January 10, 1930

Page 1

the Jewish* By MartinX *• *

HIGH HAT EDDIE\ .^ F o r a'long time"Eddki|r of the big eyes and ecs^ Entered as second-class mall matter on January irt, 192, at OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1930 VOL. VII.—No, 52 postoffico at Omoba, Nebraskn, under the Act of. Match 3, 1879. has been making a pain H^ of himself. Every raise I n salary distributed by Flo Ziegfeld has expended his h a t size by two numbers. The story along the Main Stem i s t h a t even t h e recent stock tumble didn't make Eddie tumble to himself. But the Big L e a ^ e fraternity i s tired of his antics, and his stovepipe has Alleges Jews Produced More been zipped off his cranium. Than Their Share of Criminals •. A. few weeks ago the Bell Syndicate Third of Community Forum's Women's Welfare Organisation Harry H. Lapidus, chairman began running a daily boxed column Series at Center on Washington. (J.T.A.) Judge Nathof the Citizen's Committee ofv Has Successful Luncheon, by Eddie, along the same style as January 23 an Cayton of the Municipal Court, the local Communal Survey, that of Will Rogers. One of the paProgram who was appointed by . President pers to take on the column and play has called a special meeting of Morris Fisnbein, editor of the Am- Coolidge several years • ago, has The Jewish Women's Welfare Ori t up -was the New York American, erican Journal of the American Medthe Citizen's Committee for ganization celebrated their twentythe Hearst sheet. One'day the make- ical Association, and author of numer- brought down upon :his head, a wave this Tuesday emiing, January first anniversary last Tuesday with up man removed the box from the ous books including "The Medical of local Jewish indignation a s a 14, at 8:15 at thSf Jewish Coma luncheon a t the Blackstone Hotel front page and p u t i t on the second. Follies", will speak on "Pood Pads", result of an address which he delivmunity Center* t Ballroom, followed by. a program and The following morning Eddie called Thursday evening, January 28, in the ered a t Adath Israel" Synagogue, At that time Dr. Samuel A. tea a t the J. C. C. The campaign being' conduct-] The captains under Mrs, John up from Boston, where he was so- auditorium of the Jewish Community charging the existence of a "Jewish Goldsmith, director of the Bucrime wave" and alleging that Jews The tables at the luncheon were journing with "Whoopee", and gave Center. Dr. Adolph Sachs will introed by the members cif the Beber are: Mesdames I. W. Roreau of Jewish Social Reof America have produced far more decorated with flowers and silver, Ladies' Auxiliary of the Con- senblatt, S&m Beber, David merry hallelujah t o the managing duce him. search, will report the final than their share of criminals and appropriately significant of the silver editor.Dr. -Fishbein has probably done that "during the past decade we findings of the survey, which anniversary celebration. The guests servative Synagogue for Jewish GreeHberg, Irvin Stalmaster, H. The end of the story is t h a t Eddie's more than any other American to exwas conducted under his perhave definitely failed to perform our of honor a t the luncheon included Press subscriptions is now on A. Newman, Ben Glazer and A. daily column will no longer appear in pose the different phases of quacksonal--supervision.. duty as Jews and Americans." Mrs. L. Richards of San Jose, Cal., in full blast, with every indica- L. Wohlner. the New York American. ery, of near-medicine and pseudo-sciThe ^recommendations for the Messrs. Samuel Gerson, H. A. Wolf tion porting toward a successOn Saturday morning Washington The captains under Mrs. J. • The climax of the story is that ence that have made well men think future, which are being espeand Harry Zimman. One hundred ful consummation of the drive. Stein are: Mesdames M. F. Levthe wisecracks were not even pulled themselves sick, fooled sick men into Jews read extensive accounts of the cially looked forward to, will were in attendance. by Eddie. They were ghosted by N a t • thinking themselves well and per- speech in newspapers with dismay Should the members of the enson, A. Weinstein, Mose Yoube made a t this;meeting. and astonishment, scarcely believing Mrs. A. Greenberg, president of Dorfman, one of the Rialto's best suaded millions and millions of dolThe ~ Citizensf Committee, the organization, gave a short speech Auxiliary succeed, the Jewish sem, Abner Kaiman, E. A. Mey. press agents. lars from the pockets of sick-,, well that a Jewish judge could- have made such statements although i t is underwhich is composed of delegates of welcome. Mrs. N. Mantel told of Press will pay the organisation er, A. Silverm&n, D. Stein, S. and indifferent people. GETTING READY FOR stood that Judge Cayton.released his the history of the organization dur- $1,000 cash, plus individual Cohn and A. Maisel. from each of th£ organizations KADDISH "Medical Follies", has already run speech to the pres3 in advance. ing its twenty-fire years of exist- prizes. participating' is? the. survey, These captains and their This squib was transmitted to me into eight. editions, while Dr. Fishence. Mrs. Richards, the first presrepresent 90 per cent of the The Jewish community was espeteams together with the coThe campaign began in earnby Eabbi Michael Aaronsohn, the boy bein,-in addition to collaborating with ident of the Women's Welfare Orcially perturbed because of the promJewish population of the city. who was blinded in the Argonne and Dr. William A. White, Dr. Oliver T. operation of the other members est this week with the compleganization, who cajste here specially inence given to the address in this, who now travels around the country Osborne, Dr. George H. Simmons in of the Auxiliary are expected to for this occasion,/ gave a brief ad- tion of plans at a Board meetthe seat of government, where offiimparting Judaism to the backwoods other authoritative books, is a con? cials must have noticed and received ing Monday at the Jewish Com- put the drive over. as well as to the urban centers. While stant contributor to the American oke on "Jewish Wei- munity Center. an wrong impression from the reMrs. B. A. Enthusiasm Shown in New York last week he stepped Mercury, Century,, Outlook, Nation, Reuben Kulakofsky, port of the speech. World's Work, Popular Science Simon, chairman of the Ways into the synagogue in the heart of Marked enthusiasm in the 'sident of the group for Vigorous replies to Cayton have the "White l i g h t district, where actors, Monthly, etc. praised the marvelous and Means committee, which is project, was shown at the meetalready been published in the press brokers and barristers gather to unHis most recent book is "An Hour is being done by the in charge of this activity of the ing of all the members of the load their confessions of., sin., Mike on Health",, jusif published by Lip- by Louis E. Spiegler, president of group, appointed two majors, Conservative Synagogue Auxithe Washington Zionist District, and was thunderbolted by the sound of pincott. .""•'•"• Ralph H. Gross,, Commerce sophEabbi Gedaliah Silverstone. Both to Free Loan Society Mrs. J. Stein and Mrs. John liary Wednesday afternoon at about fifty or sixty Jewish boys inomore a t Creightea university, was Dr. Fishbein's lecture is the third of them" denied the existence "of a toning the Kaddish. I t reminded him, in the series sponsored jointly by the elected t o the presidency of Sam Ovejf 300 attended the program at Beber. These two majors, in the Jewish Community Center. he passes on to me, of the-following Center and the Council of Jewish Jewish crime wave. Beber Chapter No. f 100 of the A. Zr C. C. in the afternoon. A turn, appointed captains to head Sam Beber, president of the , Cayton's remarks which have evok- A. Sunday. Gross was vice-presheirloom: . ' " Women. Single admissions a t ? t i.here was the presentation of the teams working on the subed so much excitement, were made ident last term. Synagogue, gave a stirring ap' check by Mrs. Greenberg in scriptions. Ah orthodox Jew took his son to may be obtained at- the Center or after a . reference t o the problems peal for the women to get beOther officers elected were: Dave of the organization of the CHEDER so t h a t the boy might not from Mrs. David P . Feder, that beset .the Jews during the days Greenberg, vice-president}Samuel Free Lean Society. Mr. Wolf, presgo through life without: an inkling of Maccabeans. Meyerson, secretary; Harry Colick, ident of the Free Loan, accepted the of Jwhafc - Jewishnes3 meant. After "A situation no less serious and treasurer j Morton, JPerer, senior ser- check for the society. This sum was some time dad returns to the school demanding no less courage faces us geant-at-arms; Sydney Cohen, junior donated. to perpetuate the name of to find out what 1&e boy has, learned We have just received our today," he said. "Our trouble is our sergean-at-arms; Bussel Slumenthal, the Jewish Women's Welfare Orgsnto date A s he, enters the Toom he shipment of the copies of "Paown: making. ; I refer ;jfco the ? Jewish Jest&ne,-Today «nd Tomorrow", crime wave; -The• JewisKfcrinie* wave porter. Kaddish. Whereupon this conversaMr. Wolf gave an Interesting: talk," The Omaha Council of Jewish by John Hayneg Holmes, tor isan ?actual, shameful, awful real-Omaha is; taking -an.,active "• Milton R. Abrahams, president of in which he pointed out what the Women has presented a resolution tion f o l l o w s r ^ ' .-• v ity."." . '• • • • • • • . . ' . • • • , : , those of our subscribers who the national program to educate the the B'nai B'rith, was reelected chief "What's the matter, KEBBI?. Do Women's organization, has and can favoring the adherance of the United took advantage of our offer Judge Cayton blamed the wave on sponsor. The advisory board will do. foreign born. This important activexpect me to die so soon?" States to the World Court to a numlast month. lack of training in the home and The experienced rabbi replies.:. ity, starts with the arrival .of the be' chosen by him and the executive The Imperial Quartet of Central ber of Jewish men's and women's Synagogue. He said: " I believe that Will those Vvho can, please board consisting of the officers* "You should live so long till your foreign born on American snores' at High gave several numbers. Mrs. organizations of the city and have come to the Jewish. Press ofEllis Island, and ends with teaching during the past decade, we have deson" learns the Kaddish!"' Active plans are being made for Grace Pool Steinberg sang a few received their signatures. fice at 490 Brandeis Theatre them English and acquainting them "finitely failed to perform our duty strong representation for the Cen- vocal selections, accompanied by Mrs. SHORT, SHORT STORIES These resolutions are being sent as Jews and Americans." Building for their copies. If tury chapter in the district tourna- Irvin Stalmaster. Dr. Philip Sher, on to the national headquarters this Noi so many years ago the lad^ was with the American customs, as they you cannot come after it, we locate in various cities and towns. ment to be held in Kansas City next president of the Welfare Organiza- •week. . building u p a bank balance by. runwill mail it to you. tion, gave a short address. The month. Morton Perer was elected The work is sponsored nationally ning around getting ads for -the PicThis local activity is part of s. basket ball captain, with Izz Schreib- Misner School. of Music produced torial Review. Last week Paul Block by the National Council of Jewish national program organized by Mrs. man as coach. Elimination contests "Ashes of Roses". bought up the Duluth News-Tribune, Women. The Omaha Council is carArthur Brin, of Minneapolis, nation- Mnd the campaign and1 do their are still under way to determine the Those in charge of the affair were: adding another link to a chain of rying on the activity here under the utmost in cooperating to put debate team and oratorical' represen- Miss Blanche Zimnaan, chairman; al chairman of the Department of what -will soon be a score of rags. education of foreign born committee, Peace of the National Council of the Jewish Press in ©very Jewtative. Mesdames F. J . Alberts, J . Mala* * - • Four years ago an ex-singing- of which Mrs. William A. Levy i s Jewish Women. ish home in the city. From the waiter was snubbed by the head of chairman. M r s . ' Levy's committee The annual smoker is being plan- shock, Henry Newman and Nate Milton R. Abrahams, rtew president I t is planned to present th«sc way the Mvtfmeh responded and ManteL reported eight afternoon classes, the Postal Telegraph system because of the Omaha Lodge No. 354 of the ned for the near future. resolutions t o the United States he dared to stick his Jewish nose into meeting once a -wjeek in the homes Independent Order of the B'nai Brith, the number of cards distributed, senators during the sessions of the a Christian family. Yesterday Irving and at the Jewish Community Center announced the following committees Fifth Conference on the Cause and the leaders have every reason Berlin accepted for publication a jazz with a total of thirty-nine enrolled, for the ensuing term; Cure of W&r, which is to meet in lor being optimistic in fulfilling song by John W. Mackey, Clarence's and with an average attendance of UJTKIXECTCAIi ADVANCEMENT Washington, D. C , from January their slogan of "A Jewish Press son and Ellen's brother. * * When he 95 per cent, COMMITTEE: r 14th to 17th. #'<f«; •*• Philip M. Klntsnlck, chairman; Samuel go, David Benjamin of Kansas City, in Every Jewish home m OmaCharacterizing the conference held attended the Hebrew Union College "These >men and women, who are Swartif Tice-chnirman: William Alberts, Mrs. Samuel Gerson h chairman Solomon Cutler of New York, and he decided to buy himself a bike. He foreign born have with the exception Dr. Meyer Beber, Harold I<"arber, Kobert in Chicago last month to effect a ha!" Kooper, A. H. Kramer, Irrin Levin, Dr. consolidation of seven Jewish national Mrs. Sigfried Herzog, president of of the Peace Committee of the Omaalso decided to charge it to the rabbi of a few, taken out their citizenship M. Margolin. Morris Micklin. Complete Canvass ha Council. The Peace Study group agencies as the most important meet- the Cleveland Federation. factory, in lieu of his own account. papers but are now anxious to be MEMBERSHIP. COMMITTEE: will meet a t noon Tuesday, January The national organisation will Irvin Lerln, chairman; Dr. O. S. Belier, Only ten years later, and he is one able to read and ynrite correctly and Goodman Conen, Max Fromkln,, Sam ing held in the United in connection The women will KiEke & comof the wealthiest of the younger auth- to converse intelligently and with Green, Joseph GreenberiT, Hobert Glaxer, with Federated cities and National again get together a t another meet- 14th, a t the Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. plete ' canvass of the Jewish Kaiman, David Kntsman, Harry ing in Boston in June, -when the Gerson and Mrs. I . D. Weiss will ors. The boy who missed, a pulpit the use of good-English," said Mrs. Abner Laptdus, Sam Kotnenberg, Louis Sogolow. agencies, Harry H. Lapidus stated community, calling at all of that "If the plans of the conference National Social Workers will hold have charge of the meeting. and landed a fine" pew is Lewis Levy. "They all .come from modern FINANCE COMMITTEE! fee Jewish homes. The camBrowne. homes and have adapted themselves Leo Abramson, cnairroan; Harry B. work out, and I feel sure they will, their convention. Something definite Cohen, vica-chalrman; Sam Beber, Beuben it will make history in America." is expected to have been -worked out paigis is on only for this month, to the American customs. Brown, Jonn Feldman, Dayid Freeman, HAS NOBODY TOLD endingJanuary SI. "The' volunteer • teachers "for the Dr. A. Greenberg, Darid Greenberg, Sam Mr. Lapidus returned this week from by then Klarer, Jack Marer, Ben Minkin, Morris YOU THAT On the 15th, Mr. Lapidus, with Dr. afternoon immigrant education classes Potash, Harry Kobinson, Joseph Trettak. a three-week trip to the east, accomIn next week's issue of the George Jean Nathan, the play un- are, Eubinow, was the principal speaker panied by Mrs. Lapidas. Mrs. Sam S. Newman, Mrs. rUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Jewish Pre&mnore detailed ittlertaker, once fought a duel in Italy Sam Theodore, Mrs. IRobert Glazer, Jac& Marer, chairman; Frank Ackerman, The conference, which met Decem- a t the mammoth celebration of Intertoarid Blacker, Nathan Ureea, Morris and got wounded? foitnation will be given connational A. Z. A. Day by the twelve ber 14 and 15, was represented by Mrs. Moe Venger, Mrs. Morton Deg' Jacobs. Sir Victor Sassoon, the EnglishChicago chapters. Mr. Lapidus, who cerning the teams and the BUDGET COMMITTEE: 45 Jewish Federated cities and the en,, Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mrs. B. M. Minchairman; Isadore-AbnunJewish sportsman, is going to invade Sam is treasurer of the Supreme Advisory following -•• National agencies: t h e The recently elected officers of the kin and Mrs. .Chas. Simon. standings of the members in the l H i d Kam 8 m „ ,, H Harry Freldmaa, Harry L LapiduS, !.his country shortly with a string of "The two evening classes under the Leon. J. M. Malashock, Leo liosenthal, National Hospital in Denver, the Council of the order, expressed him- Omaha Hebrew Club -were officially race for individual honors. liia fillies? Wolf. Jewish Consumptive Relief Society of self as being well-pleased with thej?installed at the regular meeting of the supervision of Miss Marie Gordon Joseph All Iocs! subscriptions mailed SOCIAL SERVICE COMMITTEE: Julius Epstein, Penn State fighter, Denver, the National Home for Jew- work he observed, being doae by the organization last Sunday, a t the J . and Miss Elizabeth Hart which have Dr. fhlllp Sher, chairman; Rabbi Abraiolds the intercollegiate boxing title into the Jewish Press office at; Junior B'nai Brith in all the cities Bengis, Rabbi Frederick Cohu, Sam- ish Children of Denver, the Jewish been organized in connection with ham C. C. uel Gerson. Harry Malashock, Henry Mon- Consumptive Relief Association of he visited. in the hundred and fifteen pound 490 Brandeis -Theatre Building the Board of Education, have an en- Sky, Harry Silverman, Irvln Stalmaster. Those installed were: Sam E. Klsvrfass? While in New York, Mr. Lapidus BI-LAWB COMMITTEE: Los Angeles, the Leo N. Levi Horollment of twenty-five and the averer, president; Msrk Polonsky, vice- during this month will be credWilliam Grodinsky, chairman; J". <Jspital V Vladimir Jabotinsky, the little giant age attendance each Monday and ol Hot Springs, Ark., the advanced the interests of the Na- president; Sol Kosenta-g," secretary; ited to the Auxiliary. Such Friedman, Fred White. >vho turns the dreams of Chaim Weiz- Wednesday a t the Jewish Commun- INITIATION COMMITTEE: Hebrew Sheltering and Immigration tional Jewish Hospial, of which he John Feldman, treasurer; Hjrnan subscriptions will be credited to is first vice-president. There, he and Oruch, Morris Brandeis and Jerome mann into nightmares, is a novelist ity Center is eighteen. These classes I. F. Goodman, chairman; Dr. A. Green- Aid Sodety of New York. berg Sam Leon, Irrin Levin, J. M. Malaindividuals if so marked. in addition to being a Zionist trouble- are made up mostly of younger men shock. Jack Marer, Harry Silverman. The Omaha men present were Samuel Schaefer, formerly of Omaha, Kulakofsky, trustees. maker, and that his nom de~ plume is and women who are employed during VIGILANCE COMMITTEES Harry Lapidas, Henry Monsky andi organized a New York committee for Sam E. Klaver, the new president, the hospital. A new York office for Altalena? William Holzmaii, chairman; A. Gold- William Holzman. the day and who find i t necessary has announced the folio-wing commit- OMAHA CHAPTER TO stein, Harry Malashock, Henry M Konrad Bercovici is the first writer tO master the English .language. Harry A. Wolf. Harry B. Zlmman. The theory upon which the dele- the hospital was opened and Isadore tees: PLAY SIOUX CITY A. Z. A. in the history of the flocker industry However, two of our most faithful BESOLCTIONS COMMITTEE: gates worked was to eventually con- Soberloff, formerly director of Public KKECtrcms COMMITTEE A O T The members of the Mother chapto be giveu the job of writing a story and advanced pupils are grandmothIsadore Abramson, chairman; L. Harris, solidate all seven into one, so that Relations of the Jevjish Federation CO3E35ITTEE Perry SUverman, Harry Trusttn, Fred the Federated city makes one drive of New York, was engaged as New BUDGET, ter of the A. Z. A., will be hosts to and also the music for a screen opus? ers. Dr. A. Grambeifr. chairawn; Frefl -White, This goes to prove that this White. York director. Max Fromkin, Irrfn Stalmaster, Has?}" £he metabers of the visiting basketJulius Eosenwald owns the biggest work reaches all ages and classes. for all .and then proportionately CXJSVEX.AND OKPHAS BOMS Lepiduis. Sam Swarts, Mark Long, J. Mr. Lapidus had conferences in Kifclin, ball team from Sioux City this SunCOMMITTEE: " block of stock in the Encyclopedia divides the sum raised among the Mart Polonsfcy. "It is the aim of this department N. S. Yaffe. chairman; Dr. O. S. Belaer, New York with Paul Felix Warburg, day afternoon. The Jwsal teans iB Brittanica, and that is how some peoorganizations. 8ICK COMMITTEE ; to carry on the work'as long as the DaTld Greenberg, Harry Welner. Sol Lowenstein, executive director of Mark Po&msftf, cfcalrman; Byman o™<*, wrdefeatecl and th* "Soo" are said ple explain the increase of Jewish I*EO N. LBVI HOSrWAX. COMMITTEE: Mr. Lapidas was one of the seven men and women are interested Rnlakofsky, Morris Brandeis. Har- to hare a strong team •which -will Dr. A. Greenbergr, chairman; A. B . Al- men and two women appointed to the the New York iFederation, and Dr. Jerome names inthose tomes?- ry Dworeky. A. Richards, John Feidmnn, enough to attend these classes." perln, Harry B. Cohen, 1. Levy, Morris Samuel Goldsmith, director of the "W. MOHOYlTJS, Sot Kowtitowrg, 3. JUkUn. J. mske R bid for district and national . Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts FeaWilder, LouJs Simon, Jacob Slosburg, Har National Quota Committee, which is Koirmnek, J. Freed. A. Scixwaeskln, SiUU A, Z. A, recognition. The council of Jewish Women r y A . Wolf. ture Syndicate,) to represent the United States. This New York Bureau of Social Eesesrch AHshuJel, 1£. TiplitSky. the only women's Jewish organiza- NATIONAL JEWISH HOSPITAL The game will be staged in the committee, whose duty i t is to fixand director of the local survey. Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) Dr. Judah L. tion in the United States actively en- COMMITTEE: He also had a conference with Mr_ ^TCOvicU c h a ! r i n a i l ; B. „....„,..__._. gymnasium of the Community Center Xrrln. Stalmaster, chairman: H. H. AueT- the quota for each city and allocate Magnes, chancel'or • of the Hebrew gaged in thia form of international j L B j g g . M. Sunday afternoon, at four o'clock. bach. Dr.. Abac A. Greenberg, G r e e e g , Harry y Lapldus, the different amounts, includes some David Brown c o a m i n g the future ^ - ^ . M - , university, has issued an order for- service. ;Ur. Mnskin, Harry TxustinV drive of the Jewish Agency and the S^HCO, Barnej- Feitmen, B. Orueh, " of the .most outstanding individuals in VTolf. bidding the students to publish anyboth itself A loan oft the country, as Alfred TL Forman of possible merger of the Joint Distribu-j Brandela. Honest labor b e a n a lovely face. HOUSE COMMITTEE: thing before the secretariat of the —ShakeBpeat*. friend. (Continued on Page 2.) Dr. O. S. Belaer. Ben Glazer, the Forman National Bank of Chica- tion Committee, t university '^ees it. '

DR. F1SHBEIN, CELEBRATE 25TH Criticize Judge forCharge FAMED EDITOR, of a "Jewish Crime Wave" ANNIVERSARY OF M L LECTURE WOMEN'S GROUP Communal Survey


Mesdames J. Stein and John Beber Appointed Majors for Campaign and in Turn \.,.„_ . Appoint Team Captains •\ MUCH ENTHUSIASM SHOWN .:\




Lapidus Is Enthusiastic About Consolidating National Agencies



^uaixiuau |


lAtLft, Louis Shanock.


Books Received



igious Services

Published ever; Thuredby at Omaha, Nebraska, by

THE JEWISH.PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office:' Brandeis Theater Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR c PRANK R. ACKERMAN EDITOR FANNIE KATELMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent SIOUX .CrfY OFFICE Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street Subscription Price, one year1 • - " .V 1 " * *"* 1» " Advertising rates ftmuaned on application


CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address;, be sure to give your name.


. temple Israel Rabbi Frederick Gohn of Temple Israel has selected "Journey's End" as the subject for his sermon at tonight's services. Tomorrow morning he will speak on "God in History". On. Tuesday afternoon, January 14> at 2:30 at the Blackstone Hotel Rabbi Cohn will review Jacob Wasserman's "World's Illusion" before the Book Review club. On Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock Dr. Cohn will addresB the Bible Class at the JXJ.C. on "Rebecca and Rachel" in the course on "Women of the Bible". Rabbi Cohn spoke before the Northside Women's club on "Old Racea in the New World" Wednesday afternoon* Wednesday morning he spoke on "Mansions of Philosophy" to the Mu Sigma club. Censervatire Synagogue "What is in a Nanfte?" will be the subject of the sermon by Rabbi Abraham Bengis tonight at the services of the Conservative Synagogue at the J.C.C. tonight, beginning at 8.yRabbi Bengis expects to discuss the significance and ofgin of the terms "Jew*', "Hebrew" and "Israelite". Services Saturday morning will be« gin at 9:30.

Mr. a n d M r s . Richard Gordon a n 13th, at 138 West Broadway. Nomination of officers will take place nounce the birth':«&* i8n»1»» Sunslid all members i r e urgtd to at- day, Janoary 5t£» at the Edi8ai»dson hospital. tend. »- —"•• (Continued from Page 1.) Among t h e college students who MEMBEK8H1P COMMItTEB Mrs. Maurice GilSBsky entertained Joe Trctlak, chairman: Inren Levin, Tice- have returned t o their various unichairman; S. Knhanowiteil, A. lUilin, S. Bablor, Ma* Belgtad, N\ Lepshltt, HftJrty versities t o reiume their studies fol- sixteen' children at her nosne SatMendelson, A. Sclxwactkin, M. Zwlebeiann ( lowing a t w o Weeks vacation a r e urday afternoon in honor of the .sevI. Morgenstern, Charles COhh. the following Who left t h e first at enth birthday anniversary of her WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Max Fromkln, chairman; J. J. Fried- the week f o r Iowa City: Misa Lydia daughter, Jean. man, vice-chairman; Joe Tretiak, M. Zwiebelman, SI. Blank, A. Monsky, H. Fiah- Ross a n d Miss Helen Whitebook, a c ,bain, J. Crounse, Sol Rosenberg, J. Stein- companied by h e r house guest, Miss Mrs. Samuel fi. Katelman enterberg, Mark Polonsky, Abe Sherman, Louis Morgan,- Jerome Kulakofsky, Hytnan Florence Glassman of Iowa City, tained her Evening Bridge d u b at Orucht M. Teplltsky. and Miss Rosalie Richman, and jhef home Tuesday evening. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Messrs. Milton Krasne, Harold Saks, Dave Blacker, chairman; J. Crounse, D. Oruch. Albert Harding^ William Wolfe a n d Dr. Isaac 6ternhill hats received INITIATION COSOnTTEE Edwin Friedman. an appointment this week to the N. S. Taffee, chairman; B. Vaks, Albert Kaplan. Among those who returned t o Lin- staff at the Mercy hospital in CounRESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE coln t o resume their studies a t t h e cil Bluffs. He is well known here, Sam Swnrtz, chairman; Irvin Ijcvin, Judah Wolfson, J. J. Friedman, Sam University of Nebraska a r e t h e having been elected president of the Beber, N. S. Yatte. Misses Mildred Meyerson a n d Sylvia local B'nai Brith recently. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Richards and Messrs. M a x Kramer, J. Riklin, chairman ;* Joe Tretiak, vicechairman; M. Braude, Dr. A. A. Steinberg, Leo Meyerson, Hymie Kramer and Miss Lillian Steinberg1 has returned 3. Kahanowitch. Edward Rosen. home from Chicago, HI., where she VIGILANCE COMMITTEE Miss Ruth Bernstein returned t o spent the past few months. Harry Lapidns, chairman; Fred White, Harry Wolf, Win. Holtsman, Henry Mon- Chicago, 111., where she is a student flky, Max Fromkin, Dr. A. Greenberg, Sam Beber, M. Loitlg, Sam Swarts, Judah Wo«- a* t h e Northwestern University. Bon, Irvin Stalmaster, M. Sellco, I. MorMrs. Anna Saltzman left Sunday Milton Marcus h a s returned t o genstern. Champaign, HI., t o resume his s t u - for Sioux City, Sa., to visit her son, TAMIUND TOBAH CO>M1TTEE M. Polonsky, chairman; John Ftldtnda dies a t t h e University of Illinois Mr. Philip Saitzmsn, and Mrs. Saltzman. HOUSE COMMITTEE "* following a t w o weeks vacation.

Name Committee of Hebrew Club

Poisoned dynamite, the kind upon-which anti-Semitism came from the lips of one of our fellow-Jews in Washington last week, wieii Municipal Court Judge Nathan Cayton in an address at the AdathIsrael Synagoguecharged the existeiice of a' "Jewish crime wave" and alleged that the Jews in America have produced more than their proportionate share of criminals.' The Washington papers, ^ te this scathing Rev. E. Fleishman, chairman; S. Sablor, speech had been released in advance, played the story up sensavice-chairman; A. Schlalfer, M. Cfounse, Harry Dworsky, Ben Handler, J. Llntitionally, glaring headlines tailing attention to extensive accounts man, J. Flnkle. : of Cayton's words* APPOINTEES . • A . Richard*, Inside Guard, «nd Sam Regardless of whether the Judge's remarks were inspired Klaven representative to thft Jewish Welfare Federation. by- a desire to curry favor as a stern and impartial critic or whether they were due to gross ignorance, his unseemingly and cruel condemnation of his people and his religion give cause for righteous indignation. There is no limit to the effect his ill-fated statements may have. ; We cancondone such opinions when held OBITUARIES by ignorant and unthinking individuals, but a government official By P. R. K. Julius Goldberg occupies a position which calls for~judicaial temper, insight and Julius GoldbergV 51, ah old'time understanding. Delivering so carefully prepared an address t6 resident of Omaha and welMiked in The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 of the Independent Order of the the press may r even influences the report of the Hoover Crime thi tommunity, died last week. Commission which h m not yet returned its findings. Then, too", He is irarvived by his widow and B'nai Brith will hold an installation the newly elected officers at an .the wide prominence given to the address in Washington, the four children: Reuben, of Chicago; of open meeting on Sunday evening, Al and Bess Goldberg and Mrs. Jean seat of government, must have had a derogatory effect upon all of Omaha. Reuben Gold- January 19th, at the Eagles Hall. the numerous legislators, foreign ^diploniats and other officials Rochman, berg came from Chicago to attend Mr. Leo Eeitman of Milwaukee, Wis., who in all probability'received an erroneous impression from the the funeral,. which was held Jail. 2. president of the District Grand Lodge report jof the speech. _ , \ . . Mr. Goldberg was active in cbm- No. 6 of the I. O. B. B., will install the officers and be the principal miinal activities. ;•,.'- We do not fear Jewish self-criticism; no matter how painful speaker and honored guest. A banB.. Wiesman '. it may be, we want the truth. But Judge Cayton's unwarranted quet will be given in bis honor at denunciation is contrary tofacts and statistics; For instance, B. Wiesman,,66, 2018 North 21st the Chieftain Hotel .preceding the in New York state, the center of Jewish population in this Street, died at his home Friday, open meeting. The banquet will 3, after an illness of five take place at 6:30 o'clock and will be country, ^ie Jews constitute 17% of the population, yet con- January weeks. Mr.. Wiesman had been a for both men and women. Reservatributed but 10% of the prison population during the past ten resident of Omaha for 27 years. tions for those- wishing ,to attend years, according to tne statistical department of the American He is survived by his widow, three should be made promptly with Mr. Jewish Congress. And in Washington, the very home of Judge daughters, Mrs. M. Kurt2man,, Mrs. Louis H. Katelman, who is chairman Cayton,. within the last; 15 years Jewish juvenile delinquency, M. Tuchtnaft of Omaha, and Mrs.* "H. for this affair. The public is invited for example, has decreased from 8.5% to less than 1%.- Further, Wishnow'bf Iihcfblh, and three sons, to attend. Philip and Sam, all of official statisticsshow that in 1928, the latest year in which offi- Nathan, The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Omaha. • cial figures are available, not even 3% of the inmates of the Burial was* held Sunday afternoon Society will hold an important meetleading, representative prisons were Jewish. ing next Monday evening, January at the Golden Hill cemetery. It was a serious charge that an epidemic was breaking out which could be denominated "Jewish". Judge Cayton should be made to.produce facts and figures to substantiate his untimely assertions, or failing in this, as we are certain he must, he should make an immediate retraction and full apology to the ; community. Perhaps, in this way he can at least partially repair the damage he has done by his preposterous declarations as to the good name and standing of our people.

Council Bluffs News

Psi' Ma club is chairman of the SR. COUNCIL SPONSOR Council handball tourney and is now receiving in the tournament. OF DEBATE TOURNEY Stanley entrants' F, Levin, President, anThe Senio* Council debate tournament will begin February 13 and debates will be held on alternate Mondays and Thursday thereafter until the two .finalists are determined. A silver loving cup will be awarded to the.teams placing first and second. • Miss Rose Stein of the Tonku Koda club is chairman of the^ debate and any. information, desired may be obtained from her. Earl Siegel of the

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Hie general operation end maintenance o? street railway property cost approximately $2,381,* 000. The Street Railway Company (not tfcie bridge) paid $377,000 in taxes. We spent $25,000 for new paving. The cost o? new improrements -in Omaha this year has been $500,000. The bridg« operation, maintenance, and taxes, cost approximately $100,000. } We spent during tHe year $800,000 outs?3e ol Omaha for the purchase of new steel and other equipment. %

In view of the people's desire and need ?or goo3 service, in view of the city's need for a first-class street railway system, and in view of our honest efforts to provide such a utility, we believe we desire the cooperation of every interest which is work* ing for the welfare of Omaha. Our stockholders, as usual, received no dividends In 1020. ..... _



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iBank of Omaha —exactly what the namt implies See Onr Windows Tddaw—Compare Our Values Alwajr« =— COBBECT APPyVEBL FOR MEN AND WOMBS—^

During 1929 the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street K&flway Company spent in wages, general operation, maintenance, taxes, and new improv«nents, $3,638,000, of which $3,888,000 was spent in Omaha.

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We believe this expenditure is ample proo? tHat we are doing our very best to give Omaha a fine street car system and to give the people the very b « t service.

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Practically all of the money earned ky this comIt k pany is spent in Omaha and resnains in Omaha. goes into our grocery stores, department stores, garages, banks, building and loan associations, and into the public treasury for school expenses and other municipal expenses.

nounces the clubs winning first, second, third and fourth places in the recent rally are: Psi Mu, Poale Zion, Center Players Guild and A.Z. A. chapter One. Tha silver loving cup emblematic of the honors will be engraved and placed in the Center trophy case.


j . C. C. ttA3K«TBALL LEAGUE The Peerless Cleaners defeated the Kaplsa S«rgfti& Cwnter in t i e first game of tlte Cominer^ftl League Wednesday nigh* when thiy overwhelmed this Kfeplaat 38 to 17. * • . • . The A. & A. Ghftpfctr 100 won their first game of the lebffMl wMn they took an 1$ to .16 deciaion from the Psi Mu Cleb. Wslffe, J. Shfiel>rasfi and S. Handler seo?*d all of the vietere points. Th* game result was Quite an Tip«£t Sis the Pfei Mu were dojjed to defeat Ihe oft-defeated Century lads. » • * The championship A. & A* Chaptei No. 1 ^aintette M« holding down first place by thult lonesome as the remit ©f fch« Fieriest CltMieri k»ing while they took A forfeit game from the Segelman's. The A. Z. A. men took en tht Knfc National Batik erew tod hand®*! them * pasting. The red dad TJ* S, Oil* appear to fe# the d a n i t t t mrtfit in the Intar* mediate leafa« «md &r« resting more or lesg eecorely in tot place. Th« Tusd* dab holding dewn the wcoad •pises berth.

N E 1 . D . A S K




: • <



Tea Bridge


of Jewish Jewish Men in Race Women Activities for Bluffs Offices

Dr. Samuel Z. Faier of Otaaha, \ The Peace study group , of the who is at present an interne at Sinai Council of Jewish Women will meet' Three well-toowm Jewish imp, of Hospital, Baltimore, Md., attended two national fraternity rasventions Tuesday, January 14 at 12 o'clock at Council Bluffs, la., will be among during the holiday season, while on '. the Blsckstmse Hotel. Mrs. I. D. those running for Councllmen. Jo! WeiBS and Mrs. Samuel Gerson will seph B. Kat«lmat5 and C4eorge Steina leave of absence. ! Dr. Faier was a delegate to the be ill charge of this ineeting. Mrs. berg will be candidates for aldermenconvention of the Phi Delta Epsilon, j Weiss will speak on "What Price Ar- st-large on the republican ticket. medical fraternity, at the Statler Ho- ! n-aments?", and Mrs. Gerson's sub-! Two issn will be elected on the primtel in Detroit, Mich. He thefi visited j ject will be "The New Map of , ary election wlwch vW. N» hew febj ruarj" 24th. •• • in Philadelphia, Washington m& New j Europe". The Study Circle of the Women's "York, In the latter city he attended j Th« Bible Class conducted by Rabbi; Mr, O. Hochman will 1«5 e canAuxiliary of the Conservative Syna- the coftVefltion of the Pi La»bda Phi, i Cohn will meet on Wednesday, Janu- ' didate for sldermah of the fourth _ , j , - ^ ? ° * M r s * ^ Rosenthal have announced the engagement gogue held their meeting Monday af- national social fraternity. : sr. 15, at 10 a.m. at the Jewish; ward on the-, republican ticket »t the of their daughter, <Jrace, to Mr. Lester A, Lapidue,isonof Mr. Mid ternoon, Mrs. Joha Beber gave l i e Community Center. Rabbi Conn's priinary election. Mrs^iHarry H. Lapidiis. , current events. Mrs. A. Silvermah subject will be "Rebecca and Rachel". Thess? men ate si! prominent in • Both, are popular members of the younger social set. Miss gave a very interesting discourse on New Members Are The Legislation and Civics study local affairs. Rosenthal is a senior at Iowa State College at Ames. Mr. Lapidus "Dietary Lews". group will meet fet the BJackstone attended; the U^versity <»f Nebraska and -was president of the Added to Auxiliary j Hetel WednesdEy, JanuarF 15,fet12 A man is but- what he kneweth. At the next meeting Mrs. Sam linGoln chapter of the Zeta Beta Tatrl?!raternity. -Bacon, Beber will give the current events The regular meeting of the Ladies o'clock. i^O definite'date hasbfeen set for the wedding. and Mr& A. BengiS 'will give a re- Auxiliary of the Co&Semtive .SynaThe Parent Education class conport on "Ceremonial*". Fur Coats i*4metl for fS.BO gogue Wednesday afternoon at the Suetefi fey Mrs. iSva Motse will meet Hiss Mollye^Grossman has set Feb* J Mrs. Sam Weinberg andv-'B(a All Auxiliary members are invited J>C*G; was ,well litteaiied. IChe tfasn- Friday morning at 10:30, January IT, i All DressmaJring ion® in ruary 23rd as tile "date of her mar^ Sebert Allynj of ^"remontj Nebr.> will to attend. Rabbi Bengis is leader of paign beilig conducted by t&e Auxil- at the home of Mrs. David Feder. riage 1£ Joe BorsheVsky «f Stmx j leave Sanday, January 12> for Philahome if desired. the class. * . . The Class in_ Parliamefitfery Prae- j iary for Jewish Press subscriptions Urs. Wein; ;/ delphia, I'a.^to -v^it t?ith Wfibster 5025. — Use will meet Thursday, January 16, ] Honoring Miss Grossman, the Mis- berg^ brother-in-l&w : and isieter, Mrs* Elfenbaum The Daughters of Zion will give a The teachers of the J.C.C. Sunday was tile main oRier of business, Samj at 10 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Her- \ ses Lillian Keiser and Alice' MinTdn DoctdrSH; B. and .Eose R. Mlkfelberg. card party fof the National Fund at School will meet ait the home of Miss Beber aiai^ssing the membeSB on bt,rt Anistein. 3 srfn «aife«ain 'at' five table* of bridge Hiey "vfiQ. also irisit -witt relatives inthe J.C.C. on Wednesday, January Ruth Pollack at 8 p . m. on Wednes- tMs propdBition. Miss Sara Rae Msh g&v« several Ghicago, Boston and New York. on Sunday. /•_.•• • 22. The public i s cordially invited flay, January IS. piano selections. A totial hour folMrs.: Weinberg and he?;son to attend. - - •- The marriage $f Msij Hel&i .Lewisj. to be gone about two months. lowed t i e Serving of tea. The Russian Tea Party and ConAs they have not sponsored an afOmfidvds Style Center daughter of Mr. L Lewis, and Mr. cert which was sponsored by the La- Additional new meinbtrs art: Mesfair for some time, they ask the patSam : Siporin, Jr., son of Mr. and Mifises Mollye Grossman and Alice dies Labor Lyceum club Sunday, damee D. Stein, J . Goldware* J. M. Mrs. Sam Siporin, :was solemnized Minktn Spent; NfeW Year's in Siou* retiage of their Mends. January 5» was a huge succese, ac- Ewaaa, E. N. Zolkia, M- Snafeter, Stmday* January 5, at the Beth Ha- Fallis, So. Oakl, and Sibta d t y , la. The members of the Alpha Tau cording to those in charge. A. Mai&el, Sam Brown) Tilli* Shermedroah' flagtidol synagogue. Rabbi sorority\ are making plans for a beneThe next meeting of the club will! l&an, J. Ber&Etein, MxX Kapifeh, E. A. Gradinsky, Rabbi Bengis, and Cantor Miss Sally Levin of SL Joseph, fit party t o be held in the Communi* be held Tuesday, January 21, at Newman and Paul WoMuer. Kohanowitch officiated. Mr. • and was the New Itear** guest t>f ty Center about the .-middle' of Febru- which time ofiteJa for the ensuing Mrs. H. Shrtzky and Mr. and Mrs* Mr. land Mrs. Sam Robinson. MISS "I. €. &'* ary. Proceeds from the party will year will be elected. Orpheum Jack Lincoln attended the couple. Opposite Plans are under way to make the be distributed between a charitable Mr. Ben Eisenberg, who is visiting organization and the Community CenThe Council of the Jewish National "Miss J.C.C." contest one of the catTheilcoiiple left l o t an extended trip;*t6' thejEafit. Upon their TetuHt 3bi3 parents in New" *£ork, will ter. Thft latter proceeds are to be Fund Committee will meet next Wed<-! standing events of the Center social they trill aiakfe their home at the to Omaha the week of January ttbed to further plans for creating nesday, January 15, at thfe. J.C.C. All season. This year it will be a beauty Single; apartments. a/social roam for all Center mem- members Are urged to attend sis in> and popularity c&ateSt tai Will be Miss Gladys Goldberg, of St. Jo^ bers, and to be equipped with a radio. portant busings must be transacted. stated on February i . The prize Mr.,land Mrs. Henry-N. Pollack seph, Mo,, is the guest of her unble ribbons are on dispky in the J.C.C. The Alpha Tau has a membership have afifiounced the engagement of and aunt,-Mr, aiid Mrs. Ns. 6. Sam* The Daughters of Zion will hold trophy case. of thirteen youhg wbmen and is adtheir daughter, Leona, to Mr* Benmel. Miss Goldberg arrived here a regular meeting lit the J.C.C. WedThe d&aees every Baturoay evening S. Shiipiro, son of Mr. and Mrs.Tuesday evening and will remain in- vised by Miss Betty Goldberg. nesday, January 15, at 2:50 p. m. at t&fe Csater feav« eajeyed a iaest Jacob. Shapiro. ' . definitely. •A regular meeting of the Deborah ! Election of officeis will be held. All fiaceessM staeoa. The Happy Bkyif No idate has been set for the Society will be held Tuesday after- I members are urfStl to attend. Boys will again play this wedding. Miss Selma Goldberg of St. Joseph, noon, January 14, at 2:30 at the I Mo^ spent New Year's ift Omaha as Center. Plans will be formulated for ' At ;a:New Year's watch party, the guest of Misa Sophia Handler. the Purim BalL ] given iat- the PastOn Hotel, the enThe following were elected officers Mr. Mac Guttman of Springfield, for the coming year: Mrs. K. Tatle, gagement of Miss Sylvia Goffstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brook- Mass., spent the week in Omaha with •president; Mrs. A. Wolf, vice-presi- • stein, !|was announced to Mr. jPhil his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel dent; Mrs. Max FromMn, financial; FriedBian, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Guttman. After\ February 1, Mr. secretary; Mrs. E. A. Meyer, cor- • F4edman of this city, formeiriy <>f. Guttman will make_»his; home in responding secretary; Mrs. J. Finkle, ; CleVeland, Ohio. "Fremont. treasurer. ' v No date has been Bet lor the wedMiss Bessie Grand of Winnipeg, Sarah Pollay was elected president ding, whicH will take place sometime Crocheting a Specialty — Guaranteed Satisfaction Canada, arrived Sunday to visit "her Df the Fa. Hon Sorority Wednesday next itimnier. ,-s-?,>•'•. irotb.er»-in'hlW and stater*. Rev* and evening at a meeting at the J. C. C» AT. 94S9-*2419 Wbohrtrth \ Mr. and Mrs. S, Rips announce the Mrs. S. Zahanowitch, 3503 California Other officers elected are: Rose ; : inarriage of their sister Miss Esther s t r e e t - ;• " • • . • - ' •. . Stein, secretary; Marian Brookstein, Kram<ir to Mr. Meye* Colnic^ son of treasurer; Harriet Wolsky, reporter. Mt. and Mrs» S . Janoff gave a Mr. aadptrrt. D. Colnier on Sdnd^y,, - Miss -Rose Brookstein, sponsor of bridge^ at their "home We^nesdayDecember 29. The wedding "was loir" the group, was presented with a gift lowed; i by a dinner at which covers eveniag in honor of the tsam of in appreciation of the services she j Tucker and Smith, who are appearwere laid _for 75 people.' has rendered in the past year. Thei;yottng couple left for a short 3Bg OQ the Orpheum bill this week. 16th at honeymoon- trip. They will make thdf jiome-witii Mrs. Colnic's sister' - Mr. Abner Salman, prominent in A regular meeting of the Blkur local insurance circles, attended the Cholim Society will be lield at the Mrs. t>. Parker at 2415 Binney str. Those ; who entertained for Mrs. convention and fiftieth anniversary of synagogue at 25th and Seward Colnici; prior to her marriage are: the Bankers Life Co., held at Fort streets, January 13, at 2 o'clock. Ail Mrs. d; Rips, Mrs. D. Ptixk&t, Mr. A. Des Uoiries Hoteli January 6, 7 and members are urged to be present as an election of officers will be held. ti. Coira of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Elizabeth tfatler and Mrs. M. Belgrade. The Jewish Press desires to inaugurate a calendar containing the meeting dates of all the Jewish women's organizations of the city, in order to remind our readers as to the meeting time of the organizations to which they belong. Will the secretary of all those groups having a regular meeting date please notify the Jewish Press of that date. All those not meeting regularly, please notify us of your meeting date before Wednesday afternoon at 5 p. in., the Week preceding tfie meeting. , Matters of special interest will be given spate the week, of the; meeting. We will appreciate the cooperation of the organizations in this matter.

The Ways and Means Committee of the Council of Jewish Women is sponsoring a bridge tea to be given at the Blackstone Hotel Monday, February 17. The party is being given for the benefit of the Scholarship Fund which the Council is sponsoring. Prizes will be given at the tea. Mrs. B. A. Simon is thaiman of the Ways and Meafis Committee*

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Mr. and Mrs. Leo Abramsoh, who were married in Chicago December 28, at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Levin, by Rabbi Stottis T&xOfl, have returned to Omaha. > The couple "will make their home here, Sir. and Mrs. Sam Colick announce tli engagement of their daughter, Faye, to! Mr. Max Weiss, son of Mn and Mrs] Bernard Weiss of St. Louis, Mo.'. i|-:. v / ."•• \ No definite date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kits of Kansas City, Mo., "formerly of Omaha, an*nounce j&& engagettfebt of their daughter Cells, to Mr. Charles Hermanson,; son of Mr. and Mrs.' Dary Hermaniion of this city. • No definite date has been set for the -wediimg. The Ildr MifcSvah .'of flymifi JaCObowj son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacobow, was celebrated last Saturday at the 25th and Seward synagogue. Kabbi N. Feldman in a speech following ,'the reading praised the youth for his! excellent presentation of the Moftir and lauded the work of the Talmud" Torah. Large donations were given to the Talmud; Terah and to other institutions. i1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln -will entertain ; [the immediate family, which Humbert about forty, at dinner at their home, Sunday, January ^..honoring tneir fifteenth wedding anniversary. $ridger viiil follow. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sibring of Chicago, II}., will arrive today to be the guests 3f Mr. and Mrs. 3L Silverinan, , parents' of Mrs. Sibring, and their brtthetlfin-laW and eistef, Mr. and Mrs. Bfen Eisenbcrg. . s.!jk. M. Korbhols and infant Piiilifj Piiili Yale, of Cl&rlnda, Iowa, l^tijig, a t t h e home of their "*-ai? vil^ti ii Mr. snd Mrs. S. Handler, ^.orbhote w&s formerly Miss Besse iland' r ' , ' . . „ . I

4. • .






• •
















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CITY NEWS "Zionism Not Injured byRecent Arab Disturbance" That the. cause off Zionism was strengthened and not weakened by the Arab attacks in Palestine, during; August; that the Chalutzim of Palestine are 'working with' renewed fervor toward its upbuilding; and that Jews in Palestine are looking toward America for spiritual and material support was the content of the address; delivered last Sunday evening by Dr. S. Uris at the'Community Center. Dr. Uris, who is touring the; United States in the interest of the Chalutzim of Palestine spoke to over 250 men and women at this meeting which was sponsored by the National Workers Alliance and the Pioneer Women's Organization. ' "The problems of Palestine have been 'many, and weighty", said Mr.. Abe Staiman who introduced the speaker. "A picture of true and existing conditions there is imperative to understand the necessity of continued support and enthusiasm for the upbuilding o f Zion." Mr. Aizenberg spoke eloquently, pleading with those present to rally to the cause, and lamenting the fact that many; of the citizens had not yet identified themselves, /with . the Zionist: movement. • * Mr. Bau'mstein also spoke Sunday evening. Over ?600 were raised at the meeting. Miss Frances Fribourg played Beveral violin' solos. An informal reception for Dr. Uris was held at the Community. Center Monday evening.

Community Center Notes

Society News

Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Elects Board Members

Mr. and Mrs. E. Rubenstein, 2676 Twenty-five members of the Shaare Court St., announce the engagement, Zion Auxiliary were elected to the of their daughter, Lucille, to Morris' Board of the organization at the E. Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.' regular meeting held last Monday W. Kaplan, 1422 Rebecca St. The evening. The new board includes date for the wedding has not been Mrs. Barney Baron, Mrs. B. Berkowitz, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mrs. A. set. • ' Goodsite, Mrs. M. Daskovsky, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belkin of John Lansberg, Mrs. D. Mazor, Mrs. Grand Rapids, Mich., announce the John Levin, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, birth of a son. Mrs. Belkin was form- Mrs. Milton Mushkin, Mrs. M. Seff, erly Bertha Holland of this city. Mrs. H. Levin, Mrs. J. Kauffman, Mrs. J. L. Levitt, Mrs. P, Sherman, Mrs. Philip Miller of Minneapolis,' Mrs. M. Lasensky, Mrs. L. A. Baron, Minn., is a guest at the home of .her- Mrs. Max Friedman, Mrs. A. Silverparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen. Mrs. Miller was formerly Leone Cohen of berg,-Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs. E. Robinow and Mrs. C H. Raskin. The this city. following were elected to serve on Misses Freda and Anne Shiloff [ the culinary committee: Mrs. B. entertained 16 friends honoring Miss' Sherman, Mrs. M. Dizon, Mrs. S. Jeanette Greengard- of St. Louis,! Lipman, Mrs. J. N. Krueger, Mrs. Max Herzoff, Mrs. A. M. Herzoff, who was a guest in their home. Mrs. A. Slotsky, Mrs. J. Shindler, Mr. M. Blank was guest of honor Mrs. Sam Schulkin, Mrs. R. Kutcher at a-surprise party given last Satur-' and Mrs. M. Mason. day night, in honor of his 55th birth-j day. At the conclusion of the eve-j The new officers of the Auxiliary ning he was presented with a gold will be installed.at the meeting Jan. wristwatch. A midnight buffet super, 29. They include Mrs. Sam Shulkin, was served. I President; Mrs. Sam Weiner and Mrs. Robert Sacks, Vice Presidents; Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Shiloff an-! Mrs. Lester Heeger, Recording Secnounce the birth of an infant son. •retary; Mrs. I. .Levin, Corresponding Secretary, and Mrs. Sam Skalovsky, Miss Shirley Harkoway was hostess Treasurer. at a tea given in her home last; Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss' Molly Gladstone, who is a guest in, RABBI LEWIS TO the Harkoway home.. DISCUSS "JOURNEY'S

Mr. Solomon Baron, a former resi- i Wardrobe ~...25 14 dent of Sioux City, died in his home j Empire Cleaners 23 19 in Los Angeles, following a linger- j Omaha Tobacco 21 21 ing illness. Mr. Baron moved several (Malashock Jewelry ....20 22 months ago from Sioux City to | Glazer Clothing 16 23 •California for his health. He is Kahnan Insurance 16 26 survived by three son6 and a daughAfter a two week holiday, the Buster. iness Men's Bowling League resumed activities. DR. J. N. LANDE Certified Public Accountants The start was featured by the GUEST SPEAKER AT Bldsr. Malashock's defeating the league \ SHAARE ZION TONIGHT leading Wardrobes, two games. The AT. 4451 victory was featured by the heavy Dr. J. N. Lande will speak from shooting of "Fremont" Krupp. the pulpit of the Shaare Zion Synagogue this evening, speaking on his The Empires won two from the experiences in Europe this summer. Kaimans, thanks to the rare shoot- { Dr. Lande returned to Sioux City j ing of ."Ankles Shrolly" Goodman. I JUNIOR HADASSAH The Glazers took a close decision j last month after spending six months CHAPTER TO HAVE from the Omaha Tobacco Company, ATlantic 6291 PARTY JANUARY 16 visiting in the Old County and where winning two out of three. he made a special study of child J. M- JENSEN diseases. A party for paid-up members of J. J. FRIEDMAN, ATTOBNET 334 Peters Trust Bids., City the Junior Hadassah Chapter will be BY FCB&ICATIOS OK PETICHARLES SIMON held Thursday evening, January 16, Let thy child's first lesson be obed- NOTICE TION FOB SETTUEJEENT OF TtSAX. ADMINISTBATION ACCOUNT at the Jewish Community Center. ience, and the second will be what Recommends In the County Court of Douglas County, "Admission to this affair will be by thou wilt.—Franklin. Nebraska. THE SANITARY LAUNDRY membership card only" was the an? In the Matter of the Estate of VeralS •The Bert of AH &anndry B«r»to«»" UOKSKT, KATLEMAN * GRODINSKT, Alexander, deceased: nouncement made by Miss Sadie ATTOBNEXS All persons interested in said matter are Shulkin, president of the organiza737 Ornahn Nat. Bk. Bide. AT-2815 hereby notified that on the 21st day of . NOTICE is hereby given that at a duly December, 1928, Ada Alexander Hamilton tion at the last executive meeting. constituted meeting of stockholders of the filed a petition in said County Court, pray- i Memberships may be paid at the Alamito Dairy Company held on the 17th ing that her final administration account ' of December, 1929, the Articles of In- filed herein be settled and allowed, and door. Bridge will form the evening's 4ay corporation of the said Company were that she be discharged from her trust as ; amended as follows: entertainment. administratrix and that a hearing will be j

Osheroff Re-Elected Aleph Godol of A. Z. A. Chapter

Miss Anne Cohen reviewed "The Galaxy" for members of the S. I. S. club at their regular meeting last Tuesday evening. "Maypoles and Morals" was reviewed by Miss Ida Peldman. at the dinner meeting of the Business Girls' club on Wednesday-evening. Members of the Maccabee club held their annual election _on_ Tuesday evening. George Efhiridler was elected president; Stanley Ijlerzoff, vicepresident; Joseph Baricks, treasurer; IRVIX C. -VESTS, AH'y " 301 Electric Buildln* Sydney Baumstein, secretary. Ru- City• ; dolph Shindler, Albert Herzoff and OPBOBATE NOTICE Max Maron were v elected .squad * In the matter of the. estate of Ere Mon, leaders. Squads- will hold - a contest deceased. 'Notice is hereby given: That the credicompeting for merits which will be tors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said, estate, before me, based on, conduct, synagogue attend- County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County .Court Boom; in Bald ance, etc. Plans have been made by County,, on , the 3rd day of March, 1930, the club to hold a banquet for mem- and on the 3rd day of May, 1030, a t ' 9 A. M., each day, for the purpose bers and their fathers and' mothers o'clock. of presenting their claims for examination, on Sunday evening, January 19. Over adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present 60 persons are expected at the affair. their claims, from the 1st day of February,

A. Z. A. Dance Pronounced A Gratifying Success Over 75 couples attended the A. Z, A. dance held at the Rigoudon last Monday evening. This dance was held in:1 .celebration of the fourth anniversary of. the local chapter. Proceeds of the dance will be used towards' sending a ' basketball team, and an orator to the District tournament of the A. Z. A. which will be held in Kansas 'City on February 8th and 9th.

SHAARE ZION TO DEDICATE MEMORIAL TABLET SUNDAY EVE The formal -dedication of the new Memorial Tablet for Shaare. Zion Synagogue will take-place..at the synagogue, Sunday evening, Jan. 12 at 8 o'clock. An impressive program will be presonted and the choir will several appropriate numbers. : JACK. MAKEB, AH'y : Coanty Court House CHy NOTICE OF 'AD&HN1&XIIAT1ON In the 'County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. I n the matter of the estate of Ike Fisher, deceased., , All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been -filed in said Court1 alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that u hearing will bo had on said petition, before Bald 'court on the l6t d a y of February, 1930, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 1st day of February, 1030, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Jack W. Marer or some other suitable person and proceed t o a settlement thereof. BKTCE CRAWFORD, Jan. 10-^-31^. County Judge.

Jan. 10—3t.



"With' the assent in writing of the holders of 80% of all the capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding, or pursuant to the rotes given in person or by> proxy, by stockholders holding at least 80% of the issued and outstanding stock of the corporation which is represented and voted •upon In person or by proxy at a meeting specially called for that purpose, or at nn annual meeting, the Board of Directors shall have power and authority to sell, assign, transfer, convey, or otherwise dispose of, the property and assets of the corporation as an entirety or going concern on such terms and conditions as the Board of Directors shall deem fit, right and just, either for cash or bonds, or shares of capital stock of any corporation or corporations, or for any kind of species of property or obligation or securities." ALAMITO t>AIRT COMPAXT By H. A- WAHL, President. CHABLES E. MOXER, Dec. 27—4t. Secretary

H 4 R E I B. COHEN. ATTORNEY 737 Omaha National Bank Bid*. NOTICE ia hereby given that a corpora-Mon has been formed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name, of the corporation is :|lAPIRO-BRANDT\ INC. The principal pl:*e of transacting Its business is in the \ ' t y of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The objects and purposes of this corporation are: (a) To bur. sell, trade, or deal in any kind, or kinds of goods, wares and merchandise and to carry on a general, jobbing business, (b) To own and operate stores for the purpose of carrying on a general merchandise business nnd for the sale and distribution of any kind, or kinds of goods, wares and: merchandise, (c) To purchase, lease, hire: and otherwise , acquire rear and personal' property of every kind and description,' and to sell, convey, lease, mortgage, manage, operate, or otherwise deal in or dispose of any and all of said-property, (d) To borrow money and to issue evidence of. indebtedness, therefor, (e). And to do anything and everything necessary to accomplish the purposes for which this corporation is organized. The authorized capital stock of the corporation Is $10,000, divided into 100' shares, the par value of which is $100 per share. All of said stock shall be fully paid and non-assessable. The corporation may accept personal property nt its reasonable valne as fixed by .the Board of Directors, in payment for stoc,k. The corporation shall commence business upon the filing of the article* with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall'continue'to January 1, 2030. The highest amount of indebtedness on liability to which the corporation shall at any one time subject itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. This restriction does not apply to notes, bonds, debentures, or other obligations, payment of which, is secured by the transfer of real estate or other Interests by trust deed or mortgage when the property or interests so transferred shall exceed the amount of the secured indebtedness at least 40%. This restriction doeB not apply to any guarantee made for the payment of any notes, bonds, debentures or other obligations transferred by it. where the same are secured by transfers of property or interests as above indicated. The affairs of the corporation shall- be. conducted by a Board of Directors composed of not less', than two nor more than five members. Amendments to these articles may be made at any annual meeting of the stockholders, or nt a special meeting called for that purpose, two-thirds of all stockholders in interest voting for such amendments. The corporation shall have a- seal. Dated this 20th day of December, 1029.

had on said petition before said Court on i the 18th day of January, 1930. and that it you fail to appear before said Court on the said 18th day of January, 1930, at 8 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a. decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances ana decrees, as to tttis Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined, BRTCE CEAVFOKD, Dec 27—St. County Judge.

Paxton- Mitchell Co. and Hartha tits. HAraey 166a OMAHA. NEBRASKA 3ott gray iron, oraes, oronzn ana aluminum castings. Standard sizes orenz* and Iron bashings, sever manDoles, cistern rings ^ and covers and dean-out doors in stock. All kinds of wood and metal pat terns.

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BKTCE CRAWFORD, : ''••• ' County Judge.

HAtoOM) W. BBANDT, VICTOR SHAPIRO. Incorporates. Witness: H. B. Cohen. S I A i a t A S T E R £ B E B E B , Att'TS Dec. Zl—it. - 650 Om. Not. Bk. —" - ' . City J. W. HABEB, Attorney, Caunty Court HOUBC, City NOTICE OF ADMINISTKATIOJT ' NOTICE OF ADMINI8TBATION In t i e County Court of Douglas County, Nebraakka. Tn the County Court of Douglas County, In tlie matter of the estate of Meyer J-JJ ' the 'matter of the estate of FRANK • Green, deceased. ' ) deceased. Ml persons interested in said estate- are W.-MULtlN, AH interested in'said estate are hereby''notified that a petition has been herebypersons that a petition has been filed In tsaid .Court alleging: that said de- filed! In notified said Court alleging that said deceased, died leaving no last wili and pray- ceased died leaving no last-will and praying for administration upon his estate, and ing for administration upon estate, and that a. hearing will be had on said petition that a hearing will be had his on said petibefore said court on the 1st "day of Pebru- tion before, said conrt on the 28th of . ary, 10SO, and that 12 they fall to appear January, 1030/ and that if they fail day to apat'said- Court on the said 1st day of Feb- pear at said Court on tbo said 28th day of ruary,:;!^; at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest January; 1030. at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said»petition, the Court may grant the said petition, the Court may grant the . same and grant administration of Bald same and grant administration of said estate'to B. Shafton or some'other suit- estate to BLANCHE BERRY or some other able, person and proceed to a settlement suitable person and proceed to a settle-xnent thereof. BKTCE CRAWFORD,' County Judge. ' . 'County Judge. Jan," 3—3T


The Intermediate and Senior Girls' Tap Bsmeiiig Class meets every Tue^ day evening at the J.C.C. under the? .641 direction of Miss Annette Riklin. A .548 charge of thirty-five cents per lesson .500 \is being made. .476 j There is now room for ten more .410! girls. .881 j

The last meeting of the Briai Brith Lodge for this season was held at the Jewish Community Center last Tuesday, with Dr. H. M. Levin, retiring president, in the chair. Plans for the installation banquet which will be held Tuesday, Jan. 8, were announced. Over 250 ^aTe expected at the affair which is the high light of the season's activities. Laudatory comment was made on the past year's activities and a financial report was given. The announcement was made that this is the first time the Bnei B'rith closes its book for the year without any indebtedness.

At the election held Wednesday evening, A. Z. A. members re-elected Charles Osheroff to serve as Aleph GodoL Other officers elected are Hymie Hurwitz, Aleph S'gan; Is END" FROM PULPIT Liberman, Aleph Gisbor; Sam Epstein, Aleph Maakir; Dres Barish, A. Z. A. BASKETBALL "Journey's End," a current; play, Aleph Shotare Godol; Samuel FriedTEAM TO MEET OMAHA TEAM NEXT SUNDAY •will be reviewed .-and discussed . by man, Aleph Shotare Kotone; Arnold Babbi Theodore N.Lewis this evening Baron, Aleph Kohn Godol; Morris Ruben, Aleph Sopher. •-•-.The local A. Z. A. Basketball team at Mount Sinai Temple will play the team of the Omaha A. Z. A. Chapter 1, on Sunday afternoon at the' Omaha Jewish Community Center. The local team is composed of Dresmond Barish, Hymie Hurwitz, Dave Hurwitz, Lou Slotsky, Abe Beechen, Is Liberman, and Arnold Baron. This is the first preseason game this, year to be played by the local chapter. -



B'nai B'rith Meeting Death Claims Business Men's Solomon Baron Held Last Tuesday Bowling League

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