June 6, 1930

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§$eresis of TKe^ JcwisK Community





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Wafep^ws Against An ti-Roumanian Drive

VOL. vm.—No. 2j


Sam E. Klaver Is ' Re-elected Head . of Hebrew Club


Luke at Geneva to Care for Appointment

Leaders Confident of Victory in Local Philanthropic Drive

** — ^ — — — — Washington (J.T.A.)—A •warning London (J.T.A.)—The desire of the to the Jewish leaders in. the "United Palestine adminstration to avoid the! States to desist from the campaign appointment of either a Jew or anj against Roumania because . instead Sam E. Klaver, well-known local Arab as acting chief-secretary of] New York (J.T.A.)—What is ex-, . a g g i a v " | attorney, -was reflected president of Palestine for secthe j ating the Jewish situation in Rou- ^ pected in some quarters to develop l e g a t i o n was of H.responsible C. Luke,.chief Omaha Hebrew Club for the J. C. C. Sunday School Con- mania was expressed in a communi- ensuing term at the'regular meeting into an historic legal battle over tire retary and acting High Commissioncation by F. C. Nano, charge 'd'afer during the riots, to represent the firmants Will Present of the organization held at the Jew- question of scriptural reading in the B r i t i s b fairs of the Roumanian legation in j ; Program puDlic" schools "win .begin some ' t i m e ! f ° v e n 5 n i e n t ** *•»-.*«<*«»*Washington, to Bernard G. Richards, J i • * • next month when "Corporation toun-! m * s e S B k m * ^ « « Mandates comThe "Jewish . Community Center executive- director -of -the -Aemrican j sel. Arthur J. W. Hilly, representing Sunday School Confirmation -will be Jewish Congress, in which the RouThis was the official explanation of the" New York City Board of Educaheld Sunday,-June 8, at 10:00 a. m. manian diplomat - asserted • that it the appointment of Mr. Lake, an tion, will appear before Supreme Nineteen Btudents •will - be confirmed. was just as difficult for Roumania to appointment which had aroused criCourt Justice Valante to oppose The opening prayer will be given protect the Jews against a largely Clarence Darrow and the "Free | titdsm" in Zionist quarters since seby Hannah Gossick and the closing prejudiced populace as it is difficult Thinkers Society of New York" who vere complaints - had been leveled prayer by Howard Kaplan. Rabbi for the United States, to enforce " would prohibit the reading of Bib- against him by the Zionists. ' . Abraham Bengis of the Conservative prohibition. lical quotations by teacherB to chil- \ The official explanation points out Synagogue will deliver the confirmaIt would be to the ultimate interdren in the public schools of New that High Commissioner Chancellor tion address, and the response -will ests of the Jews, the communication j could not be sent to Geneva because York City. -' 'be given by Warren Ackerrcan. Wil- pointed out, to ignore the. cases in, arrny of singing cain- the leaders of the drive that The "Free Thinkers \ Society" is he could not be spared in Palestine liam L. Holzman, president of the I which some few Jews have been i and because he was not in Palestine paigners which has been mak- the quota would be oversubheaded by Joseph. Lewis, who has j Center, •will greet the children, •while! beaten in order to insure the pos-j at the time of the outbreaks. ing history for the Omaha Jew- scribed before the week were brought the action as I a taxpayer. Louis M. Shanok,' principal of the j sibility of earning a good living for) If assistant chief secretary, Ed- ish Community in its irresist- old. Besides Mr. Darrow,. <|ther lawyers Sunday school, will giye a few re- the vast majority of the Jews inj who will represent the tTree Think- ward Mills, were sent to Geneva it Harry H. Lapidua stirred tbe ible drive for $42,000 for the marks. • Roumania. : • : ! ers Society" will be Arthur Garfield would have necessitated the appointworkers at the dinner Wednesday Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies, is deterThis is one of the conclusions of \ Hays, Joseph Wheless -and Stephen ment of- either-'-*- Jew or an Arab as evening with the main address. J. C. C. Educational committee, will the letter of the Roumanian charge \ B. Vreeland, while lawyers represent- acting chief secretary and this' the mined to crash over their quota "We should consider it a privilege present the certificates. Miss Esther d'aiffairs to which Mr- Richards^ on ing various clergymen ibf the prin- Palestine Administration desired to within the next few days. The to give," nc declared with ids Faier, one • of -the instructors, will behalf of the American Jewish Concipal denominations • wilt assist Hilly avoid. drive would have ended during customary forcefnlness, "for there present the Bibles. • gress takes exception in his reply in defending the right oy teachers to the last week, but all work was are those who are not as fortunate One of the features on the proread psalms and other Jparts of the suspended due to the holidays as we—people who cannot give. gram will be the "Ten CommandBible. Those people need our help as ments". The various commandments of Decoration Day and Shevu- never If they are successful in barring before, and we cannot fall will be portrayed by the -following oth with the result that $40,000 down on the job. We must raise the -reading- - of the Bible from New, ten children: Rose Mendelson, Julius York City schools, the Free Think-* represents the total to date. oar qnota." Sam Beber, who presLazarus, Dorothy Zollotuchin, Dorers; intend to carry their fight to Sam Klaver othy White, Pauline Margolin, Dave That same enthusiasm which ided, also urged the workers to other large cities, including Boston, raise the rest of the quota. Goldware, Rose Kaplan, Paul Simon, has characterized the efforts of With ish Community Center Sunday, He Philadelphia and Chicago. a mere §2,000 barring the Minnie Yaffe, and Merriam Iieb. has been very outstanding~ in the They claim that the law which New Program May Lead to the workers so far hag not been road to a jubilant victory, the camOther numbers on the program in- Commission Will Study the club's activities. permits the reading if the Bible whittled away one bit by the paign leaders were confident that the Complete Abolition of clude: Declaration of Faith by the Jewish Economic Status Other officers elected were: Hyman without comment . in . the public intervening delay. In fact, the drive would go "over the top", espeDeclassed class, led by Etta Camel; Confirmain Ukrania Oruch, vice-president;^ Sol Rosenberg, schools, though it does not make spirit which does not know the cially since there are 700 prospects tion hymn by the class; "Turning secretary; John FeldmanJT treasurer; such reading obligatory, is unconstiMoscow, (J .T. A.).—A program meaning of defeat was preval- who have not as yet been visited. a New Leaf' by Harold Civin; "MesMoscow (J.T.A.)—A special gov- Morris Brandeis, Jerome Kulakofsky, tutional, since it introduces sectari- that may eventually tead to the comWorkers have been assigned to solsage of Flowers" by Mildred Berg; ernment commission for a wide in- Sam Altschuler, trustees. anism and violates the; principle of plete abolishment of aH the de- ent at the dinner held Wednes- icit these people, and each committee "Our Parents" by Bessie Miller; vestigation of the- Jewish economic Last season the • Hebrew Club had the separation of church and state. classed within Russia in the next day in which . three hundred chairman has promised that his "Woman, in; Israel" by Esther Rich- situation in White Russia and •Ukraone of the most progressive years in In answering the complaint, Corfew years is being prepared by the staunch campaigners assured group will "come through". man;* "Charity" Our Course" by Syl- nia -was decided upon at today's sesthe organization's history. poration Counsel HHIy points out Soviet government following the acvia Silverman; Benediction by Rabbi sion of the executive of the Central Victory Certain that for seventy-six years the law n by the Central Executive ComBengis._ Executive Committee, the highest has permitted Bible leading, which, mittee of "the Soviet Union on Sam Beber, general chairman of Those being confirmed: Warren 'governing body in the Soviet Union. the campaign, feels certain that the h.e said, has an educational -as ted to ft report pr Ackermanr- MfldreA-Bergr, Etta €amel> 'The conimis^on-will. spend^ two rest of the budget will be raised. as an historic value. situation. Harold Civin, Dave Goldware; Han- months, in the small towns studying "Anyone who has been in daily conThough the biblical quotations The complete realisation of this nah" Gossick, Howard Kaplan, Rose the economic 'status of .the.. Jews and. tact with these splendid workers read in the schools contain excerpts * The children of'the J. C. C. Sungigantic program which makes no Kaplan, Julius • Lazerson, Merriam will report' its findings to the 'next " • *5Tle-* Only Way", a four-act play knows that we are certain of victory. from both the Old and New TestaIieb, Pauline Margolin, Rose Man- session . of** fhe' Central*: Exetiutrve in Yiddish, written by Mr. Aw- Stilldiscrimination against the Jewish day school made a good beginning Nothing can stop -us now, as each 1 ments, Mr, Hilly points out that the last Sunday for the seventeenth andelaon, Bessie Miller, Esther Rich- Committee in "September; man of Sfoux^'City, will be presented Iishentzy (people without rights), man and woman has pledged his man, Sylvia Silverman, Paul Simon, this Sunday.,- evening at 8:30 p. -fa; city has never received any com- depends on the aid from the Agro- nual Flower Day of the Jewish Na- support to the end," Mr. Beber The. -commission is instructed to by the- Sioux City Dramatic dub plaint from any Jewish congregation tional Fund. Their share of small Dorothy White, Minnie Yaffe, Dorstated. pay special attention to the question! with the cooperation of the Omaha concerning the reading of the Bible. Joint of machinery -and technical as- contributions raised was $8.50. othy Zollotuchin. sistance. The plan includes the build"This campaign," he continuof bringing the Jewish youth into Dramatic club. The play when-preThe local drive will be held Suning of a number of new factories in ed, "represents a trinity of unindustry and labor, _ to ^ acquaint it- sented in Sioux City „ was a tremenday, June 15. Mrs. Abe Silverman ity, work and good fellowship. Crimea where the declassed Jews general chairman, is laying plans self with the Jewish artisan problem dous *uccuess. It is indeed inspiring to eee the from the Ukrainian and White Rus- for & large group of volunteers to and to study colonization problem. ' Those who-will take part in the spirit and enthusiasm of the sian Email towns can be placed, the cover the city. As in the past the The highest Soviet officials listened presentation will- be Abraham Stillworkers who are making the qualifying of thousands of primitive- girls of the Junior Hadassah will to the report of Jewish situation in man, Joseph Wisenberg,. Ida Sperdrive so successful." ly trained Jewish artisans for quali-] help. Russia. The report was presented ling, Hyman Myero twitch, iGoldie LeMore than 1500 people have London (J.T.A.) — The political fied workers fit for developed indust"Contributions to the J. N. F. pledged to the campaign already. Boston (J.T.A.)—The Irish and the at the session of the Central xecu- vine, Ruth Leaf,, Sam Rotner, David Jews of Boston will participate as tive Committee presided over by" Sperling, Cecilia Sperling, and Isaac committee of World Zionist Organ- ry and the removal of as many of means the enflowering of Palestine's According to present figures the ization will meet in Lonhon in the the Jewish youths as possible from sofl. The more money raised the racial groups in Boston's tercentenaverage donation for the women Michael Kalinin, president of the So- Levine. middle; of June to consider among the small towns and placing them in ary celebration this summer despite more land can be acquired for larger amounts to about $7.00, and the other things the advisability of calltechnical institutions or factories so The proceeds of the play are -for the objections of the racial group viet Union. ing an early World Zionist Congress. that they can obtain immediate pract- immigration in Palestine," was Mrs. average pledge of the men to about committee headed by Mrs. William Tremendous interest was aroused the Gewerkschaften, . chalutzim of Silvennan's statement on the Flower ?36.00. While the regular seventeenth conLowell Rutnam, sister of President by the report ical training and jobs. Palestine. Day. gress is not due until 1931 there Giving Is a Joy Lowell of Harvard University, that nave been reports that as a result Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, head of the Jews are not a race and that of the present situation in Palestine the Women's Division, which was the the Irish should be included among due to the demands from various first group to pass its quota, stated: the Anglo-Saxons. Zionist groups a special Zionist con"While raising funds is usually such Mayor James M, Curely fully supgress would be called this summer. prosaic work, this campaign has been ported the claims of the Jews and a joy, giving hope, love and enNo definite date has yet been set the Irish, maintaining that he would couragement to our less fortunate for the session of the political and recognize every element of the citifellow-Jews." no decision will be made as to zenship in the tercentenary program, New York (J.T.A.)—That one orjed class known as 'tolerants* who London (J.T.A.)—The British gov- tine government and the Arab Exec>nist congress pending the Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman because it was only fair to permit all two prominent rabbis had tried to wanted to be so broad that they f f j ^ . ^ ernment accepts generally the find- utive as well as the minor Arab of the general solicitation comracial groups to give expression to influence the Jewish vote in favor were glad to vote against their,own] session of the political committee. ings of the Palestine Inquiry Com- grievances. mittee, points out that the drive the character •• of the contribution of Al Smith in the last presidential and denounce their own leaders in I The Zionist Executive here denied mission on the nature of last AuThe question of the temporary the rumor that the Actions Commithas created a spirit of joy in 1 which they have made to the intel- election is one ••• of the charges con-order to show how very liberal and tee of the Zionist Organization had gust's outbreaks and with regard to suspension of immigration, the White! giving. "It became & eport to lectual and material development of tained in a secret report on the 1928 tolerant they were." the Zionists' complaints against the Paper states, is under examination I compete for the honor of doing been convened for June. the nation. presidential election submitted by In answer to this, Rabbi.Nathan Grand Mufti, the Palestine adminis- and legislation is to be introduced service to the people's worthiest tration and the Arab Executive. This with the object of "controlling the As long as he is mayor, Mr. Cur- the Rev. Dr. Clarence True Wilson Krass of Temple Tmanu-el said causes." "I protest most emphatically Ask Mandate Relinquishment is the keynote of a White Paper is- dispossession of the indigenous agri- • ley declared, and so long as he has to the Methodist Board of TemperLondon—England should give up sued by the government in which it cultural population." The final deany control over the celebration plans ance, Prohibition and Public Morals, against any such statement, which is "no racial group desiring participa- according to a Washington story ap- totally unwarrantable. There is no the Mandate over Palestine is the outlines the British policy in Pales- cision, however, will be made after -^ tion will be excluded. I positively pearing in the "New York Amer- group of American, citizens so_; divid- demand voiced in the Jewish Chro- tine in view of the forthcoming ses- the receipt of the report of Sir John • OI Z l O I H S t s Tuesday not accept the decision of any ican". The Rev. Dr. Wilson in his ed in its political allegiances as the .nicle, the most influential organ of sion of the Mandates Commission of Simpson. j committee that the Jews are neither report denounces the Catholic church, Jewish population. An analysis was English Jewry. The paper compares the League of Nations. The White Paper also says that a \ The regular monthly cultural meetflesh nor fish and that the Irish will the Jews, Smith and the "liquor in- made of the vote cast on the lower J the White Paper with Pharaoh's While the White Paper is not a; measure of self government for Pal-! ing of the local Zionist district will not be allowed as a group to have terests" as working together in the East Side in the congested Jewish order to the Jews in Egypt to manu- clear statement of the British gov- estine cannot be considered which is '• be held next Tuesday, S p. m., at the district. This analysis pointed out facture bricks without straw. The ernment's policy for the future of incompatible with the requirement of' J. C. C. any part in the celebration. This , last election. cannot be." I "We went up against the worst that in no other part of the city Chronicle says that "MacDonald asks the Palestine administration the the Mandate. OB the subject of self , General discussion will be held of was there such independent thinking. the Jews to build a homeland with statement indicates broadly which defense the statement declares that; the Zionist situation covering the Considerable discussion developed combination that ever fought toIt is well known that in . the last Jews and without land." j gether in t re United States," depoint of the Commission's report the a scheme of defense including the ! relations between the Zionists and in the mayor's office clares Dr. Wilson in his report, "an election very prominent Jews espousgovernment considers the most im-! establishment and control of sealed ; the British government today. The ed Republicanism and voted for effort to corral all the foreigners portant for further investigation or armories in the colonies is being j fight between the Louie Lipsky and race, representatives of the Greeks, Hoover. Also many prominent Jews action. created. ! Justice Louis D. Brandeis factions Syrians and Armenians, together to get the united voice of one great championed Democracy and -voted for After reproducing Premier MacThe White Paper declares, too, | will also be heard. with Mrs. Putnam maintaining the thoroughly organized church, which Smith. Donald's statement in Parliament that the High Commissioner has un- ' Rabbi Abraham Bengis will lead negative while Jewish leaders sup- for the first time gave its sisters, its nuns, its religious order, the • "There never was a 'Jewish. vote' April 3 the White Paper discusses der consideration the enactment of; the discussion. The officers are deported by Mayor Curley argued in at length the difficulties of "conflict- legislation to provide for better con- : sirous of a large attendance. Everythe affirmative. Mrs. Putnam asked right to register and voted them al- and there never will be, because most up to a man, and almost to the Services of the Conservative Jews are independent in their reliing interests" in Palestine and the trol of the pre&B in Palestine. the mayor to abolish the city racial ! one interested in Zionism is urgentSynagogue have been suspenddual obligations of the Mandate becentenary committee and she would last woman.' Then the entire group' gious affiliations as well as in.their i ly requested to come and take part ed for the summer, according of wets, the thirsty and those whose j political affiliations. tween which a balance must be held. continue the state racial group. ;in the discussionto a decision reached at the cupidity wanted a continuance off • — _^ TT7MI The statement points out that A n t i - S e m i t i c Excesses Mayor Curley ordered the recognimeeting of the Board of Trusbootleg trade; an effort to make the; H i g h l a n d o t a g W i l t while the government is not in a Harm Roumania Credit; Heads Workmen's Circle tion of the groups, especially in Jews believe that they had something; tees of the Synagogue held at position to formulate concrete proI New York. — At the final session the J. C. C. Tuesday evening. August which has been set aside for in common with the Catholics in this! posals regarding all the points Bucharest (J.T.A-)—Anti-Semitic [ of the National Board of Directors No services will be held this A stag will be held at the Highwhich the Commission raised it gen- excesses harm the credit of Rou- i of the "Workmen's Circle", or "Arracial group participation. The Jew- contest and with the aid of one or Friday. They will be resumed two distinguished rabbis, who tried land Country Club Wednesday eveerally accepts the findings of the mania, declared Carol Davila, Rou- i beiter Ring", last Saturday, Nathan ish committee, headed by Alexander on the first Friday in Septemto whip them as a race into line ning, June 11. commission on the nature of the manian minister to the United Chanin, well-known Jewish, Socialist Brin, is going ahead with its activ- back of the marching column for Al! Last Wednesday evening the Quo ber. outbreak and the Zionists complaints States, now on a visit here, on the {leader, was elected chairman of the Smith, and then that carefully creat-j sponsored.a successful bridge^ against the Grand Mufti, the Palesef his return to America. order.


Many of the Prospects Are Still Unsolicited; as Enthusiastic Workers Seek ^ $2,000 More HOLIDAYS CAUSE DELAY



Annual Flower Day

"Hie Only Way? Be Presented June 3



ChargesRabbis Tried to Swing Jewish Vote

White Paper Accepts Shaw Inquiry Report


Conseroative Services Suspended for Summer

Be Held on June 11



in the Year 1960 An Authority on. Economics Predicts That American Jewish Prosperity Is Heading for a Downfall "WILL RESEMBLE EASTERN EUROPE" By ROBERT STONE .


jicai have established what is tacitly 'regarded as a numerns clausus. The medical schools are largely manned by non-Jewish physicians. From time to time an extraordinary achievement in research lands a Jewish scientist in the faculty of a medical school. Care is taken, however, that he should not forge too far to the front—and not too quickly. These are not general allegations but facts that occur every day in the year and that constitute common experience for every major Jewish physician in




Lincoln News

Religious Services

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cohen and son, and Miss Leona Schneider motored to Omaha for a few days.

^TheS is one field which has g i ^ n L M r - L ° u i s B - Finkelstein and Mr. a ,few Jews a lucrative means of i ^ 1 0 ? 1 1 * o s e n b € r e .*?«* the weekend in Chicago visiting friends and employment, and that is the motion relatives. picture- industry. As executives and technicians they have held the larger Mr. Emanuel Wishnou gave an exportion «f the responsible positions. cellent violin recital last Tuesday at But with the entrance of Wall Street the Temple theatre. into the'business the situation is rapidly changing. The substitution Mr. W. Zolley Lerner has the leadof H. L. Clarke for William Fox as ing role in "The Big Pond", a chaupresident of Fox Films is only a tauqua production. He left Lincoln general indication, of what is hap- to tour the country with this play pening throughout the business. for about three months. Much as ; the names of the Warner Brothers figure in the daily news, the real fore* behind the company consists of several astute Wall Street A Thrilling New Sport w operators who have realized that the only way to' develop and maintain the strength of the' gigantic industry is to supervise it and not merely to Omaha's finest Miniature gamble in its stocks. We thus see Golf Course introduced into Hollywood strict Wall 3:30 a. in. to 0:30 p. m. to Street management. And that means, 0:30 p. m. •12 p. m. of course—-fewer Jews. Let no one HOLES interpret this as meaning that as, Northwest Corner 32nd Avenue soon as a Wall Street operator be-! and Leavenworth comes a member of the board of directors of a' film company he at once issues an order saying: 'We want no Jews in our company.1 Not FOK REAL SERVICE at all. These men are not necessarily anti-Semites, as the phrase is so lusciously spoken. They merely FIXE TAILORS. SHOE feel that they • can work more in HATTEKS. KEFAIIUXG CLEANERS harmony with a certain friend of CALLBH FOB AMI DELIVERED theirs as general' manager, or as 1730 Douglas Phone AT. 2541 chief scenarist, or' as production supervisors. It just happens that these friends are—non-Jews." Straw, Panama, .Thus it would seem that in the Leghorn or Milan sixth decade of the twentieth century the- American/^ Jewish scene will be painted on a rather dark canvas. If •file authority I have quoted has Cleaned, Blocked and irectly diagnosed the .-economic Bkache&xJ)y factory tbms his sombre^-cbuihasons T warranted. i&is - ^Forecastf "is based on a 5 Ignores the ut; factor-^ ffarry Soligv Jewish adap There have-:been economic revi and industrial •'^evaluations countries^.;; /tet 'Everywhere the s emei^^dia^ic-1 furious, unless he^ftj^jbeen -made.-; iarget of special disenininatory leg*' Elation or of official or ^official boy•ojotts. In the light of past experi-} ence, therefore, the American Jew hardly needs take this forecast tod 1167 Howard—JA. 0288 Seriously. As'long as the principle MOVING —.. STORAGE— 4f equal opportunity for all will pre-! PIANO MOVING T?ail in these United States, regarclw of less of the> jn» th trusts jahd monopolies, Jewisli resourcefulness will survive and adjust itself to new For 50 Years •economic conditions. The econmic Your Towel Man ganger to the Jews as outlined aboVe Omaha Towel Supply Co. Yould become a real peril only if the 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 economic factors were reinforced by racial prejudice and unhampered discrimination. (Copyright 1930 by Seven. Arts Feature Syndicate.) '• - 'i-'-

"• Is the.-; economic decline of 'Amer-had brought him to. this startling .nomic field, as a result.of business 'iean Jewry a reality t Rbbert Stone, conclusion, which practically' amounts mergers, the fact is that there is, a the •toell-hnoivn American : Jewish to saying that by 1960 American greater tendency than, ever before to journalist, here presents. the start- Jewry may be in the same economic exclude Jews from posts, of imporr ling forecast of an aiithoijty on. the stibicci-who. prfifers, for obvious, rca-.condition-in- "wbich-tfeerJews ,of \E$pt-. tance and trust. Naturally, as bank.? sans, to remain anonymous:' 0}>s.erv-ern Europe find themselves today*- ihave merged, less clerks are ree^a of business conditions^in- this On ,the surface what .this gentleman-, quired, fewer bookkeepers are needcountry will be greatly interested in told-me may seem a bit df-sensationed. The- Jews are. always the first t$is survey of economic tendencies in Abnerica and in the extent to which alism. But to offset such suspicions, to suffer. This... holds true in. the tfyey might affect • the proverbial he. referred to -a number,, of factors public utility field as well. Gas, prosperity of American Jewry'.—The in the American -economic world' electric and telephone companies, Editor. which point- convincingly tp the darfe suddenly eppspous^ of -whatsis refer• predictions of the economic future picture I have mentioned—unless,. <&. red >to as ^sponsibility to.the comb£ America are quickly discounted course,, some drastic change occurs- munity', feel that part of that resduring these last few months. If to alter the present trend of, events*i possibility is to shield sensitive ais economic, observer is- pessimistic "Here ~Her&~ is the substance of of' this; from contact with Jewish this j Christians .from he? is said'to be unduly influenced by economic authority's views: clerks and • executives. .. the Wall Street debacle? if he. is - "The Jew in America' has been "The professional field does optimisticf he-is accused? of- mislead- identified iargeiy/^ith^^ieroierqginfile yet offer a situation -so-hopeless. ing the public and of lulling the peor field. He is a small shopkeeper, un- Thousands, of Jewish law clerks still pie into a false sense of security. less he has grown into a big deBut whatever may be the condition partment store owner. The rest of graduate every year and pass the of the stock market, the fact remains the Jewish population may he hud- bar examination. " it i s \ freely acthat big business is pursuing its own dled into the. professions, the trades knowledged that too many of them enter the legal profession for their course, continuing: its development and some miscellaneous callings. own individual good. But, on the along the lines that were begun in "But what seems to be the future other hand, it is felt that the whole1921.' In other words, big business of the Jew in the mercantile field? sale attendance of Jews at the law is constantly becoming bigger • and The mergers that have been -schools j.is due to . lesser restrictions bigger. during the past few years have *af-'j against'Jewish candidates than preJews are often laughed at for the fected groceries as well as automo- vail in-the other professional schools. manner in which they intertwine biles; they have affected bread as In medicine, for example. The most every world problem with their own well as radios. With the huge chain; important medical schools of Amerdestiny. Their critics refer jocqlarly grocery stores dominating the field, to the scientist who prepared a the Jewish small shopkeeper seems monograph on "The Elephant and lost. lie cannot compete in price or the J e ^ s h Problem". But the busi- even as regards service. In the .last f ness situation in the United States few years thousands- of Jewish It's1 a great sport and has a direct and immediate bearing keepers either have been forced out of fun on the Jewish population, a bearing of business.°r. Qlse theyjare- on t h e | MaRe'up'aloads parts and come to the which is constantly becoming more bare verge,of. Starva.fio.n* -It woultl apparent and whose importance can- be the logical thing for chain store not be dismissed on grounds of combine to select Jews as managers of* *the local -^stores. But' this they chauvinistic-s 4016 Ftrnam Street When I 'recently had ~a "discussion ra^ely do, qir t 5 ground that Jews pry in a business vrith a w'ell-loiowiL market writer f«rl — Cool and well ventilated — unsa&isfac Every eyenlflg 8 to 11 a large,-Eastern*dally.fie drop^ed^the. which caters-tb a non-Jewish populaX^dlcs S3e — Men BBe ' -""' remark Ihftt.-the Jew, who .used to tion: Saturday and Sunday Afternoon 2:30 to 4:30-350 be a vital factor in the economic life "Many Jews ape to be found in of the country, is gradually becom- tailoring; shros, ^bakeries and shoe reing insignificant anil"will be of-no .pair-v^shojjs.\.lJu&, even these fields importance at all by I960. That re- h^ye been invaded^ by the chain mark led nie to inquire as to what Already most of the large cities in America have the chain tailKinds of Sandwiches oring sh,op, which has introduced, so 1515 Farnam • minimal a •'. price.. for pressing and NEBLE TEA ROOMS Formerly 313 So. 16th cleaning and which gives such rapid •4009-11 FAB^AM service that the poor Jewish tailor Unequaled Special Dinners at 50c to Sl.QO whose whole life is based on/ his Also Ala-Carte Service enterprise finds himself hopelessly .Ddicateasen Annex—\O%% Fnrnam St. outclassed. There is nothing-that he ^ CO. OPEN EVENIXCK— .'-• * 1803 Bo^se Sf^—Elk'a-"Balldlnj can-do to offset this invasion of his C^UICK REPAIR :SBKyiCE field. Perhaps the chain shop will titL L. C. LESEN give him a place at the ironing board or in the;repair service. The nation-<- • Optomet|ist wide ^bakery combines have effected GOOD PRESCRIPTION B1CH—CllEAMY so- many economies, that they are ^ble to\ bake bread at the minimum Knowledge isi"'*t8ad that he- has i o price, to destroy all "competition. : PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE raHCh* " ' • And since Jews . are growing more TAYLOR :GRAIJf CQ. .Phone JA. 4373 7 . careless of their bread, and since, Wisdom fti -liu^ble, that htf 737-38. Grain Exchange Bldg. some of the larger companies are SUGAlt —GRAIN even baking kosher bread, the sniall STOCKS and BONDS baker finds f-himself wiped out. —iPrivate Wires^NATIONAL "In the pa'Sf!. thousands of Jews JAck8Qn,3403—AT- 2008 NOTICE OF ASnSN'PMKNT TO . J S have found employment in banking ' CLK9 OF IKCOBFOHATION OF AC/^SSORIES, INC. WKSTBRX OIL A>"» SVPhouses ;an& iit^the public utility ofPLV COMPANY J "Everything for the Auto" fices. Biit-.K^re too mergeES VtttCV 1*r ifr/hFretTf frt^1" -turn "tttftt -at Z •N-dnce' hFr«Ty SCTT*" at 1n-?rfd a ll iri meeting 'of stockholders of the 'Jv-'tSALES LETTERS : worked the interests of the fa—AT. 5524 e r u ' Oil and Supply Company, held on MULTlGRAtHING Ihe l«th duy duy of May, l!>30. at >v*lch Jews. .Whetner.-it is only a n MIMEOGRAPHII NG niwtlug all stockholders were present and dence qr^hetherj^here is a distinct voted that Article IV of the Articles, of Incorporation be amended to read as folgrowth "of ar^ti-SJamitism in ;the ecoCommercial Duplicating Co. "The amount:-<if -capital stock that this


rMrs.mdudfc a me " s&l* .gricefc ;rs. ^'•A^ran^-ift^rlafaed" " honor of her daughter's, Elaine, kosher restaurant. eleventh birthday. ; Reported by Misses Ella Cohen T h , e « outr^f-town guestfii were\'tit.. As we.climb up the ladder of exand Mildred Nefsky and ^Mrs. J. Ahrams and family' and perience we are glad te forgive all folks their errors at the price of Dave Harding of Omaha, Nebr. having, our own forgiven. Mr. and Mrs. S. Schneider, and Mr. and "Mrs. Harley Davidson spent a few days in Sioux City visiting S. Greenstone.








m Harry Br. Lapldus. President-

" 0 M * t e FIXTURE AND CO, ^ STORE ElFEICELJOUTFJTTERS;;-••'•','••'-'*. W e O c c u p y - J — _^OTCJ-'JO.PjDO Sq.iia.re. F e e t .

•v' :Spyth.\vest Corner ", '. Eleventh -and Douglas* Streets • i 2bori& JAckso'n 2724 -'-.?•'••'• O m a h a , N e b r .

pp Efectrkaf Contractors


ALM-JSTEB &.' BEBER, Attorneys C50:JQ$i&hu National Bank Bids. S'OTli'B 0 f ClIA^TKl. MORTGAGE X jit ice' If :hereby..given (hat on the -»tl\ .dary oi.J.Hii«r JltotT, at the hour of 10 o'clot-k, A. A.,, -tit ,35^1, JUeavcuwortU Street in Omaha, pouglas 'Coumy, Nebraska, • the undersigned.~v;lil jsell: at public auetiuu to the highest bidder for cash the followiuj; UescribeU. personal property, to--\vit: • 1 oak- dining talii*; 4 Avalnut I^alUer tjeated diners; 1 oak china closet; 1 ' .lvpry cane neat .'Urtn -rocker; 1 ivory dpesseiji 1 mulioeany case Columbia ' phoilograph; 1 8-30110-0 Wilton rug; 1, i>\\2 Asmlnster rug; 1 Cx» Iiruesells rug; 1 4x0 Velvet rug; 1 polychrome floor lamp: 1 mahogany enu table; 1 mahogany cant- seat chair: 1 mahogany writing desk; 1 mahogany cane sent chair; 1 niabojfauy tapestry seat and cane back d'lvenport; t mahogany tapestry seat and cane back arm rockor; 1 mahogany upholstered tapestry Beat and cane back arm chair: 1 mahogany smoliing stand; 1 mahogany • tapestry seat arm chair; \ mahogany wood sent chair: 1 mahORauy librarv " table; .1 wnlnut cabinet, 7-tube xadiola"; J8 Kadio combination; 1 walnut case drop head Singer "sewing machine, . Ko. G0792D3S; 1 sanitary cot: 1 4-buruer Eclipse gas stove; 1 25 lb. refriger•• ator; 1 EasyTac'uinn Electric washer. No.. S4818; 1 7x9 Congoleum rug; 1 green bow. end bed: and all dishes, linen, bedding, silverware and kitchen utensils. Covered by a chattel mortgage- in favor of F. -K. Tyson, doing business as the Omaha I^oan Company signed by Jobn.F. L.andreth and Vida K. J,audw>th, husband and wife, dated November 27th. 1029, amV tiled in the office of the County Clerk of HOUglas County-on November 20th. 1U2U. Sal<I sales will, lie for the purpose <>t foreclosin(f;jiaid liidttgusre on which there is a balance u«»w due in flu< sum of $322.50 and coyts-nccruhig-aa the result of snid-fmle. I>ak'4 at Omnha, Nebraska, this r>tU tjny Of June, 103(1. . F. E. Tl'SUX; ilolnu bnsinejs as Omaha Loan Company, Mortgagee. June ft—T*


1511 Dodge St.—JA. 4834

—Aw nlnK-»r-C»m-n> -COTM-*. • Tt-nts, ! . , Camp Supplies, All Kinds Ij-is and HowarS I "AT. 1493

Standard Shoe Repair Co. . J...L. KRAGE, Proprietor

"NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—AT. S4S1

corporation may Issue., shall not c j t w d the sum . o f v Sixty Thousand ($00,000.00) Dollars,. •.(iteldettv&tw-VWx-Hundred <«») shnrVs'ofh the r.vjtlue of " Oue Hundreds

$100.00);; ;HeHn'rs '«»eh'.'- *Tl»e • balance of | the Article^ to 'fcmain " "without" amend-|




••• ' -

'},.* ' •

•• J

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'Oiie-(J<iy service' dr""\vfiile "Tyou wiiit ~ ' M a i l Orders Promptly Serviced—

4420 Florence Blvd. K E . 1500

By V/ALTSir~^f. ^WAX-SON, President. It. F. I'A^'TO.V, Secretary.

The House Witb A Hepatatlon

MOXSKY, KATLEMAX * GKOI>I>>*K*, Attorney* 7ST Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned have formed <-. corporation WWt the laws of I ho State o£ .Nebraska. . lbo name is SOUND ACCEPTANCE CO-KPORATION, with its i>riiK-iP-i» P lnl S »*; b u s i ; Jiess in the City o f Omaha. The object of tlie Company is to' purcliase aud' discount notes and trade .acceptances and other •<>!>ligntious of all kinds. The eorporatlo" shall have the authority to open offices m foreign states -ati'd'to' handle such- real or personal propertwas m-.iy be rejiulrea in furthering, its'business. The •C«>."°L1S'O^Sshall consist of iKK),shares. par value ?1OT.WJ: each; 250 shares shall be common, ...0 ShnreB shall t)e preferred. Preferred stock shall be,eiititJed «o-.the prefereiu-es set,out in the Articles of incorporation-. IHe cotp-i oration may...upon the affirmative-.vote oi, U0% of-the outstandins stock'dispose of all corporate assets. The hiffbest amOTint or, indebtedness shall not exceed tw . o -ihmls of the capital stock. The corporation shall commence business -when the Articles <m filed in Douglas C6untv and continue mi il January lstTlO79.. The affairs Fha" ^ administered V>y a Board of no* lo»s ,than three ner mow'" than five directors.-The annual meeting shall 1* 1o " ^ " i " 1 •lay in January of each year. The holder* at said meeting shall elect ors. Immediately thereafter tUe < shall elect the President, ^*«»-i> Secretary and Treasurer. ma"v be .iTnencled.


Times a day we are in your neighborhood

JUnchey fimndry Co CITY WIUK DELlVEUr .

AT, 4750— tune in =kOIL "every Tuesday • at ,10:00 A. - M: for the Leisure-Howl's Jirogram

Dialed March ?\ \ M.VKQUAJIDT. June C—4T

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BAKER ICE MACHINES "ManufactuPed in^.• '•'•- • O + f i a h a " ! -•


Baker ice Machime Co.

CHARLES SIMON llecommends

The Sanitary Laundry '•'The Best ut .AH Laundry Service"







MAX Y A F F E Violinist

Temple Israel Modern principles of instruction Services for the summer will be which develop technique in shortest held Friday evenings starting J possible, period of time. promptly at 7:80 p. m. The services WE. 2869 — JA. 0666 will be held in the downstairs auditorium of the Temple. The closing exerciBes of the Sunday School will be held Sunday FOR morning at 10 a. m. There will be a flower service and interesting program. • Conservative Synagogue Services for the summer have been suspended. There will be no servCALL ices until the first Friday in September. 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 J. C. C. Sunday School —Evenings WAlnut 6077— On Sunday, June 8,. 1930, the following children are to be confirmed at the Jewish Community Center; Warren Ackerman, son of Mr* and Mrs. Harry Ackerman, 3625 California street; Mildred Uerg, daughter THE MODE PLEATING of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Berg, 2025 Custom Designing a Specialty North Nineteenth street; Etta Camel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry | Without Extra Cost or Obligation Camel, *1705 North Thirty-third 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Ja. 3109 street; Harold Civin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Civin, 1412 North Twenty-fourth street; Dave Goldware, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Goldware, 2301 Madison street; Hannah Gossick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gossick, 2407 North Sixteenth street; Howard Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan, 3411 Burt street; Rose Kaplan, daughter of Mr. Five Makes to Choose From g and Mrs. Nate Kaplan, 2238 Ohio street; Julius Lazerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jjazerson, 2613 Parker street; Merriam Lieb, daughter (Est. 1908) M of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Lieb, 1924 = Tel. Ja. 4120 1912 Farnam f Sahler street; Pauline Margolin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Mar- iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIi? golin, 3615 California street; Rose •Mendelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. MULTIGRAPH Jake Mendelson, 10 North -TwentyFILLING IN eighth street, Council Bluffs, la.; FOLDING—MAILING Bessie Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller, 3117 Burdette IDEAL LETTER ADVERTISING street; Esther Riohman, daughter of Call Our Phone for Service AT. 2936—307 Paxton Block Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richman, 3007 Nicholas "street; Sylvia Silverman, daughter of Mrs. Betty Silverman, 1826' Florence boulevard; Paul Simon? son of 'Mrs.' Ethel Sithdnj 4470 Bedford street; Dorothy White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White, 2763 Webster street; Minnie Yaffe, daughter of Mr. anS Mrs. LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 Xo. 24—ATE. 6055 Nathan S. Yaffe, 1215 North Thirtyfifth street; Dorothy Zollotuchin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zollotuchin, 2251 North Nineteenth PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. street.



I FOR GRADUATION ! A Beautiful { Portable Typewriter |-


Central Jewish Cultural House Rotterdam.—A central house for the Jewish cultural and literary organizations Is being bulit here on the initiative of "the -Society of -Jewish Interest which is intended chiefly for the Jewish, youth. The center 8TAI.MA8TEB * BEBER, Attentejs 636 Omaha Sai"\' Bank BidsNOTICE BY PirBL.lCATIO.N- OJT PETITION FOB «ETTLE3W**T OP FIKAX ADMIXISTRATIOX ACCOVXT. In tho County Court of Douglas Count?, Nebraska : In the matter of the estate of Harry Wilson, deceased: All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 38th day of May, 1930, Irvin Stalmaater filed a petition in said County Court, praying ' that his tinal administration account ftleil herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from bis trust as administrator untl that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 21st dav of June, 1930, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 21st day of June, 15)30, at IP o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of fieirship, and make such other and further ordeirs, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters •pertaining to said estate may be finally settle*} and determined. " ERYCE CRAWFORD, May SQ—3t • ... . County Judge. -• LAW OFFICES STALMASTER, BEBER ANP PHIMr M. K1.UTZXICK 630 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Umuha, Nebraska NOTICE OF INCORPQKATION Xotlee is hereby given tliat the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The general nature of the business is to buy and sell bottles, glassware, stoneware, barrels and supplies used in connection with said items, and to do all things which may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes mid objects tif such a business. 'J'lie authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be S10.O0P.00 divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, sill of which stuck shall be umnniou and shall be fully paid up when issued. The corporal ion shall commence- business upon the tiling of its articles of incorporation in the office of the County Clerk of l>ouglas County, Nebraska, and " wiuiiiup for a period of ~ ,>0 years. The highest amount t»f indebtedness to vhlch the corporation shall at any one time subject itself shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The affairs of the corporation shall \>r conducted by a lionrd oC Directors .of-not less than two members whoi. sboJi lie chosen from among the stockholders at their annual meeting. Until the annual meeting in January, 1031. the Board • of Directors shall be Samuel Kiekes, Max IUekes and Ethel Itiekes and the officers [ shall be Snimicl IUekes. President: Max IliekeK, Vice-President, and Ethel Kiekes,, Secretary and Treasurer. Those articles of incorporation may be amended by the affirmative vote of Iwothirds of the capital stock at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders. SAMl'KI, R E MAX H1KKES. I KT11EU KIEKEl In'-to'e- prcfifnre at: • " ' " ' PHILIP M. KLUTZ.NICK. 4t—May 30,1930. . >

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PAGE- 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 6; 1930 to raise the cry against the Jewish the English Jew : is the answer to'Zionism as an attempt to life the' R 0 U . n i a n i a . l l Socialist. Nobody can deny that we England's political regime. Germany Jew spiritually. The actual political) are well represented in the Socialist will never emerge from her trouhle and economic problems of Palestine Is to Intervene leadership of Austria. The Heim- as long as she insists on making the today interest me, but do not arouse Bucharest (J.T.A.)—The welir, of course, makes plenty of pol- Jews the scapegoats for the stupid- my enthusiasm. I am merely a~n itical capital out of its anti-Semitic ity of its Hohenzollerns, generals and author looking at life, trying to es- j i a n . Ee eency which heads the state 'slogans. The disgusting part of it— diplomats of pre-war and war days." cape the limitations of party and during the minority of King Mihai you will excuse the term—" < Felix "And are the Jews of Germany slogan ideology. I am for individual promised to intervene in the antiSalten daintily finished a cup of cof- ipore race-conscious than before the freedom.. I am very much . against Semitic excesses on behalf of th« fee) "is that some of our wealthy war?" the interviewer interposed. prohibition—perhaps because I never Jewish population of the country. • This promise was made in the course Jewish bankers extend financial aid Felix Salten smiled at the ques- drink." to the Heimwehr. • No, it isn't done tion. "You Americans always want And, his urbane self again, Felix of an audience granted to Dr. Wilin any indirect way. The Heimwehr mathematical answers. Let me rath- Salten—born Saltzmann of Budapest liam Filderman, president of th* people simply borrow money from er ask you a question: 'Is there any —excused himself, as he had to keep Union of Roumanian Jews who prethe Jewish bankers in order to car- such thing. as a race altogether?' a luncheon appointment with his sented a memorandum^pn the Jewish situation created as a result of the ry on their propaganda; and-our One thing I know definitely: the Ger- publisher. By JOSEPH BRAININ ,,,* bankers give because they do notman Jew knows less' about religion (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts attacks on the Jews. Patriarch Miron and M. Seretzewish to be identified with the Socialthan ever before. I have a friend, Felix 'Salten, the Viennese novel-\ bis "second breakfast'? in true Eu- prejudices and hysteria. .Schnitzler Feature Syndicate.) anu assured Dr. Filderman that they Quite distress- a very important personage, who bet ist who is now visiting the United • ropean fashion. has. remained same men' master storyelement. m would act for the interests of the States, is among the most eminent teller. Some the young point to jJist-Jewish e . ! assure you." (The author at- came converted to Christianity. I Jewish litterateur* of - Europe. As To get to the subject to be dis-him as an outmoded relic of pre-war \ tacked a dish of marmalade.) "When never asked him why. We never Philadelphia — Five outstanding Jewish population who, they emmembers of the Jewish community ike author of many comedies andcussed was a most difficult task. are of great value to Rota•novels and as the dramatic: critic as There is something ludicrous about days. But how ridiculous! He is American Jewish bankers extend vfi- broached the subject. But my sil-are included on the Advisory Com- phasized mania. Patriarch Miron added that ence must hare irritated him, for well as the literary feuilletonist of asking a man busily engaged in but- as much of today as of yesterday, nancial co-operation to the Polish t>r mittee of the Benjamin Franklin the Neue Freic Prcssc he is one of tering his toast whether anti-Semitr the subtle prober into human emo- Rumanian government they nurse one evening he told me, abruptly: *1 Fond of $250,000, to be raised in the organizers of the excesses are the foresihvst of contempoary Ger• • • • • ' • : ! * n e hope that it will produce a more became • converted because of con-the near future, the income- from not true Christians. man writers. His novel "Bambi", ism in Europe is .on the increase. In tions." published in English some time ago, order to hurdle this obstacle and to The entertaining, feuilletonist of favorable attitude on the part of viction.' I remained silent." He con- which will be used to encourage created a deep impression in this avoid interference with Mr. Salten's the Viennese Neue Freie Presse could these governments toward their Jew- tinued: 'Show, me the command "love religious tolerance at Villanova ColSome people tell all they think and country. In this interview Mr. Jo-digestion we spoke of literary mat- have gone on, indefinitely, with his i s h nationals. In this they may be thy neighbor as thyself" in the Oldlege, in Villanova, a suburb of add some more, then wonder why seph Brainiti gives an intimate imtactful observations on modern Eu-| right or wrong. But there is some Testament, arid I will admit that I Philadelphia. "they get into trouble. pression of the great Austrian Jew- ters. made a mistake.' I remained silent, ish novelist.-^Tke Editor. *.,., "Who is the outstanding Jewish ropean literature. His perfect, ease justification—or, rather, an excuse- bat opened the Bible at the ninetheir action. In Austria, how- teenth chapter of Leviticus, verse literary figure?" I inquired, adding: enabled him to carry on a conversa-' for Felix Salten, the well-known Aus- "Present company excepted, of tion while dividing his attention ber \ CTer> the bankers know that their eighteen, and showed him those very trian playwright and novelist, is one course." The author gracefully ac- tween his vis-a-vis and his break-:, money will be used for direct action words. My friend said nothing; nor of-the" few European Jewish authors knowledged the compliment and, fast. Yet the interviewer felt that AGAINST the Jews." of note who are at peace -with their pausing- to swallow the remainder of Felix Salten, one time close;; ••friend11 Felix Salten's smiling countenance did be return to Judaism." With horseback riding weather here you are no doubt . ;' thinking of your riding habit—Whether there is anything Jewishness. It does not disturb him. an appetizing Vienna roll, remarked.: of Theodor Herzl, regular iontributot had become very serious. He pushed "Are you a Zionist?" asked the you Want to replace or whether it is a complete new habit, 1 He accepts it with the same good "Quite an unusual question. We to tHe^noW defunct Zionist^^ drgatC away his platesand lighted a cigar- interviewer. , we can fit you out to your absolute satisfaction. '<'• grace as his slightly corpulent figure, must first agree on. the meaning of Die Welt, and among thw "foremos^ ette. To my numerous questions as Felix Salten, the story-teller who RIDING BREECHES AND JODPHUS MADE TO ORDER his rather-prominent nose and hisoutstanding. Now—let me see." An- representatives of intellectual Eu^ to the Jewishness of the present has written more iumanely about coquettish English mustache. Last other pause, as - Felix. Salten sliced rope, might be able tor coiriment on generation in Europe, the influence animals than perhaps any other conBOOTS TO FIT THE COMFORT OF YOUR FOOT year Felix Salten celebrated his six-off the top of an egg "with amazing matters of greater interest to Jen-^ of" Zionism among the intellectuals, temporary writer,' waved my questieth: anniversary, which his appear- dexterity. "Of course," Waeserman ish readers. So throwing parlor' man-: bis own views on the Palestine situ- tion aside. "J aim no 4isf whatsoance denies. He has the youthful, is very much disappointed at having liers overboard, I asked him point? ation, he merely nodded without at- ever. I loved «nd admired HerzL »22 Sonth 16th Srect AT. 3970 •vital face and physique of a manbeen overlooked in the; Nobel Prize blank: "What about anti-Semitism in • tempting to answer. There was something beautiful in in his early forties. This urbanely selection. I suppose he'. is right. Austria and Germany?" | ."I am not an oracle," he. said. smiling. Continental hoirime de let-Wassermann deserves it"no' less than • Felix .Salten gently -touched a "Jews! WHten you speak of Jews - tres \ is.- perfectly convinced that our. Thomas Mann." ; : :[,,--. snowy napkin to his mouth. Ap-' you simply mean humanity. The sphere must follow its course regardparently the Jewish intellectual of, Jewish range of types is too -wide The interviewer: "With the excepless of human gesticulations and that tion of Bergsbn no Jew, I believe, Central Europe. considers, even -anti- "to be covered by a single caption, inner conflicts, while providing good has received the Nobel Prize for Semitism an appropriate topic for .a Just think of Trotzky at one pole copy for novels, are much less an- literature." V: table conversation. There was no and Lord Beading at the other. After noying than an aching tooth or head. bewildermentin"the author'si attitude,'all, everycountry has the Jews it The author: "There" is no connecThis characterization may not, perhaps, fit the author of "Bambi"; yet, tion between the. Jewishness of: Was-> and ne spoke in a weli-modulated deserves. Russia had only a derightly or wrongly, that is how he sermann and the. selection' of Mann, Jdrawing-room voice. "Anti-Semitism spicable Jew could have remained a impressed me .when I called on him The Nobel Prize Commission is ab-in Austria and Germany? Well, it monarchist. No, I, am not a Cornis very much there; In Austria it munist; I am too Jnuch of an inat the Hotel Roosevelt in New York solutely free of anti-Semitism." The interviewer: "Has Franz Weris a very disturbing factor for all dividualist Yet I realize that the the other forenoon. My entrance infel become a convert to Christianconcerned. The political constella-(Russian Jew today is a result of terrupted his lecture to a waiter on tion enables the anti-Jewish elements Russian conditions, just as much AS the subject of how to boil eggs cor- ity?" The author' (calmly proceeding rectly. Mr. Salten, you see, is a with his breakfast activities):"He great student of history who fully appreciates the influence of a-smooth has not. He married the widow of digestion on the course of political Gustav Mahler, the composer, a nonJewess. That must have started the and literary events. rumors. Yes, he has great talent. We had a pleasant chat—he, the He seems to believe, however, that well-known author, and I the inter- mysticism in content must extend to viewer.- As a matter of fact, our style. He is afraid of clarity and causerie was a bit too pleasant to simplicity. Emil Ludwig is, of please "me. -The author withstood my course, an. unusual talent. Perhaps : lrombardment of questions (without he possesses too jnuch, talent to have the - slightest quiver; liis stmny.morn- genius. His influence,on contempor, ing - mood was not affected in theary European writing is tremendous^ least. As we conversed he eat there, He has introduced a fearlessness-In immaculately dressed—-with tie, socks tackling political and historical quesand handkerchief of the same shade tion that has greatly aided in clear—at a neatly laid table! and enjoyed ing the atmosphere from its wa

With aFmnous Novelist

Felix Salten, Celebrated A u s t r i a n Author, Is at Peace With His Jewishness, Though He Has Attained Fame .


- • •









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You have easy access to all officers and department heads


ought to publicly declare their inability to carry out the Balfour Declaration. Our last resort now is to appeal to the League of Nations, whom ""_./ Published-every-Friday; at: Omaha, Nebraska, by we must get to impress upon England that she THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY cannot erase her obligations or forget her under.&.«$•: '•-••;•" Office: 490 Brandeis T h e a t e r Building takings, but must lend active aid in the main United States •""SjFi;?"1^"' ' .Telephone: ATlantic 1450 task entrusted to her—the establishment of a DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor Jewish National Homeland. Vice-President of University

Paassen, who, on behalf of the Jew- in to a secret—like big circulation. ish Telegraphic Agency visited RuWell, so it went—until si* weeks mania. ago, jvhen the son of a Polish Jew"There is no" exaggeration in thetook hold of it. The labor policies statement," Pierre Van Paagsen of the Herald are still continued— states, "that the Jews are perishing Commissioner of Palestine after the of hunger. Cases are being brought nevertheless, within six weeks it has gained three quarters of a million Mufti's return but the Arabs are to the-attention of the Jewish charit- circulation. Its circulation is nowconvinced that the three principle able institutions every day . . . past the million mark, and observers, demands—total suspension of immiNobody in Rumania, except the blind who are close to the scene, are takPRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - Editor San Fracisco—Professor Monroe gration for the time being, creation fanatics, of the Christian Anti-Sem- ing even bets that it may soon FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent E. Deutseh, for years dean of men of a constitutional government with itic League headed by Professor Co- eclipse the circulation mark of any at the University of California, has a legislature representing the Pales- za, denies that the plight of the' of the other British dailies. SIOUX CITY OFFICE population in proportion to the The renaissance of Hebrew as a living tongue, been elected to the vice-presidency tine And, it may be of interest to know number of Jews and Arabs which Jewish population i s fast approachJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street whose inspiring rebirth in the Holy Land so of the institution. He is believed to Would then determine the conditions ing pank-eonditkms. As th« shadow that the British dailies, have larger Subscription Price, ona year - - - - — . $2.50 magnificently rekindled the flickering torch ofj be the second: Jew to occupy sndi a of future Jewish immigration, and of the general econemk crisis in the circulation than all but a few of the country deepens, black night of hope- American dailies. The American apAdvertising rates furnished on application Hebrew culture, is spreading to America. For There is a heavy Jewish enroll- the prohibition of the sale of land lessness is already settling in thepears to like his local paper. The the New York Board of Education has announced ment at xne tJniversiiy of vafnforinay by \Ajshs—Tgm net be g Jewish population. Kishinev is a Englishmen—In all parts of England CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old that a regular course in Hebrew will be offered which is one of the largest state points out the World's dispatch. eity of dreadful gloom today. Jew- -—gets his paper from London. and new address; be sure to give your name. in two of the metropolitan high schools. This universities in this country. A Jew, ish Czenumitz i s in tears. There And this phenomenal growth of the •rt is no way out. Eelentlessly and in- Herald is all due to the editorial adds numerical strength to those cities which Mortimer Fleishhacker, is a member the board of regents, while several exorably death by starvation is bear- genius of this son of a Polish Jew, have already established the language in the cur- «f Jews, besides Dean Deutseh, occupy Agency Political Commission HEBRAIC CALENDAR ing down upon the majority of the who happens to know just what that riculum of their high schools, notably Chelsea, places on the faculty. Among the ; London—An urgent meeting of the Jews of Rumania . . . A nameless mysterious 5690-1930 person—the reader Mass., and Chicago, 111., and the myriad of col-latter are Professor Lipman, who ispolitical commission of the Jewish terror grips one's sonL one grows wants. *Rosh Chodesh TammuzL__..>_Friday, June 27 leges which accept Hebrew for entrance required dean of the graduate school; Profes- Agency for Palestine has been called mute at the sight of so much suf• Fast of Tammuz Sunday, July 13 nients and categorize Hebrew with the other 8Or Loewenberg of the department to meet in London June 23 by thefering . . . OUR CONTEST CLOSES : Rosh Chodesh Ab.. ____Saturday, July 26 .i...:..i i—,„,«>* This week marks the close of our - ]ot Philosophy; Professor Alexander executive of the Agency in conjuncKaun of the department of slavic tion with tha chairman of the comnational joke contest. AnnounceFast of Ab..~ ....Sunday, August 3 classical languages. While the introduction of Hebrew into the culture, and Professor Max Popper mission, Lord Melchett. The meetment of. the winner will be made in . Rosh Chodesh MuL..-._JMfonday, August 25 high schools recognizes its worth as a medium of the Semitics departments. the next week's issue of the departing has been called to discuss sB , Rosh Hashanah_____JTuesday, September 23 ment. So, if your subscription has questions connected with the political of intellectual and cultural expression, we do not Suggest Levenson LYom Kippur__________Thursday, October 2 expired, be sure to send in a renewsituation created in the Zionist movehesitate to prophesy that it will also be a great Chicago—Salmon O. Levenson, Chi- ment by recent events. • 1st Day Suceoth—-...-. -Tuesday, October 7 al—to make sure you get the paper, cago attorney and acknowledged and furthermore, if you are still in ; Shemini Atzereth___ Tuesday, October 14 contribution td the community.' The teaching author of the idea,of "Outlawry of jHonors Hungarian Jew 1 of. Hebrew, the language of the most venerable arrears on your past subscription, Simchath Torah..^.__Wednesday, October 15 War", has been nominated as a can^T" Budapest—President von Hindenplease send that in too. I've just i Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan_.._Thursday, Oct. 23 and most long-lived culture in the universe, will didate for the Nobel Peace Prize by burg of Germany instructed the Ger-; been speaking with the editor, and Rosh Chodesh Kislev ...Friday, Nov. 21 add spiritual strength to the city. Hebraisms Professor Dewey of Columbia uni-1 man consul-general here to present! he tells me that a note On his new are found in abundance in the English language, versity. 1st Day Chanukah_ ..Monday, December 15 | the German cross of honor to KalBy DAVID SCHWARTZ $100,000 house is due next week, while the Old Testament literature is as exalted Several prominent Americans have I man Froelich, Jewish hotel proprieRosh Chodesh Tebeth-Sunday, December 21 and you know how it is, when you Professor Dewey in the nom- tor, who fought heroically as a Hun- i D I D N T KNOW B E T T E R 1 Fast of Tebeth__r_m.Sunday, December 28 and certainly more immortal than anything the joined can just lay your hands on a mere ination, believing that Mr. Levenson garian non-commissioned officer with J The writer remembers an occasion, so-called classical languages can produce. $75,000. | "Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. On a purely intellectual basis, Hebrew is the should receive the award for 1930 in the German army during the World years ago when seeking a position But now for some of the newest ; view of the fact that the Paris [War. this act of on a nondescript paper, his astonish- batch of entries. ) pThe press regards g well-spring of wisdom and an inspiration in the Peace Pact, which is said to be in- recognition as a rare honor. j ment, when he was told: broadening of spiritual assets. The academic fluenced by Mr. Levinson's idea, w,as | "Why don't you get into the busi- MUST B E " T H E SPIRIT OF. ' Two bombshells from the hands of the British credits earned by the students will not equal in signed since the last peace award Woman Judge ness department of the paper, where S E V E N T Y - S I X " Old Bukhara—The first woman( al j government following each other in rapid suc- force and importance the cultural value derived was granted. Credit this one to Joseph Finberg, judge in a Soviet court at Bukhara A good newspaperman, of course, Attleboro, Massachusetts. cession have aroused world Jewry to' justifiable from the reintegration of Hebrew, and if the Eightieth Jubilee is a Jewish girl from Samarkand. nevei have made any such Two Jewish friends met on Third condemnation of the Mandatory power over Pales- renaissance of the golden tongue continues at its Cleveland—The two-day celebration She has been appointed as judge in would statement. I happen to know a good Avenue and the following conversatine. The bitterness created by the heinous re- present rapid strides of progress it is destined of the eightieth jubilee of Temple a Jewish court specially opened for many Jews who are in the newspaper tion ensued: port of the Shaw commission had barely calmed to again sway mankind and humanize the world. Tifereth Israel, the spiritual leader!the Bukhariah Jews. Jewish women field, and quite as many are in the "Well, Goldstein, what are you of which is Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, in Bukhara under the Soviet rule are down when out of a clear sky England suspended editorial »nd a_ in the newspaper doing now?" inquired Isaac. was concluded here with a dinner at permitted to go about unveiled, ^ j egM 1 M u n e R U g to f J "Isaac, my good friend, I have such all labor immigration into the Holy Land, and to the Cleveland hotel where more than something not allowed under the pre-, i n e n , J e w _ i n ^ e d i t o r i a l ^ that a fine business now. Make lots of rub salt into an open wound a week later issued 1,500 people applauded addresses by vious regime. While many Moslem I would occupy every inch of this money," said Goldstein. Felix M. Warburg and Newton D. its second White Paper, accepting the surprisingly women here continue to cover their "What business is that?" Baker, former secretary of war. Mr. faces the Jewish women have abon- column and then have a good deal unfounded findings of- the Palestinian Inquiry of run over. "The Art business," answered Baker spoke on the part "The Tem- doned the veil. Commission on the nature of last August's outI do not mean to imply that we Goldstein. ple" played in Cleveland in the last Over 500 Jewish women occupy J e w _ i n o n o p o l j - e o r h a v e un_ breaks—extremely adverse to Jewish interests. "What do you you mean by "art eighty years while Mr; Warburg dis- important posts m social and cultural d e r s h a r s i n t h e i u so f t h e e d i t o r _ business?"" asked the other. We have always contended that England has More heartening and encouraging is the news, cussed the status of Reform syna- works in Bukhara under the Soviets,' forces. All of these race-super"Well", explained Goldstein, "I go according to official information ob- i iority stories give me a pain in that been pettifogging- the issue. In their' obsession ust indicated by a Hias survey, that the pos- gogues in America. by tained here. A certain percentage j region which lirks the head to the auction sales and—£- buy pictures for tact and diplomacy her statesmen have been sibilities for Jewish immigrants in Chile are Honored cheap; then I sell 'em for profit. of them have left the Jewish religion slioulder shoulders, but I do mean to say that Yesterday I bougt a picture for attempting to play politics with all sides,; have ood, and that Chile can absorb between 1,000 Washington—One of two public but a majority of them have remain1,500 Jews annually, provided they know a schools here was named after the we h:;vc quite as many brilliant inen $25,000 and sold it for $5«.00." pursued a weak and .^vacillating policy, ^and have v ed Jewesses according to traditional trade. ' . > • . j late Samuel Gompers, one of the in the editorial tinis as other groups. v "What was the subject?" inquired continually and repeatedly made pioirusWwhich Judaism. three presidents the American FedIsaac Several advantages to settlement in that-counA RECORD ACHIEVEMENT they never intended to fulfil. The burden of eration of Labor lias had and the Dreyfus Asks Publication l"he thought comes to mind as one ""It wasn't no subject a t all,*'' Baid doubt has grown heavier daily, as earlier promr try stand out prominently. It is the only South best known American labor leader Berlin—Captain Alfred Dreyfus, poftders excitement that is now the a r t collector, "it was a picture." ises were absorbed into later promises and con- American country that practically does not re- until his death in 1924. The Board the Jewish officer in the French army visible inthe "Sure, I know," said the other, circles journalistic with restrict immigration. The country is growing of Education of the District of Cowho was the central figure in the "but every picture has, got to have fidence ebbed to the breaking point. Despite spect to the London Daily Herald. : Steadily, and conditions are becoming more and lumbia also named a school after famous Dreyfus affair of two gena subject or it aint a regular picttheir manifold protestations of friendship—they Perhaps the greatest feat that ever the late Simon Wolf, jurist, publicist erations ago, on his recent visit here more economically sound. Besides no unemployure, y' understand. Was this here took place in journalism has just have a. mighty queer way of showing their and diplomat. •(. to Bruno Weil, author of a book on taken place there. And it all has to picture a marine or a landscape or ment among skilled workers, there is a great friendship—it would now be unpardonable self- demand for tailors who can earn between twenty Mr. Wolf, f o | many years known the Dreyfus Affair, declared that he do with one, Julius Elias, who hap- still life, or a portait or what?" deception to "smoke-screen" the facts any and thirty Chilean pesos daily (considered a as "the Jewish ambassador in Wash- had demanded the publication of allpens to be the son of a Polish Jew. "How should I know,'* said the ington" because of his many efforts the documents in his case by the The London Daily Herald is a la-puzzled art dealer. "To me a pictlonger. ; good wage), and for hatmakers, electricians, ure is a picture. This here picture behalf of Jewry, was well known French Foreign Office but the gov- b o r %(j s i x w e e k _ ft By her White Paper, oV from a Jewish view- plumbers, ladies' tailors, mechanics, jewelers, up- on now didn't have no name. I t was a as an orator and from 1903 to 1905 ernment had given him an u n s a t i s - ^ . ^ u s u a l l e rf ^ labor point her "Blac^ Paper", Ehglahd has rubber- holsterers, bricklayers and others engaged in the was president of the B'nai B'rith. factory reply. picture of three fellers; one feller stamped all of those -false conclusions with building trades, all of whom can earn good wages From 1869 to 1878 he was recorder Mr. Weil said that the French papers, and only those who have had a flute, and one feller had a been connected with labor papauthenticity, completely; ignoring the vital need as well. The climate of Chile is one of the best of the District of Columbia and in League for Human Rights is bring- ever drum and one feller had a headache." ers can appreciate just what a of the Jewish people and their magnificent effoi-t in the World, the atmosphere being practically 1881 was named American consul ing the matter to the attention of struggle that is. HE'S RIGHT, AT THAT general in Egypt. the French Parliament. Mr. Weil of reconstruction. She has taken two more dry. Even the coming of Ramsey McMr. Finberg also sends the followdescribes Captain Dreyfus as a Donald into power in the British steps in whittling away the Balfour Declaration Herbert Straus Heads ing, which I take the'liberty of confriendly old officer, optimistic and ministry could not save the situaand the Mandate until little more than a shadow Notwithstanding the small size of the Jewish Hamberger & Company with no signs of bitterness. Madame tion. The Herald had a good circu- densing. community, it is well organized for religious, New York—Herbert N. Strauss, remains. By lifting the axe against immigration "Jake, that's a mighty nice looking Dreyfus, he says, is supporting 350 lation for a labor paper, but neverflat-building you've just put up. and colonization, England is directly Violating cultural, social and philanthropic purposes. In the youngest of the three Straus indigent families. theless, every week there was the has been elected president Have you got a name for it yet?" • the express direction of the Mandate to promote Santiago, a Jewish Center which will cost around brothers, same old fear: would there be money Protest Racial Science Chair of L. Bamberger & Co., at a meet"Soitinly," said the capitalist. 1,000,000 pesos is being completed. In Valpaclose settlement and intensive cultivation. The Berlin — A decision to protest enough—support enough to keep going of the Board of-Directors. The active stoppage of labor immigration into Pales- raiso, the principal port of the country and the new president will retain nis con- against the creation of a chair of ing ? for advertisers—-I will- let you (Continued on Page 6) tine is merely ."another political maneuver, espe- second largest city with a general population of troling interest, at R. H. Macy & "racial science" at the University of cially since the current immigration schedule 250,000, which has eighty Jewish families, plans Co., where he is a vice-president and Jena has been taken by the rector of the university's senate. The chair had just been approved as economically justified for erecting a central building are also being treasurer. was established ten days ago on made. Brandeis Terms to Be by the Palestinian government and the High orders of the Thuringian Minister of When we consider that Jewish immigrants Considered, .; .... Chancellor. Cults, Dr. William- Frick, and the New York—The statement recent- anti-Semite,' Professor R. Guenther, quickly adapt themselves to their new surroundNor are we so sure, the White Papar to the ly issued by Mr. Justice Brandeis in named to the chair despite the contrary, that the land question played such a ings, and are industrious and hard working, retoly to the invitation extended to was fact that other professors at the Chile offers every promise for Jews to settle and big role in the Arab dissatisfactions. The areas him to join forces with the Zionist university consider him an unlearned in which the main disturbances took place were establish themselves there permanently.—Jewish Organization of America will be sub- person. mitted to the next convention of the not such where land has been bought or Jewish Advocate. organization which will begin at Rights Reinstated colonies settled since the War. Only thirteen Moscow—All Jewish artisans in Cleveland on June 29. This was deJews were killed in the colonies, over half of All time is God's. Though you spend your time, cided at a meeting of the Adminis- White Russia members of whose • which were in the pre-war colonies. Another in part, s at a financial loss, while' maintaining trative Committee of the Zionist Or- families suffered from pogroms or " significant fact is that among their many wit- eternal standards, you will in time, be compensat- ganization of America on Wednes- the Civil War will he •reinstated to their rights and reaccepted into the nesses the Arab Executive could not produce a ed financially as well as through the divine gains day. artisans co-operatives from which single "agrieved" tenant dispossessed because of achieved thereby. Wants Balfour Declaration they were expelled as lishentzy (peoJewish colonization. Nor is there real, tangible Nullified ple without rights) for having at evidence to. that effect. England also exagerates Most do not allow for an ever expanding mind New York—The Grand Mufti of some time or other engaged in small Here's common sense —- fcoth as to the blame of the crisis placed on "excessive Jew- and consciousness—an essential to an ever on- Jerusalem has arrived in Geneva to trading enterprises. This was the substance of a decision . adopted replace a direct appeal for the nullistyle, comfort and value. Here's an ish immigration." They seem tp entirely over going mind in quest of truth. fication of the Balfouf Declaration cently by the Central Executive Comall-silk shirt of genuine Japanese look the fact that during the same period Pales before the League of Nations accord- mittee of White Russia. shantung, with attached collar or septine: suffered from a drought, a cattle plague in When you can do all things from a sense of ing to a cablegram published in the The decision also recommended arate collar at—; : 1926, "an earthquake in 1927, and locusts in 1928 love, beauty and art, you can dispense with the New York World. He informed the that industrial employment be given World's correspondent that the fu-to the members of artisans so qualia succession of calamities for which even the element of duty. ture policy of the Arab Executive fied and that they be registered at fair-niinded Shaw "commission will not hold th in Palestine . will be determined by the government employment bureaus Jews ^entirely responsible. The mind is the key board which controls the the Mohammedan Congress to which for general work. A great number Thd principle question confronting us now isinfluence that expresses through us or comes tohe will report the outcome of hisof Jewish families are affected by what we. should do next. Our leaders have been mission on his arrival in Palestine this decision because since White Russia is a border state it had many temperate,, compromising, and trusting, bu us. It,is our life's radio. As you keep it tuned for which he is leaving today. Jewish sufferers from the Civil War Rcocurrence of demonstrations friendly words have been followed by injuriou to the proper stations it broadcasts happiness. against the manner in which the and pogroms. deeds. It seems useless to negotiate any further Palestine Mandate is administered is Roumanian Jews Starving with English diplomats, for there appeai-s to b In; the Use of our imagination we gradually anticipated after the Grand Mufti Bucharest—While the granaries of n a s a convincing inclination toward scrapping th achieve.a mastery over conditions in our own life l revealed the scant results ob- Rumania ..I! I J are full, the Jews of that OH '(tained from the British Labor govBalfouif Declaration while-.appeasing-; the ; Jews country are faced with starvation, is with smooth phrases, if the Bi'ltish JfoVei'nrnen the report made by the well-known —connECT AI'PAHE_ FOR MEN AXD WOMEN. is'id enntiiTmraloiur the sameiiiret>f attack, they American journalist, Pierre Van spiritual values of life. a new policy through the High





Other Countries



Horizon •the***

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_ _


From Contemporary Pens CHILE IMMIGRATION

The Nebraska Greets Summer With These Shirts of

MATSU SHANTUNG By the Eagle Shirtmakers



Miss Ethel Riekes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Riekes, has chosen Sunday, June 8, as the date of her inarraige to Mr. Philip Klutznick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Klutznick of Kansas City, Mo. ' The ceremony which will be performed by Habbi Abraham Bengis, will take place at the bride's home. .Miss Rose Shapiro, daughter of "Mr. H. Shapiro, of Cheyenne, Wyp., has chosen Sunday, June 8, as the date of her marriage to Mr. Abe Cohen, son of Mr. Morris Cohen. Rabbi Abraham Bengis will officiate, and a reception will be held at the bride's home, Sunday from 7 to 10 o'clock. Sunday, June 8, has been chosen by Miss Ella Altsuler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Altsuler, for her marriage to Mr. Jules Shapiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro of Lincoln, Nebr. Rabbi Jolt of Lincoln will officiate. A reception will be held at the bride's home from 7 to 9:30 Sunday. Mr. and.Mrs. I. Bernstein announce the marriage of their, daughter, Fannie, to Mr. Jack Falk, ton of Mrs. C. Falk, of Sioux City, la., Sunday, June 8. The wedding will be held at the bride's home, Rabbi Abraham Bengis officiating.

Mothers and Daughters Tea on Wednesday afternoon, June 11, at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Win. N.. Saferstein, 5002 Hamilton Street. The purpose of this affair is to have all the mothers and daughters better acquainted with each other. At this affair will be-the active, pifedges, and alumnae members. ^ ^ -^i r PERSONALS Miss Rose Davidson of New York City, formerly of Omaha, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, A. Davidson. ;.-.-,• Miss Beatrice Light of Sioux Falls, S. p., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Moe Iseman. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Kor^holz and son, Philip, of Clarinda,. la., are the guests of Mrs. Korbholz' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Handler. Mrs. Joe Borshevsky of Sioux Falls, S.D., and Mrs. Lester Heeger and daughter, Mata, of Sioux City, la., are. visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman. Mr. Sam Stark of New York City is visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sogolow of Champaign, 111., are the guests of Mrs. Sogolow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg.

Miss Ida Azorin, -who has been atCLUB NEWS elected president of the Ms Kappa tending the Nurses Training school, A regular meeting of the Deborah Alpha fraternity; and also chosen St. Luke's Hospital, Denver, Colo., society will be held, Tuesday, June as secretary of the Phi Mu Alpha is spending, a few week's in Omaha 10, at the Jewish Community Center. fraternity, a national music fraternas the guest of?her parents, Mr. and A regular meeting of the Bikur ity. He is expected home from colMrs, H. Azorin. Cholim Society will be held Monday lege about June 20. Among the Omahans who will mot- afternoon at the 25th and Seward Miss Lydia Ross, student at the or to Des Moines^ to attend the Ivre Streets., Synagogue. University of Iowa at Iowa City, Conclave, June 7—8 are, Messrs. Found—a sorority pin at Black- arrived home Sunday to spend her and Mesdames Moe Yenger, Abe summer vacation with her parents, Brodkey.Wm. Levey, and Robert I. stone Hotel. Owner may have same Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ross. Marer. Misses Rose Rosenstein, by calling and identifying it. Call Esther Sachs, Helen Marer, Yetta at Blackstone office or linen room. Mrs. S. Snyder has returned this Wright, Anita Gluckman, and- Ann week from Philadelphia, Pa., and has Zalk. Messers Edward Solig, Phil opened her home again at 300 OakFeldman, Jack W. Marer, Paul Goldland Ave. Her daughter, Miss Rina stein, Dave Freeman, and Abe MarSnyder of Chicago, I1L, is expected' kowitz. here Sunday for a visit. By F. R. K. Among the students from the UniMr.* and Mrs. John Faier have as their house guests Mrs. Faier's fathThe Council Bluffs Chapter of versity of Nebraska at Lincoln who er arid sister, Mr. H. Shapiro :',of Senior Hadassah will hold a meet- are expected to return home for Cheyenne, Wyo., and Mrs. Frank ing next Tuesday afternoon, Jane their summer vacation are the Misses Madison and son Ernest of Denver, 10, at 2:30 o'clock in the Corn Room Mildred Meyerson, . and Sylvia Colo. at the Chieftain HoteL A delight- Richards, -and Messrs. Hymie Kramer, ful program has been arranged and j Leo Meyerson, Max Kramer, and Edward Rosen. Mrs. S. Flax and grandson, Robert every member ifl urged to attend. Mrs. Herman Marowitz/ President, Allen Silverman, left Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Krasne New York and Boston. Mrs. Flax will give a. report of the South- arrived Wednesday from Los will visit her daughter, Mrs. D. H. western Regional. Convention which Angeles, Calif., to attend the graduaFertil, formerly Miss Mm Flax of she attended in Kansas City recent-! tion of their daughter, Miss Lucylle ly. Miss Louise. Fitch will give a Krasne, from the Abraham Lincoln this city. reading, and Miss Regina Klein will high school on Friday evening. Word has been received by Mr. and give a piano solo. Barbara Beber, small daughter of Mrs. S. Robinson that their grandThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 6881 Mr. and Mrs. John Beber, will acdaughter, Miss Beatrice Achtenberg, of the Independent Order of the' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. B'nai Brith have changed the time I company her aunt, Mrs. Edward Achtenberg of Kansas City, has been and place of their meetings. The: Levinson of Omaha to Denver, Colo., awarded an honor entrance to the next meeting will be held Monday! today to spend the week-end, visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. University of Chicago. This schp'arAaron Hollander. evening, June 9, at eight o'clock at ship was awarded to her upon recthe Eagles Hall. ommendation of the principal of Mrs. Abe Bear and small son, Westpoint High school* Kansas City, Maurice L. Pepper has been select- Aaron David, of Leavenworth, Kans., of which she is a recent graduate, ed as the Pottawattamie County rep- are expected today to visit Mrs. for her outstanding record in ath- resentative in the Iowa Contest for Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius letics, scholarship, and school leader- the "Edison Boy Award" this year. Katelman, and to attend the graduaship. He had received an average of 94.75 tion of Mrs. Bear's sister, Miss percent in the recent county contest. Marian Katelman, from the Abraham CONFIRMATION He will go to Des Moines about Lincoln high school this Friday eve»Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zollotuchin, June 20 for the State Contest. ning. 2251 North Nineteenth street, anMaurice was in Iowa City on The Ladies' Auxiliary of the nounce the confirmation of their Monday and Tuesday of this week daughter, Dorothy, at the Jewish where he participated in the State Talmud Torah Society will hold a Community Center. They will re- Academic Contest in Physics divi- meeting next Wednesday afternoon, ceive in her honor Sunday, June S, sion. He wQl graduate from the June 11, at the home of Mrs. Sam from 3 to 5 o'clock and from 7 to Abraham Lincoln high shool tonight. Meyerson, 600 Roosevelt Ave. 10 o'clock. Collman Yudelson, Junior at the Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun and Thomas Jefferson high school, also BIRTHS participated in the State Academic Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stern announce Contest in the History Division at the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, Iowa City. — June 2, at the Methodist Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross of St. Mrs. Stern was formerly Miss Janet FOR YOUR Louis, Missouri, arrived last Friday j lipsey. t*. visit their daughter, Mrs. Louis Mr, and Mrs. Leo Kauffman of H. Katelman, and Mr. Katelman. Minneapolis announce the birth of a Mr. Gross returned home Sunday, son. Before her marriage Mrs. Kauff- while Mrs. Gross will remain here man was Miss Louise Rosenthal, for all month..-'••,.«• daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo RoWord'has beenvVjTBoeived here l»y^ senthal. ' ' ' 16th. and Howard Mr. and Mrs* LotrisfMarcus that their Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cnudacoff an- son, Mfltton, junior at the University nounce the birth of a daughter, of Illinois at Champaign, has been! Tuesday, June 2, at the Swedish Mission Hospital.

Council Bluffs News

Miss Gertrude Tatle, daughter of Mrs. Rickie Boasberg is visiting Mrs. Kate Tatle, has chosen Tuesday, at the home of her brother-in-law June 10, as the date of her mar- and sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. Handler. iriage tc Mr. Albert B. Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Newman Mr. Oscar Gross is the guest of Rabbi Abraham Bengis and Rabbi H. his mother, Mrs. M. Gross. - Grodinsky will officiate. Miss Rose Brick spent the week„. ENTERTAINMENTS - r » - end in Chicago, 111., as the guest of Mrs. John Weinstein of Missouri her brother, Mr. Meyer Brick. Valley, la., and Miss Jeanette LevinMiss Clara Feldman spent Memorson entertained at a bridge - party ial Day in Kansas City, Mo. at the latter's home Tuesday evening in honor of their aunts, Mrs. Mr. Leo Abrams of Montreal, CanRobert I. Marer of Los Angeles, ada, formerly of Omaha, is the guest Calif.,- and Miss Helen Marer of at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Indianapolis, Ind. Greenberg. . Misses Nell Marks and Celia "Wolk Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter of were joint, hostesses a t a surprise Des Moines,. la., spent the weekend . hosiery, shower, on Miss .Ella Altsuler, with '~Mf.', •Rn^etCr's '-mother,' - Mrs. ircho will be married Sunday. Mamie Knueeter. The Delta Gamma "Sorority enterMrs. Bernhardt Block and daughttained at a handkerchief shower in er, . Wilma Lou,, of Kansas .City, Mo., honor of Miss Bess Haykin, a bride- are the guests of Mrs. Block's parto-be, Sunday, at the home of Miss ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wells. Freda Bolker. Mrs. Harry Z. Bernstein and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mendelson - Mr. and Mrs. J. Lintzman, 3647 daughter, Lorraine Jean, left Wed- announce the birth of a daughter -California St., will receive Sunday, nesday for St. Joseph, Mo. From May 24 at the Methodist Hospital. June 8, from 3 to 5 o'clock ^and there they will go to 'Excelsior from 7 to 9 o'clock in honor of Springs where they will spend the HONESTY their daughter, Anne, who has grad- next two weeks. ? uated from the University of NebMr. David R. Cohn of Goldsteinraska, and their son, Daniel, who is graduating from Central High school. Chapman's and Carmen's Jewelry Painting Contractors and Bag departments, is taking an Mrs. A.-Somberg entertained at a extensive trip through New York, 1314 No. 24th St. WE. 4211 theatre party Wednesday, in honor Providence and Rhode Island. of Miss Fannie Bernstein, a brideto-be. " Misses Ann Greenberg, Ida Platt, Bess Kirshcnbaum, and Grace Rosenstein, were hostesses, at a Hadassah Benefit Bridge, Tuesday evening, _given - at - the . home of Miss Toby , Steinberg. ' , Mrs. M. Coren was hofeteas to her! LARGE SELECTION — GREAT VALUES bridge club, Wednesday afternoon.

Max Skier s Sons

The Mother Chapter of the Sigma Delta Tau Sorority will give a


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Florence Reed, the great emotional actress, who scored a sensational hit in "The Shanghai Gesture" at the Brandeis last week, is once again charming her audiences in another of her famous roles in Sir Arthur Wing Pinero's famous drama "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray", whicfi opened Thursday evening. "The Second Mrs, Tanqueray" is generally recognized as the masterpiece of the distinguished English playwright, and the role of Paula Tanqueray offers Miss Reed excellent opportunities to display her great emotional powers. As the poor, unfortunate Paula, th: woman who tries so iard to live down her past, Miss Reed runs the entire gamut of emotions in r. series of heart-rending, terrific, thrilling situations.

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Mrs. H. E. Nathanson of Estherville, la., was elected chairman of the Estherville Parent-Teachers associations recently. Maurice NaNtaanson, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathanson and only Jewish student in ithe Esfherville high school, graduated with honors last Thursday. He was also

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Atlanta.^— Percy Straus, vice-president of R. H. Macy "& "Co"., and son of the venerable Jewish philanthropist Nathan Straus, received at the commencement exercise of Oglethorpe University the honorary degree of Doctor of Commercial Science. The Straus family originally came from Talbotton, Georgia.

family of Schuyler, Nebr., arrived Sunday to spend about two weeks here visiting at the home of Mrs. Gershun's sister, Mrs. Sam Meyerson, and Mr. Meyerson.


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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUKE 6, 1980. Yet, even after they were married stopped. "If I eat another one, ed the duty of raising a certain corresponding for.years and I'm sure amount for a group of orphans. He and Dave proved the most adoring of I'll burst", he protested. , you've mentioned Dave often enough came to one very wealthy Jew. who The poor Chelmite had to pay up was the worst type of boor, a man !in your. letters,. but, here she comes husbands, Molly never knew whether (Continued from Page 4.) he had been one of those whom the $5.00, but he did it with a pro- who had made money by accident. ! and wants him at her feet!" testing explanation. "I con't under"But, maybe it isn't her fault," i Zelda had sent into another girl's "Fve decided I should call it the stand my marvel's" failure", he said. After explaining the purpose of his Molly sobbed. ."She's so beautiful,; arms visit the rabbi asked the Jew for a (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Cloister Apartments." "Only two hours ago, I practiced his very substantial contribution. Unhow can anybody help falling in love By NINA KAYE "Strikes me as a rather curious art with him and he then consumed with her? Even Dave. Maybe her Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) used of being accosted in that direct name. Why call it t h a t ? " \ visit was arranged by fate. Maybe 134 latkes." manner, without flattery, the Jew, "Because," said Jake. "It's cloistDave just got used to me and never ^^ who had a violent temper, slapped er the subway, its cloister Central HE WAS TRULY NOBLE "^ was really in love with me! After the rabbi in the face. Molly Breen's first thought when had Dave come to see her on Thurs- all, he never has proposed to • me The following comes from Harry Park and its cloister the river." Calmly the rabbi said: "That's for she saw her cousin Zelda. descend day night. Not until he was inside and we've been going together for JF. Perlman, the Bronx, N. Y. THOSE DETROIT from the Pullman steps was: "Oh, the door, his eyes and cheeks glow- years!" she said sharply. • "A gentleman who worshipped in me. Now what's for the orphans?" MECHULOCHIM how beautiful! I've never seen any- ing, his hair tousled by the wind, ,, . . , . • lone of the Bronx synagogues helped (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish TeleMrs. Brecn pushed Molly from her. graphic Agency, Inc.) one BO lovely." She heard Dave's did she believe he had come. With "Stop crying," she said sharply. "If My friend, Slomovitz, of Detroit,' t t h e c a n t o r b y s i n g i n g a f e w s o . New York.—The building of new gasp and exclamation behind her' as a sudden stab of realization how .you're going to sit by and let Zelda sends two new ones that have just . l o s d u r i n g t h e Mgh holy days Jewish urban quarters in Palestine Demand World Congress she hurried forward and' her second dear he really was to her, Molly 'take Dave away from you, you don't been called to his attention by his A s h e finished his public praying, and enlarging those in existence, the Cologne.. — A demand for a world secretary. The first one, Phil says, both thought was: "Even if she is so watched Zelda go forward, his seat, one of his feland ! deserve anything "else! Go on inside rebuilding of ruined colonies on a congress of the Mizrachi (orthodox gorgeous and is a famous singer, I hands. extended to clasp his. has the added merit of being true. | l o w worshippers approached him and now! They'll be wondering where more expansive scale, the reconstrucThere is aa. k h t t on ^tended his hand in congratulations, Zionists) within the next four months "I was just thinking," Zelda said couldn't change places.with her. For kosher restaurant you are." ... . ". tion of the destroyed section of Sa- Oakland Avenue in Detroit which is;{ «How much", he ask, "are you and not later than December 1930 in her musical voice, "that there I've got Dave!" enue in Detroit which is When Molly came, into the living Hardly had the cousins embraced wasn't anybody in the family we room again she saw that they had fed on a sounder sanitary and eco- patronized by Mechulochim. This chanrine the comrree-ation for vour was expressed in a resolution adoptnomic than Dave Stein was upon them, haven't, talked about. It was get- not even noticed her absence.. nomic basis, basis, the the improvement improvement of of inin-! restaurant features a special busi-' S a v S n e ' " c o n ^ r e e a t l o n > o u r ed at a conference of the Mizrachi dustry and the increased developting dull!" , clamoring to be introduced. The way and the increased develon- • e s s m e n » 6 luncheon at fifty cents,' "O, nothing at all, nothing at all. Unions of Germany, Holland and BelLate that night after the rest of dustrv ment of preventive medicine are nserving a "vorshpeiz", soup, a meat That's just my contribution," replied gium here under the chairmanship of, But Molly was more concerned he removed an imaginary hat and the household was asleep and Dave Dr. Alexander Adler, president- of swept low in . a bow made Molly with Dave's answering smile and the had driven away, Molly lay. in her among the chief problems being order, tea and dessert. the amateur cantor. the German Mizrachi. One day "one of the Mechulochim wrinkle her nose in perplexity. Dave way his eyes took in Zelda's black bed and thought of him. He " had \ tackled in Palestine in the program "Well, that's sure fine. Ob men had never acted this way before. dress that showed off the creaminess always belonged to her, she and of reconstruction made necessary by called over the owner, who happens ken' nischt und man git iz sehr fine. Compulsory Sunday Rest the riots of last summer, according to be a woman, and said to her: At your feet, Miss Field," he said. of he throat. If one is unable, and yet gives, it is Abolished everybody in town had taken that to Dr. Haim Yassky, acting director "He's in love with her," Molly's "Misses, ~ euch is doch altz eins a great deal, indeed." "Do you charge admission?" And for granted. Yet, if he didn't love Kovno. —The compulsery Sunday when they were hurrying toward heart whispered as she watched him her, if he liked Zelda better, she of the Hadassah Medical Organiza- venn mir essen, yo? (It is just the rest has finally been abolished' in siime to you when we eat the courses TURNING THE OTHER Dave's- car he announced, "We-are insist on Zelda's having a pillow be- would not, could not stand in his tion. Lithuania, the cabinet ministers deIn order to strengthen the Jewish you serve, isn't it?) CHEEK all three going to ride in front. ( 1 hind her back. The way he pleaded way. His happiness meant more to position as a whole Dr. Yassky beciding that while the law making with her to sing, reminded Molly of There's a story told by Nahum want to look at the scenery." "Shoor, shoor," replied the restauher than her own. lieves that increased immigration is rateur. Sokolow, 'the veteran Hebraist and Sunday a compulsory day of rest Molly leaped into the car. Zelda, her own failing. She could not even It did not take long for the news moving with a sweeping grace, carry a tune and Dave loved music. that the Breens had. a ravishing essential. , "Nu", suggested this Mechulach in Zionist leader, which is frequently will continue to be enforced in KOATIO "First and foremost, more young But she could not bear to wntch used in figurative sense by workers itself trading outside* of Kovno •will caught her in his arms. For a mocousin visiting them to spread.' The forces are needed," he writes. "Our Yiddish, "if you don't mind, 111 come them, Zelda seated before the piano ment she clung to him, laughing up in the morning for my vorshpeiz,' in Jewish campaigns. It concerns a be permitted Sunday afternoon benext evening six young men packed into his face. "Why, Mr. David which she had never learned to play, into . the front of a roadster and salvation lies in increased immigra- and will collect the other courses I rabbi in the old country who assum- tween 1 and 4 P.M. Stein," she exclaimed, "it looks as Dave bending over her. She could dangling from the rumble seat, stop- tion. For the scores who fell new later in the day." ! if I'd fallen for you already, doesn't not bear the way they laughed in- ped before the door. Zelda, her head hundreds must come instead." And now, in this restaurant, the Dr. Yassky believes that the trade timately over music familiar to both it?" slightly tilted, sat like a.queen while boycott that followed the riots can- Mechulochim eat their "vorshpeiz" in Molly didn't ask anybody over of them. She sprang to her feet and Molly presented the visitors. . the morning, reurn at noon for their > not last much longer and that nor- scup and meat, and in the evening,' that night; she thought Zelda might ran to the darkened kitchen where "My," Zelda laughed her deep, mal trade and commerce between the •want to rest, spending the evening her mother soon found her. laugh, Arabs and Jews will be resumed; they collect their desert and tea.' Into her mother's arms, onto the full - throated, captivating quietly with her aunt and uncle and I "what handsome young men they Loans to tradesmen and merchants Bread is always served free." Molly. But Dave came. Even when bosom where she had not laid her grow around here." by the Central Relief Committee HE PRACTICED TOO MUCH I she heard his car grinding to a stop head since she was a child, Molly The young men tried to hide their have considerably aided industry. J The second one is a Chelm story, $•795 Diamond Rings, Blue White outside, Molly didn't believe it was poured out her sorrow. "Oh, he pleased embarrassment and /gathered "The Relief Committee is much as. follows: . . Diamonds, Latest Mountings he. For tonight was Thursday night, likes her better than he does me!" concerned with the problem of build"The Jewish community of Chelm j Her mother was like a splint to# worshipfully about her. a night set aside for bowling by all Of course, Dave came. He arrived ing new Jewish urban quarters and decided to throw a party, for the' which a spark is set. "Because all the young men in their crowd. Never, Special Shockproof Ladies Wrist Watch, in all the years she and Dave had men are fools. They can't see through almost breathless, looked with dis- of enlarging those already in exist- poor and Chanukah was the holiday, Beautiful Case, $ 1 A95 played together and gone together, her little tricks. You two have been dain at the group as if he would an- ence/' writes Dr. Yassky. "When occasion with "latkes" as the choice • Metal Band nihilate them with a glance and took the present Jewish sections and sub- food. Also, there was to be no limit • his seat on a pillow beside Zelda's urbs were built, too little attention to the number of "latkes" that any! c h a i r . ••--'••.: • "• r ••.'•• .- .'' was paid to the peculiar conditions one of the poor entertained might' Boys and Mens Strap As the luxurious days of summer of the country, so that small and consume. Whereupon the Chelemites * Watches and the Humming evenings passed, isolated quarters sprang up in all discovered that in their midst lived; there was always a gay crowd on parts of the cities. Such quarters the marvel of the age; one of the Solid Gold Rings, Mens and Ladies, the Breen's front steps-^if Zelda must now be expanded and linked men at the party actually consumed Latest $O95 $«| »y50 happened to be on the porch. When up with one another." 125 "latkes". Mountings O to JL ff she. chose, to. sit on the lawn, youths' "One of Chelm's leading citizens in white flannels reclined at her feat. took a special interest in this marAssaulted Dave was always nearest to Zelda Complete selection of leather goods, vel, and cultivated his friendship, out Jerusalem.—^Mohammed Altiti, an on the porch or beside her on the fountain pens, and novelties. of interest in his art, as "champion lawn, gating up into her laughing Arab from Nablus, is in a serious Iatke" eater. One day, this citizen face or sitting with-his head buried condition following an attack on him boasted, of his community's marvel to by unknown persons because of his moodily in his hands. When she saw a traveling salesman, but the latter pro-Zionist • sympathies. Together him like that, Molly's heart was refused to believe him. with another Awfcfrom Nablus he wrung and for him she resented the "Whereupon a bet was made and sent a message :oJpjCondolence to the presence of those other adoring the marvel summoned. Immediately, j Palestine Daily Bulletin on the death swains, she begrudged them the DOC. DANSKY, Proprietor a big plate of "latkes" was set besmiles Zelda distributed among them of Lord Balfour and since then he fore him, and he set to work, dehad developed some pro-Jewish activ218 South 15th Street-World-Herald Bldg. and her welcoming calls when they vouring 25, 50, 55. But there he ities. arrived. ~ The summer waned and the time came when Zelda had to go back to the city to prepare for her coming: concert season. The.Breens gave her a farewell party. The lawn was strung with lanterns and the*, porch was cleared for dancing. Zelda wore green chiffon satin. The skirt casThe washtub is a tyrant that drives the best caded about her ankles like the sea years from a woman's life. breaking at the water's edge. Most Let electricity come to your rescue. . of the guests had arrived when Zelda It will banish drudgery from washday and came down, timing her entry so make you a better home maker. that she arrived in a sort of breathThe cost of owning, and operating these washlessly beautiful hush. Instantly, it day appliances is only a few cents a day. was as if the other girls did not exist. Zelda was the center. of- a clamoring group, each demanding she dance with him. Molly watched her go: sailing off in. Dave's arms. It was only then that the other men chose their partners. . Later, tired of playing the gr* cious hostess when her heart was so heavy, Molly slipped away to the N0"W—sit and iron. lawn. As she passed where a bench No labor . . .-no fahad been set among the trees,' she tigue. Simply place VERY woman looks smart in a fresh, crisp wash frock . . . heard Zelda's silvery laugh. Inthe pieces in the ironthat is if it is made of fine fabrics and styled correctly voluntarily she paused in the shader and watch them . . » . and these are! You can readily see that by a glance at ows. come out wonderfulthese illustrations. We just received: this new collection of "What! Zelda Field marry and ly ironed. Better Princess Peggy frocks, so we are sure that they are the very settle down in a one-horse town than by hand and latest in f ashion-rightness. You'll really want several and for like this?" Zelda was saying. "No twee as fast. the benefit of those who might be unable to come down town thank you. I want my freedom s to select them personally, we may order them by number, as good. while yet. And I've got my A small down payment shown below. career to think of. Oh, don't look so Small installs an ironer in. your Additional There are sleeveless and short sleeve models, smart neckhurt. You'll get over it the moment Charge for home. I'm gone. They always do. And lines, pleats and flares, jackets, puff sleeves and many Payments when I meet them next time, they other interesting details. Print cloths and batistes are always introduce me to their wives the fabrics. Regular sizes 14 to 20, 36 to 44. Extra and they don't even remember they sizes 46 to 52. once swore to die for Zelda. You know, it's curious how they always There is joy in washday with the marry right after they vow they new Thor Electric It can't live without me. Yes," again ectric ."Washer. wasner. •JX •washes everyZelda laughed, "you ought to have Bi thing 'immacuquite a crop of marriages here this lately c l e a n . . AM ~w mM -m fall and winter. You see, this is the 8mmU Sma *^ ^^ * *^ ^ Addlti Now selling at sixth proposal I've had tonight!" this low price. Amidst a flurry of farewells Zelda IF YOU CANNOT COME IN PERSON departed next day and everything settled down much as it had been USE THIS CONVENIENT ORDER BLANK before her coming. S.u When Sol Fishman . and Lillian itjlr colons House eloped a wesk later, Molly "Electric Shops" firrt Chnct thought nothing of i t Then Manny Baum and Jeanette Starr announced 2314 M S t 17th and Harney Sts. their engagement and Sig Klein and StctmJ Cnci Helen Tannenbaum began to talk about places to go on a honeymoon. O Ckarjt O C OD 3 Cutt Jit was when Dave came to her and | suggested that they, too, get .married, that Molly, remembered what she had overheard Zelda say.





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PACBET7—THE JEWISH PRESS; TRIDAY; JUNE 6, -1930" and the Tashkent district but 8,000, "Thou canst kHl this man with •"Doubtless I would' never " have1 tranquillity..——" while throughout Buchara there «te committed his act,- bat simply beK It was Torres and Kessel who cause I am less courageous. 45,606 Jews left. knew how to give this dash to public "But I as idso many" other Jewsj When the Soviet regime came into opinion in France. At an hour when as well as in any case all those who; control of Russia it abolished all of the Jewish tragedy manifested itself fell voluntarily in the French trench- • Old Buchara, (J.T.A.)—The Jewish the restrictions against the Jews of in such an acute manner, these two es take his act upon ourselves and population of Buchara has been re- BDQhara, restrictions which had exmen had fouud^v themselves J.ews I say, that Schwartzbard had to do) duced to "half, of what if was before isted for centuries. Under the czar again. what he.; has done only to draw the the Soviets came into power. This is the Jews were compelled to wear rope The deposition; ofvKessel,- whe was attention of the civilized -world to shown by an investigation! of the belts over their clothes when in the a little later: to ..write an admirable the atrocious tradition of pogroms. Moscow correspondent of tjie Jewish streets, were prohibited from riding book on Palestine that he had visit- And that is why, be the fate that Telegraphic Agency now visiting jthe within the towns and were segregated country for a study of the life and ed, is in such connection of signific- you.hold forth for him what it may, in separate quarters. customs of the Buchanan Jews. ance. It is more than a protesta- I shall ask him at the end of the In Old Buchara itself where before While the Jewish population is now tion. - It is a profession of faith. pleadings to do me the honor of ;.\- • • by SYLVIA jtuss . the Revolution the Jews numbered satisfied with the political and human He stated in the course of his de- •shaking ,my_hand." 8J000 they are now reduced to 2,000. '"l^ the course of. the last few years tomorrow, and in order that the Schwartzbard, under the title of "The position-to the Court of Assizes: I was able to see Schwartzbard In the entire Samarkand district emancipation that the Soviets broaght France, has given* back to Judaism beautiful titles of nobility of France Trial of the Pogroms; "I have felt it m y bounden duty personally shortly afterwards in the where the number of Jews was once the -difficulty lies in the economic distwo", ^^teat and noblee figures whom- might not be disgraced, it was neces- In it the generous -understanding to' come to depose. The act of office of Torres'. • No, he did not very large there are now only 15,000 tress which has resulted. Judaism h d i t it as a ggift, ift sary that this man who bore on his of the French intellectual elite is re- Schwartzbard is for me a sort of consider that he had done an honor Judaism, had given to h forehead as a terrible seal the whole markably manifest with regard to personal cause, as it is a cause of in shaking hands with those who Judaism had given to France this brilliant and magistral lawyer, one tragedy of a people should be ac- Schwartzbard. And if these testim- all Jews who have a-bit of blc^d in surrounded him; Nothing of a hero onies were not all offered by word of their veins. like Schwartzbard, I atout him! An attitude without of the masters of speech and leaders quitted. mouth by these men and these wom- am a Jew, originally from Russia bravada, without boastfulness, withSuch'' were the words that would of tiie French rbar, Mait»-£. Henry en of liberal France it was because (Kessel left Russia at the age of out false modesty. It was rather up the pleading of Torres, one tif the Torres, and Joseph Xesse!. the author, recognized tcday JIS one of the' most magistral counsel's speeches in Maitre Torres in the course of the seven years). This is already a that of a man, a man who had acted A four-act play in Yiddish ijnest French stylists* France has judicial annals ever recorded, where pleadings so decided. With this fine point of similarity. Another is the according to the imperative appeal Written by Mr. A. Stillman of Sioux City [ intuition, with this profound knowlall the pent-up emotion, all the confact that like him I had the happy of his conscience tnd who saw no relumed them to Judaism; but -what To be Presented at the c^ceaiiary •was one of those waves science of a man who pleads on be- edge of men and this acute percep- opportunity to be stamped "by the reason for pride in it. surging from the-bottom, saicething half of him whom he has found" again tion of the state of- mind of the incomparable genius of France, a We in any event are indebted to like the -wave that-revealed -Herzl to as a "brother, was traslated into audience, he felt that the time was genius of liberty, of courage and of Mm for these two new Jews, Henry him&elf at | the time of the-Dreyfus terms of a sculptural and magistral right for a coup de theatre, which justice. Torres and Joseph Kessel. ariair, in order that the Jewish con- piece of eloquence. And such was had in it both generosity and bold"In Palestine where I was last (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Teleby the science might reveal itself to these the effect of rhese words on: those ness and skill alike. year and where a Jewish people is graphic Agency, Inc.) After the hearing of the witnesses striving to straighten its backbone two eminent artists •whom French present that Schwartzbard found himculture .and education had entirely self, -acquitted amidst the cries, of of the public-ministry, Terres rose •the Arab population has also atin co-operation with the Life is the testing ground of our identified with intellectual and liter- "Vive La France", with which the -suddenly, and then amidst the most tempted to perpetrate pogroms. Well publicpresent -acclaimed-; thei-verdict; convictions. Each of us has a difgeneral stupefaction he announced •ary France of our days. then, in Palestine the Jews have rethat as to him he felt that the cause acted. For" one of their killed " two ferent sense -of social values, civic For both of them the Schwartz- of the jury. 'But previously: everbody in the] 'of Schwartzbard was sufficiently dead bodies would be found on the responsibility, group consciousness ;bard affair, the trial of the humble .worjd "Just 'Around the Corner from Everything' and the value we place upon human T)f letters, krts and politics ofj Jewish, -watchmaker -who • wa.s .•driven France' had dec -aretl ' himself readyi above all pleading, of all witnessing, morrow in the same place. "A bloody and -material enrichment. Our exby the awful remembrances of the to bear witness on behalf of the ac-j of risks of condemnation, and while 'arithmetic, to be sure, but one that perience usually modifies somewhat Ukrainian pogroms, to strike down cuesed. Among the names cf those! paving homage to this French elite bears fruits. "What the mysterious our attitude and standards. who had responded to his appeal contact with the land left' twenty .the hetman Petliura in the heart of who offered "their testimony are the^and had come to give to Schwartz- centuries ago has done for the young iParis, for both of them this tragedy, most beautiful of the book of herald-; bard a testimony of morality, he people of Palestine, the •wonderful I think of a white flag with seven j which suddenly lit. up with a pathry of France: Aulard, Professor at" felt he could forego their appearance breath that animates France has stars. The white field means the ,etic gleam the whol« Jewish tragSorbonne; F. Gemier, Director of thei at the bar and thus shorten the done for me, has done for Schwartz- new, pure lifej the stars are the edy, was like a revelation. First National Theatre of France length of a. trial that had been going bard." seven golden hours of our working Tbjs vague Jewish sentiment or of Professor Langevin, the eminen on for eight d2ys and where he wasj (Both Kessel and Schwartzbard days, because work must be the mot- j 'French Israelite .rather,' which lay French physicist; the writers Pierrej sure that his just cause would come served brilliantly in the ranks of the to for the Jews who go to the new •stagnant at the bottom of these men, Bonardi, .Victor Margneritte, Pierre out triumphant. land.—Herzl. French Army during the war.) which lay dormant under the peace ees Suarez, Ernest And Torres had seen things right. Mille, Geo and enchantment of a culture that de -Noalles, and with But it is soul-stirring to the highfcad all the -seekietions,- -suddenly the Coun me Gorki and Michael es"; degree to read about the collecthem M " S A Y IT W I T H F L O W E R S " Spared to the ^surface. tion of these testimonies where the Karoly. behold at the first shots of The majority of these testimonies brain and the heart of France gave that rang out one fine morning have been offered in writing and are themselves to the cause of a poor "The Careful Florist?' in May 1925, on Rue Racine, in popput up in an admirable book on this Jewish watchmaker, and repeated 1804FARNAM JAckson 1906 ulous Paris, Torres came running ' trial published by the defender of with Victor Hugo this verse: after the one who had just struck down Petliura, the hetman or leader ojf the pogroms. From then on Schwartzbard had "^0 defend him, to explain his gesture to the Parisian'public, a magnificent defender of great talent, faith and Goodyear can give you greater prestige,-and his action*, with a----view tire values becavue. Goodyear, h*bu$l&m*r0than .-«• •-• '• - J to come out acquitted months later, began. ' Torres thenS' found again' at "his side the remarkable, writer Kessel, a Jew,ylSke" himself, to -whom he was jfa. ty fQWri fcound"by>'6Ta-!firiie ties" 6f"»Ieiftfcliipr the remainder "being Both of them, with all the authority among some fifty manufactwirand prestige ...attaching* to theirs ers. ..MMar& people '{r!tHe CM^ game, became'^sedulously engaged in Goodyear Tirei'thaii-o% any <• oilier kind." ~, _ ^ i£ campaign} to"- marshal information aiid make ^disclosures, a campaign that,became necessary as a result of ^b# campaign being Waged among ^reactionary, circles of Eussian emigjrfe» -residing in Paris. Supported by scarcely a few generous life-gs" of Paris, it was wellnifh"enfitely by their own means that Torre's and Kessel strove to get all possible information available, in •tTkrainia' that would reveal to those up to then, unaware of or indifferent to the" fjfghtful pages of. Jewish martyrdom .iw, "Ukrainia1 .'where 100,The.leading tire companies^re sometimes called "the t»ig 000 Jews,, had found death in the five"—their tires "the standard makes." most-formidable massacre of modern We think this is a grand "break"' for the other four, bat times,..- „ something of a hardship on Goodyear. ' ThG. civilized world had hardly The fact is, Goodyear builds JWILUONS MORE tires dome-;to itself from • the ^horrors of than any other manufacturer. GOODYEAR GAINED. the "vyar -when in 1919 the news ^ THIS WORLD-LEADERSHIP BY BUD1DING TIRES lived 'about this massacre which the*' bands "of Eussian Cossacks were perT H A T ARE EMPHATICALLY AND CONSPICUpetrating, at the very doors of JEttiv OUSLY SUPER-STANDARD! ape, gn a population that -.was -;de-.


Outstanding Figures of France Returned to Judaism

A Brilliant Lawyer and Eminent Author Are Given Back .";'.. to Our Faith by France, Who Sad Received Them as 'Intellectual Gifts

Don't Miss



JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER Sunday, 8:30 P. M., June 8, 1930








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• The^four bullets of Schwartzltard. \f«re |«quired .to awaken the; world,, fjrom sh.^fqpiheES and from a p e a * that itj Syas^&ry happy, to find again ajfter ^five "years of warfare.

A really STUKNING newtire you ought to ojf ther-cpurts.'b'f the world—the ter-. rible 'names f-qf^'-'Balta, Jitomir, Ovrutch nBrogkourov,, which nobody will eyer again pronounce without having forced upton .;Mm- the bloody images off a 'civil--population to the number oJ£ over 500,000 withouV'any defence •whatever delivered to the most sadiytic bestiality of a--soldiery without f^ith- or law and without any outside control' of a kind to put a check to the "heads" like Petliara or to drive them back. ' •• That the world -finally knew, that finally the veil was lifted from this shocking scene of slaughter of a whole people, was practically the whole work of these two men, Torres: and Kessel. j.And when the trial came, when Schwartzbard appeared before his jjirymen on October 18, 1927, public opinion of France had gone over to his si^e-to ^proclaim through its'most eSaiinent mjcn_a_nd women that in order "to confleriiif *tiie "pogroms," of yerterday, to prevent the pogroms at



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At the Annual Confirmation Service which is to be held - at Mount Sinai Temple, Sunday morning, June 8, the following ten "children •will receive certificates of confirmation. They are George Arkin, son-of. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arkin; Lucille Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.: Baker; Bernice Galinsky,. daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. A. J. Galirisky; Frances Kalin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kalin; Ruth Kosberg, daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kosberg; Ina Lea Kroloff, daughter: of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff; Lucille Kronick, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kronick; Lawrence Mosow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mosow, and Sarah Rocklin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rocklin. The service will begin at 10:00 o'clock. In addition to the ritual •which will be read by Rabbi Lewis, Sarah Rocklin will give the Floral Offering. Ina Lea Kroloff will speak on "The Three Crowns"; Ruth'Kos^ berg,. "A Pledge of Loyalty"; George Arkin "The Meaning of Judaism". Leonard Mirken, Lucille Kronick and George Arkin will give the prayer before the Ark,1 the reading from the Torah, and the prayer upon returning the Torah. "A Message to the Congregation" will be given by Bernice Galisky; Frances Kalin will give the "Address to the Parents", arid Lawrence Mosow will give the closing Prayer. " A sermon appropriate to the occasion will be delivered by Rabbi Lewis. Mr. A. M. Davis, President of the Congregation, will present the Confirmation Certificates to the Class. A. special program has been arranged,~ with Miss Frances Fribourg playing a .violin solo "Eli Eli". A reception in honor of the confirments will be held in the Temple Annex Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 6 o'clock, " ' - ' • " • This evening, at 8 o'clock the Religious 'School'"will hold its "closing exercises. Certificates and prizes will be distributed to_ the honor pupils at this time. Neonii Horwitz will be presented with a diploma for completion of her work in the High School Department. . Announcement has been made by Rabbij Lewis that Service 'will be continued during the entire summer. They will be held every-Friday: evening, from 7:30 to 8:00 o'clock. There will be no sermon. A children's choir will take part in the service during the summer.

Five Congregations Are Represented at Mammoth Meeting RABBI MlNDA MAKES PLEA One of the largest and most unique Friday -evening Services ever held in Sioux City; took place last; Friday evening, when the united Sioux City Jewry, representing five congregations, Mount . Sinai, Shaare Zion, Tephereth Israel,.Idas Yeshuren, and Beth Abraham, met at Shaare Zion Synagouge to worship together and become aquainted with the purposes, plans and needs of the Allied Jewish Campaign, which is being conducted now. A most stirring and eloquent plea for the cause was made by Rabbi Albert G. Minda of Minneapolis. "It p fitting", he said, "that this campaign be inaugurated on Memorial Dayi for our people have not only one day for Memorial, but several and this drive is an evidence of our remembering the martyrs'of our race by pledging to give aid to our fellow Jews who are suffering from the ravages of the "war in Europe. j The speaker pointed out that the Allied Jewish Campaign will provide unds for rehabilitation • among the Jewish people in the countries of lurope that have been unable to adust themselves since the war. 'The money will go toward establishing Iredit co-operatives, free loan societies, and the teaiching of youths and adults- the various trades and'occupaions", continued-- Rabbi Minda. 'Orphanages, hospitals and-all Jewish ducational-institutions that \tfere destroyed during the war will receive the benent. of this campaign", the s p e a k e r

s a i d /


-4 •*"'- •••*-'


Tragedyof Full

Basle. (J.T.A.)—Dr. Hans Luther, president of the Reichsbank, has agreed to the expressed wish of President MacGarrah of the Bank for International Settlements that Most of These,. Who Entered Dr. Carl Melchior', internationally liast Year," From known economist and a partner of i • Pohuid the Hamburg banker, Max Warburg, a brother of Felix M. Warburg, be Buenos Aires (J.T.A.)—Jewish^im- appointed, vice-president of the Bank migsants to the number of 5,986 en- for International Settlements. tered" Argentina during the past By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN Dr. Melchior, who recently declined year, accordTng to the report of the Daily Reports of Captains and There is.no.famine in Rumania at eleemosynary institutions are forced local "Jewish-Immigrants t Protective the position of president of _the present. The terrible drought which to retrench. The result is that the Society" which' has just been issued. Reichsbank, has just been named one Workers at; Center dried up and withered all growing Jewish orphans in Bucharest are-al- Seventy-one percent of all the Jew- of the two German representatives Encouraging things for several years in succes- ready on half rations today. School ish immigrants who arrived last year on the directorate of the Bank for International Settlement. In every Work on, the Allied Jewish Cam- sion in Bessarabia finally relented classes are being put together to cut came from Poland. post-war international conference Dr. paign in Sioux City will be fully in 1929. That year Nature reversed, dowTi expenses. Jewish teachers are The number of immigrants arriv1 completed this. week, according to her role. She poured showers of being sent home. They had not b^en ing in Argentina from Poland has Melchior has represented Germany the; announcement of A. M. Davis, blessing from her cornucopia. The. paid for months anyway.. So now during; the past few years increased at the conference table. chairman of the. drive. Captains and parched land revived. The hollow- they- go to join the swelling ranks very heavily, as a result of the bad He participated in the negotiations their workers have reported every cheeked spectre of hunger . receded of the unemployed. at Versailles in 1919 and was a economic situation in Poland. While evening to the, office rof the Jewish in the golden glow of ripening wheatduring 1925 the general number of prominent figure in the deliberations Community Center, -with, encourag- fields. The hills were green again, j A phenomenon hitherto unknown immigrants arriving from Poland in of the recent Reparations ConferThe harvest was plentiful in 1929.! in Rumania is the unemployment siting results.. ence. In order to accept the post Today Rumania's granaries are fulli uation. Because the Jewish < popula- Argentina was 9,122, the number of on the Bank of International SettleThe workers and .captains w-ho tion "is largely urban, and until a few immigrants arriving from that coun- ments, Dr. Melchior is planning- to have been - participating in the drive to overflowing. Never before were years ago -was definitely cut off from try in 1929 was 24,233, according to resign from the Finance Commission include Mrs. .R, .H. Emlein, Mrs. E. there such huge stocks on hand as at' more than 20 professions and occupa- the report. . League of Nations. • E. Baron, Mrs. E. Barish, Mrs.. M. present. Not another bushel of Because an economic crisis. has i tions, the great majority of the fact N. London, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Mrs. wheat can be packed into those huge ory: workers in Rumania are, Jews.' lately made itself felt in Argentina,, Abe Pill, M. N. London, Morris Pill, cement elevators that rise with conFRIDAY NIGHT Eighty per cent of the unemployed the-: Polish Minister in Buenos Aire? Abe. Agranoff, Lou Strongin, Joe fidence-inspiring strength from the, in the citlies of' Rumania are Jewi. 3 has advised the Polish government Kutcher, L. S. Goldberg, B» A. Dikel, I banks of the Danube at Galatz and (Copyriglit 1930 by thel Jewisn Tele- •to curtsfl the emigration. to--.£j!gen« The;-air is still, the lamp is lit; Edwin - Baron, Joe Rosenthal, BenjBraila. Like Egypt of old under the tina.' But as a result of the efforts Call blessings for the hallowed eve; r.... graphic Agency, Inc.) Sekt, M. Beechen, M. Seff, Abe vice-regency of a Hebrew shepherd, of the. local "Jewish Immigrants Pro- All cares are hushed and shadow's Silverberg, Abe Sacks, William New- but then in reversed' order, a fat tective Society" an exception was nit " ' ' man,. William Kantor, Morey l i p - year has come to Rumania, after The Painter's Jew made for Jewish emigrants, since it In everjr grateful prayer we *we»ve"; shutz, John Lansberg, J. L. Levitt, seven lean years. 1930 promises' to, An ..artist tried, to paint a Jew, •was proven : that these immigrants And over all is shed the light Dr. S. Shulkin, N. Sadoff, Max be another fat year. Already the An ^outcast beggar that be knew do not become a burden-either to the Of love, to welcome Friday night. Bergen, E. Chesen, Louis Koolish, corn is ripening and the ears are Argentine government or to the Pol- And as our parents' blessings fall! In . Arnstft^dam^ of old; M. Lipshutz, Victor Mazie, M. Hend- heavy. Indications are to the effect He painted' rags^itod gome withu^ire, ish, legation. \y .;••" I ike vernal airs to wake the flowers, S. M. Jaffee, William landau, that the harvest of 1922)-will be sur- Y^^ t h th e "Jewish Immigrant^ Protec- The rest of God is over all, _ ^ t d .^ the, teih tejiih h he^ctured M.-33. Friedman, Eli Robinbw,Lester}passed^ . .. Society" is;! supported by the Who made the peace of Sabbath ours, He knew not what tie. told. Heeger, Dr.-Levin, Sam Cohen, [ . But even while there is no famine' He called.Xt "Jewish; Beggar^'. See American "Hias*? through the "Hi- The joy, the sweetness and the light, Philip Sherman, Leon Dobrofsky,. J. j in Rumania at present, Jews are HoV clear an artist's" 'eye can. be, cem", international Jewish immigrant ^o sanctify the Friday night. Kalin, William Galinsky, Jim Green-[ starvingto death every d a y i n Czeraid society. What light his visions bring! —Isidore S. Asher. stone, H. Friedman, A. B. Friedman, jnowitch. and Bels apd Kishineff and Altho he painted rags' and grime, L:-Levin, Abe Pill, M.' Shiloff, Mike j Galati and' Bucharest. Within sight, YeC gracious, noble and subfime, "AH authority must be out of a -To love is to know the sacrifices Skalovskjv D. L. Rodin, Louis within touch of [ plenty and abundThe. picture shows a king. man's self, turn, -either upon an which' eternity exacts from life.— Agranony E.R.'Davis, J. Robin, Abe nace, little Jewish' children' are wast- —Jessie E. Samper in The Sentinel. art, or upon a man.—-Bacon. Cartyie, ' •'= . BaronyM. Blank, -B.' H., Epstein, -L. .iJg.' away.. Men'a're keeping up a : A; - Baron,- Robert Sacks," Ezack f brave front for the time being. They Grueskin, Lasensky, Charles say say" they have seen "worse times.: Raskin, M. ' Albert, S. Weiner, Times when evefi their" Rumanian Rosalie 'Sacks, Morris Lazriowich, neighbors were"/ starving. The RuBen Fish, Bi Shfloff* A. W. Kaplan, manian peasant isn't starving just S. Sampson, Rutb. Marx, Rose Finsod; now, but the Jew is. Bluma Merlin,, Ida „ Feldman, Rose The grain lies" in the elevators tif Ginsberg, Sally Gorchow, EveGordan, Galatz, American competition on the Dave Davidson, A. L. Galinsky, Sam European markets keeps it- there, G^ Pickus,' J. H, Greenberg, Emil Wholesale Russian dumping h a s ' cut Rpsens.tp£k,. Ben, Skulien, Herman off others of Rumania's markets* Galinsky,. Lipman Weinberg, E. E. Stagnation in trade -has set in. RusBatoptt L ' H V .Ley^n, £ I, Fribourg, sia" is underselling Rumanian wood, y^ H N S l k S G ' B are flooding* H. N. Slptsky, Sam Greenstone,' Ben Russia and Venezuela J<i Europe with oil. Russia is crippling Rosenblum,(^. Sadie Shulkin, Sybil Rumanian fisheries. Russian caviar %U Elizabeth Raslun, Sara Saitl in, i n , RRuth. u t h . Orlikoff, Orlikoff, H. H. Miller, Miller, John John j has reappeared on Montniartre restfearlow, Joe Levin, Sam Lipman, E. aiirant tables after an absence of Barish, R. H. Emlein, M. _J. Skalovs- fifteen years. It costs fifty per cent ky, Jack London, Joe Dimsdale, Jack less than Rumanian caviar. The Robinson, .B. Baron and Si. Krueger. Rumanian fisher still has fish, the peasant still has kept a little grain for home use," he has immediate access to the forest. He keeps warm ; and in food. His cattle isn't suffering. His gayly embroidered leather clothing needs no renovation for Ambrig the Central High School years. He is not prosperous but he Graduates who receive their diplomas isn't destitute either. But the Jewthis evening at Woodrow Wilson ish merchant who sold to the: RuHigh are Julius Mosow, . Dorothy manian peasant on credit cannot pay Merlin, Hymie Hurwitz, Philip Dob- his debts. The Jewish merchant" has rofskyi- Paul Kaplan, Ben Gelfand, no cattle to slaughter, he has no Elizabeth. Passman, Gerald Cohen, milk, he has not that little store of Helen Herzoff,- Rozena Sacks, Marcel- grain for home use. The Jewish t la Koolish, Ida,Edelman, Rose Sper- trader and merchant is caught. { ling, Charlotte Borshevsky, Jack When the famine raged in Bessarabia Reznek, Bernice: Pinkus, Freda Roz- a few years ago, the Jews were the mofsky, and Eva Bass. • worst sufferers, Today without a famine, with the very reverse of famine existing in the country, the Jewry" is suffering again.

.MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

Religious School Closing Exercises Tonight; Services All Summer

While the Granaries of Roumania are Overflowing the Jews of the Country [are Facing Starvation and Stark Despair

"6f t"he money.to 'be'. apportioned, for Palestine", Rabbi Siiridp, told ihe congregations, "part will" gov toward agricultural projects and part toward upbuilding of the-educations 'projects-. The rehabilitation of Palestine is-'one of the finest projects-undertaken by •worid Jewry, and -this fund will- do much, for that purpose."-; • I n ' eloquent and convincing terms the guest speaker told the workers for the Campaign to bear in mind when they went out to collect for this cause that they were not asking for money for a people of a slum ridden community who refused to help themselves, but that they were aiding a mighty and, great people back on their feet again; that they were supplying the "crutch" as it SOCIETY The first arrivals of College Stud- were, for. these people who would be ents who have returned home for helpless without this aid. Following Rabbi Minda's address, Summer vacation include Louis Rabbi T. N. Lewis and Rabbi Hv R. Dimsdale, Isadore Lasensky, Lionel London, Dave Albert* Sam Epstein, Rabinowitz, spoke briefly in accord Irving Passman, Mildred *Sirken,: and with the message given by the guest Isadore Rocklin of Iowa University rabbi. The Speakers were introduced by and Harold Emleiri from Minnesota. Mr. Adolph M. Davis, chairman of ; Mrs. Irving Goldstein- and children the local drive, who- also read several There is no exaggeration in • the have returned to their home in Chi- wires from the Headquarters of the statement that Jews are perishing "of cago, after a visit of several months campaign "in New York. New York (J.T.A.)—Chile «an ab•it the home of Mrs. Goldsteins parThe service was chanted by Can-:: sorb between 1,000 and 1,5000 Jewish hunger. Cases are being brought to ents,-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron. tor A, Pliskin with the able assist-'immigrants .annually, provided they the attention of the Jewish charitable *"" Chom ~~ know a trade, according to a report institutions every day. Names and ance of the Shaare Zion -j Mrs. A., H. 'Baron, and daughter, rendered to the "Hias" by Mr. J. addresses can easily be furnished. Beverly Joyce have" departed for Lutzki of Buenos Aires, who was sent Nobody in Rumania, except the blind Minneapolis for a visit with.her par- Sioux Falls, South Dakota, visited .at to Chile by the "Hias" and other Jew- fanatics of the Christian Anti-Sements, Mr. and Mrs. Wiseberg at their the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Falk ish immigrant aid societies to study itic League, headed by Professor home on Lake Minnetonka. • •over the week end.-' the possibilities of Jewish immigra- Cuza, denies that the plight of the Jewish population, is fast approachMiss Sara Moso\vr spent the week-- Mrs. Yale Robinow, and son Law- tion there and report thereon. rence of Oakland, California, are vis-; a ing panic-conditions. As the shadow ; Chile, reports Mr. Lutzki, has end in Omaha as the guest of Missiiting at the home'.of Mrs. Robinow's total population of nearly four arioV a of the general economic crisis in the Elsie Stalmaster. • . ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ruben. half million and. is. the only South country deepens, black night of hopeHymie Lazere of "Chicago-is-visitBertram Bergen, son of Mr. and'American country that practically lessness is already settling in the j ing at the- home of his parents,for Mrs. Max. Bergen entertained -ten does not restrict immigration. The Jewish population. Kishinoff is a the week. little friends at a .party Monday country is steadily grdwing and con- city of dreadful gloom today. Jewish Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverstein of afternoon in honor of his eighth ditions are becoming more and more Czernowitch is in tears. There is no birthday. economically sound. There is no un- way out. Relentlessly and inexorably death by starvation is bearing . Established in. 1918 Mr. and Mrs. A. Lasensky, 914 employment among skilled workers. down up'on the majority of the Jews CHAS. G. LOWERY CO. Inc. Iowa Street, announce the birth of a in Rumania. I do not say this lightdaughter. ,. Heads Political Reformers ly. I have not the slightest wish to Atlanta, Ga. — Aroused by the i-, Phone 57120—201-2 Frances Bids. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dvorkin an- conditions •-revealed in the recent be melodramatic, no ambition to be Slonx City. Iowa nounce the.,.engagement of '"their grand jury investigations of munici- sensational. All one's ambitions and daughter. Sophie, to Mr. Meyer pal graft and corruption independent visions and hopes for a better world Levey,' of Omaha, Nebr.,. son of Mrs. voters of Atlanta have organized the are frozen when one spends a few S. Levey; The date for the wedding V1930 Club" of which Julius Boehni, days among the Jews of Rumania. has" not • been Let, - . ' a prominent insurance man.and so- A nameless terror grips one's soul, cial worker, was today elected presi- one grows mute at the sight of so DELICATESSEN Forty friends surprised Mr. and dent. - - ., ,. ;.. .. . . • . . - much suffering. I saw Jews picking 1'rsl M.' 'Beechen', ;wiih a partyash-cans for crusts of bread and SANDWICH SHOP Monday evening, in honov of their hunks of meat in an evil-smelling , KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS 24th wedding; , anniversary. Cards Finances Bar the Way alley in Czernowitz. I saw. a Jewish firmed the evening's entertainment Detroit, ?Iich. — The financial sit- family of eight persons grouped - f after which the- guests adjourned to uation of i the Detroit Public Schools around a supper table at Kishineff. a buffet supper. prevents the introduction of Hebrew- All they had was a glass of tea and studies in local high schools,- accord- j two herrings among "them. To me more dear, congenial to my,ing to a statement made by Frank As .the economis crisis i*. as I ., f«\^e,feed the,multitude" ^ : - v heart,- _\ v •"„.,:-., ;-„ . ; ^ .i-Cod>'^^superintenaent of. schools -.to have said generah well-to-do Jews in With" T^sty Foods" One native charm .has aU,the. gloss p,,ma«Jo «-K~ I s J hthe.Detrojt.representative er D «ttQitjrepresentative of the .Tew-* Jew-^Rumania, who ^,™»rlv formerly contributed of art-. 1st Telegraphic 'Ageney'. _ "' to the upkeep It Jewish schools and i

Jewish Students Are 'to Be Graduated Tonight

Chile iCan Absorb 1,500 Jews Annually



Investments •



4 4"Ul


















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