April 4, 1930

Page 1

Interesting' and Entertaining

Jewish Community

Entered BB second-class mail matter 'on January 27, Ma, »t postofficc at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act or March 3,-VSii.


VOL. VIIL—No. 12

CITIZEN COMMITTEE EFFECTS UNIFICATION Omaha Hebrew Club Will Celebrate Its 38th Anniversary on Sunday

Schatchens Organize to Force Paying of Fees


Efforts of Jewish Community Will Be Consolidated by Action on the Survey Recommendations

New York.—(J. T. A.) — The much maligned and historic Jewish profession of schatchens o r mar- Four New Members Join the riage brokers i s about to be legalCouncil of Jewish ized, and organized. No longer will Women the umbrella-toting votary of Dan Cupid have to argue and plead and beg and cajole for his fee which has resulted in a more or less hap- peared before the Council of Jewish; py match. .The schatchens have Women a t their March meeting, incorporated themselves as t h e March 31, at the Jewish Community Harry/ Braviroff, accompanist "Omaha Hebrew Club Day", com-* Marriage Brokers' Association of ...Rose Brandeis the United and are about to appeal Center. Mr. Szold read "Jew Suss" •memorating the thirty-eighth anni- Piano solo by Ashley Dukes. versary of t h e Hebrew club, will Orchestrja selection.....-...:......- ..... to the state legislature for legal "Jew Suss" is ; the dramatization tf y T - * . . ... l»e celebrated with, t h e most outA definite step in the progressive building of the Jewish com~ —Center Symphony- Orchestra standing. .---•• of the novel "Power" by Feucht-j * ICKCtS Oil standing program in the history of munity of Omaha was taken at the J. C. C. Monday evening when In announcing "Omaha Hebrew In addition to being able to conv- wanger. The attendance a t this! fOT* TTilth' tiie Citizens' Committee of the Jewish Communal Survey, reprethe organization Sunday afternoon, Club-Day", Mr. Klaver stated, "The pel payment of fees the. legalizameeting was one of the largest of | senting practically every Jewish organization in the city, made its April 6, starting a t 3:3Q p . m. a tOmaha Hebrew Club cordially invites tion of the ancient profession will Tickets for the play, "The Truth* final decision on the recommendations made by the Executive Comthe Jewish Community Center audi- Omaha's Jewry to attend its thirty^ enable the schatchens to drive un- any meeting this season. At the general meeting it wasj which is to be presented at the Jew- mittee- The meeting was called by Harry H. Lapidus, chairman torium. Sam Klaver, president of eighth anniversary celebration. The scrupulous match-makers and marCommunity Center Wednesday of the Citizens' Committee, who presided. •the organization, will preside over leading Jewish talent of the city riage brokers, who have often de- announced that four new members 1 had joined the Council, thus bring- eyeniiigr, April 16, are now on sale, the affair, which is open to the pub- has been obtained so that the pro- ceived the parties to a match, out The deliberations of the Executive Committee were the reWeinstein has the lead i n ing this year's new membership up lic gram for this event is outstanding, of the time-honored business. to 100. Mrs. S. Platt, Mrs. Louis the play which is being given by sults of nightly meetings vrith the members of the organizations affected by the survey, at which time the finding's were thoroughly The feature of the program will and the committee arranging this Shafton, Mrs. Julius Kipper and the Center Players Guild, and spondiscussed and considered. "be a n address by Harry H. Lapidus, affair has left no stone unturned in Mrs. Morris Cohn are the new mem- sored by the Council for the "benefit •who is a past president of the He-making this the greatest 'day in the The highlights of their findings include an all-encompassing of the Scholarship Fund. Mrs. B. bers. Drew club. The Center Symphony history of the organization. Both Welfare Federation, a co-ordinating committee for Jewish educaA. Simon, chairman of ways and It was also announced that Mrs. tsrehestra has . been obtained for themen and women are invited to be tion, plans for a Council of all the women's organizations, and a means committee ' of the council, J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the Occasion, and a playette showing the present. " Confidential Exchange for the Jewish loan societies. is in charge of the tickets. Local Council, had been appointed' b •work of the organization will be Following are the recommendations| The activities now included in the to the National Committee of Educa•given. Some of the leading J e w i s h * , g ' n Citii Chnir which the Citizens' Committee passed: | budget of the Federation and for tion, and Mrs. I. Rosenthal was apmusical talent has also been ob- VlOUJC \slZy_L,nOir which appropriations are received Jewish Welfare Federation New York.—Edwin R. A. Selig- pointed Vice-Chairman of the Natained. The Boy Scouts will usher. from the Community Chest will be The revised plan of a n enlarged, man, professor of economics in Co- tional Committee on Community CoMusical selections -. ~ separately financed by a communitymore powerful Jewish Welfare Federlombia University, has sold his pri- operation. These appointments were ..Center Symphony Orchestra made by Mrs. Joseph Friend of New ation was adopted, details to he work-! ^."'^ a£>?Ta'~'"''*' ,V vate library letters of nearly 50,000 Frank Mach, conducting One of the largest crowds to ever The benefit bridge sponsored by OiTeans, national president of the , ' . . , . • ™ , „ . 'Fund. This fund will care for nationbooks, pamphlets and. autogTaph letm 14. playette depicting the accomattend a n event a t the Jewish Comthe- board members of the Junior will be asked to support the following Council of Jewish Women, ters in the field of economics, which ed out later. The Community Chest , • 4. . * * . i v<-m, the • i I hospital, the Old Peoples' Home, plishments of the Hebrew Club.... munity Center witnessed the observAt 4fee Board meeting which pre- Hadassah -Tuesday evening, in theactivities: Federation Relief • .--.- •-• •• • • depart- : al institutions, the Wise Memorial ...Center Players Guild ance of International A . Z . A. Sabbath he spent fifty years in acquiring ceded the general meeting:, the fol-main auditorium of the Jewish Com- ment, .child care work, and the J . C. C.j City Talmud Torah, and the Jewish last Friday, when members of theand which i s considered t o be thelowing women were chosen as a munity Center proved, t o be a huge Maintenance Budget (the difference | educational voi'k. A sum of $25,000.Mrs. _ Herman Jahr, director most valuable economics - library in /V©c»l selections __Jlose Brick Omaha Chapter No. 1 and Sam Beber the world, t o Columbia University Nominating Committee, Mrs. Samuel success, with seventy-five tables a r - between receipts and disbursements, 00 would be necessary for these instiChapter No. 100 conducted the entire Mrs. Moe. Isaacson, accompanist Gerson and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofs- ranged. Prizes were given a t each and also to include the present Y. M. tutions. services of t h e Conservative Syna- for a half million dollars, which i s ky from the Board, and Mrs. Ferd. of the tables. *'World Events and Important and Y.M. H. A. activities and all It -was also suggested that along •estimated t o be only about, one-sixth Adlex, "Mrs. M. I. .Gordon, Mrs.*:-K-: r>.;^ Happenings-in Jewish I3fe.Ihir~ gogue for. that evening. ; ittee in charge of other activities now included in the with this campaign migrht be included ?he. speciaT campaigns, such as the Allied The special feature was the chantMantel and Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster affair consisted-tjfTJla'Alberts and Center budget.) This •'.' ing the Past 38 Tears"..:.,........— however. Jewish Campaign, consisting" of the Professor Seligman refused an ofing of the services by Cantor A. Pliskfrom the general membership. Rose Fine, tickets;.; '•_ Freeman, exclude capital account items, s\j|£h as _„.„ :......_.........Harry H. Lapidus in and choir of forty voices, from the fer of a million dollars for his libAlso at the Board meeting two1 refreshments; Rose-*Lazarus, publici- mortgage reduction and capital im- Joint Distribution Committee and th" yiolin selection!... —.Beulah Kay Jewish Agency Drive. This would inShaare Zion Synagogue of Sioux City. rary made by Harvard ~ University, representatives were appointed to -ty; Grace Rosenstein,* tables;""Mary provements. volve an additional £15,000.00. making Mr. Sam Passman directed the choir. and an offer o f an even greater sum the National Fund Council. This is Claire Franklin and Bess Spar, phone a total of S40.000.00 required in those The opening. prayer was given by. jnade by.- the. Japanese and Soviet a new organization resulting from squad; Sarah Kiirtetoan, posters; years when a special campaign was Saul Graetz: and 'the benediction: bj? ^Governments, the latter of which was the recent conference of the National Tobie Steinberg, arrangements; Grace held. ' Arthur Kazlowsky. The- "rabbi" for particularly anxious t o get the lib- Fund in St. Louis. Its purpose i s Rosenstein, Ida Platt, and Ann GreenThe committee making this report rary because i t contains al". of Karl the evening was Frank Ackerman to act a s a land purchasing and berg; donations and prizes. consisted of Henry >Ionsky, chairman: Marx's manifestoes on the subject of who conducted the services. Short adTh« Senior Council of Clubs of At the next meeting of the ordeveloping agency in Palestine. Mis. Dr. Philip Sh~r, William L. Holzman. Bengis of the Conservative Synagogue Communism, an almost complete the J . C. Ci is making plans to presA recital a t which youthful JewJ. H . Kulakofsky and Mrs. Samganization reservations will be taken ent the First Annual Road Show dresses were given by Rabbi Abraham collection of early English „ and Beber will represent the Council in for those members who plan to at-ish talent will predominate will be Harry Silverman, Harry Wolf, Harry which will be known a s "Eoad House and Sam Beber, founder and father of American labor periodicals, etc. tend the Southwest Regional con- held a t the Schmoller and Mueller Lapidus, and Sam Beber. this organization. A. Z. A. and also president of the It is said that Professor Seligman Nites", Sunday evening, May 25, vention of the Junior Hadassah to Auditorium, 1516 Dodge St., on Talmud Torah a t the Community Center, according Conservative Synagogue Congrega- turned his collection over to Co*be held in Kansas City in May. Wednesday evening, April 9, a t 8:15 The Talmud Torah is in favor of te announcement made by Stanley! tion. The sermon was delivered by lumbia for a fraction of its value o'clock. The public has been cordial-] the proposal that an educational comP.. Levin, president of t h e council.' Sam Fregger, who spoke on "The because of sentiment.. Having been ly invited t o attend, admission being mittee be created to direct, co-ordinprofessor a t Columbia for so long A splendid array of outstanding New Youth." ate, and expand the work of the Jewfree. Following the services the choir a time and having acquired.so many talent has been secured, and many Max Crounse was elected president Those taking part will be Ruth ish schools in Omaha. of the clubs taking part are already sang two special.numbers, after which honors there in connection with his of the Labor Lyceum for the ensuing Flock, Tillie Bilunas, Myron Cohen, j This plan for a co-ordinating counholding rehearsals for their portion refreshments were served by thework,'; he,, felt that he was almost term at the election held Sunday. libbie Dolgoff, Melba Havel, Beulah j cil was also agreed upon by th«: Jewcomplete collection of early English The following were selected for the of the entertainment. The commit- Junior Hadassah girls. Kay, Theodore Kowalski, John Le-! ish Community Center, the Temple Similar services were conducted by and American labor periodicals, etc. board of directors: tee in charge consists of Stanley F . The regular monthly meeting of genza, Harold Murphy, Joe Opocens-1 Israel Sunday School, and the South Levin, chairman; Mrs. ' Syd ' Win- A. Z. A. chapters throughout the coun- - I t is said that Professor Seligman Mrs. Gerenowsky, S. Lipp, Sam : the "Women's Auxiliary of the Con- ky Esther Stein, Solomon Susman. Omaha Talmud Torah. . . •••';•••. ' troub, Earl Siegel, Rose Stein and try. turned his collection over t-> Colum- Zusman, Abe Coltoff, Joseph Haykin, servative Synagogue will not be held A r t h u r Swoboda, Dale Wilterding, Wise Memorial Hospital Cantor Pliskin also officiated a t the bia, for a fraction of its value be- Max Salakow, Sam Ruderman, A. Marcda Kaplan. Louis this Wednesday, April 9, but a Board Swiatek, all pupils of Frank The Wise Memorial Hospital reregular Conservative Synagogue ser"Foreman, and Sam Schwartz. Tryouts for master of ceremonies cause of sentiment. meeting will be held at the J. C. C. M a c h ' Concert Violinist and In- ported that efforts will be made to Saturday morning. Rabbi will be held Thursday night, April vices at 2 o'clock structor. They will be assisted by 10, a t the Center a t 8 o'clock. Abner Bengis delivered a sermon in Yiddish. (Continued on Page 3) _ _ . . , . • i • i i_ Gertrude Bloch, Joseph Ciurej, EliThe Auxibarv is planning a lunch^ T-. T «• n« * Kaiman will judge t h e applicants , , ., ' ~ , , . ., nor Cohen, Dora Dolgoff, Margaret who will be graded according to their eon and bridge for Wednesday, April stage personality, poise, originality 23, at the Jewish Community Center, j man, Esther Kay. Elaine Kaiman, and line of chatter. Arrangements are also being made Doris Knight, Sylvia Mach, GeneThe next Council meeting will be New York. — One of the largest I the twelfth century by means of this to serve a luncheon between 12 and vie.ve Price, Ernest Priesman, Marian held Monday night a t eight-thirty Stanley F . Levin was.elected chief collections of Haggadoth,which relate I collection, which relates the story of 1 o'clock in a special dining room RoWnson, Gertrude Stein and Geralo'clock. The first annual open house of advisor of the mother chapter a t the history of the exodus of the Jews J the "Feast of Freedom," the most downstairs for those men who desire dine Straus, pupils of Harry Bravirthe Center Players Guild will br the regular meeting held last Sun- from Egypt, will be shown by the ! popular of Jewish festivals. Ilium- to come. off, Concert Pianist and Instructor. held at the Community Center audiMrs. B. A. Simon, chairman of the day afternoon at the Community Hebrew University in connection j inations and illustrations were perThe accompanists will be Gertrude torium Sunday evening, April 6, »t Ways and Means committee of the Center. The other members of the with the dedication.of the "Wolffson raitted neither in the Bible nor inAuxiliary, will have charge of theBlock, Dora Dolgoff, Anne Ruback, i B - - p. m. The program will b ' advisory board are Dr. Meyer Beber, Catherine. Swoboda, John Kowalski open to the public. Philip N. Klutznick, Louis Riklin and Memorial Library on Mount Scopus, the Prayer Book, but were used in affair, as Mrs. F . J. Alberts, chair- and Harr Jerusalem, April 14, according to the Haggadah to induce the children man of the Social Committee, will \ > Braviroff. The prog-ram will consist of throsT Harry B. Cohen. word received by the American ofi to keep awake during the religious not be able to have charge, owing to! one-act plays under the direction Interest is running high over the I .illness. •The April meeting of the Omaha A. Z. A. dance, "College Daze", ffice of the University. Nearly nine j service. and management of Guild members. hundred editions of the Haggadoth, j p Omaha reservations are b e i n g Zionist district, which will take place which will be held Sunday evening, These a r e : "The French Boquet," e x hibit of the rare manuscripts Monday evening, April 7, in theApril 20, at the Paxton hotel. Mem- from the invention of the printing !a n d autographs in the Schwadron taken care of by Mrs. Irvin Stalwritten and directed by Miss MarLodge room of the Jewish Commun- bers stated that ticket sales were press to the present day, will be on jc o ii e c t i O n in the Hebrew University master, while Mrs. John Beber is in garet Hurwitz: "The Valiant," directity Center, will be turned into a brisk. The College club orchestra exhibit during the month of April, j i i D r a r y will also be shown as part of charge of Mrs. John Beber. ed by Haskell Cohen; and "The The Fa-Hon sorority debate team, Employment Office," directed by Mis? which marks the fifth anniversary of J t h e anniversary celebrations. This Balfour memorial meeting. had been secured for the evening. consisting of Marion Brookstein and Dorothy Margolin. program will consist of . a The chapter voted to take part the opening of the University. \ collection of specimens of handwrit( The Rose Stein, was judged winner of The oldest copy in the University jing f r o m n o t a b l e Jewish men and ialk in. English by- Rabbi Abraham in the Senior Council Road Show, "The Valiant" is a tragedy, while Mr. Ben Cohen, 102 South Fifty- the final debate of the tournament the other two are comedies. lti i s the th Haggadah H d hof fM Man- w o m ee nn ^ the Bengis, on "Lord Balfour and HisRoad House Nites, and will present collection h largest g and most comsecond street, resident of Omaha for { s p o n s o r e d D y the Senior Council of Connection with Palestine and the a full number featuring William tova, printed in 1560. I t is printed | p l e t e i n iiie w o rld. twenty-five years, died Saturday the Jewish Community Center, on Jewish People". He will also discuss Ferber, Grace Levin, and their girls' on wooden blocks with illustrations Originally donated to the Univers- morning from asphyxiation. Funeral the report of the British commission chorus. The chorus is already re- in the classical, style of the Italian !"-. ity by Dr Abraham Schwadron, i t services were held Sunday afternoon. the question, "Resolved, that the which investigated the August riots hearsing and consists of some of the Renaissance. I t • contains, among jjhh aa gg ^ ^ ssuu l e m e n t e d b tendency of modern Jewish youth is ifts f r o m Surviving the deceased are his a picture of the Messiah on j in Palestine. Mr. I. Morgenstern of prettiest girls attending school at others others a picture of the Messiah on j ^ ^ ^ s c i e n t i s t s ? a r widow, two daughters, Ruth and straying from Judaism." ed ^ Council Bluffs will speak in Yid- Central High, Omaha University and The finals were held Monday night The local National Fund Council donkey before the closed gates of , ffiusicians a n d others. Rose, and two sons, Allan and Maur- with the Center Players Guild afdish, and Cantor E. Sellz will chant Creightori University. Sanley F . Le-aJerusalem and Elijah has announced donations to the fumi Jerusalem and W u a a l m . Elijah j most the traditional memorial prayer. J . vin is in charge of the A. Z. A.blowing a horn. Of particular inter^ a r t i; cz] ee d p oo sns e s <s <i oTnh se o iiTs o f ice. firmative team, consisting of Martha from the following: Mr. Cohen -was connected vrith sev- Lappett and Max Weinstein, met the J.. Friedman will preside. show committee. est is the Haggadah of V enice print- ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ban, in honor Relativity," donated by Professor eral organizations, being prominent „ %r ed in 1601, and translated into YidThe cultural committee in charge of their silver wedding- anniversary; Einstein, who was a -member in ir, +the v« nOmaha ^ . L o W-K«™Fa-Hon negative team. Hebrew r-i,,K Club. of this meeting consists of Rabbi The annual rummage "sale of thedis, Ladino, the dialect used, by Mr. and Mrs. J . Fellman, in honor The judges were Milton Abrahams, Spanish Jews, and Italian. This of the First Board of Governors of k chairman, J . J. Friedman, Council will be held April 29 and Philip Klutznick, and Harry Mendel- of their son's engagement; Mr. an<i „ , , .' . .„ , ^ , i the University. Professor Sigmund Klutznick, Dr. O. C. Belzer, 30. Members are urged t o have Haggadah contains illustrations show- ; , . ' ^ . „ - * _ 4051 Certificates Granted Mrs. Sam Flax, in honor of. their son. Stanley Levin presided. Mrs. Abe Weinstein, and Miss Rose their bundles ready for these dates. ing the customs of the Jews in Italy, ] Freud recently sent a manuscript on .Jerusalem.-—Of the 5.002 people This same Fa-Hon team was daughter's marriage. Fine. ;B"y calling Mrs. B. A. Simon or Mrs. particularly the hospitality on the-j Psychoanalysis in his own handwrit- who applied for Palestine citizenship judged victor of the debate tournaAll of these were collected by Mrs. The meeting will be open to theA. Somberg "they -will -be, collected eve of Passover. ling, together with manuscripts from certificates in 1929, 4051 were grant- ment sponsored by the Jewish Com- M. Levenson and Mrs. L. Rosenblatt public. promptly. for the National Fund. ed the certificates. munity Center last year. Jewish art may be "traced back to ( his distinguished students.

Public Invited to Attend Outstanding Program Which Will Commemorate the Day

Jewish Welf are Federation to Be Enlarged, Women's Groups to Form Council, Jewish Education and Loan Societies to Be Co-ordinated


Jr. Hadassah's Benefit Bridge Great Success

Is Feature of A, Z.^L. Sabbath



Crounse Elected to Head Labor Lyceum

A. 1 A. Chapter No. 1 Selects Its Advisors


Haggadoth Relating History of Exodus to Be Exhibited

Players Guild Will Sponsor Open House


Fa~HonWins Debate Cup


B. Cohen Dies

Jewish National Fund • A nnounces Donations

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1930 team of the spring-' -'training teams elty in the rapid,rise of the young for the championship of the Scarlet Jewish merchant prince; Isaac Liband Cream grid iron. , Greenberg and erman, president of Arnold,. Conthe other Jewish Nebraska Univer- stable £ Co., one of New York's By 1 sity guard,, Eddy yRosen,, showed up largest department stores, for there STANLEY F. LEVIN great during the three spring foot- is nothing new in the fact that an 2553 Farnam — AT. 6513 ball games and should do just as able, aggressive and far-sighted JewThe J. A. C. baseball club , will — FUR STORAGE — -well when the fall season rolls ish business man was able to obenter the Southern League of amaaround. tain control of a huge business. teur baseball this year under -the But if the headline hunters stop name of the Shames Radiator Co. The Mid-Western A. A. U. hand- there they will be deceived for in Most of the members' of last year's ball championships will be decided Isaac Liberman's career they have nine will be on deck this year along with several new men. Lester iGv- soon when the cream of the four something really dramatic. The drama in his success is not enter probably will again do the wall court artists meet at the Center. FOR YOUR much the rapid rise to wealth catching while a hurling staff of Max The Community Center has been the Altshuler, Sammy Yousem, Sol Tucker scene of the A. A. U. handball tour- and influence as the fact that he is now in control of an establishment and Sam Osterman will endeavor to naments for the paet three years. By RAYMOND DANNENBAUM that is well over 100 years old and strike out all opposition. The team one that was established not by "Freud and Lincoln represent the Bough'. The strength of the great Bui his work is very fine in that he is working out almost every night Jews but by descendants of the first two greatest pathfinders of modern chapters lay in literal interpreta- most happily dilutes Freud. on the Central High school. "We used to think that David tion of their content. The individuresidents of New York, The New times! Practice will be held this Sunday 16th and Howard York papers reports that Mr. Liber' "Now we take the Bible as frag' al's choice to i " things is so fal-Pinski would be great. We admired afternoon at l,:30 p. m. at Elmwood 'Treasure' and T h e Wive^ of Davlible!' man's other enterprise, Stewart & rant Belles Lett res! Park. Any Jewish- ball player who "In some phases I have come to id', but evidently something happen- t w i s h e g t o t r y o u ti s a s k e d to be pres Co., also one of the <>ld mercantile "Berfson, like Plato, makes metaagree with the 'old guard'. It often ed to his gift. enterprises of the city, and one physics real! ent at the practice. which through Mr. Liberman's ef"Jacob Wasserman i s a good novel' "Robert Nathan is the best of is better to be identified with the By accumulated wisdom of the group ist. He paints magnificent canvasses. forts was recently moved into a American Jewish writers! BERNARD POSTAL The J. C. 'C. > varsity basketball palatial structure on upper Fifth "Jews, like women, having under- and to suffer anonymity in the ef- "Berson is one of the most wonIt is not given to every man toavenue, is about to merge with angone the oppression of the ages, facement of the 'I'. The Bible of- derful of metaphysicists. Like Plato team failed to let well enough alone At its next cleaning and accordingly drove to Sioux City achieve real distinction in more than other department store. ' must first traverse a long time be- fers us escape from leisure,' from hi makes metaphysics real." deserves our Replying to my question, "What where they were -badly trimmed by one field of endeavor but Judge Horfore they can reach the first ranks self-disconten—it has, through literThe Stewart store has been proal interpretation, much to .offer,, and do you consider an essential trait of the Sioux City Center five. The in the. Arts,! Stern of Philadelphia can nownounced the finest achievement in inas it inevitably does it proffer us the Jew ? Do you believe in aTurchen brothers were just too muc> • ~ j ^ m * different dustrial art anywhere in the world. in three . "The Jewish mii.d is good at genfor the local cagers who received relief from the danger of indivKIND of Jewish genius?", he cortM a j u r i s t h e i s o n eo f In everything connected with both eralization! the worst defeat that a Center var- e n d e a v o r 8 "We used to think of Pinski as iduality, so often does iur skeptic- cluded: the ablest in Philadelphia. As astores Mr. Liberman has pioneered; IlENHY SOLU; ED SOL1G decorations, in merchandising potentially great — something, how- ism make \ia refuse. We are the "There was a time when I be-sity five has been handed in years. social and civic worker his services Altshuler and Johnny Rosenblatt losers." lieved in French CLARITY and in 214 So. 14 — AT. 6662 ever happened, to his gift!" to the American Jewish Committee methods, in personnel and in manThornton Wilder, author of "The Wilders neenn to dangle from the German SENTIMENT. Once I at-were as usual the stars for the Cen-of which organisation he now heads agement. the executive committee and more ©ridge of San Luis Key" and thehorns of a dilemma. He speaks of tributed to each nationality a spe-ter. (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish recently his affiliation with the Pal-Telegraphic Agecy, Inc.) "Cabbala", holds these beliefs about himself as e. "schoolmaster". He cific and distinguishing quality, and Elmer Greenberg and his Comappears to wish to hide in the form- I still believed as I did then, I estine cause have given him a nathe Jewish mil d. husker Tiger team will meet a picked tional reputation. This week Judge might say that Jews are marked by lessness of a group. Before his eyes While in Sar Francisco recently Stern was named impartial arbitra- Synagogue to Be Reopened on a lecture tour, he remarked in drvces the pleasure of being able to a kind of CONTAGIOUS EARNESTMoscow.—Many synagogues that NESS. But generalizations are dantor of the newly established arbitraa exclusive interview with the JeVr- look without, a s ' i t were from over were closed at the height of the antigerous. Even so, it appears . that th3 shoulders of his fellow "schooltion machinery in the Philadelphia isl. Telegraphic Agency that he forereligious campaign, will be reopened Danish clothing industry. saw great works in the path of the r.:asters". '..He speaks ^precisely with Jews can be swung on abstractions, and returned to the local Jewish Jewish.artist. ' He believes that Am- pursed l i p s . - I think"he regrets an and moved by ideas more than other This appointment is compliment Pioneer communities, the correspondent of folk. inability to--achieve 'perfect pedaerica is coming of age, that Dreiser, no, only to his legal ability but to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Sinclair Lewis and Sherwood Ander- gogy. He discusses the Bible touch- "Incidentally," he suddenly exhis moral courage and civic-mindedButter learns. No synagogues are being son, wi h condemnation and ridicule ingly, as if^lavirig'-'eaies the bitter claimed, "Did it ever occur to you ness. Jewish philanthropies in PhilaThomsen-Slater Butter Co. closed now. The Jewish Communist in their ascendancy ;and- decline pre_- apple of doubt its passages can bethat the two greatest and most abdelphia have in Judge Stern one of press still publishes accounts ofsageri the coming to. maturity of the no more to him than :'^fragrant sorbingly interesting characters in the their most active workers and supsynagogues being closed but these Lettres".-^ Having rid- himself modern novel are 'Bloom* in Joyce's 'American literary mind.", "in" porters. He is a former president reports are old. | tion to this he said: . ••-_ ' ; . of the group and of the group-sense, 'Ulysses', and the young man called of the Jewish Federation of Charihe wants the'/warmth of its stolid T of whom Marcel Proust wrote? ties in the City of Brotherly Love. "It is important to possess real••••! ism. And its first awakening, our sameness. (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish In other capacities too he has earliest sense of its existence, points "The action, should reveal the Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) earned fame. He has served his 4420 Florence Blvd. to the birth of a national intellect. idea," he continues, referring to alma mater, the University of PennKE. 1500 Interest in the eternal springs of "The Bridge of San Luis Rey". "But The men who try>to do something sylvania, for a number of years as The HouseA\^i)h A Uepotatlan action, the evocation of a curiosity I mistakenly stated the' idea also, j and fail are infinitely better than lecturer in law and member of the towards our relation to all things, This Thi was an error. B But so far asthose who try to do nothing and sucboard of governors. is the incidence of a metamorphosis counting me a fatalist, that is uii-ceed. is ont wjrta . —Jones. from dilectic uses.of the material of fair. In the book I stayed on the The unique situation of a private make uniformly « our. immediate experience; or a re-fence, what mapy suppose was to be What is man's chief enemy? Each citizen extricating an important poliIbellenr, delicious, fulllating of our literary environs to there, they read Into the action: tical personage, no less an individual man is his own. -Anacharsis. flavored coffee. This Hot» 'intelligent understanding of the 'The Bridge of S;JI Luis Rey' presthan the mayor of the Pacific coast's Painting Contractors point electric percolator force springs of life. Now we "useents the problem. ' The reader may metropolis, from a. tight position, All branches of painting • : makes it scientifically,'*!tfte" Bible wisely. We see beyond interpret it as he pleases." has amused San Francisco political and Decorating tlit: immediacy of the word. , We feel .ways the same. , So with Wilder himself. Reveal. 1314 Ne. 24tb St. WE. 4211 circles for the' last fortnight. Her«a flexible interpretation ,in ]its ing his opinion of the Bible, of peo-, T bert Fleischhacker, the descendant of jTKe coffee is read* pie, Jie states }&§ wiucaseiF He IS one of the pioneer families of Caliquickly, right at tHe table ^ ^ of : ,'jssff aspect oAf'the^fehce. % t)n Vx^ne ^ e is that By MRS. TURKEL at fornia, and a leader in the industvith all its delightful ; of the>Bibl6 ;tht 'Old g u a r d \ * ptea'su*aW womblike 4vprinth of the trial and financial life of the west, is RUNNERS AND SNAGS j aroma and satisfying zest. less. It heralds for them the vacein crowd^ on^th'e "6Ther~logic and a not [ T H E CAFETERIA, SHOPthe enterprising and far-sighted San REMOVED ;r or the Book of Laws.. They say, to be ignored intellectual heritage.— Franciscoan, who helped Mayor Ralph 219 So. 14th St. f;_This new Hotpqfot Bolt Hose, ^lending Shop 'You have made of the. Sacred Books Then he continues discussion of the 'out of a tickTisn' 'sifuatiwii* SPECIAL PASSOVER tm eolator shown is « One-day serTice- or while you watt mere footnotes to the .'Golden Jew, saying: Fleischhacker has been appointed DISHES' • 'dtrful value. —Mail OrUers rromptly Service*}— "I think of Freud and Lincoln as by Mayor Rolph to a place on «he 533 iSfewrities Bldg.—AT. Try our /ood for yonr the two greatest pathfinders of our board of the proposed San Francisco you will . apptecfote'^the whole time.. I remember Freud's wap memorial -which' is to be in the merciful interpretation of mental fotnV of one .large building housing Bd MRS. suffering, his sympathy and undera ipruhicipal op^era house and heidAUGUST JM. standing of human nature—its falfiUarter» for-the American Legion LAUNDERS & DRT. CLEANERS libility, and pathos. Freud and LinPIANOiSCHOOi. -anti :oth*r patriotic organizations^. $12,95 Term CO. " 3101 -So. 24—WE. 6055 coln SAW mankind. Lincoln in a 37th and Martha St». HArnej- 53:3 , • 2M1 DwitrUs Street -"""The-" city supervisors- had refused KA comprehensive and more overt fashPublic 'Performance $© ratify"-the mayor's appointment Soft gray. ifon7" brass, "bronze • aiid 3[a4ame B^iglum Coaches- -1 n, Freud through" the intricate com- aluminum eastings..'^ standard 'fcUses of a board df trustetes because the bronze and iron bi^ljiflg?,., server" manplexities of the soul." Legion forces contended that veterholes, cistern.- rings - and covers,, and doors in stock. AH kinds of SALES LETTERS ans were not sufficiently receg Wilder pictures Jews in the arts clean-out wood and metal ..patterns... . • MULTIGRAPHING in appointments. A - deadlock --'of L. an alalogous position to woman. MIMEOGRAPHING CHARLES SIMON months ensued with the resulting "Long servitude under men prePRINTING Eccommends delay in the . construction of the vented women from .finding themCommercial Duplicating Co. building: . Ther Sanitary Laundry : selves. Now with exaggerated lib1511 Dodge St.—JA. 4854 "The< ^est of All Laundry Service" _ NATIONAL erties they are breasting their way With that typical civic pride that into every w< Ik of life, but as yet .,• ACCESSORIES^ I N C . has made hint one of the outstandAT-2815 none are in the first run. Similar-: ing personalities in: the business "Everything for the Aqto" •-VOCK FKIE^D ly, Jews, oppressed physically by philanthropic, social and Jewish fife persecution, as well ;> as spiritually 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 of California, Fleischhacker res: JACOB RIKLIN by the staggering "weight of a Purigiving way to a Is still in the Painting, Decorating tanism, more puritanical than that and Paperhanging Business the deadlock Our "Work is Reasonable of our most excessive Puritans, oversupervisors ||to| and Satisfactory whelmed by European ghettos and rati|.yUteie^?apReptmer.ts. " w Call WEbster 6270 ' Jewish Books and -all the spiritual ghetto of complex TalReligious Articles mudic law, had the artistic factor What the.Gjnibels and Strauss" Decatur St.—rhone WE. 3537 submerged. are to the mercantile world of New I wish to call tbe attention of all Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, "Now at last the Jew has emerged York, the Mandels are to the mer-; my customers to the fact that I just MAKE YOUR Camp Supplies, All Kinds received n fresh stock of nil kinds of into every field. Because of a lack fantile world of Chicago. The 15 and Howard . , . . ! _ . . A T ^ l l l S Matzos of the best qualities, and of previous experience, of a defici:ilso nil kinds of Passover articles mous Mandel Brothers department Reservations NOWlike Matzo flour, cakeflour,ess store, the third largest in Chicago ency of artistic heritage no Jew has \ Matzos, cookies, etc. FOR PASSOVER MEALS yet reached first place in the fine Alio. I want my customers to reYour Choice of a it, now celebrating its seventy-ftflh member my own make soap, kosher Call HA. 2358 3617 Farnam arts. To do so will require more anniversary and it Is pertinent *• for Tesnch, and all the kinda of Rokeaeh's Kosher articles for, . "recall something'of'the members'.of than a social tradition (which the' Pesach. Jew already has)—a psychological this, family whic^h lias left such '** one. For example, probably Jews indelible impress' on Chicago and ^••••••••••••••r Usually: Sells for $6\ Times a day we are in your painted no earlier than 300 years has done so much to make neighborhood ago. In the future when this second city what it is.. II1IHI1DIIIIIII country's psychological inheritance has maturFounded by Leon, Simon and KmJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor ed the Jew will perhaps have lifted ahuel Mandel in J8&5 the "NEW FOR OLD" — CITY WIDE DELIVERY — himself in the arts to a plane with just eight years younger than Another $6 Value his present achievement in the law, AT. 4750—MA. 4750 AND 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 cago's oldest synagogue, The scions science, ethics, philosophy. It will of the Mandel Brothers who hive Tune in KOIL every Tuesday' or take a long time to create a Jew in headed the Institution in the last at 10:00 A. M. for the art, the equal of Spinoza in the Leisure Hours program th'ree quarter of a century have disAT ALL GROCERS realm of metaphysics." tinguished themselves in Jewish 'as Made by Quoting Disraeli and pointing to well as civic endeavors. Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Montaigne whose mother was re'The three founders were particu"Manufactured in Also a $6 Value Company puted to be a Spanish Jewess, to larly interested in the I.ichael Reese Harry H. Lapidus, President- Treas. Omaha" Wagner who was at least one-eighth Omaha Nebraska hospital and the University of ChiBaker Ice Machine , Co. • .Jewish, to England's great Cardinal SOLO ON EASY TERMS The Leon Ma.idel hall given IIIIIIIIIIIHV cago. •.Newman, who was likewise supposed by the Mandel family to the univer"Electric Shops" : . • to*;have inherited a fair draught of sity is now the university's auditorand Karney Sts. 2314 "M". St. Semitic Wood, .Wilder expressed his ium. Mrs.- Emanuel Mandel, mother MID WEST -beUei that the Jewish genius is of Edwin Mandel, who now heads ENCIRAVlNG COJNC. n.ost fruitful th ough diffusion. This tlie firm, -was responsible for the should not delight pur anti-assimilafounding of the Maxwell Street Set~ \ ARTISTS ghtionists! • \ tlement and the JewisTi Training _ . ENCrjAVCRS Kd*'] Speaking at random of present school, i PnoneATLANTlC 0 6 3 9 great men in Israel, Wilder asserted: | "Stefan • Zweig is too rhetorical. Headline hunters will find no nov-'

Thornton Wilder Expresses > His Opinions of the Jews


Kish Royal FURS

Author of"The Bridge of San Luis Rey" Tells HisRegard; for the Jewish Intellect in Literature, Art, Science and Philosophy . . .,

lialashock's Jewelry Needs

Jews in the News

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Expert Attention ABLE THE HATTER





Hom£ Cooked Fooids


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When You Buy the Percolator



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pitizens9 Committee Acts Upon t' the Survey Recommendations (Continued from Page 1.)

J. Selinsky Invites IJEWISH DEBATER Jewish Patronage TO CAPTAIN TEAM Jack Selinsky, well-known barber AGAINST HARVARD with many years of experience, has counting will be installed and all ap-


Sterling Yale four-year. free scholarship-, --Yale Freshman Barge prize in mathematics, Hurlburt^Runk pciie for the best combined examination in mathematics and latin, Sophomore Barge prize in mathematics, New York Yale club prize in mathematics, Scott prize in German drama, De Forrest Senior prize in mathematics, and was elected to Philosophical Orations on his graduation from Yale. • , Since graduation he was the recipient of the Foote-Hurtt fellowship, a University fellowship and now another fellowship for his next year's study. Besides his scholastic activities he was a member of the faculty of a New Haven Preparatory school, a .member of the University club and of the Chess club.

been enjoying even better business plications for the Old Peoples' Home Announcement was just 'received George A. Magney, former county that Casper Shanok, a brother of since moving his barber shop from will be investigated by the Family . When a crack debate team from engage "a Jewish superintendent and instill a Jewish atmosphere into the Welfare Department of the Federa- Harvard University meets Creighton 13th and Howard to 218 South 14 St. attorney, has made the following Louis M. Shanok, assistant executive University Wednesday evening, April He intends to build up his business statement concerning John Hopkins, secretary of the Jewish Community hospital. A Jewish cook and two tion. 9, on the question of Prohibition at still further on the basis of service, candidate for reelection as city com- Center, has-been awarded a gradJewish graduate nurses will be enJewish Community Center missioner: . uate fellowship valued at $1000 to gaged, and an intensive campaign of The J. C. C. voted in favor of being; the Creighton auditorium, a Jew- giving each individual customer John Hopkins, as finance commis- continue his study of mathematics prompt and satisfactory attention. education and publicity will be insti- admitted to the Community Chest, ish student, Ben Kazlowsky, •will Mr. Selinsky's new place of busi- sioner, . has held down one of the at the Yale Graduate school. Shanok, tuted to get the Jewish people to use asking for a budget of the difference captain the local trio, according to most difficult jobs that can be hadwho was the baby of his college ness is centrally located, and is spaannouncement made by the Univerthe Wise Hospital. between the income and the necessary in the city- hall. The voter cannot graduating class, has yet to await cious, airy and sanitary in the expenditure. The recommendation sity forensic department. Free Loan Society view easily what he accomplishes. his twenty-first birthday this May. highest degree. He invites Jewish Harvard comes to Omaha proposA permanent committee of five to that the Talmud Torah be moved into patronage, assuring them that if Because of this the job, more or He is • finishing his second year of be appointed by the president of the the J. C. C. was postponed, awaiting ing a plan which has received a they give him a trial they will be- less, is a thankless ; one. graduate study and hopes to acquire great deal of publicity and newsFederation will supervise the work of the report of the committee appointed ; All he has to show his constitu- a Ph. D. degree next year. come steady customers. paper comment. by the Center. the Free Loan Society. A clerk will During his thirteen years on How- ents is a mass of figures. Any vot-; He has ranked in the first per Kazlowsky was also captain of be engaged to look after the books ard street, Mr. Selinsky has made er who would take the time to ana-' cent of his class, was elected to Phi the team which opposed Princeton and collections, and to interview bormany friends among the Jewish lyze the figures would quickly see Beta Kappa in his junior year when at the Ad-Sell on March" 17 .on the rowers and signers. A service charge people, both personally and profes- he is doing a good job for bis city. only 17 years of age and the folquestion of the younger generation. Will be made to defray expenses enAs finance commissioner he haslowing year was elected to Sigma sionally. This will be the first time 'in the tailed in the administration. been always out in front, fighting Xi, the honorary scientific society. Jewish Workers Increase history of the school that' a varsity Moscow.—There are now 10,000 to keep down taxes. I t is generally; Besides medals and certificates his Confidential Exchange debater has been given the privilege FRANK FROST RUNNING accepted that - he is the man who awards thus far have totaled over Jewish workers and 15,000 Jewish of meeting two, of the most outFOR COMMISSIONER keeps his foot on the brakes when The Free Loan Society approved of;W a i . b a n dW e i z m a n n A r e $4,280 in value. Among the prizes artisans in Leningrad, the latest staInimnrr fhn I Vvifi/- ai^ri r»l M'vuhitnf** *%-F 1 *^.—• _ ^ _ standing universities, both members joining the Confidential Exchange of! it comes to spending the taxpayers' he has been awarded are the folBoth Satisfied With Among the many candidates runtistics show, of which 7,000 belong of the Big Three, in the same seaclearing their loans with other loan I money. He watches zealously the lowing: Labor mathematics prize, the Sessions son. During his three years of inter- ning for the office of City Commisorganizations. The Mutual Loan As-! to the Communist youth league. city's funds and opposes any ex, sociatioh, the Workmen's Loan Asso-1 London.—Gratification that it was collegiate debating at Creighton, sioner, one can not help but notice penditure of the city's money unciation, and the Independent Work-1 p o s s i b l e t o w o r k without dissension Kazlowsky has never dropped a de- the effective efforts that are being less i t is in the interest of all of put forth every day by the friends of men's Loan-Association all voted to j a n d w i t f l m u t u a , under standinj? and cision debate. the taxpayers. Mr. Frank Frost. join the Confidential Exchange. Kazlowsky is also a member of j the hope that there will be perfect Because of his responsibility as Some twenty men, old school mates, Council of Jewish Women peace and harmony among all sec-the J . C. C. debate team which is are doing about everything that one head of the finance department, and The Immigration Department of the tions of population in Palestine was to meet the Pittsburgh "Y" on Sun- could suggest to put Mr. Frost up because of his detailed knowledge of Council will continue to- operate with expressed here by Felix M. War-day, April 27, in the Center audi- at the top of the list, and it looks the city's financial affairs, he is the Federation, and the Council will burg, chairman, of the Administra- torium for the Midwestern Commun- like he will go over the top without forced to say "no" frequently when individual groups want the city to <lovclop the Scholarship Fund in! tdve Committee of the J e w i s h ity Center championship, the ques- any trouble. spend money for something that will agreement - with the Jewish Welfare j Agency, at the conclusion - of the tion being whether a Jewish state Passover need no longer be a restricted is necessary for the preservation of only prove of benefit to a few at Federation, so that there.will.be no; Committee's session. • < • Holiday—confined to'meat foods, now you the Jewish people. Morgenthau Honored the expense of the whole city, and duplication of effort. The Council apDr. Chaim Weizmann, president of can have. • Athens.—Henry • Morgenthau, for- increase taxes for everyone. proved of joining the proposed Con- the Agency, said that the meeting roer American minister to Turkey, He is progressive in thought but ference of Jewish Women's Clubs and had clarified the position of the j participated in the celebration of the still he does not believe in waste. through that organization affiliate j Apency and had removed many -ob- j centenary of Greek independence, John Hopkins' "four wheel" brakes •with the Federation. stacles that had been in the way April 3. Mr. Morgenthau came here have worked sincerely and efficiently Speaking in the name of all the Jewish Day Nursery Society as the guest of the Greek people. for greater economy in the spending The Jewish Day Nursery Society, members of the Administrative Com9 .700 Omaha Tobacco Co—._—21 of the taxpayers' dollar. originally known as the Jewish Or- mittee, Dr. Weizmann expressed his Malashock Jewelry "18 12 .600 And yet wise men learn, learn thanks foT the manner in which Mr. phanage, agreed that there is no need Empire Cleaners _ 16 14 .533 - 14 16 .467 much from eneirdesr~ —Aristophanes. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS of any Jewish Day Nursery or anyWarburg had conducted the proceed- Wardrobe 14 16 .467 similar institution. They approved ings for the accomodating spirit Kaiman Insurance Glazer Clothing _ 9' 21 .300 which he had manifested throughout of the development of the foster-home The Empire Cleaners swept the n e deliberations. - ; idea and asked that the Jewish Day j lthe aeuDerauons. entire series in their contest with Nursery be riven an opportunity to Saying, that the members of the the Glazer Clothiers; while the MalMade Kosher under the personal superTHE OPENING OF A help in the work under the direction Committee were parting at "a very ashock's won a pair from the Kaivision of Rabbi M. Feldman. lie declared him.imoment of the Federation. The organization man Insurance Five. "convinced vi t h a t J ' w t definitely is also in favor of joining a ConferSOLD AT ALL GROCERS The Wardrobe, minus the services ence of Women's clubs. I— •— ; T- t W e continue _ . . - , . , vir , , r , '.•'. -.with renewed vigor.'" The 'history of of their "ace", Leo Weitz, won a Jewish >Vomens Welfare Federation ° . --. , • ! our people was a series of intervals pair from the Omaha Tobacco Co. Morris Meyerson, the youthful The Jewish Women's Welfare O r -jj bb ee tt ww ej ee |nl c^^ , riges a n d t h e m e n asS€m. The Language ttiat children understand and the m e n asS€m "Pin Buster" captured individual and WEbster 3296 Ranization will take the initiative in, W e d herfi a r e a c c u s t o m e d t 0 c r i s e s Also: advance class in -Jewish history, ethics and creating a Federation of total honors. by registering a 279 fundamentals for the youth. Classes being creating a Federation of ^ ° ™ « 4 a n d the'more crises we experience single and a 640 total. The high clubs ajul will co-opetate with/the i ^ " gtroftger formed now. Register your children immediately. . w-^ e m e r g e from t h e single mark smashed the all time Federation through th-s Conference of | s t r U g g i e > « Location of school to'-'be determined by parents' committee. • •.*• ' . • . . • • . . • . • ' • ' . _ . • • . Women's clubs. *.' Just before the session closed, Dr. record of t h e League, Morrie Bloom shot "a consistent total of .604. Bikur, Cholini -. | suggested Lord Melchett Other high individual games as The Bikur Choliro society agreed.toj as, chairman of the Agency's CounAb. Kaiman 223, Sam COi-opcrate with the Federation and i cil in the place left vacant '»y the fo'lows: B. OF SCIENCE AND PEDAGOGY refer to it "all relief cases; also, to j late Louis; Marshall and Dr. Cyrus Meyerson 212, Abe Venger 212, D. ' E. Greenberg 212, Bloom 207 and WE. 3318 2033 No. 19th join the conference of Women's clubs, j Adler as','joint chairman. It Avill be given representation on.thej Dr. Adler reported on the work of 203, Krupp 200. Relief Committee of the Federation, j th political commission, dealing at Ladies Free Loan Society \ s:>me length with the problem of the „. ., , , ', T .. ' ; Wailing Wall. Mr. Warburg, after Since the loans of the Ladies Freer . " . . . . .1 , . , _ . . , , , 1 paying a tnpute to the late TLouis Loan Society are made to members i * •J * : V^ J . . . . 1.1 * • • 4.1. JTopkis. referred to the nomination only, the group is unable to join the; * ' _, . ^.^.i__^-_-i ^ c .of ^ . . Women's : . . I...*, .-...MI i. : _;of the non-Ziopist members of the the Conference Clubs. | Executive and'/ said that Julius SiUtasad Shal Amas ' ' j after his return to the the United mon could accept, positionStates only This group will continue as a s'cp-'whdn he-would know if he-could adearatc enterprise. It will install, a quately arrange . His private affairs. system of accounting for incoming ex—-. « / penditures. To Support Schools Old Peoples' Home and Bath House Moscow.—Twenty-three schools in A co-ordinating committee of the the Jewish colonies in Crimea which Tire up for a season of freedom from Federation to the Home of the Aged had been maintained by the Agrepunctures, blowouts or delays! We're .will-assume definite leadership for the Joint will henceforth be maintained offering THE GREATEST GOODpolicies and administration of the in- by the. government, the Cr'mean YEARS EVER BUILT—the latest stitution. A financial system of ac-cabinet announced.




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f " 0 / I should say about $200,000 a 'year," returned Lopez. "I think," returned Bodanzky, "I ! think I should be taking the lessons from you."

We Omahans are greatly indebted" to William | F. Baxtei' for his praisewoi'thy efforts in bringing Published every Friday ati-Qnu&a, Nebraska, by to light the\true significance and importance of, THP JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY establishing a municipal university in our city. , ; - • • • • Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building We are proud that in our midst there are men - Telephone: ATlantic 1450 and women like him who have vision, who can DAVID BLACKER - -. - - Business and Managing Editor see big things, and it is imperative that we Jews FRANK R. ACKERMAN - . - - - - - - - - * - - Editor lend our utmost aid in this community effort toBy DAVID SCHWARTZ FANNIE.-KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent ward progress, We owe it to ourselves, both as SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jews and as constituent parts of this city not to PLANET NAMED JEWI'SH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street let this golden opportunity slip by. Especially, AFTER JEW Twain, you remember, once since Omaha University has offered i^s school to j?Subscripti6n Price, one year - - - $2.50 observed, that he ' could understand >r? the city gratis as a nucleus for a non-sectarian * Advertising rates furnished on application how astronomers ascertained the distmunicipal university. ance of the planets to the earth, but



from Yiddish cultural organization! A very interesting sketch, Babette ir various parts of the Unite* Deutsch pens of Judge Cardoso, who States and Canada and their guests is so frequently mentioned lor the Hebrew During Lunch Supreme Court of the United States. Chicago.— Chicago V "Jewish'•, busi* the first annual convention of tin Sketch is in this week's "New ness men with offices in the Loop "Yiddische Kultur Gesellschaft", th« Yorker." I abstract a few sentences will spend part of their, lunch-hour society for promoting the Yiddish language and literature in this here and there: studying Hebrew'in the Loop "Or- -country, was held at the Irving Plaza "The deans of three leading law thodox Synagogue, under the direc- Hall here. schools requested President Harding tion of Dr. Elias Guamze, rabbi ot to appoint him to the Supreme Court tho Congregation.- There will be Rabbi Nieto Dies San Francisco.—Rabbi Jacob Nieto of the United States, but the request classes in conversational Hebrew, rabbi emeritus of Temple Therith went unheeded—Yeare ago, when he writing and the study of classical rOHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old how, he asked, did they know their was at Columbia, a professor said of Hebrew. Israel, died here at the age of 66 and new address; be sure to give your name. Through the ages the Jew has been a staunch names. ' I •• ~'•"-.-. years after a brief illness. Rabbi him: '"There goes the man who writes It is said that this is the first advocate of all forms of education. Learning This comes to mind with present .77 most powerful English of any time that business men anywhere Nieto, who was born in London, was has been the secret of his immortality, the baro- discussion on naming of newly dis- the Columbia student, since Alexander will take time off from their lunch educated at the College of the City meter of his permanence, the golden hinge upon covered planet, which is filling so Hamilton—He is helped in his ability for such a purpose. of New York, and Jews College, HEBRAIC CALENDAR London. He became Rabbi of Temple which his national and religious existence has much of the news columns of this to bring advocates to book by his 5690-1930 Jewish Campaign Therith Israel in 1893. Early this ft' turned. Learning has been a living organism to day. Perhaps, it is not so generally prodigious memory. When the son of Allied New York.—Texas with a quota year the congregation named him Sunday, Apr. 13 known that the first planet discovered First Day Pesach __ the present Chief Justice of the Unitthe Jew, a well-spring of Jewish feeling and the ot $200,000 and Oklahoma with a rabbi emeritus with full £-alar>- for -Saturday, Apr. 19inspiration of Jewish life. Without it we would in modem times, Uranus, was for ed States Supreme Court was Car-goal Seventh Day Pesach of $75,000, are in the van of life. Borne time called after a Jew. Yetdojo's secretary someone observed to .Tuesday, Apr. 29have been severed from the tree of life. It is that *Rt)sh Chodesh lyar _ is the case. young Hughes thaf it must be an American Jewish communities al—Monday, Aug. 25small wonder then that we should be so avid in ALL ENGLAND WAS interesting job. "It's a swell job" ready organized for immediate state *&>sh Chodesh EHul _ Other Countries was the reply, "but you might as well and city drive for the $6,000,000 *. All Jewish holidays begin at sunset the pre-support of an enterprise that will open the gates EXCITED AiJed Jewish Campaign for the of education to a vaster multitude and spread One 'clear night in 17S1, William be secretary to an encyclopedia. He purposes of The Joint Distribution) Anti-Pesach Drive Doomed ceding secular day. . is proud of the fact that a great-uncle wisdom among a far larger number? With the Herschell, a London musician, reCommittee and The Agency for Pal-1 Moscow.—The anti-Passover cam ' *Aiso observed the day previous to Rosh establishment of a municipal university, educa- turned home from a concert. Noth- of his, named Seixas, was the first estine, and a large number of cities j paign in Moscow this year will be Jew to be a trustee of Columbia. Chodesh ,-». * •• ' <• . tion will be open to rich and poor alike. The ing particular to do, he started lookin other parts of the United States Sa weak affair because the Jewish ing at the skies. Lot of neighbors THE REVOLUTIONARY are actively preparing to put on! Communists have no issue ai.'rl will children of the poorer people who otherwise must have thought he was looking to fund-raising drives, according to an have to limit their Moscow program RABBI could never afford to go to college will be given see whether it was going to rain on This great uncle, by the way, wasannouncement from national head- i to merely a few anii-religious concerts during Passover eve which an opportunity to obtain a higher education. The the morrow, but it wasn't for that. rabbi of the Spanish-Portugese syna- quarters. actually amounts to nothing. The -decision of the Citizens' • Committee -in cost of college will be sliced in half and parents Astronomy was this musician's hobby. gogue in the days of the American On the other hand the number ot' adopting the recommendations of the Communal could educate their children and at the same Well, he hadji't been looking long, revolution. He was known as the Rabbi Critizes Jazz Dallas.—Jazz and its Jewish auJews registering for matzoth baked when he saw a stranger in the skies Revolutionary rabbi, and was one of Survey embarks us upon a most enthusing pro- time keep them home here in Omaha. thors -were criticized as untrue to the from leavened flour (a special emer1 —a planet no one had ever noticed the first ministers of New York City gram of/"progressive building. It conclusively, aside from raising the general cultural before. He took the planet's address, to openly advocate independence in serious traditions of Jewish music gency ruling permits this) at the demonstrates that the Jews of Omaha are not so to speak, and wrote a report about the days prior to 1776. Indeed, it bj Rabbi Henry Bamston of Hous- f Moscow synagogues is growing daily, stagnant, are not dormant, but that the renais- level of the community, a municipal university it. grew so warm for Ssixas on this ac- ton, before the annual convention of j Mat^fith 'bakeries are now being opsance, which is sweeping over the world Jewry would be a decided advantage to Omaha from a England was then having a lot of ccunt, that he was kept busy fleeing Texas rabbis which closed a two day j ened in different sections of the city in Fort Worth. with official sanction. and rekindling the Jewish qonsciougness: Jiajs purely business standpoint. It would mean the trouble with the Yankees, who under from the British and the .loyalists. session Eabbi Barnston said that influx of hundreds of students from surrounding General Washington were chasing the caught our own community in its tide and is Jewish music is part of the Jew's 'Compensation for Riots territory, would attract many families to Omaha, Tories here and there, much to the MINCHA AND BAPTISM carrying us toward self-betterment. .-."•! nature and an expression of his Jerusalem. — For persons. under Michael Gold in his book "Jews chargin of King George. But. desand would stimulate business activity. It is religious enthusiasm not an enter- fourteen years of age killed during without Money" paints a very interTo call a doctor is a frequent .occurence; to more constructive than the building of factories, pite the American Revolution,* all Engthe Palestine riots the government have him tell you what ails you and prescribe and leaders everywhere are realizing that a land became excited about the newesting portrait of one East Side Char- tainment. will pay no compensation according acter who eked out a living by going the cure is not rare, but to take the medicine; municipal university is no longer a privilege but planet. Maybe they thought, if they about from one missionary place to Judge Stern Named Arbitrator to the compensation scale made publoot America, they would annex the as the Citizens' Committee did is indeed unusual. a vital necessity. For the sake of our future new Philadelphia.—The system of im- lic, in which the government ananother and getting paid for becomplanet and tax it. partial arbitration machinery which nounces that it has approved the Yet, we have taken a definite step in the direc- we must become an educational center. We must ing a convert. It reminds me of the sum of $500,000 to be paid to all Story of the two East Side Jews, of a has been functioning so successfully claimants for compensation arising tion of uniting and consolidating, and solidify- cast off our lethargy and must act immediately. STARTED HIS GREAT for some years in other large clothCAREER similar type, who were once waiting ing the Jewish community in its philanthropic from last summer's disturbances. We must cooperate in enhancing the cultural, for the preacher to come and baptize ing markets under agreements with Anyway, all England was stirred, and educational endeavors. No one element will Persons between 14 and 18 who the Amalgamated Clothing Workers King George immediately called the them. tend to greater efficiency than the establishment commercial, and social beauty, of-Omaha and letJewish were killed are worth a maximum musician to him and told him waited and waited. Finally Union of America has been extended of $500 in compensation. A wife of an enlarged Welfare Federation, all-encom- the opportunity for higher learning be within the hereafter he could write his name on oneThey to the Philadelphia market which said to the other: whose husband was killed is entitled passing in scope, one that will-organize, oversee, reach of all. his calling card as Sir William "Chayim, if the preacher doesn't has juat been organized and Judge to a maximum $1,350, while a husHorace Stern, presiding judge of the and direct all of- the Jewish work in the city, Herschel. hurry up, we'll be late for Mincha." Court of Common Pleas, has accept- band whose wife was killed gets Herschel himself named the planet besides raising the budget, In this manner ed the post of arbitrator at the joint only $500. If both were killed the after King George—Georgium Sidus, NEW MONEY FOR OLD "YOU ^ duplication and over-organization will be elimininvitation of the employers and themaximum claim to be allowed is $1,750. For disablement from wounds Panting friente;^miiie}wn© have Just read H. but the astronomers kept calling it BOTTLES ated and centralization of resources', effected. Amalgamated. - .-,••- = • Hersche. However, after a time, it u There; are divers ways of making pne compensation scale ranges from Unification is also evidenced1 in the proposed L. Mencken^? bboi: have implored jne to do like- was decided to call the new discovered •money, but the most unique that I Jews Join in Celebration ?2§ to $500. Those obtaining comformation of a Council of all of the Jewish worn- wise and to groy£ excited with them. They in- planet, Uranus, in confirmity with the 'know is that pursued by the New York New York.—Jews, Catholics, and pensation under the collective punen's organizations, a Committee, to 'cordinate form me that the book is dedicated to the proposi- general scheme of planetary nominol- Jew, Max S. Grifenhagen, who, notProtestants, undeterred by bomb ishments ordinance. '" > so long ago, was Sheriff of New York. threats, met Tuesday evening at the the Jewish educational forces, and a Confidential tion that the Jew$ are a nast^Tp^eopleJ; iind somtf ogy. Oppose Calendar Reform Grifenhagen, it is said, clears no Such was the?] real beginning of less than two hundred thousand dol- Metropolitan Opera" House for the Exchange-for the loan societies.-The result of thing ought to bet <Jone about itr I am unmoved Herschel's Warsaw.—The Polish section of phenomenal astronomical Seventh Annual. celebration of the such jconcei'ted effort will be farreaching, as —and almost uninterested, except t o the extent career-—a career, which perhaps has lars annually on the sale of empty founding the World Committee of Orthodox of" the state of Maryland there is no better way of developing a har- that occasionally fMeneken writes an intelligent never been eclipsed in modern times. bottles. Some forty years ago, he be-and .the establishment of religious Eabbis opposed to calendar reform monious ioiTimunity than through the joint en- book, obscured always by his monotonous cheerr He.fixed the iwsition, we are told, S** gathering up and re-selling old liberty in America, held by the Cal-has gathered nearly thirty thousand ful and unvenomdus vituperation. . j of close to 3,000 nebulae and taught bottles to the leading bottling plants. vert Associates under the auspices signatures in Poland against caldeavors of all groups. Three trucks owned by Grifenhagen of Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop Cur- endar reform. These, signatures have We":-can rest assured that the work so nobly I never read a book while the public is'excited us much that we know about the make been forwarded to the World Comthe rounds of Greater New York ley, Governor Ritchie,. Dr. Arthur J. mittee, which -will place them beWay. H e ^ a s the great geogbegan will be earned through till fully achieved about i t For if the book is good it will keep. Milky rapher ot the skijss.; iiis sister, Car- every day gathering up the old bot-Brown, and Bernard Deutsch. fore the League of Nations. because of the men at the helm, The peerless And if the book is not good it is not worth read- oline Herschel, also, became famous in tles. Chalutzim Pouring In Yiddish Culture Society chairman of the Citizens' Committee, Harry H. ing. But, in connection with this particular boolc, a smaller way, in astronomical re- He has the trade of virtually all of New.. York.—In the presence of Warsaw.—Two hundred and ten Lapidus, is a human dynamo and his driving nothing is more ludicrous than the rush of Jews search, and Sir John Herschel, son of j the big hotels and-leading restaur- nearly a thousand persons,: delegates (Continued on Page 6.) energy will electrify the task before us and acwto buy books which are anti-Semitic, Nothing is Sir William, was one of the most not- ants. complish tangible results. Successful in busi- more ludicrous than their eagerness to retort, to ed scientists of his day. SHEIKS DON'T WEAR


Umted States




. ..>

ness, ^recognized by the civic and service organ- disprove, tp vindicate and to glorify. What if BALFOUR AND WEIZMANN TROUSERS izations of the city for his genuine interest in Mencken doesn't like Jews ? What if he wrote a My favorite story of the late Lord You remember Fannie Brice's song the welfare of others, he has unselfishliy labored book in which he says so? What if he does like Balfour goes back to the days when about second hand clothes. She alhad to wear second hand clothes, in the interests of the Jewish community for Jews? What if .anybody in particular likes or he met Weizmann in the latter's lab- Avays and even, she lamented, had always oratory in London. these many years and has elevated our stand- dislikes Jews? We are always behaving as The aristocrat of England and thegot second hand beans. ards. •" In his hands any task Js safe. though we were waiting to be elected to an ex-aristocrat from Pinsk were discussing The second hand clothes business like the second hand bottle business Also, we' would not be giving credit where clusive golf club and somebody were trying to this, that and the other, thing. is no small industry in New York, "You're an intelligent man," quoth credit was due if we were not to mention one of blackball us. We are so liberal with our publicity Balfour,' "what do you want with the There are ships which leave New our most valuable assets, the man upon whom that one of the regular stunts of the failing and deserts -primitive spaces of PalesYork which carry nothing bnt second the burden of executing most of these functions fading writer (I do not allude' to Mencken) is to tine?" hand clothes'to remote part of the will lie—Samuel Gerson, executive director of start up something with the Jews. •'Let me reply to you by asking you world, such as Armenia, China; "iand the Jewish Community Center and director of a/ question," returned Weizmann. the Philipine Islands. the Welfare Federation. During his years here If you are fond of Mencken's writings, get the"Paris--is-a more beautiful'place than The exporters of second" hand London, is it not;"' he has become an almost indispensable factor book. If not, forget it. And don't foam at the clothes tell some very amusing storJ mouth about this wholly unimportant incident. *'$£s,',' replied Balfour. ies, for instance, they have to-break in the' social service life of our community. And —MAURICE SAMUEL "Yet would you exchange London up suits, destined for such places as most important of all, besides a faculty for tirefor it?" „ less effort and fatigueless energy, he is a man (Copyright. 1930 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate),,. *I see your point," said Balfour. Arabia, and send them -< only - coats. You'd never be able to guess the reaof brdad vision and views social problems from That enesdotal conversation, accord- son. ing to tradition, is supposed to have It is this: The shieks of Arabia "the vantage point of vast experience. We promise according to our hopes, and per-turned Balfour to Zionism. It is of inestimable fortune to have these men form according to our f earg. don't wear bifurcated garments! They CANTOR'S LAUGH BOOK wear vests, and coats .and a skirt in of fofesight, men who realize the needs of the place of trousers, so the .trous*rs A good story, you see, will go community, as the driving rods in our machinery must be shipped to -the Philipine' Islong ways. Here, we have just cited for progression. They are launching upon a "Fear God, as much as you fear man," said one, which brought about the Balfour lands, -where men are men. •project which will not only require the united, Johananben Zakkaj. "Not more," his pupils in Declaration. Such sheiks! efforts of all of our leaders but will demand, surprise. "If you would but fear. JJim as much I" Eddie Cantor uses good stories for (Copyright 1930 b y the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) the concentrated cooperation of all of us, We said the dying sage. another purpose. I see juat now, he ha-: gottei. a whole bunch of them are faced with a gigantic task, but when it is together and soon they will be mark- Discipline Anti-Semites accomplished we will know that the Jewish cometed as Cantor's joke book in all the Bucharest.—An official communique "The proper study of a wise man is not how to munity of Omaha has taken part in the healthy five and ten cent stores of the coun- today announces the degradation ef die, but how to live."—Spinoza. • . reawakening which our people throughout the try. M. Papart, secretary of the Kishinev world arc undergoing. Expect to sell a million copies or so. police and his disciplinary reduction Many go out for wool and come.back, them- TEACHER MUST LEARN to a post in the Bessarbian village of selves shorn. , ' ", '."""- FROM PUPIL Komrat. This is the first case of the The thread upon which the different good Arthur Bodanzky, conductor of the Home Ministry reprimanding the qualities of the Jewish people are strung as pearls Metropolitan Opera, and Vincent police in connection with the antiSemitic excesses in Kishinev, Feb.'ll. Prosperity ipak^s. friends -and adversity trie** Lopez, jazz master, are both Jews. is—the love of Judaism. When the fastenings of them. " .. One day last week, Lopez met Bo- In Czemowitz the chief of police this love are unloosed, the peals roll in alt direccommissary, G. Tivon, has been disdanzky. tions and are lest one by one, After some chatting, Lopez ob- missed on an order from the Home Philosophy is the true medicine of the mind. served: "Some day, I want to come to Ministry because he made raids on the you Mr. Bodanzky and take some les- workers' soup kitchen maintained by Revenge is a kind wild justice, which ihemore the "Morgentrot" and for the illegal sons-" man's nature- runs to, the more ought law to weed The commendation, of a man of reason should "How much do jou earn a year?" arrest of Jewish workers who were acweigh more thart the applause of the crowd. asked Bodanzky. , iidentally present in the kitchen. it out.

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Peace Group of Council to Meet


The Peace group of the Council will hold its regular luncheon-meeting at the Blackfitone hotel Tuesday, 8*-.-at 12r o'clock. _ A t this time Mrs. Louis P. Nask wjll speak toVthe: group on her Imprepsions of the working of the League of Nations. Mrs, Nash spent f<H*r months last summer in Geneva, and at that time met many permanent members of the staff of the League.

At an impressive ceremony Sunday, March 30, at the Faxton hotel Miss Faye Colick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Colick, became the bride of Mr. Max Weiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weiss, of St, Louis. • The bridesmaids were the Misses Bertha Slutzkin, Sadie Tatelman, Kdse Sachs, and Bertha Colick, cousin of the bride. Miss Rose Colick, a sister of the bride, "was maid of honor. The ushers were Messrs. Harry Colick, brother of the bride, Harry Holzman, Henry Sterling, and Leo White. The best man was Mr. Joe Baletcky of St. Louis. The bride wore a gown of ivory satin made in the new mode. She wore slippers to match and carried a bouquet of Calla lilies.

r y

now in the insurance business, and with other, relatives in Schenectady, N. Y., and with Lil Ricklin in New York City. On the way home she stopped at Niagara. Falls". She also visited her sister, Mrs. M. Okun, formerly Miss Minnie Wonlner, at Fort ' Wayne, Ind., and relatives in Chicago, Miss Charlotte Charney at Milwaukee, Wis., and Miss Eve Hinitz at Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Wohlner was accompanied on her trip by Miss Cecyle Eirenberg of Charter Qak, Ta. .

Mr. and Mrs. MeyerV Klein announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to Mr. Lou El«witz,Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elev?itz. Miss Klein is a graduate of Central High school, and Mr. Elewitz, who graduated from Technical Mr. Melvin Katleman returned High school, is associated "with the home Friday following a three-year I*ublix Theatres corporation. • stay in-Los Angeles, California, and No definite date has been set for Houston* Texas. the -wedding. ;Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyer and their The Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity; at daughter, Marilyn, have moved to the University of Iowa will celebrate Oskaloosa, la. its annual spring formal dinner dance Saturday evening at six-thirPhi Epsilon Pi at the: "University ty o'clock at the Red Ball Inn in of Iowa announces the 'initiation of Iowa City. Purple and gold, the fra- fifteen new members including Lazar ternity colors, will be carried out in Kaplan of Omaha, Milton Krasne the table appointments, ball room and Al Harding of Council Bluffs, decorations, programs, and favors. Samuel Epstein, Lionel London and The favors are leather bound five-i David Albert of Sioux City. year diaries of modernistic design. The programs, also of leather, are The Pi Lambda Phi fraternity purple and gold. Fifty couples will sponsored a house party Saturday attend. night at their home at Thirty-sixth Out-of-town guests include Mis,s and Douglas, with about thirty couRuth Kaplan and Miss Hermine ples attending.. The Creightonians Green of Omaha, Miss Lucylle Krasne furnished the music. and Miss Esther Saks of Council Miss Elsie Romm was hostess for Bluffs, Miss Frieda Albert and Miss Riifch Falk of Sioux City, Mr. Law- the meeting of the staff of the Jewrence <3ross of Omaha and Mr. Har- ish Community Center Sunday school at her home Wednesday evening. old Kroloff of Council Bluffs. .Mrs. Abe Bolker, her daughter Freda, and her two sons Norman and Joseph, will return Ijbiriey April 8 • from San Francisco where they spent the winter. Miss Bolker attended the University at Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. I. Kulakofsky have as their guest Miss Lorraine M. King of Chicago. Miss King is a daughter of Mrs. I. Kulakofsky. Miss Jane Goldberg of Pittsburgh Pa., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Faier. Miss Goldfcerg is on her- way home from California. Miss Sylvia Wohlner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner^ has returned from a six months trip this week from the east. Her trip included a visit with her brother Dave, who was a graduate of Nebraska University two years ago and is


Kitclien GHats •
















David M. Newman

Chocolate Cake. % cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 squares melted chocolate, % cup milk, i teaspoon vanilla, 1 2 / 3 cup flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, Vi teaspoon salt, Vi cup chopped pecan nuts. Cream butter, sugar and eggs with one operation, add vanilla and melted chocolate. Sift dry ingredients together and add alternately with the milk to first mixture. Bake in a shallow pan for 35 minutes in a moderate oven. Cover with chocolate icing.

Religious Services

Demand Numerus Clausus Warsaw.—A "nuinerus clausus" which would put the Jews outside the pale of Polish economic life, was presented to the Polish senate by the demand made in a resolution a meeting of the anti-Semitic Studen Corporation of the Commercial Acedemy.



X. L. Club Elects Its New Officers



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at the Wise Memorial hospital are Mr. Ben Klaver, Mrs. H. B. Milder and Mrs. Henry Blum of Lincoln.

The Tonku Coda Girls sponsored a treasure hunt last Sunday with thirteen couples attending. The hunt started at the home of Ida WeinAmong the patients convalescing zweig and ended at the Peacock Inn.

which will feature Norman '•Carnera" Korny, Art Grossman, and •ever*! other,of the more talented im»Bbers. A v e r j ^ successful "kids' party" was hel4 recently at the Gmaka Woman's club house which was at- : tended by thirteen couples.

Temple Israel Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver a sermon on "Mencken's Treatise of the Gods" at the services of Temple Israel tonight. Kaddish will be Philosophy gees no further than recited for Fanny Sachs. Saturday night Rabbi Cohn will speak on probabilities, and in every assertion "Judaism as Legalism". keeps a doubt in reserve. —Froude. Sunday evening at 5:45 o'clock Rabbi Cohn will speak before the Young People's Society of the First Central Congregational church on "The World in the Making". On Tuesday afternoon the last of the Arc as unnecessary as they season's book reviews, under the are unwelcome auspices of the Sisterhood will be Protect Your Furniture held at the Blackatone hotel at 2:30 with p. m. with Rabbi Cohn reviewing "Crime and Punishment", by DOEAt a meeting of the X. L. club toyevsky. Tuesday evening at the Center the On Thursday evening at 7:30 un- following men were elected to serve der the auspices of the Iota chapter the club as officers for the next term. Mr. Carl Hubbard, swimming infor of the Delphian society at the Art Sara Cackin, president; Milton Histructor at the Jewish Community institute he will review Emfl LudEXPERT INFORMATION malstein, vice-president; Harold Center, has announced that beginCall AT. 8567 ning with Monday, April 7, the ev- wig's "Lincoln". Rabbi Cohn will "Babe" Barish, secretary, and Louis ening swimming classes will be ar- give the invocation at the meeting Mini"", treasurer. Philip Feldman ranged so that three classes will be of the Nebraska-Iowa Laundries as- is the sponsor of this peppy boys' club. accommodated. All beginners will sociation Thursday noon 1787 Leavenworth St. attend class from 6:00 p. m. to 6:45 Conservative Synagogue The X. L.'s are to present a minp, m. Upon passing the tests reRabbi Abraham Bengis will de- strel act for the Council Road Show quired, beginners will be admitted liver his sermon tonight at the servto the intermediate class, which ives of the Conservative Synagogue swims from 6:4t5 to 7:§0. Those at the Jewish Community Center en passing the next, tests are admitted "From Sinai to Scopus". The serto the" advanced class from 7:30 to mon will discuss the significance of 8:30. the Hebrew University, which institution celebrated H» fifth anniverMiss Fagan has announced that sary April 1. Services will be held Saturday the Gym class for junior girls will continue every Monday and Wednes- morning as usual. day from 5:00 to 6:00 p. m. This will enable the girls to have an hour J. C C. SUNDAY SCHOOL Sixteenth at Farnam of gym before going to their swim Miss ?ess Bernstein's pupil* won class at 6:00 p. m. " the banner fer attendance, while the banner for charity was awarded to Nothing great was ever achieved the children in Miss Irene Hirseh's without enthusiasm. —Emerson. class. No program was presented

The following new. members have joined the" local chapter o.'f the ]Hadassah: f Mesdatnes Herbert Arnstein, R. Ban, M. M. BarrisK, Harrys Belmont, H. Z. Bernstein, M. Brown, R. Bordy, A. H. Brodkey, B. M. Brown, H, Cohen, B. Cooper, Dave Crounse, J. M. Erman, Harry Eisenstadt, M. Eisenstadt, Morris Fox, B. Grossman, Louis Gerelick, C Giventer, J. Herman, R. B. Jacobson, Sam Jacobow, Louis Kulakofsky, E. Malashock, Ben Minkin, Milton Mnyper, N. Nystrom, H. Noddle, Alex Plotkin, Isadere Plotkin, Mark Polonsky, J. Roseman, A. Rocklin, William Siporin, Nicholas , Sainmel, V. Solson, J. Saltzman, Nathan Weinstein.

Chocolate Ieing. Melt 2 squares bitter chocolate over . hot water, j>dd 1 teaspoon butter,. 2 tablespoons hot cream, p-nch salt, yolk of egg, l 1 ^ teaspoon vanilla. Add sifted powdered sugar about 1% cups. Beat until tlick.enough to spread on cake and decorate the top with whole pecan nuts.

before the assembly. Instead the time was devoted to learning two new songs and the singing of several old favorites. Splendid interest is being shown in the essay contest the subject of which is "What the Seder Means' to Me". Prises will be awarded to the beet essays handed in each of the classes. A meeting of the Sunday school teachers was held Wednesday even1 ing at the home of Miss E. Jayne Romm. The teachers, Rabbi A. Bengis and Mr. Louis Shanok discussed plans for the balance of the school term, and arrangements were made as to the programs for the assembly.

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Vote tor

| Mrs. Ida Levin for


5 City Commissioner S & f \ 5 8 d ^

Nine Years with the Public Welfare Board

MR. and MRS. VOTER: It has been years since the Jewish citizens of Omaha have had a representative on the City Council of Omaha and now is their opportunity to do so.

B • ••' B 5 5 d d d

Mrs. Ida Levin who for over nine years has served the people of Omaha regardless of race, color or creed in her capacity as a member of the Omaha Board of Public Welfare is now seeking the nomination as a candidate for city commissioner. It is up to all of us to get out i and vote for her and to see that our friends do the same.

8 5' . . 5 5

Mrs. Levin is of a prominent Omaha family who have done much good for the people of our faith, and she herself has had long experience in the communal and business problems of our city.

R j '• ' j g

If California can have a JewisTi woman in Congress,] Omaha should have a Jewish woman on the City Council, especially a woman of the intelligence and executive ability of Mrs. Levin.

d 4 # 15

J p p d 4 4. 5 K 5 9 d 4 4 5 ?

\ j


A vote for Mrs. Levin means a vote for the presperity and safety of our city. A vote for Mrs. Levin is a vote, for a competent citizen, who understands the position of both the small and large merchant, and who advocates home owned stores and at the same time is in favor of having big business establish factories in Omaha to give Omaha people the work that is justly theirs instead, of having Kansas ity, St. Joe and other cities grabbing all the business opportunities. Mrs. Levin has always been affiliated with Jewish interests and is a member of the Council of Jewish ' Women, the Hadassah and the Jewish Community Center in addition to being an active member of the American Legion Auxiliary, the Liberty Chapter of the Eastern Star, the Omaha Business Womans Club and the W. C T. U. Mrs. Levin's nomination has been urged by the thousands of people whom she has aided and befriended during her long years with the Welfare • Board, people of all classes, colors and creeds, the rich and the poor. She has justly been called a friend of humanity and deserves your unqualified support.

Remember, Vote for Mrs. Ida Levin for City Commissioner


^Shall I Buy the Low-Priced Utilities? Four Sound Issues With Promising Prospects By FRANCIS C. FULLERTON

located chiefly in the southeastern, laneous services the "emaining 2 per the common is currently attractively the middle western and the north- cent. priced at 42, or approximately nineeastern parts of the United States. The most important of the SJB- teen times the earnings. The presElectric plants have a total installed tern's properties are in Pennsylvania ent dividend is $1 per annum giving generating capacity of 3,080,000 hp. where a highly developed industrial a yield of 2.6 per cent, but an inof which approximately one-half is section north of the Philadelphia me- erease in rate this year is entirely hydro-electric. Electric sales ac- tropolitan area and east of the Sus- probable. count for 70 per cent of the system's quehanna River is served. In the gross revenues, gas about 10 per South, another industrial area is LOUISVILLE GAS & ELECTRIC cent and transportation 16 per cent, served centering around and includLouisville Gat & Electric Co. has With its properties spread over a ing Birmingham, Ala., as well as a record of consistent growth over a wide territory the company enjoys rejddly growing communities in the long period of years in the territory a large measure of diversification. I Piedmont section of North and South i. serves—Louisville, Kentucky, and A recent development in the affairs Carolina. Houston, Texas and 55 ad- surrounding communities. The comof Commonwealth & Southern is the jacent communities and Memphis, pany iB predominantly an electric simplification of the capital struc-, Term., and environs are also furn- enterprise, about 72 per cent of the ture whereby tJhree intermediary: i-hed with various utility services, grow revenues being derived from holding vompanies and one co-exis-' The location of the system's pr»per- this source, the remainder coming i l be b elimil i i ti h logic l i h i ini suggests the off their tent holding company will practically entirely from natural and nated. Ownership of the operating elusion in one of the super-holding manufactured gas. subsidiaries will be held directly by ! companies in the Eastern part of the The completion of the Ohio Falls the Commonwealth & Southern, | country, or m a merger with the hydro-electric development some two thereby strengthening the interests j other pr jperties included in the Elec- years ago almost doubled the com* of the holders of the common stock. trie Bond & Share group, t pany's electric capacity. Th« steam of the company. ! Earnings have expanded moderate- electric generating plants are as^

served. Additional attraction is offered in the possibility of complete merger with the Standard G«e & Electric Co., which already holds control through ownership of most o: the "B" stock, (which Is the voting stock) or in the sale o" the company to Commonwealth A Southern which' has also been mentioned.

Public utility stocks have been is thje fact that the utility industry ment in the section known, as the An injury graves itself in metal, among the leaders in J the recovery is a regulated one, and as such is Niagara area has proceeded at a but a benefit writes itself in metal. i of the stock mar^et* siTrce the crash- limited with respect 'to it~ earnings rapid pace. Niagara Falls has long —Bertraut. last fall. Measufet£T)y"averages, util- and financial operations^ 'Considered been a world center of the electroity common stocks *"$lav«?.-advanced- as a class, however,, the /utility com- chemical and the electro-metallurgiapproximately 3&-i>&> 'cent-" from the mon 'Stocks are<\sound-':Jnvestment cal industry, while the steel industry extreme lows reached.' during the vehicles and furrifelv attractive pos- is firmly intrenched in and around period of reaction, but at present sibilities among the major common Buffalo^ Utica and Schenectatly are A Fixed Type of important industrial communities in levels are still about 30 per cent stock opportunities'. . Investment Trust While prebelow the : peaks reached last year, Those interested'* in* low priced util- the Mohawk Valley. A hiuglf- investment in CORI'OTh.e speculative boom in utility stocks ity stocks will :^find in -the1 list given domjnently an electric utility, the UATK TKCKT SHARKS sprewU company is also a large producer of your prlnolpt;! over 2S of America** in 1929 was stimulated by the forma- here three which" are; celling under ereutesl corporations—nui'h k-aijpri tion of several so-*called super-hold- twenty dollars "a shared and two manufactured gas. us ing companies, a-.movement which which are selling between forty and Economies of operation of the conDupont fl ertern Vnlvn rtnn It. R. Vitton Pacific was halted, temporarely at least", by fifty dollars per share: The profit solidated properties should gradually I'. S. Steel N. ^. Central the crash in the stock market, but possibilities of the low priced utility be reflected in the net earnings, augKsHtntftn A, otn an. « Gross earnings of the system for t ly, and for the year 1929 gross snred an adequate, convenient, and Wool wart It •which nevertheless attracted a large stocks are proportionately as great mented further by a steady annual Inter. Harvester Amir. Tob. the twelve months ended November j revenues were reported at $80,979,- economic source of fuel by virtue outside public-following, and "caused as possessed by'Sthe. hfffher priced growth -of -output. in the highly dec o n r <> it A T K TK»;ST 30th, 1929, amounted to $147,003,575,; 244, with balance available for Na- of the company's ownership of its S H A K E S jiaid holders prices of utility, common Jstock* to be FFstocks,, although g iir^ctual ^ ^^number of veloped territory in which the com- v-hile net income after depreciation i tional Power capital stocks after aU ?1.9fl>* p<>r share for 192* own completely equipped coal mines. carried to unprecendentedly high points, it the th profit fit •'lifil 'ifil *\fe *\fe lless per pany operates. Consolidated gross in- applicable to Commonwealth &! charges at $13,557,090. This is etjui- Natural gas comes from the eastern --equal to HII aununl fate nt mon tbun JT% on levels. Discounting favorable de- share. If the sameJ-amoUltt of money come for 1929. amounted to $79,722,prcst-nt mnrtet price. Southern was $23,358,266, equivalent | valent to $2.17 on the common stock Kentucky and West Virginia fields, velopments far in advance, utility is invested in the low priced stocks, 803, and net applicable to 'the com- to 75 cents per share on the com-1 as against ?1.93 the year previous, and is supplemented by artificial gas common stocks'were selling at prices however, the profit possibilities are mon stock was $lb,S88,539i equal to mon against 58 cents earned per j The recent large expansion of the manufacturing plants. The ready representing" as high' as f orty and on a parity. On'the -pjther hand, low 61 cents on the 25,595,132 shares of share in 1928. Dividends are at the i physical plant places the company in availability of a large and cheap r 34M F i n i m Bld(. AT. MSt fifty times the current earnings per priced stocks offer' the ; investor of the common stock. Selling at about rate of 60 cents per annum return-! a position to enjoy continued growth electric, gas and ether fuel supplies p share. Carried to these extreme moderate resources.the advantage of on the New York Curb Exchange, pf .Simper-tent* Upon J in its territory, with but little in-- together with the strategic location heights by speculative enthusiasm, i t buying a larger""number".of shares the ratio of price to • "earnings is ing Please send me descriptive -_•-.-. *-»..,. . ' ccrease in the overhead or the im 'tff"the~^?n?plidation plan im- of Louisville, makes this center an r eae circular. is only- natural that during the crash with a smaller capital, investment. somewhat "higher- than the average there"1 tfdfi "be ?putstandiryr^33,973,561 mediate necessity of large expen- ideal one for many types of manupublic ittilfty stocks were heavy sufof utility stocks but unquestionably shares "of 'j. common stock [and 17,- d iures for addition equipment. The facturing enterprises. ferers, experiencing a decline-of more the issue possesses attractive long NIAGARA HUDSON POWER. Name Participating in the equity earn607,437 •, warrants . to buy " common common stock, therefore, is in exthan 46 per cent from the peak to Niagara Hudson fPower Corp, was term possibilities, The current di- stock at~330 a share. This .tremen- cellent position for higher earnings ings of the company, 'the Class "A" the low point reached* in November. formed last year ; as a consolidation vidend rate of 40 cents per share Address stock should benefit from the indusdous amount of igtock' Outstanding per share. of three formerly independent com- returns a yield of 2.7 per cent. Future Still Great tends'_ to prevent spectacular price j Listed on the New York Exchange, trial expansion in the t e r r i t o r y panies, the Buffalp,. Niagara & Eastmovements, but ffom^he'.' viewpoint j The remarkable, recovery since ern, Mohawk Hudson ; Power, and COMMONWEALTH & SOUTHERN .of long ' rterm hold^gj *'~" ' the stock that time is a tribute to the fundaNortheastern Power, and is now the ents" considerabj8fcii*.t"t r a c t i o n. Commonwealth & Southern Corp., i presents mental " soundness of the ' industry largest electric power producing sys- 'like Kiagara-Hudson,. in one of the be expected and the exceptional position which it tem in the world. Niagara-Hudson's rounding out ^occupies. Steady growth is an in- hydro*electric • generating capacity_is 'super-power conpanies ^organized last •Jrerent • characteristic of the electric the largest in the country, controlling year combining under,a single manjpower and light and of the gas divi- as it does electric generation on the agement the properties of South.sions of the industry. There, is, more- American side of Niagara Falls, and eastern Power & Light Co., Comover, every i n di c a t i o n, that this t3ie large developed and undeveloped monwealth Power Corp., Penh-Ohio is ,. Columbus Electric : growth will continue for many years generating- capacity ' of the North- iEdison, Co.',.. '•&, Power Co. of' Georgia. The total one to corne.. Th'e. rate' of"increase of eastern Bowes-Corp. The hew cor<the electric production in i3ie United poration occupies a dominant posi- •assets, of the. company are_. slightly in the Electee BpnJ£& Share group, serving some 900 jjommunities with States during the,,,past decade has tion in New York State outside New a totaT population "oTanout 3,200,000. ^system' as now constituted consists d b 1 t t j i ! l j ! i per ihe. metropolita»—district.. jof thr,e* distinct ^ The system is chiefly an electric o ^ , 'of properties ; annum_ and^even ^in^ye^aijs of »f_ the'system may suB»• but this type of service producing -Sp- i. rcral business recession,^ growth has the proximately 72 per cent of the gross I.-been shown^ although, at,.a. revenue, transportation 18 3wr cent, Irate. . TJo, ,a Iseser .degree,, the gas sejfvice S. per cenjt, anff zniscel.prqp^rtJ^s .controlled, are •Vdivision .of. the .industry .has shown of this occurreneej^jAcguisition fea fairly consistent, upward .'trend.! FrontieTCorp. gtv^ Niagara'Although by virtue of its steady] . p % - ,^ Hud'on control^-of • largg"-*ydro-elec1, growth the industry may be ori! -.sidered depression-proof, the utilities! tric sites on the St;: Ljawrence River jfind their largest customers in indus-' capable of producirig 2;4QQ,000 horse'try, rather tha.n among domestic con-| power 'and adds ^a'Vast"source of, • sumers. ..^.bout 70 per cent of the! future power. - Indeed^ ^nearly' every H E Bank doe* net: pyrek«9C t«4 gross revenues of the electric power! important" vater"goweiT-site i n New "York ' State is ' now > controlled by "and light industry, are derived from, .The steady-rapid growth of the United Founders curHMff from itttlf or Prow ««y 1 business customers. .Corporation was reflected "in the value of its stock ! The systeiri'B-most "important prior to the break in the general stock market. Since tW i«¥«ttIn - view of the industry's enviable,' Ket'for.its output Is -in the-industrial affiliated canpinict the break, this stock Ms continued at low levels positions as one-of the .greatest and field* "although the domesticjsales are although the company has continued to grow and af Truft Functs. fastest- growing-in- the country, the' larger-^.and •. extensive-farmlj^ secto increase its earning power. equity stocks are rightfully entitled; tions *are?served. Industrial tievelopto sell on a higher earnings -ratio Ike Baltic does hot coBcct for itself than -the common stocks - of most! This situation prompts us to suggest the purchase other industries} Furthermore, large! of United Founders Corporation SStock at this time. commissions or profit on account of ttie FOR scale mergers -will no-doubt materThe steady growth of this Company will hardly ialize; contributing to- the speculative permit this stock to remain at present levels.. purckasc of securiticsf its sole remunflavor "of the stocks of the companies 'involved. It is true that legislative eration bernf tkc fee for it« service. 'bodies are concerning themselves more than ever with the utility comCALL panies, but of chief importance is AH investments for trust accounts the continued - liberal attitude-of the 210 Farnam Bldg., courts.' These' have ori' several ocOmaha, Neb. passed upon by a Trust Investment 203 So. 19—JA. 120S casions affirmed the right of utility Phone JA 5065 —Evenings WAlnut 5077— companies to a fair return on their Committee appointed by tke Board of investment. Counterbalancing this,

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mink coat was sWather around her at to. You're entitled to a vacation.'* " a new angle, whisps of black net "But, Solly, I just heard your new touched chiffon clad ankles which song. You said you need me." HeJ would have been the pride of any girl. laughed, "Why, Mom, don't you know \ If you were to confront her with the that's good business!" charge that the lamp of anarchy had (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish been lit within her and that she was Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) moved, partly at least, by an impulse to "show" Henrietta Siegel, who was MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent two years her junior, she would have Hitler to Be Candidate gazed on-you with scathing, worless Berlin.—The anti-Semitic leader, .rebuke. But now that, she had fol- Adolph Hitler, intends to run, for ? lowed determination with action—she president of Germany as successoi 1 COMMITTEE APPOINTED had . telephoned Henrietta she would to Hindenburg, according to an item "^. Shaare Zion meet them for dinner and left her own in the well-informed German newsFOR FUND CARNIVAL apartment before Solly was awake— paper, "Deutsche Allgemeine ZeiThe sermon subject for this eveshe permitted herself the pleasant in- tung". The paper states that the ning, chosen by Rabbi H. R. Rabin- Districts and Teams Mapped Out at Meeting Monday. dulgence of an anticipatory flutter anti-Semitic leader FricK,* who is owitz, will be "A Name never to be Leo Herzoff's Five Aces will furnover Henrietta's gasp of amazement. now Minister of the Interior and ish the music for the Sigma Iota Forgotten—Balf our". The ticket committee for' the The week that the Siegels were in Education in Thuringia, is planning Next Friday, April 11, the memSOHRT STORY Sigma dance, Sunday evening, April Building Fund Carnival to be held town, Hanna's spirit and determina- to grant Hitler Thuringian citizenbers of the JuniorCongregation 6, at the Community Center. Miss May 6th, has been announced by ths By NINA KAYE tion needed no buoying beyond the ex- ship. Hitler is now a citizen of AusIda Lipton, general chairman of the will have charge of the services. co-chairmen of the committee, Mrs. hilaration of going about, shopping, tria, and as such could not, of course, Jack Merlin will be the cantor, with affair, announced that at the final William . Lazere . and Mrs. Harry j tea-ing, dining, theatre-ing and night run for president of Germany. check up meeting of the committees Tillie Shindler leading the singing, Wigodsky, and the teams and dis-! dub-ing — everywhere except to the and Dorothy Mazor and Joseph Maa large number of tickets here altricts were mapped out at a meeting Retreat. Tacitly they avoided the Kehillah Gives for Palestine ron giving brief talks. Perry Osno"Good evening, ladies and gentlealways the most stylish back home. I ready been sold. Monday evening... The following, ; in place and sedulously,, by the device of Miss Lipton is assisted by the witz, President of the Junior Con- addition, to several others." who will men of the radio audience, this is told Ben if we were coming to New keeping her room locked and arrang- Vienna.—The Vienna Kehillah, in gregation, will also speak. Poems following members of the club: Sadie be appointed ..at. a 1.latter date, will | Phil Burton announcing. We're about York for our silver anniversary, the ing her schedule so that it would not drawing up its budget, has decided Ginsburg, Dena Baron, Eva Lipton, will be read by Inez Leaff and work on this:'comorittee;..with .Mrs. to g& on the air with Solly Mann and first place I'd go would be to Solly coincide, with Solly's owl-like one, to contribute 40,000 shilling for PalRosalie Sacks, Helen Friedman, Lil- Isadore Shine, and Rebecca Stiliman Wigodsky and cMrs, SLazerei Mrs. J. his Buddies, broadcasting from Solly Mann's Retreat. Every time we heard Hanna avoided her son. She would estine upbuilding, out of which the Keren Hayesod will get 20,000 shillian Dobrofsky, and Hannah Rocklin. will tell a story. Kalin, Mrs.••?§. :Harkoway; Mrs. AbeMann's Retreat, the intimate night Solly over the radio at home I said, be fair to him! ling, the Halutzim movement 12,000, Miss Rosalie Sacks is president oi The Junior Congregation meets Agranbff, Mrs. B. H. Epsjtein, Mrs. club; the place *you can bving your "That's Hanna Mann's boy. And Jt was only after she, had seen the rest going to the "Agudath Yiscomes Solly now, every time Solly would mention his the society Avith Miss March Rob- every Saturday morning in the syna- Milton Mushkin, Mrs. Louis . Agran- | Henrietta and Ben off on the Twent- rael" work in Palestine and to the gogue, when they conduct the service mother over the radio,; calling you he's escorting his mother to her reguinow, advisor. off, Mrs. Morris Skalovsky, Mrs, under the supervision of Rabbi Rab- Max Haligman, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, lar table beside the 'mike'. I tell you, 'dear old mother,' I. said to myself, ieth Century, coming back at the un- Palestine Workers' Fund. natural hour of midnight, that doubts inowitz. Representatives of all parties in Mrs. S. Mosow, Mrs. Joe Levin, Mrs. folks, if you could see the adoring "That sounds all right over the radio, Miss Libby Braver April 28 has been set as the date Mike Skalovsky, Mrs. Emil .Slotsky, look on that boy's face as he pulls but if I know Hanna Mann she's hav- surged in upon her. In that servant- the Kehillah emphasized the necesthe annual Mother's and Daugh- Mrs. Max Friedman, Mrs. Joe out the chair for his old mother, your ing the time of her life. With her less house (with service furnished sity of all Jews participating in the Injured by Carfor ter's Banquet, which is sponsored by Kutcher, Mrs. M. Lazriowich, Mrs. hearts would beat faster when he figure she'll be wearing the new sil- from twenty stories below) Hannah Palestine upbuilding after the Augthe Shaare Zion Synagogue. steps up here and gives you the new ouette and with, the money Solly's felt the need of a voice. Mechanic-: ust riots. Miss Libby Braver was injured Robert ; Sefclps, Mrs. • Joe Friedman number -he's got for you--tonight. making she sure niust be enjoying ally, she-switched on .the radio. Solly when struck by a car Tuesday eveand Mrs. Hoe*Cohen". herself.' I thought you'd take me would be going.on now! With quickReady, Solly? Here you are." ning. She was taken to the Lutheran Rabbi Rabinowitz A man is not completely born until Hospital where it was said her inThe word picture painted by the shopping," Henrietta almost burst in- ened heartbeats she twirled the dial. he is dead. • —Franklin. Speaker at B'nai juries were not of a serious nature. fluid tongued announcer was drawn to tears, "and I findjyou wearing:," '"*-———on the air with Solly Mann Rabbi Lewis to Speak from memory nor imagination. a dress my own mother would think and his buddies, broadcasting from Not he who has little, but he who B'rith Meeting at Akron on Sunday neither Solly Mann's Retreat. Here comes wishes for more is poor. Before his eyes at that moment Solly was too old for her!" —Seneca. Solly now, folks. He's got a brand COMMUNITY CENTER NEWS Mann, the present darling of a fickle "Solly likes me, this way," Hanna Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz spoke at Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will . , a well attended meeting of the B'nai speak from the pulpit of the eth- n a *Al o n / b e , nAt ^ a " d k i s s e d h l s m otfa - replied softly, fondly. "He-says in new number tonight. I hope you like M The Young Circle Club heard Brith Lodge, Tuesday evening, at A nndd h l s eeyye tedJ this town a boy needs most is an old it." A e re re ted odist Church at Akron, Iowa, Sun« " * « * • , f f, .<? dist Churh Akron Iowa Su f f <? < u Hanna's hands worked convulsively. Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz speak at he" Jewish Community Center, givWE BUY and SELL h e r shgh \ ? * u r e i n b l a c k ^lk with fashioned mother. u To whom would the new song be their regular meeting last Monday ng the members a l-esurne of the day evening, April 6, at 7:30. His j claT 8 at hvo a n d w s t a11 t h "Well, it's not good for him, I tell } * ?*_ . " ^ " evening. The feature of the meeting most important current events of subject will be "What the Jew and ™ time he pattered his words—he was a you," Mrs. Siegel flared. "What he sung ? A fierce jealousy burned withthe Christian have at Stake in Palnext week will feature - a Hobby ewish interest, during' the past lyric writter and had no voice, holding needs is a girl, the kind that'll sock in her. And then Solly began: "1 estine." program with the following taking month. a husky-throated in- him in the eyje!""' Hanna sheek her Need You All the Time, Mother Last Sunday evening he spoke at, his audience withcrooning part: Carl Rosenberg, Ruebin Bird, accompani- head in warning. Solly was return- Mine." Mr. J. Kalin was appointed as _ " „of his "buddies." Rose Tessler, Bess Harlow, Edith hairman for the membership com- the Methodist Church in Storm Lake, j ment Head bent, eyes closed, Hanna listing to the table. Ginsberg, Bernard Herzoff, Delia mittee, by M. E. Friedman, President Iowa, by invitation of that congregaened until the song was finished. She might have come out of an old To Hanna, her friend's words were tion. Shiloff and Harry Zifkin. album. Solly Mann's, mother, to the handwriting on the wall. Through, Then she ran to the telephone. The f the lodge. The entire membership Members o:" the Business Girl's has pledged its support in raising whom he dedicated all his songs and the early morning hours, wWch1 were' line' was -busy, busy, busy. At last. Club were entertained at their reg- he present membership to a marked LOUISE EISEMAN about whom he always sang. (You "her night, she blamed herself. She "Let me speak to Solly. Mrs. Mann SCORES IN LITTLE, ular meeting Wednesday evening by degree. A big initiation for the know his "I'll Lay My Riches at Your had ruined h e r boy's life. H e didn't calling, wait. "Solly, this is mama, THEATER PRODUCTION Feet;" "Mother You're My Gal;" "Iwant a girl. H e didn't -want a wife. dear. Do you need me, Solly?" Miss Shirley Cohen, who presented w members is being planned for His words came to her, slightly a toe dance. Miss Rebecca Still- ;he first week in May, according to Miss Louis Eiseman won the ad- Owe Ail to You;" and "Won't You Hadn't h e s a i d so himself .in his metallic through the receiver. "Oh, 242-243 Davidson Bid*., man read an original poem, and Mr. Friedman. Definite plans for Rock Me to Sleep, I'm Weary.") songs? "For Me There's OrilyTou, miration of a large audience Tuesthat's att" right, Mom. Play around Miss Sylvia Friedman gave a read- he event have'not been made'as With bent head and slim white Mother;" "Mother, You're My Gal." Sioux City, Iowa day evening when" she appeared in with your friends a white if you want ing. Miss Sadie Shulkin presided r e t . hands elapsed in. her lap, Mrs. Mann No wonder he only wrote "mother" • ' ci.c of the stellar roles of Eugene Phone 55349 a1, the meeting in the absence of listened, eyes closed, to the new num- songs—he was a mama's boy! Tears O'Neills profoundly moving play the President, Miss Ruth Marx.' The Like You, Mother, I of shame and self-accusation burned the Horizon presented by ber, 'If She's SEFF'S Mount Sinai Temple club will attend a joint meeting next Her.'! When he finished, her lids. And all day as she shopped Theater DELICATESSEN Monday evening, at which the Busia ""chair beside her, his her brain went 'round with ah anand accurate portrayal of of : AND J "Some Jewish. Traits" will be the ^ r e ««« ness Girls Clubs of the Y. W. C. A. | guished, "Let him, let him, let him." »rth Mayo, who moves through a | eyes shining w.th the ^oughts of his SANDWICH SHOP and the Community House will be It was a different Hanna Mann who o u1t : 0 tf i v r f ? ttnis w t evening ewnmTTt^Mou^t ^ n a i I ' ^ of increasing disillusionment re1 I *""*" ?»»• ««"•»»•«*""" ** 424 SIXTH STREET present. The meeting will be held ?i^ewis, i f i i d i i l i 1 ?»» f ! ! ^ " ^ ^ ** ^ at mount ainai ,,.,,. *-,. , i •• • had been vparted for days. sauntered into the lobby of the hotel at the Y. W. C. A. In view of Temple. | vealed Miss Eiseman's splendid *I could feel it where the Siegels were staying. Her ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS "It's a hit, "fifom. the meeting Monday, the regular Last Sunday morning the Confir- dramatic ability. over the radio just as much as here." rreeting on Wednesday will not be mation class held a debate before joyous smile was her answer held. . the assembly of the Religious School DEATH CLAIMS MAX MARX a s Her the Mr. 'Slax Mark', a resident 'of! orchestra blared forth and The Dramatic Club is practicing on the subject of the advisability of Sioux City for over 23 years, passed dancers clattered chairs" and dishes in Jewish parochial schools. The affor the play "The Swimming Pool," their mad haste to reach the floor. away at his home, Monday morning, firmative was upheld by' Francis. to be presented April 17. The play It was in the hush, unnatural after is under the direction of Miss Kalin, Lucille Kronick and Sara after a lingering illness. Mr. Marx the cacophony, when Solly rose ito go Florence Coates and Miss Eva Rocklin, with George Arkih, Ina who was 77 years old at the time on the air again, that Mrs. Mann saw Leah Kroloff and Bernice Galinsky of his death, was born in Germany. Gordon. coming toward her table a woman Boy Scout Troop No. 22 will go speaking for the negative. The He is survived by his widow, Mrs. about whose dumpy figure there was on a hike Sunday morning with decision is to be announced before Anna Marx, two sons, Leon and something familiar, the school next Sunday. Herbert, and a daughter Ruth. their leader Mr. Nick Sherman. Funeral services were held at Mt. "Henrietta Siegel!" Mrs. Mann "I never thought I'd see Sinai Temple Wednesday afternoon, gasped. APPOINTED PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN OF SYMPHONY with Rabbi Theodore Lewis of- you here!" The woman- laughed. "Sure, why ficiating. not? Think we're all back numbers Miss Rose Pill, critic and music Al '-T-urchen, Max Turchen, and editor for the Sioux City Tribune He makes no friend who never like you? I could hardly believe it —Tennyson, was you sitting here. You who was W. Michaelosky led the C. A. C. has been appointed publicity chair- made a foe. basket ball team to an easy victory man for the Sioux City Community over the Omaha J. C. C, Sunday, Symphony Orchestra. The third of March 30. The score was 45-20, thus a series of concerts was > presented avenging a defeat handed them Thursday evening in the Central earlier in the season. Over two high school auditorium. hundred and fifty fans witnessed thL final game of the season which h; proven a gratifying success to SOCIETY NEWS the C. A. C. team. Members of the Question Club The game started off fast with Sabel, stellar A. C. guard sinking gc.ve a "Whoopee Party" in the Elks one from the foul line, for firs Club, Sunday evening. The evening For the blood of the game. This lead was was devoted to dancing for which never relinquished throughout thi Flurrie's Orchestra supplied the Here's a surprise dish, remainder of the contest. Score a music. A midnight buffet supper conmadam, that is econom* cluded the affair. the first half was 17-11. ical to prepare, but so \ . .Hundreds of smart Hart Schaffner The brilliant floor work of Mas Mr. and Mrs. I. Merlin, the & Marx Suits and Topcoats priced to Turchen aided considerably toward new, so different, so introduce to you the value made posthe C. A. C victory, while th Misses Bluma, Sibyl and Dorothy enticing. sible by the co-operation of our manutight defense presented by" Levich Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Merlin, ./ and Sabel at guards was almost im- Miss Ida Feldman, Miss Eva Maron, factures. and Jack Merlin, spent the week-end pregnable. Baked Noodles with Cottage Ctieese Filling Captain Altshuler and Rosenblat' in Omaha, where they attended the Vi ]>ound csrir noodl?f Vj cup raJslns were the outstanding performers fo: wedding of Mr. Max Merlin to Miss 1 jar Boberts cottage 1 tablespoon corn. Id;. Segal of Omaha. cheese starch Omaha. • tablespoons melted 1 teaspoon cinnamon The summary: ; Dutter pinch of salt Miss Min Greenstone spent the * «SS» Vx cup *q?ar ( almonds, cut fine J. C. C—20 week-end visiting friends in Omaha. G Ft P Drop noodles into about three quarts of boiling THE MOORE CLOTHING CO. Schriebman, f 2 0 Members of the A. Z. A. chapter salted water and boil for twenty minutes. Then Greenberg, f 0 0 gave a party for members and their place in colander, pour cold water over them and Rosenblatt, f 2 3 allow to drain. Prepare cheese mixture. Put layer Bpgey, f 0 0 1 guests last Sunday evening, at the of noodles into well greased pudding dish, then Altshuler, g, c 2 1 1 Jewish Community Center. Arnold Sadofsky, g I l l Baron was in charge of the arlayer of well-beaten cheese mixture, then noodles Season Katzrrian, - g ". 0 1 3 rangements - for-the affair.-and then cheese until all is used. Be sure top layer,, is noodles; pour three tablespoons of melted butter Totals : 7 6 11 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson have AT over all. Bake in hot oven until nicely browned. C. A. C—45 returned after an extended trip to Ft P the West Indies. AU>Turchen, c, f •: :. :.'>-6 i 2 . . 2 Baumstein, f ..:. 0 0 1 Dr. S:" Kline and Mrs. J. L. Levitt Michaelosky, f -'• -3 2 2 >M; Turchen, c •-. -.-. 6 - 1 » - 1 ha\x .returned-.from- -a- vacation -at SIOUX CITY FfsfrgoW, c 0 0 0 Hot Springs, Ark. . . . Levich, g 0 1 : 1 Where Fashion- is Auspices Sigma Iota Sigma \ ..Mrs. S. ,Grinspan, and _>on LawInexpensive Kantrovich, g 0 . . 0. 4 s rence left,Thursday evening for.-Los Goldberg g 0 2 0 Angeles, where they plan to make { Sunday, Ap£ 6 ^ Jewish Community Centre j an extended visit. • " ( 18 9 12



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