Scanning the Jewish Horizon
Interesting ' Entertaining
, By David Schwartz
BELIEVE IT OR NOT If "We are to believe .Robert L. nationally fa- **. "or his "Believe It Or Not'*: \~ and drawings, the Wilna ' G t | p ^ sessetf such' a" prodigal m e m o ^ S ^ \h he Beyer forgot a book oncet^ti m it; « Professor - Graetz, Si% states the Gaon committed ^. - oily. twenty-five hundred Among the books he knew \ were tks' Bible, Midrash, •MC.;^;^> Takauci and Zohar, and the waitings ci Rashi, Rambam, etc.
Entered us second-vlnss mall matter on January 'Si, UKM, m pogtottu-g iilOmiitan.-.MebruslEii. under rlie Act of Mnrcb 3, 1KFJ.
Synagogue Auxiliary Elects Its .Officers
At the Conservatiye Synagogue Aumunity Center,"- Wednesday, October 23, the foilowng^were"" elected officers: Mesdames: Joe Greenberg; president, Irvin Stalmaster, firstyice-president, M. F. Leyenson, • recording seLUCK AND SUCCESS jj cretary, Abe Weinstein, financial seAnd now we Have another sup-] cretary, Julius Stein, treasurer. The organization of; the" auxiliary porter of the theory of, luck as the principal factor of success in life. met with great enthusiasm. MemberThe new disciple is: Max Annenbcrg, ship is open to wives, mothers, and who holds several of the most im-: unmarried sisters «f -members of the portant positions in the- publishing congregation. Thepurpose of the organization isV'tp. further developworld of America. Annenberg is the general manager ment of the conservative synagogue of Liberty magazine and circulation in a religious, educational^ and social manner and also ~to ajd in other comdirector of the Chicago Daily Tribune munal actiyitiesTwithinDour scope." and the New York Daily News. The last-named has the largest newspaper circulation in the'country. -• Annenberg says that his success isdue simply to the proverbial "lucky break." . .: Recently, it is told, Annenberg and j Arthur Brisbane were comparing in:Comes; and it was found that Annen.1 berg, who spent.his childhood in the University Paper." Reveals That •Chicago ghetto, has-the- larger,^ pay j Several Jewish Studentsslip. ' j Beaten
VOL. VII,—No. 41
Jewish Dramatic Club to Give Play Sunday
Forty<TwQ Local Organizations to Conducted by New York Bureau Dr. Samuel Goldsmith, Internationally-Famed Social Worker, to Address Meeting of Citizens' Committee Monday Evening Dr. Sahmel {^olcjsmith, international figure m social work, who will direct the Jewish Communal Survey to be conducted here by the Bureau of Jewish Social Research of Xew York, will arrive in Omaha today. - Harry H. Lapidus, chairman, has called a meeting of the Citizens' Committee for Monday evening, Oct. 28, 8:15 o'clock, at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Goldsmith will address the Committee, which consists of representatives of the forty-two organizations which are participating. Th& survey will take approximately two months and will cover every phase of Jewish activity in the city, including Jewish population and education, dependent families and children, Jewish sick and aged, recreational and educational program, and relations with national organizations.
LOCAL DEBATERS TO MEET KANSAS CITY Ben Kazlowsky and Sam Zadhariah to Represent Omaha J. C. C
. . J.
Cambridge, Mass." (J. I have quoted Leo .H. Glassman's | v c r s i t y d r c l c s are seething and ru-S Russian stories before, but he is full jm o r s a r e raiD pairt as-'tS what will I .of these anecdotes which throw such | ^ t h e outcoTne _ o f * tKe assault upcn ! illuminating light on the Russia of • j e ^ ' student^ aVHTVChinese stutoduy that I think the reader. will 1 . „ , . a t H^rXflrji^by:'an initiate of cnjoythe following: Hasty Pudding Club, Harvard's Final plans for the Hadassah CarA Jew in Russia entered an a '—"* . student ofganiza- nival, which -will be a combination store and asked for some good | j tion, toaristocratic which' so^e of the foremost bazaar, dance and style show, have ture to hing on his wall. 'Americans belonged while at college., been completed and will be announced . He : was given a photograph i Officers of the university would not •at. the next; regular meeting of the Zinoviev. "No,*', said the Jew. "That} m?.nt: -upon the, 'affair but it- is organization. Wednesday, October 23, won't ;do.7' xmderstood that a far-reachmg probe by Mrs. J. J. Friedman, general chair"Here in a picture cf Trotz!;y.i: of thti initiation activities of the man. The Hadassah affair will be "No," said the Jotr. / •.\ J bltie-blodded"clubs'; has been instituted, j staged at the city auditorium' on De"Here—a picture of talin.": . I; RevelationB of the affair werejeember1. "No," -was. the response, again. |made;in tlie uBiversity paper, "Tliej Due to the prohibition of all games "Here
The Omaha Jewish Dramatic Club will present the famous Jewish fouract drama, "The Dorf's Yung," by L. Kobrin at the Jewish Community Center auditorium, Sunday evening, October 27. The club has staged several piays successfully and hope for the full support of its friends, as the proceeds gt> to sufferers in Palestine, according to those in charg-e. The play is being directed by Joseph Morgenstern. The cast includes: L. "Wolk, Mrs. J. Feldman, J. Shykin, Miss S. Tavib, J. Resnick, O. Taub, Sol Gendelman, Mrs. J. Resnick, and H. Kraut. S. Krantz is chairman of arrangements. Lee Taub is prompter;
Sam Zachariah and Ben Kazlowsky, both veteran debaters, have been selected by. Judge Irvin Stalmaster, coach of the local Jewish Community of the Con•' Kabbi Abraham Be: Center forensics, to represent Omahs, servative Synagogae, has announced Cincinnati, Ohio. — A communal in the first debate of the Mid-west dinner at the Hotel Alma last night several additional gifts to the new celebrated the^ seventieth birthday of Debate league. The Omaha representatives will meet Kansas City synagogue. Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, former Ohio at the latter's auditorium on Sunday, An Ark covering yas the gift of State Senator and present interNov. 17, on the question, "Resolved, Mrs. Tillie Sherman,'and a Kiddush national president of the Independent that the British Mandate Constitutes Cup was given by Mrs. S. A. Simons. Order B'nai Brith. a Sufficient Assertion of a Jewish A Sefer Torah has been ordered by Mr. Cohen has crowded years of State .in Palestine." Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem in me- achievement into his active life. He Zachariah, young practicing atmory of Mrs. Yousem's- parents, Mr. started early, being founder and torney, "who graduated from Creig-hand Mrs. Jacob" Marks. An elaborate president of the Cincinnati Young ton University last June, has parceremony, Sujum Hasefer, is planed Men's Hebrew Club at the age of ticipated in Center debates for four 17, an$ later, serving as national years. While at school "he took part for the near future. president of the Y. M. H. A. ia several activities, including1 forensHis"\interesfc';-ia-> i W ~yo-«i£h. his .ics. He is a member of Pi Lambda always been outstanding, he having Phi. taken the lead in having the B'nai This year makes the fourth that Brith establish" the Hillel foundation. Kazlowsky has been a mainstay or<. Senator Cohen has been the. head .Creighton University debate teams, of the L O. B. B. since 1925. He is chairman of the Board of Gov- proving his merit as a forceful anchor man. Besides an excellent Rev. S. K.ahanowitch, popular can- ernors of the Hebrew Union College. scholastic record, Kazlowsky is vicetor at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol In 1900 he was the Democratic and | president of Pi Lambda Phi fraterSynagogue, 19th and Burt, has been Independent Republican nominee for i nity. retained for two more years, accord- mayor of Cincinnati, he served twice The winner of the Omaha-Kansas ing to a decisiop reached at a meet- as Presidential elector and was pres- City debate will be in the finals. ing of the congregation: Sunday. The itlent of the Ohio Electoral College. meeting the winner of the elimina:cantor is now serving his third- term. He is president of the People's tion contest between Indianapolis. Bank and Savings Company. Mr. Cohen was secretary of Eock- St. Louis, and Pittsburgh. dale Avenue Temple from the' age The finals have been tentatively :oi" '24 to 50' and is past president scheduled for February 2. A trophy goes to the winner. of .the TempleIn honor of his birthday, B'nai •Brith is naming all groups of ini- The measure of a master is ME suctiates until January 1, 1930," "the cess in bringing all men round to his "'Alfred' M. Cohen Classes." opinion twenty years later.—Emerson.
Synagogue Receives Several flore Gifts
Nationally Famed Social Worker to Speak Monday Afternoon PUBLIC INVITED Dr. Samuel A. Goldsmith, director of the National Bureau of Jewish Social Research, •will be the speaker at the first meeting of the Omahn Council of Jev?ish Women. The meeting will be held at 2:80 o'clock Monday afternoon, October 2S at the Jewish Community- Center, A meeting of the board of the Omahs Council will be held at I'M p. m., prior to the regular meeting. Dr. Goldsmith is nationally famed for social service work, and according to word received, Ms address will be of interest to every one. The public, both men ant! women, are invited to this meeting. Dr. Goldsmith will arrive in Omaha Friday. This will be his first public appearance at a meeting in this city, coming- to Omahs to conduct a survey of Jewish life in Omaha. Three years ago he conducted a survey of the National Council of Jewish Women. The results of.this survey were presented at the last triennial meeting, held in Washington, D. C., in 1926. Preceding Dr. Goldsmith's talk a business meeting of the Council will be held. At this time officers and chairman of the Council will be introduced. Also a vice-president will be elected to fill the place made vacant by the resignation aof Mrs. Henry Eosenthal. An alternate to the triennial in Los Angeles in January will also be elected at this meeting. Following Dr. Goldsmith'as address tea will be served at which members of the Hospitality and Courtesy CQJIV mittees will preside. Mrs. Harry 'Eaehnrnn is •cfasrrroat? *>£ the Hospitality Committee and Mrs. Isidore Ziegler is in charge of the Courtesy committee. The first year book, which was distributed to members this week, contains notices of this meeting: and all other monthly meetings. No other notices of meeting-g will be mailed. Members of the Council are urged to watch these dates. Following is a list of the members who have joined the Council since last June: '; Louis Adler, A. B. Alpirn, Julius Abrahamson, Morite Adler, Louis Albert, Is Abrahamson, Sarah Arkin, Morris Arkin, M. A. Bercovici, A. Benps, D, Bolker, John A. Beber, Louis Bernstein, Jacob Bernstein, Joseph Bloch, J. Cherniak, Hyman Cohen, Goodman Cohen, Eugrene Cooper, Morris Chaiken, Morris Finkel, J. H, Freeman. Harry Franltel, Abe Greenspan, Al Gilinsky, Hyman Greenberg, J, J.-Greenberg, Ben Harding, Paul Hofner, N. Hofowich, J. Kr8sne? Geo, Krasne, Leo Kxasne, Herman Krasne, Albert Krasne, Clyde Kraene, Ike Krasne, Lavrrence Krasne, Millard Krasne, Edward Levinscm, N« Levinson, Joe Marcus, J. Malashock, Louis Margolin, Herman Marowits, Abe Milder, Ben Newman, Morris Potash, S. H. Roddy, Dave Rosen, Morris Rubinstein. Wnu Jladuziner, Albert Shafer, David Schults, Sam Swartg, Dave Stein, T. XL Ullery, L. WoMner, Moss Yousem.
at it, and his eyes gleafhed. making plans for an elaborate disGeorge Clark, acting "That'a fine, fiut can you give ;ao ably upon orders' from play aftdjSale of home^cooked a group picture like this of ail iiie entrenched himself sX the door' of tirz -•~v At "Wednesday's meeting, the spirit of Succoth' and "Simchas Torah will Bolshevik leadersJ" Fogg Art Museun> and attempt.pd to brought out in the form of a varied i all Jewish and. Chinese students musical -program. DID YOU KNOW ! That Maurice Samuel has written oat. The National Board of Hadassah J a book dealing with the recent dic- ! During the performance, Clark is has appealed to all chapters through'alestirie? Our suggas-i said tohavc been obliged by hi.= f rat- out the country to aid in-the National tmbances. in Palestine ticn-that the author of "We •Tew,&"Lcrn^y orders, to yell loudly—"I don't Fund-work, as the recent tragedy in and "You Gratilcs7' call his: latast f ^ e kikes.'/- T^e ybcnp» man- stirred Palestine has awakened a desire on o2criu£ "These Arabs" has been re-} up; a near" riot dtfong. the Jewish the part of ^Zionists to buy more land joctcd. Instead tho book will be cail- students, before, he carried out.his in Palestine. As a result, members cd "What Happened in Palestine," part of the; "initiation. •": and non-members of Hadassah have -. That the. strike in the Yiddish' When several-»Jewish students been requested to bring their National theater has been settled, the union j laughed and ^failed to pay any atteh- Fund-boxes to the Hadassah meeting " ~*" increase • to each ofj^ 011 ta the ^pr^ers^ of _Clark, he al- : Wednesday. ivinning a ?10 the stage hands? \i tempted to remove them forcibly Mrs. Miller, new Northwest regionThat the Warner brothers made an !f r o m h i s audience, pid.only.the.inter- al •" director, will be the principal original borrowed borrowed capitalj mention of -cooler- -hea;ds; -prevented speaker. Cantor Kahanowitch will j of $100,000 multiply itself into fifty, what gave all evidences; of develop- render several melodies, and • Miss Sara Eae Fish will play the violin. millions within three years, and that; ing into a racial r}ot.. newspaper clippings experts say that their firm_r.eceives'- more newBpaper. publicity than any other producer: in the1 business? _ ,._ That Dr. Rosen, the head of theJewish colonization project in Russia, • (J. T. A . ) — Simultaneously -with one of- the oldest- Australian jnstitU•"England wil! not relinquish the themselves with bravery," he said. is in the United States, although the" announcement'IKaJ'Je'wiBh stupfc higher learning, werji mandate, fbr she needs the Jews as "No fear was evident among them, news of his coming has not appeared dents* at Harvard University, Cani- hare sfter-?tie Jewish community had much as the Jews need England," but rather heroism. One hundred in the press? declared Gedali&h Bublick, president and thirty-one martyrs have been uie press: {bridge, Mass., Had been *eaten,-came4 been .considerably^ stirred by « repoH of the Mizrachi Organization of added to the long list of the Jewish thereencyclopedia is a virtual epidemic fafati f ^ v a S o ^ ' o t t w j educa;:! thatjthe school founded on a Strictly of That Jewish America, orthodox wing of the Zion- roll of honor." jtional" centers throughout "&e" world non-sectarian -basis, was discriminatNew York, with two in process of- that, Jewish' youths were being dis- ing against Jews. Mr. Bublick also lauded the work ists, at a mass meeting Monday completion and a third in the 'fborn- criminated against. '-'•-'• . f - •.-*•*• evening at the Beth Hamedrosh of the Mizrachi in Palestine. They Explanation of a report which ing" stage? Hagodol synagogue, ISth end Burt have 67 schools with 7.000 students. Disquieting, rumors have emanate:' .was published "under the headline Cantor S--Kahanowitch That Mrs. Durant, the Jewish wife] from Australia, Hu^ssiav Roumania,' "Hebrews objected fe>; at Sydney The Mizrachi head laid the blame According to the speaker, the Mizof DiyWill Durant of "Outline, of ! and Hungary."' , _*~ "T .* ' : . . .:--- Grammer School" was made by the ' Cantor Kahanowitch has sung frefor the recent' atrocities in the Holy rachi also played a prominent role Philosophy", fame, conducts one of The' -introduction> of .a' numerous .head r of -the school. A misunder- quently over radio station WOW, be- Land upon the weak policy of the in the Zurich Congress, at which those intelligentsia, Greenwich Vat- 'clausus for Jewish studentsi. entering standing -jarose out of the incident sides entertaining at various local English administration • and their they had twenty-five per cent of the lagy restaurants? - - ' Soviet universities was demanded at of a newly arrived Palestinian teach- ajiairs. He is also active in organizfavoritism toward the Arabs. The delegates. That, according to Dr. Henry Mos- a meeting of X3ommu?iist/students in e r , who proposed that S class be ation activities, being a member of speaker also criticized' Sir Herbert High, tribute was paid to the late kowitz, nine out of ten receiving Kiev. T h i s J t U tcorrespond h d formed for modern Hebrew, at- the the Bnai Brith and Omaha Hebrew Samuel, first High Commissioner of Louis Marshall "by Mr. Eublick. He The Centei Players Guild successdub training in trades by the Ort- in dent of fK also gave his whole-hearted endorse- fully opened its - season Wednesday Jewish Telegraphic school. The following officers were elected Palestine. Palestine contemplate eventual settleevening with the presentation of "The The-headmaster replied that the "But Englan4 realises her mistake Agency learns, was previously disment of the Jewish Agency. at the meetitng: Louis Harris, presiment, as soon as they have.learned curriculum was- already filled anil now," Bublick stated. •'Her drastic cussed .at a meeting of the Executive The speaker was introduced by Romancers" at the Jewish Community dent of the commissioners; Rev. E. their trade, in Falestine? * of the Comsomol, Communist youth that the school regulations prevented Fleishman, vice-president; and Louis and prompt action in punishing the Rabbi Abraham Bengis, who is a Centers auditorium. The comedy was That David Warfield is the richest organization. the engagement of visiting teachers guilty ringleaders in the Palestinian member of the National Executive | well-received by the audience. Bl'otsky, treasurer. actor in America, and - that he made The demand has aroused the Soviet for such subjects. : committee of the Z. O. A. and worked Eebeccsh Kirabenbaijrr! as Sylvette '•Trustees elected were E. Wohlner, courts is ample, proof of that." a "killing" in the stock exchange? "The Jews kept'their part of the press in Moscow, which is greatly The school had been.attended by a Harry Soskin, Harry Lazarus and with Mr. Bublick in Texas. He paid and Leo Brown as Percmett played thfe HOOVER ON WISE partnership," he continued. "Over tribute to the earnestness and democ- \ leading roles. Other leads iu the «aBt perturbed that such a question could great number of Jewish students, the Abraham Stoler. 100,000 Jews entered Palestine during ratic leadership of Mr. Bublick, and were taken by Max Weinstein, David A merry meeting is said to. have have arisen at a "meeting of Com- headmaster declared. Such distinthe last nine years and over fifty spoke highly of the educational pro- Himalstein, and Earl Siegel. taken place lately between President munist students. The Moscow news- guished scholars as the late Dr. The play, under the direction of millions have poured in there since gram of the Mizraehi in Palestine. paper "Trudex" points out that Joseph Jacobs and Sir Daniel Levy Free Loan Receives Hoover and Dr. Stephen S. Wise. Mrs. Herman Jahr, was carried out in then." "You feilow who I am?" Dr. Wise Antimemitisni" is prevalent among were alumni of the school. Mr. Max Venger was re-elected the manners and with the cosumee of griniied. $1,500 from Estate During his address, Mr. Bublick elected students, nonpartisan as well CJ A renewal of attacks upon Jewish chairman of the local Mis- the nineteenth century. The plot desk "Sure/' replied "Mr. Hoover. "You Communists. " ; ' paid high tribute to the work of the rachi grou. Quite a few new with two dear friends whose preateflt students at the universities throughHarry A. Wolf, president of the made the most effective speeches of Jewish self-defenders. He himself members were enrolled at the mass The Communist papers report that out Htthgary were made gatarday. any of the campaigners against me," Jewish students at.the'Moscow Tech- Jewish students who came to the Free Loan Society, has just received was there at the time and was an meeting. The Bikur Cholim Society desire is the marriage of thfir children, Sylvette and Percinptt. Proa check for $1,500, bequethed to the chuckled the President. nical School were assaulted find beat- lecture halls were beaten and a num- organization by the will of the late eye-witness to the outrages. In de- presented a check for $100. ceeding ; or. the philosophy that '"one Dr. Wise is said to have obtained en up by fellow stud"ents. The anti- ber were severely injured. < ; scribing some of the scenes, the wants moat that which is fcnieBt to Mr. Martin M. Sachs, prominent A meeting of the local society, farther assurances from" the Presi- Semitic instructors at the school are This follows right on the heels of speaker pointed out that the battle open to the public, will be heM ge,K the two artful schemer? make it Omahan who died last June. The will dent that will prove helpful in the evidently in" league" 'with * student the excesses which occurred at ths also provides for the distribution of waged by the Jews was not a Monday evening, October 28, st $• difficult for the two children to fall Palestine affair, ! ". ; anti-Semites, and join them in" con- Budapest University as the result of huge sums to other charitable institu- diaspora massacre, but rather a p. m., at the Beth Hamedrosh Hago- in Jove and thereby achieve thsir destruggle. He chose to -call the loss dol, 19th and Burt. stantly persecuftng'fh'e Jewish stu-J agitation for- zn increased nmnerus tions. . sire; Laws are like cobwebs; where the dents. clausus, 4imiting the number -of The Free Loan Society loans mo- of- lives a sacrifice of the Jews, Mosic was furnished by Mise Sara small flies-are-caught, and the great Charges of anti-Jewish -discrimina- Jewish -students admitted to the. -um- ney without interest to worthy people . something without vkidsu no country Mr. Bublick left Tuesday evening; Ra« Hih,- -pwaist, accompanied by "hreak through. —Bacon, tion, i y the Sydney Grammar-school, ^versities.. • • " „ - • • ' " Miss Is* JstebbBon on the violin. , j could be won. "The Jews defended-^ for Des ifcSnes. Tcho are in need.
Excesses Again SreaMOut Among Students
England Will Not Relinquish . ... Her; Mandate, Says Bublick
3 £ ^ d ^ ^
^ l ^ i ^
Religious Services
fUftfiSftWl eVSfy Thursday at Oma.ha, Nebraska, by
_ THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office iBrandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantio 1450 D^VID gLAQKER. - r BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR FRANK R.'ACKERMAN , EDITOR FANNIE KATELMAN.-,'•- - Council Bluffs, Jowa, Correspondent rr
^7^HT"~^'~~3 ~sitd^ •'•'••" •'• '"'.: ; .•',- -' '. ;;••"•• Jgwigh i^ro!aqnitarC?Pterr-^08 fierce Street S u b s p r i p t l q n P r i c e , OBjely^ar
V -
> r - * • *••'•.?,.•*••••"
Advfjrtaeirjg rates furnished on appncat&n
" *
CHANGE OF AJ>fiRE$S^--?lease give both the old and new address; T ' . " be TOriio give.yojjr parne.
I In I^tsburgh; w£erethe local university staged a symbolic exhibition of the eoritributions which the different- peoples and groups had made to the world's progress, there was no reference to any contributionwhich might have been made^by the Jewish
TEMPLE ISRAEL Services for Shemini jdlzerth. will be held tfiis evening at Temple Israel, starting at 8 o'cock, and Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. ••- The subject of Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon tonight is ^Ligljta Golden Jubilee." Saturday morning he will speak on "A Vision of the Promised Land." In celebration of the last two day& of Suceoth, services will' be held with full holiday choir. Dr, Cohn will. address the North Side Women's Club on "Dodsworth," •welWciiown novel by Sinclair Lewis, CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE The closing days of. the Succdth Festival will commemorated by serv;ices tonight and tomorrow morning at jthe Jewish Community -Center audii t o r i u m i
• • . ' : - • •
• . •:
OCTOBER 25,1929 .
BETH HAMEDROSH HAGODOL ]hj,s been conxlucting, a membership Services for the last two dayg of campaign, and, Hannah Baum and S^iccotii will begin tonight, Memorial Alta EJkin are. the new members services will be held Saturday* morn* intfodweed by Esther Kay, Gertrude ing. Simchas Torah will be c«lebrat~ Stein .and Jktarion Epstein. .There is ; for a few more members in 'ed Saturday night and Sunday morn i thi§ group and registrations can be i Eev. S. Kahanowjtch will conduct ' made in the Center office. At the the services. ..,. .... . . - . . - meeting last Monday, the girls earned their first Camp Fire honor by learning ten knots.
and in other activities. This organ The Jew is the pioneer of liberty. Even in the. Olden days i CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL when people were either-slaves or masters, even so long ago, the\ The Congregation of Israel, 25th Nation has already given a number of successful .athletic and social law of Closes prohibited the practice of Keeping a person in'bond- |and J Streets, has announced the elec- events, and their plans tend toward age, fpr more than* six years. The Jew is the symbol of civilization. jtion of the following officers: an active future.
Ignorance, was condemned in olden Palestine more than it is today ! A. Schlaifer, president; Levik Wolfin civilized Europe. In those barbarous days when a life was |son, vice-president; L. Katleman, sec- The FA HONS have arranged an initiation and slumber worth -nothing, Jewish thinkers like Rabbi Akiba openly fought retary ; S. Corenman, treasurer. Trus* interesting party to b« given for the members capital punishment, a punishment which today is considered highly tees ares A. Bworsky, A. Newman, Saturday, Oct. 26, and A. Neesman. ; . civilized. ! : The CAMP FIRE GROUP NO. 2 The Jew is the emblem of civil and religious toleratiQn. In V B'NAIISRAEL tASTEB « BEHEB. t the savage times when the chief ambition of the nations was to i 'Rabbi Manuel Laderman of Chicago 690 Cltr NatUnal B»nk speak Saturday morning at the crush and enslavej each other, Moses commanded, "Love the jwill PROBATB NOTICE ? stranger and the sojpurrier, because you have been strangers in JjB nai Israel synagogue, 18th and Chi- .In the matter, et the estate of HABRT
j .cago, as a feature of services for the I closing of Suecoth. Simchas Torah , Israel h^s giye.p the WQ^4 true humanitarianism, just as it jjwill be celebrated Saturday evening • has given the world a true God. : Israel alone has known the thirst and Sunday. ji -At a meeting of the • congregation fer social justice-' and tKe-inner saintliness which is the soui'ce of : j Sunday the following «even' commisjustice. :Thl inJ^p^al: Messages, of her prophets and the un*sioners were elected: -Mendel Blank; f f tqi?ayTas|uni'efuteble proof that the world Harry Fellman, Louis Ackerman, Joe the d^bt^ha^westo^ Israel. •.-•-> Tretiak, Riseman, H. Marcus,, H. Weiner. ; v ". . '; - i y / ' ' lings captured the entire ieiiefs, :: Bloom smashed-the;pins. for: a 257 BOWLING- LEAGUE single game, and V tbtaV of 603. :Captain Leo ~Weitz' was consistent : Won Lost Aver. with a three-gfame ^«tal -pf 525. Wardrobe _. 11 i. .733 '. The Glazef Clpthing continue^ their ;Malashock Jewelry 9 —6- .60Q slump by dumping three .games to .Empire Cleaners „ 7. - 8.', ..4.67 .'Omaha Tobacco Co. 7 8. ".467. " the Malashock Jewelry. The work of •Glazer Clothing .... 6 '.&' i400 both teams was of a mediocre na". Kaiman Insurance 4 11 ' »267 ture. "Micky" Krupp's 532 count The southpaw accuracy.of "Peaches'* and Dr. Platt's single game of 203 Bloom was the chief- factor in. the being worthy of mention. Wardrobe triumph over the Kaiman Insurance, and Moe Lingman's hirePatronize Our Advertisers
L. PBTEBS, Jr., deceased. Notlw !• hereby j l p n ; That the creditors of said "deceawd will meet the admlnJstrotor ot «ald estate, before me. County Judge of Pouglns County, Nebra«-
9 o'clock A. M-, each «\ay. for the purpose of presBtiting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Threa months •re aUovred for the creaitqrs to present their claims, from the l€th day of November. 1829. BRTCB CRAWFORD, 3T . Connty Judge.
After the meeting, four of the girls, chaperoned by their leader, Mrs. Edward . Levinsori joined the girls of Troop 9 in a theatre party at the Orpheum to see the girl scout picture which was heing shown during the .week which was National Girl Scout week.
New Victor Records
Jt OR two weeks, from October S8th t® November 9th, b»dusive, we will allow you fen e«at» credit for every Victor Record yo« faring to our store I We wil) flcocpt all your old Victor Records, regard* less of age, size or type, V^ewUlgive yon new Victor Record*—mny selection you choo»e—in exchange for your old ones. With your eld reeords, therefore, you can build np a credit with us that will pay for a new selection of Victor Records of your choice, without the expt nditure af a penny on your part.
The CENTER PLAYERS GUILD had tryouts for parts in the play: "At tke Movies," Tuesday evening. Those chosen " for the play are: Mamie Temin, Lillian Freedman, Dorothy Margolin, Sam Epstein and The DIG NI FIS have planned an The SUB DEBS have been un- Martha Hiraelstein. afr.e to hold re,gjlar meeting! at the The KARMELITES held a n elecCenter on a?count of the holidays. FOR tion of officers a t their regular meetThe group has, however, been working Monday evening. T h e following ing on plaps ^or floing some charity t o office: work which wil) not only be novel members were elected h* nature, bv% also of the greatest Ha.zel ?avitt, president; Helen Stein, benefit t9 a large number of people. vice-president; Eileen Swartz, secThe members of this organization r e t a r y ; I d a Kotler, treasurer; Edith have made » very good start to-, Ostrovich, reporter. •••••;. ' ; CALL ward a harmonious, helpful group! The club is planning a membership social tax th,e. introduction of new in the short time that they have members, Nov. 2. A program h a s organized. been planned for this affair and 203 So. 19—JA. 1209 The TONKU KODA CLUB is con- any girl between t h e ages of IS and centrating its effort on making the VJ ia invited to. attend this open JA.;5676 — Evenings WA. 5077 club's Hallowe'en Party, on Oct. 2 6meeting. / a great success. Interesting plans' and surprises for the party are being arranged by the program committee. •' •••' .
| Services tonight begin at 8 o'clock. n a t i o n . . •.•;•.•••;•,' '., .-•;/. .•''•..'•• _ V - . . V , '.;--••.-'•. • Abraham Bengis hascnoseri as many of our brethren who viewed the exhibition JKabbi jhis subject, «Tbe Allegory of Water." this omission a. serious error on the part of the uni'|His sermon will be. based on the prayv But, strange as it may seem, a Jewish publicist has come !er "Geshem" (rain), a prayer for to the defense of the authorities, contending that they are justified 'agricultural prosperity which-is recitin excluding the Jewish people from representation on the, ground ed during Musaf Saturday morning, Saturday the services will start that the Jew has n.ot contributed anything as a Jew to the world's I;at On 9:30 a. m. At 10:30 a. m., Rabbi Progress, outside of religion. .... jBengis will speak on 'The,End of the ; Do we in this modern day have to point out to a supposedly {Feast," a memorial address which wiU ^ell-read Jewish publicist the debt that the world owes to Israel? [precede Izkor. Do we have to argue with a presumedly fellow-Jaw that theiethics ! Simchas Torah will be celebrated evening, starting at 8 p, BJ., The X L Club, members have been a^d social justice of tod&y ar.6 traceable rtorat. Jewish originy that jSaturday fortunate to secure as their jand Sunday morning, at 9:30, At : the Yery conception of democracy and liberty is a distinctcontribu- jlO :30 Saturday morning Rabbi Bengig adviser} Mr, Phil Feldman, promtjon of the Jew as a Jew? ; "-:.;. .-.--_; .• -; !will speak on "Commencement." inent member in the Compeer Club
J; E:.::?:£V
The EAGLE GIRL SCOUT TROOP interesting Hallowe'en party to be held a short meeting Wednesday held at the Fontenelle Pavftion, ^O«t. afternoon, Oct. 16. The final plans 28. The girls have" decided, to have for the Hallowe'en party to be given their • meetings on' Tuesday ^eveninjs a t Marion Weinberg'g home were instead of Wednesday, as formerly. discussed. Each member of the troop is going t o bring one guest to t h e party.
for Old!
The only conditions are these:
1. All records returned must be Victor Records. 2. All records must he u»broken. • .. 3 . All records must be defaeed by a large X scratched ocross the label,
J "The Dorfs Yung" By L. KOBRIN
Sunday October 27, at the j* C* CTickeU 75c—60c—25c for Children
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£AGE 3~THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 A letter "from \Safl . P. Kjnaey/ C e n t e r Council of The children "who attended the ports. The newspaper points out president of Chicago Musical College, v ^ 1 1 L e r V A J U I I U I u i Jewish Community Center summer that these figures compare favorably contains the information that Miss Clubs to.Organize play school did dramatic work sim- with those of the last few years. Ida Lusfgarten, daughter of Mr. and ilar to the work to be done in this Senior Council of Clubs will Mrs. Benjamin Lustgarten, took "part theater. Plsys and operettas will be In the regular Sundayy Artist Recital g its program-for the 1929— ! . A Succoth program, arranged by sponsored by.this group H. MOSKOVITZ in Central Theatre, October 20, b e - ] 1 9 3 0 season - -with - the first meeting Harry Mendelson, will be given at; All children who are interested in and JIoIuia the South Omaha Talmud Torah on fore capacity audience of music lov-' y evening, October 28 at 8:30 acting are invite3 to come to the Sunday evening, October 27, at 8 promptly. ers, who evinced much enthusiasm SAM XEITS meeting next Monday afternoon. This for her playing. The purpose of the Senior Council o'clock. Announce the opening of a is for children between the ages of Miss Lustgarten is having a de- is to promote a feeling of good-will Mr. Mendelson, who is teacher of 8 and 14. gree course at the Chicago Musical among the clubs, and to be of mutual the Talmud Torah, will give a short College, She is studying piano with aid to each other Bnd to the com-address on Succoth as a festival coEiisemorating three historic epochs PALESTINE FIGURES and Delicatessen at Rudolph Ganz, with -whom she wonmunity. —the nomadic, the agricultural and London. (J. T. A.) During the first j 1722 No. 24th St.— WE. 3817 a Free Scholarship in the annual con- In the past, this group has sponhalf of 1929, 1825 Jews entered Paltest, held last month, Miss Lust- sored stunt nights, Tallies, plays, Fri- the cultural. FRESH MEATS AND gartea's rendition of Beethoven's day evening services and" inter-city The children of the Talmud Torah estine, while 781 left during the DELICATESSEN taking part in the program include:! same period, the London Times reSonata in F Minor was exellent and debates. The d u b s have been electing rep- Celia Iip8roan, Sarah Beber, Alice j displayed hex talents to advantage. resentatives to the Council, and theand Harry Perelman, Joe Wolfson, | Miss Elsie Poska spent the last enthusiasm and interest shown prom- Mordecai Halperin. | week end at' her hoine in Lincoln, ises a successful year of activity. E. Sellz, cantor of the Conservative : Nebraska, The Intermediate ".Council of Clubs Synagogue, will sing a number of will hold its first meeting of the Jewish folk songs. Several classical Hr, S, 5. J-jaltsman and her son, selections will be offered by Miss j Marvin, have returned from a 2 1929—1930 season ^Wednesday Octo- Sophie Newman, playing the violin, b336 at 8 p. m. promptly. month trip to California. Hie purpose of the Intermediate accompanied by her sister, Ida, on 2429 Decttur Street V'EMer 852T . Council is to establish a bond of fel-tje pian.o. , I just received a new supply of all kinds of Sidurim fmd machzerim - Mr. and Mrs. EnehnT Barlsh of lowship among the intermediate clubs The ^public has been invited. with Jewish and English translations. Also, very beautiful Taleisim, Sioux City"/ Ioway attended the for-and to'work together with the Senior Silk and Wool. Everything at very reasonable prices. mal opening of' Mr. Max Barish'3 Council in sponsoring "Center events. Our ESR01GIM and LULOVIM for Succoth have just arrived from Eep (automobil concernj October 11. In the past this organization has CHildrens Theater EEETZ ISEOEL. • Word has been received of the sponsored plays and stunt nights. Will Begin Monday birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Their entry in the Young Judaean The Children's Theater will hold J. Mirviss, of New Hsven, Conn. oratorical contest was one of the four Mrs".' Mirviss;. formerly 'Miss Lillian winners in the national semi-finals. its first meeting Monday, October 28, Omaha's Style Center The club sending representatives at A p. m. sharp under the direction Margolin of Omaha,/was th* case Twarker, and^Mr. Mirviss was theto this Council are interested in mak- of Mrs. Herman Jahr, dramatic di,*ducgftiontL' director at the Center ing their activities for this year out- Tector at the Center, and her assiststanding events. ants. Jjfifore moying to New.^ Haven-
Mr.' and~Mrs; B.- Eadinsky'announce thftearasfenient of their daughter BesBii to*-Mr. Irving Pereilman, brother off Mr. M. Preilman of Omaha. No set for the wedding.
Chairman, of Benefit
fTh» ;Ttflaple pf Israel Sisterhood v ill sponsor an luncheon at the Temple} November 4. ]Cta November 5 and 6 the SisterJipW vriU .supervise .-a. .rumage. jiale. at 1417 No,- 24- stregt. Anyone having pobtribuficms may pail Mrs. -Julms Harney 3069 or bring them , Sosenthal at 50Q8 JPodge. by Monday, November 4. Cafete'rja suppers will be held at Temple, beginning November 13 Rachpian is in charge.
A surprise dinner for Mr. and Mrs j ISLatzman celebrating their 35th dding' anniversary, was given by the e^ «f JfavXatsman at his home gimday evening. ^e^Iippts, all brothers.fflnd..6i6jers pf'Mft, jj^tzman, were: Mr. and. Mrs. A-Tfichlaifer, Mr. and Mrs. X*. Gfress i... J>t.n Cnuuacoft Hilda Eisenberg of Denver, Colo., j}ck, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Katzman, Mr. ' The Kappa chapter of the Theta sister of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, visit- The Young Pcale Zion will sponsor er November p, at 8:15 p. m. A J. Katzman, swi the children of Mr. ityi is giving s benefit bridge for the ed iiere a few days a t the home of a lecture by Rabbi. Abraham Bengis, musical program will follow. All . on the subject, Palestine and theJewish youth are invited to attend. ^nflfMrs, M. Katzman., The families Wise Memorial hospital at the Pax- Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky. r i Jew, at the Jewish Community Cent- Admission free. §f;all relatives attended. Congratu- tjon hotel ballroom Sunday afternoon, Miss Eisenberg -is eriroute • to the latory menage"were' received from all October 27, at 2:30 o'clock. National Convention of Jr; Council of p u t s «P the country. Miss Lylyan Chudacoff is general1 Jewish Juniors held in Cleveland fi Xanibda f h i , only national so- chairman, assisted, by Miss Sarah next week, She is a representative cial fraternity on the Creighton TJni- Kurtzman,, Miss Sally Morgan and of the Denver section.•'... She "will be a guest at the Kulakof syersity ' eampua, has announced the iliss Ethel Cohn. Mrs, B- A. Simon — of the "Wise Memorial hospital board ky-feome on her return. following- as. pledges: ; will also assist. Kumenthal, Ralph Gross, The Jewish National Fund held a The officers of this chapter, which meeting Tuesday, October 22, at the i Kazlowsky, Harold Margolin, was organized in January, 1927, in-Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Sail clude Miss Minnie Flax, president; Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Kohn, ac- Miss .Chudaeoff, vice-president; Miss Abraham Bengis, principal speaker,: eoaipaniej by their granddaughter, Anne Jonisch secretary and Miss Ethel stressed the importance of the JewMiss Both Kohn, have returned from Cohn., tresurer. Other raemteTs of ish National Fund as an experiment Atlantic City and Philadelphia, where the club are Miss Bess Iapp, Miss in nationalization of soil, and urged increased activity by local council. thejv.spent the summer. Sara Riklin,; Mjss Frances Kobinson, Gertrude - Goldberg, Miss An-< Junior Hadassan held a Succoth M.T.1-and Mta. S. JBornste.iTi .an-1 Miss nette Riklin and " Mrs. Benjamin jrogr^ro Thursday evening October UQTOC& the birth o t a son, . ^ ; Kubby. : '''- '-• • " - / ; ' ; i 24 at the Jewish-Community Center. About for hundred are expected t j Rabbi Abraham Bengis spoke on SucMr. sn,d Mn, Abe Handleman ancoth and Jewish Youth." attend. nounce the birth of a son.
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ANNOUNCING! The Opening of the
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It is with a great deal of pleasure that we present for your approval the opening of the Nebraska Drapery and Slip Cover Co. Beautifying the Home is Our Business, and to lielp you Beautify your home will be pur pleasure. We have rented a large Display room in the Heart of Omaha's shopping flistrict -where you may come in and inspect our new and complete stock of beautiful .patterns in—
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Sif-V— . r
CITY NEWS Services to Be Held j . forSinichatlvTorah1 The festival of Simchath Torah will be ushered in this evening vrfth special services at the • Shaa're Zion Synagogue and Mount Sinai Temple. Rabbi Lewis at the Temple service this evening will speak on "The Joy of the Law." Children of the Religious school will participate ip the "Procession with the Torah," On Saturday morning Shaare Zion services will begin, &t 8:80, The Memorial service will be followed by the sermon of Rabbi Rab\nowits on "Finishing the Torah." Children of the Sunday school will -form a procession at this-service. .".;••
Society News
Plans'to accommodate 150 couples have been made by the A. Z. A. chapter, for their Hallowe'en dance, which will take place this • Sunday evening at the Community Center banquet hall. Isadore Liberman ar.d Leonard Barricks, chairmen of the affair, have planned in addition to the dance 'an evening of interesting entertainment.^ . '
O n l y Way," Ci*n
At a banquet; held recently in the Hotel ;Martin, a TOoms, of ^ e nev/ s o t y was 0I aidzed b a
J. j group of young men known as The
Stillman, Presented Question ciub. .
of her father, Mr. M. Marcus, whose' Dr. Rubinow succeeds the lute Dr. celebrated his birthday anniversary. Boris 1). Bogen. Announcement of The evening's diversion was playing Dr. Rubinow's appointment wag made Bridge. i today by Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, president of the Order. Miss Esther Saks spent the past < week-end visiting in Iowa City where' Dr. Rubinov/ is. resigning his podt a« the Director of the United PalThe Council Bluffs lodge No. 688 she attended the Iowa-Illinois foot- '< estine , Appeal. of the B'nai B'rith held an open meet- ball game. ing Wednesday evening at the Danish j A paduate. of New York and CoHall. Rabbi A, Bengis of Omaha was ! Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertained \ lumbia Universities, Dr. Rubirtow has the principal speaker and honor guest, j at a luncheon followed by bridge at had wide experiencr: in social service i work, and has written extensively on The meaning of Succbth was the her home Wednesday. theme of his speech. The program inThe Council Bluffs Agudas Asso- \ social problems. cluded dialogue from the "School for ciation will hold a meeting next Mon-1 Scan del" given- by June and Lorraine! day evening, October 28th, at the Le-j Meyerson. Myron Cohn -played a' gion Hall. violin BOIO accompanied at the piano ACCOUNTANT by Miss Anne Rubach, both of Omaha.: Mr. ar.d Mrs. Nathan Adler enter- j Ben. Kubby, president,. made. a- -few tained the members of their Evening j AUDITS — — SYSTEMS remarks. wDr. I. Sternhill was chair- Bridge Club at their home Tuesday 534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 evening. man of the meeting.
Council Bluffs
j ; The symbol Of the society is a 1 in "The four Only acts, Way," .written* by Abe Stillheld Mark' in secret andreal known onlya dramatic play, being "Question the identity man, and depicting an immigrant to the members of the organization. family's life, in America, was preThe purpose of the society is of sented last Sunday evening at the a purely social nature and a series Community -Center to a capacity of parties is being planned by the audience. The' play, which was entertainment committee. The pardirected by Mr- Dave Sperling, was ties will be exclusive, only members well presented, and - enacted with being admitted and no guests will splendid dramatic ability. Proceeds be permitted to attend the social of the production were tuimed to- events with the exception of out-of.Mrs;. H. Bondarin, who is leaving town guests who- must be accomwards Palestinian relief work. to - make her home in Chicago, win panied by a member. Mr. and-Mrs. Louis Cherniach have' be honored at a farewell party oiij The social calendar will extend returned home' following a 3' month : tain a t , a . Hallow'en party; on TuesTuesday ,evening at the Community: throughout the' fall and winter season visit'in Los Angeles, California,.'; j Center. Mr. 'Bondarin, was a:mem; day evening at the Community Cen- and a series of parties are being for the oc- planned by the society. The nature Services for the last days of SucCincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. I. M. the staff of the Hebrew school.' ter. Games," by light re- of the parties will be in accordance coth and Sfmchas Torah- will-.fee- held Rubinow, well known social worker, ;be ThejTioneer Women's Club, of which" casion, Mrs,: Bondarin is an -active ,memb'ej-;- ;f reshments. with the events of the month and at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- j and' for the past year Executive DiMount Sinai Temple; will broadcast is "sponsoring^ the party : ' ' •' - V . Mr.; Joe' Dimsdale is-visjting with the dancing parties will be strictly gogue, 618 Mynster Street.. On Fri- j rector of the United Palestine Appeal its regular Friday evening services formal. I t ' i s planned to hold the day evening, October 25, services will j has been named Executive Secretary tonight, over the Siou?c. City Journal Mr. Robert Gorkiri, of Minneapolis, friends in the. city,- wJ}Ue enroute commence at six o'clock, and on Sat-j of the Independent Order B'nai B'rith. broadcasting, station KSCJ. The is in Sioux City in the "interest of from Chicago to his. home in Cali- social functions of the society at urday rooming at 6:30 o'clock. Memo-j the Hotel Martin, the Sioux Apartfornia. service will begin at 8 o'clock, and his Hollywood'Beauty parlor."^ ments, the West Hotel, and the rial services will also be held Satur-; last one hour. This is the first serIvre Club members are making Beilevue Apartment Hotel. In ad- day morning. On Saturday evening," . Rabbi .Theodore N. Lewis will vice to be broadcast this year over 2, 3, or 4 rooms with ox with_ f ox their,Hallowe'en par- dition parties, will be held in the Simchss Torah services will be held the newly equipped and improved speak; before -the International out furniture, also garage. private homes of the members of the from five to eight o'clock, and on j-be held at -the Community Cent tions dub, Saturday noon, on Outstation. .' '. • society and at thev night clubs in Sunday morning, commencing, at 8:30 j 2429 Decatur — WE. 3527 standing Episodes of his; trip • to; ter, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 30, o'clock. • | i tho city. .. Europe and Palestine.; " TjfejDaughterhood of Shaare Zion At the meeting recently held for Meriibjers.of the Mount Sinai Broth- j Sixteen friends honored Mr. and • Miss Jean Cohen spoke tojmembers met~Monday "evening with over 75 the purpose of organization fifteen Mrs. Louis S. Braunstein at a sur-j crhood, and members of the Temple congregation, will hold a joint dinner of the Junior. Hadassah and members members ^in^-attendance. Mies Perry young men were,accepted for mem- prise party at their home last Thurs^ j and. meeting on. Tuesday, evening, of the local Zionist group on Wed-^ of^ Davidson's JArt department spoke bership. After, obtaining twenty-five day evening, the occasion being their i Certified Public Accountants anniversary. | October 29, at the Davidson Tea nesday evening," in -the'interest of to the- girls' -Ion Hand Crafty and ar- members the society plans to close twenty»fifth wedding the membership thereby restricting rangements , haye been made to hold The evening was spent playing-1 038 Sonorities BIdr. room. The board of directors for > the United; Palestine Appeal. , Miss j each group will be elected at- this! Cohen, whose home -is in ^Chicago,! Masses viri^the Craft work, at the the membership of the organization Bridge. AT. 4451 time. The program- promises to be \ has been .^engaged in ; Zionist work J Synagogue^every Monday evening, to twentyrfive. Mrs. Samuel Katelman entertained The following officers were elected most entertaining, with a man of "I-for some time''anf.gave "members of i The Daugfcterhood is sponsoring this to serve the , society for its first twenty guests at ft surprise party at these two clubs an interesting and class.' national note as principal speaker. CAPITOL BOOK 1 social season for 1929. Lawrence her home Monday evening. in honor informative ' lecture on ^the. U. P. A. "The Hinky Doodle Town", the Baron, president; Lawrence Samp-i : BINDERY CO. Over 40 membsrs were present at Mr. Abe StillmairHs president of th?, seventh annual revue of. the Ladies son, vice-president; Jack Mushkin, 220 So. 18th St. JA. 1136 . . tlie first rehearsal of the Shaare r Zionist organization,, and Miss Saclip • . -.-•,-••,.. ^ • FOR SALE secretary, aijd E. W. Baron, : M. B. DOLGOFF Z^iA^: \of Auxiliary, will ' be shown Sunday Shulkin president the ..i Junior f •.•.-:«,« n&S Zion Choir, on Tuesday evening. The 'ai,.,i-t,-. Must sell at sacrifice. Store treasurer. Law—Library Loose Leaf . evening, November 3, at the Audifollowing officers were elected by the'\ Hadassah. building with 4 living rooms— _The executive board which has j torium. The-cast, which lias been Specialist in Hand Binding group: Mrs. Sam H. Shulkin, pres> Rooms now rented—Garage — Among those who attended the pome coached by Miss Florence Coates, complete charge of the social and dent; Jack Lipman, vice-pre3ident; Coming at Iowa University are: in- includes "many, ,of the connnunity's business functions of the society Ideally located. $2,250—$300 Ruth Wigpdsky, secretaryj and -Mor- eluded Miriam Barrent, Al SefF, younger set, who have been promi- consists of the officers and the cash. Call WA. 3118. ris Ruben, treasurer The choir, un- Ephraim< Baron, Cecil Seff, Bertha rient in local dramatics. following three, members: Messr. Milder the direction of Mr. Sam Bdrger, Ann Gree'nberg, and Fredtij ! _ , , , . „ p =; . . • • ., , , ton Bolstien, Ben Pill, and Jack iian will make its first public . ._. _,... . 4420 Florence'Blvd. Albert. Meyer Levitt'attended the' R a b b l H * R ; Rabmowitz spoke to London. ance at the first labs - services of the members of the Business Girl's on Elaborate plans are under way for KE. 1500 game at Lincoln on Saturday. synagogue, which .-is -scheduled for H. BEKGEK Wednesday evening, on "The Mean- tl\: first party of .the season which Tti« House (Vitb i Reputation November 1. " IOC II is being planned for Thanksgiving. GirK Scottt Troop 3$tr. 9 will cnH-r- ing of -Succoth." I t . will-i be of a formal nature and TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY will be held in the Crystal ballSince 18*6 room of the Bellvue Apartment
Dr. Rubinow Named Executive Secretary ROSEMONT CAFE
24th and Harney
Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor
"NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Fsrnam St—Phone AT, 8481
Peerless Cleaners
Omaha Towel Supply Co.
The .entertaining committee is planning a series of smart affairs for the season 1929-30. The outstanding party of the club's social calendar will be the New Year's eve party at wjiich time no .money nor effort,.will b? v spared in making it one. of, the most elaborate and pretentious affairs . ever . held in the city, which will be in the form of a strictly formal dinner dance with special entertainment. The following are the charter members ,of the society: Leon Dobrofsky, - Lou. Wolf, Lawrence Sampson, Meyer Levitt, Bernard Rocklin, Ben Pill, Edwin W. Baron, Milton Bolstien, Cecil Seff, Barney Dobrofsky, Jack. Mushkin, E. W. Baron, Lawrence Baron, and Max Seff.
H. Arey Stillman, whose pictires have been -on display^, at the Ma rtin Hotel this ;inonth, lectured every evening, this week in the hotel ballroom, on phases of art work. Mr. Stillman's work will be exhibited in Paris,'during the month "of January. His paintings, particularly of Jerusalem types and scenes of Sioux City, are of unusual merit and great interest to many Sioux Cityans.
- Pax ton -Mitchell Co?i f7th end Martha Sis. HArney 16G1 OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Soft gray iron, oraes, oronze ana nlummura enstttifra. Sinnrinrd sizes oronze ntus Iron busfiiDSs. sewei manooles. c'f'ero rings ami covers ano ;lean-out doors ic stock. Al) kinds of »T6OI1 and metal patterns.
ea«ed io beauty, xht Tempi* eledto-dy. namic is the only speaker with cbe sx{p<stable ham tlim'mttot featar*. Separate table type speakers are available"forthoae who do not o i m i Temple Receiver.
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IGtb and Fofnnm
JA. 9728
2920 Farnam
lOtfe BBI} Capitol Are*
IDEAL Bottling Co. WE. 3043
Kssh-Ei Rye For Health SANITARY BAKERY BAKJSKT GOODS AT TUE1K BEST 1608 earning—AT. 7836
The Omaha Jobbing Co* JOSEPH TRETIAK, Propr.
MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Sti'eete Hill Hotel
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire. Hnrry H. Lnpirtus,
Omaha Fixture and
All Flavors
Soda Water Gingerale and Near Beer
All kinds of Paints and Varnishes, at all prices, and all colors. Job lots of various merchandise. 317 No. 15th St., JA. 5604
GaH ATliiitic 28T7
We Occupy 10.00(1 8f!»a<-f
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
Frank)in County Lump ..—...., Kadio Furnace Lump . Illinois ii Nut
National Accessories, Inc.
<?Q C A ..$ V*3V (J»O AA tPOaVV
CO. J; C?Goraoi»
1724 Dodge St. *" Fre«> Delivery Service
Visit the New
$13.50 $12,50,
Cleaners and Dyers
J. M.
Ask Your Dealer For A
ATlantic 6291
J Dead he is not, but departed,—for j the arjist never dies. —Longfellow.
$39.00 for the Temple electrv tjnamic Speaker 020.00 for the Temple Hepatic Speaker
24th and Parnam
Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, Camp Supplies. All Kinds
Over five•• hundred people guests of H. Lazriovrieh, at the formal .opening; of the new quarters of the Sioux City Bakery. Sioux Cityans have watched'-the growth of this Concern, which was established 25 years ago, with interest. Mr. Lazriowich," owner of the bakery, is well-known in'the Jewish community for his interest in the Federation and Synagogue activities. A cafeteria supper, sponsored by the Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood, was served to over 200_ friends an.! members of the organization on Wednesday evening. The supper was followed by an evening of entertainment provided by' the Sisterhood.
Al. Bingaman
times a day we are in your neighborhood
Jiifiehey JSmstifrgg City Wide Oelivery
AT. 4750
MA. 4750
Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program