Interesting ^ and ;^% \ Entertaining%%
Read Our Column — . Jewish Horizon
Entered SB second-class maU matter-on January 27, 1921, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, ikra.
THE JEWISH HORIZON derson, British, foreign secretary, to United States appoint, a special commission of three to investigate and settle the $6,000,000 Drive Wailing Wall dispute between Jews New York.—-At a joint conference and Arabs. None of the three is of representatives of the Joint Dis- to be British, but will be appointed tribution Committee and representa- by Great Britain. tives of the Jewish Agency "details were agreed upon for a combined Against Ex-Traders Moscow.—A demand that the pri$6,000,000 campaign. vate undertakings of- Jewish ex- j $8,500,000 is to g # to the: J, 3>. traders of the townships be liquidat-' C 5 and ?2,509,O0O to •: the Jewish Agency. Felix M. Warburg, chair- ed -was made in the Yiddish Comman of the J. D. C. and also chair- munist paper "Shern". man;: of the Administrative Commit- Synagogues Converted tee of the Jewish Agency, extolled Moscow.—Twenty-one more synathe joining of all forces in Jewry for gogues were converted to" clubs dura common caase as leading toward ing the past month, according to lasting unity. the ''Ernes", Jewish. Communist paper which is engaging in a new, bitNational Fond ' Philadelphia.—A reaffirmation of terer anti-religious campaign. their wholehearted faith in the Meat Famine soundness of the principle which Tel Aviv.—Af ter twenty-eight days calls, for the acquisition of land in of meat famine here because of the Palestine as the inalienable proper- government's failure to. grant perty of the Jewish people-Itmder the mission to slaughter at the abanaegis of the Jewish National Fund doned tannery, it seems probable was' given- by upwards of 500 dele- that relief will be had shortly. High gates attending the National Con- Commissioner Chancellor has approvference of the Jewish National Fund ed: of the plan for a new slaughterwhich, ended .here Sunday. house in Tel Aviv as soon as the After listening to stirring ad- town planning commission ratifies i t dresses by Emanuel Neumann, president of the Jewish National Fund; Fake Story Louis Tiipsky, president of the Zion- • Jerusalem.—The fake' story about ist Organisation of America, and a Jewish plot on the life of the Major Daniel Eopldn, labor member Grand Mufti, for the publication of of the British House of Commons, which the Arab paper "Jamal El the,; enthusiastic delegates pledged Arable" - was indefinitely suspended, their support during the coming is being circulated -throughout the year with a view to raising at least Arab world, printed on plain sheets $500,000 -for the Jewish- National of paper with no name and address. Fund.
Bin to Aid Jews
Employment Discrimination - Xios Angeles.—'«Ten thousand Jewish, young women in New York are unfimpioyEtL. today ^ because ^-«f jz discrimioation/'' Mrs/Estelle Stemberger told the convention of the National Council of Jewish Women. She situation in Chicago is even •worse, shfe stated^. Although the Jewish poftulation of Chicago is less '••'. than; one-fourHi that of New York, eight thousand Jewish girls there are unemployed because of racial discrimination. •"--••. . • : ' - • • '
Favor Levinson . ; CSncamatL-^ 33ie- Executive. Comxnittee of the I. O. B. B. in annual session here -voted to suggest the name of Salmon D. Levinson of Chicago for the Nobel Peace Prize in view of Ms work m behalf of •the outlawry of war. They also voted to assist the League for Guardiing the Fixity of the Sabbath.
Campaign- f or Yeshiva New York.—The $250,000 Emergency campaign being conducted by the:'Yeshiva College, the institution for higher Jewish learning for the training of Orthodox Rabbis and teachers,- to relieve its financial stringency has been successful to date. The main reason for their success has been that the Orthodox Rabbinate, notwithstanding the differences which divide the three organizations comprising it, rallied as a body to its support.
Memorial to Marshall Syracuse.—A $600,000 -memorial to the late Louis Marshall, beloved leader of American Jewry, in the form of a building to house the College of Forestry- at Syracuse University has been proposed to the New York legislature by Governor Roosevelt.
Other Countries - \
Abandon Bira Bid j a n Moscow.—The Soviet plan to build tip Bira Bidjan as a Jewish Soviet Bepublic has apparently been abandoned. Kniini, president of the Soviet Republic, has appointed a commission to build up and colonize the region" from a purely commercial point of view, with Jewish interests playing a secondary role. One of the chief reasons being assigned ^ for the abandonment of the Jewish colonization project is the' 2>oor management of the Ozet, organization for settling the Jews on the land.
Commission for Wailing Wall Geneva."— The Council of the League of ~~ Nations unanimously .adopted the proposal of Arthur Hen-
Prague.—Thousands of Jews in Slovakia and Carpatho-Russia, hitherto deprived of citizenship, will be anittgd^jta.- becgm^jsitizensi if a Dill introduce)! in thVlSecbo-Slovafcian parliament becomes a law. The bill, which seems likely to pass, would enable all residents of Czechoslovakia ] since 191$, including Jewish war refugees, to necqme citizens.
Gravestones Demolished Kovnd.-T-Nineteen gravestones- in the Jewish cemetery of the Ponieviedi district. were' demolished. The police have not arrested the vandals because the latter were members of the Fascist order of the Iron Wolf, somewhat similar to the Ku KIux Elan.
New Settlement Jerusalem.—The foundation stone for the first ten houses of the new Yemenite settlement, 'named' after Alexander Marmorek, has been laid. The land, an area of 1,100 dunim, has been granted to the settlement by the Jewish National Fund, which is also installing,a water supply and building 25 houses. • ,
Lithuania Sunday Law
Please Pay Your Sub* scripUon Now! Due to the continued cold weather, the members of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Conservative .Synagogue have not been able to visit as many of the Jewish homes as the would have liked to, in their campaign for subscriptions for the Jewish Press. However, "though their efforts have been hampered considerably by the extreme inclemency of the weather, their enthusiasm has in no way been dampened. These energetic women intend to reach their goal of 1,000 subscriptions and point to the first week as an indication of their ability. During that week, the only one in which the weather permitted them to canvass the homes, they passed the three-hundred mark. You can help out! Save the.members of the Auxiliary a lot of time and trouble by mailing your check NOW, either to the Jewish Press at 490 Brandeis Theatre Building, or to any of the following women: Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs, MM. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
John Beber, 2934 Nicholas I. W. Rosenblatt, 1474 Lothrop Sam Beber, Z871 Iowa David Greenberg, 2418 Redick Irvin Stalmaster, 4804 Dodge H. A. Newman, 2817 No. 60 Ben Glazer. 229 No. 40 A. L. Wohlner, 1911 So. 36 S. Cohn, 128 No. 33 B. A. Simon, 611 No. 50
Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.
J. Stein, 217 No. 49 J. J. Greenbox, 4704 Davenport M. F. Levenson, 1044 So. 33 A. Welnsteht, 124 No. 30 Mose Yousem, 3603 Davenport Aimer Kaiman, 129 No, 33 E. A. Meyer, 3S37 Hickory A. Silverman. 5015 Burt D. Stein, 3211 Hamilton A. Maisel, 2853 Davenport S. Robinson, 708 No. 23
During this campaign by the Auxiliary, you can obtain your 1930 subscription to the Jewish Press for $2.00. Mail your check immediately.
•Ill HADASSAH REGIONAL ZIONIST Kirk Griggs to Speak at Next MEETING WILL BE Temple Dinner HELD HERE FEB. 2 Kirk Griggs, -president of 1fce OcMass Meeting to Be Held in cidental Building and Loan Associ- Mesdames M. FronsHn assd A. Evening, Following Bengis Are in Charge ation, wOl bis the principal speaker Sessions . . _sfc the .nest-- ^&33er_©f ;^e_B_rop|fi>; Professor G. Klausner x>f St. Louis hood of Temple Israel, to- be held university, a nationally-known fig- iin the vestry rooms of Temple Isure and president of the Southwest ;rael Wednesday, January 29. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Region of the Zionist Organization is in charge of the dinner, which of America, will head a" delegation of prominent men who will convene in Omaha ^on Sunday, February 2, for the first meeting of the Board of Governors of the Southwest Eegion. A large mass meeting will be held at the J. C. C auditorium in the evening at 8:15 p. m., following the closed sessions of the board. The mass meeting will be open to the public. ; . Dr. A. Greenberg is chairman of arrangements for a luncheon which will be held on Sunday afternoon. M. F. Levenson, head of the local Zionist organization, is a member of the Board of Governors. Among the other guests who will be here for the sessions are Harry Friedberg of Kansas City, M. N. Fisher of St. Louis, J. Livingston of Tulsa, and many others. New and important developments in Zionist circles are expected to be revealed a t the meeting.
Kovno.—An. appeal to ameliorate the harsh provisions of the Lithuanian Sunday law which endangers Mr. Kirk Griggs the economic conditions of the Jews FORMER OMAHAN HEADS there was made to the minister of. LARGEST I. O. B. B. LODGE always insures an excellent meal, according to Marvin Treller, presithe interior by a • delegation from Mr. Sam Zimmerman, former Oroa- dent of the Brotherhood. the Lithuanian Rabbis Union. han, was just installed as the pres- j Reservations for dinner may be Jews for Canada Parliament ident of the Roman lodge of the In- , made by telephoning Mr. Treller or Montreal.—Prospects for the "first dependent Order of the B'nai B'rith. Nathan E. Jacobs, chairman of arJewish member of the Canadian The Romah lodge, -which is in Chi- , ranjjements. senate - seemed bright, two Jews be- cago, is the 'largest B'nai B'rith The address by Mr. Griggs will ing urged for the appointment. A. lodge in the world. be -the only speech on the program. J. Freiman, millionaire" department Mr. Zimmerman, who was a. pop- Several other features will he prestore owner, and' Hon. Samuel W. ular - member of the local commiin- j &ented, and the annual electron of Jacobs, member of the Dominion ity many years ago,' "will be remem- [ officers will be held. After the elecparliament for Montreal, are the bered as a former secretary of the tion, members may remain to play men under consideration. Canadian Omaha B'nai B'rith lodge. ' bridge. senators are appointed for life. Following sxe the present officers of the Brotherhood:. Marvin Treller, Clergy Fighting Cuza president; Max Holzman, vice-presBucharest. — The Catholic clergy ident; Nathan Jacobs, secretary, and has started.a, campaign against the Beni Stiefler, treasurer, ~" notorious Roumanian anti-Semitic leader, Cuza,, because the Cuza press Something -unique in the natatorial REIEBIAN IS HONORED in its latest appeal regards antiBY LOCAL B'NAI BTEOTH Semitism as B. religious Christian history of Omaha will be presented movement springing from the New at the Community Center pool ISon- Mr. Leo Beitman, prominent attorday evening, January 27, when a ney of Milwaukee and president of Testament. cast of sixty people will offer a jthe District Grand Lodge No. € of Exodus of Shopkeepers swimming pageant. This will in- J the Independent Order of B'nai Jerusalem.—The exodus of Jewish clude a portrayal of t h e ' history of shopkeepers from that part of Jeru- swimming with special- exhibits in B'rith, was a visitor in Omaha last Monday. salem which is known as the "Old fancy swimming and diving. A luncheon in his honor was given City" is deplored by'Arab landlords. The pageant is being sponsored by at the Athletic Club by the execuMost. of' the vacated shops "remain the J. C. C. Physical department, unoccupied, despite the expectation under the direction of Carl C Hub- tive committee of the local B'nai that the anti-Jewish boycott would bard, swimming instructor of the induce the,Arabs to occupy the pre- Center.' Jerusalem. — Communist handbills mises which the" Jews have* aban- Admission of fifteen cents for were circulated in Hebron, calling doned. -members -and twenty-five for non- upon the Arabs to rebel against the j government, Zionists, and landlords. memKers will 1>e charged. (Reported by J. T. A".)
Center toSponsor Swimming Pageant
w -i
The eleventh sssu&l linen skewer of Hadassah will take place'"-Wednesday afternoon, January 29, in the auditorium "of the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Max Frornkin is in charge of the program, and Mrs. Abraham Bengis is linen chairman. The following program will be presented: Mr. Max Yaffe, violinist, accompanied by Miss Margaret Hurwitz at the piano; Mrs. Margaret Bellman in a group of traditional Jewish songs; Hadassah, "The Tree of Life", a pageant description of the various branches of Hadassah work, staged and directed by Mrs. Max Fromkin, with t i e following cast: "Spirit of Hadassah", prologue— Miss Grace Rosenstein; "Courage"— Mrs. "M. F. Levenson; "Faith"—Mrs. Abe Greenspan; "Love"—"Mrs. A. Romm; "Tradition"—Mrs. J. Rosenberg; "Service"—Mrs. J. J. Friedman; "Youth"—Miss Ida Platt Mr*. Bengis will be assisted by all the members of the board, and by t i e following eemmiltee <a arrangements: Kesdsmes L Stalmaster, E. Meyer, J. M. Mslashock, Abe Wemstein, L Bose&blstt, J. Stem, J. J. Greenberg, A. SDversisn snd B. A. Simon, Owing to the acute distress in the colonies in Palestine at present, linens are more necessary this year than ever, and Hadaasah is urgmg a more generocs display than h&s ever Ireen shown before. Articles most needed are hospital size sheets, pillow cases, face towels, bed spreads, blankets, baby bl&akets, snd infants' wear. Mrs. Bengis is extremely anxious to make this aif&ir the banner linen shower in the history of Hsd&ss&h in Omaha.
Deborah Society to Sponsor Purim BaU The Purim ball being sponsored by the Deborah Society will be given at the Blactatone hotel on Sunday, March 9. Elaborate plans are being formulated .to makt this affair an outstanding event. Mrs. Max Fromkm, general chairman for the ball, is in charge of the affair. She is being assisted by Mrs. E. A. Meyer, ticket chsirasn; Mrs. L W. Rosenblatt, program chairman, s n d M n E W«iner, assisting chairman of the Talmud Torah. The Tahosd Torah will aid the women in putting the ball across.
Miss Cecilia Razovsky Will Address Council of Jewish Women at Meeting Monday LUNCHEON GUEST ALSO A social worker of international fame -will be & guest in Omaha this week. She is Miss Cecilia Eazovsky, executive secretary of the Department of Immigrant Aid ©f the National Council of Jewish Women. Miss ilazovsky will arrive today •with Mrs. Eulakofsky, president of the Omaha Council. Both have been attending the national council meeting in San Francisco. Miss Rszovsky "will be Mrs. Kulakofsky's house guest daring her stay here. Arriving here today Miss Eszovsky will have a busy program. She vrill attend a board meeting of the OmshE Council at 11:30 A. M. Monday at the Blackstone Hotel. At 12:30 there will be a luncheon in her honor at the hotel Guests at the luncheon will also be new members' of the council. All members and guests are invited. At 2:30 P. M. Monday, the regular
meeting of the Council will be held at the Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. Kulakofsky, president of the Council will make & report of the national meeting. Miss Razovsky will be £h« principal speaker and her subject will be in connection vrith the immigration aid work of the National CoundL Bringing Exhibit Miss RaEovsky ie bringing with he? a very interesting- and graphic cxhxb" it of the work of the Immigrant Aid snd Educational Departments, This exhibit will be on display at the Blackstone Hotel previous and following the luncheon. Miss Cecilia Razovsky was born and educated in St. Louis, Mo. Herself a daughter of foreign-bons parents, Miss R&sovsky spent her earlr years among the foreign-bom of St. Louis. In addition, she worked in factories, department stores #nd i w taujants while preparing for her pro* fessios as social worker. Thus *lt# has learned at first hand the Jews of Eastern ogy of immi-gra.nt men »nd Europe Suffering whose welfare has ever b«en h«r first interest. After several years of active work in classes in the Jewish New York, (J.T.A.) "Nearly Community Center in St. Louis, Miss two million Jews in Eastern Eazevsky was employed by the St, Europe are on the verge of Louis Board of Education to enforce rain. A million .declassed Jewe the Child Labor Law of the State «£ .in Esssia and 800,000 Jews in Missouri and to teach. English to Poland are in danger of losing foreigners. She left St. Louis to Ve-> every -mesas .of livelihood. The come associated with the ChiM »*?.'« only hope for the Jews in Bcresm of the Department of L»W«r Eastern Europe lies in indus&t WaeliiBi^on. In connection with trialisation, that is, in their this work, she visited practically #11 learning trades and --entering i various industries. . Otherwise, jthe Sou&ern. states, ' these " two"" million" Jews ' a r e herself with the child! sentenced to gradual death in the cotton mill districts. through Starvation." Written! M*sy IBoolw .This "was the statement Miss Razovsky has written a book made by Dr. Leon Bramson, entitled . "'RTiet Everj^ Emigrant the president of. the World Should Know," which has been trans"Ort" Organization, at a conlated into several languages. This ference of the American "Ort" publication has won the high approval held Sunday afternoon. of iriany government officials and mt"A census which the 'Ort' cial workers in tlie field of immigratook in Russia," said Dr. tion. She is also the author of th« Bramson, "revealed that 700,book "What Every Woman Should 000 Jews there are unemployKnow About Citizenship." In addied. In Poland 160,000 Jewish tion, she has written *, number of families fire dependent on the playlets, among them Iseing "Three support of the 'Kehillah'. The Percent," or "At Ellis Island," snd death rate in Poland '.is increas"The, Council Lends a Hand." Miss ing every day; all trades and Eazovsfey has written articlec for occupations are overcrowded numerous magazines and ie editor of snd Jewish families are ex- • the bulletin "The Immigrant," which posed to starvation.'' I is published by the Department of Immigrant Aid of the National Council of Jewish Women. Miss Raxovsky has delivered addresses before many interested agencies on the subject of immigration and immigrant education in abnosfc j every city in the United States. In 1023 she was sent as a delegate of th« The first concert of the season by National Council of Jewish Women to the Jewish Community Center Sym- the World Conference of Jewish phony orchestra, under the direction "Women, holding sessions its Vienna, ef Mr. Fr»ak Mach, wiH be given where she delivered the principal *d*t the Center asditorram on Tvesd&y dresa csit the subject of immignKtaetiu evenrng1, January 28. An added fea- Following feer attendance at this •«»• ture will be the Tech High Male Quartette, directed bv Mrs. Fred G, • ference, she visited ever* pert ctty i in Europe, studying the conditions of Ellis. ' transnragrrsmts and their problem*. Mr. Msch becsrae conductor of tlse Last summer, Miss Kassovsky »tt«ndte4 group last fall, snd since then the the Conference of International Asorchestra has shown marked prog- sociatioB for Protection of Migrant* ress, lisa Jacobson is president of held in Geneva, the Symphony orchestra, and Flor- ; j Pr©moie<l LegislatioR ence Levy is secretary-vreasuTer. 1 Kiss E&sovsky was Chairmar*^ of The orchestra is composed of the th« DivisioE on Immigration of the following: First violins—Xna Jacobson, ccm- National Conference of Social Work eert master; Lily Epstein, Charles in l$tl. She has been actively inGuss, Beulah Kay, Eose Lazarus, terested in promotmfr legislation Nellie Marks, Nate -Sekerma&, Isa- remedy the serious defect in t h e t •' eat Immigration Law which dore White. Second violins—Mjron Cohen, Lib- 'families. bie Deigeff, Hyroan Geudelnrnm, Itev- j In prirsrte life, Mis* Ra«©vrfqr is id Goldware, Barney GESB, Bessie Mm. M. Davidson, the wife of * promEirscbenb&um, Louis Soaks, Milton inent New York physician. Sh« te SayUn, Esther Stein, Mamie Temin, the Executive Smset&rf of the Ht-Jacob Weisman, Eath White, Celia psrfcment of Immigrant Aid of tine Wolk. National Council of levriah Womw. Pianists—Ernest Priesman, Anne Subackj S-ite—Florence Whitebook; clarinets—Sidney Cohen, Florence P©lisfe Cabinet Wai-sa*. — At the Levy, Solomon Susmanj bassoons— the new nwnister of Bernard Bataban, Henry MendeJson; trumpets—Sam Jacobson, Pearl Mar- kiewicx, the Polish cabiset la cus; Saxaphones—Herman Blumen- sidering the draft, of «• law thal, Jack Kaiinan, Lillian Levy, Mol- wenld completely abolish «^i of lie Boses; drums—H&roH Finkel; o!4 czaiist restsiction «g«iti«t librarian—Charles Guss,
was responsible for the Malashock Lincoln A. Z. A. Chapter victory over the K&hnun Insarance. Selects New Officers The Empire deanery minus the -Published fyejry yhur|d»y at OjwtfMk Nebraska, by The Lincoln A. Z. A. chapter No. services of Bgsj Yousem, were By 3 has elected the following officers downed by the Glazers. • ' 1OT JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. STANLEY P. LEVIN to head the group for the ensuing High single names were register!' Office; Jfowideiij' £heftt«r Building—Telephone: ATIantic 1450 term: ed by Abe Veng«r, 227; Aaron Jewish Community Center " DAVIP J3JAGSSB .- r". BUSINESS and MANAGING EDITOR Abe Novicoff, president; Nate LeHand ball i s due to remain * pop- Krantz, 222; Harry Smith, 214; PEANK R. ACKERMAN EDITOR Basketball League The J. C. C. varsity won its twen- ular eport here at the Center, not Mickey Krapp, 208; Moe Katleman, vine, vice-president; Hyman H. FANNIE KATELMAN - • Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent The A. Z. A. chapter 100 upset ty-third straight victory last Sat- only because it is so well liked by !207; Bennett Cohn, 204; Sam Zwie- Goodbinder, secretary; Harry Schneider, treasurer; Paul Marx, senior the dope and hung a defeat on the f urday 1 nile when they defeated the the majority of men and boys in back, 200, and M. Treller, 200. SIOUX CITY OFFICE sergeant-at-arms; Elton Golfibetg, Kaplan Bargain Center- who had been jstrong Union Pacific team from the Center but because we are to be Jewish Community Center—308 Pierce Street junior sergeant-at-armsj Irving Events^of great consequence often hosts to both the City and Midwesttied for first place in the league Grand Island, Nebr., by a close 1 Schneider, reporter, and Jake Singer, spring from trifling circumstances. ern A. A. U. hand ball meets. score. The Railroaders threw a big race. "Murphy" WWte led the fraterSubscription Price, one feast - * • - " • • • ,1 \ * [#i | i —Livy. chaplain. >" V -. Advertising, ratw furnished OIJ application nity men with' eight pointfl. The scare into the local lads by their guarding of "Pug" Ferer and Wolffe' strong offense, however, Mr. "Bog- Just a reminder! You captains CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; was good, forcing the losers to em-'gy" Bogdonoff, Max Altshuler and and managers of basket ball teams . be trara to give your name. ploy long range shots, most of which; Isadore Shriebman soon put on full competing in the three leagues here, wept astray. "Tink" Bloom was al-steam and derailed the engineers. should be most careful that any man most the whole show for the Kaplans, The guarding of "Gowboy" gadof- whom you put on the basket ball contributing six of his team's nine eky and Sammy Katzman was ex- floor is ft member in good standing1 SPAIN'S WELCOME points besides playing a good floor cellent; we might go further and with the Community Center. Any By some queer quirk of fate, Spain, who 4£8 yeare ago drove game. The score was 13 to 9. say that it was the best brand of team playing a man who is not a ball the two have exhibited thin member will have to forfeit the the Jews from her gates, has now thrown its doors open wide • • • season. The Peerlees Cleaners took a forgame in which that man plays. as a haven of refuge to the Jews of l&stem Europe. Spain, the feit game from the Segelman Service The Peerless Cleaners are a noteJand haunted by memories of the diabolic Torquemada, the five. The Bee-News and the Seiners worthy example of that law. They blood-curdling Inquisition, and the heart-rending Edict of Exheadline the Junior League played the Kaplan Bargain Center pulsion of 1492,' Spain, the very embodiment of medieval fanaThe U. S. Oils copped the long games Sunday afternoon. The New- two weeks ago and beat them, but ticism* bigotry, torture—now welcomes the she once per- end of their game with the Broad- files are in first place with the Sei- they used an ineligible man and way All Stars to the tune of 23 to ners right behind them. secuted kef mercilessly. : had to forfeit the game thus keep13. Gifier was high point man wiV • ing themselves from being the sole However, it is not to make amends for the inhuman cruelty twelve points. The Oilers used their! possessor of first place in the ComThe J. C C. hand ball doubles of their ancestors that the present-day Spaniards invite the entire squad of ten men with Giller,' mercial league. have reached the quarter-finals with Jews to return. Frimo De Rivera, the dictator of Spain, frankly Bergman, Novak and Epstein show-' . Look up the record of every man the powerful combination of Max admits that the invitation was prompted by a desire to regain ing to the best advantage. Spiegel Altshuler on your team and act accordingly. and Herman Segelman favtheir lost giory through the industry and ability of the Jews. was the big noise for the losers with j ored to cop the honors. The most points. The guarding of Epstein The Spanish premier himself states that the country is back- ten opposition probably will come from was good. : ward economically and that an influx of Jews will stimulate Sam Katzman and "Tink" Bloom. Business Men's trade and, business. And so. as a consequence, he does not The A. Z. A. chapter 1 remained Bowling League direct his welcome to the Jewish farmer, colonist, or artisan, tied with the Peerless Cleaners for The A. Z. A. stepped way out of hut rather to; the Jewish tradesmen and merchants. What first place in the standings when their class last Sunday afternoon Won Lost A'ge they took on the city and Spain wants is the Jewish /'Luftmensch" of the Gothic countries, they ran away from the Psi Mu elubj when Omaha Tobacco 2 1 .667 state Championship Omaha Printing a score of SO to 11. Franklin,; the middle-class trader and the declassed Jews of Russia and by Malashock Jewelry 2 1 .667 Goldberg and Grossman were tied f Company quintette. The Prints lineGlazer Clothing 2 1 .667 Poland. with eight points each. The guarding up consists of Fritz Kampf, capWardrobe ... .1 2 .333 When You Buy the New It took Spain over 400 years to admit her great mistake. of Rosen and Gerelick held the Psitain of the 1929 Creighton varsity; Kaiman Insurance 1 2 JS3 Johnny Monaghan and Joe Prerost, Mu to four baskets. Epstein, Kohn, J But her belated invitation to the Jews to return is a magnificent 1 2 .833 and Sieg-1 did their bh for ail state basketeers; Rip Shroeder, Empire Cleaners compliment to the business sagacity and acumen of our people, Blend The Omaha Tobacco, Malashock the black robed Psi Mu* professional athlete, and our own an acknowledgment of our industry, vitality and ability. It recogJewelry and Glazer Clothiers began star, Johnny Rosenblatt. nizes that the Jews can pour fresh, life-giving blood into Spain's The U. S. Oils in the Intermediate The A. Z. A. "boy* held the Prints the second half of the season in en commercial arteries, can supply new business energy which will League are stepping along, heads; to a ten-point lead at the end of auspicious manner by- trimming their again put her on the map of the world powers. And should high, pround and undefeated in com- the first half. The second half was opponents. Selling Priee Primo Rivera succeed in rectifying Spain's mistake, we have petition of teams of their own age.a veritable debacle, the Prints made •The entire squad of the Tobacco their size, weight and experience boys shot totals in the 500 mark, The kids have issued a challenge to no doubt but that new vigor will be injected into her economic take on anybody around the tgts of count, and how. Any way, the final the Wardrobe, league leaders, being status, once more proving that now famous quotation that "a sixteen. score was 65 to 23. the victims. country is no greater than it knows how to treat its Jews." The A. Z. A. have the consolation Tout Water BotMickey Krupp with a 579 total Ye editor has a big kick against tle or Heating the Jewish sporting element and Pad Rabbi Rcibinowitz to those who follow sports. The reaBe Qyest Rabbi Here son is this: The J. C. C. varsity five. Rabbi H. TRL Uabinowitz of Sioux is one sweet basket ball team. They! City will occupy the pulpit of the play every Saturday nite in the Price Comifhte Temple Israel Conservative Synagogue a week Center gymnasium, they have jyoX,, • Rabbi Frederick Cohn had chosen from, tonight, January 81, as guest lost a game in two years, but—j Regardless of how old "Marriage and Morals" by Bertrand speaker. He will also conduct the they have' had miserable attendance! cot water bottle or fee&tffig Russell as the' subject, for Msr ser- services the next nioming. While during the i present; season, and a 1 pad Is, we will allow you | l mon at Temple brae! tonight. To- here, Rabbi Rabinowjtz. will be the poor crowd is most disheartening t o , for it on the BCW WfcutlttgSmnll additionmorrow he will, speak on "Rescued guest of Rabbi and Mrs. Abraham a man who is doing his best t o ; house Heating Pag. Offer el charge fat -from the W^ves".Bengis. bring honors to the institution! lasts & short time . .On Monday afternoon at 2:30 Rab- The Women's Auxiliary of the which he is representing. j bi Cohn will address the Circle of Conservative Synagogue will'sponsor The admission to the games—t $1 Down—$1 Per Mouth the P. E. O. on "Youth and the a social hour in his honojr after the there are two of them, the opener New- Day". He" will; review 'iVictor Friday night "services. A reception at seven-thirty and the. big game and Victfm?, a novel by Oliver, on open to all members, of the com-at eight-fifteen—is only btro bits, ... "Electric Shops"Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the munity will be held at the home of or one quarter, which, is very reason17th and Hamey Its. ' £314 M St Blackstone in his regular book re- Rabbi Bengis Saturday afternoon able. After the games, the Center yiew^. before the Sisterhood^ .
conducts a populajvpriced subscription d£nca in the auditorium which Is ample excuse for any one to Spend a most enjoyable time In end at the Community Center. So. folks, let's see a good crowd on hand this Saturday* evening.
of knowing that they scdrf$ more points on the Prints then «ny other team to date. It was just a case of a good little team meeting a too good big team and the inevitable happened.
For Your OM Hot Water Bottle or Heating Pad
Heating Pad
Religioos Services
On Wednesday morning at XO, a. ip.-the-Bible class, under, the. auspices of the Council of Jewish Women j will meet at 4he J. C; C. Rabbi Cohn's subject will be "The Mother, Sister and Wife of Mosea". Sa.bhi Cohn will review Emfl Ludwig'a "Napoleon" before » book review circle at the Paxton hotel on Thursday afternoon at 2 p. m.' At 8 o'clock that evening he will discuss* the same book before a young girls' book review class at the Y, W. C. A. . On Tuesday Rabbi Cotiji addressed the Orofha Business and Professional, Women's Club on "International Relations"* ' Conservative Synagogue Rabbi Abraham Bengis will speak on "Shadows" at the services of the Conservative Synagogue tonight at the J. G. C. auditorium. In his sermon Eabbi Bengis expects to discuss; the question of discrimination against the Jews in America. j - ' On" Saturday morning, services begin * t 9:30. Rabbi Bengia will de, live* a short sertnon iii Yiddish. j . Rabbi H. R. Rabinowita ot Sioux City will occupy the pulpit of the Conservative Synagogue next week aa guest speaker.J. C C. Sunday School The' attendance bannei* last Sunday' was won by Misa Burnstefn's 'elasaVLwhne: the banner for charity . was won by the children from > Miss Pollock's tiass.. • • | *-•• Six..-.Louis- Sh&no'ck told A atsry to-the children during .the assembly ' iri'lieu ol,a'-p*ograra. . . _, . -_.\.Mjr> Levin and three pupils,from bisrtJsBs will present the program this Sunday,, .Mr.-Iigna. will speak ' on "Moses". A musical. program will. 1ST presented by7 Sylvia Weiner, *Selma Scholniek and. Hannah,Baum. -9,'iitk- priaal-is to. be awarded fa> oOe -cbfidr irom feach.roora for the • beat eh "Why I Like Pur»m!V > Bandafr School I Senates will eiteetv ; , discusi the project of a Purim carnival.'-
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Study Circle Holds i on Monday
also being handled on this side of the ocean. The Federation of Polish Jews of America lest week presented to Tytus pttpowitas Polish l&ttiatofr. to -The S;tudy Circle of the Women's Based on Worldwide News Service the Ignited""StatBB, 'a Auxiliary of the Conservative Synaurging the- Polish poverramest U> By JOSEPH SALMARK gogue held their regular meeting at with the economic plight of its Jewthe Center Monday/Mrs. Sam Beber ish citizens. The Bmd&n-$eWi*h British imjwjrialistie strength that EUROPE STILL DEPENDS gare. the current events and Mrs. ALL QUIET ON THE question, which hag been token vp by eventually crushed Germany; that ON AMERICA A- Ben^is gayg a very interesting JEWISH FRONT tlie American Jewish Congress, wae talk on the practices of the syna"All quiet on the American Jewish Trotsky is the symbol of that at- j American Jewry still keeps its pre- also touched -upon by Congressman gogue. I Front" would be a good description mosphere which made possible the ' dojain&nt position in World Jewry. Dickstein, who made it the eubjeef of At the next meeting Mrs. John of the situation at tire moment of overthrow of the Kaiser, end that Every ship brings to America repre- an address before the House of RrepBeber will speak on the ceremonies writing. The Cayton incident eeems Rathenau was the man who in- : sentatlves ef European Jewish insti- resentstives. American Jewry seems of the synagogue. Mrs. A. Silver- to be closed; the impulsive young fluenced Germany to accept defeat tntions in need of assistance. Scores more than ever in a strategic position Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooper announce Calendar of Council Tee three autobiographical - biog- ' of Babble, school directors, etc., visit to apply pressure on European govman will discuss a portion of the Washington judge has written to the the birth of a sari, January 15. raphical. wprks are concerned with this country and carry on more or ernment in regard to Jewish affair*. Bible, and Mrs. Jack Mekher will American Jewish Congress that he of Jewish Women give the current events. has been misunderstood and misin- non^Jewish phases of the three per- less successful fund-raising camp(Copyright 10<10 by Seven Arts 2Jr. and lire. Harry Trustin anterpreted. In its answer to Judge sonalities, ef whom two (Tretaky •- aigns. The latest and most import-Feature nounce the birth of a daughter at Monday, Jan. 27, 1930: Council and Rsthenas) elways insisted that ant of these visitors is Dr. Leon Cayton the Congress mildy suggests ICOR MEETING the Omaha maternity hospital on Meeting—2:80 P. M., Blaekstone An important, special meeting of that a more complete apology would they were internationalist and Ger- BrsxaEon ef Berlin, president of the HoteL January 11. be acceptable, but does not appear too man, ^respectively. The German anti- ; World Ort Organization, who points Wsrssw. — The Jewish. <3e|nitieB Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1930: Peace' the Icor will be held tonight, at 8:30 insistent. The "Jewish crime wave" Semite* quote: -*Once a Jew, always a vmy dark picture of the Jewish have BTiamitted an interpellation to j at the residence of S. Weinrweig, sensation, therefore, can safely be an enemy." situation in Poland and Russia. He the Polish parliament, eotnplainlnf Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shafton an- Group Luncheon—12:00 P. M. 2223 Miami. Very important corWednesday, Jan. 29, 1930: Bible has come to lead an intensive Ameri- that the .Tsv^s, v?ho constitote nounce the birth of a boy Saturday, shelved. The Jewish Agency csnferrespondence has been received conCHARITY DRIVES GO ON can drive t© help in the industrialism* per cent of the total population, January 18. Mrs. Shafton was for- Glass—10:00 A« Mi, Jewish CJoffi-1 cerning the; Jeer's work in Russia ence muddle has been straightened munity Center. • tneifly Miss. Ida Greenberg.: out, Mr. Felix Warburg having of* Laments that the stock exchange tics of the declassed J-EWE of Russia forty per cent of the direct goverftSunday, Jan. 31,1030: Parent Ed-j in the colonization of Bira-Bidjan fidally announced this six million dol- crash affected Jewish institutions! ac- and Poland. But American Jewry is ment taxes, End. that in spite of thi* and will be taken lip at th meeting. tivities «is being heard less End less. Migs Nellie Ferer retqrned Tues- ucation^OtSO Ai M., Jewish Cooi- All members and Sympathizers are lar drive for East Enropeean Jewry The Philadelphia Jewish charities, net «Jon« asked to take the lead in heavy burden the Jewish popular nranity Center. material assistance to European Jew- tion does not have elementary and Palestine reconstruction and the day from St. Louis where she. atrequested to attend. r under the leadership of the veteran ry. Th« political aspects of the Pol- schools In proper proportion to iU Weizmann visit having been called tended the wedding of her cousin, The Icor will sponsor a banquet off. But here there are no startling social worker Jacob Billikcrpf, have ish and Busxisn-Jewish questions are numbers o3: to the taxes it pays. The Omaha Dramatic Club elected Miss Euth Flom, to Mr. : Joseph officers for the coming term at a at 6:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum Statements which tbeljaews reviewer started their maintenance campaign Gcrahman. ' meeting lield Tuesday. The newly- for all members and those interested can make if he would steer fclear of with .a rush, $809,000 being subscribed at the opening dinner. The New in helping their cause. This will be rumors. elected heads are: Otnaha's Style Center York. Federation is new able to EB* .The K. T. dub of Central High L. Wolk, director} Bi Minkin, liter- the beginning of the leoVs 1930 nounce the raising of its cpista of £ve school were entertained at a rush ature director; /Rose Softer, record- campaign for the local organisation's TROTZKY- RATHEN AUmillion dollars. Local charifcks in bridge at l i e home of Miss Evelyn ing and financial secretary; Sarah shara in the $200,000 that the Icor DISRAJ3LI other cities also ere experiencing surEpstein Sunday afternoon, January Taub, treasurer.- The executive com- hopes to raise during the year for Germany's anti-Semites had a fine inittee includes Edith Lewis, Mrs, colonization of Jews in Soviet Rus- time last week. The three biggest prising success, all ©f which attgurs well and rather vindicates President J. Baznick, Mrs. Sol Gendleman and sia. - . , book publishers of Germany simul- Hoover's optimism concerning busiMr. Chester Kosenberg, son of Mr. Harry BJacker/ taneously .issued as their respective Miss Left Shames was elected pres- bits of the season "My _ Life", by ness. and Mrg. Sol Rosenberg, who has Flans are bieng made to present Opposite Orpheum been visiting with his parents and the nest play of the organization, ident of the Sub Debs at their last Leon Trotzky, ^Political Letters", by JEWISH BUSINESS MEN friends for the past week, has re- "A Mensch Zol Men Zdn". The Hew meeting held January 12. Other, of- Walther Rathen&u, and "Disraeli", SHOW WAY turned to Chicago, where ne is con- officers -will be honored by a banquet fftcers elected are: vice-president, by Georg Brandes. This business optimism is still more Pearl Meyers; secretary, Geraldine nected with Neisher Bros., Inc. next Tuesday. The occasion was seized upon by evident in financial ctrdesi, David A. Strauss} treasurer, Sylvia Roth; re- the Xitler and Ludendorff elans to Brown's scheme for financing the Fez porter, Rosella' Perlis. All of the bjaeers of the Daughters point out to true • Germans that interests; the two million dollar conMrs. R. Xulafcofsfcy assisted at a The club also appointed staff memtea ^iven by the Visiting Nurse of Israel Aid Society, who take bers for their new .paper... Those nothing could better illustrate the tract «warde4 to Albert Kefcn of DeAssociation in the Conncil room of care. Gf the Jewish Old Peoples' chosen are the following: managing world conspiracy of Jewish domina- troit for building factories and other the City hall Tuesday, January 21. home were leelected at a meeting editor, Lee Shames; • editor, Sara tion than these tktea names. One structures In Soviet Russia; the wondof the group Tuesday. of their arguments was to the effect erful financial showing of the Lehmsa The officers: Mrs. S. Ravitz, presi- Forman, and reporter, Rosella Per- that Disraeli, the Jew, built up Brothers' interests; the expansion cf Mr. Reuben Ferer who was badly dent; Mrs. A. Wolf, vice president; lifti Plans are being made far the injured in an automobile accident Mrs. K. Tatle, treasurer j Mrs* L coining rally. three weeks ago is still confined to Kulakofsky, financial secretary; and "SAY IT WITH F L O W E R S " his hwne. Mrs. S. Maisel, corresponding secre- A linen memorial meeting will be held Sunday afternoon, January 26, tary. at 2:86 in ream 205 of the Cronnse Betty Edis Rosenblatt, daughter "The Careful Florist" JAcksort 1906 of J3r~" and Mrs. L W. Rosenblatt, ' The Music Makers orchestra will blodt.. Admission is free, and every1804 FABNAM -was surprised by a party given on furnish the music for the weekly body is welcome. t.the occasion of her eighth birthday dance at the Jewish Community- Center Saturday evening. Ghapenraea Sunday afternoon, January 19. Valentine: decorations and colors for the dance ere Mr. end Mrs. Wilwere used. The ten children who liam Alberts and Mr. and Mrs. Isa-> attended spent the afternoon playing dore Levinson. games,- with prizes being- won by The planning of a Toller skating Mae Rosenblatt and Sora Mirian party to be' held on Tuesday, Jan, Blank., 28, -W98 one~bf' the features ~bi the weekly business meeting of the F s \t The (Junior Hadaseah will sponsor Han Sorority held at tha Center > > a studio tea this Sunday afternoon, Wednesday evening. A membership January 26, from S to 5:80. -well under way. The committee in charge includes the Misses Bess Bernstein, chairman, At a business meeting of the Edytbe Rabinowitz, Leah Qberman Henrietta Szold club at the J. O. C. Pauline Hurwitz. Tuesday Sylvia Bezraan and Anna Bercovid were selected- as the A-regular meeting of the Ladiea! group's representatives in the oraGolden Hill Society. will be held torial contest to be held at the Tuesday, January 28, at the home Center February 5. A debate team of Mrs. Herman Ziegman, 654 North was also organized and are now preTwenty-seventh street, at 2:80 p. m. paring' for a debate to be held FebAll members are urged to attend. ruary 18. 1 9 . ' .
- . . : • - . • • . • .
Review of the Jewish Week
the radio interests under the leadership of David Sarnoff; the recordbreaking advance of the movie industries headed by the Zukors, Schenks and others. These are convincing illustrations that Jewish optimism will help America bridge the crisis.
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PAGE 4—THE-JBVPISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24," 1080 ^ AND MRS. A. P. LADIES AUXILIARY London.— For the next four or 250 Are Present at MR.SALTZMAN CELEBRATE TO HOLD LUNCHEON ! five weeks* nothing will be heard SILVER ANNIVERSARY NEXT WEDNESDAY from the Palestine Inquiry Commfc% but by that time the report Ms Installation Banquet Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Saltzman will Over, 200 members and friends of sion, expected to be completed. Zabotins-
celebrate their silver wedding anniTwo hundred and fifty members versary with a party and dance, Sun- ! ths Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion ky, radical leader of the Zionist reMaccabbees Stage Talmud Torah Dance and friends of the B'nai B'rith lodge day evening, Jan. 26, at the Jewish \ Congregation are expected to attend; visionists, is coming here for a hearattended the annual installation ban- Community Center social hall. Over the annual Installation Luncheonj ing with the commission. to Be Held Tuesday Successful Banquet quet held in the social hall of the 150 guests have been invited to attend which will be held Wednesday noon, j Over 90 participated in the • Mac-, Jewish Community Center Tuesday the occasion. The hall will be decor- January 29, at one o'clock in the j Ask Your Dealer For A The annual Talmud Torah dance cabbee ^banquet which -was held at evening. A. M. Davis acted as mas- ated .with silver streamers and bells. ':- social hall of the synagogue. Mrs. will be held at the Rigadaun dance hall Tuesday evening, January 28. the Jewish Community Center Sun- ter of ceremonies for the evening. A buffet supper will be served in the J. H. Mosow, retiring President, will preside. The following officers will Mrs^ R. H. Emlein, president of the MUNROE FURNACE day evening, January 19. The ban- Invocation was given by Rabbi evening. Mothers' dub, -which is sponsoring; Speaker Delivers Brilliant Ad- quet was given by the members of H. R. Rabinowitz. Several novelty bt installed: Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, SUPPLY CO. the dance, is chairman. the club for their fathers and moth-; stunts opened the program which President; Mrs. Robert Sacks and 1718 Cass JA. 4065-66 dress Under Auspices of TEMPLE SISTERHOOD ers. Mr. M. Baumstein was toast-. was interspersed by-community sing"We earnestly hope that the Jew! Hrs. Sam Weiner, Vice Presidents; Teachers* Gub CAFETERIA THURSDAY ! Mrs. Lester Heeger, Financial Secmaster for the evening. Master Joe' ing, led by A. H. Baron. Mr. J. ish community of Sioux City will 1 give -as their co-operation in mak- "The forces that are shaping his- Barricks gave a short talk of wel-, Slate, a member of the executive Members of the Temple Sister- retary; Mrs. J. H. Levine, Recording ing this dance the success it should tory today may be divided into three come to the guests. Stanley Herzoff committee of the Grand Lodge Dis- hood are sponsoring a Cafeteria- Secretary, and Mrs. S. I. Skalovsky, be," said Mrs. Emlein. . The pro-classes," Rabbi Brickner told his spoke on the .purpose of the club,; strict No. 6, installed the newly Supper, next Thursday evening, at i Treasurer. "Manufactured in Omaha" ceeds will g<r towards the' mainte- audience, when he spoke in North Mr. N. Sadoff spoke in behalf of the 'elected officers. 6 o'clock. Mrs. A. L. Stein and Mrs. In addition to installation ceremony fathers and Mrs. M. Sperling in be-1 The place of the B'nai B'rith in nance of the Hebrew school. Sam Sampson are co-chairmen of ! a play "The Unlighted Menorah" will BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. Junior High school Tuesday evening, The committee includes Mrs. Em-under the auspices of the Sioux City half of the mothers. Mr. Max pill the Jewish community was stressed the affair. Plans are made to hold ; be presented by Mrs. Meyer Daslein, Mrs. L Levin, Mrs. A. Slotsky, Teachers' club. "They are political, gave a brief talk which was follow- as being among the - foremost, by a similar affair tha last week of kovsky, Mrs. William Mazie, Mrs. Mrs. M. Lazriowich, Mrs. L, Shind- economic - and religious, ethical and ed by a resume of the year's work Mr. Leo Reitman of -Milwaukee, every month in the future. Rueben Miller, and Miss Sara Weiner, J of the club by Rudolph Shindler. president of the Grand Lodge Disler, Mrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. I. Merlin, cultural." under the direction of, Mrs. Mprey Mrs. Sam Passman, Mrs. A. P. Salte"Dictatorship," according to Rabbi Novelty numbers were presented by trict 6, who presented the main adFarane Install Officers Lipshiatz. A piano solo, by Sara man, Mrs. A. Friedman, Mrs. John Brickner; "evolved from the despair Rudolph Shindler, Bernard. Passman, dress of the evening. "The B'nai Weiner, a reading by Helen Herzoff, The following officers of the LaCertified Public Accountants Lansberg, Mrs. I. Epstein, Mrs. H.and disillusion of the World War, Bill Lansberg, A. Herxoff, Jackie. B'rith lodge must lead in the devel- dies' Independent Farane were in- and a vocal solo by Dena Baron will Goldstein, Mrs. H. Erinberg, Mrs. and is one of the political, froces." Merlin and the Misses Shindler and' opment of the true Jewish con- stalled at the regular meeting of conclude the program. B. Sherman, Mrs. J. Shullrin, Mrs. AT. 4451 "The forces of dictatorship and Mazor. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowite gave! sdousness, and in every form of the organization held last Sunday Berkowitz, Mrs. Broscoe, Mrs. A. democracy, the first a result of the the main address of the evening, Jewish activity," the speaker said. evening: Mrs. Max Dervin, presiM. Davis and Mrs. E. Barish. FOR RENT war, and the: latter the cause, are stressing the importance of dub co- Brief talks were made by Dr. H. dent; Mrs. Lefkovich, vice-president; M. Levin, retiring president, and Mrs. I. L. Klass, recording secretary; interlocking anddirectly opposed," operation and motivated meeting.Nice Sleeping M. E. Friedman, the president-elect. Mrs. Manny Dervin, corresponding ' Community Center Notes he said. .; Mrs. Frederick Roost and Mr. Henry secretary, and • Mrs. H. Herman, At a meeting held Tuesday eve- Rabbi Brickner declared that the Room for Gentleman Saitlin presented several vocal solos. treasurer. ning the Forensic club under the war did not establish peace, a result Music during the evening was furWEbster-3967 supervision of Miss Rosalie Sacks, of which will take decades, but if ATlantic 6291 nished by Lee HerzofTs Five Aces. elected the following officers: Rudolph it tended to create peace-mindedness, J. M. JENSEX Miss Mae. Erinbergentertained S Mr. Morris Pill was in charge of Shindler, President; Mi<ikey Marenj that in itself is of great aid. Sponsoring-Watch Raffle friends at a bridge party Saturday TUTORING Vice President, and./ Anne; W k f f Russia's experiment in commun- evening in her home. Bridge was Ithe arrangements for the affair. Members of the* Mount Sinai SisSecretary and Treasurer. ism, which, the speaker said, only followed by dancing and refresh- S i g m a I o t a S i g m a t o terhood are selling tickets for a High School Subjects CHAKLES SIMON time would prove successful or dediamond wrist watch raffle, which Hebrew & Yiddish Lessons ments. RecommendB trimental, was one mentioned as one Entertain Mothers will culminate this spring. Mrs. ATlautic 9489 THE SANITARY LAUNDRY of: the examples of economic forces. Emil Rosenstock is chairman. of the Miss Blooma Olensky was hostess — H. MENDELSOHN — "The Best oi All i-nun Members of the Sigma Iota Sigma activity, which, according to her, Services" In speaking of the third force, to 12 friends at a graduation party i Club will entertain their mothers at religion, Rabbi Brickner deplored last Sunday afternoon. A buffet shows every evidence of being a AT-2815 the decline of the force of religion supper followed a program of bridge. a Tea to be held in the Jewish Com- success. Paxton-MitchellCo. munity Center, Wednesday evening, for the modern person. "A people «7tb «n« Martha fits. BL&rney STALMASTSB ft BEBER, Att'T* Miss Charlotte Rosenstock will January 29. A program by the memwithout religion cannot live," he OKAHA. KEBKASKA 650 Om. Nat. Bk. B i d e Mr. Leo Reitman of: Milwaukee, said.. "Science," he . continued, "is leave <for Omaha Sunday where she bers of the group will be presented. Soft era; iron, brass, oronze nna City aluminum eastings. Standard sizes Wis., President of the District Grand not a guide for the meaning of life. will study for the coming term. Rosalie Sacks, Lillian Dobrofsky, . NOTICE « F ADMINISTRATION orooM tuul Iron bnBbmps, newer CDsnHoles, cistern ring* end covers and Lodge No. 6 of the Independent It is merely a a..tool. A new conEva Lipton and Helen Friedman are l a the County Court of Douglas County, 2le&n>oat floor* in stock. All kinfig of Order of the B*hai Brith, was the Nebraskka. 442© Florence Blvd. wood anA metal patterns. Mrs. Eli Robinow is visiting rela- in charge of the arrangements. In tbe matter of the estate of Meyer principal speaker and honored guest ception of religion that will enrich tives and friends in Minneapolis. KE, 1500 Green, deceased. at. an open meeting «f the Council and stimulate the aspirations, that SEVEN SENIOR She H«OBe With A Reputation All persons Interested in said estate are Bluffs B'nai Brith Lodge No. 688 will ^broaden the horizon of man, STUDENTS HAVE HIGH Mrs. Louis Baron has returned hereby notified that a petition has been and that will abolish war and the in said Couit alleging that said dewhich • was held Sunday evenjng at SCHOLASTIC AVERAGES filed home after a visit in the home of ceased died leaving no last wilt and-prayJ. L. KRAGE, Prcprietcr the Chieftain Hotel. A banquet which power of sectarianism and national- her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ing for administration cpon bis- estate, and that a. bearing •will be bad en said petition was given at the Chieftain Hotel ism, is needed. today." In a list of twenty-one students and Mrs/ Irving Goldstein of Chibefore said court on the 1st day of Febru«*NEW FOR OLD" NATHAN S. REISS Rabbi Brickner declared that the cago. preceding the meeting in honor of 1930,. and that if they fail to appear ' - named by A. G. Heitman of Central ary, at said Court on tbe said 1st day of Feb1619 Fsrnsra SL—Phone AT. S4S1 , Mr. Reitman* was a huge success. masses are -lamentably incapable of High School, for high scholastic ruary, 1930, at 8 o'clock A. M. to contest ACCOUNTANT petition; tbe Court may grant the Mr. Sam Beber of Omaha was in using their' leisure to their own Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horowitz have Averages, appear the names of said same and grant administration of said AUDITS — — SYSTEMS spiritual advancement, charge of the installation' of the newmental and departed for' southern California, Bessie Epstein, Mollie Herman, Geo. estate to B. Shaft on or some other suit7 and said that too much time and able person and proceed to a settlement 5S4 Peters Trust Bldg.AT. 7611 officers. Dr. Isaac Sterahill is the where they will visit for six weeks. Kuntz, Bluma Olensky, Charlotte thereof. ' money was spent on commercial new president, succeeding Mr. Ben Rosenstock, Delia Shiloff, and David Case BRTCE CRAWFORD, Kubby, and talks were given by amusement. The masses must be Singer. Jan. 10—3t. ' County. Judge. The names of Goldie Levin and E. Soda Water -both. The other officers are: Maxeducated to the point where they Sam. Weiner were omitted by error Shostak, vice president; Harry K.ub- will be satisfied with the recreation from the list of Central High school Gmger&le by, recording secretary; O. Hochman, they can draw from within. and graduates, which appeared last week. financial secretary; Sam Steinberg, The speaker concluded an inspirNear Beer Awnings, C«BVB» c«T«n, Tents, treasurer; Jos. B. Katelman, guard- ing address with the statement that IBVTN C. Xttvn?, Attorney 801 Electric Building Camp SoppJles, All Kind* ian; Ben Kubby, monitor, and Benthe new. spirituality and the new City 18 ••!« Howart AX, MtS Seldin, assistant monitor; and Harry spiritual outlook showed; the tendPBOBATB NOTICE Erasne, Richard Gordon, and Her-ency toward the outlawry of war, In the matter of the estate of Ere Mon, . I man Meyerson, trustees. the' development of better under- deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the credi- | standing "and goodwill between nators of said deceased will meet the e d - ' The" program included musical WE. 3043 of said estate, before me,' numbers by Rose Brandeis and tions and races on the- basis of minlstratrix County Judge of Douglas County, Ne- • at the County Court Room, in said i Ernest Ross, and humorous and humanity; and the tendency on the bxaska, County, on the 3rd- day of March, 1930, dramatic selections by Pearl Meyer- part of people to accept and share and on tbe 3rd day of .'May, 1930, at 9 for the Auto" A. M., each day, for the purpose Visit the New son, Morton Adler, June Meyerson, in the social responsibility for those o'clock of presenting their claims for examination, | 8501 Farnam—AT. 5624 Abe Salizman, and Lorraine Meyer- afflicted in life. adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the' creditors to present Rabbi Brickner was a guest at their claims,, from tbe 1st day of February, son. Mr. Reitman in his the B'nai B'rith banquet before his 1930. BRTCK CRAWFORD, Easy Payments Arranged tioned the need of co-operation and lecture. Jan. 10—3t County Judge. told of the splendid work of the 16th and Howard Streets JACK SIABEB, Att'y B'nai Brith chapters. County Court Hens* Skaare Zion EilT Hotel Buildine .City Mr. Louis H., Katelman was chair-, "An Uninvited Guest" will be the OF ADMINISTRATION m&n of the evening .and in charge subject of the sermon to be given In NOTICE Jewelry on Credit tbe County Court of Douglas County, of the banquet and program. Nebraska. by Rabbi H. R; Rabinowitz this ev- In the matter of the estate of Dee Fisher, at Cash Prices ening at the Shaare Zion synagogue. deceased. Word has been received here of This, address which was postponed All persons interested in said estate are It Will Pay Yon to inquire. notified that a petition has been the birth of a daughter, Lynn, born from last Sunday will be based on hereby filed in said Court alleging that said deto Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R:. Schwartz Ludwig Lewisohn's latest play en- ceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon bis estate, of Chicago, 111., on January 14. Mrs. and that a hearing will be had on said titled "Adam". petition before said court on the 1st day Schwartz will be remembered, here Third Ave. and 11th Street of February, 1930, and that if they fall as the former Miss Anne Goldberg. to, appear at said Court on the said. 1st Phones: 89.and 519 of February, 1930, at 9 o'clock A. M. Mount Sinai Temple day to contest said petition, the Court may COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA The Council Bluffs Agudas-Achim Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will ', grant the' same and grant administration times a day we are in your said estato to Jack W. Marer or some i h l h d Society will hold an installation of speak on "Ten Years of the League >., of other suitable person and" proceed to a officers at their next meeting which of Nations" at the regular services . settlement thereof, I BRTCE CRAWFORD. will be held Monday evening, Jan. to be held this evening. * Jan. 10—3t. County Judge. 27 . at 138 West Broadway. The Witt P«Br«ij' • following, officers will be installed: AT. 4750 MA. 4750 Sam Meyerson, president; , Louis &NU Weinberg, vice president; Max Sho2 Pieces—Coil Spring Tune in EOIL every Tuesday stak, recording secretary; Maurice at 10:00 A. M. for the Serpentine style davenport and wingr chair, Leisure Hours program Brandeis,, financial secretary; Sam Upholstered in heavy jacquard velour with Rbsenthal, treasurer; Abe Bromberg, AT ALL GEOCESS reversible cushions in moquette. Hardguardian,' and - Sam Friedman, Chas. Made by wood frames, full coil spring construction. Harry H. U>p!6os, Pre«ldent-Trea«oriei Saltzman, and Sam Gross, trustees. Uiscle Sam Breakfast Food
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Dr. and, Mrs."Isaac Sternhill enterteined the members" of their -evening bridge club at their home Tuesday evening. ;Miss Regina Klein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ike Klein, who underwent an ijoperation for appendicitis a- the Wise Memorial Hospital: in Omaha recently, is now convalescing at her home.
Mrs. Henry Muduff was hostess to the BJ[ B. G. club at her home Wednesday, evening. -f. \\
-. Mr., Harry, Perimeter will- leave Saturday f evening for New/Yorfl City on* ailbuying trip. "He expects to be gone about three weeks. / Salon&a.—20,000 Greek Jews were disfranchised ' » "Salonica on ' the ground that their ancestors had been iii tjjio^Spain' they are h'ties' "
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