December 27, 1929

Page 1

Scanning ike Jewish

Interesting and Entertaining

IT ALL DEPENDS Not many people have desty Entered; aB secoml-dnas taall matter on January 27, 1021, at to -ask Einstein to t vtheOMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1929 pofitoffico at Omaha; Nebraska, under the Act of March S, lSJa. ory of relativity, and it'-i often, that _ Einstein feels V spending. But one time hi. -M. Green, Prominent niece caught Mm in a frisky mood,, Pioneer, Killed Holiday which usually occurs after he's Been playing his -viblin for an. hour. Upon Mr. Meyer Green, 55 pioneer Omaasking her uncle to tell her in a han prominent in Jewish activities, few brief "words "what he meant by -was killed Monday when struck by relativity she -was told by Einstein: a truck at Twentieth and Grace "If a fellow sits with_a.girl under streets. Fcnersl services were held tha moonlight for two hours it seems Wednesday morning from the home. The members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Conlike two minutes. But if that same Interment took place at Golden Hill servative Synagogue have set one thossa&i subscribers fellow should happen to sit on a hot King Promulgates New Laws cemetery. Rabbi Abraham Bengis" stove for two minutes it would seem to the Jewish Press as their goal ia the campaign Favorable to officiated. like two lours." Jews wliich they will conduct as a means of raising funds to Mr. Green, -who has made bis home in Omaha for the past 40 years, carry out their work. LEHMAN'S STOCK GOES UP Belgrade. (JJLT.) "The Jews of was a member of the Omaha Hebrew The same of Herbert H. Lehman Jugoslavia are deeply moved by the A large percentage of the sum oMdiaed for each club, Woodmen of the World, sad v,as known throughout the country government's gesture in promulgatsubscription will be turned over to fl» organization. the Beth Hamedrosh Eagodsl synabefore he became lieutenant governor ing the status of the.Jewish comgogue. Besides this percentage, individual prizes for Hie memof New York state. He is one of l i e munities. They are grateful to King Those who survive him arc MB bers getting the most subscribers win be awarded by brothers of the firm Lehman Broth- Alexander dor his manifestation of widow, four f daughters, Frances, ers, -which, next to Kuhn, Loeb & good-will," the official Jugoslavian the Jewish Press. Ethel, Phyllis and Mrs. Isadore Co., is the biggest Jewish banking agency "Avala" announced. The Auxiliary hopes to raise a large ^um by the Abrsmson; four sons, Nathan, Edhouse in the world. It was a dis"We -were pleasantly surprised, •wsrd, Arthur and Irwin, all of Omacampaign. Complete details of the drive will be antinct surprise when this philanthropha; four brothers, Aaron of Philanounced in next week's issue of the Jewish Press. ist and financier accepted the nom- states -Chief Rabbi de J. Alcalay, delphia, Pa.; Oscar ©f Pittsburgh, ination for political office, but JDOW "when the minister of justice and religions accorded the Jewish reliPa.; Morris of Omaha; Simon of that he "is in he is making good in .Norfolk, and one sister, Mrs. Louis •a big way. The other day something gion equality -with other religions." Goldberg of St. Paul, Minn. happened that makes his nomination The new bill gives the Jewish com•4for the governship of New .York munities complete autonomy over spiritual and administrative . affairs, state almost assured. with complete control of. funds con"When the convicts in Auburn pri- tributed by the. state or individual son made their sensational effort to members. The "Jewish communities escape, and twelve deaths followed are to receive a share in the govBecause the print shops mil. the abortive attempt, Franklin Roose- ernment's ; religious budget in "probe closed next Wednesday, New velt was out of the state and Leh- portion to the Jewish population of Year's day, the Jewish Press Eabbi Abraham Bengis of the Con- seals in order that a camp may be man was in the governor's chair. It the country. will go to press earlier than servative Synagogue and Dr. John organized next summer for •under-was up to him to give orders as to Municipalities will accord the JewusuaL All society items and F. Allen of .the Tuberculosis Associ- nourished children, as it is in youth what should be done at the prison, in ish communities a share in proporlocal articles must be in by 5 ation were the speakers at the De- that tuberculosis usually starts. The the face of the riot. Lehman said: tion to the Jewish population in the o'clock on Tuesday, Dec 31. cember meeting of the Council of present seal was originated by a "No compromise," which meant that towns. Jewish communities will be We will appreciate your coJe-wish Women, held Monday after- postmaster in Denmark," stated Dr. Warden Edward S. jTennings might exempt from taxes, and will receive operation in this matter. noon at the Je-srish Community Cen- Allen. have been killed by the prisoners, other privileges. ter. Mrs. J. H. Xtilakofsky, president by -whom he was held hostage. Every Jew will have to belong to "Jewish "Womanhood" was Eabbi of the council, presided. The relation- of Lehman to Jen- the Jewish community where he\ reBengis' subject.' In the discussion he In addition to the speakers the nings was not merely that of gov- sides, no separatist communities "will brought out the fact that the Jewish chairmen of several committees of ernor of the state to a, -warden' of be allowed whete one • community, al-v-.'^man has always played- an im- the council gave reports concerning a state prison. Lehman and Jen- ready exists. - , . , . portant part in the life of the Jews. their departments. nings are pals. Edward S. Jennings The Federation of Jewish ComHe said that she has been an in- Mrs. David Feder, chairman of the and Herbert Lehmaa- were both col- munities, which is recognized as the . onels overseas with Jhe Twenty-sev- governing "body of all the Jewish Rabbi Mayerburg of Kansas spiraticsn," - that- it has been her at- education committee, gave a sumtitade of titvotioii and friendliness mary of the activities of her deCity to Deliver Main enth, division, -which participated- in communities, together with the Raband her sisterly spirit -which has partment tip to date. This cwxmitAddress th-. bloody "major "battle that finally bis' Synod consisting of six Rabbis, made possfbls the survival through- tee sponsors the lecture course, carbroke the famous Hindenburg" line. •will decide. all the Jewish matters The recently elected officers of the out the ages. -"According to the Jew- rent topics COUSES, sad the parent -L<ehman and .Jennings, were "buddies" education class. "' from" "the "Tatne14ne?-gotrr-together a t """""'? Ra&BT appointed" "by the ."King Jocal ^B'nai-lB^iih.Jbonge^No^^S^ ish Mea the -will be formally installed-*cn%Ha§-' Camp Wadsworth, South Carolina, from three candidates submitted by So that when- Lehman. gave the the communities, 'will be appointed day, January 2, at the Jewish Com- Bengis. The speaker praised the na- the jisni^aat'-edac&tSos' committee, tional and local councils of Jewish stated that her department was ozder to prison officials to go ahead State Sabbi and will enjoy the rank munity Center. Women for their worthwhile -work, sponsoring eight sfterpooa classes in The principal address will be given "regardless of loss of life" he was and courtesy accorded to a bishop. the homes with an enrollment of 45, by Rabbi Samuel Mayerburg of Kan- especially along educational lines. prepared to sacrifice one of his best and two evening classes with 25 enDr. John F. Allen, a specialist is sas City, Mo. Eabbi Mayerborg, friends in order to maintain the who is a past president of the sec- tuberculosis and a member of both rolled, these last two raestiBg- at authority of the state. This disond district of the B'nai B'rith and the national and state boards of the the Community Center. regard of the personal factor is makis vitally interested in B'nai B'rith Tuberculosis Association, explained Mrs. Philip Schwartz, chairman of i'fe- the rounds, and Lehman's poliwork, is recognized as one of the about this disease. "A few hundred the legislation and civics committee, tical stock is going up. He has years ago tuberculosis was the cause has organized a study group whose outstanding Jewish pulpit orators. shown himself to be a strong executive. He is a banker, a philanthropSam Beber will install the new of more deaths than any other agen- members have been studying ' the ist, an executive, an economist,' a Group Making Active Plans for heads. An interesting musical pro- cy," said Dr. Allen.... "Only forty Douglas street bridge. At the last years ago it was discovered that meeting Mr. John £hannahan, the communal worker, an expert in sogrom has also been arranged. District Tournatuberculosis was caused by germs president of the Street Railway Co., cial service. Who knows but that The new officers to be installed ments hit. name may be mentioned by the are: Milton E. Abrahams, president; and was not hereditary, but infec- spoke. The peace committee, of which democratic party in 1936? tious. N. Sam Fregger was elected to the Philip M. Klutznick, vice-president; "The Christmas seals are sold as Mrs. Samuel Gerscm is chairman, Isadore Abramson, secretary; H. office of Aleph Godol:of the mother DID YOU KNOW . a means to raise funds for the pre- sponsored the November meeting of cliapter of the A. Z. A. at their reg- Friedman, treasurer; Dr. O. S. Bel- vention and cure . of tuberculosis. the council when Mrs. Julia Mayer, That the -wife of Thomas zer, guardian; Harry B. Cohen, warthis year's winner of the Nobel prize ular semi-monthly meeting last Sun- den; Goodman Cohen,- David Free- Omaha is trying ibis year to raise nationally known speaker, was presday. He (succeeds Louis Riklin. Inin literature, is a Jewess? (Continaed on Page 2.) mora money than usual from the man und Joseph Tretiak, trustees. That plans are being formulated 'stallation of the newly-elected officers by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency •will take place at the next meeting to establish a big daily newspaper of the organization. T^ie other officers elected were: Milalong the lines of the Christian Sdence Fonitor—a paper which will, ton Altshuler,. Aleph Sgan; Saul however, have a completely Jewish Graetz, Aleph Mazklr; David Himalstein, Aleph Gisbor; Jack Epstein, angle? That Al Woods, the famous thea- Aleph Shotare Godol; Morris Franktrical producer, can't sleep unless the lin, Aleph Shotare- Kotone; Arthur Grossman, Aleph Sopher; Sol Miroff, lights in his bedroom are on? That Sigmund Freud, founder of Aleph Xohen Godol;. New members of the" advisory psychoanalysis, is on the verge of December 31 is absolutely your last chance to board are: Harry B. Cohen and Louis death from cancer of the face? obtain a copy of That Will .Rogers is rumored to Eiklin. Members of the board reelected were Philip IQutznick, Dr. be of Russian Jewish descent? ' That Meyer Weisgal, secretary of Meyer Beber and Stanley F. Iievin. The new -athletic board will conthe Zionist organization, is the bigsist of Stanley F. Levin, Oscar Maygest ciGar-moocher in American JewB Y , .-• • : erowitz and Manny Goldberg. ry? JOHN' HAYNES HOLMES The mother chapter basket ball A JEWISH MONOPOLY team as defending champions are The latest news has it that an A gripping $2.50 book realistically depicting life in the Holy anti-toxin for influenza is- in sight. again entered in the Commercial d and giving you intimate contact with the beauty and picturThe history of the search for such basket ball league. The men are esqueness of its scenery and its people. The author holds you spell"working hard in order to put out a a preparation is the history of a Strong team.-which will make a bid bound as he inagically describes the wonders of the land so beloved to group of Jews. Fourteen' years ago the Jews. Dr- Milton Roseau of Harvard start- for the district A. Z. A. basket ball ed the search. Seven years later Dr. championship at the district tournaALSO Simon Flexner, former head of. the ment in Kansas City the early part A Year's Subscription to The Jewish Press Rockefeller Foundation, announced- of February. progress in the hunt., Dr. Isadore S. The debate team of Frank Upp Falk, thirty-year-old-medico on the and Elmer Shamberg are hoping to staff of the "University of Chicago, give Chapter One the national laurels This Off er Positively Ends This Month seems at last to have isolated what for the third time. Sam Fregger, new is called "the polymorphous strepto- Aleph Godol, -will be "the chapter's Don't watch your golden opportunity to widen your Jewish coccus which is the cause f influ- orator in that section of the tourna. er-za. It is expected that Dr. Falk ment." horizon slip by— will have completed the anti-toxin Capitalize on your one chance to keep In touch with your people— before another six months "will nave Moscow. (J.T.A.) For participating passed. The foregoing facts are men- in the Siyum Hatorah, thef ceremoSUBSCRIBE TO " tioned apropcE- of the current effort nies accompanying the completion of to restrict the number of Jews en- a Torah, at the Minsk synagogue, a tering American medical colleges. number of Jewish building workers (Copyright 1929 by Seven Arts have been expelled from the pro• Feature Syndicate.) • • - - fessional union. The expulsion follows the campaign of the Yiddish The world rewards the appearance Communist organ "Oitjabre" to that . of merit oftener than merit itself. end. ' '

L- ML—No. SO

i 1,000 Press Subscribers Is Goal of Auxiliary

Rabbi Bengisand Dn Allen to Women's Council




Only Four More Dictysl

"Palestine, Today and Tomorrow"


BOTH FOR $2.50



Conservative Synagogue is Celebrating the Presentation of Two Torafi bv Members PUBLIC INVITED TO ATTEND What promises 'to be an event of Omaha Jewry to attend," Sera Beoustanding importance in the local ber, president of the congregation Jewish community will be held &t stated. "This is perhaps the first the Jewish Community Center audi- time in the last twenty* or twentytorium Sunday evening, December five years that Omaha 1ms had a 29th. The occasion will be the pre- community-wide observance of this sentation of two scrolls to the Con- sort." servative Synagogue. One is the Bnffet Luncheon gift of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Tousem, Special invitetioTiK have been exin' memory of Mrs. Yousero's parents, Mr. and Sirs. Jacob Marks, and tended to the other 3e"wish congregathe other is given fcty Mr. and Mrs. tions in the city, and a capacity atI/osis Margolin., in memory of Mr, tendance ig expected. By courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Margolin, m. buffet Margolin's mother. The ceremony is called Sij-um Ha- supper -will be served fcy the Ladiess' sefer -which means Completion of truxili&rjr following the program. "The Scroll known as ihe Torah (•vrritmg and reading) Scroll. During the ceremony a jvuml>er of letters is the most important and sacred obst the beginning as well as at the ject in the Synagogue ritnal," Rabbi end of the Scroll are filled in. Mem- Abraham Bengis pointed out, "It is bers of the congreg-stion are honored written by an expert; scribe; or, the by having letters inscribed in their best of parchment -with * epedel name or in the name of departed quill. Each letter must be perfect. The Tomh is. read each Sabbath parents. "Th-e Conservative Synagogue takes morning snd on holidays and ©they pride in presenting- to Omaha the special occasions {portion appropritraditional Siytsm Hasefer ceremonies ate for the occasion)." and extends B, cordial welcome to Bengie to Speak Because of the- Hannkah holiday* no outstanding out of town speaker could bte obtained. The principal address will be delivered by ilabbi Bengis. Sam Beber, president of the congregation, will preside, A special Moscow. (J.T.A.) Terroristic acts .service vdll be held at 7:S0, The program proper will begin by Jews against Jewish CommaniFts vrere reported from a number oJ promptly at B. Hairy A. Wolf will small IOTTOE in the "Ukraine. From preside at the Inscription Ceremony, there -was i-eported that dur- Cantor E. Sells: will sing m number the lugfet'Uve-locai-'-iifetog sttsdkM oi Rao-ed hymns sjjpropiiate for t!b»,. the house of the Jesdsii chsinnan of occasion. GOTO mitt ee fa €?mrg«> Soviet tax department, dragging him into an isolated room where they tied The committee in charge of BThim upp using knives to quiet his rang-emente is made up of the fol- *cries. lowing: ,T. Stein, chairman; J, H, Kt»- s. In LuteheriKh the Jews Jisve sev- laltofsk;-, Mose Yovn?em. Dr, M. Mareral times attempted to shoot the gtslin, E, A. Simon, Sam Bebtsr m& Jewish chairman of the local Soviet. Rabbi Beugis sre eenin^ «x-o{fjcio. The religious part; of the ceremony it is alleged. Several Jews in that town are under arrest for these at- will comply •with BII traditional, regu!r«3aeut», TMg part of the tempts. The "0213368", . Yiddish Communist gram if -raider the direct s daily, reports that the opposition to of Rabbi Bengis, who has poMwd the Je-wish Commanists in the small official documents certifying- that towns is becoming serious. In some both scrolls haw. beep, written in places, it claims, active Communist compliance with all the rigid mqxtireleaders were attacked and stabbed by ments. A local sedtw! vdll de the "underworld leaders", -who, the fensMcg' wort here, These two gifts »n» ihe e«t«t*ni» "Ernes" charges, were hired by local Jews who are dissatisfied vdtfe the ing ones among many recently made, to the Conservative Sy taxes and repressions. The "Ernes" ssyg that "the resistance of the wealthy townsmen in the Prague.—-(Z. T. A.)—Th* I<* Me small tewns is becoming' stubborn nnd commencfxl the transfer of Jewish that therefore the restrictions against peas&nts of Carpaihc-Russm who ft» the Jewish nepmen and wealthy landless, to the Argetrtme. A tramife? townsmen should be increased with- of families comprise the first port. out mercy."

Eabbi Lewis Eabbi Theodore N, Lewis of Sl City held a huge audience at the J. twees the living" condition of ih* C..C Sunday evening spell-brand a* Amb village and thr tnodenv K?>. he gave hi* impressions ©£ Palestine, of the Jewish camxnuntuc&. Be pointa photographic -view of what he raw ed crafc the pttigrepr TTW<W hf Iht there End what the present conditions Jew* of the land. sre. The local Zionist organization, According to Rabbi j#*it, th* under M. T\ Levenson, sponsored his cause of the disturte-ncpf' the*e wa* appearance before the Zionist rally, that the effendie !>an;V. ihsi. ih&'.r which also served as B, wind-up of power was Ibeingr threatened by fc?w cultem! infiuewe of t.*\e Jpwish inthe roll-call campaign. Rabbi Lewis wss sn eye-witness habitants. This InSnyr-i'f.. £h«r f^R^ to the recent atrocities in the Holy ed, was spreading to Vr-r Arabic Land, having1 arrived there the day tilation and affecting: thf V. before the rioting began, Ee vividly petty leaders Isars or ihe described the Arabs massing with He blamed the Itwv' revolvers, faiives and sticks, breaking1 in Palestine, »s bemr- Jar windows and damaging property. sible. The officials, likr Iwke, "Kegardiess of how much we pos- charged, were anti-Perwitic, sess and how moch we accomplish," less of how the home stated Sabbi Lewis, "still, the hap- ML Sabbi Lw»s s'so dep' ored the f*«': piness -wMch is part of the Ch&latzim that innocent Arabs, the tools of tiw cannot -be found in America." "Theirs is the joy of creation," higher-ups, "were being 8Bctifi<*»wj he exclaimed. "Despite their deep Trftile the Grand Mufti, the rea! if Buffering, they have a certaiis. spiritu- stigaior, -was feeing left al EStiBfaction rarely found." The S3&e&ker told of the impression Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—A the spiritaal life of the PalestiBias thrthwiox Jews «£ KUntsi, Jews made -apon him. He was espe- region, will he brought tr> trial cially impressed "by Tel Aviv, the charge o* eollectmgr money 100% Jewish «Hy, and l i e Hebrew tfcodox Jewg to repair the gatem of university. local Jewish cemetery*

L ^

PAGE £ - T H E JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1929 vacation with her mother, Mrs. M. The Bible study group sponsored by the religious education committed Richman. of which Mrs. Frederick Cobn is The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal-chairman, has had three meetings . Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by Vienna, (J. T. A.)—A decline in mui, Torah will meet Wednesday, up to date. "Women of the Bible" THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY , By F. R. K. Temple Israel the numerical strength of the Jewish \ is the subject for this study group. January 8. Office: Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 community of Vienna was shown by "Jewish Influence in Modern At the board meeting preceding the Thought" will be the subject for statistics published for the quarter Dr. Sternhill Elected President of regular meeting the budget was disDAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Council Bluffs B'nai Britn. Rabbi Frederick John's sermon at ending with August of this year. Rabbi Bengis, Dr. Allen cussed and approved. Revisions to FRANK 3S. ACKERMAN EDITOR In June 172 births and 193 deaths the services .at Temple Israel t o Dr. Isaac Sternhill was elected to the amendments of the constitution -FANNIE XATELMAN • - Council Bluffs, Iowa. Correspondent night. Tomorrow morning he will were recorded, in July 115 births and head the Council Bluffs BTnai Brith Address Jewish Council •were also discussed. 210 deaths and 157 deaths. In the at their last meeting - Wednesday (Continued from Page 1.) speak on "A Successful Man.*' New members since the last regSIOUX <3T¥ OFFICE same period 91 persons entered the evening. Other officers elected: Max ular meeting on 'December 28 are 24 Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Conservative Synagogue Jewish faith, as compared with 195 Shostak, vice-president; Harry Kubby, ent. The peace study group, com- making a total of S© new members Rabbi Abfcahani Bengis has chosen who left recording secretary; O. Hochman, posed of 15 members of the council, and & total membership of 318. Fol§2,50 "Rededication" as the subject for Subscription P r i c e , o n e y e a r • » • • - • • • * . * financial secretary; Sam Steinberg, has been studying the World Court lowing is the list of new members: B Chanukah sermon at the services Advertising rates famished o n application treasurer; Joseph B. Katelm&n, and its relations to the League of Mesd&mes Abe Boler, Michael Cobn, of the Conservative Synagogue at guardian; Ben Kubby, monitor; Ben Nstioas. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give bo& the old ana new address; the J. C C. tonight at 8 p. m. Mts. Reuben Kulakofsky, chairman J. Lorkis, Minnie Stiefel, Sum Stem, N sore to give your came. Seldin, assistant monitor. By On Saturday morning at 9:30 a. re- M. L. Stern, Nathan Sherman, A. The board of trustees selected is j of the social service committee, 1 Wolf son, M. Weintraub, Jennie SlotSTANLEY F . LEVIN m. Rabbi Bengis will speak in Yidcomposed of Harry Krasne, Herman ported that three cooking classes and ky, Morris Zlofky, Ben Kubby, L. dish. This Saturday is the Sabbnoth one home arts class had been orMyerson, and Richard Gordon. Fichtenberg. Chanukah and also the occasion for The Peerless Cleaners overwhelmed Delegates t'ected for the annual ganized at the Community Center. THE FEAST OF LIGHTS blessing the new moon. the game Psi Mu club in the second convention are Louis H. Katelman, This department also took charge of Minsk.—(J. T. A.)—Acting1 on ft For ages the. Jew has ushered in the celebration of Chanukah game of the J. C. C. .Commercial Ben Seldin, and Harry Kub^y. Alter- the sale of Christmas seals in two cf special government order, the Minsk Bnai Israel Synagogue with tiny tapers Hashing in~the Menorah. To the Jew these Cantor Abraham Schwazckin and league season 42 to 11.. The eagle nates are Max Steinberg and Samthe stores this year. Soviet exacted signatures from former Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of Hebrew teachers that they will no miniature lights mean more than the triumph of light over dark- his male choir will feature the Cha-eye of Johnny Rosenblatt was to"3Steinberg. ways and means committee, re- longer maintain Yesbivas, institutions ness, more than a mid-winter nature holiday, more than a victory nukah services of the Bnai Israel much for the black garbed club men. The installation will take place at the ported hex department was plan- of higher learning, and Chedoritn, Rosenblatt garnered nine baskets of good over evil; i t has become the memorial feast of the first Synagogue at 18th and Chicago to lead the evening's scoring. Big an open meeting the latter part of ning a card party to be held Febru- where rudimentary instruction in HeJanuary. streets tonight and tomorrow -mornmartyrs whoever died for religious liberty. ary 17. Maxie Altshuler, the heart <of the brew and the Talmud is given. i: ; Cleaners offense registered seven The Macckbees heroicallyfaced overwhelming odds for the ing... . -."•'••• - ; .- ••'• ••': •'•• The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Temple Israel Sunday School points. The guarding of the winners Sunday School will give a Chanukah glory of theiijv religious beliefs, at a • '•Ume.^l^-'lieE^e^^.siid The post'eonnrmation class oi the was good. idolatry -prevailed on. earth; /Moved not i>y gain or selfish ends Temple Israel Sunday' School, for "Hawk" Epstein and Earl Seigal program Sunday morning, Decem1 ber 29, at 10 o'clock at the synabut by a spirit^pf self-sacrifice, theyoverthrewthe tyrannical yoke boys and girls 13 to 1? years old, kept the Psi Mu from being held of Antiochus, jireeatering in triumph the Temple at: Jerusalem has ' been meeting every Sunday scoreless and were a constant threat. gogue. No regular classes will be but all children, whether mtoiwhich the Syrians had polluted with their pagan ceremonies. Then morning under the direction of Mr. The guarding of the losers was tooheld, bers of the Sunday School or not, S. Kroloff. Debates on impor- lax to bold, down a ball hawk like followed the feast of Chanukah—or rededicationv when with, pray- Yale tant current Jewish topics have been Rosenblatt, who tossed in basket are urged to attend. ers,of thanksgiving.-aitd paeans ofjoythe Jewish victory over held, the next to take place on Janu- after basket from within the foul Milton Marcus, a student at the " their oppressors waS celebrated for eight days. ary 5, With- the public invited. zone. University of Illinois at Champaigne, That Uttle|Maccabean band drew its heroic courage from the Officers of the class are Herbert arrived Sunday to spend the holiday Kaplan, president; Lawrence Green, purest of all Sources, from a passionate love for thebr religion. Ernest Priesman, sec- " The A. Z. A. defending champions vacation with his parents, Mr. and Others, it is triae, had cUsplayed equal valor on the battlefield. But vice-president; retary, and Naomi Berkowitz, treas- played more like tail-eiiders than Mrs. Louis Marcus. they had fought for iheir country .and their language, their urer. •• -.. '••:.:•..-.•;•• '•'•'•.• "", champs and only managed to pull hearths and tiieir; homes. ?o fight for Religion was something AH interested are welcome to join their game out of the hands of the Miss Ruth Bernstein, a student at University at Chicago, new, unique, significant. • ; :.'•'",'• the class. Social events for the com- basketeers from the A. Z. A. Chapter •Northwestern is spending the holidays with her 100 with a last minute rally which Today the lighting of the candles revives in us the unquench- ing year are being planned. gave them seven.points and enabled mother, Mrs. A. Bernstein. able Maccabean'spirit; These meaningful lights not only recall them to win their eight straight Miss Rosalie Richman, a student the inspiring jup-hill struggles of our ancestors, not only fill us Give me neither poverty nor riches; game of the year. Cap. Bogdonoff feed me with food convenient for me. at the University of Iowa, arrived with seven points and Morris Frankwith veneration for our beautiful heritage,-but also symbolizes Wednesday to spend the holiday (Continued on Page 4) the enkindling of a nation, holding aloft the torch of pure religion. —Proverbs xxx:8. -


Religious Services

I Jewish, Community of ' Vienna Shows Decline

Council Bluffs News

* C C Sports

-was the statement made yesterBritain Spends $170,000 This day by Phillip Snowden, Chancellor to Put Down Outbreaks oi .the Exchequer, in tesponse to a London (J. T. A.)—Thfe British government has spent $170,000 on the measures .undertaken by the Palestine government following the recent disturbances in that - country.


242S Decatur Street

question raised in -the House of Commons. This sum does not include the expenditures "made from Palestinian funds nor the value of British stores issued from stock. ~ 2

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Dealer in Jewish Bboks and Other Religious Articles. Telephone WEbster 3527.

I just received a Bupply of Chanuka articles: Chanuka candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver -plate. Also, Chanukah greeting cards. Anyone buying any of the above*nientionea articles will eet the ptory of Chanukah in English and Jewish "With Benedictions and Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the best Taleisim, silk and -wool, at very moderate prices, and. also the best and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling Bilver. Don't forget about .my 0"WH make Kosher. Soap and all Rokeach Kosher articles of which I am the agent.


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We **»&£ you and your family piuch happiness and prosperity during the coming year, ,

Just a small down-payment and we will make immediate delivery of this beautiful set to your home. Then continue with small weekly payments until the set is paid for. No interest or finance charge. Why not have one delivered to your home for Chaanfcah? We guarantee this set for one year. Free installation*

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24th and N

3»AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1929 Mrs. I. Hollander and daughter, 1 The Creighton chapter of Pi LambEthsl, of Denver are visiting with | da Phi vtill give a formal house party their two daughters and sons-in-laws, i at their house New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mrs. E. Levinson and Mr. and r After a midnight banquet at one of Mrs. John Beber. the downtown hotels, the guests will return to the fraternity houseMr. Samuel M. Goldberg, Denver attorney, advisor of the Denver A. Z. Mr. Julius Bisno, assistant execuA. and national deputy of the order tive secretary of the A. Z. A., left for Colorado and Wyoming, stopped Tuesday morning for St. Paul-Minneoff in Omaha' Monday and Tuesday apolis, Superior, and Duluth. He will on his way to New York, visit with the A. Z. A. chapters in this territory. Mrs. M. H. Pessen entertained the semi-monthly Bridge club at her home There will be no meeting of the last Monday. The next meeting will Civics and Legislation Study group of be held at the home of Mrs. Henry the Council of Jewish Women on Jan. Madoff of Council Bluffs on Dec 29. 1. The next meeting will be held at I the Blackstone hotel on Jan. 15. Miss Zelda Safersteen, who attends The Parent Education class will the University of Nebraska, -arrived meet at the home of Mrs. David Feder to spend the holiday vacation "with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Safer- Friday, Jan. 3.

Miss Lillian Gould of Brooklyn be- A Chanukab. program \rill be given me- thellbride of Mr. Chester W. by the Senior and. Junior Daughters" Friedman,!; assistant manager of a of Zion at the Jewish Community local theatre, at the lorne of Eabbi Center at 8 o'clock Monday evening, A b r a h a m J B e n g i s l a s t S a t u r d a y e v e - Dec 30. ; n i n g . ' Jj<: ' :••'; ••-.•••••'' •'-""• - ".'• An excellent "program \rith Rabbi is • ... . \ Abraham Bengis as principal speaker Mr. ain$ Mrs. ; J.. Adler announce i a s been arranged, and. a good time steen. the Bar IffiLtzvah and confirnmti.oii of their sm,'JMoms, on Saturday, Dec. 28.. The Celebration TV31 take place at the teihporary synagogue at 15i3

h a s been assured. T h e public1 i s i n v i t e d * - •. •':•' . " •'•' ••••• : :•

The U. T. Club of Central High School gave a formal dancing party Thursday evening at the Blackstone Mr. and!Mrs. Joseph Haykui were Hotel, with the Creightonian Orchesthonored s | a surprise p a r l y given a t ra furnishing the music -.About:.80 their homii Sunday evening bjr tbsir guests attended. children, on t h e occasion of there 35th wedding Anniversary. T w e n t y - s i x Meyer A. Braude, son of Mr. sand guests were present. • ••'•• . Mrs. M. Braude, appointed student in Mr. and Mrs. Haykin have four the United States Military Academy children, :JDavid of Jamaica, Nt1 Y., at "West Point, -will spend the holiday Harry, Btiss find Ialyan of Omaha, vacation with his brother-in-law and and three! grandchildren. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Reiss of Baltimore, Md. Miss Gfenevieve Xeinwald of ChiMrs. Eeiss was formerly-Miss Cecago arrived-yesterdaymorning for a cilia Braude of this city. two-week» v i d t with Mr.*. and Mrs. Irvin Staiinaster. Many affairs eomWilliam Wolfe is home from the pllmentinfi Mies Reinwald a r e being University of Iowa for the holiday • p l a n n e d , j j -:. - . • : • •'•••• •• ''••.•.-;,•; • vacation. He made the freshman debate team at the University this year.

. H o . 24th.-jj

'.- .,..,•;••'.•:

. - . , . .•.••':. '.•;•;..


Mr. and Mrs. fiarry Iiapldus, while travelling: ithroogh i i e east, visited Mrs. I. Berkowitz entertained with theit son,^ lEari, wio is a student at a buffet supper and dance at her home Annapolis^ irfiey will be home tte Wednesday in. honor of Miss Helen H. early partiof January. "KftTn^ri of, Witchita, Kans.) and Miss

Misa Celia -Rositeky.of St..Joseph, MMata -Greenberger of (Sand Island, •', . .;. -. :.: - - . • . - ;. ••• • Mo., is the guest of "the Misses Ann N e b r . Miss Kamen is a student at Stephand Faye!fGerelick daring ttie holi- ens College, Mo., and Miss Greenberg: d a y s . ' • •;/ -• •. , •. : "• -- • ' er is & student at -the University of Hiss Ida Turner, daughter of Mr. l?efciraska and a member of the Alpha and Mrs. i l . Tomer, left Tttesday for Eho Alpha sorority^ Brooklyn, |New York, where she will Among the guests were included make herJfutere iome. She was ac- members, of .the Sigma Alpha Mu ffaternifcy, of which Mr. Milton Berkcompanied! by her mother, •yr'Hb o-witz, son of Mr. and Mrs. L Berkowitz, is a member. v Many entertainments are being 5Bs5 Eether Znsmsn left for- Chicago Sunday^ She will visit with the planned for Misses Kamen and Green* Misses 5ofife>and Edith Schwartz over berger, who will be the guests of Mrs. Berkowite during the school vacation. the holidfiys. :



Mesdames J. lintzman and Michael Silverman •will be hostesses to a card party, to be given in honor of the Alpha Eho Alpha sorority of. the University of Nebraska at the J.C. C on Jan. 2. All students of the University are invited as well as the general public

The Jewish Women's Welfare Organization will celebrate their twentyfifth anniversary on Jan. 7 with a luncheon at the Paxton, followed by a specially-arranged program and tea at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Louis Eichards of San Jose, Calif., who was the first presndent of the organization when it started twenty-five years ago, came to Omaha specially for this occasion. All those unable to attend the luncheon are urged to be present at the program.

Maurice Nathanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H..E. Nathanson, of Estherville, Iowa, formerly of Omaha, won first place in his local and "Sectional Iowa high school declamation contests held The Ladies' Free Loan Society will this month. Maurice is present edit- meet at the Jewish Community Center or-in-chief of the Estherville high on Tuesday, Dec. 31, instead of Wedschool annual and is also a member of nesday. the National Honor Society. The next meeting of the Leaders' Mrs. Sam Berkowitz is convalescing club will be held on Monday, Dec 30. at the Nicholas Senn hospital from a It is very important that all club recent operation. leaders and club presidents as well as Sunday School teachers be present at Miss Sarah Tretiak was hostess at this meeting. a party of the Post-confirmation club held Saturday evening. Ten couples Let us be of good cheer, rememberwere present. ing that the misfortunes hardest to The evening was spent with games, bear are those which never come.— Bunco, and refreshments. Miss Alta Lowell. Hirsch and Mr. Isadore White won the prizes.


The Sisterhood of Temple Israel will hold open house from 2 to 5 o'clock on Monday afternoon, Jan.^6, in the vestery room of the Temple. Eefreshments will be served. -• ' This meeting will be preceded by a board meeting at one o'clock. Mrs. Therese Scanners is in charge of the afternoon.. . . . The winner of the quilt ^will hfe announced at this time. AH members are urged to make up tables or come to spend a sociably afternoon.

Bi-Lingual Oratory Children's Chanukah Contest Scheduled Program This Sunday Louis M. Shanok, assistant executive secretary of the J. C C> has announced a suggested list of sub* jects for the bi-lingttal oratorical contest to be held on January 22. A gold medal will be awarded to the winner of both the Yiddish and English divisions. The list include: "Jewish Education, a Decisive Factor in Jewish Survival"; "The Jewish Community Center, a Unifying Factor in Ats&tican Israel"? "Erett Yisroel as fe Spiritual Center of World Jewry"; "Jewish Contributions to the Pounding and Developing of Oar Cotmtry"; "World Significance of tire Hebrew University of Palestine"; "The Nordic Theory, a Myth"; "Israel's Mira* culous Survival"; "The Jew in World Peace"; "An Outstanding Jewish Pei-sonality" (a historical tharacter or a leader in contemporary Jewish life). All contestants and their subjects must be turned • in by January 15. If anyone wishes to speak on anyi other subject, permission can be obtained by calling Mr. Sfe&nok*

I Ticket*," , y e m t a , m & 1 * tblaineff from office?* of the organisation or &f the Schmollsr md MveR

A children's Chahuk^j pfogr&tn will b* present**! in the Communitj•Center auditorium this Sunday afternoon starting at £:S0. The Effelf is being sponsored jointly by thft Jk C. C- Sunday echo&l &nd the children of the Talmad Tomh. The program will include severs! short addresses, community singing by the children, recitations, l d ,l "i al solos, and « plaj", "Pictures Out ot the Past". • •' • AU children atteaditig the Talmud Torah or Sunday School vrtil be presented with a small Chttnukah gift.

Uf Co. up

e*cl«nck Menttay • » • -

The radio, & new Pftfleo all-electric, low-boy model, retails; for th« Paris (J. T. A.)-~0flk{af announcetraent of the prolongation for another three yeio-s of the working kfffefctaent for siding Jewish immigfanti between the Jc-w-ish Colonization A»soei&tion and the Emigtiirekt, w»» tnade here todaj*. The present agreement, which expire*; in April 1980, -will be exteadad to 1933.

Daughters of Zion to Give Radio Dec. 30 The Daug-htet* of JSion Vriil give away a radio on Mondtey, Dec. 36, for the benefit of the Palestine Emerge ency Fund. The radio, which was j donated by She Sdhmelks and Mueller Piaft© Co.* is on dieplay &t the pany*s wErerooms et 15th and

Education Committee Meets Last Monday The education committee of the Talmud Torah held its first meeting at the J. C. C. Monday evening. The group accepted a six-year progressive program and curriculum of Jewish educational work presented by Rabbi Abraham Bengis. Rabbi Bengis also mads several other important recommendations which were also accepted, including the organization of a Parent-Teachers Association and provision for a more systematic administration of the Talmud Torah work. •• Mr. Judah Wolson, Talmud Torah principal, also gave a report.

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| tEGAIJJNQTICES -?T© M w . HlOttncelJTYMcox: 1

• Notice Is" herubs! given 'that on tbo 15th '•Sas ot-January 21)30 at the fcour ol 10:00 • A - M . at the l>djrd Lister Hospital the undersigned "will ecll-at auction the following described!! property, to-wit: one ladles' .volte golf dinner ring set with diamonds, sold ring having been pledged , to the undersigned to secure payment of a hospital 'bill for services'rendered the said .t'forence Wilcor. Xhe amount - due the said Lord Utter Hospital* is tbe sum of, $230.45 and satd ring will be sold to satisfy said claim. . LOKD MSTBR HOSPITAL." • ,' • > -DecI9-3t SA3IKXAVEK 615 Omaha Nat. Blc Bid*. '• 'I CUT PROBATE NOTICE In the matter pi the estate of Morris Eelzer, deceased. ' L Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of- paid deceased will, meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge ol Donglas, County, Nebraska, at the County Court Boom, in said County, on the 14th day1 of February, 3930, and on the 14th day of April, 1830, at 8 o'clock a. in., each day; for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months awr allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 31th day ot January, 1930. 1 BSICB CRAWFORD, ' -Dec 20—St. ' Count; Judge. KAXXEMAN & GBODINSKY .Attorneys ..,, ' National Bank Buldlnff NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO AHTICX.ES OF XNCOBFOBATION OF LOUIS 80MMEB, INCORPOBATED Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of IiOUIS SOMMER, INCOBPOB,ATED, held on the oth day of November, 1929, at which meeting all stockholders •were present and voted that Article TV of the Articles of Incorporation was amended \o read as follows : The total authorized capital stock is $120,000.00, divided into 1300 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, of which 570,000.00 shall be common stock and . ?50,O00.0O preferred stock, and which shall be fully paid when issued - and non-assessable. The preferred stock -. shall be entitled to preference over the common stock as to dividends at the rate of eight;per cent per annum, pay. able annually and shall be cumulative and shall have a preference over the common stock in any distribution of assets, and a the said preferred stock or any portion thereof shall be subject to redemption at the option of the company upon the vote of not less .than the majority In interest of• the - outstanding1 stock and. notice of such Intention o£ the company to redeem the said preferred stock or any portion thereof BtaaJl be mailed to the holder of such share or shares so to be redeemed to their last known address, at least 30 days before: the date of redemption'.upon the payment by the company to' the holder of such share or shares so, to be redeemed, any dividends unpaid to the date of redemption plus the price per share as follows: If redeemed; within five years, $110.00 per share; the sixth year, $109.00 per share; the; seventh year, $108.00 per share; the, eighth year, $107.00 per . share; the ninth year, $106, per share: the tenth year, $105.00 per share and any year thereafter, $105.00. (The balance- of said Article to remain unr changed.) ., l LOUIS SOMMER. IN LOUIS SOMSIER, INCORPORATED, By IiOUIS SOMMEK, President, JACK "W. MABER. Secretary. WITNESS i! H. MAEQUAKDT. Dec. 13—4T.;.

J. J. FREEDMAH, ATTOBKEY 53* Peters Trust Bide-, Cltr NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETITION FOB SETTLEMENT OF SXNAL ABMINISTHATIOK ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In tbe Matter of the'Estate of Verald Alexander, deceased; •*" All persons interested In said matter are hereby notified. that; on the 21st day of December, 1929, Ada Alexander Hamilton filed a-petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account Wed herein, bo settled and allowed, and that sbe bo discharged from her trust as administratrix and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 18th day of January, 1930. and that if you fail' to appear before said Court on the said 18th day of January, 1G30, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said .petition, tbe Court m a y grant the prayer ot said petition, enter a decree of helrship, and make such other, and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BETCE CBA\TOORD, Dec. 27—3t. County Judge.

HABRX B. COHEN, ATTORNEY t 787 Omaha National Bank Bldjr. 1 NOTICE Is hereby given that a corporation has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is SHAPIRO-BRANDT, ISC. The principal'place of transacting its business, ia In the City of Omaha, l>ouglas County, Nebraska. The objects and purposes of this corporation are: (a) To buy, sell, trade, or deal in any kind, or kinds of goods, wares and merchandise and' to carry, on a general Jobbing business, (b) To own. and operate stores for the purpose of carrying on a general merchandise business and for the sale and distribution of any kind, or kinds of goods, wares and merchandise, (c) To purchase, lease, hire and otherwise acquire real and personal property of every kind and description, and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage, manage, operate, or otherwise deal in or dispose of any and all of said property, (d) To borrow money and to Issue evidence of indebtedness therefor, (e) And to tjo anything and everything necessary to accomplish the purposes for which this corporation is organized. The authorized capital stock of the corporation is $10,000, divided into J00 shares, the par value oi which is $100 per share. All of said stock shall be .fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation may accept personal property at its reasonable value as fiipa X>? the Board of Directors, in payment for stock. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the articles with the County Clerk ot Douglas County, Nebraska, and' shall continue to January l, 2030. The highest amount of indebtedness on liability to which the corporation shall at any one time subject itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. This restriction does not apply to notes, bonds, debentures, or other obligations, payment of which is secured by the transfer of real estate or other interests by trust deed or mortgage when the property or.interests SO transferred shall exceed the ntnount of the secured indebtedness at least 40%. This restriction does not apply to any guarantee made for the payment of any notes, bondB, debentures or other obligations transferred by it, where the same nre secured by transfers of property or interests BB above indicated. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors composed of not less than two nor more than five members. Amendments to these articles may be made at any annual meeting of the stockholders, or at a special meeting called lor that purpose, two-thirds of all stockholders in interest voting for such amendments. The corporation shall have a seal. Dated this 20th day of December, 1929.

Sports (Continued from Page 2) lin and Manny Goldberg led the winners while Yaffe and Jakey Shriebman "kept the Century boys in thi fore. The playing of the entire 100 team was great, only the fact that they were ap against a fast playing team that has been well coached kept them from victory.

The A. Z. A. 1 and the Peerless are deadlocked for the lead and probably will continue in that manne. 'til they meet in the last game of the first round. There will te no games next Wednesday nite, New Year's nite, the postponed games will be played at the conclusion of the first round of play. .

The Junior leagrue opened it's seaThe Kaplan Bargain Center took uor. Sunday afternoon when the Seia forfeit victory from the Segelman ] ner's with Candy, Wiener and Paul fi*-".1 when the latter failed to put inEogdonoff scoring at will hlasted all an appearance.. hopes of a happy start for the Maroon Juniors. The Seiner's rang up MONSKY, KATXmiAK & GUODINSKY, 21 points while the Maroon Juniors ATTORNEYS cl'alked up a measly 4. Mann made 137 Omaha Nat. Bfc. Bide NOTICE Is hereby given thnt at a duly th: only basket for the Juniors. constituted meeting of stockholders of the AlamltO pair? Company held on the 17th day of December, 1929. the Articles of Incorporation of the said Company were amended as follows: "With the assent in writing ot the holders of 80% of all the capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding, or pursuant to the rotes given in person or by proxy, by stockholders holding at least 80% of the Issued and outstanding stock of. the corporation whieh is represented and voted upon in person or by proxy at a meeting specially called for that purpose, or at an annual meeting, the Board of Directors shall have power and authority to sell, assign, transfer, convey, or otherwise dispose of, the property and assets of the corporation as an entirety or going concern on such terms and conditions- as the Board of Directors sholl deem fit, right and just, either for cash or bonds, or shares of capital stock of any corporation or corporations, or for any hind of species of property or obligation or securities." AI.AMIT0 DA1RT COMPANY By H. A. "WAHL, President. CHARLES E. MOYEU, Dec. 27—4t. Secretary.

SIONBKT, KATICEMAIT & GKODIKSKX Attorneys Omaha National Bank Building NOTICE OF ARTICH5S OF INCOBPOBATION OF XQtTIS SOStMEK, INCOEPOBATEB NoUee is hereby given that the undersigned, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, have formed a corporation, the name of which Is "LOUIS SOMMBlt, INCORPORATED" and Its principal place of business is in .the city of Omaha. The objectB for which this corporation is formed are to maintain and operate stores for the purposes of buying and selling at retail or wholesale all kinds of high grade meats, vegetables and other food products and household products of every nature and description, to purchase, lease, hire and otherwise acquire real and personal property of every kind and description and to sell, dispose of, lease, convey and mortgage any and all of the sold property, to borrow money and to do all other things necessary or Incident to the operation of its business. The authorized capital stock is $100,000.00 of which $70,000.00 shall be common stock and $30,000.00 preferred stock and which' shall be fully paid when issued and non-assessable. With the as'BABOtiD'W. BRANDT, sent in writing of the holders of G0% of all of the capital stock of the corporation VICTOR SHAPIRO, issued and outstanding or pursuant to the Iucorporators. votes given in person or by proxy by Witness: H. B. Cohen. 27tn and Slartha Sts. HArney 16a; stockholders holding at least 60%-of the Dec. 27—it. OMAHA. TfBBliASUA issued and outstanding stock of tbe corpSoft era; iron, brass, oronze ana oration which is represented and voted aluminum castings. Standard sizes upon in person or by proxy at a meeting All men commend patience, although oronza and iron bushings, sewer macspecially called for thnt purpose or at on notes, cistern rings And covers and annual meeting, the Board of Directors few are •willing to practice it.—KemMean-out doors in stock. AH kinds of shall have the power and authority to trood and metal patterns. sell, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise pis. dispose of the property and assets of tbe corporation aa an entirety and going concern, on such terms and conditions as to them shall seem fit and proper. The corporation shall commence business upon the " S A Y IT WITH F L O W E R S filing of the Articles of Incorporation In the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and Bhall continue until January 1st, 1979. Its highest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds "The Careful Florist" of its capital stock. -The affairs - of the JAckson 1906 corporation shall be administered by n 1804 FARNAM Board of Directors, which shall consist of not lgss than three nor more than five members, who shall be elected at the arinual meeting to be held on the second Tuesday In February of each year. T he Board shall from this number elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles may be amended at any regular meeting- of the stockholders or at any special meeting called for that purpose after ten days' notice of snch proposed amendment in writing has been mailed to all stockholders and upon the vote of two-thirds of the capital Btock. Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, Sept. 26,1929 I.OUIS SOMMEB. - HENRT MONSKY, _ ,„ J. W. JtABER, Bee. lor-4T Incorporators.

The Bee-News and the Bob-Cats staged as sweet a duel for an entire game and two extra periods as was ever played by the Commercial leaguers. "Midget" Shukert broke the tie with his basket after the Cats had staged a desperate rally which all but gave them the game. Sh'ikert, J. Temin and Abrams did the dirty work for the Newsies while the Slotkin brothers carried on for the Wild Pussies.

Those only deserve a monument who do not need one; that is, who have raised themselves & monument in the minds and memories of wan. —Hazlitt.




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