-• interesting *
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VOL. VIII.-No. 22
Eighth ' P.KLOTZNICK Tuxi's Win Victory in a. Row Drive Goes Over EOEfEDF Top As Ojmaha Jewry B'RITH HEAD . The Tuxis Athletic Club baseball team won their eight straight victory by trouncing the Twenty-second vSt. Wonders at Athletic- Park last Sunday. When the Wonders scored nine runs in the second, the outOutlines Program of Activity look was gloomy for the Jewish lads, but a great comback earned them for the Ensuing the victory. Term Bloom and Zorinsky led the hitPhilip M. Klutznick, local attorney ters, and Bloom's sensational catches. Mid executive secretary of the A. Z. featured in the field. A., was elected president of the local j lodge of the B'nai B'rith at the meeting of that organization last Thursday evening. Klutnick, who has been very prominent in the activ-
To Celebrate Rebuilding of Synagogue Sunday The Congregation B'nai ' Jacob Anshe Sholom will celebrate the rebuilding of the synagoge at 24th and Nicholas Streets on Sunday afternoon, June 15, at 2 o'clock. Rabbi H. Grodinsky and Harry A. Wolf will address the audience. Two members of the congregation who where, in Palestine will speak on the present conditions in the National Homeland. Everyone is welcome.
^ JULY 1 Second Summer Session to Be, . Held at Jewish Community Center /
Jewish Conimvftuty
"i. ^"""d-class mail mattj^ W \anuary 27, 1921, at at Omaha, Nebraska, ondV^ -£ ct of March a, i k i
- •
However, These Jewish People Must Have Qualified Professions
A. Silverman and Her Volunteers Working Hard on Drive
The Seventeenths Annual Flower' Day will be held Sunday, • June 16. Mrs. Abe Silverman, general chair-, man, is working hard organizing the volunteers to raise more money than in past years. . .Miss Tobie Steinberg has been helping the chairman lining up the cards t and routes and other routine work. She will assist the chairman Sunday. The following organizations have promised volunteers for the day: Junior Hadassah, Daughters of Zion, Junior Daughters of Zion, Carmelites, Henrietta Szold Girls. Many girls have also volunteered to work Saturday evening at the theater and hotel lobbies for additional donations. Paul Bernstein, chairman of motor transport is lining up automobiles for the day. He will be glad to hear from anyone ready to offer their cars or they can be ready Sunday morning at the J. C. C. Mrs. Silverman urgently requests all volunteers to be on hand at 9 A. . M. Sunday at the J. C. C, so the drive can start on time. All members of the J. N. F. council are! also urged to report Sunday. ' In speaking of this Flower Day, Louis Lipsky, President of the Zionist
. The Summer Play School at the Moscow, (J. T. A.).—Tremendous Jewish - Community - Center will open relief for the Jewish lishentzy (peopits doors Tuesday, July 1, for its secle without rights) who have qualiond summer session for boys- and fied professions is seen in an order girls between the ages of five - and issued by the Soviet Labor departfourteen inclusive. Classes vAll be ment to all labor exchanges to regconducted as in regular school session, ister for work anyone who has any from • Monday to Friday during the kind of professional training. month, from 9 o'clock to 12. / Bookkeepers as well as qualified - Every-effort is being made to make manual laborers are being given jobs this year's Play School even better without discrimination as to their than~ the.1 school last summer. Special social status. This rare opportunity, classes: and activities axi being arwhich may last for only a limited fangea'foT-the kindergarten age childfew months, is keeping the Agrorerioffive and six years.' Classes for Joint busy with urgent plans for Philin M. Klutznick the older children will/include swimtraining as quicklv as possible a o . ... . A -J <.T-<I ities of the Jewish community, suc- ming, folk dancing, toymaking, sew° . , ' -,, j. . ! I Organization of America, said: "Flowceeds Milton E. Abrahams. * ing , basket weaving,,;dramatics and many lishentzy as possible to enable holiday. %. , The , Jewish youth ,. ,is_.given . Other office^ cflosen are: IrvinLe- singing. .'- ...:\.:: ..-'.';£ • - • .. '• njent . . . in. their . . rights later . _.• on. 1 er Day has become a national Zionist a chance to demonstrate its interest .„, %'mr ^sicefpresident;. .Isadore' ~;Abram-* T«r qualify the lishentzy Agro- in Palestine 1 them to obtain productivetheemploy, by offering a day of servsoh, 'secretary; Harry ' Friedman, day, for interesting programs,; which Joint is planning to organize a num- ice to. the National Fund, and the treasurer; :Dr. O. Z. Belzer, warden; are *ometimes*pfispnteotvby tijie dram.*er"of * Special evening courses for general Jewish public is afforded a Dave Freeman, guardian. Trustees atic classes; on.other, davs by profesadults and also to assist in the pro- chance of making a. contribution to .are Dr. S._Z. Stern, Harry B. Cohn, sional entertainers. fessional and technical training in the Fund. In the last sixteen years At the end of, the summer, an inand Cantor A. Schwaczkin. The such schools where a majority of the Flower and Flag Days gave the Naexecutive board will include Sam teresting play is presented by a numstudents are Jews. tional Fund more than one million Swartze, Goodman Cohn, Isadore So- ber of the pupils who have shown These plans require not only ad- dollars." kolof, Dr. A. A. Steinberg," A. B. Al- ability- in dramatic • work. : . ditional funds but also American pirn, N. S. Yaffe. The school is taught;by ; volunteer machinery and' the Agro-Joint is .In. announcing his plans for the leaders, -many r of. whom...have had hopeful that it will get these- from coming term, Klutznick suggested a special training in colleges. American Jews when it is plain in This year, there will be a registraprogram of fruitful activity. Among the United States why all efforts SAM BEBER other tilings his plans 'call for a tion fee of.$l. Children may register must be concentrated within this three-lecture course by prominent any time. now at the Center office. J Summer since the present policy may President of Jewish Philanthropies national speakers, a mammoth B'nai Registrations should be made early as be modified during the coming B'rith ball, a summer picnic if pos- only the first 250 registered children1 winter. ''r sible, and an increase in the lodge will be accepted. membership. He also hopes that the Awards Will Be Given at the B'nai B'rith will be able to sponsor Conclusion of the an outdoor camp for young and un-. . Conclave derprivileged children. ' In- concluding, the new president Omaha, Nebr. — Awards honoring stated: "A certain feeling of inspira; the most outstanding individuals withtion has been motivated by recent A.' Z. A. Groups are Planning';' in its ranks for the revival of the HeRev. S. Kahanowitch Is Honored Series of Outings for events in our Jewish communities, brew languages, ad\ancement of A. With Reception Summer and I am confident- that a new Z. A. ideals, constructive communal Sunday strength has arisen * in our midst. work, and promotion of the Jewish reSamuel Meyerson of South Omaha'r I am eager that we, the members and ligion are to. be -given at the final Rev. Shaia Kahanowitcb, formerly representatives of the la-rgest Jewish was chosen president of the Sam Beber!1 Oakland, which will banquet at cantor of the local Beth ,Hamedrosh Chapter of the A. Z. A. No. 100 at the Fraternal Order in the world, shall Hagodol Synagogue, «fli:leav* Sun- mark the .official close of the seventh capitalize that, new spirit toour bene- election of officers-of the group held; day to assume his duties "as1 cantor annual international convention of fit and shall write in tablets of good last week. Ralph H. Gross is the out-' of the Congregation Hagre -Anche Aleph Zadifc Aleph of the B'n~i B'rith deeds a new chapter in the.history going Aleph Godol. : •• • Mrs. J. H. Kulakof sky, Wilno,. Garfield Park District, one of at Oakland California, July iy-16. Other officers selected are: Ru'ssei, of local B'nai B'rith. The Boris D. Bogen Awai'd, given the largest orthodox synagogues in Second Vice-President • Blumenthal, vice-president; Arjhur, by District Grand Lodge No. 3, of Chicago. Kazlowsky, secretary; Henry Sterling,, paigners expect to pass the $45,Rev. Kahanowitch was guest at a the B'nai B'rith to perpetuate the treasurer; Morris Meyerson, senior' 000 mark. The 1812 individuals reception given in his honor at the memory of the late Dr. Bogen, former sergeant-at-arms; Morton Ferer, junwho have thus far subscribed to Beth Hamedrosh synagogue last Executive Secretary of the Constituior sergeant-at-arms; • Joe Goldware, Harry B.'Zimman Dr. A. Greenberg, Sunday, with more than 200 attend- tion Grand Lodge is to be awarded to reporter; and Maurice Kat'z, chaplain.1 the drive form the largest numTreasurer : First Vice-President ing. The reception became a double the A. Z. A. boy who did the most According to Meyerson, the group's ber of pledgors to ever give to a man, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry The regular monthly .cultural meet- activities during the summer will concelebration when a son was born to during the past year toward the reTheir goal of $42,000 oversub- Jewish drive. Weiner, Al Wohlner, Harry A. the cantor and his wife at the Wise vival of the Hebrew Language, w-^. ing of the local Zionists was held last sist chiefly in a series of outings. The] scribed, the Jewish Philanthrop. Tuesday evening at the J.'C. C ' first Wolf, N. S. Yaffe, Mose Yousem, Memorial Hospital during the cere- The Sam Beber Award is to be given Board of Trustees first of these outings will be held this ies of Omaha was Wednesday and Blanche Zimman. A. Cohn, who recently returned Sunday. to the A. Z. A. boy who did the most mony. The affairs of the Jewish Philanfrom Palestine, gave his impressions The installation of officers and the evening formed into a perman- thropies will be administered by a > These selections, which were unan- Rev. E. Fleishman was chairman during the past year to promote the of the Holy Land. He said that their giving of the first degree to the new ent organization under articles board of trustees consisting of forty- imously approved of by the assembled of the reception. He stated that ideals of A. Z. A., consisting of Judgreat need is money and hard work. members will take place at the next of incorporation. Sam Beber, individuals, thirty-five of whom are group, were made by a nominating "Cantor Kahanowitch will be missed aism, patriotism, filial-love, fraternity, He also observed that most of the meeting, to be held at the J. C. C. the peerless leader in this epoch- elected and the remaining five apT committee consisting of Harry Lap- not only by the synagogue but also charity, purity, and conduct. Chalutzem from the European coun- Wednesday evening, June 18. The Harry H. Lapidus Award is to making campaign, was unani- pointed by the president. The thirty-! idus, N. S. Yaffe, and Morris Forbes, by all the Jewry of Omaha." tries will like and work there conbe given the A. Z. A. boy who did the The cantor has been in Omaha for mously chosen to direct the dest- five trustees elected at the meeting of tentedly, while those from America Mrs. J. Rosenberg Is most constructive Jewish Communal Plans for Next Year four and a half years, during which the subscribers to the Jewish Philaninies of the newly-formed group thropies at the Jewish Community Everv subscriber of the Jewish time he organized and developed the work in his own community, and the will become dissatisfied sooner or Honored by Hadassah during the first year. • l&ter and will return to the United Philanthropies is a member of the or-' synagogue's choir. He was also Helen E. Cohen Award to the A. Z. A. Center Wednesday evening are: States to enjoy American standards Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, retiring boy who did the most to promote the Other officers elected are: Dr. A. B. Alpirn, Rabbi Frederick ganizatioh for the fiscal year of his active in club work, being a member Jewish religion. of living. president of the Senior Hadassah, A. Greenberg, first vice-presi- Cohn, Harry Dworsky, David P. donation." The annual meeting of the' o f the Omaha Hebrew Club and During the general discussion, most was honored; at a surprise luncheon group is to take place the second B'nai B'rith. of those. present. took, sharp issue at the Paxton Hotel on Wednesday, dent; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, sec- Feder, Morris Forbes, Abe Gold- Tuesday of each January. Anti-Semite Sentenced with Mr. Cohn's- statement. . They June 4, by the officers and members ond vice-president; Mrs. Max stein, Dr. M. I. Gordon, David In discussing the plans of the JewSeek Jewish-Arab Unity Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg, A. Budapest.—John Repassy, editor Holzman, secretary; Harry B. contended that to build up Palestine, of the Board of Directors! Herzberg, William Holzman, Ab- ish Philanthropies for the next year,1 Jerusalem.—The establishment of of an anti-Semitic weekly paper, has Chalutzem with idealistic feelings Mrs. Zimman, treasurer. . . .. Abe Greenspan was toastner Kaiman, Sam Klaver, Philip President Beber stated that in all Semitic Union to comprise Arabs been sentenced by the penal court and desires.were needed to overcome mistress. Responses were made by By Thursday morning the M. Klutznick, J. Harry Kulakofs- probability more groups would be ad- aa s well as Jews is the political plat- to a fortnight's imprisonment for an all obstacles in the upbuilding of the Mesdames J. Rosenberg, A. Romm, grand total raised had soared to ky, Harry H. Lapidus, M. F. Lev- ded to the list of affiliated organiza- form for new Arab party just inciting article attacking the Jews. country. ' J. J. Friedmarv Abe-'Silverman, Max $43,206.76, the largest amount enson, Harry Malashock, Jack W. tions. As the budget has been al- formed witha headquarters at Nablus, Repassy's article had' alleged that A motion was passed for the pre- Fromkin, M. F. Levenson, B. A. SiMarer, Dr. Morris Margolin, located, it is too late to add any group _ one of the leading centers of Arab the Jews were governing Christians ever given to a Jewish cause in sident of the local Zionists, M. F. mon, and the newly-elected president, Meyerson, -Morris Mild- this yean Among those who may be-j nationalist propaganda. The aim of despite the fact that the government the history of the city. , Nor has Goodman rLeyenson, to appoint a committee of Mrs. Julius Stein. er, Harry Monsky, Mrs. L. Nevel- come affiliated next year are the Jew- the new political group is to unite was Christian. He had also charged ithl*ee to plan a protest against the Mrs. Rosenberg was presented with the work stopped there, for ac- off, J. Riklin, Henry Rosen thai, ish National Fund, The Ort, and the! Arabs and Jews for the common that houses and fields were gradually, of immigration to.Palestine. a beautiful console tab?*; * cording to Sam Beber, the cam- - Dr. Philip Sher, Mrs. A. Silver'.;.••" (Continued on pag6 7) I welfare of the county. passing into Jewish hands-
^ -
your •work with your private teacher? When you Bee and hear Mitzi Mitzi Green will fcot vanish, ^ - On the4 taHridg,screen the feature Did you learn to read and write?" Green on the screen—as a naughty of. the juvenile Stats do. Whfcn kittle picture will %e 'Marion Davies i n her Mitzi: "I surely did. And what's meddlesome little girl, as in "Honey' Mitzi will round into a flapper and, latest, and if all reports be correct more, I enjoyed it. I learned read- or in the; part of a fractious, pert later, into a young lady she will, I her best alltalking production ening and spelling very quickly, the and loyal !<:hild, as in "The Marriage am quite ; sure,••< become dne > of the titled "The Florodora Girl" it i s a v \ teacher said. In my spare time I Playground*,-^-you realize immediate- world's greatest actresses. She is "Gay 90's" story that is attractively read a lot of books. The year after ly that this little Jewish girl is an that now—but her possibilities are adorned with songs and Technicolor we went on the Orpheflhi circuit"— actress of high caliber. If you hap» limited by her nine years and herscenes. the outstanding vaudeville circuit— pen to see hex in "Paramount -oh Par- fifty-two inches and her seventy-odd "and I added a few more imperson- ade", doing her imitation of Moran pounds' weight. . ': ations of screen and stage celebrities. and Mack, the two Black Crows, or (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts FeatAnd just about a year ago it all mimicking the popular French comeure Syndicate.) WEDDING FLOWERS and happened. We were playing at the dian^ Maurice Chevalier, you TABLE DECORATIONS Orpheum Theatre in Los Angeles. never think of her in the same way Special This Month One night Dad was quite excited, as you did of Jackie Coogan or of and told me that some big execu- Davy Lee of "Sonny Boy" fame. The Riviera-Paramount Florists tives of the Paranunmt Production difference between the Coogans, Lees, 2009 Farnam Street—AT, 5757 Corporation had front seats, to watch DeLaceys, Mary Ann Jacksons and me do my imitations. Poor Dad felt Mitzi Green is that where the Usual so '.nervous that he hardly managed gifted child actors are merely cute to get through his own act. When she is great; No special standards Have your Wedding Pictures Made at ptoday acknowledged self," the interviewer began hes- faced comedians. I had - seen, them I finished mine the big movie men need to be applied to little Mitzi. It America'.af''.greatest child' actress. itatingly, not. Mowing;<whether to so often that, 'I knew their act by arrl my father had a conference, and will never occur to you to sigh: "Isn't Mitsi^fid^tte.. Jtns .being-spelled piit in treat her "as a child of. nine; Vor as a heart." • the next morning my Dad announced she marvelous—for her ' age." Her clGctvtp'^gJyts,whe7i^she,was at an juge high-salaried Parampfunt" screen" star. The interviewer: "Did some one very solemnly that I had been signed acting and personality triumph not { 2404 Farnam Street when'^tiOB'ir^pHiidfkn art jiist learning AT. 4079 Open Sunday*, 10 to 4 to draw^ftii-.'letfers of their names'on • ii'Mitzii" Miii " W t o S ^ coach you for the act and tell you up on a five years' contract by Para- because of her youth but rather desto the scfoay?J#li$ejebDard. Born in the mount as one of their featured play- pite it. She is a genius that cannot lrnn how to do i t ? " Bronx, th^'daughter of Joe Keno and ! The interviewer^ ^WEen did you Mitzi (a little indignant) "Oh, no.ers. So that's how it all happened." be explained. Just a miracle, such Roeie Green, vaudeville actors, Mitzie Green, the great little Jeivish girl, start acting?" I never rehearsed even once. I Little Mitzi was quite excited her- as.this world produces from time to seems headed for a most amazing ca- Mitzi: "I've, played on the stage simply "walked on the stage and self by now, and did not try to con-time—in music in chesv and now FOR rter as one of t/ie world's; greatest ceal the thrill she experienced when in the motion picture art. actresses. In this interview she tells ever since I can .remember. When I did iLV The interviewer: "What happened :she became a screen ctar. without affectation how, sher reached was young'*—here . she smiled, realWhen her childhood is behind her TheTrtterviewer:-'4)idi-you always stardom- in the talkies at - the.' age of izing the incongruity." of' tHp expres- then?" ' * v nine. .•" THE EDITOR. *' sion—"1 mean, * jwhen: i- rwas three. ; Mitzi: "Well, the head hooker of like the movies?" do you Mitzi: "I always did. ^ Gus Edwards, ,the!! vaudeville star the Interstate Circuit was there, and She Is nme years oldy-fifty-twb and who, was on the. same .circuit as my afer" the show he offered me a con- know who my favorite a'ctors are? CALL y a half inches, tall, and weighs exactly parents"—r-Mitzi's ;par'^nts ', are Joe tract as a headliner. Dad didn't S Charlie Chaplin and DoSglas Fair; seventy-^her and three~ quafrters Keno • and •R6sie_.Green^ a_ weil-known want to accept it, but I begged him Organist at Temple* Israel banks' and Maurice/Chev^ier and— 1 pounds. Her" eyes* are gray and hervaudeville team—"put me on a school so much, and promised to be a good /they'resalt so tace 203 So. 19—JA. 1208 Instructor1 in Pipe Organ hair is brown, worn in a bob with fence in one of his sketches. 1 just girl and study with a private teacher The interviewer: "Do you want to —Evenings WAlnut 5077 and Piano bangs. - The smile is that of a baby had to sit still and look pretty. Mjr four hours every day, so he. gave in." remain an actress when you're a of three,• yet- her eyes have the vrages were twenty-five cents a day. The -interviewer: "So that's how grown up lady?" * - " —Special Summer Rates— ' mature expression of' ,-a, girl,.' who Mr. Edwards;" always placed the you came to have your name spelled Mitti: "Oh, that's*- when I'll be a 516 Karbach Blk. AT. 2318 thinks ,and;-.feels -beyond her age. quarter, in an envelope and made me out in electric lights as "Little real actress. I'm doing lots of exerDr. M. A. Green, nee Greenberg, Despite the sideshow-barker tone sign for it; When I missed a show Mitzi, the Child' Mimic". You must cises to grow. I hope, to be a lady physician and surgeon, formerly of of this introduction there is".nothing he took off two ce^its, I t was great have felt quite grown up, to be a before my five-year contract with THE MODE PLEATING .Omaha, having completed three years freakish about \ little : Mitzi Green. fun." Mitzi smiled indulgently, like full-fledged star at the age of six?" Paramount is up, so I can get some J"OR REAL SERVICE CALL of post graduate work, has just reCustom Designing a Specialty Nor do I eicaggerate when I qualify an adult recalling childBobd Mitzi: "Oh, no. It was just fun. gtown-up parts." turned from Europe where he has Without Extra Cost or Obligation her as the world's greatest screen Just then we were: interrupted by The interviewer: "Do you re- I traveled with my parents all the made further studies, and now an- 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Ja. 3109 prodigy, who means to the ihovies member all that, or have people time. We were on the same bill, but a messenger who brought a telegram TtSK TAILORS, noonces the opening of his offices on SHOE HATTERS. what Yehudi Menuhin means to the told you about i t ? " CLEANERS REPAIRING in separate acts. We traveled through adressed. to Miss Mitzi Green. The June 1, 1930, in Chicago, Illinois, violin. As a matter of fact there.is "Mitzi: "I evfen .remember when I Texas for a whole year. Dad coached little girl opened the envelope withCALLED FOB AXD DELITKltED whetre he is now making his home. a great physical resemblance between used to sit in the- wings in my car-me every day; whatever success I out haste. But no sooner had she DonBl«» Fhone AT. SMI the two, the violin prodigy and the riage,, watching: Dad ^nd Ma go had was really his. He taught me lead the message than she emitted acting genius. Both.are sturdy child- through their act.. I had to sit so to speak well—diction, and all that." a squeal of joy, .clapped her hands ren, with simple, unaffected manners still that sometimes I fell asleep. Straw, Panama, The interviewer: "Did you keep up and danced about, shouting: "I'm goatld.a world of poise. ing to play with Clara Bow—I'm But most; of the' time -1 enjoyed all Leghorn or Milan I inet Mitzi Green in Ne\v_ York the acts -afid had O&'- great time;" going to play with Clara Bow!" th3 other day; she was enjoying a I... Mitsi Green had just received inOne of vaudeville's favorite head- s The interviewer: "Do you like the Five Makes to Choose From jjj she weeks' vacation after her arduous stage?" CAROLYN DIAMOND liners will grace the program at the structions to report; immediately to . • V-;..X'-..,••• ' Cleaned, Blocked and .A student In dramatic art at the work in Hollywood: .We had ar pleas-; ~fcO OrpSeum for the -Week starting ; Hollywood to take a featured part i - <drdamils iajhdj happily): " I University of,-Nebraska, ia teaching ant chat during'which the great' little love it. I always wanted classes in elocution this summer. Bleached by factory Friday, June 13th, and it is none E in the forthcoming Clara Bow prod to t act. I —REASONABLE RATES— star itold me all about herself. There knew the lihes of all the arts by experts ether than that lovable American duction, "Love among/: Millionaires.* Call HArney S29H (Est. 1908) = _ was [no.boasting when she spoke of heart. Whefi"T" was"four I begged •eotnedienhe, JSfan Halperin. Her of- = ^'Aren't you sorry*' to cut short | Tel. Ja. 4120 1912 Farnam | 1 her ^startling success, nor did she my father to take me into his) act. fering this season is entitled "Shady your vacation and start .work again?" try to act other than her years. I asked him so many times that he Ladies of Yesterday and today", and Ed Solig Harry Solig ^luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiui? -^ asked.the interviewer,,, it is said tor toe this singing comeShe ! has the assurance and self- finally gave in. But just once. I AT. 6662 214 So. 14 The little Jewish girl who is makdienne's greatest effort. confidence of an artist who dis.-gave an imitation of Sadie Burt and 'ing history in the art-of the cinema MULTIGRAPH regards petty mannerisms fbr e And as this pcogram of RKO vauWhiting. And, - gee, ; you '" "smiled hap'pityT "Sorry? I FILLING IN ^g sakeV Mitzi knows hair." worthy deville is strictly- a comedy one, T>anFOLDING—MAILING should say not.' I'm going to take Should".' ^ heard the applause I l o v e H behaves naturally ahd TOjQdestl^T' j$<& ,2 t a u g h t my father wouH be *#'DaHCah antf'fCompWiy will'hold .the Itrain to-morifowrfjl °Hyr & ,2 IDEAL LETTER emanates what in Yiddish is; intftvn •happy andf5 would let me do ioffiedown i the nest spot. Danny Duncan '; than anything Call Our Phone for Service comes to Omaha this time with a as chen—Natural gittte. sweet thing, N h , iii i J l s actt every | night, i h t !B t But AT. 2936—307 Paxton Block N ; brand new act entitled "Old Sweeti Her motner,-Rosie Green, came inJewnsh * child," inteilifeenV and wide-, Dad took me on his knee and Bald" hearts*', and is described as " t h e to the room. Still young and beautiawak?, she never, acts .in private life. -Mitzi frowned, imitating her fath1107 Howard—JA. 0288 f finest Character Comedy in a Genertell me .about your- er's-.stern expression—"'Young lady, ' WelV ful, typically. Semitic in appearance. MOVING — STORAGE— ation." She read the telegram an sighed*: •that Vill be all. From now on you'll . PIANO MOVING J. I. ISHII, Proprietor I "Well, Mitsa'J.i I suppose we have to go- t o e^iopL-and forget about the I MOXSKT, KAlLBMAS .fc Attorney h stage. When you'll be a big lady | 1916 Farnam Street.—AT. 4159 f pack.' And, turning TO me, she adr OPEN SUXDAT 1Q to 4 7*7 Omalis KatlOrial B»nk ded: "The movies are almost as bad maybe you'll be permitted to: join •NOTICE is hereby gltea' that the unaetas" vaudeville nowadays. One has to your parents.' I was very much slgned haT& formed a. corporation under For 50 Years LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS the: laws of-the State otf Nebraskn. 1'be pack-all the time." disappointed when I was sent to the . 6053 2W1 Xo. 2J Your Towel Man name Is SOPN1> ACCBPTAKOE CORPDKATIOX, -with itb nrinclpnl fllace of bu Sipublic school in Flushing, Long IsMitzi was -standing at the window, nes* in the tJHy of.OiriaiU. (The object of Omaha Towel Supply Co. land." lost in her thoughts. Suddenly she thC Company Is to purchase ana discount notes and trade acceptauces and- other obturned and called to her mother^ The interviewer: "Don't you like 209 So. Hth St. JA.0528 All Kinds of Sandwiches ligations of air kind*. The corporation shall hare the authority, to open offices in 1'Don't forget to take^Mary, Ma, and school?" • 1515 Farnam foreign Btates and to haiHile-««cn real or put on her red hat and white coat!" Mitzi: "I like"it well enough.. But Danish personal property as -inaj- be •required in Formerly 313 So. 16th YGUS furthering its business. TJhe capital sitickI And with a malicious smite she I- love the" stage,- *nd- I've always shall consist »f 500 shares, par value ?100.«0 Pioneer eacs-; -UuO shares shall be common, 23U •whispered to me: "Mary is my favorfelt grown up. You learn more that shwes Shall be preferred: ' Preferred -stock and ite doll,-and I'm going to coach her way than in,school. Gee, I wish I shall be entmed t<> the preferences' set out Butter in the, Articles, of Incorporation. The corpto become a movie star." were grown up ahd could act all dration may upon the affirmative yote -of LARSEN JEWELRY CO, Thomsen-Slater Butter Co. Wye of "the outstanding stock dispose of all the time!" J. j . FRIEDMAX, Attorney corporate-assets. The highest amount of 1BO7 DOSKO St.—Elk's BuildingAwnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, ' The interviewer: "When did'you «S4, **tert ttvif Bld». indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds QCICK BEPA1B SEBTICB Cattip Supplies, All Kinds of the capital stock. The corporation shall start on your stage, career?" 2f OT1CB OP ADMtSriSTBATION "ennimenc* business when the Articles a$e 13 and Howard At. 14BU DR. L. C. LARSEN, filed in Douglas County and continue until Mitzi: ."tTwas a ^little over six. IaUhe County Court o t Douglas January 1st, 1979. The. affairs shall-be Nebraska. Optometrist There was: a" big-benefit performance administered by a Board of not less than In. the matter of the estate of J. George three nor more than five directors. The Senderhauf, deceased. '*" given at Brighton Breach. Dad had GOOD PRESCRIPTION GLASSES annual meeting Bhall lie the second TuesAll persons interested In said estate are day, jn. January of each year. The Bto«kgiven me special .permission to do hereby notified, -that a petition has been AND hoiatrs At snid meeting shall elect direct?filed i n said Court alleging that snid de* something/;."I~g»vef*'an imitation of ers. Immediately thereafter the difeetorfe ceased died tearing no last will and prayshall elect the President, Viee-Presideiit, ing for administration upon his estate, and Moran arijL.MaCk;, jtlie two blackMINIATURE • Secretary an9 Treasurer. The Article* J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor that a. heating will be had on said petition *iay lip,amended. > before said court on the 5th day of July, SALES LETTERS * "NEW FOR OLD" 1030; and that, if ;they fail to appear at 5IONSKY, Dated' Marclt 31st. 1930. * AT ALL GROCERS said Court om t h e said 5th day of July, MtLTlGRAPHING ; . HARRY COHEN, •1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 1D3U, at 9 o'clock; A; M. to contest said < • ••.•"••"-'"• A. <4RKENBEKG, 1 MIMEOGRAPHING >-O'TICE' .:><t>HiiatMESD3IENT TO AHTIMade by petition, the .Court" may grant the same --.-•>:->;•> H . M A K Q L A R D T . =•-:. , Farnam at tl.ES OF IKCOUPOKATIOX Of PRINTING and grant administration of eald estate June ,<4T^ " Uncle Sam Breakfast Food WESTEKN OIL AJfD SUPto Charles Ji • Senderhauf or some other Commercial Duplicating Co. PLY COMPANY suitable person-and proceed to a settlement Company 6TAtMASTfctt ft I * B E E , Aitot-ney*
Mitzi Qreen, America's recUestChild Actress This Youthful Movie Prodigy Herein Relates H o w She Reached Stardom at the Early Ag<te of Nine
Dr. M. A. Green Opens an Office in Chicago, III.
ttatsuo Studio
1 Central Typewriter | Exchange, Inc. §
Special This Month I
t? or ell
- TOM THUMB Greets, ^
Invites y6u ' to a Gam&.of Golf
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Notice is hereby given that at a special meeting of stockholders of. the. «estefn Oil ami Supply Company, held on the l(lth day of May. 11)30. at which inl-eting all stockholders -rt-ere present and vote<} thnt- Article ,IV ..u.f, the. Articles of Incorporation be ninendea to read as follows:. . . • ' ,j ' ' "The- amount of capital stock that this corporation inay issue,- shall not exceed
the sum of Sixty Thousand
Phone JA. 4373 . ^
NATIONAL ;• ACCESSORIES, I N C . "Everything for the Auto"
PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. -KE. 1500
The House With A Reputation
STAI-JlAStBR & BEBEllj Attdr G30 Omaliu N'at'l Bank Bids.
m Hnrry H. Lnptdtis. President- Trtas.
Southwest Corner "'.•"''."' Eleventh and Douglas Streets Phone JAcksoh 2724} Omalia, Nebr.
In the matter of the estate of Hnrry Wilson, deceased: • AH persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 28th day of May, 1030. Irvin- Stalmnster filed u petition In tsaid Coutity Court, praying that his final adminlatratlon account Hied heroinlie settled nlid allowed, and that he be tlischnrged frotn bis tr\iat. as administrator mid that a'hearing Will be had OH said petition before sitlU Court on the ,21st day of June, 1030, iinU that If you fail to apJiear before said Court on the said lilst day of Jiinej 1930; at 1) o'clock A. SI.., nnd contest said :petition. theCpilrt liihy gr';lnt the" priiyerji)i Siii&:;iietllh>Oc enter a decree 'of . heiTshlp, and. make' siifh other and fiifther orders, allowances ahd decrees, us it»> this Coiirt-iinjy seem proper, to the •end thai all' miiHers pertiilhiiig \o said estate ltliiy be finally settled mid (te'ter' "''Miiy 30—3t
BKXC&'«nATWr*>ntf>. County Judge.
BRXCE CKAWFOItD, County Judge.
Dollars, divided into Six Hundred '(000) shares of ••• the virtue of. One -Hundred $100.00) Dollars each. (The balance ot the Article to remain without uthendhieut.) WESTERN OH. AND SUPPLY COMPANY By V/ALTEK .'M. S ^ A ^ S O N , President, It. F. PATTON, Secretary. •n-o-6-30 ' ""•,•' :
Ih the County Court of Douglas County, Nellriiska: - . ; ' " .
Times a d a y we a r e i n your neighborhood ••;..-
2501 Farnani—AT. 6524 '
\Yt Octnpy • Overr?0,«po .Square Feet.
1311 i>odse St.—JA. 4834
JUnchmjfoundryOa —
AT. 4750—MA. 4750 Tune in KOIL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. M. for the Leisure Hours program
F H I L I P sl. H L U T Z N I C K
630 Omaha National Bank Bids. Omaha, Nebraska NOTICE OF ISCOBPORAT1OS Notice Is hereby given, that the undersigned have associated themselves together to form a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebraska. The general nature of the business is to buy and sell bottles, glassware, stoneware, barrels and supplies used in connection with said items, and to do all things Which may be necessary or proper to carry. out the purposes and objects of such a business. The authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be $10,000.1)0 divided Into 100 shares of thepar value of ?10U.tX) each, all of which stock shall be common and shall bt fully paid up when issued. The eorporatiou shall commence business upon the flllng of Its articles of incorporation ill the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and continue for a peHod of DO years. The highest amount of indebtedness to which the corporation shall at any one time subject it-! self shall not exceed two-thirds of its I capital slock. j The affairs of the corporation shall be i conducted by a Board of Directors of Dot | less than two members who ohall be' chosen from among the stockholders at their annual irleetlng. Until the annual1 meeting iu Jnnuary, 1031, the Board of Directors shall be Samuel Riekes. Max ltiekes and Ethel ltiefces and the officers shall be Samuel Riekes. 1'resldent: MiK Uiekes. Vlce-rresident, and Ethel Kiekes. Secretary and Treasurer. • These articles of Incorporation may be I amended by the affirmative vote of two! thirds of the enpital stuck at any regular j or special meeting of the stockholders, 1 sAtfCEL KIEKES, j
KTHBI KIEKES. In the presence of: PHIM1" M. KLUTZNICK. 4t—May-SO; 1950.*
RUNNERS AND SNAGS REMOVED Bolt Hose Mending Shop One-day service or while you wait --Mail Orders Promptly Serviced— 533 Securities Bids.—AT.
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Baker Ice Machine Co.
The Sanitary Laundry "The Best ot Alt Laundry, Service" 2815 Farnam
C5e Omaha Natleaal Bank Bldp. OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE
Xotice' is heretiy' glren that on the 28th day ofjaToSe. H}30,' at the-hour of 10 o'clock, A. A., at- 251il LeaveHT\-orlh Street in Omaha,— BeaplaS ^Gs'onty, Nebraska, ihe undersigned will sell .at public auction to the highest bWder for cash the following
scrttfea pexsomil property,- tft-wit:
1 oak dining table; 4 walnut leatherseftted- flings""*1; oak ; china closet; 1Ivor}"'-cane sent arm rocker: 1 ivory • dresser;* X mhhograny case Columbia phonograph; 1 S-o0xl0-(i Wilton rug: 1 9x12 Axminster rug; 1 0x9 Brnssells rug; 1 4x(i Velvet rug; 1 polychrome floor lamp; 1 mahogany <>nd table;' 1" inahogany t-ane seat chaii:; 1 mah^gauy writing desk; 1 mahogimy cane:. , seat chair; 1 mahogany tapestrv seat. arid cade back dnvenport; 1 mahogany tapestry seTit and enne back arm rt>cker; 1 mahogany upholstered tapestry seat and ram- back arm chuir: 1 ma- . hoganj- smoking stand; 1 mahogany tqpestry seat arm chair: 1 mahogany wood seat chair; 1 mahogany library table: 1 wnlnut cabinet, 7-tube radiola; IS Radio combination'; 1 walnut case drop head Singer sewine machine. Xo G6TD2O3S: 1 sanitary cot: 1 4-burner.Eclipse gas sto\-e;rl 25 1b. refricer-: ator- 1 Kasy Vacuum Electric washer, •_No. &1S18: *1 7x!) Congoleum nip; 1 jrreeh boTt- end bed; and all aisheB, linen, hedding, silverware and kitchen ibil ulitebsils. Covered by a chattel mortgage in favor of F. K Tysoit, doing business as the Omaha Loan" Company signed hy John F. Landreth and Vida E. Landreth, husband nnd wife, dated November 27th. 1029. niid filed in the office of the Countv Clerk-of Pduglns County on November 2!>th. 1929. Said sales will be for the purpose of foreclosing said mortcajre on which there is a balance now flue in tlie sum of S322..T0 and costs iiccruing as the result of said sale. Dnted at Omaha. Nebraska, this uth day of June, 19S0. F : E. TYSON doing business as Omaha r»6afiVCQWifany., Mortgagee. :: :...„ .:>•.",„-• June' G—IT
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: S9 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930 Are even the Jews who-abandon up to a certain standard, he must Franklin trained, arid now when- the against Jexvs to. be labelled^ "Christshow a nice front porch. But thebest matadors are naqied, Franklin ians Only." --1- Bi^un in a lecture their faith to be discriminated present economic depression has is sure to be mentioned. * j the other-day gave one glaring in- against? It fractures my heart. greatly affected the entire Jewish stance of, such discrimination—that WANT TO BUY OUT ZUKOR middle class and especially those who RABBIS AND REELS of the new Fox management. By t^e way—on arrival here," Rabbi Ernest L. Trattner of Los As soon as William Fox was oustmoved away from the old neighborZukor was greeted with a proposihoods because they felt that they Angeles is always doing something ed from control,., a wholesale dis- | tion, which may affect all of his were economically strong enough to individualistic. Recently, he wrote a placement of Jews throughout the i interests. live on a higher plane and to in-book called by.' the daring title organization took place. A proposition from David Sarnoff crease the domestic budget, - but no "Autobiography of Qod." He has j I hope Mr. Broun will say some- representing the Radio organization sooner did they move into their new authored also a number of plays j thing in his book, too, about the to buy control of Paramount Publix. homes than the crisis set in and be- under the nom'de plume of Venturini* discrimination, practised against Jews According to movie dopesters, the "1 I fore they found time to admire the Collins. . by one of the leading Fifth Ave. deal may be concluded within ten beauty of their new home, they Now he plans to abandon the pulpit churches, where they maintain "a .jdays. found themselves in a pinch- In theand become a screen writer. There j JewisH quota" for converts to Christ- . Copyright 1930 by the Jewisch old Ghetto the Jewish dweller needed are sermons In stones and brooks,! ianity." Telegraphic Agency, Ins. little for some comfort, nor did thesaid the Avon bard. There can- be j children live a life of luxury, but sermons in anovies, too. Perhaps,' it is different in the new neighbor- some day, the religious organizations census statistics, '.".It goes i without gations and the group must resort hood with its new standards- and its will have talking and moving ser-•-;--"-. By saying that in the new neighborhood to all sorts of means, tasteful and new plane of life. Children make mons—just as now there are radio • V - S. M. MELAMED sermons. The staggering total of $65,000,- there will be; expected Conservative distasteful, :.to relieve the burden "of demands upon the parents and the environment makes certain demands its individuals who in years of pros000 in dollars and cents to say noth- and Reform synagogues; but'nbt OrA NEW DISEASE ing of the price he pays for a dis- thodox schuls. The nuiiiber .of Or-perity have untertaken to carry the upon the individual with which he It appears that whereas in the crnnot comply and the result is inlocated community life, a disrupted thodox schuls in - the new neighbor- burdens. Many a new structure that days of old, every young man astensified. was planned years ago remains unsocial environment and a disorganized hoods are so few that they do, .not pired to be President of. the United religious life' are the costs the Amer- count at all. . The moving from 'the finished. Man" charitable, 'education- * Hence the moving bill is high. . States, now the ambition of all of ican Jew pays for his continual shift- old to the new neighborhood means al and .sociaL. institutions in the new (Copyright 1930 by the. Jewish Te- the younger generation is to become neighborhood are on the verge of legraphic Agency, Ins.) ing "of environment. This article dis- the destruction of the schiil. : -Thus a columnist. . cusses this social phenomenon which tens of thousands of East Side Jews bankruptey.. The situation has become so acute, The Jewish communities in the who moved away from East vBroadis seldom thought of. — Editor. that Sidney Skolsky, columnist of way and the adjacent territory*' to hew neighborhoods find it very hard the N«w York Daily N<?ws, has isto maintain the fabric of their group Statistical tables already available Long Island -or - to T-emote places in sued an appeal to mothers to take life. It is true that Jewish philanthe Bronx or in Prooklyn,' have, either from the' nqw census would go to active steps against the epidemic of indicate .that large Jewish groups in joined already existing lleform tem- thropic activities througout the councolumnitis which threatens the try have not suffered as much as the larger American cities are at ples or Conservative synagogues^ and country. a result of the economic depression only ia very rare instances-have'they present engaging in the moving busias the philanthropic activities of If you believe Sidney, bis time is • ness. Entire Jewish neighborhoods also established; -smallnow spent largely in talking to boys are being deserted by the old dwel- schuls, and even when: ?(5?cli.vUs;gre^tie- other groups,' but every Jewish, social whether lay-. who come to him, asking the queslers and new Jewish communities ing : established in. a -new? iieagh^dr- and communal, official, tion, "how can I be a columnist?" In spring up over night in the suburbs hood, it "isj already •a-differirjrtr insti- man or rabbi, has now ..to tell-a tale,his appeal, Sidney says: "I'm a bad of the large cities. In the course of tution, andi there vis,. nj> ,iimUi|fj?ii}£to of woe. I know from m~ own ob* By DAVID SCHWARTZ §ervation "of many new synagogues influence. They see me doing noththe last few years innumerable such its prototype. • .-•/•.", ih the new neighborhoods whose of? THAT JEWISH MATADOR ing and they think a columnist's life small Jewish communities carved out The' daywhen'the oI(L.jjhetto will of the old Ghetto have arisen in be entirely-abandoned b^^ews; o l d - ncials, have -not been pajjd ih months" We hav- not a little of what is is an easy one. They don't know greater New York, greater Chicago, fashioned Orthodoxy will stop func- In many cases the executive boarff commonly termed "bull throwers" in I'm thinking. -That's difficult—very greater Philadelphia, greater Cleve- tioning in America .and neither'" near had to call in the rabbi and cantor vaudeville, but now we are to getdifficult." land, . greater Pittsburg, greater —Orthodoxy will take its place or and "other officials and . makerthe real article. The life of the columnist, continues Washington, and so on. The com- Eastern Judaism -will disappear al- agree tq accept less salary^ and in A: leading vaudeville chain has ^Sidney, is horrible. "After a while pactness of Jewish, life, the main together. For. the.,: new neighborhood many other instances either the rabbi signed up Sidney Franklin, your boy will get so tha>t he will stop feature of the old Ghetto, is thus s: not compatible with" • - old Ortho- or the cantor, has been. discharged Brooklin Tidy who has acquired fame stiange people in the street and or ly because the congregation is unbeing broken up. Instead of Jewish doxy. Those who consider Orthoof late as a matador, in Mexico and shout: Got a gag? No one will masses in mass settlements, we getdoxy the fortress y of Judaism in able to meet the budget, > Spain. mean anything to him unless they small communities and this is notAmerica -must now" witness its dis- In the small Jewish communities Strangest of all is the fact that by have a gag. • When he, comes home, always a change for the better as far integration as a result of this amov- throughout the middle West and profession, Franklin is a commercial and you are lucky enough to see him as Jewish life is concerned. . ing. .. '.- .::f-:7.- '.';'• :; ,.;/'--V--. •'_;'•- _'•. South-West it is a daily occurrence artist. Down in Mexico City on • a ami greet him with a fond hello, he that the rabbi has been discharged The old Jewish, settlement, whether Needless to say, the .n&ving is because of lack of funds, but even visit, he once told me, he said "No", will reply: I used that in yesterday's when some of bis friends wanted Mm column. Give me a new gag, will on the lower East side of New York, quite exhorbitant from the point of the larger congregations with a large to attend a Imll fight. But theyou ? or on the West side of Chicago, was \* of recognized ^Jewish. group Very, true, Sidney—and thanks—it largely instrumental in preserving life. When 'the Jew" moves, Ms s membership in the suburbs of metr$« friends thought they would have a the old forms of Jewish life. As a cial, charitable, educational and re-polises must now resolve _ to cancel good time, and kidnapped him. Pres- he.ps an awful lot to fill this column i-esult of the breaking up of the old creational institutions must move:too. contracts with rabbis and cantors'.to ently, he found himself sitting i» the aad saves me from some of that difsettlement, these old forms of Jew- The old structures are being sold for prevent the congregation from going arena watching a toreador. ficult thinking; ish life are already disappearing. a song to Poles,' Italians, or Negroes bankrupt. It - happens for the. first He admits he got a big thrill from The moving of one neighborhood to and the new structures are built up- timfr.iijthe:history of American Jew-i the sight. Besides, it was profitable. MR. BROUN TALKS Heywood Broun, as you know/ is another : has its religious as .well as to-date and expensive. ' When times ry that there' is an" overabundance ~0 A first rate matador gets something its social implications. The old ortho- are normal. and prosperity prevails, rabbis instead of a scarcity of them like six thousand dollars a per- writing in collaboration with George formance. You - cant sniff a t that. Britt, a tome on ' discrimination dox Jew of the old settlement be- the financial burden' may. not be sormainly because so many, congregai s ar comes Conservative or Reform upon heavy. . When there- £s no prosperity, tions have ^ hack, either>.to tU' ch g£ reaching his ,new abode. The Jew- these new burdens prove to be un-their rabbis or t>4* content with the ' ish radical of the old settlement be- bearable, and.- all ; these institutions cantor afone^ ^ It* is true that when comes respectable and conservative in in the new neighborhoods are struggl- jthe process. of ^moving. began,.;; the conduct in his new home in a new ing for their very existence. present 'cri^% could ?not be foreseen, neighborhood. but as it is the moving bill reaches The actual moving bill cost so far -In the old Ghetto the Jew was a in the neighborhood of ?65,000,000. mountainous ~ proportion: as a result ;_ , ._" _ _ _ : reader of Yiddish papers, and often Those who are responsible for' thej>t the;crisis. It may seem ridiculous but it a patron of Jewish literature and the financing of the •'new.-structures and theatre. In the new settlement he have guaranteed either ; the mort- nevertheless is true that the Amerdiscards both, and tries to use thegages or the loans, find that they are icanized Jew in the newV!neighborhood is economically less happy. In. English vernacular only. In .short, the moving from the old to the new now unable to live up to their obli- the new neighborhood he must live neighborhood means a real transplantation, and this transplantation HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT has wrought the same consequences as the migration from Eastern Europe to the new world. Public spiriter Jews- who are DAVID KLINE, Prop.—S. E. Corner 18th and Dodge Sts.—AT. 8541 anxious to guide and to lead should FREE, PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICI take notice of this outstanding fact in present Jewish life in America. In years gone by the social standing of a Jew in any of the large American cities was determined by his bank account only. Today, however,, -geography is the main factor, i He believes that the American method far from the old Jewishj Because "Girls Nook" is holding^ a settlement will naturally command The Graybar Stimulator operated a two-day sale . . .Friday and Saturmore respect than the old Ghetto ; few minutes a day will give you a day ., . . featuring three groups at •dweller, though the latter may postrim, slender figure. It destroys all sensationally low prices! ' fattr tissues and m a k e a you sess more worldly goods than the healthy. former. In the new neighborhood .the Jew who came from the old Small addiGhetto would take a new attitude to tional chargre jnen • and phenomena. His bearing' for payments. Js different, his conduct is different, even his voice is different, and so too. his Jewish outlook.' What this The famous ELSIE DINSchange must mean for the atmoMORES are included in this featsphere in his home, and for the education of, "his children, can easily be ure group! imagined. I 'have therefore reason to believe that the moving bill will Sizes 2 to 6 . . . . 7 to 14 . . . . in All of the health-giving sun rays These business-like suits be quite expensive. are made with trousers of are beaming on you when the G-E guaranteed washable voiles, batistes, white jean, cnt sailor fashSunlamp is operating. It gives dimities, and broadcloths with corKeen' observers of American Jewion, with button-on, sleevehealth, beauty and happiness with rect capelets, flare skirts, boleros, ish life who are - anxious to know less w a i s t s ot striped its valuable vitamin. puff sleeves . . . and no sleeves at how long old-fashioned orthodoxy broadcloth. Practical and • cool. all! Prints galore, pinks, • blues, will last in America can find an Small additional charsre greens, tans. answer to the question in the recent Blue Green Tan for payments. Sizes 3 to 10
i American Jew Fays For His Constant Moving
A_Dislocated Community Life, a Disrupted Social Environment, and Disorganized Religious Life Are the Costs He Pays THIS, BESIDES THE FINANCIAL PRICE
AVer feet Tood for Everybody
You Too, Can Get In This Picture of Health
Just; When the Needs^ Increase— ^ Prices Decrease on
With Health-Giving Electrical Devices
For Chaps Who Really Like Vacation:
Beach Suits $1.95
59 50
General Electric SUNLAMP
Announcing §§
Permanent Push
=: HH ^=
Requires no finger waving. Always soft und beautiful.
An Ideal Graduation Gift!
Monheit Beauty Salon 1513 Harney
Group II
Striped Flannel
Sport Goats
Sizes 2 to 6 . . . 7 to 14 . . . in dresses and the fashionable little girl ensembles . ; . painstakingly made of batistes, tub silks, piques, shantungs, voilles and dimities.
Regular $7SS
$5.00 Sizes 8 to 18
Group III
Blue Cheviot Suits ...; For Graduation and Summer Wear Fine quality well tailored blue cheviot suits with 2 pairs of trousers. Choice of 1 .blue (g"| pT and with 1 gray or 1 white flannel pair.. «PJ-V up Scoot Shop—Second Floor
'' A
Large sizes, 7 to 14 only! Mothers who want the very best quality for their small daughters will eagerly choose these beautifully made organdies, shantungs, tub silks and broadcloths!
If you can't get outdoors to exercise, you should have these devices in your home. They aid in making you fit and keep you fit. Stimulator and Sunlamp reasonably priced.
Sold On Easy Terms "Etectric Shops" 17th and Harney Sts.
Nebraska j Courte*y •-. Scrriee, •> Loir lUte*
2314 M St.
PAGE '4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, TONE IS, 1930 selfishly to the cause they undertook to lead and by their Jiberal contributions they made possible a difficult undertaking, in spite of apparent prePublished every Friday at,Omaha, Nebraska, by judices and economic depression. THE-JEWISH PRESS PUBIJ^HING COMPANY There is a certain amount of self-satisfaction Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building in the knowledge that we have not failed our kinsTelephone: ATlantic 1450 men, that we have done our share in the amelioraDAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor tion of the conditions of those who have drained Editor the bitter cup of its dregs. By our "whole-hearted FRANK R. ACKERMAN FANNIE KAT^l-MAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspoudent giving to these laudable enterprises we are privileged to aid in creating spiritual values which ,' SIOUX CITY OFFICE shall be a lasting inspiration to our people. By JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street our solidifaction, we have learned that in. unity Subscription" Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.60 there is strength and we have sown tfie seeds for Advertising rates furnished on application a new day in Jewish unification, mentally, spirit^ CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old ually, and philanthropically.
missioner in the issuance of building permits, to postpone granting the permit•
and new address; be sure to give your name.
America in celebrating Father's Day this Sunday is paying due homage to the blessed luxuries of our lives, our Dads—a luxury which^ unfortunately, children all too often treat as mere necessities. But in the final analysis, we recognize our debt to our fathers, what they have sacrificed for us, and our expressions on this special day show a proper recognition and appreciation of the unselfish devotion of the bread-winner of the family and his share in home-making and child training. The father can wield a tremendous influence on his children by setting a worth-while example of integrity and comradeship—the best possible parental training. By his conduct he can teach his offspring that success and honesty can, go hand in hand; by his sympathy and his guidance, his understanding and his willingness to-lend a helping hand he can lead his children on to physical, mental and spiritual development. The fathers of many of the Jewish people have become quite alien to their children because of old-world differences in language, customs, and viewpoints—loving fathers wild feel this difference far more keenly than they will ever admit. For that reason the American JewJias the double duty of not only repaying his father/with all the respect, gratitude and filial love at his command but also of doing his share in mitigating and eliminating the strangeness and differences which exist between the new generation and the old.
the True Facts Concerning the Resignation of Rabbi Bengis From the Conservative Pulpit
Other Countries
1 *
: First Protest Meeting London.—For the first time in the history of the Jews in England a; protest meeting of English Jews against the British government was. heldhere. Over 2,000 Jews gathered at Kihgsway Hall where the order of the English government to suspend immigration into Palestine was denounced by Zionist leaders.
Omaha Jewry has been disturbed by a flurry of controversial statements concerning the resignation of Rabbi Abraham Bengis from the Conservative Synagogue last Wednesday. Due to the fact that a great amount of derogatory publicity has been spread concerning the matter, the Jewish Press has investigated the entire affair and find the following to be the facts in the controversy: Last July the Conservative Synagogue entered into a contract with Rabbi Bengis for one year ending September 1, 1930. Sometime ago Rabbi Bengis requested that the question of the renewal of this contract be decided a reasonable time before its expiration. Upon being asked as to the manner in which he would like to have this question submitted, Rabbi Bengis selected the board of trustees of the Synagogue instead of the congregation to determine whether the contract should be renewed. At a meeting of the board of trustees on June 3, at which sixteen members attended, twelve voted against renewal of the contract and four favored renewal. The balloting was secretly conducted. At this meeting the hoard determined to keen the outcome of the vote secret so as to give the rabbi an opportunity to resign without any unfavorable publicity. At another board meeting held last Sunday, June 8th, with twenty-two present, nineteen voted against renewal of the con* tract and three favored the renewal. .. However, the board decided to leave the question up to the rabbi as to whether he wanted an appeal vote to the congregation as a whole. Rabbi Bengis stated he would not want the matter submitted to the congregation and instead tendered his resignaturn. Sam Beber, president'of the Conservative Synagogue stated Thursday: • "I deeply regret the unfortunate publicity which has been given to the resignation of Rabbi Bengis. I had advised both the rabbi and the board of trustees on previous occasions that at the rabbi's request we would be very happy to call a meeting of the entire congregation. I am ready to do this today. "All causes for the rabbi's resignation as rumored elsewhere'* he continued, "are erroneous and are founded merely on groundless and vicious whisperings and assumptions on the part of those; who are ever ready to make an issue of anything.
Immigration Certificates London.—The High Commissioner of Palestine has been asked to confer with Sir John Simpson, now investigating problems of land settler tuent, immigration and development, regarding the possibility Cf Sir John making the question of the cancellation of the 2,300 immigration certificates the first subject of his inquiry and report the House of Commons was informed today by the acting undersecretary for the Colonies in reply to a question from Graham Wlute.
With the establishment of the Jewish Philanthropies into a permanent institution, a happy Omaha Je\yish Community is reaping the first fruits of the greatest fund-raising triumph in our history, with; our quota of $42,000 oversubscribed. This latest step of our Jewry in pooling the interests of twenty of the most worthy local, national, and international philanthropies into one Jewish Students Barred unified, consolidated organization embarks us upon Budapest.—No Jewish students are a most enthusiastic era of progressive philanaccepted in the Hungarian students' thropy. It proves most conclusively that the homes abroad according to a questJews of this community have tasted of the founion £red at the minister of education tain of Jewish renaissance, that a true Jewish here in Parliament by Deputy Paul Sanders during the debate on the consciousness ^has been enkindled in our blood and education budget. Thus far Count is sweeping us on to self-betterment. It proves Hugo Kiebelsberg, minister of eduthat we are not dormant, not stagnant, but instead cation, has not replied to the that we recognize the interrelationship of all Jewquestion. ish problems and have as our ultimate goal the Soviets Seek Exchange future welfare and prosperity of our kinsmen, Moscow.—An exchange of Russian this merger of energies is our recognition of the Zionists expelled to Siberia for the truism that'passive acquiescence is of no value but Communists now detained in Palestthat concrete action must be the mortar of our upin prisons is proposed by the Soviet government which if the negotiations buliding. work out is prepared to transport the Our success in the great campaign opens a exiled Russian Zionists to Palestine. new window into the soul of the Omaha Jews. By The Soviet Red Cross has undertaken going over the top so magnificently, so irresistibly, to negotiate on the matter with the Palestine government. we more than vindicated our reputation for liberaltity of heart and hand; by raising the largest Weizmann Favors Congress sum collected in a local Jewish drive, we; wrote Berlin.—Dr. Chaim Weizmann, down a new epic in our philanthropic history^president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine and of the World Zionist demonstrated that Zedakah, charity, sacrifices is SAY IT WITH FEOWERS Organization is inclined to favor a one of our virtues, is one of the deep moral springs special World Zionist Congress but The recent issuance of the second White of our lives. >'': ;r hefore. definitely committing himself Paper by the British Government and their suswill await the final action of the Viewed^ in retrospect the response was; so pension of labor immigration into Palestine have Jewish Agency's political commission gratifying, ;not merely because it was so largejbut apprehensively f ocussed the attention of the enbeen called to meet in Lonbecause it jwas so comprehensive, so all-embrac- tire Jewish world upon the political crisis in the don June. 23. ingly Jewish, so all-embracingly human. For the Holy Land, the storm centers of which are the Jewish Union Suspended first: time ifi years our people were working as a land \and immigration policies. These latest de,\"I regret most sincerely that this unfortunate incident ocVilna.-^-Because of repeated deunit in its mission of rehabilitation and mercy in velopments have shrouded ;o*ur hopes on the Jewcured, causing untold embarrasement to the rabbi. He is an honmands for an increased subsidy the healing breaches and tribulations of Jews where- ish-British-Arab f ront wi|h 'an uncertain question orable gentleman and a credit to the rabbinate. He has done proactivities; of the Jeirifth *8ttKf«tt»w ever they plight be. The masses and classes of mark and have emphasized more than ever before gressive work in Omaha, both religiously and communally." Union at the" University «f Vilna. Israel—Zionist and non-Zionist, Orthodox, Con- that the creation of the | Jewish National Homehave been suspended by the Universervative, Reform, observant and non-observer— land depends upon the extent of land areas in sity's rector. , gave undergone banner. Our men and women for- Jewish possession and under Jewish cultivation. Against Anti-Semitism got every pther obligation to devote themselves Thus, the Jewish National Fund, which will Munich, Germany.—"Antisemitism to the cause of the drive, erased from their mind sponsor; the seventeenth annual Flower Day here abandons the moral ideas of Christagainst peri^Hfogthe Congregation 1 V any'group pUfferences so that complete unity was Sunday, has been shifted' tq the center of the upThaarat Haijneschpocbo to alter a icnity, endangers peace and is detpossible, From a united philanthropic effort we building tasks which confront us in Palestine. residence for? a- ritual bath (mikvah) rimental to Germany's position it accordance : with; orthodox ritual, abroad",^ is stated in a resolution have moved closer to a united and spiritual Jewry. The Jewish Fund, which has the whole-hearthas caused the St. Louis Board of passed at the fourtieth naniversary The Jewish community of Omaha owes a ed endorsement of Zionists sand non-Zionists alke, Adjustment* which -Hears appeals celebration of the Society to Combat great debt of gratitude to each and every individ- is the agency for purchasing land in Palestine as will be offered a legislative council from the- action of the^buliding com- Antisemitism, which took place here. ual who contributed during the drive. We owe a the perpetual, inalienable property of the Jewish | United States \ immediately by the British government as an initial measure towards mammoth debt of gratitude to that vast army of people. Inspired by the Biblical injunction for the eventual creation of the representConference of REtbbis workers who gave so selflessly, so unstintingry, so "bringing redemption of the land," the guiding ' Providence, R. I.—»For the first time ative government they have been askliberally of their time and energy on behalf of the spirits of the Fund set out to literally redeem the in history 150 Jewish. Rabbis and their ing for Palestine, the New York campaign. But more especially are we indebted j a n d of Palestine. These dreamers intuitively families, will make a* pilgrimage in a World's Geneva correspondent cables tojhe driving rod m the humanitarian-machine j f e i t that the cbuntiy could be rehabilitated and re- body to the first Hebrrwhouse<?f wor- on reliable authority. T i i • • • • -L. J.-L. 1.1. J £ • t i ship in tlie,United S t a t e s , the Touro which led us to victory—Sam Beber. A peerless i .,, Another Yiddish Course built only through the method of peaceful penegenius for organization, aided by a deep, true „ _ „ synagogue, in Newport, during the New York.—The latest addition to tration, and as a resultinbecame oneto of reclaim the strong-, understanding of human nature and a keen know-1 eat"arms"o7our"people itf effort Pal- sessions,of the'Central Conference of the growing number of Yiddish coursRabbis, that convenes in es is the one to be offered as part of ledge of the economic forces in our lives, he has estine—with assets amounting to approximately American this city, June 25 to 30. its series of lectures by the Bronx rendered us an incalculable service. Sunimoning j twelve million dollars. The Fund now owns Rhode Island was tho first colony Borough-Wide Association of Public to his side captains and lieutenants who were glad twenty-five per cent of the areas of Palestinian oonn e rthe n aNorth American continent to and High School Teachers. It has ven l0 _ to stand shoulder to shoulder with him in this j l a nn dd i jjJJ ee ww i SS hh possession; SStiiTemberi p o s s e s s i o n ; and a n d has h a s already a l r e a d y enabled e n a b l e d offer S S at haven i i T to e mtheb ehomeless r i ? o iand Z f per£ * decided to give a course in Yiddish most imperative task, he effectively correlated and j thousands of Chalutzim to settle on the land inland elaborate pr preparations arc being literature in the curriculm for its harmonized their works, and marshalled and hus- co-operatives or small holders' settlements.[made to give the distinguished body members. v banded the resources of the Jewish community. Whether it was the planting of the new season's ' of' "Rabbis " " a "warm welcome rn -•- "the land' Bamberger $5,000,000 Fund The most wonderfully complete selections of Golf Roger Williams, who fi rst estab- Newark, N. J.—Louis Bamberger A great deal of the credit belongs to the Cit- seedlings in the Balfour Forest or whether it was lof ished a ; d y i l gtate committed t0 tne . Knickers awaits you at The Nebraska. Every and-his sister, Mrs. Felix Fuld, are izens' Committee. This group under the dynamic the drainage work on its land around Haifa Bay, principles of*religious tolerance. pair made to our own specifications and joint contributors of a $5,000,000 enleadership of Harry Lapidus coordinated the or the acquisition of new land so necessary for dowment fund for the establishment high standard of quality. Every pair York Protestors Pa,yade groups which were to be the foundation for the rounding out the Jewish colonies, the activities of New of an institute for advanced study. New York.—Despite the sweltering selling at lowest possible prices. future superstructure, laid the ground work for the National Fund have constantly been in full heat 25,000 New York Jews turned out Youngest Jew Appointed our unification, besides fostering and generating swing, giving employment to hundreds of Chal- late Thursday afternoon in a .street St. Louis, Mo.—Dr. Israel Treiman, a spirit of good-will which was to be such an im- Ltzim and at the same time reinforcing our strong- parade and demonstration unde* the 30 year old lawyer, who is connected auspices of the New York Znpnist with a prominent legal firm here, portant factor m the success of our philanthropic | hold in the Holy Land, Region to protest against the British Exceptional range of specially drive. Nor can we overlook the inspiring counsel The National Fund has given the Jew the government for the suspension of im- has been appointed Professor of Law selected woolens and of Henry Monsky, who as chairman of the sub- satisfaction for which as part of a national entity migration to Palestine. Promptly'-at at the Washington University. Dr. patterns Treiman has the distinction of being committee of the Citizens' Committee, recom- his soul has craved—access, to the soil. That has 5 P. M. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise opened youngest member of the faculty '.'".. Other Wool Golf Knickers: $5 to SIO mended the allied philanthropic drive, thereby been its primary function —t o redeem land and the demonstration with an impassioi»- the Incltiding Famous Knit-Grip Knickers and the only Jewish Professor of giving birth to the idea which is revivifying our place it at the disposal of the newly-released en- ed address to the huge crowd that Law in the University. \packed the Madison Avenue side of Jewish Community. ergies of the new Jew with -a new problem, the Madison Square and declared "we do War on Slums _.... j Nor can we give too much praise to the var- finding of his soul. It has given the Jew the joy not want to. be the scapegoats of New York.—In an effort to wipe ious division leaders—Dr. A. Greenberg, chairman of turning the waste into the fruitful, the desert British imperialism in India." out the slums of New York City, a Attractive plaid effects and natof general solicitation; William L. Holzman, chair- into a blossoming oasis. ' But now we face a Sgt. Roth Promoted gfroup of prominent citizens and welural^ color Linen Knickers at ._ „ .] man of initial gifts; Harry A. Wolf, chairman of moment of uncertainty and anxiety. Palestine Washington. — Technical Sergeant fare workers, among whom there are the budget; Harry Malashock, chairman of the Flower Day comes to remind us of the tasks which Benjamin Roth," one of the two Jewish many Jews, have organized the HousOther Linen Knickers $3.50 to $5 ing Association of America, of which organization quotas; Samuel Gerson, executive have not been fulfilled. The most effective argu- members of the. Byrd Expedition, has former AH Sizes for Men and Young Men Governor Alfred E. Smith is secretary; Dr. Philip Sher? chairman of the quot- ment we can advance for the realization of the been promoted to master sergeant for president. INCOMPARABLE VALUES NEED work during the Byrd Antas; Goodman Meyerson and Harry Dworsky, Balfour Declaration and the Mandate provisions excellent NO COMPARATIVE PRICES artic Expedition. Usual method of "Milkvah" Disputes chairman and vice-chairman of the South Omaha is to show by our response to this Flower Day an procedure which requires competitive Cinicinnati.—The Zoning Board of Division; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky; chairman of the unbending determination to extend and increase examinations, has been waived by Appeals has granted permission for
Golf Knicker Headquarters Men's Wool Knickers
Men's Linen Knickers
women's division; Philip M. Klutznick, chairman Jewish national land possessions in Palestine and Secretary of War Hurley, in view of the entction of a "mikvah", or ritual
p of publicity, By imparting to their workers the continue to strive for the upbuilding program con- ability, enthusiasm and confidence with which they en- ceming which there now prevails unanimity in ted the campaign, by devoting themselves un- Israel. .
bath-house, on Washington Avenue, in an e.Viclusive residential section of Cincinnq-ti, with the provision that it s not be used for hire in off hours. S S a b s of Palestine St. Louis.—Protests by Jews . i1
I 'i
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930 brate their twenty-fifth wedding an- and sons, Harold and Jack will follow June 4, at the St. Joseph hospital. To Eater Technical Schools niversary, Sunday, with a dinner in a few weeks. Mrs. Rosen was formerly Miss Esther Moscow.—An additional 1500 Jewgiven at the Jewish Community CenMarcus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.ish youths will be accepted this Fall Mrs. Anna Diamond and daughter, Marcus. ter. Covers will be laid for 40 guests. in the various technical and profesCarolyn, are living at the J,Simon sional schools of Ukrainia to be residence at 3331 Webster St. CLUB NEWS qualified there as specialists for SoWEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Miss Anne lintaanan, daughter of Miss {Shirley Adele Janpff, who has Mesdames S. Handler, L. E. Ep- viet industry. This is the substance Bebet^daughter of Mr. L Mr - and M r s - J^Lintzman, was been on the R, JL O. circuit for the stein, I. Kolakofsky, E. Weinberg, M. of a decision adopted by the Ukrainand Mrs. I. Beber, has chosen Sun- honored at a reception at her home past fire years, has returned home Brody, A. Greenberg, N. Levinson, S. ian government. last Sunday. Miss Lintzman, who day, June 15, as the date of her marrige to.Mr. Maurice Gottlieb, of received a degree of Bachelor of and will open a dancing school in the Platt and H. Janoff will be hostesses at a benefit bridge sponsored by the Birmingham, Ala., son of Mr. and Science and Education from the near future at the Quodone. Daughters of Zion, Tuesday, June 17 University of Nebraska, was a Mrs. A. Gottlieb of Birmingham, Ala. Miss Alice Minlrin, who recently at the Jewish Community Center. The Rabbi Abraham Bengis will officiate charter member of the Alpha Bho underwent an appendectomy is now proceeds will go to the National Fund. at the ceremony, which will take Alpha Sorority. convalescing at her home. The Most Difficult of All Mrs. H. Janoff is chairman of the afWEDDINGS dated. A reception was held that place at high noon. The ceremony Pests to Get Rid of fair. Every member is urged to bring will be followed by a dinner for the Shepherd Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs, PERSONALS Miss Ethel Riekes, daughter of Mr. evening from 7 to 10 o'clock. We have worked out a a friend. and Mrs. S. Riekes, became the bride The bride's gown was of pink lace immediate family and a-^reception Miss Francys Smookler of LOB An- J. Wolf of Fremont, Nebr., received method by which we of Mr. Philip Klutznick, son of Mr. and chiffon, featuring the bolero will be held at the bride's home from geles, Calif., is the guest of her sister a degree of Bachelor of Science in Mrs. J. J. Friedman was hostess to 2 to 5 clock at and Mrs. Morris Klutznick of Kansas' jacket and the long uneven hemline | °' ti» afternoon, and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mechanical- Engineering from the the Entre-Nous Club held at her University of Nebraska. Mr. Wolf home, Tuesday. Dr. Victor Levine City, Mo., Sunday, June 8. The mar-skirt. A large picture hat of pink to rid your home of Miss Leona Pollack, daughter of Morris Ferer. will leave for Pitteburg, June 15, was the guest speaker. The next riage ceremony -was performed at the lace, straw and pink brocaded slipthese pests Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Pollack, has Mrs. D. Fleishman is leaving Sun- where he will enter the graduate meeting will be held at the home of bride's home with Eabbi Abraham pers completed her ensemble. She H e treat your Basement, Living chosen Sunday, June 15, as the date Uaamg and Ground Around the Bengis officiating. carried a bouquet of butterfly roses of her' marriage to Mr. Ben Sha- day for an extensive trip through the student school at the Westingaouse Mrs.. D. Stern 3211 Hamilton St., House If infested. east. She will be accompanied by her Electric & Mfg. Co. Tuesday, June 17. Mrs. Klutznick's bridal gown -was of and babies breath. Use O-Kat Insecticides piro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob sons, Maurice and Sam. egg-shell chiffon, made in bouffant Miss Nell Marks, maid of honor, Shapiro. The ceremony will be for or Our The Workman's Circle, Branch 173 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jacobs and Exterminating Sen-ice style,, and the circular skirt was of wore a flowered net frock, made in only the members of the immediate Mrs. Y. Elewitz and Mrs, S. Schil- Mrs. Louis Rosenblatt, mother of is sponsoring a picnic Sunday, June floor length. Elbow length gloves and bouffant style. Hose satin slippers family and will be followed by a re- ler of New York City are the guests Mrs. Jacobs, are returning Friday by 15, at Lakeview Park, East Omaha. a lace hat matched her dress and dah-and American Beauty roses completed ception at the bride's home. Rabbi of their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Joseph motor from Kansas City and Excel- Two sets of silverware will be raffled lia slippers and a corsage of orchids her costume. Mr. Irvin Eubinow of 1727 Leavenworth AT-3507 Abraham Bengis will officiate. Adler and Mr. and Mrs. Julius D. sior Springs, where they have spent and games and amusements for all completed her costume. Lincoln was best man. will be arranged. Admission is 25c. Chait. the past two weeks. Among: the out-of-town guests at After a few weeks' motor trip t e ••.ENGAGEMENTS the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Mor-Denver and Yellowstone Park the Mr. Samuel Gittman, Jr., of MilMiss Both Kiev arrived home this ris Xlutznick, Misses Helen and Est-young couple will reside in Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shamberg an- waukee win arrive Sunday to spend a morning to spend the summer with her Klutznick, Arthur Klutznick and Nebr. nounce the engagement of their few weeks with his parents, Mr. and her parents, Mr,' and Mrs. Louis Herman Seposky of Kansas City. Mrs. Shapiro was extensively enter- daughter, Rose, to Mr. Dave KatzMrs. Samuel Guttman. Ziev. Miss Ziev was recently apMr. and Mrs. Klutznick left imme- tained before her marriage. Among man, eon of Mr. and Mrs. N. Katzpointed Womens Editor of Phoenix, diately after the ceremony'for a six those who entertained for Mrs. Sha-man of this city. No -date has been Miss Bess Haykin has as her house the monthly humor and literary weeks tour of California .and New piro were Mrs. D. Kuklin of Lincoln, set for the wedding. guest Miss Edna Shulman of Chicago, magazine of the University of ChiMexico. While in Oakland, Calif. Miss Nell Marks, Miss Euth Hofner, 111. cago, where she is a senior. they will attend the A. Z. A. conven- Miss Celia Wolk, Mrs. E. Iippett and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fine and famtion. the Phi Beta Sigma Sorority. Opposite OrpJieum Many pre-nuptfal affairs are,being ily left Tuesday for Chicago to attend BIRTHS given in honor of Miss Bess Haykin, the marriage of their son, Maurice, to Mr. A. Shapiro of Cheyenne announCantor and Mrs. S. KahoBowitch Mr. Alex Epstein announces the who recently announced her engage- Miss Gertrude Sugar, daughter of Mr. ces the marriage of his daughter, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, marriage of his daughter, Iibby, to ment to Mr. Sam Stern. Miss Rose and Mrs. S. Sugar of that city. The Hose, to Mr, Abe Cohen, son of Mr. June 8, at the Wise Memorial hospital. Mr. Ben M. Klaver, son of Mrs. J. Eosenstein is entertaining at a bridge wedding will take place June 15. Morris Cohen, Sunday; June" 8. The Slobidinsky, Sunday, June 8. The party, Sunday afternoon at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Max Rosen announce •wedding took place at the! bride's ceremony was held at the B'nai Israel Mrs. J. L. Stern will be hostess at a Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohan and family, the birth of a daughter Wednesday, home "with Eabbi Abraham Bengis Synagogue and Rev. Schwacakin luncheon Monday. Covers will be laid Mrs. S. Crelman and daughter, and officiating. officiated. A reception at the- bride's for 12 guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miss Rose Kuklin of Chicago, Mrs. A. A reception was held in theevening home followed the ceremony. The D. Haykin are entertaining at J. Wolk and sons, of St. Paul and which was attended by two hundred young couple left for an Eastern mo- bridge party, Monday evening at Mrs. D. Kuklin and daughter of Linguests. 5 their home. Others who have enter- coln are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. tor trip. Pink and white were the predomtained for Miss Haykin are Mrs. Sam Altsuler. inating .tones carried out i n the bride's Harry J. Haykin, Mrs. M. L. Stern, FOR YOUR ensemble. Her \ dress was; a; sports The marriage of Miss Fanny Ger- Mrs. L. A. Sharton, Mrs. Harry Mr. S. Gentis left for Philadelphia outfit, the jacket. and circular skirt ber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Rochman, and Mrs. Morris Wohl- where he will visit his brothers, his ; being of pink and the blouse of white, Bernstein, to Mr. Jack Falk, son of ner. daughter, Miss Rose Gentis and Mr. leghorn fiteraw hat Mrs. Freda Falk- of Sioux Citj> set off and Mrs. Jack Sui>jsiii4iii, ~ fonoeriy of ; and matching slippers completed her took place Sunday afternoon, June Miss Charlotte Heyn was hostess Council Bluffs: 6, with Eabbi Abraham Bengis ofoutfit, ftnk and white roses comat a bridge party, Saturday, given in ficiating. ..••• Mr. Nate Karpen left for Des posed her bouquet. honor of Miss Francys Smookler of Moinefi, la., to become manager of the 16th and Howard Mrs . John Faier, sister of the bride, The bridemaid was Miss Eeva Los Angeles, Calif. new Panor Shoe store which is being who* was naatron-of-honor, wore a Bernstein, and the best man was Sam Mr. and Mrs. S. -Reiss 'will cele- opened there June 12. Mrs. Karpen electric chiffon dress, featuring a deep Falk. The flower girl was little Miss lace yoTre and circular skirt. Mr. John Faier was best man. A number of guests from St. Paul were present, included were Misses: Alice Suporick, Miriam Shapiro, Ann _ Shapiro, Mr. Harold Shapiro, Mes-j dames Dave Cohen, and Frank Kiel.! *' - -Sixteenth at Farnam '' ! * . • •-. "Mr. H. -Shapiro of Oheyenne,- WyiKfi \ •and Mrs. Frank Madison of Denver,, Colo., were also present . Just What You've Been Waiting to Hear! Immediately after the reception the young couple left for a western honey- j moon trip, during which time they. •will visit Denver, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles. Among those who have entertained j for Mrs. Cohen are Mrs. Arthur Robinson, Mrs. Michael Cohn, Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. Lou Shafton, Mrs. Nate Kopaldf and Miss Berdie Berger, Kay Kaplan. The bride wore a beautiful white gown. Many guests from Sioux City were .present .for the ceremony.
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Miss Ella Altsuler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Altsuler, became the bride of Mr. Jules Shapire of Lincoln, Nebr., son-of;Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shapiro of that city, at 3:00 o'clock, Sunday, June 8, at the home of her parents. Rabbi Jolt of Lincoln offi-
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THE STYLE—IN CENTRAL AFRICA—Chief Nabia and his wives of the Saraboen tribe from Kiabe, Central Africa, in New York on the first lap of a tour of the United States, create quite a stir. The nat,ve women obtain the lip result by sticking blocks of wood be=w9Cn lips and gums. The custom is said to have been introduced originally as a means of driving away kidnaping tribe*
IT'S CHERRY BLOSSOM TIME IN WASHINGTON' &,«, cherry trees around the Tidal Basin in the national camta! P * - length and[X seers come from the h t l « ? th
\7fhlt breadth of the nation. -J
• •
mn Hill
DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH T H E M ' - A Polar bear in Washington park zoo. Milwaukee, Wis., seeing a photographer climb the fence to obtain this picture, made ready to protect her young.
AMERICA HER GOAL-The huge German plane, DO-X, is seen A t S t * * « * y W " * » y to attempting a voyage across the Atlantic to the United States with 50 passengers and a crew of 12. A TOWN OF TRAGEDY-Citizens of Kettle Island, in the Kentucky mountains, are seen waiting for relief workers to come from the depths of coal mine where a blast snuffed out 16 lives.
if ' ' - ' ' ',
FIRST PRIZE—This float, entered by Massachusetts, with Miss Frances Hurlin, of Center Harbor as o beauty queen, is the winner of first prize in a festival of states at St. Petersburg, Fla.
\*>*>' ONE REASON WHY TROJANS W O N - T h i s spry gentleman contributed largely to the victory of the Trojan trade team of the
^ r J ' ' I ?
1 1 6
California, Los Angeles, 105-26, over the ^ Z S T
iS S e e n
- 4 f « * <**»«.•
« — ^
on the beach off Crissy
.Field, San Francisco,^ considerable dwtaftce.withio-the Goldei? Gate, a victim o f fogv-.
GUNS TRAINED ON PRISONERS—Missouri National Guard machine company men are shown manning the walls of the state penitentiary, Jefferson City, where 60 prisoners were clubbed into submission following an insurrection against the quality of food. This. r "* '"" d i trsinied on the mess hali
Over theTop (Continued from Pag* 1.)
to- tiie army worlcers:twho pot pg in the face of great odds. Upon his motion the names of the officers and all those who participated in putting over the-drive -were put in the minuted' and a I. ^ote of thanks extended to
A call for Volunteer Teachers for arious European and Palestinian t h e m . • ; • ; • ' . ' the Summer Play School at the Jewish Teshivas who yearly send collections Necessary Funds Are Voted by over-here. To Arrive Here Next Week to Community Center is issued to those the B'nai B'rith Assume Duties of who are interested in the activities of During: the campaign 1812 pledgors Post Executive this school. Play School supplies the have given, the largest number of inchildren with an interesting project Cincinnati.-—A cablegram t« Alfred dividual givers iever had in.any camE. M. Segel, mentor of the Falduring their summer vacation hours, paign in the Jewish community of M. Cohen, international president of coner High. School of Falconer, New and the courses of instructing are also Omaha. In .-commenting on this B'nai B'rith, - announced the dedica."York, has been chosen to fill the interesting. Beber ststed, "It is extremely imtion Tuesday of the B'nai B'rith City capacity of ' Physical Education New Y o f t ( J . T. A..)—Assembly- Many of last year's staff members portant and encouraging to know that library at Jerusalem and -voiced the there are I860 people who will con* xcan Albert D. Schanzer. of Brooklj-n were students at universities outside Director of the Jewish Community appreciation of the people of that tribute to a Jewish campaign. These has promised to introduce At the next of Omaha, as well as Omaha men Center, beginning -with June 15, accity for the B'nai cording to .a.xeceiit announcement. 1800 are potential possibilities which session of the New Xork. state legis- andwomen. In Omaha, the Board of which had made the library possible. cannot be ignored, they indicate that lature a bill which would prohibit £ducati6n will accept the hours of Segel comes -here -with an excelThe B'nai B'rith Lodge in Jerusa- the Jewish Philanthropies -was needed state or municipal examinations of teaching in the Play Schcool towards lent record.- His training in Physical any sort to be held on a Jewish. Sab- fillihg «ny teacher's quota of 140 days lem, was founded in 1888 and four and wanted in our community." Education was received at Minnesota bath or holyday. . . years later it established a library teaching during the past year, which University and at La Crosse State Nucleus called "Midrash AbraneL" From a This promise-is-contained in a let- is necessary for an increased salary. Teachers College, having spent-three modest beginning it grew through ter written-hy the - Assemblyma-n -to years at;:this latter institution, and "That nucleus," he continued, ThVUniversity of Omaha offers one T gifts until at the-outbreak of the "augurs well for -any campaign . Rabbi Louis D. Gross,'editor- of a hour -of- credit to any of its students one year at the former. In additipn Jewish tfeekly in Brooklyn, who hadwho teach in the Play School. World War i t contained^ 82,000 volthe Jewish Philanthropies might thereto he has had several summer called Mr."Schanzer'a atteritidh" to' the • Oreighton University offers two umes and had outgrown th« building undertake in future years. It courses in coaching. , •.-.,-. . fact that an' examination for a New semester hours of credit for teaching. which the Jerusalem Lodge had proeasens our burden for-next year, "While Physical Director for. two York State Scholarship to. Cornell - Those who are interested are urged •vided f o r i t . --••'when we_ will' not enter the drive years at •-: Cattaraugus, New;. Ifork University had been set for a Saturf to-communicate with Eouis Shanok at With the uncertainty and pessimthese /years Jt~-had been Segel pfodaced xhampionship baseJack W. Marer - supported by- t h e . Hilflverein der day, and .that many other examina-: the Center office. : • " . " • ' • . ism which many had before we r ball and; basketbali teams. Daring E. N . Graeskin tions likewise fall on holydays of re^ wete successful this .year.-, third vice-president; Leon Dobrqfsky Deutschen 'Juderi of Berlin, the B'nai the last Wo years as coach-at FalIigious groups; with the Tesultant inB'rith executive committee, various Jack ;W. Marer of Omaha jwas secretary-treasurer. *The sympathies «f the Jewish is' lore Without either coner his basketbaH-and ^track teams : justice to Orthodox' members of the Hewers' « people have been so toadied that elected first vice-president at ihe^janVaried entertainment featured the B'nai B'rith lodges and private ConC. Hare. have been' county champions;''" there was no stopping them. We - respective faiths -who--are prevented nual conclave of the national osdeif of conclave in addition to the business tributors. After the end of the World War, had the combined support of evet-j ... from taking -these . examinations, -an "The •laiEy preacher always -wants lyre held at Des Moinea Jun^T.and sessions^ A party was: held ...ai the theee holydays, • _- - ~orgaitixatioB, every faction in to reform the world by law. B.-./E. N« GruesTrin of Sioux City-was Hotel Fort Saturday evening,, while the library became the National LibOmaha. I wish l o express my chosen president. _ ,_£ a formal iMnner dance Sunday evening raryof Palestine Tinder the joint conappreciation for ..the. whole-heart.:.-Other officers elected- are:,Herman at the Hotel climaxed the convention. trol of the .Jerusalem B.'taai; B'rith ed, splendid co-operation tuaA sup* ginsburg, Lincoln, second Jvice-presi- Sixty^flVe couples attended, including Lodge imd 1h"e^25onist "OrgSnization: port trhich we received." When the Hebrew University was The Yiddish Art Theater .Players, dentj: Aubrey Fisher, Des? Ikfoines, fifteen from Omaha. founded in 1925, it sought to convert the most outstanding and versatile The assemblage gave their president With horseback riding weather here you are no doubt the National Library into a Univer- a rousing, rising vote of thanks and group of Players in the Yiddish The? thinking of your riding habit—Whether there is anything sity library which change the B'nai appreciation. you want to replace or whether it is a complete new habit, ater, now on a transcontinental tour, we can fit you out to your absolute satisfaction. B'rith opposed and since the country -will come to the Knights of Colum? HoLzman Lands Beber was too small to support two libraries, bus Auditorium -for, «ne performanci RIDING BREECHES AND JODPHUS MADE TO ORDER William L. Holzxnan lauded Beber a compromise was effected whereby only on Wednesday evening June BOOTS TO FIT THE COMFORT OF YOUR FOOT the library became the National and in an impromptu Bpeech for his work 18th. The players hare been Geneva, (J. T. A.).—The recently on behalf of the drive. "There was "The Only Way", a gripping YiddUniversity Library. Etrenghtened considerably by the fact appointed Wailing Wall Commission With the dedication in-April of this one:man who was on the job day and that the^eminent actor Jacob Ben- ish drama, was presented at the Jew-that will investigate the Moslem anc 522 South 16th Sreet . . AT. 3970 ish Community Center Sunday evenyear of the new, library building on night," he stated in: part. "Due to his Ami, who only recently closed a. most Jewish claims to the Wailing Wall Mt. Scopus, the City of Jerusalem influence, his pep, enthusiasm, ~ and ing before a large audience. The successful season with the Civic Rewill leave for Palestine June 16. untiling efforts -we'were enabled to pertory Theater in New York. Ben- play, which was written hy A. Still- Commission, anxious to avoid the was left without a library of its own. put the campaign over. We cannot man of Sioux City, was given by the Many of those who had enjoyed the Ami has .not.been seen on the Yidhot'weather in Palestine at this time books of the library were too. old to overpraise that man—*>ur new presiSiouxCity Dramatic club in co-opedish stage in several years and this of the year, will stay in the country walk and too poor to ride the busdent, Sam Beber.T marks his. first: appearance in this ration with the Omaha Dramatic only about two weeks. Club. . line to Mt. Scopus some three miles city in that medium. : Monsky Praises Workers ' ' It was also learned today that Dr. Henry Monsky also landed-the Ben-Ami; recognized among the •The /actores > included. Abraham Jyrus Adler, president of the Ameri- from the .city of Jerusalem. f6remost: American actbri, is "with Stillman, Joseph Wisenberg, Ida Sper- can Jewish Committee, who had been The r B'nai -B'rith exei&tive comefforts of Imth the president and the players for this tour only. For ling; HymaH Meyrowitch, Goldie Xe- named to represent . the Jewish mittee', voted the -necessity, funds ±t the many volunteer campaigners. their lo^al - appearance ..the'. Players vine, Buth lieaff, SamrRotner,Itei-id Agency before the Wailing Wall make possible -a separate^ity Library "We are building an institntion will present : l i o n Feuchtwaiiger's SperlinigV CeriHa Sperling :and Isaac Commissipn will be ;unaj>le to go to for Jerusalem jjroper. Tms library is which we hope will live a century. housed iiijibe original library build - . '_ • • ; v stirring play "Yidd-Ziss". The many Lelvine;" • / What we accomplished, in'this Palestine at this time. A successor thousands everywhere, who have read /The play dramatized -the practical*-- to Dr. Adler is now under considera- ing which also serves as the home fo drive is nothing 'short of a mirthe Jernsalem B'nai B'rith Lodge. this gifted; author's novel "Power", ility -of the Herzfe ideal. • The:: ^ e acle. tion.. will be interested to see this play, was Jewish patriarch who- upon -<amV. The members of tbfe Failing 5Vall • It already contains over S0,000 vol He went-on vto state that i t "was a umes of a general nature jturned over -•. to.'-America, ".was disillosioJied: by because Feuchtwanger first wrote •Commissipn, glorious privileire-to.be the first presiit by the National ato<f^University he -course -gursuedvA-by? hlfe Jiftmily, the play afid then deveto^ped t i e Biitain and a denl.of that. especially . flnly the library which vel. ^ g - r - ---....._r ofsince it -was SQ ; well-earned. After scientific books from the 200,000 vol dfania WftteTS~sveTywfcere^ r ^ : t b e - d a w n of ai-new Wk:iy: the. f of umes when it,moved to aa^new home his praise of Beber, Moasky declared the play^is jeyen_more interesting cwish people. _ ;. 1 i^.:;l Jurthat some appreciataon in t i e form of The proceeds of-the presentation1 and thrilling. In presenting this ist and G. y"an K«rnpen/. W f pnner a permanent record «ught also to be Men, play, at .the,. Auditorium,, the Yiddish •went to the Chalutzim of Palestine. Players offer local playgoers an opportunity to' witness a performance Schjecnita^# that wakUpraised most highly everyBerlin^-A motiii-- fe,' prohibit where, especially in New York city, scbeehita' in BerHniTras voted: down where it ran for fourteen weeks. Jjy"the municipal poTflieil's budget Ben-Ami appears in the role of The-Jnotion., sthich was Joseph fhtss, -and the rest of the • Cincinnati, (J.-T;-A^=-Habbi -Michintroduced by parts are playefl by the" original cast. ael Aaronson, the' blind field The playete are: Judith Abarbanel, sentative.. of - t h e - Union Afneiricaff \was supported >y.-the People's Party rr, Ms' Anna Appel, Jacob, Jacob Ben-Ami, Hebrew Hebrew Congregations, Congregations, jmarrielii . married Ms senile;; the Democratic Centrists. The •— •• ' - sweetheart, —-•-'-"• -—-:''' :-^ •**•' '-•* ^ Socialists and the Communists voted Izidore Casher, ,Lazar Freed, "Berta childhood Jlachel Gersten, Joseph Greenberg, Mark last week; This culminates a rom- against it. In Thuringia the National SocialSchweid, Morris Strassberg, Anna ance which began In the days when Teiltelbaum, Anatol Vinogtadoff, and they were playmates together in ists are' again moving for The antischechita bill in the parliament. The Baltimore.. Louis Weissberg. ; , Rabbi Aaronson, who with his Hitlerite devout, G. Sauckel, declared : sister Dora as his guide, has trav- * we are not interested HiLJhe prof eled as a spiritual representative tection of animals but we hope that over more than one hundred thous- anti-Semitism will keep Jewish visitand miles since he was graduated ors ' away from the sumnrei Tesorts in Thuringia." wants every owner of, Hammond, Ind. — Rabbi Louis from the Hebrew Union College. Kruppni has resigned from,his posen old Victrola to know how. ition as spiritual leader "jof. Teniple wonderful broadcast entertainment, Beth El "here because, a§"his wife explained, "dancing and" Jftfcfc music -as well as the electrically-recorded are inappropriate where religious services are" conducted." The direct YlCtdr-Records really are . . . when ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY cause of his' resignation -was -an at-" played upon Victor's newest, greatest tempt by children of some prom inent members • of" the congregation radio instrument. Therefore, we are to stage a performance called" • the offering you $76 trade-in allowance Vteter Radio "Beth El . Scandals", an * amateur BE-7S, the n u t * production. ., - . .. . : ; »m«lr«I imi on your purchase of the revolution' MM •T«r built bT V Jetor. Mrs. Kruppiii said her husband's Lift Price «O0O ary Victor-Radio combined with the WITH action was ftnalr—^'The congregation is too worldly." My husband does famojue Electrola—the marvelous not find--Jazz ^conducive -to spiritual-Victor tone and the music you want ! ity. Imaging itrying to pray while IN people rare singing-jazz tunes and. WHEN you want i t . . . Victor wants dancing," .Mrs. Kruppin concluded. { old Victor customers to have the best .X10XJF.EUCHTTV*AXGERS MASTERPIECE
Jazz aiid Dancing Impel Rabbi to Quit
O r Less
I Knights oi Columbus Auditorium Wednesday Evening, June18 Yiddish Art Theatre Players Jacob Ben Ami
HENRIETTA.SZOLD GIRLS The Henrietta Szold Girls are completing plans, for a raffle to^be held during the Matter part of July and an Initiation 'Party to' be held about the. same time. Those to be initiated ;are-: Sylvia Lindenbaum, Ruth Leihojdce,- Gertrude, Wine,. andBertha ;lNewinan-- .' . • • . The cluir has' "decided to have One educational, meeting ; a month, at which time an oiitside speaker will address the,group. The first_pf this type of meeting -will be held Tuesday evening, June 17, at the J. "C.TC," when Dr. \1ctor Levine of Creighton i University will speak on the Jewish' Dietary Laws and their effect on the system. The organization sponsored aV successful steak fry a week ago Sunday at Elmwood.
i i
- * * - ' - . -.: .-. - -_ - - - -_ -. .30 - * * -" »4O - - - - .40 - - - - -45 - • * - .55
- onmg station'le itelien MTM* -{WIM* I » » *A to
Use Long Distance . • • it is quick . . . Easy . . . Low in Cost
and latest! This is literallytheopporttmity of a lifetime. Only a few choice instruments are available...and the time u strictly limited.
KE.45, the couplet* «B4m'mMMl "
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"Atlantic, Iowa Carroll, Iowa t)enison»j fowa Fremont, Nebr. Lincoln, Nebr. * Lyons, Nebr. Oakland, Nebr,. Tekamah, Nebr.
wmi t •ir'reoiwe in or teteph&ne XOW!
Rialto Music & Art Shops 3 STORES 1416 Douglas 4901 So. 24th Street NEW STORE 524 So. 16th Street
rAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE IS, 193D: "When the National: Conference off ^Bernard PlotkhV of Omaha; wl» 'is iJewish Social Service opened in J leaving for a trip to Europe; and iBoston last week Louis E. Kirstein i ui honor of Miss Rose Davidson and of Boston presided. As \chairman, .of Sam Starr of New York City. this important gathering's initial \ By F. R. K. Mr. and M r s T l ^ R . Krasne ansession Kirstein has added to his ali nounce the birth of a son> born ready imposing list of Jewish affilaBRAVERMAN - RICHMAN Saturday, June 7, at the Mercy i V MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent ,: ; tions and raised himself even higher By WEDDING Hospital. * in the estimation of American JewBERNARD POSTAL The marriage of Miss Rosalie ry. About a fortnight .ago Boston The Ladies Aid Society will hold The life and services of Felix M. dedicated the Kirstein ' Memorial Richman of Council Bluffs, and Dave Warburg speak for themselves. When} Library which Louis Kh-stein do- Braverman of Iowa City took place a meeting next Tuesday afternoon, Ice Cream Social distinguished leaders of national j nated. As president, of•-,the Jewish last Wednesday, June 4 at Iowa City June 17, at the home of Mrs. M L at Shaare Zion prominence, Jews and non-Jews unit-j Philanthropies of Boston,' an active as a complete surprise to their rel- Marks, 200 Fletcher Avenue. atives and friends. The bride attended to pay tribute to Mr. Warburg! Mrs. L. Sinikin is in charge of the Mrs. Sam Gross returned home Signal honor was /paid E. N. last week in New York on the oc-' leader in the War, affiliated with ed the University of Iowa at Iowa Friday after a Beveral weeks' stay Services to Be Continued AH arrangements for the Ice Cream I Grueskin, at the Ivre Conclave, last practically every leading Jewish orat Excelsior Springs, Mo. Social which will be held in the j Sunday, when he was elected: presi- casion of the opening of the New i ganization in Boston, a prominent City. . Summer at Temple The couple motored to Council Shaare Zion Synagogue Sunday| dent of the entire lodge, which in- York drive of the Allied Jewish! business executive, Mr. Kirstein Mrs. Harry Krasne and children At. the services held in Mount afternoon, June 15, from 4 o'clock cludes chapters in Omaha, Des Campaign they were merely honor-1 easily ranks as one of the outstand- Bluffs and were honored at a recepwent to Lincoln, Nebraska, Sunday ing a man to whom honor is due. tion given by the bride's mother, Sinai Temple last Friday evening, until 9. ''. j Moineys, Cedar Rapids and Sioux ing Jews of New England. Jewish closing Religious School services j The ladies of the Auxiliary -will! City. Leon . Dobraf sky, who is the Mr. Warburg's contributions to undertakings in New England with- Mrs. M. Richman, on Sunday after- where they will visit Mrs. Krasne's noon when fifty guests attended. On parents for a couple of weeks. were-held and prizes and honors assist Mrs. Sinikin in completing the' president of the local chapter, was philanthropy, Jewish and non-Jewish, out his cooperation are'rare. < Tuesday evening they were honored here and abroad, his broad-minded distributed to the pupils who merited arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne elected secretary and treasurer. The vision, his willingness to support new at a dinner party at the home of returned them. Frances Kalin, Ruth Kozberg, home Monday following a meeting was held in Des Moines. causes, his catholicity of interests Julius Rosenwald needs no in- Miss Myrtle Freeman. Lea Rose .Newman, Lloyd Kronick, three week's visit in Excelsior Sioux City was awarded the 1931have endeared him to millions of troduction either to Jews or nonMr. Braverman and bis bride left Springs, Mo. Melvin Bosenfeld, and Robert Cohen convention, the definite dsi-e of which people who .• have either been direct Jews. The princely donor to all vsorts Wednesday by motor for a honeywere presented with books in recoghas not been set. . or indirect beneficiaries of his muni- of educational and philanthropic moon trip to Cleveland, Ohio, and Mr. Louis Bernstein -left last nition of their excellent, work and Other officers chosen at this time ficence or who . have worked with I enterprise1!, however, is not well Chicago, Illinois. Upon their return Thursday for Los Angeles, Calif;, Annoucement has been made of the perfect attendance throughout the known to the average man, jgosen- they will make their home in Iowa for a few weeks' stay. Religious. School year. Naomi Hor- engagement of Miss Lillian Cherpa- were Jack Marer of Omaha, first him in his; varied causes. A recognized leader in American wald's gigantic conception^ of public C i t y * ' , y . , _ , , . ,. ._..• . -. : . witz - received- a diploma for comple- kov and R. B. Zalkin, of Omaha, vice president, and Aubrey Fisher of :• Mr. Louis BrauBstein and Mr. Joe tion of the work in the High School Nebr., by the parents of the former, Des Moines, second vice ^president. finance, an outstanding social work- service are'-kriown,-butr thei| origin The Jewish National Fund Flower Scharf left Sunday evening for The convention was closed with a Mr. and Mrs. M. Cherpakov. The is usually shrouded • foi. h> • seldom er, a patron of the arts, a real Jew, department. The following were Day will be observed in Council Bluffs Pittsburgh, Pa. presented with honor,certificates for wedding will take place at the home formal dinner dance ; held in, the this son-in-law of Jacob Schiff, mer- seeks the" limelight! Tbereiiiame to next; ^Wednesday, June 18, when Hotel Fort Des Moines Sunday night. light this_weelv a characteristic story ited as "did no one else the magniexcellent work throughout the year: of the bride on Sunday, June 15. ficent tribute of such American pub- that revealed the origin >of the members of the Senior Hadassah Marion Fishgall, George Galinsky, Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz lic men as President Hoover, ex- Museum of Science and Industry be- organization will canvas every Jewish Blossom Kalin, Robert - Marx, Caro- left Sunday for New York City, President Coolidge, Cardinal Hayes, ing built in Chicago at a cost of home in the city. The money colline Fishgall, Dorothy London, Doro-1 where they plan to spend the sumSecretary of State Stimson, Lt. Gov- ?5,000,000 of which . Rosenwald is lected fdr the Jewish National Fund thy- Davis, Harold Lef kovich, Rozena j mer months. Enroute to New York ernor Lehman, Governor Franklin D. giving $3,000,000.. It 'seems that goes to vhelp increase their national Kozberg, Bernard Rosenthal, Rose they will stop for several days at Roosevelt, Dr. Cyrus Adler and many about 20 years ago his son Lessing, possessions' in the Land of Israel. Jean Passman, Alice. Pill, Annette! Washington, D. C Miss. Ida Feldman was elected others. then in Munich with Mr.-Eosenwald This is the seventeenth annual New Yor:, (J. T. A..—Three JewBaker, Bernice Galinsky, Theodore "President of/ the Junior Hadassah would visit no placeJbut the Deut- Flower Day and everyone is urged ish men of prominence have been Skalovsky, Lawrence Slotsky, Milton Rabbi T. N. Lewis departed yes-, organization *fpr the coming' year, The ousting from his professor- sches Museum: _ Then /and there to help in every way to make this awarded honorary degrees from three (jalinsky, Margaret Kozberg, Stan- i terday for Providence, R. I., where at a large meeting held Wednesday a great success. This drive will be different universities. They are Proship at the University of Missouri Rosenwald got the idea that ton Cohen, Bobby Pill, Abe Cohen, j he will attend the Central Confer-j evening at the Council. Oak Boat some one of the ways usefi byu the local fessor Einstein,, who has been honof Dr. Max Meyer, for thirty years day such a museum would rise . Club Prior to the distribution of the; ence of American Rabbis. She succeeds Miss Sadie in chapter at the Senior Hadassah to ored by - Cambridge, Frederick The Misses Rosalie anti Frances Shulkin who has served as president head of the department of psycho- Chicago. And the > dream* *tehonors, Rabbi Lewis delivered a serraise their established, quota for the Brown by Lincoln Memorial, . and logy there, has brought into public mon on the work and problems of Fribourg and Louise Eiseman left j fo~the past three "years.5 Other of- notice Rabbi Samuel Mayerberg of nearing realisation. year. Rabbi David- Lefkowitz- by Southern Tuesday for New York City -where' ficers elected were Anna Pill, vice the Religious School. Committees and teams are. now^Methodist University; Kansas City, a Southerner by birth,' . Announcement was made that; they plan to make their home. Sun-[ president; Bluma Merlin, treasurer, and a member of that growing group beeing arranged and anyone who can -Cambridge, England. — Professor Many people probably read last services will be held during the en-j day afternoon and evening they were Elizabeth Raskin, recording secretary of young liberal rabbis that is ad- week that Paul Baerwald had given offer a''car or services should-phone : tire summer, every Friday evening, j at home to their friends. and Sally Gorchow, corresponding ding so much to the intellectual sta- $100,000 to the Allied Jewish Cam- Mrs. Hir Marowitz, President of the Albert Einstein received an honorary degree of Doctor of. Lews from the The service will begin at 7:30 and j^ Miss Ida Greenberg has returned secretary. The Board .members elect- ture of the American rabbinate. paign, the largest gift thus far an- Hadassah chapter, as soon as pos- University of Cambridge, the cerelast twenty to thirty minutes. There; . -home after spending the last year' ed were Ruth' Marx, Sadie -Shulkin, When the University of Missouri nounced.\ B u t few know "Paul BaM?- sible. monials for which took place on will be ho sermon. studying in Chicago. .- Rose Lipman, .and .Dorothy- Levin.: situation became public as a result waldV None of ^the ^biographical dic- .The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Thursday in the University's Senate A children's choir has been • orga-, Plans were made to hold monthly of Dr^ Meyer's sex questionnaire tionaries list him for his'modesty , '-.•-• • nized to furnish the music for the j Leo Skalovsky of Norfolk, Nebr., meetings jout of doors during the Rabbi Mayerberg assumed the lead- and retiring' nature forbid sBch-.jpub- Association will hold their next meet- House. Harrogate, Tenn-Frederick Brown, services during the summer. It is i is visiting friends and relatives here. summer. • : ership in the movement to- remove licity. In the same way'his great Ing, on Thursday evening, June 19, New York realtor and philanthropist composed of Henry Greenberg, Miri-j Strattpn D*: Brooks, president of the achievement as "the treasurer of the at the Eagles Hall, 21 North Main was awarded the honorary degree of ' Mrs. Roy Zimmerman of Kansas am Blank, Margaret Kozberg,' Irving j university. -_ As a member of the Joint Distribution Committee almost Street. The regular date of the club Doctor of Humane Letters by the Pill, Louis Weinberg, Robert Marx, City, Mo., is a guest at the home of; university's faculty in social science, from its, lncepaon « not the Isbrt meetings hasve been changed from Lincoln iMemo'mal University on Alice Pill, Annabell Emlein, ; Rose' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mason. Rabbi Mayerberg testified that Dr. of post-conduelive |9 public nopce. alternate Mondays to the first and Monday, during ?.*he commencement Jean Passman, Dorothy " London, ' Mr and Mrs. Louis Simon of Brooks domineered over the faculty Yet .in .this quiet, ,iofnassuming??jret third Thursdays ^of each^inonth. An exercises aconducted here. selection of officers willvtake. place Abe Cohen, Annette Baker and Lloyd Omaha, Nebr., visited here over the and caused them to lose .all sense of Efficient and ..Joyal ,feshiiHi, ™* Dallas, Tex.—The.Southern Methonext Thursday and every Kronick. personal integrity. .week-end. "gone ahead doing his share to. help urged- to attend. • dist University conferred an honorrThe young rabbi's fight for aca- Jews here and abroad- He is also a ary Doctorate degree on Rabbi Dmvid Student's, of Nebraska University demic freedom has given him consid- member of the.famous.banking.firm Davidson Lefkowitz "Jew Suss" to Be ~^ Michael Mr.:-and ; have returned home for their sum- Says Space Should Be Considered erable fame and added to his reputa- of Lazard Freres. entertained thirty guests at their mer vacation. They-include Fred Presented FJ-ere tion, already notable by virtue of As More FunMen are men; the best sometimes home*at 720 Weffl~Broadway Sunday I Copyright . 1930 by the Jewish | Sherman, Morris Gordbn, Carl Saltzhis work as spiritual leader and Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) damental forget. in honor of Mrs. Davidson's brother, "The Jew Suss," a drama by Leon ! inaii and Frances - Emlein. •'--"-'' • teacher.^ ! - r ; Feuchtwangeiy will be presented at : Nottingham.-T'That space, rather the City Auditorium, next Tuesday ! • Members of the Junior Hadassah than matter or size, should be re- The celebration last week of the j held their regular meeting Wednesevening, June 17, by the Yiddish Art garded as the more fundamental idea eightieth jubilee of "The Temple" in Theatre Players, with Jacob Ben- i day evening at the Council Oak in studying "natural" phenomena, *vas Cleveland gave Rabbi Abba Hillel Ami playing the tile role -The play, ' Boat Club. A dinner on the porch of the theory elucidated in a lecture at Silver, the . silver-tongued pulpiteer which many have read in novel form the club house preceded the business University. .College here by Praf. Al- and spiritual leader of "The Temple", I"* under the title "Power" is one of meeting. bert '-Emstein, famous* GermaA-Jew- a place in-the headlines. For the thir- I note, depicting the story of a Jew teen of the eighty' years of "Thei Mr. and Mrs. J. Cohen and child- ishr-phy.sicjct. .<.who attained supreme power in the ren motored to Minneapolis to attend '•'/if' One 'considers two elements in Temple's" history Rabbi Silver has Duchy of Wurtenburg. commencement exercises at the space, one compares them so far on- been its rabbi. His ministry has Ben-Ami who plays the role of the University of Minnesota where their ly as regards size", said Prof. Ein- shed much .lustre on his congregaJew Suss, played the last season in son, Ruben Cohen, was graduated. stein. "But there is a further ele- tion, r, Eva Le Gallienne's Civic Repertory They visited at the home of their ment which comes into it that might A speaker in demand everywhere, Theater. The cast includes Judith daughter, Mrs. Philip Moller, nee give the clue, and it is this: You can a liberal among liberals, a social Abarbanel, Anna Appel, Jacob Ben Leona Cohen, of Minneapolis. also compare those two elements in worker in the fullest meaning of the Ami, Isadore Casher, Lazar Freed, term, Rabbi Silver, not yet 40, is a the matter of direction. Bertha Gersten, Joseph Greenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Sol .Falk, Mrs. C. "Space will have "to be regarded recognized leader in American Jewry. Sam Lerer, Jacob Mestel, Mark Falk, Mr and Mrs. Max Falk, all of as a primary and matter derived Opposed to militarism he nevertheSchweid, Morris Strassberg, Anna Sioux City motored to Omaha, where from it as a secondary result. - That less served., with distinction in the Teitelbaum, 'Anatol Vinogvadoff and they attended the wedding of Jack is to say, space has now turned War and is-the possessor of a decorfor your holiday Louis Weissberg. The company is to Miss Fannie around and it is eating up matter. ation from., France. booked for Omaha on the day followWhile the jubilee marked the eighOver two hundred friends attended Space is now having its revenge." ing its performance here. trip and Summer driving tieth year of "The Temple" the celeOnly three professors in the audthe reception held Sunday afternoon bration was in many respects a triience could follow Dr. -Einstein's at Mount Sinai Temple honoringthe idea, which is said to reverse com- bute to Rabbi Silver whom the confirmants of that day. FINAL REPORTS ON" "• pletely previous conceptions of space speakers lauded for his services not PRIVE EXPECTED only to Cleveland Jewry but to the and matter. ! M Sc0Ut T N city itself. Prof. Einstein, who spoke in GerFinal report, from the committees WeTl thoroughly inspect your treads, checR your man, said that he would soon be able 'ft: wheel alignment and properly inflate your tires— In a modest office in the financial to establish final proofs of his uni- section of New York the inquisitive j n o obHgstics. Also, if desired, we will give yon fiedfield'•".theory linking electricity visitor will find Joseph C. Hyman. an estimate on putting: your tires in first-class shape for a . . . > f:. and gravitation, which would give a To the average reader the name may summer of troublefree i single picture of the physical unidrive have been encouraging and.it mean little but to the leaders of verse. is expected that the quota will be! American Jewry and "to those in is week. L O W PRICES ~» Li/etitne Guaranteed "Many of my collea'gues3 think I touch with American aid to the Jews reached with the final check up. AJ meeting of the captains, held in the Miss .• Marcia Robinow is ' spending am crazy", he declared at the end of of Eastern Europe the name means Community Center, Monday night, the week visiting friends in Des his lecture. "It is- tnre my theory much. has yet to be fully tested, but tests brought to light the fact "that prac- Moines, Iowa. As the right hand man of Felix thus far have confirmed, my views M. Warburg and a deputy member tically the entire Sioux City Jewry! was co-operating to make this. drive ' Sioux Cityans who attended the as to the unitary nature of the phys- of the Jewish Agency's administraSuperior in locks, traction and endurance to many tires selling for dollar* successful. " • •Ivre Conclave include Mr. and Mrs.icaL universe." .-_•_. V •„ ..." tive committee Hyman has been as OVERSIZE more. Goodyear builds MILLIONS MORE tires—enjoys lowest cost*— busy as bees in the last fortnight j E. N. Grueskin, Mr. and Mrs. Moe gives greatest values. You get the benefit here plus rest service. ?/j00 30 x what with the political situation in The dignity of truth is lost'with Lazere, Miss Shirley Harkoway, Miss Rabbi Wise Honored ' • Marcia Eobinow, Mr. Leon DobrofsOn Your Wheel Prices—Tubes also low-priced 4.50 much protesting.—Johnson. Palestine and the Allied Jewish ky, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Agranoff. Campaign. By Syracuse Uni $1-50 29 x From a war-time official of the Full Oversize Balloons Established In 1018 Big Oversize Cords Miss Betty Zelinsky is visiting Syracuse, (J. T. A.).—Rabbi Steph- Jewish Welfare Board this unassum4.40 CHAS. G. LOWERY CO. Inc. friends in' Omaha. en S. Wise was "among the "eight ing young executive has risen step 32 x $1 130 $/\40 31 x church leaders who received honorary Investments The Maccabbee Club will initiate degrees from the Syracuse University by step through the ranks to the 600 525 Phone 57120—201-2 Frnuces BMg Save on all slzemt new members into the group Sun- in conjunction with the dedication of secretaryship of that great eleemoSioux Citjr. Iowa" ' " day afternoon. After the meeting the §600,000 memorial chapel erected synary institution, the Joint Distribthe members will adjourn to a party. as a gift of the late Senator Francis ution Committee. The various eco-1 nomic undertakings for Palestine such as the Palestine Economic CorRobert Marx left for Chicago, Hendricks. Speedway Cords F O R D and Factory First" poration have also found in him a • $ E iF-F-'-S.V, yesterday where he will visit with In bestowing the degree, Chancellor ; CHEVROLET 30 x $ y f 50 29 x $f-"50 relatives. After a short stay there Charles W. Flint, said of Rabbi Wise: willing worker. The creation of the DELICATESSEN Jewish Agency gave Hyman a new "Founder and rabbi of a great Jewish 4.40 D. Specials sy2 ** he will'go to Terre Haute, Ind. synagogue. Ever in the forefront of role, a sort of dual role by virtue SPECIAL OFFER SANDWICH SHOP Miss Lillian Shulman- will spend movements for your own, racial and of his position with the J. D. C. Guaranteed Tire Repairing — Estimates Free religious expression and achievement, ALL! KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS the week-end in Omaha visiting on Both jobs have been handled with "NEW GOODYEARS ever in the forefront of movements his usual efficiency and tact. Some j friends. ALL AROUND" for a better social order for all of all people have asked just how many DOUBLE EAGLTiS— races and religions, as an influential jobs Hyman can handle. No one has NEW HEAVY DUTY OR STANDARD Take care to be ah. economist in fellowrreligionist and as an outstand- yet answered but there is no doubt ALL-WEATHER prosperity; there is no fear of be- ing fellow-American citizen. that however many he has he will Corner 17th and Capitol Avenue ;\ "We feed the multitude" - ing one in adversity.—-Zimmerman. do them all; well. Phone AT. 6427 With Tasty Foods Through love the world becomes A halter made of silk's. a halter (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish through deeds great—Goethej stilL—Cibber. '. Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
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