- - > * - » • » •
Interesting r and i- Entertaining
0 1
In the H interests of Tlie Jewish Community
\ 'J&J
^ m a l J matteea. Nebraska, under
. y 27. 1WD, at -ol Mnrcb 3, 187*
VOL. VIII—No. 18
Workers Ready for Gigantic Drive Avukah WiU Hold MOVEMENT TO Summer School Camp Money*Raising Campaign REDUCE SPIRITUAL ILLITERACY BEGINS for Jewish Philanthropies Ask High School Credit for
Outside Religions Studies
New York. (J. T. A.)—A "National Summer School Camp", of the "Avukah", American student Zionist organization, will be ' held this year at Camp Scopus on Lake George from June 26 to July 6. The idea of a summer school camp arises out of the need felt by Avukah members for the crystalisation of the concepts underlying the Zionist movement and for a deepening of the understanding of the values inherent in Zionist ideolo'gy, as well as the growing significance of the role of Palestine in Jewish Ufa and in the world at large. Among thc:e who will deliver lectures, at the camp .'will be Jacob de Haas, Dr. Shalom Spiegel, Louis Lipsky, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, James. Waterman Wise, Samuel Blumenfeld, Maurice B. Pekarsky and Mitchell Salem Fisher. There will be two cycles of lectures, "Zionism and Palestine" and "Avukah and Jewish Youth." . ••..-•;•..
Will Be Launched Monday
Native Town Honors Zukoiv Movie Magnate [
Budapest. (J. T. A.)—An ovation that rivalled the most extravagant concepts of a motion picture version was accorded to Adolph Zukor, head! of the Paramount Film Co., on his j return to his native village Riccse. An arch, erected especially in his Outstanding Chicago Leader to honor by the residents of the town Speak for Campaign was only one indication of the adMonday, May 19 miration the inhabitants of Riccse felt for their most famous citizen Eabbi Solomon Goldman, of Chicaand incidentally generous contribu- go, will be the principal speaker at tor. A shower of flowers followed a mass meeting held under the austhe automobile in which Mr. and pices of the Jewish Philanthropies, Mrs. Zukor were riding as it passed the Arch on its way to the one story cottage, in which .they formerly lived. Most of the celebrations in honor of the Zukors wer» held in the synagogue, wher» *he Jewish and nonJewish inhabitants of the town participated. Mr. Zukor has not only contributed substantially to Jewish interests but has ali.o been equally as gfne.ouB to the Christian church and civic unoertaHng.3 of the town.
New York (J.TA;)-A movement to "reduce, spiritual illiteracy" among ' the • youth/of the city of New York •was started on Tuesday when the "Interfaith Committee", consisting of representatives of Protestants, Catholics and Jews, held its first meeting. •The committee decided to request that beginning next February high Echool" credits be granted for religious1 and biblical .studies given outRabbi Solomon Goldman of the side of high schools. Anshe Emet Congregation of Though the ultimate aim of the Chicago, will be 1 the principal "Interfaith Committee" is said to be speaker at a mass i meeting sponthe excusing of elementary school sored by the Jewish Philanthroi children from school-for one hour a pies, at the Jewish Community •week" for religious instruction,' this Center, on Monday May 19, at /question -was. not taken up^ at "Tues8:15 P.M. Everyone is invited day's meeting, "which discussed plans to attend. 'for bringing religious^ education to ' More than four hundred. Omaha j the 600,000 school. children of New Jewish men and women -are ready to lYork City -who .were declared to be raise the $42,000 quota of the Jewish "spiritually, illiterate". Philanthropies! More than one hund. The Jewish group at the meeting red boys and girts have volunteered was headed. by Rabbi Da-vid • de Sola to take part in the drive, in,addition j Pool -ot- the Spanish-Portuguese Syto -making individual pledges! All nagogue.' In a statement as to the Omaha is ready for one of the greatPrague (J.T.A.) — Thousands of aims Tof thje "Interfaith Committee", The- final business meeting of a est money-raising campaigns ever Jews in the eastern provinces of Uabbi~Poof* said: •very/successful year of the Women's conducted! All Omaha Jews are Csecho-Slovakia who are not citi""It-holds that religious instruction Auxiliary of the Conservative Synaready t» give their proportionate zens of any country as a result of must be left to the church, the syna- gogue, was held at the J. C. C. the••: nsap-BhiftiRjr following the-war Wednesday-afternoon...-> Complete rehome, • will be enabled to become Czecbomittee unalterably opposes , to any I ports by the chairmen of the various Harry Malashock, Chairman, Organi- j William L. Holzman, chairSlovaldan citizens as a result of attempt to give such instructions in committees were given, and the suc- • • zation Quota Division. j man of the Initial Gifts Diviv MW naturalisation law that regnth the'public' scho"bls of "New York City cessful .'luncheon ; sponsored*- by- the Goodman Meyersori, Chairman sion, said that his committee lates with great liberality the pro"By4 the time this drive is ended j would be ready to make a ; and to identify or segregate the pup- Auxiliary •, recently was alsb reported Omaha Division. 1 cess of acquiring1 citizenship. ils in such schools after their reli- on. . • -..."• . . • " . " ' . every Jewish organization in Omaha, "South Omaha Jews will give to very encouraging report the gious belief or unbelief. Mrs. Sam Beber rendered a vocal willifhave pledged,- substantially to I second day of the campaign, this drive as they have always given. This announcement was made after "The committee's ultimate aim is solo, accompanied by Mrs. Irvin this work. We have already received I and that the work of his comOur people in that part of Omaha the constitutional committee had to encourage and facilitate religious Stalmaster; Mr. William L. Holzmittee would be completed the are greatly interested in the coming adopted a resolution asking the government to grant citizenship to all instruction through proper agencies, man delivered a short address on the quite a number of pledges and "they first five days of the drive. drive and the work of its agencies. applicants born in territory now beunder the safeguard mentioned, to campaign of the Jewish Philanthro- are very encouraging." It will be a success." Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky, longing to the Czecho-Slovak repubthe pupils of our public and high pies, and in response the organizachairman of the Women's divilic and also to those living in Czechotion voted one hundred dollars to the schools." sion, reported that her group slovakia for a long period of time. drive. Rabbi Abraham Bengis gave will put more than one hunJewish war refugees in Czecho-Slothe closing speech. dred and fifty workers into the vakia will be particularly berrefitted A nominating committee was apafield the first day of the drive. by the new law. pointed to present its nominees for "Our budget for this year will The bill that has now been preparthe Auxiliary's offices at the first be raised because every Jew ed by the government was first inmeeting in the falL This committee and Jewess in Omaha will troduced into parliament last Januwas headed by Mrs. B. A. Simon and give," said Mrs. Kulakofsky. ary by the Social-Democrats, numerincluded Mesdames • Henry Newman, ically the strongest party in the Ben Minkin, and Sam Cohen country. The bill provided that anyA special. social committee on arshare, according to leaders of the The Hainer trophy, awarded an- Tangements is planning a final getone who has lived within the presdrive who have already received a nually to the social fraternity on the together joint evening party to be ent boundarie of Czecho-Slovakia number of pledges from people who University of Nebraska campus sponsored by the Auxiliary and to since 1910 is eligible to citizenship. have not been personally solicited. which ranks highest scholastically, be held within the next month. The Jewish members of parliament Sam Beber, general chairman of was won by the Lincoln chapter of offered an amendrrent to this bill A social hour followed the meetthe drive announced today that the the Zeta Beta Tau this year, being ing, with tea served from a beauti•which would make all residents of chairmen of the various committees the second time in the past four fully appointed table. Czecho-Slovakia since 1915 qualified in charge of the solicitation have years that the group has been so for citizenship. their groups fully prepared. During honored. As the Sigma Delta Tau the past week mass meetings were sorority recently merited the cup for beld of workers in the womens' dithe sororities for the fourth time < v i vision, general solicitation division, t during the past five years, Jewish Harry Lapidus, Chairman of young mens' division, organization scholarship at the university is reForeign Corporations. quota division and foreign corporaceiving Bignal recognition. "This is the first time we have tion division, and all workers "were Dr. A. Greenberg, Chairman, General Officers of Zeta Tau elected last greatly enthused over the prospects Miss Marian Katelman, Senior at ever solicited this group and we are Solicitation Division, "week are Joel Simon of Lincoln, president; Paul Grossman of Omaha, the Abraham Lincoln High School in meeting with splendid success. Every- ', *<?r a very successful campaign. One of the most interesting- of the "Every man in our division will The womens' division in charge of bring in the most substantial pledges regular cultural meetings of the vice-president; Byrl Herschfeld of Council Bluffs carried oft" first honors one will give.1 ; Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky is ready to ever received in aity campaign held | local Zionist organization was held North Platte, treasurer; Bernard in the Iowa State Shorthand Contest solicit every Jewish woman in Oma- in Omaha. Our division- will go over at the J. C. C. Tuesday evening. The Polsky of Lincoln, secretary, and whjch was held at Des Moines, Iowa, ha for an individual pledge. Meyer Golden of Omaha, historian. last week-end. She was a member of feature speaker was Ben Kazlowsky, the top in great fashion." the school's Amateur Shorthand Team At a mass meeting held last Other Omaha undergraduates in! who addressed the group on "Zion• Thursday of all the workers in the clude Edward Brodkey, Leon Fran- which won first place in the State* Conj ism and the Jewish Youth". general solicitation division, headed kel, Alvin , Friedman,- Sheffel Kats- test. She also won the first prize in ] An open forum led and directed by Dr. A. Greenberg, more than kee, Arthur Lerner, Herman Levin- the individual honors for having the • by Eabbi Abraham Bengis, who pre1 three hundred men pledged themson, Morton Richards, Harry Safer- best paper in the State. She took sided, followed the address. Acdictation at the rate of one hundred selves to raise the quota of that stein, Hubert Sommers and Joe I cording to Kazlowsky, the work in words per minute and received a division. Stein. i Palestine by the Zionists will leave Philip Klutznick, chairman of the The undergraduates of the Nebras- grade of 99.5 per cent. Marian was material legacy for the i a fruitful, She is a young men's division, reported that ka chapter celebrated annual Found- awarded a gold medal. younger generation and that as the at a meeting of the workers in his er's day last Saturday in conjunction daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius j professional fields are becoming satgroup, every young Jewish mens' orwith the Omaha Graduate dub at the Katelman. • urated Palestine will offer an induceMiss Ida Krasne, Junior at the i , ganization has provided a number of Fontenelle hotel. {ment for the youth, workers to solicit pledges from the During the past year, Morton Abraham Lincoln High School was a | Kazlowsky was elected chairman young Jewish men of the city. Richards has been circulation manag- member of the Novice Shorthand of the Zionist Youth Committee, er of the Comhusker, annual publi- Team which won first place, in the ; "I have never seen men and which is planning active work for cation, and Nathan Levy has been a State Novice Shorthand Contest at women so willing to take part in next fall with hopes for •establishmember of the varsity debate team. Des Moines. She also received a gold a drive", said Henry Monsky, ing an Avukah group here. Paul Grossman, Herman Levinson, medal for winning first prize in inone of the leaders in the drive. Among the guests and active parArthur Lerner and Meyer Goldner dividual honors. She is a daughter of *^Xot only that, but Jewish men ticipants in the discussion Tuesday have been members of the Pershing Mr. and Mrs. Ike Krasne. and women in all walks of. life was a Zionist visitor, Dr. Ephraim Rifles, exclusive military fraternity. are giving to these worthy cansKorol, who recently came from Chij es, which indicates that all Omacago. Jewish Lawyers Bailed Samuel Gerson, I ha Jews have combined their Constantinople.—Following a two Philip Klutznick, Chairman, Young Riga.—Many Jewish lawyers are :•• Executive Secretary ' efforts to raise enough money week's run at a local theatre the included in the 205 advocates of LenBerlin.—An annual subsidy of 600,Mens' Division. "We have carried the message' of to properly support these twenty American moving picture "The Jazz ingrad whose names have. been "Every young man in Omaha will 000 marks for Jewish religious inworthy agencies." Singer", starring Al Jolson, has been struck off the list because they are this campaign .into every Jewish pledge to the Philanthropies. Oar struction and the salaries of rabbis banned because it contains "Jewish considered to be anti-Soviet elements home.in Omaha,"and our.people are Workers have been supplied with group of workers will do fhelr share'has been granted by the Prussian religious propaganda." in the population. fully aware of its importance/' vContinued on Page €.} ) to raise the qaota." * Landtag.
Outlook is Most Promising as Leaders Optimistically Put ' on the Finishing Touches Before Setting Out for $42,000 Goal
Rabbi Solomon Goldman.' at l i e Jewish Community "Center,, on Monday evening, May 19, at 8:16 P.M. Eabbi Goldman is rabbi - at the Anshe Emet congregation of Chicago, one of the largest in that city, and is considered as one of the outstanding Jewish leaders in America. Rabbi Goldman's subject has not been announced as yet. He returned recently from an extended tour of Palestine and Eastern Europe and comes prepared to tell Omaha Jews of the present conditions in those countries. The work of Eabbi Goldman in international Jewish work has been recognized. He was president of the •Cleveland Zionist district during the year 1919 and 1920; he is a member of the Central Commission, of the Palestine Developement Council, a member of the Executive Committee of the United Synagogues of America and was honorary vice chairman of the United Palestine Appeal during the year 1926. He is now very active in all national and international Jewish activities. According to local leaders who have heard Rabbi Goldman speak, he can be classed as one of the outstanding speakers in the rabbinate. According to Samuel Gerson, seating -capacity is limited to live bundred persons, and he urges everyone to arrive early in order to be *seured an opportunity to hear this renown speaker.
FINAL MEETING OF COUNCIL TO BE HELD MAY 26 The final meeting of the Council of Jewish Women will be held Monday, May 26, at the Blackstone hotel. The annual luncheon will be held at one o'clock. Mrs. Harry Rachman, WEbster 0724, is in charge of reservations. A short musical program will be presented after luncheon. A feature of the meeting will be the presentation of a skit entitled "Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before." The author, Mrs. Isidore Ziegler, will be assisted by Mrs. Louis Sommer, program chairman, in the production of the skit, the nature of which has not been disclosed. It is to be a surprise. Following the entertainment the annual reports of officers will be given. At this time the election and installation of new officers will take place
fcAGE 2—TKE JEWISH ?RESS| FRIDAY, MAY i«A # 3 0 ffie growth of religion, [in reality,' where he has been read fie has only made ignorance arrogant and thereby blocked the approach of true knowl-
tne only way to" preserve the Board's I Excess of wealth is cause of covproper authority over the credit situ- etousness.—Marlowe. ation-in case of future emergencies to ensure the political independence \ of the board. DRESS MAKING v-^One could go on quoting endlessly Once more Mr. Warburg speaks THE MODE PLEATING •from'the fiery criticism of this rebel with characteristic courage and Custom Designing a Specialty whose.cry of protest against the asstatesmanlike vision. Without Extra Cost or Obligation By sault of the mob on the mind and on 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Ja. 3109 BERNARD POSTAL cultural values knows neither mercy Clergymen have a way of becom-1 nor compromise. Without—I believe Wherever bankers and economics ing popular with people not of their .-=-once using the terms "racket" or gather they are now discussing Paul faith and in Rabbi Samuel Goldeneon ^racketeers" Frank K. Notch has M. Warburg's book on "The Federal of Pittsburgh we have an eminent "painted a gruesome picture of the cul- Reserve System". As one of the example of this. As the spiritual lUfe "racEet. ~In his/ vehemence this few American financiers who spoke leader of Pittsburgh's best known Author.makes'ho exceptions. His at- his mind on the speculative mania congregation he has already achieved A Beautiful § tacks include the Hearst press as well that swept over the country last fame in the Jewish community but | Author Signs by Pseudonym as the green-covered "organ of H. L. year Mr. Warburg, who is a brother even he himself probably did not | Portable Typewriter 1 Mencken. In the" front ranks of this of Felix M. Warburg, was listened know that his fellow citizens of by JULIUS MAYER on-marching mob that tramples in- to with dignified and careful atten- Pittsburgh thought of him until he = Five Makes to Choose From 5 Haying- placarded^; t&e; publishing dividuality under its'heels are sketch- tion. His book deals with the Fed-was chosen one of the city's ten i Central Typewriter | "IVithiri the next few days a book Randolph Hearst would devote a fullentitled "King Mob" will viake is ap- page syndicated editorial (in 12-point and distributing; agfenjeieSj-as ^ballyhoo ed the figures of.several . Jews who | eral Reserve System and the 1929most outstanding citizens in a pop1 Exchange, Inc. = pearance; the writer of this article ular vote. artistsH:instead-Of^fcuiture'ibear£rB^the hitherto have been acknowledged lead- bull market. prophesies it will create a sensation. type) to Mr. Frank K. Notch's under- merciless ers and pathfinders in their profesfast. 1903) = He is not only a rabbi. As an = author directs his attention When Paul Warburg speaks of the ; The book, which purports to be a mining of the great American dembc^ • 1912 Farnam | to the'^authors, the successful popular- sions. Federal Reserve System he speaks orator well worth hearing he prob- | Tel. Ja. 4120 study of the present-day A7nerican mind, is sig7icd Frank K. Notch, adBut, to be serious, "King Mob" will izers, the guides^ ;who lead the, 'masses • .Yet it-would be wrong to call "King not only as a financier with an inter- ably addresses as. many meetings Hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillliiuii? inittedly the pseudonym of a well- raise more than a ripple on the surf- through, a; short;;.*ni£ to>^education: ;and Mob" ian anti-Semitic book. The .word. national reputation but as one of the and fun<ttiottoj:as does Rabbi Stephen known author. Speculation runs high in-literary circles as to who Frank K. ace of intellectual America. It ex- cuittf^;-''^-:-^r£.^oitcft-^ftpda "".the 'most; :*Jew"i"does,.not o$eur: at all-in- this, fathers of our present monetary sys- S.. -Wise." --On the same day that Notch may be. Coiinoisseiirs of poses the culture racket and, incident- .5ymp^njatic\".:isi^:-;'':. qf '^this v species stu&yv. ojf^he,; prttsent-day American i temv When the Federal Reserve Act; Kftsb'urgH was honoring him he was! MDLTIGRAPH FILLING IN American literature differ, some ly, names the racketeers by their real (which •he^qualifies -."btt^exs*!),jUi the mind, whicfcreadsmore thrillingly' was passed in 1913- President Wilson telling :the B'nai B'rith convention in FOLDING—MAILING claiming to recognize the forceful names. To a great extent the accusa-. persontof the fashiohabl*'author ^ ^ & i t n a n ..many, an acclaimed novel. As appointed him to thfe first Federal | Cincinnati in no mincing words that J language of H. L. Mencken, others V" ..,.-' "assimilation would not solve the ter of fact there emanates from Reserve Board. IDEAL LETTER ADVERTISING •mentioning the names of Ludwig tions are directed against ..Jewish' Browne^ the*ex-rabbi wfcosi;"?! Stranger !• a>matfc than Kction/'^'This Beiievirigl %b*ria*f *$ fa'ges&> fanatic, idealistic, fervent Much favorable comment has. been Jewish'problem. Lewisoh'n, Sinclair Lewis, Upton Sin- writers and publishers, ..f-Stad'j while: Call Our Phone for Service clair, Walter Lippman or Benjamin Mr. Notch Is >top intelligent'to ;point| and "That Man Heine'r'fiave«,setrnew tone^that makes one^uspect .the writer aroused by,;his.assjertion in his work" ~ Rabbi Goldenson has the knack AT. 2936—307 Paxton Block DeCasseres in connection with the out the racial, aspect^of- his .onslaught -selling records, for book* of the kiJid-Uf,, belonging to tn^-race which, has on the Federal tHeserye System-that *£, jrnaldng people like him even if authorship of this startling attack on th>y:'disagree vdth him and it is to the Jewish reader will not, miss ,the; they a r ee ^orr, rather American mob psychology. Tather,r2f,the_kuidjthey. o^thejeindjthey gi\jen """"" so, " many* "t"*™ successful "—*"""r"1 represenfa*'" this trait that can be traced his al^ aatray^of t r f Notch' Notch's culture lt —THE EDITOR. silent and yet eloquent implication../ \: are supposed t6<be (±o'::e^ter«intoftbe •favfis'to^tn'e itriost Universal popularity in Pitts•racketeers^ ; , In forceful, direct .language': ;;Mf. spirit-^f^tch>v Z i^fS^H-' ' SMILE STUDIO burgh* •'Whatever-^the fate of ,this^ In this land of high-pressure busi- Notch analyses the mob- psychology Mr,. 'Notch- fires the following ^ f Rent 1811 Farnam ness, of a three-miles-a-minute tempo which,is influencing.the-entirej's innocent Lewis Browne: age JTSQ.large front .rooms, Send Your Friends :;jE*lf; Angeles Jewry boasts of a the season^v^ei of life, has sprung up the fearless and and which has taken a stranglehold "Mr. Browne has .given tens of thouvfarniished. ^ ^ ^ A Photo of Your Child iramber of rising Jewish judges, not feared racketeer. His origin dates cultural values• in 'tjhis .country.....^fie{ sands of people the impression that Mr. Notch, f r g l ^ T 6 o'clock. 1 the least important of whom is Our Price 6 For 15c back to' the "enactment" of prohibi- shows that in America the bobltpub-;i he has taught them something about an expression—the: Questions will • Judge Harry A. Hollzer. raised: Are Jews sensationalists?*: Are' tion and his place of birth is undoubt- lisher, the writer, the so-called; pppu-; A distinguished honor has just they more pseudo than intellectual? edly the underworld, but in the demo- lariser of science and. history,/the-I come to him that will not make Is the most individualistic of all races cratic United States, where the var-book-of-the-month clubs and all /the Los Angeles less proud of him. As the creator of the. mob psychology ious worlds so easily come intb con- other instruments for the disseminaOMAHA FOR a member of the judicial council of which great thinkers, even before Mr. tact, the racketeer has expanded his tion of; culture and knowledge areKOSHER MEAT MARKET California : he will act as chairman Notch', admitted ta be a characteristic activities to other spheres. To-day launching a concerted assault on the: Delicatessen and Groceries of the national conference of judicial you will find him dominating several j individual. of DUB tv?en;ti^fcie^tury?. The individual thinker,; Nitz Moscovitz, Propr. councils which meets in Washington or evening. Kasy, rarfldtindustries and sports. You might Mr. Notch claims, is threatened ~withi| flihy iAn'daoipst^fc^osJs'ilt smile and askr WE. 3817 1724 No. 24 this week. At the same time he will 100% accurate Typewriting-, Buseven discover him playing an import- extinction, with submersion, by We/allIs this pseiidon^miHsr; of a .well-known iness English. Bookkeeping, eomrepresent the California state bar a t tometer, complete Secretarial Course. ant part in some very "dignified" bus- conquering mob.psychology, sponsored writer under the same of Frank K. Most modern equipment. Tree emthe annual session of the American AND ployment services of fifty-nine Dickiness. And as regards politics—well, and produced by ytixe* culture racketNotch a new literary racket? inson Schools. Booklet on request. Law Institute. he is undoubtedly one of the vital Cogs eers. ; All this iinight seem a merely ' (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts Dickinson Secretarial School On the bench since 1924 Judge of its vote-getting machinery. theoretical and abstract question. But Feature Syndicate) Mrs. Florence X.. Wolcott Hollzer is prominent in Jewish acIt remained for Frank K. Notch,. if you will read "King Mob" you will Director tivities on the coast where he is 86th and Hartley HA. 6908 At its next cleaning however, to discover the culture rack-| soon realize that its author has both [Zionist Convention to Cleveland president of the Nathan Straus Paldeserves our e'teer. This the mysterious Frank K.j feet firmly on the ground and that the j j New York. (J. T. A.) The awardestine Society. Notch—whose name, an acknowledge j exhibits which he brings in Evidence " CALL j ing of the 38rd annual convention ed~ pseudonym, is suspected of hitting are • examples from life whicnVyou and of the ZionistilQ^rjaniiation'tof Ame. By comparing.American universisome-such rebel as H. L. Mencken or I .will"haves hard time? jto discredit.* | ricato Cfevelandjijeginning' June29; l ties to drdg stores \ Dr. Abraham Liidwig Lewisohn, Sinclair Lewis or Thus BJrV NotcHj i^ » the>!chapter 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 the naming of .a,ie6mniittee of ten to Flexner, former secretary of the XJpton Sinclair, Walter Lippman or I called "The Mob Takes up Literature," j —Evenings WAlnut 5077— formulate a new program for Rockefeller Foundation general eduORGANIST—Temple Israel HEXET SOr.I« ED SOUG Benjamin DeCasseres—has done in a • selects as his most striking illustra-j Zionism in America, which will take 214 So. 14 — AT. 6662 cation board, and one of the most ^ fin rtft fffR book, "King Mob," which will be off tion the publishing house of Simon I Pipe Organ Instruction. into account recent developments in eminent of American educators, has the press in a few days. We predict and Schuster, founded and conducted i Summer Course Begins June 1st Palestine as well as in the United again gotten into the limelight. that "King Mob" wilF raise a storm, j by two energetic young Jews ^hosef Special Rates for This Coirse States and the sapunission Sy Meyer There is no single institution in this an intellectual revolution, a literary j name it bears. The firm is well known 1 W. Weisga'^feecJftaiT^f ;*he Zionist ffoaatxy that remlly deserves to be sjgfisatioii. It would not surprise" us if [ throughout thecountry for its sensa-s fOrganization! of mmerica {ind editor AT*23i8 knoirn u s university he told Bevtrie Ahierican Jewish Congress wouldi tional business success and especially^ lof the officftl 2ronist organ, ''New erml -hundred savants last week at command protest meetings, if the I for the record-breaking sales of such Palestine," of his resignation from ! the sessions of the American Philo- LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS B'nai B'rith would appoint a Commit-j books as "The Story of Philosophy," I 2401 Xo. 24—WE. OOoO both posts to accept the editorship 1 sophical Society. tej? to negotiate with the publishers! "Trader Horn" and "The "Art of , 1107 Howard—JA. 0288 ' of the Toronto Jewish Standard were As lecturer, author, official of the Have you visited for the withdrawal of the book and j Thinking." Says Mr. Notch-that MOVING — STORAGEthe announcement made at the meetRockefeller Foundation and wellMARIE FLANAGAN'S even if the almighty Mr. William Simon and Schuster have "grasped by PIANO MOVING i n g of. the National Executive Comknown authority on educational matinstinct the principles of successful HAT SHOP PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. ; mittee of the Zionist Organization of ters the opinions of Dr. Flexner, 3Tth and Martha SI*. HArnlj- 5523 culture-publishing. The key-word is Room 234 Aquila Court [America, supreme Zionist body in who is a brother of the notable OMAHA, NEBRASKA 'panic' The public must be panicked Always the newest I this country. scientist Simon Flexner, carry weight Soft gray. iron, braes, bronze and into buying a book. In developing rnstinfrs. standard sizes EXCLUSIVE M1LINERY and such were sufficient to get front nluniiiium bronxe and iron biishinjrs, sewer manFor 50 Years the art of creating round books an at] holes, cistern rings nnd covers au<l page attention. Your Towel Man clean-out doors in stoek. All kinds Of mosphere of high fashionableness and wood and metal patternd. i $200,000 Kirstein Memorial (Copyright 19S0 by the Jewish cultural exclusiveness such publishers Omaha Towel Supply Co. , Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Boston.—Louis E. Kirstein, Vicehave evolved a new technique. It is TAYLOR GRAIN CO. 209 So. 11th S t JA. 0628 Presidcnt of the William Filene's as hard to fight off the mass sugges737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. Sons Company, and President of the MAX FROSIKIX, Attorney tiveness of their advertising as it is SUGAR — GRAIN Associated Jewish Philanthropies of 6*8 ret«n Trust Bldrto resist a marching regiment. The STOCKS and BONDS Danish j Boston, had contributed $200,000 in XOTICE OF ADM1MSTRATIOK smart, the clever, the sophisticated, —Private Wires— In tbe Count}- Court of Douglas County. [the memory of his father, for the JAckson 3403—AT. 2008 the people in the know, the delightful j Nebraska. Pioneer Anywhere •—Anytime erection of the Edward Kirstein , l a tfte matter t»t the estate « Beres j hostess and the much-sought guest are Wttssman, deceased. Anything : Butter Memorial Library. ! all reading the book. Everybody who All person* interested in said estate are hereby nottBed that a petition hns been The new library, which was opened i is anybody is in the swim. . . If the H. Canva* Covrrx. Tents, Thomscn-SUtcr Butter Co. Prescription filed In said Court alleclnjt that said de[Thursday, is essentially for downCamp Supplies, AH Kindt epasetl died leaving no last will and pniyNATIONAL ! J sales of the book mount, the advertis)»C for mlmlnlBtmtion upon his estate, 15 and Howard AT. IMS Specialists town business men, and was well j ing continues. • It becomes a crescendo and that a hearing trill be had on said ACCESSORIES, INC. prtlrlMtilxifAr* MI<1 court on the 31st d«.v patronized on the opening day. I of success, more insistent from week of Slujr, 1030. and that If thev fail to an"Everything for the Auto" jto week. The lonely individual feels >«r at wild Court on the said 31st day or MAX FROMKIX. Attorney Si««lit ay, JJKW, at * o'clock A. m. to wmtest the cold sweat of terror breaking out 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 C38 Peter* Trust B i d s . jH»tltlon. the Otmrt maj" grant the 24 and Decatur, PhoneWE.-222 on all his body; civilization is marchMtme «nrt ftrant administration of snid NOTICE O F AMENDMENT TO ARTIestate to Max Froinkln or some other miltCLES O F INCORPORATION OF ing past him, trumpets sounding, altl* (jijriron and proceed to a settlement TOKK BATTERY COMMXl' Notice Is hereby giyeu tliat at u speFOR YOUR drums rataplan. Overcoming his parJ. L. KRAGE, Proprietor BKXCK CUAWFOBD. cial meeting of the directors and stockholders of the Tort Battery Company alysis and the last appeal of his com-.: M«,v ft 5t SALES LETTERS ; ^ O u n t y "NEW FOR OLD" Acid, at tlie office of Jinx Froiukin, KM 1 MULTIGRAPHIJfG '•mon sense he rushes out to the. book-. I'utera Trust Uullding, Oninbir, -Nfbraska,-, 1 FOR RENT.~-.y. i'store 1619 Farnam St.—Atc JVUMEOGRAPfilNG . ,pn The;'.'Oth day of JiinuaryV 1IC0. thd and getsjthe volume." ...' ? "'• AIMkAMAMS * O'CONNOR (ffullowii)K a'inendmcyls '^o the .'Articles ot\ : . • . ^ V r "PRINTING? 4M Itnuidals Thtmtn I Here we hare one' example of culIjliicorporiitioii: vrerv adot'ted by tbe af2 Rooms lirmative vote of all the stockholders and Commercial Duplicating Co. .VOTICK OF rROBATR OF . ture racketeering. The high-pressure Kitchen all furnished. Other by such adoption made effective. 1511 Dodge St JA. 4834 the County Cvurt of Pouglns County, Article u, was auicndtd to read ns folroom unfurnished. | advertising and salesmanship procelows : RUNNERS AND SNAGS 1 lu the mnttor of the estate of Gcorfe t<. dure of Simon and Schuster are creatWEbster 3527 "Tlie purpose for which this Corporn16th and Howard n x o n . <t(Measrt. REMOVED . tiou is organized nnd the powers which ing a mob psychology in order to "put All jter»«ti« Inti'tfKteil in snid estate are i it shall have aro as follows: To curry l>y notllietl Hint n jietitfon lias been across" culture as paying merchan- j on the trade or liusinetiS of mnnufacttirBolt Hose Mending Shop 1H S«UI I'oiirt, t>rayins f<»r the proinp. prodncinj;. adaptlujr. preparing, iinIml" <>f * wrliiIn jiidtrinnent now on file in WiUt Oiie-duy service ur while dise. Notch detects the same method ! portlns nnd exportliiff. Imyitijt nnd sellnultt t'ourt, purporting to the Jiist will iiiff mid otherwise dealing in any nnd Mail Uril«m 1'iHiniyl'y in the workings of the many book-of- j »«d tVKlMlnt>tit of snid ileeeatied. mid that sill kind!) of batteries and supplies; nnd H hvnrlns \v)ll l>o hmi on pniil petition b e - , 4420 Florence Blvd. 033 Securities Ultlf,«AT, the-month clubs which have sprung! lo manufacture, buy. adapt, prepare, use. l»r.' KMII) Cnufi on the Tth <lny of June. I import nnd export, sell or otherwise deal KE. 1500 1WX1, nud thnt IT they full t o appear at {into existence during the last few! JOB FOUNDRY in any materials. nrticlPR. or thinjrs reMidi Court on iho said Tth day of June, quired for. in connection with, or inThe Mouse With A Imputation j years. Without mentioning any spe-1 itRlO, tit I' o'clock A. M. lo contest the AND MACHINE WORK cidental to the manufacture, use. purAND 1 prolmlc <if snlj will, the Court nmy iillow cific name "King Mob" trains its guns , chase nnd sale of or other dealing in REINFORCING STEEL HIHI pvontilc Mini will nnd cr»nt n^lnilnany and all of tlie aforesaid wares and Ulviillon of tiald I'Ktnto to Zimia Johnson on the Book-of-the-Month Club, of articles. To lmy. own. sell, loase, imand Mlllon It. Abralianis or some other prove and otherwise deal in and with which Mr. Scherman, another Jew, is mittttMo person iind proceed to n settlereal estate and personal properly as may : "Manufnetuvet} in inenl Ihorepf. % . AT ALL GROCERS the founder and directing .geniusj lie incident: to the main purpose of the ,^ llUTCE CRAWFO1SI>. corporation: to loan, and lo borrow moOmaha" Aliiy 111at*: •• County Judge. : ','Month by month,", writes Notch, "the} ney and to make, execute and deliver | Made by iHortjrnces, bonds.' and oilier securities niob .of- 100,000 switches its hyste-ria.: Third Ave. and 11th Street Baker Ice Machine C«. to secure Ihe repayment, of any moneys Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond • Phones: 89 and 519 from, book to book. The noise of one' Irorrowed. nnd: to take jis security for Times a day we are in your ilie .repayment of any mouey loaned, Company COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA j triumph has not. subsided when-the. .01?• Ontnlik N«l'l IJank Bide. tuortfjiices. bond's ntul nther sernritles.'' neighborhood Omaha Nebraska Article 4. was anifiijed lo read as folNOTH'H 11V ri'UI.ICATlOX OX F E I I next is under our windows. The) lows : TION r o i l .SKTT1.KMK>T O f FINAL founders and financiers of the Book! Jtinelimj faundnj Co. CHARLES SIMON '"J'he capital stock of this Corporation A b M I M i m t A T I O X ACX'OfXT shall be Kiflv . Thousnml Pollars (*-"<).Clubs are generally business men, not I In Hie County Court of Doushis County, llt'i'unuiiL'ixlH imo.(KVi divided into Five Hundred (HOOi Nr-brimkn. — CIT.V WIDE DELIVERY Gandhis dedicated to spiritual ideals. 'shares of common stock e»f the nur value In the milder of the estate of Morris The Sanitary laundry
Are We Succumbing to Cultural Racketeering^
the News
New Book to Make a Startling Attack Upon the Disastrous Effect of American Mob Psychology on Literature and Culture ' -•
r a c y . -
• • .
•• .;-..-•.-•
i i
— -
.. -.
*• " " - ~ e - ^ - " " > T -~f ~ "<
• -
• '
-. in 3 0 Days .
Your Hat
Expert Attention ABLE THE HATTER
For Your Convenience
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Jewelry Needs
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes
Katekan Foundry & Mfg. Company
AT. 4750—MA. 4750
Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. "for the Leisure Hours program ^4 j<l H • •
Southwest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAekson.2724. , Omaha, Nebr.
fluence." And the mysterious Mr. I j Notch sighs: "What happens then to Kt j individualdiscipline, leisurely growth,' 8 [ t h e thoughtful deliberate pursuit of 5 i self which is the substance of educa-j :
T l t i o n ? " ,:,- ;- .;.;. ••• .•• ,:.;-;;••'•.
:;;••.;•- •-• I
| of One Hundred IiolPirs <S 100.00) earh." Article 5, wng amended to rend as fol-i Ions: I I "The existence of this Corporation shall besrin on the filinc of a copy of i t s ) L'Articles of Incorporation with the County i Clerk of Douslns County. Xebraskn. ast j provided liy law. nnd 1>«siness may .be | ••omniPiiced when Twentv-two Thousand.] Ono Hundred Pollnrs (S2ai<)0.00) of itsi '•apital stock shall be subsTilnvl and r-aM | tnr; nnd shall continue for a jwriod of: '•'iftv (50) years unlps= sooner dis^olve'1 • by the vote of two-thirds r>f t»>e issurd an-1 ontstandine comr""" s">ck." I T»af<-d nt Omnhn Nebraska/ this 21st , day of, Arvrll. 1!>3O J TOltK RATTKUT. POMI'ANT. Uy II. B. NOTES ' President. * JOHN ' W- tlOYt.K. April 2j-if - . Pecrciary.
IJritl of All I.mmdrjp
8 r;r ::m
lielzcr, deceased : All pf-moiis Interested in said matter jiiv hereby not Hied that on the 28th «lny of April, Ji'.'SO. Nnthan Belzer tiled a petition In mild County Court, praying thnt bis iliuU iitlininistrni ion account tilvil herein be willed mid lillowi'd. and tliut. he be dlnclinr^Ml from his trust ns ndmlnistrnlor nnd thai u henrinc will be hud on snid petition before snid Court on the Situ day of May, lfi;iO, nnd that if yon fnll to appear before »ald Court on the unid 24th day of May. HMO, nt (• o'clock A. St., and contest snid petition, the Court may frnint the prayer of xnld petition, enter a decree of heirship. irnfl rtinlst'TiYlch otlicr nnd further orders, allownnees nnd decrees, as lo Uiis Cotirt may seem pro|ier. to the end that till tnntlers pnr-tRIMIIIR- to snid estate may be Anally settled and .determined. B«iXM CRAWKOKO. M«y 3—3t • - ••• • County J d
3 B S y "*"
• " > '
L-l - - * *J~.
The Happiness of Others Your Hand! O-ii.u- x
[»'Jh.'*'f J ?<^ m/nj4h< >(;'-
The future welfare and happiness of hundreds of men, women and children rests in your hand— inthecharitablehandof Omaha Jews! The $42,000 budget that will be raised in the coming campaign, will be used to alleviate the suffering among the tubercular; to provide a home for the children of tubercular parents who are being treated in various institutions; to provide warmth, clothing and food for the aged, the weak and the sick; to teach young Jewish boys and girls of the history of our people, to teach them the precepts and ideals of our religion; to provide sustenance, clothing, shelter and comfort for hundreds who are unfortunate—who cannot give, but who must take.
-r -
i• -
•jf1 y
, ,
-*-•>- \ y e pmaha Jews owe this obligation of extending a helping hand to those unfortunate brethren ^ , in Europe who are unable to provide for themselves, and to assist them to regain an economic ' ' / footing and become self-dependent. A portion of this fund will be used for the upbuilding of Palestine; to carry forward the work of colonization, the meeting of religious needs, fostering the Hebrew language and Jewish culture.
* ' • * ' t*
* 1
y.» .
' V'. -<
ive Liberally for Twenty Worthy Causes / /
, ,. / ~
Your liberal contribution is needed to help fill the budget for 1930. Please remember that this campaign includes twenty leading, local, national and international causes. Every one deserves your support and aid. Give liberally—give with your heart! '
. ] *'-•£
Campaign Begins May 19,1930
•" K
L&nguage Society has in principle way you are handling it.**
"Well, you tell the todsar replied decides t o participate i n t h e investiJustice Kalish curtly, "that he need gation. .'.'••
"American Judaism is like a book with a [ not renominate me for the next elecbeautiful preface, but with nothing inside," was! For Jewish Schools tion, if it doesht suit tUtt." _. Published.ieyery JFriday attOniaha, Nebraska, by the disquieting challenge recently made by the Saloniki.—The Greek government's Meanwhile, bossism continues tn THE JEWISH PRESS PUBIilSHING COMPANY j L u b a w i t c h e r R e b be, who is visiting this country. subsidy for Jewish schools • this year Nourish. Civil War Vet Dead Office: ,490 Brandeis Theater Building And, as if to, directly answer that challenge, | United States New Orleans.—Louis Scherck, a totals 1,800,000 drachmas ($23,400), 1 Telephone: ATlantic 1450 the Union of Orthodox Rabbis (Augudath Ha- " —' Confederate veteran of the Civil an increase of 400,000 over last ONE BY HUNEKER Dr. Bloch of the Jewish division DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor ra bbonim), and the United Synagogue of Amer- United Synagogue War, died here at 92. A native of year's subvention. The increase is of the New York Public library (on New York.—Resolutions urging the due to the efforts of Senator Mallah FRANK U. ACKERMAN -Editor ica, representing the conservative wing of bur Germany, he was prominently conof the judges in our national jok^ FANNIE !KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent faith, held their conventions immediately there- extension of its work in the small nected with half a dozen major or- and the urgent request of the Feder- contest) tells a good one. Of courgf communities, endorsing the Allied ation of Jewish Communities. after. Both conclaves offered a conclusive proof Jewish Campaign, expressing inflex- ganisations here, including theTouro j In the meantime the Jewish com- his entry is barred from the cor SIOUX CITY OFFICE Infirmary, the Jewish Children's test, by reason of his judicial posicommittance to support ui of m the JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce-Street that Judaism America Jo is uneither Lllctt d UUalolll in 111 zilllCHi;** s i n u t i stagnant o m j u u u n nor nu* • ible IUIC v_uiiiiiiiLwciijv_t: LU OUJJ|JUII, e Home, the Touro Synagogue and themunity of Saloniki is still trying to tion, but the story shall be told am obtain the government's support for self-effacing, but instead is aliVe with Jewish con-] Balfbur Declaration, and eniphaSiz- Beard of Trade. He was well-known * Subscription Price, one year - - - • $2:50 the establishment of a Greco-Jewish way. jihg the importance of t h i Hebrew as a produce expert. sciousness, hope and joy. And the story happens to be ver secondary school. Advertising rates furnished on application convention If reform Judaism true. | the United Synagogues, Conservative Closes for Lack of Funds To See for Himself CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old same week, Ave wou^d have liad a paiioramic pic- wing, held here. It relates to James Huneker, tlr New York.—The Talmudical InstiPrague.—Despite the fact that be famous critic and author of "Thr and new address; be sure to give your name. ture of the three e l e m e n t s ^ JuTiaism as they Mr. Nathan Levey was re-elected tute of Harlem, after twenty years is a noted opponent of Zionism, the Pathos of Distance", who, you will of service to Harlem Jewry, is forced progressed, side by side-^eajCh fdmiing a golden president. 77 Munkaczever Rebbe, Rabbi Spira, recall, played so vital a part, yeai •= to close its doors to some 200 pupils trestle in our religious brMg^,-no|Otte! Retracting j u^jon of Orthodox Rabbis has left for four weeks visit to Palbecause of lack of funds. Max Kauf- estine in order to see the new colon- ago, in moulding our present Mi HEBRAIC CALENDAR from the others but lending strength arid fulness j , Lakwdod.—The economic status of man, Mencken. secretary of the school, claims to meet all shades Of opinion; the orthodox rabbinate in the United that only twenty of the pupils have ie: for himself. Rumors that the Huneker, although not a Jew, hart 5690-1930 cttftsul here has refused him a penchant for tracing many of the Lag B'Omer. _. Friday, May 16 Their facilities are being increased, their edu-, States camejn for a significant dis- been paying their tuition fee of $3 aBritish vis* under Zionists influences were great Jewish origins. He was alper month, the rest, who come from absolutely unfounded ibt he received Rosh Chodesh Sivan_... Wednesday, May 28 cational work intensified. The laity is I families of moderate circumstances, bis Visa immediately on application. ways making discoveries that this Wt Day Shabuoth „ -.— Monday, June 2 ing more wholeheartedly than ever in and that great man were of Jewish beeli unable to pay. *Rosh Chodesh Tammuz^.._____Friday, June 27 itual integration, as efficient internal organiza- Brooklyn exhorted the delegates "not have descent. "I appeal to the public to help us>" Fast of Tammuz. —Sunday, July 13 tion is being effected. New Life is being injected to speak in a weeping tone but to be i/Lc. Kaufman said. "In the past oar One day, after ransacking in the libraries, he came home and apRosh Chodesh Ab~ _-_-Saturday, July 26 even into the small, weaker commuhities. In proud bf their callirig", many bitter; directors have made lip whatever prised his mother of a new Jewish Fast of Ab. ...... : ... .......Sunday, August 3 sooth, we are acclimating our religious life to ourstatements cropped up during tfafe lbsses we sustained; but, this yfeaif'is Intense discussion. discovery. He had discovered, he business conditions will "hot permit. Rosh Chodesh Allul...™.Monday, August 25 modern conditions, rather thah becoming deRabbi Eleazar Silver of Spring- this-'V told his mother, that Brahms, the Rosh Hashanah_ .-.Tuesday, September 23 Judaized. field, Mass., was unanimously elected great musician, was of Jewish desixteen teachers of the school ...Thursday, October 2 Yom Kippur. • scent. This is but natural, for huriiari nature never president. have hot befeh pmid for five months, Tuesday, October 7 • changes despite all the inventions and discoveries In Operatic Debut 1st Day Succoth His mother listened. Finally she ah3 in. order to resume classes^ $ib,turned to her son: :-Tuesday, October 14 of the present scientific age. Modern irnaii still New "York;—The 17-year old daugh- 006 will be heeded. Shemini Atzereth Jim, some day you are going to Simchath Torah... ...Wednesday, October io weeds his reli^oh tb g assist hiitriahd h e ter ©^poor tfewisfc parents living on come home and tell me that Christ fey'DAVID SCHWARTZ Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Thursday, Oct. 23 will continue to want and heed the guidance of the lower East Side of New Ybrikj, himself was a Jew." Rosh Chodesh Kislev Friday, Nov. 21 a Supreme Being as long as there Will be" pain hafe the distinction of being the A GREAT JURIST AND WAS REMBRANDT A JEW? 1st Day Chanukah Monday, December 15 ahd sorrow and sbul-strivihg for a higher life. yourigEst ever to make ah operatic For Austriatt SCHOLAR Talking about this Jewish descent debut in New York. Ltmdoh.—Reports from Sdhey to Rosh. Chodesh Tebeth-Sunday, December 21 That is why, all cynics to the contrary; Judaism Justice Samuel Kalish of New business, reminds me of a Jewish She is Rebecca Weihsteih, a high- the local papers suggest that Sir Fast of Tebeth —Sunday, December 28 in America today is heading Us tbwaro" the school - student, whose operatic debut John Monash, commahder of the Jersey is dead. We have all read family in New York City, who claim *AIso observed the day previous as Rosh Chcdesh; in the toiigacre Theatre on Sunday Australian forces in the World War, the news chronicles of the passing that Rembrandt was one of their garden of spititual content.
Scanning orizon
is the most popular alternative to of this great jurist whom President collateral ancestors. The Neto York Sir Isaac Isaacs for Governor-General Wilson appointed to the Jersey family allege that they have absolute of Australia. Sir John is being dis- bench, when Wilson was governor ol proof that Rembrandt was a Jew. The foes of the immigrant are again waging And the many Jewish canvasses cussed as likely candidate. In his New Jersey. a determined, concentrated battle against the favor it is pointed out that he has But the real Kalish nevertheless that he painted do lend some credis known only to those who were ibility to the theory. Soon, a bialien and are expending their every effort to never been identified with politics. Prof. Michelson, Composer privileged to be his friends. ography by Van Loon on Rembrandt Melborne.—Many Australian organdraw still tighter their net around the bewildChicago. — Professor Albert A. He was besides being a great juris to make its appearance. Perhaps, izations, including the Protestant ered "undesirable" newcomer. —_ A veritable mass Michelson ahas not only — —— ———. — ——„—__ ——...__-._—_» „. ^________ „___ . / T J, i^n x ; J.»-iv--_-_nJii a a proven £Ji.vvd_ to MJ bo uc JIUL \Jiny Association, were represented at a ist, a scholar of the first rank. If he will offer some explanation. it were necessary, Justice Kalish of anti-immigration legislation has flooded Con-J Through a few of the Jewish leaders of Mon- Jack-of-all-trades, but also master of all. Fresh upon the news t h a t . 1 m e e t i n g t o . a r r a u n ^ a nation-wide could have written his legal deci- SLIPPERS FOR MEMORY gress and according to present indications that o i aepioie tne protest against the possible appoint- sions in Hebrew, so" thorough was SLIPS -body is reacting favorably to these menacing in that eity, to which measure they are almost I ment of Chief Justice Isaa'fes *S Gov-}iis knowledge oi that language. He A friend of the writer of these ; : v b i l l s . • • •; '• . - ' V v r ; / ' • . ? . • /. ! , - i : - ' - • forced b £ conditions that prevail ih the School l ; ^ ; ^ ^ ; ^ wntributfons^comes ernor-General of Australia. The was a master, too, of several other lines recently returned from WashThere is, for example, the famous Ndi'becR systehl there, another group represented by the the news that he is the composer leader of the opposition in the Fed-languages. (Continued on page 7) Amendment which has already passed the Senate, two leading newspapers see in the establishment of a musical composition which he eral parliament has declared that any Despite his judicial career, he took Australieh accepting the position is a keen interest in Jewish thought restricting immigration into these tJnited States of a s e p t a t e Jewish-school system an oppbrtu- i h a s . named "Grandpa's Lullaby." still further for all except the Nordics. Then nity to install a stronger Jewish spirit in the Professor Michelson is an accom- au enemy of the British Empire. and Jewish literature and was a plished violinist, and despite his The unpleasant situation created is frequent visitor to the Jewish divithere is the Blease Bill for voluntary registra- youth. 1-. numerous scientific activities finds causing concern in the Australian sion of the New York public library. : tion of aliens, which has been recommended by According to ah an-angement Avith the Pro« Manse to indulge "in his hobbies, such Jewish-community. the Senate committee on immigration ^and will testants made a?>genei"atioH^^^egof ~ihea' jieftrs of as playing bridgepthessj billiards. Warburg, Rosenwftld Honored - HE DEFIED THE BOSS be up for final consideration at> anytime now.; Montieal have :^een sending: their children to 1 Munich, Bavitna.—Feli* Warburg As everybody knows, Frank Hague Did Most for y is the "boss" of New Jersey politics, The greatest expansion in As the American Jewish Congress has pointed j the Protestaht sfchools there, sinfce inMontreal ^ , Lexington, Ky.^Mai B. Nahm of aiid julius Roseriwald hart both bejeh And all jurists in that state nowawaWed gold HrtgS bf the Deutsdie industry today and the out, the Blease Bill for "voluntary" registration, ; a n d i n the entire Province ?ot §ufe is Bowling ' Gre'en -iwas awarded the Museum which the Bavarian govern- adays owe their appointment and re- brightest outlook is found :A Sullivan Medal, ai the University of ment bestows periodically to individ- appointment to the grace of Hague. while innocent exteriorly, is ah entering wedge ; n o unified ied secular public school *r Jsystefji ssuph a i Ken suph -ai in the natural gas field. in the United States anand in the other j' s et"cky, here. The medallion is uals for especial meritorius senrvice An,d thereby hangs a tale connectfor compulsory registration and is like many of j e x ists in ed the Kehtuckian ih Support bf the ihusetini. ,t'her in- m witfc Kfelish/ Eecently, a bunch n ^ H to t thKhtukia the other anti-alien measures essentially a viola- j provincesi of Canada, but two separate denoniina-. ^ " bf Hague's .henchmen were on trial most to thestitute is onfe U the leadiftg tion of the spirit of American freedom. N o i t i o n a l j&hdol systems, otte French Catholic. Ehdi entsmsB a before J*4g/ Kalish. Word was of the state mussums in Europe. deep-thinking American will remain indifferent, ( the other English Protestaht. After years' of j during the year, passed from Hague that the men were to be acquitted. utterly calloused to these proposals which open?agitation and litigation the Jewish school quesMr. Nahm is president of theSeek Replacement a door to all manner of abuse and corruption and, t i o n ih Montreal has at last been definitely set- Mammoth Cave fratiorial Park ks- Mosbow.—A resoluUbh urging the Justice fealish thought the men A Leader in This Great tend to divide our American citizenship into t i e d by the granting of separate schools t6 thesociation, and the award was made substitution of Latin characters for were #tulty» but the jury listening Expansion 1S> tne Hague voice, declared they to-him, for his efforts to have Mamjthe Hebrew characters in the iTi^superior and inferior classes. 'Jews. linfeolfe to reach a verdict. Kaliilbth C&v-fe cbiiiveftBd into a national dish press was adopted at the AHWhile we admit that the prevailing conditions; j e w s are creating Ghetto wails again, op- park. 1.Ukrainian Yiddish Cultural Workers ish insisted and insisted but to no Write or Call in Europe are such that i t is imperative for nslponehts of the lirdject sky, by confining their conference. The resolution urgied Sviail. Contributes night shortly after the trial, HAROLD A. HANSON ! the calling of a central orthographic to take care and caution in regard^-to immigra-' c h i l d l . e n t o sepai-ate schools. When they were Brandeis „. * „ « , , Km Vn rh N hnr National aLabor Distributor h change into a iprominent Jersey politician phoned tion, Still care does not mean almost Utter e x c l u - ' f r e p f l . o m t h p phptfns i t was nppp<?«?arv t o tench ^ New •^ York.—The V ~ t r 1 ". i|commission to put the
evening, sponsored by her teacher, NicbTa D'Amico, brought forth cheers dhd & veritable avalanche of floral Offerings from her enthusiastic listeners.
Missouri-Kansas Pipe Line Common We Recommend
o m effect and.,_ thevYiddish was in-1 _:__ and _ _ J caution __..,.•._ dees J _ not :. -^ justify • i?<. wholesale , , . , con-;^ ! l x he ee mn to; t n e WiettOS It was necessaiy t o teacn, for Palestine announces , __, ; , , . . . ^press _ m , „.„„ •„_Justice Kalish. become a part of the community. It!Committee the contribution of 515,000 from :_.• vited td throw its columns open for ""ffou h*ve a good opportunity to demnation. The policy of closed doors Under' s e e m g that they have learned so successfully) Jn&tice Lauis D, Brahdeis to thediscussion on the subject. quash, this case without noise. The any circumstances whatsoever is justifiable o n l y ; t h a t they are in danger of bedoming entirely'! fun d *hich is being collected in the Boss . <Mr. Hague) doesn't like the
investment Broker 601 Farnam Bldff.
3\. 10
*tafities when practiced wisely and conscientiously, and:absorbed and lost as Jews. It is necessary toil i ^ v l fIJH3 Tel Aviv.—Talking jUdtilreS ih He»the restrictions can serye^a good purpose only ^ a g a i n r:e-introduce'them to Jewish Ufe! We" are|; JLLabor ^ , n^ pPalestine. a,eZe! rew.will b» probable shortly accorda M r i in w h e n a p p l i e d t o t h o s e W h o r e a l l y c o n s t i t u t e a ' • • ' -- - •-*•- - _^ . .,_ i Palestine, ing td a stateiheiit made hire by the menace to American interests. ' Uty is not forced upon the Jews of this continent, II bution on the condition that the representative of* the Western ElettThe mam difficulty with our restnctionists i s lthotigh lh it may prove a beneficial one. Under! Ameri American Labor Committee for theric Corporation at the inauguration l t l t of talking pictures in this city. He that they view the blessings of our Wuntry from j the conditions existing in Quebec, where J e w i s h}f }t ^e^ 8a11m1 ri > > ^ ! ^ said that the international studio of t e aammoouunnt t ooff ??550000 000000 a n d a selfish, ungenerous standpoint. They^ seem to! re nresentation on h ^ U JJJffte *«•»"* the Western Electric Corporation in ' used in-produchoard iis, re nresentation on thPPmtP^tant Uinnl school, poaxd contribution shall be conveniently illi f > conveniently foreot foreot that that it it was was the the millions of >^ ^ II ™? ™? ? ? I ® ^lotestant school, ypoaxd t h iis, i contri to furnish addi- Paris had agreed 18 Rim Hebrew convemenxiy loigct tnat " "^was w a s the miinons in ot t r e f u s e d though-Jewish taxpayers -pay theiritive w plays thus making Hefercw talkies ahens who were welcomed to our shores ^before s c h o o l t a x e s i h t o t h e Protestant panel, C they! 1 ^ dooothei-wise: in Palestine. * possible: soon. the quota laws shut the gates^who helped buiW., c a f a n c t iinn sself-respefet t h i s e IItt will ill be to an elf^pefet d the towers of commerce, industry, th t f dut M ^ that; will be Watched with interest •' Who F^rst? being in America and bring us to our foremost by Jewish communities all oyeii the country StotUs takes Rest Cure London.—Africans and not Jews .New York,—Nathan Straus sailed -position. Indeed, it requiries fortitude, bravery, where many o f ' t h e Orthodox element have Friday night bound for an English or Arabs were the earliest inhabitand a true pioneering spirit for a man to pull up longed for1 the separate school td guard their seaside resort where he expects to ants in Palestine* declared Sir Arthur stakes and brave the difficulties which confront children for a linger period against- the <*nstay for an indefinite perrod of time, Keith, eminent scientist, in the - if ahd his health permits will later course of a discussion oh the recent him in a new land where he is strange to its iiim m a new lanu vviieit; lie is strange to i t s ~\ ,, uL» c -L_;i ivv ' j . ., -n n on pi-dmote the cause of pure milk" Mount: Carmel excavations before the . . , , , / I M . _ -Jewish islaughtsworld.—Jewish of assimilation dangers of t h e nonftoyal College of Surgeons. Transcript. ifi finglafta. • . .' these Adventurous andand courageous men and customs, language, laws manner of life. To . "The early Palestinians had short J o , - . , , • , - , , _;.T» • •„, • rr^^J^^ Before he sailed Mr. Straus paid women we owe the high estate we now enjoy. a tribute to his departed wife, Lina, faces and long heads, very different front their tall, strong It'is time that we study the problem of im-: in which he says: migration, in all its ramifications and that the j Mr. Morton H. Blumenthal, a member of the "She sympathized with and per} J contemporaries in France. Their
rule of reason and not prejudice guide our legist New York Stock Exchange and the author of I ha Ps in a measure inspired by ownjfaces were short and their noses low10 that . " I,.»» . -.i .-. announces • r.i.^j: , •!..is -^ the IL» exp.esa—..i_- bridged and flat, with a distinct suglators. Unless liberal opinion makes its. dbjed-i"Heaven on — Earth", that - under his!i c. 0™"* " i. Lcharity Divine love, and like Divirio gestion of African origin." D l tibns to t)iepresent trend manifest, anTun-Amer-I chairmanship a he\v university to be known as! love f'?" cannot °f be limited by race, creed Professor John Garstang, lecturican sysiern'. of espionage will likely be intrb- Atlantic University will open this coming Sep- or country. In all our works together ing at the Royal Institute declared duced. - The directest mekhs of making these db^|t en ib-r at Virginia Beach, Va'. Whilst the or-that has been our guiding principle. thai judging from recent excavatiohs jections manifest is to write or wire your sena- j dinary academic subjects will be taught the newEveryone knows I think that our it is believed that the earliest Jewish tors and representatives in the United States'seat of learning will specialize in psychic re- pasteurized milk work was conducted J inhabitants of the Holy Land date back to about 1400 B. C. j search. In other words, Atlantic University will for all alike.". Yiddish and German All-Amfcrica Conference iprosecute a search for the soul? 1 New Munich.—In order to determine the hard-headed York.—A Survey Committe thiitkliig often ofte of the t lifee side of o all beings, I{ It may y appear pp g that adheaded strange exact relationship of Yiddish to GerT e nt o dt at i Ii eId d T re are a d e * rather iha^i the form side, will tend to deepen stock broker should engage in such a study. Per-!°* P the activities of the man the State Academy for Scientific definite planP for ^L ' h i b l i d definite plan for the actmcies which Research in Germanism is planning jhaps it can be explained by the fact that Mr.' your inner: All-America Organization, to establish a research department j •jBlumenthal is a Jew and has in him a strain of aims to foster cultural co-operation j t o cultu p in the Yiddish language and follebre. t i i O th th h d i i Leara io enjoy others if you would enjoy life, mysticism. On the other hand, it is hot after between the itimority groups in this academy has invited Jewish - See in others those elements that have come into all astonishing that there should be a search for country together with Americans, The scientific circles to submit for the w a sa in fniitaefe^ in character, personality and talent. .the soul. What this medem era needs most is PP° ted at its first conference investigation any material it has. machine ageage WW a tendency to tkillkill * *'•**>• •••••••• ••••'•Vsoul. VsoulThe The machine a tendency ^ t ^report i 1 ! !its ! ^findings J 'atLtheT ^ It is also ask •whether Jevri&h j tee is to That-'wllich we are in our inner life is our rain- the soul. A man has become" dissatisfied.—Jew- next called circles will be interested in financing will isn the Yiddish section. The G ,w o£wi&mso;'"-, •• • ' •' : ' ' Outlook. in t the near future, bow
rectfounend for men of discriminating tas*e our new and complete line «£ De Luxfc Chfeacy Cravats. For hfere Are lies that will drape as you Would Wrat ft&em to—^Jmttebued to suit
Come and see ^bem—tHe patterns and colors are certain, to please you.
* 1 5 0 „*•* « 2 0 0
IT- -
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1980 ing of the Ypwg Underlying Education Auxiliary Study Circle fof I6- . Poale Zion club will be held Friday, Mrs. A. Shafton at Cincinnati.—The two-fold £6fc€ Of Holds Final M^tir^ ** May 16, .at the home of-Rose Kolor Mrs. A. Wolf, anti-Semitism and racial fchimoiity toerg. Final plans vcill be made for JAckson 5814. Sue to_ tjie, j>qor economic conditions The closing class of the Conserthe dance. The procetSs of this sale will be One of the most beautiful and suevative Bynkgogue Study Circle was The Jewish Women's Pioneer Club is one of-the five -forces y ^ one^act cessful Mother Day programs was held Monday afternoon at the J. C. C tiirMd drer to the Jewish National are sponsoring--a-concert asidEuropean educational systems, dethe" Labor } B i v e n a t ihe J ' C C- Sunday aftef- Mrs. Sam Cohen read a paper on clared Dr. Paul Dengler of Vienna, noon by the Sam Beber Chapter No. "The Hebrew School as a Factor in Lyceum. 1000 of the A: Z. A. Jewish EliacatidijV Men would not live long in so- director of the Austro-Americim • The, Jewish Dramatic Club - will folV which The enjoyable program consisted ciety were they not mutual dupes of Education Institute, who addressed present .the one-act pJdy and Geru lowed try * feneral diueuseion. Rahtrude.. Oruch .will present a piano of a sweetly rendered solof Mdther bi Bengis fave the cttrretot Jewish each other.—Rouchefoucauld. i the •Cincinnati school teachers. of Mine",, by Mrs. Sam Beber, acconcert. evehtsi A beautiful mirror Will be given companied by Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster. A toffltnitttee compoBed of Mrs. There were remarks by Ralph Gross, awey at this time. Proceeds will go jS/U-lr ;:EjffTEHTADrMENTS:'. ' Mandel-Grogan fight at the Coliseum for the chaliitzos of Palestine. a piano solo by Rose Brandies, and Sain Bebef, chalrmaii; Mrs. Max rjvMrs. John J. Friedeh and Mrs. I. last Friday night. the sons' message by Frank Acker- Frbtnkin arid Mrs. M. Yousem was chBseh to eotjperate with Rabbi Ben[plotiin entertained at a 1 o'clock man, who also acted as fchaiftnah; Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky was in Daughters of Israel Aid Society gis k wbffaht out a regular course bridge-luhcheon at the Fontenelle charge of arrangements and was asMiss Faye Goldware gave an ex1 Monday; InL honor of Mrs. jMicfiael sisted by the following girls, Her- will hold a regular business meet- cellent reading on "Mother'^ Leo of Stady for ifie group fer the fall. Davidson, a recent bride. Mrs. Da- mine Green, Elaihe Berkowitz, Dbro- ing, Tuesday, May 20, at 2 o'clock Marks played several nuinberS' to Sixteenth, at Furnam vidson was Miss Reva Plotkin be- thy Muskin, Minette Sterling, Ddro- at the Old People's Home, 2404 the banjo, and Milton Abfahaihfe, Charles street. fore her marriage. sponsor of the group, spoke. thy Cdhen, Bess Alexander, Ruth Barish, Dorthy Rosenberg, and Freda Refreshments were served By the BAR MITZVAH •;? ^Eau Delta Gamma sorority of Bolker. Tau Delta Gamma Sorority of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock Creighton. Creighton . tJhivtersity. entertained announce the Bar Mitzvah of their ftheir mothers at a beautifully > apMiss Molly Green spent the week- son, Lloyd, at the Beth Hainedrosh pointed bridged-luncheon at the Pax- C The final theetuig of the seasdn ef •'•^*'^ij^^j^fc4^-:' ^^v-'.' 'jvv;.v I-*'•'•'•'-' S JoB M ^ - ,Goldman. ° - a s ^ ^ e s t 'flagbaol Sytiagbgue, 19th and Burt Fa-Hon Sorority B J 6 itbn totel, Tuesday, May 18. The of ^Miss ^Eugenia the fitu^tefe of IKibn wili be held -mothers.-were presented with a corg a t u r d a > % M a y 17> a t9 Gives t*ajama Party on Wednesday, May 2i, at 2:30 p. :".sage-'-of Ophelia, roses and Bweet The Fa-Hon sorority entertained m., at the Jewish Community Center. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welcher of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper announce at a pajama party Thursday even- A yittJraJii featuHht a premlflent j peas dyed green. ' .. Chicago/ 111., are the guests of Mrs. the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Nath- ing, May 8, at the home of Miss speaker has been arranged, and re7" Bridge prizes were won by Mrs. : Welcher's father, Mr. Nathan Brodsan, which will be held Saturday Harriet Wolsky, to honor Miss Rose freshments wtii be served. A report Sam, Beber, Mrs. Charles Levinson, y.j They plan to visit here for a mdrning, May 17, at the B'nai Iacob Stein and Miss Marion Brdokstfelri, of the Msther 'and Daughter pro• Mrs. Philip Gordon and'Miss Sylvia month; Synagogue, 24th and Nicholas sts. who won the annual debate tourna- gram and card party held Sunday :• .SVoMner. /,-- • 1. ' / :\-\ • • •» Nathan will entertain fifteen of his ment sponsored By the JeWah Conv will also be rendered. Miss Gertie Somit left for San JEss Ltiyaii HayKn will ehtertaih Frincisco, California, where she will friends Sunday afternoon. munity Center. The champions were Anyone who can contribute a bunat a.l>rldg£r i>arty; at her htihe, Bun- make .her home with, her sister and each presented with a. gifttomarl dle tit the rummage sale and wants BIRTH ". d a y > M a y 1 8 * •'•'"•. ':''--' ' • : : - : "'"•.-,- ,:'••'• their achievement. it collected is requested to call Mrs: brother-in-law," Mr." and1 Mrs. ?Sam Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Belmah ana daughter, born, ^^-Mrs;lBeii:'JiustgWt&i entertained those. jWho entertained ! Hds•'•'• her l>ridj|e club at-her home,, tHies- forjMiss --Somit before / her; departure pital. Mrs. Belman was Miss MarCoiiie td the Mrs v M. Spmii, Mr. and M K . •:^3^-^v-.'.-^'t/-'---':--:'. ;•"- '^ •' werei ' Jake Siegal, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bala- garefte Margolin before her marPERSONALS ban of. Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. raige. Millard Speier, Ben Zabel, Jack Harry Sommer, .Misses Etta and SaWITtt THE SICK Swislowsky, Bernard Polsky, Joel die Tatleman, Edith ... and ... Gertie Mrs. David Newman is recuperatSimon, Beryl Hirschfield, Meyer Lewis, Rhoda Peltz, and Edith Baron ing at her. home after a severe atGoldner, Leon Ffankel, Herman Le- of. Council Bluffs. tack of intestinal flu. vinson, Hubert Sominers, fcaul Gross* *. man, and Sheffield Katskee, all studMrs. I.. E. Ravitz, formerly of Oh tBe sick list at the Wise Mements at the UniversitytitNebraska, Omaha, returned to Chicago after a orial Hospital are Mrs. E. Weinberg, spent the weekend in Omaha. two weeks -visit with friends and rel-j Mr. Frank Reshick, Miss Ann Gold* • * atives. • Sponsored by the berg, Ben Silver and Solomon Mrs.- Fred E. Goldstein of Chicago, MMBIC Schwartz. BaH ito who Has spent the past month in CLUBS » i • l Bsftiitity Omaha visiting friends and relatives, The Alpha Tau dub will hold its Nebfaskans Hotel Paxton Mrs. Louis Whitebook is cenvelis returning---home, Saturday. Mrs. annual open meeting at the Jewish Senn HospitaL 9 Pi M;; Goldstein was Miss Miriam Buback Community. Center, Sunday, May lfe escing at the Nicholas Entire Proceeds for » # » F t i d ^ , May 16, 1930, df this city hefore her marraige. at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Leo Schlaifer is con vales ing Hstti Paxton Ball Room Relief • - • * at the Methodist hospital. Mrs. I. Peaflrnan left for Sedalia, ' The Young Poale Zibn elub are PER PERSON Tekamah Victims Mo., to visit, her daughter, Mrs. J. entertaining at a dance at the Light1,066 Entered Palestine D. Kendis.n .Mrs.-Pearhnan--t«U -also house, Sunday, May 18. Music will DANCING visit at Excelsior Springs before re- i be: furnished by the Creightonians. immigration inturning home. Rose Kolberg, Gertrude Kaplan, to Palestine totalled 1,068 of which < VAUDEVILLE Sam Bailen and Joe Saks . are in number 899 were Jews. There are 379 emigrants of whom 27 are Jews. •A- number of Omahans motored to charge of the dance. Lincoln Sunday, M£y 11, tq'Jkttend thefSjgm"i"ATpfia -Mu"-fratefj5ity and -Sigma Delta -Tau .Sorority Mother Omalias Style Center Day programs. Among, those who made the trip were Mr. and Mrs. I. Fiedler, Mr. anfl Mrs. Henry Pollack, Mr. and Mrs. I. BerTtowitz, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Dansky, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fellman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glazer, Mrs. O. Fox, Mrs. Joe • Silverman, Opposite va~"O***^" Orphvum Mrs; Louis Jfeveloff, Misses-Ida Zoe Tenenbaum, Lilyan Haykih, Grace Levin, Rose Fiedler, Ruth Pollack, The Most Popular Lillian Freeman, Bluma Feveloff, and Messrs. Carl Sokolbff, Al Bait, Herbert fceveloff. . • •• Mrs. Harry Edell left Sunday evening for her home in New York City after visiting with her mother;; lflrs.< Mamie Kneeter, for several XE of those informal, casual models as illustrated from the spoiisivear section, that are .splendid for Many Jewish girls assisted the Red jpractical -wear, actnc sports and equally effective for of the Season Cross in collecting, money. for .the spectator spoits. Tekamah Tornado Relief fund, at the To ChooU From frfcidcdly smart in Boucie and s e r i a l other knitted silk nnil -wool fcDinbiuations. "
• •
• • ; . . ;
' ' •
' « - . ' •
Junior League
el Paxton
Out May Sale of
Max Shrief's Sons
Painting Contractors v
1314 No. 24th St.
-fWE: 4211;
Saturday at
.KAPLAN SAYS: . - "You Can Play The Month 61 May*.
"Your Laundrj- is Our Business"
Them with
O-KAY MOTH SPRAY Per Gal. A 'water white liquid that can bfe'used without fear of damage oh rugs, upholstered furniture or clothing. Will kill eggs — as well as larve and moth.
Levenson Chemical Co. AT." 3307 172? Learenworth, Omaha,
Paja mas—Chemise Slips—Dance Sets Fitted Combinations Step-Ins—Goxetis
HArney 7545
Sportswear—Third Floor
Group 1
The National
SIZES 14 TO 42
Two Big Feature Groups-
trt Shitdes of Green, OrthiS, PMcJty Mctoque, Beige, Blue* Maize
Frdeits that hive cotne out • first in the stupendous race for fashion supremacy this season! Others at $25 are: Floral-lace chiffons, pin dots, print or monotone shade chiffons, nets, crepes in p r i n t or Solid s h a d e s , georgettes. All the d e l i g h t f u l styles and Colors for summer. Sizes 1&-20, 35-44.
Tailored and lace-tfiriiined crepe de v duiie and satin-back crepes that you'd ordinarily pity double this price for.
Group 11 Fitted ComtiiMtfont Gowns—Pajamas Step-Ins—Dance Sets
• r? Tea
Pussy Willow; rich satinS; and heavy quality crepes with touches of finest laees—-or exquisitily tailored.
Special May Group of Robes- 9
Good Products
x4U areDelicious
Associated With Hanson Investment
J. Ernest Schurman and Landon A. Jewett have become associated with the Hanson Investment and Brokerage company. Mr." Schurman was formerly associated with the 'Also Won State High School Guaranty company of New York and Singing ChampionMr. Jewett was with the Standard ship : Trust and Savings Bank arid the Omaha National company of Omaha. David Lazarus, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus, won first place Sjinday evening in the Douglas coun- Jewish Philanthropies, announced toty Atwater Kent radio audition com- day the complete list of workers in his group. • petition, over station WOW. By his According to Dr. Greenberg, every man in the list, has voluntarily indicated his desire to take an active part in this campaign.
David Lazarus victory, he won the right to represent this county for the state championship here next October. Lazarus, who has a rich, bass voice,: has long been recognized for his exceptional talent. Just recently he won" the state high school championship, representing Technical, at which, institution he is a senior. He has appeared in every opera the school has produced while he was a student there, having practically the leading role in each one. Lazarus also has rare dramatic ability, "which aided him considerably in winning the vocal contest. To ;win Sunday, Lazarus had to triumph over Kenneth Golden, twice winner and last year's state champion. : In ^characteristic fashion, upon learning of his victory,/ he showed his appreciation for Mrs. Fred G. Ellis, this voice instructor. Negotiations are now under way for a.-: free scholarship for Lazarus from "the Cincinnati Conservatory. of. Musici.
Symphony Orchestra to Present Concert
•••Mr; Harry; L'.Cherniss, well-known Jewish attorney in Council Bluffs, is a candidate for the republican nomination for County Attorney. He has taken an active interest in local affairs, and will appreciate everyone's support. • Primary election will be held on Monday, June 2 . ' I t so happens that this election day falls" upon a holiday, Shevouth; Mr. Cherniss is making an effort '• to have special permission ;: for tire Jewish people to cast: their votes before the holiday begins. . „
An out-of-town guests who attended was Mrs. Al Lavin of Chicago \feho spent the week-end visiting her sister, Mrs. Rosenthal. Mrs. Levin, prior to her recent marriage, was Rose Schlaiffer of Omaha.
The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 Mrs. Sam Steinberg entertained of the A. Z. A. held a meeting last the numbers of the B. B. G. Club at Thursday evening at the home of her home Wednesday evening Jack Fichtenberg. At this time Sal Michnick was chosen as the club's At the District Academy Contest delegate for the National A. Z. A. held at Red Oak, Iowa, Tuesday, Convention, which -will be held in Maurice Pepper, senior at the AbJuly. The next meeting will be next :aham Lincoln high school, won Thursday evening, May 22, at the second place in the Physics division. home of Leo Nogg. Collman Yudelson, junior, won secMr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenthal en- ond place in the History division. At the Thomas Jefferson high tertained about one hundred twentyfive guests at a reception at their school, Lloyd Krasne, of the eighth borne Sunday in' honor of their son, grade, won first place in his grade Herbert, who was Bar Mitzvah. i., the History division.
JOHN H. BATH "The Careful Florist"
JAckson 1906
•With •Milk/
Religious Services!
The following are the workers In the younir men's division: Frank Ackerman, Morris Fellman, Rusnell Blnmenthal, Joe Saks, Charles MocU, 3Iax Altschuler, Irvln r«vln. Max Wlenvteln, Haskell - Cohen, Ralph Nosr, Jack Epstein, Harrr l.*vln»on, Henry Chalt Elmer : Shamberff, Stanford Kovitz, Sam Meyerson, Arthur Knzlownky, Irvin Sorreff, Sam Bailen, Max .Stlne, 1. Elewitz, I. SokolofT, Xat Sekerman, Harry Collek, Milton Altouler. Milton Frohm, Frank Iilpp, Xeo Marks, Norman Korney, Stanley I*evin, Ralph Gross, Sidney Cohn Hymle Gendleman. Lionel Saks, Al Soffer, 31. 31. Franklin, Edward Rnhack, Dave Hlmel«teln, Israel Sternhlll, Dave Brodkey, Saul Graetz. Sam Fregeer, Oscar Mayerowich, Maurice Stnlmaster.
Spacious Drug store room in corner. 2-store brick building at 35th and Center. Vacant June 15. 5 years established business by present tenant, excellent location, next door to: beautiful grocery store. Operated by building owner.
CALL HArney 5344
M. SOMIT Dealer in
Jewish Books and all other Religious Artides 2429 Decatur Street Phone WE.^3527
• I call the attention of all my customers to the fact that I-have . just received a fresh supply of all kiknds of Jewish books with English translation. •j Also, the best kinds of Taleisim, silk and wool, and Tephilim of all-'sizes. Also, all kinds of beautiful Bar Mitvah presents, and all sizes of Candlesticks, and Kiddish cups of pure silver. I- Remember my .own make of Kosher Soap and Rokeach's "Kosher articles at wholesale and retail. I I also have^two beautiful rooms to rent, -furnished or-unfurnished,: w»h kitchen. . ' " - • , ' '
AVerfectlboA for Everybody*
^" ' t Mrs. WilBam program consisted of the usual as- feld, and Mrs.: Milton Livingston of I _ -A Omaha; and one son, Lester New of I L. Holzman :>vill "read the servicejand sembly singing. Mrs. I; Roaenthafc will give a short Lag'Bhomer and Good Will Day talk on "Observance •: of Sisterhood vrill be observed this Sunday by the Sabbath^" Srrs^N Mantel will give children. The guest speaker -will be Sabbath^ a short address.' I from the Council of Jewish Women. Kaddish >will? be rtcited this v|eek : The pupils of Miss Dolgoff "won for J. L.' Rothschild,' Moritz Meyer, the attendance banner while the and R. Newman. * • - charity banner went to the class taught'iby Misses Lewis and Jonisch.! Conaetyative Synagogue Final- school exercises will be held Rabbi Abraham Bengis will deKver on June first at which time the varJ a sermon on "Amen.! ' at the seriaces ious prizes will be awarded. Confiro£ the Conservative- Synagogue ;this matiore exercises will be held one ! evening, which begin .at 8 p.m. * He •week later, June 8. will discuss the origin, significance, The •-Sunday School pupils and and modern application of the term. teachers are responding' nobly to Saturday morning services will* be- the request for charity by the Jew-, gin at 8:30. ' ish Philanthrophy Drive. The children have already contributed twenty , five dollars. J. C. C. Sunday School. ! The children of the J. C . C . Sunday school celebrated Mother's Day PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ter
pledge cards, report sheets and miscellaneous information. Meetings ofj , workers -will be held every day at the Jewish Community Center, where arrangements have been made to The Mother chapter members were serve -a kosher lunch each day of the hosts to their mothers Sunday aftercampaign. Everyone is invited to noon at a Mothers and Sons meetattend these luncheons. ing commemorating Mother's Day. A pep breakfast will be held at More than thirty Alephs and their the Jewish Community Center for mothers were gathered around the all workers on Tuesday May 20th at table to listen to an informal pro8:30 a.m. Talks will be- made by gram. the various chairmen, and immediateStanley F. Levin, the advisor of ly after the breakfast the four hund- the chapter, presided. Saul Graetz j red workers that are expected there, gave the Mother's Day proclamation. \ will start on the personal solicita- Ervin Wezelman spoke for the sons tions. and Mrs. Ida Levin responded on be"This drive must go over," said half of the mothers. Rabbi Bengis Sam Beber. "We must prove to the gave the invocation. Musical selecworld' that Omaha Jewry is willing tions were given by the orchestra. to take care of distressed' brethren, Miss Sylvia Tenenbaum sang "Mother to aid the sick, the. weak" and the of Mine" and responded with an enoppressed, to teach children trie pre- core number; she was accompanied cepts of Judiasm and to bring hap- by Miss Kathleen Campbell. piness into the lives and homes of The chapter members going on the thousands of unfortunates." hay rack party are requested to Dr.: A. Greenberg, chairman of the meet at the Center at nine o'clock { ge.ieral solicitation division of the Saturday nite.
By F. R. K.
MAJOR—MOSE XOUSEM; CAPTAIN'S: Sam Cohen, Harold Brandt, Al Wohlner, Beu Xewmitn, I*. Kosenblatt, J. Klcklln, Rabbi Bengis Speaks at Senior M. Sellcow, Rabbi Bengls, Dr. O. C. Uold. Hadassah Meeting ner 8am Cohen, Joe Bloch, l'aul IJernsteln, Dave Blumentbal, Wen. KoLman, The Council Bluffs Chapter of the Ben Mlnkln, J. Badnziner, Ben Handler, V. Zolotuchen. J. J. Slosburjc. Eugrne Senior Hadassah held a large meetBlazer, Dr. S. Z. Stern, Dr. J. 31. £ r man, Julius Altman, Jndah Wolf son, j ing Tuesday, afternoon at the ChiefLouis HHIer, Abe Somber?, Abe Tongtr, tain Hotel when Rabbi Abraham Jullui Stein. MAJOR—HARRY SIVEBMAJf; CAPBengis of Omaha was honored guest TAINS: Sam KJaver, 31. Polonsky, Albert and, principal speaker. Rabbi Bengis Kaplan, Moe Vender, Morris Potath Louis Kneeter, Ed Gilbert, A. Richards, spoke on the work of^the Hadassah; Jack Alberts, B. Korney, T. A. Tally, Max Kaplan, Wm. Alberts, J. Malashock, and paid a fine'.tribute to the local j Miss Mabel Shipherd. Mr. Frank Mach. A. Sllverman, Dr. P. Romonek, Ed'. Krau», cliapter. He - also stated - that the ; Harry Brnvlroff, Date EUnt, Dr. Belzer, Ben Shapiro. Phlneas Wlntroub. Dare The second concert of the seison Esther SteijryJsadore.Wliite. Jewish women- were the greatest • Grecnberg, C. D. Mendelson B. Koblnby the J.C.C. Symphony Orchestra, SecondiViolins: Myron Cohen, Hy- fj-cior in , keeping ..alive- the, great i »on, J. Mortran, Ben Mlnkln. Gehdelmah, David Goldware, yearnings and dreams of their people. ! MAJOR—DAVE FEDER; CAPTAINS: with Frank Mach conductor, wil$ be man Dr. II. I. Gordon, M. E. Jacobs, Iieo Bosenthal, Dave Sherman, Harry Bachmnn, Joe presented on Tuesday evening, May Barney Guss, Joe Hornstein, Bessie Their aim is an honorable future for ', Pepper, IVm. Grodlnsky, Xate Jacobs, I.. 20, at 8:30 p.m. at the Jewish Com- Kirshenbaum, Louis Saks, Milton Hadassah. Rabbi Bengis' speech ' Kulakofsky, B. T. Friedman. Sam Biallc, Max Holzman, Morris Ferer, 31. E. Hand- munity Center auditorium. The q or- Saylan," Mamie Temin, Jacob Weis- stirred his audience and was enthus- j ler. IVm. Bushman, Slg Meyers, Marco i~stically applauded. j Meyers, Harry Cooper, Jjjwrence Gold- chestra, which made such a tremen- man, Ruth White, Celia Wolk. man Albert Sharer, Sam Appleman, Sam dous hit in its first presentation, 'will Pianist: Ernest Priesraan. At the meeting Mrs. Sam MeyerRobinson, Sam iron, Fred White, Louis Somberj:, Milton Livingston, Ben Dan- be assisted by the South High Boys' Flute: Florence Whitebook. son, vice president of the local banm, Al Mayer, Babbi F. Colin, Bad and Girls' Glee clubs, directed;, by Colin, Dave Goldman, Ed Teller. Clarintes: Sidney Cohen, Florence chapter, tendered her resignation, «; 3IAJOR—J. J. GKEEXBERG; CAP- Miss Mabel ShiperdL Levy.. . • . •••'••.. and Mrs. John Beber was elected as TAINS: David Greenbetg, Kenben Brown, The members of the Symphony Simon Bordy, Dave Cohh, Harry Dubnoff, Uie new vice president. A report of Trumpets: Sara Jacobson, Pearl D. B. Gross. Dr. X. Muskln, M. A. Ber- Orchestra, who will take part in j the the Milk Fund was made by Mrs. covicl, Harry Truntln, Leo Abramson, Marcus.. ' . j-, - -'-"'•*' v Louix Shanok J. Blank, Jack Branison, concert include: Ike Krasne, chairman of the Infants David Cohen, Ben Stlefler, Harry BoblnFirst Violins: Ina Jacobson, $on- -Trombone: William Feinstein. son, I. Fiedler. B. A. Simon, A. D. Frank, Welfare Department, who stated l D Saxaphones: Herman Blumentbal, that $95.00 had been collected. The 8am Swartz. Ch Chas. L Levlnson. Dr. M M.M Mar- j cert-Master, Llbbie Doljroff, Lilly collii. Ben Glazer, W. A. Racnsln, Jack Kaiman, Lillian Levy, Keith organization is holding a rummage stein, Joe Greenstone, Charles Grass, Kaplan, Dr. A. S. Rubnltz. MAJOR — XATHAN l A F F E ; . CAP- Jack Kaiman, Beulah Kay, Lorraine Peltz, Mollie Rosen. sale today which is expected to be TAINS: Harry Welner, Max Wlntroub, BenJ. Klalman. Harry Marcus, Harry King, Rose Lazarus, Nell Marks, • Drums: Harold Finkel. a great success. Feldman, Joe Wlilte. TVm. Milder, Louis Margolin, Max Zwlebebnan >'. Levlnson, Mrs. Herman Marowitz, President, Cantor A. Schtvaszkln, Emanart Tales, M. last Sunday morning with an inter- was elected as delegate of the chapF. Levenson, Harry Welnberg, Sam Bloom, Meyer Frledel, Hare Brodkey, I. jesting program. : ter for the Southwestern Regional Dansky, I. Abramson, A. B. Alplrn, X. H. Oreenbere. Dr. A. Romm. Dr. A. Frank Ackerman of the A.Z.A. Convention of the Senior Hadassah Steinberg, S. Raritz, John Feldman, J. chapter 100 delivered the main which will be held in Kansas City, LLntrniiui, J. B. Robinson, Harry Rimmerman, B. Shafton, Jake Hlrsch. 31. speech.. Dorothy Camel spoke on Mo., next Monday and Tuesday. Mayper, H. Osofl". Temple Israel "Our Mother". Hadassah Silverman MAJOR—ABXER K AIM AX: CAPMrs. Katie F. New, 64, widow oi Rabbi Frederick Cohn will defiver spoke :bf the "Jewish Mother" while TAINS: J. Tretiak, Harry Bender. Reuben I.ackow, Lackow, Morris Forbes, Xttthan Xathan 'VVIeiiWles-1_ the late Ike New, passed away last a c P r r n o r i on- "An V.vi for an "RVP , Gail 3IarSolin. A. Fornian, Forman. Mendel Mendel Sermon on Aft £-je l o r an Jiye Ruth J-BIock presented the "Boys Friday at the home of her daughter, Blank, I. F. Goodman. Dr. Meyer Bebe>, oJ>Temple Israeli Israelito to- Mother^. Gertrude Oruch, the Sun... . *• ^—^ « . -.,„-. n-K-. - (. jj i e oJTemple Dare Blacker, Nate Beiit*.' Sam Rotben- a t e ser?e C S Sister- day school pianist played several Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld, after an illbere. I. Miss, Louis • SOROIOW, Goodman Inight. Tomorrow' .^morning Cohen, Ben Yousem, Max Fromkln J.- .1. ness of several months. She is surFriedman, Ma:c Barish. Jnllnn Newman, hood Sabbathi \yilKbfe observed in numbers in keeping with the spirit Dr. Hlrschman, Dave jRosen, Xat. 3tel»- conjunction'^vithUMothW and Daugh- of the ioccasion. The balance of the .vived by two daughters, .Mrs. Rosen- I
:(Continued from Page 1)
Council Bluffs News
New York City. Funeral sen-ices vere held Sunday afternoon at the Rosenfeld home, with Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha in charge of the services. Burial took place at the Oak Hill cemetery.
To the Voters of Council Bluffs:
IP . . . . up the hill, on the open road or in the swimof traffic Will you be left behind? No, sir! Not if you use COSDEN LIQUID GAS, like thousands of other motorists are doing".
Opportunity is knocking" at the door of Council Bluffs and is offering 5NATURAL GAS to the citizens. The coming of natural gas will/initiate the greatest i step forward in the history of this city. Not since the coming* of the railroads has anything happened that would create an impetus to our economic and domestic .advancement. / ~ . For;it has been the experience of other cities that natural^ gas brings accelerated growth and prosperity. There is no reason Why Council.'Bluffs should be an -exception to the rule. ' ; J Natural gas is the ideal fuel for the home; it affords instantjheat, that can? be controlled just as you wish. For cooking, water heating, incineration, automatic -refrigeration and house heating, natural gas is the cheapest fuel and cannot be surpassed., Its convenience, Cleanliness and efficiency combine to make it the truly economic fuel.
COSDEN LIQUID GAS is full of pep, power and PUSH. Ever ready to snap your'car out of that sluggish feeling. Our dealers and stations know the meaning of giving SERVICE . . . . permit them to serve you.
As a citizen of this community and a user of gas, you will be directly benefited by the coming of natural gas, because natural {gas will effect actual und substantial savings to gas users.
Thirty-nine stations and dealers to serve you*
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After thirty years^ spent in manufacturing gas in Council Bluffs, I am personally convinced that natural gas is the "Ideal Fuell" for* our city. The franchise for natural gas'will be submitted to the voters on JUNE 2nd. Vote for your city's future by VOTING "YES" ON THE FRANCHISE. Yours for a better city, H.JC. HOLDER, Manager Council Bluffs Gas Compuny.
An Omaha Institution.
s •: i-
IS-v>ir rf-,t!', \-^*:',, i-"
\,t- *v^
Ki*;>wV<\i" V'•'? % V*W-y'fW*&*&%jf*f:'V7r:'^J\p'?M$&''&
Will Present Dance Revue
Claims Discrimination in Employment Against the Jews Nt.-?. York.—That a very serious situation of discrimination against Jews in employment exists today, •wz~ the charge made by Heywood Broun, newspaper columnist, in the course of an address delivered at a meeting of the Women's Association of the American Jewish Congress, held at the B'nai^Jesurun Community IJouse. -'-We hear continually that there i$ no discrimination ^ of race, color op creed. What use is there of making such statements if they are not trae? ' •v •'The -stricturei... .against the. Jews axe particularly severe in the -white collar professions. Something must lie done about it and done at once", he urged. " Discrimination against Jews is not peculiar-to-'-remplbyment, he stated. It exists~-in,vasyiBg degrees in housing, colIeges^andT jclubs^ The most hateful aspect of this" discrimination is the iunde^rhajid .method employe^ the refusals tp. • State ' the prejudice Left to rf eifcelte Wright, Constance Meyer, Ruth Klein, and Francis Rosenblatt. openly. The above group will take part in a Dance Revue to be presented by'the Annette Riklin School of Dane"The favorite method of practicing ing Thursday evening, May 22, at 8:15 p. m. at the Knights of Columbus auditorium. discrimination in the colleges is The program will include many varied and interesting numbers, features of which will be dance* through the psychological, test", Mr. representing each month of the year... A novelty presentation will be a "Black and White Revue", whkh Broun asserted. "If your name is will include a Toe Ballet, an Acrobatic Dance, a Pierrot and Pierrette number, a Tap Dance and a Specialty by Miss Riklin. Miss Riklin will also present other numbers. Rosenbaum, you are not psychologically fit. Another. favorite. method employed is tordistribute t?e,student Schwartz's':. presentations of Shylock professor related how Jonah was the whale swallowed a man." "Ah," exclaimed the pVofessor, body geographically—that. Ifc, to ap- at the Palace, -indeed, have been swallowed by the whale. proportion-' BO many students to a j highly recommended by. all- the crit"Professor," came back one of the "Jonah was a. Jew and these Jews eertain section1.."'Thitt is -a lieVtoo.iics. ; v •:-:-.:•„•• • Sunday school pupils, "in your col- can make their way almost anylege lecture in biology you spoke of where." It is a Tv-ay-. of saying *We .don't Who wins? Everybody. the limited swallowing capacity of want so many Jews.'" (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish LOUDER AND FUNNIER the whale, and now you tell us that Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) When we launched our national
Women Pledge $159,950 New Yoik—The s a » of $159,950 pledged tp the New York Allied Jewish Campaign by women who attended a tea given by Mrs. Felix M. Warburg, a t l h e r home, to organize the; Wojnen's*Division of>which she is ;chainnan.i Encouraged by the prompt raising of so large a part of
Increase Asked in Street Gai Fares • • • and Why We have asked the State Railway Commission for authority to increase pur street car fares from 6% cents to 8% cents :;~--three for 25 cents—instead of the present fare, 3 for 20 cents. We have asked that the cash fare continue at 10 cents. ; The three primary reasons why a raise is necessary are:
\ /v
'(Continued from Page 2.)
Sogton where, she visited at the home of Congresswiman Florence . Kahn. She noticed pn tihp mantel - of the living room a pair of evening slippers. Slippers resting on the mantel? What -was the idea? Finally, Mrs: Xahn explained. She has formed the habit, she said, when she-has. an evening •engagremeni.Tof. putting her slippers on the mantel in fhe morning. Arriving home, the first thing upon which., her eye falls in "her living room/'jsT" the pair of slippers, which. Instantly i*ejnind' her that she is .-dateST" for' the* evening. ONE GOOD FEATUREr [ "It's very jdn$liij," she concluded. From Mrs. Addie M- Ifivjt. Cam"Hie idea "interests us, because we have" ah^aW'^nerally' followed a 4bridge, Mass., comes-this story. Jew and an Arab were dissimilar system. , -Our mnemonic trick cussing the pecularities^of each./othis to place" '-a book right in the mid1 dle*1 of the*.',lfloor, and when we look ays faith. "Your'whole religion is poor," said at it and-.wonder^how it's there, .we the Arab. "Take your funerals,, for our-appointment. instance. .Isn't'your people's custom A THEATRICAL FIGHT of*wrapping its dead in shrouds and Keiths -and fXoews, in New Y^rk, Tufehing them- into the graves ^ disare? having a little interesting graceful? I call'it disrespectful." ^ hle'i It all happened because of Mot "Yes," said the^Jew. -"I prefer ly Picon. Arab funerals myself." tfast year,T Molly was, signed upr; THEY>1D£ SHffiE FRENCH: by ': KeithI >k.or •, a contract -'-for, the "; Philip 'Rosman'bf Denver sends in Jewish houses^r-that is, the'.theatres a, wh"c>r&-string."of >an^<fdotes," which in Jewish' -section's. '- It was expected that the contract have been turned over to the judges. would be repeated this year, but I will repeat the one about Moshe. somehow Keiths delayed for a while It seems he was traveling through in meeting Molly'i terms. So Mol- Colorado, where, ' out, of funds, he ly's; representative impatient' at "the sought. .employment 'set a mining delays signed up a contract at camp, where the foreman told hirifr" S3,500 a week" with Loews "instead. no Jews were employed. The Jefr So ^what was ? as Milt Gross would said he was an Arab and got thesay* . O n e time> th Keith's had the ^ f o r e m a n passed by, Well, this "was while Moshe and a fellow workma% rights for a Jewish talkie' featuring' were chatting; "That's the forer Molly. So it immediately released man," said Moshe, "Ich hab ihn iif this talkie for all those, houses in drerd." ' : sections in which Molly was appear"Ich hab heem auch m drerd,'/ ing'in the Loew cirluit, thus hoping , to .drain off some of Molly's patron- said the second. , The foreman ih his passing paused age from the ' Loew's houses. Besides relaasing the 'talkie, Keith and interjected.: "Ich hab euch beide -' as a counter-attraction to Molly im- in drerd." I mediately signed up Maurice Schwartz JEWS AND. WHALES at k big salary and sent him in the From Dr. M. E. Soifer, Hartford, same sections. Conn., comes this one. Pardon, docThe upshot has been simply that tor, the condensation. Molly continues to draw big nouses, A college professor—instructor in despite the revenge tactics and biolog>—also taught Sunday school. Schwartz too is drawing big houses. In the Sunday school lesson, the
2nd—Cost of operating increased bus service, approximately $175,000 per year. These busses were demanded by the people and ordered by the Council.
At the present tinie we are not even earning our operating expenses, In* eluding taxes. Thus, we are not earning a dollar in which to pay bond interests, amounting to $540,000 per year. v .
As everyone knows, there are more automobiles each year, making lets street car riders. In 1929, we carried 20,224,357 fewer passengers than we carrier in 1920. During the first four months of this year, we carried 1,087,134 fewer passeng»*s than in the first four months of 1929.
POLITICIANS OPPOSE THE RAISE Hie politicians will naturally oppose this increase because they think it is the popular thing to do. They know very well that a street car ride costs more than %% cents. It would be just as logical for them to write letters and make.speeches when the price of gasoline goes up, when the price of pototoes goes up, when the price of milk goes up, when the price of shoes goes up, or anything else. But of course they don't do it because there arc too many people selling gasoline, potatoes, milk, shoes, etc. However, more than 700 Omaha people are financially interested in the Street Railway Company and they cannot afford to sell street car rides for less than the rides cost any more than a merchant can sell shoes for less than the shoes cost.
Wjeilave <|nly 50 of These Gorgeous Lamps! COLN - kA - MINN SAPOLIS
This Extremely Low Price
JUDAISM IS NOT AN ANTIQUATED RELJQION, IT IS A I4¥ING CREATIVE CULTURE Let not Jewish life • and'culture, be aclosed book to your children. Broaden your childs education and enrich, his'life by giving him or her a modem enlightend Jewish education.
Register Your Child Immediately
In addition to these three causes, bridge revenues can no longer be used to pay expenses of street raUway operation. These revenues are now being impounded to pay for the bridge so that we can turn it over to the cities in •6 % years.
Selling Event of the Year's Most Beautiful
3rd —Increase in wages to motormen and conductors, amounting to $65,000 per year.
A Gigantic *
...; x
1st —The rapid decrease in business— $74,000 during the first 4 months J of this year.
joke contest, if we recall correctly, SCAMHIGTOEflORJZONwe stated'that the "slogan would be "bigger c;-V1*-i)etter jokes". We i '. "J "a ' mistake—it should have bsen "louder .and funnier" jokes. Anyway, we have a decided complaint to: 'make, on the score* of the size of some of "the contributions. The space in this column is necessarily limited, and we cannot therefore reprint any long-winded stories. This does, not mean, however,; that such stories are barred from the contest, i Att :©f=~*henL - are^ being turned over'to our committee, consisting of Dr. Block, Mr. DeHaas and Mr. Leichtman, but no story of more than three hundred words can be repeated in this column. -_ ",
the quota of $250,000 assigned to every $1000 the Women's' the Women's Division, more than 50 raised other than her own •women present voted to make every tion. «ffort during the next few weeks to exceed their quota by a wide margin. $448,500 Compensation Jerusalem.—Compensation paid U Mrs. Warburg's own contribution to the campaign is $50,000. In ad- the Jews thus far for personal ant dition she announced yesterday after- property damages suffered during th* noon that she would give $100 for riots totals $448,500.
Baltimore, Boston and many other smaller cities now have only o»» far*, JO-cents straight. In Kansas City an application is pending for a straight lO-cent fare.
Down—$1 Month "Electric ShopfT 17th ahd Hai-ney Sts.
2314 M St.
Nebraska Power 8 Courtesy • Semee • lowKttn-.•%•-,
* - »
-•& *:;'V'C5.-'
x-AGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1980 it on the installment plan. She'd] show Minnie Savage! I Blanche was dealing. How calmly Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak she passed out the cards. Well, she on "Celebrating a Victory of a Lost Mrs. Frank Cohen entertained her was safe, anyway. The children had War" this evening at Shaare Zion bridge club at her home last Thursnot said anything about Blenche.( Synagogue. The sermon will be in tla r Ten new members were initiated Suddenly Hannah hated Blanche, for J afternoon. Prizes were won by • keeping with the Lag Boemer FestiMrs H into the Bnai Brith Lodge, at one of on her smoothe fingers glittered Davidson, and Mrs. D. MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent val which occurs this month. the largest meetings of the year, more than one diamond and Hannah ; Davidson. A two course luncheon \ A capacity audience attended the held Tuesday evening;. May . . 13. • at had only her ^engagement, ring, which , was served. Service last Friday, which was dedicated to the Mothers of the Congre- the Jewish Community Center. The she wore on her little finger, it was j H o n o r i n f e . h e r n i e ce, Miss Ella Hadassah Linen gation. Following the service in the initiation closed a membership cam- so small. JAltsuler of Omaha, whose marriage paign, which was conducted by the Synagogue proper, at which Mrs. J. No one spoke at the table as they jt o M r > J u l e s Shapiro, son of Mr.' Shower May 27 H. Mosow and Miss Eleanor Lefko lodge. scanned their hands. To Hannah it j a n d M r s . J o e Shapiro of this city '• Plans are being made for the Anspoke, the congregation adjourned to The new members include M. seemed that they were ail waiting take place soon, Mr. and Mrs.' nual Hadassah Linen Shower which the Social Hall where a reception was Beechen, L. A. Ducoffe, M. S. Holtz- for the children to go on talking. D. Kicklin entertained members of Leading Jewish citizens of Sioux The members of the local A. Z. A.is to be held at the Jewish Comman, Ben Levine, A. B. Lasensky, It was like standing on the roof of the two immediate families at their • Chapter were hosts to their mothers munity Center, Tuesday afternoon, City, Iowa, are actively engaged in held in honor of the mothers. Max Shapiro, Abe Lebovitch, I. a tall building, knowing you would home Saturday, May 3, at an in-' preparation for a drive to raise at a Banquet Sunday evening, in the May 27. Mrs. Sam Passman is the Stein, and Joe Cohen. Mr. Joe Levin get dizzy if you looked over the formal party. Washington.—Louis Wiley, business Jewish Community Center, given in chairman for this affair. A program $12,000.00 which is that city's quota and Mrs. John Levin were in charge edge and yet being unable to resist manager of the New York Times, in a national fund raising effort, to honor of Mother's Day. Abe Beewill be given in the course of the raise $6,000,000.00 by the Allied has been awarded the Greek Order of the arrangements. The Misses Ula Alberts and Sarah ! doing so. chen and Isadore Mirowitz -were in afternoon and refreshments will be Kurtzman of Omaha were week-end Refreshments followed the* regular j It was Joan's turn to speak. At Jewish Campaign, for the American of the Phenix for his activities on charge of the arrangements. served. guests of Miss Jean Breslou. They her first words Hannah recognized a Jewish Joint Distribution Committhe relief committee in behalf of business meeting, at which plans for A most impressive message was This undertaking always brings out conversation she and Minnie had attended the Tau Epsilon Delta dance" tee's reconstructive work on behalf refugees, according to an announcean outdoor meeting and affair were given to the members'and mothers the majority of Sioux Cities women had last week after the game. It Saturday night at the Lincoln Hotel, i discussed. • by Mr. Norman Fregger of Omaha, who are interested in the Hadassah of the destitute Jews of Eastern ment made by the Greek Minister. was about Blanche. Oh, she must Miss Lena Shapiro had as her guests Europe and for the program of the - Nebraska. Mr. Fregger, who is thework in Palestine and a large atdo something, enough damage had for the same affair Miss Ella Alt-Jewish Agency for > Palestine to aid Aleph Godol of the Omaha Chapter tendance this year is anticipated by been committed already. But Joan' s u lar and Miss Faye Snyder, also stressed the devotion and loyalty of the Senior Hadassah Board mem- in the development there of a Jewish Ql)^W3.Wl)9^\^j!!Ugg^J£WlWl)^Wi^ went on talking. Minnie sat -with o f Omaha. Miss Nelle Marks wasmother to son, -with illustrations of bers. homeland. her cards in her hand, as if she were the guest of Miss Marjorie Finkelmerit. Rabbi Lewis gave the invocaThe decision to conduct this camfrozen in her chair. She made no js tein and attended alBo the dance. tion and also spoke briefly on the paign in Sioux City was taken at attempt to scan her hand, to make • ; program. Abe Beechen acted as a gathering of representative leaders her bid. Joan was saying, "Blanche! M « . Baizer and son Al of Chicaby XIXA KAVE . . toastmaster. Mrs. M. Beechen spoke of the Jewish Community held at is always bragging about not being-! £° s P e n t t h e week-end with Mr. and in behalf of the mothers. Others the Jewish Community Center, where tied- down to- the house because she ! Mrs. Sol Baizer of this city, who gave brief talks were "Hyman Dr. Leo Frachtenberg presented the Hurwitz, President of the Chapter, plan. Mr. A. M. Davis is chairman Hannah stole a glance at Minnie: hasn't any'ebildrer. Oh, her hus-j M o t h e r > s D a y w a s ^served thru The Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Over eigthty woomen. attended the Io u t t h e ! j n c o l n sororities and fraterMax Friedman, President of the of the local committee, Mr. Barney doesn't meet any more. Had she heard? Would she know band is good to her, all right. She Foursome x- 4 Bnabc . Brith Lodge, Isadore Miro- Annual Luncheon sponsored by theBaron, Mr. E. E. Baron, Mrs. R. H. There w a s a t i m e w h e n B l a n c h e N o . that Herbert was repeating her has everything her heart desires, ex- nities. Very appropriate programs Hebrew Mother's Association, which \ I cept children. I don't care what she were presented at each chapter witz and Alfred Albert. ook place in the Shaare Zion Syna- Emtein, Mr. John Lansberg, Mr. J. Vak, Hannah Landau, Minnie Savage woods ? Minnie was laughing loudly | says, I know" I'm right. Why ishouse. . . . •*''•'. L. Levitt and Mr. Robert Sacks are bers of the A program was presented by Mr.gogue Social Hall, Tuesday noon, at something Stella had said. ' It she so crazy "about; that dog of snd s t e I l a S o r i n > t h e m e m Bob Murphy, and Mr. Green, who May 13. Mrs. R. H. Emiein, Presi- the vice-chairmen, Mr. Dave David-' foresome, moved in a sort of charm- was something1 about men, Hannah hers? And if she hasn't got him The Lincoln A. Z..A.: chapter en-, appeared on the Orpheum stage this dent of the'organizationj presided as son, treasurer, Miss Rose Lipman, ed circle of their own, with bridge knew. Stella was: ahvays criticizing along wien she goes out, she stops tertained the mothers by giving a secretary, and Mr. W. C. Slotsky, as the center of their lives. Arid men and braggings about ijer own week. Miss Helen' Friedman, in a she bridge party at the. Lindell Hotel group of readings and Miss • Sylvia oastmistress. Brief talks on the publicity director. And additional the crowning point in their very full free state. That was One thing-Han-1 Sunday, May 11. Refreshments were **. pity, I fknaw, duties of the mother in the interest advisory and executive committee existence was always the Wednesday nah could not bear in Stella. She Friedman with a novelty dance. ^ 4 doefi fihe on t e n & I l g to served. :M. Rosenbauin ga.ve. a violin >f the Hebrew Schools were made by of twenty-five members . will be often told her husband so. Suddenly, : Guests at the dinner included the afternoon parties, exclusive affairs ] selection,' Mess Cantor, a piano solo, Mr. J. Bell and Mr. J. Aizenberg, l.e c t.e d, *e r y *t. j Bnai Brith Committee on A. Z. A. ambers Maxine . Grossman a reading, "My: of the Hebrew School Fac-1 ^ T / ° . o n ' ^ n a m e s "»* with only one table, at Mrs. Novak's, in panic, she knew she ought to Novak w a g o n h e r feet work, and Mr. Michael Gross of the i i ! • • • » « • • • t > t> j T > . / - I t h e o p e n i n g d a t e t o b e a n n o u n c e d Mrs. Landau's, Mrs. Savage's or in jump up and cover Herbert's Mother", and Harry Lotittan a ultv, M r .Barnev Baron, a n dRabbi i , . , - . . • ••••,» » - . r T * ••••• to t h e floor. her. chair „„_,..," by the chairman, Mr. A. M. Davis. a sitting, room of the hotel where with her hand. Just as thought Without Orpheum. • . speech,: "The Origin, of Mother's, a word she stalked to the Rabinowitz. I The ^,_.: Allied »,,..j Jewish ^'._._^ Campaign ~ _ . _ . _ .•is _ Miss Sorin dwelt with some import- Struck her, Herbert .said-, "Stella was beteoom, drew -on her coat, -and Day". There were fifteen tables of; Mrs. Sam Mosow was in charge of H. R. Rabinowitz A short playlet entitled Some- headed by Feiix M. Warburg, noted talking about men, ~ again. The; the dinner, arrangements. Her com- ;hing Different" was presented . ance. . marched outrof the house. •-'•<>-• • bridge. by •mittee included Mrs. Sam Lipman, Miss Rosenax Sacks, Miss Ruth 2,'ew York barker; Lieut. Gov. LehNow, instead of being greeted by she raves makes me sick. You. can Theje was nothing, that could .be Mrs. M. Levich, Mrs. H. Mirowitz, Bernstein, Miss Beatrice Leyitsky. man, of New York state; and Nathan wives just returned from an after- just see she's dying for^a man._ Just id, no apologies that' could oxplain. The Junior Hadassahs will/be rep-' because no one will have her, she's Mrs. M. Beechen, and Mrs.H. Fried- Miss Lillian Magaziner presented a Straus, venerable philanthropist as with k ~ at''each * h |f f * ^ * * ^ The' ftree^ women looked ^6°SJ^rJ5£ honorary chairman; and David M. comment and gossip, three tired hus- always running thenr^dospu And other l a silence. Stella was thein Kansas City, the- 17,th" and 18th man. group of Jewish folk songs. She was Bressler, Morris Rothenberg, Judge she thinks no one, is 'good enojigh gou When- Hannah- left, by the Misses Ella Cohen, who was accompanied on the piano by Miss William M. Lewis and Paul Baier- bands are confronted by fretful for her. After i all, she's not " so wives-who have bee home all dayjjning, even if her father did leave dragging Herbert none too- gently chosen as Lincoln's • delegate,' Sara Sara Weiner. •wald, as chairmen; and don't know, . what to do with her money. But I gues it's no fun,by the arm, she left Minnie clasping Hill, Lena Shapiro, Paula Storch,' Mrs. J. Schindler was in charge ^ The Joint Distribution Committee themselves. Heaven knows on whom living all alone in a, hotel. I l l allow her hands in mute agony beside a Ruth Grossman and Nannette of the dinner arrangements. man.. has administered almost $100,000,000 Stella Sorin takes out her boredom. smiling .waving' Joan.; contributed by the Jews of this Again and again each husband has her her little spRe,. "I've got tny ..Outside, hurrying- alond the ^sliphusband and my child." SOCIETY NEWS country since • Ten members of the Junior Hadasfor the recon- pleaded to know why bridge has bepery pavement,. Hannah could not Leaves $100,000 to Hospital sah Organization "will" leave this siruction cf the lives of the Jews in come suddenly taboo, why even an Hannah wanted to sink through resist shaking her young son. "Oh, New York.—The will of Louis N. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kauffman, 1708 Eastern Europe impoverished by theinvitation to go visiting is accepted the floor. Surely, the others had Herbert, what did you do? What Kramer, retired banker and miner^ evening, to attend the District Convention which will take place in Kan- Pierce St., announced the engage- world-war and by post-war political only after a list of the other guests heard! Oh, why did she ever talk did you. you do?" bequeaths $100,000 to the Mt. Sinai ment of their daughter Florence, "to and economic developments. sas City, Saturday.and Sunday. in front of Herbert? Children are . Herbert looked up,at his mother Hospital for the endowment of "a is •submitted. Elaborate plans have been made Mr. Archie Rrolffff of Chicago", son The latest phase of its activity, But they will never learn, for few such* parrots* ' Should she say some- in astonishment. "Nothing, mama. ward containing at least twelve beds by the Kansas City organization for of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff of this an I by many regarded, as the most have courage to report themselves in thing, deny what Herbert had said? We wanted to be quiet, so we were to be maineained in perpetuity and 'the entertainment, of the visiting city, at a reception held in their important, is the setting up of a a ridiculous and humaliating position. They wouldn't believe her- And just playing after the bridge party. to be known as the Louis N. Kramer delegates, which include a sight see- home Sunday afternoon. The date vast network of credit co-operatives Unless I tell, no one will ever know Minnie. Minnie had as much to be It's a fine game. I could 'member Memorial." One Catholic and two ing trip through the. city Saturday for the wedding has not been set. and free-loan societies in thirteen why the four who were such bosom ashamed of. The idea of talking more than Joan could." Jewish charitable organizations in afternoon, A Rally and Stunt Show, European countries whereby over friends pass each other on the street about her like that? She'd get that ^Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Scranton, Pa., where Mr, Kramer was Saturday evening, two business ses- Twenty members . of Vthe /Question 2,000,000, people are afforded means with averted faces, why Hannah four caret ring, if she had to buyTelegraphic Agency, Inc.) born, receive legacies of S5.000 each. sions on Sunday, with a dance con- Hub and their guests attended the for earning livelihoods. It is expend- Landau suddenly left the Stein's, Spring Formal held at the Morning- ing, large sums of money for liospicluding the meet in the evening. side Country Club last evening. . tals, clinics and chUd-care institu- dragging her husband away when Miss Sadie. Shulkin, President of Dancing occupied the hours of the tions in those countries, as well as he was losing heavily at poker, why the Sioux City organization has* been the lips of one closes in a grim line elected by that group • to represent evening, after which a buffet supper. for. the maintainence of Jewish cul- whenever any of the other three -are them as the official delegate from Was served. tural institutions. I t is engaged mentioned. . * * • also in the industrialization of the • Sioux City at the Convention. • It all happened because it rained Mrs. William Lazere spent the Jewish populations of Poland, Rosone Wednesday afternoon. Hannah's r week end visiting in Omaha. si a and the border states. I t . is-to COMMUNITY CENTER receive $3,500,000 from the Allied maid was giving the house a thorough cleaning and Hannah decided CLUB NOTES Lawrence Baron has returned after Jewish Campaign. to take little Herbert along to Mina visit of several days in Minneapo,The Jewish Agency for Palestine, nie Savage's house. He would be Sam Sadoff and Wilbert Shindler lis. which is to receive $2,500,000 from out of the maid's way and wouldn't were elected to lead the Macabee In* * .* disturb the bridge game as he could dor Baseball Club for the coming Miss Ruth Mark spent the week- the campaign, was consummated Joan. season. Rudolph Shindler and Mil-end visiting friends and relatives in August, pursuant to the terms of play with . Minnie's little the British Mandate over that counton Gruesken were chosen as coaches Omaha. With the seriousness of champions try.- Its program includes the pro-the four friends sttled to their game. for the team. The team which plans motion of agricultural colonization The children were permitted a corto open its season May 15, boasts Mrs. William Lazere in Palestine based on Jewish labor, ner of the living room on their promof excellent material, and has shown the increase of Jewish immigration, ise to play quietly. fast work during its initial practices to Represent Hadassah provision for Jewish religious needs, Hannah had just dealt the cards fostering of the Hebrew language, for the second rubber and was eagMrs. William Lazere, President of The members of the Business Girl's club held their last meeting the Senior Hadassah group of Sioux to assist in the cultural, hygienic, erly scanning her hand when she of the season last Wednesday even- City has been - elected to represent and industrial development of the heard her name mentioned softly in ing. Plans were made for a party the local organization at the district country, and to provide funds for the corner. Although she had a to .be held next "Wednesday evening Convention which will be held in schools,. hospitals, and clinics. There four heart bid, she strained her ears at the West Hotel, -which will close Kansas City, May 19 and 20, Moon- are now 160.000 Jews in Palestine, and heard little Joan say, "I wonder j and large numbers in many European •what Hannah Landau gets out of day and Tuesday of next week. the meetings for this year.. In addition to her Hadassah work, countries are eager to join them. ritzing me? She knows I know what Mrs. Lazere is active in the Federa- The Agency is taking over the work Drive with all the freedom from tire trouble a new car husband makes and even if she MOUNT SINAI TEMPLE ' tion work, and is President of the in Palestine heretofore financed by her says he's buying her a four caret offers, A sensible plan, these days of low tire prices, is The subeject of the sermon thi Tephereth Israel Daughterhood. the Keren Hayosed, including colon- ring, she can't expect me to believe **Ne\v Goodyears all around." Come in for our Special ization, creating of labor opportun- it. And she had the nerve to tell evening, at Mount Sinai Temple will ities, subsidizing of schools and the be "An Achievement in Goodwill." Proposition! You get the most value in lifetime guarme. that her kit fox was real,.pointed SISTERHOOD BOOK Hadassah Medical Organization. anteed Goodyears because Goodyear enjoys lowest costs fox. I guess I know real fox when CIRCLE MEETS MONDAY This is the first joint national I see it. I told her it didn't look by building MILLIONS MORE tires than any other cornS E F F ' S Members of the Sisterhood Book campaign by the Jews of this coun- very much like the real fox I had. pan}'—and our full service backs up every sale I Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. try for the welfare of the Jews She just looked at me and said, j DELICATESSEN Edward E. Baron, 2222 Nebraska St., of Eastern Europe and for the up-•You don't think that cat of yours j AXD Tuesday evening, May 20. Three building of Palestine. Heretofore, was real fox, do you?'" SANDWICH SHOP books will be reviewed and presented campaigns for those purposes have Hannah loudly bid, "Four no ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS for discussion by' the membership. been conducted separately. Agreetrump". Had the others heard? She They are: "The Street of Chains" by ment, to conduct' a unified fund- was afraid to look up. Why were Mrs. John Brodkey, "Great Meadows" raising effort for both of these her cheeks burning? Oh, she hoped Car. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6 4 2 7 by Elizabeth Madox, and "Adam" by causes was effected at a national they wouldn't notice. Hannah tried Mrs. W. C. Slotsky. The group is conference in Washington on March to concentrate on her game, to salGUARANTEED TIRE REPAIRING lead by Miss Clara Goldberg. 8 and 9,. to which President Hoover vage something from the beautiful "We feed the multitude", sent a message of praise in which heart bid she had made no trump With Tasty Foods The more we study, the more we among other things he said: "The in her excitement. When the points discover our ignorance.-—Shelley. 'work which you have done,, apart had been scored against her and p — ~ f\ *± from its evident humanitarian aspects Stella was dealing, she could not is "a large contribution to .the cause help listening again to the children. Herbert, her Herbert was talking of good will between peoples." BUY FOR APPRECIATION g JOUx run. ArrrvcciiAiiurs \ g and he spoke with her every inFull Oversize Balloons Big Oversize Cords flection, his thin, childish voice rising Warburg Gets Gottheil Medal New- York.—During the past de- above Stella's chatter as she dealt. ^ ^ COMMON STOCK "\ ^ cade Felix Warburg's contributions "I don't know what's come over d.-'l\ •;••-.. •' .-. •'. 10% Dividends In Stock _ •. 4 to philanthrophy have totaled nearly Minnie," Herbert said. "I believe TJsted Chicago Stock Exchange; and X. T. Curb. ten million dollars. .This was' the she's turned stingy all of a sudden. -PRICE AROtJND $32.0Qr statement made by Harold Riegehnan She used to serve such wonderful XO BKOKEKAGE CHARGE in presenting the Gottheil medal for cake and always bragged about all Truck Tires 32 x 6-10 ply $38.90 distinguished - service to the cause of the - eggs . she used. Now she just •1 Carefully Mounted Free Low Prices on Molded Red Tubes Judaism to Mr. Warburg in behalf of gives us something in waxed paper Phone 57120 201-2 Frances Bldg. Sioux City, Iowa the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at a key you jget from the grocer. It's not dinner of this University society. . even bakery cake."
Shaare Zion
sioux a n JEWS
3 The Bridge Party *
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