. /
Interesting 'and Entertaining
'?>. p.
In the
Interests of JexvisJi Community
Enured a» secona-dusi mall matter as poitoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under ttaa
27, 1921, at
vech 3. 187a.
VOL. VIIL- No. 16
s for Campaign Are Progressing in Encouraging Manner
Washington (J.TJL)—The Cable bill amending the Naturalization law in favor of women who married aliens and lost their citizenship by marriage" or residence with their husbands beyond the prescribed limits has been adopted by the House.] The Cable bill permits such women* to reenter the United States as non- Committees for the Recently - Formed Jewish quota immigrants and allows them Philanthropies Meet to Discuss Plans to obtain immediate restoration of for Omaha's Gigantic Drive citizenship by appearing before a court of the proper jurisdiction and taking an oath of allegiance -without delay or other formalities of any kind except proof of their identity. The bill now goes to the Senate and if passed they "will require only the
The O m a h a Jewish' Community: and develops it there." To show Center, represented by Sam Zacha-! that we are not dying as a people R. J. Goad to Speak; ConvenMrs. Mantel Is Chairman of ria and Ben Kaxlowsky, captured the even though we have no Jewish state tion Reports Will be Program, This debate championship of the Mid- he pointed out that the 4,228,000 Given Tuesday western Jewish Community Center Jews in the United States have flourAn open meeting:«i; the local lodge The annual Mother-Daughter tea Debating league Sunday' evening in ished. He told in detail of the maniand program, sponsored by the Jew-the finals when they downed the star fold activities and civic accomplish- of the B'nai B'tith; .xill be held at ish Women's AVelfare organization, Pittsburg team by a three-to-nothing ments and their close unity as -Jews. the Community Center oh Thursday Zacharia maintained that "the Jew evening, May 8, p. m. Ac•will b | held at the Jewish Commun- verdict. The Louis P. Alol trophy ity Center on Tuesday, May 6, at goes to the local Center as a result, is not assimilating but is merely tak- carding to President Milton Abra3 p. m. A very interesting program, three victories being necessary for ing part in community activities." harhs, an interesting program will He showed the continuation of Jew- be presented, with the public invited consisting of the following numbers, permanent possession of the cup. - :, has been arranged by the chairman | The local arguers were successful ish identity as a social unity within to attend. The main address'will be given on in upholding the negative of the the American . social system. "We of program, Mrs. N. Mantel: -• (Continued on page. 7) ... "Social Progress" by Ralph J. Coad, To Piano Selection. _.Betty Fellman negative of the question, "Resolved, Hans for the greatest mo- organization in the city. executive director of the Community that the Establishment of. a Jewish law. Pupil of Harry Braviroff ney-raising campaign ever held Harry Malashock, chairman of th« Chest and Council of Social agencies. State in Palestine is necessary for "Address by a Mother..'. in Omaha are daily rounding organization quotas, said his comMr. Coad has the distinction of guidthe Preservation of the Jewish Peomittee is now making its plans. Dr. ing the destinies of seventy-five ...-.„.. .....Mrs. J. J. Greenberg ple." The judges were Ma-^or Richinto form, according to Sam A. Greenberg, chairman of general agencies. "What My Mother Means to Me" jsd MetcaHe, former Chief Justice Beber, general chairman of the solicitation reported that the work «f Another headliner on the program ...„ .....Hadassah Silverman A. Morrisey, and Joseph Herbers, Jewish Philanthropies of Omamaking a complete list of every will be musical selections by the popdean of men at Creighton. Harry j Vocal Selections ha, the newly-orgar.lzed fundJewish man and woman in Omaha j ular Father Flanagan's Boys' band, .....Mrs. Grace Poole Steinberg Silverman acted as chairman for the | was now going on, and that from raising agency for twenty philthis being the first time that these Accompanied by Mrs. Irvin occasion. talented youngsters have appeared anthropic and religious organ- this list the prospect list will be Stalmaster The Omaha debaters contended Awarded Four-Year Scholarship before a Jewish audience. Father compiled. Goodman Meyerson and izations. A beautifully appointed tea will i that the' Jewish people: could con- j Harry Dworsky., who head the South Flanagan will mate a few brief reto University of Committees Approved by follow the .program. Miss Blanche tiTiUe to retain their Jewish identity! Omaha division held a conference marks. • -. Iowa The Executive Zimman, assisted by Mrs. H. A. without the establishment of a Jewwith the officers on Wednesday of . Another feature swlM>e the reports Committee Newman and Mrs. J. M. Malashock, ish; state in Palestine,; though they this week, and outlined general platiE Leo "Nogg, Senior at the Thomas on the quinquennial convention of is in charge of the tea arrange- admitted that this move, would be for the South Omaha work. Je. erson High School at Council j the order, held at Cincinnati this Dr. Philip Sher, president of the ments. desirable to aid in the unification of Bluffs, Iowa, wen first place in the -week. These will Vbe given by the Initial Gifts Committee Welfare Federation, announces Every year, at this affair, presi- tiio race. r,,..^^Extemporaneous, £._._,..-—r,._ Omaha delegates ironi the- Sixth Jewish . State Speaking Con-! the following committee appointments William L. Holzman, chairman of dents of all the other .Jewish womthe initial gifts committee held a en's organizations are. invited to be "The Jew's culture is part of him,") test, which was, held at Iowr City district—Henry Monsky; Harry- Lap- for 1930. These were approved at idus and Sam -Beber. '^ the last ..meeting . -of. .the executive present and give brief, talks on the Kazlowsky declared/' "Wherever he meeting with his committee and the committee:. _ ' . ' . ' " . work of their organizations. This goes he takes his, culture with him quotas for the initial gifts has been feature" will be carried out this year tentatively set. Executive Committee also. All mothers and daughters j "The work of this committee win : A. B. Alpirn, Sam BebeT, Dr. A. are cordially-invited. .. be the testing ground for the camGreenfeerg;-' Mrs. A. Greenberg, A. J A -board meeting will be held at paign," said Mr. Holzman. "Onr Berzberg, Win. L. Hoizman, Cad / C the Jewish Community Center-at 2 committee is now working and the Katleman, Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, p. m. on. May. 6, preceding the proresults -we have obtained BO far are Harry H. Lapidus, Harry Malashock, gram. very gratifying, and assures us that Henry Monsky, Henry Rosenthal, S. Omaha Jewry is willing to do itt Ravitz, J. J. Slosburg, Irvin StalmasSam E. Klaver, local attorney and ter, Harry A. Wolf, Mrs. Harry A. share in this eplendid work." president of the Omgha Hebrew^ club, Wolf, Joe L. Wolf, Harry B. Zimman. Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of .the j "Pittsburgh-{J.TJL)—Stirred by a | lias on . behalf ofI.SJ*e organization quota committee has beuuJKexkuur ^mixture~-.of: -emphatic -protest and; Belief Committee-, he heads taken active steps to see daily. -\vjth ,,his. committee carefully I praise, as a Jesuit .of7 a proposal to] that the senators representing Nechecking the prospect list as at Js j .endorse the •• project * of , a Jewish Mrs. H, A. Wolfr-chnirmia." " braska learn of the group's attitude The Junior and Senior Daughters.| -Eooni in the new Cathedral of Leanvmade and setting- the various individSocial Ren ice Committee on the Blease Voluntary Alien Regisual prospects' quotas. of Zioii wiJl sponsor a joint mothers' ing, a skyscraper,addition now being, tration bill which is now before ConDr. Philip -. Sher,-. chairman*. -., "I can say that in the many years and'; daughters' card party and pro-built for the! University of Pitts-1 Harry A. Wolf gress for consideration. gram honoring Mother's Day on May burgh, Jewish leaders of this city that I have taken part in this kind . Cortectidiml Tnstihrti*itir, *•Chairman of Budget Committee Mr. Klaver sent the following, tele11 at 7:30 at the Jewish Community have„jappealed. to_.quts.tanding__igadof work, I have never seen nueh taal gram to senators George W. Norris Irvin StalmasteK chairman.'"'"' , Center. The proceeds of the affair ers, effort and support by and from J«W8 .ior ,i&ei;t) Employment Committee" " Leo Nbgg" and R. B. Howell: will be given to the Jewish National over the entire city", said Dr. Sher. ^g subject."1 "'" v ^;-.?; J. J. Slosburg, chairman. Fund. All mothers and daughters ^e,.Pittsburgh Conference ,'ofrJew- last Friday, April 25. His subject '"On behalf of the thousand memBud gret-Committee are cordially invited. . Legal Aid Committee ish WomerFs Organizations sent to -was "Canada, and the Prohibition in bers of the Omaha Hebrew club 1 According to Harry A. Wolf, ask you to oppose the Blease Volun- J Prizes will be given at each table, one Hundred outstanding persons" a ! the United States." Wm. Grodinsky,. chairman. chairman of the budget committee, and refreshments will be served. questionnaire. The list was not con-j He was awaidcd a frur year tary Alien Registration bill. We": the assignments under the budget Wise Memorial Hospital Committee Members of the Junior Daughters of fined to local persons, but included, . University of feel this to be the entering wedge! p , , scholarship to the were made after a careful analysis Zion, a talented group for girls bet o and study of each individual agency oppressive legislation.liberty We and. are] A. B. Alpirn, chairman. tween the ages of thirteen and six- such names as Jane Addams, Chaim j i o w a Young Nogg expects to enter j ithankful for American : J Child Care * Committee was completed. " " " " 1 * " of * anything ""~ *"""* teen, -will be featured on the even- Nachum Bailik, Lewis Browne, John t l s e University of Iowa next fall. apprehensive that sug-j' "In setting the various amounts Cowper iPowj-s, Glenn Frank, John He has also btcn prominent in debatJeanette Gerson, chairman. ing's program. gests abridgement of freedom." that will be allotted to each agency, R. B. Howell immediately replied Sarah . Rifkin, a junior member, Haynes' Holmes, Albert Einstein, I j n g and forensics. He was -. member Coordinating Committee we took into consideration the preswill speak for the daughters, and Walter Iippman, Louis Lipsky, Emil jo f h i s school's debate -team which with the following telegram: Henry Monsky, chairman. Lud\sig, .Bishop Francis; McDonnell, \ tly won. the Drake Debating ent needs, and the future requirer M £ n Mrs. B. Eisenberg, a senior member, Dr. Julian Morganstern, H. G. Wells, Tournamer.t at Do. Moines. "Suggestions contained in your Free Loan Society Committee ments, and we have tried to allow for the mothers. Mrs. S. Platt is Chaim Weizmann, Henrietta Szold, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M.telegram respecting alien registra£uch sums as we believe will furnish chairman for the affairl tion bill will indeed have my atten- Harry A. Wolf, chairman. as well as: names of many-local men Nogg of Council B'uffs. sufficient money to comfortably operand- women. . •' •"-' < Old People's Home Committee Two years ago the Iowa State' ate the institution for the coming As a result of this - investigation Extemporaneous Speaking .Contest 1 Harry Silverman, chairman. Dr. D. C. Platt to . year, in the cases of the local inamong world >ahd local leaders, the was also won by a Jewisi student ] Chesed Shel Ernes stitutions, End a sum proportionate Talmud Torah Committee Teach Oral Hygiene Pittsburgh ; Conference of' Jewish from Cour til Bluffs whe». Harold to what Omaha should give in the Women's" Organizations' at" an execu- Saks, then a Genior at the Abraham Jack Marer, chairman. Will Hold Election case of the national and internationDr. David C. Platt has just received tive - meeting held recentlyi" voted to Lincoln High School, won first place. Health and Hospital Committee al institutions," said Mr. Wolf, The regular meeting of the Chesed the appointment of professor of oral endorse the Jewish "Roonv project. Mr. Wolf announced the following Shel Ernes society will be held Mon- Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman. iygiene for the nurses of St. Joseph Of the one hundred persons to redivision of the ?42,000.00 budget that day - evening, May 5, at. the club and St. Catherine hospitals. Dr. ceive the questionnaires,' forty-four William Holzman Second-hand Bibles are hard to Chairman of Initial Gifts Committee will be raised in the coming camPlatt will conduct the combined class returned replies.' Of these -twentyrooms, at which time election of offind. A Chicago dealer in secondpa' gn: every Thursday afternoon. ficers will be held. five expressed themselves as believhand books reports that he has from After the announcement of Rabbi Bengis will address the He will also continue teaching ing that the Jews should have a j BENEFICIARY AGENCIES Exodentia, Anesthesia, and oral di- room in tne long heralded Cathedral and Mr. Harry Mendelson, who recently meeting on a subject of vital im- 75 to 100 calls a week for second- the creation of the Jewish agnosis at the Creighton University of Learning. opened a modern Hebrew school, has portance. Every member is urged hand Bibles and finds it impossible Philanthropies, t h e various AMOUNTS ALLOTED TO EACH to supply the demand. Dental College and St. Joseph hosSeven, whose names were not arranged special classes in Jewish to attend. Local 1 chairmen who were appointed pital, at the same time maintaining made public by the organization, studies for the youth between the Jewish Education $9,00f were immediately called into a his office in the Baldrige block. were opposed to a, Jewish Room. ages of fourteen and eighteen. • City Talmud Torah conference, and the general South Omaha Talmud Torah According to Mr, MendclsqnJ , this plans for the campaign, begin- Wise Memorial Hospitftl will fill a long-felt need. "The burn(S,00fi ing problem of American Judaism", ning May 19 and lasting until Oli Peoples Home 8,006 he stated; "is to bridge the wide gap. June 1, were discussed. between the 'cheder yahren' and National During the last few days the adulthood. Jewish Hospital, National Fred KosenBiock,_ t o y a l Cohen. Mil- budget committee, headed by "The Jewish boy and girl quit the One of the largest bridge teas of thai, ton Livingston, Ed Kirschforaun. J . <T. Denver 2,001 Wm. BoaBberp. Sam Colin, Mc- Harry A. Wolf met, the total Talmud.Torah just at the time when th e season will be given Wednes- Greenberpr, Jewish Consumptive Belief SoDonald. HRrry GiliiiBky. Harry Greeu. Ed At the April meeting of the Coun- mined as the amount of the scholar- they are intellectually most ripe to (flay at the Athletic club grill room Abrnms. Hurry Rubinstein, Max Burkeii- budget of ?42,000 was set as ciety, Denver 1.20C* Mrs. Unverzagt. Mrs. Carrie Livingscil of Jewish Women held Monday ship for this year. The scholarship best appreciate and understand Is- at 2 p. m. for the benefit of the road. ton. E. Wemberg, H. Knchman. Ed Trel- the E x - P a t i e n t s ' Tubercular Home, quota, and the various at the Jewish Community Center, fund was started this past year, and rael's finer creations. These courses "Lunch and Milk School Fund" of ler. 1. Boeenthal. iJnn Greenberg, J. Lij>Denver 80£ scy, A. Sluskin. Ben Nevrman, J. Blank, budgets for the different agenthe following ticket was submitted has been sponsored by the Education in Jewish history, traditions, folk- which Mrs. Millard Langfeld has Morris Jacobs. L. Somberg, Jos. Bonoff. Leo N . Levi Memorial HoiJThU Elotcky. Max Holzman, M. It. Cohn, cies were determined; the womby the nominating committee: Pres- department of the Council of which lore, Judaism as a culture, the Heb-charge. B t Hetie. H Ch Simons. Si H T TruKrin, r i pital H o t Springs SOP Chas. Harry , ,. . . , •, , , „» T ident, Mrs. Herbert Arnstein; vice- Mrs. David Feder is chairman.' Miss rew Renaissance and modern Jewish B. A. Simon. Simon. Dare Goldman. Barney Kul- I enS division, headed by Ml'S. J. Jewish Orphan Home. Clevej This affair is being sponsored by ]j-. Abe Brodkey. A. Greenberg. Max From]j\ Brodl _. .. . ... president, Mrs. Samuel Gerson; treas- Bess Weinstein is the recipient of life in Palestine will awaken t. per1.50ft Ike Levey. Sam Salzman. Henry Xew- H. Kulakofsky, held a meeting land the "Quarter-to-ten" Reading club, kin. urer, Mrs. Leo Rosenthal; recording the first scholarship. man. R. Raymond. J. Kosenlwrj: Mrs. Fred t interest ^ l i v i n g apprecia-, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Sftfi of the presidents of fifteen Tierce, J. Slosburc. E. Marcus. Mrs. committees a r e secretary, Mrs. Phil Schwartz; cor- Mr. W. F. Baxter' spoke on the turn in the-youth for• hjs -nations Hirschman. l>,ire Rosen, Sam I^eon, RobNational Desertion Bureau.... M women's clubs and societies, orr SchlefE. H. J . Abrams. Sam Wolf, responding secretary, Miss Hazel Municipal University; -In his talk rich cultural creationsJ hgve ^ formed Mantiel Grodlnsky. Sam Newman. Jnles National Home for Jewish tables yet to kindly do so." Reser- Newman. Degen; auditor, Mrs. I. D. -Weiss. Mr. Baxter brought out- the need of Chas. Kirschhraun. L. M. Cohpn, and general plans for that diviThose:• interested in, registering Children, Denver vations mav be made with either Flora Rosrnstock. Mrs. Stiefel. I . D . Mrs. N. Bernstein and Mrs. S. E. such an institution "in any city, and 'their children may call Webster 3318 . - ~ * n O n,Mo nfii» Weiss. Phil S-warfz. Ben Tonsem. Nnt sion were outlined. The young National F a r m School, DoyHarry Knlakofsky. Louis KulakofGiliriaky were named as the two di-_.i.-*. __--__-_4.4*- was _ _ - ••/. * - ionly _,^ _ • Mendelson M^.^.1 . .o2033 what an asset it to _not r see «Mr. at North Mrs David P. Feder, Glendale 1164, Klein n , , XT_-*I. sky. Rnbin "Kulntofskj-. F. Shpr. IJ. Pom-men's division headed by Philip rectorBi '••; At *the election which takes the boys and girls who attend but to 19th St. Mrs. Nate Mantel, Harney 5711, orroers, Samuel Gerson, Albert SchaJTer, Fer- Klutznick met for lunch at the lestowu, Ta B u r e a u for Jewish Social Redinand Adler. A. B. Alperin . Mrs. Mayer, Mrs. Millard Langfeld, Harney 7403. Cora place in j there will be further the entire population! - •-.•'• Wolf. Sam Bpber. Mary DanbEum, inivitation of William L. Holzsearch l*vey, J. Malashock, Manny Handler. "Jerusalem.—The harbor works at The following have made reserva- riiil opportunity for nominations from the Mr. J, G. Masters, ..principal of Harrr Eravirof. Ernie Meyers. J . Tousem. man, and complete plans for National Appeals InformatioR tl0Tls U t 0 d a t e Wm. Holzmnn. Harry A. Wolf. Mrs. Lanfloor. "•;•'..'. •' ' '•.•-• P ; Central; High school, spoke " on the Haifa Bay are proceeding rapidly it| Service ......... Mpsdames: Harry Uosenfeld. Mor- feld. Mrs. MnnieU Miss Lean Rhefeld. Mrs. that division were made. The Contributions of $50 to the Jewish needs of Central High, especially was officially reported here. "About tonTli<? L>cgen. Misp cgen. M i p Haze) lirgen. .Toe Hosen- j o e Pick. Chas. Robinson. Myrle Reefe. A. Leo Eosenthnl. general chairman, Sam Beber, Training School for Jewish Sol l d I^onis I Hill S l li p H leld. Hiller. .Sul Philanthropies and $10 to the Hadas- the. great - necessity of a new gym-50,000 cubic metres of earth have al- led. I o ni H HarrjjU U<>- Somberp. J. P.crkowit7.. Abe Greenspan. Atorris Milder. Morris hi Sam Werxhi'imcr, Thas. Schimipel, cial Work *sah Infant Welfare were also pledged nasium and auditorium. At the pres- ready been deposited on the break- Benthal. announced the advisory National MDJTIS Mi J, M pJSiFerer. l>nve Fetler. Hymie Ferer. Frank has Conference for Jewish Meyer. Mrs. Brando. Bsrve Greenberjr. Mrs. m a n , .Sam Uvtiiiuiuu.* S a m jkpplemun.* J n Minna Jint>t>s. Mrs. JSise, U p p . at this time. ent time there is no room large water which is now 350 metres out Ilns Unboff. J)art> Cohen, Ahe HerzberK, Ben committee which comprises persocial Work Il Bresler. Br e s l elr . iL i LI I don. d l lliss l i lan B l h I. U Uordon. Blanche. B l>anbauin, Clarenc* Eercman. Herbert At the board meeting preceding enough for the congregation of all from the shore. Calm water condi- Ilns Zimmnn, Mrs. B Ben Friedman. Mrs. Joe F i d M J (Continued on Page 2.) P B rosie ri Mrg. M Tonsem. T I. I Kohn, I. PtalmaBter. Julius Krasne, I- sons representing everx Jewish! Pepper. the .general meeting $500 was deter- the students at one time. tions are beginning to prevaO- . Dave Sosen-
TVili««.- 1 1 — ™ , « , i *
T T . J~» ' 1 I T - 1 1 _
Mrs* Arnstein Named for Council Presidency
Lunch and Milk Fund Will Give Bridge Tea
.. .«
FOR DRIVE Is It Advisable for the Jew PLANS ROUNDING OUT I and the Gentile to Intermarry!
thai. Dr. A. Ilulralt*. M. SdcOW, Harry I I Delta Epsilon, Morris Brodkey; Pi Silvcrmau. B. A. «mon, J. Slosbtirg, Jr., is the one time in the history of \ Summer, IxvVn Ktaimaster, 1. Tre- iOmaha Jewry, that all Jews have' I Lambda Phi, Ben Kazlowsky; Thor- l>oui» I Ink, Harry Tf indht, Harry Welner, Fred . •pean Athletic Clab, Irrin Levlne; A. Whiff, N. S. Inffe, H«se Yoosem, E. Mey- combined into one real effort. Omaha-, \ «T. M M . M. t* I^ovenson, Mrs. Max From- Jewry should and will' rally to the' •|Z. A. No. 1, Sam Fregger; A. Z. A. kin, Mr*, H. A. AVolf, Mrs. I* Neveleff. | call!" ! {No. 160, Ralph Gross; Temple Broth-} Pledge Selves j ferhood, Nathan Jacobs; Psi Mu, Leo "Every man and woman on thje Man has already seen more than' Brown; Zeta Beta Tau Grads, Dr. executive committee and the advisMeyer Beber; Sigma Alpha Mu ory committee has pledged his or her he has time to do. (Continued from Page 1.) Grads, Harry B. Cohen; Senior OtrB* unqualified support, both financially ciL Earl Siegel. « and morally to this new work," said American Jewish Committee.'... ISO Sam Beber/ general chairman, to- Mr. Beber. "These men and women day announce the comp/etion of the represent every Jewish organization, ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN executive committee and the advis- group, club or society in Omaha, all Joint Distribution Committee ory committee as" follows: of which indicates that this united . f o r the .relief of European 2553 Farnam — AT. 6543 Executive Committee effort to raise money for these varJews and;the Jewish Agency ' •* — FUR STORAGE — Samuel Gerson. executive wcretary; H»f- ious causes, is a city-wide endeavor. . fo# Palestine ...li..». i4,fiibo T A. TVolf.cliairman budget eommlttw, By FLORENCE ROTHCHILD Philip tfiier, chairman qtuitn rommlf- The Jewish Philanthropies has been Campaign - Expends.—;„...._.— 2>4fc5 tiR tree; "Wfn. - t,4; Holaman, chairman gttt* committed; MrS. J. fl. Knlakofukr, rtidfr- approved and adopted by every with the assertion that^j-lhere and Mrs. Manning, Ruth's mother, =•- The question of intermarriage aian xvonienTs "ellvisiotor; 'Harry Malndhocfc, group in' Omaha, for it is an Omaha iictween Jew and Gentile is al, $42,000 chairman organization quotas; Dr. A. MULTIGRAPH provide the background of the clash innumerable instances when inter1 Greenberg, chairman general tiolfelfatlofi: plan. It will bring relief to the 9/jays a delicate one. Most Jews FILLING IN between races. Christian and Jewmarriage between Jew vatiii XDhristian "I-have: never seen' a group of GtmAirran, Meyerson, ehaljtnajiSouth Oma: pvoid it. But Louis Golding, FOLDING—MAILING Kufferlng through its agencies doing ha , division; Jack W. MaWf, chairman should take place may "bring violent fall in love, but Reb Monash and women more-enthusiastic about a pubifetty: Ph'jlfp Khitzftlrt. chairman '^Ke, distinguished English-Jewish IDEAL LETTER ADVERTISING Mrs. Manning decide that the mar-denunciation upon his head, but it drive in my experience in Omaha", yonng men's division: Harry pwornky. that work; it win educate the Jewish $LOi)elist, tvho has always been Vfenown for his interest, in Jewish- riage would be an unhappy one andwill not dispose .of him. Morris Forbes, Abe Forman, Arm GoM-children in things Jewish; i t will Call Our Phone for Service said Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, chair- stetn, Abe Herzherg, J. Hurry KulnliofHky, provide relief for thousands of sufiji'/e, has come out with the startU-.. •persuade,, their scl^iUtren •:* ; Harry H. Lapldus. Henry Mon«ky. T>nve AT. 2936—307 Paxton Block 'There are a-nuhtber of - scientists man-<>,f,the •£ng opinion that in many ca;|eiBf ferfng Jew« in Etn»ope; itwill give nosejisrfdeK-,-Snim Werth^tmcr, Jo«» L. 'Wolf, comes home to'Tfijis who;"have |rreviously^s -that intermarriages are justified . Tlie ably the reasol . i t IS, ,thafr;;OUr ; Isidoc-Ziegier, Harry/B,- Zimmon. *ii to ' i f f vmMm otese. The following is a brief summary of; e meantime * Avrom f is fg breeding -Mmong the/v OmahBtrwome^ ealize thergreat goo|J . ^ . ; ; Advisory Cjwynittee wtw-k of «$f tgttttm represented in —The Editors parried to Philrj£s; sister. ;Jtt is then billtetedthem •Sits views. | ^ a r i p W | f Q i r n § that^^rW^omplishedfey such »] <M1ttftn -^Abraham?,;; \£. -Bj Alpirn, Max the JewWhr" Pnil^hf6*opi«*- tt lbcat r 1 Barijsh, Rabbi Abraham -Bengio, Dave t amazing phenomenon hasiafcen " hat Philip cortfe$>to th#.conclusion of rp^ycK&al illnesses* 4ire constantly concerted eff , and became of JBWcfcer, tf.' BlazervvRabbi Frederick Colrn, nalfonal a * l inteiHfMdonal "fe scope, •••marriage between JeW-.-and Jew irie'r^asin^ ^among - 3Fews, they-^stafe city-wide p||ce and few Jews—the people ^ ;; taking into- its JMan Cohn^Dnve Fedttr. Rabbi N. Feldman. arid erety'ie*/ -..:':::..:. 1811 Farnam in Omaha iftould toe XSt. B. T,'.Frie*irtB.t F.'Si: ©oodriian. Dr. Whom it intimately concerns—haye_ is-in many cases'disastrous*,land fhat The- opponents- ofr'-^his xverir rpoint to every Jew in. ffeaaha." •*; Send Your Friends < *M. I. GoflJoji, Dirfe jGreenberg, • J. J. Ureen- a- metribei',; iiid *hoirid glv6 nis probers, Philip GreeiiberK, M. E. Ha-hdh*. taken note of it. For the first time oniy marViage oet-vWeii "Jew and the' -continued "'high rank'occupied by A Photo of Your Child WomW'u Groups Louis HlHef, Abffef Kalmari, S?am Kbivw; portionate-'share W « t d i of ti* tweni$' modern history a Jewish writer, Christian can save the race. But the Jew in every walk of life. Then At a meeting held at the Jewish Robert Kooper, Louis Kulakofsky, S. j . ty agendes." — Our Price 6 For 15c Leon. M. F. I^evengon. Maurice D. Micklin, •widely known and reputably known, let me give you Golding's own idea too, there are many psychiatrists who Community Center, last Sunday Morris Milder, S. Ravitz. J. Biklin. Dr. According to Samuel Gefsdn^ exech$s advocated intermarriage between of the situation, in referring to deny that neuroticism is on the in morriihg, thfec presidents _ of fifteetif A. Komm, Harry Kosetifeld, I # o Itosenutive secretary of the Jewish PhilJ%w and Gentile. The reasons he Avrom Farber. crease among the Jews or that they Jewish wdmeti's gwupsl 'met'i: with; anthropies, plans for the campaign "His own kind had married his are especially susceptible,_ to vit. giVes strike so close at home that & are progressing rapidly. He said Ms views should have been taken own kind for generation upon gener. FOR Whether Golding is righT*or wrong Ifee diij^-'iliefftllowiiig t- OMAHA that the various chairmen are reportx$ at once. The disregard accorded ation. The blood in his < veins was in his conclusions, it seenisflnevitabre attended" the meeting' and* pledged KOSHER MEAT MARKET ing to him the progress their comme ideas contrasts ill with the eager- as corrupt as the blood of the Phar- that his views will arous« wide com the support of their organizations: Delicatessen and Groceries mittees are making. All of the office ness which lesser details arouse and aohs who married their .sisters and ment when they seep into the Jewish Mrs. L. M. Rosenblatt, Jewish Day Niti Moscovitz, Propr. work is under the direct supervision •dath] which they are seized upon and the Renaissance perverts who re- public mind. His high standing as 1724 No. 24 of Mr. Gerson. garded no barriers of affinity. He a writer, his earnestness as a Jew Nursery; Mrs. J. Kaplan, Pioneer WE. 3817 fully exploited. Women's Organization; Mrs. J. J. was the fine flower of his race,-and Over 25« to Participate AND IfTh* writer is none other ;• than poisonous as the growth that grow do, it must be confessed, entitle him Greenberg, Auxiliary Conservative According to the present plans, it to his opinions. Syn.; Mrs. M. G. Cohen, Ladies Free j&uis Golding and his views jure ex- in the lee of charnel-houses. is estimated that more tfian two (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts Loan; Mrs.S. Platt, Daughters of pressed in his latest novel, called, BAND INSTRUMENTS "And in that moment ne (Philip) Featufe Syndicate.) hundred and fifty men and women Zion; Grace Kosenstein, Junior Haigr some strange reason, "Give Up realized that his own race was but New and Used will take an active part in the drive dassah; Mrs. A. Greenberg, Jewish Your Lovers". Golding, who isJknown a few generations removed from that GEO. A. SMITH for funds which begins on May 19. 4s one1 of the most brilliant Jewish same depravity. . His" father's kind, Wcmen's Welfare Organisation; Mrs. Cor. 19th ana Farnam Sts., Omaha Speed Up Appointments In addition to this number, is the Exclusive Agents for LEEDT Margraduates Oxford university ever too, was bom out of his father's J, Rosenberg, Senior Hadassah; Mrs. imbas. Xylophones. Drums and AcCALL London.—Tba British governmen young mens division which expects Ijirnfed out, has written at least a kind for generation upon generation. S. Canaf, South Side Congregation cessories. is taking active measures to spee to enroll the assistance of one hund|fozen volumes, all of them favorably Their blood cried out for dissimilar Auxiliary; Mrs. JL. Neveleff, Bikur red young men. fisceived by the critics. Strangely blood, to, give of their own quqality up the appointment of the Wailing Cholim; Mrs. J. Milder, Chesed Shel 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 Wall * commission that will invesenough he has always been jidenti- and to receive of its antithesis, to "Omaha will show the rest of the Emes; Mrs. S. Ravitz, Daughters of —Evenings WALaut 5077— tigate Moslem and Jewish claims to Israel; Mrs. K. Tatle, Deborah So*fied as the most Jewish of the Jew- refine and, be invigorated." world, that it can raise money for the ancient structure, it was an- ciety; Mrs. I. Rosenthal, Temple Isish writers. The book which brought 'worthy causes," said Henry Monsky, In other Words, Golding i s connounced in the House of Commons If given to |um fame in America was "Day of a member of the executive comrael Sisterhood; Mrs. J. H. Kula:ofsus will reDrummond Shiels, under-sec-Atoiiement", which was a passionate tending that the inbreeding among by Dr. I mittee.'Thia i s one campaign that I ky, Cotincil of Jewish Women. 1 ceive the plea for understanding between the the Jewshas,roade, for degeneracy, retarj ' for the colonies. His stateattention, believe; will go over the top in a "big A complete list of women workers of an ex- •way.". *>lder and younger generation^ among which becomes visible in both phys- ment was in response to an inquiry vrill be announced in next weeks is' -•-_..''" ' ' „•*"•; x ' pert HatJews. It was an intensification ical and psychical heuroticisnii In a from George Manders, Liberal, M. sue of the Jewish Press. Isidor Ziegler, another member of ter. f; Jewishness that Golding ,seemed powerful scene GoTding shows Avrom P., as to whether or not th« Comthe executive committee, said that in Yoang' Men's Groups trying to poison Hannah fit the very mission had already been appointed Stand for. > his opinion, this new plan of hand- LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS At the invitation of William L. hour ,prior to their Wedding*-' A and whether the names of the memling the funds for the twenty agen24<jl No. 24—WE. 6035 He offers a complete reversal of sudden insane fury had; swept over bers had been submitted to the Coun- Holzman, chairman of the Initial HENRI SOLIG ED SOZ.I6 ! cies, was an economical, practical iis position in "Give Up Yoqr him. Genferatjoji .upon'generation of cil of; the League of Nations for ap- Gifts committee, ;th« presidents and 214 So. 14 — AT. 6662 and feasible manner in which to raise frs", which the publishers ar£ adver- close intertnarriage - among • Jews, proval. heads of . ^urteen ytfung mens f the money". groups met and discussed plans for llSHlg with the catchword:. ii"When GdltHng-r would 'have us Believe, has "•Harry 1 "% ffimmatf, spoke =at flifi rPAXTON-MITCHELL jxah Jew and Gentile internfarry?" depleted their., physical strength -and the youngf lnemV* division^ Mr. Holz* HArney 6523 meeting of the women's division and 27th and Martha Stu. % Briefly, the story concerns a has,?. made • many of "their minds man spoke, as did Sam Beber, who OMAHA, NEBRASKA said, "The Jewish Philanthropies i s ifchristian girl, Ruth Manning, and wrecks. Constant .preoccupation' with outlined the gcM^d plan for the Soft gray, iron, brass, bronie an-fl Fixtures 6 Supplies entitled to the unified support of aluminum cagtlnps. Standard SizQ^ Jewish boy, Philip Massel. The the minutiae bf the Talmud through campaign. bronze and Iron bushings, gewer nailElectrical Contractors evjery Jew ijt Omaha, for jits work holes, cistern rings nnd covers aifd ,, ler principal parts are taken by many centuries is seen by Golding Every young man attending this clean-out doors in stock. All kinds of extends Jbo, «fi Jews' ,«aver trip face of tlivrom Farber, a young, dark-eyed, as both a cause and an effect of the meeting pledged the united support wood and metal patterns. J 1107 Howard—JA". 0288"America, Europe asd' ^ l ^ f i ^ ijliant student of the Talmud, and devastating .influence of millenia of of the group that he represented. MOVING — STOEAGE— 'hilip's sister, Hannah, Whom Avrom Jew marrying only Jew.v According to Philip Khitznick, chairSAX SLAVES PIANO MOVING Reb Monash, Philip's, father, man of his' group, it is estimated 012 Oraatt* Xat'l B*nk Bid*. Golding states the ' problem very NOTICE BY Pt?BIiICATlO>- OX P E t i that more than: one hundred young well in describing the; attitude of the Danish^' IIO2T FOR SETIXEXKICT O*1 FINAL Jewish men will ,take an active part Jewish hoy and the Christian girl ADMINISTRATION ACCerST in this drive. when they first contemplate marl a the -County Court of Douglas County, Pioneer; For 50 Years Xebrtska. "It is my understanding that this riage:. ':.•• . •; " ' •/••;•"• •••••• . In the msttei" vt tBe estste of Morris Your Towel Man Butters Belzer, deceased: is the first time that the young men "Their love was like a bright light All persons Interested in said matter of the city of Omaha, as an individOmaha Towel Supply Co. in the center of an arena, i in which are hereby notified that on the 28th day Thomsen-Slater Butter Co. • of AtlO, 1930, Xathan BelJieC filed a petiual gfoofr have taken a definite renothing but itself, was visible at 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 I tion in said County Court, praying that sponsibility in communal work", said his final administration account filed herefirst. But gradually, tier upon tier, in be settled antl allo-tred. and that he be Mr. Holsman. "You young men in climbing semi-circles age beyond discharged from his trust ns administrator.and thnt. n hearing Tvill be hod on said are to be congratulated for the age opposed to each other, the forepeiitton before tald Court 6n thi 24th day splendid co-operation that you have bears of that Jew and that Gentile of. Mar, l?30, anil that }t yon fail-to ap. pear before said Court' on the said 24th displayed. We older men are happy began to loom up and take ^hape Td*j-'off May; 1<WO. At » o'clock A. M.. atid to see yott take part in this work. I contest said petition, the Court may grant Anywhere — Anytime and substance; tigon the one hand the prayer, of said petition, enter a decree FOR YOUR It indicates a desire oh youf part, Anything ,; the scholars, the scribes, the orators, of hotrshlp, and make such other and furAwnings, Canvas Cover*, en ther1 orders, alKWnnees and decrees, as to to shoulder your portion of this rnv the martyrs, upon the other the this Court may seem proper, to the end Camp Supplies, All Kinds NATIONAL portant work and to tram yourselves that nil matters pertaining to said estate country squires, the batons, the free15 and Howard AT. 1493 may be finally settled and determined. for future eflfoffs." booters. And as - they stared imACCESSORIES, INC. BHTCE CRAWFORD, May 2—St. County. Judge. passively upon each other,: out of The following young men attended ^Everything for the Auto" MAX FROMKIN, Attorney their darknesses, the light at , the this meeting and represented their] GZ& Petrrs Trust Bid jr. ; 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 center of the arena, which had designated groups: NOTICE 4»F ASCEVmrfcNT TO 24 and Decatur, PhoneP^JOO seemed like the strong sun, flickered 16th and Howard • Compeers, Phil Feldmsn; Hai Resh, I C1K8 OF ISCORPORATION OT TORK BATTERY COMFANY and guttered like a taper and went fit. Wolf; Pi Tan Pi, Al Lew; Phi J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor J Notice is hereby given that at a spef ctat meeting of the directors and stockout, and the two figures drept away, Beta Epsilon, Wm. Stalniastet; Phi "NEW FOR OLD" . holders of the Tort Bnttery Company each from the other, and advanced I held at the -office of Max Fromfcin, CV28 jSALES LETTER^ STALMASTER AND BEBEIl, Attorneys 1 Tet^rf* TruKt-Bjiildins;.-Omaha,. Nebra^fea. toward the semi-arena- where his $ 4 8 1 . ,*• ; SlULTIGRAPflING 650 Omaha Nat. Bant Bid*., on-' Che. 20th day oT .Jah«ary, "iftSO. t*te Crty. ToUowiTifr amendments to. the Arf^rleB-iof — FOR RENT r-—T kind were assembled, tier Upon tier, .? MIMEOGRAPHING Iticorporrttlon were adopted by the afNOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIj PRINTING and became indistinguishable at Once firmative voic of all the Stockholders and TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAL by such adoption made effective. ADMINISTRATION ACCOTNT. in the multitude." . , Commercial Duplicating Co. In the County Court of Douglas County, Article S, was amended to read as folKitchen all furnished. Other 1511 Dodjje St.—JA. 4854 RUNNERS AND SNAGS Nebraska. • , , loSvs: There can be no question but that room unfurnished., ! "The purpose for vrhich tliis CorporaIn the nnrtter of the estate of Michael REMOVED Golding will be roundly condemned f tton is orcauizCfl and the powers vhioh Joseph Lynch, deceased: WEbster 3527 ' Jt shall have nre ns follows: To carry All persons interested in said matter are by thousands. At the same time, Bolt Hose Mending Shop on the trade or business of Tivaniifacturhereby notified that on the 11th day of AT ALL GROCERS inp. producinB, adapting, prpparitic, Im~ other Jews,, will very seriously ponder, One-dny service or while you wait April, 1030, David E. Beber filed a petition portinc ancl exportinc. buyinK nnd spllIn safd County Court, praylnp that his -^Mail Orders Promptly Serviced— the problem as pose8 by GoldJngV inc nnd otherwise dealinc in nny and Made by > final administration account tiled herein all kinds of brttferies find supplies: and 533 Securities BIdg.—AT. 3921 They figure in this wise. Golding, be settled and allowed, and that he be disto mnnufactnre, buy. adapt, prepare, use. Uncle Sam Breakfast Fonfl i charged from his trust as administrator 4420 Florence Blvd. import and export, sell or otherwise deal unlike many dther Jewish authors, ! arid that: a hearing will be had on said in any materials, articles, or things rpCompany ; petition before said Court on the 10th day has always been steeped in the JewKE.1500 qnirpd for, in connection with, or inJOB FOUNDRY of May, 1030, and that if you fail to apOmaha Nebraska oiiierttnT to the mumffactuiv, USP. purish atmosphere. He has written pear before said Court on the said 10th chase nnd sale of or other dealing in The House With A Reputation AND MACHINE WORK day of May. 1930. at !) o'clock A. M., and any mid nil of the aforesaid warps nnd about Jews not because he was not REINFORCING STEEL contest said petition, the Court may fcrant articles. To buy, own. sell, lcnse, imaccepted in other fields but because the prayer of said petition, enter a decree prove and otherwise deal in fltict WffTi of heirship, and make such other and reRl psfnte ftnfl personrtT property an tnny "Manufactured m he has found his closest attachment 1» incirtpnt tb thp main purpose of the further orders, allowances and decrees, as Omaha" corporation: fo loan, nnd to borrow moto this Court may seem proper, to the end in the problems, hopes and destiny ney aid to Tiuikc, PTPCute and dplivpr that all matters pertaining to said estate Baker Ice Machine Co. .of the Jews. For him to come out ' iv.orfga&Tfc. bon<Ts, nnd ofhpr eeoTrrlfips may be finally settled and determined. to spcurr- the rpfiaymf-Tit of any monpys BRYCE CKAWFORD. • hnrrowed. and to take as security for Third Ave. and 11th" Street 4-lS-3t County •'"•'5tlI-TO*r ABRAHAMS, Attorney fhp rppnyfnpTrt. of nny Tnftnpr lofinpfl. 400 BrandeU Theatre Bids. Phones: 89 and 519 mftftences. bonds and other spcuritips." IRVIN C. Times a day.we are in your NOTICE B r PUBLICATION OS Article 4, was amended to read ns folCOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA 301 Electric Bids. : - .neighborhood lows: +ITION FOB SETTXEJIEXT OF NOTICE TO NONRESIDENT CflARLES SIMON FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT "The cni>'*nl stork of this rorporptjon
liniis Golding, Well-Known Novelist, Gives I to This Delicate Question Which Comes i Up So Many Times ;
Kish Royal FURS
For Your Convenience
WEBSTER 4*2-8-2 I4I8-I42O NO. 24* ST.
Prescription Specialists
Jewelry Needs
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes •
2 Rooms
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
9 Harry H. Lapidus, President- Trees.
O c c u p y " !.".••
Over •JO.OOd Square Feet
... .^». Southwest Coriier ^. i a# ,,/El^enjtji ajid^DpUfi ~-jft ••'- ^phbrte "JAck'so Omaha, Nebt.
In the County Court of Douglas County,. Nebraska. -In -the Matter of the -Estate of Aaron p.u-benstein( deceased:. ( * All persona interested iii said matter are hereby notified that on the ICth day of Afcrll, 19!3O, Harry •Wilinsky filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account tiled herein be settled and allowed, und that he be discharged from bis trust as administrator and that a hearing •will be had on said petition before said Court on the 17th day of May. 1030, and that If you fail to appear before said Court oft. the said 17th day of May, 1930. at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of -heirahip,- and •mafce-sneli otfier and .further-;orders, al:lqwances,,an(J, ^decrees, as, to this Court
matters pertaining to iaid estate may be finally settled and- determined. BRYCE CliAWFOHD, April 23-3t County Judge.
i'AT. 4T50U-MA^ 4750 Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program
THE' CREAM or ja »ft
DEFENDANT. In the Municipal Conrt in and for the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. To John Dae, real name unknown, non^ resident defendant: , .. ','. You rtre hereby notified that on the JSth day of March, 1930 Joe Wmtroub, as uPlaintiff, tiled bis petition in the Municipal Court, of the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, recorded 011 Page 310 of Docket D 5, the object and PJ a >« of -which are to recover the turn of ?1!».UU with interest and the costs of.this action frbm you: that a FoM Conpe automobile-.> bearing license Xo. 57-13474 Iowa 1030 and Motor No. F. 574617 has been attached in the said action on the ground that you are a non-resident, of the State of Nebraska, and that, said cause has been ncontinued unto the 20th day of May. 1930. fit 0:W A. M., at which time you are required to appear and answer'in said cause, or JOUR: ,, ment'will be^taKen ajffllJist &Wi&&*?i?i .ince W i t h " t h c j i t t a ^ e f fne, By JHVIN C. LEVIN.. His April IS—3t
The Sanitary Laundry "The Best ot All tanndry Servlc*" 3813 Tarnam
PkoneATLANTic O639 5\S SO
shnll be Fiftv ThOTisftnd T>ollnrs (S.W000.00> rtivldpd into Five Hnnrtred (500) sharps of cojfimon stock, of, thp nnr valnp
Article 5. wfts- amended to rend as follows : "The eTriSfwee of this Corporation hecin on tho filinir of a copy of its Articles of Incorporation \ritfc thp fontitv Clerk of TMnclftS County, Xebrnska. provided hy law, nmi business inny bf> romnipncpd " when Twer>fv-t*o Ttifttis«Ti<1. Ono Hnndred PoUsrfl <$C2100.00) of nnpifflt *toCk shftll Tw snbsr'fibed Rnd naiii foi": sfni shnll odtitinnc for a jwrtorl Viftv (oO) yosrs unlpss soon"? disiolvpf' »>r the vote of tvvo-fhif(l« of t^e isswd aP'T ootstandinff cotnr^on stock.'* Pnffi nf Omeha. JCebrrtskn. this d«y of A-^r^.. iliw. ' -TORK-EATTET1T Cf^M-PANT ; B l 1 • '••?* "^' JSpTES. . ... 1 ***•-..±r JOHN VT. BQYI.E, ' Anril25-4t
i? • v - v•
•U?:Mr; :"jif?\.
'- - 't
Executive Com mittcc
The Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha is tfc'e outgrowth of several years of Intensive study and research by local Jewish leaders- Its existance is prompted to perpetuate Jewish causes by a united effort on the part of all Jews in Omaha. The plan and organization of the Jewish Philan-
A United Effort In the past years each local and national organization, and the Allied Campaign has conducted an individual "drive" in Omaha, or has been -financially supported by Omaha funds. The tesult has been a series «f~ "drives" for an everlasting chain of financial campaigns.
throples hasfceenapproved by the recent Jewish Communal Survey report. It has also been adopted and approved by every local Jewish organization, and each has pledged itself to assist in raising funds for the various Jewish causes. It is a city-wide effort by all Jews! ~
SAM BEBER, General Chairman SAMUEL GERSON, Executive Secretary HARRY A. WOLF, Chairman Budget Committee DR. PHILIP SHER, Chairman Quota Committee WM. L. EOLZMAN, Chairman Initial Gifts Committee MRS. J. H. KULAKOFSKY, Chairman Women's Division HARRY MALASHOCK Chairman Orgranization Quotas DR. A. GREENBERG, Chairman General Solicitation GOODMAN MEYERSON, Chairman South Omaha Division JACK W. MARER, Chairman Publicity PHILIP KLUTZNICK, Chairman Young Men's Division
Under tnli plan, all these organizations -will unite their eJfoiis in just one campaign to raise enough money toj&upply their needs for the coming year. tis anj£ffcrt bv everv organization in Omaha— a united-'J-cwrv for -a united cause.
Greater Results Through this "united effort greater results in .philanthropic and religious work can be accomplished. The individual organizations will be relieved of financial problems; they will not be required to maintain money-raising and collecting forces.
The cost <if conducting a united campaign 4s a" great deal less than a series of individual "drives.'* With the reduction in cost, more money" can be used to carry on the good >vork of the individual agencies. More effort can be.put to their Teal purposes. __
An Omaha Organization /The Jewish Philanthropies is an Omaha organization. Its officers, executive committee and , advisory committee represent Jews of every walk . in life, who are gathered together, once again in ,^a common cause. - \ The funds raised -will be used for Oniaha Jewish
institutions, for national Jewish causes and for the Allied Campaign. -Every dollar will be collected h e ^ in Omaha, and will be collected and distributed by Omaha people, and will be apportioned in accordance with the needs and demands of the.agencies. -
!•>-. „ .
20 Beneficiary Agencies Here is the list of beneficiary agencies that will receive funds from the Jewish Philanthropies. These organizations will not conduct individual "drives hereafter," but will depend upon the Jewish Philanthropies for their funds:
Give With All Your Heart! -
Give for Better Jewry!
Campaign Begins May 19,1930
*7 V •
[of the schools, industry, and community entertwo volumes by Jacob de Haas. It constitutes in itself a library of Zionj prises—with five times as many books as in 1893 ism and is an adornment, and enand five times as many book-borrowers, every richment of any library. Besidesj ft . Published every Friday at-Omaha, Nebraska, by department of the library is sadly crowded. The will be autographed by the author. THEiJEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY building is now totally inadequate; service is Remember, your joke may win. Send Journalism to Aid seriously hampered and handicapped. And the Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building them in, care of the editor of this United States New York.—Under the leadership paper. . library branches cannot flourish if the trunk Telephone: ATlantic 1450 of Peter Wiernik, chief editorial writThe price of the two volumes is Presents Rare Collection DAVID BLACKER - - Business and Managing Editor does not grow. er of the Jewish Morning Journal, ?10, and the,edition is virtually sold . . . - . . . . . - - Editor The Public Library has always been impartial, New Yor:;—Hon. Moses H. Grossleading Jewish journalists of New FRANK R. ACKERMAN out. This remains therefore almost By DAVID SCHWARTZ man, one of the Jewish Judges of York City have Organized for active belonging to all of the nationalities. It has the only opportunity of getting the FANiJlE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent treated all races, all creeds equally, has served New York, has presented last night cooperation in the Allied Jewish Cam- JEWS ARE LIKE THAT work. SIOUX CITY OFFICE a collection of rare legal documents, paign. This cooperation is to include the poorest as eagerly as the richest. What is : You may" have heard the story. A JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—808 Pierce Street the value of which defies computaonly the writing of articles and" ship lodded with passengers founder- HE DREW THE LINE more, the cost of the bonds which they are ask- tion, to the law school of New York enot They tell this story of one of the d i t o r i a l s b u ta l s o the personal parti ed near some remote isle. On board ; Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 ing for is only nominal—"seven cents on each one University at Washington Square, patients of Dr. Benjamin, who, as cipation in the New York drive. were 1,000 Catholics, five hundred Advertising rates furnished on application thousand dollar assessed valuation. This amounts from which he was graduated . in you probably are aware, is the AmProtestants and three Jews. 1894. The documents were presented to thirty-five cents a year to the average hbhieNothing to do—no other ship fre-erican exponent of the monkey gland CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old in honor of Frederick A. Brown, the Other €&Utitries owner—less than the price of a movie t i c k e t quented those parts. They decided rejuvenating practice. and new address; be sure to give your name. realtor and Jewish philanthropist, a to establish themselves on the re- A certain gentleman who had tried surely not too much for our Public Library. life-long friend of Judge Grossman's Morgenthau Give! $7,500 77 mote isle. And so they lived there, eating yeast, cold baths, sun baths, A Municipal University is alSo desirable, both and who is himself a generous con- Athens.—A contribution J f e $7,500 for ten years, when lo, another ship and iron tonics still found himself rather pepless. His wife finally perfrom a cultural aspect and a business viewpoint tributor io the University. , . towards th4 maintenance^^ two came into sight. HEBRAIC CALENDAR The presentation was made to Such an institution would result in the influx of homes for refugee fchildre"h recently The captain of the ship came on suaded him to go to .Dr. Benjamin 5690-1930 Chancellor Elmer Ellsworth Brown, opened here was announced by Henry the island. He found that the thou- and submit to a monkey gland inhundreds of students from the surrounding terLag B'Omer_ T _-_-^- ....._-. Friday, May16» ritory, and "would attract their friends and fam- in the presence of Frank Somer, Morgenthau, former American min- sand Catholics had built one great cision. . Wednesday, May 28 Shortly after the operation, it dean of the Law School, who wasister to Turkey, who arrived here to Cathedral; the 500 Protestants had Rosh Chodesh Sivan. iUes to either visit or move to the city. A stabilseems, he overslept. "Get up," said also chairman at the special cereMonday, June 2 attend the celebration of the centen- built two churches and the three 1st Day Shabuoth izing influence would be added to the cotnihtihity, his wife, "it's late." mony held in the^Washington Square ary oi Greek independence. .-Friday, June 27 Jews had feailt three synagogues. 'Rosh Chodesh "I'll get up," he answered, "but Playhouse. Chancellor Brown made which would aid vastly'in continuing Omaha's ._._Siinday, July 13 Mr. Morgenthau was the guest of .Fast of Tammuz.-..-.... I won't go to school." a brief address, as did Mr. Brown. honor at a great banquet tendered A RECENT INSTANCE prosperity dnd^wbuld supply a needed stimulus -Saturday, July 26 Rosh Chodesh Ab_— 1 am reminded of this story by A FOXY REMARK Warburg Expresses Confidence him by Foreign Prime Minister Ven- •what Sunday, August 3 to business activity. has just happened in New York Fast of Ab _.„_—:.-_.. Then, too, with the establishment of a Muni- New York.—The recent meeting of ezilos oft a tour through Macedonia City. There was a vacancy in one Talking about repartee, William Rosh Chodesh AUuL..~._..Monday, August 25 the Administrative Committee of the and Thrace to inspect the refugee of the higher courts. It is an un-Fox, ex-king of the movies, delivered ! Rosh Hashanah___._;_Tuesday, September 23 cipal-University the educational portals would be Jewish Agency in London was con- settlements. written law in the political circles a wicked fling at one of the lawyers the recent controversy of which Yom Kippur _...—.. .....Thursday, October 2 open to all, rich and poor alike—giving many, cluded in a mutually satisfactory of New York, that a certain propor- in In Excavation Project who could not otherwise go to college, an ophe was the storm center. understanding between all groups 1st Day Succoth— -—....Tuesday, October 7 Jerii&alem.—A joint excavation ex- tion of judges shall be appointed One of the lawyers of the oppo^unity to obtain a higher education. We and delegates coming from different from the Protestants, another proTuesday, October 14 Shemini Atzereth_.._ countries, declared Felix JL War- pedition to the city of Omari at Sam-portion form the Catholics and aposition, it seemed, grew very heated firnrlyj Relieve that our municipal university Simchath Torah: .Wednesday, October 15 aria by Harvard University the Hein the argument. ^ • become a tower of strength in burg fshainnan of thfe Administrative brew Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan... ..Thursday, Oct. 23 University, the Palestine Ex- third ratio to the Jews. Well, this "If this doesn't stop, we'll have to ^Coihimttefe in ah Interview on his retime a Jew was to have been named Rosh Chodesh Kislev___ Friday, Nov. 21 our community. Omaha would gain greater rec- turn, from Europe.' *Mr. Warburg ploration Fund and the British School to succeed a Jewish judge who had send for the ambulance," said Fox. of Archaeology was announced here "I don't need an ambulance—I am 1st Day Chanukah.....-.Monday, December 15 ognition as a metropolitan city and together with was accompanied by Mrs. Warburg by resigned, and I am informed from a Prof. Kirsopp Lake of Harvard not sick," said the lawyer. our present widely-heralded institutions of learnand James Becker of Chicago, and most authentic source that John CurRosh Chodesh Tebeth...Sunday, December 21who lectured that day at the Hebrew "That's true, and besides, if you was greeted at the pier by r. number Fast of Tebeth_™______Sunday, December 28 ing would grow in prestige as an educational University on "Early Christian Con- ry, the leader of Tammany * Jiall, heard the gong, you might chase of Jewish leaders. had told the non-Jewish applicants cehtfef. It would prove a decisive factor in the •Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. traversies and Their Modern Analothat this place was to befilledde-after it," replied Fox. lives of hundreds of present and future Oma- Mr. Warburg declared that he had gies." conferences twice with Premier Ramfinitely by a Jew, sntt that there Which, you will note, was but anhans. While; every .dollar spent on the university sey MacDonald, and he had great "SONS OF THE COVENANTS was no reason for any oth«r candi- other way of calling the lawyer an Jews on Italian Council "t would come .black in local business circles threeambulance chasing shyster. : ; confidence that the promises made by No force in world Judaism today is playing a fold, the results in ,a better manhood and womanRome.—Six Jews are among' the dates applying. the British government in regard to 150 members of the National Council But what happened? About a FANNY, I AM SURPRISED more commendable role in knitting Jewish life Palestine Would be carried out. The only good rule: Don't believe i repay us a thousandfold. of Corporations inaugurated by Pre-dozen different Jewish candidates got into one cohesive bond than the Independent hood busy-—no two of them could agree, it unless you see it with your own mier Mussolini. The appointments Order of B'nai B'rith, which held its thirteenth Far-sighted- citizens know that in the ultimate Movie Pioneer Dies and in the midst of the fighting a eyes. Now this department is not are for three years. The new* body Philadelphia. —Joseph- A. Mastquinquennial convention in Cincinnati the early conclusion'the prosperity and welfare of a city baum, is entrusted with economic and cor- member of another denomination got exactly gullible, yet even we never uncle of the late Jules E. suspected it of Fanny Hurst. part off the week. This conclave, attended by depends on "the culture and quality of its city Mastbaum and a pioneer in the mo- porative duties of great importance. the appointment. life! Passivi. acquiescence results in no benefits; I happen to be one of those who Fanny, how could you do it? The Jewish members are professors some of Israel's most outstanding leaders from tion picture business of Philadelphia, 1 is hot particularly concerned whether What I am referring to, gentle we must actively cooperate in enhancing the culArias and Del Vecchio, Eight Honordied here yesterday after a brief illthe .United States, Canada, Europe, Asia and there be this many Jewish judges or reader, is the fact that has just able Gino Olivetti, Ingenieur Luzzatti, tural; commercial, and social beauty of Omaha. ness. Until his retirement a year South Africa, marked another milestone on the ago Mr. Mastbaum was connected and the attorneys Levi Deveali and that many. But nevertheless, one been disclosed that Fanny Hurst afid remarkable road of inimitable accomplishments cannot but feel when an^ incident her husband never lived in separate with the Stanley Company of Ameri- Angelo Ovivetti. along cwjhiich the Order has so nobly progressed. such a* this occurs that there is apartments, as they have boasted for , c ESCOTT" ca. During the early days of the something not normal in our Jewish so many years. Villages Flooded r Permeated with th'e belief that Judaism is By LtJ|J)^,jaBWISOHN, Harper & Bros., 1930. motion picture industry he was aslife^—a lack of poise—a lack of cohe- How many delicious stories have Czernowitz.—The villages of Woshconvinced that no Jew comes into the Reviewed life, HYMAN R. RABINOWrTZ, Shaare sociated with Sigmund Lubin.. Hekovitz and Plaesht were inundated sion this made "scramble of many. you read of how Fanny only takes world%;&olated, the B'nai B'rith has made the •was treasurer of a number of buildCongregation, Sioux City, breakfast with her husband two days when the banks of the Tshermosh OUR NATIONAL JOifE ing1 and loan associations here. weal aiadj woe of Israel its special concern. The in the week. The rest of the time river collapsed. The majority of the CONTEST ^ h t t after having g reached "MidMr. Order haS; proven most humanitarian in its activ-- Channel^ 4i^fhte;?literary efforts to" swim "upCleveland Wants Zionist flood sufferers are Jews who lost con- Next W&6R, in «iiSi ttotettnv t SbAll they dwelt in separate abodes. ities—^g$Jft lover of mankind and a deliverer of stream'Vj^l^n^ally finds "isles^vfyj Wik" at Conclave siderable property, it is reported. begin iefling "the" arieeHolfceT sltbmit- JUST FOR PUBLICITY the po^fethe fatherless, and the helplfeBS, besides li^ch h e ^ | ^ ^ g a t h e r s t r e n ^ i ^ ^ i a r t h e r Hut now, -we 'fearn that" Mrs. Zionistcohbeing^^pathetic in ifcs contacts ':vnthfevery; f l ebdteavors to^each an opposite shore from which t i e l»y t ^ ^ii^rtnient. Re- Jaques Danielson would never as Vienna.—Baron Louis Rothschild to Cleveland was unanimousmember that the prize is the master- much as think of taking her grapetion o^ life and its solution of difficulties Which he starte^i:? ^ 1Ther second isle that he paused at vention ly adopted at a special meeting of was presented with a gold: medal for ly biography jof Theodore Herzl in (Continued on Page 6.) are constantly arising. While these solutions since hist^sTantt Within" is "Stephen Escott". the Executive Committee of the his latest African hunting expedition which was made by aeroplane. Baron deal JivPthe main with subjects that primarily It must ^aHmitted right at the start that the Cleveland. Zionist District held here. interest -the Jew, the Order is concerning itself merits of the first isle are by far superior to The last Zionist convention held in Economo, president of the Aero dub, presented Baron Rots<*hild in matters which in the final analysis affect all those of the second. His latest novel does notCleveland was in June, 1921, when personally with the medal. ti ere was a split in the ranks and mankind; for if the B'nai B'rith is able to make come up^to the excellence of his "Island Within' Justice^ Srandfeis and a group of inthose affiliated '-with...'it, better men and higher HbweverV it top possesses some of the fine traits fluential Zionlste resigned from the Demands of Indian Moslems types of citizens, it is undoubtedly performing a of Mr. Lewisohn's literary character. The style Administration. It is expected that London.—Withdrawal of the BalHEADQUARTERS at the forthcoming convention this four Declaration, the termination of truly genuine service to all. w so-enchanting that whatever he touches it the Palestine Mandate and the! estabThese are the beacon lights which illuminate sfeems t o : be'converted into the gold of classic group will return to take part in a lishment of a free and independent coalition administration together with the chosen path of the B'nai B'rith, which With' EngUsh. the leaders who have been in 'Charge government composed exclusively of its membership of over 85,000_ in more than 600 Stephen Escott is a Gentile who relates his for the past nine years under the "original Palestine inhabitants" in lodges scattered throughout nineteen countries, own experiences as a modern young man in ourleadership of President Louis Lipsky. accordance with the principles of selfdetermination and free from, mandais the oldest and largest international Jiraterrial day and age. He is confronted with the martory control were among the demands Dr. Honor Dies organization in the world. And since Its in-riage problem which is so harrassing to many New Yc-k.—Dr. Hirsch W. Honor, made in resolutions adopted at the ception eighty years ago, the Older has been today. Through him we -learn Mr. Lewisohn's an active Zionist and Jewish com- All-India Moslem Conference for Palrrtost successful in its mission. It has alleviated |views of marriage. He lavishes all praise on Mr. munal worker died Wednesday at his estine held in Bombay, according to the wants of the poor and the needy both iiijDavid Sampson and Ruth who solved the marri- home. He was for many years the to reports in the Times, Telegraph ._ :[ this land and in foreign countries, and has pro-age problem satisfactorily. It is a tribute to the president of the Harlem Zionist and Post. vided foi% protected and assisted the widow and Jewish genius of having made married life a District No. 8 and served for 20 Thfe conference also called for ibi as House Physician of theenactment of a land alienation act to the orphan on the broadest principles of human- source of spiritual as well as physical happiness. years Home for the Agfed, entitled, Home prevent the land passing out > of t h i ity. It has been actively engaged in coming to It is in the words of the author: "Using our of the Daughters of Israel of Har- hands of the "original inhabitants of ! the rescue of victims of persecution and has ini-instincts under strict intellectual control," that lem. In all these years he offered Palestine". ; tiated numerous civic and cultural movements. spells the success of married life among the Jew- bis services gratis. To Collect Funds It has concerned itself with anti-defamation, im- ish people. Stephen Escott fails in his married Recognizes Iraq Jerusalem.—An Arab delegation migration, social justice; has organized and life. He approaches the problem from merely Washington.—The Senate has rati- from Palestine is going to Hedjaz to developed the Hillel Foundation for Jewish uni- the physical aspect. His wife, Dorothy, a puri- fied a treaty between the United solicit funds for the Arab sufferers versity students,, and the Aleph Zadik Aleph for tanic soul, is all puzzled in the modernistic views States, Great Britain and Iraq, rec- of the riot. The delegation include! young Jewish boys, besides a host of other entertained by her husband, Stephen Escott To ognizing Iraq as an independent Subi Bey Alkadra, the Grand Mufti's state. The chief purpose of the trea- lieutenant, who at the Inquiry Compraiseworthy endeavors. her marriage means a home elegantly furnished ty, frc-m the standpoint of the United mission hearings was charged with ? Will-Dressed Man Knows We congratulate the Order for the successful where you invite the best of your circle to play States* was to accomplish the same inciting the Safed riots. the Importance of termination of five more years of noteworthy bridge and admire your "brie a brae*. While her result heretofore achieved in the treaties regarding Palestine, Syria and Looted Sealed Houses achievement and fervently hope that their in- husband is restless, disappointed with her inhibi- the Lebanon, namely, to obtain for Jerusalem.—Jews returning from a tions and scruples, she fails to understand why the United States equal rights en- visit spired work may continue eternally. to Hebron declare that Arabs he is so fond of the Jew David Sampson. Mr. joyed by members of the League of have converted two synairoguts there The quality hat leaders of the world hold an Lewisohn contrasts Escott's unhappy mamage Nations. • into latrines and that nil objects that COMMUNALLY MINDED exposition in The Nebraska's hat sections. Sampson's successful married life. In the The treaty is sighed by Ambas- remained in Jewish houuss hsd been When Omahans go to the polls next Tuesday^ With Stetson quality, Mallory quality, Enox quality, sador Dawes, for the United States; looted although the house* were course of the novel the author pours forth his Bbrfttilnd quality. All are here—the newest of they will be called upon to decide t\Vo major venom Arthur Henderson, Foreign Secretary sealed. on the lewd dribble of sex freedom and of Great Britain, and Ja'far el Asthe new quality hats. questions, each of which is of vital importance other present day fads in loose living. Stephen Organize New Writers tb our future well-being—should we establish a is a _ glorious tribute "to Jewish common sense in keri, Iraq Minister in London. The Lemberg.—A special literary circle relations'' between Great Brimunicipal university and will we lend oiir finan- leading sane and happy lives, where men and"special tain and Iraq are recognized by thehas been organised by the Hebrew cial assistance to the Public Library? We Jews women unite to fulfil their common duties to United States in the treaty. writers here. The members of the owe it to ourselves, both as Jews and as integral civilization and life. newly formed organisations will re' CLUB HATS PhUadelphia to Raise $600,000 tain their membership in the Writers' constituent elements of the city, not to let this Philadelphia.—A quota of ?600,000 Aristocrats of Style at— union. golden opportunity slip by, and to offer our utfor the Allied Jewish Campaign has most aid to these community projects which will Many people complain in regards to the allot- been accepted by the Jewry of Phila- More Named to Commission CAPS — All Outdoors Calls Out contribute so greatly toward Omaha's futurejment of happiness in their lives. They do notdelphia and vicinity at a conference Warsaw.—Additional members bt Spring Caps, $ 1 . 5 0 to $3.50 prospei'ity. seem to realize that it is they alone who sign of leading members of the commun- a commission to reach ah underilfat Seeti&Bi—Mala Floor—Sratfc standing with the Agiidath Israel, For thirty-seven years our public library has the checks of happiness. Unless their own Divine ity held at the home of Judgd Horace world orthodox organization, so that Stern. It was agreed that the camWithout complaint intelligently and faithfully, Soul endorses: their actions, in thought, feeling paign should be launched at the end this organization might join the served the cultural and educational needs of our,and in life, no happiness checks can be putof May or early Ih June. A cdmmit-! Jewish Agency for Palestine, hasj city, operating on an appropriation which the through the Clearing House. tee consisting bl Dr. Cyrus Adlerk|been nominated by Felix M. WarAmerican Library Association estimates as one———-— --•';'• chairman;-Judge William M.-Lewis*|burg, chairman of the administrative CORRECT APPAREL, FOR ilEN AXI> Morris Wolf and Albert H. Lieberman' committee of the Jewish Agency, it half of what is sufficient to maintain a library We may be thankful for the world, as eood as was appointed to name a chairman is learned by the Judtageblatt, the properly; Now, however, with the rapid growth it is, as bad as it is. organ of orthodox Jewry here-
Quality Hats to
the campaign.
Mr. and-Mrs. J. Adler announce the engagement of their daughter Alice to Mr. I. F. Goodman. Miss Adler, a graduate of Central High school, attended a finishing school at Harrisburg, Pa. Mr. Goodman graduated from .Technical High school and later attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Both Miss Adler and Mr. Goodman have lived in Omaha all their lives and are among the most popular of the younger set. No definite date has been set for the wedding. MARRIAGE Mr. Casper Horwich announces the tfiarriage of.his daughter, Stella, to Mr. Arthur Robinson, son of 3tr. and Mrs. M. Robinson. The wedding took place "Thursday, April 24, at the home of Rabbi Abraham Bengls. Mrs. Robinson is a graduate of South High school and Mr. Robinson iS a graduate of Central High school. Among those who entertained for Mrs. Robinson Before her marriage were Misses Esther Schwartz, Harriett and Bell Horwich, Eva Katztnan, Rose Reif and Sarah Kurtzman. * Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are making their home at the Anderson Apartments. _
PERSONALS Mr. Jack Besnick* who recently returned from Chicago, spent the week-* end ill Sioux Cityi ta,Mrs. C. Horowitz is visiting in Sioux City with friends. Mr. Wm. Lipsmag; son of Mr. arid Mrs. A. Iipsman,: of Omaha, who is attending school a.% .'Philadelphia: spent the Passover hbMays as the house guest of Mr. Jakfe ©stroff t>f Camden, Pa. -
BAR MiTJfcVAH Mr. and Mrs. B. Lustgarten announce the Bar-Mitzvah of their son, Avrum, at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas streets, Saturday, May 3, at 9 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Katskee spent the weekend in Lincoln as the guest of their son, Sheffield, who is a student at the University of-Nebraska.
Misses Ida Tenenbaum and Irene Hifsch are participating in the UniVISITORS IN THE t l T * versity of Omaha Arts ball program, Misses Fannie and Dorothy Siever Friday evening. of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, are spending a few days with their aunt, IN THE HOSPiTALS Mrs. A. Siltrerman, before leaving On the sick list at the Wise MemS California. orial hospital are Mesdames Rose Slam; Rose Rbthsteih, Henry RimMr., and Mrs. Morris Finkle have merman, Dorothy Kahn, Anna Goldas their guest Miss Blanche Eisen stein, Messers. Harry Okuri, Joseph of Kanfias City. Henry "Philips, and Miss Helen Freid. Miss Evelyn Green of Norfolk, Nebr., fcpent the weekend in Omaha Mr. Edward Alberts is convalescas the guest of Miss Ruth Riekes. ing at the University hospital. Miss Dorothea Greenblatt of New York City is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mbbsky.
CLUB NEWS Tau Delta Gamma sorority met at
Miss Trances Robinson, a student at the University of Nebraska, spent the-weekend- in Omaha.visiting with friends and relatives.
Mrs. H. M.' Korbholz #nd son, Philip, of Clarinda, la., are visiting with Mrs. K6rbholz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler.- Mrs. Nat Klein of Buffalo, N. Y., is the house gttest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Selicow. PARTIES Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer' wire/sur* prised last Sunday with a dinner, party given by relatives aha cl6s6 friends honoring their tenth -wedding anniversary and Mrs. Meyer's Birthday.
the home of Miss Ida Babior, Sunday, April 27. Plans were made for a Mother and Daughter bridge-luncheon to be held at the Paxtoh hotel, Tuesday, April 13.
1314 No. 24th St.
The Independent Ladies Club will
You 11 Like the Food g IVs Perfectly Delicious H§
85c — $1.00 H
i f c Step of Person Service*
161T Howard
Aquila Court
-sj onsor a lecture by Dr. Victor E. Levihe on "Public Healtl." at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark St., on May 7 at 8:30. No admission will be charged and the public is invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Kuklin an-
Sixteenth at Farnam
m mmm
iiffbns Modes for Mdrnintf, Afternoon and Evening
WE. 42il
Costume Jtwclrff
The Young Poale Zion club held BIRTHS their meeting at the home of Miss Gertrude Kaplan Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weinstein Ajril 29, where plans were made announce the birth of a son Thursfor a dance to be given Sunday, day, April 24, at the Omaha Maternity hospital. May 18, at the Lighthouse.
Dotted Flowered and Pastel-Tinted
MAX SHRIEK'S SONS Painting Contractors
r Frocks Gowns
Miss Alice Adler
Mrs. J. Rosen enteiiainea sixteen guests at an afternoon tea I^tondky, April 28, honoring her daughter's tenth birthday. •" Table decorations were carried out in pink and green. Mrs. Sam Geifmaji assisted Mrs. Rosen. • ^"
Miss "Vivian: Mosow of Sioux City was the house guest of Miss Lalyan Haykin over the weekend.
Following this contest, the Wardrobe Phi SigJtlOL will meet the winner t>? the second LrtVing half. This series will determine the championship for the season. The Ladies Labor Lyceum club The Wardrobe won two games The "jTfiiijta^ Phi .' Sigma Sorority js will sponsor a Mother's Day celebra- from the Kaim&n Insurance Five in sponsoring their." annual" Ma<3ca,p • dance at the Blackstone hotel Suntion' on Tuesday, May 6, with." an ex- the other .seriefe of the evening. cellent program arranged for the «Jc- Harry Smith furnished *!l the ex- day evening, May 4. Herb Fele'rman casion. Refreshments will be served, citement by pounding out a 221, 220and his popular orchestra will furand everyone is welcome to attend. and 177 for a total of 618. Other nish the music for the occasion. =iMisj^Lijlian Steinberg is chairman party was for the aftair, assisted by the Misses by the club last Tuesday, the pro- by Jules Gerelick 212, Aaron Krants Ethel Cohen and Sally Morgan. ceeds of which were turned over^ to 205 ana Doctor Dave Platt 200. The slogan adopted by the sorority the campaign for the Ort relief. is "Come and Be Mad with the fto Longer Barred Madcap". Tickets are $1.25 pe* Moscow*—Jewish extraders who de-] couple. Business Men's sired to settle on the land but who had hot been Remitted to teave the Bowling heagwt tillages by local financial agents be- Fa-Hon Girls Plan cause of unpaid taxes will now be able Won Lost Av'ge Big Social Evetit to emigrate as a result of the interMalashock Jewelry 27 15 .643 Plans are well under way by tti* Omaha Tobacco „ 24 15 .615 vention of the land commissariat with Empire Cleaners 21 18 .538 the finance commissariat. The latter P'a-Hon 'Sorority for a big social Wardrobe . 21 21 .500 lias ordered that Jewish ex-traders event which Will honor the group's Kaiman Insurance 17 25 .405 who desire to be transferred to pro- debate champions, Miss Rose StteSn Glazer Clothing 13 29 .510 ductive work should not be detained and Miss Marion Brookstein, who\4feThe Malashocks won two games and that ail taxes from ex-traders cently won the Community Ceribfer from the Glazers but faited to cinch unable to pay but who arfe how be- fchib utebate tournament for the s*te• the honors, the Omaha Tobacco Com- coming workers should be cancelled. ond sHccessive time. pany being forced to postpone their series with the Empire Cleaners. The latter contest will be rolled FROCKS AND GOWNS next Tuesday evening at 8:00 p. m. IDEAL FOE CLUB OPENING DISTINCTIVE AND INDIVIDUAL nounce the birth of a son, Arteri Justin, April 19, at the Methodist hospital.
To Give Mothers Day Celebration
Tcta can begin your fifty, as well as end it, in thfe smart, sheer cornfort of chiffon—The new eumltier chiffons cah tailor As smartlj as they flutter.
Antid whfethef
it's tailored of dressy thfe new little ensemble is so inform ally smart i n d so lifai^efsilly beebming that its popularity is predicted for far beyond the m o n t h - o f - May season—^on both sides of the Atlantic!
t^ortd ensemble with the lingerie tobch gft*4 youthful . siharmess to the more mature figure. I& Crepe Elkabeth with jtbot tod neck trimming of batiste. In light n«vy» or ribbon blue. « o f i f o
featured ftt Others at $15 00 and $39.75
s new cocktail mode p with ffi& on jlteket kid nates 6fi skin. In print chuTon on red of bloe ground. - M f% _ Szes it to 20. . . 3 >^
?1.50 — $2.00
Dancing During Luncheon and Dinner
Hotel Paxtoni
Square Seven Rally ~- to Be Held Sunday
The Elks Apollo dub and the Elks' band will give a joint concert at the Technical High school auditorium on •Wednesday evening, May 7 at 8:15 o'clock." '; These organizations have appeared before the public in concerts for a number of • years and need no . introduction. In the program to be presented there will also be solo and duet numbers, featuring local artists. Admission is one dollar for adults and fifty cents for children.-
The North Omaha Club, which is one active political clubs sponsoring a rally to Alhambra Theatre
Elks Sponsoring
WESTERGARD FOR CITY COMMISSIONER The opportunity of indorsing Mr. Westergard for City Commissioner is indeed a pleasure to me. It has been my good fortune to enjoy the personal acquaintance and friendship of Mi\ Westergard for a good many years, and I can certainly highly recommend him for those peerless qualities as a man and friend to fill the office he seeks. BEN M. MINKIN.
The Independent
Voters' League Have Indorsed This Ticket _Vote for
a BRUCE JEPSEN BUTLER x< JONES TOWL As candidates for City Commissioner we believe that the people of Omaha are entitled to know our position on matters of interest to them. We recognize that all citizens of Omaha are stockholders in our City, and that when elected we will be the directors representing such stockholders. • For those reasons we are issuing this joint statement. ' We hereby pledge ourselves: 1. To give the people of our city an efficient, economical government to the end that taxes may be reduced. 2. To adopt a budget system and to limit bond issues for public improvements each year to the actual and immediate needs of the City for that year. .BUTLER To immediately and completely divorce the 3. police and fire departments from politics, and.to give the commissioners and the members of those departments an opportunity to do their full duty without outside interference. 4; To co-operate in every way with the commercial and civic organizations of the city in the bringing of industries to Omaha, in the; advancement of the City, and in the encouragement of Omaha institutions. 5. To encourage the location of air industries, to hasten the completion of the municipal airfield, and to conserve the Missouri River Front for the benefit of all the people. 6. To•. establish a city purchasing department and to eliminate the present wasteful, extravagant system of each department doing its buying. 7. To'; establish a general municipal' garage where all city cars will be kept and to abolish use of city cars for private purposes. 8. To co-operate in every way with the Metropolitan Utilities district-, the school district, and Douglas County, with a view to affecting greater economies in the cost —. TOWI. of government and decreasing public expense. ' 9. To devote all the fees that are paid by golfers on municipal courses to the maintainance and improvement of those courses. 10. To employ only citizens of Omaha on city work. 11. To conduct the affairs of the City as though it were a business institution instead of a political machine. 12. To'stand squarely against any and every encroachment upon the rights of the people by any corporation or private individual.
By P. R. K.
Moines, Iowa, on May 9 to compete S. Katskee Given in the State Contest.. Miss Ida Krasne, Junior at the Scholastic Honor Abraham, Lincoln High School, was ; a member of the Novice Shorthand Sheffel Katskee, son of Mr. and Team which won second place in the Mrs. A. Katskee, was included in the District Shorthand Contest. ' list of students at the University of Nebraska who were recognized for Mrs. Abe Gilinsky, is spending the high scholarship at the honors conweek in Sioux City, Iowa, visiting vocation which was held Wednesday her daughter, Mrs. Philip Sherman, evening at the university coliseum. and family. Recently Sheffel won the Zeta Beta The Ladies Auxiliary of the Tal- Tau fraternity cup for the Lincoln mud Torah Society will hold a meet- chapter as having the highest scholing- next Wednesday afternoon, May astic average in the group. 7, at the home of Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner, POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 2643 Avenue D. All members are urged to attend.
J. Fellman Leading in Chess Tournament J. Fellman is holding down first, place in the Community Center Chess round robin tournament as' play \ swings into the home stretch. Rabbi Abraham Bengis and Joe Zweibach are close seconds, with M. Minkin in third. The climax of the tourney will be the meeting between the four leaders, with the victor of these matches practically assured of the championship.
ROSENBERG-MARKS WEDDING The marriage of Miss Evelyn Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Marks, of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Irwin Rosenberg of Chicago, 111., took place Tuesday afternoon, April 29, at the home of the bride's parents. Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha performed the ceremony. Mrs. M. L. Cohn of Omaha, sister ADVERTISEMENT of the bride, was matron of honor, and Lester Rosenberg of Chicago served his brother as best man. Among the out-of-town guests at Senior Council Will tho wedding were the groom's Give Interclub Dance mother, Mrs. Lee Rosenberg o f Chicago; Mat Green and S. Patz of1 The Senior Council of Clubs is Chicago; Lester Rosenberg of Chi- having aa Interclub dance, May 13, cago; Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen- at the Jewish Community Center, WE SOLICIT YOUR berg of Minneapolis, and Mr. and Those in charge of the dance are' VOTE FOR MR. — Mrs. John Band Quigley of Kansas Rose Stein, Sylvia Bezman, Harry! City, Mo. Colick, Stanley Levin. '„•'.. j Stalmaster Captures The committee is making elaborate * The couple left immediately for Handball Championship an extended honeymoon trip to plans, and a good orchestra and en-' Europe. tertainment will be obtained. r All' William Stalmaster, law senior, members of the Senior Clubs which j Upon their return they will make, established himself as undisputed are members of the Senior Council king of the Creighton •University their home in Chicago, III. are invited. handball courts when he captured the The Bar Mitzvah of Herbert Rosingles championship, and then, serthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam paired with Morrie Blacker, won the Rosenthal, will take place on Saturdoubles crown* day -- morning, May 10, • at, the temMr. Butler has been connected with us in In winning ..his title, Stalmaster porary synagogue, 15 So.^ Eighth St. (Continued fron. Page 4.) our business the "Pubjie Coal Yard" for the found his -toughest .opposition among XK; Sunday, May II, Mr.'and Mrs. the Jewish.talent, "defeating Sam_ Ep- JRosenthal will honor their son at fruit and eggs in the morning •with-, past 3 years and we have found him to be stein, in' the".semi-finals and Harold a . reception for all theirs relatives out Jaques sitting on the other side' most. Margolin In •fchVfinals." • ' !' '- and friends. N<j cards are/being is- of the table. The •whole story, i t ' seems, was but a publicity stunt con-! sued. :. cocted a t the time that Miss Hurst' The Council of Miss Marian Katelman, Senior at began A series of stories for one ofi . j Jewish Women the Abraham Lincoln High School, the leading magazines. WM.HAHN was a member of the Amateur ShortAnd yet scores of married people^ New window shades have been ad- hand .Team which won first place in have tried the separate apartment HARRY SWEXGEI, ded to the sun room of the Wise the District Shorthand Contest which plan just because Fanny Hurst tried Memorial hospital during the past was held at Missouri Valley, Iowa, it and said it was a rip roaring sucmonth. These ^shades, .were contrib- last week. She will go to Des cess. . ' " ' • . •'.*•! uted by members: . of the hospital POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL "ADVEKTISEMEXT committee of the Council of Jewish Women. Following are the members of this committee: Mesdames Paul Bernstein, Max Holzman, W. A. Racusin, I. Levenson, Charles H. A. Newman, Ben Minkin^ Sam Schwartz, H. Greenberg, Meyer Stern> John Beber,"", J. S.. Malashock, Sam ^Wertheimer, I. D. Weiss.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Voter:
Honest, Fair and Efficient
-' I ' I M '
, . • ; • &
m. -' •
, • J "V."
The rummage sale conducted by the Council V6f Jewish Women Tuesday and Wednesday at 1408 North] Twentyfourth street, was very suc-l cessful, according to Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, president of the council; Mrs."*B.' A. Simon, chairmait- of the ways, and means committee, and J^rs. Abe ^omberg, chairman of the Motor Corps, were in charge.
Temple Israel Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver a sermon on "The Beauty of Holi ness" at the services of Temple Israel this evening. Saturday morning his subject will be "The - Firat Doctors." . Kaddish" will ;be recited thi^ Sabbath for Dora Goldman, Aaron Heraberg, and Henry Miller. I On Wednesday evening, May 7, ! Dr. Cohn will deliver the last - of (five lectures of a series before the ! Delphian Societies under the aus• pieces of the- Iota Chapter at the ! Art Institute. His subject will be l"The End of an Era". That same j evening at 6 p. m. he will be the ; speaker before the Women's Division ; of the Chamber of Commerce on [ "Mothers Around the World."
Mr. and Mrs. William Reingold arid daughter of Denver, Colo., are spending a week with friends and relatives here.
Mrs. Harley Davidson entertained her bridge club Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Joe Lavine was a guest. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ben Polick and Mrs. H. Bricker.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burnstein of Hebbings, Minn,, formerly of Lincoln are making their home with Mrs. Burnstein's. mother, Mrs. B. HilL
A regular meeting of the Junior Hadassah will be held Tuesday, May 6.
Clip these names and take them to polls for reference.
Mrs. H. Gold will entertain with a birthday party in honor of her daughter Rose,:Sunday, May 4.
Stands for Sound Government The present seven City Commissioners, asking re-election on the Square Seven ticket,, have given to Omaha the most efficient and econom-, ical government it has ever had. They have worked hard to make each department successful. They hope you will vote for the entire : Square Seven, otherwise you might be hurting the chances of your favorite candidate.
Conservative Synagogue Rabbi Abraham Bengis will deliver his- sermo'n on "The Priestly Blessings" at the services of the Conservative Synagogue this evening at the J. C. C. Saturday morning the services will begin at 8:30. Next Friday a special sermon, will be given in honor of Mother's Day, which will be the following Sunday.
Square Seven
Religious Services
- - *
Council Bluffs News
Square Seven of the most M. H. Brodkey was re-elected conin Omaha, is sul of the Alpha Chi chapter of the be held at the Phi Delta Epsilon international medSunday night ical fraternity for the year 1930-31. May 4 . • - . ' • • • . Other officers elected were: Irving Weiss, vice-consul; Hyman Riklin, The guest speaker of the evening scribe; Irving Rosenstein, chancellor; will • be • Mayor Richard L. Mctcalfe. Simon Moskowitz, historian, and Fred White is chairman of the rally. Bernard Blaam, marshall. The fraOther speakers will be Max Comp- ternity held its annual smoker at ton, Nathan Yaffe, Mrs. Max Gomp- the frat house last Friday, inviting ton and others. pre-medic students attending CreighThis rally is open to'tlie public. ton university. Dr. Victor E.- Levine, professor of biological chemistry and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS nuta-ition at the Creighton School of Medicine, welcomed the guests and spoke on the medical profession. Dr. I. Sternhill of Council Bluffs and Doctors A. A. Steinberg and D. Gross of Omaha also delivered short addresses of welcome and admonition.
' -
They are FAIR and TOLERANT. They have no RACE or RELIGIOUS PREDJUDICES. They believe in fair play for all races and creeds.
be third in utility importance of an. adequate airport. With this geographical gem in our hands,- why not polish it and derive all the advant-. ages to be had therefrom. This mat-! ter before us, of making, this improvement in the airport, consequently bringing at least one $100,000 . >J; E. Davi-dson, president of thepayroll to our city, is not a matter There is no glare of limelight for Create? Omaha Association, pointed ti» be put over by the Chamber of the city*s finance department headed oat some of the advantages to beCommerce, the City Council,- the so ably by Commissioner John Hopderived from the Charter Amend- Greater Omaha Association;, or any-kins. Of this department's work, ment dealing -with the Municipal Air- one else, except the voters them- the public is very seldom aware. afield if it is approved by the voters selves. This is an obligation placed When Commissioner Hopkins took upon their shoulders. Thej& owe this on Majce.- — - over the.finance department, it was - .'In the first place the nature of duty to themselves and this munici- in a greatly disorganized condition. the Charter Amendment is rather pality to vote for this change in the /technical and complex in form, but in Charter Amendment." Mr. Davidson emphasized that th« •reality it is simply the matter of voting1 the : authority to the Council change in the Charter Amendment to issue $150,000 in bonds this year will *not increase taxes or cause any-, instead of the originally outlined plan more bonds to be increased. of extending the issue of $50,000 in bonds prorated each year beginning with 1929 and running.for .five years. : The total amount ;of the .prigjlial is'sue as was; Ytotedv upfln sbid tfarriejtf irt November^. 1S?8 is not to >b'e
3, FRIDAY, MAY: 2, 1930^
went the automobile^and its big fix-1] will' be issued-^that is,-city is in ignoring the requests of izatrons spend the other eleven pense. He uses his own automobile unless the people themselves vote' citizens and organizations that* ad- months complaining about the inand maintains it with his own more bonds. ditional money be appropriated for crease m expenses that must necessDuring 19^0, ?173,000 worth of ;some purpose which happens to in-arily result. " Commissioner ''Hopkins saved the bonds will be issued and $957,33711 that •'particular • person or John Hopkins has only figures as taxpayers $62^800 by paying off cancelled—nearly $1^000,00© worth— j «">o.P« F o r about one moath before his exhibits, but these figures broadbonds bearing 5% to 6 per cent in• cutting down the city's debt appropriations are made, the council cast a message of genuine, efficient terest He used the money from is besieged by citizens and com-service in handling the taxpayers' other funds that were in excess and, and reducing interest. mittees. Many of these same organ- money. Practically every increase in the which was bearing only 1% per cent. The bondholders and bankers didn't city's expenditures was. voted by the like this move but the taxpayers people. The pillbox system of the police department was put into effect benefited. The intangible state law passed by after petitions were signed by 20,000 the state legislature brought to the•taxpayers. The increases in the salcity during the past year $60,000. aries of the fire and police departCommissioner Hopkins introduced a ments were voted by the people. The Take a Vacation From Your Kitchen! resolution in the council to set aside river drive issue voted by the people this money to redeem bonds, saving resulted in an expenditure, of $100,the taxpayers more Jnoney by elimin- 000 for grading - alone. The City Let EVERHOT Cook Wfcfle Yon Play ating interest and cutting down the Commission cannot be held responsible for bond issues voted by the city's debt. Next year this intangible tax will total approximately people. $100,000 and Commissioner Hopkins r In 1910, 47.85 per cent of the tax will again reduce the city's debt and dollar went to the city fund, and in 1930 only 28.40 per cent. This has eliminate more interest. For the first time in the history been brought about by increased -of Omaha there will be a reduction efficiency and extreme economy; in bonded indebtedness for the year. The chief difficulty, in keeping Jlore bonds will be? cancelled during down the expenses of operating the ELECTRIC COOKER m o n e y .
To- Be Held: in: North High '- In pointing out the reasons which Auditorium tin -justify this need at tM* .time, Mr. 2 •• tJavidson said: "3?heiBo<sing Coirijiany The nationally famous Augustana lias advised the Airport Commission of its •willingness to move its Omaha College choir of Sioux Falls, S. D., idepot to the Municipal Airport, pro- will appear in concert at North High vided certain definite improvements school auditorium' May 2. The A«are made tills year. These improve- gustana choir is; acclaimed by critics ments, in the main; consist of three as on* of America's best. It is l^d runways, and these runways, •will by one of the country's leading chotal directors, Dr. Carl','• R. Youngdahl, Cost approximately $100,000. •'" "Now the question to- consider is who founded the choir ten years ag». how this expenditure wottld directly •DftiYoungdabf £(van?original com>s ipfeii as director. The OmaOT indirectly be of benefit to Omaha pposer, , > John Hopkins. and Nebraska. . ha pT6graifl will? include classical Some of the discrepancies between •*•• "The answer i s : If the Boeing sacred music, as well as two comthe figures of the Finance Departpositions by Dr. YoungdahL -Company establishes its depot at the ment of that time and other depart• The Augustana choir records for Municipal Airport, it will commence ments' were amazing. In the Sewer Columbia. In all of its work lit Immediately the erection of a $7^,sing "a capella", that is without Fund alone there was a difference of ODOr-hanga* to. be used for hangar accompaniment. The appearance 'of $100,000 in the figures of ihe Finance and" administrative purposes. And the choir in Omaha will be one of Department and of the Public Imtoo, the Boeing Company will aquire the chief local features of National provement Department; Commissioner other Jlind "rights vat once, by theMfcsie Week; Hopkins and his- staff worked for buildings four months in order to straighten in the Jutiyre. , 1 : out tnis tangle. By hard work and "This] move on the part of, the a staff of diligent, faithful employees toeing? people would mean an "imhe;4ms. made his department _qn_e_ of mediate: annual payroll of;? $100,000; the most efficient in the "City Halt. by the; Boeing people plus-:th'er;^isa *'-^; (^Continued from Page l . £ Hft ^dlff-all of thi3 for raertfthan v of considerable labor andr the im$4,000 iftJiK*: than it cost te^TOH^tfte itediate? purchase of considerable ha;?e become American," he ;stetedj four years a g e / c'ven v laaterial in the erecti6n . of this 'but 'tfuf culture; remains Jewlsg!.^ % though of nis department Thgi'ivisitors, Harry Sherman*, and tremendously; /•-- - ^: has Albert--Levea, contended thafivthe" "The'-,Bdeing depot located>at the iOner Hopkins, whsnvhe unicipal 'Airport would^^Pfe as a necrissarty social contact with'^^tber Municipal with the absence of a nation- took o*ve*f the finance department,,' rhagnettto[attract other aviation en- peoples : al -state will ultimately | ^ found: a city-maintained automobile v terprises, and would be the ^ (Svitabfy lead to national j a^-;part of the office equipment. OU|JV>M means iof I raising, to an rize tHfe! air passenger taisiness ~in- They claimed that it was imperatir* and ou£ of Omaba.., _•_,. .._c..i.-_ •.> to have.^a..phyii(^jEnvirMmeiit»«x."In I'fulsa, Okla., the passengers clusively Jewish if the Jews were to going Jthfough. its port, reaches retaingjtheir culture and individualsm. Thei ftttsburg^d^eba^rs-hadCyon : 7,000 p^ir month* . ^ "" t i i d f ^ b l ^ K ^ "In St. Paul,fMiS fxom teamsiKf fOUIL.other^'cities, Aeld ha? improvements 000; Wichita has a municipally before coming" to Omaha. This deowned Infield with $175,000 available bated ended three years ' i n which Annually^ for improvements and ad- Kazlowskyuonlthe local ;-duo tas. i djitions;]'Kansas City has two ftekbs met" defeat-oncer in vUB^yersityKt <me p^vately owned, which repre- Community Center debating. Judge* Irvin Stalmastef coached the sents an investment ^ of $2,000,000. "The ^government shows Omaha to local. debaters.
- , - * • - ; « - / • • -
Spring IsHere!
Coolis a Meal for a Family of 5
the Easier, Cleaner Method of Cooking Instead of spending most of your afternoon in the kitchen watching the dinner cook, Jet the EVERHOT Electric Coofeer cook the coinplete meal—all at once. EVEltHOT cooks three dishes. Place the meat, potatoes and another vegetable in the looker. Plug it in the light socket and forget your meal. When you return ererythinf •vrili be done just the -way you lfke it. Eteotrie cooking is always better.
UTILITY SET CASH * Set includes large fork, dish eeraper, $11 Terns lifter, spatula, beater and cake cooler. Set finished in attractive green lac- • "T • ^ quer. I $1 Down—$1 MonUl
"Electric Shops" ~~ 17th and Harney Sts.
A Verfect Tood fbrEverybody
: >
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skd Power CotiTOty« Service - low lUtes
4— *
t Ir e
LETTER To the Jewish People of Omaha? -
May Sale of Linens
ever offeredin OMAHA
These latest 1930' Goodyear Hetry Dsty tires top the list for stunning looks, extra endurance and extra mileage. Only because Goodyear builds MILLIONS MORE tires, and enjoy* lowest costs, are such values possible. Come in—see them—compare them with any other tires! Special preposition on complete sets.
Heavy Dirty Tubes : also .:: ;:': :_
Finest Linen
' f
Cloths and Napkins Rich, lustrous quality, all pure, grass bleached linen. Excellent wearabih'ty. 72x72-inch Cloths, each „__ ?7.85" 72x90-inch Cloths, each .$9.85 72xlO8-inch Cloths, each $11*85 72xl26-inch Cloths, each ,$13.85 72xl44-mch Cloths, each $15.85 22-inch Matching Napkins $9.85
ALL LINEN DAMASK Cloths and Napkins •At Special Prices
. * ...Ai-I-^jW" k Hv^fM -W t--
at l / » Reduction ,
Mx70-inch Cloths „ ^... WxS^mck Cloths: - , 7OxlO5-inch Cloths ___„ 22-inch Napkins, dozen
y.25 _$5.95
Expert Free Mounting
No Mileage limits
Endurance, Quality, Beauty—Priced at History's Lowest Levels
29x4.50 • • $ 9 . 3 5
30x4.80 - • $9.50
28x4.75 20x5.00 •
$7.35 $7.95
National Tire Shop Cor, 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 GUARANTEED TIRE REPAIRING
We have as a friend in the City Hall' one whom we wonW like to keep Uiere. Theref ore, we are writing this voluntary letter to tell you something about City Commissioner Joe Koutsky so that you will be sure to cast a vote f6r him in the election on May 6. ;* Commissioner Koutskky does not puti-e*; • ligion as a barrier between himself and Ms re*^ iations with the public. He is a friend to-..afl» regardless of race or creed. He has fought the battles of the people without asking for favors.. Commissioner Koutsky has a most-valuable record. He saved thousands of dollars for the taxpayers in paving, grading and sewer construction contracts. He has operated-his-department in a most economical and -efficient ::; manner. On January 1 he had a large balance in the sewer fund because of his economical operations and more than $8,000 surpltis.in his . payroll which went into the sinking fund to reduce the city's bonded indebtedness. By voting for Commissioner Koutsky, we 1 are sure you will be doing yourself and all of Omaha A great favor. „..'".
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1930 the group. Those who will play in the eliminating rounds -next Sunday in Jude Morris Lefkovich, Martin Kozberg, Morris Laaensky, Leonard Shindler, Philip Merkin and George Kuntz.
SKaare Zidn,
MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent ,
Capacity Audience at Memorial Meet
Sioux City Jewry to Frolic at the Annual "J.C.C. Carnival"
Mothers, Daughters Hear Mrs. Fromkin
Jerusalem^—Saleh Mizrachi, a Jew from Beisan, was sentenced to one year in prison for cursing Islam. The \ complainant was the Moslem Supreme Council. Mizrachi has lodged an appeal.
"The. Record of Jewish Woman's Rescinds Confiscation Safed.—Confiscation of portraits of Life Three Hundred Years Ago" will be the subject of che sermon to beLord Balfour sold, in the streets on Fund biven by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz; behalf of the Jewish National 1 this evening at the Shaars Zion was cancelled following Jewish protests/ The sale of pictures was Synagogue. Plans are being made for ansimultaneous with a •Balfo^r memorial elaborate and impressive, service to meeting marking the thirtieth day of be held May 9, in honor of) Mother's the death of the author of the Balfour Declaration. Dty. •( .
250 Mothers and Daughters at-' tended the Annual Banquet given in their honor by the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Congregation on Mon-. day evening. Mrs. Max Fromkin of Omaha, Nebraska, was the principal speaker and used as her subject "Every Mother and Every Daughter". The address was preceeded'-by a short Play "Every Mother". Members of the cast included Mrs. John C. Levin, Mrs. William Mazie. Mrs. Meyer Daskovsky, Mrs. Moe Lazere, Miss Marcia Robinow, Ida Heshelow, Sarah Weiner, Helen Herzoff, Florence Kaufman, Rebecca Stillman, Inez Leaff, Fannie Zifkin, Rosebell Wigodsky, and Leah Herman. Other numbers'included a dance by Sylvia, Friedman, accompanied by Betfltai Benzinger, and songs by Dena Baron accompanied by Sarah Weiner. Mrs. Barney Baron spoke in behalf Brotherhood Meeting £ the mothers and Miss "Rose Lipr ^ at Temple The outstanding Jewish social tion and the Check Room by thebi'ison, Mrs. Milton Mushkin, Mrs. ian responded in behalf^ of ithe Sam Shulkin, Mrs. M. Lipsliutz, Mrs. daughters. One of the uri»juT"f«atThe members' of the Mount Sinai event of the season will be the An- Macabees Society. The Raffle.Committee is headed by J H.-Greenb°rg, Mrs. A. J. Giiinsky, ures of the affairs was the. third flgnd Brotherhood heard Mr. A. B. Dar-nual •Jewish Community Carnival ling, speak, s.t.'their regular monthly which will be held at the City Audi- Mrs. E. E. Baron, who is being as- Mrs. M. Miller, Mrs. M. E. Fried- fourth generation table, at which daughters, dinner meeting held in the Annex of torium • throughout the entire day sisted by Miss Rose Iipman and man, Mrs. J. Kutcber, Mrs, A. Sil-grandmothers, -: their verberg, Mrs.' M. Lazere, and Mrs.granddaughters snd\* great 'grincf-' Miss Ann Pill. the Temple, Tuesday" evening. He evening, of 'May 6th. daughters were seated. " " ' ~"~j . * The carnival this year will be The . General Arrangements Com- Heeger. spoke in several questions pertaining, to the European countries. Mr. unique and quite different from that i.attee is being directed by Mr. A. J . The Advertising Committee is: Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz wife in Otto Bridge entertained the group of any previous year as several feat- Giiinsky as chairman and Mr. J. Le- Mis. M. Lazere and Mr. Pen Brod- charge of the general arrangements, following the lecture. Rabbi T. N.ures have been arranged which will vine as vice-chairman. They are key, co-chairman, and the following: •vrith Mrs. M. A. Herzoff, Mrs. Max, Lewis gave a resume of Jewish Curbeing assisted by Messrs. Louis HeeHerzoff, and Mrs. David Ha3or as- j rent Events which have taken place ger, Robt.- Sacks, Leon Dubrow, L. sisting. Mrs. S, H. Shulkin, -Presiduring the past month. Mr. .HerHerman, Louis Strongin, and Morris dent of the Ladies ' Auxiliary, /was} man v F. Slotsky, President, of the Pill. the Toastmistress. Brotherhood was the toastmaster. The Kitchen Committees consist of Mrs. J. H. Bolstein, chairman, assistHAWKEXE CLUB NEWS ed by Mrs; A. Goodsite, Mrs. J.^HarBusiness Girls' Club The following boys were elected koway," Mrs. Sam Vosow, Mrs. I. Honor Their Mothers to membership of the Hawkeye club Miller, and Mrs. J. Oxman. at their regular meeting: Rubin Bird,' The- -Donations - Committee conMembers of the Jewish Community Edward Silbert, Dan Levich and Abe sists of the following: Mrs. B. M. Center Business Girl's Club honored Kerzoff and Mrs. A. M. Davis, "as their, mother's at a Banquet oi. Wedco-chairman, and Mrs. M. Heligmari, Plans-tvere furthered -for*the <3olf nesday evening, at the Center: "Miss Mrs. L. Agrohoff, Mrs. Philip SherTournament which is being held by Spdie Shulkin presided as Toastman, Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. J; Romistress;' The invocation was given by. Anna Pill.- Miss Sybil Merlin S E F ff-^-S' spoke in behalf of the daughters ! DELICATESSEN and Mrs. Abe Krueger respondedfor AND the mothers. A play "Recompense" The Social Hall of the Jewish SANDWICH SHOP was presented by Ruth Wigodsky, Community Center was the scene of Eva Gordon, Anne Cohen, and Rose ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS a pretty wedding, when Miss Lucille Reznek. The play was directed" by Palin, daughter of Mr. and MrS. Miss Eva Maron. Falk Palin became the bride of Mi*. Serene Barrent and Sylvia FriedSol Falk, Sunday evening. The bride A. M. Davis man presented several novelty dancwore a gown of orchid chiffon, with es. Community singing was led by Lonhat and accessories to match. The Mrs. H. M. Levine, Mrs. M. N.~ : $5.00 Value Sleeveless Sweaters Mjss Ida Heshelow who' was chairE. N. Grueskin stage of the hall, banked with ferns don, Mrs. H. Wigodsky, and Messrs. at $2.95 and Up ' ' man of the program committee. M. E. Friedman, Sy. Krueger, J. prove: a delightful surprise to all. formed the background of the cere- Robinson, Mike Skalovsky, I. BorWe specialize in all Broadcloth The City Auditorium -will be mony, at which Rabbi H. R. Rabino- shevsky, J., Levine, J. Oxman, Mor- j Shirts at $1.50 Mount Sinai Temple beautifully decorated'and booths will witz officiated. One hundred guests ris Miller, Ben^ Sekt, A.;Davis, Morbe erected on either side' with an witnessed the ceremony and were Rabbi Lewis will speak on "Iselaborately .decorated dance floor in pjresent at the dinner which fol- ris Pill, Philip ^herman; Leon DubReligion Doomed" at the regular the center. lowed. Lee Herjoff's Five Aces pro- row, L. Angrohoff, Joe Kutcher, and MEN'S WEAR SHOP Etndce at Mount oinai Temple, this vided music for the dance which fol- Dr. H. M. Levine. 410 Sixth Street Every Jewish organization in the evening. lowed the dinner. The Tickets Committee is directed Opposite Post Office—T\exi Bus Depot city is-playing some part in the proby Mrs. H. Wigodsky and Mrs. Wm. motion of the affair, and are .coLazere as co-chairman. They are The Phi Epsilon Tau Sorority met operating to make this year's carniassisted by: Mrs. Robt. Sacks, Mrs. at the home of Miss Beatrice Levitsval the climax of all previous affairs. Meyer Marks, Mrs. J. Levine, Mrs. Dancing, plenty of "eats", raffling, ky on Wednesday evening. Further M. Lazorwich, Mrs. Milton Mushkin, plans were made for the Summer free prizes, novel stunts, and many Mrs. B. H. Epstein, Mrs. A. Agronsurprises await the crowds which Formal which is to take place in off, Mrs. J. Harkoway, Mrs. S. PassJune. Miss Bernice Levin was electare expected to attend througout the ed as society reporter for the group. man, Mrs. S. Mosow, Mrs. J. Kalin, day and evening of May 6th. Dancing and refreshments concluded Mrs. A. J. Galinsky, Mrs. E. N. The outstanding raffle of the car- the meeting. Grueskin, Mrs. L. Stein, Mrs. J. nival will be. a beautiful and exFriedman, Mrs. F. Mazie, and Mrs. quisite Electric Orthophonic valued • • •• • Mrs. Abbot Wolf, and son Roger of Morris Weiner. at $250 which has been donated by Mason City, Iowa, arrived in Sioux The Publicity Committee is dirDavidson Brothers Company. City Monday, to visit at* the home ected by Lawrence Baron who is The second outstanding raffle will of Mrs. Wolf's parents Dr. and Mrs.being assisted by Messrs. Milton be a set of Sterling Silver Pieces B. Courshon, 3315 Jackson St. Bolstein, Ben Brodkey, and Miss Ann donated by the Greenberg Jewelry Pill. Company. Mr. Max: Barish of Omaha -spent Lee Herzoff and his Five Aces will several days in Sioux City this week. Mothers must understand that Zifurnish music throughout the evenonism, grand and important a s . i t ing" ' ; ; :•;••, . •. . • .- ; ; Mr. Ben Golder visited in Sioux is, is so especially for children,-the r *AH -the committees have been Falls, last. Sunday. citizens of the future.—Herzl. working zealously and have so far Mr. Edward E. Baron, attorney, How long is it since you took manifested a wonderful spirit, which has departed for a brief visit to New your last snapshot?- Even if h bbeen most gratifying"- r hasY-prkj Philadelphia and Washington; - First Class - ;. C' "' it's only a day you can't ing to E. N. Grueskin, who again has guaranteed ? ? assumed the general chairmanship truthfully say "I've: taken Mr. and Mrs. Abe Davidson forfor the Carnival Fund. "We have merly-of this city, but -who now reenough for awhile.". very reasonably left nothing undone to make this side in Chicago are in the city as For every interesting thing priced year's affair surpass any previous the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Teeth extracted $1.00 first tooth you do, every new sight you definite carnival and I am/confident'that the Davidson. '' -• . Eaclyadditional 5t)c see is worth recording in public will be delighted with the to painless Method elaborate'•" program which we have Mr. Adolph Davis returned last snapshots. All ocdusal cavities filled arranged. The marvelous response week form a brief visit in Cincinnati, Silver $1.00— Gold $6.00 To make your picture-tak. r e conwhich has greeted the sale of tickets Ohio. OCKERMAN & OCKERWAN ing more worthwhile is what -! has so .far been most encouraging ^ Mr-. Meyer Levitt returned from -*e',re here to do. So drop in ,502 E & W BIdg. dnues and from all indications '.ve are as- visit to Minneapolis last week. * expir often for plenty offilmand sured of a tremendous crowd." after the guarantee a helpful photographic hint Mr. E. N. Grr.eskin as general chairman is ! being ably assisted by or'two. Established in 1918 Mr. A. J. Giiinsky, Mr. Adolph Dov•Developing, printing and is and Mr. Max Friedman as vice• "' enlarging of the better chairman and the following com; *• sort. mittees: • • ; .' : ~ "'•>.. ! '" x General Committee consists of ••';:'-' ••;;::"•;•;••;• I N V E S T M E N T S ' :• Messrs Max Friedman,' Morey Lip: shutsi and; Mrs. E. E. Baron, Mrs. I LICENSED AND BONDED Adolph Davis, Mrs. John Brodkey Omaha Branch 2059 ROOM 201-2 FRANCIS BUILDING and Miss Rose Lipman. • -Tie danee.committed will-be taken Fierce Street * _' -• y S I O U X C I T Y , - I O W ^ A - charge, of by t h e A , Z, A. organiza- ,
A capacity audience attended the Balfour Memorial meeting, which was held in the Jewish Community Center last" night, tinder the auspecies of the local Zionist Group. Mr. Barney, Baron presided at the meeting. Mayor W. D. Hayes was the principal speaker, giving1 the general viewpoint of the life of Balfour, the Great English statesman and author of the Balfour Declaration. Mr. J. Aizenberg spoke in ^Yiddish praising the work done T>y Balfour in behalf of the Jey.-ish Homeland.. Rabbi Rabinowitz and Rabtii Lewis also spoke at the meeting. • The Shaare Zion Choir sang several solos, and Cantor • A. Pliskin chanted Hebrew ritual for the repose of the soul of Lord Balfour. -
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