May 9, 1930

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Interesting and Entertaining



Interests of The . Jewish Community

Enterefl « •econa-claMmail mattes on Januiry 27, 19X1, at poitofllcs at Omihft, Nebr«»ka, under the Act of March 3, 1BT«*.



VOL. VHI.—No. 17


OMAHANS AMONG Women's Division of Drive Board HADASSAH WILL Asks School J.W. W.O.WILL Not to Read Bible S. A. M. OFFICERS GIVE AWARDS HOLD CONCLAVE for Jewish Philanthropies AT KANSAS CITY TO THE GUILD Is Preparing for Action New York, (J. T. A.).—A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court by Joseph Lewis,. president of the Freethinkers of America, requesting that the Board of Education be restrained from reading the Bible and the singing of hymns in public schools. Arthur Garfield Hayes, Joseph Wheless and' Stephen B. Vreeland are representing Mr. Lewis, and Clarence Darrow has been retained as counsel. Mr.••Louis, who brought his action as a taxpayer, based his complaint on the fact that the Bible is the Kirg James' version, and therefore " Protestant" and as a conse-raence distasteful to Jewish and Catholic children."

Max Glazer, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Glazer of Fort Dodge, la., was elected president of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity for the forthcoming Two Prizes of $25 for Best Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg Is the year. Mr. Glazer is a junior in the Individual PerLocal Official school of Arts and Science at the formers Delegate University of Nebraska. Other officers that were elected at Mrs. Abe Greenberg, president ot Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, president of this tinie were Hymie Kramer, Counthe Jewish Women's Welfare Organithe local Hadassah, has been elected cil Bluffs, Recorder; Sidney. Epstein, ition, has announced that the orofficial delegate to the fifth annual Omaha, Exchequer; James Burganization will make two awards of conference of the South West Region roughs Omaha, Assistant Exchequer; twenty-five dollars each for the seasof Hadassah to be held Monday and and Alfred Fiedler, Omaha, Chapter on of 1930-31 to the Center Players Tuesday, May 19 and 20, at Kansas Historian. Guild. These will be given for the City, Mo. Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity has best individual boy's performance in The other Omaha delegates are just purchased a location in Lincoln the Guild productions and the best Mesdames Max Fromkin, 0. C. Goldfor a new fraternity house. The The Women's Division of the lundred and forty women who individual girl's performance. ner, J. B. Robinson, S. Robinson, J. proposed site is to be on the north Jewish Philanthropies, which is will take part in the campaign. The winner will not be judged on Lintzman, E. Malashock, and Julius side of Vine street between what is Stein. headed by Mrs. J. H. Kulakof- According to Mrs. Kulakof- the part portrayed but instead on the now Fourteenth and Fifteenth sts. merits of the performance. The A large delegation is expected to sky, has completed its organiza- sky, the Jewish women of Oma-judges No immediate plans for building will be selected from outside attend, and the Kansas City chapter tion for the coming drive for ha are very enthusiastic sbout of the Jewish are in prospect for the fraternity, community. as the hostess is expending its utbut the purchase was made to insure $42,000, to begin on May 19. the campaign, and have ex- This award by the Jewish Wommost efforts to make the conference Officers Elected Monday at Mrs. Kulakofsky is being assist- pressed a real interest in the en's Welfare Organization is espea successful and enjoyable ont. All To be In Conjunction With a future home of Sigma Alpha Mu. Meeting at Temple The Omaha boys who are memcially significant since it follows so Mother, Daughter Hadassah members are invited to ated by Mrs. William L. Holzman. Israel bers cf the Sigma Alpha Mu fraterclosely after the Scholarship given tend the conclave as guests. Week After the recent meeting of nity are David Fellman, Alfred Fiedby the Council of Jewish Women. - Mrs. M. Levenson will submit a paper at the conference on "The New Sisterhood Sabbath in conjunction ler, Sidney Epstein, Elmer' GreenMrs. Nathan Mantel was chosen the presidents of fifteen womIn commenting on this, Mrs. HerPlace of Hadassah in Jewish Na- with Motherr and Daughter week will berg, James Burroughs,, Louis Cohen, president of the Temple Israel Sist- en's groups, a major and an asman Jahr, head of dramatics at the tional Fund". Mrs. H. B. Marowitz, be observed at Temple Israel on Sat- Louis -Azorin, Harry Rich,. Isidore erhood at the election of-officers of sistant major and lieutenants Center stated, "I think this award is president of the newly-formed chapt- urday morning, - May 17,-at ten o'- Mann, Milton * Berkowitz, Harry Co- the organization held at -the Temple were selected from each of the splendid and will be a wonderful im..:. ben, Sam Bender, Herbert Neveloff, Monday. er in Council Bluffs, will represent clock. petus to the work of the Center organizations. The present list Mrs. William L. Holzman will read Edward Alberts, Carl Sokoloff, and her chapter at the . conference and Players Guild. No doubt they will Other officers elected were Mrs. of workers includes about one . will read a paper on the "Infant the service and Mrs. I. Rosenthal will Al Batt. give even better performances than Frederick Cohn, honorary vice-presiWelfare Fund". Mrs. Rosenberg will give .a short talk on "Observance of before, not only because of the money dent; Mrs. Mayer Cohn, vice-presiread' the Omaha Chapter's activities Sisterhood Sabbath", after which she but also because their merit is wordent; Mrs. Max Holzman, recording will introduce the new president who of the past year. thy of that consideration." secretary; Mrs. Morris Jacobs, corwill address the assemblage. responding secretary; Mrs. J. CherMrs. S. Wintroub was reelected >' ' A nominating committee composed niak, treasurer; Mrs. Morris Rubenpresident of the Centers Players of the following" was appointed at Luncheon will be served at twelve stein, auditor; Mrs. Max Block, Guild at their last meeting. Other the last meeting to procure nominees o'clock. Reservations for this lunchpublicity. ^ , officers chosen are Haskcll Cohen, for the next election of officers at eon may be made with Mrs. Max L. vice-president; Dorothy Margolin, The closing affair -of the season ; May meeting: Mrs. M. F. Leven- Holzman at the Blackstone hotel. secretary; David Himelstein, "treaswill be the Mother-Daughter affair i, chairman, Mrs. Max Goldberg, The luncheon -will be followed by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofeky urer; Nate Sekerman, publicity manMrs. Max Lerner, Mrs. Albert Shaf- a program directed by Mrs. Louis The final meeting of the year for on May 17, in charge of Mrs. Wil- Omaha Jewry is responding nobly ,.--•'• in aiding the alleviation of those who work of > the twenty ; philan- ager; Max Weinstein, business manfer, Mrs. Rubin and Mrs. Lippett. Sommer. the Women's Auxiliary of the Con- liam Holzman. suffered in the recent tornado which thropic and religious beneficiarj ager; Ralph Nogg, sergeant-at-arms. The leather hat bag donated by Mrs. cervative Synagouge will be held devastated • Tekamah and the sur. J. Rosenberg was won^by Mrs. R. A. The group will stage a "Bowery Wednesday, at the J. C. C. at 2:30 : rounding territory. The Red Cross a g e n c i e s ^ ; y . . ; ' '••-.. . Bleicher. ;' Party" for the members at the J.C.C. ; ': ;.v.• y-,/ -. ' has taken the initiative in the relief " N o t only l a v * •the JeWish women Saturday. Entertainment,, eats, and "Mrs."Jack"lSia're"rx"sp6ke at -the-iast ••'Reportsvby'''tfae^rteimnur? •work and has been ably assisted by of Omah» indicated-their ^intent ion a dance are on the program. . meeting on the drive for the Jewish Committees will be rendered, inits Jewish constituents. . to work during this coming camPhilanthropies. The chapter voted cluding a detail report on the Rabbi Frederick Cohn • is secretary paign,- but they are -going to cona $75.00 donation to the campaign. cent Luncheon which was an outof th<> local division of the American tribute to the fund," said Mrs. Ku-Zionists to Meet "Those wishing to honor their Chicago (J.T.A.)—Prof. Albert A. standing success both financially and Regional Convention to. Be Held Red Cross, and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky lakofsky. "I am particularly pleased on Tuesday Evening mothers on Mother's Day" stated- Michelson, .famous University of Chi- socially. at Kansas City May with this attitude, as I believe that is on the executive committee. Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, "are request- cago scientist' and Nobel Prize win- Rabbi Abraham Bengis will adThe regular social monthly meet17 and 18 Amoag the women who are par- every Jewish woman in Omaha ing of the local Zionist organization ed to bear in mind that trees can ner, has been awarded the Duddel dress the organization, and Mrs now be bought in the Hadassah for- medal of the London Physical So- Sam Beber will give .a few" vocal Fifty members of the Omaha Jun- ticipating in the relief drive by work- should be an individual contributor will meet this Tuesday evening at est at $1.50 each. This is a won- ciety for 1930. - The medal is award- selections. Tea .will be served fol» ior Hadassah are intending to go to ing at the various booths downtown to the Jewish Philanthropies, so that the J. C. C. at 8 o'clock. Ben Kazderful way in which to honor a ed annually to • the scientist who lowing, the program*'-.- and" the public Kansas City for the South West are 5n< luded Mesdames William Al- she may be a member of it. The lowsky will speak on "Zionism and berts, J. M. Erman, Robert Glazer, Jewish women of Omaha realize and mother and is part of the new work makes a notable, contribution to "the has been invited to attend: Regional convention of the organiza- Max Holzman, Louis Kulakofsky, appreciate the necessity of such an! the Jewish Youth". Hadassah is doing in Jewish Nation- advancement of knowledge by the in- A board meeting will be held- im- tion to be held in Kansas City May Rabbi Abraham Bengi?, chairman al Fund." Mrs. Rosenberg will be vention or design of scientific, instru- mediately -preceding the - general 17 and 18. According to word from Phil Schwartz, B. A. Simon, Julius organization as the Jewish Philan-1 of the social and cultural committee, thropies, and they are willing to givei Stein, M. Yousem, I. Levinson, Morton glad to give further information on ments." meeting at 1:30. Kansas City, plans are nearing com- Degen, Phil Ringle, D. Bernstein, wlU Preside t"ze project. This Friday the Auxiliary wil pletion and a full program has been Izzie Chapman, S. A. Rubnitz, I. of their time,.effort and money t o | Of the . most notable inventions of see that it is a complete success." Prof. Michelson, scientists say is the sponsor the services of the Syna- arranged for all visitors. Honored at Annual Grossman, Joseph Bonoff, Max Bloch, Pleased With Work interforometer, a device consisting of goue. Rabbi Bengis will deliver • a Mrs. McRae Speaks The first edition of the "Sou' Paul Bernstein, and Miss Catharine Honors Convocation mirrors and two glass plates of special sermon on "Mother" and an Wester," regional pep bulletin, was Elgutter. Chairman of the campaign, Sam Before Peace Group two reception will be held following published in April. Jennie Chopexact thickness which divide a beam Beber, said that he was highly Among those honored at the anOmana's quota for this mission of pleased with the splendid organizaAt the last meeting of the Peace of light into two. rays, traveling at j *he services. This is also open to thi maker of Kansas City is editor and nual Honors Convocation at the Unirebuilding has been set at $20,000. tion that has been perfected by Mrs. versity of Nebraska for high scholgroup held' Thursday at the Black- right angles to each other. This gp.neial public. Hose Lazarus of Omaha is associate Contributions are being received Kulakofsky and her committee. stone Hotel, Mrs. Donald McRae of device proved that the velocity of Me* dames Irvin Stalmaster and editor. arship were four Omaha members at Red Cross Headquarters and the Council Bluffs was the main speaker. light is equal in all directions; thus, Moire Yousem are in charge of" tfo "I have never seen Jewish women of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity, The Sou' Wester gives the follow- Omsha Wcrld Herald. of Omaha more interested in any Edward Alberts, James Burroughs, Mrs. McRae is the National Head it is said, furnishing a basis for affair. ing program for the convention: philanthropic and religious plan," Alfred Fiedler, and Louis Cohen. of the American Legion Auxiliary. Einstein's theory of relativity. Two Saturday, May 17, Bus ride through said Mr. Beber. "If the spiiit shown Her subject was "The American other inventions of Dr. Michelson's the city, dinner, Stunt Show, with a Alberts i.= a senior medic, while by the women is indicative of the Burroughs, Fiedler and Cohen are Legion's Attitude Toward Disarma- are a super-exact ruling machine and prize offered to the most entertaina range finder which was adopted ment". . irg and most original stunt. All the freshmen. (Continued on Page 6.) Mrs. Samuel Gerson is leader of by the United States Navy in the .-fapters are competing. Sunday, World War. . May 18, Business meeting, luncheon, A. Junior Hadassah mother-daughthe Peace group. Mrs. Abraham Bengis is in charg business meeting, and reception ter affair was held at the Jewish of the Mother and Daughter program dance. Community Center Wednesday "evenof the Junior and Senior Daughters About three hundred girls will at- ing, with an interesting .program of Zion, to be held at the Jewis' Community Center Sunday, May 11 tend coming from Kansas City, St. featured. at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Bengis is beini Jo > ph, Tulsa, Denver, Sioux City, Miss Anne Greenburg spoke for the daughters. Other addresses were assisted by Miss Jennie Feldman an Council Bluffs, and Omaha. given by Mrs. H. Rosenstein and Sam Beber, Harry Lapidus, and i Monsky reported that approximMrs. B. Eisenberg. Mrs. Max Fromkin, senior advisor Henry Monsky, Omaha's delegates to •, ateh' one and one-half million dollars Important measures for the carry- around Aleph; the Harry Lapidus The principal speaker of the even- Will Present "The of the group. the Quinquennial convention of the j had been raised in pledges during ing on of the work of the Aleph Za- award, for the Aleph having done ing :will be Rabbi Abraham Bengis. David Lazarus, baritone, who re- Constitution Grand Lodge of the j the past five years to further the A bridge party sponsored by the Only Way" Locally dik Aleph were decided upon at a the most communally, and the Helen cently won first in the state high B'nai B'rith, held at Cincinnati last work of the Wider Scope Movement, meeting of the Supreme Advisory E. Cohn award, to the Aleph who Daughters of Zion will follow the school music contest, rendered sev- week, played an important role in; of which he was national chairman, The Siou* City Dramatic club is Council of the Order following the did the most in advancing Jewish program, the proceeds to be turned collaborating with the Omaha Jewish eral vocal selections. Miss Rose Bran- j the proceedings of the conclave. The money raised in these campaigns over to the Jewish National Fund. Quinquennial convention of the B'nai religion. deis played the piano, and a clog Dramatic Club in presenting a fourThe outstanding occurrence from | is used to subsidize the work of the The A. Z. A. will attempt to adopt All mothers and daughters are act play at the local Jewish Com- number was given by Betty and Billy B'rith last week. the local viewpoint was the unan- Hillel Foundation, the Aleph Zadik cordially invited to attend. Sam Beber, president of the Coun- the Boy Scout work as a feature of munity Center on June 8. The name GilL imous reelection of Henry Monsky to Aleph, the B'nai B'rith Bureau in cil, presided. The Omahans attending their program. All new chapters Miss Rose Lazarus was in charge the executive committee of the order \ Mexico, the anti-defamation league, of the play is "The Only Way". were Henry Monsky j Harry Lapidus will have to go through a probation of the program. for a five-year term. He has been i and the Palestine Home Buildihg and I. F. Goodman, members of the period. on the B'nai B'rith executive com- j program. . Council; Philip Klutznick, executive The Council is taking under admittee for the past seven years. i The speaker lauded the purposes Jewess Breaks Senior Cowicil Dance secretary; and Julius Bisno, assistant visement a plan whereby the tenth Beber reported on the Aleph Zadik! of the Wider Scope Movement and birthday of the order will be celeexecutive secretary. Endurance to Be Held Tuesday Woid has been received that Grace Aleph, Lapidus on the National Jewj urged that it be supported wholeFinal plans were laid for the Inter- brated in conjunction • with the Dansky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. : Mark ish hospital, and Monsky on the heartedly. national convention to be held in World's Fair in Chicago in 1933. Hans Dansky, has been elected presiThe Senior Council dance for mem- Wider Scope Movement. In reporting for the National hosOakland, California, July '3, 14 and This observance would last a week dent of the Sigma Delta Tau Sororbers only will be held at the J.C.C. j A s f ouru j e r of the A. Z. A. andjPital of Denver, Lapidus, first viceParis (J.T.A.) — Mile. Lena and would be sponsored by the Chi15. ' Beber, Klutznick, Bisno, Joseph ity at Lincoln, Nebr., for the ensuing Tuesday evening, May 13. The p r e s id e nt of the Supreme Advisory i president of the hospital, called the Bernstein, an aviatrix of Karesh and J. Lieberman were ap- cago Council of ten: chapters. year. "Masters of Cerimonians" will furn- Conncil of the Order, Beber told of I convention's attention to the great French-Jewish parentage, has pointed to represent the Council at At this time a tenth anniversary The otler officers elected are Roish the music. achieved a new endurance mark the remarkable growth the Junior strides of progress made in the inthe convention. book with an artistic Jewish theme saline I'7er, vice-president; Toby The committee in charge consists B'nai B'rith had experiencedstitution's work during the past five of 35 hours 46 minutes 55 secBesides approving or disapproving will be published. This anniversary Goldstein, treasurer; Lucille Goldenof Rose Stein, Sylvia Bezman, Harry onds, which breaks the world From four chapters in 1924 the j years. The B'nai B'rith Infirmary of the decisions of the convention, number will include a resume of all berg, secretary, and Caroline DiaColick, and Stanley Levin. record for airplanes of all A. Z. A. has increased to 116 chap- j building has opened, thereby increas h i their: are to select the e best est Jewish history during the past ten mond, historian. Novelty entertainment will be in ters with a membership in excess of ing the expenses of the hospital kinds, having only one pilot, •' • ' \: • . all-around''Chapter, to approve of y e a r s . It was also announced at the Panstore for those attending. A prize 3,000. The Order's activities include §100,000 a year. The annual budget male or female. She surpassthe convention and tournament sites, Philip Klutznickr executive secre- Hellenic Banquet Tuesday night, vralz will be featured. ed the women's endurance recathletics, oratorical contests, social of the hospital is now one half a and to make the annual awards. tary, was elected a member at large which, was held in Lincoln, that This dance will end the organiza- service work and religious programs. | million dollars a year. ord by almost ten hours, held These are: the Boris D. Bogen of the Supreme Advisory Council. Sigma Delta Tau received the scholtion's season of activity. by Mile. Maryse, and was His report was one of the two In pointing out that the Louis award, for the Aleph who had done According. to. plans, paid sectional siphip cup, this being the third time forced" to come down only when reports of the convention to receive Heineman addition to the hospital the most in reviving Hebrew; the field workers will soon aid the A. such an honor was .conferred ton this her fuel gave out. Beauty without virtue is a rose a rising vote of thanks from the is only operating at one half ita Sam Beber award, to the best' all- Z. A. work. 'Jewish sorority. without scent.—Danish Proverb. delegates assembled ' (Continued on Page 6.^ _

Under Leadership of Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Presidents ot 15 Groups Organize Machinery for Their J: Share in the Campaign 140 ENTHUSIASTIC WOMEN PARTICIPATING






p . m .










Monsky Is Re-elected to L (X B. B. Executive

A. Z. A. Adopts New Important Measures

Grace Dansky Heads Sigma Delta Tau Girls

PRESS, FllIIW^/JStAlf 9,


n.atter of fact the agitation is not T Heads Women's Division meant against the Jews but against j New York.—Mrs. Felix M. our government. There is no reason burg will head the women's whatever for the Jews to fear any of the New York Allied Jewish' serious results from this propaganda. iCampaign was announced. It is not the first time that such papers, inspired by our political Moscow (J. T. A.)—The serious enemies, have tried to utilize antidanger that Bira Bidjan in the Far Give Mother a Picture American Jewry's Objections to Semitic agitation for political .purEastern Region, where an autonomBe Given Through "i poses. for Mothers Day Jewish Agency "The, .Jew's, can test assured that. ous Jewish Republic had been planned by -the Soviet authorities, may -r « . , , - , . . c,_ . t * ' ^iti-Semitic papers will disNew York (J. T. A.)-Subnu S5 ioh7|; appe ^• ; M 4 u i c k l y a 8 t h e y c a m e a n d remain completely unsettled is openly the circles cona memorandum to be submittertyjt <oV-;«.i,».»-r«w, w i - ' - i - my" ~..--.._:_.-~^ "therefore, best,~in opinion;; cerned Scith Bira ^Bidjan. Because of the British Government through to ignore them entirely. It is natural fixe Jewish Agency, setting forth the that our Conservative opponents the hofee that the situation in the objections of American Jews to theshould use the passing of the school small towns may now improve folDR. PHILIP D . BCX)KSTABER report of the Inquiry Commission in- bill as a weapon against us Liberals, lowing the decree reinstating most of the declassed not a single Jew The 'Jewish Press presents an ex-come to a healthy understanding and discourses and lectures; deal with to the causes, of the August Pal- but we do not worry at all. We did can be•JEpund-.whois .willing to go MULTIGRAPH estine ridts, .was approved by a con^ these very subjects;. iitft invariably Zclusive article by Dr. Philip D. Book- respect. I may say here that one! our duty t'awards'-Jewish fellowFILLING IN ... „ staber, the active and forceful leader who scoffed at all religious customs the people want more—and ithe "Well ferehce of delegates'of national Jew- Jews should*! have the- same rights to Birar^Bidjan.. FOLDING—MAILING ]'. , of the Reform Congregation at Har- and traditions only today wrote me cannot be drained because life 'itself ish organizations held Tuesday eVeThos^-i who. -tod registered t o . go to supervise .-the educa 'on of their \risburg, Pa. One of the foremost IDEAL LETTER ADVERTISING ning at %he Hotel Astor under $he children as Catholics and Protestants to BiralBidjan as settlers are now is eternal. »\, authorities on the subject of which lie to officiate at his wedding. leadership of4the American Jewish have;; rights guaranteed by the con- declining to go. except as laborers Call Our Phone for Service My best reactions come whjp sem'writes here, Dr. Bookstaber is in I mention these two seminars as AT. 2936—307 Paxton Block with guaranteed earnings. The Comgreat demand throughout the country only indicative of the healthy, rather inars and round-tables have ias" their Congress. A\ resolution by Bernard stitution of "this. Proyince.".; 'for his counsel and interest in youth than unhealthy, spiritual condition of central themes subjects as the-sbove. S. DeutscS, pfoairman of the "conzet, . eevernment; department for • projects.. Dr. Bookstaber-—who has settling the Jews on the land, has ference, directing the appointment written many books, among them our youth in matters of religion par- Whenever I speak on these subjects •wired its branches in White Russia' of a committee to make an analysis with the proper zeal I have invariably • "Postulates of Perfectibility," and ticularly. The youth of today seeks and Ukrainia to send at once 1,000 who has edited the "Mary Letters," a new alignment, a more rational ad- found a hearty response. My files of the report and to prepare an SMILE STUDIO •a psycho-sociolog\cal study —-ivas justment and a greater vitality in his are replete with letters and records answer to statements embodied in For Rent Jews to Bira Bidjan as laborers and 1811 Farnam .'graduated from me Hebrew Union settlers. In response to this urgent; Two large front rooms, newly '.College in 192i; two weeks after his religion. The organization of our of youth's healthy response; and it is the report inimical to the Jews, was Send Your Friends request the branches replied that it *- ordination as a rabbi he received his synagogue today, in its' cumbersome because of this that I am very optim- unanimously adopted. furnished. Call HA. 7124 after was hopeless to try to get anyone A Photo of Your Child • Ph. D. degree in philosophy, economics traditions, rituals and ceremonies istic about the ever-present yearning Declaring that the report, although 6 o*clock. -and sociology from the University of may, in part, be compared •. to thefor religion—the right religion—in. being widely discussed in British now to go to Bira Bidjan. — Our Price 6 For 15c - * • Cincinnati. He is the first Jew to Because of a lack of laborers the • have obtained the highest scouting cumbersome priest-craft and sacrifici- the hearts of the youth of our coun- political circles, will not be cons honor in the country, the Scout- al cult of the ancient Hebrew Com- try. This why I can say, as Addison sidered as a guide in the treatment Comzet fears that it will be impos*. master's Key, in recognition of his monwealth against which the proph- said in his "Cato", that religion, zeal of Palestine's problem by the govsible to do any housebuilding in Bira >work. —THE EDITOR. ets of old rebelled, as do the modern and ardor for idealism, will always ernment, no more than a "report OMAHA Bidjan this Spring. The timber mill FOR KOSHER MEAT MARKET there, whose machinery was furnr. The youth of this country may be youth today instinctively rebel. "The" reside in our youth,-the saving grace; made by a group of tourists", Louis Delicatessen and Groceries ished by the American Icor, is also •-'losing its religion—but—its religion Jewish youth seeks a new organiza- of our noble heritage! Lipsky, president of the Zionist OrNitz Moscovitz, Propr. ^may be of a kind well worth losing, tion—not overemphasized in its mech-^ "The stars shall- fade away, the sun ganisation of America characterized likely to be in difficulties. 1724 No. 24 you survey the field of activi- anism, but an organization only as a it as "another document that must WE. 3817 himself •'• • •• •• To get people to go to Bira Bidt i e s with which youth is connected means whereby and through which Grow dim with age, and nature sink be combated, not by resolutions,, but j&n, the Ozet, society for settling •you will, as I am, be amazed at the the vitality, the movements of reliby facts and figures," and one that in years; I AND Jews on the land, which together "tremendous zeal and ardor which the gion may be emphasized; and this But Thou shalt flourish in immortal would be widely circulated as prowith the Comzet had had joint ' youth of today attaches itself to cannot- be too much emphasized topaganda, i "We must deal with it as youth,'<•"• •• i •"> direction of the Bira Bidjan project, .j causes and activities that are-in-eg-; day, IThe manifestation of such hewj Unhurt amidst the; war of-.elements,' a bit of propaganda," he said, and announces its readiness to register NeV and Used [ sence idealistic. I have traveled the vitality wiU|be found in a- FREE The-wrecks of matter, and the crush recommended action to create favorany Jew no matter what his social G E O . A . SMITH HOUSE status is. This is a great com•'• length and breadth of this country, PULPIT consecrated to the unflinchable counter-propaganda. of worlds." i talking to college groups, Hillel Foun- ing utterances of .righteousness and (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts Fea- A motion to refer the memoran- Cor. 19th and Farnam Sts. — OMAHA promise for the Ozet's discriminaCALL dations, fraternity conventions, and justice; in a PEW wherein sincerity ture Syndicate.) dum back to a committee for in- Teacher of Drama, Marimba aad tion against the former traders has r'have held seminars and round-tables of purpose in religious affiliation is clusion of commendation of Harry prevailed until the very end. .-with young men of the Jewish-faith seen by those who attend services; in Snell, Laborite, M. P., who dissented 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 Have you visited L—and I must, in truth, say that I a MEMBERSHIP that neither conin part from t3ie findings of other —Evenings WAlnut 5077— ;have yet to find a young man who nives at nor condones corrupt pracMARIE FLANAGAN'S CONCERNING JEWISH members of the commission and sub- would not meet with alacrity and with tices on the part of the leaders in PLAYS HAT SHOP mitted a minority report, was made ^courage the appeal made to him in congregational, communal, business Whether the play will be a success {by Dr. Horace Kallen. The conRoom 234 Aquila Court 'the name of reason and sincerity. 1 and professional pursuits. here is hard' to say. Jewish plays At its next cleaning jierence accepted his motion in part, Always the newest remember well two such seminars The religion that the youth of toof late have not fared very well. deserves our and provided the amendmen be made EXCLUSIVE MHJNERY that lasted into the morning hours. day sincerely seeks is that which enThere was Jew- Suss,--which proved without referring the matter to a ' One was at the University, of Minne- ters into the heart of man, as against a box office failure. I am told that committee. Snell's report, Professor ;.sota three years ago, where, in thethe objectifications of the religion Moskovitz who played the, leading Kallen declared, was not solely a \ midst of college students and gradu- vested in gorgeous houses .of worship^ role, and _who: was financially intercourageous, dissent from the majorTAYLOR GRAIN CO. ; ates, we grappled with the question: the rich panoply of .high holiday dis-. ested in the production, lost $20,000 LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS ity view, bat one made by the only 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. 2401 Xo. 2i—WE. 6055 HEXRT SOLIG ED SOLIG }""Who and What is God? It was a play and the blatant oratory so well of> Ms own funds in tiie play. member of the commission of the SUGAR —GRAIN 214 So. 14 —« A T . 6662 .'. hard and difficult seminar, but inspir- known in the "banquet Judaism" of •Jlendel, Inc., authored JbJ-- David dominant political party, and one STOCKS and BONDS >ing because of the intellectual hon.- our day. I am not .asking for a UtoFreedman, a comedy, for some agreed on by a majority of the . •;—^Private Wires— jAc&son 3403—AT. 2008 u esty that .permeated the atmosphere. pia. I and true; Je^sh*Ufe=. jsot ;&a months proved a failure. Freedman Q MITCHJJILL CO? These young men, regarded as irre- much in the large cities but rathe? in waived his royalties and the actors The.meinotandura which will be 27th and Martha St*. HAraey » 2 3 vligious, atheistic and rebellious—these \ ^ e **ma^er nqt only forgot; sjbout t h ^ wdar^fa, in which the sent to the. ,J«wi«h Agency for ultiOMAHA, KTSBBASK.Y « * young men, I say, were seeking frank r&bbi Teally gets."under but also chipped, in to help it along. Soft gray, iron, brass, bronze n d mate submission to the British Govaluminum castings. Standard siees Lew Cantor; who began 4ts produc- bronze and iron bushings, sewer man•J arid honest discussion, were search- his followers: and has a meaningful ^fixtures 6 Supp/ies ernment attacks the Inquiring Comholes, cistern rings nnd covers »nd tion, withdrew. ping for direction and encouragement. and vital contact with the individual mission for exceeding its terms of| Electrical Contractors clean-out doors in slock. All kinds of But the last week has seen a turn j:_ The other seminar group I had was and with the family for life. Reliwood and metal pattenus. reference in its questioning of the 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 for the better. The play all of a •; at Yale university; it was a most gion to the youth of our land bepurpose in upholding the terms of MOVING — STORAGEsudden began to look up and make ;'glorious one! The Sophomoric tone comes j in this intimate contact with the Mandate, for its exculpation of PIANO MOVING money. Now, several stock com'• and "Senioric" wisdom prevailed, and rabbi, temple, congregant and comthe British administrative officials, m m'l^w • mtm panies have been organized, and the , with frankness and courage we all did munal life, "a real living force rather and the nature of its conclusions, Danish producers, even indulge the roseate than a mere proxied relationship.-His and recommendations. hope that the play will parallel the is a true Jewish consciousness Pioneer For 50 Years experience of "Abie's Irish Rose", wrought in seminaries and roundwhich also was a failure at the beYour Towel Man Butter tables; his religion assumes meaningginning, but later turned out to be ful experience; it becomes a direct Thomsen-Slater Butter Co. Omaha Towel Supply Co. a phenomenal success. There's nothmotivating, pulsating and functioning^ 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 ing like sticking to it—sometimes. movement. The youth of the country is potentially powerful in the above expression. Where youth has, so to 1418-1420 Gives Rutgers Room Montreal (J. T. Ai)—The Jews of speak, lost its religion we may be N0.24FST. New Brunswick, N. J.—A donathe Province of Quebec have nothing safe in saying that meaning and function of $2500 has been contributed to fear from the anti-Semitic agitation have not been given to the reliby Otto H. Kahn, who is a trustee tion led by several French weeklies, Anywhere — Anytime FOR YOUR gion PER SE; there may have been a of Rutgers University, to be used as long as the present Quebec govAnything "letting-down", an underemphasis Awnings, Canvas Cavers, Tents, for the establishment of a Rutgers ernment is in power, declared the upon the movement, the spirit of reliCamp Supplies, All Kinds room in the American dormitory in Prescription NATIONAL Provincial Premier L. A. Taschereau U and Howard AT. l*St gion, an overemphasis upon the deadParis. in an interview. Premier Taschereau wood of ritual and ceremonial. I have Specialists ACCESSORIES, INC. made his statement in reply to an found youth always responsive to the 1 "Everything for the Auto* MAX FROXKIN, Attorney inquiry -whether the recent antifuller meaning of the following de«SS Peter. Trust Bide. Semitic propaganda carried on by 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 NOTICE Oi" AMENDMENT TO ARTIfinition of religion as given by Wells: 16th and Howard CLES OF INCORPORATION OV several French newspapers in con24 and Decatur, Phone||[JJ ™00 "Religion is essentially the developTOBK BATTKKY COMFASfl nection with the adoption of the bill J. L, KRAGE, Proprietor ment and synthesis of the divergent Notice is hereby given tuat at u speclul meeting of the directors and stockgiving the Jews the right to separate and conflicting motives of the uncon"NEW FOR OLD" holders of the Tork Battery Compuny sehools in Montreal is to be taken hi>ld at the office of Max Fromkin. 62S SALES LETTERS verted life and the identification of I'eters Trust Building, Omaha, Nebraska, 1619 Farnam St.—AT. S481 seriously. * aiULTIGRAPHING the individual life with the immortal on the 20th day of January, 1030. the FOR RENT — following amendments to the Articlei of MIMEOGRAPHING Premier Tasehereau said, "as a purpose of God." Incorporation were adopted by the afPRINTING firmative vote of all the stockholders and 2 Rooms There is one more point that I wish by such adoption made effective. . SAM KLAVEB Commercial Duplicating Co. A N D •••; Article 3, was amended to read as folKitchen all furnished- Other 612 Oman* Nafl Bank Bldg. to stress, and that is the lack of fire 1511 Dodge St^-JA. 4854 RUNNERS AND SNAGS lows : NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ON PETIroom unfurnished. and zeal for the mystical in religion "The purpose for which this CorpornREMOVED TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF FIN All tiou is organized and the powers which WEbster 3527 on the part of our leaders in religion. ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT it shall have are as follows: 'io carry Bolt Hose Mending Shop AT ALL GROCERS OB the trade or business of manufacturIn the County Court of Douglas County The youth of today senses a sort of. ing, producing, adapting, preparing, imNebraska. . ,, One-day eervice or while yon wait "pussy-footing" on the part of rab porting and exporting, buying ami scllIn the matter of the estate «f Morns Made by —Mail Orders Promptly Serviced— I»JT and otherwise dealing in nny nnd Belzer, deceased: bis and lay-leaders when it comes to all kinds of batteries and supplies; and 533 Securities Bldg.—AT. 3921 All persons interested in said matter Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Io manufacture, buy. adapt, prepare, use. frank discussion of such subjects as are hereby notified that on the l"9th day 4420 Florence Blvd. import and export, sell or otherwise ileal Company of April, 1930, Xathau Belzer filed a petisoul, immortality, God and life. Our in any materials, articles, or things reKE. 1500 tion in said County Court, praying that Nebraska JOB FOUNDRY Omaha quired for. in connection with, or inbis final administration account filed hereBibles and commentaries thereon, the cidental to the manufacture1, use purThe House With A; Reputation in be settled and allowed, and that h^oe, AND MACHINE "WORK chase find sale -of or other dealing in Talmud and the writings of our great discharged from his trust ae admlnistrn•••••••••••••IF' any and .«T1 of ' the aforesaid/wares nn<1 REINFORCING^STEEL, t«r and that a hearing will be hadI on .said philosophers are so full of these disarticles. To buy, owli. sell^ lease, impetition before said Court on tb_e 24th 4aj ; prove., and-otherwise deal .in and with »f May, 1630. and that if you fail • o ^ p cussions that I cannot see how pulpits "Manufactured; i n real'estate'and personal property as mrty pear before eaid Court pn the. said 34th he; incident: to the inain purpose of the can degenerate to such:low levels of day of May. 1930. «t 9 o'clock A. M... and Omaha" corporation: to loiin, aim to borrow inocontest said petitiou. the Court may KtSHt "feeding the popular cry". "My best ney and to m;ikc, cxecuto nnd deliver the prayer ofsaid petition, enter a <{e"«*



Noted Rabbi, a Foremost Authority on the Subject, Is i Optimistic About the Tendencies | of ? Israel's Young Folks






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Barry H. Lapidus, President- Tress.




Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets "' Phone JAckBon 2724 - " 1 ^ " ' Omaha, V-1--'

MILTON ABRAHAMS, Attorney 400 Brandels Theatre Bid?, NOTICE Bit PUBLICATION ON FETITIT1ON FOR SETTLEMENT OF FIDfAIj ADMINISTRATION" ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Aaron Bubensteiu, deceased-. AH persons interested In 6aid matter are hereby notified tbat on the 16th day of April, 1030. Harry Wllinsky filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that ^ he be discharged from his trust as ad- » t ministrator and that a hearing will be had on Baid petition before said Conrt. on the 17th day of May. 1930. and that if you fail to appear" before said Court on the said 17th day of May. 1930, at 0 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said I petition, enter a decree of heirship. and! make such other nnd further orders, al-, lowanees and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all* mftU«i8 'pertoIking- *o said- estate-may • be

finally settled and determined-."'-" BBXCE CRAWFORD, April 25-3t County " "

"i I

Times a. day we are in your neighborhood



AT. 4750—MA. 4750 Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program


of nefrshlp, and mate sUct oth« and further order*, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that nil matters pertaining to said estate may be flntllr settled ond determined. BRTCE CRAWFORD, May 2—3t . County Judge. _

MAX FROMKIS, Attorney «3* J?eter» I**' NOTICE OF ABJWNISTBATIOS In the County Court of Pouglas County, Nebraska. ' In the Matter of t i e estate of Beres Weissman, deceased. All persons interested in snld estate, are hereby notified that a petition, h»8 been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his ^tate and that a learine will be 1"4 on said i petition before said court on the 81st da> of Slay, 1930. and that if they toil to appear at said Court on the said 31st day of JMay. 1030. at 9 ©clock A. m. to contest said petition, the Court may grant tup ,' same f and grrast administration of -saw estate to Mas Fromfcin or pome other suit'* able, person ant} .proceed -to. a , settlement

Baker Ice Machine Co.


The Sanitary Laundry "The Best of All Laundry Service" Farnam





Frsone ATLANTIC 0^391

mortgages, bonds, aud other securities to 8*cure (he repayment of nny moneys borrowed, find to take as security for the repayment of any money loaned, mortgages, bonds am' other securities." - Article 4, was amended to read as follows : "The capital stock nf this Corporation shall be Fifty Thousand -Dollars (S.TO,fiO0.(X)l divided into Five Hundred (.">(K1> shares of comwon stock of Hie par value of One Hundred Dollnrs ($100.00) cneh." • Article 5, was amended to rend ns follows : "The existence of this Corporation shall becin on the filing of » copy of its Articles of Incorporation with the Comity Clerk of Donglas County. Nebraska, ns provided by law, and business may be commenced when Twenty-two Thousand. One Hundred Dollars (S22.100.001 of it> capital stock shall be snbscribpd atid paid for: and shall continue for a period of Fifty (50) years unless sooner dissolved by the vote of two-thirtis of the issued and outstanding conimon stock."' •Dated at Omaha. Kebraskn. this Cist day of April. 1930. .•v . - TORK BATTERY COMrAJTT. By H. B. NQVE5. '•:?-*•'.':-"£•'•

April 25-4t




•• •


JOHN' "«*. BOTLE. Secretary.

fjA 418M121—1912 Ftroam






AU Omaha Jewry will combine its forces, through the JewisE Philanthropies, to raisejthe $42,000 quota for the year 1930. Twenty worthy pliilanthropic and religious institutions will be the beneficiaries of this fund. Every Jew in Omaha should give to this "cause.

*- • "

Through the plan of the Jewish Philanthropies, only one drive will be conducted for these agencies. This will eliminate the individual drives; will greatly reduce the cost of raising and collecting the money pledged; will provide a more accurate system of distribution of the funds. The plan has been adopted and approved by every Jewish organization in Omaha. Every Jewish man, woman and child should be a member. ,

$42,000forThese Worthy Beneficiary Agencies TALMUD TORAHS AND JEWISH EDUCATION. The purpose of the Talmud Torahs is to arouse in the child a love for the high ethical and religious values of the Jewish people; a Jewish, consciousness and a feeling of identity with his fellow Jews. It is their aim to prepare the child to participate in-the destinies of his people by acquainting him with the cultural treasures of Judaism Avhich are found in the Jewish religion, in the history-of the Jews, in a study of Hebrew, and in the literature of the Jewish people! Less than 30%: of'the 1700 Jewish children of Omaha receive any kind of Jewish education.

Qive With Your Heart 4



WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Meets the needs of the sick poor of the Jewish population as well as those who can pay for. their services?- The hospital aims to instill a Jewish atmosphere and-plans to engage Jewish nurses and a Jewish superintendent. "*-•

Qive for 20 Causes

j ^1 , „

OLD PEOPLES HOME; For the^csre of; Jewish men and women.-^-Strives constantlyy to fe pteafollsdheelSHfeKiSs h t " k thi id i happy; to "keep their minds active arid occupied and fijiing-sunshine, and comfort to their declining years. / . NATIONAL JEWISH HOSPITAL of Denver, Colo., treats without charge and without distinction of creed, persons Buffering from tubercular tendencies, to the end that the dev^lop^ trieiit of the disease may be prevented. The N. J . H. wasfthe first free national hospital for the tubercular poor. "-. 5 JEWISH CONSUMPTIVES' RELIEF SOCIETY of Denver, Colo., established in 1904 and accepts men and women in all stages of tuberculosis. EX-PATIENTS TUBERCULAR HOME at Denver is engaged in the work of providing for and taking care of their unfortunate consumptives who, after being discharged from a tuberculosis sanatorium or hospital, are as yet unable to care for themselves. . LEO N. LEVI MEMORIAL HOSPITAL at Hot Springs, Ar^ kansas, established in 1914 for the care of the Jewish sick who came there in search of a cure. The hospital is designed particularly to treat rheumatic diseases and chronic arthritis. - JEWISH. ORPHAN HOME in Cleveland was established in 1838 to care for dependent children. The Home attempts to individualize the care of children and provides a recreational and cultural program. There are 25 Omaha children being cared for by the Home at present.

T'A.- -.-.-:

- , *

HEBREW SHELTERING AND IMMIGRANT AH) SOCIETY (HIAS) faciliates the lawful entry of Jewish immigrants at the various ports of the United States, Cuba, South American countries, Australia, and South Africa where it maintains " offices. ^'Hias" provides immigrants with temporary shelter, food/clothing, and such other aid as may "be found necessary; guides them to their destination; prevents them from becom-ing public charges by helping them to obtain employment; maintains offices in European countries for the purpose of assisting, guiding and protecting Jewish immigrants. _^


NATIONAL DESERTION BUREAU has established a worldwide network of several hundred co-operating social agencies whose aim is to trace the family deserter. The Bureau's firt attempt is to reconcile husband and wife wherever possible and feasible. BUREAU FOR JEWISH SOCIAL RESEARCH acts as a clear, ing" house through which experiences are pooled and to which communities may look for information in their community organization problems. NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE, was organized to discuss the problems of Jewish Social Work, to promote reforms in its administration and to provide uniformity of action and co-operation in all matters of Jewish, philanthropic and communal activities. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR JEWISH SOCIAL WORK train* competent men and women for all fields of Jewish Social Work. Omaha has had two graduates of this School. ^ATIONjtL FARM SCHOOL, Doylestown, Pa., was incofpor^ ated in 1896 to train city-bred boys between the ages of 16 and 21 and with grade school education in scientific agriculture. A number of Omaha boys have attended this school. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE aids in obtaining equal •rights for Jews wherever they are denied them. The Committee takes action whenever the rights of Jews are violated and secures for Jews equality of economic, social and educational opportunities. NATIONAL APPEALS INFORMATION SERVICE makes studies of all organizations appealing to Jewish communities throughout the United States for financial support. This organization furnishes information to the various Jewish communities so that they may evaluate the merits of appeals made upon them. The N. A. I. S. has approved all Omaha Beneficiary agencies. DENVER NATIONAL HOME FOR JEWISH CHILDREN established in 1908 for children whose parents are tubercular and who are patients in tuberculosis hospitals in Denver. ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN for tiie .• a. Joint Distribution Committee and T). Jewish Agency for Palestine (a) JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE: to alleviate distress and suffering of the Jews in Eastern Europe. To help them gain an economic footing and become self-dependent. " JEWISH AGENCY: for the upbuilding of the Jewish 4(b) National Home in Palestine. This means to carry forward the work of colonization, the meeting of religious needs, fostering •the Hebrew language and. Jewish culture, providing for sanitary and hygienic requirements and engaging in other activities incident to the development of a free Jewish life that will be a source of happiness to those who may dwell there.

JEWISH of OMAHA • '''- "~>'>'.- i"- ""--'"V*^" *•»-*--;!-"•' '






- \LjdmJLmM\

>aign Begins May 19,1930



THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by


UNA GUTHERZ STRAUS The maiden name of Mrs. Nathan Straus was Lina Gutherz. "Gutherz" is German for "good heart"; and no woman had better claim to this title than the companion of Nathan Straus. If ever a biography is written of her it will tell a most touching story of one who gave herself wholeheartedly to the cause of making the world a better place to live in, who helped with all her soul the humanitarian work of Hadassah in Palestine. The statistical part of her life story can be resumed in a few words: Born at Mannheim, Germany, in 1853; married to Nathan Straus in 1875; died in 1930. Yet her life was a rich one that can well serve as an inspiration to American womanhood. Side by side with her illustrious husband she gave without stint of herself and her means for their great philanthropic undertakings. She took a leading part in the milk pasteurization work, in war relief, in Palestine sanitation activities. At no time, not even in her youth—and Lina Straus was an attractive woman indeed—did she take interest in futile social pleasures. Some years ago she donated all her jewels to Hadassah; for at the time it was all she could give to the cause she had at heart. Modest, retiring, shrinking from publicity, working energetically,; almost to her last day, for Jewish causes and individuals in need, Lina Straus personified what is highest, in the Jewish race. . Lina Gutherz Straus was laid to rest on Monday morning in the Straus vault on the Beth-El cemetery. I t was a beautiful morning in May—with golden sunlight and budding flowers and growing grass all around her. Nature is turning a new life—a new spring and summer—and a beautiful soul was put to eternal rest. To Nathan Straus her passing means the death of an integral part of himself. All world Jewry prays that its unanimous love and sympathy will help him find consolation in his grief at his irreparable loss.



shall be played at: his funeral—and no other music. Adotph Zukor cried, it is said, when he related the story of his success. " V S. M.Eisenstein, Soviet cinema di- \ rector, who is Hebraic, will come to the United States to do a picture for Douglas Fairbanks. And Fairbanks by the way is a member of the Jewish Theatrical guild, although we do not credit story of his being Jewish.

Even with the use of the most powerful magnifying glass, all 'that j can be discerned is the general effect of printed letters, and to the Second Hebrew Course New York.—A course in Hebrew naked eye only fine gray lines can By DAVID SCHWARTZ which has already been incorporated be perceived. Mr. Gancher's father in the curriculum of the Thomas before him had written letters in SIOUX CITY OFFICE Jefferson High School, has now been precise and equally intricate Hebrew. OUR JOKE CONTEST JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street But now to this national joke con- LIVE AND LEARN [introduced as an elective subject in Wins Pulitzer Scholarship At Coney Island, we have sees test. Have received quite a number ' the Abraham Lincoln High School, New York.—Sidney Fischman, an Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 the man who was a half man and* of stories, but I have a feeling that which has recently been built in the art student at the National Academy Advertising rates furnished on application half woman—we have seen the beardtoo many are hesitating for no good her-rt of a growing Jewish commun- of Design has been awarded to aned woman and we have even seen a reason at all. Remember, the prize ity in Brooklyn. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old nual Pulitzer Traveling scholarship for the best story is the two vol-Democrat who lived in Pennsylvania. .and new address; be sure to give your name. which amounts to $1500 and which umed biography of Theodor Herzl But nothing like Abe Hollandersky Jewish Suicides Larger . New York.—The record of Jewish allows the winner to study abroad by Jacob de Haas^-ornament to ev- has ever been seen or heard before. 77 suicide in Eastern Europe, due to for one year. Abe is an author. His book is ery library. Several other Jewish students were insolvency, is an abnormal one, accoming out shortly—and Abe boasts : HEBRAIC CALENDAR cording to a report by David M. awarded prizes and received honor- THE WRONG FLOOR of being the only author who cannot 5690-1930 One of the best stories which I read and write. We have known of Bressler, executive member of the able mention at the annual distribuLag B'Omer .._.._..............Friday, May 16 American Jewish Joint Distribution tion of awards, among them being have received in the contest so far any number of authors who cannot Committee, r.nd, Joseph C. Hyman, William Cohen, Philip Saltzman, —comes from Max Abrahams, New- write, but here is ont who cannot Roeh Chodesh Sivan. Wednesday, May 28 secretary of that body, which has Louis Goldfinger and Seymour Fogel. ark, N. J. read and is proud of the fact. 1st Day Shabuoth „...„;... —Monday, June 2 He tells the story of a young feljust been made public by the Allied By profession, he is a newsboy, *Roteh Chodesh Tammuz.._.„_- Friday, June 27 German Anti-Semitism low who had an overdose of Sunday and he claims to be the world's Jewish Campaign. This is especially Exaggerated Fast of Tanunuz. ._. -Sunday, July 13 school and one day came to a Jew- greatest. He is a champion boxer the case, they say, in their report, New York.—J. T. A.)—The reports ish home and knocked on the door. and is mentioned in Ripley's "Believe Rosh Chodesh Ab . -Saturday, July 26 in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Transylvania, Rumania, where the Jews about growing anti-Semitism in Germ- "Did you kill the Messiah?" he It or Not" as the only man who ever Fast of Ab ..Sunday, August 3 any are greatly exaggerated, declared fought 1,034 ring battles. At one Rosh Chodesh AIM'. .....Monday, August 25 are preponderantly the tradesmen, Dr. Leo Baeck, president of the Ger-asked. the merchants, shopkeepers and man Rabbinical Assembly and a Non- "No," replied the Jew who came time he sparred in the White House Rosh Hashanah ..Tuesday, September 23 small industrialists of the country. Zionist member of the Administrative to the door, "it was the Bernstein's with Theodore Roosevelt. In addiYom Kippur...._. ~_.......Thursday, October 2 on the fourth floor." tion, he boasts of being the homeliCommittee of the Jewish Agency for Among Year's Forty Best 1st Day Succoth.._._ -.-.Tuesday, October 7 est man in the world. Abe has sold FROM "OLE KENTUCKY" New York.—Out of forty notable Palestine, in an interview on his arShemini Atzeieth . Tuesday, October 14 newspapers and boxed throughout Miss Sydney L. Crystal of Jefferbooks of the year chosen for the rival in New York. Dr. Baeck, who the world, and has had many interShnchath Torah ...... Wednesday, October 15 International Institute of Intellectual is the president of the Grand Lodge of sontown, Kentucky—how near is Jef- esting experiences, and his book Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Thursday, Oct. 23 fersontovn to Louisville, Sidney?— Cooperation of the League of Na- the German B'nai B'rith, is here for "ghosted" by a newspaper scribe is Rosh Chodesh Kislev -Friday, Nov. 21 tions by the American Library As- the quinquennial B'nai B'rith conven- tells the story of Sister Helen who expected to have a good sale. 1st Day Chanukah Monday, December 15 sociation, three have been written tion in Cincinnati where he will dis- told her ma one day that she needed by Jews. This is an annual listing, cuss the situation of the Jews in Ger-a pair of shoes and "she would have GORKI COMING HERE Rosh Chodesh Tebeth_.Sunday, December 21 a pair of kids". My distinguished colleague, "Proand books are selected by scholars, many. Fast of Tebeth_ .-..Sunday, December 28 "It is true that the anti-Semitic Whereupon, Milton, aged four in- fessor" Bernard Postal, sends me an specialists and librarians and should *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. be works chosen "from those deal- National Socialist party is growing in terected. "But Helen, I thought you interesting item to broadcast to the readers of this column. Mr. Postal ing with an important subject or power in Germany," said Dr. Baeck. have to be married to have kids." informs me that Maxim Gorki, famed from the pen of an original and in- "But there is no immediate danger" FROM MICHIGAN TOO TO QUR MOTHERS he said "for the Jew- Just as the Ku Mr. Myer Teitlebaum of the Uni-Russian scribe, is shortly coming to teresting author . . ." The three thus selected are: "A Klux Klan in the United States does versity of Michigan sends in one these states to interview Mend«l When all America pays its tribute to MotherPreface to Morals" by Walter lipp- not endanger the individual Jew here that is fairly old to me, but you Beiliss, of ritual murder charge hood this Sunday, the Jews, ever staunch homemann, "Street Scene" by Elmer Rice, so the National Socialists in Germany know how jokes are—a joke that is fame. lovers, will be among the first and sincerest to' Gorki expects to deal with the Beiand "Herman Melville" by Lewis do not constitute a menace to indi- old to one man is new to another. It liss case in a fictional way in one of vidual German Jew. All their atgive due homage to THEIR mothers. The Jewish j is the story about the rabbi and Mumford. tempts in the Reichstag to obtain an- priest who were discussing how high his forthcoming books, and is theremother has always been the guiding star, the Roeenwald Offers $50,000 ti-Semitic legislation have been in one can reach in their respective fore coming here for material. perpetual lamp, which has lighted our way He will find Beiliss—a poor sick New York.—A sum of $60,000 vain." clerical ladders. through the shadows of the Diaspora; she needs man, who spends his time traveling hai been offered by Julius Rosen"What," asked the rabbi, "can no bard to touch the strings of his lyre in her from one hospital bed to another. wald of Chicago on condition that Other Countries you aspire to after you are a honor—her life is itself a Song of SongSi an equal amount is raised, to be priest?" DREYFUS DOESN'T devoted to Hebraica and Judoica in Asch's "God of Vengeance' The Jewish woman's holiest vocation has been - "Oh, then a bishop." WANT PLAY the Jewish Division of the Library JEWISH BOOK WEEK that of mother, and oneof her grandesi; tasks Berlin.—A talking film version of "And then -what?" Talking about Beiliss reminds me i Congress, for which there is at "God of Vengeance", the famous "Why then a cardinal." of another, who went through tor- "•'••\ has been the noble inspiration of her children, The fourth annual Jewish Book Week, to be of present a dire : need. tures for being a Jew — Captain -*"*• her most priceless treasure. This maternal in- observed from May 11 to May 18, holds a special There has been no substantial in- play of Shalom Asch, noted Yiddish "And after that?" in simultaneous Yiddish, "Then a chance in a hundred mil- Dreyfus. stinct—an infinite force—is not only a natural significance to us Jews. We have given the crease to the Jewish Division of the playwright, German, English and French produc- lion—to become the Pope." I have noted before that shortly emotion but a traditional ideal, most aptly illus- world its greatest book, the Bible, and the genius library of Congress since the col- tions is being prepared here by A. "And then?" continued the Jew. there is to be issued a tome dealing ? lection contributed by the late Jacob trated in the prayer of Hannah. As here, so of our co-religionists has always expressed itself Granowsky, former director of the "Say ,, asked the priest, "what with the Dreyfus case. H. Schiff, though the demand for Yiddish Theatre in Moscow "God would you want- him to become—a throughout the dark chapters of Israel's history in the writing of and love for books. Now comes __\y..prd that the play Semitic rnaterffeljis constantly grov- of "Vengeance" is Asch's best known in^the ghettos Jewish home without^a collection the.Jewish mother has everlastingly.j>roven her about Dreyfus, which was first prefifg, requests ^coming from various work and has been translated into "Well, one of our boys -was," sented recently in -Germany is shorttinle virtue. During our Golus it was the myriad of representative books was a rarity, in our agegovernments departments, embassies, many languages. smiled the Jew. ly to be brought to the United of soiTowful mothers who comforted, counseled, we seem to be straying from our traditional at- congress, the press and other States. IN A LINE OR TWO Rabbi Not Clergyman? agencies. and inspired their menfolk to weather inexorable tachment to the printed word. Captain Dreyfus himself, living Nathan Asch, whose book "Pay Berlin.—A rabbi is not a clergypersecutions and decimations in order that the Where we have appealed to our people in be-Falks Give $325,400 man _ within the terms of the; or-Day" is having trouble .with the secluded in Paris, I understand, obrace might live on. But Jewish history bux-ies half of anything and everything, we have neg- Pittsburgh.— A gift of $325,400 dinance exempting a clergyman's censor, is the son of famed Yiddish jected to the presentation of the play in France. "I don't want to stir up in silence the names of its mother-martyrs. fleeted to popularize the Jewish book. The num- will be given to the University of house from taxation, the Upper writer, Shalom Asch. by Mrs. Marjorie Falk Court ruled. The case arose when Frank L Knotch, author of King the old memories and the old bitThis maternal instinct has been and still is ber of those interested in books of a deeper na- Pittsburgh Levy and her brother, Leon- Falk, Mob, it is rumored by some, is none terness," he objected. At this writthe basis of Jewish family life, the stronghold of ture, requiring more than mere superficial peru- to commemorate the memory of their a Jewish community center asked other than Maurice Samuel in dis- ing, it is uncertain, whether the i Jewish sentiment. The Jewish mother has fos-sal, is negligible. And in many Jewish homes mother, Fanny Edel Falk. The en- the court to rule on the release from guise. French producers will listen to his of the community center tered and kept intact the inmost germ of moral- not even a Bible or a prayer book can be found. dowment will be used for the erec- taxation Sam Schubert, famed theatre man, plea or not. It may be said, with which is also used as a house by a ity—discipline and family devotion. . She in herThis, when among the most notable authors of tion of a model elementary school rabbi. is a vegetarian. certainty, however, that it is coming Philip Goodman, producer, in his to America. dominion over the home has been the bond of the twentieth century are found -writers like which will be under the supervision Ratshesky Honored the School of Education of the will, has a provisi which directs that (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish cohesion which has safeguarded the purity of Zangwill, Lewisohni Lippman, Bodenheim, Rice; of Prag. (J. T. A.)—A cavalry divi- the waltz from "The Dollar Princess" Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) University, and will be named in the race and the continuity of religious tradition. Frank, and a host of others too,numerous to honor of Mrs. Falk. sion escorted Abraham Rathshesiy; And with the bright dawn of a fairer day formention—excellent books of Jewish interest writthe new United States Minister at Prague, to an official reception at femininity, those admirable characteristics of theten by Jewish authors, and books with Jewish 50 Years of Ort Work New York.—Fifty years of work which he was the guest of President Jewish mother receive a new emphasis. She isthemes by the hundreds. by the Ort, as well as plans to Members of the American awakening interest in Hebrew, in our culture Judaism is a philosophy of learning and knowl- celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Masaryk. and of the Czechoslovak and literature. She is rebuilding that eternal;edge. No one can truly comprehend and appre- it: existence in November, were Foreign Office were also present. passion which .preserved for hundreds of years ciate our faith without careful, devoted study. graphically described by Dr. Leon Congress of Greek Jews Bramson, president of the Interthe religion of a wandering people. In the re-If Judaism is to have a strong hold on the national Salonica.—The Union of Jewish Ort, to a small gathering habilitation of Palestine, Jewish mothers are masses of our people, we must cherish and foster at the Hotel Pennsylvania here. Communities of Greece, for whose playing an important role. An unparalleled num- a more sacred feeling about Jewish books. Let As part of the anniversary celebra- creation June 1929 the Jewish ber of Jewish mothers have been voluntarily as-jus recognize the historic role of the book in tion Dr. Bramson declared that the Agency was instrumental as it was called into being in order to elect suming responsibilities in Jewish life in various Judaism arid continue to buy and* read good Ort had planned to expend $250,000 Greek representatives for the Zurich to build a number of small communifields of civic, communal, and welfare work—[Jewish books—Let .us lend ourselves to the conference, held its first congress ty centers throughout Eastern Europe everywhere lending their spiritual and material slogan "A Jewish Bookshelf in Every Jewish for this Tfeek with 57 delegates in attechnical activity and study, to support. tendance. . Home t opened in the fall. fET off to a zestful, sunshiny The congress adopted a budget ;of The Jewish mother—guardian of the Jewish Jerusalem Scenes 100,000 drachmas ($13,000), discussed start every morning in genuine sanctuary. Hers is a noble, though often un- The word Yiddish, etymologically related to New York. — A portfolio- of 20 t h e appointment of a chief rabbi, recognized task. We of Israel acknowledge our the German word for Jew, denotes-a vernacular lithographic drawings of scenes j ^ation of a rabbinical college Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes. Walk debt to our mothers; but we can repay this debt used by thousands of Jews. That which is Yid-Jerusalem, drawn by Saul Raskin, Ii n g acr^ ^ a a n d the Kereiv Hayesod. a mile in them—or ten; your feet only by a full recognition and a just appreciation dish many at times be Hebrew, and is at all times has become part of the collection; irjn [he delegates went on record as of the magnificent efforts of these beloved souls Jewish. That which is Hebrew may at times be at the Metropolitan Museum of Art favoring five inscriptions in the Balwill feel fine at the end of the jaunt Mr. Raskin, who has recently re- four Golden Book for the Jewish of high courage. Yiddish as well, but is, at all times; for practical turned from Palestine had devoted . . . It's all in the cushion—an inpurposes today, Jewish. That which is Jewish himself to drawing not only Jewish communities in Greece. Need Not Support Rabbis . SAYINGS OF THE SAGES may now be Yiddish, and again Hebrew. visible, permanently springy featypes in Jerusalem but had also Moscow.—If their parents are; enmade considerable reproductions of gaged in clerical activities, children If thou hast commenced a good action, leave Yiddish chiefly describes a language. ture, exclusive to Dr. Reed Shoes. it not incomplete, Hebrew chiefly describes a religion and a tradi- synagogues, and street scenes, all of are not obliged to obey the Soviet which' have been included in the law making it mandatory for child• To deserve mercy, practice mercy. tion. Only in Omaha at The Nebraska portfolio. Use the best vase today; tomorrow i t may Jewish chiefly describes a people—a people Another copy of the same port- ren to support their parents, was the Greater Shoe Sections Mnin Floor—Aortfc ruling in a Soviet court in Minsky that' use both Hebrew and Yiddish, as well as folio has been acquired by the New-today. break. The case arose when three To be faithless to a given promise is as sinful other vernaculars, based upon Spanish, Greek York Public Library. rabbis brought charges against their and so on—a people that adheres to certain tradi- Champion in His Line as idolatry. children for non-support. When the immoi-tal soul shall be called to ac-tions and a certain religion.—EveryFriday, Cin- New York.—What is perhaps the Rabbi Sadovsky, who has four CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOllJiN count before the Divine Tribunal, the first ques- cinnati. vorid's championship in sma.ll letter sons who are artisans, Rabbi Segawriting has been awarded to Abra- lov, who has one son who is a govtion will be: "Hast thou been honest and faith-) ernment employee, and Rabbi* Chait ful in all thy dealings with thy fellowmen?" j Part of our life's efforts are bound to be un-ham l Gai cher of n d i" B " u 5 '" "* whose son is a teacher, complained mechanical devices and •fnii+'fiil /MM. s>svn4-1.;u.,+< . .. mecnanicai devices »"« or to the court that their sons refused contribution to the experience ac-t h e A u t o m a t i c Adding Machine Co., Maintaining a Sabbath Day—a day of rest— frmtful-oui support them as the Soviet law count of life. However, even that eventually be-jfo_ the transcription of the Declara-to creates a cycle of influence that makes for added comes a leverage moving life forward. ftion of Independence, in characters provided. At the trial the sons of ; so miniature as to measure in its the rabbis declared that they had cut fruition of spiritual values sown and nurtured themselves off from all contact with on those days. It woi'ks to create a mental, The most exclusive club known is that of the entiret s" n o t raore thaI ! fiv2;eiehths their parents and wanted to have Thclasidi Shoefon hath oi emotional and spiritual soil that more than read-^Masters of Wisdom—and they love all mankind< inch by one inch. I hat, acnothing to do with them because 1 ily absorbs truth values, tending to make them and all lives. It is open to all -mankind, and char- "" to Mr. Gancher, at the I they declined to recognize parents words on ani?ordinary 40,000 more dominant in life. _ --*w..-« «,~ ^ . . ^ . . L . * _ „ _ . , who are cleric*1* acter is the post-card. Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent

United States

. : ,\ ' ? S




jGilinsky Will Head Phi Beta Epsilon


Morganstown, W. Va.—The Uni- For Henrietta Szold versity of^ West Virginia Hillel Jerusalem.—A demand that HenFoundation is 1930 champion of the rietta Szold, formerly a member of National Hillel Debating League The closing class of the Study sponsored bjf the Independent Order the. Palestine Zionist Executive, be Circle of the Conservative Syna- of B'nai B*rith. By virtue of their continued as head of the Zionist education department, even if she gogue will be held at the J. C. C. is not a member of the newly victory over a team representing Monday afternoon at 2:30 pjn. elected Jewish Agency executive for the University of Michigan in a final Mrs. Sara Cohn will' read a paper Palestine, lias been addressed to Dr. ! elimination series in on "Jewish Education". Rabbi Abra-^ Chaim Weizmann, president of the West Virginia, they ham Bengis will preside and will] Jewish Ag-ency, by the Palestine will receive custody of the Hillel lead a discussion on Jewish current! Teachers' Organization. events. ] Debating trophy for the coming Mrs. Sam Beber is chairman of year. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS this groups

1 Nathan E. Gilinsky, law freshman, I was elected president of the Phi • Beta Epsilon, Jewish social frater-j Pupils of "Braviroff and Mach Witt-Particinity at Creighton university. Other j pate -n.' officers chosen were: Abe Fellmann, j vice-president; Joe Fellman, secre- j" The public is invited to attend a Jo-i at the Schmoller and Mueller Auditorium on Wednesday evening May 14th at 8.15 o'clock, by the following pupils of Harry Braviroff, pianist, and pupils of Frank Mach, ENTERTAINMENTS : Evelyn Chaiken, Lillian Habler, H. violinist. „. Mrs. John Faier entertained 24! Cohn, Al Batt, Carl Sokoloff, and Pianists: living Beitel, Dora DolTemple Israel to win' the- honor. guests at her home, Sunday, May 4,1 Mike Freeman spent the weekend in The services at Temple Israel will goft', Thomas Durkin, Beatrice Eise- The Omaha Tobacco Company won in honor of her sister, Miss Rose \ Lincoln, Nebr. " jbe in charge of Sigma Rho chapter inan, Rose Goldstein, Hannah Gosthe first two games from the Empire Shapiro, a June bride. Others who! '.„•/ of Fi Tau Pi fraternity, The nation- sick, Isabelle Homer, Minnie Kutler, •Cleaners in a handy fashion. Goodhave Mr. *«»*«. entertained v.*ivti«»iucu for AIM. Miss iiuao Shapiro! kjuapixuj mr. and *uu Mrs. airs, Harry n a n y Edell t a e u of 01 New «ew | j j president president'ss proclamation vsill be Adele Mayper,' Anna Pindurq, Clay- man and Yousem, however, shattered are Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. J. j York City are visiting at the home of I read by the head of the localchap- ton Price, Ernest Priesman, Marion their opponents' hopes by rolling exR. Bushman of St. Ioseph, Misses (Mrs. Edell's mother, Mrs. Maimin | t e r , Al Lew. The service wiU be in Robinson, Pauline Rosenbaum, Ray- cellent scores. Jeanette Katleman and Ann Zalk. i Kneeter. J celebration of Mother's Day and themond Wendell, Genevieve White, Joy Doctor Dave Platt was the prom-" Mrs. Edell was formerly Miss Mi- address will be delivered by Lee Yousem. Mrs. Arcnie Kavich of Fremont, na Kneeter. Violinists: Frank Ciureji, Lois Con- inent factor in the victory of the Marks. Malashocks. He rolled a series of Nebr.,' entertained* at a dinner Sun{ Kaddish will be recited for. Leo P. nor, Edward Dulaeki, Joe Greenstone, 224, 151 and 212, for a total of 567. day, in honor of her daughter, Ruby, Donabel McManass, Julius Molnar, Mr. Leon 2. Mandelson and Mr. [Newman and Julius Marks. D. E. Greenberg" was high with a * bride-to-be. Al Lew spent the weekend in Lin-1 Saturday morning Rabbi Frederick Lumir Ptak, Milton Saylan, Solomon €16. coln as the guest of Mr. Bernard C o n n ^ . deliver a sermon on Susman, Henry - Teckmeyer, Anne The annual stag banquet will be Tretiak, Florence Whitebook, Jean . Mr. Harold Karpin was host of the i Schimmel. "Mother's Day." held Tuesday evening, May 13th, at r Honoh Club, at his home, Friday! Rabbi Cohn will speak next Wed- Wise. the Blackstone HoteL Election of evening, May 2. The accompanists will be Ekie Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg and nesday evening in Council Bluffs be| officers will take place at this affair. daughters Zerline and Ruth motored fore • the; young- people of the Grace Ptak, Edward Weeth, Alice Arch, Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity -will j to Lincoln Sunday to spend the dayPresbyterian Church and on Thurs- Joseph Ciurej, Catharine Dulaeki, Worship comes to cut off the film hold their annual Mother's Day pro-! with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chesen. day before the First Presbyterian Anne Ruback, Edna Svacina, Sara of superficiality •which cost life for Tretiak, Hazel Wise ami Betty Fellgram at the fraternity house in Lin-j Church Brotherhood. On Friday seven days in the week. . . coin, Nebr., Sunday, May 14. j CLUB NEWS noon he will address the Benson man. The mothers of the alumni and) A-regular-meeting of the Deborah Chamber of Commerce. active members members, as well as! Society will be held Tuesday afterConservative Synagogue their friends, have been invited to noon, May 13, at 2q30, at the JewTonight at the J. C. C. the Conattend this affair. This is the fifth ish Community Center. Final reannual Mother's Day program held ports on the Purim ball will be given. servative Synagogue will observe a Bowling League Painting Contractors Special Sabbath in honor of the by the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. FINAL STANDINGS Mothers from Omaha, Sioux City, A regular meeting of the Bikur mothers of the congregation, starting 1314 No. 24tfa St. WE. 4211 Council Bluffs, Nebraska City, and Cholim Society will be held Monday, at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Abraham BenWon Lost A*ser _.27 15 .€43 Kansas City are expected to attend. May 12, at the Synagogue on 25th gis will deliver a sermon on Malashock Jewelry Omaha Tobacco Co _..26 16,619 and Seward Ste. Rabbi N. Feldman "Mother'.' 22 20 .524 Miss Sara Stoler entertained the and Rev. E. Fleischman will speak*. A special section in the auditorium Empire Cleaners ~ 21 21 .500 KAPLAN SAYS: Fritchie Girls Bridge club, Tuesday AH new members are urged to at- will be reserved for the mothers of Wardrobe Kaiman Insurance IT 25 .405 the congregation. night, May 6th, at her home. Prizes tend. "You Can Play _13 29 .310 The Women's Auxiliary is spons- Glazer Clothing._ -were Miss Gladys Bernstein and Miss Betty Goldberg. It was oring a reception following the ser- The failure of the Omaha Tobacco The Month of May" announced that tickets can be purch- Sunday Is Flower Day vices. Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster and Company to win the last game from SEND YOUR LAUNDRY Empire Cleaners earned the Maased from any members of the club for Young Poale Zion Mrs. Mose Yousem are in charge of the TO * for the dance they are sponsoring the affair. An exceptionally large lashock Jewelry the right to play the Wardrobe for the title. , at the Lighthouse, May 25th. The Young Poale Zion club will attendance is. expected. This match was very close and insponsor a Flower Day this Sunday, Saturday morning services will beteresting and was decided in the gin at 8:30. HArney 7545 Mrs. A. Danto entertained 8 guests May 11. They are inviting the aid at her home, Tuesday. of any other club in the city •which Rabbi Bengis addressed the Ches- third game of the series when the "Your Laundry is Our Business" Malashock's pounded out a 993 game would be willing to lend its assist- ed Shel Ernes Tuesday. Mrs. 1 m . Tenenbaum was nostess • ance. All members of any organiof her bridge club at her home, zation desiring + • Lelp are requested Wednesday. to be at the .Labor Lyceum Sunday morning before 10 o'clock. Mrs. Alex Plotkin entertained 25 The organization will give a dance Omaha's Style Center guests at a 1 o'clock bridge-luncheon, on Sunday, May 18, at the lightTuesday, at the Blackstone Hotel, house, 20th and Ames Ave. honoring Mrs. M. Davidson, who before her marraige on March 30 was [Epstein Wins Senior Miss Reva Plotkin.

Religiuos Services

Max Skier's Sons

The National

Council Handball Meet


Mrs. Herman Ziegman and daughter, Monette, are spending two weeks | in" Washington, D. C , as the guest' of- Mrs. Ziegman's, son-4n-law • and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Wasser-J man. Before returning home ' Misir .Ziegman will visit with friends in New York City and New Jersey... Miss Alice Stern, daughter of Mr." and Mrs. L. H. Stern, who has befen' visiting in Winnepeg, Canada, with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Golden, has returned home.


Refectory Type Dining Room Suites in the New Oak Finishes Omaha's Jbargc&t Shotting

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Tan Delta Gamma sorority is en- Sam Epstein, representing the Psij tertaiaing at a bridge-luncheon in Mr, annexed the single handball honor of their Mothers, Tuesday, championship of the Senior Council; of Clubs in the tournament which j May 13, at the Paxton HbteL was just completed. { The Fritchie Girls Club are giving The doubles -crown was captured. a Mother and Daughter theatre par- by the XL duo, Sam Finkel and Art ty, Sunday, May 11, followed by a ; Grossman. party at the house of Miss Gladys j - Both the singles and doubles win|ners will be awarded beautiful indiBernstein. i vidual medals. PERSONALS Mrs. M. Neiman of Des Moines is He who hath a forgiving spirit is the guest of her sister and brother- himself forgiven.—Talmud. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Karpin. From here, MTJ>. Neiman will visit Sioux City, la., and San Antonia. Get Rid of Texas.

See Our Newly Styled


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- Misses Lillian and Mildred Lipsey, Ruth Riekes, Jeanette Levinson,

1727 Leavenworth S t

Yourself and friends are cordially invited to attend a

-RECITAL V By Beulah Kay and Betty Fellman Presented by Frank Mach, Violinist, and Harry Braviroff, Pianist AT THE OMAHA COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE

Silk Poplins, Silk Reps. Rayon Reps, Jacquard Rayons, Silk Taffetas, and many others.

4004 Davenport Street

Sunday Afternoon, May 11, 1930, at 3:00 o'clock Admission is Free

Remember Mother's Day "

The Time Has Come to Pick the New Flowered Chiffons From This Glorious Garden of Dresses

MAY llth

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The new flowered prints are here—and like the first flowers up, they are not to be resisted. ' Certainly these particular ones are not. Early new style and color trend is to be found in this group at— -

These are unusually lovely sets which must be seen to be appreciated. The spreads are ruffled, shirred and applied in colorful combination. Most of them are of a large size, for full-sized beds with box springs. Every set is a gorgeous specimen of artistic designing and skilled hand-tailored workmanship. All the colors ever seen in bed sets are included— pink, rose, orchid, blue, nile, maize, and others. The Brandeis Store—First Floor





Pillows in oblong, crescent, oval, heart and novelty shapes.


This Civilization of Ours Does It Bring Hctppinessl


eral times and have outlined plans Harry SiivprmauMa* Holzman, B. A. slm fn^ tV>^Vlv,-,,Q ir, c , , f v , r w o i , , . ° n - M *s* Blanche Zimman. for the drive in South Omaha. TH.:I:_ Philip DEKOKAH SOCIETY—Major: Mrs. Jack •hlutzmck, chairman of the young Kaufman; assistant major: Mrs. J. Hahn men's division, has promised a group J^.^T^ny1," Harry of workers to number more than b l n t t > F - *• "Cohen. Abe. Barter, "r fifty, with pledges from the Individ- • " ^ U K n e p t e r ' A ' M a i K P l ' K a t e T a l l e uals.

and philanthropic work. The Hillel Foundation Commission and the Anti-Defamation were both changed so as to resemble the A, Z. A. Supreme Advisory Council. The chairman of ~each becomes a member of the executive committee, with the exception of the right to vote. Sam Organizations Beber, as head of the A. Z. A., is The following is the list of orthus for all practical purposes a ganizations in the Women's division, and the workers that will take part member of the executive committee. (Continued from Page 1.) in the campaign: ' '. ' • A meeting of the Supreme Advisory Council of the A. Z. A. was held CHESEO RHEL EJIEP— Major: Mrs. H. R. Milder; lieutenants: Mesdames M. Sei-capacity, Lapidus pleaded for more immediately following the convention. ner, H. Alberts. L. Eubenstein, S. Wein- financial support for this worthy zvug, L. Baum.


general attitude of the Jewish people of Omaha, and I believe it is, there is no question about the ultimate success of the coming drive." During the past week all committees' have reported to the general chairman, and every committee is By RABBI PHILIP A. LANGH fast rounding its work into shape HIKER CHOLIM SOCIETY — Major:, cause. London.—The silver wedding of for the drive. Dr. Philip Sher, chair- Mrs. '"is. *. Xeveleff: -veveien ; assistant assisrant major: major: Mrs. airs. 1 1 . j »r n , - _. bigger machines as to mate better self add to man's happiness. i l i t M d Philip Snowden, British Chancellor "This civilization, does it make for lieutenants: Mesdnmes S."I Alfred M. Cohen 01 Cincinnati was Lastly, standardization in itself man of the quota committee an- M. s hRosensfein: Fin le Rnn J of the Exchequer, will be the occahappiness? This question is being social understanding to control those H. A;ori j '«oid"^ i:. Memi°l«lli; unanimously reelected president of n does not necessarily make for happi- nounced that the work of his comB. Lincienhauin. B. Giickman. j . Savage! the Constitutional Grand Lodge. An sion for inscribing his name in the -asked today by thinking m e n and machines. The same steel that builds mittee has been completed. William CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE AUXI-••' of Sl.bW.OOV SI fiOO ftrtfl tO trt C&rry / « . ^ , . Golden Book of the Jewish National LIAUY-Major: Mrs. A. Silverman; an- aarmroDriation P P r ° P " a I 1 ° " 01 women. Has this civilization, so bril- the Leviathans of peace, also builds ness. We live in a standardized world. L. Holzman, chairman of the initial sistant major: Mrg. J. J. Greenberg; Heu- on the work of the Order during the Fund, it was announced at, the Lonthe Leviathans of war, more destruclant in form, has it really tapped the Mesdnmes I. Stalmaste.r MoSe _ _ _ + « _ _ ,,-,__ j j We sleep in standardized beds, wash gifts committee, said that his com- tenants: Sam Cohen, H. A. Xewman. mainsprings of human personality, or tive than ever before, more costly j next. nve years wa* recommended. don office of the Fund. Mr. Snowden mittee is working daily. Harry MaPradell. J. M. termini. J. M. Mains! has sent the Fund a letter expressis it even as has been said centuries than ever before, more dangerous our faces with standardized soap Dave Epstein, Date Cohen, Dave Sherman. , . had been spent for cultural, religion* ing bis appreciation of the honor. ago by a great Hebrew poet and than ever before. The same ingenui-'and cut them with standardized 'lashock, chairman of the organiza- Win. Milder. UAfGHTERS OF ISRAEL AID SOCIEtion quotas, said that the various philosopher, Yehudah Halevi, "It has ty. of man that constructs his der-j blades. We read standardized newsTY—Major : Mrs. I. Knlakofsky: lieuteJewish organizations over the city nants: Mesdames S. Ravitz, A. Farber, 3. ricks, and the steam shovels and j papers and eat standardized foods. no fruit, only flowers." electric welders, also has devised the In standardized cars we roll through j were meeting with the view to make Bernstein. Goodman Cohen, F. Greenbeep. Let me grant in advance, this civTEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD—Maseventy-fiye-mile guns, that destroy j standardized streets to standardized j a pledge and that-several have al- jor: Mrs. J. Newman; lieutenants: Mesilization has made man tremendousdames Chne. Schlmmel, Henry Rosentbal. much faster than we bulid. The \ offices. Our entertainment we get j ready been received, Harrj- Raehman. I. Kosenthal. Bert Hene ly" powerful. Sidney I/ehman, .T. J. Cherniak. Max Block. chlorine that we use in our reservoirs • from standardized talkies and standAll Meeting Morris Jacobs, H. R. "VTeinbetg. Our eyes can see now clearly not to purify the water we drink, is the ardized radios. When we are born Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of the JEWISH DAY NURSERT—Major: Mrs. only, a few score miles, but are now Levinson: lieutenants: Mesdaraes A. same poison gas - that is - being used we are placed in standardized rings. general solicitation, has called sev- X. Wolf, h. Rosenblatt, S. H. Katz, H. Sokoprojected into limitless space. By with terrible effectiveness, to kill When we die we are hidden in eral meetings of his committee, and lof, J. Abmbamson. means of the microscope and teleIIADASSAB—Major: Mies T»: and to main, to tear the lung and j standardized coffins, stated that its work would be com- bieJCXIOR Steinber?:; lientenan'ts: .Misses Rose scope, they can behold the invisible to dissolve it. They cry for bigger j Of course it is all good. It makes pleted before the campaign. Good- Lazarus, Anne Freeman, Ida Platt, Anne worlds that lurk beyond our sight. (Jreenberg, Mrs. Jean Abranjson. Misses and better machines, I say rather,; for cheaper commodities, and for man Meyerson, chairman of the Kose Fine, Sarah Kurtzman, Esther Wein; Our first, themselves no bigger Sarah Brootstein. Rose Reiss. Era. better human relationship to control: easier distribution. But there are South Omaha division, and Harry ber?, Katzman ; chairman of motor corps: Miss than the fists of our fathers, have ' the machines we already have. For,'some things that cannot be stand- Dworsky, vice-chairman of the South Esther Zusman. now stratched out, and can destroy 1413 Douglas PIONEER WOMEN'S ORGAXIZATIOX unless we do that, our machines will! ardizend, and that is human person- Omaha division, have met with Sam—Mnjor: Mrs. I. Hurwltz: lieutenant*: and smash seventy-five miles away, uel Gerson, executive secretary, sevality. Mesdames H. Bnrnstein J. Richlin, S. by means of projectiles sent by the become so destructive that they shall Kirbmnn, J. Knpian. M. Mlnkin. Human personality is like a credestroy the very men who have LADIES' FREE LOAN SOCIETY—Ma"big berthas". ation of art. You can multiply the deed making strong some timber; jor: Mrs. M. G. Cohen: lieutenants: MesOur voice can be h e a r d n o w created them. dames f5. Weiss. J. Weiner, 5. Zernorsky, Let it be said here regarding the printing of Tennyson's "Crossing the every holy aspiration lending beauty S. Barson. H. Stein. • . through the vast temple of space. conference at London. The nations'! Bar", but you cannot n^nufacture SEXIOR HA0ASSAH—Majors Mnt. A. By means of telephone, and particuto the structures, the whole stand- Rotnm: assistant, major: MM. J. J. Fried-, larly radio, the least little cough that of the world do not want more ma-! tha Tennysons. You can reproduce ing forth a t i a s t builded, builded of man; lientennnts: Mesdames Harry' Trutt-1 tin. A. S. 'Rubnlts. O- C. Goldner. R. A.! chines of destruction. They want t o ' upon the phonograph the ninth Soand transmitthoughts and purposes more precious Bleicher. J. Rosenberjr,' Albert Shafer. J.' you utter i Llntznvan, Julius Stein. Max Lerner, A.; than gold and flashing diamonds." ted across space. Bengis. j some of the machines now already world you cannot purchase another So, if you ask. . "This civilization, Our legs, by means of automobile COPXCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN—MaBeethoven. You can duplicate in inin existence. They want to lessen Mrg. Samuel Gerson: assistant major: has it made for happiness?" we are jor: and steamboat and railroad, have Mrs. R. Kulakofsky: lientpnants: Menthe burden of taxation that is crush- nrmerable copies the painting of constrained to answer, 'This civil- dames Let not Jewish life and culture be a closed Thil Schwartz. Sam Beber. I. D. taken on seveu-!-_ague boots, and Weiss Joe Bonoff. Roliert Giazer. Sain "Faith" by H. G. Watts, but the book to your children. Broaden your childs ization, with its cult of Power, Pos- Thcdore M. Katleman, M. A. Bercorici, with giant strides we step across ing the world. It would be indeed a Watts cannot bu turned out by standeducation and enrich his life by giving him the continent. .... . bitter irouy of fate, if the delegates sersion and Standardization, has Ed. Levinson. Jnlins M. XeTrman. DAUGHTERS OF ZIOX—Major: Mrs. ardization like the "watts" of elecof the world, who had been; sent ;to or her a modern enlightend Jewish educaWe have no wings of flesh like the nothing to do with happiness. The S. Platt;'lieutenants: Mesdames J. Goldtricity. tion. Ben Elsenberg, Mas Arbitman, A. bird to -fly in the air. But the steel London to reduce armaments, come well springs of human personality ware, Hirsch, M. Srand^t * ; ' Ibsen,, in one: of his plays, makes back to their people, not only not wings of the human bird fly through are constant at all times. They were AVSILIART TO SOtTH J5IDB COXia- his master builder^Halvard Solness, t h e s a m e - n t h e t f a n e o f M o s e g a g GREG ATIOX —Major: Mrs. S. Conor: space with lightning rapidity. Yet having reduced the existing arnia lieutenants: Mesdames Chas Xathan. M. will b e t h e ^ e , the splendor and glitter of it all-do ments, but also with a program of s a y to h i s ; r f e , « Y o u t o o . a r e _ a t h e y a r e t o d a > , ^ Katzman. G_ Meyersou, M. Mayerowich, a thousands million dollars of more master builder, but you build not 1 not necessarily >.Jd anything to man's regardless of physical civilization, j *' happiness. It is necessary to' pull armaments, it .would be a crime houses and towers and spires, not five thousand years Trom today, B. OF SCIENCE AND PEDAGOGY down modern man from the high that sooner or later will not go un- things lifeless, as I do, but you build long a s man shall live upon the face I assistant major: Mrs. Harry H. Lapldns: WE. 3318 2033 No. 19th' . ° , ., „ lieutenants: Mesdames >. Mantel. Sam what is infinitely more difficult, you pedestal of utter conceit to which punished! of the earth. Appleman, Abner Kainian, Chas. Levinson, Secondly, possession of things, acbuild up children's souls in perfect he has lifted himself. There is a three-fold illusion con- cumulation of wealth alone, do not i balance,!so they may grow up into noble and beautiful souls." cerning the human values of modern necessarily make for happiness. Courage, love, fidelity, the ideal, Oh, yes, we. want comforts and the civilization. . ' Firstly, power alone does not make wherewithal for - decent and secure all those unexpected and unforeseen for happiness. We look with disdain existence. There is no curse so great tilings that well forth out of the upon our fathers who rode only in a j as> Poverty. Poverty breeds igno- wonder chambers of the human heart, horse and buggy,:and regarded it as I rance b r e e d s disease, disease breeds all those things cannot even be a real thrill if they could drive out death. We do not want that. But touched by a machine,. they are not commensurate with a* machine. The of thejr town for a distance of fif- the task today is not so much _the most -supreme art of- ,any art is cumulation of wealth, as the proper teen miles. But our" fathers, in those 1 human-personality. It-is'music more use of wealth'-Maijy a-man I knew fifteen^mil€HSi"-Sawl:as: mudr-and were marvelous than symphony," it is poetthrilled as much, as when we today- who hoarded his money and watched his pile of yellow metal grow, until ry more perfect in the rhythm. It take ap rifle to Florida for fifteen the Angel of Death came-and cut I is painting more" *ich~ in the play ^"Some day,- perhaps, : we may become so wise, and may the slender thread of his life. Then , of colors, it is edifice more soaring his sons and daughters came, and j in its loftiness. have mastered nature so .well, that Said John Ruskin ,ih his "Seven by a -mere- press of. the- button our pi.uncing upon the gold, squandered] the fortune'their'father ha-1 so painLamps of Architecture": "The soul steel wings shall sprout up from our had is a temple, more majestic than any shoulders, lift us up into the air, fully gathered. ; That father ca,rry us at will and - deposit us wealth, but did not know-how to ( cathedral, a temple in which prinwherever we want. Perhaps we may use it. And if the streets of theciples are foundation stones, and even commute every day to our city were piled sky high wih bricks habits are columns and pillars; every country homes in the distant planet of gold, that, too, would not in it- thought driving a nail and every of Mars. But that in itself will not make for-added hr we may conceive of such advance made in culinary perfection that, instead of whiling away tediously for hours while preparing the meat of a fowl, plucking its feathers, cleaning it, salting it, and all the little ends of details known so well tc the housewife, instead of that all, some ingenious machine shall have The surest protection is been invented, so clever and complete Goodyears all a rotund. that all that would be necessary would be to put in the chicken at Superior in tread and one end of the machine, feathers and . carcass—AS WE CAN everything, and lo! on the other end IPROVE. Goodyear enit will come out, cleaned, cooked, joys lowest costs and sliced and seasoned, with fried pota: "V toes and everything—that, too, by gives greatest values beitself, will not necessarily, add real cause of building MILhappiness.


Our; Civilization Has Made Men Tremendously Powerful, But Does It Make for Happiness?



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PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PKESS, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1930 sleeping their gargantuan sleep, 1 Krasne of Council Bluffs, for about' made an international reputation as ficiently have, the collaborators workwaiting for the "moment .when they h k .They •expect to -leave- a.' member of ihe Joint Distribution ed that it is impossible to fool any three ,weefesl ,'would awaken to welcome throngs,' _u-.'.. Athe _ ,middle . , , , . , of..i i. '» •* Omimittee, you will still enjoy this alien influence oiv the finished work. about *-eek. <' hordes pouring from the entire Mr. Segal must have steeped himThey are making the trip overland. somewhat different story of the life By- : {country for the races. She liked to of a -Jew "from "tfae time of his birth, self in the life-story of the late so* NINA XAYE By F. R. K_ Lawrence Lazarjof New York City through a -stormy childhood in Rus- cial worker and eminent 1 walk through the huge, somnolent Jewish. g j spent the past week-end visiting in j lobbies, to pause before, the crystal. authority on relief work, for surely The Ladies Aid Society will ,give Council Bluffs. He stayed at the sia, ' to America followed T>y the a good deal of the actual collection pier glasses. . Often; her dark lids painful period of adjustment brightwonld^ c l o s e a n d I; knCTr she was a benefit bridge party next Wednes-j Chieftain HoteL ened only by the youth's determina- must have fallen to him following "Good morning," I lost no time in picturing herself there when the rac-, *** afternoon, May 14, at the home Before I met Helen Stark I had Abe Sattzman, who spent the past tion to succeed, his subsequent . ex- the death of Dr. Bogen. of Mrs. M. Bernstein, 210 Park Ave. always felt that beauty was' one of greeting her, "it seems we are the ing couple would come. He has done his work well and two months visiting in Lor Angeles, periences with Woodbine, that New On Friday night she became, sud-< Anyone wishing, to make reservathe great talents. Musicians, artists, only well people here. Though why the finished manuscript is a work Calif., returned home this week. Jersey colony founded by the Baron dancers and writers are specially anyone should come to Saratoga in J denly, cold and distant to me andl tions should call Mrs. Bernstein, Jewish de Hirsch Fund as a Jewish agricul- which should be in every Phone 1328, as soon as possible. Mrs. H. Pried snterfcaiBed thirty- tural colony, his later entrance into household. For not only is this book favored by heaven, endowed with July is more than I can see." that great gift, the power to give I took my on Prizes will be given a£ each table. two children and their mothers at social work as the superintendent of a record of the life of an eminent She took her chair, with scarcely',(when the veranda she seat rose beside^her quickly and : pleasure _ to others. So t is with a responding nod and soon she was went to her iroom. In the morning . The Council Bluffs Chapter of the: her home last Saturday afternoon in the Cincinnati charities. Jewish figure, but it is also a splenbeauty. The possessor of great gazing through the trees, wholly un- she had scarcely a nod for me at Senior Hadassah organization will hpnor of the tenth birthday of her Of his experiences with the relief did picture of Jewish conditions here beauty is the same as a genius. aware of my existence. j breakfast. Perplexed, I lounged on hold a meeting next Tuesday after- daughter, Leona, work in Eastern Europe Dr. Bogen and abroad before and following the Thus I argued until I met Helen But I was determined. I tried j the veranda. She came up to me, a noon, May 13, at two o'clock at the World War. Mr. Julius Rosenfeld is spending writes charmingly .and well. So efStaric again, using that time, proven wedge, burning indignation in her violet Chieftain Hotel in the Corn Room. the latter part of this week in X noticed the moment I came out the children. For what mother can eyes. "Are you going to stay here, An interesting program has been O icago, 111., attending the National on the veranda of the second-rate, resist talking of her children? "I just to spy?" she demanded. arranged and every member is urged Retail Furniture Association Con"SAY IT WITH F L O W E R S " I blushed in embarrassment and to attend. Rabbi Abraham Bengis. side street hotel at Saratoga Springs. understand you have three chidren, 1 ference. Drawn apart from the rocking, gar- Mrs. Stark," I began conversation- hurried down the,steps. As I walked, of Omaha will be the honored guest my own indignation mounted. She and principal speaker. Miss Sarah rulous guests, she was staring' itito- ally. "The Careftd Florist" fh". fast gathering, summer darkShe turned toward _ me, a frown could hardly expect me to keep out Solomonow will give a piano solo. 1804 FARNAM JAckson ness. A woman of extraordinary furrowing- that ivory j brow. "Must of the way the whole week-end. But Plans for the Southwestern Regbeauty, in the late thirties, I judged I advertise my-children?" she de- when I returned and saw'her sur- ional Convention, which will be held rounded by her family and the gifts in Kan'as <Iity, May 18 to 20, will in the thickening twilight. Suddenly manded., By a street light clicked on and sent its I coughed in enbar- they had brought, I wondered why be discussed and delegates chosen. BORIS D. BOGEN "Why, glare through some intervening rsssment. "The truth is, I would she wanted me out of the way. Any The Council Bluffs Chapter No. In Collaboration with Alfred Segal. leaves, throwing a weird, revealing never have believed you had grown mother could be "proud of them and (MacMiUaa, $3.00) their attentions to her. They brought 688 of the Independent Order of the light over' her features. Yes, she children, if I hadn't been told." Spacious Prug store room in corner. 2-store brick We have just finished . reading was beautiful, ' the most beautiful • If you have, ever seen a spring he:* flowers aad perfume and-candy. B'nai Brith will; hold a meeting next building at 35th and Center. Vacant June 15. 5 years shower come-suddenly in April, and Each of them hovered over her as Wednesday evening, May 14, at the "Born a Jew", the autobiography of •woman I had -ever • seen»established business by present tenant, excellent locathe late Boris Bogen, written in colwas'itot until the next morning go; -leaving, the ; streets-'dry almost if she were the child instead of par- Danish Hall. ent. At the risk of rebuff, I went tion, next door to beautiful grocery store. Operated by laboration with Alfred Segal. Even the next moment, you will • knot? I managed to speak to her. The JVgudas. .Achim . Association if you did not have the gftod forbuilding owner. . Armed with information gleaned how rapidly the clouds disappeared forward and was introduced. j will hold a meeting next Monday The younger girl, Elsie, was her ] tune _to. have bees acquainted with from the proprietor, I prepared to from Helen Stark's face. She turned evening, May 12, at 138 West Broadthe man who first won recognition open siege. I knew now that her toward me, radiant with smiles. mother as she must have been at way. as the executive ef the United Jewtwenty. The same coloring, the "Tell me," she asked with a sort of name was Helen Stark, Mrs.'Stark; The Ladies Aid Society held a ish Charities of Cincinnati and later that she never went to the baths breathless eagerness, "how old would same proud carraige. The son was handsome in a weak way. In the meeting Tuesday afternoon at the nor did she drink from any of the you take me for 7" "I made a Tapid calculation, de- father's eyes, I could detect the n o i n e of Mrs. George Hoffman. medicinal springs. I had learned .that every week-end her husband ducted ten years and told her, hunted look of a man who has met The Bar Mitzvah. of Herbert Rodefeat. i«nd three children, grown children, "Thirty." senthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel It was the older girl, Sylvia, who From then on Helen Stark was came to see her. Rosenthal, will take place Saturday 1 When the pilgrims had set off with my friend. Throughout the week interested me. Tall, with her fath- morning at the .temporary synaer's broad features, she' looked her 'cup and bottle for the state park, I she had eyes for no one, she would gogue, 15 South Eighth Street. On thirty years. There was fullensconced myself in the chair next not venture off the veranda unless Saturday afternoon he will entertain the one she had been sitting in I was by her side. And whenever throated power in her voice, as- about thirty of his young friends at surance in her firm handclasp and the night before and waited. Be- we went to walk, always, I saw, she direct gaze. . could talk to Sylvia a theatre party at the Strand j>pre she came out, fear gripped me. directed me toward the great hotel*. about her mother. I sought my op- Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal will enterportunity and in the afternoon asked her to walk with me. tain at a reception at their home at I told her of the great pleasure I j 1730 Third Avenue for al| their had in meeting her mother. I spoke j re-atives and friends on Sunday in rhapsodies" of her mother's great j afternoon, May 4 1 , from two to five beauty and the miracfe pfiits jpre-J o'clock, and Sunday evening, frdm" servation. I t o l 4 < ^ ^ f iny fee%gJseven ..until ten-^o'clock. No cards that beauty was a tale'nt'aud ohappy"* *•-•*beine issttakLs * tfee- possessor whor^co-'jia brijig; so A number-of;Jewish students were much pleawrapB; toothers, -.'•";: :l fiiclude% •; in ^»wK?!j&3jraiiam Lincoln Without'islword J3yr?ia; listened to High School Orchestra and Band g -When I~pa.used-,'6»3C breath, she d ^ ^ 3 d 2laugh. I which participated in the State Music -Xaugbed, distorted Contest at Iowa City last week-end. Among those who made the trip are L.-hatred. - what my Esther Steinberg, Rose Brandies, meant. It's Gwendolyn Meyerson, Flo. Whitefath^srlife, my father's book, Ernest Ross, Bernard Balaban, career. ' Itfr'•' meant the ruin of my Meyer Marti, =T and Sidney Maduff. It's meant noth- The Abraham-? Lincoln High School ing but slavery for'ink Afld,.un]ess Orchestra won first place in the State, Contest^ while the Band carried o%'-.second honors. !V went off talking. JMrs. SimonH Steinberg, mother of Esther Steinberg, accompanied the "My father, was a writer. A journstudents to low:- City for the week-

Council Bluffs

The Beauty



1906 j


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The Wise Housewife housewife doesn't rush to:"the store for a Iamji -when one bums out—nor rob one socket to fill another. She knows the value of spare lamps and has a~ carton on hand at all times: Gall us today and we will deliver a ton of Edison MAZDA Lamps at the iow-j., est prices ever offered. " • • - / • " *


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alist with dreams;plays" t o be ymtten1, romances' he tinged^ to *-"" ^ "*roatna couldn't "wait. She ''The Council^Bluffs "Chapter of the leave his paper and go into Senior' JJadassah will hold a Rumling business. T h e niage -Sale ne£t Thursday and Friness! My father! Bitter >•-.: tears yMay 15 and 16, on South Main choked her. "Harold had ar-ghi; "a Street. Everyone who have handles i i l and d he h was iin l i t h t*:.-donate ..fpr|$h-. event are asked nice girl her.t- They were ' boTJi; j^ery '•''•$! f > have theml^Teady as all bundles MarnVlooked'at-y•'"'" will be called Jfer on next Monday

be;old. .M6"ther5sentir.the,igirl about' 'co.-pP her\business anVf^.HjH'old^sp.eri'ds.- all' r^li^ his' evenings • at sh6ine;4' ^ " A s j fqr.;'inys^lf,;'.i^=

&nMrigabDutvit.. I.wanted to g^ to coliese.vl?thought I ^vvould^beftheB


>-—„<• r,



Ms" business ^^eVer* ^paidt MisttieT' •had gotten into 4he Taaliit of coining here every *uHiinfer.{ In winter_>sh£, wanted to go to ^MUuni.: X. went »;oik when I;-was "sixteen., 'Now, --it's', worse slavery, ?than- ever, beeanse I make enough-'to. nieet-all her de-

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make for members who suitable for the

Who has operShoppe, has ation at 10 is calling Bromberg's romberg said delivery in the city ;of- pmaha».And has a large selection to-i^eole'from for Mother's Day. He .will • give personal attention to each order. There will be no increases in^ prices for flowers for Mother's

Sylvia paused.,y'VWell, there's El-.sie. - There's only ; one salvation* for Miss * Marian Katelman and Miss Tier.'." ^ h e i l have; to be like my, mbth- Ida Krasne irill spent the week-end ,er,-'and use her beauty, for her^-Q'wn in Des Moires, Iowa, where they •ends.^ Or she'll be swalloyed up, I will participtfte in the State Shorthand Contest. Marian is a member " In "the evening when Helen' Stark of the Abraham Lincoln High School came down to dinner^ a black Span- Amateur Shorthand Team which recish'^ shawl draped- over her .slira ently won first place in the District jshoulders, one,-of the' orchids . her Contest. Ma. as- a member of the j.son had brought pinned to her dress, School's Novice Shorthand Team 11 stared at her, as: jfcj .rwere seeing which recently won second place in her for the first time. The same the District-Contest. chestnut hair, the same regular features, the same' large, violet Maurice Nathanson of Estherville, eyes. And yet, I asked myself; is la., spent the week-end at Iowa City this the' woman I had thought so as the gUest of his cousin, Albert beautiful? Harding. Maurice -was at Iowa City (Copyright 1930 by the.'-Jewish Tele- for the final State Contest of Boys' graphic • Agency-;' y ; ' Inc.) Glee dubsV T h e Boys' Glee club of Estherville_-wori the Northwest Iowa Pittsburgh.—One Jew from Alleg- ] championship.:. heny County seeks a place irl the Maurice was also one of four high United States Congress, one is lookschool students picked as the most ing for a seat in the Pennsylvaniad j popular in the senior class in a con1 upper house, rjid eight are -can test conducted by the Ho-Lo-Co anIdidates for the sta^e legislature ? acnual staff. ] cording -to an announcement from Harrisburg, Pa., as to the order in Mr. and Mrs. Philip Krasne of which candidates will appear on the Los- Angele?, Calif., are visiting their state primaries ballot for voting on parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ferer of May 20. Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman


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in action. The Fusileers, the Royal:! Irish Rifles,, the four crack regiments of Irishmen contained the bulk of Irish Jews, who fought during the Jerusalem (J.T.A.)—Announcement World War. Among them were that he was going to the United Lieutenant William Price, Captain MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent George Wolf, Captain George Blan- States in the Fall for the great The Jewish Business Men Are Transforming crensee, an<* Lieutenant Samuel J. N. F. campaign was made here by M. M. Ushishkin, head of the Joseph.* Ireland Into a Bustling Commercial and The recent announcement that the Jewish National Fund. He discussed Irish Statesmen, edited by A. E. the problems of the Jewish National Industrial Center Russell, is considered by Irish Jew- Fund and pointed out that he had Mrs. Gertrude Shulkin BYE. J. BRUEN ry as almost a personal loss. Rus- found the sessions of the Actions Death claimed Mrs. Gertrude ShulThe Question Club will hold its sell, one of the outstanding journal- Committee and the Jewish Agency This sketchy survey. of the Jews of land, whose arrival coincided with kin, Sunday, while she was visiting ists of the British Empire has many full of an understanding of the land ——>—-—« — *• — - - . . « «^ Dancing and Games Entertain Spring Formal Dinner Dance Thurs- kin ounaay, wime BUB «V«O n a n m g the development of the Shannon day evening, May 15, at the Mornfriends among the Jews of Ireland. problem, which he termed the "outat the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ireland, (there are : nearly 10,000 of Guests, Over $3,000 them there) is by a former Irish Power plant. A few^ years ago, At the end of his last visit to the standing one of our Palestine work". M. Krigsten, of Oanawa, Iowa. Mrs. ingside Country Club. Raised Dancing will beginn at 7 o'clock, Shulkin, who had been ill for some newspaperman, - himself a non-Jew, while the construction'of the plant United States he declared that the! ™ e l a n ? problem.;. Mr. Ushishkin ._ written __.*._ about _. „*. .-. . . - «Walter . „ said, can be solved mainly throusrh solved'mainly through The Building Fund for the Jewish music being furnished by Larry time, was 81 years old. She was the now resident in the United States.: was still under way, President Cos- story him, . by Mr. Bruen traces briefliy the origin [ grave held a number of conferences the Jewish National . Fund and "if mother of Dr. S. H. Shulkin. • Berkel and his band. Special enteri Community was materially augmentIippmann, edito- of the New York Funeral services were held at the of the Irish Jews and shows what. with prominent manufacturers that World, was the finest thing that had the Jewish people realize that we >ed by the annual carnival held in tainment and novelty numbers will home of Dr. Shulkin, Monday after- their progressive business tendencies' resulted in bringing from England to happened to him during his Ameri- will achieve our aims. .If the Jew• •the city auditorium, Tuesday even- be presented. ish National Fund's annual income noon, at 2 o'clock, with Rabbi H. R. are doing for the ancient home of ] Dublin a large number of Jewish can visit. Dinner will be served at 8 o'clock ing. Despite a heavy and torrential St. Patrick and \ his traditional needle-workers. When these trans r grew from several scores of thou. -downpour, of rain, which lasted on the winding veranda of the Club- Rabinowitz. • . (Copyright p 1930 by the Jewish snakes.—Editor. " ,, . j planted English Jews settled 'in Difosands of dollars to $300,000, why Mrs Shulkin was born in Russia throughout the evening, a large house. Dancing will be enjoyed beTelegraphic Agency, Inc.) lin cannot the increase be three or four The recent political upheavel An. » they found many fellow-Jews "number of Sioux City's representa-. tween the serving of the courses and 1849, and came to America 45 years w times morej he concluded with an already there, some of them of Irish ago. She is survived by four daughseveral surprise numbers presented. Ireland caused far more. anxiety -to tive Jewry braved the weather, and Jewess Honored The hall will be beautifully dec- ters, Mrs. M. Krigsten, Mrs. R. Irishmen thousands of ..miles from birth,, and. most of them, .prominept Louisville, Kyi---Ernestine S. Rose appeal.,to the newspapermen to supthronged the auditorium that evening.- Over $3,000 was raised by the orated symbolizing the Spring time Goldstein, of Norfolk, Neb., Mrs. I. the Emerald Isle than to those in in business and in the learned pro- has been among those whose name port the Balfour Memorial and the for .'-, ' \\ • i • . of the year with flowers, ferns and A. Shulkin, of Los Angeles, and Dublin or Cork. Irish-Jewry ir. par- fession. •affair. . was considered sufficiently worthy of I Mrs. H. Levine of Sioux City; and ticular, interested mainly in the balloons adorning the walls of the The. city of Gork»how. boasts of a record on a national roll of honor The three sides of the auditorium three sons, Dr. S. H. Shulkin, Sol educational, commercial and' indust- j Jewish city, manager, Airon Marks, by the National League of Women Must Study Abroad held booths of every description," club rooms. The committee in charge of the Shulkin, of this city, and Morris rial progress of the nation, suffered j a former department store head is voters at their biennial convention in Budapest. — Some 1,070 Jewish where baskets of fruit, baskets of arrangements is: Milton Bolstein, J. Shulkin of Los Angeles. no twinges of uncertainty and ! the Jew who runs this world-f amuos Louisville. students of Hungary have ••"». comgroceries, dolls, merchandise and -ation things moved along with ?t smooth- Irish metropolis. The >*tory goes The names will be inscribed on a pelled to obtain their novelties- could be procured. The London, Leon Dubrow and E. W. ly until Cosgrave was re-elected. that when the newly, elected'; alder- orfenze tablet, which will be housed abroad as a result qf the numerus Mrs. Joe Hill leading organizations of the city co- Baron. In accordance with the rules of the Funeral services for Mrs. Joe Hill, The explanation for this placidity at men of the city hold ' theirv initial far? the. ..national headquarters at qlauBUs, according to statistics for operated by having charge of these. society only members will be adwho died Monday morning' following home is to be found in the fact that 1930 meeting some of the politicians Washington?ishere it willbeNitrveileo' i929 just made public. The majority The center of the auditorium was a sudden heart attack, were held at the great majority of the people of suggested turning over the city^s at"'a general council meeting of the lot these students are studying in roped off and devoted to dancing, mitted and by card. various European universities; 276 the Hill residence, 10004 Ninth Ireland have deserted political myths affairs to a man. who "couuld man- League"- sometime next fall. Where Lee Herzoff and his "Five are in Austria, 190 in Czechoslovakia, Misses Vivian Mosow, Florence street. Rabbi M. Braver and Rabbi for the substantial industrial and age them right." What was credited Schoolboys' Brigade Aces" furnished the music. 348 in Italy, 105 in Germany, 88 in commercial growth promised by the T. N Lewis officiated. with being a political move to emHolland, and Sally Ginsburjj motored In speaking of the carnival, TuesMoscow. — A* schoolboys brigade : Mrs. Hill was a resident of Sioux completion of the Shannon power barrass some of the political chief- consisting of students in the work- France and. 63 in Switzerland. day evening, Mr. E. N. Grueskin, to Lincoln to attend the Sigma Alpha tains turned out to be of real imCity for 26 years. She is survived scheme. who was the general chairman for Mu party. ers' schools has been established at Berlin.—The > Thuringian Landtag by Mr. Hill; four sons, Raymond, the affair, said: "It has been a No little responsibility in bringing portance to Cork, for it is now con- Kamenitz in order to "discover il- has decided to bring to a vote soon Mrs. Ezek Chesen is Spending sev- Abe, Herbert and William Hill, all about this condition is shared by the ceded that Marks, who . served with pleasure to have charge of this large legal Hebrew schools which cripple the motion of the National Socialists carnival again this year. Despite eral weeks as the. guest of her niece of Eioux City; four daughters, Mrs. Jewish industrialists of Ireland who distinction as a lieutenant with the children's minds." The first "dis- to prohibit schechita, the Jewish Royal Irish Regiment during the and .nephew, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. KadJ. E. Waterman of Hollywood, and have put this new power to work. the enormous responsibility and large covery " i s an aged Hebrew teacher Dorothy, Ada and Florence Hill, all In many a Free State town today, World War ; is doing - a thorough job whose trial will be made the occa- method of slaughtering. A resolution amount of work entailed, the splen- wit at Kenosha, Wis. to this effect was recently adopted of this city; a brother, Max Holland, one suffering from a calm that was of reorganizing the affairs of Cork. sion of a demonstration. did and whole-hearted cooperation in Bavaria. "" " •• • Miss Sarah Golder spent the week- and one sister, Mrs. J. Lefkovich. of every committee assisting made only the peacefullness of death and President Cosgrave who was reend visiting friends in Omaha. the work much easier and more joydesolation, the dizzy hum of mill cently returned to political power ful." and, shop spurring the people to after an almost over-night defeat . ' M r s . Hannah. Sacks Mr. and Mrs. Abe Goodsite and A beautiful Elective Orthophonic Mrs. Rose Kutcher have. departed Mrs. Hannah Sacks passed away spread their interests instead of de- that was turned to victory, is one \ was donated by Davidson Brothers for Excelsior Springs, where they Tuesday morning after a lingering pending entirely on agrarian possi- of the outstanding friends of Irish- ; and given away as a door prize. will make a visit of several weeks. illness. She was 65 years old. Fun- bilities. In addition to the Jewish Jewry and finds at the hands of the Other firms in the city were also eral services were held at the resi- industrialists, Jewish workers, trained numerically unimportant but. com-; most generous in supporting this Mrs. Julius Gerelick, of Omaha, dence Tuesday afternoon, at. 4 o'clock ii: English manufacturing centers, mercially important Jewish communannual event. Nebr., has departed for her home with Rabbi .Kabinowitz officiating. are prominent in the Irish labor ity strong support. He recently reafter an extended visit at the home Survivors^ include one son, Jack movement and have accepted the re- ferred to the Jews of .Ireland as. the of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sacks, of Sioux City, and two daugh- sponsibilities that membership in "most progressive and forward look- i A, A. BOYS TO HONOR ters, .Mrs- Jake.;,Gelson and Mrs. this movement entails as well as the ing citizens" of the.Free State and; MOTHERS TUESDAY M o s o w . • • ' " ' burdens thrust upon them by their when taken to task for making such j Kalmer, also .of Sioux City; fellow-workers. . _ a statement publically stated that he j SHAAREZION Members of the A. Z. A. chapter 1 .-j Some people may think it a para- will ihonor their mothers at a banA. Mother ^ Day program will, be Hardly any enterprise can be • dox to speak of J.ews in connection quet Sunday evening at the J. C, C. presented at the Shaare. Zion confound in Ireland in which the Jews with Ireland but there have been Speakers of the evening will in- gregation this evening,, in celebration Jews in the Emerald Isle for more are not prominent. Shipbuilding, .art, clude Rabbi Lewis, officers of the of _ National Mother's. Day set. aside ; than two centuries. The bulk of the education, and journalism all boast Bnai Bfith, Alfred Albert and for next Sunday. Isadore Mirowitz. • . Eleanor.-"Le.fko, r President of .the New Yorfc.-rfTge ^ i p t o ¥ ^ 5 & l J t $ Jews now living in Ireland are the of prominent Jews. The first sueThe Happy Discords orchestra will Daughterhood of Shaare Ziqn,. will on two bequests to Hadassah," the descendants of a group of 150 fam-icessful theatrical troupe to tour the furnish the music . for the affair. speak briefly . Jn , behalf. of the WomenV/.-Zionist? organization of ilies who settled in Belfast in 1846 Irish provinces was a Jewish manaIrish Jews who served in the Sylvia Friedman and Jack Merling daughters, and Mrs. J. H. Mosow Amencaji'has* beeti announced by Mrs. at the. suggestion of Queen Victorworld-war are seeing a lot these days ia's Prince Consort, who saw and will entertain the guests with sev- will represent the. mother's. Edward Jacobs, head of the Paleseral novelty numbers. The Choir'will' chant special tine Committee of the organization. admired their industry and intelli- of a very distinguished soldier, Majov General Sir Charles Rosenthal, music. The text will be from the According to Mrs. Jacobs, $34,000 gence in his native Germany. It is South Wales. Major General Ron Belfast that the largest comniunBible, and has been set to music by | comes from the estate of the late JR. HADASSAH BRIDGE ! senthal is now conducting a sentiMr. Sam Passman. Ostroski, of San Francisco, ty of Jews in Ireland is located. mental journey with an Irish friend PARTY WEDNESDAY Floral decorations will be furnished Amelia This prominent textile settlement of Cal., as the first instalment of her who wants him to reproduce in Syd- j Members of the Junior Kadassah by the Daughterhood, the Kadiina bequest of over $100,000, which she the world boasts .of 1500 Jewish ney an Irish castle. The General was families. designated to be used for the poor are giving a card party next "Wed- and the congregation. A reception for the mothers will and needy of Palestine. The inter- Wherever one finds the clothing four times wounded during the war nesday evening, May 14, at the and has received the highest military Community Center. Each member be held in the social hall following est on a bequest of $24,000 under industry, there one is sure to find distinctions from the Irish and Austof the club is responsible for two the service.' Miss Rozena Sacks will the will of the late Simon Russek, Jews, and the manufacture of the ralian ' governments. In addition to tickets, and no other soliciting is preside as toastmistress,. Miss Ruth of New York, who was a prominent famous Irish tweeds is one of the Major-General Rosenthal. there were Bernstein will present several ap- real estate operator, will be used industries that has received conbeing planned. nearlv 300 Jews in the Irish forces j propriate readings. for public health education through siderable impetus from the migra-The sons and daughters have been the Straus Health Center of Hadas- tion of Jewish workers from Eng- during tbe World War of whom 32 > MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE requested to bring their mothers to sah in Jerusalem. In its medical "The Faith of a Liberal Jew" will and health work in Palestine Hadasbe the subject of the sermon to be this service. Saturday morning, David Wigods- sah is constantly stressing prevengiven by Rabbi Lewis at Mount ky, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wigods- tive care and it decided, accordingly, Sinai Temple this evening. ky, will be Bar Mitzvah. that the most fitting use for the Russek gift would . be to further Hadassah's campaign for the preBalfour Golden Book S E F F' S Jerusalem. — A manifesto urging servation of health. DELICATESSEN A plaque describing the gift will support for the Golden Book in AND memory of the late Lord Balfour be placed in the Straus Center, and and asking the synagogues and every year kaddish, . the Hebrew SANDWICH SHOP ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS Hebrew schools to volunteer for prayer for the dead, will be said for active service in this "dual good Mr. Russek there. -*• deed of the redemption of the Holy Land and remembering the great Block Gives $100,000 figure of humanity who wrought New Haven.—Paul Block, owner mightily for the benefit of Israel" and advertising representative of a "We feed the multitude" has been issued by Rabbis Kook, considerable number of newspapers, Meir, Aronson and Uziel. With Tasty Foods. has contributed $100,000 to Yale Tel Aviv is leading in the number for the purpose of rounding a course of inscriptions for the Balfour in Journalism to promote "a better Golden Book. The Tel Aviv inscrip- understanding of the press as a tions include the communal council, factor in human affairs." First Class the Rutenberg works, the Anglo- • Lectures are scheduled to start guaranteed " : Palestine Company and the Hadas- next year, and .various • journalists, sah gymnasium. There are now 26 prominent in the newspaper field will very reasonably inscriptions from Palestine • for the undertake to conduct them. In colpriced Balfour Golden Book. laboration with this course, social OFFICERS Teeth extracted $1.00 first tooth and political science will be included, VR. H. A. WAHL. Fres. RICHARD KVEHL, Each additional 50c as well as Advanced research in the painless Method Locusts Impede Traffic (iOth &-. Ames Ave 103 S. 01st Ave. I,. H. HANSON, Tr<N AH occlusal cavities filled CHAS. E. MAYER. S*ec'y. of field of Journalism, according to a Jerusalem. — Large hordes 4550 Walnut St. 5113 California St. : Silver $1.00—Gold $6.00 locusts covered the Palestinian-Syrian statement made by President Angell. OCKERHAN & OCKERMAN frontier at Ras Al Nakura making it DIRECTORS extremely difficult. for automobile "Most Outstanding" F E A X K V. LAWSOX JOHN A. ANHBRSON •A.\ 502E& W Bldg. * (io30 N.' 31st Ave. 1026 Mercer Park IJd. traffic between Palestine and Syria. Pittsburgh.—Two Jews and one and Above Officers Jewess were among the ten local persons selected as the "leading citizens of Pittsburgh" in a county Part of Our 1929 Expenditures We recommend for appreciation wide poll conducted by the Pitts_ „ ,, $227,628.11 burgh' Advertising Club and ! the Pay Roll -Luoesfin ^Pittsburgh Press." COMMON: STOCK Farmers in this Vicinity , g JggHJ Those chosen were Dr. Samuel 10% Dividends In Stock and Stock Rights Accounts Payable _ . . Goldenson, spiritual leader of Temple Listed Chicngo Stock Exchange and N. Y. Curb. (To Omaha Firms Only) Rpdef Sholom, lecturer and goodPRICE AROUND $32.00—— will leader, Mrs. Enoch Rauh, serving her third term as director of g ] the department of public welfare, »-and Edgar^J. Kaufman, departmentt' 5 ...*Phon^57i20 201-2 Frances^-Biagr "'^Sioirx City, Iowa a^store^ art_ patron a n i leader in



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