Scanning the Jewish
Interesting ••• and
Entertaining By David Schwartz
« Entered as second-class mall matter on Jan nary 27, 1821, at
"O race vilified by the whole world*6 jostttffico at Omaha, Nebraska, tinder the Act of March 3, Ib79. iwhat Aryan could ever compete Tvith you!" Thus Clemenceau eonclur ;one of bis short stories dealing -with i the Jews. The Tiger, it will be i e - [ membered,- wrote a vast number of 'stories dealing -with Jews.. A group p t them were published not so many jyears ago 'by Bernard G. Richards. No one, to my mind, has satisfactorily explained the great interest .that Clemenceau always took* in the Jews. The interest has extended, even to his F. Levenson Elected to children—one of his daughters has Regional Board of woven several stories around Jewish Governors 'themes. There is.only one explanation that I can furnish, and it doesn't MEETING THIS SUNDAY explain very much; but we Jews have been using it a great deal ourRabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Sioux selves. And that is: Clemenceau " w a s City will be the main speaker at the : Zionist rally called" d&or this Sunday like that". . • evening, December 22, at the Jewish AL AND HARRY Community Center auditorium. The I see by the Saturday Evening. meeting, which is open to the public, Post that Harry Jolson, brother of will also serve to wind up the rollAl, is penning a series telling how call campaign now being. conducted : • he" happens to be a brother to Al, throughout the country. ; etc. This recalls the time when the Eabbi Lewis -will give first-hand , Jazz .Singer first came forward to information toncerning the Palestinicharm the public and was voted a an situation. He arrived in the Holy tremendous hit." Seeing its success, Land the day before Moslem outHarry Jolson took two pages in paid rages began _and was, an eye-witness - advertisement in the best-known the- to the occurrences there. . atrical paper to. broadcast the folWord has been received here that . lowing: "Al Jolson has a brother at the first officers' meeting of the 'named Harry who is just as good as
VOL. v n . ~ N a 49
The Ideal Chanukah Qift
How could you more beautifully- commemorate the spirit of the Feast of Lights than by obtaininga copy of
Eabbi Abraham Bengis Gires j L@c»I Program fa Bwgc Stirring Address on Liaj Grasfeains Speak Out cote City OMAHA TALENT AIDS
"Palestifie, Todaf and Tomorrow"
Eabbi Abraham Bengis of the Conservative Synagogue of Omaha climaxed a splendid International A, 2. A. Day program at the Tefereth Israel synagogue of Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday evening, with, an inspiring address on "The Dream of Youth". An audience of approximately 500 enthusiastically received Rabbi Bengis' wonderful compliment to Jewish youth. Mr. Jacob M. Finkelstein of Lincoln, in an address explaining1 the meaning of A. Z. A., paid a beautiful tribute to Sam Beber, the man who founded the organization and has been responsible for its phenomenal success. A number of talented Omshans aided in making the program so outstanding. Miss Naomi Cohen played as accompanist on the piano, and a comedy skit by Al Fiedler snd Max Kramer, the latter of Council BluSs, made a hit. Hyman GoodMnder spoke on "A. Z. A. Day". The balance of the entertainment provided by Lincoln tslcnt. The excellent voc&l selections by Poaster was s. feature, while the violin, selections cf Myron Rosenbaurfi were also "well received. Mr. Nathan Hill Eabbi Harry Jolt of the Lincoln. synagogue traveled to Council Bluffs to deliver the main address on the program sponsored fcy the Council Blcffs chapter. .. -Thsix._ pi*8j*!sSLTti _w&£ .."hsl^ XB the afternoon in conjunction with the Junior Hadassah bridge party at the Chieftain hotel.
Over oise hundred chapters of tit* Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, E'nai B'rith org-anisstion founded -in Omaha by Sam Beber close im six; ag-o, celebrated the FotwtiiL national A. E. A. Day last with elaborate programs* dancee, theatre parties nnd ether festivities. Omahs, observed the occ»si<m appropriately, with st -mammoth, ing at the J.C, C, banquet and a basket b&U tween the Omaha, Chapter No. 1 imc! Sam Beber Chapter No. 106, years ago, celebrated the Potisth Saterities, Babbd Lewis N. «ff Des Moines delivered the prindpsl address, -while Sam Beber wa* ch»is> Three Omahans went out «f fh» city to deliver the main addresses vn various programs. Harry H. L*pi<fu* was the main, speaker at a cat; meeting of the. eleven Chicago tens, Kabbi Abraham Bengis spoke a t Lincoln and Jack W. Maxer itpoke in SIous City. Sam Beber wag the J»etpl«t5rt of rmich praise mt, the -rariotjis jwogrsrasss, many pointing to the fact; that the celebration o£ A. S, A, Bay wag In reality a tribute to him. In comment*m this, Philip M. Sfotcniek, «eBecretsrr of the wrsfsr, stated that T h i e ceremony hmm significance to the Oswhft eommufiitjr than to say..«thet» addition, to providing setting- for Jewjah youth to nmmxrm 1 of its more Bes-irm? fwrwititms, i t »,]•*> served m « eplendid tribute to th« founder and persistent sdroeftte ef the .movement—Sss» Beber.'* Mr. Beber was wall-plea***! the rniecew of the programs,. "It a vsry fitting climax t<? wmtes uff prepsrtioR on the part; of the numerous chapters tlrroughout the andd served to emphasise that A. JL A. Day is actually an occasion tm wMch Jewish youth rededicsrtw itself to th« effort, to Bolve the community bleras which face its stated. The
A graphic picture of life in the Holy Laiid .;•--.- ".;^ : . v ••' by a Master Artist
This $2.50 Book and a Year's Subscription to the Jewish Press, both £or $230, if you mail your dieck this month A Subscription to The Jewish Press is itself a matchless Chanukah Gift for Yourself and Your Family SEND IN YOUR CHECK FOR §2.50 TODAY
, :•'• We do not know whether Al and Harry were on the • outs a t the,time as they frequently are. • First they pout r then they, /make upr and then .they pout again, and so on "ad infinitum". Perhaps that should he expected of temperamental artists.
WHEN ONE BROTHER OUTSHINES ^ Harry tells about this in the S. E. P. Writes he: "We were a scrappy pair in those days, Al and L We "had the. peppery temper •characteristic of our family, and had not a , few battles,. sometimes with other boysj sometimes "with each other. Although Al .was.three years younger than I he <iid not hesitate to —• pitch-into-Bse-:©* any other 1x>y-»lairgelr • than himself, like' a cub wildcat,; if he was angry enough. A t one moment one of ns\might be fighting some outsider in his. brother's "behalf, at the next we might be pummelling each other, and in yet another moment would be reconciled aad loving pals again. It has. been that way with us throughout life." But to return to Harry's two-page ad in which he said he was as good'AI. * It is probably true that t i e great success^ <jf Al "has in many respects been harmful to Harry. Such is not infrequently the case with brothers aspiring for celebrity in the same field. Unquestionably, for instance, more would have bsen heard of Louis Zangwill had it not been for Israel ZangwilU his brother. You cannot focus the same limelight on two people at one time. When the name of Jolson is mentioned one immediately associates it with Al. And Harry is just out of luck. We don't know what the solution is—maybe twopage ads will help, perhaps a change of name would be even better.
SIYUM HASEFER CEREMONY WILL BE HHJ* DEC. 29 Rabbi Theodore H. Lewis newly-organized South West region of the Zionist Organization of America, M. F . Levenson was elected a member of the board of governors of the region. Mr. Levenson is one of ten men so honored. Mr. Levenson is., president of the local Zionist district and is chairmanof roll-eall campaign in this locality. The southwest region is composed of "nine states, with headquarters at St. Louis. At a recent meeting of the board of director of the Omaha Zionist district, Dr. O. S. Belzer was elected assistant secretary. Dr. Belzer has been active in Zionist work for the past year, both in the National Fund and the roll-call drive.
Leaders of Conservative Synagogue JE^gect;-a X
Because the print shops be closed next Wednesday, the Jewish Press will go to press one day earlier. AH society items and local articles mast i*e i» by 5 Vejoek m, Tuesday,
.We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
The Siyum Hasefer ceremony of the Conservative Synagogue to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday evening, December 29, will be a community-wide affair, the largest the congregation has staged. as yet, according to Sam Beber, president of the congregation. An effort is being made to obtain Eabbi C. E. Hillel Eauvar of the B. H. H, Conservative Synagogue of Denver to deliver the principal address. Rabbi Kauvar, one of the most outstanding of the conservative rabbis, is famous throughout the country as an orator. Mr. Beber will preside over the program. The regular evening services will be. held, beginning at 7:30 p. m. At 8 o'clock the program •will begin. Among the features will be the rendition of several vocal selections by Cantor E. Selz, a short speech by Rabbi Abraham Bengis, and the presentation of the two Torahs. Harry A. Wolf will be in charge of the presentation. The torahs, the first two to be given to the synagogue, were donated one by Mr. and Mrs. Hose Yonsem, in honor of Mrs. Yousem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Marks, and the other by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Margolin. Julius Stein is chairman of the committee in charge of the event. Other " members are Mose Yousem, Dr. M. Margolin, B.A. Simon, and J. H. Kulakolfsky. Refreshments will be served by members of the Ladies' auxiliary. The public is invited, but the committee has requested that no children be brought because of the size of the crowd expected.
Mtne. Fannie Eeinhart, noted Jewish actress, supported by an all-star HE TELLS A LOT cast, will present "Where Are My We learn not a little of interest Children" at the Jewish Community from Harry's tale. That he was very Center Wednesday'-evening, December fond of stealing the Afikomen on 25. The play is a melodrama in four Passover nights, for instance. That he ran away from home and "box- acts, with songs and music. Mme. Eeinhart is one of the most carred" it to New York as a youngtalented women on the Jewish stage ster. That his brother Al, at the age of twelve, "made his escape," taking today. The great; Yiddish actress similar French leave. And about and singer has performed in many Jewish practices the Jolson story in of Europe's leading cities, and her the Saturday Evening Post tells much. name is known from coast to coast There you learn that you cannot light in this country. She is donating the proceeds of a fire on the Sabbath, that children many of her performances to Jewish spin tops on Chanukah and charities. 3h-Los-Angeles she holds racket on Purim, ets. prominent positions in many of the > (Copyright 1929 by Seven Arts charitable institutions. Feature Syndicate.) She is president of the Ex-Patients Home; vice-president, - J. C. B. A.; HEATED DISCUSSION president, Home for Incurables; viceAT LEADER MEETING president, Old Home. She is also active on the boards of many other The recently-organized Leader's California instiutions. club held a regular meeting at the Center Monady, at which time a Moscow (J. T. A.)—In the pres- JEWISH LAWYERS IN paper prepared by Mr. Samuel Gerence of thousands of Jewish and executive secretary of the LITHUANIA LOSE JOBS son, non-Jewish settlers from the neighCenter, was read by Mr, Louis ShaKovno. (J.T.A.) Two hundred Jew- nolc, assistant secretary. A heated boring villages, the second autonomous Jewish region was formally ish lawyers have" lost the right to discussion followed. inaugurated at New Zlatopol. The practice in Lithuania as a result of "It is intended that this club will ceremonies - were conducted from a the latest law issued by the govern- serve as a place for instruction of all .platform erected out of doors. ment according to -the provisions of dub leaders, Sunday School teachers, Speakers who addressed the gather- which advocates- can practice only and others engaged in work with ing explained the national minorities after a biennial experience in court. groups," Mr. Shanok stated. policy of the Soviet government. Since, however, the courts are closed Mrs. Edward Levinson is chairAll administrative business in the to Jews and disabling them from man of the group. At the next new region will be conducted in practicing there .virtually all of the meeting, Monday, Dec 30, she exYiddish, it was • stated by the!younger Jewish lawyers will lose their pects to have all Center volunteers speakers. . ^position? present.
' D e c e m b e r "2*.;"?;^—: * •"•:.. •...•".•*•,,
RABBI BENGIS TO ADDRESS COUNCIL 6 MONDAY The December meeting of the Council of Jewish Women will be held on "Monday, December 2S, at the Jewish Community Center at 2:30 o'clock. Rabbi Abraham Bengis of the new Conservative Synagogue will talk on "Jewish Womanhood". Dr. John F . Allen, the representative director from the state of Nebraska on the National Board of Directors of the Tuberculosis association, will also speak at the meeting. For the past years Dr. Allen has taught at the Nebraska Medical college. The board meeting of the Council will precede the general meeting. The proposed amendments which will come up at the Triennial convention will be discussed at the board meeting.
ORGANIZENEW JEWISH ARTEL OF EX-TRAD! Eights Secured by Ort Soviets £ or _J[tttW3Sg.
EXPELLED FROM OTHERS Moscow. (J.TJl) The first 150 ex-traders who had been expelled from other artels (artisans co-operatives) were organized by the Ort into a special artel in accordance -with the Soviet government's plan to provide separate artels fot those Jewish ex-traders -who had been ousted from the regrdar artels. This is the first artel whose members are all ex-traders but -who no longer fear expulsion, since the Soviet government has agreed that all those receiving machines from relatives through the Ort can fenn artels nothwithst&ndmg their former status, provided that the Ort and not the government co-operatives supplies them with raw materials. The Ort is now plazmisg similar artels in other cities, thus eliminating the dangers to •which the Jewish ex-traders had been subject to of losing their lights "when thrown out from artels as ex-traders. The new artels will xaake it necessary for the Ort to launch a campaign in the United States for funds to buy raw materials, which will save thousands, of Jews here from starvation and •wDl legalize their status as artisans. * * * Three large factories where only Jewish young men will be employed are to be established by the Ort in the XJkraine, it is learned here today. The first factory will be at Kharkov which will specialize in the manufacturing of toys and employ 400. Another will be a textile factory at Komsrovka where 225 win be employed and a third is to be a Ittmbex factory at Letitehev •where 300 will be employed. All of the machinery will be brought from abroad by the Ort.
The annual Chanukah program sponsored by the J. C. C. will be held on Thursday evening, December 26. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will be the speaker of the evening, his subject being "The Significance of Chanukah." The Symphony orchestra of thirtyfive musicians under the baton of -Mr. Frank Mack will give two selections, Hungarian Dance Number Five, and Poet and Peasant. Harry Seiner, tenor of the Tech high quarter, will render several vocal numbers, -while Miss Beulah Kay will give some violin selections accompanied by Miss Mary Blue. Dance numbers will be given by two of Miss Annette Riklin's pupils, Constance A W-lingual oratorical contest will Meyer and Sara Mae Graetz. be held on January 22 at the Center, The Center Players' Guild will with, "medals awarded to the winner present a one-act play, "The "Unlightof .both the .English and the Yiddish ed Menorah". .sections. Speeches are limited to Vienna. ( J . T . A.) A gift of $15,000 eight minutes. by Julius Eosenwald to the Technical Any subject dealing-with the Jews Museum of Austria is being arranged or the Jewish Community Center is by the American embassy here. Mr. sdaissable. A list cf suggested .subRosenwald stipulated that a like jects will be issued next week. amount be given by public-spirited All applicants may see or call Miss men of Austria. The government has Hutb. Earish or Mr. Louis Shanok at J . C. C: agreed to meet this condition. .
Bi-Lingual Oratory Contest on Jan. 22
• • ' • " - V --"" '* ~ i
Members of the Hadassah will hold their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Dec £4, at the Jewish Community Center. The program, will begin at 2:30, will include several musical numbers, and reports on the national HadBSsah convention, held November 14 at Atlantic City, Many Palestinian art objects, picweil-received, he pointing cat tures and placques still held by Mrs, steps which Jewish youth ougM M. F. Levenson will be displayed at take, Frank Ackermsn, president the meeting. the Sam Beber chapter, spolse, A request that remittances for S&w Fregger of the mother, eh»f»be% tickets for the recent b&za&T spon- played. Beveral piano setectitms. sored by the Hadassah be niade at One of the big features WJM» t3ie once has been issued. singing of Billy Meyers, nmister «f The Omaha chapter of HadsES&h. ceremonies at the Paramount. Kits along with the 296 chapters in all Annette Rikliiv'g pupils g&vm parts of the country, is preparing1 to jointly sponsored, the dsy% launch a campaign for the Palestine School Luncheon Fund, through At the banquet preceding ih« opm. which school children in Palestine meeting Lou Eifclin, presMest «f; are supplied with daily hot meals. Chspter No. 1, was toastmasteT, . Mrs. A. Eomm is chalrmsn of the local drive. Special attention will be given to drawing the interest of religious school children. The campaign will be consummated on December 27, during; the week of Chanukah. "China is the oldest &n& At present 14 schools and 15 kin- of nations," esid Eabbi dergartens Ere provided with daily Cohn in discussing Russia. aa*i CS»ii» luncheons for their pupils. at the Current Topics meeting day et the Jewish Commmunitj' €%&>:* ter. "It is the youngest cause it is orm of the last to the pangs of nationalism and &*~ mocracy." Louis E. Lipp, Cre%hton univer"China has about one foarft the sity law senior, will leave for New population of, the world, and it ©eYork nest week to attend the thirtythird of the glob fifth annual convention of the Pi isolated aad lonely Lambda Phi fraternity, as' official delegate of the Creighton chapter. the Chinese developed their owe He has been president of the Iocs! lization. jmd considered the rest nrf group for the past two years, dur- the world barbarioBs, ing which time the national afSliation contact with it," continued was effected and tire fraternity house opened at 201 South Thirty-sixth "'Commerce and finance were tw» street. " I °^ ^ e mu^xi factors to break «5oT«a "Lipp, & past captain of the Creigh- CMnese aloofness. The ertrtlid^ of distinct Eu,ropeaa eomnserton debate team, was s member of the team that recently defeated the cial settlements was the beginning «?f Oxford university trio. He was toast- the exploitation of China,** master at the senior law stag held Dr. Cote. last Monday. A natural relationship exists • Ben Mox-gan will accompany Lipp iween JFUissis and China bt as s a unofficial Tepresentative of the lands are contiguous and their • *• *Nf fraternity- • —— - —v pies wynihtT'
Lrpp Is Delegate to Frai Convention
- s "-?* "?-?¥•»-•"'<»=-•....'. v , . . , » . - . .
THE JEWISH PRESS Published ev^ry Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATJantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR PEANK R. ACKERMAN EDITOR ' FANNIE KATELMAN - * CouneH Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—SOS Pierce Street Subscription Price, one" year • • • • • • • - • Advertising rates furnished cm application
CHANGE OF ADDRESS^-Please give both the old and new address; be sore to give yonr name.
The JUNIOR DAUGHTERS OF ZION held election of officers at their last meeting. The new officers are: Molly Rosen, president; Anna Silverman, •vice-president; Elizabeth" Dolgoff, secretary; Alma Feblowitz, treasurer; Marian Weinber^, reporter; Rose Weiner and Saramara Katskee, sergeants-at-araiE. The new administration proves to be able to keep on with the very good work done by the former officers of the club. I - - . , -
With a new administration revitalizing our Talmud Torah 'system, we are once more reminded of the magnitude of the major problem of present-day Judaism—Jewish education. Jewish education is, indeed, the topic of the day; it is more constructive than constructive philanthropy, and its importance cannot be over' emphasized. Education is truly the barometer of Jewish permanence and progress, the golden hinge upon which our national and religious existence turns. If we have our people and the future of our people at, heart, and if we desire perpetuity, we must drink from the fountain of education. And that education should be in the original, ip. Hebrew. Hellenistic Judaism is the only one known to history which dared to dispense with the sacred tongue, yet attempted to live. The result was death. These Jewish communities withered away and terminated in total abandonment of Judaism. There is no need in deceiving ourselves. There is no future in this countryfor Judaism unless we revive the lagging interest of Americans in Jewish education. Jewish leaders of foresight throughout the country recognize this' need and no longer consider Jewish education as a privilege but, instead, as a vital necessity. For example, Julius Roaenwald, noted philanthropist, has again and again repeated that Jewish philanthropy can do little to maintain and preserve Jewish life. What we ought to do, he points out, is send our children to "Cheder," ' The late Louis Marshall was another tireless advocate of Jewish education, deploring the fact that we are forgetting the which really count, namely, JewiBh culture, Jewish history, our Torah. , In.this respeet, a serious task confronts Omaha Jewry. Cold statistics reveal the startling informatiSn that only one-sixth of the" eligible Jewish youth pf this city are availing themselves of the. advantages of a^Jewish education. For the sake of our furture, we must throw off our lethargy; we must act immediately to remedy this appalling situation. The new administration of the Talmud Torah has excellent ideas concerning scientific pedagogical methods, concerning proper classroom environment and the pursuance of a. systematic and effective schooling—all pointing toward a long-awaited awakening. But their efforts are wasted if we do not co-operate. We, as a Jewish community, must send our children to the Talmud Torah, we must meet the moral and financial obligations of the institution; otherwise, we will sink in the quicksand of apostasy.
Mr. A. P. Eichenlaub, Omaha branch manager of th« Frigidaire Sales Corporation, has just returned from a meeting of branch managers and distributors which was held at Dayton, Ohio, where it was announced that the Omaha branch had secured' the largest percentage of
The EAGLE GIRL SCOUT TROOP has two new members—Adell Mayper and Jane Welgert. This troop has grown from a group of five to its present enrollment of twenty girls in a few months. The troop presented a very clever arfcupt, and "a number of girls received merit badges at the court of awards last week. •
The CAMP FIRE GROUP NO. .2 has a new member—Dorothy Camel. Some of the girls have passed their requirements and/ hope to !win other honors soon. 1
Council Bluffs News By F. R. K. Council Bluffs Lodge No. fi88 of the Independent Order of Bnai Brith -will hold an important meeting n?--t Wednesday evening, Dec 25, at the Danish HalL -Electon of officers .will be held and all members are urged to attend. A large crowd attended the benefit - bridge party that was held at the hotel Chieftain Sunday afternoon, sponsored by the Council Bluffs unit of the Junior Hadassah. This affair -was termed the most successful ever given both socially and financially. Proceeds from this party will go to the Jewish National Fund quota. The members of the local chapter who were hostesses for this affair were the Misses Esther Saks, Dorothy Saltzman, Fannie Katelman, Dora Markowitr, Rose Shyken, Ethel Cohen, Tillie Markowitz and Fannie Michnicki . The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of the Aleph Zadik Aleph. held a -program observing National A. 2. A. Day following the benefit bridge party. EabM Harry Jolt of Lincoln, Nebraska, was the principal speaker and honored guest. His speech made a great ~ impression • upon the audience. He also brought out the fact that it is a wonderfu idea to have. the ^Junior Hadassah and A. Z. A." to cooperate. A vocal solo was given by Bliss Florence Whitebook, accompanied at the piano by Miss Sonia Saks. "Abe L. Katelman was in charge of the A. Z. A. part of this combined affair. The entire mezzanine floor of the Chieftain hotel was used.
The INTERMEDIATE COUNCIL 5fr. A. P. Eichenlaub OF CLUBS is sponsoring a get-together Sunday, December 22. Each its sales-quota of any branch in the intermediate group, is preparing a western region. Records to date short sketch for the program. also reveal that the Omaha trade territory has increased its sales approximately 40 per cent over the preceding year. Business Men's To celebrate this outstanding sales Bowling League achievement, ,the Omaha branch will entertain all of its dealers in the Won Lost Av'ge Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota Among the students who are exWardrobe _ U - - . . . . . i 3 12 Ml territory, at which, time plans for pected home the latter part of this Empire Cleaners 21 18 .538 the coining year will be outlined. week to spend their vacation for Omaha Tobacco ...20 19 .513 Trade conditions in the Omaha terriMalashock Jewelry....l8 21 .462 tory are good, and a much greater Glazar Clothing ._.._.14 22 .389 volume of Frigidaire sales is antiKaiman Insurance....}.?) 24 .385 cipated for 19S0 than was secured The Wardrobe and (Mazer Cloth- last year. . . .,. ing Company game was postponed Frigidaire is now considered a to a later date. The Empire Cleaners-won two games from the Mala- necessity in any modern home, and shOQk Jewelry; while the Kaimans from a recent survey made by the continued their good work by defeat- Frigidatre Corporation, people of ing the Omaha Tobacco Company moderate means are the heaviest purchasers* of electric refrigerators two games. for the home. -D. E. Greenberg captured high This is in striking contrast with single -game honors of the evening with a m « k 6f £2if- -Bennett-Cofcri sales-of-two years ago, when the captured high totals for the evening majority of the company's business with a mark of 582. Other, high came from people wwith incomes of totals as follows: Jack Melcher 550, $3,000, x>r more. Marvin Trel}er 547, D. ~E. Greenberg 529, Max Altshuler 507, "Shrolly" and December Sl^have been postponed and play will be resumed on Goodman 504, Mickey I£rupp 500. Ggmes scheduled for December 24 January 7, 1930.
the next two weeks at their home are from the University of Iowa at Iowa City: Miss Helen Whitebook and Miss Florence Glassman of Iowa City, who will be her guest; Miss Lydia Ross, and Messrs. Harold Saks, Milton Rrasne, Albert Harding and William Wolfe. From the University of Nebraska at Lincoln are Misses Mildred Meyerson and Sylvia Richards, and Messrs. Max Kramer, Leo Meyerson, Hymie Kramer and Edward Eosen.
Legion hall. Nominations of officer* •will take place. Miss Rose Shyken entertanied four tables of bridge at her home Wednes* day evening, in honor of Miss Ida Turner of .Gmahas a bride-to-be. The Laclieg Aid society held a meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. Hadelman.
Mr. Nathan Kogg will go to Chicago, Illinois, to attend the annual National Grocers Secretaries convenThe Council Bluffs Agndas Achim tion next week. He is secretary of association will hold an important the Council Bluffs Grocers and meeting next Monday evening st the Butchers association.
Mme Pantile Reinhart With An All Star Cast In The Great Play
Religious Services .. Temple Israel Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple Israel has chosen "A Jewish View of Jesus" as the subject for his sermon tonight. '•! _ -* At the Saturday morning services Rabbie Cohn will speak pi\ "The Significance of Israel". < Conservative Synagogue Rabbi Abraham Bejigis will deliver 9 sermon on «|The Collapse of the Asslmililatdon Theory" at the services of the Conservative Synagogue tonight at the1 J. C. C. Services •will begin at 8, o'clock as usuaj. Students, botii local and visiting, have been specially invited to attend, and an informal reception in their honor will follW the services. Saturday morning services will begin at 9:30. ,:
6 Years and 4? Mo* (Or Less)
So Why Let the Politicians Raise Your Taxes to Get a Bridge With qur proposition to give the bridge to Omaha and Council Bluffs, Free, on April 30, 1936, or sooner, the maximum time is now 6 years and tyfa months. Our proposaPis dated October 31,1929.
axe included in the Merxiam Websfpr,
This means that our bridge will becomevfree without voting a dollars worth of ta* bonds or toll bonds.
After the cities get our bridge, they can continue to charge tolls for a maintenance fund. Or, they ean continue to charge tolls to build other bridges.
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for the bridge, the reasons for that price and the terms of their offer. His address was interesting and informative, especially since the group is at present studying that particular problem.
Kitchen Cha Mrs.
ML, Newman
Mr. apd Mrs.' Morris Gendler of Sheridan^ ; Ia., announce the birth of a son Wednesday at the Methodist hospital., Mrs. Gendler •was formerly Miss Molly Bavitz of Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ravitz. Mrs. Max PromMn and son, Bobby, •soil leave Saturday evening for a several weeks -visit in Chicago and Milwaukee.. They -will visit Mrs. Fromkiii's brother and sister-in-law, . Mr. and Mrs. E. Oscar Weinstem. Mr. Fronakin will join them in Milwaukee, where they will visit with Mr. Fromldn's brother and sister-inlaw, Mr, and Mrs. Morris Fromldn, and sisters.
French Sabte, One-half cup butter, 1 cup Sugar, 4 yolks, o tablespoons colored sugar •crystals, "i1;; rup;> cake flour, 2 teaxpooiks baking; powder, -Vs. teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon almond extract, 8 tablespoons colored sugar crj'BtalBi Cream butter and sugar together, add yolks? veii-beaten and almonds, sift dry ingredient?. Combine witli first mixture and ci'ill for 30 minute.-. Transfer to a floured board, roll Vi itieh thickness and shape wills & bird cutter. Place on oiled cooky sheet, sprinkle with colored sngnr crystals snel bake in a hot oven 12 minutes,
. Italian Sicims Three cups flour, S teaspoons baking powder, Vi teaspoon salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, --* teaspoon cloves, Vk teaspoon nutmeg, 2/g cup butter, 1 cap shredded almonds, 3,i -cup chopped raisins, l i cup chopped dates, Vi cup candied The Daughters of Sicn and Junior orange peel, 2 eggs, "i cup milk. Daughters of Zion will give n Sift dry ingredients together, work CLanukah and musical program at in butter. Beat the eggs with the the J. C & on December SO. Mem- milk, and combine with first mixture. bers and their friends are invited. The mixture will be quite stiff. The linen shower given by the Spread its large shallow pans, makDaughters of Israel Ladies Aid so- ii-g: batter Vz inch thick. Bake at ciety of tlie Jewish Old People's home last'Tuesday was a big success. The Dealer in Jeti'inh Books and event was featured by an interesting j talk by Eabbi Bengis, which was well Other Religious Articles, received. Telephone WEbster 3527 2429 Decatur Street The Ladies Aid expressed its thanks J just received a supply of Chanuka articles: Chamika candle* to all donors of gifts sn<3 money, and I and candlesticks, very •beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanukah announced that anyone having packgreeting cards. Anyone buying any of the above-mentioned articles ages for the home inay still turn will get the story of Chanukah in Enplisli and Jewish with Bpnedicthem over to the organization. tions and Hymns of.Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FKEE. 1 also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the best Taleisim, silk and wool, at very moderate prices, and R1$P the bept Marian Weinberjj, 14, member of and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the-verythe J. C. C. Girl Scout Troup No. 4, best sterling silver. won the city-wide song: writing conDon't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all test sponsored by the Girl Scouts Kosher articles of which "I am the agent. Leaders Association, Her song was | cnosen from among entries of 28 J troops and will become the official I song of Omaha Girl Scouts. ; Merit badges awarded to members of the same troop were -won by Mary Arbitman, 4; Jacqueline Lipp, 3; Jeanette Polonsky, 2; and Betty j Eraus and Ellabelle Korney, one each. A Russian tea party and concert will be given Tjy the Ladies' Labor Lyceum club January 5, at S:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. A'dmiEsion is twenty-five cents.
Announcement has - been made of the birth ibf a son, Donald Lee, to Mr. and Mrgi | M. ,L. Fanger of Cleveland, Ohio, on Jteceraber 6. \ ,, : Mr. danger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lojp Fanger of Omaha, and Mrs. Fanger -was formerly Miss Ilae \ Bercu, also of this dty, daughter of Mrs. Adi?Ue Bercn.
375 ttegrees far 30 minutes. Cover with a thin white icing. Cut in squares for,''serving;.
fornia; her sister, Mrs. H. Kren of San Francisco, and other relatives. She will also attend a meeting of the Council of JeOsh Women, to be held at Los Angeles. Mrs. S. D. Nerenberg and small •daughter, Florence Toby, Teturned Sunday from a six-weeks trip. Mrs. Nerenberg visited with her brother* Mack Jacobson, in Chattanoogav Tenn., and also visited with friends m Birmingham, Ala., Atlanta, Ga., and Memphis, Tenn. Miss Helen Pitlor will leave Tuesday, evening on an. extended trip to theM&st.' She expects to spend the holidays in Chicago, arid from there will go to New York for the winter. y Many farewell parties are being given in her honor.
Mrs. Herman Weinberg of Chicago will arrive Sunday to visit with her mother, Mrs. E. HaspeL While here sl-e will attend th3 wedding of her brother-in-law, Mr. Joe JWeinberg, to Miss Edith Gflmaii. The Phi Beta Epsilon, social fra- Mrs. Weinberg was formerly Miss ternity at Creighton University, Tield Bess Haspel. its annual diniier-dance Tuesday eve*Mrs..Nathan Weinstein arid childning at the Athletic club in honor ren, Elaine and Harold, have left for of their pledges. . aii extended trip in the East. They Thejpledges are Sol Michnick, JUT will spend one month in New York, Peace Study Group lius Bisno, Joe Fellman, Jos. ;Sbloand will then go to Vancouver, Can., Miss Sadie Beber ,,-and Paul Hoffman. >• to Meet on Monday to "Visit Mrs. Weinstein's brother Mr. and Mrs. I.. Beber, 3146 Chiclub and dramatic work. She is a Mrsj L Pearlman entertained last and sister, Mr. and Mrs. I. Stoller. The Peace study group -will meet cago street, announce the engage- member of Phi Beta Sigma sorority. Thursday at one o'clock luncheon^at Tuesday, December 24, at 12 o'clock ment of their daughter, Sadie, to Miss Sara Marcus, daughter"• of Mr. Gottlieb is engaged in busi- att he Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. I. D. the neiv Paxton Hotel in honor of her Mr. Maurice Gottlieb of Birmingham, Mr. and Mrs. H.' Marcus, is leaving birthdayTwenty gnests were presness in Birmingham, Weiss will read, a paper on "The for Chicago Saturday for a three Alabama. e n t . ' ^ • v... • • • • , • • • " • --..-••.. Cost of Armament". No definite date has been set for weeks visit with relatives. Miss Beber attended Omaha uniTaere will be no more Bible classes versity and has been active in Glee the wedding. Miss Dorothy Weiner, a student at The Thorpeian Athletic club -will held in December. The next will te the University of Nebraska, has been elected to membership in Phi Sigma, stage their annual New Year Eye kin, secretary; Mrs. E, A; Meyer, cil of Jewish Women were addressed held on January 15. The next Parent Education class national biological _honor£*y society. dinner dance at the Adelphia. Eeser- corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. by Mr. J. N. Shannahan, president of be held Friday, January 3. Members of. the organization are vations for members and their Finkel, treasurer. •'<••' the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street chosen on the basis of scholarship friends are being held open until It was definitely decided that plans Railway Co., at a luncheon meeting and scientific research ability. Miss Dec 27. Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) Dr. Kurt j be started immediately for a Purim at the Blackstone Hotel Wednesday. Weine? is the daughter of Mr. and -, The committee in charge has,, ar- ball. Gruenwald has been named an hon- | ranged for an evening of entertainMr. Shanahan told how they had orary consul of Jugo-Slavia for Pa- i Mrs. Harry Weiner. • ment and fun. Eeservations can he The Civics Committee of the Coun- arrived at the price offered the city lestine. I Dr. "and Mrs. Barney Kully will made through, members of J:he _pTr hold open house New Year's "Day, ganization. from 3 to 6 p. m., in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. W.•Eubin of Portland, •Chaperones for the -weekly "Com- j Omalia's Style Center Oregon, parents of Mrs. Kully, and munity Center dance this Saturday i Mr. and Mrs. X L. Bitker of Mil- evening will be Mr. and Mrs. J. J.', Friedman and Dr. and Mrs. J. M." waukee, Wis. Erman. The Omaha Rhythm Boys, !No invitations are "to be issued. -whose music has become popular with . Louis Richards of San Jose, Center dance patrons, have been Calif., arrived today to visit rela- engaged to play. ^ tives and friends. She will remain According to Louis Shanok, last Opposite > ^-O*—^' Orpheum in Omaha until after the first of Saturday's dance -was very successthe'iyear. ful and all indications • point to just Mrs. A. Bolker has left for Californ- as successful an affair this week. ia to spend the winter. She is accompanied by her sons, Norman and The Deborah society held an election of officers at their regular meetJoseph?"^ ing last Tuesday, with the following' While on the coast, Mrs. Bolker elected: will visit her daughter,. Freda, a Mrs. K. Tatle, president; Mrs.. A. Student at the University of Cali- Wolf, vice-president; Mrs. Max From-
Saturday....Qur Annual
An electrical gift will bring j o y the y e a r 'round. Modem, useful and beautiful. Givingelectrical g i f t s means giving hours of pleasure and comfort. See the complete selection at our "Electric Shops" or ask any of our employes.
Percolator She will be pleased to receive this wonderful elec-trical percolator. - The coffee made from it is delicious.
Ah-vays a welcome sift, Produces the best waffles you have ever tasted. Give a waffle iron to thefamily this year.
$6.95 up Toaster
Curling Iron,
Golden brown toast made right at the table. Every breakfast in'the year "will be more delicious vdth the toast made from this electric toaster.
Always useful. An electric curling iron is just the thing she needs, Surprise her this Christmas. Give her a. curling iron.
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Tfcie Tefeflioiie Golden RnJAnxwsr y e w telephone as promptly <u you m$tM like others te moaner yoUf and wmt m long far en ftnmeer myoutwuMhemeoihersumtferymt*
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They're tailored in true tuxedo character, exactly correct in every detail. Every fabric specially selected by our own dress clothes authorities. Yes, and vast selections . . . only The Nebraska offers every size-for every man in supreme value Tuxedo Suits.
Benefit Bazaar
SLQUX CITY NEWS Influx of Students Expected This Week r
Slbux City 8 yoting people, away at school, are expected to return home v n«rt week ibr the Mid-vrinter holidays. Isadore ;!Laaenslsy,-;Isadore Boeklin, Lou Dimsj&ale, Dave Albert, Sam Epstein, and Mildred Sirken all studying at Iowa XJniversity will arrive next week. From Lincoln will come Carl Sflltzmsta/ Fred Sherman, Morris Gordon, Lionel. London, Abe ^ T 1 attending Minnesota, -who will retnrn for the vacation are Bill Silyerberg, Melen Levitt, Burrikll Koblish, Harold Emlein, Earl Kline, Bernard iipman, Leonard Weiner and Philip Mason. -Ida Greenberg, Dorotny Mosow, and Mas Kroloff will arrive from Chicago. . Frank Epstein of'jCreightbn' and Lou Hurwite of Ann jArbor will also be in the city for the Holiday seasoii. Parties, bridges, teas, and gatherings of old friends will entertain these young people daring their stay, before they must return to their reg= ^ ^ f t d ^ d ^ l J i f e
EOOLISH ON MINNESOTA WINNING DEBATE TEAM Burnell ILoolishi well known here for hia forensic abilities ahtfctbe many debates he; has r/won, has added" tcf his laurels bybeing a member of the Minnesota Debating Squad which recently scored over the Michigan Debating Team. Koolish was a member of the Morningside Debate Team and also the mainstay of the A. Z. A. forensic activities, having gone to Des Moines and Memphis as a member of the A. Z. A. teams.
M. E. FRIEDMAN ELECTED TO HEAD LOCAL BNA1BR1TH New President Is Prominent in Jewish Communal Work GRUESXIN VICE-PRESIDENT M. E. .Friedman was elected president of- the B'nai B'rith Lodge at tlieir annual election held last "Wednesday evening at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Friedman h.".B been active in Jewish communal work for several years, serving/at present as a member of the board of directors o£ the Federation. ; : E.: N. Grueskin was elected vicef president; L Oberman, corresponding secretary^ Eube Miller, recording secretary; Abe Till, treasurer; I. Bot-i shevsky, wartien; Abe Jacobsoriy guardian; Mr. A. M. Davis, Max La^ sensky and Robert Sacks were elected to serve on the board of trustees.
most capable woman's division i and physical director, will once again be
Attended, by Many
at the helm of the blue and -white contingent. Miss Fagan expects to Over 600 persons were in attend- put out an even better sextette than ance at the Benefit Bazaar which was that of last year, which did right held last Sunday evening at the Jew- •well. House Council ish Community Center. The proceeds of the evening, which amounted Junior Pre-season league endDance on Sunday to over $600, will be used for furth- edThe last Sunday with the Bee-News The Hawkeye club will sponsor the ering the work of the Pioneer Or- lads copping first place with the next House Council Dance to be held ganization and Workmen's Circle in Seiners, Bobcats and Maroons finishthis Sunday evening, Dec. *22, at the Palestine. A cafeteria supper opened ing in the order named. The outCommunity Center. If previous affairs the evening, after which a musical standing game of the league was sponsored by the club are an indica- program, directed by Sam Sherr, was tion, a capacity crowd can be expected presented with the following taking on Sunday. Vic Fribourg's Dans- part: Rebecca Stillman, Ruth Leaf, an extra period encounter, 6 to 5. onians will Turnish' the music for Jack Merlin, Fanny Zifkin, Sylvia Max Friedman scored five of the dancing, and several specialty skits Friedman, David Sirken, and Annette •winners points while Paul Bogdonoff are planned for the entertainment. Baker. starred for the losers. The Bobcats Mr. M. Baumstein and A. Stillman handed the Maroons a 10 to 1 deDue to the fact that.all the students will be in the city for vacation, the were in charge of the affair. feat with P. Molnick tossing four dance will be more or less a "homefield goals. coming affair. , A. Z. A. DAY OBSERVED Each team is coached by members HERE LAST SUNDAY of the Senior teams. The league has already proven its value in developHEBREW MOTHER'S ASS'N An appreciative and interested ing the youngsters not only as basket ELECTS OFFICERS audience heard Mr. Jack Marer of ball players but by teaching the true vr At-'a': meeting held Tuesday, the Omaha discuss the^work, ideals and meaning of sportsmanship—to play Hebrew-ifpther's Association elected purposes of the A. Z. A. Lodge last the game fair and square and to th"e following; officers: Mrs. R, H. Sunday at the program held in the realize that basket ball is a game Emlein,;:president; Mrs. H. R. Rabin- Jewish Community Center, in observ- debate contest, owitz, recording secretary; Mrs. M. ance of International A. Z. A. Day. of skill and not an oratorical or Lazriowich, corresponding secretary On the same program, Mr. A. H. The Junior l«ague will open the* and Mrs. A. B. Friedman, vice-presi- Baron, Sioux City attorney, spoke to the members and friends of the local first round of play this Sunday afterdent. •':_ chapter on the Bnai Brith's interest noon- when the Seiners play the M meets nual Talmud Torah Dance which wi the Bobcats. be held Jan. 28, at the Rigaudon chapter. Dance Hall. Mrs. R. H. Emlein is The J. C. C. hand ball tournament the chairman of this event which is LADIES AUXILIARY PLAN is moving along right merrily. The CHANUKAH DINNER looked forward to by the entire JewFOR DECEMBER 30 ish. Community.
quet has been set for Tuesday, January 21.' An out-of-town speaker is being planned for By the lodge. The meeting of Tuesday marks the end of a: successful year in the lodge. Members of the lodge are looking forward with/interest to the activities for the coming year, with MOUNT SINAI SERVICES TO keen anticipation and interest, which BE BROADCAST TONIGHT will in all probability mean another term of active work and enthusiasm Mount Sinai Temple will broadcast u?on the part of all its members. its entire service this evening beginning at 8 o'clock, over station KSCJ. Services at Shaare Zion will begin The subject of Rabbi Lewis' sermon as usual at 8 o'clock this evening, will be "Synagogue and Church" and with H. R. Rabinowitz speaking on will deal with the differences of the "The Sin of Wasting." two institutions.
LEGAL XOTICE. To Mrs. Florence Wllcox:— Notice i« hereby Riven that on the 15th day of January 1930 at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the Lord Lister Hospital the undersigned -will sell at auction the following described property, to--wlt: one Indies' -white gold dinner ring set with diamonds, said ring having been pledged to the undersigned to secure payment of a hospital bill for services rendered the said Florence 'Wilcox. The amount due the s«ld Lord Lister Hospital 3s the sum of $230.45 and said ring will be Bold to satisfy said claim. LORD LISTER HOSPITAL. Dec. 19-3t
An out of town speaker will feature the program for the annual Chanukah Banquet, given by the Ladies' Auxiliary. - This affair which will take place Monday evening, Dec. 30, will be in keeping with the Chanukah spirit and feeling. Several specialty numbers, are being planned for the entertainment of those who attend. The banquet will be held in the social hall of the Shaare Zion MOMSKT, KATUEMA2* * GKOD1NSKY Attorneys Synagogue. Omaha National Bank Building-
HEBREW SCHOOL GRADUATION DEC. 29 Three students .of the Talmud Torah will be graduated at-fitting exercises, Sunday evening, Dec 29, at the, Jewish Community Center. Wa, Mosow, George Shindler, and Moses Bernstein will receive certificates of graduation on that evening.
MRS. LEON MARX APPEARS IN LITTLE THEATER PRODUCTION Mrs.. Leon Marx portrayed the part of Tweeney, in the play "The Admirable Crichton", which was, presented by. the Little Theater Players last Tuesday. Mrs. Marx was formerly Betty Furth o£,Gmaha, where she was well known ^ for her dramatic ability. Tweeney, a kitchen wench, who rivalled her mistress' affections for the Butler Grichton, was played cleverly and with splendid acting by Mrs. Marx. Mr. Leon Marx assumed a minor role in the. same play.
priced The new Screen-Grid Bosch Radio is priced within reach of every pocketbook, but quality performance and appearance touch the highest quality point of modem radio desirability. Engineered to die new four element Screen-Grid tubes, Bosch Radio gives, every advantage of radio's new development. Bosch tone— sensitivity, selectivity, tonal shielding and operating simplicity are outstanding. The new Bosch Radio has been tested as no radio was ever tested before—it is radio's most highly developed receiver. Price of D e Ltrxe Console $240.00—less tubes. Other models from 4119-50 up, .less tubes.
By STANLEY F. LEVIN A feature of National A. Z. A. Day last Sunday was the basket ball game between Omaha Chapter 1 and Sam Beber Chapter 100 which instead of being the onesided fray expected, developed into a close, stirring contest. Chapter 1 emerged victorious due to their superior team work while the long range shots of "Cowboy" Sadofsky and "Pug" Ferer kept the Century Chapter in the running till the last five minutes of the game when Capt. Is. Bogdonoff, Mose Franklin and Bill Gerelick came through with goals to make the final count read: A. Z. A. 1, 23 and A. Z. A. 100, 14. *
Buy a Radio for Chanukah on Our Easy Payment Plan 141#Douglas, AT. 4 0 9 0
J / C G Sports
2 4 t | and N Sts, So. Omaha
The men's volley ball league will open up this coming Monday nite with four evenly divided teams entered. Prom the paper line-ups they all appear to be of equal strength of the argument. Team A will meet team B in the first game. Team B is captained by Morris Blacker. Teams C and D will tangle in the
FREE Agricultural Scholarships The National Farm School olfers boys, 16 to 21 years, an opportunity to secure a three-year practical, theoretical training in agriculture. Scholarships provide fruition,< board and room tree. Requirements include pood physical, mental and moral character and earnest desire to make some branch of farming their occupation. Applications for the 34th term, beginning April 1, 1830. should be made at once. Address Herbert JR. AHman, President, 1T01 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
AUDITS — — SYSTEMS 534 Peters Trust BMg..AT. ?6H
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• » • • * •
XOTICE OF ARTICLES OF IXC01U>OKATION OF XOUIS 8OMMEB, INCOKrORATED Notice i* hereby Riven that the undersigned, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, have formed a corporation, the name of which is "'liOUIS fr'UAIMES, INCORPORATED" and its principal place of business ia in the city of Omaha. The objects for -which this corporation is formed are to maintain and operate stores J. U KRAGE, Proprietor for tfie purposes of buying and Belling at retail cr wholesale all kinds of high grade "NEW FOR OLD" meats, Tsgetables and other food products and household products of every natore and description, to purchase, lense, tire 1619 Farnsm St.—Phone AT. S4SI and otherwise acquire real and personal property of every kind and description and to sell, dispose of, lease, convey and mortgage any and all of the said property, to borrow money and to do nit other things necessary or incident to the operation of its business- The authorized capital stock is $100,000.00 of which 570,000.00 shall be common stock and $30,000.00 preferred Certified Public Accountants stock and which shall be fully paid when issued and non-assessable. With the as838 Securities Bids'. sent in writing of the holders of (50% of all of the capital stock of the corporation AT. 4451 issued and outstanding of pursuant to the votes given in person or by proxy by stockholders holdinc at least G0%, of the issued and outstanding stock of the corporation which is represented and" voted upon in person or by proxy at a meeting specially called for that purpose or at an annual, meeting, the Board of ^Directors shall hare the power and authority to After Theatre sell, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of the property and assets of the Dancing . corporation ns an entirety and going concern, on such terms and conditions as to them shall seem fit and proper. The corp,24th and Farnarn oration shall commence bnsiness upon the filing ot the Articles of Incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas! County, Nebraska, and shall continue until; January 1st, 1979. Its highest amount of j indebtedness shall not exceed tvpo-tliirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be fidmfnistered by » Board of Directors, which shall consist of not less than three nor more than five members, who shall be elected at the anATlantie 6291 nual meeting to be held on the second Tuesday In February of each year. T he J. i t JEXSEX Board snail from this number elect a President, Viee-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended; at any regular meeting of the stockholders j or at any .Special meeting called for that • CHARLES SIMON purpose after ten days' notice of such proposed amendment hj writing has been Recommends mailed to all stockholders and upon the Tote of two-thirds of the capital stock. THE SANITARY LAUNDRY Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, Sept. 26, 1829. "The Best «t AU taonfiry Serrtsee" LOtttS SOSEMEK. HENRY MOXSKT, J. VT. MAKER, Dec. IS—4T Incorporators.
KATXJE3IAN & GROBIXSKT Attorneys * • i. • Omaha National Bank HoldingOT OF AME3TD3EENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OS1 t Q C i g SOHMEB, INCORPORATED Notice Is hereby given that at a special meeting of I/OU1S SOMMER, INCORPORATED, held on the 5th day of November, 1929, at which meeting all stockholders were present and voted that Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation was amended to read as follows: The total authorized capital stock is The A. Z. AT Chapter 1 team $120,000.00, divided into 1200 shares of the-pf»r of ?100.00 each, of which sprang a surprise, ini. local basket $76,tKXMWvalue shall be common stock and $5O, O O5MX) preferred and which ball circles when they trimmed the shall be fnlly paid stock, when issued and Omaha University varsity five on the non-assessable. The preferred stock shall be entitled to preference over the latter's court to the tune of 25 to 11. common stock as to dividends at the rate of eight per cent per annum, payable annually and shall be cumulative The J. C. C. girls varsity team is and shall have a preference over the common stock in any distribution of again an entrant in the Girls City assets, and the said preferred stock Basket ball league. The feminine or any portion thereof shall be subject redemption at the option of the hoop artists finished third in the to company upon the vote of not less than tiie majority in interest of the league last year trailing Omaha Uni- outstanding stock and notice of such intention of the company to redeem versity and .'the Knights of Columbus. the Salt} preferred stock or any portion Miss Ursula • Fagan, the popular thereof sbsll be mailed to the holder of such' soitre ot shares so to be reSAMKIATIB deemed to their last known address, at least 30 days before the date of 613 Oraah» Kat, Bk. redemption upon the payment hy the company to the holder of' Buch snare or shares so to be redeemed, any dividPBOBATE KOIICE ends unpaid to the date of redemption In the matter of the estate of Morris plus the price per share as follows.• Belxer, deceased. redeemed within five years, $110.00 Notice Is hereby riven: That the credi- " If per share-, the sixth year, S1O0.O0 per tors of said deceased will meet the ada h « e : the seventh year, $1OS.OO per ministrator of said estate, before me, Connshare; the eighth, year, $107.00 per ty Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, t.- share; the nintli yenr. $108, per share; at the County Conrt Room, In said County, I the tenth year, $105.00 per share and on the 14th day o/ i"ebrnnrs, 1930, and i any year thereafter, ?105.00. (The baloa the Hth day o£ April, 1930, at 0 o'clock ance of eald Article to remain ona. m., each day, for the purpose of prechanged.) senting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance, three months LOTTIS SOM5TER, INCORPORATED. are allowed for the creditors to present " By X.OOIS SOMMER, President,, their claims, from the 11th day of January, JACK W. MARER. .Secretary. 1930. WITNESS;_H MARQCARDT. BSXCE CBAWTORD, v " " V " \.CouBty Judge. . Dec. S3—**•
. ,^rA--fi.!r -i*s
four court sluggers, artists* some of final games, they are captained by them, and others dubs, playing the "Cowboy" Sadofsky and Harold B game for all it is worth and enjoy- ish. ' ing themselves, even as you and L The favorites of the gallery are, Herman Segelman, defending- champion, Sammy Katzman and "Papa" NATHAN S. REISS Max Altshuler. ACCOUNTANT