Scanning the Jewish Horizon
Interesting ' and: Entertaining
By David Schwartz
LA^GHITOFF ';As thisjs being penned the stock. excjiariger^r-, as, it is being caL »•*- Entered as second-class mail matter on January 27, l'ja., nt OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1929 VOL. ML—No. 44 '"JtoS&r ~J^<f- fstuck*' exchange—is ^t ^jP o s t o ^ at Omaha.-Jfeb«*ta«. under the^ct of March 3. 1S7U. prime topic of cohversation. Happii ^ for Jewry, .Wall Street has Its oro, synagogue to-day. And, judging by, Charge Discrimination the talk of the amounts lost in Jewish in Medical Schools driies, the Wall Street synagogue should do a rushing business by way New York—Race prejudice is of furnishing spiritual balm. Vienna. (J.T.A.) Anti-Semitic riots Compensation to the robbing; thousands of Jewish Among the heaviest losers, it is in Austria universities have grown students for damages suffered has students of the opportunity to said, are Eddi Cantor, famous comeso frequent as to be almost daily oc- been promised by the authorities. obtain a medical education, deNationally Known Educator to curences. dian, and George Gershwin, famous Zionists to Launch Local Drive The outbreaks at the Unclared Dr. A-M. SchwiteUa, dean The Board has introduced compui- I Some Laws Force Them to Speak on "Widening composer. JOIR Cooperatives; Others of National- "Roll Call" of the St. Louis University iversity of Vienna were so vehement sory identification for all students The World" Oust Them Campaign Cantor, it is said, dropped no less School of Medicine, before the that authorities were forced to entering the Universities. Many of than a <raarter of a million in the Association of American Medclose the school. the rioters who were arrested were MEETING AT J.C.C. Moscow (J.T.A.) Thousands of LEVENSON CHAHtMAN market and Gershwin has suffered a ical Colleges' sessions at the Jewish students have been con- proven to be members of the Anti- Jewish artisans in Soviet Eussia are IOBS o f a c o u p l e o f y e a r s o f h i s r o y a l Medical Center. • Omahans will have an opportunity tinually beaten and thrown out of Semitic organization but not mem- in danger of losing their bread cardB The local campaign in the national ties.. • . . ' . ' . • • • : . • . ••••••... On pretexts of personality and . of hearing a national leader in peace the classrooms. The Hakenkreuders bers of the University. as a result of Soviet legeslation. Zionist "roll, call^ drive will be ofAccording to Cantor, when one goes scholarship, authorities are able The Jewish students in the ITnmovements when:Mrs. Julia B. Mayer move in groups, attacking individual ficially inaugurated at a gigantic mass Although bread can be obtained to a New York hotel these days and to conceal their real reason for of Des Moines comes "here November Jews. ivtrsities voiced their protests against only vrith the greatest, difficulty asks for a room on one of the top meeting to be held at the Jewish Comdenying admittance to Jews, he No let-up in the persecution was the riots, and the Vienna Kehillali without bread cards, e. law has been 25. :;.•{ •• • munity Ceuter' auditorium Monday floors, t i e clerk askas: A asserted. The combination is On that evening Mrs. Mayer will be seen, even after the Minister of and a number of other Jewish organ- promulgated that only artisans who evening, November' 18. The meeting "Do you want the room for living unfair,. he said, and makes ~for the principal speaker at the meeting Education requested the University izations sre planning to intervene are members of co-operatives will be has been called by .MJY Levenson, or jumping?" rejection where there is no hint of the Omaha Council of Jewish Wo- authorities to demand of the national- the government in behalf of the entitled to bread cards. If an arthead of the local Zionists. of lack of ability. " / men at the Jewish Community Center. istic student association leaders abso- Jewish students. ONE ON DR. KRASS The principle speaker' of the evening isan pays more than 24 roubles tax, This meeting arranged by the Peace lute guarantee tbat order will be Dean Miller of the Long IsThe Heimwehr Organization meet- he will be considered in the class of - Btit that ihe famous comedian is will be Louis lapskyyheadof the ZionDepartment of the ; Council, will be maintained. Otherwise, the Minis- ing was disrupted by a clash which traders. land College Hospital, and Dean managing to laugh off his huge losses ist Organization of- America. Mendel open to the public. Mrs. Mayer's sub- try declares, it will call in the police necessitated the calling of the police, A.S. Begg of Boston University was evidenced at the Jewish Theatri- Norman Fisher, executive director of A ruling was also just passed to School of Medicine,. who have" ject will be, "Widening the World." cal Guild the other night, where Eddie to reestablish normal conditions. when the gToup held a stormy meet- the effect that those in the catmade an investigation simular to served as toastmaster; Personally, I Thus far, the police have inter- ing to discuss the Heimehr attitude egory of the "declassed" who receive that of Dean Schwitella, concurliked best his reply to Dr. Krass. The intervened only when attacks occurr- toward the Jews. machinery from their relatives in red in his views. Both declared' famous Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El At the meeting were present America will not be able to make use ed outside the university grounds. that many students of recognize • •was called upon, and lie gave the ThesThe government has evinced con- students, members of the He"Tnehr of the machinery unless they enter ed ability often had to seek adpians a. gentle laying out. All of the cern : over the affair, fearing that Organization who participated in the the cooperative collectives. mittance to twenty schools begags, Dr. Krass said, were old. Somethe rioting will redound to the dis- anti-Semitic student riots at the This plan of the Soviets to push the fore they were successful in bebody, ;he added, should recite Kaddish Vienna University. The Heimehr enrollment of all artisans in the cocredit of Austria abroad. ing accepted. over them. membership openly condemned the operatives comes in direct conflict After Krass had finished Eddie rose action of these students and appealed with another of their projects, a sort and, among other things, mentioned to the membership to avoid anti- of "house cleaning," to expel from the that occasionally he had visited synaSemitic attacks. cooperatives all former traders and gogues, temples and churches, "and The members who supported the members of the '"declassed" category. the rabbis and preachers are still Hackenkreuzer in their excesses The Jews are thus caught in the preaching" frbinthe Bible." against the Jewish students, on be- vise of these two contradictory proWhich, I take it, is not a bad comeing refused the floor shouted "Out jects, one to enroll, the other to oust, back, when actors are charged with London, (J.T.A.) The oppression with the Jewish mob. We fight the Conflicting Plans Dr. Cyrus Adler of Philadelphia , pulling off ancient wit. laws against religious education in Socialists and the Jews." Tumule was unanimously elected President The "Ernes," Communist Yiddish Eastern Europe may be effectively resulting in the clash between the daily, continues unabated in its propJUST THE XTRST OFFER to succeed the late Louis Marshall, modified, it "was announced at a Heimwehr members who opposed aganda and demands the expulsion and Judge Irving Lehman of New The. dinner -was given in honor of meeting of the Board of Jewish anti-Semitic students and ths from the artisan cooperatives of ail York and Julius Eosenwald- if ChiGeorge Jessel, and Jessel delivered a Deputies. The steps for modifica- this policy, then broke out. cago were elected Vice-Presidents, rather ' fervent Jewish panegyric former traders who are now artisans. tion in Soviet Eussia were taken conand Colonel Isaac M. "Oilman of New which included even a recital of the German Reaction Opposite Mrs. Jolia. B. Mayer Many of the Russian Jews who are Haven, Treasurer, at the 23rd An"Sh^mfc Israel/' "Mrs. Mayer is nationally known as fidentially, as a result of a cor-Louis Lipsby . receiving machines from their relaBerlin—Disavowing antiSemitisrn nual Meeting of the American Jew- an educational worker, a speaker of respondence carried on by O-E. But Jessel found time to tell a story as a part of their program, a con- tives abroad are former traders. of a Jewish member of the cloak and the. southwest region, will^also speak, ish Committee;:>which was*b.eld last merit, and as one of the country's D' Avigdor Goldsmith, president of ference of German Volkspartei Their ability to malce use of the suit trade who* succeeded in being ad- in addition to a-number'of |ocal lead- Sunday in New York City; "With Dr. strongest advocates of world peace," the Board, and the late Louis students, in sessions here •with rep- machines depends on the outcome of ers, Mrs. Margaret BelMan will give Adler, Vice-Pfesident, in the chair.; said Mrs.-Samuel Gerson, chairman of Marshall. mitted ;intp- a swanky golf dub. resentatives from 15 universities at- the controversy -which has arisen. 1 ""After ^her."fea6^faesn~in* jt "ror-st^wbile, .several Yocal.s6los.._^-_':J::^^. ,•-,-:h :.^ Tiie_. Nominating. Committear recom- the local Peace Committee. The negotiations are. jstill_mcon- tending, decided-to secede-from the •At the Bame time, it was atratjtmemended ,' also that Judge Horace The plan of the "rplL .callT is ffie however, the other members decided Mrs. Mayer has held numerous na- fidential, but a definite announce- anti-Semitic German Student's As- ed by the Yevsektzia, Jewish section Sferri of Philadelphia should be that ' he W a s ~- "impossible," as the enrollment of 250^000 American Jews tional positions. During the war she ment by the leaders" is expected sociation. of the Communist party, that Jews, who are not at present members of the elected Chairman of the Executive was a lecturer for the food administra- shortly . phrase goes. • < The step was determined upon when former traders who now in the Committee. tion under President Hoover. She So a committee of members went to various Zionist organizations. Each Eeports were given on conditions the Association declined to eliminate category of the "declassed" and have one signh ; the "roll call" pays a nomUnder immigration, the Executive was at one time National President of in Palestine and East European him. "We don't "want to hurt your anti-Semitism from its progress. no voting rights in the Soviet elec"feelings," they told him, "but you inal sum. The drive is not being con- Committee report stated that what the National "Service Star Legion and countries. Lncien Wolf, secretary of j It was declared that the purpose of tions, will henceforth, be excluded won't be happy here. We will return ducted to raise money, but to show it believed was a great step forward is now National Educational Director the Joint Foreign Committee, report- i the German Volkspartei student from membership in small town loan your .initiation fee, buy you a new tet the world that American Jewry is still was the bill enacted March 2, 1929, of this organization. ed that negotiations with the groups in this stand is to obtain oi- Kassas. of golf clubs and give you a hundred firm in its determination to proceed which legalized the admission of Along educational lines Mrs. Mayer Norwegian Premier to repeal the ficial recognition from the state. with the upbuilding of the Jewish nat- Aliens who had arrived in the counts has established a worthwhile record These loan organizations are for dollars "bonus if you will get out." ional homeland. ry before June 3, 1921, and "who for herself. For three years she anti-Sb.ech.ita law were unsuccessful, mutual relief of the inhabitants. That night the cloaw and suiter told In lieu of the recent excesses in the were not able to produce proof of served as assistant in the Department but that the Premier had promised,; to aid the Jewish community in se- Million Dollar Legacy Holy Land, Zionist leaders desire the legal admission. The report ex"You're not going to take it, are creation of a great source of energy pressed regret that the repeal of the of Social Welfare of the Extension curing Kosher meat. Drives Beggar Insane Division of the University of Iowa. you ?'• queried his wife. which could stimulate public opinion National Origins Provision, of the In this capacity Mrs. Mayer addressed Jews in Croatia are finding it "Of course not,", he replied. ' I t toward Palestinian reconstruction. Immigration Law, which had been more than 25,000 persons in the difficult to obtain nationality certWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Moses Feinwas only* the first offer." : The roll call pledge is as follows: so strongly urged by President Hoo- schools of citizenship throughout Iowa. ificates from Jugoslvania. Under gold, 70 years old, -went insane -when "I hereby register my faith in Jew- ver, had not been offered by Con- She is an active clubwoman and held the new nationality law no account is he received word frmo the United A CHANGED ish. Palestine and indorse the efforts gress. Contributions totalling $1,866.50 ENCYCLOPEDIA the first vice-presidency of the Iowa taken of the minorities treaties sign- States Consulate that his brother. were reported at a meeting of the We believe it was not so many to secure a more effective administraThe report of the Executive Com- Federation of Women's Clubs. ed by Serbia in 1919. If the govern- John, had left Mm $1,000,000. years ago that both. the American tion of that country by Great Britain mittee which had taken place with • At the present time she is an active ment fails to satisfy the claims of John parted from his brother nearly Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery Jewish Committee and the American in accordance with the provisions of the American Jewish Congress fol- director of the Jewish Community the Jews under the treaty, action 65 years agro, going to America and Improvement society meeting Monday afternoon at: the synagogue. Jewish Congress took exception to the the Mandate and the Belfour Declara- lowing the adoption by the latter Center, a neighborhood house in Des will be taken with the League of settling in Texas. The report was made by Mrs. E. Encycloepdia Brittanica on the tion; body of a resolution recommending "Monies, which administers to Jew and Nations, Mr. Wolf declared. Meyer, chairman of the finance comI herewith attach one dollar ($1.00) the appointment of a committee to Gentile alike and which is a forceful grounds of certain articles contained He also stated that due to inmittee, (Continued' oh Page 2.) therein which were deemed obnoxious arrange for an early conference of (Continued on Page 2.) tervention of the Joint Foreign ComEeportE on the progress on the and unjust to Jewry. representatives of the American Jewmittee in Romania, the anti-Jewish project to gravel the road in Sarpy ish Committee and the American: The new edition of the Encyclopedia situation in the universities was county, and expenditures for beautiJewish Congress "to end that sorely seems to be quite another story. The remedied. fying the cemetery, laying walks and needed unity of action with respect number of its Jewish contributors is to Jewish life be thus averted." Sain Beber, president of the Con- installing marker!:- were made by particlarly significant Albert Einservative Synagogue, announced the committee chairmen. stein writes on Space-Time, Max BeinSuch a. conference was to have For the eighth year, fathers and appointment of the new committees More than 140 paid up members hardt on the Theatre, Julius EosenThe social service department of taken place early in the fall of this sons will gather for their annual dinfor the coining term at a meeting of are in the group, according to Mrs. wald. on Philanthropy,' Dr. Joshua the Omaha Council of Jewish Women year, but owing to the death of Mr. ner at the Jewish Community Center, the newly-elected Board of Trustees A. Katskec, chairman of memberBloch on Hebrew literature, Xee Si- •mil sponsor several classes of in- Marshall, it has not yet been posSunday, Nov. 17, at 6 p.m. J. L. Rolast week. ship. Sixteen new membero were monson on Stage Design, Prank Zalo- struction this season* All classes will silbe to arrange it. senthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo RoEphraim Marks and Louis E. Lipp, witz on the Yiddish language, Isaac be held at the Jewish Community CenThe Committee had cooperated" senthal, will speak on behalf of the According to President Beber, the obtained by Mrs. E. Jacobs on & retwo Jewish students, will appear on Husik on Jewish Philosophy, Leonard ter and -will be in charge of teachers with other organizations in prevent-: congregation now numbers 269 mem- cent visit to Norfolk, Nebraska. sons, and Dr. Meyer Beber, one of the three-man team which will repStein on Zionism, and so on. Mrs. Harry Trustin reported that supplied by the Omaha Board of Edu- inr the summary expulsion, last the youngest of the Center's dads, will resent Creighton University against bers and is expecting a most successto date §1,155.85 have been expended February, of 1500 Russian refugees cation. These classes are open to the DIB YOU KNOW? speak for the fathers. Harry A. Wolf Oxford University of England in' ful season. The officers of the Syna- in improvements of the cemetery. in Constantinople, of whom 800 were gogue will be installed at the annual That Amy Schechter, one of those public and registration for them is Jews. The situation of the Jews of will be toastmaster. W. L. Holzman, Creighton's first international debate, Contributions to the fund, were Congregational Dinner to be given V first held and then acquitted in the now in order. the Yemen, which had been brought president of the Center, will present to be held at the Tech high audi- under the auspices of the Ladies' made by: Gastonia murder case, is the daughter Mrs. William Albers, a member of to the attention of the Committee by a surprise feature. torium on Friday evening, November Auxiliary on Wednesday evening, Messrs. J. m. J. A. Gross, H. Wilinoky, of fhelate Professor Solomon Schech- the social service committee, is spon3-. the articles in the Hebrew press in A program of light entertainment 22. The locals will defend the "talk- Dec 4, at the J. C. C. 5'ein. L?o .HmviroK, BrarJuliusij. Harris. L. lUuinenilini,Hnrry ter. Miss Schechter is said to be one oring the three classes in cooking. Palestine, was thoroughly investigat- has been planned to follow the brief ies" against Oxford. 3TOU. V.4. Gilbert. M. I*vi!iHOn, H. Woiiistein. J. HimelMrfu, The new committees: of the few genuinely idealistic Com- Two of these are for beginners and ed by the Executive Committee. AJirahiimsort. Clifirlp* Nnthnn, Sam Kaplwi, talks. Orchestra music and communiBoth men are seasoned veterans in EDUCATIONAL—Dr. Philip Sher, Afauev E. FiltMBclnrifni, ArttH!t_Kntmuists; she lives up to her ideals in one is an advanced classl Instruction ty singing, and a number of novelty forensics. Marks, who is captain of chairman, Louis Eulakofsky, A.B. BUV, H.Ivsiimui. KatBky, Abe Levy, E. Meyer, her private life, sharing what she has will start on 'November 20. Miss MaSiiiion. B. A. Simon, R. Kulakofsky, acts will be features of the program. this year' team, is in his third year Alpirin . Harry A. Wolf, J J . Lincoln. Abe Somberp. Harry Malnftho with others less fortunate. deline Marr, wiU be the teacher in H. liubenscein, 15. Noipberg, Mnx Kaplmi, Rabbi Abraham Bengis will give the of varsity debating. He was a mem- Friedman, Eabbi A. Bengis, ex M. Arkin. K. Gross, 11. Kiilokafsky, H. That her brother, Prank Schechter, charge. ' '; invocation and Rabbi Frederick Cohn ber of the trio which defeated officio. AiiTbauh, Sol JUoss. H. I^npirtus, l>v. V. is as conservative as Amy is radical, liomonek, Dr. E. Kuliy mx! Mealtimes K. the benediction. Mrs. Alberts, is also sponsor for the Harvard University last year, and .TaoohB. Manip Kranue. SI. Frieden. W. SERVICE—Dr. A. Greenberg r and that Prank, while yet in law jborig. Abe Katoky, Ktotaky, Mrs. F. J. Alberts, and Mrs. J. M. was on the state championship high chairman, J. H. Kulak of sky, J J . BonFl>erp. 1/fHiiK 7.ier, 3. Kieman, nli of OnmlMu school, wrote -a volume on copyright class in mental hygiene. Mrs. Eva "Yiskor," an extraordinary Yiddish Halashock are co-chairmen in charge Morse is supervising this course. school term at Technical high. He is Messrs, H. Prie<l, Hnrry Knbhjr, B*« Greenberg, Samuel Cohen, Jack W. law which is regarded as a standard attraction featuring the internation- of the dinner. Under them, a comTvnWiy, B. Kooler. Mnx Simon, gntn Bahb, Mrs. Joseph Bonoff, another member also prominent in scholarship and Marer, Rabbi A. Bengis, ex officio. 51. Bernstein. H. Moyerscm. Siim MeyerTOB, now ? ally-known tragedian, Mr. Maurics I'oSiest, Snm Grfss. Krnsne Bros., anfi BUILDING AND GROUNDS— Max That the story goes—though we of the social service committee, is Schwartz ,wffl be shown continuously mittee of the Jewish Women's Wel- journalism. Last year he -was presMrs. M. tJrosBTnsn, nil of Council BlnB*. Messrs. H. E. r.eJmont. l^yons. Nebr.; Harry H. Lapidus, chairman, Joe L. Wlche! •canaot vouch for its exactitude—that sponsoring a^coursp in home art. This from 2 p. m. to 11 p. m., Sunday, fare organization are making arrange- ident of the Oratorical Society. 1'rnthPfK, iChk-npo: E. Sainwliwti, ments for the affair. It is sponsored class will be directed by* Miss Becker Lipp is beginning his fifth year ! N * *w YoTk i M. IvCsiRisn, vinptiWfKHl, Iowa; Wolf, I. Moskowitz, Louis Sommer, of tiie five-thousand young men who Nov.i7, at the Brandeis Theatre. Harry Knvieh, LOP Ans;p!«>fi; AVill JtSp», by the social service committee of the of intercollegiate debating. He AL Wohlner. constitute -this year's freshman class and will be a six weeks course, meetHntton, Texns: Rml Mexilnmes BJrtnk •£ Schwartz will be supported by a Dps MOSJWS; rriiisner of T>e» M<rin#«: Jewish Welfare Federation. Dr. Phiilp captained the 1928 squad, won the at • the College of the City of New ing each Wednesday morning at the cast of over 100 people, coming from MEMBERSHIP—Mose Yousem, Ijijiney o£ Lot-; Anireles. Cnltt.: filotky *f 1 Sher is chairman of the committee, Community Center. • ;' • McShane mesial for extemporaneous York only one hundred and seven are Fremont: A. Brod" ' of Korth Flstte. HIM! the New York Art Theatre. *Y«kor, n which includes Rabbi Abraham Bengis, speaking, and was twice winner of chairman, M.F. Levenson, Julias Mrs. B. Rlniijrninii of Kl Pnnn. non-Jewish? And of these hundred The members of the social service Altman, Ben Glazer, Julius Stein. fo~mer!r KisK Bnylin Fveiden of and seven Goyim eighty-four are said committee will act as hostesses at the or "Thou Shalt Remember," is known Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Harry Mala- the international debate tournament FINANCE—Dr. Morris Margolin, for its depicting of Jewish life in Poshock, Henry Monsky, Harry Silver- of the A.2LA. to be Negroes. - As some of the re- various classes and meetings menA JEW chairman, William Alberts, Paul land. maining youths doubtless are Italiens tioned above. man, Mrs. Philip Sher, Irvin Stalmaslipp, who is one of the most per- Bernstein, Dave Greenberg, B.A. Vienna, (J.T.A. Franz Werfel, and Irish, only an infinitesimal fraced dramatist, is a member of the Zernowitz.—(J. T. A.) — Hanna ter, Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, Mrs. Reuben suasive speakers Creighton ever had, Simon, and John Feldman, ex-offido. tion is left for the "white, Protestant" Paris.—(J. T. A.)—A gift of 120,000 Sheri, 116 years old died, here. She Eulakofsky, and Mrs. M. Grodinsky. will be third speaker against Oxford. Jewish faith. A statement to tills element. Samuel Gerson will be in charge of He is also outstanding in activities. francs was made_to_fhe Paris Infants was the oldest Jewess in Roumania Warsaw.—(J. T. A.) — Stanislaw effect "was made to contradi (Copyright" 1929 by Seven Arts Association by Mrs. Michael Wiriburo, and believed to be the oldest woman community singing. Miss Anne Ru- Lyle O'Rourke, another veteran de- Natansolin, •weS. known Jewish phil-to the contrary which were Feature Syndicate.) bater, is third man on the team. an American. in the world back will be accompanist. anthropist, died here at the are of 72. ins due to a misunderstanding.
MRS.JUUAPYER Vienna University Closes TOADDS^IWISH as Riots Rage in Austria 1 SOVIET RUSSIA COONd.ONNOY.25
Gorki Indignant Over Pogrom Propaganda .
|ta|iliBJied eye|y Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska,'by
Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Anti-Semitic ; IBE^JE^ISH PRESS PUJBLISHING COMPANY pogram propaganda is growing among OSicfe: 'firaiideis Tb<eafc& Buading-^Telephone: ATlantic 1450 the members of the Communist party, DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR FRANKR. ACKERMAjf; >• "- —• - - - - - - " - ' . - EDITOR "FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council .Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent SIOUX CITY -.OFFICE".' Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street
- . $2.50 Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please i give bbth the old and new address; be sure to gjve your natte.
it is evident from an indignant article by Maxim Gorki, published in today's "Pravda." In his article against anti-Semitism and the methods of combatting it, the famous Russian writer declares that this week he received a proclamation headed "An Order for Every Communist" consigned to "Communists committees" urging them to organize a Jewish pogrom. "Arise you Russian and other nationalities and kill the Jews," the proclamation agitated.
by William Sbkolof and Louis MinI. SOMMER DIES MRS. JULIA MAYER Isidore Sommer, 70, prominent kin. Art Grossman is winner of the Omaha died Monday after TO ADDRESS JEWISH an illnessgrocer, of more than a year. club's Ping Pong tournament. Harold won in the checker tournaCOUNCIL ON NOV. 25 Funeral services were held Tuesday Barish ment. (Continued from Page 1.) center for good. Other positions held by her are vice-president of the Iowa League of Women Voters, chairman of the Citizens' Training Division of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs, and a member of the Iowa State Board of Vocational Training. • At the meeting there will be a musical program, including a vocal solo by Miss Evelyn Zolsk. Mrs. Louis Sommer is chairman Of the Program Committee. . ...' Following is-the.membership of the Peace ' Group, the membership being closed and the waiting list open: Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Mrs. Sam Beber,..Mrs. Samuel Cohn, Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky, Miss ; Fanny Grodinsky, Mrs. Max Holzman, Mrs. Herman Jahr, Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs. H. A. Newman, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. I. D. Weiss, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. Louis Sommer, and Mrs. Samuel Gerson. The following organizations are joining in the Peace meeting: Pioneer Women's Org., Jewish Day Nursery Ass'n., Conservative Synagogue Aux., Ladies Free Loan Society, Daughters of Zion, Junior Hadassah, Jewish Women's Welfare Federation, Deborah Society, Senior Hadassah, Daughters of Israel, Temple Israel Sisterhood, Council of Jewish Women, Auxiliary to South Side Congr., Biker Cholim Society, and Chesed Shel Ernes.
at the Crosby chapel. Burial took place at Pleasant Hill cemetery. Mr. Sommer was one of the founders of the Wise Memorial hospital, serving on the hospital board as treasurer and trustee. He was also a member of the board of directors of Temple Israel. Mr. Sommer . was prominent in local affairs until.his illness a year ago. Mr. Sommer is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ida Sommer; two children, Miss Helen Sommer, and Max Sommer; a brother, Sam; and a sister, Mrs. Miriam Cohen all of Omaha.
Art Grossman was chosen as the leader of the X L's for their basketball team which is being organized. Sam Finkel, Ervin Wezelman and Art Grossman are the members of the debate team which will represent the club in the future. The SUB DEBS plan a Thanksgiving Sport Frolic at the Sunset Tea-rooms on Thanksgiving night, and are working out very interesting plans and surprises to make a very successful party. The members of th« club hiked to Hummel Park last -week and had a interesting experience building * fire and roasting wieners for an outdoor project.
BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Won Lost Aver. Wardrobe 18 6 .750 Malashock Jewelry 14 10 .580 Empire Cleaners 12 12 .500 11 13 .458 Omaha Tobacco 10 14 .417 Glazer Clothing 6 IS ,250 Kaiman Insurance The Wardrobe's defeated the Glazer Clothing in their series; while the Malashock Jewelry went down a notch as a result of their loss to the Empire Cleaners. The Omaha Tobacco Company defeated the Kaiman Insurance two out of three games in a rather slow* and Uninteresting series, Ben Yousem's high single game of 234 and three game total of 562 was the high mark of the evening. Other high totals were as follows: Melcher 528, D. E. Greenberg 632, Max Weitz 520, Max Altschuler 519 and Jack Fleishman 506. Kairoan's Al! Stars will meet the Omaha Bee News in a special match on Sanday Afternoon, November 17th, 8:00 p.m. at Francisco's Bowling Alley, 3rd. Floor. Games are desired with out of town teams.
The British Inquiry; Commission, which is making such a thorough investigation of the recent rioting in Palestine, has already pronounced-£h> death sentence on a good number of the Six new members were elected by The EAGLE GIBL SCOUT Conservative Auxiliary, held Moslem marauders. The GqWiissioir has demonstrated its ef- the. TROOP introduced Aftft Smith a* Wednesday afternoon at the Jewish a new member of the troop. ficiency, and the' sentences ;.th.U3fai?imposed have conclusively Community Center. The Scouts practiced 1M4 soaking shown that the Arabs,-and not ih^^ews, were the guilty parties. Election was held for Six New for their second daw teat at their The JR. DAUGHTERS OF ZION At first thought, we Tejoice in-our revenge. We want Arab Board members. last meeting. A large Mi led, with have drawn up a constitution which elected are Mrs. Wm. Racublood to compensate for the blood of our slain brethren; we want sin,Those sheets, pillow cane* smd ihaikeU •will be signed by the charter memMrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. A. Romm, were used to v&A on and «v«y No rale is so general, which adto repay in full for the atrocities committed on our fellow-Jews. Mrs. H. Pollock, Mrs. John Beber bers of the club. girl pawed on her bed making. However, upon reflection, we. advocate clemency. We believe that and Mrs. Sam Robinson. An election mit* not «OTtie exception. —Burton. The girls have decided to help Shirley EariAh *** S*W* Sbafer either the Jewish Agency or the Zionist Executive should intercede for Auditor was also held, Mrs. J. thp Daughters of Zion who are were elected color bearers. The world's a stage on which all planning a raffle in the near future. and ask the British officials for commutation of the death penalty. H. Kulakof sky being elected. p u t * sic played —Thomas Middle* Announcement of gifts to the Rose Weiner and Marian WeinThe JECOMTE* "CAMP VOX, We have always preached mercy,, and no people know better than Auxiliary being given by Mrs. Abe berg were elected sergeants-at-arms, Group baa a new toembtt, Dorolfcy the Jews the blessings of fforgiveness*; Even our Torah teaches us, Weinstein and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsat the last meeting, and Sylvia Marco, The gfri* plan a kft* to "Love thine enemies." . . " -. ky were made. Mrs. Harry. Lapidus Silverman was elected program Hummel Park in the neat twtmre. chairman. Further, why should we take .our revenge on mere scape- is chairman of the Gift Fund comThe CAMP FIRE GIRLS NO. 2 goats, tools of the "higher-ups"? These Arabs being sentenced mittee. The X L Club tied the Tuxis Club, elected Ida Gorelkk as secretaryRabbi Bengis spoke, commenting to death are only pawns in a more important game of chess. The on the wonderful spirit prevailing Ep6-6, in a football match /held at treasurer of their group. Marion 1 Grand Mufti and the Moslem princes are the real instigators of thruout the organization. Rabbi Elmwood park last Sunday after- stein brought an interesting chart noon. A successful stag was held that of knots that she had tied, to the the murderous butcherings, the brains behind the Arab machina- Bengis Will lead a study circle, free evening at Sam Cackin's home. Four meeting to pass a Camp Fire test tions, and the investigators will never mete out to them their to all members of the Auxiliary, PALESTINIAN WOMEN TO non-members of the club who played for her honors. upon topics not yet decided upon. Any just dues. BE ADMITTED TO BARon the team were guests at the stag. member desirous of joining this But aside from the philosophical angle, there is an important group please call Mrs. Sam Beber, At that time, Ervin Wezelman was The most onerous slavery is to practical reason why the Jews should intercede for the Arabs. Ken 2502. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The fight initiated. Prizes for stunts were won be a slave to oneself. —Seneca. All authorities, including the most vindicative, agree that after Myron Cohen gave two violin so- for the admission of women to the the British investigation is completed, the only solution to the los, assisted at the piano by Miss bar in Palestine, carried on single"Just Around the Corner from Everything" by Mrs. Ginsberg, daughterPalestinian problem will be co-operation between Jew and Arab. Rubacek. A reading by Miss Bess handed THE NEBRASKA'S in-law of the late Hebrew philosoV/einstein was well received. The If peace is to prevail, there must be good-will between the two meeting: was closed With tea served. pher, Achad Ha'am, has prospects for branches of the Semites. If the Jews are to live in the Holy Land Additional new members ;turned a successful conclusion. After taking the fight to the highwithout the continual protection of British bayonets, they must Famous M&ah»t$aas , . . celest court in the land, Mrs. Ginsberg be friends of the kindred Arab nation., . Mesdames David P. Feder, Joe Jaclar attached or neckband; now assured by Col. Iosiah fine white broadcloth, $ O Our future must be built on understanding, not hostility. obs, Michael Tuchman, Harry .A. Wolf, was Wedgwood, in an communication she I. M.'Weiner,-Samuel Gersoii, Joe Rice, Only at The Nebr&ska.. And the Jews could find no better method of demonstrating their A. H. Brodkey, E. Fried. • received from him, that the Colonial Otktr Collar Att*ch*£ anf CeU good-will than by askingfor commutation of the death sentences.; Office had promised to give instruclar-to-Match Shirts, $1JG t* •$» Let us show our sincerity by taking the first step toward a policy; Proverbs, like the sacred books of tions to the Palestine government to promulgate an ordinance authorizing each nation', are the .sanctuary of the of good-will. Let us cement future .friendly relations by this beau1413 Douglas women to practice law in Palestine. intuitions. ; —Emerson. tiful gesture. • *V --rt -'•
a r e : -
. .
;' - \
.• .-.-.-• ' :;
Sympathy Strike for >. LIPSKY TO SPEAK Anti-Semitic Agitato! AT GIGANTIC MASS MEETING MONDAY Moscow,. (J. T. A.)—Thirty-five I 5
(Continued from Page 1.) as jny. registration fee which is to be up ed for the above purpose. 'Mr. Lipsky, a fluent orator, has always drawn a crowd. His association with the Zionist movement dates back to its very inception in America more tljan a quarter of a century ago. He is unfeerBaUy considered one of the forenj^at te&ders. of American Jewry and oke-oivthe^ablest and most distiijguis^i^ ; .^ures in World: Zionism. H^is sSkulaf reputation is "due to a long cSeeiyof service and a remarkable .^fonibination of gifts as writer, orator? "ah*d organizer. At the.World Zionist Cnogress Mr. lapsky was elected vice-president and a- member" of the Zionist executive. When the war threw the onus Of Zionist achievements on America, he became one of the key figurs in the great task of winning for Jewry and the world's recognition of its claim to the Homeland in.-Palestine. "M.F^JLevenson'is* chairman of the Omaha campaign. Rabbis Frederick Cbhn and Abraham Bengis are honorary chairmen. " Other officers and board of directors ate:
" ' • " • -
.Vice-chairman, William Holzman; secretary, J.f J. Friedman; treasurer, Abe. Goldstein; publicity chairman, Harry Trustin; 'Speakers' bureau, Philip Klutzriick and Dr. O. C. Belzer; board of directors: Frank Ackerman, Sam Bebeiy A; D. Frank; John Feldinan, A. B. Gendler, Louis Eatleman, Robert Kooper, Mrs. J. Lintzman, J. lantzman, Henry Mpnsky, Barry Mendelson, Jacob Riklin, Dr. Abraham Romm, Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, Miss Grace Rosenstein, Mrs. Abe Silverlaan, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Joe Tretiak, E. Wfeinb'erg, H. A. Wolf and Judah Woolfson. ''
jfeting: of Thought ' 1 • : League Postponed •':•'»{ The-meetingtof the Jewish Thought jbague, whic^L/ was scheduled for last eyening, '.as^been posponed;to Tuesdiyj Novembfer 19, due to conflict \fjth:the Houghton-lecture. j > The disciiBsibn will be oh; "Jewish j&^^^-Vr^.
: l : :
' '- '' . .•'..:-.•:•'•.- .;' ::
workers of the Yartzev Textile factory, the largest in West Russia, der clared a walk out today because' a woman worker, Sapozhnikova, was discharged for carrying on anti-Semitic agitation. . As a condition for their return to work, the strikers demanded the reinstatement of Sapzhnikova, and the discharge of all Jews from the factory. • '
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MEN'S UNDERWEAR Every man finds here the underwear he wants . . . ^atsar, Buofold, Wright's, Superior, Merode and raany others . , . all siscg, all leg lengths, all weights , . , frost athletic shorts to finest silk and wool micas ratts.
Rabbi Cohn to Address
Hebrew Club Meeting % iF
Speaks for Sons
in cream beaten stiff;\ «r trim xoixture in a leaf pas 7—* with * Uuge ring mold and inches, .when, firm turn out on plate*. until firm; remove your mold Xfot in slices end sen* with fill cater with whipped cream <creg,m.
The second production of the season by the Center Players Guild will be "The Thief." a modern drama in three acts by Henri Bernstein, will l>e staged at the J. C. C. auditorium on Tuesday evening, December 3. The cast is composed of Bess Weinstein as Marie-Louise DoyBinj! Abe Saltzman of Council Bluffs as] Richard Dropsin, Sara Rae Fish a s ! Isabelle Lagardes; Isreal Sternhill; as Eamond Lagardes; and Max Weinstein as Monsieur ZambolL "The cast is one which merits the laurels of regular professional actors," Mrs. Jahr, director, stated in commenting on the play.
.Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple | Israel -.trill address the regular meet- • ing of the Omaha Hebrew Club Sun- | day afternoon, November 17, at the j J.C.C. i Kabbi Cohn has chosen as hisj topic "The Future of the Jew in] America." i Eabbi Frederick Conn's.subject.for' the Current Topics meeting on Tues. Mrs. John Faier entertained at a Mrs. Silver Chairman ' day at 10:30 a. m. .at the J. C. C. will luncheon for 25 guests at the Fonteof lApsky Luncheon be "World Conditions." nelle Monday to announce the engageMrs. Abe" Silver is charman.of a ment of ner sister, Miss Hose Shapi- luncheon to be given at the Paxton ro, to Mr. Abe Cohen of this city. hotel Monday noon in honor of Mr. Miss Shapiro is the. daughter of Mr. Louis Iipsky, president of the ZionAbe Shapiro of Cheyenne, Wyo., and ist Organization of America. has made her home in Omaha for the Temple Israel. last four yeaTS. Mrs. B. Minkin entertained at u. Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen No definite date has been set for luncheon at her home Sunday noon in honor of Mrs. I. Perimeter, a recent "the Two-hundredth Anniversary of the wedding. Moses Mendelsohn" as tiie subject of bride. his sermon to be delivered at Temple 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schimmel The Daughters of Israel Aid Society Israel tonight. entertain at a reception and its next meeting on Tuesday, On Saturday morning" he will dance at the Blackstone hotel Satur- November 19, at 2 o'clock at the Jew speak on "The Highest Aim in the day evening November 30 in honor ish Old Peoples' Home. All members World." of their son and Ws bride, Mr. and are urged to attend. . On Wednesday Dr, Cohn addressed Mrs. * Edward Schimmel,"who were the first meeting of the Bible' club, married in Evenston, HI. October 29. The Jewish Pioneer organization speaking on *'Eve, the Mother of Mrs. Schimmel was formerly Miss will give a concert and. a one-act All Living." The women of the play Sunday, November 17, at he JuHa Kinstler of Glencoe, HI. and is Bible are discussed at these classes, Labor Lyceum at 22 and Clark. Adniece of. Mrs. Dollie Elgutter of which, arc held every first and third mission is twenty-five cents, all proOmaha. week of the month. At the next 1 Invitations have been issued to 300 ceeds going to the Palestine Fund. : meeting Dr. Cohn -will speak on jruests. Among those from out-of"Sarah, the Princess." town will be Mr. and'Mrs. E. Kinstier Surprise Dance Dr. Cohn reviewed "Dodswnrth" of Glencoe, HI., parents of the bride, A surprise dance will be given at the yesterday at the opening lecture of Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobs, brother-in- Jewish" Community Center Saturday the Sisterhood Book Review. Last law and^ sister if the bride, and Mrs. night . The Omaha Ribbon Boys will night he spoke on "World Peace" at Alexander Pollack, grandmother of furnish the music. a meeting of the Parent-Teachers the bride, - who. will come from The hosts and hostesses will be Association meeting at Benson Chicago to attend the affair. Judge and Mrs.. Irvin Stalm&ster and school. . Mr. andJ&tis. Edward Schimmel, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beb'er. who are '} honeymooning on the Conserratbre Synagogue Pacific coastj are expected to return Services of the Conservative Synabout November 26. They will SenioiiClub Council •will begin tonight at the Plans Many Activities J.agogue make their home at the Blackstone C. C auditorium at 8 o'clock. hotel here. The senior Council of Clubs, at a Rabbi Abraham Bengis will deliver Mr; and Mrs. Kirshenbaum an- regular meeting Monday- evening, the first of a series of sermons on nounce the. birth of a son at he Wise planned a number of activities for the the outstanding institutions in Jewish , life, speaking on "The SynaMemorial hospital Sunday, November near future. Each club represented in the Senior gogue." Council will prepare a short stunt Others to be delivered on successMr. and Mrs. "Maurice Civin cel- which will be given on a competitive ive Friday evenings include, "The ebtatedthe Bar Mitzvah of their son bases the later part of December as a Home," "The Hebrew School," and "TheSabath." Harold on Sunday, November 9 at the Chanukah program. A basketball tournament among the Rabbi Bengis and the leaders of 24th and NicholaB synogogue. A reception in his honor was held at their boys' clubs will be-started, with the the synagogue -expressed their first match between the A.Z.A. Chap- satisfaction at the encouraging athome Sunday,; November 10. ter No. 1 and the Psi Mus, November tendance each week. Between 400 Mr. ^fral^RosenWattj: Chicago at- 18, at 7:30 p. in. A trophy -will be and 500 have been-attending, filling tdrneyTvisited here-witH relatives the given at the end of the tournament to the auditorium to capacity. *; the winning team. On Saturday morning services will early part" of the week. Debating will be one of the activi- begin at 8:30. Rabbi Bengis Will While here he was'entertained at give a brief sermon on the portion a dinner for six couples given at the ties among the clubs. of the week. Paxton hotel by Mr. Abe Stein. ANTI-SEMITES ON TRIAL Dinners in hie honor were given by Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Two workers, j Mr." and Mrs. J. Hahn, and Mr. and Butke and Buliansky, in a Vitebsk NAMESTREET FOR ASCH Mrs_.'M. Eosenblatt; He was also factory were- excluded from their ^Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Sholom Asch, entertained by Mr. and Mrs. D. unions and will be brought to trial j noted American-Jewish novelist, has Crounse. for spreading anti-Semitic propogan- j been honored by the city of Siedlce. The Magistrates Commission decided " Miss Irene Bae Hirsch compliment- da. The workers spread rumors in to rename Tylna Strasse for Mr. Asch. the factory and local press posters L ed^ Miss Sylvia Wohlner at a fare- placards. in the city urged that all It will henceforth be known as Sholom well luncheon at the Paxton and a be _ready for an anti-Jewish pogrom. Asch Strasse. theater party. The gueste were Misses Ida Zoe Tennenbaum, Jeanette Levinson and - Sylvia Wohlner. Miss Wohyner will leave for New York Sunday, November 17 to join her brother;"Dave Wohlner;. The new 7 0 Horse-power Hupmobile Six.. .$1060
Player Guild Will P 'Th T h i e f ' j ^ | Present 'The
Religious Services
Omaha's Style Center
Kitchen Chats
Herinan Goldstein Herman Goldstein, 15-year-old son! Mrs. David M. Newman of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goldstein, spoke \ for the sons at the annual brotherhood Flaked Amnrogia father and son banquet held at Temple 1 pkge. rasberry jello, 1 pt. boiling Israel Wednesday. water, 4 tablespoons sugar, % teaSam Leon spoke for the fathers. spoon salt, 2 teaspoon lemon juice, The Sisterhood of Temple Israel was 1 teaspoon orange juice, 2 cups of in charge of the dinner. whipped cream, 1 cup green marschThe committee arranging for the ino cherries. affair consisted of Marvin Treller, Ben Dissolve jello in "boiling water; add Stiefler, and Nathan E. Jacobs. sugar, salt, and fruit juices and cherries. Chfll until firm, then heat Feierman's Orchestra jello into small flakes with egg beatfold in whipped cream. -in; to Play for Thorps er sherbet glasses. Garnish -with The popular Herb Feierman orches- green. cherry. tra has been engaged by the Thor* Paradise Pudding peian Club to play for them at their 1 pkge. Lemon jello,l pint bofliag Gobler dance the evening of Nov. 27 water, % cup almond blanched at the new Paxton ballroom. chopped, 12 marshmallows cut fine, Arrangements have been made for 12 maraschino cherries coarsely cut* an exceptionally lively evening and 6 macaroons crushed, 4 tablespoon* those attending have been promised sugar, H teaspoon salt, Vn pint whipped cream. a good time. A bit of entertainment new to Dissolve jello in 2 cups boiling waOmahans is on the bill and Irwln ter; cool and chill when slightly Levin, in charge of festivities, is thickened beat with rotary beater «nkeeping close watch that this pleas- til of consistency of whipped cream, antry remains a secret until the combine nuts, marshmallows, cherries, macaroons, sugar and salt, add dance.
r:v;m s£,T.
Extraordinary Selling of Purred Winter
COATS J*eaturiag the correct silhoth fetteft, ftie rich furs, the quality fabrics of the winter coat mode*
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Tttephime Adventures vf the Bright Family
To Our line of Radio Receiving Sets
Mrs. L. Podrpfskiand son Chadtlie of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levin, parents of . Mrs. ; Podrof ski, over the week-end. Pi Lamda Phi, national Bocial fraternity at Creighton, will give a Thanksgiving party on Wednesday, November 27, a t heir new home.
The new 1OO Horse-power Hupmobile Eight. ..$1595 HIGHLIGHTS OF TH£U»3» SIX. . . 70 miles Per hour... 70 horse-power. Acceleration from S to 25 miles fer hoar in 7 seconds; 5 to SO m.p. h. in 20 seconds . . . The famous Hupmobile Century Six engine improved miih eounterweigkted crankshaft.. 4-wheel HupmtAile sietliraulic brakes ...A hit tar, SOU ticket across rear seat, 49 inches across front seat... Standard equipped Sedan ( 5 passenger) $1060, f. o. b. factory... Custom equipment available at slight extra cost.
The name of Mrs. Abe Weinstein, corresponding secretary,.was ommited from1 thelist of officers of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary.
no wonder yoiii* Ilnc^ busy «•. t i e Feeeirer's beid T
Mr- Dresmond Barish of Sioux City viaited relatives here over the weekend.
The Brando Selector Tuner assures y*n extremely easy operation. No more kuitinz with dial for yottr favorite ttstivi*. Adjust your Selector Toner once. Tk«e* after, simply press the button mark** for the station you want, turn the aial ttatfl it clicks—and there you are!
Miss Minette Sterling visited friends in Sioux City last week. Mrs.; Clara Tretiak gave a party at her home. Sunday evening, complimenting .Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Ackerman.
This Wonderful Radio Receiving Set with Beautiful Cabinet at only
-Mr. Maurice Alperin had the junior lead in "The Three live Ghosts" presented by the Creighton University Players Wednesday evening.
Mr/, -and Mrs. Max Levin announce the birth of a daughter at the Omaha Maternity hospital on Tuesday, : November 12: ' The Daughters of Zion will hold a regular meeting at he J.C.C. at 2:30 Wednesday^November 20. A prominent speaker will address the group. All members are urged to attend and bring their friends. All women interested are urged to attend the interior decoration classes which arc • being sponsored by the Councile of .Jewish Women. The classes, which meet every Monday ai he J.C.C. at'-liSO, are* under :t.he direction of Miss Harrietts Becker. They will continue for six weeks.
HIGHLIGHTS OF T H £ » 3 » EIGHT . . , SO miles fief hour, 10ft horsepower. The first mvTor car ever designed in which a single modern style motif U used throughout, presenting a unit efharm^tised beauty . . . Dual elimination of vibration by caiiBterweightedcrabishaft in ad&iiit* to vibration damper".. .power end speed that give an unparalleled pttfoimanie . . . Standard equipped Sedan (5 passenger) flS9S,f.o.b. factory . . ^ Custom equipment at slight extra cost.
less 9400 tubes
Pop csine home late and Mom «*kecf hits wfey he let hbt know he wouldn't he home fw tftaner , Pop s4ic£ he tried to call her sev£fal time* . . «• fcut «very time Jae got *'3»u§y" reports . . . AIM! Mom said thafe funny, no one used the t*l«pfeea* since soon and he'd better think of another slibi . . . and Pop said well, m&ybe the other patty on our line was using it or maybe someone called &• same time he did . . . Then Pop spied the telephone . . . MAh-h! Ha-a-af* he &a!4 "no wonder your lia«'t busy when the receiver is held np like thnC . . . So you see, he said, it might have been all those other thinp hut it wasn't, Mom not Wiring afiything, showing Pop mis rifl**
WE. 2042
Stewart Motor Co, 20 and Harney
AT. 5242
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f KmtawetMts Bdl Ttkykwwi Cnaaiw) 538 tuatlK.ia IMMIH ujvphovit awrice of pw» t»hw to afl.
Inspiring Program at Mothers' Luncheon
Council Bluffs News
London Hails Menuhin, GROUP TO ESTABLISH LEGIONNAIRE COLONIES . Jewish Boy Violinist
Over 125 women were in attendance i London.—(J. T. A.)—The acclaim of By F. R. K. at the luncheon given by the Hebrew! New York (J.T.A.) The creation the London musical audience was adMothers Association Tuesday at the of a national organization to carry ded to those of European capitals and Shaare Zion Synagogue. The purpose Agidas Achim Dance To Be Held out the project of establishing legionNew York in praising Yehudi Monuof the organization, to further the inNovember 20 at Eagles Hall. naires' colonies in Palestine was the hin, twelve year old Jewish boy violterest of the Talmud Torah, was well result of a two-day conference here inist of San Francisco. brought out and emphasized by Mrs. Plans are completed for the Council under the auspices of the American :Miss Minnette Sterling visited a' Making1 his London debut last night The Annual Father aijd Son's Ban- the A. B. Friedman home over th A capacity audience was in attend-. R. H. Emlein, who acted as toast- Bluffs Agidas "Achim dance which Palestine Jewish legion. The newas the soloists of the London Symphpuet sponsored- by Sbaare Zion Con- week-end- Miss Sterling was a res ance at the Mass Meeting held in the mistress of the affair. will be held next Wednesday even- organization is to be known as theony Orchestra, Yehudi was greeted gregatioii, proved to be a most sig- ident of this city, prior to moving -t Community Center Auditorium on . Rabbi Rabinowitz brought home the ing, Nov. 20, at the Eagles Hall. Hagdud Ha' Ivri League. with so much applause between the. nificantsriand entertaining event with Omaha. Monday evening. This meeting which fact that the future of Jerusalem was Proceeds from this affair will go to , movements of the concerto he played The group formulated a request j over 2^5 Fathers, Sons, "arid Grandwas held under the auspices of the dependent on the young generation <the Talmud Torah. Tickets are nowto the Jewish Agency that it included ; that the intervals had to be prolonged, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Friedman were Hadassah and Zionist organizations and whether or not they were versed I ^fathers:5h attendance. / on sale' for one dollar per couple, in .its.budget a provision for the es- j At the end he was cheered by the pleasantly surprised a t ahousewarm- was in commemoration of Armistice i, in Hebrew learning and culture was \ TheJ^anquet which was held in the and everyone is urged to make their tablishnient of one Legionnaire an- jaudience. the factor determining this future, j Social yEfalls of the Synagogue last ing on Sunday evening, at their new Day. ' dates now to attend this dance which nually.. Mr. Wise and Mr. Aizenberg both j night, was under the general* chair- home on Ross Street. Friends, inMr. Abe Stillman, President of the promises to be one of the outstandThe first colony of Legionnaires, HOSPITAL FELLOWSHIPS manship of Morey Idpshutz. Will Bar- cluding many from Omaha, presented Zionists presided. Rabbi - Rabinowitz members of the Hebrew School Facing affairs of the season. Charles composed of one hundred men, will New York, (J.T.A.) Fredereck ulty spoke, urging the mothers of the on, was toastmasteh Sovel Krueger, them with a Silver Dinner Service. spoke on "What the Jew lost in the pupils, to send their children to the Saltzman is general chairman for this be established by the American Brown, New York philanthropist, A. Stillman, N. Sadoff, Henry Ginsdeath of Louis Marshall." Mr. J. Max Rosenthal spent the week-end dance and is being assisted by M. L, Palestine Jewish Legion in 1930. has established two fellowships in lierg, and Edwin Baron spoke in beAizenberg spoke in-Yiddish, on "Our School regularly and on time. in Omaha, visiting with friends. Marks and Sam Rosenthal. The The new organization also demandorthopedic research at the Hospital Mr. Max Brodkey, also spoke, half of the fathers and spns. Mr. H. Present Duties in regard to Pales-: Miss Esther Wutkin entertained for tine," and Rabbi Lewis, spoke on the pledging the continued co-operation Ladies Auxiliary of Talmud Torah, ed that immediate action be taken for Joint Diseases, Dr. J. J. Golub, Levin spoke in behalf of the grandfathers. / - --- ••• r Miss Rebecca Feinberg, at her home Present conditions in Palestine," bas- of the Federation to the Talmud headed by Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, Mrs. to the end that Jewish veterans of director, announced. M. Grossman, and Mrs. H.\Maduff Palestine service, who were demobolNovelties of interest were the seat- on Myrtle Street, Saturday evening. ing his talk on his stay in Palestine Torah. Several vocal solos by Mrs. J. Ai- are 'also on the committee, and ad- ized, be declared reserve members of ing arrangement of the "Three Gen- Miss Feinberg, whose marraige will this summer." • eration Table" at which'grandfathers, be an event of next month, was also An explanation of the Roll Call, zenberg, and a sketch by pupils of the vance sale of tickets indicate a large the British army, whose services fathers and sons were seated; and elect- complimented at a Buffet supper which will be inaugurated: this month school and assisted by Mr. Aizenberg, attendance.. Art Marr's orchestra will should be utilized by the Palestine ric running signs; placed around the given by her mother on Sunday even- and which is a national appeal for Mr. Wise and Tillie Shindler, complet- furnish the music for the dancing. administration in case of trouble. Hall, with sentiments appropriate to ing. Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents. Jews • to pledge their goodwill to ed the program. The Ladies Aid Society will hold a Father and SonsBanquets. Camp Supplies Al! Kinds Zionism was explained by the, chairmeeting next Tuesday, Nov. 19. The marraige of Miss Sarah Bass 15 and Howard Mr. John Lansberg, President of the AT. 1102 man. The meeting was concluded with Congregation, welcomed the guests. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baas the community singing of Hatfkvoh. •-Mr. and". Mrs. Abe Bear and son, The program also included two dances and Mr. Jack Knox, son of Mrs. Z Aaron David, spent the week-end Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The plan of ! by- Rose ShilofE; numbers on the mus- Norvicb, was solemnized by Rabbi H Cairo.—(J. T. A.)—Great excite- here, visiting at the home of Mrs. the Comzet, government department! ical saw by Dr. Kenderdine; .Chalk R. Rabinowitz, on Sunday evening, at TEMPLE SISTERHOOD ment in • the Jewish community here Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius for settling Jews on the land and pro-1 talk by the Avery Twins; A-skit, the home of the bridegroom. A dinner CARNIVAL DATE SET • • ' was evinced upon the revelation that Katelman. for the immediate members of the moting trades, for training 10,000 j 4420 Florence Blvd. "The Arkansas Traveler" by HermanFOR DECEMBER 4th Jewish children attending the missionson and Lewis, and community sing- families followed the ceremony. Out KE. 1500 Mrs. Charles. Saltzman entertained Jewish workers for-the building trade | ary schools are being converted to ing, arranged by Mrs. Sam Shulkin. of town guests included Abe Bass of The House With A Reputation Members of Mount Sinai: Temple twenty children at her home Sunday was approved at a plenary session of - Music throughout the evening was Cedar Rapids, Miss Minnie Finger Sisterhood have been chosen Decem- Christianity. afternoon in honor of the tenth birth- the Comzet here today. It was brought out that six Jewish and Mr. J. N. Baker of Omaha. After According to the plan prepared by furnished by the Five Aces. ber 4th as the date for their carnival, day of.her daughter Dorothy. children at the schools were converted a honeymoon in "Chicago, Mr. and the Comzet in conjunction with the .The 'committees in charge included which will be held "in the Annex of the Morey Lipshutz, Chairman; Lester Mrs. Knox will make their home in Temple. Plans for the Carnival, during the past year without the Mrs. W. Seigal returned home last Ort, the project will be carried out in Heegery Max Friedman, Eli Robinow, Sioux City. week following a three months visit cooperation with the government tech- JA. 0538 which promises to be one of the most knowledge of their parents. H. BERGEE nical schools where the Jewish youth Ike JLevin, John Levin, Robert Sacks in Winnipeg, Canada. interesting and entertaining affairs rot'it ; Miss Mary Lass and Miss Sara will be accepted for training. and WU1, Baron. Mrs. M. Beechen had of the mid-winter season are in the TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY The Talmud" Torah of Council charge of the Dining room, and Mrs. Saitlin of Chicago visited in Sioux hands of the following committees: Since 187G B. B. G. club at her home WednesCity over the week-end. Bluffs held a meeting Nov. 5. An J. N. Krueger and Mrs. J. Kutcher Mrs. T. N. Lewis and Mrs. A. M. day evening. election of officers took place and ths in charge of the f o o d . . . . . Miss Sally Ginsberg and Miss Mar- Davis, General Chairmen; Mrs.- HerWarsaw, (J.T.A.) The extension of cella Koolish will spend the week-end man Miller and Mrs. E. J. Fribourg, agricultural activities among the same officers were re-elected. Ask Your Dealer For A MACCABBEE CLUB TO in Minneapolis, where they will wit- Entertainment; Mrs." M. "N. London, Jewish population of Poland through Mrs. Henry Maduff entertained nine SPONSOR A COUNCIL Donations; Mrs. E. E. Baron, Food; the efforts of the Ort, society for the children at her home Satruaday afness the Minnesota Game. DANCE SUNDAY NIGHT Mrs. J. Kalin and Mrs. Harry Wigods- promotion of trades and agriculture, ternoon- in honor of her son Irvvin, ftlUNROE FURNACE Mr. and Mrs. T. Epstein visited ky, Tickets; Mrs. Herbert Marx, Dewho celebrated his ninth birthday. was praised during the ceremonies at SUPPLY CO. with their son, Frank, who is a student The first House Council Dance of corations; and Mrs." Sam G. Pickus, ATlsntic 6291 the agricultural exhibition being held A pink and white color scheme was 1718 Cass JA. 4065-6 the Season will be held at the Com- at Creighton University in Omaha. Raffle. • carried out. • at Baranowicze. J. Si. JENSEN munity Center on Sunday,' November JACOB J. FRIEDMAN The Ort cooperative at Stolowicze 17, under the auspices of the Mac- An Act, "Night life in a Caberet" Mrs. Charles Saltzman had as hsr 534 Peters Trust Bid*., Omaha was awarded a diploma of honor for cabbees Club. Mr. Edwin. W. Baron which will be part of the Shrine Jolhouse guests during the past week 3TOTICE BT PUBLICATION ON PETIlies, has been arranged by Mr. Her- TION FOB SETTUBMENT OF FINAI. the agricultural work done there. is the advisor of this group. her nieces, Mrs. William Maizie of Certified! Public Accountants ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT The fruit cultivated by the Jewish Music for the Dance, which will be- man Slotsky, who- is chairman of the Sioux City, Iowa, and Miss Florence In the County Court of Douglas County, Chanter's Show Committee. Mr. 638 Securities Bid;, farmers at Stolowicze excelled that of gin at 8:30, will be furnished by Vic ACCOUNTANT Nebraska. Gilinsky of Woodbine, Iowa. Fribourgh's Dansonians. Provisions Slotsky is well known in Sioux City's In the matter of the estate of TIMOTHY. others on exhibition. AT. 4451 V. JONES, deceased. AUDITS — — SYSTEMS are bsing made to accomodate 150 music circles, having frequently apPersons interested in said matter are Mrs. Abe Marcus entertained the hereby notified that on the 31st day of 534 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 peared on programs of merit. couples. October, 1929, Godfrey A. Jones filed a JEWISH CORPSES WILL BE
Society News
Plan to Train Jewish j Youths in Building j
Missionaries Converting Jewish Children in Cairo
Peerless Cleaiers
Art Work Is Shown At Polish Exhibition
Jr. Hadassah Hostess at a Membership Tea
petition in said County Court, praying that lis final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be! „ „ from „.„ „„„,. uas .u^^u.^, j discharged his trust o . administrator
Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Following the and that a hearing will on be had on said wtiirh nas hn<*gone trnncOn on thf» on tition before said Court the 29th daypeof llone & nfitrhr S n t wmcn Olintne
National Accessories, Inc.
Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak on "Moses Mendelsohn, a Tragic Suc?_0J.?.m.b.er5,-?92?>_,?n5 t o a t Anatomical Institute of the Warsaw "Everything for the Auto" appear before said Court on the said 29th cess" at Services at Shaare Zion Synday of November, 1929, at 9 o'clock A. M., University over the question of the Members of the Junior Hadassah agouge this evening at 8 o'clock. This and contest said petition, the Court may 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 the prayer of said petition, enter a supply of corpses for the Jewish stuyear, commemorates the Two Hund- chapter were hostesses to approxi- grant decree of heirship, and make such other dents, a decision has been reached by further orders, allowances and decrees, reth anniversary of the death of this mately 75 girls, at a membership Tea and to this Court may seepi-proper, to the the Chesed Shel Emes, Jewish burial last Sunday afternoon, at the Jewish as great scholar and philosopher. : end that all matters pertaining to. said society, to supply two Jewish corpses Community Center. Miss Grace Ro- estate may be finally settled and determto the Institute. senstein, President of the Omaha ined. BKYCE CRAWFORD. The promise of the burial society to County Judge. Chapter of Junior Hadassah was theNov. 8, 1929—3T Our specialty is the Jewish medical students that it princiapl speaker, explaining to the MONSKY, KATtEHAN '& GRODINSKY SERVING GOOD FOOD would supply the corpses was made PRIVATE EOOM FOE 787 Omaha National Bank Bids. girls that the purpose of Hadassah BRIDGE PARTIES Omaha when Professor Loth of the Institute, was two-fold, encouraging the work The NEW 2920 Farnam JA. 9728 NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORA- announced he would not admit Jewish in Palestine 'toward its upbuliding, TION OF SOUND SERVICE Balanced-Unit Radio and to develop a Jewish consciousness SYSTEM, INC. students to the anatomical research Notice is hereby given that the under- laboratory unless Jewish corpses were This superb SCREEN GRID in its members • signed, pursuant to the laws of Nebraska, The Program also included a word have formed a corporation, the name of supplied. LOWBOY' onlr which is Sound Service System, Inc., and of welcome by the president Miss Sa- its principal place of business in the City After Theatre Omaha. The purposes for which this ANTI-SEMITES SENTENCED die Shulkin; a skit "Tea and Toast" by of corporation is formed are to maintain and FOR LIBELLING OF JEWS Dancing the Intermediate Dramatic Club; Vo- operate a Sound Service-System for all forms of sound machines, apparatuses, apNeutrodyne-Plus cal solos by Ruth Wigodsky; piano pliances and machines of all sorts, types 24th and Farnam Berlin, (J.T.A.) Prison sentences kinds, Including radios; to install, were imposed by the Nuernberg court, solos by Eva Gordon, and a message and $129.5© erect, maintain, and service all types of from the Sr. Hadassah Chapter by disc and sound-on-film machines, appli- on two anti-Semites, found guilty of Tuba Extra ances, and apparatuses," including radios; to manufacture and sell all types and kinds having libelled the Jewish religion. Revolutionary Mrs. Agranoff. parts, appliances, apparatuses, accesMiss Freda Albert was chairman of tone, distance, sesories and machines for all types and Town Councillor Holz was sentenced ;inds of disc and sound-on-film machines, to three and a half months in prison lectivity, the re- of the program committee. Refresh- including radios; to purchase, lease, hire ments concluded the afternoon. and otherwise acquire real and personal and Deputy Streicher to two months sult of Balanced; Units. Very . 1724 Dodge St. property of every kind and description and having published anti-Jewish to sell; dispose of, lease, convey and mort- for handsome. Call or phone us and AT 112fi *""* Delivery gage any and all of the said property; to MOUNT SINAI a r r a n g e for FBEEDEMONSTRA-non i n borrow money, and to do all other things libels, based on misquotations from *»*••* *faW Service necessary or incident to the operations of the Talmud, in the anti- Semitic This evening, at Mount Sinai Tem- its your home. Be sure to hear the business. The authorized capital stock LARGEST STOCK divided Into 100 shares of the weekly "Stuermer" of Nuernberg. new Philco before -buying any'. ple, Rabbi Lewis will speak on "Jew- smr$10,000.00 value of $100.00 each, all of which shall IN WEST ish Achievements in Palestine." His The suit was brought against the two. e common and when Issued shall be fully radio. Othermodels,*67 to *205, Quick Shipments sermon will be based on his recent iaid and non-assessable and such stock members of the Hitler party, by the Our Hobby for shall be issued for either goods, wares and trip to the Holy Land. merchandise, or cash or both. The corpor- Central Union of German Citizens of 45 Years ation shall commence business upon the OMAHA STOVE filing of the Articles of Incorporation in the Jewish Faith. the office of the County Clerk of Douglas REPAIR WORKS PROF. WARBURG DIES The case grew out of two cases County, Nebraska,'and Bhall continue until 1206-8 Douglas Street " January 1st, 1979. The highest amount of Hamburg.—(J. T. A.) — Professor :s indebtedness shall not exceedftwo-thirds of anti-Semites employing the longAby Warburg, eldest brother of Felix if its capital stock. The affairs . of the exploded ritual murder libel. shall' be administered by a M. Warburg and Paul Warburg of lorporation Soard of Directors which shall consist of not less than three nor more than five New York and Max Warburg of Ham- members and who shall be elected at the burg, died here. Death was caused annual meeting to be held on the second 1516 Dodge Street H. MOSKOVITZ Tuesday in January of each year. The by a heart attack. The late Prof. •"loard shall elect from their number a "Manufactured in Omaha" OMAHA, NEBR. and ' 'resident, Vice-President, Secretary and Warburg was 63 years old. Treasurer, any two or when offices, except-
24th and Eamey
16th and Farnnm
49th end Dodpe
CRYSTAL CANDY 16th and Capito! Ave.
J. L. KKAGE, Proprietor
"NEW FOK OLD" 1722 No. 24 St., W E . 0289 TASTY, FRESH C A K E S A N D
Visit the New Paxton-Mitchell Co. i?tb and Martha Sts. HArnej- lG6i OMAHA, NEBRASKA Soft gray, iron, orass, oronze nna aluminum castings. Stnndard sizes oronze and iron bushlnss, sewer manboles, cistern rings and covers anil :lean-ont doors ID stock. All binds of wood and metal patterns.
fiftNo eov
Baker Ice Machines
ing : that of President and Vlee-President may be held by the same person. The Articles may be amended at any regular meeting of the stockholders-or at any special meeting called for that purpose after 10 days notice of special proposed amendment in writing has been mailed to all stockholders and upon the affirmative ote of two-thirds of the capital stock. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, August 1st, Witness: B. COHN Nov 15.
wonder EOKYOU
A set of Omar recipe cards is ready for you. Just send a dime for mailing to Omaha Flour Mills - Co., <• Omaha, Nebr." Then you'll be sent' more recipes later without cost
8A3I E. KXAVER, Attorney 013 Omaha Nat! Bank Bids. Omaha NOTICE OF ADM1SISTBATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. • •....-.•. In the matter «f the estate of MOBKIS BBLZKH, deceased. i All persons interested in said estate are i hereby notified that a petition has been j filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition said Court on the said 7th day of Dec, 1929, nnd that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 7th day of Dec, 1929, ; at 0 o'clock A. 11. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same nnd grant administration of said estate to Nathan Belzer or some other suitable person and proceed to n settlement thereof. BBXCB CKAWFOBD, Nov. IS—3T . Conttf.v J
Announce the opening of a
and Delicatessen at
ABE GREENSPAN 203 So. 19—JA. 1209 JA. 5676 — Evenings WA. 5077
"The Best of AU Lnnndry
The Omaha Jobbing Co*
MALASHGCICS Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Kill Hote! Building
Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices
Cleaners and Dyers
1619 Fsraam St.—Phone AT. 8481
It Will Pay You to Inquire. times a day we are in your neighborhood Harry H. Lnpidus,
Fixture aid
City Wide DeSivery
AT. 4750
MA. 4750
Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program
Case I IJlK A I 1Flavors Soda Water Gingerale and Near Beer
Bottling Co.' i p l WE. 3043
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha
JOSEPH TRETIAK, Propr. Just bought a carload of Kraft Paper Bags. To sell 25% below the wholesale price. Here is a real chance to reduce your cost of operation by stocking up on these bags.
317 No. 15th St., JA. 5604
.313 S0.l4*ri,St. OMAHA.