June 27, 1930

Page 1



Interesting and <' •'££* EntertaimL

, .In the > ^interests; of The \ ^i

\ ^:'- -. . *

Tetbistv Community' Entered as second-class mali poatoffice at Omaha, Nebraska,



VIII.—No. 24

Trustees to Select 41st CONFERENCE Committees of Jewish Stirring Sessions Are PLAY SCHOOL Conservative Rabbi OF RABBIS OPENS Predicted at Zionist WILL OPEN ON Philanthropies Named LAST WEDNESDAY Conclave at Cleveland NEXT TUESDAY

" At a meeting of the congregation of the Conservative Synagogue held Wednesday evening at the' Jewish Community Center, the members voted that the board of trustees proceed with the reception and consideration of applications of rabbis for the ConAlthough Many Important Matters Will Be servative pulpit. A large attendance •was present. . Discussed, Brandeis-Mack Proposal Holds "I have already received a number the Limelight of Convention of applications to fill the pulpit of the The pro and con of the Zionist difficulties confronting the movement Conservative Synagogue and I' feel situation is in Omaha, as every- will in all probability be solved ere sure that we will be able to conduct services by the first Friday in Sept.," •where else, a mooted question. M. long. . Sam Beber, president of the SynaF. Levenson, president of the local Besides this question, there are two -Zionists, expresses his views on other major questions which confront gogue stated Thursday. the matter thus: "I would like to the conclave. The first is the attisee • the affairs of the Zionist or- tude to be adopted by the Zionists ganization in the hands of a busi- of America toward the British govness-like group of leaders whose ernment. The other is the. question past careers have gained for them the respect of American Jewry.". of the adoption of a program of Zionist propaganda that will take New York.—The atmosphere sur- into account the new status of the rounding Zionist circles is charged work for Palestine in America. •with electricity as the date of the Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—The JewAmerican Zionist convention schedish National Council at its last meetuled to begin at Cleveland June 29 ing decided on joint action with the xspidly approaches. Jewish Agency, the Rabbinate, and "Without "question, the momentous the Agudath Israel, -world orthodox question which will even dwarf the organization, in presenting the Jewsignificance of the suspension of labish case before the Wailing Wall or immigration into Palestine and the Commission, issuance of the second White Paper The actual advocacy of the Jewish by the British government will be the debate on the Brandeis-Mack pro- Various Appointments for the case will be left to David Yellinn Ensuing Year Are Mordecai Eliash and S. Blau. posals. Given It is understood that at the behest Since the Brandeis-Mack group, of Dr. Judah L. Magnes, a special divorced from the American Zionist Mrs. Julius Stein, president of the council has been constituted to act activities since the Cleveland convenOmaha Chapter of Hadassah, has as a supervisory body in the presention of 1921, delivered their ultimatum containing the terms upon which announced the committee chairmen tation of the Jewish case to the they will return, to the Zionist fold, and board of directors for; the en- Commission which is to examine feeling has been running high as to suing term, following a special meet- Moslem an3 Jewish claims to the "whether or not their proposal should ing of the newly-elected officers held WalL at the J.C.C. be accepted. The Council consists of Rabbis The new officers, besides Mrs. Kook, Mayer and Sonenfeld, marking The substance of their demands is the reorganization of the entire Stein, are Mrs. B. A. Simon and Mrs. the first; significant action on "which American Zionist ' machinery, "with J. J. Friedman, vice-presidents; Mrs. rabbis in opposing camps have united. compjete ^control vested for a period Dave Stein and Mrs. J. M. Erman, Professor Yehudah has also inof years in a group of men who shall financial secretaries; Mrs. Sam Co- dicated his willingness to assist the he beyond the control of the general hen,, recording secretary; Mrs. Abra- Jewish case. "; ham Romm, treasurer. organization. " The directors appointed are MesLocal" meetings Sn the various sections of the country have been the dames Harry Kulakofsky, Reuben Unemployment in Ukrainia scenes of •many"acrimonious debates', Moscow^—Over* 200,000 physically with the pro and con of the question senberg, E. Weinberg, A. Silverman, able Jews willing to "work have no being ably staied. Most of the loc- Albert Shaeffer. The seniorZ-ao'visor prospects of employment in Ukraiaia. al Zionist—groups are instructing of the Junior" Hadassah is Mrs. Max Most" of them are between, the ages • • of 15 and 50 and are lishentzy j their delegates how to vote on the Fromkin. j Brandeis memorandum and the reCommittee chairman announced (people -without rights) and declassed turns on these instructions show that are: Mrs. L Grossman, finance; Mrs. who have no professions which would a stirring debate will make this the J. J. Friedman, sewing circle; Mrs. enable them to make a living. storm center of the conclave. J. M. Erman, publicity; Mrs. 0. C. All of the local groups recognize Goldner and Mrs. R. Bleicher, milk the value of the keen mind and mag- fund; Mrs. A. Greenspan, program; nificent leadership of Supreme Court Mrs. Meyer Friedel, telephone; Mrs. Justice Louis Brandeis and all_ are F. A. Rubnitz, penny luncheon; Mrs. anxious -for a united front. But the J. B. Robinson and Mrs. A. Theodore, antagonists of the Brandeis proposal courtesy; Mrs. Sam Beber, cultural; argue that the cause is. greater than Mrs. Max Lerner, linen shower; Mrs. any one man and that to accede here B. A. Simon, medical fund. "Our program at the Jewish Comwould mean that the Zionist .cause Honorary members of the Hadasmunity Center in Omaha can take is of less meaning than the leadersah are Mrs. Nate Mantel, president its place with that of any Jewish ship of Brandeis. of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel; Center in the country", was the comThese people want conciliation but Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, president of pliment paid the bee-hive activity of demand modification of the memor- the Conservative Synagogue Auxilia- the local J.C.C. by Samuel Gerson, andum, conceived in the spirit of ry; Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president executive secretary- of the Jewish mutual concession on the part of all of the Council of Jewish Women; Welfare Federation and J. C. C. upon elements concerned. The proposed his return from Boston where he atplan, they maintain, does not suggest Mrs. K. Tatle, president of the De- tended the national conference of the borah Society; Mrs. A. Greenberg, a lucid or practicable plan for a president of the Women's Welfare Jewish Social Service Workers. He reapprochement. also attended the eleventh conference The proponents of the memoran- Federation; and Mrs. S. Platt, presi- of Center secretaries. dent of the Daughters of Zion. ' dum claim that the greatest boon possible for the Zionist movement in this country would be the acceptance by Judge Brandeis of leadership. They claim that • due to the recent unwarranted antagonism of the British government this convention must effect a coalition with the BrandeisMack forces and that under the dynamic leadership of these men the New York, (J. T.-A.).—The newest integrate themselves into the changtrends in educational thought and en- ing industrial order of Eastern deavor are now being tried out in Europe. war torn Europe, as well as in Pal"The World War practically deestine, according to a statement is- stroyed, in fact virtually obliterated, sued by David M. Bressler, one of all the systems of Jewish cultural the national co-chairman of the Al- and. religious training, and one of lied Jewish Campaign. the most notable achievements of In the areas of Poland, Lithuania, the Joint Distribution Committee was Considerable interest is being arous- Latvia, Czecho-Slovakia, Hungary, the revivification and restoration of ed among many of Omaha's Jewry in Austria, Transylvania, and Palestine elementary, middle and higher systthe World-Herald Fresh Air Camp there have been subsidized by the ems of learning among the Jews. Fund, which is providing money for Joint Distribution Committee no less In Palestine, Mr. Bressler declared, the Nebraska Tuberculosis association than 2,031 schools with 245,835 studthere is one of the most complete to restore health to 30 undernourished ents. This committee is the instruboys and girls during July and Aug- mentality through which funds con- Hebrew educational systems in the ust at the Omaha Lions Club Child- tributed by the Jews of America for world, ranging ail the way from the ren's Health Camp, located at seventy- the reconstructive relief of their co- kindergarten to the Hebrew Univereighth and Center. Jewish youths religionists oversees are administered. sity on Mount Scopus. The Jewish pioneers there regard schools for •will be among these. These schools which dot the various indispensable as bread. Everyone has been invited to open parts of Eastern Europe and Palest- ""^ «uiun?u ^ u ^ x i ^ m e *» UrC*u. a v e house which will be held at the camp ine are of three distinct types, Tal- * £ • ^ , h a v f S ^s few as ten Sunday afternoon from 3 until 6 mud Torah schools, schools for girls children, has a kindergarten, at least. o'clock. Those attending are asked to and trade schools. j A delightful, homelike atmosphere bring donations of canned fruit, veget- Of the three types, the trade j prevails in the Palestinian kindergarables, and jellies. schools present the most intertesting ten, where hot meals are furnished The Lion*s club has spent over 10 experiment, Mr, Bressler said, as inj to the children at a very low charge, thousand dollars to completely renov- these schools 'cultural courses com- i as part of the child welfare program ate and modernize the place, which bined "with instruction in manual of Hadassah, the women's Zionist •was formerly the city detention home. training, to enable the graduates to Organization nf A—•-»"•»



Sam Beber, president of the recently formed Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha, has announced the following Those Attending the committees for the coming term: Conclave BUDGET—Wm. Holzman, chairman, Harry Malashock, H. A. Wolf, "We meet in s very depressing period of Jewish lift the world over", '< President David Lefkowitz of Dallas FINANCE—M. Yousem, chairman, greeted the 41st convention of the Central Conference of Ampi-j^n Harry Dworsky, Jack Marer, Mrs. L. J. Riklin, Rabbis at the conclave which opened OLD PEOPLES HOME—Harry in Providence, Rhode Island, Wednesday. -" In his annual message, the president stressed the need of the Jewish Houses of Worship doing all in their power to ward off the attacks of supernaturalism in philosophy and religion. However, he expressed the belief that the united efforts of the rabbinate would meet the situation just as it did forty years ago. Berlin, (J. T, A.).—A meeting of Rabbi Frederick Cohn of Omaha the Administrative Committee of the Temple Israel, is among those attend- Jewish Agency for Palestine has ing the conference. Providence is been called by its chairman, Felix M. Dr. Cohn's birthplace and boyhood Warburg, to meet in Berlin August home. 29. ' Rabbi Cohn will return late in the A number of extremely important summer. political developments that have arisen with regard to Palestine since the Administrative Committee met in London last March are on the agenda. With the fiscal year of the Jewish Agency closing September 30, the adoption of the Agency's new budget will be one of the major matters to be placed before the members of the was elected ident of the Omaha Chapter No. 1 So many developments of the of the A. Z. A. at the semi-annual greatest significance concerning election of officers of the chapter. Palestine have transpired since last Other officers chosen are Milton March that the August session of the Altchuler, vice-president; Irvin We- Administrative Commitee will be zelman, secretary; Harold Barish, faced with urgent problems such as treasurer; Milton Himelstein, senior its attitude to the report of Sir John sergeant-at-arms; Arthur Grossman, Simpson, which may be ready by junior sergeant-at-arms; Sam Finkel, August, the British policy in Palestreporter; Sol Graetz, chaplain. The ine and the Wailing Wall issue. retiring president, Sam Fregger, gave a farewell speech. .. ^ Three members 3B6"*fiie- Milwaukee Reject Nomination of Isaacs A. Z. A. chapter, who are on a good Canberra, Australia.—The British will tour throughout the west, were government has rejected the nominaguests at the meeting. They boosted tion or Sir Isaac Isaacs, chief justice Milwaukee as the site for the 1931 of Australia, for the governor-generalconvention. ship of Australia, it was learned here. The installation of the new officers The nomination of Sir John Monash, will be held at the next regular commander of the Australian forces meeting. in the World War, is also unlikely_




Weiner, chairman, Mrs. A. Silverman, M. F. Levenson, Sam Klaver. NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS — Harry Lapidus, chairman, Dave Feder, Joe Greenberg, Goodman .Meyerson, Al Wohlner, A. B. Zimman. WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL — Dr. M. I. Gordon, chairman, A. B. Alpirn, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, A. Herxberg, Morris Milder, Blanche Henry Rosenthal. SOCIAL SERVICE — Dr. Philip Sher, chairman, Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. A. Greenberg. EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE — Dr. Morris Margolin, chairman, Phil, Klutznick, N. S. Yaffe, J. H. Kulakofsky, Abner Kaiman, Abe Goldstein, Mrs. Max Holzman. The appointments were approved at a Board Meeting Wednesday.

MRS. ARNSTEIN NAMES HEADS 0FC01 Important Badness Transacted at Board Meeting of Council




The Kingdom of Play will open its doors at the J.C.C. on Tuesday morning, July 1, at 9 a.m., welcoming all' children between the ages of 5 and 15 to the Jewish Community Center summer Play School. Registrations are being taken at the J.C.C. counter. A number of features have already been arranged for the assemblies. Among those are included the presentation of Ted Mack, master of ceremonies at the World, colored slides, movies, plays, pageants, talks of prominent men, and a grand climaxing picnic. The Play School Departments have already been organized and the staff is comprised of the following: Genei-al director, Louis M. Shanok. Kindergarten—Alice Kathsack, a trained kindergarten teacher, assisted by Adele Wilinsky, LaVerne Feblo•witz, Gertrude Orach, Esther Stein, Rose Brandeis, and Cyril Leon. Dramatics—Mrs. Herman Jahr, assisted by liuth Ziev, Naomi Cohn, Ida Tennenbar.m, Shirley Janoff, Sarah Rae Fish Seckerman, Edith Dolgoff, Ruth Barish, Mrs. Joseph Bonoff, Mrs. Moe Venger, and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub. Dancing vriH be taught by Miss Shirley Janoff, who has just completed a tour of the KKO circuit as a stage attraction. Swimming will be taught by E. M. Sepel, the J.C.C. Physical Education Director. Direction of games will be under the supervision of Leo Fried. Handcraft, consisting of sewing and embroidering, toy making, clay modelling and leather work will be under the direction of Rose RosenEteini assisted by Grace Dansky, Anne Tretiak, Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt, Mrs. William Schall,, Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Rose Fiedler, Israel Sternhill, Helen Janger, Anne lintzman, Charlotte Heyn, Lucille Goldenberg, Mrs. Fred Larkin, and Eunice Eosenstein. The milk which will be distributed during each assembly will be under the supervision of the members of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization.

Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, president of the local Council of Jewish Women,' announces the following committee chairmen for the year 1930-31, following the first meeting of the new board held Monday at the J. C. C : Civics, Mrs. Robert Glazer; community co-operation, Mrs. A. Silverman; courtesy, Mrs. Max Holzman; education, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky; hospitality, Mrs. I. Stalmaster; service for foreign born, Mrs. William Holzman; education for-foreign born, Mrs. William Levey; legislation, Mrs. Phil Schwartz; membership, Mrs. Mose Yousem; motor corps, Mrs. A. Somberg; peace, Mrs. Samuel Gerson; printing and stationery, Miss Hazel Degan. Program, .Mrs. Louis Sommers; publicity, Mrs. Morris Jacobs; religion and religious education, Mrs. S. E. Gilinsky; social service, Mrs. R. Kulakofsky; school friend, Mrs. Sam Beber; farm and rural work, Mrs. Harry Wolf; telephone, Mrs. Jules Newman; ways and means, Mrs. B. A. Simon; Wise hospital, Mrs. Sam Wertheimer; vocational guidance, Mrs. Isador Zeigler. The Board elected the following Board of Managers: Mesdames Herbert Arnstein, Samuel Gerson, Leo Mr. Gerson found the sessions to Mr. Gerson reports that, based on Rosenthal, William Holzman, J. H. be excellent mental stimulants, sup- statistics of Jewish family welfare Kulakofsky, Harry Wolf, I. D. Weiss. The Board also voted to support the plying ample food for thought. He organizations in comparison with states that at the present we are in non-sectarian organizations in the Community Forum lecture course Herman Goldstein, son of Mr. and a transitional, experimental stage, same field, the Jewish family welfare again, to have Dr. Frederick Cohn con- Mrs. Abe Goldstein, has been appoint"In the Community Center field we organizations do less emergency tinue the current events classes, and ed assistant counsellor of Camp are experimenting", he said, "and j vrork, give a greater proportion of to develop the Scholarship Fund. Indianola at Madison, Wisconsin, in Council has a box at the J. C. C. recognition of the effective and meritare trying to learn. While a good long-time g service,, keepp cases under j deal of progress has already been care longer and use financial relief i n t o w h i c h a11 a r e requested to drop orious ability he has shown during the any tinfoil they may have. three summers he has attended this made, we still have a long way to more freely where it is used at all. well-known private camp for boys. go". At the conference Omaha was This study was made under the Hard earned ideas are the only especially credited for the effective direction of Russell Sage Foundation, Herman will have several local Jewones that would live debating teams put out. j (Continued on Page 7) ish boys as companions during his vaAccording to Mr. Gerson, the con--; cation there. Bernard Chapman will ference on Community Centers j leave with him next Monday night, stressed the progressive character of and they will soon be followed by the Jewish Center and the manner Richard Gordon, Melvin Sommers, and of ministering it. It was pointed Leonard Kulakofsky of this city, and out that the Center ideal is truly JewBob and Donald Rosenfeld from Counish and truly democratic, seeking cil Bluffs, who will make the trip by healthy, integrated Jewish ethical motor. personalities and adjusted Jewish New-York, (J. T. A.).—The first East Side. His mother died when he Eight weeks of ideal summer group life contributing toward a talith (praying shawls), tefilim, was four years old and five years camping is in store for the lads. A higher American civilization. (phylacteries), sidur (prayer book), later his father also died. At the program of physical, mental, and cult-. There are at present 150 Centers and tsitsith (fringes worn by Jews age of 24 he joined the United States nral activities has been arranged to affiliated with the Jewish Welfare on edge of clothes) to be taken to Army where he distinguished him- appeal to everyone. - Outdoor sports, Board, representing an investment of the South Pole was part of the bag- self as a motor mechanic, taking a swimming, athletics, boat-riding, driltwenty-five millions and a member- gage of Master Sergeant Benjamin special interest in aeroplane motors. ling, horsebaclc-riding, overnight hikes ship of more than 275,000 young men Roth, the only Jewish member of the When Admiral Byrd was prepar- and all sports of man building qualByrd Expedition to the South Pole, ing for his South Pole Expedition ities are on the menu. and women, boys and girls. "No ethical standard should be too who together with the other Polar and was picking the personnel that This novel, stimulating vacation has high to hold before the young peop- heroes and explorers was honored by was to accompany him, he asked every convenience the boys could dele", Mr. Gerson stated as a conclus- the City of New York on their re- the United States Army to recom- sire. The camp itself is situated on ion of the conclave, " and a program turn. mend a first-rate aeroplane mechanic the beautiful Lake Mendota, a spot should be planned on the basis of a Sergeant Roth, who was recently Benjamin Roth was recommended where nature is seen in all her charm. sympathetic understanding." Recom- promoted for his excellent work with and received the appointment. The surroundings are wonderful and mendations were made for scientific the expedition to the Antarctic reg- Other members of the expedition, the environment is of the best. Prof. study of junior problems, women's ions, is 38 years old, and was one of speaking of Roth, declared that the F. G. Mueller, professor of psychology work, and Jewish grouping in Amer- Admiral Bryd's chief assistants on latter never sought to hide his Jew- at the University of Wisconsin, -with the expedition, his duties consisting ishness, either in the Army or as a the assistance of a number of counselica. At the Conference for Social chiefly of keeping the aeroplane en- member of the expedition, but, on the j lors who are university boys, supercontrary, he has been very proud | vises the entire camp so that no deWorkers, over 600 social -workers gines in order. Sergeant Roth was known to the of it. The talith, tefilim, sid«r andI trimental influences can creep in. attended the sessions. rest of the members of the expedi- te'tsih that he tool with him to the; The chances of injury are also minAccording to Dr. H. D. Linfield, tion as "Benny" and sometimes as Antarctic were given him by his imized considerably. Besides the care the United States is no longer the taken, trained nurses and doctors are chief center of immigration. During "Jew-fellow" in a good-humored brother. the last five years the countries rank vein, and was popular with them, Roth has already finished serving! always ready, aided by all of the most thus: Palestine, United States, Ar- formerly lived in the Brownsville his Army term for which he had en- j modern hospital facilities. gentine, Canada, Brazil. The rise of section of Brooklyn, where his broth- listed, but desirous of going to the] Consideration is even given to the South Pole, enlisted for another three J backward student or any boy in need Palestine as an immigration center er, Samuel still lives. of tutoring. - » «• Roth -was born on Avenue A on the year period was caused by the war.

Local Community Center Program Compares Favorably With Best"

J. D.C. Using Latest Educational Trends

Excellent Staff Will Be at the Head of Summer School

Talith" and "Tephilim" Invade the South Pole


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS,-FRLT>AY, JUNE 27, 1930 Admiral Byrd he had just comAs the Boiling was turning Into pleted his army term and was plan- the Panama Canal fron| t i e iPacifit ning to devote himself to aeroplane Ocean on the way homey Koth was mechanics, but the opportunity of informed that he had been promoted going to the South pole impelled him to Technical Sergeant. When he to enlist for another three year reached the Atlantic end, of the period. One of the most remarkable Canal he learned ^ that he had rethings about the expedition was the! ceived another promotion, this ..time fact that not once was there any' to Master Sergeant for excellent That Mandate Galls for mechanical difficulties with the earo- work with the expedition. The usual Maintain Jewish "National" plane motors. Roth, as an expert method of procedure which requires Home on air-cooled motors, was in charge competitive examinations was waived of the planes and the smoothness by Secretary of War Hurley. AdLondon, (J. T. A.).—The adjective with which the planes operated and miral Byrd had attested to the "national" should not be omitted bethe complete absence of any trouble ability of his aeroplane mechanic, fore "home" in discussing the attibespeaks of his service to the polar the little Jewish soldier whom he tude of Great Britain to the Mandate, exploration. had tried to rescue from the icy a communique issued by the Britishwaters of the Antarctic. Palestine Committee points out ia Many members of the expedition With the great adventure over, criticizing the statement by Dr. carried with them all sorts of goodBy BERNARD POSTAL : luck charms, mementoes and other Sergeant Both is again settling Drummond Shiels, British under-secthings that are supposed to keep down to the life of a soldier. He retary for the colonies, before the ney, he asked the United States Then Dr. Colman missed him. EDITOR'S NOTE.—It is not genthem safe from harm. Less super- j has been assigned to Mitchell Field Mandates Commission. A m y to recommend the best aeroerally known that the Byrd South Hurrying to the edge of the barrier Dr. Shiels had said that the Jews Pole Expedition had one Jew in its he saw ^enny in the water. Calling plane mechanic -in the field. Un- stitious than the others Both had; where his rare mechanical abilities personnel. Here for the first time for help Dr. Colman stood at the hesitatingly the army officials named with him only his Masonic apron. can be best utilized. This obscure must see that England had underis 'given the experience of Sergeant Benjamin Roth, then a technical What he did have with: him that was Jewish mechanic, orphaned as a taken to establish a Jewish Home Benjamin Roth, the Jewish aeroplane >dge and called to. Both to hold sergeant. When he was informed curious for a non-observing Jew was child, drifting from army post to and not a Jewish State in Palestine. expert Ivho went with Byrd and took tight. Admiral Byrd -was informed The Committee's statement points with'.Jlims-the: first Talith, T.efilim, of the accident and hastened on'j that he was being' considered he a talith, tenlim, Isitsith and a sidur army post, has had his glamorous Tsitsitli and Sidur that were ever deck. With* na hesitation he .made thought it a huge joke but he finally which we're given him by his broth- hour. Now he is content to sit back out that the adjective "national" no Carried to the Antarctic region. ready to dive in after R6th who was received the appointment and was er. He admits that he did not use as an army sergeant and wait for doubt introduced complications but them, but he recalls with amusement retirement which is due in 12 years. Dr. Shiels cannot on that account be fast "weakening and had already assigned to Admiral Byrd's force. .When, the members of the Byrd gone twice under. Other members • The typically Jewish-looking dim- the detailed explanation he gave (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish allowed to drop it from the prom. Expedition sailed into New York of 'the 'expedition tried* to restrain inutive soldier then made ready for fellow members -of the expedition as Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) ise. A National Home is more difharbor last week to be met by one Byrd; telling him that neither he •the great adventure of his life. A to what they were. ficult an expression and must mean of the greatest receptions that hosr nor Roth had a chance. What we find the least of in flir- something and it would be interest•: •flying trip to his brother who lives Roth, like air Jews, is' fond of pitab!e and hero-worshipping New ing to hear Dr. Shiels' definition of >in Brownsville, a few farewells to Jewish cooking, although he seldom tation is love. it but he must not define it by leavYorkere, have ever bestowed oiCany • Without heeding the warnings of ibis army buddies and he was off for gets it as an army man. Consequenting it out." group of pioneering explorers, one the more cautious members, Byrd 1 (the South Pole. When he enrolled ly what he missed most were' mat-j of the most retiring, inconspicuous, dived into the water but the cakes, with Byrd the secretary of the ex- zoth. He sjreht two Passovers and! The Committee's communique reand one might almost say unknown of ice prevented him from seeing •'pedition informed him that two one Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kip-! calls that Dr. Shiels' statement is members was Master Sergeant Ben- Roth, whose strength was fast ebb; other members were Jews, but Roth pur on the ice. Matzbh, naturally, MOSSKY, KATI.EJIAN" * GKODIKSKT, jamin Roth, the only Jew who ac- ing. It soon became evident that learned on the way to New Zealand were unobtainable- bu the prayers Attorneys 137 Omaha National Bank Bid*. companied 'AHmirai Byrd. on ; his Byrd could do nothing and that even that he was the only Jew making for the Holy Days he recited alone NOTICE is hereby given that the underepochal journey. In all the realms he was in danger. Then two other [;'the. trip. in the quite of his cabin. He knew signed have formed a corporation undei at the laws of the State of Nebraska. The that have been written about the members of-the expedition, jumped when the holidays came by the JewNever an Orthodox Jew, he nevername is SOUND ACCEPTAJTCE COKPOKscientific "contributions of the South in; and pulled out the admiral. In theless made no attempt tc disguise ish calendar he carried with him • ATION, with its principal place of busiTHE JUNIOR l ness in the City of Omaha. The object of the meantime the Boiling was turned venture, in all the praise that his Jewishness, but as a matter of that was furnished by the Jewish the Company is to purchase and discount COUNTRY CLUB uotes and trade acceptances and other obbeen heaped oh the brave companions around and a boat lowered to V- pick fact gave every member of the crew Welfare Board. ligations of ali kinds. The corporation of Admiral Byrd, in all the whole- up Roth. Dr. Colman directed the to understand that he was proud of Farnam and 33rd and shall have the authority to open offices in When the expedition reached New foreign states and to handle such real or Harney Streets hearted welcome that was accorded rescue operation from the barrier it. This open and above board at- Zealand, a rabbi whose name Roth personal property as 'may be required in • furthering its business. The capital stock to the expedition on its triumphal and Roth was pulled in. titude immediately won for him the | has now forgotten, looked him up, shall consist of 500 shares, par value $100.00 return' from a two-year's stay in each; 250 shares shall be common, 250 He suffered little injury because respect and admiration of his" fellow- j and asked if is& cooid do anything shares shall be preferred. Preferred stock the barren, ice-locked wastes of the' the temperature of the water was adventurers as it had won for him i for him. This rabbi entertained shall be entitled to the preferences set out in the Articles of Incorporation. The corpscarcely a line has; been j warmer than it was out on the ice. the upstanding name of a "real! Roth while tfye expedition was in oration may upon the affirmative vote of (SQ% of the outstanding stock dispose of all written t or a word uttered; about • But for seven weeks he had a sharp Jew" while, he was in the Army.} New Zealand. On the return voyage corporate assets. The highest amount of Sergeant Roth who in; his own quiet-tingling sensation in his fingers,' The rest of the members of the j he was again feted by the Jews of Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds Organist at Temple Israel of the capital stock. The corporation Bhall unassuming way played his selected frostbite. The day after his thrill- expedition called him "Benny" and Wellington und Duneedeiu commence business when the Articles are flled in Douglas County nnd continue until Instructor in Pipe Organ role in the mighty drama of the ing adventure he was on the job sometimes "Jew-fellow," but always January 1st, 1979. The affairs shall be MOXSK1, KATLEMAN * GRODINSKY and Piano South Pole. •••;•• : N again, not much the "worse for the in a good-humored vein. No member '. administered by a Board of not less than AUoroey«-at-I.aw three nor more than live directors. The . While the : reporters who went; experience but grateful to Admiral of the crew was more pupular. As NOTICE OK A3nSNDMEXT TO ARTIannual meeting shall be the second Tues—Special Summer Rates— day in January of each yenr. The stockCLES OF IJTCOKPORATIOX OF down to meet the returning explor- Byrd and: the men wh6 had rescued the smallest member of the expediholders at said meeting shall elect directWESTERN" OII4 AND 8LP516 Karbach Blk. AT. 2318 ers were ; probably unaware that a tion, aside from Russel Owen, and ors. Immediately thereafter the directors shall elect the President, Vic^-President, Notice ts hereby feiven that at a speJew, an only Jew, had been with ...Roth, rW.ho ,is .35, was .left an the only army man selected, he had Secretary and Treasurer. The Articles cial meeting of stockholders of the West-j may be amended. the Polar- adventurers, and. while orphan af'JEtte^kgfe'of fiW' "He trav-: a ^unique distinction. crn • Oil and Supply ^Company, held on Dated March Slst. 1930. 10th day of May, 1930. nt whichRussell Owen,, the .gritty., little, re-, elled _;abbut^-fEom . place to place,, "When Jje. was chosen to. go .with tht> meeting all stockholders were, present and HARBT COHEN, Straw, Panama, voted'^hat ArfieTeTf tff the Articles of porter of the New' York Times Who gradually "dnftih^ ifi'tb "lie^anicSI A. GBEENBERG, Incorporation be amended to read as folLeghorn or Mian H. MAKQUABDT. kept the world informed of the day jobs and' eventually becoming an lows: "" --—— • June ft—4T "The amount of capital stock that this to day progress .of the expedition airplarie: jnechanic;v When he waa corporation" may-'"fSstfer • shair not exceed had many more, important and,sigI NOTICE OB" INCORPORATION the suia of Sixty Thousand ($00.t)00.00| ! OF JEWISH PHILANTHROPIES OF divided 1MO Six. Hundred <UOOJc nificant matters to wifeless " t h ' I' . OMAHA " Cleaned^ Blocked and shares of thee vfNe o f . O n e Hand n baliifece W doings of Roth. Everyonei ."inter-' self as a motor mechanic, taking a j The undersigned hereby associate themthW selves together *or the purpose of forming ested in the little things of life special interest in airplane motors. land- becoming a. charitable corporation *&; SDPPI/tCOM-Hinder, the laws of the State -of Nebraska, which often loom much larger, in >, Two years ago when Admiral I and for that purpose, hereby adopt these articles of incorporation: perspective than when they actually Byrd was preparing for his South By WALTEK M. SWANSON, President. The name of the corporation shall It. F. PATTOX, Secretary. ; occurred will read with; interest the Pole flight and was picking the pet-. be Jewish Philanthropies of Omaha. Ed Solig •; Harry Solig •it-O-6-sq? The principal ofllee and place for exneriences of: Seageant'Rothl . sonnet of the expedition that.Was to AT. 6662^ the transaction of business of this corp214 So. 14 oration shall be in Omaha, Nebraska. It was Roths 'lot to be one of the accompany him on "his" epochal 'jour-; ABRAHAMS & O'CONNOR, Attorneys, The objects of this corporation shall 400 Brandels Theatre **"•'few participants in the Byrd adbe: J J. I. ISHII, Proprietor . J-KOBATE venture to *suffer a mishap. ' T h e To ralss and expend monies for charitable, philanthropic, educational, L916 Farnam Street.—AT; '4155 A GRODIJf SKY, 1n the matter pt the estate of George trip was singularly free of-trouble MO3TSKY, 'KATtEllAX benevolent, religious -and humanitar" Attorneys .v. .' • r 1 OPEN SUNDAY 10*-to «i - '» » S.Johnson, deceased. ian purposes; 137 Omaha N'at'l Bank Bid?. but Roth had his share of:'thrilling Notice is hereby given: That the cre'dTo acquire by purchase, lease, gift, iters of said deceased will meet the exeexploits. Although he was assigned 'NOTICE Js hereby given thnt the underdevise, or otherwise and to hold any cutors of Baitl estate, before me. County , , ,, . , , . . ,, • signed have iformedr n corporation. The and all property, real or personal, Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the to keep the air-cooled motors of the name is FKANKFORTEH OIL PKOCESS* convenient or necessary to and for the County Court Kooni, in said County, on


The Jew Who Went With Admiral Byrd

The Experiences of Sergeant Benjamin Roth, the Jewish : , Airplane Expert, Who Was a Member 0f the Now-Famous Expedition





Fun Galore! GOLF

merely the latest attempt to sticcessive - British" governnlentjs to pursue "a policy of." cohciliatitig the Arabs. These attempts have not only failed to conciliate but since the Eastern mind does not distinguish between conciliation and-weakness- it actually stiffened Arab resistance. Mothers must understand that Zionism, grand and important as it is, is so especially for children, the citizens of the future.—Herzl.

RIDE at the only school of its kind in Nebraska.

Home of High Class Saddle Horses 6 Rides No extra charge for instruction

Elmwood Riding School 62nd and Dodge GL. 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans, Managers

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Special This Month

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T>1ATIP« hp w with its principal place of business pianes in in runninir running orHpr oraer, ne wa a ss «!«)' aiso lINC.,n t U e C I t y o f O m a n .,. T n e corporation is required to aid in loading and un-'authorized to apply for and purchase and , ,. ,, . . , , , ', . . • hold patents and inventions of every kind loading-the Ship and taKC his turn und to develop same, to operate oil renn waxen., watch ' u OTIP pvPnino- hie and to buy,jmd'petgonai sell, lease and dispose on n e evening nis voaa' w a s on on Uneries property. t n(1 k , n d s o f ^ the night shift together with Dr. I The capital stock is ?iot»,ooo.oo, consisting n'~\~.n~ +»,«' m n j« A n i* « ^ « _ A 4 . m 1 ' of 1000 shares, par value ?100.00 each, aU Colman,, tne medical officer. .Patrol-, common, and to be fully paid when issued line the" ice harrier *?4 fppfc ahnve iind non-assessable. The stock of the corpimg wie- ice Darner J4 xeet aDove o r a t j o n may be paid for in money, patents sea level With nothing but ice, ice and other such property as may be deand ice as far as the eye could see,' n "onnt of indebtedness1 shall not exceed, a sudden cracking and crunching^ two-thirds of the capital. The corporal ion H .... . ;;:••• ."" U I U . 1 6 shall, commence business when the Articles ' % of the barrier tumbled rttoth into are flled with the County Clerk of Douglas; i t »»<•+-I County, and continue until January 1st, m e water. • ... '2030. The affairs of the corporation shall . Weighed down by 18 pounds of b e administered by a board oiI not lessj , ° , , ... /.• • ' , , . • than four nor more than seven. The board WOOlen--Clothing Which trebled m shall elect from its number, President, •m-pitrVit n<a it W n m o maiar. C A,1, O ,1 I Vice-Presidents, Secretary nnd Treasurer weignt as it became water-soaked, T h e i m u u n I meetinit shall be held the seche-floundered about in the water ond Monday in January of each yer.r. . . . . • ,. ., „ . ' I Holders-of 63%.of the outstanding stock T. ,. , trying to- -ciuteh the- -floating- ice shairhave the authority to sell all ot afiy a n o f t5le rsilj-pq i-io-Vif glove d n v o but V^f P corporate business. Th& corpcaKes. TTP xie lncf lost Vii«s his right o r n t i o u s h a l l h .\ ve a BeaJ a n d t n e Articles held bn gi-imly with his left. ' The~ may be amended^

current of the icy water slowly pushed him away from the barrier but still he held on and did not shout for help.; - ' •

3 line- 20—4T


STAI.JL\3TElt A BEOEU,' Attorney* . 0 5 0 Omaha Natl«nnl .Bank,Bid*.

GRAHAM'S j,'••>':', I « CH—C R D;A_ MY




Phone JA. 4373


"Evei-ythihg for the Auto' 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524?


A Harry H. LaplUus. President- Trans'.

Wo O«'CH|>y Over 70,000 H nun re Fret

Southwest Corner Eleventh and DouKlas Streets Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

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" •••"




'Notice- is herel>y: given ;tbat on.the -8th day of June, luau, .at-the hour, of 1U. o'clock, A. .A.. ,ut ^51^ i-ea\'en\Vortli- Street in Omuhu, Uouglus Coanty, Nebraska, the undersigned will sell at. public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described personnl property, t.o-wit: 1 oak dining table; 4 walnut leather seated diners; 1 oak china closet; 1 ivory caue seat arm rocker; 1 ivory dresser; 1 maliogany case Columbia phonograph; 1 8-30x10-6 Wilton rug: 1 0x12 Axminster rug; 1 6x9 Brussells TUB; 1 -txO Velvet rug; 1 polychrome floor lamp; 1. mahogany end table: 1 mahogany • rnne seat chair: 1 mahogan3- writing desk: 1 miihogiiny cane seat chair: 1 mahogiiuy tapestry seat and-canu back davenport; 1 mahogany tapestry seat and cane back arm rocker; 1 mahogany upholstered tapestry sent nnd canp back arm. chair: 1 mahogany smoking stand; 1 mahogany tapestry Beat arm chnlr: 1 mnhogany wood seat chair: 1 mahogany library table: 1 walnut cabinet. 7-tube rndiola: 18 Kadio combination; 1 walnut rase drop head Singer sewing machine. No. O0T8t;938: 1 sanitary cot: 1 4-burner Eclipse gas stove; 1 23 tb. refrlserator; 1 Ensy Vacuum Electrie washer. 5 NX). 84818; 1 7sO Congoleum rtig: 1 green bow end lied: and all dishes, linen, bedding, silverware and kitchen 1 utensllg Covered by n chattel mortgage in favor of F. E. Tyson, doing business as the Omaha T,o;m Company signed by John I-\ Tjiimlreth nnd^Vlrtn • Kj Land ret h, husband and wife, dated November 27th. 1929, and tiled in the offlc-e of the County Clerk of Douglas County on November 2!)th. 1029. Said salfs will be for the purposp of foreclosing said mortgage on which there is n balance now due In rhi» sum of $322.."0 and costs accruing as the result of Raid sal«>Dflted at Omaha. Nelirnskn. this Tith'clar of June 1930. F. F3. TTSOX. doing business as Orunaa , Loan Company. Slorteagce. »Junc C—IT



PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House With A Reputation


Times a day we are in, your " neighborhood

foundry Co. — CITY. WIDE OELIVEHY •

AT. 4750—MA. 4750 Tune in KOlL every Tuesday at 10:00 A. MU for the Leisure Hours-program • ^ j




the 15th day of Augtist, 3030. and on the 15th day of October, 1930, at 9 o'clock A. M,, each day, -for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and .allowances. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 12th day of July, 1930. BRYCE CKAW.FORt), June 20—3T County Judge.

3. 3. FRIEDMAN, Attorney 534 Tetrrs Trust Bide. NOTICE OF AtJMlNISTUATIOJf In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of J. George SeriderhAuf,'deceased. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition l a s been tiled in said Court alleging that said : deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be bad on said petition before said court on the 5th day of July,, 1030,' and that if they fail to appear a t said Court on the: said 5th day of July, 13)30, at U -o'cloYfc A. M. to contest said petition, .rhe.jCOurt may grant ;the •snme untf grant administration of said estate to Charles J;->8enderhnnf or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement ,thereof. ; • • '.BfeVCB CRAWFORD, 0-13—3T , Coijnty Judge. STAI,JIASTEIt & BEBER, Attorneys 630 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION . NOTICE Is hereby given that the under- j signed .have formed a• corporation under; the Nebraska laws, nnd have adopted Ar-' tides of Incorporation as follows: The name of thin corporation shall be "Nebraska Chambers Optical Co." with its principal place of business in Omnhn, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted and the object nml purpose for which this corporation is organized and established shall be to buy. sell nnd repair optical Roods, watches (iml jewelry of every nature and description, anil to do any and'nll things pertaining to the carrying on of saiil business including the right to own and lease real estate. The authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 and all of said stock shall be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share, iind all of said gtock sltall be fully paid up nnd non-assessable. Said capital stock may be [ issued for cash, real estate, personal property or personal services. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the tiling of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of Its capital stock but this restriction shall not; apply to indebtedness secured by mort-! gages or liens upon any of the corporate property. The nffnlrs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two members. The nnnunl meeting of the corporation shall be held on the nrut week day .of Jan-| 1 nary-of each year at which meeting the, .stdekhoMers shall elect' o TreSident,- a 'Secretary ntul,-a Treasurer.Any two, of :said ofticeB may be li«'l«l b$' &ne"nnd *he :satne person. These articles may be nn^mled at any regular or spe'ial meeting Qf the e y g tkhld b aa two-thirds vote of the stockholders by outstanding stock.Dated at Omalia. ' Nebraska, day of June, 1930. In the pre&enrp ot: SAM KERBU, \V1M,1AM KT u j. .iT_T,,,.- 27.


For/W Years Your Towel Man CtanahavTo*el Supply Co.

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JA. 0528

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RUNNERS AND SNAGS REMOVED Bolt Hose Mending Shop One-day .service or while you wait Mall Orders-Promptly Serviced — 5S3 Securities Bhlg.—AT. 30U1


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; '

PnoneATLANTIC 6 6 5 9 3J3 S0.l4Trt.ST.OMAHA.

accomplishments of any of its objects, and it shall have the right to sell, alienate, lncumber or dispose of the said property or any part thereof to the extent that such action may tie necessary or may be deemed for the best Interests of the corporation; It is provided that all property sow possessed or hereafter acquired by the corporation shall be and constitute a trust fund for the uses and purposes stated in subdivision (a) hereof, i The existence of this corporation shall j commence at the time of the filing of its | articles in the office ot the County Clerk I of Douglas County, Nebraska, and shall I continue for a period of one hundred years | from said date. All persons who contribute to the funds of this corporation shall, during the fiscal year covered by their contribution, be members of this corporation with all the rights and privileges thereof. Including the right to vote. The affairs of this corporation shall be administered by a Board of Trustees eon| sisting of forty persons, thirty-five of I whom shall be elected by and from among I the members at their annual meeting and the balance of -whom may be appointed by the president. This Board shall serve for a term o t o n e year or until their successors are duly elected and. qualified. A vacancy ou .the Board of Trustees may be tilled by the remaining trustees. This Board shall have the power to make, amend anil repeal by-laws for this corporation. Until the regular iinnual meeting, the Board of Trustees shall consist of: i Saul Beber, Dr. A. Greenberg, Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Max. Holzman, Harry B. Zimman, A. B. Alpirn, Kabbi Frederick Conn. Harry Dworsky, David P. Feder, Morris Forbes, Ape .Goldstein, Dr. M. I. Gordon, David Grecnierg, J. 3. Greenberg, A. llerzberg, \Vm. L. Holzman, Abner Kalman, Sam Klaver.-Phillip M; Klutzniek., J. Harry : Kuliikofsky, Hnrry H. Lapirius, M. F. LevensonV Hurry Mnlnshock, Jack Marer, Dr. MorriR Margolin, Goodman Meyerson. Morris Milder, Henry Monsky, Mrs. IJ. Xeveleff, J. IJiklin. Henry Kosentlial, Dr. Thllip Sher. Mrs. A. Silvermnn. Irvin Stnlmnster, Harry ATpiner, Al Wohlner, Harry A. Wolf. N. S. Yaffp, Moae Xousem, and Blanche Zimmnn. The Board of Trustees shall elect from among themselves a President, n First j Vice-1'resident, a Second Vice-President, a| Secretary and » Treasurer, nil of whom I shall hold office for the term of one year • or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. These officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees. Until such meeting, the officers shall be: Sam Beber. President; Dr. A. Greenberg, First. Vice-president: Mrs. J. H. Kulnkofs-. ky. Second Vice-President; Mrs. Max Hole-1 man, Secretary; Harry B. Zimman, Treas-1 urer. / The regular nnnuul meeting of the mem--. liersbip shall be held on the second Tuesday in January of each year unless for good cause it is determined by the Trustees to postpone said meeting for a reasonable period of time. The regtilnr annual meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held within a reasonable time following the annual meeting of the membership on n date to be set by the Board of Trustees. These articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the members by a two-thrids vole 'provided notice thereof has been given in writing stating the purpose of .the'meeting. Dated this lith day of June, 1030. . SAM BEBT2K, President. - ' DR. A. UKEENBERG; iBt Vice-President. Mn.S,,J..H.KULAKPFSKY. -nd Vice-Pres.,

Muff MAX* HOr^lJrXNV Seeretnry,' ..- r n HAUKY ZIMMAN Twoi •<«.«•


FOR GRADUATION I A Beautiful § Portable Typewriter | Five Makes to Choose From


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, 3EKE 27, 3SB0 n%

Exodus from Hebron Creates D

ing for clean streets in the Metropolminister "to Bolivia "who is. A F chairman of the Committee noe imuitliH ago, iias .again of Twenty on Street and Outdoor would lie **xrM|>|io i o dgihmiaEy. lEresident Cleanliness of the JNexv York AcadTeturned that -Jerusalem.—(J. "T. A.)—Hebron I s ests would be iunsed lin a iiirec- Hoover meat ^jaufman'B -name this emy .of Medicine he has been badgm the -verge of complete economic tion. I n sposoring ibis new ~tan?Eflfl"roeek :to tbE Senate as American York health comruin as a "result of the exodus of i h e mstrtatitni, the First nl Its kinii .in j minister to fiiam. ActivE fox many ering the missioner to get busy and enforce Jewish population following test Bum- the Tmffa>fi States, "Wr jiolitical the isanrtary laws. His pleadings m mer's riots. This -was teamed "by a his place not only jn "the in Bennsylvanm, -although he never and campaigning a r e beginning t» delegation from the Jewish 3fccfinnal nf -phii»rrrl1in»pts±K luij fn "produce ^ome results for the press Council visiting Hebron to • investigate •m^tif past, Ssnrinan, a ypg»i^?Urt' in ffi echoing his call and the public hall of -fattw* jof ifaose vcfao ixsve international -aSairs, '«*°'J"»»* into wide has become aroused to the menace

What Is the Matter With Our Synagogue! Many Haiok Tlfaat Jewish Houses of Worsh%s Aase Lets Ground as Power of Synagogue ANALYSIS AND CURE



victims. The British authorities in Hebron JE that -Use students will BE well as leading Arabs declared .thai rents had fallen from twenty i o ffity j-percent and trade ~was stagnant. The 1 -fryy* -votes ~of ^xhe removal trf the Slabodka Seminary "whom ihe biggest loss Hebron - because i t is estimated that -foe stuihe dents and faculty of HOB seminary :bad marital ecumiTliati uus jiine jrears .in ihe divorce court have i spent 5125^)00 a 3rear in Hebron. ; ;

JUOtice Ttnyiiig^ i h e ^TawnuATwy

rii»- of "tnwtpgn streets.

Chih; and 3^em. A-s i o Bdhvia, which ted third party i n the

BSE 3 B -

•wtilmy suse "trouble i o t^H* nnxctj— t^^m ; o f '• MlI.Ii


WANTED S « f i 3 i e € elderly lady wanls ix> make Jiome T^Sth -respectable family. Will pay for board, OTom and tome privHfiwes. — Call Kenwood

2 ISRAEL GOMBOROV 3few Tork may some day -rmUy ry^inifitr i o jsay :=aB0Qt it tit** ctean streete and then again i± may -Soo'atntadZ Conferences xo rftw ' VJUli • i' \ I liwr'i' i m tt**T T «onk .at our .neighbor]-; ioday. "will iae iire next mayor ol not. H it does much of lOse credit year jHom io agree Ihrtdthe S i our •,heritage, -storehouse irBB ~io 1TOJ7U6 « losing iBravauL The cry « . , , % .Israel's . ,• A ^oom is unikir way i o get htm i h e "\dll have to go i o T)r. Bernard s e a l e d b o o k to : t h e i n xS JJews? J&. Jn*Hiilifal piwinTwrfjp nomination wtiicb he iias .fsaebs, J8XI eminent neurologist and /tarn* tAat tftc .power of tfrc Syria--™ * - The Jib-" CCSSary. "^y*^"iH"^*^ ws if*riw goguB -is Siminishing. This article raries, book stares and 'magazine. indicated he "will accept. I n iiis specialist i n children diseafies, veht> analyses tkc flight. stalls are overfilled with this "mod.TIEVET Built s. university", j rtpm ^years nn jthe •:h»»TW'h ,J3ui3ge farTmany has *b^cn canrpaign— ern" literature, and yet, & Bible i s need brams. Current "topics are < fiabath ihas tried jover 120,4300 Tgg«i : The contention season is nn. "We Btill the "best seller" .among ihem- -very interesting. _A Jiterary have .just witnessed ihe .respective "Why should we, .the of III ers nf itoe litigants in cases that i conventions of the Orthodox Uabbis Abraham, Isaac -and Jacob, be .in this y^ tto. itnl **n "tnat nini -will F**^iof America and of the United Syna- •miserable .-fitate"? Wby cannot -we a± not treligion. That i s irot what a million votes. "With a -worldwide gogue of America. In both of these least hold our ;person tannes i o ihe synagiogue -for. Tepntatiori for bis Soloman-lifce decases the cry "was the diminishing "What is the remedy? Tfae <old -have -many .an institution -that cisions i n divoxceB, with : £ T-iiinirraTifl power of the synagogues. It -was Orthodox IRabhi will ±ell ;you that he •provides -gratification in i l l these stated that the synagogue is losing alone Tinss, jnuch better ihan s. ^aiagojgne. afford salvation. .Df and iCo> i o 3L IH. Macy, ground. The attendance i s becoming ly -to him ;and "JQranwhy come "to fe ^ynagu^iie^? is -raelL ••T^i'"''Tj'|J'"";J J u d g e JSabath headUnes this past weefc smaller and the revenues are de-» howevEr, "his -synagogue, and •excspt What wejneEd as -.at xfergy tihat one of i h e most -pojmlar •figures ^n^jy gift, iogetter wi& i a r a few old .men, no one .is "there, ; should ibe first 3md foremost HSLBD :of lister, 3ttm. 3felix "FaM, xff $&r in i h e second city trf t h e country. 3n due time we have -the con- The Conservative 35abbi telk 3fou Gnd. inovslege as necessary, -loo tatabiish an -educational Coming itexB a s a n irmmji uitrt. Jbid of vention of "the "Rf'hntnicnl ^Assembly that the old fashioned ^«Wii i s on She HMverBity iranihig i s ^an i e inown a s Use 3n-35 3 K has Juruapered ijy i f e own aeSof tiiE Jewish, Theological Seminary wrong ±rack. "Come to us", says hry lEDrab 3m JIterfich Ihxtz fortB a n d should -tee he, nominated Study. 3or of America, ^the Traion of Hebre-TC- "To my 'modern' synagogue, jmB ^nu •M •training j n ; Torah, a devopolitical observers feel he has a n ex-^ ^country the ' Congregations of Airmrira, the Union Toll be saved"- True the ;.architeetnrfi i s^rg^s -JS t h e firKi 3ond ito be .rrf of Orthodox •Je'wish Congregations of Jus synagogue is very anodem.;; rrf Aimtrrir't\l -Hw "Rn>i>ifnii«^l .AsEfiTflblv Quite a -nmnher of novations ihave w i r h T t e -aforensen- | jggQ^jg -gjjjj ^fe ^IKSB .-arrp -rnitei ijn of the. "Union of Orthodox Hebrew who ^will rprtwn i-nraise nf ibis ^ne piece nf phiian- "There is a hnary about ANMMJNCE— ...•-,•; •Congregations, and God knows of have been made, :but s s rbo Long known far his phUan"once a r •how many more. Ton need :not be gregation, as *to the' • Tvnrshn3psrs, That ihey liave Inaugurated tire Cash and Carry plan for their m Slewark Mr. iBamberger a prophet io ^foretell that the same they Meat Business. ~ a s well tto diplomacy Star "David ^from iiis deparlment tale of woe will be repeated a t each The 3Refarmed 3Rabbi Tau'TBTi now sa.~7e 1&c per 1b, on all your -rn^it purchases by makand very convention. At each con- there is the nub. IBoth .'yon Orthodox ing -them on the Cash and Carry basis, i n s Bays Mr. lipman "is vention there will be a Jeremiah that and Semi-Orthodox -or 'Gensurvaiiviis, ihe mow popular plan xS 3£osher meat markete in the east, and we are happy to adopt it for Omaha and "pass the isavings on to ryoti. -3B ; aamd women and live m fuller,'feeattbwill asad the '"Scroll of Xamenta- are old fashioned. "Wi faav» just renovated, jedecoraten :»nd reconditioned trar :retions" and "there will be mourners European, has mo place fm ier and happier life, and ~VHB "will frigeratmg system and are now making a cordial bid for your Sock i o the synagogue in such •numdebates -will en- "Come to m y iemple. I 'have galoxe. Summer Classes i n iach'.aiiced »3ew3i2 sue, and resolutions follow. Hesixlt? spirit, ihe soul of Judaism sad that cry patronagB. for High School Ibojs mn& girls. Oasses ije-Kext ;yEar ihe stoxy "will be :re- is -what .you ^want'.V There iis aa> SILUNG AND PICKING 5 iemple 3s ;a very: -peated -witti ^exactly the same result. denying ihat the irng formed in tUffertniJ: jmrte -of inly — all ^L33t) ijy t h e Jewish f ^What i s iite trouble 7 There is no costlv edifice. rhT> ajj^ioxiilh tents iare graphic JfiLgency, Inc.) classes for children ?^-lS. denying the jfact that something is exquisite. The music superb and sfche WEbster 2916 Street amiss. The Synagogue is in a sorry choir some attraction. But where iis ] plight. Within "the last decade we the Congregation? B. DF SCIENCE AND 3"EDABD5Y 3318 have gone extensively into "the .build- Evidently, none • of these?ifaree "Jiave periencfi -WE -are gbid i o iorgive :all • ing of costly and beautiful edifices. ihe correct answer. iiur uwii The large cities of unr Union have "Why ? Because they added any rarmber of expensive hous- io cure ihe ^symptom and snot es nf "wnrsnrp, and, 3 dare say, that disease. 3f *WB ~wani^tDtap_plyra there is n o t n iarolet anywhere in we must i r s t discover tfee ^ualaiiy. this Irroad I^TH of OUXE, that has -as Understanding "the disease, -will :not as & aninynn, that does -not only 'enable us i o elimmate "it fait boast ;nf "» Bynagogue or. temple cure it as well. A ttrue analysis -rail; When it comes i » attendance, that is show that ihe -trouble i s -witii ifae another Jtory. 3. am speaking of clergy and not with ihe 3aity. This week days, when, if not for the generation i s as good, as Teuginus , most Orthodox Syn- and as jjfwm as any preceedmg one. agogues -would lack a miuynn, but I t stays away from die isynagogne. because i t is 'irreligious, but beeven nn Saturdays and Holidays, yon a synagogue and cause i t is •religiouB, and, will find the liabbi, ihe can-gogue does ^iot satisiEjy "it. Religion temple j n tor and the sextan are present, all is mot to be ifound 3ynagpgues time is uptm us, ihe ionsewife 's timnghts turn Io i n w d » <aan How the pews are there, but ihe congre- of ioday, and ihat is ihe synagogue^ in. "wnrking' aJaont ~&B hnrne. anfl gation is conscpicuous Ijy its ab- plight. . HPT* TIFTH}r:i'U' i Hsncc* TQIE laity lias •always looked up io ~Wbst IE "the -reason for aU that? the clergy nfoT leadership. I t thinks "What caused1 i t all? 1 interviewed of the synagpguE as a Souse of God, comes there i o find religious inRahhiK and laymen, 3£eConservaiive and Orthodox. -spiration. 3t expects its spiritual , mTmner of answers and leader to preach about God and the I No labor to A Etnnilc Ksjseratten tu -none of "which satisfied Torah. What are the facts. Tou ] HOOTS. •extimct etroH Jntce Btn\-. ^Jttee il«» Salved trait •nw>. To summarize them all, they will find ihe leaders busy building guide on "Uie rgvuHUip itnilb Tloor endeavored i o tell me that i t is .the costly and expensive edifices, and :tbe •and ^tbe JnJce Kbei over •rat Into -ttee .-rarp the floor.spirit nf the fimes, and that we are Uabbis delivering sermons in which up against :a /blank "vrall. They tell they display much ^casuistry and a me that Judaism could flourish only great deal of oratory. The subjects from in 32ast ^European Ghettos. That as are social, economies, literary and y 20D p -far philosophical, but at i o zrsligious topj -soon as the Jew became emancipated, saie^orraerly irom ^IS "to $25— began ~±D mingle with his :non-Jew- ics, as to the interpretation of ihe J •Second Ploor ish -neighbor, gamed civil liberty and present every day iife in the Ijght of religion, that is "tacitly prohibited. acquired occidental culture, he lost his. Jewishness -and i s beyond \redempiion. "This explanation does not satisfy ane because it is historically inyjfr^w^ and we cannot gainsav histelectriThis Have an electric 'GUT ILease DExpiraB cally ariven -mixer ory. fan in TOUT Entire Stock THust Go -mix batter, i t iis irue that -the unbeliever is in home. "tEhe cool heavy xlonsrh xnn ihe bind, disseminating ihe seeds 'b.ie.«tB dressings in reeord comfort -yon. planted -by -pseudo scientists, and that time. urne. .there are any immber of destructive elements .trying to play havoc -with Small religion. That, however, is nothing new. 32ver since ihe Serpent apJ v proached 3Eve in the Garden of Eden, ihe destroyer was -at rampage and ihe spoiler ^among the HVorks of the Almighty. Iln each generation we have pagans, agnostics and unbelievers t o contend with, -and wlien all was said ;it*s picnic iims! Have a delicious hot .and none, "we emerged the stronger -meal on ;yoirr next ontins. Easily none •for :all ihat. "When we look through \ with a n electric cooker. These cookers .Are 'Dffering the pages of our glorious history, we .-prepare a -meal ior a family of live.





4 Qroups ®

Summer Labor-Saving


FINE DRESSES Reduced for the lilandi-End Sale


50 D&esses...... $25 $& '3930-.

Forced to Vacate






findihat Israel progressed most when 'he "was free from harassing and embarassing foes. Behold t h e stupendous literature be -produced in Palestine, Babylonia, Spain and Trance during J;is liayday! Head tt:e J e w ish history in the days of :lsuiah, Ezra, Jlaimonides, Jutlah, THalevi, ^ashi and ntliers .ami .you vail see that :it was civilization, anil not the Ghetto, that "produced these luminaries. -All ihese men -enjoyed Emanci-

pation and secular knnv.-lc'rc, and, "instead of a bar, it proved an injcentive to 'their Jewislmcrs.

863 New Hats Including


at $1 to $4 Values to LSlo.OO. All ILatost -Styles Take Advantage of This I t "Will Pay T


'JUeat, "potatoes and another vegfitahle can -all be cooked a t the same "time.


T7£h anfl Unraey Streets


"Electric Shim™

23M M ML

Nebra ska Power



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1930 their Jewish schoolmates who invariably were the Rosenthal, star of June outstanding members of the university. AntiMora, who was given hits oppbrtunity by Sam Harris recently presented Jewish outbursts ofttimes approached pogroms in Harris with a cigarette cass on which Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by their severity. Even under the regime of the was engraved: You made me what i THE JEWISH PRESS ^UgtlSHING COMPANY Peasant Party these distasteful disorders were am today—I'hope I am satisfied. rampant No more gripping picture of the conOfficer 490 BrandeiS*Theater Building Kaplan Re-elected Ben Bornie years ago was a violin Telephone: ATlantic 1450 dition of Roumanian Jewry can be painted than salesman. New York.—Abraham Kaplan, presUnited States ident of the Municipal Civil Servie Mark Hollinger, columnist of Daily ©AVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor the graphic description issued recently by Pierre Mirror, has signed up for some vauCommission for ten years, was again R. ACKERMAN Edito, Van Paasen. According to this famous journal- Dr. Adler Honored Philadelphia. —Dr. Cyrus Adler, reelected to that post. By his reelec deville appearances. PAHNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspoiiden ist, the Jews are perishing of want and hunger By DAVID SCHWARTZ p r e s i d e n t of t h e American Jewish tion Mr. Kaplan sets a record for he is Rumor has it that wedding bells and their plight is rapidly approaching panic con- Committee and the Jewish Theological the first chairman of the Commission SIOUX CITY OFFICE will soon ring for author Lewis ANOTHER OBJECTOR ditionS. A3 the shadow of the general economic j Seminary, was one of the nine inter- to have held the office so long. He is APPEARS JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street Browne. Clisis in the country deepens, the black night of nationally known men to be honored a former state senator, having defeat- At least* BO Milt Gross nurses a secret desire so the public thought. to Teire from cartooning and concenSubscription Price, ons year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 at the commencement exercises today ed ex-attomey-general Albert Ottlnghopeelessness is. settling upon the Jewish populaAdvertising rates furnished on application the University of Pennsylvania. er for that post. Mr. Kaplan is a but at the office* of the Haym Salo- trate on writing. Hopes also to ortion. Relentless and inexorable, a nameless terror of Dr. Adler was awarded the degree of prominent Tammany Leader and ac- mon monument, Z. Tygel, who had ganize an animated movies concern grips the suffering soul of Roumanian Jewry. initially sponsored the idea of the CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old Doctor of Letters. tive in the National Democratic Club, memorial to the Jew of the Revolu- shortly. and new address; be sure to give your name. The demise of the misnamed Liberal Porty, Time Off TALKIES IN TEL AVIV Aids in Section tion was worrying—and how! the Bratianu regime, and the rise of the peasants Oppose New York,—A resolution opposing Why? This department is staunchly symGoldsbore, N. C—Mr. Leslie Weil, in power have thus far all raised false hopes in the plan to allow children in the public who has for many years been a mem- Because just as the Art Commis- pathetic to the revival of Hebrew Jewish breasts. And while it is. a platitude that schools to take one hour a day from ber of the Board of Trustees of the sion had given the permission, out as the official tongue of Palestine, HEBRAIC CALENDAR men not in control are free with their promises their regular closing time to receive University of North Carolina, wa« a came one of the outstanding Jewe but nevertheless, I can not get ex5690-1930 religious instruction was adopted by A committee of three to of America—I can't mention his cited over the alleged rumpus creatRosh Chodesh Taramuz_^ .Friday, June 27 until they are in power, we feel that King Carol I the executive council of the New York member ofnewa President of the Uni- name here^—and affirmed and de- ed in Tel Aviv over the introduction select a Fast of Tammuz.., ......Sunday, July 13 will aid in alleviating the unbearable woe of his | branch of the United Synagogue of versity. Dr. Frank Graham wai fin- clared in letters fourteen pages long of English talkies. Rosh Chodesh A b — _ _ - . Saturday, July 26 Jewish subjects. He has a reputation as a liberal America. The council contends that ally chosen and elected by the Board that he had looked into the Haym According to the news story, there such a system would tend toward the of Trustees as President. Salomon case, and that no matter has been agitation there on the Fa&t of Ab ..-.. Sunday, August 3 prince with marked democratic sympathies, and integration of the school system with what the Art Commission said—no ground that the youngsters nowwith his dominating personality, he can play a Rabbi Iser L. Freund of this city Rosh Chodesh AIM..........Monday, August 25 religous activities. matter what Professor Hart and busy mastering Hebrew might under great role in the directing of his country. Especwas recently elected chairman of the Rosh Hashanah.. ...Tuesday, September 23 Goldsboro and Wayne County Bed Professor Fitzpatrick said—Salomon the influence of the English "talkies" Yom Kippur...-.. .Thursday, October 2 ially are we encouraged by his official statement Judge Lewis Re-elected did not deserve a memorial. switch to English. Buffalo, N. Y.—Judge William M. Cross chapter. 1st Day Succoth .Tuesday, October 7 last week that the Jews in his country would be Lewis And Mr. Tygel himself recognized The truth of this, is, I believe, of Philadelphia WHB again electthat the objector was not only sig- greatly exaggerated. After all, the Shemini Atzereth,. Tuesday, October 14 protected under his rule against anti-Semitic in- ed Grand Master of the Independent Other Countries \ nificant as a Jewish leader, but is talking picture is only one of numSimchath Torah ..Wednesday, October 15 citement and violence and would enjoy full rights. Order of Brith Sholom at the 25th | one of the best informed on Ameri- erous other mediums. With the Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan .....Thursday, Oct. 23 This, added to his pronounced affection toward the < annual convention of the Order meet- Seek Jewish Agents can Jewish history in the country. school and the home using Hebrew, Rosh Chodesh Kislev ....Friday, Nov. 21 Roumanian Jews living in the United States lead! ing here. The nomination of Judge Cairo.—Egyptian Jews are being His opposition seemingly again the danger, it appears to me, is very was held up by a tremendous sought as agents to sell Palestine land 1st Day Chanukah Monday, December 15 us to hope for a betterment of living conditions Lewis meant the death of the monument— remote. ovation. Moses Helfgart was named owned by Arabs. Many Palestine Rosh Chodesh Tebeth. Sunday, December 21 for pur Roumanian brethren. And after all, those Palestinians, vice-Grand Master and Martin 0. Levy Arabs have recently arrived seeking and after Tygel had spent so much Fast of Tebeth Sunday, December 28 unlike we Americans, seem to be of Philadelphia was re-elected Grand Jews willing .to serve as agents. time carefully nursing it.



Scanning "V "W .*.the... orizon

naturally polylingual. Did you ever It vas plenty. Fearing to sell land directly to the see anybody from Palestine who "For fivp years", said Russell, "I could only speak one language? Urges More Support Jews in Palestine because of the propAtlantic City, N. J.—Urging more aganda of the Arab Executive, the have been gathering this material Not I. generous support of the Union of Arabs who have land to sell are en- f jr a bi^giaphy of Salomon." Did you ever hear Jabotinsky talk The possibility of the United States intervenAmerican Hebrew Congregations and deavoring to secure Egyptian-Jewish RusseL went to see the last ob- —he starts in Hebrew, switches to ing to determine Great Britain's future interests ector—the Jewish one aforemen- German, transfers to French, goes the appointment of eight more re- agents for that purpose. — tiored—to the monument. with regard to the establishment of a Jewish NaLouis Bamberger, department store magnate gional rabbis, Ludwig Vogelstein, Exempt from Tariff over to English and Vladimir is tional Homeland in Palestine was,finally, boldly and his sister, Mi's. Felix Fuld, are joint contrib- speaking before the Union's executive Jerusalem.—Separate parts of ma- Now, everything is rosy again. typical. brought to the fore last week when-.Congressman' utors of a $5,000,000 endowment fund for the board of which he is chairman, stated chinery imported to Palestine will, RusseT. has gathered a fund of ma- WHEN "SCHNORRERS" there is "grave danger if we al- I henceforth be exempt from the Pal- terial, (which those who have seen it Hamilton Fish of New York in a stirring address establishment of an institute for advanced study, that ORGANIZE t low a Godless and irreligious genera- estine tariff on machinery the customs, ;ay, will forever silence any and all before the House of. Repi'esentativek protested it was announced in a Jewish Telegraphic Agency > tion to grow up. Do not permit it to Adolf Zukor, Paramount Magnate, has decided, thus acceding titure objectors. has another weakness besides that of against England's underhand maneuvers, paying dispatch recently. The institute will provide,be said of us that in our prosperity department Eos-Eell's biography of Salomon to a long standing request of Jewish particular regard to the stoppage of Jewish in* facilities for advanced study and research for, we . f o r g o t the blessings which our re- industrialists who were handicapped whic.n will be €00 pages long is ex- crying when he recalls the story of his climb from poverty to the pinpec* ed to be published within a year. migration despite the fact that the day before the scholars and students working for and beyond they settled in in replacing worn-out parts. nacles of success. This other weakcountry." Bet the interesting thing is—that ness, and a very creditable one at local administration had approved the issuance of their Doctor of Philosophy degree or other pro- The executive board, which met Balf our Golden Book fessional degrees of equal standing. There will be! the most serious objection to the 8300 certificates. here at theSunday Hotel adopted Ambassador Satur-of Cairo.—Jewish circles far removed llavro Salomon monumen came from that is a deep attachment to his old no restriction of i*ace or creed. The Board of •. day and the report This suggestion, which off hand seems so far- Trustees include the names of Edward Bamberger, j the Budget committee providing for a from the Zionist movement here have Jews, and that the monument was home town in Hungary. fetched, is upon serious contemplation not a fig- Dr. Abraham Flexner, Dr. Julius Friedenwald, |b u * f of ^8,491.12 for i93o-3i, become interested in subscribing to the saved by two non-Jews, Professor For years, the multimillionaire Balfour Golden Book which the Jew- Albert Bushnell Hart and Charles has paid it an annual visit and ment of a wild imagination. Why should our gov- * > ± ^ * T i • 1. TT T t. o IT- J which represents an increase of $19,served as a veritable Jewish Santa ish National Fund is building up as a EdTrnrd Russell. ernment refrain from inquiry into the situation? Lieut.-Gov. Herbert H. Lehman, Samuel Lixedes-; SAR Claus to the town. Virtually, all of s n nVM e i . ,.year. Mr 446.50 over. ¥hQt that ^of «,«, theMpast memorial to the father of the Balfour Another non-Jew—McConnell, auth- its benevolent institutions are largTens of millions of American dollars are invested dorf and Percy S* Straus. Declaration. Physician?., agronomists, or of an article on Salomon which el supported by Zukor. in Palestine, money which was poured into the upIt is a matter of tremendous gratification that Yiddish Section Library lawyers, pharmacists, teachers, societDetroit.—The third biennial conven- ies and various institutions have de- appeared recently in the Monotor— But this year—Zukor is swearing building and flourishing of barren wastelands on Jews of America use their wealth to create op«i«w» ut juiuuivtt use uieu- WHUUI w w w « "^'section of the Utiey Library is to be is, I am told, working on a biography "never again." the strength of Great Britain's solemnprotiuses. portunities for higher education in this country.! g i v e n u p and the Jewish Reading cided to take inscriptions. of Salomon too,' so that shortly we It seems that Zukor came this year Didn't out country. stand jyullyarmed npt ^o long In Sponsoring this new type Of institution, the firsts Room dosed was denied by M. Olvel- Approved as Professor shxll have at last two biographies as per his usual wont. The usual ago to protect American oil interests in South of its kind in the United States, Mr. Bambergerjing, sup_erintehdent of branch libraries Berlin.—Despite certain professor- of the Jewish patriot of the Revoof (Continued on Page 7) ial opposition Professor S. Gruenter Ivtiou •Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh..



From Contemporary Pens


America, and haven't we always protected the in- and contributing vastly and his his sister sister are are contributing vastlj towards the J^ ? { P f ^ ? ^V?™ , terests and property of our nationals wherever furthering of American civilization. The only change, declared Mr. Olvel- has been appointed to the chair of ra- IN A LINE OR TWO cial science recently created at the s > to be J g they might be. It is indeed our very grave con* v* » • • V XT • • » \- J J w- - i i "i n' ( " * - u c madfis IIMUC 10 that uiav the ure Jewish o c m s u i U a i science recenuy created at trie People with thin lips are not trust- EVERYTHING FOR YOUR Dr. LOUIS I. Newman's much dlSCUSSed project! R e a d i n g R o o m w i l l a l s 0 ^ u s e d to [university of Jean by Dr. Frick, the woithy. so believes Philip Goodman, FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC cern that the interests of American Jews in PalAT THE Of a Jewish university — open to all creeds and j nouse books in English and otherJThuringian niinister of education noted theatre producer. estine should not be jeopardized. DUNDEE DELICATESSEN due to the ofjjbeen whoseundar anti-Semitic activitiesReiehshave The Chanins are out, according to Jews anddecrease^use the decrease in fire in the German 112 N. 50th Street—GL. 0778 Great Britain's action nullifies the agreement •aces, endowed by Jews in a location where there I1 languages thejtag. By negotiating with a number prr; announcement, to "revolution- Open Sundays and Evening until 12:30 ^* ™°Jm entered into between them and bur government s the greatest number of Jews, was our nextj same ize" theatre. the reading news item. Itsit. names ofj} J ^reason a Article 7 of the American-British Palestine Man. thought plendid on Jews onth*this Board ofTrusts, donor, ™ ^S^iS^S, IS/SSSgEL ».<ST« date Convention specifically states 'that "Nothing iVho have promised to increase the endowment j discharged because the small use of! able to have Professor Gruenter's apcontained in the present convention shall be af- Vom time to time, the emphatic Statement that-the room and Jewish books does not j pointment approved. fected by any modification which may be made in no restrictions other than scholarship require- j warrant continuing this position, Grand Rabbi Dead the Mandate, unless assented to by the United ments will be needed on faculty or student body, ]Pioneer Women's Conclave Buenes Aires.—The Grand Rabbi of States.'* No modification has been agreed to. And make a perfect setting for the project of a uni- Detroit,—The thir biennial conven-j Argentina, Saul Dabbath, died here at [ Article 2 of the Mandate states that the "Mandat- versity that might solve the problem of the many tion of the Pionefer Women's.JHalutz- the age of 60. For nearly a decade he had served the Jews of this South ory shall be responsible for placing the country Jewish students who are unable to enter \mivers-L_-i and. Canada will be held in Detroit American Republic, He came here in under such political, administrative and economic ties at the present time. Octobar 16 to .19.. A convention com- 1912 from Aleppo where he founded a conditions as will secure the establishment of." a For this purpose, however, it seems to begin imittee of 25 is already making noted seminary in 1900. From this Jewish National Home." But a Jewish National at the wrong end, for how can a student ever nt-jrangements to receive the delegates seminary many rabbis went out to Home, the doors of which are shut against Jews, tain the degree necessary to enter this super in- and to organize the convention head- minister to Jewries in all parts of the wxjrld. is not a Jewish National Home, nor do the other stitute if he is unable to enter a preparatory col- quarters and program. acts of the Mandatory indicate a spirit of fulfilling We see every reason, though, why we may Warburg Gives §150,000 Vandals Deface Names its self-assumed obligation. hope that in time this project might develop into New York.—A contribution of $150,- Jerusalem.—Jewish names inscribed that will go even further than its sponsors' 000 by Felix M. Warburg to the New On the Wailing Wall's monolithe were It is not fair that the hopes and expenditures one •^"^ *-""•'."*** * " C ¥ ^ " ••"•,"*•• " " - ^ j ^ ! ? " " T L v f " " " ^ " {Yotk Allied Jewish C a m p a i g n i n which defaced and erased during the aigat in Styles for All Occasions of millions of our fellow citizens should be blasted original thought, and will, m addition to being wi ^oo.ooo is being sought in New 24 different, places by unknown perThey're Wonderful Values T^e1i1Is¥l>f the political aspirations of Great Institute for Advanced Study, offer regularuni-{as part of a $6,ooo,ooo national goal sons. The police have instituted an Britain, that the Mandatory should be allowed to versity courses for those unable to get'them else--Jor the relief of destitute Jews ia investigation. because the Jewish quota has been filled, j Eastern Europe and Palestine, was whittle away its sacred trust Despite their oftThe act is interpreted here either as repeatecl assurances, their recent acts are calculat- As the need gets more acute the sponsors of this nouncsd at a tea and rally at the Bilt- a piece of Arab vandalism or an at more, at wRich Mr. and Mrs. Warburg tempt by interested parties to remove ed to shake the faith not only of the Jews but also Teat educational idea and its excellent trustees entertained the campaign workers. Jewish marks prior to of the entire world—a matter of particular con\j will perhaps further that fine thought of education Mrs. Warburg announced that the generation-old the arrival of the Wailing "Wall Comcern to American Jewry. Besides our invest- opportunities "without regard to race or creed." women's division had raised $278,800. mission, The quota of the women's division ments, we have made monumental sacrifices CO -^Jewish Transcript. : was only $250,000, but Mrs. WaTburg Latvia Jews that we might build a haven for our suffering . Rigiu—The Jewish population said that the workers vrill now atpeople. Great Britain has thus far betrayed her Latvia has decreased 1S00 in the PRESERVING MUSIC tempt to pass the $300,000 mark. trust, but we should warn her that our United five years. It now nxunbers 94,600 ot A little over a year ago there was formed in Assemblymen Praised States are peacefully but nevertheless anxiously 4,97 percent of tiie general popula'alestine the Niggun Society, whose purpose it is •'N«w York.—The records of fowr "tion: Five years ago the Jews of searching her maneuvers with watchful eyes. ;o preserve Jewish music as developed in all parts Jewish assembly men from New York Latin composed 5,19. percent of the HE Nebraska's Town Talks reflect >f the world and to develop a Hebrew music pe- County are praised in the report of general population. The decrease is The Nebraska's system of selling the committee on legislation of the due to Jewish immigration. better values at lower price. Our unreculiar to Palestine. During the period of its exKING CAROL'S ASCENSION stence it has already proved its value through a They are: Meyer stricted buying power extends to the shoe Mandelbaum, and Losses from Reid Mice The Jews of Roumania, long the scapegoats erles of concerts that"it has held in Tel Aviv and. g world, too. Yon benefit in greater values. Jerusalem.—Experts of the PalesaUl g g tre j t See Town Talk oxfords only at The r of bigoted, narrowmined anti-Semites, are looking erusalem and through the publication of about j j tine department of agriculture are e w s Aid Nebraska. forward to happier days with the coup d'etat by 'our hundred pieces. The Society is now engaged J touting the Jewish colonies in the N e w Y<;T]t> __ ^n^i^^ pHHH which Carol ascended to the throne of this stormy n developing a music school and has asked the j §ioo,000,000 medical center became _.. Emek where the crops were recently an destroyed by a plague of field mice. Balkan state. The 900,000 Jews who comprise 'ormulating a curriculum. Ernest Bloch and | actuality over the week-end when Dr. Reed Nettleton about one eighteenth of the total Roumanian pop- Lazare Saminsky are among the notable composers Joseph J. Baker, prominent Jewish at- The tour is being made in order to Oxfords Oxfords Cushion Oxfords ulation,-seem to have constantly been the sufferers tfhose co-opevation„ has been requested. The torney and president of the Jewish assess the losses to the colonists. S 8 to $13.50 to $ 1 0 to of anintolerable Jewish burden. Each succeeding >rork to which the Society is dedicated is undoubt-! Hospital, announced in his capacity as J. N. F. Shows Increase $15 $13 for the new center that the Jerusalem.—May receipts of the change in government was hoped to bring some dly a very vital aspect of the Jewish Renaissance.I counsel Greater S%oe Sections—Main Floor—Xortli __., York State ^m^ Board „ _ „_.._.. of Jewish National Fund were measure of relief* and each time the Jewish pop- /ts activities are referred to in the hope that • had voted the charter to organize the making a total of $S41,SGl for the ulation was bitterly disappointed. nine months of the present financial American Jews, who have taken a leading part in Long Island College of Medicine. Types such as the notorious Cu2a have in- promoting the interests of American music, may; year compared "with $707,660 for.the period last year. This is an incessantly incited the ignorant of the Roumanians Wish to share in the preservation and advance-' j



to acts of violence. "Numerus clauses" legisla* ment of Jewish music in 'Palestine, tion spurred t h e students on fa excesses ajrainst ,; >-•,•;; — T h e N e w Palestine,

J e w l s l l Hospital among them. Judge'crease of 15 percent. Most countries i Harry E. Lewis is also sponsoring the recorded an increase, even where no new Centre, < special campaign was made.




3UWBH 35

3HKE 27, 33S0

j tefef vaualion in .^£f ^fft^t ju41U«h. , Ct>hn«fl» ttiffi U n l Mm thsre m iPrague, Tienna and fiplings "Wrhere ttfaey will -spend %wx> apest. wasks. IThej ^lan -to rratt -in Itenwer IThe Junior Saoaesah held an lur thE instaUation :of .'newly; and the surnmmlmg ttesaitary. 3n uffieers .at tthe Jewisii -Comn«e, sag5, how thii yo\i ieteB .it WJHB «rranecmsly y T5BKSQKAL5 mimitj' Xkuiter Thursday nxghi, June ich tfirowtedirE".'—By never bcin£ Mrs. S. M. Chayman and her "three -26. Miss Sophye Jiogenstein, Miss ashamed to ask others. trip. children -will ^nend three -weeks vistfe!N«n TSIatks, mn& MiBB ilditii Dol^oIT ing m EanrsaB City, Widiita, and S t i were in V^htrgp xif "the program. attended X.ouis. " ID. -in IDayXun, .Ohio, TTfee S«noh Club of XSentral fiigh Mine Sarah Tircker, who has teen School held tteir anraml summer off a t Chicago and 3tart "Wayne, 2cin Xmcoin Aastting TelatrvEE bae mee at tlie 3?ontenfiUe last Monday. -]Qn Needn't Have turned t o Dmaha. Xlany ant nf town quests attended. rid privat'e hornet df Selma Xevin, a .student at Music "was ^furnished b>' "the College Xilyan ^Rosenblatt fe aroaches. and guarantee -our , wonieii*6 division of Brown Club Orchestra. • m* Mr.rin honor of Hiss Huby ^&meh of the weekend in Bt. Xonis. "Dniversitj-, 3>nmdeace, IRhode island, •und 3trs. Joseph Baykin, became the Fremont, whose marriage t o JSITS. Miss lsob£l Hasenhkctt and I B E •hriae xff Mr. --Samuel S. Stern, son^Kazlowskyi son, l l r . AVw> M. 3£aaand S. B. Janet TVTtMdmwitg are spending their "in .nf JSJTB. 33. Glicknmn on Sunday even- ] low^ky, will take place Sunday, June -vacation in Jcorfolk, Hebtaoim, a s Wins Pjamotian -ing, June 22, at the Ulackstone \29, a t "the Paxton -Hotel. Miss liuth Ziev i s home from the inToTmathm Call gUfiStE of MlSB IMnrtaTi "Dniversity of Cfaucagti. Mrs. Ben ILushner entertained Word has just been reeervEd of the ATlantic 3307 The bride wore a Carolyn model of 'TUT ^O "Tt— i •• n xe in JU. ±u -fessen and her and !Mrs. U . IR. Gahn .and promotion ttf 3>r. Saul ;B. Arenson "to [ egg shell satin trimmed in Chantilly eighteen at a bridge-luncheon a t :tfae Halnk hotel last -Monday ihonoring her and a half year-old daughter, ^BeverJerome and Ceeeile, "will ttite tank of Associate ^Professor ofJ Service lace", a full skirt, -Soar length, tight, into their -new home a t 301 Inorganic tJhemistrj- at the Unrversity .lace sleeves, and a lace cape faofifid ]******• Mrs. T. GorHon>f 'Chicago, ly -«fcan, WOBC "wcaunnin^ viXlli 3RSte~ of Crestxm, Iowa, i£onth auth AvtumE in the near of Cincinnati. ^Dx. Arenson, who will! iives and iiisndE in 3isw IShaxk. 3St. vin "the satin. B e r -cap was >made nf Jttrs. and be remembered as having taught for) Shirley Janoff. l^essen b»veE today i y ^Motor fer, IfutnrE. lace, caught .below the -^ars by -small Hew Inrk Jfor a "two weeks -visit IThc "five ;yeaTs in the Department of "Chemorange ijlossams. -She carried -a bou3BIKXHS family -will motor home after -dBitmg Hix. and Mrs. Joseph Sonoff have istry a t the Unwersit}' of ^Nebraska, 17357 Leaveirworth Omahe .gaet af brides' roses and ralla lilies. "Mr. and JSbs. 3Barry "Hush announce City, Tittobmgii, and other , .given up •ttw^r apartment a t the Aiaon the Bremen August 1st I Sirs. Barry Uaykin was matron of "the hirth -of a ^on ^Saturday, June ill puiutb of mterest. and "will -HWflffQ t h e -sumnxer honor; 3Iiss Xalyan Eaykin, the .at the -.Claxksan Bospital. in CouncO JBluffs with Mrs. Mr. and Mi&. 3 « Conn axe i n Jiew .bride's sister, maid of honor; and Sam Unyiter, -MIE. 3onoff*s mother, €kmaha's Style-Center York where tthe>- will spend "Miss JSdna Shulman of Chicago, who Tetarnsd recently from the east weeks. taxidesmsid. miss Haykin was Jirought 3Sr. .and ISIzs. Ttf<ftTTw» 33ne -are where she had been "visiting in D e in Jjy her parents, Mr. and H5xs. uwiiding -a "week of "their 'inmeyutoon "troit, T>hilaxielphi& and Chicago. 33BE Mrs. <Vi-irH .Cofan and her sister, trip Mt rfce home iff Hfix. SJnre'i ;pa Joseph Baykin. 1 Miss J^thtt Hwfnfaerg aff Chicago, Cecil Snyifer, who spent i h e wmter ts, UTr. and JKXS. 3?hilip 3Eine. "While Jttr. IMeyer J3tera, brother of left 2cr a n sxtaosive visit in .CalflSar- hi Omaha with her sister, Sirs. 3taahere "they are being extensively engroom, was the best .man, and I oil, -anti attend.ffd 'CTB3^hton ^XlnivBr— Jttr 3ttrs. nia. -announce "Jsadore Sokoloff, usher. Jlr.fitem was rtertained. 1 sity, will also im in Council the iengagement af tfaehr The -marriage rtaok place jreeently brought in by ?lr. and 3&rs. Joseph Mr. and Htm. M. F . Xsvfinson t2rphetcm : 2tose, ^o Dr. Ixwin DshsroS, J3tern, 'his *-rather .and jsistsr-inrlaw- in .Chicago. -S&xs. ^Kne was -•fannerjy ; fCLDB nnrred into -tkfir -new home a t 4B19 of Unicago ^nd ifarmerly of Dmaha. ;MiES Xylyan Chndacoff, piano, and Dlias Gertrude Sigma Delta Tau of the TInrv?ersDLIII^I Hrving ChudacoS, violin, tplayed the Chicago, daughter of 3Hr. and 3irs. IMiss Sine iras been vfiry active in l.ity of INebraska met last Tuesday Junior Sadassah worL. She 3s x. Mr. Hgjluam Sfaynmn and MJBB Ann wadding rmarch. JMrr ,"Sam 3teher JBamuel home of !Miss firaee past prfisident, WHE m delegHte to t h e fiiiyman t£ Chicago, *xs sang •'!&& IDawning" and '^Because:" p will hold HiSophia Cahn •!& 'Chicago, ^national xonvsntion, and at -piBsent sister, Mxs 3Jenjnmm Srodkey. "They 3tabbi IB. Eroflinsky and JSx. X..linois, i s ttfae guest jof 3Iiss sunv* honorary ^president n f thE local phni ^o wmiiTii ^H?W Jur two wtuks. ^ff-arrJK officiated. Dancing :followsd nghTi *nmtureifl hsre group. a ;bnffiet innch served i n "the .lobby of -with Mi. and Hixs. X . Hhr. 0shem5 i s a graduate xB. ±he !Thc motherE of Seta Beta Tan of are :tfae iallxuuni. the quests of "Sir. -anA 3Irs. 3H. Mark- Univsrsity rif UUhrois and m jmeniber Xdneohi met on Monday afternoon of i&lpha -Omega, international 2ra- tri-mi in Dnaha Baturday. S e will "The Hficret rmarriage cf TVTIBR e a nrathsas' group. Mrs. dcemain hane a ws6k and %tisen ^gt? ttx> of I&Ix. and btirixtx. fit. Xouk -wlisie 3 R -will specialize in and M r s . Samuel IFriedmaii Secrfitary. PEHTJ Sspten, of Ihiluth, Seine 3>elrough, rto 3Ir. Xouis J. 3£nnlof "tiie aatr, m e and thrrwt. nf 3Hr. and 3Irs. A . X THinnewota, i s Ihe gaeBt g m u p will meet on rberg, ~Mrs. attoward fitrauss, Iher iiruthej tffi sat' The "two "vtsxB 3Lohlbsxg, a t l o g a n , 3a., Jlast Jancronniia and sister-in-law. Hfluuthy Xustgarten "who Hackford College, Bockford, HUnois. uary 30 came to -light .last-week. been -iivniiviiiy tssnstc T^ ' Mrs, 3- B. Bolomon and «3n, -A. -Jewish arcligiaus -ceremony "took Ecrplan Says— turned hirne last Friday. 3assin of •jaHt of Waukeganj ZDlmois, jaxrired today i s gortthnff her studies in rplace a t dhe i m n e of i h e bride ITuesJE spending rthe -week Saturday ~tc spend ^tire -summer tare riay aftemomi, with 3tev. J&~ JEefawaE S e r «ister, Miss Ida Xast3luth jEoSner. with with MXB. iBdlomonis mother, IMrs. kin nfficiating and only nneniberE . , pianist, is hi Chicagc. 361ker. the ^immediate family :in -attEndance. Mrs. IB. jErsdricks of yGrestan, Howa, Jfitvxnm A "wedding' hanmiet was tendfiied .to is "risiting her mother, 3 i r s . 31. rt>n>fepT xrf at "the ~V7oe Memorial -the jconilije ±y -fte hride's jjarente "vine. Xacilte 35ospital tast Tuesday. Zfowa, i s .yesterday evening -at "the .Delxough . 3lose 'iW-ajunan anil Miss Jftril- Isaacson. Many aSairs a i s Cafe. BLAxrcey who has SOT Mr. lic JLasky ttf S t . Xouis are rthe guests given in /her -honor.

3ttiB. morvitz's jafflnte, Mx. and 3Irs. X ^AhrahBmson. JUas. was formerly 3Hiss i e e AbrahamBon of ttifi xity.


hare MS&

Roaches1 $7.50


LEYENSOM Chemical Co.

Winning Styles in

Siunmer Frocks

3ilr.'.and HITB. 3iiariis

3Hx- and

on m tun"!*—* -trip i n N E W Tork i s

. (Gerber.

Mr. and Mrs. lEUis xft Wxnt ' expected home Tuesday. 1 3ErancyB ihnadkter of ILos -An^ Hexas, are ^risituie with 3Bx. ami IMr.. "who IhaB 3iesn 'Vfflrting: with her !MTS. 3 . IHiedber. 'mingnam, Alabama. 33ETB. sister, ~Mxs. 3H. jF5erer, 3s .now i n S t . Jir. IDavid StraneTly IMiss iSaflie 3Jebex. y n f -Eincoln ife ssct ILnuis. 3She plans tto return ±o <Dma"white v^Hitp*p im 3texton ' IMr. -anfl IMrs. ifitteas Shajiro stre :&t Hbelaxe l^hrfiig: fEar iier ihtnne "the

spending- Sherr IhoHejymoon TVBSt coast. They -wiD ilivfi -in

"home i n Himcoln atTLtJi' a ^twx> ^veekB honejymnon "in Hhoi'vsr a n d Colorado JSitsses TttnTitm ^nd Utebjdune Bherman xft IDulsa. :SprtngE. 3Sirs. fihapiro "was fEonnesof jLincohi a r s ^Bjiendmg a :hr THiss ^Ilbi ^.Itschuler of this Jiity. -lahama, who Jaffi 'iseen TasitnHj vvith jOsw na-vB im Dmaha

Mr. and Jfae. SSain 'Cohn, left SaturBernard IPolsky mrf iditcoh] :fe sat rite day 5or Sioux -'City. H^rom rthere she 3FariendB uf D r . and ZMrs. iH. 3Iircb- will ^return "to lErilsa. 3;1orttsnelle SLotel while visitmg •here.

rmann .honored "them with sa isnrprise

Mrs. X Survitz and oaughter, Miss Xouise Btraass of jiarty at "their home on ^the /nccasmn ; •cS theiT "twentieth •WEdding amuTjEr- TennesHee, is 3he gusst rrf IMr. a n d j Joyce, of Xos JScngfites, aase v»nitiin; sary, on -Sunday, 3nne 22. Over •.'Bixty were jpresent. 3)r.

and Jiiis.

TTiTyh-maTm •

tpreHented with a -very heautfful b.y "the quests. -&n ^njoyahk veas .spent 5hiying ijridgE and mafa .jongg.


yB, a:30 3>. IH.

Choose All Ymcr Sm. and Save in This


g<km& jFrock Nem,

"With horseback ridmg weather here you are no jxouht thmkmg of your riding habit—Whether "there .is anything you want to replace or whether it is a complete "new habit, we can fit you out -to _your ^absolute satisfaction.

JSxs. -H. IKaflowaJEy -EnteztanieH "iar twenty 'iguests "TOedneBday afternoon


Expensive Jf©abfe




South 16th Sreet


AT. TSSn T D T ^ W H S y JOfiyrJEDE -DCGfiSlDIl


iiiiss Bnd ivoman.

Painting Cun tract urb 11314 Ho. 2Atii S t

Beca *3jjnr ZLaundry fe Dur

"WE. 4211 3B0 JfewJWaababte Ehcepe a n d - 3*rinted Crepe



TUB. roxiR

Jewelry Needs

s fipscially p?T rs ^t QFU^ •Sons irom nigter-^rriced staefa.

3TO 3few Mowered Chlfron, "Washahfe GHepe.and Srmted Crepe

DRESSES 33very one mttieeably errtitled

1 •

A Safe Deposit


16th and Howard

Tor Tour Convenience •§•

FREE DELWEKY -Anywhere — Anything


ChiB^ms fling "their challenge "to heat—ami ^R±n hy "namy J cool confEorli! Chouse Ttmr ocbinTon irocks in ffescmatmg hantHblaoked jirinm, or in delicate pseBtsl xohrrs. Wafltmbte -crepr tixviiflub, "too, in striknujly smart styhes tlmt'l] stand nut in any ^gathering . . . and tnayy wvut "on -the street, wlteii you travel, ~ar in "tire office. ' 14 "to 40 and wuuien^E 36 "to 4C. Second 'Floor

l i t iknn rbittSTm herd as ±hey will Let ihein pull. The iaonxs -Gold Stripe says "You cannot "pass to imy jjsfter Tim inat istarts -aoove. is applies lo every Gold Stripe silk ifrn to xnnton.

500 3^ew ShBirtni^g, Wash €2EEPE, Crepe, Mowered snfl 33rery wanted style and color is "to i e .Iuuitil in "this group—one-piece and jacket .moiiiels in sbres 12 t o 4B.

Clearance n£ Spring and Summer

CLOTH CO Sport and dress styies in black, light cblois and white


with m 'High r a t e off Tt accruing daily,. J?hat'iB What

Jfeat, 3!o

PRESTTING means to you. I t costs tio nvarB — it's worth money in 3ctual dollars and cents—'and jean be obtamed quickly by asking for our representativt;.

TdLephone ATlantic 8028 INIBRSTATE 3307-4309 Howard Street, Dmaha





'"•'.-.-. '"I" ''.

' : - •













PATHOS—With sadness reflected in each tiny face, these neighborhood youngsters of Pittsburgh inspect the wreckage of their playmates' toy automobile which was crushed by a hit-and-run motorist in .a stolen car. Three youngsters were hurt and taken to a hospital.

ON TRIAL—First photo of Irene Shrader, "blond gunwoman," and her lover, Glenn Dague, since the opening of Mrs. Shrader's trial, charged with the fatal shooting of a state highway patrolman', at New Castle, Pa. They are shown under guard being led from the courthouse to the jail after a court session.

ALMOST FORGOTTEN—Rusty and unsung the Olympia, flagship Admiral George Dewey in the famous battle at Manila, now stands in the Delaware river at the Philadelphia navy yard. Efforts ; have recently -been made in congress to recondition the famous vessel and'move her into the Potomac near Washington as a na,: ' tional shrine. tof


X .




11 J". f.'




• • . : • • . •


" •


• •

" - . * : • & • • •

QUEEN WITH A SMILE—This pretty smile has won the title of 'student body queen for Miss Annie Ross, Salt Lake City, at the universitythere.^ She is regarded as being one of the most beautiful • • girls in Zion.

OFFERED TO IL DUCE—This palatial home. Villa Sciarra, on Janicuium Hill in Rome, has been offered to Premier Benito Mussolini together with $50,000 by Mrs. Henrietta Tower Wurts, of Philadelphia* widow of_George W. Wurts, former secretary of the Ameri' ' .:' ;T • can ambassj'_tejftaly.-/ .


SOVIET RUSSIA CELEBRATES—Marking the annual commemoration of the Red revolution* these photos show scenes in and about Moscow as the Soviet government staged a military pageant as part of the ceremonies.' Above, a mammoth officer's cap at the entrance to a training camp; to the right, top, a scene during a mock gas battle, and below, a line of military tanks parading across Red Square in Moscow.

THE LESSER SHIRES—Len Shires, younger-brother of Arthur "the Great" Shires, hits the dirt as John Lobert tries to tag him * : • . •

AIR HONEYMOONEBS—When Wayne Lansingr^pilot on th© Brownsville, Tex.-Mexico City airmail run, was ordered to report toBuenos Aires for a year of special work he asked Miss Billy George, of Brownsville, if she would like an aerial honeymoon. And so the are seen on a boat bound for Buenos Aires, after flying to New ^Orleans from Brownsville^




The bride wore a" peach net. frock ove* a peaeh foundation.--3?he bodice was * fitted and h a d tiny puffed sleeves. With this she. wore a peach colored picture h a t trimmed with Berlin ( J . T. A.)—It is now estaba narrow green ribbon, and herlished.that the Jewish banker, Bern •*r ; Misses Min and Delia Gerstein other accessaries were . green. S h e Meyer,- who committ ! suicide, shot and-Mrs* S.-Levison entertained their carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses. himself because r£ the anti-Semitic sister Hilda' a t a bridge. A two- Twenty-five guests attended t h e policy of his Socialist comrades who course luncheon was served a t thebridal dinner which was held im- did not want a Jewish director of t h e Municipal Bank. vend >of the.^evening. .A gift was pres- mediately afterward at the Con'ented-to* the-bride«to k be and-also to gregation Tif«reth Israel synagogue. . Hence' many • of the Socialists abMiss _Blanche7 Lazerus, who is t o Ophelia roses and green tapers which sented themselves from the election was tied with peach colored tulle at which Meyer was a candidate thus "becoW k "bride Jtmfe 29;adorned the table. After a trip to enabling M. Feidner,. the Christian :. An informal wedding took place Denver, the couple will live in Lin- Social Demokrs/t to be elected. Sunday afternoon a t 4 o'clock a t the coln. The bride wore a navy blue Meyer was a highly individualistic Lincoln HftfceL: Miss; Doroaiy Vogel- and white ensemble for travel. person and an economic genius but aon, i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H . -ha-could not bear up under the antiVogelson, wedded Samuel FriedSemitic betrayal of his comrades. Denies Rumor man, son of-Mr.-and Mrs. Samuel The press emphasises hisfineperJerusalem.—Utter rubbish is the -Friedman .of" Council" Bluffs. Rabbi sonality and recalls that he was a characterization by the highest govEarry- Jolt" read the service after graduate of an American school of which-there was -a family! dinner a t ernment authority here of the report finance -and was prepared to leave a to the Berlin Vorwarts-that Emir Abthe "hotel. •highly paid position with the Michael " ' O n e ' hundred gnests.-jattenaed the dullah of Transjordania i s being con- Corporation to accept an underpaid reception which was. held a t the sidered as king of Palestine under a communal position. hotel- in the evening. .JKfc Friedman parliamentary regime. sati'l his bride will live a t Los Vegas, Worship comes to cut off the film Every life has its magical moNevada. ; ftf .superficiality which cost life for ments, its fugitive' gteiries, its flying The marriage of Miss Hilda Gfef- seven days in the week. splendors. stein, daughter of E . Gerstein, and Abe, D. Schwartz, son of Mrs. B". HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT Schwartz, was solemnized Sunday afternoon a t 5:30 o'clock a t the home of the bride's" parents, 2913 P S t r . Sabbi Harry Jolt read the lines atid DAVID KLINE, Prop.—S. E. Corner-ISA -and-Dodge Stsv—AT. 8541 only members of the two families FREE, PROMPT DELIVERY "SERVICE— were present.

(Continued from Page 1.) You have heard t h e s t o r y ^ o f .the "The Jews. , are a much-heatthier Jewish woman going t h r o u g h [ t h e folks t h i n any other group of people : Omaha participating in the study. labors of child birth, : ; ; Sue to the'fact 'that they eat much Mr. Gerson also gave interesting She- ,was attended by: a Jewiih better- and!mtich- cleaner foods",'.Dr. 1 data in regard t o the_ National ApThree viBiting A.; Z. A. members physician. • - , ' Victor; E.:Levhie told^^ the Henrietta peals ' Information Service, organized from the Milwaukee chapter,' Nathan Thelady -was suffering.- ' " O Szold-Girls at (theirilast meeting.:Dr,. Wahlburg, Sol Lewensohn, and Leon- Doctor," she called in English.' -- Levine^s 8ubjectr was "The-Ufiwish in 1927 by 42 Jewish Federations for the "purpose of securing and dissemard Magidsori, installed the new'ofThe physician did not -move. - Dietary: Laws: «na Their ,Effecte.. on inating to ' its member • Federations 4< ficers of the Sam Beber Chapter No. O Doctor"} she called in .French. file Human System";. : . . . accurate information concerning work, 100 a t the last meeting of the group. The physician : did not,m'6ve. - -. • Dr. Levine.pointed out that, fewer policies, finance, and other items as The officers installed are Sam ?'Oi GewaldP' sne. screamed.- ---• Jews died of jdiseaae than the Getumight be obtained for Jewish organi4l Meyerson, president; Kussell BluNow - she wants' m e ! " -said • -the tiles due. to • the fact that their food, zations making national appeals menthal, vice-president; Arthur especially the,meat^ is fresher. Howdoctor, picking himself 'Up. throughout the U. S.^ lowsky, secretary; Henry Sterling, jever, .he stated, more Jews die of And so I believe 'It' •will' be 'wftli treasurer; Morris Meyerson, senior h e a r t . trouble, .of hardining of the This NAIS offered to meeting with sergeant-at-<arms; Morton • Ferer, my other languages: The-depths rof, arteries, and high btood pressure be- such organization to form a council junior sergeant-at-arms; Maurice the Palestine soul. Will ^be* Voiced i a cause they worry so much more.than of national Jewish Agencies. Mr. Katz, chaplain/" and 'Joe Geldware, Hebrew, talkies "or ;/rio t'neir. neighbors. Many of them sruf- Gerson stressed the . importance of * accompanied' "by ^-music;" to d"er from, diabetes becauee, they eat this, -saying it is~"the beginning of reporter. "::.:> .r, -.'"..-".-. ;; : ; - :'parade,' r many rich- foods J and-foods containing a National Jewish- Chest" idea. ExNine "Ceriturians" also ' received Tecedve'him." : periments in this line will be made their first degree rituaL" These were . But m addition'this ^ e a r i . i i found o n u r h s u g a r starch. Morris Meyersoiv Louis .Goldstone, a ^firmly developedt organizatibnVfjf :.- The speaker suggests for longevity i n restricted areas.. Meyer Levey/Max ;.Platt,"Art. Gerber,: Special' attention : was also given "schnorfers" Jiad jbeep "organized"^ t h a t - t h e i3estish:c:|»ople e a t : Art Schlaif er, _ jviaurice; Katz, 1; joe; to the care of the aged. "Only by •fresh .TegEtabieBiand: Jess. meat. keep. any_> schnorrers; ^jom> " Goldware, and Sidney Coyne* Using t h e most modern facilities of i joining J town J . :,acce§s. Jtp medical attention can the inmates be Delegates:' "chosen' *by,. the •-:• chapter! 2ukor" and r Office Jgs g ^ y jf the funds.! expected to have their physical welfor two different conventions were| Dallas, •Texas.^—The only J e w Tun- fare receive proper attention", he They, wanted all 'the vi»e .for'_ themIsrael Sternhill, to' act as "delegate ning for; a : major political office in stated. selves. • at the Missouri Valley Alephs AssoWell, this was only comical t o Texas is Herman Cohen, Republican ciation conclave held last weekend Zukor, but when street "fights broke nominee for t a x collector of Dallas a t Kansas City, and Frank Ackerout between t h e schnorrers of theCounty. Sir. Cohen is^only the sec- The folly of others is ever inost man, national officer in the Order, t o two towns, Zukor ordered his valet ond Republican candidate for this of- ridiculous to those who a r e themrepresent the Century Chapter a t the selves most foolish.—Goldsmith. to pack "up and immediately made fice since the Civil War. National Convention a t Oakland,' h i s escape*. ; . v . ; -.,•? •r.'~*:z'\->;•••. > - . i . i,-: A : California, in July. , :~ _;" ' Last - Sunday t h e chapter held its; first of a series of monthly outings,, , Phyllis B^rOT,Y;Tanntoy •- Mass,,-, at Nathan's Lake. The feature; of sends in this one: .; .;,*^ « t " .•••" the .picnic was a hotly-contested base "..Sam. and Ike;iad.jn t st;.come from; ball; game in which the; '?Swedes"j church. They!, w e r e ^ a l k h i g - along; in'; with. Meyerson hurling bested ;"Pug", ^ t h 1 W ^ ^ d ? Ferer and his "Fighting Irish" b y a statement that * -isf'-oniy'"a! 17-to-2 count. V :.;••.. heaven."- ' - S4rfl:^-Say^.Ikei ^ifj Many of .the; JUephs who will at! tend the national, convention in Oak-there* is only ia-heaveni>where lbxalnd a r e stbpping off a t Omaha on business their way to " the conclave. A.mong. Omaha's •visitors now are • Ed -Cook IN A LINE OR TWO Wedding bells i p r Merryle and Arthur, Hutkin of "Mephis, Mike Kukejser,, prominent financial /writer Beckerman and William Miller of of Hearst, papers—hitherto : regarded; Des Moines, Daniel Pfesser and-Munas confirmed bachelop. : Met bis.bride roe, Fruchthandler" of Pittsburg. . recently aboard ship, , ;' ;; Arthur Samuels, one of ihe-founders of the New Yorker is t o become editor of Smart' Set," which is -to .be! turned- into -paper^similar t o ::N»w; Yorker. . Latter paper i s reported -to: have cleared half A" million riiet-last; year, d e s ^ t e fact ttat: most' jpnbliBen, Seldin Elected President of cations reported very-bad:ty>ar&S ~ : ; Agudas Achim Organization. loseph"V Gordon ds'aew^ aksodalied The - -Council Bluffs Agudas editor - of Cosmopolitan > Maga^ineiy*Achim Society.-ield an election of ofAccording to a. report^bat Is^fiejagj ficers at ^ ^ % Jteld.Jasfe Ttte& whispdled day evening? a£'the' Eagles E l HalL H l L The Th following officers were elected for the promineiit 22qnists in the wprM-r-and coming year;'Ben I. Seldin, president; American—r-wfll*oon head -a .certain '-•i LIBERAL AL3UQWANCE Ben Koss, vice-president; M. Sliostak, insurance company. Try: and /guess, . '..'.•• • • • - ' . ••;: - . - " ' • •••.-• recording isecretary; Maurice Brand- who. ^ TBE, MHiES LEFT Isaac Goldberg, r biographer ' jtfi eis, financial secretary; -Sam Rosen: Mencken—is at wdrkon.a.boBlt deifl-; thai, treasurer; ' Harry Krasne, guardian; ^and Messrs. Sam Gross, •ing •with/' the - ijaz2 -indusiaty-to i; fc. Charles Saltzman, and Sam Stein- called: -Tin P a n : AUey;i^;Amerian£ S o n g l l a c k e t i ."• • / . - , ' - - • • r. '.. , . - ^ : ; berg, as trustees.- •_. .. , : .."':'•'• <jongressman -Sirowich" i a s i comThe installation of. officers will pleted _ a .play. Plans to_invite the GET OUR S P E C I A L PROPOSITION! /Hr take placer-next Thursday evening^ President and all-members of CongSave time, money, bother—^ride another seaJuly. 3 , at:. ;the/Eagles Hall. ress to its premiere in Washington.

First of a Service of Outings Is Held Last Sunday


Comicil Bluffs


- uMarienthal THAT'S HOW LIFE IS and small .son, ;Lbms,x of Chicago, '"• That brilliant young Jewess, Dor111., left Tuesday for $ their ; home othy Parker, is as you know, Tegardfollowing a week's visit here a t theed as the prince or shall I say—the home of Mrs. Marientbal's parents, princess of cynics. Mr. and Mrs. 5§am Friedman. They Anyway, according to Walter all motored to Lincoln, Nebr.,' v last Winchell, a group of literati recently Sunday t o attend the .' Friedman- threw a cocktail j a r t y on the occasFogelson wedding. ion of the birthday of their three Mr. and Mrs. Louis' iL/Katelman year old girl. "When the poet—Miss Parker—enand M r . and Mrs. Harry L. Cherniss left Wednesday by motor for Madi- tered the home, she immediately beson, Wis., where' \ they will attend gan playing with the .child, helping the annual convention' of the District the little darling" construct a big Grand Lodge No. 6 of the Indepen- building out of the playing- blocks. Then a few drinks and the cynident Order of • the B'nai B'rith next cism became manifest. Kicking the week. •'•"•'.:... building "idown, Miss Parker • exMr.: and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky and claimed: .."There, "now, you happy daughter, i: Jean, are leaving today little thing, that gives you a rough for E l P&sc, Texas, where they will idea how the world-goes." And with make their future home. that, she _ copiously saturated • her handkerchief with the sad dew of Joseph -Solomonow and /.Harold the eyes) Saks are a t the Military Training Cr.mp a t :Fort 'CrooV, where; they BELIEVE IT OR NOT will remain1 for six weeks. '"'"•". New York" has every sort of an Mr. and'-Mrs. M. L. Marks spent association from an association to do tir past .jveek-end in Kansas City, research in neckwear to the FurMo., where they-visited their daugh- nished Eoom Renters Association. ter, Mrs. John B . Quigley, and Mr. But now we have even a better Quigley, making t h e trip by motor. one, a Jewish Hay Fever Association. .It now comprises some , seventy-five Mrs. Ben" Seldin and small son, members and has purchased a club Millard, left Sunday for Chicago/ house a t Bethlehem in the mountains, 111., for a two-week ? s visit'with rel- where the members can sneeze" to atives. . their hearts' content, without anyone ' ;; ;; : A yelling "Gesundheit" at them. A Subsidize Jewish. Schools Brooklyn physician is : :the\ipresident. Salonica.—The: Greek .government, As f a r as I know, the , only posfollowing an interview? :df Jewish rep- sible organization that remains to be J resentatives with Erejnier Venizelos, formed is Mezuza Makers Associa- i has increased the subsidy from the tion. •" ' '•'• government to the Jewish'schools of (Copyright 1S30 by the Jewish TeleSalonica from .1,090,000 drachmas graphic Agency, Inc.) ($14,170) to 1,200,000 drachmae {$15,000) while the total government" subsidies to Jewish schools throughout Most Physically Fit Greece has been increased from 1,400,-1 New York.—David Weiner, a 16 000 drachmas ($18,200) to 1,800,000 year old student a t Seward Park High drachmas ($23,400).. ] School on the lower East Side of New The government has also granted' York, was the winner of a physical 500,000 drachmas ($6,500) for the con- 'fitness contest in which 28 boys were .struction of a Jewish school in Sal- selected to compete from 65,000 male oni«"~ high school students.

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MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent Summer Formal Planned For Younger Set


si Ion Pi Fraternity enjoyed a Stag

smoker at t h ; home of Lionel London, 1923 Grandviewv


1/1 Were Only aMMUmairel

This and That on How to Spend the Farane Picnic Will Be Jewish Money Floating Held Sunday, July 61 Around

pin of Hammond, Indiana, who re-the face of the facts which I have signed because he objected to jazz in before me, these denials appear so his temple; and I doff my yarmelkc ridiculous that I can unhesitatingly to Rebbetzin Kruppin for supporting term them cowardly untruths. her husband. If more rabbis and "Mr. Mayor, (this a most serious rebbetzins would only revolt against situation. 1 kr><j>\v of your admiration the degradation of the House of God and respect for our people, and I there would be a likelihood of better am satisfied that you will display no conditions in American Jewry. The patience for those who would disturb synagogue is not a night club; and the peace and harmony of our comif it is one it isn't a synagogue. munity by practicing a rank and V * * despicable discrimination against When I know that one man spent those who are striving for a place a hundred thousand dollars on hisin the sun. son's Bar Mitzvah; that another Jew"Something must be done to alspent something like sixty thousand leviate this condition, and I am condollars on a similar function; that fident that you can and will do it." another Jew I know paid a hotel twelve thousand dollars for a wed- Adverse Law Passed . ding dinner, outside of extras; and Berlin.—The recently enacted bill that a fourth Jew buried his father prohibiting schechita (Jewish method in a three thousand dollar casket (be of slaughtering) will go into effect had never given his father such a October 1 according to an official sum during his lifetime)—then, when announcement by the Bavarian govI scan the list of donations to Jewish ernment. The announcement points causes and find that these very same oat that in carrying out the terms big spenders give mighty little com- of the ordinance ritual slaughtering pared to what they spend on luxur- mill be permitted if the animal is ies, I feel that the time has come to completely stunned before it is killed. register a strong and vigorous kick. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Notwithstanding Wall street crashes and bad timee—President Hoover will pardon me for mentioning bad tunes—the Jews of this country hare money, and money to spare. Bat they are spending it in the wrong direction. L L. B. (Copyright 1930 by Seven Art« Feature Syndicate.)


Mr. Abe Jacobson is visiting in The Sioux City Ladies ' Farane The Phi Epsiloix Tau Sorority will By I. L. BBIL exercises of the Jewish Theological will hold their Annual Picnic and Chicago,. 111. give its first Summer Formal in the Seminary of a tentative gift of a half Marble .room of the West Hotel, Miss Ruth Sherman, of Tulsa, i Bazaar on Sunday, July 6. Plans Dr. I. L. Bril is the former editor million dollars dependent upon. more during the early part of July. The Okla., is a guest in the home of have been made by the committee in of the English section of • the now de-funds being raised, said: "I can anffifo&Z nounce no accretions to the fund." definite date, has not yet been set Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller, Castle charge to have entertainment for %*$£ £ t S S ^ t those attending during the afternoon country for his independence of There isn't a Yeshiva, there isn't a by the chairmen Eogie Kozberg and Apartments. opinion, his pungent comment and his and evening. '••'••'-*. Bernice Levin.' fearless criticism, The Seven Arts and Talmad Torah, there isn't a Jewish . Abe Cohen, .son of Mr. and Mrs. The Jewish Press do not always share educational institution in the country I. Cohen is spending the week in the Making Plans for a his _ views, yet present them as in- which is not starved for lack of Sigma Alpha Mu Plan Twin Cities, as avreward of a Carrp l- p * - _ • • _ ' • ieresttnfir observations on interesting ftindg. I know teachers who have J T V V T A OTal 1 JTlMlJA', by a veteran English-Jewish events e v e n tx , Road House Party rier's "Contest sponsored by the not "been paid their salaries for editor. —THE EDITOR. Tribune. months; I also know of rabbis who The Talmud Torah Picnic will, be These sure are busy days in Ameri- havn't seen a pay check in months. Plans are being ma.de by the NeMrs. Harry Kaufman, of St. Paul, held Sunday, July 22, at Riverview can Israel. Just as we stand on the braska Chapter of the Sigma Alpha who was a guest in the Herbert E. Park. Mrs. R. H. Emlein, Mrs. Abethreshold of the vacation season con- If the Jews in this country.can raise Mu Fraternity, .to have, a Road House twenty or twenty-five million: dollars party, Sunday evening, July 13. Fred Marx home, has returned to home. I. Sacks and Mrs. A. Sloutsfly are ventions of all sorts and conditions for • a Jewish-American, university Sherman is in, charge of the ar-She was accompanied to St. Paul in charge of the affair. The proceeds are the order of the day. Jewish they should first'raise sufficient monby Betty and Doris Marx, who will will go for the upkeep of the Talmud life is about to take a vacation. And rangements. ey for Jewish education. I would spend the summer in St. Paul. Torah. a.number of weeks prior to the per- like to suggest to Mr. Rosoff that he iod of rest and relaxation are devoted give . one hundred thousand dollars Lester Davidson, of Chicago, is to a sort of stock-taking. The idea for the latter purpose. and Mrs. A. Lass, became the bride of Sam G. visiting in the home isn't a bad one at all. of William Warner Sunday evening. Pickus. The ceremony which was officiated The speakers at these conventions The Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority by Rabbi Braver was held in theand conclaves tell us what is the The Jewish Education Association Meyer Levitt has returned after a closed its season with a party SunPharisees Israel Synagogue. mattfr with usv Some/are pessim- in New York manages to raise about day evening, June 22. A treasure two week visit in Chicago. sitic; some sit orE$he fence and utter a hundred and fifty thousand dollars hunt in the afternoon was followed Max Kroloff has returned from Miss Sylvia Halpern of Fort the opinion that lfc*=ebuld be worse a year, and this with the utmost difficulty. The largest single donaby a picnic dinner and dancing.! " i a A *""»»* ^ - 7 - — - - - - - - — Dodge, has been"visiting friends here and it could be better". m_.._:i... « '. -~,,*.i^ ~*+Ar,A«A the +»,^ I Chicago, where he has been studying, for the past two weeks. tion it has ever received amounted to Twenty five couples attended • • • to spend the summer visiting his twenty-five thousand dollars. Mr. affair. Dr. Ben Selekman, executive dir- Sam" Rosoff gave one thousand dolparents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mazie are spendector of the Boston Associated Jew- lars last year, and that for the first Miss Ruth Wigodsky was hostess ing a few weeks in Excelsior Springs. Miss Freda Lass, daughter of Mr. ish Charities, tells us that the Jews time. at a bridge party Sunday afternoon, of America are in grave danger by June 22, complimenting her cousin, ' - • *• v reason of the growth of prejudice Miss Ruth L. Wigodsky, of MilwauNow if Dr. Sirovich, Julius Rosenand discrimination against them. I kee, who •;-. a guest at the S. L. wald, the Baznbergersj the Folds and Round Trip do not deny that there are prejudice Snovsky home. Jewish Group Invites Mayor the Rosoffs will unite and give and sad 4iseriminatioBi %at i refuse ^feo Wednesday evening Mrs, j . L. : Walker to Address Three Days in became panicky. Dr. Selekman collect millions for Jewish education Snovsky entertained at a bridge in Them By JTCNA KAYE I shall be happy to lead a movement pointe&out that the creation of chain honor of her guest Mi:s Wigodsky, Chicago stores was militating against the for a Jewish Hall of Fame, to be New York (J. T. A.)—An invitaand Miss Beatrice Miller of Phoenix, small storekeeper and depriving him located either in New York or intion to Mayor Walker to address its Arizona.. . Leave Thursday "You just buy it at the drugster. | I got away to Dublin and came over of a livelihood. But this is true not Washington, in which lifesize statues coming Fourth of July gathering of these benefactors will be set up Mrs. A. B. Friedman presided at It's just a powder, Mis' Gross, and with my cousin." only of Jews, but of others as well. Night, July 3rd and discuss the question of discrim"And where wast Mr. Thompson?" And I note that Thomas Edison within their lifetime. a Hadassah benefit bridge party you shake it over yer head, just a lit-' "*•** ***.*•*> ination against Jews in employment Monday evening. Thirty guests at- tie bit, and you comb it into your hair "He was there, ma'am. And there souftds a warning against these big Return—Friday in New York City offices, has been tended. A buffet luncheon followed and before ye know it you're as brown he stayed until the very first letter I mergers. If the truth be told, Jews American Jewry is supposed to beissued by the Jmdea Democratic Club —Saturday sent my mother. He along and took also are engaged in "the "creation" of I *** kader of world Jewry. Louis thb -.bridge. or blonde as yer want to be." of Brooklyn. that letter away from her, for I ain't —or Sunday Kirstein was right when h& observed, The letter to the Mayor, which is 'Complimenting her sister, Mrs. "What do you call the stuff, Mrs. I here more than a month, or two per- mergers and in the buliding up ofat the National Conference of Jewish signed by Maurice E. Biederman, ; Leon1 W. Gladwin of Detroit, Mich., Thompson ? I could never try it,haps, and banns up and I ready to chain stores. Social Service: "The Jews of America Executive Member of the Club, says T V / f 1*1C* Special train of never. I would be afraid. Do I look * •• • ( Krs. William Gilinsky was hostess marry my first, as I did before Thomp1 T U H W . reclining c h a i r have been catapulted into the posi- in part: so old?" can, coaches and lunch car leaves We are also told that there is tion of world leadership in Jewry." at a luncheon bridge, Monday afterson's boat landed, I gets a letter from "Economic conditions have wrought Omaha 7:ft) p. m., Thursday, July 3 "Well, Mis' Gross, yer looks yer my mother a-tellin' me Thompson Lad prejudice in our colleges and univers- "Catapulted" is the right -word. I noon at her home. , —Council Bluffs C:0? p. m.—arriv much hardship. Unemployment, as sixty. Every bit of it. $ow, my got hold of the letter with my address ities, notably in our medical schools. claim that we are not at all prepared Wednesday evening Mrs. Gilinsky ing Chicago (on Michigan Boole* vard) Friday morning at 8:0y a..in. also entertained in honor of Mrs. Thompson says I don't look a day on it and he was comin' over here. I Dr. William I. Sirovich, a member of for this position. We are spiritually you well know, has resulted in much Tickets good for return trip , in over forty." ' : hurried then and before Thompson's the House of Representatives, is inpoor, notwithstanding the fact that distress. Charitable institutions are GlacLwjn: coaches of any train leaving ChiChildren scampered in and: out,of boat landed, ma'am, I was. married the forefront of a movement to found we speed more on synagogue build- being taxed to capacity. I am ap- cago Friday, Saturday or Sunday, . MILS Minnette Sterling of Omaha the ddor and bounced their balls on the to my first, as was the father,of my a Jewish university—which, however, pealing to you on behalf of a people July 4, 5 or 6. ings than any Christian group does visited friends in Sioux City over the stoop. Young women came from twff girls and my boy.". is to be called the' American Univers- on church buildings. The average who want no. charity, but simply a • week-endity. He wants to raise twenty or synagogue costs $86,000. And iigures chance to make an honest living. inner caverns to the.doubtful. sunshine "What did Mr. Thompson do ?" They are denied this opportunity in million dollars for thef o r For full information, as\ "Hen went back home, ma'am. He twenty-fiveToward Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chudakoff of of the narrow street. A young man this sum Mr. Sam-, the year 1926, according to a many instances because they are purpose, Illinois Central Union Ticket Tabor, South Dakota, announce the with eyes toward the skies and droop- told my mother she'd helped rob him survey, place the total value of syna- Jews. 311 5o. 16th St: Rosoff, who builds subways in ' gogue 313 Citr Nat'l Bank birth of an- infant son. Mrs. Chud- ing shoulders went forth to theof his bride. He never married there uel properties in the United Phone Atlantic 9S88 Bldg. New York, has promised a contribu"Some ,of our largest public utilUnion Station library. . and I lived here and brought my childakoff was formerly Molly Levin of States at S97,401,68S. I venture to Phone lOthfifMarcySt.. tion of one hundred thousand dollars. ities are guilty of the most flagrant Jackson 0264-0561 Jackson 5570 No one noticed the two women. Who ren. Then, when I'd laid my first in this city. ' say that since 1926 this value has discrimination against Jewish work, had time or thought for. them? Just his grave, along comes Thompson increased by at least twenty-five perMr! Ben Hackenberg of • Des' j two old women who had nothing to do across' the water again, I wanted to If. discrimination is to be fought cent. And I ask what we are build- ers. Recently, from a public plat- I ILLINOIS CENTRAL Moines, Iowa, visited friends in thebut gabble all day. What could they settle back and enjoy my children, it cannot be combated by running ing synagogues and - temples and form, I named some of these coraway. And if the doughty Congressporations. Denials followed. But, in "•> DEPENDABLE FOR 79 YEARS • " city, on Sunday.. - —- - - • . ..( have to say? They were finished, who were marrying then. But Thomp- man-Doctor can raise twenty mil- synagogue-centers for if we don't { Mr. William Mazie is visiting at j through with life and waiting for life son didn't let me. He kept a-comin' lions I can suggest a much better train a generation that will enter 'round, first to my Maisie's house, and ;the home of his sister in "Kansas ' to be through with them. Thus the she a-hatin' him, and then to myway of spending them than on a them. Cityi Mr. and Mrs. A. Mazie are young ones thought and left Mrs. * • * Julie's house, and she a-jollyin' him Jewish—yclept American—university. Gross, her shrunken frame lost in the also visiting. there. , . , Jewish education in this country is I take my hat off to Rabbi Krup- j and a-settin' him out steaming food. folds of a rusty black dress, relic of in a parlous state. The big Yeshiva Mrs. J. Shulkin is spending - the more ample days, crouched on herI couldn't have no peace at Maisie's with its great, magnificent, palatial week visiting friends in Omaha. folding chair and Mrs. Thompson to with him posterin' her more than me, building is without funds. Dr. Cyrus, her janitorial task of polishing the and to stay at Julie's was to be in-Adlerj speaking at the graduation 1 Miss Elizai Uilbs .EJLI&U.Leth et.11 Raskin n a s u n isvacationi s •» a w u u n - i vitin' him. So ,1. married, him, Mis' u l b o u s b r a s r a i h n s o f t h e st ing in Chicago, She will return the! btask . she ^ wasS now neglecting. , ?°P' a Gross, it was the only way I could which " early part of next week. something to work for, my husband "Yes," Mrs. Thompson went on to get rid of him." .. caught a cold and before we could her interested audience of one, "Mrs. Thompson—I, too,. ran away Those, of the younger set who turn around he died of pneumonia." from a man in the old country." "Thompson's a smart man, handing —TO— spent .several days in Omaha this 4l •Yes." "You, Mis' ross! You did, ma'am ? " me a little bTarney once in a while. veek, where iey attended the U. T. My stepmother brought me "Well, I struggled. Oh, you don't *and Rono Dar.-is are Neomi Horwitz, Do you know, Mis' Gross, I've had my "Yes. up and when I was very young—she know hjow I struggled. I wanted to] Ida Levy, Beatrice Levitsky, Bernice furniture a-packed and stowed these was afraid L would take away the keep my Teddy in school, but as soon two years now." Levin, and Abe Baron. GO/NG—Ticket* will b* honored on chances of her own daughters- and that as he could get his working papers he SPECIAL TRAIN leaving Omthi 6:30 "Two years!" Mr. -Dave Erodkey of Omaha visitp. in., July 3. "Two years I ain't unpacked my my father wouldn't have dowry tried' to go to work. Twice I went to ed friends here Sunday. RETURNING—Ticktts good on all trains things. That is, my own things, Mis' enough for all of us^—she wanter to the/shop where he was errand boy, id made them fire him and took him J up to and including train leaving Chicago marry me to the town ne-er-do-well. Mrs. A. B. Friedman and daugh- j Gross. I got a swell settin' room set, an 6:15 p. m. (Standard time), 7:15 p. m. t -T Helen, Pauline and Esther spent! and nice curtains,, too, if they ain't He didn't even demand a dowry, and back to school. But he couldn't see (Chicago time), July 6. my stepmother thought I was lucky ««..w«>Tr--viBitin.. in Omaha. Omaha. i yellow by. now. But I have to keep how his mother worked all day, so he Tiektb good In coachci ROUXD TRIP the-week visithv in Half tar* for children N o twgsage cheeked j my things like that, Mis' Gross, if I to get a husband without costing my ran away." . FROM OMAHA OR But 1 wouldn't "Ran away!" Twenty members of the Phi Ep don't Thompson'll ideaTIP he ccan - ! «1ivn'4TVnvrrmsnin'H get iret the trie irtpa a n father anything. COO'CJX. BLUFFS marry him. A family, was leaving for be sure of me." "Left me a note, to tell he went They had to steal across away to make money for me. A child. [ "Well, if Thompson wasn't so scared America. ST. LOUIS LEON HALPERN that I'd up and leave him any day,the border in the night and when their Thirteen. Oh, Mrs. Thompson, how Formerly Scholarship Student. he'd not be the good janitor he is. I'dwagon was loaded and ready to start, do we go on living at such a time?" Return Tickets honored on 00 Tlcktb honored on • of Martinius Sieveking Go be the one that'd be doing the work. I crept in and rolled myself up in aj "But didn't you hear from .your son Up to Round **'"* leaving O«Mha Round bains Icavlns Omih* ' • Announces JULY I can tell you." 5:S5 p. m. and 11:45 5:85 p.m. and 11:4S Trip again, Mis' Gross?" bundle of bedclothes. How my heart Tiip JULY Summer. Sessions in Pianoforte p. « . , July S, and on p. m., Jaly 3 . "Oh, we've got furniture, all right. quavered as we neared the frontier 3 "Not for fifteen years. What a day ihow IMVIM t t 1 0 a. m., 5:25 p. m. and 6 RETURNING—Good on all trains up Phone 8-2272 for Appointment Thompson's things. The things all and I heard the driver to command it was for me when he came! How 11,45 p. » . , July 3 . to and Including train N o . £ 5 , leaving RETURNING—Tickets food on alt St Lonls 11:55 p.m., July 6. packed away are mine. From my them all to singand shout. When the happy and how sad I was. He brought Good Only In COACHES tmin> up lo and Including bain N o . £ 5 , Thompson's my second, own house, on Our Regular CHICAGO Train. guards stopped the wagon, the driver presents for me. Presents for the leaving S t Louii 11:55 p. « . , July 4 . Established In 1018 Car for All Meals you know, ma'am. Although he told him it was a wedding party and mother he did not write a line to in TUk«ta Good In Coaches Half Fart Fot Children N o Baggage Checked CHAS. G. LOWERY CO. Inc. mighta been my first." Going we were permitted to go on. .When all those years of agony. A stranger, Omaha6:30 F. M. Jnlj- S "What do you mean, might have we stopped across the border, I he came back to me. The child of my I^ave Investments iKfave' Co. Bluffs 6:55 P.M. Jnly S _...7 :S0 A. M. July 4 been your first?" crept out of my hiding place. How I heart never came. He didn't stay Arrive Chicago Phone 57120—COl-'J Frances Bids. THINGS TO SEE AND DO Return "Oh, I'm my good sixty now, Mis' had pleaded with them not to send me j long. Soon he was on his way again, . . Sioux City. Iown At St. Louis At Chicago Leave Chicago Any Train to and Gross, and even with this stuff on my back! They would*hav^, they, were i Now he is married and lives in CalifIncluding 6:00 P. M. Train, BASEBALL, JULY "4-5 BASEBALL, JULY 4-5 Sunday, July 6 hair look a good bit over the forty poor and tried enough without hie toornia. He sends me money, now, so Half Fare for Children Cincinnati (Reds) vs. St Louis (Browns) vs. Thompson gives me. Men'n him, we add to, their burdons, but the young I can have a flat here and not work >"o Baesrate Checked St. Louis (Cards) Chicago (Sox) lived in the same town over in the son stood up for me. All across' and all day long sit and remember. AU the Attractions of a JULY 6 JULY 6 old country. Went to school together, Europe and in the ship he took carej Children scampered in and out of Summer Resort Pittsburgh (Pirates) vs. Detroit (Tigers) vs. we - did. And was engaged, engaged of me and when we landed and told the door and bounced their balls on "We feed the multitude" St. Louis (Cards) Chicago (Sox) to be married, over forty years ago. his parents we were going to get mar-1 the stoop. The young women now BASEBALL Municipal Opera, presenting Art Institute Field Museum With Tasty Foods ' * Then I, aye, I was pretty then, I took ried, they were so furious they would-bore their babies in from the street July4—"White Sox vs. St. T-ouls "Blonom Time" GarflaU Park Shedd Aquarium July 5—White Sox v«. St. Louis. Colonel Lindbergh's Trophies Conservatory Adler it into my pretty head that I wanted have nothing to do with either of us.'to feed them in their cubicle kitchens. July 0—White Sox vs. Detroit Jefferson Memorial Theatres PHenetarlins to* go to America. A great hulk of a -Tiey'had counted on their son to help The young man came back from the Forest Park Excursion on Lake Michigan Buy Tickets Early at Outdoor Grand Opera at Ravinia Park Shaw's Gardens Theatres man is Thompson now, Mis' Gross?" them and all he wanted to do was library, visions of the future in his VH1OS TICKET OFFICE 311 So. 16th %t.. Phone AT. 9888, or "Yes, he certainly is powerful." . to add to their burdons. 'eyes. S JE F F ' S Union Pass. Station, Phone JA. 5370 information end Tickets at Burlington Station or "Well, he was even stronger and "But we were married and went to Nd one noticed the two women. A. D. Martin, Gen. Art. Pass. Dpt., ilBLICATESSEN Burlington City Ticket Office, 300 S. 16th St—Pnone Atlantic 6831 701 W. O. W. Bids. Omaha, JA. 6558 bigger in his young days, and I a slip live;in one room. How we struggled What did they know? What could ' ' •••. v ' - : v ' - : ' A N I » : - . - v - •••' / •'•• S. W. SHARPE, General Agenl of a girl. -I had to steal away in the that first year. And just Vhen things they tell? They were through with SA'^UWICIH SHOP _ ROCK ISLAND dead of thie night. I stole out of my were beginning to look better, when life and soon life would be through ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS own mother's house with her help and my Teddy was born and we had with them,

•.Society ..News'-



The Old Story Tellers

• • •


JULY4th Excursion



Round Trip


Three Full Days in Chicago Rock Island





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