September 27, 1929

Page 1

All the News of Interest to Jews

Interesting and Entertaining

• entered as second-class mail matter on January 'SI. 1SK1 poEtofflce at Omaha, Kebraskn, under tbe Act of ainrcb 3, \



VOL. VII—No. 87

Vienna Paper Opens


The feature of the regular meeting Vionna.—(J. T. A.)—A public subof the Omaha Hebrew club meeting Appeal Says That Grief Must Warburg as Jewish Agency Ad- at the Jewish Community Center this scription for funds to aid the victims Be Followed by ministrative Head Advises of the Palestine outbreak was opened S u n d a y will be Work Delay by the • "Neuo Freie Prosso." The an a d d r e s s on newspaper publishes a list of contrib"Health," Ed Burdick Returns to Staff— Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—"The days utions •which have so far reached 11,- Four Thousand Jews Said New York.—(J. T. A.)—The situaVictor- E. Levine, of grief must be followed by days of Hsvc Joined Communist Levin Elected to A. A. U. tion created by the disaster in Palesnutrition expert of work," appeal issued by 000 schilling. With the relief funds Deserters Board tine must not be permitted to degenof the Zionist and the Jewish comCreighton univerthe head office of the.Keren Haysod munity, the total is expected to reach erate into another appeal'and an efsity. • • . . - • • C. C.HUBBATU) WILL GIVE NEW YORKERS CONDEMN here over the signature of Leib Jaffe. 100,000 schillings. fort must be made at this • time to RUSSIANS AT MEETING Dr. Levine is a The appeal was sent to all commitSPECIAL SWIM LESSONS consolidate the forces _ of American 1 The Palestine Arabs -are praised and nationally prom- tees of'the Palestine Foundation Fund Jewry for effective work in the re- • Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Four thouPlans for the athletic program of ifient figure in,his throughout the .world. Confidence in congratulated for their heroic actions building of the Jewish National Home,' the Jewish Community Center for the tfee.. He just re- Zionist leadership and the British gov- against Jewish insolence in bills post- sand Jews in Moscow vnll engage in t was urged Sunday at s, "conference sile n t 1 y ' returned j ernment is expressed in the declara- ed throughout Vienna by the Haken- •work in Moscow cm Eosh Hashonali eoming season vrere decided upon at in the Hotel Pennsylvania," called by kreusler, anti-Semitic organization. and Yom Kippux. the two holiest days f|rom the "'east,' tion. an important meeting of the athletic the American Jewish congress., AdThe bills urge the Christian population Dr. Victor E. t|here he was a board this week. . : dresses were delivered by Dr. Stephen "The response of the Jewish people of Austria to "take a lesson from the in the Jewish calendar, according to Levine member of the InIrvin C. Levin, •vice-chairman of the S. Wise _ and former Congressman to the recent events will be to multi- Arabs and similarly settle these Jews the expectations of the Yevroktiria Jewish section of the Communist ternational Physioboard, "was elected as one of the board Nathan D. Perlman. Bernard S. ply the energies and increase our in Austria. party. In s* statement issued, it. delogical congress helf at Harvard and of managers of the mid-west A. A. XJ. Deutsch, president of the congress, strength to proceed with our work, clared fhat it hsK contracted for them carried on extensive? medical" research With determined will and unshakeable C . C Hubbard, noted swimming coach presided. : to work as laborers in new buildings, at Tech, will have charge of the nataIn a resolution unanimously adopted work among children at the St. Mary's faith. In place of a destroyed settleas well as carriers at railway sttions. Orphan Asylum at Newark. torial activities, according to anthe conference called for the. convenment, we •will erect ten. New immiThe same condition is said to exist The Creighton professor will speak nouncement made f oHowing the meeting, at the earliest possible moment, grants coming to " consolidate our throughout Russia because of the govat 4 o'clock Sunday. ing. ;. by the Jewish Agency, of a national positions will create new ones. The ernment decree that Jews must work. Ed Burdick, favorite physical diall-Jewish conference, its purpose structure of the Jewish National The estimated number of workers is Programs of Non-Sectarian Narector of the J. C. C. two years ago, Stern Measures Are Promised being the "consideration of til Home will stand more firmly than believed to be exaggerated, although ture to Be Free of Propwill again have charge of the men's Against New Anti-Semitic lems arising put of the existing sitever before. the ariti-religiouK campaign being caraganda activities and the gymnasium. Ursula uation and the adoption of such meas"In a short time the Keren Haysod Out-Breaks ried on in Soviet Russia has attractFagan, for the past year head of the ures as may lead to the widest and campaigns will be initiated in every Burcharest.—(Ji T. A.)—A delegaNew York.—With the presentation ed •attention in the entire province. women's gymnasium work, has been most effective participation on the Dr. A. Romm Elected President country. Now is the moment to ention representing the Jewish Deputies on the first Sunday in November of retained in the same capacity. The "Ernes," Jewish Communist at Meeting Held on part of American Jewry in the buildlist every section * and class of the the first of its new radio programs, dailj- 'of Moscow, today publishes the Leo Fried, former Creighton ath- club in the "IBouipanJan parliament ing of the Jewish National Home in Tuesday Jewish people .in our ranks. Every lete, will handle the men's noon called on the ministry of the interior Palestine" Jew whose heart trembled for the fate the general committee on Jewish Re- program arranged for Yom Kippur. A National Fund Council repreclasses, under supervision of Ed Bur- asking the government to take immeof Eretz Israel will be with us. In ligious radio programs will inaug- On Kol Nidre eve, special anti-reliThe administrative committee was dick. A new ruling was put into ef- diate measures to i$Qp §ie new wave authorized to continue its negotiations sented by two delegates from prac- those days of stress every active and urate a series of broadcasts, new- in gious concerts hs\'e been arranged concept, wide in scope, and a radical throughout the, city. For Yom Kipfect at the meeting whereby every of anti-Semitic excesBes that" have with the Jewish Agency toward this tically every Jewish nationalistic or- creative element will join us. departure from those offered for the pnr, excursions to museums and free member of the physical department broken out, the" perpetrators being end, a communication 'from "Felix*M. ganization in Omaha held an organi"We are convinced all Keren Hayzation meeting at the Jewish Commainly students returning from their must take a physical examination Warburg, chairman of t the- adminis- monity Center Tuesday evening. All esod workers, friends and sympath- past six and a half years in New movies for women and children have ^' • either by his family doctor or the convention. ";• v izers will throw themselves into the York. Now, over the National Broad- been arranged. The vice-minister <*f £he interiorj trative committee of the Jewish groups in the council believe in ZionCenter physician. Agency, was read, in which h e . ex- ism and the rebuilding of Palestine work with exemplary devotion and casting Red Network, comprising In a nine-column article devoted to J. J. Isaacson, chairman of the Joan Itzescu, assured the delegation pressed \his opinion that the time was zeal. The Keren .Haysod is the chief many key stations and reaching mil- anti-religious propaganda the "Ernes" a Jewish homeland. that the! government l a s taken strong lions of listeners, these regular board, announced the following as not opportune for such a. meeting, Dr. A. Romm was elected president financial instrument of the Jewish broadcasts, crigfnstlng- from station writes: "During- the day when the heads of the various work: Max Alt- measures to prevent the spread of the counselling &• dignified silence.-Until servants of capital will of the new organization. The other Agency and must now, more tlian ever WEAF, New York, will mark the Jewish shuler, basketball; Sam Green, basket excesses and to punish those guilty. stand near every constructive effort the: commission of inquiry, appointed through religion attempt to enslave officers are Rabbi Abraham Bengis, fl rthest advance yet made by any the" masses to the carriage of the exroom and locker room -supervision;-' The excesses occurred during the by Great Britain shall have rendered in Palestine. The ready response of vice-president; Dr. O. S. Belzer, seclast few days «Jong the border- of Jewish organization to disseminate Irvin Levin, handball; Dave its report. retary; and J. Rosenberg, treasurer. our people must be "transmuted into among the American people a knowl- ploiters, conscious proletarian!; shouW Bukowins, when a group of Roumangymnasium and equipment; L Sokodeeds, must, find expression in the exhibit rot passive resistance but actThe work of the. national fund conian students - oj*-the JBurcharest-Ozern- In t i e discussion it was emphasized edge of what American Judaism rep- ual warm unveiling; the real contraloff, Bwimming^ events of A, A. TL furtherance of • immigration and by Rabbi Wise and others that in re- sists of obtaining pledges and selling resents. The J. C C / w e r e awardedrsereral. owitz raflroadr threw- Jewish passen- iterating its belief in the necessity of revoluiionary contents of religion.'' stamps in order to swell the. funds colonization. If we are capable of gers" but of ' ^ e train and attacked The establishment of a universal important events, including mid-west rising to the demands of the hour, the a national all-Jewish conference, the. This action in Russia has caused great available to rebuild^,the .homeland. A. A» V. swimming _for • boys": and Jewish homes at Tthe; stations where •congress -has TH> thooght-ot dissension They" are~trying ttrpface-national fund sacrifice-was not brought -vainly,'1 fte goodwill, the stimulation of tire finer indignation among American Jews. e train'istoppedi' "A 3toTTnronian'proand more beautiful ideals of manwith the Jewish Agency. One of the largest meetings Wft£ he hi boxes in as many Omaha homes as is appeal concludes. kind, the attempt to acquaint the mid-west JL A.. U. handball, singles fessor who ^attemptedl~io protect" the iis New York, where the Yiddish Compossible. Jewish passengers.waVbeaten. Womworld with the charm and solid beauty and doubles. '.---,-. : munist daily and • the Communistic At the meeting Tuesdy night the of things Jewish, will be some of the Coach Hnbbaxd will give- special in- en and "chndfen' were included in the •party of America were convicted after work to be done by the Council was list of those hurt. ' ' more important aims of these prostruction, in swimming without addi"trial" by the vote of 2,500 men and divided into committees. The heads The newspaper* ."Adeverul^ urges grams. No longer will Jewish radio tional cost. He. will alsp give the v^otnen at ,the "Central opera house, of the various committees are: Mrs. J. broadcasts be a thing merely for Jews, matrons' class a special hour one eve- lie government'to punish the rioters •where was charged that the ComRosenberg, boxes and collections; Mrs. Rabbi Laderman of Chicago to as well as - the officials who looked Rabbi Bengis to Have Charge, according to Mr. Mosessohn and mem- munist itorgans ning a week. had "maliciously falBraude, stamp committee; Dr. Belzer Preach Sermons During bers of the committee, but they will Assisted by Louis The committee plans several im- on passively." --;-'-. sified the news" of the Palestine outand Judah Wolfson. publicity. Holidays I be made so interesting, so appealing, The Roumanian newspaper "DimShauock provements and the addition of more breaks to make it appear that they - An executive committee consisting so beautiful, that the average listener, ineatza" reports that followers of equipment. Eabbi Manuel Laderman of the. He- of ten members has been selected. Dr. Phlip Sier, chairman of the tuning in accidentally, will be held by j were part of e "revolution of oppresAlexander Cuze are spreading ritual brew Theological College of Chicago From time to time the local group will educational committee of the Jewish them and will make a point of listen- sed Arabian masses against British murder propaganda, disseminating Imperialist!! and its Zionist allies. has been obtained to conduct .the ser- give detailed explanation of their Community Center, has snnoTxnced ing- to them regularly. brochures containing illustrations vices for the High Holidays at "the work. the Center Sunday School vrffl open The verdict was: "We, Jewish workwhich purport to depict how Jews Congregation B"nai Israel, lBth and this Sunday, Sept. 29, at 10 o'clock in ers, this day assembled, solemnly deslaughtered a Christian girl for ritual Chicago Streets. . * the morning. Eabtd Abraham Bengis clare it our deep conviction that tlw The first meeting of the board of purposes. Rabbi Laderman, American born, is has accepted the invitation to act as accused are guilty as charged, directors of the Council of Jewish reputed to be an exceptionally-gifted supervisor. Mr. Louis M. Shanock Women -will "be held at 2 p. m. Wed"We condemn/them and place them scholar in Talmud, Bible,' and Jewish will act as principal. : nesday, Oct. 2, at the Jewish Combeyonrf~thp pale of Jewish labor and The Omaha Jewish Dramatic club, history. He is an eloquent speaker "Ascending the Mountain of the "It has been found to be especially munity Center. All board members Jewish public, life,.. We call upon the in Hebrew, Yiddish, and -English. Lord" will fee the subject of the ad- desirable to open at this time as the will present "The Dorfs Yung," a Jewish workers .and Jewry at large to are urged to attend this meeting. play depicting Jewish life, at the JewWhile attending the Hebrew Col- dress by Rabbi Abraham Bengis at opportunity can be had to impart an The following request has been Sam Easnick, 53, a former resident join us in this verdict." made for all Council members: of Omaha, died Monday at Cleveland, lege, Rabbi Laderman also "continued the Conservative Synagogue tonight understanding and appreciation to the ish Community Center on Oct. 20. All The "Freiheit"-simultaneously held Please notify Miss Hazel Degen, Ohio, according to word received here his secular studies. As a reward for at the Community Center auditorium. children of the. high "holidays -which proceeds from the play will be given to aid the Jews in Palsetine who sufa meeting at-the New Star Casino in his outstanding scholastic Tecord, he are approaching," Mr. Shanok stated As this is the last Sabbath before S303 Woolworth Ave., Harney 6342, by his daughter, Mrs. Henry Newman. fered during the recent outbreaks. the form of a public trial of the J. L. of any change in address or phone Mr. Rasnick's death followed a was awarded two scholarships at the the holidays, Eabbi Bengis' sermon in commenting on the opening-. The group has presented several 1 Perctz Writers ciub. A resolution Lewis Institute of Chicago. In 1927 will deal with pre-holiday spirit and "Parents should make every effort number. This should be done at once month's, illness. Jewish plays during the past year, was adopted ' condemning th« "pen he received his degree of "Bachelor" of the essential preparations necessary in sending their' children to Sunday in order that the correct information Besides his daughter in Omaha, Mr. School. This call in the name of Jud- The cast will be selected in the near j slgves." Disturbances were threatbe in the year book, which will soon, Easnick is survived by three sons and Science, having at $he same time ma- for the holidays. jored in English and French. | ened, but prevented by the police. Approximately 500, including many •aism should reach the heart of every future. be printed. three daughters an ^Cleveland. The B"nar Israel synagogue will new members, attended last Friday's Jewish father and "mother." hold Slichoth services at Saturday services, at which Eabbi Bengis spoke All children between the age of 5 midnight. Cantor A. Schwaskin and on "Louis Marshall, a Tribute." In and 14 are welcome. Registration will : his male choir will chant the services. eulogizing the great American Jew- be held at the Community Center ish statesman, he pointed out the dif- Sunday morning, Sept. 29, at 10 ficulties of Jewish leadership and o'clock in the morning. Nevr York.—Echoes of the grief I Marshall was , president of the Jerusalem — Official headquarters further indignation^ of r the . Jewish pleaded for tolerance, patience and lowhich stunned Jewry two short weeks j Ainerean Jewish Congress, chairman has announced that complete quiet has populace., >, •-/.." _ . cal leadership. ago re\rerberated throughout the j of the board of Jewish Theolof ic»I been restored in Palestine and plans Pangs of conscience felt .among .cer- " T h e names of Omaha "students" at- •"'Upon the rabbi's .equest, the conworld Tuesday when the body of Seminary; of. America, President of are being laid to return all -refugees tain- elements of the' Arab .population tending the state university at Lin- gregation stood with bowed heads in Louis Marshall, beloved leader of Temple Emarmel of New York, foundexcept those of Hebron and Safed.. have -found: expression in a legend coln were prominent in -the list of honor of Marshall. At their regular meeting last night American Jews, philanthropist, and er of the American Protectory and With the streets of the cities grad- that Abraham the; Patriarch is to rise pledges announced by the Jewish fra- ' Slicoth services will be held Saturthe Junior Hadassah girls reported on lawyer, -was laid to rest in New York. Aid society, and president <rf the ually assuming a normal aspect, the from his tomb to wreak vengeance ternities and' sororities this week. ~. day at midnight. Cantor E. Sells will A mammoth crowd attended the American Jewish, relief committee. He the bridge benefit held a week ago on the Moslems. This has been cinemas reopened and people were The Sigma Delta Tau, only Jewish officiate" at both Friday and Saturday funeral services of the great states- was also known for his philanthropy, going about as usual until nine, or ten caused, by rumors that a mystic voice sorority on the campus, have added services. Rabbi Bengis will speak for the benefit of the Palestinian sufman. An honor guard of police of- and played sn important part in ferers. Over a'hundred dollars net has been heard to emanate from the •the following Omaha girls to their briefly. o'clock in the evenings. were raised and the affair was con- ficers walked alongside the casket, bringing shoot the British Mandate Machpellah cave. «/.v"' \ Toster: . . . CoL Frederick TCisch, in charge of sidered a huge success in general. A and former governor Al Smith and over Palestine. The Moslems continue to accuse the relief work, declared, "Travelling Lucille Goldenberg, Esther Morgan, prominent speaker addressed the Lieutenant-governor Lehman led the America •WEB not alone in her grief. through the country, one has a feeling their Grand Mufti,-callings him a cow- Eosaline Pizer, Helen Sherman, Dorogroup as a feature of their program. honorary pallbearers. Memorial meetings were held in every that Palestine Jews are standing with ard and intriguer for power. . thy Sllverman, Zelda Saferstein -I and Gloom has pervaded Jewish ranks Jewish community in Europe. MamRabbi Frederic Cohn will their backs to the wall, while'gather-- British ^warships have reembarked Carolyn Diamond. A Council Bluffs ever since the Prince of Israel passed moth meetings were held in Warsaw, speak by request on Eugene The Lincoln junior Hadassah was from Palestine. However, they will ing strength to go forward once more: girl, Mildred Myerson, - was also CNeil's "Strange Interlude" toreorganized last week and added to away. In every corner of the globe, Moscow, Vienna, and Berlin. MesThe wall is ..founded on confidence in pay frequent .visits to the ports of the pledged. <•- - ? .,.• night at Temple Israel. This the southwest region of the national wherever Jews assembled, tribute was sages of condolence poured in from our cause and built up with the sup- Holy Land. A new'-"division of police ' Six Omaha fellows were pledged famous play will be given at the all Hides. organization.Miss Grace Rosenstein, paid to his memory. power finds the force divided in three port forthcoming from throughout the by the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. Brandeis Oct. 7. Marshall died in Zurich, Switzerhead of the local chapter, aided in the equal parts between British, Arab and Met at the pier Monday by Mayor world." This is the prevalent attitude They are Milton Befkowitz, -James land, shortly after the Zionist ConOn Saturday morning Rabbi reorganizing •work. Jewish. The Jewish-forces have been Wslker, Police Commissioner Whaleti as relief work progresses smoothly. Burroughs, Alfred Fiedlev gress. He played an important part Cohn will speak on "The True augmented by the ' arrival of new and representatives of various Jewish Mann, Harold Pollack, and Harry The total amount of damages in Chalutzim, in uniting Zionists and non-Zionists Character of Religion," at 10:30. organizations, * a. squadron of motorPalestine from the recent disaster will in the Jewish agency. The efforts of cytsis police escorted the heart* to th* On Wednesday noon Rabbi Arab boycott of Jews is .unabated. Rich. Hyman Kramer of Council exceedi($5,OOb,ObO, according to reliable This is mainly kept" alive by spreading Bluffs also joined the group. the best specialists failed to save the Temple EmBiiuel, where Mr. Marshall Cohn spoke before the Rotary reports. -In. Hebron alone the dam- false tales among the credulous-Arabs great leader's life. club on "Brotherhood." The Zeta Beta Taa hung buttons w u president of the congregation. ages., are estimated .at $750,000. that Jews are~poisoning the articles on the following Omahans: -Meyer The Slichoth services of the Beth | • Throughout America many of the A meeting of the congregaA plain wooden coffin, draped with Claims for compensation have already they sell Moslems. tion of the Temple will be held Hamedrosh Hagedol synagogue at [Jewish institutions were closed TuesGoldner, Sheffel Katskee and Herman sn American flag held the fa«Miy. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the .been iiled. in many instances. 19th and Burt streets, will begin Satday to honor Marshall Practically England's relinquishment of the Iraq Levinson. Included in the list is Thousand* of friends and follower* #t all meetings and congregations stood vestry of the Temple. nrday at midnight, Sept 28. The Arrests of both Arabs and Jews mandate has given impetus to discus- also Leo L Meyerson of Council the late leader and philanthropist fiM bowed in silence for & few moments The Sunday School opened services will be conducted by Rev. g. iontinue, a variety of charges being sion by the British- press* However, Bluff's. Extra po!ie« wet* last Sunday with a very large Kahanowitch, assisted by his male in tribute to him. Demonstrations of past his bier. preferred against them. Several more there'is" no cause for alarm in Jewish The sorority pledged ten, - the of mouraere gathered outside thte? ! sorrow were specially seen in New enrollment. choir of twelve voices. Jewish self-defenders were arrested quarters- that England' will renounce Z. B.T. nine, and the S. A.M. thircs!l«<i out to direct the large cro«4| The public is invited to attend. I York, home of the late leader. and charged with murder, to the her Palestinian mandate! teen An endowment to be known as the Louis Marshall Memorial Fund will be established at the Jewish theological seminary of America through the gift of $500,000 by Julius Bosenwald, Chicago philanthropist. ' The board of directors of the seminary voted to" accept the gift, Dr. Cyrus Adler, president, announced at a meeting held Friday at the office of Felix M. Warburg. Mr. Bosenwald, who previously gave small gifts totaling $5,000 to the seminary, stated he was moved to make the gift by a letter the late Mr. Marshall wrote shortly before his death expressing his great, interest in the seminary and In Jewish education in general. •-'•'




SUNDAY seeooL-mL



Board of Council Will Open Season


Sam Rasnick, Former Resident Here, Dies

Jewish Dramatic Club To Give Play Oct. 20

Gloom Pervades Israel as -Marshall -' ' Is Laid-to Rest With Simple Rites

With Quiet Restored inHefty Damage Estimated

Announce Pledges to Sorority, Frats

Jr. Hadassah Reports Success in Its Benefit

Temple Israel

Slichoth Services to Be Held on Saturday

j»AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1929 So we thought at the time. But cold water has been poured DEATH SENTENCE FOR { 50 CHALUTZIM LEAVE on our hopes. The World Congress of Agudas Israel in Vienna FROM SOVIET RUSSIA CtRftENCif SPECULATION has renounced the Jewish Agency, their only reason being that Moscow.—(J. T* A.)—Fifty Chaluh d h N b t k by „ Published every TThursday att O Omaha, Nebraska, by Moscow.-^-(J. T. A.)—Abfam Klein- zim, Palestine, pioneers left Moscow* they objected to a cultural program in the Holy Land. Their THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY /. .. Unsealed telegrams will be delivered er and Samuel Taitz were sentenced toda yfor Odessa, where they will sail Office': Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 excuse proves that, unfortunately, minor differences and petty by the Wetern Union Telegraph Co. to death on the charge of speculating on Sept. 27 for Palestine. The group grievances still block the path to unity in Israel. during the celebration of Rosh Sas- in Soviet currency. A number of is the largest ever to have left Russia "'T5$Vlfr BLAC^dSR - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR The Talmud tells us this story: In a boat at sea, one of the hana, the Jewish New Year, which others, including employees in the for -FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondentv> Palestine. The majority of them men began boring a hole in the bottom of the boat. When his starts at sundown of Oct. 4, accord- Latvian Consulate received jail terms j are from pioneer colonies in the to an announcement made today „ 3KTOX CIT1? OFfIC companions remonstrated with him, he replied, "I am only boring ing by •J.-J. McCloskey, manager of the as organizers of a band for smuggling- Crimea. . d Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street under my own seat." "Yes," his comrades answered* "But when Omaha Western Union office. This Soviet valuables abroad and bringing The Soviet government placed no CHARLES OSHEBOFF * • > SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT the sea rushes in we shall all be drowned." special service has been provided in money illegally into the country, af- obstacles in the way of their leaving, ,--• •-•. 1616 W. 16th Street • granting them visas td proceed. So it is with Israel. The weal and woe of one is the weal order that Orthodox Hebrews may fecting the value of the rouble. Comply with a Mosaic law which pro$2.50 >StlBwaiptl<m Price, one year • - -.. •• - - - - * and woe of all. To progress rapidly* the Jews must have sufficient hibits their tearing anything during •"•:••.-•;••• Advertising rates furnished on application breadth of vision to unite in a common cause* the holidays.


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CHANGE OP ADDRESS^Please give both the old and new address; , be sure to give your name; , ^ ; r v '



Westport, Conn. — The summer

The exceptionally large volume of g BIDJAN COLONY DENIES greeting telegrams sent during the J DISQUIETING REPORTS Jewish New Year celebration has in- r: duced the telegraph company to pro- S Moscow.—(J; T.. A.)—A quieting vide special facilities for their trans- s telegram signed by ninety three Jews, mission this year, as in previous s the entire colony of Atilruzet in Bid- years. Not only will additional op- 1 jari has Been received here by the erators and messengers be assigned to Ozet in which denial is made that the offices ift Jewish sections," but the 5 Sirio Russian conflict has affected the company has also provided a special colony. Jewish New Year blank and envelope Amurzet is so hear the Manchurian which will be" used for all greeting border that Jewish settlers can see telegratns. In addition a ilumber of the Chinese. The colonists left the suggested phrasirigs for these messettlement a few days .ago, fearing sages have been compiled for the conthe warfare. Everyone has now re-venience of patrons. turned and. is continuing the field The company announced also that worlc. ., . , it. has made provision for the Bend* feel calm* please do not be*ing of cabled greetings to European lieye rumors," the telegram states. . countries.

Two mMon Jews in Russi^ are today being tortured by ah colony here, long a rendevous for inquisition more concentrated, more severe, morerelentless than artists, musicians and authors, is in ever before. For red Russia^ mad Russia, is again seething with turmoil over racial discrimination practiced by the Long Shore Beach internal, unholy Warfare. » and Country club. It is not enough that our synagogues are being transformed The. club. extended invitations to compuisorily into factories,- that our venerated BpiritUal leaders members of the Westport colony and are insulted. It is not enough that we have to suffer pogroms then refused all the Jewish applicaand. indescribable declinations. This fiendish government must tions. Among those Jews understood dommand our people: to besmirch the holiest of their holy days, to have received invitations and then must order thenr to toil in the fields on sanctified Yom Kippur rejected are numbered: Franklin P. Adams, columnistj Rube Goldberg, and Rosh Hashohah. .':.;.;; cartoonist; Montague, Glass, author; The timeffbr press icomitient and" puny denunciation has Maurice Cooper and Newman Levy. passed. We iheed action! This is. no longer a sect&ri&ii problem, with ^Christmas abolished and chur6hes, like synagogues, LJntermyer Mentioned -••. *'Just Around the Corner from Everything* defiled. Christian and Jew have become fellow-companions in For New York Betich misery. These Soviets are In dead earnest, and the rest of the world must assume a jsiiriilar. attitude, oi? religion, the most beauti- New York, 17. T. A.) Irwin Uason of Samuel. Uritennyer, ful of spiritual attributes, is in danger of extermination. Found- termyer, is being mentioned fot appointiflent: ed on a wave of liberalism, Sovjetism is rapidly approaching the by Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt shoals of international catastrophe. for the Supreme Court bench td the The nations of the world/ if Only for the sake of selfpreserva- vacancy Caused by the reslgnatioh tion, must sit as a tribunal. The world powersj through diplomats 6f Justice Thomas C. T. Cfrahi; well-Versed in these matters, must bring pressure to bear upon The governor, it was learned from Russian officials. Even official, withdrawal of recognition of Rus- authorative sources, is willing to 1418 Douglas sia should be threatened in order to alleviate the needless suffer- appoint Mr. Untermyer, who is supported by Mayor Walker, i t is stated, ings of thousands. The League of Nations here has a most op- however, that it is intended by portune chance to prove that it is not '-deadwood" by delivering an Tammany Hali that Mr. tJritermyer saiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiitiiiifiiiiifiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiffittsl; unmincihg ultimatum to Russia. -: .-':•'.:• ~ be given the nomination for Justice When these powers force upon the Soviet government the Francis B. Delehanty's place which verdict off the world, then and then only will the half-dfazedj power- expires December 31. drunk Russian leaders be brought to their senses. .; 25 JEWISH STUDENTS REGISTER IN WARSAW

The high holidays will soon be here. I have just received a large assortment of all kinds of books with or without English -translation. Also Tifilem, Talisem, silk or wool. Pretty New Y«ar's Greeting Cards. Everything in the line of Jewish articles which every Jew can use the year around. Will sell at lowest prices.

Wishing You all a Happy New- Year


Your Old Friend


S.2560 KATELMAN Cumings Street, Omaha, Nebr.

r. A Atlairtfc «620

- 16 Hartley 1*616


The Nebraska





The recent consummation of the Jewish Agency Was greeted with tumultuous rejoicing throughout Israel. Stoid leaders wept with joy'; arch enemies unwittingly embraced eachx>ther; everyone was everywhere congratulating everybody else in their happiness. Israel seemed once again united. Internal dissension seemed to have been Obliterated. ^

I 1




Warsaw.'—(J.T; A.)—On the occasiori'of the new semester, applications tot admittance to the" medical college of the Warsaw university were re- | tUtd to Egypt, Palestine, Nyassaland, North and South ceived from 2$0Jewish students and = Rhodesia and Uunion of South Africa at special low rates 95 Christian" students^ $tvehty-fivTe Jewish students were admitted and 77 Christians.



* • • - ' • •











BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE i. .•.•--. - - Standings W. Glazer Clothing ... 3 0 1.000 Wardrobe ........ 3 0 1.000 2 1 .667 Kaiman Insurance _ Malashock Jewelry 1 2 .333 Empire Cleaners .... .. 0 3 .000 Omaha Tobacco .............-.0 3 .000 The Business Men's Bowling league opened with a bang and there were bowlers enough for two more" teams. The boys were slow in starting* but some fairly good scores wererung up. As usual "Dead Eye" Leo Weitz topped the league with a 605. total. Other good series were shot by Jules GereUek, 513J D. Greenbergi 507; "J3ambino" Treller, 506; Abe Venger, S06; Max Altchuler, BOO. ' The newcomers to the league looked very good under fire and sonie of the old liners-, better- look to thei? laurels., Jtftw members are • Forbes and Meyerson with the Kaiman's; Krupp With the Malaschocks; Krantz with the Glazers. M. Meyerson with the Wardrobe and D. Greenberg with the Omaha Tobacco Co..


OSH HASH AN A is nearing and yoa -wilt want R to CABLE your New Year Greetings to iri«nd§ and relatives abroad. You can send the cablegram

But the Outside Cold

now and have it delivered ofl New Year's Day. 5

Keep Your Foods



Depend on Electric Refrigeration Safe yea* 'round refrigeration is by aH means one of the most important things in safegtiarding your family's" health. Just because "it's c o l d enetlgh outside" is not enough assurance that the foodstuffs rwill s t a y fresh "inside." In a Keivinatorr there is no. need of worry of the merit of the foods. It affords year 'round refrigeration . . .

.sea- so. 19—JA. 1209 ; ~ Evenings WA. 5077

Other Quality Shoes—Nettletons, •Z Dr. &eed Cushion Shoes, Bostonfotts And Many Others

IMPORTANT! FILE YOUR CABLEGRAMS EARLY^?y*ur atioii will help os serve Hie thousands who will take adtantage of these special kr# cable rates .

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Greater Shoe Section—Uali Floor







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PRINTING means to you. I t costs no more — it's worth money in actual dollars and cents—and can be obtained quickly by * asking for our representative.




with a high fate of i accruing daily. Tb*t*ff what

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17th andHarney Sts..


To Send Telegrams Call At* 6462

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A Cold, Cold Winter's Ahead!

OtT%L know, why men are enthusiastic about The Nebraska'* Talk Oxfords — made df b ^ t inaterials by real shoe ttskers-"^afle fo'ptif'pvfn high standards and sold! ftt The iTebraska's low price..

5 S


ROUMANIAN JEWS SEEK I CESSATION OF EXCESSES! fiurcharest.—(J. T. A.)— Jewish bodies in Roumania continued to make representations to the government for the cessation of the anti-Jewish excesses in the trains. Assurances that energetic -measures would i e taken were given. '




U appreciated.

Telephone ATlantic 8028 23i4 M Sts.

Nebraska Power

INTERSTATE PRIOTI^OCO. 1307-1S09 Howard Stwet,

Courtesy * Service - Low Rates


NEW YEAR CARDS PRINTED WITH YOUR NAME 118 South Seventeenth St, N . S . Y A F F E E ,

If you are going to move, please notify our Business Office as soon as you cafl. This will assist in having your telephone service ready in your new location. During moving season, the number of telephones which must be installed is much greater than at other times of the year. Even though a telephone already is ih place, wiring has to be done in the cen* tral office, the telephone must be tested* accounting, directory and information records have to be changed, and other work performed.

Telephone JAikson 0770

r"AGE &—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,192& .f next Wednesday evening, October 2, The Tonku Hoda Club ia openiiig Mrs. Sam Steinberg and daughter, its fall activity "with a membership at the synagogue. Complete plans Bevereley, have retarrifed home after for the Holiday Service* wfll be made. spending the past tw© month* vtafttng I drive, as there are a fe* places £OT in New York City and Atlantic City. new members. Though the purpose Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne have of the dub has been primarily for By F. It. !L returned from Los Angeles, CaliMiss Dorothy Handler of t social activity, the members of the fornia, Where they spent the stasmer Iowa returned to her ftofiw t«ktf fcfr* organization gave a benefit bridge The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah months. They had. journeyed to Los lowing a few weeks visit wHls #et»TBe Fa Hon Club, a social group last season and turned the profits Society will hold a meeting next Tues- Angeles last May to sttend the grad- tives in Omaha end Council Bluff*. of four years' standing, plans to over to the Center. j day evening, October 1, at the syna- uation of their son, Philip Krasne, have an Initiation and Slumber paity from the University of Southern Cali- j Many things difficult to design The X-L Club has been very active gogue, 618 Mynster Street. after the holidays at the home of fornia. Philip Krasne is now associat- ) prove easy to perffjrn>ance.-~>JotoB#«R. this summer, having staged several Rose Steiri, president. Ten girls will ed with the law firm, Friedlander, j How wonderful is De«tM! De*tft The Chevra B'nai Yisroel SynaI tournaments and social affairs. Art be initiated at that time. Muffet, asd Gray, in Los Angeles. j and his brother Sleep. gogue will hold an important meeting Grossman was winner of both the The members of this club are well- horseshoe tournament and the ping JkEss Bess Haspel became the bride of Harry Weinberg of known for their numerous activities pong tournament; Sam Finkel won Grocers arid Butchers «3hi<$ago, Sunday, Sept. 22, a t the B'nai Israel synagogue a t five atte **«: Centra", and -will, no doabt, the handball tournament. The ceremony was followed by a supper at the home of , heard from frequently in the At the Tegular meeting last MonPlan Barbecue Dinner bride's, over 100 attending. i future. day evening, suggestions were made • "The bride was given in marriage by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dandy. J A barbecue dinner for retail grocers for future activities. Mer attendants were: Maid of honor, Miss Minnie Haspel, and; - The Girl Scout Troop enjoyed a and meat dealers, their families, l(>th at Farnam clerks, and drivers, wfll be held SunBridesmaids, Miss Ruth White and Miss Ruth Slobodinsky. Mr. in"get-acquainted" meeting with their OF ZION TO day, Sept. 29, a t Lakeview park. En- j Joe Weinberg of Chicago was best man and the ushers were a e ^ leader, Mrs. Edward Levinson, DAUGHTERS STAGE RUMMAGE SALE tertainment and dancing will also be (Charles; Weinberg of Chicago and Joe Cohn. Rosaline Marx, daugh- t the organization's first fail meetter of Mr. and Mrs., Nathan Marx of Chicago, was flower girL-'.ing last Thursday afternoon. An The Daughters of Zion are giving dn the program, whieh is under the Grodiaisky officiated. j outdoor meeting -was planned for the a Rummage Sale for the Palestine auspices of the Retail Grocers' association, of which Lottk Sosunero » Sisterhood Will Open | near future so that "woodcraft and Emeregncy fund, under the direction president. :T5x. and Mrs. Weinberg left for a can be practiced. Some of rf Mrg _ ^ J a n o f f _ ^ i g heblg M . Season with Luncheon si honeymoon in the east, the destination Tickets at one dollar each will be , ecO hd-cia SS scouts, sisted by Mrs. A. Wolf and Mrs. J. basing "kept secret. They plan to make on sale up to Thursday, Sept. 26. The badges and Kulakofsky. The first Temple Israel Sisterhood ' will start work on merit fcbeir liozrie in Chicago. committee in charge has promised a The committee" has asked for as a t ft(S court of. Awards be luncheon of the season will take place [ Those- who entertained for Mrs. gala day for all who attend. . office w f f l many bundles as possible fdf the sale, prior to her marriage are on Monday, Sept. SO, at 1 o'clock in h'TT t h e ]o( al G i r f which will be held right after the •. Eva and Margaret Katzman. the Temple Vestry room. The lunch- , first holiday. ' ^ Greenberg, Mrs. L. Feld- eon is Being sponsored by the sister: i Anxious to have 100% membership Those having bandies can call the David Minkoff, Local wanf Miss Helen Janger, Mrs. H. H.hood board members. All those dei m the Jewish Community Center, the committee or else deliver then* to 3511 Zionist, Dies Sunday "WMtp,- Misses Anne Rich, Sadie Slut- siring reservations are asked to call Jeeomter damp Fire Girls held a Webster. Mrs. Carl Furth at Harney 2522. > c o o M e s a l e ^ the ^ y p a r f ^ &,, Iky, Tfllle and IXota Markovttz. . Mr. David Minkoff, prominent Soots :• The luneheon will be followed by a to raise the membership Omaha merchant for the past twenty summer SPONSOR FOOD SALE -: Mrs. D. B. Gross: entertained at a short business meeting, after which money. Some girls earned almost years, died suddenly Sunday afterThe Henrietta Szold girls are Spain pinner party Tuesday night inhonor Man Jong and bridge will be played. enough for a whole year's member- soring a food sale at the Brandeis HOon. The funeral took plaee Monshin. ki Countess Sonia, the famous Rusday afternoon at .the residence, 556 | Dr. Manuel Grodinsky and Irwin, ^ ^ - , 0 ^ , ^ i a s t Monday after^ stores on Saturday, Sept. 28. TheSo. 35th St., Rabbi Abraham Bengis iatta* dancer, and her entire company, proceeds fire to be sent to the Pales$att I/be. Hairy Howard and his com- Weiss have returned after a motor noon, it was decided to make next tinian Belief fund. The girls in officiating. Interment -was in UMS pany, all of whom are appearing at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Mr. Minkoff charge say that they will greatly apRobert Eosenthal h a s entered the the JDrpheum this week. isi survived by his widow, Farmie, a members. A t preciate any patronage. Among the guests present were Dr. freshman class of the University of this meeting t h e daughter, Ida, and a son, Arthur. girls will •i iTIctor E. Levine, Herman Smehoff, of Pennsylvania a t Philadelphia. work: on awards. Mr. Minkoff was a charter member ! Paris.—(J. T. A.)—lina Bernstein, Chicago, Mrs. Fannie Dnbnoff Goldof the Zionist organization in Etmrpe, iVench aviatrix, established the Julius and Meyer Goldner,- sons of 1 ware, Mr. Charles J. Buff, and Mr. f Zion, a world's record for light airplane fly- holding shares of the original ffotip. Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Goldner, are,both • tod Jlrs. M. Turner. recently organized for Jewish ing in a tecard flight front Istres to He also helped organize tire South : After dinner tea prepared in thetaking Jire-inedical courses, Julius a t study, already h a s an active mera* Omaha synagogue. Cairo. SnssTan sumifiar "was served. the University of Illinois and Meyef ---|, _T,._- * *>,iw~tr o^T-iti , _. __ . - - -.. j, , v . , « ,4 bersnip of thirty girls, at the University of Nebraska. Bott; • Berman 'was elected tfiairAnrie Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham Bengis were prominent at Central High. . mah of the prograni eomftrittee. Last about 250 guests at their Sunday's program conSited of songa ifeception at their new home, 128 No. Miss Zelda Safersteen, daughter o f ^ j ^ Gitlin, accompan Gitlinj accompanied by Sally J3rd street, on Sunday from 4 to 8. Mr. and Mrs. WdKam Safersteen, i* , G r e e n b e r g at'the piano. Many floral gifts from members of attending the University of Nebraska. Dealer in JEWISH BOOKS and other Qie congregation decorated the rooms. The Sub-Debs, a dttb recently or* ! RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Those who helped Mrs. Bengis in Janger, daughter of Mr. aa&' ganized at the Center, is making serving refreshments were Mesdaines Mrs. J. Janger, has entered Nebraska'. plans for an active season in social 2429 Decatur Street WE* SMT yraEani Alberts, J. J. Greenberg, A. 1 just received a new supply of all kinds of Sidurhn and Jnachseriin University this fall. j and charitable activity. breenberg, J. Stein, L Stalmaster, with Jewish and English translations. Also, very beautiful Taleisim, |" Initiation for Betty Felhnan, Sarah Silk and Wool. Everything at very reasonable prices. Bernstein and Sam Better. We also have a tig selection of "NEW YEAR'S GREETING CARDS The Center Players' Guild will hold , Toman and Lena Shames was and ESROIGIM and LULOVlM &>r Succoth from EEETZ ISROEL. Cards have been receivea announc- a meeting at the J. C. C. Tuesday last Friday night at the home of irGeraldine Strauss. the birth of a son, Jack Irving, evening. f 12, at Hollywood hospital, Holly«roo4, Cal., tQ Mr. and Mrs. I. Samuel jschlaifet, LoB-AngeleB, formerly of Omaha. Mrs. Schlaifer is a daughter j ) f | [ < i Jacob Stein, who is making ner home with another daughter, Mrs. ft. S. Hothenberg, and Mr. Kothenberg et. this city. The Schlaifefs Try one of these new models tomorh thfee other children .


Council Bluffs News





of Personal Service

New Silhouette TOW and notice its revolutionary ttfect upon your figure—

' Hist Leose Beliagh. and her mother Mi*. H. Delrogh are entertaining at a luncheon at their home Saturday .affceTaoofl in honor of Mrs. F. E. Ackennan, a recent



to n o

00 •**i

Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Dolgoff of the : Capitol Book Bindery Co. are celebrafiflg the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Sol,' this Saturday at the 25th and Sewprd street synagogue. Cantor Sehwazkin and his choir will be present. A parly in his honor will be held Sunday afternoon at the Dolgoff home at 2£15 Blondo.

With the

Enchanting Aroma of the Orient


Miss Estelle Nathan has been appointed cartoonist and Miss Jessie * Nathan has been appointed assistant editor of the TutOTj South High weekly newspaper.

Vacation Club Now Open

the. Harry Goodstein 6f Denver is visiting in Omaha indefinitely. While here he is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A, Hirsh and Mr. A. Monsky. -• Dr. Goodstein is associated with Tilden's hospital in Denver.

Came in and open an account in our Vacation Club. Row is the time to prepare for next year's vacation. Our savings department is conveniently located on the first floor. It is open until 3 p. nv dally and until 2 p. m. Saturday.

Miss Ethel HerBhorn left Tuesday flight f6r Crawford,^. J^ -for an extended virit with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. Arthur Gsrfleld. - Enrotite, she tdll visit in Washington, -D. C, Philadelphia- and New York City. Mr. Max Barish, an auto dealer in Sioux City for IS years, will move to Omaha next week to assume the Had sales agency in this territory.

FOR RENT A nice furnished bedroom; by carline. 1030 No. 33rd Street HA. 6971

FOR RENT 2 Bootes for Jewish boys or couples in private Jewish home. Breakfast optional. Close to carline and University Hospital. Write Jewish Press, Box 127.

Following are the classes in oar Vacation Club:


Fall Frocks arriving each day—, - While the silhouette and detail are entirely changed—the Carman collection is so varied that every woman • and miss -will find her type represent* * ed in the ever new fashions—

25°° to 5 9


Members paying 25c a week for 35 -reeks will receive $ 8.75 Members paying 50c a week for 35 weeks will receive ..HIM Members paying ?1.00 a week for S5 weeks will r e c e i v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *- •. *. .$35.00 MemDers paying ?2.00 a week for 35 . weeks will receive $70.00 Members paying 15.00 a week JOT 55 weeks will receive ,..$17WX) —with 3% interest added if all payments are made regularly.

Rist National

lBankafOmaha Servino Ontafaa Since 1857

Combined with the


Irresistable Flavor of Brazil

mid Scientifically Blended in Omaha

Advo Coffee Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and

Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it

SoM by all First Clasa Grocers Everywhere

Blended, Rosted, Ground and Packed by


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a six weeks' visit at Duluth, Madison FALL ACTIVITIES OF ORT LOUIS BAMBERGER KEEPS 'MANY JEWS IN RUSSIA ARE VICTIMS OF TYPHUS and Chicago. PROMISE, GIVES MILLION CAMPAIGN GET STARTED Newark, N. J.—(J. T. A.)—Louis Mr. A. H. Baron left today for • New York;—Fall activities of the Bamberger, retiring head of the Bam- Moscow.—(J. T. A;)—Typhus .has 'Minneapolis. He will return Monday' Ort campaign for industrial recon- berger department store of Newark broken out in White Russia, especially with Mrs. Baron and daughter, struction were opened in New York fulfilled the promise made a month l in the regions o£ Minsk, Eorisov and Beverly Joyce, vrho have spent the City last week, with a meeting of the ago that he would discharge his per-; Lohuisk. The average number of vicwith fourth highest honor of her class. summer months -with Mrs. Baron's national executive committee, in the sonal obligations to the employees of tims daily is sixteen, the majority of Enrollment in this' class should be. family at Lake Minnetonka. offices of the New York City cam- the store, who had worked with him t them beinp Jewish. The Minsk remade at th« Center office. paign chairman, Mark Eisner. for more than 15 years, when he ! gional Soviet is undertaking extraMiss Sara Lipman returned to her Plans were laid for initiating- the handed out checks in the amount of The Zionist executive committee ; ordinary measures to conquer the disMr. Edwin W. Baron was appointed met at the Community Center to dis- In order to relieve congested condi- home in-Chicago after spending the campaign in 16 cities outside of New $1,019,000. caso. Extra medical help has been as a special assistant to County 'At- cuss plans for the coming year. The tions at the Mount Sinai Temple dur- past week with her parents, Mr. andYork. Howard S. Cullman, national Two hundred and thirty-six em- mobilized. ing the High Holy day?; which have Mrs. Sam Lipman. Miss Lipman came chairman; Paul Felix Warburg, na- ployes benefitted by the bounty of Mr. torney Ole Nagelstedt. Mr. Baron, first activity of the organization will who is a graduate of the law school be a Marshall Memorial meeting. Def- been so prevalent during the past ten to Sioux City to attend the wedding tional treasurer, reported on the sum- Banberger, one receiving as much as mer activities. at Iowa university, holds the distinc- inite plans as to the date have not years, the board of directors was: com- of her sister, Mrs. Henry Harlow. $18,000 and several $10,000. The gifts pelled to .take a step 'which will tion of being the fir$t Jewish young baen made as yet. were fixed, according to term of servSTAI,MA»TEK * HEBER. Attorneys remedy conditions materially, by con- Max Kroloff left for Chicago TuesHave Your man to hold this-'office.. Mr. Baron ice, salary and age of recipient by a 630 OmallB National Uank Bide. fining the attendance during the High day evening. Mr. Kroloff is enrolled was president of the Hillel :Chib at firm of actuaries. ritOBATK NOTICE Holy Day: Services" to members of as a junior at the University of Chi- In the mutter of the estate of GEORGE Iowa and" vice president of/the -Phi A. LANG, doeensed. Mount Sinai Temple, This is a new cago, On Sunday evening Bernard Notice ;« hereby plren: That the credit- Statement of the ownership, manaceEp Pi Fraternity ment, circulation, etc., of The Jewish departure" in Sioux City," although it Lipman and. Burnell Koolish went to or* of wild deceased will meet the admin- Press, weekly at Oranhn, .Nebr., istratrix Of Sttld estate, before me, County requiredpulilitshed by the Act of August 24. 1012, , Miss Bertha Shafton of Omaha and is a common'practice in other cities Minneapolis, where they will attend Judge of ftduglnp County. Nebraska, nt the Countj" Court Room, in said CoiJDty. on ; for October 1st, m~'9. Business Malinger, " Jewish ^Commnnity; Center News Miss Rosalie Gorloy of Wjnnipeg, to confine the attendance to members the University-of Minnesota . Known the 8th dny of November.' 1020, nnd on the! David Blacker. Omnhn, Nebr. with name printed Mrs. Ben Davidson, who will leave Canada, were guests in the home of of the particular congregation. 8th dny of January, 1930, nt. 0 o'clock A. M..i stockholders, morteatws and other security ; holders, holding 1 per cent or more of ench tiny, for the pnrpose of presenting Many Beautiful Desif^is soon to make her-home in New' York .Miss Fanny Cohen,. over the week Admission cards are being mailed : .The Shaare ZSon male choir will their claims for examination, adjustment j total amocnt of bonds. mortRnpes and None. Sworn (o and suballowance. Three months nre nlio-werl j other securities: City, donated a beautiful tVictrdla'to 1 to all members, who willbe requested^ make-/ its , first 'appearance at the nnd for the creditors to present their claims, I scribed befon me this 2."ith dny of the Jewish Community,Center..'Mjrs. !>eptemt>er, 102t). (feni). Isndore Abrnmto prese^|-fiieir tickets at the door be- Schlichos services; which will be held from the 5th day of October. 1020. eon. Notary Public." (My commission exDavidson's absence will be "seriqusl y Main Floor—West Mr. Jules Tennenbauin -is visiting fore gaining admittance to the temple. at midnight on-Sept. 28. This chorus 3T— Sept 13 J3RTCE CSATVFORP, County Judpe. pires July 10,1930). felt in the activities ' of "••thfe; .Center. in the home of Abe Kozberg. Mr. Out of town guests are particularly has been trained by Cantor Pliskin SAM KfcAVEK, Attorney She started the "Newsies Penny Cocoa Tennenbaum lives in 'St.> Paul. urged, however, to write to Mount and Mr. Passman for the High Holy 612 Omaha Sffctl. Bank Bid?. \r Fund" several; years ago and since Sinai temple, 14th and Nebraska day services at the synagogue. NOTICE TO NOV-KESIDETfT tjiat time has taken'care of'the .'raisDEFENDANT Miss Lillian Dobrofsky returned streets, asking that they be provided ing of this fund. Through this kindTo Walter WVisgerber whoso place of resiwith tickets to the services. The BARISHES MOVE Cleaners and Dyers dence it unknown, defendant: 1722 No. 24 St., WE. 028& ness every newsie can buy a cup of home after a two months' visit with board lays particular, stress on.out of You are hereby notified that on the 10th Mr. Max Barish will move his fam- day 1724 Dodge St. Try a loaf of your Russian hot cocoa and a Jpweet roll for a friends arid relatives in the east. of April. 3029 Kmma Weisgertier, na town guests, attending the services, ily to Omaha, Nebr., where he hasplaintiff,'filed Free Delivery her petition npiinrt yon. in penny, during the winter months. Pumpernicle Bread Service the District Court of Don Bins Comity. NeSam Markman, Henry Rise, Lee where they will "always Be welcome. taken over the Eeo Distributing Com- l>rnsl:n, the object nnd prayer of which is — You'll Appreciate the Taste — to obtain an nbnolute decree of divorce pany. Mr. Barish was a member of Goldman, Bill Witonstein and Aaron you on the grounds of non-support i Much interest and enthusiasm was Schneider, all of Des Moines, visited day, Oct. 1. This club is composed of the Mount Sinai Temple Board of Di- from nnd deBertlon, and to obtain the custody Ask Your Dealer For A evident at the firgt meeting of the with friends in Sioux City during- the: girls fromi ,14,to 17 years old. Anyrectors, - and president • of the local of the one minor child of the parties. Paxton-Mitchel! Co. Ton are required to answer said petition Community, Center; Art^Class. - Miss past week on or before the Ilth dny of March. 1930. ' ; ; girls who wish to attend this meet- Zionist organization. !~tb end Martha Sts. HArney 166-' Mildred Baion, who .is the instructor, - EMMA WEISGEKBEU, ing are asked, to call the Center office. OMAHA. KEI5KASKA RIUNROE FURNACE 0-13—4T Plaintiff. Soft gray, iron, orass, Dronze ana has formulated plans for a construcSUNDAY SCHOOL WILL Miss Bernice Pinkus was pleasantly; SUPPLY CO. aluminum castings. Standard sizes tive season of lessons. This class is surprised by a birthday party, ar-j The Sigma Iota Sigma club held an 3ronze and iron bushings, sewer manCHARLES SIMON 171S Cass JA. 4066-6 noles. cistern rings nnd rovers and OPEN SEPTEMBER 29 open tor anyone" interested. Full par- ranged by Miss Dorothy-Friedman, in election of officers at its regular .•lean-out doors in stock. All kind* of Recommends ivood and metal pal terns. ticulars* can he-obtained at the Center honor of Miss Pinkus, last Saturday,} meeting on Tuesday evening. Miss Mount Sinai Sunday School will o f f i c e / ' <• ' ':• ; *. Rosalie Sacks was elected president; hold its first session of this fall, on THE SANITARY LAUNDRY evening. '„: ' . Vivian Mosow, vice-president; Helen Sunday morning, Sept. 29. Classes 'The Beat of All Laundry Services" I y. .: ! A class in public speaking, with Miss Sylvia Wohlner of Omaha vis- Friedman, secretary; Rose Berman, will begin at 9:30, at which time both Farnam A 1*2815 Miss Rosalie Sacks as instructor, is ited with Mr. and Mrs. U. Maisel, and treasurer. Plans for an open "rush" new and old pupils will be registered. "Manufactured in Omaha" • scheduled to hold its first session on Miss Frances Butstein during the past meeting for next- Tuesday evening BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, Monday evening. Miss Sacks, who week. After a visit to Minneapolis/ were formulated and invitations were KIDDIE CONCERT Camp Supplies, All Kinds graduated from Central higfrin June, Miss Wohlner will return to Omaha.' sent out. A program followed by re- A number of entertaining and interBEN BROMBERG freshments are planned for the open esting games and refreshments will 15 and Howard AT. 1492 1929, won .a.two year medal for deOperating > ~ bating,^ and- many, extemporaneous Mr. and Mrs.TErnest Fribourg an-; meeting. be the high lights of the second numRefresh Yourself speaking honors. While a student at nounce the birthof a baby daughter; ber of the Kiddie Concert Course, this PIUMi .;" Try outs for the Shaare Zion Syna- Saturday afternoon at the Martin Central Miss Sacks was a member of Flowers for all the Public Speaking society, and an- The Intermediate Dramatic club- gogue revue, were held op Monday ballroom; Miss Fribourg and Miss Our specialty is nual board. Miss Sacks graduated will-hold an open-meeting, on Tues-j and Tuesday of this week. The de-Eisman, who are conducting the Occasions SERVING GOOD FOOD cisions of the judges were not made course plan to accommodate over 100 1 Sent by wire or express everySTOP AFTER THE SHOW 0 ! BOTT1J3S? OPEN DAY AND KIGHT yhen the paper went to press; children at this second meeting. where. Free delivery in Omaha 2920 Farnam JA. 9728 and Council Bluffs. . ' Phone 714 W, 23rd - Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kay, and Miss > I recommend you to take care of Phone 606 16th Ave. Council Bluffs, la. ^Catherine Blomkin of Kansas City minutes, for the hours will take care —Ibid. visited Mrs. Sarah Greenstone over of themselves. JAcksdn After Theatre the week end. DIRECTORS Dancing Not he vrho has little, but he who "Everything for the Auto" ROSEMONT CAFE —Seneca. 24th and Farnam - Milton "Bolstein returned home after •wishes for morels poor. 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 24th and Hartley





Jewish Mew Year Greeting Cards '

Society News

I Brandeis Printing Dept






Baker Ice lacfiines


The Avenue Flower Shop



tional Accessories,Inc.




Saturday.....An Amazing

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FILLET OF HADDOCK A, delicious fish with that "just caught flavor.*

Children's Shoes Infants' sizes 3 to 5 1 to 2 years—1,49 grade Chad's sizes, 7, . 7 ^ to 8 3 to 4 years:—1.98,1.48 grade. Cold's sizes, 10 1014 and 11 6 tp 7 years-T2.50 to 2.98 . Child's sizes, 12J6; 13 and 1VA 8 to 9 years—2.98 to 3,50 grade

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5,000 pairs of children's sample shoes of the famous Poll Parrot and Sisr.Brand makes are placed on sale Saturday in these four low-priced groups. You will ~ find here every ..wanted'style, high shoes, oxfords, , ' and strap .slippers inT tan calf, smoked elk, gunmetal, patent leather, black and brown kid in plain and two - tone effects. ' pdn't miss this opportunity! ! !

Every pair a bargain th^t you cannot afford to overlook!

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More far your money E

VE RY dollar you invest in Frigidair e buys definite value-—extra value. You get the famous *-Cold Control*'—you get incredible quietness a n d surplus power in tbe Frigidaire com. pressor-r-and you get sound engineering that eliminates complicated parts, and gives you freedom from trouble. YouTI be amazed that you can buy a Frigidaire irith all of these features at the remarkably low prices now in effect. Call'at our display room for facts and figures.


Extra Salespeople!.:Extra Space!




farnam — OMAHA BRANCH — Phone.JActepn; .4722




Near: Beer Sods Water

. ra \ • 'II'-



IDEAL MB Bottling Co. l i G i '




Construction Company


16th and Fsrnom

492-96 Brandeis Theatre BWR,

AUDITS — — SYSTEMS 534 Peters Trust Btdg.AT. 7611


SUNSET TEA ROOM 49th and Dodge

CRYSTAL CANDY lGth and Capitol Ave.




4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500

-Order it from your grocer today




Peerless Cleaners

It is Kosher

Poll Parrot and Star Brands

ATlantic 6291 J. M. JENSEN

eSS Securities Bldg.

Sale of 5,000 Pairs of


Omaha Towel Supply €& JA. 0028 >

H. BEftGEK ,



Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor "NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481

LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments Our Hobby for 45 Years OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street


AT ALL GROCERS Made by 220 So. 13th St. JA. 1136 Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company M. B. DOLGOFF Omaha Nebraska Law—Library Loose Leaf Specialist in Rand Binding


Harry H I-Bpitlns.

(hpaba Fixture and Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS O«r

We Occupy 70,000 S«uaJ-# F « t

Southwest Cornei Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

CURTAINS Of Every Description Beautifully finished. Guaranteed to hang true. 50c per pair, some a trifle more. Special rates on 10 or more pair. JUST PHONE— AT. 4750—MA. 4750.

JAckson 1614 Estimates Gladl}7 Furnished

Qiah JoliiigCo. 317 No. 15

JA. 5604

CLOSING OUT 2,400-gal. of DE-VOE & REYNOLDS paint at $1.95 per gal. All color*. Also 2,000 gal,.of Kentucky paints at $1.75. And various railroad wrecked merchandise.

Visit the New '

MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard. Streets' HilJ Hotel Baildjng

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices : ft Will Pay You to inquire,


Jtinclieiy Jjimmtrif -CH? Wide Delivery


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