Interesting and Entertaining
In the \ Interests of Thei Jewish Community
Entered a8 second-class mail matter on January 27, l i d , at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S, 187a
VIII.—No. 14
Hebrew Uni. Library FAMOUS NOVELIST Bess Weinstein Scores Publishes Statistics Campaign in Russia Against Observance Big Hit in "The Truth" PRAISES COLONIES Jerusalem. (J.T.A.)—Statistics concerning the cost and contents of the new Wolfsohn Library of the Hebrew University by High Commissioner; Chancellor were given to the press at a two-hour interview by Dr. Hugo Bergman, the librarian. His figures show that to date the building costs, furniture and other expenses have been ?240,000. The library will have an annual budget of $40,000. It now contains 225,000 books and receives regularly 1,500 periodicals, including 400 in English and 400 in German. In addition to Tts bookstores the library contains thirty rooms. It owns 630 ancient manuscripts. All of these are presided over by twenty-seven officials.
Jerusalem. (J.T.A.)—rZionism was As a climax to a season of suc- Lindon carried a difficult part well, compared, in its idealsI and purposes, cesses, the Center Players-»*thHld's Max Weinstein as the butler, Edith to the Romantic movement among the Germans in the nineteenth century presentation of "The Truth" Wednes- Dclgoff as Eve London, Sara Rae lay Thomas Mann, eminent German day evening at the Jewish Communi- Pish as Laura Fraser, and David Ben Kazlowsky and Sam Zach- ty Center was the most outstanding Himmelstein as the messenger boy author and Nobel Prize winner, who is visiting the Holy. Land in order to aria Will Represent hit ever produced by this talented seemed born to their respective roles. gather material for a new novel to Omaha The theme of the play, which is group. A large attendance witnessed be based on the Bible story of Jacob the production which was under the Clyde Fitch's best work, is interest- and Joseph! _ • Moscow, (J. T. A.). — Every Jew nave previously carried on anti. The Louis P. Alol trophy,emblem- auspices of the Council of Jewish c:-.tching. "Becky", though she loves In an interview with .the Jewish in Russia whether poor or not, had Passover agitations. The Moscow atic of the debate championship of Women for the benefit of the Council her husband Warder, has a mania matzoth for Passover, an investiga- "Ernes" expresses itself as dissatisthe Mid-western Jewish Communuity Scholarship Fund. for "fibbing". For no good reason Telegraphic Agency, Mr. Mann declared that while the settlement' at tion j h o w s . The investigation estab- fied with the government cooperatives Center Debating League, will b e , a t Miss Bess Weinstein, recipient of at all she eannot resist the temptalished that there is not a single city in Briansk and other cities where stake Sunday evening, April 27 at the Council's first Scholarship who tion to prevaricate. ! The result is Dilb had greatly impi-essed him, Tel in which Jews are not provided with flour is being granted for matzoth the J. C. C. when the Pittsburg Y. will leave in the fall for New York threatened disaster. In her attempt Aviv struck him most because in this all-Jewish city he found the Jews unsufficient matzoth. The matzoth j baking purposes. M. H. "A. arguers meet the local Cen- where slie will take a dramatic to straighten but* the marital woes bakeries are functioning freely and { T h e chakov "Shtern" tells of proter representatives in the league course, earned rounds of applause of her friend, Eve Lindon, by a like. Jews elsewhere. "They seem," undisturbedly, even* in the smallest vincial Jewishr workers and artisans finals on the question, "Resolved that for her marvelous portrayal of series of "fibs" she becomes hope- said Mr. Mann, "freer and happier." townships. • j who,ask whether it is really necesthe Establishment of a Jewish State "Becky." Her characterization of lessly enmeshed in a - net of cir- He believes that Tel Aviv has - a THe; campaign to get matzoth was j sary to fight Passover. They query, in | Palestine is Necessary for the the part was exceptionally true to cumstances which falsely but never- bright future because. of the wideawakeness and intellectuality of its everywhere stronger than the anti- i say the "Shtem", "Isn't Passover a Preservation of the Jewish People." life and well-nigh perfect, her change theless unquestionably points to ": unpeople. • Passover campaign and -was conduct- revolutionary holiday, the time when A large attendance is expected not of moods being especially commend- faithfulness toward her husband. The world-famous novelist in dised under the colloquial slogan of: the Jews freed themselves from only because of the nature of the able. In her role Wednesday Miss Fred Lindon, tVe other party con«Pawn your last shirt and get matz- slavery ? It is not a mistake for question, but also because of the Weinstein, who has had the lead in cerned, instead of helping her out cussing the present situation, pointed out that the Jews are doing fine work oth." The local Communists are the Communists to ask the Jewish apparent strength of the Pittsburg Center productions many times, of her difficulties, entangles her still but "they must not push their heads manifesting great tolerance since the; workers to denounce such a holiteam and the reputation of the demonstrated to the dramatic world further. " through the wall; they must go careCentral Committee of the League of d a y ? " Omaha team. (Continued on Page 7.) that she fully deserved the scholarElaborate plans have been com- the Godless in Moscow gave orders fully. After all the Arabs have been The Pittsburg representatives are ship award. here for over 1,000 .years- and-they pleted for "The College Daie", sixth to avoid administrative pressure in composed of Albert Leven and Harry Behind the acting of the charactoo have historical associations and annual frolic of the Omaha Chapter the anti-Passover campaign. Sherman, both prominent in debating ters could be seen the directing hand rights to the land. But the Jew has No. 1'of the A. Z. A. to be given in Many local government cooperative activities at the University of Pitts- of Mrs. Herman Jahr, who has no not come to conquer but - to fulfill the Paxton hotel ball room Sunday stores are making exceptions for burg. Leven, a member of last capably guided the Center dramatics himself and to liberate his soul. evening, April 20. The College club the Jews and giving them a two year's graduating class at Pitt and the past few years. The acting was Arabs and Jews can certainly live and orchestra has been obtained for the months supply of flour on their now a student in the Pitt Law equal to many of the professional dance, which will be a program af- bread cards to enable them to bake build together." School is a member of Sigma Delta productions which have been, widely Mr. Mann said he was decidedly fair, and special entertainment, will matzoth. In the townships of White Rho, honorary debating fraternity, heralded in the city. with Zionism but declared that he be featured. Russia and Ukrainia, it is reported and Pi Sigma Phi, honorary political London, (J. T. A.).—The Grand Earl Siegal as "Warder" . carried The -Council of Jewish Women's could be set down as "with spiritual Arrangements for the dance are that among those who are ordering science fraternity. He was a mem- the male lead well, too, -while the annual rummage sale will be held Zionism". being taken care of by a committee matzoth are mebers of the local Mufti is an officer of the Palestine ber of the varsity debating team for combination of Martha Himmelstein April 29 arid 30. headed by Sain Fregger, Aleph Godol Soviets as well as a great many ar- Administration and draws an annual three years, climaxing his brilliant and Nate Sekerman with their ideal ; Mrs. B. A. Simon, GL 102S, is of the chapter, and Milton Altshuler tisans, including those who a week salary of $3,000 by virtue of his career as a debater by making the character parts added spice to the chairman, and has urged people for a s co-chairmen. Decorations will be ago turned over their religious ar- being, president of the Moslem Supjf pastern trip with the varsity debat- production. In fact, all of the play- contributions for the sale. Anything ^appropriate in college style and ef- ticles for the industrialization fund. reme Council, it was revealed in the * ing team when it met some of the err deserve special praise, < for, as is 'desirable. Ladies', men's and forts, have been expended tq have The Minsk "Oktiabre" reports House of Commons by Dr. Drumleading universities of the Atlantic stated before, the presentation was children's wearing apparel, furniture, i everything at the dance lend a col- from Turov and other townships in mond Shicls, under-secretary for the Seaboard. Leven, who was graduat- the best in the history of the rugs, the Mozir region that delegates to Colonies. Dr. Shiels explained that curtains, kitchen utensils, Charleston,^. C. (J.T.A.)—Recol-j lege atmosphere. * ed with high honors, is a member, Guild, and that is covering a good books, pictures, canned goods, and lections of the colorful. part played ' Both-the younger and the older the Council performs the dual functof Sigma Alpha Mu, social fratern- deal of territory. Leo Brown as anything that members have to give .in early American history by the j set are expected to attend. The var- the local Soviets are buying matzoth, i o n s o f l o o k i n p a f t p r t h e j n d despite the fact that they themselves j a n d r c l j g i o u s i<5idr o f M o B , e m M e ity.^ •••/• .. . • will be gladly received. ~ _,, Jewish settlejp in South CaroUnal ious fraternities at Creighton and the v that because of his judicial functions Sherman has also been -on the Uni- T)n Friday, April 25, the bundles »ver% brought fofthTiu -celebration -of f JJiriversity of Nebraska are planningthe Mufti received & salary . versity varsity for three years and will be picked up by the Motor Corps the 250th anniversary of the found- to attend in large numbers and many Commander Kenworthy jocularly is also a law student. He is rated of the Council of which Mrs. Abe ing of Charleston, now being t>b-! out-of-town guests-will be present, asked whether "the Mufti's propa. as one of the best of the younger including groups from Sioux City, served. Somberg is chairman, . / V ' ganda against His Majesty's Govern.; arguers of the community. By telephoning Mrs. Simon, GL ! In - a photogravure .-- anniversary | Lincoln, and other cities. ment is part of his religious duties?" Both members "of the local team 1028, or Mrs. Somberg, Ha. 5495, j souvenir edition just published by the j According to Fregger, the ticket: The ensuing laughter brought an obare veterans. This same team, there will be a collector for' all con- News and ourier of Charleston, the! sale thus far has been brisk. Tickets jection from Howard Bury who Tecomposed of Sam Zacharia and Ben are selling at $1.50 per couple. "This Temple of the Beth Elohim congretributions. " • quested whether it was. in order to Kazlowsky, defeated the Kansas City Seven Jews and Seven Gentiles The sale which was Held at the gation is pictured along with other will be one of the most outstanding "ask questions passing reflections on Y. M. H. A. debaters some time ago. Affair B e i n g Sponsored By landmarks of the ancient city. The'affairs in the history of A. Z. A.," Plan Better Undersame time last year was a great inscription under the picture recalls i'Fregger stated. T h e most modern distinguished strangers visiting EngZacharia, a graduate of the CreighWomen's Auxiliary of .standing land." success, and it is hoped by the Coun- that the congregation was founded in Uollegiate atmosphere will prtvail ton University Law School, has been Synagogue Major Banks, Conservative M. P., on J. C. C. debating teams for the the present synagogue being and everyone attending will fee asNew York.—A good-will commit- cil that it will be equally so this 1758, inquired whether the Colonial Office past four years. While at Creighton tee, consisting of seven Polish Jews year. Final plans and arrangements have sured a good time." rebuilt in 1841. Zacharia was twice winner of the and seven Polish Gentiles, residents been made .for the luncheon and card had taken any action in connection American Law Book "Corpus Juris of the United States, was created at party to be sponsored by the Wom- with the Mufti's incitement of the Awards. He is -also a member of a conference called jointly by the en's Auxiliary of the Conservative Syrian Moslems against the French Pi Lambda Phi, national social fra- Federation of Polish Jews in AmerSynagogue at the Jewish Community authorities as revealed by a letter ternity.' :•'••• • ica and the Consul General of Po, Center Wednesday, April 23, and in- written by the Mufti and published dications point to a most successful in a Syrian paper for which the latKazlowsky has also previously de- land, Dr. M. J. T. Machlewski, for affair. j ter was suppressed. Dr. Shiels said the purpose of bringing about a' betdated on J. G. C. debate teams. At Numerous prizes will be given that the High Commissioner of Palpresent he is a member of the ter understanding between the two away, and many large groups have estine had dealt with the matter and Creighton varsity debating team, Polish-born groups in this country formed parties and are making re- the Colonial Office did not propose and between the Jews and Gentiles being a three-year letter man, and reservations. The Auxiliary heads •ex- to pursue it any further. cently captaining the team which in Poland itself. pect fifty to be present from CounThe question of the- McMahon defeated Harvard. Kazlowsky is the On the Jewish side the committee cil Bluffs and two hundred from Husseini correspondence of 15)15 in newly elected president of the local consists of: Benjamin Winter, Z. Omaha, in addition to the men, who which Sir Henry McMahon was said chapter of Pi Lambda Phi, national Tygel, Dr. J. Tannenbaum, Iacob will be served a luncheon in a spe- to have promised Sheriff Husseifti, Leichtman, Herman B. Oberman, social fraternity. cial dining room. former King: of the Hedjaz, that the This debate will bring to a close Abraham Harris and Charles Green. Among the reservations to date are: Arabs would get Palestine if they The Gentile members of the Com• the first debate season of the newly Medames M. F. Levenson, B. A. Sim- aided the Allies in the War, was formed pentagular league composed mittee are: Consul General Marchon, J. Stein, A. Weinstein, J. Abraham- also discussed . By P. W. WILSON of St. Louis, Pittsburg, Kansas City, lewski, Dr. Max Grunbaum, Ioseph son, M. Yousem, J. Beber, D. GreenDr. $hiels said that this corresponKresse, A. E. Kpszkiewicz, Paul C. Indianapolis, and Omaha. The localTo every man, worthy of living hurried nor worried. Visit him on;.stead of fighting anything or any- berg, S. Beber, Sam Cohen, H. Ku- dence would not be published as had Supinsky, Prof. Theodore Abel and debaters are being coached by Judge this life, there: comes a call. Some an afternoon, crowded with appoint- body, he would much rather be a lakofsky, Abner Kaimart, Wm. Al- been several times .suggested in the M. F . Wegrzynek. Irvin Stalmaster. men are called to be preachers. Oth- ments, and he will not admit for an J friend. He is one of those lawSpeaking for the Jews, Benjamin ers are called to be merchants. Al- instant that you are wasting his j yers to whom" the law is an ex- belts, H. A. Newman, J. Malashock, j House of Commons, He pointed out S. R. Robinson, J. B. Robinson, J. J. that publication had been considered Winter, president of the Federation fred M. Cohen of Cincinnati isy called pression of the humanities. So with Gi-eenberg, J. Linsman, 0. C. Gold- by previous governments and it was of Polish Jews in America, said: politics. He is a democrat and in ner, M. Levinson, I. Kulakofsky, D. always decided that -such action was to be popular, and he has obeyed "I am not prepared to state at the call. nis state has been drafted at times Sherman, S. Bercovitz, H. Rachman, undesirable. present what the future accomplishinto the active service of his party. A. Somberg, I. Stalmaster, H. LapVisit him, and at once, his popHe said too that the Inquiry Comments of this Permament Good Will ularity is apparent. There he sits, But I cannot imagine him quarrel- idus, S. Monsky, D. Cohen D. Ferei-, mission had made it clear that it % Committee are to be.'. But I am cer- ruddy of countenance and vigorous ] ing, even with a republican, and for Wm. Boasberg. _. was concerned only about the contain that we are even now laying in physique, a man in the years his electoral aspirations have struction put on this correspondence All reservations must be in by the foundations , of an enterprise prime of his influence and oppor- • been in abeyance. He is today a New York. (J.T.A.)—As a result and not on the merits of it because Monday evening. that our future generatidns will be tunity, at ease with himself and on trusted banker in his city and an of. an understanding arrived at in Due' to the illness of Mrs. Jack it did not fall wihin the scope of enabled to properly estimate. I feel, good terms with the whole wide . indefatiguable public servant. London recently between Felix M Alberts, Mrs. B. A. Simon is in the inquiry to examine or comment that a new page is now being writIt is said that we should beware charge of th-5 card party and lunch- upon it. world. "The joy of the Lord is our Warburg, chairman of the Administen in the history of our achievewhen all men speak well of us. Even trative Committee • of the Jewish strength," so we read in the Scrip- • ments on behalf of all the elements genuine popularity is a bad master eon. • Agency, and Menachem M. Ussishldn, tures, and Mr. Cohen illustrates the The affair is open to the general of the Polish population abroad as unless it be- a good servant. To Mr. public for both the men's luncheon president of the Jewish National saying. His is the joy of finding t well as for us living here." Fund, Mr. Ussishkin will come to the Cohen, popularity should have a pur- and the women's luncheon and card one's fate and fulfilling it. , He is United States in the fall to conduct pose, and he wields this asset as a party. glad to b e ' alive. He is also glad" here the campaign for funds which weapon with which tg win his obto share his gladness with others. Moscow. (J.T.A.)—The Central Sowould enable the J. N. F. to buy large jective. It is the instrument by It is a simple fact that I was com- j • viet government ordered from ten stretches of land in Palestine and setwhich he achieves the task that he pletely deceived as to his age jbyj,. to twelve million pud of foodstuffs tle a large number of pioneers on it. has undertaken. None save a pophis appearance. I assumed that he j to be sent to Crimea to relieve the ular man could hold the position Myron Cohen, 11-year-old son of was a man in his fifties.' But -his: i The campaign for the Jewish Nawhich Mr. Cohen holds in the Jewry The chess tournament being spon- dire situation in the Jewish and tional Fund, which will be conducted Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Cohen, will many friends have recently congra- i Hon. Alfred M. Cohen. of the United States.' His manner tulated him on achieving a sevenj sored by the J. C. C. Checker and non-Jewish colonies there until the in the United States in the fall, will be featured over WAAW on TuesChess club is rapidly drawing to a next harvest. The order says that day, April 22, from 4:30 to 5:00 o'time. On the contrary, he gives you \ anc his motives are his qualificatieth birthday. not conflict in any way with the drive close, with J. Zwiebach leading and Crimea must get 150,000 pud of Without haste, without rest, that I the impression that an otherwise j tirns. of the Allied Jewish Campaign in this clock. H e ' i s a violinist of unusual forage too .within the next three couniftv The Jewish National Fund talent. Jack Selinsky, tenor, will was Goethe's motto, and it describes perfect day would have lacked a su- | For what is this Independent Or- M. Minkin a close second. days from the government reserve. also assist. ' Mr. Cohen. As president of the Inpreme pleasure if, by chance, you j der of B'nai B'rith with its fifteen One of the biggest upsets of the is not included in the Allied Jewish grrnd lodges, 549 subordinate lodges round robin tournev occurred when The food will be furnished to all This program is sponsored by the dependent Order of B'nai B'rith, he had failed to call. Campaign. and 78,975 members of which Mr. Rabbi Bengis had a clear record field workers. is expected to be everywhere at Melody Four who are a weekly feaBy profession, Mr. Cohen is a I t is expected that when the Jewish These urgent measures have been ture at this station. The' members once, and by reducing, his sleep to lawyer, and I suppose that like Cohen is the president? It is an shattered by Nathan Fine. National Fund campaign will start in of the Melody Four are: Solomon a night of five hours and frequently other lawyers, he has had sometimes order, originated in 1843 by Jews in According to th* club members taken to insure good spring sewing the fall the Allied Jewish Campaign Susman, Theodore Kowalski, Joe Op- that short night in sleepers, he al- to fight his case. To me, he gave 1 this country of German descent, and | they have plenty of boards and chess and to eliminate the difficulties crcatwill be virtually over. ftf5, k1-' Pm fTfhf"""1 collectivization. ocensky and John Kowalski.' men but most succeeds. Yet, he -is -neither j the impression, however, that in- j {Continued onu Pase 7.)
of Pesach a Failure
Every Jew in Soviet Who Is Desirous of Obtaining Matzoth Successful
The Winning Personality
of Hon. Alfred M. (
A Non*Jew Gives Us an Insight Into the Character of the Popular President of the Independent Order of B'nai Brith
Soviet to Send Food to Help Colonies
Myron Cohen to Be Featured on Program
/ . Zxviebach Leading .. in Chess Tournament
I these the Bolsheviks have substitut"ed: Hate, immorality, and common I property. The system cannot last,j because it is negative." |
U sordid story and one which, can*slaved,' hisj passion 'foi-Hruth aimj only be contrasted in its spread of justice' have not been compromise^ canvas and numberless characters to with. Every day of Masaryk's rule * the -work of Zola, fis president of the state he evolved *tands * ovtt* in world's history. For i FREDA R. BI13NSTOCK WHITES FOB JEWS j Masaryk, 'as the author hinmself inDr. Adler on Marriage Grand Duke Alexander admitted forms us, has been concerned, not Marriage is continually the theme , that he was writing an article adA Work of Magnitude of discussion, of condemnation, and, only with his own oppressed people, dressed to Jews. He intimated that Robert Neuman in "Flood" (Covf- faint praise, of skepticism and ideal- j but with taking care that as an init was an essay to convert Jews to ci, Friede, $3) has produced a work! ism. Despite the constant clamor,' dependent people they did not ophis doctrine of universal love. j con-J press others within their nation. whose magnitude, at first glance "is mostly against it, marriage He iB a grandson of Czar Nicholas j tinues to be a popular past time. All; Jews have reason to bless almost overpowering. It is the story, I, and a cousin of the late Czar Nich1 olas II, as well as a cousin of King j on the one hand of the Abel family the more reason why Dr. Felix Ad- name of Masaryk, for it is sucl George of England. His wife was a which emerges from dire poverty ler's "Incompatibility in Marriage" men as the late Lord Arthur Balfour sister of the late Ctar. When inter- and achieves high position only to (Appleton, $1.50) will strike a res- and the president of the Czechoviewed in San Francisco by The Jew- be disgraced. On the other hand is pensive note. The volume is named slovakian republic who have helped ish Telegraphic Agency, his entour- the Feuerbach - family which . gradu- after the first essay. Others includ-; our oppressed brethren immeasurabage consisted of a secretary, A. V. ally declines to degradation and ed are, "Woman's Spiritual Influence ly, without thought of self. in Marriage" and several essays on Boumanoff, and a press representa- misery* Dr. Adler thinks By RAYMOND DANNENBAUM There is no optimism in the book. other subjects. The English reading public intertive, Joseph Patterson. He occupied that the major need in marriage at ested in Yiddish literature will welThe author has taken countless numa three-room! suite in the Palace ho"And the future ?" I asked, refer- tion will again occur." He spoke with AS LONG AS THERE ARE bers of poverty stricken Germans in present is a "new statement of the come Etta Block's "One Act Plays ring to the hypothetical return of the an air of authority.' The Romanovs tel. Roumanoff, "former multimil- a 'tenement, which, before the war, social purpose of marriage." JEWS, THERE WILL • from the Yiddish" (Bloch, $2) which lionaire Russian newspaper publishCzars; "What would the future in knew a lot about these matters. * « • BE POGROMS! was just another dwelling for povincludes works from the pens of er", was stripped of his wealth when "I am against material intervention "The pogrom was not a system. Russia hold for the Jews under a erty, but in the decadent period fol- Justice Brandeis Aids Peretz, Hirschbein, Raisin and Bimcommunists took control of Russia. ' would Dbe Pogroms are not confined to Russia. I ™w new regime? regime; What wnat woma « the in Russia," said he, by way of suplowing housed a lodging house for Malaria Fight ko. A prologue by Mosche Nadin i.s plement. "Moral intervention alone ON LECTURE TOUR All countries experience them. The solution of the Russian 'Jewish bums, a b>aby farm, A sporting house j The story of the successful war included. This, by the way is well can succeed," he wisely concluded. The Grand Duke is on a lecture and untold misery and degradation. on Malaria which has been waged worth the price of the volume for recent uprising in Palestine—had it blem . Again the enigmatic and fascinat"I look at humanity from the spir- tour of the United States. To date Npt. a .pretty picture., JJutyeertain- in Palestine in the last eight years, its irony at the <}xpense of the critoccurred in Russia, the cry of 'Poitual side," averted the Grand Duke. he has spoken in some thirty-five ci- ly • t)ne .-jvljich greafces' a&yjhigtration largely as a result of the work be-lies. The plays",:iticlucted rejigs. from jgrom! Pogrom!' would have been ing smile—the pursed lips of the ex! heard around the world. As it was, great man phrased: "Under the cir- 'First, man's spirit must be awaken- ties here and in Canada. This is his of reattty and contaips;:'.within j t s gun in 1921 with funds provided by j comedyfco^jcle.qj}"ti*ag^<b' • W$d"i^iough the bloody affair was merely termed cumstances, in the futyre Jews could ed! The goal of Bolshevism is the fourth visit to America. He came bounjjaTies, murders amqpg/.'them, of Justice Brandeis under the super-[occasjiotia^y,- Miss Block 'has ata 'riot' These things are often a be placed in separate communities. very apotheosis of this. See the re- first, a lieutenant in the Russian navy, t h e tobies- whom their \epd^ leaves vision of Dr. Israel J. Kligler, is j tempted, too. literal a translation for , sult of Bolshevik rule! Seeking ex- in 1S93 on a mission to thank the to- th«- flames, a<. jaif i&f^l&j-.a riot I told in Dr. Kligler's book, "The "the frtejst part she has succeeded unmatter of geography and sentiment." They might be isolated." cessive freedom, the Soviet has abol- United States for assistance rendered the half ..wit ^uJbea,* who re-^ Epidemiology and Control of Malaria < uealij* ..•well ip her rendition.. Former Grand Duke Alexander of ACCESSIBLE TO ished freedom. Frequently I receive Russia during the Crimean war. p\ j in Palestine", which has just been j »*—•_; > *•. *. >«"..'' n-. .' Russia is speaking. A few moments EXTERMINATION tints a prophet, --l'^':'' ••:-'••• reports—letters from friends in Rusbefore, his secretary had ostentatiouspublished by the University of Chi-1 • ©gspite the'tnagnitj^^-f'Jhe work] His appearance is fascinating—ser(In recounting this remark to a ly ushered me into his presence, say- learned judge some hours after the sia. In conversations with persons pentine. His head is long. He has ftf""^thor lyis^voivgg^a; "readable! cago Press. Dr. Kligler is now headj FQTv ing: "His Highness is very demo- interview—a matt high in the fold of just returned, everyone complains of a neat beard and moustache. Sparse, of the Department of Hygiene in cratic—he will speak to YOU!" Need- honor of American Jewry—a leader present Russian chaos. Conditions are fine, light hair is brushed back over the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. less to say, this seemed no flattery. in the anti-defamation league of the worse in Russia than ever before. When Justice Brandeis visited Palan amazingly high forehead. He is "His Highness" continues,'waving his B'nai B'rith—the Jewish judge satirestine in 1919 he found that one ont not like men one sees in the street. WHAT ATHEISM IS beautifully tapered left hand in em- ically commented: "Yes, place the of every two persons in the Jewish j His figure, gestures and conversation; "Bolshevik atheism is the wish to phasis. . -( , '* Jews together! Isolate-them! Then colonies wae suffering from malaria, sever all contact between humanity are abstracted from a novel. One be"If given to us will receive the and that in certain Arab villages aplieves with difficulty that such per-| they will be ideally available for exCZARS NOT BLOODSUCKERS and the superior power we call God. proximately one sixth of the populat -.attention.of arj expert >"The Emperor and all our family termination." • I wondered if this no- When this connection is cut, we be- sons as he still exist. In America! * ~ " H a t t e r / ' " ' tion died from malaria in a threethey are rare. They seems apart for; were known as bloodsuckers. To be tion'had existed in Grand Duke Alex- come material. Now Russian Jews month period. Today the rate amonghuman-beings to be,sure, but at best ander's mind, i hoped not.) sure we didn't like those Jews who are not well off either spiritually or the Jewish is less than .7 per thou-j remnants of some oddly superior peoexploited our people. Such feeling Constantly during our conversation physically. The Soviet wishes to sand. So successful has the Malaria H^XKT SOLIG ED SOLIG •was universal." He returns to the of an hour and a half, Grand Duke make everyman-—Gentile or Jew—a ple who no longer find place in our Research Unit been in evolving new, modem picture. CALL topic of P&lestine, which appears to Alexander referred to "love" "the beggar in spirit and flesh, one of a 214 So. 14 — AT. 6662 methods for the control of the dis- j While the Grand Duke was in San amuse him. "Look at Palestine—a law of love". Here he mentioned it band of beasts." ease that the League of Nations | pogrom!' As a result Jews are now again in another. connection. "I beThen he counted on his fingers: Francisco, the evening dailies carried Health Commission has selected the j too frightened to go to the Holy lieve in assimilation. The law. of love "There are three pillars of civiliza- a tale of how an hotel chambermaid, 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 Hebrew University as one of six Land. YOU don't like-it there—there wijl draw men together, regardless of tion upon which human happiness and a Russian exile, hearing of his pres-Evenings WAlrtut 5077institutions to carry on further reis no. BUSINESS. Front this I took religion. I am overjoyed -at the fact progress rest: A religion of love; ence, obtained an audience and flung searches in malaria. For 50 Years it, that the.. Grand Duke had given ffte that, for the: first time Jews are go- family (where love is born), and herself at his feet, overcome. Oil Your Towel Man matter his deepest and most earnest ing'together' with Christians against sanctity of personal property. For paper the event seemed fiction, but in fhe world has hardly,finishedpayAlexander's presence one knows that study. He had an air of thorough the Bolsheviks for God."' ing homage to Thomas Masaryk on Omaha Towel Supply Co. it was 'very probable. In one sense authority. the occasion of his birthday when 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 "LAW OF LOVE" we should be glad that those who • I summoned courage. Before me MUSICIANS f along comes an all-too-small volume ' No," he went on with a nod of his Xew and ugi'dj Saxophones, Trombones, inspire such adoration through themsat_a Romanov—one of the last of a of the life of the president of CzeTrumpets. Clarinets. Drums ami Xylo- selves and their significance are few, slender and aesthetically poised head, mighty, a .terrible race. Said I : fc nt very attractive prices. cho-Slovakia by Donald A. Lowrie LAUNDERS * DRY CLEANERS and fortunately, are fast disappear"What assurance would the Jews ''I've no pretension to be a ruler of GEO. A. SMITH (Association Press, $2.25). The voling. have of good treatmentt should the Russia. I wish to be a spiritual leadMUSIC HOUSE ume in interesting from first to last, er—to ' / .9IJ0W the law of love!'^ Cor. 19th'and Farnajn—Omaha (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Romanov dynasty be restored?" He en.profits and l written as it is from the close vanJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) waved his thin meticulous_h#nd again. _ NfttUEillly it is improbable that* Altage of a long acquaintance with I ^ noticed an embroide|^d^j^-A" upon exander^buld be Czar.. He js four. "NEW FOR OLD" Masaryk the man and .the president te'entfiTln direct line of succession to h|s neat blue shirt, beneatk,;the heart. Danish and an intijnate .knowledge of the 16tS Farnam St.—AT. S481 the tfrroniet First is Grand Duke people of Czecho-slovakia, Donald PROMISES ABSOLUTE Pioneer Lowrie has presented a panoramic IMPARTIALITY J Here' Roumanoff, the secretary, paspicture of the high events centerButter '."You Jews would be a&sured .of ab- sionately interjected, "Tnte greatest ing about Masaryk. It whets ones solute impartiality," he said. " Thfjn, -'-defender of the rights of ^ihe opThomscn-Slater Butter Co. The Public Library is crowded.. appetite for more. For instance we apparently his memory quickened 1 pressed was wa Grand Duke Alexander!" Its late newspapers ate 'in "1 the are taken up to the point where and he hastily added, "Jews, are'an old , The Grand Gran Duke ignored the outbasement. ^ . J-. . . • , •' * Masaryk returns to his dream of "Give him (the interviewer) race. You're very apt to'be educated burst,. "Gi It's Children'5 Department-Is small ' - itwninss, Canvas Covers. Tents, years, a free country. "The Next easily. • Take the NUMERUS. CLAU- tfie pamphlet," he suggested' to the -• ^arap Supplies, AU Kiad» PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. and lacks'.supli^hL / . \ j Ten Years" the title _ of thfc last 15 and. Howard AT. 1192 SUS. It was a gesture' of self -pro- impassioned secretary. IIArney 6STJ Its * bound ] newspapers are " on the. chapter, is but three pages in length. 27th and Marflm SI*. tection on', the part 9^ Russians' _ jJOO following- an embarrassed lull in OMAHA, MiBKASK.* third, -floor—you myust .walk, up— Soft gray, iron, brass;, lironze Hi'd This is hardly fair, for some of millions against eleven millions Jews. the .conversation, during which ' the aluminum <;i siting. M:uidnrd sizes there'.is' no "elevator.., , Masaryk's most bitter battles have bronze uiul iron liushintrs. sower niuiiWe did it in self-defense. Jews/'are secretary rummaged among his traps Some books are /.'stored at its lioles, rial e m rings jnnl IMIVOTS »nd come since then, he has exhibited i-lean-out too intellectual—they want tqgo. on j for the pamphlet titled-"My Plan and doors in sfork. All kinds of South'Side Branch,-Because there is Harry H. Lnpidus. PresidentTreas. wood and metal vuttpnis. marvelous traits of statesmanship in —they will not be halted'." My Work", the Grand Duke praised no room for them at the Main Libhis endeavors to recreate a nation the "Amos'* society" of New York, rary. Every room is full, which for three centuries was enwhich has as chief objective the pro• Since 1893, no appropriation-has motion of amity between Christians BEBER. been made for enlarging the buildy at Liw ] and Jews. He added sententiously, COMPLETE STORE AND ing. Isn't it time to do something?. AH Omaha National Bank Hide, | "Jews are very responsive to me. I " ' OFFIQfc OUTFITTERS Omaha, Nebraska We ask for $250,000. It will cost" - -• "M> Occupy j have many Jewish friends." XOT1CE OF IlfCORPOKATION OF each tax-payer only "7 cents per Over 70,009 Square Feet Inc. 2553 Fartiam — AT. 6543 $1,000 assessed valuation—less, than | DISLIKE SOVIET RULE -Southwest Corner Nptice is hereby given that t)ie underSALES LETTERS — FUR STORAGE — signed have associated themselves together the price of one moyie ticket a yeari- .•*•'•' Eleventli and'Douglas Streets , I During the entire course of the inMULTIGRAPHING to form a corporation under the laws of -— -Pfeohe ^Ackson 2724 MIMEOGRAPHING We must have 60% of the ypte-^ ; tervipw both Alexander and secretary the iState of "Nebraska. The mime of the -'- 'y.'Omaha/Nebr. ' corporation shall be "Talk-A-Phone I>isPRINTING not just a majority. Roumanoff complained with careful tributore, Inc." and the principal place of j transacting its business) is in Omahu, Nebr. | We want your vote—^-we need !your {innuendo of today's Russia. The Commercial Duplicating Co. The general nature of its business is to 1511 Dodge St.—JA. 4834 Anywhere — Anytime vote. j Grand Duke discounted the seeming buy, sell aud distribute, or act as agents | for the distribution of anj* and every kind Anything ; abatment of the alleged Soyiet antiof theatre and sound equipment, uud to build, buy own aud control theatres ami i religious program with, "They are . Statement of the ownership, manageCHARLES: SIMON manage them, and to do other tilings inment, circulation.* etc.,"of The Jewish ; j under the pressure of public opinion FOR YOUR cidental and attendant upon the doing uf -..-:* . • Recommends Press, published -weekly *t Omaha, -3>br., theatrical business and kimlred activities. FOR RENT——-, renuirefi by the Act of/August 24,; 1»12. now. They are counteracting coun.The authorized capital stock Is $5,000.00 Tl>e Sanitary Laundry fbr x Aprir 1 "1030.' Business Manager. David divided into 100 shares o£ the par value of ter-revolutjon. When the pressure of Blacker, "QtnoW Xebr." Known stocfchdlcl&50.00 all of which is common, and when "lyie/Bcist of All Imundry Srnlce"". <BCs, Snortgagees and otS^r/security holders, public opinion is released, the god*Issued shall be fully paid up ami non~* rr'ari furnished." Other holding 1 per cent or more of total arooujit assessable. The corporation shall comof bonds, mortgages and other RecurUfrS': less acmpaign will continue. Persecur"Fanrarti " room unfurnished. mence business upon the filiup of i(s arNone. Sworn to and subscribed before pie 24 and Decatur, Phone^|fE # 500 ° ticles in the _uBice of the County Clerk of this'1st day of April. 3930. (Seal)). JsaWfebster 3527 Douglas •County, ' Nebraska and- continue JACK MAREK, Attorney dore •Ab.rnnison, Xotary Public. (My-com-
The Lot of the Jew—Should the Czars Return to Russia
The Book Case By]
Former Grand Duke Alexander of Russia, Cousin of King George of England and of the Late Czar, Discusses Jewish Future Under the Soviet Regime "CZARS NOT BLOODSUCKERS"
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County Court House . NOTICE OF AUMIMSTIf ATION ; In the County Court of Douglas'County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the estate of Leona Watkins. deceased. ' All persons Interested in said estate are herepy notified that-a petition has been tiled.in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon her estate, und that'd hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 20th day ,1 of April, 1030, and that if they fail to appear, at said Court-on the said 29th dav of April, 1930, at O'clock A. A. to .contest said- petition, the Court may grant the .same 'and .grant administration of said I estate to' Harry B. Cohen or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement tjiereof. • BRTCE CRAWFORD, *-*—3t County Judge. IRVIN C. •LEVIN" " " 301. Electric Bid*. •NOTICE TO NONRESIDENT DEFENDANT. In the Municipal Court in aud for the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. To John IJqe, real name unknown, nonresident defendant: 1 You are hereby notified that on the 29th day of March, 1030 Joe Wintroub, as plaintiff, tiled his petition in the Municipal Court, of the City of Omaha, Douglas . County. "Nebraska, recorded on Fijge 310 1 of Docket. D 5, the object nnd prayer of i which nre to recover the sum of $190.00 I with interest and the costs of this action 1 from you; thnt n Ford: Coupe automobile. I1 benring license No. .7? 13474' Iown 1030 and Motor,Xp. F. 574017 has, been attached in the snid action on the ground (lint you nre a non-resident, of the Stnto of 'Nebraska: p - that, (tnld cause has. been continued uiifo y f M tMrty. y . 1930, at 9:00 diiy'of 9*:00 ' \ . JI., nt which time roll are required to appear mid answer in said cause, or jud(tlnent'will.-be taken against you ln-nccordifnce with the prayer of the petitian. By IPJIN C. LEYIN..iJBiir Attorncr. April 18.
mission expires July 19, 1930.)
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence "Blvd. KE. 1500. The House With A Bepatation -
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Times a day we are in yoUr neighborhood
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MONSKIV KATLEMA5 Si GRODIKSSCY 737 Omaha > a f l Bank Bldg. PBOBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Ellen J Luwlesij, deceased. I Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will uiee the executrix of said estate, before me, ' County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Kooni, in said Couiuy, on the 2Sth day of May, 1930, and ou the "JOtU day of July, 1930, at 'J o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination,*-adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to preseut their claims, from the "-'Otb day of April, 1030. i-4—3t
C t f , County Judge.
ANO BEBEH, Attorneys 630 Omaha >at. Bank Bldg., City.
AOTipE »v ru»Lic.*Tiox ON rjsti-
T1OS JfOli SETfTtEllEKT OF llKAL AIUlJiflSTBATIOS* ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas County, >'ebrasj;a. In the mqtter of the estate of Michael Joseph Lynch, deceased: All persons interested in eaid mutter are hereby notiiied that on the 11th day of April, 1930, David E. Beber filed a petition in Eaid County Court, praying that his final .administration account tiled Herein be settled and allowed, and that he "be jjiseharged from his trust as administrator and that a hearing "svill be hud on said petition before said Court on the 10th"tiny ot May, 1030, »nd that if you fail ta;apPear before said Court on. the said -JOll] day of May, 1030. nt fi o clock A. M.,and contest said petiflpn. the Court roay crant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship. and inake such • other . ami furl her orders, allownncFS and decrees, n,s to this Court may seem proper, to the oml that all matters pertaining! Jo snid est«lf may bf finally " • - J •-' -* 4-15-3t"
County Judge.
RJLJNNERS AND SNAGS " ' REMOVED Bolt Hose Mending Shop One-day service or while you -wait —Marl Orders Promptly Serviced—533 Securities Bldg.—AT. 39-1
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for a period -of 30 years. The higbnst amount of' rpdebtcdness or liability .to whitihiJCUe'.COKpar'atioil stall at any time subject, Jtsclf, shall not exceed two-thirds of itsJ;c!rpitol stockk. Tlfe--affairs uf- the- porporation shall be conituctcU by ii Board of LUrp.etprs of not less- th8n 't*-j*'.'.members who shall be obos€iU..freni..RTmonfr the stockholders at their "regular annual meeting. Until th<> aiinusf rxpeting.in January, 1031,'the Board of Directors "shall Ue L>. C. i^cott and F. M. Klutznickr Until thp regular annunl meeting in January. V.V.M. the officers shall be I). C. .Scott. President, and I'. SI. Klutznict. JSecrctary and Treasurer. The articles of incorporation may be amendpd by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the capital stock at any repiilar or special meeling of the stockholders. March 28-4T" MAX F O > , , 628' refers Trust Bid*.' NOTICVB,BV rCBI.TC4.TIQX TOR SETTLEMENT -'.OP - FIXAI, : ABMINIS'* TKATION* ACCOUNT ' In the -County-- Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. • «• \ > In the matter of the- estate of Harry HolVantlier, deceased: ... Alt '.pvr-gons ~ -interested-i-n said mattrr are hereby notified-that on the-27th <luy of Msireh, 1030. Ber(ha Hollander rileil a petition iu said County Court., praying that, her final'.lultninistrtition account file*l hprein'-lae1 seltltHj' and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust as executrix arid -that" a "hearing win be had
A. M., ami contest said petition, the Court may srrant the prater of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make Eiuh other and turtho.c • orders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining in ; said estHte may be finally settled and detWmined. BRTCE CRATTFORP, 4.4—3t County Judge.
16th and Howard
«•«««*••••••» Uncle Sam Laxative Food AND
Okay Bran Flakes AT ALL GROCERS Made by . '
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company• Oinaha
iiS 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1930 B*nai Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold dents who have taken shorter cours-| to • give - the students- "the - basic ja regular meeting next Wednesday es, better to prepare thenselves for j knowledge necessary for an appreevening, April 23, at the Danish their particular tasks. As a nation- ciation of-the culture and the hist-; HalL al 'institution, drawing its support oric personality r of the Jewish 1 and student personnel from every people." The Ladies Aid Society will hold By F. R. K. section of the country, it returns its Possessing this ybasic knowledge, a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, . graduates to serve: Jewish commun- the; Jewish social worker is equipped April 22. ! ities throughout the land. Its stu- for* that phase of the profession ": L«r Nogg Wins First Place in District Extempo Contest dents are all college graduates, al- which gives him the opportunity to Among the students at the UniLeo Nogg, senior at the Thomas versity of Nel&raska at Lincoln who ready versed in the basic social become a leader and a moulder of sciences, men and women to whom Jewish life in America. For be- Jefferson High School, who rep- are expected home today to spend social usefulness is " not a mere sides the philanthropic phase of resented his school - in the District their spring vacation vith their phrase, but a genuine ideal. The Jewish social work, thre is also the Extemporaneous Speaking Contest parents are: Misses Mildred Meyeraim of the school is to preserve what organizational and educational phase. at Shenandoah, Iowa, last Friday, was son and Sylvia Richards; and Messrs. ; is good in the old-time type of social The Jewish center movement, which awarded first place. He will now Max Kramer, Leo Meyerson, Hymie worker and to supply his deficiencies. has undergone so rapid an expans- represent this'district in the State Kramer, and Edward Rosen. In other words, to adjust the social ion since the war, offers exceptional Contest which will be held at Iowa By D R . ISAAC GOLD" Mrs. Leland Goldberg of Shenanworker himself to his miliou before opportunities in these fields. The City the latter. part of this month. ' Jewish life in America is under- The social worker was more often ing developments of Jewish life that letting him loose to carry on his centers are taking the place of the He is the son of Mr: and Mrs. M.doah, Iowa, is spending the week here visiting her parents, Mr. and going some very marked changes. than not a strange and exotic fig- this basic fact has at last been recog- work of adjustment on behalf of old-time settlement house. The lat- Nogg. Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. New organizations are daily coming ure among the immigrant Jews to nized and Jewish social work, with j others. ter represented the primitive phase "into being; new alignments are con- whom she was called upon to min- the emphasis on Jewish, has become | The underlying policy of the of social work among the Jews, the The Women's Auxiliary of the Mrs. John B. Quigley and stantly taking place; new leadership ister. She may have been a genuine- a profession. The visible evidence j Training School • of Jewish Social "Americanization" phase in the Conservative synagogue of Omaha give a luncheon and bridge par- daughter, Joan, of Kansas City, Mo., is being developed, and new oppor- ly human and warm-hearted person of this wholesome change is the I Work can best be described in one spirit of the slummer and "uplifter." will ty next Wednesday; April 23, at the tunities for leadership are constantly or only an animated statistical table, existence of the Training School for of its own statements which at the The present-day Jewish center rep- Jewish Community Center. Mrs. arrived here last Friday to spend opening up. but in either case she was usually Jewish Social Work of which. Louis same time indicates the distance resents the new phase. It is becom- John Beber is in charge of the re- the remainder of the month visiting parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Consider, if you please, the case ignorant of the people whom she E. Kirstein of Boston is the Presi- that has been traveled since the old ing inceasingly recognized that the servations from Council Bluffs, and her Marks. -,1j days of the social "uplifter". The aim of the Jewish center is as much anyone who wishes to make up a of the Jewish Social Worker. No one called her "applicants". Her minist- dent and Felix M. Warburg of New •who is interested .in the organiza- rations were accepted as part of the York is the Chairman of the Execu- j School tells us: the preservation of Jewish cultural table or to make her own reservaThe Council Bluffs Chapter of the *don of Jewish life in America can necessary evils which went with new "In recent years it has been borne values as anything else. tion should call her at 4790 L. J. Senior Hadassah, will hold a Rumlife in a new and strange country. in upon social scientists and social Jewish social;. -work has thus risen The following have already made mage Sale next month for the beneNo really intimate contact was estworkers in this country that an ap- to the dignity of a profession which reservations for foursomes: the Mes- fit of the hospitals in Palestine. ablished between the giver and the preciative understanding of the cul- has an important contribution; to dames Krasne, I. Sternhill, Louis H. Anyone who has anything to donate taker. Sometimes also her "innotural backgrounds of the various make to the crystallization of Jewish Katelman, Millard Krasne, Ben for this purpose is asked to call cence" was taken advantage of. groups! of new arrivals is a key to life in America. The Jewish social Kubby, and L. H. Cohen. All reser- Mrs. Ben Kubby, 5212 J., who is in The "Americanizer" of former vital and effective work among worker is daily called upon to pro- vations should be in by Tuesday charge of this affair. days offers as good an example as them. It is generally accepted that vide knowledge, information, guid- evening. any of the typical social worker.! Mrs. Louis Fichtenberg will spend the lack of such equipment often ance and leadership on various asThis "Americanizer", no doubt anim-i means the difference between effec- pects of Jewish life in America. He The Independent Order of the the week-end in Chicago, 111. ated by the best intentions: in the | tive social service and wasted effort, is coming to play a role which is of world, came from the upper regions] not infrequently leaving in its wake j t n e u tmost importance to the future "Jwt 'Around the Corner from, Everything' and was inclined to look upon his I only resentment and alienation. *n o f Jewish life. The leaders in the • mission as a sort of prolonged slum- • the instance of the Jews this is jp r o f e s s i o n j lay and professional, give ming expedition. Togther with mo-, especially true. Here is a group of evidence of recognizing this new] tives of Americanizing and "civiliz-! people with an age-long rich herit* role of the social worker by providing] ing" the alien frequently went the age, planted into a new social en- opportunities for the best type of ure of the outlandish and exotic. vironment. To "help them not only training possible for future social He thought he knew perfectly the | to make the first diffieulut steps of •workers and by seeking the most things that he,wanted the immigrant! adjustment -wholesomely, but to promising young men and women for learn. Bfe« .knew .his American, stimulate them to conserve for the School. Jewish social ^work is history and his American institutions. • American life that which is truly still one of the few professions that It did not occiir|.iQ him,'that it might i !-worth -while in their own culture, are is not overcrowded. To the earnest also be a good thing for him. to some of the most important aims of young man or woman who is inLOUIS E. KIRSTEIX, FELIX M. WARBURG, 1413 Douglas know his immigrant.The latter he j Jewish social -work. This can best be tersted in the Jewish people it ofPresident .,of Training School for Chairman of .Executive Committee of done by those ixcho know this cultur- fers rich rewards in opportunities looked upon as asort of empty vesJewish Social Work. sel Into -which he had only to pour, ] Training School for Jewish Social al heritage and can intelligently work for usefullness and intrinsic in: ,/: • now afford rto ignore him. And his or as a "clean slate" on which he I Work. terest. . '-. . througt it.? claim on our attention is all the only had to • write, It rarely oc- ^ ^ d Maurice J. This policy finds clear reflection in Committeet greater because the Jewish social a-TO : aim m a t xne^ immigrant, K a r p f i f o r m e r i y o f Chicago, g is the the School's curriculum. Naturally, ENDANGERS EXISTENCE worker is not longer a social: worker was himself possessed Of a Culture Director. _. , ~ ; «h,t;™-.;« n r » TnrTiirtPs BB OF JEWISH SCHOOLS The institution is aa ™,™<;l.«i«i young] the mcourse Includes the the thpnrv theory and and only- He. is also Jewish^ That is to which it was necessary to take into one. It was started by the National \ practice of 'social work generally as say, he is no longer merely the.pract- account.,' The notion now advocated Take a Vacation From Your Kitchen!,. Kovno. (J.T.A.—The existence of icing, sociologist of former dayi, no by John Dewey : and other liberal Conference of Jewish Social Work in'well as opportunities for actual ex- the Jewish schools in Lithuania is longer the' cold: investigator^" and American thinkers that the cultures Jaunary of 1925. But it has already perience in the field. ;But ample endangered by the governments inLet EVERHOT Cook WbHe You Play T " statistician, but the Jew-or Jewess of the different immigrant groups graduated four classes of more than recognition is given to the doctrine tention to "litvinize" all private IRsfc. who knows, or at least aims to know represent something precious and 60 members, all of whom have found "that successful social work with his people, seeks to understand their are worth preserving for the enrich- fields of service in their profession Jewish people requires an intimate schools by ruling that instruction psychology and is endeavoring to at- ment of American life, he would anil are contributing, some, .in modest, knowledge and sympathetic apprecia- should be given in Lithuanian. A tune himself., to -Jewish hopes and have regarded as a fantastic folly others in' important capacities, to the tion of the history, traditions, cust- delegation of Jews has visited Presfuture pattern of Jewish life in oms, habits, ceremonials, ideals—in ident Smetana to object to this but s t r i v i n g s . l J < . .::,.' .. ; • • • and un-American. 1 .. America. * In -' addition- -to those • the short, the Tjackgrouhcf of the Jewish , *>ig Litvinization < The enormous progress: which has The social' worker of those days been made by the movement to fed- who operated among the Jews did School has had several hundred stu- people". Hence courses -are provided continues. crate ' and centralize Jewish philan- not know his people. A systemati^ thropic activities has undoubtedly knowledge of the people whom she added a great deal to the importance was called upon' to help toward an . of the Jewish social worker. The adjustment to a new world was not! success of. that movement has given regarded as a necessary part of her Another him new standing; it has opened up professional equipment. Naturally, for him new vistas and tremendous of course, without knowledge there opportunities. The social worker, in is no understanding, and without his choice of a field, is no longer understanding there is no sympathy. ccnfined to "case work" or institu- Moreover, the Jews are not an easy tional management. He can now look people to understand. They are a forward to what is in effect com- complex and sensitive people with a. munal leadership. For while it is rich cultured background and a verytrue, of course, that the visible com- long history behind them. The aim munal leader is, as a rule, the man of social work, as the ordinary social of influence and wealth, it often hap- worker practices it, is to assist the pens that the man who leads the socially maladjusted individual to leader, who formuluates broad poli- find himself and his place in the cies and secures their acceptance, is social scheme, to achieve the greatestj the professional social worker in the usefulness to his fellows and t h e ' field or at the desk. greatest happiness for himself. But an adjustment is something l:!;e an Jewish social work, with the em*£.. ELECTRIC COOKER Goodyear, world's largest builder phasis on the first word, is an ex- equation and an equation means that there are two sides, not one. Any ceedingly young profession. It was of tires, caps the climax! See the Cooks a Complete Meal not so long ago when in those Jew- one who sets out to solve an equa-»j ish quarters where the social worker tion must, of course, be familiar for a Family of Five made his or her appearance, he or with both, sides. He must know the she -—more often it was a she—was immigrant, in this case, the Jew, as looked upon with considerable mis- well as the American environment. Instead of spending most of your afternoon giving and often with amusement. It is one of the highly encouragin the kitchen watching the dinner cook, let
KiheficanJewisk Social Work Becoming a New Profession
Council Bluffs News
The New Oppprtunities for the Jewish Social Worker Are Being Met With a New Emphasis on His Equipment and Training
Spring Is Here!
Never Before Has So Little Bought So Much!
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1930 opinion despite the fact that he admitted he was a Communist The' young1 Harvard' Law School graduate, he^ is i>nfly 26, wh<jj come4 friim a wealthy Jewish family, badr> fair.toj become a genuine leader *of 4he country's working class until he Heads Council got entwined in Communist politics. Rochester.—Mrs. Rebecca Seligman He even ran for office on the Com- By BERNARD POSTAL of New York City was elected presIf the world of Alms and shadows munist ticket. But although he was ident of the New York State Council FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - Editor Milwaukee.—A Milwaukee ''United of the National Council of Jewish has something of the sentiment, that a Communist he was inclined to inFANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent Orthodox Synagogue Association", Women which held its tenth annual it so eloquently portrays on the screen, dividual ideas and Moscow, or at least FILTHY MOVIES and JEWISH MAGNATES consisting of all the orthodox synafor millions of movie Jans: it will shed its henchmen in New York would here. SIOUX CITY OFFICE Reverend Henry L. Duff, a Baptist Ministei*, gogues of the city, was organized convention more than crocodile tears at the oust- have none of it. The 200 delegates in attendance, JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street has written for the newspapers of Carrolton, 111.,last week at a meeting which was who represent twenty-four councils ing of William Fox from control of ' Now" the winner of the Passaie attended by the presidents and vice- with 10,000 women- in all parts of his world-wide moving picture enter- strike has been expelled from the an article entitled "The Menace of the Movies." Subscription Price, one year - . . - - _ • - $2.50 Communist party. It appears that the state, participated in forums in prises. The author is, as far as I know, quite unknown presidents of the congregations. Advertising rates.furnished on application the party could not endui-e a leader Litigation growing out of compliall departments of the council's acto fame, and the Carrollton, Illinois, paper hardly 17 Jews Nominated who placed the interests of those cated financial and management difCHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old exerts a widespread influence. Nevertheless, the tivity, including peace, immigration, Chicago.—Seventeen Chicago Jews and new address; be sure to give your name. guidance, farm and rural ficulties got Fox into a situation from whom he led above political considercontent and tone of .this article are of considerable were nominated for various offices vocational ations. both major parties in the prim- work and service to the foreign born. which he could not escape without Tl being almost entirely stripped of his interest to the Jewish reading public of America. by • • • aries. Of this number eleven are holdings in the companies that he A quarter of a century service to Mr. Duff says in part: Democrats and six are Republicans. HEBRAIC CALENDAR built up to the world's largest enter- any profession is always the signal "Meantime for our pictures we are at the mercy Those who won party designations tainment unit on a capital that was for many plaudits but when a man 5690-1930 of the movie magnates and they are 90 per cent for the election in November under Jews Elected Aldermen originally $1,600 saved from meagre has to his credit twenty-five years of 1st Day Pessach ...... ..__.~...Sunday, April 13 Jews. We do not like to think that'a certain type the Democratic banner are: Judge Montreal. — Montreal Jewry in- earnings as a clothing shrinker. unselfish devotion to education, parti 7th Day Pessach .....^ _.. Saturday, April 19 of Jew, as we know him, is able to set the moral Henry Horner for the Probate ourt, creased its representation in the city The dethroned movie king who pi- cularly Jewish education it is twofold Sonnenschein, S. Epstein, and council as; the result of the elections t-Rosh Chodesh Iyar -__™___Tuesday, April 29 standard for our young Americans; yet he is doing Henry Henry Minsky for the state assem- in this week's municipal campaign oneered in the talking picture and occasion for huzzahs. grandeur film idea has been pushed Professor Israel Davidson of the Lag B'Omer ... —. ...-Friday, May 16 so by the influence of the movie pictures. As a bly, Adolph Sabath and Elmer P. of Max Segler and Joseph Shubert aside and other and new hands con- Jewish Theological Seminary is now Rosh Chodesh Sivan ...........Wednesday, May 28 matter of fact, what' the movie producer gives us Schaeffer for Congress, Richard as aldermen and the re-election of the destinies of the amusement celebrating the twenty-fifth year of 1st Day Shabuoth ...._____™.Mpnday, June 2 is 75 per cent filth, licentiousness, crime, lust, and Froelich, Adolph Sabath and MoejL o u i s Rubinstein. There are now trol ventures that made the name of Fox his connection with the seminary as Rosenberg and A. Mendel,! Rb d Joseph Jh M ! three Jewish aldermen. 'Rosh Chodesh Tammuz .„ Friday, June 27 debauchery." a household word wherever movies well as his sixtieth birthday. Known ward committeemen. Fast of Tammuz ...___.....Sunday, July 13 both here and abroad as one of the were shown. It is debatable whether the percentages cited by Lehman Dies foremost authorities of mediaeval ...Saturday, July 26 the clergyman are correct (namely 75 per cent Those nominated on the Repub- Sigmund Rosh Chodesh Ab. • • • Paris. — Sigmund M. Lehman, lican ticket were Philip S. Sachs Fast of Ab „ ..Sunday, August 3 filth and 90 per cent Jews) but there is na disput- and W»Uiam Zipperman for the state j brother of Lieutenant-Governor Her- A short four years ago newspaper Jewish Literature Professor Davidson had a distinguished pedagogical Rosh Chodesh Allul „.„...Mondoy, August 25 j m g - t h e fact that ttiere "is a good deal of "filth, senate, Solomon Goldberg for county bert H. Lehman of New York, died readers all over the country were has career. reading about a youthful labor leader Rosh Hashanah Tuesday, September 23 licentiousness, l t etc." t ' in the th annual, l output t t off the th commissioner, J. L. Freidman for suddenly yesterday morning at the by the name of Albert Weisbord who He is also the author of several imYom Kippur .._... ......Thursday, October 2 moving picture studios. Yet this, fact does not trustee of the sanitary district, Mor- Hotel Ritz in Paris from heart dis- was fighting the battle of the Tassaic portant works on Jewish literature. ris Eller, Harry Steinmayer and Wil- ease at the age of 71. The body 1st Day Succoth...... ...........Tuesday, October 7 justify the writer's silly contrast between "Jews" liam (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Fegenbutz for ward committee- will be brought to America for textile strikers and winning support Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) in circles not friendly either to Com.Tuesday, October 14 and ''Americans." Are not the Jewish movie men. Shemini Atzereth _. . burial. munism or Socialism. He fought Simchath Torah .."..„ Wednesday, October 15 magnates Americans ? Are only Baptists authenSince his retirement from the cleverly, diligently and patiently and War's Awful Wastage Rosh Chodesh Cheshvaa...Thursday,.Oct. 23 tic Americans ? Or is Americanism to be restrict- Plans Who's Who firm of Lehman Bros., international he won not only the strike but public Give me the money that has been Springfield, Mass.—A project is bankers, in 1908, Mr. Lehman had Rosh Chodesh Kislev _ ......Friday Nov. 21 ed to people of certain racial descent? spent in war, and I will clothe every being sponsored by the Jewish com- I devoted most of his time to travelman, woman and child in an attire Krivorog region have taken back by 1st Day Chanukah Monday, December 15 i It is not at all a question of Jews influencing •munity- in Springfield to compile a and with his wife had been of which kings and queens would be force from the collectives not only j. ., » • i_ 1 u>jr> ana wiin nis -vviie naa oeen Rosh Chodesh Tebeth... Sunday, December 21 ''Americans," but of one group of Americans .pro- . . " " v . i V ", proud. I will build a schoolhouse in their cows but also their horses. the Jew,sh ^ to r eHe Fast of Tebeth . Sunday, December 28 viding another group with the sort of pabulum for kograpW^rectpry^of residents in the city, the actual com- Wednesday. t a r nist 0 survived N e w Y o rby k on his This is illegal because the horses every valley* over the whole eailh. pilation to be done by Lazar Stam•Also observed the day previous as Rosh which, they clamor. "Show Boat," "Disraeli," and wife, two sons and two other broth- are supposed to remain collectivized. I will crown every hillside with a also of Springfield. Not only ers besides the Lieutenant-Governor, An investigation into this has been place of worship consecrated to the "Lincoln," in spite of favorable publicity and in- bovsky, will, the directory contain a com- Judge Irving Lehman and Arthur begun. gospel of peace.—Charles Sumner. trinsic merit, lost money, while' sexjr"movies"5uch plete list of the Jewish residents in Lehman of the firm of Lehman Bros., as "The Cockeyed World," "Dancing Daughters" the city, but will also devote con- as well as three sisters. siderable space to a] "Who's Who" The • dedication of the Wolffsohn Memorial and 'Tarty Girl" have played and are still playing listing of the prominent Jewish lead- Jewish Member of Parliament Library Tuesday on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, to crowded movie houses. The moral tone of the ers and business men. Resigns fittingly climaxed the celebration of the fifth movies is dependent upon the-taste^of the Ameri• London.—Dr. G. E. Spero, Labor] member of the House of Commons birthday of the Hebrew University. This libr.ar.y,*j can public. As long as the public scorns decent Leo Schwabacher Dies Seattle.—Leo Schwabacher, prom- from Stoke Newington in 1923 and the largest and the most magnificent in the Near pictures and rewards sexy ones, it'^will get what it inent Jewish' leader apd philanthrop- re-elected from West Fulham in 1929, wants whether the producers are jews, Catholics, East, is a most encouraging manifestation <&the ist and one of the Jewish pioneers resigned on April 9 because of illth off the th University U i i l ^ or Baptists. constantt growth off our of the West, died on* Sunday. The health. Dr. Spero was secretary of The fact thatjmany of the movie^producers are Schwabacher family , « j > n e of the the Parliamentary medical commitit gives substance to the aspirations of Jews has nothing to do with the matter. The most prominent Jewish-tfanylies on ttee. and buoys the hopes of well-wishers. .. v Reverend Duff leaves the distinct implication that the Pacific coast. Already a quarter of a million volumes:-; • At the beginning of the World Bergson, Weill Honored the reason, for the pithiness bf\ the movies is the War, on the shelves of the Library, besides 63Gr?pr Paris.—Promotion in the Legion .when the "H^as" established a HJewishness of tjie $roducers: ' Is Mr. Duff satis? branch in Seattle %6 take care of of Honor for Dr. Henri Bergson, Noless manuscripts of the past: .-.which, with the morality of many current novels? the"" stream of Jewish war refugees bel Prize winner, and David Weill, heart and conscience of our^inartyrs,;eha« philosophers, thinkers. These, we " *-~ most American] novelistslJews? Does he ap- that was coining to Seattle from financier and philanthropist, has been announced. Dr. Bergson has been secure more and more respect for the siiv^i^ jgrove of the influence of the tabloids or of the COD- Chins and Japan,- Mr. Schwabacher awarded the Grand Cross of the Le1 1 president of the Seattle hair of the Jewish people as the thinking-por^ l|ssion magaziiies ^ Are they owned by Jews ?! J*"?" ^and dids yeoman work in ren- gion of Honor, and Dr. Weill has tion of humanity increases. Over two thousand To refer, as he^ has done, to the Jewishness of dering aid to the thousands of home- been made a Grand officer of the Lescientific and general periodicals are available in movie producers, is (sheer prejudice. less Jews who erossed the Pacific gion of Honor. the Reading Room, while many rare works are The fact of tjie ihatter is that the present day and- in reuniting separated families. Disperse Anti-Semitic
stinct and remain Jewish in practice. While the' Yevsectzia's remnants. will stage anti-Passover, campaigns Russian Jewry as .a. whole will b e r Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by celebrating the Festival of Freedom with- their i THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY hopes ^directed to the day when Soviet Russia j asf will be freed from proletarian reaction,, just as Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building United States Telephone: ATlantic 1450 it was freed from Czarist autocracy. — B'nai, B'i I .DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor B'rith Messenger. . ." United Orthodoxy
Jews the mews
Other Countries
safely locked away. . \ American public ha? an inordinate appetite for sex Break Ground for Library Gathering This Wolffsohn Memorial is indeed a. remark- in literature, aft, ajnd drama. To discipline this Cincinnati. — Ground was broken Bucharest.—Police gendarmes on able achievement. Usually, the economic pro- appetite into a finer conception of life is the duty here fOr^the $250,000 library of the April 9 dispersed groups of antiHebrew IJnion College- The building I Semitic students in the streets of blems of a country come first, and then follow!of every moral influence in America, Until this when completed will have room for Bucharest where they had gathered the cultural advancements. But not in "our| is accomplished sexy movies, tabloids, magazines, 125,000 volumes : and the present to start an anti-Jewish street meethomeland. Here, the courageous pioneers of;; an and novels will be1 welcomed by an avid public. Bemheim library j will become a ing following^ an inciting address deeternal people are building spiritual values side Nothing is gainly by blaming the moral decadence museum for priceless Jewish manu- iivered by Professor Catuneanu of by side with economic pursuits. Here is a true of the time upon one section of the community. scripts and^ works of art. The new the university. symbol of the spiritual nature of the Jews, of Let Reverend Duff and his colleagues of all denom- library will also have a manuscript Heads Synagogue 25 Years his contributions toward broadening and deepen- inations create a spirit of artistic discrimination and rare book room with. a capacity Ottawa.—A. J. Freiman, president of 15,000 volumes and a music room of the Canadian Zionist Federation ing the spiritual assets of mankind. And it is and moral self-respect in their respective cities holding 10,000 items. * There will and millionaire department store with the deepest satisfaction that we see the up- and there will be plenty of decent newspapers, also be' a Spinoza room. owner, completed the celebration of building of a source, of Hebrew culture and in- novels, magazines, and movies. his twenty-fifth year as president of [Bill Turned Down spiration. A central focal point has been sorely r •1 " SOLOMON B. FREEHOF. Trenton, N. J.—The bill which the Congregation Adath Jeshurun, lacking in the past in strengthening the undying r—American Israelite. was introduced in the New Jersey local synagogue. At a banquet in values of our teachings. Now we can feel certain Legislature by Assemblyman Ritten- his honor Mr. Freiman protested that the subiimest of inspiration shall again house, according to which public against religious persecutions and A SHIPPING ITEM school pupils would have been per- declared that all should unite to eminate from Jerusalem through the Jewish The* amalgamation of the two German shipmitted to be absent from classes preserve the high- ideals of religion. . people. ping jgoncerns, the North German Lloyd and the two hours a week in order to obtain 89,900 lews Entered Hamburg-American Line, is one of the great religious instruction was defeated Jerusalem. — Christian immigrants in the Assembly. Several to Palestine from 1921 to 1929 conMATZOTH WIN IN RUSSIA events of the Commercial world. That two Jewish Tuesday assemblymen expressed the fear that stituted seven per cent of the total The important question concerning the sup- financiers, Max Warburg and Jacob Goldschmid, the passing of the bill would result during these years, or 6,400. In the pression of religion in Russia is whether the were the two master minds that made this gigan- in denominational friction. same period 89,900 Jews entered the people willingly submit to oppressive measures tic merger possible has come to light, and it has} Catholic Gives for Jewish country. and accept them as the expression of their own deeply impressed German public opinion. Ger- Hospital Jewish Books sentiments, or whether they rebel against them. many's sore spot , since th^ war was the crip- Los Angeles.—Joseph Scott, well Selling Warsaw. — Th« Soviet's foreign It is, after all, the will of the people that must pling of her merchant majine, which the Ver- known Los Angeles attorney and trade department has sent a large sailles Peace Treaty reduced to a minimum of leading Catholic laymaSi, contributed consignment of *' Jewish religious i triumph. In the case of the Jews, in spite of the fact tonnage^ The. merging of these two concerns $2,50© to the million dollar campaign books, including many Tovah scrolls' that they are Jews who have led the campaigns restores Germany to the position of a tremen- for the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital to Warsaw for sale, according to (Jewish), the new $1,600,000 edifice the local Yiddish; Daily "Moment," against Zionism, Hebrewism, Judaism, all indca- dous factor in trans-Atlantic passenger service. which will be opened by the end of paper says that th« rabbinate tions are that the masses rebel, whenever rebel- Credit is due to two co-religionists of Walter this month, according to J. Y. Ba- The against has issued a hiWU it lion is possible, against the oppression. We have, Rathenau. The German press has taken the ruh, chairman of the finance com- Jews buying any of thew hooka in proof of this, the report of the Jewish Tele- .occasion^ to remind the German public that the mittee. which arc thought to he 'some of those graphic Agency fi'om Russia that "the anti-Pass- b i d ^ p f r the Hamburg-American Line and un- $750,000 has already been raised confiscated In the n?v**»t anU-s^lidver campaign in Moscow this year will be a' q t n ^ b l j i r -Germany's most astute shipping for the building in an active cam- gious paign by the local Jewish communweak affair because the Jewish communists will wizard;.was|anoth^r Jew, Albert Ballin, who com- ity. Jewish Nurses Strike have no issue and will have to limit their Moscow.'-mitted; suicide when he heard of the Kaiser's Jerusalem. — Rpemis* the dirwtor has forbidden thrni to lo»v© tho huaprogram to merely a few anti-religious concerts flight :WHolland. : This bit of shipping news does Louisiana Drive in May New Orleans.—New Orleans cam- pital for visits whrn fife mid also during Passover eve. which .actually amounts-.to. not belo.ngymel'eiy on the shipping page. It paign for-$60,000 and the Louisiana declined to permit them <o receive speils.great-impj-oyement in the relations be- campaign for $100,000 in the na- visitors, nothing." the fourteen nurses of the This report also states that "on the other ;hand tween Jew \ arid Gentile in Germany.—Southern tional $6,000,000 campaign for the Shaare Zedek hospital hero, which i* Alligd Jewish .campaign will open supported by the Jewish community the number of Jews registering for matzoth Israelite. the last week in May and will close of Frankfurt, .went on strike. The baked from; leavened flour (a special emergency the week in June, it was de- dispute between the nurses and Diruling perm|ts this) at the Moscow synagogues Consciousness js more subtle than mind, ether, cided,first at a meeting of some fifty rector Wallacli has been brewing for is growing claily. Matzoth bakeries, are now b magnetism,; energy or the physical elements and local Jewish leaders with Morris some time and th« strike is the ing"opened W- different sections of the city with |consciousness is >^ou. These others are but ve-Rothenberg, one of the . national result,Q( the director's disregarding ritk expression. Consciousness is not de- chairmen of the campaign. Hams the intervention of Jewish physicians official Sancton. was elected chairman of the and the workers' council. Which goes 'to prove that while some Jews'pendeht.upon them for its being, but uses them as,1iHyman olocal c a i c committee o m r a i u e e a nand a Kavui Rabbi^ Emil W. will always be in,the front line trenches fighting a means*to master the various planes of life, and* Le i pzi g er Avin h e a d the state com- Colonists Use Force I Moscow.—Jewish colonists in th« for reaction, t&e'masses follow the natural-in-'as ujittce. *••••
• " * - j
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Peace Group
The last meeting of the Peace group of the Council of Jewish Worn- j en -will be held Tuesday n noon n at the th
Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Samuel Gerson is chairman of this group.
Religious Services \
5, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1930 1929, and ending March 31st, 1930, j for cultivation to Jewish sfcttlersr amounted to $200,009, as against i under 9JT year leases. $102,864, received by the fund during ' All Zionist groups and factions are the same period last year. j anited . in £he* support of the land The increase was regarded as a ' purchasing^ fund, which derives its W L Av remarkable development in view of Malashoek Jewelry .24 12 .667 the marked decline in contributions ! income from a variety of sources, inOmaha Tobacco 23 13 .657 experienced by many Jewish organi- ; eluding endowments, bequests,, small Empire Cleaners 17 19 .472 zations in the United States as the : coin collections, Golden Book inKaiman Insurance 16 20 .444 result of the recent Wall Street • scriptions, land donations, Flag Days i and Flower Days held periodically, Glazer Clothing 11 15 .423 slump. | and special occasion offerings. The Maslashock Jewelry gained the The fund is the Zionist agpney for top position by their decisive victory the acquisition of land in Palestine ! The "value" or worth" of a man over the Empire Cleaners. The Maas the inalienable property of the j is, as of all other things, his price; lashock's shot a three ganme total Jewish 'people. '300,000 dunams in ; that is to say, so much as would be of 27S1. aH parts of the Holy Land comprise ' given for the use of his power.— The Omaha Tobacco won two the Fund's land holdings. Under the \ Hobbes. games from the Kaiman Insurance; articles of incorporation of the Jew-• God has given us togues that we while the Wardrobe's made a clean ish National Fund, land owned by it ; may say something pleasant to our sweep of their series with the Glacannot be sold, but must be given i fellow-man.—Heine. zer Clothiers. Doctor Dave Platt was the shining light of the evening with the high single game of 258 and three game total of 602. Omaha'* Style Center Other high single game totals registered as follows: Mickey Krupp, 246; Treller, 246; Altscbuler, 212; j Goodman, 210; Smith, 217; Leo |Weitz, 207 and Segelman, 208.
Business Men's Bowling League
Jews of Dubrovna Demand Return of Synagogue Moscow. (J.T.A.)—Establishing a precedent that has not been heard of in Russia since the revolution, the religious Jews of Dubrovna, in the Minsk Tegion, called on the chairman of the local Soviet on April 11 and demanded the return to them the synagogue which the local Soviet had converted into a Communist crab against the will of the worshippers and without the knowledge of the Soviet Central Executive Committee. The Dubrovner Jews were encouraged in their unpredented demand by the recent order of Joseph Stalin and the. Communist party that no place of worship should be converted unless a majority of those concerned and unless the Central Executive Committee sanction it. When the chairman of the local Soviet refused the request, the Jews went to the synagogue, removed the Communist lock and locked the building with their own keys. When . the - members of the Communist dub arrived they found the enentrance barred.
Temple Israel The closing services of the PassMr. and Mrs. Joseph Haykin announce the engagement of over holiday will be held at Temple their daughter, Bess, to Mr. Samuel H. Stem, son of Mrs. B.Israel this evening at 8 o'clock and Glickman. Miss Haykin is a graduate of Central High school Saturday morning at 10 o'clock"will be special Passover and attended the University of Nebraska. She has been Secre- There music. tary to the Director of the Jewish Community Center for the Eabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon topast five years. Mr. Stern is a graduate of Technical High school night '.will be oh "Passover and: and is at present engaged in business here. Easter'V and tomorrow morning on "God and Israel". Kaddish will be The wedding will take place in June. recited* tonight for Isaac Oberfelder, George Serligsohn, Emil Brandeis, Mr. and Mrs. L Bernstein announce i and Henry Wortheimer.H Jhe engagement of their daughter, On Thursday April 24, Rabbi Cohn Rose, to Mr. Abe Bernstein of Pittswill address the Women's Business burgh, Fa. No date has been set for the -wedding. The Kappa Chapter of the Theta and Professional Club of Council Phi Sigma Sorority wffl give their Bluffs at the Chieftain Hotel on "The Rabbi Manuel Laderman of Chi- second annual Spring Madcap Dance World in the Making". cago, w&o is conducting the Passover on Sunday evening, May 4th, at the Concervative Synagogue services at the B'nai Israel Syna- Blackstone Hotel. The committee in The closing days of the holidays gogue, has been the house guest of charge of this'. affair include the will be celebrated with services to Rev. A. Schwaczkin, cantor at the Misses Lillian' Steinberg, chairman; night at 8 p.m., Saturday morning at synagogue. Ethel Cohen, of Council Bluffs, and 9, Saturday evening at 8, and SunSally Morgan and Annette Riklin American contributions towards the day morning at 9 a.m. Mrs. L. Morgan and Mrs. J. Tretiak of Omaha. Palestine Zionist Land Fund registRabbi Bengis will speak at each entertained thirty ladies at a benefit Tickets are now on sale for $1.25of the services. His subjects: Friered a 1 0 0 ^ increase during the bridge at Mrs. Morgan's home Tues- per couple. Herb Feierman's Orpast six months, according te a day evening—"Crossing the Red day afternoon. The proceeds will be chestra has been engaged to furnish report submitted to the Board »f Sea"; Saturday morning— "The sent to Barucha Idtmann ef Ber- the music for dancing. Everyone is Bread of Affliction" (in Yiddish); Directors of the Jewish Nattwial ditcher, Russia. urged to make their dates early to Saturday evning—"Variety"; Sunday Fund «f America. The receipts for attend this affair. the period beginning October 1st, morning—"Our Debt to the Past". Mr. and Mrs. Irving Perimeter of The sermon Sunday will be given at Lincoln, Nebr., spent the week-end 10:15 and will be followed at 10:45 We live in deeds, not years; in in Omaha visiting relatives. Mr. QUALITY by the customary memorial services. thoughts, not.breaths; Perimeter returned Monday, but Mrs. Rabbi Bengis was pleased by the In feelings, not in shadows on a dial. By GEORGE ALEXANDER KOHUT Perimeter will return the latter part large attendance at the opening days We should count time by heartthrobs. of the month. Painting Contractors In stern debate, all through the night of the Passover services, and the * He most Eves they strove— success of the Children's services Who thinks most, feels the noblest, .1314 No. 24th St. WE. 4211 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hose and The sages of the Talmud, to record held Sunday. acts the best. —Bailey. daughter, Dorothy Hose, of St. JoWhat moat deserved tlte favor of the Rabbi Bengis made four addresses seph, Mo., spent the week-end "with , Lord. before variouus organizations in YidMrs. Rose's mother, Mrs. Mamie dish this week, addressing the Bikur The akeient Eabbi Judah, he who Kneeter. Choim Tuesday afternoon, the Poale throve Zion Tuesday evening, the Daughters Mrs. A.- J. Solomon of Minneapolis, j On fasting and on prayer, spake of of Zion Wednesday afternoon, and Minn., arrived here last. Friday to one spoke on the Talmud Torah program be the guest of her mother, Mrs. M. Who lavished wealth, as worthy. Wednesday evening. White, and her brother, Fred S. "Nat," quoth Saul, White'. Mrs. Solomon plans to reribe ond scholar, looviing main' until May 1. ' - -Deprived of Rights Sixteenth at Farnam gaunt and tall, u Vienna.—Jewish students at the Miss Harriet Nefsky of Lincoln Ntme but- the wtsi ts, ,fit to look University of Vienna are deprived vpanF* spent the week viaitingMiss Bernice of their political, cultural and materSherman.ial rights as the result of a new "H»t ao," exclaimed the zealotdecree Jby the university authorities "Place Miss Helen Ja ..__ -which gives the anti-Semitic German dent at 6ie Unive¥s • Lo, then was h'ear'd* ' ',/ ;$ 7 student body the sole right to be the arrived Friday to spend the springofficial students' representatives and vacation with her yparents, Mr. .and I child's sweet voice which thrilled stipulates that the qualifications for 1 the men who erred— C; ., membership is not Austrian citizenMrs. J. Janger. i'-".-':-"-'--"vr' —another 4th floor 'To Him alone is vouchsafed God's ship but an avowal that one belongs fashion success. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bernstein. spent good grace to the XJerman people and speaks the the -week-end visiting relatives and Who renders loving service to\-his German language. friends in lancolnr - • - * kind!"— "A good word is as soon said as And ere they grasped the vision, it s: Jack Savich of 2105 N street declined. "• -•• an ill one."—Eliot. has been appointed chairman of the executive of the Bikur.. Choljm of Sopth Omaha. . .
Dance on May
16th and Hartley
Who Serves Best
With a Jacket
*?• The Ladies Labor Lyceum club will have a special meeting Tuesday, April. 22, at S P. M. at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Street Nice program arranged. In the near future they will hold a card party for the benefit of Ort Relief.
HARRY MENDELSON TO OPEN HEBREW SCHOOL Harry Mendelson, well-known scholar and Jewish youth leader, has announced the opening of a modern Hebrew school. Mr. Mendelson, a University of Nebraska graduate, spent several years in Palestine and is well-versed in all phases of Jewish thought and education. Mr. Mendelson is going to conduct his school according to the most modern paedagogical methods. He plans to economize in time by teaching the children in English in a manner by which they will be able to understand. He will also teach advanced classes in Jewish history, ethics and fundamentals for the youth. The classes are being formed. Anyone desiring any further information is requested to call him at WEbster S318, or see him at 2033 North Nineteenth street. \
'"^e Shop of Personal Service'
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DANCI Sunday Night, Apr. 20,9 o'clock
Rumored Luke Will Not Return to Post London. (J.T.A.)—It is being generally rumored here in official circles that H. C. Luke, civil secretary of the Palestine government and acting High Commissioner during the riots, will not return to Palestine, according to a decision of the Colonial Office. It is also said that the High Commissioner, Sir John Chancellor, had tendered his resignation to the Colonial Office nearly two weeks ago. While his resignation... has not yet been accepted, it is known that the governmosj is negotiating wftU other candidates far the cost
A Carman
#1 Jacket Frocks for Daytime f ( l | | | § | j mj | •for street wear . . . in silk—in chiffon — in lace — yes, there's aboat every type you caa name at this low price. -
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Good Products Ml areVelicious
Lunch arid Milk Fund Bridge Tea For Its Benefit to Be Given at Athletic < ; Club On Wednesday, May 7 ' ' By Elizabeth Ash Langfeld A Bridge Tea sponsored by thechild's resistance to disease the health "Quarter to Ten" Reading Club for of the entire city is improved. A'new the benefit of the Public School social outlook is born; better food Lunch and Milk Fund will be given habits permeate into hundreds of in the Grill Koom of the Athletic homes; cleanliness is taught by examClub Wednesday afternoon May 7th ple, both in the handling of food and in the washing of hands before eatat 2 o'clock. Reservations can be made with ing. Thrift is learned through a pracMrs. N. Mantel, Har. 5711, and with tical demonstration of the purchasing Mrs. D. Feder, Glen. 1164. power of 3 or 5c, if properly exWe have been requested to tell pended ; it' has been' our "experience something of the activity of the that children in groups derive the Public Lunch and Milk Fund, and it benefits of milk, who as isolated units, is our pleasure to respond. refuse to drink-, i t These are few of Three years ago, with the coour results! but' the; possibilities are operation of the School authorities, r limitless. and -with the financial aid of intert • ^^vf ested individuals and organizations, 5) Growth? / Whereas three ^years ago we startour nutrition work was started in Cass School. This work, inaugurated ed in one school, today we; work in and managed by Mrs. Millard Lang- twelve; three ago we ^served forty feld, proved sufficiently beneficial to children a day, whereiftoiiay jwe reach the children,' so that today it is between 600 and 700 daily; three operating in twelve schools with years ago we had 200 servings a week, this year we had over 3,250 most telling results. The questions which in all prob- weekly servings. In* the I month of aiility are uppermost in the minds March alone were distribu^ 10,500 of our readers might possibly be the half-pint bottles of iSiit-3jhv addition to the other food. - . ' •; following: We conclude with the comment of 1) What is the purpose of the Public one of our opportunity\£lass*teachers: School Lunch and Milk Fund? "T To see a wholesome ^pink" creep into Its purpose is to supply milk to pale cheeks, to see children develop such children as the school nurse proright habits, sound teeth, sturdy bodnounces under-weight, so as to bring ies and healthy -minds^ is to see the their weight up to normal. Also, work of building strong, dependable when feasible and where needed, to American citizens,''who in turn can provide hot noon-time lunches,; of a successfully carry on," this business of simple, nutritious, and dietetically our United States of.America." well balanced nature—on a non-profit —Elizabeth'" Ash'.. Lanfeld. . making basis. 2) How is this Fund supported? This Fund is supported by no one person or organization, but by voluntary subscriptions from interested individuals and clubs. The need of each school is determined by its principal, who in conjunction with the school nurse, makes a careful survey of the under-weight children. - 3) What is the cost of the lunch, or the daily milk and graham cracker to the individual pupil? The lunch is 5c and the milk is 3c. When deemed necessary by the school authorities a certain number of children are supplied free of cost. 'One of our most pleasing results is that the schools in which we have worked have been two-thirds self-sup. porting. The payments of the children are added to the Fund, and •with a' decreasing expense in the running of each school, new schools, where the ne]ed is greatest, can be supplied.
his generosity and
"While the Pathfinder was develHIGH GRADE TIRES oped primarily as a low-priced -quality casing, it incorporates many charCAN BE OBTAINED acteristics of beauty which make it suitable for the snappiest M A LOW PRICE sport roadsteruseor theon most dignified
Big i City's AJlied Jewish CamDealer Points Out That Good- sedan." : paign Drive to Start "Millions have been spent by Mrs. A. Leonard and son, Louis year Company Offers an Soon Goodyear to make the Pathfinder a Allen, of Portland, Oregon, are vis-, Excellent Buy
New York.—A quota "of $2,500,000, iting with iMiss Ella.Poska. as New.York's share in the $6,000,Mrs. A. Davidson and two chil000 Allied Jewish Campaign, was dren, Jo-Ann and Samuel, of Kansas agreed upon by close to one hunCity spent the week-end visiting her dred of the leading figures in the communal and philanthropic life of mother, Mrs. S. Adelson, and sister, the Metropolis at a dinner meeting Irene. held at the Hotel Biltmore. It was Miss Harriet Nefsky is spending unanimously decided at the same time that all necessary steps be the week in Omaha visiting Miss taken to inaugurate the "drive" for Bernice Sherman. New York City's quota this spring. Mrs. M. Wasserman returned from Simultaneously, national headquarters announced that the quota for a five weeks sojourn in Los Angeles the rest of the state had been fixed a n d other points in California. at $350,000, making the'entire quota Mr. and Mrs. P. Bernstein of Omafor the Empire State $2,850,000. The dinner-meeting which marked ha spent th week-end with her parthe inauguration of New York City's ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg. Allied Jewish Campaign was called Mr. and Mrs. Charles Labovitz and by Paul Baerwald, one of the national chairmen of the campaign, and family of Columbus, Nebr., and Mr. Hon. Joseph M. Proskauer, who dur- and; Mrs. Ledennan and family of ing the evening was elected honorr Kearney, Nebr., spent the week-end ary chairman of the "drive". As sev- with Mr. and Mrs. C. Zelen of Lin• eral speakers remarked, this initial coln. meeting of the present campaign surJUNIOR HADASSAH passed in numbers, in representative character, and in tone, any precedA regular meeting of the Junior ing similar function ever held in this Hadassah was held April 1. Miss city, including the initial meeting for Gertrude Hill gave two readings and the famous $6,000,000 New York City Miss Bessie Kantor entertained with drive in 1926 for the United Jewish piano selections. . Campaign. Miss Ella Cohen, president of the chapter, was unanimously Elements heretofore working sep- local arately were represented by their chosen as delegate to attend the most active workers, and, as the Southwest Regional Conference which meeting progressed, the determina- is to be held in Kansas City, Mo., tion to sweep past the fixed goal May 17 and 18. gained strength. Pessimism was notThe following were appointed to ably absent from the utterances of head the various committees: Miss the array of speakers, including fi-' Davidson, finance; Leona Schneider, nanciers and jurists, each of whom I membership; Lena Shapiro, publicideclared that the Jew responds best;ty; the committee for the Jewish
KOSHER MEAT IS AGAIN AVAIDABEE IITUKRAINA Moscow. (J.T.A.) — Kosher meat \ again been made available in Ukrainia while the government trade department, anxious to get, more feathers for export, has opened kosher slaughters under the supervision of local rabbis-in a number of Ukrainian cities. The slaughterers will get small salaries from the Soviet =,# government and will be classified a s ' * / qualified laborers.
product worthy of the name that Good tires and high prices are as- appears on more than one-fourth of sociated in the minds of most motor- all the tires used in the United ists, but the impression that a sturdy States," Mr. Nachschoen concluded. and serviceable tire can not be purchased at a low price is erroneous, You cannot force the growth of according to Herman--Nachschoen, human life and civilization, any more It is easier to appear worthy of a local Goodyear dealer, located at Sev- than you can force these slow-mov- position one does not hold than of enteenth and Capitol avenue. ing trees. That is the economy of the office which one fills.—La Roche"Ten years ago the leading tire Almighty God, that all good growth foucauld. companies, such as the Goodyear Tire is slow growth.—Gaynor. We sometimes think that we hate & Rubber Co., of Akron, concentratflattery, but we only hate the maned their efforts on turning out one While thy foot is shod crush the ner in which it is done—La Rochehigh class brand of tire and no at- thorn.—The Talmud. foucauld. tempt was made to make inexpensive tires," says Mr. Nachschoen. "However, with the use of cars! fast becoming universal and the used car business growing into an important factor of the industry, varTHE OPENING OF A ious grades of tires are now available. •-..,'.•: ; "The Goodyear Company was one of the first to recognize the importance of offering a high grade, low-, The. Language that children understand priced tire. , j "The Pathfinder tire is the result. Also advance class in Jewish history, ethics and fundamentals for the youth. Classes being This big burly brate of a tire is formed now. Register your children immediately. comparable to the infantryman's field , Location of school to be determined by parents' boot. It is husky and rugged, but' committee. surprisingly inexpensive. j
Modern Hebrew School
Economizing in time by teaching in English
National Fund is composed of Fan- 1 nie Diamond, Fern Osherow and Edith Cohen. '
Miss Pearl Abrahamson of Chicago, sister of Mrs. Abe Abrams, is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Abrams at present.
Mr. Irwin Melnick of Chicago is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schneider.
1. STORIES FROM THIS RABBIS OF THE TALMUD. A collection of parables, anecdotes and legends recorded in the Talmud.
A Uequest
By Gilbert W. Gabriel
The School-days of a Young American Jew.
3. THE HEAVEN ON THE SEA. By Sulamith Ish-Kishor.
Twenty stories mainly from old Jewish * sources. , -
4. JEWISH HOLIDAYJ$K>RIES. By Elma E. Levingcr. Twelve stories of present-day Jewish child life, woven around the Jewish holydays.
5. THE NEW LAND. By Elma, E. Levingcr.
6. JUSTICE TO THE JEW. By Madison C. Peters. >
What he has done for the world. A sum-mary of the world's debt to the Jew and a powerful plea for justice by a non-Jew.
By J. Max Wcis. ••-:. Sketches from Rabbinic and Medieval Jewry. These characters personify many of the greatest contributions II*? Jew has made to civilization.
8. IN MANY LANDS. By Elma E. Levingcr. s
"i- -.A 'And4t is these same advertisers who with money \ spent through our advertising columns make the:'. publishing of this newspaper possible.
Stories of Jews who had a Part in the Making of Our Country. Twelve stories of Jewish life, based on events in American History.
HE JEWISH PRESS AH requests that its' subscribers patronize those firms ^ajid.individuals who advertise in its- pages. This request has a double significance . . . Advertisers who adopt "The Jewish Press" as a medium through which to address their Jewish clientele, are assuring our subscribers of their desire for Jewish patronage. "'•
When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.— Stowe. ,
By Abraham S. Isaacs.
4>; What are the results? The results have been to decrease the under-weight children to such an extent as to have them all practically ."oip'to normal,weight at the end of the school semesters. Besides -"this improvement in weight, 100 per cent were pronounced by their teachers to* have improved in attentiveness and mental alertness. By increasing the
Philadelphia. (J.T.A.) — Cardinal Dougherty has announced that Albert ;M. Greenfield, well-known rea estate broker and banker, had been honored by Pope Pius XI by having conferred upon him the order and title of Commander in tHe Order of Pius IX. ••'.,:. Mr. Greenfield is the first nonCatholic in Pennsylvania to be thus honored by the head of the Catholic church. The award was.given him by the Pope in recognition of Mr. Greenfield's services to the Catholic Diocese of Pennsylvania. The award was given to Cardinal Dougherty when he was in Rome during the course of his recent trip around the world, and was brought to this city by the Cardinal himself when he returned last week in company with Bishop O'Hara, who accompanied the Cardinal on his world tour. Mr. Greenfield, who is a member of the Kenesei Israel congregation, is known for his many benefactions to all creeds. The list of his donations embraces many faiths. . Some time ago Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield presented to the Seminary of St. Charles Borromeo a four-manual organ in honor of District Attorney John Monaghan.
to appeals pride.
Stories of How the Scattered J. •i Kept their Festivals, Twelve stories, one for every holiday.
9. WIT AND WISDOM OF THE TALMUD. Bij Madison C. Peters. ; Many wise, witty and pithy extracts from the Talmud.
10. KNOW THE BIBLE. By Maurice Liberman. . Questions with answers, riddles, games, on the Bible.
This week you received an enlarged, 8 page paper. We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the various features, -news articles, and editorials it contains. But we cannot continue without your co-operation. We must have your help if we are going to build a better paper, all we ask you to do is mention The Jewish Press to any one you trade with and . . . .
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11 THE CULTURE OF ANCIENT . ISRAEL. By Carl H. Cornill. In music, education, religion, etc.
By Elma E. Levingcr. Thirty-two stories and poems revolving around the Jewish holidays.
By David Philipson. Discusses dramas and novels wherein Jews play an important role.
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of foot powder or anything, ^ 3 . . . wliicji hat, suffered many When Warder is finally convinced send us in" a good story, I things of tiiituyi difunafisls, should that she' had been lying, he leaves why should we play the solo all the be somewhat sensitive *t the mo-i her, refusing to believe her when time. You folks in th'e audience i.ient- over caricatures which are' she does actually tell* the truth. must have plenty of good ones—^-6© calculated to create a -wholly wrong iI Becky's- father brings her husband <Continued frsm Page 1.) why not step up on the platform and] •;•••• - •— ir-pressioo in noa-Jewish quarters. ] to her by means of another fib, but say your piece. The prize is a good j (Continued from Page 1.) Becky rather th-rn win her husband men to -be neutral in mind. But a s I t is, of course, with g r e a t dis-j one—nothing less than' the two vol-j Her husband finally heeds Lhe in- by a lie, risks her future by telling president of t h e B'nai B'rith, Alfred eretlan t h a t » n y j*ur*eiUajiiee of » r t umes of Jacob de Haa's "Life of in course of time, the order has M. Cohen cannot be content with a or of letters, h a s t o be exercised, sidious bpliefs of Eve Lindon due hJi-» the trutl and thereby wins her Theodore Herzl, whcch sells for $10 been extended until today it invites mtrely negative neutrality. H e has The freedom of the film is, a f t e r chiefly to still more fibs by Becky. husband back. —if you can get it at that—for the the cooperation of all Jews in every t o be hot only neutral in mind, but all, a s fundamental t o liberty and By DAVID SCHWARTZ Musical selectiois were played by edition is almost all sold out. Mr.|ia n d. The fraternity is thus injer- appreciative. AH around him are indeed to t r u t h a s t h e freedom of dom ef Alfred K Coher, the col- the Jewish Community Center SymOFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED de Haas tells me there are only) national and comprehensive within people with ideas. All those people t h e press. Hence, there has been lege during a formative period of phony Orchestra under the direction Ever forward, 0 hand of Progress twenty copies left. And the books | each nation. In the order we find believe t h a t there never were such'. established a t Hollywood, a friend- it? history will ever owe an imper- of Frank Mach. —or is it, feet of Progress! Mark will be autographed by the author.» m e n o f ^ opinions and every Ellegi- iueas in the "world a s their ideas. : ly committee, under the auspices of ifc^able delt, Sol Miroff took care of the stage, - . -m . •a y• be orthodox, What Mr. Cohen has t o supply i s ' B'nai B'rith, to which without *»<Copyrigbt 1930 by the Jewish down another great achievement. The The rules are simple—in fact there' ance. A member are none at all—except that the I assisted by 4am Greenberg. word "kibetzer" has been officially any Telegraphic Apuicy, Inc. he m a y be liberal; h e . m a y b e a t h e atmosphere in which ideas a r e ' stric^ing a proper freedom, stories must be in within the next Zionist; h e m a y be a non-Zionist; helpful. W h a t impartiality is t o t h e : points of taste and fact can be r e - ; admitted into the dictionary. Frank H. Vizetelly in the Standard four weeks. h e m a y b e a citizen of t h e fourth umpire, t h a t is geniality to the pres- fcrred. I t w a s B'nai B'rith t h a t naThe judges of the anecdote contest generation; he m a y be a recent i m - ident of t h e Independent Order of cently dealt wjth t h e production of, dictionary thus defines the word which has been translated from the will be Mr. de Haas, Dr. Joshua migrant. A l l J e w s , however describ- B'nai B'rith. ! "King of Kings", and in a number poker: table to the scholarly pages Bloch, chief of the Jewish' division of ed, a r e welcome. I t is t h e a i m of Much of t h e work lies wholly o u t - ' of cases, a reasonable respect for New York Public library, and Jacob the order to respect each m a n ' s side t h e r a n g e of controversy. When,' Jewish feeling h a s been suggested, pf the '-'Woerterbueh". * Kibitzer: One who meddles with Leichtman, New York-banker and dignity and to inspire within him for instance, money is raised f o r ' vvith useful results, -• - a respect for the dignity of others. hospitals and welfare, who is there j The difficulties with which J t r . other-' person's affairs-—specifically a philanthropist. . person, who although, not a player, Just send in your joke to the editor In wealth and ability, men are not to object. But B'nai B'rith has Cohen and his colleagues have bees makes suggestions and gives gratu- of this paper, who will be glad/I am equals. It is^all the more important tackled another and more delicate dealing a r e genuine difficulties. I t sure, to forward them. itous advice to card players. that-they should be equals in com- problem t h a n this, and with no less ( m a y be, however, t h a t they a r e difNow,-you can take the old: word > While the prize will, of course, be radeship, v I. success. The Jewish Community e n - , fitulties which will yield to time, and use it in anagrams and cross awarded to the'"best/1 will use with In the B'nai.i B'rith Order there joys full civic rights. But, none t h e ' The Jewish community itself i», afword puzzles, and if a college pro-, proper credit, in this column, all is no element 6f secrecy*—neither less, i t constitutes a minority and,'• t e r all, t h e best antidote t o good ones. This is the first national vows nor ceremonial. From first to ' «* t h e i a t e I j O r t i Salisbury once put j representations of the Jewish com: fessor doesn't know what it means— you can just tell him, he's plain ig- Jewish joice contest ever launched, last, it may be described as a it in one of his "blazing ridkere- i i.xunity. That community is grewing norant and better go study his dic- and I expect a great response, i friendly "Society, constituted for pur- tions", history shows that "minori-'. in numbers and influence. It will be tionary. • 'poses that are fully avowed and ties suffer". To seeure justice and j able, in due course, to ignore deINALWEORTWO \\ Business studio, of Harry Hprsh- generally understood. There is no ir deed courtesy for lite Jewish min- j traction and augh at insult. It will 'TIS EVER TRUE ority is one of the duties of B'nai, be strong enough to reply, "They From the poker table to the dic- field, cartoonist, is said to have cost [reason why any community any- B'rith. , say. What do they say. Let them where might not inaugurate at any tionary. It wpuld be interesting to one hundred thousand dollars, to* furParticular attention is paid to the say." fime an" ~ organization, pledged" niture and fit up generally. \ to compile a list of the many things Louis Golding, author, is no* at carry out the essential aims to prtss. For instance, if a man robs i Indeed, it is men ef affaire like .which have traveled th1s: route—from the till of a bank, the reporters do] Alfred M. Cohen who are establishtheir ages of suspicion and contempt work on play revolving about^"Song which B'nai B'rith is deVoted. What not explain as a rule that he is, let' ing the new and mere equitable relaare those aims? "We stand," said of Songs"! . £v K !te* the evening clothes of respectabil. Late Harry .Houdjni wa&.Jopce of- Mr. Cohen, "for every man doing us say, a Methodist or a Catholic.! tion between the Jewry of all lands ity. • Why should they draw attention to! and the world as a whole. For he is "Long Distance" is ready at any ' . When the colored folk some sev- fered, job as astrologer of Czar's every service within his power that fact sucn a man hap- • a builder as well as a conciliator. *** ***** court, the "saintly" Sidney Wallach benefits another than himself." It to put you in touch with business assoenty, and-eighty years, ago sang their sometimes to be a Jew. It is - During twenty-eight Ion yeare, Mr. ' " ""' is to this golden rule that, with iron sengs, white people said: "Bah, just apprises us. ciates, friends and relatives outside a iact wholly irrelev nt to his guilt- Cohen has served on the board »f uncouth; ignorant 'nigger music'." Emil Ludwig, famed biographer, resolution, Mr. Cohen has dedicated oi his innocence with which consider- j the Hebrew Union college. F«r your community. tried law and failed, and then wanted his own career. Today -the' intelligentsia gloat over ations alone the newspapers are con- twelve of those years he lias preadto be a_ dramatist, before finding his In a famous sentence, Woodrow the same?' as - "spirituals". Following are a few representative cerned. The Press Association and eC ever the beard as chairm«B. And talking more specifically about present successful medium. His fath- Wilson once exhorted his country- other agencies have admitted the When he joined the beard there er was an oculist. day «tetion-fco-station rates (when you "kibetzer", it is of interest that lexjustice" of this point of view and were fifty-four students and niae book dealing with the Dreyfuss ask to talk with anyone available «>t the One day, a Russian captain, was inicographers have in -general attribut-j of dulging iunong sbme:Jews'in an-ofgy have modified thaccreports accord-; professors in; the college and- the ed what they call the "explosiveness" j ««« w i U s o o n c o m e off t h e ihgly. colled telephone) for a three-minute budget was Su.4,472. When he »-«s of the English language in the Unit- Greenberg, publisher. moving picture of self-glorification. In the case of moving pictures, aj elected chairman there were seventyKenneth McKenna, conversation from this city: ed States to 'five immigrant. We have captured Whang-Tong- somewhat similar situation has 'o seven students, nine professors and actor, and artist, is grandson of By explosiveness, I mean that Fin and we have taken Long-So-An, be faced. Everywhere the silver a budget of $69,93fl. Today there ' quality and those terms which ygive Rabbi Closes Mielziener, who wrote said the Czarist captain. screen i6 today offending racial sus- are 120 students, feurteen prefeeeore Day Stamen? Hebrew grammar and pedagogues at the language raciness and punch. "You haven't taken Mison-Mashu- ceptibilities. We see Japan, sup- and a budget of $295^97. The numfcc-steiion Hebrew Union College, One of these maestros explains it nah yet, have you, captain?" asked I ressing a brilliant actor because be b.r of etuden ' he-, more thaa To . this way: "The immigrant was not Maurice Schwartz has signed .con- one of the Jews. played the part of a spy. We see doubled, and. on their training, , thought Socially worthy of the suav- tract . with English stage and \ will •'No, but -well take it yet—we'll th.- Chinese, ostracising the Fair- twelve times as ranch money is ! specialize j n impersonations. • Aberdeen, S. D... „ _ „ „ „ „ . $1.50 ' ity of circumlocution." take it," returned the officer. banks, because they detected an in- spent. With" "the raising of u t e Jed Harris, noted producer of The <l The immigrant- made them, in Ainsworth, Xeb. ..—. 1,10 sult to Chinamen in ths Thief of dowment fund of $5^66,006, «f 'brief, quit circumlocuting and talk ^rorit Page arid other flits, is &ree AND DIDN'T THEY? • Chicago, 111 1.80 Bagdad". Even the Gish sisters are : which more than $4,066,600 faas been : Say, said a non-Jew looking in at ' simply .and directly plain " United years less than thirty. the occasion of riots in Paris- beGeddevS. D. 100 •States. -Good for the immigrant! '- • "Father of Arthur aCesar, who is Macy's Fassover department this cause D. W. Griffith, iginnewhat em- subscribed' to the committee associated with tfce name of. regarded as- best gag writer ; for week, and gazing into a* |Gti!jnell, la. _.^ .95 ;? 'A TRUE STORY , ' agufparj _ Hebrew Unit screen today, juvas, a Yiddish news- "Jewish Prayer books sqjji- ai§: 4 Xeb....L .,„ ^. .85 5 cesses of the You may *'Si6t"*lcnow I t tnzfc 'even paperman! EevUufioiC 'Wje ^ofth ©* * career *F ' ^ | slangy." Kan .«* 80 , 'philosophers have grandfathers. -And The real name of Leach Cross, He had seen the title—"An Only need not be surprised, then, that opportuunity. To the energy and wis' Valentine, Xeb.,.» . .... 1.25 jthe grandfather of- .Henri Bergson, •f is Wallach—no relation Kid". 'famous French thinker,, was a -noted|-of Jewish'Tribune Wallach. But he read further: rabbi who lived on the outskirts of Eddie Cantor, in days of youth, "An only kid, an only kid, which - 'Warsaw back in 1792. And thereby was esteemed the' best street corner slew the ex, •hangs - a tale. When the Russian dancer on" the East Side. * Which drank the water, which Cossacks came trauping. into Poland 1S12J/O Faraam Street JAcksea 4562 quenched the fire, THEY DID at that time, /they began to -indisANNE BLUMENTHAL, Propr. 1 Which burned the stick, which beat Harry Lipnitz, Miami lawyer and criminately slaughter Jews. " NORTHWESTEtlN 1EIL TELEPHONE COMPANY the rug, But so great was the general communal. chieftain, who commutes Which bit the cat, which ate the kid." PORTRAITS, PAINTINGS and FRAMES between Florida city and Broadway, , .esteem in which Bergson's grand"O, I see," he continued, "they arc ^ .father -was held, that the Russians tells the story of the Russian ofusing 'kid' in its real sense—a young Spcialists in Childrcns Photographs ficers during the Russo-Japanese ' sent a. guard .to protect his home. goat. Beg your pardon." Well, this grandfather was as. wise war. Special price on group or weeding pictures (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish as hie grandson.- Jews were being It -appears that the Russian > of; Irilled all -about him. How to stop tiers .were much addicted to boasting. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) it? He pondered and came forth -with a- plan. For every 3ew, who was brought to him .alive, ne announced, he would • pay three :guiltiers.. . . Instead of killing-Jews, the Cos: sacks began bringing them to Crand . father Bergson and the massatrps _, were stepped. This is said to be an authentic 5 tale. "
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THIS—NOT SO TRUE It reminds m« of the story they tell of the Jewish merchant down south who was very much annoyed by the children ef the town whowere in the habit of gathering about his • place and" calling him with a j rather opprobious name. He thought of a plan, too. He anrnounced that he would pay a twentyt five cent piece to every child in the ^town who would serenade him with -^the objectionable name on the next ' morning. • The children, were, of course, all «eut on the morrow collecting their ; quarters. The Jewish merchant next • antJiounced that on Monday of the following week, he would pay a tencent piece, to each child who repeated the performance. . "' The children came again, called - the Jew again by the objectionable name and collected their dimes. The following week, the Jew said nothing. The children came around and asked: 'How much will you .give •now for us to call you by that name?" "Nothing, !not a cent," replied the Jew. "Then we shan't call you," they threatened. "Don't," replied the Jew, taking up thejr dare. .
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Omaha, Nebraska
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1930 first cooling winds of September. wife for" crying. Bidn't • thejr • have "You see, papa," Danny tried to their Danny? "Tnat was enough to be placate an irate, disappointed parent, thankful for. "I'm still a drawing card and it would As Danny mended, Jacob followed be foolish to waste myself on any- his progress and, except for the sufthing, else just ; now. -Just look, I fering, could not be sorry that the acplayed football for three . years and cident had happened. Danny was finnever got anything for it. Now I'm ished as a player. Those legs would going to play,and get paid for it." never be nimble again, those ribs ANNA PILL, Correspondent The glow in Danny's eyes was keener could never sustain shock upon shock. when he said, the word "play" than Now Danny would do something, fulwhen he mentioned the pay. That fill those rosy ambitions that Jacob part was for his father. "A few still nourished for him. Jacob's heart Mount Sinai Temple weeks' training, a few weeks' playing was light, lighter than it had been in SOCIETY NEWS and 111 be making as much money as .the years since Danny graduated. A Stag Party will be given by the "What. Money Cannot Buy", will if I'd stay here in Carltown and work Perhaps it would be wise for him to Question Club, Tuesday evening, be the subject of the address this all year." go. into the bank. Daniel Fine, presiApril 22, in the Marble Room of the Friday evening, by Rabbi T. N. Lew"So," his father spoke mournfully, dent of the First National Bank, Uu NINA KAVJT Twenty-five children of the Tal"so that's why you wanted to be an sounded good and Jacob had no doubt mud Torah will present a Passover West Hotel. The Party will be for is, at Mount Sinai Temple. ice man this summer?" Play and program Sunday evening, members , exclusively. The. vevening that Danny would reach that goal in "Well," Danny drawled, "I didn't April 20, at the Jewish Community •wiir'bV spent with cards, and a buf- LARGE ATTENDANCE an incredibly short time. Everybody in town was proud of has to jump at the-first offer he gets. Center. At the same time, children fet supper will be served at MidAT KADIMA MEETING Daniel Fine. His fame was nation- He'll want to look around. Enjoy have anything definite in mind, but I The first day they wheeled Danny thought I'd better be ready in case I out on the porch, Jacob came to him will register for the new semester night. wide and sleepy little Carltown baskA humorous sketch "Car Trouble" ed in the reflected glory. Proudest of yuorself. There's plenty time. - Vlpethe opportunity. But .don't worry, with the suggestion; He strode up of the Hebrew School. Over 150 fall is soon enough." <• • Yet, despite Bill Silverberg, Harold Emlein, was presented at the meeting of the dad. I'm young yet. Time enough the steps/renewed -assurance and pride children are expected to enroll. Regall was his father, Jacob Fine. On himself, there crept into Jacob Fine's istration will also be continued Mon- Bernard Lipman and Bud Kline, Kadima Club held Wednesday eve- the slightest protext he would lure words a note of finality, as if, admitt- to make my mark. 111 just get in in his walk. Danny lay bkek an his day evening, in the class rooms of students at the. University of Min- ning, in the social hall of .the Shaate you hqme to:dfeplay. his book of clip- ing the fall was" soon enough, he felt this season of football and then 111 chair, a letter in his thin hands. On the • School in Shaare Zion Syna- nesota, spent the week end in the Zion Syn'agogue. Those taking part" pings. , Danny Fine, huge of should- it was also late enough.- It was time look around." his face was a smile _<jf.isatisfaction. city,. visiting their parents. in the skit included Den a Baron, gogue. True, at the end of the season, ers and towering in his cumbersome "Well, Danny," Jacob began, "now Danny should get started at someEleanor Lefko, Elizabeth Passman, Danny did essay one job and another, that you're nearly weU, it's Jime to be The feature of the program Sunfootball togs, smiled down at you from thing. His years at college has been Bertha Berkowitz, Charlotte Salkin Miss Dorothy Mosow and Miss Ida day evening will be the presentation every mantelpiece and table. In both glorius years, but Jacob didn't want but they palled on him. Before he thinking about-what you will do." knew it, before Jacob could remonof the two One Act Plays "Mother Greenberg, who are enrolled at and Ruth Bernstein. windows of Fine's Fine Furniture "Oh, don't worry about me, dad," Following the play, old fashioned Store was a picture of Danny, bord- Danny just to earn a living. He strate, he was back:on. the kewagon Danny opened his eyes and in them Kachael" and "Seder JNight". "Moth- school in Chicago, are in the city wanted him to shine, to startle Carl•_ pictures were projected from" a. slide ered by the American flag and his again the sporting writers were coner Kachael" which centers around the for spring vacation. town and the rest of the World in the jecturing about the championship pos- was the old glow. He tapped the letwhich' proved ah entertaining' feature legend of Rachael calling for a Mescollege colors. field of business just as he had done sibilities of Danny Fine's Football ter and spoke with vibrant pride. Mr. and Mrs. Irwing: Goldstein and on the program. • i siah, and the Youth of Israel re"I've just been named football coach . When Danny came home for vacaon the field of sport. Nonef-of this sponding, will be presented by the children, of Chicago, are guests in the Mr. Morey Lipshutz, President of tion, there was always an adoring could he have put^ into words,' but. it Scouts during the commg season. I'm fixed for life, I a t m y coilege. following children: Jack Gorchow, home of Mrs. Goldstein's parents, the Kadima, was in charge of the crowd about him. He was escorted .was all embodied in the words, "the Each year ns September brought! guess." arrangements. Milton Barrent, Lester Lazriowich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron. them again to the crossroads,, Danny ""* (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish to and from his father's house. He' fall is soon enough." Jack Merlin, Isadore Shindler, Nathpromised his father. "I'm young yet. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) walked into the moving picture theatJ, k Danny hung around the F o r a wee Mr. Stanley Jacobs is spending an Fineberg, Perry Osnowitz, IrvY t play l f l Young enoughh to football^ era with merely a nod and wave _of j door of his father's store. He read ing Maron, Leonard Berkowitz, Phil vacation visiting his mother, Mrs. his hand as price of admission. He the sporting pages in the newspapers, that's young! Just let me get Silverber, Walter Woskoff, Morris Dave Davidson. JEWISH WORKERS Itf was the idol of high school boys, busi- yawned and weht to sleep in the this season." Aizenberg, and Jake Zeligson. ^ COLONIES INCREASE -, Danny's exploits in professional ness men and girls. Night after downy depths;: of >k chair on] display. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schaeffer and "Seder Night" will be presented football <iid jlot Jbring^the same pride New York.—A?3,000 prize contest night Danny was the guest of honor by Tillie Shindler, Tillie Franklin, children of Omaha, spend several for the best literary work on "The at some-party. Summers in Carltown At the end of a week, JBanny tSook a ;to Jacob's bosom as had his college 'Jerusalem. (J.T.A.) — The latest Ioseph Maron, Nathan Plotkin, Ben days in the city this week, visiting Soul of America" was announced to- were happy times of • continuous ac- job. When he told Jacob Finev what accomplishments. A man, not a boy, Statistics show that there are now Levin, Bertha Raskin, Sarah Wein- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barney day by the National Arts Club tivity which swirled around Danny it was, his face fell and he had no-running across the field with a leather 7,798 •: Jewish workers in the colonies words to reply. ' stein, Ada Epstein, Betty Osnowitz, Baron. ball under his arm. He was twenty- exclusive of those in the Jezreel and ' through President John G.Agar, who Fine. "Oh, papa, don't get excited. I just six, twenty-seven. What did Jacob Jordan Valleys. In September 1926 Jennie Shindler. His mother complained to her husb- want to keep in trim, that's all. All Mr. and Mrs. B. Mandlestam arid stated that the -object: of the award these same colonies had only 4,582 Cantor A. Pliskin will sing several was to stimulate the writing of a and. "I don!t see Danny from the the footplayers wprk as ice men- in, care that the newspapers went on Jewish workers. son Theo, of Preston, S. D., were • • appropriate numbers. Miss Sarah raving" about the "greatest player the work which will reveal the soul of time, he comes home till he packs his the summer; I dominant to get fat guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Weiner will give several piano solos, .game had'ever had ?" He didn't want America as distinguished from books suitcase to go back to school again. and lazy." and Mr. Sam Passman will lead a M. Skalovsky. his boy to be a player. It was time in which the authors thoughtlessly Four years is a. long1 time for a boy "But an ice man, Danny!Danny girl's chorus in songs appropriate he became a worker. First Class praise or condemn the national char- to be away from home," she would Miss Bertha Seff is visiting friends acter. • Fine, one of the greatest men in foot; guaranteed for the season. ..Jacob.did not read the papers so • • •. ... ...;• .' -•-•. • s i g h . - ••/ . • ; . . w - • ... • • . . . . - • . ;. ball (Jacob was quoting from his clip- Assiduously any. more. And when the The Board of the Hebrew School in Des Moines, Iowa. The award will be made by a com- But Jacob Fine knew better the pings) carrying in ice to Mrs. Hogan news flashed across the country: has not as yet appointed a successor mittee of members of the National comportment of a hero's parent. He very reasonably for Mr.- S. Wise, who resigned from Among the A. Z. A. members Arts Club consisting of William Allen joined the ranks of Danny's worship- and Mrs. Levey and your own mama. "DannyJFine injured in game," the inpriced , • planning to spend Sunday in Omaha Is that haw you show what you the faculty this month. formation .came to him" indirectly. pers. "What do you expect, mama," Teeth' extracted -%\.00 first tooth White; chairman? Mary Austin^ Hamwhere they will attend the Dance learned in college? I want you to be Followed frantic telegraphing, Each, additional 50c lin. Garlan, Ida Tarbell and .Henry he replied, "if you-have a son who is an honor to your name, the name you of that chapter, a.re included Alfred painless Method hysteria, anxiety, telephoning, across( B'NAI B'RITH MEMBERS famous. You have to make a sacriGoddard Leach. . ; il Xevich, X i h Bill Slotsky, Sltk made for yourself in college. •-. You Albert,. ^Emil All occlusal cavities filled HEAR ALFRED ALBERT . Under the .rules of the contest, fice, the same as.I do." However, his could be a big man and here you want the country daily while Danny lay in Silver $1.00— Gold $6.00 Sot GinsbeVg, _ Abe jBaron, Morris a distant hospital. They brought him LECTURE ON TAFT Rueben, Dave Albert, and Samuel manuscripts submitted may be irt-any expanding chest showed that he was to be an ice man." Jacob was almost home, a frailTJanny, iriuscleS and ""flesh' OCKERMAN & OCKERMAN literary form—novel, history, poetry amply repaid in^pride for the sacri- in tears. _ . . . . - - . . dangling from h | l huge frame. j&acob .,.._That American Jewry lost one of Epstein. -• -..,-.• • : .-..-....; ;_ \ ~ 502 £ & y; i or • critical .essay—-but. only those ^pres- fice. Danny shrugged his huge shoirld- wept, hid his leafs arrcH scolded his its finest and staunchest friends in And then Danny graduated from Isadore Rocklin and Dave Albert", enting a. constructive view of Amerers. "It's just for the summer, I told the death of - Howard" Taft, "was ica, as implied in the title to be given college. The local newspapers hailed brought home in a forceful and -con- students at the University of Iowa the prize-winning, work, -wfll be con-his homecomings and more than one you. ' I want to keep ur-trint"--''-•• rJ Jacob said no mote. The local vincing manner by Alfred Albert, in are spending their spring vacation sidered byrthei committee.^:'., v 1 business man asked Jacob what Danny newspapers published an account of a lecture before the- regular meeting here t visiting their parents. was planning to do. When the head Danny's new job, with a picture- of • T h e r n l e s i . ; : . :••:•<'.-'.. ~.-^-:: ; v -;«:>. of the Bnai Brith Lodge, Tuesday Miss Mihette Sterling of Omana The manuscripts to be considered of the First National Bank stopped him on the back of an ice wagon. evening, at the Jewish Commuunity visited friends here over the week- must be from 40,000.to 100,000-words him on the street and intimated that The metropolitan dailies took up the Cente*. , in length. ; there was an opening, a very, favor- story, sent interviewers to Danny and . Albert told the story of the life end. Only those works.written between able opening for Danny at the bank, printed long accounts accompanied by of Taft, telling the members of the March 31, 1930, and April 1, 1931,Jacob had the satisfaction of beaming lodge- that Tafts own conscience, his SISTERHOOD BOOK CHICLE will be eligible for the competition. down on a bank, president (who washis picture. These clippings Jacob Phone 8-5511 Phone did not keep, in fact, he pased over j HOLDS SECOND MEETING unwillingness'to trim his sail to fit All manuscripts must be forwarded taller, than he). Bury. Danny in an the pages with shamed face averted.. : prevailing political prices, his scorn The second meeting of the newly to "The Soul of America" committee, bank? What could the man be thinkof popularity, paid for with peace of Jacob should • have read the clip-1 the National Arts Club, 15, Gramercy ing of? Jacob's smile was intended mind for himself, cost him his sec- organized Book Circle was held at Park, New York City, not later than to say. pings. They would have prepared I ond term as President, but paradoxi- t?'- home of Mrs. T. N. Lewis last April 1, 1931. The manuscripts will him/for the sock which came with the, The first night Danny was home, cally as it may seem, added to his Tuesday evening. The Circle is be submitted anonymously. Jacob mentioned these offers to him, sponsored by the Mount Sinai Sistergreatness as a statesman. AH rights in the manuscript and casually, across the supper table. Of hood and is led by Miss Clara GoldAnnouncing book shall remain in the author, and course, Danny must be given an opberg. all manuscripts will be returned. portunity to choose. But he must alMOTHER'S DAY TO BE The three books reviewed at the so know that his father, and all the OBSERVED WITH BANQUET meeting were "Young Man from world, expected great things of him. BY LADIES AUXILIARY Manhattan." by Mrs. E. J. Fribourg; ZIK DEMANDS SPEEDING UP OF REINSTATEMENT Danny spoke in his slow drawl "Exile", by Mrs. A. H. Baron, and Plans are being_made by the Lad- "There is Another Heaven", by Mrs. Moscow. (J.T.A.)—Instructions de- which was as much a part of him as ies Auxiliary of the Shaare Zion E. E. Baion. manding that summary measures to his easy smile and the great hulk of Congregation for their annual "I don't know just reinstate the Ldshentzy or rightless his shoulders. Mother's and Daughter's Banquet what I want to do. You see, at colpeople be submitted to the Central which is to be held in the synagogue NEW ADDITIONS TO Executive Committee by the regional lege I didn't get a chance to think Social Hall, Monday evening, April CENTER RENTAL LIBRARY and central authorities not later than about anything but football. I haven't 28, at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. A. M. Herzoff Several" new volumes have been May 10 are contained in instructions made up my mind. I think* 111 just and Mrs. Max Herzoff are in charge received by the Center Library, dur- issued by the Central Executive Com- hang around this summer, there's of the menu, with Mrs. B. Mazor in ing the past wpek, which will prove mittee over the signature of Michael nothing doing in the summer anyway. charge of the Dining Room. The Din- of interest. The books are, "Adam" Kalinin, president of the Soviet Next fall—"Danny left the sentence ner will be served by the men of by Ludwig Lewisohn, "The Street of Union. unfinished. the Congregation. 'Sure, Danny, sure," his father This means that the decree to reChains" by Lauferty, and "There Is Mrs. Max Fromkin, of Omaha, will agreed. "Just like I said to Mr. HarV the principle speaker of the even- Another Heaven" by Robert Nathan, instate the Lishentzy is to be pushed rod. 'You don't think a Danny Fine three books deal with Jewish as fast as possible. ing. General arrangements are in The subjects. asc the hands of Mrs. S. H. Skulukin. Made Special to
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Shaare Zion The last days of Passover will be fittingly observed in the Shaare Zion Synagogue Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Friday evening, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak on "Freedom, and the Minority." The service will begin at 7:15.' Saturday morning, with services beginning at 8:30, Rabbi Rabinowitz will speak on the subject "Why Doesn't the American Jew Sing?" On Saturday evening, Festival • Services will begin immediately after sundown. Sunday, morning, the service in keeping- with timerho'nored custom will be a Memorial; Service, and the subject of the sermon will be "Our Memories"; What a Treasure'." . . Sunday School which will ot be held this coming Sunday, will resume classes on "April 27.
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GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AH) IN WAR ON LOCUSTS Jerusalem. (J.T.A.)—In order to strenghthen the war. on the locust plague, which is becoming a serious menace, the Palestine government has ordered each of the departments to mobilize two senior and four junior officers to head anti-locust companies that are being recruited in all parts of the country.
• Historical 'Coincidence It is a peculiar fact that; the five Presidents. of the. United States who died in office were elected at 20-year intervals—William Henry Harrison, elected 1840, Lincoln in 1860, Gariield' ih~-X8$0^ McKinley "in: 1900, andHarding in 1920.
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