• * *
Scanning the Jewish. Horizon
Interesting and Entertaining
• By David Schwartz
EINSTEIN'S SUCCESS EECIPE Albert Einstein was recently interEntered as Eecor.tl-cJ.-iss mail matter on January 27, 1021, sit viewed by. an Americar. correspondent. post office nt'OnuUta.'Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, ibTU As the newspaperman was about to | leave, he of course, felt that it would be-untrue to the traditions of inter- Current Topics Course viewing if he faile^I;^::.-- the ProfesTo Start This Tuesday sor for a recipe of \ij£%»'.-V Einstein grinned.-^"^,-^;" he final- The first meeting of the .Current ly said, "to put it r £ ^ | r Really: "If Topics Course of the Omaha Council X is success, A plus3? i n . } C equal of Jewish Women will be held at :
VOL. VII.—No. 42
of Progressive " is Aim of Survey
Council Will Sponsor Child Study Course A course in chil<" study for parents! will be sponsored by the Omaha Coun- j dl of Jewish women. The classes \ will 'be heicl in the mornings instead | of the evenings, as previously an- j Plan .to Add 250,000 Names tc nounced. i - Zionist Rosier by The course is open to ail mothers j . January interested in child study. ] There is no charge for tins course.; CONFERENCE NOV. 16, 17 The date of the opening for the course i has not yet been arranged. We vrelMendel Norman Fisher, execu-
10:30 a.m., next Tuesday, November 5, at the Jewish Community Center. "A is work and B is ^ - S "ontinued Kabbi Frederick Cohn will direct this Einstein. ' v^t'Rw- course. . "And what is C ?" que»< . ^ newsRabbi Cohn 's first subject will be man. "C '.is. keeping ' • '- . your• moWr "- '['•'_••-';V"r':hsEiit, and" "The Jews and Arabs in Palastme." you will succeed." Mrs. David Feder will be in charge. • Not such a bad formula from a man She will be assisted by Mrs. Phillip ; "The purpose of the Communal whether old organizations have "outcome in and audit the books." .. .'•>../ . of the pure science field. Indeed, it Levey. . Survey is not merely to dig up the of is said that a recent president of the The Current Topics Course was pop. ^i i . i , . • • . " , Citizens Committ*>p Thflold^mirh , T •', ^ \ °f the Zionist organisation, ou facts, but also to lay the foundation United.States succeeded simply by ob-J ular last year with both Jews and 1 lllze s izations shouldbe; formed, then the ^ « vxanautiee, LT. uoiasmitn, • j -i h Community' , „. ,f c ; H , o f ; m a n j for building a better community," t t h ew S T h o s e i n t e r e s t e d a r e serving condition C. non-Jews because of Rabbi Cohn's inmose iraeresxea are community owes a duty, as hnrfT, the reasons and value of the national tsaid, h e c o"We r o m u ln l le t e d s gi-oup to stand for! ^ _ t e _ • ' from , ' declared Dr. Samuel A. Goldsmith of men, to have scmeone P T ih oas te e i n twith e r e s t e dMrs. a r e David d ; the present Zionist situation and teresting subjects and the manner in the out-. y as a whole, and not• to comjmm C BACKWABD O TIME! New York, director of the survey ousne * *individualistic; center mose iraeresxea are asKect; "roll call" at an important session of merely to represent* an Feder, telephone Glendale 1164. If you had your life to live over, which he handled them. ;This course which is being conducted in Omaha Omaha Zionists Wednesday evening viewpoint. Then, we need an intelliThis course is a very fine one of at the home of M. F. Levenson, local what would you be? And, particular- is open to the public. Admission tickets may be obtained j beginning this week. "We shall exgent, cohesive, united community tr- any mother interested in child study. Zionist president. Mr. Fisher recently URGES CO-OPERATION ly, how would you spend your youth? amine every fact concerning every put into effect what we suggest inj from Mrs.Teder or Mrs. Levey, or at Mr. Harry H. Lapidus, chairreturned from the Zionist Congress at We think we would sell newspapers. avenue along which the Jewish comthe door the morning of the lecture. our report." j man of the Citizens' Committee, Zurich. There is nothing like it. Here the munity walks, and after drawing , The survey, which will take in thej which represents 90% of the newspapers report that Abraham E. The plan is for the enrollment of our conclusions will, give definite I neighborhood of two months, will inlocal Jewish organizations, has Lefcourt, owner of a chain of sky250,000 Jews who are not members of recommendations for a program of vestigate every phase of Jewish acissued the following statement: scrapers, is about to' build another the various Zionist organizations'at progressive building." tivity, including Jewish education,; skyscraper on the site where once "This survey satisfies a rea» present. Every one vho signs the Dr. Goldsmith delivered his address population, aged, sick, recreation,! upon a time he shouted l i s "Uxtry." need in our community, but it "roll call" pays the nominal fee of at the Jewish Community Center,! means work and responsibility. dependent families, and relations! S1.00 and is entitled to the Shekel, And David Sarnoff of Tadio fame Monday evening, before the Citizens' Sam Beber Is Again Chosen membership fee in the World Zionist with national organizations. It is most essential that we once sold newspapers. Committee, ^representatives of the as Head of the Harry H. Lapidus, chairman of Organization. It starts Nov. 3 and have the full cooperation of And John Hertz, of Yellow Cab Final Plans "Made' for Bazaar Congregation endE Jan. 1. forty-five organizations participating Omaha Jewry. The efficiency of the Citizens' Sommittee, announced fame, retired multi-millionaire who to Be 'Given', on the research can be greatly inhas now dispensed with garage and in the survey. He is executive direc"It is the most important move unthe following executive committe?, | Dec 1 creased by the ai;l of those automobile in his private home and tor of the Bureau of Jewish Social consiting of the officers and fifteen j The officers of the Conservative dertaken by the Jews of America whom it will serve. instead has his private airplane and I synagogue were reelected for another since the Balfour Declaration to prove representatives: Mr. Mendel Norman Fisher, execu- Research of New York, past presiterm at a meeting of the congrega- to themselves and to each other that Every organization should airport. dent of the National Conference for Harry H. Lapidus, chairman:; tive secretary of thei Southwest region j tion of the Conservative Synagogue the Jewish National Home does repimmediately, send in a complete Social Service, and is author of David Rosenstock, first vice-chairman,' j at the J. C. C. Tuesday evening. Over THIS AND THAT of the Zionist Organization, delivered list of its delegates to the Citiz, resent the hope of the Jewish future, J. Riklin, second vice-chairman; Ju-j 150 members attended. The venerable and beloved Nathan the. principal address at the meeting various articles on social work. jg ^ e 7 j f p , ^ ^ o b j e c t j v e o f J e w i s h ens' Committee and pay up the In the survey Dr. Goldsmith will dab. Wolf son, secretary; Dr. Philip J Straus at one time possessed one of of the. local Hadassah,-. Wednesday B e b e r V a S reeIecte d J amount pledged." Tj_ P_f sident. | d e { e r m i n a t i ( m , » Sher, treasurer; Mrs. H. A. Wolf,: o t 1h e r o f f i c e r s a r e : H the greatest racing stables in i afternoon at the Jewish Community be aided by the Citizens* Committee The national executive committee ! and a New Yori staff consisting of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. M. F. k o f s k V ) Center. vice-president; Mose America. first _ , of the Zionist organization decided on T Dr. Robert Axel, Miss Emma SchreiLevenson, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Mrs.' One of the Lieberman brothers, owMr. Fisher,, wao.cis on his way to \ousem,' second nce-president; A. B. j ^ ^ c a U b e c a u s e .<the M s w e r o f L, Neveloff, Max Selicow, Sam Kaners of two smart Fifth Avenue shops the Extraordinary Conference of Zion- ber, and Dr. Alexander Dushkin. Alpim, treasurer; Jack \* . Marer, sec' ^ ^ J p w s of A m e r i c a ^ t h g vitz, Irvin Stalmaster, Henry MoriS-i retary. —Arnold, Constable and Stewart—is ists to be held in Kansas City Nov. 16 "There have been great develop. j efforts to destroy Jewish constructive t ments in every phase of social work," president of a synagogue in the heart and 17, invited the "members of the ky, Kabbi Frederick Cohn, Joe L. The executive committee _ , , , "r011815^ i achievements in Palestine ought to be of New York's" "business center which Hadassah, whT3f3i~the "Women's Zion- Dr. Goldsmith pointed put, "yet-the Wolf, Wn. L. Holzman, Harry A. , ,, . probably has a larger daily attendance ist organization, to attend the con- tendency of- communities is to stand Wolf, Babbi A. Bengis, and Sam! of the five officers, and the following t h e e n r o I | m e T l t o f & v a ( ? { R n w o f J e w . four elected at large: Julius Stern, J.| feh mp_n &m] w m e n ^ ^ v' nnm_ than any other synagogue in America. ference..; still. When there is a question as to '-' ' " : • Beber. , j Slosburg, Jr., J. J, Friedman, and H.j ^ ^ m congtitute an amrm8tion by The worshipers ar? largely composed A. Wolf. Among those who are definitely Mrs. Rosewater and Mrs. Cohn ' American Jewry of its determination of visitors to New York and of busi- going to the conference- are Mrs. of tajstees consists of The board Elected Delegates to Nat. to proceed with the rebuilding of the ness men from th? downtown district Joseph Rosenberg, local; president and the following: . 1j ^ nfitjoMl homeland» • ional Convention who drop in for Yahrzeit. Harry Lapidus. Dave Greenberg,) What is -intended is not tte* regular ffi delegatej;Mesdames A. Romm, Sam Cohen, Julius Altman, Al W'ohl<- memberBhip eBrollmerrt of th# Z. O. A., Y k ^ T e Commissioner, f , " ' AW-WeinStein,M; T>r. Samuel A. Goldsmith, Director ner, Dr. A. Greenberg, B. A. Simon, but the creation of s. great source ot Grover Whalen, was drafted by the F, Levenson, 3. Lintzman and Miss of the National Bureau of Social ReAt;a meeting of the Jewish Com- search of New York, was the speaker The Center Orchestra, under the William Alberts Joe J. Greenberg, j city ironi John Wanamaker's, where Grace KosensteuvT Several others v wMch ]d s t i m u ) a t c W k munity. Center Sunday School Teach- at the first meeting of the Omaha leadership of Mr. Frank Mach, well- Ben Glazer, Paul Bernstein, DrMor-1 he received a salary of $100,000 a hope to be able to attend. iniM toward favoTaMe action f o t ers held-at the home of Rabbi Abra- Council of Jewish Women, held last year, was born on the East Side and I. Final plans for the Hadassah - CareconstructioTi. its first meeting Tuesday, • kowitz, Mark Polonsky and Loiris i as. a boy earned pocket money "by nival which will be staged at the city ham Bengis Monday evening tentative Monday afternoon at the Jewish Cum- j local campaign will not plans for the year were formulated. Oct. 29, at 8 p. tn. The orchestra is Sommer. ] lighting fires for pious Jews on the auditorium on December 1, were anmunity Center. One of the new features of the Sabbath. He.is said to have enjoyed nounced by Mrs. J. J. Friedman, genwomen members the ! until after the Extraordinary ConfefDr. Goldsmith, a social worker of to be conducted like a musical club i , The, two , . . , ,, _, . ence to be held at Kansas City on Nov. quite a flourishing patronage a t a com- eral chairman." The affair will be a Sunday School will be the addition of national reputation, explained the and all those who are interested are J board, selected by the Conservative I 1 psxiidv&i. Children Jewish communal survey to be con- invited to join the orchestra. i Synagogue Auxiliary are: Mrs. J. J. 6 d 1 7 w i t h n i n e g t a t f i B pensation of one cent per fire. bazaar, dance, and style show'com- a post-confirmation class. ing. Among the national prominent between the ages of 14 and 16 may bring their instruments to the meet-1 A HOT WINTER'S TALE Greenberg and Mrs. M. F. Levenson. speakers to address the conference ducted in Omaha. bined. An elaborate display of homejoin this class, regardless of previous | Mrs. Greenberg, president of the "The survey which will be held here ing Tuesday evening. They are telling this one about one cooked foods is also planned. is Lipsky, president, of the : Sunday School training. The orchestra has been organized Auxiliary, announced an installation will prove a tool for the community of the swanky apartment houses reOver p00 members ssre exColor and novelty will be added to Z. 0. A. The Sunday School faculty will con- to improve its own social service into a club. Miss Ina Jaeobson was banquet within the next month, at pected. cently erected by Benjamin Witnor. the bazaar by "the Junior Hadassah, sist of Rabbi Bengis, superintendent, work," said Dr. Goldsmith. "The elected president and Miss Florence! which the newly elected officers of the j Among1 the Omaha Zionists going One day Winter passed one of his who are cooperating with the senior edifices. and, accosting the liveried group in presenting the affair. Be- Mr. Louis Shanock, principal; Mes- survey will be conducted because lead- Levy secretary and publicity director. synagogue and the auxiliary will be iare: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Levenson, officially installed. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin, Dr. and man in front, asked whether there sides selling tickets, the junior unit dames Wm. Alberts, Ed. Levinson, ers of thought of this community Charles Guss is orchestra librarian. Delegates elected to the Senior j President Beber appointed a com-! were any apartments to be had in the has arranged for several clever novel- Morrks Franklin, Moe Venger, Irvin realize they need help in solving soA. Romm, A. D. Gendler, Mr. Council are Jack Kaiman and Miss mittee to assist the auxiliary with the \Mrs. Stein, Marco Meyer, and Misses Ruth cial problems. Similar surveys bave structure. ties and interesting ideas, which they 1 __ . , and Mrs. J. .7. Friedman. Mr. and Mrs. Lillian Levy. The group also plans program. Pollack, Esther Faier, Evelyn Chaikeri, baen made in many other cities." '"No, we're all filled up," was tfoe will carry out. „ .1— *_ TIT__. v : _ j.._i JLintzman, and Philip Khitzmck. Ida Tenenbaum, Elsie. Romm, Grace "All Omaha Jewry should be inber- to have a group of associated mem- J vote of thanks to Mose Yousem for reply. Upon their return, an extensive Miss Grace Rosensteiri, president of Rosenstein, Frances Green, Ruth bers. j Ms splendid work as head of memberestetd in the survey because it will "That's rather unusual," said Win- the Junior Hadassah, is.in charge of campaign is planned for Omaha. A In the past, the orchestra has; ship. The group now has 269 memRiekes and Lillian Haykin and Mr. bring out the exact facts in regard to ter.. "Just completed, and already their arrangements. nationally-prominent speaker will be Harry Cohen. Miss Gertrude Orach the Jewish population, dependent played at a number of entertain- [ bers. all filled!" obtained, and a committee from all Cantor S.-Kahanowitchof the Beth is the pianist and Miss Jeanette Lev- families, dependent children, the sick, ments. The plans for the future con- j "Well we're filled. That's alL" walks of life will he appointed by Ml". Hamedrosh"Hogo'doiTsyjiagogue sang inson publicity manager. the aged, Jewish education and the re- sists of concerts and playing at j "Well, that doesn't happen to be all several Hebrew melodies., Levenson. -' Parents who have not registered lations of this community to national the Center. in this case. I happen to own this Special hotel rates and railroad Registrations for the orchestra their children are urged to do so at institutions. It will touch upon practbuilding. I am Mr. Winter." ratee are being offered for the Ziononce. There is no tuition charge and ically every other phase of Jewish club are being taken at the Center! The man began to stammer apoloist extraordinary conference in Kansas the Sunday School is-open to both life in Omaha." now. gies. . He had been told by the superCity. The orchestra meets every Tuesday j The J. C. C. Bey Scout Troisp No. members" and .non-members of the Dr. Goldsmith said that after he intendent, he said that they did not Community•: Center. has completed his survey the infor- evening. A concert is being planned \ 62 is reorganizing now with the want any Jewish tenants. for the middle of January. } following leaders: Dr. David Platt, mation will be made public. • "Here after," said Winter as he left, The Temple Israel Sisterhood has t :t scoutmaster; Julius Bisno, assistant Assisting Dr. Goldsmith are speYcu need take no note of religannounced the program ^orits Book j - J r . H a t l a S S a h scoutmaster, and Herman Faier, cialists in social service work, end he Announces Heads of ion, race or previous condition of serThe opening-. Saturday night dance R junior assistant scoutmaster. also have the assistance of men vitude. If the people are of good eview series for the season • 1923Drive for Members will of Auxiliary Committees Dr. Platt hi.s been very acth'e last the Jewish Community Center will and women who have worked in social character, that's .enough." , i year at the Center as sponsor of be held this -Saturday. November 2, • This review is to be- given by Rabbi A concentrated campaign for new activities here. LIKE FATHER, UNLIKE SON Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, president of! the Intermediate Council, and is with the Tonku Coda club of the SenFrederick, Cohn i a the vestry rooms New York is in the midst of its) of Tempe Israel, Eai<k avenue. and members .will be launched by the " Following Dr. Goldsmith's address i the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary j interested in the Boy Scout move- ior Council acting as hostesses. Junior Hadassah on Saturday nighty The Creiffhtonians, B ten-piece, ortea was served. Mrs. Harry Rach-j announced the chairmen of the various \ ment, which is for boys of twelve fight ftir the mayorality. And the I Jackson street,; on".the second and November 9,--.at the • Jewish Com- man, Chairman of the Hospitality chestra, will furnish the music. Accommittees at a Board meeting at the jyears of age and over. issue of the tlectoral battle seems to fourth Tuesdays of 'each, ^month a t Committee and Mrs. Isidore Ziegler, munity Center. : revolve about the slain king of New two-ihixty o'clock. • J. C. C. Tuesday afternoon, .They!ji Julius Bisno is an Eagl^ Scout cording to Louis Shanok, Center suChairman of the Courtesy Committee, are: An orchestra has been hired for pervisor, all indications point to « York gamblers, the monarch of Ame- The prograro-f or the season, includwere in charge. Membership.— Mrs. Mose Yousem;' from Memphis. Tenn. This honor is large crowd. dancing, and an elaborate program rica's racketeers, Arnold Sothstein. ing current English- and American and refreshments have been arranged Mrs. H. Arnstein was elected Vice religion—Mrs. Max Fromkin; visiting tha highest honor obtainable in Boy Members of the J. C. C. will be One of the most interesting phases fiction, and translation of merit, is as by the .committee in charge." The President at the meeting. She will the sick—Mrs. B. A. Simon; telephone \ Scout work. admitted at the reduced price of ; of -Eothstein's life has never been follows: succeed Mrs. Harry RosenthaL -- -.V- •. :: ; —Mrs. Sam Cohn; ways and means— j Herman Faier is also an Eagle twenty-five cents, fifty cents being touched upon; and that is the query: November 12-—Dodsworth (Sinclair girls expect to increase their meaii Mrs. Chas. Rosewater and Mrs. L. Mrs. Jack Alberts; social—Mrs. Phil; Scout, and earned his honors as a charged from ell others. bership by fifty as a result of their How did Hothstein happen? . M. Cohn were elected delegates to the Schwartz; program—Mrs. William Al-! member of Troop 62 which met at Lewis).' -.- - ' : •'..-'-• " •':..• A different member of the Senior .The .father of Arnold Eothstein the Convention of the National Council to berts; educational—Mrs. Sam Beber;; the Center. November 26—The Picture cf DoThe committee in charge: ChairCouncil of clubs will sponsor tb* gambler is Abraham Rothstein, the rian- Gray '(Oscar Wilde)be held in Los Angeles. Mrs. J. H. publicity—Mrs. Dave Greenberg; gift Registrations are now being made j ^ ^ ' ^ ^ {man, Rose Fine; co-chairmen, Bess president of one of the foremost Eulakofsky is also a delegate, elected fund—Mrs. Harry Lapidus; courtesy at the Center by boys who are in-1 ______ December 10—All .Quiet on tliej Jewish hospitals of New York—the May.. The following alternates —Mrs. Abe Greenberg; motor corps— •terested in outdoor work, camping, ~ , man who built up Beth Isreal Hos- Western Fibnt (Erich "Mariah Re- "berg, Alyce MinTrin, Ruth Margolin, were elected: Mrs. Samuel Gerson, Mrs. J. M. Malashock. ; hiking, signalling, knot-tying, first j v--*£i.i>SC2S III and Mollye Grossman. r pital to what it is to-day—a man marque). Mrs.--N. -P. Fell, and Mrs. Theodore The auxiliary is planning an ex-] aid and a number of other similar | f Q Stfitrt OH ISJOV. 1 1 January 14—The World's Illusion whose record for philanthropy has j Mayer. tensive campaign for new members, jj activities which constitute the Boy atrhaps not been surpassed in the{ •• • • _ ,: .••• j. ••- • It was announced at the nieetixig The wives, mothers, and sisters of' Scout program. Classes in English instroction sponcity o^iKew; York-one wKose sensej-, January_2S--:Current fiction to oe that the Council has four representa- members of the Conservative Synasored by the Omahe Council of Jewish tives ' on the Survey Board. Those gogue are invited to join. of juEtice and refinement is so re-1 announced -.later.,. .j P I A I V Q n T r n n ™ + o i-lrvU jt^omen will be launched starting Februarj' 11—Lincoln (Emil Ludcognized that he has been called selected •were Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, The auxiliary is. also planning a! L x l V l C S ^ r O U p t O M O l d jM o n d 8 y i N o v e m ber 11, according to upon time after time to nerve as arThe first meeting of the Omaha Mrs/ Lawrence Goldman, Mrs. Fred- dinner for the entire congregation, de- j . F i r s t M e e t i n g I\OV. OjMre. J, H. KuiakofsTcy,, President of 'February 25.—Crime of Sylvester Hebrew club since the holidays wjll eerick Cohn and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. tails of which have not been as yet' bitrator of various industrial battles the Council. Barnard (Anatqle France); V between capital and labor. be held Sunday afternoon, November . At ifae meeting of the various completed. The Legislative and Civics Study 1j course are nowRegistrations being" acceptedforat this the "March ll~Curfent fiction to be; 3, at the Jewish Community Center, chairmen, members of the board of Ask tht man who knows his 2\e\v group of the Council of Jewish Women I Jewish Community Center, where the HEADS FARM SCHOOL '•'•-•."'••-• Y o r k , - a n d h e " w i l l t e l l y o a t h a t A b r a - 1 a n n o u n c e d l a t e r . . . . will meet every first and third week j instruction will be given. As there is a considerable amount1 erick Cohn and Mrs. E. Kulakofslcy. : :7 ; ham Eothstein is . a prince among. ..March 2&— War and Peace (Count of business to be cared for, the pres- j In the last list of new members Boylestown, Pa. (J. T. A.) Louis cf each month with a luncheon, at the j The classes will be held twlee a )-. ';i wen.' And yet, by the'strange;irony Leo T61stoy)X ~ ''/':.".",'•".. • j week on Monday and Wednestftf HI ident has requested as many mem- j published the names of Mrs. David Schlesinger of Newark, N. J., was' Blackstone HoteL :•; : of faia, his son : was. destined to April S—Grime vaBd- 'Punishment bers as possible to be present. " Finkle and "Mrs. Morris Forbes were elected chairman of the Nateional . The first meeting will be held 17:3© p.m.- A teaching staff ..;.:: :lU swing to . t h e apposite •pole—the (Feodor M.-BostoieVsky).'-•/'• "• ; - : An auction will be staged of all omitted. Following are other new Board of Directors, of tne National November 6. The free bridge ques-j Board of .'Education will toe I School, Mr.:-jSehlesi»ger sac-, tion will be discussed. Ths purpose of this Insfarugfitt" - .;i; prince .of New Y6rk!s? underworld. Thosa desiring. luaj?/further inform- prize tickets left from the annual members:- Mesdames Harry Piiesman, U '"'''{3(O?jpy^g^'t--l'9^,-;iy:1"'Seyfeii';'.'Arts1-.>; ation Imay' call;-M*&: M; L. r €ohn, picnic. Several excellent prizes will Arthur JRobinsbn, Ben Minkin, Sam eeeds the late Abraham Erlang-er of j Th e group- is under the leadership. to give foreigners an pp learn bow to read and vrrihe New York, who died two weeks ago. j o f Mrs. Philip Schwartz. 1 ^ ' : • • ' • . •:^ ; "^:;-- '•5yhdicate)/';';:Vi';.^:;;/•;'.•: ;VjW«dnut. : 3863,-V;.^ DC awarded," • " " Gross and A. Katskee.
•'-Wz^i -
Samuel A. Goldsmith, Director, Addresses Citizens' Committee at J. C. C. Monday Evening
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Weekly Dances Begin at Center Tomorrow
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Omaha Hebrew Club to Meet on Sunday
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The JECOMTER CAMP FIRE Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A nurses benefit society. Funds amounting to GIRLS have'voted two new members home at the Motz Sanatorium will be $6,000 for this purpose were sent by into the club: Hannah Gossick and erected by the Jewish workers' sick the Canadian Hadassah. ? \'y)Jtpublished every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by' Mamie Brody. THEfJEWISH FRESSPUBUSHING COMPANY The club gave a successful Hallowe'en party Wednesday evening, Office; Brandeis Theatej^Euilding—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Oct. 30 at Anne Berman's home. DAVID BLACKER ••".- - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Famed Jewish Scientist Files Those on the entertainment commitPatents for Electric FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR \ The X L Club members presented tee are: Sylvia Silverman, chairInvention FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent medals to the winners in their hand- man; Ethel Kelberg, and Esther ball tournament. Sam Finkle was' SIOUX CITY OFFICE Berlin. (J. T. A.) — Prof. Albert winner in the singles; Art Grossman j Silverman. Those on the initiation Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Einstein, author of the theory of ar.fa Sam Finkle were winners in the'Committee are: Anna Goodbinder, relativity, has turned his attention doubles. The first round in the ping Sara Mara Katskee, and Alma Feb$2.50 Subscription Price, one year . . . -••» - - from the field of abstract physics to pong tournament shows the winners lowitz. * * * Advertising rates furnished on application the practical problem of refrigera- to be: Milton Himelstein, Willy SokThe YOUNG POALE ZION held tion. He has filed patents in Ger- olof, Art Grossman, and Sam Finkle. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; many and the United Stated for elec- The checker tournament has started election of officers at their meeting '•\.. be sure to give your name. tric refrigerators which will reduce and Harold Barish was winner in one jThursday, Oct. 17. The following were elected: Charles Sherman, presthe cost to one-fifth of their present of the matches played. ident; Ida Millman, vice-president; price. Irvin Soiref, recording secretary; The difference between Dr. EinCamp Fire Girls Group No. 2 Joseph Saks, financial secretary; Communities have a tendency to stand still, according to Dr. stein's invention and the present elec- had election of officers at their Charles Mogul, treasurer; Sam Samuel A. Goldsmith, director of the communal survey which is tric refrigerators is that his works meeting Monday afternoon. Gert- Bailen, sergeant-at-anns; Beulah rude • Stein was elected president, Belzer, reporter. being conducted at present in Omaha. Recently, however, the without a motor and with so simple and Marion Epstein is the group's The members of this organization Jewish communities, of the larger cities have experienced a reporter. The girls discussed the are working on a Yiddish play to be renaissance and a rekindling of the Jewish consciousness, while honors they will work for in the fut- given at the Declamation Contest. r e f r i g e r a t o r s f o r t h e cost of $ 3 5 tp * • s • the Jewish communities of the smaller cities- have been stagnant. $50 apiece instead of the current ure. Registrations for this group are still being tnken at the Center Before long Omaha Jewry will know whether it has remained price of $200 and upward. A DEBATE CLUB for boys and girls who are interested in that .'in the ranks of the dormant or has taken part in this healthy re- Simultaneous with the announce- office. activity, is organizing at the Center. of the new honor achieved by . awakening. We are about to see a true picture of ourselves, »ent he The Eagle Girl Scouts have Lena Shames has been elected tem* famous scientist come attacks by ' stripped of our vanity. Experts are diagnosing our case, present- j brought two new members into their porary chairman, and Abe Miller has ing us with a scientific, objective analysis of Jewish conditions ( troop, Sylvia Shafer and Shirley been voted temporary secretary. The Barish. Both of the new members members of the, club plan to use here. Perhaps our efforts are not being utilized most advantage-j of A m e r i c a a t i t 3 a n n u a l m e e t i n g a t have been Girl Scouts before in Jewish topics of interest for the !ously, resulting in unnecessary duplication. Perhaps we are un-jCornell university. other cities prior to their moving to subject of their debates, and will derorganized, or even overorganized. We. may not be insuring! They stated that the possiblity of Omaha. The girls decided to make| •properly for the future, or we may not have kept pace with mod- jlight bending was first suggested by their own invitations for their guests challenge other clubs to meet their teams soon. . and that Einstein simply they invited to their Hallowe'en era methods and improvements. Are our organizations cooperat-! Newton re ed it ing, or are they traversing individualistic paths? Are we caring " y * " - They further claimed party. During the Community Chest cam• • • for the sick, the aged, the dependent? These and many other; paign, come of the clubs at the ' vital questions will be answered by this.present inventory. - j error in his original paper and The Jecomter Camp Fire Girls Center pledged amounts to the Chest committees to make their in the name of their clubs. The fol^VNLY the man who wears the ComThe Bureau of Jewish Social Research of New York is known' examination of that paper now in the appointed costume Hallow'en party a great suc- lowing clubs gave something to the vJP posite knows it's built scientificfor its competency. These men will more than impersonally ferret files of the Academy of Sciences in cess. The entertainment committee Fa Hon, Henrietta Szold, A. out the facts concerning every phase of Jewish activity in the city; Berlin will show that hjs error ro3t was composed of: Sylvia Silverman, fiv.d: ally to support the foot. And even he— Z. A. No. 100, Sab Deb, and the Jr. ' they will recommend a prescription for each ailment. They will from his ignorance of astronomical Ethel Kolberg and Esther Silverman. Daughters of Zion. enjoying its ease and smartness—often Those on the refreshment committee give us a. "program of progressive building," one that will improve j usages in computation-" forgetsl defense of Einstein was entered were Gertrude Oruch, Hannah Gos- TAP DANCERS SHOW our community and supply a much-needed - stimulus. Bringing byADr. W. F. G. Swann of the Bartol sick, Anne Bernman, Goldie Kozberg Every Man Should Know PROGRESS IN CLASSES them to Omaha is a compliment to the acumen and sagacity of Research Foundation. aid Evelyn Green. Sara Mara The Nebraska'8 Greater Shoe Sections our communal leaders. Katzkee, Alma Feblowitz and Anna The members of the evening tap Main Floor—North Goodbinder, members of the Initia- dancing- class which meets every Mendelson Selected to tion committee planned amusing clev- Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. are very ener initiation stunts for the new thusiastic about the work they are Head Thorpeians members taking up in their- class. The parof the club. ticipants have been learning the The Jewish Year Book of 1929 contains the startling informa- A regular meeting of the Thorpeian • -/ • - • CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN ANT* WOMEN step3 very rapidly. tion that the Jewish population of the United States is a mere Athletic Club was held at the Jewish The Children's' Theater Club held; 4,228,029. In other words, only 3.5% of the population of our Community Club rooms Wednesday its first meeting Monday afternoon', Any girls who are interested in thi3 class can register at the Center. evening, Oct. 30th. The following ofcountry (115,000,000), are Jews. ficers were installed for the ensuing and held election of officers. Lyman It is certainly amazing to note that for such a nieagre per- terms: Cohn presided as temporary chairman. centage of the total population, the Jews form such-an influential Leon Mendelson, President; Sam The election resulted as follows: group. Every phase of endeavor, every field of activity, numbers Katzman, Vice-president; Dave Kats- President, Mildred Berg; Vice-PreBessie Miller; Secretary, Irv a Jew among its leaders. Banking has its Warburg, phUanthrophy man, Treasurer; Harry Neasman, Sec- sident, ing Cohn. At the meeting next has its Rosenwald, law its Brandeis, the pen its Lewissohn, phil- retary; Herman Segelman, Athletic Monday afternoon, parts -will be casi osophy its Lippmarin, the stage its Belasco, and so on down an; dance will be for the club's first play. All childrer endless stream of outstanding Jews. sponsored at the New Paxton Ball interested in acting are revitad t< In this survival-of-the-fittest world, quality and not numbers Boom which should prove to be one meeting Monday afternoon at 4 o f t h e o u t s t a n d i n g a f f a i r s o f t h e s e a -o'clock sharp. counts.;
For the foot that's hard to fit
•' '
- . . ' • " • • • • -L -•-;••
Final arrangements have been made
and tickets will go on sale Nov. 4th.have been unable to conduct thei 'J) ASSAH CONVENTION Political Changes in Watch the Jewish Press for other de- regular meetings on Sunday afterAustria Affect Jews tails. noons on account of the holidays, but TO START ON NOV. 14 the program committee has been New York—More than 800 delegates, representing 40,000 AmericanJe-yvish' women from all parts of the country, are expected to attend the fifteenth annual convention of Hadassah, the Womens' Zionist organization of America, to be held here at the Ambassador Hotel from November 14 to 17. ; . The' convention will be the first Zionist assembly since the recent riots in Palestine, all other American Zionist bodies having met in the early summer. One of the important topics of discussion will be the setback suffered by the health work of the Hadassah, due to Moslem outbreaks. Hadassah conducts the largest health agency: in Palestine, spending more than $500,000 in serving all elements of th epopulation. The convention will be opened by Mrs. Eobert Szold of New York, acting national president, who will review the year's work of American women Zionists.
Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The Jewish population of Austria will in the fu- The love of justice is simply, in the working on an interesting program ture adopt the western method of sup- majority of men, the fear of suffering to be given at the meeting Sunday, ~ L a Rochefoucauld; Nov. 3. porting candidates in the general unjustlce. political parties, instead of putting forward their own candidates on the tickets of Jewish parties. In his address before Parliament yesterday, Premier Schober intimated that Constitutional reforms concerning election procedure for representatives to Parliament and municipality heads, will make Jewish participation as a separate unit in the political life of the country impossible since the new election procedure will reduce the number of members to be elected, necessitating a greater number of votes per mandate. On this calculation the united vote of all Austrian Jewry would not be sufficient to elect one deputy to Parliament. ' . . • • •
Order Your Winter Supply of EDISON MAZDA LAMPS
• A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.—Bible.
"Spares" Always Come In Hand> Again the dark mornings and long evenings of Fall and Winter have rolled around bringing the annual task of going over your lamps and lighting fixtures to replace burned-out and dimmed bulbs.
Choice of the finest homes. The favorite where economy is watched. - A luxury within the reach of all. Its high reputation recommends that you try it.
Fill those empty sockets NOW with E D I SON MAZDA* LAMPS. Have an extra carton on hand . . . . "Spares" always come in handy.
Now Selling at Low Prices Carton of 6 (50 or 60 Watt)
Buy from Nebraska Power Co. Employes Any employe of the Nebraska Power Company will take your order for EDISON MAZDA LAMPS.
Plione *«-r»* « ^ P e n 23rd and 1226 F U N E R A L Cuming Street DIRECTORS
17th and Harney Sts.
2314 "M" St.
Gsartesy < Esrvice - Lew Rates
Meeting of Women's ] Welfare Organization
Dancing Classes at
every Tuesday • held every Tuesday afternoon begin,every , _ Sunday, , , and ,„ • , ning at 4 o'clock, the first class hav-
j (~* /~*< C -f 1 a Thursday from 12 to 1. the ing been held last Tuesday. Classee ; J. C C OUCCeSSIUI Burdick has charge of E d ~" Sunday classes, and Leo Fried is'for both beginners and advanced puThe Women's Welfare Organization The children's dancing class at the :h e a d ^ f t h e T u e s d a y a n d Thursday' pils are being organized. will meet on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. j Temple Israel. Jewish Community Center has re- :• c ] a s s e s ; 5, at the Jewish Community Center, The fee is nominal. Miss Fish Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple ceived such an enthusiastic response ui'ges early registration and asks all at 2:30. j Israel has chosen "Nebraska's Dia- fl andb s desiring further information to call At this meeting the members will i mond Jubilee" as the subject of his a n a c r o b a c ° y interested in tap; ^ " dancing, that the class i her during the mornings at KE. 0898. sew layettes for the Wise Memorial: sermon for tonight's services at 8 j is being divided into two classes, one Hospital. o'clock. Flans are under way for a musical Mrs. J. H. Malashock and Mrs. F. J. On Saturday morning t)r. Cohn will i t 0 m e e t a t 3 : S 0 P- m - ' and one at! 4:S0 m eevery ver Friday afternoon. J Registration is still being taken at play to be given by the pupils of tthe Alberts will have charge of serving | speak ieak at 10:30 on on "The Greatest 1 P- ? Frida [the Jewish Community Center for piano classes. Music appreciation tea. j Thing in the World." j piano classes under the direction of will also be offered. A club of the Members having garments are re-j Rabbi Cohn addressed the literary' LEVIN H E A D S SENIOR ! Miss Sara Rae Fish. The classes are pupils will be formed later. COUNCIL OF CLUBS Announcement was made last week Word has been received here that quested to send them in at once toi department of the Northside Women's j club on "Dodsworth", the novel by rf the marraige of Miss Faye Klein, Arthur Eosenhloom of Los Angeles, those in charge. ; Sinclair Lewis Wed. Sat. noon he will The Senior Council of Clubs held daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein, former Omahan, has been elected address the P. E. O. at the Blaekstone its first meeting Monday evening to Mr. Irving Perimeter, son of Mr. president of the Temple Emanuel Hotel on "International Relations." j with representation from 11 clubs. Aaron Perimeter. The marriage took Men's club, one of Los Angeles' larg' O n Thursday afternoon, November 7, j Election of officers was held with the place -on Sunday, September 1, 1929. est reform temples. Several entries have already been; a t 2 °'clock> h e vrm address the Benson j foUowing results: President, Stanley Mrs. Perimeter will leave the latSince. coming to Los Angeles, Mr. received for the Armistice Day ora- j Women's club on the same subject. j F . Levin, A . Z. A. No. 1; secretary ^er part of November to join her hus- Rosenbloom, a prominent attorney, torical contest to be staged at the! Kabbi Cohn will review "Strange: Max H. Miller, Debate Club; treasband in Lincoln where they will make has identified himself with many Jewj J. C. C. Monday evening, November Interjude" before the Triangle Clabj p h ii n e a s wintroub, Center u > Mrs. p urree rr > J j ish comrrnxnal activities and holds imtheir Some. 00 t h e nn ' * YWCA , ° ° Monday Monday night, ight N No-j o j Players Guild. portant positions in the Bnai Brith, 11. Louis Shanok, in charge of the,'v e*m bb e r 4 a t 66 ' l k Dr.Cohn D C h willll The The wedding of Miss Julia May the Old Peoples' Home, and the Zion- arrangements, has set November 8 a s Opposite 'sg <~**~* Orpheum > o'clock. The following clubs had represent* s eak before & Xinstler of Chicago, to Edward ist board; he deadline for entrants. j P & students of Omaha- t i o n a t ^ Council meeting: A. Z. A. ScMmmel of this city, was solemnized The stsxa F. Levin. Center The oratory oratory will will be be followed followed by by aj aj University on Wednesdayy morning,; g,; NN oo ## ^ stsxa F. Levin. Tuesday night, October 29, at the Pi Lambda Phi, Creighton TJniver- one-actplay,«TheDolrtor,"b y Shol-ii November N b 6 t 10 l k H b 6 at 10 o clock His sub-1p i a y e r s Q u f l d M r s > p h i n e a s Georgian hotel, Chicago. sity social fraternity, announces the em Aleichem, to be presented in Yid- ? e c t W l 1 1 b e 'Tbe T h r e e R « o f l t e : troub and Toby Flax; Debate Club, Among the guests from Omaha the addition of Ralph. Goldberg of dish by the Young Poale Zion club. ligion. Max H. Miller; Fa Hon, Rose Stein were,: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schim- Waterbury, Conn., to the list of their The oratorical contest has been Conservative Synagogue. and Sarah Pollay; Henrietta Szold, mel| parents of the groom, Abe, Wal- pledges. divided into two divisions, one for Services at the Conservative Syna- Martha Lippett and Sara Malashock; ter and Bernard ScMmmel, brothers The Fa Hon sorority gave an initia- those under 17, and the other for those gogue will begin tonight at 8 p.m. Junior Hadassah, Sara Brookstein; of the groom, and Miss Kathryn Eltion and slumber party "at the home of whose age is between 17 and 23. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will speak on Kappa Tau, Blooma NevelefF and gutter, cousin of the bride. Miss Rose Stein on Saturday evening, Prizes will be awarded to the winners, "Proclaiming Israel's Redemption." Ruth Cohen; Tonka Koda, Ida WienMr.land Mrs. Abner Margolin an- October 26. Each girl performed an in each division, first prize being a The congregation will observe the zveg and Marjorie Kaplan; U. T., twelfth anniversary of the Balfour Evelyn Chaikin and Elsie Romm; j nounce rthe Mrth of a girl at the. Wise | individual stunt sueh as hauling mem- gold medal. Declaration. All are invited. 1L L., Art Grossman and Is Cohen; bers in a kiddie car, sweeping the Memcoial hospital October 28. On Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. Young Poale Zion, Sam Bailen and sidewalks in front of the Orpheum, Rabbi Bengis will deliver a brief ser- Irvin Soiref. A son, Mervyn Lee, was born to and soliciting donations for tfie poor mon on "Jealousy," based on the story Mr. and .Mrs. Noney Adelson Wednes- in a tin cup, and selling newspapers. The Council's purpose is to sponof Cain and Abel, the portion for this day, October 23, in Los Angeles, CaliAmong those perticipating in the sor each other's club activity and to Mrs. David M, Newman week. fornia. Both the parents are former initiation were the Misses Rose' Colick, promote activity at the Center. Oxnahans. Helen Shapiro, Rose Iindenbaum, Chocolate Wafers chocolate and vanilla; bake in an Marie Schwartz of Omaha, Betty Jacobsen, Lillian Seigel, MarBUSINESS M E N ' S CLASS 1/3 «up butter or crisco, 1 cup'angel food pan; bake in a moderate mother of Mrs. Adelson, who is with i ol j Brookstein, Harriet Wolsky, and sugar, 1 egg, 2 squares Baker's! oven 40 minutes. Eemove from pan; The opening session of the Business her daughter in Los Angeles, will re- Bernice Falk. chocolate, 1 cup chopped walnuts, | cool then fill center with sweetened Men's gym class at the J. C. C. will main there to spend the winter. A concert and a one-act play will teaspoon j whipped cream and pour arround be held this Sunday morning from teaspoon vanilla, Among those going to Lincoln for be given by the Jewish Women's Pion- salt, Vz eup flour, % teaspoon bak-1 chocolate sauce. 10 to 12 a. m. The class will meet Homecoming Saturday are? Mr. and eer organization of Omaha on Sun- ing powder, Vz cup chopped raisins, j Mrs. Abe Milder, Misses Lillian Hay- day, November 17 at the Labor LyCream butter and beat in sug-ar' km, Dorothy Cohen, Rose Brick, ceum, at 22 and Clark streets. Ad- gradually; add beaten egg, chocolate "Just Around ike Corner from Eveniihino" Dorothy Muskin, Lillian Lipsey, Mar- mission 25c. melted over hot water, nut meats ian Scharf, Josephine Monheit. Proceeds will go to the Palestine and raisins, vanilla, salt, baking fund. powder and flour sifted together. ' The Temple of Isreal Sisterhood Drop from teaspoon on l>uttered CARD PARTY BENEFIT will sponsor a luncheon at the Temple pan and bake in a moderate oven The Daughters of Zion gave a card 15 minutes before removing pan. November 4. On November 5 and 6 the Sister- party October. 22 for the Palestine Chocolate Sauce. hood will supervise a rummage sale Emergency fond. Mrs. J. Hahn was 2 squares Baker's chocolate or % at 1417 No. 24 street. Anyone hav- chairman of the affair, which was wellFurs of a dozen varieties cup cocoa, 1 cup cold water, 2 cups ing contributions may call Mrs. Julius attended. in treatments flattering sugar, pinch salt, 2 teaspoons vanilNewman, Harney 6039 or bring them as well as complementing DR. BRANDT TO LECTURE la, 2 teablespoons butter; cut chocoto Mrs. L -Rosenthal. at 5008 Dodge 1413 Douglas —the Princess—flared or street, by Monday, November 4. . A lecture will be given by Dr. late • in • small pieces (or use the,{ Cafeteria suppers will be held at Emeliah Brandt before the Ladies cocoa) and stir over direct heat] — straight line m o d e l s . the TttfiipleT-beginning-"November 13. Lyceum~~club on^TWsday, NovT" 12. with—-the*" water •uriffl "smooth and Black is the favored colMrs. Rachman is in charge. thick; add sugar and salt; stir until Admission is free. or, with light fur for dissolved. Boil for '3 minutes then j Mrs. J. Katz and daughter, Selma sharp contrast or black add butter and vanilla; pour around! TRYOUTS FOR PLAT Werber, of Gainesville, Florida, forfur—The new browns are •-..', Mre. Herman Jahr, director of dra- cake and serve. meerly of Omaha, are visiting with next in favor. matics at the J. C. C, has announced friends and relatives here. Chocolate Ice Cream Cake. j tryouts for "The Thief" on Sunday 1 pint vanilla ice cream, 12 pieces j Miss Bess Iindenbaum entertained afternoon at the Center at 2:15 p. m. of sponge cake slived thin, % cup at a bridge party honoring her cousin, No one will be admitted after 2:30. chopped pecans. i Miss Selma Werber, of Gainesville, Mrs. Jahr urges men candidates esThe Selection of Sizcfi in ComChocolate Sauce—On each serving' Florida. pecially to try out. plate place on slice of cake spread [ plete for Juniors, Misses Miss Fanny Lazinger of Sioux City, „ ^ '$**' ^ c h £ a s ^ t t e n by with ice cream; cover with another j and Women ,«*t the *h« week-end w^Tc^nd in in Omaha Omaha as as the slice of cake; pour chocolate sauce epent thej = « « * Bernstein, a French Jew, be presented at the end of November. over this and,garnish with pecans. guest of Miss Sarah Yaffee. The Children's Theatre will meet Second Floor Mrs. Herman Auerbach entertained next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Chocolate Cottage Padding. at a buffet dinner at her home Wed- According to Mrs. Jahr, this is the 34 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, nesday night for members of the com-j last call for members, cup milk, .1% cups pastry flour, mlttee having in charge the annual 3 teaspoons baking powder, banquet of the Omaha Woman's Press squares Baker's chocolate, % tea- j TO SPONSOR LECTURE J club to be given on January 17 next. The Young Poale Zion will sponsor spoon salt, A teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter; add one half of I a lecture by Rabbi Abraham Bengis Mrs. L. Ackerman and Mrs. A. Kresugar gradually; beat golds of eggs I I Jews" at the Jewish Community Cen- until thick and add remaining sugar, j Springs for a six-weeks visit. I ter, November 5 at 8:15 p.m. A mus Combine mixtures and add* mild j Miss Rose Fiedler is convalescing ical program will follow. All Jewish alternately with flour mixed and; at the Methodist hospital from a ma- -youths are invited to attend. Admis- sifted with baking powder and salt; add whites beaten stiff, melted jor operation. sion free.
; Registration for Piano Classes Is Still Open
Play to Be Given at Contest'
Omaha's Style Center
Featuring New Arrivals In Gorgeous Fur * Trimmed
Kitchen Chats
Affording a remarkable collection at
With the
Attend Omaha's Big Party
$50,000 for your entertainment at this great exposition and jubilee. Scores of FREE ATTRACTIONS—the cream of America's flocks, herds, and stables—mammoth pageant:"Making of Nebraska"—mililaiy^maneuvers—galaxy of planes in stunts—and scores of other attractions.
SEE THE NATION'S FINEST HORSES America's finest horses will be seen at this great horse show. The nation's thoroughbreds will go through their paces in the new lialf million dollar Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum.
Conducting b u s i n e s.a without the assistance of a strong banking connection is "up hill tugging." Our extensive clientele of both large and small concerns evidences the -strength of our banking facilities to help you over any hill. Our officers will be g to discuss your problems with you. C o m e in and get acquainted.
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Combined with the
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Advo Coffee IS
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
Omaha Since 1857 Seii by af! First Class Growers Everywhere
Ac* fft
Insist <». 'Famous *•»
Jtitenrferf, Rested. Ground and Packed by
#5 *'*'':
PAGE 4-^THE JEWISH PRSS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER l', 1929 - - . * - t- < - • '
_ . ,
Council Bluffs News
for each other. Menus, dishes, and Cooking Classes Being all problems were discussed at'tor t'ic Organized at J. C. C. dinner. The Cooking class has been so
By F. K. K. Boston. (J.T.'A.) The recent insuccessful in the past, that two Warsaw. (J. T. A.) For two concident at Harvard university, when classes ' are being organized this secutive days unknown vandals ]U'(I" relativity, has turned his attention SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES TO year: an advanced class, for those famed the Jewish cemetery at Nowy SHAARE ZlQJi AUXILIARY BEGIN SUNDAY MORNING Jewish students during an initiation REV^E TO BE PRESENTED who took cooking .last year, anda Dwor, near Warsaw, demolishing REMAIN IN SIOUX AT SYNAGOGUE i of a high-rating social society, is not THIS SUNDAY EVENING beginners' class^ Mrs. William Ai-, seventy tombstones. The perpetrators of the general sentiment of berts has charge of the classes and! have not been discovered. . Mrs. R. Mizel, 916 Jennings Street, Unprecedented interest and enthu-] The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah! registrations are being made at tl;e i The Ladies Auxiliary of the Shaare announces the engagement of her according to a astudent l/ c l a ubody, l Sunday School will commence the fal! i Zion Synagogue- - will • -present; its daughter, Marjorie. Mizel, to "Sam siasm have been shown the works of i d"e " \ " ^ ' darat 1 O n by a representative of term of regular Sunday School classes! Center now. Seventh ^Annual Revue,- this '"Sunday, Miller, son' of Mr.", and ;Mrs....H. 'Mil-' H. Arrey ..Stillman,. whose . canvases the club and the dean of sophomores. The members of the Cooking class , are on exhibit at the Hotel • Martin. November' 3,- iii -the City "Auditorium .'ler.p-f-5Va.il Lake,.Iowa. . Date for the Our specialty is George G. Benedict, sophomore on Sunday morning, No. 3, at tenlast year enjoyed the work because i Louis Kutcher purchased the "Porat 8 o'clo;ck^iv The musical; Comedy, wedding 'has not been announced. o'clock at the Synagogue, 618 Mynster SERVING GOOD FOOD dean, stated that he was anxious to trait of the, Artist" and presented it "Hinkey Doodle" Town" 'will feature Street, according to Mr. I. Morgen-i every phase of that domestic activity ] I'JiTVATK 1'Omr Foil correct any erroneous impressions. to the Sioux City Society for its per r was taken up. A meal was prepared i Miss Miriam Barrent. and .Mr. Arnold r.iai>(.;!•: P A U T I K S He stated, that university authorities stern, who will be in charge. Every) and served properly, by the members i Bramson, in the leads. -They-will ;be ' T h e 'engagement of Miss Betty manent collection. He also purchased JA. 9728 child in the community is urged to 2920 Farnam "Bridge in deeply deplored the occurence, and i assisted by Abe Baron, Jack Iipman, Elkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. another oil painted called attend the opening day for registra-i - - "— - v - has • ' purchased ••• - that the true Harvard spirit was inBen Sekt Soyel Heshelowy Ben Herzoff, Henry Elkin of South Sioux City, to Simon Moret." Mr. tion. Harry Kubby of Council Bluffs. About! Gerelick of Omaha, was announced a water color, "Head of an Oriental." dicated by the general gentlemanly Saitlin, Bill Slbtsky arid Morris Ruben. one hundred guests are expected. Several well-trained choruses and at a dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. The Chicago Art Institute has ac-reaction against the incident, the at- The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim j 24th and Rarncj cepted for exhibition "The Man with titude of revulsion shown by theAssociation will sponsor a Dance j Miss Fanni^ Katelman entertained j dance numbers will be features of the I. Sokolsky. which will be given on Wednesday] the members of her Bridge Club at OPEN DAY AND NIGHT evening's entertainment, : ; •:•:. -••: Miss Gladys Weinberg spent' last the Red Beret." Two water colors students present at the scene and by Miss Florence Coiftes is directing week end at Flandrau, South Dak- were accepted by the Pennsylvania the condemnation of the student body. evening, Nov. 20th, at the Eagles her home Sunday-evening. "WE SATISFY ALL"Clark apologized the next day for Hall.- Proceeds from this affair will the production, with MrV Lee Herzoff, ota, visiting at the home of Mr. andAcademy of Art in Philadelphia, and be turned over for the benefit of the The Ladies Auxiliary of the.Talmud will, be shown there a t an exhibit his insulting behavior. musical director. -./.•..'„'.-.,.:;r-....'. Mrs-. S.. Gutterman.,,.
, Society News
local Talmud Torah. Committees Torah will hold a meeting next which will be' forrnerlly opened on have already been appointed and are j Wednesday afternoon, November 6th, ': .' ' V : ^Members qf the'^Ivig Club enter-November 2. ' making plans to have this the largest] at the home of Mrs. Harry Kubby, tSified ; at £• HolIow'eV Party, on • Three Sioux-City scenes, ~which Mr. and most successful affair of the sea-901 Sixth Avenue. An election of ofWednesday evening, at the Jewish Stillman has painted during his visit will take place, and all members here this fall include "A street scene Community Center. Refreshments, in I s o n ^^ ma*be v****** *°™ ficers are requested to attend. The Auxilkeeping with the season were enjoyed of Seventh and Iowa Streets," "View any member of the Agudas Achim or iary will also have a committee to asfrom the Sioux City Public Library after a program of dancing. The Jewish Athletic Club has rosy Talmud Torah. Everyone is urged to Window," and "View in Grandview prospects of putting another out- save this date and be sure to attend sist the Agudas Achim Association in their Dance arrangements. Business Girls Club held a Bridge Park." A portrait of "A Jewish Boy standing eleven on the gridiron this this Dance. in Palestine" will interest and touch P&rty after their regular meeting on MT. SINAI TEMFUB the heart of every Jewish person. It season. The men are rapidly round- Mrs. I. Goldberg of Chicago, HI., | Herman Handler is convalescing at "What Happened'm Palestine; and Wednesday., Miss Ruth Marx Pres- is the picture of a little Jewish-boy, ing into shape, with practice every is spending a couple of weeks here the Mercy Hospital, following an opWhy ?" will Ybe the subject -of Rabbi ident of the organization and. Miss who was picked up in; the streets of Sunday morning at Gifford Park, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Saul Su- eration for appendicitis. Lewis' Sermon, .this "v evenin^g. at "8 Tda Heshelow, were in charge' of ar- Palestine, and persuaded.to pose. valsky, and Mr. Suvalsky. 33rd'and Cass. Harry Krasne has returned home o'clock, at Mount Sinai Temple.; This rangements for the_ affair. •, Over 60 pictures are included in the A tentative schedule calls for , The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah j following a short stay in Iowa'City discourse ~wiil be of special .interest Mr. and Mrs.' H.' Bondarin were to Sioux Cityans in *iew of .the fact honored at a Farewell party on exhibit at" the Martin, which will be games with local and out-of-town j S o c i e t y w i l l h o l d a n important meet-! where he visited his son,' Milton that Rabbi Lewis was -in >Palestine Tuesday, evening at the Community open to the public for several weeks teams of strong caliber. Among t h e j i n g n e x t Tuesday evening, Nov. 5th, i Krasne, who is a student at the Uniprobable out-of-town games are in- a t the synagogue, 618 Mynster Street. | versity of Iowa. during the recent disturbances with Center. - The Pioneer Women's Club more. eluded those with St. Louis, Kansas j The semi-annual election of officers j — the Arabs. : , "' ! . ' was) in - charge of arrangements. Mr. COMMUNITY CENTER City and Lincoln. The J. A. C. is also! will take place. All members are Members of the Mount Sinai Temple, Bondarin, a former member of the FOR RENT angling for a game with Des Monies, urged to attend. CLASSES TO BEGIN and Mount Sinai Brotherhood held a£ Hebrew Schoob Staff, will move with Among the strong candidates are One fine downstairs bedrooom SUNDAY AFTERNOON joint meeting on Tuesday evening," his I family to ' Chicago in the near Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Kubby will with furniture and kitchen, also numbered, Max Altshuler, Les GivenOctober 29. The Board of Director future. . •', :•Registration for classes in Drama- ter, Izz Shreibman, Leo Fried, Jack entertain at a Tea on Sunday after-; garage. for each -organization1 was elected at o'clock, honoring their parents and M. SOMIT this time7 The elections, plans for ^ Girl . Scout J Troup No. 9 held a tics, Dancing, Sewing, and Craft work Frieden, Bud Levin, Johnny Eosen- noon, Nov. 3, from three until s i x 2429 Decatur WE. 3527 will be held Sunday afternoon at the Watt, Sam Bender, Sam Xateman, b r o t h the coming year, and • the .program Haliow'en • party at the Community Mr> a n d M r s .L o u i s Fichten_ j were preceded by a dinner. Center, on Tuesday evening. Games Community Center,. Children inter- Hank Bosna, Lome and Max Sachs, berg, and Jack Fitchtenberg, who are in. these subjects will register an 1 refreshments were features of ested with Miss Lipman at the Center office. Fred Levey, Pug Ferer, Sol Yaffe and, formerly of Chicago, 111., and are now NATHAN S. REISS Over 100 women were, in attendance the evening. . „'..,-'.. "^ \ making their home in Council Bluffs. Joe Cohen. • ACCOUNTANT at the first Sr. Hadassah meeting of They reside at 311 Stutsman Street. .Members of the Community Center the year, held at the. : Community Mr. and Mrs. S/Ratrier, 1520 Silv- Dramatic Club will present "Good Assisting Mrs. Kubby will be Mrs. AUDITS — — SYSTEMS Center ont.Tuesday aftternoon. ,Mrst er street were • hostesses to theMedicine" a one act play, which will John Weinstein of Missouri Valley, 534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 Theodore^, jiewis' spoke' to the merp-1 Dramatic club, Sunday evening. Sev- be held on Thursday, November 14. j Iowa; Mrs. Harry Perlic, and Miss eral talks, with Mr. Aizenberg as bers on her travels through Europe i Anne Jonisch of Omaha; and Mrs. 1 Plans for the Annual Tea and memand Palestine, this surnmer.. The toastinasterj were followed by refSTAI,3I/\STEK * BEBI5K, Attorneys ' PATKOVIZE THE bership drive of the Junior Hadassah Refrigeration has no climate bounds meetings of the organizationVwili be reshments;- " -•-•---650 City National Bank organization, are being made, for Sun- as shown by an installation of a reheld, every fourth * Tuesday "of the FKOBATE NOTICE . j CANDYI.AND month thereafter. ;:..."•."..._ . ; A. Z. A. members sponsored a Hal-day afternoon," November 10, at the frigerating plant'made by the Bakei In the mutter of the -estate of HARRY j *Otli a n d T a r r m m •— • - , •„. • , PETERS. Jr.. deceased. i lowe'en Dance at the Community Jewish Community Center. Miss Ice Machine Co., Omaha, for Michael L.Notice SUBSET TEA KOOM is hereby piven: That the credCenter, last Sunday evening, with Sadie Shulkin, President o f the or- de Hichaeli at Fort Yukon, Alaska, itors of said deceased will meet the ad-• TWO JEWS ELECTED mlnistrator of snid estate, before me., CRYSTAL CANUr Paris. (J. T. A.) • Maurice Roth- over 200 attending. A short play ganization is general chairman of the The summers St Fort Yukon are of County Judge of Doujrlns County. Nebr.is- | kn, at the County Conrt Itoora. in W j Ifith nnd Capitol Ave. affair. , „ . . < ' , . .:..!..., . ... ..,••'.' "Squaring it with the Boss'? was pre; : schild and. Jean-Schramock were reshort duration.' 'When the river isCounty, on fhe 151th day of December. turned to the Senate in the by-elec- sented by the Center Dramatic Club in open, the salmon swim up from t h e j ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ t ^ S r ^ S o ^ j the intermission. tions held here. sea a b o u t five hundred m i l e s ' distant,, I of presenting p t n g their claims for o exnminatron.l ro.l1 SHAARE ZION adjustment nnd allowance. Throe month"! adjustmnt d l l o n Th t h I1 First late Friday - evening Services tor spawning. pg re allowed for the creditors to present tn 1 i r toSl from ot the year will ba held at Shaare The salmon run" is looked upon as a b e | 1 ^ the. 10th day of Novem-j B-32 Zion Synagogue, this evening a t - 8 welcome event by the 309 people who I BRTCE CRAWFORD. ! 1722 No. 24 St., W E . 0289 3T Oct. ?3 o'clock. Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak make- up ; the population; of f f County Judge. | TASTY, FRESH CAKES AND i . _ j on 'The Jubilee of Light." The newly kon. Necessarily ^because of climate PASTRY EVERY DAY augmented choir of 39 voices will be conditions the'dfily'diet of those living heard for the first time this year, at at Fort Yukon has little variation, so that time. It is under the direction that choice salmon steaks are consid- \ LARGEST STOCK of Sam Passman and Hal Buntley. ered a delicacy by the traders, trap-1 "Everything for the Auto" IN WEST . i Cantor Pliskin will chant the Service. pers and miners.. • • Quick Shipments Mr. de Michael! owns a small gen- \ 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 On Saturday morning, at 8:80, RabOur Hobby for 45 Years VERY dollar you bi Rabinowitz will, speak on the por- eral store. He admits his liking for OMAHA STOVE fresh salmon. He had learned that tion of the Law that will be read that invest in FrigidREPAIR WORKS modern refrigeration was used to day. aire buys definite 120G-8 Douglas Street Junior Congregation will hold its freeze and store fresh fish in othei value—extra value. first service on' Saturday at 10:30-A. parts of the world where salmon \ You get the famous M. This Service is conducted by the abound, so he ..placed an order for.a| Pax ton- Mitchell Co. •'Cold Control"—you Baker refrigeration plant children from 6,to 13 years of age, small :*th «nd Martha Sts. HArney IGG^ ATlantic 6291 OMAHA. NEBKASKA get incredible quietand is under the supervision of Rabbi through the Company's house at SeatSoft gray iron. nmss. oronze nno tle. Rabinowitz. J. M. JKNSEN n e s s and surplus •Aluminum castings. Stnnrtnnl si7.t>s oronze unfl iron bushings, suwet ninnThis will enable him to have fresh power in the Frigidaire comDoles. cistern rings »ml rovers nii'l fish the year around for his own table ;lonn-out doors in stork. All kinrtR oi PEASANTS AID JEWS pressor—and you get sound wood nnrt metnl pn( terns. and his fortunate close friends. Moscow. (J. T. A.) Protection by engineering that eliminates
':. This production, "which_is one of;the outstanding ofgthe activities" of tfie Shaare Zion Synagogue,'; is a. lavish display of .the talents of the younger set among,,.the Jewish community. Friends and members of the Synagogue are looking forward to the presentation with'keen interest. .
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their peasant neighbors; who armed with rifles stood against an attack by peasants of a nearby village, saved the Jewish colonists of Sudiba. Zhitomir, from a-'bloody onslaught organized under the*"slogan," "Kill the Jews and isave Russia."
complicated parts and gives you freedom from troubje. You'll be amazed that you can buy a Frigidaire with all of these features at the remarkably low prices now- in effect. Call at our display room * for facts and figures.
EL-PATIO CAFE After Theatre Dancing
Berlin (J. T. A.)—Dr. Ismar El24th and Farnam bogen, well-known German Jewish scholar, declined the invitation of Columbia, University, New York, to occupy the Chair for Jewish History, Literature and,Institutions, establishCleaners and Dyers BUSINESS MEN'S • ed by Mrs. Nathan J. Miller of New 1724 Dodge St. BOWLING LEAGUE York. •;; i--. Free Dr. Elbogen decided to remain with AT 11 ?fi Pelivery Won Lost Avr. the Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft rtl, IICV SeiVice r Wardrobe 14 4 .778 des Judentums, :it, was stated. ; Malashock Jewelry 12 6 .667 Empire Cleaners 9 .500 9 Omaha Tobacco Co, 1 11 .389 H.MOSKOVITZ . Glazer Clothing 7 11 .389 "Manufactured in Omaha" and Kaiman Insurance. r 4 , 14 .222 BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. The Wardrobe five entrenched them-1 SAM -NEITS selves in the top position by trimming I the Omaha Tobacca Company the en- { Announce the opening of a tire series. The Malashock Jewelry,j CHARLES SIMON as a result of their decisive victory] Recommends over the Kaiman Insurance, are trail-j and Delicatessen a t THE SANITARY LAUNDRY ing the top-notchers. i 1722 No. 24th St. —WE. 3817 "The Best of AH Laundry Services" The Empire Cleaners won twoj FRESH MEATS AND SSI5 games from the Glazer Clothing ComEVrnain AT-2815 DELICATESSEN pany in a listless series featured only i by. Ben .Ypusem's accuracy. Leo Weitz pounded the pins for a FOR 603 total which included a high single game of 222. Other high totals as follows: Zweiback 568, Treller 558, Yousem 551, Venger 522, Platt 519, Smith 511, Simon 514, Meyer 505, -' JOSEPH TRETIAK, Propr. Bloom 513, Krupp 564, > Ab. Kaiman has organized an- all- j Just. bought'a carload of Kraft star squad consisting1 of Leo Weitz, 1 Paper Bags. To sell 25% below . CALL the wholesale', price.- Here is a Mickey Krupp, Marvin Treller, Ben-j real chance to reduce your cost Yousem, Abe "Venger and Mdrrie' of operation-T>y" stocking up on Bloom. Special matches are - desired these-'bags. >; * 203 So/19—JA. 1209 with Sioux City and Lincoln Teams. 317 No. 15th Si., JA. 5604 Write Ab. Kaiman, 313" Barker BuildJA. 5676 — Evenings WA. 5077 ing, Omaha, Nebraska, for dates.
FRIGIDAJRE SALES CORP. 2039 Farnam — OMAHA. BRANCH — Phone JAckson 4722
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