during the terior demanding that the governpreparations for an anti-Jewish ment publish a denial of a falsehood Jewish demonstration in Jaffa. carried in the local press from PalesIt was said that his absence clear- tinian sources. In that report it was ly indicated his intention to par- alleged that Jerusalem Jews attacked tr "-ate in the demonstration while the Egyptian Consul in Jerusalem O-...ed. . ] when he was walking in the street.


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population, care for 30.8 per <ent; permits to enter Palestine as their only hope of escape. at Moslem schools.

YEMEN JEWS FLEE FROM PERSECUTIONS Aden, Arabia. (J. T. A.) The trials of the Jewish population of Yemen are continually growing. The authorities are using every possible measure to force the Jews to embrace the Islamic faith, compelling them to eat non-kosher food. Many Yemenites are fleeing, leav. ing their belongings behind them and arriving in Aden in wretched condition and compelled to beg in the streets. They are eager to obtain

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41 Percent of Palestine School Children Jewish


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Ask Him About "Complete Protection Policies"


Council fluffs News By F. K. K.

g .the jnost impressive -wedceremonies of the year vras the marriage last Monday at the Hfejhriberg1 home, -when Miss Beatrice Reifthenberg became the bride of Mgrk Goldberg of Madison, Wis., and Miss Lois Reiehenberg was wed to Ejnfl Housfeld of Milwaukee. The brides are the daughters of Louis S. Reichenberg'. *KabM Frederick Cohn read the marriage lines.- This was preceded by a nraisIcaJ program presented by Mrs. Efarry Sosenfeld, piano; Miss Helen fibpuner, . violin; and Miss Laura Goetc, contralto. 5Phe bridesmaids-were Miss Bertha Whitetook and Mies Esther Paier. The bejrt men were John Felsher of MadiBQH and Meyer Housfeld of Milwati-


Bar Mitzvah. The Bar Mitzvah of Harold Wolpa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wolpa, will take place Saturday morning, Sept. 14th, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, 618 Mynster St. He will entertain about thirty of his young friends at a Theatre Party at the Broadway Theatre Saturday afterThe Ladies Labor Lyceum club held noon. a regular meeting hist Tuesday, Sep- Mrs. E. Marcus has returned home tember 10. The program was featured after spending the summer' months by a lecture by Ita Bruchirt on "The visiting in Los Angeles, California, American Medical Liberty League." and Portland, Oregon. Mr., and Mrs. Morris Goodman-anIda Tennenbaum has returned from a month's visit in St. Louis "with rel- nounce the birth .of a son, born Saturday, September 7th, at the atives. ••."•'.•• Nicholas Senn Hospital in Omaha. Mrs. Joe.Eosenbaum of Chicago, Miss Dorothy Handler of Oscaloosa, formerly Miss Rose Bezman of this Iowa, is spending a couple of weeks city,r and son, Jordan Maynard, are visiting with relatives in Omaha and visiting here with relatives and Council Bluffs. friends. Jake Whitebook of Philadelphia, Miss Dorothy Handler of Osaloosa, Pennsylvania, is spending the week la., is visiting "with her aunts, Mrs. A; here visiting- his parents, Mr. and . Perimeter of Omaha and Mrs; Herman Mrs, G. Whitebook. Myerson of Council Bluffs. Anna Sommers of Omaha and" Phil Gilinsky of Council Bluffs were marMr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro, Mr. and last week at a private wedding Mrs. Max Lashinsky, and Mrs. R. ried in Omaha. Bernstein, and their families, all of Lincoln, were the guests of their daughter^- sister and son-in-law,-Dr. and Mrs. Irvin H. Stein, over the weekend.

jThe ceremony was followed by a reception attended. by 150 guests. Amongs the out-of-to^ri' guests; were Mrs. Himmelfarb, and Joseph Housfpld, Milwaukee; Mrs. Ike Freehling, Chicago; and Sain Levitan, Jay Sinad$p,_ Herman Halperin, Charles Glass, Miss Sylvia Bezman has returned a Harry Sweet of Madison. home after a two months' visit in .Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosen.?Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiner an- b a u m . ••_.:/ , nounce the marriage of their daughMrs. Harry Goldstrom entertained ter, Freeda M., to Mr. AL J. Turchen of Sioux City, la. The marriage took t h e H o m e - A r t s c l u b a t h e r h o m e T u e s day. ••..;.. '•" •:•.. •••. place Saturday evening, July 13. .j^'Mr. Turchen is a graduate of Sioux Mr. Ralph H. Gross, son of Mr.and City Central, -where he was prominent Mrs. H.. Grossy returned home from in^ athletics. C M . T. C. at Fort Snelling, Minn. Miss Weiner is a graduate of Oma- While there he was appointed editor ha Technical high. She was promi- of the camp paper, "The Camp Snellnent in dramatics, having the lead in ing News." the sehior claBS play. She sponsored ihe Ton-ko-da Girls' dub. Mr. and-Mrs. Max L. Holzmanhave 1' The young couple are at home at returned from a trip to the coast. 1112 Thirteenth street. Mr. and JMrs. Z. Cohen and two ; , Miss Betty Steinberg will'give a sons, X C. and Philip, of \Bangor, Mich.,are visiting with Mrs. Cohen's dinner dance Sunday atithe new Paxsister, Mrs. A. Schlaiferi The'.Co'• 1am Hotel prior to her marriage to hens, who were formerly of. Omaha, •Mr. Abe Milder on Tuesday. will stay two weeks. "Mr. arid Mrs. Hyman Cohn of JFul- .•Mrs. Ai-Katzman, also of Bangor, 7^rti?n>tJHghr.;jhj|ye moved to Omaha. is visiting relatives here. , TJiey are making their^ 'Miss Ethel StoTer is recuperating ' 140 North 34th street. from an appendix operation at the | jMiss Bess Haspel has Bet Sunday, Lord Lister hospital. ^September 22, as the date of her marThe Jewish Women's Welfare OrHage to Mr. Harry Weinherg of Chi- ganization contributed $100 to the ibago, Mr. Weinberg will arrive Sun- Palestine Emergency Fund, according Iday to spend the week prior to the to an announcement made by Mrs. A. jwedding in Omaha. Greenberg, president. ? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altsuler «nterThe man who has not anything to 'tained at dinner for 27 guests. Sunday ^n. honor of the engagement of their boast of but his illustrious ancestors ;-daughter, Ells, to Mr. Jules Shapiro is like a potato—the only good belonging to him is underground. £of Lincoln, Nebr. f •;. Ojit-of-town guests included Mrs. •Slax Lachinsky and children, Mrs. John Bernstein and sons, Mr. and Mrs. jjoe ShapiTo, Lee Shapiro, Miss Margy dfink, gll of Lincoln, and Miss Sylvia Marks of Chicago. ; The dinner was followed by a rein'the evening.


In a letter received Wednesday hp J. J. Friedman, Leo J. Fraehenberg, executive director of the United Pallestine Appeal, lauded the manner in •which Omaha Jewry responded to the Palestine Emergency Fund and at the same time called attention to the importance of the U. P. A. The letter: Dear Mr. _FricdHian: I haye yotir letter of September *tll and can hardly tell yon how happy I am at the vindication of Omaha's name for allegiance to the traaitlonal cauie of the Jewish people. It i« a line thing to Omaha. Jewry to have rained nlreadr $4,000 in cftBh for the Palestine Emerjtency Belief. Will yon be {rood enonjrh. as the secretary of this committee and transmit the .ippreclatioon of this offlce to every member. At the same time I hope that contributions to the. Umerpency Fund will not be made to serve as an alibi ngaiiist the -payment of the pledges made to the United Palestine Appeal. The Emergency Fund is for immediate relief. The rrtmilding of the damaged, colonies and the bnildinfr of new colonies falls upon the United Palestine Appeal It 1B becanse of that, that pledges" to the United Palestine Appeal. must be paid tip at the earliest possible ' tiB Bre: "With The "kindest of- regards.Verj cordially yours. LEO J. FRACHTEXBEBG, executive Director.:

Better a blush in the face than a blot in the heart.


Pleasant room with private family. Reasonable, half block to car line. Garage if desired.


Your Food

1.1 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blacker announce the j birth of a baby girl Wednesday at the Wise Memorial hospital.



: Mr. Irving Perimeter, for the past yjgar editor of the Jewish Press, left -Sunday far New York, -where he,will' enter the Columbia University School ; of Journalism. Previous to assuming -his duties at the Press, he attended ' Creighton University for two years, .establishing an envious record in activities and scholarship.; Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky will be a.i home, 5410 Izard street, on Sunday afternoon, September 15, from 3 to 5, for their friends, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards of San Jose, " CaL No invitations have been issued.

Plenty of time to get money for Rosh Hashonah to your relatives in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Roumania, Palestine, and all other parts of the world. MONEY DELIVERED TO THE HOUSE

Fast—Resonable— Prompt—Personal Service By

Joseph Radinowski 14M No. 18

WEbster 1642

Correspondent in Omaha for

Hie Amalgamated Bank of New York Bm$r ^bat Flooded Eassia with Ainericwi" Dollars' *


m Jen 30-0

I4D §20


0 h20




IS IT SAFE? Electric Refrigeration Temperature Is Always Below 50Degrees /The food you eat — is it wholesome, pure" and clean? 50 degrees is the danger line. Food that is kept in temperatures less than 50 degrees is not healthful. Bacteria soon spoils the foodstuffs and endangers the health of your family.

Clean Efficient Cheap to Operate No Muss No Fuss

JUNIOR DAUGHTERS OF (Y. P. Z. CHALUZIM WILL GO, RADINOWSKI IS AGENT | BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ZION SEEK MEMBERS LIVE, WORK IN PALESTINE FOR SENDING MONEY j MAKES NOVEL EXHIBITION The Junior Daughters of Zion, a recently-formed organization to promote Judaism, Zionism, and Jewish history, will stage a party at the Jewish Community Center Sunday afternoon. An elaborate program has been arranged, including musical numbers and addresses by Rabbi Abraham Bengis and Grace Rosenstein. Another feature will be a mock dehate on "Resolved, That Andy Gump is a specimen of modern man." The participants will be Sarah RifJrin, Sylvia Giventer, Sally Greenberg, and Dora Dolgoff. All those wishing to join are asked to call the Miss Dolgoff Saturday at JAckson 4410. The club, for girls between the ages of 13 and 16, is under the.sponsorship of Mrs. Elsie Eisenberg. Who shoots at the mid-day sun, though he be sore he shall never hit the mark; yet as sure he is, that he shall shoot higher than he who sums at a hush. ' —Sidney.

At its eighth annual convention held in Washington, D. C, the first part of September, the Young People Zion of the U. S. and Canada issued a call to the Jewish youth of America to organize a Chaiutzim organization to go to Palestine to help build up the land. Plans for the training of Chalutiim into a permanent "Chalutz" organization are being worked out.

Joseph Radinowski, 1434 North A refrigerator which will cool up 18th street, local correspondent of to ninety gallons of milk each day the Amalgamated Bank of New York, was one of the feature exhibitions mt is handling remittances that Oma the Nebraska State Fair last week. harts and Sioux Cityans wish to send This new dairy farm cooling p!»nt to relatives in Russia, Poland, Pales- •was developed by the Baker Ice tine, or any other part of the world. Machine Co. of Omaha. He urges immediate action for If less than ninety gallons are to those who want the money to reach be colled, part of the refrigerator its destination before the holidays. can be utilized for cooling meat, The Amalgamated Bank is famed butter, and other farm products. for its successful transmission of The refrigerator is insulated with millions to Eastern European Jews. four inches of cork, the best insula8-YEAR-OLD GIRL SHOWS INITIATIVE IN COLLECTION Mr. Radinowski also handles vari- tor on the market. ous periodicals, books of knowledge, A feature of the meeting of the and books of all types. DAUGHTERS OF ZION Workmen's Circle Branch No. 173 was MRS. BELMONT DIES addressed last Friday by eight-yearThe Daughters of Zion will hold a old Yetta Lerner. She gave $3 to Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Bel- meeting Wednesday, September 18, at the general collection being made at mont were held Wednesday afternoon 2:30, in the afternoon, at the Jewish thhe meeting for Palestinian suffer- from the Chesed Shal Ames, Nine- j Community Center. An interesting ers and told how, after reading of teenth and Burt streets. Interment ( program has been arranired, including the Arabian cruelties, she enlisted the was in the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol j a prominent speaker. Refreshments aid of another girl her own age and cemetery. Mrs. Belmont is survived! will also be served, The meeting vill initiated a fund-raising1 campaign J by her husband, PhU Belmont, and] be open both to members and their among the neighborhood children. mother, Mrs. B. Kassov of New York.' friends.

D. E. Stuart Would Buy Douglas Street Bridge Personally, at Our Terms D, E. Stuart, attorney, who, as special counsel for the city of Council Bluffs, appeared in opposition to the Street Railway Company in the street car rate litigation a few years ago, gave, the following voluntary statement to the Council Bluffs Nonpareil last Tuesday: "The things to he looked into in the company's proposition are the valuation of its bridge, its present physical

condition and the earnings. If the bridge is in good physical condition and the earnings from it will pay all charges and pay for the bridge in six and one-half years, then it is a gift. Almost anyone would be willing to buy the Bennett building or some other property in Council Bluffs for $1,000,000 or more if he could be sure that it would carry itself and pay out its purchase price in six. and one-half years from its income. Opportunities to purchase something, without the expenditure of money, that will pay for itself in a short period of time, come very rarely. It seems to me that under such circumstances the price is not important. The thing to be determined is whether it will p&y for itself in six and one-half years. I think that if they were offering to sell this bridge to me personally upon the above terms I would buy it immediately, figuring that in six and one-half years I would have a bridge that cost me nothing/'

Btmglas Street Bridge is *rarth everr «ent we ask for it, $4,1554*96. H h that to us if we keep it and it is worth that to the cities of ChnsM and Council Bluffs if they buy i t _ ' - .. The value of the physical structure itself, depreciated by our engineer and further depreciated by us, is $2,633,058. Our most conservative estimates show that the net earnings to the cities of Omaha and Couilcil Bluffs in three years would be $1,522,238. The cities will get these earnings if th«y buy the bridge. We will get them if we keep the bridge. We use three years earnings because we have no hesitancy in saying it would take the cities three years to vote the bonds, make legal arrangements, condemn the necessary property, do their financing, and build a bridge.

If you will analyze our statement carefully, as Mr. Stuart did, we are confident you will agree that our offer if fair

A Kalvinator in your home "will safeguard the heaith of your family . . . ihs temperature is always below 50 degrees. The cost of operation is small and the worries of the old ice box are gone forever.


"ELECTRIC SHOPS" L 17th and Harney Sts.

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Nebraska Power €

Economical Transportation

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NEWS• Winter's Approach Heralds Opening of Season of Communal Activity ' With the1 coming of the winter sea- J says Dr. H. M. Levin, president of the son the many organizations of Sioux Sioux City Chapter. Following closely upon this will City Jewry are again beginning to come the first new season of the meetthink of another active season of | ing of the Sioux City Chapter No. 12, meetings, Jaffairs, dances, carnivals, A. Z. A., next Wednesday. The A. Z. • d all the other things ^which are A. will cooperate with B'nai B'rith in iQund promotions of-the cooler season. making the respective chapters the One of the first to open was the foremost in the .national, orders, and B'nai B'rith"-which held its first meetwill follow a plan of activity now being: last Tuesday. "We are beginning ing formulated; for the complete seaa new season, and we hope to make it son. one of the most productive in" the hisThe Icor will also swing into full tory of B'nai B'rith in Sioux City," action with its first fall'meeting to , " '' "

With th* frigidtin Cold Cntnl Jntxmt time, txs&b'ssymns*Uf Utmg <*»• mjmfntm.

you regulate the feezing time with the FRIGIDAIRE "Cold Control" *TTHB new Frigidaire "Cold •*• Control" gives you complete Control of the temperatures in the patented self-sealing Frigidaire freezing trays. You never have to wait for desserts and ice gp Just turn the"Cold Control" and

Davidson Appointed to ' National Aid Committee




•_" •

LARGE CROWD HEARS DUAL PIANO CONCERT Over three hundred people heard Miss Sara "Vyeiner in a piano concert Tuesday evening. Miss Weirier, who has studied with Guy Maier, plans to teach in Sioux City this year.. Mr, Ctto Graf of Detroit, Michigan, appeared on the program with Miss Weiner. The recital was given under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary and the}Dau]*hterhood of Shaare Zion Congregation. .

Call at oar display room. Learn how easily Frigidaire can be bought on General Motors liberal terms. Come in today;




M i Ili o n


Mr. J. Aizenberg has received an interesting display of products made itL Palestine, which include representations of practically all of Palestinian industries. His exhibit of these, which will be held within the next few weeks, will interest S. C." Jewry.




FatnL AT" 2815

Paxton- Mitchell Co.

youtzpxhe surplusfreezingpower of the Frigidaire compressor. You get results quick. .

take place within the next two weeks and will make every attentpt to promote further its program. The many other Jewish organizations of Sioux City, some of which are the Sr. and Jr. Hadassah, The Brotherhood, The Sisterhood, Kadima, Choir, Business Girls Club, The S. Z. Daughterhood and Ladies' Auxiliary which are-opening the season jointly with a piano recital, Workmen's Circle, Ivre, The Talmud Torah and the synagogues, are opening 3 year of greater Jewish. Activity in Sioiix'City during the coming two weeks. Their activities along with those of every other Jewish order, will: be found in the columns of the Press each week.




'_ 'Mr. Dave Davidson has been appointed a member of the National Committee for raising' immediate funds'"to aid those in Palestine who have suffered from the Arab's atrocities. The Committee . i s endeavoring t o send $50,000 from the United States to Palestine, every day, for five days a week, until the needs of the suf-ferers have-been fully taken care


Ernest Nordin, Sr., chairman of the tell the story of the music and Missj contest, has announced prizes jn the Fribourg, one of Sioux City's most: Class A and B divisions to total accomplished violinists, will play the 1 $3,000. H. K. Mansfield is vice Miss Frances Fribourg and Miss selectiqns. chairman. Louise Eisman are sponsoring a "kidOmaha bands, professional bands die concert course" this fall. Two Andy Nielsen, assistant flight com- j and high school bands are barred concerts will be'•given each month in NOVEL COURSE TO BE mander of the Nebraska Air Tour, the ballroom of the Martin hotel from GIVEN FOR CHILDREN which will visit 15 Nebraska cities from the contest. 3 to 5 o'clock on Saturday afternoons. Miss Frances Fribourg and Miss during the week of September 9, will $40,000 TO BE SPENT The first one is scheduled on SeptemLouise Eiseman will conduct a novel fly his Curtiss Robin plane as the ber 14. ON SIOUX CITY HOTEL Nebraska Diamond Jubilee-Ak-Sar- j The purpose of the course is to ac- course for children in Music and Mu-1 Ben stock show entry. I The Eppley Hotels Company will quaint children with the stories of sic Appreciation. The classes will be The plane will advertise the Dia- j music and operas of the great com- held in the Martin Hotel Ball Room mond Jubilee and stock show to b e | spend $40,000 in remodeling the West posers and to give them, an apprecia- and are open to children 7 to 14 years held in Omaha, November 1. to 8., Hotel. They plan to decorate with tion of it. There also will be enter- old. The work, which will include the inviting outstate residents to attend futuristic designs. taining contests and refreshments at 11?US15 a n d s t o r l e s o f °P e r a s > classics, the celebration in Omaha. "The Ten-Gallon Hat," a coffee each concert. I * * v e s °f famous composers and singshop, is included in the remodeling The Jubilee Stock show plane will! ' fn t h e P rinci - carry two passengers, Stephen A.. plans, as is a complete and modern MissEisman spent the summer-in pies of the Play Schools. New York City studying dramatics Spitznagle, publicity director of the kitchen. Guest rooms will have new and children's story telling. She will Jubilee Stock show committee and j plumbing and will be refurnished WAI/DROJf. "SII/rERMAX * Frank Landers, Omaha manager of throughout. 943 Omaha National Bank Bids. Henry L. Doherty & Co. Landers is SAM KLAVER, Attorney PBOBATE NOTICE 012 Omaha Xatl. Bank Bide. In the matterof the estate of LEAH a past ' commander of the Omaha j In all things that are purely social FK^XK, deceased. NOTICE TO Notice is hereby given: That the credit- post of the' American Legion. we can be as separate as the fingers, DEFENDANT ors of said deceased •will meet the executAs part of.-the. gigantic Nebraska yet one as the hand in all things esTo Walter Weisgerber whose place of resi- ors of said estate, before me. County .Tiiflge dence i« unknown, defendant: Diamond Jubilee celebration in Oma- sential to mutual progress. of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Conn- . You are hereby notified thnt on the ]!)th ty Court Room, in s.tiei County, on the 31st j day of April. 1920 Kmma. \Velsfrerber. ns dny of October. 1929, and on the 31st day jha, Nov. 1. to 8., bands from all —Washington. fil«l *•>>" petition against you. In 1 of "Deeembpr. 1029, "at 9 o'clock A. M.. rn'ch sections of Nebraska have been inthe District Court of Doaslas County, Ne- day, .for the pnrpose of presenting their braska, the object nnrf prayer of Tvhich is claims for examination, adjustment and al- vited to enter a state band contest. to obtain an absolute decree of divorce lowance. Three months are allowed for CHARLES SIMON from you on the grounds of non-support the creditors to present their claims, from and desertion, and to obtain the custody the 2Sth day of September. 1020. I Recommends of the one minor child of the parties. BKYCE CRAWFORD. I Yon are required to answer said petition Sept. ft—3T County Judge, j THE SANITARY LAUNDRY on or before the 11th dny of March. 1030. 'The Best of All Laundry Services" EMMA WEISGERBEU, * CRODIXSKI j 1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289 0-13—IT Plaintiff. MOX8KT, KATLEMAN Attorneys J 7S7 Omaha Nat. Bk. BldR. ] Try a loaf of your Russian STAUIA8TEB & BEBER. Attorney* Notice is hereby given that the underPumpernicle Bread C.5O Omaha National Bank Bide. signed have pursuant to the laws of the State Of Nebraska, formed a corporation. — You'll Appreciate the Taste — PROBATE JiOTICE The,name of the corporation is LEVEY Ask Your Dealer For A In the matter of the estate of GEOHGE REALTY COMPANY., with its principal A. LANG, deceased. place of business in the City of Omaha, Ifottce. is hereby Riven: Thnt the credit- Nebraska. The objects for which the corpors of said deceased will meet the admin- oration is formed are: to maintain and istratrix of said estate, before me, County operate a general rral estate holding comnth «n<t Marttia si*. HSrnej IC(K Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the pany, and to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, MUNROE FURNACE OMAHA. NEBRASKA County Court Room, in said County, on encumber and deal in real estate and perSUPPLY CO. soft gray iron, crass, oronze ana the Sth day of November. lT)2i), and on the sonal property of nil kinds. Total nuthoraluminum enstings. Stanrtnrd sizes 8th day of January. 1030, at O o'clock A. M., Jzed capital stock is S4O.00O.O0, divided into 171S Cass "-JA. 4065-6 oronze anfl iron bushings, sewer maneach day. for the purpose of presenting 125 shares of S100.00 per share of Preferred noles. cistern rtnRs nnfl covers an«J their claims for examination, adjustment. Stock, and 275 shares of ?JO0.O0 per share .•lean-out doors in stork. All felnds of and allowance. Three months are allowed of Common Stock, all of which when isfor the creditors to present their claims, sued shall be fully paid and non-assessnble. i wood nnrt metal patterns. from the oth dny of October. 102!). The corporation shall commence business I when these Articles are filed in the office ' BKTCE CRAWFORD. 3T—Sept 13 County Judge. of the County Clerk of Douglas County and j shall continue until January 1st, 2029. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not | STAtMASTEK * BEBER, Attorneys "Manufactured in Omaha" exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The j 650 Omaha National Bank Bid?. affairs of the -corporation shall be admin- . istered by a board of directors, the mim| BAKEK ECE MACHINE-GO. NOTICE OF ARTICIiKSOF INCORPORAher of which board shall be fixed by the TION OF THE DRESS. CXCB. ISC. the by-laws, but until otherwise provided, :n. Canmj Covers, Tent», Notice is hereby Riven that, the under- shall be three in number. From the diCamp Supplies. All Kind* signed P. M. Klntznlck and K. J. Holds- rectors the' officers shall be elected, conberK have formed a corporation pursuant sisting of President. Viee-Presirtent. SecreIS and Howard AT. 1492 to the laws of the State of Nebraska, under tary and Treasurer. The Secretary need the name of The Dress Club. Inc., with its not be a member of the board. The presprincipal place of business at Omaha. Ne- ent incorporators shall be the directors j braska. The general nature of the busi- until the annual meeting of stockholders! ness to fie transacted and the object and to be held on the serond Wednesday in i purpose for which this corporation is or- January, 1930. Immediately thereafter the ! ganized and established shall be to operate directors shall meet and elect the officers. Our specialty is stores and plants for the cleaning, pressing The officers and directors shall conduct the j SERVING GOOD FOOD arid dyeing of wenrlnj- apparel, cloth and affairs of the corporation. The corporation j IN B0TTUE8 material of all kinds; to engage in the shall have a seal.- The Articles may be STOP AFTER THE SHOW tailoring business: to buy and sell wearing amended upon notice ns provided for. OPEN HAY AND NIGHT apparel; to engage in an3' of said businessMORRIS LTTVTCT. 2920 Farnam es as a wholesaler and retailer: to buy. RESS KATT.KM.W, JA. 972S sell and lease real estate and personal PHILLIP LEVEX. property in connection with said business Aug. 30—IT. and to do nny and all things incident or in any manner pertaining to the aforesaid After Theatre business. The authorized capital stocK Shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars Dancing: and nil of said stock shall be common nnd of the pnr vnjue of One Hundred $100.00) Dollars per share, and said stocfe shall be 24th and Faraam 24th and Harney "Everything for the Auto" non-assessable when Issued. The corporaion shall commence business upon the filOPEN DAY AND NIGHT ng of its articles with the County Clerk 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty ye;irs from - " W E SATISFY ALL" said date. The highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed 2-3 of Us capital stock hut this restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by mortgages upon any of the corporate property. The riffairs Near Beer of the corporation shall be managed by a Poard of Directors consiKtlng of not less Soda Water han Iwo members. The nir.inal mettlng AND of the corporation shall be held on the 2nd Monday of January of each year at which Certified Public Accountants ATlantic 6291 Glngerale meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the 638 Securities Bldp. J. M. JENSEN Board shall elect a president, vice-presi-! dent, secretary and treasurer. Any two of j AT. 4451 said offices may be held by one nnd the same person. These articles may be amendd at any regular or special meeting of Genuine the stockholders npon the affirmative vote of 2-3 of nil outstanding stock. WE. 3043 In Witness whereof, the parties hereto have hereunto subscribed their names this 22nd day of August, 1920. P. M. KT.UTZXICK. For Health It. J. HOI-DSBERG. 4420 Florence Blvd. Incorporators. SANITARY K E . 1500 In the presence of: SAM BEBER. Aug. 30—tT. BAKERY The Hous* With A Reputation


— Phone JAckson 4722



Baker Ice Machines Refresh Yourself





National Accessories, Inc.




To Make "Balanced Diet" Easy


Bottling Co.

Rush-En Rye

Peerless Cleaners

day bread that mothers everywhere are praising.


It's a delicious new-

JACK W. MAREB, Attorney Fourth Floor, Court House In. the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the adoption of La Verne Bueford. To all persons Interested in said matter: You are hereby notified that on the 2Gth day of August, 1929. a petition was filed in this court by Thomas Richardson and Elizabeth Richardson, husband nnd wife, residents of Douglas County, Nebraska, praying for the adoption of said minor and the consent thereto of the mother. Lola Mae UueloM wag Clod on the same rtnte: that a'hearing-vrtll he had on said petition for adoption before said eonrt a t 0 A. M.. September 21st. 1929. at the County Court Room of Douglas County. Nebraska, and j unless yon- appear at said time and place and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, wehereby said minor shall be adopted by Thomas Richardson and KHzabeth Richardson. BRTCB, CRAWFORD, Aug. BO—3T. . u . County Judge.

Exactly what it offers. By AIICE ADAMS PROCTOR ' T V 7 E prefer to'sell Wonder Bread * * to homes where there are children. Children above all suffer from lack of .balanced.-diet. -Wonder. Bread does much in correcting this!

"Pleasefalways consider these benefits when ordering bread. -And above all remember they come to you in a bread considered by domestic scientists the most delicious ever baked.


ITS DELICATE flavor delights t


H o w We, Make It To make it.-we employ matchless chefs. They work in model kitchens. We never hurry them.

Wonder Bread is "slo-baked." This means, as

We use a specially milled "short patent" flour. Only the heart of the wheat berry is used. We use double the usual amount of milk. And we pasteurize every drop.

ful baking. It brings you more delicate flavor.

These ingredients are expensive. .But they do

Wonder Bread is the new-day bre&ci. It is bound

give a vastly better bread. And so we profit

to displace ordinary brands in any careful home.

• through tremendous extra sales. We also employ a unique baking method.

the term suggests, slower baking arid more careGreaterdigestibilitypluslonger-Iastingfreshness.

Won't You Try It Today? .So get it for your children and for yourself. See the remarkable benefits it brings. •


Try a loaf this day. There is no extra cost.



Ccrtt.nor.»M BoWrc Ci>.


N C. l E V I N , Attorney 301 Electric Bulldins NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT bEFENBANT In the Municipal Court in and for the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. To Tom Paneblaneo, non-resident defendant: • You are hereby notified that on the fifteenth day of August. 1929, Warren B. Rule, as plaintiff, filed his petition In the Municipal Court in the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, recorded on Page 49 of Docket X 4, the object and prayer of which are to recover t h e sum of $30.24 with interest nnd the costs of this action: that goods, chattels and credits in the hands -of Fidelity Storage and Van Company, 1107 Howard Street. Omaha. Nebraska, have been attached in the said action on the ground that you are n nonresident of the State: of Nebraska: nnd that said cause hns been continued nntil the 14th day of October, l'J2i>. at 9:00 A. M.. at which time you are required to appear and answer in said cause or judgment will be taken against you in accordance with the prayer of the petition. WARREN E. RULE. Plaintiff. By IRVIN C. LEVIN. His Attorney. Aug. 30— 3T.



Construction Company


492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.

16th nnd Farnam


534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611

49th and l>odse


JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished

10th am? Capitol &vc

Omaha Towel Supply Co.

LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments Our Hobby for 45 Years OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street


4A. 0528 iocn



Being rich in carbohydrates, it builds up that "vital ''energy reserve" and thus combats listleVsness remarkably. Your children, through its daily use, discover a new zest for play.


Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor

"NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481


Law.—Library Loose Leaf Specialist in Hand Binding


Omaha Jobbing Ce. S17 No. 15

CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at $1.95 per g a l All colors. Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.



Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha


Visit the New

MALASHGCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel

HnrryB. Mpidns. Presirtent-Trensurer

Omaha Fixture and

STAI..3IASTEB & BEBER, Attorney 050 Omaha National Bank Hide PROBATE NOTICE In the matter ni the estate of 11. MONHKIT, deceased ^ . ... Notice is hereby given: That the creditCOMPLETE STORE & OFFICE ors nt said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me, County OUTFITTERS Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, nt the! We Occupy County Court Room, in said County, on t i e Over lO.OOO Kquarr Feet 31st day of October, 1929. nnd on the 31st . day of December, 1«2!)V at 9 o clock A. M . . Southwest Corner each dny. for the purpose of presenting their claims for 'examination, adjustment Eleventh and Douglas Streets and allowance. Three months are. nllowetl Phone JAckson 2724 for the creditors to present their claims from the 2Stl» day of September. 3BJ). Omaha, Nebr. liinrCK CRAWFORD Sept. ft—3X County Judge.-

Sijpply Co.

JA. 5604

CURTAINS Of Every Description


Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay Yo« to Inquire.

Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on '10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.

jttmcitey CHj Wide I>ellvery

Co>. :313.;SO. 14-TH.ST. ( I M A M A


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