Interesting and Entertaining
In the i hiterests of The , Jewish Community* *•
Entered ai second-class mall matter on January tH,. *£. poBtoffice at Omaha, Kebraskft, under the Act ot Marci c
VHL—No. 15
Launcliect May 19 ANNOUNCE NEW Konecky Is Recipient DIRECTORS FOR of Natioti'Wide Praise LOCAL J.C.C. The
Resident Uplzman Appoints Heads of Various • Committees The directors of the Jewish Community Center elected and appointed for the ensuing terms were announced at the last meeting of the trustees and directors of the Center. The directors elected for a threeyear .term by a -vote through the mails are Rabbi Abraham Bengis, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, David Greenberg, Abner Kaiman, Milton Abrahams, Louis Sommer, and Dave
two brilliant, rejuvenation which has, made it a
Jewish, journalists has been the guiding factor in the phenomenal prog-, ress made , during the past four months by the "Sovereign Visitor", fraternal publication of the Woodmen of the World. These two are Eugene Konecky, renowned -writer and scholar, who is editing the magazine, and his assistant, Horace L. Rosenblum. When Konecky with the able assistance of Rosenblum, assumed the editoship of the magazine, it was in a condition approaching stagnation. But since then it has undergone a
loader, in, its field. The "Sovereign Visitor" has been transformed'"•into a .bright," interesting, • up-to-the-minute ' publication, ."with .progress- its keynote. A- new make-up,,, a -new cover,, and attractive type : plus a'galaxy of interesting articles have injected new. fife into the magazine. The "Sovereign Visitor" is circulated to every nook in the country, its subscription "list approximating the million mark. ;By_ means of clever writing and articles boosting the city of Omaha, the publication is now. one of Omaha's most ardent boosters and 'advertisers. • ' ' ;•? ;• •
No better proof of the commendable improvement made by the magazine both in composition and in type can be had than fhe myriad of complimentary and congratulatory letters which have been overwhelming Mr. Konecky.- These, .which set the sky as the limit of their praise, are not restricted to one locality but have come from every state in the country. Mr. Konecky has made a name for himself in the* community in various fields of endeavor.' He has published a book of poems, "The Trail of Spring", and at present is laying Jjlans for the publishing of five books -he has written during the past seven •years. These include, -a religious novel, a collection of .poems, essays, plays e t c ' He also displays his histrionic talerr as "a" skHirre, having freCommunity quently appeared in Playhouse productions. ,is-«-al *n accomplished musician. A £ew years ago h<* wrote a Pageant on America, the ; only one of its kind—a history of th-: United States in dramatic episodes with poetic preludes and music. -(Continued on Page 6.)
Feder. • . • " Directora appointed by William Holzman, president of the Center, for one year are Ben Glazer, Max Barish, Shrolly Goodman, Dr. M. I. ; Gordon, Louis Kulakofsky, E. Meyer, Sam Ravitz, Leo Rosenthal, and Har•iy Weinberg. The following were appointed as Good TVill Banquet Will Be chairman of the various committees: Held Next Wednesday, Jake Isaacson, athletic committee; April 30 ' Herman Auerbach, forum commitThe Good-Will banquet of the ;tee; Robert Kooper, house commit' tee; Dr. Philip Sher, education; Dave Brotherhood pf Temple Israel will'be Feder, membership committee; Mrs. one of the outstanding events of the year in the cementing of relationship 'Philip Schwartz, girls' work.
NEW LAW EXEMPTS ~ RABBIS IN ITALY Rome.—The ...rights of, •worship -of : members of non-Catholic religions in ; Italy, are fully confirmed and non! Catholic clergy are authorized to ' assist in public hospitals and. in prisons by the regulations of the •' law for non-Catholic religions in Italy made public here. The regulations also provide that non-Catholic clergymen are to be exempt from military service and , that they may provide religious aid '•to non-Catholic soldiers. Students in non-Catholic seminaries or rabbinical schools may postpone their military service until after graduation and parents of non-Catholic students in the elementary schools are entitled to claim exemption for • their children from religious instruction. A law regarding the organization of the Jewish communities along the lines proposed by a special ministry of worship, is expected soon. Both -'Of^these laws are made necessary as Dr. F. W. Clayton a result of the Lateran* Treaties between the , Italian State and the between Jew and Gentile, according to A. Q. Schimmel, chairman of the arHoly See. rangements committee. The banquet is to be held Wednesday evening a t the Blackstone iotel. The members of the Brotherhood are asked to invite at. least one guest'of another religious faith. '•IThe banquet is also open to those who do not belong to Temple Israel, according to Mr. Schimmel. ReservaYork. (J.T.A.)—Plans for the tions, however, must be made at least projection of an American Maccabee one day before the dinner. • Organization along the same lines ,as Dr. Frederick W. Clayton, rector of the movement in Europe and Palestine were discussed by leaders of the All Saints Epicopal church, who is to national youth movements and the make the principal address, will local athletic organizations at a con- speak an "Permanent Values in Life.". ference held at the offices of the Jew- He is one of the most popular pastors in the city and his speech wil be most ish Education Association. interesting. The objects of the proposed MacHenry Rosenthal, president of cabee movement were discussed and Temple Israel, will speak on a, subwere declared tentatively to be: The organization on a national scope of ject associated with the relationship independent athletic clubs and move- between Jew and Gentile.
Earl Siegal Elected Head of Sr.Council Earl Siegal was elected president of the Senior Council a t the; meeting of the organization Monday evening at the J. C. C. Other officers chosen are. Max Miller, secretary, and Ida Weinzveg, treasurer. The Council will sponsor a dance for all of its member clubs on Tuesday evening, May 13.
Jewish Baseballers . Lose First Game Undismayed by a defeat in the first game of the season, the Shames Radiator diamondeers, who last year promenaded under the name • of the Jewish Athletic club, will tackle the South Side Progressives at Thirtysecond and Dewey Sunday afternoon at 1:30. The Jewish lads lost a hard-fought battle to the C. B. and Q. hist Sunday in the season's opener, 5 to 6. Sammy Yousem started the game on the mound,, but was replaced by> Max.Altshuler, who twirled fine ball. He : and Iz Shreibman starred. Sam Zweibach is managing the team.
meeting of •' i/i&e local B'nai B'rith lodge will be held Thurs^ day evening, May 8, instead of on May 1, in order to afford the delegates of the Quinquennial Convention ; atr.Cincinnati the opportunity of-presenting their reports. ' 'According to Milton Abrahams, president: of the lodge, the meeting May 8 will ' be open to the public and will be featured by addresses by promfaieBt local speakers.
Sam Beber, prominent communal worker, has been selected as general chairman of the first campaign of the Jewish I Philanthropies to be held in ; Omaha May 19 to June 1. i The newly formed Jewish Philanthropies, organized within the last few days for the purpose of acting as a financial agency for twenty philanthropic and religious institutions, is ithe outgrowth of several years I of intensive study and effort I on the part of local Jewish i leaders. The plan was also approved by the recent Jewish ] Communal Survey which was i conducted In Omaha. j "The Jewish Philanthropies j will again co-ordinate Jews in ! every walk of life in Omaha," " j' said."Mr. B e f e "H^-Tll^tmite all Jews for a common cause— that of raising sufficient money to take care of our local and national organizations, as well as the Allied Jewish Campaign."
S H R R p P O V E R •:•!
Compensation to Jews for Riots Are Exceedingly•Small"' Jerusalem. . t.J. "fi. P-t— Great disappointment has been" "-aroused here and in Safed as a Jesuit of the first compensation payments to Jews for property and personal losses! suffered as a result of last summer's i riots. " Most o f t h e payments thus | far made total eight per cent of the damages suffered, butr<iin' some "cases the payment is even:*
The . family of rHassoun, w-hose house in -.Heoron -:4ia6-troyed and looted" Siith^ property -damli Si^OOTj^fc received id age totaling gpensatidn. •fifty-seven dollars in The Jewish community of Hebron, which claimed - $10,000 for the destruction of a synagogue, asylum and Sam Beber other communal institutions,-has been paid $270. Asher Karlinsky, who ^suffered' damages of Solo when his house in Hebron was looted, received three dollars and fifty cents.. -. • "'K — - — — • • ' • i •Resolutions protesting against, "the shameful attitude of the government I The Jewish Women's Welfare Fed-j towards the riot sufferers" w.ere eration ".•will hold their annual Moth-j adopted last night at a meeting of ers' and Daughters' iJay on May 6j Jews in Safed. It was pointed out at three o'clock a t the Jewish Com-! that the .government had estimated muriity Center auditorium. A verj interesting program has[*«>niinatuig Committee Is to the damages at a low figure to start been arranged, to be followed by the | Report on Its with but neverthelessi i t ; was now Ticket r paying but one third of. its own. servihg of tea." Mrs. Nate Mantel is chairman of the program and Mrs.! — — — estimates. H. Newman is chairman of the tea. i The April meeting of the Council All of the women of the Jewish j o f Jewish Women will be held Mon«rganizations have been cordially in- j day, April 28, at the Jewish Comvited to attend. munity Center at 2:30 P- *n. Mrs. •j Phil Schwartz as chairman of the j legislation and civics committee of ! the Council is in charge of the proI gram. | In accordance with plans made the first of the year the meeting witl be over to a discussion of the election issues. Mrs. Schwartz and ' h e r -committee have been studying
Planmng a Mother and Daughter Day
MLonsky, LapidusrReber Delegates to Conclave HADASSAH WILL
ments for athletics and Jewish culture for the purpose of concentrating the interest of the American Jewish youth in the athletic development by the Jewish, youth in Palestine. Dr. Salomon Flink, a member of the Praesidium of the World Maccabee Organization with headquarters in Berlin, who is in America to broaden the activities of the international Jewish movement, was the principal speaker. He declared that recent events..: in Palestine have shown the need for- building a sturdy race of Jewish youth and that this could be best occomplished through an intensive Maccabee movement there. . It rested with the Jewish youth of America, he added, to see that the athletic movement in Palestine IS ttrenghtened.
i§amPeber Will Lead ! Local United Campaign
Meeting of B'iiai B'ritK Postponed
Regional Convention to Be Held j the'various situations throughout the
at Kansas Citr* Missouri
Henry Monsky District Number six of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith will be represented by three Omahans— Sam Beber, Harry H. Lapidus, and Henry Monsky—at the 13th Quinquennial Convention of the Order, to open at Cincinnati, Sunday, April 27. Cincinnati, the home city of the national headquarters, -will be host to approximately 500 persons, including 112 delegates, their families and visitors, who are expected" to be present. An elaborate program has been arranged for the occasion. In America there are 400 local lodges : with a membership which now exceeds 60,000. In addition to
i year and at this meeting will preeI ent three of Omaha's best speakers. •— . • Mr. William F. Baxter will speak Selection of delegates for the fifth! o n " ^ Municipal University". Mr. annual conference of.. the Southwest j Baxter is one of Omaha's mostpromEegion of the Hadassah will'•feature i n e nt citizens, being president of the,April meeting of .the; local" Ha- Thomas Kilpatrick and Company, dassah chapter,.. to r be -held-at the j chairman of the Greater Omaha AsJewish Communiti-• Center Wednes-j Sociation, and vitally interested in day afternoon,' April-' 30;- at; 2:30 p.; the Communitv Chest, Art Institute m. The regional convention will be and Tuesday Musical Club. held at Kansas City, Mo., on MonEev. Fred F. Clayton will speak day and Tuesday, May 19 and 20. on "The Library Bonds". Rev. Mr. At Wednesday's meeting a report Clayton who has been in Omaha for will be given on the last 'Member- the past three years, is rector pi ship and Birthday luncheon held last All Saints Episcopal Church. month, by Mrs. B. A. Simon, chairHarry H. Lapidus Mr. Joseph G. Masters, principal man. of Central High school, will speak the delegates who will be present Mrs. Frank Tuchman entertained from the United States, Canada and at a bridge tea at her home April on the needs of that school. At this meeting the nominating South America, several delegates 16 for the Hadassah Milk Fund, of from European B'nai B'rith districts which Mrs. Julius Stein is chairman. committee headed by Mrs. R. Kula_. -i ,. . ••_ i * i , , - . kofsky will bring in its ticket for are expected, and those who, because The ladies by „._ * «n i in • May. •»« /On -> ^u, _ hat , bag, donated ., -Li offices to v be filled this of the distance, cannot come in perT Mrs. Joseph Eosenberg, president of son will be present by proxy.. committee with Mrs. Kulakofsky arc the Omaha chapter, will be raffled off Mrs. Samuel Gerson, Mrs. I. D. at this meeting. Weiss, Mrs. M. I. Gordon, Mrs. Irvin A meeting of the board of direc- " , ' 7 „ ' v ,, 'i T « •ii L i. 11 ^ .n. y. ^ J Stalmaster, Mrs. N. Mantel and Mrs. tors will be held at the Center at U , . ..,, 3 .. __ Ferdinand Adler. The next regular meeting of the X'ov. The offices to be ^filled ai-e as folOmaha Hebrew club will be held lows: President, vice-president, treasSunday, April 27, at the Jewish MRS. UDENSKY DIES Community Center. Sam Klaver, "Word ..has been received here that urer, recording secretary, correspondpresident, urges all members to at- Mrs. Charles Udensky, sister of Mrs. ing secretary, auditor and two ditend, as very important business will Ben Levensky and Mrs. J. Adler, rectors for a term of two years each. The board meeting at 1:30 p. m. %vill be transacted. p a s s e d - a w a y in'Brooklyn, N. Y, precede the regular meeting.
Omalw Hebrew Club Meeting on Sunday
_ .v *- . : , - A-
According to present plans, as outlined by the Executive Committee, the drive for funds will start on Monday, May 19, and will continue until June 1. The exact amount of the budget has not as yet been 6«t, according to Harry A. Wolf, chairman of tht Budget committee. The following agencies will be the beneficiaries of the fund of th» Jewish Philanthropies: Local Agmcies Talmud Torah and Sunday School. Wise Memorial Hospital. Old People's Homo. South Side Talmud Torah. National Agencies National Jewish Hospital of Denver, Colorado. Jewish Consumptive Relief Society of Denver, Colorado. Ex-Patients Tubercular Home «f Denver, Colorado. Leo >". Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland, Ohio. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, New York, N. Y. National Desertion Bureau, New York, N. Y. Bureau for Jewish Social Research, New York, N. Y. National Conference of Jewish Scoria! Work. Training School for Jewish Social Work, National Farm School, Doylctown, Pa. American Jewish Committee. N a t i o n a l Appeals Information ServiceDenver National Jewish Home for Children. Allied Jewish Campaign consisting of: Joint Distribution Committee. Jewish Agency for Palestine. The plan of the Jewish Philanthropies has betm submitted to every Jewish society, club, order and organization in Omaha, and has bw»ii approved by each one, according to Mr. Beber. He also said that each of these various organizations hfts pledged itself to assist, in the CRtivpaign and to take an active part in its work. The Executive Committee in charge of the present plans, is composed of (Continued on P*ge 3.)
BEBER TO REPORT Jfws Jewish Diartiond Stars Are GROWTH OF A. Z. A. Battling for Major Berths TO CONVENTION the
one planning a new university" 'Yet various* tax. aids. -The latter, fct Morton H. Blumenthal, of the Newleast until trade conditions improve, York Stock Exchange firm of Blu- will overcome the present economic \ menthal Brothers, has in mind just crisis which tis particularly burdensuch a project. some to the Jews who constitute a The new institution of higher large proportion of the . small- jbusilearning, which will be known as At- ne»s- meR—and-Hhoae- &ngqgc'd"j in v lantic University, will be opened at small industry. , V A. Z. A. Hillel Champs Will Women in politics are no'lbnger Virginia Beach, Virginia, next Fall. rarities or even curiosities but Jew- While students'will be offered the Debate Before B'nai Beading its to the mind what, pxeresses/"iii public office are ""still1 not usual academic subjects the fourth B'rith numerous enough to be taken for dimension and psychical research will ciseisito the body. As bytth«"»n«, lf Omaha, Nebr.—Sam Beber, found- granted.— "The ereer Jewess---who has jbe among the courses given to ad- health is preserved, strengthened and invigorated; by the other, virtue er of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will report earned.-the.. greatest distinction in vanced and graduate students. (which is the health of the ..mind) American politics is Mrs. Florence to the Thirteenth Quinquennial ConThe sponsors of the new university vention of the Constitution Grand Prag Kahnj the widow of Congress- have contributed half a million dol- is kept alive, cherished arw(\tonBy BERNARD POSTAL Lodge of the Independent Order, of marm Kahn who served his state in lars to erect a dormitory and to in- firme'd.—-Addison. B'nai B'rith to be held at Cincinnati Congress, for a generation. sure the salaries of the first ten proJonah Goldman, who made a repu- j retired to the executive office. The" opening' of - the baseball Elected "to fill out the term of her fessors. Mr. Blumenthal, a man in April 27-30, the progress of the season recalls the fact that a tation as a schoolboy player i n (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish tele- Order adopted as-the- official Junior huebaad,- MfSrKahn-was lat«r elected his thirties, is well-known as one of I&EAL LETTER number of Jew3 are seeking Brooklyn, has been in the major graph Agency, Inc.) B'nai B'rith by the last Convention in her owri bright 'and she is more the younger financiers and also has berths with big league teams leagues before but last year he while the owners of three teams held in April, 1925, at Atlantic City, than vindicating the judgment of, the something of a reputation as an played with the Albany team of the arc Jewish. —The Editor. FOLDING—MAILING N. J. At the time of the adoption Ga^ifornia' eleidtoWate.', With -prohibi- author. Eastern League. This year is seek.-. the Order boasted-of twelve chapters tiiyn -the only important /issue, before | For many years' John McGraw, * • * 1 ? ing the shortstop job with the re..Call Our Phone fdjr^ tiajB people at the time at , wan not j and a membership of two .hundred. r manager of the New York Giants, It is the business man who is one | built Cleveland Indians and judging AT. .2936—30? Paxttm Today, Beber. reports a chain of 120 Unnatural, to find tb^at. Mjrs;,'vKalin j step ahead of the field that makes I nas1 been looking for a Jewish basefrom -what Manager Peckinpaugh chapters, international'in scope; with teolc- her place in the van", of those | himself the kingpin in his own line. ball- player whom he could "build says he is likely to make it too.-^ a membership .totaling nearly to four wijo-are denouncing-Proh^biflo,n~as a The most recent illustration of this up'' into a star who would appeal to The one Jewish player about whom failure. thousand. the thousands of Jewish baseball The big job of counting more than truism is the business accumen of fans in New York who are followers nothing has been said and written is .200,000 Omahans in the 1930 federal A significant mass protest of worn- IJesse L. Lasky, the moving picture Immediately 'following the close of 1811 Farnam of the Giants. Last year he experi- Jimmy Eeese, a native son of Calif. census is nearing completion, an- the Thirteenth Quinquennial Conven- en revolting against the dry fanati- J 'producer, who is on his way to EurSend Your Friends mented with Andy Cohen whose If associations mean anything Reese nounces Victor Reynolds, local super- tion on April 30, $he Supreme Ad- cism was featured by an address by jope to survey the possibilities of enA Photo of Y/our Child should be a real star for ever since opening week exploits on the diavisor, whose 150 enumerators have visory Council of the A. Z. A., con-Mrs. Kahn -who made a plea to send larging the foreign activities of his he has been a kid'he has been a — Our Price 6 For 15c mond cheered McGraw\ Later in the completed their first check of the sisting of representatives from every more wets to Congress. Her achieve- company and to establish studios friend of baseball start on this season Cohen became disappointing city and are now "mopping up" the Bection of the country, is holding its ments in Congress are a criterion off abroad for making talking films. and eventually was shunted out of Coast! Reese has been purchased by left-overs. what she will do. in her latest role annual -meeting in Cincinnati. The day he sailed a dispatch came the Yankees to play second base. the big leagues. According to Supervisor Reynolds, The Council is composed of Sam of wet campaigner and fighter for out of Paris that moving picture From spring training camp reports The new baseball season opens he has made good and if his playing many Omahans were away from Beber, president;'Jacob J. Leiber- rights that all too long have been fans in Germany, Spain, France and FOR with three Jewish recruits fighting in the league games is on a par New home or out-of-town when census man, first vice-president; Julius J. trampled under foot. Italy are showing a marked cooling for permanent jobs. In addition to York may yet get»~its Jewish base- enumerators called, and have not as Cohn, second vice-president; Joseph in their fondness for the American the trio of newcomers there is the ball star. yet been tallied on any of the.regu- Herbach, third vice-president; I . F . People talk of establishing a new talkies. While they like the picture scholarly' Moe Berg who has played lar call-backs. Reynolds requests Goodman, secretary! Harry H._ Lap-bank, building a new skyscraper or the novelty of the sound films has with the Brooklyn team and is now In Max Rosenfeld the Brooklyn that ail such persons telephone their idus, treasurer; Philip Klutznick, ex- launching a new business enterprise worn off and they feel the pictures with the Chicago White Sox, andDodgers hope they have found the names and addresses to the Omaha ecutive secretarj'; Julius Bisno, as- but not" often does one hear of some- should have dialogue in their own AND j'bhah Goldman of the Cleveland In- player that will fill the yawning gap Chamber of Commerce, and a special sistant executive secretary; Hon. Allanguage. a. second base. He hails from^Ala- enumeration will be made. fred M. Cohen, president of I. O. diahs. Lasky, whose success has been Frank C. Builta, chairman of the B. B.; Joe Karesh, Grand Aleph ' The three recruits seeking fame bama and made a notable record, in based on just such ability to see a BAND INSTRUMENTS and glory on the baseball field are the Southern League. Henry Green- Chamber of Commerce census com- Godol; Wilfred B. Feiga, Hyman M. step ahead, realized this and his • New and Used Jimmy Reese, nee Goldschmidt, of berg, a New York lad, is one of the mittee, pointed out last week ^he Goldstein, Leo Kaminsky, Henry trip to Europe will no doubt result GEO. A. SMITH 3o the New York Yankees, Max Eosen- rawest rookies in the big leagues. importance of having every Omahan MonBky, Dan Krause. in .the establishment of studios in v'wr. 19th and Farnam Sts.. Omaha CALL feld of the Brooklyn Dodgers and He jumped right from the New York counted in the great decennial tally Because of the intense interest of Exclusive Agents for LEEDY Marstrategic places where talkies in imbas. Xylophones, Drums and Ac•the youthful .Henry .Greenberg of the sand lots to the big time but Buck of Uncle Sam's nephews and nieces. American Jewry at this particular French, Spanish, German and Italien vessories. ;Detroitf!T,igers., Oddly enough, all of Harris, the Detfbft" -Manager, has According to Builta, Omaha's pres- time on . t h e . question: "Resolved: will be produced, -thus enabling the taken a fancy to Greenbeicg and it 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 •these:f Jewish. .ball-tosser.s» except That we view with alarm the present tige, relative standing among AmerAmerican, movie industry "to retain is^likely that''he. will".-stickpin the Evenings WAlnut 5077— Bergj'.arfi, infielders. . -1 ican cities, and future" allottment of statues of American Jewish Youth", its foothold in Europe. majors". /•*'- v . '• . ' " ,'V , j .. • A ! jyenei^tjon . ago' Jewish •- athletes business and political favors, hinge the Convention Committee of the (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish TeleB'nai B'rith Jia^arjpanged. ;4s a feaNot. much'.is .known -about' Jimmy on the1 results of the local census^ 'in the"sports,except boxing,- were graphic Agency, Inc.) If given to us will receive the 'rarities,--while in* baseball aside; from Mosolf who is -getting "a- tryout with Supervisor Reynolds and his, c)?ew ture of-.-the c60ejfedn aj debatfe beattention of an Expert Hatter. ".HeiniV ' Zimmermann, they were littsburgh. He "learned"his baseball of 150 enumerators have taken every- tween the teams" 'comprised of Nathan ; To Aid Small Traders ^practically unknown. Today the in the Middle WestSvllh the Wichita precaution to include every Omahan Levy and Ephraim Gomberg, represi Warsaw.—A plan for Urgent aid Wting Michigan; i University, ' Ann team of the Western League. \ .Jewish baseball star, is rapidly comin sight, but it is known'that some | to small industry and trade, which All in all about ten Jews will play 1 have not been interviewed by, the Arbor, Mich., and, that composed of ing to the fore. now finds itself in a precarious situ- f . Let us see from whence comes ball this year, including Al Schacht, enumerators. Such persons are re- Sol Kanee and Max Cohen, represation, has been worked out by the j LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS enting Winnipeg Chapter No. 38, ore of Washingt6n's duet of funny'these Jewish diamond hopefuls and quested by Mr. Reynolds to THE 2401 No. 24—WTS. «05o Polish ministry industry following a what has" been .their ', success- thus men and aTJormer /American, league CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, AT- Winnipeg, Canada, recently declared HEXRT. SOLIG ED SOLIG series of consultations with leading champions,, of Aleph Zadik Aleph ;far. Berg, who' is a^catetfeE,' is Halso pi:cher. -. -••£ :> • .*.'%:-" " LANTIC 1234, IMMEDLA&E&Y; • 214 So. 14 — AT. 6662 business men and government offi(JUTiior,,B'nai B'rith), at the sirth InBut Jewish ^pajrticijjation in 1930 ia lawyer^' an'A,:fc, linguist- of parts, l cials. The plan will be submitted tematiote|^Tournament Finals; of baseball w^TT iiot^be fliinjted, to tbis t After jys graduation fro'ni /Pr^nceton PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. to the neit meeting of the cabinet 37th t h e r b i ^ l ^ h e l d at Detroit, Mich.; jin 1923^6 ljotn*d,ihfc.B?«>kV5gi^)odg- handful g&Als&erx,* wM*£ t«ams, jail, and 1«!trthn-8tH:' ~>ltArtt«^ OMAHA, NEBRASKA which will deal with economic matl a s i - M ^ I ^ ] •• iers. Onep.'^a$on-'with-the-prides of in the N^ponai =feea^iM?5are owried Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze nnd : ters. aluminum castings. standard sizes The 5H3lpi Foundation which is Flntbu.<h" -VncT he ' was" sent'io the by Jew's/^He' ^Pitraburgh Pirates bronze and iron bushings, sewer manThe proposed plan includes proam operated by Barney Dreyfus, who located:fen. sine campus of the larg"International -League from which he holes, cistern rings and covers and doors in stock, all kinds of visions for considerable credit on the fleau-out est and .most outstanding universi•was'- j>lueked - with the ^VTjite.^Sox. has been in baseball for nearly 30 wood and metal patterns. part of the state banks and also ties, i a United States is sponsored by 'In .GHicago he has..developed "as a years. Judge Emil _Fuchs, wlio last 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 the i : B'nIi B'rith \ under the Wider ,rcal .-player and is .rated as one of year managed the tail end Boston * BEBKR, Attorney• MOVING — STORAGEScope of ?the Order, as is the ^A. Z. the best; backstops- in the American .Braves, TvilJ: *.this..-.'year * satisfy him•50 Omaha National Bank Bid*. PIANO MOVING self being "president while the organ-; •X., wblichf has 121 chapters ins this 'League. NOTICE OF IKl>KBTBi>ITESS ized * Cmcinnati %Reds' are iwned. by country and Canada. The Hillel. will Xotice li herebr given tbat on the 1st D a n l s h day of January. 1930, the total outstandthe youthful Sidney Weil, who bought support^the , affirmative side of the ingindebtedness of the U. 8. Oil Works. the cl&b during the; off season. quesfioit; white A^i;~Z. A. will uphold Inc., a Nebraska corporation, -with, its Pioneer principal place of business in Omaha, was For 50 Years the negative. .*.' , Dreyfus is Hhe dean of the base$421,228.10. Butter Your Towel Man Attest: The debate: wiff Be held on Monball owners. His son, Sidney DreyMORRIS MILDER. day evening, April. 28. j A decision .fiis; is 'gradually taking, over the Thomacn-Slater Butter Co. President. Omaha Towel Supply Co. HTMIB MILDER, will be ^received irom the vote of burden of running the Smoky city 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 Secretary. the audience. . ' ; baseball enterprise but Dreyfus senMOKRIS MILDER, ior is still the; boss. - Once the owner WM. MILDER. HTMIB .MILDER, of the Louisville club in the old Majority of;Dtrectorg. The sun -wfll jpj down by: itself .4-25 ' . . •• • . twleve team league Dreyfus has without your assistance,—The TalOffice) been a power-in-the baseball world Imud. ••:-;, • •-'.-"• ' •'. - . .":..•' "' •.•'••• STAOIASTER * BEBER I for;three decades. No- schedule comAnywhere — Anytime 650 Omaha K'fttianal Bank Building 2553 Farnam — AT. 6543 mittee meeting is complete without Anything Omaha, Nebraska SALES LETTERS — FUR STORAGE — him. When baseball was under a NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS To youth I have but three words: MULTIGRAPHING Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, Notice is hereby given that all existing cloud 'following the J920 scandals of counsel-^-work, work, work.—BisMIMEOGRAPHING Camp Supplies, All Kinds debts of National Accessories, Inc., on the Dreyfus led the fight to get Judge marck. 15 «nd Howard AT. 1493 PRINTING 1st day of March, 2030, amounted to the Landis to become the czar of Amersum of ?42S2TdO Commercial Duplicating Co.' ica's national sport. : 1. .-.; lult Dbd*e St. MAX FBOMK1K, Attbtnef 638 Peters Trust Bids. M. L. COHN, Weil is making his debut in or- «KRXnUDE COHN. N 6 T I C E O F AMENDSIENT TO ARTI24 and Decatur, PhoneWP ™°<> ganized baseball. An owner of -MRS. L. MJ COHN, : C U S 9 O F INCORPOUATIOX Q F ""•5000 •' Being:' a ,. majority .of the Board 'of T O R K BATTKHY COMPANY • I stock jri the team ever since he was FOR YOUR . Dir*cter». •! •>. Notice is hereby give" that at a' spcJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor 4-25 a Trid the youthful automobile mereial meeting of the directors and stocki NATIONAL holders ot the Tork Uattety Company "NEW FOR OLD" chant is now an owner in his own IKV1X C. held at the.-office of' Max Fromklri, 62S iACCESSORIES, INC. •' . .' Peters Trust Building, Omaha, Nebraska, right. He has completely rebuilt the Ml Etedtrle Bids'. 1619 Farnam St.—AT. S481 • on the l!Oth dny of January, 1030, the — FOR RENT K.OX1CK TO NONIiES team and judging from the pre;iniendment's to the Articles of 'Everything for the Auto" following DKFENUAXT. Incorporation -were adopted by the afseason forecast his rebuilding has In thfe Munttipal Court in anfl for (lie iirniattve vote of all the stockholders and . 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 City of Omaha, Dotiglus County, Nebraska. by such adoption made effective. been good and the Reds, as the team Kitchen all furnished.. Other 'io John Doe; real name unknown, nonArticle o, was amended to read as folis known in . Porktown will have resident defendant: room unfurnished. RUNNERS AND SNAGS lows : 16th and Howard . You are hereby notified that on the 29th something to say in tHe 1930 pen"The pucpose for which this CorporaREMOVED day of March, 1P3O Joe Wintroub, us ;• -WEbster 3527tion is organized and the powers which nant battle. t >.,',-• plaintiff, filed, his petition in the Municipal it shull have are ns follows: To carry Court, of ' the "City of VOiuuhu, Douglass Bolt Hose Mending Shop on the trade or business of manufacturJudge Fuchs startled baseball folCounty, Nebraska,, recorded on Page :>r.) ing, producing, adapting, preparing, im'erJay service or while you wait of LH>cltet L> i» the object jiud- prayer of porting and exporting, bnyiiig and selllowers last year by deciding to manwhich are to recover the sum of yiHO.lH) Mail Orders Promptly Serviced— ing and otherwise dealing In any and :«'ith\interest Hnd the-costs;of this, action age his own team from the bench. 4420 Florence Blvd. alh kinds of batteries niid supplies; mid ZXl Securities lildg.—'AT. 3921 from vou : tliut a Kord Coupe automobile, to mnnnfacture, buy,, ndnpt, prepare, use. For a while he made a real job of . K E . 1500 bearing license No. 0T-J3474 Iuwa 11KI0 Hiiil import and export, eell or otherwise deal Motor Xo. F. 0T40I7 has beeu attached .in in- any., materials, ajfUeleK, or things reit and in the first months of the i The House With A licpatation the said action on the ground that you are JOB FOUNDRY quired- for, in connect5011 with, or inAND a"-non-resident, of the 'State of Nebraska; season Boston was up with the leadcidental to the manufacture, ttBe, . purAND MACHINE WORK and tbat said cause has been continued chase itud, Sfile of or other dealing in ers. Then the team tumbled and unto the 20th dny of May, 1030. at (>:«0 anjr- and till of the aforesaid wares and REINFORCING STEEL A. M\. at which time you are required .to I articles. To. buy. own, sell, lease, imstayed in the cellar all season. About appear and answer in said ciiusc. or judg-l prove and otherwise deal in mid with nient will bo taken ngainpt: you jn accord"Manufactured in the time the Boston team began fallAT ALL GROCERS real"estnle and personal property as may ance with the prayer of the petition. be Incident to the main purpose of the Omaha" ing in the team standings Judge corporation: to loan, and to borrow mo.TO10 'WINTKOU1?. Plaintiff. Made by ney and to make, execute and deliver Fuchs gave up the managership and j By IKVIX C. LEVIN,, His Attorney. Baker Ice Machine Co.
in News
Owners of Three Big League Teams Are Jewish, While Five Players Are Conceded Chance .. '. . for Permanent Positions
v ' - . ,•
' ..'•:
- - . . .
Fixtures 6 luppues
Electrical ConlMtoft
For Your Convenience
WEBSTER 1416*1420 NO. 24* ST.
Kish Royal FURS
Prescription Specialists
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Jewelry Needs
2 Rooms
Uncle Sam Laxative Food
Katebnan Foundry & Mfg. Company
Third Ave. and 11th "Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS, JOWA-
Hnrryi H.-Lapidus. President- Treas.
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phoife JAckson • 2724 •'-. Omaha, Nebr. .
• i
MILTON ABRAHAMS, Attornej400 Brandels Theatre Bids'. NOTICE BY ' PtBlilCATIOJf OK iUSTI• TITJON FOIt SETTLEMENT OF ...FINAL ADMINISTKATION ACCOUNT "• fn'-ihe,'County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. . In the Matter of the Estate of Aaron Rubenstelir, deceased:
AH. persons interested in said matter are hereby notified- that on the 10th day of April, 1030, Harry Willnsky filed a petition in- said County Court, praying that 'his'llnal administration account tiled herein be settled ttnO. allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust ns.adtfilntstrutor-*and that a hearing will be had ou said petition before said Court 'on'the 17th day of May, 1930, and that it ••yon. tail to npijenr before said Court on the' said 17th day of May. 1930, at 0.o'clock. A. M-., nnd contest said petition, the Court may, grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make su,ch other--nnd' further orders, al-, lowances arid decrees, as to this Court itiajr seem proper, -to thfe end that, all matters said estate finally settled and- ileteriulnjed.
. •- " April 20-3t
*"• uitrck criAw'FbilD.-• County Judse. "".
Times a day we are In your neighborhood
AT. 4750—MA. 4750 Tune in KO1L every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours-.program -
SATIN f . f ';Rt.AM
mortgages, bonds, and other securities to secure the repayment of any moneys borrowed, and to take as security for the repayment oi any money loaned, mortgages, bonds aWl other securities!." Article 4, was amended to rend as fol"ThP capital stock of this Corporation Khali be Fifty Thouxnnd Pollnrs (SoO.000.00) divided Into Five Hundred (r.001 shares of common stock of the par value of One Hundred Hollars (SlflO.OO) ench." Article 0, WHS amended to rend as fol°"The existence of this Corporation shnll begin on the filing of n copy of its Article's of Incorporation with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraskrf, ns provided by law, «nd business may he cothmpneert wBen Twentr-two Thousand. One Hundred Ppllars f$22.100.00V of Its rnpltftl stock shall be subscribed and PBid for: ftn<1sshall continue for a period of Fiftr-- (30) years unless sootier dissolved tv the; vote <>f two-ttiinlp. of i h e issued and." oivf stinaingi ebmnion stock. •• Patrtl nt Omnha, Nebraska, thig 21st day of Atirll. 1030. • BAtTEItT CO5IPAXT, Bv H. B. XOVES. •JOHN • -". W. BOYLE. President. April 23-lt Sec-rotary.
Okay Bran Flakes
April 18—3t.
CHARLES SIMON Recommends :
The Sanitary Laundrjr "The Best ot All Iianndry Service"
PnqneATLANTJC 0 6 3 9
STA1.MASTKR AN© BEBER, Attornej-R 630 Omaha >«(. Bank Bldg.. City. NOTICE BY r i B t l C A T l O X OV PETITION" FOR SKTTIEM1JXT OV TI2CAL. A D M I X I S T K A T I O V ACCOUXT. In the County Court o£ Douglas County, »braska. »,-..'. In tbe matter of the estate of Michael Joseph Lynch, deceased: All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that 011 the 11th dny of April, 1930, David V.. Beber liled 8 petition In said County Court, praying that ins ilnnt administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and thnt he be ilischarped from his trust as administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the-10th day of Mn.V. 1030. nnd that if. yon fail 10 appear before snid Court on the said 30th dny of May. l!W0. nt 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest snld petition, the Court miiy (?ra;iit the prayer of said petition, euter a decree of heirship. awl make such other mid further orders, allowances and .decrees, aj 'to this Court-lira j- Seem'proper.* to the-enn that, nil mntleTs pe'rtnlninir to said eetatl'
10. >4 TH.ST. OMAHA. 4-lS-3t
County Judge.
Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company
Local Debaters to Clash, With Pittsburg for the C^aiinpionship Debate to Take Place at Jewish Community Center This Sunday
exalted lecturer, entertainer and inits ultimate success, both in reachstitution promotion agent." ing its quota, and in its operation." "No sincere student of the AmerAccording to Harry A. Wolf, ican Jewish scene can fail to realize chairman of the budget committee, the tragedy now eventuating," deafter the money^ is ; raised, and apBy F..R. K. clares Rabbi Fisher. "Preachers portioned to the various agencies enunciate ideals, but these must rethat will participate in the Phil' New York (J. T. A.)—Following anthropies, the money will be dis- The Council Bluffs Augudas Achim the example of Rabbi Abraham L. main so indefinite, so unpointed, so tributed in regular intervals. In this Society will hold a meeting next Feinberg, who resigned recently unchallenging, so completely remanner, a great deal of cost in rais- Monday evening, April 28, at 138%j from the rabbinate because he re-moved from the real issues of every day living and struggling, that these ing the money, as wtll as collecting West Broadway. j bards the American synagogue as ideals become patently and utterly it, will be eliminated, according to Mrs. Julius Baron and son, Her- devoid of idealism, Rabbi : Mitchell vain. Mr. Wolf. man, of Shenandoah, Iowa, returned Salem Fisher, Acting Rabb of Con"The rabbi becomes an exalted lec"Every man and woman that will to their home Sunday night follow- gregation Rodolph Sholom in Newturer, entertainer and institution take part in this campaign to reYork, in a letter to Ernes. J. Wile, turn Omaha Jewry to its high rank ing a ten day visit here at the home president of the Congregation, an- promotion agent. My colleagues may loudly protest, and will boldly assert in philanthropic and religious work, of Mrs. Baron's • parents, Mr. and notmeec that, when his term with upon learning of this letter that they Mrs. B.' Markovitz., .' will be imbued with the spirit of the Rodeph Sholom is completed, he will are free. They may even think so. work—of raising enough money in Mr. Harry Krasne motored to no longer continue in the active rab- The fact remains that with very, Omaha to take care of the financial Iowa City Monday, accompanied by binate. In his letter Rabbi Fisher very few exceptions none of them is wants of these groups and agencies his son, Milton Krasne, and Albert declares that the ideals of thethe possessor of effective freedom. for the coming year. This money Harding, students at the University must be raised, for to fail now, will of Iowa who- spent their spring synagogue are removed from the And those few who have won their mean the downfall of the splendid vacation here.. Mr. Krasne returned real issues of every day living and fight to such freedom usually have that the office of Rabbi has now be- done so outside of the conventional work of these groups that have been home Tuesday, night. • come synonymous with that of "an 1 paths of rabbinical success." going on for years, and that should continue for many years to come," Mr. and; Mrs.- Samuel H. Katelsaid Chairman Sam Beber. man entertained the members of their evening bridge club at their home Tuesday evening. FRATERNITY Mrs. J. Gotsdiner entertained the If I could write one little word members of the B. B. C. club at Upon the hearts of men, her home Wednesday evening. I'd dip into the font of love And write with golden pen Sal Michnick, sophomore at CreighOne little word, and only one, ton University, won his w a y into Let not Jewish life and culture be a closed And feel life's work on earth well the finals of the Extemporaneous : book to your children. Broaden your childs done; Speaking Contest" which was held at education and enrich his life by giving him For every heart would speak to Creighton last week. The finals will or her a modern enlig-htend Jewish educa; • me : be held next month. tion. The owe sweet word: "Fraternity". Register Your Child Immediately Mrs. S. Whitebook spent a couple The angel throng would sing a song, of days in Iowa. City visiting her The sweetest ever heard, daughter, Helen, a- student at the If they could read in human hearts University of Iowa. B. OF SCIENCE AND PEDAGOGY That precious little word. The kindly thoughts, the kindly WE. 3318 2033 No. 19th Knife wounds heal, but not those deeds made by a word! And treasures Tnore than crowns and creeds * LOST—-Ladies';Umbrella, Sunday, In these the angel hosts would see at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol SyThe children of Fraternity. nagogue. Mrs. A. Monsky, 3553 Dav. —Anonymous. enport. . . ' . . . • '..'.
The debate championship of the Mid-western Jewish Community Center Debating League will be at stake this Sunday evening, at the Jewish Community Center when the local team of Sam Zacharia and Ben Kazlowsky clash with the Pittsburgh Y. M. H. A. representatives, Albert Leven and Harry Sherman. The debate, which is on the question, "Resolved, that the Establishment of a Jewish State is necessary for the preservation of the Jewish People," is open to the public. . The judges for the evening will be Mayor Richard Metcalfe, former chief justice of the . Nebraska Supreme Court Andrew M. Morrisey,and Father William Agnew, presiSam Zacharia dent of Creighton University. Ben Eazlowsky Both teams are composed of veteran debaters, the Pittsburg men being three-year veterans on the University of Pittsburg debate teams and the Omaha arguers having appeared before local, audiences upon (Continued from Page 1.) many previous occasions. Judge Irvin Stalmaster is coach of the Omathe following persons: Sam Beber, ha team. . r general chairman; Samuel Gerson, This debate will bring, to a close Given by Zeta Beta Tau Fraexecutive secretary; Harry A. Wolf, the first debate season of the newly ternity to Most Outstandformed pentangular, league composed chairman budget committee; Dr. - ing Jew of St. Louis, Kansas City, Indian- Philip Sher, chairman of the quota committee; William L. Holzman, Felix M. Warburg, the distinguish- apolis, and Omaha. chairman; of the initial gifts commitB e f o r e coming to Omaha, •'the ed Jewish/philanthropist and leader, tee; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chairPittsburg debaters argued this same has been selected by a committee of sixteen editors '-of Anglo-Jewish question during a two-week itinerary man of the women's division; Harry newspapers throughout the "United during which they met teams from Malashock, chairman organization States and Canada to receive the Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and other quotas; Dr. A. Greenberp, chairman general solicitation; Goodman Meyer. fifth Gottheil medal. This award cities. son, chairman. South Omaha division; is given annually to the American Jack W. Marer, chairman publicity who has done the most for Jewry committee; Philip Klutznick, chairand Judaism. Mr. Warburg's recman young -men's division; Harry ognition is for the year 1929. It Dworsky, Morris Forbes, Abe Forwas first awarded i in 1925 to Rabbi man, Abe Goldstein, Abe Herzberg, Stephen Wise of New York. In J. Harry Kulakofsky, Harry H. Lap1926 it was received by David Brown, Montreal, (J. T. Ai.).—Demonstra- idus, Henry Monsky, Dave Roaenof Detroit and New York. In 1927tions before Jewish butcher shops stock, Sam Wertheimer, Joe L..Wolf, that do not sell kosher meat and Isidor Ziegler and Harry B. Zirapleas to the proprietors to mend The Jewish Press which was their sinful ways as •well as warnone of the sixteen Anglo-Jewings to women buying in such stores At the present time the Executive ish newspapers who chose the that they bring sins on their own Committee is selecting an Advisory winner of the Gottheil medal, heads are the novel methods being Committee which will consist of reipcast its vote in favor of the used by local orthodox rabbis in "resentatives of «very Jewish orgah,awardee, Felix M. Warburg, as combating the sale of meat that is ization in-, Omaha, and this commltj..the American who has done not kosher. I tee will be announced when the selectr the most for. Jewry and Juda^i-j^w:^._ The efforts of the rabbis have thus t%is;are completed...^^v-'-;,' v ism during the year 1929., far been entirely in vain -because the. "I believe this" new organisation butchers' only reply is that they do fills a real need in Omaha Jewry," 'Aaron Sapiro of New York and Cali- not desire to be ruled by a "trust*?. ?aid Harry B.Zimman, a member of fornia was the recipient and in 1928 The rabbi demonstrations have the Executive: Committee. ; "In this Julius Kosenwald of Chicago receiv- caused considerable exitement. Pol- | plan every man, woman and- child ed the fourth medal. ice intervention was needed to dis-that believes in the good work that Mr. Warburg is characterized as perse the crowds. our many groups are doing will . a1 financier, philanthropist, and pa- The kosher butchers of Montreal have an opportunity to give in the tron of the arts and humanitarian. are under the control of the Vaad pway we used to give in the-years His services to the Federation'for Hair, Jewish Community Council, gone by. Then, too, this; plan will' the Support of Jewish Philanthropic which has been in existence for the eliminate the series, of "drives"" that Societies and to Jewish charities in last nine years, and they sell meat we have experienced in .the past, general, to educational endeavors at a fixed price. every one of which failed t o meet and to relief work in Eastern Euits goal, and all because of lack of rope mark him as a worthy addi- Kaiman Insurance Five, which was facilities to do the work. But-under tion to the group who have previous- weakened by the absence of Ab andthe Jewish Philanthropies, with evly, received this recognition from the the ineffectiveness of "Firpo Green." ery Jewish organization in Omaha Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity. His more The last three games of the season supporting it, financially and moralrecent activities in behalf of Pales- will be played next week, ly, there can be no question about tine are evidence of his persistent and continuing interest for his coreligionists. "SAY I T WITH F L O W E R S The presentation will take place on May 10 at the New York City key affair, which will be held in the "The Careful Florist" roof garden of the Park Central JAckson 1906 1804 FARNAM hotel. Forty other gatherings will be held on the same night in the principal Z. B. T. centers of the United States. ; The Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, which • presents this annual award, is 1312y2 Farnam Street JAckson 4562 the oldest and largest Jewish college fraternity, having thirty-two chapANNE BLUMENTHAL, Propr. ters in the major universities and thirty graduate clubs in the principal cities of the country. i Judge William S. Evans, of New York City, is national president of Special price on group or wedding pictures Zeta Beta Tau. OPEN SUNDAYS 1:30 to 4:00 P. M.
Council Bluffs News
PORTRAITS, PAINTINGS and FRAMES Specialists in Childrens Photographs^ •
Business- Men's Bowling League
Take a Vacation From Your Kitchen! Let EVERHOT Cook While You Play
•With A Verfect Tood <*&*&&$& fbrErerybody* WaM*9#"
Withthc >
Cooks a Complete Meal •
Instead of spending most of your afternoon in the kitchen watching, the dinner cook, let the EVERHOT Eleetr$c Cooker cook thecomplete meal—all at 6nce. EVERHOT cooks three dishes. Place the meat, potatoes and another vegetable in the cooker. Plug it in the light socket and forget yoor meal. "When you return everything will 1>e' done just the way you like it.-Electric-cook*" ing is always better. *•
DANCE I at the Annual
M A D C A P ;••;r| . . . of . •*
Theta Phi Sigma 5 Blackstone Hotel
May 4th
Herb Feierman's Orchestra J $1.25 per Couple , B SllllllllllllllllUIIIIIUIIIlit1!
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Combined with the
for a Family of Five .
Irresistable Flavor-I of Brazil and Scientifically Blended in Omaha
Advo Coffee IS
W L Av Malashock Jewelry ..26 13 .667 Omaha Tobacco Co 25 14 .641 Wardrobe .—-.20 19 .513 Empire Cleaners «......2O 19 .513 Kaiman Insurance 16 23 .410 Glazer Clothing..._..r.™....12 17 .414 - The Malashock Jewelry team, led by Mickey Krupp, who succeeded in getting games of 236, 205 and 192 for a total of 633, held on to first place by winning two out of three games from the strong Wardrobe team. Other high scores.,- between these, two teams were registered by Malashock 200, Dr. Dave Platt 203 and 201, Bloom 212, Zweiback 210, ami Leo Weitz 203. The second place Omaha Tobacco Team also won two games from the Glazer Clothing team and are but one; game behind the leaders. Next week should tell the tale. • The Empire Cleaners succeeded in copping' all three'-games _ from the
Gash $11 terms
$1 Down—$1 Month
FREE-Complete Utility Set
Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch f
Stimulating for Dinner There is no other Coffee to be compared with it
With each EVERHOT Cooker sold, we will give & utility set FREE. Set includes large fork, dish scraper, lifter, spatula, beater and cake cooler. Set fi*ished in attractive green lacquer.
"Electric Skats" 17th and Harney St«.
2314 M S t
Nebraska Power € Courtesy - Service • low ftittf
Sold by all Pint Class Grocers Everywhere
Art fortt* tiurist on Adro "Famoui itac
Blended, Eosted, Ground and Packed by
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 25,19S0 ^- |have felt thVresults of"his broad social philojsophy are legion.' Some of his outstanding servjice has been rendered to the Federation for the Published every Friday at Omah^, Nebraska,'by '- •Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, and THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Jewish charities in general, the Board of EducaOffice: 490 Brandeis Theater Building tion, the Welfare Council, Nurse Service, educa-tf United States Telephone: ATlantiq 1450 tional endeavors and relief work for the Jews in!I DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor, Eastern Europe and the Jewish Agency. • Quinquennial Parley Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN These are but a fewof the organizations which Cincinnati.—Myers Y. Cooper, GovFANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent have been blessed with his aid. In* the field of ernor of Ohio, and Russell Wilson, social welfare, he has erected new guideposts of mayor of Cincinnati, will deliver adSIOUX CITY" OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street unselfish giving for men of wealth and intel- dresses of welcome Sunday morning ligence. To art, to music, to education, and to April 27 at the opening session of 13th Quinquennial convention of Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 philanthropy, he has brought his generalship for th»^ the Independent Order of B'nai
Advertising rates furnished on application
CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; be sure to give your name;
been effectively stopped by poison' Engineers Found Guilty
organization, his inspirational leadership, and the:B'rith at the Hotel Sinton, conven-
keen decisiveness of his mind. Surely, his niche[tion headquarters.
in Jewish history is already permanently established, as a man who has made the world brighter with alleviation of economic oppression, increase of educational facilities, and improvement of general living conditions. We indeed commend the choice of Felix Warburg and also the Z. B. T. in rendering a general service in annually focusing Jewry's attention upon the magnificent achievements of our outstanding leaders.
To Be Host San Diego.—This most Southwestern city in the United States will for the first time entertain .a large gathering of distinguished Jewish leaders when the B'nai B'rith district Number 4 Convention opens here June 29th. Delegates from California, Arizona, Washington and Oregon will attend it. H. Weinberg is chairman of the committee making arrangements to greet the delegates.
Warsaw. — After a . sensational court trial which lasted five days, Engineer Adolph Weisblat*. ami Engineer Liclitenbaum' were sentenced to six months in jail after being found guilty in connection with the collapse of a six-story government building last winter in which two workmen were killed. Weisblatt, grey-haired builder and Clericals Protest prominent in several Warsaw Jewish Pragua.—In an interpellation made and in the Czecho-Slovak parliament, philanthropic organizations, members of the Czech Clerical party Lichtenbaum, director of building inquired why the history of Presi- activities, as well as other engineers. dent Masaryk's defence of Hilsner were arrested on charges of ncg in the Jewish ritual murder case of ligence and swindle, after the catas 1899 was incorporated in the of- trophe. Twelve experts, universin ficial souvenir book • issued in honor professors, declared that the material of President Masaryk's birthday, which they used for the building and why this book, which lauds was faultless and that only the President Masaryk's efforts to refute stormy weather of that winter was thfc ritual murder accusation, is toe- to blame for the catastrophe. ing distributed among school children. Some, of the clerical leaders Praises Rosenwald Vienna.—Gratitude to Julius Rosen stated that President.' Masaryk assumed a mistaken attitude in the wald, American-Jewish philanthropist, for his contributions to thr Hilsner case. | Vienna Technical Museum was exWailing Wall Commission pressed on behalf of the Austrian •Geneva^^—The appointment of the government by the new director of Wailing Wall Commission that will the museum in his inauguration investigate Moslem and Jewish speech. Mr. Rosenwald was praised claims to. the Wall does not figure as a "liberal donor and supporter in the provisional agenda of the of science who always remembers forthcoming session of the Council the Austrian Technical Museum.". of the League of Nations that will meet here May 12th. It is likely Jewish Baron Released however, that the members of the Budapest. — After having served Council will be queried on the per- one half of his eighteen months sonnel of the Commission before the sentence and having paid a fine of session opens, thus avoiding a dis- $27,000, Baror Ludwig Hatvanj, cussion of the matter at the Coun- Jfcwish novelist and political writer cil's sessions and hence the matter had been granted anmesty by the may not figure in the agenda. Regent, Admiral Horthy. Baron Hatvany, while in Vienna, To Join Jewish Agency Zurich.—The local Jewish com- had written a series of articles munity by a vote of 225 to 1, decided which attacked the present form of on April 16th that it should join government, ior which he was arthe Jewish Agency and expressed rested immediately ui.on his return the wish that the Swiss representa- to Budapest. He was at first tives in the Agency use their .in- sentenced to seven years imprisonfluence for the demoncratization of ment, which was later reduced to five, then to one year and a half. that body.
Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, of Cincinnati, president of the Constitution Grand Lodge, will preside at all business sessions of which there will be two daily from Monday April 28 to Wednesday April. 30, in addition to the opening session Sunday morning and the principal session Monday To Aid Judaism -evening; Selma.—A call to aid the extenWins $7,500 Prize sion and organization work of the New York.T—Bernard Jaffe, a World Unioii for Progressive Judaism teacher of chemistry in the Girls' in'South Africa has been Commercial High School in Brooklyn, Dr. Jerome Mark, rabbi of Temple has been awarded a gold medal and Mishkam Israel. The work will beprize of $7500 for the best book sub- gin June 1. The congregation will mitted in a contest for the human- meet to pass on a recommendation izing of knowledge which was spons- that Rabbi Mrj-k be granted a six ored by the Forttm magazine in co- months leave of absence. operation with the publishing house of Simon and Schuster. Other Countries Mr. JaftVs book is entitled "Crucit'es" and recounts the developement of modern chemistry. The award New Colonial Minister London.—A change in the British was presented to Mr. Jaffe by Prof pssof Dewey on Friday in the office Cabinet within the next three weeks of the Forum. During the presenta- by means of which Vernon Harttion ceremony, President Hatvey N". shorn, Labor M. P., and a member Davis of the Stevens Institute of of the Simons Commission to Investigate India, will become Colonial Technology spoke. Minister is expected, says the Daily On Television Process Herald, the organ of the British New York.—-The first child to sing Labor Party. for the new television sight-and- The change will include a division sound process is a ten-year old Jew- in ,the duties of the Colonial Minister ish girl of Jersey City, N. J., Jewel so as to create a Minister of DoRuth Hirsh. Little Jewel Ruth sang minions. The Herald says that Lord last week during a public television Passfield, now Colonial Minister, performance in Lincoln Park, Jersey will become Minister for the Dominions. The change is expected to City. bt made after the report of the Reward for Jews' Murderers Hartford; — A reward of $9,000 Simon Commission has been made was offered today fcy Governor public. Trumbull. for information .who mur- Exhibits Open dered Benjamin j and Reu- Vilna.—The exhibit of the work b h 0f'this city. Green- of the Yidish schools in Poland was ben R Rome, both span was a real estate operator, opened here in the locale of the while Rome was a high school Vilna Yiddish gymnasium, in the student. presence of school directors, governBoston Readyment representatives and other proBoston.—Plans^for a f250,000 cam- minentguests, ; . . paign for. the ^Associated iewisltj When M. Mendelsohn, speaking on Philan throphies of Boston were com- behalf of the Zischo, or Central pleted at a meeting of the cam- Organization of Yiddish schools, paign's leaders. |The funds are need- criticised sharply the policy of the ed to insure the"efficient operation of government towards the minorities, 20 ^Jewish institutions affiliated with the government representatives dethe Associated. The regular annual monstratively walked out of the campaign that began last fall netted hall, the superintendent of schools over half million 'dollars but was in- declaring that it is impossible for J terrupted because of business con- him to listen to such talk. ditions. It will now be resumed in full swing to meet the annual bud- Melchett Signs Contract Moscow. — A S0,000,000 ruble getary requirements. agreement on a two year credit Louis E. Kirstein is president of basis with the Soviet government for the Associated and Sydney Dreyfus the Imperial Chemical Trust has been is chairman of the drive. signed in London with Lord Melchett, Rabbi Rosentretter Dies chairman of the-board of ^directors St. Louis.—Rabbi Adolph Rosen- of the Imperial Chemical Trust. Antretter, 71* died here of heart dis- nouncement of this huge contract ease. Until his recent resignation with Russia was made by Sol Bron, on account of health he was the former head of the Amtorg, comspiritual leader of the Brith Sholom mercial representative of "Soviet congregation. Rabbi Rosentretter Russia in the United States and recwas the founder and first president ently named Soviet trade represenoi the Orthodox Old Folks 'Home tative in Great, Britain, who arand one of the founders of the Jew- rived here last week. ish Hospital. Urges Fight in Report
The Jewry of Omaha will soon be given the privilege of contributing its page to a golden chapter, which is being written in Jewish history —the Allied Jewish Campaign—wherein, not the divisiveness, but the unity of American Judaism is the theme. At the same time, this drive for] the Joint Distribution Committee and the Jewish PROGRESSIVE JOURNALISTS Agency for Palestine is being amalgamted with "Know Omaha" has been the rallying cry of the campaign for the local Federation budget the city this past week and while praising our into one, concentrated drive, thus bringing wel- gigantic stock yards, our? butter and egg proclivcome relief from the multiplicity of campaigns" ities, our growing railroad lines, and the many which we have been experiencing in the past other high lights of a bustling metropolis most for Jewish assistance overseas and at home. of us are probably unaware of the fact that two The Allied Jewish Campaign is the embodi- Jewish men are indirectly but nevertheless effecment of a hope, a vision, and a long-cherished tively doing a great deal in broadcasting Omaj dream that the day would . dawn when Israel ha's virtues throughout the country. They are 3 would present a united front for the greater Eugene Konecky, who is now editor Of the Sovgood of the Jews of the world, would by mutual ereign Visitor, Woodmen of .the World fraternal - understanding recognize the inter-relationship magazine whose readers are spread throughout of all Jewish problems. For once all the forces the length and breadth of the land, and his asof Jewry are united in one common name, sistant editor, Horace L. ttosenblum. 1 whether devout or non-observant, whether or- When Konecky, aided by Rosenblum, took over : thodox or reformed, whether Zionist, anti-Zion- this national magazine this year, they took over ist or non-Zionist—all aiding in the realization a lifeless, uninteresting publication. But ability , of our ideals for the economic and cultural re- is. the tool of progress, and these'men knew habilitation of the Jews of Eastern Europe and journalism. They inaugurated a new era of exfor Palestine. perimental ideas. The fraternal magazine overWhere is there the Jew who will stop his ears night changed from a weak, pepless journal to and shut his eyes to this irresistible appeal of a live-wire, interest holding magazine which his own flesh and blood? Only the accident of boosted Omaha, "The Gateway of the West", birth separates us from the plight of those in and was a credit to our community. Reaching , Eastern Europe and in Palestine who are looking every nook of the country, it was now a price. to us for help. In Poland and in Russia the Jews less advertisement to the home of the fraternal are steeped in tragedy, suffering inexorable woes. company it represents^-all due to the efforts of They are groaning under heavy taxes. Their two energetic members of our Jewish community business opportunities have been sluiced ,:away, whose motto has been "Forward". " their industrial proclivities eliminated. StarvaWe need more progressive journalists of tion is dogging their footsteps; food, clothfxigj thist caliber. Konecky. has-been recognized, as an and shelter are luxuries. More than everi, these; intellectual genius in this city. Poet, inusieian, helpless Jews need the Joint Distribution Comr dramatist, essayist, critic—he has aided mittee to enable them to take up again the 1 broken threads of their lives and begin anew. "materially in elevating thei cultural level of the More than ever it is imperative that new ave- community, and -despite the^vjjrbgreis already nues of livelihood be found, that our noble work made by the Sovereign Visitor under -.his guildwe predict that further national laurels be continued, i ^: ; • : _ await the publication. Simultaneously i ; ^ home of our ancestors a new hope for a bright future. Zionists and non-Zionists have together pledged themselves to carry on the work of immigration and colonization, to provide for Jewish MODERN CHARITY religious needs, to foster the Hebrew language One of our readers prefers the "old-fashioned and assist In Palestine's .cultural, sanitary, Hycharity"! Deploring the fact that "times have gienic and * industrial development, and provide funds for schools* hospitals and clinics. If we changed", our correspondent sees the"rtishing to needed, any final knot for strengthening; our d daily teas, entertainments and meetings, ar* termination to continue ourwork in the Holy ranged for charitable purposes, as merely the Land, that stimulus was suppled by a soul:stir- "gilise of modern charity", when in reality they ' \ ring heroism of our hardy pioneerswho so un- are only social; functions: flinchingly staved off the savage Mosleni on- Our correspondentlaments the fact that in slaughts of last summer. These staimcb Gha- their zeal for Attending these "charitable, social luzim faced the supreme test and did not fail events," a goocj many generous-minded, considerus. They await to see whether their brethren ate women forget the very charity that is "next : door to them".- They forget to visit those who To Sponsor New Uni in America will fail them. ' We Jews of this community are part and need comfort in sickness, in lbss> or in loneliness. New York.—A new university to parcel of this gigantic campaign. Our share,!They forget those who need mental and spiritual b© known as the Atlantic University,* will be opened under the chairmanthough comparatively small, is an integral part solace. ship of. Morton H. Blumenthal, mem6f the whole. We must make this drive a mam- While we- do not agree wholeheartedly 'that ber of the New York Stock Exchange moth success, thereby translating into concrete modern charity, in the guise of gatherings and firm of Blumenthal - Brothers, and action our ideals and our aspirations, and forging intermingling of friends and acquaintances, does author of "Heaven on Earth." a new link in' a golden chain which will unite not accomplish its ultimate purpose regardless institution is to be located at VirIsrael in those hopes for which we have eternally of the pleasure derived from this sociability, yet ginia Beach, Va., and will be opened we must not diregard the need of cheering the in September. suffered. Psychic research and the fourth sick and the lonely! dimension will be included in the It is indeed an act of charity to "think of curriculum and is offered to advanced A WORTHY WINNER others" at the time when they need such and graduate students, besides Felix M. Warburg, distinguished Jewish phil- thought, and it should be practiced whenever courses in English, science, chemistry, botany and biology. Edgar anthropist and communal leader, has been select- and wherever such need arises! Cayce, the head of the Cayce Hospited; by a committee of sixteen Anglo-Jewish news—-Boston Advocate. al in which Mr. Blumenthal is also papers throughout the United States and Canada interested, will be a director of the to receive the fifth Gottheil medal, awarded an- Many folks think of their happiness in terms Of University, as will David E. Kahn, nually by the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity to the money; but the fact is it is realized only in terms New York furniture manufacturer. American who has done the most for Jewry {of ideas, of feelings, of character, of influence, of Ritual Reinstated Cleveland.—The Euclid Avenue and Judaism. As the Jewish Press was among friendships, of truth and of love. Temple, which has a membership of those casting their vote for Mr. Warburg, we over l$00 families and which is one feel that he is a most worthy personality to take > .The reason some human beings react construe- o f t h e , a r g e s t a n d m o s t influential his place in that illustrious group of previous TlVely to every adverse condition, Circumstance | Reform congregations in America, n llfp s^rvlfifif life, IK is HppSlliSCI because flivini+tr divinity lcis tin an gntiirn active r-nintfnrlnxBrl reintroduced in in {+o its Passnvpr Passover services recipients—Rabbi Stephen Wise, David Brown, and sorrowf iin the rendering of Yiskor, which has principle in them. Aaron Sapiro, and Julius Rosenwald. been omitted from the Union Prayer Financier) patron of the arts, and a citizen and consequently not given by whose humanitarianism is without frontiers, Felix Only as you live a life of eternal consequence Book any of the Reform Temples in Warburg has accepted the responsibility of citi- does the Divine Selfhood unfold. As long as one's .„,„„„.». America. zenship in its fullest meaning and his influence life is centered upon personal interests, the deeper Rabbi Brickner who is the spiritual leader of the Congregation is enhas penetrated far into the life of his generation. elements of life remain unvivified. '. •' • deavoring to reenstate some of the His co-religionists, his country, his city have all more beautiful and significant custfelt the quickening power of his personality, and; Experience plows the soil of one's nature. oniR . m ,, orthodox services .
From Contemporary Pern
Nidro was sung in the Euclid Avenue Temple, and on the last day of Succoth the Consecration Service, which is a ceremony of initiation for the children who are entering the first grade of its Religious School and who are thus consecrated to the study of Judaism, was introduced.
gas and by rinc sheeting. It is expected that they will be completely exterminated within a few days. In. Transjordania a large part of the population has been mobilized for a war on the locusts while the government has issued a special stamp with the caption, "Locust Campaign".
TRAVLWEAR AN IMPORTED FABRIC THAT INSURES LONG WEAR lRAVLwi!AR > is a Scotch fabric peculiirly adapted to the needs of the gentleman who is unusually hard on his clothes...yet appreciates the advantage of good grooming
Tel Aviv. — Resolutions strongly condemning the recent acts - of violence between members of the Histaduth (Jewish Labor Federation) and the Brith Trumpeldor in the colony of Kfar Saba, urging Jewish national institutions to oppose the project for a Palestine parliament, arproving the fight on the Inquiry Commission's report and expressing regret that the new Agency Executive -does not include Henrietta Szold and Harry Sacher were adopted, at a conference of the Palestine Zionist organization.
First Safed Compensation Safed.-—The first list of those in Safed who will get compensation from the government for injuries resulting from the riots includes only Arabs.
83rd Cemetery Desecrated Berlin.—The 83rd desecration of a Jewish cemetery within the last months occurred at Bottrop where many gravestones were demolished and other marked with profane inscriptions. The police discovered i woman's footprints in the cemetery.
Locust Invasion Lessening Jerusalem.—With no large swarms of locusts entering Palestine within the past three weeks the danger of the pest is growing less ami with each passing day the likelihood of further invasions is lessened. With ovw — in8,000 ,« laborers fighting u «i« o *. 6..~..& locusts
his deep and practical sympathies have enriched Thereafter one may more readily bring to growth °™ch have been inadvertantly omitt- various parts of the country the inhumanity. .The. charitable organizations which ana maturity the plant of wisdom. ' e d. Lact Yom Kippur the traditional I vasion of the pests, at Jericho h «
"Jrcss for the Occasion* SI IE OUR WINDOWS TODAY
' -i,
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1930 1 a piano solo by Mrs. J. M. Erman Rose Shafer to Head | Harry Mendebtin ! furnished the program. ' Thenext m e e t i n fthe dub m Henrietta Szold Girls\ Lectures on Monday i s° *
Religious Services
Beth Harnedrosh Shut Elects Its Officers
J The officersif or the coming year The BetH THamedrosh Hagotlcl Sy: Newman be held at onthe Tuesday, home April of Mrs. 29.Julius. Mr. Harry Mendeleon, sponsor of , Temple Israel were elected at the meeting of the nagogue* Nineteenth and Burt streets* Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver has elected the following seven comHenrietta Szold club Tuesday, April the Young Poale Zion, who has been j a sermon this evening on "Green missioners and secretary for the en22, at the Center. The following lecturing before-the Psi Mu during' the last two months spoke last Mon-' Pastures", the sensational negro re- suing term: were elected: ligious drama. Kaddieh will be re- L. Harris, president; A. G. WeinPresident, Rose Shafer; secretary, day night before the Psi Mu memBy 1 cited this Sabbath for- Fanny Gluck, etein, vice-president; L. Blotsky, Blanche Soskin; treasurer, Kuth Le- bers on the causes of unemployment, Mrs. David M. Newman Israel Gluck, and Alexander Pollock. treasurer; S. Elewite, eecretary; M. bovici, arid reporter, Ida Bercoviei. seasonal, periodic and chronic He. showed that seasonal and periodic | Rabbi Cohn's subject Saturday Vengar, Sam Riekes, N. Wilfaon, »nd The Council representatives are to Nut Cookies unemployment may be provided for morning will be "The Whole of Holi- J. Romoneck. be chosen ; at Jthe next meeting. One-third cup butter, cup sug- ness." He will deliver a radio talk A Mother and Daughter tea, hon-in advance through the foresight and thrift of this workers and scientific. **> 2 eggs, 1 cup flour, 1 level tea- Thursday, May 1, between x and-1:30 Mr. Jake Kavich of Fremont, Nebraska, announces the en- oring their mothers, is to be "given Tel Aviv. — Resolutions strongly planning of the industrialists, but \ spoon baking powder, % cup chopped over WOW for the Parent-Teachers' condemning the recent gagement of his daughter, Ruby, to Mr. Abe M. Kazlowsky, son by the dub Sunday, May I I , at the acts of employment, caused primar-' nuts, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix in or- }£otia!tinn on ''The "worldTn"the of Mrs. H. Kazlowsky, of this city. No date has been set forPaxton hotel. An elaborate program, chronic violence between members of the ily by the introduction of mone ef°«r given and bake m hot oven— ( composed entirely of the club's own Histaduth (Jewish Labor Federation) the wedding. ( talent, is being planned for the oc-fident machines, has come. to stay' drop from a spoon, leaving an inch Conservative Mid the Brith Trumpeldor in the and will be a great challenge to the space between them. Miss Kavich is a graduate of the Colorado State Teachers' casion. colony of Kfar Saba, urging Jewish Rabbi Abraham Bengis will deliver best .minds among industrialists as Molasses Drop Cookies College, where she received her A. B. and Master of Arts denational institutions to oppose the a sermon on '^Coonting the Days" Well as workers for generations to % cup butter, % cup brown sugar, j grees. She is a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, national educaproject for a Palestine parliament, of come. tional sorority. egg, * ^ » ^ - ^ * « ? • _ « I Conservative Synagogue at the J.C.C. approving the fight on the Inquiry Next Monday he will speak on the tnilk,l teaspoon salt, 3*4 cups flour, j Comtnission'E report and expressing sermon Mr. Kazlowsky is a prominent young business man of this cures and means of prevention of 2 teaspoons each of cinnamon and regret that the new Agency Execucity. He attended Nebraska university. •unemployment. ginger, W, teaspoon soda, 1 level "Sefireh", the traditional custom of tive does not include Henrietta Ssolil The Alpha Tau club is planning a numbering the days from Passover teaspoon baking powder. Mix in orand Harry Sacher were adopted at slumber party to be held May 3 at Mr- and Mrs. John J. Frieden will der given, drop from a spoon on a to Succoth. the home of Shirley Hoberman, with Services Saturday morning will be- a conference of the Palestine General Ort entertain at a wedding reception at greased baking sheet two inches Zionist organisation. twenty girls invited. A prize will ginn at 9 o'clock. their home, Sunday, April 27, from for I hlS Sundap apart. Bake in moderate oven 15 be given to the "most- wide-awake" 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10 p. m., in _______ j minutes. girl, and a booby prize will be ahonor of Mrs. Frieden's sister, Miss ' The members of the Junior Hadas- warded to the one that "hits the John Feldman, head of the local j Date Jumbles Seva" Flotkin, -whose marriage to' sah will" frolic at a hike Sunday, hay" first. Ort activities, has called a meet- • i« c u p butter, 1% cup sugar, 3 Mr. Mike Davidson took place March April 27, starting from the end of The girls held a very successful ing of the Ort representatives for eggs, 1 cup cut dates, 1 cup chopped 30. the Florence carline at eight in the hike two weeks ago Sunday, the this Sunday, at the Labor Lyceum, j walnuts, 1 teaspoon vanfla, 7 TableAll of -their friends are cordially morning and hiking to Hummel park. girls hiking out to Camp Gifford and j The Ort is an organization de- jspO ons water, 3% cups flour, 1 teaSixteenth at Farnam o~attend. Mrs. Maurice Giller, chairman of then going horseback riding. I voted to aiding the declassed Jews' sl)OOn baking powder. Drop by the affair, has promised a jolly time Plans are also being formulated of Russia. spoonfuls on baking sheet in a hot Mrs. J. B. Bushman and son, Jor- to all Mho are present. for the annual Rush Party which oven. dan Fredrick, of St. Joseph, Mo.," are will take place soon. A new sponsor For Missa and Women of 5 ft. 5 in., or Under visiting "with Mrs. Bushman's parfor the group will be chosen at the What can't be cured were best enents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg. Who Wears Sizes 12V2. to 26% next meeting. —Seneca. dured.
Kitchen Chats
Alpha Taw Girls Plan Slumber Party
Junior Hadassah Plan Hike Sunday
Entre-Nous Club Meets on Tuesday
Daughters of Zion to Give Card Party
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goldberg have as their guests their daughters, Miss The last meeting of the Entre-' QUALITY Betty Ann 'Goldberg of New York 1 Nous club was held Tuesday after-, The Daughters of .Zion will spon'Citjr and Mrs. J. W. Sigal and hersor a card party Monday afternoon noon at the home of Mrs. R. M.' sons, Melvin and Norman, of Los at the residence of Mrs. A. Shafton, Shlaes. A review of J. H. Smalley's Painting Contractors Mr. and Mrs. L. J. MeBser spent book "Stumbling" was given by Mrs. Angeles, Calif. 3113 Lincoln Boulevard, with Mrs. 1314 No. 24th St. WE. 4211 They -will remain until July 1 at A. Janoff, chairman. Prizes will be the week-end in Chicago with their Dave Cohen. Mrs. J. Abrahamson which time Miss Goldberg will re- given at each table, and all proceeds parents and friends. I read several humorous sketches, and turn to Los Angeles with Mrs. Sigal will be given to the Jewish National I Miss Bess Cohen spent the weekto remain indefinitely before re- Fond. turning tft; New York City. The organization will hold a rum-end in Chicago with her sister Ruth mage sale starting May 1, when and relatives. Vraong the University of Nebraska committees will canvass the city. IDEAL FOR CLUB OPENING students who spent spring vacation Mrs. A. Shafton, HArney 6202, and j Mrs. Sam Schneider entertained DISTINCTIVE AND INDIVIDUAL her evening dub Sunday. The eveat home were Ruth Fox, Nioma Mrs. A. Wolf, JAcksori 5814, are ning was spent in playing cards. I Cohen, Helen Sherman, Grace Dan- chairmen of the rummage sale. sky, Toby Goldstein, Helen Janger, At their last meeting the Daugh- A two course luncheon was served, i Sheffield Katskee, Herman Levinson, ters of Zion decided to accept the Miss Irene Adelson spent several Dorothy Silverman, Esther Morgan, project offered by the Jewish NaSylvia Richards, Rosaline Pizer, Lu- tional Fund recently, for the local days in Kansas City with her sister, cille Goldenberg, Caroline Diamond, group to contribute enough over a Mrs. A. Davidson, and many friends. Frocks 2elda and Harry Saferstein, Helen five-year period to install a water Gotcns Aquila Court 1617 Howard arid Sylvia Chait, Rose Wilfson, Leo supply for a new settlement in Pal- Treat a thousand dispositions in a ! Costume Jewelry Meyerson, Morton Richards, Leon estine. * .'<.*' thousand ways. I Frankel, Harold Pollack, Elmer Greenberg, Max and Hymie Kramer, Lou Azorin, Harry Rich, Al Fiedler, and Sid Epstein.
^flfc Stop of Personal Serviccf
Omaha s Style Center
300 Newly Arrived
Half Size Dresses In Printed Chifon, Printed Crepe, Georgette and Flat Crepe
Mrs, Joseph Bonoff and her sister, Miss Cecil Snyder, returned home following a week's visit in Chicago,
ni. WEEK-END VISITORS Mr. George Max Geffen of Lincoln was the guest of Mr. Morton Jlichsrds last Sunday.
Miss Minnette Sterling had as her guest «ver the week-end Miss Helen Friedman of Sioux City» la.
Today — Friday
Misses Sadye Ginsburg and Eve j Lipton of Sioux City, spent the week-end in Omaha visiting friends.-
Clearance Sale of 287 Better
Messrs. Ben-and Leo Herzoff of Sioux City TnotOred t » . Omaha Sunday to attend the A. Z. A. dance. ! Mr. Jaek Copeland of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, spent the weekted here, visiting with friends. arid relatives. __ ' Miss Grace Rosenstein has \tt* turned from Kansas City where she spent the week-end. CARD PARTY The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club are sponsoring a benefit bridge, Tuesray, April 29, at the home of Mrs. A. Rubin, 3413 Cass. Proceeds will go to the Ort campaign; Mesdames M. Crounse and H. Stein will be hostesses. Everyone is invited. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Among., the patients at the Wise Memorial hospital are Mesdames H. Shulkin, H. B. Milder, Sam Gorelick, Hinda Gorelick, and Stella Caster; Misses Florence Quadow and Rose i Kaplan, and Messrs. Harry Okun, Aaron Ferer, I. Rehman of Lincoln, and Harry Kubby of Council Bluffs.
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Mr. I. Katleman, who was injured by, a fall last week, is confined at the I.*ethodist Hospital.
The Fritchie club is giving a Maydance at the light House, 4410 Florence boulevard, on the night of May 25. The tickets for. same can be obtained from the following members of the club: Gaye Wezelman, Cele •Stoler, Eva Schwartz, Barbara Truehaft, Sally Cohen, Lillian Nachschoen, Sara Stoler, Betty Goldberg, Gladys Bernstein.
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1 1
PAOB 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1880 cause of an effective Jewish eduMr. Rosenblum, born in Omaha, cation. • .••••-•comes from one of the pioneer Jewish families in Omaha. At Central Dr. B. Revel, President o f . t h e High his decline was athletics, he Faculty of t h e Yeshiva, assailed t h e being everything from mascot to •news advocated by a group of soA -choice new line of rare art manager. In 1921 he. managed t h e j called minimalists w h o -ire active in work, novelties, and gifts were! city championship W. ,0. _W. baseball the field of Jewish education in t h e featured at the opening of the third champions, and in 1928 he managed New* York.T—A" Board of Hebrew according to the plans adopted at the United States. of the Rialto Music. and Art Shops the Murphy-Did-Its. Education „ whose purpose it will be meeting, is to consists of fifteen It is because of t h e failure of at the northwest comer of Sixteenth From 1923^*0 1927 he wa« a mem- to ..foster; adherence to- a maximum members, three representing the Edu- many schools t o properly recognize and Howard streets Saturday. The ber of the sports staff ofthe>Bee- curriculum * in ".the Jewish religious cational Board of the Yeshiva's and evaluate t h e t r u e character of attractive stock' of the: shop were Naws, conducting' a-baseball - column- and Hebrew" schools in the United Teachers Institute, three represent- Jewish education t h a t m a n y Jewish selected from the best • in the east as a specialty. He also has-been States,, was- formed at a conference ing the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theo- I parents have so little regard j for t h e and the four comers of the globe connected with the"Woodmen of sthe of Hebrew. educators held at - the logical Seminary, three from the (Jewish school. When complaints a r e and offer the buying public an inSince the above report was made World for ten years in varied capaci- Yeshiva College, New . York. The New York Jewish Principals Asso- I being made of a decreasing interest Indian .Territory Illuminating Oil exhaustive yet reasonable selection Company was incorporated in 1911 this company has;, brought in the ties, having been on the Sovereign conference, which convened for the ciation, three from tlje New York I a n d support f o r Jewish education, of gifts and objects d'art. purpose of counteracting the efforts Teachers Association, and three re- ! t h e cause m u s t partly be looked for in New Jersey. Through stock own- largest sweet crud* oil well in Okla- Visitor for over a year. Mr. Joe Himelstein; proprietor, ership it controls other operating homa and possibly in the world. It of the so-called "minimalists" who presentatives at large to be chosen in this shifting of standards, Dr. who has been operating the Rialto companies producing oil and natural is known as the Mary Sudik No. 1 advocate the adherence to a reduced by the Board when it convenes. Revel stated, pointing o u t t h e evils Shop at Fourteenth and Douglas minimum curriculum in the Hebrew and located in the extreme south end gas in Oklahoma. An advisory committee of 23 is to inherent in t h e minimalist movement. streets for the past fourteen years schools, was attended by represen- be selected at another conference of "The only means of maintaining a The Company has achieved unusu- of the field and produced a flow of and a'iso owns a store in South tatives of Jewish bodies interested Hebrew School Presidents and mem- spiritual solidarity', a united religoil and gas variously estimated atj Omaha, has consistently built up a al success in the selection of acreage from 45,000 to 75,000 barrels a day • in the problem of Jewish education. bers of the Boards of Education of ious and cultural strength, is through steady, satisfied trade, and the serv- upon which it has developed impor- accompanied with a flow of natural The Board of Hebrew Education, Talmud Torahs in Greater New York, a n education t h a t will preserve t h e ice rendered has enabled him to ex- tant oil and gas production.* Its gas of approximately knowledge of t h e bases of o u r faith 200,000i000 which is to be held soon. pand. For many years now his store operations which are best known in- cubic feet daily. This well was out and culture, and intensify t h e devoThe Omaha Public library has isIt was the consensus of opinion at tion t o t h e ideals and hopes of I s has been the Mecca of all music and clude its discovery of the Seminole of control for about twelve days be- sued the following statement: education by urging them to use the City, Bowlegs and Little River oil the conferenct which was presided rael," D r . Revel added. art lovers. For 37 years the Omaha Public library. pools of the Seminole Field, and fore being capped, and during that over by Dr. P. Churgin, Principal of Fal-sighted people know that in Besides novelties, the Rialto Music more recently its discovery of the time the company was able to sal- library has served its city well. Now, the long run the prosperity and welthe Yeshiva Teachers Institute, that and Art Shop offers the best radios new Oklahoma City oil pool. however, with the rapid growth if vage over 200,000 barrels of oil. A 83rd Cemetery Desecrated on the market, including the authorA fare of a. city depend on its cultui^, those forces in Jewish life which week thereafter Mary Sudik No. 2 schools, industry and business, Berlin.—The 83rd desecration of In the Oklahoma City pool the blew in with an initial capacity of community enterprises, -with five on Ihe quality of its city life. What stand on the platform of an adequate ized agency for the Victor machine. a Jewish cemetery within the last Mr. Himelstein will continue to company had completed to April 19, 25,000 barrels a day and 75,000,000 times as many books as in 1893, and institution stimulates and satisfies a Jewish education that is rooted in months occurred at Bottrop where five times as many book-borrowers, wanting-to-know in young and old the knowledge of the Hebrew Lanmanage the store at Fourtheenth and 1930, 102 producing wells, with a cubic feet per day. many gravestones were demolished as the Public library does? What the library is sadly crowded. Douglas and the one: in South total initial production of about 1,guage, Bible and Post-Biblical lite- and other marked with profane inUp to this date the company has 250,000 barrels. A number of adpublic service contributes to the cul-.j Omaha, while Mr. Edward Ruback, The library, has more ground in rature should from a central organi- scriptions. The police discovered a completed 102 wells, and have a one who has been with the Rialto Shop ditional wells are being drilled and the back of the present building. It tural, business, technical running ofi sation safeguard and advance the j woman's footprints in the cemetery. half interest in nineteen other coma good many years, Anil manage the it is expected that the potential prowants to add an extension so that the city more than does the Public i duction of high grade oil of the pleted wells, all of which have an newly opened store. it will have room, for the books library? Where do seekers of incompany may become the largest of initial output of over. 1,250,000 barwhich have accumulated since 1893 formation on any subject under the that of any company in the United rels daily. They are now drilling and for the people who come to read sun go if not to the Public library? States. Because of conservation po- 125 additional wells, 50 of which will Do you want your Public library, them. The bond issue which will licy, the Oklahoma Corporation Com- be brought in within the next ninety make this possible means only a which has the best will in the world days and balance will be in within mission, with the co-operation of small amount for the individual tax- to serve you, to be so hampered by operators in the field, has been pro-1 a total of six months from this date, payer, only 7. cents on $1,000 as- the small matter of lack of space of the rating production for several months,}'In all " the "' drilling -'--•>«-- operations *-• -.» *t._ sessed valuation, or 35 cents to the that it is prevented you company in the Oklahoma City field and on February 28, 1930, fixed the Present Commissioners A r e average home-owner, the price of its best? Backing Each maximum production of the Oklaho- not a single dry hole has been en- one movie ticket! Or do you want your Public libraOther ma City field at 12 Vs per cent of countered, making this' one of the ry to continue in the most efficient The library has always been neumost remarkable oil fields in the BY THE M0X1H AT MODERATE BATES the estimated potential production. manner possible to contribute to tral in the matter of nationalities. It world. It costs approximately $140,The present seven city commissionALL 1930 MODELS The company owns about 9,200 000 to drill and complete each of serves equally all races and creeds. Omaha's progress? Do you want it ers are asking for re-election on the brought* up-to-date to match up-toacres of leaseholds and 2,540 acr^s these wells. It serves the poorest person just as Square Seven ticket and each one royalty in its Oklahoma City block date Omaha? The I T. I. O. company are now eagerly as the wealthy one. Bent Allowed If Ton Wish to Purchase has stated that he is for the entire of acreage of which about 5,000 Then vote for the Library Bonds laying a 24-inch natural gas pipe The library helps both young peoticket. Their names are not author-i I acres are in what so far appears to ized to appear on any other ticket. be within the probable producing line with gathering lines to the var- ple and grown-ups to continue their on May 6, and tell all your friends The Square Seven are asking re- area of the pool. In addition to its ious gas producers and this line is education. Parents, even though they about the urgent need of the Omaha e.ection on a record of sound govern- holdings and oil wells in the Okla- being run to the: main distributing do not read English and cannot af- Public library for more space. librament during- the past administration, homa City pool, the company has system which supplies gas to over ford to send their children to school ry Bonds must receive 60 per cent of according to Al C Scott, chairman in other pools in 'the Mid-Continent one hundred cities and towns in the beyond the required 16-year limit, the votes—r-not just a majority. The library needs YOUR vote! of the Square Seven campaign. They field approximately 23,000 acres of midcontinental states, including Ne- can help their children to get further have given Omaha a sane and producing leaseholds with 699 oil braska, Kansas, Missouri and Oklasensizle administration of efficiency wells. Although certain of the com- homa. and economy. pany'^ important holdings in the Richard L. Metcalfe, appointed Seminole area, such as the Allen mayor to succeed the late James C. Dome, Sasakwa and other pools are Dahlman, has a most enviable record as yet-only partly developed, it is as a journalist and business man. nevertheless among the leading prodHe was a • member of the Isthmus ucers in that area. .; Canal (Panama) Commission and (Continued from Page 1.) In addition to the important gas was appointed by the President of reserves acquired by the company Jijk p th<i United States as Governor -of its discovery of the Oklahoma City This took six;"hours to give over |h# ™ -nr ! pool, the company also holds 340,000: radio, with several hundred taking.] Panama. " Henry W. j „ •, v ,,. . /t_-a'__ Osage part. Mr. Kenocky's reward ws leaseholds in Police Dunn hasCommissioner many achievements tp his two thousand telegrams and te credit. Omaha's police department County, Oklahoma, where it is oper- thousand letters of encomium. ating 205 gas wells. is the first in America in recovery After graduating from Central • In addition to the above producing of stolen automobiles. Street holdHigh, Mr. Konecky went to the Uni-j ups are 52 percent below the aver- properties, the company holds under versity of Nebraska. He has been \ age of cities of Omaha's size. Dunn lease over 1,000,000 acrts of care- connected with the Woodmen of the organized the Boys' Safety Patrol, fully selected oil and gas leaseholds World for ten years in various which has made the streets safe for in Oklahoma and surrounding states capacities. \ . Omaha school children. ?"c uses the for future development. Pill-box system which brings a policeman to any Omaha Lome within eight minutes. Special night auto patrol has reduced the robberies .of | homes and store.. Burglary insur-1 Goodyear can give you. greater tin values because Good* rates are *o ~er. j year builds more than Commissioner John Hop' '.ns of the! Accounts and Finance Department! has reorganized his department from \ of vR the tire* told in America, the remainder being,&• chaos to perfection. For the first: vided among tome fifty manufacturers. "More people rid* time in Omaha's history, there will ©n Goodyear Tires than on any other kind." be a reductian in the bonded indebtedness for the j ear.. The cost j • '. running his department has been decreased $4,000. He saved the taxpayers $6.-T,800 this year by paying off bonds bearing big interest. i Commissioner Joe B. Hummel has! served Omaha for many years a s ! BY BORIS D. BOGEN head of the Park department. He [ has beea taking care of Omaha's 1800 acres:of parks, 20 playgrounds, 7 swimming pools, 18 tennis courts, ORN in the heari; of Moscow in the 14 baseball diamonds and 3 golf cramped and vivid Mosco Ghetto, Boris courses. . D. Bpgen spent his boyhood and youth in a Commissioner Joseph Koutsky of whole-hearted effort to free himself and his the Public Improvements Departconferees from oppression and to bring S e e how MUCH MORE ment has saved thousands of dollars fir the people of Omaha. He inabout the dangerous renaissance of national your money bays in a Goodtroduced fair, open and competitive sentiment among Jewish youth. Daring the year! Get the latest 1930 bidding. Through economy, his de-. hardships of emigration he became a part types here—complete range partment had a surplus of $333,of the tragedy of unskilled labor in New 272.80 in the sewer fund on January of low Spring prices. jjit. The $8,000 surplus in his payYork and finally raised himself to a position roll went to the sinking fund to reof prominence in the field of Jewish social duce the city's bonded indebtedness. work and education. Commissioner Dean Noyes of the Street Department supervises the His splendid work with the United Jewish keeping of Omaha's streets clean. Charities of Cincinnati and his unique servHis budget is $7,000 less than it ice during the reconstruction period after was in 1917. His department has the war need not be recalled to any Jew. devoted much time to the municipal His story is frankly told and becomes an airport. . • : extraordinary comment on Jewry—its idealFire Commissioner Arthur ' A. isms, generosity, faults, and courage. Jt is Westergard has given to Omaha the Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 best organized fire department, in a book which will prove a challenge and an the history- oi the city.. The fireGUARANTEED TIRE REPAIRING inspiration. works ordinanze, which he introduced, will save the lives of many PRICE $3.00 children. J^re insurance rates have •been reduced over $200,000.00 annuity. He has inaugurated a Order from : n c systematic'inspection of theatres, public and other buildings, safeguarding life and property. 190 Brandeis Theatre Building Omaha, Nebraska
Maximum Curriculum i in Mebire<w Advocated
LargestSweet Crude Well
Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Co, Progressing Rapidly in Oil and Gas Fields
Radios for Rent
An AutobiographyWhich Is A COMMENTARY On a Race
Come in and have their superiority PROVED before you
Typical of the Values we offer you
Guaranteed Tire Repairing— Estimates Free
29x4.40 - - $5.65 30x4.60 - - $6.35 31x5.00 - * $9.85
National Tire Shop
HERE T O O'„more people ride on Goodyear Tires
than on any other kind/,,
•>% -<t
There is a charming story in the ij, his mouth! His tongue *kai hurt, 1 e'mud, to explain why Moses called J oefore they could take it from him, is ' G E R S H W I N himself "slow and heavy; of speech," vith the- result that when he began If you got that right, you'\e won! It goes back to the time when to speak, and ever after, tie stama place on the next Honor Roll. I Moses was still a baby, and living mered a little. But hip; life was want you to try this Charade: in the palace at the adopted son of' s«ved. "My first is in "father" but not in t'm Princess. Pharaoh he'd him on i mother", hi* knee, one d y, and. was playing TALES' FROM THE MAGIC BOOK M\ second in "aunt"" but not in \ ith him, when the child reached up The One Who Spoke from the "brother", p.nd took the crown off his head! Burning Bush Moses had taken only a few steps My third always in a "rage" you see, j T h i s i ^ a s a terriblyy bad sign. All g B t never in i "peace" " " d never iin .t h e King's- wise men said it forecast toward it, when a voice called out But and "glee". i that the child would rob Pharaoh of from the midst of the bush: "Moses! Moses!" My fourth is in "honor" but not in >h i g throne. They were of the opin"Here am I", he answered, in • ^ h " | i o n y , ^ h e should be killed immedMy last is in ^"nuthing" if noot in | iately. But one of the councillors— great astonishment. And God said: "Come no nearer. Put off thy "fame". ^t n e RaDbis say it wa« Jethro himshoes from, thy feet, for the place And my whole was the spokesman I self—pleaded for the baby. whereon thou standest is holy « T,L S ? I ) t t 0 b l ; a V e . , , j, ' "There is no meaning in the action, ground. I am the God of the father, A Pharaoh's wrath, till he free the Q ^ ^ h g ^ ^ chik, kncmg slave. Lot what it does. The crown glit- the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Now that shouldn t be hard! it a toy! .... innocent?" But t h e , Moses hid hit, face, for he
Apostrophe to My Faith By Shirley A. Narcus, 76 Medford St., Medford, Mass. O Judaism, Light of the world, Mocked at, Scorned, 'v By wanderers in dimness, Gropers in darkless, Whose path has been brightened By rays of thy torch! The day approacheth When shall acclaim thee In ages gone by. ^ . Then "knowledge shall go forth from Zion", And happiness reign o'er the world! FROM THE BOOK OF PROVERBS As an ear-ring of g o l d . . . . So is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.
me tell you how they were found. him are sign*, of the ruin caused by swim!"—Sidney Arono\itz, (618 DuStudents of life in ancient days— that world-wide disaster, which in val St., Key West, Fla.) Don't we archeologists, we call them- - have un- the Scriptures, we read about in the wish we could! earthed from the big, shapeless *tory of Noah. This little note speaks for itself. earthen mounds in the Euphrates "Dear " Miss Ish-Kishor. I am. a Valley, in Mesopotamia, the remains OUR MAIL constant reader of your page and of buried cities, which flourished and Eleanor Weinblatt write1' a very enjoy it very much. I should like to were great in Bible times. Not only brght letter, as you can see: "Dear \ correspond with Ruth. Berman, as mj. that, but they found one city under- Miss Ish Kishor-r-I have "written \ hobbies are the same as hers. I am with fear and amazement. neath another! For all houses there several tines in hope of a correspon-1 ten years old and in the sixth grade, TALES FROM THE MAGIC BOOK | other advisor proested that Moses j overcome The Great Work of Moses Begins } really wa»- an extraordinary, baby —. «<T the Lord Mid: were built .of sun-dried brick, -which dent, but I figured that either you ' and have light brown hair and brown Now God became angry with Mot- I with knowledge and foresight not j * n a v e " * » £ Been . t n e in that damp climate decayed and had no room for my letters or that j eyes. I am four feet four inches in es, to waken him out of his back-1 natural in so young a bo>. I <* My people, that are in Egypt and crumbled baclt" ti dust after about they had been mislaid in the mail, height: I am also a great bcokhave heard their cry, because of the wardness and diffidence. } "He plant to steal the King's fifty years.- Then the ruins were so I am -writing again. I am eleven luver. Yours sincerely, Mildred "Aron t^e Levite is. thy brother!" i powei", they said. At length it -was know their paint* And I am come levelled and new houses erected on j and one half and quite tall for my Reagler, (114 Front St., Wynne, he *aid. "I know that he can speak agreed to put.the child to the test. to--r of the old. So the level of a {age, being five foot (most legs). I Ark.). Good for jou, Mildred! down to deliver them out of the A *>o\y] full of jewels from Pharhave dark brown hair, which shows city was always rising! and to brinjc Can you ask a question? All I meet t W and when he seeth thee aoh j, t r e a t y , and a bowl full of, hand of the Egyptian*, J* ^ ^ a Now the University of , Pennsyl- no wish to curl, and greyish-blue right, then 111 tell you. "What doe> h- - I I be glad-at heart. And thou I rec'-hot coals were brought ,n and la^,_unto . l m d flowi with eyes. If any time I had nothing to j vania joined hands with the world'y-e-s' spell?" speak unuto h.m, and put tre , »et upon the table. If Moses *ouM j Conw famous British Museum, and sent do ard wanted a week to do it in, I w.nfe into his mouth; and 1 will b e ' r e a c h for the gems ,t would prove . f I'd count my freckles. I am in the ' Did you get that Number Puzzle Mr. C. Leonard Woolley, a brilliant with you. and I will teach j o u what" that he knew what he wa- doing aoh. xnat that inou thou onavesi onayest oring bring TO forth archaeologist, with a staff of-men to seventh grade and am trying to make J by Nathaniel Fensterstock right? j— _ .,-_ , . , . . ! • • * > aon. it in one term. {1 have hopes for | Here are the clues: HERE, THERE AND EVERYy' '""dilf'ii^ .and explore among theruins success.) My lifelong ambition has ye shall do. And be shall speak for'and that .there * « , a meaning in it, o f U ^ e l ,. spell the second thee unto the people and unto PharMoses said: "dt'Ur^of "tfie Chaldees.. They" went 1 " WHERE/" x-' ':-' aoh. Go. And take in tby hand, | H he wanted the coals, however,, it been, and still is, to be a poet or an note in the mur 'Who am I, that l.ehouM so. unto Discoveries at Ur, fritfm the time of dtfwn *hr ough eight "strata"—that J author. Now I think I'vs taken up sical scale—"R" ER thy shepherd's- «tan", for with it thou ; would show that he was but a baby, means layersV-of houses; therv there and that" I hhoulfl the Flood " ",'" .-. enough of your time with my re- 2. Letters sh'alt do signs and wonders before | an^ should be allowed to l n e . 4, 5 When' you help mother wash ,the ^w^reT'four layers of the prehistoric quests and descriptions, so 111 close. and 2 spell a fe_, , ., , , j •*•. « ii i foith the children of Isr: el out of1 had. forgotten tht dishes^ and dry the chia cups and "factory where pots were madje. and Sincerely yours, Eleanor Weinblatt," minine pronoun Pharaoh, to pro\e that I. who send j Now Motes really was a eleven , the rashness of-h'iis SJ saucers, and the earthenware casser- below that,^ two strata .of "graves. (2194 Cedar Ave., Bronx, X. Y.) thee, am the Lord." > \ oungster. He knew that the jewels] *\' . ° "She" . . . . E SH J told him el on in s 1<eason ole, she sometimes says, "Take care. The ' earthenware cups and fishes Elenor, your requests are feo exotic, The voice cea>ed speaking; the file ' were bright and pretty and could be j T B S 3. Letters 8, 7,, 1, uth Hl> Don't'break them!"—China and pot- that they found, whole or irl * frag- that I don't think I can fill them. frded from the thornbush. B u t . safely played with, but he didn't like [ > ° and 3 spell an ments,and the inscriptions on'1- tab- So I'll just ask any girl in Nebraska tery afe very brittle. Moses, from that hour, v a s a d.ffer-! the coals. He reached out therefore, j ^ h a t J t , V B 6 B *«"«eiidous task, an. old preposition Isn't it wonderful then, that earth- lets of stone and glazed " "bricks, or further west, or Virginia or furent man. The strong purpose of his | for the rubies and emeralds. B u t h ^ ^ o d e s ^ made him feel unequal meaning "near U Bul Uod 1 1 enware pots have been found buried showed" Mr." Woolley as he.' went ther south, or Mexico, or some foryouthprime, and the visdom of j ddeliverer, God., overangel, Israel's certainl> ^I' 1be ^ with thee; and e i e rwatching e , sent an g , whofuture, g a \ eg]] to"—"nigh" . -. G H IN his werethoughtful now united in him. in the-ruins of the ancient city of down, what the period was and" what eign country, if she sees your letter he th . . hastened home with' ...... ;.he .... sheep. ........ hi* hand a pu*h. The llittle fingers' * " «>u ha«t brought them forth, h Th i l fi' 4. Letters 6, 7, and He Ur—-that first home of _ Abraham ? was the state of civilization at that and wants to answer it, to go ahead. and said farewell to Jethro. Then he j closed on one of the hot coals. It ( >'e s h a I 1 «"ne, all of you, and serve 8 spell a word Some 'of these pots. have, lasted since time. He writes that he and his And I hope you have luck! By the took his wife and his two '-ons, and j burned him. and not knowing w h a t ! G o t l o n t h l K mountain." meaning "to the earliest' beginnings of civiliza- helpers are now at the level of the way, does Selma Weinstock (New W I N set out for Egypt. ' to do with it, Moses tried putting it I " (Continued on Page 8.) succed" . . . . time. of Ihe Tlood.. .For all 'around York) still want a correspondent? tion, before the 'dawn of"history• •
If she'll write me again, 111 attend to her immediately.
The Independent Voters' Lea|||
Now for some bhorc mes&ages. For Harold Hourvitz. O. K. Harold .Glad your satisfied, Freda May. All right, Howard, I thought so. You'll know 'htfW to send them, from now on." -Ftrances, tht poem is not quite true, to history. Read it in the !* "He. ' didn't mean . to send
I ' ' TiL
Have Indorsed This Tfcfcfit V >•
Vote for These Five- : /
celleSt book report! vfjiksh I've imnehqw never f6und the "space" for. Here it' js, n&wv . u ' ~ . ' /•Cardiga«*V-7By" R." W. Chambers. """This book na^s, for its background the Revolutiona'ty" War,'v a most. ro» "maritic' Daclfgrbund youU agreet M.c^aeF Ca'rdi*^tn laves, Silvet'Hedls. without 1 khq~w)itg it. " few ' whew %a discovers1 that*som6one elsejoves^er, ; lie'_ then, reafiies.' the,, t S t h . tL if/| >-6u TdJ* this booic,:, I'm • sttre1 "yTnVn -nave ,most^ .enjoyable .ttipe following i Michael, "through the '.capip • t>f the Indians^'where he was^nearly burned aVtlie' stake,' sk 'a.mSejUng 'of"the Minute. Men -in, prjsprt, "an^ finally at ilw marriage 'of' Jilfciiael -to'-«ilvejHeels. "Youircfj'Wth-JBilver Heels| 1 sigh with" ^Michael," gripa^youx teeth ]lat W a l t e r S u t l e r , despite, iny Lord "DuHSiore; "pity Logan, and1- finally laugji "jtiH your,side. i4>lits at the antics of Mounts .a .big. lumbering brute with tinjet-ttndv&ssr of a child of three. Youil'talk^ith'iPaul Revere, and ytfU^ll- seefJfhe.t\i-6 lanterns in the old ?t|rth : "Cl}tirch t l signifying that 'The Britisfi &ce coming by ^sea.' By the way, do you "remember Longfellow's 'Paul Revere'—'One . o f by land, two if by sea'?—YouirHsten to orations that stirred the world, and finally, you'll close the book tearful yet happy. By all means read this book!**—We can be certain that Julian enjoyed it, and it's very likely that you, will, too. "Dear Miss Ish-Kishor.—I have been reading your page for a long iime, writes Israel Gordon^ "but I was undecided whether, to write.. Bat I am so interested" iTiat T'mustwiiteL My name is. Israel Gordon. My a d t dress is 315 West Main' St»j NorAfichi Conn. I am nine yealts rold—and-.:in the fourth grade. I go to-Hebrew School and can speak tne Hebrew I i n g u a g e quite fluently. .jjOur Hebrew School teaches Hebrew only. I also have a brother who goes to the Yeshiva College in New York, and I Jjope that some day "I' will also be kble to attend the same school. I remeain, Your new member, Israel Gordon.'' That's quite a letter for a nine-year-old, isn't i t ? jlsrael's a smart boy, *.nd I'm sure his familyis proud of him. \;
..v -
As candidates for City Commissioner we believe that the people of Omaha are entitled to know our position on matters of interest to them. We recognize that all citizens of Omaha are stockholders in our City, and that-when electedwe will be the directors representing such stockholders. For jthdse; reasons' we are y issuing this jointl , statement. ' "" " ** We hereby pledge ourselves: 1.
To give the people of our .city an efficient, ' economical government' to the end that taxes may be reduced. 2. To adopt a budget system and to limit bond issues for public improvements each year to the actual and immediate needs of the City- for that year. 3r T-o immediately and completely divorce the - police .and fire, departments from politics, ~.aiid to giveKthi commissioners andth'e members .of those departments an opportunity to do their full duty without outside inter• ference. "4. To co-operate in every way with the commercial and civic organizations of the city • - in the bringing of industries to Omaha, in ; the advancement of the City, and in the "encouragement of Omaha institutions. " 5.- To encourage- the location of air industries, '» • td Hasteh the completion of the municipal • airfield, and to conserve the Missouri River Front for the benefit of all the people. 6. To establish a city purchasing department and to eliminate the present wasteful, extravagant system of each department doing its buying. 7. To establish "a .general •• municipal 'garage where all city cars will be tejpt.and to abolish use of city cars for private purposes. . 8. To co-operate in every, way with the Metropolitan Utilities district, the school district, and Douglas County, with a view to affecting greater economies in the cost • t of government" and 3eereasing" public ex-
••;.• ••/•--
To devote all the fees that are paid by golfers oriTnunicipal courses to the maintainance and improvement of those c o u r s e s .
• • .
• .
- - .
- ' \
10. 11. 12.
political To stand squarely against any. and every encroachment upon the rights of the people by a n y corporation or private individual. •-•'-,'
Sidney Aronovitz "Celts' iis • some; i surprising •" thiiigg—I ^mean, -the^'re,terd.. to reaiize!—abaufijife . in, the; sc uth." iHe jsays; :"I-"think; you"r/Sab> ibath Angel;.mast ,e«""|«y; the _FlorSla. fee frfreezmgV iNow "you. must: come south and enjoy the southern sunshine.'' W e play ball outdoors in Bhirt-sleeves, and we take a swim in the Gulf. Come along and have a
Re-elect the
The Square Seven, composed of the present seven City Commissioners, ai>k re-election upon their record of Sound Public Service. They have given to Omaha a sound, safe and sensible government. They have been efficient and economical in the operation of their .respective departments • - SEVEN FOR ALI ALL FOR OMAHA
Clip these names and take them to polls for reference.
I M P O R T A N T They are FAIR and TOLERANT. Thev have no RACE or RELIGIOUS PREJUDICES. They believe in fair play—regardless of creed, color or religion.
Heard and Seen in Washington
bill proposing that -with the exception of certain relatives and other nonquota and preference categories, all ether immigration should hereafter be controlled by a system of selection depending on the economic needs of the country, which •would be determined in regulations issued periodically by joint action of the Secretaries of Labor, State, Commerce ard Agriculture.. It is already clear—that such a measure would place tremendous power in the hands of the immigration authorities and the consuls abroad. Under the present laws, these officials have very little discretion, as the categories of admissible immigrants are specifically defined. Under the Allen bill, however, gross discrimination against immigrants could be practiced. At present, every immigrant is on an equal footing, and must wait until his number is reached. "First come, first served." Under the new bill, however, there could be extreme partiality and abuse of discretion. Moreover, the four department heads, might, if they so determined, suspend all except the non-quofa immigration figures.
By Mordecai Among the recollections in connection with the death of the late ANNA PILL, Correspondent Chief Justice Taft, was one evoked on scanning a photograph of the B'nai B'rith delegation which presented a gold medal in 1912 to Taft, Summer Formal then President, as the individual who had contributed most during the Planned by Pi previous year to the welfare of the Epsilon Tau Jewish cause, through his action in notifying Russia of the proposed Plans are being made by the memtreaty abrogation arising from the Mayor W. D. Hayes Will Be bers of the Pi Epsilon Tau Sorority Shaare Zion Mother-Daughter discrimination against American JewBanquet This The Principal to hold a summer formal in June.' A Short Story by Nina Kaye ish citizens. Monday Speaker Miss Rogie Kozberg is the general j Of the ten members of that delechairman for the affair am! will be gation, whose picture, taken with Mrs. Max Fromkinj of Omaha, An event which will undoubtedly assisted by Bernice Levin, Serene the President on the portico of the draw a large attendance of Sioux Barrent, Louise Herzoff, Ida Levy, Nebraska, will be the- principal Short Story by Nina Kaye new assurance. If Julius Klein, who White House following lunch with City's most representative Jewish Beatrice Levitsky,, Elizabeth Pass- speaker at the Mother and Daughter -'It isn't", said Irma Miller, her "was in love with Irma Miller, enjoyed him, only two remain alive—Rabbi Citizen's and leaders, will be in the man,. Margaret Kozberg and Neomi Banbuet, Monday evening, April 28^ black •; eyes flashing with amusement going out with her, then surely she form of a Balfour Memorial Service, Horwitz. - . . • . . : which is to-,;e given by the Ladles though her • mouth was serious, "it wasn't the insignificant little nobody Edward N. Calisch, of Richmond, Virginia, and Major Julius I. Peyer, Auxiliary of the Shaare Zion Synaand will be held in the Jewish Comgogue. Mrs. Fromkin is active. in isn't as easy as you think. I can't she had always believed herself.) of Washington, who was the youngmunity -Center, Thursday evening, Jewish communal work and is a mem- just say 'eenie meenie minie mo' like Often, now, on nights when' Harriet est member of the delegation. may 1, at 8 o'clock.. The meeting is Hebrew Mothers Glub ber of the Ladies Auxiliary of the we used to do when we where knew Irma must be out with Irving, There was another Washington being sponsored by the- local Zionist Planning a Luncheon Julius stopped at the tobacco shop Jew, -whose name has not been often Conservative Synagogue in Omaha. children." Organization as a indication of sorto call for her. And the joy of that mentioned, but who was still more "But love!" Her girl friend Harrow at the death of this great friend Mrs. S. H. Shulkin is the general Despite all these objections, it rePlans have been started for the first evening was repeated. And intimate with the President in fact maines to be seen whether organized riet pleaded with her. "Don't you of the Jews. chairman of the affair. A' morality Annual luncheon given by the HebMr. Barney Baron will preside at rew Mother's Association, which is play "Every Mother" will be an ad- know which one you love? It Harriet knew that she was admired. one of Taft's closest friends. This Jewry, speaking through such bodies Perhaps that is why she smiled, so man was Gus Kerger, one of the as the American Jewish Congress, the meeting* and Mayor W. D. Hayes to be held Tuesday noon, May IS. ded feature of the program and will shoudn't be a matter of choosing at all. Your heart should tell you encouragingly at Irving Segal th* veteran Washington newspapermen and the American Jewish Committee, will give the principal address of the Mrs. J. Shindler, who is.the general b i presented by Mrs. J. C. Levin, next time she went to the Commun- of - . ' , . . . ' . - • evening, speaking on the personality chairman for the affair, is urging taking the lead, and Mrs. Meyer which one to accept." will decide to oppose this bill, as It was said that few men .were they have opposed practically all reof, Balfour. Rabbi H. R. Rabirio- every mother interested in the • Tal- Daskorsky, Mrs. William Mazie, "That's just it, you can't under- itp Center dance. And because Julias witz, Rabbi T. N. Lewis, and Mr. J. mud Torah to show her interest by Mrs. Moe Lazere, Miss Marcia Ro- stand because you've never been in and Irving danced with her others more often consulted on serious po-l si rictive immigration measures in Aizenberg will also speak on the being present at this luncheon, where binow, Mirs Sara Weiner, Miss Ida love. I love them both, I tell you. sought her out, coming for a second litical questions by the then President the past. If they do, the Jews will merits of the Balfour declaration some vital questions pertaining" to. the Heshelow, Miss Florence Kaufman, It's just that I can't decide which and a third dance. Her cheeks shone that, this, Jewish correspondent, who have to assume the risk of being acand' the great work of Balfour. Can- Hebrew School will be discussed. M5ss Helen Herzoff, Rebecca Still- one I love better." Irma flung her- brightly,, her eyes glowed and even though often obtaining favors for cused of indifference to the economic to • A. Pliskin will chant the- tradiman, Inez Le<»ff, Fanny Zifkin, Rose- self across the daybed. Harriet Irma took time to tell'her how love- others, apparantly never asked the a> d social welfare of the country. tional memorial ritual in memory of abel Wigodsky and Leah Herman. crouched at her feet in an attitude ly she looked. When Irma went President anything for himself. He On the other hand, even if the bill Balfour. . . . Miss Eleanor Lefke /will bassist with' of adoration she unconsciously as- home with Julius, it was Irving Se- was one of the best, beloved journal- is not primarily aimed against the SADDIE SHULKIN IS the production. sumed before radiant Irma Miller. gal who offered to drive her home. ists in the national capital, and for Jews (and it is probably not) the Plans are being made to accommoELECTED DELECATE TO date a capacity audience, at this HAD ASSAH CONVENTION Miss Dena Baron, daughter of Mr. "If they only wouldn't insist on my When Irving started the car in a many years was the actual head, in; new plan would certainly hit the meeting. • ' • and Mrs. Barney. Baron,-will-^sing a decision," Irma complained. ."I'd be direction opposite from her home, or out of office, of the National Jewish immigrant hardest of all, for At a meeting of the Junior »Ha-. group of songs. The mothers will content just to go on like we have Harriet. did not expostulate. After Press Club, the organized body of be would probably experience the greatest difficulty, in qualifying under dassah Chapter,- Wednesday evening, be represented by a snort'talk by been. Goodness knows, even that all, this was part of the fun, the fun Washington news writers. the "selective" scheme. Miss Sadie Shulkin, President of the Mrs. Barney Baron, and. Miss Rose hasn't been easy for me, fibbing to that Irma had always had} that she Adolph Lewisohn, the multi-milorganization, was' elected as a dele- Lipman, Superintendent of the Jew- Julius so I could make a date with had . always sighed for in vain. He It is the old story of. the Jew as gate to/ the Hadassah Convention,, ish Community Center will speak Irving and doing the same with Irv- drove down to the shore. Then they lionaire mining magnate, who is a an economic misfit. The bulk of which will be held in Kansas City, for the daughters. Several novelty ing when I want to go out with got out of the car and walked along patron of New York's annual Sum- Jewish immigration under present dances will be given by Sylvia Fried- Julius." Irma plumped the pillow. the beach, the sand crunching under mer open-air Philharmonic concerts, conditions, represents trades and ocThe feature of the regular month- May 17 and 18. "I've been seeing them alternate their feet. Irving talked to her is one of President Hoover's oldest | c u p a t i o n s f o r w h i c h t h e r e i s t h e About 15 girls have signified their nran. ly meeting of the Mount Sinai Tempabout the stars and the moon traille Brotherhood, on Tuesday evening, intentions to attend this conference* Mrs. M. A. Herzoff and Mrs. Philip nights, trying to decide which one ing its skirt in the water. When frequent visitors at the White House, j least demand in the United States. " I'd rather be with. But when I'm Mr. Lewisohn next month will tele-1 One is here indeed reminded of April'29, will be an. address bjr A. After the business- meeting Miss Herzoff are in Arjge of the dinner Harriet got home the stars werre alj Sholom Aleichem's phrase, "Es is* B. Darling, of the Toy National Ida Feldman read a paper, the Third arrangements, with Mrs. David .Ma-- out with Julius, I find myself think- ready fading out of the sky. But brate his eighty-first birthday. ing about Irving. And when I go Project of the Junior Hadassah in Mr. Lewisohn travels several times j schwer zu sein a Yid". Bank, on "Some European Problems." zor. in charge of thf dining room. ; : she knew there would* be many such each year through Washington, and out with Irving, the next night, I A nd this applies not only to the The meeting will be preceded by a Palestine. Pardes Anna. . ' • The men memhers of the Kadima can't help thinking about Julius all nights for them and she was so apparantly never fails to call on the poor Jewish immigrant, but in a difdinner at.6>:30 in the social hall of Club will bervc. the dinrc. happy she could not sleep. President, who has been, his friend ferent sense to those who have been the Temple. Mr. Otto F. Bridge will BUSINESS GIRLS TO ^ Plans- are being made to accom- the time." Irma came to her house the next for many years^-since the days when entrusted with American Jewish er.tertain the members and guests Harriet shook her head. "Yours is morning before she was out of bed. BANQUET WEDNESDAY modate a capacity attendance. Herbert Hoover was a mining en- leadership. after the dinner. As a part, of the a sad case," she said. "Why, half, " W e l l ? " she. demanded, "since gineer? for the acquaintance of the On the one hand their hearts go regular program Rabbi Theodore N. Oyer eighty mothers and daughters the girls in town would gladly change you've been going out with both my two men goes back to the time when out to their oppressed brethren in Lewis will' "give a summary of Jew- are expected to attend the- -Annual places with you. ; .I'm sure I would." friends, have you decided?" they had business with each other Europe. On the other, if they opish. Current" Events which have oc- Mother's and Daughter's baiiqueit Irma sprang from the bed. In a "Decided?" Harriet asked weakly. concerning mines and mining, i (Continued from Pag- 7.) pose the Allen bill they are accused cured during the ^. past month.. H. N. Which Is being given' by the Business -moment, her anus were about her Irma shrugged her shoulders im- It may readily be appreciated how (Of b e ; n g p o o r Americans. Such a S'pt&y, President of. the Brother- Girl's Club of the "Jewish Community 'hood. will be" the master of ceremon- Center Wednesday evening, April 30. :"pntwhen I tome" unto .'thfe' child- you, Harriet? Would you decide patiently. "Harriet, I've known you proud Mr. Lewisohn is of the present perplexing problem requires excepren, of Israel, and say to them, T h e a long time. Don't tell me you occupant of the Executive Mansion, tionally careful reflection and a great ies. " " • Miss .Sadie Shulkin will preside at God,of your fathers hath sent me', for,me?" . didn't asked Julius and Irving to take whom he knew as a young engineer, | ,j i f caurage and foresight. ) x the dinner'. The invocation will be and when they ask me 'What is His Harriet drew herself out of Irma's you.out, could help me decide starting to make his way in the ea o given by Anna Pill. Miss Sybil name?'—how: shall I answer them?" arms. "Of course* I couldn't. How Over 200 Witness which one to accept," world. The President, on his part, Merlin will speak in behalf of the God said: can I possibly decide which man you Harriet threw back- the covers. always seems happy to greet the now daughters and ' Mrs. Abe Krueger TalmudTorah Play "Say unto the children of: Israel, should marry?" , Words of indignation rose to her g man who brings back recollecwill respond for the mothers. "But if you just got to know them lips. Ask them to, take her.out, in- tions of the days of his youth and j 'I AM hath sent me unto you." (I Over two hundred people witnessed A musical program will' be prewell, you'd be able to advise me. the presentation of two plays, given sented, and will be followed by a Am, meaning "The Living God'') Oh, you. must. Harriet, you must!" deed! She was about to reply ang- his own profession, from which he rily to Irma when she .checked her- has taken a rather protracted leave by the children of. the Talmud Torah, short skit presented by members of And God told Moses: tell the Calls on self. After all, what did it matter of absence. people, _and how to speak to PharSunday evening, at the Jewish Com- the club. •••.-,such now?" ;• . / • • • ' aoh; and He also.gave him two mir-J coul<* she ever munity Center. "A Seder Night" "You're right, [Irma;' she said, "I Ag if the menace of alien registaculous signs, that would prove to thing? She, who rarely had' and "Mother Rachael" portraying HAWKEYE CLUB them, beyond a doubt, that God'had "date" herself? She, whom the boys think you'd better man«^ Julius. Be- ration, pending in the Senate Immi- H well known phases In Jewish life, The Hawkeye Club has inaugurated sent him. At the thought of this danced with once at the Community cause, you see, I'm going to marry gration Committee were not enough, were depicted with accuracy and exa goli team during the past week. great responsibility, Moses still Center dances and then left to chase Irving myself!" another major immigration problem pression;: They were under-the dirTen players have been picked, and hung back, however. He could not after Irma Miller or the other popu- (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Tele- has arisen to perplex American Jew- j xt § 242-243 Davidson Bldg. ection of Mr. J. Aizenberg, of the at the next match next week all will yet shake off the silent years in the lar girls? . . ish leaders. I refer to the so-called graphis Agency, Inc.) Sioux City, la. Hebrew School Faculty. be eliminated but four. The ten However, next ' day when Julius j "selective immigration" plan which n Phone 55349 Added features of the program include George Fineberg, Martin wilderness. has been advocated by Secretary of "0 Lord,: I am not. a man of Klein came sauntering into her fath- ARGUES AGAINST BILL were several piano solos by Miss Kozberg, Dave Wigodsky, . Leonard when he %vants to BUY er's tobacco shop, Harriet could not TO BAN OLD TESTAMENT Labor Davis (also credited with being Sarah Weiner, and a group of songs Shindler, Phil Mirken, Morris Bor- words!" he cried out. " F o r I am help scrutinizing him closely. What or SELL the father of alien registration) and heavy of- speech, and of a slow by Cantor A. Pliskin. shevsky, Morris Lefkovich, Morris t o n g u e . " was there to this debonair young introduced in Congress within the 2 Cf«*/»lrn «tn«1 D/lll«]<* : Berlin (J. T. A.> — The Berlin .;'.•-. ; Lasensky, Morris Marsh and George man who had just opened a new j woman Bishop Schreiber takes sharp past few days by Senator Henry J. 3 OlOCKS &I1C1 DOlluS f SHAARE ZION Kuntz. The team will be picked by ."Who hath made man's mouth?" haberdashery store in town and "The First Jewish Synagogue in Philip Mirken, chairman of the golf said the Lord. "Or who maketh a about whom all the girls were rav- issue in an article with Dr. W. Alien, of Kansas, in the form of a tmtt man dumb or deaf* or seeing or ing? And just why had he decided Frick, the Thuringian minister of the United States" will be the sub- committee. blind? Is it. not I, the Lord? Now on Irma Miller as the one girl he j education, for his law that would ject of the sermon this evening at prohibit the teaching of the Old Shaare Zion Synagogue. In. addition An affair of- note, which. will no therefore, go; and I will be with thy t- ? Harriet found Testament in Thuringian schools beto Rabbi Rabinowitz' address, the doubt attract many of Sioux- City's .mouth, and tell thee what thou shalt, {.herself talking to him for the first cause of its Hebraic spirit. For Your Next Shirt—Hat—Cap—Sweater—Shorts—Underchoir and Cantor will chant the reg- yo:.nger set, will be the Annual speak." •'time. Usually, she contented herself wear—Ties—Gloves—Garters—Suspenders—Golf Hose—Bvds. Bishop Schreiber points out that! ular Friday evening ritual. ?' O Lord," cried Moses, "send Mad^Cap Dance, given by the Kappa th Swats—Hose—Pajamas, See Ending Turn a package of his the Old Testament Jews gave the Junior Congregation will resume, Chapter of the Theta Phi Sigma pray thee, whomever thou wilt! But ^ favorite brand and a box of matches, world the basis for its religion, its tomorrow morning at- Sorority,of Omaha, at the Blackstone I am not fitted for it!" merely nodding a good day. Now, namely Monotheism and the ten 10:45 o'clock. : (Think of that!—Moses was so Hotel in Omaha, May 4. The Herb 410 SIXTH STREET Well see next she carefully studied his laughing commandments. Hence she believes Feierman Orchestra will furnish the nervous about it. face and eyes that were never that the Jews belong to the united time, what God said about it.) MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE music and entertainment for the LOEFFELUS MEN'S WEAR SHOP serious. front of religion and are opposed (Copyright, 1930, by Judith IshA rreview of "Mid Channel", one evening* The dance last year proved Opposite Postoffice Next Door to Bus Depot "I say," he smiled as he spoke. to the anti-Christ, namely the ,NaKishor) of- Ludwig Lewissohn's finest books,, an enjoyable success and.plans for "How would you like to go some tional-Socialists. Money Back if You Are Xot Satisfied will be the subject- of the sermon by the coming dance indicate another Kabbi T. N. Lewis, this evening at success. Come and be mad with the MAY TAKE COURT ACTION : place tonight arid dance. I close my at eight and its awfully loneTo.stumble twice against the same Mount Sinai Temple. AGAINST ANTI-SEMITES store' Madcaps is the slogan for the dance. soniie eating alone. What <lo you say stone is a proverbial disgrace.—CiMontreal (J. T. A.)—While a con- to taking pity on a fellow who hasn't SOCIETY NOTES cero. . Spring Vacation at the various- col- ference of Montreal Jewish leaders got a date?" • The A. Z. A. Dance, given by the leges and Universities gave a numKindness is greater than righteousHarriet hesitated. After all, IrOmaha chapter last Sunday evening ber of Sioux / City students an oppor- considered what legal steps could be ness.—The Talmud. taken against a number of Frenchma had urged her to become better attracted many of Sioux City's tunity to visit their homes for severCanadian publications, hostile to the acquainted with both Julius and Iryounger set to -that city for the al days. Among, those who spent is as important in our daily life as any affair. Among those who attended last week end. in the city are, Isadore Quebec government who have recent- ving Segal. Perhaps, after she had equipment in the Home, School. ly been full of inflamatory antiS E F F ' S been out with him, she would be able from this community are Philip Do- Rocklin and Lionel London from Iowa Semitic articles, the assurance of to advise Irma. Factory or Store DELICATESSEN borofsky, Abe Baron, Bill Slotsky, U and Frances Emlein, Morris GorLate that night Harriet arrived ANI> Alfred Albert,. Isadore, Liberman, don, Fred Sherman, and Carl Saltz- L. A. Taschereau, Premier of Quebec, to the. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, home. With a weary sigh she SANDWICH SHOP Morris/ Ruben, Lillian Dobrofsky, man from Nebraska U. that the Jews of Quebec have noth- dropped her things to her dresser. Helen Friedman, Eva iipton, Spvel ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS ^ An aggregate of over fifteen thousand accounts anilV;ida; Heshelow, Ben Herzoff, Sa- Twenty members' of the Question ing, to fear from this anti-Semitic Oh, she was tired! How many miles in our various departments indicate that people of the die Ginsberg Rose Tessler; Jack Rez- Club held a stag dinner in the West agitation was received with great had she danced? But it was worth Sioux City district find "WOODBURY" services helpsatisfaction by Montreal Jewry. it. No wonder there was always a neky Elizabeth Passman, Neomi .jHiir- Hp.teL', .Tuesday-; evening. Following ful. First Class Although there was no fear of sparkleiir Irma's eyes. ' It was so TvitzX. Dan IJevich, Isadore Mirowitz the dinner, cards formed the evenguaranteed immediate anti-Jewish attacks, the nice to be taken out. To drive to a and .-Bertha Dimsdale. ing's entertainment. Premier's statement helped to re- tavern far from town. To eat in inlieve a certain anxiety that was be- timate solitude in the tiny alcoves of very reasonably We Invite YOUR Business Thii members of the Pi Epsilon Mrs. Eli Jacobson, of Chicago^ is ing felt.. At the conference of Jew- the dining room. To dance again priced Tau£Sorority met at the home of a guest at the hefme of her parents, ish leaders it was; argued that court and again and be told what a wonTeeth extracted $1.00 first tooth Missjlda;Levy r last Wednesday. MIST|Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rice." Mrs! action might make martyrs of the derful dancer you are. Each additional 50c painless Method ses Evelyn Chaikeri: and Ruth Cohen Jacobson T_^-V!__ _^__ •>..Esther B ^ L L . Rice. «!i_ anti-Semitic agitators, while others was > formerly Though Harriet didn't know it, All occlusal cavities filled of Omafta were \-quests. After a' expressed the opinion that "a French- that was just what she needed. She Silver $1.00—Gold $6.00 short" business ^meeting^ and discus- Our deeds still travel with us from Canadian Jewry might, no* want to .had always been taken so much for The Safe Home for Savings afar, sion :of the. Sororities plans for the pass judgment of members of their granted that nobody ever noticed •Xrid • what ^we • have -been • wakes • its J. C* G/vCarnival,,' the members .&d= d\vn Tace accused of spreading hatred her. Unconsciously, she held her 302 E & W Bldg. -Eliot.- lor- the "•tf journed to dancing and refreshments. . .—-.what- we-arex head'higher, her-eyes flashed with
"Eenie Meenie"
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