September 20, 1929

Page 1

Interesting . and Entertaining

. AUthe News J,..V of Intetesi' ••

Entered us secoud-clnss mail matter ou January 317, 1821, at postWp^Oh Nebraska, under -the Act ol March 3, 1S7U,-

M START M A l i FRIDAY BY SYNAGOGUE Rabbi anc. ^**s. Bengis Are GiVen Public Reception; Regular Services Weekly A TRIBUTE TO MARSHALL WILL BE GIVEN TONIGHT The new Conservative Synagogue, •which made a most auspicious, start last Friday, will hold regular Fridayevening services weekly, beginning tonight at 8 promptly. Rabbi Abraham Bengis has' chosen "Louis Marshall, a Tribute," as his- subject and has, also issued an invitation to all to attend.; > . : : : ; ! ; - ? : : >-T. ; : - : / : " E . Sellz, cantor from South Omaha, has been engaged for the high holidays, and will-chant the regular Friday services from tonight on. Rabbi Bengis has mo'yed into his new office at the Community Center. A public reception at the conclusion of the services for Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis featured the installation of the modern orthodox group last Friday. This inaugural meeting -was an outstanding success. Over 1,000 people filled the Community Center auditorium "to overflowing-. Fifteen minutes after the services began there -was no standing room left and many who came late had to leave because of lack of room. . Sazn Beber, president of the synagogue, made a few brief introductory remarks, saying that the establishment of the synagogue was the culmination of an old dream. Rabbi Morris Taxon, formerly of Omaha and a t present spiritual leader of one of the largest Conservative synagogues of Chicago, officially installed the synagogue. ~~' v.y-Rabbi Taxon likened the union of rabbi and congregation to the inarriageJjnion--:of-Juan and woman.-. H e also admonislied" the 7 congregation to keep their leader in material comfort. Rabbi Bengis spoke on "The Future of American Judaism." "By the sanctity of this holy altar," he emphatically declared, "I swear that this pulpit shall be free of any interference and that I shall have no master but the words of God Almighty." "The Conservative synagogue", he stated, "was the connecting link between the present and the past of traditional Judaism." He stressed the fact that youth of America if only given private training and Jewish education would become an even more vital factor in the advancement of Judaism than the older generation. "The Jewish youth of America will be stronger, having lived-in the same environment, helped the same institutions, fought the same battles as other American youths. What is more, the American Jewish youth is not ashamed of his Jewishness." Both rabbis were greeted with voluminous applause, despite the reminder by President Beber that they were in a House of Worship. The public • reception was accorded Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis following the ceremonies. Both were graciously r e ceived and cordially welcomed to Omaha. . Cantor S. Kahanowitch and choir of the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel synagogue chanted the services, introductory to the installation ceremonies.

Tag Day for Chaluzim Scheduled for Sunday A house-to-house tag day will be staged on Sunday, Sept. 22, to aid the Chaluzim and Chaluzos of Palestine who suffered great loss during the recent rioting. The campaign is being sponsored by the Jewish National Workmen's Alliance and the Pioneer Women's Organization. M. Minkin is chairman of the day. Mr. Minkin, in urging contributions because of the worthiness of the cause, asks that all committees willing to contribute may call at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark, on Sunday morning and routes will be given out.

RABBI ARRIVES New York..— <J. T. A.) — Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneursohn of Rega, Jknowtf-ss4he.Lubawitscher Rebbe, arrived in this country Tuesday for a visit. A number of receptions in his honor have been planned. In connection with Rabbi Schneursohn's. arrival,. thie Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada, and the Rabbinical board of New York City have issued proclamations of welcome.

Noted Jew Honored ;Budapest-^£:"£ A.) — Dr. Tibqr Loew was appointed president of the Budapest Supreme Court. I>rv..Lo,ew is. an observant Jew 'and isf a prominent i. member < of• • the 'executive committee of, the Budapest Kehillah. He is a" descendant; of the Maharal, Rabbi of Prague, creater of the "Golem", according to legend.

HARRY GDGG0IBE1M MADE AMBASSADOR STATES Will Represent Country at Cuba; Made Remarkable > Record CONFmMATION ASSURED Hew Y o r k — ( J . T . A.)—Harry F. Guggenheim, of Port Washington, N. Y., mining engineer, has been named United States ambassador to Cuba, succeeding Colonel- N/obel Brandon Judah of Chicago,' It is believed the presentation of his name to the United States senate for confirmation by President Hoover is virtually assured. ; Mr. Guggenheim, -who is a graduate of Pembroke college, Cambridge, England,, was a member of the committee of experts, which met in Brussels in Februa.ty, 1927, to. study the economic consequences of any limitation of air aTmarrfent which would include civil ^aeronautics. In 1928 he served as the United States delegate on the inter-American commission of commercial aviation a t the third PanAmerican conference held in Wash; : ington. ;•- • - - - ••••••: The son of Daniel Guggenheim, he is president of the Danial Guggenheim fond for the promotion of aeronautics founded by his father in 1926 with a ^2,500,000 g r ^ ^ T h e f f u n d - w h i c h has been active in almost every phase of aeronautics hag given more than $1,200,000 to various universities and engineering societies for academic instruction- and-for research in aeronautical problems. • Mr: Guggenheim was an official and director in-several copper companies from-1913 to 1923 and from 1916 to 1923, a member of the-firm of Guggenheim Brothers. During the war he served as naval aviator in the foreign service of the United States aviation forces in France, England -and-Italy, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. eH 5s a member of the American society of international law-and of the American institute for mining engineers. He is 40 years old. . . .

SIMPLICITY TO MARK BURIAL OF MARSHALL Zurich. (J.T.A.) Simplicity will mark the last rites, for the late Louis Marshall, in accordance .with the last wish, it was learned here. The transference of the body from the hospital to the Friesenberg Jewish cemetery was attended by representatives of the Zionist federation of Zurich, and of the Kehillah. A guard °f honor consisting of local Jews who volunteered to watch over the body was on duty continuously.. No definite arrangements for the transportation of the body have been made as yet, but "is understood a steamer sailing September 18 has just been selected. The body will be accompanied by Mr. James Marshall, son, and the other members of the family who were at; his bedside. Among the messages of condolence received by Mr.- James Marshall was one from President Herbert Hoover. The message readt "Please accept my deepest - sympathy • in the loss of your father, who was distinguished in his every public^relation as a- citizen and beloved in .his' every human contact as a friend." .

$400,000 PLEDGED TO BUY PALESTINE LAND London.—(J. T. A,)—The sum of $400,000 was pledged to the Jewish National Fund for the purchase of land in Palestine by the English Zionist Federation. Leopold Schen, chairman of the Jewish National Fund, announced the peldge following, a stirring address made by M. M. Ussishkin, head of the Jewish National Fund, at a special meeting of the Jewish National Fund here.



Principal Speaker


David A. Brown, Chairman, Expects Another Half Million Before Week Ekpires

Miss Grace Rosenstein, President, Announces Committees For the Year



The one million dollar mark was passed early in the" week by the Palestine Emergency Fund committee, -according to David A.. Brown, The committee expects to have another half million raised by the beginning of next week. Dr. S. Margoshes, editor of "The Day," -who has been asked to be ".unofficial observer" of -the relief work in Palestine, reports that-12,000 Jews in the Holy Land are receiving- food and medicines, from the central relief •committee. He'is also full of praise of the Hadassah Medical Organization, whose work, he says, averted a threatened epidemic. -----The relief money has been pouring in from every part of the United States, including points as remote as Juneau, Alaska. In commenting on the contributions Mr. Brown stated, "An interesting phase of this campaign," Mr. Brown added, "is the large number of -persons who have contributed,. who . previously had not made any substantial contributions, if at all, to any Jewish cause. We are writing a new chapter in the 'giving history' of the Jews of America, who regardless of their religious affiliations, or so-called Jewish political appeal, have been touched to the quick by the agony of their people in Palestine."

The Junior Hadassah organization, which initiated-its fall activities last night with a benefit bridge for Palestine at the Community Center, are laying plans for a banner season during the coming months. Miss Grace Rosenstein, president of the local-Unit, has announced the follovring committees for the year: Courtesy: Ann' Freeman, chairman, Lena "Mittleman, Ann.- Bishoff, Dorothy Pitior Cackin. Membership: Rose Fine, chairman, Bess Spar, Tobie Steinberg, Mollie Grossman, Ella Marcus. Ways and -Means: Ida Daytch, chairman, Ida Platt, Sylvia Bernstein, Lillian Rosenblatt, Ida Bishoff. Program: Sally Morgan, chairman, Ula Alberts, co-chairman, Minnie Sherman, Ida Fine, Eva Katzman, Sara Rae Fish. Social: Bess Horwich, chairman, Anne Greenberg, Dorothy Rosentbal, Sara Kurtnsan. Cultural: Jeanette Alberts, chairman, Mary Claire Franklin, co-chairman, Ida Turner, Rose Levine. Publicity: Rose Rosenstein, Rose Lazarus, Lee Goldberg, Rose Shyken. J N F and UPA: Sylvia Bernstein, chairman, Fanny Katleman, co-chairman, Ann Weiner,' Bess Kirschenbaum, Ann Lintzman, Arm Hahn.


Sam Beber Sam Beber, president of the Supreme Advisory Council of the Order of Aleph Zadik'Aleph (junior B'nai B'rith) was the principal speaker on Tuesday night, Sept 17, at the B'nai B'rith I. Rude Community building, on the occasion of the B'nai B'rith dedication program at Denver, Colo. President Beber spoke, on, "The Future of the Community Center to the A. Z. A." Sam Beber founded the Aleph Zadik Aleph fraternity five years ago here in Omaha. Shortly following the inception of the Order, it was officially adopted by the Constitution Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith and designated the Junior B'nai B'rith. The junior order, modeled after its sponsors, has grown to be international with 115 chapters throughout United States and Canada.

Exhibit and Tea The Jewish Community Center trustees and board of directors are sponsoring a^tea and exhibit of the paintings- of H. Ary-Stillman, internationally famous artist, on Sunday afternoon, from ,3 to 6, at the Art Institute, Aquilla Court. The exhibition will be followed by an address b y t h e artist about his work and art in general. The public is invited to attend. Mr. S. A. Almy- of the Art Institute will speak on Mr. Stillman's art over station WOW on Thursday at 3:30.

The Center Players Guild, of theJewish Community Center will open its third season late in October with Rostand's comedy of young love and abduction, "The Romancers," according to the' announcement : of the' Guild's 1929-30 program by Mrs. Herman Jahr, director of the group. -This play by the great French dramatist is a comic satire on the. blood and thunder romances of an earlier period. The play has already been cast-and put into rehearsal. In November the Guild will present Henri Bernstein's "The Thief," a modern play of great dramatic intensity. World Congress Object to HavFor play readers, this' "drama has ing Cultural Work in Its been published in the drama league Program series, so important is it considered a s a contribution to the .theater;: ATTACKS ZIONISM Israel Zangwill's ."Merely Mary : Ann," a charming play about a little Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The orthodox boarding house drudge and a -struggling young composer, will "be the Jewish masses in eastern and central Europe in so far as they are repreJanuary production. In March, the month in which oc- sented by the Agudath Israel will not curs t i e Jewish holiday* of Purim, join, t h e extended Jewish Agency for celebrating the saving of Israel by Palestine as long as this body will Queen Esther, the Guild wfll present include in its program cultural and John Masefield's classic drama, educational work in Palestine. A decision to this effect was reaf"Esther." A program of one-act* plays firmed by the Agudath Israel world and music has been planned for February.- A fifth adult play "to "be an- ' congress i n session here a t its meeting Sunday afternoon, when the matnounced later, will be given in May. The delegates while In addition to this • program^ Mrs. ter xanse u p . "standing accepted with applause the Jahr will present a children's operetta during the winter holidays and will reportrsubmitted by Jacob Rosenheim have charge of programs for a num- of •Frankfort, one of the leaders of the Agudath Israel, containing the opinion ber of Jewish festival days., This program follows the guild's of the Rabbinical council, the supreme plan of presenting each year a series, body of the organization, declaring of outstanding plays, a t least one of that the Agudath Israel will not join which -treats with a Jewish subject in the extended Jewish Agency beand another of which is the work of cause the Agency includes in its work cultural and educational activities to a Jewish author. This will be the Guild's third sea-" which the Orthodox leaders cannot son. The quality of the plays that agree and- which they cannot support have been presented and the enthusi- in accordance with their religious conastic work of the players has-brought victions. The resolution further declared that the Guild plays to the attention: of the entire city and has elicited the in- hitherto the Jewish Agency has taken terest and support of a representative no steps to secure the co-operation group in the community. Beginning of the Agudath Israel. In view, howwith "A Doll's House," two years ago, ever, of the shattering events in Paland continuing through last season estine, the Agudath Israel congress with a group of plays culminating in appeals for the last time to "our "The Dybbuk," the Guild has made brethren of the Jewish Agency" to for itself a reputation unusual in so take into consideration the conscienyoung a group. tious objections of the Orthodox Jewish masses and by limiting the jurisdiction of the Jewish Agency to ecoNUNCIO TO PALESTINE nomic and political questions, without Cairo.—(J. T. A.)—Monseigneur extending support to cultural activValeria Valeri, delegate of Pope Pius ities, enable Agudah members to parXI, left Egypt today for Palestine. (Continued on Page 2)


VOL, VII.—No. 36

Pays Short Visit Alfred M. Cohen, president of the international order of B'nai B'rith, stopped over in Omaha Wednesday on his return from the B'nai E'rith dedication ceremonies in Denver. He was accompanied by Sam Beber on the trip. While here he conferred with local B'nai B'rith leaders concerning the order's affairs.'

OF JEWISH WOMEN SENDS AN APPEAL Nation-Wide Appeal Issued for Those Detained by Immigration Authorities. SEEK OLD CLOTHING

Word has been received in Omaha of a nation-wide appeal for clothing for the men, women and children detained at Ellis island. The appeal is being made through the Department of Immigrant Aid and Immigrant Education of the National Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Maurice L. Goldman, National chairman of the department stated that the appeal for clothes is made on the basis of a report from its social service representative at Ellis island. Realizing the numerous local demands being made for clothing and aid of all kinds, the Omaha council is making no direct appeal for this cause. However, if Enyone has discarded' clothing and desires to donate i t for this cause they may notify the local council by calling the president, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Walnut 2952. "Despite the fact that fewer immigrants are now taken to Ellis Island for examination, a number of women and children are brought there from fiabbi Bengis t& Address Meet- day to day," the natioa-wide appeal said. "Some have not sufficient funds ing Wednesday; Committo proceed to their destination, or tees Are Announced lack documents from relatives in distant cities. They must wait until the RUMMAGE SALE I money for which the government has The first regular .meeting1 of the I telegraphed is received, or until the season of the Hadassah will be held I documents requested are furnished. Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 2:30 p. m. • Others are held because one member at the Jewish Community Center. I of the family is detained in the govEabbi Abraham Bengis, newly in- ernment hospital for observation." stalled leader of the Conservative In the July report submitted by the Synagogue, will feature the program council's dock and Ellis Island reprewith an address on "Hadassah in the sentative, Miss Anna Kaufman, the present Palestinian tragedy." latter writes: Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, president of "Mrs. L. and her three children the organization, has announced the were taken to Ellis Island because one appointment of the following chair- of the children had an inflamed eye. men of departments and funds for the Not expecting any delay, Mrs. L. had ensuing year: packed all their clothing in the large Mrs. Herman Jahr, publicity; Mrs. hamper to which she had no access. M. F . Levinson, cultural; Mrs. E. It was necessary for me to secure Weinberg, national fund; Mrs. A. fresh linens for her and the children Eomm, school luncheons; Mrs. Max during their entire stay of one week. Fromkin, program and junior Hadas- Occurrences of this kind are frequent sali; Mrs. B. A. Simon, fund raising; and we have exhausted the supply of Mrs. Julius Stein, milk fund; Mrs. O. undergarments for women, girls and C. Goldner, gift fund; Mrs. J. J. children, which had been sent us by Friedman, sewing; Mrs. Henry New- council sections last spring. In addiman, membership; Mrs. Harry Trus- tion, we have at present several young Jewish women awaiting deportation tin, delinquent members. New members of the board are who are penniless and have no clothes Mrs.--7. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. H. D. or baggage. We also need warm Marowitz of Council Bhiffs; Mrs. clothing for men and women who are Emamiel Verbin, Mrs. J. Berek, and to be deported to Poland. The Omaha Council of Jewish WomMrs. J. Verbin, Fremont, Nebr. The gift fund is a newly created of- en, following its usual policy of servfice, proceeds of -which goes to Had&s- ice, made a contribution of §50 to the sah's hospital fund, which is in ex- Palestine Emergency fund. treme need now. Donations are asked on the occasion of any joyous event, or in memory of a dep'arted loved one. The initial gift of this fund was a $50 donation just received from Mrs. Mrs. J. Lintzman has received a letWill S. Rips of Houston, Tex., in memory of her mother-in-law, Mrs. ter from Jerusalem in which M. Bessie Rips. Mrs. O. C. Goldner asks Rudinsky, acting secretary of the all wiBhing to contribute to call her. Jewish National Fund, informed her The third annual rummage sale will that the Hebrew seminary being built be held beginning Monday. Mrs. from funds donated by the Omaha Daughters of Zion is well under conJulius Stein is chairman. The sale will last three days, be- struction and will soon be completed. A special tablet is being put on ginning next Monday and ending the building that the Daughters of Wednesday. A special motor corps Sion contributed the money, recording•vrill collect bundles from those desirthat they donated the land for the ing to give articles. hostel and training fields.


Progress on Building by Daughters of Zion

ORT DOUBLES AMOUNT Piano Instruction to FOR ITS CONTRIBUTIONS Be Offered at Center The localities in which the Ort Is Piano classes for beginners under the direction of Miss' Sara Rae Fish will be offered at the Jewish Community Center, beginning Oct. 1. The classes will be one hour in length and will be held every Tuesday. Tuition wHI be $7.50 for 20 lessons. All those wishing to register may do so by caHing* Miss Fish .at Kenwood 0999 daring the mornings.

to Jews

most active will themselves contribute twice what they gave last year, according to Judge Jacob Panken, president of the American Ort. The budget adopted by the international Ort in Berlin also provides for & general expenditure double those made tine past year. The money is spent in aiding the Jews of Eastern Europe,

PLAN REBUILDING HOLY LAND Jewish Self-Defenders Treated On "a Par With Arabian Marauders NEW CHALUZIM BEING SENT INTO PALESTINE Jerusalem—An era of reconstruction has set in among: the Jewish population of Palestine, The Chaluzim of the Holy Land appear tmdaimted by the devastations perpetrated by Arabian marawders and are settinp about rebuilding the land with more vigor than ever before. These wonderful pioneers have been augmented by the arrival of over 200 new Chaluzim, and the Zionist Organisation will bring in all the Chaluzim having immigration certificates, These, numbering between nrven and eight hundred, will be taken care of by E special fund. Uneasiness has, however, been created through the reorganization of the military by British authorities. They arc now patrolling the country in mobile units instead of permanent pgtrols. This leaves the outlying districts practically unguarded, The partial lifting of the curfew in Jerusalem has also alarmed the Jewish people. Rumors are spreading throughout the city that Moslems have warned Christians to mark their houses with crosses so as to distinguish them from those of the Jews. The Jewish- Agency is extending every" effort"in a fight against the reduction of the. number of troops stationed there, at least until after the holidays. -The economic situation due to the mutual Arab-Jewish boycott is still serious, and leaders of both sides have asked that it cease. The greatest disappcfetrwmt- ••wne caused by the British authorities treating the brave Jewish self-defenders on a par with the Arab attackers. Despite the v fact that these heroic youths were the saving of the Jews from complete butchery, the official? arrested 44 Jewish self-defenders at Haifa. This has caused, indignation but has dampen the ardor of the youths, who, are charged with murder by. premeditated shooting*. Cattle and loot-taken by the Moslems are .being slowly recovered. Justice -in, trying the Arabs for their outrages is moving very slowly. The Jewish Agency and the Zionist general council in formulating their demands to the British government ask for reparation, protection, changes in immigration policy, settlement of Wailing Wall question, restatement of policy, and recognition of the Jewish Agency. One month's time is the limit given for filing claims for reparation. This is considered far too short, and leaders are requesting an extentioi:. The Palestine government has recognized its duty to feed the Jewish refugees left roofless. Relief money from all over the- world is also pouring in, S80,000 being raised in Chicago alone, Opposition is spreading among the Arabs against; the Grand Mufti, whom they accuse "with instigating the massacres. Arab socities are meeting €verywh.ere'to aid their countrymen. British officials have reiterated that there will be no change. Lord Rothmere through his chain of newspapers urges England to give up the mandate, calling the project a folly which has failed and saying that the Jews do not want s, national homeland. According' to all reports, he is haranguing in vain;

Mendelson Starts South Side Forum 'Harry Mendelson, instructor of the South Omaha Talmud Torah, has started a Jewish Forum for youths of high school age. Mendelson, a University of Nebraska graduate, is * former resident in Palestine. The newly-formed organization will meet every Monday night at the South OmahE synagogue. Last Monday Mendelson gave his views on the present Palestine situation aftfl tdKft lectured on Jewish, history, "The purpose of the Forum is to instill the Jewish consciousness Iftto the Jewish youth." Mendelson stated. "AH are cordially invited, including Omaha youth who are intereste&f m.—««*





... r J?RblȤhed,"every Thursday at Omaha^Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR FANNIE KATELMAN•;--•» -- Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent


L. Kateiman Appointed Ben Bromberg Opens Avenue Flower Shop to C. B. Library Board

SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—508 Pierce Street CHARLES OSHEEOFP. - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT .•-•-.-'. 1616 W. 16th Street .

Louis H. Katetaan, of Council Bluffs, active in numerous organizations, was appointed as a member of the library board of Council Bluffs to $2.50 fill the vacancy that was recently Subscription Price, one year - - - .- - - .- - --.. Advertising rates furnished bn application made by the death of Mr. Ike New. The appointment was made by Mayor CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; Sam Greene of Council Bluffs and be sure to give your name. . -was approved by the city council at a meeting held Monday evening at the city hall. Mr. Kateiman is also commander of the American Legion RainT H E WORLD CYCLE bow Post No. 2 and president of the In 1900 Theodore Herzi, the father of Zionism*predicted, Omaha Zionist district.


"England, great England, whose gaze sweeps over all the s e a s free England—will understand and sympathize with the aims and ARTHUR SNYDER CHOSEN LEGION HEAD IN KANSAS ^aspirations ;Qf Zionism," When "England enunciated the Balfour declaration in 1917, Arthur Snyder of Hutchinson, Kan., opening the doors to the establishment of the Jewish National formerly of Council Bluffs, la., was Homeland, the Jewish press of the world unstintingly eulogized 'recently elected commander of the m e n c a n La um Lyle Eishel post m .England.. "For the first timeisince the days of Cyrus/' editorially ' AHutchinson, «Kan., according to word stated the Jewish Chronicle, " a representative organ, agreat Gov- received here by his parents, Mr. and ernment has hailed the Jews as one among the family, of nations. Mrs. Sam Snyder. This is more than a Jewish triumph. It is a triumph for England, COLLEGE STUDENTS DEPART for civilization, and for humanity." . Today, twelve years later, Jews throughout the world de- Many of the younger set have denounce England, blaming her for the Arab atrocities. She is p 6d this week to further their charged with criminal neglect; she is accused of pursuing a weak learnings at various colleges. Among ** • • 6 for . her t h o s e w h 0 ieft this week for Iowa and vacillating policy; she is contumeliously criticized City to attend the University of Iowa sense of injustice. are: Lydia Ross, Helen Whitebrook, The world moves in cycles. This panorama will be completed Rosalie Richman, Harold Saks, Edby a picture of the Jews again praising England. Three outstand- win Friedman, Milton Krasne, Albert ing Jewish leaders, Louis Lipsky, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, and Dr. Harding, and William Wolfe. Chaim Weizmann, whOe demanding that Jewish rights be kept At the University of Nebraska at intact, nevertheless emphatically declare that we must have faith Lincoln will be Mildred MeyerSdn, Kramer, Leo Meyerson, Max in Great Britain. England will be fair and just, and it would be Hymie Kramer, and Edward Rosen. well if we Jews pinned our faith in this great nation and heeded said, represents ''a Torah-less people the words of this mighty triumvirate. v

and a Torah-less country." Although this resolution was passed with what seemed to be unanimity, there were many delegates who continued to urge another approach to the question. The Vienna police increased the number .of guards in the Jewish quar(Continued from Page!.) ter of Vienna, where many of,the deleticipate in the economic and political gates are stopping. During the last few night the delegates coming home tasks of the Agency . Dr. Pinchai Kohn, president of the were annoyed by Hakenkreuzler. organization,; sharply criticized the They can because they think, they Zionists and the present form of the —Virgil. extended; Jewish Agency, which, he can.

SOVIET GOVERNMENT CONGRESS OF AGUDATH NOT TO JOIN FIGHTS YOM HPPUR DECIDES WITH JEWISH AGENCY All Workers Ordered to Be at the Fields on October 14 ' Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—While Jewish workers were urged to observe a special industrialization day on the second day of the Jewish New Year, the Jewish colonists are to Observe "collectivization day" on Yom Kippur. A proclamation of the government declared October 14 as "collectivization day" for the entire country. All workers are to be in the fields on that day. The Jewish section of the Communist party, which conducts propaganda against the Jewish religion, today issued a proclamation to the Jewish colonies urging the colonists "not to make any ceremonies and to be at the tractor on Yom Kippur." Under a seven column headlineq "Against God, Yom Kippur for Collectivization," the "Ernes" Communist Yiddish daily, devotes a full page to its anti-holiday campaign, calling for " the conversion of more synagogues into workmen's clubs. When an anti-religious demonstration with 5,000 participating took place recently in Kiev, a proclamation was issued declaring "Brothers, Jews, a. pogrom is being prepared in Kiev. Down with the anti-Semitism. Bands off the Jews." --_ The proclamation was signed by the Qzet, Jewish.socjety:for land settlement. The Jewish* Communitsts, however, maintain that the Zionists and not the Ozet issued the. call, desiring to bring about clashes at the demonstration, "which passed-peacefully, ,the marches proceeding to the Petrovsk synagogue which they occupied with their Bed banners.


Beautifully room for a Jewish couple. In lovely home and nice location. 3152 Lincoln Blvd. Barney 6427



Furnished bedroom to young man, young lady or couple. Board if desired. a Charles St, Webster 4323

PERSONALS Miss Ida Krasne returned home alst Saturday after spending the Miss Ruth Bernstein left Sunday summer visiting in Los Angeles, Cal. for Chicago, Illinois, where she will Messrs. Ben and Charles Goldberg enter her freshman year at the of Chicago, Illinois, spent the past Northwestern University. week-end here visiting their sister, Milton Marcus left last week for Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, and Mr. Suvalsky, Champaign, Illinois, to resume his They made the trip by motor, returnstudies at the University of Illinois. ing home Tuesday. Among those who expect to conMrs. John B. Quigley and daughter, tinue their studies close to home and Joan, of Kansas City, Missouri, arattend Creighton University in Oma- rived here Wednesday to visit Mrs. ha are: Marian Scharf, Cecil Snyder, Quigley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ida Hoffman, Ruth Shyken, Yale Kro- L. Marks, lor about two.weeks. toff, Albert Fox, Paul Hoffman, Jos. Solomonow, Harry Rosenthal, Dave Mr. Louis Fichtehberg of Chicago,

2429 Decatur Street WE. 3527 I just received a new supply of all kinds of Sidurim and machzerim with Jewish and English translations. Also, very beautiful Taleisim, Silk and Wool. Everything at very reasonable prices. We also have a bag selection of NEW YEAR'S GREETING CARDS and ESROIGIM and LULOVIM for Succoth from ERETZ ISROEL.

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Frankly, we don't think skirts will be worn six or eight inches longer in Omaha for some time. But we do think every smart woman will want to lengthen her skirts at least from two to four inches. The new afternoon dresses we are selling now are built on a carefully graduated scale that brings the dress at least well below the knee. Evening dresses are, of course, much longer—and some trail the ground.



The price is made up of these two factors:

How Much Longer will your Skirts be?

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Recently, we have been asked to sell our bridge. We have said that we will sell it for its fair and just value. The fair and . just value is $4,155,286, and we have offered to sell it for that price.

Webster 5404


The Independent Order of the B'nai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a meeting next Wednesday evening, September 25, at the Danish Hall.

A number of sincere efforts hare been made in the last fifteen years to get a free bridge.

Midas Butter and Cheese

Eight Jewish medical students wish 5 or 6 rooms in private Jewish home. Breakfast and evening dinner. Reasonable privileges. Write Jewish Press, Box 75, immediately."

The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Association will hold a meeting next Monday evening, September 23, at tho American Legion Hall, 138 West Broadway.

For thirty or forty years, some of ttie people in Omaha and Council Bluffs have been asking1 for a free bridge.

Best Home Made Cottage Cheese arid Heavy Sour Cream made daily. Also Fresh Churned Butter daily. 1115 No. 20th.

Ben Bromberg of Council Bluffs has announced this week that he has purchased his partner's interest, Louis Zurmuehlen, Jr., with whom he had operated The Avenue, at 606 Sixteenth avenue in Council Bluffs for the past year. He has redecorated his store and has added many new features. The name has been changed to The Avenue Flower Shop, and will have a complete supply of flowers for all occasions. Mr. Bromberg has announced that the opening of the new store will take place oh Saturday, Sept. 21, and that roses will be given free to each lady who visits the new store Saturday.

Sol Illinois, spent the past week-end here the managers of the Martin's Stores visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ben Kub- in other cities. Mr. Kramer has been by, and Mr. Kubby. manager of the local store, which is CLUBS The Ladies Aid Society will hold Al Kramer, manager of the Martin's one of a chain of a national organizatheir first meeting of the season next Clothing store, a chain store, at 309 tion, since last spring and has stated Tuesday afternoon, September 24, at West Broadway, Council Bluffs, la., thst he is well pleased with Council the home of Mrs, Sam Friedman, 337 has been awarded a silver cup for Bluffs. Mr. Kramer formerly lived in Scott street. making the best sales record among Philadelphia, Pa. The Council' Bluffs A. Z. A. Chapter No. 7 will hold an important meeting next Wednesday evening, Phone HfllsC O mcpcu 23rd and September 25, at the Danish Hall. All membe-s are urged to attend. Freeman, Martin Gluckman, Michnick, and Nathan Gilinsky.

$1,522,238 $4,155,296

By accepting ©lir offer* you will have a free bridge in NOT TO EXCEED six and one-half years without putting up a cent Of taxes. The tolls will pay for it in that time.

Do you know a quicker and more economical way to get a free Bridge for -Omaha and Council Bluffs?


te m snsn rate

Happy New Year As the High Holidays are approaching, we think it well to inform you that as usual we are headquarters for

Holiday Greeting Cards Our Showing This Year Is Larger and More Varied Than Usual— Permit us to suggest that you extend jour Holiday Greetings through the sending of our appropriate Greeting Cards. No other manner compares with the use of our Beautiful and Pleasing Good-Will Holiday Cards.

—An Added Service— To all who choose to have their name printed on their cards, we offer this service, and it is at a very nominal cost for High Class Printing. It's so good that many say it equals engraving. Dent for a moment consider expressing your friendly greeting through a newspaper, "That's the Bunk" and carries No Personal Appeal Whatever. You will have no regrets if you remember your loved ones and friends with Our Holiday Cards. They are sure to please. We invite your early inspection at our extensive showing. Remember it is Meyer Coren that is inviting you, now located at 1324 Farnam St., northeast corner 14th and Farnam streets.

Don't Delay—Buy Early

MEYER COREN'S fconomkol Transportation

mm & COUNCIL mm sum lunwwco


PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEBH3ER 20,1929 Miss Sonya Bear of Kansas City has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Micklin for two weeks. Miss Bear has been extensively entertained. The Junior daughters of Zion gave a party -at the Jewish Community last Sunday. Rabbi Abraham Bengis delivered the main address .on the "Value of Zionism." Talks were also given by Grace Rosenstein, president of the Junior Hadassah, and Mrs. £ . Eisenberg, sponsor of the group. Mrs. A. Alpirn of St. Louis, Mo., has returned home following a week's ' An attractive early autumn marriage took place at 8:80 o'clock Tuesday evening in the ballroom of the Paxton hotel when Miss visit here at the home of Mr. and 'Betty Steinberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Steinberg, be- Mrs. A. r . Gendler.

came the bride of Abe Ernest Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Milder. Rabbi Morris Taxon of Gbicago, formerly of Omaha, performed the ceremony before about eight hundred guests. An improvised altar was erected upon the platform at the west end of the long ballroom, and this was trellised with various colored roses. Tall candles marked each side of the altar, and palms and ferns were iised throughout the room. After Randall's Royal orchestra had played " 0 Promise Me" the bridal party entered to the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march. Miss Steinberge attendents were: Mrs. Ben Taxman of Kansas City, sister of the groom, matron of honor; Miss Rose Steinberg, sister of the bride, maid of honor;'Miss Esther Steinberg, sister of the bride; Miss Miriam Martin, Miss Grace Dansky, Miss Frances Simon, Miss Lucile Goldenberg, and Miss Sally- Ginsberg of Sioux City, bridesmaids. The groomsmen werer Messrs. Jack Df« of Chicago,.Fred White, Howard Milder, .Phillip Yonsem, Albert Steinberg, brother of the bride, and Dr. Nathan Muskin, all of Omaha. A -reception followed immediately after the ceremony. Randall's orchestra-played for the dance which followed. Mr. and Mrs. Milder have left for an eastern honeymoon. They will be at home a t the Blackstone hotel after Oct. 15. • Freeda Siegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Siegel, and Dr. William Saduziner, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jtaduiiner, surprised their parents and friends by getting married last Monday. The young couple had announced "their engagement five months ago and.their parents had planned ah elaborate wedding. i The marriage lines were read by Habbi Abraham Bengis, his first marriage performance since his installation as head of the Conservative synagogue. The newly - wed couple left for a honeymoon in the east.

Corcttal Invitation Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Bengis have extended a cordial invitation to Omaha Jewry to attend an open reception at their new home, 128 North Thirtythird street, on Sunday from 4 to

6: •

Eabbi Bengis, who has just been installed as spiritual head of /the new conservative: synagogue, sends the following message to Omaha Jewry: "On behalf of both my wife and myself we wish to thank all of those who have so cordially received us and we will be very happy to greet all the members of the Jewish community next Sunday." Mr. and Mrs. Abe Yohsem announce the birth of a son born September 13th, at the St. Joseph Hospital. •

cancy was created by Irving Perl- zation meeting. The club plans to DR. LEVINE CARRIES ON swing into its program of faU acRESEARCH WORK IN EAST meter leaving the city.

Temple Services

The first meeting was an organi- tivities at its next meeting Sunday.

Rabbi Frederic Cohn of Temple Israel has chosen "Should Such a Faith Offend?" as the subject for his sermon tonight. Saturday morning he will speak on "Success and Its Responsibilities." Dr. Cohn will address the young people of the Unitarian Church on Sunday evening, at 5;30, on "Orthodox and Reform Judaism." The following announcements srere made: Sunday School opens this Sunday morning at 10:00 a. m. The Congregation meeting win be held Sunday afternoon, Sept. 29. The Sisterhood luncheon and meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. SO.

Mrs. Harry Swengil gave a surprise party in honor of the twentyfifth anniversary, of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hahii at the latter's home* 3106 Webster. The evening was spent at bridge. Mr. Philip M. Klutznick, executive secretary of the A. Z. A., returned Wednesday from a trip to the chap- PIONEER ORGANIZATION ters in the neighboring states. WILL SPONSOR BRIDGE

Dr. Victor E. Levine has returned from the East, where he engaged in medical research work among the children in St. Mary's Orphan asylum in Newark, New Jersey. The money for the research was furnished by a fund of $10,000 furnished by the Beth Israel Hospital of Newark. During the latter part of August Dr. Levine traveled to Boston, where he was a member of the International Physiological Congress held at Harvard university. A few days after his arrival in Omaha, Dr. Levine left for a fishing trip in Minnesota, from which he returned September 15.


It is Kosher


Ralph Gross, Creighton university sophomore, was elected Aleph S'gan, corresponding to the vice-presidency, of the Sam Beber chapter of the A. Z. A. at the first fall meeting of the organization last Sunday. Harry Mr. Herman Smehoff of Chicago,; The Jewish Women's Pioneer Or- Colick was elected chaplain, the office who graduated from Creighton Phar- ganization is giving a benefit card previously held by Gross. The vamacy School two years ago, is visit- party for the Chalutzos who suffered ing with H. Dubnoff of South Omaha. in Palestine. The party will be held Miss Blanche Greenhouse win ar-Tuesday afternoon and evening, Sept. rive Sunday from Detroit to visit her 24 at the home of Mrs. S. Barson, -parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Greenhouse. 2124 Burdette street. After vacationing here for a month she and Mrs. Greenhouse wiU go to Denver for a short visit. From there RECEIVES PRAYER BOOKS Mr. S. Katleman, 2560 Cumings they will proceed through New York, street, Omaha, has announced thai he where they will join Miss Greenhas just received a large assortment house's sisters, Bertha and Ida. Miss Greenhouse has been private of prayer books and everything in secretary of Albert Kahn, noted Mich- that line that is needed for the High Holidays. He also has received many igan architect. new kinds of New Year's greetings cards and has stated that people Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—An ordinshould stop in early to get their supance issued by the government today extends payment of notes which fen ply for Rosh Hashonah. He will seU due during the disorders until Sep- them a t low prices. tember 26th in Jerusalem and October PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 22nd in Hebron.

A delicious fish with that "just caught flavor." Order it from your grocer today


10th and Howard

HERZBERGS "Style Without Extravagance"

*A Feature Qroup in the New Economy Coat Section

Mrs. J. Ldntzman and daughter, Anna, motored to Lincoln Sunday. — Miss Lintzman is entering her senior = year at Nebraska, having completed E :•' • three of study at Omaha university.

Winter Coats

translation. Also Tifilem, Talisem, silk or wool. P r e t t y N e w Y e a r ' s Greeting Cards. E v e r y t h i n g i n t h e Hue of Jewish articles which every J e w can use t h e y e a r around. W i n seU a t lowest prices.

= gjj

Wishing You all a Havw New Year




Miss Selma Levin, daughter of Mrs. = Your Old Friend = Ida Levin, left Sunday for Providence, R. L, where she will attend Brown university. She is in her second year = 2560 Cummgs Street, Omaha, Nebr. = Mr. and'Mrs. Sam Seigel announce of journalism. = Harney70i0 Atlantic 6620 = miiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiHiminiiiiitntiHiuiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiimiiimiiimiinnmnHiut^ > to Mr. Max Merlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Merlin of Sioux City, la. No date has been set for the wedOmaha s Style Center ding. •.. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daytch announce the engagement of their daughter, Ida, to Mr. David Meyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyers of -Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Meyers, who left for his home Sunday evening, has been the guest of Miss TDaytch and her parents for the past two Weeks. No date has been set for the wedding.




- Opposite

Every Fashion-Right

roc k

Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohn win receive. , at their home, 2513 Wirt, this Sunday, in honor of the Bar Mitzyah of theirson, Harry. Rabbi Frederic Cohn went to Sioux City Tuesday to officiate at the, funeral of Mrs. Henry Henkm, mother Nof Dr. John and Dr. Mort HenMn. The'friends of Mrs. M. Givot enteritained at a luncheon at the Peacock ••Inn Wednesday afternoon as a fare^ well party to her. Mr. and Mrs. Givot will leave shortly for California, where they will make their home.


Has a Pet Flare This Fall You'll find it on Sldrts*" Around necks* On Jackets*" But its there

Wishes to remind his pa.trons and friends that NOW is .the logical time to place orders for


Jewish New Year (greeting Cards


A SELECTED ASSORTMENT Sew Year Cards printed Witt your name and address



50 for 75c 25 for 50c ENVELOPES INCLUDED Located in the Shopping District

118 So. 17th St. 17th and Donglas Street


Every Coat a Master/ul Value***at.

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Again Herzberg's dominance as Coat Specialists brings finer coats and greater values to Omaha Misses and Women! The leading 1929-1930 Coat Fashions — featuring the princess silhouette — the straightline—the flare—at a price never before seen on similar quality.

$8975 YOU haven't yet . . . by all IForFmeans develop a taste for Flares! whether you are choosing a


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Broadcloitis, Oxford Cloth—Xorma —Camels Hair—Sport Mixtures — Tweeds.

Civet Cat —Caracul Cooiwif — Kit Fox shades.

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swank Crepe Jacket Suit . . . a Velvet Frock . . . a satin Ensemble or combined Crepe with Velvet Frock you'll iind there's a Flare on it some place. And, matter of fact . . . . you'll be judged by the number of times you Flare! •

Coats with a decided Economy Complex — the popular "Rumble Seat" coats—Woolly Chinchilla coats—and the ultra smart tweeds and mixtures.

Economy Groups—Sizes 14 to 44




i»AGE 4—T£E JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1929 last Saturday afternoon. This course, Miss Mildred Ruth Baron of Chicago HADASSAH TO SPONSOR f POALEZION. COMMUNIST which is being conducted by Miss will teach an a i t class at the Jewish DEBATE ON DNESD ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE Louise Eiseman and Miss Frances Fri- Community Center this year, Miss 1 bourg, is receiving an enthusiastic in- Baron is a graduate of the Chicago The annual Hadassah rummage sale A debate on the recent issue in terest. Miss Eiseman and Miss Fri- art institute, and the Center officials will be held starting Monday, Sept. , „ , , __ ... Palestine and the policy-of the Frcir faourg are both prominent in the music feel very fortunate in securing her 23, and continuing for three days, at j heit will be held at the Labor Lyceum, circles and Little Theater movement services. The classes will be held one j 2022 No. 24th St. Mrs. Julius Stein,' 22nd and Clark, on Wednesday, Septin the city. . evening a week and are open to the general chairman, will be assisted by j 25, at 8:30 p. m. public. Anyone interested may enroll "The first seasonal meeting of the with Miss Lipman at the Center of- Mrs. B. A. Simon, co-chairman, and Mr. Morris Minkin will uphold the The Jewish Community Center all members of the board of directors ' poali-Zion (socialist) issue and MrB'nai B'rith lodge was held Tuesday fice. of the local chapter. Banquet hall will be the scene on Dave Resnick will represent the FreiAt a recent meeting, of the Icor evening, Sept. 17. Plans for the • Rabbi and" Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz The following women, acting as a Sunday afternoon, Sept. 22, of the Seventeen . members of the Shaare heit and communistic angle. annual dance, to be held Oct. 14 at organization the following were elect.returned home after an extended wesmotor corps, will pick up all bundles: The public has been invited to attern-trip, during which they visited marriage of Miss Lena Lipman ed to hold office, for the coming year: j the Roof Garden, were discussed. Mr. Zion Boy's - choir honored Ruben Mesdames R. A. Bleicher, J. J. tend. No admission will be charged. ~ ~ E.~ Baron reported on the conven- Cohen, Bert Mazor, Bernard Lipman Denver, Salt Lake City, Long Beach daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lip- I. Epstein, chairman; A. Robins, vice ' E. Friedman, M. F. Levinson and Harry Mr. Henry Harlow of Bloomand Irving Passman at a banquet on chairman; Abe. Kaplan, financial section, held at Elrhart, Wis. RefreshLos Angeles and San Francisco. Durfield, Neb; The stage of the hall, retary; Abe _ Koval, "recording secre- ments followed the business meeting. Tuesday evening at the Synagogue Trustin. The money raised by the ing Rabbi Rabinowitz' stay in" Denver banked with ferns and flowers, will Social Hall. These four young men sale will be sent directly to Palestine he was privileged to visit the. Jewish form the background for the cere- tary; and H. Slutsky, treasurer. Mrs. Jewish Community Center opened leave this week for college. Mr. Morey for medical purposes. Have Your National hospital, the ex-Patients mony, which will be solemnized at G. Gurshtel, Mrs. M. Merlin, Harry its activities Tuesday evening with the Lipshutz acted as toastmaster and Mrs. Stein requests that those havGurshtel.E. Kaplan, M. Begun, Paul Tubercular Home, Home of the Aged, 5:30, with Rabbi Rabinowitz officiatS e d to t h T S u t ^ e Hawkeyes Epsilon Phi, S. I. S Seek- Rabbi Rabinowitz and Mr. John Lans- ing articles of any kind for which and other places of Jewish'interest. ing. The bride, who will be unat----- • ers, Girls Dramatic Club, Judith Cir- burg expressed their thanks to the they no longer have any use, call her ers, While there he spoke L from . Rabbi tended, will be gowned in tan geor- committee. Future meetings of the organization cle and Business Girls Club holding young men for the past services to at Glendale 1948 or any member of Kauver's pulpit; ij gettes with tan accessories. Miss Bess will be held at 508 1-2 Fourth street: their first meetings of the season. the choir. the Hadassah board. In Long Beach Rabbi' 'Rabinowitz Iipshutz will play the wedding march, Plans for the various organizations with name printed occupied the pulpit of;the Conserva- accompanied by Jack.Lipman, on the To know how to grow old is the He who. freely magnifies what hath Mr. and Mrs. Abe Miller, 1600 Jones were discussed at their respective Many Beautiful Designs tive Synagogue, twice, and alsooffi- violin. Isidore Harfbw will sing "At master work of wisdom and one of the been nobly done, and fears not to deciated at the marriage^ of Miss Ann Dawning.V-^^inner,' served. to 160 street, left Sunday evening for New meetings. most difficult chapters in the great art clare as freely what might be done York, where they will attend the wedRobin of Sioux City to;iMr. Jacobs of guests will follow the ceremony. An Mr. A. M. Davis 'has returned after of living. . . , —•Amiel. ding of their niece Miss Sophie Miller. better, gives ye the best covenant of Los Angeles. A number;; jof Sioux City- extended eastern'trip has been planMain Floor—West After the1 wedding Mr. and Mrs.'Miller a" month's visit to Colorado Springs WALBKOV. SHLVERMAX & NT5WKIUK his fidelity. —Milton. ans were present at the ceremony. and other western points. ned by Mr. Harlow. and his fiancee. plan -to • remain. in New York for a D1.1) Oinalm National Bank'BIdgr. " :. "Jewish life on the; Pacific coast Out of town 'guests will include short visit with relatives and friends. rUOBATE NOTICE MOXSKY. KATL£3IAN & GROD1NSKY is somewhat disorganized as yet," said Attorneys In the mntterof the estate of LEAH Rabbi Rabinowitz. "People have come Miss Sara Lipman, of Chicago; Mr. 737 Omaha Nat. Uk. BidsFKASK, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the underwest for their health and are unde- and Mrs. Joe Steinberg of BloomNotice is hereby Riven: That the creditMrs. Harry Wigodsky entertained signed have pursuant to the laws of the ors of said deceased will mwt the executCleaners and Dyers cided as to whether they will make field; Mr. and Mrs. Max Harlow of at a bridge party at the Davidson tea State of Nebraska, formed a corporal ion. ors of silkl estate, before me. County Judge 1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289 1724 Dodge St. The name, of the corporation is LEVEY j of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the Counthe west their permanent home. As a Hartington; Mrs. S. Robsky of Chi-room, on Tuesday afternoon, honor- UEAI/EY. COMPANY, with its principal ty Court llooin, in suid County, on the 31st Free Delivery Try a loaf of your Russian • result organized Jewish life, with the cago; Mr. and Mrs. S. Otterman of XX* plactt o£ of business in the City of Onwha. day of October. 10iS». 10'i». and on the Aist 3l6t day Oninlia. day day j Flandreau, South Dakota. f Nebrastn. The objects for -which the corpof Deceml>er, 1920, at 9 o'clock A. M.. each | Pumpernicle Bread Service exception of the large.centei-s'as"Lbs recent Dnae ana mrs. I nmtinn in - fnrmpil nre; nw: to in inn m.tliirnin nut! ! day. ilnv. for the purpose nnrnose of presenting nresentinc their Ij oration is-formed' in tain aud — You'll Appreciate the Taste — Angeles and San Francisco, is rather operate a general real estate holding com- claims for examination, adjustment nnd alSlotzky of Pittsburgh. pany, and to buy, sell, mortfrase. lease, lowance. Three months nre allowed for Ask Your Dealer For A weak. Los Angeles, which has a. Jew- Mrs. J. Jacobson entertained fifty encumltt'r.and deal in real estate mid per- the creditors to present their claims, from sona) property of all kinds. Total author- the 2Sth day of September. 10™). ish population of some 40,000, is guests at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her Jerry Pill has returned after a ized capital stock is $4O.0(K).O0. divided into BRYCE CUAWFORD. Paxton-Mitcheli Co. proud of its beautiful, temples and home on Tenth' street, in honor of month's visit in Duluth and Minne- 12J County Judge. shares of $100.00 per share of Preferred Sept. f—3T :'th <tnri ftlnrtha Stft. HArntr; l6C,i Stock, ami 27."> shares of $100.00 per share Miss Bess Rice, whose marriage to synagogues." ; ; • ..., - ~ MUNROE FURNACE of Common Stock, all of which when isapolis. . . t OMAHA. NEBRASKA Eli Jacobson, will: be an event of SUPPLY CO. sued shall be fully paid and non-assessable. Sort gray. iron. Dross, oronze «no Rabbi Rabinowitz attended a protest The corporation shall commence business j CHARLES SIMON October. The luncheon was followed ilumlnnro castings. Stnodnrd sizes 171S Cass JA. 4063-6 when these Articles are filed in the offlee meeting in-.Los Angeles in. reference Mrs. .R. Levitan and daughter, •>roDze ano Iron bushings, sewer raanUecoinmends Jbe County Clerk of Douglas County nnd I ooles. tnstern rinKS and covers nnil to the Palestine massacres. »~. > by bridge. On the same day, Miss Esther, have departed... for Asbury of shall continue until January 1st, 202!). The • .•lean-out doors ID stocfe. All kinds oi Frances Jacobson entertained for Miss THE SANITARY LAUNDRY highest amount of indebtedness shall not wood nnd metal pal terns. Park, N. J., where they will attend the exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The Rice at a 7 o'clock dinner at which 'The Best of" All Laundry Services" of the corporal ion shall be adminHENKINDIES eighteen guests were present. . , , wedding of Miss Rae Goldman. They affairs istered by a board of directors, the num- •' 18 J 5 will be joined in the east by Mrs. Sam AT-2815 ber of which board shall be fixed by the I Faruom Funeral services for Mrs. ^ the by-laws, but until otherwise provided, i Stein of Rockingham, N. C. Mrs, Stein shall be three in number. From the di- ! Hankin were held Tuesday evening a t Mrs. Morris Pill was hostess at a "Manufactured in Omaha" rectors the officers shall be elected, conthe Nelson-Berger undertaking par- bridge party Sunday evening, at her was formerly Miss Gertrude Levitan sisting of President. Yiee-President. SecreBAKER [CE MACHINE CO. and Treasurer. The Secretary need lors, with Rabbi Cohn; of Omaha offi- home on Twenty-sixth; street, honor- of this city. They will return after tary not be a member of the board. The presAwnings, Canvas Covers, Tents. BEN BROMBERG ciating- -'^Mrs. Henkin was well known' ing her. sister, Miss Mary Frieden of the 1 ent incorporator8 shall be the directors Camp Supplies, All Kinds until the annual meeting of stockholders Operating for heriactive interest in^ Mount Sinai Omaha. . • . •• ;,.. to be held on the second Wednesday In J 13 and Howard . A T . l;n Hannah Mushkin, who hasJanuary. W3O. Immediately thereafter the Sisterhood. She i s ' survived by -her Refresh Yourself : been. a'" guest at the home of her directors shall meet and elect the officers. sons, pri"-John;Henkin, Dr. Mort Hen^; Miss Rose -Brick of „ Omaha- i s : a T.- •: ._ DKINB nniX rliroctnrs Rhnll rondurt ,, - -. _, - .. . .. .. ••..-.-• ,11 ThA'rtffiporn The'officers nnd directors Khali conduct fhp the kin, Mfltpn and Emil, -all of Sioux guest at: the home of 'Miss' Ida "Lip- .brother .-.antl SlSter-m-:Iaw, iVIr. and ! nffairs of th« corporation. The corporation may be Flowers for all City. Many Sioux Cityans mourn her ion. for. Mrs. Milton Mushkin, left for Denver^ j " " MORRIS ' "" .--•-.-LKVKY. Occasions Our specialty is loss, which leaves a void in many cirr.ESS- KATI.TOBS. Mrs. Sarah Greenstone is visiting where she will make a short visit. cles. PHILLIP LEVEY. SERVING GOOD FOOD Sent by wire or express every0 i BOTTMSS STOP AFTER THE SHOW friends and relatives at Lincoln Miss Mushkin will go from there to Ang. 30—4T. where. Free delivery in Omaha California* and after a month's visit OPEX DAY A^D XIGHT Mr. Aloe^Baron has returned after, and Omaha. and Council BJuffs. ...SAUKLATEKi Attorney • on the coast, will" return to her home 2920 Farnam JA. 972b' - -'613 Omaha Nat I. Bank BJdtr. a short-visit at the Weisburg home in Phone 714 NOTICE TO XOX-BESIDBST j Minneapolis. Mrs. Baron, who has Rebecca and Jack Lipson of Desin New Yojik.- * 606 16th Ave. Council Bluffs, la. DEFEN'DAXT spent the summer with her parents Moines, la., are visiting at the home Over'eighty children attended the IJo Walter Weisgerlier -whose place of resiAfter Theatre in MinneapolisF''plans to return later of their.cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. first irieefcing- of the Kiddie Cpncert dence is unknown, defendant: | You are hereby notified that on the 10th j in the month. Dancing Schwartz. Course, &i the Martin hotel ballroorr day of April, 1029 Kmma 'Weisgerber. as plaintiff, tiled her petition against you. in , 24th and Farnam "Everything for the Auto*" the "District Court of ponclns County. Xe- I



























Society News



Jewish New Year Greeting Cards



AT. 1126


Baker Ice Machines


The Avenue Flower Shop





Nadonai Accessories, Inc.

braska, the object ami prayer of which is [ to obtain an absolute decree of divorce | from you on the protinds of non-snpp<>rt | nnd desertion, nnd to obtain tli? enstody I of tlie one minor child of the parties. I You are required to nnswer said petition I on or before the 11th day of March, 1030. j EMMA TVEISGEUBER. I 0-]o—tT ,< I'Ininiiff. j

STALJSASTER & BEISEK, Attorneys C50 Omaha National Bank Bid?. PROBATE XOHCE In the matter of the estate of GEORGE j A. LANG, deceased. Notice is hereby civen: That the credit- j ors of said deceased will meet the admin- i istratris of said estate, before me. County I Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the . County Court Itoom. in said County, on the Sth day of November. 1029. and on «he Sth day of January, 1930, at D o'clock A. M.. each dnj1. for the purpose of presenting their claims, for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months nre allowed for tho. creditors to present their claims, from the r>th day of Ociobor. 1020. 3T—Sept 13

We Offer Better Toast To Every Woman Who Tries This New-Day Bread BY AUCEIADAMS PROCTOR

of American homes now enjoy toast jfbetter way. Toaay their toast is always the same. It never .varies." It is even, golden brown. Never scorched.- Never a burned edge. It'sfauttfesstoast, and they get it.every time. It's a riew^day bread that makes toast this, way/ It's called "Wonder Bread," and please remember that is what you must always ask for.

mil You TestIt? Mjprwooea scepu'c*! of wh»t we garnii h»ve been wop by toasting this Wonder Bread <n direct compurboa with other brands. Thiswenrjieyou to do, knowing wh« you will find. Even golden brown. No searched edges. Eyery slice is perfect. Every time.

Cost U s $6,000,000 We spent two years in its development. It cost us $6,000,000.' Today it is the largest-selling bread in America. Jc is baked by matchless chefs working in immaculate model kitchens. They use only tested ingredients. They use only a specially milled "short patent" flour made ftbm the heart of the wheat berry. They use double" the usual amount of milk, and

• they pasteurize every drop. Extremely costly ingredients these. But they do give a better bread. So we benefit through tremendous extra sales. ' Also they employ a unique' baking' method. Wonder Bread is "slo-baked." A method that brings you greater digestibility. More delicate flavor. Longer-lasting freshness.

Please Try At Once .


So do, please, as the country's wisest women did. Try this new-day bread immediately. Remember to say "Wonder Bread" distinctly. CONTINENTAL BAKING CO. OMAHA, NEBR..



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For Health


4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500

STA1VMASTER * BEBER, Attorney The HLous* With A Reputation 630 Omaha Kational Rank Bldtr. PUOBATE NOTICE In the nrntter of the estate of M. MONHEIT, deceased Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, at the ACCOUNTANT County Court Hoom. in said County, on the 31st day of October. 10"J9. and on the 31st day of December. 11)20. nt 0 o'clock A. M., AUDITS — — SYSTEMS each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment 534 Peters Trust BIdg.AT. 7611 and allowance. Three months nre allowed for the creditors to present their claims from, the 28th day of September. 3029. ' BltXCE CKAWFORD, Sept 6—3T County Judjre. STAI-5IASTEK Jt BEBEB, Attorney* 65O Omaha National Bank BidsJA*. 0528 H. BERGER NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPO RATION OF THE DRESS. CIXTB. INC. YOCR Notice is hereby given that the nnderTOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY slgned P. M. Klutznick and R. 3. HoldsSince 18TO berg have formed a;•corporation pursuant to the laws of the State- of Nebraska, under I the name of The Dress Club. Inc., with its I principal place of business at Omaha, fte-1 braska. The general nature of the business to be transacted and thu object and purpose for which this corporation Is organized and established shall X>e ro..«perat« stores nnd plants for the denning, pressing J. L. KRAGE, ProprietoJ: and dyeing of wearing npparel, cloth and material <>f all kinds: to engnce in the "NEW FOR OLD" tailoring business: to buy nnd sell wrnriuK apparel; to engape in nny of snid bnslness1619 Farnam St—Phone AT. 8481 es as a wholesaler and retailer: to buy. sell and lease real estate and personal property in connection with said business and to do any nnd nil things incident or in nny manner pertaining to the aforesaid business. . The authorized capital stock shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars and all of said stock shall be common and of (he par value of One Hundred $100.00) Dollars per sharp, and said stock shall be 220 So. 13th St. JA. 1136 non-assessable when issned. The sorpornflon shall commence business upon the filM. B. DOLGOFF ing of Its articles with the County Cl«rk Law—Library Loose Leaf of Douglas County. Nebraska, nnd shall continue for a period of fifty years from Specialist in Hand Binding snl.d (Intu. The highest of indebtedness shall not exceed -'-3 of it* capital stock but this restriction shall >>ot apply to indebtedness secured by morlpases upon any of the corporate property. The affairs Hnrry a. Lnptfns. Presldent-Ttt-nsnrer of the corporation shall ;>e managed by n roard of Directors consisiinf; of not. less than Iwo members. Tu«» iinnnal mettins of the corporation shall be Ueld on the 2nd Monday of January of each year at. which meeting the stockholders shall elect a ! Board of Directors nnd thereupon t h e ! Board shall elect n president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Any two of i 8nid offices may be held by one and the I COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE same person. These articles may be amend- ! OUTFITTERS ed -at any regular or special meeting of tV>~ Occupy.' . the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of 2-3 of all outstanding fltock. O*er JOrOOO S q u a r e Peel ,ln Witness whereof, the parties hereto Southwest G'rner nave hereunto subscribed their names this 22nd. day of August. 1929.' •-•- • i Eleventh and Douglas Streets P. M. KLUTZNICK. I Phone JAckson 2724 • • II..J. HOLDSBEKG, Omaha. Nebr. Incorporat orsIn tbe. presence of^ SAM J3EBE1L Aug. 3tf4T




Standard Shoe Repair Co.


Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.

Construction Company 492-96 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.

IGth and Farnam

SUNSET TEA ROOM 40th and Dodge


JAckscra 1614 Estimates Gladly Furnished

ICtb and Capitol Are.

LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments Our Hobby for 45 Years OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street

Omaha Towel Supply Co.

-Now those who want faultless toast can get it-





Omatia Jobling Co, 317 No. 15

JA. 5604

CLOSING OUT 2,400 gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at S1.95 per gal All colors. Also 2,000 gal. of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.



Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha


Visit the New

MALASHGCK'S Jewelry Store ' !6th and Howard Streets

CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.

Bil) HoteJ Building

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire.


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