Interesting, and • Entertaining
_ ' \ ' In the r, ';"lntftests-'of The Jewish Community
Entered aa second-class mall matter on January 27, 1SK3, at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under t i e Act of Marcb 3,187&
VOL. Vm.—No. 7
A dinner at thd Paxton Hotel Sunday climaxed the initiation of nine members into Alpha Chi chapter of the Phi Delta Egsilon medical fraternity A. Golatsky of Los Angeles to of CreightonTUniversity. The alumni, honor guests for the occasion, who Be Here Later in were present included Doctors David Month Gross, Isaac Sternhill, Abe Steinberg, A conference of all available or- Abe Greenberg and VictorSE. Levine.' The newly-initiated fraters are Soganizations of Omaha for the advancement of the American Ort act- lomon Goldman, Bernard H. Bloom ivities has been called for Thursday Simon L. Moskowitz, and Henry Rosevening, March 6, at the Labor Ly- ner, all of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Hyman Alexander, Sol Norman. Keen; and ceum at 8 o'clock. The occasion for the meeting is the Meyer Tell, all of New York- City; approaching visit to Omaha of A. Philip Schulze and Abe.Fellman, of < Golatsky of Los Angeles, one of the Omaha. At the dinner, short talks were] Ort heads. He will be in the city /oometime between March 12 and 16, given by all present, Consul M. H. in. the interests of raising funds here Brodkey being toastmaster. The uriI dergraduate f raters, who were called j for the Ort. Last year, the Ort was successful on first, included Irving J. Weiss, in its campaign here for money, and vice-consul; Irving • Rosensteini chanthose organizations which1 aided then cellor; and Hyman Riklin, secretary. Prior to the dinner. Sunday the have been invited to again participate. The conference was called by formal ceremony and ritual were carBranch No. M73 of the Workmen's ried out. This came at the end of Circle. Among those who have been two weeks of intensive informal iniadvised of Mr/ Golatsky's coming and tiation, held in the fraternity house : the calling of the conference are in- at 3224 Dodge St. / .. cluded the Omaha Hebrew. Club, the B'na| B'rith, the Workmen's Circle, the Conservative Synagogue, the Jewish. National Fund, the Free Loan Society, the Bikur Choliro, the Ladies Labor Lyceum club, and the Young Poale Zion. , The Ort aids the declassed Jews of Russia.- It supplies the destitute with machinery and farm implements, Dr. Mailer Gives Results of • besides, providing workshops and Extensive Survey He factories. \r
BUILD SANITARIUM Washington. (J.T.A.) Establishment/ of an ew tuberculosisi sanitarium to cost $54,000 at Ashville, N. C , by the Independent Order B'nai B'rith has been recommended in of the special committee of District Grand Lodge No. 5 of the order. The movement for the establishment, of the sanitarium was initiated by the Ashville B'nai B'rith lodge a number. of years ago. According tot he report, the Ashville Jewish community is daily subjected to appeals of tuberculosis victims of the Jewish faith, who come there penniless to seek relief and medical assistance, and who become charges upon the Ashville Jewish charities. The. sanitarium has been projected as a constructive plan to • deal with the increasing difficulties of this problem. According to the plan proposed by the committee's", report, besides the $54,000 cost of the building, an annual budget of about $20,000 per year is provided.
-Baltimore.'-^ <J.T.A.)- The percentage of Jewish children in America who receive some sort of JWtfSK ed-" ucationis much higher than it is usually thought to be, dedarend Dr. Julius B. Mailer of Teachers College, New York City, in ah address before th.'; conference of the Religious Education Association, which was attended by leaders in Jewish, Catholic and Protestant education. On the basis of questionnaires filled out by children in a large number of shools in New York City, Dr. Mailer found that 69.6 'percent of the Jewish boys and 37.2 percent of the girls receive some form of Jewish education. Dr. Mailer made public the results of an extensive survey he conducted on juvenile delinquency among Jewish children of New York City, based on the records of the Children's Courts of Manhattan, Bronx and Brooklyn. Of this total come 21 percent came from Jewish 'homes^' The proportion of Jewish delinquents, however, was found to have decreased from 31 percent in 1909 to 14 percent in 1929. ; ••-•; The proportion of Jewish children, arraigned decreased consistently. .
BOABD « F XBCSTEBS H. A. Wolf Mrs. B. A. Simon Sam Newman W. li. Bolsman J. Slosburg Ed. Trailer A. B. Alpirn
, Vlee-Frar.
24th Avenue and Harney Street ATfaaticl463
RABBI F. COHN, Sec. BOABD OF TBCSTEES H. Lapidng H. Malashock Hn. JL KnJmkofelcy Mrs, J. H. KnlatofBty A. Goldstein Ika I*ry
Resume of Year's Work To Be Given At Annual Meeting Of The Two Officers, Trustees and Directors Are To Be Nominated That Evening
Oftiaha, Neb., Feb. 28, 1930. My Dear Friend: ' ' - The Wise Memorial Hospital was organized neariy thirty years ago by the Jews of this city, and has ever since been - under their supervision, and has always given FREE hospital aid to those of our people who have been unable to pay. The hospital is modern in all respects. Our operating room and obstetrical department are as complete as any in •the city. We employ only GRADUATE nurses. We buy the besj; of foods and employ the finest of cooks. Our rooms are light, airy, dean and well furnished. Having all these advantages (and there is no hospital in the city that offers more)—rYour Hospital should be getting the proper support from our Jewish people. ,• Just as soon as possible, we are going to employ some Jewish nurses, and also have a Jewish cook. In other words, we arenot going to leave anything undone in order to create a Jewish atmosphere in the, hospital, sd that more sympathetic attention will be given to our Jewish patients. , - We know you want to support your Hospital, the same as the other religious denominations are supporting theirs. So, we are pleading: that the next time that you or any member of your family or your friends will require hospitalization, that you EMPHATICALLY INSIST on going to the Wise, and we know that your doctor will gladly comply with your request and can have nonobjections to the care and ti you will receive. 1 ^ ^ ' ' We are making this appeal direct to every Jew and Jewess in Omaha that we are able to reach, in order that our Hospital may receive the support which it so richly deserves, and which has been so long denied. If you will only give us your co-operation, there will be nojne]cessity, each year, of facing a deficit of several thousand doDarSi May we count upon you for your support and assistance? ,.-.-:' Sincerely yours, -' WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, By ISIDOR ZIEGLER, President. <•
Steinberg, Katelman Victors in Primaries
PLAY WILL BE GIVEN Reports of the year's achievements of the Jewish Welfare Federation and the Jewish Community Center will be given at the joint annual meeting of the two organizations Wednesday evening, March 5, at the Jewish Community Center. Omaha's Jewish communal progress will be set forth in two brief reports by William L. Holzman and Samuel Gerson. Dr. Philip Sher, president of
the Jewish Welfare Federation, will give the annual message for the Federation. "Federation in Action", a short dramatic sketch, has been written especially for this meeting and will be staged by Mrs. Herman Jahr, with the assistance of the following cast: Myron Cohen, David Himmelstein, Harry XJolick, Max Weinstein, Irving Sternhill, Martha Himmelstein, Dorothy Margolin, Sarah Solomonow and Lillian Friedman. There will be incidental music by Sara Rae Fish and Nate- Sekerman. Mrs. Sam Beber will sing a solo, with Regina Franklin as accompanist. Harry Silverman, secretary Returns From Interviews With of the Federation, Sam Beber, Chicago Leaders of Jewsecretary of the Center, and A. ish Youth Goldstein, treasurer of the Center, will give secretary's and Mr. Harry Mendelson, who has
just returned from Chicago where he t r e a s u r e r ' s reports. H a r r y A. interviewed Jewish ^ducationsd direct- Wolf will speak on t h e work of ors of that city who were working t h e j e w i s h F r e e Loan society. among the youth, finds that leaders in Nomination of officers of the Fedthe education of Jewish youth are eration and officers, trustees and ilipractically all graduates of American! rectors of the Center will be made. colleges, thoroughly grounded in JewTrustees of the Center whose terms ish and Hebrew traditional lore, and e: William L. Holzman, ire •well-trained in the latest methods of ^ f P Harry H. Lapidus and Henry Monmodern pedagogy. sky. Director's whose terms expire Mr. Mendelson is interested in are: By election—J. J. Friedman, I. youth education in Omaha, being F. Goodman, David Greenberg, Absponsor of two clubs. At present he ner Kaiman, Rabbi Abraham Benis planing„ to. arrange , _ , . a, series , , . of lect-, gis, Sam J. Leon; by appointment— ures on Jewish Club leadership, and R a b b i F r e d e r i c k C o h n , L e o R o s e n . has already obtained the consent of t h a , Dp> M L G o r d o n E K a number of prominent local Jews to j S a m R a v i t M n t o n A b r a h a m S i L o u i s speak on topzcs touching that subject. ( S o m David Feder; H Weinel. Another reason for Mr. Mendel-! , R son s trip to Chicago was his appliReports which are now being' comcation for a fellowship in the Train- piled indicate that the year 1929 has ing School for Jewish Social Work. been the Center's biggest year in He interviewed Miss Frances Harri- activities and attendance, and that son, assistant director, and may take the competitive examinations, to be many new activities have been undertaken since the last annual meetheld in June. ing. The Federation's year also lias "What impressed me the most," j u ' 6 ' a big one, and one in which Mr. Mendelson declared, "was the fact) „]:_£ welfare work has that a considerable number of the j ^ placed a more scientific on educational directors had spent some' time in Palestine, and others were contemplating going there for a short SR. COUNCIL TOURNEY stay. They all seemed to be conThe final matches in the Senior vinced that Palestine could offer them certain Jewish educational and Council debate tournament at the cultural • values and appreciations Jewish Community Center will be which no amount of study even in the j held sometime during the coming best institutions of Jewish learning week. A trophy will be awarded to in the states could equal." i the winner.
At the city primaries in Council Bluffs 'which was held Monday, Feb. 24, two Jewish candidates were victorious. George S. Steinberg and Joseph Philadelphia, (J. T.. A.) — Mrs. B. Katelman won the republican nomThe Zionist organization will meet Jennie Miller Faggeni well-known ination for alderman-at-large. There at the Jewish Community Center philanthropist, will make it possible, were four men in the field for this Monday evening. .The main speaker for ten outstanding Jewish scholars office of which two men were elected. of the evening will be Judah.WolfThis is the first time that Joe son, while M. F. Levenson, president recruited from 'rabbinical. seminaries in' Jerusalem to devote their time Katelman has ever tried for a public of the group, will report on the Midexclusively to the preparation of an office. Both Mr. Steinberg and Mr. west conference of the Jewish Nationedition of the Talmud similar to Katelman polled a large vote. al Fund, held in St. Louis last weekBoth men are well known and ac- end. Letters from the White House and] 1 am glad to •: have . this. expression the Torah Shelameh, it was announcSenator G. W. Norris -were read at of your views. I have not had time ed here by Rabbi M. M. Kasher, tive in numerous organizations and Rabbi Abraham Bengis of the Conthe meeting of the Peace Group of to examine,the socalled Epot changes noted Hebrew scholar, and author /of will appreciate everyone's support servative Synagogue is in charge of th . Torah Shelameh, who is now/ on at the election which will be held the of Jewish Women at the in one of these reservations. If the' .-^ .• Monday, March 31, in Council Bluffs. the program for the evening. A Blackstone Hotel Tuesday noon. effect that I deem essential is not a visit to this country. . feature of the program will be the These were the answers to letters counteracted by any change that was j As explained by Rabbi Kasher this Washington (J. T. A.)—The follow-ition of burial grounds are repugnant singing of Jewish folk songs by Mr. and telegrams sent by members of made, I expect to vote in. favor of the ne\ • edition of the Talmud will ining is a complete text of the con- to the ideals of civilized nations, that and Mrs. J. Resnick. the United States government regard- Court when it is submitted. clude every commentary down to the current resolution protesting against the Congress of the United States ing the World Court and the Disarm; "I do not want our government to Shulchon Aruch, which means that At the conference, attended by 200, religious persecution in Soviet Russia, oi America extend its sympathy to ament Confernece "by' the peace- de- be entangled with the European t i e edition will represent one thousi Mr. Levenson was. chairman of the introduced into the House of Rep- the persecuted Christians and Jews partment of the Omaha Council. questions and disputes any more than ai 1 years of fetudy of the Talmud by I committee of organizations and nom in Russia and is desirious and willing The annual Bridge Tea tParty of inations. He and Mr. and Mrs. Louis resentatives by Congressman HamilA telegram was sent to President I can help. I have felt that our sig- leading scholars throughout the to cooperate with other nations of ton Fish of New York: the Jewish Women's Welfare Organi- Katelman of Council Bluffs were Hoover and a cable to Secretary nature to this treaty had greater world. "Resolved by the House of Rep- tho world in efforts to persuade the S'-lmson, urging that the United moral effect among the nations of the I Rabbi Kasher is now in the United zation will be held this Tuesday aft- selected for the administrative comresentatives the Senate concur- Russian Soviet government to put an States adhere to the disarmament world that it had any direct bearing States completing arrangements for ernoon, March 4, at 2 p.m. at the mittee of the Mid-west region of the ring that it is the sense of the end to religious persecutions, and policy set down by the -president in upon American questions, and, while the publication of the Torah Shela- Jewish Community Center. Jewish National Fund. ! Congress of the United States of the Congress-views with satisfaction his Armistice Day address. The mes- I ,do not;want our government to get meh, which, when completed, will be Mrs. J. M. Malashock is chairman the concerted and united purpose This district includes Arkansas, America that while disclaiming any sages also -were opposed to the plan into the League of Nations, yet, un- in twenty-five volumes. The second of the affair and has made arrangeof the people of all religious fsiths Colorado, the southern peninsula of interfere in the right o r d e s i r e t o to build a new battleship. • der these* circumstances, I do not volume now of the press in Jerus- ments to assure a good time to all Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, i n t e r n a i affairs of another coutry, in the United States to protest A letter from Washington thanks •want my country, to stand in the way alem, was made possible through the who will attend. She is being asKansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebras- t h a t p e r s e cution and outrages which against denial of religious liberty in the department and says the Presi- of anything that will have a tendency generosity of Mrs. Faggen, who will sisted by Mrs. H. Newman and Mrs. ka, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Wis- h a v e b e e n i n f l i c ted upon the Christ- Russia, that it is the further sense dent "appreciates your sending him to bring about the "settlement of in- pay approximately $400 a month for F. J. Alberts. consin. • j a n a n g j e w i s n subjects of Soviet of Congress that recognition of the l ternational dispute's by reason rather a number of years. This will enable your views." * Delicious refreshments will be A pledge to raise $129,000 for the Russia who desire peacefully to wor- Union of Socialist Soviet Republics • these scholars to give themselves served at the conclusion of the afterMrs. J, H. Kulakofsky, president of than by war. shi region was given. Prof. Gustave P G o d according to the dictates by the United States of America is noon's program. An admission price the Council, is in receipt of a letter "I believe most heartily in the lim- entirely over to this work. , ., . . , . , of their conscience, is an offense incompatible with the traditions and from Senator G. W. Norris. Senator itation of armaments. I feel that Approximately five years, Rabbi of fifty cents will be charged for the _ , Klausner of St. Louis was elected ^ h u m a n i t y ( a n d t h a t t h e s e i z u r e institutions of the people of the Norris was asked to favor the ent- the building of large navies and the Kasher estimates, will be required to benefit. United States until religious perpresident, and plans we-e made for a n d diversion of Christian churches irarice: of the United States .to the maintainance of' large- standing ar- gather the material. . This finished, A board meeting of the Women's secution in that country shall have ar increased effort to aid the Jewish • and Jewish synagogues to nonmies have a direct tendency to bring th, next step will be to put i t in Welfare Organization will be held ,; World Court. ceased." . •:-. • immediately preceding the party. National. Fund. I jeligious purposes, and the desecraon war." proper 'orm for publication. • Senator Norris says in his letter:
Local Council Receives ing
Resolution Sym|>atlikes With Soviet Religious Ban Victims
Annual Bridge Tea Thursday
vantage of the break and began whoV are in fiie latter category, the PUGILISTIC ANTI-SEMITISM pour in baskets from every where. credit justly ^belongs to theinfluence Professional anti-Semitism hunters Had Bertha Shafton, the Center of Youn$ jTudaea." - A are making much ado about captain^ made one fifth of her The entire month of March will McLarnin, thW hew light on the fisti, [ changes good the score would have be devoted t o anniversary banquets horizon. McLarnin seems to make ByRR.K. 'been of a vastly different nature. in every town* where there is a Jew- mince meaj of the Jewish boys. Thus Denver, Colorado—(Special Cor- make up the structure of the Heine- T h e Center leader how ever was in ish community. • ? far he has extinguished Ray Miller respondence.—Consecrated to the wel- man Building, but even more endur-i n 0 fit condition to play basketball as Present Recital Sid Terris, Ruby Goldstein, Sammy ^ ffrom a sick ik fare of children afflicted with tuber- ingly in the hearts of the children | s h e h e r g e l f ^ Miss Rose Brandeis, daughter of Baker, Joey Sangor and Joe Glick culosis in all forms, the Louis Heine- who will be given health and strength bed and under the circumstances did y Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis of Jimmy seeks to register the last blow man Building of the National Jewish through its loving care. Berlin. — That Germany is - the by wanting a match wifh Jackie right well. Council Bluffs, presented her sixth Hospital at Denver was formally The Heineman Building forms the The girls have a number of games A Senior Hadassah meeting will annual piano recital Tuesday even- centre of their political arid cultural Fields, the Jewish holder of the dedicated on Sunday afternoon, Feb- sixteenth unit of the Hospital group. t i play in their league and still lives and that they therefore decline Its completion gives the Institution have a % fighting chance to finish be held next Tuesday afternoon, ing, February 25, at the Schmoller to participate in National Jewish world's welterweight championship. ruary 16th. March 4, at 2:30 o'clock in the Corn and Mueller auditorium in Omaha, More than five hundred people facilities for 350 patients, and rounds around the upper crust, providing room at the Chieftain hotel. All when a large crowd attended. She propaganda and also refuse to join out the Hospital's program of providgathered on the open-air sun-deck on that they win the majority of their women are invited to attend. was assisted by Edward Row ofthe Jewish Agency for- Palestine, was the roof of the new Building for theing complete equipment for the care GROCERS AND BUTCHERS A Senior Hadassah organization Omaha, and they gave a two-piano the declaration of the members of the services, which were led by Itev. Dr. of men, women and children suffering j Central Verein of German citizens of was formed at -the Chieftain- hotel and solo recital. Both are pupils Wm. S. Fdierman, founder and presi- from tuberculosis in all forms and Herman Segelman and Max Altthr Jewish Faith, at their annual at an open .meeting held last Thurs- of Cecil Berryman of Omaha. stages. dent of the Hospital. shuler play each other for the World day evening. Rabbi Theodore N. ; " The program included compositions meeting. A unanimous resolution A feature of the program was a Herald city handball championship Lewis of Sioux City was the prin- from the following composers: Bach- was adopted rejecting any Jewish group of songs and recitations prethis Saturday night with Segelman, cipal speaker, and honored guest, Tausig, SaintrSaens, Chaminade, Cy- national aspirations, including PalJOSEPH ELKIN sented by forty children, who are the Ceriter champion, favored to beat Mrs. M. Levinson of Omaha gave a ril Scott, Rachmaninoff, Hill and estine work. 2514 No. 16 WE. 3910 Altshuler, The two ball pounders short address also. Mrs. Herman Beecher. patients in the Hofheimer Preventorare ^paired together in the city Marowitz was -chosen president; Mrs. ium of the Hospital—children who By doubles tournament and advance in- Sam Meyerson vice-president, and had come to the Institution threatSTANLEY P. LEVIN "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" dications are that they will be in ened with tuberculosis, and whose L Sternhill, -^secretary.. Every-, there at the final bell playing for Mrs. ruddy cheeks and sturdy bodies demone is urged to attend the meeting onstrated the magic of modern medi- The Peerless Cleaners defeated the the doubles title. Tuesday afternoons "The Carefut Florist" cal science in combating the white A. Z. A. chapter 1 for the champion1804 FARNAM plague. For most of these children ship-of the Commercial league in one The Center varsity suffered it's JAckson 1906 ABRAM MARKS DIES are now ready to leave the Preventor- of the most bitterly-fought games first defeat in two years when the ium, to be succeeded by another ever witnessed on the Center court. Davenport Confectionery club • of Word has been received in Council group from whose frail bodies the The A. Z. A. with Bogdonoff sinking Fremont took them to the cleaners Bluffs by Mr. M. L. Marks thai his America's first and largest Jewish lurking threat of tuberculosis will be seven points in the first ten minutes for a 25 to 20 trimming. Rosenblatt, father, Abram Marks, died in Pales- youth organization, Young Judaea, is of the contest were matching ths as usual, was almost the whole show tine February 22, at the age of celebrating the twentieth andriven forth. Abram Marks is survived by three niversary of its founding, having Clad only in "sun pants" (their Peerless point for point when Referee for the Center. Rosey wared fifteen daughters, Mrs. Victor Gladstone and grown from a single club in New Harry Weisenberg called two personal daily costume) these: children of the' of the losers 20 points but one maji York City to a national organization Preventorium stood in the winter and two technical fouls on Bogonoff or even two cannot beat five men. Miss Frances Marks of Omaha, and comprising almost twenty thousand Mrs. Frank Turnball of St. Louis, sunshine, their tanned bodies ample who durihg time out told Weisenberg Wyman, at guarJ for the Center, Jewish boys and girls between the protection against the breeze which that he, the referee was all wet orscored the balance of the Center's Council Bluffs, Harry of St. Louis, ages of twelve and eighteen, accordWeisenberg tallies in addition to playing a bang Mo., and four sons, M. L. Marks- of brought out the overcoats of • the words to that effect. Sam of Dallas, Tex., and David- of ing to an announcement issued by adults in the crowd. ! _They sang then ruled the A. Z. A. star off theup game on the defense. • Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of San Antonio, Tex. songs and gave their school cheer, floor for unsportsmanlike conduct. Chambers, big fat Fremont center, Young Judaea, who is also Rabbi of and told how the Hospital had helped The score at the half was 15 to 14led the winners scoring attack and Temple B'nai Jeshurun. AUXILIARY MEETING them. .• ; .'-. in favor of the Peerless who soon was largely instrumental in tieing up The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- In a proclamation sent to the after the 'start of the second half Altshuler, Center center, thus preCrippled Children Learn To Walk the moving of his barber shop from 18 and mud Torah Society will hold a meet- five hundred clubs throughout the went to the fore never to be headed. country Dr. Goldstein reviews the But a bashful little boy, aged Rosenblatt was the big gun of theventing him from scoring. ing next Wednesday afternoon, Howard, where he has been located for 12 seven, who did nothing but walk, got evening. The diminutive Peerless March 5, at the home of Mrs. Isaac progress that has been made in Amyears to— erican Jewry during the past two Sternhill, apartment No. 8 of the decades and concludes that these in the few steps which he took wasj every angle and stood head and Washington Court." twenty years have seen the emerdisclosed the efficiency of the work of shoulders above all the players. The gence of American Jewry from an the National Jewish Hospital. ' playing of Shriebman and Sadof sky PERSONALS unimportant section of Jewry to Ths Louis Heineman Building pro- was good, Shriebman cageing three Providence. (J.T.A.) Thousands of Mrs. Abe Bear and son,Aaron leadership in all .Jewish affairs B E T W E E N DOUGLAS AND F A R N A M ON 1 4 T H vides the only service of- its kind in field goals while Sadof sky's guarding Jewish veterans of various wars from David, of Leavenworth, Kansas, spent throughout the world. the' country since no other: national .was as usual, excellent. all sections of the country are ex-the past week-end, here visiting Mrs. institution embraces a department for I have moved my barber shop to be more centrally Goldberg, Franklin and Capt. Bill. pected to be here from July 3 to 6 Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius "Many of the young people who children suffering from all forms of Gerelick of the. A. Z. A. each scored when the national ecampment of the Katelman. have grown to maturity during this located and the room I have rented is spacious, airy and tuberculosis. The Building, with ac- four points while the guarding of Jewish War Veterans of the United period have added nothing to Jewish commodations for 44 children, and aRosen was commendable. life," stated Dr. Goldstein. "Others, strictly sanitary. 3 barbers wall be on duty at all times ; States will be held. Miss Edith Baron entertained ten however, have grown into full-blood.special isolation pavilion; with'22 adassuring you prompt and satisfactory service. ditional beds, is a mervel of efficiency. The Kaplan Bargain Center with More than twenty thousand ex- friends at a slumber party at her ed Jewish activity, have felt a vital service men now belong to the Jewhome Saturday night in honor of Radio head-phones are provided for Barish leading the attack trimmed the Jewish pulse-beat, have shared the YOUR PATROXAGE I S CORDIALLY each child. Each floor has recrea- Psi Mu 22 to 19. Barish ; scored ish War Veterans. Among them are Miss Gertye Somit, whose birthday burdens and the joys of Jewish livtional rooms for the patients, and twelve points while Cackin was sec-men who served in the Civil War, anniygKaiy it jwgs.. ing, and have added positive value INVITED small dining rooms for those children ond with six. "Hawk" Epstein boce Spanish-American War, Boxer upristo the Jewish scene. For tens of ing; PbiKppme fosinrectiori and the The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah who are able to be out of bed during the brunt of his team's scoring and thousands of young men and women World- War. Society, will hold a meeting next short periods of the day. A high guarding" when he chalked »up six speed elevator whisks the children baskets to -tie Barish for [scoring It was the Civil War veterans Thursday evening, March 6, at the •wild .founded the organization 'f|gji£ synagogue, 618 Mynster street. in their beds to the roof for isurihonors. _ Kfe "game was close .and i£p^test^agajnst the, charge fofSu treatments and airbaths..-A regular;tfc. ^entire natriotisrifr which ^-was ^was :tben then liu terestingr :the^. evening. The i pjitriotisrifr liurleU" Mrs. Sam v Bubft entertained the ^ r f f i ^ * ^ ^ ly accredited school teacher conducts guarding of Bloom was -good against xihe Jews by anti-Semites in meitberisj of^the B. B. G.--,Club at her primary grade classes in the Buildthe play of Herman BaBich was tin's country and abroad. Many of home Wednesday^eyening. ing for the little patients. largely responsible for the ;success those who are coming to the July A Memorial Tablet in the main of the Kaplan's:scoring plays. encampment here have held high The Wall Street Journal reports vestibule of the Building reads: "This * * * rank in various branches of the mil-that the coal industry is in milch betBuilding is dedicated in memory, of itary and naval services. ter "statistical" position than it has Louis Heineman, in appreciation of ' Last year when the smoke of Jewish women who saw service been for several years. Well, that battle cleared the A. Z. A. were in his fine spirit of humanity and noble either as nurses or yeomanettes .will helps a little but it is the dividend first place, two game-, ahead of the philantrophy by the Trustees of• the also be present at the encampment. check more than the statictical posiPeerless -Cleanere who were ahead National Jewish Hospital." tion that interests stockholders in the of the Kaplan Bargain Center. This Thus will-••the name of this fine the Peerless reached the sum- Noble blood is an accident of for-coal companies. friend of children be perpetuated not year mit to take' the championship away tune; noble actions characterize the only in the steel and stone which from the A. Z. A. who finished t h i r i great.—Goldoni. Delving deep hoists dividends. Next year should see some new faces BERNSTEIN LEAVING oi- the three leading quints as three Washington. — Following his con-of the Kaplans will be playing with firmation by the Senate' as United the A. Z. A., while some of the States Minister .to Albania, Herman •junior league players may be seen Electric cooking is not only Bernstein arrived here and was--ad- in the Peerless lineup; ministered the oath of office at' the the easier, quicker and more * * * State Department which officially conconvenient way to b e t t e r stftutes him American envoy; to Al- The Kansas City Y. M. H, A. girls bania. He is expected to leave for sextette took the long end of the meals, but it is also more ecohis post shortly. Mr.r Bernstein con- 25 to 21 decision from the' local Center girls in a close and hard ferred for a while with the-actingnomical. fought game1 last week. The Y girls secretary of state. •" • • . . : ' . . led 20 to 6 at the half but lost their Treat a thousand dispositions in a captain and center during the interThe average cost to cook a mission between halves when the thousand ways. •.;.-'.'.. '; plucky Kansan became ill and was meal for a person is less than Treat a thousand disposition's in a forced to retire from the game. The thousand ways. -.•;•'•-• • Center girls were quick to take adone cent. This cost was de-
New Building for Children is Consecrated at Denver
Senior Hadassah Was Organized Last Thursday
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Spo7tsor Reception Council Meets ToAfter Purim Services Religious Services on 'Monday
Czech Bill Puts Ban on Jewish Specialists
The banners for attendance and charity were won by Mr. Levin's class and Miss Pollock's class. Mr. Levin Special Purim services will be Ireld Prague. (J.T.A.) Jewish physihad 25 of 26 pupils in class which was Temple Israel by the Conservative Synagogue at cians will be unable to quite a record. The February meeting of-the CounBabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver' the Jewish oCmmunity Center on specialists if the draft of a law cil of Jewish Women held Monday, Miss Pollock and her students preMarch 13 at 8 p. m. The services a sermon on "The Old and the New] proposed by Dr. Franz Spina, minFebruary 24, at the Jewish' Comsented a Washington birthday prowill be sponsored by the Women's Ethics" at the services at Temple ister of public works, is adopted. munity Center was featured by a Israel tonight. Kaddish will be re- gram before the assembly which was The draft would enable only-, such Auxiliary of the Synagogue. program of Jewish music,- arranged very highly appreciated. Pupils takThe special services will be fol- cited for Flora R. Goldstrom and! ing part were Marion Weinberg, Eose doctors to take the examinations as by Mrs* Louis Sommerj program Jake Klein. lowed by a reception and refreshchairman. ••.-"• Weiner, Esther Silverman, Dora Dolg- specialists who had previously been Saturday morning ; Babbi Cohn ments appropriate for the occasion. off and Gertrnde Oruch. Miss Pol- engaged as practitioners in governMax Yaffee, violinist, played "Kol spoke on "Love-in Judaism." I lock made a very interesting little ment hospitals or municipal sick Nidre", accompanied by Miss MargaLast Monday Babbi Cohn spoke at! talk on Jews during the time of funds. Hurwitz. Mrs. Edwin Eahn read the Fontenelle before,the Quota club' Washington. Miss Mollye Grossman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gross- ret This is considered as a plan of a paper on the life of Anton Bubinon T h e A 3 . C . of Success." Monrestriction against the Jews since it man, became the bride of Joe Borshevsky of Sioux Falls, South stein, and then played his 'Tattle The Sunday school pupils are makday evening he addressed the College is known that Jewish physicians are Dakota, son of Mrs. H. Borshevsky, of Sioux City, Iowa. Bomance." ' Mrs. Sam Beber, accomWomen at the Lyric Building on ing plans for the big Purim celebra- practically excluded from employtion which will be staged March 16 The ceremony took place on<-Sunday, February 23, at 5:30 panied by Eegena Franklin, sang A Checker and Chess Club was of- "Peace." at the Center. The attendance is ment in the government hospitals. ficially organized at a meeting of the "Mercy", by Zuccha. ; On Tuesday noon Babbi Cohn spoke p. m. at the home of the bride's parents. Rabbi Abraham Bengis still growing and interest is very The creation of a union of Jewish* charter members at the Recreation A n interesting part of the program before the Cooperative Club at the! and Rabbi H. Grodzinsky officiated. ' ' doctors to combat this and other was the singing of the first and sec- Boom of the Jewish Community Cen- Hotel Conant on " T h e End of an' much alive in the Sunday school. The ' The bride wore an afternoon frock of rose "beige crepe ond Kedusha by Cantor Abraham ter Monday evening. pupils under Mr. Shanok are learning restrictions, is planned. Era." Saturday evening he judged! some very clever little songs which Morris Minkin was elected presiromine, with a close fitting hat and shoes of American beauty Schwaczkin. He was assisted by the a debate at the University of Omaha. red crepe. She carried a shower bouquet of American beauty choir of the B'nai Israel Synagogue. dent of the new group, and Nathan Wednesday afternoon' he spoke on are sung in Jewish. The program was well-received by Fine was chosen secretary-treasurer. "The Boy Prophet", by Edmund Fleg, r e d - r o s e s . .. •• - • \ . ••. • " ,-: -'.--'" v * - • : • • ' • ' . " : • ' < - . '• ' Jerusalem.—A seven 3'ear struggle a large attendance. The' regular A tournament is being planned for before the Hadassah. , - Mrs. Lesteji-Yeeger, of Sioux City,* ended when the Supreme Court dethe near future, to start the group's Board meeting of the Council precedOn Tuesday night he will partici- cided to allow Rosa Ginsburg, daughla., attended her sister as matron activities. ed the general meeting. FOR YOUR pate in a symposium in Council Bluffs of honor and Mr. Ben Borshevsky of The club is especially desirous of for the Parent Teachers Association. ter-in-law of Achad Ahaam, noted Sioux City, brother of, the groom, obtaining new members. Visitors He will speak on "The Spiritual Jewish writer, to take the foreign adWBa best man. Little Maita Yeeger and those wishing to join are cordial- Training of American Children from vocate's examination allowing her to ,was flower girL l y invited to attend the meetings of the Jewish standpoint." Thursday practice in the courts. The Court held . Dinner covers for : eighty-five th: group, held every Monday even- evening, he will address a circle of that there was nothing in Ottoman The Tea Dance sponsored by the guests were laid immediately following at 8 p.m. at the Center's Recrea- the Delphian Society on "The World law restricting practice to males, Mrs. David Bi. Newman Juior Hadassah was -a brilliant suc-ing the ceremony. thus finally recognizing that •woman tion Room. cess, with about 250 boys and girls in the Making." ,r 16TH & HOWARD After a honeymoon trip the young is a person within the meaning of New members will be given expert Frozen Crabmeat Salad attending the affair held at the BlackThe next book to be discussed at the law. couple will make their home in stone Hotel Sunday afternoon. The 1 cup crab meat, 2 tablespoons lem- instructions in playing these games the Book Eeview club of the SisterSioux Falls, So. D a k . " ; '/ proceeds, whidi .reached the organiza- on jefle, 2 tablespoons cold water, 4 of skill. hood at the Blackstone Tuesday aftertion's expectation's, - will = be- used in tablespoons tomatoe catsup, paprika, noon, March. U , will be "Coronet," by ; Mr. and Mrs. William Covich of 1 tablespoon lemon juice if needed. 1 CANT GET MAIL : Komroff. SDes ^Moines, la., announce the en- their charitable work. - * This was the second annual tea teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, 4 tea- ' Moscow. —- Religious communities, The enrrent • Topics class will meet Hgagement of their daughter, Edith, ito Mr. Charles L._ Bubinstein, son dance given by the Juior Hadassah. spoons French dressing salt. Soak synagogues, churches and members Tuesday morning at the Jewish Com_ of Mr, and Mrs. Joshua Kubinstein A s a result of its popularity, many!jello in 4 tablespoons hot water, of the clergy -will henceforth be un- munity Center at 10:30. 16th at Farnam requests were heard during the af- Cool. Add catsup, lemon juice, and able to receive or send mail, teleof Milwaukee, Wis. Conservative. Synagogue ternoon , __ for ^ • -:____,.--TVrepeated affairs _~!•_-._ of.* ^ this - . o ther seasoning and fish, i l i x well. grams or money orders in the entire Babbi Abraham Bengis has selected : Place in individual paper cups, and Kiev region. Western Union and "Charity Plus" as the subject of his -; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Riklin an- n a t u r e . - . ".>..._ "•" ''•':•]: ( The College Club, orchestra furn- se' in trays of electrical refrigerator Postal Telegraph clerks have decided f sermon at the Conservative Syna; nounce the birth of a son on Tuesished the music, and refreshments and freeze 3 or 4 hours, or put in no; to accept letters or telegrams : gogue at the J.C.C tonight. This -day, February'." 18, at the Wise •were served from" a " beautifully-ap- bottom of ice box to congeal. Serves from religious institutions or their will be a discussion on the Hebrew Memorial hospital. servants and also not to deliver the • Free Loan Society. " ' "•'." The child was christened Edward pointed table with* sweet peas as . 6 . same to them. Each letter carrier d e c o r a t i o n . * •-.'-•• '•""• J. Biklin at a "Bris" at the hospital On Saturday morning he will deJellied Vegetables in Tomatoe Cases when getting mail for all represenMany out-of-town guests were here j last Tuesday, with fifty persons 6 firm tomatoes, 1% tablespoons tatives of the above mentioned cate- liver a sermon in Yiddish. ^present. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Klaver for the event, including visitors from jello, 34 cup mild vinegar,- 1 -table. were the godfather and godmother. Chicago, Xansas "City,/St. Joseph, spoon, lemon juice, 1 cup boiling wa- gories, is obliged not to deliver it The musician who. always play| on bn'. to return it to the general post •', Harry "Wolf was the "Sundag", Rab- Sioux City, arid"liincobi.. ter. •% cup sugar, %: teaspoonsalt, office where the letter will be stamp- the same string, is laughed at. Miss Ida Fine was 'chairman of the ;Tji E. Pleischman was the "Mohle" % cup vegetables. Hollow-out the ad with *T "boycott stamp" and re•_ —Horace. " . "Kise tea dance. and Eabbi N. Feldman tomatoes, and place in ice-box to turned to the sender. .' Eli Yuha". Cantor A, Schwaczkin, chill. Soak jello in boiling water, This ban which completely isolates .Cantor Kahanowitch and Rabbi A. add vinegar, lemon juice,-4ugar and th •. leaders bf religious' institutions, CHANGE FOR YOUNG MAN This year we simply can't Bengis assisted with the prayers. salt and chill. When mixture begins has made a terrific impression on with business-ambition who knows to thicken add 14-i cup erf any left make last year s dresses do. The Omaha Jewish Dramatic Club over vegetables, cut in small cubes the institutions affected and their bookkeeping to^work in coal office. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Jacobs Nominal salary, full particulors leaders have appealed to the higher of Chicago, HI., announce the birth will present a" four-act melodrama, and fill tomatoe cases. ^Replace-in; and reference in first letter. of a boy, Eugene. Mrs. Jacobs was "A Mensch Soil Man Sein," at the ice box until firm. Serve with ma- authorities expressing their readiness Box 15, Jewish Press to pay triple postage. The appeal formerly Miss Julia Wise of this Jewish Community Center Sunday yonaise on top of each tomatoe. however was rejected. evening, March 2, starting at 8 o'city. clock. MRS. FITCH DIES The story touches upon both AmerMrs. Bose Fitch of Omaha passed E. ..Meyer was. honored by a surprise birthday dinner given by ican and European life. The daugh- away last week following a lingerOmaha's Style Center" her jjchildren and ^grandchildren _on ter of a rich man in Europe elopes ing illness. Sbe_ was 68 years old. Valentine day": '" ^~-~"--------i with the sotrof "two of their-domestitf ""SKe ±our daughter** servants, despite the wishes of her Mrs. H. Bandarin of Council Bluffs, The Misses Bose and Ida Fine en- father. Upon his ejecting them from Mrs. F. Rubinstein of Omaha, and tertained twenty-five couples at a the household, they leave for . two daughters in Palestine, and dancing party Saturday evening at ca, as does the rich man's son who three sons, Leo Fitch of Council the -Fontenelle Park pavilion. The also married one not of his father's Bluffs, one in Russia and one in Arhonor guests of the affair were Mr. choice. gentina. . . . . Opposite the Orphetm After driving out these two servand Mrs. Leo Abramson, and the Funeral services were held - in Misses Pearl Cooper and Esther ants, the rich man'is left alone in Omaha with burial in the Pleasant the world and his business i s Boon Hill cemetery. Wohlberg of Kansas City, Mo. -'•> ruined. Broken both in spirit and in Miss Ida Lustgarten, who is stu- finance, he comes to America. He , New York.—The Mack-Brandels dying music in Chicago, spent the finds his children and after several group intends to issue in the near week-end with her parents, Mr. and obstacles are smoothed out the play future a statement outlining its program and defining its .stand on the ends happily. Mrs. Ben Lnstgarten. Mr. L. Wolk is director of the play. various problems with which, the Miss Marjorie Frieden. spent the Among the players are included Mr. Zionist movement is faced. It is week-end- -visiting -with v friends in Wolfc, Mr. and Mrs. J. Besnick, Sarah probable that ' a • conference of the Taub, Harry Blacker, Mr. Soiref, Mrs. group will be called in order; to ratify Sioux City. the declaration. ; B. Gendelman, and Mrs. Feldman. Mr. William Wolfe, son of Mrs. Presented in Rosa Wolfe of this city, « member of the University of Iowa freshman Belted and Unbelted debate team, made the trip to DavModels enport, la., last Thursday to debate against Northwesterri University on £he question, "Resolved, that the principle of the chain store is detriCoats that will prove mental to the best interests of the the favorites for sprmg. American public" ••. .You'll ptft it on now . No decision was rendered, but a over yottr n e w sort, general discussion followed the deyou'll wear it throughbate. out the spring and pack
M.Minkinto Head Checker, Chess Club
Junior Hadassah Tea Dance is a Brilliant Event
GOLDSTEIN CHAPMAN5 The Shadow « of Your Past
Believe It or Not-—
Smart, New, Furred, Scarved and Untrimmed
Sport Coats
Omaha Jewish Dramatic Club will present a A-act Melodrama
"A Mensch Soil Han Sein" at the
Bible Class to Meet The Bible class, of the Women's Auxiliary of "the Conservative Synagogue will meet Monday afternoon a t ; 3 o'clock at the J. C. C. Mrs. Sam Cohn will read a paper on "The Hebrew School as a Factor of Jewish Education". Mrs. Mose Yousem will give the current Jewish events.
JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Sunday Evening, March 2, at 8 p.m.
later. We shall find no fiend in ,hell can match the fury of a disappointed woman.—Cibber. : It is in the great dangers that we see great courage.—Eejjnard,
-—— Admission 50c —-A
792 Others $25 to $xxo
HENRIETTA SZOLD PLANS AN INTERESTING BOOTH An interesting and entertaining feature of the Purim Carnival which is to be given in the Jewish Community Center on March 16 'Till be the' booth of the Henrietta Szold girls. This booth will represent a shooting gallery, and Hainan will be the target. Plans have been made for a bridge party to be given by this group of girls, : the date to be announced
it-an y o u r vacation
our car isThis 1930 Amber Colored Crepe. Neck and sleeves trimmed with fine lace.
o n l y as gc you
Priced at 39.75.
CO SO EN LIQUID GAS new y'3-iue
measure gaschn
What a tremendous differjust a few months make :—or is it a few inches. Last years iashion shadow looks almost, grotesque, doesn't she—with her bobbed off shirt and unnatural waistline—yet she was at the height of fashion just a year ago.
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRE&S, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1930 stories concerning1 the outrages of capitalism, six per cent on probibiWe Jews have unique holidays. Three times ] tion, bootlegging and the like .and : a scattered few per cent far various in the year we celebrate life. To us who have Published every. Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by 'other subjects." :" J THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY jstood so t)ften on the edge of death, life is a j . Mr. Marshall clocked the for which toJbe grateful andvto Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building1 .' I tives, and found that an average of Jews of Lithuania was decided upon sing praises. It is next month1 that in the Purim ! 136 unmentionable words • were . Telephone:, ATlantic 1450 at the second annual convention of festival . we . celebrate ojle" of those occasions j spoken every quarter of an hour. the Federation of American Jews of BLAQKER - :- - - Business and Managing Edito*! "In the imbibation of soup," Mr. Credit for Yiddish when, being about to" die, Jewish life was saved. Lithuanian Descent which was held FRANK R. ACKERMAN - Editor i Marshall found, "the average audiBy DAVID SCHWARTZ Boston. — Probably for the first here over the week end. FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent j The following month, in the Passover festival, tory range to the nearest even unit time in the history of the Yiddish in $25,000 for Consumptives rejoice for life that was preserved a t the iwe was nine feet." New Yor:.~Twenty-five thousand WHEN SICK CALL DR. WISE SIOUX CITY OFFICE this country a course in Yiddish liter| We wonder how much differenceature is being given now in Boston dollars was raised Sunday night at moment of destruction. A little while ago we Raising the entire annual budget JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street remembered, in the Chanukah festival, the time of the American Jewish Congress would be found if somebody made a as a college credit course. It is being the first annual dinner of the Jewish similar study of other callings, be-offered as a series of nine lectures Consumptives Relief Society for the Subscription Price, one year $2.50 when Judaism, the breath of Jewish life, was the other night in a period of a sides the lumberjack-salesmen, doc- by the Massachusetts department of sanitarium which the society operates Advertising rates furnished on application few minutes, Stephen Wise told the succored. tors, lawyers. Somebody ought to university extension, under Prof. A in Denver. The dinner was attended story of a member of his congregaThe Jewish tenderness for life has not been tion, do it. Now for instance, can you A. Roback of Harvard. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old by more than 500 guests. whose little girl had swallowed hear editors, when they partake of merely unction for the Jew's own soul. It has a quarter. and new address; be sure to give your name. The course is being sponsored by Jr. League of Ort embraced mankind and in the ideals of the They called a physician, who toiled soup? New York.—The Junior League of the Community Institute of the Bos,77 prophets and the sages has illuminated the and sweated but couldn't get the ton Associated Y.M.H.A-'s and other the American Ort made its first group contribution to the cause proquarter out. organizations. hearts of the world. HEBRBAIC CALENDAR viding destitute Jews in Eastern EurIn "Our Modern Debt to Israel", Professor Finally, someone suggested, "Get Special Prayers Asked ope with opportunities for self-sup5690-1930 Wise, he can get money out Edward Chauncey Baldwin of the University of Rabbi New York.—A resolution calling port by presenting a check for .$500 of anybody." *Rosh Chodesh Adar___ Friday, Feb. 28 Illinois, speaks of it thus: "Our visions of the I upon the Jews in America to offer to Dr. Bramson of Berlin, president And sure enough, it worked, said special prayers on the Sabbath of of the International Ort at a recepPurim ~L . Friday, March 14 kingdom of God on earth are those of the the Free Synagogue head. March 7 against Russia's religious tion Tuesday. Rosh Chodesh Nissan Sunday, March 30 prophets; our hopes of social justice are those ONE ON MOSES persecution and protesting the supThe group, the first of its kind in First Day Pesach Sunday, Apr. 13 of the prophets and the priests. Whatever there But the best story of the evening The publication of the first volume pression of religious liberty in thethe country, is composed of young of the monumental Encyclopedia of Soviet was adopted by the Synagogue New York women who became in.Saturday, Apr. 19 is in modern civilization that is making for was told'by Dr. Howard, a Christian Seventh Day Pesach the Social Sciences brings into the Council of America. minister, who looks a good deal like human fraternity; wherever men and women are terested in Ort during the exhibition -Tuesday, Apr. 29 *Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ limelights Professor Edwin R. A. Father Abraham must have looked. of the work &t its trade schools farm This Council represents the Union __Monday, Aug. 25 toiling to prove that humanity is a great brother- The story concerns a man who Seligman, one of the most eminent of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of colonies. *Rosh Chodesh Ellul _ hood, there we find men living, acting, thinking, economists in the world and notwith• All Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre- under the influence of these leaders of Hebrew coming to an art gallery gazed in standing the fact that he is a pro- America, the Rabbinical Council of Brotherhoods Protest at a painting of Moses. the Union of Orthodox Jewish Conthought . . . An improvement of the social order admiration fessor, a most important useful citiceding secular day. New York.—Adding its voice to the The man soon searched out the gregations of America, Union of artist. "I want you to paint a pic- zen. As the editor of the epochal American Hebrew Congregations, chorus of protest aroused by the antillK *Also observed the day previous to Rosh will come through the popularization of the encyclopedia Professor Seligman j " " ™ " «»«» v m g . c g . ^ religious activities in Soviet Russia, ideals of Israel, till the principles of respect for ture of my dad." Chodesh. crowns a life full of significant ^ f Conference o f American Rab- the Executive Board of the National life, and of a sense of brotherhood of man . . . "Alright, when can I see him?" achievements both in the Llm of! bis ' United Synagogue of Amenca, become the ruling motives of the lives of com- "You can't see him—he's dead," scholarship and of public endeavor. I « d ^ a b ^ m c a Assembly of the Jew- Federation of Temple Brotherhoods in session Sunday passed a resolution said the man. mon men."—B'nai B'rith Magazine. For more than forty years he has l s h Geological Seminary, deploring the conditions in Russia and "O, I see—well have you any been professor of economics at Co- J Detroit t o Raise $100,000 Colonel Herbert H. Lehman, Lieutenant-Govdemanding the maintainance of religphotographs, I might use as a balumbia University and during three Detroit.—Detroit is the first city ious liberty throughout the world. sis?" queried the artist. ernor of New York, has once more demonstrated generations many eminent students to complete plans for the Allied Cam"No." $65,000 Talmud Torah that he is the outstanding Jew of the country in In the current issue of The B'nai B'rith Magand businessmen have passed through paign of the Joint Distribution Com"Well, how carij/J paint a picture its hands. Recognized as an outSeattle.—Ground was broken here general political activities, by accomplishing a azine we find a very interesting, editorial. We of him then?" mittee and the Jewish Agency, 200 yesterday for Seattle's ne-w $65,000 standing authority on tax problems, settlement of the New York dressmaker's strike have frequently written about the numbers of "Well," replied the man, "how did workers, of the service group of the Talmud Torah. Elaborate ceremonon matters affecting economic and Jewish Welfare Federation were told through his mediation. I t was Col.. Lehman's converts in Hungary who have accepted Chris- you paint Moses?" social problems, Professor Seligman by Harry Wineman, president of the ies marked the event which culminatremarkable diplomatic ability, that sent back to tianity for any number of reasons—some per- "Well, alright, 111 see what I can has been a member of presidential ed a fund-raising of a year and a do," continued the artist, quickly commissions to solve unemployment Federation. He announced that De- half. their employment over 20,000 workers praising haps from economic pressure—some for the troit Jews will be asked in April for some impressions of the son him for his understanding insight into the diffi- sake of social prestige—and some perhaps be- making and working on the theory that problems, statistical questions and $305,000 to include $100,000 for the culties and his skill in smoothing over the ob- cause they wished to leave the faith. At any there must be some similarity in ap- agricultural crises. Allied Campaign. Of the rest $100,Some professors of economics are 000 will be used for building a comstacles. rate, they are returning to the fold. The fol-pearance between father and son.. merely professors, but Professor Se- munity center, $50,000 for Hebrew Some time after, the man was inArab Landlords Lose No man in America "occupying a high political lowing editorial which we reprint in full: formed the picture of his father ligman who is a member of one of school and the balance for other local Jerusalem.—Arab landlords stand position can approximate the uniqueness of Col. In Hungary, 567 men, 481 women and 88 chil- was ready. the outstanding Jewish families in needs. to $1,000,000 annually if the Lehman—millionaire, philanthropist, statesman, dren*-who departed from the faith to become He came to the studio. The cur- America, is much more than either The announcement was made at a Jewslosecarry out their intention of a professor or an economist. communal worker, business man. These qualities Christians have returned to the fold. One might tain was drawn aside, and he stood dinner at which David Bressler, one leaving all Arab premises by the next * • • of the chairmen of the Allied Cam- rent day, estimates Serat Moustakim gazing at the portrait of his dad. are combined to form this most'unusual person- say to them: New Yorkers who are all too often paign, was the principal speaker. "Yes, that's dad," he sighed, "but in censuring the Arabs for profiteerality, who has contributed so generously to the "So you have come back. You went away in negligent about their most valued ing from the anti-Jewish boycott civic life of American Jewry. His work in the a time when it was hard to be a Jew in your how he has improved!" possessions, and in a city like New Seek Endowment Fund York there are more valuable posrelief activities during the war, the prominent country. For the benefit of your businesses, A NEW FIGURE LOOMS Philadelphia.—The Jewish Theol- while the Jews are quietly building Meanwhile, keep your eye on the sessione than parks, have generally ogical Seminary of Amerca will houses and shops in Jerusalem, Jaffa part he played in plans for Russian-Jewish colon- your professions, your social comfort, you deman who gave the first ten thou- overlooked the self-appointed protect- shortly launch a ?5,000,000 endow- and Haifa. ization, not to mention his myriad of other phil- parted. You exchanged your inheritance for the sand dollar check at that Congress or i f its park system, the Park AsHe said "the Jewish boycott is natment fund campaign, declared Sol. anthropic efforts, though not of the ostentatious mess of pottage that is in business and social dinner. His name is Harvey Lee, soviation. The moving spirit in theM. Stroock, newly elected chairman ural and peaceful whereas ours is arttype, have spread "his name from coast to coast success. and hitherto he has been an unknown Park Association is Nathan Straus, of the Seminary's Board of Directors, ificial and compulsary. We should .._.... J < in an address at the annual meeting utiliie the same weapons as they." and haive made him known as a leader with.a "Bvit you were cheated, as-you Reserved to be; figure in Jewish life.- He may spring Jr. -, a few surprises. With hawk-like vigilance, he has of the Seminary's Philadelphia Friendly Papal Secretary keen understanding and sympathy of the pro- you surrendered your inheritance but you did He's still in his thirties and isfor some years stood guard upon branch. Mr. Stroock also stressed blems with which he copes. not yet your mess t>f pottage. Yoiu were still perhaps as big a man as there is— New York's parks and prevented any the needs for trained Jewish leader- Rome.—A friendlier feeling on the part of the Vatican ^towards PalestUnless our predilections are awry, Col. Leh- called Jews. You knelt before the new altar in his particular field—that of bus- number of attempts to deprive New ship in the United States. ine Zionist problems 7s expected to be man will advance far in the political arena. His but your neighbors knew you as Jews and re- iness education, He owns something York if a single square inch of its He also reviewed the history of the a direct result of the appointment of twenty or twenty-five business all too small area of green spots. Seminary, pointing to the fact that Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli as Papal skillfur manipulation of the recent dressmaking spected you less for having sold your birthright. like schools. his mind is becoming Mr. Straus also has been an outthe Jews were in America for 250 Secretary to succeed Cardinal Gasp"Now you have come back to your inheritance. geared inNow episode is but another example of his'tact and a philanthropic direction. spoken advocate of the conservation years before any thought was given ari. The new official is known to be But how shall we think of you? Though your resourcefulness in human contact. When h.e was He has a most interesting personal of natural resources. to the establishment of a Seminary opposed to the anti-Semitic moveelected lieutenant-governor, he polled a larger former neighbors thought of you as Jews, the story—served in the regular army, As newspaperman, editor and for training rabbis. Mr. Stroock told ments. vote than even Herbert Hoover received in the Jew thinks of you as something less than breth- tramped around the world—self-edu- merchant, to say nothing of his polit- of the now historic letter written by cated, author of text books. You ical influence and reputation, Nathan the late Louis Marshall to Julius Ro- Soviets Condemn Reports state, and in most quarters he is considered the ren; for you abandoned the inheritance. get the idea—there is a good story Straus, Jr., the guardian of the parks, Moscow.—A huge mass meeting of senwald, which led to the latter's con"But we embrace you as the weak brother is here. logical successor to Roosevelt as governor of is well on his way to succeeding his tribution of $500,000 to the Marshall atheists here condemned the reports embraced who returns from aimless wanderings New York. ; noble father. Memorial Fund which would form the from abroad that 25 rabbis in Minsk IN A LINE OR TWO in which he sought in vain for riches, only to * * * nucleus of the five million dollars had been executed. The meeting In fulfilling the dutiesof his high office, Col. find them at home."—Jewish Times. Dr. Max Kraus, president of the Success stories in America are no which the Seminary must have in or- adopted a resolution that this "report Hakoah athletic team, never wears Lehman has increased instead of surrendered his longer rarities, but as a matter of der to carry on its work without hav- was invented to strengthen the antihat or coat. many Jewish interests. Nor have they handifact they have become a drug on the ing to resort to constant appeal for Soviet crusade conducted by the Pope Harry Hershfield, of Abe Kabibcapped him in the least, for he states most emmarket, yet the career of Max Weinfunds. Mr. Stroock said that the and American rabbit" ble fame, can sing almost as good Rabbi Stephan S ^ Wise, Bishop stein, who this week received leaders phatically, "I have never been made to feel that dedication of the new buildings would 4 Coffee of Oakland, California, as he can cartoon. Manning, Otto Kahn^ and William in the textile industry and in thetake place in the Fall. my Jewishness operates to my disadvantage." life of the late Meyer London deUyered recently a sermon on the subject, hasThe Howard Taft were attacked in today's commercial, civic and poloitical life Hadassah "$50" Luncheon been told in a new book, author' ^ J i a t Shall a. Rabbi Preach About?" This ser- ed by Harry Rogoff under the title of New York at the opening of the New York.—"We of the agency Soviet press as being responsible for the anti-Soviet religious campaign in new office of the Industrial National m o n ^ a s "based on replies to the letter sent of "An East Side Epic". will make no attempt to rule Palest- t h e U n i t e d s t a t e g a n da , 8 0 f o r t h e Bank of New York, of which he is Dr. Brill, it is announced, will We have become accustomed to' hearing Jew- Temple members seeking suggestions for sermon shortly chairman of the Board, on the same ine from the outside but will be b m i s s i o n o f a p e t i t i o n t o P r e s i d ent begin publication of a new topics," We wish to compliment Dr. Coffee on sit? where thirty-seven years ago he guided in our actions by the wishes j g o o v e r ish names in connections with varied achieveJewish weekly — The Jewish Outsold candies in a basket, has certain of the people who live there", said ments in many fields of endeavor, as music, sci- the very splendid idea of asking the members look. of his congregation of what they think their elements of appeal in it to make it Felix M. Warburg, in his message of To Grant Visas ence, industry, law and politics, but it is in only The contract for Alfred lief's Jerusalem.—It is learned here that different from the usual variety of greetings from the Jewish Agency Rabbi should sermonize to them. Worshippers forthcoming work, "The Economic the Palestine government has granted comparatively recent limes that Jewish authors in to the Hadassah Medical OrganizaJewish congregations are* very severe judges. Views of Mr. Justice Brandeis", re- success stories. 950 immigration certificates, 800 to tion $50 luncheon held at the Hotel have come to the fore to claim their share of Ostensibly Mr. Weinstein who came to this they are coming to the Synagogue to serves all film rights. What's the country men and 150 to women. Beginning in 1893, unfamiliar with the Roosevelt. "After Oct. 1 we hope to recognition in the literary spotlight, ,thus re- be instructed by the Rabbi, who, it is taken for idea? in April, the government hopes that increase the efficiency of our work by calling the characterization of the Jews as "The granted, is superior to them in religious knowl- Charles Levine ia reported to belanguage built up the largest cloak reducing our staff and in the place of as many BB possible of these may be People of the Book.' secretly preparing for a New York anci suit business in the country with the now innumerable executives to assigned to Jews from Russia in view edge. But in spite of this supposition those who to Moscow flight, to take off in May. an original capital of a few hundred have no more than eight c -Weof the persecution suffered there. No better barometer of the greatness of Jew-, listen to Rabbis are in most cases criticizing him Irving Caesar was paid handsome- dollars saved from peddling candy. leaders, who will not only be e'uicient Egypt Praises Rosenwald ish writers can be found than the American because of his infelicitous choice of subjects or ly by the telegraph company for Within twenty years after the estab- but will have the sympathy and unbiographical market. It may seem amazing, but "undiplomatic" remarks. Since our people are writing rhyme telegrams to be sent lishment of their business, he and his derstanding necessary for the ad- Cairo.—Julius Rosenwald and his brother Philip were doing an annual wife arrived here today. They were the most significant works of the coming season such profound authorities on sermonics, why not on Valentine Day. vancement of the cause." business of $8,000,000. accorded a hearty welcome in the The Jewish Division of the New were written by Jews. Jacob Wasserman's bio- ask them what a Rabbi should preach about, Over 500 Hadassah members and Egyptian press, which praised Mr. Public Library has a rare docugraphy of Columbus,' Andre Maurois' life story what style of presentation to employ, and how York The average newspaper reader their guests heard Mr. Warburg sol- Rosenwald's charitable work among ment deed written in Russia a hunwould recognize Joan of Arc as some emnly pledge that the Jewish Agency negroes and for the YJU-CA. The of Byron, and Emil Ludwig's character study of to handle specific subjects? The Rabbis, being dred years ago transferring half of would endeavor to live up to the herlocal Y.M.C.A. is organizing a lunchLincoln head the list. Through the magic of familiar with the ancient Jewish dictum, "Whoso the reward due to a certain rabbi sort of a French legendary, but the itage which the late Jewish leader, New York dressmakers now out on their pens we see men strutting, playing their is wise? He who learns from everybody," will, in the world to come to his devoted strike mean Rose Dorfman when they Louis Marshall, had. left by his work eon in his honor for next Wednesday at which the most prominent Egyptsmall part on the stage of history- We read of course, derive a great deal of benefit from wife. speak of "Joan of Arc." This tall, for the Jewish Agenfey. ians as well as leading government melting phrases abounding in exquisite beauties such suggestions. In reportmg the results of ROBERT MARSHALL ON dark and enthusiastic young girl has Would Exempt Widowed officials will be present. been a powerful factor in getting Mothers of literary form—written as only these three such findings, however, it would prove most LUMBERJACKS masters can. All of life's fever is there, its beneficial to mention publicly the names of those Robert Marshall, the forestry son recruits for the dressmaker's strike Washington. — Senator Tydings Fast-Day Proclaimed Vilna.—The famous Polish rabbi the late Louis Marshall,-has been by her, as some say, overpowering (Democrat) of Maryland, has introhopes and joys, its suffering and sorrow. making specific suggestions on the subject of of 'Hofetz Haim" has proclaimed a making some very interesting stu- eloquence. duced a bill in the' Senate to exempt However, more significant is the fact that sermonics. Such a procedure is likely to make dies of the western lumberjacks. In The "Joan of Arc" of the garment from the quota of widowed mothers half fastday, when prayers will be these celebrities have entirely wiped out geor many of our congregational wiseacres so ridi- "Social Forces" he tells all about it. ce* ter, left her native Ukrainia in of American citizens. The bill was offered for the Russian Jews. planning to find a fortune in referred to the Committee on Immigraphic ^boundaries and petty nationalism, to culous that in the future they would be a little "I have undertaken a quantitive 1914new France Wants Jews world and to send for her study designed to chronicle certain rank as the most universally read authors. Ger- more reserved in expressing their opinions on of the more outstanding social pec- parents, but since then her mother gration. A bill for exempting from Paris.—"We want Jews in France", parents, DU* since men ner momer t h eq u o t a p a r e n t s o f American citizman Jews wilting about American heroes, and the subject of preaching.—Sentinel. uliarities of the northwestern lum- ard father were killed in a pogrom ; e j M h a s a l r e a d y b e e n i n t r o d u c e d i n declared Deputy Charles Lambert, author of the immigration favorable a French'. Jew depicting the life of a great Engberjack." and she ^becamr a champion of t n e ; t h e H o u s e o f R e p r e s e n tatives by Con- to the Jews, at a meeting of the Jewlishman,,, where heretofore biographies of na- Truth is that Something which applied in "A close analysis of the conversa- working class. While , this is her g r e s s m a n Dick stein. ish Debating: Club, "The Jews have tional figures have been limited to authors of life or expressed, enriohes with enduring values. i tion of 400 lumberjacks,' says Mar- first strike in New York, she was Aid Lithuanian Jews one of the leaders of the twenty-six no fatherland and they therefore j shall, "discloses that 23 per cent their own countries. Thus these Jewish geniuses New York.—Flotation of a five promptly adapt themselves to French . . . . _' {were off color stories, 11 per cent] weeks strike in Philadelphia in 1921, o are blazing the path for more concrete inter- n, conditions. Jews are in our French r r u e religion is Common bense a t t h e m a - * p e r s o n a l adventures in which the and is well known throughout the hundred thousand dollar bond issue national good-will and mutual understanding. in America to provide capital for the family." tured spiritual altitude: -. narrator is the hero, eight per cent labor movement.
United States
the News
Other Countries
if. 5(
t rrli«il1
V: Hospital to INSTALMENT SALES Jew Chosen Head of Win* Fox Pleads forSupport Mi. Sinai Receive $1,239,610 IS BOON TO TRADE Capitol Association of His Recapitalization Plan
How's Business?
New York — Mt. Sinai Hospital •will ultimately get $1,239,610 from Washington. (J.T.A.) Mark Lansthe estate of the late Harry H. burgh, a leading Washington Jewish Securities Head Says $8,000,Well, how is business ? This is the copper trade isn't what it was. Meyers, prominent stock broker who business man, has been elected pres- question that is on the lips of the Prices for copper havn't moved very 000,000 Total in 1929 died January 18, it was learned toident of the Merchants and Manu- business men and incestors of Amer- much but nobody in the business Shows Growth day. In his will he divided his facturers association, which together ica today even more than ever. A feels quite safe. The Fhelps-Dodge estate between a half sister and a with the Chamber of Commerce con- number of big companies have ans- Corporation is cutting down producSTOCK SLUMP LITTLE FELT brother, and directed that on their ' stitute the two general organizations wered this question and are begin- tion in some of its mines and smeltdeath the principal should revert to Arthur Greene, president of the of business men in the city. The ning to tell just what happened to ers and it is not by any taatm the the hospital. Merchants and Manufacturers Securi- presidency of the association is con- them in 1929. Let us take a look at only company feeling the pinch of The plan for recapitalization of the of new common to the banking ties Company, declared yesterday sidered one of the highest marks of these answers. j uncertainty. Amei'can Smelting & Fox Film Corp. presented by Banc- group. Fox, president of both companies, asks america-Blair, Inc., Lehman Bros. and; Contending plans will be presented support for the recapitalization plan that the stock market slump had distinction which can be accorded to Last week the Hudson Motor Car J Refining Co. probably did the best Dillon Bead & Co. and approved by to stockholders of Fox Film of record offered by the New York banking not affected existing instalment con-. one identified with business interests. Co. answered the question by saying business in its history in 1929, but so Mr. Lansburgh has participated in that it was starting to make a far this year thing:; do not look so Fox directors was summarized in a March 1, at a special meeting to be group and approved by the Fox direc- tracts, that retail sales on the partial letter mailed to stockholders. This held March 5. Since it is necessary tors. A negative vote on this pro- payment system had shown no severe many local JevJish philanthropies. little money, sithough business during ;1 go d and the company carried over a decrease and, in his opinion, instalplan provides for the issuance of for the class A stockholders to vote posal by the shareholders, he said,, the last quarter of 1928 wasn't BO ! tremendous stock of copper. ment selling should be a help in busiThe Pacific Coast Coal Co. who $65,000,000 in new 7% securities com- on any reorganization, the strength would in effect be a vote for receivergcod; in fact the company lost nearly j Railroad Earnings Smaller ness recovery, in commenting on the isupplies Seattle with diamond bri- $£,000,000 in the last three months j posed of $40,000,000 debentures, each of the various interests holding prox- ship. ! The railroad business is slow too. government report that this class of quets and other coal and cement made bond carrying- warrants to subscribe ies on class A shares will probably Pres. Fox asserted that he was selling had reached a total of $8,000,- a net profit of $152,228 during the of 1929. But for the whole year it i The first sixty-six raiiroads to report to 25 shares of common at 20 for the be demonstrated. did not do so badly. making "every personal sacrifice" to last three months of 1929.; its profits first five years, and $25,000,000 new Henry Ford a& might have been December earnings showed a net inOf interest in this connection is the safeguard the stockholders' interests. 000,000 in 1929. icome of about 156,000,000 compared "The estimate that comes from the for the whole year were double those 3Sfc-. preferred, convertible into com- formation of a class A group formed Reiterating that he is placu^j entire expected, did a nice business in JanI with more than $71,000,000 during Internal Revenue Bureau that tbe of the year before. mon starting at 25. .-•••' ' uary. During last month 98,529 cars by representatives of the Kuser est- control and voting power with three • • • total volume of instalment sales hist j and trucks were turned out, of which • th same month last year, a drop of This plan" as formulated lay the ate and other large stockholders, voting trustees for five years, or until year approximated $8,000,000,000 is j The textile business is in very bad 46,784 were produced the last ten i over 21H; and the mings of the New York: bankes is ;':faced with This committee, "which is seeking new securities are fully paid, and has | Erie Railroad for the month of Janstong opposition from the Halsey, proxies, has tentatively favored the not reserved any contract for ser- of high interest to industry in gen- shape. For some reason or other the days of the month. eral," said Mr. Greene. "If these tertile companies have failed to prosPeople did not drink so much Coca- j uary of this year were 8% less than Stuart-Western Electric group and plan of the Lehman Bros., Bancamer- vices, Mr. Fox added: ! they were in January of last year. If from an important faction in the ica-Blair, Dillon, Read group, but has "I have surrendered all control and figures are correct, it means that an pei despite the fact that they take Cola during the last three months ! other" business picks up and factory management of the Fox companies, reserved the liberty to vote for any voting rights of my stock. 1 am wil- important and increasing part of the j advantage of labor laws which per- of 1929 as they did the first part of | shipments start in the spring the headed by Winfield Sheehan and Saul plan which seems suited to the best ling, if so desired by the new man-country's business is done on an in- mit long hours, double shifts and the year, but for the whole year they | railroad business should pick up too. stalment basis at the present time, j night work for women and children, drank enough to give the company JThi fact that things are slow with Rogers, both vice-presidents and interest of stockholders. agement, and am anxious- to jdevote while only ten years ago this business j a $12,758,276 profit as against a prodirectors. Opposed to them will be a group the rest of my life to the furtheFupr* was negligible. ! difference between credit advanced fi. of $10,189,120 in 1928, ^and busi- ! some railroads does not mean that j business "is very bad for the railroad This latter group apparently is op- aligned with; the Western Electric Co. building and expansion of these great "While instalment selling gained on a commodity and credit advanced ness is picking up again. . equipment companies. On one day posed to .the continuance of William and Halsey, Stuart & Co., who businesses, which I know can be ac- its impetus chiefly from the automo- on commercial paper, and it is also The Caterpillar Tractor Co., a PaFox as the controlling factor in tl/.- formed the original trusteeship and complished, but have not reserved to bile trade, at the present time—ac- well to remember that the total of cific Coast concern is getting ready las month freight cars on order were management, and, in conjunction with who now control the voting shares myself any contract for services and cording to the data available—it is instalment credit contracts, large as 34,581, which was 21,545 care more for a large business this year. Halsey, Stuart, introduced a plan un- deposited with the Bankers Trust Co. am placing my faith in the hands of estimated that o£ the total instal- it is, represents only about 2 per cent (than were on order or. the same date der -which $40,000,000 debentures These advantages Halsey, Stuart will th< new management until the $59,-ment sales 20 per cent are of house- of all forms of outstandig credit. I last year, and on the same day 431 Shoe Business Poor 15C,000 (the obligations), has been ; locomotives were on order ae against would be issued and the remaining not surrender -without a struggle: The shoe business isr't doing "I can confirm the statement made hold goods and that 80 per cent of 114 in 1929. Although this looks like In a plea to. stockholders William fully paid. funds required come from the sale all phonographs are purchased on by one of the most conservative well right now. The Hamiltonj good business, the equipment com- • Brown hoe Co., says that Scales have th«! instalment basis, 75 per cent of banking houses in New York, not I parries are rustling around because washing machines, 65 per cent of the engaged in any way in instalment fallen off. Business hasn't been too [they are still working far below capavacuum cleaners, 50 per cent of the financing, that the deferred-payment good either for S. S. Kresge Co., ! city. pianos, sewing machines, radios and system has apparently -weathered tbe which for the first time in its history electric refrigerators.' Evidently the effect of the recent stock market'has to admit that sales have been | Conditions in the merchandising continuation of instalment selling on decline. There were few defaults in les- than the year before. The com-trade might be called "spotty" ala sound basis is a big factor in the payment or contract cancellations in pany has expanded its chain of stores j though Sears, Roebuck & Co. in Jan• uary did nearly 10% more business maintenance of prosperity. November and December, and retail into Canada. Generally the people who own stock than it did during the same period "Along with the growth of instal- sales showed s o severe decreases. rcent selling there has necessarily I Unemployment, the greatest thrat to in iron and Eteel companies have no !in 1929. been an expansion in the finance' instalment buying, has had no seri- cause for regret. American Steel ! So, it -would appear, the answer to conipanies that buy instalment pa- ous effect. As long as it is regulated Foundries is doing a nice business. I the question: "Well how is business?" per. At the present time such com- by careful credit policies on the part Ii. 1929 its earnings were one-third J is: " N o t too good, but better than have been expected. And parties represent an investment of : of producers and finance companies, larger than in 1928 while McKees could things are looking brighter." tsore than $400,000,000. When we instalment selling should help rather Port Tin Plate Company earned 50— Just ten years ago labor banking more in 1928 than in 1928 and busiget down to essentials there is fio than hinder business recovery." ness is holding up well. Mr. Kulas, f started. Now it is reported that the president of the Otis Steel Company Engineers National Bank of Clevesmiles when you ask him how busi- land has been taken over by other ness is. "Our billings for January | banks. A few labor banks remain were 71% more than they were in bat unfortunately the grand December," he says. And so on of the sincere early promoters have apparently fallen overboard. ttrougout the whole steel business. T NVESTMENT in sound bonds is an excellent Even though the Fox people are j 1 way to secure both safety of principal and a having some financial trouble, the j She—"Have you any poor relagood income. Our March list of recommended intheatre business is generally pretty jtions?" vestments includes many carefully selected securigood. So far this year Loew's is j • He—"Not one that I know." ties, well diversified, and suitable for conservative doing around 50% more business | She—"Have you rich relations?" investment. Use the coupon in writing for a copy. than it did this time last year, and I He—"Not one that knows me." the other companies in the business are keeping busy too. i Cigar manufacturers are wondering Please send me a copy of your March list But business isn't so good with t how they can safely appeal for fem- of recommended investment securities. everybody as it it with some. The jinine support. They watch production of cigarettes mount by the billion every month while consumption FOB of cigars scarcely increase at all. -City and State Address* Cigars with lace ruffled mouth pieces have been suggested. • * *
The Banking Groups Still Bitterly Opposed to Fox as Controlling Factor in Management
Investment Securities
lernoromer fcCowipanv
2M FarnunBIdft.
Resident Vlce-£rc*Meat OMAHA.
208 So. 19—JA. 1208 -Evenings WAlnnt 5077-
More Than 240,000 Stockholders Received 208th Dividend on Cities Service Common Stock On January 1, 1911, the first dividend on,. Cities Service Common stock was paid to less than 1,000 stockholders.
A great New York bank estimates the income of the people of the United States in 1929 at $95,000,000,'000. Are you getting your'share? The answer isthat you are probably l getting more than your share because | this tremendous total amounts to approximately $800.00 per year for each 'person in the country .
Mid-West Aviation Corporation Convertible PreferedStock Market to Yield
On February .1, 1930, more than 240,000 stockholders received a dividend. When this number of investors purchase the Common stock of a company, that company can truly claim to have deserved and won the confidence of the investing public.
Investigate our 10 months payment plan and earn over 6% on your savings.
Tel. JA. 1208
We are preparing a comprehensive resume of the aviation industry for 1929 wnich we will be pleased to send on request.
Clarke* Lewis & Co* Personal Investment Counsel 502 Trimble Building SIOUX CITY
318 South 19 Street OMAHA
iwwgf"inw-wgrf"fflw-*iir/ 1
ures LADIES FIRST—AND LAST!—Exciting finish of the Cor^ZriowT^^^^ AgaaCahente with onlx. women riders competing. Miss Ardath Schneider, L6ng Beach!CalSSniR schoolgrl isshoyn gaUoping home three lengths ahead of her nearest rival, MIS Mabe StrickEnd" atri« ° winner TodeTecate, owned by E. E. Watson. There were twe?ve (International Newsreel)
• • * • .
GRANDSONS OP ENGLAND'S KING UNWORRIED BY MATTERS OF STATE. — V i s c o u n t Lascelles (right)- who recently celebrated his 7th birthday, and: his brother, the Hon. Gerald Lascelles, are in..terested spectators as the - .Bramham MOST Hunt moves off at Tnorp Arch H a l l , Yorkshire, with their- parents, the Earl and Countess . of Harewood in the party. The Countess isl better known as Princess Mary, only daughter of the King and Queen of England. (International Newsreel)
TWINS GURGLING CONGRATULATIONS AT FATHER—Twin daughters gurgling their congratulations at their father. S. McGorm, after he retained his sculling title in championship event. The mile race took place on Lake Wendoures.
'} QL
AUSTRALIAN M I S S BREAKING .'WORLD'S HURDLING RECORD FOR WOMEN.—Clarice Kennedy, 20-year-old Australian miss, sailing1 gracefully over the'bar as she " b r e a k s the women's, hurdling record for" eighty metres. She. m a d e the distance in "12% seconds at the spores ground at Sydney.
<Interaatl0p&l Newsreel)
REFLECTED GLORY. — These prize West Highland White Terriers are less concerned with the reflections of their beauty than they are with the strange-looking man with a black cloth pver his head who stands on the other side of the brook. The curly - haired a r i s t o c r a t s are shown with one of their admirers in .the grounds of the Elmslea Kennels, - S t e e p l e Morden, Royston, Hertfordshire, E n g l a n d , shire, England. (International Newweel)-
1 "
rt v>? <
(Xoternatkmal N«wsre»l)
WHAT HAPPENS AT FRENCH TRACKS WHEN FANS GET PEEVED—Firemen, smothering the last embers of the betting booths at Vincennes Track after a "demonstration" of vexed race fans who didn't like the manner, in which the first event was run- It was all legal according to racing traditions, but tile fans felt more than "hurt" and vented their spleen on posts, rails, paddocks and grandstand., which, they fired, uprooted or Otherwise destroyed.. . Uoteraallonal New«r«e!l
A COLONEL IN K I L T I E S— Colonel A l f r e d Ritten presenting Miss Mary Loo Collom with a saber as he made her an honorary cadet colonel in the R. O. T C. of the University of C i n c i nnati, w h e r e both are s t u d e n t s. One hundred fel-
1 ow o f f i c e r s w a t c h e d the presentation.
? T JP* CLITICS—Lumber jacks in Sydney Harbor carrying on their dangerous P means bdn S thrown into shark infested waters, an altogether dangerous UateruUoMl N«w»i»el)
SHE'S NOT WHAT HE SEEMS—Because the Massachusetts Institute of Technology doesn't number girls among its students is no reason why they can't have an annual play with feminine atmosphere. If you guessedi that the above photo was one of a girl, you guessed wrong. It is James Milne Dunlop, Class of '32, shown in the costume he will wear in a play.
PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, FEBR0AKT 28, 1930 disturbances with the rewriting set"and he is ashamed. 8 e says 1-had back in health, efforts in preventive ' no right to send you letters in hie carejinust be intensified. jname. Uut Tie says he always liked I you only he thought a nice looking j young woman like you wouldn't j Bloom Executive ( bother with a poor tailor with a 1 New York.—A gift Of $10,090-'by ' eleven year old boy. Dr. Henry I. Wachtel, a New York Bi-Centenial in 1932 i He says I ought to get a licking ] dentist, to Hadassah, the Women's The Voice Within Washington. (J.T.A.) Congressman but if you marry him I won't get it. S p e a k e r s a t Good-Will Banquet Hark, Friend Jew, to the voice with- Zionist Organization of America, will Sol Bloom of New York has been make possible soon the establishment Very truly yours in you Give Causes for Religious of a dental clinic in the Nathan and appointed associate director With IV. Catling aloud from within your Abraham Scherer. Prejudices Lina Straus Health Center in Jerus- Lieutenant Colonel Ulysses S. Grant, Dear Mrs. Rosen: Mrs. Rosenq '• A soul. Abie didn't get the whipping. alem, it was announced at the Na- 3rd, of the celebration in 1932 to Every' day when you come home "How much-rent do you pay7 "We i (Copyright -1930 by the Jevrtsh commemorate the two hundredth anBaltimore. (J.T.A.)—The writer of "You are a Jew, don't try to forget tional Hadassah office here. from the shop where you do the it; niversary of thfe birth of "George Telegraphic Agency, Inc.-) the Gospel of ;$f John,' ttnscrupulous The opening of this "clinic, which embroidery work me and my Abie dollars. If yon pay the same, that's Your outward appearance is only. politicians and many schools and col-! will be known as the Clara Wachtel" Washington, if. was announced. listen while you walk around in your a hundred dollars, With ten1 rooms; a mask. leges were- accused ^of religioiis prejDental Clinic, in memory of Dr. Among the qualifications of Conflat upstairs. We know when you for -three people. 'It sounds like udice at the religious good-will din- Western fine manners, conventional Wachtel's wife, will be a ftwthe* gressman Bloom that obtained for are tired because your feet are drag- Park Avenue, If .you'd move down dress, him the position, were his Associaner at the Southern -hotel, and live with us, it would be-fifty Interest in, poker, a ball game or step in- Hadassah's program of pre- tion with -several international exJews, Catholics and' Protestants ventive medicine iu Palestine. The isn't right 'such a nice lady dollars cheaper and -you wouln't-fiave dance participated^ in the r * function, given Straus Center, which is the head- positions* his swperiiitending the contotravel downtown-in thd subway should go downtoWh-every d a y i n t h e Does not make you lees the Jew." under the auspices, of the Religious quarters for this work, contains more struction of the Midway Plaisance at • • ' ,r crowded subway and stand again in any. more. •• the" Columbia Exposition in Chicago Goad-WM League] Inc.' . than twenty departments. the train after all day in the shop Very truly yours, The Rev. Dr. D/C. C. Morrison, ed- Come out, stand beside him, your^ Part, of the Wachtel gift will be --189&j and his prominent lonnecand come home to an empty flat and Harry Scherer. brother Jew, tions ; with various leaders in the itor of the Christian Century, said eat supper all alone. Abie is com- As Sarah read this letter, a perWarsaw. (J.T.A.) Rabbi Israel the fourth Gospel,' in ascribing the Share fight or victory, glory, or pain. used to purchase equipment and the -movie, theatrical and radio indusrest remain as an endowment fand, pany 'for me even if he is a wild i plexed frown furrowed her brow. Schapiro, known as the Grodsiske crucifixion and the' hostility leading You are judged by your the interest'of -which will be; .used tries. boy witJi only a father to bring him Had any woman ever received such Rebbe, has received an alarming re- up to .the' crucifixion of Christ to you or not? fox ; the maintenance of equipment, a matter-of-fact proposal? Indeed port that the Soviet government is the Jews, shows as much prejudice — Each of us caa be a Bryd, conWell; Mrs. RWen I-won't write any he Wasv"a"queer man, Harry/ S&ererJpreparing to execute the leaders of against Jews as any historian -who So harken, friend Jew, .to the viiice purchase of supplies and popular quering poles within ourselves. : education in oral Hygiene. Tiie ^clinic more. ^i just •wanted to ask soipe- So shy he hadn't even--me6tipned the!$M "Minsk: Jewish Community who might ascribe the death of Socrates within you, is expected'tD serve the Tieeds of the Pugnatity i?; a form of courage, times if it is lonesome sitting-by letters to fcer, nor had : he; revealed :**re arrested last Saturday by the to the Greeks. To the .Jewish soul in <*ftiren of:Jerusalem; ; . b'u* a very bad form.—Sinclair Lewis. yourself you can come dowa--to-4is.; what was in his mindi - " ' • • iJtuBsian secret police on a charge of -'-"The"Rev. Dr.'George Johnson, of breast! When thr'Straus "Center was built: We gQtr a radio. Just drop in' "and With an angry' gesture she tore counter-revolutionary actions. the Catholic-University of Washingspace was provided for a dental don't £ay anything about this letter. up the letter. She was iiot to be won On hearing of the report a delega- ton, cited the last presidential elecIMMORTALITY clinic although it was thought at Sincerely, on the ground of- economy. During, tion of rabbis called on the American tion-when he said millions of Americthe time that the fulfillment j>f that Harry Scherer. the past weeks she- thoughtshe had consul here and asked him to inter- ans voted against a candidate for no You were indifferent and cool, Woman to care for child and need was still far off. It^ -aomineiit And I was young' and'hopefuV light housework. Board,' room Standing in -the center of Jier cheer- come ~tq Tmow: Harry-Scherierbetter vene. As a sign of mourningy aH of other reason than that he was Cath- Now you Think I am gone. establishment ,comes at-a~ time when and salary. less fiat, Sarah Rosen reread the '^^^p'iKke':nis\ i^imtir'i&y;*^raty^';But the rabbis rent their clothing. - Spe-a r t i c . - ' .'•>"•'•••' •'-'••''•"' • > ' - ' it Is nwst needed, fcrdas^aheflScerB i - AT. 48T9—2405 Hickory — surely he must know a woman; wints j dal prayers have been arranged for letter she had found inher letterbox, Rabbi-Louis J. Schwefel of Wash- But I dreep through the rich, brown point out, because due to the recent bW-, the arrested'leaders, usually, empty from the beginning to be;: wanted for herself~^;ndt ington,-who claimed there was too v J soil; good cook* 'and^ can{ -A similar report hhas^beea received much religious prejudice in hundreds of one month to the nextl Wasn't he cause she's a good I am a silver poplar, ~ -: : I by Rabbi Ozer Grodxenski of Vilna, •of colleges and schools of-Education a strange man to'write her a letter take care' of his motherless tioy. J fan you tenderly with my soothing Sarah sighed. And just wheri she I who h a s sent out a numibej'" of tele'when he spoke to'her every; morning and among groups of supposedly inpalms, to.TJewish and rabbis telligent people, a class distinction, ^ 1 J -grams *-' ~ - - ^ Ileaders -.J...*V ^ -«hM« as they passed on the stoop, she onwas Beginning to -tilink life held Blow my cool breath upon* your i&eary jri all parts.of the world, asking them said that the hope; of relieving the! •he- way downtown;-he to''the"small something for her limbs. .to intervene, to. prevent. the, execuIn tailoring shop on 'i the corner,. She world of prejudice iay in teaching tions. The Jewish population here is the truth about the different people And gently kiss pour drooping lids starebVat the handwriting.' H he had with wiy zephyrs. YIDDISH—HEBREW greatly excited as the report-began to youth. I not warned her against mentioning Dear .Mrs. Rosen:. ; : . ','_.. v". AXD MODERN LITERATURE FOR th& letter, she;mlght have thought he . Enclosed* iA A ticket for a Jewish to spread. Ytm feel my present* and'stir," 1 : had dictated it to his son Abie., It show.' .will'coine1 .too.. But I have The Jewish Telegraphic Agency ' CHILDREN AXD ADULTS ~You are not indifferent and coot. was-written in, aground, schooyboyisn to be in the shop till half past learns that 'Dr. Cyrus Adler, presi- PROGRESS BEISG MADE And I~ flswt not ffffnex ' *~ * IN REDEEMING PLEDGES hand.' But perhaps Harry Scherer eight so you go and enjoy the -Jirst dent of' the • American Jewish Com-; <-*Gert*ude Perlis. WEbster 5685 mittee, has received a telegram con-: had learned to;:«Tite "English/late..: part. I will come later. . '. Max E. Meiesl of-Cleveland, camfinning the Warsaw report from RabAnd :the letter!,. Every line) revealVery truly yours, Budapest.—(J. T. ).—The great inpaign treasurer for JBfee ,new .building ed how lonesome hei was, fall the H. Scherer. bi GrodzenskL fund of the Cleveland. Jewish Orphan crease in conversion" ainotig • the Jews : time he was writing -about-her lone- . Without hiding the fact that she Home, has announced that the begin- of Hungary is the result «f growing liness. Well, he must be lonery; with .was .pleased he had a^ .last realized . Q ning of the third year.of the collec- anti-Semitism in the economic life of u e S t i o n a i r e i n RtlSSia only Ms - eleven-year-old- Abie for a there was something to. a courtship V tion period for the ne^; Orphans? home 1 the country, according to statistics there was something to a c o u r t s h i p • ": * * KeveaiS besides letters and ; casual; conversacompanion. finds $754,000 paid & t of a total sub- [made public by the Budapest rabbmAn "ache entered Sarah Rosen's ;tion on the. stoop, Sarah 'went to the 'seription of $l,258,06ft. ... -i late who sent out an inquiry to cany heart It wasn't'" sympathy for Harry; theatre. Moscow. "X3ST.A..0 Jewish Commun- •The recent additioa* were added by rdidates for conversion asking the rea^Scherer, but »Enptftiat she had been jTWhenJHarry Scherer at last slid .£Bts:arp;-poisDn .to: the country and the •» **'-•»* B'rith of districts Nos. ~%ison for their action. The replies said ^ : lefi *iwidow sov young, with- no little into; the, vacant seat,, beside-her . she- Jews Jar* .speculfctOEs and parasites, the B'nai 6, of which Omaha is member. that- they can only get positions when h Abie 1. for compahy.^..isj!loA;-Qne whose Was glad. Yes*- she Bad^^.come 7fa)V is tiie^reply;received to a questionaire and Columbus, Ohio, is l i e first commun- converted. r future-;she could plan'-for. .Nothing like hinx}"• Hardly watching^ "thei play; ^distribnted imtfng students of the ity in the sixteen middle-west states to look forward to in the years to she abandoned herself to happy Leningrad high schools by the depart- to attain 100 per cent collection of literature is a very bad crutch, but coine^Yesr she must stop in at the dreams of the future. Just then he ment of education in an attempt to the pledges. > a very good walking stick. : Scherer's some evening. It-"would do tapped -her on the arm. determine how strong the anti-SemII good. itic movement was among the stu-* s Abie?" he whispered. Why, he must be home. I dents. Therefore no one had to sign his, name but was merely required didn't see him today." -to fill out a number of printed ques• v 'JWhatll'.Scherer's^voice rose above; Dear M r s . Rosen; .^.i^k*-.-.:*-- -•• •• ;the careful wMsper. "You didn't see tions, thus being free to express his I want to thaoik .ybu-ier^hat-ryou Abie today?-; Then Jiow did you get real sentiments. . .. . night. Abler and jine'never 7 done; th tik! J lft^jft tikt h Of. the/l,500;:iraestionaires_ distnb-: left^jfteticket he the ticket! ate such a. meal. But Mrs. Rosen should go ahead of me to.the show!" uted inthe adult and Communist j»arJust because you you shouldn't do i t 1 off'a half day when it is slow you - Following agitated whispers be- ty schools 800 were returned--filled !, shouldn't spend it making supper for tween Mrs: Bosen and Harry Scherer. out. Of these 250 were one hundred \. me aid Abie. Such noodle- soup! When they, rose and stumbled along percent anti-Semitic in their- answersJ the darkened aisle, others around Eighty questionaires came back' Such jchicken! I am very busy in my shop. In them were not sorry to see them go. with pro-Jewish replies while-the^rest avoided direct replies but pointed ^out j fall and winter I'.nee-A to take in a what. they .Considered: were ithej _de-; helper^for the pr^BBing. ^•';• ^ , , ; , _y f ecfe of the Jews and tried to explain Well this .will be a short lette^. Dear 'Mrs. • Rosen: Don't forget; you' ^ork too hard all Papa'says I am a ' very "bad boyiiieir-hackground justification. .. • •" day t» be cooTdng for a fifenily w^ieh
A Modern John Aldeh by NINA KAYE
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Sale of
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Sincerely "your. friend, '""" ": ""^H."Scherer: iSarah Rosen: r e a ^ t h e " IetterV a tenderr smile on her iips. .She - didn$ deserve this gratitude.'^ She had. done it because she felC she couln't bear to eat another meal alone. She had met Abie in the. hall, tucking the remains of a bologna sandwich in hij mouth. His father had been..too busy- to come home-and cook- same lunch for himi = - Something wiqtful in Abie's eyes made Sarah clutch him quickly to her and order him io unlock the Scherer's doorJ: All afteTnoon - she i a d "'cooked and baked as 'she- had almost forgotten she couldT And in the evening-— she recalled the amazement on Harry Scherer'f f ace,.. when he opened the door,;- sniffed ' the odors coming from the--kitchen. She was proud: when he drew up his chair, rubbing his hands together. He had tried: to thank _ her then, but the words stumbled./JShe turned away. He had looked, as if he were going to cry. ;;
Cothfofoied: with the
rfcresistable Flavor and Scientifically Blended/ inQmaha • ; : -
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing £pr, Lunch \ '
Dear Mrs. Rosen: • , Do you like _;Abie? He is a' good boy, only a : little ^wild, because he has no one in the house to look out of the winddw and holler, Look out; Abie. Abie, it's time to come in. It's lucky I am a tailor. He is always tearing his pants at the knees. He is smart in school too. -•;• Very truly yours, H. Scherer. There might have been a suspicion of moisture on Sarah Rosen's cheek as she finished the letter. To hide it from herself, she pretended a vexation she did not feel. Did Harry ScLerer think she did not see through him? Playing on her sympathy for his Abie; But Abie was a dear boy and he did need a mother's care.
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_London.-(J. T. A.)_Of Palestine's total area of twenty-six million dunMISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent 20 Organizations Against Bills ams of land it is estimated that, exWhich Would Lessen dusive of the million dunams in the Present Hardships Beersheba district occupied by Bedouins, about eleven million dunamst Washington.—(J. T. A.) — Repre- are cultivated and of this one millio/ sentatives of a number of patriotic dunams are in the possession of the organizations have come out in oppo- Jews, Drummond Shiels, under-secresition to the six bills of Congressman tary for the Colonies reported in the Dickstein which seek to lessen the House of Commons. The Advertising Committee of the hardships of the present immigration Federation Building Fund opened its An additional statement of his reMrs. Leah Biskin, National Sec- that is indispensable to that land. laws. E. N. Grueskin Elected President. Council to Bework for the B*uilding Fund Carnival retary vealed that in the three months folof the Pioneer Woman's Club, One is as vital as the next. All are! Chairman Albert Johnson of the lowing the riots more Jewish immito be held in the City Auditorium Clearing House for All Jewish May 6, with several committee meet- and Mr. Baruch Zuckerman, nation- important, and there is and should House Immigration Committee an- grants entered Palestine than in the Activities ings during the past few weeks and ally known f-r his work and interest be absolutely no conflict between nounced at the hearing of the com-three months preceding the riots. many of the committee at work on in the Poale Zion movement, were ary group or fund that is organized J mittee on the bill to establish a quota His figures showed that for the guests of honor at the banquet held - Every. Jewish organization, of Sioux Organizations which will be rep-the program. Mr. Morris Pill is theMonday evening at the Jewish Com- in behalf of Palestine." He also • for countries on the American contin- three months ending August 31st, 631 City- Tvas represented at the re-organ- resented at the Council are Zionists, chairman of this Advertising - Com- munity-Center, under the auspices stressed' the importance of the Zion- ent that all those who are opposed to Jewish immigrants entered the counizatibn meeting of the Inter. Club Senior Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, 'mittee and will be assisted by Mr.of the Pioneer Woman's' Club, and ist Roll Call, which is now in prog- Dickstein's bills will soon have an op- try and 367 Jewish tourists were perress. portunity to express their views be- mitted to settle there while during Moe Lazere and Mr. Ben Brodkey, Council) held in the Jewish Communthe National Worker's Association. Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, Mr. Zuckerman who stopped here fore the commission. as vice-chairmen. September, October and November ity, enter Monday evening.; Mr; E. N. The chairman then read a resolution following the riots, 2,057 Jewish imGrueskin was elected president of Hebrew Ladies Friendship Society, Among those who will participate Mrs. H. Mirowitz was the toast- enroute to Omaha plans to return at the. group for the coming, year. . Mount Sinai Sisterhood,. Mount Sinai in various committees for this event mistress at the banquet -which was some near date to speak before a which was adopted by twenty patri- migrants entered and 250 Jewish tourgeneral -mass meeting. During his otic societies and which opposes any ists were allowed to settle. Leaders of the * communal organ- Brotherhood, Hebrew Mother's Asso- which is looked forward to, by theattended by over 100 visit here he organized a local Poale law which will "increase immigration Mrs. Biskin spoke to t i e gatherciation, Talmud Torah, Building. entire Jewish Community are Messrs. izations have long felt the need of into the United States and weaken such a council to act as a clearing Fund, Bnai Brith, A. Z. A., Work- Ben Sekt, J. Oxman, Dr. H. M. Le->ing on the work of the Pioneer Or- Zion group. house for all activities and as a men's Circle, National Workers, Ivre vin, Abe Pill, Jack Robinson, I. Bor- ganization in Palestine, and gave an Mrs. Biskin, who spoke on Sunday other points of the law." This resoFOR RENT bureau for the establishment of all "Club, Pioneer Women's Organization, shevsky, S. Kroloff, A. J. Galisky, account of the various organizations evening to a group of Pioneer wo- lution is especially opposed to the men, also, left here for Winnepeg, Dickstein bills. Nice Sleeping dates, for the affairs given by tht S. C. Independent Farane, Daughter- Lou Strongin, M. E. Fiderman, A. this country. . "When Chairman Johnson finished various organizations. This group hood of Tephereth Israel, Kadima, Davis, Rueben Miller, Morris Lazrio- Mr.. Zuckerman spoke on "Our Canada. Room for Gentleman •will fun 'tion to prevent any confl;ct- Woman's Auxiliary of Shaare Zion, wich, M; N. London,'-Louis Agranoff, obligations to the upbuilding of the Mr. H. Mirowitz lead the commun- reading the resolution, Mr. Dickstein Homeland." He stressed the ity singing. at the dinner Monday declared that he believes "that oneint? dates fr.r entertainments, and Woman's Auxiliary of National J. Levine, Leon. Dobrofsky, Morey WEbster 3967 Workers, Mount Sinai Temple, Shaare Lipshutz, Morris Miller, Lawrence point that the various organizations and piano accompaniments were play- half of the organizations whose names fund raising affairs. you have here on the list don't underMiss Rose Lipman, superintendent Zion Synagogue, Beth Abraham Syn- Baron, Si Krueger, P h i Sherman, and funds in the interest of Palestine ! by. Miss Beatrice Levitsky. do not conflict one with another but CHARLES SIMON agogue, Adas Yeshuren Synagogue, Ben Rosenbtum, Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. B. Shindler was in charge stand and know nothing about the of the federation, was elected secand Tephereth Israel Congregation. Mrs. M. N. London, Mrs. L . S . Gold- are. indispensable to each other. of the 'dinner with the following proposed laws." Recommends retary-treasurer. Steele, secretary of the THE SANITARY LAUNDRY berg, Mrs. M. A. Marks, Mrs. Harry "Each organization", he said, "that committee assisting her: Mrs. HerWigodsky, and Mrs. John'Brodkey. iz working for the interest and up-man, Mrs. Leibovich, Mrs. M. Dervin, "Sons of the American Revolution," Talmud Torsfh Card Mr. E. N. Grueskin who was chair- building of Palestine is keeping up Mrs. Charles Raskin and Mrs. N.admitted that he didn't study the "The Best of AU Laundry Serrtms" Dickstein bills, but said that his orman of the Carnival last year has some institution or doing some work Widesky. Party Postponed Farnam A X - 2 8 1 5 ganization is against any law which accepted the chaimanship this year, may harm the 1924 immigration laws. Owing to a conflict in dates, the and expects with the co-operation of Miss Louise Eiseman has been se- Talmud Torah card party which was" the various committees to even ex- Sisterhood Meeting His organization, said Mr. Steele, lected to play the role of Ruth At- to have been held last Tuesday eve- ceed the amount raised last year. worked for the law which is regards On March 7th kins in the next Little Theater Pro- ning, was postponed to Monday eve- Every organization gives its undeas "one of the finest laws ever passed duction "Beyond The Horizon" by ning,. March 17, according to Mrs. R.vided co-operation to this annual af- The regular.monthly meeting of by Congress." "Everything for the Auto" A record Attendance, made the Eugene O'Neill. The part of Ruth H. Emlein, president of the Hebrew fair, t • v_. the Mount Sinai Temple Sisterhood monthly Joint Dinner Meeting of the The law is of far-reaching significis the leading woman's part in theMother's Club, which is sponsoring 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 will take place next Friday noon, in Mount Sinai Congregation and Broth- ance for the future of the country, he play which will be presented some the affair. Mrs. Max Haligman, and the Temple Annex. The business erhood, one of the high lights of the said, and "we are therefore against time in March. SOCIETY NEWS meeting will follow a one o'clock calendar of the Organization. Ar- any sort of change in the law. If a Mrs. Harry Goldstein are co-chairMiss Eiseman who is a teacher at men for the party. change is necessary, it should be in Mrs. M. Silverman and her mother- luncheon. rangements for the Dinner and meetthe Bryant School is well known in in-law, Mrs. S. Silverman, of BaltiThe outstanding activity of the ing were in the hands of Mr. M. N.the direction of further restriction of Sioux City for her work in dramatmore, Maryland, who are gu&sts in Sisterhood this month is the organiza- London, and his committee, -which in- immigration." ics. She made an extensive study of WORKMEN'S CIRCLE Mr. Steele was especially opposed the home of the former's parent's tion of the Book Study Circle. The cluded A. M. Davis, E. J. Fribourg, 4420 Florence Blvd. TO SPONSOR CONCERT Dramatic art in Columbia University, to the bill which would allow immiMr. and Mrs. Mike Skalovsky, have Sisterhood is fortunate in securing A. J, Galinsky, H. N. Slotsky, W. C. ON MARCH 13 KE. 1500 •where she received her degree last been the recipients of many lovely the aid of Miss Clara Goldberg, as Slotsky, Mike Skalovsky, and Mrs.grants who entered this country illegThe HODM -With A Bapntatloa year from the Teacher's College. Miss ally before July 1,1924, to gain legal social favors-during the past week. leader of the group. The Circle will Eisman has appeared in several pro- Members of the Workmen's Circle Mrs. Mike Skalovsky entertained for meet the third Tuesday of each M. N.London. entry. {The present law grants this ductions during the past several No. 664 will bring G. Matus.erich and Her guests at a luncheon and bridge month, beginning with an open meet- The dinner was followed by a gen- privilege only to those immigrants years, and for sometime conducted a R. Vondorff for a vocal concert, to in -'the Davidson Tea Room. Mrs. ing at the home of: Mrs. A. M. Davis, eral business meeting and a program who entered this country illegally beChilcjren*s Story* Hour over the Jour- be presented at the Jewish Commun- Mi E. Skalovsky and Mrs.-A. D.Hor- on March 18, The general plan of which included a brief talk on Jew-fore June 3, 1921.) This bill, said nal 'Radio Broadcasting Station here. ity Center on Thursday evening, witz were hostesses at L'uncheon and the program *is to review one current ish Current Events by Rabbi Theo- Mr. Steele, would benefit only those J. L. KEAGE, Proprietor March 13. Both singers will present dore N. Lewis, and a discussion on immigrants who knew when they ! Bridge' in the ^Davidson Tea Room book of general interestTith a disa program of folk songs.and operatic "NEW FOR OLD" Thursday V afternoon. • Mrs! Enchel cussion following the review, and two the life 6f Nathan Strauss, by Mr.came here that they were entering SENIOR HADASSAH numbers. '.;•'..-• ; E. E. Baron. this country illegally. 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. M i l Barish entertained at a luncheon: in books of more specialized interest. MEMBERSHIP MEETING her home on Thirty-lhird Street, on Miss Goldberg, who is the Person- Music was furnished through the As to the bill which proposes to HELD ON TUESDAY CENTER NOTES ; Wednesday honoring the; guests, and nel! Manager at Davidson Bros. Co., courtesy of Davidson Bros. Radio De- exempt parents of citizens from the quota, Mr. Steele said that they canHadassah members and prospective Flans for debates to be held March Mrs. B. Courshon presided at a lunch- is widely read and capable of leading partment. Paxton-Mitchell Co. m ambers were present at the meeting 17, were discussed at the business eon in her home this- noon. Mrs. discussions on the better current JUNIOR HADASSAH TICKET not be admitted outside the quota, «7tb and Martha Sts. HArner Ittt since when their children came here held'Tuesday afternoon in the Jewish meeting of the Young Circle Club, Silverman -was formerly Edith Skal- books. She is a graduate of Iowa OMAHA, NEB8&SKA SALE SUCCESSFUL AT Soft gray, iron, Oraes, orons* aod they knew they would be parted from aluminum castings. Standard Community Center. After the reg-held on Monday evening. >Thes affirma- ovsky. University and "active in many comrlMi FINAL CHECK UP tive team will be composed of Freda their parents, but came here never- oronza ana Iron bustlings, aewer ISBB> ular business meeting Miss Dena munal activities. boles, cistern rings and coyer* and Baron sang several vocal solos, ac- Rozmocsky and Dave Wigodsky, while At a meeting of the Junior Hadas- theless to better their condition. Miss Sadie Shulkin spent last week ;Iean-out doors In stock. All kinds of companied by Miss Frances Jacobson, Harry Zifkin and Catherine Raskin end visiting friends and relatives in sch Organization held Wednesday wood and metal patterns. and Little Rebecca Stillman recited will uphold the negative. A skit by Omaha. evening at the ' Community Center, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS TepherethIsrael's Rose Shiloff and Rose Tessler; a several original poems. Mrs. Wm. members were pleased with the rereading by Kate Raskin and -brief Lazere, president, was in the chair. The Question Club held a stag Banquet Well Attended port of the final check up of the NATHAN S. REISS talks on current subjects by Philip party in the club' rooms of the Elk's Orpheum ticket sale, conducted by Mirken, Harry Zifkin, and Jack Eez- Club Thursday, evening. Cards, spe- Over 200 members and friends of the group during the past two weeks. ACCOUNTANT ERNEST FRIBOURG neck, -were features of the program cial, entertainment and refreshments the Tephereth Israel Congregation Miss Rose Finsod, chairman of the APPOINTED ASSISTANT AUDITS — — SYSTEMS attended the second annual banquet activity reported that over 1250 TO COUNTY ATTORNEY which followed. formed the evening's diversion. "Manufactured in Omaha* 534 Peters Trust BldgJVT. 7611 on Sunday evening, February, 16. Mrs. tickets; were sold by the members. Reinhart and her company of playThe proceeds from the ticket sale Announcement has been made by Members of th& Community Center BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson Mr. O. T. Naglestad, of the appoint- Business Girls Club heard Mr. John have departed for the East where ers who presented several Yiddish will be turned over to the work of ment of Ernest J. Fribourg as as-Wray Young, of the Little Theater they will visit their son Stanley, who plays at the Auditorum, appeared on the Junior Hadassah Organization. sistant county Attorney to succeed movement, at their dinner meeting is a student' at the University of the program of the banquet with a Jerusalem.—While the Hebrew paA.:,D.,Clem. Mr. Fribourg is the son Wednesday evening. After giving Pennsylvania. From there, they will group of songs. per "Ha' Aretz" reports that the the members a resume of the history of the late A. L. Fribourg who was go to New York from where they Mr. Morris Levich presided and inAwnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, one of Sioux City's Pioneer attorneys. of the Little Theater movement, and plan to sail for an extended trip to troduced Rabbi Maron, Mr. Sam l i p - British Colonial Office is disposed to Camp Supplies, AU Kinds recommend that all death sentences He studied at the University of Iowa it- necessity in the present day, Mr.the West Indies. man, Mr. M. Lazriowich and Mr. H. 15 and Howard AT. IMS and was for some time associated Young read selections from the play Lazriowich, who spoke briefly. arising from the recent riots be comwith the firm of Freibourg, Hatfield "Beyond the Horizon" by O'Neill, Mr. Leon Cohen of Los Angeles, Mrs. William Lazere, president of muted to 15 years, the Courts conand Freibourg. At present he is thewhich will be produced by the Little formerly of Sioux City is visiting th: Daughterhood of Tephereth Is- tinued to sentence Arabs for a numTheater within the next month. Miss law partner of H. N. Slotsky. rael Congregation, was in charge of ber of other offences. Beatrice Pill was elected secretary with friends and relatives here. the arrangements for the dinner. at the meeting, to succeed Miss Ann Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krueger formerPLANS FOR HADASSAH Shiloff who is leaving soon to make ly of this city, who have been living 1 LEGAL NOTICES [ PURIM BAZAAR AND NEAR COMPLETION her home in Chicago. A Purim party in Chicago for the past few years, B'NAI B'RITH AND Third Ave. and 11th Street MAX FKOMK1IT, Att'y will be the feature of the meeting have returned to Sioux City where A.Z. A. JOINT MEETING 638 Peters Trust BaildingPhones: 89 and 519 they plan to make their home again. The Committees in charge of the next Wednesday. TUESDAY EVENING City COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA . Annual Hadassah Purim Bazaar, NOTICE OF FSOBATE OF WUJ. AT ALl, GROCERS Members of the B'nai B'rith Lodge In the County Court of Douglas County, Morris Lefkovich was elected pres- Miss Marjorie Frieden of Omaha which; will be held at the Jewish Nebraska. Made by Community Center, on Wednesday, ident of the Havkeye, Club at their visited' friends here over the week- and the A. Z. A. Chapter will hold a In the matter of the estate of Louis Harry H. Lapldos, Presldent-TreMorer end. \ Uncle Sam Breakfast Food joint meeting next Tuesday evening Kuback, deceased. March 12, announce that the plans election last week to succeed Morris AH persons interested In said estate are Company for the affair indicate it will be,one Lasensky. Harry Zifkin was elected Bill Kaplan, "of Whiting, Indiana, at the Jewish Community Center. hereby notified that a petition h a s been Omaha Nebraska in said Court, praying for the proof the most successful and entertain- vice-piesident, Morris Marsh, treas- visited friends and relatives here last The Feature of the program will be filed bate of a certain instrument now on file ing events of the .Hadassah Calenar. urer1, George Kuntz, secretary, and week. Mr. Kaplan moved from Sioux a debate between the two organiza- in said Court, purporting to be the last and testament of said deceased, and tions on a' timely Jewish question. will Lunch •will be served at noon, and Morris Lasensky, sergeant-at-arms. A City several years ago. that a hearing will be had on said petition All before said Court on the 7th day of COMPLETE STORE & OFFICE Charles Osheroff and Ben Simons will dinner in the evening. The'Enter- revision of the constitution occupied 1030, and that if they fail to a p Flavors OUTFITTERS Miss Clara ..Goldberg., is general represent the A. Z. A. Chapter, and March, tainment committee are.making ar- the business meeting. pear at said Court on the said 7th day We Occupy 1030, at 9 o'clock a. m. to conchairman for the'Annual Banquet of Edwin W. Baron and Abe Stillman oftestMarch, rangements for an enjoyable proOver :o.000 Square Feet t h e probate of said will, the Court Soda Water the Iowa Alumni Association which may allow and probate said will and will speak for the B'nai B'rith Lodge. gram for the evening. At the Extemporaneous Contest, Southwest Corner irrant administration of said estate to Gingerale Mrs. A. L. Galinsky and Mrs. J. H.held by the Forensic Club Monday will be held at the. Davidson Tea Mr. Osheroff and Mr. Simons have re- Yetta Sellnsky or sonic other suitable perEleventh and Douglas Streets son and proceed to a settlement thereof. and Levin are co-chaimen of the Bazaar.' evening, Joe Barricks placed first, Room Tuesday evening, March 4. cently returned- from Kansas City Phone JAckson 2724 BKYCE CKAWFOUD, Near Beer Mrs. E. N. Grueskin is in charge of with Max Maron and Irving Lunin Mr. E. J. Fribourg is chairman of the where they participated in the semi- 2-1-t—3fc. Omaha, Nebr. County Judge. second and third. The contest was entertainment committee for the af- finals of the A. Z. A. Tournament. the publicity. STALMASTEK * BKUEK, Attorneys judged by Charles Osheroff, David fair, and a skit arranged by him will Mr. Baron is one-.of Sioux City's more €50 Omaha Xafl Hank Bids. Singer and Rosalie Sacks, the topics be one. of the features of the program. prominent young attorneys, and Mr. SHAARE ZION City Stillman is well known for his Zion"An-Inappropriate Gift" will be the for discussion being of current interNOTICE OF ADMXN1STKATION Bottling Co. istic affiliations. In the County of Douglas County. NeMOUNT SINAI TEMPLE sermon subject of Rabbi' H . R . R a b - est. The group is under the direcbraska. WE. 3043 This meeting will inaugurate the In the .matter of the Estate of MAX Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis has chosinowitZr at'rthe Shaare, Zion Syna- tion of Miss Rosalie Sacks. deceased. times a day we are in your en for his subject this evening at program. of intensified co-operation SURIEK, gogue this evening. "The rabbi's'serAll persons interested in said estate are neighborhood Girl Scout Troop No. 9 held a Mount Sinai "A Stranger In Our between the B'nai B'rith and the A.hereby notified that a petition has been mon will deal with the Jew's viewfiled in said Court alleging that said detheater party Thursday evening, atMidst." The address.will treat with Z. A. Organizations. point of the presentation of the sevceased died leaving no last will and prayMID WEST ing for administration upon his estate, Jtinctiey fomtdrij fV>. Mr. and Mrs. Friedman and Mr.and eral Menorahs to a Catholic Cathed- tending the Orpeum Theater and ad- the growing intolerance - against that a bearing will be had on said ENGRAVING CO. INC. ,. _ Leon Dobrofsky are co-chairman of petition before said court on the 15th day ral in:^New Ybr: City, by Mr. Ochs, journing to the Center afterwards. foreigners. . . . . Wide DeliveryARTISTS / T ^ of March, 1930, and that if they fail to The Sigma Iota-Sigma-Glub heard On Thursday morning, Rabbi Lewis the B!nai B'rith committee in the in-appear at said Court on the said 15th day who is. the editor- of the.New York .ENGRAVERS V MA. 4750 AT. 4750 of March, 1030. at 9 o'clock A. M., to coniv.r;. A. Puttoff, buyer for the1 French presided at the ..first .session of the terest of the A.; Z. A. Times. test said petition, the Court may grant PnoneATLANTlC O6j9 Tune in EOIL every Tuesday the same and grant administration of said The ^.children .of the- Sunday School Shop of thi.-T. S. Martin Company, Iowa State Tuberculosis Association. estate to Hymen S. Shrler, or some other at 10:00 A. M. for the 313 SO.14-TH.ST. OMAHA. Rabbi Lewis is President of the Local Any man may make a mistake; at their meeting Wednesday evening. are practicing for their annual Purim suitable person and proceed to a settleLeisure Hours program ment thereof. Tuberculosis Association. -The meetA discussion of the new spring none but a fool will stick to it. Secentertainment which will be held in and thoughts are the best.—Cicero. 21 the Synagogue -Social Hall-in March. styles-was Jhe subject of her address.- ing waa the Martin Hotel.
START TO WORK FOR Interclub Council of Jewish Nationally Prominent Figures FEDERATION CARNIVAL Organizations is Reorganized at Pioneer Women Banquet
National Accessories, Inc.
Peerless Cleaners
Standard Shoe Repair Cb.
Baker Ice Machines
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.