Scanning the Jewish
Interesting Entertaining
By David Schwartz
KCHNS, NOT COONS You have heard the story of the Eaterea as second-class mail matter on January 27. 1SKO, at Indian in Coney Island who, being OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929 postaffice at Omaha,--Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, 187a asked whether lie was a real Indian, replied: "Yes, I am t real Indian from Byalistok." Develop New Way Well, is seems there are quite a of Giving to Fund number of such "Indians" in the other rackets of this twentieth century civil- Jerusalem. (J.A.T.) -A new means ization of ours. of supporting the Jewish National Those who know their stage need the company 'which assumes not be told of the success the "Black-j .all lands bought'by the Jewbirds" have made. This is a show in ish Agency, has been introduced. which the cast is all Negro, and the Mrs. A. V. Rosenbaum, of Brigh"words and music" are likewise sup- ton, England, whose late husband beposed to hte of African composition. ,. , cstate * _. , . . , , ., ' quatned has Time after time it has been s a i d :bought ; ^ , „ an annuity" from' this fund. "You must hand it to our colored1 She has paid the sum of $6,000 to the brethern when it comes to rhythm and fund for which it has agreed to pay ^ The Jewish Press urges all of Its readers to take advantage of the vigor of melody. Just look at 'Black- her an annual amount during her extraordinary offer contained in a full-page advertisement on page 3 of 1 birds ." life-time, the principal', remaining at this paper, . . ' .' i$. And so it is of interest to learn the full and restricted use of the that the play was staged and prod.. Your subscription to the Jewish*Press is now due. To all those who uced by Lew Leslie, who is a Jew . It is expected that many Jews, anact upon our offer during this month, and mail us $2.50, which is the ft? -under i i s name. The tunes aTe the[-xious f ~. to assure themselves of a regregular subscription price of the Jewish Press, we will give a copy of work of Arthur Goodman, and that ular annuity but still desirous of be'Talestine, Today and Tomorrow", by John Haynes Holmes, in addition Jewish. Theaslyrics by strikes me beingwere also written somewhat to the year's subscription. . a daughter of the famous Jewish co- ing helpful to the Jewish National Fund will adopt this new procedure. . 'Talestirie, Today and Tomorrow" is a marvelous book, -written by median Lew Fields. a master author. It is a true picture of life in Palestine pictured through As far as I Jmow, however, the colthe eyes of a master; painter. To read it is like walking through the ored actors in the play are not Jewish.
Offer Extraordinary
•YOL.VIL—No. 47
f *
"Palestine, Today and Tomorrow" and a Year's Subscription to 'The Jewish Press," Both Given for $2.50
picturesque streets of the Holy Land, speaking to its inhabitants, and viewing all its grandeur andbeauty. Reading this book is the closest one can come to visiting Palestine without actually making the trip. Nor is the value of the Jewish Press to be minimized in any degree. Week in and week out, the Jewish Press brings to you Jewish news, news which you cannot get elsewhere—happenings in Palestine, Europe, Africa, America, in fact, any place where there are Jews. It is unquestionably your sole medium for dissemination of all Jewish events, your sole means of-keeping in constant touch -with the progress of your people, both locally and liationally. By renewing your subscription to the Jewish Press you are giving yourself, and what is vastly more important, you are giving your children a course in-current Jewish history. You are developing a Jewish consciousness, enabling yourself to intelligently discuss Jewish topics. Here is a golden opportunity to widen your Jewish horizon and viewpoint. Learn the modern trend of Judaism. Find the answer to antiSemitism. Again we sincerely exhort you—do not let this opportunity slip By. Mail us $2.50 immediately, and receive this best seller and a subscription to the Jewish Press.
That Norman Klein is "ghost" author for Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon? That the editor of "Home", one of the new Woolworth publications, is Miriam Sieve, a Jewish girl, formerly of the city of beans and culture Comzet Winner in Struggle With Agricultural otherwise known as Boston. Bank That the late Israel Zangwill, when asked at some social affair in America whether he was enjoying himself, Moscow.—(J.T. A.)—Three million replied:- "That is the only thing I am rubles in credits instead of one million will be available for the Jewish settlenjoying?" That the original of the name Bel- ers this year as a direct result of a mont is Schoenberg, and that Walter decision by the Sovnarkom, Council J. Salmon, after whom the famous of Peoples Commisars, on the Jewish Salmon Tower in New York is named,' situation. The decision ends the long fight bewas at one .time just plain Solomon? That there is. an organization of tween the Comzet, government society for settling the Jews on the land, and Irish Jews in New York City? That there'are. more Jewish thea- the Soviet Agricultural Bank, the lattres in New York than there are thea- ter having refused special credits for tres playing in all the other foreign the Jewish settlers on the ground that no exceptions can be made between languages .Combined?. . That. Barney ^ Baruch's father was Jews and non-Jews in granting credits *, surgeon -in the Confederate army,. and that the Jewish colonies would be ST£E£fiI "Xjenfliansi JDnterinEyeTS ers'Tmable-tp-repay-.the increased credits. "ffie~3jehmansj The decision-- of. the Sovnarkoni . and Judge Proskauer are also -of Elect Klaver .gives: the} Comzet more ^hope-now- of southern _extraction,-? President of That President and Mrs. Hooverare .overcoming the •Agricultural Bank's sitting for portraits by Leonebel'Jac-| opposition, thus, tripling the Jewish ' Hebrew Club obs? Miss Jacobs also painted Cal-j credits .with instructions irom the vin Coolidge when he was president. J Finance Commissariat to trie Bank, ' More than one thousand persons O VERSATILE MILT GROSS! b a s e d D p o n '***• S o v n a r W s ruling.!attended the Senior and Junior Haother pomts the recom- j dassah Carnival and Bazaar Sunday Milt Gross, famous author of "Nize a s s i s t a n c e tQ m e n d s a s s i s t a n c e tQ ^ J e w s a i o n g afternoon and night at the City Baby", etc, besides being a humorist c o l I e c t i v e Unes oniy,-wTuch eliminates! ! Auditorium. " and cartoonist is a good painter, poker and cartoonist is a good painter poker for The most attractive feature of' the P ^ f r , ice skater etc, etc Apropos S o v n a A o m s p e n t some time affair was the Cafeteria supper presof *sjersatihty Harry HershfieWU* d { s c u s s i n g . w l i a i s l u r a i a - b e d o n e ided' over by Mrs:'B. A. Sifaon' "and : Kabibble fame, was telling of an avere c o n o m i c situation'among • Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky. Home cooked age day at his own home. At seven,' J e w g ^ t f a e t o w n s a n d vi U a g e 5 .! traditional Jewish food in abundance he declared, "the nursemaid takes cabinet agreed entire Soviet proved immensely popular with the junior out to the park. At eight the J e w i s h situation was more j •i housemaid serves our breakfast. At fllBt than among' other groups j crowd. nine the governess starts her lesson o f ^ g p o o r population in the Soviet' Other attractions were the Palwith Thomas. At ten our French maid , Union and also that the percentage estinian Display booth in charge of cleans the study and at eleven our; o f unemployed among the Jews is' Mrs. M. F. Levinson; Miscellaneous beautiful German singing instructor J greater than among other national- j booth, Mrs. J. Rosenberg; Groceries, arrives." ities. 1 Mrs. B. Robinson and Mrs. 13. "Wein• "Gracious,""exclaimed the interest- Realizing these things, the Sov-1 gerb; Candy, Mrs. R. Bleicher and ed auditor, "your home must be liter- narkom decided to adopt as relief j Mrs. A. Theodore; Needlework, Mrs. ally swamped with maids and what- 'measures, instructions to the de-J S. Robinson, Mrs Max Goldberg; not?" " "No, .not- exactly," drawled partment- ron -collective farming to Hadassah Cook Books, Mrs. A. Romm; and Sandwiches, Mrs. J. Stein and Hershfield. ' "We have only one—but collectivise the Jewish • colonies, in- Mrs. Max Lerner. • —ah—she's, very versatile." -.. structions to .the industrial departAnd so is Milt! ment to cooperate with the Comzet A touch of romance and color was in developing industry in regions added by the Juniors. The girls THIS WAS LONG AGO •where there is Jewish labor and dressed in realistic Gypsy .costumes I have been waiting "for somebody,.. . _ , . . ., . , .» _„,*_,_;«. now that the'stock markefis on the i f sections to the labor department nrlngled in the crowd selling candy, brain of all,' to get up a story dealing |to assign a larger fund for teachmg pop corn balls and toys. The girls d J || « « « * * • * Jewish youth qualified als "had a nursery booth in charge with some of the Jewish fodders «J and also for sentog non- an<* a fortune telling booth. Sam E. Klaver the-New York Stock Exchange. There I J ews Mrs. J. J. Friedman was Senior f . *° Norton buildings, Sam E. Klaver, well-known local were about twenty men who establishcoal mmes, timber fields, and es- chairman and - Miss Ida Daytch Jun- ! attorney, was elected president of the ed Ke New York Stock Exchange registra- ior chairman. 1 Omaha Hebrew club at their meeting about a centiiry ago,,and approx^mto burefus in last Sunday. Mr. Klaver has been / ately twenty-five per cent, o f ^ h e \* Lpoverished Jews 4ew i very prominent in club activities, e founders were Jews. There were Alex-!* . j Other officers elected are: Mark ve ander Zuntz, Bernard Hart, Ephraim ilive. "Siyum Hasefer" i Polonsky, vice-president; Sol RosenHart and Benjamin Seixas," among Ceremony Dec. 29 berg, secretary; John Feldman, treaso t h e r s . ' ' . • : . . . •' •.."•••' - . Rialto Music Stop nrer; Morris Brandeis, Jerome KulBernard Hart, it will "be recalled, The two Torahs donated to ; akofsky, and Hyman Oruch, trustees. was the grandfather of .Bret'Harte, Has Beautiful Gifts the Conservative Synagogue ;' A brief discussion on the Free famous American novelist. Hart frewill be officially presented on Bridge proposition featured the proRialto Music and Art Shop quently recounted how, his father Sunday evening, Dec 29, at the gram. Leaders in this discussion announced the receipt of a would take him to see hhis gradfather grandfather lv e r Jewish Community Center. The were Harry ' Lapidus, Mark Lorig, on the Exchange. . Seixas.must'have; y beautiful selection of lamps, .torahs were given by Mr. and Irvin Levin, and Albert Kaplan. been a relative of Rabbi Gershon etchings, statuary, and other articles' Mrs. Mose Yousem and Mr. alon Seixas of the Spanish and Portuguese S attractive, artistic lines, Louis Margolin. congregation of American revolution I M r - J o e Himelstein of the Rialto The ceremony, known as Father Sues for , fame. Writing 'recently of Rabbi S h o P P o ^ s out that they have ap"Siyum Hasefer," will be perSeixas, the New'York World declared: j P r o P r i a t e &***f o ? a11 <>ccasions sad formed in traditional manner. Conversion of Child "He was the only minister in New a t a11 P r i c e s - Artistic and picturesThe committee in charge in< ue which eve York of any church or sect who had • I ^^^^ ^^^ ' ^ cludes Julius Stein, chaim-ui, Cairo. (J.T.A.) Eli Moghnage, the openly preached rebellion from h i s ! a r e a specialty,-a trip through the J. H. Kulakofsky, Dr. M. Marfather of one of the six children conpulpit. The rabbi saw himself at a ! s t o r e b d n S like a visit to an art golin, Mose Yousem, and B. A. verted by a "Christian. mission here : rope's «nd- or at best in a British museum. Simon. President Sam Beber without the knowledge of their parand Rabbi Abraham Berigis are prison ship once Howe's soldiers laid ents, has brought an action for perex-officio members. their handa on him." | Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—According suasion of a minor and asks damages A prominent out-of-town Incidentally, Rabbi Seixas was one to incomplete statistics now availto his honor. . . ... : speaker is being secured, • and of the original incorporators of Co- able from September 5 to November The Jewish community is looking the -ceremony, which is open to lumbia university, and later was made 15, there have been. 59 assault re-; forward to the suit with interest and the public, is expected to be a a trustee of thatjnstitotion. \ ''corded on Jews in. Jerusalem, in-l on the results of the trial will depend memorable event. (Copyright 1929 by Seven Arts Fea-' eluding murder, stabbing and rob-' whether or not other parents will f olture Syndicate.) Jbery. ^' ' j.low Moghnage's action. •J-
.Washington, D. C. (J.T.A.) Justice Louis B. Brandeis last week broke the: silence he had maintained since he ascended the bench of the Supreme Court in October 1916, when he raised his voice against the recent tragic occurrances in Palestine and joined with Mr. Felix M, Warburg and other notable leaders of the American Jewish community in formulating plans for the establishment of an economic corporation for Palestine. The conference, held at the Hotel Mayflower, was called at the invitation of Mr. Warburg to meet with Justice Brandeis, Dr. Lee K. Frankel, Mr. Bernard Flexner and himself in order to consider practical possibilities for investments in Palestine. The conference unanimously decided to organize an American business corporation for the investment of funds with a view of furthering the economic development of Palestine. The Jewish press of New York has greeted with undisguised satisfaction the speech of Justice Louis D. Brandeis at the meeting in Washington of those interested in- the organization of a corporation to develop Palestine economically. His speech signalizes his return to public participation in the work of building the Jewish National Home. An editorial in the Jewish Journal says "we know that Brandeis in all the years that he kept away from public activity in connection with Palestine did not omit to do important work for Palestine . . . but we are glad to see that at last he has decided to come out with a speech in public This is of great importance for us at the present moment. The greater the Jew the greater the responsibility he carries in the present critical period in Palestine . . . His speech is indeed a great compensation for us, because it conies after the tactless address of Dr. Magnes, If Magnes is looking for a teacher from whom to learn, he might learn from Brandeis . . . " Jerusalem. (J.A.T.) The income for October of the Keren Hayesod, Palestine Foundation Fund, chief fund raising instrumentality of the Jewish Agency, was 23,156 pounds. The sum includes a gift of 1,000 pounds from Haya Berkson of New York to plant a. forest at Dilb during the coming planting season.
1 Starving Students Decline Jewish Aid Budapest. (J.T.A.) Starving Christian students would rather die than eat Jewish bread, declared an antiSemitic student leader recently in prohibiting Christian students from accepting aid from the Theresienstaad- Rabbi Bengis Officiates at Cereter Geselligkeitskiub, a benevolent somony Which Follows ciety for students, and he also asked Banquet them to refrain from taking free meals given by the society on the INTERESTING PROGRAM ground that most of its members were Jewish. The joint installation of the offiAfter he had pronounced this bsn j cers of the Conservative Synagogue the Christian students actually stop- and the Ladies* Auxiliary was the ped taking free meals at the society feature of the first, annual congregaalthough there had been 200 Christian tional dinner held Wednesday at the students registered there for meals. Jewish Community Center, with a The Hungarian press comments on j capacity crowd in attendance. the incident as being characteristic of j Rabbi Abraham Bengis presided the present anti-Semitic situation in over the installation services, which folio-wed the dinner. Rabbi Beugis the country. pointed out that the congregation is numerically the largest Jewish congregation in the community, having s. membership of three hundred. Tim begiwning, he stated, eneoutBgm even greater achievements by the group, fostering a Jewish consciousness and perpetuating Jewish ideals. Sam Beber, president of the Congregation, and Mrs, J. J. Greenherg? head of the Auxiliary, responded for To Argue Sde«je vs. Religion the officers. Mrs. J. E. Kulakofsky at Tech High School acted as toastmistress. Auditorium An elaborate program, arranged by g committee headed by Mrs. William Alberts, "was presented. This SECOND OF SERIES committee included Mesdames F. J. The second event in the lectuie Alberts, J. M, Malashock, end B. A. course sponsored jointly by the Simon; Messrs. Ben Glazer, Philip Council of Jewish Women and the Elntznick and Dr. A. Greeiiberg. Jewish Community Center will take Samuel Gerson entertained the place Wednesday night, December 11, audience with several Yiddish folk in the Technical High School audi- songs which were enthusiastically received. Musical selections were torium. It is the debate between the Eev. given by the Jacobson sisters, Ina, Frank G. Smith, the eloquent pastor Molly, and Dora, Jacobson, playing cf First Central Congregational ]the violin, piano, and cornet, rechurch of Omaha and Prof. Harry ' spectively. Elmer Barnes of Smith College, now E. Selz, cantor of the Synagogue, editorial "writer for the Scripps- rendered a vocal selection, aeeonvHO-WST4 nesyBpapersyadicate,-and the -psnied by Mrs. Sam Beber. Comauthor of-*- half-dozen books f®. munity singing by the sss^toKty also, made & hit, Harry SilvSrawti vas sociology, history and religon. - -The, subject for their debate is; song leader, and Anne- Euback acResolved, that unfolding human ex- 1 campanist. The dinner was sponsored by the perience and advancing scientific re- j1 members of the Auxiliary, with Mrs. search render religion increasingly F. J. Alberts and Mrs. J, M. Malaless valuable as a guide to human shock acting as co-chairmen. conduct. Peter Hamilton, general manager Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—-The Arab of the Omaha Bee-News, will preside. Executive and Palestine Arabs resSingle admissions are $1; season ident in Egypt have tried to induce tickets may still be bought for S2.50. the ,Wafd, the Egyptian Nationalist Dr. Morris Fishbein and Rabbi Abba organisation, to issue a statement Hfllel Silver and one more "lecture favoring th?, Palestine Arabs. The or concert will be included iv. the Wafd has declined on the ground course. Mrs. David Feder has charge that it is interested only in Egyptian questians. of ticket sale.
I "HOW I FOUD MY WAY TO JUDAISM" Extracts from Lecture by Aime Palliere
*:How I Found -My Way to Judaism," the lecture by Monsious Aime PaTiere at Temple Israel Sunday evening, was enthusiastically received by a record audience. The famous convert was brought to Omaha raider the auspwes of the Temple Brotherhood. Nathan E. Jacobs was lecture chairman. Rabbi Palliere is in this country at the invitation of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, under the auspices of the Free Synagogue and the Jewish Institute of Religion, of New York City. The Jewish Institute of Religion, of which, Dr. Wise is the founder and president, is a school for the training of men for the Rabbinate. Some of the extracts from Palliere's lecture: When I trod in the sanctuary of the Scriptures of Israel, no more with the mind of the Christian reader v?ho looks on the pages with the light thrown by bis own gospel and who retrospectively projects his creeds into it, but rather as one who finds the treasury of the national literature of God's people, then, my brother Jews, I-was able to discover that you had a spiritual ascendance which makes that of the former heathen who became Christian seem of rather recent date, a religious tradition rich enough, deep enough to have itself given birth to other currents of spiritual life. And how, I ask you, could my soul, becoming identified with the thought, the faith, the hopes of'Israel, help but become Jewish? How could I help but participate in your ancient heritage, I also, heir of your prophets,
Rabbi Aime Palliere follower ©f your Moses, eon of Abraham, your father, but also the father of all the believers, according to the promise of God? How I found nay way to Judaism? My dear hearers, I found my way to Judaism by seeing the Judaism, not as a little religion, not as & kind of theology, not as dogmas, nor beliefs, but as a living people holding from on page €) . . ' ' » •
RABBI CORN SHOWS NEED OF PHILOSOPHY AT PRESENT T l Tells Current Topics Glass That Early Marriage Should :i Be Encouraged ... Everyone should marry aid marry young, and parent should encourage their children along these Unes, Kabbi Cohn brought out-Tuesday in his discussion of Will Durant's/ book, "The Mansions of Philosophy." ., The discussion took place at the •meeting of the Current Topics Course, sponsored by the Council of Jewish Women, at the Jewish Com-, munity Center. Representative women of many denominations appeared vitally interested in Eabbi Cohn's review of Durant's book. Rabbi Cohn in interpreting Durarit's book and the author's views said that Philosophy, the queen, has been dethroned by Science, the king. 'Tliilosophy is most needed now", said Rabbi Cohn. "When philosophy is most needed, it is derided and is in a low state." The author describes the present age as an age of Whirl. He brings out the fact that -we are living in . a whirl of pleasure, a whirl of restlessness, and a whirl of machinery, .explained Rabbi Cohn. • The emancipation of woman and . hei changed status is considered the -. greatest phenomena of the time by Durant. i "'The Mansions of Philosophy* is not coherent and is in illogical -order," said Rabbi Cohn. "It is com. posed of various essays which were • written by Durant at different times. "Many ideas of philosophy were discussed. The realms of philosophy 'are described as mansions." ; • Duraiit was the first to debate • Darrow on the subject, "Is Man a -Machine?". "Durant takes the • spiritual view of life", said Rabbi : Cohn. "He believes in free -will, and has a wholesome and human philosophy. It is Durant's opinion that we : still need God, not the God of philosophy, but the God of the philosophers."
COUNCIL OF WOMEN Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum, daughPLAN JEWISH RURAL te of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum, EDUCATION CAMPAIGN will take the feminine lead in the Opera Lead
Jewish Calendar 5690 1920 Frl., Dec 27 First Day Clianukab 1930 Rosh ChodeBli Tebeth Wed., Jan 1 Fast of Tebeta „„. Frl.. Jan 10 Kosa Chodesh Sltebat.....Tliurs., Jan. 30 •KosV Chodesh Adar. Sat.. Mar. .1 Purim ._.,. ,U»,...,.___.- FrL, Mar. 14 Rosh Chodesh' Nissan Son., Mar. SO First Day 61: Pessacn Sun., Apr. 13 Seventh Dqy- 'of Pessacb™...Sat., Apr. 19 •Kosh Chodesh Iyar Tues., Apr. 29 Lag B'Omer Fri., May 16 •Kosh Chodesh Slvan Wed, May 28 First Day ijf Shabuoth Mon.. Jane H •Kosh Chodesh Tnmmuz _..Fri., June 27 Fast of Tamntnz Snn., July 13 Rosh Chodesh Ab - Sat.. July 20 Fast .of Ab ™~..Snn.. Aug. 3 •Bosh Chodesh ElluL—.-Mon.. Aus, 25
Kitchen Chats Mrs.
David M. Newman
The Peace Study Group of the Sunday, December 8th, is the JewCentral High School opera, "The Scalloped Salmon Council of Jewish Women will hold ish National Fund Flower Day, Fortune Teller," by Victor Herbert, Concentrated efforts are being Put a layer of canned salmon in its regular meeting Tuesday, Dec. which will be observed everywhere. a buttered baking dish, then a layer 10 at noon at the Blackstone Hotelto be presented December 12, 13 made by the Farm and Rural dejiartment of the National Council of Each organization affiliated with the of hard boiled eggs, chopped fine, The subject for this meeting will and 14. —— Jewish Women to make possible Zionist, movement to help Palestine then a layer of chopped stuffed be, "The Adherence of the United Jewish. Education in the rural is assisting in a house to house can- olives. Pour white sauce over a l l - States to the World Court." Since districts. ' •,*•' vas of the city Sunday. pepper and salt, cover with bread this subject enters the field of the Among the organizations in Omaha crumbs'and dot with butter. Bake Civics and Legislation group as well The Jewish Educational supervisor r •ha. who will have committees work- 15. minutes. reports that there are* three great as the Peace they have been asked ing Sunday are the Junior Hadashandicaps in regard to providing this to join in the meeting. Salmon Pudding sah Senior Hadassah, Zionist Oreducation in the rural districts: first, The Provisions of the World Court Mince 1 can salmon (saving the ganization, Daughters of Zion, Henthe lack of teachers in rural comwill be outlined by Mrs. A. H. Brodjuice for sauce). 4 tablespoons melted rietta Zold Club, and Fa-Hon Club. munities, either trained or untrained; NOTE Holidays begin in the evening key. All members of these groups butter, % cup fine cracker crumbs, Dr. Oscar Belzer has been apsecond, the lack of funds to provide preseeding the dates designated. are urged to attend this joint meetpinch salt and 3 well-beaten eggs. •Rosh Chodesh also : observed the pointed chairman for this drive in such, teachers; third, :the lack of previous day. 1 Omaha, and Miss* Fannie Katelman' Put in a buttered mold set in a pan ing. Mrs. H. A. Newman, Walnut transportation facilities $o enable the has been chosen .chairman for the _of hot water. Cover and steam for 4822, is taking- reservations. children or the teachers to reach a Bible Study Jewish Natipnal Fund in Council .1 hour, filling with boiling water as central point where: a; class could "be 1 Bluffs. Although some committees it evaporates. Set in cold water a established; however, in- spite of The Bible Stury Group will hold have already been^ organized, more , minute and turn out. Cover with its regular meeting at the Jewish these almost insurmountable handivolunteers are necessary in order to this sauce. Heat 1 cup milk to boil- Community Center, Wednesday morcaps the desire of the rural parents ing point. Thicken with 1 tablespoon ning, Dec. 11. Rabbi Cohn's subject to give their children a Jewish EduBen Kazlowsky and Sam Zacharia, \reach e v e r y J e w i s h f a m i J y i n O m a - ; cation has enabled this department representing the Omaha Jewish \ha and Council Bluffs. Many auto-: cornstarch dissolved in cold water, will be Sarah and Rebecca. to organize four communities. also be needed and add 1 tablespoon butter salmon juice Community Center, will debate t h e ! m o b l l e s Parent Education will volunteer hie car and a beaten egg. Take from fire, The Social Service department of Kansas City Y. M. H. A. at the anyone There will be no Parent Education add salt and pepper. Stand in hot the National Council has also sent latter's auditorium this Sunday. or services should call Dr. Belzer, : water for 3 minutes covered. Add class this Friday morning, but Mrs. out an appeal for discarded radio.\ The Omahans will uphold the neg-whose phone number is Jackson juice of % lemon, % cup peas and Eva Morse will conduct the session Those received are to be placed in ative of the question, "Resolved, That 3409, or Miss Katelman, whose pour over pudding. Friday, Dec. 13 at the home of Mrs. farm houses, and in the rural homes the British Mandate Constitutes a phone - number is Council Bluffs David Feder. were many Jewish families are isol- Sufficient; Assurance of a Jewish 4491. who will canvass Men are never so good or so bad PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTTSEKS ated. State in Palestine." Two young at- All workers as their opinions. —Mackintosh. Members of the Council have asked torneys will represent Kansas City, Omaha are requested to meet at the what they could- do to help solve with three prominent Kansas City Jewish .Community Center" Sunday morning promptly at nine o'clock. the problems of the Farm and Rural men acting as judges. Dealer in Jewish Books and This is the second round in the The committees who will canvass Committee. The following are some Council Bluffs are asked to meet at Other Religious Articles, of the suggestions offered: Make Mid-west Jewish Community Center j t h e h o m Miss Rebecca Kfrshenbaum debating league, consisting of Omaha,' e of Miss Katelman at 417 yourself responsible for providing Telephone WEbster 3527 2429 Decatur Street Miss Kirshenbaum, who is an Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, I Oakland Avenue promptly at 9:30 honor student, has been active in a Hebrew teacher for a group of I just received a supply of Chanuka articles: Chanuka cendles o'clock Sunday morning. school societies. She is also active rural children who would otherwise and Pittsburg. The winner of this and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanukah Everyone is asked to do their grow up without any knowledge debate will go to Pittsburg for the in Jewish theatricals, having taken cards. Anyone buying any of the above-mentioned articles share and donate as much as pos- greeting will get the story of Chanukah in English and Jewish with Benedicthe lead in the first Center Players' of the history and culture of their finals. si a JV young Adopt a family needing Zacharia is „ _.. O practicing' ,.._-.— o *>le when a committee upon them. I tions and Hymns" of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FKEE. Guild production of the season, "The people; Social Service^ Adopt a boy or girlj I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the beet attorney, while Kazlowsky is aj Romancers." Taleisim, silk and wool, at very moderate prices, and also the best in need of a t scholarship. , > veteran Creighton University debater. Confidence is a plant of slow growth Harry Stafford will have the masand most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very in an aged bosom.—Earl of Chaham.? best sterling silver. niline lead. Other roles* will be filled; Confidence is a thing not to b* proDon't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Rokeach by ; Stanford Kohlberg, Howard duced by compulsion. Men cannot be Kosher articles of •vfrhich I am' the agent. Hypse, Fred Segur, Howard Fischer, forced into trust. —Daniel Webster. Marie Isbell, Frances Melcher and Helen Richardson!
Jewish Market of New York Second Largest in the City
WANTS EMERGENCY York.—The annual market BODY TO guide published by the "Editor and Publisher," the organ of the newsPUBLIC CONFIDENCE paper and publishing business, points
living in these stores is $373,000,00C annually. "There are 11 Yiddish Theatres in Greater New York. There are 1 Jewish banks with, 50 branches in t b Jewish sections and they have total resources of more than $500,000,000 of which about $75,000,000 are in sayings accounts. ' "The Jews of iNew York are largely .engaged in mercantile and professional pursuits, a large number <rf them are skilled artisans employed in the needle, shoe and textile industries. These trades are highly unionized and the workers employed earn proportionately higher wages than workers in other industries." . :
out that next to the American market, Charleston, S. C. (J.T, A.) The selec- the Jewish market of New York as tion of an emergency committee of the most important. seven by the General Council oflffie - In an interesting statistical article World Zionist Organization.torestore it says that "There are .1,750,000 Jews public confidence and to"prevent-in '•<• -:, At the Board meeting of the the future the possibility of unauthor- living and' working in the Metropolis. :; (Jinaha Council of Jewish Wowen ized and misleading utterances such They are concentrated in several dist/h?Id last week at the Blackstone as those of Dr. Judah L. Magnes, was inct sections. About 600,000 live in -Hotel Mrs. Samuel Gerson, chair- advocated by Abraham Goldberg, vice- Manhattan, 420,000 in the Bronx, man of the Peace committee, was chairman of the General Council of 500,000 in Brooklyn, 60,000 in Queens, ; unanimously elected state peace the World. Zionist Organization and 2Q,000 in Richmond and 150,000 live in suburban towns within 20 miles of chairman.' ; ..- ' " ' • • • • • • > '•_ a meniber of the administrative com- municipal New York. • Mrs. Wm. Levey is the new chair- mittee of the Zionist Organization of .'. man of the immigrant education de- America, in an address to Charleston ~ "Mote than 6,50P groceryt dairy and delicatessen stores, 1,200 drug stores, succeeds Mrs. X Bosenthal, who Jewry at the Community Center. 3,000 stationery and cigar' stores, Moscow. (J. T. A.) Sentences of succeeds Mrs. Isy Rosendahl, who remains . on the honorary board of! Speaking on the recent outbreaks 6,000 kosher butcher stores, 700 shoe from two to eights years imprisoncouncil as president of Temple Is- in Palestine, and of the proposal pf stores, 275 hardware stores, 250 paint ment were imposed by the Homel Dr. Magnes to restore peace between stores, 250 furniture stores, 150 elec- Regional Court on eight, charged rael Sisterhood. the Jews and the Arabg, Mr. Goldberg " T h e Social Service committee will said "it is riot yet too late to re- trical stores, 71 theatres and several with anti-Semitism, in a trial which • assist the Red Cross in the sale of store public confidence : and to pre- thousand dry goods and specialty attracted wide interest. The accused Christmas Seals. Mrs. Rueben Kula- clude in the future the possibility of shops are-located in the Jewish sec- were found guilty of torturing two kofsky is chairman of the commit- unauthorized and misleading utter- tions and cater exclusively to Jewish Jewish girl workers in the Dobrush trade. Estimated expenditures for' paper factory, Gerio Truda. .tee. ances similar to those of Dr. Magnes The budget for 1929 and 1930 wasthrough the selection by the General discussed at the meeting. Council of the World Zionist Organ'. The following women joined the ization of an emergency committee "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" council during the month of Novem- with Lord Melchett at its head. ber: Mesdames Harry Cohn, Max Goldberg, Phil Grossman, M. Horn, "This committee, should include Ma"The Careful Florist" ;J. T. Herman, Max Kaplan, J. Katie- jor James Rothschild, Justice Louis 1804FARNAM JAckson 1906 man, Harry Novitsky, * Jules Rach- D. Brandeis, Felix Warburg, Oscar Wasserman, Lord Heading and Chaim man,. E. Sussman, M. Wohlner. Weizman. "It is clear that there now exists Jewish Thought League a lack of confidence and everyone called upon to come out with to Meet on Tuesday feels advice; while ,-a committee of seven Mr. Judah L. Wolfson will speak men of the calibre described will inbefore the Jewish Thought League spire confidence in all Jewish factions . on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10, at and have a salutary effect on all par8:15 at the J. C. C. His subject will ties concerned and may engender a be "A Jewish Philosophy of Life." just hope that it will ultimately find "Mr. Wolfson is a very able person a real solution to this aggravated proto discuss this subject and a treat blem." is in store for all who will attend," •Mr. Louis Shanok stated. POST-CONFIRMATION CLUB The Post-Confirmation class of the Mr. Harry Cohen will be -chairman of the meeting, and a general Jewish Community Center Sunday discussion will follow the presenta- School has formed a cjub which will be: called the Post-Confirmation Sotion by- the main speaker. The Jewish Thought League is an cial Club. " organization open to all interested The following officers were elected: in the discussion of Jewish problems Gertrude Qruch, president; Dora Doland is especially dedicated to .the goff, vice-president; Anne J. Goodteachers, leaders, and workers who binder, secretary; Esther Silverman, have found their Jewish cultural treasurer, and Ethel Adler, reporter. background rather limited and wish to attain greater things Jewish, ac- The more we study, we the more cording to leaders of the group. discover our ignorance. —Shelley.
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speakers, you have read about it in our daily -Jewish newspapers and English, periodicals. But no matter what you read, what you heard, or even what you think—-Let i Haynes Mobiles tadl you about Palestine in his new 1
!. J 1 i
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Heading" this hook is like taking a stinll with this eminent ^rartex tlrrongrh "the jsfcnffife ,-jX". ' * 'P^alesfine itself, meeting ^nd ^nTVrrtg- -with its Inhalntaiiis, 'vnewrTig the gmndeur and ibeaniy ..» frnm Shait sfernal foaniaiii of itthos& .t. .and Itily "landmaiiks, and dr
"«*, If. i V.
' <"- - - i
*** Scrattih n IRussiHn,'* said H^apoleon, 'and you £nd JI Tartar." Scrtftch Jlalestiiie, anj'whei'fi, and yon will &id Israel, l i i ihe -rale ioi' 3Eisdrae]on I ^passed ^ gusliing spring, and "was told -by Hie Jewish .caloiiiijt, vzko almost Inieeled "before it, that tliis -was GSdeon's W.eIL (On Urn lioiizDn I caught ihe outline Df a mountain, and Hearned Hmt Shis -was .Gtilboa "\vhere Saul and .Jonathan -were .slam. 3n the great and be^^ond "v\ras Heisan (^Beth-Shan) -«3iere *&ey fastened (Saul's) body ID -the -rcalT. A t Haifa 1 stood on a *tiiT]tqp overihe ±dwn 'jand "Ehe bright sea Ireyand^—and "this -was Carmel JEH'^ah /confounded "the .-jn-qpliets of IBaal. IF ax in -£he distance irmn l&ourffc Scopus I saw a. little village nestling under "fhe dslqpe of .a !hill in "Rpnjnmm. This ^vas Anathoth, ihe Ijirthplace of 3fereniiah'; along ttbat TOBI3, io ihe iidrfli and west, fhe jnqphet anadfi loos ia±eful T^tay ±D iibp lEEoly Oiy"4 iherE on fhE norfh "wall last loofed
and saw ihe dust of ^he approaching hosts of Assyria, JBethlehem— iihe citv of 33arid 1 ^Hebron — where Darid WES anointed ting of Judah p-fter ihe death of Saul! Jerusalem—the "stronghold which ICtevid l»uilt, its TETT foundations the flesh and blood of "Israel! And .Jordan—=where John Ijaptbssd Jesus, l)ut slso whsre Joshua entered ihe Promised ILand! ^ETErywiiere in Palestine are these historic places. There is not a spot which is "not stamped "vatlt the footprint of some ancient tribEsman. iv^Dt a Toad, a spring, a mountain, a Tillage, does not awaken the name of some great king, or echo with ihe -voice of same greater -prophet. There msy "be xither countries more hospitable i:o the Jew than fhis, "but ^ione which can •give such to liis soul. There may Ire more fertile dust ffrrs plaiffit, Init 3rane BO sacred io its iiread. Surely this as MB lanfl, 3 EVST jagarn
We Want You to Read and Own This Marvelous Book, and Here is Our The retail price of this book is $2*50L ith for die y^^ir 1930 is $2»00» Book and
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every',T}iurBday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450
Religious Services
Conservative Synagogue. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will deliver a sermon on "HK. Sabbath" tonight at the services of the Conservative Synagogue at the Jewish Community Centexv- J This will' be the final sermon of a series on the outstanding institutions of Jewish life. The series aroused considerable interest and was favorably received by the congregation.
," : Temple Israel. The public aas been invited to atKabbi Frederic Cohn has chosen tend the Senior Council of Ch?bs DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR "Th& New Religion of Humanism" rally and stunt night, Thursday, Dec. as. the subject of his sermon at FRANKR.ACKERMAN - - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR 19, at the Jewish Community Center, Temple Israel tonight. . FANNIE KATELMAN - -Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent at which time each of the senior Saturday morning. Rabbi Cohn will V SIOUX CITY OFFICE clubs will present a short sketch. speak on "The Voice of Jacob and Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Awards will be made to the three the Hands of Esau." ; skits which show the most originality On Tuesday afternoon Dr. Cohn and well worked out plans. 52.50 Subscription Price, one year - • - * - •• * * * > will give a book review on "All Conservative Auxiliary Advertising ratea furnished.on application Mr. Stanley F. Levin, president of Quiet on the Western Front." The to Meet Wednesday th° Council states that many clubs review, which ia under the auspices CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; have reported great progress on ot the Temple Sisterhood, will be The next meeting of the Conservabesure to give your name. stunts, and the variety will please held at the Blackstone Hotel, start- tive Synagogue Auxiliary will be held ing at 2:30. "Victim and Victor," by on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 3 p. m. at any audience. There will be humorOliver, has been added to the list the J. C. C. The committee in charge ous, serious, musical and other novel oi book reviews as originally pub- has arranged a veiy interesting1 pro- sketches on the program. HADASSAH Mr. Philip Klutzniek, past president lished. gram, to be followed by tea and a of the Council, will speak on the When Hadassah; which just held its annual convention, was The Bible Class will meet Wednes- social hour. program that evening. formed more than fifteen years ago, its watchword was the Biblical The Auxiliary has announced the day morning, Dec. 11, at 10 o'clock The clubs who will take part in phrase, "Healing the wounds of my people," and since its inception at the J. C. C. Dr. Cohn's subject following additional new members: the rally are: A. Z. A. No. 1, Alpha will be "Sarah and Rebecca." This is Mesdames B. Korney, H. Sussman, Ta- Club, Center Tlayers Guild, the organization, has nobly lived up to this beautiful ideal. the third lecture in the course on John Ferer, Sam A. Rice, M. Polonsky, j Debate Club, Fa Hon, Henrietta Whether maintaining infant welfare stations, promoting Jewish Women in the Bible, under the Leo Milder, Morris L. Goldenberg, Szold Club, Jr. Hadassah, Psi Mus, enterprises, or lending medical aid to .the suff eiing, Hadassah has He left his newest book with me,} There's no use mincing matters. A auspices of the Council of Jewish Jules Gerelick, M. A. Bercovici, and ( Se Telh Ta Club, Tonku Koda Club, always had a helping hand outstretched. N. Levinson. • IX L Club, Young Poale Zion. Uprooted". It deals' with complete readjustment of attitude is Women. .. In the rehabilitation of Palestine, Hadassah has been of in- "Humanity every phase of Russia as it is today, necessary in Palestine if we to get valuable aid. Fifteen years ago', the rebuilding of the Homeland and contrasts conditions as they are Dr. "Magnes has virtually was in its early stages, and one of the most ui'gent needs was with those that were. He knows it is anywhere. endorsed the position expressed by the medical assistance. Hadassah undertook this gigantic task, and an astonishing revelation of what is "Nation". He wants a spiritual and before long many of the diseases which had scourged the land actually going on in the lives of the cultural center in Palestine, snd to were being eradicated. The organization established numerous I Russian people. When you finish Hin- relegate a political Zionism to the dus' book you will have an underrear. He believes in working out a hospitals and clinics in the Holy Land, besides organizing camp- | standing of Soviet Russia with all its aigns to'spread the value of hygiene and preventive measures. advantages and disadvantages such as basis of goodwill and «o-operation In this manner, Hadassah became an essential factor in the de- you cannot gain by reading the daily with the Arabs, depending less upon newspaper or the magazines for a Great Britain's military prowess to velopment of Palestine. Hindus has a splendid repor- maintain the Jewish position. He also i However, the true value of Hadassah was never fully ap- year. torial Btyle and when you start with wants a parliament with proportional preciated until the Moslem outbreaks. In that emergency the the first page you won't put the book representation. Another step that I believe is inevitable. Of course, all Hadassah women labored heroically and saved the lives of hun- down until you have finished it. dreds, Jews and Arabs alike, through their charitable aid. These When Hindus was in Pittsburgh he this does not appeal to the militant debated with Lothrop Stoddard, noted Zionist, but I fear that the militant women were.truly angels of mercy in this crisis. Zionist will have to take a back seat Hadassah is also to be lauded for its magnificent work in as the champion of the Nordic. But I on the platform. to correct'a wrong impression maintaining Palestinian orphans,: and in.raising funds .through the want concerning Stoddard (who by the way religious school children of America for school luncheons. Cloth- is best known as the author of the I have just received a valued letter ing is: furnished to over 3,000 orphans by sewing circles, which "Rising Tide of Color"). Some Jew- from an old friend. I am not going to also supply linen to hospitals, clinics, and other Palestinian or- ish leaders have expressed a belief identify him, but I just can't resist that he is too Nordic to be fair to the publishing the letter because it is so ganizations. . ' peoples living in southern and south- honest and so human. Yet I would The- local unit of the Hadassah has been active in these enterWe take pleasure in announcing the election of Mr. eastern Europe. . Stoddard has no per- hate to think that I was becoming prises and has contributed a goodly share of the sum spent in the sonal prejudice. He is an aristocrat, "mellow". For to my mind when a A. W. Gordon to the presidency of the Omaha Loan various activities. The successful ball staged last Sunday at the but not snob. I want to set him right man begins to mellow he usually and Building Association. Mr. Gordon takes the auditorium, together with card parties, showers, arid rummage in those quarters where he is misun- achieves a large girth, wears a derby, office held for many years by Mx. W. R. Adair, who a Chesterfield overcoat, reads the New sales form only a few of the means by which the local women ac- derstood. has resigned on account of ill health. York "Times", and all in all becomes complish their" goal/ They work unselfishly and tirelessly for an a thoroeghly responsible, respectable Kohut, America's Mrs. Rebekah ideal which is ^orthy of their magnificent efforts. ' :. . • Mr. Gordon is president of the Gordon Can Comforemost Jewess, sent me her new and stand-pat citizen of the community and about the only thing needed pany and director of the Nebraska Power Company. book, "As I Know Them", just off the press. Those of you who happen to to complete the picture is to join the He has been actively identified with Omaha's busiRETURNING TO THE Mrs. Kohut, know that she is a Kiwanis or Rotary Club. Middle aged ness life for many years. A "Back to the Soil" movement is gaining headway among know WalkingiuJewisKv-^Encyclqpedia, butv mellow gentlemeB*;become soft livers V_T •£> American Jews.; / :J " ' unlike, iriost ericyclopedias,;;sh'e has'a, and their pundhJias no more effect We also have the pleasure of announcOriginally, the Hebrews were entirely an agricultural people* sense of humorthat mafces'her a most than, hitting a ia^ball with a feather.; ing the following additions to our but the dispersion divorced them from their fields. And in recent interesting and entertaining conversa- It seems that I commented favorably Board of Directors: tionalist. And J e r fund of informa- upon the increasing power and importimes a Jewish farmer in this country became a curio. tion of the jews of the world is so tance of Traditional Judaism in Am. Today Jewish farmers are tilling a million acres of land in amazingly vast as to be startling. Mrs. erican Jewish life, and I also took Mr. A. H. Richardson, President the U. S. They number1109,000 strong! And their real estate Kohut really should-have gorie in for occasion-to take exception to certain Standard Oil Co. of Nebraska. and personal property is valued at dose to two hundred million Jewish, Family Trees. However, I am statements of Dr. Harry Elmer fdollars. ' wandering from the book. Just as in- Barnes. Now we shall have the letMr. Otto H. Barxnettler, President - This is a healthy stimulant for Jewish life and bodes well for teresting as she is when she speaks ter. Iten Biscuit Co. and Director about people and events in the life of • • • ; an influx of hardy Ghaluzim to Palestine. Omaha National Bank. Jewry, just BO interesting is she when My dear Mr. Joseph: she writes about them. And since I suppose I.have read several i RELIGION AND CULTURE everybody can't possibly meet Mrs. thousand of your editorials. Many, Mr. E. M. Morsman, Attorney and j From time to time we meet with the recurrent statement on Kohut, the next best thing is to read of course, I liked. A great many Director United States National •-the part of Jewish leaders and teachers to the effect that our her. This remarkable woman in a of them shocked me, the further Bank. .people constitute only a religious body and that in every other re- most readable and sketchy 'way back in years, the more aggravat; spect we are, and should be, no different from other people. Such touches upon the problems of the mod ing. But lately you have been Mr* W. L, Holsman, President NebrasJew in a manner more satisfying mellowing and writing consider. a statement carries'with it an indirect rebuke to those who do not em . ka Clothing Co. than if you were to peruse half, a place all stress upon the exclusive propagation of our religious dozen heavy volumes on the subject. able good sense. I suppose you aspirations. • . • But what I liked so much about Mrs. have become as callous to praise Mr. W. H. Schellberg, President Union as to scolding. So a little extra In view of such statements it seems strange indeed that nine- Kohut'a new book is the pictures she praise will hardly hurt you or do Stock Yards Company. tenths of all work carried on under Jewish auspices cannot in any- gives of leading Jewish personalities you any special good. American life, and her sketches of Mr. A. W. Gordon. way be be classed >aS religious. The liberal synagogue—and the in Your editorial in which you the types of Jews who lived on the claim that we constitute only a religious body is put forward by ,Eaet Side at the time ehe was con- spoke of the possible future of • those who belong to the liberal synagogue—occupies but a small nected with the Educational Alliance, what we Conservatives call TradiDirectors of this association now include the part in the life of tfxe modern Jew. Far more time and effort are She traces (always with a light touch) tional Judaism/of course, struck " a responsive chord in me because the progress of the Jews of New York, named men an^ the following: expended upon our/centers, clubs, lodges and various societies arid •„ of the faith and hope I have had introducing names that all of us are . associations than upon tlie synagogue. Yet, the work that is familiar with. But she does not con- , for and in it air my conscious life. CK-.W. Loomis, A. A. Allwine. Joseph : . carried on outside of the synagogue is not of a religious character. fine her observations to New York I know you well'enough to know' Barker, J. T. Heljerren, M. M. RobertEvidently, therefore,-the Jew must be considering himself as hav- Jews but gives us an impressionistic that your expression was the reson, L. C. Sholes. Sidney W. Smith, C. ing distinct aims and objects in life aside from those of a purely view of the : men:an3 the-events -that :• gnlt oir mature'Observatioa asd O. Tahnage. G-. W. Lroomis is the religious nature. Why then not be frank with ourselves and shaped the destinies of the American critical judgment. Chairman of the Board. When you followed it up, howOthers and say th&twhile,religion forms the source and fountain- Jew in the United States. You'll ever, with your observation on like Mr?. Kohutfs. hook published by ' head of Jewish diatinctiveness, yet it does riot constitute the whole Doubleday, The Omaha Loan and Building Association on No' Barnes' lecture I felt, you had Doran. pf Jewish aspirations? Why not say to the world and to'purselves vember 30 had assets-of $33,225,412, more than 39,rendered a fine public service, and that we wish to continue our distinct religious life, but that, in Here is a paragraph from the had said what you said in such a 000 saving and investment accounts and more than addition, we also wish to preserve and to, perpetuate a distinct "Nation" that should give those of-us way, not only £o offset the invi9,500 loans. cultural development which has come from the very spul of,.the who want to consider the Palestine dious and insidious effect of Jewish people an4 Vwhich can be preserve^ only through our con> question without prejudice, something; Barnes* dissection, but to give The Omaha Loan and Buiiaing Association is 46 strength and added hope and opgcious effort and endeavor and through the genius of the Jewish to think abput. " T h e Nation" is a timism years old. It is the largest association in Nebraska to "those of us who know liberal publication and if anything is people?—The Jewish Ledger. and the fifth largest in the United States. and feel that tears and smiles are inclined to favor the interests of our people. Here is what it has to say not just mere physical manifestaSince it was organized, this association has distions. editorially: PRAYER WITH A MEANING tributed $16,880,346 in dividends to its stockholders. Keep on getting a little more* "Things seem to be getting It is significant that at the same time that Julius Rosenwald emotional and sentimental. It js offering a ten-thousand dollar prize for the best answer to the worse r&ther than better in the can't hurt. The Omaha Loan and Building Association has on East. The Arab-Jewish riots question of how to save "American Judaism, the Union Prayer Near I want to tell you, confidentially, have died down, but the bitterhand cash, liberty and municipal bonds totaling JJook is to be revised to conform with modern Jewish thought. \ ness persists, and expresses itself , dear readers, that a letter like this $1,508,112. One of the surest methods of saving religion is to make it full . in ways which nv»y( fix the long makes me feel that my job is worthwhile. • ' '* ' "— ' run, be even more dangerous than of meaning. And the way to do that is through the prayer book. : a sudden murder or riot. No Jew WE ARE PROUD OF THIS RECORD The history of the Jews from its inception is ripe with sigbuys goods of an Arab, and no MIZRACHI ORGANIZATION pificance; we cherish our sagas and legends none the less because, Arab buys goods of a, Jew. Arab With the recent visit of Mr. Geof their age; the laws of Moses may be ancient but they are cer-' pickets stand'about the street?; dajiah Bublick, president of the . Mainly not antiquated. if an Arab merchant" sells to a Mizrachi Organization of ^America, I . Cannot some method be found whereby, without sacrificing Jew, his windows are smashed acting as a stimulus, the Omaha and Wf? g°ods spoiled; if an Arab Mizrachi has reorganized and in'.. i the devotional tenor which is the chief purpose of our worship, we is Seen buying >£ a Jew, he is creased its membership. 15th and Bodge Streets might impress upon the mind of our youth the great thoughts and beaten up, and, according to the The Omaha officers are: deeds of our race and let the words of our great teachers lend their custom of the East, even his famMax Venger, president; ~J. Fleishaid in keeping 6ur-;young people within the fold ? — The Jewish ily may be made to suffer. This . man, vice-president; A. Hirsh, treasboycott rots even the dormant urer, and E, Bloch, secretary. Eeview. ;. . . ' I had an opportunity to renew my friendship with Maurice Hindus the other day. Hindus is a genius in his way. Born in Russia, he came to this country in his teens. Went to the Brooklyn high school and walked away with highest honors* Then to Colgate and again he captured the honors, and on to Harvard where he repeated his scholastic achievement for the third time. He was associated with Glen Frank on the "Century" magazine. Has done a vast amount of writing for the "World's Work", "Asia" arid- other important publications, who have sent him all over the world, to gather information and report on the significance of epoch-making events such as are occurring in Russia and China. Hindus is only thirty-five or thirty-six, and is unquestionably one of the world's outstanding authorities on Russia. •
roots of Jewish-Arab goodwill; there has seemed to be-reason ta' hope that the relative prosperity which Jewish capital brought-to Palestine might ultimately change the Arab attitude. Nor has the British inquiry, yet developed any rays of ^ hope.. Impartial it may be—both Jews and Arab are attacking it—but there, is need for more than neutrality. To the Arab mind* the British are protectors of an alien and agressive race; to the Jews the British have violated their pledges of protection. Perhaps a permanent solution can come only if and when Zionist leaders, ceasing to depend upon the fragile word of a political government, work out a method of dealing directly with the Arabs. " That is a faint hope of today." *
A. Vf. Gordon Elected President of Omaha Loan &Building Assn.
n & Building Assn.
Assists with Dinner
Miss Sarah Yaffe, daughter .of-Mr. day -with a dinner for forty of their awl 'Mrs. 'Sam Yaffe, became the Immediate relatives. bride of Mr. Maurice Giller, son of Mr. :;; and Mrs. Nathan Giller on Mrs. Joe Rice and son left Sunday, Thanksgiving at Temple Israel, Dee. 1, for Chicago, to attend the Ea"bbi lYederick Cohn officiating. wedding of her sister, Miss Harriet Lee Green, to Mr. Irving Alter, Over; 300 guests attended. Aogelo Lupo and his Carter Lake which took place on Tuesday, Dec 3. Club orchestra furnished the music Mrs. Rice -will remain in Chicago for, the. dance vrhich -was heid in for a few weeks. the Temple Israel auditorium followMrs. Frederick Cohn, honorary ing ti»e ceremony. president of the Omaha Council of MJEB Esther Weiner was maid of Jewish Women, acted as hostess a t . honor/ and the bridesmaids -were the World Herald Cooking School on' Miss Ruth Kronick of Sioux City, Thursday evening of last week. The Miss Sylvia Goffstein, and Miss World Herald also requested the Martha Himelstein. Mr. Harry Giller Council to cooperate with them in was best "man, and the "ushers -were this activity last year. Messrs, Max Yaffe, Phil Friedman, and; Sam Zmeback. "Mfsi L. Ackerman and Mrs. A. The young couple left immediately Kreatul returned Thanksgiving from after fhe ceremony for • a wedding a month's stay in Excelsior Spirngs,] trip to Kansas City, St. Joseph, and Dallas} Mrs. H. B. Weinstein left Saturday MOBS Edith- Weiner: became.. the eyening. for Chicago to visit, with bride "• of 'TSIT. Max- Sherman of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Plattsmouth, Nebr., Sunday after- and Mrs. E. O. Weinstein. noon at the home of Rabbi Abraham Bengis. Miss Evelyn Hose Spiegal, daughMrs. F. J. Alberts. ter of Mr; and Mrs. $. Spiegel* is Mrs. F. J. Alberts was co-chairman with Mrs. J. M. Malashock for Mr. and :Mrs. Harry Lazarus an- recuperating at the Wise Memorial the first annual Congregational dinner sponsored by the Conservative nounce the engagement of their Hospital from an appendix operation. Synagogue Auxiliary at' the Jewish. Community Center Wednesday daughter, Rose, to Mr. Nate Gottner, evening of New Lou, la. -: ' -• Mr. Jack. Eaiman, Ph. C. 1929 Miss Xazarus- is a graduate of graduate of Creighton College of The public is invited to attend the Central High-8011001 and has been Pharmacy, passed the state board Dr. Levine to Speak lee/mre, which is being given under very active in local Junior Hadassah examination held recently at Lincoln. auspices of the Independent at Labor Lyceum the •work* as -well as other interests Ladies Club. Admission is free. sponsored by the Jeviish. Community The Daughters of Israel Aid so- Dr. Victor E, Levine will lecture on tenter. ciety will hold their annual benefit "Children's Diseases, and How to 7-pieee orchestra will No: date has been set for the linen shower on Tuesday, Dec 17, Prevent Them" at the Labor Lyceum, at the Jewish Old People's Home, 22nd and Clark, on Wednesday eve- play at the J. C. C. dance this wedding. Saturday evening. ning, Dec 11, at 8:30 sharp. 2504 Charles St., from 2 till 5. Mr;-and Mrs. S. Sugar, of Chicago, Everyone is cordially invited. HI., announce the engagement' of tfoeir, daughter, Gertrude, to Mr. A regular meeting of the Deborah Maurice Fine, son of Mr. and Mrs.Society will he held on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 10, at 2:30 p. m. at Ph. Fine. the J. <C. C. Rabbi Abraham Bengis MR and Mrs. Joe White announce will speak. the engagement of their sister, Miss The main, business will be the Edith 'Gilman, to Mr. Joe Wemberg election of officers. of Chicago. Mies Gilman has just returned A regular meeting of the Bikur from Chicago, where she was visit- Cholim society will be held on Moning icfth her fiancee, his mother and day, "Dec." 9, at 2 o'clock, a t tfie relatives. 25th and: Seward St. synagogue. Entente home she also stopped off at Davenport and Cedar Rapids, la., The Ronoh club of Central High where she was extensively enter- School is holding their informal intained. " itiation on Saturday, Dec 7. Numerous affairs are being planV. ued in honor of the bride-to-be. The A Junior Girls' sewing club has organized at the J. C. C. and wedding will be solemnized in Chica- been meets every Tuesday afternoon at go shortly after the new year. 4 o'clock, under the leadership of Mr; and Mrs. Hyman Singer an- Mrs. I. Rosenblatt. All children Innonnrii the bMh of a baby daughter terested are invited to join by apin San Frandsco, Cal-^Mf^jSingef, plying son of Mr. J. Singer of this city, A children's glee club has- just is a-;former resident of Omaha. been organized at the Community Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyer cele- Center. Miss Sara Rae Fish will brated their fortieth wedding anni- sponsor the group, which meets every versary at their home Thanksgiving Wednesday afternoon at 4. M o . .
. •.
In spite offhe inclement weather Rabbi Levcis B. Grossman, spiritthe Jewish Community Center Sun- The Auxiliary Study Circle of the ual leader of a highly-successful day School attendance was very large. Conservative 'Synagogue held their Conservative synagogue in Des The attendance banner, as well as regular meeting at the Community Mcines, has been procured to deliver the charity banner was won by Miss ! Center Monday afternoon, -with forty the address at Omaha's celebration Ruth Pollack's post-confirmation class. women in attendance. The feature of national A. Z. A. day or. Sunday $3.00 of the charity money was of the meeting -was the reading of evening, Dec. 15. given to the Omaha World-Herald an excellently-prepared paper by Mrs. Omaha Chapter No. 1 end Sam Good Fellows, and the same amount Max Fromkin on "Customs in the ', Beber Chapter No. 100 arc preparing was also given to the Omaha Bee- ;Je-wish Home." i for the event jointly. Sam Beber, Rabbi Abraham Bengis led the president of the Supreme Advisory News shoe fund. The programm was given by pupils discussion. The class is at present Council and founder of the organin Miss Bess Bernstein's class and in studying Jewish traditions, customs, | izztion which now boasts of 112 j and ceremonials. Mrs. Sam Beber chapters, has been selected ns chaii'Miss Cyril Leon's class. ! man of the affair. One of the new features of the presented current events. At the next session of the Circle j One of the features of the proSunday School is a Children's Glee Club under the supervision of Mr. I on December 16, the discussion of gram will be the presentation of the Louis Shanok. The Glee Club enter- i the subject 'will be continued, and in Jndas Maccabbee degree by a joint tained the pupils with a number of addition Mrs. E. A. Meyer will speak . team of the two chapters. i on "Chanukah." Mrs. A. Weinstein j A joint committee is arranging f or new songs. 1 "will lead the discussion of current the other numbers on the prog-ram. ! Jewish events. 1 1 Conservative Synagogue For Sale.—Old established Grocery? 1 Store located on Broadway, Council j Holds Board Meeting Warsaw. (J.T.A.) Marceli Barcin- Bluffs, Iowa. Excellent location—$ owner has other interests and must j Rabbi Abraham Bengis gave . a '• ski, 45, a resident of Lodz, and one sell. Only reliable and live-wire | report of the activities of the Con-> of the leading industrialists of Po- merchants need apply. Farmers* servative Synagogue at a Board land, was killed in an automobile ac- Mercantile, Phone 4916. J •i . . . i •— • • • - —fr meeting at the Community Center cident. Tuesday evening. A class for men giving a course in Jewish history and Jewish current Omaha's Style Center events will be offered to all male members of the Congregation under the direction of Dr. Philip Sher. The class will meet the first Tuesday of each month. Two representatives of the Board were appointed to tbe Jewish National Pond Council of Omaha. These two were Dr. M. Margolin and Paul Bernstein.
SYNAGOGUE ATTACKED Berlin. (J. T. A.) An attack on tbe Main Synagogue on OranienburgerStrasse was perpetrated recently. Three hundred members of the reactionary nationalist organization, "Steel Helmets," tried to storm the synagogue. The demonstrators were dispersed by the police who were forced to use their clubs.
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-THE -JEWISH PEESS, EFJDAY-, 33ECEMBER, 5,1329 attitude toward its miiinrity papulaHason states that if Omaha JJewry l turn; "If-you Tjonuld learn from :your gives his playeTF the proper support, j Jews instead Df persecuting them he hopes to -establish a permanent I your reputation in the cultural and Jewish theatre in the city. A Jewish show. 'The Heart, of a I economic spheres nf Europe •would be 'The Heart of E Child" i* ww of Child," a four-act play by Jacob much -higher." the most popular of the latest Bill*ert, will be presented Sunday , York Jewish __± the time of the -Schwarzi "Bridge Party to .fae -trial Clemfinceau was asked for a , December 15 at Hotel Cbieftahs. statement and gave, indirectly, a very "Error of ppinior. may m? tolerated, \ The Council 33iof£s jnemfaers of the illmninating: Eommsnt _n the -whole where TRESOT is left free to combat Jtrnirtr SadsEsah "will auuzma? s. affair. He said: "The barometer of -JENEE STRAUS with. —ttefrersor,. the civilization nf a country is itsisridge iJsrty ,to Ire given at -the Hotel This cobZea article, -vrrittcn cspe-] small Jewish towns with _ID trther de- efl ~£b<t .«TEWB tfior iheir idealfem treatment of its minority populations, Chieftain on Sunday afternoon, DeJewish 3*rcss, gives a sire but t o study a :race -which lie -tenacity, of. 3JUTJJDSE- The' TEigsr in-the lS90;s, 1 opposed the cember 15. Proceeds from this affair ne survey of Georges X7Zemen- greatly .admired. He "went t o the -syna^Prance amore than-once alliance -with "R-rcgsia 1 was undoubted- will go to aid the Palestine Belief ceavis a£titvj&e -toward rthe Jewish gogue, t o the cem_te_ie_, to-:the marsinn ±0 i&e -theory A a t the "defects ly influenced by the intoelrsnce of the Timd. The msmbers who Trill be ZmiElem and This impressions and South-west room—fumviews ubmtt 3he Jsvoish 'people. His icetB. l i e pernfltted iumself t o "be vic- andd sins nf -Jews axe -a, iztmss- nnpcTial -gwvsn_n_Ent "toward thfi hostesses for "this affair are the , private family. lieroic Sefense of iGqptain Dreyfus frmizea by the ^street peddlers. H e uuenee of "the "jeraecutinns an3-1_a__i- Jews." __no_her time he Temsrked IHisses TEsther 'Saks, Farmis Xateiis also recalled, in rtKis article vrrit- called mi Talmu_is1s.- _5vexywhere .he liattons perpetrated on ,tbenv by the , yastphxasirii* Hn Amer- man, Dors. .SlarKDaia, Itaroiiiy SaiteJAckmm 6472 "hm %y ii journalist vfhovras :a frsqucvi. msitor at His Paris Jwme intrieS to discover racial xharacteristicB Gentile •worlfl." Jtn. nis intimate life ican-newspaper dictum: lrWhsn a Jew man, EDSE Sbyksn, Tillre 33artomtz, R &rnnklin- The Jewish -phase -s_b_nd the Imnan __icade xmS t o ess MTled it's no aifiws; but if B Jew EanniE Hidmick. anH Hthal Cohen. niemcnceatfs life, which has tablish the -point of contact "ietween party .of the Jewish intelligentsia. ^Mlls somebody that mates -news lor Many novel and Entertaining convpletdly overlooked in ~the these poor, tragic silhouettes of the priseE are in store for those FOR KENT general press, was one of rihz most ghetto and the Jewish intelligentsia Bernard Xazar "was one uf lus most those "who still believe ibat a xace intimate friends. S i s men -private"which "weathered all the political Httand. Everyone is asked to make rnoiri house. 4 beoxiffriificmtt vpiso&es vf his rmmer, rooms, partly fti.rnis.hed, —TheHditor. -. of -Paris. DZhe result -was s. master- secretary, -who fluxing the days DI storms Df "history 'for two thousand reservations as BOOH \B£ possible jfor ful little book of _ihort stories and storm and stress of the world -war able. I this bridge party. TlSse public 3B in^Georges C__m2ncean TVSE one nf the travel impressions, entiteld "At the carried most of t h e -ececutive burden years can "be annihilated." vited to attend. S4C2 At the deathbed of Ckmenceau not l e s t -loved and most hated _____ ;in. Toot of Sinai'!. I f t h e future bioof the CHemencean regime, wa_ a Jew, \ n-jy -JJ joiitical factions of Trance There ware times in ids life grapher of Clemenceau "will try to Georges ."MandeL Oemsnceau's ad-jujjitea to !Ehe Council JfilxtBEs Agudas Achim mourn but the "whole of -rcas ___-__imed the -savior of; j model ihe human stature uf the late versanfiE never stoppea exploiting lumaraty, xegariileHE Society Tsdll iuold a namtiae of race or creed, A. S . Tftasim ihsreTVBre days ~whpn, pit- Ecench ileader JOB wJll 3iEVfi t o dose -personal :a__0cia_ioii TOthjjamgn^ tfre passing' oi u man "who r iing iin his comber study i n Huethis Blender -volume vary Eareluliy. Jews. IvTanfiel, a verj able, energetic , D e c B, a t the ATabambra of passion -Franklin, he Tieard the shouts of pa- ~Bsre the accepted •ohs\r^fi^rm^nin of JL X. Mason mvd * cast g man (now a deputy and, U Q c^viniHin "was a zealous ieUevfir One nr two nice rooim, tieawrading Ktadeiils_*__ own with Clemen- the '"Tig-sr" jreceives s. most severe Mrs. J3. GTUSB a£ St X<aa1s, though no longer young, one of t h e ^ ^ ^g^^ 5,^ S Q ^ justice, ceaa-—death t o the traitor!" Jmmedi- jolt. ZEhe antthless fighter ior jadnliiuHj' lumished. -Ciaracre if deU__e J L -E. JlBBim sGongiBqy arrrged hfire JZLcmday ±0 spend two coming men of Trance), was made! (Copyright 1929 by Seven Arts TfiB•sfcely rafter ihe armistice Ihe was xiples, vrio OB ^aid to iave :hesn ienBired. -hfiiE visiting h**r ihe target of a political campaign ture Syndicate.) .crowned '-Eaihsr TZietory", and hard- iirsly denuded of human iEeeling, rre-. against Clemenceau. Manuel was picCull U. W- Somtt. I X SSSf 3Bx- in Omaia, and "HBE aandJencas i 303s. ly ra-'-yftrr rafter _he ^was almost ^assas-"vsals 'ViirngpfF 2, friend of .humanity, tured -as a n evil Jewish spirit directing iHVB 3weii -weUipteased. Jffir. , a t ttia Chieftain XtvfeeL sinat-d 3or having "sold iumanity" | a man nl tears and of compassion ing and sponsoring all the evil actions a t the 3?aris 3Peace conierence. IDttiriiig _HHS 'Chmncll BiufEs Clemencfian, "whom some insist on of ihs "w_l_-meBning old man XHemen:mo_E than half a century C-Bmencsau, labelling a cynic and a skeptic, nf t b s Indepfiiufent Order -tS th_ JJ*nai ceau. Some Trench politicians affirm the ever restless, ever -lighting pa- a fervent believer in social justice. that i t -was due ix> Mandel's xtssociaI Brith -will hohi s n inijiiiTi-iiil ^m»m>Lfrf^ triot, "was the "vortex of controversies, I t -would be "wrong t o see i n him M tion "with Clemenceau that the aged The Daughters of Zion are giving -next •WfidnEsdjcy evening, ItetanHber the .most colorful iigure in -Er_nch of the smiling, skep- 3r_ime jffinister, when "hs resignEd ids away a xadio on December 30tb ior H , a tfeeDanish SalL JJnminHtinn • -• • • polities, _ae -was a destroyer tif cabm- tical __ua±ole __ran_e, who "while -wish- office, "was defeated for the presiof the Palestine Em_trgen-; of tsfficer_ -wall t_3_e pla_£, «nd _all ets, 3 Talentless 3iersecatnr of Sis jroii- ing t o _:eform liumaiiity :ab_tained dency. "Yet :at no time did i t occur IFiind. The radio, -which -was do-members are urged ID attend. .tical enemifis, s. tenacious .defender 01 from all action because Ire "looked t o Clemenceau t o Eacfifice 3HandeL BcbmollEr and lilualier .his trwn views in flemocracy, ra trench- upon all human effort as ifutile gesti- On the contrary, t h e old pbilDsophic- TianD Co,, can be Keen a t t h e (JZT^A) Bnt jpolifical jjubliclst. In 3iis -versa- culation. CUemsnceau ^was a ally inclined "Tiger iounfl pleasure i n Jiehmoller and jEuellsr "VTaremomE a t have ^ f a w ayi estabUshied a t .tile career—which includes practising i -whose love for ' 1516 Dodge street. I t is a new expressed i parading more than ever -with Jewish ^National Xiibrary which J6 jnfidicine, teaching 3?rench i n Stam- j jts^f j ^ a roaring protest against all Shilco, all-electric low-boy model and i H del. iord, Conn., -editing Tmwspapexs, wxit- |iritdlf»-nmrB, The part lie played i n the it retails a t $-75.00. The price of pbays and .almost aniinternrpted Dreyfus affair -will ."remain one of ihe- Zionism did mot interest Clemen- a ticket is iifty cents. :«criptE and evErything appertaining parlamentary activity^—Georges 'Eu- most glorious chapters of .His active csau. Jlis opinion on the subject was Officers of the affair are: Mrs. Iff. to the Jiinstein theory. gene ^Benjamin CLemenceau showed life. .IFor over ten jears he cbamored that the Jews were «____ei__lly a aseii- HoBenstein, chairman; 3_rs. S. 3?el_proof T2 one jamstant, unfailing, 3_TS. 2. Uabn, adincessantly ifiar a levision of the case. gious entity and that ifey ^WBTE cntifled to frea and sgual -civil zrightE IDVE—Jlov£ i o r the JswiEh people. J n Tnanager; Itfrs. J . Tietiak, Xa Justice, and later 33iis is,not *wxittgn i n the ;inpo"d of a in ILe Bloc, Clecenceau"," disregardbig hErevier they Irred. rGhe'late JLOUIE ticket chairman. Eedicatum a tfeetomb iS one nf the possible political conseguences in liis ilarshall -told m e about ihs splendid Tickets may be -obtained -at ihs "whose career, 3ought side "by side with :Zola aaj-Bperation ClEmenceau bad givEn Schmoller and TffTrpn^r "Co., nr Xrorn tgxeat statesmen oof the ±riendshrp strengthens the :nrorale of against the HHti-Samitic spirit of the 'him, -Ht the ^Peace Conference, in his any of the o-ucer,. spur pebpb3, irafTnerely as -a matter anti-Dreyfusards. TThoughlie wastHie fight i_»r minority rights __ar the Jen's .nf biagTEpiriCBl "data. "Qeinencsau, t i e leader ni JErench .radicalism,, "which s t in ^Eastern Surops. The 3?Tench statssBerling.—(J. T. A.)—-The Jewish critic, -the-Trench--chauviniHt, .wbx> that time jdrsw all iis- political -man did aaot spare the -representatives of the __astern ^European countries, cemetery in the township of "Vach "was Sought ,>dufihv 3cor petty insults strength fiom the snmTr~hnurgeoisie, and on one occasion tnld B delegHte desecrated ^Esterday. ThiB i s hibd _ brnlianx careerB he fearlsEsly championed •&£ of s nunntry famous ior its intQlerant seventy-^venth similar case. personal polemics ,~was render, ISS&B Jlcwish
at Alahmnbra Sunday
Clemenceau, Friend of the Jews A Study of the Tiger of France, EmpTxasmng th Phase of His life
DnugMers of Ziun to Give Awccy
in Grocery Store
Choose your
as you Would a Car
; mttituflETdowarQ nihe Tfews. • I t -w^ Tv_ile.jhE..3jtay_d at Gaflsba_, preparing ja.-BEries'jDf lectures "ferr an Argentinian tour, xbxit "he came in •contact with lEast "European Jewry. In -this fashionable -watering-place,
ing 3iis defeat ±o the ••Chamber bs "had -sat unintemrpteoly 'years, l i e iimself railed the Hreylns episode the -cotnsofidafiim of the ErenEh ^Evolution, 'Convinced *tbat *b__L slements jxn
Hrican -millionaires and IFrsnch zzsh- arounB. -Dreyfus and -ED 3nrm an elite ;ion "arbiterb, i n the international, cos- which would save t h e Teynlutiun. 'mopDlitan -resort where bigh society was nothing of t i e Bkeptic •was -aching to-lionize i i m , ITE saw .far -tfese darst- time i t e '"Eaftan Jew" in his defense of Dreyius, or, xather, with liis .eaSocbs,This carewDrn, bibli- in his slashing attack against the <cal -appearance 'slinking 'along the ' dark forces of anti-Semitism. Glad ®runnE_. 3*__i_sna-dfi—a strange, exo- i that his political leadership had been ttic hj^uvis tliiit muuisBd ClenieiiceHU o I taken :£ram -him and.that he. - enrol ri 3Ie' tlascribed thssfi Jews in I derate Joimsslf unhsaiipsiEd—iD __IE an_ttEW3KfHct^woxds, but' behind bis i TdndicatiDn nf Dreyfus (in -which 3a& ;snber^-_B_cfiptions there lurks a jfym- _»aw the "___di__£ion id. -Stance), lie patbeiic imderHtanding: "They ~wnre led, ,as a -.happy warrior, an ;__irelEntthe l_o_r'a_rk ,c_at prescribed Iby the ing -struggle, TKriting, .speaking .and JTalmu_,"-wf_a the "threads of yuaxilorganizing. I n 3.906 Tjrench public ibaJtgmg -_rom l e l t to boots yrn"1 the Dpinion, after having been -molded _:_!__. t£ _te ^carment. Hhfiir laeadgeaa: through the tireless efforts nf Zola "as a anrfectLon of rabbitrskin or a cap and Clemenceau ixir t^" -years, Unally -.of black sUk > or a tall Jiat, furry ^with •witnessed t h e vindication of "Dreyfus tmany 3_nts and stains of the Tust of and the ascension of ClemencEau :to perhaps thirty -years. "Under these the oninistry nf the interior -within This, more than _oiy ;covje___gs •fimtastic pale -fgngg -roth Jive mimths. ; *'clT>ff? associ•big _l_tny syes juuve abont ^t^rp little -words, de__onHtrstes ths 5 ation _f 'Clemenceau -! inflitkal iate iblack halls- _!mm -which the inrter life ^occasionally -einits >Bpafks of fire. wi_h the Dreyfus affair. Two -yesrs ZLong jjtrands tif 3__ir3iand flown Tipnn later, a t the age uf 57, -wber _nost ?b^b"firn1 Tbeards i n greasy corkscrew Jnen a r e _^eady t o jcetir—, ClsmencH—ii • curls. "The ubseguiaus -smile ol a -vric- liecamE the premifrr -of -Prance ixxr the ttim -fhat abandons itself lnfks abont dBrst time. Cl_m_nc_au_> -attitude toSieir lips. Silently, a s if rto escape "ward t h e Jews, cas evidentEd by t h e dhe glances "Hint Trillnyj t___m, they .slip -rote lis plsyed aurfaigthE long-drawnnut -Dreyfus xa_e or "by liis genuine through thfi crowd-....." xompaa_i_n __rr the lot xsf \Eaat 2 u fS S e .T_»Tflp -jo ^njjw ihssE v_cfim_" _3jpean Jewry -was based Essentially "after spending long "hours 'conveising un "MB _a_:o-3pro__i-ing belief in BD•with them in His broken, limping Ger- cial justice _-egardl-_s nf _race, creed :man, trying tD ;nnderBtand thfiir spicy, :or irfiligion. ifluent "Yiddish:; lie _Stt moved to -know them "still letter and tmdertook a "=was oafeo a. _±rong joirniey i o Galicia. B e -visited the siinal wangle t o i t . ;Clelnenc_au admir-
The Bridge and Its Business
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3 rfc
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5,1929 ing ideal, the rebufldiftg1 of Pakpine. Educated and ignorant, professional A void, impossible to fill, was made and lay, business men and" laborers, in both civic and Jewish circles, in all are dedicated to and all worship the death of A. I#. Fribourg, promat the shrine of a re-juvinated Bretz inent Sioux City lawyer. Mr. Fri- Extracts from Sermon by Rabbi Theodore N, Israel, bourg, who was 66 years old, died Lewis, Based on Personal Observation | In Palestine bur continuous preachof heart disease on Wednesday, Noments about sacrifice, idealism, courvember 27. . (The following extracts by Rabbi is high, both amongst teachers and age, faith and hope are daily realities, During the funeral services which Lewis •present the views of onepupils. The former are conscious of pursued with zeal and practiced with took place at Mount Sinai Temple who was in Palestine at the time Two Bar Mitzvahs took place at their sacred "task" and realize their re-; religious fervor. Initial plans for the Annual-Fed- 'the ShaareiZion Synagogue last Sat- - At the regular monthly- meetinglast Friday, with Rabbi Lewis offici- of the recent Moslem outbreaks. sponsibilty not only towards their j Rabbi Lewis left Sioux City on eration banquet were made"" at a urday ^morning. Isadora Eringberg of the Senior Hadassah the follow-1 ating, the Public library of which June 10, visited the larger cities charges, but towards world Israel. meeting of committee of arrange- of Charter Oak and Ezra Levin of ing were elected to serve for the Mr. Fribourg was a board member, and capitals of Europe, and then The Hebrew University on Mount coming year on the board of direc- was closed. Judges of the District traveled to Palestine, arriving ments which was held Monday even- Sioux City were the participants. tors i.or; the organization: Mesdames Court paid respect and tribute to his there August 19, just one day be-Scopus is the culmination of Jewish ing at the Community Center. Mr. Following the services "Mr. and fore the trouble began there. He cultural endeavors. The building, Mike Skalovsky is chairman of theMrs. A. Z.Levin entertained 120 A. L. Galinsky, Ben Pill, S.' Mosow, memory by calling a short halt to all spent two weeks in the Holy Land, equipment and location overwhelm "Everything for the Auto" and returned to Sioux City Sep- the heart of the Jew with pride andi guests at a dinner and reception in W. C. Slbtsky, J. Oxman, M. Marks, trials . in progress at the time of affair. tember 30.—The Editor.) 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 Wm. Lazere, T» N. Lewis, H. Rabi- the funeral services. The committee "includes Mrs,- S. honor of their son Ezra. joy. nowitz, R. H. Emlein, A. M. Davis, Mr. Fribourg was active in Mount Mosow, chairman of the dinner comThe Jewish achievements in PalesThe "idealism of the Chalutzim is mittee. Those who will work on this Mr. and Mrs. .'-.D. Mazor announce Jack Robinson, Lester Heeger, H. Sinai Temple, having served the con- tine are two-fold, material and spiritanother achievement, superhuman and committee are: Mrs. "A. Goodsite, the engagmient of their daughter Wigodsky, E. N. Grueskin, B. Baron, gregation as president, at one time, ual. For many centuries has the soil Paxton Mitchell Co. Mrs. B. Sherman, Mrs. Max Brodkey, Eleanor to Mr. Louis Schwartz of A. Goodsite, Sam Passman, E. Baron, and was on the board of dircetors been barren and the land desolate and miraculous. These men and women, :7th and Rlattnn Si», HArney young and old, have completely surMrs. Sloutsky, Mrs. S. Lipman, Mrs. Chicago. Miss Mazor, who is in Chi- Max Heligman, A. vRosenfeld, Sam at the time of bis demise. OMAHA NTGBKASKA the country criminally abused. Rocks, rendered their health and wealth, • Sott gray iron, ernes^ Dronzc ana A. L. Galinsky and Mrs. "A. W..Kap- cago at the present is being feted Lipman, M. N. London, M. Lazriowswamps and sand dunes had to bepersonal strivings and individual as- aluminum castings. Stnnrtnrd sizes He is survived by three eons, lan. Mrs. "William. Lazere is chair- at many affairs in her honor. itch and. M. Brodkey. . oronze nnd Iron bushings, gewer manconquered before the land could be cistern rings nnfl covers ami man of the ticket committee, which The installation . banquet of theErnest and Victor of Sioux City and made habitable and the soil produc- pirations, to one mightly and consum- ooles, !lean-out doore in siork. All kind* of also includes>Mrs.R: H. Emleinff Mrs. f 'Shaafe Zion Synagogue last Sun- Bnai Brith will be served by the Ha-Roger of Minneapolis;, a daughter, tive. The transformation of this Bed«?oo(! end metn) pnftesm A. M. Davis,. Mrs.- Max Friedman,j day was thefisc^ne^of" the/marriage dassah members. Mrs. Sam Mosow Frances; two sisters, Mrs. Bertha ouin refuge into a fairly prosperous Mrs. H. Mirowitz.;. ,, ' of Miss Mae* Sherman, daughter of and Mrs. A. Goodsite are co-chairmen Solomon of New York and Miss Ro- and happy country is a genuine mir- NATHAN S. REISS Mr. Mike Skalovsky, Mr- B. Baron Mr/and Mrs. fieri Sherman, to Mr.of the dinner; with Mrs. M; B._ Her-salie ' Fribourg of Sioux City, and acle. Jewish energy, devotion and ACCOUNTANT three brothers, Nathan, Louis and and Mr. Robert Sacks are on the Morris Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs.zoff, chairman for the dining room. idealism removed the stones, drained Edwin, all of New York. committee for the hall.' Transporta- Sam Miller of Minneapolis. A din- The National Zionist, roll call was the death-dealing swamps, caused the AUDITS — — SYSTEMS "Manufactured in Omaha" tion committee includes Mr. Morris ner at 3 o'clock in the Synagogue discussed at the meeting, and booksand dunes to vanish. 534 Peters Trust Bfdg.AT. 7611 Lazriowich, chairman, MrVH. Miller, preceded the ceremony. Rabbi H. R. lets were distributed. • TEMPLE SERVICES TO BE BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. The one hundred colonies spread Mr. A. A. W. Kaplan and- Mr. Sam Rabinowitz officiated at the ceremony throughout.the width and breadth of BROADCAST THIS EVENING Lipman. Mrs. B. Baron is chairman at 7. A reception in the home of the Professor Davidson this beautiful and picturesque land, Ask Your Dealer For A of the dining room.. Her "committee bride followed. Regular Friday evening services of makes one's heart swell with pride. includes - Mrs. J» Kalin, Mrs. M. N. Will Address Icor Mount Sinai Temple will b e broad- The city of Tel Aviv built on what London and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg; - Mr. and Mrs. Milton Henock, forcast this evening from station KSCJ. was only a few years ago, a huge and MUNROE FURNACE Publicity and1 mailing are in themerlyof Sioux City, announce the The Icor organization is bringing j Rabbi Lewis will speak on "What the unhealthy heap of sand, the new porSUPPLY CO. Professor J . B.. Davidson here t o hands of Mr. A. M; Davis, chairman, marriage of their daughter Lucille Awnings,, Canvas Covers. Tents, Christian Should Know About the tions and suburbs of Jerusalem and 1718 Cass JA. 4065-6 on. "Jewish; in Jewish, Colonization in Mr. Max Brodkey, Mr.. E. N., Grues- and-Mr. Morton Levitt, son of Mrs.speak on. Camp Supplies. &U Kinds J e V Haifa, are incredible achievements. 'Mn and Mr. M. Hendlyn. .Mr. E..E.Bessie Levitt of Chicago, on Novem- Biro Bidjan". Th electure will be j 15 and Howard AT. Jewish engineering skill has provided PATRONIZE THE Baron is chairman - of-the program fcter 28. The bride is a graduate of held Sunday evening, December 8th, electric current and will soon supply committee with Messrs. A. M. Davis Central high school and attended at 8 o'clock, a t the Woodrow Wilson CANDYLAND FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY an abundance of water. The health LARGEST STOCK 16th and Farnam and E. J. Fribpurg assisting.: high school auditorium. Morningside college here. Mr. and Hebrew Ladies Friendship Society of the entire country is zealously safeIN WEST SUNSET TEA ROOM Mrs. Levitt will make their home in Professor Davidson who is head' h e I d i t s regular meeting Tuesday, guarded by the Hadassah, whose ofQuick Shipment* t&th and Dodge Onr Hobby for Minneapolis. of the agricultural engineering de- j December 3, a t the Community Cen- ficials,whose medicines and influences Itekovitch Speaker -45 Years CRYSTAL CANDY partment of Iowa State College at jter. Announcement was made that bring blessing to all inhabitants, JewlGtb and Capitol Are. OMAHA STOVE Here Next Monday Mrs. R. Levitan and daughter Ames, returned recently from Soviet j election of officers, would be held at ish, Arab, and Christion. 1 REPAIR WORKS Esther have returned home after a Russia, where he went as a member |t h e ; n e x t regular meeting. Mrs. Sam The spiritual achievements are even Mr. David Itckoyitch, who has 1206-S Douglas Street two-month visit in New York and of a commission of American ex- JI O S O W, president, was in the chair. more miraculous. In Palestine the come to Sioux City from Slutzk, Rusperts. This commission was sent by __; sia, to complete his education, will other points east. Jew enjoys a complete and unparallelFOE .. the Icor to investigate and-advise T T W R . ^ V M f t l v r T P W < 5 speak to memtters of the Daughtered freedom of soul. He belongs there, Miss Frances Emlein, Abe Sadoff, the possibilities of developing the; B m i i i K A T I i C T TCT » , T T V 1722 No. 24 St., WE. 0289' hood of Shaare Zion next Monday evIN RUSSIA IS FALLING and feels absolutely at home. He is land .called Biro Bidjan, which has j TASTY, FRESH CAKES AND ening, December 9, at the Synagogue Carl Saltzman, Morris Gordon and been set aside for Jewish colonizautterly emancipated from that DiaspMoscow.—(J. T. A-)—The birth- ora psychology which rendered the social hall. . Mr. Itckvitch will Fred Sherman, all students at Ne-tion. PASTRY EVERY DAY rate among the Jews in the small lives of so many a Western Jew tragic speak to the members on *'Opportun- braska university, visited their homes The public is. invited to this lee, ities of America". His discourse will over last week end. ture for which no admission charge t o w n s i s decreasing, according to and pitiful. Soul conflicts, opposing bs based on his persbnal experience figures lnvestiga- loyalties, subtle and agonizing disr figures based based on on an an official official lnvestiga CALL Miss Sophie Miller spent last week is made since coming to this country. criminations are fortunately absent. tion of .12 small_tpwns. in_the visiting.-friends in Omaha.... • _ ; He is staying with his aunt, Mrs. Despite hard-toil and huge sacrifice, J. L..KEAGE, Proprietor Capacity Attendance TTe^vesiigatibn estabUshed estabUshedthe the the Jews in Palestine are supremely Morris Passman,' and has "enrolled in "NEW FOR OLD" Morningside college. ' Mr. Itcko'vitch ,,. Miss .-Ann Woskoff. entertained , a t S i s t e r h o o d C a r n i v a l fact that the Jewish population there happy. 205 So. ID—JA. 1209 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. S481 has permission from the immigration eight club .members at iher home, last ,;.: '.,...-,. ..'-rr-—:—- • Jewish,life is a concrete and joyous j is 50_ percent less than what it was in JA. 5676 —. Evenings ,*WA. §077 officials to ; remain in America only 5 Monday 'evening— .The hours were ; The Mount Sinai . Sisterhood. car r 1926. Most of the people in that reality. Sabbath is the day-of rest, years, since the "quota is filleS.'" spent ..playing t bridges after which nival attracted a capacity attendance neighborhood are living on money sent not in theory but in actual practice; The membership of. the" Daughter- light refreshmehtsr •were:.:served.l .x on Wednesday d ^eveidng.j Decorations them th by b relatives in the United Business is supended as rigorously Try A All hood which numbers 125, feels exand universally as it is in our land on in keeping with . the. carnival spirit, States. FIavo.fR Case ceptionally fortunate in getting1 Mn —Miss Frances .Passman, a student games of all, kinds and booths helped Illiteracy, too, it growing because Sunday. No heroic and futile efforts Certified Public Accountants Itckovitch to speak at this meeting, a t . Drake university, s visited a t the to make" the evening an entertain- the children of former traders are not are necessary to create the Chanukah Soda. Water home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. arid a full attendance is expected. 638 Securities Cidg. spirit, the Purim merriment and the j admitted to the schools. Gihgerale one. Sam Passman, over the week-end. . ing:Mrs. Passover joys. The ; observance of A. -M»- Davis and Mrs. Theo-' AT. 4451 and Shame Zion \ JACK W. MAREB, Att'r dore N. Lewis acted as co-chairman these and other Jewish festivals are Near Beer County Court House Mr. Morris Glazer of Council ^ They were assisted as natural and normal there, as the of t k e ^ "Why-Isn't the American Jew;HapCity Bluffs, visited friends in Sioux City py?" is the subject of Rabbi H. R. by Mrs. E. J. Fribourg and Mrs. Her- • NOTICE BY PUBLICATION FOB SET-Christian .holidays are here. Judaism Rabinowitz at the Shaare Zion Syna- last week. "; . " • . . . . ; in Palestine is no problem, but a -i«'=« Tur;i1m- «T,^;^v,o^ ^f r,*~.~o. TVT«- t TLESEENT OF FINAL ADMIXISTBAgogue this evening. The services privilege; it is no tragedy, but a blessman Miller, chairman of games; JVlrs. J TION ACCOCKT After Theatre Mrs. E. E. Bar- j Nebraska. will begin as usual, promptly at 8. Mr. and Mrs. Max, Brodkey spent | cJ.:h aKalin i r m e n and o f tickets;Harry 'Bottling Co. ing. Court ofEstate Douglas . , , , ,Mrs. _, _ .Wigodsky,' . „ ! in Inthe the County Matter of tee ofCounty, ERVIN Thanksgiving day visiting friends Dancing The resurrection of Hebrew is nothon food booth; Mrs. Herbert Marx, • B R E W E R . Deceased: WE. 3043 j Miss Sarah Woskoff returned home and relatives in Omaha. decorations; Mrs. M. N . London,! All persons Interested In «ald matter are ing short of a miracle. It is a living 24th and Farnam , ,. ,• . „ • • • « . , . , ; h e r e b y notlfled t h a t o n t h e 25th d a y o f tongue. after a two-month visit at the home Children speak it on the donations* and Mrs. S a m PickUS, the j November, 1929, Eva Johnson filed a petiMiss Freda Albert visited in Oma- -nfflo of. her sister, Mrs. Al. Plotkin at Uon in said County Court, praying that streets as fluently and as exclusively Visit the New ha last week end. Omaha. j-ouie. • j j , e r finaj administration account filed bere- as they do the English here. The A - large upholstered chair, donated; In be settled and allowed, and that she Jews are proud of it, not ashamed. , - . 7, • _ ~ _*„„_ i b e discharged from her trust as adminls- AH business is transacted in Hebrew. by Davidson Bros. Co., w a s given 8tratrix and that a hearing will be had on aid nwav n<s a rlnnr -nnVp Petition before-said Court on the 21st At the. Postoffice, the Law Courts, the B Government offices, the Theatres, the away as aHadassah aoor pnze. Junior Opens dfalla yotof Dappear ATlantic 6291 e c e J n b e r f i 92J)( a n d t t a t u yo u With the " before said Court on theNewspapers, and in every avenue of 16th and Howard Streets 3. M. JENSEN 21st day of December, 1929, at 0 Series of Study Hours said Hil! Hotel Building o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, commerce, the language is used conthe Court may grant the prayer of said tinuously and proudly. Even in the petition, enter a decree of helrship, and make such other and further orders, allow- scientific laboratories of the Haifa Jewelry on Credit 1 anees and decrees, as to this Court may CHARLES SIMON Gymnasium and in the Hebrew Uni_ . . . _ _ .., , . .. , , i seem proper, to the end that all matters at Cash Prices Rabbi H . R. Rabinowitz spoke t o : pertaining to said estate may be finally versity, Hebrew is used exclusively. Recommends settle(i a n d fleterm members of the Junior. Hadassah) ^B c n A W F O R D ' It is as satisfactory a medium of ex- THE SANITARY LAUNDRY It Will Pay Ycra to Inquire. Combined with the Wednesday evening on "Jewish Cul- Nov. 29—3t County judge. pression, for the. most subtle concepts, 'The Beat of AU Laundry Services" ture and History". This is the first — — :—: _ _ _ _ as it is for the most common. of a series of programs at which MONSKT, KATZEMAN * GRODIN'SKX AT-2815 In every colony one finds a. school members of the Junior Hadassah will j ' 7 " O m a h a *S2££'*** mi*pursue subjects perfciining to Jewish | NOTICB OF ABTICI^ES OV rs'CORFORA- with several instructors. Enthusiasm life. Rabbi Rabinowitz will give a j ™N S Y S S V G ! " " ^ •'.••• I t . B . A B R A H A M S , Att'y 400 B r a n d e i i T h e a t e r BIdg., Omana series Of: lectures t o the d u b on this] hereby given that the traderiNotice s n e d i s is arid Scientifically Blended which boond' Senrice System, Inc., and times 8, day we are in your cussion plans were completed for the nrr»i«-t After tt n he e aaaresa address ana and ais dis-j Its 5h a r eprincipal ; Pursuant toofthe la\ra the of place, business inNebraskn, the City project. Alter formed a corporation, name of N O T I C E B T P U B L I C A T I O N OK P E T I neighborhood T I O N F O B S E T T L E M E N T O F F I N A L of Omaha. The purposes for which this Junior Hadassahcardparty which in Omaha '• A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ACCOtJNT Is formed nre to maintain and 4420 Florence Blvd. will be held at the Center Tuesday corporation operate a Sound Service System for all I n t h e County Court of D o u g l a s County, Pillicheiji jguutdrti Co. of sound machines, apparatuses, ap- Nebraska. KE. 1500 evening, December 10th. Miss Anne forms pliances and machines of all sorts, types I n - t h e matter of t h e estate of J U L I A The House With A Reputation and kinds. Including radios; to install, —CI«y Wide Pel)very Shiloif is chairman of this party.A S H E K , deceased.
Society News
Mataal Accessories, Inc.
Baker Ice laefiines
Standard Sloe Repair Co.
MALASHGCK'S . Jewelry Store
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Irresistable Flavor I of Brazil
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Exhilarating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch ' and
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Sold by. all Erst Class Grocers - Everywhere
All p e r s o n s Interested i n said m a t t e r are h e r e b y notified that o n t h e 20th d n y of N o v e m b e r , 1929, Arthur Asher a n d Milton E . A b r a h a m s filed a petition in said Count y Court, p r a y i n g that their final a d m i n i s t r a t i o n account filed herein be settled and allowed, a n d that t h e y b e discharged from their t r u s t a s e x e c u t o r s «nd that n hearing Members of the Bnai Brith lodge) w i l l b e h a a o n s a i d petition before snid Court o n t h e 13th rtny of December. 1029, heard C. N . Jepson, Tironiinent city! to sell,, dispose p e of. f. lease, convey nvey and and mortmort and t h a t i f y o u fail t o appear before snid gage any and all of the said property; to Court t h e said 13th d a y o f December. attorney, speak on "The New Jewborrow money, and to' do all other things 1029. aot n A. M.4 a n d contest said y or incident to the he operations of petition, 9theo'clock • Court m a y grant t h e prayer and Law". After the address reports necessary it business. bi T h authorized t h i d capital i t lstock t k its The of said petition, enter n decree of heirsbip, of the nominating committee were is $10,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the and m a k e s u c h other a n d further orders, a l l o w a n c e s a n d decrees, a s t o t h i s Court heard, and announcement was made m a y seem proper, t o t h e e n d that all m a t paid and non-assessable and such stock that election of officers will take shall be issued for either goods, wares and t e r s pertnlnlnK t o said estate m a y b e finally settled, and determined. place at the next regular meeting. merchandise, or cash or both. The corporBBTCE CRAWFORD, ation shall commence business upon the Plans were also begun for the instal- Sling of the Articles of Incorporation In Nov. 22,1920—ST County J u d g e .
C. N. Jepsori Speaks to Bnai Brith Members
Ask for it Insist on Advo ••Famous tax Flavor"
the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue until I R V I N C . I - E V I N , Att'y January 1st, 1979. The highest amount of • "• ' 301 Electric Bids:. its indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds City of Its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION TALMUD TORAH CARDS Board of Directors which shall consist of In the County Court of Douglas County, not less than three nor more than five Nebraska. GIVEN OUT THIS WEEK members and who shall be elected at the In the Matter of the Estate of ERE annual meeting to- be held on the second In January of each year. The MON, Deceased: Talmud Tofah report cards were Tuesday All persons interested in said estate are Board shall elect from their number a President, Vice-President, Secretary and hereby notified that a petition has been given out to the pupils in the Hebrew Treasurer, any two or when offices, except- filed In said Court alleging that snid deceased, died leaving no last will and prayschool the past week. on ing that of President and Vice-President ing administration upon his estate, B may be held by the same person. The and for the cards are: A (Excellent), that a hearing will be had on saia Vu , n Articles may be amended at any regular petition before said conrt on the 21st day (Good), and P (Poor). The faculty meeting of the stockholders or at anyof December. 1928. and that If they tt
lation banquet which will be held the early part of January.
of the school has expressed the hope that parents will co-operate with the *
Wended,- Rostetf, Ground and Packed by
erect, maintain, and service all types of disc and sound-on-film machines, appliances, and apparatuses, including radios; to manufacture and sell all types and kinds of parts, appliances, apparatuses, accessories and machines for all types and kinds of disc and «oiind-on-film machines, including radios; to purchase, lease, hire
amendment in writing has been mailed to to contest said, petitions ttar C 0 " 1 * -r;all 9.11 stockholders St-OCKJlOIClPrS and'upon f l • U p o n the I U C amrmfltive aiutiu grant the wtme and grant administration f twothirds t t h i d n nof f the th cnpttalstocs te of of p vote two-thirds of thecnpitarstocfc of said estate to Sarah Mon or some other 10gnted at Omaha, Nebraska, suitable person and proceed to a settle10 ment thereof. B R y C B CRAWFORD. Nov. 29—3t County Jndcewitness:
school by giving their child's card particular attention,- and urge the g children to attend sessions regularly and on time. Novels ii-
AT. 4750
MA. 4.750
Tune in KOIL every Tuesday a t 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours progi-am
Harry tL'Uipidus. I'resMent-TrPflsam
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Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.
313 SO* r4 TM.ST, OMAHA .