Interesting and \ Entertaining
the Jewish on** By Martin Goldr~".",*.-,
BARRYMORE TO BE Can you feature John Nordic build and ''a Perhaps you can't, V movies can, -For the idol.of\^ ica's womanhood is to play tfc"1 ' of Jew Siisa in a motion p production of "Power", the nov\..-"i>y lion vFeuchtwahger. One wonders how many Jewish girls will be reconciled to their JewiBh beaux when they see Barrymoro as Joseph Oppenheimer, "dourt Jew" of Wurtemberg. It's rather daring of Barrymore to reflect on his Nordicism by accepting so Jewish a role, in which thu Jewish - race?' is given so noble an interpretation.
The story about Barrymore was told me by Arthur Caesar' when he was in New York a few weeks ago. Caesar knocked about the cabarets of New York for* many years and all the recognition he got was the title of."King of Gab". .His Jewish wit was always appreciated but 'never paid for. - But when "the talkier" • arrived Caesar found his future. One of the first "talkies" made was a movie version of his one-act play, "Napoleon's. Barber". That was two years -ago. .Today Arthur Caesar is at the top. For it "is he who will write the dialogue for John Barrymore in "Power". As Barrymore said: "Haw else can one get brilliant Jewish conversation' except through the master of them all, Arthur -Caesar?"
Entered as eecond-ciass mall matter on January 27, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 1870.
#>!.% U •*r
Delegates Chosen Orthodox Jews .Wreck COMMISSION ENDS Local for Council's Triennial NEW ANTI-SEMITIC Sport Club in Warsaw] Members of Auxiliary Adopt '' u EXCESSES OCCUR INVESTIGATION OF The Jewish Press in-Every" . THROUGH EUROPE ALESHE RIOTS an Will.Now Determine Causes of Outbreaks and Frame Recommendations
Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Omaha section of the Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. L. M. Cohn and Mrs. Charles Rosewater are the delegates to the Triennial Convention of the National Council of Jewish Women which meets in Los Angeles, January 12 to 17. . ' Mrs. Samuel Gerson, Mrs. N. P. Feil and Mrs. Theb. Mayer are alternates to the Triennial. Mrs, A. Bolker is a visitor from Omaha to this convention. Mrs. Kulakofsky, through an invitation from Mrs. George Goldsmith, president of the Los Angeles section, will be present at the Western Interstate Conference which meets in Los Angeles three day's preceding the Triennial, January 8, 9 and. 10. ".
Warsaw {J. T. A.)—la connection j with the fight that the ultra-orthodox j "Agudath Yisrael" has been conducting for a long time to evict the Most of Rioting- Is Led by Jewish sport club "Bar-Cochba" from Ruthless University the building owned by the Kehillah Students::" ' ,:: .- of the Warsaw suburb, Praha, a (J. T. A.) New grave anti-Semitic group of Jews, under the leadership "With "The Jewish Press in' veck is an indicator, the success' riots occurred in Austria, Hungary of Wordecai Baal-Teshubah raided Every Home in Omaha" as their of the*Auxiliary's efforts- Is a s and Roumahia during ;the past week. the office of the club and destroyed slogan, the members of the Lad- sured.. '• • ',• * Anti-Semitic students demonstrated everything there, including the libies' Auxiliary of the ConservaThe Jewry of Omaha are exin the streets, attacked Jewish pass-1 r a r y .
Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) The Palestinian ' Inquiry Commission which has been investigating the August riots in the Holy Land, has completed its examination of "witnesses for the tive Synagogue have gotten off] pected to respond, rmamimotisly Arabs, the Palestine administration ers-by, injuring many, ,.at. Bucharest, The "Agudah" has been fighting to an auspicious start in their j to' the campaign by the Ladies' and the Zionist's. The commission according to reports-received from the sport club, because it considers campaign"for Jewish Press sub-; Auxiliary because it serves • a will now seek to "determine just what thore. These reports State that hoo- it an anti-religious organization. scribers. two-fold good — it aids the the causes of the outbreaks were ligans invaded Bucharest studio theaThe next day all members of' the worthy cause of the ConservaThese women are conducting and what -the future policy of the tres, threw "stink-bonibs", and in- Bar-Cochba club assembled for a tive Auxiliary and it brings: the' the drive in order to raise funds 1 British government should be in. Paterrupted the performances. Jewish demonstration in front of the ofto carry out their organization's1j Jewish Press to your hoiae week lestine. stores were looted. ;^\ fice of the Kehillah. work, the Jewish Press having jin and week out, for fifty-two' The mair.., Bucharest military gar-; In a valedictory' message to the offered to pay the group $1,000 weeks of the year. rison was called out; to help the people of Palestine, the members of plus individual prizes, should the • The Jewish Press wants."you; pclice, suppress the rEots. ••', : the Palestine Inquiry Commission td be a-subscriber to the paper, campaign be a success. For the first time a non-Jewish declared that their hope- of getting not merely as a -donation of "the Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairman deputy submitted aii", -interpellation full confidence and cooperation from subscription price, but on the. of the campaign, states that the regarding Jewish excesses- in Eouall parties to the investigation, a 1 merits of the publication. The workers are very enthusiastic NOAH WAS ALSO A JEW inania, when Professor, IJaszanu dehope expressed at the first session Jewish Press points out the folabout the proposition and are A sense of humor is not a recent of the commission, had been real- Here Specially for 25th Anni- clared in parliament that the antiDemands Resignation of Execulowing' reasons why you should working hard to put It across. versary of WomenV Welacquisition of the Jews, if we are ized. Semitic students "desecrate the name tives Because They Oppose subscribe, reasons which cannot The women of the Auxiliary will fare Organization to believe the following story con- "We feel that vre take home not of Rouxnania. abroad.",. • • Jewish State be overemphasized: call at all of the Jewish homesI • me by a spiritualistic med- merely a record of the recent tragic The French ambassador who demin the city in order to make a The Jewish Press is your sole WAS FmST PRESIDENT onstratively . left the Koumania naium. events which have marred the hisJerusalem (J. T. A.)—Saying that complete canvass. means of keeping: in touch with the A boastful American had been ad- tory of this: country, but material tional theatre when a riot started, In next week's issue of the progress of your people, the JewiBh ' mitted to heaven and was talking which should -be most helpful to us Mrs. Louis Richards of San Jose, called on Premier Mania to discuss a Jewish state was demanded by Harry Sacher, and by Dr. Chairn Jewish Press the participants! people— of-the wonders of his country Noth- iii our analysis of the causes of California, first president of the incident. Weizmann, president of the World Jewish Women's Welfare OrganizaIt is your only medium for obtain• ing in the world could compare with those events and suggestions of the, Jewish passengers on a train go- Zionist Organization, in the negota- and their individual standings t i o n w h e n lfc will be announced. ing all local »nd national Jewish Niagara Falls, he said. highest value from individuals and started twenty-five ing to Czerriowitz were fined for tions preceding the issuance of the The campaign will last one news— An old," bearded man, standing persons of representative organizapulling the emergency cord' when Balfour Declaration, Vladimir Jamonth, ending on January SI. It promotes Jewish interest*-— snickered. tions as to the steps to h taken to attacked by anti-Semites. Soldiers botinsky, in a speech here before The drive will swing into full It developes a Jewish conscious ' The American turned to him vehe- avoid a recurrence of such outbreaks. on board failed to intervene.. six thousand people reminded the force next week, and if the past mently. "Perhaps you don't consider ness— .•••'..'.'• audience, that Lord Balfour and eight "thousand cubic feet of water It pivep yor and your family & orv of her parents—Mr. anS Mrs, Lord Robert Cecil had likewise borne Kasnick, brother—Louis Ensnick, : a second-a lot. of water?" Upon re- H. Mendelson to Address Dr. Uris of Palestine ir ci"Tcnt Jpwa^h history—in ceiving a negative reply from the old Jewish Thought League i mind a Jewish state to be formed \i wiK eTSftM? you t« intelligently to Speak Wednesday' man he inquired: "May I ask your, .•-•...-.-... -.. . , The Mandate, he stated* stressed ; HT3£&.N OBEESBBRO, in meriorr name?" teach J'O1> tk*. 8PgW«r 1*0 On.Tuesday, January 7, at 8:15 ^ t * * t SS. t -a tt tf ef rea a» ttafal iVf l S . V«S «« «ni b n b«« tt ff ff ii KK^fS f S "~ the -'elder, Mr." Karry Mendelson will' speak oh COHEX, in inerocry «f her mother—Eiia t at a mass meeting at thp Jewish h o m e ; . g ^ e v e a the .famous White Cohen; HOSE TOIISEM, in memory of |-IK ; ^ j]s • i n e r the subject of 'iAchad Ha'am and a i4 l rOWr t . ; •"Noah!" Tousem, mother—iiollie j - *•" Community Center auditorium W e d - | P a p e r of-10,22 did not forbid or can- father—Joseph Totisem, Mr. snrt Mrs. Jacob Marks; o f Judaism— Cultural Center in Palestine" at the Jud DID YOU KNOW THAT nesday evening, January 8, at 8 tradict the idea of a Jewish state. meeting of the Jewish Thought It will enlarge yo«r knowledge of Kenneth McKenna, the povie star, League at the Center. o'clock. The public has been invited The leader of the Zionist Revision* j and Jo Mielzimer, the scenic artist, "Mr. Mendelson's five years ex-' to -attend the meeting, which will ists, Jabotinsky, protested against the Dave Simon; j o s s . o. c. GOLBNEB. in It wi!3 give yon the modern trend arc brothers, and that both are the perience in Palestine enables him to also be addressed by Rabbi Abraham continuance in office of the present memory of her perentF—Mr. snd Mrs. of Jewish thought— •Wolfenson; MKS. NATHAN SXMON, in sons of Leo Mielzimer, the noted por- speak on this subject with a great, Bengis of the Conservative Syna- Zionist Executive, because, he said, memory of her mottipr—Etta Kose Marcus. It will widen yonv Jewish horiaon - trait painter, and also the grandsons deal of ability. He has interesting WILLIAM ALBERTS, in memory of hie the members have refused to change father-in-law—Pincnis gogue. and viewpoint. Levingon ; MBS. of the late Prof. Moses Mielziner, at stories of the life.of the Palestinian Dr. Uris is heading a delegation their attitude, though it is extremely AH local subscriptions mailed to the oiu time President of the Hebrew Jew which will make this meeting of the Histadruth which arrived from harmful to Zionism and has brought S^Mr Jewish Press office, 4P0 Brandeis the Holy Land two weeks ago Union College-in Cincinnati? the present situation in Pal- . LONDON; (Coimcii Bluffs), in memory Theatre Bldg» before January SI will a very interesting one,'' Mr. Louis is touring the country. The Histaj Jacob Epstein, the famous sculptor, Shanok, assistant executive secretary to the Auxiliary. druth represents all of the Chalutzim Declaring that the present time, -who was born in Russia, emigrated of the J. C C, stated. father—A. G. Kaiman, mother—Miriam in Palestine and finds employment when England's conscience is bother- Kaiman; H. A. RES3TICK, in memory of to America and now lives in Eng- Everyone is invited to attend. A father—Max Eesnick, brother—-J fike j for Jewish immigrants to^the Holy ing her because of the recent riots, his land, joined the Jewish Legion dur- general discussion *will follow Mr. Kesnick; 3ERS. DORA ROSENBLATT, 1n Land. memory of her grandmother— Kiffca Shering the war, but oncehe had donned Mendelson's presentation. Mrs. Louis Richards was the opportune time to demand man -, KBS. S. FABBER, in memory of her The Palestinian orator is wellthe uniform, became a conscientious legitimate rights for the Jews, he daughter—Hannah Rifka Farber. years ago, will be guest of honor J. J. FBIE1DKAK, in memory ° ' objector and quit the army? at the celebration of the twenty-fifth known in this country, having made urged the formulation of a full and herMBS. parents—Mr. find Mrs. X. KrupBS'w. . Diego Revera, Mexico's greatest Auxiliary dignified program which might be sister—Augusta Krupssw; SAM TABS- Circle to i anniversary of the organization on a similar tour a few years ago. OFF, in memory of his father—Anthar, artist, is a Jew? considered worthy of Britain's polit- Tarnoff. Meet On Moilday Tuesday, January 7. Mrs.' .Richards mother—Eva Tamofi; MBS. The newly-elected officers of the JOKX FERER, in memory of her mother Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president ox Vienna. {J.T.A.) A number of cal eifforts. came to Omaha especially for this —Sarah Shapiro: M"RS. 5. HAHN, in mem- Omaha Hebrew Club will be officially the World Zionist Organization, and ory of her eon—Hyman Hahn; I. MTTKJewish leaders of the Austrian HeimThe Ladies Auxiliary Circle of the occasion. in memory of his father—Davin installed at the next meeting of the ' Samuel Weizmann, leader in the Conservative Synagogue will meet) A luncheon will be given at the wehr have quit the Viennese divi- Warsaw. (J.T.A.) Sadowa street WITZ. Hnrwiti. mother—Leah Hnrwitss; I. in memory of his father—Morris organization, Sunday afternoon, Jan. movement to settle Jews in Biro- next Monday, January 6, at 2:30 at ; Blackstone Tuesday noon and will sion of the Heimwehr because of the in the township' of Baranowiczy has .SWAKTZ, Swsrts. fetheT-in-lfi-wr — Isaac Gatemnn. 5, at the Jewish Community Center. Bidjan, Siberia, are brothers, and the J. C. C. Gnfeman; MRS. M. ! be followed by. a speciallyrarranged growth of anti-Semitic tendencies. been renamed I. L. Peretz street, mother-in-law—B. SILTERMAIf. in memory of her hnsbfsnci The officers elected are: Sam E. that in theory they are enemies al-, Mrs. A. Silverman has, been made program and tea at the Jewish Conl- Some Christian artisans quit the after the famous Yiddish writer of —Michnel Silve.rmnn; TOBIK SII/TEK- Klaver, president; Mark X'olonsky, 3IAS, in honor of her daughter-—Elaine though personally great friends? Heimwehr for the same reason. chairman of "the" Auxiliary's Religion munity Center at 3 o'clock, that name. Silverman, daughter—Hndnss=nh Silvermart: vice-president; Sol Rosenberg, eec•\TKS. T I L U E SMEBMAK, in memory of committee, to cooperate with Rabbi A NOTE FOR THE her father—Joseph Feldman, mother— retary; John Feldman, treasurer. A. Bengis in conducting the classes. Rebecca FeWmiin; A. B. AX.FIRN, in Trustees: JEWISH HISTORIAN Hyman Oruch, Morris memory of his father—Moshe Alpirn. At the meeting Monday she • will mother—Hnna «oldie Alpirn. Brandeis. and Jerome Kulakofsky. During the past- week the follow- present a paper on the Dietary Laws. Max Fromkin will install the new ing items were reported: -f Mrs. John Beber will lead the disiassTKocheT Alloy; MRS. jr. ABRAMSOS. heads, J. Riklin is the outgoing Harriet, daughter of S. W. Straus, cussion of current events. in memory of her parents—Joseph unit the "mortgage king" of America, At the last class Mrs. E. A. Meyer Sarah Yonsem, mother-in-law—Mrs. J. president. Abrahamson: lOCIS MAS6OLIK, in. memRefreshments will be served folwas married to Vladimir de Rachev- presented a paper on Chanukah, and ory of his mother—Minnie Margolin; MRS, BORA DIAMOXD, in memory of her hus- lowing the installation Sunday. sky, brother-in-law of Grand Duke Mrs. A. Weinstein led the Jewish The Siyum Hasefer ceremony at the tion to perpetuate the lofty heritage JACK LINCOLN, in memory of his band—Sam Diamond; MK. FRED GOOIJBoris of Russia. mother—Sophie Lincoln, father-in-lavr—J. MAS, in memory of his -wife—Fnnnie current event discussion. The Circle j . c . O . Sunday night, celebrating the x>f our people." J. Simon, brotner^—Htfrry Lincoln, brother- Goodman: DR. I. jBELZER, in memory of Albert I. Elkus, one of San Franin-law—Arthur Simon; E. SIKTER, in his mother—Terta Belzer; MRS. B. K I U memory of his father—Isaac Meyer, mother MAU, in memory of her mother—Fruma Center Orchestra Scores Most Priceless Treasure cisco's most eligible bachelors and meets the first and third Monday of 'official presentation^ of two tbrahs to —Tobie Meyer, mother-in-law — Sarah London, mother-in-law—Reenel Millman. j the Conservative Synagogue, was a Hit in Chanukah Rally. a cousin of Mrs. Mischa. Elman, was every month. SAM BLOOM, in memory of his father— Rabbi Bengis said that "we have Gross; JOE GOLDWAKE, in memory of Velvil Bloom, mother—Hnnsi Bloom, mothbrother — Morris Goldware; DAVE success from every angle. An come to the realization that our Torah his engaged to Florence Elizabeth Brit- Upon the. request of many of the ( g STEIN, in memory of his mother—Etta er-in-law—Shorn. Diamond, brother— MiehBloom; 'S. TSOSiNSKX, in memory of Auxiliary members, RabbiinBengis is (audience of approximately 800 crowd- is our most priceless treasure. It is Stein; MOKKIS MILBEK, in honor of nl ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George conducting The Jewish Communty Center a short class reading mother-in-law—Sose Bushman; A. his wife—Hani Kosinsky; MRS. I«OTIS edd into the auditorium, many having the inspiration to the world's greatest his Britton of London, England. KOSENBI..ATT, in memory of PiniaF Symphony Orchestra of 35 pieces, HTHAN, (Minot, N. I).), in memory of i d and writing Yiddish. These will fol- to stand up. wife—Elizabeth Hyman; EI>. GIL- Tatle; I. H. ROSENBLATT, in memory of One wonders how the population low the regular meeting of- the minds, the constitution of -our people, his BERT, in memory of his father—Morris his father—H. Rosenblatt. Filter—Anna under the direction of Mr, Frank Gilbert, Gilbert; E55IL Margoiis: KIVKA KESNICK, in memory A new scroll was given by Mr. and of American Jewry continues to in- group. the spiritual ideal which has enabled SINGES, brother—Tevish in memory of his mother— Dob- of Mas Resnick; A. MIROFF, in memory Mach, scored a great hit &t its Mrs. Mose Yousem, in memory of our . people to survive through all be ' crease despite the increase in interSinger, brother—Philip Singer; MRS of Max Kesnick. Jnke Kesnick. initial appearance at the Chanijkah. ABNEB KAlMAJf, .in memory of her Mrs. Yousem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. these centuries." marriage. JACK >T. MARBR, in memory or his rally Thursday night ®fc the J. C. C, father— Bernard Simon, mother— Jennie mother.—Zali Marer; S. SII/VJEKMAJf; Its rendition of Brahm'e Hungarian Council pf Women. Jacob Marks. The other torah, a Sam Beber, president of the Con- Simon, brother—Ed. Simon. THE APPROPRILATE . family heirloom written in the old gregation, presided over the affair. MRS. ABE SOSIBEKG, in memory of her Dance No. 5 deserves special menSCULPTOR Newman, mother—Zali NewThe Current Topics Course spon-' country by a pious scribe on thei skin He stated that where formerly Amer- father—Morris man; IRVIN STALMASTER, in honor Faik Faik, mother — Jjttlia Faik; 3«. tion as the audience quickly wanned An ironist .with a deep sense of sored by the Council of Jewish o.f unborn calves, was donated by .Mr. of his son—Lyiin. Stalmsster; GAIL MAR- BBODV, in memory of his father—Torn to its gypsy swing. GOLIN, in memory of his father-in-law— Brody; MKS. DAVE STESS, in honor oi humor recently launched a.movement Women will'meet'at the-Community and Mrs. Louis Margolin, in memory ican Jews were looked upon with ask- Heniach mother-in-law—Hose her father—Menclnl Heraberst, mother— The first concert of the season by ance, today there is a -distinct sort of •Friedmnn: Friedman, JOB COHN, in memory of his Vitel Herzbnrp; GOLD IB SWBMAN, in to build a monument to Immigration Center .Tuesday, January 7," 10:30 of--Mr. Margolin's mother. mother-in-law—Tcbie Herman, father — honor of her *atber—Morris SflJdmnti, the Symphony Orchestra will be Jewishness arising, and the. Conserva- at Battery Park, Manhattan. The a. m.- Sabbi Frederick Cohn conducts Jacob Cohn: J. H. KULAKOFSKY, in mother — Esther SeSdman; BERNICE tive SynagogOe is an expression of memory of his father—Yeehiel Michae! Kui- VOt'SESt, in honor of her pnrents—Mr. given' on Tuesday, January '28 at the Luncheon Served -*! monument will be a 200-foot shaft this course. afcofskv; I. ROSENBLATT, in memory of and Mrs. Moae Yonsem. ! Center Auditorium and tickets are his grandmother—Miriam Glickman: MBS. "standing as a gesture' of gratitude" . The Parent Education Class will. . Through the' courtesy of Mr. and that Jewishness. MKS. E, A. RIKl'lSR, in memory of her! now on sale at the Jewish ComJ. HINGLE, in memory of M. Honheit, brother—Sot Ginsbisrjr; MRS; TANKIEProgram ' Sallie Davis; HABBT SANFOKB, (Sioux SEHiXXMAN* In memory of her jrranrt._ to immigrants of the past and a meet at the home of Mrs. David Mrs. Margolin, a bountiful buffet mother— Rifka Lrf?n Weselman; MKS. I*. munity Center and by members Of greeting to those of the future." Peder, Friday, Januar 10 at 10:30.. luncheon was served by the members Cantor E. Selz entertained the aud- city), is. honor of Louis Margolin. I>*VE COHN, in memory of his fntner- «HERXA>', in honor of Mrs. Fiinnie the orchestra, Appropriately enough, the person Mrs. Eva Morse conducts this class., of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Con- ience with several Yiddish melodies. in-law—Julius Lewis; DR. L IJANSKT, in • This event will feature a violin who will mold this monument comes memory of his father—Abraham Oansfcy. j servative Synagogue, following the in- He was accompanied by. Mrs. Sam father-in-law—Morris Brodkey; WILLIAM I?" from a people which proportionately ' • CONSERVATIVE' BOARD I scription ceremony. Beber. Mrs. Margaret Bellman sang HOLZMAN; HAKBT A. WOLF; MRS. n ^ HOSE TOUSEJt, in memory of her brother BAKRlfii SIRS. MINNIE KNEETEE; G. 'suffers, most from the immigration The next regular board meeting of; In his address Eabbi Abraham several classical vocal selections, ac- —Harry Marks; SAM COHN, in memory of WASELMAN. On. Wednesday evening, January restrictions. Victor Frisch, noted the Conservative Synagogue will be Bengis pointed but that this ceremony companied by Miss Margaret Hurwite. his mother—Ethel Cohn; 3JBS. LOUIS 8, the Social Workers Club, composed MARGOLIN, in memory of her father— .Jewish sculptor, has been engaged held next Tuesday at 8:15 p. m. at at the present time is of especial sig- A total of 31,929 was raised by the Louis Bernstein, mother—Fannie Bern- Berlin. (J.T^.,) Hans .Schaeffer, cf the leading social workers of the the Jewish author of the federal stein; DAVE EPSTEIN, in meniory of his for the task, which' is expected to fchs J. C. C. " jnificance. "Now," he stated, "when selling of the letters to complete the Epstein, father-in-law— city, both Gentile and Jewish, will be,' finished within two years—by Dr. Philip Sher will conduct a there are such material allurements, a torah, the letters being inscribed in father—Benjamin Aaron Katleman; MKS. M. BROBKEY, In fcome economic law and a Palestine memory of her parents—Mr. an<i Mrs. I. sympathizer, has been appointed sec- hold their regular meeting in the which time congressmen from the group on current" Jewish events opce tendency to break down old cultures, honor or memory of 'oved ones. Brodkev. brother—Morris BroSkey. south may succeed in barring all a month, the group to meet preced- this inscription is an expression "of NATHAN S. TAFFEE, In memory of his retary of the new German finance lodge room as guests of the Jewish The list of torah donations, and in father — Shalam Yaffae, brother — Wolf Community Center. ^ . —•— — - •_ Jews from this country. i the will of the soul of this congrega- whose honor or memory: ing .the board meeting. y*ffee; MBS. SZimx KEWSUS. in mem- ministry.
Siyum Hasefer Ceremony at Center Sunday Is an Outstanding Success
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1930 on the Central quintette till a torn he Berlin. (J.TJL) Dr. Carl Mel- in Hamburg, has been named by * muscle removed- him from competichior, partner of Max Warburg and German cabinet as an economic «xtion for the time being. Harry Altco-proprietor of the Hamburg- House pe t to the coming Hague conference. Bhuler, diminutive brother of the Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by '' By great Milton, is keeping the family Temple Israel STANLEY P. LEVIN in the running 8a a member of the f THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY ~. Rabbi Frederick Cohn has cnosen Purple second five, while Willie FerOffice: Brandeis Theater Building—-Telephone: ATlantic 1450 Aaron Lazar, center for the Army ber has the distinction of being the "The Quest of Happiness" as the DAVID BLACKER - - B U S I N E S S and MANAGING EDITOR and a New York city chap, first only regular on the second crew. subject for his sermon at Temple F B A N K R ACKERMAN - EDITOR Israel tonight. Saturday morning he gained national interest when he new F A N N I E K A T E L M A N - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent \ will speak on "Opportunity". by special plane from West Point to On Tuesday morning Rabbi Cohn Palo Alto, California, to join his SIOUX CITY OFFICE will epeak on "The World Court" at mates, arriving in time to vtry to Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street the Current Topics class at the J. stem the Stanford tide which left C. C. Tuesday afternoon he will him and the other budding Generals By P. R. K. $2.50 - Subscription Price, one year - - • - - - . - - , x review "The Psychology of Happistrewn about the field in most dis. Advertising rates furnished on application tressing fashion. Lazar is a sophoSam Snyder, 62 years old, passed ness", bjr W. B. Pitkin, before the CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; more and has several more years of away at his home* at 300 Oakland Omaha Women's club. be sate to give your name. competition. Avenue, Sunday morning, Dee. 29, fol- Wednesday morning Rabbi Cohn Harry Edelson, regular halfback lowing a brief illness. Mr. Snyd«r, will address the Mu Sigma club on for Southern California, will be in who was a resident of Council Bluffs "The Mansions of Philosophy". In there at the opening gun when the for about fifty yearsf was well known the afternoon he will speak before Trojans take on the undefeated Uni- here and a member of numerous or- the Northside' Women's club on "Old Races in the New World". The Palestinian Inquiry Commission has just completed its versity of Pittsburgh crew. Edelson, ganizations. hearings, which were supposedly to investigate why defenceless like most of the Jewish west coast He is survived by his widow; four Conservative Synagogue Jewswere r^itnlessly slaughtered by Moslem marauders. How- backs, is an adept passer and a daughters, Mrs. Sidney Lightstone of Rabbi Abraham Bengis will desweet broken field runner. If the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Mrs. ever, whether their verdict will /conform with the expectations fates are kind it may be that he Joseph Bonofiy of Omaha; Miss Rina liver a sermon on "Brotherhood" at of thei Jewish people is a matter of conjecture, and we, for one, will have the honor of being instru- Snyder of Chicago, 111., and Miss Cecil the services of the Conservative Sywi&inbt be wholly^ taken by; surprise if by some quirk of illogic mental in handing the Smoky City Snyder, at home; and one son, Arthur nagogue tonight, beginning at S p. tiieicommissioners report unfavorably. A trend in this direction men their first defeat of the season. Snyder of Hutchinsott, Kans.; one m.,fat the Jewish Community Center 7Was| indicated by the summing up of the administration's case The Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity sister, Mrs. Friedman of Council auditorium. Services Saturday morning begin at 9:30. by Kenelm Preedy, their chief counsel. Although he had pre-men are right there in athletics at Bluffs; and three grandchildren. An unusually large attendance was A large crowd attended the funeral viously announced that he would not summarize, in order to be Nebraska. Their basketball team is services which was held Tuesday present for the Chanukah services. iipn-jpartisan, at the last foment he dedded otherwise, coming undefeated in inter-fraternity play morning at the residence, with burial The regular attendance now is over outvflatiy pro-Arab and shifting the entire responsibility onto while their two handball teams are in the Oak Hill Cemetery. Rabbi 400 each Friday, and > the heads of favored to meet for the handball Frederick Cohn of Omaha was in the Synagogue are very satisfied ' ' ' championship of the school which at '•— with the progress being made. 7 ^ijA dose scrutiny of Preedy's "air-tight" case disdoses ol> the present time is the property of charge. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud vious fallacies. For instance; he gives a clean bill to the police the "Sammy's". Pollock, Rich, Azo- Torah Society will hold a meeting for7their actions dtuing" the riots, ingeniously pointing out that rin and Burroughs are the handball Next Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 8th, It is better to wear out than to rust players. Jimmy Burroughs and Lewis! —Cumberland. "i Jewish colonies. Only IS Jews were killed. He overlooks Azorin at the home of Mrs. Dave Fox, 106out. are out for indoor track while ^ ^ that most <>f the casualties were in Hebron, Safed and Joe Turner is a member of one of North Eighth Street. FF with the old. On with new Jerusalem, where ;the Jews were unarmed, and that it was the the inter-class basketball teams. Miss Rose Brandeis entertained at Nettletons. These finest of fine inspiring heroism of the Jewish self-defenders, and not the The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity ath- a Bridge Party at her home Sunday shoes will help you start the year pqli^^that savedthe colonists from- utter annihilation. Nor letes have several boys in the swim. afternoon in honor of Miss Florence smartly and comfortably—and to end does; He tartfubleuto explain 7why British Jews, as well as! all other Herman Levinson, former Central Glassman of Iowa City; Miss Esther Jews] in these cities, had been disarmed; also, why the police High school diamond star, is seeking Steinman of Winnipeg, Canada; and it the same way! berth on the frosh baseball nine. Miss Helen Whitebook, a student at Grenter Shoe Section Maim Floor—Kortfc had not called nearby reinforcements or opened fire on the mob aPaul Grossman and Levinson are the University of Iowa, and Miss Ruth in Jerusaleiri. It is irrefutable that firing at the mob kept the wearing the "Zet" cplors in the. hand- Bernstein, a student at Northwestern troublei from spreading: at J^fFa and Nablus. ball tourney. University, who are spending the holidays here. Jake Kosowsky, Nebraska letterFuirtherj Preedy seemed especially anxious that n6 ignoble man and veteran wrestler, is again wordjlbesmirch the fair name of that- "most venerable" renegade, seeking a place on; the Husker bone- The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah =CORRECT APPARET, FOR. MEN AN£> WOMRN - = . = = the *Hoyal and honorable" Grand Mufti, and hjs right-hand man, crushing .team. Milton Himalstein, Society will hold a meeting next Subiir Khadra, the true instigators of the rioting and the root 115 pounder, is rounding into form Tuesday evening, Jan. 7, at the synaof Jewish-Arab discord. He evidently forgot that both of these as a member of the Central High gogue. "unswervingly loyal" gentlemen are o"n the British govenunent wrestling team. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman entertained the members of their blackest, in fact, have been since 1921. ^ And in his warm : Lou- Weiner, former Tech star, is Evening Bridge Club at a New Year's deferi^eof:the administration officials, Luke in particular, Preedy one of the dozen members of the Eve Party at their home Tuesday fails ;to expound why these authorities Utterly disregarded the Creighton Frosh basketball squad, night. but the red head is at his best when
Religious Services
Council Bluffs News
New Nettletons for the New Year
repeated warnings of Jewish representatives and the Hebrew the sailing becomes rough and Mrs. L. Meyerson entertained eleven press that trouble would break out on that fateful Friday. Also, should make his numeral this year. members of the younger set at her .why did the administration fail to quell the, incitement aroused Milton Altsuler, Purple football home Monday evening in honor of the by the Arabic press urging a holy war over the Wailing Wall, back, was a first team performer students who are. spending their holi"'and why. didn't the government issue1 a proclamation refuting Weiner is finding" competition brisk day vacation here. the groundless charges of Jewish aggression against Moslem sanctuaries? "Just Around the Corner from Everything' However, the most preposterous of Preedy's allegations was the Arabic charge that the Zionists themselves initiated the trouble for propaganda purposes—to obtain money and sympathy. It seems incredible hat anyone could possibly give credence to' so diabolic, so fiendish a thought—that men moved by the highest,type of ideal, working zeaously and unselfishly for the sake of their people, giving their time, their money, their | very lives for the upbuilding of a National Homeland, that these men would- spill their brothers' blood for money or sympathy r Such distortions can only react to the discredit of their j.proponents. Regardless of the verdict of the commission, the case presented by the Palestinian administration proves one point in our niinds beyond a shadow of a doubt—there was reason, not With the ^ audacity, behind the slogan, "the government is with us", which y the attacking Arabs shouted during their butcherings of innocent, defenseless Jews.
;jSunday . School Notes - - $34.38 has been distributed to the* following: World-Herald Goodfellows A t the next meeting of the Sun- Fund, Bee-News Shoe Fund, Jewish day School ."Pictures Out of the National Fund and the Omaha ComPast" Will be. presented by the chil- munity Chest. dren of the Children's Theatre and Last week no classes were held those -rirho failed to get their candy but in the afternoon a Chanukah last week will, be given candy this celebration was held together with w e e k . :, . . . . . . - . _ - • the" celebration by the children of From^the Children's Charity Fund the Talmud Torah.
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Mrs. D. Silverman Tetiirned. this Professor Marko to \ SWIMMING EXHIBITION J. C. C. BASKETBALL •week from an extensive iour of tHe Kitchen Chats B l HELD ON JAN. 21 Address Ladies' Club ,east. While in New York sha was The J. C. C. Basketball team had tLc guest of her brother and sistertheir regular bi-weekly practice last Coach C. C, Hubbard has anMrs, David M. Newman in-law, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kaplan, and Professor H. A. Marko, founder Sunday afternoon under the tutelage nounced that the spectacular Swimof Markoism, "will lecture to the she attended the wedding of her of "Coach Ed Bin-dick. Burdick has ming Exhibitions, will be held at the Ladies Labor Lyceum dub on TuesBlue Berry Muffins cousin, Miss Sadie Silverman, to Mr. day evening, January 7, at 8:30 p. 2 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking eight veterans back from last year's J, C. C. Natatorium on Tuesday, Jack Cohen. January 21 at 8:15, "If v?e could "While in Waterbury, Conn-, Mrs. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and powder, % teaspoon salt, 4 table- Championship team. only have elastic walls to stretch Their schedule opens this Saturday spcons sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs, 4 Suverman was the guest of Mr. and and mske room for the big crowd night January 4 at 8 p. m. •with tablespoons melted Crisco, 1 cup Mrs. J. Silverman. She was extenT canned blue berries, with juice drain- the Lowe A% erme Church team of expected", was the comni?i;l made sively entertained there. ed. Mix dry ingredients together. the YMCA League as their op- by the swimmers. More than fifty people will parAdd 3 tablespoons sugar. Add eggs, ponents. A preliminary game will be Mr. M. Mayerowich is recuperating ticipate in this exhibition m which played by the J. C. C Jtniors, who milk and melted Crisco. Mix well. at his home from a recent operation. ail varieties of swimming and divare already laying their claims to Add berries. Bake SO minutes at .x lipss Minne Flax, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flax, willbeng wll be exhibited. the city j-unior championship. Sam 375 degrees. cofneljthe bride of Mr. Dave H. Ferial, soa of Mrs. M. Fertil of Mrs. D. B. Gross gave a ChanuZweibaek, manag-eiy is laying out an Bostoiii Mass.,' on Sunday evening, January 26, 8 o'clock, at the kah turkey surprise dinner in honor # * * attractive schedule, bringing teams Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) Emil Ludwif, ^ t e i l l .l t l . [oilier husband last Friday evening Graham Gems from Nebraska, Iowa and Missoure th-e eminent biographer, has arrived H m a Silverman, verma, has as been at their home. The guests were] 1 cup white flour, 4 tablespoons here, and promises to have some here. He is making- a tour of the p i e sister of tne bnde,, Mrs.^ Herman chosekinatrpn-of-honor, and the Misses Toby Flax, Anne Jonigch, Mr. H. Gross and sons, Mr. Morris j sugar, % teaspoon salt, 4 real tough teams. Jewish Gross and daughters, Mr. H. Rothcup j Sarala Kurtzman and Lylyan Chudacoff as bridesmaids. teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup Mri Herman Silverman will attend the groom as best man, and and son, and Mr. H. Dubnoff of j* graham fiour, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 4 the iishers will be Messrs. William Stalmaster, Charles Fellman, South Omaha and his daughter. The tablespoons melted butter. Mix all " S A Y IT WIT) FLOWERS" first two are Mr. D. B. Gross' brotht F^ed and Norman Harris. dry ingredients together. Add egg, ers, and the latter two are his brothFour hundred invitations have been issued. milk, and shortenings. Beat well. ers-in-law. Bake in muffin tin for 20 minutes at 1 Thji marriage of Miss Edith Gil- Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Krupinsky an"The Careful Florist" 42 •» degrees. 1S04 FARNAM JAckson 1906 man jto Mr. Joe Weinberg of Chicago nounce the engagement of their The congregation of the 25th and •was solemnized Sunday evening, Der daughter, Jeanette Lee, to Mr, Ed-Seward street Synagogue gave a rembfer 29, a t the home of the bride'^ ward Flamm of New York City. Professor Hi A. Marko Daughters of Zion Chanukah party last week in honor sistei?, Jirs. Joe White, Cantor A. of Babbi N. Feldman, A cash pres-j Clark. The public is invited to the J. Kovitz announce officiating. About eighty .-, Mr. and• •Mrs. Raffle Successful * *«.!.• a 1.4. ent of S187 was donated by the lecture, admission to which is free, guesis -were present. the engagement of Omaha, their daughter, TheEvolution subject of of theMarkoism, lecture willPerbe, Mrs. J. Tretiak, ticket chairman of j formerly of to Mr. S r i ^ ™ ^ S d f c S T S - f l ? w ^ l "The Among" the, out-of-town guests Libby, ices of Babbi Feldman. Dave Modlin of San Francisco, Cal. were; Mrs. Weinberg, mother of the The committee in charge consisted taining to Health, Happiness, and the radio raffle sponsored by the! groom, Mrs. N. Marx and children Miss Kovitz, who graduated from of Messrs. Joe Ban, Ben linden-! Success." Professor Marko's personal Daughters of Zion Monday night atj and Mr. and Mrs. I L Weinberg, all Omaha Central High school, has 1 een I history is of the Horatio Alger type, the Schmoller-Mueller Piano Co., an- I of "Chicago; Mrs. S. Polland and sonliving in California for the past year baum and A. Kirschenbaum. ,-.. he having risen from the sphere of nounces that the affair was an out-1 Harry of Milwaukee, Mrs. Louis Gil- anil a half . Mr. Modlin is prominent standing success. Mrs. J. Hahn won I man;! and daughter Mary of Cedar in. San Francisco circles. the award for having sold the largest \ TEA PAKTY AND CONCERT Eapife la, and Mrs. J. Ja^er and The wedding will be a June event j A Eussian. tea party and concert. Professor Marko lives in Fremont. number of tickets. daughter Anne, and Miss Jeanette The proceeds of the raSe will be! will be given at the Labor Lyceum Mr. and Mrs. Sam, Goorevich, for- on Sunday, January 5, at 8 o'clock HADASSAH LINEN SHOWER sent to the Palestine sufferers. The j Baron of Kansas City, Mo. iofifa-j v those who entertained for merly of Omaha and now of Brook- b the Ladies Labor I ^ e u m Club Club. ^ radio, which was donated by the i lyn, N. Y., announce the engagement j prior to the wedding Adnussion is twenty-five cents. Schmoller and Mueller Co., was a new j ^ ^ ^ Hadassah ^ h o U itE were: Mr., and. Mrs. J. White, Mr. of their daughter, Nellie, to Mr. HarPhilco and was won by Mr. Keeni of [ yearly linen shower in January, ac- the Plggly-Wiggly Stores. Mr. j and Mrs. H. Kolnick, Mr. and Mrs.ry Unger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. CHAPTERONE OF A.Z. A. cording to Mrs. J. Eosenberg, presi- Schmoller personally conducted the; "Uiiger, also of Brooklyn. S.. M. Gilman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe WILL INSTALL OFFICERS dent of the organization. The shower Miss Goorevich is a graduate of Baron, Mr. and Mrs. I. Gilman and raffling Monday evening. j will be held Wednesday afternoon, Omaha Central High and Mr. Unger TTa>m_ Misses Edith Lewis and The committee in charge wishes to The Mother chapter of the Order Jan. 29, at the J. C. C. auditorium, The, couple left Monday night for is a graduate of the University, of of A. Z. A; will install the newly elect-i Mrs. Max Fromkin has been ap- thank all those who co-operated in New York. No date has been set Chicago, where they will make their ed officers this Sunday afternoon at a! pointed program chairman, and Mrs.making- the event a success, particulftr the wedding. Juture tome. ' arly-the Schmoller and Mueller Co. regular meeting at the Center. I Abraham Bengis, linen chairman. Sammy Fregger is the incoming j They will be assisted by a large! Mrs. L. B. Morofsnick and daught'-..MR! «nd Mrs. Harry Gendler of Aleph Godol-while Louis R3din is the j committee, -which will be announced I ers, 'of Winnipeg, Canada, are here AiSa^ Ia^ announce the marriage of jg^jaaasMa^aggg^a^ retiring Aleph Godol or president. j soon. ' theiri daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. | for a visit of several weeks with Aaron. TLewis of this city. The wed-: Morof snick's brother-in-law and sister, Milton Altsuler, vice-president an-j nounces that refreshments and a pro-' SENIOR COUNCIL MEETING ding, which, came- as a surprise to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Greenberg. gram featuring William Ferber in a, The S e n i o r Coandl of Clubs will friends and relatives, took place on song and dance act will follow the in- h o l d a regular meeting this Monday Mr. Herbert Goldsten has left for December 22 a t the home of Eabbi a six weeks visit in New York with stallation which will be handled by evening at 8:15 at the Center. All Zychxk of Dea Moines. delegates are urged to attend as the After a month's honeymoon in his parents, Mr. and - Mrs. Harris the Chapter's advisory Board. ' • * •————rmeeting is of the utmost importance. California theTcouple will make their Goldsten. hpmejin Malvern, la. The greatest king is he who is the The Council Debate Tourney will be Miss Florence Jacobson of Mem- long of greatest subjects. —West, under way within the next week. Mifik. SylyjLa Wolfson, daughter of P1"8* Tenn., is visiting with her sisMr, ihd Wolfson, became the ^ r and Tirother-in-law, Mr.^nd Mrs. bride.of. Mr.'Sam J. Fishman of Min- s - D - Nerenberg.. Omaha's Style Center neapdlis, Minn., Sunday afternoon at the home of Eabbi Abraham Bengis. For the past two weeks Mrs., A. ' Attout fifty people were present, most H. Diamond has had as heir guests her two sons, Jerome and Louis of I of whom were from out-of-town. Chicago, and her daughter Carolyn, j Mri a^d Mrs. Joe Brown of Council ;who is attending the University of Bluffs, Iowa announce the engage- Nebraska at Lincoln, meat: of their daughter, Mollie, to Mr. I Mrs. Diamond will leave SaturOpposite Orpheum Nathan. Pitlor of Omaha. The wed- day night for a "buying trip to New ding .will take place in the early. York, and will be accompanied by spring. 'her sons as far as Chicago.
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Reitman to Address B'nai B'rith Banquet
Society News
FATHER, SON BANQUET Dr. Uris to Speak Here Next Sunday IS HELD A? TEMPLE
Mr. Leo Reitman; *>f Milwaukee will Dr. Uris, a resident of Palestine, One hundred and fifty "fathers and and an ardent Zionist worker will address the B'nai B'rith Installation Banquet which is scheduled to be held sons" were i n attendance at the speak a t a Mass Meeting held next at the Community Center on the' 21st Father and. Son Banquet held, last Sunday evening, Jan. 5, at the Jewish of January. Mr. Reitman is president Thursday in the Mount Sinai Temple Community Center. The meeting will Hall M H Sltk Social Hall. Mr. Herman Slotsky, of District Six of the Grand Lodge. s t 8 o » c ] oc k and is open to the "We wish to extend through the President of the Temple Brotherhood general public, 200 members of the Ladies Auxil- columns of the Press, a cordial invi- acted as Master of Ceremonies. The program is sponsored by the iary o f Shaare Zion Congregation tation to members of the Omaha B'nai invocation was given by Rabbi Theod- National Workers Alliance and the heard Mrs. David Aronson of Min- B'rith Lodge to attend our Banquet ore N. Lewis, Palestine Women's Pioneer Club. Mr. neapolis speak on "The Home—and and.Jnstallation on the 21st, and we In keeping with the Holiday the Abe Stillman will preside at the ineetthe Future of Judaism," at the earnestly hope that we win have a Chanukah lights were kindled and j n _ ~ program will also include Seventh Anniversary dinner and en-' representation from there," said Dr. blfcssing recited by little Joseph Roe-! several selections by Miss enblum. Remarks in behalf of the Frances Fribourg. tertainment given at the Shaare Zion H. Levin, retiring president. sons were given by Teddy Skalovsky Social Hall. Mrs. Aronson, who is "Dr. Uris is touring this country in and Lionel London. Mr. Morris Pill an effort to present a true picture of active in many organizations of Jewand Mr. Max Brodkey responded in recent events in Palestine" said Mr. ish interest in Minneapolis, pointed! behalf of the fathers. out to her audience in a brilliant and Stillman. "He is an eloquent speakconvincing manner that the home can The main addresses of the evening ee tt jj aad ^U bring a message of real aad ^U bring a message of real ere given h n Kelly d i t r i m p o r t a I 1 C e to Sioux City Jewry." be equaled' by no other institution in given by by Mr Mr. J John Kelly, editor; Members of the Independent Farane were the moulding of a true Jewish spirit' held their Eighth Annual Banquet in of the Trifctane, and Rabbi H. R. Rab-! « W e a r e iooking forward to a large and consciousness. "If the child is'the Hall of the Jewish Community inowitz. Both speakers brought home j audience to greet Dr. Uris.* surrounded with Jewish culture, learn- J Center last Wednesday evening. Mr. to the audience, the necessity of a coming, and customs in -his early life, he Max Dervin acted as toastmaster of plete understanding between father MOUNT SINAI will always retain these impressions, \ the occasion. and son. "1929—Looking Backward" will be and he will always remain a loyal A musical program was presented, t i i e A program was presented by the which Chanukah eifts WETP trivsufcQect of Rabbi Lewisnsermon at son of his race" said Mrs. Aronsohn. Misses Libbie Dervin, Hazel Kanter- after alter wjucn v^nanuKan girts were giv- t e mamrja ft,,-., _,raT,,-__ B «n"ti A;« Will O1S this evening evening. Hfi The program at which Mrs. J. H. ovich and Fannie Herman. Talks by e n t o t h e Fathers and Sons. The t "e Temple this Will Mosow presided also included a hum- several members of .the organization Temple Sisterhood had charge of the ^ f f t h e e , v e ? t s orous skit by women of the organiza- were given. Mrs. Gussie Shulldn was serving and preparation of the Dinner. of Jevrry during the past year. tion entitled "Our Women—God Bless in charge of the arrangements. SAM K I J A V E K MOKSKT, KATI/EMAN & GRODIXSKY Them," vocal solos by Miriam BarAttorneys 612 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bids. rent, and a specialty dance by AnnetOmaha National Bank Boldlnsr City DR. SILVER DIES IfOTICE OV - ASBESOSOSST TO PKOBATE XOXICE te Baker. ARTICLK8 OF INCORPORATION OF Dr. Maxwell Silver, .former Sioux In the matter of the estate of Morris •LOCIS 6OM3EER, INCORPORATED City resident; died in his home in De- Notice is hereby given that at a special Belzer, deceased.
Members of the Sigma Alpha Mu B.; has " always been the Fraternity from Minneapolis, Lincoln home of the Jews" stated Mr. Harry and Sioux City held a formal supper Friedbeiier, at the services of Shaare dance at the West Hotel last Tuesday Zion Congregation last Friday. Mr. evening. Friedberg, a prominent Kansas City Over 30 couples were entertained, attorney, spoke at the special services dancing forming the evening's proat the Synagogue, -which were held in gram. A midnight dinner was served. honor of the Homecoming College The fraternity colors purple and white Students. Fifty-two*young-men. and were attractively combined with the women, students at various Univers- Nebraska scarlet and cream, and Minities and Colleges, attended the ser- nesota Maroon and gold in the decoravices and were seated in a reserved tion of the tables and Ball room. section of the auditorium. Harold Emlein and Carl Saltzman "Altho the-Jew has beep dispersed were in charge of arrangements. from the land of Zion for -many cenIvre members held their Annual turies, his hopes and prayers have always centered toward a return to the New Year's Frolic "in the West Hotel Home Land*" continued Mr, Fried- Tuesday evening. Specialty numbers of dancing and singing were presentberg. "Palestine' Is - the only seat and ed- between- the -program of dancing. source of Hebrew Culture and learn- Over , forty-five couples attended. ing. There alone can real Judaism Music was furnished by "The Nightsurvive.' In Palestine alone can the ingales."Jew be free from the two contending The Question Club's New Year forces of his own religion and culture and that of his adopted land." Dance was a formal affair, held in "Whether the Jew experiences subtle the Sioux Ballroom. Dancing from 11 ostracism or physical persecution, he to 4 was concluded with a breakfast is made to feel that he is in exile. in the Martin Hotel. Vaudeville acts I hree S t u d e n t s G r a d u a t e troit last Thursday. Dr. Silver prac- meeting of LO0IS SOMMER, INCORPORATED, held on the 5th day of November, The reclaiming of Palestine as a and music by Peterson's lowans enticed to Sioux 1929, at which meeting all stockholders homeland" Mr. Friedberg pointed out, tertained the members during the were present and voted that Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation -was amended "will give a'standing and a status to evening and the breakfast. Elaborto read as follows: ate favors and decorations were in Three students of the Sioux City the Jews of igie world." The total authorized capital stock is Talmud Torah were graduated last keeping with the festive spirit of the $120,000.00, divided into 1200 shares of . The speaker also emphasized that tbe par value of $100.00 each, of which Sunday evening, at impressive and if the Jews were collectively a people occasion. NOTICE. 570,000.00 shall be "common stock and well attended exercises at the Com$50,000.00 preferred stock, and which To Mrs. Florence WUcox:— in their own homeland, they would is hereby hereby given Riven mat that on on the the 15tn 15th shall be fully paid when issued and Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Schulein mnnitv O n t p r William TUtnsnxxr Notice »0Uce is non-assessable. The preferred stocknot only accomplish' more but would shall be entitled to -preference over the center- andwmiam MOSOW, dA. o Moses Bernstein George Shindler Hospital a y M. o f Jat a n nthe a r y Lord 1 0 3 o o tLister the hon r o f 1 0 : 0 the be credited as a people for what they and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock mumty common stock as to dividends at the presided at a dinner at the Martin, received their diplomas at that time. rate of eight per cent per annum, pardid accomplish. able annually and shall be cumulative Hotel Thursday evening, honoring Mr. j Over three hundred were in attend* , , d l a m o n a g e a ! d rtn n a T n ,. "Zionism may notfcfe"a panacea for and shall have a preference over the common stock in any distribution of undersignedRto secure all ills; it may not makke immediate Mattie Kalish and Mrs. J. P. Michael, ance at the program which included to the assets, and the said preferred stock 0 or any portion thereof shall be subject and immense strides to curb anti- of Indianapolis, Ind., who are visiting the presentation of a play entitled "A said Fiorina"wnVr^The 'EfifiSt ill to redemption at the option of the 01 OS U t h e 8tim I^J^'AJ' ^. " • ' « -P P ?.* V the. .s semitism, but it is assuredly the only at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Schulein, ( Visitor From Palestine." company upon the rote of not less rins than the maiorlty in interest of the Id spiritual fountain from, whence the and Mr. and Mrs.'Morris Davis, who | Mr. Jack London, President of the * """""• - - - - - - "° outstanding stock and notice of snch LOKD LISTER HOSPITAL. intention of the company to redeem waters of Judaism flow," continued are guests a t the A. L. Galinsky home.' Talmud Torah presented the diplomas Dec. 10-3t the said preferred stock or any portion Other parties honoring the out-of-1 to the students. Mrs- J. H- Mosow Mr. Friedberg. thereof shall be mailed to the holder town guests include a luncheon this MONSKY, XATXEMAN * GHODEVSKr, of snch share or shares so to be respoke in behalf of the Ladies AuxilAfter the services the congregation deemed to their last known address. ATTORXETS noon, given by Mrs.' Sigmund Schuiary; Mr. Bamey Baron addressed the at least 30 d»TB before the date of and guests adjourned to the social 787 Omaha Nat. Bk. BUf. redemption upon ths payment by the hall where an informal program and lein, and a luncheon next Monday by group in behalf of the Federation; and NOTICE lg hereby given that at a duly company to the holder of such share Mrs. H. Fishgall. ! constituted meet ing ot stockholders of the or shares so to be redeemed, any dividRabbi Rabinowite spoke to the mem- Alamlto Dai?y CoSpfny" held oTthe I«h reception was held for the guests of unpaid to the date of redemption bers of the class, admonishing them £JF °* necemher, 1929, the Articles of in- ends pins the price per share as follows: honor, with Leonard Weiner as master , corporation of the said Company -were Miss Mollie Gladstein is a guest at If redeemed within five years, $110.00 of ceremonies. Frances Emlein, Mor- the home of Miss Sherley Harkoway. that this -was but a beginning of the amended as follows: per share; the sixth year, $109.00 per •"WU> the nssont in -writing of the holdshare; the seventh year, $108.00 per learning and culture of their people. ris Gordon of Lincoln; Lou Hurwitz Miss Gladstein, whose home is in ers of 80% of all the capital stock of the share; the eighth year, $107.00 per of Michigan, Irving Passman of Iowa, Muscatine was honored at a tea given Mr. J. Aizenberg of the Hebrew corporation issued and outstanding-, or share; the -ninth year. $106, per share; tbe tenth year, $105.00 per share and School faculty also addressed the b y p r o x y > b y 8 t o c W l o l d & > h O]dln £- at re,Bt Bert Mazor of Chicago and Leonard by Miss Harkoway last. Wednesday. any year thereafter. $105.00. (The balance of said Article to remain unmeeting. • i^lfi^S* *ke_lsstied and .outstanding stock Weiner of Iowa spoke. The program changed.) Members of this year's graduating Mr. arid Mrs. B. Orlikoff announce also included numbers by Rosabell «• ••*.•".• LOTJTS SOMMER. IN Wigodsky, David Sirken and Rebecca the engagement of their son Jack,~to class and members of last year's class LOUIS SOMMER, INCORPORATED, f D i t By LOUIS SOMMER, President, Stillman. Refreshments concluded Miss Esther' Wolfe, daughter- of "Mr, have formed circle which will [ 5^D^tow1rtjri^^_'pOTw"in"\-atto™ JACK "W. MARER. Secretary. and Mrs. S. Wolfe of Chicago. The meet at the Hebrew School twice a the evening... WITNESS: H. MABQUARDT. assets of the corporation as an entirety Dec 13—iT. Mr. Friedberg is an ardent Zionist wedding date has not been set. or going concern on such terms and conThe play and musical program was ditions as the Board of Directors shall and attended the Zionist convention J. J. T-RXEDMAN, ATTORKET deem fit, right and lost, either for cash Leo Skalovsky of Norfolk, Nebr., is a t the 68* Peters Trust Bide, City .in Zurich this- summer as a delegate. or bonds, or shares of capital stock of any a guest at the home of Eli Skalovsky. Center in*the afternoon for the child- corporation or corporation's, or for anv NOTICE OE B T TCBMCATICm C m BT PETIHe spoke before the Junior Congrega.kind of species of property ot obligation L TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL ren. or securities." ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT tion Saturday morning The Misses Dorothy Muskin* Doro-
Independent Farane Holds Annual Banquet
From Hebrew School
A. Z. A. Dance Next Monday at Rigaudon
Another Reduction in Long Distance
Rotes This is the fourth reduction in long distance charges in a little more khan three years and will result in a substantial saving to telephone users. The reductions made the first of the year are/ in brief, as follows: Day ilaUon-ta-ttalion cdl* (wtai you aik to telk wiA * anyen* oyoHobU) for which th* htnm rcrttt wtrt from._ SO canti to $1 JO W«T» Ttduad * or IO cants.
° Onffa'iM efiargts on p*r»on-to-p«Tfon coll« (when you a i l fot eonvctioliotts of raor* Uiaa i o mfoutet in Itnglh. TJitTtportefwrg* en roort coHi ov«r diitain* cf mor» ttnWdlhf A ftw p»T««-lo-p«TfOB n t M -wlieli forfflwty W«T» 7 O * cents t^ $I.9O and a f«w avtatag rates wtikh
Following en ropT*s«ntativ*'n«w and old ratesfor &r««« - minute day •»fcafc?on-to-stab*on colls. • Fron Omaha, Nebr. Omaha, Nebr. Omaha, Nebr. Omaha.,Nebr. Omaha, Neblh
Day .Station* DayStstfac toStatson to-Stabon ' Rate Rate - Aurora, Nebr. - .80 .65 Creighton, Nebr. .$5 .75 Crete, Nebr. .55 .50 .Falls City;_Nebr. '.65 .55 . - Kansas City, Mo. 1.D0 ,90 _
ThaM n^uetient on tn accordant* *iA'«*« «!m of At« Compony' to continue to futnWi th*>*st poMitl* taUphoo* Mrviea ot tho l»art cait to tii* puUk eoo»liUntwTl}» Rnondol tobly. Th* J«v*1opm*nt of eenbr cun*tAttyfEfot,clorfn prop! eoU« end etHtttraoroMiMAltln •quipmwt and procticM hava contribute toword naldng titnt rtdueHoM poiiibtt.
5.V -
"-".-' lh
~v-,-, -, -:,
ances and d decrees, crees, as tto thiss rt may y iness and for the sale and distribution of -ances proper, to the h end that all matters any kind, or kinds of goods, -wares and seem t pertaining., to eaid estate may be finally merchandise, (c) To purchase, lease, hire settled and determined. ' and otherwise acquire real and peraonal property of every kind and description, BR3TCE CRAWFORD, and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage, man- DecfiT—3t. County Judge. age, operate, or otherwise deal in or disMiss Ines Gordon and Mr. Jack Al- pose of any *nd all of eaid property, (d) pert of Chicago, are guests at the J. To borrow money and to issue evidence MONSKY, KATiEMAN* & GBODINSKT of indebtedness thereKr. (e) And to do Attorneys Jacobson'home, where they have been anything and everything necessary to acOmaha National Bank Building complish the purposes for -which this corNOTICE OF AKTICLES OF INCORPORentertained extensively during the poration is organized. The authorized capiATION OF LOUIS SOMMEB, tal stock of the corporation is $10,000, dipast week. INCORPORATED vided into 100 shares, the par value of Notice is hereby given that the under•which la $100 per share. All of gaid stock signed, pursuant the laws of the State Mrs. H. M. Levin is visiting friends shall be fully paid and non-assessable. ot Nebraska, haveto formed a corporation, Tbe corporation may. accept personal propthe name of which is "LOUIS SOMMER, and relatives in Omafia. ' erty at its reasonable1 value as Axed by the INCORPORATED" and its principal Board of. Directors, in payment for stock. of business is in the city of Omaha. place corporation shall commence business objects^ for -which this corporationThe Miss 'Doris Rosenstock entertained^ The is upon the tlUng at the articles wltlr the formed to maintain and operate stores members of her bridge cluj> at a' County Clerfr of Douglas County, Nebras- for the are purposes of buying and selling at and shall continue to 'January 1, 2030. Slumber Party New Year's Eve. ka, The highest amount of indebtedness on retail or wholesale all kinds of high grade liability to which the corporation shall at meats, vegetables and other food products Bridge and Dancing were followed by asy one time subject itself, shall not ex- and household products of every nature a, midnight supper. ceed two-thirds of it» capital stock. This and description, to purchase, lease, W*e J and otherwise acquire real and jtersonal to notes, bonds, property of every kind and description and Miss Margaret Kozberg celebrated _ debentures, oT'oiher gationg, payment to sell, dispose of, lease, convey and mortof which is secured by the transfer of real gage any and all of the said property, to her twelfth, birthday by entertaining estate or other Interests by trnst deed or borrow money and to do all other things eight schoolmates last Saturday after- mortgage when the property or interests necessary or Incident • to the operation Of so transferred shall exceed the amount of its business. The authorized capital stock noon.. The afternoon, spent playing the secured indebtedness at least 40%. This is $100,000.00 Ol Which $70,000.00 Shall be restriction does not apply to any guar- common stock and $30,000.00 Preferred bridge was concluded with a birthday antee made for the payment ot any notes, stock and which shall be fully paid when bonds, debentures or other obligations issued and non-assessable. With the assupper. ' transferred by it, where the same are sent In writing of the holders of 00% of secured by transfers of property or interstock of the corporation fMiss Rose Bashefkin, of' Yankton, ests as above indicated. The affairs of j all of the capital outstanding or pursuant to the corporation shall be conducted by whtf is visiting friends here has been the ••notes" given inperson or by proxy a• Board of of Directors com composed of of not Ieis stockholders holding at least 60% of the b honored at several'parties during the than two nor more than five members. h and outstanding stock of the corpAmendments to these articles may be made Issued oration -which is represented and voted past week. Lucille Kronick enter- at any annual* meeting of the stockholders, upon In or by proxy at a meeting at a special meeting called for that par- specially person tained 12 girls in her honor at a or se, called for that purpose or at an two-thirds of all stockholders In in- annual meeting, the Bfcard of Directors Bunco Party last Monday afternoon. rest voting for such amendments. The shall have the power and authority to corporation shall have a seal. Dated this sell, assign, transfer, convey or otherwise 20th day of December, 1929. dispose of the property and assets of the Miss Lillian Baker entertained 12 HAROLD W. BRANDT, corporation as an entirety and going congirls in honor of. her 13th birthday, V1CTOH SHAPIRO, cern, on such terms and conditions as -to them shall seem fit and proper. The corpIncorporators. last Sunday afternoon. Bridge, fol- Witness: H. B. Cohen. oration shall commence business Upon the filing ot the Articles of Incorporation la lowed by a Buffet Supper' was en- Dec. ZT^t the office e( the County Clerk, of Douglas joyed by the guests. J. W. 3IABEB, Attorney. County, Nebraska, and shall continue until County Court Hoase. City January 1st, 1979. Its highest amount of KOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds Twenty-eiglit members of the of Its capital stock. The affairs of the Young Circle Club motored to Omaha s S L r * S ^ o u a t y C o u r t o f D o o g l a s C o u n t r > corporation shall be administered by a of Directors, which shall consist of Tuesday evening, where they were' * In the mattee of the estate of FRANK Board not less than three thre nor nor more or than fire e MOLIilN, deceased. _„,<,„ „ membes, Afho shall sha be be elected at the anguests of the Omaha Organization at} AII persons interested in said estate are members, r < b h i a th d S hereb/~a^tYiled""thair a' petition has been nual l meetinjr to be heia • on the second a New Year's Partyand Dance. I filed in said Court alleging that said de- Tuesday in February of each year. T he ceased died leaving no last -will and pray- Board shall from this number elect a Ing for administration opon his estate, and President, Tice-rresident, Secretary and that a hearing -will be. had on Bald petl- Treasurer. The Articles mny he -ume-uued LARGEST STOCK tion before said .court on the Ssth day of at any regulat meeting of the -Btockholders January. 1830. and that if they fail to ap- or at any special mating called tor that IN WEST pear at said Court on the eaid 28th day of purpose after ten days' notice of such proQoidt Shipments Jnn-Qary, 1030, «t » o'clock A. M. to contest posed amendment in writing hag been Oar Bobby f o r ' said petition, the Court may grant the mailed to all stockholders and upon the 45 Yeara same and grant administration of said vote of two-thirds of the capital stock, estate Xo BIM.NCHB BERRT or some other Dated at Omaha, Nebraska, Sept. 26, 1928.
thy Cohen, and Freda Brodkey of Omaha visited friends here, over New Year's Day.
On January t another reduction was placed in effect en various long distance telephone rates.
The Annual A.Z. A- dance will be held Monday evening, Jan. 6, at the Rigaudon. The Montana Stompers •will furnish the music. * Plans are being made, according to Charles Osheroff, President of the Chapter, for a capacity crowd.
ALAMITO DAIRT COMPANT In the Connty Court of Dooglas County, By H. A. WAHL, President. Nebraska. CHARLES E.- MOYER. In the Matter of the Estate of Verald Secretary. Alexander, deceased: All persons interested in said matter are HARRY B. COHBX. ATTORNEY hereby notified that on the 21st day of December, 1929, Ada Alexander Hamilton 737 Omaha National Bank Bldr* a petition in said County Court, prayNOTICE is hereby given that a corpora- filed ing her final administration account tion has been formed under the laws of filed that herein be settled and allowed, &nd the State of Nebraska, The name of the that she be discharged from her trust as corporation is SHAPIRO-BRANDT, INC. administratrix and that a hearing -will be The principal place of transacting its busi- had on said petition before said Court otv ness is in the City of Omaha, Douglas the 18th day of Jannary, and that if County, Nebraska. The objects and pur- you fail to appear before1930, said Court on poses of this corporation are: (a) To buy, sell, trade, or deal in any kind, or kinds the said 18th Cay of January, 1530, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest eaid petition, of goods, -wares and merchandise and to t Court may grant the prayer of said carry rry on a generall Jbbi Jobbing b business. (b) the petition, enter a decree of heir ship, and ""- own acd operate stores for "
•?.- r- •
rBBTCE CBAWFOKD. . ". • COimty
J. W. MARjEK " Xaof
Notice '» hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of eaid estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said Countv, on the 14th day of February, 1930, and on the 14th day of April, 1030. at 9 o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 11th day of January, 1S30. BRTCE CRAWFORD, De«. 20—3t. County Judge.
Paxton-Mitchell Co. and Martha St.. HArnej 166*4 OSIAHA. NEBRASKA -Soft era; ! iron, Drasg, Dronze ana alaminum castings. Standard sizes oronza ana Iron bushings, sewer manDoles, cistern rings and covers and dean-out doors In stock. All kinds of wood and metal patterns.
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
SHAA8E&0N Rabbi H. R. Kabinofwitz will speak on "Jewish Brains and Somebody Else's Gains," this evening at regular services at Shaare Zion, The service will begin as usual, promptly at 8 o'clock. Children of the Sunday School classes of the Synagogue presented a Chanukah play entitled "A Maccabean Cure," last evening in the social hall. Over 50 children participated in the entertainment which included musical numbers by a choir, and several recitations.
Ask Your Dealer For A
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Try A Case
All Flavors
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Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices It Will Pay You to Inquire.
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times a day we are in your neighborhood
NATHAN S. REISS - ' ACCOUNTANT AUDITS — — SYSTEMS 534 Peters Trnst Bidg.AT. 7611
SCOTT-OMAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, Camp Supplies, AU Kinds 15 end Howard AT. t492
City Wide Delivery—
AT. 4750
MA, 4750
Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program •
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.
SPRAGDE FURNACES JOB FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORK REINFORCING STEEL Katekan Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA
We •ccopy Over 70,000 SQuare feet
Southwest Corner Eleventh and DouglaB Street* Phone JAckson 2724 < Omaha, Nebr.
13 SO, <<4
.sr. OMAHA.