March 14, 1930

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

Jetmsh Oornmwiity\

• E n t M 2? BB «eeona-da8s mall matter on Jamb pogtofflce at Omnha, Nebraska, nndex the Act a



_ a Can't Be Made Qood by IMW" "'Bridges

VOL. Vm.—No. 9

Conference of Allied Jewish Campaign Is Held Over Week-End

Holzman to Show Pictures of Trip to Panama

William L. Holzman will "While statutory law is useful, nec- moral goodness have always failed show moving pictures and deessary, and even indjppensable, it and always will fail." liver a talk on hi*/ recent trip cannot change the character of the "The 'good' man is the one who is through the Pananjja Canal zone as the feature o | the March Kosher Luncheon to Be Held in people subjected to it," Dr. Horace C. conscientious in seeking what is right Bridges contended in the fourth of and doing what is right for the sake meeting of the Brotherhood of Center Auditorium the lecture course series sponsored by of the right itself," Dr. Bridges stoutTemple Israel Wednesday evMarch 26th the Community Forum under the aus- ly maintained throughout the lecture. ening, March 19. The eighteenth birthday of Hadas- pices of the Community* Center and "Our own honor and conscience must The Brotherhood Hirnior will sah will be celebrated by the Omaha the Council of Jewish Women, held at guide us along the path of right." begin promptly at 6:30 p. m. Chapter -with a Kosher Luncheon, the J. C. C. auditorium Wednesday The speaker claimed that the purand will be over before 8:30 Wednesday, March 26, in the audi- evening. Dr. Bridges deplored the pose of law is to secure the enjoyp. m., according io Nathan E. torium of the Jewish Community fact that this country has entirely ment of man in his rights, rights Jacobs, president,' The dinner Center. This affair will also serve as "too many laws." which the law cannot create and canis to be served by the Sistera "Bring a Member Luncheon". Ad"Compulsory righteousness is not not take away. The American govhood. This is an open dinner mission to old members •will be $1.00. worthy of moral respect," the speaker ernment, he pointed out, is based on of the Brotherhood and reserThe local chapter of the Council Hew members -will be guests of the declared in building * up his case natural, unalienable rights, rights vations may be aade by teleof Jewish Women will observe Counabove law, making man older than organization. phoning Abe Sdfimmel, HAragainst the bettering qualities of the cil Sabbath this evening and tomorMrs. B. A. Simon, general chair-{law in regard to- man's • character, law and the state laws an incident to ney 0945. The c&t of the dinrow morning, with services at the man.: man, "will be assisted by Mrs. Max "The true'character of a-man is rener is only 85 ce&>» Conservative Synagogue and TemFromkin, program committee; Mes- vealed by what he would- do if he The state's purpose should not be Mr. Holnnan's^sbility with ple Israel. dames Abe Greenspan and Abe Sil- thought he were unseen by gods or to reduce man to -what it desires him the moving picture projector Tonight at 8 p. m. the Sabbath . V - ' ' V /• •••• -.-. •-."• to be, but rather to give him an opverman, reservations; . Mrs. M. F. m e n . " has been established by the will be observed at the Conservative portunity to be free in his choice. LevenEon, publicity, and a committee "We can really, respect only: the pictures of his ffther travels, Synagogue at the J. C. C. with Mrs. consisting of Mesdames Max Lerner, man who will not murder because he That, he said, "was where Russia and and the Brotherhood expects a J. H. Kulakofsky delivering the SabJulius Stein, O. C. Gadner, J. H. believes it is intrinsically wrong* and Italy were failing, for there the large attendance i t the dinner. bath message. Mrs. Sam Theodore state is above man and man is but an not merely because he fears the police KulakofsTcy, Abner Kaiman, Max will give the opening prayer, while Goldberg, Abe Somberg, Ernest or an afterworld inferno." What he instrumentality for the community's Mrs. Sam Gilinsky will give the ' i . . _ . Meyers, Jack Alberts, Mose ousem, advocates and what he stated all the e n d s . •• • ' ' " • - - . closing prayer. wise sages and leaders' throughout However, he admitted that law can Sam Cohen, and Meyer Friedel. Tomorrow morning at Temple IsMrs. Albert Krasne, treasurer of the ages had advocated was persua- compel man to forego his bad dangrael services will be held at 10 a. m., the newly organized sister chapter sion, conviction in place of coercion, erous habits and can make it possible with Rabbi Frederick Cohn in charge. On Sunday evening, April 20, tb« for "Attempts by law to bring about f o r a good man to practice his goodin Council Bluffs, Iowa, is in charge Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky will make a Jewish Community Center will be ness, which he couldn't if badness preof Council Bluffs reservations. few introductory remarks, and spethe host to a visiting debate team vailed. "This, however, does not There will be a program during cial music wfll be given by Miss from the Pittsburgh Y. M.—Y. W. make man one whit better," he conthe luncheon, followed by cards for Fanny e Hart. H. A. tended. • those wishing to play. The question for debate is "Re- . There will be a religious symposDr. Bridges attacked prohibition as Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg is president solved that the establishment of a ium, with the following participata violation of natural rights-and an of the Omaha Chapter,. and Mrs. Jewish State in Palestine is neces- ing: Mrs., William L. Holzman, "Reexample.of where we need persuaHerman Marowitz of the Council sary for the preservation of the Jew- ligion in the Home"; Mrs. Philip sion instead of coercion. ./••• Bluffs Chapter. : v '' Romonek, "Religion in the Religious "The most important political prob- ish people." Those wishing to _make reservaSchool"; Mrs. M. Bernstein, "ReliMr. Sam Zacharia and Mr. Ben tions are asked to call Mrs. Abe Member of Trio Which Met lem of today," he finished, "is to limit gion in the Synagogue". The dosthe sphere .of what can be wisely done Kazlowsky whe comprise the Omaha 1 Silverman, WAlnut 5953 Mrs. A. Columbia Uni Last ing prayer will be given by Mrs. by the legislators." . j team will debate the negative side Greenspan, WAlnut 5077, or Mrs. .- •••. Week Sam Gilinsky. The final number on t i e lecture of the question. Excellent coaching Mose Yousem, HArney 5516. Members of the Council Board will course will be a lecture by Rabbi Ab- is being provided them by Judge act as ushers at both services. Justin. Robert Wolf, 19-year-old ba Hfllel Silver on Monday, March 24. Stalmaster. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, is attaining the_ forensic success at Harvard" university which" was' pre-

COUNCIL SABBATH All Israel Unites to Put Across Drive of $6,000,000 for J, IX C. and y TO BE OBSERVED Jewish Agency BY LOCAL GROUP



Pitt Debaters Are to Argue Here April 20th



Everything is ready for the huge affair to be held at the Center all i afternoon and evening on Sunday, March 16th. -The auditorium will be open; afc 1^30 pjn.when the sale of all articles at the booths will begin. The Sunday School children are requested to be at their home rooms by 1:30, while those in charge of booths to be there by 1:00 sharp. Construction of the booths has already been begun and new articles j are coming in every day from New' York. It is not unusual to find the office looking like a bee hive with intermediate and senior club mem•bers holding meetings, planning their booths, committees, arranging for goods, and for the programs and even the little tots of the Sunday School questioning as to costumes i and bringing in essays. j Among the booths there will be the! following: , ..-.'• Flower Booth—Miss Loen's Class, Novelty Booth—Jecomter Campfire Justin Robert Wolf Girls, Gypsy Camp — Tonuka Koda, dieted for him after his brilliant recCandy Booth—Post Confirmation, Fish Pond Brownies, Homentashen ord in various speaking contests Booth—Junior Daughters of Zion, Hit while a student at Central High Hainan—Henrietta Szold, Hot Dog school. He is a member of the HarBooth—Karmelites, Punch Booth— vard debate team, though only a Girl Scouts, Peanuts and Candy sophomore. Booth—Alpha Tau. The booths will Last week Justin was a member be gaily decorated and a prize is of the trio which debated with Cooffered for the best decorated booth. lumbia university at New York on There will also be two stage shows, the question of "The Effect of the one at 3:30 and one at 8:30 consist-: Modern Talking Pictures on the Aming of plays, music, dances etc. The erican Youth". An audience deciafternoon performance will be a i sion rendered a tie verdict, despite the special children's performance and a! fact that the debate took place beparade of the Sunday School children fore a Columbia audience. will be held. Incidental music will While at Central High Justin was be supplied throughout the day by an president of the Student Body, the student governing gToup at the orchestra group in costume. Assisting Mr. Shanok are the fol- school, captain and star of the delowing Committees: Food Committee, bate team, winner of the state exMiss Lazarus, Mr. Berman, Miss Gi- temporaneous contest, and particiventer and Miss Stein. Arrange- pated in a host of activities. ments Committee; Mr. Mendelsohn, Miss Barish, Mrs. Jahr, Mr. Miroff, . Mr. Siegel, Mr. Levin, Mr. Himmel- S. Kaiskee Leads stein and Mrs. Wintroub. Z. B. T.'s in Grades Sheffel Katskee;. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee, 2217 Lothrop St., New York.—Forty-seven leading led the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity at Jews, men. -and women,, rabbis, edu- the University of Nebraska scholastcators, social workers and liberals are ically, according to grades just reamong the 1200 Americans -who Sun-| leased, with an average of almost r day signed an appeal to the American 9Z. As a result his name will be de'.egates to the naval parley in engraved on the chapter's loving cup. London urging real reduction and not Sheffel is the youngest member of only limitation-of armaments. the Lincoln chapter.

Jeiys Join in Appeal


American Jewry Loses Greatest Supporter; White House in Death of William '.••' HotvatdTaft


By Bernard Postal In the death of William Howard Taft the Jews of the United States have lost one of the finest friends they ever had in American public life, Taft understood the Jews and was sympathetic to their ideals and aspirations; but unlike most statesmen his tmderstanding and sympathy did not ebb after he left the White House. Friendly as he was to Jewish needs as president, he became even more so when he shed the responsibilities of the presidency. Born and raised in Cincinnati, the center of Jewish activity of -various sorts, including of course the Hebrew Union College and the reform movement nourished there by Isaac M. Wise, Taft, as a young man came into close contact with many of the most outstanding leaders of American Jewry. The Unitarian church he attended stood next to the synagogue in which the dynamic Isaac M. Wise preached. Taft was fond of telling how the elder Taft, was an active Unitarian, who often visited the synagogue of Rabbi Isaac M. Wise and Rabbi Lillienthal. This early symptom of Jewish-Christian goodwill made a deep impression on Taft and to these youthful Jewish associations we may trace his later good-will to the Jewish citizens of the United States. The first Jew to play a role in the career of the future president was

Wise Is Nominated for Hall of Fame Isaac M. Wise, founder of the Hebrew Union College and the American Israelite, and for two generations one of the leading exponents of Reform Judaism in the United States, has been nominated for election to the Hall of Fame on the campus of New York university. Dr. Wise, the thirtieth anniversary of whose death is celebrated this year, is the first Jew to be nominated for a niche in the Hall of Fame.

Gus Karger, the political reporter of the Cincinnati Times, owned by Taft's brother. Karger, a keen judge of men, saw in the young judge something of the man that was later, to be the first to serve his country both as president and as chief justice of the Supreme Court. An intimate friendship sprung up between Karger and Taft that endured to the day "of Karger's death. In the years that he was climbing the ladder of political successes from a district attorney to the state supreme court and to the solidtorgenralship of the United States, Taft from time to time met the prominent • Jewish leaders of Ohio, such as Julius Fleischman, Adolph Cohen and the elder Seasongood, but not until he was nominated for the presidency is there any record of real Jewish participation in the events of his career. A number of Jews played no little part in getting him the nomination for which he had been boosted by Roosevelt. William Loeb, secretary to President Roosevelt, worked with might and main to round up delegates favorable to Taft and the ease with which he was nominated bespeak of Loeb's efforts. The omnipresent Gus Karger, too did his bit in handling the pre-convention publicity that "built-up" Taft, so to speak. Victor Rosewater, acting chairman of the National Republican Committee, traveled all over the country in an extensive campaign of political speech-making to get th« country in the mood for a Taft nomination. The one act of his administration that was to endear Taft to the Jews of America was his support of the widespread campaign to repudiate the treaty with Russia as a result of the actions of the Czar's government in refusing to admit American citizens who were Jews into Russia. Although Taft's action in the matter was at times questioned by such eminent Jews as Jacob Schiff and Louis Marshall no one doubted bis sincerity. The Russian treaty had already become an issue when Taft was nominated in 1908. In his speech of acceptance, he referred to the Russian

New York.—The enthusiasm that The conferences included men and has been evoked in every Jewish com- women who for the past fifteen munity in the United States by the years at least, have been the leaders announcement of the Allied Jewish of various Jewish movements in their Campaign for $6,000,000 for 1930 for respective communities, Zionists and the Joint Distribution Committee and non-Zionists, Orthodox and Reform the Jewish agency for Palestine, Jews, Socialists, capitalists, repreneuwas easily "visualized at the national tatives and spokesmen for every conference Saturday night and Sun- affirmative shade of Jewish opinion, day in Washington, L). <!!., of this creating a common platform for uninew, aH-embracive, unified effort by fied Jewish effort that will be of maxAmerican Jewry for the greater good imum usefulness toward the solution and greater glory of all Israel. Over of the overwhelming economic and 600 men and women, many of whom cultural problems of East European come from far-western cities, parti- Jewry and to supply the Jewish cipated. Agency with adequate funds for the upbuilding of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Included among the speakers were Felix M. Warburg, chairman of the administrative committee of the Jewish Agency and chairman of the Joint Distribution Committee; Louis Lipsky, president of the Zionist Organization of America; David M. Bressler, Morris Rothenberg, Judge Wm. M. Successful Highland Country Lewis, and Paul Baerwald, the four Club Affair Staged on chairmen of the Allied Jewish CamTuesday paign; Mrs. Robert Szold, president A most highly successful banquet of Hadassah; Judge Horace Stern, Dr. in honor of Abe Herzberg was given Cyrus Adler, James N. Rosenberg, at the Highland Country dub Tues- Dr. Lee K. Frankel, James Marshall. Resolutions day evening with a large gathering Reports of the conference committee «n resolutions and campaign quotas .followed the addresses. Th« resolution, • in part, which was adoptpassport question and termed it ed after it had been presented by "repugnant to the principles of our . •• (Continued on Page 2.) government", and promiBed to give special attention to the matter if elected. In two later addresses he repeated his desire to be of help. That his promises were not mere political words was well evidenced when in 1911 he invited Jacob Schiff, Louis Marshall, Mayer Sulzberger, Adolph Kraus, Philip Stein, Jacob Furth, J. Walter .Freiberg, Bernard Frofessor Golatsky to Speak; Bettman and Simon Wolf to a luncheon at the White House to discuss Rabbi A. Bengis Is the matter of the abrogation of the Chairman Russian treaty. So far as is known A mass meeting for the advancethis was the first time that a presment of the American Ort activities ident of the United States had inwill be held Monday evening at the vited a delegation of Jews to dine E'nai Israel synagogue, Eighteenth at the White House. and Chicago streets, with Professor After the luncheon, President Taft Mr. Abe Herzberg astonished the delegation by reading present. Mr. Herzberg has been pres- A. Golatsky of Los Angeles as prinhis conclusions on the matter of the ident of the club for three consecu- cipal speaker. Rabbi Abraham Bentreaty before he had heard a word tive years during which time an en- gis of the Conservatory synagogue from any member of the delegation. viable record has been established. will be honorary chairman. Last year the Ort prosecuted a He discussed the entire situation, 'Mr. Herzberg was at first contemgiving the pros and cons for abroga- plating resigning the leadership of successful campaign for funds in tion, repeating his professions of in- the Highland Club, but by the una- Omaha, ami this year has enlisted terest in the matter, he declared that nimous demand of the members he the aid of many of the local organProfessor the situation was improving and that was persuaded to remain in the ca- izations for their drive. he felt that there was no need for pacity of the presidency. To show Golatsky, a prominent figure in Ort such drastic action. When Taft fin- their good faith and appreciation for activity, will picture the conditions ished reading he asked that his re- the magnificent work done by Mr. existing •which make the Ort necesmarks should not be made public, but Herzberg, the members at his re- sary. Through the medium of the Ort, Mr. Schiff, obviously annoyed, said, quest raised $5,000 to meet the imit is now possible to bring into Rus"I want it published. I want the mediate deficit facing the organizasia tools and machinery, free of imwhole world to know the president's tion. William Holzman acted as port duty, so that small cooperative attitude." Mr. Marshall then lauched toastmaster for the evening. into an answer to some of the pres- With the raising of this sum the factories can be opened up by the ident's views. A few days later, Mr. club is now on a firm financial basis, declassed Jews for the purpose of manufacturing commodities which the Schiff in a letter took the president with all debts met. Russian peasants and proletariat so to task for breaking his campaign The annual meeting of the Highpledge. While Taft felt that he was land Country club will be held next sadly lack. The Ort works with the Russian (Continued on page 7) week. government in aiding the destitute Jews, trying to create a class thai will fit in with the economic system Fa-Hon Debaters Purim Dance Will of the Soviet.



Be Held Saturday

On Saturday evening, March 15, 1930, the Jewish Community Center Purim dance will be held. According to Mr. Shanok this may be the last dance of the season and a good sized crowd is expected to make merry at. Hainan's discomfiture. The feature dance of the evening will be a prize waltz. The judges will award a gift to the lady and to the gentlemen winning the decision as the best dancers.

Defeat A. Z. A. No. 1

The Fa-Hoii sorority team, consist- "Center Rush" Is to ing' of the Misses Marion Brookstein Be Giverfon April 9 ana Rose Stein, was judged -winner in a debate with Elmer Shamberg and Sam Fregger of the A. Z. A. "Center Rush" is the unique name Chapter 1 team on the question: for the Center gymnastic festival "Resolved that modern Jewish youth which will be held on Wednesday, is straying from Judaism. This was April 9th at 8:15 p.m. under the one of the semi-final debates spon- auspices of the Athletic Committee, sored by the Senior Council, and the Many surprise features are bein£ judges were Mr. M. F. Levinson, Ir- planned among them drills and exhivin Levine, and J. J. Friedman. bitions by the gum classes, specialty This same winning team was dances, movies, athletic contests, etc. awarded, the cup last year when it It will be a great nite at the Cen•won the final debate in the tourna- ter and the proceeds realized will be ment sponsored by the Senior Coun- utilized for the purchase and repairs cil j of gym equipment.


KAZLOWSKY IS ON Spreading the Fame ofCommunity Center Athletics TEAM THAT WILL MEET PRINCETON Ben Kazlowsky has been appointed captain of the two-man team that will .debate Princeton University before the local Ad-Sell League on Monday,. March 17. Creighton will uphold the affirmative of the question "Resolved, That there is no hope for the younger generation." Ibis is the first time that Princeton has ventured this far west, and they are coming directly to Creighton via airplane. Kazlowsky is a junior law sxdent and; a veteran member" of the Crtighton. debating squad, having participated in intercollegiate debating ifor the.*'.past three years. During his debating experience in college he has never lost a contest, and more recently he captained a team which successfully completed a tour of. southern colleges winning everyone of their debates, including" a radio debate. J Kazlovvsky was also a member of the team which won the International A.Z. A. Tournament at Chicago in 1928. He is at p'resent a member of the senior J.C.C. debate team, which defeated Kansas City .Y.M.H.A. Ia3t December. Next month he and Sam Zacharin will 1 meet the Pittsburgh- Y.M.H.A. debaters in the finals of the^MidWestern Y.M.H.A. Debate Conference, on a question of great. Jewish importance. . :

Religious Services Temple Israel . > Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver a sermon this evening on "Purim, and Its Significance for the Jews

, left t o fightr—Manny Goldberg, I z z Schreibman, J o h n n y R o s e n b l a t t , " C o w b o y " Sadofsky, a n d J a k e S t o l e n S t a n d i n g — C o a c h E d Burdick, " F o o c h " - B l o o m , S a m m y K a t z m a n , M a x Altschuler, I z z Bogdonoff, a n d M a n a g e r S a m Zweiback. ' T n e ; J e w i s h C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r b a s k e t e e r s h a v e j u s t completed a n o t h e r season of almost u n b e a t a b l e flipping, d r o p p i n g only o n e g a m e i n a t o u g h schedule. " i * - :.•>••

^ Lyceum ti-Monday:-..


conference of which, had he been famous "Frigidaire Cold Control." spared, he would have been the leadThis device freezes ice cubes faster, ing, most inspiring participant. and makes it possible to make scores of unusual desserts that require exIt is generally known throughout Saturday morning Rabbi Cohn will treme cold. world-Jewry that Mr. Marshall had have: charge of the Council Sabbath. The latest household cabinets in planned to undertake, on his return Mrs* J. H. Kulakofsky.will give a few (Continued from: Page 1.) Porcelain-on-steel will also be on disto this country from Zurich- where, introductory remarks. A symposium A special • 9-^day demonstration is last August, the Jewish Agency was being lield at the show rooms of theplay. The public has been cordially will be held with Mesdames William Dr. Frankel,T chaif mart of' the resolu- consummated to begin, active, prepar- Frigidaire Sales/Corporation at 2059 invited to attend the Frigidaire show Holzman, Philip Romonek, and M. tions committed"/reads $.- "This confer- ation for a unified effort by the Jew? Farnam street.-L^t the demonstration, rooms. Bernstein taking part. Mrs. Sam ence confirrbsvand, approves the or-of America for that body and,.the whicli started j4$terday, dessert and Giltnsky will give the closing prayer. ; To get away with it you must go This afternoon at 3 o'clock Rabbi ganization!- bjf the-Allied. Jewish cam- Joint Distribution Conuttittee^ .' ~;salad; reciper bridtts-/ will be given as souvenirs, and Salads will be served. to it. Cohn will address a group of Danish paign forTiEhc" Joint •Distribution Comitt d^^ t h ^ J S i l iv A mittee Agency ffor ladies at the Aquila Court on the The new shelfvsaving Frigidaire Give up easily and you'll be given ; ; Palestine... and ^uihpristes; re- Baron Rothschild Decorated : and "A B C of Success." Qn Monday, Hydrator will be ^hown, as will the up. by French Government night he will give a .success'.talk-*.to quests the. to Pariarr-Barpn Edouard de Rothin the the personnel of the TJ^fc Outfitting presen^i^ea^i^^^rmSl^l^etweeri schild jias : just been honored by the Company. !pt-~ '"'•' S|Y IT WITH FLOfE Wednesday evenin^at : H 7^0 Rabbi the Joint >pist"mution"iCbmw4«*ei and Frertch government which has proCohn will teview LtidWig's "Life of the Jewish Agjency.for-'Palestine in moted him to the rank of ComNapoleon" at the Atf institute. This the proportion^ agreed upon between mander of the League of Honor. ?.} "the Careful Florist" is the second lecttffe- of a course these two organizationsi. This 1 Con- Baron Edouard is One of the twelve ference, called -for tfie purpose of regents of the Bank of France. 1804 FARN&M JAckson 1906 being given byiihe-Belphiaris^for the symbolizing in concrete form' the general determination of American Jewiry to Conservative 'Synagogue r : work in harmony "and brotherhood The services^, of-the^Conservative for the two great causes «f the AlSynagogue wilt; be turned ov^r to thelied Jewish campaign, calls upon all Council. ~j>l~Jewish ^Women. 'The the •'. Jews of America who have op'riing fJAyer will bVglvEitiiy Mrs Mrs. wrought so mightily in the past fcflJ Sain Theodore -and the- closihg'-prayer the relief and rehabilitation of out by Mrs. Sam--Gil«isky. Mrs; J. H.brethren in Eastern Europe and for; Kulakofsky will deliver • the sermon. the upbuilding of Palestine to join Friday and Saturday Morning ser- their forces under its banner and to vices will be held "starring a t ' strive for its success with all theii* hearts and with all their might;"


Record for



Tribute to Marshall A' national tribute to Louis MarshThe Icor of Omaha will Jiold a special meeting on Sunday) March 16, all had an important place in at 2222_Mjami street at 3:16.g,m. All the program, of the conference. This members .are requested to attend, as .was the first occasion for the asfinal, arrangements will be made for'sembling of large numbers of men the Bazaar, held, at Jhe^Labor and women from all parts of the Lyceum ou..Silndayi March' 28." • country, who, during the last decade Anyone-.wishing 'to- give donations and'ft half of his inspiring career, re^ or merchandise for th»- Bffiaar• are ijoh-ed to look t'o Kim for leadership requested to -. send them; to, either 'A. iti ^great Jewish causes. Over the Ginsburg, treasurer, at 26§8j Bristol, speaker's platform hung a large or to Joseph Radii"ovrski>" secretary, portrait of Mr. Marshall, painted it 1434 No. 18. " •"• * especially for this history-making jiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiuiiininifiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiting

Announcing!r it.^'Vs-


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Carl _ Marmor, well-knowfi Jew5feh: journalist and lecturerW will speak on "The Outlook:?atthe Jewish People for the Future" Monday evening, Marph 17, at 8:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark streets. Mr. Marmor is a noted student of Jewish history and those in charge of his lecture assure those attending that his talk will be interesting as well as educative. The public is invited to the lecture, which is being sponsored by Branch No. 626 and the Ladies' Independent club.

Mr.-Sam E. Klaver, local attorney and president of the Omaha Hebrew club, has consented to act as the sponsor of the essay contest on Jewish Youth education in which will participate all the J. C. C. senior council clubs. He himself will award three prizes to the best essary writers. The following subjects have been chosen as topics for the literary effort of the youth: "The Jewish Youth", "What May Judaism Expect of the Jewish Youth", "Jewish Youth Education", "The J. C. C. and Jewish Youth Education", "The Jewish Youth vs. the Jewish Elders". The final date of contest is to be May the first. The winning essays will be published or read at one of Checker, Chess Club adult organizations. Holding Tournament theThelarger purpose of the essay contest is a double one—to arouse the JewThe recently - organized Checker ish youth to a greater appreciation and Chess Club of the J. C. C. isof Israel's spiritual creations, to now staging a round-robin tourna- awaken in them, through research in ment. All visitors and those inter- Jewish problems, a higher Jewish ested in joining the organization are consciousness, and to destroy the invited to attend any of the group's apathy and indifference of the Jewmeetings, held every Monday evening ish elders towards educational and at the Recreation Room of the Com-cultural work for the Jewish adomunity Center, starting at 8. lescent and youth from ages of 13 Among the new members added to to 25, to create educational and culthe club's roster are included J. Fell- tural mindedness to lead the elders man, S. Richnian, E. Weinberg, Ju- to the rediscovery of the Jewish lius Frohm, and L. Shanok. youth, their own children. Morris Minkin is head of the club, Mr. Harry Mendelson will have and Nathan Fine is secretary. charge of the essay contest.

When the Davenport Confectionery team nosed out the Center quintet recentlyritef^lSppea 1 ' a" winning streak that had reached the 27 marki i Since ihen,; the J. C C. tossers have again started on the right track for anotheaftiiJoTd.' - Eagle-eyed Johnny Rosenblatt has led the Center scorers, dropping them in from allajtgles. Max Altschuler, captain and also recentlycrowned city handball champion, was second-point man. . . . . ••• The J.C. C. tossers will travel to Kansas City this Sunday to clash with the Y. M. H. A. five of that city. On March 30, they will meet the Sioux City Community Center hoopsters in a return match at Sioux City. All those in the.picture will make both trips.





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FORMER OMAHAN TO f Unusual interest is being manifested raising funds to send to the Orphan Hon while the other finalist would be G I V E I H S P A R I S D E B U T by the children and they have prom- Colony in Palestine, and also co- decided this coming Monday nite jised to come to the Purim party operates with the Senior Hadassah when the Center Players Guild meet Word has been received here that garbed as various characters from the in many branches of work for Pales- the Alpha TF.TI. the Paris debut of Joseph Harding, bible. Mr. Shanok took charge of tine. The Council is aiding the comThe officers of the local Junior mittee putting on the Purim carnival of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Hard- the assembly and the community of Omaha, will be. singing during the absence of Rabbi Hadassah are: Grace Rosenstein, and will take an active part in one Mrs. O. C. Goldner, chairman of 5 at La Salle Brard. S Bengis who has been iH. The child- president; Ida Platt, vice-president; way or another. Several of the the Hadassah gift fund, acknowlMr. Harding will use an Andreas ren were led in their singing by Dr. Anne Greenberg and Bess Spar, sec- i Council clubs are presenting sketches edges the following donations to the Grenarius violin, valued at $6,500, Sher and Mrs. Gerson. i retaries; Tobye Steinberg and Ula while Other members are working as Albert, treasurers; Rose Lazarus, ticket tackers, salesmen and the like. publicity manager. Besides the debut his manager has The receipts of the carnival are to children—in honor of the birthday booked several concerts for him • buy a radio, a project which the of Mr. J. Davidson of Des Moines, SENIOR COUNCIL OF CLUBS throughout France, including Blois, la. ' : The Senior Council of Clubs held Council has been working on for The Ronoh club, a Central High Amiens and Chaumonl The concert a regular meeting last Monday night. j some time. Miss Faye. Colick has set Sunday,] The Ladies Labor Lyceum club school fraternity of which Edward in Blois will be under the auspices Stanley. F. Levin the president pre- ! The Council handball tournament March 30, as the date of her wedding stage a banquet Sunday, March 16, at of her Excellence the Princess de Sommers is president. sided. Earl Siegel announced that is already under way, while Miss to Mr. Max Weiss of St. Louis. The the Labor Lyceum, Mrs. J. Elkm Mr. and Mrs. Sam Flax—in honor Korevo. A large local delegation is expectthe semi final debate in one of the Rose Stein is chairman of the girls •wedding will take-place at the Pax-will be toastmaster and Mrs. M. Ro- of their daughter, Minne, now Mrs. ed to attend the Southwest Regional brackets had been won by the Fa handball tournament. senstein chairman. ton HoteL David Harry FertiL This donation convention of the Junior Hadassah, J. C. C Sunday School Miss Rose Colick, sister of the to be:held in Kansas City on May Mrs. Ben J. Sigel and son, Allen is given to the Jewish National bride, will be maid of honor. The , of Ottumwa, Iowa, are visiting Fund which will plant trees in the The usual large attendance was 17 and 18. bridesmaids -will be Miss Bertha Cot the home of Mrs. Nigel's parents. name of Mr. and Mrs. Fertil. again on hand last week and the SunAccording to word, received here Omaha's Style Center lick, cousin of the bride, the Misses The gift fund is a recent institu- day school pupils were rewarded by from Mrs. Fannye Pessman, regional Mr. and Mrs. L. Segelman. Sadye Tatelman, Rose Sacks, and tion in Omaha Hadassah. "It is a fine bit of entertainment presented president and head of the Kansas Bertha Slntzkin. The best man -will meant for happy days, for birthdays, by Miss Tenenbaum and pupils of her City chapter, plans are already in be Mr. Joe Baletzky of S t Louis. Bar Mitzvahs, wedding anniversaries, ' class. The program was one of the progress to make this an outstandThe ushers •will be Messrs. Harry and any other happy occasions," Mrs. finest ever presented and showed the ing event in the history of Junior Colick, brother of the bride, Leo Goldner stated. "It also serves as result of careful preparation and real H*d«g«»»'H, Chapters in St. Louis, Opposite Orpheum Weiss, brother of the groom, Harry St. Joseph, Lincoln, Sioux City, Tula thanksgiving offering after times work. Tuesday morning, March 18, at Holzman, and Michael Baletzky of 10:30, Rabbi Conn will conduct the of great stress or emergency, and in The banner for attendance was wonsa, Denver, Kansas City and Omaha St. Louis. will be represented, with about 300 hist of the Current Topic classes for memory of departed loved ones." by Miss Fairs class while the charity persons attending. Mrs. O. C. Goldner will be grateful this season. Mr. and Mrs. P, Farfinkle anaward was again:.-won by Miss Polfor any donations given to' the gift lock's students. A large number of Junior Hadassah . now has a nanounce the engagement of their daughter Sernice, to Mr. Robert Kai- Wednesday noon, March 19, the fund. essays were handed in by the stud- tional membership of over 10,000 man, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kai- Civics and Legislation group will ents on the subject of "Why I like members. Their work consists in have its regular meeting at the Blackman, of Glenwood, Iowa. No date Purim". Medals will be given to the RELIABLE stone hotel. Mrs. Philip Schwartz has been set for the wedding. best essay in each class and to the leads this 'group. essay judged to be the best of all In the light weight woolens Mr. and Mrs. William Bloom an' the classes. There will be no Sunand tweeds that Paris is so nounce the birth of a daughter WedAba Gordon, son of t h e . famous Thursday morning, March 20, at PAINTING—DECOR AUNG enthused about. nesday, March 5, at the Methodist 10 a. m. the class in Parliamentary Rabbi Gordon, will lecture Tuesday - All branches of painting and pupil must be in his or her class hospital. Practice meets at the home of Mrs. evening, March 18, at 8:30 at the Decorating one thirty o'clock Sunday Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Herbert Arnstein. Store and Shop— from where they will march The K. T. Club. of Central High Clark streets, on "The Solution of 1314 No. -24th St.—WE. 4211 down to the huge Purim Carnival. school staged its spring formal dance the Jewish Problem". In fact these Mtits are at the Athletic dub Saturday evenOMAHA CHAPTER A. Z. A. «o right in evfery deThe lecture is being sponsored by ing, with about 150 guests present. tail that yon don't A tegular meeting of the Mother the Branch No. 173 of the Arbeiter'a have to go to Paris to The -Happy- Rhythm Boys furnished lie cnthnsed about chapter will be held this Sunday Ring. the music for the affair. them. afternoon. Initiation of candidates Mrs. J. Tretiak entertained at two will be the principal business before YOUNG POALE ZION tables of bridge at her home Tuesday the club. The - chapter is making New In. ever}- way, WILL GIVE DANCE afternoon. In the evening she en plans for a baseball team and hopes fabrics, styles, colors aad bluase d e t a i l s tertained for . six couples of the to hold a baseball' tourney here on The Young Poale Zion -will give a even new in price. younger married set. Memorial day between the two Oma-dance Sunday evening, Match 23, at ha chapters, Lincoln, Sioux City and the Lighthouse Ball Room, 20th and Mesdames Abe Somberg, Sam Ber Des Moines, if possible. Oscar May- Ames Ave. with the Happy Rhythm • kowitz, and Abe Greenspan, and Mis erowitz, club athletic director will Boys playing. The club is charging Bertha Newman returned from a trip be in charge of the proposed tourney. thirty-five cents per person for adto Chicago, where they were the The A.Z.A. debaters were defeated mission. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Kline, in the semi-finals" by the Fa Hon| The national general secretary of Others $25.00 to •who celebrated their fortieth anniclub, Senior Council defending champ- the Young Poale Zion, Maurice M. versary at the Chicago Beach Hotel. ions. The A.Z.A. handball meet is Cohen, will be in Omaha April 2, 3 • Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer and son,now being played. Manny Goldberg; and 4. He will address a mass meet.Edwin, left Tuesday for Excelsior is the champion-and makes no pre- ing at the Jewish Community.Center Springs. They plan to be there for dictions as to who will be the ' on Thursday, April 3, admission to champion. I be free. Everyone is invited. .two weeks.



Calendar of Council of Jewish Women


Aba Gordon Is to Lecture on Tuesday

Stress Color




.. Messrs. Lester Simon and J. Whitebook left last Sunday for a three: weeks vacation in Chicago, Philadelphia and New York.1*--, Mrs. Morris Gilbert and daughter, Marie, arrived last week from Paris, France. They will make their future residence here with Mrs. Gilbert's -son; Mr. Ed Gilbert. The Daughters of Zion will hold a regular meeting on Monday, March 17, at the J.C.C. at 2:30 p.m. ArTangements have been made to give away a "beautiful dinner set. A program and speakers will also feature the meeting. All members and friends are invited. The regular meeting of the Daughters of Israel Aid Society will be held Tuesday afternoon, March 18, at 2:30 p.m. at the Jewish Old Peoples Home, 2504 , Charles Street. Important business will be discussed and every member is urged to attend.

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A benefit bridge party will be given by the Daughters of Zion Wednesday afternoon, March 19, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. H. Janoff, chairman, urges all •of the women to attend as. a • nice time has been assured-to alL


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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 won't know it," was the very sagaOn this festival, we Jews must gather cious reply of t h s Chicagoan. strength to. battle for our - continued survival; He came to New York- and we must fortify ourselves to combat modern the fiothainites a^feVy1: lessons. / Published eyery Friday-at Omaha,'.Nebraska, by Hamans. Every Jewess has the potentialities of W ARFIELB'S JFAVORim ' iTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY another Esther, every Jew the makings., of /anSTORY 1 ' " Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building other Mordecai. Their attributes of- unswerving, Shalem will address the ;; 'Datid'Warfield tells the ofee. about United States | to the faith of our fathers and \. / • Telephone: ATlantic 1450 audience on the same subject in Engthe colored man who was up before \ court. lish. Mr. S. Blumenfeld, national DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor soulful, undying devotion to their people saved Demand for Polish Jews "Now, you know," said the judge, president of the student Zionist orthem and must be our inspiration, our salvation, FRANK- R. ACKEEMAN - - - - - - - - - - - - - Editor By DAVID SCHWARTZ New York.—A demand that the ganizations "Avukah" will preside. "what it means to swear to tell the .FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent also. These, and only these, are our most effecj government of Poland bring to :an truth.': tive weapons with which to overcome the vicisWHEN SARNOFF SANG Yes, Judge, I shore does," said| e n d i t s discriminatory policy against ., . SIOUX CITY OFFICE Other Countries situdes which befall us Jews. the off It is not generally known but it is Rastus. " JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—&08 Pierce Street the Jews Jews and and that t h t a conference f





Polish, government leaders be called a fact nevertheless, that David Sar- "What does it mean, Rastus?" — noff, radio corporation head, owes his "Ah expect, Judge, it means that to effect such changes as will place, Name Synagogue,- for Marshall PULPIT EXCHANGED the Jews of Poland on a footing of! W a m c ~ A synagogue named in rise to the fact that he once was awe'll lose the case. •economic equality with non-Jewish'Anmo ne or ri c ao f the late Louis Marshall, Quite a racy item from New York: Abraham singer in a synagogue choir. In an inCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old H E K N E W W H A T I T WASN'T | Polish citizens and reestablish them » Jewish leader, has been L. Feinberg, rabbi of reform temple, salary direct way, of course. Jacob Kirschenbaum of the Jewish I in the economic system of the coun- e r e c t e < i i n Zawibrcie, near Czeneand new address; be sure to give your name. The facts are these. It was back twelve .thousand per year, resigned 'his position, in 1906. Sarnoff at that time was Morning Journal tells the story of j try was formulated Sunday at a joint t o c h o v ' o n e of the Jewish loan soso the press states, to embark on a musical earning the princely sum of $5.00 a Chayim Itzik, a simple minded Jew j conference called by the American! c i e t y ' s c o l o n ies. career. And in leaving the sacred edifice he week working for the Commercial back in Russia, who was warned,: Jewish Congress and the Federation Rose Rosenberg Gets Decoration HEBRAIC CALENDAR flings a scornful glance backward and remaks: company, a telegraph organization. prior to going to get his passport, • of Polish Jews of America, From King George 5690-1930 On the side, he was being paid $100 to give some name that was not Jew- A vivid p i c t u r e o f t h e "Clara Bow has more to do with the morals of for London.—Among those who have singing in the synagogue choir ish. j plight of the Jews of Poland and ofreceived orders and decorations from _.Friday, March 14 young women than Bishop Manning; Sigmund on the Purim Jewish holidays. Trying to do "Remember, Chayim Itzik, to saythe alleged discriminatory tactics the King last week is Miss Rose -.Sunday, March 30 Freud influences more lives than the saints in both things, he slipped up on onethat you are Ivan Ivanoff." Rosh Chodesh Nissan pursued by the government was of-' Rosenberg, private secretary to Prime Sunday, Apr. 13heaven; a seat on the stock exchange is worth occasion with his work for the Com-fi When he came to the passport of- fcred by Dr. Joseph Tanenbaum. Of. Minister Ramsay MacDonald, who re-First Day Pesach -Saturday, Apr. 19 more to a vast majority of persons than a por-mercial company. Sarnoff explained j ce, Chayim was, of course, asked his the three million Jews who live in | ceived the "Order of the British EmSeventh Day Pesach that it would never happen again— j name Poland, one million have been re-; pire". Miss Rosenberg is the daughtion of paradise." _Tuesday, Apr. 29 We do not know who this ex-Rabbi Feinberg as the Jewish high holy days were He stumbled, mumbled, but wasn't duced to starvation, another million j ter of a Jewish workingman of Lon^Rosh Chodesh Iyar _ able to recall his fictitious name. oscillate between life and death, while ' don. Not long ago she accompanied _J£onday, Aug. 25 is, or which "leading reform temple" he haspast. f RoshChodesh EUul _ "Anyway," he bellowed, with a one million has barely emerged above Mr. MacDonald on his American and But his explanation failed to satis* All Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre-served. But we dare say that he had mistaken fy. He was told to see the cashier sharp gesture of his hand, "it's notth, starvation point. Canadian tour. i his calling at the very start. By some strange for his pay and forget to come the Chayim Itzik, I assure you." peding secular day. For Better Understanding J e w s t o G e l 8 0P e r c e n t o f psychological twist he felt himself under the next day. IN A LINE OR TWO i *Also observed the day previous to Rosb compelling urge of the Messiahanic complex, and Philadelphia.—A novel approach to Government Appropriation Herbert HE HIRES HIS "FIRER" ^ . understand-! Jerusalem.—Eighty percent of the Chodesh. with his undoubted talents, easily attained his Sarnoff then got a job with the ecutive editor of the World has through the medium of sacred $500,000 appropriated by the Palesobjective. But.the irreverent, mocking eyes in Marconi company" And it was there, lately conferring a great deal with ie c l a i m e d t n rinvp nPAn <*£- x* #• LU av 1 AN IRRETRIEVABI.E LOSS front sapped quickly his self-deception. Now as wireless operator, when the Tita^! Hearst, according to report, and spec° """'^ " <= ueen EI x t m e government for compensation to thaf his great opportunity, Nation is whether that means Swope Sunday's services of the victims of the riots will go to ] The whole world is bowed in sorrow over he is haunted by the whirl of jazz and abandon- ici_ •sunk, i J. » ii «™*ill iniTi +Vio vta-zyc*- f n i ™ ' 'piscopal * Araos. church serv- l i e n s <UIU t w e n t y percent xo fVi<t w l U l n P , ^ J° ^ the ^ Hearst f^ ^torces. % Port i ices, when Cantor the death of William Howard Taft, beloved for ment, or lust and appetite. Is this the first time which which was was to to makea make a national national * figure of thet n w b "H ">(- "=' Cantor Grabani Grabani of rost, iis ^ ^ |iis sympathetic,, understanding, straightforward in the world's history that smart irresponsibility of him came. Incidentally, the man i Louis Arrael, of Baltimore Post, Tel PAvTv leaiT^ThV ?«l" t le t h e traditiona, Emergency Fund hasIape s t i n e shortly. leadership in American life, and the tenderest has seduced the imagination of so-called clever job, who one hadday dismissed fromand his first staff scheduled to 30m New York Telegram faebrew „ Grabam f Zltft™ ladequate l Tw t came him to him asked a tt h e c h udressed r c h s e r vin i cthe es..^ Cantor was opriated a sum for build§ pr threads of amicable feeling and human recollec- people? for a job; Sarnoff gave it to him. More than 70 per cent of the staff traditional regalia of a Protestantaditional f P t t t ing a commercial and Jewish center of the Rockefeller medical Research Episcopal churchman. tion are entwined about the memory of this If the rabbi is trying to tell us that the age-Why ? in Safed to contain forty shops. v Foundation are said to be Jewish. "Because," he told the man, "if you idndly man who had served his fellow-men so long conception of a good life is all wrong and Alfred Liefs, '[Dissenting Opinions Want Brandeis Back Cologne's City Council dismissed me, I probably never long and so ably. . religious influences superfluous he has failed to hadn't New York.—The movement to getRejects Schechita Ban would have gotten my opportunity of Justice Holmes" has sold out third i Among his sincerest mourners are the Jewish make a case. If he means that moral standards Louis D. Brandeis, Justice of the Berlin.—The City Council of Coledition. the Radio corporation." Groucho Marx, famed comedian, is 1 United States Supreme Court, to ogne has rejected the motion intropeople, who in his departure have suffered an are in the melting pot then most certainly it is with one way, of treating a „man „_ _ t° be writing one of those short .again guide American Zionist destin- d u c e d by the National-Socialists (anti irretrievable loss. No firmer, stauncher non- necessary to watch the pot and assist in pre- wThat's h o_ h a s. fired vou J d humor books a l a Eddie Harris, the famed theatrical producer, has a s i m | Cantor. I t , ieSj has taken concrete form through s e m i t i c p a r t y ) t o f o r b i d Schechita, iTewish champion ever protected the rights of wiU caUed venting utter self-destruction. We share his ilar wav. On the onenintrs of all of i ^ "Beds". ithe organization of a Zionist League the , - Jewish method of ._ slaughtering slaughtering ilar way. On the openings of all of j <}\IT people; no mor% sympathetic friend ever 1 scorn for. some of the current tendencies but we j his new shows, he makes it a practice John Wexley, author of hit, "The for Brandeis with headquarters at 2 i i i that large German city. n ma s i n assisted our causes. Always close /to the cur-have only contempt for his desertion of his to send free tickets to the man whoLast Mile", will shortly be at work Lafayette street. A public statement aThe National-Socialists who have rents of Jewish life and recognized^as a ready post.—The Scribe. issued in connection with the organ- recently been elected to the various once dismissed hirt). "He is my great- on another opus. foe to anti-Semitism, his friendship was .from •ization of the League is signed by C ity Councils in German cities have est benefactor," says Harris. "If heTIT FOR TAT !the temporary chairman, Jacob S. b e e n ordered by their leaders to inthe heart and not dictated by personal or polihadn't let me go, I never would have ^ ^ I ' l ^ J ^ L ^ * Barshay, and the temporary secre- troduce there bills prohibiting Schetical motives. WORLD'S STEP-CHILDREN set up on my own hook." book "Marriage Men and Me", in Ezekiel chita and establishing a numerus whidl she ined that George Jean •' Chief Justice Taf t's good-will toward our faith In our so-called enlightened twentieth century CAPITALIZING ADVERSITY N a t h n w a0P clatisrus for Jewish students in high s a b r l i a n t critic b u t Aiding "Chemical Trust' ' is traceable to his youthful associations in awe have witnessed one country after another, And that reminds me, too, of a | t h a ^h e h a dn o rt ? Boston, Mass.—A vigorous attack schools. young Jewish newspaperman with i * • JTewish atmosphere, he having lived across from impelled by a chauvinistic narrowness of spirit, N o wt h s t o r a comes U on Paul Warburg was made by Name Community "Stalin" I was talking'recently. He is « ^ " °^\ Jtabbi Isaac Wise and having come under the close its doors to the alien. First the United whom Moscow—The decision to merge ina very sober faced young man-al- '*&><*** ^ a t some time ago Nathanformer Alien Property Custodian jatter's benevolent influence. When Taft began States of America, the traditional home of lib-most too solemn. He was telling me ™ t ea r e y l < T o f ^ P Francis P. Garvan in a deposition to one huge community was made by - filed here in the United States Dis- five hundred Jewish colonists in the his steady progress on the road to political fame, erty, then Canada and now the Union of South of a little unhappy incident, whichl t h e r e ' t h a t t h e m u c h I y m a r n e d intimate Jewish supporters played a leading role, Africa passed laws aimed primarily to keep Jew pecurred to him jffsome restaurant. gy was a gopd actress, but1 had no trict Court, in which .Garvan, now Zvenigorodka, Um&n region. The 1 president of the Chemical Founda- community is to be called the Stalin and, naturally, when/Taft reached the ;White deriving from East European countries from set- And I should say also here, that he s. a. ' tion, charged that Warburg was theCommunity of Jewish Peasants. A Peggy grew hot and wrote Nathan: does a great deal of writing for trade House, Jewish appointments were not rare. Jus- tling in their midst. "1 haven't, eh? Suppose you come head of an attempt to destroy the large kitchen capable of serving 800 ice Taft's support in the campaign to abrogate Each of these vast fields of immigration have papers. American chemical industry in favor people will be opened there on April , up and see for yourself." he treaty with Russia further endeared him inopenly declared that they,will facilitate the entry ^ .0_.._.1f, And the last chapter closes with of the Germans. He declared that 1st. One house will be set aside ofr in the restaurant. "Of course," this book, in which Peggy takes her Warburg is "head and front of thehousing all the children of the comhe hearts of the Jewish people, while his fight of persons of Nordic origin, but that they do trouble he added, very seriously. "I always this book, in which Peggy takes her tgainst the Dearborn Independent and its nox-not want Eastern Europeans. American interest in the American munity. capitalize on these experiences. I ex- revenge, by making the same accusa- Interessen Gemeinschaft, a German tion against Nathan. ious anti-Semitic propaganda was indeed sooth- Though Jews are not specifically mentioned, in pect I'll make $10 out of this trouble. concern which, he alleged, is trying Name Justice Serman Hig to our people. As if this were not sufficient, most cases it is they that the legislator has inYou see, I'll just take this experience DAN AND LAZY JOHN to influence the pending tariff rates Albany. — Supreme Court Justice Daniel Frohman, grand old man ofto the detriment of America. use it as a basis for an article— Henry L. Sherman of New York has in an article in the National Geographic Mag- mind when he frames his laws restricting immi'Hints to Restaurant Owners', and the stage, celebrated this week his been elevated by Governor Roosevelt azine and in a stirring address before the gration. sent it to some cafeteria journal." eightieth birthday. It is said that Jew Obtains Captaincy to the Appellate Division in place of Anti-Defamation League he pictured in vivid The world has gone back a long way from the Now, that's what I call a wise boy. down in Florida where Uncle Dan is Washington.—The appointment last Justice Proskauer who resigned. tlerms the struggle of the Jews thi'ough the ages liberalism of the early nineteenth century eco-; If you're thrown out on the sidewalk, now stopping, he can outdance and week of Walter Levine of Lock J u s t i c e Sherman, who is 60 years 4nd pleaded for justice to the Jews as no other nomists who envisaged a "Weltpolitik" based on just write an article on how it feels outgolf many of the twenty-year old- Haven, Pa., as captain of the 1930old, is a native New Yorker. In 1927 football "team of Washington and Jef- ht; was elected to the Supreme Court. rjon-Jew ever pleaded. So sincere and so untir- an untrammelled flow of labor and capital across to strike the side-walk and sell it as€ r s . ing had his efforts on behalf of the Jews been political borders. a Sunday feature. Then change it a It was Dan Frohman, by the way,ferson College, Washington, Pa., by Justice Sherman is a directory of athletic council, has caused wide the Jewish Orphan Asylum. tjiat in 1912 the B'nai B'rith voted to give him It is the tragic fate of the Jew to be always bit, emphasizing how it affects the who was responsible for the much the dissension amongst the members of quoted saying that it required an the gold medal awarded to the individual who the one to suffer most from every cosmic change ego and sell it to a psychological re- earthquake and an act of God to putthe student body. Levine is the first Shocked at Exoneration view. The Jewish aspects—Famous Has contributed most to the welfare of the Jew-for the worse. Whatever evil befalls the JewJews who have hit the sidewalk— John Barrymore to work. captain in thirty-four years to be Kishinev.—The complete exoneraH tion of the anti-semitic theological selected at the institution who has Barrymore has the reputation for could doubtless be sold to a Jewish of Eastern Europe, less and less will he be enstudents accused of participation in ilh cause. newspaper. It's great if you have a being about the laziest among the not been a fraternity man. Frater- the recent anti-semitic excesses here is small wonder that we Jews grieve theabled to escape from it by mass emigration as little nities on the college campus were thespians. At the time of the San ingenuity. passing of so noble a character. He is gone but heretofore. He will by. necessity be compelled to Francisco earthquake, the soldiers backing Andrew Cochrane for thehas shocked the Jewish population. Because of this the Jewish party may vte shall continue to cherish thoughts of him,work out his own salvation on the spot, failing THE CASE OF PULITZER took hold of anybody who appeared captaincy. not unite with the government party Sarnoff gave the man who disat leisure and put him to work. I t Religious Good-Will Discussed fer to us his memory is a rich inheritance, sane-. which he is doomed to destruction—The Canadiin the coming municipal elections in missed him a job—Jed Harris sends was then that Barrymore was drafted -Northampton.—The firm conclusion t|fied with immortality. May he rest in peace. an Jewish Chronicle. ' Kishinev. the man who ^turned him out free and made to do some manual labor, tickets—Joseph j Pulitzer, who found- giving birth to the famous quip by that "it is the necessity and right of German Actors Coming 1) Jewish and Gentile groups to fully I Hillel used to say: "Whatever is hatefuj, unto ed the New York eWorld, did some-Frohman. • - .. - • Berlin.—The famous German-JeVJEFFERSON HOOVER realize and express their own highest thing el3e. v tjiee, do it not unto thy fellow." .This is* the values and that it. is obligatory for ieh theatrical pair, Fritzi MaSsary ANSWER Joseph Pulitzer, *you remember, as CHARACTER IN THE •whole Law, the rest is commentary,'sayeth the each group to respect and stimulate and Max Pallenberg, who is known It is interesting that President Hoover has a young immigrant, was once thrown BEDROOM Tlalmud. . ' ' ' .' ' the self expression of other groups" as the "Chaplin of Europe" have enIt's all simple now. If you want tered into a contract with Gilbert Midevidently given a quick response to the recent out of a building on Park Row. Pulitzer bided his time and when to know, whether a person is ag-was the important result of the ler to appear next Autumn in New declaration that this is a Ghristian nation. A round table discussion of conflicts of ! wealth came to him, he bought the gressive or retiring, courageous or for five weeks' guest performPURIM United States government official made that building and tore it down. Today, cowardly, just-get a pass to his bed-j Jewish and Gentile culture, which York ance in the Empire Theatre. e carnival holiday of Israel, with its declaration and has been refuted by many Jews, tHe Pulitzer building stands on theroom. Dr. Alfred Adler, author of took place' at the intercollegiate con- Both are loyal Jews'1 and interested "Inferiority Complex", explains it asference on "Cultural Conflicts in in the Palestine situation. They resame site. joyous merry-making and festive revelry," is be-ibut by few Christians! jjitnerica" at Smith College over the follows: • .: ingi*iflfisiL-'iyid£ly_and .heartily, .celebrated- today. - President Hoover, in a letter to Felix M.:Warr DIFFERENT WITH OCHS cently took part in the celebration in "When we see a person sleeping week-end. by i;he Jews throughout the universe. Once-more burg, has given his endorsement to the plan to I sometimes am sorry for these upon the back, stretched out like a As a means of breaking down honor of the "Habimah" arranged by we jtiappily read the "Megillah" in its beautiful, observe the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, April people of eminence, who have never soldier at attention, it is a sign he present cultural conflicts and turning the Jewish community of Berlin. Magnes' Pamphlet original language and once more we recall how 13th, as a Religious 'Freedom'• Day, which is been throym but of buildings and wishes to appear as great as pos-the different qualities of Jew and never have been given the blue slip. sible. One who lies curled up is notGentile into creative and positive Jerusalem.—There is astonishment courageous Queen Esther delivei'ed the Jews sponsored by. the Thomas Jefferson Memorial What are they going to do, when likely to be courageous. We should channels the round table group went in many quartei-s here at hearing that from threatened annihilation, while the villainous Foundation. On that day Jefferson will be hon-they commence writing their auto- be careful not to give him a dif- on record in favor of an "attempt to Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of Haiii^n suffered the very fate he had plannedfor ored as the author of the law for religious free4 biographies? ficult task until we have found out effectuate an attitude of respect the Hebrew University, has sent his the'phosen People. No matter how sorely we dom in America. The idea was suggested because There is Adolph Ochs, publisher of how to give him courage." among other groups other than our pamphlet "Like All the Nations?" to havfcibeen oppressed or how embittered our lot,Jefferson's birthday will coincide this year with the New York Times, for instance. Well, it seems to me, Doctor Ad-J own, to create mutual understanding all members of Parliament. Some reAs far as I know he has no one toler, if your theory be true, there is'art appreciation by urging the intro- gard this action as a breach of the Palm Sunday and Passover. we -dkn still laugh and play on Purim. get back at. I do not mean that he an easy way to give him courage—jductdon in colleges of courses' of promise Dr. Magnes made to the Vaad But the Feast of Lots commemorates more This, it seems to us is sufficient i-efutatiori to has : always had smooth sailing. That of various contemporary cul- Leumi, not to engage in independent thai? 5 the deliverance from a Persian massacre, the one who made the declaration that this is a is not so. He has had plenty of dif-just tie him to the bed in such a'study tures in America and by bringing to political activity. way that he, will lie straight. the I pleading of Esther for her people before Christian country and to millions of others who ficulties. (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish campuses representative leaders of Boycott Threatens Paralyzation Kinp .Ahaseurus represents more than one believe as he does. . He was, for example, very much •Telegraphic different' groups to interpret their Agency, Inc.) Jerusalem. — Complete commercial— Jewels' sacrifice. Purim typifies the perennial Too bad that people are constantly talking afraid of entering the New York field. groups to others." paralysis in the Old City is feared as At the time, he was publisher of a litexpediences of the Jewish people with bigotry about the Eighteenth Amendment and forgetYouth Organization to Meet a result of the anti-Jewish boycott. paper in Chattanooga. When the Spain's Welcome and} prejudice, the eternal struggle of the Jews-ting the First Amendment of the Constitution. tle Arab shopkeepers are removing their New York.—A conference of all New York Times, then in a run down Vienna.—The Spanish government witl|janti-Semitic hatred. And magnificent Esther'of the United States which provides that "Coii- state, was on the market, Ochs was has issued a circular note to all of Hebrew youth organizations in places of business to the new comits consulates abroad which in effect' Greater New York will take place mercial center outside of the places exemplifies the unselfish, uncanny devotion of gress shall make no law respecting the establish-' notified. to the new commercial favors the re-immigration into Spain on Sunday, March 16,, -at 8 o'clockof business 3 i l l afraid uXITcL'd I J. am Jim. not TlOt big Ui IT enough cllUUgit A«**VXO m^. J.L i i t n i u g i u v i v u **ii>v *-> £**•**« — • — — --—— * , - _ — —,_. __ — . - . . . » « » the'iiJjaw who is willing to give his very life for ment of religion."—Jewish Times. - • "I,JL am to enter the New York field," he told of Jews of Spanish origin. This rea* the Central Jewish Institute. Dr. center outside of the city's walls. the "Welfare of his people—a colorful tale of then publisher of a Chicago port is confirmed here by Rabbi Shalom Spiegel ,will lecture in Hebrew British constables are displaying simple heroism which Israel has enacted on every The greatest of heroes is he who turneth an Kohlsaat, dijy ' " Grundwald, expert on Spanish-Jewish on the "Hebrew Renaissance". greater energy in dispersing the hired 1 stage of the history of the world. enemy into a friend. , "If you don't tell anybody, people hist~~ RaW>i Louis I. Newman of Temple boycott agitators. Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application



W M — • . 11





. - -•



direction in which the effect of easier money lias already made itself felt has been in the larger volume of bond flotations designed to finance various We are living in an age of special- consideration to the position and outsorts of construction. ization. It i s apparent in medicine, look for money and credit, crops, inFor the present gold exports have in science, in law and in many phases dustrial conditions, employment, forbeen checked; and if they are reof business and commerce. Perhaps eign trade and many other influences. sumed, their influence toward firmer ""Dayar" and Daily Bulletin Pay it results from the increasing com- No one factor controls the course Harvard Economic Society Pre- money may be negatived by federal plexity of modern life and the rising of security prices any more than reserve action. We therefore expect for Editorial Criticizing dicts Several Months of store of general knowledge in every ary single influence guides the course a continuance of relatively easy Courts Easy Money i which appears to defy retention of business. The broadest background money for several months. Jerusalem. (J.T.A.)—The Hebrew by a single mind. At any rate* we brings the greatest success. "This prospect, and the absence of The Harvard Economic Society in labor daily, "Davar", and the Pal- find in every branch of human activits weekly letter of financial and further unfavorable developments in From the Wall Street Journal we business conditions says in part: estine Daily Bulletin, the"'only Eng- ity a typo of individual who has conthe stock market, may be expected lish daily in the country, have been centrated his learning and skill in a! take this very accurate conversa"At the turn of each year, the to stimulate business. Already imfined $400 and $50 respectively for particular division or sub-division of tional summary of both sides of the money and banking situation ordin- portant fields of activity, notably stock market: contempt of court in a judgment his profession. arily relaxes; money is returned manufacture and construction, give Bear: "You'll have to acknowledge from circulation; business collateral | indication of being no longer dominthat is not appealable. This first In some fields of endeavor such a contempt of court case in Palestine principle has much to commend it, we have the best of it in the news loans are repaid; commercial banks ated by business recession. Pessiarose from an editorial in the "Da- but this i s not universally the case. breaks. This drop in commodity reduce their borrowings from Federal. mian is clearly being replaced by var" suggesting that "some hidden For example, the application of prices isn't going to help prosperity Reserve Banks; and money rates de-j influence against the Jews is -work- specialized thought to the science of along." cline. This year again all these' Bull: "111 admit that things don't things have happened; but partly being -through the judiciary". The ed- investment or to the study of the itorial was reprinted in the Pales- market has not been an unmixed look very good so far as wheat, cause of lower level in business, retine Daily Bulletin with the title "In- blessing. It is true that conditions cotton and other commodity prices duction of borrowing, both by memjustice to the Jews". during the major j»art of the past are concerned, but I think they are ber banks and by business, has gone The "Davar" editorial was the re- year easily lent themselves to the about as low as they can get and much further than usual, so that result of the acquittal of the twelve evolution and successful application under such conditions we are more j discounts now are at the lowest level Arabs charged with the murder of of all sorts of theories as to why apt to get a turn for the better than ,i n almost two years and commercial the Macleff family, and the death rising markets should go higher. more bad news." loans are slightly lower that at end Bear: "They're not . selling much of last May. sentence of the Jewish police con- "When the price trend abandoned the stable Hinkis. The High Court com- course of money, "business, earnings, copper, and earnings of the copper "Thus in two months the extraorposed of Judges MacDonnell and yields and everything else except companies are running very low." dinary growth of commercial loans Baker rejected the plea of counsel popular psychology, every school of* Bull: "We have known that for six between May and November of 1929 for the "Davar" that the editorial specialized thought was able to apply months, and copper stocks have dis- has been completely wiped out. Upon counted the bad news. Here also you the whole, money and banking conhad not suggested that the courts its pet theory and havg it work. are likely to get a turn for the better ditions are sufficiently easy to be had departed from right but merely But that "time has gone and the . questioned the conduct of the legal "gold economist" who bases his prog- over the next month or two." favorable to business recovery. One Bear: "What about the oil stocks? and not the judicial investigation. nostications solely on the supply of The court concluded that the edi- the precious metal and the credit There is a price war on and things to the overdue account. Back came torial contained contempt and the which it will support does not find look very blue." : Bull: "I agree with you. They are this reply: innuendo that justice was not dealt it so easy noT so iccurate to explain "Dear Sir: I would like to know out alike to Jew and Arab,-and that present and future actions of the about as blue as they can get and for what you mean by sending me a letthat reason we may get a turn for such, innuendo, everwhere grave, was seeuiity mai&et. Particularly is this te- like you wrote the 10th instance. especially grave in Palestine now. true i f he loses sight of the fact that the better any time. 'Remember that I guess I know how to run my own The plea that the editorial did not tile speed of present day transporta- the late J. P. Morgan once told a business. Every month I put all my friend—'Buy stocks when things are reflect on the honor of the courts tion and communication materially bills in a basket and then figure up as blue as you think they can get and was also turned ftiown. . enhances the utility and scope of gold sell them when things are as pros- how much money I have got to pay Judge MaeDonnMl in handing down and credit. Similarly the "commodity my accounts. Then I blindfold the the decision, said that it was "not economist" whose creed is largly perous as you think they can get-'" clerk and he draws out as many bills » * • to salve the wounded honor of judges price indexes of certain selected or Nathan Eckstein, wholesale gro- as I have money to pay for. Now if but to uphold the. integrity of the arbitrarily chosen articles and raw cery magnate, tired of waiting for a you dsnt like my way of doing busicourts and judges. To charge materials is in difficulty when he small town grocer to pay his bills ness, I won't even put you bills in judge with injustice is more serious attempts to forecast the price trend the basket." than charging him with corruption. Oi stocks on the basis of his special finally wrote a letter urging attention The Daily Bulletin's translation of panacea. Moreover, his conclusion the "Davar" editorial was termed will, ten to one, differ sharply, not "very- fair" and in accepting the only with those of the "gold economapologies of Sh. Schwartz on behalf * but with the findings of the of the Bulletin, Judge -MacDonnell market forecaster who bases everyhe English daily'for'giv- thing on crops and agricultural econing further circulation to a scandal- omics. While the "industrial econizing article. omist" -who studies only business Just what law prices for grain, production statistics, corporate earnsugar, rubber and cotton will do to ings and profit trends will achieve general business prosperity is clearly still another result. Of course, the truth of the matter explained in the following two statements made by eminent authorities: is that successful security forecastFirst statment. (made when farm ing—that precise reasoning which prices include corn, cotton, rubber envisages the major swings of prices and sugar were very high in 1920): —recognizes all of the important High commodity prices make for a fields of economics. Each must be accorded proper weight in its proper dangerous situation." Second statement (made by same place. The successful student of the outstanding authorities last week): market or of investment, must give "Low commodity prices make for a dangerous situation." . Help yourself! -„ .,"' FOR


Replying to the plaudits of his hosts, Mr. Rosenwald said that in all his public work he strove for unit}' and peace between nations and communities. Mr. and Mrs. Sosenwald Cairo. (J.T.A.) Julius Rosenwald, leave for Europe tomorrow. American philanthropist, and hie wife, were the guests of honor at Among the by-product* of Presia dinner of the local Y. M. C. A. The dinner was attended by the dent Hoover's campaign to stimulate Chief Rabbi and representatives of business activity is the report of a the Jewish community. The Amer- formation of a billion dollar financing: ican ambassador spoke of the im- company to assist in improving and portance of Mr. Rosenwald's philan- making more modern, homes and small buildings throughout the Unithropic work. ted States. confidence. Hence it seems probable that the buoyant forces which cusThe human race, afraid of nothing, tomarily stimulate business activity rushes on through every crime. in the spring will again be effective this year." —Horace.

Rosenwald Is Feted By Y. M. C. A. in Cairo

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*IT KEEPS SMOKING—One of the most active volcanos in the western hemisphere is the smouldering crater of Irazu at Cartago. Costa Rica. 11.500 feet high, which throws off ashes and sulphuric fumes almost constantly CREAM OF BEAUTY—More beauties competing tn Miami's International pageant are shown on *r» rival at the Florida city Left to right they are. Senorita Sara Chachon. of Ecuador: Senorita Haidee Morales, of Nicaragua, and Lois M. McBratney. of Wichita. Kas., who is representing Mississippi.

CONVICTED HIGH PRIESTESS—Mrs. Mary Otis Blackburn. "North Star" of the mysterious cult of the Royal Arm of the Great , Eleven, has been convicted of grand thefts at Los Angeles, on complaint of a wealthy oil operator who alleged he was bilked out of $40,000. Mrs Blackburn is shown here" with her daughter, Mrs. / Ruth Wieland-Bizzo, who testified, in explaining the strange religious p sect, that slie'often had seen angels. :-

SAFETY PLANE—This plane is causing somewhat of a sensation in German flying circles. In tests *t Berlin it is claimed that it is impossible for it to turn over under any conditions. The plane is equipped with new style Foch-Wulf wings. ,«-- <. ,-

LOVE TEMPERATURE—What has science come to? According to Dr Paul E. Klopsteg. of Chicago, milady's innermost amorous P°<jf p i t i e s «">*>* determined by this sensitive device, called t « « * » » thermophile. The doctor is shown taking the love tempera. ture of Miss Jane Brown,


ON GUARD—With the Pacific coast fencing championships scheduled for March at Los Angeles, members of the University of Southern California co-ed fencing team are training feverishly. The team's

30 members are shown here under the direction of H. J. Uyttenhove, fencing master of the Los Angeles Athletic club • ,


>* ;J -

AUTOMATIC CRADLE—Endless weary hours rocking his babies " to sleep during early morning Hours have inspired V D- Stanley, ,'Tulsa, Qkla... poljct sergeant, to invent this electrically-operated "cradle which l'ulls',its tiny inmate to-sleep for a given length of .time and then; shuts;itself off It t>,_ attached to an ordinary wall socket.

HOME TO FIGHT?—-That is the question as Armand Emanuel, left, Los Angeles heavyweight, returns !d by his father and mother There are rumor terest in the squared circle and plans to retire.

J&J&«.th« .ater'i. wise at Hivana. Cuba.



PAGE 1—THE-JEWISH PRESS, | I U D A y , HABCH 14, 1930 -Jewish lads of prominence in the sporting world are giving the figskin a break at Nebraska. Jimmy Burroughs, track and basketball fltar — — — i Moscow.—(J. T. A.)—Official figis out for a half back berth while [Continued from Page'l.) ures on the number of Jews in the O. Hochman, .chairman of the enter-J The speedy U. S. Oils under the a number of games to go ere there Eddy Rosen, freshman guard, 1B makBy F. R. K. states of Soviet Eussia Who belong. _ tainrr.ent committee, •will be in leadership of the famous ""Dopey" season ends. The lassies have been ing a strong play for the same bWth acting for the best interests-of both jCline will have to dispose of the •without the services of their coach on the varsity. It would be quite 3ews and • the general citizenry in Creighton Prep five before they can fo-' over three tree weeks e s and ad have ae cer- unique q situation to see Jewish gguards Next Thursday Evening at declining to abrogate the Russian Jews are members of the Communist j Leo Nogg, senior at the Thomas ^ . ^ off w i t h t h e ^ t ta'nly missed that young lady. After on the mighty Cornhusker two ttane Chieftain Hotel treaty, the leaders of American Jew- party. Of this; number more than J Jefferson High School, will compete, ' ^ ( all. there is nothing like having your, championship Big Six eleven, wen, ry initiated a; national campaign to 8,000 reside In Moscow, only 5,000 in$ Ladies A__Eary of the Tal- a t t h e D ra ke Debate Tournament j The Center varsity and a number coach. arpund .when the game is not j bring the pressure of public opinion the surrounding provinces. • (Continued on page 8) mud Tofah Society will -sponsor a i s being held at Des Moines,i of loyal rooters will entrain for going to your liking, it is she who I to bear on both" Taft and Congress. benefit bridge party -which will, be i 0W a, this ''Kansas City where the Varsity will knows -who to- substitute and -how to • The results of this campaign quickly given next Thursday evening, March became evident /when both the 20, &t the Chieftain Hotel in the : f o rMiss Lillian Cheraiss leaves today close its season in a game with the bring the team back to earth when MAKE TOUR ' Mankota, Mhru, where she will Kansas City Y.M.H.A. The locals they._see /the contest flying into the Senate and the House adopted reso'ballroom. allroom. 1 opponents victory bag. Now that lutions directing the president to noj Six members of the organization \ b= a" "supervisor at tin "Minnesota won the last time they met the K-. C. Miss Fagan is again on the job we tify Eussia that the treaty would be be .hostesses and in charge of State Teachers _ College for the re-. hoopsters and are determined to & expect to see the J.C.C. girls resume ' FOR PASSOVER MfiALS once more. The varsity abrogated January 1, 1918. Just after At a meeting of the Athletic Com-'this affair. They are the •Mesdames ofJ- the semester. • Imainder, • i 1 7 1 t Th ai e tfceii -winning ways. They have the Call HA. 2385 3617 Farnam record this season war marred by this Taft announced that he would j n^tfee un^er Mr.^ ^ ^ Katelman material and fight and should finish on defeat which was offset by eight give the Jews a Chanukah mm and Mr.- Irvintevihi co-Chair-!Ben Kubby, J. Gotsdiner, H. j victories which was not as good a the season undefeated. giving Eussia official notice, which man, held at the Center on the even-, and H. Hadelman. Admission will be • • • ; record of last years quint. ;: h e did. : - ; ; f - . •:•'' . • •;-;•/.• ing of March 6, 1930; the following one /dollar per couple.^ Plans are] * * * Football the greatest of all sports; Largely through—the influence of rules vwere presented and unanimous-: being made to have this affair one [ is again poking its nose up through Well, the big city handball tournJcwisfc.• i6&dcrs~"Vrttn ^?rcsiQ6nt'T3itj iy passed becoming effective on March' of the most successful events of the! for high class mcuzitie* acSTANLEY f.- LEVIN quaintance, but no experience he vetoed the proposed Dillingham- 16, 1930: I season. Prizes will be given at each ament is over and after an unusual the dirt and dust of the field and necessary. •which conl. r That none he permitted te pass .table. Everyone is urged to attend j Wst' bastetbafl game of t h e ' E e r i e s of "Psets Max Altshuler was spring training is the order of the Gardner day among all the colleges and Corporation Securities Ce. tained the ol^ectianable illiteracy test; the turnstiles unless Tie, or she'he aythis card party next Thursday eve- | ^ h e J d S u n d a / a f t e r n o o n i n crowned singles champion talong that BMBUJI w 904 Farnam Bldg. AT. 22S7 era! of the prep schoole., Eta«" "~ ;:w£re opposed. The • • • • • ' • • •~ . . . . * • » . • <! "«honor from Herman Segrelman after ning at the Chieftain Hotel at eight to good whose r 20 ,n ^913-wasone of wnen the ^ ^. . „„ ^ an ,, , Greenbetg, "OH Musclebqund" as he, veto io'clock. paid. Omaha his last official, acts as president but are2. fully thV Lincoln man the old veteran did not have was dubbed by. his. team mates and That memberships to the Cen-j _ h e C o u n d ! B ] u f f g ^ ^ o f t h e chapter of the Order friends after the stellar games he he earned for it the gratitude of the te l a nip and started a '\ tuck ^^^^^^^ I Senior Hadassah " contest that, -was anybody's until of the younger Altshuler and the turned in for Nebraska last year and entire : Jewish population. mumpenodof three (3) months with;.membership Omaha led- at the ««. . -whistle. . The month of the last old story repeated itself the triumph the year; before as a member of the Throughout v his four- years" in ~the dues payable in advance. 'March is known as "MembershipjhaH 11 to 10"namely through some rf over age. The doubles varsity eleven is out for the Husker White House .Taft-gave evidences of 3. That upon the/expiring of tMorith" on i h e Hadassah calendar, j fine work of Bennr Kosen and Har- ^ after an- team this season,- which -will be his jons his friendship^ for the Jews. When membership, members Heitty Maduff is chairman of [old Barrish, Lincoln then took the o t h e r series serk of surprises which finally last. Besides Greenberg two other a yquhg Jewfih soldier-was "being .days, of grace in which to local membership campaign .and j lead at the third quarter and held r e g u l t e d ^ g ^ ^ y Katzman and discrimniated against in the promoe has reported twenty new members1, it till Grossman, injured Omaha cen- irpoo6h,, taking moom tion lists Taft investigated" the matperiodshall_ *'during the past. week. The drive will |te., entered the fray with Omaha f r o m H e r m a n S e g e l ^ a n a n d M a ter and saw to it that the young | ^ 0Dly dumg a AT ALL GROCERS culminate on " March 26. when a' trailing 19 to 16 and three and one A l t s h u l e r event the titles In man-received his due. In May 1911, j ^mpo-ary puss ~ i luncheon will be given at the Jewish i half minutes to play. The change "e ^ ^ & n hhonor Made b.r as they Jewish! piay. m e cu«u. ^ ^ . ^ Furnished room in private K a r o n o r a g t h e y President Taft addressed the Wash- Char 6 j Community Center in Omaha for all j seemed to put new life into the local r ^ p r e s e n t t h e h a n d b a u champion ship Unde Sam Breakfast Food f ° f the ington Hebrew congregation on the home, meals £f desired. ithe Senior Hadassah members of. quint and they hung up three baskets Western A. A. U. once occasion of the advocating the "erecOmaha and Council Bluffs, at which i in rapid fashion. The final score HAxney^8296 Omaha tion of a monument to Haym Salo(time all new members will be guests was Omaha 25 and Lincoln 20. Previous wiimer8 were J o c mon. Taft spoke highly of the servbe,abol-f of h o n o r - . The win gave Omaha the State ices '.of Salomon to the Revolution !e shall iguest! __,—. . | A i - A . championship by reason o no and his remarks .had much to do , . .. to local: The Ladies Aid, Society wiU - hold | y i c t o r ies over Iincohi and Omaha pn s be with "the growth* in interest in t h V j ^ j ^ ia meeting next Tuesoay aftemoen.^g^gj.' IQQ . T h e - A-Z. A. concluded s career of tfie Jewish patriot who ^ ^5L-e nNpn-xeBident ' visitors may pb-1 March 18, at the home of M-rs. ^1-1 the season with twenty wins offset



Pebjish[Figuresjk v:J Communistic. Jews OF JEWS



Plans vrere wade'fgl 3an open meet- in that class. The Ifcp|[m7^Sargaiii ILevy fn the _singles and' Osvey and bridge ~p*rty' for all tbe , Cexfter with foar. A-ZA, r | ,a|e fight- Franks iand Leon Mendeison in the and their friends, which-will ing for the class B crown, having doubles, held on Wednesday evening, already disposed of the Tolly Hatters, be The girls basketball team stilt has March 26, at the Danish Hall. Mr. the strongest team in their class.


Reservations NOW














had heen nsglficfed hy historians. In addition to this; address, Taft also spote" a t the 1910 B'nai B'rith'conr ! ventiori in Washington and i n , the same year set : a precedent by ^coming to New York "to attend the" ball of the "Daughters of Jacob. Among his important diplomatic appointments, were Oscar Straus as •'' United States -minister to Turkey and; Lewis Einstein as United States

tain.guest.privileges upon personal' Nogg, 1602 West Broadway^ j by ' four losses. The - playing of !lick»"- itosen, Goldberg appKcstKm to" the membership office Krls^-entertained ihe\^*>^> ' Barrish featured for Omaha and must be recommended and ac- members of- the B. B. G. Club &-l ' and. «—= i while Novicoff and Levine were outcompanied iby a member in good her home Wednesday evening. standing for Lincoln. standing.'- In no, case shall this privilege, be . granted . to anyone for a Al Kramer, manager of the Mar-', '.tins Clothing Store, left Saturday j The Center leaguft cagers are doing period ten- (10) days. , 6 . That, the officer in charge of [evening for Tacoma, Wash., where. right in the Y.M.CJL basketball thei-Basket .Room.he,instructed that,he has been transferred. Mr. Kramer The Peerless Cleaners he shall, at no time. laqni or jiermit 'came to Council Bluffs a year ago the addition of Bbgdonoff of the ^ equipment' in his frcm " ~" " " _Ea. ~ are sitting on the top round Philadelphia, minister to Costa; -fiica. : Both^ap- the borrowing class A entrants and have an of _ received:^ and c h a r g e . " ^ : ; : " " ' ; " ."-J5"-- T .. ,,•-'-•: ' • ' ' pointments left last week -forV i excellent chance of copping honors poptflar. In icaa • the:-£rst LO3 for an jnan^to be 'xiai. 3£rith graphic i 'hie discussed ' a t v i s i t ! : ~* • . -,- r» ^progressive world fwo- great lengtti'^ s;; SIrat:tbs regardless struggle l off the th J e w s f o r H v i l equal? * '.ffhi> d L'ig confiabuted most sympathy and" tmderatandthe -welfare of the Jewish:".Breeii.•' d^reWa'iemarkabie word pic- to reteh ito-ter' home Tfeit" -weeit Jewish Books And all other When-all his Jewish 'tstre.'of the^ "character of the Jew as Religious Articles



••'• 7*~ - are'ji.forgotten-.and all ^.his..,Jewish J friends have" become lost in the ob.scurity of history and his other Jewish^cohnections have faded a w a y Taft • gratefully Temembered by the JeyfB: of the United States for two

•few non-Jews have ever - drawn him. He. traced with great care and fine appreciation for the contributions of the Jews to civilization their history and concluded that justice was not merely dUe the Jew but it was his right, He also recalled that in 1917 he had declared it to be the duty of all men when the war was over to work for Jewish emancipation in ^Eastern Europe.

Miss -MiliitecLMeyersoBi student at the ! UniyerBityxof NebfaS'ka a t Lin- 2429 Decatur St.—Phone WE. »327 coto;' spent- the" "past -week-enff" herer I irtsh to call the. attention of ttl my to tbe fsrrt that I- lust tevisiting her parents, Mr. and Ttfrs.' customers ceired a fresli stock of all kinds of Matzos of the best tmalities, and also Herman Meyerson. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 6881

things, first his \ remarkable article of the Independent Order of the I on the Jews in the July 1919 number B'nai Brith held a meeting Wednes-j of -the National Geographic Magday evening at the Danish Hall. azine and secondly for his notable address before the- Anti-Defamation League in Chicago in 1920. Taft's 1920 address came when Bl'the article in the National Geo- Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent



was spreading its poisonous- antiSemitic propaganda. Condemning antiSemitism as - vicious, - •un-American and of evil character-he laid special j emphasis on Henry Ford and the ar-'

STAT.31ASTI5K £ BEBER, Attorncr* -; 650 Omniia >"atl Bank Bide. I XOTICE BT rCBilCATtOV O3T tides in the Dearborn Independent. ' rETITIO.V TOR SETTLE3tEXT OF FrKAI. ADailjaSTKATION1 ACCOUKX Calmly and judiciously, he "examined j In the County Court ol Douglas County, the charges levelled by Ford' against | Mvbraska. In. the matter o£ the estate of-M. MON- the Jews,'and found them" to be un-J HEtT, deeeaBcd. All persons interested in said matter are founded and .unworthy .of credence. hereby notified that on the 1st day of He ably declared .that' tbe Jewish March, 1030. Eva Monheit filed a petition in saia Connty Court, praying that her question was not as the ' Dearborn final administration account liled heroin Independent would '"have". it, : one of be. settled nnd allowed, and that sue be <lischur£cd from Jier trust ns adminiPtra* protection against' "Ifie '"Jews, but trix. and that a hearing will be had oh rather one -of - protection-. for - the ; Raid prtition before said Coort on the U8th day of March, 1030, and that if you fall Jews. Taft- unhesitatingly labelled to-nppear before Eair] Court on the said ffith duj- of March, KCO,' at 9 o'clock A. M.. the notorious" Protocols" "-of-'ifre Elders and contest said petition, .^be Court may of Zion- as "Munchauserr .tales and Btant the prayer of said.petition, enk-r n ilecree of heirship, and maie -such other absurd". -He 'emphaticaltyr-declared and fnrther orders, allowances anil der eroes, as to this Court may seem proper, that there -was -not j-the "ilightest to the end that all matters pertaininc to ground for anti-Semitism in~ the Unsaid estate may be finally -settled and determined. ited States. Terming it as a "noxERY.CE: CRA-WPOKD. ious weed" Tafi sai'ijtl.should .be County Judf;c. cut down and "those .who_seek to STAI.3IASI1EK * BEBEK introduce it should, .be ..condemned,'by \ 650 Omaha National Bank Bide. . >*OTICE OF IKCOKPOBAXION public opionion". Taft's name led KOtice ifc hereby, pKen that the unacr- all the rest in ,a proclamation signed siBned have nssociateil themBelves toKethcr to form a - corporation under the by 116 prominent American Chris- J lntvs of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is theatres Investment tians denouncing the Protocols. Corporation and iiie principal place of The death of such a man is a.real transacting its buniness is in Omaha, Douglas Conntr. Nelir. loss to American Jewry. Fair weathThe general nature of its business is to .bnlid, buy, own, lease or control er friends the Jews have by scores theatres of every kind and description, and to let, Kulilet or hire out spnet: for but a friend and supporter such as concessions and incidental businesses Taft was throughout his long and which ore usually and customarily attendant upon the doing; of theatrical busi- honorable career -will be hard to reness and kindred activities. The author- place. ized capital stock is 510,000.00 divided into 100 shares of the par vaine of jlOO.W) (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish i-uph, nil of which Is common and -when m , •, . « , . issued Bhnii )>e fully paid iip and nou- > Telegraphic A g e n c y , Inc.) asBOBsable. The corporation shall com— _ _ _ _ _ _ - ^ — ^ _ _ _ _ monce business upou the filing of its MOVCKT v t T T n u v tnrhCles of incorporation in the office of J " ' * s y > * ji * the County Clerk of Douglas CountT. Attorneys Nebraska, and continue for a period of W Omana Tfati Bank r>0 "Sears. The Tilghest amonnt of indebtedXOTICfi OF fJlOBATE OP ness or Hnbility to Avhieh the corporation .. - , • ' . ' • - . . , , T hhall at any time subject itself, shall not , . V1 t h e County Court of Douglas County, exceed two-thirds . of itB capital stock.! Nebraska. _ . : The" affairs of the corporation shall be i T I n t h e matter of the estate of EI/LEN conducted by a Bonrd of Directors of not i L 4A r • LESS> - deceased. less than two members vrho shall be " Persons interested in said estate are cbosen from a_aong the stockholders a t : ihereby notified that a petition has been their annual meeting. Until the annual ol fl e da in Kilit:l C°u5t- praying for the probate meeting in January. 1931, the Board of . certain instrument now on file in Directors shall be P. M. Klutznick and asoul-Court, purportins to be the last will It. J. Holdsberg. Until the annual meet- a n d testament of said deceased, and that tng in Ja..-nary 1DS1, the ofuccrs shall be loTebearing will be had on said petition boI*. M. Klufznick, President nnd Treasurer "—^ Court on the 2Stn day of March. nnfl R. J. HoldBberg, Secretary. The 11)3 °- a u a that if they fail to appear at articles of incorporation mar t>e amended 1«-ul.Court on the sajd _St_ day of March. !)30 a t 9 by the affirmative rote of two-thirds of Trill ' p'cloclv A. M. to contest of said : Ihc capital stock regular or special W l 1 » tke1 3Court may allow and probate said oc ntt anr reg 1 meeting of the the Stockholders. Stockholders -* prant ndminsitration of snld estate to Nellie O'Xeil. or some other suitP . . M. TCLTTTZXICK. nble person and proceed to a settlement It. J. HOLDSBERG. thereof. , In the Presence of: BR1CE CllAW-FOUD. IKVIN STALMASTER. Mar. 7—It 3T—S-7 County Judge.


in radio

nH kinds of Passoier artjcles like ilatzo flour, cake flour, egg Matzos. cookies, etc. - Also. I want my customers to remember my otrn make soap, kosher for Fesnch. and all the kinds of EokeaCh't Kosher articles for" Pesach.




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Old-_?ashioned Waffles the New Electric Way Every waffle made on this electric waffle iron will hav«r that goodioldrf a^hioned:taste—yet baked tha Modern way •.'.. . right at the table, without-fuss, muss" or odor.

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. PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 19S0 er are being made. Refreshments win conclude the meeting. Miss Rose Finsod who acted as chairman for the Hadassah-Orpheum ticket sale this month reported that $153 was cleared by the organization through this activity. Miss IdaFeldman and Miss Dorothy Levin won the first and second prize for selling the largest number of tickets.


MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent




Is still in the Painting, Decorating and Faperhanging Business Our Work 1B Keasouuble snd Satisfactory Call WEbster 6270

National Accessories, Inc.


LINCOLN NEWS Bazaar is Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lavine of i a Social and Financial Success Lincoln, Nebr., announce the marriage ' — | of their son Joe to Ksther Kosmer of

Audience Is Pleased . By Concert Thursday Tiadasscth^s Purim

A capacity audience heard R. Vondorff and Gregory Matusewich in con; cert at the Jewish Community Center The annual Talmud Torah card Jewish Community Thursday evening. Matusewich sang, Kadima Members party will be held in the Jewish group of Yiddish folk songs, and Community Center, Monday evening, Plan Program Center Activities a.a group of classics, and Vondorff, who March 17. Over 120 women are ex~ Purim entertainment and program Members of the Sigma Iota Sigma has appeared with the -Vilna players, followed the installation of officers pected to attend the affair. Bridge and Mah Jongg will be Club heard Mrs. Moog at their reg- presented a group of ;djamatic read- a t the regular meeting of the Kad- • ' . • . played in the evening, with attractive ular meeting Wednesday evening ings. • The • artists • were brought • here - by ima club held Tuesday evening at gifts . offered as door prizes and speak on her travels in France. the Shaare Zion synagogue social The Hawkeye Club will have a the Workmeii's Circle 664.-playing prizes. • hall. Mr. Morey Lipshutz was inMrs. Enchel Barish, • Mrs. Max Cabaret dance at the Community stalled, as president for, the coming Haligman and Mrs. Harry /Goldstein Center Sunday evening, March 23. •• • .SJmare Zion year. Mr. Lipshutz is active in all are acting as join*- chairman for the The club colors will be used to deRabbi ; HV ' R. Rabinowitz* sermon Jewish communal work, serving at affair. . The evening will be conclud- corate the hall. Dancing, dancing con- topic for this evening will be in present- on the Federation board of ed with the serving cf refreshments. tests and refreshments will be the keeping with Purim. The subject directors. He succeeds Mr. Will BarThe Hebrew Mother's Association features of the evening. George will be "A' Day to Laugh It Off". on. Other officers include Mr. I. is organized for the pnrpose of work- Feinberg Harry Zifkin aid Morris H. Levin, vice-president; Mr. Max Sunday morning, March 16, the ing for the interest of the Talmud Marsh are in charge of arrange- children of the Talmud Torah and Friedman, secretary, and Mrs. Eli Torah. The i'unds raised from this ments. the Shaare Zion Sunday school will Robinow, treasurer. The Young Circle Club initiated four enjoy a. joint Purim program. The affair will be used for the Talmud new members into its group at their Purim spirit will prevail in the SunTorah. Center athletics this year as a meeting Monday evening. The new day school class rooms where many whole have been dead, of-course members include Harry Kanofsky, will exchange gifts, and the story there was the Jconnnercial and other Charlotte Gelfand, Alex Sirken and of Purim will be told. At the prov basketball leagues but the commerRueben Bird. The program was in gram, recitations, songs, humorous charge of Cari Rosenberg. Plans for sketches and dialogues will precede cial league this year was a failure and the other league would have gone next meeting include a debate on on without a great deal of outside The Ladies' auxiliary of the Shaare a timely subject to be announced the serving of refreshments. help. The only other form of athZion congregation will hold a Purim later. - -; luncheon on Tuesday, March 18, at letics worth mentioning was handone o'clock in the social hall of the ball but one does not play handball synagogue. Mrs. Barney. Baron will "ROPER'S ROW" REVIEWED in the spring and summertime, out preside at the luncheon. A skit, "The of doors. And this is springtime. AT DAUGHTERHOOD (Continued from Page 7) Baby on the Air", will be the feaIf I am wrong let me know but I do MEETING MONDAY maybe it is too early to say any- hope that this article may stir up ture of the program, with Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, Sovel Heshelow, Mrs. Miss Freda Albert reviewed thing, yet. some interest in a Center club Lou Weiner "all city and all state" league. John CT Levin, Mrs. Meyer Da'skov- "Roper's Row" by Warwick Deeping : sky, Miss Helen Herzoff and Miss at the meeting of thi Daughterhood football and basketball star, is conThe high schools will probably have Sara Weiner taking part. A hu- of Shaare Zion held Monday eve- sidered as one of the strongest canmorous Purim reading will be pres- ning in the Synagogue Social Hall. didates for a guard position on the a larger number of Jewish candidates ented by Mrs. B. H. Raskin and After the review, Little Miss Sylvia Creighton university team. Weiner for the football teams than ever beMaster Lawrence Greenspan will sing Friedman gave several readings. Re- is a husky lad, not quite as big as fore. The youngsters only in recent several popular numbers. ' : freshments concluded the meeting. his compatriots. at Nebraska, but big years have been turning out for the Mrs. M. Dizon and Mrs. M. HerzMiss Ruth Bernstein, treasurer of enough for the BJu^jay grid machine. game in ?.ny numbeiv and with the off are in charge of the luncheon ar- the group announced that the club What he lacks in size he more, than holdovers from last year and the new rangements. pins had arrived and urged the mem- makes up with his judgment of plays crop of tiny backs and big fat lineand fight.; Lou has a splendid chance men . should make a creditable showbers to set them. to make his varsity letter as. a ing. .,•..•• • '•••.. .';.• . Gerald Cohen Places sophomore and will undoubtedly do so if all goes well. Weiner has aland Sisterhood' In Oratory Contest Brotherhood Business Merits ready lettered as a member of the Formal Dinner Dance / ' I n the annual oratorical- contest Scheduled for March 31 frosh. eleven and made, his second - BowUng League numeral recently as a member of the held at Central High .school last Tentative plans for the Mount Sinai strong frosh basketball team. week Gerald Cohen, son of Mr. and Won Lost Aver. Mrs. Max Cohen, placed second. Co- Temple Brotherhood and Sisterhood Omaha Tobacco Co._. ..17 4 .810 hen, who is also a member of the dinner dance, promise, according to Baseball season. is almost here or Malashock Jewelry.*.; 11 10 .524 High school debating squqad lost the chairmen for the affair, to make perhaps we shoulld say it is here. Wardrobe ~ —11 10 .524 first place to William McClintock. it one of the season's outstanding We .would like to_ see a four team Kaiman Insurance—...~..1O 11 .476 Others who placed are Morris Lef- social functions. The dance will be league organized by the,. Community Empire Cleaners.. ~ . r 9 12 .429 kovich, Max Maron and Abe Sekt. held "at the Davidson Tea Room, Center. It is the. duty of the Center Glazer Clothings „„._ 6 15 .286 Alfred Albert and Marvin Klass are Monday evening, Match 31. . to promote and foster athletics in Only after a sensational finish also on the debating team which met the community and they, should not were the Omaha Tobacco "Champs" Sioux Falls on Wednesday and East SISTERHOOD BOOK CIRCLE flinch from doing so. With the Psi able to down the Kaiman Insurance high today. f •••••' TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY Mr- club the two A.Z.A. chapters, the Five. U. S. Oil boys and the host of other The Empire'••Cleaners bested the THREE ACT COMEDY The first meeing of the Sisterhood boys clubd now playing basketball Malashock Jewelry; •while the WardTO BE PRESENTED Book circle will take place nexVTues- there is not a reason for the lack of robes won a pair from the Glazer BY DRAMATIC CLUB day evening, at the home of Mrs. A. such a league. The games could be Clothiers. M. Davis,' on Summit street. Cur- played either ;' Sunday morning or i Leo Weitz topped the pin bnsteis Parts have been cast for a rollick- rent books of interest will be dis- Sunday afternoon. From what we •with a 602 total, and a pair of two ing three act comedy "Adventui-es of cussed by the members under the have seen and heard from the boys hundred games. Mickey Krupp was Grandpa", which will be presented by leadership of Mis3 Clara Goldberg. around the Center they want a base- neSt with a 580.. the Community Center Dramatic Club. ball league and here is an opportuniHigh single games as follows: The story taking a young man ty for the Center to get such a pro- Weitz 225, M. Meyerson 225, Krupp Newcomers through a series of amusing and exject under way. 222, A. Venger 210, Fleisher 200. citing escapades in trying to get his Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alfont, forallowance increased, will be present- merly of Albany, New York, have ed by the following: Alfred Albert, moved to Sioux City where they will Isadore Mirowitz, Morris Merlin, Bill make their home. Mr. Alfont has Slotsky, Eva Maron, Rose Berman, taken over the management of the Bessie Kanterovich, Sara Baird and Miller Wohl company. Mr. and Mrs. E. Baron and daughCharlotte Kanterovich. The tentative date for the production ha? been set ter Mildred, of Chicago, have come for Sunday evening, April 27. Miss to make their home here. Miss BarFlorence Coates is directing the play. on, who has studied at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, has affiliated herself with the Davidson Bros. Co. Mrs. Enchel Barish Chairman Will appreciate your of Sisterhood Card Party as artist for the concern. support for .'; Mrs. Enchel Barish is the chair Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friedman left man of the Sisterhood card party on Thursday for an extended trip to Tuesday afternoon, March 25. The party will be one of the larger New York, which will also include social affairs of the month. It will be stops at Washington, D. C, Baltiheld in the social hall of the Temple more, and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Friedman plan to return in five weeks. MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE ; at the Primary, March 18, A Purim Sermon will be the feaMrs. Joe Levy of Kansas City left ture of the services at Mount Sinai after a visit at the home of her and at the election, Temple this evening, the subject be- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and March 31 ing "Providence and Israel". Several Mrs. Lou Agranoff. children of the Sunday School will participate also giving the story of Members of the Question Club held Purim. After the service candy will a Stag dinner and Smoker in the be distributed to all the children at- West Hotel on Tuesday evening. tending. Twenty members were in attendance.






A large representative crowd at- St. Louis, Mo. They will make their, tended the annual Senior Hadassah home in Lincoln, Nebr. Purim bazaar Wednesday at the Jew-j ; ish Community Center. - The affairI ••: Mr. ; and Mrs. H. Marx of Lincoln was opened at 11 o'clock Wednesday m °tored to Omaha for the week-end, noon with the serving of luncheon, The Junior and Senior Hadassah continuing throughout the day, with a cafeteria supper and program in the organization conducted a benefit evening. i bridge at the Iindell Hotel Sunday A variety, of booths -with linen ware, ^ h * - Th e affair was sponsored by grocery baskets, china ware, and M ^ - Harry Goldberg and Miss Ella other novelties attracted the crowds Cohen, presidents of Senior and during the day. The Junior Hadas- J u n i o r Hadassah. Mildred Nefsky sah members presided over a fudge n a n g t w o selections and Janette Kohn booth. Baked Purim goodies occupied offered two piano numbers. Prizes the attention of another booth. Dona- f o i ' high score were .warded at each tions were made the Senior Hadassah °* *^e twenty-five tables. The comby many of the leading wholesale nrittee in charge consisted of Miss houses, fruit companies and groceries. B e s s Cohen, Mrs. Ernie Reuben, Miss Mr. A. L. Galinsky and Mrs. J. H. J j * * Evnen »..-Miss Fern Osherow, Levin were general chairmen of the « r s < ; T J # M e s s e r > M r s - s - z elen, baz3ar wlth G r o s s i n a n Mrs M K ' ^ f o l l o w i n g committee c o f f ar^ n d M r s J> heads: Mrs. Louis Agranoff, dona- i ' " Chesen. tions; Mrs. Jack Robinson and Mrs. of Sioux City, I A. Rosenfeld, novelty booths; Mrs. M. a ^: Lazriowich and Mrs. J; N. Krueger, Mr bakery booth; Mrs. Sam Mosow and * a n d Mrs. E. Sherman Mrs. E. Rubenstein, lunch and dinner arrangements; Mrs. M. Goldblatt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darling of Los! ironing board cover booth; Mrs. B. Calif., visited at the Sherman and Mrs. S. Shulkin, apron ^ ' 8 j ^ ° ' M r s M R Cohen( g28 booth; Mrs. Barney Baron in charge g 0 27th Nebr of tire dining room, and Mrs. E. N.I ' Uncolnj n charge of the publicity. I T h e C o n g r e g a t i o n Tifereth Israel funds raised ^ t u r n e d into ' a r e p l a n n i n g a p , , ^ ^ ^ ^ f o r o n e the general treasury, of the Hadassah h u n d r e d Sunday, March 16. te for their work in Palestine. Mrs. I William Lazere is president of the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill are spendlocal group. ing a few weeks in the East. They are planning to make stops at Washington, Boston, Niagara, Philadelphia and New1 York.


Members of the Junior Hadassah organization., will meet «ext Wednesr day evning, March 10, at the Jewish Community Center. Announcement concerning the Junior Hadassah convention to be held in Kansas City in May will be made and, a report of the month's activities will be made. Tentative, plans for an outside speak-

Superintendent of Public Safety



MILTON PERRY SMITH Candidate for Re-election

Commissioner of Parks and Water Works AN EXPERIENCED MAN


Commissioner of Finance and Accountant

Chicago. — Several hundred Jews paid homage here yesterday t a . the'. Lubovitcher Rebbe, RabW Joseph] Isaac Schneuersohn, at a banquet and reception, in the community hall of Congregation Anshe Chesed. Two thousand dollars in cash was received following an appeal. M. Sevin headed | the banquet committee. I



2501 Farnam—AT. 5524

Standard Shoe Repair Co. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor

"NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481


37Ui and MarOin Sts. HArncy WS8 OMAHA. ISKBRASKA Soft gray, iron, brass.' bronze and

nliuninum cnstings.

Standard sizes

iironze and !rou bushings, sewer mannolefe; - cistern rings atid covers and (•lean-out doors In stock. All kinds of wood and metnl patterns.

Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha"


Peerless Cleaners 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The Houao With A Rcputatloa


THE SANITARY LAUNDRY •The Host of AU Laundry SerricW


SCOn-ONAHA TENT AND AWNING CO. Awninrs, Canvas Cover*. Tents, Cnmp Supplies. All Kindt IS and Howard AT. 14M


times a day we are in yoor neighborhood

Jtinchey foundry Cfr ——City «"lcle belivery——

AT. 4750

MA, 4750

Tune in KO1L every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program


Superintendent of Public Safety VOTE FOR




Honor Lubovitcher Rebbe

"Everything for the Auto"

•. i

Harry a. Lmpidus. President-Xreasuro


We Occupy Over 70.000 Square Feet

Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.


STREETS and PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS A man who stands on his past record of Elfficiency and Economy Primaries March 18


SPRAGOE JOB FOUNDRY and MACHINE WORK REINFORCING STEEL Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA

W. D. HAYES Independent Candidate (or Mayor of Sioux City An outstanding record of 12 years service as City Health Commissioner He Will Do Well As Your Mayor ' G I V E HIM YOUR VOTE Primaries March 18

Election March 31


Pnone ATL AN Tf ^ 0 6 ^ 9

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