February 7, 1930

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

_ .

Interests of The Jewish Commuruty


ntered as second-class mail matter on January 27, IKS* at postoffice at Omaba, Nebraska, under toe Act of March 3,1K79.

Stirring Plea lor More Humane Immigrant Laws Is Made by Dr. S. Wise


Klutznick Joins Firm of Beber and Stalmaster The > law firm of Stalmaster & Beber announce that Philip M. Klutznick has become associated with them in the general practice of law

VOL. VIII.—No. 4


Max Kohler, Barnard Deutsch and Dr. Mr-:goslies Also Plead for ADeyktion of Hardships '; of Present Law

New York—(Special)—That friend"To be reaching out brotherly hands •Washington. (J.TA.) — A strong! deal with the foreign-born as if ship with the Jewish people would do to foreign powers and alien peopl plea for the adoption of Congress- they belong to the criminal classes." more than a score of conferences such to be uttering, protestations of goodman Dickstein's six bills for alleviReferring to the bill to admit as are being held in London, for the will to folk across the sea.while we ation of the hardships of the present refugees of 1924, granted visas but promotion of the peace of the world practice all, sorts of intolerance and immigration law -was made at the later refused admission because of was the advice to the church contained uncharitableness to those ut home is hearing on the bills before the the enactment of the new immigrain a sermon on T h e Peace Confer- to be guilty of hypocricy in the first House's Immigration Committee by tion law, Eabbi Wise said that the ence" delivered today at the Fifth degree and.in one of its most objecBabbi Stephen S. Wise and Bernard consuls' visa under the: seal of the Avenue Presbyterian Church by Dr. tionable forms. : . Deutsch, on behalf of the Americar. United States was a national obligaHenry Howard, senior pastor, who "In a very literal sense let me say Jewish Congress, Max J. Kohler for tion'which cannot be annulled by came to this country from Australia that we must *begin first at Jeruthe American Jewish Committee, ex- retroactive legislation. .Congressman Perlman, grand master He also made a vigorous reply and remains a British subject. salem,' by which I mean that we must of i the Independent Order of B'rith to a member of the committee who Declaring that all • that Christians begin with the Jew. To. an outsider Abraham, Congressman Celler and said that America has no obligation have and are they owe to the Jews, the treatment of the Jew by DemoPhilip M. Klutznick Dr. S. Margoshes, editor of The Day. to unite families of immigrants who Dr. Howard charged that despite cratic America is one of the most at 650-658 Omaha National Bank civic equality possessed by the Jewish curious and perplexing of contradicBabbi "Wise in-his appeal, which had abandoned them in- Europe. building. left a deep impression on the compeople, Christians'" have reared social tions. We clothe Mm -witii all the Max J. Kohler made a valuable mittee, said, "We earnestly impor- statement in support of the bills Mr. Klutznick is executive secre- barriers against the Jew and that rights of citizenship and put all civic tune you to pass this proposed legis- from a legal standpoint, giving his tary of the International" Order of rthese must be removed. privileges within his grasp and then lation which does not contravene the opinion as based on expert knowl- Aleph Zadik Alephj is vice-president "During the past week the mental vex "Mm with all sorts of social disa'Underlying policy of restriction that edge from long familiarity with im- of the local B*nai B'rith lodge, and gaze of all the world has been bent on bilities. Here is a highly specialized is active in practically all communal England and the "ear of all the world and pedigreed people—a people that ;yon have set up. We appear before : affairs,. .-: • v ': ;... '; ••-,;, you; to ask you, upon whom respon- migration cases and- legislation. has been strained to catch the echo with tremendous tenacity of purpose sibility rest, to temper justice with He is a graduate of the Creighton of the most si gnificent concordat of has held on its persistent way. It i understanding. - We are not applyuniversity law school, where,he was "world powers that has ever assembled has preserved with its distinctiveness : ing to you for charity nor in a low a brilliant student. . since time began," Dr. Howard de- of character the highest ethical ideals sense for pity or for favors, but to of the -race through thousands of clared. • ; correct and ; cancel those iniquities years. "Never in the history of the race '•••-•; ATBGLETIC D A N G E •which fall so hard on those persons ; "It is more than probable that part were the ties of universal kinship so Svhom they affect." The Council of the Jewish Nation- : The Athletic dance to "raise funds closely drawn. Never was the family of our enmity arises from the fact team* .will be al Fund will celebrate Chamisha for the basket" ball 1 During the course of his address Osor B'Shevat, held Sunday night at the J-' C. C. feeling so strong between the peoples that in the sordid competition for Jewish Arbor : to the committee he made several' Day, at a largethemass Several surprise features are on of the earth nor the desire so deep wealth and place and power he so meeting to striking' statements and- was once be held at the Jewish Community the program, novelties- which the and sincere for such symphathetic often outpaces us and gets in first. But the Jew at his best, and it has interrupted, by a, member of the Center on Wednesday evening, Feb- committee will ""not disclose till the understanding of each other's point of view as shall lead to mutual give and been my privilege to meet and mingle committee-who asked whether he ob- ruary 12, at 8:15. Rabbi Abraham dance. • * take in the interests of world peace. with the best in my own land, is a iiected-to a -cross-examination. Dr. Bengis of the Conservative Syna"Not on a fighting, but on a fra- type which it must be conceded is •Wise replied, • "I am not afraid of gogue will deliver the main address. more easy to admire than to emulate. i basis b i S"h ili .Cai;'fa^&^exafiunatioTW-' * :*The -• Jewish Other features on the*"^ftrtfgram - It takes a--wise man ~ to discover ar] ternity S",the new civilizaFor breadth of mind, for catholicity tion be reared. people are accustomed to bear will inchide a - play by^ the" local wise man.—Xenophanes. crosses." "". Young - Poale -Zioiif -musical selecThe high point of his speech was and^ some short speeches.--The reached when- he diverted from a f^Mch is free,' is- opEn to specific discussion of the bills before the committee to make a bitter at.prig's -.--twill be^'giyeiv to tack against the general growing i the- best1 posterKkle hostility toward the foreign-born, il' lustrated by the prevalent use of the picting the spirit of Jewish Arbor siding. Plans were formulated for te'rm "alien" instead of "foreigner" Day. Three prizes will also be given to the best performers in the Board of Directors pf Southwestern Region Hold raising the regional budget. formerly employed. It was also decided to stress cult"I arn foreign-born myself," he various lines of entertainment. Meeting Sunday; With Mammoth Rally ural activitiy and the Jewish Nationsaid, ~"and I indignantly resent be- Dr. O. C. Belzer is chairman of •;V--\'•••'••"•.••• I n ' t h e E v e n i n g al Fund work. A middle-west coning considered an alien. I warn the committee on arrangements, and you, members of this committee and Dr. M. M. Margolin will preside. ference of the National Fund will be your associates, that you have been "The Chalutzim of Palestine, who eloquence, impressed his audience held in St. Louis February 23, at enacting into law a lamentable spirit Ask for Tea Wagon remind me of the Prophets of old, with the deep sincerity of his words. which a definite policy will be deof inhospitality. There has been too The hospitalization committee of are giving the supreme human sac- EK spoke most affectionately of the cided upon. much talk about aliens being law- the Council of Jewish Women would rifice, in the face of all these ob- developement of the Jewish spirit Mr. Levenson announced that a breakers. You have no right to be pleased to buy at a low price stacles", Harry Friedberg, Kansas there. local Zionist membership campaign or to accept as a necessary gift, a City attorney, declared at a mass The speaker told of how he was will begin soon. Definite plans will tea wagon or a movable book shelf meeting of the Zionists at the Jewish impressed by the physical vigor and be announced next week. to be used in distributing books in Community Center Sunday evening. outstanding intellectual endowment of the Wise Memorial hospital. Please The speaker, who had been in ..the the Palestinian Jewish children. Dr. A. Greenberg was in charge of call Mrs. J. Weiss, Walnut 8157. Holy Land for a short time, extolled "They are growing up as if they the luncheon held Sunday noon at the the magnificent work being done by were the decendants of the Prophets. Athletic club, while Mrs. A. SilverMr. Harry Mendelson, sponsor of Owe no man anything, but to love these Jewish pioneers. They are undergoing hardships and man was chairman of the reception the Junior Poale Zion, announces a Mr. Friedberg, who spoke with sacrifices not for themselves but for for tiie guests. - contest in which the boy or girl one another. the glory of the Jewish people and creating the best cartoon, graph, the pride of Judaism. I feel that painting,' sketch, or poster revealing they have a profound message for the Jewish side of art, or best dehumanity." picting the tradition elements in the Mr. Friedberg is associate presiJewish holidays, will win prizes to Tie given by prominent Jews of Omadent of the South-western Eegion of ha who are interested in this work. the Zionist organization. dissension in the ranks The other speaker on the program of "Reported At Mr. Mendelson's suggestion the "The learned Jew poured light, joy present American Jewish spirit of the the Jewish Agency between the was M. N. Fisher of St. Louis, execu- Zionists and non-Zionists is absoluteZionist Council of Omaha has in- and inspiration into the dark corners time and the land. The kernel of Eabbi Taxon's ad- tive director of the region. He stituted a contest with prizes for the of the Ghetto," Eabbi Morris N. ly unfounded," emphatically declared cartoon, poster or sketch which best Taxon declared Monday night at the d-.ess was the idea of the three per- pleaded for better cooperation from Professor Gustave Klausner of St. reveals the spirit of Chamisho Asar Jewish Community Center in a plea sonalities of the Midrash—Noah, the Jewish people in Zionist work. Louis university in an interview SunBeshevat, the Jewish Arbor Day, to Omaha Jewry to lend financial aid Daniel, and Job, all of whom saw M. F. Levenson, member of the reg- day. Professor Klausner, who as in continuing the Jewish education of in their life annihilation as well as which is to be celebrated with a ional board of directors, and head of regional Zionist president headed the program at the Jewish Community our youth. Eabbi Taxon, who was reconstruction and rebirth. Noah the local Zionist group presided. delegation of out-of-town men who Center on the evening of Febru- formerly of Omaha, is now head of saw the world destroyed by a deluge Earlier in the day the Board of attended the meeting of the Board one of the largest of the congrega- and the rebirth of a new world. ary: 12. :-•-•Governors held closed sessions an the of Governors of the Southwest retions in Chicago. His address was( Daniel saw the destruction of the J.C.C., with Professor Gustave Klaus- gion and is nationally prominent in The Junior Poale Zion is preparing to issue a comical paper similar to followed by a drive for funds andj Temple and the rededication of a new ner of the St. Louis University pre- Zionist circles, stated that the future those published in Palestine, for permanent supporting members for! temple. Job saw the loss of his dear outlook for Zionism and the Agency Puririi. For the best anecdote, short the . Hebrew Theological College of! ones and his possessions, yet lived to in America has taken on a rosy hue. • I regain his former good fortune. humorous story, sketch or poster ex- Chicago. While Prof. Klausner admitted Miss J. C. CJ pressing the traditional spirit of "American Jewry no longer imports' " T h e w o r l d i n g e n e r a l a a ' d Jewfy that there had been some minor difPurim, prizes will be distributed. rabbis from Europe, especially from " : Particular", he stated, "saw the ficulties within the ranks of the Miss Pearl Feldman was seIt is hoped that a series of lec- Russia, as was formerly the case", destruction, but they have not had Jewish Agency, he pointed out that lected as "Miss J. C. C. 1930" tures -I on Jewish art and the con- Rabbi Taxon stated. "Therefore, i t i t h e good fortune to see the rebirth, these were in the main due entirely at the Community Center dance tribution of the Jew to the art of is imperative that we rear new Jew- j reconstruction, the founding of a new to misunderstandings and that they last Saturday evening. Miss the world will soon be arranged I-*h leaders and spiritual, guides." He social order". He then emphasized had been ironed out. In this reGoldie Schonbrun, who was under the auspices of a number, of pointed out that there Jewish institu- the position which learning and the spect, he pointed to the united $6,awarded second place last year, learned man has occupied in Jewish leading Jews. Mr. Mendelson hope- tions of learning are persecuted, and 000,000 drive to be held on the 60-40 again won the runner-up ribfully ; looks forward to the realiza- even if rabbis were imported, they history. basis for the J. D. C. and the bon. tion of his ambition to create an could not assume the responsibilities "Though ceremonials have lost Agency. The judges were Mr. B. Eporganisation of Jewish youth in of leadership, as they lacked the their .meaning, this -will eventually stein of Kansas City, Mr. Joe "The marvelous spirit of the Jewlead to the return to the essence, the Omaha of artistic talent and to pro- American Jewish background, . Pepper and Dr. Ben Friedman. ish Chalutz is the greatest developspirit and beauties of Judaism". vide an- art teacher, capable in his ment in recent decades in Jewish The affair was highly sucAccording to*the speaker, American profesHion as well as possessing a Rabbi Siegal of Chicago, who also life," Professor Klausner claims. cessful, with the H a p p y Judaism has assumed forms and di- was here on behalf of the Hebrew Jewish traditional background. "These Jews are a new type, a living Ehythm Boys playing. ToThe;;Jewish youth of Omaha hav- mensions entirely different from those Theological College of Chicago, gave embodiment of the Jewish ideal." morrow night, the Music Making this talent are'advised to get in of three decades ago. A foreign ral^ a bird's-eye view of the .position of ers will furnish the music. In a letter from Ms brother, the .touch with Mr. Mendelson for par- bi at the' present time would feel out J _nsh institutions of learning, j an noted Professor Joseph Klausner of ticulars regarding contests or classes. of place and out of tune with our address preceding Eabbi Taxon's.

of spirit, for open-handed generosity and capacity and self-sacrifice he has never been outdone or outshown. "His contribution to the upbuilding of this great Republic can never be computed in figures or stated in words. 'Then as you know, or ought to know, when the call came for recruits in the great war and you yourselves were threatened with a foreign despotism that would fain have bestridden the world, the Jew, to the number of a quarter of a million, flocked to your standards, and by their bravery brought honor to your flag.

Dr. Dave Platt Is Scout Master Dr. Dave C. Platt, member of the Creighton University Dental Staff, has assumed the office of Scout Master of the J. C C. Boy Scout



Rabbi Morris N* Taxon Makes Plea for Jewish Education

Famous Journalist Is Third Jew to Get Ambassadorship Recently

New York. — Herman Bernstein, born and bred in Russia, has beer named for the ambassadorship of the United States to the Kingdom of Albania by President Hoover. While the president's appointment must be ratified by the senate, this is merely a formality and Bernstein is assured of the position. This makes the third time in a single term that the head of the United States has selected a Jew to represent this country as an envoy, Guggenheim and Eatshevsky having been named ministers to Cuba and Czechoslovakia very recently. Bernstein's appointment is of especial significance since he is the first Jew who was born and reared in Russia who was elevated in diplomatic circles. Further, he has at all times closely associated himself with Jewish affairs. Bernstein is famed as a journalist. He has worked on the New York Times, the New York Herald, the New York Sun, the New York American, and founded the New York Day, besides having1 edited the American Hebrew and the Jewish Tribune at different times. Among the books •written by this brilliant genius are included, "Contrite Hearts", "The Flight of Time", "In the Gates of Israel", "The History of a Lie", "Herbert Hoover", and many other well-known works.


Are Giving the Supreme Sacrifice?' Friedberg Tells Zionists



/71 i/ic

Relatives Can Help Them to Join Industrial Factories Dr. D. C, Platt Troop No. 62, which held its first meeting for the purpose of re-organization at the Center last evening. Fifteen members of the new troop were present. Jack Marer, member of the local scout Area Council, has been selected as a member of the troop committee. Other members are to be named later. Herman Faier is Junior Assistant Scout Master under Dr. Platt. The troop is to meet every Thursday evening at the Jewish Community Center at 7 o'clock. Membership of the organization is open to boys between the ages of 12 and 16.

Talk of Internal Dissension Within Agency Unfounded the Hebbrew university, wrote, to him of the recent tragedy in Palestine, describingthe wondrous manner in which the Jewish youth defended themselves.. For example, in Talpioth, a suburb of Jerusalem, twenty young Jewish men held 1,000 bloodthirsty Arabs at bay for several hours. Then the British soldiers finally arrived and said they would handle the matter, but failed to fulfill their promises. Instances like this were of common occurrence. "The answer to the Arab massacres has been increasing- immigration. In November and December from Warsaw alone over 500 men have emigrated to Palestine. Nothing will keep the Jewish immigrants out now. It is the spirit of the Chalutz, undaunted by adversity." According to the professor, about six or seven thousand Jews will enter Palestine annually for settlement for the next 15 years, "There should be a change in the officials of the colonial administration," Professor Klausner continued. "After the Inquiry Commission has reported, the government must interpret the true meaning of the Balfour Declaration and instruct the (Continued on Page 2.).

Moscow. (J.T.A.)—American Jews will be enabled to help their relatives in Soviet Eussia join industrial factories, according: to the "Ort" plan just adopted. It is learned that the "Ort" intends to establish special Jewish cooperative factories on a shareholding basis. Each relative abroad can buy through the "Ort'" a share, thus enabling his l-elative in Soviet Russia to become a worker and at the same time a partner in the factory whose share has been acquired. Should the relative in Soviet Russia decide later on to quit the factory, he will pet the full sum for his share paid out in Soviet currency. For shares paid in the United States, the "Ort" will, order machinery and materials necessary for the planned factories, which will work in Russia under Soviet cooperative laws and will be provided with raw material by the Soviet, cooperative and government organs. The "Ort" will supply the factories with technical aid as well as with instructors to teach the work to those relatives. It. is understood that ex-traders will be accepted in these factories without difficulties, when the relatives abroad will buy shares through the "Ort",

"RELIGION PASS1G A MOST CRUCIAL PERIOD" In his talk. "The Anti-religious Front", Rabbi Frederick Gohn states that religion is passing through the most crucial period in history at the present time. The fierce onslought towards religion comes from three fronts of cttack, "The Intellectual Front", fn the name of science; "The Political Front", as exemplified by communistic Russia which teaches atheism, and the third front is the insidious neglect and indifference on the part of all religious believers. Rabbi Cohn, however, phophecizes a turning point, and maintains that religion will survive and retain a place of its own. This future religion will be a faith symbolising Reason, Righteousness and Kever-






Henrietta Stkd Clutr meets thetonku -Koda Club on ithe question: Resolved that the tendency of modern Jewish youth i»?away from Judaism. The q-.estJon^s of present day interest and after the debate open discussion from "the floor will be held. Mr. Harry B. Cohen, attorney, will jedge the debate.

Temple Israel El Paso (J. T. A.)—Plans for a j Mi. L. Talnjv natipnarseoretary of The public is invited to attend the i permanent council of Jews and ! Rabbi Frederick Cojin has chosen the leor of;_ America,* will deliver a first of a ccries of debates sponsored Christians in El Paso were formed "The Boy Prophet" as the subject lecture--Tuesday ''evening, February i Mr. and Mrs. Jake Friedman and Jewish Students Win here Monday at the conclusion of for his sermon at the Temple Israel 11, at 8:30 pirn, at the Labor Lyeeum, by the Senior Council of Clubs of the Mrs. M. Yudelson left this -week for called by an executive sec- tonight. His sermon will be based ( 22nd- and Clark Sts.— The_ local-Icpr Jewish Community Center, Thursday, Declamatory Honors meetings Rochester! Minnesota.. . . retary of the Federal Council of on Edmund Fleg's book. On Satur- , \is sponsoring Talny's appearance, February IS, at 8:15 P.M., when the* For fools admire, but men of Miss Helen Steinberg underwent There were five Jewish students Churches. Six Christian denomina- day morning he will speak on "Tack- the niain purpose of the organizajtion operation of the store, all of the ling the Tyrant". tions and the Reform temple particisense approve. being to help theneedy Jews of So—Pope. an operation for appendicitis Tues- were among those who won won On Wednesday afternoon he ad-viet Russia to s.ettle on land. ,.__. former employees having signified thjeir way into the finals of the pated in the meetings and the local day at the Mercy hospital.: Mr. Talny'?.s also secretary of the their intention to remain with them.' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS declamatory contest which was held Roman Catholic bishop is to be in- dressed the Women's Alliance of the Mrs. E. Marcus entertained, the at the Abraham Lincoln High school vited to the next meeting. First Unitarian Church on "Changing American Commission, for the Study members of her iridge club at herlast Thursday evening, and won hon- When Rabbi Samuel Goldenson of Conceptions in Religion". of BiraTBidjan as A prospect" for Jewhome Monday' "evening. This noon Rabbi Cohn will speak ish mass- colonization ^ with-1 aims of a Pittsburgh" addressed the union servors. i at a women's luncheon at the First The Independent Order of theMaurice Pepper won first place in ice here last Thanksgiving Day, Rev.Presbyterian Church on "The Church Jewish *state"is<-the-€tttow e.- ~ —-With the This commission" consistedI of a B'nai B'rith, Lodge No. 688, -will the finals in the oratorical division Tucker, a prominent Southern Meth- and Social Work". group" of American leading • experts hold a meeting-next Wednesday ev- of the declamatory contest and was odist, led a revolt and refused to sit Next Tuesday afternoon before the on the platform as other Christian in agriculture and. in: construction enawarded a gold metal. ening, February 12, at: the Banish regular Book Review: of the Sister- gineering, including Prof. Franklin S. ministers did. On another occasion Harold Kroloff won first place in hail. " .:• : the dramatic division and received Dr. Tucker has also denounced the hood Rabbi Cohn will discuss Emil Harris, widely-known dean of the Ludwig*s "Lincoln". Utah State University as chairman. Ernest Nogg, who has made his a medal. In the humorous division local rabbi in pulpit and press. It traveled thousands of miles to exOn Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. Monday through a personal inviLouise Fitch won second place. Combinedwith the home for the past two yearsv in Houston, Texas, returned home Among others who won their way tation of the Federal Council of at the J.C.C. the Bible Class under amine the Jewish colony. "Mr. Talny as secretary ot the "Wednesday. He -will enter a - part- to be in the finals were Marian Ka- Churches, Dr. Tucker met the ElCie auspices of the Council will meet, nership with his brother, Nathan telman in the dramatic division and Paso rabbi face to face for the first Rabbi Cohn will speak on "Deborah, commission is well-acquainted with Gwendolyn Meyerson in the humor- time. After a. discussion, i t was Dr. the First Woman Judge, the Joan Russian-Jewish problems in general", Nogg, in a short time. Tucker who moved that regular meet- of Arc of Israel." ous division. local leor heads stated in inviting the ings be held at which Christian and public to attend the lecture. "ThereWord has. been received here, of and Scientifically Blended Jews can learn more abouteach fore, we appeal to the Jews of OmaConservative Synagogue the birth of a. daughter to- Mr. and other. in Omaha Rabbi Abraham Bengis will deliver ha to turn out in numbers to hear Mrs. Sidney Lightstone of Philadel- Rabbi T. N. Lewis •• During the last two months cities a sermon on "Abraham Lincoln, the the truth about Jewish life in Rusphia, Pennsylvania, which was born Will Speak Here in Missouri, Colorado, Idaho, Wash- Prophet of American Democracy" at sia."" Admission will be free and Thursday, January 30. Mrs. Lightstone is a daughter of Mrs. S. SnydRabbi Theodore N. Lewis of theington, Oregon, California, Arizona the services of the Conservative Sy- positively no collection will be taken er. of Council Bluffs. Mount Sinai Temple of Sioux City, and Texas have initiated permanent nagogue this evening a t the J.C.C. up. la., will be in Council Bluffs on local councils to cultivate understand- Saturday morning services -will beThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Thursday evening, February 20, and ing and better relationships between gin at 8:30. IS society will hold a meeting Monday will be principal speaker and honor- Christian and Jews. These councils Last Friday the auditorium was evening, February 10, at 138 West ed guest at an open 'meeting which will be linked with similar groups filled to overflowing to hear Rabbi Broadway. The club is: planning will be held that evening at thein the East through the National H. R. Rabiriowitz, guest rabbi from Conference of Jews and Christians Sioux City. Following the services a their anniversary celebration • which Hotel Chieftain, v ^viv-i in New York. •will be in the form of a dance to reception was held in honor of Rabbi j The attractive samples of d a y Rabbi Lewis wiU relate jof^his exbe held Sunday evening,. February periences in-~jPalestine "during r the and Mrs. Rabinowitz. \ and work, done by Mrs. Meyer Beber, 23, at the Eagles hall. ~ A b uprisingf riif ||^cf ^ fDjrill rill ""also' l ' ife^ Arab iife^p tto On Saturday afternoon a reception which are now being shown in the organize a^ lehapf e)r oft the' • Sisnior in their honor was held at the home Jewish Community Center trophy Maurice Nathaiison, senior at the Hadassah i n ' ^ ^ of Rabbi and Mrs. Bengis, about 100 case, are inducive to many people Estherville High school, Estherville, interested in art joining the day Everyone is ; asicect • to make no attending. There is no other Coffee la., has recently been elected presi- other arrangements -fox that evening modelling class which is being orLondon, (J.T.A.) — Lord Melchett, dent of the National ;Honor society arid attend this affair.' ganized a t the Center with Mrs. president of the English Zionist Fedto becompared with & and treasurer of the National ForSUNDAY SCHOOL Beber as instructor. eration, has lent his influence to the ensic league at his school. He is novel scheme of land redemption in • The banner for attendance last Mrs. Beber has studied at the Chithe son of Mr., and Mrs. Henry Palestine devised by the Jewish Na- Sunday was won by Miss Romm's cago Art Institute and-has had sevCOHN HpADS; A. Z. A, Nathanson, formerly of Council The Council "Bluffs: Chapter tfo. 1 tional -Fund of Great Britain and class -while the charity banner was eral of her works shown in the NeBluffs. The scheme calls for allwon by Miss Pollock's pupils. Miss braska Art Exhibit in 1927. She i of Ireland. SoK by an -;an election of the A. Z. K Jews to redeem a piece of land in Pollock's class has the honor of hav- has also done a great deal of comofficers and v the, "following were First Clan Grocers Palestine equal to. what they own in ing won the banner'more often then mercial art work in Omaha. MRS. G. WHITEBOOK DIES chosen for the ensiiing term: Sey- England or Ireland. • The modelling course consists of any other class in the school. The Everywhere Mrs. G. Whitebook, 66 years old, more Cohn, president; Milton Yudelfive two-hour lessons which will In a letter to the president o' f the total attendance for the entire school son, vicerpresidesnt^ySam Shyken, passed away early Tuesday morning, February 4, from-'a sudden: attack secretary;VfFale Mfeyerson,.treasurer; Jewish National Fund ior Great Brit- •was 226 children. The program was meet in the . evening. A nominal of heart disease. She is survived Leonard Krasne,/•isenjor: sergeant-at- ain and Ireland, Lord Melchett de- staged by Miss Romm's class. A charge will be made for instruction. Registrations are now being; taken by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. arms; Abe /$ajferijan, junior eer- clared that he learned "with great number^ of pupils sang several numpleasure of the hew scheme, for land at the Center. geantatannsy and ?jSal Michik W t while wee Ephraim Gershater Blended, Rosted, Ground and Packed bf Louis Nathan of Xos Angeles, Cal.;- geant-at-anns ? y andMichnick, five sons; Harry and '^Abe °"'.bf• TLos" chaplain. h l i TT&e%oUcrtving & % U ing iB'nai B'rith redenmption in Palestine....and I feel sang a solo in Jewish. McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA M. SHRIER DIES .The program this Sunday will be Angeles, Dave of Chicago, HI., and: members ,werei jchoseri^ fpt\ -the ad- confident (it) will meet with a ready response from every member of the b y Max Shrier, 45, prominent busiJake Whitebook of Philadelphia, Pa., visory boardi'i-'tioujk '/If 4 ? Katelman, a r r t i ^ d ^t^Sffed 4$?$* ness man and respected ; citizen of chaixjman; B^^KubD¥^spen Seldin, Seldin Anglo-Jewish community'*. all who were here at the time .of: <chaixjman; the the community, died last Thursday, her deaths Funeral services vwere Dr.; j . Steri|(ill, • Max^Cohn,>'Louis Leon. ^ X ^ | ^ ^ ^ ; g held Tuesday afternoon, at the synaa short talk- oB-rtfc^^Theoiogicol In- when peritonitis set in following an gogue at whicH" a large crowd • at- installation of officers will take place) situte of Chicago, which.school is" a appendix operation. Besides his widow he is survived tended. Burial took place at the next Wednesday evening \at the home Nothing breeds speculative opti- training^instiution : |oi' rabbis- 'and Oak Hill cemetery. of Milton Yudelson, with Abe Katel- mism faster than rising prices, and it Jewish .school teachers. : Louis Stia- by four sons, Hyman, Albert, Louis man, alumnus of the chapter, to be is, therefore, no surprise to discover nok led? the assembly in community and Ben Shrier; a sister, Mrs. H. in charge of the installation. a steady widening of bullish senti- singing, both in English and Jewish. F. Gilbert of Mattaspan, Mass., and a brother, Sam Shrier, of Rivera, ment. Nowhere is this more marked Mass. than on the floor of the Stock ExThe Senior Council handball meejt The four brothers, who aided their change, where several well-known will start sometime next week with father constantly in his painting operators have been openly taking extensive positions on the long side. players from the'Psi Mu, X. L.'s and business and are thoroughly familiar with the trade, will continue the The recent sudden flare-up in FoxA. Z. A. chapter 1. __ Film put professionals on their CContinued from Page L) guard, with the result that their digPalestinian officials just how they position has been to regard the line of least resistance as upward. are to'carry out its doctrines. "However, we are not yet ready for a representative form of govern- The unsatisfactory phase of present Hundreds o£ Entirely New, Stand' ment there, as advocated by Dr.operations is the lack of participation by businessmen, large or small. Few Magnes. And in our plans, in my ard Tailored, Hard Finisned : opinion, it is not necessary for usthere are who can yet discern in the Super Service j to aim at equal population with the outlook sufficient enrouiagement to buy stocks in an important way. To Arabs. If we succeed in having 300,000 Jews in the Holy Land, we be sure, this is usually the case folwill have the equivalent to 750,000 lowing a panic, when the rebound in Arabs. Due to the fact that we are stocks brought about by the inevitastronger, more • cultured, and use ble relaxation of money rates tends modern methods, they would never to outstrip the trade recovery, but dare to raise a hand against us, the'presence of money rates tends to outstrip the trade recovery, but the once we have that number." The ultimate goal of the Zionists presence or absence of enthusiasm on is a state in which the Jews will the part of representative industries predominate, he pointed out, with- is always a factor in the rate of out stepping on anyone's rights. The speculative advance. What has happened, is that the Zionists never intended to infringe on others' rights, and even in thepsychology of the marketplace itself August catastrophe the Jews had has changed. The steel industry has not been "stepping on the Arabs' recovered at a rate to justify speculative enthusiasm, and the farm-imtoes." ,Joe Katelman, Professor Klausner stated that plement and amusement industries Eepublicon Candidate for only 5 per cent of the: entire "Arab are apparently headed for good times. population participated, in ihe riots, Aside from these influences, the busieven after the Moslems-had ;falsely ness factor is drab. propagated rumors that: the,: Jews That the government is committed Every Size Including OuUizes were going to bum the - Mosquer of Will Appreciate Your Support. to the constructive side of business Omar. •••*•• Primaries February 24, 1930. The real cause of the disturbances, is indisputable. One of the factors npHROUGH two of the world's famous he stated, was the desire of the reassuring to capital is the tacit ap• .FACTS; ' All Sizes ••*• manufactures we have purchased pure Grand Mufti for personal power. pioval of certain price-fixing policies. for Men $ Born und raised in Council thread silk full fashioned hosiery. First How far and when the resources of The anti-Semitic attitude of many and Bluffs, Iowa. quality and so called picked irregulars that the Federal Reserve System may be of the officials, especially Luke, aidYoung Men Regular attendance at Counwill not affect the wearing qualities. Chifthrown in the breach, to assist such ed. But, he claimed, • with adequate cil ^meetings in the last ten. fons, with picot tops, service weight, Paris protection, such outbreaks will hot new agencies as the farm-marketing years-; has given me knowledge, clox, and black heels. Also the fashionable organizations in averting or amelioragain occur. how to reduce : taxes. It's a tremendous demonstration of The Jane Reigny mesh, plain mesh, service ating deflation is an important specuProfessor Klauaner found Omaha I own property and am a weight, all silk to hem. lative factor that should and probabhospitality most warm and appreNebraska's determination to give the taxpayer in every ward in ; the ly will be clarified before wholesale ciated his reception here. He was city. .' clothes buyers of this community emgrateful to : all ,who had helped in speculation for the rise is warranted I- believe therj Council should by virtue of the business outlook. entertaining him so exellently. Hosiery Dc-partmcnt—Main Floor phatically the greatest possible clothes work in harmony with all civic Rising prices spell mounting equiorganizations. - m. ties and help to restore speculative. values every day in the year. I- believe ( that by .reducing; ; Says Christian Nation courage. I t is only, natural, theretaxes ,• AVe . can- induce the inWashington.—"This is a Christian fore, thai optimism should be in the' dustries to locate in Council nation" was the reply of Dr. C. F. saddle %gain. The question :s, howIJuffs, whicH will give employ- 1 Marvin, chief of the U. S. Weather ever, whether the forward impetus ment to Council Bluffs people. Bureau, in answer to Jewish objec* for^spme days has not been coming —Adv. tions to the proposed calendar re- from the periodic retreat of the short Since 1881 OMAHA. form during a debate with Rabbi interest instead of healthy confident =COKRECX APPAKEL. FOR StEN AND Schwefel. buying based on the business outlook.

Enchanting Aroma of the Orient

Irresistable Flavor of Brazil

Mrs. Beber to Teach

Advo Coffee Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch


Stimulating for Dinner


Joseph B. Katelman

Continuing...Saturday Annual February Sale of




Fancy Pattern and Dark Blue




•1.50 to 2.50 Values 11,300 Pairs of

Pure Thread Silk Full Fashioned Hosiery




Dinner Dance to - Honor Miss Flax

HadassahWill Give Luncheon

Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, will sponsor a luncheon at the new Paxton hotel on Monday, February 10, at 2 p.m. Those in charge of the affair are Mrs. A. Romm, and Mrs. Robert Bleicher, assisted by Mesdames B. A. Simon, H. A. Newman, A. Greenspan, A. Bengis, A. Shafer, and E. A. Meyer. The marriage of Miss Minne Flax, daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. The proceeds from the luncheon S. Flax, to Mr. Dave Fertil of Boston, which was postponed which is fifty cents per person, will recently, will take place Sunday evening, February 16, at 8 go to the Penny Luncheon Fund for : the poor children of Palestine. o'clock, at the Fontenelle hotel. , It is hoped that the lofty purpose of this affair will inspire every one Eabbi and Mrs. Abraham Bengis received at an elaborately to attend and to enable the Hadassah appointed tea Saturday afternoon honoring Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. to make this a success, such as every Rabinowitz of Sioux City. About 100 attended. charitable function should be. A color scheme of pink and pale green was carried out in This is a purely non-sectarian affair and every one is welcome to atthe decorations. Those assisting Mrs. Bengis in arrangements Miss Minne Flax tend. will be given at every for the tea were Mesdames F. J. Alberts, A. Silverman, B. A. Kappa Chapter of Theta Phi Sig- table. Prizes 100 tables are expected. ina, national Jewish sorority, will Simon, Julius Stein, Sam Beber, E. Meyer and John Beber. entertain at an informal dinner dance Friday evening, February 14, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Turner anat the Chieftain hotel, Council Bluffs, Plans Complete nounce the marriage of their daughin honor of their retiring president, for Tea-Dance ter, Ida, to Mr. Morris Breitfeld of Miss Minne Flax, whose marriage Brooklyn, N. Y. will take place February 16 at the The Junior Hadassah will hold The ceremony took place on SunFontenelle hotel. their second annual tea-dance at the day afternoon, January 26, in BrookPerhaps the most outstanding so- The Misses Sally Morgan and Blackstone hotel on Sunday afterlyn. Mrs. Turner, who accompanied cial event on this year's calendar of Sarah Kurtzman, two new members her daughter and was present at the Council of Jewish "women is slat- to the sorority, will also be guests noon, February 23. The College Club orchestra has been engaged for the wedding, is now visiting with ed for Monday, February 17, at the of honor. this affair. The committee is hard friends and xelatives in Chicago. Blackstone Hotel. • at work planning to make this event A pleasant afternoon of cards with more elaborate and even more sucMr." and Mrs. Louis Levinson of innumerable beautiful prizes and Miss Winder to Be cessful than the one last year. The Chicago, HI., formerly of Omaha, many lovely surprises is promised. Honored Guest Friday advance sale of tickets seem to inannounce tha engagement of their The committee in charge which has dicate that a large crowd "will atdaughter, Betty Euth, to Mr. Na- spent much time in preparation is: as Miss Mary Ida Winder, associate tend, according to Miss Ida Fine, than Eoth, son of Mrs..Yetta Roth follows: Mesdames B. A. Simon, of Chicago. No date has been set chairman of the Ways and Means secretary of the National Council chairman of the affair. A prize for the Prevention of War, from is being offered to the member sellfor the "wedding. • committee, J. Stein, Sam Frohm, J. Washington, D. C will be the guest ing the most tickets for the teay Lipsy, Phil Levy, - "William Racussin, of honor at a luncheon to be given dance. Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx of Lincoln F. Weiss, A. Somberg, and Mrs. B. at the Paxton hotel on Friday, FebThis affair is for both, men and held a reception Sunday evening Kubby of Council Bluffs. ruary 14, at 12:30 o'clock, by the women, and a good time is assured from 8 to 11 at their home in honor The committee on Hospitality unof their son, Dr. Louis E. Mars, der the chairmanship of Mrs. H. Council of. Jewish Women. Miss all who attend. Novel refreshments who graduated from the University Kachman assisted by Mesdames A. Winder will speak on the Disarma- will be served. The Omaha Junior Hadassah is a of Nebraska school of medicine with Somberg, H. Lapidus, H. Perlick, L. ment Conference. high honors. Over 150 relatives and Meyers, L Chapman, M. E. Chapman, Reservations may be obtained from unit of the national organization Mrs. S. Gerson not later than which supports Meier Shfeye, a friends attended. . A. Goldstein, I. Stalmaster, and Wm. Wednesday night, February 12. children's village, **&.. a nurses' Dr. Marx is going to be in the has also worked to make training school in Palestine. University hospital here in Omaha. 1 a successful event. Tickets may be- obtained for 75 Women's Auxiliary Miss Ann Linsman was hostess at cents each from Mrs. J. Weiss, chaira bridge party last Sunday in honor man of ticket sales, also from Mrs. The Study Group of the Women's Auxiliary of the Coriservative • ~ of Miss Sadie Beber,; bride-to-be, B A. Simon and Mrs. D. P. Feder. and of Miss Rose Linsman, her -cou- The proceeds of this event •will go Synagogue held their" regular meetsin, who has just received her de- toward the Scholarship fund of the ing Monday at the J. C. C. Mrs. John Beber gave a Tery interesting gree as doctor of medicine. Council of. Jewish women, -which was report on the ceremonials of the originated this year. synagogue. Mrs. Ida Levin is vacationing in At the next meeting Mrs. Sam the East where she will visit with Cohn will give a paper on Jewish Council of Women her daughter Sdma, a student at education as k. factor in the Hebrew dftrawn-^ University,-and -her sister - The-psace..study., group; yaR .meet school. ' Mrs. M-' Yousem will -give at the home of their chairman, Mrs. •and brother-in-law, Sadye and Dr. the current events. Harold Libby of Providence, R. I. S. Gerson, 128 North Thirty-third Mrs. Levin will visit with friends street, for a luncheon meeting on in New Haven, Conn., Boston and Tuesday, February 11. Mrs. H. ZUCKERMAN TO SPEAK Mr. Baruch Zuckerman, author and New York City before returning to' Amstein will lead the discussion. The religion study group will have lecturer, will speak in Omaha on Omaha. their regular meeting Wednesday February 25. All particulars will Mr. and Mrs. William Glide of morning, February 12, at the Jew- be given in the Jewish Press next Willard, Ohio, are visiting in Oma- ish Community Center. week. ha with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gerson.

Council Card Party Monday

Kitchen Chats By Mrs. David M. Newman Feather Cocoanut Cake 1% cups pastry flour, % cup sugar (2 tablespoons less a cup), 4 tablespoons baking powder, 4 tablespoons melted butter, 1 egg, Vz cup milk, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, li cup shredded cocoanut. Sift together flour, sugar, and baking powder. Add melted butter and beaten egg to milk and add to dry igredients. Mix welL Add lemon juice and cocoanut. Bake in a moderate oven 35 minutes. Cover with white icing. Cover with cocoanut. • • • Coffee Fruit Cake \» cup butter, 1 cup Jight brown sugar, 3 eggs, 2 & caps flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 cup chopped raisins, % cup sliced citron, % cup figs. Cut in strips. Cream butter. Add sugar, well-beaten eggs. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt. Add a little at a time alternately with coffee and milk. Add fruit'which has been slightly floured and bake in a loaf 50 minutes. Cover with white icing.

Elocution Qassls Being Organized

An exceptionoal opportunity for No Election Until 1933 Jerusalem.—As the result of the children is being offered in the form extension for three years of the of an elocution class which is being terms of office of the Palestine muniorganized at the Jewish Community cipalities, no new elections will be Center under the able instruction of held in the country until 193?>. Mrs. Moe Venger. Mrs. Venger has studied at the The crime and not the scaffold Chicago School of Expression and makes the shame. —Corneille. Dramatic Art, has had private instruction, and holds an expression teacher's certificate. Heretofore, Mrs. FOE Venger has given private instruction in speaking, and will give a great deal of individual instruction in this class. The members of the class will have opportunities to appear on recital and on various programs at the CenCALL ter. The only charge is a registration fee of fifty cents at the beginning of 203 So. 19—JA. 1209 the course which will start very soon acd which will last until the end of JA. 5676 — Evenings WA. £077 May. The class win be limited in




Chiffons*Flat Crepes Sleek Cantons and Prints



Miss Tobye Steinberg and Miss Ida DaytcK will be hostesses at a benefit bridge at the home of Miss Steinberg Sunday afternoon. Ten tables will be arranged, and receipts will be added to the Jr. Hadassah fund.



of Every Color

High School Subjects Hebrew & Yiddish Lessons ATlantic 9489 — H. MENDELSOHN —

In a Feature Selling Friday of Hundreds of.






But the type of suit is a matter of taste, for there are rough tweeds for sports wear, and tailored suits for s t r e e t wear. Buy one now for wear beneath your winter coat and latter when'you take it off.

Mr. Leon Gross has been spending the past few weeks visiting friends and relatives in Kansas City. The Deborah Society will hold a meeting on Tuesday, February 11, at the J. C, C. at 2:30 p. m. Final plans will be made for the Purim hall at this meeting. The Omaha Yiddish Dramatic club will present a melodrama in four acts, "A Mensch Soil Man Sein", at the Jewish Community Center on March 2, at 8:30. A regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim Society will be held on Monday afternoon, Feb. 10, at 2 p. m. at the Twenty-fifth and Seward street synagogue. The feature of the meeting will be the installation of officers. All members are requested to attend. ;. .

"I Never Realized Electric Cooking Could Be So Easy" Tedious hours of watching in the kitchen are not necessary with an Electric Stove. Testing with forks while the food is cooking is no more. With an Electric Stove, the cooking is done automatically. . Simply "adjust the controls and at dinner time the food will be ready to serve.

We predict a huge s u c c e s s for the jacket suit—it's so adorable to all kinds of figures.

Pried at * 539.75 to $89.75

Electric Cooking is Quick, Cheap, Clean Cooking SOLD ON EASY TERMS



Bridge the Seasons by Following Suit...


If you're interested in securing charming, colorful new frock, don't miss this feature selling. The smartest models of leading makers have been selected—all the fashion details are here, featuring the desirable modified lengths, in afternoon, daytime, business sport frocks.


-. Mrs. T. Greenberg and son, Allan, j of Wichita, Kans., are visiting with -relatives here.


Styles That rAre Being Shown for the First Time at This Low Price

Your first spring coat is bound to be a, suit if you're fashion wise this year.

Mrs. J. M. Rice and son, Donald,' returned from a two months visitin Chicago with Mrs. Rice's parents.' •

Spring Dresses

Second Floor

Miss Rae Borsky of the Brandeis • linen-department left for a-buying trip to New York City. She will -return in ten days. " j

.: : :


A. Z. A. NEWS Omaha chapter No. 1 of the A. Z. A. will hold a stag send off banquet next Thursday night at the Elks Club in honor of the Mother chapter contestants who will leave Saturday morning for the A. Z. A tournament in Kansas City. Philip M. Klutznick, chief advisor of the chapter, will present a medal to the best allround man in the chapter. An elaborate program has been arranged by Milt Altshuler, chairman of the program committee.



number, so registrations should be made immediately in order to secure a place in the class.

The next Poale Zion meeting will take place on Sunday, February 8, at the home" of Mr. J. Raznik, 3834 Hamilton street, at 7:30. All interested are cordially invited. The Poale Zion organization is'-, affiliated with the Histadruth in Pal- j estine, the latter representing the! Chalutzim organizations. *

2314 M Sts.

Nebraska Power >«••.

Courtesy • Sctvice V Low Hues


Sailing from New York, May S, 19S0 on the largest steamer of the world ^LEVIATHAN" under the leadership of Mr. Jacob Volz.

from New York %ia London to Moscow and return via Warsaw, Berlin, Hamburg _.to ...New _York

=»;: All expenses for steamship and railroad fare included, also hotel accommodation, meals and sightseeing in Leningrad and Moscow for two days.

The Road To Russia Is Now Open You can visit Russia with assnrred Travel Comfort and return to America without any difficulty

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Join Our Great Excursion to

Write for folders and details

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VAL. J. PETER TRAVEL BUREAU 1307 Howard Street—OMAHA, NEBR.—Telephone: AT. 0340 «iiifiiiiiiiiniRiiiiiTiifiiiiiiiifiiifiiiTiiiiiffiniiiiiiiniiiifmuffiiniiiuinffitniHiisiHtt«*

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS* FRIDAY/ FEBRUARY 7,1980 | Franklin Piece Adams? fanatical people that many mountain.dwellers ofJ Why Thyr'a Samter Winslowy fam* the vicinity still make .religious pilgrimages to ' ed. Jewish' authoresSt always walks the place. about with a dog? Published !eyery< Friday at- Omaha, Nebraska, by . "AH this casts some illumination on the outWhy reporters always insist on THE JEWISH ^ESS%U^LI8HIN6i:Ok3?AI?r comeVof $Ke recent "murder" trial at Innsbruck, • speaking at public meetings, instead : OfficeV A90 Brandeis•Theater' Building . | of confining themselves to reporting a; .veritatile hot-bed of anti-Semitism. But, unthe affairs? . -"• Telephoned ATlahtie 1450" -'. fortunately* it does iiot free the innocent youth. Why so many of the famed JewDAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor For the sake of Halsmann, for the sake of Ausish personalities who live in New FRANK R. ACKERMAN.... Editor tria, for the sake of world justice and peace, we York come from the west and south? By DAVID SCHWARTZ FANNIE KATELMANy Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent hope that the final court of appeal—the President Called Him Litvak! of Austria—pardons Philip Halsmann. By pre- The Ford of Books ... SIOUX CITY OFFICE There are so many ways of "hitventing this one unprecedented unjustice, he will Just about the time that you de- ting JEWISH"COMM¥NITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street back" at a Jew. There is Samhave prevented it a thousand fold, for every deed cide that the last legitimate racket my Lee, for instance, the king of Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 contains within itself numberless germs of fruit- has been staged, and there is no al- chorus trainers. " Advertising rates furnished on application temative, but to go to work and earn) An "extra" girt phoned Mr. Lee fulfiess.



Horizon the...

WORLD-WIDE United States Bible Reading Bill

anxieties were deep. She radiated that sympathy which only good Women can convey."

Russian Persecution

Columbus, OhiOi—Local Jews wil Berlin.—According to a report rehave to organize themselves again ceived here from the Russian Zionist this year to fight the Bible bill Organization, a persecution of Zionwhich, though defeated in the Ohio ists is being conducted there. legislature last year, will again be In Moscow last week 13 promintroduced there fit this session. inent members of Zionist organizaThe bill, which would entail the tions were arrested and 65 compelled your buttered toast by the sweat of for a job. tending of the Bible in the public to sign a promise not to leave the CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old your brow, someone is sure to come "I have nothing," shouted Mr. Lee. schools, was defeated last year as city, the reason assigned being that and new-address; be sure to give your name.. • along and.give you a rude awakening. "Any hope for the future, Mr. a result of the fight waged against among them wag found a report of Here, the book business has been Lee?" 77 it by numerous prominent Jews of the meeting of the American Jewish With the dedication of the Louis Heineman going along for years in its conserva- "No," thundered Mr. Lee. dty, led by Representative Jo- Congress and a speech by tft. Wise Building at Denver Sunday, many tiny souls tive fashion. There have been a few "But, Mr. Lee, you never give this HEBRAIC CALENDAR seph Erlich of Cleveland and Harry protesting the persecution of Zioninnovations, it is true, but on the me any jobs." will be liberated from the tedium of an Unhappy ists by the Soviets. Berman of Cincinnati. 5690-19^0 "Oh, don't bother me." childhood spent without the joy of carefree whole* nothing very exciting. Reds Disturb Meeting Itosh Chodesh Shebat........... _ ...Thursday, Jan, 30 Shouting ahd romping about. This addition to But then when a lawyer's business "Very well, goodbye, Mr. LEVY," MoskowitZ Gets Ovation is not so good, you can never tell shouted back the girl, getting her Warsaw.—-Communists broke up a New Yofk. — Maurice Moskowitz, *Rosh Chodesh Adar..~._._-—;..._:...Saturday, Feb. 28 the National Jewish Hospital, with its radio-- what will happen. In this case, the revenge. famous Anglo-Jewish actor and fa- meeting being held here on behalf Purim ___„___.....;; ...^—.— ..Friday, March 14 Rosh Chodesh Nissan ...._.._.....Sunday, March 30 earphones for each child, its recreational rooms, lawyer is Sidney Feldman. This Jew- And that reminds me Of the story vorite of Yiddish audiences on the of Jewish labor in Palestine, and .......Sunday, Apr. 13 and its ultra-modern elevatdl's which Whisk this ish lawyer useS to ftoficS that when told me by Isaac Laberman, presi- East Side of New York a generation as a result of the fist fights which First Day Pesach" „.„...._ Seventh Day Pesach.._.™..™...^Saturday* Apr. 19 children in their own beds ffbhi their rdoSftiS Up he went into a drug store for some dent of Arnold Constable, swank ago, received an ovation at his debut ensued, police were forced to inter.....Tuesday, Apr. 29 to the roof for sun-treatment, forms an appre-^ pills, he generally came out with a Fifth Avenue department store. He on Broadway at his first appearance vene and nine Reds were arrested. *Rosh Chodesh Iyar;: had occasion one day to fire some- in the leading role of "Josef 3USB", *Rosh Chodesh ElluL... _.._...._ ...Monday, Aug. 25 dated substitute for sturdy muscles and strong camera and a pressing iron. Gain Citizenship a drama based on lion FeuchtwanThat set Feldman thinking. Why one. ;'*Also observed the day previous to Rosh bones, besides affording medical treatment which Bucharest.—A new law is before shouldn't he come but of the drug As the man left, he opened the ger's book, "Power". Chodesh. the Roumanian parliament which, if store with a book as well ? And after At the end of the second act Mr. door of Mr. Liberman's office and ; All Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre- will in all probability return ihariy children to all, why not? passed, will change the citizenship Moskowitz received many curtain shouted: "Litvak!" normal health. ceding secular day. Well, anyway, it gave Feldman an calls, as well as cheers, bravos and status so as to make some 200,000 Thus, the flame df LouiS Heineman will be idea, fie started visiting one publish- Mdfie Jewish Plays Than Ever similar demonstrations. At the end Jewish refugees in Bessarabia elienshrined in the Hearts of those ehlldfeii enjoy- ing house after another. In each one Every now and then we hear the of the performance Mr. Moskowitz gible to Roumanian citizenship. ing the benefits of the buil&ngf bearing his Ke -would ask: "Are you doing any wail that the Jewish stage is on briefly thanked the audience for its Einstein in Recital -In another portion of this paper is a report, flame, and thus the spirit of this noble behefac- thing with the plates of the books the decline. It is true—to some ex- warm reception. Berlin.—Professor Albert Einstein tent—that the Yiddish speaking of a-sermon delivered in New York, in which a tbr will continue to live through the children of yesteryear?" gave a violin concert here before is not having as smooth sail- "My Matt" three thousand people, gathered in famous Christian Minister advises the chm'eh regaining their strength through his philan- "No, they are lying in the cellar.1 stage New York.—Fannie Brice, she of the largest Jewish temple of this ing, as in the days of old, but in a Well, to make a short story longer, thai; friendship \yith the Jewish people would do thropy. before Feldman left each publisher broader sense, plays of a Jewish "My Man" fame, has instituted suit city. Professor Einstein gave the morte for the promotion of world peace than a Hdwever, there is a shadow dimming the he had signed a contract for the left content have never had the vogue for $150,000 against Joseph M. concert for the benefit of the Jewscore of conferences such as are being held brightness of the dedication. The Upper floor, over books, and the left over plates. that they have today. . They hare Schenck, United Artists head, be- ish charities^ and while he was persimply crossed from Second Avenue cause of breach of contract. in London. fully equipped for 22 more patients, must re- Then he went to see all of the big to Broadway and are being produced. The whole trouble arose because orming he wore the traditional 'yarmelke" or skull-cap, worn in ' The new civilization must be reared not on main empty until friends of the hospital provide chain druggists. The upshot of it all iA English instead Of Yiddish. ! the contract stated that the songs the synagogue. is that several thousand drug stores fighting, but on fraternity, the pastor points out. funds for maintaining the building: at capacity^ in New Ydrk are now selling books Just now fotf ' instance, along for her pictures would be written by Before Professor Einstein played, "To be reaching out brotherly hands to foreign The records of the hospital office show far more at bargain prices. Feldman is now Btoadway, there are Mendel, Inc., her husband, Billy Rose. The movie Herman Jadlowker, former star of powers ..and; alien peoples—to be uttering pro- than 22 applicants who heed this service, and called the Ford, of the book business. in which Alexander Carr is playing magnates, however, found Rose's the German Eoyal Opera House, lyrics so flat that they've a&kei sang some Hebrew prayers in mastests of good-will to folk across the sea while certainly the worthiness of this cause will appeal And all this lawyer had was an idea. and "Josef Suss" in which the fa- Miss Brice to seek new quarters. terly fashion. Jadlowker has been mous Maurice Moscovitch is starring. we practice all sorts of intolerance to those at to our generosity to sUcti ah extent as to speed- What the Audience Said Both are plays with a fundamental Recognize Jewish Frat engaged as "Oberkantor" or chief home is to be guilty of hypocricy in the first ily dispel this ohfe cloUd. There are people who still go to Jewish appeal, and they are drawcantor, of the temple. E*ston, Pa.—Full recognition < degree. To bring \abput^ peace, we niust begin banquets and such things to hear the ing good-siied houses. the Towers fraternity at Lafayette Kehillah Head Honored speakers on the program. But the with our treatment of the Jew." . college has been granted by the The Stage, Violin and Pants Vienna.—President Miklas of Ausreal fun is in hearing the audience. We are certain that the Jewish people/Will fHE UNWISE DIS^fttBUTldN OF WEALTH There was the banquet recentlj of Incidentally, Moscovitch has three School authorities, making this th tria has awarded a medal to the ; Paeans of praise have been sung throughout go more than half way to meet the .sentiments the sons. One is Nat Madison, an actor, first Jewish fraternity to be recog president of the Jewish Kehiilah, land recently to the great wisdom and sagaci- the Zionists tendered to General who Pick, for his (Krvicee to the Ausis -expected to be seen on nised at the institution. expressed by Dr. Howard. Over twenty-five ty manifested by Cdnrad Hubert who had ania§s- Smuti, for instance. At present there are over 10' trian republic as "GeneraloberstabsBroadway soon. The other two have hundred years ago, projpHets of Israel were #rd^ ed a fortune of ten million dollars,.the larger paxi Jacob Fishman, editor of the Jewish students at the university awt" (chief physician of the general s as their surnames Maaskoff. Anton Morning Journal, at one table after claiming a day '•bf :-world •righteousness and of which he left to be distributed at the discreMaaskoft is said to be a Very fine and they have been especially active staff). human justice based, on the Fatherhood of God tion of prominent American citizens whom he the address of Smuts casually re- vilinist and Harry Maaskoff is the in all fields of endeavor. marked, "he ought to be elected Soviet Unbends and the brotherhood of man, and ever since, fctir himself did not even choose. _ business member of the family, fie Einstein Theory president of the Jewish Agency." Moscow.—The presidium of the At the risk of striking a jarring note, we Isaac Landman, editor of the Am- is in the pants business iil London. religion, our history, our mission have pledged New York City.—What is believed Soviet Union central executive comVenture to suggest that this unusual procedure us to a policy of peace between creeds. Hebrew* and a non-Zionist, There you have a typical vocation to be the first practical application mittee, the highest government body on the part of Hubert was anything but wise. erican for a Jewish family— of Einstein's theory of TClatr in Russia, today .resolved td reIt is therefore especially, gratifying to riote Hubett>\it wjll be remembered*, was originally casually remarked: "That 's the best combination the stage»*the violin and non-Zidnist speech I ever listened forms the substance of a JKtper de- instate thousands Ot Jewish tangible evidence.:; of a growing spirit toward a Chaiiti. Horwich, and came from the town of to." livered by O. Ackermann, electrical ers in their election tights, thus flvAge and Beauty more friendly .attitude of one religion to another Minsk in Russia. Partly through his business Spread a little sunshine every day. engineer, before the winter Conven- ing them a new possibility of enterreligion—of one iiaith to Another" faith. With acumen and partly through sheer circumstances, The Color of the Heart That is the mbtto of this depart- tion of the American Institute of ing the collectives, joining the cowas able to amass the large fortune which he Not all the wise-cracks are made sermons of this nature, with the establishment he left. Bearing these facts in mind, one can hardly by Jewish wits. There is.the story ment; and so We are glad to bring Electrical Engineers. By using the operatives and not being expelled of Committees on Good-will' between Jews aiid regard the manner in which he provided for the that Dr. JSnglahdei' of the Hebrew some good news to the girls, God Einstein theory Mr. Ackerirtann de from the artisans cooperatives or Christians, with the interchange of pulpit be- distribution of his wealth as wise or praiseworthy. Union college tells of the days when bless their innocent hearts, today. •veloped a hew formula to indicate loan societies or dwellings. This decision, of the Zik, as the tween Rabbi and minister, arid with the meeting The sum of six million dollars of his money that he was, I believe, Eabbi in Provi- We were speaking the other day the voltage of a lightning surge ort central executive committee is known, an electric power line. of various seminars, religious intolerance (usu-| has been distributed among more than thirty- in- dence, Where iriy good friend, Dr. with Abel G. Warshawsky, noted is extremely important fdr it Means artistr now exhibiting in New York. Judge Sale Dies stitutions will unddubtedly subserve good pur- Gup, flow officiates.. ally the result of misinformation and misuilder'-' poses. tremendous relief for the declassed Just dropped in from Paris. Yet, for a Jew from Minsk to hazard the Well) one day* Dr. Englander was St. Louis.—Local political and Jewstanding) is gradually receding. disposition of his wealth by people whom he did up for an address before some col- My consolatory words are address- ish circles are mourning the death Jews, and on the other hand ifc a We earnestly hope that by a spirit of not even chose and for purposes which he did not ored organization. In presenting him, ed solely to the girl who feels that of Judge Moses N. Sale of the Cir- body-blow for Jewish communists' 5f liquidating the Jewish exfriendliness and afnity between religions we can indicate is, to say the least, a most unwise pro- the colored toastmaster concluded his she is beginning to leave her youth cuit Court* who died following an policy traders as was done with the kulaks, behind. Well, take it from Warcedure. It so happened that among the three peroratioii with the following: illness frBm a complication of diobtain a deeper understanding of the commandwhom his lawyer and his banker chose "I want to say that though Dr. shawsky, who specializes in painting seases at the age of 72. Judge or wealthy peasants. ment that kindness, love and sympathy must persons to distribute Hubert's wealth, there Was Julius skin is white, his heart the beautiful, very young girls are Sale, a democrat, was" twice elected Sentenced tor Libel govern the relationship of neighbors. In that Rosenwald whose very presence in the council of Englarider's not beautiful. Girls, he holds, are in thiS Republican city. His death Bet-lin.—A court in Cologne has is as black as any of ours." way only can we have all. the families of the the three made some allocation to Jewish institulike that other intoxicant, wine. They ends a eareef bi 50 years on the sentenced to six months in jail the must suffer a litU§ fiJfst, h« holds, bench and Mr 6f St. Louis. earth united in brothei'hood, guided by the tions imperative arid, as a result, about fifteen Speaking of Ego editor of the "Westdeutscher Beobachter" for publishing recently in doctrine, "Only to do justly, and to iove mercy, p"er cent of the fund was given to Jewish institu- I don't khow how true it is, but for their true beauty to develop. Passe*; 82nd Birthday tions. Yet, suppose no Jew had been chbsen they db say that Shalom Asch, the They must suffer a littte fast, he his paper a picture which purported and to walk humbly with thy God." New Yo*k City.—In a message on to show a Jewish "ritual murder** airibhg the three arbiters of this man's fortune, famous and brilliant Yiddish novel- holds. What clearer beacon could illuminate the suppose that all three chosen had beeri Catholics ist had the habit bf going into book "There is Bebfe Daniels, fof in- the occasion bf his eighty-second and printing inciting headlines above path.to universal peace? For* "Have we not all and had devoted this entire sum to the building stores in which his workks were dis- stance," quoth Warshawsky. "She birthday Nathan Straus, referred to the picture. df a Catholic cathedral, which they would have played) and teliing the booksellers was, of course, never^ without charm, as the Nestor of American Jewry, one Father? -Hath hot eiie Gbd created Us?" had a legal right to do, would that have been in with pride that he was the Shalom btit now as she grows oider, there expressed the hope that the London To Suppress Propaganda keeping with what, we know of the psychology, Asch, whose name was blazoned is something Semitic that is com- naval conference would be success- Cairo.—In connection with the re| the preference and the outlook upon life to be across the book jackets. ing out in her countenance, and she ftilj and also stated his views on the cent distribution of anti-Zitthist pamthose of a Jew from Minsk who was born under It appears that this mild fever is now more beautiful than ever." Palestine situation. Declaring his phlets in Cairo, apparently part of The refusal of the highest tribunal of 'just- the name of Chaim Horwich? of the ego is rather prevalent among We never knew that Bebe was conviction that Great Britain will a definite propaganda scheme, Rabice" in Austria to grant a new trial to Philip of otir Jewish scribes. I was Jewish, but Warshawsky tells us fulfill her premise to the Jews, bi Nahum Effendi interviewed the We are calling attention to what to Us seems some Straus revieA#d the work that he under-secretary for home affaiifs. The Haismanj sentenced to death on' a trumped-up to be an Unwise method df distributing wealth, just listening to the story Bernard she is. And moreover, he holds has done in Palestine, work intended under-secretary agreed to suppress G. Richards tells of Schneur,, the there is none so beautiful as a beaucharge of having slain his father, marks a hew not so much because only a Small ~p^rt bf Hubert's equally for Jew and Arab. "I want the propaganda and ordered the Hebrew poetj who makes his tiful Jewess. ; chapter in the story of Tyrolean anti-Semitism fattune will be given to Jewish iristitUtibns, but famous peace in Palestine, but not a pefcce newspaper Alfatach to discontinue residefice in I'aris. Now, there ought to be plenty Of at Innsbruck, a story which' fairly reeks with chiefly because we feel that it is a,grave and It. seems that Schneur one day balm for Jewish "femmes" in that. imposed by pogroms. The Jewish the publication of the spurious "Proserious mistake to create the impression; as has while on an ocean voyage decided to Residents of Cleveland, in particular, pioneers in Palestine, who came tocols of the Elders of Zion" and ' the poisonous venom of shameless bigotry. largely been done by those who hdvg Unqualifiedly gaze at the watery panorama from where Warshawsky was raised ought there to live ana" work in peace, hav- some of Ford's writings. The trial was conducted in an atmosphere approved ing fled from religious hate and and praised Hubert's procedure, that charged with ahti-SerrUtism. §6 manifest and the Jtew is in duty bound when malurig beqllests the' vantage point of the captain's to get a special thrill. bigotry in other lands, will not per- Jew May Be Mayor (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish mit themselves to be terrorized or Berlin.—The likeliest candidate to so grossly obvious were the outeroppings df anii- to charitable and philanthropic caiises to be- bridge* "Say, you will have to get off Telegraphic Age"ncy, Int.) succeed Boess, who has just resigned. intimidated by misguided mobs queath the bulk of his money to nbii-Jewish inJewish prejudice during the hearing that the there—that's for the captain alone," as Berlin's mayor, is the present spurred on by dishonest instigators stitutions. There are many liberal minded and entire press of Europe, both Jewish and Chrissaid tine of the sailors. 50 Yearly from Non-Nordic mayor of the Kreuzberg district, Dr. and egotistic ringleaders." truly charitable Christian people who make chartian, has bitterly and vigorously denouced the itable arid philanthropic bequests. Yet, we are "Don't bother me," replied Mr. Cape Town.—A bill providing that arl Herz, a Jew. Dr. Herz has a only 50 immigrants per year be adrace prejudice bf the Austrian courts. Jews and not aware df any feeling pn the part of the Chris- Schneur. rother who is a Chalutz in Pales'Say, that's not for passengers— mitted from countries other than, Other Countries Christians alike are demanding justice for this tian that they riiust bequeath.the largest part of ine. : that is for the captain alone," came the British Cdmmbnwealth, the Unityoung man who is being pr0gi 6i1ied to his death their fortunes, or any part for that matter,-to another sailor in a few minutes. Named Honorary Mayor ed States and 12 countries in Eu- Lady Reading Dies by Innsbruck hooligans, for xio other reason Jewish institutions: Berlin.—Hassloch, a town in the "Don't bother me," snapped Mr. rope, was introduced into the South London.—Lady Alice E. Reading, This is not the first time, of course, that the Schneur. heinpfalz province, elected the Jewexcept that he is of Jewish origin. African parliament by Dr. Daniel wife of Lord Reading, Anglo-Jewish ol a Jewish philanthropist's fortune has Finally, the captain came along, "I Malan, minister of the interior. Statesman and former Viceroy of In- ish KehiHah leader, Leo Locb, as its But this case is not a new manifestation in bUlk gone1 to non-Jewish institutions. The large for- am sorry—you will have to leave. If the restrictions are adopted dia, British Ambassador to the U. honorary mayor. the histdry of Inttsbruck and the surrounding tutte of the outstanding American Jewish philanplace is set aside for my ex- tficy will fall particularly hard on S., Lord Chief Justicfe and Attorney- Rulers May' Visit country. This stoie Innsbruck, it may be remem- tnfdpisfc df the past century, that df JUdah Touro, That clusive use." -which for four years has General, died here last week. Among Paris.—King' Albert and Queen bered, was the scene of the beginning bf the was left mainly to non-Jews and non-Jewish "Say, listen, captain," replied Lithuania led the list of countries from which the myriad of messages of sympathy Elizabeth of Belgium are planning Andreas Hbter revolt a little over a c'^iitUlyago. causes. The largest part df the more than fifty- Schneutj ''do ydu know that you are immigrants have come to South •was one from King George and an early visit to Pale*stine. When Hbfer aiid his cohorts wbn their freefldm one million dollars that were given to education speaking td the greatest living He- Africa. Queen Mary. philanthropic causes by Jews of the United brew poet?" Lady Reading, whose name was Einstein Honored from the Bavarians arid the French, the out- and States during the bast year went, not to Jewish "Oh* how do you do, I am so Rosenwald Gives $50,0b0 Prague.—TWe grand cross bf the Alice Cohen, married her husband breaks at Innsbruck began with excesses against institutions aiid movements, but to those of non- glad to meet you, Mr. Bialik," Order of the Lion was aifc^rded to New York City.—The Social Sci- when he was Rufus Isaacs, unknown the Jews of that city, despite the fafel that the Jewish and general character. And we have no beamed the captain. Lewis Einstein, the retiring Amerand penniless. It was throug-h her ence Research Council has announced Jews had supplied the reVoltei?s with the nnari&es fault to find with these pnilaiithfogists. But, We ican minister to Czecho-Sldvalda> by efforts that he todk up his study of a gift of $50,000 from Julius RosenI'd Like to Know Dr. Eduard Penes, foreign minister. necessary fdr the machin^tidhSi Further, in a do think it an indication of folly for any Jew, Things Where a good Jewish boy like F. wald, of Chicago, which will be Used Jaw. village eiose to Innsbruck a medieval blood libel who has acquired health td give his fdirturie away P. A. columnist of the New York for the establishment bf additional Lord Reading said of his wife that He was the guest at a farewell rewithout evert ihaking sure that his own people Worid, raised on the west side of fellowships in the social science de- "she encouraged me when the sKies ception attended by the entire diaccusation of the most unspeakable brutality will be benefited by the results of his labors.—The Chicago, got such a Nordic name as partments in southern universities. were black and cheered me when plomatic corps toot places mafeng-stfeti att impression on these




Jewish Ledger.


FIRST NATIONAL Cities Service Co* Is Largest Business Romance of a ± Producer of Highgrade Crude BANK HAS LARGE Immigrant FOREIGN DEFT David Sarnoff's Spectacular Rise from Office Boy Oil in Mid Continental Fields Henry L. Doherty Makes Heavy Purchases of 1 Oil Companies Upon His Return from Europe

Thoosands of People Annually Use This Service, Which Is Featured

to President of R. C. A. Reads Stranger Than Fiction

The First National Bank of Oma- Young men may shrug their should- novelties to supply a short living fad ha has one of the largest foreign ers at the slogans of America and and the first broadcasting programs -Henry L. Doberfcy & Company an- oil deals consummated in recent departments of any bank in the mid- call them a lot of hallucinations. But were looked upon as a passing phase. nounced today that negotiations have years. This acquisition follows clofie- dlewest, according: to an announce- the meteoric career of David Sarnoff Some of the most progressive busibeen completed, subject to stockhold- ly upon the return of Henry L. ment recently. Th& .Kir^;ilatiuraal is concrete evidence that the Americ- aess men shook their heads after ers* action, for the acquisition of Doherty from Europe, •where he has Bank has always ; featured its for- an business arena holds more ro- listening to the enthusiastic descripeign department, and thousands of mance that is to be found in any tions of the future of radio as paintlarge oil and gas holdings in the been for several months. When interviewed in his apartment Omaha people \use,this service each other sphere, for if ever a man start- ed by young Sarnoff. Mid-Continent from Foster Petroleum .:: '"':." ; ": ' ,".'""': V" L.ed at the bottom of the ladder to The energetic young man was unCorporation, particularly in what is in the Savoy Plaza regarding this year. . transaction, Mr. Doherty said: "The Special attention" has "been given daunted by the general skepticism climb to the top rung in a short known as the Oklohamo City pool. Cities Service interests acquired a thiB property to be acquired by In- majority interest in the Indian Terri- to the ^position of manager of the tinte, that man is David Sarnoff, new concerning broadcasting as an art dian Territory Illuminating Oil Co., tory Illuminating Oil Company in ftirtdgn department in Girder to pro- president of the Kadio Corporation of and made such headway that the vide a. most courteous service to the one of the largest producers of high 1912 from the late T. N. Barnsdall. hundreds of foreign-gpeaking: people America, one of the foremost of our very Fame phonograph manufacturers who but a few years before had discountry's corporations. grade -crude oil in the world. With this acquisition, the Indian who patronize this department. Each "Born in Southern Eussia less than regarded his advances, were glad of Foster Petroleum Corporation's in- Territory Illuminating Oil Company year hundreds of Omaha Jews send thirty-nine years ago, David Sarnoff t£e opportunity to negotiate with terests in the "Wells already drilled in will become one of the most import- money to their relatives and friends was brought to this country when ten him. the Oklahoma City field have a ant subsidiaries of Cities Service in fearope, Especially during the years old. The death of his father a • Always a step ahead of the next Chanukah and Passover seasons. potential production exceeding 95,000 Company." few years later shifted the burden of fellow, Sarnoff was a pioneer in the barrels daily and when combined "with" Mr. Doherty said thai further con- Thfc foreign department • of the supporting, the family onto David's field of sound-film system of reprothose completed by the Indian Ter- solidation of oil interests throaghtrat First National Bank is equipped to shoulders. He started out by selling duction and recording. He was the ritory Company will bring the corn- the country would assist materially handle any kind of foreign fiduciary newspapers, but eventually secured first president of the Photophone Orparries' combined total production in in the elimination of waste in ptb- transaction. A large part of its lms- a job with the Marconi Wifeless ganization and then obtained an ininess is in the sale of travelers' Telegraph Co. as an office boy. This terest in the Kadio-Keith-Orpheum the Oklahoma City pool alone to ap-jduction. job proved the inspiration for his theatres and in the motion picture proximately 400,000 barrels daily. "In my opinion/'said Mr. Doherty* checks and letters of credit. These companies have completed " ' ' a "this country has been1 and sfill is The First National Bank of Oma- later career, for he mastered all group controlled by them. After betotal of 43 producing wells in this nrofligate in the mattei of handling ha was first organized in Omaha in angles of this field of endeavor. coming president of this new organitield and are drilling more than 100 our oil and natural gas reserves. Tor August, 1857, as Kountze Brothers. When the Radio Corporation of zation* Sarnoff became one of the years I have b^fen devoting my atten- It was the first real bank in the America Was formed in 1919, Sar- leading factors in the recent developadditional -wells in proven areas. The price paid for. the property tion to this problem a n d I expect to city. In 1863 It received it» national noff's studying and knowledge proved ments of electrical entertainment. acquired from the Foster Petroleum continue to devote my e&orts to the charter, soon after the passage of of indispensable value and he rose* Twenty years is not a long time, Corporation was not learned, but stabilizaidoi of the oil "business and the national banking act by Con- repidly in the organization's offices. yet in these two decades, David Sarfrom the extensive holdings involved, the conservation of these natural re- gress. A practical dreamer, Sarnoff did Today it is one of the outstand- more than any other one figure in it is known to be one of the largest sources." ing financial institutions of Omaha's the radio industry to make radio trade area. what it is today. He assisted greatOfficers of the bank are: F. H. ly in developing the trans-oceanic Davis, president? C. T. Xountze, vice- wirelesc communication to every leadpresident; E. L. Broste, vice-preri- ing country, and he fostered the dent; Denman KoUntze, vice-presi- establishment of high-powered broaddent; J. T. Stewart HI, cashier. casting stations in the leading cities of the world. Youth is a blunder; Manhood a Sarnoff's faith in the future of New Banking Interests and Stay of Court Proceed- struggle; Old Age a regret.—Dis- radio was firm, even when manufactured receiving sets were considered raeli. ings Make Avoidance of Receivership

noff has become a guiding force in business affairs, a worthy and notable product of American tunity. Seize the present day. —Horace. The waste of plenty is the resource of scarcity. —T. L. Peacock.

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Net exports of gold In January amounted to $1339,000, as against $73,?12,000 in December. Net exports of gold for the three months ended January 31 totaled $97,715,000. The largest shipment* in that period were to France.

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Staying of hearings on the Fox. Film- Corp- receivership by Judge Frank ~3. Colemah in the New York federal court on consent of all parties gives an additional two weeks to prepare a plan for rehabilitation of the company, and it is believed this will permit a receivership to be avoided. Difficulties have apparently been adjusted to a great extent by entrance of new banking interests into the situation. According to a statement prepared by William Fox, the plan does not involve any reorganization, no new financing will be necessary, and there will be no disturbance to class A stock. . Judgments Against Fox -No Cause for Alarm In regard to a number of judgments entered against Fox Film Corp. on behalf of various banks, including a judgment for $342,158 for Public National Bank & Trust Co. of New York and one for $353,740 for Chase National Bank, Mr. Untermyer issued the following statement for the corporation: "I have asked on behalf of the management of Fox Film Corp. to answer publicly in this way the many inquiries frdm its subsidiary compan-


ies, its stockholders and others iroin various parts of jbhe country as to the meaning of the large judgnients'that are being entered by banks and their effect on the financing that is now under wajv: " •' "Annouiicement of these large judgments that are being entered frolll day to day seems to bfl ia^eatlrif considerable misunderstanding tod alarm, and it should be explained. "jftrrpose of banks Iti entering, these judgments is undoubtedly to liquidate their CI«JTTIB to enable them "to act promptly to prefect themselves in case 'the financing plan now in progress should unexpectedly fail. ^ am asked to convey further assurance that the business was never so prosperous, that it is being prosecuted and all preparations made by Mr. Fox for the coming season without the slightest interruption in the ordinary bourse of business." Repeated assurances have been given that the company is solventi Pres. Walter S. Gifford, of American Telephone & telegraph Co., made a statement to that effect, at a hearing before the Senate Interstate Commerce Cemmittee, declaring American Telephone was hot worrying a'---t its investment in the company.

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PAGE'S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1930 "Would you like to take a walk?" he ventured. "A walk?" she laguhed scornfully. "It's cold." When Joe came, into the room, Harry sprang away from the window. He had not forgotten Joe's warning. Late that night, after Harry had taken his suitcase and departed for the flat where his aunt and uncle were waiting anxiously for him, Mrs. Gold spoke seriously to Bella. "A fine feller your brotlier brings into this house! Can't even make a living. A ne'er-do-well, a grafter, with no sense, no manners. He talked to Joe on the ferry and wouldn't let him go. Joe didn't want to bring such a feller in our house, but he couldn't get rid of him. He said if lie comes again he would throw him out. I l l give it to Joe, such a feller he brings in our house!" Bella listened without comment, as if the subject interested her

The Spectacular Rise of a Russian-Jewish Immigrant Appointment of Herman Bernstein as Ambassador to Albania Marks First Time Russian Jew Given Diplomatic Hbnors By WM. S. SPIEGELMAN Herman Bernstein has been- offer-1 ed-the post of-Minister to Albania! by- President Hoover... As a matter | • of routine the appointment .must be J. ratified by the United •' States Senate, j but there can be no .doubt that be-j fore spring sets , in, the well-known i Jewish editor will be on his way I to the little Balkan kingdom on the! Adriatic The news that Herman . Bernstein, one of the most popular • names in international journalism, will represent America as a diplomatic envoy in a foreign country*-.has aroused favorable comment everywhere. The significance of this Hoover selection transcends by far the political "importance of the diplomatic post. It marks a departure in the official viewpoint of Washington. For Bernstein is the first Rus-| sian Jew, born and bred in Russia, given American diplomatic honors. Herman Bernstein There have been other Jewish ambassadors, of course. Under past trate into the exclusive political republican and democratic adminis- world, and one of the very "few Amtrations, the Turkish ambassadorship erican cultural leaders who have ever was considered a Jewish post. The been chosen for such honors. With Strauses, Morgenthau and Elkus rare exceptions only wealthy personwere consistent evidence that there ages are considered for ambassadoris no religious or racial prejudice in ial rank. Here again Herman Bernthe American diplomatic-corps. Pres- stein has revolutionized the fixed ident Hoover is, however, the first though unwritten rule of official • • American President who has, in a Washington. • single . term, appointed three Jews The journalistic phase of his life to represent the United States as includes some of the outstanding envoys. -The selection of Guggen- scoops in the field of American newsheim and Ratshevsky for Cuba and paperdora. What the late Lord Czechoslovakia, respectively, while Northcliffe described as the "biggest meeting with general satisfaction in journalistic scoop" of the war was the Jewish world • of, America,- was. the 'acquisition and publication in accepted as a matter of fact. Both 1917 by Herman Bernstein of a serof these gentlemen are men of high ies of telegrams which had passed finance and have been active in Am- between the former Kaiser and the erican politics for many years. Their late Czar, revealing the fact that Jewish contacts, however, were of a the two autocrats had discussed a nominal character and their interest realignment of the world powers to in Jewish affairs of a philanthropic the prejudice of; Great Britain and nature. the United States. Besides representHerman Bernstein is the first ing, at various times, the New York JEWISH leader to enter the diplom- Times, the New York Herald, the atic field. This phase of the Bern- New York Sun, the New York Amstein ministership to Albania mus.t erican and the Seven Arts Feature be emphasized; it cannot be • sufilci- Syndicate as .special ^European corently stressed. It speaks, volumes responding Mr. ~-Bernstein "proved for the ; characters of both Bernstein himself a newspaper builder by and President HooVer. Let it also founding the New York Day, which not be-forgotten that Herman Bern- constitutes a new standard in the stein is the first representative of realm of Yiddish newspaperdom. intellectual American Jewry to pene- Here it should also be mentioned

that Mr. Bernstein always .• maintained close relations with and* a deep deep interest in the English-Jewish press, having held the deitorship of the American Hebrew at, one" time, and of the Jewish Tribune. < j ;

not at all.

His literary activities -are too maniHarry Breen did not again visit the fold for detailed mention. He has Gold's house. translated and adapted plays • by Spring came and Joe's business prominent Russian and German dramatists; many of these plays have grew better with the milder weather. been published in book form, and Bella, too, seemed to like the warmer several have been produced. Herman weather and often didn't come home Questioned by her Bernstein has also published a num- until very late. ber of books, the most important be- mother, serving her supper on the ing "The Flight of Time" (a book kitchen table, Bella answered with an of poems), "In the Gates of Israel" arch and secretive smile that it was (short stories), "Contrite Hearts" (a so nice she decided to take a walk On Sundays, novel), "The History of a Lie" (an before coming home. Bella rose early, packed a crackerexpose of the so-called "Protocols of. the Wise Men of Zion") and "Her-j box with hard boiled eggs and the bert Hoover, the Man Who Brought thinnest slices of bread she could cut America to the World". As far as and went off for the day. When she Jewish public service is concerned, came home in the evening, she was Herman Bernstein may claim a vital tired, but a happy smile hovered over She was gentler to her share in every important Jewish her lips. brothers and treated Joe with a specevent for the last twenty-five years. Also, few men can claim the cultural ial kindness which sent him out of the background of the new Minister to room whistling. At last, in May, Bella announced Albania. . r 'Albania may be a small country with a population that might be housed in a few side streets of New York. The ministerial post which Herman Bernstein will occupy in the city of Tirana may never be propelled into the spotlight of world politics, notwithstanding the fact that the Albanian capital is only a few hours distant from the fatal town of Sarajevo. There may be regrets in many quarters that Mr. Bernstein was not chosen as the American representative in Czechoslovakia, for his personal friendship with Benes and Masaryk would have marked him as the logical man to foster good will between the United States and the Czech republic. But despite all this the Herman Bernstein appointment will be received with sincere joy throughout America; for it marks definitely the coming into his own of the Russian Jewish immigrant. Moreover, Mr. Bernstein*s diplomatic career is just beginning; more will be heard of him. (Copyright 1930 by Seven Feature Syndicate.)

she was going to get married. There was a note of defiance in her voice, as if she had her back up against any opposition. . "Bella, Bella, my Bella," Mrs. Gold

SPORTS By STANLEY P. LEVIN The Peerless Cleaners doubled the score on the Psi Mu in the first game of the night when they trimmed them 30 to 15. Rosenblatt with 10 points led the scoring attack. Shriebman and Altshuler tallied 6 crowed. "Married and I don't even know who is the man!" "Oh, you know him all right. But no matter -what you say, it won't make anw difference. And Joe needn't say anything either. Besides, all the things Joe said against him weren't true, after all. Joe asked him to come here that night. And he does make a living, a nice living. We've been saving together and we've got enough for furniture already. Joe thinks he's the head of the family, but just let him try to stop me. Just let him and se what Harry has to say about it!" •• "Harry Breen! Such a nice 'feller^ When did you see him, Bella? He never comes here." "Of course not. Didn't Joe say he'd throw him out if he came. He called for me at the shop the next day after he was here. I meet him after work. Oh, mama, he's such a nice boy." "Sure, he is. A fine; husband for my Bella." Bella stood off and eyed her mother curiously. "But you said —" "I said.. What does it matter what I said? I said only what Joe told me to say." "So it was Joe. He didn't want me to get married, that was it." How surprised at the match Joe was anyone could see. How pleased —with himself—Bella never knew. But in later years he loved to tell how his sister Bella got a husband.

each. Cohen of the Psi Mu rang up ers", a South hijjh school alumni out7 counters to lead the losers. Epstein, fit this Sunday afternoon i.t four o'clock. The Packers are a member Marcus and Blend also scored. The A. Z. A. No. 1 team took a the Y. M. C. - .league and have 28 to 13 decision from their fraternal been playing good ball this y e a r . ^ brothers of chapter 100. Manny The game will be the 26th for thev* Goldberg and Captain Bill Gereiick Center who have as yet to face hung up 9 points apiece, while Bog- defeat. * • • donoff followed in with 7. The chapThe scheduled game between the ter 1 guards held the losers to only 4 baskets. "Murphy" White scored L icoln A. Z. A. and the Omaha 7 or over half of his teams total chapter for this Saturday night has score. Gross and Ferer contributed j been postponed until after the A. Z. A. tournament. The game may be field goals to the lost cause. The Kaplan Bargain Center took played later in February on the/!j)l> a forfeit game from the Segelman local cottrt. Service and then turned around and knocked off the Federal Reserve Bank quint, 18 to 5. Babich, Cackin Business Men's ^ind Riklin made the greater portion Bowling League of the Kaplan scores. Erickson was the mainstay of the Bankers. Won Lost A'ge The A. Z. A. chapter 1 and the Peerless Cleaners are still deadlocked Omaha Tobacco Co ...7 2 .778 Empire Cleaners ,_...5 4 .556 for the top with one loss apiece. Glazer Clothing 5 4 .556 * * • Kairaan Insurance 4 5 .444 The J . 3. C. girls sextette broke Malashock Jewelry 4 5 .444 into the winning' column the other Wardrobe 3 6 .333 night when they took the long end Omaha Tobacco pin tumblers conof the score m their game with tinued their top position by virtue the Y. W. C. A. Bertha Shafton w?s the outstanding player on the of a victory over the Kaiman Infloor, playing a good floor game and surance; while the Malashock Jewelry nosed out the Empire Cleaners garnering the most points. in a closely contested series. • • • The Glazers won from the WardThe J. C. C. varsity took the robe chiefly through the consistent Union Pacific Athletic club five to bowling of Ben Glazer, who sura neat trimming Sunday night when they hung a 55 to 11 def-ai. around prised the boys with his rejuvenated their necks. Johnny Rosenblatt, as form. usual was the big gun in the Center Morris Meyerson, youngest bowler scoring attack. Johnny is good for in the Omaha Bowling Association, from five to ten baskets in every excited the interest of all by crackvarsity game in which he starts. The ing seven successive strikes in his guarding flf the Center was flawless, second game, finally winding up with holding the Union Pacific to narry a a 254 count. His 192 and 154 game field goal 'till late in the last quarter game him the high total of the evof the tilt. Leroy Zust, former Tech ening, 600. high school star was the only man Other high single games were: on the losing team with the ability Ben Yousem 218, Max Weitz 209, to find the hoop for a few points. Max Altschuler 208, Melcher 205, The varsity takes on the "Pack- Glazer 204, Krasne 201, Eeiss 201.


•• r





In later years Joe Gold loved to The other nodded and began to tell the story . . . . . speak in Yiddish. He told Joe he He was twenty. Crouched in" a was selling Jewelry. Business with corner of the ferry, his black oil- him wasn't bad. But he was lonecloth covered pack at his feet, he some. He knew no young people of tried to keep warm by wrapping his his own age. He lived with his aunt arms across his broad chest, and uncle, an aged, childless couple. . Business was bad. It was cold. As he talked, Joe liked him more Women didn't like to open the door and more; In fact, he was soon con* to peddlers. His pack was almost as vinced that there was an ideal husheavy as when he went put. Closing band for Bella. But she would never his eyes, his mind leaped ahead of the look at him. Worse than short, worse plodding ferry to the flat, on Henry than fat, he was a greenhorn. The Street where the family was waiting Golds had been in America eight for him. Aaron, Louis, Dave and years and Bella thought she spoke Julius. Mama and Bella. He hated English with ho accent at all. to come home" without money. If The ferry docked . The young Bella wasn't there it would not be so man, whose name was Harry Breen, bad. She had a job in a shop and stood reluctant to leave Joe. Toevery week she brought home wages. gether they rattled across town in a She. would sneer* "See, you can't horse car and as they rode a plan get along without me. What would formed in Joe's mind. A bold plan, you do if I got married?" but a good one if it worked. But Joe wanted, his sister married. When they reached Henry Street, She was two years older than he and Joe rose. "Come with me," he said already Mama was crying. Nobody to Harry. "Come home with me for was good enough for her. She turned supper. It's lively in my house with up her nose at all the boys Joe the Kids. You can go home later." brought home. Shorty. Fat. Long Harry readily accepted the invitanose. Greenhorn. She had a name tion. His eyes glowed as if at last : for every one. he had found happiness. As they How cold it wr.s! Now was no went up the dark stairs, a gas jet time to think of his troubles. Push- faintly illuminating each landing, Joe ing his pack along the floor, he moved tookk Harry firmly by the arm and nearer the evil-smelling stove. It was whispered. "You're welcome to be late and the ferry was almost empty. my friend and come to my house. But Sitting down beside a young man who don't look at my sister! Remember!" clung to a large flat suitcase, Joe He pushed open the door and they eyed the stranger ..with shrewd ap- were surrounded by the shouts of the praisaL He had fallen into the habit four younger boys. , '•••:' of looking at young men with his Mrs. Gold welcomed the guest, sister Bella's eyes.j This one was bustled him out of his coat, and apolneither short, nor fat. He had a nice ogized for the meal and set a steamface;and his, neat black suit was new. ing plate of baked herring and potaMaybe Bella would like him. toes in front of him before: he had a "Spectacles?" ' Joe asked sociably, chance to look around. indicating the clat suitcase. Bella came in when they-were all The young man leaned, forward. He seated about the table. Joe saw her had heard but had? not understood. eyes rest with interest on Harry, "Greener?" Joe was disappointed. beaming above his plate. She stood

for a moment, framed in the doorway, her face rosy from the cold. Then she went to take off her hat and coat. When she came back, Joe introduced Harry. "You'll have to talk Yiddish to my friend," he explained casually, "He don't know much English yet." Bella's cordial smile fled. Her eyebrows went up and a proud and superior look spread over-her face. "It's not so easy for me to speak Yiddish," she said, taking her seat with haughty alofness. "Yah, yah," the younger boys began to shout. Bella looked at them scornfully and accepted with disdain the humble dish her mother offered her. Throughout the meal, Joe noted, Harry did not once take his eyes from Bella's face. All his remarks were addressed to her. And she answered in monosyllables. When the meal was over, Bella withdrew to the window, standing with her back to the room, gazing out on the dingy airshaft. Mrs. Gold began to clear away the dishes. Joe grabbed a plate and followed her into the kitchen. "Ain't he a nice feller, Ma?" Joe spoke softly, drawing his mother furthest from the door. "Such a nice feller for Bella." His mother dried her hands on her apron. "A nice feller, yes, but a greener. You know it's no use, no use with our Bella.'' Joe laughed. "She'll like him if we're smart. Now, you—" His voice sank to a whisper. In the dining room Harry was attempting t o . extricate himself from the playful antics of Joe's brothers. Slowly, with effort, he made his way to Bella's side. "Where do you work Miss Gold," he asked, attempting to draw her into conversation. Briefly she told him. '• . ;...

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*Wfiere Tews vvnere Do i^o We w e jews

PhiEpsilpn Pi toc \ Open New House HUNGARIANS


Of How Much Significance Are the Jewish Problems in the World Affairs? A Lesson Cleveland. (J.T.A.)—An appeal to the rich Jews of the world to withi and a Corrective hold financial support from the pres-

The new Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity houses thirty-six men including Later Kaplan, of Omaha, Harold Saks, Albert Harding, and Milton Krasne »f Council Bluffs, Louis Dimsdale, Igadore Lasensky, David Albert, Lionel London, William Krigsten, Sam Epstein, and Isadore Rocklin of Sioux City. Among those from Omaha who will attend the formal dance are the Misses Frieda Brodkej, Minnette Sterling, and Dorothy Muskrn.

ent government in Hungary as long as the present dictatorship and its anti-Jewish program last, was made By JOSEPH LEFTWICH here Sunday at the Temple by Count It ia something of a shock to any- ation at the Guildhall banquet spoke one editorial patting us and our as-Michael Karolyi, first president of one engaged in active Jewish work at a lenghth of India and Egypt, pirations on the head waa the only the Hungarian republic. He was and accustomed in consequence to of diarmament, of the naval confer- editorial the great newspaper had introduced to the large congregation think largely of the League of Na- ence, of unemployment, of a hun- ever written. I t smacks too much, by Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver. tions, in terms of the Palestine man- dred things, but in not one men-for an ancient people which has Count Karolyi devoted his address Bayenne. (J.T.A.) — Rabbi Abradate and the minorities treaties, to tioned Palestine. grown grey in the service of man-for the most part to an exposition ham Aaron Yoodelevitca, one of the find that at this moment, when celekind, of the youthful ardors of a Do we not recall also that when most noted orthodox rabbis » this brations are being organized every- iord Balfour attained his 80th birth- young aspirant to fame, who goes of the conditions of the Jews in country, president of the Jewish where, and ' articles, editorial and day, and the Jewish press was full about - hugging the few words of Hungary and the causes of HunMinisters Association of the Untied otherwise, are appearing in all the of eulogies of the author of the encouragement which a well-known garian anti-Semitism. His discussion was frank and he States and Canada, died «a Sunday newspapers and magazines of the Balfour Declaration, not a single critic once wrote about his work, at the home of his son, Ben Yood, world-on the occasion of the tenth London general paper in the long because he happened to be in a sus- did not spare the wealthy and inin Bayonne, New Jersey, at th« age anniversary of the establishment of articles reviewing the achievements ceptible mood and thought he might fluential Jews of Hungary for the of 82. Wt had been ill for the part the League of Nations, that no- of this British elder statesman as do the young man a good turn. • ' role they played in helping to bring to pass and to maintain the present six months. where do either of these two Jewish premier, as author of the Washing. :: The $65,000 Phi Epsilon Pi House We need * a corrective now andregime in that country. interests occur as among the im- ton agreement, as chief secretary in beauty-, isj the__cut_stone pilasters. Iowa City, Ia.—(Special)—One of Rabbi Yoodelovitch, noted for Ilk again, to bring us to our senses, and He discussed the recent alliance portant achievements of the League, Ireland, as an educationist, as a to remind us of the need of self- between the Pope and Mussolini and the high lights in the mid-winter so- These are placed at intervals around learning, was the author of several and the objects for which it is work- philosopher, so much as mentioned reliance, to teach us not to expect prophesied that pooling the interests cial season on the campus of the the house and serve as supports as books which dealt with twstialBliW ing. Not a single London newspaper Palestine or the Balfour Declaration, too much of other people who areof Papacy and Fascismo will in the State' University of Iowa will be "the well as decorations. The porte coch* Into orthodox Jewish law. The most in its long- reviews of the work of which one sometimes" thinks appears busy with their own affairs, and tolong run prove harmful to the Jews formal opening of the new $65,000 ere is supported fey four white pillars important ofthese works is the setthe League of Nations has spoken to be regarded by certain Jews a s Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity house, Sat- the fuH heighth: of the.".house, adding important of the works is the ssi> get us out of the habit of thinking and to liberalism in general. either of the mandate system or of Lord Balfour's sole reason for existurday, February 8, which will be to the aristocratic appearance of the the Fothers." that what matters to us most in all The count's message, which apthe minorities protection system. Be- ence, and assuredly, for fame. the world matters, therefore, also peared to make a great impression marked'by open house from two until house. He was born in Naiaredeek, ginning with Sir Eric Drummond . I t is painful, perhaps, to be pulled On the first floor of the house is a most to everybody else in the world. on his listeners, was his first extend- four in the afternoon and a formal Minsk, Russia, the scion of generahimself, the Secretary-General of the up sharply in this way and made dance from nine until one^ Three large lounge, a library, card room, and (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish ed public utterance in America on League of Nations since its founda- to realize our proper place in the hundred invitations have been issued guest bedroom and bath. The dining tions of noted rabbis. He was known Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) the Jewish question in Hungary. tion, in his article in the "Daily scheme of things, but a hard knock for the open house. A special house- room, chapter room, kitchen, and serv- as a child prodigy at the Yeahivab of Wolozhin. Rabbi Yoodelovitch News", and going on the leading like this now and then may do us Moscow.—Not 65;000 Jews need warming will be extended to the par- ants' quarters are located in the semi- was ordained at the age of 17 and article of the "Times", with all the a lot of good in the long'. run. We ents of the members, alumni, and facbasement. Eighteen study rooms for urgent relief in Russia, as stated by various shadings of the great Brit- are growing; too much in the habit ulty on the following Sunday, Feb. 16. two men each, baths, showers, and alter holding several rabbinates in the Jewish Communist daily "Ernes" Russia, went to England, where he ish press in between, the emphasis is of thinking that what concerns i. us The house, which completes the new dormitories occupy the two upper lived for twenty years. ten days ago, but 400,000, says an everywhere on the peace work of intimately must therefore concern inarticle in the same newspaper by L. fraternity circle overlooking the Iowa floors. the league. "Ten. years ago," astimately the whole of the rest of A color scheme of green and red• He came to the United States in Zinger, director of the Ort statistical river, is built of Georgian English Sir Eric Drummond puts it, "the the world. We are prone to dwell architecture with red brick construc- has been carried out in the drapes, 1969 and here he occupied rabbinical bureau in Moscow. Jacob Wasaerman has just brought world was divided into victors and upon the day or two in the; life of In a footnote to Zinger's article, tion set off by stone pilasters of white rugs, and furniture, designed espec- -positions in Boston, New Haven, vanquished. Today Geneva has be-a great man which he has happened out his perennial novel. "The Mauially for the fraternity by the David- •Bayonne and New York. His last Indiana limestone. come the pivot of the world's efforts to devote to U3, and to consider it rizius Case" (Horace Liveright) — the "Ernes" admits that its previous sen Company of Des Moines, aad the rabbinate was that of the Etdrife An outstanding feature of the house estimate of 65,000 was "absolutely to establish peace." as if it were the .'whole of his life; sounding dangerously like the title Marshall Field Company of Chicago. street synagogue, Manhattan. which adds both to its durability and to treasure one or two speeches oc- of a new S. S. Van Dine novel — incorrect". Even at the syangogue service arcuring among; thousands, as if they is the most scathing attack on justice ranged to celebrate the tenth anniwere all the speeches he had ever in recent times, written with that tiversary of the-league, Professor Gildelivered; to trpasure an editorial, tanic power and yet, artistic-restraint bert Murray, an outstanding protagone of two or three in one day outwhich are ever the attributes; of Wasanfst of the League of Nations, the of 365 in tKe year dealing- with sub- serman's pen. This; ia the nearest 1 Chairman of the Executive Com jects so far removed as the Chinese" approach to "The World's JUusion ? tee of the League of Nations Union; famine, the liberal .split, Shrovetide that Wasserman has as yet given us! and a member of the League's Comfootball, the National theatre or the The strange ease of Mauriaius—who mittee on Intellectual Cooperation, love affairs of Shelley, as if that released, after eighteen years of enconfined himself to dwelling solely, tombment in prison for a crime he on the ; peace mission of the league, never committed, and who, upon his its work in giving effect to the release, (a release made possible by prophecy of Isaiah—"That the nathe indefatigable labors of the young, tions shall beat their swords into sensitive Etzel) commits suicide beploughshares and their spears into cause prisoolife had already crushed pruning- hooks. Nation shall not lift WmJan.d,made. it impossible for. him up sword against nation, neither to harmonize Tm an ralien5: woirid—is; shall they learn war any more." told without passion or tenderness And of the future of the league? but with a . force that i s colossal. Those 'who say that .peace is a Beading, this book, one? regrets that r By dream, Sir Eric Drummond writes, Wasserman had not. turned his pen : are surely ignorant of what the • BERNARD POSTAL towards writing the Sacco-'&anzetti league has already achieved, and. the William.Fox, one of the king-pins saga,. If he (instead of Itfri;:Upton tasks of tomorrow, too, will be over- of r-the American movie .indnstry, Sinclair) had done it, w« might have come, disarmament, the limiting of whose meteorie career would in ithad a'modern epic. "The Mauirixius the huge armies and fleets of the self "make a fine moving picture, is Case" will move you profowidly; it nations. now fighting tooth and nail to pre-is the best European novel to have In the future, too, the great work vent certain financial' interests- and come here, since Thomas Mann's T h e of the league, is peace. minority stock-holders' in his" com- Magis Mountain". - -: It is flattering to a Jew to think panies from ousting him from conhow Isaiah's wonderful prophecy trol. All the legal matters involved A book that all Jews will -find of stands at the head of every peace are too complicated for a layman. : interest and importance" i s A. "A. Rodeclaration, but it is also ironic that Mr.- Fox,; who was'• not" only; one of in Modern after all the years of nationalist tub5 thumping and knocking at the doors the pioneers in a great: industryj"i? thought ' (Sd-Art Publishers). Beof the European chancelleries and also a power in the film world to- wildering are Mr. Roback's revelathe League of Nations, it is still day.^ Many of the innovations that tions! We learn:that Cone's forerunr . ' '• the Jewish mission of the despised have revolutionized the movie in- ner was a Jew;, that all the proponassimilationists and the idealism of dustry in recent years came from 'the ents of psycho-analysis are Jewish; the Hebrew prophets that commands Fox studios and the displacement of that the foremost minds in contemthe respect of the world, not the en- Fox would be a serious blow; tb^the porary psychology, philosophy and deavor to restore a Jewish nation in industry itself.^. Xi-i'-\'.&~^-'^V.-i.->: science are; Jews. We learn the preponderance of Jews as editors, and its ancient homeland. Jews in baseball are far and fewas Nobel prize winners. We. , learn Coming straight after the flood of Palestine talkr and the rush- of between. So far as we know there the influence-of the 'tribes- of—Levi Palestine-'eifeigB. H i s a ruder awak- have been; no' Jewish managers and and ^ojtjten i ihfthe various • countries ening, butfaiso^a sobering corrective. the numbers of. players? Iiis; no% been toE the* worW? -Here, '<?£ one; fcookj It is a very necessary for us Jews imposing. The retirement this week Dr. Roback has neatly'summarized to put Clings into proper perspecr of Barney Dreyfus, owner'and pres- the Jew's paramount contribution $ tive. We thave^been-to> much like a ident of- ihe : National; LeagueKPittsyoung matt who: has' had "a- ;poem burgh -ieamy brings --.•.into-the;*'public printed in a great magazine, and for eye a character known, from coast Emil Ludwig and Lewis Mumford ever rafter tends to think lovingly of to coast in baseball circles but notcontributed essays to that valuable the magazine as his very own, blush- so well known in Jewish circles. anthology "Whither Mankind" recentAfter 30 years of actively run- ly published by Longmans, Green it ing: whenever n e hears its name mentioned, and then suddenly when ning one of baseball's most lucrative Co. And speaking of Lewis Mumthe magazine after ten years pub- properties Dreyfus has turned it over ford, his next book "Arts in America lishes a volume of the best poetry to his son. When he bought the since 1870" is the result of a series which has appeared in its pages Pittsburgh team in 1889 it was a of. lectures he._ recently delivered at finds that his poem has not been in- chronic last place club but in the 30 Dartmouth.....Emil Ludwig is vacayears that have elapsed since then tioning in Palestine, after which he cluded. We Jews, all small peoplesi are Pittsburgh has always been in the hopes to write a book about the Promised Land....Fannie Hurst's novel, inclined to exaggerate our own im-running for the championship. "Five and Ten", has been sold t o the portance, and to think that what is vital to ourselves is actually the New reports indicate that" Judge movies....As has been Stefan Zweig's center of the universe. Joseph M. Proskauer, Justice, of the remarkable novel, "Seargent Grischa". We have seen it not only in this Appellate Division of the Supreme ....Waldo Frank, who has been lecturone matter of the League of Na- Court of New York, is to resign ing in Argentine under the auspices tions celebrations. We Jewish jour from the bench shortly and resume of the Argentine Government, has nalists who have labored day andhis private law practice. Proskauer been unanimously elected an honora-; night over the news of the Palestine is one of the ablest and best liked ry member of the Sociedad Hebraica outbreaks, to whom every day jurists in New York. When Alfred Argentina (Hebrew Society of Arbrought its stack of tense reports Smith was governor, the judge was gentine)—This Society has but one who . found ourselves not long since one of his most trusted advisers and other honorary member and'he, too, plunged beneath the waves of resolu- was a member of the famous "kitch- is a Jew. He is Albert Einstein, the tions and the declarations of .the en cabinet" that helped the govern- celebrated scientist, who was elected historic Sixteenth Zionist Congress or make his four administrations so in 1925....Isaac Goldberg's latest book "The Art of Living" (Stratford Pub* and the Jewish Agency Conference, notable. felt it something almost of a perJudge Proskauer is a transplanted lishers) is shortly forthcoming. Gilsonal affront, when the great news- Southerner, hailing from' Alabama. berg Seldes, the well-known Jewish papers in their long and comprehen- After graduating from Columbia critic of the cinema and drama, has sive reviews- of the past year .gave Law School he began the practice of produced his first novels."The Wings not a line either to the one or the•law. .ih'yv.NeWr ;-:Tork add'' remained of ')thevEagle" (little* Brown). H* other. there to become one of "the city's still remains a fine critic. So were the Zionists amazed when outstanding attorneys. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald in his very (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish (Copyrighted by the Jewish Teleexhaustive review ; of the world situ- Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) graphic Agency Inc.)


The Book Case by David Ewen

Jews in the News


> .


' * '


' * - ,







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Plans Completed for Federation Banquet

Philip Klutznick Holds Audience With Brillant Address at Shaare Zion

R. H. Emlein Elected New Zionist Head Speaking from the pulpit of Shaare

"The Federation Banquet Deserves Support of All" Say Coinmunity Leaders

and. because the reasons underlying the clash made a re,approach.Tnent difficult for the present, but it i bound to come sooner or later."


Londdn.--The London Times reports from Jerusalem that the PalHelping Them Resettle Will estine government proposes to estabMaterially Aid Arab lish an agricultural bank there with Nationalism a capital of $2,500,000.

Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) — The Arabs ffNAI B'RITH COMMITTEES should literature is a very bad crutch, but help the Jews to resettle Pala very good walking stick.—Lamb. for the Jews can promote APPOINTED BY FRIEDMAN estine Arab nationalism in the Mid-East,

says Dr. Albert Einstein in a letter At a well attended B'nai B'rith to the English edition of the Arab Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, Mount Zion Congregation last Friday evenAt the last meeting of the Sioux Sinai Temple: "The Federation Ban- meeting, held last Tuesday evening paper "Felestin". Dr. Einstein's letPlans have been made to accom- ing, Philip Klutznick, national secremodate a large number of Sioux tary of the A. Z. A. Lodge, gave his City Zionist Organization Mr. R. H.quet will witness the gathering of in the Jewish Community Center, ter is a reply to the Felestin's reCity Jewry at the annual Federation views on "Jewish Youth of Today." Emlein was unanimously elected to the United Sioux City Jewry. The various committees were named for joinder to Dr. Einstein's article in banquet which will be held next "The perpetuation of Judaism is serve as president for the coming real strength and brotherhood of the coming year and two officers the Manchester Guardian. Tuesday evening, February 11, at dependent not only on Jewish Youth year. He will succeed Mr. Abelocal Israel will be unmistakably were elected to fill vacancies caused Dr. Einstein says, "You appear to the "City auditorium. The banquet alone, but on the co-operation of the Stillman. Mr. D. Rodin was elected manifested. The occasion will help by the removal of two members doubt that the' Jews want the friendAsk Your Dealer For A will begin at 6:30 p. m. and prom- young people of today," Mr. Klutz- vice-president, Mr. M. Baumstein, us to appreciate the work that is from the city. Leon Dobrofsky was ship of the Palestine. Arabs, but a elected to serve as corresponding recording secretary, Mr, M. Hendlyn, being done here by the Federation ises to be the outstanding event of nick, said. He compared their workman like myself, who believes that the Federation's activities this year. ing and staying together with Biblical financial secretary, and William Kan- and Community Center in behalf of secretary, and Mr. Max Haligman the future of mankind is based on those less fortunate and less happy as financial secretary. After the bus- mutual good-understanding among MUNROE FURNACE Mr. Mike Skalovsky is general times. After the services Mr. Klutz- tor, treasurer. : SUPPLY CO. Mr. Stillman, retiring president, than we are. To attend is an ob-iness meeting Mr. M. Mitchell of all the nations and that aggressive chairman of the affair. ' Mr. A. M.nick was the guest, of the local Toledo, O., a member of the B'nai ligation that rests upon every Jew reported that fifteen meetings have 1718 Cass JA. 4066-6 Davis will be toastmaster. The pro- A. Z. A. Chapter. nationalism is bound to collapse, is B'rith lodge there, spoke to the able to visualize the future wherein been held during the past year, at in the community." gram committee has made arrangewhich educational and cultural pro- Rabbi H. R.. Rabinowitz: "The members oft he club on the work of a peaceful effort will obtain between ments for a worthy musical programs . were featured. It was also Federation occupies a unique position the lodge. gram, several brief talks by reprethe two peoples who consider Palesreported that the S. C. chapter is in Sioux City Jewish life. It is the The committees include: Sick and tine their country. sentative men of the community, now in the Southwestern Region of symbol of union for decisions and goodwill committee—Max Lasensky, "The powerful Arab people should and a report for the year 1929-1930, "Manufactured in Omaha" by Miss Rose Lipman, superinten- • The outstanding evening of last the national organization. Kansas parties in Jewish life. To me, it chairman; Max Bergen, L Borshev- appreciate the necessity for Israel's dent of the Jewish Community Cen- weeks' social calendar was the Ca-City is the central location of this serves as a clearing house for all sky, J. Kuntz, Abel Dikel, Dr. H.return to his National Home in the •-.-.. " social drafts of indebtedness on theLevin and B. Shiloff. Entertainment ancient Jewish land and by com- BAKER ICE MACHBiE ter. baret Dinner Dance given by the district. The dinner arrangements are in Kadima organization Sunday evening Mr. R. H. Emlein was chosen as Jewish conscience. I am certain that committee includes E. N. Grueskin, bined efforts to help settle a greater the hands of Mrs. Sam Mosow, in the social hall of the Shaare Zion the official delegate to attend the n> conscientious Jew will be absent chairman; A. M. Davis, Ben Sekt, number, of Jews. I am convinced district meeting held in Omaha last from the banquet on February 11." Bob Sacks, Dr. H. M. Levin, L. that the sparks of life springing up chairman, and her committee' which Synagogue. consists of Mrs. A. Goodsite, Mrs. Mr. Morey Lipshutz, chairman of w e e k . • " . . . . . . '•_ -.; : •- ... ' - . . , . • . • . . Mr. M. E. Friedman, President of Feinberg, James Greenstone, Morey in the Arab countries will be greatly B. Sherman, Mrs. Max Broadkey; the program comitee, was the Chairmen of the various commit- the Bnai Brith Lodge: "I think that Lipshutz, Leon Dobrofsky and Ikehelped by friendship with the Jews. Mrs. Sloutsky, Mrs. Sam Lipman, master of ceremonies. The affair tees to serve the organization. for the Federation Banquet deserves the Levin. By-laws committee—H. N. I abhor a discussion of the events . Certified Public Accountant* 63S Securities Bid*. Mrs. A. L. Galinsky and Mrs. A. W.was carried out in Chinese fashion, next year include Mr. N. Sadoff, support of every Jewish man andSlotsky, chairman; E. E. Baron, Abe of August because they revealed the Kaplan. The committee in charge with the hall decorated in amber membership committee; Mr. J. Aiz-woman in our community. The H. Baron, E. J. Fribourg and E. W.nature of man in its lowest form AT. 4451 of the dining room includes Mrs. J. and black, the programs and table enberg, National Fund committee, Federation is doing work that is most Baron. A. Z. A. committee—M. E. Kalin, Mrs. M. N. London, Mrs. J. centerpieces in the same color, and and Mr. A. Stillman, educational and worth while and should have the Friedman, chairman; L. A. Baron, H. Greeriberg and Mrs. B. Baron. those participating in the program entertainment committee. interest of every organization and E. N. Grueskin, A. M. Davis, Morey Lipshutz, Abe Pill and Leon DoThe arrangements for the hall are costumed in amber and black Chinese The membership of the organiza- individual." HA rueJ 1664 brofsky. Budget committee—Morris i?tb «n« Martha Sts. tion has been doubled during the in charge of Barney Baron, Mike gowns. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, President of OMAHA. NEBRASKA Skalovsky and Eobert Sacks and Mr. A chorus by 13 oriental girls open- last year, according to Mr. Stillman. the Ivre Club: "To become intimately Pill, chairman; Wm. Slotsky, E. J. Soft gray, iron, Orass, oronze and aluminum castings. Standard sizes Morris- Lazriowich is chairman of ed the program. Specialty numbers acquainted with the work of the Fribourg, Eli Robinow and Barney oronza and iron bushings, sewer manBaron. Anti-defamation committee— ATlantic 6291 boles, cistern rings and coven and transporting the necessary articles on the program included a skit "RabFederation is the duty of every con:lean-ont doors in stock. All kind* of E. E. Baron, chairman; Rabbi T. N. J. M. JENSEN from the Center to the auditorium. bi Eli Melech" with Sovel Heshelow wood and metal patterns. scientious Jew. Attendance at the His committee includes H. Miller, and Elizabeth Passman taking part. Banquet not only will show your Lewis, Rabbi H. R* Rabinowitz and A. W. Kaplan and Sam Lipman. interest in the Jewish Federation, Max Brodkey. Membership commitIda Heshelow was the dining room Last year the' banquet was held hostess, with the assistance of Morey but give you an idea of the ex-tee—J. Kalin, chairman; Abe JacobCHARLES SIMON son, M. Albert, I. Marsh, M. Mason, in the Community Center, but it was Ruben. Mr. Will Baron, President of Berlin. (J.T.A.)—While the Ger-cellent work it is doing in our com- J. Mosow, Morris Weiner, M. Satin, Recommends J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor necessary to turn down so many ap- the Kadima, spoke a few words of man anti-Semitic newspapers con- munity." Charles Raskin; M. Lazriowitch, RuTHE SANITARY LAUNDRY "NEW FOR OLD" plications for reservations due to welcome to the guests. The oriental tinue to quote from Henry Ford's * Mrs. William-iazere, President of ben "Miller and L. ShindleT. Initia"The Best of All Laundry Serrteea* the lack of space that the commit- girls included Beatrice Levitsky, Eli- International Jew" and add that the Sr. Hr.dassah: "The Hadassah is 1619 Farnam St—Phone AT. 8481 tee decided to hold the affair in a zabeth Passnlan, Dena Baron, Ruth Ford denied his anti-Semitism mere- in hearty support of the Federation tion-committee—Joe Levin and John Levin, co-chairmen. Publicity—Molarger place this year, that would Bernstein, Thania and Sonia Broscow, ly because business interests dictat- and its splendid work. I trust that give all who desired, the opportunity Bertha Berkowitz, Rose and Marga- ed it, the Union Against Anti-Semit- every Jewish man and wonuur will rey Lipshutz. Try A AH to attend. • : • : ; , Y - - ; ! ret Kozberg, Dorothy Friedman, ism is in receipt of a letter from show, their interest in its activities Case Flavors • Every Jewish organization in' the Margaret Saitlnij Rose Reznick, Elea- the Ford executive offices in De- by attending the Banquet, the highRABBI MORRIS N. community is -giving the' Federation nor Lefko and Bemice Levine. Esther troit which denies that. Soda Water light of the year." TAXON SPEAKS AT thir cooperation in unlimited publici- and Pauline Friedman' were featured The letter, on Mr. Ford's ; behalf 4420 Florence Blvd. Gingerale COMMUNITY CENTER ty and support. in. a novelty, skit with Jackie Merlin. says first that the ex-chief of the and KE. 1500 Aged Jewess -Jailed Rabbi Morris N. Taxon^of Chicago, " Mrs? John Levin was in charge Russian secret police, Ratchkowskl, Near Beer The House With A ReputatloB Moscow.—^A five-month term in spoke at a well attended meeting at of the dining room, with Mrs. Mike and his assistant, Manuilov Manasprison for teaching Jewish children : sewitsh, never collaborated with the Jewish Community Center last Mushkin and MrsJ Sam Baron in Ford, second, that Ford showed the prayers from the prayer book night. Rabbi Taxon was formerly of charge of the dinner. courage and the correct attitude to- was meted out to Mira Goldberg, an Omaha. ward the Jews in saying, "I am aged Jewess in the village of SmoteBottlingCo. At the annual meeting of the . mistaken and I retreat" and third, vitch. ACCOUNTANT , RABBI LEWIS IS WE. 3043 Building Fund Committee of the this repudiation came when Ford's The woman was accused of mainAUDITS — — SYSTEMS PRINCIPAL SPEAKER AT Community Center on Wednesday business had reached its summit taining a cheder attended by ten 534 Peters Trust BldgjVT. 7611 evening, Mr. E. N. Grueskin, chairand therefore there was no ques- pupils, although it was established HONOR SOCIETY BANQUET The monthly Sisterhood Cafeteria tion of business considerations in- that the woman was illiterate and man, announced that the fund was Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis was the now ?13,864.45. The fund was ap-at Mount Sinai Temple was both fluencing Ford's condemnation of had taught the prayers from memprincipal speaker at the Sioux City preciably increased by last year's a material and social success. It anti-Semitism. ory. Central High School Honor Society building fund carnival, according to was under the supervision of Mrs. banquet held in the West Hotel on Sam Sarnpso;. and Mrs. A. L. Stein, Mr. Grueskin. Wednesday evening. Announcement was also made of co-chairmen. a gift of $10 to the fund by the 16th and Howard Streets Awnings, C'anvsn Cor«r», T*nt», Total in 1929. Paid by 27 Established Companies Gained Camp SnppU's, All Kinds Maccabbee club. . Hill Hotel Building 47% Over 1928 15 and Howard AT. 149B The date for the next annual carIndustrial activity and prosperity during 1929 have been renival was set as Tuesday, May 7. Rabbi Theodore, JH.. Lewis will BY PfBtlCATIOX. Mr. Grueskin is general chairman speak on "Youth and their Elders" flected in an expanding total of dividend payments by leading- com- City XOTICE of Omaha, ) panies during the year. Among a list of 27 representative inof this annual event. of Douglas ) s- s at services at Mount Sinai Temple' dustrial, utility and railroad companies which increased their County The total Liabilities, due and outstandthis evening. dividend rates or paid extra dividends to stockholders, the total ing, of the Fred Burbecb Tire Company. It Will Pay You to Inquire.

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paid in 1929 was $536,899,181, against $384,735,857 in 1928, a Mr. Max Bloom, a resident of gain of $152,163,324, or 39%. In the absence of complete annual Sioux City for 35 years, died sud- A. Z. A. CHAPTER reports the totals in some cases are estimates and many vary TO ATTEND KANSAS denly last Sunday evening of heart CITY TOURNAMENT slightly from actual figures. attack. Funeral services were held A diversified list of companies operating in various fields are in the home, 902 Maine street, Monincluded among companies showing larger dividend payments. Plans have been mad* by the day at 2 p. m. with Rabbi H. R. Payments by Anaconda Copper Co. show the largest increase with Sioux City A. Z. A. Chapter to atRabinowitz officiating. $42,753,253 disbursed in 1929, against $14,419,034 in 1928, a gain Mr. Bloom was born in Moscow, tend the Kansas City Tournament, of $28,334,219. U. S. Steel and Bethlehem Steel show the next which is scheduled for February 14, Russia, and came to this - country largest increases, while the oil industry is represented by Standas a youth. He resided in St. Paul, 16, and 16.' t h e Basket ball 'team ard Oil of New York. The utilities are represented by Public Minn.,- before coming to Sioux City will contend with other visiting Service of New Jersey and Consolidated Gas, while railroad inteams there and consists of • Is. to make his home 35 years ago. creases were made by Pennsylvania, New York Central and BaltiHe is survived by his widow, Mrs. Liberman, Dresmond Baiish, Dave more & Ohio. Ar.na "Bloom, two daughters, Mrs. Hurwitz, Abe Beechen, Hymie HurThe following shows dividend payments of 27 companies: Abe Pred of Kingsley, la., and Mrs. witz and Lou Slotsky. Charles Osheroff and Ben Simons will represent Increase 1928 A. L. Weiner of Sioux City; a son, 1929 $ 13,283.156 $ 49,813,645 Louis Bloom of New York; a broth- Sioux City in the Debating team. U. S. Steel................ $ 63,096,801 10,154,946 36,583,117 er, Edward Bloom of Los Angeles, Isadore Mirowitz has entered the Standard Oil of N. J. _ 46,738,063 11,026,788 32,909,565 and three sisters,' Mrs. Rose Rabi- Oratorical Contest. Kennecott Copper _ 43,936,353 /Other members wh6 plan to at5,358,110 38,171,621 nowitz, Mrs. M. N. London, and Mrs. Pennsylvania Railroad "43,529,731 tend the convention are Emil Levich, Anaconda Copper 28,334,219 14,419,034 B. Baron, all of Sioux City. 42,753,253 7,623,605 Mr. Bloom was an active membei Will Slotsky, Abe Baron, Philip Dob- Std. Oil of Indiana.. 40,040,133 ' 32,416,528 rofsky, Art Cohen, Max Rosenthal, Consolidated Gas „ 10,889,226 23,978,135 of. the Shaare Zion synagogue. 34,867,361 and Sam Epstein. . F. W. Woolworth 3,900,000 19,500,000 23,400,000 5,468,340 15,623,172 Mir. Philip Klutznick was a guest American Tobacco „ — 21,091,512 Shaare Zion 3,094,562 14,888,535 at the last meeting of the. A'. Z. A.National Biscuit ....._ _-- 17,983,097 "Should Jews Return to Spain" 6,821,735 11,163,425 Public Service of N. J. „ 17,985,160 will be the subject of the address 4,371,651 16,235,208 Union Carbide -..., - 20,606,859 Mr. Joe. Rosenthal is . recuperating this evening by Rabbi H. R. Rabino1,851,119 12,911,275 Baltimore & Ohio „..-...... 14,762,394 fiom. a recent operation on appenwitz at the Shaare Zion. 13,800,000 1,800,000 Bethlehem Steel .......... . 15,600,000 dicitis. He raturned to his home Rabbi Rabinowitz and Mrs. Rabi1,365,000 8,855,000 Corn Products 10,220,00 nowitz were the guests of the Oma- Tuesday aftei two weeks at the American Can 1,855,498 8,040,494 9,895,992 ; ha Conservative Synagogue over last hospital. 4,187,957 5,673,212 Montgomery Ward — _ . 9,861,169 week end. The rabbi delivered the 2,943,054 5,885,632 _ 8,828,686 Members of the Business Girls' S. S. Kresge „„__ sermon from .Rabbi Bengis' pulpit 2,749,563 4,713,537 New Haven -._. 7,463,100 on last Friday and Saturday morn- Club met on Wednesday evening at Commonwealth Power _ 7,402,743 2,430,840 4,971,903 ing. After the Friday evening serv- their regular dinner meeting. The National Dairy Prod „.- 7,314,766 2,709,310 4,605,456 ice the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Oma- J. C. C. Dramatic Club presented Ingersoll Rand 1,250,339 5,999,661 7,250,000 ha .synagogue honored the rabbi and "Good Medicine" for the program. 1,250,000 5,750,000 Coca-Cola Co. . ..„.— 7,000,000 his wife at a reception and tea. The Maccabee Club will feature on Cerro de Pasco 1,403,552 5,052,789 6,456,341 Over 500 heard the Friday evening their program next Sunday, after- Air Reduction 1,171,269 2,050,398 _.__._.. 3,221,667 and Saturday morning services. noon talks.by Mr. Frank Slotsky and Granby Consolidated ..._ 3,150,000 1,805,485 1,344,515 Dr. J. N. Lande. At their last meet- U.. S. Industrial Alcohol 1,064,000 1,380,000 2,444,000

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.$536,899,181 $384,735,857 $152,163,324

2f!l!) Farnam Street. Omnhn, Nebraska, as at this date, amount to $23,442.24. (Signed ) : FRED BURBECK. President. C. P. AYERS. Director. A. C! COWLES, Director.

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STAI-MASTEll & BEBER, Attornejs times a day we are in your 630 Omaha Kat'l Bank BIdgr. neighborhood PROBATE XOTICE In the matter of the estate of MEiTER GKEEN, (let-eased. Notice is hereby Riven: That the cre<liters of snid deceased "will meet the administrator of" said estate, before me. City Wide Delivery—— County Judpe of Douglas County, Nebrasks, at the County Court Room, in snid AT. 4750 MA. 4750 County, on the 4th day of April, 3930, and on the 4th day of June, 1030, at 9 o'clock Tune in KOIL every Tuesday A. M., each day. for the purpose of presenting their cl.iiras for examination, adat 10:00 A. M. for the justment and ailo«-ance. Three monfhs Leisure Hours program are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of March, 1030. BRXCE CRAWFORD. Feb. 7—3T County Judge. Harry H. Lapidus, Presiiient-Treasnrer JACK MAKER, Attorney County Court House PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of IKE FISHER, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased -will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County. Nebraska, nt the County Court Room, in snid | County, on the 4th day of April. 3930, and on the 4th day of June, 1030, nt fl o'clock A. M.. each day, for the purpose of presenting (heir claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present

their claims, from the 3st dnv of March,

1930. • BRYCE CRAWFORD. Feb. 7—3T County Judge. .

. - JACK MAKER, Attorney County Court House PROBATE XOTICE In the matter of the estate of FRANK W. MULLIN, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased trill meet the administrator of snid estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said Cotintv, on the 4th day of April. 1S30. and on the 4th day of June, 1930, at !» o'clock,A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of March, 1930. BRXCE CRAWFORD. Feh. 7—3T County Judge.



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