V.. .
^(wterests of The Jewish Community*
1 Sf 6 1e0nv " ^ l m a U «°a«er,: on January 27. 1»21, at at <Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, ISTrf.
VOL. VIIL—No. 20
ivision Gees Over the Top
Excavators Uncover SUSPENSION OF MRS. J. STEIN Mrs. Arnstein Chosen 'Sodom and Xjrornorrah' Success Certain as ELECTED HEAD President of CowiM STIRRING JEWRY Local Drive Swings OF HADASSAB -Mrs.
J, Rosenberg Gives Report of Regional Convention
Mrs. Herbert Amstein was elected .and Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky. Mrs. Reuben president of the Omaha section of i Kulakofsky was chairman jof the th-_ National Council of Jewish ; nominating, committee. Women, at the annual meeting of Prior to the election of the new the Council Monday at the Black- heads, one of the most successful stone hotel. Mrs. Arnstein has held luncheons ever, given by the Council offices in the Omaha College club, was held. This was followed by a the Wellsley club, and Mu Sigma. very interesting program.' She is a graduate Of Wellsley colThe program consisted; of musical lege. She succeeds Mrs. J. H. Kul- numbers by the imperial Quartet of akofsky and will serve for a term Central High-school; an excellently of two years. Other officers of the section are: Mrs. Samuel Gerson, vice president, Mrs, Philip Schwartz, recording secretary, Miss Hazel Degen, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Leo Rosenthai, treasurer^ and Mrs. .L.I}. Weiss, auditor. Newly elected directors are Mrs. M. Bernstein of Council Bluffs
Mrs. Julius Stein was elected president of' the local chapter of the Hadassah, women's Zionist organization, at a meeting held Wednesday afternoon at the J. C. C. Other officers elected are: Vicepresidents, Mrs. B., A. Simon and Mrs. J. J. Friedman; financial secretaries, Mrs. Dave Stein and Mrs. Abraham Bengis; recording secretary, Mrs. .Sam Cohen; treasurer, Mrs. Abraham Komm. • An excellent report on the fifth annual ~ conference of" the southwest region of Hadassah held recently in Kansas City was rendered by Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, outgoing president and official delegate from the Omaha chapter. Mrs. Rosenberg, who was elected fourth vice-president of the region, stated that the National Fund was especially stressed at the conclave. The conference also passed a resolution of indignation at Mrs. Abe Silverman to Head the suspesion of" immigration into - Drive by the Palestine by the British government. . • • ; : ; \ • ; , X N . F. The next conference will be-held in Sioux "Cityr* *~ ' The seventeenth annual Flower A large delegation from Omaha Day. of the Jewish National Fund •attended the convention, and took will "be held here June 15. "Every , active part- in the- sessions. - Mrs. M. Jewish man, woman and child can F . Levenson submitted an interesting give a small, or large contribution •:- paper aar^The"3>few-Place^of Hadas-and feel - that their .money -will be sah in Jewish National Fund". Mrs. spent for a definite object in PalesR-osenberg -read the Omaha chapter's tine," local leaders, state. This is .one .of. the .ways used by activities of" the past year. The committee which procured the Jewish National'Fund Council' t& qubt» for the .nominees for the election consisted raise the established ; ' ""• "~"rr~ of Mrs; M. F. Levenson, chairman; year. '•-' ,' Mrs. Herbert Arnstein Although Mrs. Abe Silverman, genMrs. Max Goldberg, Mrs. Max Lerner, Mrs. Albert Shaffer, Mrs. Rubin eral chairman of Flower Day, has rendered violin solo by Myron Cobeen busy helping the Philanthropies, hen, 11-year-old son of Mr. and, Mrs. and Mrs. Lippett. she has found time to" start the or- Goodman Cohen, and a skit written ganization work. She has interested by Mrs. Isidore Ziegler and Mrs. the children of the J. C^ C. Sunday Louis Sommer, entitled "Coming School to give all charity money on. Events Cast Their Shadows Before". next Sunday, June 1, for Flower Day. A flower will be given every.'j Victor Rosewater, former editor of child contributor, so they will also the "Omaha Bee," has compiled a know "that they are helping to rts"History of Cooperative News Gath- deem forever the soil of Palestine Jerusalem, (J. T. A.). — A protest ering in. the United States"' which for the Jewish people. Next week is crammed full of information, more definite plans for a volunteer against the recent ordinance forbiddfascinating stories of bitter wars organization will be made to thor- ing women advocates to appear in waged between rival news agencies oughly canvass the entire commun- the religious courts and in certain specific criminal cases has been sub; and traces the history of news- ity on that day. mitted to the Palestine government gathering from its inception. . Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman of Rosewater commences with a the J. N. F. Council (Kerew Kay- by the Palestine Jewish Women's chapter dealing with .the beginnings emeth Le Israel) is still organizing Equal Rights Association. The Asof systematic newsgathering and the the various groups to cond.uct the sociation stresses the fact that all earliest news combinations and con- work for the year. Mrs J. Linsman matters of personal status in Palestains a history of the Associated accepted the chairmanship ' for the tine are under the jurisdiction of the Press, the International News Serv- Golden Book Inscriptions and Ben- religious courts and that in such ice, the United Press, the Jewish jamin Klaiman will be chairman of cases women always need advice. Jewish women in such cases are Telegraphic Agency and many other the stamp sales. Others will be anusually accompanied to the rabbiniservices. We noted but one error, nounced later. / probably typographical, — in dealing The activities of the F^ind are for cal courts by i.iembers of the Assowith the Jewish Telegraphic Agency land purchases, drainag<i, irrigation, ciation and the latter asks why the it is asserted that the agency reach- afforestation, clearing land of stones ordinance now forbids that. The Ased 20,000,000 readers, or "two thirds where necessary, laying of roads sociation also rhows that in these of the Jewish population." We leading to colonies settled on J. N. specific cases troubles may be condon't know the Jewish population of F. land, and construction of water iidjd to a woman physician but not to a woman advocate. The Assothe world but we venture to say supplies. ciation says that such distinctions is that the figure is very high. "an attack on the dignity of the Interesting facts about .the part legal profession." the Jew has placed in the rise of news^ gathering agencies. may be gleaned from this book. For we learn that M. Koenigsberg, a Jew, Moscow, Maq 17. (J.T.A.)—Evenwas prominently concerned with the •upbuilding of the International News tually the Jews / of the small towns Service, and that Joseph Pulitzer, of • Russia hav« to leave for the New York.—A- new building to be founder of the New York "World", colonies whether they want to or erected solely for the use of patients had a large part in the founding of not is the conclusion reached by two of moderate means will be built by the Associated Press while another Russian Jewish economists, Weizblit Mount Sinai hospital. The building Jew, Isaac Dinkelspiel of the Louis- and Canto, iia summarizing their im- will accomodate about 120 patients, ville "Times" aided in improvement pressions after a trip through the the cost for erection and equipment to of the service of the National Asso- small towns.' of Ukrainia. amount to about 51,250,000. ciated Press. Cantorj v?ho is the chief secretary According to Dr. Joseph Turner, of the Ukrainian Comzet, the gov^ director of the hospital, the fee for ernment (department for settling the patients will range from So to G, each Jews on., the land, says .that the bed in a cubicle, nursing service inhope th-at the situation of .the Jews cluded. This is about one half of The closing day exercises of the in the small town will improve with that charged for private accomodaJewish Community Center Sunday the lalest gowrnment measures to tions. The announcement further states School will be held on Sunday, June an extent where everybody could find 'work in the small town is that "this will be the first' hospital 1, at 10 a. m. The public is corgroundless. He cautioned against building erected in New York City to dially invited. . : A t ' t h i s time all awards will be weakening the colonization work and be devoted wholly to the care of padistributed to the children on the pointed out that the Jewish" artisans tients ;of moderate means who are unbasis of attendance and scholarship. W y . b e relieved but that the bulk of able to afford charges in private On Sunday, June 8, confirmation the Jewish population cannot avoid rooms but who are able and willing colonization. to pay moderate fe-» exercises will be held.
Victor Rosewater Writes New Book
Awards to Be Given to Children Sunday
Jerusalem (J.T.A.)—Excavations at the Oriental city of Ghor, some kilometers from the Dead Sea, have been completed by the Rome PontiBritish Government Says Sus- fical and Biblical Institute. The excavations uncovered a large city depension Is Only stroyed by fire at the close of the Temporary first Bronze Age and never subJerusalem. — The temporary sus- sequently rebuilt. Human skeletons, pension of immigration to Palestine the' foundations of several houses, by the British Colonial Office, pending the oven of a granary mill, ceramics, the inquiry into land problems by silex instruments and various minerSir Simpson has aroused the feelings als were unearthed^ Later digging turned up the founof the Jews throughout the, world to a high pitch, protests have been dations of st«ne walls between which pouring in fronv§every nook of the straight streetsran Inall directions world at what mjkny Jews term the and^ couches of ashes. ' It is believed, severest blow ever dealt to the Jew- the city was destroyed about twenty date ish aspirations for a National Home- centuries before Christ- The r r land. : and character of the rains 'induce The feature protest was the strike leaders to,think that the expedition last Thursday of all the Jewish peop- has discovered the Biblical Sodom le in Palestine, who deserted .their and Gomorrah. work at the appointed time to a man. In an official commique of the Pal-" estine government issued with the approval of the British Colonial Office the suspension of immigration to Palestine • is characterized as only a temporary measure invoked to protect the interests of the non-Jewish communities by making sure that during the period intervening be- Dictate Terms Upon Which They WHI Reenter Ziontween the time when Sir John Simpists' Ranks son starts on his survey and the time when his report is completed immiWashington (J.T.A.) — Complete gration will not be such as tor enreorganization of the Zionist Organdanger the future of the country. No political demonstration in Pal- ization of America is proposed in a estine so overwhelmingly carried out. statement signed here today by Juswas ever conducted in. so dignified, tice Louis D. Brandeis in which he orderly and peacef^-i.fashion' asr.the -fjutfifflsy. the terms en which he tend just concluded general strike of the hisifotiowers would be prepared to Jews in protest against the suspension resume an active interest i i t ^ e "Zionof immigration. This is the con- ist movement. The «ther signatories are ; Judge TJulian clusion being drawn here in reports to this, statements : from unbiased observers and the W. Mack, Jacob % Haa? afid Robert police who in many cases were frank- Szold. The statement was issued followly bored at the uncanny quiet that ing a conference between the signaprevailed. • -• . Dark streets, sepulchral silence in tories and a committee of the Zionist the old city, deserted shops justified Organization of America consisting the characterization of the stoppage of Rabbi James Heller, cairman of the by a member of the faculty of the administration committee of the ZionHebrew .University as not merely a ist Organization of America, Dr. Iscessation of work but of life itself. rael Goldberg, David Freiberger and Even the restaurants, which had been Dr. Nathan Ratnoff. The meeting permitted to stay open during cer- took: place this morning in the office tain hours by a dispensation from of Justice Brandeis and the statement the Jewish National Council, declined issued was in reply to overtures made to avail themselves of this oppor- at the meeting in Washington on March 26th by the Zionist committee. tunity. The most heartening feature of the An interim regime to be in charge day, according to the Jewish leaders, of the Zionist Organization until Dewas the fact that the Agudath Is- cember 31, 1930, to consist of neutrals rael, world Orthodox organization, (excluding any member of the- present joined in the strike. With the or- executive or of the Brandeis group) thodox Jews participating the Old to be elected at the Zionist convention City took on an eerie quiet in June is one of the proposals.
Into Homestretch
Enthusiasm of Workers for Jewish Philanthropies Continues at High Pitch With Victory in Sight OVER $38,000 RAISED The mammoth thermometer of the myriad of tireless workers, at the Jewish Community Cen- whose enthusiasm continues unter which is serving as the in- abated at a high pitch. As the dicator of the progress of- the army of - solicitors approach the gigantic drive for the Jewish home stretch, success in passing $42,000 goal is assured. In Philanthropies is rapidly -soar- the fact, at the present rate they will ing toward the level marked easily oversubscribe the budget. $42,000, the goal of the tam-! Sam Beber, g-eneral chairman of th* paigners. i campaign, is confident that the goal By Wednesday evening $38,- \will be reached before the week is 610.50 liad been subscribed by jover. "We will not meet defeat," he 1,600 pledgors. The' Women's j exclaimed most emphatically. "Every division under the capable lead- worker has pledged to stay on the job ership of Mrs. X H. Kulakofsky until the drive is completed successwas the first division to go over fully." Double Meaning the top. These energetic workers have already collected $4,- Harry H. J^apidus, chairman of the 709.75, which is $677.75 over foreign corporations, pointed ontth»t this campaign has a double meaning. their quota. "Not osly is it proving that the Jewry Enthusiasm — Tfca WIM -pep and spirit is prevalent throughout the ranks
of Omaha is willing to subscribe t«? these most .worthy xanses .jshich deserve the utmost aid, but also th»< •we Jews in Omaha arc in a health}' condition economically. It is fortunatethat we can give, and do not have tt> take." Each one of the various chairmen is confident that before another week Berlin (J.T.A.)—At the initiative! has passed his division will go over of the "Emigdirekt", Jewish leaders | the top. On Sunday morning- at 9 o'clock at here held a conference regarding the project for Jewish colonization in the Jewish Community Center, the : Peru. I general solicitation committee will On behalf of the "Emigdirekt?', Dr. meet. At this time all of the workers Oscar Cohen and Dr. Bruzkus declar- will be assigned the balance of the ed that this international Jewish im- Jewish people to be solicited. migrant aid organization has nothing to do with the Peru project, but wants j to give Jewish leaders an opportunity i to hear the many projects regarding | Jewish colonization in Peru. j A letter was read from Professor j Albert Einstein, in wfiich the famous I scientist states that in view of the j Warsaw, (J. T. A.). — Polish Jewgreat need of the Jewish masses of ry, all too often disillusioned by marEastern Europe for countries of im- velous stories of legacies left by migration, Jewish leaders should give wealthy relatives in America, Austthe new Peru project thorough con- ralia, South America, is again excited sideration. by another legacy rumor. While Dr. Kirschberg, a Jewish lawyer lawyers are still investigating the who is himself very interested in the legendary Frenkel fortune which if Peru project, described the great pos- being claimed by hundreds of appli! sibilities of Eastern Peru. cants in all parts of the world a rev. legacy of an alleged American shirt king, one Sir John Goldberg, has cropped up. Sir John is alleged to have left an program of production with many of estate valued at $40,000,000. Tbr the leading stars of the Yiddish Theatre in Nork York appearing in our Vienna, (J. T. A.). — The so-called story lias it that he emigrated from films. It has made a careful survey black Jews of Harlem in New Yovk Brisk to America foi-ty years age of the market for this product in the are not of the Je\vish race but are where in the usual fabulous manner United States and in Europe, South descended from negro slaves from he became a millionaire. He never America and Africa and has found a the West Indies who accompanied the married and .t his death is reportff' big demand for these Yiddish films. Dutch Jews to America and adopted to have left a chain of 2,500 retail Judea Films expects to have in the usual manner and religion of shops and his fortune to his Polish production very shortly enough films tl eir masters. This is the conclusion relatives. to insure a constant change of pro- of the wellknjwn Jewish anthropoloEverybody with the name of Goldgram weekly all through its circuit of gist, N. Zollschen. His theory is berg: and also those related to famiJewish theatres. confirmed by Arthur Rundy in the lies of Lazerovitch in Brisk, the RuVienna Freie Presse who argues that bensteins in Slonim, the Shapiros m vhen the negroes were freed they Mezereitch, the Strashuns in ' Vilns remained partial Jews. and the Zibulskys in Warsaw consider themselves potential millionaire There are a number zl colored "The Only Way", a four-act play in Yiddish, written by Mr. A. Still- people in Harlem who claim to be by virtue of their claims to kinship*, man of Sioux City, Iowa, will be Jews. They maintain synpgogues with Sir John. The claimants to this fortune TIEV? presented by the Sioux City Dramatic vhich have certain of the Jewish reClub with the cooperation of the Oma- ligions. Some of the members of formed a committee and named attorney to communicate with thpir ha Dramatic Club at the Jewish Com- ttese congregations speak Yiddish. relatives in the United States in ormunity Center Sunday, June S, startMontreal.—Optimism as to the pos- der to collect the fortune. ing at 8:30 p. m. "The Only Way" is a symbol of the sibility of Jewish immigration to Jewish American life of the present Canada was expressed here by S. W. Contribute for Boy Scouts New York. — Of the more thun generation. It is full of humor and Iacobs and A. A. Heaps, the two amusement, besides being educational Jewish members of the Federal Par- three million dollars which has sifor young and old alike. When pres- liament. They pointed out that while ready been contributed toward the ented in Sioux City it was a tremen- the Canadian government is copying 810,000,000 fund now being raised the immigration policy of Washing- for the Boy Scouts of America, fully dous success. The proceeds of the play are for ton it is doing its utmost not to les- $800,000 or more than 25 percent h»s the Gewerkschaften, Chalutzim of sei the number of Jews arriving in been pledged by three Jewish Canada annuallyPalestine. :
Yiddish Talkie Theatre Chain is Inaugurated SAYS HARLEM JEWS New York.—Three motion picture houses, the' first of a national chain of theatres devoted exclusively to the showing of talking pictures with the dialogue entirely in Yiddish, will, be opened by Judea Films early in June, according to Joseph Seiden, president of the company. A year ago, when the majority of motion picture producers started to worry about supplying foreign markets with dialogue in the language of the country to which the film was to %e shipped, none of the larger companies were preparing to make films for the Jews in all parts of the world who speak the Yiddish language. Feeling that thes« people would enjoy films in Yiddish Judea Films made several short subjects which were tried out in various cities of the United States in neighborhoods with a large Jewish population. They met with great success and proved especially interesting to the older Jews who have failed to acquire an extensive knowledge of English and who, therefore, were greatly handicapped when attending picture performances where the film dialogue was in the English language. During the last six months Judea Films has embarked on an ambitious
"The Only Way" to Be Presented June 8
2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 29. 1930 European Jewish immigrants after and Monday and Tuesday mornings in Hebron during last 'Summer's two generations in the United States, at 8:30 a. m. Memorial services will riots. While nine other Arabs held declared that they would surely bebe held during the Tuesday morning for the same crime were released come Americans but that it >was proservices at 10:15. Preceding- the the tenth was sentenced to death. blematic whether they would remain memorial services Rabbi Bengis will He had previously been sentenced tTemple Israel. Jews. Perhaps we may take this caudeath in the Kastel case. speak on "The Mourner's Prayer." tious statement as a diplomats cloak The closing Friday evening service for a hopeless negative as far as the of the regular season at Temple Judaism of these Jews is concerned. Israel -will be held tonight. Eabbi MAX Y A F F E In any case, we have here a definite Frederick Cohn will deliver a serViolinist doubt and uncertainty that throws a mon on "Hearts and Flowers," which disturbing shadow across the picture will be especially addressed to the Mr. Aaron Shafer, who was in the Modern principles of instruction of American Israel. confirmants and their parents. Totailoring business a few years ago which develop technique in shortest One of the Prophets speaks of a morrow morning his subject will be on 19th and Farnam street, has again possible period of time. WE. 2869 — JA. 0666 sack, riddled with holes, into which "The Foundation of Welfare." Kad- opened a new shop, located at 1720 dish will be recited this Sabbath for a man put his savings day by dsy. Douglas St. As long as the daily influx of riches Irene Rosewater, Charles Peskin and This shop also has a shoe repairLouis Peskin. is at least equivalent to the leakage ii'fif } ing department, with Mr. Krasne in L . The closing session of the Temple charge. Mr. Samuel Nerenberg is the sack still seems full. But what FOR will happen when the quotidian addi- Sunday School will be held Sunday assisting Mr. Shafer in the cleaning tions no longer compensate the loss- Snorning, June 8. A flower service and pressing line. es? It was Israel Friedlander -who and an interesting program will be This shop has a delivery service on By AIME PALLIERE applied this Biblical metaphor to the held. shoes and cleaning and pressing. exercises Sunday In this article Aime Palliere, world- every American city has its Broadway San Francisco are magnificent build- status of American Jewry. He was Confirmation famous "proselyte to Judaism, gives •which, after dark, is as intensely ings which contrast curiously with" the a man who occupied himself to a morning will begin promptly at 10 some of the impressions-of American bright as the Broadway of New Yoi£ studied" simplicity of the services con- great extent with the social and cul-o'clock. Everyone must be seated^ CALL Jewry which he, gathered while visittural problems of Israel in America by. that time. ductea*there. Orthe>dox Jewry, howA-European traveler once declared ing the United States last year. The author of "The Unknown Sanctuary", that he could distinguish.between,the ever^ is the wealthiest where human and whose serene and rational opConservative Synagogue 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 who, once a devout Catholic, has be-various cities of our continent with ; material' Is concerned. , So" great are timism could not be downed by -the Ra&bi Abraham Bengis has chosen come a Jewish religious leader, has his eyes closed, that the street noises the .numbers, of the Orthodox Jews shadows in the picture. —Evenings WAlnut 5077— "In the Wilderness" as the subject here penned some fascinating comments on -American Jewry as he saw would tell him where he was. The that their' community is constantly for his sermon this evening at the J. N. Clemmer, export manager of sounds of Madrid differ from those supplying the two other groups with it.—THE EDITOR. services of the Conservative Synathe Baker Ice Machine company of of London and the noise which' per- 'new communicants. gogue, which will begin at 8 p. m. After spending three months trav- vades Paris is unlike that of Berlin. Omaha, left Sunday on an extended The question arises, however:'Will at the J. C. C. Services Saturday eling .-through the enormous territory I. am willing to wager, however, that sales trip to Mexico in the interests this influx, of new recruits long be morning will begin at 8:30. ' of the United States I haye.this. to this traveler would.ba unable to tell of the company's rapidly increasing S. Kneeter, proprietor-of the AlasTHE MODE PLEATING ShabuotJi services will be held Sun- export trade. Mr. Clemmer will call say: No -on^ can foretell -what will one American city 'from' the other able to compensate the losses which ka Fur Co., IncV^ir^Itf-Farnam, the non-Qrthodox communities sufday and Monday evenings at 8 p. m., Custom Designing a Specialty have become of this great, vitally even with: his eyes open, by day or by on firm located in Monterey on his has installed .one of? the -finest fur Without Extra Cost or Obligation alive country in twenty years—and I night, so great is,the'resemblance bo- fer? The question i s all the more storage vaults in the vrtiddlewest. It trip south, after which he will proacute., because of the virtual stoppage ; am firmly convinced that American .twaen them. ceed to Mexico City, where he . will 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Ja. 3109 is built much on the order, of a bank of Jewish immigration today. For Jewry, which already occupies ah imconfer with the General Supply comThe same may be said of the Am-the losses of the Reform and Con-vault and is as fully protected from portant place in the country's life, pany, general agents for Baker ice attack, fire and moisture. inniHiiuiiiimtiHiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiitiig will play a most important role there erican, Jewish communities. The mo-servative groups are facjs which none making and refrigerating equipment The vault was'built under the suin the future. This is what I told those ment youtnow the Jewry of one Am-may ignore. America offers conveniin Mexico. While there he will also Americans who asked me what I erican city you know the others afco; ent means of renouncing Judaism pervision of the National Underwritmeet Senor Menalio Marin, Baker without the formality of actual coners. In addition to the fur storage thought of their country and those of for here too an amassing uniformity representative in Merida, Yucatan, my French friends who ; aSkad my exists., The various cities frequently version to another faith, which al- Mr. Kneeter features relining, repairwho has* just completed a co-operative [have large Jewish populations—New ways is quite unpleasant for those ing and remodeling of furs. opinion of American Jewry. arrangement for the construction of who arc not imbued with the true I believe that we can learn much York has about two million, Philadel- religious spirit. The Christian Scia large ice plant in his territory, and phia approximately three hundred from Jewish life in the New World. who will fly some 800 miles to Mexico E Five Makes to Choose From •; ^ ence Church and the Ethical Culture In America, as everywhere, the thousand, and so- on. - Jewish City to discuss with Mr. Clemmer Society have large and beautiful FREE, PEOMPT Jewish problem is a twofold one, in-munities of froln sixty to eighty thovf- houses of worship in' all the imporgeneral conditions and prospects. DELIVERY SERVICE volving the question pf - the Jewish sand souls are to be found in many tant American cities; "and in their On his return trip Mr. Clemmer Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky will repeople: anil the question of Judaism. towns, The communities, again, are temples one can find large - numbers (Est. 1903) £ plans to stop at Zacatecas, Torreon, : . divfdsd into' various* groups! each with ceive Sunday evening, June 1, from The first of thesa questions: is social1912 Fanum | and Chichuahua to contact Baker : Tel. Ja. 4129 of Jews who are practically lost for 7:30 to 9:30 for the confirmation of economic in nature, while the second its. own synagogue and religious the synagogue. sub-agencies in those cities, entering 'niimmiiiiiimiiiimiititiiimmitiiHiii? their son, Allan-.Preston Polsky. school and charitable organizations. Straw, Panama, is spiritual. - ; ? : ; •:••••; the United States again at El Paso, congregations are totally indeLeghorn c«r Milan An American rabbi, asked what The Talmud tells us. that some peoTexas. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Labovitz and ple are capable of acquiring knowl- pendent of one another; no Chief would become of^-the masses of East Commenting on this, Mr. Clemmer's MULTIGRAPH family of Columbus, Nebr., are visedge of the Beyond in a single hour. Eabbi or Central Council governs third foreign trip and its effect on FILLING IN iting with relatives and friends for them. Each group administers its But I wonder whether any . one is Cleaned, Blocked and FOLDING—MAILING future export business to Mexico and a few days. From here they will capable..of. bsepming well acquainted, OWTI affairs, each rabbi organizes the other Spanish speaking countries Bleached by f&ctory motor to New "York". IDEAL LETTER ADVERTISING 1 with the vast American country and religious life of U s f l o c k a s he feels' south of the Rio Grande, J. L. Baker, experts proper. its large Jewish communities within Call Our Phone for Service f president, said: "Judged by our past j A very important meeting of the -All Kinds of Sandwiches AT. 2936—307 Paxton Block the space of a few weeks.' Doubtless •" Within; "thisuniformity, "However, and present export sales volume, this Junior Hadassah will be held Tues1515 Farnam the United States of .America cover a we .find a differentiation: American territory has proven a particularly day, June 3,' at the Synagogue. A Harry Solig Ed Solig Formerly 313 Stf. lGjih great territory r but the country is a favorable market, the possibilities of report of the fifth" annual conference 214 So. 14 AT. €662 curiously uniform one. All American which have only begun to be developthe southwest Tregtbn will be given. cities are alike—and beauty is not Ty, on the other the .Reform movei M. S Q M I T ed. As a whole our export business I The main business of the ment, ' and between ; the two stands distinguishing characteristic, ' Dealer in tfisir is not only growing in volume but <ti&s 1 will be the election-xyt oftW JEW1SB BOOKS AND ALL OTHER LARSEN JEWELRY^JO. TSiay are indifferent or- even ugly, Conservative. Judaism; The first of expanded to- the point, where our E L I I O r ATICLE* members are urged to attend. groypsj-c^nsista largely jof.frssh lacking l^rge central buildings, and j 18» DojlCc . Sti—Elk'. B^iplos Decatur Street — Fhnt* WE. S«J plants know, no climatic or geographshowingrtleflhite traces 'of hasty con- immigrants l>from JSastenf. ^Europe; I call the attention of oil my CUBical bounds. At. present, over forty Miss Esther Svislowsky of- Columtotners to the fact that X hove just restructioti."""dei?errnined by economic The second includes those Jews who DR. L. C. i foreign.*^untiies ,are usingj.Bakgrglce ceived a fresh supply of all kinds of ijrus, Nebr., spent the week- «nd in have been born;, in America or who boobs with English translation. rather than'.testhetic considerations. making and refrigerating'machines.1" Jewish Also, the best kinds of Taleislm, silk Optometrist Lincoln visiting with friends.', i x " have-; been' completely'^Americanized This ugliness,: however, invariably «nd wool, and Tephilim of all sines. .--• Irp7 Hqward-^JA. 0288 Also, all kinds of beautiful Bar Mitvnn disappears with thV fail of night. The since their immigration. And the ViNG — STORAGE— i presents, and all sizes of Candlesticks, Twice Condemned V and •l Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Mcsser spent Kiddish cups of pure silver. EIANO MOVING moment the magic "wand of electricity Conservative. Jewish congregations Bemember my own make of Kosher Jerusalem.—The unique fate of the week end in Chicago with their touches these huge.cities a miraculous consist of recruits from, both the other Soap and Bokench's Kosher articles at being twice condemned to death for wholesale and reiail. parents and frienflft -change takes place: everything is camps. A conservative Jabbi, -whose I also have two beautiful rooms to murder in two different cases came rent, bathed in a sea of light.' . Thostj who sermons usually, are delivered in Eng- { furnished or unfurnished, with ; : kitchen. to one of ten Arabs charged 'with A meetingwas held Tuesday,-May lish, must also preac.h iriiYiddish from For 50 Years have riot looked from a seventeenththe murder of five Jewish students 20, at the Synagogue for the-purstory window upon nocturnal . Newtime to time in order to meet t h e . Your Towel Man ORGANIST^-Temple Israel pose of organizing a Jewish National York, those who have not seen the wishes of a certain number of his' Pipe Organ Instruction OFFICES STAT.MA.STER, BGKEB Omaha Towel Supply Co. Fund Council in Lincoln. illumination of Broadway a f Bight ddVfollowers. • : . . \ AND PHII.IP M. KMJTZX1CK Summer Course Begins June 1st Mr. Jacob Lemberg of St. Louis, 630 Omrnlia National Bank Bid?. ; ' 209, So. i l t h St. JA. 0528 not know what light can be. .And? A s for the numerical relationship! , Omaha, Nebraska .. Speciat Rates for This Course field secretary of the organization, | between these three groups—I think j XOT1CE OF INCORPOKATION outlined the purpose of the Council .one can safely says that if ajcity has *C>>'otice Is hereby given that the tinderand explained its various functions, j Eljtne^ hare associated themselves together jone Reform i n d one Conservative•'. alft Jvarbach Blk^-tet AX.. 2»18 LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS t o .form a corporation under the laws of stressing the fact that everyone the State of Nebraska. [congregation it will have at least! 2401 No. 24—AYE. 6005 Tibe greneral nature of the business i s to should help make Palestine the Jew* .three 'Orthodox groups. The Reform' | liuyVand sell bottles, glassware, stoneware, ish Homeland. .'•':. • barrels and supplies used in connect ipu corigregations, of coursa, are the •with\ saM items, and to do all. things : Officers elected for Lincoln were: •whicni may be necessary Or proper to carry Wealthiest,' as one can see from'ra TAYLOR OTAIN CO. * Awnincs, Canvas Covers, Tents, out tfte purposes and objects of such a Charles M. Cony president; Miss N. single "glance at their marvelous tern* PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. business. The authorized capital stock of Camp Supplies, AH Kinds .737-38 Grajn ^ c h a n g e ' Bldg. Diamond, vica-president; Miss Ella 27th and Martha Sts. HArmey the co.Vporation shall be $10,000.00 divided pies.':Temple Emanu-El in New York" .13 and Howard AT. U93 into 10'5 shares of the par <rnlue of $100.00; SUGARS GRAIN OMAHA, NEBRASKA Cohan, secretary; Mr. S. Shostak, each, ai'U of 'Which stock shall be common j Soft gray, iron, brass. bronr.e and and the" templa of the same name In STOCKS And BONDS and sbtflll be fully paid up when issued. treasurer. castings. standard siitefl The corijporatlon ^shall commence business 1 aluminum —Private Wires— . : bronzu nnd iron bushings, sewer miinABRAHAMS Jt O'CONXOn •'/; upon the; filing of its articles of inoorpora\ JAckson 3403—AT. 2008 -£ •. 40 ° "Bran«le>» Thratf STAT/MASTER * HEBER. Attorneys tion in 1'Jie office of the County Clerk of, lioles, cistern rings iiiiii covers and
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'. ^OTJCE OF" PItOBATJE 6 i f « V I l i t , In fhe County-Cdu'rV-of Douglas County. Nebraska. -•. '•;„:.• .. <>••-«.. In-the mntter of tile estate of George S. Johnson, deceased. T.'' - I 3 > "• - All%persons Interested" in snid estate are iliereuy- notified-Hhat-~n-- petition-."has .l>een -•filed.'in snld Court, •iirayliig -lor- t i e pro,lmie;6f a certain instrunient-now.on file in said -Court, purporting to tire • last" will rtfiTTeWnmeiit-of Msirftl deceased.- -nnil that n hearing will be; had on said petition before SaW Conrt on the 7th day --of. June. lOIIO. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on die said 7th day of June, inai. at 9 o'clock A. :M. to contest the probate of said will, .lie. Court may allow and probate said wttl'nnd grant: -administration of said estntejt« Zania Johnson and Milton II.. Abrhhariis or some other suitable person 'atia-:.'proceed to a settlement, thereof. ; ' ., ,. _ BUXCE CUAWFOItn, Maj JU—3t '.„:;, \ County Judge.
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- 630 Omaha X a t i Bank Hldg. SOTICB BY Pt'BtlCATIOK OS TIOH TOR RETTUSMEKT OF ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska : In the'matter of the estate of Harry Wilson, deceased: All person* interested in said matter are hereby not Hied tlmt on the 2Sth day of May. 1030. Irvin Stalmnster filed a petition In said County Court, praylne that his final administrntion account, filed herein be settled and nllowed. and that Tie be discharged from his trust HR administrator jind that a hearini? will be had on snld petition before said Court on the 21st day of June. UKW. and that if you fail to appear before snld Court on the said 21st day of June. 1030, at !> o'clock A. M.. and contest snid petition. thi> Court may grant Hie prayer of said petition, enter n decree of heirship. and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as *o this Court may seem proper, to the md that, all matters pert.iininjr to Said jstate may be finally settled and determined. BUYCE CRAWFOUIl. May 30—at County Judjre.
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Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue for a pei ,iod of SO years. The highest amount ofv indebtedness to which the corI poration s^iall at any one time subject itself shall Vnot exceed two-thirds of its capital stoife. The affali^s of (he corporation shall be conducted b y a Board of Directors .of ..not less than, f wo members who shall be chosen.""-from% nmprigl -the jtt'ocfeliwldefs' at their ^annual Tineetins. tTutil . the annual meettn-g- iri Jiuiuary. 'lOSl. the Bttard of Directors >• sha U be Samuel Hiokes, Mas Itiekes ajul E>1B?1 Itiekes and the officers shall : be- Same ^ RieUes. • President: Max Riekes, ,TJce-P*n'ideT?t. and Etbel Riekes, Secretiiry'and l .frensarer. ' • . These jirrtiples \ot incorporation' may be amende'iVby tl»e vnmrihaiive vote of l-\vo1 birds of the capital stock at any rejcrular or special meetin^T of the stockholders. • SAHUKTi IIIEKKS, ' MAX IUEKES. BT11EL EIEKES. In the presence of: . PHILIP M. KLUTZ SICK. 4t—May 30,1930. \
1 PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THtrKSUAr, MAY 29, 1930 Hebrew Cultural Renaissance is no No better .start-could .haye been who claim as their own the cmly- voted himself, zealously to the relief and the fame of James N. Rosenlonger a dream but a living and crea- made than" beginning with Lessing non-Mormon governor the state ever of the declassed Jews of Russia. As berg will go even higher. tive reality. European Jewry has Rosenwald who has already demon- had. European head of the Joint Distribu- (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) already tasted some of its' fruit Will strated that he is a real chip of the tion Committee and chairman of the American Judaism remain indifferent old block. i Hardly -a Jewish paper "in; "the- Agro-Joint this quiet and' assuming and deaf t& the message of the re-j country has not had some mention man who is a* lawyer, painter, play- Palestine Pavilion at Fair Salonica.—In order to have a Paljuvinated, enriched and enlightenedj Utah is probably the only place in of James N. Rosenberg in the last wright and poet is already known Judaism of Eretz Israel When it America where the Jews are known few weeks. Rosenberg, now busy to American Jewry. Now he is estine pavilion at the fifth internawill awaken to that message, it will as Gentiles but even there the JewJ adding to his fame as chairman of tackling the job of raising $2,500,- tional Fair here next September a have begun to discover itself. gets into the limelight. The homej the New York campaign- of the Al-000 as New York's quota of the Al-delegation of Greek Jews consisting of 29 " leading' members of the comof the Mormons has been hospitable lied Jewish Campaign, has had a lied Jewish Campaign. distinguishedand aried career. munity are going to Pelastine to inIf past achievements mean anyto the Jews and many of the state's "leaders have been Jews. The. recent In the last few years he has de-thing New York will go over the topterest Jews there in tlie project. conclusion of the census in Salt Lake City, a conclusion eminently satisfactory to the .people, has brought By HARRY MENDELSON into the headlines Harry. S.Joseph, State census supervisor and for "more Like the two other major festivals who have poured their youthfulness, than thirty years a factor in Utah of the Jewish people, the celebration vigor and idealism and extra-ordinary politics. of Shabuoth commemorates more hopefulness into the ancient land and Porcelain-on-steel inside BERNARD POSTAL ;An engineer,or training he drifted then an event—it commemorates the book and have discovered to their and outside of every houseinto politics J>y, way of the county ancient eajly harvest by the Jewish great joy that the book and land in Most men are content to sit back engineer's office to, which he •was hold cabinet. toilers o'f" * the field, as well as the turn have given a new and inspiring and enjoy the fruits of a life. well elected in 1892. Two years later he Surfalus Pomer to keep food giving of the; Ten Commandments meaning and content to their lives. spent after they have reached sixty" safely cold even on the hoton MountiSinai. Just as the festival The modern 20th century in rejuvinat- but not Benjamin N. Cardozo, chief became county surveyor and later he of Shabuoth connotes the wandering ing and resurrecting the ancient spir- justice of the New Yorfl appellate was elected to the legislature. In test days. of Israel, and the observance of Pass- itual heritage is himself rejuvinated court whose sixtieth birthday, has 1907 he was speaker. Several times The Famous "Cold Conhe has been mentioned as a candiover has : immortalized the "freedom of and enriched. trol" which makes possible brought forth hundreds of greetings date for the U. S. Senate. Israel from bondage, so does Shab- •What is genius if not the spirit of from the most distinguished men and extra fast freezing of ice and In the meantime his achievements uoth commemorate the revelation of yduthfulness,-vigor and- vision, shed- women in America. For more than desserts. the Torah to the Jewish people. ding new light and richer meaning sixteen yeara Judge Cardozo has add lustre to the Jews of the state Unit at the Bottom out of Israel and the Torah are synony- into the old values, standards, been dispensing justice tempered the way, leaving the top flat mous, one and the same thing. With- thoughts and actions. The Jew In with mercy. out Israel there would have been no Eretz Israel is again reaping as in and usable. Admittedly one of the greatest Torah and without the Torah Israel ancient days and drawing inspiration The New Hydrator which certainly would never have survived from the work of the soil. The land jurists in the country he was recentkeeps vegetables fresh and ly seriously considered as a candidate national destruction, dispersion, exile together with the book, the healtheven revives wilted vegefor the United States Supreme —could never have withstood the giving sun, the stimulating ocean air, Court. His colleagues and lawyers tables. crusades, the auto-de-fe, inquisitions the wonderful skies, the -, toil of the Elevated Food Shelves that and pogroms. Throughout the gen-soil, the draining of swamps, the af- say of him that in his years on the erations it has been our salvation, forestation of barren hills, the irriga- bench be has "been creating a legal eliminate stooping. our consolation, elevating us to high- tion of semi-deserts, the converting revolution by his discussions. Permanently Quiet Opera' A liberal, of liberals, a brilliant er spiritual spheres. And today, of wastes in wonderful orange groves tion—the result suit of recent lawyer, a humane judge) Cardozo is when the world is torn apart by surely are moulding a new Jew with improvements and refine15ot only an outstanding Jew but a many pangs and problems, when the a straight back and soul. The chaluments. physical realms have been exhausted, zim, moved by a fiery passion for notable American whom the whole country honors'as he-passes three we can turn to our Torah and apply social justice, as characterized Low Cost. Frigidaire prices his score. Stitched Crepe the profound and lofty ideals of just- prophets of old, and confronted with are low and the operating ice, charity and international peace hard physical struggle must in thfc cost is but a few cents a day. One*is accustomed to~tfimk»«£ •'ifoe as propounded by our prophets and near future brings forth a new translate them into thoughts : andprophet. The synthesis and amalga- name of Rosenwald with ^Chicago,- for actions touching our modem daily mation of the best thought of the there Julius Rosenwald has 'made his THIS IS WHY The smartest nat^for now in a headquarters for his bountiful gifts marvelous selection of styles—problems. Bible and Talmud, with the enlight- o multitudinous philanthropies. - But colors. O-SM So, as the celebrate n of Zman ened creative work of the chaluzim matan torasenu,' the festival of the must bring forth a new. social mes- now Philadelphia claims a Rosenwald, a younger Rosenwald and a son ying of our Torah, meditation ought sage, a new vision, a light which of the great. philanthropist. White Sand surely to be awakened in the Jew.•will lead mankind frorri the slough Green Last week Lessing J. Rosenwald; What is this festival? A hollow, of despondency. From Zion shall Value Yellow empty, antiquated and out-of-date come the Law and the word of God was elected president of the Phila-? Orchid $7.50 Omaha Branch 2059 Parnam JA. 4722 affair? What meaning has it in ourfrom Jerusalem. Was it a hopeless delphia Jewish Federation of Chan^ life? Or is it perhaps that our life hope ? Israel has not hoped in vain ties. His election, was generally mitted to mark the beginning of has no meaning, that the book of almost 2000 years. books has no meaning for us? Might The festival, of the early harvest new era, an era when the youngerl it not very likely happen that the and of the giving of the Torah are men and .women in the Jewish com^ Jew rediscovering his people's part not empty and meaningless phrases. munity will take ;over the responsiCorner 16th and Douglas past will discover his own present. Israel is reaping new harvests, not bilities hitherto carried by their eld.-;. A nation without a past can have no only of the fields but in the realm ers. future. Without traditions, ' educa- of the spirit. It is again creating tion agd the transmission of the cul-great cultural and spiritual values. tural*Tieritage of the past there can Israel of Palestine has discovered be no conscientious Jews, for 'appre- its past, it is using it as a lever to ciation is not a magical thing, but push itself into higher realms. The a matter of learning, interpretation and revaluation of the experiences of the past—resulting in the discovery of light and guidance into the unKAPLAN SAYS: known future. "You Can Play And "chag habikurim", the festival of the early harvest, bringing to us j The Month of May" Hot only reminiscences. of ancient SEND YOUR LAUNDRY Palestinian harvests but also remindTO ing of the-modern chaluzim who have come from all parts of the world, ought to awaken in us a greater living interest in those who.are regainHArney 7545 ing the ancient fatherland—from a "Your Laundry is Our Business" thousand-year-old neglect. It is they
Spiritual Harvest f Our Shabuoth
Isreal Is Reaping New Harvests Both ; in the Palestinian Fields and in ; the Spiritual Realtfn
. •
Jews in the News •
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THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVII? BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor Editor F B A N K R . ACKERMAN FANNIE KATELMAN; Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent
-and'the Talmud Torahs of the Jewish people. The ultimate goal of all education should be the building of character and the betterment of a people's soul life. The State and the Church, each with its own peculiar appeal, and each in its own peculiar sphere should influence the child and imbue him with a love and appreciation of our cardinal beliefs. But these two loyalties should ne.ver conflict—they should supplement and reinforce one another, each maintaining its own identity and neither overlapping upon the territory of the other.
WORLD-WIDE diction offered Mr. Mortimor Singer, head of the Orpheura Circuit.
United States To Accept Hebrew
would be called on the basis of new house in A n ^ r a and thanked her on elections. The last congress was behalf of the Turkish pndple. the 16th at Zurich and the 17th is J. N. F. Reports Income not scheduled' until 1931,. Jerusalem.—A positive reaction from last AugifcTp's riots is responsDemand Energetic Action Bucharestl—Protests by the Jewish ible for the increase in the income community : of Jassey to the- gover- of the Jewish National Fund for the nor of Moldavia urging that imme- six months ending March according diate measures be taken to stop the to a statement issued today at Fund nightly attacks on Jassy Jews • and a Headquarters. It rej»orts an increase similar ' protest • to Prime 'Minister, •of 32 "percent over the. similar period Mahiu and the presidents of both last year. , The total income for the houses of,- Parliament^ by the Jewish six months ending Mardh was $606,community • of Kishinov are "the! latest 180 as compared with 4460,085 for developments in the matter of anti- the same period a year Semitic excesses in Roumania.
Ann Arbor, Mich. — The Univers- Wins Parents' Magazine Medal ity of Michigan has seated that it New: York.—Robert E. Simon, a -will accept Hebrew toward fulfilling realtor of this city, actively interthe foreign language requirement for . ested in child welfare and education, SIOUX CITY OFFICE admission. j was awarded a medal for distingJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street j uished service in child welfare and Detroit Goes Over the Top Subscription Price, one year - - - - $2.50 J parental education at a dinner last Deroit.-Detroit, the first: city in night by George J. Hecht, publisher Advertising rates furnished on application the country to conduct a drive for of the Parents' Magazine. $1,000,000 Hospital Donated the Allied Jewish Campaign, has 'CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old Constantinople.—The cornerstone Mr. Simon was formerly president over-subscribed its quota of $305,and new address; be sure to give your name. for the million dollar hospital at 000 by $30,000 in the first ten days of the United Parents' Association Magnesia, the funds for which were jam" the medal, which is an annual of solicitation.. award, was presented to him for his bequeathed by the late Morris SclinMr. H. L. Mencken continues to come in for a Jew Gives Planetarium activity and devotion to the cause asi, American millionaire cigarette HEBRAIC CALENDAR lot of criticism for his attitude toward Jews and Philadelphia.—A planetarium to be of parental education in its direct manufacturer, was laid here by Mrs. 5690-1930 Judaism in his latest book. erected on the Parkway at Logan relationship to the welfare of the Schinasi. The ceremonies were participated in by the mayor of the 1st Day Shabuoth •_•_ Monday, June 2 It is interesting to note the reaction of a non- Centre at a cost of upwards of school children of the city. district of Vali and various municihas been presented to the 'Rosh Chodesh Tammuz__ Friday, June 27 Jew to the advice by Mr. Mencken that Jews as- $300,000 ^ Jew Heads Committee pal officials, as well as the Turkish Institute Museum by SamF jFast of Tammuz Sunday, July 13 Hoboken, N. J.—M. Z. Hurwitz; minister of health who later received similate. Wickham Steed, noted British journal- uel S. Fels, millionaire philanthroijRosh Chodesh Ab__ Saturday, July 26 leading department store owner of Mrs. Schinasi at the government ist,'upon his arrival in this country to address pist. this city, has been named as general Fast of Ab_.: „_ Sunday, August 3 th6 convention of American newspaper editors in chairman of the mayor's committee j Dr. Adler, Wife Feted Hosh Chodesh AlluL.. .Monday, August 25 Washington, said, regarding Mi-. Mencken's labelof 100 to supervise the tricentennial [ New York.—Dr. Felix Adler, found-Rosh Hashanah____Tuesday, September 23 ing the Jews as an "unpleasant race": "How many er of the Ethical Culture Movement, celebration of Hoboken which occurs • ,Yom Kippur—_ Thursday, October 2 Jews has Mr. Mencken met? r One must first get and Mrs. Adler were the recipients on June 20, 1930. Mr Hurwitz is {.1st Day Succoth.. ___Tuesday, October 7 to know Jews in the mass before issuing such a on Friday, of congratulatory hes- the only Jew in the Hudson County ' Shemini Atzerethu .—Tuesday, October 14 verdict." And on the question of assimilation he sages on the occasion of their Golden to serve on the board of Christ Hos{wedding anniversary. Letters, tele- pital, the Boy Scouts and the Y. M. '• Simchath Torah. Wednesday, October 15 expressed this view: | grams as well as a radiogram from C. A. I Rosh Chodesh Oheshvan—Thursday, Oct. 23 I dont agree with him at all. Individual Jews China were received by them. A Honors Rev. Holmes j I Rosh Chodesh Kislev__- Friday, Nov. 21 may assimilate, but not the Jewish people as a whole. special festival and pageant in honor I think it best "for the world that Israel should mainNew York.—The Rev. John Haynes ! i i s t Day Chahukah..._..Monday, December 15 of the founder was held, at the tain its individuality, and for that reason I have been Holmes of the Community Church Rosh Chodesh Tebeth-Sunday, December 21 rleldston School of the Society for v a s among the recipients of the hon. f o r - a long time in favor of a spiritual center in Fast of: Tebeth ...:. . Sunday, December 28 -; 'Palestine where Jews should have full freedom for Ethical Culture, on Friday. orary degree conferred by the Jewish *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. such development. L. Rosenwald Heads Federation Institute of Religion at the Fifth But while non-Jews as well as Jews continue to Philadelphia. — Leasing J.- Rosen- Annual Commencement exercises held ! argue assimilation, intermarriage, conversions wald, son of Julius Rosenwald, fam- here. 1 ous philanthropist; »-as elected presShabuoth, or the Feast of Weeks, which we and other things that would lead to the disappearYiddish Talkies j will celebrate this Monday, is another of our fesr ance of the Jewish people from the face of the ident of the Federation of Jewish New York.—Three motion picture here at a testimonial din- houses -devoted exclusively to the tiyals which bring joy and gladness to the hearts earth, Father Time must be smiling up his sleeve. Charities oer to Justin P. Allman, retiring showing of talking pictures with the of our people. And while like many other holi- For seventy generations the nations of the world president. Among, the TOO people days inherited from ancient days, the' Jewish have speculated over the possibility of Israel's present was Julius Rosenwald, who in dialogue entirely in Yiddish will be opened by the Judea Films early in Pentecost has undergone considerable modifica- death. But the Jew, whether or not he is a brief address told of the pride he June, according to Ioseph Seiden, tion, it still carries a significant message and conr enough to proclaim with the Psalmist, "I shall felt in the fact that his son had president of the company. : tinues to remain unabated in the force of its liv- not die but live to declare the vrorks of the Lord," been chosen the head of the Federation and expressed the belief that ing lesson. nevertheless persists in surviving the other na- the younger'element of the Jewish Originally, the observance of Shabuoth was tions of the earth. Mr. Mencken, together with community must take a larger share agricultural in character. With appropriate eere- the other advocates and prophets of death for of the Federation's responsibilities Consider Special Zionist Congress monies the Jewish farmers offered the God-given Israel, is only Wasting his breath and ink.—Jew- upon their shoulders. London.—A call for an extraordingifts of the soil upon the altar of sacrifice after ish Chronicle. Tribute to Judge Cardoso ary congress of the World Zionist their Spring harvest. However, when the agriNew York.—Judge •* Benjamin N. Organization is being considered by cultural background lost its meaning, the rabbis j Cardozo, on the occasion of his sixthe Zionist Executive 'Committee here tieth birthday, has been the recipient developed a new conception of far greater signiYears and years ago a song about a Rabbi's of tributes paid him by Governor it was learned today. The congress
Drive on Locusts Jerusalem. — The greatest and most spectacular attempt to put an end once and for all to the* locust plague has now been completed with the laying down of twenty miles of zinc sheeting with a series of pits between from Beersheba to l£har Yunir. Tons of poisoned bait have been strewn over the sheeting wtth the object of trapping the vast hords of hoppers which are advancing" from the Sinai Peninsula.
'With •Milk/ Soap,'
Other Countries
AVer feet Tood for Everybody
<Make it taste tetter-increase frod value
ficance and vaster potentiality. In their poetic idealism, the giving of the ten commandinents "on daughter held popular sway. The maiden, because Mt. Sinai was associated with the Feast'of: the of her parentage, was obliged-'to surrender her non-Jewish lover^ It was a tearful affair. In First'Fruits. The Jewish people becametthe 'era.of the revelation of the divine law, a fionsecra-: Milwaukee a little drama was enacted! tion which was the symbolic equivalent of ^a har- that beggars similar incidents in song and fiction. vest—a harvest of the spirit. At this historical The scene was m a courtroom. A girl of nineteen, consummation Israel offered the first fruits of her eyes shining defiance and rebellion, was sumspiritual achievement and religious inspiration. : moned to answer to a charge of inciting to riot. She had given the name of Sonia Mason and had When Moses delivered us from the shackles of posed as a communist. Her parent?, she. averred, oppression, he saved us from physical slavery, were dead. But the words had.nO sooner left her and when God gave us the law.on Mount Sinai he lips than an old rabbi with a skull-cap on his head delivered us from spiritual bondage. Shabuoth entered. The suppressed sob in his voice caused has « „ „ «become « „ . > . a«. memorial « — - " » rto - this - . consecration ~ - ™ r - « , ~ . of ~ the girl to turn. The hardness in her ht heart spiritual freedom, when Israel was chosen ,to-be-1 T, , , \~n , • < . . . • «eu n o
Roosevelt, Lieutenant-Governor Herbert H. Lehman, Nicholas Murray Butler, Felix M. Warburg and countless other personalities of prominence and importance.
Conference of Social Work : 2few York.—Jewish world migrations during the last decade will be analyzed by speakers at the National Conference of Jewish Social Ser-r vice which is to hold its annual sessions at Boston from Jane 7 to 11 with social workers from more than forty states and Canada attending.
Charges Bias Against Jews . Washington. — Representative
* • ,, • , , , , „ ,, , -., j • 4.melted; h e r eyes filled with tears. "She is Guardia of New York City in the come t h e herald of God s law of love and justice— , , ,, „, . , , , , , . . . . . . j, ,,- ', ... ,. longer m y daughter," h e cried. ftTI h a d a daughter daugr House charged that the Jews are a spiritualizing force throughout the generations.
named Haia, but she calls herself Sonia Mason." discriminated against by the State To this end it is the moral duty of the Jews to The path from Haia Magarchak ta Sonia Mason Department in making appointments lift everywhere the banner of light, truth, and is one only too familiar to the emancipated gen- to the foreign consular service. virtue so that bondage shall become meaningless eration. At the proper time a little sympathetic Specifically the Congressman charged in a world freed from darkness. Jewish graduates of Columbia understanding might have averted the tragedy. that Uiiversity in New York City who The pious father failed to understand that the pass the written examinations for the THE PRINCIPLE OF claims of the past, have no prior rights on the [foreign service are rejected on oral SEPARATION souls of today's .generation. The generous dreams J examinations before the personnel A movement has been initiated in NQW York of youth cannot possibly be repugnant to ah all- k to "reduce the spiritual illiteracy" of cur youth seeing infinite Being. The tenacious, sacred "Young men whom 1 know", said under the. auspices of the Interfaith Committee, traditions.of the past must either be interpreted Mr. LaGuardia, "have been rejected by the board are brilliant and anxious consisting of representatives of the Protestants, to conform with the spirit of today or hearts will to serve their Government . in the Catholics and Jews. This committee is demand- be broken. Foreign Service but no matter how.; ing that high schcol credits be granted for reliBut what of the young? Have they no respbn- high 'their standing in the written gious and biblical studies given outside of thejsibility to the past? Are only their groping examinations, they have been unable .__•,• schools and confessedly has for its ultimate aim i postulates true and real|Sipatt i thousand genera- to get by the board." the excusing of elementary school children from tions, be empty of wisdonr? Is the human heart Texas Colony in Palestine school for one hour each week for religious in- of 1930 a unique fact in history?.•-•Must ultimate Dallas.—An indorsement of the* struction. . • ."...'•• ideals be attained overnight? Must they be plan to establish a Texas colony in While we admit that the Interfaith Committee achieved by breaking the hearts of fathers and Palestine at a cost of ? 100,000 was' given at the annual convention of is activated by the loftiest of motives for encour- mothers? Of what value is all progress if the Texas Zionists. Louis A. Free of aging and facilitating religious instruction, we path be strewn with the wreckage of those whom Houston was named president. nevertheless feel that its proposed plan should be time had mischievously made rigid and tenacious For Sunday Rest most emphatically discouraged.: One of the in- to the old customs and beliefs ?- -The Scribe. Dallas, Tex.—The quadrenniel conviolable, fundamental principles cf our democracy ference of the Southern Methodist is and always has been that church and state The highest and greatest God of the universe Church here cheered the report of must remain separate. And while-it'is true that j is within the Soul of every life. It is in living the Lord's Day Alliance that 11,000 merchants in the New York religious training constitutes an important ele- from the principle of God in your daily life that Jewish area arc cooperating with the Alment in our educational network, to excuse the t His Spirit comes into ever greater realization into liance in making Sunday closing unichildren for one hour to inculcate religious knowl- your own being. By association with the divine versal. The conference also approved edge would form an entering wedge whereby aspects of all lives, in your life, thought and work, of the sentiment of Dr. Alexander church and state would gradually but inevitably you add an environmental influence helpful to- Lyons of Brooklyn that the Jews accept Sunday as an American day of merge. wards your own divine urifoldment. rest. • Such a calamitous situation is in direct defiance of the,basic ideals of our United States. To divide We may talk about truth, yet we know that W i n Dramatic Cup our children into sectarian groups is repugnant to truth means to us only a better mode of under- Chicago.—For the first time in its the very foundations of our democracy, and the standing, life and thought. We are forever out- history, the Institute Players' Guild danger of such a maneuver cannot be over- growing our "truths". Hence, truth to us is but of the Jewish People's lustitute won coveted Edith Rockefeller Mcemphasized. America is. non-sectarian and must the next or succeeding step beyond us on our the Cormick Cup in the Greater Chicago be kept that way for our future well-being. Our, path way to Truth, Drama League Contest with the play, religious instruction must come through proper "The Tenth Man", by Elma Ehrlich mediums—through each denomination's church When a person's disposition is below the ideal, Levinger, which it presented for the or synagogue organizations, which must necessar- know that the ideal is only in hiding and that a c o n t e s t - T h e largest single award ily be sectarian. Such a principle is well recog-} little gentle encouragement may cause it to ap- ° f t h s nized by the parochial schools of the Catholics pear. * prize for -Schoolman took the
20,224,357 Fewer Passengers In their efforts to keep Omaha provided with a first-class street railway system, the chief problem confronting the owners and officers of the street railway company is automobile competition. In 1929 the company's Omaha property carried 20,224,357 fewer passengers than in 1920. The number carried in 1920 was 61,650,839 and in 1929 was 41,426,482. In spite of this decrease in business, the company continues to give its usual high character of service and keeps its property in the same state of high-class physical condition for which it has always been noted. - -
Economical Transportation
•4 • •s
" a < ' - * • " * *'*" •
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 Miss Harriet Greenblatt of Minneapolis, Minn-, is the guest of Misses .( Annette and Sara Riklin.
Miss Ruth Sherman of Tulsa, Okla.,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. SamTaTHE CONFIRMANTS: C o h e n . •
'• ' •
: /.
-' •
• " . " • • . •
Upon the occasion of your confirmation you are being presented.with the keys to a wonderful and powerful palace. That palace is Judaism, and the rooms in it are Jewish religion, history, morals, ethics, and the various Jewish sciences. We feel confident that you will be true Jews and that you will guard most zealously the treasures of this Temple, the virtues, justice, and uprightness of your people. And so the Jewish Press extends to you its heartiest congratulations and felicitations, and hopes that you all attain your goal of happiness.
Mr. and Dire. Morris Milder, Fairacres, announce the confirmation of their son, Haiian, at Temple Israel. They will receive in bis honor Sunday, June L from 2 to 5 p. m.
Mr. er.d Mrs. Wm. Tenenbaom, 3021 South Thirty-second avenue, • « • nounce the confirmation of their daughter, Sylvia, at Temple Israel. They will receive in her honor S«n« day* J«ne 1, from 3 to 7 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wintroub, 3902 North Nineteenth, announce the Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Smead, confirmation of their BOB, Ernest, at Temple IsraeL They will receive in North Forty-ninth street, announce his honor Sunday, Jane 1, from 2 to the confirmation of their daughter, Rvselle, at Temple Israel. They -wilT 6 o'clock. receive in her honor Sunday, June 1, Mr. and Mrs. L Nathan, 2566 Ma- from 7 to 9 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs, and Mrs. Gertrude Jacobs left Tuesday for Los Angeles, Calif. They will be gone about three weeks, during which time they will visit in San Francisco, Calif., and Mexico. * • • son street, announce the confirmation ENGAGEMENTS princess lines was worn by Mrr« Mrs. I. Rosenblatt is in Los Anof their son, Jalian, at Temple IsMr. and' Mrs. A. Riklin announce Dave Goldman, and Mrs. Max Holzgeles, Calif., where she will visit for raeL They will receive in his honor the engagement of their daughter, man wore a rose net, imprinted vrith a month. Sunday, June 1, from 3 to 5 o'clock. "Annette,-to Mr. Perry A . Silverman, a pattern of roses and trimmed with • • w son of Mrs. M. Silvermau of Bes rose-•velvet. Dr. and Mrs. H. Hirschman, 304 Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Rosenberg, Mrs. B. Firsht and son, Tom, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goldstrom, Moines, la. Miss Minnie Wolf wore a Patou daughter, Mrs. Jeanette Rist, of De- 42*9 Parker street, announce the con- North Thirty-sixth street, announce 3030 Nicholas street, announce the ' Miss Riklin is an Omaha dancing frock «f white crepe Elizabeth, made troit, Mich., are the guests of Mr. firmation of their son, Bernard, at the confirmation of their eon, Jerome, confirmation of their son, Frederick, - instructor and has been, a dancer on grecian 'lines, and emerald green and Mrs. L. Ackerman. They will Temple Israel. They will be at home at Temple Israel. They will be at at Temple IsraeL They will receive in bis honor Sunday, June 1, from 3 home in his honor from 3 to 5 o'clock in his honor Sunday, June 1, from with an act which toured the Or- cord and tassel being caught at be here for an indefinite stay. to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. and from 7 to 9 o'clock, Sunday, 3 to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. fimifii - d i c u i t . Miss Rikiin is a shoulder line and waist. m * * June 1. member of Kappa Chapter of Theta Jade green lace and taffeta worn Mrs. E. Fleischman left Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stein, 2171 .Phi Sigma. with a black velvet frock composed Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, 2962 Mr. Silverman is an attorney. He the ensemble worn by Miss Helen for Chicago, 111., where she will j N o r t h Forty-ninth street, announce 109 North Happy Hello* boulevard, attended Drake University at De& Kohn, and Miss Florence Wolf wore spend a few days before-leaving for 1the confirmation of their son, Albert, Poppleton avenue, announce the con- announce the confirmation of their New York City. On.June 20, Mrs. firmation of their daughter, Minda, at at Temple Israel.' They will be at Moines, where he was a member of a Jennie model of aquamarine satin, Fleischman will sail for Leningrad, home in his honor, Sunday, June 1, Temple IsraeL They will receive in daughter, Frances, at Temple Israel. Phi Beta Delta Fraternity. with an orchid veltrt. WTap. They will receive in her honor San'• No date has been set for the wed-* "Miss Anne Zalk's gown of beige Russia, accompanied by her daugh- from 3 to 5 jp. m. and from 7 to 9 her honor Sunday, June 1, from 3 to day afternoon and evening. ter, Miss Nucia Perlmutter, who is 5 o'clock and from 7 to 9 o'clock. p. m. ding. a professor of Education and PsycholMr. and Mrs. Morris Rosenberg:, jacket of lace and matching Dr. and Mrs. M. L Gordon, 101 ogy at' Columbia University. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock, 4420 Woolworth avenue, announce . Mrs. Clara Golden of New York Mrs, Fleischman was the honored 5127 Chicago street, announce the South Fifty-first avenue, announce the confirmation of their son, Melvin, City, f»rme^y of Omaha, announces ENTERTAINMENTS guest a t a luncheon given at the confirmation of their son, Lloyd, at the confirmation of their son, Jerome, at Temple IsraeL They will receive •the engagement of her son, Harry, Mrs. Irvin Sta I master entertained Fontenelle last week. Temple IsraeL They will be at home at Temple IsraeL They will receive in ia his honor, Sunday, June 1, from ito -M£s -Mollie Milmaa, daughter of at a bridge-luncheon at the Fontenin his honor, Sunday, June 1, from 3 3 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to 9 Mrs. Ray .Mi) mad, of Brooklyn, New, 6 o'clock. elle' Hotel) Tuesday, m-honor of Miss to 5 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. tn. Among the guests at the Zeta o'clock. -.York. ;•";--, - • Gertrude Tatle. Covers were laid Beta Tau Fraternity house party Mrs. Ida Goldberg, 707 North Thirfor 32 guests. . '.-_ ._ 1 _ held in Lincoln, Nebr., Friday, May Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Barish, 912 tieth street, will receive in honor of - HIGHLANT) COUNTRY CEUB 23, were Josephine Monheit, Marian Mercer Park boulevard, announce the About three hundred guests attendMrs. Meyer Beber entertained 12 Scharf, Helen Cherniak, Ida Krasne, confirmation of their daughter, Shir- j the confirmation of' her daughter, ed the opening dinner-dance at the guests at a bridge-luncheon, WednesRay Bernstein, Lucille Erasne, Mild- ley, at Temple IsraeL They will be Esther, Sunday, June 1, from 3 to Highland Country Olnb, Saturday, Miss re^ Lipsey, Marian Goldner, Joe at home in her honor, Sunday after- o'clock, and from 7 to 9 o'clock. May 24. The ballroom, decorated day, at her home, in honor of Sixteenth Erasne, Edward Brodkey, Harold noon and evening. with garden flowers, palms and ferns, Ethel Riekes. j Mr. and Mrs. A. Kaiskee, 2217 Brodkev, Louis Babior, and Lawrence , * • • made an attractive Eetting. Sperry's I Lottirop street, announce the confirMr. and Mrs. Ben J. Stiefler, 5523 j mation of their daughter, Sara mara, Mrs. E. Fleischman, who left 1 Krasne, Night Club orchestra played for the Thursday t o spend the summer in Marcy street, announce the confirma- 1 at Temple IsraeL They will be at dance and "»vill" furnish the music for Europe, was the honored guest at a tion of their son, Robert, at Temple I home in her honor Sunday, June 1 Mrs. Rose Mezner of New wYork the rest'"of the season. tea given Wednesday, by her; daugh- City is a guest a t the home of Mr. IsraeL They win be at home in his A most attractive summer gown from 3 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to ter, Mrs. M. D. Schulman. and Mrs. E, Weinberg. Mrs. Memer, honor Sunday, June 1, from 3 to 5 10 o'clock. was worn "by Mrs. 'Hymie "Milder, • * * who is Mrs. Weinberg's sister, is p. m. and from 7: to 9 p . m . fashioned <on bouffant lines, with an Miss Sara Brodkey entertained 14 planning to. spend several months i • applique trimming of roses, with Mr. and Mrs. C L. Bergman, 5519 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Feblowitz, 815 guests at a bridge-luncheon at the here. Which .she wore a hat of yellow hair I South Twenty-ninth street, announce Jones street, announce the confirmaFontenelle Hotel, Saturday, in honor i of their daughter, tion of their daughter, Frances, at s ^aw,' showing a trimming of paint, the confirmation of Miss Yetta Wright of Los An«. * Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Seiner , ana» ed \flowers to match her gown. Temple IsraeL They will be at home , j Alma, at Temple IsraeL T h e y geles and Miss Gertrude Tatle, a daughter, Tobie, of St. Louis, Mo ' ^ u . ° , ^-^~,. ) LXIack' chiffon and Alencon lace, bride-to-be. in her honor, in her honor from 3 to 5 from June N will arrive in Omaha, Sunday, to be fashApned With a long shoulder cape 3 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to 9 p. m. Sunday, to 9 p. m from * * • ' the guests of Mrs. "M. Seiner. of laiie-and flbuncings of lace on the o'clock. June 1. Miss Ruth Hefner entertained 16 skirt Vas worn by i Mrs; Abe Herz- guests at a bridge party, Sunday, at Miss Jeannette Greengard of St. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman, 3612 Leavberg, ->.Vife of the president i}£ the her home, in honor of Miss Ella Louis, Mo., left Sunday evening for enworth, announce the confirmation ot 4714 Pacific street, announce the conclub. A black velvet wrap, made in Altsuler, who will be married this her home following, a week's visit their daughter, Jeanette, at Temple firmation of their daughter, Helen, •the new .wallow-tail mode completed June. here at the home of Misses Bess and IsraeL They •wilj receive in "her honor at Temple IsraeL They will receive her outSt. •, i:-..-•': Sylvia Bernstein. from Sunday, June 1, from 3 to 5 o'clock in her honor ^Mrs. • San t.- • Herzberg Hrare. a Suzanho m 3 to 5 o'clock and e * • ~ PERSONALS and from 7 to 9 o'clock. ne Talbot •m.°^ l °£ black; chiffon, 1 from 7 to 9 o'clock Sunday, June 1. Mrs. Al Denels of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1.-Mater and combined defectively with eggshell children of Los Angeles, Calif., are Calif., is visiting her father, Mr. B. Shames. Black chiffon gowns were also worn, the guests of Mrs. Marer's parents, QinafvcLs Style Center by Mrs'Loyal v*3ohen, whose princess Mr. and Mrst-Harry Fellman. Drs. Bernard' Brahdner and Dan * * * gown sliowed flcxuices of black lace, (Continued on Page 7.) Miss Sara Mosow of Sioux City, and was worn with a cloak of black velvet, as was the -black chiffon and la., will spend the weekend in Omaha HONESTY ecru lace, fashioned: with a flounced as the guest of Miss Elsie Stalcollar and. flounces ' of lace on the master. shirt worn by Mrs. 1 \arry Rossnfeld. Mrs. Cora Wolf' chivse ' a gown of - Mr. Adolph Marer and daughter, ^Opposite "NB—O*—*• Orpheum Painting Contractors Helen, of Indianapolis, Ind., are viswood -velvet shades, n a d e with an Charge Purchase Billed July lift iting at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. ecru lace shoulder capt;^ , 24th St,. ,. WE. 4211 : Flesh chiffon, fashion \d . on • long Charles Levinson.
i Get Rid of
OKAY Roach Powder Effective Easily Applied Complete Directions with Each Order WE DELIVER CALL AT. 3507
LEVENSON Chemical Co. .
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Max Skier's Sons
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3,000 In Time for the Holidays Flower voiles that wash! Piques yon can scrub! Washable silks that take kindly to water! Handkerchief lawns, batistes, rayons and other sheer cotton fabrics! Guaranteed fast color!
There's a Style for Every Summer Occasion! Choose frpm>any .one of these f e a t u r e d price groups and. you'll flatter your fashion
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IHEaew Jajii-wwfcted sffliouett* lias b a m a c c e p t e d . . . but just where to place the^bdt depends upon yonr individutl figure . . . and where you p?ace the belt
determines your smartness. All of which is not so ecvnplieated
;as it seems if the dress is a Nelly Bon . . . just whisk off the belt, move the belt loops, and wear the belt where it becomes you vnost. (Another of those unusual little features that always make Helhr Doas SO thoroughly enjoyable.)
'A CompleterShowing
Fourth Floor
They'll make you a picture of crisp coolness no matter what celebration is planned for the day. Their smartness and value proved by the first shipment that was sold before we could announce their arrival. With the "fitted Jook" and such a reasonable price. Second Floor
Hundreds and hundreds of these loveliest of smart frocks—fashioned as only fine makers know how—shown for) the first time tomorrow in every conceivable type and kind. Avail yourself of this timely opportunity to join the "ever-widening circle" or to renew your acquaintance with it! Third Floor
PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 cities in our country -which use. gas a; a fuel. .
i .
There are fifteen Jewish ^students The Iowa 'Primary Election will who will graduate from'the Council be held next Monday, June 2 in Bluffs high schools next -week." The which there has been much camThomas Jefferson high-school wilk paigning. The,only Jewish' candihold its Commencement;* Exercises, date in -Council Bluffs is Harry L. next Thursday evening, June 5, at Cl»erniss, well known attorney, who eight o'clock at the City Auditorium is a candidate an the republican at which time the only Jewish ticket for County Attorney. Everygraduates will be Molly Zoorwili, one is urged to go to the polls to . daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. Zoor- vote. \rill; Seymour Gohn, son of Mr. and A special election for the franMrs. Max Cohn, and Leo Nogg, son chise for natural gas will also be voted on Monday. Natural gas is of Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg. The Abraham Lincoln high school offered to Council Bluffs as an aid will hold its Commencement Exer- to progress. It will help bring in cises on the following- evening, Fri- more industries to .this city, and it day, June 6, at eight o'clock at.the will also -give more empleyment to City Auditorium at whichl time the Council Bluffs citizens, according to graduates will include: Rose Braml- Mr.: H. C. Holder, manager of the ers, daughter of Mr. ' a n d . Mrs.-Council BJuffs Gas Company, who Maurice Brandeis; Helen Cherniack, urges everyone 1to vote "Yes" on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lpuis this franchise ant help build a bigger Cherniack; Marian Katelman, daugh- and better city. Cities who are now using natural ter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman; Lucille Krasne, daughter of gas strongly recommend it and state Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krasne; Marian that it is very satisfactory. A Marcus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. special Council Committee recently Louis Marcus; Helen Steinberg, returned from- a visit to Denver and daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Simon Salt Lake City where they investSteinberg; Jack Fichtenberg, son of igated the' natural gas -situation, and Mr. and; Mrs. L. Fichtenberg; Harold their findings are an emphatic enjKroloff, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis dorsement of the natural fuel as Kroloff; Maurice Pepper, son of Mr. cheaper and better to use than arSam Pepper; Leonard Krasne, son of tificial gas. Mr. Lynn K. Alberti, Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne; Yale City Solicitor, gave the report of Meyerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samth • committee whichV visited' Denv'er Meyerson, and Milton Yudelson, son and Salt Lake City; while' Alderman W. S. Rigdon gave the comfit Mr. and Mrs. M. Yudelson. ' ' Among those who average above mittee's report following a visit in ninety per cent for the entire four Kan'as City, Tope :a and St. Joseph. years' course at high school include Both committees reported favorably Marian Katelman, Maurice Pepper, on natural gas. Their verdict is .Milton Yudelson, and Leo Nogg. that natural gas is superior, on Miss Katelman, who received all A's every, count, to artificial gas. The ,as high school was awarded an greatest opposers to natural gas are the coal interests who e b p o t want Ionian Scholarship .Gold Pin. to give Council Bluffs the opportuni ti of advancing as th^ progressive PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS
schechita ban and the appointment
tures of both the resident company ity of resident companies. FLORENCE REED IS The illustrious Miss Reetl is one of of National Socialists as police dirplan and the road show attractions. the most brilliant actresses America ectors have been the conditions of STARRED AT BRANDEIS |It retains the resident company as has further participation in the governyet produced.
Mrs. Henry Locus of Los Angeles, the nucleus for productions, enabling According to Mr. Walsh those who ment by the National Socialists. If Calif., arrived last Saturday to visit In bringing Florence Reed to Oma- the stock fans to see and enjoy their enjoy drama at its best should not these demands are not met; they her sister, Mrs. H. Marowitz, and ha, Mi\ William C. Walsh, managing favorite players week after week* fail to see Miss Reed next week. threaten to create a government Mr. Marowitz, for about two weeks. director of the Brandeis theatre, has yet it brings artists of the American Weimar. — The adoption of a crisis. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein will scored his second "ace" in the in- theatre in their great roles into cities POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS entertain at a reception at their auguration of an interesting and par- that probably never would have the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS home at 222 Frank Street on Sunday ticularly colorful chapter in the his- privilege of enjoying tnem. In short, afternoon, .June 1, from two until tory of the theatre in Nebraska, the Guest Star system unites the VOTE FOR charm of-'new names, new faces and five o'clock in honor of their daugh- namely, the Gugst Star system! . The Guest Star system is a measI new talents of the traveling road ter, Pauline, following her confirmaure seeking to combine- the best fea- 'shows, with: the comfortable stabiltion from the Temple Israel. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenfeld will entertain at a reception at their home at 420 South Eight Street on Sunday afternoon, June 1, jui honor of their, son, Donald, following",his confirmation rael. '.
from • ,
. ' • " • • " • - . . ';•"•••.'••••
Mrs. E. Gilinsky left Saturday evening for Brooklyn, N. Y.,to visit her daughters, Mrs. Ralph Castle, and Miss Gertrude Gilinsky. Among the students at the University of Iowa at Iowa-City who are expected home today for their simmer vacation are Helen Whitebook, Rosalie Richman, Milton Krasne, Albert Harding, and Harold Saks. Mrs. Jack Steinberg entertained the members of the B. B. G. Club at ,her home Wednesday evening.
Vote For
George H. Hayne, 2nd
County Auditor
Republican Candidate For
HARRY L. CHERNISS Republican Candidate for
lived over 35 years in the_ county. Born and raised in Council Bluffs. Fourteen years actual experience in the practice of law and in the. trial of- law cases. Promises efficient enforcement of law with judgment and fairness to all. .
'Ml* v/y
County Supervisor • For Three Year Term
Beginning January, 1932
Get Set for a Trouble Free Trip
Resided in Pottawattamie County 49 Years • Your Vote Will Be Appreciated Primary Election, Monday, June 2
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Tire up for the season at low prices! Latest 1930 Goodyears! World's greatest values because Goodyear enjoys lowest costs by building MIL* * IONS MORE tires than any other company/ Tires for every purse and purpose: Double Eagles; new; - Heavy Duty; standard All-Weather; and match-
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Your Vote Will Be Appreciated
County Coroner.
Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave.
My opponent has served as CORONER for 20 years and is again asking for another term. . Through this he has had THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of dollars. It being a gobd thing, why not pass it around ? Having Had years of experience and being, qualified * for this1 office I am asking for;your vote and support. •• ' '
Phone AT. 6427
30x3V2 . . $ '5.18 32x4 f. . . $ 9.25 32x4 4 . . $13,50 HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK TIRES
30x5, 8 ply . $20.45 32x6,10 ply $35.45
Guaranteed Tire Repairing
Leonard Jackson
Tubes also low priced
I ERE T O O " more people ride on Goodyear Tires ••_•••
OF '
Jackson Funeral Home * *
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than on a n y o t h e r k i n d / / /
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'•'•'\ • '••' -ti.
.PAGE 7—'U1U JTSWJSil i*KESS, THURSDAY,,MAY 29, 1930 accompanied by his siter Louise. * * » Rabbi Abraham Bengis spoke on "Orphan Wo$k from a Jewish Viewpoint" at the meeting of the Jewish Dear Gay: Day Nursery organization held TuesJust parties and parties and more' day afternoon at the Synagogue at parties for our brides-to-be. Keeps \ 24th and Nicholas Streets.; Mrs. -us all on the go. Thankful that the Samuel Gerson outlined the expected weather has changed too, so that we work of the group under the new Federation. can wear our summery frocks. - I've been seeing some darling Shantung dresses. One particularly The Tel-Hi-Buds, a Junior Young caught my fancy. The dress was Poale Zion organization, will give a blue and white, sun-tan back, and hike Sunday, June 1. Everyone is the short coat -was nipped in. at the to meet at the home of/.Molly Kelwaistline Arith tiny tucks. burg, 2422 Parker St., at 8:30 a.m. Everyone is stfli talking about the All children between the ages of Highland Country club formal opea- 12 and 15 are invited to attend. ing and what a lovely affair it Has. BAR MITZVAH Such "beautiful and stunning gowns, and you .know how lovely our Jew- Mr. and Mrs. A: Falk, 2243 No. ish women are, so you can imagine 19th St., announce the Bar Mitzvah They will rewhat a picture the ballroom must of their son, Frank. 1 ceive in. his honor , Sunday, June 1, have been. We're finding out more all the from 2 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to time about Mr. Gerson. He just 10 o'clock. made up the cleverest parodies, to the tune • of "The Vagabond King" for the theme, song _; of the Jewish Philanthropies driven Thought you'd be interested in the words so here they are: . • .I
1 JearCs Journal \
' • .
Buy This Sunbeam Toaster
Campaign workers are we,Vic-to-ry ours shall be Save our people in distress! We shall win our battle, Full of Faith and Mettle, JflirTf to Jewish Philanthropies!
The coal barons of Omaha and Chicago have launched a campaign to beat the gas franchise* Their campaign is directed by an Omaha wholesale coaj magqate and an Omaha man has been employed to make their stump speeches- Operating under the guise of the Council Bluffs Civic League; these coal barons are throwing a cloud of their usual smoke around the real issue of the^ gas franchise* _^
Onward!- Onward! Onward to the Goal!^ Get your prospects! See the Dollars roll! " For the sick and needy All our efforts shall be, Onward, Jewish Philanthropies}
It really islJjeju^tiful .to see Jiow ; the women's'division, of the i Jewish j ' • Philanthropies is going over the top : tinder the capable leadership of Mrs, {' JY H. Rulakofskyy But everyone else'j is working l&TTJees^ani^ aV a result', the drive is'gofflg" over~the~t6p? in|"' a magnificent; ^ay." . 1 The H. A. "Wolf *Cp. got Borne un- | known and MipTicited.; advertising j •'• the other day. •'Richard Gordon, son j of Dr. and Mrsl" iM-IT Gordon^ isjri: the fourth graofel aJ^Diin&ee ^school^~ The language" lesson; for,- ••jthe.:"i day . was to be prepared -with 9r sentence I that contained a wor^tha't"copldtT)e' abbreviated. When V&ichard : called on, he rose tjJKfij you belong to the H/oSI"! s Kichard ought to mak^;-'a; goog^ad- j ^ Tertising many if that indttent;iB=aEB^] ? criteria. " ^.^-^-^-i^ Sunday is Confirmation '^ay;"atTemple Israel. Keminds me" of" out Confirmation class and the tBHlf~1F was to receive that diploma. There will be quite" a few receptions, too/ and that's-always a-pleasure, visiting with and seeing everyone. With love, JEAN.
and Get - Handy &I& Iron =
(ontmued from Page 5.) '•
Mr. andliJtra. Wro. Bushman and son, Stanley, have moved into their new home fct 519 No. 55tad St.
.CLUB JSTEWS The last meeting of the Entre Nous Club.was held Tuesday, at the home of Mrs. David Cohen, 7001 Minna Lusa Blvd. An interesting feature of the program wag a lecture given by Dr. Herman Jahr on "Child Welfare; Ancient, Medieval, and Modern." The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. J. J. Friedman,-. 2962 Poppleton Ave., on June 3.
The Pioneer Women's Clqjj held their last' cultural meeting of the year Sunday evening at.the Labor Lyceum. Husbands of the members and the Poale Zion were guests. Dr. M. Margolin and Mr. J. Lemberger, of St. Louis, spoke. Refreshments were served after the meeting. The committee in charge , werp Mesdames'il. Bornstein, I. Hurwitz, and J. Kichlin. A successful concert was given by the Ladies Labor Lyceum club Sunday evening, May 25. A presentation by the pupils of Miss Dorothy Ds Vere featured, the concert. Those taking part included Hubert Sphiecher, Phyllis Aitken, Billie. .and. .Jean „ Planteen, Dorothy Jean -.i Turner," Pauline and Virginia Dodendorf, Pol- ly Rifkin. Mrs. J. G. McConnell played the accompaniament. Other numbers on the program" \?cre a violin solo by .jSLqlpmonJ Zus- _ man 'accompanied by Miss Gerber; a vocal selection by Mr. Jack Solinsky accoompanied by Miss Gexber; r.nd a violin solo by Milton Solinsky,
That Sells for $3 JO
This combination offer is one of the best purchases of the year. The toaster makes delicious toast . . . . brown, crisp and wholesome. The iron is a handy traveling iron that you will need on your vacation this summer.
V Provisions in the gas;franchise cover every " -' . " phase of the gas industry and are strictly in accord.:, . , anee with the laws of thfe city and state*
Proposed Franchise Gives the People an Opportunity to Select Their Fuel
Iron and Toaster $8 CASH
Natural Gas Will Be Competition for Coal
for Both
^Nebraska Fewer
Natural Gas Will Be Under Sinct City and State Regulation
~ frTtlr-antl-HarUej^SSts; 2314,M St. i ( ; -
Coal Barons Set the Price for Your Wintep Coal
- \ 'Electric -Shops "=
Anot^gr Fuel Be P^nitted Compeimr to coal barons say <s po/' you in meir cloud of dirt€md smoke%#|heff hiave in the past thirty or fortySyears* They weSS^^aiy you tiit privilege of seledtfen in competitive fuels. They d#tiot want competition — for that reason they are lighting p r o g r ^ s and the comkig^.of natural gas* &*
SOCIAL NEWS Blitz, students at the^Crpignton verdty, .will leave Saturday ^e for their Jioroes in New" York City>: They will return to Omaha next fall to resume their studies at Creighton;
— i- -
u u
public Benefits, by \ howm Prices as a Result of Competition m M OLDER
SI&UX CITY NEWS MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent" *\T/*\vi\Tt-t\iri\Tri\Tr£\tr*tiftTr»\?rtimmtt
JOINT SPfCE TO : INAUllDMItDRIVE Rabbi Albert Minda to Speak; : Campaign to Open \ June 2
d ughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Baron. Refreshments concluded the meeting.
Holiday Services Are to Be Held
' Special services wili be held at the Temple and Shaare Zion Synagogue to commemorate Shevuouth which begins Sunday evening. Mount Sinai Temple will have- a Announcement has been made of special sendee Sunday evening, at the eangagement of Miss Esther Korz A Pagaent "The Spirit of Hadas-i 8 o'clock, at which time Rabbi Lewis of Minneapolis to Albert Saltzman, will speak on "Judaism and the son of Mr. antf Mrs. A. P. Saltzman sah" was featured en the program Law". of the Annual Hadassah Linen Showof this city. The wedding date has At the Shaare Zion Synagogue the er held in the Jewish Community been set for July 6. Center," Tuesday ^afternoon, May 27. first service will also be held Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. Rocklin will mot- Those who took part in the pagaent at 8 o'clock, Rabbi Rabinowitz using or to Iowa City Saturday where they included Ruth Bernstein, Dena Bar- as his subject "Our Copyright Withwill attend the graduation of their on, Dena M. Baron, Rozena Sacks, out Royalties". On Monday morning, son Isadore Rocklin, from the School Lillian Magaziner, Frances Jacobson, he will speak on "A Ripe People". of Engineering at the State Univer- Elizabeth Passman, Tillie Shindler, Tuesday morning, his subject will be sity. Enroute to Iowa City Mrs. Dorothy Mazor, Rebecca Stillman, "King David's Memorial Message". Rocklin will stop at Cedar Rapids Inez Leaff, Ida Fish, Bobbie Lazere, This service which will begin at to visit with Bernard Rocklin. They David Levin, Jordan Ginsberg, Ida I 10:30 will be the usual memorial will be accompanied .by: their daugh- Shindler, Miriam Passman, Fradelle service for the holiday. Stillman, Adelle Mittenberg. Music According to an announcement ter, Hannah. •was furnished by Miss Sara Weiner made by Rabbi Rabinowitz, Jewish children can make arrangements to Mr. and Mrs. C. Oransky of Des at the Piano. take their examinations in the public Mrs. William Lazere, President of Moines, Iowa, are visiting * at the schools so that they will not conthe organization gave a report of home of Mrs. Oransky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaufman. ; "%> Midi West Regional Convention flict with the holidays. If no other which" took place in Kansas City last arrangements can be made, Mr. M. Fifteen couples gave a surprise week. It was announced • that the G. Clark has given his permission party on Philip Dobrofsky, Sunday, next Regional Convention would be to postpone the examinations till the evening, in honor of his graduation. held in Siou". City, with the Sioux following September. A treasure hunt at six o'clock and a City Hadassah as hostesses. buffet supper were followed by dancOther numbers on the program ining at Stone. Park. cluded a solo "Eli Eli" by Miss Weiner, a recitation "Childhood MemMr. J. Aizenberg has returned from ories" by Miriam Blank, and a group Montreal, Canada, where he attended of Folk Songs by Miss Dena Baron, a National Convention of the National Worker's Alliance.
Society News
A "joint service of the five synagogues in the city will be held at Shaare Zion this evening at 8 o'clock. The Service which is for the purpose of aquainting Sioux City Jewry with the plans and purposes of the Allied Jewish Campaign, which is nation"\vide, A\iU begin at'8 o'clock. Rabbi Albert CL, Minda, of Minneapolis, will give the principal address of thej evening, presenting to; the audiencje the iheed and functions of 'the Allied Jewish Campaign. Rabbi Lewis of Mount Sinai Temple and Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz of Shaare Zion will speak briefliy. Cantor A.-Pliskin will chant the regular Friday] evening ritual with the aid of the ;Shaare Zion Choir. According to the announcements by Mi%. A". M. Davis, chairman of the ,drive, no solicitations will be made: -at this meeting. The campaign wrll' open June 2, at which time twenty7t>ne captains and over one hundred workers will begin solicitations. A meeting of the various captains was held- in' the Community Center Established ID 1918 last Monday .evening, at which time Miss Rose Zelner of Memphis, Ten- CHAS. G. LOWERY CO. Inc. cards were apportioned and the plan nessee is a guest at the home of Mr. of Campaign laid out. and Mrs. M. Mason; The captains for the drive include Phone 57120—201-2 Frances Bldg. , SioOx City, Iowa Dave Davidson, E. E. Baron, H. Mil-' Mrs. Sam Leubowitz -of Omaha is ler, E.. Barish, J. Kalin, A. B. Fried- visiting at the home of his brothers, man, Mike Skalovsky, Robert Sacks, Isadore and Abe Leubowitz. POWTICAL. ADVERTISEMENTS E. N. Grueskin, Morris Lazriowich, M. N. London, Louis S. Goldberg, M. Miss Anne Cohen spent the week VOTE FOR Seff, Morey Lipshutz, N. Saidoff, M. end visiting in Omaha. E. Friedman, Mrs. M. N. London, Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Miss Ruth Marx; Mrs. J. Harkoway and ;daugrhter* and Miss Rosalie Sacks. ; ••' Shirlej>, have returned after a visit in ' Chicago, and point? east.
Mrs. Stephan Heller of Chicago, has Tetumed home after- a visit • at Plans are being completed for an the home of her parents, Mr. and Ice Creain Social to be given at the Mrs. Ben Schulein. Shaare Zion Synagogue June 8th, by the Ladies Auxiliary. The social 13. T h e picnic "wiir i>e" "given "at will open at 5 o'clock and continue Riverview Park. till, 9:30. Mrs. M. B. Herzoff is in charge of arrangements.
Ladies Farane Plan Picnic for July 13 - P l a n s are being made for the Eighth Annual Picnic and Bazaar to be given "by the Ladies Farane July
Will Appreciate Your Support
Two J. C. C, Clubs devoted their meetings this week to the election of officers for the coming season. Max Maron was elected to head the Maccabbee Club as President for the coming year. He succeeds George Shindler. Albert Herzoff -was elected Vice President; Rudy Shindler, Secretary, and Irving Lunin, Treasurer. Captains for the athletic sports include Will Shindler, Indoor; Max Maron, Basketball, and Milton Grueskin, Football Captain. Bernard Lazriowich was chosen as Chapter Committee Head. Morris Marsh was elected by the Hawkeye group, to the presidency for the coming year. Joe Skalovsky was elected Vice-President, and George Fmebefg, Secretary. The Annual Hawkeye Prom has
STODP & SCBAEFER "We feed the multitude" With Tasty Foods , POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS
Harold W* Henderson CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT (County Clerk) WOODBURY COUNTY Incumbent Candidate on Republican Ticket —— June Primary A HIGHLY IMPORTANT PUBLIC OFFICE
REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION AS His Official Record Is His Best Argument Vote for
New York.—-That President Hoover endorses the Allied Jewish Campaign was a statement made-by James N. Rosenberg, chairman of the New York City "drive" for $2,500,,000 curing the course of a luncheon given in his honor Thursday at the Hotel
Hoover Endorses Drive
CONSTABLE . __Is_ Now Acting. Constable and Experienced in the Work
Two J. C. C. Clubs Elect New Officers
S E F F ' S
Auxiliary Plarpijng .... Ice Cream Social
been scheduled for June 29.' The Biltmore by nearly one hundred committee in charge of the event, leaders of the city's commercial and Harry Zifkin, George Fineberg, and industrial life, who have volunteeredMorris Marsh, plan to have it an their services to the campaign. Mr. Abe Stillman will speak on outdoor affair, concluding with - a New Orleans.—An anonymous gift the "Political Situations in India" dance. of $10,000 to the New Orleans fund at the meeting of the Poale Zion of the Allied Jewish Campaign was Organization which will be held at A report of the Junior Hadassah announced. The local quota is the home of Mrs. S. Epstein this Convention at Kansas City, by the j $60,000. evening. Mr. Jacob Bell will also local delegate Miss Sadie Shulkin lead a discussion at the meeting on occupied the business meeting of the Modern Jewish Literature. The' group at their regular meeting last meetings are held every Friday even- Wednesday. ing at the homes of the members. DELICATESSEN Flans were made to hold the elecAND tion of officers for the coming year SANDWICH SHOP at the next meeting, June 11. ALL RINDS OF KOSHER MEATS
Abe Stillman to Lead Poale Zion Discussion
, *•
SHERIFF Republican-Primaries June 2nd
Geo. T. Iverson
County Auditor MONDAY, JUNE 2nd
John Kinquist
Audley W.
Johnson FOR
Supervisor First District
County Supervisor FIRST DISTRICT
Practiced law in Sioux City 17 Years Ex-president Sioux City Bar Association—Tax payer
Vote for .
Vote for
Primaries June 2, 1930
CONSTABLE Primaries Julie 2, 1930
J. B. Shoemaker
Primaries, June 2,1930
State Representative
Vote for
Moke Your Vote Count FOR SHERIFF Vote for