February 21, 1930

Page 1

"' Interesting and Entertaining

. -..Entered as second-class mail matter.*0 •pDstofi3.ee at Omaha, 2s ebra ska, tinder t.

In the '•"$n£erests of The Comm unity

ary 27, 1821," at ^ March 3, 1SZ&

Catholics, Protestants, Jews Join in Protest of Soviet Religious Ban Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope, ^rench Protestants Raise Their Voices Against Russian Persecution . Bome.—In a • letter addressed to' ery of religious ceremonies and deseCardinal Prmpili, Vicar-General operations." In is being recalled that daring the Home, the Pope has protested against religious persecution in Russia and Genoa Conference of 1922, when the called on Catholics throughout the Vatican participated in the negotia•world to pray for the cessation of tions, the Union of Polish Kabbis and the "moral destruction of a sixth also, the Agudath Israel appealed to „« of the oglobe. the Vatican to use its influence with part The Pope also invited the entire i the Soviet in order to obtain a cessa•world to join on March 19 in an ap-|tion of the persecution of Judaism in peal against "the undermining of re- Russia. ligion, the forced apostasy, the mockLondon London.-—Special prayers for those undergoing religious persecution *jn j Russia "were recited by the Archj bishop of Canterbury, primate of the Anglican. Church, when closing the Anglican Church Assembly. Paris Paris.—Rabbi Julian Weill, representing the Grand Eabbi of France, participated here in a protest against _____ the religious persecutions in Eussia.


tbnference of Jewish National ^ e ^ a m g , under the auspices of _i_ j x T> _ iJ x th French Protestant Federation, Fund to Be Held at w a s a t t e n d e d b y representatives of St. IiOTHS The local division of the Jewish National Fund mil be represented by two delegates att he mid-west conference of the organization to be ield at the Statler hotel, St. Louis, Mo., this Saturday and Sunday- Mr. M. F. Levenson, Omaha Zionist head and chairman of t i e local ^National Fund ^district, and Mr. Xiouis H. Katelman of Council Bluffs, accompanied by his wife, will make

the Russian Orthodox Church. The meeting was in the form of a service at the Oratoire, the Protestant church. Rabbi Weill's attendance marked the first occasion that a rabbi had officially attended a Protestant service here. The protest follows similar ones in Brussels, liege, Amsterdam and Geneva.

J.C.C, Girls WiU


Ability of Omaha Authoress Being1 Recognized . Listeners over W.O.W. Friday heard "Beauty Shoppe", an original philosophical .poem by Mrs. Philip Romenek, read inconjunction with verses by Helene Margaret, Mrs. Leon Smith and Mrs. Fred Rankin. These poems were selected" for a program whose purpose it was to stimulate creative writing in • Nebraska. • On April 19 one of Mrs. Romonek's original plays has been chosen to be presented at the Omaha College Club.

ANNIVERSARY OF HEBREW CLUB OBSERVED SUNDAY Judge Irvin Stalmaster Is Main Speaker; Kahanowitch Makes Hit The thirty-eighth anniversary of th«j Omaha Hebrew club was appropriately celebrated last Sunday with an open meeting at the Jewish Community Center, with approximately 600 attending. Ths event was the organization's mast successful affair of the year. Judge Irvin Stalmaster was the principal speaker of the afternoon, and i i s address on "Court Room Experiences" was well-received. The beautiful melodies of Canter S. Kahatowitch met with an enthusiastic reception by the audience. Other numbers on the program included Rose Brandeis, the Dolgoff sisters, Sylvia Silvefman, Gertrude Oruch, and Beulah Kay. Rabbi J. Sapir of Palestine delivered a brief address .on the conditions existing at present _in -tbe-sHoly, Land.*— -«- — - ., Sam E. Klaver, local attorney and president of the Omaha Hebrew club, who arranged for and presided over the affair, stated in his introductory remarks that the Omaha Hebrew club was organized thirty-eight years age by a handful of Jewish pioneer citizens in this city. The club spent over ?15,000 last year for various charitable causes and in assisting members and widows of former members.

On Sunday afternoon at "8:00 pJH. •• At this time all phases, of the the J. C. C. girls will meet>a; strong National Fund work will be thoraggregation of girls from the'Kansas oughly gone into. Quotas will Ire fcty."Y". Kansas City is .reported assigned to the various cities, and :ways and means ;of raising the funds as having an outstanding team and 1 yriXL be discussed. The drive of thequite a fray is expected. This game will be the preliminary National Fund will in no way conflict with the Allied Jewish Cam- to the game between the J. C. C. paign for the Joint Distribution Varsity and the Davenport Garage committee and the Jewish Agency. team. The Center boys are anxious ' Among the states to be present to add another scalp to the twenty are.Included Iowa, Illinois, Minne- six obtained in succession. sota, Michigan, "Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas. An important meeting of the local Jewish National Fund •will be held at •£he J. C. C. next Thursday evening, February 27, at 7:30. Every memApproximately 300 attended the anMrs. Irving Weiss was chairman of ber is urged to attend. nual Bridge Tea sponsored by the ths ticket sale. Local Zionist leaders hope that Council of Jewish Women at the Each year the money obtained the success of their campaign will Blackstone Hotel Monday afternoon. from the tea bridge is spent for.some be augmented by the addition of The proceeds of the affair, which worthy cause, and each year the atnew blood in the membership drive was an outstanding success, will be tendance and popularity of the event to start soon. Mr. M. M. Barish, in turned over to the Scholarship Fund, M E grown. Last year the proceeds charge of the campaign, states that a n e w feature of the social service helped furnish the Sun-Room of the plans are being formulated at pres- v/ork of the local Council, though Wise Memorial hospital. ent and he hopes to get the dr%e similar work is being carried on by The winner of the first scholarship Tinder way some time next week. the -various Council sections through- tc • be given by the Omaha Council Committees for the membership out the United States. will be announced sometime in the campaign will be announced by next Ttfany attractive prizes were given near future. week. at the affair, and a card table was raffled off. Most of the prizes and the food were' contributed by members of the organization, while the Blackstone management donated the rooms and the tables. Delicious refreshments were served at * the con- Miss "Rose Brandeis, daughter of In celebration -of the success of clusion of the afternoon's program. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis of its- first concert of the season held Those in charge of making the af- Council Bluffs, Iowa, will participate the evening of January 28, members fair such a huge financial and social of the Center Symphony Orchestra success were: Mrs. B. A. Simon, in her Sixth Annual recital to be •were entertained Tuesday evening, chairman of the Ways and Means given on Tuesday evening, February February 18, at the Jewish Commun- Committee; .Mrs- David Peder, chair- 25th, at the Schmoller and Mueller ity Center. Members of the Tech man of the Scholarship Fund; Mrs. Auditorium, 1514 Dodge Street, in : High Male Quartette which assisted Harry Rachman, chairman of Hospit- Omaha. This time ii is a two-piano and the orchestra at its concert were ality; and Mrs. L Zeigler, chairman solo Tecital. Assisting Miss "Brandguests of the orchestra. of Courtesy." Each of these was asAnnouncement was made of the sisted by the members of their var- ek on the second piano will be Edward Row of Omaha. winners in the ticket sale contest ious committees. The public is cordially invited to held among members of the orattend this Tecital which will be held chestra. David Goldware won the London.—The Jewish Peace Society first price, Esther Stein, second, and of Great Britain and Ireland today at eigflt o'clock next Tuesday evening. Harold Finkel, third. . issued a statement declaring that the They are pupils of Cecil Berryman The committea in charge, of the American offer to reduce its naval of Omaha. affair was headed by Miss Florence strength in proportion to any standLevy, who was assisted by the Misses ard—however, low—which the other Nell Marks, Lillian Levy, Ine Jacob- powers may accept, holds out the RABBI SAPIR HERE son and Mollie .Jacobson. possibility of greater disarmament Eabbi N. Sapit: of Palestine is Preparations are already being than ever before. The Jewish Peace •visiting in Omaha in the interest made for the second concert of the Society urges His Majesty's Govern- of relief for rabbis, widows, and reseason to be held, at the Jewish ment to take the fullest advantage fugees who were victims of the reCommunity Center on May 20. of this opportunity of bringing about cent disturbances in the Holy Land. The orchestra is headed by Mr. in cooperation with the other, powers Last Sunday he. spoke before the Frank Mach as director, Miss Ine 3' radical reduction in,all classes of Omaha Hebrew club. Jacobson, president, and Miss Flor- war vessels and the total "abolition From here Eabbi Sapir will tour of battleships and submarines." , enct. Levy, secretary and treasurer. the surrounding territory.

Annual Bridge Tea of Council Huge Success


Rose Brandeis Will Give Recital Tuesday

VOL. VIII,-—No. 6

"A Country Without Jews Cannot Continue to Exist," Says Bolitho Famous Journalist Finds American Civilization inllts4 Most Worthy Points Very Strongly Jewish By Willliam Bolitho as told to Jean Jaffe


than ever that a city without Jews and, of course, a country without Jews, cannot exist. It has occurred to me while on a Sioux City Rabbi Will Occupy the Pulpi; of Temple Israel recent trip to Chicago, that this Tonight metropolis of the Midwest is so unleavened in quality and so lacking Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Mount in personality because it is not garnished with a sufficiently large Jew- Sinai Temple, Sioux City, la., will ocish population. I have found the cupy the pulpit of Temple Israel this capitol of the United States intolerably provincial for the same reason. Washington lacks a certain vibrancy and colorfulness that, only a representative Jewish community can produce. Later I found that this very lack of mellowness and maturity in this city affects in the same way most of the others who come from large cities •which were given their character by the Jews. The foreign diplomats admitted that Washington drives them crazy with its unseasoned atmosphere and thin air. And in this beautifully avenued city on the Potomac they find life entirely too uninteresting.

The autlwr of this -marvelous ar- and writer, I was inevitably placed ticle has earned for, himself the ap- close to them and have grown acpellation of "the incomparable Mars" customed to work with them at evby virtue of a' super-intelligence, a triumphant rationalism, in editorial- ery turn. In my student days at izing, and a style which swirls and Capetown, on the battlefield at the eddies, containing. a_ breath-taking Somme, in Paris where I subsequentamount of information about life ly served as correspondent of the and people. His recent book, "Twelve Against Manchester Guardian, and later on the Gods," is being acclaimed as one my deserted farm in Avignon, where of the most remarkable books in re- Jews are scarce and unindentified, I cent times. He also received wide recognition for'his work in writing found myself living in a Jewish "Leviathan" and "Murder for Prof- household. it". Known for his journalistic feats, Here in New York, now, I have he is at present feature writer for\come t 0 the conclusion more firmly the New York World.—The Editor. One of the most amazing things I have found' in this country is how well off the Jews are here. And they don't know it. I may say that the Jews here are in flower. Intellectually I find them here more atSo the diplomat, the artist, the tractive, psychologically less twisted man with pouncing ambition come than anywhere else in the world. to New York, which is situated so I speak like the Judeophile I am auspiciously on the Atlantic, receives and always have been. In my long most of the Jews coming from other and many-angled life as a student The musical program of last year parts. Into this city they have inwas £o well received, that the pro- jected their peculiar cosmic qualities Rabbi T. N. Lewis. peculiar spiritedness which gram chairman of the Council of and evening, delivering a sermon on "My Jewish Women, Mrs. Louis Sommer, makes New York the most interest- Trip to Palestine". He is being acing city in America, and one of the has arranged another delightful afcompanied by his wife on his visit to ternoon of Jewish music, for the finest centers in the world. Will I Omaha. be called mawkishly sentimental if regular meeting of the Council on On Saturday, February 22, Rabbi Lewis \vas in Palestine last I say what I think, that American February 24, at the Jewish ComWashington's Birthday will be civilization in its most worthwhile summer when the outbreaks of the munity Center. Arabs celebrated by an informal dance occurred, being: an eye witness A great variety of music as well p^rtsis very strongly Jewish? A n d j at the Jewish Community Cento some of the horrible scenes there. will I be accused of ulterior motives as excellent talent has been obtained. ter ballroom at which time a A few weeks ago he spoke before an Mrs. Edwin Kahn will play a piano if I stretch this thought and say large delegation, from the KansOmaha Zionist was meeting on the that the common denominator of all solo "Romanee" by Eubenstein. Mrs. as City Y M H A, coining for conditions there. civilization is the Jew. San Beber, co-chairman of the memthe basketball game on the folHabbi Frederick Cohn of Temple America of a century ago, young, bership committee of the Council of lowing day, will be welcomed. has extended a cordial . Jewish Women, who has done such slender and undeveloped was prudent From all indications this will F i enough to open her aoors to the , **u v.^v-** «*.* . . ° %. to even-one attend, as outstanding work for the organi- •ciiw^feii be a popular .-d^nee. and a large «"" «v -.," - j tation ^ Lewis has manvto stirring as Eabwell b sation, will give-E vocal sola fMercy" enough Jews. For to aopen time her limitaoors to suit to herthe . . * • turnout is expeeteSto greet the as interesting- things to relate. by Mona Zucca, She is to be ac- self, she beckoned to them to come visitors. The popular "Music Last night Rabbi Lewis addressed companied by Miss Reg-ina Franklin. and stay and make themselves at Makers" Orchestra will supply the Hadassah in Council Bluffs. This Mr. Max Yaffe, in a violin solo,- ac- home. It was a happy move on her the music for the occasion. noon he vill speak before the local companied by Miss Margaret Hur- part indeed. The reasons are too Kiwanis. obvious. New York, with the largwitz, will play the Kol Nidre. The Cantor Abraham Schwaczkein was eo est Jewish population in America, appreciated last year that he has con- stands as a monument to what Jews sented to entertain again. He will can do with a city in a comparativebe assisted by the B'nai Israel Choir. ly short time. Yet the Jew here is The Board will meet at its ap- also heard muttering a Golus chant, Leon D. Dover, general secretary pointed time preceeding the regular telling of certain social persecution, (Continued on Page 2.) of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, was meeting. in Omaha Saturday and Sunday as a guest of the members of the OmaN. S. Frejrgei Ties for Second ha Graduate Club of Zeta Beta Tau. Place in the Oratorical Mr. Dover attended a meeting of the Contest Omaha Graduate Club at the Omaha Athletic Club Sunday afternoon. Omaha participants fared poorly From Omaha Mr. Dover went to at the district tournament of the InLincoln where he was a guest of the The February meeting of the Oma- bazaar. Anyone wishing to contrib-1 1 f l rn * tl °™' O r T d e r o1' A I e p l \ Z * d i k Alpha Theta Chppter of Zeta Beta ha Chapter of Hadassah will be heid:ute a package or cash toward the 1 Aleph held at Kansas Cty. Mo., last Tau Monday and Tuesday. Saturday and Sunday, failing to win "The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity is on Wednesday afternoon, February Linen Shower can still do so at this any of the coveted major honors. N. ,rt 26, at 2:30 at the Jewish Community t meeting. enjoying a steady healthy growth in Sani According to Mrs. J. Rosenberg,! Fregger, representing the Moththe United States," said Mr. Dover. Center. president of the local Hadassah, the j e r Chapter, turned in the test per"Being the oldest Jewish fraternity in As the feature of the program, organization will take very active' formance, tying for serond place in the United States, it has gained much Rabbi Frederick Cohn will review participation in the National Fund j tl» oratorical contest. prestige and is looked upon with Edmund Fleg's book, "The Boy The debate teams of both Chapter Hadassah quota is favor by its brothers in the national Prophet", a fascinating tale of a work. The j No. 1 and Chapter No. 100 were '. ( 0,000. fraternity world." Jewish boy in France and later in $50,000. When the Allied Jewish Campaign i eliminated in the first round in close Mr. Dover is on a tour of chapters Palestine. .„ •nr,Ar,r,c.r,\, will ^,-n ^participate, *=~r" i decisions. The Mother chapter's nT+4^T»o+o and and graduate clubs from New York Reports will be given on the linen j opens, Hadassah for the Hadassah Medical Orj City to the Pacific Coast. card party for Shower, on • lost to St. Joseph, while be provided by Several members of the Omaha School Luncheon Fund, and on the ganization "will ] the Century chapter's duo of Russell the campaign. , _, Graduate Club and Alpha Theta All of the Hadassah units combined I Blumenthal and Frank Ackerman chrpter are planning to attend the have raised close to .$55,000 since v.-ere defeated by Sioux "City. The Midwestern Regional Conference to January for the non-sectarian medi- oratory representatives of the Sam be held in Kansas City on April IS, J IlC&rS 01 NCW Eni''cal and health work maintained by •Beber Chapter No. 100 was Sidney IS, 20. | the organization in Palestine. [ Cohn, while Abe Saltzman representThe nest national convention of Many of the 300 Hadassah chapters fed Council Bluffs. Rabbi Frederick Coin at the CurZeta. Beta Tau will be held in St. rent Topics Class of The Council of j throughout the country are holding! The "™ basket ^ " t L ball ^ " teams were also Louis December 28, 29, 30, and 31. Jewish Women, which met Tuesday ] "give-or-get" luncheons for raising;*"" , J V ^ Z^ round. Chapter ±«nds *° forr the Hadassah Medical Or-j^ Or- ^ - J o Jplaying uorning, Feb. 18th, at the Jewish! Jewish j*»«k • ^ far^ below par, was ., revealed the signs ] gsnization. For all of its medical! oi a new era which is to replace the a n d public health -work in Palestine, J " iff. The passing Post War Era characterized Hadassah spends about $500,000 an- ! lost to Lincoln, 19 to 7, fading after Baruch Zuckerman, noted journalist by it's scepticism and cynicism. The! rnally. P.I excellent start. and orator, will speak in Omaha, enthroning of science and the deThe men making- the trip for basTuesday, Feb. 25 at 8:30 p. m. at throning of religion ade to be reket ball: Chapter 1: Bill Gerelick the Labor Lyceum, 22. and Clark placed by a more moderate and captain, Manny Goldberg, Ben Rosen, Art Grossman, Morris Franklin, Max streets. Mr. Zuckerman served as peaceful period. Numerous new books and plays Turner, Izz Bogrionoff, Coach Max chairman in the People's Relief ofter the World War. He is kno'wn to quoted by Eabbi Cohn reveal wie The children's Elocution Class of Altshnler and Manager Stanley F. Levin. every delegate that ever attended a cLnnge now taking place. Some of the Jewish Community Center Zionist Congress for his powerful th.. most outstanding of the new ho11 its first meeting Tuesday, Febr., Chapter 100; Morion Fercr, Dave trends are shown in the present at- 25 at 4p.m. tmder the direction of j Greenberg, J&ke Sadofsky, Frank oratory and also sincerity. His "theme will be "Eretz Israelat j titude of authors and teachers, as Mrs. Moe Venger. Ackerman, Jake Schreibman, Ralph Present and in the Future". Those'well as the public at large towards Mrs. Venger, who has had a great Gross, Sam Meyerson, and Coach Izz |sex, business, and religion, he pointed deal of training- and experience in Schreibman. who read Mr. Zuckerman's to Dr. J. L. Magnes recent period- j out. The revival of romance and po- this work, has made elaborate prepicals will recollect the depth of litical idealism are ushering in a new arations for this class and outstandBerlin.—A distinguished gathering C-ought, beauty of expression with [era of ehtical and physical assurance. ing pupils will have a chance to ap- of Zionist leaders met here with Dr. which he is gifted. pear on various programs at the Chaim Weizmann, president of the Next to knowing when to seize an Center. Mr.- Znckerman is traveling in the World Zionist Organization, during interests of the Poale Zion organiza- opportunity, the most important Registrations are still being taken his two-day stay here, to discuss tion which is campaigning for a thing in iife is to know when to at the Center. The only charge is a questions of the Jewish Agency forego an advantage.—Disraeli. larger membership. fifty cent registration fee. uolicy. -.•-.. ....... . .„_„ ..^_a_J.





Rabbi Cohn to Speak at Hadassah Meeting


Current Topic Group


aoconoN cuss TO



Continental BakingCompany Double Payroll in 5 Years Personal Interest in Grocer and Quality of Their Products Is Keynote of Their Outstanding Success

A Boy Prodigy


Optimism toward Omaha and its -future should Jbe the cry, Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe told the Brotherhood of Temple Israel at its regular monthly meeting Wednesday night in a talk on "Our Obligation to America." Nathan E. Jacobs presided. "We not only have an obligation to America,?' he stated, "but to our city and our state. We should boost Omaha and Nebraska." v : •-"•—•• ' Omaha, he declared, Is on a foundaAlthough only; 27 Months old, Mor- tion of strength above;'most cities of ris Binder, son^-of Mr».and Mrs. Benthe country today. \\ \'~; Binder, of Toledo,. Ohio,-can play his The editoriat: entitled "Scrap the quarter.siaevibHttr'with- results that Alibis, Says Big Ox^siifi Bank" in The bring surprise .'to the" face of rnusi- Omaha Evening News Wednesday ans jwho hear hj,m. He is now night is- advocating the right sentilearning to jplayli|oe .Beethoven Min- ment, he. said".; He 'declared it to be written, by one' ;of.~ti&e ^strongest editHis mother*-|or$aeiJy-. Marie Adler orial writers, in.the.covoftry. — Peter

Ever since the Continental Baking wiches which would entail the use ef Company took over the Jay Burns various products from the grocer's .organization five years ago, the prog- shelves. ress of this concern has not only been Moreover, it seems evident that an epitome of the progress of Omaha, despite their growth during the past but has also been an important cog five years, progress and expansion in the upbuilding of the community. are still the watchwords of the firm. No better evidence of the steady In 1927 they opened a new Hostess progress of this company can be cake bakery, which increased the payfound than the fact that in these five roll and also proved a huge success, years the number on the payroll has while the erection of a large garage been doubled, increasing from seven- j s o m y a forerunner of the expansion ty people to onehundreS and forty. program now being devised. This, added to the quality of their The head of the local organization, products and the personal interest Mr. Laughlin, has resided in' Omaha "they take in the grocer, has won for for a number of years. Another them the whole-hearted good-will and well liked executive of the firm is J. thiscity i||^^aughter of;M& enthusiastic boosting of the retailers I. Clifford, who is city sales manager. and M J ^ ;Ji ; v^d|er,: ?435 Kansas and consumers in this territory. street. ,Sh.e/ w £ | ^ c o n c e r t ..Violinisjt. Mr. R. A. Laughlin, manager of to America and didn't. Or what the Omaha plant, has aided very maOmaha Chapter No. 1 A. Z. Ai terially in creating this spirit of co- they need is a Lord Reading with a sense of humor to tell them they A regular raeetiag. of .the Mother operation by adding an intimate, perchapter bf'tKefA. 2i A. will be field sonal touch to the business. He has ought to be proud of being Jews, "-J - Sunday 4 afternoon at three become the, friend of practically and in this way awaken them from their enfeebled state into a full life. at lhe.} Jewish Community every individual grocer in Omaha and In other words, they need to be Council Bluffs, and through their Center. The chapter representations dealings with them they nave learned more themselves, more Jewish. at the Sixth Annual District TournaFrance again" has done something to. have confidence in the Continental ment in Kansas City failed to live else to its Jews. She has flirted Baking Company. ur to what was expected of them with them, so to speak. She has as the basketball and debate teams -However, probably the most funda- not resisted their robust advances, failed to survive the first round of mental reason for their success has She has exposed her beauty, to them., competition. Sammy Freger, the been the quality of their baking She has whispered to them of her Aleph Godol of the chapter placed products. One of their axioms has bountiful glory.; With little effort second in the oratorical division been that quality is the best stimu- she won the heart of the impresslus for business, and as a consequence ive and not impassive Jews. Bewhich however was not good enough they have used nothing but the best fore long they .found themselves in to earn the trip to the national ingredients for their products, as, for love with La Belle Prance. ..And like tournament at lJeiroit. At the sendexample, in their Wonder Bread they a flirtatious woman she took; but; off banquet, before the hoys left for 'use only short pattent flour, made did not.; give. And as fond-'lovers Kansas City, a medal was presented :; [from the heart of the wheat berry. > the Jews willingly gavel' to Stanley F.' Levin as the man • ' The Continental Baking Company intermingled were they with the whose service weite of the most outNow, what has this relationship natives that they took on their coun- standing calibre during the year •has also been of invaluable assistdone to the Jews? It has taken tenance and spirit. Even I, who am of 1928 to 1929. The award is an ance to the grocers through the medium of their advertising. In this that certain ruggedness . of spirit always in search o£ Jews, did not annual event, the next presentation of .respect, they have offered recipes, away from them, turned them into: for a moment suspect that this fam- the same will be some time later this •household hints, and delicious sand- wan lovers, often into discarded ily was also Jewish. Yet .the grocer year. ones, who for the rest of their life, i real public life, as anything o f "the and the town sheriff as well as the> To make both ends meet, follow past ean be. Today ^we find the themselves are fully aware of their I t n e identity and it would not occur to middle course, French Jew rather anaemic and neuthem for a moment to conceal it. rasthenic and I have never felt inWhat would some Jews -in the vigorated or stimulated in his. presCapitols of. the - wjorld give to be i n ! : : e n c e . .. •:. • ''• '• -:';- \:;\ '••;' '(:•-••''•' •' the place-of this; Sample family? Y l t ' Gerniany, on',ithe other h??^» < *$' Ijfelfe^that if fiiey "were Jews they. (Continued from Page !•)' . •' as voluptuous, i i i its Hatred .jfcr j^e were"*mis&mg at greats deal of their <of discrimination and bigotry. The Jew as it is in its every other 'at-' birthright hy living the life of their'fketropolitan press here will feature titud.e^'to^.jife. So^strong'J[s the ~op* neighbors. |* Ja story about the son of a Lithuanl- jpression -there that it has become 5: But here I am in New York io' Sm rabbi or small tradesman Who. proverbiaL Yet what d<£we see, in which the Jews are giving all the 'came to this country and through Germany:? Jews of gig4n8e stature irresistable comforts and charming-; ]his genius and charm won himself and enormous.. poyvers^ SThe Jews\ in .cosmopolitanism. Well, I wish Other a place on the Olympus of Wall Germany have"a lot of life and in cities could see this and realise that' ^Street, and yet receives by return their attempt to surmount.the welt- for a city-to be great it must jj hnail a rejected application from known barriers , and,, obstacles this Jews, and furthermore, in order to -some yacht dub or other. Well, can life force is accelerated' and. gains be amusing it must have Jews. , you tell me why in the world anyone strength with the process. 1 need (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish ; should want to belong to a yacht not point out that Gewnany has con- Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) tributed some of the greatest Jews idub? y The other forms of so callei dis- of all times/ ','./:' L -^ ;•-. .y;';',//•;-. •;.,. . ,: ':crimination I think are . no ' more v I could go on and recount about Melchett Starts Drive Johannesburg.—More than $65,000 i .serious than this, for wnere"he is the kitchen quality I found in the •not wanted, the Jew can always go Alsatian Jew, as uncomplex a set was raised here at a banquet which out and build life for himself. This of Jews as I have ever fojind but opened the Keren Hayesod campaign, - measure of opposition is good for lacking in vitality. I should like at wniclT time Lord Melchett, presi'him; otherwise I think he -will die to tell about the family with whom dent of the English Federation, wa:s i 'out. He needs just enough opposi- I lived for years in Avignon. So enthusiastically greeted. tion, so that his peculiar powers •should not disperse. It is like kfiep" ing a bottle of precious old .wine "corked, so that its flavor and aroma "should remain intact. V It is ironical, even a little sad ^perhaps, that the country which opThe TRIPLE FEATURE fposes the Jews most vigorously and OXFORD • consistently should-produce some of BlackKkl . the greatest Jews of all time. For TanJGd . ;,. fdid not Germany attempt to kill ev,ery vestige of Judaism in its unwanted and yet muchly needed Sem-'- itid population? ~l And it is even more ironical that ^ in other countries where the Jew enjoyed comparative" p^ace and free,; dom, he failed to trield his life ! forces and has remained a shapeless, formless and colorless entity. Take the Jews of England, for example, who never suffered the fiag'rant abuse known elsewhere* AtVthe same time England in its obdurate J.P. and contained' manner, never gave Woolen 1 the Jews on the whole the oppor' tunity to put their extraordinary Frock* 'faculties to use as did for example, "America. Now what has happened In these shoes is every necessary foot health They're not exactly frivto the British Jew, who knew neithfeature. A flexible arch brace to properly olous, but we'll have to 'er violence nor equality. admit that as far as support your foot at the arch. The genuine character goes they're a With the exception of Disraeli and Cushion Sole — a soft, springy, shape'con* good deal: lighter, than 'a v&ry few Othsrs, we find the rich , e v * r b e f o r e . We're forming fdpt rest. A perfected Combination -families bumptious but powerless, showing among others, Last which assures smooth, snug, comfort* cleverly taitored dresses who conic to England's assistance able fit at every point.. .Dr. A.Reed Cushion of the ; aew airway • valiantly and steadfastly. I know tweed, a very • porous Shoes are tfee only shoes made which combine "a Rothschild or two who talk and weave, and lovely, fine these three special features. 'act as if they were old Cockneys; ehiffbtt tweed. , T h e young lady above is at•at least they were admitted into the ! tired In ar new cap* Dr. Reed World Famous Cash' , Ivory Towers. But take Whitechap*l, trock of the latter: in & : the ghetto of London with almost ion Shoes Only in Omaha in Wsjcuit tan, shot with as many Jews as the East-Side of brown. The cape, the O u r Greater Shoe Sections *Uk ecarf, the 'higher New York, which has never gone itMsllfn* and- general r Mala Floor—irorth outside the pale and has ttever lifted tailored aspect proclaim •'its voice. Somehow this mass of it as -very neir. Size 14/$35. . .: ,': '• Jews has remained, in darkness, ^thwarting their boundmg- energies Apparel Section—* 'and England extending to them some : :: Second t i :CORRECT APPAREL. FOR.MEN AMD .WOMEN "resuscitating •'•filhr If seems impossible to humanize Whitechapel. I think its Jews should have come

given by

A plea formayor. .'.

To Be ^






the Vienna City!Gdufie3,r^Ifred Adler; the moted Austriftn-3ewish psychologist, will be.giant<|d the title of "Ehren^Buergtr"; (Honorary Citizen).

of ReHgious Idealism.*' t h e setmon will be based on the giving of the law at Mt. Sinai* the portion being read for the week. ^' Services Saturday mosning wfi| be$ Israel gin at 9 o'clock. The'Bar Miprah Rabbi Th«edore-N. Lewie of Mt. of Jerome Gordon, son of Dfc and Sinai TemplW-of Sioux City, la., will Mrs. M. I. Gordon, will be celebrated. occupy Athe pulpit of Temple Israel As this is the first Bar Mitvah of tonight as,jgaest rabbi. He will"«*e- the Conservative Synagogue, the ocliver a sermon oh "My Tiip l o casion Will be an auspicious one. tine." • ••: JL; ' : . :.*•;.•; , & The conftrnwrnt win deliver a brief The subject of the sermon to be address in English, «sd Bftbtrf Benffis delivered by Rabbi Frederick Cohn win deliver the confirmation sermon.' tomorrow morning will be "Sharing the Burden." h C. C SUNDAY SCHOOL On Sunday afternoon at 2 jj.m. Miss Bernstein's class won the Rabbi Cohn will address the Omaha Sunday school banner for attendance Philosophical Society on Will Dor- with not a pupil absent while the. ant's "Mansions of JPhiUwophy," He banner lor charity warn wen by Miss will review "The Crime of Sylvester Pollock's class. Miss Pollack seems to Bernard" by Anatole France before have a virtual monopoly on the charthe Sisterhood Book Review group at ity banner. Miss Green's class presthe Blackstone Hotel .Tuesday after- ented the program before the asnoon at 2:30 o'clock. sembly while the program tor this The Bible Class tinder the auspices Sunday will be in the form of a of "the Council * of Jewish Women, Washington birthday celebration. The will meet Wednesday morning at 10 program will be taken care of by o'clock at the J.C.C. Rabbi Cohn'« the pupils of Miss Pollok's class. The subject will be "Jepth&'a Daughter, attendance of the Sunday school is the Mother of Samuel." increasing every Sunday and will Tuesday Rabbi Cohn spoke before soon almost present a problem, which the Omaha Cooperative d o b on "Theall goes to show that our modern young miss and misters are quite End of an Era." interested in their Sunday school lesCanserraiive Synagogue Rabbi Abraham Bengis has select- sons not withstanding all talk as to ed as the subject -of his sermon to- the tendencies of our young people tc night at the services of the Conser- stray from the religion of theii vative Synagogue "Sinai—th« Birth fathers.

igious Services

HERZBERGS STYLE REVUE A * AK-SAR.BEN COLISEUM 9:20 P. M. Each Night TM* Week f l In Conjunction With Omaha Auto-Aero Show


Triple Feature Styles


W3Piece'Suit . : s\. \ Fashions that will predonftiate ate : .- . : offered Wednesday at 1^ \

- .


t .


»,..,..«». flare their skirts as shown above! Suite that tfcry , th* lengths of their jackets, and feature blouses made with pert bows, Or simply tailored. Tuck-in blouses are certain to be tfemendously popular . . . but if you prefer the ©verblouse, wear it,With fashion's approval.


Lace Tweeds!


Other Costume Suits $25 to $125 Heiibcrs* fourth Floo*




- •

- .-.-' s^-W-5,,

t •






•Chairman of .Bridge Tea Party


Checker, Chess Club Is Being Organized

Kitchen Chats


By On Monday evening, February 24th Mrs. David M. Newman' The Fa-IIon sorority was judged at 8:30, the first meeting of the J. C. v.ctoi of their debate with the PsiC. Checker and,Chess Club will be Household Hints Mu club, on the question, "Resolved held in the boys game -room. NumTo keep sand\ ches fresh, dip a erous requests have been made by cloth in water and wring out dry, and that modern Jewish youth is straying from Judiasm", Mr. Sam Beber actCenter members that they be in- cover sandwiches with the cloth. ing as judge. Thi? was the second structed in how to play chess, and one of the inducements for joining To prevent filling from soaking in of a series of debates on this questthis organization is -free instruction pie-crust, dust over bottom crust with ion, sponsored by the Senior Council in these games of skill. a mixture of flour and sugar before of the Jewish Community Center. l ^ J ^ The affirmative team consisted of Excellent players such as Mr. Mor-adding fruit or other filling. Charles Guss and Earl Siegal of the At a beautifully appointed ceremony on Sunday evening, ris. Minkin,Mr. Nathan Fine and EabFebruary 16, at 8 o'clock, Miss Minne Flax, daughter of Mr. and bi Abraham Bengis have already To use cocoa in place of chocolate, Psi-Mu club, while Miss Marion Mrs. S. Flax, became the bride of Dave H. Fertil, son of Mrs. shown, an intention of joining and a use 3% tablespoones cocoa for each Brookstein and Miss Eose Stein, the M. Fertil of Boston, Mass. Rabbi Abraham Bengis, of the Congood sized club is expected. square of chocolate and % table- FaHon winners, upheld the negative side of the question. servative Synagogue, performed the ceremony. -The first round of a checker and spoon butter. The bride wore a LeNief model, fashioned in old ivory panne chess tournament will be played on Onions peeled under water will not The affirmative speakers based their argument chiefly upon the convelvet, her veil was of ivory tulle edged in lace, and the cap was Monday evening so all who have affect the eyes. tention that the modern Jewish youth a Juliet cap made entirely of pearls. She carried a sheaf of boards: and checker and chess men Calla lilies tied with an ivory satin bow. arp asked to bring them along. To separate a head of lettuce when was straying from and eliminating The attendants of the bride were' the leaves are tightly grown togther, the Jewish rituals and dietary laws. Mrs. Herman Silverman, sister of hold tinder running water. The force WhiP he negative team refuted the Centrix Show to Be the bride, as matron of honor, and of water separates without breaking formet s issues, they also proved that the modern youth is not only upholdthe Misses Toby Flax, Anne Jonisch, them. ing their belief in one God but is Presented at Center Sarah Kurtzman and Lylyan Chudacoff as bridesmaids. To cut marshmellows and dried promoting their rights by erecting The public is invited to attend the The second annual Junior Hadassah synagogues throughout the world as The groom was attended by HerCentrix Show to be.presented by thefruits such as raisins and dates, use well as organizing national clubs and Tea Dance, which will be held in the man Silverman as best man, and Intermediate Council of Clubs at the floured scissors. drives. Messrs. William Stalmaster, Charles main ballroom of the Blackstone hotel Jewish Community enter, Wednesday, Fellman, Leo Fried and Norman Sundy afternoon, February 23, will be To make crumbs for coffee cakes, February 26 at 8:30 p.m. one of the outstanding social events Harris, as ushers. use % as much sugar as flour and We are all stockholders in the The unusual feature of this show of the season. • • •• After a tour of eastern cities in% as much butter as sugar. world, each Beeking dividends to his is that six girls clubs make up the The College Club orchestra will cluding St. Louis, Cleveland, Philaliking. Council, and the girls have been makdelphia and New York, the couple furnish the music for dancing, . being elaborate preparations for making To wash spinach use warm water tween 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. The affair will make' their home in Boston. for the first washing. This loosens this rally a great success. is for both men and women and the GROCERS AND BUTCHERS up much of the sand and dirt. Then The clubs in the Council are: Jecommittee in charge has promised A wedding of interest that recent- a good time'to all with several surcomter Camp Fire Group, Girl Scout wash in cold water until free from ly took place in St. Louis was_ that prise novelties, : • ' ' -; ' . Troop, Wobetru Camp Fire .Group sand. For all kinds of refHperator. repnlrins, Mrs. J. M. Malashock carpenter -work, building of cubnets. of Shirley Kuth, daughter of Mr. Junior Daughters of Zion, Sub Deb According to Miss Ida Fine, chairMrs. J. M. Malashock is chairman of the annual Bridge Tea Party of Einse all dishes having eggs, flour and Mrs. Harry Goldstein of St. Club, and the Karmelite Club. JOSEPH ELK IN Louis, and Mr. Morris Allen Block, man of the tea dance,; the advance the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, to be held at the Jewish Comor milk first in cold water. Then ticket sale:indicates.:an attendance of 2514 No. 16 WE. 3910 munity Center on March 4 at.'2 p. m. She is being assisted by Mrs. H. son of Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Block of PATRONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS wash in hot water. 250. '. i \ > ';,••...;•• - ; ' ' - - - ; v : Newman'and Mrs. F. J. Alberts. Omaha. '..',"-' Admission will be fifty cents. Refreshments will be served and a - The young couple were married good time has been assured to all attending. fcy Rabbi Adolph Eosentretter "of CouncilCalendar Omaha's Style Center. Temple B'rith Sholom in the presBETH HEMEDROSH CHOIR ence of only a few intimate friends. . Peace Study Group of the RETAINED FOR ONE YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Block left immediately1 Council of Jewish Women will have for an. automobile trip to Florida. it's regular luncheon meeting TuesA meeting of the commissioners Mrs. Block attended Stephens col- day noon, Feb. 25th, at TTie Blackof the Beth Hamedrosh Hagedol lege and completed her studies at s t o n e H o t e l . . •••."'.. '""•'••• synagogue was held last Sunday, Northwestern .university, being- a Names of famous characters in February 16, with Mr. L. Harris as member of the Ramblers and Delta The Bible Study Group of The Jewish History and Literature such Gamma sororities. Mr. Block at- Womens Jewish Council will have its as Jehuda Halevi, Maimonides,' Solo^ presiding chairman. A motion was Opposite Orpkeum itended both Omaha university and regular meeting at this Jewish Com- mon ibn Gabriol, names which were made by the treasurer, Mr. Louis 'Creighton college of law, and is a munity Center Wednesday morning, often meaningsless to the " average Blotcky, and seconded by Harry Sospracticing attorney in St. Louis. young Jewish boy and girl will be kin to re-elect the choir for the perFeb. 26th; .- explained by Mr.; Louis" M." Shanok, iod of one year. Cantor S. KahaThe marriage of Miss Mollye assistant executive of the "'Center, nowitch was asked to be in charge. "'Grossman, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs/ Mental Hygiene Glass in his talk on "The Jew in Spain" at ••• B. Grossman, to Mr. Joe Borshevsky the next meeting of the ""^Jewish Organized on. Tuesday of Sioux Falls, S. D., son of Mrs. Thought League", to be held; at the H. Borshevsky of Sioux' City, la., A Mental; Hygiene" class was or-Jewish Community Center oil Tuestake place Sunday; February 23." ganized at; the';' J,'Ci--Gr Tuesday, day, February 25th at 8:15 p.m. • February 18, under thV direction of "The period when the JeWs were FOR YOUR Mrs. Meyer "VV. Tatle announces Mrs. Eva Morse ; of ;the "Board of in Spain was the golden age,of Jew; the engagement of .'her. daughter, Education.. ; '.. "i" '"1'"fv :.-,, islt History. It was the tinte when Gertrude, to ''BJr. -A^ext.vB'.' Kewinan,'- 'At-the first meeting "the members eifeWs'tnacfe some of their .greatest ; son of Mr, and Mrs. Morris- New- gave a learned definition of Mental contributions to. literature, rtiedicine, man. : - -:••: •••'.'• : ."•'•.••••" . ••' '. ' . .• Hygiene and the benefits derived philosophy, mathematics and the other from this subject. They also out- sciences", says Mr. Shanok. ' : ' ~ Mr. and Mrs.l "L.' X Margolin an- lined their future course: of study. •Everyone is invited to attend and; 16TH&HOWARD nounce the ' engagement" of their, The next'.discussion will- be about to participate in the discussion folAnniversary week is accepted by the women of Omaha as the proper time daughter, Bertha,- to Mr." Sidney So-; the "Unconscious Mind". lowing the main -presentation. to purchase their new spring apparel at unapproachable savings . . . . kolsky,. son of Mr.; and Mrs.* I. So-' Don't let anything keep you awa}r. kolsky of Sioux City, la. No.date has been set for the wedding. " _ ' • HENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS The engagement "was announced at PLANNING FOR CARNIVAL a dinner reception given in Miss Margolin's'.honor Sunday. . v A very; important and interesting meeting of the Henrietta Szold Girls Among the' many affairs being was held oh Tuesday, * February 18, given for Miss Molly Browii was a at the Jewish" Cowimunity Center. unanimously beautifully planned six l o'clock din- Miss Eose" Shafeijwas r ner given at the' Chieftain hotel- by elected president. ~ ' • ' . ' ' . ' Many suggestion: were made as to Specially purchased from manufacturers who her sister-in-law, Mrs. Keuben Brown. : regularly sell us our higher priced dresses— Covers were laid for sixteen guests. wrat"this grou'p.*will do for the big A color scheme" of pink and gold Purim iCatnival which is >o be held was : carried, out in ' the' decorations.} at the Community Center on March A similar affair for Miss Brown 16. Skits,' shooting galeries and will be given at the "Chieftain hotel booths "of all descriptions were dison Sunday, February 23,' by another cussed but nothing definite has been decided upon as yet. Miss Elsie Lasister-in-law, Mrs. Jacob Brown. Miss Brown will' be married tit zarus and Miss Ann Zweiback were the Paxton hotel March 16-in thechosen, to represent the Henrietta presence of the-immediate family Szold Girls to plan with Mr. Shanok for the carnival. only. - •• - Plans were also made for ..the activMr. and Mrs. E. -Kulakofsky are ities of- the club during the summer . ~. , in Hot Springs -National Park, Ark., •months. . . . • " . -filmy black and all-lace frocks floral chiffons •Ask your Grocer for Iten's where they will-spend about-/three .'.Miss Grace Eosenstein,is the sponsFairy Soda Crackers by name. new dashing crepe prints or of this club. vivid chiffons•weeksGet the Genuine and be satispastel and Mgh-shade crepes. Mrs. Ben Cohn entertained fourSeyman Gross, Loyal Katskee, Milteen" little guests at her home Sat- ton Eobinson, and Edward Eosen. urday afternoon in honor of the third birthday of her son, Eobert. A card party will be given on It's easy to dress smart, when jou can find the frocks Wednesday, February 26, by the fashion magazines are forecasting at this low price. — - " SHOW 'WHITE BAKERIES • Dr. and Mrs. M. L Gordon will cele- Ladies' Labor. Lyceum club a t 2 p. brate the Bar Mitzvah of their son, m. at. the. Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Jerome, at the Conservative Syna- Clark streets. ; Everyone is invited gogue tomorrow morning. The con-to attend. firmant will deliver a short address. A regular meeting of the Ladies' Any woman who knows fabrics will tell you the The Ronoh club of Central High Golden Hill society will be held next L_ materials alone would cost the sale price. ^ school is making plans for a house Tuesday, February 25, at the home party to be given during the com-of Mrs. B. M. Brown, 4622 Douglas ing spring vacation. '•"•:••• street. Election of officers will take The pledges to the club for the place and ; all members are urged . to coming semester are Harold Stein, come. I

Tea Dance Will Be Gala Affair


Jewish Thought League to Meet

hast Two Days Friday and Saturday




or evew


Hundreds of New

SPRING DRESSES Anniversary Sale Priced...

Baked Fresh Every Day in Omaha's Snow White Bakery





"Juit 'Around the Corner from Everything"




. .-•-. . a gas that goes farther for less . . . . . . .

1413 Douglas




Basque Blue Poppy Heart Orchid Rose Beach Sand Bittersweet Navy, Black

Peplums, Boleros Cowl Necklines^ Bows, Scarfs, Jabots Capes, Faggoting Short Sleeves . Long Sleeves

FABRICS Printed Chiffons Printed Crepes Georgette Crepe Flat Crepes MISSES' AND WOMEN'S SIZES

x>AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 noza. Casseres claims to be a col- f » ! lateral descendant of the philosopher Jof pantheism. ' Israel Matz, medicine iBasufacturer,' [is the leading Macenas of Hebrew ] literature in this country. ,A1 Jolson recently turned down ofvinced" of his innocence and "that fer of $16,000 per week. •'.-. ; ; for the Lord's glory the truth is The Dreyfuss episode has been bound to come out." DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor dramatized and was recently given FRANK R. AGKERMAN - - Editor Against Palestinian Parliament Boycott Hits Arabs first presentation in Germany. FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent By DAVID SCHWARTZ New York.—If an attempt were Jerusalem.—Seventeen Arab landVictor Polachek, young man of made to force upon him the plan of lords, whose premises were abondened : twenty-three, has become the owner The Philadelphia Board of Education is de- DOCTOR FREUD SPEAKS SIOUX CITY OFFICE a Parliament in Palestine, he would by Jews owing to the economic boyof Elizabeth, X. J. Times. ' serving of praise for preserving the fundamental We Jews are a great folk for talkJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street rather resign than accept it, declared cott, have decided to ask the Arab principles of American, democracy by refusing ing in trems of slogans. The trouble AN EASY MARK Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of Executive to discontinue the boycott that few of us really take them Subscription. Price, one year i - - - - - - - - - $2.50 The sale of the Jerome Kern Lib- the World Zionist Organization, in an because it is doing the Arabs more to release its high school students for one hour is, One of our most favorded rary last week is believed to have Advertising rates furnished on application per week to attend religious instruction classes. seriously. harm than good. is the old reliable: "Israel's mission is ! marked a record price as far as priv- interview. While it is true that religion is an important perce." Well now along comes no ! ate collections of books are concerned. Dr. Weizmann warned against the CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old baseless reports of trouble between Return to Palestine and new address; be sure to give your name. element in the education of the child and the less a man than Dr. Sigmund Freud Polish Jews who value of religous instruction cannot be over- of "complex" fame with a new tome sum. Kern, who with Berlin and himself and Felix M. Warburg, chair- l e fJerusalem.—Many T» man of the Administrative Committee ! t Palestine in 1926 owing to the "The Discomfort of Civilization" and emphasized, still the public school system is not it he declares that "the -ews de- Gershwin, ranks in the great trium- of tthe Jewish s Agency. Agecy. "Mr. Mr. Warburg | economic crisis, are returning and virate of American musical composithe proper medium for such teaching. This in HEBRBAIC CALENDAR th houses hu t h y abondb d they serve considerable credit for absorb- tion has been accumulating his bib- is devoted heart and soul to Peles-! ^ ^ d complete the oned ^ responsibility should be borne by the church, ?* first arrivals declare ing or attracting the hate and agres- liothes which included many rare edi- tine", he stated, "and if there are | 5690-1930 „_ a truth recognized by the parochial schools of siveness of the Christians, thus enab- tions, for years. technical difficulties regarding the j t h a t m a n y o t h e r s i****"* t o «turn. *Rosh Chodesh Adar.________™Saturday, Feb. 28 the Catholics, and the Talmud Torahs of the ling the Christians to get 3long fair- Funny thing is that Kern was al- organization of the Jewish Agency, j Noted German Jew Dies Purim _ „ ......,••,...•••.,••• . . F r i d a y , M a r c h 1 4 Jews. If other denominations wish to success- ly well together?" ways looked upon as the "easy mark they will be eliminated greatly at thei Berlin.—Paul Levi, a member of -Sunday, March 30 fully cope with the situation, their only solution Now I ask you, if that does not by booksellers. As soon as he came meeting of the Administrative Com-! the German Reichstag; for many Rosh Chodesh Nissan mean that "Israel's mission is peace." near a bookstore, the bookdealers years and one of the most noted --.Sunday, Apr. 13 lies through their own church organizations, for Tha First Day Pesach. doctor says that the human being knew they could advance the price of inittee in London March 23." Socialist figures of Germany, died -Saturday, Apr. 19 religion, which is necessarily by its very .nature h»s a lot of hr.te and agressiveness a book some fivehundred or a thous- Save Synagogue Seventh Day Pesach _ here in a most tragic manner. In a —Tuesday, Apr. 29 sectarian, cannot be categorized with reading or that he must gel put of his system, and dollars. "Kern won't: bargain." Seattle.—Turning insurance sales- feverish condition because of pneu*Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ ate', that the Christian uses the Jew And yet the easy mark has sold his man to save their synagogue from monia, while the nurse who was at—Monday, Aug. 25 writing as subjects of instruction in a public for •Rosh Chodesh Ellul _L this purpose so "enabling the library for several times the price he foreclosure, the officers of the Herzl tending him stepped out of the room •Also observed the day previous to Rosh school. Christian to get along fairly well to- paid for it. Talk about stocks going Congregation are now selling policies for a moment, he opened the window To. decide otherwise is in direct defiance of gether." so that they may create a trust up! These little rare books can fund. Chodesh. An insurance company now j to* get some fresh air. But while the basic principles of our government that show them a trick or two. A volume holds the mortgage, which will be doing this he lost his balance and THE CAUSE OF ANTIAll Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre- church and state be kept separate. A proposal of Robert Burns for which he paid paid off within ten years, at the end fell out of the window to the street SEMITISM ceding secular day. . . like the one vetoed in Philadelphia is dangerous There have been at least five hund- $5,000 sold for $25,000 and that in- of. which'period a large fund will be five floors below. because it tends to divide pupils into sectarian red and sixty-seven reasons given for crease was fairly characteristic of his accumulated for the benefit of the Levi actively participated in the synagogue. fight against anti-Semitism in Gertups while under the charge of the public anti-Semitism. We are told that the numerous other rarities. many and at every opportunity would authorities, a course repugnant to our ideals of Jews are all Socialists, that they are Kern hated to part with his libra- Jewish-Christian Council . emphasize ry, but it got to be too much trouble, his Jewish origin. The citation of James E. Davidson by the democracy. America is neither Protestant, Cath- all capitalists, that we killed the he New Orleans.—Plans are being declareds. "Trouble of cataloguthe list is endless. made here to organize a council of Claim Prescriptive Rights American Legion as Omaha's "first citizen" forj olic, or Jewish—it is non-sectarian sind it must Messiah, But now comes Freud and says ii-g-danger of fire and the like. Its Jews and Christians to discuss interJerusalem.—Claiming "prescriptive the year 1929 has met with unanimous approval be kept that way. ; that people have got to hate some- a career in itself." related problems and to seek to rights" a number of Arabs from Hebthroughout the city. His uniformly disinterested The ultimate goal of all education should be thing* It seems t©-me about as good WHY THEY BUY BOOKS mould an understandiM between the ron have commenced to plough and and unselfish, civic service has engraved his the building of character, andsectarian religion a reaeon as any. And talking about the bookbusiness various sects. The plans were form- plant land abandoned by the Hebron name on the shiine of numerous outstanding must be taught under sectarian auspices at sec- And perhaps the cue is here for ~-walk along Fourth Avenue—-"New ulated following an address by Ever- Jews after the riots. The discovery t\e solution of the Arab troubles in York's Book Row", and you will see ett Clinchy, director of the National was made on Sunday when Col. Fred-causes in Omaha, and his friendly good-will to- tarian expense/ Palestine. We have got to furnish slop after shop devoted to literary Conference of Christians and Jews. erick* Kisch, Maurice Hexter, Charles wards and cooperation with our Jewish comthem with something else to hate. merchandise and standing among the Passman, Ben Szi and Salomon visimunal leaders has made his selection an especialVia. James, you remember, suggested musty volumes, you will often find Acquire Rare Volumes ted Hebron to view the construction ly popular one with the members of our faith. something similar about war—a mor- old Jewish book dealers who give you New Orleans.—Harvard University of the new Jewish quarter for the Mr. Davidson has set an example which should The Menorah lights lately presented by Mr. al equivalent for war. Who will in- the impression of owners of pawn has aquired one of the largest most returning Jews. be an inspiration to our youth.- Despite his voca- Adolph-S; Ochs to the Cathedral of St. John the vent a moral equivalent for anti* stops or second hand clothes dealers, complete and most valuable collecand yet how these dealers know their tions of Hebrew books and manu- Factory to Aid Jews tion and personal interests he had the depth of Divine in New York glow far beyond the con- Semitism? books and what interesting tales they scripts to be found in private pos- Moscow.—The Soviet government vision to lend his whole-hearted efforts in the fines of that church into the hearts of many THE JEWISH CURSE There is the story for instance session anywhere in the world, that has decided to build a large cotton v fulfilment of his community's needs. He visu- persons to whom the brotherhood of man seems I am not a believer in superstitions, telL of Ephraim Deinard, fataher-in-law although I am not crazy about black of the Jewish girl who came into the of Rabbi Mendel Silber. Ill health factory in White Russia to employ •alized the future prosperity of Omaha and will- desirable. and attainable. ~ cats—but then, Veil" you know how booktore and asked the bookdealer if 40,000. The decision aims to partly 'ingly sacrificed his own considerations, for the We Jews know.the traditional significance iof it is. ^.nyway, J f I remember any he had a book to match the color of ani loss of eyesight caused the donor relieve unemployment of the Jews to give up the 12,000 volumes. . in the small towns and opens good 4 betterment of 4iis city* • His active,., parficipatipn. those lights to ourselye&.v But they take on an Jewish history, correctly, at the time her dress. prospects for non-qualified Jewish . S h e had a lamp, she said of the the Jews were expelled from Spain, U. P. A, Final Call Un philanthropic, social and civic work has built added illumination when the leaders of another 1 workers because only ten percent of Si.me vcolor,and when;, her that cofmtry was* supposed to have Philadelphia.—A call to the Jews | for him a laudable record which speaks for itself. faith bear witness to all the world of the inbeen cursed by the Jews. Search came to see -her, she wanted him^to of America to pay up the pledges the staff need be qualified. It is | His aggressive leadership Tvas aptly illustrated' spiration which thpse same lights hold for therri. your histories of the 16th and 17th see her dressed reading a book and which they made for the United Pal- understood that the factory will proV^ | last fall when he was chairman of the committee Many Christians know the traditional si; centuries and you will find not in- sitting by a lamp, all of the same estine Appeal before the Allied Jew- duce 150,000 thousand rubles worth | that raised $100,000 for the Nebraska ^Diamond ficance of those lights for Jews. But countl frequent mention of this "Jewish' color!; ich campaign is ' officially launched of goods f! And there is the tale of the young next month, was issued by Judge Jews Go to Tel Aviv |Jubilee and Ak-Sar-Ben live stock show. Realiz- thousands of Christians-move a long stride curse." | ing its importance in promoting Nebraska pros- closer to an understanding of Jewish belief, pa According to the terms of the Jew- Jew who came in, looked over several William M. Lewis of Philadelphia, Tel Aviv.—The exodus of Jewish and aslced: ^* ; national chairman of the U. P. A. and perity, he determined to raise that sufri aild did hearing their spiritual leaders 'enunciate the in- ish malediction^for-the sins of the shelves Inquisition and the sin of the Ex- "How niuch for'those four shelves one of the co-chairmen of the newly merchants from Jaffa to Tel Aviv *; raise it in a very short time! - continues. In the last fortnight fifspiring story of those lights and their sighif pulsion, all of the children of the of books?" formed organization. flcance for Christians. I f •$250,000" replied the bookdealer; Spanish royalty were to be accursed. Reviewing the work of the U. P. teen Jewish shopkeepers are reported f Mr. Davidson has shown this same spirit in He handed the bookdealer the A. during tiie past four years, Judge to have, moved. | his other activities. A former king of Ak-Sar- As the symbol of Christianity's debt to Juda* I am reminded of this by a recent money, and whispered: -"Yea'think-I Lewis stated that the Jews of Ameri- As a result of the reopening of the article, referring to the reBen, he is at present chairman of the Greater ism, the lights were dedicated in the Cathedrajl magazine quest of Alfonso not so long ago, am crazy for buying books by tile ca, representing every shade of opin- silicate factory in Tel Aviv within a »Omaha association. He was director of the first Sunday afternoon, February 2, by Bishop Wil- asking the Pope to permit him to di- shelves, irrespective of what they ion—redical, liberal and orthodox— few days, a revival of building is exf vcrce his present wife and' marry are. Well, 111 tell you. I get a contributed $11,981,469. pected. ; community chest and was" one of a small group liam T. Manning, •that financed the municipal airport and is now . "There are so many things that one cant list again, that he might have an heir. weekly allowance from a rich uncle Keren Hayesod Nominees J. N. F.'s Golden Book mine in the west and he is al'chairman of the city airport commission, besides them aM," said the Very Rev. MiloH. Gates, thfe Al of his four present children- suf- of Jerusalem.—More than 16,800 from some disease of the blood, ways writing me tt> invest some of it New York.—Solomon Loewenstein a host of other honorary posts too numerous to new Cathedral Dean, in speaking of what Chris- itfev appears, in books. Well, books mean nothing and David Bressler, representing the names have been inscribed in the and are too unsound to mention. And in business, Mr. Davidson has tianity owes Judaism. "But we must never fprr succeed to the throne. And this is to me, but he is coming here for a American non-Zionists, have been Golden Book, a record of service to , .shown the same remarkable traits, for as head get our outstanding debt to that religion—pfer- no the first time. All the children visit next week, and I've got to have nominated to the board of directors the upbuilding of Palestine as the National Home. $462,750 has ; of the Nebraska Power Company he made the haps the greatest debt that can be owed in thik of Isabella, the queen under whom visit next week, and I've bot to hare of the Keren Hayesod, the principal Jewish been contributed to the Jewish Nafinancial instrument of the Zionist library to chow him, or my allowterm "service" assume a new 'significance to the world—the true and lofty idea, as one God, who the Expulsion took place, came to aance tional Fund for the purpose of inOrganization, which since it was may be imperilled." has created, who sustains, who guides, who unfortunate endings. So if you are .••'•' people his institution was serving. ^. --. founded, some nine years ago has scriptions in the Golden Book, of superstitious—well, finish it yourIT APPLIED TO BOTH It is an honor to pay homage to one who has watches over all. His creation, both animate and self. raised almost $20,000,000 for Jewish which $200,700 was contributed in the inanimate . . . There is one truth which Genesis Z. Tygel, who spends most of bis colonization in- Palestine and for the last two years. Of the latter sum, so ably fulfilled the obligations of citizenship. time thinking about the Haym Salo- health and educational budget of the $72,000 was contributed by the United HELPING THE BLIND states with such splendid clarity, and which this Unafraid to shoulder difficult .tasks, he has States. Not so many years ago, Albert mon monument, tells a story that Zionist work. again and again fought through to victory, candlestick-symbolizes, and that great funda-. Sokolski, hr.rks back to his native sod of PoNew York realtor and milEvery event in the public life of blending into his character sincerity, upright- mental, essential truth is the truth that God, no lionaire was on the verge of blind- land. Once upon a time, in Warsaw, Oldest Weekly Sold Jewry finds an echo in the Golden ness, honesty, understanding and a devotion to other power, no other cause, made the heavens ness. Medical care finally saved his a Jew and an anti-Semite were stroll- Cincinnati.—The American Israel- Book by special inscriptions which ite, founded 7§ years ago by Rabbi y eyts. It gave him an idea. Last ing along the avenues of Warsaw, his fellow citizens. As long as Omaha has, "first and the earth. are received from all parts of the week, Sokolski left for Palestine, Finally, they neared a park. "You Isaac M. Wise, and now the oldest world. Among recent inscriptions "Surely this truth* is needed today when m;en • citizens" of the calibre of James E. Davidson, v existing Anglo-Jewish weekly in the v are crediting creation some to chance, some to where he plans to establish an in- see", said the anti-Semite with glee, United • States, has been sold by its are the ileath of Louis Marshall, the - the future of our city is in safe hands. . ' stitute-for the blind. He will make birthday of Prof. Einstein, the 20th R a b b i I o n a h R W i s 6 r s o n of time, some to other gods, as pagan as any'in \he last lap of his voyage from Nep- the sign on that park-'Dogs andj o W n Jews prohibited anniversary of the foundation of Tel Latin or Greek mythology. lesto Jerusalem by airplane. Inci- "Yes," said the Jew, "neither of us I the founder, and Mrs. Adolph . S. Aviv and the 25th anniversary of the jOchs, daughter of the founder and ' "So long as these candlesticks stand here, they dentally just before he left, Mayor can enter it." jwife of the publisher of the New 2nd Aliyah (immigration to PalesWalker named him a member of the shall stand to symbolize, and to' teach those who The recent revival of the Boy Scout nioveYork Times, to A. L. and Henry C. tine). Another inscription is to-be Committee on Child Welfare, the or- SIME GETS HIS REVENGE worship here the great, essential, uplifting and that of Sir Boyd Merriman and Vis•• ment among Omaha's Jewish youth under the ganization made famous by the work The famous Sime Silverman, editor Segal. count Erleigh, counsel for the Jews ennobling truth that it is not chance, but an of Variety, "The Bible of the theatri- Henry Segal has been managing before the Enquiry Commission in capable leadership of men like Dr. D. C. Platt of the late Sophie Irene Loeb. cd world and Charles F. Zittel, edi- editor of the paper and will con- Palestine. iknd Jack Marer augurs well for the future of intelligent and.loving Person, Who creates and IN A LINE OR TWO tor of Zits, also a theatrical journal tinue in that capacity. fathers all things."—American Israelite. ' jour Jewish community. Sigmund Freud undertook the study are not on speaking terms. "Will Change Jewish Life" The national Boy Scout movement, which reof medicine as a young man because Well,.one day last week, Silverman Future Depends on Youths Our thoughts, in time, become audible. A Pittsburg.—While money contribuMoscow.—Jewish life in Soviet a certain medico acquaintance said he was in Chicago and dropped in the jcently celebrated its twentieth anniversary, has tions merely indicate the interest and Russia will be totally changed at the daily ritual — technique, whereby the finest could never make a physician. night club presided over by the fam- promise of Jews who yearn for a •been one of the country's greatest assets. It end of the five year plan of socializathoughts of all times play through the mind, Count Kessler's biography of Wal- ous Texas Guinan. has demonstrated that in America we have been help to eventually control both thoughts and t r Rathenau is the current selection Texas wanting to tease Sime, homeland, the real hope of Zionism jtion and industrialization. Z. Mind."building something besides giant warships and in the future lies in the actual settle- lin, Soviet statistician assured the of the Business Book of the Month called out, "Howya, Zit". ment of young Jews from America Ort Economic Conference. He demammoth skyscrapers—we 'have been molding words* so that they express eternal truth and Club. Sime said nothing, but two hours , .men, taking the youth at a plastic age and beauty. Harry Warner was in Wilmington later, getting ready to leave he called in Palestine, declared Louis Lipsky, clared that in 1933 there will be only last week. Rumor speculates that he for his check, signed Zit's name on it president of the Z. O. A., at the Y. 35,000 unemployed Jews instead of ' "-shaping their destinies along most admirable M. H. A. here. the 110,000 of the present. Mindlin As we apply truths we find a progressive un- went to see Raskob and Du Pont. i and left. lines. ;'•.;•. "If Poland sends young settlers to also reported that the number of A son of Dr. Rubincw, famed social Copyrighted 1930 by the Jewish Tele.: Scout craft .has influenced the lives of some foldment within us of added power, added ideas, irkei, Palestine, "we in America will have Jewish workers wili increase by 186,is the secretary of Julius graph Agency, Inc. to show that we have young: men and 000 over the 1928 figures and reach . four million boys. It has combined discipline added quality, added influence and added under- Rosenwald. women who can take their places 350,000. -and valuable instruction in useful arts with en* standing. The Jewish Daily Forward, Jewish along with the others." Other statistics that he presented socialist daily, which formerly stood Washington *joyable tasks. ! Well organized and well man(J. T. A.) — AssurWe grow as long as we live. We grow only showed that the number of Jewish emapart from such things, now goes ance that racial minorities in Roumanaged, it teaches that which every normal lad ployes will reach 400,000 with an inas our life is purposeful in the direction of truth, in heavy and extensively covers the ia will receive the full guaranty of desires so avidly, carrying out a program that crease of 55 percent over the present most consercative of Jewish doings. the law given to President Hoover by is not only physical, but, .more important, has beauty and usefulness. number and the Jewish kustars will Rabbi Morris Lazaron of Baltimore the new Roumanian Minister, Charles glow 23 percent to reach 269,000 while 'spiritual and moral values of a high order. By has authored a book—"The Seed of A. Davila, who presented his creden- Hinkis Encouraged supplying needed environment, companionship, Truths are like stars, ever beyond you but Abraham" which will shortly be pub-{ tials to President Hoover at the White Rovno.—The parents of the Jewish Jewish land workers will be increased • r lished by the Ceittury company. House yesterday. police-constable, Hinkis, sentenced to 70 percent, thuo totalling 170,000. ethics, and comraderie, the Boy Scout movement ever attracting and uplifting you. This point was included in formal' death in Jaffa for the murder of an Jewish traders and members of the Work deals with great Jews from the j * * * is an excellent builder of the better type of remarks addressed to the President by \ Arab family of five, have aided him so-called free professions wili be todf.ys of the Hebrew Patriarch. Each truth that we possess as a result off Benjamin De Casseres, who recent- the new Minister in the customray greatly by their encouraging message tally wiped out while those subsistcitizen. The local Jewish troop, Troop .No. 62, has been embodying! its ^principle Jn life^ gives us addi- ly inarried. air Indian, {American^:Jifc. ceremony attending presentation of to have courage and not to despair, j ing on non-laboring earnings will be o "the entire Jewish world is con-j decreased 30 percent. reorganized and meets one evening each week tional anchox*age in the Divine Consciousness. dian) beauty is writing a life of Spi- credentials.

at the Jewish Community Center. Thei'e i s | still room on the membership roster for desirous, boys between the ages of 12.and 16. We sug-! . Published every Fridayat Omaha, Nebraska, \ty\ gest this Scout movement as a constructive THE JEWISH £RESS PUBLISHING COMPANY answer to the growing crime wave, and urge all "' Office': 490, Brandeis Theater Building . • pai'ents to interest their- sons in this "work Vhile Telephone: ATlantie 1450 the time is ripe.


Scanning orizon

WORLD United States














Other Countries



Campaign for Russian Jews May Install LOCAL AIR COMPANY Sarnoff Investment Trust Stocks x RANKS AMONG BEST Talkies in Germany Coming Into Their Own Berlin, (J. T. A.)—David Sarnoff, president of the Radio Corporation of Aeronautical Figures Disclose America, is negotiating with the German government now about the Radio Aviation Made Marked InCorporation's possible participation in crease in 1929 the German "Emelka" Film Concern, The aeronautical Chamber of Com- for the purpose of installing in the By ARTHUR A. WINSTON merce figures for the year 1929 show movie theatres of this concern the The Investment. Trust has taken have tested them and provfen that tha,t 'remarkable developments have Western Electric talkie apparatus. hold of the American investing pub- they can be efficient and furnish the been achieved in aircraft. The numlic's fancy and' according to all signs protection and profits they were deber of commercial planes produced and portents will continue to remain signed to give. in 1929 was 6,034 as compared with In spite of market action and rethere. 3J542 the year before, -while 7,378 The psychology of the public is action, the genuine investment trust motors were produced in comparison always queer and never queerer than continues to offer the same advanwith the 3,263 in 1928. when analyzed in the field of invest- tages it always has. The problem that , However, military production in ing. A few months ago when all was confronts the investor is no different 1929 experienced a decided slump, The First National Bank of Omaha rosy, investment trusts were riding with an investment trust security showing 44 percent under the 1928 production figures. In 1925 military hay taken a leading step in announce- on- the crest of the wave. They were than with any other security. He production was 70 percent of the to- ing the principles of practice of its desired by all and were^. in many has to determine the character of the tal production while today it is only Trust Department, according to Wal- cases, bid up to fantastic prices. management and. their competency to lace Spear, Trust Officer. When the wave of security prices earn money. 20 percent. that had been ascending for years Security prices, like business, tend The First National Bank has anAn interesting sidelight on Omaha finally crashed and broke, the psychto travel in cycles. Trusts which have nounced that it does not purchase is that one of the local companies, the Mid-West, ranked among the securities from itself or from any ology was reversed. In the place of been operating for many years, find three largest distributors of Tarvel affiliated companies for the invest- being bM'up to fantastic: pricesimany that they buy securities at low prices investment trust stocksVwere offered as well as high, leaving theif averAir Planes in the United^States, with ment of trust funds. Also, the bank does not collect for in such quantities as to bring quota- age cost at a fair figure. This may Travel Air the second largest proitself commission or profit n account tions down to equally fantastic prices, be likened to a manufacturer who ducer in the country.; of the purchase of securities, its sole from which prices many have rallied uses a certain commodity in his Other interesting facts were: . -. .• finished products. Unless he specremuneration being the fee for its substantially. Licensed flyers increased nearly service. It is difficult, in time like these ulates in this commodity instead of 200 percent. All investments for trust accounts recently passed through, Jor even ex- sticking to business (as he shoulcl), Student flyers increased over 260 at the First National Sank are passed perienced investors to keep their per- he will buy it as he needs it, somepercent. upon by the .Trust Investment Com* spective. It i s remarkably easy to times paying.high prices, sometimes Flying schools increased "nearly xnittee appointed by the Board' of become inculcated with mob Spirit lo\ prices, but a fair average over 100 percent. and feel that if the end is not yet a long period of corporation history. Directors. Domestic air mail increased 100 Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-nine here, it soon will be!' But titties like A special committee appointed by percent. saw the capitalization of American these have occurred before and the the Board of Directors makes a periDaily scheduled operations ininvestment trusts doubled, the new Stock Exchange each time continued through and complete audit of all creased from 27,000 miles to approxcapital being raised amounting to open and doing businessThe. shortthcrougt and complete audit of all imately 100,000 miles. - . pull operators and speculators were $2,223,730,898. This was more than records of the Trust Department. 90,000,000 people now served with "The Trust Depa-rtment of tin First always spanked and put to 'sleep one-4ifth of all new security offerings air mail, freight, and passenger National Bank of Omaha it protected (financially speaking), but the long- and shows that the investment trust facilities. by the resources of the bank and is pull investors have continued to make has come into a real place in finanSpeed of 357 miles" per hour atcial affairs. .under the supervision of the United meney despite temporary-setbacks. : tained for racing planes and an econThere is no gainsaying the fact States government," said Mr. Spear. The principles of the investment omical speed of 175 miles per hour trust were evolved over long years that such a tremendous increase in for-commercial planes. of trial and error. They were design- investment trusts could not help but STOCK OWNERSHIP ed originally to safeguard investors overflow the market. When such The great increase in the number against investment dangers. Over large supplies were offered it was no of stockholders ranging from 20 to sixty years of practical operation small wonder that the demand, great 35 percent, reported since the "break" by the leading corporations of the country may be interpreted as a swing away from speculation toward Control of Company to Remain bona. -fid© investment-^ It.jdoubtless Vested in Palestinian ~ ""':- represents not only the buying for WE RECOMMEND Group more or less permanent holding of The directors'of the five intercon- the shares of our industrial giants at nected Judea companies have ap- the favorable prices at which they. proved a contrast whereby 130,000 have been selling, but also a tendenshares of the recently authorized cy on the part of those who bought 200,000 shares of the Judea Life In- ! them at higher levels to forget their surance Company will be offered to paper losses, transfer the stock to the public through Moses & Co., Inc. their own name and await ultimate First offering of the 130,000 shares recovery. Such broad ownership as .will be made to the present stock- is now current is strong attestation holders of the Jud-a Industrial Cor- of widespread faith in the ultimate poration on the basis of an exchange destiny of American business and in of three shares of the new insurance the great organizations which move We are preparing a, comprehenr . stock for each share of the industrial iu its vanguard.

The Capitalization of American Trusts Was Doubled During the Year 1929



Mid*West Aviation Corporation Convertible Prefered Stock Market to Yield

stock. If this offer of exchange is fully exercised it will require, more than 100,000 shares of the insurance stock. The Industrial Corporation will p: rchase the ren-aining 70,000 authorized sharer, to insuro that the control of the insurance company remains vested in the Industrial Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary, the Judea Insurance Company, Ltd., of Palestine. The money accruing to thi Judea l i f e Insurance Company from the sale of the stock "will be used for expansion into States where it is not now operating.



Clarke, Lewis '& Co*


Personal Investment Counsel

ABE GREENSPAN 203 So. 19—J A. 1208 -Evenings WAlnut 5077-

More Than 240,000 Stockholders Received 208th Dividend on Cities Service Common Stock

318 South 19 Street OMAHA

SCRAP the ALIBIS : Business is already impi-oving—yet some Still bemoan "con- , ditions.", x They point itffth despair to <limiflilhed profit*, to , ,.\, expense of doing'TauanessTand to slow collection*, - -4 >=-.^ ^, But vigorous, courageous men, in every ag« and every clime, / ,. have won fortunes by taking advantage of the ebb and flow; of business tides, by combating adverse conditions, by over- > coming natural handicaps . . * while faint-hearted competit- .; . ors idled in their despair. . i AH around, men are succeeding in business. They are fto&ng new methods to replace those outgrown, new tools to substitute for those worn out. They are building new business structures, sound and enduring.

Let'sThrow Away the Alibis !

The Omaha URCfSOVCR.


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On February 1, 1330, more than 240,000 stockholders received a dividend.


When this number of investors purchase the Common stock of a company, that company can truly claim to have deserved and won the confidence of the investing public.

Kaiman Insurance Co. 313 Barker Bldg.&AT. 8034

Writers of Every Known Kind of Insurance

HENRY L. DOHERTY & CO. Tel. JA. 1208

We are not to judge thrift solely by the test of saving or spending. If on* spends what b« should pruikntljr save, that certainly is to be deflored. Bat if one save* what he shouW prudently spend, that is sot Bft&ssftrilp to be commended. A wise balance between the two is the desired end.—Owen D, Young.




203 So. 19th Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA

power, 301,889; Harry S. Lewia, 236,* 666; M. J. Warner, etc., 148,662; Mark S. Wilder, 148,878; Prank M. Tate, 76,000; J. P. Morgaai 4 Co., 72,000. St. Kegifl Paper received its holdings in exchange for common shares of Northeastern Power, of which it owned more than 50%. The Niagara 8hare*Schoellkopf interests teceived their holdings hi exchange for stock Of Buffalo, Niagara and Eastern. Aluminum CO.'B holding was received principally through sale to Niagara Hudson of St. Lawrence Co., while United Gas Improvement and United Corp. received most of their stock in exchange for holdings of Mohawk Hudson Power. In addition to stock issued in exchange* for chares of companies mentioned, ftetfte of the larger holders also subscribed to the 2,000,000 shares with warrants sold by Niagara HudBon for $60,000,000 cash to provide the operating companies their requirements for capital expense and other eorpomte purposes. These funds were employed temporarily in the call market, money on call at one titn« fcpproxim&tiftg $30,000,000 to $40,000,000.

Let's Get toWotk-and

502 Trimble Buildin* SIOUX CITY

On January 1, 1911, the first dividend on Cities Service Common stock was paid to less than 1,000 stockholders.

Investigate our 10 months payment plan and earn over 6% on your savings.


sive resume of the aviation industry for 1929 which we will be pleased to send on request.


New York City,—At a conference held here by various Jewish organisations interested in the relief of Russian Jewry through the supplying of t o l s and machinery it was decided to conduct a four-year cam- Simplification of C o r p o r a t e Structure Likely as Next paign among American Jews for $2,Step in Program 000,000. The drive, which is called the People's Tool Campaign, will With approximately 89% of the have B. Charney Vladeck, managing editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, common stocks of the Buffalo, Niaas chairman. It is hoped to raise gara & Eastern, Mohawk Hudson $500,000 a year, with which machin- Power and Northeastern Power Corp. ery can be purchased to aid in the exchanged for Bhares of Niagara industrialisation of declassed Rus- Hudson Power Corp., it it the intention of the latter to eliminate the insian Jews. termediary holding companies, said though it must have been, was Chairman Carlisle before the ComEwamped, It takes time to distribute mission on Revision of the Public securities into investors' hands and Service Law of N«w York. Commonwealth 4b Southern Corp., probably quite a proportion of the formed last year shortly before Niagtwo bilKon of trusts were only bought for trading and not investing pur- ara Hudson, also has taken step* to poses, and dumped overboard when simplify corporate structure by elimthe first signs of panic became ap- inating intermediary holding companies and recently announced a plan parent We can feel assured, however, that providing for complete absorption of the investment trust movement will Penn-Ohio Edison, Cotnnwnwtalth scarcely again outrun. its natural Power and Southeastern Power tt •growth for several years to come and Light, after which the Utter three that the immediate future will hold win be dissolved. Absorption is to be improvement for the well managed through exchange of stock. trusts. One fact already stands, out, Niagara Hudson Power, according and that is that prices have already to figures compiled last December, bad discounted whatevw results the 77,000 stockhoMera . TM larger trusts iftay show for 1929. Those in- stockholders, with holdings, follow: come statements, even the very poor St. Regis Paper Co., 4,248,379 A S M ; <>nes, that are appearing, are prac- Niagara Share-SdioeUkofrf, (£00,000; tically all tending to straighten in- Aluminum Co., 2,500,600; UnitM Gas vestment trust stocks, rather than Improvement, 1380,782; United Corp* oration, 1,659,249; American B weaken > them.

Including Life Insurance

Keep Posted T?VERY AD on this page repre*** sents money spent by these firms to express a message to you. To read that message is to keep posted on what the financial world has to offer for your benefit.

Mention of the Jewish Press to an Advertiser will Help The Jewish Press


Next Year in New York Short Story 62/ NINA KAYE Here was her chance,, her one Her father prayetii. hexit year:- In would be a bustle.of preparation. A chance, and it was snatched from her. Jerusalem!- Year in and year out he stranger would alight at the station, Paul would go away and there would but not for the hotel bus. A wedding, murmured theancfent formula. Sunk . deep in the yellow clay",of a Southern, farewells, sighs. "All the young folks be left her father and-the hotel. Al•village, it was to Joseph Rich but a are leaving • us," people would say, ways and forever. No, ho, she would not give up so sprayer. To his daughter, Helen— forgetful of those who had returned. easily. With determination, Helen Oh, if she could go to New York, •whose version was next year in New York!—it was a dreaim, promise of she would not return. She wanted left the hotel in the midst of the noon release, freedom from the constrict- freedom, escape. The dream hovered rush' next day and waylaid Dora on her way home from Silverrnan's gening life of the village with its hand- at the horizon but came no nearer. eral store. After she had kissed and It was spring, Paul neglected his ful of Jewish families, escape; from the daily tasks of running a small duties as night clerk to walk with congratulated her future sister-in-law, town hotel. For Joseph Rich, stom- Dora. Helen took his place. At mid- Helen spoke thoughtfully. "Did you ach-weary from years of travel as a night, he came, apologetically. "I'm ever think, dear, maybe it will be hard salesman, had bought the old Com- sorry, Helen. But the moon's so for Paul to find something that realmercial House in Sylva where he pro- bright it seems early. And Dora and ly pays right away in New York?" "Oh, I'm going to work, too." posed to, provide for traveling sales- I got so interested, talking about the "If you wanted to stay here you men as he would have liked to have wedding." The wedding! Helen's heart leaped. could with him. You two could have been treated on the road. . Yet it was upon Helen, who had Why on earth hadn't she thought of the hotel for yourselves," Helen's never been beyond the, station at the it before? A plan to realize her words came with quick eagerness. "But there isn't any future here, foot of Depot Hill, that the bulk of dream burst upon her. Never could the tasks devolved. For the, past four she have thrown up her duties and Helen. Paul can't build up the place. years, since her mother's "death, Helen left the hotel with her father and ir- There isn't any demand. If this were was at the helm. Her'father was responsible Paul. But Paul and his really a humming town, then it would ..•,.'• be worth while; But Syiva's dying. content to leave things in5 her cap-- .wife! In her joy and relief, Helen hugged 'Cause all the young blood's leaving able hands, while-he entertained transients with stories of his own travels, her brother rapturously and began, it. Besides, don't you think I want twenty years before. Her. brother madly, to plan aloud. "Oh, Paul, I'm to get away from Sylva, too?" Dora's Paul looked upon the hotel as a neces- so happy. And don't worry about me face was soft and round, but her chin • sary eviL His heart belonged to. Dora being in the way here after you're was set. married. ..Ill ..go away and ifU all When the first Sunday in June had Silyerman. ..=----...— Helen watched the boys of the town be Vours, yours and Dora's with just gone, and with it Paul and Dora, go-striding off to the city, to carve a chair for Papa. All he wants:is to Helen saw her dream sinking: below out a future and never, never to re- sit in the sun and talk to all the the horizon. She was going through turn. All that kept Paul, she knew, guests. Why, you can even have your her tasks with dreary resignation when the hotel bus again brought -was Dora. The girls, too, made'peri-: name-on the stationery!" " 'Impatiently,Paul shook her off. "No, Samuel Isaacs, furniture with sideodic visits to New York T h e y ^ a l d begone for a while, two..weelts,vthree ihanks! I want to go to New York, lines of lamps and table pads. Each weeks. Then they; would; return,: de- just like all the other fellows. Just year he came he brought Helen fresh feat in their eyes, and settle down because I'm marrying a town girl tales of the road and all, that lay to .clerking in their, fathers' stores.. is:no reason for me being buried here. beyond the narrow rim of Sylva. She But some, or maybe'only;one, wotild; You can run'the place yourself, you loved to listen to his full rich voice come back, her eyes ^sparkling more know more about it than Papa and and-to watch the flourishing-gesture brightly than the ring on the fourth me put together. I'm not going to rot with which he lit his after dinner finger of her left hand. Then there in Sylva for the rest of my life." - cigar.

In the evening, after her work was Jewish Debaters Upon Winning Central Team done, they sat side by,, side in rockers on the porch. Isaacs spoke of his travels. Then he "said: "With all the people I, meet on the road, it's not once a year I nave a heart to heart talk with anybody I care about. I always find myself looking forward to coming into Sylva. Wish, I didn't have to make" one-day stops like this. We just get to know each other when I have to be off, andatfll be a whole year before we can" spend another evening together." When he said goodnight to her at the foot of the stairs, he added. "I'll think of tonight often, when I'm on the road." Sometimes, recalling the gentleness that clothed his usually brusque speech, Helen believed he would. At other times she chided herself. "Because a man is nice to you on a summer night, how dare you think he even remembers you. Forget your fancies." Samuel Isaacs had come to Sylva in June. He was not due back for another twelve months. Yet it was hardly August when the hotel bus brought him up from the station, tired and dusty. Helen welcomed him, trying to con-1 ceal the surprise in her eyes. He waited for her, while she attended the after dinner duties at the desk. When she was finished, he suggested they walk. Together they went down the hotel steps and along the street, hushed after the long day. He spoke of the soft evening, of the country. Lawrence Simon, Rose Stein, Lowell Harris, and Harold Saxc "Oh, if you've never slept in a PullChampion* of the Midland Debate Tourney. man on a hot July night, you don't know how good the country smells!" When the Central High school de- ure responsible for the victory. She was moved to protest. "It's baters captured the debate tourna- Harold Saxe, Lawrence Simon, and not always like this. And when you ment sponsored by the Midland col- Rose Stein, mainstays on the Central have to live here all the time . . ." lege at Fremont last week, Jewish team, were the Jewish students who The yearning to get away choked her forensic ability was in a large meas- aided the Purple to the championship. and she could not go on. "Want to know why I'm here?" trembling lips to his. Samuel brushed away her objeche asked and went on. "I came back Later they came back to the hotel. tions. Her father wasn't old. He had because I was so lonesome I couldn't "Think you'll like to travel?'* he just grown accustomed to Helen dogo on. Oh, Helen, I can't make you; asked. ing everything. "And think of youra speech now. I haven't anything to like to travel! How could she tell self, you've your own life-to live. You say except that I love you!" | him of her long pent desire? Then want to go away with me, don't you, The realization of her love for him she thought of her father, the hotel. dearest?" suffused her. Silently, she raised her How could she leave? "Oh, I do, 1 do," she tried. !



"Then we'll be married tomorrow. It will have to be tomorrow. I'll have to be on the road again, you "know. Have to support a wife now* don't r." ' **v "Yes, dear. But I don't think we • ought to tell Papa, not till its over. J He might twist me out of it!" There was no rabbi in Sylva. For the major events of life, a rabbi came from the county seat,, Henderson. Helen and Sam went to the justice of the peace. They planned to stop off at Henderson on their way for the ^ religious ceremony. £%. As they made their way back to the hotel to tell her father, Sam spoke seriously. "You know, Helen, when I went up to my room last night, I did an awful lot of thinking. Maybe if I step in and help you with the hotel, we would make a like thing of it. I always thought if I had a chance to settle down, I'd have a hotel where traveling men would really get what they want. I've been on the road a long time and I know what they want. So I sent a wire to the firms whose lines I carry, telling: them I'd decided to quit the road." Helen stared, unable to move or speak. "Oh, I know I ehould've told you before we got married. But It doesnt matter if you love me. You do love me, Helen, don't you." Still in a date,, Helen murmured, "and «tay on here, here in Sylva ?" "Sure. You don't know what a fine little town this is." "And never go away. Never, never to New York." "Oh, i f business is good, we might take a little trip to New York—next year." " (Copyrighted by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc., 1929.)

WELCOME MELCHETT'S PLANTATION COMPANY London.—(J. T. A.)—The establishment of a plantation company with a capital of $1,500,000 by Lord Melchett, is welcomed by the "Near East and India Magazine," a publication said to be close to the British Colonial Office.

* T^ -



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PAGE-7—THE-JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 *fh« Ladies1 Aid Society will hold tegral point in the Treaty of Versail- the South African Jews to go there a, .meeting next Tuesday ajf ternoon, les signed by the Allied nations, the to help build a self reliant community "-"ir '!?«. JT*~M "~Vj}Jin 'five-games with the . Peerless, they L : -V/l Ulldlng^btflke^.^^ j February 25, at, the home\of Mrsl asaociated powers and thfl United that would be able to look the world o f them imcl-have a[ in the face and with heads erect in a >jGjborge Steinberg, 1428 West Broad- States. t. - - , i fighting chance to turn the\ trick j place "where we can feel ourselves — LicutenantiGoVernortG Commenting on the well-known enway. Lehman of this state'has- once mere ergy, sacrifice and generosity of thein a country from which we came." ! Ben I. Seldin, adjutant of the Jewish community -with regard to Palvindicated the claim of .his friends as American Legion Rainbow Post No.: estrae, -in- the up-building work of to his ability by accomplishing ; a The U. S. Oils have won thirty FOUR JEWISH MEN 2 of Council Bluffs, is attending: a which he declared South Africa to be straight victories over junior settlement. of the New York:-,, .dressIN RACE FOR CITY conference of Legion officers the pillar, Lord Melchett, said, "the makers* strike througt • his tnediatiom teams: including the -x Y. M. H. A. PRIMARIES MONDAY astate t Des Moines, la., this week. As a result of hisintervention,, 20,juniors of Kansas ,CSty, the Tech Jewish Agency left no excuse for the American Advisor States That 000 -workers are expected to return, to j and South high school second teams non-Zionist. The jews of the world . Primaries of the city election will the Polish Government Is ! j and in ifact every team which" they be held next Monday, February 24, •work •within.the "week. have amalgamated and are taking adVienna—(J. T. A.)—That CathoStill Young The agreement which is considered j have faced.; Ciller, Novak and Siegel in Council Bluffs. This election is vantage of the "historic Mandate to re- licism must increase its missionary build their beloved E*etz Israel, the activity in order to save the souls of New York. (J. T. A.)—"American a victory for .the workers will'-virtual- ar the boys who Tun the scores up of special interest to the Jewish home to which they are entitled by the Jewish people had lost its religion Jews'must remember that the newly do; away with the sweatshop and into the double digits -while Bergman people as four Jewish men are canlong centuries. It is a point of honor since it was granted equal rights more Polish, republic is only about ten will result in the. formation of-'aa-im-, and company help to keep the opposi- didates for city offices. with every Jew to help." than a century ago, was the statement years old and" that it is impossible partial" commission which will, hence-' tior. from scoring too iiiany points. In the race for alderman-at-large Lord Melchett said he could speak made today by Father Bichlmair durto straighten but all the differences forth settle disputes which may arise These boys will make seme nteg ma- on the republican ticket two.Jewish in such a comparatively short period in the dress industry-. This commis- terial for "the Commercial League men will be included. They are Jo- Cape Town, Feb. 3—(J. T. A.)—It in various capacities but lie preferred ing an address on missionary activity and to change entirely the different sion will be appointed by . Governor. teams of next year, rumour has itseph B. Katelman and George Stein- is impossible to surrender one iot» of to address the gathering as a lover of among the Jews in the Zion Cathedral .points: of view which existed in Po-Eoosey.elt _and;will \be. composed.- of\ tjey'may Join one of the two A. Z.berg. Jewish rights in Palestine, declared Palestine. "I am a ganatical lover of here. the unions, of the.A. chapters en"masse; maybe,' Mr. O. Hochman is a candidate for land for so many year," stated representatives of .Lord Melchett, president of the Eng- that beloved country. No one re risit- Father Bichlmair concluded that the 1 Alderman: ot the Fourth ward onsiish Zionist Federation, speaking at ing the haunts of our forefather* can decline of religious and national spirit Charles S. Dewey, the American fi- three employers associations and .of I the republican, ticket. nancial advisor to the Polish gov- ;hree other disinterested persons., The • the opening of the South African- fail to be impressed and be a lover of among the jews made the Jews ripe In the race for city solicitor on. Keren Hayesod campaign, as chair- Eretz Israel. He declared that "we for Christianity and that every ChriBternment, to the representative of the ommissioh. yrill be .appointed -forrr'a' 'eriod; of .three months^'but if»it; as :»Business the republican ticket is Mr. Ben Jewish Telegraphic Agency. man of the political committee of the are the custodian and guardians of ian therefore is in duty bound to uccessfuf, .it Avill be made into aT.perKubby as a candidate. Jewish Agency. Lord Melchett made the- charter of" Jewry now and for-work for the conversion of the Jews Mr» Dewey, who came for a short : : manent ttpSy, '";'_ ".^;'"." ~'^-.'_"~yby winning the confidence of the Jews ••"• • Bowling League All of these ineri are well-known that statement in discussing the ever." visit ,to the United States, declared Besides the . abolitidn'. of sweSt through creating a friendly atmosand will appreciate everyone's supDescribing the development of PalMandate policy of which he said that that the Jews. in. Poland, being a Won Lost A'ge port at the primary election which- I "it is foolish to talk of a reversal of estine, he said the country needed phere for them, without any religious part - of the general population of shops* and the formation. of. the, im.13 ' 2" .867 7 will be held Monday, February 24 J the Mandate policy which is an in-money and people and he would like or political anti-Semitism. that • country, naturally are affected artial committee, the settlement'ateb Cmaha Tobacco Malashock Jewelry 9 gives the workers a/ 4fchour 5-day rfff \6oo by the. present economic conditions .\ 7 S'r.467 in-Poland-where industry and trade week. No increase in wages was Wardrobe 1 asked* tHat' matter having -"by agreeEmpiife Cleaners ,~..1~—.. __ 6 &U00 AGUDAS ACHIM DANCE are being, reorganized- in accordance SUNDAY EVENING with- .modern, economic methods. - - ment; been postpimed ;for a year. " Kaiman Ihfyrance ....„._; 6 r .400 Glazer ; ftotpfing' .,._„.—- 5 \ 10" .333 The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim ; Mr. Dewey believes that the Jewr ^.The. Malashock Jewelry^ ish small traders: and. merchants who association will celebrate their sixTobacco and the WardrobeOmaha won teenth anniversary in the fornl of a '.are-now being eliminated from trade sweeping victories from their respec- dance which will be held on Sunday and industry in Poland, owing to tive opponents; namely, the Glazers, evening, February 23, at the Eagles' the. ^reorganization of the industry, By Kaiman Insurance and Empire hall. A snappy orchestra has been . will be given an opportunity and .:be Cleaners. STANLEY F. LEVIN absorbed in the new economic sysengaged to furnish the music for Morrie' Bloom started as if to the dancing. A door prise will be tem of the country, and any difficulty in their position is merely a The big game of the week will be shatter the high three-game total given also. Everyone is invited to passing oner .He thought .that .the this Sunday afternoon at three o'clock mark of the season when he started- attend and a good time 1B assured Jews will be proportionately "employ- when the Kansas City "Y" girls sex- with a 230 and 212 count, but fin-alL Admission "Is* free. ed in the city and government en- tette plays the Omaha J. C. C girls ished up with a 172 as his final team. The K. C lassies have won game and a total of 614. terprises. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg anThe other two hundred scores were The* American financial advisor to the two previous encounters between nounce the birth of a son, bora,.Monas follows: D. E. vGreenberg 201, Poland, 'however, insisted that- the the two cities and are out to make it day, February 17; at the Methodist Mai. Fleischer 200 and Leo Weitz present Polish government,, led bythree in a row. Needless to state the hospital in Omaha. 214. President Moscicki and Marshall Pil- local girls have a different notion as sudski, is far from being anti-Sem- to the outcome of the tilt and all in itic, but admitted that such feelings all the game should be well worth Classes .of the jPolish. .population. while. "Personally I don't think that con* * * are not yet exterminated from all The Center girls chalked up another stant complaints and making de- victory the other day when they took mands- upon the government can lead the Tully Hatters for a 19 to 0 trim* to mutual understanding/?. Mr* De-ming. Bertha Shafton and Heva Wey Said. " Goldenburg were the chief scorers "It is in my opinion, wiser to while the play of the guards*as the show appreciation for things Teceiv score indicates was , flawless. The revised system, briefly, will be as fellows: - > ed than to insist in demaiids for writer criticised the play of the girls still more grants. I am sure that guards sometime earlier in the season the suggestion made by a Jewish but if they continue to play as they 1. The Benson and W«ejb Park liittt journalist during the Palestine riots' have recently( he will retract all that Catnlns and 16th. 'that the Polish government should he said. take over the mandate for Palestine 2. The 45th and Bedford and East P w i lihee eonttau* was very highly appreciated by the The J. C. C» Varsity will meet the I. f together, but going through Ctmtliii^iiili 16th. Polish; government and did. .mot- Davenport Garage quint Sunday good for the Jews in Polahd"jhan afternoon following the girls game. : ^ ^le^West LeaVenwortli and 33rd and Parker many ^ofHheractivities of .some, Jew- This big double, attraction will'beYofHarvey line) Joined, ^going throagh l€th to ish leaders.*'! ~ fered to the jlufclic at a very nominal then West to the oM Harney line. , "I am- Sure- that the" Polish gov- price and shoulcT attract a "large ernment will eliminate the 'Jewisl crowd. The boys team is still unde4. t h :e: Dundee line to » through Farnam to 13th and question' by eradicating the causes feated and of course is out to add 10th. D Patk which lead to- Jewish dissatisfaction, another team to its already long string just as I consider that the best way of victims* 5. 46th and Cttming line down 4Ctth 16 Farnam, to lOth, of satisfying, unemployed workers is to 6th and Centef. , to create for them opportunities for. The two Omaha A. Z. A. fives made •work and making a living," Mr. De- the long journey to Kansas City pre6. Florence and West Q lines eontimM together; Florence wey stated. sumably to try to win the District A. line going east to 16th and AIM*, wet to 15th t t Z. A. Tournament but as events Webster, and back to 16th and Howard. turned out, merely for the ride. Omaha No. 1 lost to Kansas City 7- 24th and Kansas and Albright Mnee continue together, while Omaha No. 100 were put out of With the New Hotpoint Waffle Iron 24th and Kansas going straight south on 24th to the running by Lincoln. Des Moines Cuming, east to 16th, te Webster, to 15th, to Howard, retained their championship and go} A gorgeous 6-piece waffle dish to 13th to Albright. I to Detroit where they look like sure : bets to again win the national title set will be given FREE with which, has been their's for the past 8. Crosstown line Continues as at present, 30th an* every Hotpoint Waffle Iron two years. They played four games Spaulding, to Lake, to 24th, to N, via Stock Tar^i to 42nd and L. . that is sold at this special sale. The Cape Town,—(J. T. A.)—The im- in sixteen hours and averaged 52 migration bill recently introduced in- points to the Opposition's 4. waffle set is green glass andwill add t to 10th en Dodf» to the South African Parliament by $. Ames-Dodge-Hamey line will go beauty to your table. Get yours today. instead of to 14th as at present. the terms of which only 50 immiThe World-Herald City handball grants would be admitted annually tourney is practically over with all from the countries that have been indications pointing to Max Altshuler 10. All shuttle lines continued, e&cept t t h Street itni, contributing the largest immigration meeting Herman Segelman for the which is abandoned in favor of a through line* to South Africa in recent years, was latters title. The doubles tourney is •termed "an iniquitous blot on the na- well under way, all the ^contestants 11. All of the new bus service will be COtUiMK^, for th<* This new Hotpoint Waffle Iron tional honor and on individual self stagging a merry fight and everybody v present at least, tfttis providing the d-tisatewn *nd .is certainly a dandy. It has arerespect as well as & stigma on thehappy.: feeder service, which has proven so popmkf with afl Jews" by Morris Alexander, former of the people liting In the districts served -by ttiose liable heat indicator that tells member of Parliament) addressing an The A. Z. A. 100 handed a onelines. There is a possibility of some change later in you when to put in the batter. enthusiastic meeting here yesterday. sided defeat onto the Psi Mu club, the 33rd and 30th Street bus line. Bake delicious waffles right at Declaring that the Jews won't tol- the final score being Si to 6. All the erate the stigma implied in the bill men on the A. Z. A. team shot baskthe table. No smoke, grease or since from 85 to 96 percent of theets with high point honors going to Our letter tothe City Council, explaining the change in odor. ~ Jews now in South Africa come from "Murph" White with three baskets routing, contained the following paragraph which we the countries that the new immigra- for six points. Epstein and Siegal respectfully ask our patrons to consider: Wesson Oil with", every Hotpoint Waffle tion law introduced by Minister of made almost all of the losers points* feon. Meal for salads and other delieacies. Interior Dn Daniel Malan, would af• '•• .» Also Free Recipe Book. fect, Mr. Alexander exclaimed : that ...The .feature game of the ni.te,.wa.sj. "Some people, of course, are better served by the present system "the Englishman" and the Diitehman that of the Kaplan Bargain Center than they will be after March 2nd, but we know that the pro* have pride in their race but let them and the-Peerless.Cleaners Which -endposed system will give better transportation service to Omaha understand that the Jew has too. Alled 33 to 28 in favor of the Peerless. people as a whole than the one which we are now operating. We the Jews now iff South Africa who The losers" held a 16 to 8 advantage believe the new plan will be satisfactory to car riders in general came from the. countries" affected by at the half time which dwindled repespecially when they realize that door*to-door service, which is the new bill have made good here. idly when Max Altshuler began scortaxi service, cannot be given to everyone for 6 2-3 cents, and Additional "I voice the opinion of united South ing his eight baskets for a total of that after all a wait of from one minute to 10 minutes is not Charge African Jewry and what I say is sixteen points.- The score was tied fo* serious, considering the low cost of the ride." echoed and endorsed throughout the 27 to 27 with two minutes to play Payments country. We too have our leaders on when a "wild toss and a free throw the road to freedom and justice. This iced the game for the winners. is the first time that anti-Semitism, Babich, Bloom and Cackin did most naked and unashamed has been pub- of the heavy scoring for the Kaplan SOLD ON EAST tERMS licly proclaimed as a new political Bargain Center while the floor work i-^i;;:;u;.. V ,M.v .. •••' ••-•* virtue. All we ask is a square deal. of Barish was niost'-cpmmendgble. %. •;'';.:.' 1;> '.".:.;_...^' "JSIcctric Shops" The fight begun will be well maintained. We are going to put .every The big game next.i.Wednesday 17th and Harney Sts. •_ ••' .Ji'.li. ounce of strength into the resolution night will be between the A. Z: A. 1 emphatically -protesting on the and the Peerless, the winner of which ground that the bill is based on un-will be the champions of the league. just and illiberal principles. The ad- The A. Z. A. l at the present time mission of immigrants should be are the champions but very uneasy Courtesy S«ivice based* on individual qualifications of is the head which wears the crown, character, conduct and suitability." however they may obtain satisfaction


Lehmtiit' :

Stlcbet&sr 1

< I" 1t h e k n < w l e i l « e that in,their last}

Council Bluffs

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We urge street car riders to study the revised routing of car lines which will be effective March 2nd. ; m

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MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

CARD PARTY TO BE GIVEN ON TUESDAY Members of the Hebrew Mothers' association are sponsoring a card party: to .be held in the Jewish Community Center next; Tuesday evening, February 25, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. "R. H. Emlein, president, of the organization, has appointed Mrs. H. Goldstein and Mrs. Max Haligman to act as co-chairmen of the. affair. Cards aid 'Mah Hongg will be followed by a luncheon. The Hebrew Mothers' club is organized for the expressed purpose of essisting the Hebrew school here. They have paid for the bus which takes the children to and from the Talmud Torah, and also supply the needed text books and supplies to those who can not pay for them. In addition to this the organization is responsible for refreshments served at the children's entertainments, and the general welfare of the school. The committees in charge have expressed the hope that every woman in. the community will turn out for this affair. *

TEPHERETH ISRAEL'S BANQUET ON SUNDAY The second annual banquet of the Daughterhood of Tephereth Israel synagogue will be held on Sunday evening, February 23, at 7 o'clock in the social hall of the synagogue. Mrs. William Lazere, who is president of the daughterhood, is in charge .of the arrangements. -Plans are being made by the committees to •. accomodate over - 250 guests at the affair. A tentative program promises to be one of interest and entertainment. In addition to the program, a bed spread will be raffled off. • <

B'nai Frith Members •: Hear A. Z. A. Reports

Laymen to Conduct ; Services Tonight An interesting and unique service tonight at Mount Sinai Temple will be conducted entirely by laymen who are members of the Temple brotherhood. The ritual will be read by several of the men and H. N. Slotsky, prominent Sioux City attorney and president of the brotherhood will preach the sermon. Rabbi Lewis is speaking this evening from the pulpit of Temple Israel in Omaha, by invitation of the congregation. This noon he will address members of the Omaha Kiwanis club, and last evening spoke at a meeting in the interest of Hadassah work at Council Bluffs, la. Last Sunday evening Eabbi Lewis addressed over 300 people at a union service of all the Christian churches in Le Mars. He chose as his subject, "What the Jew and Christian have at Stake in Palestine."

At a directors' meeting of the Federation of Jewish Social Service A. M. Davis was re-elected to serve the ^federation as president for the coming year. Mr. Davis has been active in Jewish communal work for some time. He was at one time president of the Mount Sinai congregation. , . . ' . - . Other officers elected include Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mr. Dave Davidson, Mr. A. L. Galinsky, Mr. Barney Baron and Mrs. R. H. Emlein as vicepresidents; Mr. Max Brodkey as general secretary and Mr. Mike Skalovsky as treasurer. Plans were made to re-organize an Inter-Club Council and pledge cards were distributed for the federation campaign which is now in progress. The meeting was attended by over forty members of the directorship Fannie Reinhart and among whom were the newly electCompany to Be Guests at ed members. Tephereth Israel Banquet A detailed report of the federation banquet, held February 11, was Madame Fannie EeinTiart and her given by Mr. Mike Skalovsky. company of players will be the guests of honor at the Secand Annual Tephereth Israel Banquet to be held in Local National Fund the .Synagogue Social Hall, Sunday Council Has Meeting evening, at 6:30. In order to enable the guests to be at their evening At a meeting of the local National performance that evening, which be- Fund Council, held in the Center gins at 8:30, the hour of the dinner Monday evening, Mr. J. Aizenberg which was previously announced for was elected as chairman of the 7:00 o'clock, -will be held at 6:30. group, Mr. S. Weiss, secretary, and Mrs. Wm. Lazere, who is in charge Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, treasurer. of the arrangements for the dinner A resolution was adopted at the has announced that Mrs. Reinhart and meeting that 10 per cent of all the her players will present a program funds; raised through entertainments of songs, as the program at the by the Zionist organization will be banquet. allotted to the National fund. "The Modern Woman" will be the It was also announced that a play offering of the Company Sunday eve- presented by local talent will be 1 ning ; in the City Auditorium. driven under- • the- auspices of" the council,* the date' of which .will Be ; announced later. MRS. LEWIS ADDRESSES


Girl Scout Troop -No. 9 will meet Sunday afternoon, February 23, when six members of the Climbing Rose Patrol will be invested with the Tenderfoot Rank. Mrs. Carl F. Younglove, director of the local Girl Scout organization will be a guest, as will the mothers of the members of the troop.

.Members" of the Junior Hadassah organization are canvassing the city •with tickets for the Orpheum Theatre for February 25,' 26, 27 and 28. TBrough arrangements with the Orpheum the club receives a percentage on all the tickets sold by them. Ticket's can be procured, according to Miss Sadie Shulkin, president of The Select Dramatic Club is prac^the group, from any member or at ticing for the play, "Mrs. Jones.does the Community Center office. not Hire a Maid". The group, whose membership is still open to girls between 10 and< 13, is under the leaderMt. Sinai Congregation ship of Miss- Vivian 'Mosow. ' and Brotherhood Joint

Dinner on Tuesday

Young Circle Club Hears Dr. / . N. Lande Members of the Young Circle Club had as their_ speaker Monday evening P i t .$./&; Lande, who gave an interesting discourse on his experience in Europe this summer. Announcement was made at the meeting of the newly organized Girls' basket ball team, which is composed of Freda Rozmovsky, Delia Shilbff, Ida Edelman, Sara Dimsdale, Ann Sinnger, Bess Harlow, Rose Shiloff and Rose Tessler. The boys' basket ball team, composed of Bernard'Herzoff, Harry Zifkin, Jack Reznick, Philip Mirken, George Fineberg, Dave Wigodsky and William Rozofsky, plans to go to Omaha tomorrow to play there.

PARLEY OF RABBIS DISCUSS PROGRAM Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The conference of Polish rabbis was in session all day yesterday. The main topic that was • discussed was the preparation of a list of proposals to be made by the rabbis to the Polish government for the conduct of Jewish religious affairs. The rabbis adopted a resolution protesting against the presence of free-thinkers and Sabbath violators in the Kehillah councils. They also protested against the government proposal to establish a yearly religious census. A delegation of rabbis, led by the rabbi of Rzeszow and ex-Deputy Lewin* visited the-Ministry of Cults and asked the government to hold off its projected reforms until the conference will prepare a proposed program.


Mrs;' Thfeodore'N. Lewis delighted a large audience at the friendship , jV V^^--'-;::BY A . M. DAVIS hour of the Y. M." C. A. last Sunday afternooriVwith a talk on her travels Mr. E. N. Grueskin has been named irt'-' Palestine last summer. This as Chairman of the Building Fund group heard Mrs. Lewis as their Carnival for this year, by Mr. A. M. speaker on a monthly travel talk. Davis, President of the Federation". Mr.' 'A-' J. Galinsky, Max Friedman, and Mrs. A. M." Davis, are Vice chairZIONISTS TO MEET An educational meeting of the Lawrence Baron, and Morris Pill is in local Zionist chapter will be held men. Publicity will be handler by next Thursday evening, February 27, charge of the Program and Advertisat the Community Center. The pro- ing. "••-•. The Carnival will be held in the gram for the evening has not yet been announced by Mr. K. H. Em- City Auditorium this year on Tuesday, May 6, Over one hundred lein, president. people will work on this affair to make it an outstanding event.

Charles-Osheroff, president of the local -A. 25. A. chapter, spoke to members of the B'nai B'rith lodge on the A. Z. A. tournament' held in Kansas City last week.. Isadore Mirowitz : also spoke on the Boy Scout program at the meeting held last Tuesday. . . . " .-..'. One of the outstanding, features of . the B'nai B'rith program this year is.: the extensive and interested co-operation the B'nai B'rith lodge is giving the A. Z. A. chapter. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, an active B'nai B'rith member, accompanied - the A. Z. A< members on the trip to Kansas City. : Community Center Notes A * smoker followed- the business H. N. Slotsky, prominent local atmeeting at which M. E. Friedman torney spoke to members of the Macpresided. cabee Club Sunday afternoon, at their regular meeting. His theme was PIONEER WOMEN on "Ideals of life". TO HONOR LEAH The members of the dub elected BISKIN WITH DINNER a board .of directors for. the coming year, including Miss Rose Lipman, Members of the Pioneer Club will N. Sadoff, Mrs. E. Herzoff, Mr. E. honor Mrs. Lea Biskin, ; National Robinow, Mr. H. N. Slotsky, Mr. M. Pioneer Secretary, at a dinner in Baumstein, -and .Mrs. Sam Mosow. the Community Center Sunday eve- Over thirty five parents attende«? ning. .Mrs; Biskin, whose home is this meeting, as guests of the club. in New York, is touring the Mid West in the interest of the Pioneer Members of the Sigma Iota Sigma Womens Clubs of the country. Mrs. Club held a slumber party at the B. Shindler is-in charge of-the din- hcme of Miss Ida Cohen, last Saturner on Sunday evening, and: Mrs. H. day evening. Miss Marcia Robinow Mirowitz- wiH preside- at a meeting and Miss Rose Lipman, chaperoned of. the. club on. Monady evening..Mrs. the group. Biskin will: speak to the members of the organization at Monday's meetr The Business Girl's Club, heard Miss Betty Brainard speak on her ing, •„.. . travels in Cuba, at their regular dinner meeting • Wednesday evening. Junior Hadassah Orpheum - Miss Ruth Marx, president, presided.

Ticket Sale in Progress


Shaare Zion Members of the A. Z. A. Chapter, who-attended the Kansas City tournament, will speak from the pulpit of Shaare Zfon this evening. The entire chapter will be the guests of the congregation then. On Thursday evening, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, spoke before the Boy Scout" banquet at.' the Masonic Temple on> "The Future Manhood of America". The Protestant, Catholic and Jewish, religions were represented at that time. The junior congregation of Shaare Zion and the children of the Talmud Torah held their Arbor day party and entertainment Thursday in the social hall of the synagogue. Songs by Tillie Shindler, Jack Merlin and Bertha Snovsky, a clarinet solo by Leonard Berkowitz, piano solo by Fannie Zifkin and a story by VeJma Beechen were features on the program. Henry Ginsburg told a story about Palestine, and a humorous sketch, ~"A Hasty Trip to Palestine", by Tillie Shindler and Dorothy Mazor -entertained—the children. Community : singing and refreshments concluded the program.

PERSONALS Mr. . Max. Rosenthal has returned after a vacation of several weeks visiting friends in Omaha. Mrs. H. M. Bailin of Atkinson, Nebraska, is a guest at the home of h. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bolstein.

Samuel Berelc* of Fremont, who with his mother, Mrs. J. Berek, and a sister, Miss Ruth; Berek, tells of an interesting and yaried experience along -his - special 'line of dramatics while on the west coast. Berek is well-known in Omaha, having attended Creighton University here a few years ago. • •;While in Los Angeles he took a six months' advanced course in dramatics at the Major School of technique and mechanics of acting, personality development and professional acting. The movie studios also contributed to his experience for he ;had several screen tests, one especially good being taken at the Metro-GoldwynMayer studios. A voice test at Fox studios disclosed the power and range of his coice and at Universal pictures taken of himself by Dr. David Gruziner, head artist and photographer of that studio. Mr. Berek organized the Naborhood Players, acting in the capacity of instructor and director, and was also dramatic director of the Joy Cee Players,, the latter group producing, a playlet of his, caHed "Monette." : The Fremonters' plans for the future are indefinite as he is. considering several things at the' present time.

Jabotinsky Denies He , Advocated Expulsion of Arabs from Palestine Vienna.—(J. T.\A.)—Palestine will always remain a state with more than one nationality, declares Vladimir Jabotinsky, leader of the Zionist Revisionists, in a letter published yesterday in the Reichspost, which is a reply to that paper's Catholic Palestine correspondent who had stated that Jabotinsky in his Tel Aviv speech, had said that the Palestine Arabs have the desert where they can go to pasture with their camels. Jabotinsky emphatically denies having said this and adds that the expulsion of the Arabs from Palestine is impossible. He insists, however, on the creation of a Jewish majority "by immigration and that then a - modus vivendi be found to safeguard Arab rights because no Zionist group is opposed to peace,

AUXILIARY PRESENTS ARBOR DAY PROGRAM At a largely attended meeting of the Shaare Zion Ladies Auxiliary, held Tuesday afternoon in the social hall of the synagogue, the theme of the program was based on the Jewish Arbor day, and a patriotic program in keeping with the Lincoln and Washington birthdays. After the business meeting the chair was turned over to Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz, who is chairman of the cultural committee of the auxiliary. Miss Dena Baron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Baron, presented several vocal solos. A clever dialogue between Lincoln and Washington, written by Mrs. Rabinowitz, was given by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and Mrs. Rueben Miller. Mr. Jack Lapman played several violin solos, accompanied on the piano by Miss Sara Weiner. A sketch, "The Jewish Women—Past and Present", was given by Mrs. Meyer Daskovsky, Mrs. John C. Levin, Mrs. Joe Kutcher, Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, Mrs. William Mazie, Mrs. Rueben Miller, Mrs. Moe Lazere, Mrs. Robert Sacks and Mrs. S. H. Shulkin.

Keren Hayesod Appeal Jerusalem. — Commenting on the fact that the Keren Hayesod only received 16,575 pounds sterling during the month'of December, "Ha'Aretz", Hebrew daily of Tel Aviv, asks:.. ' ". "Is this our answer to the bloody August events? Our enemies are trying to reap the reward of their "gallantry" while we are debating higher politics. At best we are only preparing for work."


MAX FBOMKDf, Att'y 628 Peters Trust Bnildlnr City NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WEEX In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, . In the matter of the estate .of- Louis Enbaci, deceased. All persons interested in aaid estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court, praying for the probate of a certain instrument now on file In said Court, purporting to be the last •will and testament of said deceased, and that a hearing -will be had on said petition before said Court on the 7th day of March, 1030, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 7th day of Harrh, 1930, at 0 o'clock a. m. to contest ,the probate of Raid •will, the Court inay allow and probate, said will and Ktnnt administration of said estate to Tefta Selinsky or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BllTCE CHAWFORD, 2-14—Ct, County Judge. STAUtASTER & BEBEU, Attorneys C50 Omaha Nafl Bank Bide 1'ROBAT.E XOTICK In the matter of tUe estate of METEU GKKEN, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the credHers of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Isebrasks, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 4th day of April, 3930, and on the 4th day of Juno, 1030, at 9 o'clock A. 51., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment ^and allowance. Three months are alloWed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of March, 1030. BHTCE CKAWFORD. Feb. 7—3T , County Judce. JACK MAKER, Attorney County Court House PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of IKE riSHJSK, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me. County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraskn, at the County Court Room, In said County, on the 4th day of April, 1030, and on the 4th day of June, 1030, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, for the pnrpose ot presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of March, 1930. BllYCE CRAWFORD, ^ 7—3T County Judge. JACK MAKER, Attorney County Court House PROBATE XOTICE In the matter "of the estate of FBAXK W. MULLIN, deceased. •Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of' said deceased 'will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, " on the 4th day of April, 1930. and on the 4th day of June, 1030, at » o'clock A.- M., each dny, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 1st day of March, 1030. BUXCE CKAWFORD, Feb. 7—3T County Jndge. STALMASTER & BEBEB, Attorneys 650 Omaha >'at'I BankBIdg-. City NOTICE OB1 ADMINISTRATION In the Comity of Douglas County, Nebraska, ' In -the matter of the Estate of MAX SHRIEK, deceased. All persons interested in snid estate ore hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for 'administration upon his estate, and that a hearing -will be hnd on said petition before said court on the 15th day of March, 1930, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said Kith day of Moreh, 3030, at 9 o'clock A. II.. to eontest • said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant mlministrntion of said estate to Hymen S. Shrier. or tome other

Any fool can waste, any fool can Mrs.'Al Krasne of Omaha is visitN / London is chairman of muddle, but it takes sor./Uurnj of a the dinner to be given by the Mount man to save, and the more he^saves ing at the home of her parents, Mr. Sinai ~^Copgrre,gation and Brotherhood,' the more of.* a man\'oes it make of and Mrs. S. Sampson. Those gifts, are ever the;moost ac^ Off,Tuesday evening, in the Temple him.—Kipling. Mir. Abe' Sadott visited friends in ceptible which tlie giver makes prec' Annex at 6:JtO.- A,program ot inter^ -., r—T-Omaha over;-the veeek-end. ! ious.—Ovid. : : .-;.•. '/..-' — "e&t according to the committees in! Every day veeir,v humanity 'more suitable person and proceed to a settlecharge* is being planned for the victorious in the^struggle -with space Mr. and Mrs. E. Barish visited in J Promise is the most given when men thereof: ^ ^ CEAWF0Ra l o n j ; Monday^ ,. . , ithe ^Jeast is i h _-p e b. 21 County Judge. " of'-the -members. 4a.ndVtime>--Guglielmo Marconi* MJL:"M.

Los Angeles,—(J. T. A,)—Emery S. Begardus, professor of sociology at the University of Southern California, today accepted a place in the research work of the National Conference of Six Landmannschaftcn have con- lews snd Christians, of-which'Newton tracted with the American Ort, for Baker, Professor Carletem Hayes and the erection of factories which will Roger Straus are chairman. . Prof. employ destitute Jew* in their na- Bogardes is well known for his re- '•'•£ tive towns abroad, It was reported search work in the Pacific Coast Re- *" to Dr. Leon Bramfsors, president of , lationg Service. the International Ort this week by Simultaneously with Professor BoGcrson Zybcrt, manager of the degardas' acceptance of a place on the partment. The Rgrermnntti involve National Conference, it was announcexpenditures of over $50,(KW, of ed that the department of •sociology •which part is supplied by the Ort at the University of Southern Caliand part by the individual societies. fornia will study the cultural, factors The societie« whfch have lioond in religious prejudice agaihsfc Jews. themselves to «upp»y fon4% with which the Ort Agrees to develop specific industrial providing foods for TURKISH JEWS EXEMPTED a woodwork factory sod s iwtchan- FROM RESTRICTIVE ORDER ical locksmither; YtliMovetgnA, pro- Constantinople (J. T. A.)-*-Turkish viding for docks; Protknrov, prorid- subjects belonging to the national ing for a ' barrel factory; I/ubar, minorities are forbidden to leave the provinding a shoemaker** stop; Sme- dty of Constantinople for other la, provinding tor a woodwork fac- towns, even in the adjoining provtory, and Belorafcov providing for a inces, according to an ordinance isfurniture factory, sued. Only Jews are exempt' from Mr, Zybcrt announced also that this restriction, being permitted to the project initiated by immigrants travel anywhere. from Brueiloff in their. home town,. is completed and people employed, FOR RENT and that the same Is troe of Shedrin, where tractors -and other farm Nice Sleeping machinery were sent. Room for Gentleman The Landsmannschaften department, Mr. Zybert said, is Jiow in WEbster3967 touch with more than 300 immigrant Jewish societies throughout the country. Among hose now negotiating, with the Ort for cooperative workshops and factories in their 4420 Florence Blvd. home towns are Lodz, Bialystok, Wlotzlvek, Bar, Dershma, Kutnsovo, KE. 1500 Labun, Tarashtsha, Sinhov, Svinil Ttm H*nae Wttb A Reput«H«a and others.

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