October 11, 1929

Page 1

Scanning the Jewish Hori^qn

Interesting '••—•'.••

«••' u n d


.',. '{Entertaining

By Day"5 *

£LI?S S \ ^ | 'SOB r Upon -whom wilj* ?f aantle of the late Louis Marsha.?? ^ raped? Who VOL. VII.—No. 89 ROSH HASHONAH ISSTJE OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 •will be elected his \ t l t f V r ^ President of the Amer} <j» S >wish Committee? As the tilt tjf • \the annual Oratorical Contest CHILDREN SERVICES meeting of the Conu^ approaches WillBeHeldNov.il that is becoming on, *~\e leading Yom ELippur services for the topics of discourse \_ -"»,ne "inner children of Omaha, ranging An Armistice Day • oratorical The first debate of the Midwest circles." New York. <J. T...T.) — Irwin contest has been • announced a t the from the ages of 4 to 13 will Jewish Community Center Debate be held at the Jewish Com" W e are not the seventh son, but if "Untermyer, soni of Samuel Unter- Jewish Community Center; t o ' take League will be held on November munity Center lodge room •we were to do any prophesying it tnyer, was named by- the Democratic place1 on Monday, November 11. / ; 23, when Omaha travels to Kansas Monday morning, beginning at •would be that Dr. Cyrus Adler of Judiciary Convention . as > a: DemoThere will be twa divisions, with a City to meet the Kansas City Y. M. 10 o'clock. Philadelphia, President of Dropsie cratic candidate, for- Supreme Court gold ;medal as a prize to the winner and Y. W. H. A., according to anCollege and Acting President of theJustice. Mrs. Abraham Bengis, Phil •'•'••-. nouncement "made" by Judge Irvin Harry Lapidus Is Elected Permanent Chairman of each. A second prize will' also be : Klutznick, and Julius Bisno will Jewish Theological Seminary, -will be He was one of the five. chosen' by awarded. Stalmaster, coach, of the local foren< at Meeting of Citizens Committee chosen,the convention: a t .Tainmany Hall as sic representatives, The first division is for boys and have charge of the services. A • Tuesday Night Unquestionably Felix Warburg candidates for; election : to". the Su- girls from the ages of 13 to-17; the • few short prayers! and stories Phil .Klutzrdck, in charge of orabout Yom Kjpjnrr will be fol- ganizing could have the job if he -wanted it, premfe Court bench.: ;.:. ;'.-•- • - second is for those between 17-and the" local' group, has called lowed with the anging of ap- a meeting but it is probable that Warburg -will Justice Albert'Cohn,.: who was ap- 2 3 . : . ' . . . ' • ; " for all interested next DR. SAMUEL GOLDSMITH IS DIRECTOR '" . . / \ ' \ propriate songs. ;. take the attitude that the position.)pointed to ftllcthe term of the late The subjects. are: • , ' Wednesday, October i§, at the Jewish A cordial invitation to attend somehow does not go together with Justice Gfbb, was also nominated. Community Center at 8 p. m. Jewish- Concept of World-Peace, is being extended to all the banking. It's a job that fits in very Judge Gustave Hartman of the The Effect of the Great War on JewThirty-six organizations representing a membership of 7,809 The subject for the first debate is children in Omahal well with the work of a lawyer or City Court was nominated, with four ish Life; Our American "Jews -Are "Resolved, that the British Mandate out of a possible total of 9,000 showed their interest in the coming an educator, but hardly with that" of others, for the Supreme Court, 1st Doing Their Duty by the American Constitutes a Sufficient Assurance of Jewish Communal Survey by attending the first meeting of the a great Wall Street figure. At any Judicial District, by- the Republicans People, The Significance of the JewCitizens' Committee on Tuesday evening, Oct. 8, at the Jewish a Jewish Staie in Palestine." rate,. we are betting that Warburg meeting in convention at the National ish Community Center; The Import* According.,to • those in charge of Community Center. will decline it and that .Philadelphia, Republican Club, i "~ ~- : ance "of Minority. Rights to-Jews of Omaha's debate activities, a good . Dr. Samuel Goldsmith, international authority on social work, which gave the Committee ats first City Court Justice Hartman has Eastern Europe, Is Anything: the number of laen will be able to par- who will direct the survey, will arrive in Omaha about Oct. 15. leader, Judge Mayer .Sulzberger, will, been one of the few Republican vote Matter With Our Youth ?, and The ticipate in the Center's debates this The survey will take approximately two months. in the person of Dr. Adler^ give it getters in the.'.Tammany, strongholds." season. . _ • Jew of Tomorrow. Harry H. Lapidus, temporary chairman, was elected permanits. new head. His term expires at; the ; end of the All: those desiring to partidpatae This first round debate will elim- ent chairman. Other officers elected were: David Rosenstock, year.' '"••' • • • • . ' " • • • inate one of the two teams frmn first vice-chairman; J. RiHin, second vice-chairman; Jadah Wolfmust notify t h e ' J . C. C. office by A ROSENWALD STOBY further participation. A two-man son, secretary; and Dr. Philip Sher, treasurer. These men were November 2. . What in our opinion was the most Further information can be ob- Moskau (J. T. A.) — The cam-team will represent Omaha. ! '—•nominated by a committee consisting sincere tribute to Marshall was voiced The winner of the loop will be detained from Miss Ruth Barish* of Hemy Monsky, chairman, Nsthan or paign waged by the Soviet Comby Julius Rosenwald. "There will be Yaffe, and Harry Wolf. Louis Shariok." :'-• • munists to wipe out --the observ- clared champion of the Mid-west no other Marshall any more than The folloY,-mg recommendation ance of the . Jewish; HTgh Holidays Jewish Community. Centers. there will be. another Shakespeare," concerning representation vag also has met with dismal failure. Eosenwald wrote in a private letter Dancing Instruction made by the nominating committe: to a friend. The relation of Kosen- A Yom Eippur dance is being final blow was administered Thought League To Givenby Miss Riklin to.The The University of Iowa opened its Any organization having a memberwald to Marshall would make an in-staged by the .two Omaha chapters Communistic efforts when- Peter fall session •with the largest enroll- ship under 50 is entitled to one of Aleph Zadik Aleph, Omaha ChapStart This Tuesday tersting story in itself. It is said Smidqyitch, vice-president of the Many have already signed up for ment of Jewish students in the hist- representative; those having from 80 ter No. 1, and Sam Beber Chapter that Rosenwald's admiration for MarUnion of Socialist Soviet Republics, The Jewish Thought League, a ory of the school. It is estimated to 100 members are entitled to t*'o the dancing classes which are being No. 100. The"dance will be given at shall bordered on adoration. the. main auditorium of the Jewish offered at the Community;Center un- issued official telegraphic instructions group to discuss problems of Jewish that there are more than two hundred representatives, and one additional Community Center after services on der the supervision of Miss .Annette to the effect that Jewish colonists in interest, will -make its initial bow Jewish students on the Iowa Campus, representative should be had for DID YOU KNOW the Ukraine and White Russia were That, the. Prince of Wales called Monday night, October 14, starting Riklin. -Those- wishing -to- join-the exempt from observing, "collecttiviza- with an open meeting on Tuesday, Of interest to many is that a Jewish each additional, one hundred memOctober 15, at 8:15 at the Jewish Sorority, long a hope on the Iowa bers or major fraction thereafter. at 9 o'clock.^ The. affair, .a program classes must sign up by the first incognito, as Dr. Fehookin, upon tion day", set for October 14, coin- Community Center. Everyone is wel- Campus is now a realization. At Thev also recommended that an cx«dance, will be for couples only. meeting Friday at 4 o'clock. Fannie Brice at her private apartciding with the Day of Atonement. come to attend. present the organization is a local cu tive committee of 15 members ment during his last visit to 1 Music .will be furnished by Herb Classes in ballet, acrobatic and tap "If the carrying out of the collecti-, The group will meet twice a month. •which has taken the name, Gemma s h o u l d b e Epp<,inted, five of -which. dancing will be held every Friday Feierman and bis orchestra. The America? Phi. With the nucleus of That Nadja, the daughter of Mis- committee in charge has promised afternoon at 4 o'clock. The first ses- vization day on October 14 meets At each meeting a specially-prepared Theta twenty-five actively interested girls, are to be women. ! papawill be" read, followed by a with hinderances in the Jewish colonsion will be held October Jll. A special novelties / t o 'entertain the cha Elman,.-. Tecently won a beauty there is little doubt that it will be- Mr. Lapidus announced that the contest, something • -which her father dancers. Tickets a r e being sold by charge of 15 cents per lesson will be ies, the Wzik has no objections to general round table discussion. come affiliated •with a national soon. purpose of the meeting was to form aL" members of the two" organiza- made. ' •- •- •• postpone the Collectivization Day for The opening subject is "The Fua Citizens' Committee which is to could under no circumstances do? * * * act in an advisory capacity to the That Albert Lasker, famous Jewish tions. The dance will not be ex- Another class will be offered for the Jewish colonists to the following ture of the Jew in America." Rabbi advertising man-of * Chicago, has a clusively ; for; "members,* as -outsiders intermediate and senior girls, with a day. Inform the respective authori- Frederick Conn, of Temple will pre- "The Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity is staff of the Bureau of Jewish Sociel making plans to move to its newResearch, who are to make a minimum age of 13. This class will ties and take the necessary meas- sent the address. private.barber.,.shop in his business are invited to attend. Those desiring further information $78,000 home now Hearing completion. of the various communal activit|«e of meet every Tuesday evening at 7:30, Dances on : the: night ^following ures," the instructions stated. offices 14,, £ _ ; _ S Z-. ."^. *_V _~.:.,;.-. ,:.'.,: 1.:. the eighteen, young men wearat the. Among .Sppur 'are " ^ schedulea "Tf or • The instructions "%eiB .issued, iolcovering: the folkwein^. 1 That, there is;'.much talk in New Yom : ing PM Ep pledge buttons sre Milton fields: <l) study of th« October 15; -2L A. chapters throug&outvtKe" counJ. C. C. (Continued on Page 2) York of the' launching of a national & «f Mr. Henry Krasne, ulation, (2) study of the work done Jewish, journal- on the ?tyle "of The try and- are njeejing with huge 2101 ATenue C, Council Bluffs, Iowa; on behalf of the Jewish dependent success: everywhere; Philip M. KlutzNew" Republic? Albert Harding, son of Mr. and Mrs. families and Jewish dependent childThat David A." Brown taught "him- nick, executive .secretary. . of the L. K. Harding, 202 So. Tenth St., ren, (S) the work on behalf of th* orderj is sponsor of '&& local .'affair. self to play the violin and mandoCouncil Bluffs, Iowa; Lazar Kaplan, Jewish sick, the aged and the Jewish Arfangements ;area;-in - the hands lin? . . . . : ' . . , ' • " . : . . • \ •",'son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ILaplan, chronic sick, (4) study of the recThat Herbert Kaufman, writer of of the following committees: Chapter 8411 Burt St., Omaha; Sam Epstein, reational and educational program No. i-rElmer. Sh^mbfergi: Sol. Graetz, inspirational editorials, is said to be son of Mr. and Mrs. Benj. H. Epstein, of the Jewish Community Center* the highest paid newspaperman in dm' pave Brodkey. Chapter No. 100 3525 Vine St., Sioux City; David Al- (5) Jewish education, (6) Jewish —Ralph Gross, Israel Sternhill, and the world? bert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Al- Welfare Federation, (7) Relations Morton Ferer. " " That Judge .Irving Lehman has the bert, 1104 23rd St., Sioux City; and with national organizations. largest museum in the world devoted The two chapters have inaugurated By Florence Rothschild Lionel London, son of Mr. and Mrs. to Jewish cameos, trinkets and Jew- a new policy of cooperation, with a M. N. London, 192S Grandview Blvd., A credentials committee was apspecial cooperation committee from n iwrwn™ ish religious objects generally? Sioux City. Although on the campus pointed, consisting of Dr. Philip each group meeting to discuss means Rosenberg was quick to appreciate but two weeks Kaplan has already be- Sher, chairman, Sam Beber, Rabbi SMALL BUT BIG of; closer unity, between the two. It is a small party that Premier the program of the Labor Party in come associated with the University Frederick Cohn, S. Lipp, J. Riklin, Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain Here is something -to puzzle the Monday's dance -is- the opening of nar- brought with him to-the-United England, which she joined in 1918. Players Club, Albert with the Univers- Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. M. F. a long list of activities planned by psycho-analysts. . It was at that time that the Party ity Orchestra, and Epstein with the Levenson. States during his visit to negotiate - Why is it that one of the smallest the A* 2. A. in-Omaha.— The following organisations with was beginning to emerge as an im-Freshmen Basket Ball Squad. builders in the world should erect the Among other affairs to be given a naval agreement between-the two their representatives and alternates portant factor in the political life great countries. There is none; of the in the near iuture is a Road Show tallest building-in the world? were represented: of the country and it became necespomp and circumstance . which is You have'.read the news reports of Jewish talent.'.' .-* Jewish Community Center — Henr,v sary to equip its leaders with a usually, associated with emissaries of Harris Denies Rumor Mnimky. Irvin Ssalmnsttn': Jewish Wl'lfant that Lefcourt is to build the tallest regular staff. It was thus that room international powers, -particularly Ketfernfinn—Harry II. ],:ipi<Iuii, Win. Hot*-. im-HIff ini building in the world at Broadway No Disturbance Mars man; Soein! Service Committee—Dr. l'hihji was found for Miss Rosenberg, who when business of such paramount Sher, KaMn <*ohn; JewiMi Free I.OHU and 49th Street. It is to be over a went to the House of Commons in Sneioty — Hnfry A. Wolf. Knlihi RenEis: for the peace of the Holy'days in Palestineimportance Moscow. (J. T. A.) — Professor j thousand feet high, taller .by eighty Modern Vomlmeti, Hebrew 1919 to assist Ramsay MacDonald world is to~ be transacted. In the Harris, head of the American com-1 feet than the proposed mammoth; and several others. Synagogue—S;mi IMier, J.'ll. KtilnkOfRky; mission which investigated the pos- Arbeiter skyscraper fathered by ex-Governor Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) — All was first place, Ramsay MacDonald is a Khifi No. 173—Ma* NeHcoiv, Ksii'i Laborite.v In the-second place, being Fascinated by the personality of Tvipp; TlioriH'inn Athlotio Clnl?—Irvin <.'. quiet at^ the' Wailing" * Wall during sibilities of Jewish colonization in Smith and other notables. i, Iwilore ; ; MacDonald, Miss Rosenberg applied Bira-Bidjan, denies a report by the Yet Lefcourt himself is about as Rosh Hashanah^ Th'e^ Jewish streets Scotch,.he is the essence of simplicHirrrj: AVelner, li. J-Xerpr; JHIknr Chnltm 7 ity by nature, for the post of his isrivate secretary, But every person XPT..M, SSrs. J . Finkei: "Tass ', Soviet news agency, that the 'Sin. 'Si Z X M SS J F i h small; as the late multi-millionaire in the Old City assumed their usual Fref Lonn JSoch-tr—Mrs. S. AltshMS*?, Kris, and obtained* it. She has been with who has come with him to this American commission had declared 31. G. Coh«n: Phi IN>ltn KwMi<m single-taxer, Joe Fels. " From' bat rto• •High Holiday appearance and whitehim since 'that time, growing in use- that -the "far eastern region was bet- nlty—T>r, Victor S^vit.p. it. KM.Hn: sox Lefcourt is just five feet talL: robbed, furcapped Tworshippers walked country is of vital influence in the HORJ.UR!—.TOP L. Wol£» IsMwr Rose Rosenberg J fulness as the party has grown in ter fitted for Jewish colonization ZMpinorini plans ' "which • Ramsay MacDonald i pl Pi W O t k Pionwr Wnnwn't OrcnniMtkoii— That's all there is of him. There is the streets "leisurely, unafraid and hopes to - carry out.'' From his power. What most people remark than Palastine. i Mrp. Kaplan, Mrs. Okuit: Ilndntmh—Wf». is almost diminutive and has all the undismayed. : , r s no morel A. Konim, Mrs. M. F . 1 « w w » n ; I^Hjrhtpj-* A superabundance' of ^military pre- daughter Ishbel to Sir Robert Van- characteristics of the brunette. But about is her versatility. She -can "Never has anyone of this commis- of Zton—Sirs. I>. Eisentxprp: Mr?. M. BrsMM!*1: take dictation as very few women .•Jewish Nursery .Society—Mt, S#.mt!"l sittart, the Under-Secretary for by the same token she is very A LIGHT THAT FAILED cautions marked the; occasion,- as the sion made such comparisons" Pro- •l<ernpiv Tiny .Mrs. 11, .'Sokoloff; Aleph J K t k can. She can sit down at a typevigorous, both in speech and action. Foreign Affairs, each of_tbe limited Twenty years ago she wasthe District Cdnanissidneri' his Jewish fessor Harris declared. "Each coun-i l>prs; HichVriml Country Club I thegroups has a' function -to filL "But of Her energy is proverbial in the writer and turn out a letter as neat try has its advantages and dis-Finler; Ornnha Hebrew t'inb—Ja<H>!> Kikidol of the Jewish masses. Her hus- and Arab assistants; as well as hn. Kani E. K l n w r : 1'hl BetH RnwlWu band was, equally noted. Their name Police Commandant, were on7 -duty,' that small body none will" be so Labor Party. Rumor of a sub- as a multigraphed sheet. But that advantages," he said. Frnternitr—Abo Fell man; I. <». R. h . doesn't exhaust her usfulness. Her stantial kind has it that Miss Rosenhelpful personally to the Premier as glittered amidst the electric signs of while ~an additional number of -Palest A five year campaign to raise No. 354—I'hll K!«?*nSek; Zionist : grasp of economics is astonishing, I<VUlm:iii. 3. 3, berg occupies somewhat the same * the theatrical district. She had tine police patrolled Hihe passages Miss Rose-Rosenberg.$1,000,000 for the Bidjan project will tlnn—.Tohn IldtR "" Qnmni n— 1<1n 1n Bnl>i«t.. ••'•' In England* they speak of her asrelationship to MacDonald as Mrs.particularly when it is realized that be conducted in the United States by Tnu 8cl>nrf; .Aleph Kmlik Aloph charm and personality? as for acting leading -to'the--WesteVh: Wall.p No. 100—Frhlik she secured it on her own initiative, A l K U k CiNSl! Artluit Kn»U>w«ky: —she was the Sarah Bernhardt of Rabbi Chains Sonnenfeld, the ; aged "the woman who can keep a :secret" Belle Moskowitz had to former not having had wide opportunities the Icor, the society in America Ackernmn. EIWB—Mrs. j . Milder; Temple J»ra«-I Yiddish Thespiandom. This week Orthodox leader ,of Jerusalem, con- —which, presumably, is high 'praise Governor Alfred E. Smith of New l C r fl f sponsoring the project. Jewish WoniPn—Mr*. M. IOURkot*fey. "Mtu. Helen Morgan, noted English actress, ducted the- services, completely obliv- indeed. She is actually MacDonald's York. That is, she prepares data for school education. She has an t,; fSolAniRii;Sipmn Alpha P«i Frflt«?nity™ Hprhor* Np«l*>ff.1 Hntry i:«lK»n: JswlfH opened in a play called: Applause, an ious to the bustling officials around super-private' secretary, and is prob- and touches up speeches occasionally. extraordinarily quick mind, and if! Women** Welfnr* OrKnnUntlon—Mr». It. We hope it is not libel ous to state MacDonald ever-wanted to tf*e\Theta Phi Sigma ably more intimate with her emopus revolving about the theatrical h i m . - ' i A. Wolf, Mrs. rblHp ShPf: IViHtirhteWi «t _ .. I - •. . " . '••:'" •• : • Itirnpl Ai<l Hocipty—-Mrs. h. RSTH%, Mm. •. world. The play consists in part of 1 ployer's views, and purposes... than, that Miss Rosenberg is in her early public praise to his secretary there Kii!nk«<*ky: Tnlmmi Tnroh — | Plan _ ^ ^ y a satire of the old type of corpulent any other person living. What she thirties, which is all the more is plenty that he could say about DAUGHTERS OF ZION Tptie. Mm. Max Fromkin : Temi»le chorus girls, who in years gone Dy A rummage sale for the benefit of does and how she does it she hasevidence of the speed with which her powers of logical analysis and Have Itospnstot'k; Members of Kappa chapter of Abe <»oirts<e»n. W«rk«v» Aliisnc* —A. were to be founa in the choruses of the Palestine" Emergency Fund will never consented to say in. an inter- she has attained her present high keen reasoning. i! l> MorriR Minkin; Jewi»!i the cheap burlesque houses^ The be held right after the Holidays by view, and that is one of the position. She has always been at- One of the functions of Miss Theta Phi Sigma, national Jewish Blacker. sorority, are planning a charity former star of the Yiddish stage is the Daughters of Zaon- Packages thousands of reasons why MacDonald tracted by work of a journalistic Rosenberg is to act as intermediary among those playing the part of one will be called for if you call Harney ihas kept her for a decade in .various and literary nature. Her first em- between her chief and the newspaper bridge to be held Sunday, October CONSERVATIVE AUXILIARY of these fat chorus girls at a salary 1207 or can be brought to 1417 No. important capacities in -the Labor ployment was with a magazine, when world. She knows a gTeat deal about 27, at the new Paxton Hotel. The The organization meeting '«£ O n of a few dollars per day. Her name 24th_St., the place of the sale. Mrs. Party and then as his own secretary. sh, was at the age of seventeen. this work, having served in the proceeds of this affair will be turned Synagogue Auxiliary —you won't have any. difficulty in re- A. Wolf and Mrs. H. Janoff are the While newspapers in this country, Immediately after she entered the publicity department of the Labor over to the Wise Memorial Hospital. Miss Lylyan Chudacof?, chairman, membering it—is Bessie Thoraas- chairmen. held Wednesday afternoon i t tR* and particularly the • world of so- business rrorld she became imbued Party for a number of years. In 1 t the n e Misses Ethel Jewish Commanity Center. A ttW>it will be assisted by ciety, cannot understand how a with the idea of helping to secure f a c t / m&ny o f the speeches^ which Y " ** « « ™ « »? « " « « *"™ sheffsky; she is the wife of Boris Cohen > S a r a b K o r t m a n ' s n d S a l l i" enthusiastic group was assembled, Thomassheffsky. The Daughters of "Zion, will hold Jewess can occupy so. high- a post, economic equality for women. For Lumbers of the Labor Party deliver Mrs. Max FromWii was elected teiti* In fthe decline of Bessie Thomas- the-first card party .of i this-season it speaks for the character of thethis purpose she joined a number j during election time owe not a few Morgan. The "Wise Memorial Board Memporarjf chalrmsn, Mrs. J. J. Green* man "that MacDonald has kept Miss of, women's organizations, but after o f their ideas and gome of their she.ffsky there is a drama as moving Tuesday, October 22 at 2:30 in the herg, temporary secretary, Mrt» M. j bers, headed by Mrs. B. A. Simon, Rosenberg throughout every turn of a while realized that most of these as" •any-roie'' she played in the days afternoon at the Community Center. content to Miss Kosejsberg. Yousem was appointed chairman of will assist the in this underThe proceeds, of the party will be his recent career, from the time groups were too erratic in their But one must sot get the idea j of heraldry. 1 the recommendation committee, Ml*. I taking. when he first became Premier until program. Since that time Miss that she is a hard, .calculating per-i given to the Palestine, Emergency Phil Sdbwarts, chairman of the *Wifthis present accession to office, which Rosenberg has been active in-such son «f pure, cold intelligence* Shej Warsaw.(J; T. A.)—Three Hundred Fund. Everyone is invited to attend and ninety-seven Chaluzim left* Pol- and bring as many .friends as pos- is generally- expected to he of much movements as have liberal ideas but caa be extremely -charmiiig as &) i-ondon.—(J. T. A.)—Max Darow- iaating committee. The next rtj|ftt|it l ^ which" do not indulge in revolution- hostess, that is, when she ^ets the sM, well known pianist and compos- meeting will be held and for Palestine since the outbreak'sible to help alleviate Palestine con- longer duration than the first.* October 2S, at the Jewish ary tactics. er, died fhis morning in a London Miss Rosenberg's type is what is of the 'disturbances, including a'ditions. Mrs.' J. THahn' is chairman opportHnity t& leare th€ office at Center* ' . . ^ .,» nursing home ^OJI referred-"to as Semitic- She Coming from humble origin, Miss 5 group of 80 which left yesterday. . of the affair. {Continaed on T&gz 2)







Secretary to Premier MacDonald ROSE ROSENBERG "The Woman Who Can Keep a Secret"


v :



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Religious Services

. Published i^very Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by !

Sunday he will speak at 7 p. m.,' Monday morning at 11 a. m. and Monday afternoon at 4 p. m. |


THE JEWISH- PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY /Office: B r a n d e i s . ^ ATlantic 1450


Council Bluffs News

Temple, By P. k. K. The subject of Rabbi Frederic Cohn at Temple Israel tonight will be "The DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Yom Kippur Services which will .:: -FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - . - - - - - - - - - EDITOR, ./. Bridge." Saturday morning he will be held at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel speak on "Sublune Eloquence." V FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent • The Athletic department of the Synagogue, 618 Mynster Street, all Yom Kippur services .•will, be held Jewish Community Center has an- da. Monday, October 14, will begin Sunday night beginning a t 8 p. m. nounced the following schedule of gym at 7:30 o'clock in the morning. Kol SIOUX CITY OFFICE .,„ Rabbi Cohn's sermon will be on "The and swim classes for the coming sea- Nidre services will be held Sunday Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Soul of Israel." Special music will son: CHARLES OSHEROFF - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT evening, October 13, commencing at bv furnished by a double quartet • ,;:\-'.:. •.•'•••"X"~-1616-'W. 1 6 t h S t r e e t 5:80 o'clock. Everyone is welcome. Women and Girls Gym Schedule Sunday night. . • • * Subscription Price, one year -•• - - • - * - - • Matrons Class, Monday and Wed- Ben I. Seldin was elected adjutant His subject on Monday morning "" Advertising rates furnished on application at 9:30 will be "The Six-pointed Star nesday at 9;30 to 10:30 a. m. oi' the Rainbow Post No. 2 of the of Judaism." At 1 o'clock a child- Junior Girls, Monday and Wednes- American Legion at a meeting held Enterea a* Eeeond-cliiBS mail matter on January tt, 1921, at postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under -the Act of March 3, 187a ren's service will be conducted by day 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. last Thursday evening at the Legion Mr. William Holzman. Memorial serBusiness Girls Gym and Games Hall. Installation of the new ofCHANGE OP ADDRESS^Please give both the old and new address; vices will be held at 3:30 Monday be sure to give your name. Roller Skating, Monday and Wed-ficers will be held on Thursday eveafternoon. Rabbi Cohn will give an nesday 5:45 to 6:10 p. m. ning, October 17. Louis H. Kateladdress on "The Heir of Hope." Calisthentics and Games, Monday man, who has been commander of 1 "Last "Wednesday Rabbi Cohn ad- and Wednesday 6:15 to 715 p. m. the legion for the past year, will dressed the^X&rcle ol Ladies _of _the up this office a t the next mee> Basketball^ Monday—7=i20= ta=-.-=8il5. First Methodist church on "Strange p. m. Wednesday 7:20 to 8:15 p. m. i; . The mellow, plaintive notes of Kol Nidre will Sunday echpe Interlude." • Women and Girls Swimming Schedule ;• through every synagogue and reechoe through every Jewish heart. Junior Girls, Monday and Wednes- The Agudas Achim Association Conservative Synagogue I The tone of its anguished wailing quickens the heart of all who day, 5:00 to 5:30 p. m.; Sunday, 12:00 will hold a meeting next Monday • hear it, and as the melody rises to crescendo, so we seem to reach Yom Kippur services of the Con-to evening, October 14, at the Legion 12:45 p. m. servative synagogue will start Sunday {/new heights, and hold closer communion with our Lord. Thus evening Han", 138 West Broadway. Business Girls, Monday and Wedat 7 o'clock. Rabbi Abraham * * » do'we usher in the Day, of Atonement, holiest of holy days. Bengis will speak on "Atonement." nesday 10:30 to 11:00 a. m.; Monday Morris Grossman, who underwent There was a time when dancing, feasting, and merriment, Cantor E. Selz will chant Kol Nidre. and Wednesday 8:15 to 9:00 p. m. an operation. for mastoids at the instead,_of prayer and fasting, marked the celebration of Yom Monday the services will begin at Men and Boys' Gym Schedule Mercy Hospital Wednesday morning, Kippur. Before our. dispersion, the High Priest confessed the sins 8 a. m. Rabbi. Bengis has selected Business Men. (noon), Tuesday.and is now convalescing and getting as the subject of his of all Israel at the Temple and prayed that a select goat, slain as "Immortality" sermon. Yizkor, memorial services, Thursday 12:15 to 1:00 p. m.; Sunday along satisfactorily. 10:00 to 12:00 a. m. , •a sacrifice to the Lord, would be the sin-offering for the entire will be held at 11:30 a. m. : Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. KatelBusiness Men (senior), Tuetsday and nation, \ _ An address will be delivered by man entertained their evening bridge Thursday 8:00 to 8:45. a. m.; Sunday, But the destruction of the Temple meant the end of sacrifice Sam Beber, president of the congre- 10:00 to 12:00 a. m. [ club at their home Tuesday evening. ' on the altar. With it began the sacrifice of Jewish blood to the gation, at 3 p." m. • *'*.' Junior A Bays, Tuesday and Thursgods :of fanaticism and. intolerance. Since then, throughout the Children's services will be held at day, 7:00 to 8:00 p. m.; Sunday 12:00 Mrs. Harry Kubby entertained 10 a. m. and 4 p. ta., with Philip to 1:00 p. m. twenty-four guests at a luncheonages Anti-semitism, a mad passion akin to the lowest perversities Klutznick in charge. of diseased human nature, has deluged the whole world with the Friday night services will begin at Junior A Boys, Tuesday and Thurs- bridge at her home Thursday aftersanctified blood of Israel. 8 p . m . Rabbi Bengis will deliver .a day, 5:00 to 6:00 p. m.; Sunday 12:00 noon, in honor of Mrs. Harry Edell to 6:00 p. m.; Sunday 12:00 to 1:00 of New York City. • " We Jews in America have been fortunate enough to have sermon on "Return; 0 Israel." p. m. Saturday morning at 8:30 he will suffered least from the poisonous bigotry of Anti-semitism. Con- speak Junior B Employed, Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman "Repentance." Thursday 6:00 to 7:00 p. m.; Sunday returned home Monday evening after sequently, today we are in a position to offer more noble Karbonas This on Sabbath is known as Sabbath spending the holidays in St. Louis, to the-Lord than fasting and prayer, by lending material aid to of Penitence. Services will be held 12:00 to 1 p. m. visiting Mrs. Katehrian's our starving brethren/ To help them is our real sacrifice of today. regularly on Saturday mornings be- Men's and Boys' Swimming Schedule Mo., Business Men, Tuesday and Thurs- parents. Before asking the Almighty to forigve our transgressions on ginning with this Saturday. Yom Kippur, let us resolve that our charity during the forthcom- At 4:30 p. m. Saturday Rabbi day 8:45 to 9:30 p. m.; Sunday 11:00 will deliver an address in Yid- to 10:45 a. m. ing year will atone for the past. For, as Isaiah said unto Zion, Bengis Junior B Boys, Tuesday and Thursdish at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, by "By Charity shall you be established." day, 6:00 to 6:45 p. m.; Sunday 10:00 special invitation. At 5:15 Monday Rabbi Bengis spoke to 11:45 a. m. Palestine which he made at the over Radio station WOW on the Com- Junior B Employed, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00 to 7:45 p. m.; Sunday tenth. Assembly of the League of munity Chest. 10:00 to 10:45 a. m. Nations at" Geneva. Junior A Boys, Tuesday and ThursBeth Hamedrosh Hagodol During her visit to this country Miss Rosenberg will take notes for Kol Nidre services at the Bgth Ha- day 8:09 to 8:45 p. m.; Sunday 10:00 the various addresses that the Pre-medrosh Hagodol, 19th and Burt to 10:45 a. m. mier will make. She will also jot streets, will begin at 5:30 p. m. Sun- Basketball League Games, Wednes(Continued from Page 1) down ideas that come to her chief day.' Services will also be held Mon- day 8:00 p. m. promptly. 10 Downing ^StJeet? and'to come back between conferences ;<m; the naval day hiorningr memorial services startPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS to her own little apartment, Which sitiitation and other problems affect- ing at 10 a. m. ing the relations of Great Britain used. to; be occupied by her sister A Marvelous Endurance Bnai Israel and herself, but which' is now ex-and th& United States. That she is FOR RENT Bub Test of clusively her own. Miss Rosenberg invaluable to the Prime Minister of Rabbi Manuel Laderman of Chicago, Two rooms with kitchen in his a cujtured taste in all the arts England is obvious by the very fact the youthful rabbi who met with private family, all furnished, and is particularly' fi devotee of the of his bringing her along in his such approval on Rosh Haehonah, compact party. She will probably be will be featured in the Yom Kippur also 2 sleeping rooms. Garage. theatre. -,*,But unfortunately; parCall WE. 3527. ticularly ^since her' etnptoyer again too busy with lier regular work, services of the Bnai Isreal synareceived ^Britain's highest office, she accompanying MacDonald wherever gogue', 18th and Chicago streets. ha;. littifev opportunity to indulge her he goes, to go in for any functions; tastes ifi tnat direction. Occasionally but it occurs to this writer that she plays the piano, as an amateur it might be a fine, gesture- of hospitality if American Jewry were to will. :;;.-.. give this remarkable representative One wonders if it was embarrass- of English Jewry a generous weling to MacDohald to have a Jewish come. secretary during the recent Arab Mt. Rock Fleece is the modoutrage's""in Palestine. He has, of ern marvel of overcoat facourse, .not compromised himself, in Much talk, much foolishness. —The Talmud. brie construction. It ach. this msftter,. since he has said .nothieves the seemingly Imposing whatsoever about the subject, A few strong instincts, and a few sible—a soft, yet sturdy except for ^the brief reference to plain rules. . - —Wordsworth. fleece overcoating that -give lasting service. iMiiis^ii^isffia^^ii^iiw^w^ .with a high rate of interest •





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lowing a session of the Wzik. The correspondent of the Jewish TeleGIVES $250,000 graphic Agency learns that Mr. SraiNew York. (J. T. A.) — Mr. and dowitch was interested in having Mrs. Morris Goldberg of Seagate, the Jewish colonists perticipate in the Coney Island, have made an additioncollectivization day voluntarily, with- al contribution of $250,000 to the out compulsion. United Isreal-Zion Hospital, Brook"Exchange your taleisim (praying lyn. shawls) for overalls," was the appeal of the Communist Yiddish daily To be Sold by "Ernes" on the eve of Rosh Hashonah. Their concentrated drive met with to the Highest Bidder little success, however. In the provLot at 2lst and Webster Street, south vvetjl coTuer8 Jewish workers replied to the call to sale at Court House. report to work on the second day of OCTOBER 15, 10:00 A. M. Rosh Hashonah. The workers open-




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ly declared themselves willing to pay a day's wages for the aeroplane "Bira-Bidjan", but were unwilling to work on the Jewish New Year. Chassidim have been arriving from all parts of the country to visit the grave of Rabbi Nachman Braslaver. Th«: Jewish communities have failed in their demand for the liquidation of the Chassidic shrine, which they term a nest of religious activities.

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vett, President, and Ariene Schwartz, Secretary. The club is a social group, and the members plan to have a party soon for the" introduction of nevr members.


Kitchen Chats Mrs.


M. Newman

319 I M M I G R A N T S E N T E R iteen left the country during «MS H O L Y L A N D I N A U G U S T same period, according to ngurws 1 made public here. Among the «uJerusalem. (J. T. A.) — Three j migrants were 265 Jews, 51 Chri«fhundred and nineteen immigrants en-1 ir.ns and 8 Moslems. Sixty one *£ tered Palestine during the month of th Immigrants were Jews, 30 ChristAugust. Two hundred and seven- ians and 22 Moslems.

Quick Nut Bread One cuj; sugar, 2 tablespoons The JECOMTEK CAMP FIKE butter, 2 eggs> 1 cup milk, or water, GIRLS presented a busy and indust3% teaspoons of baking powder, % rious scene a t their last meeting, te .spoon salt, 1 cup of chopped nuts. Monday afternoon, when they were Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The last act Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, working on honors. Anna Goodbinmilk, salt—beat well. Beat in flour of the resigning Austrian governder, Sylvia Silverman, Gertrude and baking powder which have been ment was a reply given by it to a Oruch, Goldie Kozberg, Kalah Franklin and Esther Silverman a r e work- complaint of the Union of Austrian sifted. Add nuts. Fill pan with and Mrs. Louis Levin of CMing on headbands, and some of the Jews in regard to the action of some nJxtnre. Let stand 20 minutes. Bake Illinois, announce t h e engagegirls have almost finished theirs. j resort communities barring Jewish in moderate oven for an hour. mjat of their daughter, Jean, to Mr. • * * Anna Goodbinder and Saramare Kats- j guests. Lea Abramson, son of Mr. and Mrs. i In the government reply made Cookies that are Different jkee are making -paper parrots, anJ. Abramson of this city. Miss Le'public today, signed by the Vice- , % cup cris- o, 2 eggs, *4 teaspoon other Camp Fire award. vin is a graduate of the Chicago La Verne Feblowitz is to be theChancellor, it is declared that the salt, 1 cup rolled oats, 2/3 cap walHigh School and is a member of the new Assistant Guardian of this action of resort municipalities bar- _ nuts chopped, % cup seeded raisins, Junior Hadassah, and is very popular ring Jewish guests is unconstitution- j % cup chopped candied lemon peel, group. r among the younger set in Chicago. al and that the Union should lodge 11 teaspoon vanilla, 2/3 cup of sugar, Mr. Abramson i s a graduate of the The TONKU KODAS held a spe- complaints against such communi- 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 teaspoon Omaha High School of Commerce Va teaspoon cloves, 2 cial meeting Tuesday evening to elect ties with the proper administrative j cinnamon, afiji h a s attended Creighton and organs. teaspoons baking powder. new officers. The girls elected DoroA set of Omar recipe carc3e is ready Omaha Universities. Law School, and In regard to anti-Semitic utterCream crisco, add sugar—eggs thy Cadrin, President; Ida Weinsreg, for you. Just send a dime for mailing -just recently -was admitted to practice ances by certain societies, the takbeaten, and vanilla, sift flour, salt Vice-President; Marjorie Kaplan, to Omaha Flour Mills Co., Omahs, before the Bar. ' The marriage -will ing of necessary steps depends on j baking powder, and spices together. Nebr. Then you'll be sent more reSecretary; and Mildred Falk, Treas.taTte place in Chicago the latter part the determination of the proper an* | Add rolled oats, nuts, raisins, and cipes later without cost to you. urer.' • . . ' . ; . •:•. " •• • . • • of December. After a short honeythorities as to whether transgresj lemon peel, whole -wheat Sour. Roll Mrs. Phineas Wintroub i s the new moon they plan to return to Omaha sions against prevailing laws have to V» inch thickness and cut with ^SiiiuuiiiiiituiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiisiiiiiiiHi sponsor of the club. •where they •will make their home. been committed. The government cookie cutter. Bake in hot oven. The X L Club, a t their meeting therefore recommends that comThe engagement of Miss Mathilde «»497 Tuesday evening, passed on the plans plaints along these lines be subShindler of Baltimore, Md., daughter mitted to the instances dealing with ICOR MEETING for a ping pong and a checker tourof Mrs. A. Shindler to Dr. Julius i A very important meeting of the nament drawn up by Sam Cackin, these matters. Mogkavitz o f ; Missouri = Valley, l a . , ! The communication further states Icor will be held this evening, Octo! the other important anChairman of the Athletic Committee. son. of Mi., Max Moskowitz of. this j that the government is not in a po- be? 11, a t 8:30 p . m. at the resixience The tournaments will start soon. v nouncements of the past 12 months includcity has beenf announced. .-••'" The members of the club a r e mak-sition to issue a general order con- of Mr. Sam Wienzvag, 2222 Miami ing sweeping price reduction, new models, .MiBs."Snindler. is engaged in social Miss Libbie Epstein ing definite plans for a stag in a cerning ana-Semitic actions by the\ Street. All members a r e requested Porcelain-on-steel inside and out, the fa* service w o r k i n New York city. No resort communities, as only the to attend. Mr. Alex Epstein announces the few weeks. date has been set for the wedding. xmras "Cold Control9', the quiet compressor courts are competent to determine engagement of his daughter, Libbie, and with sales greater than at any time i n DAUGHTERS OF ZION After the F A HONS heard Dr. whether the refusal of anti-Semitic r. Manuel M. Gross of Chicago to Mr. Ben Klaver. Both are well Belzer, Secretary of the Jewish Na- owners to house Jewish guests is A regular meeting of the Daughthe history of the Company, Frigidaire arrived in the city to spend the holi- .known i n Omaha. No date has been tional Fund Organization, speak t o contrary to law. ters of Zion will be held Wednesday, Corporation announces . • . a days with h i s parents, Mr. and Mrs.set for. the wedding. October 16, at 2:30 at the Communithem about aid for Palestine, they H. Gross. ty Center. All members and friends pledged themselves to sell two hund- j REFUSE TO RENT HALL The P i Lambda Phi Fraternity red and fifty stamps for the Fund. urged to attend. Rabbi Bengis FOR YIDDISH LECTURE are A baby daughter "was born recent- gave their second smoker of the year will be the principal speaker. There ly to D r . and Mrs. B. M. ZuUy, 3875 last night a t their new house, 36th T h e CAMP FIRE GROUP No. 2 Warsaw.—(J. T. A.) — Learning will be a program and refreshments. Dewey. avenne, a t the Omaha Mater- and Douglas. visited the Jecomter Camp Fire Girls' that the lecture for which they rented ;nity hospitaL meeting Monday afternoon and their hall was to be delivered in YidA. Z. A. No. 1 and No, 100 will FOR watched them work on their head- dish, the Hygienic Society of Warsaw Nathan Blpch, son of Mr. and Mrs.give a joint Yom Elppur! dance bands and paper parrots, Camp Fire withdrew the permit it had granted E. Bloch, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah Monday night, October 14, a t the honors. Girls who wish to join this the Labor Pro-Palestine League of on t h e second day of Eosh Hashonah j ; c . c . . . • . . : • ; - ' . , ' • • : ; = • • group can register a t the Center. Poland. a t the B'nai Isreal synagogue a t 18th The League hired the hall of the The first season's concert of the and Chicago. Master Bloch gave a The CENTER PLAYERS GUILD Hygienic Society for a lecture by A. Ladies Labor Lyceum club will be short address. held a special meeting Tuesday even- Shiplakoff, American labor leader who | l r . and Airs. Bloch gave a party given Sunday a t 2 o'clock. The ing t o check up oh the ticket sale arrived here after attending the sesCALL at their home for the young friends program -will include a four act play for their play, "The Romancers". sions of the Jewish Agency Council in •with 25 people taking part. The of their son. Mrs. Herman Jahr, Director of Zurich. The lecture had to be canpublic is cordially invited to attend. Dramatics a t the Center, is supervis- celled at the last minute because the 203 So. 19—JA. 1209 Rabbi Abraham Bengis addressed ing the club's work on theory in the society informed the League it was tfce- Deborah Society a t the J . G. C. The National Fund Council of theatre j^d^tih^ Jnieinbejrs of the Guild unable to permit a Yiddish lecture on JA. 5676 — Evenings WA. 5077 -THesday in Yiddish. . He lauded them Omaha, recently organized, will hold learn the reasons for actions used in their promises. ~ ~ ; - — for their work, stressing the import- an open meeting ' Tuesday evening, their productions. October 22, at the J . C. C. in t h e ance of the Talmud Torah. interest of the National Fund work. The EAGLE GIRL SCOUTS plan Rabbi Abraham Bengis and X Mrs. A. L. Pregler announces the Morgenstern will be the speakers of to earn their hostess merit badge Engagement of her daughter, Ruth, the evening. Refreshments will b« through practical experience by givto JSx. Max Trochtenberg of Council party, a t which served. ••• . :••'-' ing a Hallowe'en Bhiffs, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Trochtime they can practice receiving and fcenberg. • INDEPENDENT LADIES CLUB entertaining guests. The independent Ladies Club "will _MrJ and Mrs. Samuel Vorzimmer sponsor the showing of "The Two •A new club, the KARMELITES, Orpheiim Opposite an'4 s o a left Tuesday for California Lovers" featuring Ronald Colman has recently been formed a t the Cenwhere they will make a short visit. and Vilma Bahky a t the Corby ter with Ida Weinzveg as Sponsor, Theater. Admission will be 25 cents. j The temporary officers are Hazel Za' Dr. and Mrs. Irving Stein will motor, to Lincoln for the week-end t o spend the holidays with Mrs. Stein's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro.






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M R and Mrs. Sidney Robinson and children of Walt Hill, Nebraska, have returned from Kansas City, Mo., ^rhere they have spent the holidays with Mrs. Robinson's parents Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg. Dr. and Mrs. M. L Gordon sailed Sunday on the Bremen for a 3-month trip abroad. They will visit in England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and France-- and will sail on November 1 for Egypt and the f a r feftrt. In Tel Aviv they will be the guests of Dr. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Gordon.

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OMAHA BRANCH Phone JAcksoa 4722

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRES& FBIDAY, OCTOBER I I , 1029 * J Mr. Bondarin has resigned from Merlin. The play will be directed by { First classes in Americanization Arthur Sanford is advisor of this .: the faculty of the Hebrew School to Ida Lipton and Hose Berman. under held at the Center this week were group. enter, into business. Mr., Bondarin the supervision of Miss Florence J met with an enthusiastic response. has not definitely announced his fu-Coates. These5 classes which are under the The first meeting of the Newsies ture-plans. His.successor will arrive tutelage of Mrs. E. E. Baron and club was held on Thursday evening, after the holidays.. Miss- Sadie Shulkin meet on Tuesday with Mr. H. N. Slotsky, advisor, in ORGANIZATIONS and -Thursday evenings, at 7:30 atcharge. After an election of officers Share Zion Choir Makes Hit Rabbi Lewia will speak on "Re- Junior Hadassah installed new of-tbe Community Center. Registration and discussion of plans for the Anturning to God" at-; services at Mount ficers at a large meeting on Wednes- can be made at the Center office. nual Thanksgiving dinner, refreshSinai Temple this evening. At theday evening, at the Community Cenments were served. Kol Nidri services which will begin at ter. Miss Sadie Shulkin, President, The Business Girls Club stalled a Community Center Circulating Lib8: o'clock on Sunday evening, the rab-introduced the speaker, Mr. Abe Girl Scout Troop No. 9 entertained bi will, speak, on "The Eternal Union". Stillman, who spoke to the members j rary Fund by donating $10.00. Plans These, services will be opened with on the U. P. A. Miss Freda Albert, have been made to purchase the new members of their troup at a the choir singing the Kol Nidri. On was chairman of the program com- newest books which will be rented party held Wednesday afternoon, at the Community Center. Plans were Monday morning, the Day of Atone- mittee. , Light refreshment s con- out from the Center. Other organiza- iuade to march as a unit of the Girl tions are planing to co-operate in ment, Rabbi Lewis will choose "Be- cluded tbe meeting. ithis Fund by making donations. Pro- Scout Organization, in the Communlieving in God" as his sermon sub! ceeds of the rentals will go towards ity Fund Parade. ject. * Mount Sinai Sisterhood will hold purchasing new books. The comThe Temple Religious School will resume its session at 9:30 on Sun-its first meeting of the year in themittee to select the books will be Temple Social hall, at 1:00 o'clock appointed this week. day morning, October 13. today. Mrs. A. M. Davis, President, will preside. Mrs. Theodore N. Lewis At an election on Tuesday evening, Parts have been cast for the play will tell the members of the Sister1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289 the Sigma Iota Sigma club elected "Squaring it with the Boss", which hood about her trip to Europe and Try a lo/if of your Russian the Community Center Dramatic the Holy Land, this summer. Plans the following girls to their organizaPumpernicle Bread Club "will present'in the near future. for the November Peace meeting will tion: Marcella Koolish, Helen Herz? — Youll Appreciate the Taste — off, Sadie Ginsburg, Elsie Brodkey, Morris Merlin and Eva . Maron will be discussed. Dorothy Friedman, Charlotte Bortake the leads as Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Greening. Sara Baird will por- The Center's window display will sheysky and Ida Cohen. The pledges tray the part of Aunt Hortense; Rose be shown in one of Davidson's win- were entertained at a rush party last Our specialtv is week, and were formally initiated on Eife, Aunt Clarrissa; Dr. Dunne, SiSERVING GOOD FOOD mon Rife; and Johnny Bender, Jack dows, in combination with the Catho- Tuesday evening. STOP AFTER THE SHOW lic Women's League and the family OPEX DAY AND NIGHT Welfare Bureau. • - ' » JA. 9728 The Epsilon Phi club met on Tues- 2920 Farnam day evening and the following officers Three veteran Basketball men, were elected: Dorothy Fish, presiThe Shaare ZionHoliday choir has Members of the choir, left to right Braon Baron. ' -••• Beechen, Ldberman and Eobinow are dent; Rhode Woolfson, vice-president; been the recipient of mach favorable -Bott'ow row: Morris. Weiner, Sam expected to carry the Aa-Z. A,--team Fanny Cohen, Secretary; and Bessie | comment, for ; its-beautiful ..rendition Top: row: Jack Lipman, Bernard Berkovri'tz, Spvel v Heshelow,", ^Lee : • : • . • • A • • through a successful year. The A.KantroSce, Treasurer. It was dejpf traditional melodies^ during", the Lipman, L. A. Ducoffe, Jack Bros- Herzoff, Cantor. A. Pliskiri/S^m PassJ. L. KEAGE, Proprietor Z. A. team plans to make arrange- cided to devote one meeting a month ^holiday's. Sam Passman' and;Cantor cow, Bernard Passman, Maurice Ru- man, Ruben Cohen," Bert Ma'zor,, and "NEW FOR OLD" ments to play Omaha, Des Moines to a review of the current publication JA. Pliskin-are directors.' "'--\-~.''•'• - bin, Irving Passman, Ben Simons and Henry Saitlin. . and Lincoln. 1619 Fsrnam St.—Phone AT. 8411 of the Book of the Month Club. Mrs.





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• — ;

- .




: family, 1508 Douglas Street, wish ... Edward. E. Baron, chairman of the their friends and relatives Health, Kol Nidri Services- at Shaare Zion ' Synagogue will begin ^ a t - 5q3p on j Community Fund, was the principal Happiness and Prosperity for theSunday evening, with Rabbi RabinoSpeaker at the "Kick-off" ; dinner! coming year. witz speaking- on ''What - Meanest rmseting; of the Cpmmunity^ Fund '.workers: at- the Chamber of •Com- The high light in next week's so- Thou, O Sleeper?": On -": Monday msrce on Monday evening. -Mr. Ba- cial calender will be the annual B'nai morning Services will" begin at 8 iyon, who•• served as President "of- the Brith Dance, which will" be held o'clock and Rabbi Rabinowitz will Jewish Federation for. six terms, Monday evening, October 14, at thepreach on "National-Responsibilities". stressed the"' fact that co-operation Roof Garden. Max Friedman and ;v;as the factor imperative to the Adolph Davis are co-chairmen for fifteen little friends at a birthday Fund gaining their goal .of "5197,000. the event. Their committee is com-party on Tuesday afternoon. _ , ( The Jewish Community Center is posett- of Morey Lipshutz, Dr. H. M. co-operating with the other agencies Levin, vMa,rk Sabel and Abe Pill. Miss Bluma Merlin spent, several •of the Fund, and will appear in the_Music will be furnished by Victor days visiting friends in Omaha durI parade, on. Saturday -morning,—Oct. Fribourgrh's Daiiconlans. Many out ing the past week. > Miss Ethel Edelstein. of .Hibbing,' 12. of town guests who will be in the city for Yom Kippur observance are Minnesota,-returned to her home 'after a visit with her sister Mrs. Abe' Intermediate Dramatic Club elected expected to attend. Agranoff. . j the following officers at their-meeting on Tuesday: Bernice Ldberman, PresMr. Frank Epstein, student at ident; Anne Maron, Secretary;-Bess Creighton "University, visited over the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harlowe areKaplan, Treasurer. Ruth White, Do- week-end, at the home of his parents, visiting in the - home of Mrs. Har-; low's parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lip-' rc'iiy Gslson, Dorothy Epstein, and Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Epstein. man, after spending several'weeks in Lillian Stein' were voted. into the 1 Norman C. Rosenthal entertained Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. -Harlbw will Group. make their home in Bloomfield, Nebraska.

M. SOMIT Dealer in JEWISH BOOKS and other JEWISH ARTICLES 2429- Decatur Street ' WEbster 3527 I just received a new supply of all kinds of Sidurim and machzerim with Jewish and English translations. Also, very beautiful Taleisim, Silk and Wool. Everything at very reasonable prices. Our ESROIGIM and LULOVIM for Succoth have just arrived from ERETZ ISROEL.


Phone ««»« * «^P^ 23rd and J Ackson 1226 - F U N E R A L Curning Street -


Mrs. Harry Bailin of Atkinson,' Nebraska, is a guestvin the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J; H. Bolstein. ' ' ' ' f , I Miss Mildred Ruth Baron departed for her home" in * Chicago after a visit of several months jn the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max "Brodkiy. "* I Miss Elsie Stalrrtaster of Omaha' will be a guest "over the v?eek end,' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow. 1 Miss Dorothy Rosenthal visited' with her sister Mrs. Dave Weiner during- the past week. | j

Mr. Bernard Rocklin underwent a minor operation at the Lutheran Hospital. Plans for the first A. Z. A. Hallowe'en Dance are under way.. Thedance will "be sponsored by the local A. Z. A. chapter will be held at the Center,' Sunday evening, October 27.! _








Y;om Kippur


MONDAY EVENING OCTOBER 14 ' To Be Given in the.


--. f Ms-Makes Someone Wait - ".«iFhen\you,are called by telephone and •-~"'aslied for information that must be obLained " f ronx files or other records, minutes drcf; li^e '- ' hoi^rs t o the person who is' waiting'on tt.s line --while the'.search, is being, made.. ' . _' • •'• I n such cases, it is well to tell the calling person that you -will look up the information and call back as soon as it is found. Thz3 permits the calling person to resume work without dclayvoud immediately releases bolli lines for other calls. The thoughtful consideration cf U'a. phono users for czch cthtr hclpz all iv obtain the most value from the: service.

Community Center Ball Room •



T h e Douglas street bridge is worth what we have asked for it. If any private individual owned it, he would ask more |ojr it than we are asking, but regardless of what" you think of that price: 1. You- can get it free without faying a cent of -taxes? — tolls will pay for i t


NORTHWESTERN. BELL ^ M T E U - P H O N E " COMPANY —Admission $1.25 Per Couple


The Pioneer Women held their bi-j monthly meeting at the Jewish Com-j munity Center on Wednesday after-; noon with Mrs. H. Mirowitz presid- j ing. A tea set which was raffled off was won by Mrs. J. Lefkovicfc. Proceeds of the raffle will go towards the Pioneer Women's Palestinian] work.


2.J? u r c ha. s e of our bridge is the quickest way- tovget a free bridge paid for by tolls. Tolls will pay for our bridge in six and one-half years. From twelve to fifteen years will be required to build a competing bridge and pay for it with tolls;j>

6SS Securities Bide-

Our ...bridge is worth $4,155,296'and we will seD it for that price. The value of the physical structure is $2,633,058; the bridge will earn net during the next three years $1,522,238. T H E TOT A L I S $4,155,296.

EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing

220 So. ISth St. JA. 1136 M. B. DOLGOFF

—Library Loose Leaf Specialist in Hand Binding

Peerless Cleaners 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House Wltb A Reputation

Paxton-Mitchell Co. !?tb ami Martha Sis. HAnej 1662 OMAHA. NEBRASKA Soft gray, iron, braes, oronze ana aluminum castings. Standard sizes oronze and iron bushings, sewer manboles, cisiern rings ami covers and :leas-out doore in stock. All kinds of woofi and metal pntterns.

24th and Farnam

THEODORE'S Cleaners and Dyers 1724 Dodge St.

AT. 1126

Omaha Towel Supply Co. H. BERGEB

JA. 0328



Awnings. Canvas Covers, Tents, Camp Supplies, All Kinds 15 and Howard

Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha"


1718 Cass

JA. 4065-6


CANDYLAND 16tb and Farnam

CRYSTAL CANDY tfith ana Capitol Ave.

National Accessories, Inc.

Rush-En Rye For Health



times a day we are in your neighbiarhood

jfincfietp jhundrn Ca ——City

AT. 4750

Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program

The Omaha Jobbing Co* tmnomkat Transportation


Omaha md Council Bluffs Street Railway Co.

All kinds of Paints and Varnishes, at all prices, and all colors. Job lots-of various merchandise. 317 No. 15th St., JA. 5604



Uncle Sam Breakfast Pood Company. Omaha


Harry a. Lapidus. I'


Omaha Fixture and




Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

ATlantic 6291

Soda Water Gingerale and Near Beer

Wide Delivery

MA. 4750


LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments Our Hobby foy 45 Years OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-S Douglas Street


"Everything for the Auto" 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524


of All JuanBflcr 8«ir*l««B"



24th and Harney "WE SATISFY ALL"

"The Best

Ask Your Dealer For A

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AT. 14B2



F ^Service e Delivery



534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611

S. PurcftJi§fe of our bridge is the cheapest way- to; 'get a free bridge regardless of turn it is paid for. If general t a x a t i o n bonds are voted to builds, new bridge the interest, which would , nm at least twenty years, would put the total cost between five and six million.


Certified Public Accountants AT. 4451

Sponsored by

Omaha Chapters No. 1 aad.No.100 Aleph Zadik Aleph '

business Girl's Club elected the following new members to their rolls, Min Greenstone, Bee Pill, Rose Levin, Sylvia Rifiin, Rose and Gertrude ilteznek, Ruth Wigodsky, Anne Shul' kin, Florence Kaufman. After the business meeting Mrs. Carl Younglave, local Girl Scout Director spoke to • the members on the program of Citizen Scouting.

IDEAL Bottling Co. WE. 3043

We Occupy Orer 1O.IWC Square

AH Flavors


Visit the Netv

MALASHGCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets . Hill Hotel Building

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire.


PftoneATlANTiC O639 313 SO. 14 TH.ST.~OM A*v<i

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