December 13, 1929

Page 1

Scanning ike Jewish,

interesting and Entertaining


By David Schwarti %




That the publishers of. the o.,^Entered as secona-cdasa mail natter on January 27, 19in, at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, "Who's "Who in American Jewry ** IS, 1929 VOL. VIL—No. 48 postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act ol March 3, 1STSL money on the proposition, which e, ; body deemed a moneymaker?. " That the Jewish oppulation of the famous Sing-Sing prison is greater than ever in its history, but that it is still a little below the percentage lor the rest of the population? That Lawrence Drake, author of "Don't Call Me Clever," which critics have given a rather good send-off, is really a Jewish boy from the West, with the Jewish name of Sam Pessin? P. M. Klutznick Chosen ViceThat a well-known radical CommunLarge Audience Hears Second' Event of Lecture President of Local ist YiddiBh daily, -which took the antiCourse Sponsored by Community Lodge Zionist side in the recent disturbances Forum .. . ; in Palestine, has lost three pages a ACTIVE TERM PLANNED day ot advertisements? That Mayor Walker of New York . Milton R. Abrahams, local attorCity understands Yiddish and can ney, was elected to head the Omaha speak it with some fluency ? A Remarkable Portrait of fife in The Holy Land B'nai B'rith Lodge No. S54 for the An appreciative audience :-^ UgiouR practices of the day. ensuing term, at "the regular meetin AU Its Phases by BROTHER AUTHORS imately the 1,000 mark heard religion "The only immortality wi can exing of the organization last ThursMax laef, fonnely dramatic critic hold its c m against the onslaught of pert," he stated, "is the biological imof the New York Daily News, and day. He succeeds Robert Kooper to science in an impressive debate held mortality, and the immortality of our one of Gotham's foremost authorities the presidency. at the Tech High School auditorium works in history." Other officers elected are: Philip on the vicissitudes of Broadway life, Wednesday evening between Dr. Rev. Smith ably defenctad faith in has just completed a tome on his spe- M. Klutenick, vice-president; Isadore Frank G. Smith, pastor of the local Ms answer. He maintained that there cialty, under the caption of "Hang- Abramson, secretary; H. Friedman, First Central Comgxeu&titmal church, is a Supreme Being behind this uniover", and critics are making much treasurer; Dr. O. S. Belzer, guardiand Dr. Harry E. Barnes, professor verse, emanating a spirit of goodness AND an; Harry B. Cohen, warden; Goodado.' of history &t Smith college. and lore. And a brother of Max lief has also man Cohen, David Freeman and JoThe debate WES the second event of KeHgion In Guide" compiled a work of quite another seph Tretiak, trustees.? the lecture series sponsored by the The following were elected to the "Religion," he said, "in the world'B character. It is "The Dissenting Community Forum, under the auspices best, and most satisfying1 answer to executive board: Sam Klaver, Irvin Opinions of Mr. Justice Holmes", and of the Council of Jewish Women end the riddle ©f human life, Religion is, presents the dissenting opinions of Levin, Leo »Abramson, Sam Green, the Jewish. Comirranity Center. H. E. hag been, and probably «lway» will be J. J. Friedman, and Sam Eothenthat Justice of the Supreme Court berg. The executive board instituted Auerbachf chairman of the Commun- the mort Important guide to human who so often has found that the only for-the first time this year, will conity Forum, introduced the speakers. condudct, one who agreed with him was Mr. sist of three officers, past presidents, The formal question discussed was "If with scientific. instrument* I can Justice Brandeis. It should make in- and these six members. that unfolding human experience and tslce invisible materials, from this teresting reading. advancing scientific research render room .and. change them first: into Abrahams, the new president, has W -religion increasingly less valuable as liquids and then into solids, why then been very active in thecommunal *BERLINERIZING OUR j B. guide to human conduct. endeavors of the community. He is THEATRES could riot God take invisible materials Dr. Barnes was merciless in Ms from the cosmos and mate; everything1 It is a pity that Ernile Berliner at present a director of the Jewish attack on religion. According to his on this earth?" did not live to see the vogue which Community Center, secretary of the concepts, there is no soul and no imhas come to his last invention, a de- Congregation of Temple Israel and According to Rev. Smith, s i th« mortality. Nationality Dependent vice for improving the resonant qual- chief advisor of Sam'Beber Chapter condract. "Th« God concept is preposterous," brought about by some beautiful, fine ities of auditoriums. Virtually all the No. 100 of the A. Z. A. on Success ©f Theory the college professor claimed, "and I spirit, created through the medium of Several innovations will fcte instiNew York theatres are installing this religion no longer has sny valtre in religion. . Berlin.^J.T.A.}= The local padevice' at present. The first New York tuted, according to the new B'nai influencing hemsn. conduct." pers feature a sopnnary of the house said to have adopted it was B'rith head. Instead of meeting each Pewer of. Revelation M brief address miide by Prof. - as previously, the lodge Rabbi Colin, Chairman of Rally that seething caldron of noise, the Bible No Inspiration* Rabbi Grossman of Des Jloiases "The -answers to certain problems Albert Einstein drhea tie SorStock Exchange. Then came the Guild will meet only on the first Thursday to Be Principal "The Bible," Dr. Barnes contended cannot be found by the instruments at J. C. C on Decem- . bonne recently- ^conferred an theatre; and now theatre after thea- of each month. Speaker "contains nothing which can act. as an of science, but have been completely ber 22 honorary degree i upon him. tre is falling in line. A large numAt each of these meetings an exinspiration for good conduct. Relig- solved by the religionist, whose chief He is reported to have said ber of churches, too, are being "Bercellent program will be presented, 3 An exceptional program has been ion 1$ .useful only as EH inspiration for instrument is revelation. He believes Kabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Sioux that "if my ;thetry of Tfilativlineiized"* _ along with the usual business of the arranged to mark- Omaha's celebra- liuinsas to act decently,, bat is COKI- without even trying to explain, *cto —aty™ii-"5ro*te-^ieees5&sl, "<*ex--. system 0 consists, in lodge which will bo conducted at -that City will address a Zionist it--%. A, Jn: be held at the Jewish' Community in ceptiHg God sHd. liw 'dictates-.without.. many will, claim me as a Gerthe placing of a series of Email disks lame. ' , - -" tiiis Sunday,. December 15. Th« day any particular phase of life .us. attempting to question." Center Sunday evening, December 22. -whstman and France will* declare the placing of a series of small disks • Detail work, for which there will win be climaxed by a meeting open I In rebutal Dr. Barnes admitted that that I am a citizen of the —or "waffles", as they are called— not be time at the meetings, will Sabbi Frederick .Cohn of Temple to the public Sunday evening st 8:15 ever." religion might act as an Inspiration to Dr. Barnes also argued that it Israel will be chairman of the meetworld. Should my theory prove relaying the sound to any point de- be administered by the newly instiat tiie Jewish'; Community Center impossible to prove the existence of IBSU, fctat claimed that it should not ing, which is open to the public. untrue^ France will say that I sired. tuted executive baord. auditorium, at which a capacity at- God, bat that it was equally impos- be allowed to act as a, guide. Rabbi Lewis will give his views am a German and Germany And by way of postscript it may tendance is expected. sible to prove His non-existence. He Mr. Peter Hamilton scted as chairon the Palestine situation. His inwin declare that I am a Jew." I. ROSENBERG DIES not be amiss to Bay that it is anSabfoi Lewis N. Grossman, popular advocated a program based on serring man. Both speakers were enthusiastformation w\U be first-hand, as he other pity that this American Jewish Israel Eosenberg, 55, died Sunday conservative leader from Des 'Moines, humanity as far superior to our re- ically applauded by the audience. inventor, who played such a tre- afternoon after an illness of two arrived in the Holy Land the day IJU, has been secured to deliver the mendous part in the invention of the years. Funeral services were held before the outbreaks occurred and serve to wind up the local roH-call main address. Esbbi Grossman is was an eye-witness to what happened talking machine,* telephone and radio, Monday afternoon at the Chesed Shell campaign. Jewish notables through- a forceful, convincing: speaker and is scarcely known even by name to Ernes Funeral Home, with burial in there. out the country have signed up on has made a name for himself in his Although-previous to his trip his the average American. The average the Golden HW cemetery. Rabbi the roll-call, and the Omaha Zionists, community. interest in Palestine was slight, what person still labors under the delusion Abraham Bengis officiated. under the leadership of M. Levenson, One of the biggest features Mr. Rosenberg was active in local he saw there made "him an ardent that Thomas Edison invented everyare anxious to make Omaha's con- be presented on the early part of Zionist. According to local leaders, organizations, both Jewish and nonthing except the collar-button. We tribution proportionate with other the program, when **BiIlyM Meyers, Through the Eyes of the Eminent have no -desire to detract from the Jewish. He is survived Jby his wife, he has a real message to deliver to communities. new maestro of ceremonies at the DR. LANDE glory that properly belongs to Edison; Ida, two brothers, Ben and Isaac, both the Jewish people, both Zionists and The purpose of the roll call is to Paramount, will perform. Accordbut there is no question that much of of Lincoln, and a sister, Mrs. Ida non-Zionists. The meeting December 22 will also enroll 250,000 American Jews who ing to advance reports," Meyers is an the renown that went to him as far Smith of Council Bluffs. "Czecho-Slovakia is the' only con- tion griving information in Hebrew, are not members of any Zionist or- entertainer who captivates his audias the phonograph is concerned, and try in Europe where the Jews are Crowds, noisy and gay, could b€ seen ganization. Their objective is not to ence. much of the luster that edorns the undisturbed by aati-semitism" said gathered around convention hall." raise money, as the fee is only 11.00, Sam Beber, founder and father of name of Bell in connection with the Dr. J. N. Lande in a recent in- j Many Palestinian Youths, wearing but to demonstrate that American A. Z. A., will be .chairman- of the telephone should have gone to the terview, following his return to Sioux j their native parb, could be seen in Jewry is still firm in its determina- meeting. A short address will be Washington Jewish inventor—who, inCity from a six month visit in En-1 crowds and lent a, sturdy mnA healthy tion to continue with the establish- given by Frank Ackerm&n, .Aleph cidentally, in his younger years studiTope, where he made a specie! sfrudr j atmosphere, with their ruggedness.. ment of a Jewish National Home- Godol of Sam Beber Chapter No. of child diseases. Dr. Lande, always Ever so often strains of Palestinian ed under the great rabbinical scholar 100, and several musical numbers land. Abraham Geiger. interested in Jewish problems, ob- music could be heard from the street. will round out the program. served carefully the conditions among t The hotels were crowded with deleWHEN FANCY FAILS . A. Greenberg to -Theday^will tjffiasOly ©pen with j 6 W B j n A u s t r i a > Germany, Poland, j gates from every part *£ the Even a man whose forte is humor Head Women s Group a basketball game at the Center gym . Switzerland, France and Csecfeo-SIo- i I was unable to gain admittance —a manufacturer of humor, so to at S p. m. between.. Omaha Chapter End discussed them at length I *&« convention the first two sessions, speak—sometimes has his fancy fail Mrs. A. Greenberg was re-elected .No. 1 sad Sam Beber Chapter No. 1 but through the ldndness of owe of with the him. Now here Harry Hershfield, of president of the Jewish Women's 1C0, -who are jointly, sponsoring the press, correspondent of the Jewish the American delegates, he*«l the Abe Kabibble fame, is springing this Welfare Organization at their regthird evening's program. On 'that celebration. Tbe Omaha -chapter | j>r." La n d e attended _ _ the Zionist one: It is the story of a Scotchman ular monthly meeting last Tuesday quintet is last year's winner of the convention • in "iurich, Switzerland^ evening, Dr. Bo gen sisoke on "Develwho was delegated to break the news at the J. C. C. Mrs. Nate Mantel Commercial League title. | which he declared was most mspir- opments and the future possibility; of her husband's death to Mrs. Macwas elected honorary president. . A banquet is. hoaor of the p e s t , i ^ . « AABB II stepped The session i " Th i th«t tht stepped off off the the train train in in of Palestine." PherEon. . Other officers elected were: Mrs. speaker -will be W 4 at the Kmghts Zurich, the grala spirit of the town ning: was •disturbed by commotions "Be diplomatic—don't shock her," Harry','Bachman, vice-president; Mrs. his friends cautioned. So Sandy J. Malashock, secretary; Mrs. Wil- of Co'hunbus buiMing s t 6:50. Lou caught my attention at once." "Jew- caused for and against the Jewish Gpdoi of .the Mother ish- fkg-s were flying everywhere, Agency. Prof. Eobotinsky made a knocked on the door, and when the liam Holzmsn and Miss Blanche Zim- SSdin, Aleph. : '.chapter, is.fe :<3iargeef the banquet 4 Enge posters'were hung its the sia- fiery attack against It. He -was to lady answered he doffed his cap and man, financial secretaries, and Mrs. my mind the most impressive speakinquired: "Are ye the widow MacCharles Levinson, treasurer. er. Professor Motzkiu, a very clever rherson?" An interesting program followed SUPPRESSION OK JUDAISM IN RUSSIA" and witty Epsaker, MIRR Max* Nor* "Indeed, I'm nae such," she rethe meeting. Mrs. C H. Sumney CONDEMNED.BY JEWISH CONGRESS dau, who to my mind played a v*sy 5 plied indignantly. "I'm Mrs. Macspoke on the" value of Christmas tidiraimiE rolies and Professor WefcsePheraon." seals for the Nebraska Tuberculosis New York (J. T. A.}—Condemna- never made such a wild claim, I man, who commanded respect at »B "Is that so?" biristJed Sandy. "And Society. tion of the prosecution of Judaism would refuse to bargain. &w&f the time, were among the speakers St Sam ,Zacharia and Ben Kazlowsky how much will ye wager that you're Special plans are being made for and Zionism in Soviet Russia, end a moral and spiritual rights of the re-,j this session." not a widow?" Sam Zacharia and Ben Kazlowsky, ers' College; Dr. Irvin E. Deer, secre- the next meeting on January 7, which plea to end the policy of silence by •million and a In Dr. L&noVs estimation, Harry, "we're surprised at you for representing tire Omaha Jewish Com- tary of the Kansas City Council of wifl mark the twenty-fifth anniver- American Jevrs on. • the sufferings to most prosperous country «f •Deploring the failure of American springing such a whiskered nifty! munity Center,' captured a 2-to-l Churches, and E. Haldeman-Julius, sary of the organization. Details which the Jews in Eussia are sub- Jews,.who knew the facts about the is Switzerland. "The people S& €h*§: We suppose that/ your excuse is verdict over the Kansas City debaters publisher of Girard, Kans. for the celebration will be -announced jected to, was -voiced*-in. addresses at tenibie sufferings of the Eassisn country, are friendlj', tolemut «tKi the same as the one we have—when Sunday evening at the Kansas City The debate was held under the later. a conference an. the suppression ©f Jews, to speak out, Dr. Wise said broadminded. They smvn. im i one is in that lazy, good-for-nothing Y. M. H. A. before an audience of auspices of the Midwestern Jewish Judaism, held . Sunday •ender the no religious group in Eossis «varythit^ as a matter ©f w>a?8e,M. mood those ancient stories help fill about 500. Community Center Debating League, TURKS SEEK TO REMOVE • auspices of the Apericsn Jewish ••••HEBREW. FROM-SCHOOLS Congress,- which was'•' attended fey is there the merciless ferocity of at- said Dr. space, The locals upheld the negative on inaugurated this year with Pittsburg, titude that tilers is against, the peewst eoontricfi sewn to be (Copyright, 1929, by- Seven. Arts the question, "Resolved, that the Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City Constantinople.—{J. T. A-)—A sug- about 100 . delegates rspresenting' 23 Jews." [Austria and Polmud,. In the «Jty *€." Feature Syndicate.) British Mandate Is a Sufficient As- and Omaha entered. gestion put forward by the Ministry organiaaiaons. . He added -that the S,0OC,TOO Jews! Vienna, one encounters extrraaae surance for a Jewish State in PalesKazlowsky and Zacharia earned of Education that the Jewish schools Dr.' Stephen-'-whose speech in "Eussia constituted the jerrest reRs?r- j semitism. The people there «sem te . G03 JEWS ENTER line." " Judge Irvin Stalmaster, in the right to enter the finals by their. in Turkey discontinue the teaching of e&me after a irumber of attacks had veir of Jewish ecltcre and learning. I feel that the Jews have usurped thtir Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Six hun- charge of debate. activities -at' the victory Sunday. -'A short time ago Hebrew has stirred considerable ex- been made on Russian Jewish colonshould be protected their prepgrtv and rights, through dred and three Jews were among the Center, coached the victors. St. Louis defeated Indiana on the citement and bitterness among the ization, declared that "even if the tori that their aggressiveness. They have \t«m 812 who immigrated to Palestine durThe Kansas City team was com- same question, upholding' -the affirma- Jewish popnlation. exponents of Eassiais Jewish COIDTSThe p g »ble to buy the pro-party from th« schechita, ing the month of September, according posed of Daniel L. Brenner and Jo- tive. The St. Louis team will meet Sams Jewish leaders declare they izaij'en would claim that a half of the oppression : owners, who are hard pressed, «ncL who vrocld to official figures made public today. seph Eosenzweig. The . judges for Pittsburg the early part of Fberu- prefer to close do-wn the schools en- the Jews in Eussia are being settled practice circamciokm «ny plsce of importance <ra and During the same period 254 persons,! the-debate were George W. Diemer, ary and the winner will meet "the tirely if the jguveiiiment insists oa the in the lands, and although their traditional Jewish customs, were v now belongs to Sewn, The \ inauding 130 Jews, left the country. J president «f the-Kansas City -Teach- Onjahans the latter part of February. abolition of Hebrew. claims are wild enough, they have portrayed in the two reports. on Page &)

Take AdvamM^ of Tfus


"Palestine, Todaf jmd Tomorrow" JOHN HAYNES HOLMES

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universities and medical that I visited in Berlin, Prague and Vienna, are filled with Jewish students, 'Jewish instructors and professors. At every step one encounters names of great Jewish men such as Professor Alexander of Vienna, Finklesfaviri of Berlin and Professor Openheimer. In the musical world there the same condition prevails," concluded Dr. Lande.

(Continued from-Page 1.)

!THB JEWISH PRESS 'PUBLISHING COMPANY Officer Btandeis Theater Buflding—Telephone: ATlantic


The smallest of the three boxes is in a sense an enlarged household cabinet, adapted to the ireeds of small groceries and restaurants end of butlers ' poetries in large homes. Next is a 6^ cubic foot box with five service •' doors, one -of them of full height for Changing quarters of meat. The largest box, a 110 cubic foot walk-In cool1*}:, is so constructed that it may be delivered knocked down for setting up inside the customer's place of business. Panels, sides anft all other parts of the boxes which might be damaged in use are removable and can be replaced by other factory built parts with a minimum of inconvenience and delay.

The feature of the program was an address on "Jewish Education" by Mr. Judah L. Wolfson. A reading was given by Rath Friedman and Bettie Fellman played a piano selection. Tea was served at the conclusion o£ the meeting.

and high priced places of amusement are patronized and attended only by . Three commercial refrigerating Jews, since they are the only ones DAVn> BlIACKER • ' - - ' B U S I N E S S and MANAGING EDITOR boxes, ranging in capacity front 35 who have the means. The people of FR^NK E.ACKEBMAN - - - - - - - - - - EDITOR As cold waters to a thirsty soule so is to 110 cubic feet, have been anVienna Kave an intense hatred F A N N I E E A T E L M A N - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent .good nev-s from a far country.—Pronounced by Frigidaire corporation, against the Eastern or Galician verbs xxv. 25. according to A. F. Eichenlaub, local Jews, whom they feel have exploited SIOUX CITY OFFICE branch, manager, who has returned them. The cultured families among Community Center—308 Picree Street from a semi-annual meeting of disthe Jewish residents of Vienna, are tributors and branch managers of the finest and most interesting peo$2.50 Subscription Price, one j$st « • • • " • • • - » • • the organization at Dayton, Ohio, ple." Advertising rates furnished o n application where the new boxes were exhibited. "Poland is with anti-semitism." Dr. Temple Israel. are included in the According to the local representaCHANGE O F ADDRESS—Please give both the old and s e w address; Lande said that when he entered Rabbi Frederick Cohn has selected tive, the new boxes, finished in porce[erriam Webster, be sore t o g i v e your s a m e . that land, he had a feeling of danger' "The Barnes-Smith Debate" as the as mrograpk, lain on steel, are designed to meet and insecurity. "The country re- subject for his sermon at Temple brettdimil, credit sembles an armed camp. One sees Israel tonight. Tomorrow morning requirements of practically all types ""union, Eabaism, Ladies Auxiliary ptrsgmtsiSi etc. countless soldiers. The Jews there he will speak on "A Sermon in of-retail business and are based upon ADVANCE OR RETREAT New names and refrigeration principles already -well are sorely oppressed by heavy taxes. Stones." The Ladies Auxiliary of the Conplaces are listed such When Dr. Judah. JJ. Magnes, Chancellor of the Hebrew The conditions in some of the towns Rabbi Cohn will address the Cur- established in domestic use. servative Synagogue held their regS U ' L i i as Carr,Seidii!g,StaUn,Li*ivia,exc "The Frigidaire organization will, are indescribable. The residents can University in. Palestine, in Jiis now sensational convocation rent Topics class Tuesday morning Constantly improved and kept uf» ular meeting at the J. C. C. Monday. barely eke out a living. There is no a; 10:30 on "China and-Russia." of course, continue to build refrigerto date. > address, advocated the renunciation "of all thought of Jewish work for the young men and women, ating equipment to be installed in This afternoon Dr. Cohn will adpolitical domination in Palestine and the nullification of the and girls without a dowry are unable the Women's Club on Will other kinds and makes of commercial Balfpur Declaration, he threw a veritable bombshell into the to marry. This is extremely sad, dress Durant's "Mansions of Philosophy." boxes, walk-in coolers and dfsplay cases just the same as it is still Jewish ranks. Jewish leaders and thinkers are in hopeless con- since it makes many prey for trafOld established Groc-* manufacturing refrigerating coils and flict as to the justification of the attitude expressed by this fikers. The Jews there "supposedly" Conservative Synagogue Get Hie Best have equal political rights, but there for domestic ice box inery Store located on renown pacifist, who proposes the creation of a cultural center seems to be a silent boycott against An innovation will be introduced in- compressors stallations," Mr. Eichenlaub said. The "Supreme Authority" Broadway. C o n n - I ruled by a parliamentaryibrm of government. them and it is impossible for them to the services of the Conservative "We are now able to furnish the in courts, colleges, schools, a n d a m o n g We side with those who call Dr. 3Magnes' statement a serious to obtain any governmental position. Synagogue at the J. C. C. tonight at merchant who needs new equipment cil Bluffs, la. Excelj government officials, b o t h Federal and 8 o'clock, when laymen will conduct a commercial box that has been deblunder which -has injured the cause of Israel. With the Some of the towns are still suffering the lent location—owner } Staff. services. Rabbi Abraham Bengis from the"••.effects of the pogroms lO' entries including 408,000 Mandatory (^vernment willing to play one race against the other, years ago, and many Ihomes do not will be in Sioux City as guest rabbi signed and engineered for electric has other interests | 452,000 refrigeration exclusively and covered vocabulary terms. 32,000 pogntphmd : witii !the Arabs each year becoming more politically self- even have the household necessities, at the Shaare Zion synagogue. subjects, 12,000 biographical eaton. by the standard factory guarantee. and must sell. Only Over 6,000 illustrations, aad IQQ palconscious and the Jewish people deceived by the vagueness of as furniture and bed-clothes." Mr. Philip M. Klutznick will deliver "The new boxes permit the user reliable and live-wire liable tables. British promises, i t is imperative that the Jewish people "most "Germany seems to have recup- the sermon tonight at the Center on to make economical additions to his Send for Free, new, richly illustrated . merchants need apvigorously" assert their rights,; and not withdraw,: CO wed and erated from the war. New buildings "The Ladder of Faith." The services refrigerating equipment as need pamphlet containing sample pages of 1 will be read by Dr. A. Greenherg, who ply. Farmers Merthe New inUnmtmnal beaten. Statements of this kind are admissions of defeat and are going up everywhere, but even is chairman of the Services Commit- arises. They may be duplexed with other refrigerating equipment such there, feeling against the Jew is insurrender^ and once the Moslems gain the upper hand, Jewish cantile. G. &. C. Memam Company tense. The Hachenkruezler, an or- tee. Cantor E. Selz will conduct the as a display case, ice-maker, water aspirations wjU be extinguished. SpsiB.cS.eicL Msss. ganization similar to the Klu Klux chanting portion of the services, as cooler or the like and operated from usual. If a parHamentary form of government be established, what Klan, is thriving there." one -mechanical unit." safeguard do1 we have that our rights will be protected ? The "Checho-Slovakia is the only coun- Services Saturday morning begin at 9:30. Mr. Sell and Mr. R. Lackow political weakness of .a minoritygroup has never instilled try where anti-Semitism is not heard will be in charge. generosity in a majority faction, and from the treachery of. The Jews there are very cul- Mrs. Bengis will accompany Rabbi and get along beautifully with manifested by the Arabs, they would mercilessly manipulate a tured the Bohemians. One of the inter- Bengis to Sioux City. The subject of numerical advantage to our detriment. Then, too, such un- esting sights in Checho-Slovakia is his sermon tonight will be "Jewish fortunate avowals cannot help but have a derogatory effect upon tfee old Synagogue in the city of Altars." On Saturday morning he wil\ speak in Yiddish. He will also the deliberations of the Inquiry Commission. These ill-timed Prague. It was built about 1300, address the junior congregation which and part of it has sunken into the utterances in effect convict the Jews of harboring hopes of poliholds its services Saturday following ground. A ,new edition, however, was tical conquest against the Moslems and go far toward exonerat- built those of the senior congregation. in the 14th century. On one — ing the .Arabic attacks. It. is indeed small wonder that the Arab wall of the synagogue hangs a ban- On Sunday Rabbi Bengis will be the principal speaker at the A. Z. A, press hail these declarations with unbounded joy. ner sent to the Jewish Community Day celebration in Lincoln, to be held There is, however, a stilL more important reason why state- by Kaiser Leopold the First, in token at the Tisereth Israel synagogue. His the part the Jews played and the ments such as those of Div Magnes should be denounced. The for bravery they showed during kthe subject will be "The Dream of Youth." Arabs are well-informed of the internal dissensions among the Thirty Year War. The banner conJewish people, and they are constantly taking advantage of this tains the names of all those who London.—(J. T. A.) — The Daily disunity* Nothing can be.accomplished until the Jewish people died in service to the country. Telegraph reports that five Jews have thing of interest in Prague been fined for taking part in a demonagree among themselves as to what policy will be pursued. Men Another is a huge Jewish town clock. The stration outside of the British conlike Dr. Magnes are considered representative leaders of the numbers are in Jewish ini the hands in Eatewicz, Holland, while the . Jewish people and their public declarations are therefore accepted go to the left, or counter-clockwise." sulate riots were going-on in Palestine.

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as authorative, when in reality hey are not. We wish to call attention to the necessity for such men to maintain a discreet silence and leave our "duly constituted authority, the Jewish Agency, organized for that express purpose, act as leader and spokesman of Israel. . ,

19, at the "Jewish Community Center. Elaborate, plans .and arrangements have been worked out toward making this rally a great success. The program is of a varied nature and full of interesting surprises. The names of the three clubs winning the places of the best stunts will be engraved on a beautiful trouphy,which,will be shown in the Center's trophy case.

SENIOR CLUB STUNT NIGHT ON THURSDAY Signs, of whispering, tip-toeing, mysterious meetings do not mean that there is a conspiracy afoot, but they mean that'clubs are working hard on preparations for the Senior Council- of Clubs rally and stunt night to be.held Thursday, December




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must sit before them, and actugJly FEEL ths$ tmasasig new quslitp To describe it Is like ttyifig to p*s« into words the '"something" that distinguishes the art ©f the master tomlcka. It is in 5EELIKG... sot in soead alone.' Eveiy light and shadlow of persoaialisy'tlsat the artist fnits into mudc comes ttyypu over the ms. We Invite ydtt to cali'tnd experience i»dio's biggest thriU.

At the Busiest Shoe Store in Omaha!

Women's Slippers Satins, felts, leathers and fancy metal cloth. All from makers of standard quality footwear . . . all at lowest possible prices.


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THE NEW ISSo E I G H T . . . Si} milts per hour, J00 horse-power. The first ntolSF careverdesigstedlnwhickatistgUtnedern style motif is used throughout, presenting a unit of harmonized beauty. Standard equipped Sedan (5 passenger) fJS9S, at factory. Custom equipmentsltgktlj txt



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J Ackson 1226 F U N E R A L Cuming Street DIRECTORS

Your Radio ©it the Rialto 'Husic and Art Shop " SPECIAL PAYMENT PLAN

Jnst a sittalldown-payment and we will make immediate delivery of thw fcewitiful set to roar home. Then continue with small weekly payments until the set n i p u d . f w . No interest or finance charge. Why mi have otic Slivered lo yenr home for Chanukah? We guarantee this set fox one year. Free installation. •


Children's Slippers, of course,- patterned like the grown-ups. ' Real Quality at Lowcst-in-the-City Prices $'••

. . . 70 harst.pemer. Acceleration from Ste2S miles per hoar in 7 ttconds; S to SO tit. p. h. in 20 seconds . .-. Standard equipped Sedan ( 5 passenger) J1060, olfactory. Custom equipment available at sllzkt extra cost.

4-DOOR SEDAN $1060

i IS





Happily Wedded Forty Years

Council of Jewish • Women Meetings The Current Topics Cousre will meet Tuesday morning at 10:30 at the Jewish Goromunity Center. Babbi Frederick Cohn conducts this course. RabM Cohn's subject will be 'China and Russia."

TEe marriage of Miss Julia bloom of Chicago to Mr. ttevid D. Mitt^man, formerly of Omaha, will be solemnized Saturday evening, December 14, at Chicago. l i e marriage of Miss" Beitha Abrfcns, daughter of Mrs. Hose Ahrams, to Henty Solig, of this city, son 'of Mis. Hannah Solig, -was solemnized Saturday evening, Nov. SO, in New York City. Mr. Sojig find his bride returned to Omaha last Saturday "morning. Enroate home they stopped off at Madisan, Wis., and Chicago, HI., where they visited -with relatives. They ate now making their home at the Longfellow Apartments. • To honor the hride, the Misses Ann Kaiman and Mina Friedman entertained at bridge Sunday afternoon a t the home of the latter.

The Civics and Legislation Study Group will hold its meeting Wednesday, December IS, at 12 o'clock at j the Bladkstone hotel Mrs. Philip j Schwartz is chairman of this department of the Council.

Mrs. R. Kulakofslcy Chairman of Booth Booths for the sale of Christmas seals -will be opened nest week in Kilpatrick's, Brandeis, ThompsonBeldetfs and the Omaha post office. Mrs. R. Kwlakofeky is chairman of the Brandeis and Kilpatrick's booths Those assisting her are: Brandeis Stores: Mesdames B. A. Simon, Julius Stein, Joe Jacobs, A. S. Hutenitz, Frederick Cohn, Moe Venger, Sam Theodore, Wm. RacuBin, H. A. Newtnan. In charge at Thomas Kilpatricks will be Mesdames Lords Soxnberg, Philip Levey, Manny Handler, Morris Ferer, H. Ferer, Sam Wolfe, Jules Newman, Lester Meyers, Maurice Micklin, Bill Tousem, Sam Berwitz, Joseph Banoff, Morris Jacobs and Miss Cecil Snyder.

The class in Parliamentary Drill will meet Thursday, December 19, at 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Herbert Arnsteia. Mrs. Arnstein is chairman of the Parliamentary Practice department.

Mrs. Eva Morse will conduct tire class in Parent Education Friday morning, December 20, at 10:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. David Feder. Mrs. Feder is chairman of the Education department of the -»tr. and Mrs. E. Meyer Council. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer, 2219 North The children, all of Omaha, included Twentieth: street, recently celebrated Mesdames Arthur Muskin, Jake their fortieth wedding anniversary Blank, Harry Perlik, and Messrs. The board meeting of the Council with a dinner at their home for forty Ernest, Lester, Sidney and Edwin of Jewish Women will be held Monday, December 23, at the Community relatives. Meyer. Center. Mr. Meyer is 59 years old and his The grandchildren were: Leonard, wife is 57. Previous to his retire- Stewart and Dorothy Musldn; Allen Lemberg. (J.T.A.) The city council ment Mr. Meyer was connected with and Sora Marian Blank, and Conof Drohebitch, the birthplace of the the Meyer Fruit Co. stance and Theodore Meyer, children late Dr. Reich, Jewish leader, has Included among the guests at theof Ernest Meyer. decided to change the name of SpitzEabbi and Mrs. Abraham Bengis nala street to Eeich street. dinner was Mrs. Meyer's father, Mr. M. Gross, who is S3 - years old. were "among the guests. Rabbi BenSeven children and seven grand- gis complimented the couple in an children of the couple were present. excellent speech.

A son, Sanford Lee, waa horn to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smehoff of Miss Rose Meyer entertained five Chicago, JO.. couples at a bunco party Saturday Mrs.- Smehoff was formerly Miss evening in honor of Miss Sarah Dora Dubnoff of this city. Levine. Miss Levine left Sunday Mrs. Joseph. Castleman entertained morning for Chicago for a- fourfor her club at her home Sunday week visit with friends there. evening a t three tables of bridge. Annual Flag Day The Daughters of Zion will hold Concert at Labor Her guest was Mrs. Sam Manus of a regular meeting Wednesday, Dec. Des Homes, la. Sunday Is Success Lyceum on Sunday Mrs. Manus is beiag extensively 18, a t 2:30 p. m. at the J. C. C. All members and their friends are entertained during her etay here. A classical concert of professional The Sixteenth Annual Flag Day of urged to attend. the Jewish National Fund was obThe "Bid Delta Epsilon medical Arrangements have been made to artists and talents will be presented served Sunday, Decemtrar 8, and the, this Sunday evening, at 8 p. m., at fraternity of Creighton University have a prominent speaker and a was host recently to Dr. Ben Sluts- final program. Proceeds of the Tecent the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. drive here locally was considered a The concert has been arranged by great success, especially due to the Icy, interne at the Mt. Sinai hospital rummage sale will -be announced. the hoard of directors of the Labor co-operation of the Junior Hadassah in Cincinnati, who is here on a short vacation. The Omaha Jewish Dramatic Club Lyceum for the stockholders of theand Junior Daughters of Zion. Approximately two hundred dollars was A banquet in Dr. Slutsky's honor contributed $100.00 to the National association only. raised in the canvas of Omaha and was held at the fraternity house at Labor Committee, for he organized Violin solos will be rendered bg J. 3224 Dodge St. Talks were .given by Jewish workers in Palestine. The Frieden and Harry Brader, well- Council Bluffs. Dr. O. S. Belzer was chairman of Dr. L Sternhill,' toastmaster, and money was the proceeds from the known violin artist. Miss Margaret Jewish show given at the J. C. C.Hurwitz will play a piano solo, while the drive in Omaha, and Miss Fannie consul M. H. Brodkey. The fraternity i s planning a house a month ago.. Miss Dorothy Huntting will give a Katelman was chairman in Council Bluffs. Louie Wolk " has been elected, ballet dance. dance a o l party for the" coming Friday * s a send-off to the members director of the Dramatic Club. He The Omaha Jewish Dramatic-club Eternal vigilance is the price of leaving- for til© holidays for their succeeds Joseph Morgenstern. liberty.—Curran. •Will present a one-act play. homes hack East. •JtSxs. JEL-Diflaififf "x>£ South. Omaha 3s visiting with lier " daughters' the Miss£& Rose and Lillian Duhnoff and Mrs. H. Smehoff of Chicago.

A Christmas' Hint to Husbands see these beautiful Frfgiclaires, all in rast-proof* wear-proof-

Porcelain-on-steel All are strikingly beautiful. Every inch of surface is as easy to cless as chinaware. The shelves are removable, spaced to hold large quantities of food snS elevated to & convenient height; Then, to double the greater serrice tbst Frigidaire has always offered, every household mode! is sow equipped with the famous tsCoM Control," that speeds the Sreezing of ice cubsi mud desserts; Special Christmas Terms We are now making a special offer on all household! Frigidaires bought for Christmas, Call at ovtf display room lor fall d t H




Highland Club Plans. . New Years Affair

The Highland Country Club Is ,' The Daughters of Israel Aid So-planning their fifth annual New ciety will lioTd their annual benefit Year's eve affair at the Blackstone Jlinen shower on Tuesday, Dec. 17,hotel, and are making arrangements at the' Jewish Old Peoples' Home, for .the largest attendance the dub 5504 Charles St., beginning • at 2 has" ever held in previous years. o'clock. Mr. Dave Feder, who is chairman Rabbi Abraham Bengis will ad- of the entertainment committee, has dress the group. All members of theengaged one of the best orchestras , organisation are urged to attend. in the city, and .states that reserva' The public has also been cordially tions for the affair will he closed at S00. invited.

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JTAGE to be "very charming hostesses, and capable of making our boys and girls feel at home at the dance."

; Council Bluffs Girls Will Sponsor Bridge THE CAMP FIRE GROUP NO. 2 held election of officers _with the following girls installed in office: Alta EUdn, president; Gertrude Stein, treasurer; Esther Kay, reporter. The group plans to have a change in administration every month until each club member has had an office in the club. Harriet Eifkin is a new member brought into the group at its last meeting. THE EAGLE GIRL ' SCOUT TROOP is busily preparing tireir stunt for the city-wide -Court' of Awards to be held Friday, December 13. The troop will sing and dramatize the song: "The Tailor's Mouse". Those taking part in the stunt are: Marian Weinberg, the tailor; Betty Lipp, the maiden; Betty Kraus, the' mouse. A number' of the.' girls in the troop will.- receive merit badges at this Court of Awards.; The X L CLUB had installation of new officers at a meeting at the home of their advisor, Mr. Phil Feldman. - Each outgoing officer gave a short talk, as did each incoming officer; Cooperation was pledged bly <all the new officers. The committees to serve during the new administration are: Social committee: Israel Cohen, Art Grossman, Erwin Wezelman; X L News Staff: Art Grossman, Lou Minkin, Sam Finkel, Israel Cohen; Athletic committee: Harold Barish, Sam Cackin; Membership committee: Willie Sokolof, Milton Himelstein, Israel Cohen; Initiation committee: Sam Finkel, Erwin Wezelman. The TONKU KODA CLUB will sponsor the Center's regular Saturday night dance, December 14. The club very successfully sponsored one of iie previous Saturday night dances and have shown themselves

The Council Bluffs members of the Junior Hadassah will be hostesses to a benefit bridge party which will be given at the Chieftain hotel in Council Bluffs next Sunday afternoon, December 15, at 2:30 o'clock. Proceeds from this affair will go to the Palestine Relief Fund. Tickets are now being sold for 50 cents per person. Prizes for bridge will be given at each table. As Sunday is also the Fourth International A. Z. A. day the Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the A. Z. A. will hold a program in connection with the Junior _ Hadassah bridge party and the public is invited to attend both. Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoln, Nebr., will be the honored guest." Everybody is invited, men and women, young and old, and a good time is assured to all. J. G C. SUNDAY SCHOOL Mr. Stanley F. Levin's Sunday school class presented a short Chanukah sketch, "The Young Defender", by Elma Levinger, at the Jewish. Community Center Sunday school assembly December 8. The leads were taken by Sara Ann Margolin and Irvin Simon. Other roles were filled by Ruth Falk, Marir an Epstein, Harriet Louis, Gertrude Caner, Jeanette Polonsky, Ida Gorelick, Isadore' Beber and Gertrude Bloch. Mr. Levin's class also won the attendance banner, while Miss Ida Zoe Tehnenbaum's class won the charity banner. The Sunday school contributed $9.38 to the Jewish National Fund tag day. Representatives were chosen from each class, to be members of the Sunday School senate. A number of new songs are being learned by the children for the Chanukah celebration.


./. C. C. Dance The Tonku Coda Girl's dufc. a member' of the Senior Council of clubs, will again sponsor the J. C. C. weekly- dance, to be held at the Center auditorium Saturday, December 14. The Happy Rhythm Boys, who have proven so popular, will again play. Dancing begins, at 9 o'clock. The patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin and Mr. and Mrs. Dave R. Cohen.

J. C. C. AWARDING PRIZES TO BOYS FOR MEMBERS Louis Shanok, assistant executive director of the Center, has asked all boys to make a special effort to close th6 boys' membership drive successfully. "Let's go, boys!" he stated. "Bring your second iriembers while the drive is still on and get a month's free membership- for each member you bring."' ' For <every five members a boy brings in he gets five months' membership and a gym shirt. For ten members, a gym shirt arid pants are being offered besidesthe ten months' membership. Teams of five are being formed. The'team bringing in the most members will earn a theatre treat. "Come to the. gym at 6 o'clock Thursday and record your new members," Mr. Shanok urged. "Every boy is a- prospect, so let's put the drive over."

Boy King of NRoumania Welcomes N. Sokolow

By F. E, K. BENEFIT BRIDGE PARTY TO BE HELD AT CHIEFTAIN HOTEL SUNDAY AFTERNOON Plans are completed for the Benefit Bridge party that the Council Bluffs unit of the Junior Hadassah are sponsoring .Sunday afternoon, December 15th, at 2:30 o'clock at the Hotel Chieftain. As an added attraction, the Fourth International A. Z. A. day will be celebrated by giving a program following the bridge party. Rabbi Harry Jolt, of Lincoln, will be an honored" guest. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this affair which promises to be a great success. Tickets for fifty cents per person are now on sale. Proceeds from this affair will go to- the Palestine fund. Prizes for bridge will be given at every table. •The Ladies Aid Society will hold a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, December 17th. Mrs. Isaac Stemhill was elected secretary of the Council Bluffs Doctors' Wives Club at a meeting held Tuesday. Among those who will take part in the Literary Society play, entitled "Strictly Confidential" which will be presented at the Abraham Lincoln High School Auditorium on Friday and. Saturday evenings, December 13th and 14th, are Helen Steinberg, Yale Meyerson, and Morton Adler.

Bowling League As the crackling of thorn under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool. Won Lost Av'ge —Ecclesiastes. -. Wardrobe ..., _..24 12 . .667 Malashock Jewelry»i7 19 .472 Empire Cleaners 19 17 .528 Omaha Tobacco ........19 17 .528 Glazer Clothing 14 22 -.389 Karman Insorance._.13 23 .361 Bennet Conert - started "with all indications of a-perfect game but ran into a little 'difficulty in. the last frame and finished with a 245 score. Lester Simon'secured a 230 game. Other high singles were as follows: Bob Kboper 223, Jack Fleischman 221, A. Weitz;r204, Dave Greenberg 203, Leo Weite 200 and D. E. Greenberg 200: -nv The Kaimany Insurance won ; two games from the1 Glazer Clothing. The Empire Cleaners were unable to dislodge the Wardrobe and lost their series by a dose margin. The Malashock's dropped the entire series to the Omaha Tobacco Company. JACK W. MABEH, Att'T County Court Honsa City NOTICE BT rUBUtCATION S*OB SETTUatENT Of SISAL ADM5ISTRAM©».ACCOUNT In tlje County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. . In the Matter o t the Estate ot BRVIN BREWER, Deceased: AH person» Interested in ealfl matter are hereby notified, that on. the 25th day of November. 1029. Eva Johnson filed a petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing -will be had on said petition before said Court on the 21st day of December, 1029. and that if. yon fail to appear before said Conrt on the saw 21st Bay of December, 1929, at o o'clock A. 5t, and contest «ald petition, the Carat, mar grant the prayer of said petition, enter s decree of heirship. and make such other and further orders, allowance* and: decrees, as to thia Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate mar ba finally settled and determined. BItYCE CEAWFOUD, NOT. 29—3t County Judge. • XBXTS C.XJBVIN. Att'r S01 Electric fildr.

a Bosdi Radio for Christmas


Council Bluffs News

Mrs. Sam Rosenthal entertained the members of her B. B. G. Club Bucharest (J. T; A.)—The boy at her home Wednesday evening. King Mihai received Nahum Sokolow, the veteran Zionist leader now on Miss Edith baron entertained at a visit here. Sokolow presented; his bridge party:, at her home Sunday Majesty with" a book of pictures afternoon in. honor of her cousin, about Palestine. Miss Edith Gilman of Omaha, a The Regent Council of Roumania bride-to-be. , also received Sokolow in a half hour audience during which there was a discussion of Zionism and Palestine Business Men's


Grid «alty In »n

into Abyssinia during- which he majority of whom are artisans. PLOUGHING SUSPENDED 'itions made scientific studies of the Falasha, Among those to be tried is V. Yana people that has observed the Jewish ovski, well-known Ukrainian Jewish BY OFFICIAL REQUEST faith for over 2,000 years. leader.

I t is tfie radio that is correctly: engineered to the nwscreseiingaci t u b e s ^ i t s t o n a l quality is unapproached, its selectivity and sensitivity are revolutionary. Your family will always lie proud of their Bosch lU^ip—-the i ^ away stations, the small stations as well as the big ones are always at your 5fingertipco^ ^scte-Hseethe new cateetswidi concealed electrodynamic speaker. It makes an ideal Christmas gifit.


; :. -.;, C i t y

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Kcw Botch Radio Dt Lea*. Conast* b tntr th« Jest vnjti ScmiUQi Id iyuc« two we link Urge actr todlo umpUSen amoved (a path-pull. Cabinet haa t«U (tiding door* coBceallag Hal ptecl and elsetrodrnamk: tpetket. Aa» e«M Ja Old EJuMfe ftSl


NOTICE OV JUMONISTRAMON In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. . . . . • - : • :. •''"" • y In the Matter of the Estate of EBB MON, Deceased: All persons interested in said estate axe hereby notified that - a petition ' has been Sled in said Court alleging that snld de'ceased died leaving no last.will and praying for administration upon his. estate, and that a hearing will be had'on said petition before imid conrt on the 21st day of December, 1029, and that if they fail to appear at said Coart on the said 21st day of December, 1020, at 0 o'clock A. M-, to contest said petition, the Conrt may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Sarah Mon or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. _____ ' ^ ' BBXCE CBAWFffRD. NOT. 29—St . Connty Judge.

Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) Jews ploughing the fields on the Plain of Sharon, the $1,000,000 area purchased by the Canadian Zionists, have discontinued their work at the Tequest of District Officer Bailey of Nablus. The Jewish workers returned to Hedera pending the decision concerning the removal of the squatters from the land, who demand compensation under the Tenants Protection Ordinance which came into force after the land was purchased. The government, it is understood. has advised the squatters to apply to the Land Court for a decision as to whether or not they are entitled to one year's eviction notice.

King Tafari Makonen of Abyssinia had previously granted Dr. Faitlovitch a personal contribution towards his explorations.

Abyssinian Government Decorates Faitlovitch

FREE Agricultural Scholarships

New York. — The Abyssinian government has bestowed a decoration of an officer of the "Order of the Ethopian Star" upon Dr. Jaques Faitlovitch, the international explorer and executive director of the work among the Falashas in Abyssinia, conducted under the auspices of the American PreFalasha Committee. Dr. Faitlovitch has made six exped-

The National Farm School oKnrs boys, 18 to 21 years, an opportunity to secure a thrpp-j"e«r practical, theoretical training in agriculture. Scholarships provide tuition, board and room frep. Requirements include frooS phyBical, mental and moral character and earnest desire to make gome branch of farming their occupation. Applications for the 34th term, beginning April 1, 5030. should be made at once. Address Herbert R. Allman, President, 17C1 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

SXOKSKT, KATLESLVX & GKOBINSK1' Attorney* Omalia National Bank Baildinir NOTICE OF AKTICIES OF 1JTCOBPOBATION OF LOriS SO.-Vl.UER, INCOKPORATED Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, have formed a corporation, the name of -which, ig "LOtlS SOMMER, INCORPORATED" and its principal place of business is in the city of Omaha. The objects for "which this corporation is formed are to maintain and operate stores Xor the purposes of bujring and selling at retail or wholesale all kinds of high grade meats, vegetables an<l other food products and household products of every nature and description, to purchase, lease, hire and otherwise acquire real and personal property of every kind and description and to sell, dispose of, lease, convey and mortgage any and all of the said property, to borrow money and to do all other things necessary or incident to the. operation of its business. The authorized capital stock Is flOO.000.pO of which ?70,000.0O shall be common stock and f30,O00.0O preferred stock and -which shall be fully paid when issued and non-assessable. "With the assent in writing of the holders of 60% of all of the capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding or pursuant to the votes given in person or by proxy by stockholders holdine at least 60% of the issued and outstanding stock of the corporation which. Is represented and voted upon in person or by proxy at a meeting specially called for that purpose or at an annual meeting1, the Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to sell, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of the property and assets of the corporation as an entirety and going concern, on such terms and conditions as to them shall •seem fit and proper. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the Articles of Incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of "Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall continue until January 1st, 19T9. Its highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be administered by a Board of Directors, Which shall consist of not less than three nor more than five members, who shall be elected nt the annual meeting to be held on the second Tuesday in February of each year. T he Board shall from this number elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended at any regular meeting of the stockholders or at any special meeting called for that purpose after ten days' notice of such pro- ' posed amendment in vrriting has been j mailed to all stockholders nnd upon the I vote of two-thirds of the capital sfoefc. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska-, sept. 2s, 1929. LOUIS SOMMER. HENKT MONSKT, _". W. MAKER, Dec. 13—*T Incorporators. MOSSKT, KATiEMAN Jfc GRODINSKT Attorneys Omah* National Bask Balding? NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OJ? ISfCOKPOSCATIOJ.- OF LOtlS SOKMEK, INCORPORATED Notice is hereby given that &t a special meeting of LOUIS SOMMKR, INCORPORATED, held on the 5th day of November, 1029, at which meeting all stockholders were present and voted that Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation was amended to read arfollows: The total authorized capital stock is $120,000.00, divided into 1200 shares of the pat value of £100.00 each, of -which ?70,000.00 shall be common stock and $30,000.09 preferred stock, and which shall be fully paid when Issued and non-assessable. -{The preferred stock shall be entitled to preference <rver the common stock as to dividends at tilerate ©t eight per cent per annum, payable annual!}- and, si)nil be cumulative; and shall have a, preference ever the common stock in any dlstrtbation of assets, and the said preferred stock or any portion thereof shall be subject . to redemption, at the option, of the company upon the TOte of not less than the. majority in interest of the outstanding stock and notice- of such intention of the company, to redeem the said preferred stock or any portion thereof shall be mailed to the holder of such share or shares so to be redeenied to their last known address, at least 30 days before the date of redemption upon, t i e payment by the company to the holder of such share or shares BO to be redeemed, any dividends, unpaid" to the date of redemption •plus the price per share as follows: If redeemed within five years, $110.00 per share; the sixth year, $109.00 per share; the seventh year, 1108.00 per Shares the eighth year, $107.00 per sharet the ninth yenr, $106, per share; the tenth year, $105.00 per share and any year thereafter, $105.00. (The balance of said Article to remain unchanged.) LOTUS SOMMER, IN LOUIS SOMMER, INCORPORATED, By LOUIS SOMMER, President, - JACK W. MARBR, Secretary. W1TXESS: H. AIABQOABDT. Dec. 13—tT.

HEADS OF KIEV LOAN SOCIETY TO BE TRIED Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—The entire administration of the Jewish Credit Kassa of Kiev will be brought to trial on charges cf misrepresentation in its books and speculation in raw material and in Sterling exchange. The Kassa is the largest loan society in the Ukraine, with six thousand members, the

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1410 Douglas, Af. 4090

OPEN EVENINGS . 24th and N Sts, Ss. Omak

Dealer in Jewish Books and Other BeUgious Articles. ._ teleplioiie WEbster 3527

1 just received a supply of Chanuka articles; Cfaanuks candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate.1 Also, Chairakah greeting cards. Anyone buying any cf the above-mentioned articles will eet the story of Chanukah in Englisli and Jewish with BenedictionsTand Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the test Taleisim, edlk and wool, at very moderate prices, and also the best and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling", silver. ,, _ t . Don't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Kokeach Kosher articles of which J am the agent. ..

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Tsrae in KOIL every Tuesday »t 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program B. I^eplflns, l?re8tfl«!nt-'Jfri»«OTa»»


Ufflcle Sam'Breakfast Food. Company Qisaha



Flitire and COMPLETE STOKE & OFKPC3B OUTFITTERS .-We Occupy Ore* TO.OOfl 8<ju*y« Wett

SoQthwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Street* Phone SAckBon £724 Otnafaa, Nebt.

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