January 31, 1930

Page 1

Interesting lay*



JEnterei as second-class*6 postofflpe at Omaha, Neb.

Jewish Horizon**

"natter on January 27, 1921, at ,Tmdep the Act of March 3,1S7A


11100 per cent collectivized during 1930. .This i s the 'decision adopted by t h e "Comzet" conference, which intends t o make the Jewish settlers To Advise on Talkies Cincinnati.—The relationship fonn- submit all of their live stock as well ed some time ago whereby t h e Mo- as their inventory t o collective barns. tion Picture Producers and Distribu- Stop Machinery Confiscating tors of America look t o the IndependMoscow.—An order h a s been isent Order! of B'nai B'rith for sugges- sued that Soviet t a x collectors a r e tions and criticisms concerning, pic- not t o confiscate machines and tools tures of special interest t o Jews is received by individuals from relato b e extended to t h e many sound tives a b r o a d through" the Ort. This pictures being made i n the East, a s is of great importance t o the-Jewish the result of negotiations just con- artisans who were ex-traders, a s cluded/ between / W i l l Hays and Allately many machines were' confiscat? M. j Cohen. .ed on the pretext that t h e owners owed t h e government treasury old Jew -Wiias High Post Y; Boston;' —-?' Abraham E . one of tlie outstanding trial .lawyers 65,000 Declassed * "in; Massachusetts, i a s been appointMoscow.—There are 65,000 deeS tor the Superior Cptirt bench of classed' Jews i n; Ukrania now that that state by•Governor Aliens . need special relief, according t o statistics offered by the "Ernes", organ " Charities ComWne Boston.—Twenty-two/• Jewish wel- of ^the Jewish Communists. These

•United States


Luncheon Monday Also Welcomes Ninty-five New Members PRESIDENT REPORTS


Rabbi Taxon to Talk

Miss J.'C. C. 1930!

Rabbi Morris N . Taxon, formerly of Omaha and a t present leader of the largest Conservative Synagogue in Chicago, will speak s t the Jewish Community Ceisfer Monday evening a t 8 o'clock on "The Future of Judaism in America". Rabbi Taxon -Imppened to be in the vicinity, jio local leaders invited him t * speak here. • The public is isrited to attend.

On Saturday evening, February 1, a t the weekly Jewish Community Genter dance, Miss J. C. C. 1930 and her alternate •will be selected. A number of men acting as judges will select the prettiest girls from those attending the dance, and the most popular of these chosen by a ballot will be decorated with the Miss J . C. C 1S30 ribbon.

Board of Governors ©f Soathwest Region to Convene Here FRIEDBERG I S SPEAKER

j1Rabbi Rabinewiis, of Sioux City to Occupy Conservative Pulpit PLAN RECEPTION, TEA'

A large mass meeting open t o the The annual luncheon of the CounRabbi Hrmap. R. Rabinowite, spirpublic will feature the convening of cil of Jewish Women 'which was itual leader of the Shaare Sion Coftthe Board of Governors of t h e given on Monday, January 27, a t servEtive Synagogue of Sioux City, Southwest Region of the Zionists to the Blackstone hotel was of especial •will be the guest speaker a t the be held this Sunday. The rally, significance this year. I t not-cnly services of the Conservative Syna•which will begin a t 8:15 p . m. in served a s welcome to t h e - l a r g e s t gogue tonight a t the Jewish Comthe J . C. C. auditorium, will be group of new members, ninety-five munity Center. preceded by a public reception a t The Council of the Jewish NationWhether or not the British Manin all, that the Omaha Council has 7:30, with Mrs. A. Sflverman in E&bbi R&Mnowits; has selected "A date is for the best interests of the l i t t l e Extra, Reese'" as the subject acquired i n a single year, b u t i tal Fund will celebrate Chamisha charge. Jewish People will be debated a t the also was a welcome t o a most dis- Osor B'Shevat, the,. Jewish Arbor A luncheon in honor of the out-of- open, meeting' of the B'nai B'rith for his sermon tonight. He will »1JH» Day, a t a large '^nass meeting to tinguished guest, Miss Cecilia Raztown guesis, who represent the thir«vsky, executive secretary of the be held a t the Jewish Community teen states comprising this region, Thursday, February 6, s t the J.C.C. Center on Wednesday evening, FebThe debate will be the feature of an Department of Service t o t h e Forwill be held a t 12:80 Sunday noon elaborate program which will contain ruary 12, a t S:15« Rabbi Abraham eign-born of the National Council of Bengis . of t h e Conservative Syna- a t the Omaha Athletic club. Dr. A. varied entertainment. Jewish Women. ^' . Greenberg is chairman of arrangeThe debate "ill be between the two The event also offered the oppor- gogue will deliver the main address. ments for this affair. Omaha A.Z.A. chapters. Bussell Other features 'on the,, program tunity t o welcome home- again Mrs. Harry Friedberg, brilliant Kansas Biumenthal and Frank Ackerman of figures only refer to ex-traders ana will include a jsky by t h e local Harry Kulakofsky, president- of: the fare groups i e r e i a v e combined into City attorney and forceful speaker, not to artisans. Omaha Council of Jewish- Women, Young Poale ZlqS, "musical selec- will deliver the main address s t the the Sam Beber "Chapter .No. 100 -will one organization t o be known a s the who has been attending t h e Trien- tions, and some shcrfc speeches. T h emass meeting Sunday evening. Short uphold the affirmative, while Elmer Associated JewiBh Philanthropies. * Ban Schechita Munich.—Approval of a law •which nial of the National Council of Jew- meeting, which i s free, is open to speeches will be delivered by other Shamberg and Frank Lipp of the Yiddish Theatre Declining Mother Chapter No. 1 will maintain the public ", constitutes a ban on schechita was ish Women a t Los Angeles, Calif. out-of-town guests. M. F . Leven- the negative. New Tork.—The decline of thegiven by a constitutional committee Dr. O. C Belzeii: chairman of the Mrs. Kulakofsky gave a fascinatson, president of the local Zionist Tiddijih theatre was deplored a t "aof the Bavarian'parliament. - ing a s wellf as thorough report of committee of strftageinents, states organization and a member of the 'This debate will offer a funda' meeting of t h e managers of the Lten I the .entire'convention. Among, the that a most elaborate program is Regional Board of Governors, will mental analysis on the entire situation in Palestine," President Milton Yiddish theatres in New York last Sentence Set Aside being arranged and that everyone is Jerusalem.—The court of ^appeals most interesting points mentioned assured a n excellent time. He urges preside a s chairman. B. Abrahams stated, in announcing' week. Too high salaries for stage were the remarkable steps being Among the prominent visitors who the program. "In view of the recent .hands and too many large advertise- has set aside the sentence of Joseph made by the organization in care the members of the -various organwill b e present are included Profesments "were blamed for the lack of Urphali,. t h e first -Jew ever con- and work for the blind and deaf izations especially; to attend. Sev- sor G. Klausnes of St. Louis, pres- outbreaks, this discussion should demned to death in Palestine, on the prove particularly pertinent." eral prizes will be awarded t o t h e i larger profits, and restriction of imground that t h e evidence of the'throughout the entire country.. Great best performers i a the various fields ident of the Regional Board; Julius The debate will be followed by an migration •was blamed for decrease Livingston, prominent Tulsa Zionist, open forum a t which time ail memArab witnesses who testified against stress was laid upon the effort that of entertainment: en the program. 'in patronage. is being p u t forth by the national and M. N . Fisher of St. Louis, and bers of the audience will be given an him was untrustworthy. Dr. M. M. : Margolin will preside. other members of the. board. Dedicate Hospital organization to further world peace. opportunity to present their views.. Denver.—"With- rabbis from sur- Bars. Foreign Students The guest of honor, Miss RazovThe new policies of t h e Zionist Preliminary -to the debate a brief rounding communities participating Prague.—The medical faculty of sky, held the attention of her audiorganization; the reorganization plan talk wiH be gives by Sam Fregger. and state and city officials i n a t -the German xmiversity here lias de- ence t o '• the last minute with h e r into' regions, t h e Zionists* affiliation Abnsr Kaixnan" will offer' another of tendance, the Louis Heineman Build-, cided to b a r -all foreign students numerous illustrations and actual with fee Agency, the Jewish Nation- his popular reviews of Jewish topics ing for Tuberculous Children of the during 1930. •;••-•• - • cases. al fund problem, s a d other imporThe Omaha Daughters of Zion tant taattsrs "will be dealt with st of the day. These comments, interNational Jewish Hospital a t Denver Her entire talk was an explanamingled with homor and, philosophy, Halsmann Appeal Denied »• •-.check f o r tion a s well ns a revelation of the have- again mass • ineetingv..:.. . •. .. "'•-.. have-Hseen 'particularly- well received. * r^erinii——Segret' ^snSssfal "work that i s being'"ffone first- seiaoa-'^-^r' : Be«aa!-v«C ?:I"In addition there will be musical provides, facilities for. t h e care of has been flooding the German press for the foreign-born, not only i n the who in return purchase land in Pal- Governors will be held e t 9:00 a. m." selections. 44 tubercular ' children and "meets over the refusal "of the Austrian EO4 United States, but also in all parts estine. This group of women have a t the Center. An afternoon session preme court* to set aside the verdict sent the sum of $3,600 within a perthe urgent need for extension of of the world. will also be held, following the of death pronounced on Philip Halsiod of three years and are proud of luncheon. AH board meetings will children's work i n the "Hospital. their noble work. BOARD MEETING The service in the hospital will be mann, who is charged with-Mllmg be dosed. Rabbi H. "TL Rabhtowite. A teacher's college which was r e The monthly congregational board individualized, with crippled children his father. -The case, which J|ias aroused universal interest, i s lijffaed Moscow.—"The Soviet soul can't meeting of t h e Conservative Syna- cently erected in Beth Hakerem, also being taken care of. Sun treatoccupy the pulpit for tlie Saturday to, the Dreyfus case, as i t is claimed gogue will be held a t the Center Palestine, on the society's land now tolerate t h e former traders." This ment will be given regularly. begin Nathan E . Jacobs was elected j morning g services, which g that anti-Semites killed Philip's fath- Tuesday evening a t 8:30. Starting bears the name of the donors, "The is t h e "Ozet's" reply to t h e thoupresident of the Brotherhood ofjat 8:30 s. m., when he will deliver er and then accused h i m of t h ea t 8 o'clock preceding the meeting. Omaha Daughters of Zion". To Aid Polish Jews sands of Jewish ex-traders who have Temple Israel, following' a dinner a t ' a short; sermon in Yiddish, New York.—A decision to include crime. The leading Christian attor- Dr. Philip Sher will conduct a class The d u b is under the leadership been ruined by the Soviet resolution the Temple, Wednesday evening. This is B return visit -upon the the impoverished- Jews of Poland and neys of Austria have offered fheir on Jewish current events. and are .seeking aid. of Mrs. S. Flatt. part of the Sioux City guest, a s Other officers elected were: Ben other East European countries, as aid gratis, i n the proposed final'-^jb StieSer, vice-president; Abe Schiin- Rabbi Abraham Bengis occupied the •'.." X5 well a s those "of Soviet Russia, i n its peal t o the -president. rael, secretary, and Lawrence Gold- Shaare Zion pulpit about « month work of supplying the "declassed" EgO. man, treasurer. Vote Down Subsidy ' Jews with tools and machinery, was A capacity attendance is expected The new directors chosen for the adopted after' much debate a t the Warsaw.—The Polish parliament tonight, A reception and tea will ensuing term are Dr. B. T. Friedman, People's Tool Campaign convention, voted down the suggestion of Deputy be given in honor of Kabbi and lire. Dr. Max Block, Marvin Treller, and 1 attended by 715 delegates. Hijherto Grnenbaum, Jewish member of t h e Harry Greene. -following: --=• the services. the People's Tool Campaign has res- bodyj that t h e government increase rhis i s bcin Kirk Grigrgs, president, of the Oc' «" sponsored by the Wotricted i t s activities t o Soviet Rus- the sul^idy t o the Yiddish and Hemcri s cidental Building and Loan Associa' ^«»lisry of the congregation. brew^ schools. .••'•'•.• sial While here Rabbi and Mrs. Sabition, was the speaker of the evening.. I t was decided t o carry on a cam- Relics Unreathed nowitz will be the house guests of He spoke very optimistically of the paign for two million dollars during Rabbi" and Mrs, Abraham Bengis, Jerusalem.—A number of sarcofuture of Omaha. By ROBERT STONE the next four years, §500,000 a year, phagi of t h e Herodian period of The dinneT, which, was served in Esbfai and Mrs, Bengis will fee a t for relief -work. architecture with Greek and Hebrew the vestry room, was prepared by "home on Saturday afternoon from In this brief sketch "Mr. Stone, 2 to 6 o'clock to receive in honor But his real career opened in in just the way he himself liked. the Sisterhood. Overseas Legion to Celebrate inscriptions and several pieces of Jcnoivn for this "inside" scoops, re- Brooklyn, N . Y., in 1904, when he be- Business was good; for thst matter, of the visitors. New York.—The " J . D . C. Over- pottery dating from- before the desviews some of the angles on the Rabbi RabinowitE has been very seas Legion'', consisting of the sur- truction of the second temple were widely-discussed case of William came a theatrical manager. Vaude- i t is still good. William Fox has a gold mine, but he seems on the verge discovered i n a cave, on Mt. Scopus ville was in' its fullest strength. T i e successful in bis work a t Sioux City. Fox arid his various companies. vivors of the army of Jewish relief He is sponsoring- the first copserva-' workers who went over t o Eastern. by Arab laborers excavating for the He also points to some of the res- movies were still in t i e process of of losing i t all. ults should Fox be swallowed-up creation. Fox saw himself .growing and extive group of that city and in t h e Europe in January, 1920, t o do post- foundations of a building near the by Wall Street. —The Editor. On Teusday evening, January 2S, five years Vce has been there has panding. He bought hundreds -of Hebrew -university;-. .. I t -was inevitable, that William Fox, war relief work among the Jews working in the theatre, should become theatres i n New York; he acquired 1S30, the J . C. C. Symphony Orchest- made splendid progress, Mrs, Ra%~ there under the auspices • of the Ask for JeTOsh Schools If American commerce and idushundreds of movies in the Middle ra under the direction of Mr. Frank binowite is also -noted for being affiliated with the movies. He had Joint Distribution Committee, will Montrea.—A delegation . of Mon- try, particularly a s they affect Jews, vision. He was poor, so that he was West; h e kept on buying up houses Maeh gave their first concert of the active in the activities of the c<mcelebrate the tenth anniversary of treal Jew? demanded separate schools have their many romances, they also year s t the auditorium of the Jewish the departure of the. first unit from for the: Jewish. children* in. 3 confer- have their tragedies. The most mov- not afraid to take chances. Twenty- on the West Coast. In addition, he Community Center. They were :»skept a n eye on the export business NeW York' with a dinner a t t h e-ence:; "with the '"provincial' premier ing of these is now being enacted. five years passed. The motion picture industry has become a colossus and paid down ?4,000,000 toward se- sited by the Tech High Kale QuarCommodore hotel on Saturday. last week. Provincial Premier Tas- I t has more pathos, more sadness and of industry. And i n that industry curing a major interest i n the Gau- tette, directed by Mrs. Fred G. Ellis. A variety of music was played inchereau was loath to accept their more bitterness than any similar dra- William P o x played a dominant part. Tnont-British Pictures Corporation, \ Endowment Fund Assured ma that has been witnessed in ths Cincinnati—That the campaign for view b u t did indicate a desire of last decade. This play might well be He was, without exaggeration, called which has t i e biggest movie chain in cluding the well-known Poet and Peasant Overture, the Mock Morris j a five million dollar endowment fund, the government t o find. a solution called "The Rise and Fall of William "King of the Movies". England and is worth $25,000,000. Dance by Grainger, Brahm's Hunof, the school problem favorable t o which i s being sought by t h e HeOn October 23rd there -was t h e When the crash came i t was found garian Dance No. V and the Russian Fox". But whereas on the ordinary . . .' • brew Union College of Cincinnati, .all J e w s . ' ' : •.:-.,;.• ' that Fox had over-expanded. He stage the curtain means a finish to iustorfsi raid on Wall Street, when The ennu&i preparations for the Fantasie by Tobani. Special mention is nearing its goal, was the an-Synagogue Abandoned £he whole proceedings—in real life values tumbled down so fast that had given securities a s collateral on observance of "Council Sabbath" nouncement made here in a report securities had been reduced in value should be. given to the Trumpet Duet have-been initiated by the announcePraguev-^-The synagogue belonging the drama of William Fox undoubted- very few could run swiftly enough from Adolph" S. Ochs, chairman of by about five or six hundred per played by Miss Sara Jacobson and raeat of Mrs, W. B. Kohler of Sato one ^ f the oldest Jewish commun- ly resume again within t h e near to escape from being buried under Kiss Pearl Marcus, accompanied by the endowment fund campaign. the debris. I t seemed astounding, cent. The bankers who had previous- the Orchestra. vacnah, national chairman of the ities in Wischau in, Czecho-Slovakia, future. ly made t h e loans saw this a s the Department of Religion and Kelihas been sold and win b e converted William F o x is comparatively but William Fox, too, was caught in golden opportunity t o get hold of one The Tech High sang delightfully Edxication of the National i n t o ' a ; moving picture ; house. The a young man. Born in Hungary i n the deluge. of t i e best pieces of motion picture a number . of• selections including! Before t h e crash Fox Films had of Jewish Women. community was compelled t o sell i t s 1879, he celebrated his fifty-first ^ ^ property in the entire business. They «HeavV- and "Swing Low Sweetj been a t 105. Since then i t h a s been birthday on January 1st of this year. synagogue because; of t h e poverty Numerus Clausus Victory began • pressing Fox. When notes par- down as low as 16. Each new rumor Budapest.—The fight of Hungari- of t h e congregation and the great Born of typically poor Jewish Mrs. Harry Seiner's rendition of ', , " . „ «„-_», , K were called no chance was given for 1 of successful financing sends i t u p ; ents, he was brought t o this country d an Jewry against numerus clausus migration from the village. "Your Song from Paradise" and the « ? f * ^ morping Mat^J*. renewal. When. Wall Street wants to in infancy. -He got his first start in every time the rumor proves to be in the universities" has resulted in Urges Moslein Boycott " press—and if one is in Fox's position bass solo, "On the Eoad to Sianda*?^_ ^ _ . life through, relatives who placed him false the stock goes down that muck of designating .•(he L u n » were ell w - , an initial victory, with the announceJerusalem.—-All Moslems in- Pales- as an apprentice to a tailor. Despite lower- What is behind this story of one can't stop it—a man may SM •well lay" biy^ David +*,„ . ^ ^ ; ^ ^ « i Sabbath warest to th« date of ment that ,Szegedi university /has tine are urged t o boycott the;. Wailcall himself finished. the fact that his enemies have ever the fall of William Fox? by the audience p ^ ^ wWch wcurB t M s y ^ ^ completely abolished numerus clau- ing Wall: commisBion which the David A. Brown, well-known leader since persisted in referring t o him By 1929 Fox had acquired the Fox The orgsnaatwn « headed by Ina ' • Friday, w e m e m g sus. T h i s - w a s done because the "League •••of Rations has agreed t o let & as "the tailor, of the movies", in Film Corporation, Fox Movietone of Jewish campaigns, was called in. Jaeobson, president and concert ~~ , • * -° . municipality contributed, 8,000,000 Great Britain : name Cj.teT '•; setfle" t h e common with most of the other JewSome people beSeve that "Brown got master. Each.14. ;ye&r*s ^observance of "Cean(March pengoes "to t h e institution on con- question, i n a n ' editorial appearing ish film magnates, William spent but News, the F o x Theatres and the en- the powerful firm of Lehman ..BrothHungarian literary circles are precil Sabbath" .Tevfals a large. tire Loew chain of theatres. William dition that numerus clausus be elim- in the "Jamal E l Arabia1*, the Arab little time over the pressing board. ers interested in Fox. Whether or paring & reception for the PaiastM- j of women.«f «p8aMBg pow«^- gifted Fox was practically the only indeinated. daily' newspaper,organ -of t h e Mos- He was intensely restless and am- pendent of t h e lot. Whereas t h e not Fox i s extricated from Ms troub- an Hebrew poet,- Eameiri, who w a s ; with ability, to.appraise JwdaisHn and -To Be 100% Collectivized lem s u p r e m e ^ * ^ of .which; the bitious. He tried what in those days otLer producing concerns had become les, whether or not Ms firm is sent & former H-ongarian poet. Hameiri! the' cojitributionB ^«f.. women- "to!,;mt»d» r Moscow.—The Jewish agricultural ; g?rand^mufti'i£^e ^gad.lHVc : : • Y:: .' would be called one "racket" after] involved i n Wall Street financing, into receivership by & grasp of short- i s coming to Budapest t o -work for I ern Jewj&'festivities amd ;$» colonies i n Soviet Uussia' must b e l v//.-; r:-.;. X^epjjrtBd^byi.J V ^ A - j.;-.-.- V^ ^; : >another. the Keren Hayesod. •\ • • • | i t y . • . ';:'-''.'./:' -.''. /•:')-\;'^ William Fox could run- his business (Continued on Page 4) —


, A ^L.W V t,lL


A l l U l T 1U WAU0

^4. V U t




Daughters of Zion Send $600 Check

The Rise and Fall of William Fox * A Saga of Wall Street, Revealing" Some Inside Information Concerning This Widely-Discussed Case

Symphony Orchestra Gives First Concert


Other Countries.


•I I- - .



at Omuba, Nebrajka, by

SUBLISHINQ 'Office: Brsndeis'Theater Building—Telephone: ATJantic 1450

and the other leading governing bodies, demanding restrain from the Russian government. Or, if this fails, they must tak« the matter up with the League of Nations. But at all cost they must help;these suffering souls.

Rev. Schwaczkin Re-elected for Another-Term

speed and channel sscuwmers. Bits of comedy interspersed the mor serious elements. After watching the performers strut their stuff we all should drop in and take a Jew lessons, 'cause we never know when we may need them.

the evening he discussed the same book before a group at the Y. M. C A. , On Monday afternoon Rabbi Cohn spoke on "Youth and the New Age" before the P. E. Q. Circle.

Friday's services will be followed by ft reception end te«, sponsored by the Auxiliary. /Saturday afternoon from 2 to 6, Rabbi and Mrs. A. Ben-, gis will be at home to receive in honor of R&bM and Mrs. Rabinowitz, who will be their house guests during their stay here.

Kev. Abraham Schwaczkin, cantor play on the Interstate league sehed ule iand have a fine ehance to lant for the congregation of B'nai Israel, Conservative Synagogue either on top of the pile or real Eighteenth and Chicago streets, for Rabbi H. R. Rabintfwitz of Sioux clo§e to it. Tentative games have City will occupy the pulpit as guest been booked with Sioux City an* Jerusalem,—H. C. Luke, cavil sec/ . • > •)'!•••;••>. SIOUX CITY OFFICE at the services of the Conservative Kansas City. retary ©f the Palestine administraV._ .•/.'- ; j; Jewish, Community Cente*^308 Pierce Street Synagogue at the J.C.C. tonight His tion and acting high commissioner sermon will be on "A Little Extra, (Continued on Page 3) Subscription Prfc«, oheyear » • - . . - . . - * . » , $2.50 during the riots, will not return to Please". , . . '- ,.'..;. AdvextiBjnjy rates furnished on application A rather curious element will be Saturday morning services will be- his post after his vacation, says a lent to the Central-Tech swimming gin at 8:S0. Rabbi Rabinowitz will special telegram to the Hebrew daily CHANGE OF ADDRESS—please give both the old ana new address; meet which will he held in the Cen-*• * . b« suwj'to give* yonr name. deliver a brief talk in Yiddish. "Eaasan". . . . ter pool the afternoon of February 22. Both head coaches of the rival •\r•n schools are members of the athletic staff of the Center. Burdick of Central ia the physical director of the Continental Baking Co. to ParThe st?aiigulation of the Jewish soul continues unabated in J. C. C , while Hubbard of the Maticipate in $2,000,000 Russia, morecaJajtnitows, more severe, more grievous than-ever roons ia the swimming coach of the Policy Center. Another, angle -will also be before, if vm are to siy& credence to* semi-official reports emanafc- injected when Ed Burdick junior ' ing from the Soviet,republic. According to. these sources, the swims for Tech against Ed Burdick Employees of the Continental Baky'" a^toun4ing^uinber of, 648 synagogues have been converted into senior's Centralites. Herman Faier, ing Company will again participate a $20,000,000 policy placed with '• .Communisi; clubs and factories swse the revolution, with more a Center member, has the honor of in the Metropolitan Life Insurance being abandoned^ daily. Jewish burial grounds have been placed captaining the Purple- natators, Company by the Continental Baking Hundreds of Newly Arrived SuperRev. A. Schwaczkin. Abe Bergman, another Center Service, Long-Wearing, Hard-Finished' untie* goverameat control; the rabbia, aa "well as the priests of while Corporation of New York in conthe last four years, has been unaathlete, is the star back-stroker for junction with its affiliated operating nimously re-elected cantor for- another denominations, are subjected to degrading indignities, and Tech. plants in various parts of the coun- other term. the Zionists are hounded out "with inhuman punishment on the try, it was announced today by Mr. In announcing his re-election the plea of.their being counter-revolutionists. In their obsession Earl Siegel, chairman of the Sen- R. A. Laughlin, local manager. for atheism, the Sevietp seem determined to relentlessly trample ior Council hand ball tourney, an- Under the group plan any em- officers, of the congregation stated that he was again selected because underfoot .every vestige of conscious religioiis. liberty. nounces that the tournament -will ployee who has been with the comhe was well-liked by the congregaTHoweyer,jinmea5urably inore deadly to the "spiritual soul start soon as entries have already pany here for one year can obtain tion for his musical talent and, his received from the Psi Mu, Xl»'s life insurance in amounts from $500 and a Great Group of Men's and of Israelis the prescription of religious teaching to. the young. been dramatic tenor voice of high quality. and the A. Z. A. 1. to.$2,000, depending upon his salary, Young Men's Warm Winter Rev. Schwaczkin came to the UnThe authorities, forbid all class instruction in religion", even in and an equal amount of accidental ited States from Austria-Hungary, the very homes of the children. All those imparting instruction The Center varsity fiva will play death and dismemberment insurance, where for sixteen years he held a . in Jewishness qr Hebrew are^visited with merciless: punishment, the strong Union Pacific quintette the company and the employee each position with the largest congrega\ as imprisolnment or exile* . P e r example, just recently in Moscow thi3 Sunday afternoon at four o'clock paying part of the premium. The tion in Hungary and was successor two men, aged 71 and 73, tvere sentenced to s.ix months' hard instead of Saturday night, as usual. free additional insurance up to the to the- well-known Cantor Joseph The Center boys chalked up their ?500 for the year 1930 will be paid Rosenblatt in the city of Pressburg, labor for the heinous crime of teaching Jewish children their. twenty-fourth . consecutive victory for entirely by the company. , > prayers,, while in. Vinnitza, 200 Jewish children were kept'in last night when they took a hard "Our group insurance plan has Hungary. .prison; for: oyer two /weeks because they refused to betray the fought game from the Sioux City proved a big success and each year namea of i; their Hebrew melamudim. These instances are Center by a score of 44 to 36. Ro- sees more employees taking advanthreatennxg bur'religion with extermination in Russia Tsy an senblatt, Shriebman, Altshuler a n d tage of this cooperative method of led the scoring while Sa- securing protection for their famunholy wave of aggressive atheism, a.wave which threatens not Bogdonoff dofsky, Katzman and Bloom were ilies," Mr. Laughlin stated. only..Christians, not,only Jews, but all humanity. prominent at the guards. "Last year under the Continental Temple Israel AS WE BUY, SO WE SELL I "" , We ciinnbt^ delay' longer. Action must be taken to alleviate group policy, the life and accidental Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver Every man looking for s warm overcoat of the spiritual-suffering of these two million souls, as threats and The Center girls sextette have death benefits paid to families of sermon on "The Twilight of Restandard quality at a sensations! lew price should see these amazing values. Every denunciations are of• little or no,avail. -An organization like been strenghtened by the addition of bakery employees increased 90 per ligion" at Temple Israel tonight. Toman looking for a suit of long wearing hard^pieeberger and Marcus. The girls cent and the health insurance benemorrow morning his subject will be the American Jewish committee is our real hope. This group, finished worsted at an unequaled low price have some fine forwards, including fits increased 40 per cent. Employ- "God's Chosen Children". will find what he has been looking for In this which ujider the unsurpassable leadership of the late Louis Bertha Shafton one of the best girl ees suffering from insjuries result- Rabbi Cohn will speak before the great group at $21.50. Marshall ;ioften proved a deciding factor in overcoming political athletes in the entire city. Their ing from non-occupational accidents ladies of the Unitarian Church on ^fficttltieV-in regard to the Jewish minorities in the Eastern weakness is at the guards whose or illness, received thirteen weeks Wednesday afternoon, February 5. European'countries;, took a step: in the right direction by ap- passing has been responsible in a sick benefit, and if an employee be- His subject will be "Changing Conlarge measure for the two defeats comes totally and permanently dis- ceptions in Religion". , paintfeg ^committee to study conditions there. plastered on the lassies. abled before the age of sixty, he reYesterday Rabbi Cohn Reviewed " ,1 •{-; But'they must not stop with "studying". If necessary already Miss Fagan, the girls' coach, states ceives the full amount of his life Emil Ludwig's "Napoleon" at the iCOKRECT APPAKEL FOE. MEN AND tliey must gefc official actioin, from the United States Congress hat they have twelve games left to insurance in monthly installments." Paxton Hotel in the afternoon. Ini V -3&iftB-Bh&cmR;.T.*:-" BtJSINESSand MANAGING EDITOR "\~ . FRANJCl&ACKERMAN - - • - . . - ' EDITOB " . FANSSB JSA^pLMAN - - Council Bluffs, Iowa, Correspondent







Offering—Deii't Miss It!


Religions Services


J. € . C* Commercial League The A. ZfA. chapter One quint took the opening game of the second _ round from the Kaplan Bargain Center, 27 to 16.\ Morris Franklin, Bill Gerelick and Manny Goldberg led the A.Z.A/S scoring. Rosen stood out prominently with his sIT around guard play. • . Herman Babich and Harold Barrish were the mainstays of the Kaplan's both on offense, and defense.The Peerless Clearners remained deadlocked with the A. Z.A. one five by trimming the A. Z. A. 100, 38 to 20. Johnny Rosenblatt, as. usual was high point man, ringing up 12 tallies. Max Altshuler and Is Shriebman contributed several baskets "to the caused The guarding of Raske. and Sadofsky was good,



- "Murphy" White kept" the losers in the running with five baskets. . White i s a nice elusive center and is playing the best ball that he is capable of, which is saying plenty. Sol. Yafee counted, three times to give him a lift. The guarding of the Century men was lax, permitting „ the Cleaners to score aj number of cinch shots. . The Psi Mu took.on the U. S. Ofls of,the/ junior League in the third game'iof the evening. ' The Oilers were a bit out of their class and called :; themselves the - :.Davei|port XSrocerjf. The black robe&Psi Mtf enjoyed a nice advantage, at half time which ^advantage ' suddenly dwindled to^almost nothing, in. the waning moments* of the game. With about one minute1' to play and the score 16 all, Bergman fouled Nate Marcus who made 'good his gift shot to win the game .for the clubmen. Marcus, Ep, stein and Blend were'the. stars of the victors. The fairhaired lads for the Iosersjjwere Epstein, Siegel, Giller and ^Bergman. ' .. . / / Swimming - Coach • Hubjiard of the Center natatorium put on the njftiest^'fewimming pageant ever staged in the local, pool, the" other evening," JEaiher Neptune. (Hubbafd himself) wiadjva history -of /Uie 'evolution of s\tfnjiming1 whicK; was: acjted. by £aIentid|iVCenter swimmers;' with"u the aid :pt several outsiders, j ' A jrcapacity crowd . en j6^e4 every -—-L-i of"• the; meet which'portrayed" .. _iyol^"iusfed'-frbm rthe; tim?. ;e ..caveman .up^ tb: t h e . present

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Calendar of Council of Jewish Women

^\ Mr. and/ Mrs. A. Winer announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Harold Siegel, son of Mr. .and Mrs. "A. Siegel. No date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and, Mrs. Winer -will entertain Plans are being completed for the at a dinner for.members of the im-second annual tea dance to be given mediate family at their home Sun- at the Blackstone hotel Sunday aftday, February 9. in-honor of their ernoon, February 23, by the Omaha daughter and.Mr. Siegel. chapter of Junior Hadassah. One of the finest orchestras in the city Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Nerenberg an- will be engaged for the occasion. nounce the engagement -"of their sis- Miss Ida Fine, chairman of the ter, Mips Florence Jacobson, to Mr. tea- dance, will, be assisted by the Philip Harris of tliiB city. Miss Misses Claire Katzman, Hilda GilinJacobson has set; her wedding 'date sky, Esther Friedman, Dora Marfor Sunday, March 23. kowitz, Ann Freeman, Nelle Marks, Many affairs are being planned for Esther Saks, Margaret Hurwitz, the Jride-to-be. Among those who Gertrude Kaplan and Edith Dolgoff. •will entertain for Miss Jacobson are: Tickets may be obtained from the MesdamesHyman Harris, Harry Se- committee in charge, or from any gal, Harry Mild.gr, "Leo Truehaft and member of the organization. S. B. Nerenberg. :- . The *Omaha Junior^" Hadassah is a unit :of the national organization • Mr. and Mrs. F . J . Cohn of Min- which supports Meier Shfeye, a chip neapolis, announce i;he birth of a son. dren's village, and a nurses' training Mrs. C<ftn war formerly Miss An- school in Palestine. ' nette Iieb of -this -city. : Mrs. Irving . Perlemeter has r Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siporin, Jr., turned to her home in, Lincoln after whose marriage took place onJanur a month's visit here with friends ary 5, lave returned from their and., relatives. Mrs.^ Parlmeter was honeymoon' and are/ BOW making "their extensively entertained while here. home at the Single apartments. Mrs. Siporin was formerly Miss Helen Mrs. Rose Schlaifer of Lewis. •' • ' ' -v •' '•" '" ••. . •'".' formerly of Omaha, spent the last week-end visiting with friends and •:: Mr. and ^Mrs, Morris Finkel celebrated the Bar MitzyDh of their son, relatives here. Harold, on January 18 at the 25th and Seward -Synagogue. A formal Miss Rose Green of Kansas City, celebration was held at the Finkel Mo., has been the house guest ef Miss Ida Platt for the past 10 days. home/ Sunday evening. Miss Green was extensively enters Word has been received here that tained during her visit -here. Mr. Louis Firsht, ef Detroit,; formerly of Omaha, jias been- appointed The Jewish Welfare Organization assistant State Director of Aeronau- will hold their meeting Tuesday, tics of Michigan .and has been author- February 4, at the J.C.C. at 2:30. ized to open the commission's offices The afternoon will be spent in sewing layettes for the Wise ~ Memorial at Lansing. Hospital. Eefreshments will be served. -•Mr. and Mrs. S; Platt have left for Hot Springs, Ark., for a month*© A Board meeting will be held at vacation. On their return they will 1:30 proceeding the Tegular meeting. visit in Kansas City and-Excelsior Springs, Mo. The TCarmelites dub gave a party Saturday, January 25, at the home Mrs. Fannie Cohn ef England ar- of Miss Eileen Swartz. Ten couples rived last week to be the guest of her attended the affair. A delicious brothers, Messrs. Sam and L.Kneeter. menu was served, and there was a splendid variety* of entertainment. t Mrs." A. Maaie of Sioux City spent the last week-end here visiting with The Senior Council will /hold" its friends and relatives. She left Tues- regular bi-monthly meeting Monday day' for home. evening at eight-fifteen sharp. The council did not hold its last schedMessrs. Ed Brodkey and Elmer uled meeting, and therefore this one! J3ross spent the week-end in Sioux is of the utmost importance. „. City visiting with friends. All representatives must make reports as to their respective ' clubs Mrs. Harry Gross returned Mon- participation in the debate and hand-; day morning from Hot Springs, Ark., ball tournaments sponsored by the where she epsnt the past eight weeks. council.

Jn Hadassah Tea Dance Next Month

Kitthen Chats


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Omaha World-Herald. January 28, and signed "Citizen," s&js, <4It is perhgpf feme th*tth«» who sre satisfied are less disposed t© prmis*' than those "who believe they have suffered are certain to clamor." ^ 's" letter also contains the statement: "To be sure, there ai» time* when cars do not run o?i time, but so long as men arc net infallible such exceptions will arise. In the 10 years that I have used the Omaha street cars, both to smS from work, I cannot recall & sisigie instance where the service <m my Mn» has bees eelgyed more than 15 minutes, AND THAT IS A BETOTB EECOED Til AH OWN, FOR -J HATE LATE TO WGEE* LATE TO MEALS* h A T -B FAYING BILLS, LATS FIEING USE FURNACE, LATE TO T&E MOVHS—IN FACT, MY RECORD IS NOT N1ABLY SO GOOD AS THAT 0 F ! THE STREET CAR COMPANY," • ,

(Black and White and Colored.) in many cases at



By _ The Parent Education Committee Great progress has been made in On Monday evening, January 2R» Mrs. David M, Newman of the Council of Jewish Women will the arrangements for the Athletic 1SS0, at the Jewish Community Cenmeet on Friday, January 31, a t ten Dance to be held at the Center on ter Nstatoritjnv Father Neptune dove Chocolate Nut Wafers o'clock in the morning at the home Vz cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, Sunday evening Feb. 9. Snappy down t© the depths of tfec pool where Local C^wrikntejit Is i» Regsrl fe of Mrs. D. Feder. 2 oz. Baker's chocolate, 1 cup chop- music will be suplied by the Happy fee withdrew frets Davfe Jmes' famAffair Ebythm Boys Orchestra, and tickets ped walnuts, U teaspoon vanilla, % ous locker the history of svamming The Current Topics Class will meet teaspoon salt, % cap flour, % tea- are on sale by a large committee, and recited it to a large audience at the. Jewish. Community Center- on spoon baking powder. under the chairmanship of Mr. Maxwhile the swimming class of the Cen- Kovno, (J, P. A.), — The LathuTuesday morning, February '4, at Altschuler. A charge of $1.00 f»er ter enacted it so that all may $eeanira: Fartp is tbe Menee! I*adtag Cream butter and sugar, add beat10 aan. The subject which' Eabbi couple is being made for admission. how'swimming was done SBSI is done tntsrpellateci the local fftvt>mwmmt with reg$,ri te the affair in P»niinttin, Frederick Cohn will discuss .has not en egg, chocolate, melted over hot This dance is sponsored by the smong -the various peopleswater, nut meats, vanilla, salt, bakt, fcowi leestei is. the yet been chosen. ing powder and fiour. Drop from Jewish Community Center Athletic The exhibit consisted of five acts. jpon ©f Kernel where 86 Committee, of which Mr. Jake Isaac- Not only was swimming historically The legislative Committee of the teaspoon on buttered pan. Bake in son is chairman. The proceeds will depicted but all kinds of pimple and JPWE were arrested and th«M litnw? Jewish Council cf Women will have moderate oven 15 minutes. Ice with be used to defray the expense of fancy dives were displayed. Instruc- ©f h,leed were eKtmetei ttom *«<* a luncheon meeting Wednesday noon. chocolate icing and place ha of a sending a team for a basketball tions in saving drowning people were one. ITS reply te>. the interpellation, tbe February 5, at the Blackstone HoteL walnut on top. game with Kansas ,City. given, and a. water polo game played. Memei direcioFEtc stated that the *cProceedings of the Naval Disarma! tics WRSP undcrtKkep without their ment Convention will be the chief Chocolate Whip Bi-Lingual Oratory jknewl«dge« bet upon insteuctiUmf »f topic of discussion. 1 cup milk, 1 os. Baker's chocolate, the Landrat of Pogejpsi, feeee-Hse it Contest Wednesday pinch salt, 2 level tablespoons corn (Continued from Page 2) iw&£ suspected that these Jews might starch, 2 egg yolks, 6 tablespoonsful LEADERS' CLUB WILL be infected with typhus. Split infinitives will again be hurled sugar, a teaspoonful vanilla, 4 egg through the air in the competition The interpellants, who remained MEET ON WEDNESDAY The A. Z. A. Chapter One lads whites. unsatisfied with this reply^- asked why ran away from the Sioux City Cenfor the Compeer Medals at the anThe next meeting of the Leader's Put milk chocolate and salt in only Jews were caught, an<3 sugClub will be held on Wednesday double boiler, mix corn starch in a nual Bi-Iingual Oratory Contest os ter crew Sundey sSsnioen when gested that this action was underthey rang up J > £ > points to the Iowevening, February 5 at 8 o'clock at small quantity of cold milk and stir Wednesday, Feb. 5 at 8:30 at the ans' 28. Mose Franklin was high taken by the police 1te frighten Jewe Jewish Community Center. the Jewish Community Center. into the hot milk when chocolate has point man, while ether leading scor- away from trading in JRanimum. A curious competition will be in 1 Miss Woods of the Psychology de- TOslted, stir until smooth and cook They sre therefore demanding * partment of the University of Omaha 12 minutes. Mix egg yolks and Yiddish, when Miss Eose Soffer, the ers were Bogdoaeff, Goldberg, Rosen, thorough inquiry into the affair. Grossman end Gerelick. last year medal-winner, will defend will be the speaker at the next meet- sugar, then star in hot mixture, stir The JEWS whose blood was thws ing of the Leaders Club on Wednes- and cook 2 minutes longer. When her title with a talk ©n "Palestine extracted arrived in Puimuw on the as a Spiritual Center © f World Jewday'evening Feb. 5 at 8 o'clock at cold just before serving add vanilla The A. Z. A. 1 team will play jts 29th of November for business purthe Jewish Community Center. Her and fold in beaten whites, pile light- ry" against Irvin Soiref, last year's third game of the season against poses. On their arrive! they were winner of the medal for a Hebrew rival chapter teams Saturday night, subject will be "The Psychology of ly in sherbert glasses. oration. He will give Ms opinion on February S, when they meet their taken into custody by a policeman, the Child" arid will relate to the the question "Shall we divorce our- long standing rival, Lincoln chapter and the blood extraction was then problems presented by children of selves from the Palestinian Man- from the capital city, here at the performed by », provincial doctor. the clnbs. MENTAL HYGIENE CLASS date?" All Sunday School Teachers and local Center. Lincoln has always In English, Sara Jacobson vdU put out strong teams but their 1930 Favors PsJestiis© Upbuilding TO BE OFFERED SOON Club sponsors as well as Club Presispeak ©n *A New Jew"; Pearl MarBudapest.—The Hungarian governdents are urged to attend. A mental hygiene class will soon cus has selected "Jewish Education model should net be as strong ES be offered at the Jewish Community a Decisive Factor in Jewish Survi- some of the earlier editions due to ment ie in favor of Hungarian Jew* Irvin Soiref, secretary of the Center under "the direction of Mrs. the loss of their twin stars, Lois aiding in the upbuilding of a Jewish Young Poale Zion, will speak on Eva Morse. The course will con- val", Sylvia Bezman "will speak on Weiner and 4CMieky" Grossman. The Palestine since that work in t»© way "Achad Ha'am" at ths meeting of sist of eight lectures, followed by Henrietta Szold and Miss Dora locals have the edge on victories conflicts with Hungarian patriotism, Freshman on "The Significance of the over the Holy City quint, but the the vice-premrer told the Keren the organization Monday evening at general discussions. Jewish Community Center". Miss latter should make the grame inter- Hsyesod delegate, Wilensky, during the J. C. C. The classes, which will be held Sarah Pollay and Ida" Bercovid will s conference here, esting. Plans are under way for a Cham- once a week in the evening, will also speak. ische Osor B'Shevat program, the start in about two weeks. RegisJewish Arbor festival, to be given tration is now being taken at the with the Jewish National Fund Goun- Center. The lectures will explain JEWISH PIN-SMASHERS STAGE STAG BANQUET cil of Omaha. . the1 individual's motives for doing things and will take up such speAbout seventy were present s i the subjects as rationalism, moods mid-season stag banquet held fey Women's Auxiliaryy cial and the like. the Business Men's Bowling league The regular meeting of the Study Thursday evening, January 24, at class of. the" Women's Auxiliary of the Paxton hotel. A short business j Chapter One of the A. Z. A. the Conservative Synagogue will be held Monday, Feb. 3. Mrs. John Beber hold a regular meeting this Sunday session was followed by several vau-1 w^Il speak on the ceremonies of the afternoon at the Community Center. devillfi numbers, featured by Herb] synagogue. Mrs. A. Silverman will The meeting is scheduled for three Feiennan, Miss Martha Band&ll mid discuss a portion of the Bible, and o'clock. AH those intending to go Miss Beatrice Beta's giri revue. Abner Kaiman acted as master ef Mrs. Jack Melcher will give the cur- to the tournament at Kansas City A letter in the Public Pulse column of tht ceremonies. should not miss the meeting. rent events.


The Opera, at Vienna—(color) By Pollack The Madelaine—Paris (color) By Pollack _... Halhorn Houses—London, (Black . ..and White). By Brewer —: Noire Darns—Interior (color). By Bjewer Coart in Heidelberg—(color) By i Karlsiar|K««-«Vienna, (color). By !Kfis!niir ~r s Gate—Vienna (Black White). By Kasimir .

Progress Is Made Swim 'Exhibit on for Athletic Dance Monday Successful,

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PACE 4-THE JEWISH PRB5S, FRIDAY, JANUABY 81V1680 lea Friedman announcer. After the program refreshments were- served, the color of_the'"cJab being carried out i n both ^decorations of the room and the refreshments.

y, February 24th. All of these THE STORY O F men are well known and deserve the WILLIAM FOX support o f the entire community.

man. She is expected to return home today.

The Cherra B'nai Yisroel SynaThe Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- gogue Society, will hold a meeting mud Torah Society will hold a meetsighted financiers, there i s no doubt ing next Wednesday afternoon, FeW. next Wednesday evening, February CAFETERIA POSTPONED that Brown will have done a strenu- 5th, at the home of Mrs. Henry Mad- 5th, at the synagogue. The cafeteria supper given by theous piece of work in bis behalf. uff, 206 North Tenth Street. Mounts Sinai Sisterhood, which was The secret of Fox's difficulties is Ask Wor Dealer For A to have been held last evening, has that he refuses, to become bound fay Mr. Philip Klutznick v of Omaha, The Council Bluffs Agudas Adrim been postponed until next Tuesday Wall Street. The Wall Street gang Society held a meeting Monday eveThe Annual Federation Banquet Two hundred 'women attended the Neb:, will occupy the Shaare Zion evening, Feb. 4. Hrs. A. L. Stein installation * Banquet given - bf' the pulpit this evening:, speaking <• on: will be held at the City Auditorium and Mrs. Sam Sampson are in charge has offered to let a group of trustees ning at which time plans were made MUNEOE FURNACE Ladies Auxiliary of Sbaare Zion Con- j "Youth—Hope or Despair?" Mr. on Tuesday, February I I . This is of the affair with the following'com- run. the company. But Fox does not for their Annual Anniversary Dance, SUPPLY CO. gregation in the Synagogue 'Social Klutznick who i s the national secre- the second annual banquet to be given mittee assisting: Mesdames A . L.accept the men whom Wall Street which will be held on Sunday evening, 172S Cass JA. 4065-6 Hall. Mrs. H . H . Kabinowitz presid- tary of the A. Z. A. organization is by the Federation. To accommodate Galinsky, M. B . Herxoff, Meyer Har- has named as trustees. He feels February 23rd, at the Eagles Hall. that his own deep, personal interest ed. " Brief talks were made by Mrs. well "known here for his forensic abil- the number of reservations the com- rison, M. Silverberg, Morris Pill, H. in his business i s a greater factor Charles S. H. ShnlMn, incoming President»and ity and his eloquence. He will oc- mittee'expect will be made, the plans Baldwin and B.toward the success of it than all the Lawrence Krasne left Saturday hold the .«*.***.; _ Mrs. J. H. Mosow, retiring President, cupy the pulpit in the absence of night for New York City on a buying Courshon finances in the world. Mr.i little Lawrence Greenspan sang pop- Rabbi Rabinowitz, who will speak be- this year in the Auditorium. trip, to be gone for ten days. Cases such as that of Fox provide ular songs. Miss Helen Herzoff pre- fore the Conservative Synagogue in Mike Skalovsky i s . chairman of the ( "Manufactured in Omaha" plenty of opportunity for gossip. sented a reading; Miss Sara Weiner that city on Friday evening and Sat- event. Mrs. William Lazere i s chair-! The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah HOUR One observer, not given to rash man of reservations, and in giving' BAKER I C E M A C H I N E CO. gave a piano solo, and Dena Baron urday morning. guesses, states his belief that the Society will hold a regular meeting details of the banquet said "Even i sang a Yiddish Folk Song. - Miss Members of the J. C. C. Business fight against Fox is only the begin- next Thursday evening, February6th, though we are having oar banquet Weiner also! accompanied - the vocal Girls' club were hostess at the friend- ning of an immense struggle between at the synagogue. this year in larger quarters, the caBOIOS. A playlet entitled "The Unship hour sponsored by the Y. W. C. the financiers of Wall Street against pacity is limited. We would urge all lighted Menorah" was .given by sevA. last Sunday afternoon. Refresh- "the tailors of the movies". In other Mrs.. Charles Saltzman left Sunday Federation members and friends who eral members of the organization, ments were served after" a program for Sioux City, Iowa to attend the words, it is a struggle between Outstanding in the social events of plan to attend to send in their reser- j and directed by Mrs. Morey, Lipshutz. Certified Public Accountants i consisting of several vocal solos and silver wedding anniversary celebraChristian . money and Jewish proA. novelty skit was also presented by last week was the silver wedding an- vations immediately. It is only -with j «3S 8eeo»Iti«g Bids. a travelogue. ducers. According to that prediction tion of Mr. and "Mrs. A. Philip SaltzTillie Shindler and Dorothy Mazor. . niversary celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. their co-operation- and prompt reThe committee in charge included one may expect to see dislodged such AT. 4451 The new officers installed include: A. P. Saltzman at the Jewish Com- sponse that we can make this Com- Misses Min Greenstone, Marcia Robnoted figures as Zukor and Lasky, munity Center Sunday evening, Janumunal Affair, the success it deserves 'Miss. S. H. Shullrin, President; Mrs. inow, Sara Mosow, Elizabeth Raskin Mayer, and Goldwyn and the Warner to be." RoJ^ert Sacks, and Mrs. Sam Weiner, ary 26. and Rose Lipman. Brothers, not to speak of Carl LaemAssisting Mrs. Lazare on the comOver two hundred guests were Vice-Presidents; Mrs. Lester Heeger, At the regular meeting of the club le and Harry Cohn. Financial Secretary; Mrs. S. I. Skal- present at the affair. Old fashioned mittee for reservations are Mrs. R. H. _, Whatever may be said against the ovsky, Treasurer, and Mrs. 1/ H. dances and a mock wedding ceremony Emlein, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Mr. Max ] * * * * £ * * added to the, entertainment of theFriedman, and Mrs. H. Mirowitz. The Lande spoke to the members on his"tailors of the movies", the fact reLevin, Recording Secretary . '. • travels through Europe this summer. mains that it was under them that ATlantk 6291 Committees for the coming year, guests after which a buffet lunch'was program for the evening i s being arthe films registered immense progranged by Mr. E. E . Baron, chairman, announced by Mrs. Sam Shulldn in- served. 3. M. JENSEN' ress. The talkies were evolved; Out of town guests included Mrs. assisted by Mr. A. M. Davis, and Mr. clude, Cultural Committee, Mrs. K. Htechnicolor was perfected; wide width Rabinowitz, chairman* Mrs. Barney Scheinbaum and daughter Esther, Ernest Fribourg, and promises to be was made possible; the third dimenin Baron, Mrs. John Levin,'.Mrs.' Morey Miss Esther Korsch and Mr. and Mrs. one of interest. The publicity i s in CHAKLES SIMON sion seems about to be realized. High School Subjects -Lipshutz, Mrs. Meyer Dashpvsky, I; Nathanson of Minneapolis, Mrs. M. charge of A. M. Davis, Max Brodkey, Won Lost A'ge Kecommends But if .the movies get into the Hebrew & Yiddish Lessons Mrs* Wm Mazie, Mrs. Rueben Miller Salman and Mrs. Charles Salzman E. N . Grueskin and M. Hendlyn. Omaha Tobacco Co- ..5 1 .833 hands of pure and simple money ATlantie 9489 THE SANITARY LAUNDRY and Mrs. Ben Sekt. . Mrs.' Robert of Council Bluffs, la., Mr. and Mrs. Empire Cleaners ...4 2 .667 houses one may expect the death of — H. MENDELSOHN — 'The Beat at AH laundry Sacks heads the membership commit- Joe Galinsky of Woodbine, la., and Kaiman Insurance .. _3 S .500 the movies through mechanization. tee. The House Supervisors are: several others. Glazer Clothing Co. _S 3 .500 Everything will be produced with an Farnam A . J l » Z 8 l 5 •^rs. Sam Weiner and Mrs. M. Beech.383 eye to profit—to an even greater Wardrobe 4 en. Kitchen Hostess, is Mrs. Sam Mrs. Maurice Giller and Miss MarMaiashock Jewelry 4 .333 extent than now. When business «7tb •»« Martha 8ta. BArney 1M2 OMAHA, NEBRASKA Baron, and the Kitchen Committee in- tha Himelstein of Omaha/were guests The boys spanked the pins with gets a throttle-hold on the movies Members and friends of the Kadima Soft rt»T. iron, brats, bronu and clude Mesdames A. Slotsky, J. Shind- at the homes of Miss Ruth Kronick aluminum easting*. Standard size* Organization, will hold .their annual great vigor, and some excellent pure puritanism will become en- oroa» and Iron bushings, sewer manler, Sam Shulkin, Sam Lipman, J. N. and Mrs. A. J. Turchen last week. Caberet Dinner Dance in the Social games resulted during the evening throned in the motion picture busi- holes, cistern rings and coven and Krueger, E. Kutcher, Max' Herzoff, B. Several parties given by Miss Kron^lean-out In stock. All clods of play. ness. For Wall Street will not dare wood anddoors Hall of the Shaare Zion Synagogue, metal pattern*. 4420 Florence Blv3. Sherman, M. Mason, Mike Herzoff and ick honored her guests during their In the Omaha Tobacco victory to offend the old aunt from Kenneon Sunday evening, Febr. 2, at 7 M. Dizon. Mrs. J. H. Mosow is stay. KE. 1500 o'clock. Mr. Morey Lipshutz who is over the Malashock's A. Venger and bunk and Oscaloosa. Purchasing Agent; Mrs. Milton MushThe House WHh A Reputation in charge of the arrangements will be D. E. Greenberg were the powerkin, Reporter; Mrs. John Lansburg Mrs. A. Mazie is visiting in Omaha the Master of. Ceremonies for thehouse boys, the. former with a 621 Collections,'Mrs..Sam Baron and Mrs. with relatives and friends. ' and the latter with a. 581 total. evening. X L. EEAGE, Proprietor H. R. 'Rabinowitz, Sick Committee, The Empire Cleaners walloped the A novel, surprise, setting for the and Mrs. Mike Muskin. Members o f the Pi Epsilon Tau "NEW FOR OLD5* Wardrobe in a decisive manner. The affairs has been planned by the comThe Board of Directors follows: Sorority held their first rush party consistent accuracy of Jack Melcher 1619 Fsnutra St—Phone AT. S4S1 ACCOUNTANT Mesdames Milton Mushkin, Morey of ,the- season Monday evening, at mittees in charge. The program will and •fhrolly" Goodman poved disBy F. R. K. include novelty Dance and Song numLipshutz, J. Kauffman, A. Goodsite, the home of Miss Bernice Levin. The AUDITS — — SYSTEMS astrous for the opposition. Charles Raskin, Mike Mushkin, Reva rushees included Miss Louise Herzoff, bers, as well as several skits. A mass meeting of interest to the 534 Peters Trust BidgJlT. 7611 Kaiman "yearlings" won* two A seven piece orchestra, under the Sherman, L. A. Baron, B. Baron, Abe Miss Serene Barrent, Miss Dena Barfr/A AH games from Gerelick's boys. The entire Jewry will be held next Tuesdirection of Lee Herzoff will provide Flavors Silverberg, H..Levin, D.'Maaor and on and Miss Bernice Goldstein. After Case Glazer Clothiers, However, were over- day evening, February 4, at the J. Lansberg, all elected for a term of a program-which included clarinet so- music during the dinner hour, and for come by the handicap alloted to theSynagogue, 618 Mynster street, CounSoda Water two years; and Mesdames J. L. Levitt, los and tap dancing by Leonard Ber- the dance that will follow. victors. Jack Fleischman was thecil Bluffs, at 8 o'clock. A report of Mrs. Mike Mushkin is in charge of Gingerale John Levin, M. Seff,'B.-Shindler, R. kowitz, the guests adjourned to an shining light for the Kaiman Insur- the Hebrew Theological College will and H: - Emlein, ,D. Berkowitz, Meyer evening of bridge, which was follow- the arrangements for the Dinner at ance. be given. which over 250 are expected, with Dashovsky; Eli Robinow" H. Miller, M. ed by refreshments. Near Beer CaAvas Corer*. Tcnti, Prominent out-of-town speakers Mrs. John Levin in charge of the 200 scores as follows: Weitz 222, Lasensky, Max Friedman and R. LevCmnp Supplies, All Kinds will be Rabbi Morris Taxon of ChicaA. Venger 221, D. E. Greenberg 211, Dining Room.' Mr. Eli Robinow, is J ich, for one year. Ed Brodkey and Elmer Gross of IS and Howard AT. Mtt chairman of the t Reservation Commit- Jh-. Flatt 211, Krup 210, Bloom 209, go, formerly of Omaha; Rabbi Sam' Omaha visited friends here over the uel Siegal of Chicago, and Rabbi tee, and Mr. I. Levin is in charge of Melcher 209, Goodman 200. week end. Abraham Bengis of Omaha. the decorations, which will lend an Cantor A- Schwaczkin of Omaha J. C. C. Sunday School air of festivity to the evening's enWE. 3043 Mr. and Mrs. H. Herman, 905Iowa A total of 216 children last week will sing. The public is cordially intertainment. street, entertained 25 guests on Satattended the classes of the Com- vited to attend. The Talmud Torah Dance, given at urday afternoon,, honoring their munity Center Sunday School. They "Everything for the Auto" HEAR DR. LEVICH the Rigaudon, last Tuesday evening daughter, Molly, upon her graduation. donated $6.73 towards the charity Four Jewish men have filed during At the regular meeting of the Mae2501 Faraam—AT. 5524 was well attended, and added -materithe past week for candidates for City cabee club, held at the Jewish Com- fund. ally to the Fund sponsored by, the The charity banner was won by Offices in the coming election. Among MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE munity Center, Sunday afternoon, Dr. Mother's Club in the interests of the Miss Roinm's class while the banner those who will seek the nomination Talcrad Torah. Paul Ross and his "How Does God Reveal Himself" Levich spoke- to the members on for attendance was awarded to Miss for Alderman-at-large on the Repub, orchestra furnished the music for the will be.the subject of the sermon by "Courtesy and Ways of Expression". Haykin's class. The . program for lican ticket are Joe Katelman and ' 16th and Howard Streets Rabbi Lewis, a t Mount Sinai Temple At the same meeting Mr. Aizenberg evening's entertainment. the assembly was given by Miss George Steinberg. of the Hebrew school faculty, spoke this evening. Mrs. R. H. Emlein was in charge Hotel BoHding Mr. O. Hochman is a candidate for briefly on "Ancient History of" fcter- Romm and her pupils. of the arrangements, and was assistThe children are evidencing great Alderman of the Fourth Ward on the est to the Jew". ed by Mrs. I. Levin, Mrs. A., Slotsky, n interest in the purim essay contest Republican ticket. Mrs: M. Lazriowich, Mrs. L. Shindler, 1 Mr. Ben Subby has filed as candiand a record numbers of entrants YOUNG CIRCLE LEAGUE Mrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. I. Merlin*.Jkfrs. date as City Solicitor on the RepubTO ENTERTAIN VISITING are expected, judging by those al- lican It Will Pay You to Inquire. Sam Passman, Mrs. A. P. Saltman, At a well attended meeting, held in CHAPTERS WEEK.END ready handed in to the various Theticket. . Mrs. A. Friedman, Mrs. John LansPrimaries will be held on Mon« teachers. herg, Mrs. I. Epstein, Mrs. H. Gold- 'the Jewish Community Center, Tuesday afternoon; January 28, the Senior Twenty members of the Omaha and stein, Mrs. H. Erinberg, - Mrs. . B. Third Ave, and 11th Street Sherman, Mrs. J.- Shullnn, Mrs. D. Hadassah Organization installed its Lincoln Young Circle League will officers who will serve the group for visit the Sioux City chapter over the Phones: 89 and 519 Berkowitz, Mrs. Broscow, Mrs. A._M. J jthe coming year. They include Mrs. week and plans have been made for COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Davis, and Mrs. Enchel Barish. • Wm. Lazare, President; Mrs. John extensive entertainment. time* s day we are in your A basket neighbiotitood j Levin, Vice-President; Mrs. H. D.ball game will be held a t the Y.M. ; Wigodsky, Secretary and Mrs. Charles C.A. on Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon a treasure hunt has been Raskin, Treasurer. On Sunday" evening over A report' of the year's activities planned. Over: fifty girls attended" the meet- and financial standing was made and 150 are expected to attend the instalAT. 4750 MA. 4750 A prograrf. will be ing of the Daughterhood of Shaare plans for fatqrd meetings discussed lation banquet. presented by Phil Mirken, Jack RezTune i n KOIL every Tuesday Zion, in the social hall of* the Syna- by the members at the meeting. Mrs. at 10:00 A. M. for the gogue, Monday evening. Miss Charl- M. B. Herzoff is the retiring presi- nick, George Fineberg, Martin KozLeisure Hours program berg, Bernard Herzoff, Jay Riaff, otte Salkin was elected vice-president, dent. AT ALL GROCERS Harry Zifkin and Dave Wigodsky. to fill the vacancy caused- by, the .reMade by signation ^of Miss Lipton. The pro* A feature of the banquet will be Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Barry EL Xjapidos, Pxestdest-Treanmr gram committee appointed by Miss the' installation * of officers, and the Company Salkm include Bertha Berkowitz, dance that will follow. A 'discussion of Maurice Samuel's Omaha Ncbnwkt Dorothy Friedman, and Thania Brosv book, "You Gentiles", formed the culcow.. " . ' tural program of the'Junior Hadas^Jliss Eleanor Lefko presided at the sah organization Wednesday evening, FOK business meeting, 'after which the COMPLETESTORE & OFFICE January 29, in the Jewish Community members adjourned - to dancing and e / OUTFITTERS Center. -, r Members of the Sigma Iota Sigma refreshments. •» We •ccapy Miss Freda Albert, chairman of the club entertained their mothers, at a Ovu 16.000 Squar* Put program committee, led the discussion tea Wednesday evening in the'JewThe Hydrator is a marvelous new moist ait Southwest Cornet with several excerpts from the book. ish Community Center. A welcome , Eleventh sad Douglas Streets compartment that makes vegetables and salad to the mothers by Rosealie Sacks, -- , Rabbi Lewis will speak on "How Phone JAckson 2724 1 materials delightfully fresh and tender. See it Does God,-,Reveal Himself" a t the RAFFLE BEING SPONSORED president of the group, opened , the CALL Omaha, Kebr. . , i regular Services at Mount Sinai BY TEMPLE" SISTERHOOD program. demonstrated at our showroom ; ; ; today. . Tjonple. this evening. Services begin Miss Dena'Baron-'presented several fat;8 o'clock., Mrs. Emil Rosenstock i s in charge vocal solos, which were followed by \ 203 So. 19—JA. 1209 t "past' Thursday, Rabbi Lewis was of the. wristwatch raffle, -which i s a skit of popular jazz numbers by : JA. 5676 — Evenings WA. 5077 -'the^goest speaker, of the"Men's.<31ub sponsored by Mount Sinai Temple Miss Eva Lipton a n d Miss Helen " of lJ the.-; Ttforningside Presbyterian Sisterhood, The captains o f the dif- Friedman^ Miss, Helen Hewoff gave C h h aad spoke Tuesday evening, ferent teams report success so far, a reading, Mary Kaplan sang several MORE THAN A MILLION I N USE ;.**.* ^ Academy' "of. • Letters and include the Mesdames E. E. Bar- Yiddish,folk songs* and Rose Simons MID WEST ^ "ids lecture on bis on, Herman Miller,-Abe Fill, Herbert played, several selections on the piENGRAVING CO.INCMarx, William Newman, Philip Sher-~ ;ant>.> The program was concluded, with (72\ ARTISTS (p^ man, Jake ,KaIin,> A^ L. Stein, Lou a humorous sketch, by Lillian Dobrof2059 Faraam ,— OMAHA BRANCH \ V 7 EN 6,1 AVERS \ Agranoff and BenSchulein. > \ sky a n d l d a Cohen., Phone JAckson 4722 PnoneATI.ANTIC O6j9. " -The proceeds of the raffle will, go , The - entire ; theme, of the evening ',':> SO. !-i TH.ST. OMAHA. totranL itl& sisterhood's work in the- was xjuzfed out in tfae,,,idea of* & communify arid ^temple. T " ~'^-"l '> broadcastingstation,^ -wttfe, Hiss-. He(Continued from Page I.)




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Standard Shoe Repair Co.

Council Bluffs News





Talmud Torah Dance .. Is Very Successful

Bottling Co.

National Accessories, Inc.

Visit the New

MALASHOCK'S Jewelry Store

Sr. Hadassah Install Officers on Tuesday

Jewelry on Credit at Cash Prices



Daughterhood 'Meeting. Held Last Monday






Discuss"You Gentiles'

Frigfdaire gives you

Sigma Iota Sigma Entertain Mothers


Omaha Fixture and Supply Go.


- ; Mount Sinai Temple



*;. * •I

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