Interesting and Entertaining
In the \j Interests of VThe Jewish Community
JSnterea as second-class mail matter on Jammy 27, 1821, at"
poBtomce at Omata, Nebraska, under the Act ot March 3, TStii.
j > . "
Harry H. Lapidns, chairman of the Gtizens' Committee of the Jewish Communal Survey, has called a meeting of the Committee for Monday evening, »t the J. C C at 8:15. At this meeting the Executive Committee will present the results of their deliberations and wiQ ask the group to take definite action on their report. Fifty-three delegates of fifteen organizations have been interviewed by the Executive Committee. The vote by the representatives of the various organizations will be the final decision on the recommendations made by Dr. S. A. Goldsmith of New York at the conclusion of the research held here recently under bis direction by the New York * Bureau of Social Research.
VIIL—No. 11
Local Chapter of Aleph Zadik Aleph to Observe A..Z. A. Sabbath Tonight
The eighteenth birthday of Hadas-! Rosenstein. This was followed by sah, the women's Zionist organiza- bridge. \ _ ^ tion of America, was appropriately All of the speakers lauded the Bernard Szold, director of the "Past Presidents' Night" to Be celebrated by the Omaha chapter wonderful work achieved by HadasOmaha Community Playhouse, "will Held at Community with a luncheon and bridge held at sah, which they stated was "second appear before the Omaha Council of Center the Jewish Community Center to none in service". Tribute was Wednesday afternoon. Over 200 wom- especially paid to the service render- Jewish Women at the March meetA novelty in the form of a "Past en were present at the beautifully- ed by the Hadassah in preventing ing, Monday, March 31,- at 2:30 p. Presidents' Night" will feature the appointed luncheon, with a delega- and alleviating disease in • Palestine. m. at the "Jewish Community Center. next open meeting of the local lodge tion of forty-six from Council Bluffs. • Sam Beber spoke on behalf of the of the B'nai B'rith, to be held at the This was the final "big" Hadassah Wise Memorial hospital. Two Omaha chapters of £he Order is an international boys' fraternity Jewish Community Center Thursday affair of the season. of Aleph Zadik Aleph will join in a sponsored by the Independent Order The large birthday cake with,, its evening, April 3, at 8:30 p. m. local celebration of International A. of the B'nai B'rith which is commonOne of remarkable features of nineteen candles—one being) added "All of the past presidents of the the event was the large number of Z.-A. Sabbath at the Friday evening ly known as the largest fraternal Omaha, lodge will be present that new members who were present. for .the coming -year—attracted conservices at the Conservative Syna- order in the world. The A. Z. Ai night, and the public has been in- This was accomplished by also mak- siderable attention. gogue, March 28. The entire service was first conceived of by Sam Beber, Mrs. B. A. Simon> general ehaiiv. vited to attend. Refreshments will ing the - affair, a "Bring a member will be under the direction of the a local attorn*}, who to this day man, was assisted by the following: be served. members-of the chapters. [serves as the president of the suluncheon". Mrs. Max' ;Fromkin, program -comHarry Trustin, past commander of A " special opening1 and closing preme advisory council of that order. Mrs. Max Fromkin was chairman mittee,* Mesdames Abe Greenspan, the Omaha American Legion, will de- of the program. Those taking part prayer for the occasion will be ren- The international offices of the fraliver the main speech, representing in the program included Rabbi Abra- Abe Silverman, and Mose Yousem, dered by Saul Craetz of Omaha ternity are located in Omaha. reservations; Mrs. M. F. Levenson, the former heads of the order. chapter'No. 1 and Arthur Kazlowskyi Regular services of the Conservaham Bengis, Mesdaroes Joseph Ros- publicity, and a committee consisting The feature of the evening will enberg, president of the Omaha of Sam Beber chapter No. 100. The tive Synagogue will be held Saturbe the presentation by William L.. chapter, and Herman Marowitz, and of Mesdames Max Lerner, Julius services will be conducted by Frank day morning, starting at 9 o'clock. Holzman, president of the Jewish the Misses Rose Brandeis. and Grace Stein, O. C. GoldnezvJ. H. KulakofR. Ackerman, Sam Beber chapter sky, Abner Kaiman, Max Goldberg, Community Center, of a movie of No. 100, who holds the distinction of Abe- Somberg, Ernest Meyers, Jack his recent trip through' the Panama having served as Aleph Godol (presAlberts, Sam Cohen, and Meyer-FrieCanal. This movie presents many ident) of his chapter for three terms. interesting- views and entertaining Ackerman at- present occupies the scenes. Mrs. Albert iKrasne, treasurer of position of Grand * Aleph Shotare the newly-organized chapter of HaAbner Kaiman, whose comments Godol of the entire order. dassah- in Council Bluffs,- was • in on current Jewish events at past The sermon will be delivered by open meetings have been so enthusij charge of their reservations. Mrs. Prizes Will Be Awarded at Sam Fregger, present Aleph Godol Quota for State of Nebraska Is • Mrv Bernard Szold astically received, will again deliver , „ •••-•••• 'Herman Marowitz i s president of the Each of the Many Set at Seven Thousand of Omaha chapter No. 1. He has his spicy remarks on the happenings London. (J.T.A.) A plea not to a , ^ BluSs chapter. At this time Mr. S=old. will read Tables chosen for his subject "The Modern Dollars of the day. allow grief to waste the opportunity, _.. i r. ^. u "Jew Suss" by Ashley Dukes. "Jew Youth." Fregger was a member of for carrying on the work that Lord I Plans are complete for the Benefit Milton Abrahams, president of the ' Similar celebrations were held Suss' is the dramatization . of the Dr. Maurice Margolin was electerl Bridge Party to be sponsored by the j **** International championship dehad so much at heart was throughout the country by the var- novel "Power' by Feutehwanger. Omaha lodge of the B'nai-B'rith, will Balfour made at the meeting of the Zionists « u s chapters of the organizataon. local chapter of the Junior Hadas-\ bating team in 1928. Rabbi Abraham president of the National Fund Counpreside. Mr. Szold attended Northwestern Actions Committee by Mrs. Blanche sah Tuesday evening, April 1, at Bengis and Sam Beber, president of cil of Omaha at the meeting of the University* and Carnegie Institute Dugdale, a niece of Lord Balfour; the Jewish Community Center. The the Conservative Synagogue, will de- group last Thursday. Other heads of Technology where he specialized Communists Will elected are: Mrs. Abe Siverman, viceliver short addresses. Young Poale Zion Coming from Lord Balfour's death in dramatics. He also toured Europe bridge is being arranged by the president; Dr. O. C. Belzer, secreAs special guests for the occasion bed, Mrs. Dugdale said she "came board of the group. Increase Crusade in the interest of art and drama. . . Secretary to Speak because I know that everybody in the congregation will have Cantor tary, and Joseph Rosenberg, treas: The committee in charge consists For several years Mr. Szold-.was of •- Maurice M. Cohen,, national gen- this, room feels with us on this day. Moscow....("J.T.JL) The anti-Soviet TJla,; Alberts and Rose Fine, tick- A. PlisTrin and the Shaare Zion* choir urer. : Mrs. Abe Silverman is chairm&r eral secretary of the Young Poale "His feeling -with and for the Jew- crusade abroad will OnlyL strengthen an the- road with professional" com- ets; Anne Freeman, refreshments; from Sioux City. of a committee on committees, and Zion, "will speak .at a youth mass ish people was based on a very the anti-religious movement in Rus- panies, then seven- years ago. he, be- Rose Lazarus, publicity; Grace RosUshers will include Ralph Gross, meeting at the Jewish Community strong faith which was his con- -sia, the official Communist "Prav- came director of' the Little :'T3ieater enstein, tables; Mary Claire Franklin Russel Blumenthal, Milton Altschul- Mrs. M. F. Levenson is chairman of Center Thursday, April 3, ? t S?3Q* fidence in ,tbje JTewish people. He felt ^a" assures the enemies of the So- in -Birmingham^ Alabama, and Bess Spar, phone squad; Sarah «"» Arthur Grossman, Harry Levin- > the constitution committee. The Nebraska budget for the NRabsolutely certain that your cause viet, • in commenting -o"n ^the "Jewish remained'-for "five years. He Xurtzman; jspsters; Tdbie Steinberg, sen, and Harry Colkfc A banquet in honor of the guest would succeed because he believed demonstrations in New York, War- responsible for the -development of arrangements; Grace Rosenstein, Ida Following the services refresh- i tional Fond was set at seven thouwill be sponsored by the local.Young in you, and the people behind you saw and Jerusalem. the Children's Theatre in Birming- Platt, and Ann Greenbergy donations ments will be served by the local! sa nd dollars at the first meetirig Poale Zion club Friday evening will be all united. Th'ank you- a the newly-elected regional boam, .The Warsaw and Jerusalem rab- ham. .chapter, of the Junior Hadassah. a n d p r i z e s . • ••- 1 April 4, at the home of Rose Kilr thousand times, both for myself and j b i s ' t h e "Pravda" says, proclaimed held at St. Louis Sunday. •A year and a half-age Mr. Szold The affair will be for both men 'The order of Aleph Zadik Aleph berg. a fast M. N. Fisher, regional director for came to Omaha, and-since-that time his family, for the ^vay in which I "because the Jewish manuand women, with prizes given at Every youth organization in the district, will be here April 27, at. he has been director o£: the Com- each table. -Tickets at fifty cents ycturers, Joznansky and Sheibler, city is entitled to send two of their you have spoken;-of Mmi" which time definite plans will be formunity Playhouse here. -Mr. .Szold each are on sale by all the members on military The morning session of the com-1 ;r a"n"tVto ^ fget " - «rich ™ uu «um»r* orders executive members to the banquet mulated for raising the Nebraska but *«»e Jewish workers who as un- is" taking the lead this week in the i of the organization. as guests of the Young Poale Zions. mlttee which had" been interrupted | employed quota. fast several days each Community Playhouse production At a boards meeting held Sunday by the arrival of Mrs. Dugdale was Invitations are being sent out. Plans arc under way by which « - : afternoon reports -from each comcontinued with a debate on the Pal- week anyhow will understand that •"The Hairy Ape." National Fund council similar to tht?. the only remedy against their starThe regular Board meeting of the mittee head was given, with indicaestine Emergency Fund. A resolu- vation is to energetically help the one existing in Omaha will be estabCouncil -will precede the general tions pointing toward a. very suction on the Fund and a policy of Soviet." lished in each city. meeting. cessful affair. reconstruction was then adopted.
Citizens' Committee to Vote on Recommendations
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Members of Boys' Organization Will Conduct Entire Services of Conservative Synagogue
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In New York City, on the night of May 10, the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, the largest and oldest Jewish college fraternity will present the Gottheil Medal to the American who has done the most for Jewry and Judaism during the year 1929. The Gottheil Medal was first awarded in 1925 by Z-B-T to Dr. Stephen Wise of New York. In 1926 it was received by David Brown of Detroit and New York. In 1927 Aaron Sha,piro was the recipient and in 1928 Julius Rosenwald of Chicago received the fourth medaL ; Although Zeta Beta Tau presents the medal, it leaves the selection of the annual awardee to -a. committee of editors of Anglo-Jewish newspapers and magazines. This commitee includes: David N. Mosesohn, Jewish Tribune, New York; Isaac Landman, American Hebrew, New York; Jacob Landau, Jewish Telegraphic Agency and Jewish Daily Bulletin, New York; C. H. Joseph, special -«vriter, Pittsburgh; Joseph Cummings, Bnai Brith Messenger, Los Angeles; Aaron M. Neustadt, Ohio Jewish Chronicle, Columbus, Ohio; Howard M. Wertheimer, The Jewish Review and Observer, Cleveland; Alexander Brin, Jewish Advocate, Boston; J. Fishman, Jewish Morning Journal, New York; Rabbi Gerson B.Levi, TheTemple, Chicago; Felix N. Gerson, The Jewish Exponent, Philadelphia; S. M. Molamed, The Reflex, Chicago; The Jewish Press, Omaha, Nebr.,; Eugene Block, Jewish Journal, San Francisco; Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, American Israelite, Cincinnati, and the Jewish Transcript, Seattle, Wash. The ballot for 1929 is now being taken and the name of the awardee -will be announced within two weeks. The Gottheil Medal was established in honor of Professor "Richard J . H . Gottheil, an outstanding leader in Jewish, American and international affairs.
The collections for the Palestine I Emergency Fund and the late start of the Keren Hayesod campaigns had somewhat hampered the Keren Hayesod work, declared Dr. Arthur Hantke, a member of the Keren Hayesod's board of directors, in giv-. ing a report of the work. He pointed out that the United States had so far failed to. make its usual, contribution but he hoped to obtain the American share of the budget in the concluding months.
World Jewry Still Mourns For Balfour
Jew and Non-Jew Should Meet in Field of Service"
New York.—(J. T. A.)—A Jew from Palestine discovered America some three thousand years ago and became here a sort of deified prophet of all the barbarous Indian tribes that then inhabited the American hemisphere. This claim is made in an article in last Sunday's "World" by A. Hyatt Verill. Mr. Verill bases his claim upon three points. First he says that the stories and legends of all the Indian tribes tell of a man from BORGLUM PLAYS SELECTIONS the East who came to America about three thousand years ago. In the came tools of the state instead of ism exists—as long as any faith second place the facial features of the guiding spirit," he emphatically thinks they have the one and only this "prophet", as represented in tales, are declared. "Here is a program in true religion and must force that on Indian statuary and Indian 1 ail Semitic, posse&sing as he did a which we ought to meet—in a pro- others—the Jew and Christian will gram of instruction for youth and never meet," he maintained. "And as thick, flowing beard, a strongly aluxurious mustaches adult so that peace will become a long as people believe in the superi- quiline nose, v • ii. 4. x ii V i .L and wavy y hair that fell below the thought habit." ority of one race over another, an ; *u. ^ _ j „!„„„ T..^..; Crime, rampant paganism, poverty, insurmountable wall obstructs the ears. In the third place, Indian legends appear to show that this and -unequal distribution of wealth path of unity." were pointed out by Rabbi Silver as In this connection the speaker took man, who was regarded by the Inissues which today ought to be met, our immigration. laws to task be- dians as "kindly, benign and philoprograms on which Jew and Gentile cause they favor the >T rdics. He sophical", taught them something of should get together. claimed that immigrants should be Hebraic religion, art and industry. man from the East, accordadmitted on the strength of their s This Rabbi Silver stated that if by to Mr Verill xas deified by the meeting was meant one religion physical and mental fitness and not I1 f merging into the other, he was of on the mythical basis of superiority Incas as Wira Kocha, the Bearded the opinion that they would never of race. He cleverly built up his One; to the Mayans he was Kukulthe lawgiver and divinity from oeet, and that even if this were premise that no race is pure and can, land of -he sunrise, and "to the that it is absurd to think that the Aztecs in Mexico he WE- Quetzalpossible, it would be undesirable. "Just as the Christian religion is Nordic is better than the member not a dead i-eligion, so is not Juda- of an Asiatic or Mediterranean race, coatl.'tbe all powerful Plumed SerThe superiority of any race is not pent. ism. True, we lose a few by conversion, a few by intermarriage, but because its members come from betpersecution seems to have the very ter stock, but because of political M. Minkin Leading opposite effect from that intended in and economic conditions,_ he argued. in Chess Tourney that it strengthens the Jew and Prior to the lecture Miss Jean gives him more resistance. The Jew- Borglum, talented local pianist, presM. Minklin and J. Zweibach are ish religion will never die because ented three selections from Chopin, holding down first and second place there is an element of the eternal which were -well-received by an ap- in the round robin chess tournament in it," preciative audience. being held under the auspices of the In giving what he believed to be William L. Holzman, president of Checker and Chess club at the Jewthe factors keeping the Jew and the Jewish Community Center, pres- ish Community Center. non-Jew from meeting, the speaker ided and introduced Rabbi Silver. The organization holds informal named Imperialism, not political but Herman Auerbach, chairman of the: meetings every Monday evening at religious and racial imperialism. Community Forum, introduced Mr. the Recreation Room of the Center. Visitors are cordially invited.' Holzman. . •"As long as Eelijgioui Imperial-
Rabbi Silver Tells Appreciative Audience That Jew and Christian Should Work Out Common Problems Together MISS JEAN
"Jew and Christian will meet," declared Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver in his lecture Monday evening at the New" York.—Messages and expres- J. C. C, "when they realize that sions of sorrow 'at' the- passing of ^ ^ source is one^—God, their task task B 0 U r c e i s o n e G o d , their Lord Balfour continue to pour : in b n e _ t o e s t a b l i s h the kingdom of from- all -parts" off "the world,, world and nd G o d everywhere Jews are holding memor-- a n d b e a u t yb r ii nn tgo mt hoer e w jours lt idcb6 yj Eb go ht ht j ial meetings for the author of what a p p ] y i n g themselves to common prohas come to be known as "The Jewish , b l e m s . Only in the fraternity of Magna Charta." |i common common hum human endeavor can we Tribute is being given everywhere really meet." for the wonderful work Lord Balfour i The auditorium was packed to had done in behalf of Zionism and overflowing, and the lecture by the Palestine. His death is 'indeed "a , famous Cleveland scholar, sponsored misfortune for the Jewish people." by the Community Forum under the . His sudden death at the age of 81 auspices of the Jewish Community came as a shock to the world and the Center and the Council of Jewish Jewish masses have especialJy been Women, -was one of the most impressive ever delivered from an completely, dazed. Extra large memorial meetings Omaha roster. "Jew and Christian will not meet were held inv Jerusalem, London, through good-will banquets," Rabbi Vienna, and Warsaw. ' Silver opinionated, "where bouquets Besides being the father of the Balfour Declaration, which recog- are thrown at minister and rabbi. nized the Tight of the Jews to a There has been too much of verbal National Homeland in Palestine, Lord mutual adulation." The speaker said that every time Balfour dedicated the Hebrew University and has upon all occasions the two thought out a problem together around, a conference table, championed Jewish causes. a forward step had been. taken. In illustrating upon what problems Jew More Synagogues Closed and Christian could meet, he laid Moscow."—Seventeen r -more. syna- most emphasis on a common progogues were closed this week in Ukr gram, of unity and peace. rainian cities, including Bolotzerkov, "During the war both church and Balta, Heifiin find Clevski synagogue lost their vision and he-
Claim Made in Article Sunday in the New York "World"
15,000 JEWS LEFT EASTERN EUROPE DURING YEAR 1929 New York. — The Twenty-Firfit. Annual Meeting- of the Hebrew Sheltering1 and Immigrant Aid Society of America, known as Hip-*, with headquarters at 425 Lafayefct* street, New York, was held Sunday afternoon, at the Hotel Astor. Ther* were present more than 700 delegate* of various organizations in addition to individual members. Mr. Abraham Herman, the president, presented iht annual report of the activities of society and other reports were mate by Mr. Harry Fischel, treasurer, Rn.-l Mr. Albert Rosenblatt, chairman <*Z the Committee on Organization. The president in his report some of the outstanding figures t>i
t. h ,
& - . , ,. ... J* TT ., e Society's activities. TIn ttie Unite.-.. States 154,442 individuals called P". the Hias ofFces for various advir* and information. 49,007 letters wer*. received and replied to. 65,908 were served to immigrants, trs.trsients and unployed men, women «.TKJ children, and 11,347 nights of shelter were given. The Society maintains- « free Shelter Department in tion with which is a free Employment Bureau which found work for i ' 0 4 6 applicants during the year. In the Citizenship which assists aliens in becoming citizens, 9,608 applicants were givrrir necessary advice and help to preps.7* their applications. S,494 records of arrivals were verified from the Kias files, these records being1 necessntT in obtaining first or second papers, The Society maintains bureaus J»« Ellis Island and Washington an1 haf branches in Boston, Balti.;norGs Philadelphia. Chicago, Seattle JUK'I Sen Francisco. In the new immigration centers offices are maintained in Argentina, Brazil, "Uruguay, Cuba, South Afrk(j and Australia, •• . - ——~
/ / •
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 T;her bridge club. The eyenfaig's;. divert Aleph (Junior B'nai -B'lgth). w^J* inl
Lord Arthur James Balfour, COUNCIL BLUFFS PRESS NEWS '. ::,/: B RR.K. i I);.;Protagonist of Jewish Ideals
'r-icn was bridge. '
Father of Balfour Declaration Will Long Be Venerated, in the Memory o f the Jewish People as Staunch Supporter By JACOB D E HAAS
City Election to be Held Next" Monday, March 31. The regular city election will be held next Monlay, March 31," in Council Bluffs. There has' been a big-interest in th'; campaign and a lurge vote is expected to be cast at the election. Every voter is urged to do hir or her share and be sure to vote. in Anyone desiring information regard to voting places or is in need of transportation to the voting polls is asked to call the Republican Headquarters at the Chieftain Hotel/ The phone number is" 2718. There are two Jewish" candidates in the race for Alderman-at-large. They are Joseph B. Kat^lman and George S. Steinberg, both republican nominees for alderman - at - large. Two alderman-at-large will be elected.
Wins Extempo Contest. Marian Katelman and • -Maurice Pepper, seniors at the Abraham Lincoln High School, won in the semifinals of the Extemporaneus Speaking Contest which was held at the ' Abraham Lincoln High School Wednesday afternoon. They will compete in the finals next Wednesday.
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* •>• stall chapter*' of -the o'rd«r -irf Edmojiton, Alta., and Regina, S a s k £ \ Mr. and Mrs. Sen I . Seldin had as Canada. '. „ / ^ their guest last ^veek^enc Mr. Nathan Yenhoff of Chicago, 111. ' * " '} The Regina* chapter consisting of twenty-one charter members is to Mrs. Dave Kubby entertained the be installed hy Mr. Marvin Aarons, members of the B. B. G. Club at her prominent B'nai B'rith leader, residing in Regina. The Edmonton chaphome Wednesday evening. ter consisting of nineteen members is to be installed by Aleph John Schuler .of Calgary chapter No. 31, Calgary, Alta., Canada. The Regina is the 120th and Edmonton the 121stT chapter. Last month chapters were installed On Sunday, March SO, representatives of the Supreme Advisory Coun- in San Diego, Calif., and Haverhill, cil of the Order of Aleph Zadik Mass.
Personals. prevail. His session in Paris at Mrs. Philip Friedman, who was which Justice Brandeis reported how seriously injured when she was run the British Military authorities in POMTICAl. ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAI, A»VKKTISEMENT8 over by an automobile several weeks Palestinenas side-tracked Balfour's ago and taken to the Mercy Hospital, own declaration and how their conis expected to return to her home cept of government and development today. She is greatly improved. was entirely unrelated to the decision of the British Cabinet called for Mrs. Anna Saltzman, who has resolution and decision. .spent the winter in Sioux City, la., In his. own cool, unruffled manner where she visited; her son, A. P. Republican Candidate for he asked Professor. Frankfurter, to Saltzman, and Mrs. Saltzman, has write out what he thought; he, as returned horns. Secretary.. of Foreign. Affairs, should communicate to the War Office for The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 consumption in Palestine. And it B'nai Brith fo Hold Open Meeting of the A. Z. A. held a meeting I April 9. was this drastic statement which Thursday evening, March 27, at the f The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 home of Yale Meyerson. An initial j ARTHUR JAHES 6AIKU*. directed attention to the fact that fore Zionism became an issue was * h e Zionist policy was "a thing set- of the Independent Order of the tion of new members was held. i the father of Winston ChtirchilU j tied" that brought General Money B'nai Brith plan to hold an open The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal' Balfpur understood therefore .the^ from his.perch in. Government House, meeting and bridge party at the position of * minority. The Pal- 1 pn Scopus and led to the dismissal Danish Hall on Wednesday evening, mud Torah have postponed their Manager of the merston, Aberdeen; ^Russell,. Salis-} 9% . Mr. Gabriel and sent quite a April 9. Mr. O. Hochman is chair- next meeting, which was scheduled rou of t h e bury ^ attitude, towards Eastern.„ pbli-•'. « P British officials in Pal- man of the entertainment committee for next Wednesday afternoon, until tics, while it fluctuated as all Brit- estin« looking elsewhere for posi- and \ in charge of this affair. Ar- Pesach. The definite date will be 103 Pearl Street "ishpoUciea do, inherently regarded t10*18- H e understood what Justice rangements are now.being made to announced later in the Jewish Press, the Turk as a makeshift in Pales-', Brandeis claimed at the time "that have an interesting and entertaining Mrs. Sam Gross, accompanied by tine, andthe: Arabs, few or manyy! th " J e w s wanted, the right of way program which will be followed by her daughter, Mrs. Max Shostak, are 1 6 iven ' as n natives -ina the ssrise that right bridge. in Rochester, Minn., this week. i that lt h e ^ i n - lf i ^ r ^ e s ^ " . ^ S of i th wuld do th j b dians of British India were natives— way they would do the job. Leo Nogg Wins Extempo Contest Miss Ruth Bernstein, student at whoUjr a subject group, a negligible! It is that attitude which is mani- at • Thomas Jc fferaou High School. ELECTION—MONDAY, MARCH 31 tl a Northwestern University at Chiquaiitity: The" statecraft of the per-i tested in his last public action, Leo Nogg, senior at the Thomas iod. accorded these people no rights,1 the signing with General Smuts and Jefferson High School, Avon first cago, 111., spent the part week-end here visiting her mother, Mrs. A. it admitted Jewish claims to. Pales-i other of the statement to the Britplace in the school's: extemporaneous Bernstein. government calling for an in' ' l l i f i I recall him first as a name, Ar- t i n e,, ann d it sought for g r England, g l , in speaking contest which was held last thur James Balfour, Secretary for Palestine a jumping off point to In-1 vestigation, wider and further going Mrs. Henry Maduff was honored Friday. His subject was "Is Dis•Ireland, in; ..those days of public dia r and. later to Egypt. This is than, that undertaken by the.parlia 1 armament a Myth?" He will now by a surprise party at her home storm and stress in my boyhood, written !ai-ge in/contemporary Brit-. mentary committee whose report we represent his school in the District last Monday evening by members of are all awaiting• eagerly. when the daily papers recorded al- ish history. held in Balfour,. if in this hasty summary." There are those who like John Contest which will" "be most each morning some new outADVERTISEMENT Shenandoah. He is the son of Mr. rage in Ireland. Then he was a I can set the record right, picked up Haynes Holmes see in Balfour craft, Balfour, a curious figure, now long the ; Zionist .idea, where Sir Mark trickery and a sentiment against and Mrs. M. Nogg^' ' '" forgotten, the iron hand of the Coer- Sykes in the multitude of his ori- liberalism. There are those who Large Crowd Attend Benefit Bridge cion Acts, having come out of the ental negotiations, dropped it for a like myself feel that they have some Party at Chieftain. Hotel. whimsicality of Tory Democracy into time/ in 1916". As(juitn toyed with understanding of British thought and .: The benefit bridge party, sponsora position of power and responsibil- it in 1914 and Spring Rice, Britiih willing to British i illi t consider id B r i i h po- ed by six memtie&J..d£ the Ladies pg , ity, that called for risk of his own Auxiliary f tht Talmud Torah SoDEMOCRATIC TICKET . life and showered upon him all the ambassador in Washington, discussed litics from the inwardness of British ciety, held last Thursday evening at the Asquithian idea with Mr. Brjinlife and jts accumulated traditions, bate and venom which baffled Irishin Washington in 1914. To tlie who regard Balfour as a high the Chieftain Hotel was a huge men could fling upon a reed that deis minded man , who stepped consider- success. The proceeds from this afBritish .War Cabinet' therefore !• 'swayed ever gently in the breeze, 916-17 the substance4 of the ifrla ably out of. his social order not only fair is to be Used for Talmud Torah but could not snap in the storm. was clear, the formula, and, today own people, but _purposes., j More than «one . hundred iThat Balfour of the eighties may we *. . «~ Much credit in1 every depaw^', r a i s e d. ** * have done some curious* thinking in ment- of . the Zionist ideal crossed a the formula^:js to.-the hostesses ^August 1929. I remember him bet- the problem he thing, was was the the problem. AvA that Jews e before him ventured even made this affair such a success. Tkey ter when as lobby correspondent I h here were nott only l secrett treaties timidly to step upon. ware the Mesdames H. Fried, J. -watched that long lazy-looking fig- o be considered, ;but four types v6f There were no mincing or halt- Gc sdiner, Samuel H Katelman, Ben v ".ure sprawling over the treasury Jewish-'susceptibilities Achad Ha'ata; ing steps about his Zionism. There Kubby; I. Sternhill, and H. Hadelbenches in the ,House of .Commons culture; Zionism, Chief Rabbi 'H&js, was no philosophic doubt about, his ELECTION MARCH 31st provokingly corresponding, in every orthodox Judaism, the Zionist. Ex-, belief that the world owed the Jews man: The mezzanine floor was usea .gesture and pose, to Lucy's famous ecutive, political viewsj and that vjist a measure $f justice—for this thing f<r the bridge jarty. ""Toby in Parliament" in which group of Jews who "would have op-, he wrote but in words that will' POLITICAL' ADVEllTISEMEJiT! —all "Prince Arthur" figured each we^ek any: British pronouncement, count to the future generations, saw him last in ; 'in "Punch". I based on the theory of Jewish dis- And despite, the views which "a Paris in August 1919 when by sim• Gentleman with a Duster" has popucontent in the diaspora. ple acts he was moving away the Balfour's personal part in the Iarized in this' country concerning obstacles that were already obstructphrasing of the declaration is still the men of Downing Street Balfour ing the path of the Jewish' National obscure, his act was the' all im- ha will live because he brought EngHome in Palestine. • _ -- - • • pressive, signature as Secretary $f lang to a new sense of realities with I first heard of Balfour in con- State for Foreign Affairs, but bis respect to the lews. He will live nection with Zionism- in 1899. His attitude was clear - enough. In May with the Jews into, the remote future •uncle, "Lord: Salisbury, had some- 1317 .he- -told.>':Justice--Brandeie: -in because he has made an imperishable where made a statement in.favor,of Washington, "I am a Zionist". That record-in their minds, as the man Zionism. The thing "is coming" he; decided: his will to action, his view who set his name to the document assured someone and the phrase For Mayor— Joe Katelman which enedayors at once to re.passed rapidly from lip to ; lip. ... -A The test of his earnestness was cognize Jewish rights, to restore Republican nominee for • parliamentary, campaign was i n pro- vnoti the decision of the Peace Con- Israel to Zion and to bring Zion it: .gress and Joseph Co wen suggested ference. That-perhaps to him was self within the lands of modern For City Solicitor— .that the English. Federation* carry. dramatic- routine* however eager he habitation. Few have attempted even . out a canvass. of the candidates.; may have been for.-public official rec- a time of this. His courage, as wellWill Appreciate Your Support^* Some four score, responded favorably. ognition of his. .Zionist act, by the as high, steadfastness will be his For City Auditor— ELECTION MARCH 31, 1930^ Then Balfour playing golf one .day powers. "A more important real testenduring monument in a Zion. re' directed his fellow, player ,to -discover ^of the spirit came when in 191*9 deemed. There, as Sir Christopher Born and raided in'Council the inside track of the movement he-ihfwl-to iorce the War Office to Wren said- of St. Paul's Cathedral, it For City Assessor— This aide was a friend'of the editor acknowledg*. that in Palestine, the Regular attendance a t Council rrieifth' of "Golfing", a publication in which! decision; . of : the Foreign Office, a*s may be.said in all future Palestinian ings in the last 10 yiears has giveiy%ie ' Leopold J. Greenberg "had an inter-* well as" of tHe Peace Conference mu§t generations of B a l f o u r , "Look knawledge. how. to reduce taxes. ' ; around, this is my monument." ' est. The incident' astonished us all For Citjr Treasurer— i own property and am a taxpayer ! .Mr. Gr.eenberg's". answers .were so in every, ward in'•the city. ' " satisfactory that the Zionists receiv
England mourns the death, of a number of distinct personalities all of whom lived in the frail body of Lord Balfour. The Jews mourn one man who stood apart from, all these Scotch English parliamentary figures, the Balfour of the Declaration, of the introduction to Sokolow's history of Zionism, of the opening of the Hebrew university on Mount Scopus. Justice Brandeis and a few others"' among us will mourn the Balfour of: action, and Dr." Weizmann loses a .friend who stood by him 'in "storm and stress; To .reconcile .all these diverse'1 Balfours requires' an excursion in the political life of England during 'a hectic' half a century and to overlay the bier of a man with a multitude of events. Yet' he willf live in the memory of England as Cobden. and Peel; have lived, a bigger figure than his uncle,'the' Lord Salisbury, who as Prime Minister and Secretary of Foreign affairs introduced "Prince Arthur" into public life. He will live longest in Jewish memory; for his is Balfour Day, November 2, in Palestine, for him Balfouria was named and beyond all his signature is attached to that declaration which opened a, new and unique page in Jewish history.
J. H. MAYNE City Engineer
30 Years Experience asa Municipal Engineer —Your Vote Will Be Appreciated—
E. E.SPETMAN CITY ENGINEER 25 years continuous engineering * experience*
10 years of which were as City Engineer of Council Bluffs.
in • • • • • I !•••••••••
John L. Blanchard
Vote the Republican Ticket Straight Monday, March 31st
p o i n t / ; .
'••' ' : : • • •
• ',,:.'•-'""-:•
ed A remkrklibje".offer of goyerhniem ' support,. *if V.tne' prganizor; of • the • Primrose League would . undertak • the organizatioji of Zionism in England. Just why we- refused tha 'princely offer-I know not, but we ' did. In the light of events it was : a blunder born of caution and fear. "It might have advanced Herzl's-ef'foBt a decade, it would havec clarified what' haw needs so much-ex' planation^ahA stabilizing* England's ' attitude :%owards Zionism. Whether Balfour recalled that past 'interest when he first discussed Zion' ism with Dn Weizmann in Manchesiter, only the latter could state. In ?this brief sketch I can no more than, 'indicate that the man who wrote on •the foundations of belief and doubt, -and who had a flair for philosophy rather than faith in politics, could "com© by - his interest iit a, British pro-Jewish oriental policy, along, 'lines consistent with his attitude; in state craft. He belonged to' tne, .Fourth Party, called so becsuseT-'itf !had only four jnehibers Who 'sougtit to give body to Disraeli's theories ,-of the aristocracy ' as the •: defenders of labor arid the working; classes.; ,Two others of that group declared for-Zionism,-the fourth.-who died be-;
i i
*—Candidate for—
Judge Municipal Court ELECTION MARCH 31st
c ; . . .,;.••;..•
> - r ••;
i . .: • • , .
Passover need no longer be a. restricted Holiday—confined to meat' foods, ntfw you can: have.
Made,Kosher under the personal supervision of Rabbi M. Feldman. SOLD AT ALL GROCERS
For City Engineer—
D J. H. MAYNE For Park Commissioner—
Q FRANK PETERSON Aider-At-Large— (Vote for two)
• ROBERT L. RAIN Alderman Second Ward—
a H. C. SMITH Alderman Third Ward—
. .:
n WILLIAM S RIGDON Alderman Fourth Ward—
OR, E. HUCKINS Aldei-man Fifth Ward—
Middle States Creamery Co* WEbster 3296
,'• >
I believe the Council should work in harmony with all civic organizations. I'believe that by reducing taices we can induce the industries, to locate in" Council" Bluffs,' which will give employment to Council Bluffs people.
Alderman Sixth Ward—
"." ~
ELECTIGN MA14CH 31, 1930
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 j that most Jews enter the professions,, more familiar he will find himself*Xas thrn a tall loose jointed lad and pt rience as this is his first year in I business and finance. There are bet-" within it. j plenty good in the abbreviated the big time circuits. | ter rewards. Perhaps that is the Little Joe Faber, voted as the j shorts, chalking up some nice victorNordic Flatheads cause, considering our population and inost handsome man on* the Omahs. ies for what was then Omaha high "The Nordic flathead, puerile and geographical size, for the dearth of Western league team (and he is stolid, needs the leaven of Jewish school. Leslie Burkenroad was an- jsome g-ood-looking, and how) and great American artists. America's >ld timer. Les was the artist finds more reward in dollars, thought. No Jew has the misfortune considered as the" best shortrstop JTI plasma and protons than with of giving up inaccessible mean. school basketball •learn at the time. the league is starting off the trainchisel, pen and brush. Letters here There are no Jewish Kiplings. Thank that they were consistently good j ing season at a hot pace. Joe is do not offer the prestige that they. God, the Jew is Tooted- deeply enough small but can always be depended s h t ln . C ° PP ™ g *" hon°rl"! \ ' ' i upon in the pinches. do abroad. The Jew with his usual in reality and wisdom never to be cTuV d l n g t h e Mlssourl Vallev basket -I alertness, senses the fact and adapts alle to drift into too charming and himself to achieve the greatest inspiring nonsense. That is, that at the Center during the first year j Chuck Szlotkin, A.A.U. welterkind of dangerous excursion into the weight champion, did some nice awards—in other fields." quixotic, -which possesses all the ap-of the Commercial league. catching the other day when hs The train of his thought became parencies of actuality, and yet stinks sparred around with Billy Wallace suddenly diverted. He exclaimed, with the hidden notions of impossible Elmer Greenberg's eleven trounced: when the Eastern scrapper was here By RAYMOND DANNENBAUM "Why is it that Jews make: such ar.bition. If Kipling didn't make the Bosen's eleven last week when for his bout with Eddy Anderson. "The puerile, lumbering intelligence on, "the difficulty is to ascertain waat some Jewish blood,-' was Lewis* next \ good prizefighters, and you never British Empire, he has at least pre- t h e two Jewish Nebraska university Szlotkin is a healthy youngster with of Nordic flatheads needs the leaven is a Jew, and" what he ir not. At suggestion, to divert our conversation ; hear of a Jewish aviator?" served it by giving every English-;&nxfe played on opposite sides dur- a nice punch, but can he take the of Jewish thought! best we can • take Jews as we find into the less embarrassing and less man an impossible ideal to live u p : in. • the spring traming practice tilt, other fellows offerings and come Not Muzzy-Minded sher can Greenberg's work "Thank God that Jews do\not be- them, but I've a sneaking notion debatable-realm of the past. "AU in G b ' k was as pleasing li back for more. If Chuck aspires •to to—one which the Britisher lieve that suffering, disease, Wretch- that every man who stands out in j all, I'm afraid I'm pretty pro-Jewish. This outburst over, he resumed: never approximate, but which his ** w a s expected and the veteran is be a professional boxer it would do "The Jew's has been an influence dd o d e d edness and evil are manV^heaven- this world of ours has a fair measure "Jews have done wonders for the flatheadedness will never let him 1 P to h have another great year, him well to absorb all the boxing sentlot:' That's -why I go to Jewish of Jewish blood. - ' ~ book: world in publishing. I believe nofa s fundamental sophistication. He forego!" ; . j *" " * knowledge that he can acquire.. It that Alirea Alfred JiJiopi Knonf originated nri«rinsted tne the contributed a sense of -^ values— tnat doctors and''dentists! ' ' Speaking of oft-quoted Jewish j Jack Koso-wsky lettered again as is much more sensible to be a clever Rabbis Most lntpimrent intelligent ! *^EJieVteiture of our.-national life self-consciousness Lewis asserted a member of the Cornhusker mat' boxer and still pack a wallop then EabtS i e S S S S l i g e n t > vo«» of good looking books in this; has has" be6n"Tichened, colored and made of our clerev-: 1 don't-know much country. Huebschr did his share, too, ih a s with the wave7 of an arm: "I never team, the dixmsntive. Husker showed to trade blows merely with the hops ^ and "beautiful by aDout about the u i t s but 'i v e a Uttle"' particularly a r t i l a r l has hasthe the Jewish Jewish publisher, publisher P the success of the Jew in fin- ' ew a Jew who wasn't a 1 i v e. worlds of stuff during the past seas- j of landing a knock out punch. tne S Jesuits, Dut 'iVe of value in bringing well edited a i l C e l s explained by the fact that Self-consciousness is part of alive- on,' winning a large number of his "knowledge of the Protestants. Not ] he is never muzzy-minded. Lucky ness. Where I was raised, the dull matches by falls and was one of! Smtlair.' Lewis .paces restlessly, only are your rabbis better grounded translations to American readers. : fellow not to have to- reconcile irre- mid-western American peasants never j the mainstays of the Scarlet and ' ' ' i t s ' on'the bed. • Then an in theology, in comparative / religion "In Central Europe the- Jew is FOR concilable theological premises with excursion across' the: hotelroom floor. and in religious .studies in general, paramount in letters. Schnitzler, the realized life. 'Eats were eats» Days Cream team. daily existence! . in a chair; he believes bu^ they have a" superior knowledge Zweigs, Wasserman, Ludwig/Feuchtwere . days. Love was . . . They • some, stirring, things about Judaism. of Christianity as. compared with the wanger and hosts of others are mak- "No, I can't understand the nec-were dolts. Unconscious bundles, For no reason at all: have you He.icpntinaes discussion ;of Jewish usual Protestant pastor.. But, in- ing the-major contribution to modern essity of Zionism. I've given it a rolling in habit. Thank God, Jews'noticed where two Jewish boys seem deal, of thought, too. Zionism seems a r e s e l f - c o n s c i o u s . characteristics: .• I t ' s a good - - • •to • • • -be making • -. .big . good . in. .the cidentally, if the Jew has suffered continental literature. ' . - . . . - . ; a vulgarization of the fundamental sign." leagues. Jonah Goldman, one time from Christianity, it's his own fault. Back to U. S. AM Einstein-Anecdote idealism of the Jewish race. The star Syracuse varsity football star Great 'anerican Novel CALL Becrossing the Atlantic, Sinclair vorld needs the Jew too much. .' "You know," he goes on, "there He deserves to. Christianity is his In conclusion Sinclair Lewis re-jls slated for a regular berth on the child. He ought +o be punished for Lewis spoke of ;Luthrig\ Xewisohh, Without his urbanity American! life [ is a famous story of the interview marked that in all likelihood a. great • Cleveland nine while Henry Greenof a British journalist with Einstein, fathering it." The argument seemed whom he conriderev pur •' best living would jell. Yes, the Jew must be- American novel would soon be writ-, berg, giant youngster from Brookirrefutable. After all, Sinclair Lewis critics, and potentially a great novel- come assimilated. The more he just after the close of the World 203 So. 19—JA. 120S te: with a Jewish background. T h e ' l y n is strutting his stuff in fine is the father of Babbitt, our greatest ist. "America is the new Rome, .War. At the time antagonism was changes the American scene t o suit -Evenings WAlnut 5077contrast of rich and poor relations, fashion. Greenberg will probably still strong, but such was the mag-American legend, and his "Elmer Europe the modern Greece.. The bin sense of the richness of life, the —bankers—intermarriage—the young j be farmed out for a bit more exGantry" threw enough consternation . nitude of Einstein's work that the into the ranks of our American triumph of Borne over Greece is-inJewish, intelligentsia—Palestine—the . whole -world, and particularly Eng- pastorate to make his name a fear- evidable. Europeans already sense growth and subsidence of anti-Semitland was breathlessly curious over ful byword for piercing observation. it. But the artist in Borne fares ism. It will be a big order. The "SAY IT WITH F L O W E R S not so well as in Greece.; America the new discovery of relativity. All writ will need an expansive backr wis apparently sustains his opinion holds more laurels above the busipondered about the genius of this of the Tabbi who, in "Elmer Gantry", ground. He must ; be unbiased. In obscured German-Jewish mathemat- he made the only intelligent actor. nessman, the scientist. - No -wonder all likelihood he will be only: half "The Careful Florist" Painting Contractors ician, overshadowing Sir Isaac NewJewish. Then he can sit on the JAckson 1906 "Jews are pretty luckyThey're 1804 FARNAM All branches of painting *.n. . f«nce, survey his scene, and inscribe not troubled by a lot" of idle theology and Decorating "Tell me," said the newspaperman a masterpiece with the genius that dogma. Their religion is more 1314 No. 24th St. WE. 4211 is perfect because it is right—abto Einstein, "are you Jew or Ger- and a mode of life than a burder of ., Dealer In man" And Einstein replied, "What solutely impartial—more accurate mommitments. FortunateI Teally am, I alone can know, but theological Jewish Books and all other than truthi" . ly you Jews don't have to disen-what the world thinks me is much tangle Religious Articles Now Sinclair Lewis is in Monterey. your daily life from a host different. If the group of scientists of unassimilable conceits and cracked When asked whether he would be 2429 Decatur St.—Phone WE. 3527 which at this moment is investigatthe author of the great Jewish novel, I -wish to call the attention of all my In many; respects Judaism customers ing my theory at the other end of notions. to the fact that I just rehe wished that he might be, "un3 much -like the Buddhism in south ceived a fresh stock of all kinds of the earth find that it is valid, then Siam, Matzor of the best qualities, and also FOR YOUR fortunately* so far as ascertainable— which is nearly a pure Ethos." nil kinds of Passcver articles like to all Germany I shall be a German, ind we've looked thoroughly—there Matzo flour, cake flour, egg Mataos, Heritage Tinctures-Writing "and the English will say I am a cookies, etc. ari no Jews on the Lewis family ' Also, I -want my customer* to> reLewis is convinced that the Jewish member Jew. But should they discover me my own make soap, kosher for tree." Lewis insisted that he - had and all the kinds of Eokeach'f -Si error, then alas!', and here he heritage markedly tinctures the out- Pesach. no new novel in" mind, and since he j Kosher articles for Pesach". On January 1, 1911, the first dividend on smiled, 'England will say he is one put of our great Jewish novelists could not fulfill the racial requireCities Service Common stock was paid to of those Germans and my country- and artists. He believes that 'There ments (by his own admission), doubtless than 1,000 stockholders. m6n will remark with, disdain that is something so strong, so vital in lessly he will not write the great 16TH & H O W A R D MK. and MRS. I am not a. German but only a Jew."" J e w i s h n e s B that it sways the novel which will bind American On February 1, 1930, more than 240,000 AUGUST M. BORGLUM = "In the first place," Lewis went entire mind of its possessor. He has Jewry between the covers of a single stockholders received a dividend. often (often suffers) an hypersensivolume for the careful scrutiny of PIANO SCHOOL tive awareness of his Judaism or of every reader with $2.50. 2GC1 Douclas gtreet When this number of investors purchase CHAKLES SIMON an even remote Hebraic background. Public Performance MAKE TOUR HecommendB the Common stock of a company, that comHe wears an eternal self-conscious(Copyright 1930 by the Jewish pany can truly claim to have deserved and ness . . ."Wasserman, in Lewis' Sladame Borglnm Coaches French Songs THE SANITARY LAUNDRY Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Reservations NOW won the confidence of the investing public. mind, looms upon the horizon of the "The Best of AU Laundry modern novel as an outstanding ^FOR PASSOVER MEALS Investigate our 10 months payment plan AT-2815 figure—one of the greatest. "FeuchtDanish Call HA. 2358 3617 Farnam and earn over 6% on your savings. wanger betrays a Jewish heritage in Pioneer By the intensity of his sympathetic perceptions, and in the depth and scope STANLEY F. LEVIN Butter of his literary pigments." Thomsen-Slater Butter Co. Meanwhile this alchemist, -who in The J. C C girls sextette trimmed the retort of his mindjbrought forth a hard fighting bunch of huskies !" 4420 Florence Blvd. 203 So. 19th Street Tel. JA. 1208 a living creature — burly, apathetic, from Fremont last Sunday after- j "Manufactured in Omaha" thick-appetited—who coined an epiKE. 1500 RUNNERS AND: SNAGS noon on the local court. The Omaha: OMAHA, NEBRASKA BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. grammatic -being in scorn of the REMOVED Tim House With A Reputation basket tossers were superior in all j current genus of the "average Amerdepartments of the game. The basBolt Hose Mending Shopican businessman"—whose war cry : ket shooting of Capt. Bertha Shafton On~e daj:; serrice or tvKile you.. v:alt Mencken carries to heights of almost and; Ethel Hurwitz accounted for —r-ilail' OrderB; Promptly- Serviced Babbitlike success—still paces the most of the -winners' points while the 533 Securities Bids-—AT.-3921. room. He wears a grey saek-suit— guarding of Edith Gross was exthe kind of ambiguously colored cellent. J. i* KRAGE, Proprietor flannel which writers usual1;' find Awnlngra, Canvas Cover*. Tent*. • * • "NEW FOR OLD" agreeable. -His legs are long; they Camp Sopplies. All Kind* Tech high school has a promising! 15 and Howard AT. 1493 pitcher in Herman Babich who play- j 1619 Farnam St.—Phone AT. 8481 shuffle across the .floor. His entire body is relaxed, slouched and seemed basketball on the Kaplan and A. At its next cleaning ingly unalert. The: surmounting' face Z. A. teams during the past season. deserves our is nearly cadaverous—gaunt. But Babich is a left hander and is said Lewis has a -winning voice. It-*is PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. to be good. Coach Drummond cut 27th and Martha Sts. HArney 55S3 gentle, occasionally quick and nervhis Maroon squad and Babich sur-. ous; but if the owner feels agreeOMAHA, XEBEASKA j vived the cut. The youngster is big Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze and able,, you are chatmed and pleased. and strong and should make good. •aluminum castings. Standard sizes . bronze and iron bushings, sewer man- Then the over-relaxation of Lewis' AND HENKT SOLIG ED SOLIO Harry Frisch, Tech high school "holes, cistern rings and covers and body seems an assurance of recep.cleon-out doors in stock. All kinds of second team football, basketball and 214 So. 14 — AT. 6662 • wood and metal patterns, tiveness. , ; : baseball player is fighting to make an outfield berth on Drummond's Few Jewish Writers? AT ALL GROCERS nine. "Odd, isn't it; that in America Made by TOUR FItl~ESI> Jack Epstein,' the jolly plunger of there are so few great Jewish writUncle Sam Breakfast Food Coach Ed Burdick's Central high • JACOB RIKLIN ers," said Lewis, 1 y way of resum- Harry B. Laplaus, President-Treasurer Company Is still in the Painting, Decorating ing the conversation. "But", quoth Omaha Nebraska school swimming team smashed the and Paperhanging Business state high school record to bits when 1 I, "we've the Nathans and Louis Tremendous Netv Selections from Amer Our TN'ork is Reasonable he hung up a new record of 68 feet Untermeyer and Ben Hecht-Gertrude mid Satisfactory icas Foremost Topcoat Makers which was four feet further than j Stein . . ," "She's not here very Call WEbster 6270 the old record. Epstein had the enmuch", he interrupted. Whereupon STOEE & OFFICE viable record of having won every I continued—"Then there's Herges- COMPLETE OUTFITTERS meet in which he was entered this heimer . . ." '"No, no! He calls himWe Occupy Over 70.000 Kquarr Feet year. He is a junior at the purple self Pennsylvania: Dutch",, interrupted institution. Southwest Comer Lewis for the second time. v Eleventh and Douglas Streets Apparently impatient, Lewis con"Everything for the Auto" Did you know that Harry Kula-: Phone JAckson 2724 cluded the list: "Fanny Hurst and kofsky, or Harry K. as he is gener- I Omaha, Nebr. 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 Edna Ferber—oh, yes! and Montague And Others at $30 to $60 ally called, was at one timt a star j Glass . ....." Here I suggested Central high track man ? Harry j "luike" Gold, whom he heartily seconded. "Well", . . continued Sinclair Every man should have topcoat comfort and the ANNOUNCEMENT! Lewis, "in England there's Virginia good appearance that only topcoats offer—Topcoats Third Ave. and 11th Street Wolff, who's half-Jewish . . ." are a necessity for so many days in the year that Phones: 89 and 519 Thanking the Jewish people or Omaha ana Tjclnity for their patronage ot the ] "Siegfried Sassooji," I added—"But a Nel>raska Topcoat at The Nebraska's low price COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA past year— „ i he's a Parsee," ejaculated Lewis, times a day we are : in your becomes the greatest clothes investment any man I wish lo announce thnt I have re- ' which reminded me of the stage can make. ;; . neighborhood ceived prrveral shipments vf all kinds of! ; wool and silt Talesim. Telilin, Mazuzoth, device which utilizes two derby-clad, and all kinds of Jewish' books and BiliJos •with or •without Jewish mid English balloon-panted fellows, one of whom translation of hiph qualities and will usually begins—"Well, it seems there sell them at very low prices. ——CJty Wide Deliv - !•-• A R T I S T S / . : ••••••"" • Very beautiful silk Xalesim for Bar •were two A r a b i a n s »••.• ." Lewis Slitzrah boys at J1JS each. /! ENGRAVERS > AT. 4750 MA. 4750 Also, n pair of Tefilin and bentitifnJ agreed t h a t ' perhaps Sassoon was complete for $2.25. AU kinds of sfhorieATLANTIC 0639^ bap, Tune in KOIL every Tuesday that kind of a Parsee. Hngudoths for Pesaeh. OMASA. K > » at 10:00. A. M. for the 313 S Q . I 4 T H . S T . OMAHA. S. KATLEMAN Browning's Blood Count Leisure Hours .program -COURECT APPAHEL FOU MEN AND WOMEN; S360 Cumins' St. "I've been told that Browning had
the Jews, by Sinclair Lewis
Famous Author Devotes Two Hours to a Discussion of Jewish Characteristics and the Current K Jewish Scene as He Sees It
More Than 240,000 Stockholders Received 208th Dividend on Cities Service Common Stock
Baker Ice Machines
Peerless Cleaners
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Yoor Hat
Expert Attention ABLE THE HATTER
Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.
National Accessories, Inc.
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
Clioaet—ATUmUc 6620 an A B A n e y 7010.
THE JEWISH PRESS \ . •. Published every Friday atOmalia, Nebraska, by
Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450
DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor PRANK R. ACKERMAN - - . _ . - - - - - - > - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent SIOUX CITY OFFICE J E W I S H COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name.
Rosh Chodesh Nissan First Day Pesach. Seventh Day Pesach : •Rosh Chodesh Iyar •Rosh Chodesh Ellul All Jewish holidays begin ceding secular day. *Also observed the day Chodesh.
Sunday, March 30 Sunday, Apr. 13 Saturday, Apr. 19 Tuesday, Apr. 29 Monday, Aug. 25 at sunset the preprevious to Rpsb
closely linked with the Jewish renaissance. Only' 1 MacMillans are soon to bring forth a novel by Lewis Browne. I una man of his broad vision could have formulated derstand in this Opus, Browne gives that Magna Garta of Jewish redemption which what is popularly known as the bears his name, and only a man with his courage "razz" to some of the leaders in the could have given utterance to it. Then, having Ar-.erican Jewish scene. issued the Declaration, h$ continued to aid and, (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish tial for the euccews of the mission encourage the Jews in the arduous task which Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) United States which the delegation is undertaking, the Declaration placed upon .them. \ supposedly on behalf of all the THE NAME IS ERIN—BUT Wins Art Prize Arabs. Lord Balfour will also be remembered as he THE VOICE JACOB Boston—Jacob Binder, prominent That the united front is. not as stood on Mount Scopus on that historic dayj when - •• By DAVID SCHWARTZ You've heard the story of the Jew Boston artist, was declared the win- united as the Executive would make who got a job in a circus lion's cage he formally opened the Hebrew University at COLLEGE CLOAK AND and exclaimed, as he made his first ner of the co-operative art show it out to be is indicated from its Jerusalem. He traveled to Palestine: upon sev- SUITERS held in connection with Boston Art own weekly bulletin in which it : entry into the stage: eral occasions and always made it; exceedingly The cloak and suit manufacturers ''Shma Israel", and one of the lions week. Mr. Binder won the $250.00 chides the Arab sheiks who particlear that he stood heart and soul for the prin- are going in for the academic life! shouted back; "Baruch Shem Cavod, prize for his painting "The Scribe". cipated in an economic conference ciples enunciated in his Declaration. Nor has 1 A chair is to be established in one etc." Well, Philip Slomovitz, Detroit It is of interest that Mr. Binder with Jews at Ben amin?. and ento exhibit his work only treats patriots to retain their land this been the sole manifestation" of his support | •«* t h e lb^8 eastern universities, so editor, tells a good one along this consented with reluctance and after the urgent and not to sell it to "foreigners". the line about his landsman, Bennie of Jewish rights. When anti-Semitism was gain- ! men request of James Fairclough, who for managerial positions in that Friedman, the famous footballist. ing a strong foothold in Europe in the early industry. was chairman of the Boston Cham- Battling; Locusts Friedman had evolved a signal sys- ber of Commerce Art week. Jerusalem—Officials in all governtwentieth century he vigorously opposed the There's evolution for you. Most tem of his own, using instead of ment departments have been drafted The prize-winning picture was enemies of Israel and even supported a scheme everybody now and then, it appears, numbers, a signal system of "rechts" for training in anti-locust measures for creating a Jewish settlement in Eastern has worked on the general theory and."links". . . painted in 1925. It depicts a rabbi preparatory to the government's the cloak and suiters were The Chicago team opposed to his writing on a parchment scroll pasAfrica under the Jewish flag. Indeed, Lord Bal- that somebody to laugh at. "Jewish hard- was captained by the Irish named sages from the Old Testament. In locust-war. The locust situation has four never missed an opportunity of championing ware" they have been called. 1928 Mr. Binder's work hung in the | been officially described as menacing Malcolm McConnell. as a result of the immense swarms the cause of Israel. But they had better be done with When Friedman gave his "links" Pennsylvania academy and at other of the pests invading the country times was on display in the St. Louis We mourn Lord Balfour's departure to the their laughing. The industry is at- signal, Malcolm McConnell immedimuseum and the Copley gal- from Jericho and the Dead Sea. great beyond with the most profound sorrow, taining dignity. You won't be able ately detected the move, and caught i City Oiher egg-laying swarms are settling leries. to laugh at a cloak and suiter who the ball. .. and in this critical period in our history it will graduated from Harvard. in Beersheba and the Jordan valley. "Bennie," he said, "S'vet dir gornit Fund for Jewish Musician be well-nigh impossible to replace this friend of helfen." San Francisco—A fund of $100,000 Buy Bronze of Einstein our people. He is dead, but the Declaration COBBLERS AND TAILORS Berlin—The government museum has been set aside by the family of which gave rebirth vto our most cherished hopes Why they should ever have been HATS AND KINGS here has bought from the sculptor laughed at in the first place I dont I am reminded by that of the story the late Jacob and Rosa Stern, Loewenthal a bronte statue of Prof. and.ambitions will not die. It is for us to de- know. The Jews have largely been Disraeli related of the King of wealthy San, Francisco music lovers, Albert Einstein which art critics dedicate- ourselves to the Declaration which he the tailors of America, and per- Isaac Portugal. His majesty one day is- to provide an income for ten years clare to be the outstanding piece drew. sonally I think it is something to sued a decree requiring every one of for Ernest Bloch, noted composer
Scanning JLAorison
of sculpture in the museum. The be proud of. j Jewish blood in the kingdom to wear of Jewish music and other works. directox-s of the museum have also The fund will be kept intact by the Take the shoemakers. Now, I a yellow hat for identification. ordered Loewenthal to make an Eindont see what there is one whit Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, that masterful sage The next day the prime minister University of California and the in- stein medallion, out of which will be terest from its investment will be struck Einstein coins. of modern Israel, struck a concordant note in The.elderly gentleman at Constantinople, Leon more respectable in cobbling than in appeared with three yellow hats. used to furnish Mr. Bloch with an tailoring, yet it is an historical fact, "One," he said, "is for your majes- j our hearts Monday evening, by his., eloquent plea TrotzkyV_on whom life Has played some tragic that the shoemakers have played a ty, the second for myself and the 1 annual of $5,000 for the per- "Mandate Will Be Followed" for a program on which Jew and Christian could tricks, whose children in Russia are being tremendous part in moulding this iod specified. After that the income London—With every reason to bethird for the grand inquisitor." meet. The new civilization, we also maintain; hounded by the very regime he had helped to America of ours. will be used by the university for lieve in the genuiness of the assurmust be reared not on fighting but on fraternity. set up, is writing his memoirs. "My Life", just Seventy-five and one hundred MORE THAN PAID the founding of a chair in music and j ance given by Premier MacDonald He was poor but honest, as the fo. musical scholarships. j and the Colonial Minister that there Over twenty-five hundred years ago the proph- published in Germany, is the repository of the years ago—and even less than that— story books would say it. In appearDuring the time he is receiving', would be no departure from the more public opinion with respect to colorful career of this man of iron. Incidentally ets of Israel were proclaiming a day of universal ance a finely mystic type of the Rus- the income from the Stern fund, Mr. | policy embodied in the Palestine politics was formed while sitting righteousness and human justice based on the some sidelights appear there that help to illum- talking with the cobbler than in any sian-Jewish school. In his face, the : Bloch will accept no permanent em- Mandate, there is no question about Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, inate the events of his later life. His parents other institution of the country. Jewish "schmerz" and the Jewish ployment. It is the desire of the the carrying out of the Mandate, deStern family that during that period clared Dr. Chaim Weizmann, presiand since then our religion, our history,; and had lost all religious faith—an unusual thing for Our own Calvin Coolidge,; yxnr • will soul. He lived close by to Joseph Marhe be free from routine "work so that dent of the World Zionist Organizathe Russian Jew of pre-war days. His father our mission have pledged us to that platform. remember "had as his chief adviser gulies, painter. One day, he came he may devote his time and energies tion, in delivering his political rean humble shoemaker of NorthampBut, a€ Rabbi Silver so aptly pointed out, this was very, definite about the matter; but his running to Margulies. The landlord to creative work. Mr. Bloch's sym- port at the meeting of the Actions ton, and a generation before the goal cannot be accomplished by good-will sem- mother; would not discuss the matter and on of Coolidge, the cobbler's shop would throw him out. He could not phony, "America", won the Musical Committee. inars or meeting s at which verbal boquets are "proper occasions would even raise her eyes to days came nearer to being a public forum pay the rent. Would Mr. Margulies America prize in 1928. To Study Report First promiscuously flung in all directions. As long heaven." than any other place in America. • lend him $25. He would return it Civic Tribute to Taf t London—Until the British governsoon. as the barriers of "racial and religious imperial- " W h e n I was seven or eight," he writes, "the SOMETHING TO THIS ment has had time to study the reCincinnati—The first civic tribute The painter gave him the $25. Time ism" exist—as long as one faith helieves it has belief in God was still the proper thing: in my But somehow we jews have always time, he would visit Margulies to the memory of the late William port of the Palestine Inquiry Comthe one true religion and must force that creed home. Once: a guest came to visit my parents, laughed at our tailersV-1 remember after and tell him to be patient. As soon'Howard Taft in his native city was ] mission he is in no position to say __'t.sJ _v>.. came —. in •- he , . would ..... .return .. L-u — March »«•—L. 21 a-. at _^ the ii-- T...J.... down the throats of all others, and as long as and my parents, as .usual, wanted to show-me attending, a public meeting some as held on Reading what further measures would be his ship credence is given to the myth that one race off before the guest as a clever, child. 'And time ago. the borrowed money. And every timle Road Temple. Rabbi Samuel Wohi taken with regard to Palestine, deis inherently superior—the Jew and the Chris- what is Godi' I was asked, among other things. One Jewish brother persisted in he .came, Margulies would have, him spoke on "Taft the Friend «f Is- clared Prime Minister Ramsay Macup. . . : . . , „ „ : ; , . sit for him. He put a praying shawl rael", Mayor Russell Wilson spoke Donald in the House of Commons, tian cannot meet. 'God,' I answered without hesitation, 'is a cer- standing "Sit down" shouted, another, over him, and painted him "a Jew at on "Taft the Leader" and Arthur C. j replying to a question from Ward'No,- God "Let him stand up^-he's a tailor his prayers". Rabbi Silver has given u s t h e t r u e , solution tain :man^ - ^ Dennison, United States Circuit j l a w Milne, Conservative M. P., as to our enigma. Jew and non-Jew shall- attain is na person.' " i —he's taking a rest," shouted still Recently Warburg bought the pic- Judge of Grand Rapids, Mich., dis- i *• whether apart from any dfefcisiou that might result from the iritouiry another. ture for $1,000. The next day, the cussed "Taft the Justice". mutual understanding when they have in unity Hey however^ lias remained Jewishly conscious the premier proposed to appolnt^a ° old man was back and sure enough wrestled with the major problems facing both, all his life, as illustrated. by the incident with RABBI COHEN WRITES On Jewish Encyclopedia Staff Royal commission to consider the he had the $25.00. . . when they pooled their mentalities, experiences, Lenin. Trotzky tried to avoid continued service With reference to my recent dis- "That's all right," said Margulies, Cincinnati — t>r. Julian * Morgen- future government of Palestine, the stern, president of the Hebrew Union enthusiasms to combat a common foe. Let them pi the Soviet cause after the successful repulse quisitions on the Lost Tribes, I have It. I've already been amply re- college, will be editor of the Bible position of Great Britain under the compete, hut let that competition be in the arena by the Red Army of Russia's many enemies, on a note from Rabbi .^fenry Cohen of mandate and the measures which department and Prof. Jacob Lauter- may be necessary to take in view Gaiveston-rethe bestknown rabbi of of service, seeing who can sacrifice most genuine- the ground that "My Judaism" may be used as any; of the. smaller towns of Amer- NOT A SECOND FIDDLE bach will edit the Rabbinic's depart- of the Balfour Declaration. ly for the common good. Let them master not a weapon against the new regime. But Lenin ica—in which he says: At- the recent Jewish conference in ment of the new Jewish Encycloeach other, but themselves. Let them meet on scoffed and Trotzky remained. And infinitely to History tells us that Britain is Washington,.my private detectives re- pedia, it was explained here by Rab- Trotsky 111 the basis of their common source and common his sorrow. He should have yielded to his first from Brutayne—something to do port to me, they told the story, anent bi saac Landtnan, editor of the new Vienna—Leon Trotsky, exiled Comtasks and apply themselves to common human hunch.—The Scribe. with Brntus. "Brit Ish" is apo- a great Jew, who recently died. Per- | encyclopedia, at a luncheon tendered munist chieftain, is seriously ill from sonally, I have heard the same story to him by Maurice Freiberg, an ex- pneumonia and. is reported to be cryphal". endeavors. Then, will the Jew and Christian be told about Alfred Mond, and I think ecutive of the Union of American very weak, according to reports" re* The derivation that Rabbi Coheh it fits him just a little better. united in the spiritual world, then will the celved here by his relatives and offers is very interesting. I need The story as it went: Mond, who is Hebrew Congregations and one of separating walls disintegrate. the governors of the Hebrew Union j friends from Constantinople. add, however^ that in pres- regarded as a wonder as an organizer Rabbi Silver also named some excellent enter- The dissolution of the Yevsectzia> the Jewish ehardly college. Delegation to Honor ntin Communist party in Russia, will * the "Brit I s h ' ^ b u g h ^ t ^ a s went to heaven and immediately getprises upon which the major religions could unite . . . , , , Michelson at Birthplace V. * 4.v. not presuming to indorse it. I reT Posen.-—A delegation from the In* to the profit of all. First and foremost comes be hailed by Jews everywhere as one of t h e ' ^ / ^ e n t i * e i d e a t h a t t h e socalled ting an audience with God Almighty, ternational Union of Physic Scientists the propogation of world peace. Peoples of the happiest occjurences: since the rise to power o f n c s t tribes ever were carried off to arrived at the city of Strelno to af' . i any very remote partB as being but I But God rejected the plan, refusing Polish-German Treaty earth, young and old, must be taught that kind- the Soviet. fix a tablet to thfe house where Prof. Warsaw—The long-awaited com- Albert Michelson, noted American ness, love, and sympathy must govern the rela- It acted like a cancer upon the heart of Rus-j one more of those myths which clog to be vice-president. (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish mercial treaty between Poland and phycicist and Nobel Prize winner was tionships of mankind, so that the time will come sian Jewry. To Yevsectzia could be ascribed all | the <*rridors of iiistory. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) . Germany which abolishes the tariff born. when "they shall beat their swords into plough- of the Jew's sufferings under'the Soviets.. It HOW INGENIOUS! war between the two countries has I believe, indeed, that an, ingenshares and their spears into pruning-hooks." was this group of Jewish Communists that was Jewish Diamond Syndicate just been signed. Vandals Destroy Tombstones ious -fellow, could if he wanted to And what of the many other challenges for a anxious to destroy everything; tKat was built take the trouble, make out a plau- Berlin — Vandals demolished and In the Jewish commercial world London.—It has been revealed today united front on the part of Jew and Christian? to satisfy the spiritual needs of. the Jew.. sible ease for the early New Eng- overturned tombstones In Jewish cem- the signing of the treaty has in King's Bench division of the High The Crime Wave, Rampant Paganism due to The removal of this cancer- jjrom: the body land Yankees as in this "Brit Ish" eteries in-three cities of Germany and caused much satisfaction. The Jew- Court that a powerful diamond synin'a fourth another anti-Semitic dis- ish "merchants expect a revival of dicate, headed by Solomon Barnato the moral slump of the nation; Poverty, weigh- of Russian Jewry is good news. "Very often we!| matter.'-/. was reported. At Kaiseir- trade as a result of new credits Joel, and including- a considerable ing down millions; Women and Child Labor, the have:, suffered most from .Jewish anti-Semites, Htfw «asy, for instance, it would turbance lautern a number of young1 football which they expect to obtain from number of outstanding figures in the unprotected broken on the wheels of an indus- and the removal of power from such enemies be to derive Yankee from "Yaakov", players destroyed 30 gravestones in German industry. Besides, they be- industry have been controlling the which, it will be recalled is frequentwithin Jewish ranks in Russia strengthens .the ly-pronounced world's diamond output and practictrial age; Unequal distribution of wealth. "Yaankov'V But that the Jewish cemetary while in- Lichten- lieve that commercial . relations beIn these issues Jew and Christian are menaced ; hope for the coming of better days for Jewry Would be only the beginning. The fehv eight gravestones were damaged. tween the two countries will take ally monopolizing the entire market. The United Diamond Fields of Briton more normal aspect than formerby the same enemies; in these issues Jew and under Communist rule.—^Detroit Chronicle. Yankees were noted in particular for ish Guiana, Ltd., an independent comly, since it means that the annoyone chaTacteristic-^a ; starp bargain* 65,487 Jews Enten Palestine Christian:; should and must meet, for the good ances caused by the continual search- petitor has made the accusation of all mankind. And thus we will have harmony Your friend has.a friend, and.your- friend's ing instinct— ' which, too, our foes London — A total of 65,487 Jews es of customs officers for goods of against the syndicate, which involves . ' . declare is 'one of our-marked char- immigrated to Palestine between]; German origin will stop,. Otto Oppenheiiner, brother of Sir in the families of the earth, at last at peace, friend has a friend: be descreet. acteristics. Not. only that but the 1922 and 1929 from .the United Ernest Oppenheimer, a member of at last united in brotherhood, at- last happy in very term "Yankee" was infreqeutliy States, British Dominions, Russia, Special Balfour Prayer the diamond syndicate. The hearing A man who desires to help others by counsel their return to the One Great Father. used to imply "outwitting". Poland, Roumania and Austria so has been adjourned Sir PatJerusalem—Chief Rabbi Abraham or deed will refrain from dwelling on men*s I think I.could even add. to the far as available figures show, saidJKook composed the following prayer rick Hastings, who is before representing the faults, and will speak sparingly of human weak- plausibility of the case, but I shall Dr. Drummond Shields, under-cecre- on the death of Lord Balfour, which Guiana company, had finished his desist for the present. tai-y for the Colonies, in a written was received in all Palestine synanesses. . «-.. j What does it prove? It simply reply to a request frow Howard gogues: "Oh God, full of compasThe world has been bereft of one of its noblest Thou who dwellest in the high! Campaign With Our Methods personalities and outstanding scholars in the Whether a man accomplishes great things or proves that you can make a pre- Bury who asked for the number of sion, Warsaw.—The first united camtense of proving pretty nearly any- British and American Jews who heavens, give perfect rest and everdeath of the immortal Lord Arthur James Bal- small, his reward is the same if only his heart thing lasting joy to the soul of that great P«P> on the Amencan^Qdel is being in this mundane sphere of emigrated to Palestine since 1920 as launched here March four—-diplomat, philosopher, statesman, friend be set upon heaven.—Talmud. man, that glorious disciple created ours. compared with those from Eastern in Thy likeness, the saintly leader, est Jewish relief organization, the of peace: and good-will. His name will be inEurope. SOME FUTURE BEST Arthur James Balfour, who hath Ort, the vocational organization, the delibly inscribed, on the pages of world diplomacy, Even when the gates of heaven are shut to SELLERS gone to his eternal rest. Father of Toz, the health, the Hias, immigrant and eternally engraved in the memory of man-. prayer they are open to tears. It appears that we may soon have Contribute to Yeshiva Mercy, hide him for all eternity be- aid society and the Orphans Union. kind: ~~~ " j the auto-biography of Professor Ein- New York—A contribution of $50,- neath the shadow of Thy wings andj Under the slogan of upbuilding and self relief, the campaign will seek to In Jewish history, however, his name will The best preacher is the heart, the best j stein. A representative of the pub- 000 toward the Yeshiva College En- may his soul be bound up in t h e i equal or better the ipresent budget of l i s h i n fim o f forever be treasured with affection and venera- teacher time, the best book the world, the best! s Covici-Friede has dowment Fund by Leon Tuchman, re- bundle of everlasting life and may the combined organizations, which tobeen in Berlin seeking to induce the tired New York merchants, has been his memory be blessed throughout tion as the father of the Balfour Declaration, en- friend God. great physicist to tell his story. -j announced by Rabbi M. S. Margolies, all the ages. So may he rest in tals 11,600,000 zlotya. abling the Chosen People after hundreds of years The campaign's program aims, in ! What a "best.seller" that will be! president of the Board of Directors. addition to collecting funds, to fix to realize their deathless dreams and hopes of Our vices are our own. But our virtues are Another book which I predict will The Yeshiva College Endowment peace. features of the future national, cula national Jewish homeland. Always a protagon- Israel's; all our success in life we owe to the fact arouse great interest is one on Foundation has for its purpose to con- Arab United Front Cracking tural of the Polish Jews in ist of Zionist ideals, he lent his tremendous offi- t h a t t h e blood of t h e "toughest Of peoples" is vhkh Feuchtwanger, the author of tribute toward the maintenance budget Jerusalem—With the Arab delega- order autonomy to demonstrate the ability of "Power", is said to be laboring over, of the institution for higher learning tion to London preparing to leave cial and personal influence to the end in* further- coursing through our veins.—Hertz. It is to be a biography of Josephus. in the United States which has now March 20, the Arab Executive here Polish Jews to help themselves. ing what he deenied the moral right of a sufferThe campaign will utilize all the A Wonderful subject and a won- an enrollment of 600 students coming is straining every effort to conceal "<-' ing people. No stauncher friend have we had The Jew who is true to himself will labor with derful "vriter. from all parts of the country, Europe, the disintegration of the Arab united modern propaganda mediums, as mass front which is thought to be essen- meetings,,racHos, and moving pictures. in the Gentile* world,'no non-Jewish hanie'is so especial'energy in the cause of peace.—Joseph. And by the way, I understand, and Palestine.
Other Countries
Senior Council Will Sponsor Road Show
To Sing at A. Z. A. Sabbath Services
A meeting of the Senior Council of Community Center Clubs was held I Tuesday evening at the Center. The' Council accepted a report as to the result of the Purim program and discussed ways and means to enlarge the fund for the proposed radio. The representatives of the various clubs unanimously agreed upon the project of presenting what will be kr.cwn "as the Senior Council Road Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal announce the engagement of Show which will be "held the latter their daughter, Marian, to Mr. Elmer S. Gross, son of Mr. and jpart of May. Stanley P. Levin, president of the Council, appointed a Mrs. J. A. Gross. committee which wfll handle the deNo definite date has been set for the wedding. tails of the show, consisting of Choir of Shaare Zion Synagogue of Sioux City. Marjorie Kaplan, Rose Stine, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. White anBack row, left to right—Beatrice Levitsky, Margaret Kozberg, Compeers Sponsor Syd Wintroub, Earl Stegel and nounce the birth of a daughter at Elizabeth Passman, Bernice Levine, Rose Kozberg, Rose Reznick, Sonya Levin. A meeting of that the Methodist hospital Sunday, Bnwcow, Sonya Rich, Jack Reznick, Lee Herzoff, Sovel Heshelow, Successful Formal Stanley committee will be held this Sunday March 23. Maurice Rubin, Albert Herzoff, Bernard Passman, Abe Baron. The Compeer chapter of Ivre, j afternoon at two thirty o'clock at Front row, left tp right—Dena Baron, Mae Erinberg, Ruth Bernstein, Eleanor Lefkow, Dorothy Friedman, Sara Kuntz, Thanya Broscow, ~ Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Colton an- national social organization, was the Center. Francis Jacobson, Margaret Saitlin, Rose Simons, Dena Baron, Ida Fish, nounce the birth of a son at the host at a very. successful formal The final debate of the Council Ruth Wigodsky, Esther Levitan, Mrs. Fae Shulkin. dance at the Hotel Paxton ballroom Methodist hospital Monday, March 24. tourney will be held this Monday This is the Shaare Zion Choir of Sioux Gty who will sing at Wednesday, evening. evening at the Center. " The "Fa Hon, A. Z. A. services tonight at the Jewish Community Center. The newly elected officers of the defending champions will debate the , Miss Marian Goldner,- daughter of The choir is directed by Sam Passman, who writes the music for Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Goldner, is stop- group are Phil Feldman, president; Center Players Guild. The Fa Hon them, and Cantor A. PHskin. . The regular music of the services will be sang, in addition to a ping at the Stevens hotel in Chicago, Dr. D. C. Platt, vice-president, and debators are Rose Stine and Marion group of other songs. where with three other girls- from N. Horwich," secretary-treasurer. Brookstein while the Center PlayCentral High school she is represers \iuild will be represented by Short talks will be given by Rabbi enting the Omaha schools in the Na- Sisterhood to Give Martha Lippelt and Mix Weinstein. at the Art Institute on Enril LudAbraham Bengis and Sam Beber, tional chorus. wig's "Lincoln". • *• * • who is both president of the ConShe 'will return the early part of Party on Tuesday Conservative Synagogue gregation and founder and president next week. On the way- back- sh» The Sisterhood of Temple Israel of the Supreme Advisory Council of International A. Z. A. Sabbath will -will stop at Champaigne, 111., to visit is giving a Spring Party, Tuesday be observed at the Conservative Syn- the A. Z. A. her brother, Julius, who is a pre- evening, April 1, at 8 o'clock at the agogue at the J. C. C. tonight, when Saturday morning services will be medic student at the university there. Temple. There will be an April members of the two loca? chapters held at 9 o'clock. Cantor Plukim will Temple Israel. Pool surprise. Mr. William Iipsman left lor The evening will be spent at cards Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver will conduct the entire services. A chant the services. Doylestown, Pa., where he will enter and. other games. A Dutch lunch a sermon on "Why I Am a Jew", special feature will be the singing the university there the latter part will be served. based on Edmond Fleg's book, this of Cantor A. Pliskin and his choir J. C. C. SUNDAY SCHOOL of next week- Previous to that he evening at th« services at Temple from the Shaare Zion synagogue of Miss Romm's class won the banner will visit with relatives in New York HENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS Israel. Kaddish will be recited for Sioux City. last week for charity while the- puCity. The services will be conducted by pils of Mr. Levin's class were aCohn, Samuel Katz, and PLANNING FOR A BRIDGE Herman Meyer Hellman. FVank Ackerman, and the sermon warded the banner for having the 'Mrs. Ida Levin, a candidate for Saturday morning Rabbi Conn's •will be delivered by Sam Fregger. best attendance. A- meeting of the Henrietta Szold city commissioner, has been confined Club-was held at the Jewish Com- subject will be "Wise-hearted." Opening and closing prayers will be The kindergarten class which is to her home during the past week munity. Center, Tuesday. Plans for Wednesday Rabbi Cohn addressed given by Saul Graetz and Arthur taught by Miss Riekes and Miss with an infection of. her leg, Flax presented the program and a bridge which is to be held April the Engineer's club at the Chamber Kazlowsky. Mrfc. Levin is a member of a 6, were completed and invitations of Commerce on "World in the Maknumber of Jewish organizations, hav- were sent out. ing", and Thursday noon he spoke! ing served as one of the first presThe constitution of the club was before the Concord Club on "The{ idents of the Hadassah. She is a | Situation in Russia." I member of the Council of Jewish revised at this. meeting and many The New SELBY Arch Preserver Shoe The last meeting of the Book Re] Exquisite new Shoes to harmonize with Women, the Modern Orthodox Syna- interesting plans for the future were view club will be held Tuesday after- j your Spring Attire. In Style and comfort. gogue, and the Jewish Community discussed. noon, April 8. Rabbi Cohn will re-1 Ida Blacker and Elsie Lazarus CORRECTLY FITTED Center. She has been a member j were selected as the club's represen- view "Crime and Punishment," by I of the Omaha Board of Public WelDostoyevsky. i fare for over nine years and is the tatives for the Jewish National Fund On Sunday, April 6, at 5:45 p. m. •. Council. first woman to run for the office of Rabbi Cohn will i address "the young ••. city commissioner. The Legislation and Civics group people of the First Central Congregational Church. Thursday, April Mr. Mendel Folonsky, 63, of Mos- will meet Wednesday noon at the 10, at 7:30 p. m. he will give his New Barter Bldg. 3/OSoutt) l5™St: Blackstone Hotel for its regular cow, Russia, will arrive in Qmaha third lecture in the Delphian course Tuesday to make his future residence meeting. here with his children. His son and sons-in-law are Messrs. Mark Polpnsky, J. Chesnau, Frank Comissar, and Max Magid. Messrs. Sam and •:Omalia's Style Center Albert. Babior are Mri-'Polonsky's brothers.
play, when all favorites went do°wn to defeat. The Empire Cleaners trimmed 'the Omaha Tobacco leaders, while the Glaier Clothers were victorious over thi Malashocks. The Kaiman Insurance won from the Wardrobe Five. The "slow motion" quintent victory was tfue mainly to the consistent shooting of 5E)oc*> tor Nathan Muskin. Mickey Krupp, who is pressing Leo Weitz for individual honors was high with a 258 single and a total of 605. Other high single games as follows: M. Meyerson 219, Mu«kin 215, Goodman 219, A. Weitz 211, Business Mens Vwiger 200, Bloom 200. Bowling League Bennett Cohn and "Bttg" Weitt returned to their respective team* Won Lost Av'ge after an absence of several week*. Omaha Tobacco Co-.. 19 8 .704 Malashock Jewelry 15 12 .556 He who loves his country can love Kaiman Insurance 13 14 .481 Empire Cleaners 13 14 .481 nothing.—Byron. Wardrobe * 12 15 .444 There are no points of the comGlazer Clothing -9 18 .333 pass on the chart of true patriotism. Surprising upsets featured the
were most favorably received. The class recited the Child's Prayer while Norman Cohen, Morris Rifclin and Lillian Kory presented a playlet. Rober Silver recited a poem and Miss Flax gave a reading. Two new songs were sung by the class who were led by Mr. Shanok. Rabbi Bengis delivered a message to the children and an announcement was made relative to an essay contest which is being sponsored for the Sunday school. The subject will be "What the Seder Means to Me".
Frocks of the Latest Design for the Holidays as low $ O C00 as
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. . . . And So to Goldstein-Giapmans French Room for Formal and Informal Frocks
Mrs. William Lazere and children of Sioux City spent , the week-end visiting here. j Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz entertained for eight guests at a theatre party at the Orpheum last Thursday, honoring Mrs. Al Cutler of Chicago. Mrs. Cutler was. formerly Miss Rose Herman of this city. The Rev. E. Fleischman is recuperating from operation last Thursday at Rochester, Minn.
Jewish Women's Welfare Organization The Jewish Women's Welfare Organization will hold their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, April 1, at the Jewish Community Center at 2:30. The afternoon will be devoted to sewing layettes for the Wise Memorial hospital. Refreshments will be served. A board meeting will be held at 1:30 p. m., immediately preceding the regular meeting.
TO GIVE CARD PARTY The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will give a card party Tuesday, April 1, at 2:30 p. m., at the Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Clark, and Tuesday evening at 201 South Twentyfourth street. Literature is a very bad crutch, but •very good walking stick.
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CHIFFOn For Z?ay or Evening Never have chiffons been designed with a more single-minded purposeto make jou a more alluring feminine creature than for many seasons past.
learning Preserved fa Jew WMProspertiy Wipe TpAmericaiiJew is Today Facing the Crucial Problem •:-;:::P^-;^
i s O u r A n s w e r •.••: ,•••.
By HARRY MENDELSON The Talmudists, insist that the test of prosperity'is greater than the test of, poverty, recognizing thereby the temptations to which' the :rich man is subjected,_ especially the newly rich. And today, hundreds • of years after the Talmudists'wrote their pearls of wisdom, the American Jew is undergoing that very test. Today the American Jew enjoys the greatest social, political and economic opportunities and privileges the Jew has ever enjoyed but it is conjectural, unless stringent action'be taken, whether hfc will maintain Kis-position as a national and( cultural individuality or whether prosperity, will overcome him. One-must be intellectually blind not to be aware of the straying of the Jew from Judaism, and of the acuteness of the problem of absorption —• not a new enigma, but from a different angle. In the shadows of the Egyptian pyramids and for two thousand years L thereafter our ancestors have been continually battling ' for self-preservation. But then our op-
fluences of its enviroment, how can American Judaism hope to survive? The Jews of America will have largely to answer the fundamental question, to be or not to be. If we are not to lose our youth, we will have to work out for them a reason for the effort which they must make to be Jews in this country and to live here as Jews. We must immediately take ourselves to our bulwarks, the Jewish educational institutions, if we are to survive,—strengthen the foundations of the Talmud Torahs, breathe a modern spirit into them and reveal to our children the beauties and the romance of our long and highly adventurous history. Not twenty per cent of the children should receive Jewish instruction, but sixty to seventy percent at least. And it must not end with confirmation. The youth between the ages of 13 and 25 must be assimilated and absorbed in a Jewish way—at the. time when the potential Jew or Jewess is intellectually alert, when they are permeated with a burning curiosity to know and long for the true values of life,' seeking criterious and standards of action. The literature, ethics, philosophy and folk lore of the Bible, humanism of the Talmud, the history of the Golden Period of Spain under the Moors and Spaniards, the martyrdon of our people, the return of the Jew to his homeland and the glorious Renaissance of the Hebrew Culture in our own generation must not remain sealed books for them!
pressors were national defeat, exile,; The mitzvoth, the observations, the dispersion, inquisitions, auto-de-fe,' commandments set him off from his not longed-for prosperity. Conscious- j neighbors. When there were no distly or unconsciously leaders have inguishing facial characteristics, he sought to assimilate the Jew and the often created them in the form of earphilosophy of the "melting pot" was locks, Jbeard, etc. And when he was put as a panacea. Assimilation, in- not compelled to wear the "schande stead of Judaization, became the cry. tzeichen," the badge of shame, he And everyone who is concerned with often put on such appai-el as the the fate of Judaism realizes that the streimel and the capota to differenWhere there were no spirit of the Jew is being dessicated. tiate him. While noone will bemoan the disap- longer any ghettoes he often created pearance of divergences, it grieves mental ghettoes, put up bulwarks of Ceremonials, the conscientious Jew that a spiritual defense in his mind. impovershment has accomained his rituals, and celebrations of the Sabemancipation.. - He is losing contact baths, holidays and historic events with those- rich sources-of life which poured poetry into his" miserable excaused his preservation. He is allow- istence. His individuality remained The secret of this survival ing his mind and his thoughts to be intact. warped by material circumstances. can be found in the Bible in Numerus, Instead of using the past as a, bul- when Bilam, the seer, called by Balak wark he is using it as a lever to a to curse the Jews, says, "Ha'am spiritually poorer world, and the re- levoded Yishcon ubagoiyeem lo yithsult is^ that the ancient foundations chashev"—this people isolated lives As Ludwig Lewissohn, the Ameriof Judaism is crumbling. The Jewish and will not go in the paths of other can Jewish prophet, flings this chal;~ • synagogue is deserted. Industrial peoples. ' lenge, "Scion of a faith that is in life took.out the various members of Is it possible that the Jew has to flux, the Jew must be the enemy of the family and completely wiped out be taught that the strongest man is positivism and dogma. Possessed of the potentialities of the home. he who has the courage to stand a wealth of philosophic tradition, the And the Jewish home, one of- the alone—to live in accordance with the Jew must impart the humanism of the rare creations of the Jew, could not dictates of his conscience, and that Talmud in his daily life; descendant withstand the vicissitudes of the de- the strongest people is the people of a people which flouts the auto-destructive forces, either. Since the that hearkens to the voice of its hist- fe, the Jew must not succumb to the destruction of the temple the home oric conscience 1 It was hoped that material blandishments of the world, has been the Jew's sanctuary, his Zionism, the return of the Jew to his must not sell his birthright for a pot table, his altar. The center of Jew- homeland, the renaissance of the He- if porridge. Gifted with the insight ish interest was the family. The brew Culture would charm the Ameri- if a race of prophets, the Jew dare home was not merely a place for eat- can Jewish youth, arouse his intellect ing and sleeping, but also for gen- and awaken the .slumbering Jewish uinely Jewish communal living with spark, make a nationally-conscious the members of one's family and visit- Jew. But alas—that hope was not ing and discussing with one's friends, realized-—the American Jew had forbut as the Jewish home dwindles to- gotten how to be proud. How could ward a place for eating and sleeping, he be proud of the resurrection of it loses its place as an educational, the Hebrew Civilization, knowing alcultural and religious force in Jewish most nothing of Israel's three-thouslife. Rituals and ceremonials "no and-year experience? The American longer move one; the mitzvoth no Jew is not transmitting to his childlonger serve as criterious of action ren the ancient spiritual legacy of his to the modern Jew; and prayers no people. The Roman commander, who longer satisfy the yearnings of the asked to see the defenders of the ancient Jewish city must have been inheart or inspire to a nobler life. deed puzzled when he was introduced How different the American Jew is to ' the school teachers. Can the from his ancestor! In our day assim- American Jew point to his schools and ilation is-thirsted for; isolation is im- their teachers as citadels and depossible. Yet, isolation, intentional fenders ? or forced, has characterized the Jew in the past, has made him deathless, With our chief citadel neglected while great empires disappeared and with no defenses about the School to his persecutors crumbled in the dust. protect it from the obliterating in-
STALMASTKE * BEBEIt C50 Omaha National Bank NOTICE OF INCOItrOKATIQX Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have associated < themselves together to form n corporation under the laws ot the State of Nebrnska. The name of the corporation is Theatres Investment Corporation and the principal place o£ transacting Its business is in Omaha, Douglas County. Xebr. The general nature of its business is to build, buy. own. lease or control thentres of every kind and description, and to let, sublet or hire nut space for concessions and incidental businesses whicli are tit-nally and customarily attendant upon tlie doing of theatrical business and kindred activities. The authorized capital Bcock is ?10,000.00.divided into 100 shares of the. par value of ¥100.00 eaeb. all of vrhich is common and when issued shall he fully paid up and nonassessable. The corporation shall commence business upon the Sling of its articles of incorporation in the. office of the Connty Clerk of Douglas. County. Nebraska, and continue for a period of S50 years. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation shall at any time subject, itself, shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors of not less- than two members who shall be chosen from" amoiif -the stockholders at their annual meeting. Until the annual meeting in January. 1931, the Board of Directors shall be I'. M. Klutznick and - R. J. Holdsberg. Until the annual meeting in Ja .uary 1931. the officers shall be P. M. Klutznick, President and Treasurer and R. J. Holdsberg, Secretary. The articles of incorporation may be amended by the affirmative vote of nvo-tliirrts of the capitnl stock at any rcEUlar or special meeting of the stockholders. P. M. KLUTZNICK. . K. J. HOLDSBERG. Tn the Presence of: . IRVIN STAT.MASTER. Mar. 7 - 4 t MAX FR051KIN, Attorney •;•• . 62S Peters Trust Bids. PROBATE NOTICE . In the matter of tlic estate of Louis Ruback, deeeaspd. i". Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the exec•" ntrix of said estate, before roe. County •- Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on Ihe lnth tiny of Hay. 1030, and on the 15th dny of July, lf>30. at 9 o'clock A. M.. each day. fur the purpose of ' presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of April, 1930. BRYCE CRAWFORD, j 3-21-3t County Judge. SAM BEBER, Attorney - ••. CoO Omaha XatT.Bank BUlgr. ' PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of MAS -- SHRIBR, deceased. Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Uoughis County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in- said • Connty, *ou tlie'22nd clay of May. 1030, and ' on the 22ml day of July. 1030.;at 0 .o'clock -A. M., each day. for the purpose of presenting their claims, for examination, acljnstment and allowance. Three moiiths'are allowed for the creditors'to- present <their • claims, from the 10th dny of April, 1030. Bit ICE CRAWFORD. March 28—3T County Judge. STALMASTER & BEBEB ' Attorneys at l a v . 6S0 Omaha National Bank B i d e Omaha, Nebraska : ; NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF ,-. "TAiK-A-PHONE DISTRIBUTORS, Inc." '[ Notice is hereby given that the under-, signed have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation shall be "Tnlk-A-Phonc Distributors, "Inc." and the principal place of transacting its business Is in Omaha, Nebr. The general nature of its business is to i; buy, sell and distribute, or act as agents . for the distribution of any .ami every kind : of theatre and sound equipment, and to build, buy own and control, theatres and manage them, and to do other things ini cidental and attendant upon the. doing of i theatrical business and kindred activities. •'? The authorized capital stock is ?o.000.00 ' diviiled Into 100 shares of the par value of 'j S30.00 all of which is common, and when • jBStied 'shall' 1M> fully paid up ami nonassessable. The corporation shall com.'i-nencc business upon the filing of its ar.'.'-tides in too- office of the County Clerk of -Douglas Couuty. Nebraska' and continue 1 for n period of DO years.- The highest ' amount of indebtedness or liability to ;i •which the corporation shall' at auy time •" subject.itself, shall not exceed two-thirds ; of its capital Btockk. .;;• . The affairs of 'the corporation BhnJl be •'conducted by a Board of Directors of not i less than two members" .-wlio shall be ,'chosen from among the stockholders, at 'their regular annual meeting.' Until -the 'annual meeting in January, 1031, the Board "1 o f Directors Hhn.ll be D . C . Scott and P. M. Klutznick. •Until the regular annual mectr : i n e in January, 1031, the officers shall be ;»*<;. Scott. President, anfl I*. M. 'Klutz«nick, Secretary and. Treasurer. The nr•!tlcle8 of Incorporation may 'b<» nmendedby van nfflrmntlre vot«> of two-thinlB of the -•• capital stoclt-v*t any . regular or- special •meeUng of* «M stockholders. of D. c: SCOTT, :IAM:SBBEB;: P. M. KLUTZNICK.
Amends His Bill to Bargain With Foes Washington (J.. T, A.)—Congressman Cable of Ohio lias made a new move to .overcome the opposition to his. voluntary -; alien registration bill, by-reintroducing his bill with an amendment for. legalization of those aliens rwho entered the United States unlawfully up to July 1, 1924. At present only, those aliens who entered unlawfully prior to June 3, 1920 can secure legalization. The • correspondent of the Jewish Teelgraphic Agency learns that Congressman Cable, knowing that the opponents of his; registration bill are anxious to obtain an extension for illegal entrants, hit upon this amend-
ment as a bargaining point on which to make a deal with them. That he is willing to do this discloses his anxiety to obtain action on the registration bill, as he is known to be a confirmed restrictionist. Congressman Cable has also introduced a bill ta remove certain disabilities from American -women, namely to exempt from the quota husbands of American citizenesses and also to enable immediate naturalization and temporary admission outside the quota for this purpose of
women formerly American citizenesses who lost their citizenship by marrying an alien prior to September 22, 1922.
not relinquish his right to assail evil and injustice in the modern world depite the price that must be paid" in short/. "Be true to thine own self." We Jews in America must come to the realization that we would commit a great injustice to our children and be traitors to ourselves if we fail to transmit to our children the glory, charm and romance of past Jewish life, the lofty moral lessons and the eternal ethical standards propounded by our prophets and sages. To build for the future we must turn to the past for instruction, for without a past there can be no future. Let us peruse the Jewish Book of Life arid learn that instruction of the young, learning, penetrates the long darkness of Exile—it has lighted the Jew's way through the valley of death! Then surely this same torch can lead us through the temptations of prosperity. The spiritual creations nourished the Jew's soul, gave meaning and direction to his life. It can do the same for us today, if we will only turn to them! Let us enkindle the Jewish hearts with the spirit which has made ns the deathless people!
500 to Be Apprenticed Moscow. — Five hundred ,of the Jewish youth of Moscow which is unemployed will be placed in Soviet factories in industrial regions, as apprentices. This decision was reached at the meeting of the Communist Youth Party.
Re-elect the |_
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HE JEWISH PRESS requests that its subscribers patronize those firms and individuals who advertise in its pages. This request has a double significance . . . Advertisers who adopt "The Jewish Press" as a medium through which to address their Jewish clientele, are assuring our subscribers of their desire for Jewish patronage.
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This week you received an enlarged, 8 page paper. We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the various features, news articles, and editorials it contains. But we cannot continue without your co-operation. We must have your help if we are going to build ;a better paper, all we ask you to do is mention The Jewish Press to any one you trade with and . . . .
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m the News ... .
To Chant Services Tonight
Mr. Scharff was born and reared uated on the corner of Dunlap Snd in Memphis, Tens., where .he con-Madison, and served these organisaducted one of thd largest retail gro- tions in various capacities, and w«£ ceries in that city. He was very chairman of the house committee fot active in the business, social and five years. religious life of Memphis. He as- He 1B » member of Congregation Chaim Weizmann, president of the I. J. Scharff, of Corinth^ Mississip- sisted in formulating the plans and Children of Israel of Memphis «»«l World Zionist Organization, that the pi, has been elected Grand High construction of the beautiful Rex Abraham Levi lodge No. 554, L <X Jewish National Fund should de- Priest of the Grand Chapter of Roy- club and Y. M. H. A. building, sit- B'nai B'rith of Jackson, Tenn. vote a special Golden Book to con-al Arch Masons of the State of Mistain 5,000 names in memory of Lord Balfour. His plan is "to ask all Jewish communities, organizations and institutions to inscribe their names in the book before the next session of the Actions Committee when the Zionist Executive with the directorate of the Jewish National Fund will submit a plan of a suitable memorial to Lord Balfour in Palestine to be financed by the subscriptions to the special Golden Book.
Special Golden Book for Balfour
JEW RECEIVES HIGH MASONIC OFFICE W London. (J.T.A.) The Zionist 'Actions Committee unanimously adoptMISSISSIPPI CHAPTER led on March 21 a proposal of Dr.
If some mischievous radio announcer in introducing Roxy, the famous \;moving picture impressario, Avert to introduce him by the name under "which he votes and signs checks, Samuel Lionel Rothafel, many radio listeners "would not recognize their favorite and to Eoxy himself such an. introduction would have a strange sound. The Roxy Theatre in New York, the world's largest movie house, is celebrating its third anniversary and so Roxy is again in the news. Book agent, cash boy, marine and what have you Cooperatives Forbidden were among the enterprises that Rotl^apfel. tackled before he, became To Sell Any Matzoths a nationally known character. It.-was Moscow. (J.TJL) No store is to his originality and taste in developsell .matzoths, wine or other Passing amusement tidbits for the movie over ritual food,.it was decreed by patrons of a comparatively obscure the Central Association of Cooperanous? that gave him his first real I. J. Scharff tive stories which controls the entire opportunity with the Strand Theasissippi at the recent convocation of distribution of food in Russia. The tre. the Grand chapter, which -was held prder also applies to the Russian Roxy's developmsnt of new popat Clarksdale on March 18. easter. ular style of surMr. Scharff has served on the FiThe Association has ordered each rounding pictures with a .variety of nance committee of the Grand Counstore, restaurant and tea house to divertisements and adding the cbur-] cill for several terms and is also distribute anti-Passover pamphlets to tesy-to-patron idea gave the theatres grand master of ceremonies of the its customers. Special brigades of with which he /was connected, the students will be sent out by the grand convention of the Order of Rialto, Rivoli, Capitol, now his -OKD Association to see that each store High Priesthood of the state of Mismagnificent Roxy Theatre, an air of sissippi. obeys the instructions. distinction, and refinement which Cantor A. Pliskin of Sioux City. He has also been very active in other impressaries have found it Cantor A. Pliskin and his choir from the Shaare Zion Synagogue Budapest.—The Hungarian govern- the Scottish Rite branch of Free hard to duplicate or equal. of Sioux City will appear as a special feature of the A. Z. A. Sabbath, ment has sent a gift to the Hebrew Masonry, and in 1927 received the services to be conducted at the Conservative Synagogue tonight. National library in Jerusalem as a highest honor by the supreme council : With Spring: in the air the attentoken of sympathy, declared Count at Washington by being crowned a tion of sport lovers is turning, to it?"; "No learned person can Klebelsberg, Hungarian minister of thirty-third degree mason. Mr. the great American, game of baseprove there is or is not a God. God J education, as a result of his inter- Scharff was one of the organisers ball, which for some reason has had doesn't bother us. One can believe in, vj e w ^rith the Zionist representative, and the first secretary of the Corcomparatively few successful profesGod and yet remain in the party." j Wilensky, in which the latter told inth lodge of Perfection and was sional ; Jewish players. Even fewer Many Communists have joined the! him of the progress that Hebrew venerable master in 1925. He has have Wen' the number of Jews in party of the Godless but at the same culture has made in Palestine until also been active in many other orthe business end of the .sport.. , time continue to pray in secret and now. ganizations. As the new' major league saesonti~baptize' their children";' "Without 1 ' r • -.---•—- • --->>;• ^ nears its opening the National Soviets Inculcating Anti - Reli- religion man would long ago have League team of Cincinnati goes after become a beast. God has said love gious Feeling Into People the pennant under new management. one another'". of Russia Jewish management. When the CinThe Soviet press also complains cinnati club was reorganized last New York (J. T. A.) — Seventy that religion still has a strong hold year Sidney Weill, a successful thousand churches, synagogues and upon the Kussian soldiers. It is told young business man of Cincinnati, mosques have been closed by the tfast in one regiment during the bought up the controling interest in Russian government during the 12 hoars devoted- to fighting religion, the club and now joins Barney Dr€y- years that it has been carrying on Bible reading instead of' ariti-religfus of Pittsburgh and the late An- its anti-religious campaign, the Jew-1OUS lectures were were demanded. It is drew Freedman of the Giants as ish Telegraphic Agency learns from also reported .in the Soviet press the third- Jew to own a i)ig league information published in recent num- that many soldiers as soon; as they baseball club. Down ik Honda .bfrs-of BusSarrjie xry, introduce religious faacticesf where the Cincinnati team' is train- ijsame gpijrces^jt |a . t f , ing the new owner has miftle * big^ast two months ,cf l9£9-no#esljthah; is on their wireL hit with the players. Out in the' 540 churches, 63 synagogues and 18 field every day the youthful baseball mosques were closed, magnate is doing lots' to stir up the j In spite of the vehemence wjth LESHONOH HABOH drooping hopes of the Cincinnatians. | which the anti-religious crusade is BERUSHALAYIM Weill, a likeable fellow, is sure to j being conducted, the Soviet magazine (May the next year be spent become popular over the big league j "Kulturni Front", reports that the in Jerusalem!) circuits and certainly he has the J results of a questionnaire sent out to good ' wishes of Cincinnati's rabid th? workers of the Moscow districtBy SAMUEL J. HAUPTMAN showed that only 43 percent of the baseball fans. answers were directly hostile to re- Thus Our fathers chanted yearly Rose Pastor, the little Jewish cigar ligion, while 25 percent, of the total ~As the tears dropped one by one worker and radical •whose romance number of answers were positively in And they hoped a hope sincerely with J. G. Phelps Stokes, wealthy favor of religion. socialist and philanthropist, a gener- In reply to the three main ques- • To restore his ancient sun— ation ago created a modern Cinderel- tion propounded by the questionaire, To restore his ancient splendors, la story, is back oh the front pages "What is the attitude of the workers •\ To Exalt his name on high again. • .-'. to the persecution of religion", "What Where the angel chorus rendera ; Home again, ill and impoverished, is the attitude of Communism to re- Tribute to Him in His sky. the one-time "Rose of the Ghetto", ligion" and "How does religion affect •whose • career as agitator, social morals", the following are typical Thus I sing again this feeling, Thus my heart throbs to its tone— worker, radical lecturer and writer answers: "The church keeps one from had combined to keep her constantly evil thoughts, like murder and rob-What is there, is there concealing in the public eye for two decades, bery so why are you bent on fight- ~ A father from his son true own? is causing sadness on the East Side. While she was working on a Yiddish Real airplanes that fly — designed-by paper "in New York she met Stokes the famous Wright Brothers. They who fell in love with her and marzoom into the air. They loop-the-loop, ried her. The former factory girl, even glide and turn, These airplanes, have though the wife of a millionaire, was a 14-inch wing span—fly hundreds of an outspoken and active adherent feet. Planes valued at 50c each. of labor and aided* in organizing unions. ' Her marital difficulties in 1925 Bring your musical friends to our store—see, test, play Boys! Girls! Bring1 your parents to created something of a sensation. :
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The word "czar" in connection .vith. a Jew sounds ominous but "czar" Nahum L Stone has nothing ominous about him. Dr. Stone, an internationally known economist and statistician, has just -been named impartial chairman of the dress industry in which he will preside over a system of industrial control and adjustment similar to that in effect in the cloak and suit industry for several years. The impartial machinery that he will administer was set up last January at the termination of the strike of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union. Dr. Stone comes to his post with a distinguished record of successes to his credit. In 1913 and 1914 his investigation of the dress and waist industry resulted in an adjustment of wages for some 40,000 workers. •He is also a noted expert on tariff matters and for some time was a special tariff consultant of the United States Department of Commerce. (Copyright 1930 by the" "Jewish Telegraphic "Agency, Inc.) I
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PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 to realize she had already been running. At the door, her mother greeted her, in her eyes mingled anxiety and anger. Reported by Misses Ella Cohen "Where have you been, Miriam? and Mildred Nefsky Jack telephoned for me to come over." Mrs. M. Snyder of Tampa, Fla. Miriam laughed unsteadily. "Oh, is spending a few weeks :n Lincoln, you didn't have to worry about me. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Polick. MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent Don't you think I can take care of myself?" The following men were initiated "Yes, yes," her mother said ab- into the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity: M. Berkowitz, J. Burroughs, L, sently. "It's just that Harold—" RABBI THEODORE LEWIS A. Z* A. Service at "Harold!" Miriam put her hand Cohen, A. Niddler, M. Gordon, H. RE-ELECTED TO HEAD across her mouth to stiffle a scream. Kramer, M. Kramer, I. Mann, M. Shaare Zion Tonight TUBERCULOSIS ASS'N j Jack came down the stairs. "Is Poaster, H. Pollack, E. Rosen, I. SHORT Outstanding in the social events of , that you,. Miriam ? You better go Schneider and S. Sherman. 'At a meeting Tuesday morning, The members of the A. Z. A. chap- last week was the Cabaret Dance STORY right up. We've tried everything Mr. Leo Rosenberg of Chicago was Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis of Mount ter will have complete charge of the given by the Hawkeye Club at the t quiet him, but he keeps calling for the week-end visitor at the home of Sinai Temple was re-elected to serve services at Shaare Zion Synagogue you. He*s worn himself hoarse cal- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Rosenby X I X A K A Y E the group as' president for the coming this evening. Several members of the Community Center last Sunday evening. Carnival hats, balloons and ling 'Mama, Mama.' Now Sylvia's berg. group will read the ritual, with Dave year. serpentine lent a festive air to the up and she's taken up the cry. Singer and Alfred Albert given the Plans for the coming year of the The Misses Adeline and Francis association were discussed and re- addresses. Arrangements for the hall, where dancing space was roped Miriam Heller stirred on her pil"Mrs. Heller. What a surprise! Where have you been?" off with draped crepe paper and Schurmmer entertained at a bridge service were in the hands of Rabbi Miriam did not answer, but ran ports were heard of the work of the low. Drowsily she listened to the How glad I am to see you. Make party for Mrs. I. Lavine. There were serpentine. The Whippoorwill OrEabinowitz and Charles Osheroff, past her husband on the stairs. In I»ast year. e&rly morning noises in the house chestra furnished the music for and grew more awake as she dis- yourself comfortable here in the of- a moment she was in her son's room. four tables of bridge. A two course President of the A. Z. A. fice, I'll be right back. It's our busy The Shaare Zion Choir will appear dancing. Among the features were tinguished them. Her husband sing- season. But I don't have to tell you. His hands were around her neck, luncheon was served. MISS ANNA THERNKA balloon dance, and specialty num- ing while he shaved. Cook slamming FEATURED ON BUSINESS this evening in Omaha, before the abers And my bookkeeper is home sick. I bis hot face pressed close to hers. Miss Lillian Schiff of Chicago was by Miss Lillian Millman of GIRL'S PROGRAM congregation of the Conservative Sioux Falls and Jay Eaiff. Co- the oven door on a pan of biscuits. teli you, since you got married for "Oh, Mama, Mama," he wailed. a guest over the week-end visiting "You weren't home at lunch time; friends. Synagogue. Cantor A. Pliskin will Her son, Harold, galloping down the Idiss Anna Thernka entertained chant the service with the choir. Mr. chairmen for the affair included hall with one shoe on. Sylvia squeel- eight years, now, I can't find a or when we >-ame .home from school bookkeeper what don't get sick in !members* of the Business Girl's Gub Sam Passman will direct the body. George Fineberg, Harry. Zifkin and ing in her bath. The Junior Hadassah has planned the busy season. When you were or for supper. I wanted to tell you at their meeting Wednesday evening, Mr. Morey Lipshutz was in charge Morris Marsh. Mr. Edwin W. Baron I got* a star. Daddy wouldn't let a rummage sale for March £? and here, I never had to be in the office Miriam closed her eyes. They were •with several unique tap dances. Miss of the arrangements. is advisor of the group. me wait for' you and when we >*went ": \ ak so busy and so happy, going a minute. Now I run from shop to t : bed,-I-dreamt you weren't com- 28.. Thernka was formerly with the "George White Scandals." Miss Students of Minnesota University about their day's business. They all office a hundred times t. day." Mr. jlng any more. Oh, Mama, Mama, BAR ON NON-MOSLEMS Grace Eales also appeared on the pro- SYMPOSIUM ON WORK who .have been spending their spring go along so beautifully without her. Solomon, bustling as ever, hurried don't go away, ever." from the office. Miriam did not find OF TEMPLE HEARD AT And that meant that she had no gram, presenting a group of popular IS LIFTED EN TURKEY at home this week include, herself a chair and. settle into it. ''Sylvia had climbed onto the bed BROTHERHOOD MEETING vacation piano-numbers. Miss Helen. Levitt, .Bill, Silverberg, business to go about. For all it Constantinople. (J. T. A.) The Instead she hung her hat and coat an-V clasped her from behind "Mama's Bernard Lipman, Burnell Koolish, mattered she might lie here all day, on the shaky clothec tree in the 'home. Mama's home." Sha sang. barring of non-Moslem Turks from A discussion of the importance of Harold and Sylvia would be off to Junior Hadassah Members But Harold's troubled question employment on foreign shipB in the the Temple, by Mr. W. C. Slotsky Leonard i Weiner, Earl Kline and school just the same, Jack would comer and, turned to the jumbled Plan to Attend Convention Reuben Cohen. £ "You- wont go away any Constantinople port has been stopped. and Mr. Sam G. Pickus featured the pile of books on the high stand. have his hot bread for breakfast in Kansas City in May They are again being allowed to meeting of the Mount Sinai Temple Lunch They were a sorry sigl.t. The bookT Mrs. William Lazere and children and hurry for Jus train. work and it is understood that inAnd"Miriam" promised. Tuesday evening, spent last ' week end visiting in would be ready-for the children, their keeper must have beet away for A large representation of the Brotherhood, structions are to be issued to the pov.eeks. Soon her brown head bent \i'' '' play hours looked after, their bedHadassah are planning to attend the March 25. In addition to these two Omaha. lice against putting further obstacp p y ^ " 1930 by the Jewish intently over the ledger. If Mri talks, Rabbi Theodore Lewis gave a time, too. Her work was finished. District Convention which will be held les in their, way. Members of the Mount Sinai sisterbrief resume of the current events in Kansas City, during May. Oh, she knew Jack,, called her a Solomon came again into the office, Telegraphic;'.Agency, Inc.) Jews, Turkish subjects, who were Miss' Saidie Shulkin, President of of March. A social hour followed the hood held a card party in the social lucky woman and was glad he earn- she did not hear him. She was busy, hitherto regularly employed in the hal lof the Temple, Wednesday afterat last, and she was happy. Here the group has urged the members to program and business meeting. Mr. ed enough so that she might be free Judge; Kalina—"Prisoner, the jury port service, upon reporting for work noon. Bridge and mah-jongg;-. occupied was someone who needed her. signify their intent to go, so that the H. N. Slotsky, president of the of drudgery. Free of drudgery — finds* yp«r guilty." ';-. the afternoon hours with refresh- for what? Oh, she could think up Chapter in the convention city can Brotherhood presided. At lunch time, Miriam went with Prisoner—"That's "all right Judge. on August 11th were prevented from entering by the police. Under the ments concluding the affair. Mrs. an excuse for a morning stroll, she Mr. Solomon to a business man's reproceed with its plans. Enchel Barish was chairman of the could take, cook's order to the grocer staurant. All about them was talk, I know you are too intelligent and Turkish Constitution religious disREPORTS OF ADVERTISING party. broadminded to be influenced by crimination between Turkish subjects h.stead of telephoning it. She could argument and forecast. Mirriam what they say." BURNELL KOOLISH COMMITTEE HEARD AT is not permissable. ON MINNESOTA TEAM CARNIVAL MEETING The Misses Celia and May London stop in for a chat or lunch with listened,.a happy smile on her face. TO DEBATE HARVARD POLITICAL ADVKRTISESCEJfTS POMTICAt ADVERTISEMENTS of Chicago visited at the home of Hilda, or call up her mother. In She was in things, again. This was Apreciation for the splendid co- their parents, Mr. and MrsJ Jack the afternoon she could recruit a living. Burnell Koolish, son of Mr. and operation of the Advertising com- London, over the week-end. bridge game. And some-how the day Tired, but happy, Mirriam piled the Mrs. Louis Koolish, will appear on mittee of the Building Fund Carniwould drag itself to a close. Day ledgers together and swung the safe Mr. and Mrs. Barney Baron and after day she managed to kill, one shut. She rode down in the elevathe- Minnesota Debating team on val, "was expressed Monday evening April 6, when it contends with a at a meeting of the committee, by Lawrence visited friends in Omaha by one. And Jack called her a lucky tor still wrapped in her rosy dream. team from Harvard on the weighty Mr. Moe Lazere and Mr. Ben Brod- this week." woman! But outside, in the sudden blackness question of Chinese and American key, co-chairmen. According to the Jack and the.children came in to of a winter's night, she did- not know The Misses Freda and Anne Shiloff Philosophy. Koolish, who was promi- reports turned in, the greater part kiss her goodbye. She heard the which way to turn.- There was no nent in the forensic fields • of both of the work of the committee has have departed for Chicago where front door slam after them. Out of need for - her to be swept along in Candidate for they plan to make their home. Central High School and Morning- been finished. h-- life, out of her arms they had the stream of workers hurrying side College, Tecently placed second Miss Mary Frieden and Mr. Jack gene. They didn't need her any home. Mr. E. N. Grueskin, general chairin the Extemporaneous Contest held Frieden visited friends here on Sun- more. A vision of Harold and Sylvia, ) at Minnesota University, where he is man for .the .Carnival,, announced the day .Miss Freda Albert- entertained worn from the afternoon's playi eame appointments of Mrs. William Lazere With a vigorous thrust Miriam enrolled as.a Junior.. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky as co- for Miss Frieden An< the afternoon, threw the covers from her. She before her and she longed to gather at a'social^hour in'her home. chairmen for the ticket committee. sprang from bed with an energy and them in her arms. But she gritted NATE SEFF OPENS The -Carnival is an annual event determination she had long since her teeth and turned into a restauMr. J. L. Levitt left Monday for NEW SANDWICH SHOP sponsored by the Building Fund abandoned. She wouldn't stand for rant. They did not need her. They AND DELICATESSEN Committee of the Federation. It will a brief visit in Hot Springs, Ark. it, that's all. If they didn't need her, were safely in bed by this time. And Jack was eating his dinner, be held this year at the City AudiMembers of the A;Z. A. Chapter she'd find someone who did! Mr. Nate Seff, well known business torium, Tuesday evening, May 6. content that he could prop his eveIt was so easy, running away. will have a party in the Sioux Ball man of Sioux City, opened a new ning paper on the sugar bowl. Soon Room, Sunday evening, March 30. Miriam tittered as she dressed. All Sandwich Shop and Delicatessen on H^ can ilbt be led nor induced to oppose Arnold Barori is in charge of the af- she had to do was stop at the kitchen he would turn on the radio and imWednesday. Mr. Seff who was at one BUSINESS GIRLS JOINT mediately fall asleep beside it. -No, ; door and say, "I'm going into town, fair which is limited to the memberany improvement of a public nature that time in business here on Nebraska MEETING APRIL 7 ship. Lizzie. If I'm not back, give Mr. no, no. They could get along withstreet, announced that he will carry out her. It was Mr. Solomon who Heller his dinner." And she was off. is for the benefit of the people of Sioux City The annual joint meeting of the The Question Club will give a a complete line of Kosher meats and The city, brisk and busy, was an couldn't imported an ddomestic delicacies. He three Business Girl's Clubs of the "Whooppee Party," Sunday evening, unfamiliar sight to Miriam who saw Miriam. went to a movie, though has. extended an invitation to • his City, the Sigma Alpha Mu of the March 30. The dance will be informal, it only in the eyes of a shopper or she could not have told you the friends to inspect his shop, where Community House, the Business Girl's and as usual is open to the member- theatre-goer. Now she headed with name of the picture nor what it was modern and sanitary refrigerated club of the Community House and ship only. Lawrence Baron is in strange elation toward a section about. Then she took the last train display cases add to the effectiveness the Business Girl's club of the Jewish charge of the arrangements. VOTE FOR • where shoppers and theatre-goers home. Community Center has been set for of the shop. were seldom to be found. The eleThe house was ablaze with light Announcement has been received of Monday evening, April 7. A play "My Aunt from California" will be the birth of a daughter to Mr. and vator bore her high, almost as high as she rounded the corner of • her I street. Miriam started forward only MISS SADIE SHULKIN presented by the group from the Com- Mrs. Dave Shapiro of Kansas City. as her mounting spirits. CANDIDATE FOR ELECTED ZIONIST SECY munity Center as their part of the Mrs. Shapiro was formerly Miss EliPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS program with the following taking zabeth Mazie of this city. At a meeting held Thursday eve- part: Ida Feldman, Marcia Robinow, Max and Archie Kroloff of Chicago ning by the Zionist Organizations Eva Maron, Eva Gordon, Ruth Wiare visiting in the home of their parMiss Sadie Shulkin was elected godsky, and Ida Heshelow. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff. secretary of the group for the ensuing term. Miss Shulkin, who is a Candidate for Mr. and Mrs. Moe Lazere spent teacher in the public schools here, is City Election Monday, March 31 Mount Sinai Temple several days during the week visiting active in Zionist- work, serving the MAYOR OF SIOUX CITY in Omaha. Junior Hadassah group as president Born in Kentucky 42 years ago. Educated in the "Reforming Reform Judaism" will Southern Normal School of Bowling Green, Ky., the this year. be the subject of the discourse by Western Kentucky Normal School, and in the UniA report was given at the meeting Rabbi Lewis this evening at Mount Sigma Iota Sigma . versity of Colorado. Received my certificate in public VOTE FOR of the Purim collections, $100 being Sinai Temple. This marks the third health from the University of Colorado in 1916. EnPlans for Dance realized. Reports for the membership of a series of lectures by Rabbi gaged in public health work with the state public health departments in Kentucky and Florida, and as drive were also given by the commit- Lewis on Reform Judaism, in coma lecturer on public health topics at, the University Plans have been completed for the tee which includes Mrs. J. N. Krue- memoration of the Anniversary of Iowa during the war period. Married in Sioux "Red Hot Dance" to be given by the ger, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, and Mr. M. Month of the founder, Mr. Isaac M. City; Iowa, in 1915, to Miss Georgia Hanson, daughter, Sigma Iota Sigma club, at the Jewish of Mr; and Mrs. harles Hanson, of Sioux City. EmSeff. Resolutions from the St. Louis Wise. •i CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE OF Community Center, Sunday evening, ployed as city health commissioner of Sioux City from Convention were discussed 'and 1916 to 1928. President of the Iowa State Board of April 6. Miss Ida Lipton, general adopted by the organization. Health two terms. President of the Iowa State Public A good cause needs not be patronRefreshments concluded the meet- ed by passion, but can sustain itself chairman for the dance reported at Health Association one term. Winner of the Kiwanis the meeting Wednesday that the num Club Public Service Medal for Sioux City in 1928. ing. upon a temperate dispute.—Browne. her of tickets already sold indicate; Left a widower by the death of Mrs. Hayes in DecemELECTION MARCH 31 ber, 1928. Have three children, two sons and a a record attendance. Entertainmen daughter. A property owner and taxpayer. A will be furnished by several of the Baptist in church connections. R. K. O. actors, as a" special feature. Other members on the committee in'7 urge every qualified voter to go to the polls clude Saidie Ginsburg, Dena Baron, Eva Lipton, Rosalie Sacks, Helen AND on March 31 and vote"—W. D. HAYES. VOTE FOR Friedman, Lillian Dobrofsky and Hannah Rocklin. Lee HerzofFs Five Aces will furnish the music for dancing.
Lincoln News
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D. Spencer Lewis
Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements
Thos. H. McBride
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Bucharest—The reports that a hundred Jews were wounded in antiSemitic student excesses in Klausenberg are absolutely false. What did occur in that city was a clash between the police and a demonstration of 1,500 students who were incited by followers of Averescu and Cuza against the government bloc, because it united with the minorities in the general elections". '
424 SIXTH STREET Handling a Full Line of
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Literature is a very bad crutch, but a very good walking stick.
Rumors False
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Election March 31