Scanning the Jewish Horizon
Interesting and Entertaining
By David Schwartz
PIDYOligKNOW " That~i& .brother of Conrad Hubert, tlie^]ate'iin|lHonairf<^t'.tric fiashligiit inventor,v whose''^Jp^|is being administered by; Co^;^.^S;. Smith and Bosenwald, lives inT-^js^gf <jart of the East Side ghetto? :'%^§^> . : That" Jed Harris, fa^*:^$"^eatrical producer, makes it a ifi^^Sg^ularly to • send a free pass on;?-^:JSrtening night to the man who one^^Q^fbim, taking the view that if he he given the blue slip he ~wotiM" never have entered theatrical work on his own hook ? That Harry Rosenthal, whom the New York Times describes as "a new Mansfield," was told three years ago, as he was dismissed from one act, that he was a good pianist but would never make an actor? That Herbert H. Lehman, Lieutenant Governor of New York, has three adopted children ? Sime Silverman, editor of "Variety," "the Bible of the theatrical world," boasts the championship record for libel suits. Sime has a way of saying just what he thinks, and be it said to his credit that few suing Mm have ever met with victory in the courts.
EINSTEIN THE INVENTOR Einstein is regarded as one of the five most famous men in the world, but not one person in a. thousand knows that in addition to being a great scientist Einstein is also an inventor. The author of the Telativity theory has just filed patents in Germany aand in the United States for and electric refrigerator that is said to reduce the cost of operating to a considerable extent. A report on his invention says that the fundamental difference between Prof. Einstein's ice-making apparatus and most of those now in use is that Tiis works without a motor and with so simple a contrivance that the inventor is confident he may produce , electric refrigerators for the cost of an ordinary ice box—§35 to §50 a piece—instead' of the current price of $200 and upward. Who said that Albert Einstein is not'a practical man?
Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27, 11)21, at postoffice afOmnhn,' KebraBtn. under the Act of March 3, 187U.
Dr. Levine Attends Chicago Conference Dr. Victor E. Levine, nutrition expert of Creighton University, is spending this week in Chicago to attend the International Congress of Thysical Therapy. On Tuesday he will audress the Congress on "Physical Therapy as an aid in the Treatment of Acidosis" and on Thursday on "Ultra Violet as an Adjuvant in the Preparation of a Patient for Surgical Operation." This paper will be discussed by Dr. C. E. Henry of Omaha, whfle the first one will be discussed by Dr. E. C. Ivy of. Northwestern University and Dr. C. I. Reed, of Illinois University. •..''... Dr. Victor E^ Levine is also schednled to make an address at the banon Wednesday evening.
Father and Son Banquet to Be HeidNov.17 Dr. Sher Heads Committee in Charge of Eighth , Annual Affair
HADASSAH BAZAAR, CARNIVAL AND DANCE TO BE GALA EVENT Benefit Affair to Be Given at City Auditorium Dec.1 A gala event has been promised by the local Hadassah at the carnival, dance, and bazaar which will be given at the municipal auditorium on Dec. 1 for the benefit of the sufferers in the Palestinian riots. ••... ..... ^_™. According to Mrs. J. J. Friedman, general chairman of the event, all the details have been completed. Mrs. Harry Trustin is in charge of the ticket sale, and various committees, appointed by Mrs. J. Rosenberg, president, mil take care of detail work. The auditorium -will be appropriately decorated; throughout Dancing will be held on the main floor, with a leading orchestra furnishing' the music. The stage will be converted into a modern Kosher restaurant, with every delicacy of Jewish cookery available. There will also be a splendid collection of objects d'art from Palestine for all art lovers. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, who will' be in charge of this booth, promises that the collection will be the most unique and complete of any shown in the city. Jr. Hadassah Aids The local chapter of the Junior Hadassah is cooperating with • the senior group in staging- the carnival. Besides selling tickets, the girls are taking charge of several booths. Miss Ida Daytch, general chairman, has appointed the following as committee chairmen: Decoration, Rose Rosenstein; booths, Tobie Steinberg; costumes, Bess Horwich; tickets, Rose Fine; supplies, Sylvia Bernstein.
A lexander Dushkin to Aid in Survey Alexander Dushkin, who is in charge of Jewish education in Chicago, will arrive in Omaha Sunday, to join the staff of the Bureau of Jewish Social Research, which is conducting the local Communal Survey. Mr. Dushkm-will conduct the survey of the JeTfish education work being done in the city. Mrs. Ida Levin was appointed a delegate-at-lar^e to the Citizens' Committee of the Communal Survey by Harry Lapidus, chairman..
JEWISH STUDENTS LEAVE BELGIUM UNI \ IN RACIAL PROTEST Stirred by Unfair Expulsion of Fellow-Student from Institution
Brussels. (J. T. A.) — The entire Jewish student body, of the Agricultural Institute at Genbleux decided to The eighth annual Father and Son leave the college in protest against Banquet will' be held at the Jewish. the action of the Academic Council of Community Center- on Sunday night, the University in expelling the PalNovember 17, at six o'clock, accordestinian student, Mordeaci Schapiro. ing to an announcement of Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the Social Service Schapiro was placed on trial last Committee. May for stabbing a Russian student, Michaelson, an anti-Semitic agitator, Due to the exceptionally-large atand received a suspended sentence of tendance last year, the committee has five weeks imprisonment and a fine decided to limit the reservations to of 1200 francs, the Dean of the Col300 this year.; No. reservations will lege giving favoraHe testimony in be received: after six' o'clock. Thurshis behalf. . : day, November •'4.;. . The Council, in announcing its deThe Jewish Women's Welfare Orcision, declared that' the presence in ganization will again have charge of the college of Schapiro,-who is on the the food for the banquet. Dr. Sher, eve of graduating, has swelled the STOP ME IF YOU'VE in commenting on the affair, stated, number of anti-Semitic agitators and HEARD IT "Those who were fortunate enough has disturbed,order by bringing into The past High Holy Days are, 1 be- to partake of their hospitality during the University racial tmarasls, lieve, the first in several years^ in__ previous years -know what a treat is JTJolitical friction. " • ---• wh&ff~I~fia^^noT~ heard the. story; i n s t o r e f o ^ t h e m : ' " ' - ' • - ' • ? .-••-'••* '^"" The Jewish students maintain that which was first told about a syna"Judging from the; past ..experience Schapiro is entirely innocent, an ingogue in Brownsvilie, New. York. and the popularity "of this outstandEnglish Classes for the foreign stead of provoking anti-Semitism has It concerns a young man who sought ing event, it is advisable to make re: to enter the synagogue on Yom Kip- servations early in-order to insure a born'will begin Monday night, Nov. been the object of continued agitation 11 at 7:30 at the Jewish Community upon the part of the anti-Semitic pur. He was stoppsd by the police- place." .... man stationed in front with a demand The dinner charge is seventy-five Center. Miss Marie Gordon and Miss students. Schapiro throughout his connection for a ticket. . cents and reservations are being Elizabeth Hart will be the teachers in charge. Miss Gordon is well known with the college has been numbered '. "I' airi just going in there for a taken now at the J; C. C. office. here where she has been a teacher in among the most orderly and exemminute." , Ah. excellent program of speakers ; plary students and is therefore en"You can't go in there without a and being arranged, the public schools for some time. Miss Gordon is especially trained titled to an opportunity to graduate ; ticket.*' Those in charge have also promised in teaching English to the foreign and return to Palestine, his defenders "But I just wtfnt to talk for a min- plenty of community* singing and orborn. Miss Hart has t»een in charge declare. ute with my cousin." • chestral music. of these classes at the Center for the The majority f the Jewish students, "All right, go in." But if I catch past three years. She is a graduate including Schapiro, are proceeding to you praying, Gold help you." of the • University of- Chicago, and Nancy, France, to complete their Thorpeian Athletic , for LILLIAN RUSSELL'S several years has been an in- studies. JEWISH HUSBAND Club to Give Dance structor in the High Schools of ;i The love affair that resulted in the Omaha in the foreign language deThe Thorpeian 'Athletic Club has partment. '• marriage of the. late Lillian Russell • r and the Jewish composer Edward Sol- chosen the new, artistic Paxton Hotel The classes this year will be under omon is now being told in one of the ballroom as the scene of their Thanks- the direct supervision of the Omaha popular magazines. The story is re- giving, eve "GobBler' Dance," to be Board of Education, and be lated by Dorothy Russel, daughter of given "Wednesday^ Nov. 27. sponsored by the Omaha Council of "Dancing will continue until a later Jewish Women. Lillian and Edward. ~ "My grandmother (when she heard hour than usual, due to'the holiday In order that this assistance be ob- Jewish Consumptives Relief So. of the engagement of the two)" was the next day. A popular orchestra, tained from the Board of Education ciety Is Building Eastern • horrified and didn't care who knew it. one of the best in the city, is being it is necessary that there be an enInstitution She voiced her objections whenever obtained for the affair.: rollment of twenty-five members, in Tickets were-distributed for sale these classes. possible. She was quite rude to Teddy "•,''. Officials of the Jewish Consumpon November first, .and according: to Those interested in this opportunity tives' Relief Society of Denver, ColSolomon at times, and very unkind." But the grandmother's objections to members of the organization^ the early may register now at the Community orado, announce that its proposed a Jewish bridegroom had their parallel saleindicates^alarge crowd. Genter. ••••;. Eastern Branch will be an actively in. objections on'the Jewish side to a functioning organization in the near non-Jewish bride, concludes Dorothy. 6 JEWS ELECTED * Omaha Hebrew Club future. ALL'S WELL. THAT Prague.—(J. T. A.)—Six Jews were Plans are being pushed from every ENDS WELL elected members of the Czechoslovak- Rabbi Abraham Bengis of the Con- direction to insure the earliest possible Not so many years ago he sought ian parliament in the general elections servative Synagogue will be the prin- •opening of the branch institution loout the sanctums of the Yiddish press just concluded in the country. cipal speaker at the regular meeting cated in Orange County, New York. seeking to sell an article or two to Two were elected on the ticket of of the Omaha Hebrew Club on Sun- Leaders in the fields of business, medkeep the wolf from the door. Real the Jewish National Party", which day afternoon at the Jewish Com- icine, social service and anti-tuberstarvation loomed before' him time formed a bloc, with the Polish party; munity Center. culosis work have expressed the greatafter time. He would get a dollar est interest in this undertaking, and nere and there, occasionally, and thus are co-operating in many ways, to he succeeded in living after a fashion. bring it to a successful completion. His friends took pity on him, and I The recent action of foremost memafter his failure in the Yiddish press >bers of the real estate and building a store was opened for him. This construction trades of New York City top, failed. . Cleveland.—'The Independent Order Board of Directors of the Jewish in organizing a special committee to All of this happened no so many of B'nai B'rith is proud of its first- Orphan home. formulate plans for the construction - years ago. born. The name and fame of the A capacity crowd was present for of the buildings of the new Eastern Last week he was offered a position child has slied lustre and conferred the ceremonies. Visitors, many of Branch Sanatorium is illustrative of at two thousand dollars a week by a distinction upon the parent." them former boys and girls of the this interest. noted movie magnate. And he _deWith these words, Hon. Alfred-M. Home from distant parts of. the coun- To give relief, to alleviate pain and • dined the job* His name—you may Cohen, president of the B'nai B'rith, try, inspected the buildings, marvel- suffering; to cure, to arrest the div recall it—is/Konrad Bercovici.. praised the Cleveland Jewish .Orphan ling at their beauty and the pictures- sease in those stricken by tuberculosis, - tCogyrlght 1929, by Seven Arts Feature Home Sunday at "the dedication cere- queness of the thirty-acre stretch of have been the great aims in the work •'-'•.'••:.'•'•'-::v,::.'>-;: S y n d i c a t e ) monies of Bellefaire, beautiful new ground in University Heights that had on the world's largest institution of its cottage group established by the been selected as the site for the new kind, and one of the finest POLISH AND PALESTINE home in the suburb'of the city at a home after its 61 years of existence Now,.other great purposes are rapTRADE IS FLOURISHING cost of $1,500,000. at the Woodland Avenue site. idly developing in this institution — In the Omaha drive for the Cleve-, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver in his adTel Aviv. (J. T. A.) Palestine tobac- land Jewish Orphan ^Home, - which dress declared that both cpmpetence first, to rehabilitate the patients in tuberculosis has been arrested, co sold to Poland brought 20 percent took place in November, 1928, $5,- and love have gone into the construc- whom to teach them, and train them to iolabove the prices of last year, declared 330.'00 was raised. tion of Bellefaire. low occupations, which would not be & Polish Commericial Attache Hausner The officers -of the Omaha drive All the speakers lauded the work detrimental to their health, nor lead on his return from Poland. were Judge Irvin Stalmaster, chair- of the Home. These included Hon. to a relapse; second, to keep them in The Poland government • is also man, Abe Herzberg, William Holz- Alfred Cohen, Rabbi Silver, Fred the Denver climate after discharge to permitting imported Palestine oran- man, Harry Lapidus; and Henry Lazarus^ Jr., president of the Home, prevent return to climates and surges up to 15 percent of the total Monsky. and William R. Hopkins, city-manager rounding which might prove injurious amount brought into the country. "». Holzman is a- member of the of Cleveland. to their health.
Program Arranged RABBI COHN OPENS for Armistice JDay FIRST OF CURRENT Armistice Day program TOPIC MEETINGS willAbemammoth held at the Jewish Community Center Monday night,
featuring a
VII.—No. 43
Omaha Council of Jewish Women play, movies, declamations, and music. Sponsor of the The chairman for the evening will Course be Harry Cohn. Louis Shanok will Former Ambassador to Speak a' Brandeis Theatre on give the invocation. Music will be The first lecture of the Current furnished by an orchestra composed Nov. 14 Topics Course sponsored by the Omaha Council of Jewish Women was given Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Cohn's subject for this occasion was, "The Jews and Arabs in Palestine." "Negligence on the part of British authorities in Palestine was the indirect cause of the Jewish massacres by the Arabs. Officials of Great Britain who are in charge of affairs in Palestine are now on trial on a charge of negligence leading out of the Jewish-Arabian riots," said Rabbi Cohn. Sir Herbert Samuels, a British official is among those who are on trial. He is the commissioner of Palestine, and blame for conditions existing there has been placed on him. Rabbi Cohn said, "The responsibility of the massacres of Palestine rests upon the British government. It is up to them to keep peace as long as they are the rulers." In spite of the strife, conditions within the past twelve years have gTeatly improved, and the country is rapidly developing along all lines. Farming is being carried on extensively, and the Jews are bringing culture and civilization to that part of the world. "Jews and Arabs will again live side by side as they formerly did," Rabbi Cohn declared. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Omaha Council of Jewish "Women presided and introduced Rabbi Cohn.
PLAN FATHER, SON The annual Father and Son dinner of the Brotherhood of Temple Israel will be held in the vestry rooms of Temple Israel Wednesday, November 13, at 6:15 p. m. Sam Leon, attorney, will speak in behalf of the fathers and Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein, will speak for the sons. Herman is a student at Central High school. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel is in charge of the dinner, which is always sufficient insurance of an excellent dinner. Special entertainment will be a feature of this year's dinner. Fathers are asked to bring their sons, regardless of age, and to bring someone else's son, if they have not one. Marvin Treller, Bea Stiefler, and Nathan E. Jacobs are in charge of the dinner.
. C. C. Sunday School Classes Are Started Jewisb. Community Center Sunday School classes began last Sunday, Nov. S. Rooms have been assigned and books distributed. Rabbi Abraham Bengis, principal, and Mr. Louis Shanock, assistant, spoke at the assembly. Those who will teach are: Misses Ruth Riekes, Elsie Romm, Zerline Somberg, Frances Green, Ida Teneiibaum, Grace Rosenstein, Esther Faier, Ruth Pollack; Mrs. Irvin Stein, and Mr. Stanley Levin.
of the Misses Florence Levy, Lillian Levy, Ina Jacobson,, Sarah Jacobson, Sarah Rae Fish, Ida Turner, and Bess KirshenbaTim. Recitations to be given are: "Harding's Address at the Burial of the Unknown Soldier," by Abe Miller; "In Flander's Field," by Beatrice Eisman; and "Two Songs of the. Field," by Max Miller. A one-act play and a war movie wlil complete the program.
The lecture course sponsored jointly by the- Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Community Center will be' opened on Thursday evening, November 14, when Ambassador Alanson B. Houghton will speak at the Brandeis 'theatre on the subject, "War or Peace; and Anglo-American Relations." Former Senator G. M. Hitchcock will introduce the speaker. Every dollar of Ambassador Houghton's fee for the lecture will go to the Foreign Policy Association for its work of "increasing- interest and knowledge in international relations." In ^addition, according to information received in a letter to II. National Headquarters Announce Sites H. Auerbach. head of the Community and Subjects for Forum which is sponsoring his apContests pearance, Ambassador Houghton also pays all his expenses m connection The Omaha chapters of Aleph Zadik with a protracted lecture tour as far Aleph (Junior B'nai B'rith), Omaha west as Salt Lake City. Chapter No. 1 and Sam Beber Chapter The Foreign Policy Association of No. 100, are laying plans for the pre- Washington was largely responsible liminary elimination contests in prep- for bringing Eamsey MarDonsld, prearation for the intemation A. 2. A. finals in basketball, oratory, and de- mier of-England, to this country. bating. Although the site for the They v?ere one of the organizations local district tournament has not yet which helped entertain him, and one been officially decided upon, KansaE of the most historic of his important addresses here was made before City will probably be selected. them. The tournament together vrith the Thursday evening's speaker was a convention are the two most importformer ambassador of this country ant events sponsored by the A. Z. A. i both to Germany and Great Britain. each year. Preliminary contests are As a token of respect for his serbeing held within the 119 chapters of vices in Germany s. group of promithe order. "Resolved, That It Is to the Best I• nent citizens of German descent Interests, of the Jews That the British. help promote the Hovig-hton Lecture Mandate over Palestine Be Contin- attendance. The committee organised by Milued," is the subject chosen by the naton Abrahams, includes: Val, J. Peter, tional for the order's debate tournaeditor of the German Tribune; Jasment. The topic chosen for the Ora- j torical Conte'sTis "Jewish'Notables"of 1£5r.. Wifse- _:vnili81?L ?.Rab- Charles the 20th Century." The essay subject Haller, Dr. George E. Neuhaus, Mrs. is "Modern Tendency of Jewish Edu- Sol Hess, Mrs. A. Brandes, Mrs. D. Festner, and Mrs. Mengedoht. cation." The sites already definitely selected j Mrs. David F. Feder is in charge for district tournaments are: Jersey j °* the sale of _ tickets for the CornCity, N. J.; Columbus, Ohio; Mil- munity Forum's lecture course, of waukee, Wis.; Pueblo, Colo.; Birming- which the Houghton event is the opening number. Season tickets are ham, Ala.; Portland, Oregon. The international finals of basket- ?S, Other numbers on the course inball, oratory, and debating will be held the early part of 1930 at Detroit, clude a debste between the Rev. Frank G. Smith and Dr. Harry Elmer Mich. At the recent Executive Committee Bcmes, Dr, Morri? Fishbein, Rabbi meeting of the Supreme Advisory j Abba Hillel Silver, and a concert Council of the A. Z. A. held here in Omaha, action was taken granting charters for six new chapters in Ak- Elect Commissioners ron, Ohio; Fort Wayne, Ind.; Gary, of Talmud Torah Ind.; Beaver Falls, Pa.; New Orleans, La.; Vancouver, Canada. • The seven commissioners elected at The Executive Committee of the j the meeting of the Talmud Torah last Supreme Advisory Board also announ- •week were Sam Beber, Judge Irvin ed the appointment of National Junior Stalmaster, Harry Lapidus, Harry and Senior Deputies. In the Western affe, K. Region of District Number 6, of which j JJ " v^I,•"-""""^ Omaha is a member, Jake M. Finkel- ' meet next week to choose comTnisSionerp their officers. stein of Lincoln, Nebr., was named, Addresses were made by Eabbi Abrx Senior deputy, and Louis Garsh x | raham Bengis, Tlabbi N. Feklman, and j Des Moines, la., junior deputy. Dr. Philip Sher, who is honorary president of the Talmud Torah. 'Armistice Dance The men present decided to await the recommendations of the Communal An Armistice Day dance will te j Survey before beginning1 a program auditorium. An excellent orchestra j of improvement. has been obtained for the affair. The patrons and patronesses for Thought League to the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Jake Malashock and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meet Nov. 14 Meyer. The next meeting of the Jewish Thought League will be held on ThursdEy, November 14, at the Jewish . Community Center. The subject for discussion will be | "A Jewish Philosophy of Life." Leon Graetz are section presidents. I Everyone is urged to attend. Anyone wishing to become a mem-
Local A. Z. A's Preparing For Annual Meets
NEEDLEWORK GlED TO HOLD 34TH ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION NOY. 11 AND 12 Of interest to the Jewish women in the community is the announcement of the thirty-fourth annual distribution of the Omaha Needlework Guild of America, which will take place next Monday and Tuesday, November 11 and 12, at the Knights of Columbus building, 20th and Dodge. The object of the Needlework Guild is to collect and distribute new, plain, suitable garments to meet the need of hospitals, homes, and other charities. The Wise Memorial hospital and the Jewish Welfare Organization are beneficiaries of the Guild. Last year the hospital received 2520 garments and the Federation 619. Mrs. Reuben Kulakof sky is a member of the executive committee of the Mrs. B. A- Simon and Mrs.
Hadassah Plan Membership in. the Guild, -which, is i for "Country Fair* non-sectarian, means the annual con- ] tribution of two or more new articles The Junior Hadassah has? completed of wearing apparel or household linen, or a money donation of their plans for their "Country Fair", which equivalent. Membership is open to '• will be held Thursday, Nov. 7. All both women and children. \ new and old members are expected to A special program will be presented j attend. Clever "country" decorations will be and tea will be served on Tuesday afternoon at the Knights of Colum- used in the auditorium of the Combus, in honor of all visitors. The ! muxrity Center, and those attending ! will wear farmer costumes. An expublic is cordially invited. Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky and Mrs. j cellent orchestra has been selected to Mary B. Parker have charge of the! furnish music for the dancing, and ft tea, assisted by Mesdames Charles novel entertainment program has b arranged. Sherman and Walrath. Women representing the thirty-one Miss Rose Fine is chairman of tfce * . sections will aid -with the program. affair.
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1929 ! Polish President to Educate Jewish Boy
'die Kozfcerg, and Sara Mam Kath- planning this party helped the girls CENTER PLAYER'S GUILD kee, who wore costumes character- earn points toward their hostess SPONSORS HUGE PARTY istic of foreign countries. merit badge. Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by At the meeting Monday afternoon, The Center Players' Guild gave a Warsaw.—(J. T. A.) — President. plans for a hike were made for Sun- The HENRIETTA SZOLD CLUB THE JEWISH PRESS: PUBLISHING COMPANY party for members and friends TuesMoscicki received the Jewish newsboy day, November 10. gave a Hallowe'en party at the Rik-day, November 5 at the J.C.C. Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 of Pinsk, Nechemia Tschesler, at the lin studio, October 31. Dancing and DA.VID BLACKER -• - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR royal palace and promised to provide The CHILDEEN'S THEATEE games made a very successful party. The program consisted of a one- - - - - - EDITOR an opportunity for him to study paint: .FBANKR.AGKEBMAN , - « - - - The KARMELITES had a very CLUB has received an enthusiastic The girls are planning several in- act playlet "At the Movies", given by ?.-, FANNIE EATELMAN" - - • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Co-respondent ing at an art school. Tschesler's tal- clever and interesting open meeting response from the children in Omaha Martha Himelstein, Mamie Temin, ent attracted much attention, his Monday evening, with the program •who are interested in dramatics. At teresting projects for the future, and Lillian Freedman, Dorothy Margolin, painting, "Poland's Resurrection" hav- numbers furnished by the members the.meeting last Monday afternoon, have volunteered to help the Hadas- and Isadore Stemhill, a recitation of ..•--. SIOUX CITY OFFICE sah at their bazaar December 1. ing been widely recognized. "Madam X", and the "Shooting of Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street of the club. A one-act play, "Their parts were cast for a play to be Dan McGrew" given by Abe SaltzRecently • he sent to the Polish Husband" featured the program with given soon, and the children -will man, and songs by Rebecca Kirshenpresident a painting depicting Pol- the following cast: Sue Coremanj have a chance to appear before the CENTER ORCHESTRA $2.50 Subscription Price, one year •- - - - - - - - - . baum. and's liberation and Polish-American Edith Ostrbvitch, Hazel Zavett .and public. h .-'..•"-' .; Advertising rates furnished on application WILL GIVE CONCERT Refreshments were served immedfriendship on the occasion of the Pul- Bertha Holzman. Musical numbers aski celebration. CHANGE OF ADDRESS-—Please give both the old and new address; and readings were given by: Hazel The TOKKU KODA CLUB spon- The Center Symphony Orchestra iately after the program and dancing ; The president was impressed with Zavett, Edith Ostrovitch, Ida Kotler, sored the first Saturday night dance has announced a concert for January ended the evening. • ". be sure to give your name. the work and invited Tschesler, who Eileen Swartz and Bertha Holzman. that was given at the Center. The 28 and another for February 16, in T» sold newspapers to support his mother A brief talk was given by Miss Ida girls also arranged the program of conjunction with two one-act plays IMPROVEMENT CLUB TO MEET and two sisters, to Warsaw to study. Wienzveg, sponsor of the club. Orig- entertainment for that evening. to be given by the Center Players' A meeting of the Beth Hamedrosh inal favors, wrapped in the club's The EAGLE GIRL SCOUT TROOP Guild. Hagodel Cemetery Improvement club colors, lavender and silver, were had an unusually clever party Hal- Barney Guss and Sydney Cohen will be held next Monday, November The Jew has always developed culture with a devoted and self- Daughters of Zion lowe'en eve at the home of Marian have been appointed assistant librar- 11 at 2:30 p.m. ai the synagogue at To Give Away Radio given to the guests. less love. He has always had an unquenchable thirst for knowlpatrol leader. The girls ians of the orchestra. Mr. Frank 19th and Burt streets. The purpose edge, understanding, illumination; and wherever he has wandered The Daughters of Zion are giving The DEBATE CLUB elected offi- Weinberg, on the various committees arranged Mack, orchestra head, will see all of the meeting is to report the progin the Diaspora he has left the effects of his culture, one of hisaway a radio on December 30th for cers at their meeting Monday even- interesting games, and served clever applicants for the orchestra at the ress made and to give receipts of the benefit of the Palestine Emergen- ing. The following were elected; refreshments. Working for, and J.C.C. Tuesday night, November 12. expenditures. invaluable contributions to mankind. cy Fund. The radioK which was do-President, Lena Shames; Vice-PresiIt is smaljl wonder,then* that one of the outstanding cultural nated by Schmoiler and Mueller Pia- dent, Abe Miller; Secretary, Leo programs of the city should be sponsored by a Jewish group. The na Co., can be seen at the Schmoiler Bernstein; Treasurer, Max. Miller; lecture course arranged jointly by the Council of Jewish Women and - Mueller - warerooms at 1516 Sergeants-at-arms, Abe Ferer and and thB Jewish'Community Center adds a distinctive note to theDodge street It is a new Philco, Geraldine Strauss. New members in club are: Stanford Kovitz, Geral* spuSlile of Qmaha.f "The purpose of the series, more to their all-electric low-boy model and it re- this tails at , $175.00. The price of a dine Strauss, Harry Colick, Mac credit, is purely educational, without a thought of financial gain. ticket is fifty cents. Stein. The club is planning a debate Nationall-prominent leaders will deliver their messages to Officers for the affair are: Mrs. M.for the members of the club, to be our citizens, both Jews and Gentiles, upon subjects of general in- Rosenstein, chairman; Mrs. S. Fell- given soon. treasurer; Mrs. J, Hahn, adverterest. On the rostrum will-appear such notables as Admiral man, tising manager; Mrs. J. Tretiak, The CAMP FIRE GIRLS No. 2 Houghton, Dr, Morris Kshbein, Dr. Harry E. Barnes, Rabbi Abba ticket chairman: have taken a new member into their group, Ida Gerelick, and have places Hillel Silver, all well-recognized authorities,; in their .respective for a few more girls. The girls plan r fields.. ;; • : : ' .-•• •-. . " Y ' •' ' '' "' '• • '. ' .. " •. • • • ' ' • . Bikur Cholim Society to try to get an honor by next week's Celebrates Anniversary meeting and are working for the Those who attend cannot help but find themselves enriched by contact with such intellectual minds. Our representatives who The Bikur Cholim Society held a honors now. made this course possible are to be commended not only for creat- meetting October 21 in celebration of The JR. DAUGHTERS OF ZION ing better understanding between Jew and iion*Jew, but also for the organization's second anniversary. have been working on their constitubroadening the spiritual assets of the community and fulfilling the The speakers were: Rev. F. Fleich- tion which was drawn up by Ann* man, Rabbi N. Feldman, and Rabbi Silverman and Sylvia Giventer. A heritage of our people. ' : ; M. Laderman of Chicago. Rabbi special meeting, next Sunday will be Laderman lauded the women of Oma- held to finish the adoption of the ha for the organization of the club. constitution. 460 attended the meeting. Refresh- The members of this group have Oh November 11 eleven years ago the world jubilantly cele- ments were served after the meeting. taken an interesting project as their next meeting of the Bikur Cho- work for this year. The girls will brated the signing of the Armistice. All nations, apparently at limThe society will be held Monday, No- try to help a Jewish girl's sewing the portals of an era of peace, joined in outlawing War* Disarm- vember 11 at the Synagogue at 25th The Chamber of Commerce bridge committee has recommended school in Palestine, and hope to be ament conferences, peace plans and pacts, good-will literature, all an* Seward streets at 2 o'clock. able to correspond with some of the that a free bridge be built with tax bonds. Such a bridge indicated a trend toward a harmony of the families of the earth. girls at the school. would be free from the date of its opening.
Taxes and Gar-Fares Would be Raised BY
Chamber of Commerce Bridge Committee Plan
TO GIVE CONCERT However, although.we have taken progressive steps in the The JECOMTEB CAMP FIRE The Pioneer organization of direction of world peace, we arevstBlyfar;from;our goal. The OmahaJewish will give a concert and a one GIRLS report that they had a very lamb cannot as yet "lie with the tiok". Hatred[ancffcigotry; still act play Sunday, November 17 at. the successful Hallowe'en party at the pollute the hearts of men.' Poisonous/prejudfce and calumny con- Labor Lyceum at 22. and Clark Stf. home of their president, Anne Bertaminate their thoughts. Too" many are victims of ^narrow-mind- Admission 25e. Proceeds will go to man. Prizes for the best costume were won by Sylvia Silverman, Gol* edness and bh*nd ill-will. • ' ,,-.-.•; \ZX-;\ ^_:-k. :~:J••>•']' i.the ' Palestine Fund. - - The first step i n a n effective program of peace must necessarily be educating the people' to eradicate; these blots on a vaunted modern civilization. The Jew who is true to his past will work mqst zealoiosly in this cause. • His history, his religion, his mission pledge him to a policy of peace. H e wants all mankind united iii : the a brotherhood; based on the: liberty of every nationality and culTRIPLE FEATURE minating in a harmony of all-peoples. / \ SHOE /Decades upon decades will pass:before these behests are conrAtchBMCCCushion Sole, Composite Last} verted into actualities. Meanwhile," occasions like the celebration CHOICE BLACK KID of the Armistice serve to remind the people that enmity, and bloodshed are unworthy of enlightened individuals.
This program would immediately raise everybody's taxes and would confiscate the DouglaB street bridge,-~destroy its earning power. Without bridge earnings, or the sale of the Bridge at a fair price enabling us to retire part of our bonds, the Omaha Street Railway Company could not even meet its bond interest. That would mean forced Receivership. Destruction of the bridge's earning power would force immediate cancellation of the Omaha Company's lease of the Bridge and Council Bluffs Street Railway lines, thus leaving the Council Bluffs Company with the necessity of operating alone,—which it could not do. The Chamber of Commerce committee's recommendation, therefore, if adopted: (1) -•
. '
Wise Housewife "Keeps a Carton of Edison Mazda Lamps on the Shelf The wise housewife doesn't rush to the store fojva lamp when one burns out*-nor rob one socket to fill another. She knows the value of spare lamps and has a carton on hand at all times. ; * Call us today and we will deliver a carton of EDISON MAZDA LAMPS at these lowest prices.
Carton of 6 (50 or 00 Watt)
$120 "' :
Any employe of the Nebraska Power Company wiJJ- order for Edison Lamps. 'ELECTRIC SHOPS"
i7th and Harney Sjs. '
triple Feature Styles Support—Light Steps Trim, HeeUo-Toe Fit
J. P. SMITH SHOE CO., Chicago, Makers
F e a t u r e 1. The Metal Arch Brace. Supports weak arches—gives them strength. F e a t u r e 2 , The Dr. A. Reed Cushion Sole. Buoys your steps, absorbs shocks, protects against perspiration, cold feet, dampness. F e a t u r e . 3 . A perfected Combination Last. Brings even, snug fit at keel and ankle; trimness and comfort through the toes.
Dr. Reed Cushion Shoes . Only at The Nebraska Slain Kloor—Korth
2314 M Sts.
Nebraska Power Courtejy •Service • Uw Raw
We do not believe the people of Omaha want their taxes raised in order to get a free bridge, when a free bridge can be had by payment with tolls. We do not believe they want their street car system thrown into Receivership and operated by the Courts. In view of the fact that a free bridge can be paid for with toll*,—can be had in GVz years without even a revenue bond issue if desired,—we believe the only people who could afford to hav« their taxes raised to get a Farnara street bridge, would be property owners on lower Faraam street; these property owners would be benefited by any bridge on Farnam, free or otherwise.
Heads Conservative Auxiliary
Religious Services
Mrs. Bebecca L. Wezelman, 93, resident of Omaha for 88 years, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Segelman, on Monday, Nov. 4. Teinple Israel She is survived by three sons, Max Eabbi Frederick Cohn will speak of St. Louis, Morris of Los Angeles, tonight on "International Relations," and Israel of Omaha; two daughters, an Armistice Day lecture. Services Mrs. L. -Segelman and Mrs. N. Slob- will begin at 8 o'clock. odinsky, both of Omaha; thirty grand On Saturday morning at 10:30 a. children; and ten great grandchildren. m. Dr. Cohn will speak on "The Most The funeral was held Tuesday from Valuable Thing in the World." the home of Mrs. Segelman. InterOn Tuesday night Dr. Cohn will ment was in the Golden Hill cemetery. address an Armistice Day celebration Babbi Abraham Bengis officiated. of the Parent-Teachers' Association
deliver a brief sermon on "Building R City," in connection with the portion of the Torah being read tills week. He"will -*lmj touch upon the Diamond Jubilee. The ceremony of Sijutn Haaafer v-ill be held during the week of Chanukah. The safer giiven by Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem in memory of Mrs, Yousem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ms.rks, hae ak-eady arrived, and the one donated by Mr. Margolin is expected 6hortly,
SCHOOLS IK ROUMANIA The wedding of Miss Ethel Simon tired in old clothing as suitable for RECEIVE ALLOTTMENT an • Mr. Philip Ringle was solemnized a "hard time" party. The guests of Benson at the Benson high school at the home of Mrs. Jack Lincoln on included the Misses Ruth Barish, Ida Nathan Karpin, Jlobert B. Kooper, Louie 1 auditorium. Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Seventeen perKulakofsky, P. Hofner, Sam Zlotky, NuSunday afternoon. Rabbi Abraham Bab&or, Ida Tennenbaum, Leona Polcent of the 25,000,000 lei set aside by than Simon, Louis Ziev, 1. Swartz. H. j . Conservative Synagogue Cooper, 1). B. Epstein, John A. Furlwr, Bengis and Rabbi R. Grodinsky ofii- lack, Messrs, Sam Zacharia, Hy. leadore Fiedler, Abe Silverman, 1'hil j Services at the Conservative Syna- the Ministry of Education for the siated in conjunction with Cantor A. Shrier, Nate Reiss, Dr. David Platt, Rosenblatt j gogue will be held a t the J.C.C. to- minority schools was alloted for the Ben Newman, Jacob Robinson, ArtbuT and Harold Margolin, Mr. and Mrs. E. Schwatzkrn. Rubin, A. J . Shnmberg. Philip Sher, Na-1 night beginning at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Jewish schools. Twersty-nin« percent Housefeld, Mr. and Mrs. I. W- Rothan H. Sherman, Joseph Cohn, Sam About 150 guests were present. Kaplan, M. Leruer, K. 1. Bordy. JDuve j Abraham Bengis has chosen as the will go to the Catholic schools and senblatt. Gerber, Mas Goldberg. Win. Boasberg. i subject of his sermon, "Armistice twenty percent t© the Lutheran. The . mafraige of Miss Mathilde Sam Cohen, David K. Cohen, Max Knplan, j or Peace." N. I. Skalovsky, J. Lagmnn, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky had Schindler of Baltimore and Dr. Julius Milton Ma.vper. Jack Melcher. H. A. j Services will start Saturday mornTruth lies at the bottom of a Eesnick, Isndore Plotkiu, E. Seilz. Joe M; Moscowitz of Missouri Valley was as. their guest this week Miss Hilda Castlemnn, Mnrry Copeiman, Harry CJross, Ling at 9:30 a.m. Rabbi Bengis will well. —Proverb. solemnized at the home of Rabbi Eisenberg, sister of Mrs. Kulakofsky. J. B. -Robinson, Mark Leon. Morris Lineman, Morris Milder, A. S. Bntiinits. Alex Miss Eisenberg was en route from Abraham Bengis Sunday evening. Plotkiu, Karl Leeser, Nathan Kramer, Sam Wolf, Abe Somberg. The parents of Dr. MosEowitz ac- the Junior Council Convention in Harry "Silvermaii, -Abiier Kaiman. Harry Cleveland. She left for her home in companied the couple here. Trustm, Simon Bordy, Sam Tarnoff, Max Shames, E. M. Shines, Knthan Weinetein, Denver on Thursday night. ' l*o Schlaifer, Morris Beltel, Moe A. VenMrs. Ida Goldberg announces the MrcJ.J. Ber, Harry Preigman, Ben ttlnier, D. B. engagement of her daughter, Ger- Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman will Grcenberg Conn, Isadore Levinson. Lester Meyer, L. MorgHn, Jack Lincoln. toade, to Moey Mokofsky, son of Mr.leave Saturday night for a week's BmU Singer, Snmuel S. Newman, Al and Mrs. Sam Mokofsky of Kansas visit in New York. . Wohner, P. Zollotochen, Nathan S. Xaffe. Isadore Abramson, H- S. Alperson, Louis City, Mo. Albert, J. BeruBtein, A. L Pradell, Kobert Mrs. J. J. Greenburg, above, is 2:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Glazer. Mrs. Harry Edell of New York IJo definite date has been set for president of the recently organized Center. Mrs. W a Alberts, chairAbrahameon. WUli«m Alberts, A. the" wedding, but it is planed as a City, who for the past month "has Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary. man of the program committee is B.Julius Alpirn, Julius Altaian, John Beber, been the guest of her. mother Mrs. Abraham Bengie, I. Berkowlts. Pan! BernChristmas affair. Many affairs are Other officers are: Mrs. Irwin' Stal- planning an entertaining program, stein, Joseph Block. M. Brodkey, Samnel Mamie Kneeter, left 'for,.her home Cohn, Morris Fox, O. Fox, J. J. Friedbeing arranged on the bride-to-be's Sunday evening. Mrs. Edell was for- master, first vice-president; Mrs. E.followed by tea. Mrs. Irvin Stalmas- man, Mnx Fromkin, M. Ooldlterjc Pnrid honor. • Greenberg. Fanny Ureenbersr, J . j . Ureenmerly Miss Mina Kneeter , of this A« Meyer, second vice-president; Mrs. ter and Mrs. E. A. Meyer are inherg, I>nre Gross, Nathan Kopnld. 3. H. Miss Goldberg is a member of c i t y . M. E. Levinson, recording secretary; charge of the tea, and it is requested Kulakofsky, Harry Lnpidus, Jacob Leib, - • • ..-. ' .•. - '.•• .. M. S. Lerenson, MRUrice Margolin, E. Theta Phi Sigma, national •' Jewish and .Mrs. Julius Stein, treasurer. that all new members be present at Meyer. sorority. She just returned. from a Mrs. L. Mandel of New York City, Henry Pollack. Isnats Moskovltz, Sam this next meeting. Eobinson, A. Eontm, J. Rosen. Isadore 2 weeks visit with Mr. Mokofsky's formerly of Omaha, is here for a Beginning with a membership "of Rosenblatt, M. Scherfer. Ben Shafton. Daparents in Kansas City. Week's visit with friends. She isthirty members the Auxiliary has in Following are new members: rid Sherman, Herman Zipjrman, B. A. Sithe past ten days increased their roll MesdameB Morris Arkin. Reuben Brown, mon, Julius Stein, R. Sterling. Irrin Stalmnster, M. Tatle, Abraham Dave Cobn, I. DanEky. Louis Epstein. John Mr. and Mrs..?. Rips announce the staying at the home of Mr. and | to one hundred and sixty five mem- Feltlman. Dave Blacker, Charles Levinson. Theodore. Sam Turner, A. L. Welnstein, Mrs. Herman Kachschoen. Weiss, Ben Xou»em, Mose YouBem. engagement of their sister, Miss bers, under the chairmanship of Mrs.Harold W. Brandt, Wm. Milder, A. D,Abe TV. A. Ilncosin. M. Horn, J . Lintz- Sam Beber. Esther Kramer to Mr. Meyer Colnic, Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer has as her Mose Yousem. One of the outstand- Frank. man, L. Shafton, Ben M. Mlnkln, Mrs. A. J. M. Malashnck. Jnrk Allwrts. Dr. A. H. Diamond, Victor Zucker, Nathan J. Greenberg. Philip Bptt, Benjamin Millman, son' of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Colnic.guest Mrs. Livingston of Bloomingtoni ing features is the enthusiasm with Horwich, Sam Theodore, H. L. Sommer, Sam ZeigMeyer Freidel. No date has been set for the wedd- Illinois. which the women are joining the f m . Polack, Merris l*Ty, X. A. Gross, ing. .. Auxiliary. A regular Board meeting of Wise Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kaiman an- Memorial hospital will be held at the December 4th, has been set- as the nounce the birth- of a son at theAthletic Club Friday at 12:30 p.m." definite date for the Congregational dinner being sponsored by the AuxiliMethodist hospital, Thursday, October 31. Mrs. Kaiman was formerly Miss Father and Son Banquet] ary. Mrs. Jack Alberts is chaiman of the dinner committee, assisted by Ida Sidman. The Sisterhood in conjunction with' Mrs.B. A. Simon and Mrs. J. M. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Klaiman an- the brotherhood of the Temple, of Malashock. The Ladies' committee * turn is co-operating with a -comnounce the birth of a daughter, Betty Israel will give a Father and Son, in Loraine, November 4 at the Wise banquet in the Vetry of the Temple mittee of the Congregation, consistWednesday evening, November 13 a t ing of Dr. A. Greenburg, Ben GlaMemorial hospital. 6 o'clock. zer and Phil Klutznik. The friends of Miss Esther Faier The cafeteria supper which has gave a surprise party in her honor been planned will be postponed until The next meeting of the Auxiliary will be on Wednesday, Nov. 13th at Thursday, Nov. 7. Everyone was at- later in the month.
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A. M. Davis Elected TemplePresident
A Membership Drive Tea will be held at the Jewish Coinmunity'Center on Sunday afternoon, by the local Jr. Hadassah group. Miss Sadie Shulkin, president of the organization, is general chairman of the affair, which promised to be one of the highlights of this month's entertainments. Miss Grace Bosenstein, president .of the Omaha Junior Hadassah will speak. Mrs. Louis Agranoff, will extend greetings to the gathering in behalf of the Senior Hadassah. In addition to a playlet presented by the J. C. G. Intermediate Dramatic club, Miss Eva Gordon will give several piano soli, and Miss Ruth Wigodsky will sing. Committees in charge include, program, Freda Albert and Rose Lipman; refreshments, Freda Shiioff, Bess Lipshutz, Thanya Broscow, Sybil! Merljn; hospitality, Ruth Orlikoff, Marcia Robinow and Eva Maron. The Junior Hadassah extends an invitation to all girls 18 years of age, and over.
At an election of officers held by the Temple Board of Directors, A. M. Davis, was elected President for the next two years. Mr. Davis is well known in the Jewish community for his interest and work in Jewish activities. He is president of the Federation, and also has .served as President of the.Temple Brotherhood. Other officers elected at this time are: Hyman Fishgall, Vice-President; Mike Skalovsky, Treasurer; W. C. Slotsky, Treasurer.
Services at both Shaare Zion Synagogue and Mount Sinai Temple tonight will commemorate Armistice Day, which falls on Monday. Rabbi Lewis, at Mount Sinai Temple will speak on "Preparedness is Treason, not Patriotism." The service and the sermon will be broadcast over radio station, KSCJ, beginning at 8 o'clock, Rabbi Rabinowitz has chosen as his subject, for services at Shaare Zion, "Is Armistice Day a Holiday." At this service which also begins at 8 o'clock, the choir and Cantor will chant the ritual.
Society News Mrs. M...J. Henoch and daughter Lucille, of Chicago, are guests, in the home of'Mrs. Julia Abrams on 17th Street.
Auxiliary Revue Cast .Scores Hit in Play
Diverse talent and excellent training were much in evidence at the Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacobson have de- Seventh Annual Revue sponsored by parted for Chicago, where , they will the Ladies' Auxiliary in the Auditormake their home. Mrs. Jacobson was ium last Sunday... Arnold Bramson formerly Miss Bess Rice. and Miriam BaTrent played the leads. Annabell Emlein entertained 21 •They were capably assisted' by Jack The Hebrew Mothers' Association guests at the occasion of-;her twelfth Lipman, .Abe .Baron, Sovel Heshelow, will sponsor a "Get-Together" lunch- Birthday. Games, decorations and;'re- Charlotte Salkin, Morris Ruben, Helen eon, in the social halls of the Shaare freshments were in keeping with" the Friedman, - Eva Lipton, Ben Herzoff, Henry SaitlhV Helen Friedman, ViviZion Synagogue^ on Tuesday, Novem- Hallowe'en season. • t \ an-'Mosow, Jackie Merlin, Annette ber 13:.>"The purpose and plans of the Baker," arid Mary Kaplan. A chorus organization, which is conducted in the LARGE GROUP REGISTERS FOR CENTERS' CLASSES of over',50'added much to-the color interests 4of the "Talmud Torah, will and music "of-the play. be presented by Rabbi Rabinowitz, A large and enthusiastic'.group regMr. Brodkey, Mr. J. Aizenberg, and istered for ^classes at the Community Mr. S. Weiss. .GIRLS' BASKET.BALL Center, which will be held during the Mrs. R. H. Emlein, President of the • Two girls' basketball teams have Club, is general chairman of the af- winter months. Those dh charge of been-organized during the past week the classes include: Bertha Berger, fairs. Mrs. Max Brodkey arid- Mrs. at the Community Center. The first Jake Shindler are ch"airroen of the Brownies; Ida Lipton, Junion'Dramal- team "includes | Jessie Shiloff, Fan sub-committees. Miss Bessie Shiloff is ics; Vivian Mosow, Dancing; Eva Gor- Cohen, Ruth Kronick, Sara Bair, don, Sr. Dramatics; Shirley \Harkoin charge of the musical program. way, Art Class; Rosalie Sacks,-Public Esther Wutkin and Sophie Raskin. The members of the* second team are November 23rd has been set as the Speaking. date for the A. Z .A. and C. A. C. Instructors for other tentative clas- Delia Shiloff, ... Freda , Rosmovsky, basketball game, which wi}l be played ses have not been announced.' Avde- Esther Rozofsky, Fannie • Rozofsky, in the K. C. gymnasium. The A. Z. A. monstration for the latter part of the Anne- Lebowitz and Bess Harlowe. team which won the City Champion- winter is being planned. Mend- your speech a little, lest it ship last year will; be bolstered by Dave Hurwitz and Dres Barish. The , Superstition is .the > .religion T*of may mar your'^fortunes. —-Shakesgame will^be followed by a dance. feeble 'minds. —Burke.. -^ speare.
Mothers' Association
B'NAI B'RITH J [ Chief tain. Miss Ida CoKeh of • Chi- cup from the Congregation of the I cago, National U. P. A. representa- j Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, of Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis spoke to i j tive, attended the meeting and urged j which he is president. members of the B'nai B'rith at theirj . immediate action. Sam Meyerson regular meeting last Tuesday evening. ! was chosen as chairman; Dr. I. His subject was on his experience in Mr. Louis S. Braunstein left 'By F. K. K. Sternhill, and Ben Kubby, vice , Tuesday for a week's stay in Fort Palestine this summer. Over 75 men chairman; and Louis H. Katelman, Dodge, Iowa. were present sA this meeting. The The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah secretary and treasurer. The United regular business meeting and program Sunday School classes opened the Palestine Appeal Campaign will was followed by a buffet lunch. Salonica.—(J. T. A.) — A second new term on Sunday morning at start here November 21st. group of Jewish fishermen is expected the new term on Sunday morning to leave here soon for Palestine, sucat the synagogue, 618 Mynster The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 cessfully settled in the country. street. However, any child who was of the Independent Order of the unable to attend the first day, B'nai' Brith, will hold a regular should report promptly at ten o'- meeting next Wednesday evening, Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—With the H. MOSKOVITZ • clock next Sunday morning for reg- November 13th, at the Danish hall. Arab Executive Conference deciding and on resistance of taxation and con- istration and regular classes. Every! SAM N E I T S • tinuation of the boycott agitation, a child between the ages of five andj Mr. G Whitebook was recently thirteen are cordially invited to at-j presented with a beautiful loving special * ordinance for seditious ofAnnounce the opening of a -— : : fences was promulgated by the Pa- tend the Sunday School classes, and' STALMASTEK & BEBKR. Attorney* lastine government without the usual the parents are also asked to see 030 Citr National Bank month's notice, to meet the present that they send their children. PKOB.1TE NOTICE and Delicatessen at Til the matter of the estate of HAKRY situation in the country. 1722 No. 24th St. — WE. 3817 L. 1'ETEHS, Jr., (leceuKeil. The • Ordinance provides that any The Agidas Aehem Association Notice is hereby priveu : Th-il the creiiFRESH MEATS AND ilors of Enid-(lei.'i-'axed will iii«'*?t ttie mlperson guilty of warlike undertakings will hold a meeting next Monday niiuistnitor off said iwfore ni»'. ii id f DELICATESSEN County Judge of ]>ous;IriB Coniiiy. Nel>rasagainst any section, race or body of evening, November 11th, at the ku,, at the Countyy Court Koom. in unid >> Ct (h li)h d £ D I 1!L ! 1!)L !>. persons in Palestine is liable for life Legion hall. Plans for their Benefit County, on (he li)th day o£ andd on the off February, 1830, nt th Jfilli Jfih day ] F imprisonment. The same applies for Dance, which will be held on No- 0 o'clock A. M., Pitch day. for tli'e purpow of presenting; tlioir chums for exiiniimition, offences against the authority of the vember 20th, at the Eagles hall, will adjustment urn! ullowum-c. Tlm*e monHi<< government. be completed. This dance is being nre allowed for tin? crrvlitors to prrsont their claims, from the Kith tiny of NovemThree - or more persons assembled sponsored by this society for the ber, 1929. 24th and HarnejERTCE CEAWFOUP, with the intent to cause persons to purpose to obtain funds to aid the | 31 Oct. 2. County judge. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT fear a breach of the peace or to ter- local Talmud Torah, and is receivJACOB X. rorize the public will be considered ing -the support of the entire com"WE SATISFY ALL" 534 Peters Trnst 151 dp., Omaha munity. Tickets are now on sale as constituting a riot. NOTICE BV PUBLICATION ON PETIfor. one .dollar per couple. TION FOU SETTLEMENT OF FINAL
Council Bluffs "News
Promulgate Ordinance to Prevent Outbreaks
BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Won Lost Aver. Wardrobe... ....16 5 .762 Malashock Jewelry.~13 8 .619 Empire Tobacco Co. 10 11 .476 Omaha Tobacco Co. 9 12 .429 Glazer Clothing .....9 12 .429 Kaiman Insurance . 5 16 .238 The Empire Cleaners were unable to stop the Wardrobe, the latter team •winning a pair of games. The Malashock's were nosed out by the Omaha Tobacco Co., the former capturing the series by a narrow margin. The Kaiman Insurance fell before the Glazer onslaught, losing the last game when the Clothers cracked the pins for a 988 total, the season's record. Benntt Cohen of the Glazers captured all honors for the evening with a 265 single and a 621 total, both being high mark for the season. j Katlemen 229, Krasne 206, Altschul- j er 207, Zwieback 214 and A. Venger 200 were other high single games.
Hungarian Jews Seek to Determine Status Budapest. — (J. T. A.) — "Is the Hungarian Government willing; to ac- i cord the; Jewish population in the country the same protection which its delegate Apponyi demanded for Palestine Jewry at the League of Nations session in Geneva? " This was the sense of an interpolation introduced in Parliament yesterday by the Social'Democrat, Peyer. A reply is expected from the Government next Thursday. Commenting on the interpolation the Liberal Press states that it will precipitate a discussion of the Jewish situation in Hungary and will bring out that the Jewish population is unprotected against persecution.
BROTHERS' SUICDDE PACT Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Financial setr backs suffered by business enterprises in Germany, affecting Jewish merchants, was given as the cause of a suicide pact between two brothers, Kurt and Simon, owners of the widely known fur firm of that name in Chemnitz. /
ADMINISTRATION ACCOO'T In the County Court of Douglas County, A meeting of a committee repre- Nebraska. the matter of the estate of TIMOTHX senting various organizations for the V.IllJONES, deceased. purpose of organizing the U P. A. Persons interested ' in said matter are hereby notified th»t on the Slst day of drive locally was held last Thurs- October, 1029. Godfrey A. Jones hied a petition said County Court, praying that day evening at the apartment of his final in administration account filed herein be settled and allowed. and that he be Louis H. Katelman in the Hotel discharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 29th day of November, 1920. and that if yon fail to appear before said Court on the said 20th day of November, 1029, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may 5 Room Brick Flat, strictly grant the prayer of said petition, enter a modern, hot water, heat. Rent decree of heirship, and make such other i and orders, allowances and decrees, $20.00 per month. 2106 Clark. I as tofurther this Court may seem proper, to the i end that all matters pertaining to said Inquire at 2112 Clark Street estate may be finally settled and determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD, Nov. 8, 1929—3T County Judge.
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Tabes Extra
JA. 4065-6
534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611
your home. Be sure to hear the new Philco before buying any radio. Othermodels,»67 to*205.
1718 Cass
638 Securities Bldg.
"Everything for the Auto"
Neutrodyne-Plus $129.50 Revolutionary tone, distance, selectivity, the result of Balanced Units. Very handsome. Call or phone as and
Ask Your Dealer For A
Certified Public Accountants
J. JEouicd to beauty, tha Temple electro-dv. Mmie a the only speaker with the adjustable hum »*"nfmfnr featute. Separate Uble type apeaken a n available for thcwe Who do not own a Temple Receiver. • • • » » • 939.00 for th, Templt electro. dynamic SptaktT f20.00 for the Templt Magnetic Speaker
1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. S481
1724 Dodge St.
Thit superb SCREEN GRID LOWBOY onl7
E HATE IT! The NEW Balanced-Unit Radio
3. L. KRAGE, Proprietor
National Accessories, Inc.
24th and Farnam Paris.—(J. T. A.)—Sholom Asch, noted Jewish novelist, left here today on his way to. the United States.
iir Co.
THE SANITARY LAUNDRY "The B«at of All Laundry 2815
The Omaha JobbingCo*
jtitteftetji jjjgnndnf € a
Fixture and
City Wide Delivery
AT. 4750
MA. 4750
Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Soda Water Gingerale and Near Beer
IDEAL Bottling Ce. WE. 3043
All Flavors
We Occupy Gvet 70,00(1 Squnre Feet
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
JOSEPH TRETIAK, Propr. Just bought a carload of Kraft Paper Bags. To sell 25% below the wholesale price. Here is a real chance to reduce your cost of operation by stocking up on these bags. 317 N o , 15th St., J A . 5604
313 S 0 . I 4 T H . 5 T , OH AHA.