. Jnieresting\ £:% i W.aiid \\* Entertaining Yi%\
Interests of The Jewish Community
n o i ^ J 1 ! * iiS? 1 ^*^ 8 ! ma ," m a"«-on January"'':!?.- l»3. at poatofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, tmder the Act of March 3. IKTA
VOL. VIII.—No. 19
DAVID LAZARUS RABBI GOLDMAN Qala Affair Planned * G* G Headquarters is SINGS^fAYTO MAKES STIRRING for iUghland Opening TfflPTO EUROPE Teeming With Activity PLEA AT RALLY as Workers Meet Daily A gala affair is being planned for the formal opening of the Highland Country Club to be held in the form of * a • formal: dinner dance Saturday evening, May 24. \ ' " ; The club will be appropriately decorated for the occasion,- with the Sperry's eight-piece Night Club orchestra, which has been obtained for the season, furnishing the music. Mr. Hsrry Gohn' is in charge of reservations. •...•..The' Highland has undergone costly improvements in preparation for the coniing season. The" ball room floor has been refinished and is now in as good a condition as ' when new, arid the 'entire' clubhouse" has been redecorated: • " ".." "•" The- dining room, the"iadies' room, and tne halls have been covered with inlaid linoleum, and the locker and shower r all repainted. Great improvement has also been made in the kitchen, wh:ch has been enlarged to double us 'former size. The dining room is now" in charge of Mr. and Mrs. J.hn Dorsey, who are very capable chefs. Improvements, have also been made on the golf links, under "the chairmanship • of Hugo Heyn. The links now compare favorably with any in the city, and a program has been arranged which vill satisfy even the most ardent mashie swingers. A drive for members under Manny Handler added quite a' few names to the club roster, and this together with the pre-season enthusiasm :displ:iyea-fcy the members point" t6wafd'
tne most successful year in the club's history." • David Lazarus, son of Mr. and The officers, are: Abe. Herzbetg, Mrs. Harry Lazarus, 3310 Webster Eloquently Points Out Why president; J. F. Heyn, vice-presi- street, won a trip to Europe by dent; Harry Maiashock, treasurer; singing his way to the championship Jews Must Contribute and Sam Leon, secretary. The board of the tri-state singing contest, the to Drive Leaders Express Great Satisfaction as Favorable of directors include these and Mor-] f i n a l s o f v v W c h w e r e h e l d a t Shenan: "Without Jewish education, such ris Milder, Morris Ferer, William last Thursday. The Offers Wednesday j Returns on Pledging Continue as the Talmud Torah, there is no Holzman, Manny Handler, Milton are sponsoring the sojourn in Eu- j ' hope for the Hebrew race. If JewLivingston, David Feder, Max Chap- rope. to Pour In A very important meeting of the ish education should pass put of exman, Harry rRosenfeld, L B. Zimman, To win, Lazarus had to first tri- Hadassah will be held Wednesday istence, then we are the last generaHarry Wolf, Mose Yousem, Dr. A. umph in the city high school con- afternoon, May. 28, at the Jewish RABBI GOLDMAN ADDRESSES RALLY tion," was part of the emphatic Greenberg, Ben Danbaum, Harry test. He then won first place in the Community- Center.- A report of the speech delivered by Rabbi Solomon Lapidus, Louis Hiller, Ed. Treller. state contest at Hastings. At the fifth annual'conference of the southGoldman of Chicago, at a mass meetThe chairman of the important com- finals Thursday he was victorious west region will be rendered at this ; With more than one half of ed on Monday evening, May 19, ing, held Monday night under the mittees are: Ed Treller, House Com- over eleven winners representing tlxe t i m e . the $42,000 budget raised the when Rabbi Solomon Goldman - . - - . . , ••• auspices of the Jewish Philanthromittee; Jerome Heyn, Greens and states of Nebraska, Iowa, and KanThe main business of the day will. four hundred workers of the of Chicago made a stirring adpies, at the Jewish Community CenTournament Committee; Sam L e o n , j s a s / Philanthropies have dress at a mass meeting at the be the election of officers for the j Jewish ter. .More than five hundred people Budget Committee; Manny Handler,] The winning song was "Hear Me, ensuing .term. A social hour will! pledged themselves to raise the J e w i s h Community Center. attended, the meeting. Membership; Mrs. Cora Wolf, Ladies j y e Winds and Waves," by Handel. follow the election, with ice cream ! balance of the budget by the More than five hundred Omaha Rabbi Goldman went on to say Entertainment Committee; Mrs. Max The trip through Europe will be for and home-made cake being served. I end of the week. Jews heard Rabbi Goldman tell that the Jewish boy-and girl of today one month, leaving here July 15 for Holzman, Ladies Golf "Committee. does not' understand the idealism of j Paris. '.}. Each day the workers are of the needs of the various the Jews—what they have contribu| Just last week Lazarus won the meeting for lunch at the Jewish agencies of the Jewish Pilanted to the history of the world. He j Atwater-Kent County singing contest j Community Center, and there thropies. compared the Jew in an American i in the male division. ;• He will repres- J On Tuesday morning, May 20, the reports of the various divicommunity to a poor-rich man—a j ent this county in. the state contest I all of the workers gathered at man who has the wealth of the sions are made. in October. breakfast the Center, and Bible, a contribution of his ancestors, . Ever since winning these two conSitting about the luncheon from there,at went out to visit but is poor in contributions to his tests he has been swamped with fan tables the workers are telling their prospects, and brought in the progency. mail, congratulating messages, wires, Rapbi Goldman came to Omaha at Sixty-three Omaha Girls At- and letters pouring; in daily. Before 200 at Affair Collaborated! of their experiences in this greatest amount of money ever the ijcall_of^.the Executive committee With Sisterhood leaving he will: appear on numerous tend Junior Hadassah drive. According to these work- raised in a single day in any camof the Jewish Philanthropies to open held by Omaha Jews—$14,619. Sabbath local programs. On his trip he Conclave ers not a single refusal to paign its campaign for $42,000. In discushopes to receive inspiration for sevOn the second day the same workers sing the '.Omaha campaign, Rabbi The Omaha members of the Junior 'eral poems, as he is '-• also an ac- The Mothers and Daughters Day ; pledge has been encountered— brought in pledges to the amount of and luncheon at Temple I every person knows of the cam- $7,844.50, a record for a second day's Goldman pointed out its four underHadassah. captured first prize, in the complished poet, _ln JEact, a Imok, of Saturday was. a successful •• lying-•prindpTcsi'••-••* stunt "show- whicTi: - featured" the""fifth his poetry is being published at the efforts. affair, with over two hundred present, t scribe liberally. This is reflect"This campaign, is not only tying annual Junior Hadassah southwest- present time. Chairmen Satisfied Mrs. William Holzman read the '• ed in the total pledges received. Je.\vs, of .Omahartogether but is linkern regional convention held at Kan- Mrs. Fred G. Ellis is David's voice Each of the chairmen of the varproclamation, which was followed by ing them with Jews the world over. fc City May 17 and 18. Sixty- instructor. The campaign officially open- ious groups expressed satisfaction a paper on the Sisterhood Sabbath by three girls formed the local conJews the world over should be interwith the results. Mrs. I. Rosenthal. A welcoming adtingent. " ested in Jews. We must have "unity. ' At the first noon luncheon Dr. A. dress was given by Mrs. Nathan ManJewish leaders must arouse Jews- to In the election of regional officers Greenberg, chairman of the general uel, president of the Sisterhood. * sense of Jewishness." Tobey Steinberg was chosen treassolicitation committee, presided, and A luncheon was served at twelve urer and Rose Lazarus' publicity diDescribing with eloquence, vividhe urged the worker? of his group o'clock, followed by a program conrector. Pearl Sherman of Tulsa, ness, and .clarity the situation in to push on. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, ducted by Mrs. Louis Sommers. This Eastern Europe and Russia - as • he " Miss Rose Brandeis, daughter of where the next conclave will be held, Washington. (J.T.A.)—A new conchairman of the women's division, reprogram consisted of a selection was elected president of the group. saw it, the speaker told of the ter- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis of called "Mama Doll", presented by ception of Abraham Lincoln, "Lin- ported that more than one hundred rible conditions in those countries. Council Bluffs, will give a Piano At the business sessions, Grace coln the Prophet", in the form of "These hungry and naked people Recital Monday evening, May 26, at Rosenstein, who is head of the Oma- Brotherhood Sponsoring Dinner' Lois Barish, Helen Bialac, and Helen an etching by Enrico Glicenstein, fa- and forty women in her group were out working. The Young men's • divChapman; "Our Daughters," by Mrs. are waiting for money from this eight o'clock in the Fine Arts Room ha chapter, gave a complete report for Class of Thirtymous Polish-Jewish sculptor and ision had a large turnout and early A. H. Brodkey; a sketch called "Minon the National Junior Hadassah campaign in America. Their hope at the Aquila Court, Sixteenth and Eight iken and Maniken" conducted by Bern- etcher, which caused a furor in Chi- reports indicate this division will and life depend on what American Howard Streets in Omaha. Miss convention held in Detroit last July, ' ard Szold and given by Frances Ros- cago when it was exhibited there, make a fine showing. All organizaand Mary Claire Franklin spoke on Jewry will do." The thirty-eight confiraants of enthal, Florence Appleman, Mildred will be presented to President Hoover j tions have not as yet made their Brandeis is a talented pianist. Rabbi Goldman continued by point- Her program will include the fol- the Jewish National Fund. Mrs. Temple Israel will be guests of honor and Esther Milder; "Wee on behalf of the Polish government j pledges clue to inability to hoM meeting out the need of helping these lowing numbers: Bourree, by Bach; Max Fromkin, who attended all of at a congregational dinner to be Breenan, Mammy's Little Honey," given by by the Polish ambassador, Titus Filicourageous Jewish Pioneers who have First and Third Movement of the the sessions and was constantly lend- given in the vestry rooms of the Ruth Rosenstock and Sarah Gilinsky; powicz, the latter announced here j ings, according to Harry Maiashock, gone to Palestine in the hope of re- Moonlight Sonata, by Beethoven; ing her assistance to the girls, made Temple Friday night preceding the community singing; "That Wonderful on May 14, after a call at the White I chairman of the organization diviconstructing their "chosen land." He Golliwog's Cake Walk, by Debussy; an impromptu talk which bubbled regular services. The Brotherhood Mother of Mine" by Mrs. Sam Beber, House where he introduced the • sion. Mr. Maiashock said, however, that by the end of this week he ex•went on to explain that a substan- Revolutionary Etude, by Chopin; with enthusiasm. Mrs. Fromkin .is of Temple Israel is sponsoring the and a violin solo, "Hungarian sculptor to the President. pects every group in Omaha to make advisor of the local group and has tial portion of the fund being raised Nocturne in B, by Chopin; Sextette dinner. Dance," by Miriam Rubnitz. President Hoover told Mr. Filia pledge. William L. Holzman, been since the birth of the chapter by the Jewish Philanthropies will be Lucia, for the left hand alone, by This year's confirmation class is powicz that he would endeavor to J chairman of the initial gifts, stated contributed to the Allied Jewish Cam- Leschetisky; Pastorale, by Scarlatti; seven years ago. the largest in the history of Temple London. — In view of the deadpaign, under whose direction and Hungary Rhapsody No. 15, by Liszt; The stunt which carried first hon- Israel, according to Rabbi Frederick lock resulting from the British gov- accept the latter's invitation to at- that he was well pleased with the results of his committee so far. control the relief work in Eastern and Song from the East, by Scott. ors for the Omaha group was writ- Cohn. ernment's rejection of the Arab dele- tend a special exhibition of Glicen- Goodman Meyerson, chairman of the ten by Miss Grace Rosenstein, SoEurope is being conducted and the . The dinner will start at 6:45 p. m. Miss Brandeis is a pupil of Cecil gation's demands the discussions have stein's work at the Chicago Art Inrebuilding program in Palestine is Berryman of Omaha. She expects to phie Rosenstein, Rose Lazarus, Ida and will be over at 8 p. m. so that been closed and the delegation has stitute during his coming western South Omaha division, and Harry Dworsky, his co-chairman, brought a being carried on. -. open a Studio in Omaha this summer. Platt and Anne Greenberg. The the diners may adjourn for Temple decided to return home. itrip.. large delegation of workers to the chorus was composed of the follow- services, according to Ben Stiefler, luncheons each day. ing girls: Ida Bishoff, Claire Hatz- who is chairman of arrangements Teeming With Activity man, Ruth Margolin, Helen Adler, and toastmaster. Each member of The Jewish Community Center is Margaret Hurwitz, and Ida Fine, ac- the confirmation class will be given companied at the piano by Ann a gift by the Brotherhood. teeming with activity during these Bishoff. The entire Omaha group days of the campaign. Woi'kers The public is invited to attend. took part in the stunt, as well as Reservations must be made with coming and going out all day; supall officers. plies being made up for the workers; is Somberg, secretary of the therhood, before Friday noon. New York. — A great non-sectar- will be devoid of all the usual "cam- Among the features of the con"The Allied Campaign will not on- I consolidation of all Jewish drives inclave were a bus tour, banqueting, a Jerome Gordon, son of Dr. and ly accomplish a great deal for Jews ! to one concentrated campaign. Rabbi ences ian tribute to Felix M. Warburg, in paign" features. pa jama party, excellent programs, ts. M. I. Gordon, who is president tains; the captains turning in pledges recognition of his outstanding serThe "drive" will be an incidental dancing and varied entertainment. of Palestine and Eastern Europe but I Goldman, who came to of the confirmation class, and Nath- as a by-power will generate a sense j request of the Jewish and money to the majors and the vice to humanity will mark the open- part of the function, to the extent, an E. Jacobs, president of the Broth- of unity which is the desideratum of | of the city, officially opened the local majors turning it over to the chairing of New York's drive, next Tues- only, of the presentation to'Mr. Warerhood, will make short talks. day evening, May 27, to raise ?2,- burg of a beautiful volume, contain- Green Appointed to drive with a stirring address at a man. Two large blackboards are on American Israel. This will be the last indoor meet500,000. for the Allied Jewish Cam- ing letters of appreciation to him "It was high time that the Jews rally held at the J. C. C. Monday the stage of the auditorium, which ing of the Brotherhood until next of America abondoned the outworn evening. is the general meeting place for all paign. from the most distinguished citizens. Advertising Position fall. The Brotherhood is planning a phases of two or three decades ago workers. These two boards indicate The tribute, in which leading nat- A "second chapter" of this volume Rabbi Goldman exudes personalNathan E. Green, former prominent picnic this summer and a minstrel which served as divisive elements in ity. His very manner of speaking the results of the various gi'oups. ional notabilities, including a distin will be the ; signatures of several Thermometer Climbing guished member of the 'American hundred individuals, including many' Omahan, has just been appointed to show in the fall. American Jewish communities. Zion- and his expression leaves with his government, will participate, will be non-Jews, who, to signalize the high, a position which puts him in charge Louis Somberg has been appointed ists, anti-Zionist, and even such lab- listener a sense of spirituality. As In the lobby of the center stands paid to Mr. Warburg at a "town regard in which they hold Mr. of all merchantile advertising of the secretary by the board of directors els as Orthodox, Conversatism and j you converse with him you cannot a large thermometer indicating the meeting" in Town Hall,, to which Warburg, and their desire to cooper- Scripps-Howard papers in the south, to take the place of A. Q. Schimmel, Reform have lost poignancy. Time help but be impressed with his goal of the present campaign, and leaders of every walk of life in New ate .with him in his public service, west, which includes the Oklahoma who moved to Lincoln last.month to and circumstance have worked havoc knowledge of so many world prob- each day as the results were anYork City, non-Jewish as well as j especially with the Allied Jewish City News, Ft. Worth Press, Houston become vice-president and manager with these old ideologies." lems. A rabbi, a scholar, a social nounced, the thermometer climbed a Jewish have accepted invitation. j Campaign, have subscribed large Press and the El Paso Post. This of the Cornhusker hotel. worker, a leader, an orator, Rabbi little closer to the goal. "Some of ..our leaders failed to merchandising classification, of which The luncheon on the second day Goldman has travelled extensively, The Town Hall demonstration of j sums to it. realize that the masses and even the was presided over by Mrs. J. H. Kuaffection-and esteem to Mr. Warburg] The. arrangements for this tribute, he has complete charge, consists of H. Mendelson Speaks being in great demand as a lecturer. classes of Israel were being brought lakofsky, will take the place of the usual i of which no previous public announce- ready-to-wear and department stores. At present he is rabbi at the Arshe together by the sheer force of Amerto Daughters of Zion ican environment. Sitting around Emet congregation of Chicago, one division. chairman of the women's "opening dinner" which usually ment has been made, have been promarks the launching of a "drive" for ceeding for a period of several weeks, Yale Scholarships In the various reports made by the H. Mendelson spoke Wednesday af- the table in. the American Jewish of the largest in that city. funds for philanthropic purposes. and the committee which has ar- New Haven, Conn. — Ten Jewish ternoon to the Daughters of Zion Campaign will make it clear to many "It is a good idea to combine the individual workei-s, only the highest James N. Rosenberg, chairman of the ranged for this testimonial has ex- students from the Graduate School on the -achievements of the Jewish of them that the points of difference Allied Campaign and the local phil- of hopes for the successful culminaYork, .campaign, under whose pressed its gratification at the eager- of Yale University have received fel- National Fund and the possibilities are largely bubbles. It may lead to anthropies together", Rabbi Goldman tion of the campaign in recorde^thife tribute to the outstand- ness with which all with whom they lowships and scholarships out of 179 for extensive work in the near fu- great things.. From a united Philan- opined as he continued his discourse, breaking time is expressed. ing leader of Jewish philanthropy have discussed it, have expressed .a awards for the academic year 1930 ture. The organization is planning thropic effort we may come to a "because the more a community Theme Song and altruism will be paid,, has made desire to be. included among -those —31. Eight of the students have re- to raise sufficient funds for the in- united and spiritual Jewry." unites its efforts the more will it "I want to report that several of it clear that no funds will be solicit- whose names will appear in the sec- ceived fellowships and two have re- stallation of a water system in one These were the impressions of eliminate wastage." the workers in my group have work•'•-• accented at this function, which ond chapter of. the volume. ceived - the university scholarships. of the colonies. Rabbi Solomon Goldman upon the (Continued on Page 6) (Continued on Page 6.j[
Tribute to Warburg as New York Drive Opens
Campaign Generating Unity"-~Rabbi Goldman
';V-;:>*.™ ;-;v
MRSRlflR Sixteen Jews*-Are Elected IS TO DIRECT to the House of Commons "THE TOY SHOP "|hese Come From Distinguished Families and Are piyided f Conservative, Liberal and "£ : . Labor Parties~ .r. '.*- '-->' - r
Fifty-six Children Will Part in Presentation
Eight of the Yoonjr Xidtei* Club J. N . W. A. Conclave entertained their husbands at a Montreal.—The Twelfth Convention bridge' and lunehcon a^Htoa l^ncoln s of* the Jewish National ^Workers Hotel, May 15. P r i « i were won Alliance will be held in ^Montreal The "bay rack" party to have been from the 17. to the 21. of May infirst by Mrs. Ruth Brickcr, »econd Dorothy Zolat, and the men, first held last week was postponed on ac-clusive. ^ Frank Cohen, and second Hym. count of the inclement weather and will be held in the near future. Brickcr. The Chapter kittenball team climbTake
*Hay Rack" Party of A. Z A. Is Postponed
MAX Y A F F I Violinist
Chair of
-ii Berlin... — -AJ^ii^jjit "racial science^:'lias been-established at theentire <£eam looked good and Coa^h'. Modern, principles of instruction Mrs. Herman Jahr, who has"~so Universityy of Je,na3y , . : yihe. i _ Thuringiaii g J Stanley^ JP.^ Lwin predicts that-«iit which .develop-technique in shortest po8sible»per&d^& t i m e . ••••••*
successfully guidecLfhe Players' Guild minister of educatitfft.T The noted WE/2869i- JA. 0666 iec-j of the Jewish Community Center since anti-Semitic and racial fanatic, R. team will* finish no lower than ; -.1" its organization over two years ago, Guenther has been appointed profes- ond in the eight-team loop. S. Norman Fregger and Stanley By ROBERT STOKE sor of racial science despite the fact P. Levin are "majors" representing that other processors at; the Univer- the A. Z. A. in the Jewish PhilanHerbert Samuel will best be known of the United Synagogueyhe ^ * -^Although there<- are-lonJu^SPOfiOO Jeiba in the British Iafys, sixie'cn- of as the first High Commissioner of the Chairmanship of the London War sity. *)f Jena*-consider him an un- thropies drive. \ them were elected tol the Mouse of Palestine, a post which he held for Pensions Committee. \ learned person'., *ji • ,Cofnmons at tftc' last flections, their members almost'equally divided be- five-years, being succeeded in 1925 The Labor, members are^'of course, a comparatively new element in Partibven the fynstrvatiye, Liberal and by Lord Plumer. Labor Parties .• JThis is a rapid sketch There is no Jew in America whose liament. But despite this" five Jews " ; NATIONAL of - the 16 members- of the House. participation in politics can be com- were elected as Laborites in the MacThe author!- emphasises the Jaci,: in ACCESSORIES, INC. Temple Israel contrast 4o tKe situation An American pared to that of Sir Herbert* The Donald elections. Since that time CALL one of them, Dr.. G. E. Spero, has difference is, of course, traceable to politics, t . l p ^ Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver:, "Everything for the Parliament SSavf reached:' the variance in standars between resigned on account of ill health. a sermon on "The Social Weali jrf • - 2501 Farnam—AT. high positions in government service. America and: England In the form- The other- four include Emaunel Judaism." Saturday morning- his r ; ^ 0 3 So. -lSt-JA. 1208, Most of them are of ola\-distingiiimeA er country a "politician" is regarded Shinwe^f who'.', was UhderseSfetary subject will be "On the Heights;" families* ',"••' THE T^Alnut 507i?— with opprobrium. In. England "pol- for Mines in tH shart-liyed "MacDonKaddish -*iU be recited this Sabbath Great Britain may Tiave itician" i is "synonymous?: with states*: aid cabinet of 2924 ^ i d who Holds a for Minnie Wolf, Fannie" Brandeis, ; efforts strenuously/to man and ijj- a?higb. title of publicv high iffece in the present Labor-GovHesse Roscustock, and Yette Herzof governing'positions in the Emp&e esteem. ernment. Michael Marcus, formerly berg. " until the latter part of the-niheteentfi Another prominent Jewish member of the Edinburgh Town Council, The thirty-eight confirmants,. the with century, -buti, once the .restrictions of the liberal Party1 in the House of George Isaacs : of South wark and largest confirmation - class in the we're removed'he -Jews have had less Commons is James cLe Rothschild, Harry Day, also of Southwark, comTHE MODE PLEATING ; Temple's history, wifl^jje honored difficulties in-.attaining high position son of Baron; Edmond de Rothschil<J plete the Jewish contingent in the, XkiKtom Designing a Specialty Friday evening at a congregational Complete Meat Diijners 50e itliMe Extra Cost or Oblfeation in, public, service- than even , Jews in of Paris. ' Rothschild has taken an. Labor ranks. ' "" dinner preceding the regular '^er-» -K ' , Plate Lunches , thai United States. The reasons Ifor active interest in every phase: of Paxton Blk. Phone Ja. 3109 rices, under the auspices • of the this" are to be,-found in the state of Jewish life.in"d-*'ihas become particu- - Altogether it is a remarkable group ' 'Good Jewish Style Me>!sBrotherhood of Temple Israel. mind of. t h ^ "English public, and larly identified with Palestine under? that the SbO.OOO Jews of the British Isles have • sent to London to repreThe* confirmants are: Shirley Barsecondly in fh& attitude toward pub- takings,"-of which his father is reU sent them. A' great many of them ish, 912 Mercer Park Road; ; Betty : lic-office 'held ;by Jews in the British garded "as the outstanding benefactor. . , 219 So.. 14th Street Beeson, 3010 Lincoln Boulevard; have quickly-won high places;, the Isles. ,Major Harry Louis Nathan is also others have taken their tasks as reFrances Bergman, 5519 Jones St.; Tor some /reason membership in a communal worker who has turned Pauline Bernstein, Council Bluffs; presentatives •seriously, '• associating thfe-House of'Congress in theTTnTFe'cT; his attention to politics as a liberal, Irvin Chaikin, 109. South 52nd -jSt,; themselves at the same time with States is looked upon as the h f ^ j Nathan is well known for his ^friendRuth Core*,. 2212 California; Evelji, Jewish communal projects. small political-leaders. 'In: OMAHA ship to the Hebrew University at Dansky, 302 Lafayette Avenue; Alma -With Lord Melchettr, Lord Reading J KOSHER MEAT MARKET however,: Borne of the forehibSt) Jf ws Jerusalem. Among • other Jewish Feblowitzr 815 South 29th St.; Haj-S -Five Makes to Choose Erom S and Lord Rothschild in the'upper Delicatessen and Groceries in every walk, of life not onJy., aspire posts he holds is that of Member of Mrs. Herman Jahr. old Finkel, 2424 Ida' St.; House of Parliament the Jews of to membership in the. House of Com- Council- of Jews' College. The two 7 Nitz Moscovitz, Propr. Friedman, 2962 Poppleton Ave.; EtnGreat Britain offer a striking con; 1724 No. 24 mons but stand after election, if other Liberal Jewish members are will direct the children's production WE. 3817 el Frumkin, 3709 North 24th. Str.; trast to American Jewry, who have of "The Toy Shop", which is to be their constituency does not send them Major Leslie Hore-Belisha and Percy Esthre Goldberg, 707 North 30th 6t.; = • '• " only eight members in Congress and given Wednesday and Thursday, May (Est. 490?) V = to "^Parliament" the. first time. The Alfred Harris. The former, a son of 1912 Facnam g Sonia Goldstein, Beatrice, Nebr,; Ber-. = TeL Ja. 412« none in the Senate, 28 and 29, at the Jewish Community list of the Jews at present in'Parlia- Lady Hore, has not been' particularly nard L. Goldstrom, ,4209 Parker St.; rjimillllllllllllllllillltlilllllllllllfHIIIIIIIi (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts Straw, Panama, Center. ment includes-some of the most disr with Jewish interests. He ! Jerome Gordon, 101 South 5lst Ave.; Feature Syndicate.) Leghorn or Milan j Fifty-six Omaha children will take languished figures whose names,",; has, however, a distinguished record | Helen Greenberg, 4714 Pacific St.; v Z~~''.-. ! part in the fantasy which has to do well known not only in Eng£=tn"d l in public life, an.d'served at one time v : ~ 1 T r\ i Jeanette Herman, 36i2 LeavenworjJi MULTIGRAPH throughout the world;-':"'-';-."- ? v "-' as President of the Oxford Union •Teir nre, sage, how did> you ; ac-1 with "charactersv|n :a" toy: shop who FILLING IN ,v 1st.; Jerome Hirschmann, 304 North Cleaned, Bfe'ckfed aind ' ;36th Ave.; Saramara Katskee, 2217 FOLDING—MAYING As in every* country,v Society. Harris has been connected quirt such knowledge1—By never be- mysteriously be&me animated v • jects and conaticif'themselves rnucK'as land are rigidly diyidM in tEei£-po- with a number of communal projects. ing ashamed to ask" Others. Bleacheft "by factory Lothrop St.; Jacqueline Lipp, S406 IDEAL LETTEB^ADYERTiglNG I humans do. ^. •'-';. litical opinions.;:Of tbe .ifcft«gji " '"• The five Liberal members of the experts 1 Davenport; Lloyd Malashock, -5iS7 Call Our Pho^e for Seryie* \ AssiBting, Iffe. Jahr will be? Mrs; the,- Common| H'ouse of Commons are thus seen to: i Chicago St.; Harlan Milder, FaitWcAT. 2936—307* Paxton Block j Elsifr Howejk S\*anson,- iMusical^ dlrecthree parties ^claims almost^ equal be-,among3ne best elements of Brit^ jflDiX ttlC lift I l t l v {res; Julian Nathan, ^566 Mason St^ j tor, and Mrs. Maurice Micklin, assien u m b e r s . , '•'£•• ish- Jewish society, giving to political Harry Solig . Ed Solig „ ', Fred Rosenberg, 3030 Nicholas St.; j tant musical director. Miss Annette life a" distinction which politics could most ; "r, distinguished 214 So. 14 AT. 6662 ]Mel\-in Rosenberg, 4420 Woolwortb, j Ricklin will direct the dancers, both never bestow upon them. member of the:! House is Sir Hsrbe'rt Ave.; Donald T." Rosenfeld, 420 ^ i ensemble and solo, and Miss Saraj Conservatives have six adherSamuel, .who vwas for "several years 8th St., Council,Bluffs; Frances . T>ay or evening. Knsy, rnpld, LRae Fifh w4^1 be accompanist..Others] 100% neenrnte Typewrltlna;, ' B M - J leader of^the ;i|iberaL Party,*' until ] "erits in the House of Commons, also senfeld, 109 Noitfe "&|D|O«**»UOI|£ Ines* Kncllsh. Btrottpeplpsf, -.-^rvnj-'; t in ehatgs - i r e fJ^fs. Max Hohttyttn,~| outstanding members of the Jewish rerontly VieliiMpfshed the fomcter. complete Secreriirial -Coutse. Blvd.; Mildred Saferstein, 5002 Ham1 propeirties'; Mrs. R. H. Roddy;: tfMtkePhone WE. 8527 Most: modern equipment. Kree emcommunity. The foremost ,of. these Lloyd George-f when the iilton St.; Rosell^ Sniead, '2916 North ployiueht services of fifty-nine DickI caH-ihift, attention <Bf all my cusup; • Mrs. Meyer' Beber, designing; is'1 Sir Philip Sas^on, recognized as sumed hifl', active charge of inson Schools, Iiooklet on request. !49th St.; Evelyn Spiegalf 1207 North tomers to "the^ct tjhat I have jiist re! Mrs. Joseph BortofT, Wardrobe. a fresb supply Of all Kinds at cs^jjfpp!. .one'qf the most enthusiastic champHi^career in .public '•• . Dickinson Secretarial School 24th St.; Albert 'Stein, "217 North? jceived i h books with ith English E n g s translation. aon. T r : A special children's matinee will be Mrs. Florence %,. TVblcott a ]j>ng prominent p g and p ^ * ""••''•' ion's of aviation progress in England. i Talcisim, Tlii ilk AJe*. the best kinds oi silk 49th S t ; Robert Stiefleri 5523 Marcy; , DIreclor 1107 Howard—JA. 0288 «hfi-'\vool, and Tephilim of nil siies. given Sunday afternoon,-June l»«vena t . various times held .thelTpost of "Chough still in his early forties Sas-Sylvia Tenenbaum, 3021 South ,32nd Also.^nll kinds of beautiful BarMitvali 36tb and HamcjHA, 6008 MOVING — STORAGE— ~nnd all sizes af Candlesticks, Postmaster General,Home_";gecretary soon (whose other Jewish names are Ave.; Miriam Tolle, 2740 North" ?"||ffi- "presents. .and Kiddislr cups ol prt¥<> silver, . [PIANO MOVING and" Undersecretary of,'.State »• for Albert Gustave David) has already St.; Sylvia Turkel, 2§i2 Myrtle A ^ § r • Eepien)l)er . my owp make of Kosher •Boap ami-Rokeaoh's-Kosher articles at Hojne Affairs." 1 Probably-ftis greatest occupied the post of Undersecretary Ernest Wintroub,' 3902 '• North ; 19th •svholB8ale and retnll. the direction of/Frank Mach,] • I also Tiare tvo beavitiful Tooms to hervice to: the "Empire wgs' rendered of State for Air in the Baldwin' St.; Sylvia Weisman, 3320 No 3Bth 'Sent.. furnlEhed or . unfurnished, \rlth i! Government. The Sassoon family as-.Chairman of the" Royal Comniis-! kitcben. St. ' For 50 Years siotJL on the "Coal _ Industry which, j is one of the oldest and most famous" Following are 'those who- will take' Conservative Synagogue Your Towel Man ipart: '•. i-.." . • • • >:'rj confronted in British Jewish life. <dupng ORGANIST—Temple Israel p 1925 arid Services for the Conservative SynFrances Bl'umkirf. T-ottie Rips, Israel .Omaha Towel Supply Co. witl; the task • of, disentangling the- Sir Walter de Frece, the iJondon agogue will start at the Jewish ComPipe Orga.n -Insti^iction Sternhill. Joe Harris. Lucille Batt, Marco theatrical magnate,, has also gone inOTPenbers. Her nice Silverman. Ghariottfe 209 So. lltii St. JA. 0528 con}plicated situatjon .in the British munity Center this evening at 8! .Summer Course Begins June 1st NflRg. Irving Bfrltp^ Lorraine Frejriten cclleries. To the. Jews', however, Sir for politics under the Conservative o'clock. Rabbi Abraham Bengis has j Lillian Bernstelnt '*Iorrl» Arbitman, MolSpecial Rates for This Course banner. Arthur Michael Samuel has lie Welner, Ruth.'.Coren, Norman Kips, selected "The Menorah" as' the subllelene Albert. —STUDIO— been one of the,most prominent poject of his sermon. i Keva rtstrovich, rjconnrd Kay, Frances LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS litical figure^ in England for a num516 Karbach Blk.—Tel AT. 2318 ' Bordj, Josephine. Loais, Norman Batt, During the services Saturday morn2401 Xo: J4-WE. (305o ' Adeline Speckter Esther Stein. Morris ber of years. He has been at var' nichlin, Martha Greenhoasc. Dorothy Frleing the Congregation will celebrate" i del. Roland Lewis, Hutu RoEenstein. . ious times Minister for Overseas the Bar Mitzvah of Albert Stein, son ] Florence Xklar. Milton Saylan. Dorothy j Trade and Undersecretary of State i Tatelman. Leonn Letwin. Norman. tin of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stein. *The Bols, Sylvia White, Cella Lipsman, KveAwningR, Canvas Cover*. Tents, for Foreign Affairs. He first won lyn Klumenjhnl. TAYLOR GRAIN CO., confirmant will conduct part of "the J4 PAXTON^MITCHELL CO. Camp Supplies, AH Kinds prominence as Lord Mayor of, NorHelen Ho'rnsteln, Ruth Cooper, CharMarllnv Sr«. HArney S333 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. services and will also deliver an a d 15 and Howard AT. 1403 lotte Sklar, Dorothy Blau. Sylvia I^etwin, iwich, to which office he was elected r'-••.- ' ..OMAHA, XEBUASKA Knoila Schechter, I^na White. Rose JtfilSUGAR —GRAIN dress. Rabbi Bengis will give "the j Soft •gljiJ", iron, brass, bronze and jin 1912. Since 1918 ,he -Has repre1 ler. Abraham Dansty. Ethel Kadis, David onstings. Stnndard sizes STOCKS and BONDS confirmation address. Everyone is I alumiuum Jilchards Alice Terlinan. Morris Arbitbronze and iron bushlnsrs, sewer man(sented the Farnham Division of Suri man, Dorothy Fried, Ruth Miller, ,Faunle —Private Wires—. holes, cistern rings nnd COVGJTB and invited to attend. Kilberg, Florence Tutelman, Edith Kothclenn-out doors in stoik. All Kinds of rey. Despite his political offices, ' JAckson 3403—AT. 2008 enb'erg. J. C. C. SUNDAY SCHOOL I wood and motiil pnttprnc. however, he seems to have had the The children of the Center Sunday time .tpf devote himself %o \vriting. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor school celefefated Lag..B'homer and The trtle ofjone of his volumes inGood Will Day last ^unday. with a SALES LETl'feRS i dicates' thatr. his bent for literature "NEW FOR OLD" MULT1GRAPHING very excellent program, ;-Mrs. WciaiB' is^off the^Jbe'aten ^track, for it is called 1619 Farnam St.—AT< S481 ' • MIMEOGRAPHtNG Danish of the Council of Jewish Women ^as "The Herring, Its Effect on the HistPRINTING Twenty-four guests attended the the guest speaker. , • , — , > ory of Britain". '.'.-,Pioneer Junior Hadassah benefit bridge given Commercial Duplicating Co. The banner for attendance was The third Samuel in the House of - 1511 UodKB St.—.1.1. 4804 by Misses Bess and Ella Cohen and Butter won by Miss Fair's class while the Commons is also a Conservative. RUNNERS AND SNAGS Mrs. Harley Davidson at the Preskindergarten tots won^ the charity' Samuel Samuel, M.P. since 1919, is REMOVED Thdmsen-Slater Butter Co. ident -Party House, May 14. Prizes award. ' " • - . - • • • * a leading banker in the British Isles were won by Mrs. L. J. Messer, Mrs.. Bolt Hose Mending Shop This Sunday will be the last day and is connected with the powerful Ben Finkelstein and Miss Helen One-il«y service or while you wait for payment of pledges to the JewShell Transport and Trading Com. Mail Orders l'roroptly Serviced— Garson. i ish Philanthropies drive. '••• pany and with the Anglo-Saxon Pe.K>3 Securities Ulds.—AT. 4420 Florence Blvd. Closing Sunday school exercises • troleum Company. He is one of the Mrs. Herman Krause of IndianaKE. 1500 will be held June 1, while the con! venerable figures of the House, havMrs. Herman Krause of Indianola, JOB ^FOUNDRY The House With A Kcpntation firmation class will hold its rites j ing already rea'ched 75. He has inNebr., is visiting relatives and 'AND MACHINE WORK June 8._^ terested himself in a number of comREINFORCING STEEL friends for a few days. The following ' children appeared munal enterprises and is now PresiElla Cohen was elected third vice-j on the assembly program: Francis dent of the Jewish Soup Kitchen of 'Manufactured in • AT ALL GROCERS Bordy, Benny Schneider and Irving president at the Junior Hadassah London. Omaha" Forbes. . • !• Convention held in Kansas City, Mo., Made by . One of the most striking figures Baker Ice Machine Co. • Rabbi Bengis made1 a short talk ' May 17 and 18. Sarah Hill was apIThird Avfi. and l l t k iSfeet in the House is Major Jack Benn Uncle.Sain Breakfast Food to the children, and the usual mass ! pointed, on the resolution committee. Phones: 89 and-51^ "l Brunei Cohen, Conservative, the only Company singing rounded out the morning. i and. Lena Shapiro on, the regional;, ." COUNCIL BLUFFg^Ow'A Member of Parliament who can adTimes a day vje a^je ii> Omaha Nebraska 1 yojir 'board.. . ., . • .. fdress his colleagues sitting down. -'" " ' neighborhood.. ABRAHAMS * O'COJfXOn • CHARLES SIMON r 400 BrandcU Theatre Bids. This is due to the fact that both'His ? "MAX t'UOMKIN. Attorney.• , ltec-DUimeiids KOT1CE OF TKOBATE OF MI LI, legs were amputated as a result of •:. • :C2i{ -rctcru Trust DIdi;.' 'In the County Court o£ Pouglus County, — - ClTY-;>VIUE'UELlVEKir '• The Sanitary Laundry NOTICE Ol?-.ApM-lXlSTUATipS war wounds. He served in the army ••The-Best of AH-Laundry Service" ' , In the County Court, of Douglas County.' , _; »t<t»j I'^ySiaeiit-.Tr/jB. In the mutter of the estate of George !S: • ; 4750—MA. 4750 c H. for three years, and was mentioned Johnson, deceased. ~ Nebraska. - T -VJ AH persons interested in said estnte are in dispatches on several occasions. hereby notified that n petition lias beeBJ The son of Alderman Cohen of Liver0 A. A. ,M; for thfe tiled in Enid Court, praying for the pro All perBona iuter^sled i» sni«l estiile a * bate of a certain instrument now on file in ereby notitted that u petiriou ius M been Leisure Hours program"pool and the son-in-law of Sir Stusuid Court, purporting to the last will '"'"1 «" »ui<l CoHrttnlleRlnR that said du• ml testimient ot said deceased, and that died ivUVlllRHO last will and priljart Samuel, Major Cohen has served w a s e d « hearing will lie had on said petition he' COMPLETE "STORE AND I iup for lidminlstration "I1"11 l l i s estllt . ( V in Parliament since 1918. He is Honi fore sttid Court on" the Tth dny of June. i aiiu that u hearing will be had on Hjiw MID WEST '" OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1930. nnd that if they fail to appear at. "• 4>etitlotT before said i-uurt on the .ilst daT j brary Treasurer of the British Court-• on the said Tth day of June. •„ -We Occtiiiy > ENGRAVING CO, INC. >aid IU30. nt (• o'clock .A. M. to contest the Legion. ' " .-•••» Over '0,(1011 S(i!iiire Frtt probate of said will. I ho Court may allow /72\ ARTISTS (ZA^ Southwest Corner . jind probate isiiid will and grant ndminI Another Conservative "member is j 'wf.B ' •VjJ/ ENGRAVEHS \ j ^ 7)t'titiOII. i in; u r n " -, " - • • - ,1,1 istnition of naid estnte to Zanin Johnson Eleyenth arid Poutcias Streets same m i d grant ii<lniinIstraHoii of .sam , Isidore Salmon, who has, been in the 2^67 •Jnll 'Milton 11. Abrahams or some other: PrtbnMTLANTIC 0 6 ^ CKtjile lo.Ma.v Froiukiii-'"1 .«ome rotlu-r suit( suitable pi-rnon nnd proceed to n seule House for^ a long "time. He is known j ment thereof. alile personand n?oceea to H settlement thereof. .. 313 SO. 14 TM.ST, OMAHA, widely for his communal work. In BltlCE CUAWFOnn. SATIN ICE CREAM CO. i BISVCK CUAWFOllD. A ^ 10 Z* County Judge. addition to his duties as Treasurer J Alnj 9—ut • • CoutitV J u - J ^ -
Religious Services
Open Sundays
Chicken Dinners
| FOR I "
A Beautiful
i; Portable f Typewriter 1 5 .Central Typewriier | i Exchange, Inc; i
.in 30 Days.
For Your Convenience
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
i Specialists
SPRAGUE FURNACES Kateban Foundry & Mfg.-
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Brail Rakes
ewish \
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;".\hi Agony, but in p Need, but in Confidence—in Helplessness; but in Brotiierhpod-*Jewish hands stretch forth, waiting for your help. The NEEDS of our local Jewish Community---the REQUIREMENTS of worthy national Jewish institutions##*
die Necessity of our brothers in ^irope and Palestine-*-all are vprovided for in this one superb and dauntless drive* Remember that you are giving to 20 worthy organizations each representing a worthy^ cause*
Omaha Expects Every Jew toDo His Duty No One Need Do More. No One Should Do Less A Message from iFdix Tl^arbtti^ " f to Omaha Jewry .., PATRONS ARE REQUESTED TO FAVOR THE COMPANY BY CRITICISM AND SUGGESTKW CONCERNINGITS SERVICE
TILm P«T Letter This is * full-rate. Telegram o r Cable* gram unless its deterred character is indicated by «• suitable * sign above or preceding the'address. S i
NIweaMB CMLTON. Mlirann
ML • N t f u Letter LCO-Cefien»!C«Ue NLT - Cbk: Hldit Letter "WLT - 'Week-Bad Letter
4. c. wnuvR. i
TtaCfaactiiaaaaahow inttai date Una o»ftilUBtatalaitraa»aaadarhitt>ra. ana thai
Received at 204 South 19th St., Omfcha, Neb.
. .•-•;.'•
of OMAHA /or 1930
\ ,'
" "". -
• " ' , ' » . " ' -
JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday^- Qxnaha, Nebraska, by
A PREYFUS REVIVAL What appears to be a revival of the famous Dreyfus affair is causing a rift in Parisian circles, with the pro and con concerning the production of a play revolving about that unfortunate blot on France's history being avidly discussed. Torres, the brilliant attorney who successfully defended Chaim Schwartzbard, has translated a German play based upon the trial, conviction and subsequent rehabilitation of the Jewish artillery captain and desires to produce it in France with hopes of later importing it into this country. Captain Dreyfus, the noble victim of one of tlfe greatest miscarriages of justice ever recorded, has arduously opposed the presentation, but without avail, for the producers ai-gue that the Dreyfus affair no longer is the exclusive property of Dreyfus but belongs to all the world. This has awakened the sleeping lions of the antiSemitic league .who are up in arms as bitterly as they were thirty years ago, witht their leaders, as Saudet and Maurras, hoping to have found a new peg upon which to hang an anti-Jewish movement. Fortunately^ the venom of these anti-semitic howlers has not as yet Inflamed the hatred of the French public, which has remained indifferent to their unjustin^ cahpny. But there is no sufficient reason for these producers to flaunt the wishes of Captain Dreyfus and his family, to pay no heed to their desires. Captain Dreyfus seeks obscurity and his wish should be respected. It is indeed shameful that these pleas of an aged man who does not want to stir up buried memories of acerbity cannot be honored, and that financial gain should be the weapon of reviving an old injury, a Baited wound.
able person that he was the day when as a youth, he gazed for the first time with wonder in his eyes at the sky-line of New York and walked about the side-walks of New York, dreaming the dreams which are now coming true. .
Scanning **»tri't'*«*
directly responsible for shifting a United States proposed $500,000 home for aged' IN A LINE OR TWO Jews from that municipality to Es-j Germany Honors Rosenwald Harry Hershfield is collaborating sex county in this state. Vice ChanChicago. — Julius Rosenwald, cellor Backes several days ago signed i with Joseph Rumshinsky, composer, By DAVID SCHWARTZ chairman of the board of directors an order directing the executors of on an operetto. of Sears Roebuck & Co., and world- the estate of the late Charles BierThyra Samter Winslow, authoress, famous philanthropist, was presented man, wealthy Newark operator, to IP, IT'S ALL THE SAME and offspring of a noted rabbinical SIOUX CITY OFFICE with a valuable vase today as the abondon the Belray project which Dudley Sicher, president of the family, bought a bicycle last week JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street gift of the German people in recog- was specified in his will. Federation for the Support of Jewish for exercise and fifteen minutes later nition of the aid he extended to GerSubscription Price, one year - - - - . - - . - . - - -,$2,50 Philanthropies, tells a pleasant nifty. was in the hospital as the result man war widows and orphans and Jewish Fraternity Wins Advertising rates furnished on application It seems that the mother of little of an accident. for many endowments to German Mortimer was expecting what Mr. •George Gershwin, classical jazzer, Baltimore: (J. T. A.)—Phi Alpha, CHANGS OF ADDRESSr-Please give both the old cultural projects. Winchell would call a "blessed firmly believes that if a school a national Jewish college fraternity .and new address; be sure to give your name. teacher had not once mocked at one compraising twenty chapters, achiev- event." Against Intermarriage of his drawings, he would have been One day, the mother turned to her ,17 New York. — "It is nay wish tb/t ed the highest scholarship standing a successful painter Jtoday. little son, and thinking of the antinone of my children or grandchildren during 1928-29 in the Inter-FraterGerald Warburg, son of the noted cipated event, whispered to her litnity Conference, which embraces 66 HEBRAIC CALENDAR shall ever marry out of the Taitb, tle son, that he might soon have a banker, does not like business. He fraternities, according to notification ; and I enjoin upon them always to be 5690-1930 is a cellist by profession. little sister. and remain good Jews", was the received by Phi-Alpha national head- "Mother,': said Morty, "if it doesn't David Bloom, student at the CoRosh Chodesh Sivaa .Wednesday, May 28 quarters here, from Alvin E. Duerr, specification made, in the will of the cause you much more pain, I'd rather lumbia School of Journalism, supSecretary of the Inter-Fraternity 1st Day Shabuoth «.„_ Monday, June 2 late Mrs. Iina Gutherz Straus. ports himself by working as a meshave a little pony instead." Conference. ^Rosh Chodesh Tammuz._ Friday, June 27 senger boy for the Western Union. Pulitzer Winner The Conference embraces the lead- SACRAMENTAL GIN , Fast of Tammuz _ .Sunday, July 13 New York. — Sidney Rshman, a ing non-Jewish as well as Jewish HE COULD WIELD BATON • Rosh Chodesh Ab Saturday, July 26 young art student was the only Jew fraternities throughout the country. From Thelma Lillian * Davis, in- Dr. Schmarya Levin tells one that : triguing scribe, comes this joke. A Fast of Ab—1: - Sunday, August 3 to be awarded a Pulitser Prize this dusky gentleman from Dixie en- is not bad. An American millionaire year. He ceived the annual $1,800 Names School for Jewish Rosh Chodesh Allul Monday, August 25 tered a Jewish sacramental wine had a friend, who was not overly scholarship awarded to the art stud- Family Rosh Hashanah Tuesday,-. September 23 endowed with brains. One. day, this shop. ent in America who shall bs certified Memphis, Tenn. — A new junior "What kind of wine would you friend learned that the millionaire " Yom Kippur ^.Thursday, October 2 as the most promising and deserving high school in Mephis has been had a private orchestra. 1st Day Succoth _.— Tuesday, October 7 by the National Academy of Design. named the "Peres School" after mem- like?" asked the proprietor. "I would like very much to play Shemini Atzereth - -Tuesday, October 14 Fishman / who lives with his par- bers of the Jewish family of P.eres "Well, if it's all the same to you," in that orchestra," said the dumb Simchath Torah .Wednesday, October 15 ents in the Bronx, has exhibited his that has been intimately connected j he replied, "I'll take some gin." friend. , canvasses at the . National Academy for generations with the school syst- ABOUT OUR JUDGES Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan—Thursday, Oct. 23 "But I never knew you could play of Design and at the Louis Comfort em of this city. Three members of Rosh Chodesh Kislev~ iFriday, Nov. 21 We want to say something here an instrument," retorted the milTiffany Foundation. He expects to the family, Iacob, the father, and Is- about one of the judges of the na- lionaire. 1st Day Chanukah... .Monday, December 15 continue his studies in art schools in rael and Hardwig, the sons, have tional joke contest. The trio who "I can't play -any instrument," re-. Rosh Chodesh Tebeth^Sunday, December 21 Paris and other European cities. been presidents of tha Memphis will decide the award, as we have plied the friend, "but I noticed one Fast of Tebeth..-Sunday, December 28 school'board. The latter is the only announced before, consists of Dr. fellow in the orchestra, who does Laemmle Biography • * Also observed the day previous as Rpsh Chodesh. Joshua Bloch, chief of the Jewish nothing but raise a stick up and New York. - Carl Laemmle, pros- o n e *m iiyinBDivision of the New York Public down and forwards and sidewards— ... ident of the Universal Pictures Cor- . Library, Jacob De Haas, author and I could do that." THE JEWISH PHILANporation will be the subject of a biog- r \JtfieV lecturer, and Jacob Leichtman, New MR. DE HAAS WRITES raphy to be written by John Drink$ i THROPIES York banker and philanthropist. But water. The author has besn invited j Honor Morgenthau AIMEE IN PALESTINE . The campaign for the Jewish Philanthropies, we want to say a word just now This department is in receipt of by the-moving picture magnate to] the following letter from Jacob De Morgenthau, last—well, because Henry Representing twenty most worthy local, national, son Reports have it that Aimee Semple McPher- spend the summer at his Beverly-* Haas: A m e r i c a n a m b a s s a d o r to Turit, and secondly, and international causes, is now on in full blast » the Los Angeles evangelist who made the will compile] "I see in the last issue of your with the liberal-hearted Jewry of this community Arizona ;desert famous, and who has recently the data gathered by Mr. Laemmlej ove ^ h elmed with column that you refer to a discussion and honabout Hamilton being a Jew. I have responding most nobly as they-always have here- bsen sojourning, in the Holy Land, has actually from various sources concerning "thej ors. While accompanying Premier place only a few days ago. been very interested in that problem tofore. Fortunately, we Jews in Omaha have; converted two Moslems to Christianity. In ad- facts of his career. He has sent an, V e n i z e l e s through v Macedonia and; BUILDS BIGGEST BANK investigator to Laupheim, Germany, he has besn made an hon- Some fifteen years ago, a young for the last two years. sufficient broad vision to realize the wide diver- dition to that she delivered a speech at a foot- his birthplace, to obtain whatever in- Thrace (Continued on Page 6.) orary citizen of Salonica and of five immigrant came unnoticed into the gences in the opportunities of God's creatures washing ceremony on the banks of the Jordan formation is available^ and has also other towns while his name has been United States as millions of others and enough community pride to humanize the river. One can see that she has employed her sent others to Chicago, New York, given to a street in Salonica, Thej had come before. He went through time well. More interesting, however, is her ef- Los Angeles, an$ Oshkosh, where he Greeks are paying him homage in. the usual processes, living on the evils of misfortune into the virtue of charity. Where is the Jew with red blood in his veins fusive comment on Zionism. "Thrilling" and has spent.sometfine*at various inter- gratitude for his services to the pro- East Side, participating in the soduring his colorful career. ! Hellenic cause, particularly for his cial life of the Jewish settlements, One of the fastest growing inwho can shut his heart, to that irresistible appeal "wonderful" are two adjectives she used to exdustries in the country to-day. debating this and that, going to lecjaid to the Greek war refugees. j Stone Age Relics of his brethren? Who can refuse to lend a char- press her feelings. "There is every good reason tures and the like. why the careful investor should itable hand when the future welfare and happi-1 "The Bible said that the Jews would be scat- New Haven. — Stone age r e l i c s i Dedicate Forest He joined a banking firm. Someprofit handsomely in this inbeen uncovereUJn large quanti- J e r u s a l e m . _ T h e f o r e s t s ^ h o n o r ness of hundreds^men, women and children— j tered throughout the wcrld as corn through a have thing like ten years ago, he left that dustry, but he who buys without ties in a c a ^ nearHa.fa Dr George o f ^ ^ . ^ ^ Q£ g e r b i a a n d depend upon him? Nothing can compare with fine sieve and they have, been. But the Bible MacCurdy, director of the. American investigation is very foolish." position, a young man in his twenPresident Masaryk of Czecho-Slovaties,* and organized an industrial '—Robert Babson. Zedakah—service to others, the Satisfaction of also said that he who is scattered shall be gath- School of Prehistoric Research here, kik dedicated.^ Among the iiubank. 1XVESTIGATB AND BUT V those who cannot help, s themselves. ered up again and undoubtedly that is just .what has learned.. frpm Theodore D. Me- merous guests and speakers were the Last week, as you may have noted MISSOURI-KANSAS PIPE Everyone—whether old or young, rich or poor, is happening here now. They are coming and Cown, the institution's represcntati spn of Sir John Chancellor, High by the papers, ex-Governor Smith, in the joint excavation work-it LINE COMMON STOCK nothing can stop them." male or female—can share in the blessed joy of j Commissioner, M. M. Ushishkin, head Felix M. Warburg and numerous condu Listed X. T. Cntb and Chicago ducting with .the British School I ™ If Zionism can survive this it is indeed descontributing to charity, for small sums quickly other notables came to witness the Stock Exchange of land the 1 opening of the new offices of this tined to great things.—Scribe. No Brokerage Charge. add up to large totals. Accordingg to.tb;e report, five thousjj the Yugo-Slavian and Czecho-Slova- bank, which is today the second \ When the interests of these twenty charitable and tools, datihjpfrom the Aurigna- kian consuls, Col. Frederick Kisch, largest of its kind in the country— groups were pooled, merging into one concen-j Growing pains are always uncomfortable don 'epoch of the Stone age, were Dr. Alklay, head of the Belgrade jmd with branches all over the city trated drive the many isolated campaigns of 1 whether they be of the body, emotions, mind, found in the caye during the-first Zionists who came here for the cere- of New York. Investment Broker • monies and representatives of the - Within ten years from nothing to yore, a new day dawned in. Jewish history. For'soul or consciousness. However, the enlarged ten days of April. 601 Farnam Bldg. — JA. 1956 workers' organizations. this signal position. The man who \ once we presented a united front for the greater state of life gaiped thereby is an ever recurring Planetarium Donated Scad for complete Information. Chicago. — The first planetarium Many messages of greeting were did all this is Jacob Leichtman, one good of all; at la«t we realized the inter-relation- source of life, joy, delight and eatisfaction. received from Czecho-Slovakia -and! of the aforementioned judges. NotName ............ _......... in America, rivalling in size and 1 ship of all Jewish problems. Now all Jewish equipment, the «w»t famous plane-: Jugo-Slavia, the Jews of which coun-j able success has an unfortunate Ad d re s a ... _.„ ...«_.. causes are united into one common name where Without the elements of self-sacrifice, added taria in Europe, has been presented tries; furnished the funds for the Itendency of ruining many people,. Orthodox, Conservative or Reform could join righteousness, unselfishness and genuine devo- to the city of Chicago by Max Ad-_ forests in honor of fee two states-j but Leichtman today is the same energies in aiding the realization of our ideals. tion—religious services are largely like writing Icr, former vice-president of Siars. men who have long been friends of attractive, sympathetic and approach- i Roebuck & Company, and brother- Zionism. The King Peter Forest This campaign is our golden opportunity to with a pen devoid of ink. ppntains 13,050 trees and the Masain-law of Julius Rosenwald. translate our cherished dreams into concrete ryk .Forest contains 10,000 trees. The Adler Planetarium was built action and forge a new chain which will unite Where religions differ one can wait personal at a cost of one million dollars and Psychical Disease verification. Where they all agree, to one pos- contains, in addition to a model of Not Israel as one. Warsaw.-—Anti-Semitis.ni is not a The $42,000 which is being raised in Omaha sessing a bit of common sense, 'there is no justifi- the cosmic system, and all modern psychical disease, the Court of Apdevices employed in the study of peal here decided in sentencing Jos. is going to enable many an individual to again j cation for delay in application, planetary phenomena, a history of Szymanski to three years in prison take up the broken threads of his life and start! astronomy through an exhibit of tel- for stabbing Wladyslaw Witkowski 'The world rests upon three things: upon truth, anew. It will r.llcviate the inexorable wees of cssopes and equipment dating tack to because the latter, a non-Jew, our fellow Jews of Eastern Europe, eliminating upon justice and upon peace. All thes_e three are 1635; •*f > defended Abraham Mincberg, a Jew, starvation, disease, economic ruin. It will help really one, for when justice is done the truth befrom Szyrcanski's. attack. Szymanski Little Theatre Winners carry on the economic and cultural rehabilitation! comes an actuality, peace a l-eality."—Talmud, New York. — The Samuel French declared himself an anti-Semite and of Palestine; will make the wheels of industry awards of two hundred dollars each, the psychic experts-* called in to his whir new, melodious songs to families Who will To use your imagination in relation to other peo- for the two best* one-act plays pro- defense, pleaded- tjiat anti-Semitism be able to once more smile and look into the ple's troubles, worries and difficulties, imagining duced' during' the National Little is* an illness. " future hopefully. At home every dollar is a the attitude necessary to overcome those condi- Theatre Tournament which closed To Investigate Land Situation powerful messenger of good, Every dollar col- tions, will materially assist you in your own diffi- Saturday night, May 10th, at the London. — £>ir John Simpson, a off to a zestful, sunshiny Waldorf Theatre, were won by Miss former official of the Indian Civil lected will do its share in alleviating tragedy, culties. Maxine Funsterwald, whose play Service, who has been appointed to start every morning in genuine poverty, illness; desertions, delinquencies, un"Seven against One", was presented a special temporary Palestine misemployment; will supply needed provisions for Your happiness is increased as your ideas are by the Association Players of the 92. sion by the British government, will Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes. Walk the minds and souls as well as the bodies of the improved. Add the element of vision to your Street Y.M.H.A.,' and Miss Maxine leave early next week for Palestine a mile iu them—or ten; your feet destitute. Every dollar will help in providing every duty and you add interest as well as enjoy- Block, whose tragedy, "Eyes", was where he will confer with Sir John presented by the Morse Players of Chancellor, High Commissioner of will feel fine at the end of the jaunt food, clothing, shelter—the necessities of life— ment in fulfilling it. St. Louis, under the auspices of the Palestine and report back to the to the aged, the weak, and the sick; in providing . • • It's all in the cushion—an inSt. Louis Art League. government on matters of immigraeducation for our young in order to perpetuate Only as you become a good manager of your tion, development and land settlevisible, permanently springy feathe traditions of our fathers. own self, do you become increasingly successful Rabbis Join Plea ment, the three most important New York. — • A message urging These forty-two thousand dollars are for Zeda- in managing others. ture, exclusive to Dr. Reed Shoes. him to "avoid the tragedy of a con- issues raised in the Inquiry Comkah in its truest sense, to soften life in all its mission's report. flict' in India and to seek a friendly Sold Only in Omaha at The Nebraska complexities and all its bitterness. To each of In the Art of Life, the dominance of duty for a settlement with Gandhi and other Fetes Adolph Ochs us a dollar means little, but each one of us heightened satisfaction in all activities and an leaders, was sent Prime Minister The American AmbasBerlin. forms an important link in a gigantic campaign. increased pleasure in every contact. MacDonald by 102 American clergy- sador and Mrs. Sackett gave a dinmen. Our share, though, comparatively small, is an ner here in honor of Mr. Adolph CO^-RECT APPABEL FOH ilKN AND .WOMEN integral part of the whole. We have begun well The greatest contribution in what you say, is Among those signing the petition Ochs, publisher of the "New York were Rabbi Samuel J. **Abrams, Times" which was attended by a by conclusively demonstrating that our hearts, the spiritual element in which you say it. Brookline, Mass.; Rabbi William Fi- number of leading personages of our consciousness, and our feelings are still nesshriber, Philadelphia; Rabbi Mit- Germany and foreign countries. sufficiently Jewish, when put to the test, to care To get what you want, do what you know, and chell, Salem Fisher New York; Rab- To the occasion of his visit here for bur own from the ''cradle to the grave". We you grow in both knowing and doing until you bi Israel Goldstein, New York; Rab- in Germany, the entire German press bi Sidney E. Goldstein, New York; hails Mr. Ochs as the founder and must continue along the same path. We cannot achieve it. Dr. Jacob Kohn, New York and Rab- publisher of one of the greatest go backwards, we cannot swerve—we must go bi Louis Wolsey, Philadelphia. newspapers in the world today. They forward! There is no alternative! Holding an attitude of brotherhood towards' call attention to the fact that Mr. Prejudice Chai es I catl on others, helps them to express their best elements' Newark, N. J.' S — T? ] ] racial Ochs comes from a German family Alleged The rock that impedes the progress of civiliza- in life. prejudice of residents of Delray and that his uncle was the founder tion is thefact that most of us know too much of . : Beach, Florida and damage wrought of the great German publishing what j s not sol ' Skepticism is slow suicide. b.v the hurricane of 1926 are house "Ullstein." Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER Business and Managing Editor FRANK B, ACKERMAN - - - - - - - Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent
From Contzmporary Pens
The loricft Shoes on larth
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930 spoons sugar, Vz tablespoon cinL. Abrahamson and Mrs. S. Stoleron He's an Omaha boy, but namon. Sift flour measure, add bak9 of St. Paul, Minn., motored here is not in the city at the present time Kitchen Chats ing powder and salt. Sift again and Tuesday and vrill be the guests of and she isn't an Omaha miss. Try i ••' . B y add sugar to eggs and then the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman during your luck at guessing!! Mrs. David M L Newman melted hjtttsr, ...Add.the flour .altertheir stay here. Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Chicago Dear Gay: nately with milk, email amounts at spoke here Monday night and everySuch splashy weather as -we've a time. Put in a greased pan. Dr. M. I. Gordon spent Tuesday been having, my dear. So unusual one received the thrill of a life time. Graham Bread and Wednesday in Lincoln, Nebr., for May, as our friends on the West He's a most marvelous speaker, as ,134 cup sifted flour, 3 teaspoons Spread melted butter on top and •where he attended the State Dental Coast would say. Saw the duckiest well as a brilliant man and one I baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, 1% sprinkle with additional sugar and cinnamon. Bake .in a hot oven 46 Association meeting. raincoat t'other day, just made for know you'd enjoy meeting. He spoke cup graham flour, 3 tablespoons but- minutes. for the Jewish Philanthropies Mass these sort of days. Resembled "blue ter, hk cup sugar, 1 egg beaten, 1% Mr. Max Glazer, student at the couvert cloth and was made in trench meeting. cup milk. Sift flour once, measure, University of Nebraska, spent the coat style. Quite the last word, it Have my heart set on a knitted add baking powder, salt. Sift toweekend in Omaha visiting -with, rela- was. And with a blue beret, and suit. All the shops are showing gether three times; add graham flour, tives. blue umbrella, Jupiter Pluvius could them in pastel shades and they are cream, butter; add sugar, add egg, WEDDINGS their spring dance, May 21, at the • • » hold sway for inany a day. (Note quite the thing for summer sports milk and flour. Stir until smooth. ( Mr. Jake Kavich of Fremont, Neb., Knights of Columbus ballroom. wear. Saw a darling the other day. Bake in a well-greased pan in a The south-west regional convention the poetic touch.) announces the marriage of his daughFOR YOUR Green-tuck-in skirt, green sweater, moderate oven one hour and 10 minof the Junior Hadassah was held in » * • ter, Dorothy to Mr. Joe M. Eothkup, Kansas City on Saturday and. Sun- Too bad your plans keep you from and tailored jacket. Doesn't it make utes. Makes one loaf. Miss Helen Castleman will enterson of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Eothkup tain at a bunco party, Sunday after-! day, May 17 and 18. Omaha dele- coming to Omaha during tKe nqxt you want one? of this city, Sunday, May 18. The noon, May 25, in honor of Miss Helen I gates to the meeting -vrere Miss month. With at least six weddings Quick Coffee Cake The "University of Nebraska Play:iparriage was solemnized at Rabbi Pitlor and Mrs. Dorothy Caiken, who'Grace Rosenstein, president of the set for June, much excitement is ex- ers presented "Hamlet" last week 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking Frederick Cohn's home vrith the im- are leaving for Chicago lor an in-].Omaha chapter, and Misses Claire pected. Been many a long year since and who do you think took the part powder, % teaspoon salt, 6 tablemediate family in attendance. had so many trips to the altar of the comical PoloniousT No one spoons sugar, 2 eggs -well beaten. 5 definite visit. Xatzman, Tobye Steinberg, Ida Platt, Mrs. Eothkup attended the "UniverSylvia Bernstein, Anne Greenberg all in one month. but our capable young friend Zolley tablespoons butter, 1/3 cup milk, 1% 16th and Howard ;sity of Minnesota "were she was a Miss Eve Schwartz entertained the and Ida Fine. Speaking of marriages, I might be Lernsr. Well—you know Zolley and tablespoons melted butter, 3 tablemember of the Scroll and Key So- Fritchie Girls ^Bridge Club at her Others who attended the conven- able to tell you about one in my his talent so no use to rhapsodize. spoons fine cracker crumbs, 3 tableciety. Mr. Eothkup attended the home, Tuesday, May 20. Prizes were' tion from Omaha included Misses Even if he does hail from Karfsas University of Nebraska. -won by Miss Sally Cohen and Miss Helen Adler, Sylvia Adler, Ida BiCity, everyone in Omaha claims him. Immediately after the ceremony, Lillian Nachschoen. Love, Jean. | shoff, Sarah Brookstein, Bertha Co- fershments will be served. t&e young people left on an extended lick, Eose Colick, Anne Cutler, Rose motor trip to the Pacific coast. Dolgoff, Edith Dolgoff, Kose Fine, A musical concert and one act play PERSONALS Mrs. A. Wright and daughter, Yet- Anne Freeman, Mary Claire Frank- presented by the Jewish Dramatic Final Meeting of ' Sixteenth at Farnam Mr.- and Mrs. E. Friedman an- ta of Los Angeles, Calif., are the lin, .Bess Goldware, Ida Handelman, dub, will be given Sunday, May 25, ] at 8 p.m. at the Labor Lyceum. The nouhce the marriage of their daugh- guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, I Minnie Haspel, Pauline Hurwitz, Sr. Council Monday ter, Esther Ann to Mr. Leo Eosen: Margaret Hurwitz, Anne Hahn, Molly affair is sponsored by the Ladies crans. The marriage took place Miss Hazel Kooper of Denver is the j Jacobson, Bess Kirschenbaum, Eva Labor Lyceum Club. Admission is The last meeting of the Senior Council till fall will be held Monday 25c "May. 5 at the home of Rabbi Fredguest of her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Xatzman, Betty Kotler, Fannie Katevening, 8:15, at the Center. erick^ Conn. leman, Rose Kurz, Eva Lipsman, Jacob Kooper. The Council sponsored one of the Rose Lazarus, Lena.Mittleman, Ruth The Fritchie Girls May dance is most successful club dances ever ENTERTAINMENTS Mrs. Aaron Richards of San Jose, Margolin, Lillie Markowitz, Dora being held at the Lighthouse, May he ld at the Center last week at Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg enter- Calif., -will arrive Saturday to ba theMarkojritz, Sarah Anne Noddle, Reva 25. .Tickets for this dance may be > ~hich t 5 m e i o v i n p . s fflns ~ e r e a^ard. tained nine couples at a surprise guest of her parents1 Mr. and Mrs.' Noddle, Fannie Ostrovich, Dorothy bought from the, .members of the which time lovings cups were award dancing party in honor of their Reuben Kulakofsky- She -will be a c-i Single, Grace Rosenstein, Sophie Ro- club or at the Lighthouse, Sunday ed to the Fa Hon and Psi Mu dubs for winning first, places in the deT 1 daughter,Zerlene, Saturday, at the companied by Mr. Joe Kay, son oflsenstein, "~ «-—- *»-"f Jeanette Resnick, Belle evening. bating tournament and Council rally' Athletic Club. The dance hall was Mrs. Michael Kulakofsky. | Richards, Sophie Roginsky, Bess Medals were awarded to Sam Ep"beautifully decorated with roses and Spar, Dorothy Saltzman, Bertha Tel-Chi-Buds, a Junior Young stein, Sam Finkle and Arthur Grossgarden flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mrs. Louis Ziev just returned from Slutsky, Anne Saks, Goldie Siedman, Poale Zion organization, will hold man, the winners of the Council Somberg were chaperones. Chicago where she visited with herlKose Saks, Mamie Temin, Sadie its next meeting at the home of Han- handball tournament. two daughters, Reva and Ruth. While! Tatleman, Edda Tatleman, Tibbie nah Baum, Sunday, May 25, at 2:30. Many parties are being planned in Chicago, Mrs. Ziev was an honor Wolf son and Esther - Zusman. All children between the ages of 12 Executive ability is something else for the Highland Country Club For r guest at the home of Rabbi Taxon and 15 are invited to attend. college can't impart. mal opening, May 24. J. M. Spen- on the occasion of the confirmation Mr. N. H. Kogan of Dallas, Texas, ry's Night Club orchestra has been of his son, Jordon. The reception! who has been the guest of his sister engaged for the season. Reserva- was a very elaborate affair. j and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. "Just 'ground the Corner from EverytJiing" tions up to Thursday include: Mar* • • M. Gilman, returned to his home, I vin Trailer, 6; Abe -Herzberg* 4; Ed. Mrs. Ben Prusiner, who has been' Sunday. He was accompanied by his' Treller, 2; Mortan Degan, 2; M. the guest of Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gor-j o r j niece,, Miss Lee Gilman, who win Frankel, 2; Fred White, 2; Dave Ro- don, returned to her home in Des make an extended stay in Dallas and J senstock, 6; Dave Feder, 7; Sig My- Moines, last Thursday. San Antonio. ers, "2;" Harry" Trustin, 2; Charles SEhimmel, 2; B. L. Wolf, 4; Morton Mr. and Mrs. Philip KTasne of Los! CLUB NEWS Hiller, 2; M. E. Handler, 2; Ben Angeles, returned to their home Sun-:] The local Icor will hold a special Danbaum, 3; Herbert Arnstein, 2;- day following a two weeks visit with. meeting, Sunday, May 25 at -8 p.m., Dr. Abe Greenberg, 6; H. Malashock, Mrs. Krasne's parents, Mr. and Mrs..1 at the home of Mr. S. Weinzveig. AD 2; Irvin Stalmaster, 2; Robert H. Harry Ferer. mebers are requested to be present . Sfcless, 2; Sam J. Leon, 4; "Ed Kraus, there will be an election of officers 2\ C. <C. Katleman, 6. Mr. Abraham Sherman and daugh- and a detailed report of all activities ters, Mrs. A. B. Chsrniss and Mrs. for the past year will be given. Re-j • * • \On Wednesday Mrs. J. Tatelmair •was hostess to her bridge club. T'Qmahas Style Center f *•--_•*--. ; • • ; - . , . s £Hiss Ida Eabior was .the recipient of a surprise party given in her honor, Sunday, May 18. Miss Babior left for Los Angeles, California, todity -where she will spend the next The Sports Section, the Misses' Section arid the Uiree months. «* • • Women's Regular Half-Size Sections Feature Friday Orpheum Opposite •..Miss Fanny Hart honored her father,' Mr. J. H. C. Hart, at an open house birthday party, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cooper of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hart and children of Norfolk, Nebr., were out-of-town guests.
]ean s Journal \
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Jewelry Needs
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Summer Frock Event!
Mrs. Louis Shafton entertained at a bridge party Wednesday evening in honor of Misses Bess Haykin and Eose Shapiro, June brides. • • • Phi Delta Epsilon, National Medical Fraternity of Creigiiton, held
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Flowered Prints! Chiffons! Georgettes! Dotted Chiffons! Shantungs! Tub Crepes ! Suffinteris.here . . . head over heels, ' and we scarcely know where to begin and where to end in telling you about these hundreds of frocks that have captured ALL the summery loveliness of the mode! Light cool dres-. - ses, and darker fashions for travel • " wear . . . the first values of the sea- —. - - son at $18. •; Misses Sizes H to 20 Women's Sizes 36 to 44 'SIXTH FLOOR
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Sigma Delta Tau RABBI SAYS DRIVE CoimciVs Fined Meeting GENERATING UNITY Mother Club Formed PASS HALF-WAY MARK IN DRIVE Will Be Held Monday
! new president of the Conference is designated to succeed Dr. Boris D. I Bogen who died whhe in office last ! year.
At the Sigma Delta Tau Mother's tea held in Lincoln May 11 a MothIn Palestine they say: "Who it ers' club was organized and the fol(Continued frcrm Page 1.) (Continued froir Page 1.) first silent in a quarrel springs from lowing 'officers were elected: Mrs. The final luncheon and meeting of Omaha. He has also played over a good family." The Rabbi is a firm believer in D. Sherman, Omaha, president; Mrs. the year of the Council of Jewish radio several times. Miss Sara Rae Jewish education for children. He S. Pizer, Omaha, first vice-president; ed until almost midnight," eaid AbNew Chairman, Dr. M. Mar-Women will be held Monday, May Fish will accompany him. ner Kaiman, one of the majors. "This golin, Increases Group'B A skit written by Mrs. Isidore has gathered that in general the Mrs. A. Diamond, Lincoln, second | n o t o n i y manifests an interest on 26, at the Blackstone hotel at 10 Efficiency Ziegler and Mrs. Louis Sommer, en- Talmud Torahs have lost in regular ice-president; Mrs. L. J. Richards, t h e p a r t o f t h e w o r k e r > t . a t o n t h e o'clock. attendance but that the Congrega- Council Bluffs, secretary and treas- p a r t o f t n e gj v e r i » The affair will be in th form of titled "Coming Events Cast Their tional school has become more popuThe regular monthly meeting of Shadows Before", will be given after urer. Samuel Gerson, executive secretary the re-organized Jewish National a farewell to the outgoing officers, the musical program. This part of lar. The first meeting was held o n of the campaign, is the.author of a and a welcome to the newly elected Memorial Day Fund Council of Omaha was 'held at "Whatever may be the situation Wednesday, May 21, at the home of ,song> w h i c h i s k t l 0 W n a s t h e theme the program, is to be a surprise, but ones. Mrs. Charles Sehimmel will the J. C. C. Tuesday evening. An it is sure to be of interest to all there is no doubt in anyone's mind Mrs. D Sherman. Plans were made js o n g . o f t h e campaign. E a c h d a y efficient organization to carry on give the luncheon her personal at- members. that the vast majority of Jewish for a Daughters tea to be held June w h e n t h e w o r k e r s m e e t t h e y s i n g I •'•;.'•' tention. to the work locally is being agressively The business meeting will follow. children are not receiving Jewish 11 at the home of Mrs. Wm. Safer- this song. From beginning to end the affair undertaken by the new chairman, stein. education. Sooner Jewish or later The nominating committee composed „, , , . . "We are very happy to see the Chicago Dr. Morris Margolin, and ably as- jromises to be one of the most inleaders will recognize this as the of Mrs., R. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Samuel ;eresting the Council has held this The purpose of the organization is I results of the campaign so far," said sisted by Mr. M. F. Levenson, local paramount problem before American to assist the Sigma Delta Tau soror- jS a m ;Beber,: general chairman of the president of the Zionists, and other Israel and upon it our best minds ity in any way possible. They are campaign. "We are more confident loyal Zionist workers. will have to concentrate." also anticipating several affairs in jnow, than ever, that our Omaha Twenty-four organizations have Unification of religion is the Rab-the near future. Jews are more than willing to do already appointed two representabi's solution to the three phases of their share for.a cause, when it is Round Trip tives each to make up the Council Judiasm. presented to them." and carry out the work outlined. "Orthodoxy, Conservatism and ReChairman Dr. Margolin has already Three Days la form are to me. very largely meanappointed chairmen for the various Chicago ingless labels. All of them approach committees and the foUowing have Judaism from the narrow angle of Mr. I. Eatleman, 82, passed away already accepted: special events, Mrs. a theology and a service. I refuse last Friday evening, May 16, at his Leave Thursday Abe Silverman; box collections, Mrs. to make the criterion of Jewishness residence, 2504 Charles Street,.. folM. F. Levenson; synagogue ..collecNight, May mere formal attendance at a sermon. lowing a month's illness. He had tions, E. Venger; outstate collecWe must develop a movement that injured his left leg in a fall and] N e w York.—Boston has been setions, Louis Kneeter; newspaper pubRetwni'-Friday will tend to deal with a totality of was taken to the Methodist Hospital licity, Morris Friedel} telephone lected as Hie meeting place and June Jewish life rather than a phase of where he remained for a few weeks, squad, Mrs. I. Kulakofsky; motor —Saturday 7 to 11 as the dates for the next it." corps, Paul Bernstein. Other chairreturning to his home last Thurs- annual meeting of the National ConSunday men and assistants will be announced "Judaism has not as yet struck day morning. He died on his birth- ference of Jewish Social Service, acsoon. deep root in American soil", he con- day, Lag B'Omer. cording to an announcement yester~The seventeenth annual Flower ' I V / T l t l C* Special train ©{ tinued. "Men occupying pulpits, soHe is survived by two sons, S. day from the New York office of 1 / U W W * reclining c h a i r Day will be held here June 15. Mrs. cial workers, Jewish lay leaders Katelman of Omaha, and the Conference by George W. Rabicars and coaches leaves Omaha Abe Silverman was named general throughout the country are still Katelman of Council Bluffs; one noff, secretary of the organization. 7:50 p. m., Thursday, May 29— chairman. She was instructed to largely born abroad or raised in sister, Mrs. M. Saltzman of Council j Following the decision of the JewCouncil Bluffs 8:10 p. m.—arriv immediately organize a large voluning Chicago (on Michigan Boulehomes of immigrant Jews. In one Bluffs; eighteen grandchildren, andjish conference in 1927 to become afvard) Friday morning at 8:05 a. m. teer corps of workers. The new agquarter of a country we will be in seven great grandchildren. J filiated formally vith the National Myron Cohen Tickets good for return trip in gressive organization is determined a better position to evaluate the Mr. Katlemari was a resident of; Conference of Social Work the date coaches of any train leaving Chi* •j to raise much more money than in ear. No member can afford to miss Gerson, Mrs. I. D. Weis, Mrs. M. I. ethicacy of our efforts." cago Friday, Saturday or Sunday, Omaha for the past forty years, and place of the meeting have been the past. Every member of the May 30, 31 or June 1. Gordon, Mrs. Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. In commenting on the results of He was iwell known and was one of set so as to give the Jewish workers council will be enlisted in addition At two o'clock the program will N. Mantel and Mrs. Ferdinand Adler the Palestinian outbreak, Rabbi Gold- the most learned men of the Hebrew an opportunity to attend the sessions to every old and young worker in- ipen with musical numbers by the have selected the following nominees: man pointed out that the riots have language. His time was devoted to of the National Conference of Social terested in Zionism. mperial Quartet of Central High President, Mrs. Herbert Arnstein; in no way downed the determined selling Hebrew books and other rel- Work in which Jewish and non-JewFor full information, One of the chief aims of the Coun- ichool. This quartet is composed vice-president, Mrs. Samuel Gerson; spirit of the Palestine Pioneers to igious articles. He was a member ish workers alike will hold memUnion Ticket Office IHinoii Central cil is to get the meaning and pur- f the following boys: Jack Wright, treasurer, Mrs. Leo Rosenthal; rec- build on the ancestral soil a Jewish of three synagogues and also a mem- bership. 311 So. 16th St. 313 City&at'l Bani Phone Atlantic 98M pose of the organization before -the Harry Stafford, Fred Segur, Robert ording secretary, Mrs. Phil Schwartz; lome land. They appreciate the im- ber of the Omaha Hebrew Club. BIdg. Union Station Samuel A. Goldsmith, of New Phone local Jewish people, and especially Johnson. Mrs. Carol M. Pitts is the corresponding secretary, Miss Hazel mensity of the problem perhaps mote 10th & Marey St». Funeral services were held from York, director of the Bureau of Jew-1 Jackson O264-0561 Jackson 5570 before the children. There are many director. Degen; auditor, Mrs. L D. Weiss, than they did in August. They have the residence Sunday morning at ish Social Research and acting phases to the upbuilding of the Jew- Myron Cohen, the 11-year old son and as directors Mrs. N. Bernstein learned to act more cautiously but v hich a large crowd attended. Burial chairman of the executive committee ILLINOIS CENTRAL ish Homeland and different organiza- of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky. At this from all reports their courage is un- took place at the Golden Hill ceme- of the Jewish Conference, will preGoodman tions are carrying on their work will give a violin solo. He is a time there will be an opportunity of _ DEPENDABLE FOR ?B YEAK34—-J side at the business session until a with vigor, but the chief aim of the pupil of Frank Mach, and has ap- further nominations from the floor. :aged and their zeal is undimmed. tery Jewish National Fund is to redeem peared before the Chamber of Comr Following the election the installa]the soil of Palestine as the inalien- merce, and various organizations in tion of officers will be held. ', , able property of the Jewish people. drives - - - The leaders believe that recent events working mama in the colony called as their subjects, the contemporary mo tire earn be too An Palestine have shown how pre'carious\ the Jewish position is as to her child: "New ThoiighteT koom men of wealth, and the great writers ; frequently did the same thing. Half ilong as we do not have compact a-her." of the eminent scribes of the Eliza.fetretch.es of land in our possession. DRINKWATER TO WRITE •5V bethan age were in the habit of 'Zionists realize now more than ever BIOGRAPHY , v dedicating their works and otherwise ithat^tlie.^National Fund is the backCall Laemmle, movie <raagn&te, hap tb/ffie" me'n of pQwerin their bone ©i-Jewish Colonization in Pales- hired the* noted alay^jigft^ John catering days. : jtine. Drinkwater, to write his biography. ' The •Keren Kayemeth is to be pro- Says the World in comment: "Mr. They needed the money. (Copyright' 1930 Iby' the -Jewish 'vided liot only with the amounts Drinkwater, as a dramatist of some Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Inecessary to pay its obligations for eminence, has chiseled his name on ithe large! stretches of land already a pretty high tower. Mr. Laemmle, Ibought in; Haifa Bay and Emek as a moving picture producer of per- Enter Canada 'Hasharon,-iut it must, also be en- haps greater eminence, has chiseled Montreal. .=—. During the month of •abled to acquire as many more large his name on a hot dog stand. Thus, April, 246 Jews out of a total of tracts of land as possible. you can see why Mr. Laemmle might 16,548 immigrants, arrived in Canabe hired - to write • Mr. Drinkwater's da. The Canadian Jewish Immigrant biography, but you have a hard time Aid Society met 45 boats which arseeing why Mr. Drinkwater should rived at the ports of Halifax, St. be <hired to write Mr. Laemmle's bio- John and Quebec during the month, graphy." ' of April. Of the Jewish arrivals, 94 (Continued froir. Page 4.) The World is right, but it has al- were destined for Quebec province, " I think it can be proven that In ways been thus. The great masters 706 for Ontario and 30 for Mani'was a son^of a Jewess-and had a of painting did not • hesitate to use toba. Jewish education, whenever someone is willing to put «p the money necessary to rake what is really a difficult technical examination of rec,ords." "I am interested because I think 'that the .fact'that. Hamilton, the motivating force in the constitution was a Jew, is oner of-the most significant In We pride ourselves upon the increasing: number of •incidents in American Jewish hisWomen drivers who drive in for our service. Courtesy, tory.."—Signed: Jacob de Haas. Collection cleanliness andquickness, weknow, appeals to them. . There; ought to be some wealthy Jew, willing-to set aside a fund to Without question, also, the ladies much prefer Goodyears of New make such-an-investigation. There —they tell us they've found them "more reliable, they is no question that there is enough . evidence-already-dn hand to justify Spun Silks "feel safer'* on Goodyears. As should be the case! such a-search. Hamilton's mother's Doesn't Goodyear build MILLIONS MORE tires than first name was; Rachel. She was any other company? Isn't the fact that more people ride first wed to a man named Lavine, on Goodyear Tires directly traceable to their superbut she left him and lived with anmeasure of troublefree performance? other man, from which union came Alexander Hamilton. The fact that Consult us, without obligation, as to the most economical she was at first married to a man, type of Goodyear for YOUR drivingr. who, judging by his name, was Jewish and-th& added fact that her own $ first name* was Rachel, lends credence ;to the theory.
t .
' .
. ; . . . • • ,
• • • ; . ;
is a
by oiur prompt? polite
Which, reminds' us of the' reason they i give why there are so many young Jews in the, Bronx with the •first name of Hamilton. They.^ay, it is all due to the fact, that, the mothers of these youths are in the habit of calling through •the windows down to the children on the street below: "Hay, Milton: Hay, Milton." They say it fast, and soon it blends into Ha-milton. .
IN AN ADVANCEDCOLONY Talking about the. oddies of Jewish nominology, the funniest we have lever heard along' this line was out <at little communist colony in New Jersey. The names1 given the children, there are resonant with liberal* ism and advanced thought. One day, we swooned as a hard
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HERE T O O -more people ride onGqpdyearTires : thanon any other kind>/•/
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PAGE 7--THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1930 of opinion in order that they -may I be able to solve this most important problem through a unified effort. We feel sure that our' rabbis, irrespective of the group in Israel to which I they belong, will become this new| .tendency, "which augurs well for the j New York (J.T.A)—As a result New York.—The sixteenth annunew unity of American Israel. al convention of Hadassah, the Wom- of a secession movement on the part Heads of Four Leading Rabbin- "Since this campaign is the most en's Zionist organization of America, of the Communist faction, the "Arsignificant concrete expression of will be held in the fall, it was anical Groups Issue beiter Ring", or Workmen's Circle, this tendency, we, as.the presidents nounced at the Hadassah headquarJewish radical fraternal organization, Plea of rabbinical organizations, wish to j ters here. .. . lost 2,516 members last year. This urge you to take a very active part j decision t» hold the annual -was the statement made at the New York.—Hailing the Allied in the fall rather than in semi-annual meeting of the National Jewish Campaign as an augury of We know that the influence of *the new unity of American Israel", pulpit can make itself very much felt the summer was made by the nation- Board of Directors of the Workmen's the heads of four leading rabbinical in this effort and we hope that you al board in accordance with the gen-Circle held last week in New York By THELMA NURENBERG eral opinion in Hadassah that a con-by M. Haskell, chairman of fhe Ororganizations have issued a - joint With^Jtardlff^more Jews within its many. In 1815 the first known census and famous for his contributions to statement, calling upon their col- will make a real contribution towards vention in the fall directly launches ganization Committee who declared the success of this campaign, thus borders, than a good-sized street in of Jews was taken, and the figures Jewish, literature, acts as a connectleagues to give their active parti- helping to inaugurate the new erathe activities for the coming season that although the Arbeiter Ring has -Vcw" York, Sweden has generally totalled 785, although it is said that ing link between tie^ Swedish Jews cipation to the effort to raise $6,000,- of mutual understanding, sympathy and stimulates greater interest. From suffered a loss in membership the been tolerant to its Jewish burghers. the experience of last year, when the resignation of the Communist cleIn a country'**)f NoidicB the Jews are there were numerous Jews who were wHo have grown up in the traditions 000 to meet the 1930 budgets of the asNordte as. their neighbors. This not included in this census.: Some of of Sweden, and the Polish Jews. And Joint Distribution Committee and theand joint effort in behalf of Israel Hadassah convention' was held in ment has relieved the order of *n in this country and throughout the November, it was found that the imarticle traces the origin,of the Jews the leading Jew's in Sweden today he is using Zionism' as a point of undesirable element. Jewish Agency for Palestine. in~ Sweden and~gives. some interesting trace their ancestry to -the Jews world." petus given to the" work of the Hacontact. Prior to his" arrival' in side-light 'ds'io their history and conThe call, which is signed by Rev, The loss of membership in the Ar1 dassah chapters " , throughout the temporary importance.—The Editor. who were enrolled in that- census. ; Sweden _. (1915) Zionism was remote Dr. Louis Finkelstein, president of Itsiler Ring during the past year country by' a ' convention held just During the first decade of,the 19th from- Jewish life. But. as Zionism the Rabbinical assembly of the Jewwas also attributed to th« general prior" to the season's" opening was is inextricably wound up with Rabbi Although ..Jew; 3^?re said to have century, when streams' ,©f - jjewish ish Theological Seminary, Rev. Dr. unemployment crisis in the country, invaluable. , been in Sweden during the time of population flowed into Sweden," inany Ehrenpreis' life work, he is innocul- Leo Jung, president of the Rabbinical whkh has made it difficult for memthe Vikings, there is no evidence to of them- were poverty stricken" fam- ating the Jewish youth with a love Council of the Union of Orthodox . In.former years the. Hadassah con- bers to pay their bills. At the meetMr. .Max Yaffe« radio soloist for the, r r r substantiate" tfiis belief." Hugo' Va- ilies, who. were unable to. adjust them- for Zionism. I got a-peculiar thrill, Congregations; Rev. Dr. Maurice H. ventions : were xe • -late in June or ing reports were also rendered of lentin:^ in .his "History of the Jews selves-economically, in Sweden. Swed- almost a shock, when I walked thru Harris, president of the Association past five years,.has been appointed to the Workmen's Circle Sanitarium for in Sweden" states that when the ish people brought complaint against the halls of the Hebrew school and of Reform Rabbis of New York and the Violin Department of the- Matcha early -in July. Although the exact Consumptives in Liberty, N. Y., and . .•'.'.'.• •': time for the.next,convention has notof the progress of the Women's «nd Swedes came •r back from their, pre- them, claiming that they were Te- heard the youngsters singing "Chal- vicinity, and Rev. Dr. Elias L. Solo- School of Music'; Mr. Yaffe' has- played the violin -in been* decided upon, i t will probably Youth branches of the Order. datory raids in Russia, they brought sorting' t o dishonest -business; meth- ufarim" songs. White hair, pink mon, president of the New York be held in October. •with them many captives. Amang ods. Some of the. Jews were so im-cheeks and blue eyes—so obviously B o a r d o f Jewish Ministers, declares popular Omaha" orchestras and has Junto* -'Jladassali,; however, is holdthem were natives of Kazan. They poverislied they .. depended "on theNordic—yet so defiantly Zionistic. that by giving their cooperation to upon numerous -Gefcaskms appealed on various it^l-prpg^aiBW.^He -] ing its' ednvefition/^a-lfuly 1, 2 and Hard earned ideas are the only had been observed worshipping in a state, and the mercy \of others, for The spirit of Judaism—or shall. I the campaign, the Rabbis of this ones that mould life.' * different manner, and supposedly; atheir very-breads. S o that Parliament say Zionism, is being brought back country will help inaugurate "the for the .con- 4 in. Oev&afcdJ Cfc^ T^S vention l a s t AprJ8e.->. different diety than the other natives. voted- a .-la* which- decreed that Jews Lato the home via the youth of Isnew era of mutual understanding, Francis Description points a great similarity most sign -^an affidavit.-as to their rael.sympathy and joint effort in behalf to the Jewish custom of Avorship, at financial condition. Jews who could •••: While the Jews were permitted to.of Israel in this country and local, "progrsmu^ H«f >ijlajena^^op thp. state music •C6fich*rs -ct>n*«Stips-lad:' that; period. But the first Jew to benci support themselves were deport- remain in Sweden because of their throughout the world." April and for" Mr. Fianeife McMiflian,' officially recognized, and recorded in ed, and incoming Jews had to give business, ability—it is as poets— arPart of the text of the call: noted violinist. Swedish court Chronicles was a Dr.proof that they would not become tists—writers a philosophers that "There i s an aspect to this* camPhillipis Wulfj court physician to dependent on the state or community they are distinguishing themselves. paign which is of particular importhe royal family in 1557. • for support, before they were per- Swedish culture abounds with con- tance to American Jewry and ofPevsner Dies tributions from Jewish sources, even which the American rabbinate should ,••••: The earliest definitely known con- mitted to -enter. Jerusalem.-—Samuel Pevsnor, sontact between the Jews and Swedes .Again a wave of tolerance and infar-out of proportion to.their small take due cognizance. The formation in-law of the late Ahad Ha'Am was in the eleventh century, when 1838 regulations against -the Jews numbers. Oscar Levertin, poet, is of the Agency as well as the join- (Asher Ginsberg), founder of the the. Polish and German Jews visited were annulled. In Parliament, from revered by the Swedes as well as ture of forces of the Joint Distribu- Ahad Ha'Ami Em or "moral Zionism" B. bf Science and Pedagogy Sweden as traders. But it was not1847 to 1848 many bills1 were in- Jews. Ernest Josephson, painter and tion Committee and tli&^Agency for and one of the greatest writers, died WEbster 3318 tmtil ,the period of the Eeformation troduced which were friendly to thepoet, is .BO popular in Sweden that this campaign clearly show"that there here of apoplexy after returning from when Europe began to stir with in- Jews. The ^House of Nobility tried they say of Wm,"he has in his paint- is a strong tendency in American a. late session of the Vaad Leumi tolerance .aid persecution that the to stop the agitation for these bills ing . what Beethoven has in his Israel to - diregard many differences (Jewish National Council). music." Endless discussions are carGerman Jews began to migrate to and it was not before 186l> that / . • S w e d e n . . • - ' ; . ; ; _ . l ; - . ••;.• - / :.:•'. • .-..- . , - :.. • ' were defeated. One of the bills most ried on about him, some arguing that ThV first . official acquiescence t o advantageous for the Jews was thehe was too .modern—that he lived Jews' as subjects: came during7 the right'; to buy property. King Chas. long before his time. Sweden stands time of Queen Christine, one ofXVi. . approved these friendly acts, proudly by him, and his works line Sweden's most" enlightened and tol-and j h 1895 resolutions, were adopt- the wall in the Museum in Stockerant rulers. She extended an in"tneJews beeame-BBbjectB holm. Martin Lamm was ' the first d' Jeader of the. Swedish Acadvitation to men of science and letters ed ^ l t l § E ^ ^ • jevSefr ^3 academx comprises the to come to her court. Dr. Benedictus yearly1 give the Nobel d'j Castro (Baruch Nehemias, 15971684) of Hamburg,'a-man well knowff ?t<S ' the' outstanding- work in ^,wederf: as a scientist—"was urged T;to come literjkture. Hugo Valentine, historaccepted "• figure approximates ian? Henrik Scfcick, Prof. Carl Warto her court. OnjestabJJahing himself Dr. De Castr#rf$toed info ">com- 12;500.r~ Swedish is" the language most burg; member ?of; Pairiament, journar munication with MaiwyjitfffJitiit^Esiaelv Commonly used. the •describing the pps^bilitifip' " jofjVthe.Mfrulated that one'. ^Stockholm University, Albern 3 o n And; iVha£vw^.pOT2UiT Ser^;:e<ditor;yiand-" publisher,,* head of land for his c^eKgiohists^ .A 'Sew Jews responded to hi^'ihvi^atibtil-lB.e^ publishing ht>tfs1? in^Swefore 1685 there were" no ,'rules^Tpefi/, Abraham 'Nachmaaaon, philan? taining to Jews, therefor-there were Jew'-'is not disdainful.to ethers who I. late..Eace thropistj Louis Pracntfeel, managing no obstacles preventing xthfem H^ndels has ''not director "of the SfocktHolnt 'H^ndelsliving and trading in Sweden, ^ the as they never tried to make converts penetrated"'into "Sweden's " Je^ry. of the Swedes, (as did the Catholics) The Siyedish' Jew if he is-, not=."if progress-in' they were generally safe from in- nationalist Swede—is quite .Cosmopol- (Copyright, 1936l;^y the Jewish itan. One gets very Tittle; -of that tolerance' and persecution. graphic Agency, Inc. race responsivity L which •:* emanates By the 18th century Lutheranism : from Russian, and Polish ~-Jew.s."-T;O had not ionly become the state relcite an instance. -On-;the^;^bpafriidligion, but the Swedes had developed an intensity for religion which was ing to Sweden-I .was;intfoJaced to paralleled only by the Catholics in a man who -was born in Stockholm, Jerusalem (J.T;A.)—^The commerce Spain anjd Portugal; with the dif-and -who had lived the greater part of Palestine was not affected by last ference, 'however,' that its natural of his life there. I asked him if he Bummer's disturbances it is revealed outcome, intolerajiibe, resulted,-not in ha. heard of P certain "person, ac- from the figures just made available ceeded to \be one of the " persecution, butOT^a*"gradual" elim- arid '" most" beloved personalities" of $35,832,665, a substantial increase ination of rights for non-Lutherans. Stockholm. over the figures for 1928 which1 were' Prohibitive edicts enacted "were promsubject was changed so adroitly. I $33,854,090. . .Export's in 1929: «lse ulgated for Jews as well .aS-Cathalics~ found"" out" later that" I "had"Hput" the showed a gain. The figures.-for Among the thirteen prohibitive acts question to a Jew. I then concluded, 1929 were $7,771,310 as Compared •were—no'" franchise, no court propossibly the two were not kindly dis- with $7,236,035 for 1928. tection, therefor no right to sue, no posed towards each other, but when England is ,still Palestine's best ICTOR wants every o«ner of Jew could hold a state position, no I had "teen in Stockholm a week I customer, having bought 29 per. cent political influence of any kind, no I an old Victrola to know h o w Jews *-e '24 ^y the T l o r Electric institutions for religious observances ^ i k e . . ^ N o r d i e indifference of the 1929 exports. Egypt 'topfc • i v "per ceift, Syria 18 per ce " " *~ ' Washer with Its many modand educations, religious ceremonies manifesting Itself. wonderful broadcast entertainment, em improvements and - we many 7 per cent, and festivities -vere "not permitted, will .slve you the drain tabs Jfabbi Dr. Marcus Ehienprels," unini cent of the Imports "weie-jfirom Egypt r as well as the electrically-recorded and participants were; brought to FREE! • trial, they could live. only in a pre- versally knoXvn 'as an ardent Zionist, 16 from Syria and 14 Tire Thor, •with its roomyVictor-Records really are . • * when scribed area, and in the three cities tub and sturdy workmanof Stockholm, Gotteburg and Marrship will bring relief to played upon Victor's newest, greatest washday. koping. -They were ^not permitted radio instrument. Therefore, we are membership of the guilds, and -white tl.ey could own and operate stores offering you $76 trade-in allowance Victor Radio. RF.-7F>, the and factories', they were not pernun mn«irtl on your purchase of the revolution- ever miltcd to be artisans. Also, they built by Vlctwr. U . t Price fOOO could not own land. ary Victor-Radio combined with the Gustavus III. was favorably disfamous Electrola—the marvelous posed towards the Jews, whom he recognized as ,a positive asset for Victor tone and the music you want the economic development of his WHEN you want i t . . . Victor wants country, due to their genius .for commercial pursuits, and. associated down and '.iron Sit old Victor customers to have the best . . . no labor," no them with the growing prosperity of fatigue. Truly:this this country. He had plans to inand latest! Is ease from -if sutroduce free exercise of religious ing. So simple;...,. rights for foreigners—and tolerance so fast and ^effiThis is literally the opportunity of a cient. ":; i" onca more became Sweden's attitude lifetime. Only a few choice instrutowards u the Jews. " In 17.75 Aron .<• •• i , , . Victor Ttadlo.Eleetreb Isak, a poor Jewish engraver from xnents a r e a v a i l a b l e . . . and t h e time *E-4S, th« <-n»Pi«i. Brandenburg, Gsrmany, wrote to1 his Hiodern musical iMttl*1 friends ithat the Lord Mayor of mn is strictly limited, ' L.i Price »oo» Stockholm gave the Jews' permission to build a synagega. Aron Isak enSmall Ad<}itluBa1 couraged* his friends to migrate to Charge lor Faymefil* •' Sweden—and, h e . , formed a little A factory demonstrator at our Elertric Shop to teacb yoa lion- to use the troner. German community - in Stockholm. ' He wrote h;s'-;members", and left to "Electric Shops' Swedish Jews: their., only • records- o f . 1 2314 M S t 17th and Sts. Jewish life itv Stockholin: duringi tbe ' 18th century/;,'.? . -',.,. :;;> '; •/ ^"^ :..lOn January^24th,i^78lVaj^iibieranfec?" edict was decreed—which abrogated many of the thirteen prohibitive rul1804J\o. 24th Street WEbster 2042 ingG- Then Jews began to migrate Courtesy * Service « Low Kites TERMS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE t" Sweden, from Poland and Gcr-
iHAIL CAMPAIGN Sweden***Where Jews Are AS AUGURY OF As Nordic As the Swedes JEWISH UNITY ^
The Swedes Are Tolerant to Their Jewish Burghers Who .,'-">>'-"""" Have Had an Interesting History . j.;,^ Among These Nordics
Max Yaffe to Give Violin Instruction
&:^ # : | | N NO u NC IN G;
Summer Claisses in advanced Jewish studies, for High School. Boys and girls being formed in different parts of city—all classes for children 6-13. ,
Thesepandy Drain-Tubs
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^ and Increase
the New Refined
- :
Thor Electric Washer
At Last-Ease in Ironing!
Don*t wait. • . come in . . . or telephone >OWJ
A Iferfm Tood
Nebraska Power €
^s^iktoa^it'sis* ^•lSite,SisS&l^^s*»S'4i5«^e* »iaKS
"A Good Place o Buy Your Radio"
SldtfX CITY NEWS MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Society News
Mrs. Ben Schulien and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock were hostesses at a Joint Service at Shaare Zion to Precede Drive Tuesday noon in the Sioux Program of Interest Planned; luncheon City Country club, honoring Mrs. 200 Are Expected to Preston Heller of Chicago. Mrs. DRIVE TO START JUNE 1 Attend Heller was formerly Miss Ruth SchuSioux City's leading Jews will '' ••••*' Two hundred women are expected lien of this city.' participate in putting across the The afternoon was spent.. playing to attend the Fifth Annual Hadas-
I; |
aah Linen Shower, which is scheduled for next Tuesday afternoon, May 27. The affair, which is to be held at the Jewish Community Center will begin at 8 o'clock with a varied program which promised to be of interest to those attending. Mrs.. William Lazere, president of the local:Hadassah chapter, who-ias jas^.ietjirrieci;from tjl« Regional Hadassrah" 1<otvven,fiqn,' held in Kansas City" laat: Monday" and .Tuesday, will give "a -report of the sessions at the convention. ' An-elaborate pageant, "The Spirit of Hadassah'V will be presented under tHev direction of Miss Ida/Fish, by the .following: Ruth Bernstein, Lillian' Magaziner, Dena Baron, -Elizabeth Passman, Frances' Jacobson, RozenJl'jJSacks, Tillie Shindler, Dena R. Baron,''':.Dorothy Mazor, Rebecca Still man/; llnez Leaf, .Miriam' Passman, Ida..Shindler, Jordan Ginsburg, David Leyane and Bobby "Lazere. Miss Sara Weiner will play the piano accompaniments.^ . . . Mrs. J. Aizenberg will sing a group of Palestinian folk songs. Miriam Blank will give several readings. Mrs. Sam Passman Is in charge of the arrangements, and announces that the affair is open to the public. Refreshments will be served at the close of the program. The linens donated at this shower are sent, to the Hadassah headquarters in New York, from where they are shipped to Palestine for use! in the hospitals and other Hadassah projects.
. • • - . : • • ' • < ,
Miss Clara Goldberg returned Saturday morning after spending the week in Chicago. Miss Sara Lipman of Chicago is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lipman. . Miss Bess Lipshutz is •v-isiting friends in Kansas City, Mo. * Members of the Business Girls' club closed their season of meetings with a party at the West hotel Wednesday evening. The dinner at seven was followed by bridge. Mrs. M. Lipshutz and Mrs. M. Mushkin spent the week-end visiting friends in Omaha. Mr. a n d M r s . B e n P i l l s p e n t s e v eral d a y s this w e e k v i s i t i n g i n O m a ha.. . . , . .-. •: ••• ••;•;•.. ;•.-, •• \ . '•
SADIE SHDLKIN IS ELECTED TO OFFICE A signal honor was paid Miss Sadie Shulkin, president of the Junior Hadassah club of this city, at the midwest regional convention in Kansas City last Sunday, when she was elected first vicR-president of the region. ' "Eleven Sioux City girls attended the convention,' returning home Monday. They are Sally Gorchow, Esther London, Blurrja and Syble Merlin, Ida Feldman, Rose; and Beatrice Filly Rose Lipman, Bess Lipshutz, Rose Finsod and Sadie Shulkin. . i Plans" are*.being- made for .a -meeting, .of the «Sioux City . Hadassah group within the next week where detailed reports of the sessions, will be given by the delegates.
Allied Jewish Campaign, which-will begin June 1. The initial meeting was held at the Jewish Community Center Monday evening, at which thrity-five men and women were present. . A joint sei-vice of every Jewish Congregation in the city will b» held at Shaare Zion Synagoue, Friday evening, May 30. Tentativa plans call for an out-of-town speaker of wide repute. The congregations which will be presented at this meeting, include Shaare Zion, Mount Sinai Temple, Adas Yeshuren, Tephereth Israel and Beth Abraham Synagogues. No . Solicitations will be made at this service. Mr. Davis announced that this service \ was : merely a means of acquainting the Sioux City Jewry with the functions of the Allied Jewish Campaign. The captains and workers will begin solicitations June 1. The executive committee for the local drive is headed by Mr. Davis, and includes Max Brodkey, E. E. Baron, E. Barish, B. Baron, Dave Davidson, A. J. Galinsky, Robert Sacks, A. Greenberg, Wm. Kanter, S. L. Krueger, Sam Lipman, M. Lipshutz, Eli Robinow, Nathan Sadoff, M. E. Skalovsky, J. H. Bolstein, E. N. Grueskin, L. A. Baron, Morey Lipshutz, Abe Silverberg, Joe Kutcher, J. L. Levitt, H. Miller, J. Lansbttrgy Jack Robinson, Max Friedman, Max Bergen, B. H. Shiloff, Morris Lazriowich, Max Lasensky, J. Kalin, M. Seff, E. H. Emlein, H. Friedman, Mrs..Wm. Lazere, M. N. London, -A W. Kaplan, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi T. N. Lewis, Dr. H. Levin, Max Ginsburg, Emil Rosenstock, Morris Pill, Lester Heeger, Mrs. J. H. Greenberg, Mrs. J. Kalin,'Mr. A. L. Galinsky, Mrs. B. Rifkin, Mrs. M. Dervin, Mrs! R.. H. Emlein. The "captains and ;workers will hold their first meeting next Monday evening, at which time the outline of'the drive will be announced.
A Sacrifice for a Most Worthy Cause
Council Bluffs News •By F. R. K.
to care to have more industries brought to a city where the most •good can be derived. Mr.. Holder has not and will not state anything but the truth about natural gas and any information can be obtained from him. Fourteen _on _natural _ „ , 6gas" _ .„, WWM mtw cities Hqueried by
A special meeting in the i n t e r e s t ' ^ "
B r o w n
the Jewish National Fund, will speak. Mr. M, F. Levinson of Omaha and El Paso, Texas; -Ogden and Salt By FREDA B. JOEL also speak. An interesting and Lake City, Utah; Altoona and PittsLouisville, As: the wife of an internationally is sufficient reason for sacrificing her entertaining program is also being burgh, Pennsylvania; known financier and philanthropist personal preferences. Kentucky, and Oklahoma City, Okla. planned. It is; important for every. ' • . .,. ,, . _ , . Mayor Brown had received a tele Mrs. Felix M. Warburg has quietly "I hope," Mrs. Warburg told me as one to attend this gathering. This ^ gone her own way without fanfare or I rose to leave after having disgracemeeting will be sponsored by the ?,,„„„ „.,.;„, __j „„ . . ^ . j ^^ blare of trumpet. Concentrating on a fully overstayed, "that everywhere in Senior Hadassah organization. The these cities and all stated that few personal charities she broke the this vast United States where there public is cordially invited and urged natural gas is proving satisfactory usual rule and really worked in those are Jewesses that they will each do to attend at eight o'clock next and some said its availibility had movements, quietly, without publicity their utmost to aid the Allied Jewish Tuesday evening. been the means of attracting inbut with tolling results. dustries. Campaign." Then came the Allied Jewish CamThe Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Mrs. Warburg, as president of the The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 paign ahd its leaders singled out Mrs. Young Women's Hebrew Association Society will hold1 a meeting next of the Independent Order of the Warburg as the woman who could of 91st Street New York, has; brought Monday evening, May 26, at 138 B'nai Brith will hold a meeting next most successfully carry the women's joy to many a working girl, by her West Broadway. . Wednesday evening, May 28, at the division' to success in the New York thoughtfulness and consideration for Danish Hall. drive. Mrs. Warburg accepted, not their needs and recreation. As a diA benefit bridge party for the without qualms,—she will admit,—be- rector of the Brightside Day Nursery, Ladies' Aid Society will be'held nextj The senior class of the Abraham cause she dreaded the inroads on her she was instrumental in aiding ac- Tuesday afternoon, May 27, at the Lincoln High School will present privacy. But willingly, despite that, tively the care of poor children whose; home of Mrs. Jake Krasne, 519 Oak- "The Fool" by Channing Pollack as because she is heart and soul in the mothers worked. Now as chairman of land avenue. Anyone who wishes- to their class play next Wednesday, causes which will be benefitted by the the women's division of the Allied make any reservations should call Thursday and Friday evening, May Allied Jewish Campaign. Jewish Campaign she has enlarged Mrs. Krasne, Phone 5045, !as soon 28, 29 and 30, at the A. L. H. S. I went to see her on a sultry day, her service to include all manners and as possible. ' A similar affair was auditorium. Harold Kroloff will play when most people of means were types of social service problems. held last week at.the home of Mrs. the title role. Other Jewish students hastening to leave the city for the Certainly' a shining example for M. Bernstein which proved a great who will take parts in the play inmore pleasant environs of the country Jewesses the continent over to emul- success, both socially and financially. clude Marian Katelman, Helen Steinberg, Maurice Pepper, Leonard or the seashore. I found Mrs. War-ate! Council Bluffs will Tiave the privi-" Krasne, Yale Meyerson and Milton burg hard at work. "I'm writing per(Copyright 1930 by the Jewish, lege of voting on ihe: franchise .for. sonal letters asking for contributions Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) natural gas at a special election to the Allied Jewish Campaign," she which will be held at the time of J M r s - P h i l i P S a k s "tamed to her explained with a gentle smile which j the regular primary state and 1[hometoday from the Mercy Hospital lit up her rather serious face. "And FighWse of "Judea" county election on Monday; June 2. where she underwent an appendecI'm getting writers' cramp doing it." tomy operation last week, and is No hint of complaint at the unusual in Political Club Mr. H. C. Holder, manager of the getting along satisfactorily. Council Bluffs Gas Company, urges work she is being forced to do. In New York, (J. T. A.).—Opposition every voter to get out and do his fact the "personal touch" is her own Mr. and Mrs. Philip Krasne-of to.- the use of the word "Judea" by "One accomplishes so much a Brooklyn political club on the part part to help build up Council Bluffs Los Angeles, Cal., who spent the idea. by voting "Yes" for the natural gas. past few weeks here visiting " ih more," she explained, by writing as .of the Brooklyn Jewish Ministers The coming of natural, gas here one person to another." Association has caused a rift be- opens the gates for a number of in- Omaha and Council Bluffs, left Sun"This," she told me, "is the first tween the association of. Brooklyn dustries to locate in this city because day for their home, by mqtor. They accompanied to ' Excelsior time I've headed a drive like this, be- Rabbis and the. "Judea Democratic this city will have the advantages of were cause I prefer to work with individ- Club", of -which Maurice E. Bieder- a cheap, flexible ruel, which other Springs by Mr Krasne's parents;, uals. But I have put my own feelings nearby cities do not have. State- Mr. and Mrs, Herman Krasne, who the leader. aside because I feel that the cause is ment» ha^e jbeen made -that .-more, will remain there for a few weeks. • la 6 t~week,.*f • A t so great. O f course we must not * Ministers Association, o|^-wJMch Bab-bajep wouM be^out of work;i€ natural; Weizmann Group Wins neglect our own American needs but M4 Israel H. Levintbal of t&e Bfroife*! gas* gWwere3to eome into CouMcil^Bluffs.' Vienna. —• The ^Weizmann group were 3to cor there is also a wider sphere which lyn Jewish Center is" president, at However, -the truth of the matter is won a victory in the elections for needs our major help. which 20 rabbis were present, the be Relegates-to the -conference' of Auet^ more niocai—tsrtizens"I have seen," Mrs. Warburg said, use of the w'ord "J\£ilea" ity the club _^d4ed to $&e local gas ffcompanj^ Ifor rian- Zionists. In a lively -contest the : "at first hand and have heard from my was condemned onf the g£oun& that jjerroanenfr, work. The "^largest op- WeizmaniP supporters elected 31 deter •'
• .
husband in his endeavors -with the en- political clubs should not -tie organ- posers who are fighting natural gas gates, the Radicals 10, the larged Jewish Agency, how much ized along religious or racial lines. are coal magnates who do not seem j ists 7 and the Histadruth 5. good can be done in Eastern Europe with comparatively small sums. Three books of current interest Therefore I am" doing my utmost to were discussed at the meeting of the enlist the interest and co-operation of ' Mount Sinais Sisterhood Book Circle every conscious Jewess to do her bit held Tuesday evening, May 20, in toward the amelioration of the condithe home of Mrs. Edward E. Baron, tion of her brethren in other lands. 2222 Nebraska street.. "Now, because of the immigration Mrs. ; "W. C. Slotsky reviewed laws the doors of every country are "Heroes of the Recent Past" will 1 "Adam ' by Ludwig Lewissohn, and closed to all but a few. We must led a discussion on the volume. be the subject of the discourse at MRS. WILLIAM LAZERE therefore help our East European "Great Meadows" by Elizabeth Ma- Shaare Zion Synagogue this, even- "HONORED AT CONVENTION brethren to become self-supporting in ing. Rabbi H. R. Rabihowitz will dox was reviewed by Miss Ruth the lands of their birth. Mace, and Mrs. John Brodkey re- speak at this time, on Trumpledor, Mrs. William Lazere, President of "Though the numbers to be assisted viewed "The Street of Chains" by who at tho cost of his own life saved the Hadassah Organization of Sioux are still great," Mrs. Warburg conNatural Gas is being offered to the citizens of Council Bluffs by the a Jewish colony in Palestine from Lauferty. City, was elected second vice presi- tinued, "each year shows progressiveCouncil Bluffs Gas Company to replace the present manufactured gas. destruction by the Arabs. dent of the Mid West Region of the ly good results and it is only a quesEvery life has its magical moHadassah at the annual convention tion of time when the majority will ments, its fugitive glories, its flying in Kansas City held last Monday. be self-supporting. In the meantime Rabbi .Theodore N. Lewis will J splendors. For Domestic Cooking, Water Heating and House Cleaning. use as his sermon subject at Mount Mrs. Lazere is also active in the we must continue our work,—which," For Industrial and Commercial Uses. \ ' Tephereth Isroal Congregation, and she hastened to erplain, "is not charSinai Temple this evening, "What Is For Hor^e Heating. is a member of the Federation Board ity but constructive philanthropy." Judaism". ~ .' -••' For that, to Mrs. Warburg, whose EFFECT OF NATURAL GAS ON LABOR SITUATION Conference of Rabbis social service methods are equal to Providence, R. I. — The Central that of the most enlightened profesIt will give MORE EMPLOYMENT to Council Bluffs citizens. Conference of American Rabbis, repsional worker, is important. She has j § | | resented by some 150 delegates of long been known as one who abhors the liberal Jewish element of both White Plains (J.T.A.)—In the face almsgiving but is intent on purposes = | the United States and Canada, will of almost solid community opposition which will tend to upbuild. = attend its 41st annual session at the to two Negro doctors who' have Mrs. Warburg heads the women's j s i Temple Beth-El of this city June bought and settled in homes in an division of the New York Drive of the I | | f HOUSTON HAS IT! 25—29. exclusive white section here, Rabb Allied Jewish Campaign, and already s = 1 . "Natural Gas is in general use for domestic and industrial purposes V. Goodman of the Jewish Commuti the women under her capable super- §§§ in Houston stop it is entirely satisfactory for house heating as well ity Center publicly condemned thi vision, have achieved startling results. = § Established in 1918 as cooking and is rapidly taking the place of oil and other heating attitude of citizens and of loca "We are determined," she told me, "to ! = CHAS. G. LOWER Y CO. Inc. newspapers. materials. Stop Natural Gas has taken_the place_of_ Artificial Gas •: . raise at least ten percent of N e w f | | g W. E. MONTEITH, Mayor. The issue is one. not only of ra- York's quota." And, she informed j = in Houston.' cial and economic import,' according me, she was trying to educate the | s | Phone 57120—201-2 Frances Bldg-. AKRON HAS IT! to the rabbi, but has also "put the women to give their contributions j | l Sioux City, Iotva religions of all residents of the city separately from their husbands. "They jjj= "Natural Gas only gas used for years for all purposes ver satison trial." He condemned recent do everything <' else separately," she = factory." MAYON G. LLOYD WEIL. burning of a cross on the lawn of said. "Why riot their philanthrop-1 = \ VOTE FOR one of the doctors. ies?" PITTSBURGH HAS IT! The rabbi urged the Jews of White Mrs. Warburg has shown herself to DELICATESSEN "Natural Gas used almost entirely here for domestic and industrial Plains to decline to sign a mutual be an able general. By means of orAND CHARLES H. KLINE, Mayor. agreement being . circulated and ganizing teas, getting organizations purposes. SANDWICH SHOP signed among property owners in OKLAHOMA CITY HAS IT! « ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS the exclusive Highlands and Carhart to canvass their membership and she has succeeded in raising a goodly por- ! = = sections, placing restrictions in deeds "Natural Gas usedJhere exclusively for domestic and industrial FOR tion of the amount set. "Oh, we hope 1 1 | | i of. all properties forever prohibiting to exceed that," she said, as her eyes i | | j | •.'••purposes. Very satisfactory." WALTER C. DEAN, Mayor. 1 the sale of land to Negroes. twinkled in response to my remark < = = that their quota was practically "in." j § g Practiced law in Sioux City To Use Ruttenberg Electricity At the first and opening tea of the j s s "We feed the multitude" 17 Years Jaffa. — With the Palestine gov- campaign, Mrs. Warburg was hostess j = | Ex-president Sioux City Bar With Tasty Foods ernment opposing the. plan of the to about eighty women at her home. | | = j Association—Tax _ payer • Jl Jaffa municipality to discontinue the Many thousands of dollars were i == use of electricity for lighting the raised and pledges to raise more were j | s | POMTICAL .ABVEBTISEMEXT TOT.IT1CAT. ADVERTISEMENT city because the power! comes from given. "Hope," Mrs. Warburg ex-' = the Jewish owned Rutenberg Com- plained, "to make our part of the VOTE FOR pany, the Jaffa city officials have de- drive a short and intensive one." cided, with the advice of the district It certainly will be if this gentle commissioner, to continue to buy personage continues in her surpriselectricity from the, Rutenberg Com- ingly dynamic manner. At luncheons, H. C. HOLDER, Manager. pany. FOR at teas, at dinners, of Jewish women's Last year the Jaffa municipality organisations, Mrs. Warburg is in decancelled its contract with the Ru- mand. It is her personality that s s tenberg Company and made arrange- "starts off" each separate organiza- ( | | | ments to have the streets lighted by tion on the trail of funds for the AI-1 §|§ Republican-Primaries June 2nd lux lamps. The contractors who bid lied Jewish Campaign. :And, though | | | for the lux lamp lighting made such Mrs. Warburg is essentially a retiring (gj=j j high offers that the cost of the lamps figure, she does not complain at the 'was greater than the electric power. most arduous talk; For her the cause
"Adam" Reviewed at Sisterhood Book Circle
Shaare Zion
Mount Sinai Temple
Rabbi Aids Negroes in Anti-Exclusion Figh
Mayor 0. H. Brown of Council Bluffs Received Telegrams from Fourteen Cities Now Using Natural Gas
S E R F ' S
Audley W.
Vote "YES" on the Franchise for Natural Gas June 2
C o 0 ncil
^.j * ui.. Mrs. Warburg's Privacy Is Precious But She Sac-of all local Jewry will be held next |! -r,,..^. Bluffs reported favorably on .•*. it as,«a Tuesday evening, May 27, at the i j, j Cities included were: Akron, rifices It Willingly for the Allied T Hotel Chieftain. Mr. J; Lemberger of St. Louis, Mo., representative of Dayton, Zanesville, Cincinnati and Jewish Campaign Cleveland, Ohio; Houston, Dallas
Council Bluffs Gas Co.
i i n