November 29, 1929

Page 1

Scanning the Je

Interesting • and Entertaining

Tfl • - "By-David A SHOHT STORY A l l A SHORT STORY Entered as second-class mall matter on. January 27, 1921, at That brilliant Jewish ..... OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1929 postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under tie Act ol Marco 3, lbTU. porothy Parker, spent three years wearing out costly shoe leather pedr Program Planned for dling''the manuscript'of a short storyJEWS DONATE TO After she had been turned down by National A. Z. A. Day half a. dozen editors she finally suc-J RABBINATE IN VAIN . ceeded in convincing the editor t>f i Elaborate plans are being made to Constantinople (J. T. A)—, one semi-high-brow paper to publish | celebrate national A. Z. A. day in A tragic-comic-epilogue to the it, and received the scarcely muniOmaha on Sunday, December 15. recent confiscation of-the prop-, fident sum of $75 for it. The two Omaha chapters, Omaha Arab Group Denies Right of Jews to Worship at erty of the Chief Rabbinate -Chapter No. 1 and Sam Beber Chap. After its publication the editor met was enacted--here. -..'.. Wan ter No. 100, are collaborating in stagMiss Parker and confided to i e r that Addresses -Large: Audience MonThe government had confisday at Meeting iSponsored ing the event. Features of the tenhe -was sorry, very sorry indeed, that Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Palestinian cated the property because the by Council tative program include a prominent he had printed it. -Half a dozen Jewry wa» aroused by a threatening Rabbinate could jiot pay overout-of-town speaker and the presenpeople, he said, had cancelled their letter received by Chief Eabbi Eook due taxes. At a public auction, GIVES CAUSitS OF WAR tation of the Judas Maccabbee degree -subscriptions as the result of the in connection with the present disthe Jews of the city -bought" by a joint team of the two chapters. publication of this story.-. "War unsettled everything and setturbance. the property- and donated it imPhilip Klutznick, ! executive secreWell, to make a long story short, tled nothing," said 'Mrs. Max Mayer, mediately back to the RabbinThe letter, which was from the Sotary of the A Z. A., is coaching the the O. Henry Prize for the best executive director of - the Jewish Comate. . ciety for the Defense of the Mosque, degree team. ; short story was recently awarded to munity Center of Des Moines, in her Aska, purporting to represent the Now, the government has imMiss Parker. And the best short address Monday night at the Omaha views of all Arabs frcm Palestine, posed a new, heavy tax on the. blurv -was the very- one "with which, Jewish TGommtmity Oenter. Transjordan and SjTria, resolved not same furniture, utensils and she Tiad had so much difficulty! to permit any further organized JewTHs meeting was sponsored by the other articles, because they-



VOL. VIE,—No 46

Demands Resignation of Unorthodox Cantor


T i—The demanding the resignation of the | famous Viennese opera singer, Her-1 man Yadlowker, who was recently engaged as chief cantor in the Eiga Jacobs, Lecture Chairman, synagogue. Expects a Large His resignation is demanded be- i Attendance cause he asked for an organ ac- J companist which aroused great inTO BEGIN AT EIGHT dignation among the Jews, especially at the celebration of the The lecture of M. Aime Palliere, eleventh anniversary of LatK-a's in- j T T 4 " r ) , r a ^ ; and author, at Yadlowker was accom- I ", - 1Israel "• dependeriCe Sunday night, is create ' ing * much interest and a large attendp a i u e ( i t y a church organist. ance is expected by Nathan E. Jacobs, lecture chairman. The lecture will beg:in promptly »t S o'clock. M. Failiere will be the ish worship at the Wailing Wall, and constitute a new donation and. only speaker of the evening. to prohibit them from "any ceremony hence are liable to taxation.' M. Palliere is one of Europer's most or the installation of objects or the famous rabbis. He is the leader of raising of the voice" as an encroachVienna. (J.TA.) Anti-Semitic uni- Jewish youth on the European continWarsaw. (J.TJL) An unusual Jew- ment on Arab religious rights. versity riots occurring almost simul- ent _ M" p a n i e r e ^-ac i:)on\ the son of ish ceremony, the first of its kind in A delegation representing the Chief Warsaw, was held here, when for the Rabinate of Palestine visited Sir taneously in difierent universities in j & d e v o u t Catholic family in Lyons, E d b t d l indicate i d i t the th ex- j j ^ ^ j i sstudied undoubtedly t u d d ffor the pprieetfirst time a Jewish corpse was form- John Chancellor in regard to the let- Europe ee istence of a special ar.ti-Semitics stu-1h o o d ? b u t i n s t e a c i became a convert ally submitted to the protectorium of ter, and the High Commissioner adProfessor C. H. Kuntz of New l td 2 hl L lb Ij to 2«*™™> *"« ^ vised the delegation, to refer the let- deiJ* ^ ^ l lit\ ™ !d^ T * ^abbi.HSg York, a member of the Icor CommisT the Warsaw university. well informed leaders of European j ; Ccpernic BVIMIn e pulpit is in This was done in order that the ter to the Parliamentary Commission §ion which investigated Bira-Bidjan, Jewish student organisations. gogrue in Paris. of Inquiry which, is holding its sesJewish medical students of the uniwill speak in English at the Jewish Although until now it has been imThe subject of M. Palliere's lecture ' versity might be able to do anatomical sions here now. f Judaism" The Aska claims that work on dead bodies, having been Both of restricted from experimenting on purely a Moslem rel these lectures, according to the cowTeproves the government's temporary Christian corpses. organizes at least once a year anU- m , t t e e f a r e b e i n g nceiveA witb much regulations. • The body turned over to the uniS i t i student t d t excesses eceEses in Germany, Germany/' comment and praise by audiences Semitic The letter also threatens that if the versity was that of jthe late Nachome Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hun- throng-heart the country. disobey, the Arabs win lipschite, a woman, w-ho in her gary and Roumania. Bequests for tickets have come them the right to visit the "Wailyounger days was very wealthy and j f Jewish student leaders have decid- ; . small corrvmunitiee near Wall. " ' had lived in Russia, but died recently . . . . . from many may be purchased at in the Warsaw Jewish hospital in poved to institute a thorough inquiry m either the Jewish Community Center lltlilll t erty, having been a beggar in the order to determine the place where or from any of the following members streets of Warsaw: before her death. the central anti-Semitic student or- of the committee; Nathan E. Jacobs, Exactly at midnight the represenganization has its headquarters. Other tatives• of*.the* Cherva organisations are also inter- j ™t-i Kidisha T * «Society ! in -Mrs-'J-J-Friedman is the chainnan j' eJewish s ted in establishing the source ^ ; S i i e ! l e r Bud" Wo]f; N a t h a n MmM> came to the hospital, clad entirely in J_ of the carnival and. dance, to-be g given •' the student nots m oruer to success- j ^ j ^ U n £ r g r xyster Simon Satn



Council of Jewish Women, assisted by the'ifteen other Jewish women's organisations ^J£ this city^ I t was open to Hie public and several hundred- attended. Mrs. Mayer named the causes of Beraarr MacFadden is of Jewish war as psychological, economic, political and sociological. • descent? "Under the first, heading, psychoThat Maurice "Schwartz of Jewish Art Theatre fame has deserted -the logical, fear/of,invasion-and fear of East Side now playing\ with loss of \ power;.. were ' shown to be the Art Theatre on upper Broad- among the causes. Under the second economic^ the desire of acquiring terway! ritory, new - markets r and resources That Div Isidore: Singer, originator shown. The third heeding1, poli-and •managing'.; editor- of. the. Jewish i Mrs. Mayer-laid'to great busiEncyclopedia, who; "S. now celebrating ness interests -which xah "throw us into his seventieth hirthday, has launched a project for a Jewish Hall of Fame a war. "Messages to •senators from in New York whose purpose'it will the people have don^nrachto prevent be to show the -world what the Jew war," Mrs. Mayer--said. ^Friendship arid fellowship rather than enmity 'hag accomplished? That President Masaryk of Czecho- have been promoted, especially in the slovakia, -once, wrote a book, on the case of the trouble between U. S. and JewiBh problem? '.)".•';•: Mexico when Morrow was sent to That Max Lowenthal, the executive Mexico"." " . • • ' • '•;•-.. Under the fourth and hist heading, head of the commission which is inquiring into-crime, and prohibtion: for sociological, the causes, are social OrosThs nhtmtpi- nf TTnrlaKSBh •-frill v rnrahst fhm-n 1 „!*' ,, . _ ' "—,'. , , , President Hoover, was «nce-a bril- sanction of war and 'intensified nacombat them. y the Omaha CMpter of Had^sai . f m i ¥.. ertheimer, Jr. Tickets may also iried away the coffin containing the, bon Sunday, December 1, at the Muni-] liant' student at the University:-.. of tionalism, according to Mr». Mayer. be purchased at Temple Israel the Mrs. Mayer stressed'the fact that corpse. | Minnesota T"^ \ night of the lecture-, Admission iu $1. . Seven times around the protectori-! That one of^ the _, biggest Jewish- ignorance is one. of the greatest danProfessor C. H. Kuntz. Among the. cities on M. ralliere'g tun of the university they carried the j owned banks in New" York City is re- gers. Text books -were also cited as itinerary in this part of the. country ported to be ''shaking'- as the result one of the causes. The speaker stat- Community Center Sunday evening, coffin, at the same time singing in j are Chicago, Louisville, Lincoln, Salt •••'.' doleful tones^ -chapters from of -fte-reeettfrtdebacfe ~m"Wall StreetT «i*fchat the'public- utilities trwere to be D e c e m b e r 1 . . „ _ . .'. ,. : The commission sfidiedi'ffie-possi- p s a j m s Berlin, <J.T.A.) An order of the That ill the Mgrt of the Broadway congratulated upon getting informa>r» the Pacific Coast he •I!J^«T=~T:J?— mass Jewish colonization • ;r v new Berlin Public School Superin- speak section there'ifi a Jewish synagogue tion mto:;the textbooks. Portland, Stockton, Los in Bira-Bidjan, -which the Soviets -wish "When the churches, profess 'Jesus patronized almost exclusively by actendent that Jewish public schools Angeles. Sail Francisco, Oakland, Sacto set aside for an autonomous -JewChrist as a fact "Instead of a salvators'?. - - . •• ' . . . '. ' ..-;. '•remain closed on Sunday has aroused ramento, and Berkeley, T h a t the College of t h e City of tion, there will be peace," stated MrS. ish state under Eussian jurfedicturaT the protest of Jewish organizations. M. Pslliere'E hook, "The Unknown The speaker, -who visited" all the New York is commonly called "the [Mayer. Superintendent Koenig, a member of Sanctuary," which caused much comJewish colonies in Soviet Russia and "An appeal-is made to • people who Cheder on the HilF? the Social-Democratic party, in issu- ment when it WBE first translated into That -the movement for the erec- can think things, through. They spent.over a year in Bira-Bidjen, -wfll The Auxiliary Study Circle held ing the order, specified that the the English language l>y Mrs. Stephen tion of the Oscar S. Straus Memorial should-be -swayed by the saneness of give Ibis conclusions as to the/possi- their first meeting: at the J. C. C. Jewish public schools must remain S. Wise, is partly the story of M. of which Herbert Hoover has accepted peace rather than the hysteria of war. bilities of developing this region."\ Monday with, about fifty women in closed on Sunday, as do the other Palliere's life. It is an index of the Professor Kuntz is a recognized attendance. The group decided to the honorary presidency was launched' "Peace means prosperity to the public schools. personality. by a young - Jewish jiewspapennan many. War-means--profits to the few. authority in agricultural colonization. study Jewish traditions, customs and As the Jewish schools are also j Th.e author of "The Unknown Sanctwho is still in his twenties and whose I "The new war literature tells the ceremonials. closed on Saturday, the school week u a r y " has had a unique experience in MRS. SMERNOFF, DIES truth of war. The. system of .war is . n a m e i s S i d n e y W a l l a c h ? •-.-•. Eabbi Abraham Eengis outlined the ' would be reduced to five days, his religious development. As & youth ! to blame, not the men. Mrs. ^Nettie Smernoff, 33, .wife'of course of study, which will be under AN IDEA—NOT FROM while all other public schools have a he made a study of the foremost reli"We should build- friendships in- Dr. Louis Smernoff, died'Sunday.! The his direction. The women will meet six day attendance. The status of gions and came to appreciate their THE TALMUD stead -of battleships.^ and .President: funeral; was held from, the Smernoff the first and third Monday of every.; I the Jewish schools would therefore intrinsic message. Through coiivicOne of the smart Fifth Avenue de- Hoover, a lover of peace, -without fear home Monday afternoon, Eabbi Abramonth. A brief period will be added i be lowered with the carrying out of ! tion he turned to Judaism as a world partment stores, Stewart's, -which is or favor, is helping'to do this by lead- ham'Bengis. officiating. '• ! each meeting for the study of current j owned by the lieberman brothers—the order. \ faith, and his pilgrimage attained Its Besides her husband she is survived i Jewish events. two former Yeshiva bachurim who ing America for peace," said Mrs. The Jewish organizations claim that constmimation when, he was conseby two children, Bernard and Rosalie, Next Monday Mrs. Max FromHn - know their Talmud as well as their Mayer in closing.', i. - • Superintendent Eoenig's order incrated as a preacher of the ! Mrs. J. J. Friedman. merchandise, has gone in for a: new - The meeting opened -with a group and a brother, five sisters and a moth- -will read a paper on "Customs in the tereferes with religious liberty, He brings to Judaism re-re powers of ; Jewish Home". The discussion will cipal auditorium. The proceeds little gesture which, it is expected, of four songs presented by Miss Eve- er, all in New York. mystical insig-ht and understanding:. lyn Zoesk, soprano, and accompanied be led by Eabbi Bengis. be used for the relief of the sufferers will soon be imitated by other shops. New York. (J.T.A.) Adolph. S. His extraordinary experience has girNew York (J. T. A.)—After a by Miss Jeanette Cass. The current events -will be led by in the recent riots in Palestine. The employes of Stewart's are now Ochs, publisher of the New York I en him an unusual feeling for the five-year tour of the, -worid, ...Peretz Mesdames Sam Wolf and Sam Beber. The carnival will open at 4 o'clock Times, and Otto Kahn, banker and art j universal and humanitarian aspects hired and-rehearsed in almost thea- Mrs. Mayer was honor guest Tuestrical fashion. The young men are day noon at the Conant-botel at the Hirschbein, the noted Jewish writer,. The classes are open to all members in the afternoon and a feature of the patron, were among the seven men, j of Judaism thereby adding to its cosdrilled in accord with the. famous luncheon, of the Peace'Group of the has returned to New York, with his of the Conservative Synagogue auxili- affair wfll be the supper of tradition-I e a c h o u t g t a n d i n g -m t h e i r o v n fieM mopolitan appeal, at the same time it wife. ary. Mrs. Sam Beber is in charge of j foods that will be served of endeavor, who were honored at the retains its historic and traditional "Boxy" methods of- deportment and Council of Jewish Women. registration an4 enrollment. under the direction of Mrs. B. A. Si- annual dinner of the New York State character. courtesy. They are garbed in simM. Palliere has won his mon and Mrs. J. EL Kulakofsky. ilar fashion and are taught to speak Chamber of Commerce November 21, \ ("Continued on Page 2.) in the same smart manner. It is said All manner of products from Palesthat the tests to which the enunciatine will be. the chief attraction' of tion and jrresence of prospective emthe booth over which. Mrs. M. F. Lev- j playes are subjected are as difficult enson presides. These include hand With "the announcement of the com- local Talmud Torah a more potent Rabbi Abraham Bengis of the Con- blocked linens, wood carvings of olive to pass as,'those for any "talkie". mittees, the new.administration of the force in Judaizing Omaha's youthful servative Synagogue will speak at the wood, filigree jewelry and many other EDDIE ON BROADWAY Talmud Torah has commenced an act- Jewry. To do this is not a small regular meeting of the Chesed Shel objects, d'art. The following- day students walked It is difficult to think of any one ive as well as constructive term. Ac-, task. The success or failure of our Emes Society; Monday, Dec 2. In order to enable as many per-j more identified with Broadway than cording, to,the plans pending, the com-' program depends on the strength' of • As .this is a very important meet- sons as possible to enjoy Hadassah J has been showered on Dr. out of Professor Manges's classes Eddie Cantor. Cantor ought to know ing year will see an enlargement both the following of this movement. Magnes Chancellor o, the an' those of his supporters, in proing all members are urged to attend. hospitality, a single admission ticket his Broadway, if any one does. And in the scope and the attendance of the W e r s r t y in Palestine, for test of the stand taken. "Jewish education knows, no faction. admits an entire family. Tickets may \ yet In America the speech was met making a t>lea for forbearance in his —it ;is for every Jew, no matter whatTalmud Torah. PROGRAM PRESENTED ured from.Mrs. Harry Trustin, b e seC convocation speech, at the opening [ with general disapproval. There« Recently Eddie, driving down that his affiliation or belief may be, to give A program featured by a movie, or at the auditorium. of its winter session last week. j however, s. significant number of -thoroughfare, passed one of the trafnot only of his material wealth hot "Children of Fate", a three-act Jewfic lights. For the first time in the history important Zionists who agree with even more freely of his time - and ish comedy, "The Immigrant", and of the institution, a Chancellor was t: j principles, but deplore his speech "Say, you ," a blue-coat shoutmoral encouragement." several Jewish songs, one a parady greeted with hisses by students. M. j at the present time. ed at him, • "don't you know how to The names of the new committees of "Eli, Eli", was presented by the drive ? Is this the first time you've M. Ussishkin, president of the Jew-1 A special committee representing follow: A. E. Mason & Co. Sunday evening ever been on Broadway?" The Center Young Judaeans and the | ish National Fund, went so far as to j thi American Jewish Congress ic a Officers ana Execoti-re Committee: N. S. at the J. C. a confirmation class under the super- interrupt Dr. Magnes in the midst ] prepared statement repudiates the Yaffe, president; M. -Vender, Tice-presiWEHERE LOU GOT aentT-Kobert Kooper. secretary; H.' Wein] activities and proposals of . Dr. vision of Miss Esther Faier were in of his address. er, treasurer; Sam Beber, Irvin StalmasHIS ENERGY ter, K. Lackow, H. Marcus, M. ZweibelWhat drew fire was Dr. Magnes's j Magnes. The statement said that the charge of the Center Sunday School It" seems that Lou Tellegen gets raan. RECOGNITION! statement to the effect that "If the j great Jewish hope in Palestine was assembly last Sunday. Membership and Finance Committee: H. his vivid personality from his mother, "Weiner, chairman;_ H. Marcus, J.. Tretiak, only way of establishing the National j placed in jeopardy fay his irresponOn the Center Young Judaeans' who was as great a dancer as her S. Gluymaii,.Juliu» Altimn, M. Wlntroutji Home' is. Epon the bayosetgjof some and unauthorized negotiations, The Center Players Guild has progTfm were Lorraine Pregger, who J. B.^Jtotiineon, JulinB Stein, J. IT. Ki)lason is an actor. Indeed, it is said korskj-, • Irrin' StalmaBter',' A. B.- *jp}rw. empire, our whole enterpriseis not .The American veterans of the received recognition in the sang and played the piano. Lyraan that Anna Pavlova took some lessons Edacatioma Committee: Ilabbi A. BenCohen also entertained with a piano i worthwhile and it is better'" that the | Jewish Legion sent a telegram to columns of the theater's outjris, chairman; Babbi Feldman, J>r. Philip from her. She was a woman of endSher, M. Zweibelman, H. Lackow, -. Irvin • standing magazine, "Billboard." selection, and Anna Bergman recited eternal people that has outlived many Dr. Magnes demanding his resignaenergy. Stiilniaster, H. Marcus. In its last issue, there is a "The Wild Thanksgiving Turkey". a mighty empire should possess its tion and calling him a traitor to the Poblleity Committee: Phil Slutimlck,' On 6ne occasion, it is said, she was chairman; Dave Blacker, Bobert Kooper.j story on the Little Theater Miss Faier's class recited the "Jew- j soul in patience and plan and wait. most sacred ideals. dancing.-.Until five in the morning. Constitution Committee: Sam Beber, Many leaders of American Jewry page telling of the production ish" Creed". .i It is one of the great civilizing Pavlova approached her and asked chairmanv Jack Marer, H. "MarcuB.* ~" ' j ! of "The Eomancers." The Property Committee: M. Zwelbelman, her whether she could have a dance The attendance for Sunday was 196 tasks before the Jewish people to criticized Dr. Magnes's nullification chairman; J. Tretiak, E. "VVeinlwrg. Guild has no knowledge of the with her some time or other. "Cerchildren, and the attendance banner | try to enter the Promised Land not j of the Balfocr Declaration, I>onatlon5 Committee: . Harrv.Pellman,' manner in which this notice Among those attacking his stand was won by Miss Lillian Haykin's! as Joshua, but bringing peace, cultainly,", replied Madame Tellegen. chairman: B. Shaft on, M. Zweibelman. A. reached "Billboard" since its ture, hard work, sacrifice, love, and" are included Jamas G. Heller, Rabbi Nathan S. Yaffe Hlrsch, M-Tenger. j class. "How will eight o'clock this morning own publicity efforts do not ex. ' . . raneral Committee: M. Blank, chalrThe charity banner was won by determination; to do nothing tmjast- Abba Eillel Silver, Jacob Haas, Dr. "do?" w tend New York-ward. It IS the aim vof this. adminiStraman; A. Monsky, A. Hirach, B. Shafton. Miss Ruth Pollack's post-connrmation! ifiable before the conscience of the Joseph Krimsky, Hon. William M. . (Copyright -1929 by Seven Arts tion," Said .Nathan S. Yaffee, the new- J •Entertainment Committee: J. Tretlat, Lewis, and Jacob Fishman. . ^ •world.* _ , "" Feature Syndicate.) class. ly elected president,, "to make the-,

DID YOU KNOW That David Belasco is -writing his memoirs? That there is a xumor on the to, among:, those; who occupy selves with Jewish/biography^ that


Prof essor Kuntz to Speak Here Sunday]

Hadassali Carnival to Be Given Sunday




NEW TEMODTMAH HEAD . Rabbi Berigis to Speak PLANS CONSTRUCTIVE TERM to Chesed Shel Ernes

Program Is Given at Sundav School

PAGE a—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1929 mud Torah Society will hold a regular Speak on "The Saddest ati4 the meeting next Wednesday afternoon, Gladdest Thing in the World." Dec. 4th, at the home of Mrs. Morris Last Sunday night Dr, Cohn spoke Published evsery Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Grossman, 208 West Washington Ave. at the First Methodist church before -.5 All members are asked to meet at THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY the Current T«pi«s section on "The By P. R. K. Teftiple Israel 1:45 Pi M. next Wednesday, precedJews and the Arabs in Palestine." Office; Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATJantic 1450 Rabbi Frederick Cohn has selected ing the meeting, at the Citizens Power The United Palestine Appeal have and Light Company to visit the place "Disraeli" as the subject of his DAVID BtACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Conservative Synagogue commenced their campaign and will • and attend the Cooking Class. sermon tonight at Temple Israel. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will d«Uver FRANK R. ACKERJfAN - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR continue for a week. The goal of one Tl-ifcre will be special Thanksgiving a sermon on "The Hebrew School" FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent thousand dollars is set for the Council at the services of the Conservative Leonard Krasne, Harold Kroloff, music at the services tonight. . SIOUX CITY OFFICE BJiiffs Jewry to raise for the Palestine and Maurice Pepper, students at the On Saturday morning he will Synagogue tonight at the Jewish Fund, and the committees are work- Abraham Lincoln High School, had Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Community Center. This will be the ing hard in order to reach their quota important parts in their Literary So- evening, Dec 4th, at the synagogue, third of a series of sermons on the this week. Mr.. Sam Meyerson is ciety play, entitled, "We Americans," 618 Mynster Street. $2.50 Subscription Price, one year • * • • - • • - ' - . - - • outstanding institutions of Jewish chairman- t»f the local drive; Dr. I.which was presented at the School • Advertising rates furnished on application life. The Council Bluffs unit of the Sternhill and Mr. Ben Kubby, Vice Auditorium last Friday and Saturday On Saturday morning, services will Junior Hadassah held a meeting Tueschairmen; and Lduis H. Katelman, evenings. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; begin at 9:30. Eabbi Bengis will day" evening at the home of Miss be store to give you* natn& Secretary and Treasurer. Other memdeliver an address in Yiddish. Fannie Katelman. Plans were made bers who are on the committee are: The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah for a Benefit Bridge Party, which Messrs. Louis Bernstein, Max Cohn, Society will hold a meeting next Tues- they will sponsor Sunday afternoon, Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) Bernard KausI. Morgenstern, S. Shyken, M. Grossner has been made an officer of the man, and M: Hoffman. The local day evening, Dec. 3, at the synagogue, Dec. 15r at the Chieftain Hotel. Pro- Polish order of Polonia Restituta. ceeds will go to the Palestine Relief Jewry are urged to do their best in 618 Mynster Street. All members are Omaha Jewry is Extremely fortunate in Having the opportunFund. assisting this committee in every way ,urged to attend. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ity to hear Aime Palliere at Temple Israel Sunday evening. The possible. " story of Palliere, who traveled the road frora Ronie to Israel, Among the students of the Unifrom Catholicism to Judaism, is the most singular example of Miss Zelda Rodin, 28, passed away versity of Nebraska who arrived home conversion to Judaism in modern annals, a story to fill us with a last Thursday nftrning, Nov. 21, at from Lincoln to spetid Thanksgiving spiritual feeling almost divine in its uplifting power. After forher Home following a long illness. She Day and the week-end visiting their Miss Bess Weinstein saking hiB studies for the Catholic priesthood, Palliere was not Moderii, emotional and. witty, "The is survived by her parents, Mr. and parents are: Mildred Meyerson, Sylvia Hymie Kramer, Leo Meyersatisfied with just becoming a Jew. He became a leader among Thief," the. Center .Flayers Guild's Mrs. J. Rodin, one "Sister, Mrs. Nathan Richards, son, Max Kramer, and Edward Rosen. Richards, of Council Bluffs, and one Iris chosen people and through tireless study earned the title production^ Jt& be .-1 presented. ;at the brother, Maurice, of Sioux City, la. j of Rabbi. Jewish.'- Community Center =TuSsddy The - body was taken to Sioux City! Mr. and Mrs. Morris Passer enterPalliere brings a wonderful message to the Jews. The most evening,"' Pec; , 3 , combihes . ^ e ; at- where burial took plaee Friday with tained about fifty guests at their apathetic of us should catch an ember frdm the glowing altar of traQ^Rns-.oi ' a IpoWerfui* love ;;£ Rabbi ^Rabinpwite .officiating. Among home Thursday evening, Nov. ,£S, in .tfipi3e.^hb attended the funeral were; celebration of their fifth wedding anhis faith, and become inspired. He demonstrates to us the beauty and. a -mystery "plot. ' Sfeaiid;Mrs. Etftiin, and Mr .and Mrs. niversary. of otir religion, gives us a new, deeper understanding of our beauticast for the" play, which. r NathsM Richards, and Maurice Rodin. ful mission on earth* He shows Us ttiat, as priests of the future H. Salzmaii, Sara Rae Fish; Isr&el ii'Bai Yisroel Society unlversalism—based on the ethidal monotheism of Judaism—it is Sternhill, Harry Colick, and Max The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- willTheholdChevra a meeting next Wednesday our privilege and Our duty to carry on. Weinstein. . Pplliere, the offspring of Catholicism, says to us: "You Miss Weinstein has taken leading possess treasures you know not of* or that you know not how to parts in a number of the , Guild's and is especially Well fitted for use. You close your eyes to the perception of the hand of God in plays, the role of "Marie Louise" the beauthe-history of Israeli When will you become the conscious instru- tiful young woman who loves her To b e truly foot-umeosisciom is truly ment of the work that the God of your fathers willed you should husband to the point of folly. It is a to be fully conscious of life's pleastsreci achieve ih-this world? ; - •/' ; ; ' part created in New York by Alice and possibilities . . . So you have ass^ *(*tsfaei is veritably a nation with a mission. There is no God Brady. other logical reason for Dr. A. fieed but God, and Israel is his prophet, Judaism has a world task Mrs. Herman Jahr is directing the production, which will be presented Cushion Shoes, whose stylish lines and before it, and to" accomplish our end we must penetrate into the with settings appropriate to a special construction let you forget inner unknown sanctuary of our souls and be Jews, not because French chateau. Israel Sternhill is/ of biith but because of conviction.'* your feet completely. business manager of the production. If Omaha Jewry wishes to gain a new and deeper under- Sol Miroff will be stage manager Choice of the finest Utaatratedl standing of its own soul, it need only hear Aime Palliere Sunday. as well as stage crew. homes. The favorite A Dr. Reed Cushion Shoe that "The Thief" will be the second sets velvet smooth to your ioo't where e c o n o m y is . . . . Shown in kid leathers. Berlin. (J. T. A.) Prof. Ludwig of the Guild's productions this •watched. A luxury • ,The, first play was Rostand's Stein, .-well-known philosopher, sodo- season. : "The Romancers." within the reach of all. ogist, writer and politician, was the, Its high reputation reobject of tributes paid him by -&1LNature never says one thing, Wiscommends that you newspapers on* the occasion of his dom another.—Juvenal. iryifc seventieth-birthday. . r Knowledge and timber should not be CORRECT APPAREL FOR KEN AND WOMEN (Continued from Page 1.) PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS used much until they are seasoned. hearers by the grace, modesty and sweetness of his ideas. Hia, literjary style is beautifully "poetic sad his views afs expressed with clarity and simplicity. - . As a disciple of the* illustrious Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh of'£egijorn, Italy, whose work, "Israel and HumThe J. r. Smith Skoe Co-, Chicago, M«k«*» anity/' he edited and; published in 1914, M. Palliere has stressed the The genuine Cushion Sole is a perfect CHRISTMAS v mediatory power of Judaism in the insulator. It keeps your feet cosy~ SAVINGS modern world. -.: "Benamozegh," he trarm in cold treuiher—and says in "The Unknown Sanctuaryj'' healthfully dry when "in the title of his great work summed the going is wet. up universal history, envisaged from the viewpoint of the divine. 'Mankind cannot rise to the essential principles on which society must rest unless it meet with Israel. And Israel cannot fathom the deeps of its own .national and religious tradition unless it meet with mankind' K **True reWith the ligion must give us an explanation of the status of humanity which will not dO' violence to our reason, our conscience or our. hearts, and will enable us^to believe in the salvation of all men. But the soul secure on the ancient rock of Judaism finds itself at Combined with the the very center of a religious synthesis, which makes it possible to judge and lio understand alt the fragments ofV itruth scattered throughout the wtijrld. The different religions.,appear asiso many special manifestations corresponding to the needs o | the difarid Scientifically Blended ..... ferent races, but grouped around the in Omaha .. i central Truth, and more or less closely retajed t6 cite another,' according to Join our Christmas Savtheir distance from, or nearness to


'Miss Weinstein to ] Take Lead in Plau

Council Bluffs Neivs

Religions Services





fffae Bank of Personal Service


Enchanting Aroma of the Orient


More Money for Next Year























H The Jewish Tribune of New York, says of M. Palliere: "Ah ambassador of*; Frency JSwry has arrived for an American lecture tour, bringing a message of faith which in put time is Remarkable for / Its r "fundamental stfehgtii and origin. Aime Pailiefe represents a rare admixture of 1 .; ligipus evolution and • ideal. Like a foreign metid'aftfacieai to^ the niagnefc, AiiSe Paiti^e uhderstands: riipre oi Judaism and its power for good life and happiness than inany who are B9fn into it, and his ^Ainerlcah sojourn should serve to itnpart much W t ^ i iinderstahding to pose -vvho will ;:nea^|lis'ihessage.'^ T

;; -.'•'^[•'/':-.•/•'••"


•-yy44!^W^nSal;-d1ntie^^'>^6^^:M»:'•.Aiiii6 •:/P0i$i<$; who is to lectufe at Templ^ l s $ ? i Sunday: hight^ wili be field at fh^" filackstohe hotel ^recedinfe the •; lecture. ? Those •wishing ib ^attendv the •dimVr;)roustiniake reseryfitioas before ! gatulday' Wi^h Aba;. Scjtiinmef \6t the : "Blsictetone' 'hotels ; . : -;. : : ^S- 'C^1'-)/-: ^:-;:ff0-k--'- v "^;:,!; ;'../•.';.'.- '•-.:-;;-• .•»• : \:%&SMIB are but wbrdjv a n i "^Mds, ' "" -J5utifliv";---i*,;X'.V. Men art never" BO, goSd.or so Bad as •thei* opinions.—Mackintosh.

$6.85 Terms This new Hotpoint Waffle Iron will delight you, I t has modem features that place it beyond any waffle itoti oti the market today at this low price. Delirious* crispy, waffles are yours with this new Hotpoint Waffie Iron.

$1 DOWN—$1 PER MONTH "tilectric Shops'* 17th and Harney Sts.

ings club and you will have enough money to enjoy Christmas next y:ear without robbing your budget. We have a class for your purse. Come to our regular savings department, on the first floor, and let us explain the Christmas Savings plan. We shall be happy to serve you*

Irresistable Flavor of Brazil

Advo Coffee •is

Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch and

Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to he compared with it

Largest Savings Department in Omaha

prst National

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by «II Firtt Lines Grocers Everywhere

As* for It Insurt on AdT» "Fsnuntt fm

2314 M Sts.

Nebraska Power<8 Courfeiy * Service « Low Rates

Serving Omofia Singe 185?

Blended, Rested, Ground find Packed



PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1929 next .meeting of the Thought will be held on Tuesday, JDec. .10. The speaker of the evening will be Mr. Judah L. Wolf son, His subject wall be, "A Jewish Philosophy of Life."

Co-Chairman of Dinner

The J. C. C. announces that the Hpppy Rhythm Boys will supply the music for the dance on Saturday evening, Nov. 30.

The Jewish Women's Organization will give a bazaar for the Chahitzos of Palestine, on Sunday, Jan. 19, 1930, at the Labor Lyceum at 22nd and Clark streets. Committees will solicit funds, and all Jews are asked to cooperate to make this affair a success. Tile engagement of Miss Jeanette Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum, daugh- The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will - jSAtlejpazv daughter of the late Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum, give a Bridge Party next Wednesday and Mrs. ABTOH Katleman, to Mr. Sam has been chosen for the lead in the fafternoon at 2 o'clock at 2420 Charles Ban, son -of Mr* and Mrs. Joe Ban, Central High school opera, "The Street. Everyone is invited. UrgB'announced at a Thanksgiving din- Fortune Teller," by Victor Herbert. ner given by her Tjrother, Mr* Morris Miss Kirshenbaum also had the The last meeting of the Bonoh lead in the first Center Players' club of Central High school was held Katleman. Guild production of the season, "The at the home of Harvey Leon. Plans for a banquet were discussed. «The **edding_of Misa Sarah Yaffe, Romancers." daughter "of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mr. Nathan Gitnick -was honored On- Sunday, Dec 1, at 7:30 p. m. Yaffe to Mr. Maurice Giller, eon of^ by a surprise birthday J>arty given the J. C. C. will sponsor a Jr. A Mrr-a»d -Mrs. Nathan Giller, which b y Mrs* Gitnick on Saturday, Nov. and Jr. B Boys Frolic AH boys •wH8'~-er?oneotisly announced in the who are members of the Com. -•"...-. PijSe" to her held Nov. 24, was 23rd. , munity Center are urged to get solemnised Thanksgiving day. Habbi Miss Esther Weinberg has returned tickets at once from Xeo Fried, in Frederick Cohn officiated. from a two weeks visit to Chicago, charge of the recreation department. After a honeymoon trip, the couple •where she •visited Tier brother, Mr. Lots of fun and plenty of refresh•wilL make their home at 2447 Pink- Jack Weinberg. ments have been promised. ney street. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kubenstein Miss Freda Bolket; who is ^attend- 'A Leaders' club is to be organized announce the birth of a son at the ing the. "University of California at at the Center, The first meeting will the ThanlSsgiviiig be held on Monday, Dec. 2, at 8:15 Wise Memorial hospital, on Nov. 25, Berkley,: is spending i holidaY\ .with'';ker: 'iErlends. at "Fresno, p. m. All club leaders, Sunday school teachers, class instructors, and other Mr. and Mrs. Julius Oberndofer of California,' ;.' ~ ' J ; Center volunteer workers are. -urged Nashville, Term., announce the birth to attend. This club will sponsor a of'-a daughter^ "Rita Belle, on-" Nov. Mr. J. B. ;Van Veen of New York, Leader's training course later in the Supreme Archon of Pi Lambda Phi, 26th. season. . . Mis. Obemdofer -was formerly Miss national social fraternity, visited the local chapter last -week". A new Junior club is being organBess Hsykrc of Omaha. The fraternity staged a dance and ized for the Sunday' school children Mr. and Mrs. Y. Katz of Chicago house- party at its new home on of the Center.! Singing and stunts announce" the birth of a son on Thanksgiving eve. will feature one meeting Tvith the Urn. 20* ' alternate meeting taken up with sewMM« . Kata was formerly Miss Miss Ida Babior spent the week- ing. The club will meet every WedFreda Eqsenblum of this city. end in Lincoln. nesday afternoon at . 4 .. o'clock. A JUrs. Reuben Ferer left Saturday Mr. J. Bobin of Sioux City> visited number of sponsors will be chosen. evening for St. Louis -where she at- m O m a h a t h i s - w e e k . :••'•• •••'••• tended the -wedding • of her cousin, PATRONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS Mfes Ann Gershman, to Mr. Joseph The Jewish Women's Welfare Or Ghertner, -which took place on ganization vrill hold their regular Thanks giving at the Statler hotel. meeting on Tuesday, Dec 3, at 3 "Mr. Ferer left Wednesday tq join o'clock. The main business will be Mis. Ferer for Thanksgiving." the election of officers for the coming year. Miss Itae Borsky of the Brandeis The following are officers .^t presLines Department left for a buying ent: Mrs; A. Greenberg, president; trip through the East. She •will he Mrs. Harry Sachmah,. vice-president; mT^ew Tfotk, Philadelphia, .Washing- Mrs. Dolly Elgutter, recording secreton, Chicago arid other points east. tary; Mrs. J. Malashock, correspondMtts Borsky will return in ten days. ing secretary; Miss Blanche Zimman ..Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg and son, and Mrs. William Holzman, financial TT^Ha™ David, of Des Moines, Iowa, secretaries; Mrs. Charles Levinson, •: • are spending a couple of weeks here treasurer._ visiting Mrs.- fiockenberg's mother, A board meeting will- be "held at 1:30,-preceding the regular meeting. Mrs. M. ' " "

ABxartE, W«Uam Alberts, J. M. Malashodt and B, A. Simon; Messrs, Ben Glazer, PhiHp KlutHiick and Dr. A.

A little philosophy inclineth roan's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion. —Bacon.

In Our Annual

After Thanksgiving Clearance

Mrs. 9, M. Malashock Mrs. J. M. Malashock is co-chair- Mrs. William Alberts, program man with Mrs. F. J. Alberts for the chairman, has arranged a very interfirst annual congreg-ational dinner of esting and entertaining program, feathe Conservative Synagogue, fcteing turing both Yiddish and English man- , sponsored by the Synagogue auxili- bers. Mrs. J. H. Ktdakofsky will act j ary. The event will be held December as toast-mistress. j The program will be followed by a ; 4, at 6:30 p. m., at the J. C. C. It has been urgently requested that • joint i&stallatien of the officers, Rabbi. all reservations be in by tonight, as Abraham Bengis officiating. no reservations will be accepted there- j The joint committee in charge of {the affair consists of Mesdames F. J.

D a i n t y dresses with touches of colored hand' embroidery. Baby boy and g i r l styles.

J u s t enough warmth for baby — is in these "light as a feather" quilted Jackets.

Tots Sweater Suits 1 to 4 years!




Entire Stock of

High Grade Winter Coats


^^^^^^^^^te aii Furs






fME VOICE of the new Spairtoa EQUASONNE radio instrument is =w^=^^PfB. The ex appear before you IN PERSON. This amazing Voice of Sparton provides for expression oftheir individuality as warmly and vividly as their instruments or their voices. It is difficult to explain, but it is true You willknow it the momentyoufirst hear the new Sparton, Come in and listen.




Brushed wool and plain Knit sets in light and dark colors. Three and four piece sets^—Sweater, Cap, Leggings—and some With mittens.


Warm Caps and Berets $1.00 to $1.95 Knit hoods—wool berets—and wool and silk stocking caps - -_ _ • to keep Jack JPYost away from Baby's ears.

I _ _- J Just make a small down-payment and we will make immediate delivery of this beautiful set to your home. Then continue with small weekly payment* until the set is p*H for. No interest or finance charge. Why not have one delivered to yonr home for Chanukah?

: „ . at the Greatest Reductions of the Entire Year Charge Purchases Billed January 1st

Revised Telephone Service Arrangement To Be Placed in Effect December 1 . . . The revised telephone sen-ice arrangement for Greater Omaha, which has been previously announced, *dll be Jplacej in effect Sunday, December^* "The change in brief is as 1. Tlie 5-eent toll chwrue «m telephone calk between Omaha and Smith Om»hi will lie raramd •»<£ lh« pi-esent rone syntem eliminated. 2 . Uniform rate* will fee «•• tabtisbed for i i d

3. Setvkse change* vrfR W made for subscriber* who have ordered m different claw of service than they foMnerly received!. 4> Th« area in whicfe telnphone ser*iee will be ^ » Tided at Omaha rates vffi be extended.

"Radio's Richest

Splendid Values!


Sensational Reductions

~FiiU of:;New Warm Apparel § CRIB BLANKETS JAPANESE QUILTS 95c $1.95


FOR KENT Lovely furnished room. Private family. Home privileges, 10.C1 Lincoln BlvtS. C*lt HA. TS1« or WE. 0414


'ill "Babyland"

Light weight — but warm quilted Japanese silk quilts —in pink and blue. A pretty gift fot baby.


Omaha's Style Center


Soft wooly Crib Blankets— 32x40 size. In pink, blue and -white, with applique nursery figures.


Young lady wants room with respectable family in pocwl neighborhood, preferably west part of twwn. CALL WE. 5CZ5

We greatly appreciate the cooperatfdn of the people of Omaha in the preparations necessary for putting this new service arrangement into operation. This change is being made to promote the unity of Greater Omaha and to enable this Company to provide telephone service which is more satisfactory t» the public as a whole. NORTHWESTERN B E U TELEPHONE COMPANY

This set is guaranteed by the factory for one year and we will service it free for that year. Free installation. Tubes guaranteed for six months.


Btt Phcme '^& KgPiE 23«J and JAckson'1226 FUNERAL'Cuming Street



HONEST*', KATI.EMAS & G ROD IN SKY JT*7 Omaha .National Bank Bids. Omnli a NOTIGR OF 2*KT1CT,ES OF INCORPORATION OF SOCNft SERVICE 4 S1STJEM, INC. eIn b r athe s k a .Cennty Court t . ,<• . ^V i Notice is Sereby given, that the underIn the matter-of the imtote.'iet&jfOIlHIS A signed, pursuant to the lawB of Nebraska, Nebraska. deceased. 'XVi -~* E Z . de XVi have formed a. corporation, tlie name of E ELZEK. Jrt,. said;, •which is Sound. Service--System, Inc., and All persons Interested I t r t d Jrt id ejusnte teare re its principal place of business in the City hereby -notified that « ixSiitMi.-b&B been Election of officers was held at the of Omaha. The purposes for which thig flkd in Bnid Court alleging fha^silid deJACK W. HABER, Att'y corporation 1B formed are to maintain and ceased died leaving no Inst will and pray" meeting Tuesday evening with the folCounty'Court House operate a Sound Service SyBtem for alling for administration upon his estate, ond forms of sound machines, apparatuses, ap- that a hearing will be had on said petition lowing results: Shirley Hoberman, BY rCBtlCATION FOB SET-pHnhces "and machines of nil sorts, types snid Court on the snid 7):h day of Dec.i president; La Verne Feblowitz, secre- NOTICE ana kinds, including radios; to install, 1929, and that if they foil to appear at TJLEMENT OF FINAL ADM1HISTRAerect, maintain, mid service ali types of snid Court on the snid 7th dny of Dee.,tary-treasurer; Bess Cooper, reporter. • " T I O X - A C C O C N T --••• disc and sound-on-film machines, appli- 1929, nt S> o'clock A. M. to contest said In the County. Court of Donglas County, ances, and- apparafiuses, including radios; petition, the Court mnj»' grant the iiame The representatives to the Senior to manufacture j>hd s&Ilnll types and kinds and grant aflmini«t;rntiOTio^ snideBtnlje to I Kebraska. . . . . . . . . . . . 4Council, are: Bess. Cooper and Ann I " i n the Matter of the"'Estate of ~f£RJ&Nof parts, 'appifances. appimituses, acces- Nathan Belzer-or •some"ofcnW8rimibte persories und machines for ail types ana son and proceecl to a settlement thereof. I BUEWBKj Deceased: kinds of disc and sound-on-film machines, BRYCE CRAWFOKD, AH persons interested in salcl matter are including radios; to purchase, lease, hire Nov. IS—3T County Judge. hereby notified that on the 23th dny ofand otherwise ncquire reni and personal November, 1929. Eva Johnson filed a peti- property of every kind and fiiscription and I have everything, yet have nothtion in said County Court, praying that to sell, dispose of. lease, convey and mort- | The FA HON girls have chosen a her final administration account filed here- gage any and all of the said property; t o ; ing; and although I possess nothing debate team composed of Eose Stein in be settled and allowed, and that Bhe borrow money, and to do all other thin?? i still of nothing am I in want.— be discharged from her trust as adminis- necessary or incident to the operations of | and Marion Brookstein, with Minnie tratrix and that a hearing vrill be had on its business. The authorized capital stock said petition before said Court on the 21st is $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the Terence. Zwieback as alternate, to win the day of December, 1029. and that if you par value of $100.00 each, ell of which shall laurels for their dub when the Senior fail to appear before said Court on thebe common and when issued shall be fully said . 21st - day of December, 192S, at 0 paid and non-nssessable ana such stock Council of Clubs' debate tournament o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, shall be issued for either goods, wares and the Court may grant the prayer of snid merchandise, or cash or both. The corporstarts. petition, enter a decree of heirship, and ation shall commence business upon the filing of the Articles of Incorporntion in 24 th and Harney make such other and further orders, allow- the office of the County Clerk of Douglas ances and decrees, ns to this Court may County, and shall continue until seem proper, to the end that all matters January Nebraska, 1st, 1878. The highest amornit o( •• OPEN DAY AND K 0 | i pertaining to said—eetate may be finally its indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds settled and. determined. of its capital stock. The nffairs of the «WE SATISFY ALL*1 BIIYCE CRAWFORD, corporation shall be administered by a Nov. 29—3t ' '' County Judge. •Board of Directors which shall consist of not less than three nor more than live members and who shall be elected at the annual meeting to be held on the second 1RVTS C. tEVnV, Att'y Tuesday in January of ench yenr. Tlie 301 Electric Bide. Board shall elect from their number a City President, Vice-President, Secretary nnd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Treasurer, any two or when offices, except- JA. 0528 H. IWRGER In the County Court of Douglas County, ing that of President and Vice-President may be held by the same person. The Nebraska. , VOUB may be amended at any regular In the Matter of the Estate of EREArticles meeting of the stockholders or at any TOWEL SUPPLY COMPANY MON, Deceased: special meeting called for that purpose All persons interested in said estate are after ID days notice of special proposed Since 1816 .hereby notified- ttait a petition hta^-been amendment in writing has been mailed to filed in said Court alleging that said de- all stockholders and upon the affirmative ceased died leaving no last will and pray- rote of two-thirds of -the capitnl stock. ing for administration upon his estate, Ask Your Dealer For A and that's" hearing \rill be had on said petition before said court on the 21st day Dated at Omaha, Kebraska, August 1st, they cost you of December, 1929, and thnt if rhey fail 1929. (Signed) H. MARQUARDT to appear "at said Court on the said 21st Witness: J. W. MAKER nothing more. day trl December, 1929, at 9 o'clock A. M.,H. B. COHN MUNROE FURNACE to contest said petition, the Court may Nov. 15—4T. grant the same and grant administmtion SUPPLY CO. ofsaid estate to Sarah. Mon or some other These improveNecessity is the argument of ty1718 Cass JA. 4065-6 hnitnble "person and "proceed to a settlerants; it is the creed of slaves.—Pitt. m exits h a v e ment thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, added immeasNor. 29—St" County Judge.

. -The ALPHA TAU giris.made final The EAGLE GIRL SCOUT TROOP plans for sponsoring the Center's Sathas two _new members, Lucille- WTos- urday night dance. The giris are kowitz and Hose Weiher, who have wearing unique badges; of distinction, already joined the old members_of the and have planned very interesting entroop in their effort to make their tertainment for intermission.


troop a very good one. ; At the meeting last week the Scouts practiced their Morse code of Signalling, with whistle signals, and also reviewed the Scout laws. The KAEMELITES were very, hapbers into their group at their meeting Monday evening. The new pledges are: Leah-Siegel, Belle Kolmar, Evelyn Zwieback, Goldie Woolfson, Sylvia Giventer and Sally Bernstein. The club hopes to do some charity wo^rk for Jewish orphans and have been discussing plans for their activity.


Berlin, (J.TJL)—The Jewish cemetary in Eoedesee, was entered bv vandals. . Eleven gravestones wera overturned. Among the graves desecrated was that of a rabbi.


_ _




••• •

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and other added features

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Make your own comparison. Then you'll know why you cannot: buy a better radio at any price*


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.2059 liWnlam — OMAHA BRANCH — Phone JAckson 47JJ2

M. R. ABRAHAMS, Att'y 400 Brandels Theater Bids., Omaha NOTICE rax PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOB SETTLEMENT OF F I S A t ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Donglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of JULIA ASHEH, deceased." • All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 20th day of November, 1029. Arthur Asher and Milton R. Abrahams filed a petition in said County Court, praying that their final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that they be discharged from i their trust as executors and that a hearincl will be had on said petition before said Court on the 13th day of December. 1929. and that if you fall to appear before said; Court on the said 13th day of December, | 1929. at 9 o'clock A. M.. ana contest saia | petition, the Court may grant the prayer' of said petition, enter a decree of belrchlp, and make such other and-fnrttrer-ortfers, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaininE to said estate may be finally settled nnd determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD, ^S'ov.22,1929—3T., County Judgre.

EL-PATIO GAFE After Theatre Dancing


ACCOUNTANT ; AUDITS — — SYSTEMS 534 Peters Trust Bidg.AT. 7611

24th and Farnam PATRONIZE THE


CANDYLAND IGth and t'Rrnnm


Certified Public Accountants 638 Securities Bids.

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. 2501 Parnam—AT. 5524


Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured In Omaha"

PaxtonMitchell Co. !7th and Martha 81». HArney 1664 OMAHA. NEBRASKA Soft Bray 'iron, brass, bronze ana aluminum castings. Standard sizes oronza and Iron bushings, seiyer mannotes, cistern rings nnd re>ver» and Mean-out doors In stock. All binds of nrood and metal pntterns.


DRIVING Cold W a v e Coining!

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ATlantic 62S1 J. M. JENSEN

Don't be caught unprotected when the cold wave strikes! Fill your car with "FREZPRUF" MOTOR OILS and COSDEN LIQUID GAS . . . . then r o a r troubles will end. Our motor fuels are t h e answer t o winter hazards. • .

Protection Assured.... With This New Lubricant


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eye'f." He is anxious to see you all and he fj ' has'a present for-every little-boy and: girl *• J| ;"., that ;colnes,'to. see him. There are so many . ;| --, nice'toys and things to se . . . don't'forget >K ^o/come! .^>-.. •

to See the Circus!

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nS'- i-T&e iBrandeis- Dog - ana. Pony Circus with \!*£f3&e: smallest- trick ' ponies:in the world K; f'^^rts'Saturday. - Dogs that'can do 'almost • . '•-•"• ' - ^ ^ ^ ~ -*.««.- talk. "- MonkeysUhat -ride • -" ... On7*yes, I almost^forgor the;. "„-;


times a day we are in your neighborhood




20S So. 19—J A. 1209 • JA. 5676 — Evenings WA. 5077

The Omaha JobbingCo* JOSEPH TRETIAK, Propr. Just bought a carload of Kraft Paper Bags. To sell 25% below the wholesale price. Here i&'a real chance to reduce your cost of operation by stocking up on these bags.

317 No. 15th S t . JA. 5604


SAM NITZ Announce*the opening of a

LARGEST STOCK , IN WEST Qnick Shipments Our Hobby for 45 Years OMAHA STOVE EEPAIK WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street



Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor

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Are You Prepared? • • •


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Try A Case


All Flsvors

Soda Water Gingerale and Near Beer

IDEAL Settling Co. WE. 3043



SHIELD "FREZPRUF MOTOR OIL" will enable yon to start your car during the rriost severe freezing weather. Yonr motor will turn over with ease and . add pleasure to winter driving.

Cosden Liquid Gas Unsurpassed for Winter Driving You may have used many kinds of gasoline . . • bnt until you try COSDEN, LIQUID GAS, you will never know the true winter gasoline. Its POWER. PEP and" SPEED .have no equal .anywhere.





City Wide Delivery

AT. 4750


MA. 4750

Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program

Harry H, l*pMu%

Omaha Fixture and Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE OUTFITTERS W# O e c i r ver JO.noo Kqimr* P«ct

Southwest Comer Eleventh and Dpajdas Street* Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr. _ ,

Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha


Visit the

MALASHOGK'S Jewelry Store 16th and Howard Streets Hill Hotel Building

Jewelry on $ at Cash Prices \ It Will Pay You to Inquire. MID WEST ENGRAVING CO, INC

cC to 9 3 1 3 S O< 14 T H. 5 T , ,::•

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