October 18, 1929

Page 1

Scanning 1 the Jewish Horizon

Interesting' Entertaining

By" David Schwartz

MAYOR WALTER'S TAILOR 'His •Hohojy Jiimmy WsJ 1 ^, Mayor Kutered aB-Eecou(L-cInss. mail matter on January 27, ISKO, at of New York,' bears , ^., "charmed ^postoBlce at'OmiiKa,'Kebrasfch; under the Act of March 3,18711 reputation of being t h ^ i ^ , -dressed mayor of America. J.i£ ^- 'vhas a! _ ^

reputation not uncompaiS %r ' o that \ Orthodox of the Prince of Wales%*


styles. However, many do not , . "-.hat r some of the credit for theinfi --ate ' Bmartness o^ the Mayor's co* is! due to his Jewish tailor, Jeai man. Indeed, Friedman has been tailor for the Mayor for a period of j sixteen years now. This Jewish tailor, incidentally, is a most interesting person. At onej time he Tvas a baritone in grand opera in one of the European, states. He came to America with ambitions! of "making" the Metropolitan Opera.1 Strange combination—Jimmy, the Mayor who formerly wrote songs and Jean, the tailor, who formerly. sang \




VOL. VII.—No. 40

Thought Its Season on


The Jewish Thought League held The Jewish Community Center libits initial meeting at the J. C. C. rary is now open, with books being Tuesday evening1. The group conloaned on a rental and non-rental sisted of about 35 people. basis. The loaning of books is aan! n' Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple exculsive membership privilege. i Series Include Peace, Religion The rental books are the very Excesses in Russia, Roumania, Israel delivered the address on "TheSeries Again Sponsored by J. C. C. and Council of Jewish and Hungary Mar Holiday. Future of the American Jew". The Civics, Parliamentary and latest, just off the press. A nominal Women Season program -was enthusiastically reParent Education fee of two cents per day is charged. ce'ved, and a thought-provoking Following are some of the books TO' START NOVEMBER 14 DEATH SENTENCE GIVEN round table discussion followed. Most Groups for Members in big demand: "All Quiet on the Permanent officers were elected, Western. Front", by Remarque; "Litt-j Pltms f o r t h e 192 . "-30 Iecture The Omaha Council of "Jewish le Caesar", by Burnett; "Storm i Moscow (J. T. A.)—The advent of Mrs Harry Cohn being selected as course, sponsored jointly by the the Holiday season for the Jewish chairnaan and Mrs. William Alberts Women is again sponsoring a series House", by Norris; • "The Tragic] Jewish Community Center and the population was the signal for antivice-chairman. of study groups, several; of which Era", by Bowers; "They Stoop t o ' Meetings will be held on Tuesday Council of Jewish Women, have been were conducted last year, while Follow", by Glasgow; "Toward the Semitic outbreaks in various parts of nights, twice a month. The next formulated, the first address beingothers are being organized for the Light", by Fels; "Midchannel", by continental Earope. scheduled for November 14. The death sentence was pronounced first time. . Lewisohn; "On the Bottom", by Ells- against Afanasi Shkapa five days meeting will be held in two or three Tickets for the annual course, tLem. •.'•-.-• • ! »eeks. These groups are of two. classes; berg; "The Round-up", by Lardner. which has met .with such popular after the perpetration of a pogrom The purpose of the group is to first, those,open only to counciLmem- ' Irvin Green is in charge of the Since "Walker became Mayor, in-, favor, are now cm sale under the he led against the settlers in discuss problems of Jewish interest. bers,. and second; those open -both to library. <ddentallyt Eriedman's business has direction of Mrs, David F. Feder, Strdgovo-Bude region of the Ukraine, reading of a specially-prepared members and non-members. - . . • grown, tremendously. Obviously the. where a Jewish woman was killed. paper will be followed by an open Mrs. Feder, who is chairman of the There are five study groups to Mayor has proved his best advertiseeducation committee for the Council, The death sentence was urged which members only may belong.-The forum. ment. / will be assisted by Mrs, William L. against the ringleaders at a meeting first of these, the Peace study group Gedaliah - Bublick Holzmari, Mrs. Eexibin Rulakofsky, of peasants of the village called by DID YOU KNOW will be conducted by Mrs.,.Samuel Mrs. Harry Lapidus, and Miss the Regional Soviet and addressed That Octavius Roy Cohen, author Gerson, chairman of the^ Peace ComBlanche -Zimman. by its representatives. of • numerous and popular stories mittee. This group will meet once; a The Omaha Council of the National The series will be opened or> In Moscow ten workers in the month to discuss peace problems.; Fund "will sponsor a meeting open to about African gentlemen, is the . Thursday evening. Nov. 14, A preliminary meeting will be held the public on Tuesday evening, Octo- | building trust, Mosstroi, were roped president of an organization known "The Romancers", an ta , . „. _ , ™ ^ * ! A l a n s o n * B . Houghton. former ' and locked up by the militia and at 12:30 o'clock, Thursday, October ber 22, at 8:15 at'the Jewish Comas the Loafer's Club? firemen when they started a fight comedy by the French playwright, j E m b a s B a d o r to . both ' Germanvy and Gedahiah Buhlik, "president of the 24 at the Conant .Hotel. Members munity Center. All the Jewish orEdmund Rostand, will open the sea-1 That Louis Lipsky, Bernard G. ritain, will speak at the Mizrachi Organization of America, who are interested in joining may ganizations of the city have received with knives against the Jewish ad- son of the Center Players Guild. The! Richards, and Jacob de Haas began ministrators. With the slogan, "Kill Brandeis Theatre on the subject, Orthodox wing, of 'the Zionists, will call Mrs. Gerson, Harney 4817 forspecial invitations to'attend. play will be presented at the Jewish their careers as journalists, working arrive in Omaha to-day for a four- further information, or they will be • According to those in charge, the the Jews," the' drunken workers Community Center auditorium on "War or Peace; and Anglo-American for various: daily newspapers 1 Relations." day visit. . ;••' , welcome at the meeting next "week. meeting has been called in order to started their assault. Wednesday evening, October 23, That Philip Watttenberg, donor of The building workers in Moscow "Coming: so soon after Premier The committee on Religion and Re- acquaint the public' of Omaha with Tomorrow morning Mr. Bublik will starting at 8:30.' the Wattenberg Building to the HebRamsay MacDoiralti's visit to this speak a t the Beth Hamedrosh Hago- ligious Education of which Mrs. the spirit of the ideals and aspira- are considered the wildest antiTickets for "The Romancers" are rew University of Jerusalem, is a country, we feel that Houghton's dol . Synagogue, 19th ,'and Burt Frederick Cohn is chairman, is spon- tions of the Council, and the work Semitic elements, most of them com•walking encyclopedia of Jewish -wit Streets. Sunday morning.he will ad- soring . a Bible study class. Rabbi they do." No collections whatsoever ing from neighboring villages and on sale a t the Jewish Community Il e c t u r e , i U b e v i d e ] y R p p r e d a t e d , Center and from members of the said Samuel Gerson, Center director. and humor? One of Wattenberg's dress the Bnai-Israel congregation at Cohn will conduct this" class which will be made. having little education. Center Players' Guild. observations—which he declares to be 18th and Chicago, Then on Monday will deal with Biblical study and Mr. Gerson arranged for HoughJewish students at the Moscow Rabbi Abraham Bengis, speaking Mrs. Herman Jahr, who has suc-ton's local appearance through the entirely serious—is: "There is no evening, October 21, he will speak Biblical history. A preliminary meetTechnical School, Techmass, were fun; in making money after you have at ~a mass meeting at the Beth Ha- ing open to members who" are. inter- in English, will deliver the main ad- beaten by their fellow students, re- cessfully directed the histrionic ac- Foreign Policy Association of Washdress of the evening. Mr. I. Moryour first million." ports the "Coasomolskaya Pravda", tivities of the Center for some time, ington, D, C, one of the organizaested in this study is scheduled-for genstern will speak in Yiddish. medrosh Hagodol. is again in charge. Those having tions which helped entertain Premier That one of the brilliant graduates Mr."Max Venger, chairman of the 1:30 o'clock Monday at "the Jewish Besides the speakers, the commit- Communist youth organ. The paper the leading parts ars: Rebecca KirMacDonald, and to v.hom he made cites examples of. how the antiof a famous law school of, the East local Mizrachi .Organization, will pre- Community Center. At this time tee in charge. has arranged for a shenbaum, Sylvette; Lee Brown, Per- one of the most historic of his imSemitic teachers united with the definite arrangements as to the .time failed to receive a place on the facul- side at the mass ^meeting Monday splendid program. Mr. John Feldcinett; Max Weinstein, Benjamin; | ^ ^ a d d r e s s e s w M e ' i n t h i s ty because of his Yeshiva bochur ap- evening and\ will also; have Mr. Bub- and place of meeting will be. made.: man is chairman: of the" committee, anti-Semitic students in constantly Drvid Himalstein, Pasquinot; Earl! c a u n t r v 1 persecuting the Jewish students. pearance? Subsequently he came to as his. house guest while he is a Mrs. Phil Schwartz, chairman of assisted by Mr.- Albert .Kaplan, and RlPP-al. ihts Tergal Siegal, the "h'.fori "hired -r-iliisiTi". villian"; Israel Reports from the Hungarian capiNew York and -wrote a brief in a visitor in"the city.•"'""*"• '':' Mcsdames J. Rosenberg, J. J. Fried"Science vs. Religion" Sternhill and Haskell Cohen. the committee, on , Legislation ' and tal state that new anti-Semitic exnow famous case which came np be- Rabbi Abraham Bengis, a member man, and S". Robinson. The second attraction of the Miss Sara Rae Fish, assisted by fore the Supreme Court. As a re- of- the" National Executive committee Civics is organizing a study; group. Among the numbers on the pro-cesses broke out in the Budapest Ina Jacobson on the violin will pro- winter series will be a debate beThis study should prove .very popuUniversity as the result of an agitasult his 'old Alma Mater, which for- of the Z. 0 . A., who worked with lar due to the fact that dt will deal gram are included Cantor Kahano- tion for an increased numerus vide music for the performance. tween Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes of Jneriy_,fiojFned .^ai. Just* r-Jias Mr. Bnbiick in Tfixas, ;5$yfll 'introduce ;wjjth"subjects of local importawre-and witch .of • Beth _Hajnfirash Hagodpl, Numbers from the opera "Mignon", Smith college ami the Rev. Frank ..him to join its^teaching staff. .the speaker a t -the-•mass^meetiBg. problems of mutual interest .to thewell-known • to the ~pubfiei •who-.-will TCISBSHS, limiting'"the number ^of -Jew- Have teen selected. G.. Smith, pastor of the local First ish students admitted to the tmiverRabbi and Mrs. Bengii will-also enT entire community. At the first meet- sing songs in Jewish, accompanied by Israel Sternhill is business manaj Central Congregational church, on CANTOR TELLS ONE tertain Mr. ..Bublick]_during 'his stay ing the Douglas Street Bridge will Miss Sara Rae Fish at the piano; sities. ger, and Haskell Cohen is in charge! the general subject of "Science vs. Eddie Cantor tells the one about in Omaha. An attempt by Roumanian students ..:.., be discussed. Council-members who the.Dolgoff sisters, who will give of ushers. . - . . Religion." 'The formal statement of a gentleman from the East Side who Mr. Bublick, pnvlcio just recently, re-wish to join this group may call several violin and piano selections; to hold a protest demonstration the question to be debated will be " settled'down for a smoke after par- turned from Palestine, ^was! an eyeand, Mrs. Margaret Belmont, who against the Jews of Roumania in announced later, . taking :of a repast in a Broadway witness to. the: ^atrocities committed Mrs. Schwartz, Harney 0463. connection with-the .unsuccessful atRabbi Abba Hillel Silver of CleveMrs. Herbert Arnstein, chairman will" also sing Jewish songs. Re- tempt on the life of government lunch. emporium. in the Holy-Land arid livebf through of the Parliamentary Practise com- freshments will also be served. land, who was expected to speak last The manager went over to him.all the horrors of: the events there. member Vaida by a group of Comt year but was unable to fill his engage"See that sign?" he asked. " I t says: The MizracH^head l a s a good deal mittee, will conduct a morning study munists including Abram Goldenberg M. F. Levenson, long active in lo- i meni due to illness, has promised to group to meet at her home. This •No smooTring here.' " •was prevented by the police. The .to say about the- tragic experiences group is limited to officers and board cal Zionist circles, was elected presi- \ speak on March 24; and Dr. Morris anti-Semitic students attempted to "But", objected the patron, "it of the Jewish people "in Palestine and dent of the local Zionist group at aJFishbein, editor of the Journal of members of the Council. • The memfasten the gTiilt of the occurrence doesn't say: Tositively.'" •will point out what he believes is bership will be limited to twelve or meeting at the Jewish Communityi the American Medical association on the Jewish population. No disthe course of action which American fifteen; however, if other members of Center Tuesday evening. • will appear on Monday, Jan 13. BLOCH BUYS ANOTHER Jewry should irarsue as a result of the Council are interested in joining • Approximately 125 couples made turbances occurred in 'other parts Other officers elected were: Rabbi Paul Bloch, publisher of The Pic-the outbreaks. /Season Ticket $3 of Roumania as .a result of the Bengis, first vice-president; J. J. they may call Mrs. Arnstein,. Walnut merry at the A.Z. A. Yora Kippur unfortunate incident. .. . torial Review and of newspapers in A concert, the artists of which Friedman, second vice-president; 3801. The preliminary meeting will dance held at the Jewish Community Brooklyn, Newark, Toledo, Duluth will be announced latei", will comJohn Feldman, third vice-president. be held Thursday morning, November Center auditorium Monday night, and other points, has added another The Board of Directors consists of plete the course for which season marking the most successful dance link to his chain: The Milwaukee . Single the following: Dr. O. F. Belzer, L i tickets are ^ on sale for Sentinel. A course in Parent Education will ever staged at the Center. Omaha Goldstein, A. Goldstein, Philip Klutz- ; admissions for each event vill be ?.l. Chapter No. 1 and Sam Beber Chapbe conducted under the leadership of Despite his immense wealth and A meeting will be held at the Jew- nick, Louis Katelman of Council, Herman H. Auerbach heads the Moscow (J.T.JL.)—Eleven elderly Mrs. Eva Morse, Head of the Adult ter No. 100 joined in sponsoring the prominence Bloch seems to take.little ish Community Center at 1:30 o'clock Bluffs, Jake Riklin, Sam Rob;nson, Community Forum, in charge of the —if any—interest in Jewish affairs. Jews, comprising the - administrative Education Department of the Omaha affair. Monday to arrange for the Bible Dr. A. Romm, Harry Trustin, a n d I lecture course. Serving with him are Committee of the Leningrad Kehil- Board of Education. These classes ~ Herb Feierman and his orchestra ' Samuel Gerson, Rsbbi Frederick Cohn, classes which Rabbi Cohn will con- E WeinbereOnce upon a time many Jews of lah, were sentenced to prison and will meet in the evenings once a supplied the music for the evening. RabM duct. At this time the place of "The first activity of the new re\ Abraham , Ben^s Miltoa prominence practised an indifference hard labor terms .oil the charge of week for six weeks. The class is The men in charge of the arrangemeeting, time, and the subjects of gime will be an intensive member-! Abrahams and Samuel Beber, fers. to Jewish life. To-day, particularly having conducted., .illegal Kehillah limited to eighteen, half of whom ments were Elmer Shamberg, Ralph Feder Mrs J t arry K kof k study will be discussed. ship drive, in which they vill attempt \ ' ' • ' l «)« * >; Gross, Sol Graetz, Israel Sternhill, in the political field in New York, activities. The trial caused a stir must be fathers. "Mrs. Morse feels' of the Council of This course is being sponsored by to enroll every Jewish man interested Jews are finding that they can getamong the entire Jewish population that they are as much in need of and Dave Brodkey. • Dances f oHowing- Yom Kippur the Religion and Religious Education in Zionist work, yet who is not a | Women,- Mrs.- Morris Jacobs Mrs. education as the mothers. ' nowhere by following such practises. of Leningrad. ~ • • ? [ Samuel Gerson and Mrs. lsidor services are being sponsored by A. Committee of the Omaha Council of member. Even Albert Ottinger, a thoroughly The charge of which the prisoners A definite evening and hpur^will be Ziegler. • . • good man, found, when he was run-were fcnnd guilty" stated that the, set at the preliminary meeting which Z. A. chapters throughout the coun- Jewish Women of which Mrs. Frederick Cohn is chairman. ning for governor, that his non-iden- Kehillah of Leningrad violated its will be held during the first week of try, and have everywhere achieved Council members who are interesttity with Jewish life cost him many by-laws by issuing,, an appeal to the November, the exact date to be .an- the same success as in Omaha. ed in this class are urged to attend votes. Had Ottinger gained a few population to-assist in the remodell- nounced at the first meeting of the the Monday meeting. thousand Jewish votes more he would ing of the Choir "Synagogue which Council on October 28. Council memThree Jewish students were rehave been governor of New York to- the Soviet authorities has ordered to bers W-ho wish to join this.class may cipients of class honors at Creightor. The second anniversary of the Bikur day. Whether wisely or not, many be remodelled "at a time when the call Mrs. David Feder, l Glendale University, by being elected to the TO SPONSOR LECTURE will be celebrated at the regJewish voters seem to take a particu- Kehillah had, no funds of its own.1164, who is chairman of the EducaThe Young Poale Son will sponsor | vice-presidency of their respective olar meeting of the society on MonThe Ladies' Auxiliary of the Con-a lecture Tuesday, Oct. 28, 8:15 classes. day, October 21, at the synagogue at l?.r relish in voting against non-' The Soviet. authorities, at the tion committee. This course is free servative Synagogue will hold -their p. m. at the Jewish Community of charge. time notified . the ^Kehillah that if In the medical school, Abe Fellman 25th and SewsTd. Streets. The public Jewish Jews. next regular meeting on Wednesday Center. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will won in the freshman class, while in j i invited to attend. the synagogue-building is not reThe following division. of courses s MATZOTH IN RUSSIA modelled it will be' converted into a consists.of those to which both mem- afternoon, October 23, at 2q30 p. m. speak on Palestine and the Jew. the law school William Stalmasterj Rabbi N. Feldman and Kabbi ManPermanent officers will be elected.and A story which seemed to us to be l a b o r c l u b . The youth of Omaha is invited to (was elected in the senior class and uel Laderman -will deliver the main ''' ' : ' -:'; '•:••'•.' (Continued on Page 2) organization plans perfected. more truth than jest was related the attend. Admission free." | Frank Ackerman in the junior class. addresses in honor of the occasion. Mrs. Max FromHn, temporary other day by Leo M. Glassman, who *Rabb5 Laderman, who comes from chairman, has announced the followhas just returned from Russia. Chicago, has made an impression upon ing committees: The time of the story, dates back j the Jewry of the city with his , Recommendation: Mrs. MoseYouto last Passover, when there was > I eloquent addresses at the B'nai Israel sem, chairman ;Mesdames, J. Stein, much discussion of the question of | synagogue' during the holidays. ReNew York (J. T. A.)—A deputa~ | He did, however, take occasion to William Alberts, A. Bengis, Max whether the importation of matzoth freshments will also be served. tion of the Jewish Agency for Pal--! praise "the extraordinary devotion" afternoon, October 23, at 2:30 p. m. New York.—A prize of f 10,000 • of the Jewish eommunitj- in America, into Russia was to be permitted. This meeting culminates the second It was at a dinner to newspaper estine was received by Prime Minis- with which the Jews of the rworld, , Nominating: Mrs. Philip Schwartz, has been offered • by Julius Rosen- how can Jewish life best adjust it- year in which the organization hue ter Ramsay MacDonald of Great and particularly those - of America, chairman; Mesdames Sam Beber, Sam wald of Chicago for the best essay self to and influence modern life with ; ccoTnp ii she <] sp i e ndjd work in the correspondents. had pursued their work in. rebuild-^ Robinson, Sam Cohn, B. A. Simon. respect to (a) beliefs and theories; j cha ritable field and in visiting the One of the non-Jewish correspon- Britain. ing Palestine. Constitutions: Mrs. M. F. Levin- on the Future" of American Judaism, (b) institutions; the home, the j s i c k . dents remarked that while the Jews During the course of .the discusit has been announced by the Julius synagogue, the school and other! In a prepared statement read to - sion Premier MacDonaia pointed out jP r e i n i e r McDonald bv Felix War- son. AQ wives of members of the con-Rosenwald Prize Essay Committee, communal agencies; and (c) Jewish j /„..„•„,- UnAnccnh fn i- that the Commission of burg, head of the Jewish ~ Agency gregation are requested to be present. with headquarters 71 West 4"th education: for the child, the youth would be thoroughly importial in even delegation, it was pointed out that I Street, New York. and adult?" The contest which is 1 investigation of the resent disturb- in the past ten years more than! Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.) — Another contest, restricted to open to the general public calls for matzoth. j "flow is that?" asked Glassman. jances. $25,000,000 had been sent -to Pal-1j It is understood that the • privatej under-graduate students in colleges essays of 15,000 to 100,000 words in! An open meeting in the form Of & Mr. MacDonald gave assurances estine by the Jews of America and.meeting which took place here atiand seminaries will also be conducted length while in the students contest • rally and cultural progrrarn will be "Well, as I understand it", replied the Christian correspondent, "the that the British ".Government is mak- _ that "implict confidence and trust in] 5:30 Wednesday afternoon last week with prizes amounting to $1,500 be- the length of the essay is to be the Junior HadassaVs, celebration of >th are intended to serve as a ing a careful. survey of ' the land the assurances of the Mandatory!between Prime Minister MacDonald ing awarded. Suecoth on Thursday evening, Octofrom 15,000 to 55,000 words. remembrance of the bitter times the and immigration - problems but that Government induced American Jews • and Justice Louis D. Brandeis, was The essays in both contests are ber 24. Rabbi Abraham Bengis •will The theme for the essays is as Jews once had. In Russia, with these would, h.ave to "wait for solu- to take the leadership in the support (devoted to a discussion of Palestine follows: "For the fullest spiritual required to be in the hands ox the I be the principal speaker. "tinngs as "they are, they dont need tion until the administrative and of. the plan to enlarge the Jewish j problems. A request for this inter- development of the individual Jew committee not later than December j There will also be other any jsuch reminders." political problems had been settled.' Agents" ' • view emanated from British quarters.' and the most effective functioning 31, 195**» teresting numbers on the








Bible Class to Be Led By Rabbi Cohn

'.-" '

Jewish Students Win In Class

Conservative Auxiliary '•:;. Will Meet October 23

PremierMacDphald Assures Deputation of Jewish Agency Concerning Mandate

Celebrate A nnivcrsary

Rosenwald Offers Prices for Essays on the Future of

Celebrate Suecoth


THE JEWISH PRESS PuhUfitod 0S&: Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office* Brandeis Theater Building—TeJepKonie: ATJantic 1450 .

DAVID BLACpiR - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR . FRANK R.ACKERMAN.- - - " - - - - - - - - EDITOR JFANNIE KATELMAN -. --Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street CHARLES OSHEROPP - - SIOUX CITY CORRESPONDENT - 1616 W. 16tb Street

Dr. Simon Askenazky j Orthodox-Conservative Pensioned in Warsaw! Legal Battle Ruled Out

court's aid to reestablish Orthodox Judaism in the Center. Appellate Judge John J. Sullivan, who wrote the opinion, was unanimWarsaw. (J. T. A.) Dr. Simon j Cleveland.—{J. T. A.)—The Court ously affirmed by his two associates. Askenszy, famous Polish Jewish his-j of torian and former representative of. Appeals here today pronounced as the Polish Republic at the League. 8 strictly ecclesiastical question the What makes old age so sad is, of Nations, was given the status of J four-year court controversy between not that our joys, but that our emeritus, according to an announce-' Orthodox and Conservative groups of hopes then cease. —Richter. ment mode in the Polish official the Cleveland Jewish Center and dismissed the suit of the Center's Ortho- A man is not completely born until gasette, "Monitor Polski." Dr. Askenszy was recalled from dox minority group which sought the he be dead. —Franklin. his post in Geneva in 1913, when the national democratic party was in power in Poland He was presented with a gift in the amount of 80,000 With the Zlotys. The national democratic press expresses dissatisfaction with the Polish government's action.

Lights Golden Jubilee to be Observed Here World-wide Radio Broadcast October 21; Only International Hookup Ever Made


Subscription Price, one year - - - • " " " * • • ' AdvertijBing rates furnished on appbcation

CHANGE OF ADDRESSr-PIease give both the old and nev? address; be sure to give your name.

Lithuania Government Dissolves Iron Wolf


Riga.—J. T. A.)—Lithuanian Fascist organization modelled after the Ku Klux Klan was dissolved by an order of the new Minister of the Interiorr Musteicks, it is reported here from Kovno. The Iron Wolf was said to have been responsible for the recent antiJewish excesses in Siobodka and the. frequent attacks on the Jewish populalion in the provincial towns. Mass arrests among the "members of the Iron Wollf were ordered by the new government.

Succoth, the Harvest Festival, is a holiday of feasting and aierrymaking, a time when every Jew puts aside the bustle of his commercial activities and once more turns his thoughts to the refreshing coolness of the soil. There was a time when Israel lived by tilling the soil. The farmers Used to make pilgrimages to Jerusalem upon this occasion, so that they might lay the offerings of field and tree upon the altar and thank God for his bounties. Even in his exile the Jew never forgot the joyous harvest days of Palestine. In his squalid Ghettoes he built tiny booths and sang songs of thanks for a harvest he never gathered. Before long the frail succah became a symbol ; : of hop.e,' . '! Nor. has that hope been in vain. Disraeli did not realize the prophetic truth of his saying that "A race which persists in celebrating the vintage, although they have no fruits to gather, will regain those vineyards." Today we are no longer without a land. We are free to reap the harvest which has for so many years been denied us, not only the harvest of the fields but also the harvest of our sacrifices for a n ideal.

-•-.-'-•. '• •'-:'•'- :-


. V


' .: ;




Just when Jewish hearts everywhere were lamenting the bloody butcherings of their brethren, just when rabbis everywhere were urging their congregations to lend their wholehearted support in the rebuilding/of .the Holy Land and to help in bearing the burdens which weigh so heavily on the shoulders of world Jewry, a group of leading Liberal Jews in Germany brazenly disavow any interest in Palestinian work. With resourceless logic and with a trace of Hohenzollern obstinacy, these ''liberals" renounce their, affiliation with their fellow-Jews. They havie become so liberalized that they declare that "German Jews do not consider themselves a., part of the Jewish, people but as members of the German people; the Jewish National Home in Palestine endangers the emancipation of the Jews as well as tne religious and moral tasks of Judaism." The reason assigned for publishing the statement at this time is that the recent outbreak's nave stirred the sympathy of the people for an ideal, an<tt&e leaders of liberalism feel called upon to dissipate such a feeling by letting the world know that they-will not associate with the extended Jewish Agency. • An attempt to convince these Germans of their folly would be a waste Of time. It would be as useless as arguing with the fanatic Soviet Communists or the Agudath zealots. They are beyond recall. We can, however, afford to let these withered branches fall from the mighty tree of Israel. For, fortunately, Jewish ideah and Jewish aspirations are not dependent on the few min,orities which are at the extremities of Jewish life. man is sponsoring evening classes in OMAHA COUNCIL OF cooking, sewing and hygiene. The and hour of meeting will be JEWISH WOMEN TO evening announced at a later date. These will start during the first GIVE STUDY GROUPS classes week of November, Teachers from bers and rion members may belong.. Tickets for the Current Topics Course are now available, Mrs. Feder is in charge of distribution. The price for paid up members is $1.50, for non members $3.00- These meetings are held at 10:30 in the morn-r "ings on the first and third Tuesday - of" the month. The first meeting will - be Tuesday, November 5, at the Community Center. Rabbi Cohn conduets -this course which last year won city-wide popularity. It. is hoped that this year it will be as succesful. Mrs. L Rosenthal, chairman of the Committee on Immigrant Education is in charge of the Americanization Closes. Registration night wilt be Monday, October 28, at the Community Center. The classes are open to the Public, free of charge, and will be conducted Monday/and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 at the Center, the classes to start the first week in November. In addition to the usual teaching force a paid teacher will be supplied by the Board of'Education. Further information may be had by c-tlling Mrs. Eosenthal, TValnut 6999. The Social Service Committee with Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky as chair-

Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Lucius Littauer, American glove-manufacturer and philanthropist, gave 100,000 francs to the Paris public hospital. With previous gifts, the amount given by Mr. Littauer to the hospital amounts to 800,000 Francs.

Dealer in JEWISH BOOKS : and other JEWISH ARTICLES U29 Decatjir Street WEbster 3527 ' ' IP 8 P. received a new supply of all kinds of Sidurim and machzerim •gitn Jewish j n d English translations. Also, very beautiful Taleisim, Silk and Wocff. Everything at very reasonable prices. Our ESROIGIM; and LULOVIM for Succoth have just arrived from ERET.Z JSROEL.

That merchants and business men of this community are enthusiastically preparing to celebrate Light's Golden Jubilee, October 21, in commemoration of Thomas A. Edison's discovery of the first incandescent lamp fifty years ago, is being shown by the cooperation with which supplies for the event, furnished by Light's Golden Jubilee committee, are being handled. Window decorations, composed of replicas of Mr. Edison's first electric light; pennants for street and window display purposes; rotogravure pictures of the great mail; transparent signs and New York Heralds dated 1879, which will be given out through the medium of civic club meetings, alTcarrying the message of Light's Golden Jubilee, are being rapidly received. The historic discoveries of the "wizard of electricity" for fifty years prior to this date, have culminated in a world-wide tribute, through the untiring efforts of a email band of men known as the Edison Pioneers; men who struggled side by side with the inventor during the- hectic periods following his gift of electric lighting to humanity. This community, while not comparing in size or population, to other cities throughout the country and in foreign;countries, will,

Vienna. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Rybak of Offlrow, Poland, one of the delegates to "the Agudath Israel congress here, died from the stroke while waiting in the anteroom of the the Board of Education under the direction of Mrs. Eva Morse will be Polish consulate here. in charge. PATRONIZE. .OUR , ADVERTISERS English Classes will be conducted in the homes for any who desire to join. The first meeting will be early in November, and those who are intrested may call Mrs. William Levey, Walnut 5218. Every Boy •The first annual year book compiled, by the Omaha Conndr of "Jewish Women be distributed to members the early part of next week. It will contain the Council's various records of- last year and announcements for this year. Word has just been received that Dr. Samuel A. Goldsmith, who is coming to make a survey of the Jewish activities in; Omaha will be the speaker at the Council's, opening meeting Monday, Oct. 28. •-.;•"'


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Polish Syndicate Buys Tobacco of Palestine



(Continued from Page 1)

Enchanting Aroma of the Orient

not be lackln? In the spirit of the jubilee, and is falling in line wita. the international activities in a way that is most satisfactory to the organization that is sponsorin the movement. On the night of October 21, at Dearborn, Mich., a gala celebration and dinner, at which the 82year-old inventor will be the man of the hour, with such nationally known people as the President of the United States, Herbert Hoover, honorary chairman for the event, will be present to honor Mr. Edison, still alive and able to work and see the results of hia labors. The dinner will be given by Henry Ford, for years a comrade of Mr. Edison. Bafore the dinner, the inventor, himself, will dedicate the New School of Technology, which through the efforts of Mr. Ford, has been erected in tribute to the- "pilgrim of progress." Following the (Unner, talks and entertainment will broadcast over the first International radio broadcast, ever known to history. Those having radios will be able to listsn in on this program between., tke hopr oJ 6:30 and 7:30 Monday evening.' ' It is under these conditions that most of- the civilized world wiil pay rousing tribute to ona who has done EO much in imsroyins conditions throughout. .


Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The Polish tobacco monopoly purchased the entire tobacco crop of the Jewish colony Bosh Finah, Galilee, according to an announcement made here by Mr. Beysilai, president of the Upper Galilee, tobacco syndicate, who is now here. The crop amounts to 5,000 kilo, Mr. Barsilai expressed the hope that the Polish syndicate will purchase 100,000 kilo next year, it being convinced of the high quality of the Palestine tobacco.


Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Cofie* , to be compared with U


REBBE ATTACKED Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—-Rabbi Jacob Joseph Schneursohn, the Lubawittcher Rebbe who is now on a visit In New York, is the object of an attack published against him in the "Comsomolskaya Pravada." The Communist youth organ accuses the Rabbi of organizing "crazy anti-Soviet propaganda abroad" and keeping illegal connection with agents in Russia.



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organized, has shown a great deal of enthusiasm and will undoubtedly be one of the active groups at the Center..- :.. , j

be sent to needy families and in-9:30 a. m, Saturday and Sunday stitutions. mornings. Rev. S. Kahanowrcch, assisted by Conservative Synagogue his choir, Will conduct all service*. Succoth Services at the ConservaTemple Israel The HENRIETTA SZOLD CLUB tive Synagogue will, begin this even300 FAMILIES HOMELESS Succoth services at Temple Israel ing at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Abraham Warsaw. (J. T. A.) — Three had installation of officers at its a meeting Tuesday evening. The fol-i^f^j * 8 oclockBengis will deliver a sermon on hundred Jfvrish families £r« homeless The JR. DAUGHTERS OF ZION lowing members have been put in of-j as the result of a fire which dehave been fortunate to secure Miss fice: Ida Bercovici, Secretary; Ruth!iwald's Ten-Thousand Dollar Prize" "Booths." stroyed nearly the entire township On Saturday morning at 9:30 a. m. tonight's services. Saturday mornSylvia Bernstein as their Program Fox, Treasurer; Elsie Lazarus, Reof Slupia Nowa, district of Kiek«. Rabbi Bengis wi]l speak on "Rejoicjinj, his subject -will be "Religion and Director, and with her aid, the Pro-porter. The material datnag* is considerable. ing Before the Lord." His subject gram Committee plans to arrange The members of this club have I Children." Nine firemen -were injured during th« Sunday morning will be "Beautifying a complete schedule of study and sent $50 to the Palestine Emergency i A children's celebration of the harrescue work. social activity for the coming season. Fund, and now have pledged $5 t o ' v e s t * * ? > he * d Saturday morning the Command." at 10 o'clock. Children of the SunThe Sisterhood of Temple Israel ORGANIZATIONS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Community Chest. Bnai Israel day School will bring baskets of sponsored a style revue of the latest A new member, Ethel Bloom, was feshjons at the Blackstone Wednes- The Omaha Jewish Dramatic club admitted to the TONKU KODA Club The Jr. Daughters of Zion are fruit and will display them on the Rabbi Manuel Ladernaan of Chicago has been retained for the Succoth 1 BEN BROMBERG day evening. Mrs. Dave Eosenstock has prepared for its first presentation at their meeting Tuesday evening. planning to give a Succoth pro- altar. services at the Bnai Israel Synaof the season, the Dorfs Yung, which After the services, the fruit will Operating was chairman of the affair, assisted The club has completed its plans gram October 27 at the J. C. C. gogue, 18th and Chicago Streets. ljy ilesdames Nate Mandel and Harry will be staged at the Jewish Com- for the Hallowe'en party to be given Everyone is invited. munity Center, October 27. and toss on board lightly. Bake in Services will be held tonight, and October 26. medium oven S50 degrees F. Serve Saturday and Sunday mornings. The funds raised will go to sufPages -were Misses Hermine Green ferers in Palestine. Tickets can be Flowers for All with whipped cream. Rev. A. Schwazkin and his choir The XL's and the Ronohs, a Cenand Elizabeth Hart. The models were obtained at Adler's Delicatessen. will again chant the services. Occasions Kitchen Chats tral High School organization, "will Jeanette Coin, Florence Wolf, Eita Apple Tapioca Pudding Sent by wire or espre«R every'•>y Mantel, Charlotte Heyn, ^Elizabeth At a meeting of the Daughters of hold their annual meet on the foot94 cup pearl tapioca, add 6 cups where. Free delivery in Omaha Beth Hamedroeh Hagodol Sternberger, Florence Marks, Mildred ball field soon. At the X L meeting Mrs. David M. Newman cold water, let stand all night." Core Zion held Wednesday, October 16, and Council BlufTe. Succoth services at the Beth Halew and Jane Appleman. Mrs. Sarah Feldman was elected Tuesday evening, the following team and pare 7 apples and put them m m e d r o s h Hagodol Synagogue, 19th Phone 714 Appearing on the program -were financial secretary. Mrs. Abraham was picked: Sam Cackin, L. E.; Art Apple Candy Pie a round dish. Uemove cores and filland Burt Streets, will start tonight Grossman, R. E.; Ervin Wezelman, 606 16th Ave., Council Blufis, la. Miss Rosalie Albert in a ballet dance Bengis was made an honorary memPlace in a buttered La King disk sugar and lemon Juice, pour at 5:30 p. m. They will begin at 1. G.; Louie Kinkin, R. G.; Bill Shernumber, songs by Miss Rose Brick, | b e r o f t h e organization, a layer of sliced apples sprinkled tapioca over them and "bake until man, Center; Sam Finkle, L. T,; •with cinnamon and •white sugar. |a ppi e s a r g soft. accompanied by Miss Ruth Isacson, «nd Max Cohen and Norman Brown. The Daughters of Zion will give Morris Fisher, R. T.; Milt Himel- Continue with these layers -until aj ^o. 2. Two tablespoons minuite The entire revne and program were a card party Tuesday, October 22, at stein, Quarterback; Harold Barish, La King dish is filled. Then m i x j t a p i o c a b o i I e d 1 5 m ^ t e s in 1% Omaha's Style Center rall-recerveS by the audience. the" Jewish : Community Center a t L. H.; Bill Sokolof, R. H.; Is Cohen, with % cup of fiour, 1 cup brown pj^ts milk, add 2 eggs, well beaten 2:30. The proceeds will go to theFull back. Bill Sokolof -wag elected sugar, % cup butter spread over the lesi - t h e w h i t e o f o n e f o r frosting; to the captaincy of the team. The top and bake -unSl apples are well a d d p i n c h Balt> S l i c e 2 apples in Reservations for "The Romancers" Palestine emergency fond. Mrs. J. team averages 143 pounds. •which will be given Wednesday, Oc- Hahn is chairman of the affair. A fund has already been started done. . Serve warm -or cold ; with j baling dish, add 1 teaspoon vanilla t o tapioca and pour over apples; tober 23, by the Center Players Everyone is urged to attend and to for the purchase of pins for the club whipped cream or ice cream. ' . . bake until apples are soft, cover with Guild, have been made by the fol-bring friends. members. Apple Cobbler Withont Lower Crust | w n ite of egg beaten stiffy and 2 lowing: Opposite ^*—€***~*r Orpheum . Line a pan with 2 tablespoons of, tablespoons of sugar and brown, Hie Young Poale Zion held a meetJudge and Mrs. Irving Stalmaster, The CENTER PLAYERS GUILD flour, 1 cup sugar .mixed; put in 6 . —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, Dr. and ing Thursday, October 17, at the is working on plans iar its annual apples cut in small pieces, dot with Jewisb Community Center, at which Mrs. Joe Weinberg, Mr, and Mrs. A. open house meeting which will be butter and sprinkle with cinnamon, WANTED Dr. Margaret Sullivan,! arrangements were made for the held soon. add 2 tablespoons water, cover with -.-•-' Nice appearing boy, high D.T. "Frank Neisius, Mr. and Mrs. coming season. this crust: % cup flour, 2 • teaspoons school graduate preferred, apHerman Auerbach, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac baking powder, % teaspoon salt,' 2 ply Swartz Jewelry Store, 1401 The EAGLE GIRL SCOUT TROOP The Independent Ladies Club will Cherniss. sponsor the showing of "The Twomembers are earnestly working for tablespoons crisco; mix lightly then l Douglas Street. add 2 or more tablespoons ice water j Invitations are being issued this Lovers" featuring Ronald .Colman merit badges. If every girl receives a merit badge at the Court of week for the Alpha Tau Ti Sorority and Vilma Banky at the Corby masquerade which will be given No- Theater. Admission will be 25 cents. Awards in December, the troop will "Just Around the Corner from Everything" give a play. vember 2. Miss Eve Katzman has been appointed chairman of the af- Rabbi Abraham Bengis was the The girls have inaugurated the use principal speaker at the meeting of of a large attendance chart marked with stars to facilitate the keeping the Deborah Society last week. of records of perfect attendance. Mr. and. Mrs. Morris WoHner anThe troop has changed its meeting' The Daughters of Zion will hold a nounce the birth of a . daughter at day from Thursday afternoon t o ' rummage sale Oct. 28 at 1417 No. 24. the T^se Memorial Hospital, October Street. Any one having a package every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 9. may bring it to the above address, or o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg, ac- call Ha. 1207 or Ha. 7528 and the The CARMELITES are busy with companied by. Mrs. Leo Lowenheim package will be called for. organization; work and plans for of Denver, -who has been their guest 1413 Douglas for * week, left yesterday for a visit The Center Player's Guild will hold future activity. This dub, recently a meeting, Tuesday, • October 22. in. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Tryouts for one-act will be held. It Nathan Fine has left the Clarkson is urged that all members attend. It i s planed to hold the. first OPEN Hospital where Jhe, receiay: TT aTI HOUSE, meeting oi. the. Guild at the est a •ooperation. e a t i n He~ is *~convalies\76ot next meeting to be held, Tuesday, ing at his home. October 30. A very interesting proMias Mollye "Grossman and Alice gram is being planned by Chairman Minkin spent the week-end visiting i•Haskell Cohn. in-Sioux City, Iowa. A musical concert will be given by You will say the price is comparHarold Katleman, who had been the Ladies Labor Lyceum dub, Octoatively reasonable when you obber 20, at S p. m., at the Labor Lyill at the Wise Memorial iospital for serve their unusual lines, their the past month, has returned ?to hisceum. Admission will he 25 cents. home this week. "'."••• gorgeous materials, their trimIntermediate Council to Organize mings, their dressmakers details At a regular meeting on Wednes- The Intermediate Council of Cluba and finishing. They show the day, October 16, the Daughters of will open the fall - season .with a new marvelous heavy shades meeting at the Center, Oct. 30. Zion decided to give a Jewish play that are fashionable besides .at the Jewish Community Center The following intermediate clubs black, brown and green, and auditorium, The date has not yetwill each send two representatives to the Council: Girls Scouts, Jr. been set. their manipulation, of draperies Mrs. J. Tretiak was appointed Daughters of Zion, Jecomter Camp are entirely different than anychairman of the ticket sale. Those Fire Girls, Camp Fire Girls Group thing you have ever seen before. in charge have promised an unusual No. 2, Sub Debs, and Karmelites. It's sold by leading bill of entertainment and in making Senior Council to Meet grocers everywhere. And an effort to present the best talent The Senior Council of Clubs will SURE YOU WILL possible, they are bringing the cast hold its first meeting Oct. 28 at the at no extra cost to you. FIND YOUR SIZE fnm out-of-town. Center. The Council is made up of two representatives from each of the senior clubs which meet at the J. Second Floor BY ALICE ADAMS FB.OCTOB. Tap Dancing Class C. C. Among those clubs sending N E W way of toast- to this organization Will Begin Tuesday representatives making has come into are: Jr. Hadassah, Thorpenian Athvogue. Leading food experts Tap dancing classes for older girls, letic Club, A. 2L A. No. 1, A. Z..A. Henrietta Szold, Tonkua here are urging its adoption. conducted by Miss Annette Riklin, No. 100, 1 Millions of women use it well-known dancing instructor, are Kada/ Fair Hbn, X. L., :and the to begin meeting every Tuesday Center Players Guild. every day. evening at 7:30 o'clock at the CenYou get it from Wonder tet. The charge is thirty-five cents MORECHALUZIM Bread, and Wonder Bread pe: lesson. Warsaw (J. T. A.)—A group of alone. So that is what you Registrations for the class are how 4&9 Chaluzim, Palestine pioneers, left most always ask for. MANY WOMEN skeptical of what n being taken at the Center ©nice. for Palestine. Among them were 300 It makes toast that is claim hive been directly •woa by touting: Dancing authorities speak of from Galicia; A throng of many this bonder Brcid in comparison »ith other even, golden brown. Never brands. This we urge 70m to do, knowing rhythm, poise, development of leg thousands were at the railroad sta•srhat you •will find. Even golden brown. scorched. Rarely a burned No scorched edges. Every slice is perfect. muscles and. good exercise as the tion to bid them farewell. edge. It's faultless toast every time. numerous - benefits derived from this Thirty Jewish emigrants also left for Australia. type of dancing. Cost u s $6,000,000 do give a better bread. So we benefit through tremendous extra sales. Wonder Bread is utterly different from any with a high rate of interest. Also, they employ a unique baking method. other bread that you have ever tasted. accruing daily. That's what Wonder Bread is "slo^baked." A method that We sprat two years in its development. It Neat, Tasty" brings you greater digestibility. More delicate cost us $6,000,000. Today it is the largest-selling flavor. Longer-lasting freshness. bread in America. It is baked by expert bakers working in imPlease T r y A t O n c e maculate model kitchens. They use only tested ingredients. So do, please, as the councry's wisest -women are means to you. I t costs no They use only a specially milled "short patent" doing. Try this new-day bread immediately. •S3? more — it's worth money in flour made from the heart of the -wheat berry. Remember to say "Wonder Bread" distinctly. actual dollars and cents—and They use double the usual amount of milk, and It costs you no more than ordinary breads. can*be obtained quickly by they pasteurize every drop. asking for our representative. CONTINENTAL BAKING CO. Extremely costly ingredients these. But they Choice of thfe finest

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... .»


Austrian Jews Are j Officially Reassumed;





Paris, i j . T. A.) — A gift of Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—Although a ' '; W. L. ; Av. 50C.000 francs to the University of / would sing the ancient mimic 4 special statement by the new Prime Wardrobe 8. .667 'Paris was presented by Albert Kahn Of the stuns vibrating free 6 .500 Minister, Schober, on matters affect- Gla^er ^Clot^ng ^........6 I of Detroit, well-known American 6 .500 As they praise their Hol)i Maker ing the Jewish population in Austria, Empire Cleaners 6 .. .500 Jewish architect. And the love He hold for thee. ; is expected within a few days, Jewish Omaha Tobacco Co 5 7 . .417 The University is also to receive 4 8 .333 1 would hear those fine responses I leaders expressed satisfaction with the Kaiman Insurance the income from a 9,500,000 franc The -Wardrobe held on to their! Far too subtle for this ear Miss Bertha Shafton. of Omaha, H. Arey Stillman was the speaker official statement made by him before ' Tftmple-Sisterhood" will hold-a Cafoundation, the principle of which [top position despite their loss o f | A , they ciash as ancient Cymbals visited Miss Fanny Cohen over the at the Bnai Brith-meeting on Tues- parliament. feteria Supper next -Wednesday evenis to revert to the institution after ir ! The statement referred to dealt with • the series to the Malashock Jewelry. day ,ing in the Temple AJuiex.^ Mrs.- J. Holidays. When my fathers sang with tea). his death. y evening" g at" the Je"wish- CommuThe-" Empire Cleaners moved u p ' Ik Greenburg. is^ in -charge of' arnity Center. .Mr.. • Stillman, who is economic problems and the reassurAnd this mighty chorus, swelling Mr. and Mrs, Henry Harlow 'left exhibitin'g'many. of his -works at the a n c e S i v e n in regard to the nationalist a notch by winning from the Kai- ; rangenierits) for the; affair. - - She will All creation's' voice in one. man Insurance. The Glazer's were b | assisted" by 'th;e~MeTdarifres7^I"« H. for their home in Bloomfield, Nebr., Martin this week, spoke on "The Jew military organization. Will a mighty homage render the victims of the Omaha Tobacco' Bolstein, Herman Galisky,: Mike;J3ka- after a visit over the holidays at the in Art". After-the prpgramj a re-j ~—— — Frovi a mighty father's son! Company whose rejuvenated five, lo^vsky; Dave, JPrusiner and Max He-home of Mrs. Harlows parents, :Mr. port on the Annual Dan.ce 1 which was ' ACCOUNTANT captured all three games: : . held last Monday, was Heard. ligman. Mrs. L. Weinberg is in and Mrs. Sam Lipman. j Abe Venger smote the maple pins '• AUDITS — — SYSTEMS charge ,of the card- party ~wKich will for the high single of 234 and fo^lo^v the dinner.. :. 534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 An event which Sioux Cityans are held in the Social Hall of the syna-i total of 578." looking forward to with interest will gogue -at 6th and: Sioux,: next Tues- • By F. K. K. Other 200 marks were registered 4 . SuccoiK Sermbii; r be the presentation'. of the 4 act day evening.: A" program • will b e ; Moscow. (J. T. A.) — The Hebas follows: Bob Kopper, 205, D. E. ^'Sojourning int Booths"- will be the play, "The Only Way", on Sunday followed by refreshments. Mrs.. H. rew alphabet lost five characters by subject of Rabbi-Lewis'; Sermon, this evening, Oct. 20, at the Jewish Com- Ratner and Mrs. A: Rosenthal are in B'nai Brith to Hold Open Meeting \ Greenberg 208, M. Treller 218. a decree, of the Ukrainian CommissaWednesday Evening j . —'• evening. The sermon, wijl.deal with munity Center. The drama which charge of the"affair. .* : ' 24th and Harney riat of Education, acting upon the The Council BWffs Lodge No. 688 ' the Succoth Holiday' which'."begins has ^ been written by . Abe Stillman ine council tsiuns Jjoage rno. ooo j . :. , ,. request of the Communist party. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT this evening^, lasting, for'eight-days. will begin a t 8 o'clock. The story The ancient alphabet has five Registration at the Hebrew S c h o o l ^ the ^dependent Order of the. I m m i g r a t i o n depicts a Jewish family which migB n a i B n t h wiU hold a n en m e e t "WE SATISFY ALL" °P " - * G r O W S 111 D i f f i c u l t y double letters, for the sounds equiva-TForty young people'tried our for rates to this country, and is torn for new pupils, will be• held Tuesday next lent to ch, m, n, z, ph, the double Wednesday evening, Oct.]. ,. _ places in the Shaa're •'-Zion- Ghoir, on asunder by the disintegrating forces and Wednesday, Oct..22 and 23, P * being used only at the end of a word J 23rd> a t t h e D a n i s h H a l 1 Tuesday evening "in ther; Synagogue of assimilation. The cast will in- from 5 to 8 p. m". An intensive «n'celebra-| Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Some im- and called the final character. The campaign is being, conducted for new Social HaU. : Mr.-Buntley- and - Mr. clude Mr. J, Aizenberg, Mrs. Dave pupils, and prizes are being offered tion of Succoths. • Rabbi Abraham migrants who have applied for visas! Commissariat of Education now orSam Passman, directors. of the -choir Sperling-, Mrs. S.. Levin, Mr. H. to the children who. bring. in the Bengis of Omaha will be the prin-' to America would have to wait 100 i dered the Yiddish language schools ! weW in charge. Mr. • More'y . Lip- Mirowitz, Mr. S. Ratner, Mr. Abe greatest number: ^ wofi MV _¥¥ aviiviv<iioi the musical program s ; uyears Russian Under the j cipalevening. speaker Aand honored guest iof, before they quota. would be reached J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor n d e r the new. students. to eliminate from the reading and j a l s b e i n e a r r a Stillman, Mrs. M. Leaff, I. Levine, shutz, Mr. Barney Baron and Rabbi .. The""teaching-^ sTaff"of"the"'school ° n g e d . This meeting j Polish quota they would have to wait writing in the classrooms and in the { "NEW FOR OLD" Rabinowitz spoke; to the: prospective rs; Sara Sperling, and Mr. Dave will include'.Mr. Aizenbergi and Mr.'™ 1 1 ^ o n e o f a s e r i e s t h a t i s b e i n S , 40 years. A report issued by the publication of text books the "long j : s p o n s o r e d members, telling of the-work of- the Sperling, who is directing the play. S. Weiss. .Mickey Marcn-and- Abe j ^y--the Intellectual Ad-1 State Department yesterday regarding chaf, long mem, long nun, long zadi, j 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481 van choir. ' :. < ; \ Proceeds of the play will go, to Saitlin, advanced ! Students, Will a s »; cement Committee of which Dr. j the status of applications under the lor.g phe. Sist. Mr. Weiss-who has been brought I s a ^ c S . t e r n h i l l is. chairman. The . quotas of various countries states that Palestine. This Friday evening,'* the first day from New York: to teach here,, has public is invited to attend, as an applications for visas by prospective of Succoth, RabbL—LewisJ^will^ give interesting and entertaining pro- immigrants in many countries- are so Mrs. Sam Weiner is in charge of had wide experience in teaching in the first of a series-of'lectures on gram is assured. •• • numerous that' most of them will New York. and. Cleveland.: If the After Theatre his travels abroad. The sermon the rummage sale, sponsored by the registration demands,, another teachThe Ladies Aid Society will hold never be" reached under the present Certified Public Accountants wiir deal with-Jews and, Judaisjn, as Ladies Auxiliary, which will be held er will be. added to. the. staff. A Dancing quotas-during the lifetime of the apfound in .- manyj "European^ African, October 29. At the, meeting of this young woman of- New York is being a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, plicants. 638 Securities Bids. 24th and Farnam organization, held on Tuesday afterOct. 22, at the home of Mrs. Harry and Asiatic countries. noon at the synagogue, reports of considered to" fill this place. ' AT. 4451 Kubby, 901 Sixth Avenue. Kabbi Lewis,»who was -in Palestine A school bus -will take- the childthe committee in charge of program atf the time of the" Aifabic "disturbMrs. Abe Bear and small son,] EINSTEIN WOULD REFUSE ren, to" and from' the/school, taking ads for the Auxiliary Revue, headed TO HELP ANY WARFARE ances there, visited about fifteen Aaron David, of Leavenworth, Kans., i each child to his or. her. home. countries, and in this sermon, he. will by Mrs. Robert Sacks, a n d . ticket have returned home following a ten | Zurich. (J. T. A.) Unequivocal give a brief outline of the" customs- committee, headed by Mrs. Mike day visit here at the home of Mrs. Mushkin, were heard. It was also Over 15 A. Z. A. basketeers turned. refusal to participate in any war of., the Jews ..in "these--land§, and the e s 1724 Dodge St. JA. 1136 announced that a committee of six out for the first practice of the year.j ^ « , ' Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius whatsoever, regardless of the cause 220 So. 13th St. Free Deliver position Judaism enjoys in each., M. B. DOLGOFF Katelman. women have been, canning and pre-Hurwitz, Beechen' and" Robihow, last Service of the. outbreak, was the stand taken Law—Library Loose Leaf serving in the'syriagQgue kitchen for year's star men, expect to give the Mrs. M. Maltzman of Boston, j by Professor Albert Einstein, worldServices at §haare Zion SynagoSpecialist in Hand Binding future C. dinners.' to be held in the A. Z. A. teams of the Midwestern Mass., arrived here last week to j renown, scientist and father of guW for the.• Succoth Festival will synagogue. : : •; tournament stiff competition. The pe£iiirafr~15:3O on ^Saturday;: morning. , at the meeting of the a t t h e h o m e o f M r > a n d Mrs. local chapter is negotiating with . EaTjbtifiaDinpwitz lias chosen for the here;Councii 'of W a r Resisters. w P e r i m u t t e r a n d w i l I xemaia a month. Mrs. j «T subject, of jhis'sermon "The -Art of Daughterhood of Tephereth* Israel different chapters in this section, and about h h Her TT daughter, h \T unconditionally refuse: "Manufactured in Omaha" Building'?. "On Sunday morning, the Synagogue held their annual meet- hope to play their first games with p e r lmutter, who has been ill at t h e ' or indirect war service BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. 4420 Florence Blvd. second jday of Succoth, he will speak ing and election on Wednesday after- Chapters T and 100 of Omaha. S a m ! E d m u n d s o n hospital for two weeks,! induce my friends t o : 6 n ^ ' T h e ^ P a ^ d e - p f _ I ^ e ^ \ L a t e Fri- noon. '• Mrs.. Wm; Lazere^Pres.; Mrs. Epstein and Red Barricks, of E a s t ! i s e x p e c t e d t 0 g 0 h o m e t o d a y . KE. 1500 adopt the same attitude, irrespective day evenitig^services will be resumed H. Rafner,V Vice jPres^ " Mrs. ; J. and Central, respectively will add The Honsr O"ith & Reputation : Maron,' Tr^surer^.-Mrs. M. Lazrio- much to the teams good - work, as affer the hoUdaysi . Mrs. H. Maduff her j of of the causes CHARLES SIMON of the thegeneral war,"opinions he declared, when :| evening bridge clubentertained at her home wich, Recording' Secretary, and Mrs.will Is Liberman. •asked what his attitude.would be in; Itecouimends Tuesday evening., • |lbthing is more simple than G. Levich, Corresponding. Secretary, the event of another war. THE SANITARY LAUNDRY A five dollar prize has been ofgrfeatness; indeed^, to be ; simple is were re-elected for the coming year. Services for Succoth will be held 'The Best of All JL«umlry Service" fered to theJ. C. C. club that sells An anniversary celebration will •; be to! be great. • —Emerson. at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna3815 500 CHALUZIM EMBARK the most tickets to the A. Z. A. gogue, commencing on Friday eveFarnam dance, "which is scheduled for Oct. ning, Oct. 18, at six o'clock. On Constanza (J. T. A.)—Five hun-! "Eveo'thing for the Auto" 27. Plans are being made to accom- Saturday services will begin at 8:30 Polish and Roumanian Chaluzim,; 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 modate over' 150" couples at this iirst o'clock in the morning, end five: pioneers, embarked today on their'. LARGEST STOCK g, big aflFaif of the season, sponsored wa to IN WEST o'clock that evening, and on Sunday | y Palestine. by Chapter 12. Quick Shipments morning at 8:30 o'clock. Our Hobby for 45 Tears ! The Judith Circle welcomed six -vr n fWnrrnK OMAHA STOVE new members into their club at their \ ' ? J k " ^ REPAIR WORKS JA. 0528 H. BEBGER meeting on Wednesday evening. Ann j When 1206-S Douglas Street • -Tocr. ATlantic 62S1 Raskin, Elsie Shulmah,' Beverly ' —— | Sa«*s, Pauline Sokolsky, Gussie Warsaw.— ( J . X A.) — Abraham'; TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY J. &t JKKSEN Stieri a n d Eoith Ginsberg were t h e Beilawski, a member of t h e Palestine j Since 1876 new m e m b e r s . ' R o m a Wigodsky, pres-1 pioneers organization of Zdunska ' ident; Ida" Edelson, vice president; Wola, near Lodz, committed suicide Esther Rozofsky, -secretary; Sara today following the departure of his j Kaplan, treasurer, and Delia Shiloff, comrade Chaluzim with the third pion- ] J*th"«nrt Mnithn Sts. HArney IGCi sergeant-at-arms w e r e officially in- eer group leaving for Palestine since j 1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289 OMAHA NE1IKASKA Soft graj iron, tirass, tironze ana the beginning of the outbreaks. j aliimlilutn stalled at this meeting. 16th and Hovard Streets Try a loaf of your Russian ciistings. Stiindnrd sizes Bielawski was originally promised i oronze nno tron bushings. Kewet manPumpernicle Bread Hill Hotel Building ftoles. cistern. rinRs ntnl corers nn<l — You'll Appreciate the Taste — Plans for a Rummage Sale have an immigration certificate to proceed ] :lcitli-out doors in stoct. All kinds of been made by members of the Temp-j with the gToup, but he was left be- wood and metal pal terns. le Sisterhood. The committee for the hind because the schedule was exsale which will be held next week in-jhausted. It Will Pay You to Inquire. eludes Mrs. J . H. Goldstein, Mrs. L. Our specialty is

Temple Sisterhood, • • ' •: i -Will Give Supper

Society News

H. Stillman Speaks Before Bhai Brith


Council Bluffs •

Commisariat Reforms The Hebrew Alphabet!



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Fifty years ago October 21, Thomas Alva Edison- gave to the world the first incandescent light. In honor of that" invention -and his many other contributions to the betternment of humanity the world is paying to Edison the greatest tribute ever . shown to a living man. On the night of October 21, at Dearborn, Mich., a gala program will be broadcast .over the first international chaint broadcast ever known to history! "This program will be given from 6:3Q to 7:30 P: M. and will come right to your home. Join with the world in-paying homage to Edison by listening in on this marvelous celebration.;:.. r.

October 21, 19 2 9

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Goldberg, Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs.' Jewish Students H o l d

Jack Robinson, Mrs. .Win. Newman, Awn^nc*. Cqnvns Covers. Tents, Mrs. L. Haeger, Mrs. A. D. HorCamp Supplies, All Kinds witz, Mrs. R. B. Jacobson, Mrs. A. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A conference! 15 and Howard AT. 1492 Rosenfeld, Mrs. M. A. Marks, Mrs. of Jewish students, citizens of Po- j Wm. Lazerey and Mrs. A. L. Stein. land, who pursue their studies in The Intermediate Dramatic Club foreign universities, was just conAsk Your Dealer For A cast parts for the play "Toast and cluded here. j Tea", which will be presented at the The conference adopted resolutions! Center in the near future. Anne asking for greater facilities in the MUNROE FURNACE Wdskoff will take the part of Molly issuance of passports, urging the SUPPLY CO. Pendleton; Dorothy Gelson, Noreen, '• JA. 4065-6 extension of the Hebrew University 1718 Cass the maid; Bessie Zeligson, Lola Dean; Mary Edelman,"Bess Dalton; undergraduate work, greeting PalLillian Stein, _ Apne Warren; Jane, estine as Jewish center and con- PATRONIZE THE Anne Maron, Sue, Dorothy Epstein; demning the attitude toward the CANDYLAND Sally, Bernice Liberman. The play Palestine events taken by the Com-! lot I) n ml Fnrnam SUNSET TEA ROOM will be presented under the direction munist Yiddish papers. The confer-1 ; 48th and Dodge ence also protested against the perof Miss Eva Maron. : . . . - . secution of the Hebrew language in ...'•: CRYSTAL CANDY 16th'ami Capitol Ave. Soviet Russia. Miss Ann Pill spoke to members of j the Business Girl's" club, a t their | regular meeting on Wednesday, on All her trip to Winnepeg, "as a member Flavors of the local Girl Scout Gypsy CaraBy SAMUEL J. HAUPTMAN Soda Water van. In observance- of -National Girl There is a whisper in the tree tops'. Scout week,; members of* Troop No. 9 Gingerale And a vibrant song of all offered their services to .the Business and Girls Club, in preparing and -serving And creation's furthest distance Near Beer :: Seems a part^of this pure call! their dinner. .v'".- "

Conference in Warsaw



For the whole of life, is speaking At their regular-meeting on TuesAnd the chant is one that tella day evening the Hawkeye Club initi- Of Us freedom and its vastness ated into their organization the fol- And the source from when it wells. lowing : Morris Borden, Joe'Borshevsky, Jack Reznek, Philip Mirken, Har- From the far out distant nowhere ry Zifkiri. ' " Where space rules her smalest part Downward whirls and comes a greetGirl Scout Troop No. 9, enjoyed tngr a Theater party at the Orpheum on Of its farthest, inmost heart. Tuesday evening, to witness the Girl Scout Movie which is playing this.' S..Club was postponed last Tuesday', week. .-..„_ I Because of practices for the Revue. , The meetings will be resumed next The .regular meeting of the S. I. Tuesday. "™







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