November 22, 1929

Page 1

Scanning the Jewish Horizon



interesting •;• V and



By David Schwartz

FANNIE HURST LEADS STRIKE Jews have always had a weakness Entered as secontl-cluss mail tnntter on J .in nary 27, 11KM. nt VOI* TIL—No. 45 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 postofflceni Omnhn, Nchraskn. under tHe Act of Mnrch 3. "1STU. for movements. Scratch any ment deep enough and you Mrs. Mayer to Speak •a"Jew concealed. And Professor Kuntz to " : f movement is on the wing—; Before Council Monday Speak Here on Dec.1 i ess seems to be its prophetess. - T h e modern Deborah is FannI" The Board of the Omaha Council Professor C. H. Kuntz, .a-.niember of Jewish Women and the Presidents : Hurst, famous authoress, depicter of of. the Icor Commission which has ••-the lowly but colorful life of the poor. just arrived from a tour of, in- The local campaign of the Zionist. the present Grand Mufti and the gov- of the cooperative Jewish Womens' Miss Hurst is out with an appeal to vestigation in Bira-Bidjan, wjll. speakv officially launched at a ernor of Hebron were fugitives from organizations will meet with Mrs. at the J. C: C. Sunday evening,, j ^ g me eting of over 400 persons at justice for instigating the riots of '21, Julia B. Mayer at luncheon Monday, Famed Author of "Unknown the; -women to' strike. v; ' r xris That Jews' Will Act ' - In a recent newspaper appeal Miss - f t n e Jewish Community Center Mon- yet had been granted amnesty and Nov. 25 at the Blackstone Hotel. Dec. 1. Sanctuary Brought Here Unless'Gov't Suppresses Mrs. Mayer, whose home is in Des P°s-:^ Hurst contends that the modern conThis commission studied the P ° s : ^ aay evening, evening. replaced in office. by Brotherhood Attacks ili ffor mass JJewish i h coloniza-J l i J Louis Iipsky, president of the Zionsibilities • densed so very comfortable, Norman M. Fisher, executive direc- Moines, comes to Omaha on this tion" in this region which : Soviet j ^ Organization of America, won the tor of the southwest region, traced date to speak at the Peace meeting j ' and BO adapted to modern life with JACOBS CHAIRMAN ATTACKS CONTINUE Russia wishes to set aside; for an i n e a r t s of the audfence with a stirring the development of Zionism in his ad- of the Omaha Council of Jewish j . its automobiles,'" etc., etc., etc, thatj Women. The meeting will be held j Aime Palliere, who vas prepare* the long skirt is as incongruous with Jerusalem—(J. T. A.)—As a result a u t t > ° o m o ^ ; /f.ewish s t a t e : " u n d e r address in whicfc M went into" every dress. He stressed the beauty of its Monday evening at the Community Russian jurisdiction. ideal and its spirit. phase of the Palestinian question. during his boyhood life for the these times as is the tallow' candle. of continued attacks and affronts, all Center. Mrs. Mayer's subject will be Catholic priesthood but who became In his address, Professor-' Kuntz, "The first and .foremost thing the Philip lUutznick, only local speakWe are glad to note that many of the Jewish papers in Palestine are "Widening the World." a Jewish rabbi, will speak at Temple dauntless males also are rallying severely criticizing •• -the government who" is an expert in agricultural British government can do to help the er, expressed the view of the youth of colonization, will report on hlS' con^ situation," the world-famed leader de- America toward Zionism. Mrs. Mar- This meeting, -which is open to Israel Sunday evening, Dec. 1, at around the banner of Fannie. Among for its failure to protect the Jews. the public, will be sponsored by the eight o'clock. .„ ; these leaders is none other than Gil- Demanding that adequate measures elusions and as to the economic clared, "is to remove from the ad- garet Bellman entertained with sevpossibilities regarding, the project. ministration in Palestine the men who eral vocal solos. M. F. Levenson, Peace Committee of the Omaha The Brotherhood of Temple Israel, bert Seldes, another brilliant Jewish be taken to suppress the Arab attacks, Council of "which Mrs. Samuel Ger- •which is sponsoring the lecture of The local Icoris sponsoring., the ; are opposed, to. the Balfour Declara- local Zionist head, presided. author. " the papers, declared7that in the face appearance of Professor Kuntz. tion and the establishment of the Jew- Previous to Monday' mass meeting, son is chairman. I this noted French convert, has apof repeated attacksLand provocations ish National Homeland. RESULTS OF A an Extraordinary Conference for the j pointed Nathan E. Jacobs as chairthe Jews have ..behaved peacefully, "The Zionist policy," he continued, region was held in Kansas City over | man of the lecture committee, GAME OF CHESS. but they must warn the •government "is a policy of endurance. We will the week-end. At the conference; the j Tickets may be secured at the Jew: The recent death of Mrs. Isaac L. that if the attacks; are \ continued, the obtain our end, not by war against regional organization was perfected. j ish Community Center, or bj' Eice served largely to call attention Jews will have ,to \ take' measures to England or the Arabs but by resist- Plans were also formulated to further j 'phoning Mr. Jacobs at JAckson to the fight she had led on noise in protect themselves.. •-•' '•. ance and endurance. the Zionism cause by stimulating ac! 2261 before 5 p. m. . New York City.; But interesting a The criticism had weight added to "Our answer to Moslem attacks tivity among the Zionist organizaJ Palliere is the author of "The Un: figure as was Mrs. Eice, her husband, it by several new'attacks. A band tions. must be the sending of more immigAffair to Be Given Sunday. De« j known Sanctuary", which is his life ""-: after whom the largely, patronized of armed Arabs.attacked Jewish passtory. This book created e. profound centber 1, at Municipal . . Jewish 'chess club is named, was no sengers in an automobileVon the road Disturbances Mark Inauguration rants to Palestine: If we have 100,- The Omaha delegates to the con000 more Jews settled in the Holy ference were: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. of New School ' Auditorium impression when published recently. less interesting. He was successful between Bar. * Jacob'arid .Tel Aviv. Land, there will be no more attacks Levenson, Mr. Philip Klutznick, MesHead It "was translated into English by in several fields—as a lawyer, an in- Policemen near Mptza .were wounded by Arabs. They,will be opposed fc»ydames J. Lintzmari and J. B. EobinThe Omaha Chapter of Hadassali | Mrs. Stephen S. Wise, and it has ventor and a chess player. Indeed, by armed Arabs, the latter Escaping. of Jewish .strength,, a wall son, and the Misses Grace Eosenstein announces that the entire board will j also been . translated into the according to one story, it was his -A Jewish chauffeur' was attacked Berlin. (J.T.A.) The newspapers aof phalanx defense, a wall of peace and under- and Eose Fine. comment extensively upon the antibe in charge of booths at the Carnival i German language. prowess as a chess player which gave by his two .Arab aides while all three standing.'* In the near future an Omahan will and Dance which the chapter is spon- j The noted Frenchman was born his opportunity in the law. were travelling in a car belonging to Semitic excesses in the Berlin uniIn his speech Mr. Lipsky pointed be appointed to the Board of Govern- soring December 1 at the Municipal!in Lyons, France, in 1875, the scion • On one occasion, it is said, a great the English firm of"Spinney, Ltd. by versity, committed by the Voelkische out that though England has carried ors of the region. students who thus give expression to auditorium. The affair will begin j of a devout Catholic family. He was • captain of industry watched Rice play- whom all three were employed. out the letter of the Balfour DeclaraOver 200 have already been obtain- at four o^clock Sunday afternoon, and . destined by his mother for the priesttheir solidarity with the Viennese Further excitement among the Jewing a /game of- chess. He saw Eice hood and his tion, she has not followed the spirit ed in Omaha for the Zionist Eoll Call, anti-Semitics. childhood . and youth ; take hold of a game which seemed ish population "was' created by the The students expressed their sym- of that promise. Although that docu- according to M. F. Levenson, local a feature of the day -will be the cafe- | w e r e teria supper in charge of Mrs. B. A. j devoted to the preparation for ; •••.'•• lost, from .every angle,-and so ma- news that two Jewistphysicians, Drs. pathy with the former Rector of the ment was intended to facilitate the president. J. Lintzman leads the list that career Simon and Mrs. J. H. Kulakof sky I neuver his few remaining pieces as Kagen and Salzberger had received university, while they greeted the new getting of kind, the taxes are so high with 25 already turned in. he became a convert when traditional Jewish cookery will] L a t e r i n to checkmate MB opponent. The cap- letters threatening them with attacks president with "Nieder!" (down). The and the system so complicated that The Omaha goal is 500 Jews who be served. tc Judaism by conviction and a> distain of .industry, the story goes, was similar to thejmejmJ3r. Tich'o. an opposite effect has been accom- are not at present affiliated with any ciple of Rabbi Elijah BenmoKegh, new president of the university, the There will also be a booth where • : so struck by this playing that he de- Meanwhile"' resolutions urging .the world-famous mathematician, Dr. Err plished. Zionist organization. whose work, "Israel and / cided that anybody as good as that continuation of the- Arab boycott hart Schmidt, in his inaugural ad- He also stated that the .government The new administration plans to cooked foods may be purchased for he edited and published in 1914. 1^ ought to make a very good lawyer. against Jewish products were adopted dress declared that he will do every- has always found reasons for exclud- strengthen Zionism here by giving its home consumption, under the direcPslliere speaks Hebrew fluently v_ And so Eice was hired as the attor- at an all-Palestine conference of Arab thing in his power to guard the uni- ing the immigration of Jews to Pales- -developments and the reasons for this tion of Mrs. Abraham Eomm and Mrs. and knows both modern and ancient ney of the /"great financial magnate, traders. The resolutions: urged the versity from racial incitement. tine. development by a series of speakers. A. S. Eubnitz. Jewish literature. He is now a rabbi Mrs. M. F. Levenson will have of the Rue Copernic synagogue in boycott of the _Rutenberg Electric and success in the legal profession Mr. Lipsky also said that for the Mr. Levenson invites all, members For hours the anti-Semitic students Corporation, the Athlit Salt Works, sake of quiet and peace the adminis- and non-members to attend the Zion- charge of Palestinian art objects soon was his. : stormed through the corridors, shout- tration was contmually._giving in to ist meetings, promising something •which include tapestries, carvings of Paris, president of the Univewgl the NUT Matches factories. \ i Union of Jewish YouthP vice presiing "Out with the Jews r , , "Germany, Arab demands. pm p ^ olive wood, hand blocked linen and \j-dent ef the Keren Kayemet l'Isr»«l worth-while at each Trw^ftiTig. awaken 1-,'Terish JudasiV "live. That* -Telix -Warbtirg -plays a good and a member of the directing1 coan-' Hitler!", r game of chess ?^ The Omsha Chapter of Ha- \ cil of the Federation Israelite. He The doors of all classrooms were Conventibn'fNotto That August Heckscher, multi-mildassah will hold its regular ' is working tirelessly for a renaistorn open, the lectures disturbed. lionaire philanthropist, always wears sance of Judaism in France by edumonthly meeting Wednesday CorifUctWtih J Some of the Jewish students* had-to button shoes? cating the youth. J afternoon, NOT. 27, at 2:30 Because Thanksgiving falls jump through the windows to save That more than fifty per cent". of Holidays Rabbi Frederick Colin delivered a P. M. at the Jewish Community on next Thursday, Nov. 28, the themselves. the research workers at the Rockesermon on Palliere and "The UnCenter when the features of Jewish Press will go to press, The Chief of Police Zoorgiebel apBoston. (JjTA.) Because Bosh feller Institute are of the Jewish ra'ce, known Sanctuary" at Temple Israel "Sesame and Lflies", a charming the meeting will be an address one day earlier, -on Wednesday. peared personally and tried to reHashanah. ialls on September last April. persuasion, nationality or tradition little book by John Raskin, will be by Mr. Phillip Klutznick on the All Bociety items and local ar22 and 28*^1-1930,-1316 dates oriestablish order but when a number of (take your" choice) ? the basis of a combination reading j Palliere's lecture in Omaha will Zionist Roll Call. ticles must be in by 5 o'clock ginally selected as the time of Jewish students were thrown upon That more Grade A milk is used book review and sermon, to be given probably be on his pilgrimage which Mrs. C H. Sumney will also Tuesday, Nov. 26. the national convention of the the floor, trod upon and thrown out by Dr. Cohn tonight at the regular came to an end in the pulpit of a by. the mothers on New York's East* address the meeting in the inAmerican Legion in 1930,.will of windows, the police entered the Friday evening service at Temple synagogue instead of the altar of Side than anywhere else ? terests ©J the Nebraska Tuberhave to be changed, National university and ejected the rioting stuIsrael, which begins at eight o'clock,! culosis Association. a Catholic church. That the story goes that when the Commander O. L. Bodenhamer dents. . and will be unique to the extent1 He will come to Omaha from widow of Lenin protested to Stalin was informed by John W. Reth, that he has never before handled a The Right "press encaurages the Chicago where he is to lecture ht against the exile of Trotzky, ^Stalin chairman of the . convention subject in this fashion. He will read filigree jewelry. She will b= assisted Rabbi Kopald's temple. From here he students while the Democratic press Eaid: "If you don't keep still 111 apcommittee. • 1 from the book, he will comment en by Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. Max will go to Denver where he i» to warns the students against following point another widow to Lenin?" what he reads, and from this will Goldberg. speak at a dinner to b« given by the Viennese example and demands That a brother of Trotzky, who Paris. (J.T.A.) Albert Einstein in develop his sermon. that the government take energetic lived in Hartford, Conn., was virtuAn apron booth will be in charge the Brotherhood of Temple Ematmel, an interview with the Parisian Jew- The book is divided into three of Mrs. Max Lerner and Mrs. A. Theoally forced to; move, as • a • result ofsteps. ish paper "Haint" said that the "most parts—-"King's Treasures," "Queen's dore while home made cakes will be the irritation he was subjected to, and important problem facing us (the Gardens" and "The Mystery of life! offered by Mrs. J. B. Robinson and is now living in New York City? Large Ticket Sale Jews) is the Arab question. and its Arts," and these three divi- Mrs. Sam Robinson. That "Wall Street is now being com"Until now we acted as if -we lived sions of the book will be treated as A toy booth will be in charge of monly dubbed "Wailing Wall Street"? i About 350 fathers-and sons attendfor Thorpeian Dance in a vacum "without paying any earn- a unit. . That the Grand Duchess Marie of ed the eighth annual-father and son A large crowd will attend the est attention to what was Koing on John EusMn, who was born in Mrs. O. C. Goldner, Mrs. R. A. Bleich- The Omaha Hebrew club has invited the Jewish public to an Open Russia, cousin of the'late Czar Nich- banquet at the J. C. C. Sunday ev- j Thorpeian Athletic club's /Thanks- among the Arabs. Our present duty 1819 and died in 1900, was one of er and Mrs. Abraham Greenspan. Mrs. J. J. Friedman is general House affair to be held at their olas Nicholaievitch,' who will' be re- e n i n g . • • :< ; • ' j • . .• . giving Gobler dance, according to the is to find ways of co-existence with England's great men, being an artist chairman of the carnival and Mrs. lodge rooms in the Jewish Communmembered as once a very well-known "Dr. Meyer Beber spoke for the fath- advance ticket sale report. The the Palestine Arabs. and craftsman, lecturer and writer. figure in St. Petersburg, is now.em- ers, and J. i . Jtosenthal, son of Mr. dance will be given at the > Paxton "We most regard the occurences in He was known, among other things, A. S. Rnbnitz is treasurer while Mrs. ity Center Sunday afternoon, Nov. ployed in a Jewish department store? and-Mrs. Leo Eosenthal, answered -for Hotel ballroom "Wednesday evening, Palestine as symptoms requiring seri- for the purity of his English and Harry Trustin is in charge of the 24. A musical program will start the affair at S:30. ous treatment. In this respect we Ms plain common sense way of treat- ticket sale. That George Arliss, star of the the sons. Nov. 27. Dancing will be the main feature Sam Klaver, vice-president of the Warner "talkie", "Disraeli", contends .:. Seven-year t old JEpltrarm Gershater Herb Peierman's orchestra- will should not rely upon England's .pro- ing things. of the evening entertainment. The club, who will preside, has obtained made a hit with his cheerleading. An- play. Irvin Levine, in charge* of fest- tection but we must demand that Dr. Cohn is sure to have a large proceeds will be used for the Palesthat Disraeli, was the first Zionist? excellent performers and assures all England do nothing to sharpen the That one. of those youthful Jewish other youth, Joe Harris, sang a few ivities," has arranged for. an. excongregation that evening, to which tinian emergency fund for the relief who attend an enjoyable afternoon. animosity between Jew and Arab but solos" and led some songs. ceptionally lively time and promises -prodigies of Harvard of a decade ago, the general public in invited. of the sufferers in the recent riots. Fred White, attorney, will deliver who lectured "before professors on the Another feature.was the informal a good time to all those who attend. as for. friendship, that remains our a discussion on "The American duty." fourth dimension, has what amounts community singing," This was led by Plans are being made to' 'obtain Form of Government." The talent Samuel Gerson, accompanied by* Miss" the services of some of the perto a complex against his father, who procured thus far for the entermade him into the prodigy he was? Anne Euback. * TheT.Omaha .Rhythm formers at the Paramount Theatre Yaffe M a d e H e a d tainment includes Gertrude Orach, He father, he declares, used him ruth- Boys furnished orchestra selections. that week. the Bishoff sisters, Nate Sukeman, of Talmud Torah lessly for psychological experimenta- Harry A. Wolf' was toastmaster. the Dolgof? sisters, and Annette William Holzman sp'oke on the father tion. Representatives of various Jewish Word has been received here of a tions in their economic and social Riklin's School of Dancing tepand son spirit. Rabbi Abraham Benorganizations together with the seven contribution of five thousand dollars concerns. An organization such as resented by Halley Jean Bialac and WAR-LIKE AFGHANS gis gave the invocation, and Eabbi commissioners of the City Talmud to the National Council of Jewish the National Council of Jewish Mae Graetz. ARE JEWS? Frederick Cohn the benediction. Torah met Wednesday night at the Women by Mrs. Felix * Fuld of South Women, with its thirty-six years of A special feature, obtained through Lowell Thomas, well-known writer A committee from the Jewish WoOrange, N. J. substantial achievement, has at its the courtesy of Chief of Police J. Jewish Comtiiunity Center for the who led a party representing a great men's Welfare Organization, with Kovno. Ninety-five per Fuld in making this gift, command an accumulated experience Psanowski, will be the Omahft officers for the Mrs. talking newsreel concern in the out- Mesdames F. J. Alberts and J. M.' cent less Jews than in previous yearsJ voiced her deep interest in the pro- that qualifies it to render singularly Police Department's quartet, (conof-the-way places of the earth, is back Malashock as chairmen, had charge were elected to "office during the pre- City Talmud Torah for the ensuing gram of the Council of effective and successful service in sisting of Sergeant Haley, John sent .municipal elections in Lithuania. .term. The following were elected: Jewish Women National in New York, particularly impressed of the dinner. . ' : for Jewish women meeting the problems and in satis- Hagen, Leroy Bessler, and J. M, Nathan & Yaffe, President; M. This is due chefly to Premier Walwith "Af gnanistan. "A very warlike Those who assisted are: and girls, particularly in its efforts fying the civic, religious, and social Kirk. Other surprise*! are being Esther Potash and Blanche Zim- demara's law merging all villages and Venger, Vice-President; Robert KoopV and formidable people," says Thomas, man,Misses to solve the vocational and employ- interests of Jewish women." Slesdames "William Alberts, A. Benpromised by the chairman. "and they claim descent from the lost •Ris,- S. Cohn, Samuel Gerson, A. Greenberg, suburbs .with the surrounding towns er, Secretary; Harry Weiner, Treas- ment problems confronting Jewish Mrs. Fuld, in making her con- This program will take the plae* urer. 1>. Greeriberg, J. *J. <Gr«mbe.rg. H. Gross, into one municipality thus extensive-, tribes of Israel, whlsh lost tribes, they Max.. Holzraan, William Hobman, Harry With a unanimous vote, Mr. S. women and girls throughout the tribution, stated that women today of the regular meeting, and memCharles Levinson, Adeline Mar- ly reducing the percentage of Jews say, were taken captive by the Assyr- Lapidus, have unparalleled opportunities for bers are urged to bring their cus. E. A. Meyer. Sophie Monsky, H. A. in the town. In places where there Ravitz was made honorary vice Presi- country. ians and led into the Persian moun- Newman, Harry ICachmnn. S. G. Salzicao, exerting their influence and for lend- and friends. Abe Silverman, Harry SUverman, B. A. were formerly from ten to - fifteen dent for the valuable services he "It is my conviction," stated Mrs. tains, whence they made their way Simon. Have Sherman, Irrin Stsilmaster, Ii. ing their abilities in movements for rendered to the Talmud Torah. Jewish councils elected there will be Fuld, "that the Jewish women of Stalmaster, Mose 1'ouaem. across Persia into-Afghanistan." the advancement of society and its MONASH IS PROMOTED Judging from the spirit that pre- this country must devote themselves but one or two elected. While there have been many claims various groups. IN AUSTRALIA TO DISCIPLINE RIOTERS The extension of town boundaries vailed at this meeting and from the to the solution of every problem that This contribution represents the by numerous peoples of descent from various discussions, everybody is dethe happiness and welfare largest gift by a Jewish woman in I • Melteurne Australia. (J.T.A.) Sir the lost tribes, Thomas declares that Berlin—(J. T. A.)—At a meeting of also means a large budget without termined to put over a bigger and threatens of the Jewish woman and girl in the Berlin university senate it was un-j any increased income for the towns Joto M "scholars have a tendency to credit T f ! ]thstln^ished A»8tol11 every field of activity. It is our duty the history o£ the National Council! an TJewish leader and commander of the Afghan contention, because of the animously decided to severely punish', since the suburbs and Tillages are ] better Talmud Torah for the year. to devote our resources and thought of Jewish Women. the Australian fprcse in France, h»s ,. peculiarity; of the Afghan physiog- the leaders of the._ anti-Semitic stu-jpoor. ' Kovno itself will have to in- Lemberg:. (J.TJL) A meeting of and our energies to the advancement nomy, the characteristic Jewish nose." dent riots. A great number of stu- j crease its expenditures by 800,000 lits. 2,000 Polish students here demanded of those proposals that jrive promise Utica. Associate City Judge H. been prompted to thp mnk of general. dents ,are to be disciplined, among This- huge financial burden will have This elevation ma^kp the first time (Copyright 1929 by Seven Arts them also the Yolkjs^'stadent leader, to be "borne largely by Kovno whose an eleven percent numberus dausus j of creating for Jewish womanhood Myron Lewis has been re-elected for thtt the r&Ek of general has appeared Feature Syndicate.) - - - _ i ia America, mare favorable condi- another term. Hoppe. in the Australian army list. i population Is' largely Jewish. for Jewish students.

Louis as Local Roll Call Launched



Announcement I




Mrs* Felix Fuld Donates $5, To National Council of Women


a ^ ~ .*?«,„ _,*.

AY, DEC. 1

_PA£E .2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1929 lend a helping hand. He takes an interest hvhis son's HTces and By constant dripping a drop of wa- A wise man in time of peace preter .hollows out a rdck.~-Choerilius. pares for war.—Horace. dislikes, talks confidentially with him. as if he were his best! friend, arid in this manner does become his son's best friend. I Published every Otfiaha, Nebraskaj by The Son, too, has certain duties to fulfill. The success of the THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Temple Israel youth of the land depends largely on the extent to which they Itabbi Frederick Office: BrandeiS Theater Building—Telephone: Atlantic 1460 iCohii's -sefmon toco-operate with their fathers. Even after a man has reached his night -at Temple Israel will be on DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR majority he can profit by heeding the advice of his honored "fttiskin's 'Sesame and LilliesV' by FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR FANNIE KATELMAN - " - C o u n c i l Bluffs/Iowa* Correspondent . > father. To honor one's father means to respect his wishes, to special request. On Saturday mornlive up to his expectations, to keep the family name clean. Youth ing he will speak on "The Most SIOUX CTTY OFFICE can never fully recompense for their fathers' sacrifices, but byThrilling Thing in The World." The second session of the Bible Jewisn Community Center—308 Pierce Street tiie attributes of respect, gratitude, and filial devbtion they carl Class Wider the suspires of the at least partially repay the debt they owe. Council of Jewish Women -will be 52.56 Subscription Price, one year * • . • - * - - • * • • Father and Son week makes us realize the beauty of this held Wednesday morning at 10 Advertising tatee furnished 6n application relationship, makes us realize that after all our dads are not "oldO'clock* Dr. Conn's subject will be CHANGS OF ADDRESS-*vPlease give both the old and new address; fogies'S or mere "money wells", makes us realize that our sons "Sarah, the Princess." The class is be sure to give your name. the Women of the Bible. are not "good-for-nothings", are, in fact, pals to be cultivated. studying It was erroneously announced that But it is not sufficient that thoughts in this direction should Rabbi Cohn was to be in Lincoln recur to us one week each year. For the proper advancement this .Week-end, but because of the MARSHALL'S SUCCESSOR of family life, every week of every year should be a father and press - of -work in. Omaha h« was The Nebraska prepared for the overwhelming forced to cancel the trip. The election of pn Cyrus Adler of, Philadelphia to the son week for us. demand for "Blues" and prepared for it with QUAL* * * dency of the American. Jewish Committee—a position left vacant ITY A t A PRICE that will give every man a new Conservative Synagogue realization of The Nebraska's Service and values. which thiB photodrama is based. by.the untimely death of the beloved Louis Marshall-^-climaxes "Children of Fate" Services of the Conservative SynaThis is a powerful photoplay, coma life rich in achievement tmd dedicated to the welfare of the gogue will be held tonight at tike Fancy Mixture Smartly Styled to Be Given Sunday bining comedy and seriousness. Jewish people. .£_/ Jewish Community Center beginning The cast which is headed by the This distinguished scholar and communal leader is a most "Children of Fate," by Ivan Abram- well-known Bessie Thomashefsky, at 8 o'clock. Abraham Bengis hag selectfitting choice to head the Committee, which was the first group Bon, will be presented this Sunday at and Joseph Shoengold, includes such edRabbi as the subject of his sermon, distinguished actors as Richard Bento intercede on behalf of American Jewry in problems confronting the Jewish Community Center. "The Home," the second of a series them. Under the guidance of Marshall it was elevated into a • This is a dramatic picturization net, Willis Claire, Charlotte Walker of sermons on the outstanding inof life in the New York Ghetto and and many others too numerous to stitutions in Jewish life. powerful organ of Jewish public opinion. • of the differences that arise between me ntion. On Saturday morning the services As chairman of the Executive Committee, Dr. Adler came Jew and Gentile, based on the Standard Tailored Self or Velvet Collar will begin at 9:30. According to in close contact with every phase of the work carried on bynecessity for better understanding Berlin. (J.T.A.) Great indignation Fine Worsteds Eabbi Bengis, the continuously-inDouble Breasted Marshall;, by whom he was considered not as a colleague but asand good will. prevails among the Jews in Saxony creasing congregation which is at, an intimate, personal friend. Dr. Adler enjoys the esteem of A Jewish girl whose father is a because the German National faction, tending the services is gratifying. all types of Jews, understanding the attitude of the extreme left rabbi, is madly in love with a man in the diet introduced a law project as well as the extreme right of Jewish life. He has distinguished not of her faith. Were she to marry demanding the prohibition of Schech- Moscow. (J.T.A.) The synagogue in himself in his work for the Jewish Agency, the Joint Distribution him. it would break the heart of her ita.In view of the present party con- the township of Slavuta Welyn will Were she not to marry him be converted into a grain barn beCommittee, the Jewish Theological Seminary, of which he is pres- father. it would leave her broken-hearted. stellation there are grave fears in cause the local Soviet cannot find a ident, the literary field, and many other lines of endeavor. Fully What could she do? What would; Jewish circles that this prohibition •warehouse to storage the grain, colFabric quality and tailoring Wonderful value Blue Boucle instructed and an able administrator, Dr. Adler should not find you do? This is the theme upon1 will go through. lected. excellence most unusual. Ev- Overcoats, distinguished wide it difficult to carry on.the magnificent work of his predecessor. ery weave and pattern in wale Blue Herringbones and


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Peoples of all denominations have just completed the celebration of father and son week. Banquets, special services, gettogethers and affairs of all sorts have brought fathers and their sons into more intimate contact with each oth^r, giving each an opportunity to better understand the other, to become pals, A more significant aspect of Father and Son week is that] it causes us to ponder the question, "What are our duties as 1 fathers and sons?" The responsibility of training comes first,' and the best parental training is brought about by setting a good example. A father's; conduct should; be a boy's ideal,« life to be proudly patterned.': \''/ ":\~:v. • • ^ | .For effective family relationship, a father should make his; son a pal- .Intolerance and harshness have no^ place in a parent's' heart.:' The real father is sympathetic, land, always willing"to



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; Home Arts Course Has First Meeting Omaha I

The ehaperones will be Mr. KR& Mrs. Sam Schwarts and Mr. and Mrs. Bsuben Brown.

Abe Harris, a resident of for 49 years, died at his home j The first meeting of the Home Sunday afternoon after an illness of Arts Course sponsored by the Social a year. Service Committee of the Council of Surviving are his widow, Mrs. A.Jewish Women was held last MonThough Russia is not recognized by the American government, more ex- Harris; three eons, George, Lee andday at the Jewish Community Center. tensive trade relations exist between Nathan; two daughters, Mrs. Albert The following subjects vdll be the two countries than before the war,' Cohen of Los Angeles, Mrs. Mabel studied at the remaining- five meetaccording to RabM Frederick Colin. I Goldsmith of Omaha; four brothers, ings: Backgrorad, Hangings, ArRabbi Cohn discussed Russia's relfc- j 3. S . Harris of Omaha, Merris Har- rangement of Furniture, Hanging tions with America in his lecture; rio of St. Louis, Barney Harris of Pictures and Color, Tuesday at the Current Topics Course; Toronto, Canada, and Isaac of Dal- This class is under the direction of Miss Lottie Selicow, daughter of erowitz, vice-president; Eose Wilfof the Omafcu Council of Jewish Wo- las, Tex., and one sister, Mrs. P. Miss Harriet Becker. Those who are men held at- the Jewish Community TJllery of Omaha. Mr.-and lire. M. Selicow, became son, secretary; Helen Chait, treasurer so far registered are Mesdames Center. His subject was "World Conthe bride of Mr. Nathan Klein, of and Sylvia Chait, Helen Janger, Anne » * • Louis Somberg, Manny Handler, L. ditions". Buffajo, New York,'on Sunday, Nov. Lintzman, all of Omaha. Jean BresFuneral services of Ltmis Bessell, Meyer, Jules Gerelick, M. Micklin, "Great Britain, which is the anti- €6, were held from the Chesed Shal Moe Venger, S. Berwitz, Clarence 17th. Uabbi Abraham Bengis of* Iow, Marjorie Finkelstein, and Celia thesis of the Russian government, has Enies funeral home Monday after- Bergman, A. H. Brodkey, Paul ' iiciated at the -wedding "which was Itine of Lincoln, Miriam Greenberger, .i held a t the Selicow home. ^ of Grand Island, Anne Kavich of Frerecognized Russia fully," said Rabbi'coon. Burial was in the Beth Hame- Bloteky, A. S. Rubnite, A. Marcus Cohn. "Britain did this in order to drosb. Hagwiol cemetery. Rabbi Ab- and L. Margolin. = 'After a motor-trip loneymoon the mont, and Pearl Veta of Cheyenne, extend her industries and thus relieve raham Bengis officiated. young couple •will make their- home Wyoming. the unemployment that has been a in Buffalo. Miss Rose Shapiro Surviving Mr. Besssl are a son, The sorority has already- moved serious' problem in that country since Abe, cf Creston, la.; two daughters, into its-new home at 501 So. 12th Mr. Abe Shapiro of Cheyenne, the war." The -wedding of Miss Sarah Yaffe, Street, Lincoln, Nebraska* Formal Mrs. Max Ltvine and Mrs. Ben daughter of Mr.'and Mrs. Sam Yaffe, ouse opening is to be held Sunday, Wyoming, announced the engageRabbi Cohn said it soon became rec- Polsky, and five grandchildren. The Jewish Community Center to Mr. -Maurice Giller, son iff Mr. Nov. 24. All friends are cordially ment of his daughter, Miss Rose ognized that the Treaty of Versailles I Shapiro, t o Mr. Atoe~ConEn; son of was an unjust treaty economically. He I O P E N F O R U M C O N F E R E N C E dance this Saturday night will be ; and Mrs. Nathan €Jiller, will be invited. . sponsored by the Alpha Tau club. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohen, last said the Dawfes-YoUng plan undertook solemnized Sunday, Nov. 24 at HELD AT LABOR LYCEUM The Omaha Rhythm Boys will again Mrs. Abe Silverman was chair- week. Miss Shapiro has made her to' adjust thfese economic differences, Temple Israel. Kabbi Frederick Cohn furnish the music. man of a luncheon given Monday home in Omaha for the past four taking the subject out of politics. Vdll officiate. An «pen forum conference was years. Those who will attend the bride noon at the Paxton hotel in honor "Many do not knew that the League held Sunday, Nov. 17, at the Labor The wedding will be an early June of Nations Covenant is ft part of the Lyceum. The following organizations are: -. Maid txf Htnor, Miss Esther of Mr. Louis Lipsky, -president of Weiner; Bridesmaids, Misses Martha the Zionist Organization of America. event. Treaty of Versailles," said Rubbil^ere represented: Over forty guests attended. Himelstein, Sylvia Goff stein, and Cohn, "Senator Hitchcock, as weU M Workman's Circle 173, Young: Ruth Kronick of Sioux City. many other observers, believe it is the Peale Zion, National' Workers' Al- j Mrs. Dave* Zolat of Lincoln, Nebr., The groom's, attendants will be: greatest power for good in the world ; liance, Ladies Labor Lyceum dub, I was the week-end guest of Mr. and Best man, Mr. Harry Ciller^ brother T today. Wilson, us its founder, gave Women's Pioneer club, Young Circle Mrs. John Faier. . of the jgfoom; tJehers* Messrs. Max the United States & very definite im» club, Socialist "Verband, South Omaha A former Graahan, Moe Steinberg, Yaffe, Phil Friedman, and . Sam Mr. and Mrs. M. Mayerowich bad as 'brother of Mrs. Abe Silverman, has mortality although the United States Workman's Circle. Zwieback. their; guests last -week Mrs. J. ; M. Soiref, representing: the been appointed one of three city com- did not go into it. The inclusion of. ; Uttle MisB Dorothy Wienzvag will Miller and Mrs. M, Wellington of Germany marks the completion of th6 ] Young Poale Zion, was elected secOpposite ^*~<+* missioners of. Borger, Texas. be flower girl, and Master Davie Los Angeles, California. retary. German comeback at one of the great The city commissioners were apGiller will be ring beater. T h e wed The first open forum will bfe held Miss Tanya Shoshone of Kansas pointed by Governor Moody to hold powers of the world." ding march will be played by Miss Sunday, Dec. 1 at the Labor Lyceum Eabbi Cohn also referred to the Mary'Vondracek, accompanied by Mr. City is the guest of Mr. and between the time martial law at 3:3.0 p. m. The meeting is open progress made since the establishment was lifted and a new election can be M. D. Micklin. Miss ShoBhone was Sam Epstein. Miss Sarah Brookstein of the League through the Locarno to the public. " '•"" ' " ' * " honored at a breakfast Sunday ield. will sing "Oh Promise Me." Pact, the Kellog-Briand Pact and the The next conference of the open Mr. Steinberg w6iit to. Borger in Miss Yaffe has been honored at morning at the home of Mr. and 1925, when it was a small, inland understanding of Maefconald and forum will take place Tuesday, Nov. Mrs. Micklin. Saturday, Mrs. Marnumerous luncheons and showers shall Meyer entertained at a lunch- town. The town grew'rapidly when Hoover looking toward Bfcval disarma- 26 at ths Labor Lyceum. given by her friends. ment eon_rnTrtT\liTin_pivHnty. Mis; === Stetoberg •PTCAt THtTTW ThB toupie pian to inakw and Monday Mrs. M. Katelman owns one of the largest department home at 2447 Pinkney street after Isadore Abramson, secretary of the honored her at a luncheon.stores in Borger. Dec. 5. B'nai B'rith, announces the addition ] He was the first president of the Mts. A. Fonnan is leaving today Borger Chamber of Commerce. of the followingtothe organisation: .* Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolf son an- for New York City where she will Frank R. Ackerman, Harry CrounThe first meeting of the Ladies nounce the engagement of their attend Miss Anne Siegal's wedding se, Sam Freed, Hyman Levin, Joseph The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will Auxiliary Study Circle will t e held daugher, Sylvia, to Mr. Samuel Fisch which will take place on Thankshave a gpedal mfeetingTuesday, No-'iiext Moaday at the 3. C. C. at gLintzmsn, J. Radmner, Nathan man," son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph giving Day. Mrs. Forman will visit vember 26, at 8;S0 p." in. at the Labfir Vclock. Rabbi Abraham Beagis t a s ;.Beiss, Abram SegaU, Albert W. Eischman of Minnfeapolis, Minn. in New York for two weeks. and Isidor Ziegler. announced that membership is Lyceum. An excellent.program has No elate has been set for th& wed A farewell surprise party was been arranged^ ahd the public is ia- to. all members of the Conservative Treason. (J.T.A.) Four Jews were ding. ""./ Synagogue Auxiliary* given Friday night at the home of vited. Mr*. Sam Beber, educational chair- re-elected to the New Jersey legisla-i Miss Gertrude Goldberg, daughte Miss Sylvia Wohlner who is leaving] tttre. These are assemblymen David of Mrs. Ida Goldberg, who recentlj for - New York Sunday for an ex- Stolen waters are sweet and "bread man of the Auxiliary, is in charge M. Litwin, Joseph Greenberg, Ben-j of organisation and j-egietration ©f ahnbiirieeS her. engagement '.to Mr. tended trip. Miss Wohiner is plan- eaten in secret is pleasant. jamin Stein and Joseph Altman. the Circle, ning to make short visits in Chicago, —Bible. Moejr Mbkofsky of Kansas City, ii Fort Wayne and Schennectedy. being, extensively entertained by he: 'friends. The Se Telh Ta sorority met at Sunday afternoon she was honored the home of Miss Sophie Handler at a crystal shower and bridge at the on Wednesday evening. home of Miss Bess Idpp. Wednesday Charles Bachman and Henry Mrs. Lillian Werner was hostess ai Shafer were made pledges of the an affair at her home, and Thursday Miss Jeanette Rosen of Fremont Eonoh club of Central High School. entertained at bridge. Mrs. A. Miss Eose Fiedler is Convalescing kee will be hostess at a bridge thi: at her home. afternoon, while on Sunday Mie The rummage sale held by the Belle Goldberg, sister of the bride* to-be, will compliment her with a Daughters of Zion for the past two weeks was a huge success, according kitchen shower and bridge. to Mrs. S. Platt, president of the or* A new Jewish sorority, Alpha Kh ganization. Mrs. Platt expresses her Alpha, has been organized at the appreciation to all those who donated University . of Nebraska. The mem-packages. Mrs. A. Wolf and Mrs. H. Janoff bership consists of the Misses Anne Bothenberg, president; Blanche Laz*- were chairmen of the affair. BRAKDES "LOW EOT


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Sunday School Has Good Attendance A record '^attajidwice -f6r"-"the- year, 228,^as-rf«p"(i§{i- at-th'ef Jejrish ojnmunity' Sunday ^ School: last, Sunday. Rabbi Abraham"- Bengis, 'principal, addressed the assembly on "Father's Day,", and Louis Shanofi,' -"assistant principal, spoke on "The Golem". The previous'week-Miss Ruth Pollack spoke on "Loyalty". Dora Dolgoff and Esther- Silvennan sang, accompanied by Gertrude Oruch. The attendance banner -this week went to seventh grade under S. F. Levin. Ruth Pollack's post-confirmation class won the charity banner. Next Sunday., Esther 'Faier's confirmation class will preside over the assembly.


solved jello in hot custard. Cool. Whip.cream, fold into-custard. When cold turn into into individual molds. When ready to serve, fold on a slice of pineapple, topped -with. whipped cream and a maraschino cherry. * » * Orange Mint Cocktail Six small sour oranges," powdered sugar, fresh mint, * 3 tablespoons lemon 2


'coin, spent the past week-end home WEISS, FRENCH AYIATOR, ' visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. DIES IN AIR ACCIDENT Kitchen Chats Herman Meyerson. The Mother Chapter basketball Paris. (J.T.A.) Maurice Weiss, 28, team, defending Jewish Community Mrs. -David M. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman noted French aviator, was killed in By F. R. K. Center champions, opened up the 1929 spent the past week-end visiting in an air accident. Weiss was' a disciple season by swamping the Fsi Mu club St. Louis, Missouri. "' i Thanksgiving, Dinner of the ill-fated transatlantic flyer, The Bar Mitzvah of Jerry Matz 39 to 6 in the first game of the ' " Orange' Mint Cocktail Nungesser, who was lost on his Paris son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Maltz, took Pickles Olives season. to New York flight. It was Wfciss The Agudas Achim Society will place Saturday morning, Nov. 16, at Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce Franklin, Grossman, Bogdonoff and hold a meeting next Monday evening, who piloted from Lisbon in 1927 the the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. . Candied Sweet Potatoes Nov. 25, at the Legion Hall. Lyonnaise Potatoes American Jewish aviatrix, Ruth Elder, Separate orange juice Jnto sections 'Turner led the scoring, with Banish Tuna Fish Salad and Cheese Balls and remove thin skin, chill, place • trailing with" one basket. Max Alt- Henry Mendelson, student at the after her transatlantic crossing. Pineapple Bavarian Cream in tall d glasses, io sprinkle with n powder- | shuler, former A. Z. A. basket ball Thomas Jefferson High School, spent Miss Sylvia Richards, student at Chocolate Sponge the past week-end in Grinnell, Iowa, the University of Nebraska at Linmixed with sugar. Coffee ley F. Levin again managing the. where he attended the Convention of coln, spent the. past week-end here Mints Salted Nuts sprig of mint in the center of the * » * boys. the Iowa High School Press Associa- visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. glass. * * *~ Pineapple Bavarian Cream The other members of the squad tion. He represented his school paper, Louis Richards. 2 tablespoons orange jello, .% cup Cheese Balls Served With Salad are Rosen, Goldberg, Gerelick, Franks "The Signal," and was awarded fourth 1% cups grated American cheese, A»rnlnc». CanvHs Covers, Tents, pineapple juice, 1 pint scalded milk, prize in a Journalist contest. He is Camp Supplies. All Kinds 4 egg yolks, % cup sugar, pinch salt, 2 egg yolks and i white beaten stiff, and Cackin. JACOB J. FRIEDMAN IS and Howard AT* H9S 1 teaspoon orange juice, 1 pint whip- & teaspoon red pepper, % teaspoon The Chapter One team will play the the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson. 534 Peters Trust Bldg., Omaha NOTICE BIT PUBLICATION ON PETIped cream, sliced pineapple. Soak salt, % teaspoon baking powder, 8 U. S. Oils Wednesday night in the TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL and sifted. Mix allfirst round of the pre-season league. jello in pineapple juice 5 minutes. crackers rolled The Ladies' Aid Society held a ADMINISTRATION ACCOCNT 1 Make a soft:custard-of-the milk, > egg together, roll in small balls, then fry meeting Wednesday afternoon at the In the County Court of Douglas County, yolks, sugar _and- flavoring." Stir dis- in-,deep.fat for 2 minugtes. Nebraska. home of l t r . J. Baron. In the matter of the estateof TIMOTHY Daughters of Zion

Council Bluffs News



i ir aas ttri





V. JONES, deceased. Persons interested in said matter are Miss Mildred Meyerson, student at hereby notified that on the Elst day of October,: Godfrey A'. Jones filed a the University of Nebraska at Lin-j petition.in1D29V said County Court, prnying thnt •The Daughters of Zion are giving his final administration-ncc'onnt filed herein be settled nnu allowed, nnd thnt he lie away a radio on December 30th for M. B. ABRAHAMS, Att'y discharged from his triiRt ns administrator 400 Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha nnd that a hearing will be had nn snid pethe benefit of the ^Palestine Emergen- - -,~- . . "Won before snid Court on the 20th any of NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETI- tition cy Fund. The radios which was doNovember, 1D29, nnd that if you fall to TION FOIl SETTLEMENT OF FINA1. Wardrobe ' _..::...: :.:..18 ' - 9 .667 appear before said Court on the tmid 20th AD5IIXISTUATION ACCOUKT nated by Schmoller and Mueller Piaof November, lt)2!), nt 9 o'clock A. M., Malasb»ck"Jewelry.-.....17-' 10 .630 no Co., can be seen at the Schmoller In the County Court of Douglas County, day and contest said petition, the Court mny prant the prayer of said petition, enter n Omaha Tbtfacca Co---- 14 1 3 -519 and Mueller warerooms at 1516 Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of JULIA decree of heirship, nnd make such other Empire Cleaners 13 - 14 .481 Dodge street. It is a new Philco, ASHEH, deceased. nnd further orders, allowances nnrt decrees, AH persons interested in said matter are as to this Court may seem proper, to thp Glazer Clothing 10 17 .370 all-electric low-boy model and it re- hereby notified that on the 20th day of end thnt all mntters pertnininp to snid 1020, Arthur Asher and Milton estate may be finally settled nnd determKaiman Insurance 8 - 1 9 .296 tails at $175.00. The price of a November, R. Abrahams filed a petition in said Coun- i n e d . . . . , ; ' . A pair* of, surprises' enlivened the ticket is fifty cents. ty Court, prayinp thnt tieir final adminisBltr.CE CRAWFORD. tration account filed herein be settled and County Judge. evening," the Kaiman Insurance furnnd that thpy be discharged from Nov. 8, 1029—3T Officers of "the affair are: Mrs. M. allowed, their trust ns executors and that a hearing nishing^ one by their defeat "of the EmRosenstein, chairman; Mrs. S. Fell- will be had-on said petition before said pire Cleaners. ^ Court on the 33th day of December. 1020. thnt if you fail to appear before said . The .second upset occurred when the man, treasurer; Mrs. J. Hahn, ad- and Court on the snid 13th day of December vertising manager; .Mrs. J. Tretiak, Our specialty is 1925>. at J) o'clock A. M., and contest said Malashock's decisively " trimmed the petition, the Court may prant the prayer ticket chairman. SERVING GOOD FOOD Wardrobe 'and thereby crept up to of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, PRIVATE ROOM FOR make such other nnd further orders, within one game of the leaders. The Tickets may be obtained at the and BRIDGE PARTIES allowances nnd decrees, RS to this Court seem proper, to the end that all matOmaha Tobacco fctiys "won' the entire Schmoller and Mueller Co.', or from may 2920 Farnam JA. 9728 ters pertaining to said estate may be finalany of the officers. series from the IGlaze'rs. ly settled and determined. Morrie Bloom' pounded thepins for MONSKY, KATLEJIAN * GRODINSKY ,» _ „ „ „_ BRTCE CRAWFORD, Nov. 22,1929—3T County Judge. 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. a 570 count but Micky Krupp on the Omaha opposing side also shot, a 570 with NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORASAM E. KLATER, Attorney TION OF SOUND SERVICE a high single game of 225. , 612 Omaha Nati Bank Bl<Zg. SYSTEM, INC. After Theatre Other high^totals" were registered Notice is hereby given that t i e underOmaha , Dancing as follows: Sam"Y6usem"564; A. Ven- signed, pursuant to the laws of Nebraska, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION hare formed a corporation, the name of In the County Court of Douglas County'. ger 556; Jules Gerelick 546; Melcher which is Sound Service System, Inc., andNebraska. 24th and Farnam principal place of busiuess in the City I In the matter of the estate of MOBKIS 518; Fleishman 513; Altschuler 509. its of Omaha. The purposes for which this' BELZER. deceased. corroration la formed are to maintain and! All. persons interested in snid estate are Kaiman's All Stars were defeated operate a Sound Service System for all)hereby notified thnt a petition' has been by the Omaha Bee-News in a special forms of sound machines, apparatuses, ap- j filed snid Court alleging that said depliances and machines of nil sorts, types ,1 censedindied leaving no last will and praymatch at Francisco's Alleys. and kinds, including radios; to install, ing for administration upon his estnte, and erect, maintain, and service all types of ithat a hearing will be had on said petition disc and sound-on-film machines, appli-! snld Court on the said 7th day of Dec, Berlin. (J.T.A.) The' exclusion of ances, and apparatuses, Including radios;! 1029, and that if they fail to appear nt I 4420 Florence Blvd. to manufacture and sell nil types and kinds > said Court on the paid 7th day of • Dec. jk from' employment in newspap- of parts, appliances, apparatuses, acccs- { 1929. at 0 o'clock A. M. to contest said KE. 1500 series ttnd machines for all types and petitipn, 'the Court mny grant the same ers,'ytheaters,<"artistic enterprises, the kinds of disc and sound-on-film machines, { nnd KKint administration of said estate to The Houm With A Reputation radios; to purchase, lease, hire • Nathan Belzer or some other suitable perfilms and the withholding of housing including and otherwise acquire real nnd personal i son and proceed to a settlement thereof. facilities from Jews, are demands that property of every kind and discription and I sell, dispose of, lease, convey and mort- NOT. 15—3T - BIITCE CKAWFORD, County Jndge. form part of the program of the Na-to gage any and all oC the said property; to money, and to do all other things tionalist Socialist party, published on borrow necessary or incident to the operations of it's business. The authorized capital stock , ; the occasion of the municipal elections is $10,000.00 divided Jnto 100 shares of the JA. 0528 H. BERGER in Berlin. par-valtie of $100.00 each, all of which shall | VOCR bfr common nnd when issued shall be fully paid and non-assessrtble and such stock [ TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY shall be issued for either goods, wares nnd i merchandise, or cash or both. The corpor-1 1724 Dodge St. Since 1876 - ' " ation shall commence business upon the filing' of the Articles of Incorporation in ! the office of the County Clerk of Douglas , County, Nebraska, nnd shall continue until January 1st, 1970. The highest amonnt of Ask Your Dealer For A its Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds LARGEST STOCK of its capital stock.' The nffairs of the corporation shnll be - administered by a IN WEST Board of 'Directors which shall consist of Quick Shipments MUNRQE FURNACE not' less' than three nor more than five members and who shall be elected at the Onr Hobby for SUPPLY CO. annual meeting to be held on the second 45 Years Tuesday in January of each year. The 1718 Cass JA. 4065-6 Board shall elect from their number a OMAHA STOVE President, Vice-President, Secretary and REPAIR WORKS Treasurer, any two or when offices, except1206-8 Donglas. Street ing ^ a t of President nnd Vice-President i may be beld by the same person. The Articles may be amended at any regular meeting of the stockholders or at any special meeting called for that purpose after 10 days notice of special proposed | amendment in writing has been mailed to I times a day -we are in your all stockholders nnd npon the affirmative J neighborhood vote of two-thirds of the capital stock.

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Harry a. Lnpiflns, ITpsifScnt-Treaanrer


Fixture and Supply Co. .




SAM N I T Z Announce the opening of a

KOSHER MEAT MARKET and Delicatessen at 1723 No. 24th St. —WE. 3817 FRESH MEATS AND DELICATESSEN FOR





534 Peters Trust BIdg.AT. 7611

16th and Farnam

SUNSET TEA ROOM 49th and Dodge

CRYSTAL CANDY 16th nnd Capitol Ave.


On the Stage

A. R. MASON and company will appear in a Jewish play.. A comedy in 3 acts with 4 singing ' numbers. — Prices Adults 50c — — Children 25c — :

AH Flavors

Try A Case

Baker Ice Machines

rated at Omaha, Nebraska, August 1st, 1029. Witness: (Signed) H. MAItQTTARDT H. B. COHN J. "W. MAKER Nov. 15—4T.

It's a delicious new* day bread-that mothers everywhere are praising. Exactly what it offers.

Visit the New

Paxton-Mitchell Co.

nth. and Martha St«. • HArney 166* OMAHA. NEBRASKA Soft gray iron, times, Dronze nna aluminum eastings. stnnrtnrd sizes oronza and iron biismnirs. sewer manQolcs. cistern tins* nml covers an<l Mean-out doors la stork. All- bind* of <rood nnd pntterns. .

ABE GREENSPAN 203 So. 19—JA. 1209 JA. 5676 — Evenings WA. 5077

The Omaha Jobbing Co* JOSEPH TRETIAK, Propr. Just bought a carload of Kraft Paper Bags. To sell 25% below the wholesale price. Here is a real chance to reduce your cost of operation by stocking up on these bags.

317 No. lath St., JA. 5604


Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr. .



Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha



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