July 11, 1930

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v.". Interesting and Entertaining


interests of The Jewish Community

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VOL. Vni.—No. 26.


arch 3, ISTtf.

.free When Opposing Factions Sign Peace Pact at Cleveland

Urges Z. O. Fight for Admitting- Jabotinsky


Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—"We expect Moscow, (J. T. A.).—An order of tho . Central Executive Committee of the Zionist Executive to convince us the White Russian Communist Party of the power to annul the governtoday ruled that the list of Jews who ment decision which refuses to allow have not the right to vote and who Vladimir Jabotinsky to enter Palestine, a decision by which only Jabot- Attack Member of Crime Com- have been expelled from the collectmission for Statement ives in White Russia be revised with- Named to Executive Board of insky's enemies will benefit, not the Against These 2 Races Central Conference in a month. British nor the Arabs," says Wolfof Rabbis gang von Weisl, journalist who testiWashington.—(J. T. A.)—Frank J. The order demands that those who fied before the. Inquiry Commission, Loesch, a member, of President Hoov- were expelled be reinstated despite Rabbi Frederick Cohn, spiritual writing in the; Doar Hayom whose er's Crime Commission came in fora the fact that they are ex-traders leader of Temple Israel, was honorstaff he has just joined. i severe tongue-lashing on the floor of or voteless. . ed at the Central Conference of It is understood here that the the House by Congressmen Dickstein The edict also demands that the American Rabbis held at ProviZionist Executive has been asked to and O'Connor, both.of New York, for pressure on the Jewish collectives to dence, E. L, when he was one of six intervene with- the British govern- the statement he is reported to have amalgamate with non-Jewish collect- rabbis named to the executive board ment to reconsider its decision "ban- made recently at the University of ives be discontinued as amalgamation for 1930-32. Cleveland. — The disunion in in a quandary. The news report of Has Brandeis made a new offer? 'Is ning Vladimir Jabotinsky, Zionist Iowa in which he said that "gangsters is entirely voluntary. Providence, R. I.—A complete re-; coming?" Few answers could Revisionist leader from Palestine. the ranks of American Zionism the Zionist convention therefore can- Wise are chiefly-of the recent immigrants versal of the extreme stand of the not convey the happenings of that be heard. Nobody knew; yet there and first generations of Jews and Italcreated at the Cleveland Con- eventful gathering. It can be re- was a solid opinion that the Brandeis founders of Reform Judaism is inians, with, the Jews furnishing the vention of 1921 when the Bran- sumed in a few lines: Cleveland, 1930, memorandum, tantamount to an ultivolved in the decision of the Central brains and Italians the brawn." : Conference • of American Rabbis, ' the deis administration was ousted, healed the breach of Cleveland, 1921. matum, could not be accepted. This statement drew a sharp rerabbinical body of Reform Judaism "in was replaced by a new spirit of For the first time in nine years the The meeting of the National Execbuke in a letter -from Congressman America, to include in the revised Zionist Organization achieved a real utive Committee, representative of harmony and good will at anCeller. version of Union Hymnal a form of coalition administration backed by the Zionist rank and file throughout other Cleveland convention, the the counsel of Justice D. Brandeis the country, took place that evening. Congressman Dickstein challenged the ancient Kol Nidrei hymn by reMr. Loesch "to prove the accusation 33rd, which closed here by turn- and manned with all the active forces The Brandeis Memorandum was to be taining its former title and the first that the foreign, elements in the Unit- President Klaver Appoints Com- two words, (Kol Nidrei) together with ing: the leadership of the Zionist of American Zionism. Judge Julian discussed, in preparation for the conOrganization W a r n s ed States are violaters of the law more the traditional melody. mittee for Festivity at Organization of America over to Mack and Louis Lipsky will grace vention. But a coup de theatre was Charity Ontahans Against Unauthor- particularly than any one else.'* ConThe new form of the hymn will emLakeview a coalition committee of 18, the same letterhead, while Jacob de supplied by Dr. Stephen Wise, who gressman O'Connor said that Mr. ized Collectors body the modern ideas of Reform Haas will, presumably, again carry from New .York had issued, through twelve representatives of the Loesch's statement is "a diabolical Judaism. out the wishes of the silent leader the Associated Press, a statement . The Omaha Hebrew d u b will sponBrandeis-Mack group and six of Washington. The eighteen.-man calling the Zionist Organization of The head of the Xolel Shomre Hach- libel on the good name of two races sor a picnic Sunday, August 10, at Another equally significant decision who are as law-abiding and as Godomos of Jerusalem, (Rabbi Meyeradherents of the present Zionist cabinet, made up of a list of twelve America a morally, financially and of the Conference provides for the inLakeview Park. baal-haness), has written the followadministration. presented by the late Brandeis-Mack politically bankrupt body. The mem- ing message to the Jewish Press which fearing as any we have in this The following committee has been clusion in the revised Hymnal of the country." group and six names submitted by CContinued on Page 7) appointed by the President Sam Kla- hymn Hatikvah, which is considered he wishes conveyed to the Jewry of After waiting patiently for three the Lipsky administration, was electthe national Jewish hymn of the Zionver: the communnityt j days while the spokesmen for the ed en bloc at the last session of the ists and sung: at all Zionists meetings. Albert Kaplan, Chairman; J. "We wish to make it known to the two groups in American Zionism convention to carry out the will of The motion for the inclusion of this Riklin, Vice-Chairman; Sam Klaver, residents of Omaha that without our negotiated, the nearly 500 delegates Ex-Officio; John Feldman, in charge hymn was made by Rabbi Stephen S. authorization several collectors of spontaneously bant into cheers the Zionist rank and file of America. of tickets and treasurer; Harry Lapi- Wise who declared that it is the one charity boxes have solicited funds in when the coalition proposal was WHAT WILL HAPPEN dus, Judge Irvin Stalmaster, Dr. A. song that Jews throughout the world Omaha under our nanie. finally adopted. A united front On Saturday morning, June 28th, Greenberg, H. Oruch, D. Oruch, M. sing with devotion and enthusiasm "We wish to inform you all that we thereby prevailing in the Zionist the Hotel Statler was already filled Polonsky, Sam Swartz, Goodman because it voices their imperishable did not maintain any collectors in Organization. with gesticulating delegates. Little Meyerson, Morris Brandeis, Sol Ro- dreams and aspirations for creative in Omaha, up-to the present time; but In addition to the committee of Zionist groups impeded the regular senberg, A. Richard, Max Fromkin, Hebrew life. 18, in which the control of the Z. guests of the hotel in their strolls Tel Aviv, (J. T.-A.).—The difficul- recently we nave appointed N. Fell- Garden City, L. I.—(J. T. A.) — Fred White, Nathan S. Yaffee, Harry Rabbi David Lefkowtiz of Dallas, O. A.1 is 'vested, the convention through the lobby. One could hear ties between the Palestine govern- man, of 3025 Myrtle Avenue, Omaha, Master Sergeant Benjamin Roth, U. Dworsky, M. Blank, Irvin Levine, M. Texas, was reelected president of the S. Air Corps Mechanic, who was a chose an executive committee of 40, a buzzing of questions: "What will ment of Tel Aviv over the demand to be ouxiaaorary Gabe. member of the Byrd Expedition to the Monavitz, Marks Lorig, Joe Tretiak, Central Conference at the concluding of the latter for permission to build "For your own welfare and the weldivided equally between the two happen? What does :Ldpsky say? its own slaughtering house appear fare of our colony of over 3,000 un-1 South Pole, will receive the Soldiers' J. Lintzman, Charles Cohen, J. Croun- session of its 41st -annual convention. *''groups and a national council of ! to be on the way to a complete sett- fortunate co-reJigionists in Jerusalem Medal from the government accord- se, Sam Altchular, Jerome Kulakofs150, fifty to be selected by the •fieraent-WTth-the approval-by the "Co- we ask you to give yout contributions ing to -an amii-uncemgnt by FrTrtrbee ky. Brahdeia-Mack "group. It was also At last Sunday's meeting Harry Davison, Assistant Secretary of War lonial Office of a loan for the confor our cause to him. decided that the next convention struction of an abbatoir in Tel Aviv. You will then be assured that your for Aviation at a dinner in honor of Lapidus installed the recently elected of'the Z. ©> A, should be held not officers. These are: Sam E. Klaver, The dispute arose last November kind charity will be utilized for a most Admiral Byrd. later than December 1931. who was reelected president; H. Two other members of the Expediwhen the Jews began slaughtering noble cause—that of maintaining widJoseph Brainin, noted journalist, meat at an abandoned leather tan- ows, orphans, and helpless aged men tion, Captain McKinley and Lieutenant Oruch, vice-president; Sol Rosenberg, graphically visualizes the scenes as nery in Tel Aviv in lieu of the for- and women, as well as keeping up a Smith, will receive the Distinguished secretary; John Feldman, treasurer; Morris Brandeis, Sam Altshuler, and follows: mer abbatoir in Jaffa, an Arab city Hospital, an Orphanage, an Old Home, Flying Cross.. Form Into National Federation, In conferring the honor upon Roth, Jerome Kulakofsky, trustees; A. RichTaken as a dramatic production These Many Fought in Various and where the Jews were required to Yeshivas, Talmud Torahs, and other "Histadruth B'nei Eretzards, inner guard. pay a. tax. the War Department states: institutions." the Zionist convention defied all the Armies of United Israel "Sergeant Roth performed his dutrules and regulations of the theatre. States Th government issued an order forNew York, (J. T. A.).—The Naies as an airplane mechanic efficiently It was a play with a prologue and a bidding the use of the temporary tional Conference of Palestine-born and with great devotion to duty. On third act; the first and second acts Providence, R. I.—A total of 235,648 slaughtering house. Later jt issued Jews in America, unanimously deone occasion, he almost lost his life •were merely intermissions between Jewish soldiers fought in the armies a temporary permit good for one cided to organize into a nations! when part of the Barrier cliff colthe opening and the climax. The of the United States from the Revo- month and when this permit expired Federation to be known as the "Hi.stlapsed. He won especial commendadozens of newspapermen who crowded lutionary War to the World War the th- Jews went without kosher meat According to John Feldmann, local David H. Lazarus, 19 year old bariadruth B'nei Eretz-lsrael". About: delegates to the ninth annual encamption and promotion from Admiral Tather than slaughter in Jaffa. about the press table at the Statler chairman of the Ort, the total amount tone, who recently won a trip to ment of the Jewish War Veterans 150 delegates representing local orByrd for his unflinching devotion to Hotel were a disappointed lot. They In the meantime protests were Europe by capturing first place in ganizations and those from Chicago, sat there with sharpened pencils and were told by Dr. Winthrop Ames, rep- made to the government officials and collected for the Peoples' Tool Cam- his duties." the tri-state singing contest sponsor- Philadelphia and Boston participated. heaps of blank paper, ready to take resenting General Frank T. Hines, di- the Jews held a huge protest demon- paign for the Ort was $407. The expenses connected with the ed by the Kiwanis, will leave on Mon- ] Among the resolutions adopted by rector of the United States Veteran down the dialogue of the Cleveland stration.' The use of canned meat day evening, July 14, on the first lap the conference were: production. They had been promised Bureau in Washington. was resorted to by some while pa- drive was 536.06, so a check has been Revisionists Postpone sent to the head office in New York of his journey. Of this number, Dr. Ames said, 46 (1) To call upon the national boda clash between two parties, a series tients* in the hospitals suffered from for the sum of S370.94. Young Lazarus will go by train to ies in Palestine to help the native fought in the Revolutionary War, 44 World Conference the lack of fresh meat. of stormy sessions, a three-day figh' "Members of Branch No. 17 Quebec, from where he sails for Pa-1 Jews so that they be not compelled punctuated by lively debates and, as in the War of 1812, 58 in the Mexican Shortly after plans were drawn men's Circle, and the Ladies have August 15. t to leave the country. 8,000 in the Civil War, 2,500 in the the climax, a dramatic scene when up for an abbatoir which the govern- done very active work, as has the London.—(J. T, A.) — The world ris. He returns on 1 conference of Zionist Revisionists, Before entering the tri-state con-j (2) To urge all organizations of Spanish-American War and 225,000 in the voting would decide the issue. ment approved but pending its com- Branch of South Omaha," Mr. Feldwhich had been scheduled for August test,Lazarus won the city high school j Palestine Jews in America to estabthe World War. Eleven hundred Jews But nothing of the kind happened. pletion the Jewish butchers were to man stated in lauding those who had third has been postponed until August! baritone championship. Later he also lish loan associations to assist the The pencil sharpeners were not used, were cited for valor. slaughter in Jaffa under police pro- put over the drive. 10th, because the preparations for the won the county Atwater-Kent contest artisans and middle claps in Palestine and the gentlemen of the press were Representative Chas. Brown, speak- tection. conference have been delayed owing and will represent the county in the with credits. ing on behalf of Governor Norman S. The new abbatoir will cost $50,000. (3) To encourage Palestine Jews to the likelihood that there will be a I,state finals to be held some time in Case »f Rhode Island praised the Its construction, which is now asin this country to return home. Jews in American Life. world Zionist Congress in the Fall. ' October. sured by the Colonial Office's approv(4) Conduct propaganda in this al of the loan, will mean that Jaffa country for products made in Palwill lose about $50,000 a year in Moscow.—The Jewish artisans in fees. • estine. (5) To protest against the Ukrainia are still highly taxed despite lisli government for its present unthe May 22 order of the Soviet Coun- London.—A well-considered and friendly attitiide to the Jewish work cil of Labor and Defence not to over- carefully framed policy by the Britnationwide effort will in Palestine and particularly for it* King Denounces Anti-Semitism tax the artisans, it is learned here. ish government is the one essential beCleveland.—A made to strengthen Hebrew culture to the Jewish National Home in order stopping Jewish immigration And Assures of His The local tax inspectors offer as an Palestine, declared Sir Herbert Sam- in this country, according to resoluSan Diego, California, (J. T. A.).— the Order vrhich would study this into Palestine. Support evcuse that they return confiscated uel, first High Commissioner of Pal' tions adopted at the closing session of A proposal that the B'nai B'rith take matter, so that there could be estab(6) To cable a message to the machinery and tools that have been estine, speaking at a dinner given by the "distadruth Ivrith at the Hotel up the supervision of the three fac- lished three distinct congregational Wailing Wall Commission in Pales* Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—A favorable impression has been created in Jewish taken from artisans for failure to the Maccabeans in honor of the Jew- Statler here. The sessions were well tions of Judaism in America, Reform, and national bodies which would tine that it protect Jewish rights tc circles here by King Carol's assur- meet taxes. attended, many Zionist delegates dis- Orthodox and Conservative, with a supervise each one of the factions of pray at the Wall. ish members of Parlament. ance to the delegation of Jewish depplaying intense interest in this work. view in mind of breaking down the, Judaism." uties who visited him that he denouncThe resolutions which were adopted prejudices that exist between them, Mr. Cohen's proposal was submites anti-Semitism, that he will protect at the closing session yesterday call aroused considerable discussion at the ted for further study and recommenthe Jewish population and that he upon Hebraists to conduct campaigns 67th Annaul Convention of District dation by a committee of five, which would shortly take steps to solve the in every city of the country for an No. 4 B'nai B'rith, which was held would confer with the other B'nai Jewish problem. intense Hebrew education, for the or- here last week. The proposal was B'rith districts in the country, to deCommenting on the Baltzi incidents San Franciso, (J. T. A,)-—Ernest ment that he has begun to study ganization of parochial schools and made by Harry L. Cohen of Long vise some practical method which Prague.—(J. T. A,)—The Czechthe King told the delegation to give Bloch, noted composer of Jewish Hebrew and in three weeks has mast- for the introduction of the Hebrew Beach. may be adopted by the Constitutional "The reason for the hatred exist- Grand Lodge of the Order. Slovakian government has issued «. him time and he would restore order. music, lately famed for his prize- ered enough to enable him to trans- language in public high schools. decree that permits Jews to declare A government commission has been winning symphony, "America", is to late prayers into English. It was also decided to establish an ing between these factions, especially themselves of the Jewish nationality created to study the status of the na- turn his creative art next to comacademy for Jewish learning, to en- in the smaller communities of the He is also considering a trip to the Warsaw.—More than 40 Jews were while other inhabitants of the country tional minorities and it will submit a posing the music for a Jewish sab- Orient to obtain the proper back- large upon the activities of the "He- country, is purely an economic one. injured, many seriously, when gangs will have to register their nationality bath morning service. Each of the congregations is striving report to the Fall asession of Parliground and artistic inspiration for brew Week," to form regional organment. The chairman of the Jewish He has consented to take up that his compositions. izations to further Hebraic culture for mastery in the community, and is of hooligans attacked the Jewish according to their mother tongues m sub-commission of this investigating work at the insistance of Cantor and to introduce Hebrew books in therefore in utter opposition and quarter of Kovel. The trouble began the forthcoming national population when a number of Jews were in- census which is to be taken December. contempt for the other. body is Professor Andrei, a friend of Reuben E. Hinder of Temple Emanupublic libraries. the Jews. El, who is president t>f the Society Snell to Speak "American Jewry is now the foun- jured in a quarrel with Polish swimThis privilege removes the fear that; Under-secretary of the interior, M. for the Advancement of Synagogue New York.—The Rt. Hon. Harry M. M. Usshishkin is Leaving for tain-head of Judaism throughout the mers. Revolvers, -knives, and sticks the. Jew will be unable to declare thern world. We can no longer look to were used by the hooligans. selves of the Jewish nationality. Angelescu, who was assigned to in- Music, a international organization. Snell, British labor leader and a LaEurope Russia and Poland for the advance- The Jews of the town are panicIn the 1921 census only 181,000 vestigate the Baltzi incidents, has es- Two years ago Cantor Binder -first bor member of the House of Comtablished that a number, of police of- began urging Bloch to give his mons, will be the guest of honor and Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—M. M. ment of Judaism. We must do this stricken. They have deserted the Jews were reported while 365,000 deficials and policemen are guilty., musical genius to writing new music chief speaker at the forthcoming ses- Usshishkin," head of the Jewish Na- within our own ranks, and in order streets, barred the doors of their clared themselves of the Jewish nafor the sabbath morning service. sion of the American Jewish Cong- tional Fund, will leave for Europe to accomplish this we must cease our houses and closed their shops. The tionality and but 80,000 repeated YidIt Jxati .been decided toi increase the Jtoigc^faree^i Baltzi where order now So seriously has the noted writer Tess to be held at Washingtoon, D. within a week and then go to the fighting amongst ourselves. I pro- windows in many Jewish houses and dish or Hebrew &s their mother prevails, ; ' of music taken up his latest.assign- C, beginning Sunday October 19. United States on behalf of the Fund. pose a commission be inaugurated by shops have been smashed


Louis Lipsky Sacrifices His Leadership and BrandeisMack Group Make Concessions in Order to Achieve Unity in Zionist Ranks









Local Ort Collects $470 in Campaign

TO MAKE EFFORT TO STRENGTHEN HEBREW CULTURE Proposes B'nai B'rith Supiervise Judaism



Lazarus Leaves for Tour Won as Prize


Ernest Block To Compose Music for Sabbath Service

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JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY If, 1980 pagan Christian world; there the Jews will be able to denounce effectively the crime of war and the impure hypocrisy of a self-styled pacifism which refuses to give up armaments. Zionism is a movement of a Jewry which at last has dropped the age-old error that constitutes a negation of its ideals—the erroneous formula: "We want to be like all the other peoples of the earth", which has now been changed to: "We do not want to be like any other nation." Such is the nationalism of the Jewish people. And M. de Kerillis is perfectly right when he says that it must inevitably arouse the antiSemitism of adherents of other nationalisms, from whose point of view such aspirations are dangerously who deny the - Messianic faith which Utopian. It cannot be otherwise if is, the sole raison d'etre of their the nationalism of the Jews is not Judaism. to compromise with its own inner M. de Kerillis quoted texts going' truth." back to the heroic -period of the The children of Israel may place Emancipation. From these passages phylacteries on their foreheads and it would appear -that pure French tnezuzoth on their doorposts, and nationalism demands .that our rabbis may practise all the simple rites of add^the 'patriotic provisions;cited-to a.minor religious faith without distourrancient six hundred:and thirteen urbing'; the others. But if their commandments . . . ; ^.. ., ' •. Zionism' moves them' to preach what -Not its priests, but'only its saints their' prophets preached, to fill the can save a religion. And the saints ears of a corrupt world with the of Israel are its prophets, souls dedi- words of an Amos or a Jeremiah; cated to a lofty ideal and inspired and if, not content with that, they by the divine spirit, the ruah Elohim. demand a free home, in their ancestThe prophetic movement of to-day ral land, that they may have a center is Zionism. It is the refuge of the from which to proclaim these truths Jewish soul which refuses to surren- to all the nations—then they are a* der, which is reviving and restoring menace, and anti-Semitism will not the Messianic aspirations that as- fail- to make them feel that it resimilation' had destroyed. If, indeed, gards them as such. we had not Zionism we would have However, I feel humiliated in my had to create it now. French patriotism at the thought Some Zionists declare that there is that the little Jewish National Homeno Jewish State. But the - Jewish land in Palestine can be regarded as State has never ceased existing in a cause for alarm on the part of the dreams of the Jewish people, who powerful France' and for the suspipray their God three times a day cion with which_ we are threatened. to restore. their judges as of old—a And I believe that courageous and prayer which can mean nothing less nationally conscious young Jews, far than an appeal for a restoral of their from being frightened by this antinational autonomy. Even if the dif- Semitism, will not be tempted to ficulties were a hundred timeg greater abondon Zionism, but will rather enthan they are, even if the Arab deavor to enter jpaore~_deeply into its population, of Palestine were a hund- spirit. Then they -^ill understand red times greater - than it is - Zionism even better the ancient Jewish dream would stillbe as logical and as neces- of "next year in Jerusalem." sary as it is to-day. For to that fraction of the Jewish people which will return to the Prom- Still Highly Taxed! ised, Land. Zionism "will give a piece Moscow.—The Jewjsh artisans in of hallowed ground'where it will'be Ukrainia are still highly taxed despite able to live in freedom, obeying the the May 22 order of tijie Soviet CounLaw of its Godr abandoning the con- cil of Labor and Def efice not to overventional lies, the_" social' iniquities tax the artisans, it is learned here. and the moral abominations of the The local tax inspectors offer as an evcttso* that they return confiscated machinery and tools {that have been taken from artisans \for failure to meet taxes.

Why the World "Fears" the Jews An Intriguing Portrait of the Christian Attitude Toward Jewish Nationalism and Jewish Internationalism \ The celebrated French proselyte to


dates its significance; after a few Judaism, who during his visit to the more debates he will, perhaps,' beUnited States last yiiar made hosts of friends in every part of the country, come a Zionist himself. But in the here discusses the views xohich Henri meanwhile he opposes the movement de Kerillis, editor of L'Echo de Paris, •—and from his point of view he is holds on Zionism. M. de Kerillis is right. This is why we may not iga prominent representative of a cer- nore him, but must answer his argutain current of non-Jeioiah opinion in not only France but all of Europe. ments. No one is better equipped to analyze The world we live in is a pagan this Christian attitude toward Jewish world; its atmosphere is hostile [ .to nationalism and internationalism than Aime Palliere, Frenchman, one time the Jewish soul and'tends to stifle it. Catholic priest and.now a rabbi. The danger of Israel's /absorption..by; —THE EDITOR. the surrounding peoples^ is.i no' less M. Henri de Kerillis, editor-in-chief to-day than it was'in* the time "when if I/Echo de Paris, has, in debates the great apostate" priests preached • -with;JMIVJ. Fernand Corcos and Leonce Hellenism in Judea. • That age gave Bentheim, voiced most unmistakably birth to the Maccabees; the present his opposition to Zionism. Not that period has produced Zionism. Tohe is an enemy of Judaism or of the day, as then, we hfiye a reaction of Jews. He even enumerated the reas- the Jewish soul, against the menace J\. • ons why Israel should be proud of of dissolution, s " • . its historic role. It was because of The priests of all religions are the his friendship for the Jews, and in prisoners of the—institutions they order to help them ward off grave serve. Only continual concessions perils, that he warned them against enable them to Veep ;pn good terms the dangerous snare of Zionism. with modern society and the powers He has known young Jews who that be. They must constantly comhave aroused his deepest admiration. promise with their ideals; they canThese, it seems, aimed at nothing not do ptherwise—their very funcless than world conquest—indeed, J tions demand such compromise. They they might well have signed the are the defenders of nationalism, of Protocils of the Elders of Zion. It that nationalism which is the negawas the purpose of these young men tion of pure religion. They are powto become the first in all lands and erless against it, and suffer because in all fields r to attack and take by of their impotence; or, if they «Jo .not storm the institutions of all nations, suffer, they are to be pittied,all the to control the financial and political more, for then they are completely . • : worlds, to influence literature and assimilated. . the arts. This, M. de Kerillis beThe church has been ^contaminated lieves, is a goal worthy of the Jew, by the ^paganism wMch;is;"the basis of his great past and millenary hopes. of our pretended Occidental civilisaSuch dreams, he thinks, deserve only tion. Here r mean • the- external admiration, and are not of a nature structure of ithe Church,-..its clergy to expose Jewry to suspicion and at- and its adherents. But, fortunately, tacks. ; ~ :; . „". tiie Ctrarch has itsr saints. Saints are But if tHe heart of the. Jew is rebels under; their apparent submisfilled with pious love for the land of ioTjr—exceptional beings who do no.t j ^ T h e y are revolutionaneX Eretz Israel? if he dreams oi rebuild£'Bolshevists of the spirit ing his national home -there,•:.his. spiritual homeland where . his soul and of virtue; ami they'are all the will be able^ to expand, where his more formidable because they are all genius will arise again, where he can gentleness: and self-renunciation, beutter once more prophetic words that cause they scorn brujte force and Hrwill shake "the world—woe 'to -us! cognize no power except that of a Then will anti-Semitism fair upon fine, pure soul.. It is the saints in world Jewry and destroy us;-•••. - ~ whom.' the spirit of the Primitive Thus M. de Kerillis, very serious- Church—the Jewish spirit—survives. ly, and after mature reflection; and Rene Schwob tells us that those let no one regard him as illogical ;or ardent young Jews who .seek; shelter inconsistent. He understands .fully in the arms of the Church do so'bethe meaning of Zionism and appre- cause-of love for the saints. Might it_not, however, be because they feel HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiag that Israel, brought irrevocably to the- bourgois level of our pagan BOciety,. has: lost its ideal ? Might not their conversion be the result of despair? I do not pity them; they are happy.-in their way. It is-Judaism Miniature Golf Course § which I. pity. For: the error involved in worshipping the Sacred. Heart or 55th and Military Avenue = the Infant- Jesus is a minor .and inAnnounces the installation of a 5 nocuous matter beside" the ' actual apostesy of supposedly, religiousl Jew's practice driving course in con- 5 nection with the regular golf 2 MOX8KY, KATI^EMAJT & GRODIXSKY course. . 5 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 1st oiiiimiiiiiumiiuiiiiimiiimiiimincB day of July, 1930, the total outstanding in-

Little Country Club 1



Phone JA. 4373

debtedness of the WESTEUN OIL AND SUPPLY COMPANY, a Nebraska corporation, -with its principal place of-business in Omaha, was $30,601.87. WALTER SWANSON, President. WALTER SWANSON, HAZEL SWANSON, Majority of Directors. ATTEST: R. F. PATTON, Secretary. 7-11—IT.

STALMA9TKR & BEBEB. Attorney* 650 Omaha National Bank Wd NOTICE OF INCOBPORATION NOTICE is hereby given that the underNATIONAL signed' bare formed a corporation under the Nebraska laws, and have adopted Articles o£ Incorporation as follows: ACCESSORIES, INC. The name of this corporation shall be "Nebraska Chambers Optical Co." with its "Everything for the Auto" principal place of business in Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of the busi2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 ness to be transacted and the object and purpose for which this corporation is organized and established shall be to buy, sell nnd repair optical goods, watches uud jewelry of every nature and description, nnd to do any and all things pertniniug to the currying on ot said business including right to own and lease real estate. The A Harry H. fcnpldus. President- Tceas. J5 the authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 and all ot said stock shnil be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share, and all of said stock shall be fully paid up and non-assesEable. Said capital stock may be Issued for cash, real estate, personal property or personal services. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the COMPLETE STORE AND tiling of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, and shall OFFICE OUTFITTERS continue for a period of fifty years from .'.. Wo Occupy said date. The highest amount of indebtOver 70.000 H<|iinr« Feet edness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but this restriction shall not Southwest Corner apply to indebtedness secured ° by mortgages or llenB upon any of the corporate Eleventh and Douglas. Streets property. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors Phone JAckson 2724 consisting of not less than two members. Omaha. Nebr. The annunl meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first week day of January of each year at which meeting the stockholders shall elect a President, n Secretary nnd a Treasurer. Any two of sal<l offices may be held liy one nnd the same person. These articles may be,amended At any regular or special meeting of the stockholders by a two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. Dated nt Omnhn, Nebraska, this 23rd day of June. 1030. In thee present* of: prese S SAM JREHEn, WIIilAAM BTAI.MASTBR, U. J. HOLDSBEUG. 4T—June 27. :



FOR RENT 2 Beautiful Cool Rooms in Refined Jewish Hdme

,> - ~ Maid Service—• MRS, M. MONHEIT

1045 No. 34 — HA. 1025

Play Golf on the DUNDEE MINIATURE f - * '

-4420 Dodge Street just east of Saddle Creek Road




Statistics Show Street Car Service Costs One-Third That Seventh International Convenof Autos tion Is to Be Held at Oakland, Cal. According to statistics, the average fare on all eleettic railways operating in cities with populations of 25,000 or more is now about 8.45 cents. Less is how heard about "exortionate" street car fares than was a few years ago. The public is probably beginning to realize that a post-war industry cannot operate on pre-war rates and still provide good service. Statistics also show that the average automobile operating cost comes to about ten cents per mile. Since Omaha fare is 8.33 cents per token (which is below the average) and since the Omaha Street Railway Company has determined that the average street car ride in Omaha is two and a half miles, it is readily obvious that street car transportation is cheaper than auto transportation—just onethird. These statistics plus the fact that traffic congestion and parking difficulties are becoming discouraging is believed to be the reason why more; and more people are using the street cars.

Omaha, Nebr.—The Seventh Annual International convention of Aleph Zadik Aleph of the B'nai B'rith (Junior B'nai B'rith) opens this Sunday morning for a three day session at Oakland, Calif., with Joseph Karesh of Columbus, S. C, Grand Aleph Godol presiding. The 400 delegates and visitors from the order's 130 chapters, will be officially welcomed at the opening morning session at Hotel Oakland by Governor Young of California and other notables. At the noon luncheon on Sunday, the convention will be addressed by Lucius L. Solomons of San Francisco, Calif. In the evening, Oakland and San Francisco Jewry have been invited to an open meeting at which time the Judas Maccabeus Degree of A. Z. A. will be presented by a degree team of the Oakland Chapter No. 42, sponsor of the convention. Richard Gudstadt of San Francisco will address the second Convention luncheon on Monday. The annual convention ball will be given in the evening. The convention banquet on Tuesday evening, July 15th, will officially close the convention with an address by Sam Beber, of Omaha, founder of the A. Z. A., and president of its governing body, the Supreme Advisory Council.

Warsaw.—More than 40 Jews were injured, many seriously, "wheri ^angs of hooligans attacked -the Jewish quarter of Kovel. The trouble began when a number of Jews were injured in a quarrel with Polish swimmers. Revolvers, knives, and sticks were used by the hooligans. The Jews of the town are panicstricken. They have deserted the JACK W. MAKER, Attorney, County Court House, City streets, barred the doors of their Kotlee by Publication an Petition for Sethouses and closed their shops. The tlement of d u a l Administration Aeeaunt. windows in many Jewish houses and In the County Court of Ppuglaa County, Nebraska. shops have been smashed. PATRONIZE OUR

In tue matter of the estate of FIIANK W. MVJL>lilK, deceased: AH persons interested in said matter are hereby notified thnt ADVERTISERS on the «th day of July, 1030, Blauche Berry tiled a petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein lie settled and allowed, and that she be discharged from her trust us I1 administratrix nnd that a hearing will be h«d en said petition before said Court on the 2nd day of An gust, 1030, and that if you fail to appear before said <!ourt on the i said petition, the Court may grant the I prayer of said petition, enter a decree of I helrstup, and make such other and further j orders, allowances and decrees, as to tills Court may seem proper, to the end thai ail matter* pertaining to said estate ma; be finally settled and determined, BBYCE CBAWFORD. 7-11—3T County Judge.

EVERYBODY Is Playing Golf on the

Miniature Courses

You'll enjoy our '>• Intel-eating and Novel ; Hazards -—Bring' the Family—

SOTICB O P IK«ORPOKATIOK OF JEWISH MHXAXT^BOMEB OF OMAHA Tbe undersigned hereby associate them selves together for the purpose of forming anti^ becoming a charitable corporation undet the Ja-ws of tbe State of Kebraska 1 and for that purpose, hereby adopt thes The youth and the poor are the articles of incorporation: The name of the corporation shall first to understand; afterwards folbe Je-wisli Philanthropies of Omaha. The principal office and place for low those who love: justice, truth, the transaction of business of this corpfreedom, progress, humanity, beauty. 24th and Harney oration shall be In Omaha, Nebraska. The objects of this corporation shall —Herzl. be: To raise and expend monies for charitable, philanthropic, edncationnl, benevolent, religious ana humanitarJACK W. MAKEft, Attotncr, ian purposes; County Court House, City. T» acquire by purchase, lease, gift, devise, or otherwise nnd to hold nuy ," " NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION *ud all property, real or personal, In tbe County Court of Douglas County* convenient or necessary to and for the THE MODE PLEATING Nebraska. accomplishments of any of Us objects, In the matter of the estate of ELLA and it shall have 'the right to sell, Custom Designing a Specialty " CAMPBELL, deceased. incuriiber or dispose of the Without Extra Cost or Obligation . alienate,' •All persons interested In said estate ore said property or any part thereof to Jiereby notified that u petition lias been 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Ja. 3lO9 the extent that such action may be filed in said Court alleging that said denecessary or mny be deemed for the ceased died leaving no last will and praybest interests of the corporation; ittg for niUftinlstraUon uiion his estate, uud It is provided thivt all property now that a hearing will beihad on said petition -possessed or hereafter acquired by the before said court on the "nil day of August, , corporation, shall be and constitute a 1930,,and that if they fail to appear at said trust fund for the uses -and purposes Court un the said 2nd day of August, 193CK stated in subdivision (a) hereof. For 50 Years nt !) o'clock A. M.. to contest said petition, The existence of this corporation shal the Court may- grant the same and grant commence at the time of the flling of its Your Towel Man administration of said" estate to Grace articles in the office of tbe County Clerk Sberer, or some other suitable person and of Douglas County, Kebraska. and shnll proceed to a settlement thereof. cent in ue for & period of one hundred years Omaha Towel Supply Co, from said date.. BIU'CE CIUWFOUD, " 209 So. Uth St. JA. 0528 . All persons who contribute ta the funds 7-11—3T County Judge. I of this corporation shall, during the fiscal year covered by their contribution, be members of this corporation with nil the ABRAHAMS A O'COVSOB rights and privileges thereof, including the 400 Brandeis Theater Bid*. right to vote, The affairs of this corporation shall be NOTICE OT CTIOBATE OF W1XX.. administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of forty persons, thirty-five of In the County Court of Douglas County, Ke a whom shall be elected by and from among in thl'.niatter. of'tbe-estate of Rebecca the members at their nnnnal meeting and Castleman, deceased. the bnlnnce of whom may be appointed by 411 persons intersted In said estate are the president. This Conrd shall serve for hereby notified that a petition hng been Awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents. a term of one year or until their successors filed in said Court, praying lor the are duly elected and qualified. A vacancy Camp Supplies. All Kinds probate of a certain instrument now on on the Board of Trustees may be filled 13 and Howard AT. 1492 tllo in said Court, purporting to be the by the remaining trustees. Tliis Board lnst will and testament of said deceased, shnll havt the power to make, amend nnd and that a hearing will be had on said repeal by-laws for this corporation. Tntil petition before snid Court on the .i>tn the regular annual meeting, the Board of day of July. 1030, and -that if they fail Trustees Kbnll consist of: to appear at said Court on the Baid -'Uth Snm Beber, Dr. A., Greenberc Mrs. J. H. day of July. 1930, at 9 o'clock a. m. to Kulnkofsky. Mrs. Max Holzman, Hurry li. contest the probate of s«id will, the Court Zlmmnn, A. B. Alpirn, Hnbbi Frederick may allow and probate said will and Cohn. Harry Dworsky, David I'. Feder, grant administration of snld pstnto to Morris Forbes, Abe Goldstein. Dr. M. I. J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor Cecil Bleieher and Edith Kubenstein, or Gordon, David Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg. some other suitable person and proceed A. Uenberg, Wm. I... Holzman, Abner "NEW FOR OLD" to a settlement thereof. Kniman, Snm Klaver, Phillip SI. Klutznick, J. Harry Kulnkofsky, Harry H. J-,npiduE. UKYCE CRAWFORD, 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 84S1 M. F. Levenson, Hurry Malashock, Jack 3t-7-3 County Judge. Marer, Dr. Morris Marpolin, Goodman Meyerson, Morris Milder, Henry Monsky. Mrs. MONSKY, KATUSMAX * GKOUIXSKY, IJ. Neveleff, J. Kiklin. Henry Kosenthnl. Attorneys Dr. Philip Sher. Mrs. A. Silverman, Irvin 737 Omaha Nat'l Hank Bids. Stalmaster, Harrv Weiner, Al Wohlner, Harry A. Wolf. X. S. Yuffe. Mose Xousem, XOTICE i§ hereby given that the underand Blanche Zlrnman. signed have formed a corporation. The The Board of Trustees shall elect from name is FUANKKORTEH OIL 1'HOCESS, among themselves a President, a First Itv'C., with its principal place of business Vice-1'resident, a Second Vice-president, a Bolt Hose Mending Shop in tbe City of Omaha. The corporation is . Secretory and u Treasurer, nil of whom authorized to apply for and purchase and Oue-dny service or while yon wait ihall hold office for the term of one year hold patents and inventions of every kind and to develop same, to operate oil reMall Orders Promptly Serviced— 1 or until their successors are duly elected and qunlified. These officers shnll be electiinerieH mid to buy, sell, lease nnd dispose 533 Securities Uldg.-AT. 30!!l ed nt the annual meeting of the Board of of all kinds of real nnd personal property. Trustees. Cntil such meeting, the officers The capital stock is $100,000.00. consisting shall be: of 1000 shares, par value $100.00 each, all Snm Beber, President: Dr. A. Greenberg, common, and to be fully paid when issued First Vice-President; Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsand non-assessable. The stock of the corpky. Second Vice-President; Mrs. Max Holzoration may be paid for in money, patents CHARLES SIMON man, Secretary; Harry B. Zimmnn, Treasnnd -other such property as may DC determined by the board. The highest urer, Uecommends amount ot indebtedness' shall not exceed The Tegular nnnuiil meeting of the memtwo-tlilrds of the capitnt. The corporation bership shall be held on the second TuesThe Sanitary Laundry shall commence business when the Articles dav in Jnnuarv of each yenr unless for "The Best ot All Laundry Service" are nied with tha County Clerk of Douglas good cause it is determined by the TniBtCounty, and continue until January 1st. ees to postpone said meeting for a reason2030. The affairs of the corporation shall able period of time. The regular annunl be administered by a board of not less meeting of the Bonrtf of Trustees shall be than four nor more than seven. The board, held within n reasonable time following the shall elect from itB number, President, annual meeting of tho membership on a Vice-Presidents, Secretary nnd Treasurer. date to be net by the Board of Trustees. The ntinual meeting shall be held the secThese articles may be amended nt. any ond Monday in January of each ye-r. MIDWEST regular or cpecinl meeting of the members Holders of «5% of the outstanding stock by n two-thrids vote provided notice ENGRAVING CO, INC. shall have the nuth'oritV to sell nil or any thereof has been given in writing stating pnrt. of the corporaie business. The corp- |: the purpose of the meeting. \ ARTISTS ?• oration shall have a seal and the Articles Dated this 11th day of June. 1030. may be amended. _..-•' II SAM SAM BEBEU,, President, j I>B A GKEEXBKHU 3st Vice-President. C. .1 FKANKPOUTEB. j I>B, A. GKEEXBKHU, 3st Vice-President. PhoneATLANtlt $659 P H. j ' oiNSBBKO; I MHS. J. H. iiULAKOFSKV. 2nd Vice-Pres.. At, »AXDM»yiCH, MRS. MAX HOTJZMAN, Secretary

Barney Brownie Links



Standard Shoe Repair Co.

PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House With A Kepotatlon

Wallwebef in Race for County Colnmissioher W. H. Wallweber, 4610% So. 20th Street, manager of the Wallweber Cleaners and Dyers, has filed as Republican Candidate for County Commissioner of the Fourth District. Mr. Wallweber, who has resided in South Omaha for forty years, has been active in community organizations, being a member of the South Omaha Merchants Association. Izaak Walton League, South Omaha Eagles, Spring Lake Improvement Club, Independent Political Club and the South East Non-Partisan Political Club.

Spend an Enjoyable Hour at THE JUNIOR COUNTRY CLU8 Miniature Golf Links Farnam and 33rd and Harney Streets

RIDE at the only school of its kind in Nebraska.

Home of High Class Saddle Horses 6 Rides $5 No extra charge for instruction-

Elmwood Riding School 62nd and Dodge GL. 19T8 '

Mr. and Mrs. Fved Evans) Managers


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'THE- CREAM I Wfl! 2-^67



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HAltKY ZIMMAN, Treasur." C-20—tT

4) M


VERNON C BENNETT I* -• "Organist 'at 'Temple~?him«! ?

Instructor in Pipe Organ and Piano"Ar ', —Special Summer Rates— 516 Karbach Blk.

AT. 2318

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Times a day we are in your neighborhood

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Kateiman Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA



up!! «H!l .-


The Handshake of The Significance of This in the Light of the Historic Background of the •

Z . O . A .

-. : - • : • ' • . .


ing its own control, as well as the division in the Zionist ranks which obtained for the last nine years. BOTH MADE CONCESSIONS The Brandeis group withdrew not only the Brandeis proposals but also receded from its original position of not entering into a coalition with its erstwhile opponents. Both groups sacrificed their own feelings . and party considerations for the higher interests of Zionism.

The effect of the united front By DR. SAMUEL MAEGOSHES, Editor of ""The Day" .brought about by this sacrifice for both groups will be to strengthen Jacob de Haas and Louis Lipsky posed cf both the Brandeis • and the the Zionist Organization both here shook hands at the Zionist conven- Lipsky gibups. . and abroad.. .The prestige the Ziontion, at Cleveland, the Zionist front At first this seemed to be nothing ist Organization lacked for the last disrupted for the last nine years is more than a pious wishi The Brannine years will be greatly enhanced finally repaired. The spirit that ani- deis gioup made it perfectly clear by the return to the service of the mates Justice Louis D. Brandeis is at the very outset that under no Zionist movement of Justice Louis now hovering over the Zionist scene. consideration would it enter a coaliD. Brandeis and of Judge W. Mack. Peace and harmony once more rule tion cabinet. It was ready to assume The British government, too, will in the Zionist sector in America. responsibility but this responsibility now have to reckon with the united This dramatic climax can be ap- was to lest solely and exclusively forces of a consolidated Zionist •with it, and sharing it with the preciated only against the background movement in the U. S. of the quarrels and bickerings of the Lipsky group was entirely out of the last nine years. Exactly nine years question. But as the convention The repercussions of the Cleveland ago in the. very city of Cleveland proceeded the Brandeis group seemed convention will undoubtedly be felt Justice Louis D. Brandeis and histo be undergoing an "at sea" change. also through the Zionist Organization ••.regime--were turned out from Zionist PROPOSAL AFTER PROPOSAL of the world, as well as in the Jewcontrol by the very people that have At first it offered a coalition on ish Agency for the reconstruction of now made peace with him and histhe basis of 5 to 4 with the 4 of the Palestine. The. return of Justice group. During these nine years Zionist Organization hand picked, by Brandeis strengthens the anti-Weizmuch Zionist history was made. What the majority. Then it came forward mann movement and may lead to a achievements were wrought in Palest- with the proposal that the committee new realignment of world Zionist ine have been scored during this on political affairs be entirely com- personalities who have just reentered period? Close to $200,000,000 have Jp o s e d of the members of the Bran- the Zionist Organization of America. been inveted by American Jews in | ^ 3 group working not in a coalition Palestine; 100,000 pioneers have been ^tut in cooperation with a Lipsky poured into the country. The Zion- /administration to be eleced by the ist Organization of America led for I Convention, the last nine years by Mr. Lipsky y the proposal was made that and his group naturally take credit an administrative committee of 18 be for these- achievments. elected with 12 places to the Brandeis Even though the people of Omaha The Brandeis group for the last group and six to the present adminnine years out of control of the Zion- istration. It was this proposal that cannot bet on the horses, they certainly can ride them, and ride them they ist Organization, view this achiev- finally won out. do. rnent with a great deal of misgiving. FOR UNITED FRONT The Elmwood Riding School at 62nd ,It found fault with what has been The manner in which it was re-and Dodge, managed by Mr. and Mrs. done and maintains that a good deal m o r e might have been achieved had ceived by the delegates in convention { Fred Evans, is the home -of fifty-four -the proper leadership been there to assembled proved conclusively how fine saddle horses, many of them jsee that things were done in their strong was the yearning of the rank owned by Jewish people. Mr. and '< proper place and time. The $200,-and file of American Zionists for a Mrs. Evans, who have literally "grown 000,000, it is averred have not united front. Forgotten were all,the up" on horses, have started eight suc', brought all the results that should bickerings and bitterness of the last cessful riding schools in various cities. have been produced -with that great 9 years, forgotten also the resent- They both instruct in riding. Mrs. sum of money. Most of" it was ment which was engendered by theEvans the beginners, and Mr. Evans •waster. A good deal of it, which various proposals offered only a day those more advanced. Julian Milder, son of Mr. and Mrs. should have gone into land purchase or so ago. The convention eagerly ' and into productive industries, was grasped at the first real opportunity Morris Milder, who is an expert rider I spent unwisely, producing very little. that presented itself to unite all for- and has his own horse which was shipces in American Zionism regardless ped here from St. Joseph, Mo., on of the basis of responsibility or the July 1, is also an instructor. j CONTROVERSY RAGED Today Palestine is still as unde- selection of the personnel. Mr. John Farber, who owns four eeloped as it was nine years ago. The The outsider may view the outcome horses at the stable, rides frequently, Jewish National Home is far from of the convention at Cleveland as a as do the members of his family. Mr. having been built. The very founda- victory of the Brandeis group which A. Goldstein and Mr. F. Ruedy also tions are still insecure. The recent to all ' appearances it was, •_. but toown their horses and ride regularly riots* and the present strained rela- those conversant with the Zionist at 6 A. M. every morning, sometimes tions vith the Arabs show conclus- situation it is nothing short of a accompanied by Mr. Chapman. Among ively that we have been proceeding victory of the Zionist spirit over those who ride often are Mrs. Louis in the wrung direction. Here in factionalism in American Zionism. Somberg, the Misses Josephine MonAmerica the Zionist Organization has Both groups recalcitrant at the out-heit, Marian Scharf, Helen and Ruth lacked prestige. It failed to attract set, gave up much of their partisan- Cohn, and Messrs Billy Gerelick, to the Zionist ranks those forces of ship to bring about this happy re- Hubert Sommers, Frank Blotcky, and American Jewry which could have sult. The Lipsky group deliberately Jerome and Richard Gordon. given it the necessary strength and threw away its chance of domination. power. The membership has fallen It unquestionably had the votes to Experience, that excellent masVr, far short of the desired number. The have itself reelected thus perpetuat- has taught me many things. finances of the Organization have been in' a mess for the last few years, a huge deficit has accumulated. The rank and file is now weary, sick and tired of the same people who have been in control for the last nine years. A change is demanded. Back and forth the controversy 'raged. The Zionist Organization, _ cognizant of the public clamor for a new deal and aware of its own weakness, some time ago dispatched a special committee to Justice Brandeis offering him the leadership of the Zionist Organization. The reply came in the form of a lengthy memorandum proposing that a committee of ine neutrals take over the affairs . of the Zionist Organization for an indefinate term. When this committee would have straightened out the internal Zionist tangle, then and Formerly 3.95 Formerly 4.95 Formerly 5.95 only then, would the Brandeis group be in a position to make up it's mind French panties, night gowns, envelope .chemises, cosa s to the possibility of assuming tume slips, all made of fine quality crepe de chine, responsibility for Zionist affairs in trimmed with beautiful laces or touches.of fine hand America. work. All exquisitely tailored. PRO AND CON This proposition, evidently calculated to oust the present leadership, was characterized by the entire Yiddish press as a desire on the part of Mr. Brandeis and his associates to inaugurate a dictatorship in Americon Zionism. The opposition, however, feeling that such is the need of Mr. Brandeis' prestige and power Formerly to 12.95 at the present critical moment in Formerly 2.95 Zionism, thought this proposal should Also travel coats. Made of Oriental coolie coats made of be accepted without debate. A numfine -quality crepe de chines all wool challie in gay, colber of Zionist districts, hitherto loyal ored prints. Absolutely washin dark shades. Not all to the Lipsky administration, conable. sizes. curred in this, belief. Such was the state of mind when the 33rd convention of the Zionist Organization opened at Cleveland. The majority of the delegates were still willing to follow Mr. Idpsky's leadership and defeat Mr. Brandeis' proposal. A small fraction, however, Formerly to 6.95 Formerly to 12.95 composed chiefly of the representatives of the Hadassah and the disSleeping or lounging pajamas in beautiful crepe Se satisfied districts, were for the acchine in light and dark shades. A few with coats. ceptance of the Brandeis proposal. lingerie Section—Second Floor^-C^, i All delegates wished for nothing better than a coalition of forces com-



Do You Know That?

By Al Myers

Second-hand Bibles are hard to find. A Chicago dealer in second-hand books reports that he has from • 75 bis 100 calls a week for second-hand Bibles and finds it impossible t© supply the demand. Friendship is love without either flowers or veil.—J. C. Hare.


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NATIONAL TIRE SHOP Comer 17th and Capitol Ave. PHONE AT. 6 4 2 7 HOBERMAN BROS., Props;

{•AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 the counsel of the father of BE, Stephbeen eradicated, let us keep our system clean of en S. Wise that he studied for the inner diceases. Instead of this being a temporary rabbinate? armistice, it must become a permanent peace. For • # • • Published every Friday, at Omaha, Nebraska, by there is important work to be done. There is the That the late Emperor of Austria THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY dark background of the political situation in Paand the entire Hapsburg family were dared themselves in opposition to lestine. Then, too, there is the uncertainty of the reputed to have been of Spanish-JewOffice: 490 Brandeis Theater Building anti-Semitism in the colleges of Gerish descent ? United States domestic financial future, and a maelestrom of difTelephone: ATlantic 1450 many. DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor ficulties. The next decade must see a transform- Remove Offending Sign That the, leading soil authority of FRANK B. ACKEBMAN - Editor ation of Palestine into a land teeming with happy Troy, N. Y.—A sign "No Jews Al- Asks Arabs to Be Quiet the country is Dr. Lippman, dean of By DAVID SCHWARTZ FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent and prosperous people. Barren deserts must be lowed", placed on the Troy-Hoosick Jerusalem.—Prior to hia departure the New Jeraey College of Agriculby the proprietor of an on his annual vacation, High Com- DID YOU KNOW— changed into flourishing oases. More land must ture? SIOUX CITY OFFICE * * • missioner Chancellor asked the Arab That one can compose a whole be redeemed and more Jewish pioneers and JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street leaders to reassure him regarding re- column by simply "didyouknowing" ? That the writers on the Yiddish grants admitted. %The wheels of industry must xemav;ed- b y Sheriff Harman c. ports received by the Colonial Office press are the only ones unionized? • * * Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 aid in elevating the Jewish standard of living and Schneider after he received a formal that there were plans on foot for * * • Herbert Hoover owed his post Advertising rates furnished on application education must penetrate into the present dark | complaint from Joseph Hormats, disturbances in Palestine once the as That That the London Jewish Chronicle Food Administrator during the CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old spots. We Can do this, for With ZiomstS and non-j PresidentJ>f the Brotherhood of the High Commissioner wai gone, accord- War, in part to Justice Brandeis, claims the largest circulation of any El Congregationing to a report in the Arab paper through the latter's influence with Anglo-Jewish paper in the world and Zionists united by the Jewish Agency and the Beth and new address; be sure to give your name. Two signs had been placed on the "Al Hayat". A similar report apis the oldest Jewish paper in existence, Zionist breach healed .there is no excuse for any- road adjacent to the bathing pool on peared in the Cairo "El Mokkatam". WiUon? ,77 having been established in 1849 ? • » • one shirking his share in the gigantic task facing the grounds owned by the service Members and officials of the Arab * • • That the President of the Associastation proprietor. One read, "No Executive are reported to have inus. When we Jews have become one, when we That following the peace pact at tion of National Advertisers is a Jew, HEBRAIC CALENDAR have effected complete inner harmony so that the dogs allowed" and the other, "No formed the High Commissioner that Bernard Lichtenberg? t the Zionist convention, nineteen 5690-1930 people by actual count visited the ofthe rumors were false and that they voice of American Jewry will be heard and lis-Jews Allowed". • * • * emanated from the persons "ftahing That the New York Times is reput- fices of Jacob de Haas, asking jobs Fast of Tammuz Sunday, July 13 tened to in the councils throughout the world, Snell to Speak with the Zionist Organization ? Rosh Chodesh Ab. _ Saturday, July 26 then and then only will we be able to reach the New York.—The Rt. Hon. Harry in muddy waters". ed to have netted seven million dollars * • * Fast of Ab. —Sunday, August 3 promised land. Snell, British labor leader and a La- 600 Jewish Athletes at Olympiad In profits last year and that the stock That a Brooklyn Jewess is organizRosh Chodesh AlluL. Monday, August 25 bor member of the House of Comof the paper Is almost entirely in the ing a branch of the national spiritualBerlin.—Six hundred Jewish ath- hands of Adolph S. Och ? mons, will be the guest of honor and Rosh Hashanah..' ...Tuesday, September 23 ist organization and that the number Our photograph, in the element of life, is made chief speaker at the forthcoming ses- letes from nine countries' took part • • * Yom Kippnr, ..; ••...Thursday, October 2 of Jews dabbling in spiritualism is in the opening of the Maccabean sion of the American Jewish CongThat Jo». Pulizer, Jewish founder 1st Day Succoth .--Tuesday, October 7 brighter and richer in its various hues, by every ress said to be very large, according to Olympiad, a sort of Jewish Olympic to be held at Washingtoon, D. of the New York World, when he arhumane act, and every act in harmony with the one of the officers of the American games. Dr. L. E. Lewer is chairman Shentini Atzereth Tuesday, October 14 C , beginning Sunday October 19. rived In this country from Germany, Society for Physical Research? eternal ideals of life. -Also, that something is of the committee handling the games. Simchath ToraJu___Wednesday, October 15 as a young man, couldn't wait for the * • * Lazarus Barth welcomed the participRosh Chodesh Cheshvan___Thursday, Oct. 23 taken from that photograph, in the element of Philanthropist Dead boat to dock, but instead as the steamThat Alva Rosenberg, real estate Pittsburgh.—Joseph Broido, promi- ants on behalf of the German Zionist life, when the act is unhumane, unethical, immoral er neared the harbor, he dived into man of Brooklyn, is one of the leadRosh Chodesh Kislev_ JFriday, Nov. 21 nent Pittsburgh lumber man, philan- Federation. the ocean and swam to shore? 1st Day Chanukah Monday, December 15 or falls short of the ideal. ing authorities on dogs in the world ? thropist and Jewish communal leadSpecial greetings were reserved for * • • Rosh Chodesh Tebeth.Sunday, December 21 er, died on Thursday in La Veta, the ten Jewish boys who traveled Greeting the New Year in the spirit of prayer Colorado, at the age of 39. Mr. by motorcycle from Tel Aviv to take That Moshe Nadir, famed Yiddish That Bernstein, formerly of Libby's Fast of Tebeth. , Sunday, December 28 and consecration,_ means ..opening your soul to re- Broido was a director of the Jewish part in the games. The rabbinical writer changes ties at least five times Hotel sponsorship, is associated in a •Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. movement to revive the Kundes—late ceive the new influx of Ufe and power, at its high Home-for the Aged and of the Jew-and municipal authorities also greeted* a day? * * * Yiddish humorist weekly ? tide. While greeting the New Year in the spirit ish Home for Babies. He was for- the Olympiad. That one of the leading figures of i * * * merly president of the Pittsburgh F UNITY IN ZIONISM of revelry and pleasure seeking, means opening Lumbermen's Club and was a mem- Immigration Decrease the Theatre Guild—a Jew—constantly! That there is a non-Jew in New The cloud which has shadowed Zionist activ- your soul to the new forces of life and power, at changes the styles of his hair cuts—j York, who makes his living out of the ber of the Pittsburgh Chamber of Jerusalem.—Compared with the ities during the past nine years of quarreling, its low tide. working on the theory that a different | Cabbala —giving professional advice Commerce. figures for recent months the entstyle of hair cut makes a different' based on the famed Jewish mystic bickering, and haranguing has finally been dispelrance of 358 people to Palestine durappearing personalityj and that people book ? Jewish Education led and unity in Zionism achieved at the convening May represents a reduction and grow less tired of you that away ? Port Jarvis, N. Y.—Jewish educa* * * tion at Cleveland, coincidentally the identical city foreshadows the results of the stop• • * tion in Russia is Soviet education in page of Jewish immigration. Of the That the late Senator Raynor of where the original rift occurred in 1921. That is was Mark Twain—father- Maryland was buried under Christian Yiddish, declared Israel S. Chipkin, 358 who entered in May, 267 were True, today the sun shines upon a unified ZionEducational Director of the Jewish Jews, 67 Christians, and 24 Moslems. in-law of Jewish musician, Ossip Gab- j auspices, but that his father was one DIXIE BELLES ism, but at what a tremendous cost! Only after Education Association, in discussing During the same period 66 Palestin- rilowitsch, who once remarked hum-' of the founders of a Baltimore nine bitter years has the Zionist organization of The matrimonial dilemma of the Southern Jew- j Jewish education in Russia, at the ian Jewish citizens, 123 Jewish aliens, orously: "They say, there are only temple? America learned its lesson of unity, nine years ish girl was recently brought to light in an article! Fifth Annual Conference-for Jewish 32 Christians and 55 Moslems left fourteen million Jews in the world. held at the Central Jewish The Jewish immigrants include 44 Why, I know that many myself?" the late Israel Zangwill on his which might well have been spent in profitable by Thelma Lillian Davis, who laments that the Education Institute Camps here. first visit to America shocked America who entered as travellers and were . j enterprises, were it not for petty differences and Dixie girl is so restricted in the choice of a hus- Fifty delegates, experts in Jewish allowed to settle. by his table manners, but obtained exThat Samuel Untermyer "suffers personal prejudices which loomed on the horizon band that she must go to the larger cities of the education and directors of leading piation by his genius ? from insomnia, and has rigged up at' North to solve the problem. grotesquely out of proportion to their true size. ! Jewish educational7 institutions in Declassed Reinstated * * * the side of his bed, a stand for books, so that when slumber tarryeth, he I That Bernard Baruch and Herbert There is, of course, this much truth in the conMoscow.—Fifty percent of the devarious communities throughout the It is in the light of factional politics that we classed Jews in Moscow have re- reads plentifully ? Bayard Swope although Jews, have must swallow the bitter pill that the staggering tention. The smaller towns necessarily have small country, attended. * # * gained the right to vote it was annever identified themselves with any Jewish populations, and the list of young men is Jewish Consumptive Relief sum of over two hundred million American dolThat Karl Marx, brilliant father of Jewish activity as such? nounced here as the last day passed Los Angeles.—A recommendation for the reinstatement of these with- Socialism, wore a size eight hat, and lars had been poured into Palestine without ac- therefore reduced. Although opinions differ, we that * * * the sanitarium at Duarte take out the right tp vote. Of the 9,000 was offended when he found one of his are inclined to Relieve that the Jewish young men That there is a society in Germany complishing any of the desired effects. Without steps to fall in line with the progress declassed Jews in one district of disciples with a similarly large cranfor the "denunciation of Einstein"? unity the organization steadily lost ground in in the small town can stand his ground very easily in occupational herapy was made by Moscow ium, believing erroneously that the 4,500 have been reinstated ium, believi * * * prestige; much money and energy were **6;any relation while in Bome>part» of Ukraiaia e s - ^i?e^pfjke '.That the actual number of Jewish wasted^ As the membership fell off, interest lag- other large Northern city. Perhaps, he is slightly 4{^ t h e J e w i s n consumptive and Ex tire villages have been reinstated; j»rain power, members in the Communist party of ged and the rank and file grew weary of the strife less sophisticated, but he is certainly more whole- Patients Relief Association at the Many of those reinstated are former the United States is comparatively seventh annual convenThat there is a Talmudical law small? traders but religious workers and and discouraged of their goal. Perhaps inner con- some. He may know less about Freudian com- Association's tion. He also recommended the need decrees that one must not eat fusion furnished an unfavorable perspective of plexes, but he is also not apt to have them. And for a children's pavilion and a pre- former wealthy merchants are still which before he has fed the cattle ? That Professor Cuza, leader of the voteless. Zionist affairs and perhaps each faction had a ten- who would not be happier with the latter alter- ventorium. * • ' * anti-Semites in Roumania, is said to His report was heard by nearly 200 May Let Rabbis Emigrate dency to shade the situation more darkly than native? That there are three hundred Jews be niore Jewish looking that a Jew We agree there are more potential husbands Moscow.—A scheme to permit the on the police force of New York City? and that the distinguished professor delegates from aU'parts of the countnecessary; but of the results there was no doubt. of those declassed who * * • (Continued on Page 6.) The movement was imperilled from all directions, in New York, let. US say. But there IS more of ry showed that 316 patients had been emigration will never obtain the right to vote That there are approximately one everything in New York—more wealth, more! cared for at the *Duarte Sanitarium and we even venture to suggest that the repudiduring the last fiscal year and 158is being considered by the Soviet thousand Irish Jews in New York, and ation of her pledge by Great Britain and the irre- poverty, more universities and foundations of at the ex-patientsj home at a total government, the Jewish Telegraphic that the chief rabbi of Dubli is now High Grade Delicatessen and Groceries concilability of the Arabs might perhaps have research, and more sickness. Is not the moral, operating expense;: of $326,746. \ Agency learns from reliable sources. visiting in America ? therefore, that while there are more people from Kosher smoked tongue, corned beef, The scheme, if adopted, would permit * # * been avoided if American Zionists could have salami and wekiers Prayerbooks fortBlind the emigration of Rabbis from Ruspatched up their quarrels and presented a united whom to select in that city, the actual number New York.—A plea to provide the sia, and other religious workers who That the Chief Rabbi of the British Dundee Delicatessen Empire is a former New Yorker—a may not be greater, since the opportunity for ac-Jewish blind with prayerbooks, has front. 112 N. SOth Street—GLendnle 077S not outside the pale according to graduate of the Jewish Theological quaintanceship and friendship lessen as the num- been addressed to the members of are Open Sundays and Evenings Until 12 Soviet law. Seminary, and that it was through Why cannot world Jewry learn the moral to be ber of possible acquaintances increases? the National Council of Jewish WomThe scheme concerns only the Jewdrawn from this disastrous era in Zionists history, There is another angle. Perhaps, the great en by Mrs. Oscat Silberschmidt of ish declassed and it is meeting with that internal harmony means progression, dis- hegira of girls from the South and from the smal. Cincinnati, National Chairman of its the bitter opposition of the Jewish] unity retrogression ? Wy cannnot we learn what ler cities generally may not be for matrimonial Committee on Work for the Blind Communists while the non-Jewish Lipsky, Brandeis, Mack, and all the other Zionists reasons. Perhaps, it is an altogether different and Sight Conservation. The prayer- members of the commission recently for the Jewish blind, the first appointed to work -out a plan for aidlearned only after nine years had taken its toll. cause. Perhaps, they flee to the big cities not to book one of its character to be published, ing the declassed Jews favor the We could do well to emulate the heroic Louis Lip- seek more company, but actually less. Perhaps, has been printed by the National plan. Hence there is hopej that dessky who sacrificed himself for an ideal. When he, they flee to be alone. For in the big city, you can Council of, Jewish; Women according pite the Jewish Communists the rabpresident of that mighty organization, pleaded be alone as though you were in the woods of South to the most modern methods of bis will be able to leave Russia. desperately, with heart and soul, for his staunch, America. The big city is impersonal. There are Braille printing. loyal cohorts to oust him and his administration too much people for anybody to be watching you. Jewess Named Trustee for the sake of Zionism, his actions stood for the What is the case In the smaller town ? The girl, New York.—Miss Ruth Lewinson, Seidenberg Named to precept that the cause transcends the individual, as she approaches the marriageable age, is being v. lawyer, has been reappointed by Head War Veterans Mayor Walker as a trustee of Hunthat personalities, however great, must be swept talked about generally. If she does not marry in ter College for a second nine-year "' Providence, R. I., (J. T. A.)*—Haraside for the common good. When Justice Brand- her twenties, what is the conclusion ? That there term, being at the same time sworn old Seidenberg of Boston was named eis set a moving example by offering his un- is something radically wrong with her! Her in as a member of the Board of commander-in-chief of the Jewish off to a restful, sunshiny reserved aid he acknowledged that all personal movements are closely observed and commented liijrher Education, Her appointment War Veterans of the United States start every morning in genuine was endorsed by many prominent ta the conclusion of the ninth anconsiderations must be subordinated to the need upon. She cannot escape gossip or scrutiny. people, among them Senator Robert Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes. Walk of an organization. When the so-called anti.ad- In the New Yorks or Chicagos, she can lead her F. Wagner, John W. Davis, Henry nual encampment here. Herman M. Davis was elected senior-vice-comministration group backed down from their ulti- own life as she wishes. She can bs herself. Per- W, Taft, President Nicholas Murray mander-in-chief. a mile in them—or ten; your feet matum, from which they had declared they would haps, that is why she leaves, and tiot to search Butler of Columbia University, Dist- Other officers chosen were: David will feel fine at the end of the jaunt rict Attorney Crain and Lieutenant- Goldberg of Cleveland, junior vicenot deviate, they recognized the tenet that fricfor a husband! -Advocate. Governor Lehman. • • . It's aP in the cushion—an in* tion is the greatest enemy of any machine's power commander-in-chief; Rabbi Abram Miss Lewinson graduated from Nowak of Cleveland, chaplain inand that no engine can accomplish worth—while visible, permanently springy feaEinstein in his latest revelation which has Hunter in 1916 with high honors, af- chief; Rabbi Edward Lissman of New results with a few cylinders missing. The courage startled the world of science, declared that space ter which she attended and graduathonorary chaplain; Herman ture, exclusive to Dr. Reed Shoes. and breadth of these Zionist leaders has at last is the ultimate reality and out of it matter pro- ed from the New York University York, Ballin of New York surgeon-general; Only The Nebraska feature* Dr. paved the way toward this spirit of mutual help- ceeds. Law School. She was first appointed Saul Adelman of Brooklyn, judge ' Heed Cushion ehoea In Omaha a Hunter trustee in 1921 by Mayor fulness and confidence, teaching us that together and Harold Berman Not even our distinguished co-religionist Ein- Hylan. She is chairman of the adult advocate-general; of Boston, adjutant-general. we can accomplish miracles; divided we are thestein can convince us that space is real when we education committee of the New victims of halluncinations and mirages. And we, are squashed between two fat men during the York 1 City Federation of Women's national affairs, must learn that same lesson. The rush hour in the subway. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Clubs. Innoculate Settlers all of us, both in our daily community life and our • * * Against Typhoid Germ weal and woe of one Jew is the concern of every There is entirely too much of spritual politics Other Countries other Jew and without co-operation we are an among religious groups, with the result that Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)>—Four thousand of the Jewish settlers in the aimless ship upon an aimless ocean. Israel is one. Truth has taken a back seat in religious teaching Turn Down Numerus Clausus Berlin.—A conference of represen- Emek colonies have been innoculated Minor grievances and personal differences cannot " in "" tatives of German student organiza- against typhoid by the Palestine govprevail; an individual is only an incident to the held in Freiburg voted 22 to 3 ernment's sanitary engineer and the movement, the means toward a more important When your friends tell you of your faults and tions against the proposal of the anti- director of the malaria research unit end. - . ' • • ' ; your shortcomings, always think the opposite Semitic "National Socialists" to in- in cooperation with the health deBut cementing our relations is not of itself suf- about them. In time, because you a r e t h i n k i n g ' s f c i t ? t e . ™ m e r ™ s ciausus restrictions partment of the Jewish Agency. Last v thirty cases of typhoid were • - • • • - • thought ficient. The important thing is staying that way. 'of virtues, your continued will bring them° against Jewish students in German week universities.* Speakers at the con- reported in the Emcl: with two faNow tliat the cancer pf internal dissension has into dominance in your your life. Me. ferencc, which was well attended, de- talities.



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From Contemporary Pens




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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 daughter, Ida, to Mr. A. L. Frank of New York City. Miss Fleischer is a graduate of entral High School, and is at present secretary to the Land Commissioner of the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. Frank is a prominent young manufacturer in New York.

Krasne of Council Bluffs will enterMr. and Mrs. Max Herzoff accom-j ory, live in a settlement house, and ment of Otolaryngology of the Washtain 26 guests at bridge luncheon at parried by their family motored here study the conditions. They will also ington University School of Medithe club. from Sioux City to visit their son assist in forming women's trade cine. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.onions. Last year they studied conDaniel Greehouse spent several VISITORS William Herzoff. The Herzoff s re-ditions in a factory in Chicago. days in Minneapolis last week. Miss Adler will return in time for Barnett and Stanley Abrams, sons turned Sunday night accompanied by Miss Ida Platt underwent a tonof Mr. and Mrs. D. Abrams, arrived their grandson, Bobby, while Albert, school. She is a Sigma Delta Tau ( Continued on Page 6.) Wednesday from California for a their son, will visit indefinitely with at the University of Nebraska where his brother, Mr. William Herzoff. she is specializing in social service. month's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Abram's Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohn have just returned from a month's honeymoon daughter, Nettie, arrived Friday Miss Leona Ginsburg, formerly of AT CAMP in Hollywood, California, and Augua from Hollywood to visit her parents! Omaha, but now of Chicago, will Caliente, Mexico. En route -home Miss Jean Zinn of Denver is the' v * s ft n e r parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ethelyn and Bethy Kulakofsky, they stopped at' San Francisco, Salt i guest of Miss Ann Freeman. Numeri' Ginsburg, and friends for about two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. KuYou Needn't Have Them lakofsky, are at Kinni Camps in Lake City, Denver, and Cheyenne. ous affairs are being given in herweeks. Colorado. One of the most beautiful weddings Out of town guests at the wedding They are now at home at the Maple honor. We rid private homes of roaches, Mr. Stanley Schwartzman of Des The Misses Harriett and Francis of the summer was solemnized Sun- included Miss Minna Gerstein, Miss apartments. and guarantee our work, for Jerome Diamond, formerly of Oma- Moines was in Omaha last week. Kosenfeld and their cousin, Miss day evening, July 16, at the Black- Delia Gerstein, and Mrs. Sol Levenha, now of Chicago, who has been Carolyn Rosenfeld of Council Bluffs, stone Hotel when Miss Marian Blu- son of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Abe ENTERTAINMENTS visiting here with his mother, plans Miss Esther Drucker of Muscatine, are spending the summer at Camp menthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Schwartz and Edward Gerstein of Iowa, is visiting at the home of Miss Miss Dorthea Greenblatt of New Knemere, Minocqua, Wisconsin. D. Blumenthal, became the bride of Lincoln, and Mrs. Morris Resnicke York who is spending the summer to return to Chicago on Saturday or Lucille Isaacson. For Information Call Sunday. Mr. Elmer S. Gross, son of Mr. and and children of Chicago ATlantic 3507 with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. The children of the summer play Mrs. J. A. Gross. Rev. A. SchwaczMrs. Sol Levenson, and the Misses Mr. Gerstein is a graduate of the A. Monsky, was hostess at a tea last We Specialize in Mr. J. Fink of Lincoln spent a kin and Rabbi Fasman of Chicago University of Nebraska, The bride Sunday. Nina and Delia Gerstein, of New school a t the Community Center wero Extermination Service few days visiting in Omaha last entertained last Tuesday by Ted officiated. I also attended that school for three York, are visiting relatives in week. Mack and Frank Kodek, of the Omaha. Miss Sarah Ferer honored her The ballroom of the hotel was years, where she was a member of World Theater. Mr, Al Salzman of Chicago drove cousin, Miss Ruth Ferer, of St. Louis, transformed into a summer garden. the Alpha Rho Alpha sororify. Mrs. Carl Studna and children, The aisle down which the procession Dr. Samuel Z. Faier who spent After a honeymoon trip, the couple at a dancing party at the Highland here last Tuesday to visit his cousin, Phyllis and Harlan, of Kansas City, Mr. Joe Salzman. passed was a trellised archway of will make their home in Scottsbluff. last Tuesday. last year interning at Baltimore left Omaha 1727 Leavenworth Missouri, are visiting in Omaha. southern smilax and summer flowers. Sunday, June 30, for St. Louis where Miss Celia Martin entertained at Miss Ida Fish of Sioux City is the Mrs. George Wright announces the .The bride was lovely in a Jean Mr. and Mrs. Abe Schwartz andhe will be connected with the departPatou fitted gown of eggshell satin marriage of her daughter, Miss Her- a luncheon at the Fontenelle Hotel guest of Miss Irene Hirsch. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cerstein of featuring a long train and long tight mine Wright, to Mr. Jack Friedman in honor of Mrs. Maurice Fine of Miss Fannie Lugkin of Chicago is Lincoln were in Omaha last week. sleeves. She wore a lace cap with of Des Moines on June 15 at DesChicago and also of Miss Rose Fine visiting friends here. whose engagement was recently anOmaha's Style Center orange blossoms at the sides and Moines. Miss Eugenia N. Goldman of St. Mr. and Mrs. Friedman have re- nounced to Dr. Irvin Osheroff of Chi- lilessrs. Sam AXarkman, Lester Joseph, Mo., whose engagement to carried a sheaf of calla lilies. cago. The luncheon was followed by Goldman, and Henry Reiss of DesMr. Samuel H. Green of this city The matron of honor, Mrs. Carl turned from a two week honeymoon a theatre party at the Orpheum. Moines spent last week-end in Omaha, jv a s g e n t l y announced, is visiting Studna of Kansas City, Missouri, in Chicago and at the lakes and are at home at 536 Waterbury Drive, sister of the bride, wore a Nemiser The Misses Rose and Frieda Soffer Mrs. Morris Resnicke and children model of real lace over peach satin Des Moines. entertained 10 couples at their home of Chicago, are visiting in Omaha. • and matching moire slippers. She Sunday night honoring the Misses PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Gerard of New Ann and Fannie Berman, and Becky Dr. Max Fleishman who is on the Miss Evelyn Adler left last week carried a boquet of Talisman roses. Orpheum Opposite x * = The maid of honor, Miss Esther York City announce the engagemen Yellen of Kansas City, their house staff of the Jewish Consumptive Re- for New York where she will be one of their daughter, Elsie Florence, ti lief Sanitarium at Denver, Colorado, of the fifteen girls chosen from promBlumenthal, also a sister of the guests. is the guest of his father, the Rev.inent universities to partake in an bride, wore a Worth gown of green Mr. Ralph Fredrick Cohn of Dixon The Misses Ruth Barish and Jean- Mr. Esau Fleishman and his sisters, mousselaine, also featuring a long Illinois, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Fredette Levinson were hostesses at a Mrs. I. N. Chermiss and Mrs. H. H.industrial experiment. The young train. Her slippers were of orchid. erick Cohn. women, the majority of them from dance Sunday evening at the Com-Auerbach for two weeks. She carried a boquet of Ophelia roses eastern schools, will work in a factThe engagement of Miss Helen munity Center honoring their guests, and orchid larkspur. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Richards and Sherman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Pearl Kaplan, of Duluth, MinThe bridesmaides were the Misses David Sherman to D. David Nefsky, baby daughter, Joyce, of Chicago, HONESTY Ruth Kaplan, Huth Ziey and Anne son of Mr. and Mrs- Samuel Nefsky nesota, and ; Mr. Manuel Leve of In-are visiting with Mr. Richard's pardianapolis, Indiana. About fifty ZaDc. They wore pastel gowns of of Lincoln, was announced today at ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Perimeter. couples attended. chiffon and lace. They plan to stay for two weeks. a lovely luncheon at which only the The bride's train was carried by members of the Sigma Delta Tau Painting Contractors little Phyllis Studna, niece of thesorority and Mrs. Samuel Nefsky and RESERVATIONS AT THE ATHMrs. B. Bender and son Morris of bride. Sally Mae Gross, sister of the the Misses Harriett and Mildred Toledo, Ohio, are visiting Mrs. Ben- 1314 No. 24th St. LETIC CLUB WE. 4211 groom, was flower girl, and Harlan Nefsky. of Lincoln were present. Among the reservations at the der's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler. Studna, nephew of the bride, was Miss Sherman attends the Univer- Athletic Club for last Friday were Take drastic price cats that make these three ring bearer. sity of Nebraska and is a pledge of those of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Myers groups the greatest values of the season. Mr. Ed Brodkey served as best the Sigma Delta Tau sorority. Mr. for 9, Mr. and Mrs. Manny Handler, man, and Messrs. Earl Kay and Law- Nefsky attended the University of 6, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orlikof, 4. Mr. rence Gross, and Dr. Nathan Muskin Michigan and is a member of the Ze- and Mrs. Morris Ferer, 8, Dr. and as groomsmen. •'. / Mrs. A, Greenberg, 14, Mr. and Mrs. ta Beta Tau fraternity. Sixteenth at Farnam Mrs. Blumenthal, mother of the Morris Levey, 4, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. The wedding plans are indefinite. bride, wore a gown of beige lace, and Ambrose, 2, Mr. Frank Blotcky, 2, Mrs. Gross, mother of the groom, Rev. and Mrs. J. Fleischer an- and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Saltzman, 3. wore black chiffon and lace. On Saturday July 12, Mrs. A. E. nounce the engagement of their Dancing and a buffet supper followed the ceremony. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gross, who are now on their honeymoon at Colorado Washable Crepes Cap Sleeves Springs' "arid Tfbufaale-in-the-Pines, Colorado, will be at home after July Printed Chiffons Cape Sleeves 15 at the Glenarlo Apartments.' Pastel Crepes Sleeveless




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The marraige of Miss Blanche Lazerowitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Lazerowitz, to Leo H. Gerstein of Scottsbluff, son of Edward Gerstein of Lincoln, was solemnized at'3 o'clock Sunday afternoon a t the home of the bride's parents. The bride wore a gown' of yellow chiffon and a hat of beige lace. The ceremony was followed by a dinner at the Paxton hotel at 5 o'clock.


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Jewish Hospital Wins Research Work Denver, Colo.—(Special Correspondence) : Distinctive recognition was accorded the National Jewish Hospital at-Denver last week by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, through the award of a gold medal to Dr. H. J. Corper, Director of Research of the National Jewish Hospital. The medal, known as the "Ward Burdick Research Award", was presented to Dr. Corper for outstanding research work in clinical pathology. The presentation was made at the annual banquet of the Society in Detroit, at the conclusion of its 1930 meeting. The research work, for which the award was bestowed, was done in the laboratories of the National Jewish Hospital. Further honor was paid Dr. Corper through his selection as Presidentelect of the Society for the coming year. Dr. Corper will serve as President during the year 1931-32. - An exhibit of the research- work of the National Jewish Hospital was given honorable mention at the meeting of the American Medical Association, which convened in Detroit concurrently with the meeting of the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.

RESEARCH WORK INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN The Research Department of the National Jewish Hospital was established in September, 1919, with Dr. Corper as its Director. During the decade of its existence, the department has made many distinctive contributions to the knowledge of tuberculosis, and has earned international commendation for its research work. During this time also, Dr. Corper and his associates have been recip-

Social News (Continued from page 5.) silectomy last week at the St. Ioseph Hospital. '.•-•.....Mr.. and Mrs. A. Monsky have moved to their new home at 129 North 33rd Street. Their daughter, Mrs. S; Lazere of Sioux City, gave a house-warming for her parents last Sunday. t Misses Sadie and Ruth Slutsky left last week to spend a three weeks vacation in Chicago and Cleveland. Ben Silvers who has been in the Wise Memorial Hospital, for eight weeks underwent a tonsilectomy last Tuesday. Melvin Monheit who has been in Los Angeles for the past two months will remain there the rest of the year. ; • Miss Evelyn Green who has been visiting in Omaha, has returned to her home in Norfolk, Nebraska.

friends during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldstein havej moved to their new home at 3022 Nicholas Street. j

Mrs. Sam Wolf and daughter, Andrey, who have been visiting Mrs. Joe Slate of Des Moines, returned last Friday with Mr. Wolf, who drove down for the day.

Lou and Benny Beckerman of Des Moines drove in to take part in the Midwestern A. A. U. tennis tournament, last week.

Reported by Misses Ella Cohen and Mildred Nefsky

with: "Think what an opportunity you will have, Mr. Morgenthau, for bringing the Moslems to Christian* ity?" * * • That Rabbi Morris Lichtenstein, of That Edward L. Bernays, publicity Jewish Science fame and Dr. David de man, is a cousin of Sigmund Freud? Sola Pool, leader of the Spanish and Portugese congregation, married sistThat Mel Hershkowitz, anthropolo- ers? • * • gist was once a student of the rabThat the inventor of the Zepplin binate? dirigible had the same name both That when Henry Morgenthau was given and surname, as the writer of reluctant at taking the appointment these "didyouknows" ? (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish to Turkey, William Jennings Bryan, Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) then Secretary of State appealed .

BAR MITZVAH. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson andj ients of a number of awards and Mr. and Mrs. J. Slutsky announce daughter, Loraine, and Samuel Gar- I honors from scientific bodies for their the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Louis, son motored to Chicago for two activities in tuberculosis research. | on Saturday, June 29. An informal, weeks to visit relatives. (Continued from Page 4.) One of the mos.t • important re-' reception was held at their home on searches now being carried on in the Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Greenblatt from Chi- started his Jew baiting thirty years department concerns itself with the cago " was a guest at Mrs. Haary ago because of a personal quarrel with a Jew? nutrition of the tuberculosis germ. Garson's home for a few days. BIRTHS This work is being done under the Mr. and Mrs. Abe Milder announce Mrs. Charles Rosch from Brooklyn, That an obsessed individual, who award granted the department by the birth of a daughter on Saturday, New York, is visiting .with, her par- calls himself the "wandering Jew" the American Association for the July 5, at the Methodist Hospital. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bukin for a month parades /about downtown New York Advancement of Science in 1929, in every day with a sign, suspended on recognition of the department's work Lieutenant and Mrs. Benjamin and also visiting friends. in perfecting a new method of grow- Stern announce the birth of a daugh- Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnstein of -this him, calling on peoples of all faiths to ing tuberculosis bacilli. This new ter on July 1 at Schofield Barracks, city motored to Omaha for several go to their churches and pray for peace? method uses the ordinary Irish po- Hawaii. Mrs. Stern was formerly d a y s . .•'••'• -tatoe and has been called one of the Miss Bess Stock of this city. , three most important contributions Miss Sarah Fishman of Omaha to the knowledge of tuberculosis durspent several days with Miss Sarah That the Avukah will shortly anCLUBDOM ing the past decade. nounce the withdrawal of one of its: At the meeting of Compeer chapter leading figures? j The research laboratories of the of the Ivre held Wednesday, July 2, Miss Jeanette Kitrick of Wichita, National Jewish Hospital are an im- at the Jewish Community Center the That some of the leading swank' portant weapon in the fight which following officers were elected: Nate Kans., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. eateries of New York are now serv-; the National Jewish Hospital has Horwich, president; Abe H. Brodkey, L. J. Messer for several weeks. | been waging against tuberculosis vice president; and Dr. David Cahn Mr. H. Rosenberg is spending a ing gefilte fish as a delicacy? j since the inception of the Institution, Platt, secretary-treasurer. week in Chicago with his brother That the real name of Jolson is jj over thirty years ago. Leo. * Yoelson? The Bikur Cholim society will hold PIONEER INSTITUTION Mrs. L. J. Messer entertained their next meeting Monday afterStarting as the first sanitarium in twenty guests at a one o'clock lunchThat Arthur Garfield Hayes, of America for the free treatment of noon at the 25th and Seward Street eon and bridge at the Lincoln Hotel, American Civil Liberties Union, is synagogue. Non-members as well as sufferers from tuberculosis on a naWednesday, July 2, in honor of her Hebraic? tional, nonsectarian scale, the Nation- members are invited to attend. Im- cousin, Miss Jeanette Kitrick of portant measures will be -discussed. al Jewish Hospital today has accomWichita, Kans. Prizes were won by That there is a synagogue in down odations for 350 patients and eraThe Sigma Delta Tau benefit bridge Miss Irene Adelson, Miss Mildred town New York devoted entirely to braces complete facilities for the will be given oh July 16 at the Jew- Nefsky, Miss Gertrude Nogelson, kaddish saving? j treatment of all types of tuberculosis ish Community Center instead of the Mrs. E. K. Bergman, and Mrs. Wm. * • * i in men, women and children. The Paxton Hotel as stated last week. Sinton. That Pope Anacletus was of Jewish newest building of the sixteen units Tickets, which are fifty cents, may' •- Guest prizes were given to Miss extraction and was called "the Jewish comprising the Hospital was dedi- be purchased from the sorority girls J. Kitrick and Mrs. P. Bernstein of pope?" ." ! cated in February, 1930, and is de-! or their mothers, who are sponsoring Omaha. voted to the care of children afflicted the affair. That there was a movement on foot with active tuberculosis of the bones, Miss Ella Cohen is spending a few at the end of the American Revolution Tau Delta Gamma sorority of days in Omaha visiting friends. joints, glands, and lungs. to make Hebrew the national lang-[ Creighton University gave a" picnic Since its opening in December, uage of the United States ? Miss Sylvia Evnen motored to De1899, the service of the Hospital has and swimming party at Peony last troit, Michigan, with her sister, Mrs. * * * been free and non-sectarian, and its Wednesday evening. That Ben Hecht upon one occasion J. Sawslack for the summer. slogan is: "None may enter who can The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club •wrote a novel within twenty-foui pay—None can pay who enter". ' ... held a social meeting on Tuesday Miss Fern Osherow is spending hours ?* afternoon, July 8. Regular meetings Among those who will be guests will be held during the summer on in Sioux City for the Sigma Alpha every other Wednesday afternoon at "Road House Party" on July 13 are the lyceum. the Misses Toby Goldstein, Dorothy The club will sponsor a picnic at Silverman, Jean Zinn of Denver, Elmwood on July 27. A cordial inLillian Freeman, Dorothy Cohn, Lil- vitation is extended to all to attend. yan Haykin and Sylvia Chait, and The U. T. Club of Central High Messrs. Herbert Neveloff, Harold Pollock, David Fillman, Sidney School held their last meeting for Epstein, Al Batt, Carl Sokoloff, Al the summer at the home of Miss Elsie Bomm. New officers who were Fiedler and Mike Freeman. installed a t this meeting are: Miss Mrs. and Mrs. Louis Somberg left Marian Goldner, president; Miss Rath last week for Excelsior Springs, Bomm, secretary; Miss Cyrill Leon, Missouri. treasurer; and Miss Harriett Rosenfeld, historian. Mr. and Mrs. E. .'A. Meyers left last week for California where they The Junior Hadassah at their inwill spend the summer at Santa stallation meeting, which was also Monica. the final meeting for the summer months, presented Mrs. Max FromMiss Charlotte Heyn and brother kin, their seior advisor, with a pair Walter Heyn spent last week in of beautiful electric torchiers in Minneapolis. apredation of her services. Mrs. A. Levin spent two -weeks in The Omaha Hebrew Club will hold Chicago visiting with her son-in-law ^ their annual picnic Sunday, August and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pod10, at Lakeview Park. roski. . ••



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ROBERT SMITH Republican Candidate

FOR CLERK of the DISTRICT COURT HIS PUBLIC RECORD Member Omaha Board of Education, 1900-1901-1902 Served on committee of investigation and recommended the expulsion of four members of the Board for taking bribes, since which time our School Board has enjoyed the confidence of the community. County Auditor, 1905-1906-1907 ~ As County Auditor, instituted methods and system of accounting saving the taxpayers over $25,000.00 annually. Clerk of the District Court, 1908— As Clerk of the District Court, prepared and secured passage of Simplified Fee Bill, whereby the Clerk's office was placed on a cash basis. ' .-;/. :' ... . . . . Put the jury warrant shavers out of business by personally paving jurors' fees in full, and in co-operation with the Bar Association, Stamped out jury bribing. For this service, he was presented with a resolution of thanks from the Bar Association; and on December IS, 1911, the World-Herald said, editorially, "The thanks of the community are due Robert Smith, Clerk of the District Cour."






Mrs. T. G. Sommers has returned from Madison, where she accompanMiss Ida Gottsdiner left last Sun- ied her son, Melvin, who entered day for Des Moines where she will Camp Indianola for the summer. visit for two weeks with friends. ' Justin Levy who has been at R. 0. Mrs. E. Swartz, Mrs. Joe Lewis, T. C. at Ft. Crook for the last three Cleveland.— (J. T. A.)— The threeand Mr. Alex Goldberg of Chatanoo- weeks spent last week in Plattsmouth ga, Tennessee, spent last week end where the cadets will have rifle day convention of the Junior Hadaswith Mrs. S. Rubinson of Boone, practice. After two more weeks at sah closed here with the election of Iowa. Ft. Crook, Mr. Levy and his parents Frances Lesser of Boston as national will leave for an extended trip by president for the second time. Flora Miss Evelyn Kaiman, associated motor. Snyder of Pittsburg, Lillian Shulman with the Kaiman Insurance Agency, of Chicago, Naomi Flax and Edith is visiting with friends and relatives Miss Lillian Slutsky left last Tues- Schild of Brooklyn were chosen vicein 'New York City and Brooklyn. She day for a two months vacation in presidents, Esther Levy of New Yorkj will be gone about four weeks. New York. While there she will treasurer and Hanah Goldberg of Mrs. M. Braude left for Baltimore visit her brother Dr. Ben Slutsky Boston, secretary. The convention also voted $10,000 to =visit her daughter Mrs. Milton who is at the Montifiore Hospital in for Pardess Anna (agricultural colReiss. Mrs. Braude plans to stay New York City. ony in Rabia), $17,000 for the Nurses about a month. Mrs. Max M. Rosenstein, and Training School in Jerusalem, $35,000 Mr. David H, Lazarus returned daughter, Eunice, are visiting in Chi- for its Meier Shfeyah childrens vilThursday after spending a week in cago with her son, Mr. Henry Rosen- lage and $20,000 to help redeem the Des Moines visiting at the home of stein, and Mrs. Rosenstein. Haifa Bay tract. This will be part of his brother, Mr. Joseph R. Lazarus The Misses. Ray Borsky and Ann the annual budget to be raised by the and Mrs. Lazarus prior to his trip Borison left Saturday for Colorado 10,000 members. to Europe. Springs where they will spend two A resolution was adopted to foster and encourage the cultural fellowship weeks. : Miss Bernice Yousem, daughter of founded at last year's convention in Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yousem, left Mrs. Abner Kaiman and Miss Detroit. By the fellowship the Junior Monday for Burbank, California, Charlotte Hirschberg have returned Hadassah assumed a definite standard where she will spend the remainder from Chicago where they visited for cultural work in organizations. of the summer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel VorPOMTICAX. ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT zimer.

Mrs. S. Lazere and son of Sioux City who have been visiting Mrs. Lazare's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky, and Mr. Phil Monsky and nephew, Heimer Greenblatt, of New York who is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Monsky, drove to Sioux City last Sunday. Mr. Monsky and Heimer Greenblatt returned the same day.

Lincoln News

several weeks in Des Moines, Iowa, That Will Rogers likes Jewish cookvisiting her brother and friends. ing? . Miss Esther Sauslack of-Chicago That the first child born in Georgia i was visiting here with friends. —Philip Minis—was a Jew?

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y Peace Reigns in Zionist Ranks as Unity Effected (Continued from Page 1.)

file of workers in the Zionist cause but to the leaders themselves. The sacrifices which he has made and is making for our sacred work provide the example • which we all seek .to emulate. His co-workers express to Mm their love and devotion, and wish him many long years during which he may enjoyvthe fruits of his great labors in .behalf of the upbuilding of the Jewish National Home".

Accepts Post With Goldstein Chapman Co.

Council Bluffs News By F. R. K.

Iowa announce the birth of a daughter, born Sunday, Jsly 6th. Mrs. Cohen is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Saltzman of Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goodman returned home Tuesday from a motor trip to Chicago, HI., where they attended the Wise-Cohen wedding. They also visited in Iowa City, Mrj. Goodman's sister, Mrs. David Braverman. and Mrs. Braverman.

•rannouncement of negotiations beLouis H. Katelman, who attended Mrs. George Roffman entertained tween the Administrative Committee the Sixty-second annual convention of twenty guests at a one o'clock lunchorandum was forgotten. The Bran- and the authorized representatives the District Grand Lodge No. 6 of the eon at the Elks Club in Omaha last deiB issue became of minor import- of Louis D. Brandeis was received Independent Order of tie B'nai B'rith, Tuesday in honor of her sisters, Mrs. ^ ance. Stephen Wise's statement took first with amazement and then with HOOVER'S MESSAGE which was held at Madison, Wisconsin, Fred Schwartz of Chicago, and Mrs. the. center of the stage. It. did not applause. The convention shifted to President Hoover addressed the follast week, was elected to the General Dave Gross of Omaha, and Miss Rose occur to any one that Rabbi Wise the lobby and to the private rooms. Mrs. Ben Seldin and small son, MilExecutive Committee. Mr. Katelman, Shyken, a bride-to-be. Mrs. Gross, lard, returned home Monday from a had merely repeated the language Sounds of heated discussions penetra- owing message to the convention: "Please extend my cordial greeta former member of the board of ap- with Dr. Gross, will leave soon to two weeks' visit in Chicago, 111. which the Bradeis-Mack group had ted through closed doors into the peals in the district, replaces Mr. Sam make their future home in Glenwood, been using for the last few years— corridors. The lobby, with small ings to the convention of the Zionist! Beber of Omaha, who was elected sec- Iowa. wth the difference that instead of groups listening to self-appointed Organization of America-, and my The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim ond vice president. The committee •whispering 'he had spoken according speakers, recalled London's Hyde deep appreciation of their service to Association will hold a meeting next consists of ten members from the en- Frank Novoson of St. Louis, Mo., Thursday evening, July 17th, at the to'liis habits; ou&ight and as loudly Park. "De Haas/Robert Szold and the spiritual life of the Jewish race. tire district which includes several arrived here hist Friday to attend the Eagles Hall. a sthe-American-press would permit. Brodie have arrived' xwith) a_ -letter I have followed with deep interest states. This is the first time a local Gross-Blumenthal wedding, and is The delegates** wfao~frad had difficulty from Brandeisr. y .-.JLapsky;- is -"ready the occurances of the last year in member has been elected on this com- spending a couple of weeks visiting' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltsman are in und^p^Eanding fhe legal -terminol- to step out. •; ; V ;Mack:, demands the Palestine and I. wish to assure the mittee. Lipsky."*. ,y i"'~ A"- mul- convention not only of my sympathy relatives in Council Bluffs and Omaha. expected home today from Minneapology of'. 'thel Brandeis memorandum elimination of Lipsky." A meeting of the Council Bluffs understood 'tlie ^clear' charges of Dr. titude of startling;is, Minn., where they motored last - plausible with them in their problem but of my hope that the discouragements Chapter No. 68^-of the B'nai B'rith Miss Cylia Gershxm of Chicago, HL, Friday to attend the Saltzman-Koxsh provided. statements. Wise. ^ 0 . r will be held next Monday evening at is spending a couple of weeks here wedding. 0 'opening of the of the moment vrill be presently reAn hour before tfe DR. WISE'S STATEMENT the Eagles Hall at which time Mr. visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and afternoon session the hall was packed moved and the work of advancing Dr. Wise's statement was univer- A tense atmosphere. Breathless wait- Jewish aspirations go forward to Katelman, and Mr. Harry Cherniss, Mrs. J. Krasne. Mrs. Sam Roffman entertained sally condemned. Not one delegate ing. :• Hundreds of eyes remained even greater success". who represented the local organizatwelve guests at a Bridge Party at rose to defend the man who for so fixed on the empty. platform, daring tion, will give a report of the conven- Mrs. B. Markowitz and daughters, her home Thursday afternoon, in honThe convention sent the following many years has given of his strength not to look away lest they< lose the message to President Hoover: tion. Misses Dora and Tillie Markovitz, or of Mrs. Fred Schwartz of Chicago, to advance the cause of the^ Je_wish beginning of the,great;*climax,? One "Hon. Herbert Hoover, Mr. Joseph Bonoff left last Friday for Excelsior Springs, Illinois. , The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 Homeland in Eale^tine.-- (1 am not —two hours pass.* Never before have President of the United States. Mr. Joseph Bonoff, above, is now of the A. Z. A. held an installation of Missouri. 1 defending the /•action r.o£* Rabbi Wise; I seen srf patient 2 a crowd. After "We the delegates of the thirty- with the Goldstein-Chapman Company new officers Thursday evening at the Beauty -without virtue is a n»e it -was sorely badly timed, and., the two hours of wa|tinfe a . smarted third annual convention of the Zionist in the merchandising and buying of home of Henry Mendelson. The fol- Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gross, and Mr. without scent—Danish Proverb. and Mrs. Matthew Gross and small ^TacKed-;, his, habitual to sing, and '±hf; restJjo^ied in the Organization of America, wish to eoat, furs, and ensembles. language lowing officers will be in charge for felicity of expression;) ;There. fwas tune of :• Palestine J Chalutz songs. express to you, on behalf of the Mr. Bonoff has been in the ready- the ensuing term: President, Sal son, of St. Louis, Mo., returned to He who hath a forgiving epicit is their homes Monday after visiting something'tragic': in this wholesale After another hour Max Shulman of Zionists of America, our deep appre- to-wear business in Omaha for the himself forgiven.—Talmud. Michnick; Vice President, Milton over the "Fourth" at the home of Mr. sondemnation of.-a leader who but a Chicago came to the platform and ciation and gratitude for the inspir- past fifteen years. He is at present Yudelson; Secretary, Henry Mendeland Mrs. Louis H. Katelman. Mrs. few hours before had -been looked announced, iiiat the session was post- ing words which you sent to us in in the east on a buying trip for the son; Treasurer, Don Richards; Senior Sol Gross, mother of Mrs. Katelman, Through love the -world becomes upon as the pivoted ^personality i. to poned for "seven o'clock that evening, your message to the opening of our company. Sgt. of Arms, Ernest Ross; Junior free; through deeds great.—Goethe. achieve • "the miracle -..«f "unity" in" the as.'negotiations between,the administ- convention. The Goldstein-Chapman Company Sgt. of Arms, Paul Hoffman; Report- has been here since Decoration Day, while the others arrived here last FriZionist ranks; "'--" ration .and • the "Brandeis representa- "Your interest in the rebuilding of has announced that to handle expan- er, Henry Mendelson; and Chaplain, day, by motor. Men would not Uve long in soThe word "traitor"Iwas-.used/free- tives :^re*lstlll going qnU .;,. - •', Palestine as the Jewish National sion plans 2,000 squares feet are be- Seymour Conn. ciety were they not mutual dupes of ing added to the present coat and fur ly. After two hqurs of passionate The evening session 'was almost! a home has been a source of encourageeach other.—Rouchefoucauld. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cohen of Harlan, speech-making *6y1 Rabbi teller;'Abe repitition, of: the .afternoon meeting. ment for many years. It has been department. Mrs. Fred Schwartz of Chicago, HI., Goldberg and other£!.(it:*s^^ notewor- Breathless' waiting. Tense silence, expressed to us on many occasions is spending about three weeks here thy that Louis Lipsky was tHe most and then singing. After a three hour* ists courage and hope. But your ter Palestine. Jabotinsky is the visiting her sister, Mrs. George RoffHAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT moderate in qualifying Dr. Wise's wait Louis Lipsky—haggared, worn mesage at this critical period attains leader of the Zionist-Revisionist man, and Mr. Roffman. action), the National Executive ad^ out, disappointed—came to the plat- in our eyes an enduring significance. group, and the founder and leader of journed,.deciding to let the conven- form and "announced that the negotia"It indicates to the Jews of the the Jewish Battalion, which fought Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and small tion deal witli Dr. Wise's statement tions had ...not' been .concluded because hUnited States, as well as of the en- under General Ailenby in Palestine son Aaron David, of Leavenworth, DAVID KLINE, Prop.—S. E. Corner 18th and Dodge Sts.—AT. 8541 and the^ratideW^membrandum. ^Th5e< the -Brandeis," representatives .were tire :wprldj that • the Government of during the war. Mr. Jabotinsky has Kans., have returned to their home, FREE, PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICI atmosphere then^jras anything but haying difficulty in communicating the United States is keeping a watch- been in opposition to the World after spending the "Fourth" and the peaceful. It had reached a hystericat with their leaders over the long dist- ful eye on the progress of the ideal Zionist Organization for its policies, week-end here visiting Mrs. Bear's level that foreshadowed a rejection ance wires. He told the delegates of rebuilding the Jewish national so that this expression of the Ameri- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelof any peace offering by an over- to come back in an hour, when there home, which it approved in an unani- can Zionists is considered unusually man. They attended the Gross-Blumwhelming majority. Comment flew might be some definite word from the. mous joint resolution of Congress in important as indicating the unity of en thai wedding which was held Sunr. thick: "Wise has killed the Brandeis Brandeis representatives. 1922. American Zionists on the question of day evening in Omaha. memorandum. If we are bankrupt "It tells TZS that the hopes of 4000 the ban on Jacobtinsky. BRANDEIS LETTER we refuse, to negotiate." Meyer W. American Jews have the^ sympathy Mr. and Mrs. Max Shostak anWhen, about eleven o'clock, the of our fellow-citizens. \ > Weisgal, former editor of The New Come what comlpTnay. Time and nounce the birth of a son, born SunPalestine, commented to me: "The session was finally called to order by "Your expression of tope that t h e the hour run through the roughest day, July 6th, at the Methodist Hosconvention is opening to-morrow—it LipEky the delegates were a tired lot. discouragements of the moment will day.—Shakespeare. pital in Omaha. Mrs. Shostak before Their mood was one of indifference. presently be removed' gives us asclosed to-night." her marriage was Miss Reva Gross. kience that you are deeply conThe prologue had been a passionate The convention^ h^d proved a convenIf thou hast never been a fool, ed wjflb _£i£e grave^ problems be sure; .thou vnlt^rever be a wise cry by the delegates against Harry Kubby, who has been conf^the^ f dR; thSt anyjfeg|8&h ^onfroi•nt the ideal 6f 2&on^n man.—Thackeray, m w; methods of an opposition, fined in the Wise Memorial Hospital plified by Wise, which rather than biy decision^ was'^prefefabtedtd waitin Omaha where he had undergone an "We extend to you our best wishes union wanted a declaration by the ing. Lipsky called upon Robert Szold It seems to me harder to find a operation several weeks ago, is now Lipsky leadership; Several of the to read the letter from Brandeis. and thank you for your message, man who bears good fortune well convalescing at his home at 901 Sixth Lipsky delegates packed their grips Szold, apparently very much agitated which brings to us reassurances and than one who bears evil. —Xenophon. Avenue. and returned home disappointed. They made a bad job of it. He read the inspiration." were convinced that their votes-would letter with out intonation. Nobody Keen disappointment over EngPOUHCAl not, be needed. The convention was seemed to sense that this document land's failure to carry out the spirit expected to speak- in one voice actually meant the return of Bran- and letter of the Palestine Mandate deis to the Zionist leadership regard and a determination to augment the against Wise and the opposition. less of the outcome of the convention. forces of the Zionist Organization of FOR UNITY The delegates applauded listlessly America were the keynotes of the The convention opened Snna^y If ;the Brandeis group'expected thai opening sessions with the delegates afternoon, but its proceedings seemed letter . to stampede the convention and visitors applauding every oratoranticlimatic. Rabbi Brickner made and prepare it to-accept any terms ical shaft.aimed by the speakers at an impassioned plea- for unity which it must have been sadly disappointed. thj British government. seemed ludicrous because he prefaced The rest is history. Tuesday was One of the most important resoluit with another attack on Dr. Wise a gloriously dramatic third act. Loui tions adopted by the Zionists was for his bankruptcy statement. James Lipsky fought selflessly and with all the one calling upon Great Britain Waterman Wise, son of Dr. Wise, his might "for the acceptance of the tried to stop the onslaught on his two-to-one Brandeis-Mack group rep- to rescind its ban on Vladimir JabotPRIMARY AUGUST 12,1930 father. He: rose and interjected: resentation in the new administra- insky, who has been forbidden to en"Just a minute, please—just a; min- tion. Until the very last minute Refreshing1 as an ocean spray . . . cooling as ute, please" but was drowned put by there was a feeling that it needed mint. Summer heat is not noticed when breezy the shouts of the convention. There only the slightest provocation to dewinds are created by these handy electric was something pathetic in this cry stroy the genuine achievment of fans. Silent, powerful, inexpensive! You'll of the young Wise. He felt himself Lipsky, Jacob de Haas and Robert caught in the relentless motion of Szold in creating a coalition. When want this comfort throughout the home. the political machine that sweeps de Haas, a little, almost old man, aside a life-iong record an refuses stood on the platform addressing the to listen to reason. The convention convention, his mouth twitching nermechanism, wound up at the pro- vously and the delegates applauding logue, was unwinding according to him generously, it seemed to me that schedule. Nothing, not even the per- American Zionism needs de Haas. sonal appearance of Brandeis, could He has the tenacity and determinahave made it deviate from its track. tion of a Snowden; he never gave up When Louis Lipsky rose to deliver hope of his return to power, for he his presidential address he was re- was unshakably convinced that Zionceived with an unprecedented ovation j s m needs him. and the singing of the "Hatikvah" The Brandeis-Mack group has won, Npne could doubt that the President technically. But only because Louis of the Zionist Organization was hold- Lipsky triumphed again at the ConEVERHOT ing the convention in the hollow of vention, renouncing with "a gracious his hand. His lean, tired face epito- smile his undisputed presidency of Electric Cooker mized, in the eyes of the delegates, the Zionist Organization of America. Cool, clean, quick the abused, organism of the Zionist LAUD LIPSKY c o o k i n g . That's Organization, marching on and on Everhot C o o k i ng. despite obstacles and insults. Not In the above account, some of the Cooks a complete that this atmosphere was created by tenser moments have been narrated. meal for a family of any Mephistophelian political machine But the convention was never lackf i v e . No bother, which had hypnotized the convention. ing in the excitement which permuss or fuss. The It was still the echo of the spontan- vaded the air. easy way to cook. eous outburst at the National ExecuOne of the greatest ovations that tive Committee meeting. It was the was ever tendered a Jewish leader bitter reaction of delegates who had was given to Louis Lipsky, former come to make peace and who had President of the Zionist Organizabeen aroused to indignation by the tion, when Mr. David Radovsky, of challenging statement of Dr. Wise, Fall River, Mass., Chairman of the which demanded their capitulation in- Resolutions Committee, presented the stead of their co-operation. following resolution, which was The opening session was over in adopted with unanimous acclaim and less than two hours. Lipsky's ad- the singing of the traditional Hebrew "Electric Shops" dress—ignoring all controversies, re- national song "Hatikvah". "The delegates assembled at the maining aloof from the battle— 1314 M St. ITth and Barney Sts. brought the last doubters rallying 33rd annual convention of the Zionaround him. The convention was his. ist Organization of America desire again to express to their president, RUMORS Louis Lipsky, their deep appreciation Mpnday-«\cas a day—of~xumois~..The. and" affection- To. them; he has-almorning session, which was to debate ways been a symbol of the soul and 2059 Farnam-OMAHA BR&NCH-Phone JAckson 4722 Courtesv - Service - Low RAWS the Brandeis memorandum, was post- spirit of Zionism. He has been an poned to the afternoon. Lipsky's inspiration not only to the rank





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SIOUX CITY NEWS Life, Likes, Dislikes of ^fea»i»i«M^^

' MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent ^

PUNS TALMUD TORAH PICNIC Despite the intense heat during the past week, the committee in charge of the Talmud Torah Picnic, scheduled for J u l y 20, a r e spending every effort and a r e working tirelessly for the success of this annual event,, which will be held a t Riverview Pork. The proceeds of the picnic will be turned towards the maintainence of the Hebrew School, particularly to help pay for the Bus which is employed to bring 'the children to and from the Talmud Torah. The increased enrollment during the past years, which now numbers 150, h a s necessitated t h e need of the bus, according to the School officials. Seven classes are held during the day, beginning with the six year old tots learning elementary Hebrew, till the class which "will graduate this year from the School. Seventeen are enrolled i n the Graduation Class. This group is the largest class u p to date, which will receive diplomas a t the end of this scholastic year. The first graduating class, four years ago, numbered but four. • ' •• Mr. Joseph Aizenberg, and Mr. Jacob Bell a r e . instructors in the School, and are assisted by Mickey Maron, who received his diploma from the School in 1928. Mrs. R. H. Emlein. is in charge of t h e arrangements for the Talmud Torah Picnic, and is assisted by Mrs. A . Sloutsky, treasurer and Mrs. Abe I . Sacks, secretary. Plans a r e being made to accommoda t e ' 1,000 people a t the Picnic.

Orders Strict Probe Bucharest.—A most regorous investigation of the anti-Semitic demonstrations in the Bukowinan towns of Campulung and Vana has been ordered by Vayda Voedvod, minister of the interior, following a conference with Secretary of State Angelescu and police commandant Nicoleanu.

Wave in Mexico

Mrs. Adolph S. Ochs

STAGE SET FOR Behind America's Greatest Newspaper Is S. A. M.FROLIC SUNDAY The Lady Daughter of Isaac Wise, Father of Reform Sixty couples will attend the Sigma Alpha Mu party, given by the Nebraska Chapter of the Fraternity, Sunday, July 13. The frolic will be in the form of a "Road House Party" and will be held at Barlow Hall. Fred Sherman and Morris Gordon are in1 charge of the arrangements.

Judaism in America


Mexico City.-—A wave of anti-Semitic agitation against Jewish merchants is spreading through the provinces of Mexico and is assuming threatening proportions, according to a letter that has been received here from the Jewish community of San Luis Potosi, signed by the heads of 20 Jewish families.

A Bridge Tea will be held at the If we can scan the pages of the vast throngs of visitors who wended Hotel Martin for the girls who will be various newspapers which Adolph their way to the Farm from : every the guests of the Fraternity, many of S. Ochs has at one time or another part of the world. whom are of Omaha. Miss Vivian operated, including the New York When Effie Wise married Adolph Mosow and Miss Sara Mosow will be I Times, which is his doing for over S. Ochs also of Cincinnati, in 1883, three decades now, we find his own he was owner of the Chattanooga hostesses at the Tea. A Smoker,for the boys will be held name in evidence a few, a very few Times, and she went to live there, during the same hours at the Martin.. times, in comparison with other pess- taking: with her some very precious on;'. and personalities whose name is associations and memories of the extant. For throughout his penom- years spent with her great father. a: enal career Mr. Ochs has always From then on throughout all the borne with him an unwritten law succeeding years Mrs. Ochs stood by about keeping his own name out of the side of her husband in his conBy press, his own press particularly. sistent rise, in his purchase of some NINA KAYE ' the And it is said that affairs and events of the most important newspapers which would ordinarily receive gen- in this country, in his affiliation with •O-Oerous space in the Times are cur- the most outstanding journalistic I met him first in those early years lage where he was born. Perhaps a tailed when Mr. Ochs is a parti- ventures. With bis acquisition of the New York Times about thirty-five of this century when there was hardly' little of the honor he expected colored1 cipant. a small town without its single Jewish his plans. But through all he said .Even a greater degree of modesty years ago, and subsequently the Philfamily, living a life apart amidst was the deep yearning to go home. and stringency on this point is prac- adelphia Public Ledger and the Philtheir neighbors, greeting them with ] I slept in the train the next day and ised by Mrs. Ochs who though not' adelphia Times, Mrs. Wise's life natfriendliness but their stery which naturally enshrouded us. ried life certainly warranted a great tually saved.her froni; becoming one them. When I saw him again the wprld more of public notice, of the most sought-after figures I had just checked my grips at the stood on end and there was-but one j Mrs. Ochs is the daughter of Rabbi socially. Commercial House and started out to word: war. I, with:the rest of the'Isaac Mayer Wise, one of the greatTo this .day Mrs. Ochs shuns solook over the town before.calling on;footloose fraternity, was hastening to-Jest Jews of all times, and were it ciety, although she has entertained my firm's customers the next morning. | ward one; of the centers of activity.!only for this fact that she was reared her home of the In those days I sold harnesses, so that Munitions plants sprung up over, in the presence of this great thinker i wHl give you an idea how long ago it night. A town stood where once and scholar, she could spend her life; there was forest and waste land. Men telling the world of these years. For was. stroll ploughed through streets of mud. Iphigene Miriam,' the fourth of Rabbi Hardly had I started my down Main Street when I felt some- jEveryone was innpculatedv with the Wise's fourteen children, had the Out-of-town guests hold the lime- one spring to my side, grab my arm hysteria. And on the -station plat- good fortune of standing by her light in the social calendar this week in a firm grip and drag me into a form, where men lounged because father when he . gave to America with; parties and outings planned for store. Bewi'dered, it took me some there were not enough beds ; in the Reform Judaism, when he found the their entertainment. moments to get accustomed to the dim hotels for them, I found Sol Grand. Hebrew Union Colege, when he first Mrs. A. B. Friedman entertained light of the ulothing store in which I Of course, I did not recognize him. published the American Israelie. Wednesday at the Davidson Tea We had both aged since that night he Effie, as she was to be known later, found myself and to the eager face Room, honoring her guests Mrs. Gail talked to me across his table. But was with her father when he delivMargolin and Sara Margolin of Min- that was peering into mine. I settled myself beside him with:ered his sermons, which became world Jew?" he asked and waited for' when neapolis, who are visiting the Fried- my"Areply with bated breadth. At my' *^e t n o a g h t of catching a few hours J famous, and she "was at home when man home, Miss Helen Friedman, of no'd he cast his eyes heavenward, 1 s l e e P ' h e grabbed me eagerly by the some of the r; most distinguished Patterson, New Jersey, and Miss Hilda murmuring a prayer'of thanksgiving.' arm and demanded, "A Jew?" I] people of the time came to sit "at Bobbins of Minneapolis, who is also a "You will come home with me " h e ! n o ^ e ^ '^ro^sily. He began td talk the feet" of Rabbi Wise, who but a guest of Mrs. Friedman. Bridge at declared. "Not for nothing would I a n d t o l d m e o f h i s P l a n s ' h a d t o l d m ej few years back came from his native y four* tables followed a prettily ap- leave you to sleep the night in. that' m u c h the same story so many years ^ ™ * - -child « » —< town -•in »-i—«Bohemia -with wife, and nght in that pointed luncheon. . dollars in his before pocket to live in Commercial House. And you must! - ' Miss Helen Friedman of Patterson, eat at a Jewish table. Oh, you don't 1 m s "business • had "failed. He had the Land of Freedom, New Jersey, who has been visiting in know how long it is since I saw a ! moved further west Again and. again j- The Wise family settled in CinSioux City, enroute to California and Jewish face and spoke a Jewish word."'' he was on the verge of realization his j cinnati in 1854, about eight years I could easily see that it was n o t i dream, when something crashed in his alter its arrival in America, and it the Panama Canal left Thursday for Omaha, where she will visit for a concern over my welfare which path. But now he was sure of bis is in this city that all except the first prompted his invitation, but the deep; chance! In this war all America would child was born,, and it is here that week. one of the most illustrious chapters the poignant loneliness of the Jew who. become rich. And none richer than _ he The1 Mrs. M. Hoffman of Omaha, was a has dwelt long by himself. I waitedihe! Then he would go home. How ; } he would go home. How of American Jewry was written. guest of friends over the week-end. until he closed the store and went welcome he would be in his war torn And it is very -interesting that becountry, to his weary and impover- ginning with a few years later, and Mrs. George Sidell of St. Paul is along the quiet streets with him. ished townsfolk! His house la across the railroad four decades to come, the family visiting relatives in the city. tracks in the poorer section of the The other day an old "cash clothes" lived on a large farm on the outMiss Ida Minkoff of Omaha is a town. When he unlocked the door,J man climbed the flights to my apartof.the city, y, and Rabbi Wise guest at the home of Miss Sara hot, pent-up air" rushed "out "to greet! m e n t W h e n * ° P e n e d t h e door, I saw! uved t h e i i f e o f a gentleman farmer. t h a t h e could Golder. catch his breath, j T h i s p o i n t i s interesting here because us. He turned to me with an apology. | J m a d e h i m c o mhardly e in and sit down while ly come here to sleep. I cook for j &j affected the lives of the children. sleep Mr. and Mrs. J. Shriber and daugh- "I only I gave him a glass of water. At last | There were no schools nearby, parmyself behind the store. But tonight I hi l f t At l ters of Chicago, visited at the home of he could speak and he began his bar-t ticularly for the girls and certainly I will make you a meal, a Jewish Cantor A. Pliskin over the week-end. gaining over the suits I showed him. no schools where the children could meal!" have received Jewish training. The Miss Libbie Rubenstein is visiting The meal was meagre enough. As *«J3i, J'refused his first offer. H e shook his head sadly: If you latter Rabbi Wise solved by organizat the home of her sister, in Omaha, Most of the things were Try and stale.' j w o u l d " . only know," he said, "how little' j n g o n e himself, which was known as Nebraska, where she plans to remain Thev had all come from New York, he! announced proudly. A kindly cousin ! I make on such a suit, And if you the "Talmud Yeladim Institute". But a month. shopped for him and sent him the less would only know," his. eyes lit up, the first need was not so easily Miss Ida Cohen has departed for perishable foodstuffs without which, "what I will do with the money I filled. The only thing left to do was Los Angeles, California, where she he declared to me, he would die. make—" to send the girls to a Convent School •will visit for six weeks. Again Sol Grand told me his story nearby. As a matter of fact Rabbi "Burned, that's what I am," he told (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Wise felt that it would be a good Miss Elizabeth Bevkowitz has re- me as we faced each other across the Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) thing for the girls to spend a cerbare table. "But," his eyes lit up, turned after spending the past two tain part of the day in the serene, "not for long! I tell you they can't weeks in Chicago. keep Sol Grand here for long." With1 sublimated atmosphere of a Convent. Mr. Dave Cohen, of Des Moines, is a ruthless gesture he pushed the It was arranged of course that they a guest at the home of his son-in-law plates aside, leaned both arms on the! should be absolved from all religious and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Arthur table and told me of his plans. He teachings. As a result of this type was working eighteen hours a day, Kaplan, 1422 Myrtle Street. of schooling, Mrs. Ochs not only reeating, sleeping and planning. He tained until this day the classic Misses Betty and Doris Rosenstock, education she received there but she "—: daughters of • Mr. and Mrs. Emil wanted to go home. Oh, not to New still posseses unusual restraint and Rosenstock are spending the summer York, he had hardly seen that city! Nathanyah Colonists Will Pay poise, which is almost anachronistic j when he landed and was routed by Honor to Late Mrs. months at Camp Agawak in Wis- relatives to a town much like this one. ia, this turbulant age ft ours. Straus conson. There he had had a clothing store, Rabbi Wise did not believe in any J I too, and had poured the years of his Newark, N. J.—Settlers in the citrus special training for the girls, nor for youth. into the business which stub- colony of Nathanyah, Palestine, which the boys for that matter. He never'. SE F F ' S bornly would not prosper. With the is being established there in honor of urged them to do anything or to movement. westward, he, too, had Nathan Straus, will name all first- sj nthecise their training.. He beDELICATESSEN sought his fortune. And again he had born female children during the next lieved in education. He believed in AND opened a store.' The one he had year Iina Straus, after the late Lina beauty, and he wished above all that SANDWICH SHOP ALL KINDS OF KOSHER MEATS dragged me into was his third ven- Gutherz Straus, wife of the disting- his children become good Americans. ture, always alone. uished philanthropist and Zionist, ac- His was not merely a patriotism, a He was forty now. For nearly cording to word which has just reach- love of country. His was an aboundtwenty years he had been striving to- ed Samuel Fredlander of Orange, ing passion for this land, which adward his goal. Oh, he could have American representative of the Nath- mitted him, gave^ his body sustengone home sooner, it wasn't that he anyah Colony. ance and his spirit freedom. Amerneeded passage money. He wanted to The information concerning the plan ica, which thrilled thie sage to the "We feed the multitude" go home a rich man. He wanted to for'the Lina Stratfs namesakes comes core, became the most exhorted subWith Tasty Foods do something for the poor Jews of his from Ben-Ami leader of the Nathan- ject and he on more than one occastown. He didn't want them ' all to yah colony where the settlers are also ion gave expression to this sentiment turn their faces toward America, planning to buy a 250 acre tract bord- by saying that enly those who love America which meant sweatshops and ering on the Mediterranean, near the Established In 1918 tenements or the lonely isolation colony, for development as the Iina this country dearly and serve it to the utmost of their ability should CHAS. G. LOWERY CO. Inc. which had been his. • Straus Park and recreation center. have the privilege of living in it. Through the night Sol Grand talked The colony has an* area of 10,000 And so the Wise girls were not ^ Inpesiments to me. Of the beautiful synagogue dunams of land, or nearly 3,000 acres subjected to any special process of Phone 57120—201-2 Frances Bidshe would build. Of the pleasures and and has been acclaimed by leading development. They read books, they Sioux City, Iowa happiness he would bring to the vil-• took walks, they helped entertain the

[Hope Eternal

not unusual for the Wise family, fo^ another sister is a painter 6f note. To-day, we may say, that her grandchildren are her greatest delight. They are the four children of their only daughter Iphigene, who is the wife of Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Vice-President of the New York Times. To them she turns from her dinners with Ambassadors and potentates, with then she plays after being received by Kings. At present Mrs. Ochs is touring Europe with her husband. (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish graphic Agency, Inc.)


world's most celebrated and renowned Appeal Made on Behalf of the figures, and has also been the guest Hungarian Jewish of organized social and welfare work, Communities although her private contributions J to many causes are not only repeated Budapest.—(J. T. A.)—An appeal from year to year but are most gen- to the Hungarian government to conerous.' Of course her pet institution \ tinue the state support for religious is the Union College which she and and cultural work of the Jewish „ comher husband have endowed and the [ munities was made by Baron Kohner, other organizations with which herj a t a general meeting of the Budapest immortal father was identified. The Jewish community. Farmhouse which she inherited from! Baron Kohner thanked Count Apher father as well as the publication ( nonyi, former minister of education, the American Israelite, she has for his protest to the League of Nacherished and ; maintained according tions regarding the Palestine disturbto, his wish. Only recently did she turn the farm over to a sister and ances. In the his state's appeal support Baron Kohner asked perpetrated the sale of the publica- that be in proportion. tion to the number of- Jews because She is a great lover of the arts communities in various places were on and a generous donor to may such the verge of collapse although the institutions. She also contributed to community taxes bad already reached the Zionist movement here, although one hundred percent of the state not. a Zionist. taxes. ; s But one never meets Mrs. Ochs His appeal concerns the intention at a meeting, and one seldom en- of the minister of education to discounters her name on a committee. |- continue the subventions and to limit Beading may be called her favorite the right of religious taxation owing pastime, although up to a very few to the economic depression. Baron years ago she took great delight in Kohner was elected president of the painting. This artistic tendency Jewish community.

Society News










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