August 8, 1930

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In the Interests of Th&r Jewish Community


Entered as 6econfl-class mail matter on Jife1*>iS<i lKa. at

VOL. vm.—No. sa


gOBtoffica at Omaha. Kebtasfcn, under the Aef ^Xuricfi 3, !B7a

Anti-Semitic Paper COMMITTEES OF Pleased With Election TO BATTLE FOR Omaha Jewry to Frolic at Annual ZIONIST GROUP HIGHLAND GOLF Hebrew Club Picnic This Sunday ARE SELECTED CHAMPIONSHIP Montreal, (J. T. A.).—Under the caption of "Tascherau Next', the anti-Semitic French-Canadian weekly, Le Goglu, hails with delight the great victory of the Conservative Party in anada's national elections, and states that the "patriotic" Goglu order consisting of 62,000 members will now endeavor to oust the provincial Liberal government headed by Premier Tascherau and "its friends the Jews". Le Goglu boasts that the Goglu order helped to elect more than a score of Conservative candidates in the province of Quebec, which has always been a Liberal stronghold. The current issue of Le Goglu is full of malign accusations against the Jews, and contains a cartoon showing the "Jews robbing the safe of the Catholic school commission for funds to educate Jewish children.



Events Are Planned for Young and Old

Festival Is to Be Held at Lakeview Park

procuring many excellent numbers. Outing Last Monday Climaxed Among the features are Father Flana Month of Fruitful agan's Band and a Russian duet which Activity will be new to an Omaha gathering. Baby Contest New York.—(J. T. A.)—At last The J. C C Summer Play School The 1930 Highland Country dub health. Albert Kaplan and Join The mecca for Omaha Jewry this week's meeting of the administration At 6 o'clock a halt will be temperclimaxed a most successful season golf tourney finals will be a battle coming Sunday, August 10, will be baby Feldman have been seeking ., „ J . , , „. . . , , of the Zionist Organization of Amerof champions, when Jake Malashock, Lakeview Park, where the Omaha He-1 a n l y c a l l e d f o r l u n c i l > P l C m C tfbleS entries. Anyone can still enter their with its annual outing held at Eltnica> the following committees were •wx>d Park en Monday, August 4. the 1928 titleholder, and Marvin Trel- brew Club will sponsor its annual and benches have been arranged for baby by calling the Jewish Press. appointed to co-operate with the adAs the children of the Omaha Taller, king of the Highland links in picnic l i e comfort of all. Dancing ministration in handling the political, mud Torahs were invited, over 350 1929 clash Sunday for the club chamA full day of activity will begin at The big event for the "little folfinancial, cultural, propaganda, public Dancing will begin at 8:30 with boys and girls frolicked in the sunpionship. 1 o'clock, whci the .doors of the Park lows" will be staged at 7 o'clock. information, and organization affairs, Carl Lamp's orchestra supplying the shine of that hot morning, enjoying . Malashock defeated Bill Yousem, open. In order to avoid congestion At that time Omaha's most perfect of the Zionist Organisation of Amer1 up, to reach the finals in the cham- and delay a parking system Las been baby will be chosen by a trio of melody. The ' Hebrew Club will hold t'ae many features planned for them. ica: In the main feature the Talmud pionship ' fight, -while Treller got to arranged for the convenience of the competent judges consisting of Dr. a contest to determine the waltz Committee on Poolitical Affairs: championship of 1930, with valued Torah diamondeers nosed out the picnickers. the top rung Ijy downing Manny Pinto, Mayor Metcalfe and Judge gifts awaiting the winning couple. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Chairman; Jacob baseball team from the Pley School Iseman, 7 and 6. A large and varied assortment of Perry Wheeler. The contestants will de Haas, Abraham Goldberg, Mrs. EdJake Spiesberger beat Lou Sogo- gifts await the winners of the many be judged from the point of at- Jake Crounse is in charge of this in a thrilling 8 to 7 game. ward Jacobs, Louis Lipsky, Judge JuiBefore leaving the park pach child low, 5 and 3, in the only semifinal events planr-ed. According to the tractive features, normalcy and phase of the day's activity. ian W. Mack, Samuel J. Rosensohn The Omaha Hebrew Club ack- was given cookies and ices, tht-se match played in the President's committee, prizes will be distributed EEas Ginsberg, Abraham Tulin; Comnowledges its indebtedness to the treats being given through t^*9 courwhich are "appropriate far the kidflight. mittee on Relations with World Zionfollowing donors for the many gifts tesy of the Loose Wiles Biscuit Co. In the vice-president's flight Mose dies, and for the larger children; for ist Organization and Jewish Agency: to be awarded: and the Roberts Driry. Ths products the young men and the girls; for the Yousem will meet R. H. Brown. YouJudge Julian W. Mack, Chairman; of both these firms were used fat and lean, and also for the elders." Donors sem ' eliminated Maurice Micklin, 5 Israel B. Brodie, Dr. Harry Fxdedenthroughout the Play School season and 4, and R. H. Brown won over Rudy of Goldstein & Chapman's, •wald, Judge Wiliam M. Lewis, EmanAthletic Events Ed Treller, 4 and 3. J. Chart, J. Goldberg, Joe Ban, M. as a mid morning meal for the kidnel Neumann, Morris Rothenberg, Athletic e v ~ consisting of games, Next Wednesday evening there will Bercovice, Ben Morris, Morris White, dies. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Dr. Stephen races, barrel and hoop contests, rollThe Play School was made possible be a stag dinner at the Highland, Simon Gerelick, Tuchman Bros., S. Wise, Mrs. Robert Szold; Finance ing pin practice, slipper kicking atthrough the Community Chest. starting at 7. Three cups will be tempts and a few surprise, novelty Abraham Ellstein Declares That Tully the Hatter, Wolf Bros., Glazer Committee: Samuel J. Rosensohn, In commenting on the nuccess of presented at this time to the winners Bros., Wardrobe, Swartz Jewelry American Level Is Much Chairman: Harry P. Fierst, Edward stunts will begin promptly at 2 p. m.j Famous Jewish Soccer Team the Play School, Mr. Louis Shanok, in the various flights. Co., Simon's Bargain Store, H. SilHigher Friedman, Samuel Halprin, Jacob LacPresident Sam E. Klaver, who is in director, stated: Will Be Readmitted to verman, . Royal Jewelry Co., Dr. liow, A. Lieboovit2, Louis P. Rocker, charge of this activity, has promised "The Second Center Play School New York, (J. T. A.).—Yiddish Dansky, Wilinsky Jewelry Co. This Country S. Thau, Philip Wattenberg, Morris an exciting time not; only for the conhas now become history. During the theatrical standards in Europe today Weinberg, es-officio, Jacob Weiss Gate City Furniture Co., P. Gold- brief time that it has existed it has testants but also fir the onlookers. low the lddlsh are ' ^ theatres Committee on Liquidation of Deficit: Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The UnitJudge John Battin Sid Commissioner I berg, J.. Rosenberg, D. Danneberg, other * i e being on a much Simon Bordy, Ben's Jewelry Co., given an opportunity for two hundDr. Nathan Ratnoff,- Chairman; (co- ed States department of labor granted John Hopkins have?.been secured to i o n workers are all members of Adminis the request of the Hakoah-All Stars lower level than the theatres over Surplus Army Store, Carman's, Hor- red children to express themselves. present the gifts. trative and Executive Committees) the famous Jewish soccer team, to be iere, declared Abraham Ellstein, New wich Jewelry Co., Malashock Jewelry P. has been a means for these child•An interesting program of enterJewish National Fugd Committee re-admitted to this country following York Jewish composer and director Co., Herzbergs, Omaha Fixture Sup- ren to enjoy a recreational program tainment will start at 4 p. m. and of the highest •alibre. It has given Abraham Goldberg, Chairman; Isaa< its return from a tour of South AmerChairman Albert Kaplan assisted by of Yiddish theatrical orchestras, upon ply Co., Omaha Tobacco Co., D. R. them an outlet for their energies, Allen, Joseph Bader, Robert M. Bern- ica. his return from Europe. Mr. EllMontreal.—(J. T. A.)—Despite the A. Katskee have "been successful in Cohen, of Goldstein & Chapman, Na- they being diverted along channels stein, Mrs. Judith Epstein, Mrs. EdThe appeal had been originally de- smashing victory of the Conservatives stein had gone to Europe together telson's, Goldstein &. Chapman's. of constructive activity. It has given with Ludwig Satz and his troupe fox y***- -ward Jacobs, Solomon Lamport, Em- nied because of a decision to discon- in the dominion-wide elections to the them a greater appreciation of very tinue the waiving of the contract a ten week engagement, having Canadian parliament three Jews not anuel Neumann, Nelson Ruttenberg, lift itself through the instillation of labor clause of the immigration law played in the two largest Jewish members of the winning party, were 'Mis. Archibald Silverman. a taste for color, through the apcenters of Europe, Warsaw and LonOi^^nizafion ^Committee: Jacob de which is necessary in' the case of elected. In Toronto Alderman Samuel preciation of art, through the enjoyforeign professional athletes. don. Factor, running on the Liberal ticket, Haas, Chairman; Miss Juliette Benjament of creative industry. Since the Center Pool has underWhen i t was learned that the Hakdefeated his Conservative opponent in Yiddish troupes in Europe, said min, David Freiberger, Abraham Goldgone recent repajrs,'^ has been the Mr. Ellstein, are forced to play in "The Summer Play School has [•':;•• stein1_Harjy_.Kahn,_L ;Hassin, Israeloah's request to be re-admitted to the the Centre West district, not only TJnited *;tates; iaoV-been' refused,^ its ing the first old,- dilapidated;;......suad....•.- unsanitary . Geneva.—<J,..3V A.)—The interna- served as a Baield for these children from Pronto ard A. Uosenblatti Nelson Ruttenberg, counsel, Louis: Gribetz, together witfi elected to the Canadian' parliament in those days of,"±ormenting heat a buildings. Scenery and costumes are tional Wailing Wall Commission which against delinqaency, possible zslsha|» David Tannenbaum, Mrs. Frieda UI- a delegation of leading/officials of the bnt he-is the first Liberal from To- number of people have been using antiquated, while lighting effects are spent several weeks in Jerusalem in- and accident. It hs^s relieved the lian, Morris A. Zeldin; Committee on United States Football Association ronto to win in thirty-eight years. it as a means of keeping cool and unheard of. Orchestras are in a ter- vestigating- the Jewish and Moslem weary mother of the burden of Publications:' Abraham Tulin, Chair- and the American Soccer League, The other two Jews elected were laughing at the rising thermometer. rible condition, while acting still fol- claims to the Wailing Wall is proceed- watching over her children all day The noon hour from 12 to 1 finds lows the old-time melodramatic style, ing to London before going to Geneva, lc-ng during the 'lot summer vacation man; L B. Brodie,-A. H. Fromensohn, ,went to Washington to protest. The incumbents, S. W. Jacobs from the it is learned here. days, she knowing that they were in Abraham Goldberg, Israel Goldberg, interest of Senator Robert Wagner Cartier division in Montreal, and A. a large influx of business men, leav- he stated. William B. Leaf* Louis Lipsky, Dr. and Congressman Hamilton ' Fish, A. Heaps, Laborite from Winnipeg. ing their stores or offices going poolMost of the plays presented in EuThe members of the Commission safe keeping. The Summer Play Joshua H. Neumann, Dr. A. J. Rongy, both of New York, was also enlisted. Mr. Jacobs was an easy victor over ward. ropean Yiddish theatres are adapted will presumably not formulate any School has been a great asset to out On Monday and Wednesday, from from American Yiddish plays, de- verdict immediately but will meet community and deserves the admiraIt has been believed that the re- his Conservative opponent, Louis David Rosehblum, Oscar Roosner, Norman Salit, Hyman R. Segal, Herb- fusal to permit the Hakoah team to Wolfe, also a Jew. During the cam- 4:00 to 5:00 P. M. a class for Junior dares Mr. Ellstein, and the Yiddish j i a t e r a t a tion of every one of us. Let's hope p i a c e f o r th e purpose ert Solow, James Waterman Wise; remain here was" instigated by a St. paign the Conservatives had frankly Girls will be started. theatrical public over there demands of passing judgment on the evidence that it is an institution that will The classes for business girls con- ei+her cheap melodramatic clap-trap they heard. In the meantime each grow each year and provide more Committee on Public Information: Louis soccer team, said to be one sought to defeat Mr. Jacobs because Emanuel Neumann, Chairman; Dr. which two years ago lost the Ameri- he as a Jew was representing a dis- tinue on Monday and Wednesday or vaudeville- and Jazz pieces. one of the three members will prob- and more service to our boys and Joshua Bloch, Dr. S. Margoshes, David can championship to the Jewish play- trict where the French-Canadian from 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. Classes for Mr. Ellstein has been engaged by ably draft a separate conclusion. girls." • :' • N. .Mosessohn> Bernard G. Richards, ers. n.en and boys are conducted on the Public Theatre on Second Avenue Catholics predominated. The surprising victory of Alderman Tuesday an Thurdsday from 6:00 to for the coming Yiddish theatrical Factor now gives the Jews of Canada £-00 P, M. season. The Upper West Side of The 'Swimming Pool is popular on Manhattan, a large proportion of three representatives in the Federal parliament. When the returns defin- Sundays as well as the week days. whose population is Jewish, will nave itely showed that Mr. Factor had won In the morning from 10 to 12 boys a Yiddish theatre during the coming despite the triumph -of the Conserva- and men are admitted while in the season, as a result of the leasing of tives the thousands of people gathered afternoon from 3 to 5 there is an tha Shubert-Riviera Theatre by Nathin front of the offices of the Hebrew open swim for women. an Goldberg, Yiddish theatrical diNew York, (J. T. A.).—Judge Jul- eral Council both of which will be Journal in Toronto burst into cheers. rector and actor. New York, (J. T. A.).—That charg- practice in cities where medicine is ian W. Mack, Honorary Chairman of held in Berlin during the last week As the news trickled in that Mr. Mr. Goldberg, who had been runes of unfairness against Jewish; stud- already an overcrowded profession, Jacobs and Mr. Heaps had been rethe Zionist Organization of America, of August, ning a Yiddish theatre in the Bronx ents in medical colleges are unwar- while rural districts, Which need The announcement of these apelected the excitement became even during the past season, will present and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Chairman ranted; that present restrictions safe- more practitioners, have a largely pointments was made at the Zionistgreater. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The growth of Yiddish musical comedies and rnelo- of the American Zionist Committee guard the welfare of mediciney the non-Jewish population, is the real headquarters, following the sessions While the Canadian Jews were inthe economic boycott against the Jews j dramas in his new theatre on the on Political Affairs, were delegated public and, Jewish doctors; and that basis of the seeming discriminaof the recently constituted Administcreasing their representation in the of Germany is seen in the Vossische as extraordinary representatives of Upper West Side. Jews should themselves curtail the tion, according to Tufts College, rative Committee of the Zionist Orthe Zionist Organization of America, ganization of America, and of thfe number of young men entering medi- Mass., the University of West Vir- Federal parliament the candidates of Zeitung report that the former Demothe Le Goglu and the other anti-Semcrat, Carl Friederich Siemens, chaircine are the conclusions arrived at as ginia, the University of Alabama, the It seems to me harder to find a to the meetings of the Administra- Committee on Political Affaire and:* the result of a national investiga- Vanderbilt University of Nashville, itic French-Canadian weeklies in the man of that board of Siemens and j man who bears good fortune well tive Committee of the Jewish Agency on the Jewish Agency. province of Quebec went down to de- Halske Company, one of the largest tion conducted under the auspices of Tenn., and many others. than one who bears evil.—Xenophon. for Palestine and to the Zionist GenThe situation c$ the Zionist movefeat industrial undertakings in Germany, the National Conference of Jews and ment at home and abroad was subhas become one of the chief supporters Christians by Dr. A. J. Rongy, an jected to a thorough discussion, and of the anti-Semitic Hitlerites. eminent Jewish physician of this plans for strengthening of the move: The Socialist press says that Siemc i t y . •..••.'.''..: - - •. ' • ment in the United States, following ens has also imposed compulsory memHon. Newton D. Baker, Professor the union of forces created a t ' thfe bership in the National Socialist Carlton J. H. Hayes and Mr. Roger recent Cleveland Convention, "were party, of which Adolf HitleT is one of W. Straus are Co-chairmen of the formulated, to be put into operation*. the leaders, on all the employees of Executive Boa^d of the National ConParis, (J. T. A.)-—With the return impossible to deprive the Sultan of soon. Seven committees, into whose Full steam ahead for the Eastern i prises some 250 acres, surrounded by the Simens-Halske Company. ference of Jews and Christian?. Branch Sanatorium of the Jewish Con- high mountains. Several fine buildof Professor Victor Basch from Mor- Ms prerogatives, or rather Ms court- service many prominent American Dr. Rongy made a nationwide poll sumptives' Relief Society of Denver, ings are already existing on the Washington.—Max Lowenthal, New) occo, President of the League for esans who oppress the people and Zionists -were drafted, were. ;-»pamong Americans and Canadian med- Colorado. In a decision handed down premises. York Jewish lawyer, has resigned as Human Eights, with the tragic tale despise and harass the Jews". pointed. ; ical colleges covering 1925—1929, and last month, the Appellate Division of The Eastern Branch of the Jewish secretary of President Hoover's Law of < the situation of the Moroccan Most "of the Jews in Morocco are It was stated at Zionist headquaralso circulated a set of questions the Supreme Court for the Second Consumptives' Relief Society will be Enforcement Commission. William Jews, their status is beginning tc descendants of the Spanish Jews who ters that the Administrative and P©« among fifty chapters of a large med- Department at Brooklyn, N. Y., de- the consummation of plans first made F. Berry, secretary to Chairman attract the attention of French Jew- fled from Spain in 1492 during the iitical Committees had under conical fraternity. On the mass of data clared void the local zoning ordinance eight years ago. The results now ob- Wiekersham, has been made acting ish circles. The Jews of Morocco, Inquisition and after the expulsion sideration reports from abroad conreceived he tabulated statistics em- which was enacted to prevent the es- tained are the successful conclusion of secretary of the commission; which is under a French and Span- edict. Morocco, being a Mohamme- cerning important Zionist issues, \ bracing 15,262 students of whom tablishment of a tuberculosis hospital a long arduous struggle to overcome ish protectorate, are not permitted dan country, was more hospitable to .which occupy the attention of this 3232 were Jews. in the town of Woodbury, Orange many obstacles. to acquire either French or Moroccan the Jews, although even there they British Government and of • "One out of every three Jewish County, New York, where the Branch citizenship. have had great miseries to contend tial Jewish circles throughout This "branch will be of great help to students who apply is admitted to a will be located. This decision cleared the anti-tuberculosis work of the JewThe protection of Sultan Moulai with. There were, however, import- world. medical college, but if all were ad- the last obstacle from the path of this ish Consumptives' Relief Society. Mohammed III means that the Jews ant Jewish settlements in Morocco Judge Mack and Dr. Wise mitted the Jewish ratio would swell project. A long time previous to this Most of the patients in the Denver are subjected to backward and often during the Roman days. soon sail for Europe. The American to more than 43 percent of the total decision, all required permits from the Sanatorium are from the Eastern arbitrary Moslem jurisdiction. FlogIn the middle of the 19th centuries Zionist delegation to the two conferstudent body . . . what would hap- New York State Departments of cities. Many of them have reached an Munich.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Alging of Jews by local judges is an the Moroccan wars with Spain and ences will include Louis Lipsky, Abpen if a radical group forming 3% Health and Charities, as well as from advanced stage of tuberculosis due to fred Loewenstein, Jewish scientalmost daily occurrence. France brought great hardships to raham Goldberg, Hon. Elihu D. percent of our national population the Secretary of State, had already delay in going to Denver. ist, has been appointed director Professor Baseh declares that the the Jews. ' In 1864, through the in- Stone, Dr. A. Coramik, Morris Rothwere permitted to supply 43 percent been obtained. Nothing stands now of the newly established British The Branch institution, only two cultural standing of the Jew3 is low tercession of Sir Moses Montefiore, enberg, and Jacob Fibhntan. of .our new doctors? . . Since between the present plans for the hours from New York* operated on the Institute here which is> being and any change in their civil status the Sultan issued an edict emancipatThe Administrative Committee also the Jewish physician's clientele' is al- erection of this institution and the same plans and under the same prinsupported by both fire^British is impossible and undesirable. He ing the Jews but local officials practi- discussed at length ways and means consummation of such plans, except most entirely Jewish . . . . an econgovernment and the Munich ciples-and ideals as the Denver parent lieves that "schools and more schools cally vitiated this measure. of strengthening the fund-raifemg omic problem would arise of severe the requisite funds. municipality. The Institute institution, which is as much of a ar< a first desideratum" because poThe Alliance Universelle Israelite &.'tivities on behalf of Palestine, competition conducive to a lowering seeks to advance cultural and The site at Highland Mills, acquired home as a hospital, will enable the • litical considerations make it impos- of France has been active in Morroc- namely the forthcoming drive* in ,of ethical --Standards". " 'tub'erculars to obtain sanatorium care economic relations. for the branch institution, is ideally sible for France to iaterfere. Pro- co in establishing schools and sani- many parts of the country of the Al1 1 -*"•»»*•'-* — «--»---• urban, would situated for the purpose. It com- at an earlier stage of the disease. jfessor Basch points out that "it is tary organisations. lied Jewish Campaign* - , ^ •.

Administrative Body Chooses Those tVho Will Cooperate In Its Affairs

Jake Malashock and Marvin Treller, Both Former Tit. lists, to Meet.





Judge Mack, Rabbi Wise Are Selected

"No Discrimination In Medical Colleges"

Forces Workers to Join Anti-Semites

French Jewry Touched By Plight of Morroccan Jews

AH Obstacles Removed front WayvjojfBranch Sanatorium

To Head British Institute in Munich

*:•'-'- — y- -

.fc&GE -2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8r 1930 hundreds of friends throughout OmaDay and night Baldrige has been Come what tome may. Time and G. I. ROSS STATES ha ih her American Legion Auxiliary. MANY PREDICTING meeting voters and he has made a the' hour run through the rougliQsi She comes in contact with every complete circuit of evety city and day.—Shakespeare. . GRANDES IS ALMOST class VICTORY FOR MAC village ofxpeople'in her civic work. in his district twice. He has Granden is also keenly intervisited every office build: pHtAIN-OF ILECfiOR •Mrs; BALDRIGE IN RACE personally ested in Red Gross. Both she arid ing in the city as well,as the rail-

ting. In this latter case, he forced the race track gamblers to fold up their ienis, and approximately three miilidii dollar's, which would otheis, wise have gone with thfemi" ifcfflaihea in the state to. perform its dirties in the legitimate channels of trade. Predicts Victory in Nb&iination ?flas Proven His Capability DurRace for Register of •c ing His AdminisDeeds . .. tration




Mr.' Granden have done much in road shops, "railroad offices, packing furthering -the actions of this most He and Sears Having? Excitiiig plants and factories. • Battle for Nomination important body. They have? gained He has been indorsed by the Young as Congressman national recognition in their untirMeris Republican Club, Disabled Vet•- George L. Ross, president of the ing work in Red Cross. Mr. Granden Veteran Omaha politicians are get- erans, West Q Political Club, North :.;C. A. Sorensen, Attorney Qeneral 'Grahdeh for Register of Deeds is vice-president of the Granden ting excited vv>r the Baldrige-Seafs Omaha Athletic Club, Polish Merchpi Nebraska, is a candidate for re. ,;' ~ „ , ,., . > [ Club" in a statement issued today Electric Company and is running on battle for the republican nomination ants and other organizations. • T jelection on the Ee^ufalicait Hbket in the Republican ticket. . . .s-±-v T -? ,' i candidate j ' for} ii ;^saia m e nomination n o o u n a u u n of oo.C CharleS as Congressman from the Second Baldrige is a lawyer, e>x-gerviceCalJfa . jm , ^a i the J& primaries to be heltt bh Atigust i, n J e m.ieM the nomination lor United States sen-,A> ^ a n a e n f o r E i i s t e r o f D e e a S District and many have already pre- mah and the father of three children. ^ ^ _ certah4. dicted that Baldrige in his political MONSKY, KATLEMAN & GEODINSKT Homeless / -Mr. Sorensen has art enviable recr ktor, h a s t e n active xn Nebraska for j many years. She was a pioneer for ^. . . .. . . .# , . * u k fc ; 1S have built up a large organAttorneys tord behind him. Born and reared in ivdman sun*rage arid was. a charter Bucharest.—One hundred and twen- debut will be returned victor. •JS7 Omaha Xat'l Bank Bide. ihis statej he graduated from the hiember of the League of Women ization in tKe past few weeks and ty Jewish children are now homeless e «?*!£" ? y PoblI<*t»<"> on Petition for the results of their efforts are very fin Kishinov as a result of the closing ^University of Nebraska law school. Voters.; Settlement of Filial Administration Account We . have combed thei^f the-orphan home by the'Jewish I * During the world war when laws In the County Court of Douglas County Fdr four years she was secretary of apparent. .Nebraska. igainsfc foreign languages were being the Omaha Welfare Board and was county in an effort to further the { community there for lack of funds. T•I\T-T^oJ nat i te ' oi t h e e s t a i e of ELLEN passed, Mr. Sorensen, it will be re- the first woman to'be elected to the candidacy of Mr. Granden Everyone LAWLESS, deceased: All persons interested in said matter nre hereby notified Dressmaking—Alterations ittembered, fought assiduously for the Omaha School Board: Besides being seems to be in favor of our can- MONSKY, KATLEMAN & GUODINSKY r v v . - f f f f t h <?n.r O f A l l S l l B t - l»30, Nellie Uniforms td Order NOTICE OF IN-COKPOKATION OF O,Nejl filed n petition in said County Court, right to teach in any language in a state officer of the W. C.T. U. for idate. Mr. Granden's name is well BLACK-SPELL.MAX COMPANY F«££'J n §i- ha £ h e - r finaI administration acSophia Mqnovitz, JAckson 1328 known throughout the city and counpublic, or private schbols; ^ count filed, herein be settled and allowed, Notice is hereby given that th& underhiariy, years j she wag.a delegate to the 328 Bfahdeis theatre Bldg. and that she be discharged from her trnst have .formed u, corporation. The J. ite carried a case from Nebraska Deinbcratic National convention of ty. He has always been connected signed asfl_executrix hnd that a hearing will be name of the . corporation is BLACK?K 9?,?wsn,ld P e t i t i o n "efore said Court on with sotiie civic enterprise that brings tp the supreme court of this United 1920 kiidwas ihfee times elefcted tJ&nSl'ELLMAN COMPANY and its principal the 30th day of August, l«30, and thnt if } States, where he was successful in bcratic National Committee woman fo£ him "many friends. We are confident ± '°)"i • ? n L t ° , n p p e a r b e f o r e said Court on the said 30th day of August, I!)30, at » o'clock d operate a a lumber and.COal' and.coal having declared unconstitutional a Nebraska. She has also been presi- that Mr..Granden will be elected; He maintain and-operate A. M., and contest said petition, the Court building, material business and to buy is the than that we need for that and Jaw which prohibited the teaching-of dent of the Omaha Woman's Club. may. grunt, the prayer of said petition, anU: sell -all. Uems hahaied In corinbetion enj-er u decree of heirship, nnd make such with. such, a .business, either wholesale or partictiiar office." 4any but the English language in any ;retail; I f Is aiithoHzed'to engage" in {he other and further orders, allowances and Express & Transfer Co. Mrs. Granden has bfleh eSceedihgly; :contracting..aud, and to decrees, .as to.this Conrt may seem proper .fcind of school. By hisfight*.-Mfc | buy, sell,. lease and deal in .all kinds of to the end that allfifta!1 matters pertninihe to All kins of Hauling active in ller husband's, r^miiaign Borerisen made it possible to continue Sefyfcfe at Training: ^ig for real Or personal property in order to tarry t ' i d ' 1 " ^ >" settled and deQut the, corporate objects. The total auth314 Sb. iOth St. "AT. 6405 BRTCE CRAWFORD, tfie' county office:' Mrs. Grahderi has orised capital'stock is $,"K>.000.00, par value teaching in the religious schools, Camp for Jfewish , County Judgfe. ?100.(K> per share; §30,000.00 shall be coin^Hebrew included. jn.on.t and.: $20,000.00 shall be^preferred,% to 1 ABKAJHA5IS* p'CONSTOK, Attorneys KaTEE,1tA"N S he> fully paid when issued- and noti4sse»s.i . When he rah for office in 1928} Jewish- .toys'- from ^ ^ ^ • .• ••;:.. Attoinesk ; . , 400 Brandels Theatre Bldg. nWe,; ,rrfferted. stpck_ ?haU;receiTB: dltld?the first public office tie ever held. s o u r i / A r k m i e a s , :and Kansas- w1[io.are 7?7. Omaha Kat.l. Bank Bldff. ends at the rote of S% per annum. These 3PKOBATE IfOTtCE t e i r t d n a s PflU;bfe cumnlRtive and all sHeh Tig Vras violently opposed by allk t ' e n d i n g ' . t h e ^ Citizens''•',Miliiary n*2r r ?|,«?U* r , ] o f t h e esthteof HEBECCA «httjl-be paid-before a n y dividCASTLEMAN, deceased. th cdtnlndti dtld t k Af fbdsingss interests who thrive by in- Training Camp -at'Fort yi^ayenwoft ! In the County Court of Doouglas County, .ehdg-nre p anildduu hn the Notice is hereby given: Thnt. t h e c r e a stock. ' After 'WEB • ••».V/EBl • ' " r ;• • I •: iters of said deceased will -meet the exe^ ' p a r e n t , y>t dividends to; the, preferred," the 2467 timidating or corrupting public offi- ara having services conducted..'for iNeljrasba'.'";" cutnees of said estate, before roe. County \, In-, the, matter of the- estate :?£ .balance of Jhp earnings shnll be payable to Judge of Douglas. County, Nebraska^ at the ' -, - cials, as bootleggers, gamblers, and them every Sunday rao^ffig; during !ACKEltMANdeceased , . Ulfc" KOIUSrs of fbe cotatnon "stock. In the County Court iloom, in siiid Couiity oii All persons interested in said estate sre erent of liquidation or dissolution, owners 'promoters of organized vice. With- the -month of August.' ;"^J ^" "" •herelSy the 2(ith day. of September. 1930, nnd on h e e y "ri'otliied notliied that •n'-peliHo'if ii7peliil(Jif :hfis hfis been'of been the preferred stock ck Shall shall be e paid before SATIN ICE CREAM C G C the 2<;th day of November, 1030. at 9 o'clock in said Court, praying-for the probate made to holders,of the 'oufc money, without organization be- : The: services are being held; by lileda^ A. M.,. each day. ,for the purpose of preoil file iii said common stock. The corporation shail comsenting their clnims for examination, ad;hintl him, he won and has since car^ RkbbT I: J;" Sarasehn bf. Terhpie; B'iiai •Court, pnreorting to be the last will and ;mence business.-upon rhe-filing of the nrjustment and allowance. Three months are iestauient^of shid flecMseiTT and that articles with thfe Cduhty Crerk and shall con--ried out those principles for which Jeshuraii by Erection df -the1 Jewish :henrlnR allowed for the creditors to present their .-n-ill be had on said, petition before j tiatie., untij 1980. The. highest rtmtfurtt" of : claims, from .the.23rd dnj- of Aupnst, 1930. saul Court., on the 29th» day. ,ot Anguct, Indebtedness sBall not exceed two thirds CHARLES SIMON ^he had stood. Welfare Board."; A canvass showed •1930, and that if they fall to appear at of;,the jtuttiotiaod capital; This shall, not BItrCE CKAWFOlln, Recommends said Court on the saiuViKH-h day of August. I apply t a an-y, in.tlelitodnpss secured bT mprt8-1-^T; County Judge. ",, Ih a few short months he has been that one-Half -of -these boya 'attended •1030, ~ot_0 ,o'clock A.- M.."te jcontest the P«ge- The affairs of the-corporation shall The Sanitary Laundry Mh office, his boosters point out, Mir.the training 'feanipV in previous:-'years. .probate-or-said will, the-Coart-may allow ' be administered by n Board of not less STAtMASTER & BEBEK, Attorneys and probate said will and grant adminis-1 thrift • three iirileKs otherwise proTided for. 650 Omaha i«"atiiJinrt-Bank Bld£. "The Best ot All Lanndry Service" '.Sorensen has proved himself to be a tratlo-il-of-gaiU estate t6 Esther 'Aekerman T h e . B d a r d s n h l l elect from their, ntimber '. .2815 Ndtlce by""publication, oa petition for or some,other snitnble person and proceed \ ^^President, ^ great lawyer, a great executive, and i ' : S*At3LAf.'H:tt 4 BEB1SB, At Vice-Presldent, Secretary Secretarr and and e , VcePrssldent, settlement of Jinal Admlnistrntion Account. Farnam to a settlement thereof. Treasurer. Annnnl meetings Ehnll be "held In the. County Court of Douglas County. •'.-. ;C30.Otoahn_Natl6ual, Bank Bid*. *a great pnd faithful public servant. the/second WM^es<34J; !n Tijnuary..- RolBUYCE CRAWFORD. Nebraska. . . . Omaha, Jfebr; .. lowinf: sntne.the. Directors shall .meet and •!H;- has maile the Department of • In the .matter of-the -estate of BEN . _• . •; CoUnff J elfcet; oflScefS. • The'••••?oW « f ~r<% o f n i l - o n t SALE KATZ, deceased: All persons interested •Justice a legal workshop fofr the ben-NOTICE OF CltATEi. MOSt'tiAGiE s{andine..stocJws.required, to- sell -or.disJ in said matter afe'EFfeiiy notified that on heVelYy ptrWi Hinh°>6ri t h e l S t h " STAlSiASTEIt & "BEIJER. Attorneyg !: pose of all n i t :8nbstantl.il_p6rh'on «f the thfe lStfe. fl9y_of July, 10HO, Iryin Stillma^ter ;eh\ of the state and its people; Oveif ;day^jfrttlcoia . «50 Omaha -J»at»t Bairtf 'Bids. ' of September, 1930,: nt 10:30", o'clock corporate nSsets. Auricles may be amended filed a petition.iri said CQuhty Court, pray; jl.\ 'sit the , t i l pilot. Garage," 20:* North upon two-thirds rote of th& outstanding on-- hundred cases have beSn briefe'd- A. that " administration 'aocoiiht • XOTICE 19th -Rtfeet, • OnialKt,'.Nel)r;i8$ii*."tHe tinder-' Stock. -The corporation shall have a feenl.- are. using. Silhouette TCreatments! ing, filedherein -be., settled and, allowed, and iand argued before the Supreme Court signed : -will.sell at public unction,: to .the in 'the County Court bf-IJo«elasJ County; Dated July 9. m m for Reducing, Arthritis, and IT that he' be"• discharge from his trust-aft hlsheiit l)iili]t?r for ensK: ' •' HARKT T. B U C K . Nebraska. . , . . . . . . . . . nSministrator nnd thnt a hearing will Be .-by the' department, and of these a p - : • : QneuKSsex Settnft 1029! Serial No.- " ' Iii'ttie inritter'ol the estate of 'ALEX ' Rheumatism R h ^ FRANK S. SPELLMAN. had on said petition beiore said Court on • ""., liU374^ Mofor ^fo. 1112077.".". " „tH'SMAN,: deceased: ' prixirtiately nine-tenths have been: ccovered:-ls> • • • . . . , .... tlte Kith any of Atig\ist/1930, nnd; that if AT. 3635 f o v e r e d > A cUntifeli cUntfel jfaorfsafet orfsafe in n fftvor All persons interested in said estate are you fail to nppenr before said-Court on 'won. Fully twice that number have off Mlrtlnml M l National N t i l I Iiife. Tjignrance Com- hereby' a petition tins! been y liotitieit-that t h the said'ICth day Of Aufetist; 1930, nt ft e AT. 3911 Third Floorpany Bljmtil by WHH.Tm -A. Anderson sahl : fild i s i d C l l U th i filed in snid Courc pany. d C r c nllesUntr that said de o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, :: de• b6en disposed bf in the lower courts; Taortcngp enRR ditteil CoO Omaha National Bank Bids. d t t i l ' ^e]H6m1et ^ H 6 m 1 t 11. 11 1JB!> 1JB ceased d 'illrd ' lleaTlng l "no last will the Court-may irrnnt ..the prayer of .snid il and ~pr:ii J '•* F&r his regular assistants he ob- nml havintr been filed ip the, offlrp of the i&g.for administtntjon upon his estate; nild Notice,, by. .pubficdUon on.. Petition, for petition.'-'eater- a decree of lieirship, -and County Clerk.of .PouglUS X'ounty, ^elirnEka that ji hejifiiig will be had on said petition Settlement of Final Administration Acmake such other and . further orders* -sLStained lawyers of the highest stahd-'_ 'on. Ootolier S, 102S). ' rbefbre sitrd court on the 29th day of AUR- count lowances'tnd decrees', as to this" etrart • . V ' ' • •., Xah} snle TvfmfeTof lhe~p*f*P"ose of fore- nse- J03O, nnd that if they fall to appear i p rhh 3 ii . : hhe , edn d ttiat irig, a'mohg whom were numbered closing In the County JGonH. of Douglas Conntr. toay.^efi ia ;; lal; t jt snlil mortgage for costs of sale and .•tt ..said Conk on the sai'd "JSth day of Nebraska; " - - . . -T? -•C e sd yt fers pertfliiring to said .estate may bbe-finally 'Jlidgt Irvih Stalmastei df Omaha. nil ncctuinc'ccrstsrHinr for tn> pufpofie at A I u < R t 1030 t 9 ' l k A M t ,-i - 1030, . „ — — -to - contest i the matter of the estate of GEORGE settleft itna determirie(1. J -'•• .-... J :-li:-:^.. i , i , nt A9 JIOW due" th satisfyinc the e flrnonnt r hetePHv AuRust; said petition, theo'clock Court A. may grant the I A. LAXG, deceased: All person* interested B WFOR BEYCE CRAWFORD, Ttto of the Departments hardest-lo-wlt: l l $7"j000 that t h tno suit it or other prd- same $7."j0.00: And Rrnnt • fjdmlniBtraHon of-s_aldiin snld matter nre Kerebr tlotifietl o-n nre hereby tlotiHed thnt ; .-County J S at law nnve been Instituted to estate to Philip M. Klutznlck or some other j.fought cases were the famous Abie C«>dinj:8 Call Our Phone for Service the ISth day of -Jflly, -3030. Bertha Lang recorer said debt or any part thereof. suitable person and proceed to. a settle- filed a petition, in said County- Cenrt, p a y XOTICE OF BISSOU'IIOK OF rBank case which is still pending and BIUDT.AXP NATIONAL" LIFE Ideal Letter Advertising ment thereof. ing that her fiii&J administration 'account rAKTNEKSHn.' INSURANCE CO., Mortgagee. BRYCE CRAWFORD. filed herein, be Sfettlirt and Allowed, rina ^H*i' enjoining of the horse-face, bet- 8-8—3T 307 Paxton Block AT. 2935 8-8-3T NOTICE Is hereby .given that on this thnt Bhe_J)e discharged from i e r trust as : County Judge.




E. Violin Teacher

Popular Uniform Shoppe


Telephone WE. 5949 or JA. 5880


PLAY GOLF at THE JUNIOR COUNTRY CLUB Miniature Golf Links Farnam and 8Srd and Harney Streets

NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, INC. : "Everything for the Auto" 2501 Paraam—AT. 5524





Phone J A. 4373




ndmjnlstmtrix-ana :t*ato hearinjr will "be had on said; petltieib.' before said Contt oii the HUH day, of August. 1930, and that if you fail to before siii<t Court on the' snid 10th day. of August, 1030. at 9 o'clock A. M., Mid contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition; enter a decree of heirship, and niake such other and further orders, allowances and decree8,»8 to this-Conrt .may seem proper, tb thfe *hd that all Matters pertaining tb sajfl estate may be finally settled arid des termined. BBXCE CRAWFORD, 7-25-3T . , :y< County Judge.


r, u

"" J . J . FRIEDilAir, Attorney 531 Peters Trust B i d e PROBATE SdTICB Trt thfe matter of the estate of J. GEORGfi SENUEUHAUF. deceased. Notice IS hereby given: That the credito_r» of Bdiil deceased.will meet the administrator or said estate, before me. County Judge Of Douglas County, Nebraska, nt the County Court Room, in said Courtf.v; on the 30th day of September. 1930. and on the 19th day of November; 1930, at 9 o'clock A. M., each day, 4for the purpose, of presenting their claims for examination, ndiustment, and allowance.••-.. Three months nre nllb"*ed for" the creditors to present tlielt claims, from Ihe Ifith day of August; 1030. . . . 1 BRtCE CRAWFORt), 7-23—3T County Judge.

You can now



i ''l


lii line with the long established policy of the Metropolitan Utilities District to give the people of Omaha the lowest possible rates on* gas, water and ice, Omaha now has a special rate for gas heating. •There are now more than 400 gas furnaces ih Omaha. The owners of these furnaces' are finding that the added convenience, and cleanliness of gas.heating more than offsets the slight difference in cost. These gas furnaces are located in all parts of the city, net in the high priced residential districts alone.

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A 5-room house can be heated with gas for as low as $125 per year.




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You can have your gas furnace installed now and make your first payment in October".



I i


STAL3IASTEK & nEBER, Attorneys, 630 Omaha National Bank Bids. Omaha, Jfebr. ifOTICB OF INCORPohATlOJJ OF "KA STERN TEXTILE CO." tZNOVt ALti MEN BY THESE PltESBNTS, .that the' undersigned hare, formed a corporation under Jhe laws of the state of Nebraska. The name of this corporation shsill be "Kastern - Textile Co." with. Its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska: The general nature of the businejs to be,,transacted and the pl>jeet nnd purposfefbr Which this corporation Is or-; ganlzed nnd eStablishetl shall, own, control or opefnfe the business or businesses of Tvlioles.iHiiC or retailing clothing and .general merchandise or, to carry on the trade or business of miinufacturing, pr,oslu.cijig; tuying. selllns... importing, exporting anil otherwise dealinjr in nny hint nil kihfls of clothing nnd merchandise; to buv; own, sell, lease, improve or otherwise deal in and, with rear estate of every Kind *r character and with personal property including the .stocks and Eecuttties of other corporations; to loan and to borrow money and to make, execute nnd deliver mortgages, bonds and other securities, (S secure the repayment of any money borrowed and to take as security for the payment of any money, loaned mortgages, bonds and other securities, nnd to do nnv and all other things nfecessnry to the carrying out of the principal purpose nbo%e enumerated. The authorized capital, stock shall be $25,000.00 nnd all of said

stock shall be cbmmon and of the par



Cleanest Safest • \ and rccfuirt'i


|American Laundry] 2803-10

15th any of Jnir. lP3tr,' the partnetBhtp1 doing .basiness ns the Eastern Textile' Company, consisting of Nathan Orossmaii sna 3u':itiE SSmuelson has ,been dissolved and all of the.linbilities of said pnrtfier^hlp hate been nsstitrted by the Eastern Textile Co., a corporation. NATHAN GROSSMAN-, JULIUS SAMUELSONT-25—ST ..

PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House With A Reputation

Fort50 Tears . iTourTowel. Man Oiflaha ToWel Siipply Co. 209 So. ilth St. , JA. 052S

SALES LETTERS ... MULT1GRAPHING MIMEOGRAPHING PRINTING Commercial Duplicating Co1511 bidge St.—3A. .4834

J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor "NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481


value of $100.00, per share, nnd, nil of snifl stock shall be fully paid for when Issued and shall be nan-assessable: Said stock awnings, Cnnviis Covers, Tents. may be issued for, cash or for renl or Camp Supplies. All Kind* personal property at the reasonable value thereof. The corporation shall commence tS and Howard AT. U02 business upon,the fillng^ot Its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County. Nebraska, nml shall continue for. rt .period of fifty yenrB from said date. The highest nmoimt of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of .its capital stock hut this restriction shall not apply to indebtedness secured by mortgages upon any of the corporate property. The affairs of this Bolt Hose Mending Shbp corporation shall be managed by a lioaru df Directors consisting of not less than One-day service or while yon wait tyro members: The nnunal meeting of the — Mail Orders Promptly Serviced— corporation shall be held on. the first week day of January of each year at which 533 Securities Bids.—AT; 303 meeting, .the ..stockholders shall elect a Hoard of-. Directors and thereupon the JJoard shiiH elect n President, (i rfce-Pfesiaent.-a,,Secretary and a Trensnrer. Any two of said offices may be held by one nnd, the same person. These. Articles may.lie . MIP WEST amended, at any regular, or special meetinK ENORAV1NC COJHC. of the stockhoiflefs only by the unanimous vote OtnlLof the outstanding stock. "S; ARTISTS / r ^ IN WITNESS XVttKUEOP. the parties hnvo htrennto set (heir hands this (Itn Uay Sf July. 1030.


IRVIN 1 T _•?-•>=

COMPLETE STORE AND ; OFFICE OUTFITTERS We Occupy Over 76,000 Squttt-e Feet


Southwest Corner ' (J Eleventh and Douftlas Streets ' « Phone JAckson 2724 W. Omaha^Nebr. 'TA


Body and Radiator Shop

BTAtMASTEB & BEBEK. Attorneys 620 Omaha National Bank BJdff. Omaha, Nebr. UOTICE Of IVCOfttOKATlON OF "SERT-C-TBASSFEB CO." KNOW ALL MEN' BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned have formed a. corporation under the laws of the.state of Nebrnskn. The name of this corporation shall be "Serv-U-Transfer Co." vrith its prtnclpnl plnce of business at Omnhn, Nelir. The gencrnl nnttire of the business to be transneted and the object nnd purpose for which thig corporation is organized and established shall haul, ciirrj-, transfer, transport, truck, convey, ship, or to for the haulinR, carrying:, trnnsferring, •transporting, trucking, conveying, or shipping of any ana all kinds nnd character of goods, -wares, merchandise, products •and any and all other kinds ^of. personal property from points originating- in the State of Nebraska or the State of Iowu, nnd endlnsr at points in the State of Iowa or the State of Nebraska; and to lease, buy. own or rent any and nil kinds of real estate and to mortgage or encumber the Slime in any manner whatsoever or. ns the same may be necessary to the carrying out of the principal purposes above enumerates nild t o do any nnd all things pertaining to the carrying on of the business abovedescrlbed. The authorized capital stock shall be $10,000.00 and ftll of said stock shall be. common and of the par faille bf f 100.00 per share, nnd nil of said ™ c k Shall, be .fully paid for when 3 |sned and shall be non-ussessnnle, fenid stoQft may be issued for cash or for real or p « s7>nal pr^pertv n t the reasortnble value thereof TheTcorporntibn shall commence huSiness upon the filing of i t s articles with the County Clerk of l>onglns County, Nel,rasta. and shall continue for_n p e r i o d ^ fiftv years trom said date, i h e wgnest amount of indeWedness shall not exceed




J A C K W. MABEK. Attorney County Court House Notice by publication on Petition for Settlement of final administratiott.Ticconnt. Kn the County Court of Douglas County, Nfebrcfetn. Jn the matter of the estate of I K E FISHER, decensed: Ali persons interesti*«»iiii««***»»»ii3i**«*«»*iH** fed in said matter are hereby, notified thnt on the 17th day, of J u l y . 1030, Jack W. Mrtrer filed a petition in said County Court, t' praying that his final administration ac- •* count filed herein be settled and nlldtvetl, and t h a t he be discharged from his t r u s t Announces the opening of a, as administrator and that, a hearing will be hnd on said peiition before said Court on the of August, 1030, and t h a t if you fail to appear before said Court oh the said lfiih day of August. 1030; a t .0 o'clock A.• M., and. contest said, petition, the C o u r t - m a y grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and 1919 Clark St.—WE. 0200 f make such, .other and further orders, allowances tind decrees, a s t o this C6tirt Expert body work, fender straightm a y seenr proper, to the end thnt all matening, radiator repairing, recoring ters perttHning t o Enid estate may be finally settled nnd determined. and fender welding. All work guar•• BRYCE CRAWFORD, anteed. Reasonable rates. •£-25—3T County J u d g e .

contract, arrange or otherwise negotiate

Standard Shoe Repair Co.

'Harry B: liapldus. r r e s i d e n t - t T r e a i ;

^ o ^ t e i r ^ r l y « ^ $&

corporntlon shall be managed by n Bonrrt of Directors consisting of not less .than ra-o members. The annual meeting of..the S l r p o S h shall be held on the first week day of January of each year at which meetins the stockholders shall elect a Soird of Directors, nnd fherenpon the Board shall elect a r™™™^,!!™-*1^ dent, a Secretary nnd a Trensitrer. + Any two of jsaid • by op* and the. same pgjfsoto. These nrtictes nftendefll nt Sity reirnlhr or special rtieeti«g Sf the itockbolders only by the, unanimous "ote of all of the oiitstrtndinff Stock. IN- WITNESS WHEKBOF.. the ,pnrtie« have hereunto, set their hands this 16th day of July. 1030 ^p>EUG W1UMAM STAL51ASTEK.

VERNON t Organist at Temple Israel Instructor in Pipe Organ and Piano Fall Season Starts Sept. %) 516 Kafbach Blk. AT. 2318.


2401 No. 24—WE. 6035

; I

Uncle Sam Laxative Food



Okay Bran Flakes AT ALL GROCERS Made by Uncle Satti Breakfast Fond Cotiipatiy Omaha Nebraska"



presenting to U?ou tbe ^

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\ rtjcK vJj" 1 5"^







Alfred Bloom Company—Millwork Bjornson & Wessel Sheet Metal & Ventilating Company—Ventilating Bradford-Kennedy Company—Lumber Carl A. Eriekson Company—Tile Consolidated Builders Supply Company—Browne Windows Concrete Engineering Company—Reinforcing Steel and Metal Lath C. W. Hull Compzny-^-Building Materials Forman Brothers—Plastering Gate City Iron Works—Structural Steel Georgia Marble Company—-White Exterior Marble

This Building is Under Management of

1 A. Wolf Co. Specialists hi

Building Management, Real Estate, Loans Investments and Insurance


Henry W. Miller Electric Company—Electric Wiring J. Bernstein Furnace Company—Sheet Metal Work .

Sannders-Kennedy Building

National Roofing Company—JRoojf cni2 Waterproofing Johnson Hardware Company—Rough Hardware Kraus & Trustin—-Eccterior Metal, Windows, Metal Doors Nebraska Terrazzo & Mosaic Company— Terrazzo ^^ Xelson, Johnston & Doudna—Finish Hardware Orchard & Wilhelni Company—Vault Door and Office Furniture Otis Elevator Company^—Elevators Pioneer Glass & Paint Company—Glms S. Haskel & Sons, Inc.—Black Granite BROOKLYN, N. Y.

Sunderland Brothers Company—Interior Marble Swan Painting Company—Painting Yousem Plumbing & Heating Company—Plumbing & Heating

It is with both pleasure and pride that we announce our participation in the construction of The Faidley Building* This beautiful structure in the heart of downtown Omaha stands asa monumental achievement proclaiming


Master Builders isst'-s.*,- ' -



^Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by

JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building Telephone: ATlantic 1450 DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor FRANK R. ACKERMAN Editor FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent SIOUX CITY OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTERr-308 Pierce Street Subscription Price, one year - V * ••• « • * - • $2.50 Advertising rates furnished on application CHANGE OP ADDRESS—Please give both the o?d and new address; be sure to give your name. 77

HEBRAIC CALENDAR 5690-1930 Rosh Chodesh AlluL_Monday» August 25 R^sh Hashanah_____Tuesday, September 23 Yom Kippur Thursday, October 2 1st Day Snccoth-..... Tuesday, October 7 Shemini Atzereth Tuesday, October 14 Simchath Torah____Wednesday, October 15 Bosh Chodesh Cheshvan___Thursday, Oct. 23 Rosh Chodesh Kislev___i___Friday, Nov. 21 1st, Day Chanukah ... Monday, December 15 Rosh Chodesh Tebeth .Sunday, December 21 Fast of Tebeth_-__>_.Sunday» December 28 *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh.

£ THE CALL OF JUDAISM The following letter was written to the Jewish Press by a Jewish youth who is now serving a term in an Eastern penitentiary: .Mr. David Blacker Business and Managing Editor •.The J e w i s h P r e s s




}: : :

490 Brandeis Theater Bldg. "•Omaha, Nebr.

From Contemporary Pens




-' . ,. . \ w ' -:7; : ,; " '.:• . ' •


•'. ' • - ' > \ :'':•.







Yesterday was the first time th,at I ever 1 heard of; or saw, The Jewish Press, it was given to me free by a Rabbi on one of his visits to the New York County penitentiary where I am at present confined. : My reason for writing to you is to ask if you would be kind enough to send me The Jewish Pree; free; as I am not able to pay lor it until I get out of here, "which will be on .the 19th of May, 1931. I h&vent the sufficient amount of money at hand to be a paid [subscriber. « Trusting you do not think me impertinent "in| writing you this missive I beg to remain | Very truly yours, ^f^ .{:


"it •tee-





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Albany.—Professor Edwin R. A. Seligman of Columbia University, -New York City; Jesse Straus of New York City; and Charles L. Feldman, Corporation Counsel of Buffalo are among the eight members of the legislative commission which was named by Governor Roosevelt, Senator Knight and Speaker McGinnies to study the tax laws of New York State and to recommend changes tc the next legislature. Professor Seligman, who is 69, is one of the most noted economists in this country, being the author of many books on economic problems and having often served in the past on various municipal, state and federal commissions that dealt with problems of taxation, finance, unemployment, etc. Mr Straus is a wellknown New York merchant, president of R. H. Macy & Co.

In Rumania events are far from fulfilling the prediction made by Premier Maniu two months ago to a New York Times correspondent concerning agitation and violence directed against the Jews. He saw the end of such demonstrations speedily approaching, hastened by the resolute action of the government in repressing and punishing anti-Semitic excesses. But acts of violence have increased instead of diminishing. If the situation did not involve tragic possibilities there would be no better word than burlesque to characterize the explanation advanced by the Minister of the Interioor for employing as chief secretary in his Cabinet an anti-Semitic agitator so notor- Take Over Camp ious that Premier Maniu ordered his arrest on Atlanta, Ga.—Ca ap Civitania, of ii&pwned by the Sundayij It seems that the Minister of ihe-In- .north Georgia, 'Atlanta Girl ScoutfOrganization ana teriorbave the celebrated M. Tazladanu a post of is one of the biggest of its kind in | What is it about Jewishness, about Judaism High importance in the hope of placing the anti- the southeast, will be taken over for th|it can make this Jewish lad long to glance over Semitic organizations and at the same time keep- the entire month of August as an exclusive camp' for Jewish Girl a Jewish paper, make him pine for Jewish news ing in touch with their secret plans. arid Jewish messages? What is it that makes T h a t Premier Maniu is anxious to maintain Scouts. According to the announcement this youth turn to Judaism and Jewishness in his order and do justice to the Jewish citizens of made Edward M. Kahn, executive darkest hour of despair? Here is a youth who Rumania is generally accepted. But in any case diiectorby of the Jewish Educational had erred, branded a convict; yet in his letter it is evident that the policy of choking the anti- Alliance, a staff of Jewish young w^ch because of its very simplicity tugs at your Semitic cat with cream is not producing results. wdmen, composed of alumni of the heartstrings he begs for news that will bring him Last May, in the course of an inquiry on the spot University of Georgia, Peabody ColBrenau and other southern colbask closer to his Mother Judaism. by The New York Times correspondent, the situa. lege, leges, has been secured for operation . ,' Here is a boy who has come back to Juda- tion seems to have been best summed up by rep- of the camp. isgi for comfort, came back because Judaism is resentatives of the Jewish Parliamentary party. In addition to the three Girl abjt only a religion pure and simple, based on ac- They saw pressing need of energetic intervention Scout ,troops conducted by the Alcepted creeds—it is a living philosophy of life. by the government if incidents which certainly' liance, and other Jewish Girl Scout Tm Judaism the prisoner or the sufferer or the did not deserve as yet the name of "pogrom" were troops of Atlanta, groups from MaColumbus, Chattanooga, Nashthjnker or anyone else can find spiritual peace; to be prevented from developing into that sinister con, ville and other cities of the section awaken "to the neglected reality that Judaism is business. Reports from Rumania, speaking of have arranged to avail themselves still throbbing and pulsating with life, that he numerous affrays and threats, and, in one in- of the camping facilities. This marks possesses within his own. inherited faith all the stance, seemingly, unprovokedmurder by an anti- the first time that the camp has been spiritual forces for which he hungers and all the Jewish agitator, begin to sound ominously like the obtained for a month's use exclusivefajth-values which he requires to aid him in the 'incidents" in Palestine last year which govern-1 ly by Jewish Girl/Scuts. difficulties which afflict him. ment neglect permitted to flare up into tragedy, j Quite apart from the threat against the JewOther Countries 1 In- that simple missive printed above is conish population of Rumar.Ni, the prestige of the tained the music of the Messianic age—the spirit of Judaism which cannot be crushed. We Maniu Government and the good name of Rumania Service Recognized Warsaw.—The Polish department of may, as in the case of this convict youth, wander are stake. It. may be true that. anti- health-ahd the ministry of the interfrom our Judaism, but it has always been a mere Semitism is being employed as a weapon against ior have recommended to President parsing phase, a mere temporary loss of Jewish the present Ministry by the Liberal politicians Moscicki that he bestow a gold medal consciousness.; For sooner or later practically all whom Maniu ousted from power. It is probably on.the Toz, for useful health work. of j us re^Stnv to .• Judaism's lofty - ethical truths true that the world-wide agricultural depression, The Toz is the society for protecting anjd traditional^ideals, return like this imprisoned in which the Rumanian peasants share, makes the health of the Jews of Poland. soiil for ife; intellectual and moral stamina- so them-more-easily susceptible to pi-eachment of Bloc Against Jews Jerusalem.—Close cooperation bedirely ii|eded-in time of distress. There is the hate. Nevertheless, in the history of modern min- tween Islamic countries along PanW^-spmig^of\ social justice, pg j , true holiness and ority-baiting it is established thr.t primary re- Islamic lines and a pact with the humanity, breathing forth a spirit of love and j sponsibiHty is with the government authorities, Christian nations is reported to conMobs will go in for riot when assured of protec- stitute the program of the Grand brotherhood to magnetically b t h h d which h i h will ill continue ti il and irresistibly draw to it those of our people tion, and will hestitate when the government Mufti as outlined at the recent meetwljto have strayed from the fold, as long as we makes it plain that it will suppress and punish ing of the Arab Executive. At this meetng he undertook to are in pain or sorrow and need guidance in striv- rioting. In Rumania anti-Semitic mischief-mak- take a half share of the proposed ers seem often to have been met more with sor- Arab upland ing for a higher soul life. purchasing company and row than anger. As for a Minister of the Interior said to the members of the Execuwho gives a salary to a preacher of race hatred tive, "do not ask me where I \rill FIGHTING TUBERCULOSIS in order to soften his heart, that is something get the. money. I am responsible for it". i Welcome news to the Jewry of this territory, which calls for explanation. Maghanem, a prominent member of for long staunch and loyal supporters .of the Jew—NEW YORK TIMES. the Arab Executive, is understood to ish Consumptives Relief Society of Denver, is conhave demonstratively left the meeting tained in the supreme court decision which re"As a detached observer, I would say Ameri- because the plans for the land purchmoves-the last obstacle toward the building of a n ' c a n j e W ry must, in the face of economic change, asing company were not expedited alliance eastern branch sanitorium in Orange County, New' m a k e a ser i O us re-adjustment, but American vola-. and• tthe « . TIslamic-Christian ^ J. 15 the J e w s dlscU York, by declaring null the local zoning ordinance[ tive life> w i t h i t s tendency to mass action may,!***" ' wtyich was enacted to prevent the establishment of t n r e e mO nths hence, have produced a Tboom' which j Try Reportatton the tuberculosis hospital. | shall have banished all the 'glooms.' I doubt it,', B u c h a "*t via y T h r o u ggh t h e - m e d i u m - o f t h e b r a n c h s a n i t o r - bt b u t Ari A m e r i c a n llife h a s t a u ggh t m e t h a t ' i m ppo s sli b l e ' ;;^p ^ nO nod e n t ; f JJ £ w i s n Telegraphic iijrtn, will no permanent place in its vo- Agency in Roumanian was prevented jrt the Jewish Consumptives Relief Society i ill has h so far f gained i h X »« able ally in its anti-tuberculosis battle, cabulary." —Jacob De Haas. following a long conversation which J)ear Sir:



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Its erection means a large increase in the capacity of the Hospital to bring joy to the sorrowing and heal sick, tubercular sufferers. Most of the patients at the Denver sanitorium are from Eastern cities and many have reached an advanced state of tuberculosis due to delay in going to Denver. ( Mr. Smolar had with Ion Lugojanu, United States acting premier. Mr. Smolar, who Howevei', the branch institution, only two hours was formerly the correspondent of from New York, operated on the same plans and Diplomatic Post the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in under the same principles and ideas as the parent Washington. — Frederick William Moscow, is an American citizen. hospital, will enable the tuberculars to obtain care Wile, Jr., son of the noted Washing94.3% Arabs and 5.77c Jews while the disease is still in its eai'ly stages. Thej ton political writer, has been ap- Employed pointed private secretary to John Branch sanatorium will also serve to allow pa- W. Garrett, American ambassador to Tel Aviv.—While 94.3 percent of tients who have been discharged from Denver an Italy. He is sailing this week to as- the laborers employed by the governopportunity for a short stay at the branch and sume his duties in Rome. Young ment department of public works are thereby gradually become accustomed to the Wile graduated in June from Prince- Arabs only 5.7 percent are Jews. figures are the result of a change of elevation and climate insteaad of ab- ton University as an honor man of These census taken by the General Federahis class. ruptly plunging back into the routine, airless tion of Jewish Labor. The laborers Immigrants Deterred life in the congested Eastern centers. employed by the department of pubAnother valuable contribution of the branch Washington.—Reports of the busi- lic works total 1,296 of which numdepression and unemployment in ber only 84 are Jews. These do not hospital will be its aid to scientific study. In ness the United States which reach Eu- include the 700 laborers on the Haifa coorperation with the Denver' institution, the rope are probably holding back harbor where there are 100 Jews emtwo are planning to carry on concentrated re- prospective immigrants to this ployed, the roads which are being search work by comparing results obtained at country to some extent, according to built by Jewish organizations with Denver, at an elevation of 6500 feet above sea- a statement issued here by Harry E. government aid nor the formen and level, and at the New York branch, at an ele- Hull commissioner-general of immi- superintendents. In the meantime the town council vation of 1000 feet. Thus, for the first time will gration. On the other hand, he said, many of Petach Tikvah has appealed to the science have at its command direct comparative immigrants come here to be with re- Jewish planters to employ Jewish studies as to the importance and effect of climate latives, and in certain European labor, pointing out that the number and altitude on the cure of tuberculosis. countries the members seeking admis- of Jews working on Jewish plantaTo our leaders who are backing this anti- sion to this country are as large as tions has decreased with some plantuberculosis project we are indebted for a future ever. Mr. Hull cited Poland, Ger- ters not hiring a single Jewish workmany i Italy and the Scandinavian er. The appeal also points out that, healthier and happier race. They have wisely countries as exemples. unemployment is seasonal and founded the branch sanatorium on the same prin- In some instances European count- the comparatively light. ciples of Jewish Zedakah as the Denver hopsital ries may likewise be experiencing -r-strictly free, with no cases rejected-^-an in- depressions, Mr. Hull added, so that Convention of Shomre Shabbos Berlin.—A world convention of stitution which will continue to restore sturdy an alien would be as well off here as Jewish Sabbath observers Shomre at home. muscles and strong bones, conserving life with Shabbos, will take place here on 3 Jews on Commission traditionally.Jewish delicacy of feeling. August 24, 25 and 26. Delegations


from the United States, Union of South Africa, England, Ireland, Belgium, France, Holland, Italy Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania, Lettland, Poland, Roumania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Palestine, and numerous German delegates will attend. A large number of business men and members of economic and industrial circles, as well as rabbis and great scholars, will be among those who will attend the congress. The Gerrer Rebbe, one of the most famous and best known leaders of the present-day Hassidic movement, in an interview which he granted recently while passing through Berlin, when informed of the aims and actions of the Shombre Shabbos World League expressed his heartiest sym-

patby with the purpose of the Shon> re Shabbos movement. He proposed to found local groups in. all the larger and smaller cities of Poland which should cooperate with the World Sabbath Observance League. Thanks to the initiative of Rabbi A. S. Katz, a branch group of the World Sabbath Observance League has recently been founded in Raseinia, Lithuania, under the name of "Mashire Shabbos". This branch, which has a large membership, will fight legal restrictions in Lithuania which seeks to prevent Jews from observing Saturday as their day of rest. Friends of the Shomre Shabbos movement have also been active in preparing the foundation of a group in Leipzig.

was today paid Mrs. Pease Birnbaum, a Polish Jewess and a resident of Radom, by the Palestine governrient for the death of her son Chaim Opatowski, who was killed in Palestine while defending the Jewish settlement of Mekor Hayim, a suburb of Jerusalem, during the riots of last Summer.

Rules for Jews Jerusalem.—A two-year old dispute over 10,000 dunams of land at Infiat near Hederah which Bedouin squatters claimed did not belong to the Jewish - colonists there and consequently interrupted the Jewish cultivators resulting in clashes, was settled in favor of the Jews by F. G. Lowickt government land settlement officer.

Compensation for Death of Son Warsaw.—Compensation of $1,250 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS


Extreme P A N T S Values Marvelous Service Worsteds, Tropical and Summer Worsted PANTS—Hundreds Upon Hundreds of Pairs Selling at—

and New 22-Inch Bottom—Collegiate Young $< >50 Men's Trousers t Imported LINEN GOLF KNICKERS featured at .

AD-Wool White Flannels




-.*• -f*

Everybody is Coming tothe

OMAHA HEBREW CLUB PICNIC Lakeview Park, August 10 Nothing has been left undone to make this the outstanding Jubilee in the history of the Omaha Hebrew Club. __

Park opens at 12 noon C O ME E A R L Y—Games for old and young, fat and skinny, women and children all afternoon. Prizes for the winners.

Special Program Baby Contest at 7 PM Free Dancing 8:30 to 12:00

Carl Lamp's Orchestra

PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 19So City has been visiting with her moth- Lake, Wisconsin, and Chicago, "where Rosenthal's parents, Mr. and Mrs. da Phi frolicked at a stag outing er, Mrs. S. Robinson who has been they visited with relatives and Jacob Johansen. held last Sunday at Smith's Lake, A. Z. A. Chapter No. 1 ill at her home for the past month. friends, Mrs. Newman's mother, near Mondamin, Iowa. Planning Stag Outing Miss Nell Marks and Miss Ruth Mrs. K. Snader, "vrtio accompanied ber • Miss Helen Friedman of Siaax daughter and granddaughter, re- Hoffner spent last Sunday ir LinA Z, A. Outing The Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the City spent last weekend in Omaha mained in Wisconsin where she will coln. A. Z. A. are planning an all-day stag The Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the visiting friends. spend the remainder of the summer Mrs. Leonard Bergman and her A. 2. A. are planning an allday stag outing for members on Sunday, Miss Rose Fine has as her guest with her sons, Mr. Ed and Harry daughter, Miss Virginia Bergman, crating for members on Sunday, August 17. The group has formed a voe»I this week Dr. Irwin Osheroff of Chi- Snader and their families. have departed for a two-month's stay August 17. quartet consisting of Willie Ferber, cago, her fiance. Dr. Osheroff plans Mrs. Edwin Kirsckbraun left Sat- in Colorado Springs and other points Norman Komey, Sam Finkel, and to leave Sunday. BIKUR CHOLIM MEETING urday for Spring Park, Minnesota, of interest in Colorado. Rudy Mittleman, with Elmer ShawThe Bikur Cholim Society will hold berg1 accompanist. Miss Betty Ann Goldberg, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R, Lazarus •wLere she will spend several weeks. an important meeting on Monday At the last regular meeting of ths and danghter. Charlotte Zelda, of Des Mr. and Mrs. Sam Herzberg left of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goldberg, re- afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Synaorganization Saui Graetz, the chapMaines spent several days here with for California where they will visit turned to New York City last SaturMr. and Mrs. Izzy Fiedler an- August Wise Memorial Mr, Lazarus's parents, Mr. and Mrs. \uiious points. Mr. Herzberg will day after a four month's stay with gogue at 25th and Seward Street. ter's delegate to the international Everyone is invited to attend. nounce "Uie marriage of their daugh- hospital. convention held recently at Oakland, Harry Lazarus. remain a month, but Mrs. Herzberg her parents here. She expects to reter, Rose Lee, to Mr. Melvin "Bud" main in New York until January at reported on the conclave. Mr. Lazarus, who lias had charge will be at the Ambassador hotel in L£\'in, son of Mrs." Ida Levin on De- Mr. and Mrs. M. Schmidt announce HIGHLAND DINNER which time she will join her sister, Los Angeles until early fall. of the Des Moines territory for the ^ birth of a son on Sunday, August cember 1, 1929, Rabbi Conn officiatMrs. Jack Sigal, in Los Angeles, Three silver loving cups will be To Palestine ing. The announcement of the wed- 3, . at the Evangelical Covenant M. J. B. Coffee company of San Mrs. Louis Albert and daughter, California. presented to the vrinners of the anFrancisco for the past five years, has London.—Dr. Drummcmd Shiels, tt^ng which was kept secret from rel- hospital. Helene, Mr. and Mrs. J. Herman and nual golf tournament of the High- under-secretary for the colonies, will resigned from his position and will Mrs. I. Pearlman, 405 North 31 j atives ajid friends came as a comdaughter, Jeanette, Mr. and Mrs. S. land Country Club at a stag dinner go to Palestine where he is doe ift : -ESERVATIONS AT THE ATH- soon locate in Texas. Mr. Lazarus Lewis and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Street, will visit in Colorado Springs on Wednesday at 7 pm. plete surprise to them. was the first salesman to be emSeptember to confer with the Pales~ and Manitou for several months. LETIC CLUB Mrs. Levin attended the Univerployed by the company to introduce L Shoenwald returned last week tine officials regarding the situation*. sity, of Nebraska_and Creighton Unir . Among the reservations at the Ath- their products in Nebraska and Iowa from a two weeks sojourn at Okoboji. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Giller and HEBREW CLUB PICNIC An official communique regarding this Vfiesity and is a member of the Tau ktic Club for last Friday right were nine years, ago. son, Irvin, Mrs. J. Shane and daughThe Omaha Hebrew Club picnic j matter will be issued shortly by ths^ Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner leave v Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Levin is those of Justin Wolf for 6; S. Degen ter, Minnie, and Mr. Sam Giller re- will be held Sunday at Lakeview Park. I Colonial Office. Sunday fox a two weeks stay at Exa, former Central. High School foot- 4- J. Cherniak 6; Nate Mantel 4; M. turned to their home in Dallas, Texas The baby contest, one of the special I Dr. Shiels is also to tour the MedMiss Dorothy Goldman of Colum- cellsior Springs, Missouri. E. ^Chapman 4; and Dr. Romonek 4. bus, Missouri, is the guest of Mr. ball star. siter visiting for weeks with Mr. features, will take place at 7 o'clock, i iterranean countries. Mr. and Mrs. Levin were honored and Mrs. David Goldman. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg re- and Mrs. N. Giller of this city. by the. bride's parents on Tuesday ENTERTAINMENTS turned Sunday after a four week's Mrs. B. Levine of Newark, New evening at a reception for friends Many affairs have, been given to anotor trip to New York, Cleveland, PERSONALS Jersey, is visiting at the home of her and relatives, and a family dinner honor Miss Kathryn Elgutter whose Omaha's Style Center Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rose left Columbus and Chicago. parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Feldman. <>ji Wednesday. Mrs, Levin and Miss engagement to Walter Schimmel has Wednesday by motor for Colorado Miss Lena Kohen has returned afGjjrace Levin vill entertain for them been announced, and for Miss Sally Springs where they plan to spend ter spending a month in California. WITH THE SICK on Saturday evening. Flesham of Chicago, guest of Mr. about ten days. Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Mrs. Nathan 'Mr.'and Mrs. Levin are at home at am; Mrs. Edward SchimmeL Mrs. Harry White and son, Leonard, the Theodore Terrace Court. Miss Elgutter was "at home" for Rev. Esau Fleishman left Monday have returned from Los Angeles, Finer, Miss Josephine Rubnitz, Mr. friends last Sunday afternoon and for Los Angeles to viist Ms son, California, where they have been Morris Ricks of Missouri Valley, Mr. BAR MITZVAHS evening. Samuel Fleishman, for beveral weeks. visiting for the past seven months Fred Cherniss, Mr. Max Kurtzman Opposite v*—O—*^ Orpkeum Calls for Rev. Fleishman will be re- with Mrs. White's daughter aad an Mrs. A. Haykin are among the Among the luncheons given where Leonard Leon patients at the Wise Memorial hos' Mi1, and Mrs. Mark Leon announce Miss Elgutter and Miss Flesham ceved at Atlantic 9811 or Walnut son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George L. pital this week. IN THE the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Leon- srared honors this week were those 1958. Berger. ard, on Saturday morning at the of Miss Jane Appleman, Mrs. Chas. Miss Ula Albert, who has been ill Miss Sally Morgan has returned Miss Ida Platt left Wednesday for for several weeks is convalescing at B;*nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and Schimmel, lie Misses Huth and Helen after an eastern trip. She visited Kansas City where she will be the her home. i-thn, Mrs. Morris Jacobs, Miss Clicago St. A reception will follow trace Rosenthal, Mrs. Edwin Kirsch- for two months with friends and rel- guest of Miss Rose Green for two Ifce ceremony. atives in Chicago, New York and weeks. Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg of Des •Mr. and Mrs. Leon will receive at br.':un. Boston. Moines, Iowa, who recently underOn Friday Mrs. B. M. Kully will $heir home 103 South 55th Street Miss Ruth Hoffner has returned from 3 to 8 pm for friends and rela- entertain at luncheon for Miss DoroMr. and Mrs. A. Wolf have re- from a two weeks vacation at Win- went an operation at the Nicholas Senn Hospital in Omaha, is now conthy Goldman of Columbia, Missouri, turned from a two weeks stay in tives. No cards are being issued. wood Beach where she visited with valescing at the home of her mother, guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Gold- Colorado. her cousin. Miss Nina Bassin of Kan- Mrs. M. Zalk. man and for Miss Elgutter and Miss Norman Bplker sas City. O F OMAHA Messrs. Louis Babior, Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bolker announce Flesham. Gross, Al E. Harding and Leonard CLUBDOM the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Nor- Misr Elgutter entertained eight Krasne are at Lake Okoboji. Miss Evelyn Kaiman nas returned Phi Lambda Pid Outing man, on Saturday morning at the gxestt at Olive Crest on Wednesday to Omaha after visiting for a month evening in honor of Kiss Flesham. The Creightoii chapter of Pi Lamb24th and Nicholas St. Synagogue. Mr. Harold Farber, Mr. Jack Mar- in New York with relatives. Friends and relatives are cordially er, Mr. Paul Goldstein and Mr. Phil Mr. J. Kroutkramer has left for VISITORS invited to attend the ceremony, and Feldman have returned from a three PAINT NOW Minnesota where he will visit for two tfc> xeception at the synagogue which Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro of Kan- weeks sojourn in the Rocky Mountweeks. will follow the ceremony. sas City, Missouri, are visiting with ains. Mrs. Shapiro's parents, Mr. and Mra. Never has an assortment of Mrs. Abraham Rosenthal and childJ. B. Robinson, 3316 Lincoln Boule- Mrs. Julius Newman and daughter, ren Esther, Elaine and Edwin, rePainting Contractors Leonard White Coats been received with Harriett Rosalie, have just returned Mr. and Mrs. Harry White an- vard. from an extended motor trip tc Mil- turned last week from Adrian, Min1314 No. 24th St. WE. 4211 greater enthusiasm nor have nouncethe Bar Mitzvah of their son waukee, Sheboygan, and Elkhart nesota, where they visited with Mrs. Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg of Kansas Leonard on Saturday morning at the you viewed an assortment so B/nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and complete. Chicago St. A reception will be given at the synagogue following the ceremony. . ':

AUGUST COAT SALES Carman's Coats Play the Star Role

Max Skier's Sons


: BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Abe Meyers announce the iirth of •, a son Tuesday evening, August 5, at the Emanuel Hospital. Mrs. Meyers was formerly Miss Rhea Neddnoff. :•• ' . Mr. and Mrs. A. Meyers announce fehe birth , of a son on Wednesday: evening at the Emmanuel hospital.

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Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Finer announce the birth of a daughter,




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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1980 all be assessed according to their Vttkm Untftue, gh« helped Party's candidate for the United J. C. TRAVIS SPEAKS property valuation arid not by a HERZBERG TO HIRE States Senate in New York. f««4 %im §hirUms>1s«r* strike et 19W machine. Soviet Abandons Plan FOR MEYERS FOR • 50 MORE WORKERS —mo, "These reductions that have been Executive ability is something else Ui§§ Behn§l6$rmm fees hem active a college can't impart. given are merely to mislead the votCOUNTY ASSESSOR According to A. Herzbcrg, fifty in UMfMtiwi&l mormn'fi affairs and ers.. It isn't fair to the Douglas for Jewish Republic County citizens to play "a political Says Meyers Will Lighten the trick like this. Greenleaf knows Indications that the plan of a JewMoscow, (J. T. A.).—The. proposed Small Home Owner's himself that he played unfair with plan of a Jewish republic in Bira ish Republic in Bira Bidjan had been Burden the taxpayers. They, placed him in Bidjah, Far Eastern Republic, has ap- abondoned have become frequent of an office that requires honesty, capa-

more workers will be added te tb# Iw?lpe4 Qtmtiiw i\m Letwr Party of And virtue, though in rags, will Herzberg Store's roster of empires New Ymii in Hi20, in the game keep me warm.—Dryden. when the store occupies additf&nfej he '~wm the Farmer-Labor apace on the entire flrgt floor ef the POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Brown block. Remodeling has already begun find th- new quarters, which will feature dresses, shoes, and hate, will be rt-ady about September 1. "We leased this added three thousand feet because of improved btisi^ j ness conditions and because we be- j lieve in Omaha's future", Mr, berg stated.

parently been given up .in -leading: late, the most recent being the sug- J. C. Travis, President of the Soviet circles but the colonization of gestion of an investigation commis- Meyers for Assessor Club, in a heat- bility and efficiency. As far as I can Bira Bidjan will form part of a gen- sion of the land commissariat that ed statement issued today warned see, the County Assessor has failed eral scheme of settlement and culti- the colonization work in Bira Bidjan the taxpayers of Douglas County to on all three of these requirements. "When Meyers gets in the Asvation in the Far Eastern area of be transferred from the Ozet and disregard the erroneous .statements sessors job, and I am confident he the Soviet Union it is revealed in the the Comzet to the land commissariat. made by Sam Greenleaf in his camwill", Travis concluded, "the home resolutions of the recent plenary sesThe vitiation of the scheme began paign about reducing.taxes. owners will see a decided change. sion of; the Ozet, society i or. settling last January with the" appointment "Don't be deceived about this pothe Jews on the land, that have just of a special government commission litical trick of Greenleaf V , said Their taxes will be assessed fairly be«n; published. 0 i r to build up Bira Bidjan and to colon- Travis. "He's simply . out buying and squarely. There will be no monkey business about the assess. The Ozet's resolutions- point put ize i t The commission being com- votes and I believe that the Douglas ments and there will be no dictating County taxpayers are fed up on his that while the work in Bira Bidjan posed of representatives of the difto Meyers by a> political machine Rose Schneiderman Is in the last few pears has fully justi- ferent government trusts was prim- political blunders. The letters that what he will do. He is an honest, On Prison Labor Board fied the colonization scheme for the arily interested; in Bira Bidjan from have been mailed to the home owregion, emphasize the unsatisfactory the commercial point of view and ners stating that taxes have been re- effifficient and dependable man and Albany, (J. T. A.).—Rose Schndtempo of the work which must be Jewish interests played a secondary dvced, carry no significance. True, the man that Douglas County wants he may make a slight reduction in j in the Assessor's office." derman, prominent Jewish social intensified. The Ozet says that the role. tares, but will that take care of the worker and labor leader and presifuture methods and forms of activioutrageous assessments he placed on For "Welfare of Humanity" dent of the Women's Trade Union ties in Bira Bidjan must aim at the thi home owners four years ago? I t ' White Plains, N. Y.—A charitable League, was appointed by Governor development not only of; agriculture Sophia Monovitz wiU not. Greenleaf is trying to play trust fund for §100,000 to bt known Roosevelt a member of a special combut in the entire economic sphere. Opens New Shop Santa Claus to the Douglas County as the "Leo Feist Charitks Trust" mittee to take up the subject of j After pointing to the great defects residents and they are too' smart to and to be disposed at the discretion Prison labor. This committee will' Sophia Monovitz, prominent dressin the management of Bira Bidjan in swallow anymore of • his' : political the past, the Ozet plans to adopt the maker and designer in Omaha for blunders. - They can't believe. in San- of a majority of its trustees, is pro- work with the official Prison Comrecently announced recommendations the last twenty years, has opened a ta Claus. anymore. Meyers doesn't vided in the will of the late Leo mission. Miss Schneiderman, who was one •of the special investigation commis- new shop at 328 Brandeis Theatre believe in Santa Claus either. Meyers Feist, the well-known music publisher of the leading workers in the United sion of the land commissariat and Building. who died on June 21. Th* entire will treat everyone alike if he is .also the suggestions of the Ozet's Mrs. Mnoovitz has studied design- elected to the Assessor's chair. He estate which Mr. Feist left is estim- Cloth Hat & Cap Makers Union of America, has been active in the la.revisory committee in order to pre- ing, cutting and dressmaking exten- has no favorites. The wage earner ated at one million dollars. bor movement since 1906 when she vent mistakes, in the future. sively. Besides making dresses, coats and the large real estate holder will was vice-president of the Women's PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Immigration to Bira Bidjan in the and suits, she does alteration, remodeling, and repairing of all kinds. She future will be based chiefly to atPOLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENTS POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENTS tract Jewish immigrants into the also makes uniforms for dentists, general Soviet collectives and indust- doctors, and nurses. The uniforms rial undertakings. In the, neighbor- worn in the dining room and coffey | hood of these general undertakings shops'of the Blackstone hotel, Eppley [ there will be concentrated the Jewish hotels/ Loyal hotel and many others ' collectives, the, workers' -.. settlements, are her design and make, as are! the artisans' guilds all • of which those of the elevator operators in : Democratic Candidate should be, according to • the' Ozet, the Brandeis Theatre Building, Bar-} financially and organizationally amal- ker Block, Medical Arts Building: and gamated with the general collectives. numerous other office buildings. ; The Ozet also welcomed the de:ision of the Far Eastern executive Threaten Riots • j' lommittee to seperate Bira Bidjan Bucharest.—Accompanied by threats Her opponent refused to give the one vote necessary into an independent. administrative "of ^ new anti-Jewish excesses by s;tuddistrict which will include :alj the to secure votes for women. sections allocated for Jewish coloniza- ent groups in the provinces, the; executive committee of the Central tion. , \ He was, and is, opposed to Prohibition. Nebraska Students' Organization at a meeting Measures to realize the decision here demanded the immediate .release would profit by having a woman in the senate. ; of the Soviet government for the of Zelea Codreanu, notorious anticreation of a seperate economic body Semitic agitator, who is now under to direct the entire .work; in Bira arrest and awaiting trial. •. ! ; . ] H. L. MOSS1V1AN } Bidjan. will also be taken by "the • State Manager , Ozet. ; POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT DOCTOR CALLFAS Headquarters 312 South 18th Street 1

An Open Letter I Dear Friend*:— I &tn #olicitin# your rote for Milton Petersen, a Democratic Candidate for Director of the Metropolitan Utilities District, at the August 12th primary. MiJton Petersen was born here in Omaha, educated in our public schools, served this country in the army throughout the World War. For eleven years he has been associated with the P. F . Petersen Baking Company, of which firm he is now Vice-President. Your vote for him will be a vote for conservative sound business policies in Omaha's very important gas and water plants.


I have personally known Mr. Petersen for a good many years and highly recommend him for the office he seeks.

United States Senator

u. s. on, COMPANY The fall meeting of"-all salesmen, and executives of;the',tT.S..Oil.Company was in session, last - Saturday. Salesmen from Nebraska; • " Western Iowa, Wyoming, South Dakota, Kansas, and, Colorado, were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss plans, policies and sales for the remainder of the year. A. W. Anderson, sales manager of the U. S. Oil Company, presided at the meeting. Morris Milder, president of the U. S. Oil Company, gave a brief talk to his 'employees and said: "The remainder of the year 1930 holds great possibilities for those who will get out and work. It is possibly true that there is a slight business depression now but only optimism and earnest work will bring our country and especially the middlewest out of such a condition." The salesmen from this section of the country employed by the U. S, Oil Works report favorable conditions throughout' their territories. Apparently the crops are in the best of con dition and they are looking for a banner year in the oil industry. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT



WherehasJudgeSears been for Seven Years? W. C. Sears has been in office as Congressman for nearly four terms and before voting next Tuesday ask yourself these questions:



1. Has he ever done anything for the farmers, although his district is in the heart of the nation's breadbasket?



County Clerk

Republican Candidate

4. Has he ever taken a definite stand on prohibition, a most vital problem today ?

Primaries August 12, 1930

5. Does anyone know his stand on any question of importance ?


McDonald Republican

(Douhty Commissioner Being your Commissioner is my business and • to that business I devote all of my time

My Record Speaks for Itself

Has he ever done anything for anyone. ?

3. How can he defend his vote for the tariff, a measure bitterly opposed by Nebraska's two senators, Norris and Ho well?

She is giving a businesslike, economic, efficient service in this important office.







Will you kindly enlist the aid of your family and friends in supporting this candidate, and be assured of my appreciation.



6. Where was he when the Omaha-Council Bluffs free bridge bill came up the first time and a Congressman from Illinois had to battle for its passage? 7. Are any of you vitally interested in the flood control problems in the cane brakes of Louisiana where our Congressman has been spending much of his time? 8. Where was he when our district lost the Veterans Hospital? 9. Where was he when our district lost the Veterans Bureau? 10. Would you be interested in having an enthusiastic tireless worker represent you at Washington?

I F SO—Cast your ballot Tuesday for

Malcolm Baldrige For Congress Lawyer—Ex-Service man—Civic Leader—Family man






Suggests Organization to AWARDS GIVEN OF be Israel?s Spokesman AT PICNIC PLAY

Jewish Sculptress Is Awarded Medal

Fisher. Second prize, Harry WeinIt is explained that it is this pro-1 admit that Jews and Chinese were litberg arid Michael Minkin. For thevision which has been interpreted as eluded. Shoe Race for girls of '7 and 8 first affecting Jews and Chinese. From a prize went to Esther Milder; second previous statement by the Embassy, San Francisco.—Jewish names will prize to Ida Epstein. In the Sack however, it appears that Jews and Race for boys of 9 and 10, first prize Chinese are the primary object of the hold a conspicuous place on the balwent to Louie Harty and second contemplated restrictive legislation, lot to be presented to the voters fcit prize to Louie Blumkin. In the Siam- notwithstanding Mexico City's endeav- California at the primary election taking place August 26. ese Twins race for girls of 9 and 10or to reduce this impression. first prize went to Mildred Layton The second statement of the Mexi- Chaim Shapiro of Los Atigeles if; and Ruth Cooper; second prize to can Embassy here explained that the a candidate for lieutenant-governor Adeline Spector and Sylvia Zernovs- reply received to its first inquiry in of California, running on the Socialist ky. In the Three Legged race for Mexico City did not state that Jews ticket. Congresswoman Florence P. boys of 11 and 12 first prize went to and Chinese were not the only nation- Kahn widow of Congressman Julius Irving Nogg and Fred Blau; second alities against whom the proposed im- Kahn, is a candidate to succeed herprize to Sam Ruderman and Izzy migration bill was aimed, but it didself from the Fourth District in Sftti Kraft. In the Potatoe Race for girls of 11 and 12 first prize went to POLITICAL ADYEKTISEStfcXT POLITICAL Helen Holzman; second prize to Minnie Spiegel. In the Horse and Vote for Rider race for boys 13 to 15 first prize went to Leonard Leon and Norman Bolker; second prize to Dave Bernstein and Sam Wolk. In the Egg Race for girls 13 to 15 first Register of Deeds £ prize went to Sylvia Simon and second prize to Sylvia Hahn. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR

Boston, Mass.—(J. T. A.) — In on editorial printed in the cur-either "absorb or eliminate these orBashka Paeff, noted New Engrent issue of The American Hebrew, ganizations in the course of time. ; Taiittucl Torah Sttideiits Win land sculptress, who is at presftabbi Isaac Landman, the Editor, asks "For the religious aspect, the SynMajority of thfe Athietic ent exhibiting at the famous the Jews of America if the time has agogue Council of America is fepreAwards Paris Salon, was awarded the iibt ye*t come "to-bulld ah organization sentative of all shades o^ doctrine aiid Tercentenary medal at the Bostwhich at all times can speak and act opinion. Too little importance has Monday* August i, was "award "with responsibility and authority for heretofore been attached to the Coun- day" at the picnic conducted by the on Tercentenary Art Exhibition held at Horticultural Hall for the Jews of America." Such an or-cil. The three lay organizations and J. C. C. Play School. her portrait bust of Mr. A. J. ganization, . writes Eabbi- Landman, the. three Rabbinical associations of following teachers were given Philpott, eminent art critic of should "be constituted by the inember- national scope, speaking for Keform, book awards for their volunteer the city. Conservatism and Orthodoxy arid comJkihijJ of the three American organization's that now function independently prising about 3,000 congregations, are services: Mrs. Joe Bonoff, Naomi The announcement was made : by the Boston Tercentenary in the religious, protective and phil- affiliated with the Council. This is; Cohen, Jeanette Levinson, Mrs. Sara Committee, and the award by an anthropic phases of Jewish life. Dr. linique in Jewish history. At ho time Rae Sekermari; Ida Terihenbaum, Mrs. especially picked art jury. Landman names the Synagogue Coun- heretofore have the sects in Israel Phlneas Wintroub, Grace Dansky, cil of America, which represents 3,000 been" so united through their repre- Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Anne Tretiak, Miss Paeff is known throughorganizations of the Reform, Conserv- sentatives to voice sentiments and Mrs.- Fred Larkin, Charlotte Heyn, out the country for her ChapHelen Janger, Leota Rohlfs, Eunice ative and Orthodox wings in Judaism; ideals common to all of them. lain's War Memorial in the Hall Rosenstein, Shirley Janoff, Alice *ne American Jewish Committee "For Jews abroad suffering from Rothsack, La Verne Feblowitz, Cyril of Fame in the Boston State fdr tivo decades, hak labored political and economic disabilities, the, House, the great War Memorial Leorii Gertrude Orach, Esther Stein, ^ and effectively in behalf of American Jewish Committee has labfor the State of Maine, her figijlll J«ws in foreign lands who still bred stalwarthy and effectively for Adele "Wilinsky; Anne Liritzman, Wm. ures and sun-dial fountains for • isuffer under political and economic two decades.^ The men who sit on this J. Rose and Leo Fried.' Julius Rosenwald of Chicago, ^disabilities because they are Jews; the Committee are in every sense leaders The following children were given and her numerous portrait iJoirit distribution Committee which, in the Jewish life of the community awards for perfect attendance at the works, among which are the »the writer states, has collected ana ex- they represent. like the Synagdgue Play School: Sidney Greerbaum, famed Justice Louis D. Brandeis pended 5100,000,000 for war relief Council, the Committee works without Sara Kadis, Gordon Margolin, Seaand Justice Holmes of the Su.and is the agency par excellence for fanfare and publicity. Its word in man- Peltz, Barbara Joy Taxman, preme Court of Washington. icollectiiig and distributing funds by behalf of our persecuted brethren in Ruth Trochtenberg, Madoris Leon, i American Jews in times of emergency foreign lands is .received with due at-Eddie Kuklin, Betty Kuklin, Sam •dr calamity that may be visited on tention by the : Governments to which Bachman, Ephraim Gershatter, MauRumors Still Persist That Law it speaks, and its record of accomplish- ri^- Klaiman, Sol Marcus, Carl Mil- rief, Adeline Spector, Ruth Stein. Jews anywhere iri the world. Aimed at Jews and ment is already American Jewish his- der, Malcolm Trochtenberg, Anne Ar- Evelyn Waldman, Ruth Nepomnick, Chinese . "American Jewish life," says Eabbi tory. ' • bitmari, Lottie Atndt, Lillian Baker, Marjorie Moskovitz, Anne Bergman, , "divides itself into three asSophie B,lumkin, Pauline Levinson, Ruth Finer, Adolph Layton, Daniel Washington.—(J. T. A.)—While the pects. First and foremost is our re- "For relief in Jewish emergencies Lillian Pollay, Shirley Spar, Le Briria •Miller, Lewis Eilberg, Lillian BernaHd in time of calamity, the Joint text of the proposed Mexican immiligliras idealism aiid aspirations, as Steinberg, Dorothy Tatlemari, Louie stein, Jennie BacEman,- Celia Bachthese concern iis in our own country. Distribution Committee has been and Blumkiri, .Edwin Milder, Ervirie man, Francis Blumkin, Lucille Batt, gration "law, which! is reported to be •Second is the continued American is the agency par excellence. In this Riekes, Ben Schneider, Martin Stein- Dorothy Camel, Goldie Freed, Ahu- particularly aimed at'Jews and ChinJewish interest in our brethren Committee, and for the purpose of berg, Martin Steinberg, Marvin Tax- vah Gershatter, Esther Klaiman, ese, is riot yet available here, the Mexican'Embassy has informed the Jewthrougout the world where they still Jewish work of love, are united Atner-' man,Bernard Trochtenberg, Abraham Rose Kirschenbaum, Sylvia Arndt. ican Jews of every shade of theologish Telegraphic Agency-that it be•suffer from jjolitical and economic dis- ical opinion, capitalists and laborers, Dansky, Dora Bachman, Hallie Bialac, lieves that the bill does:riot1-specificThe following were given prizes abilities because they are Jews. Third women arid even children. . •_ Lena Fried, Lebna Fried, Marjorie for swimining in the Athletic events. ally mention any nationalities, being is the occasional call that may come "The thought naturally follows that Garber, Evelyn Greenbaum, Eva Kuz- First prize in Wheelbarrow race for istended merely . to -exducle'- immifto American Jews for monetary relief nit, Mildred Layton, Yetta Lerner, boys, Seven and eight years of age grants without capital; or- special : the Synagogue Council of America; in times of,calamity or emergency. tiouise 'Miller, Ann Pollay, Etta So- •went to Abe Baum and Harold iiiearis1 of support.1 ' - '• ' ' the .American Jewish Committee and 'y '"Three organizations now function •"to iinswer ihe requirements of these the Joint Distribution Committee unite POLITtCAI. POLITICAL POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT form an organization for the sake three phases of Jewish life in Amer- to of permanent centralization of the ica. Each organization1 is represerit- Jewish Voice of America. Such an i fully icbmpetent and thoroughly organization is to be neither a Sanestablished,' All three speak with hedrin to pass on Jewish religious law .authority when a question, arises that and practice, nor a Kehillah to govern /iaiis within, their own spheres. There the separate Jewish communities in ?;are other organizations, of course, our country, nor a super-body to imwhich presume to speak for the Jews pose itself on the individualized of America; -These -are— the groups groups that are organized for whatcreate-havoc when-the voices of ever objective. I t can -and ought to American Israel should be heard become the authorized and responsible .'clearly landTauthoritatiyely. The sug- spokesman >for united Israel. in America." - . - • ' . - • .: "gestion here offered will, it is hoped,



The Record of My Office for Efficiency, Service and Economy Speakks for Itself Primaries August 12 Election No. 4 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT





Vote for

I if

T. W. BASS Republican Candidate For

State Treasurer I have personally known Dr. Bass for a good many years, and have found him to be the type of man who could sanction no distinction between men of different races or ,creeds. ; Bass has had a great deal of experience iii public offde. H e is at present secretary .to Governor Weaver and is well qualified for the position he seeks. I earnestly urge you to vote for Dr. Bass for State Treasurer. •



CASorensen (.-

Xefters] Have been mailed to many Douglas CoUhtyhbme wc-tiers by the present County J A$sessdr, calling the attention of the taxpayers to a recent reduction in taxes made on home property. Don't be deceived! This reduction is trivial ! When the tax blunder occured in 1926, the taxes were raised on hundreds of Douglas County residents. Nearly every tax payer protested this outrageous increase. They-were right. The Board of Equalization in many cases reduced the taxation. Even after this vr&s done the taxes were much higher than they were before the outrageous increase vras placed by the County !Assessor. Make sure this blunder doesn't happen again. Vote for Henrv F . Mevers. We, the, undersigned, endorse Henry F . Meyers for County Assessor and •will ap* predate any support you can give him in the coming election. Jack Alberts Abner Kaiman Sam Haver

as Yotir

Irvine; Lievine > Joe Roitsteirt Sol Rosenberg


REPUBLICAN TICKET Republican Candidate

Able - Progressive - Incorru





Capable s



$350 IS H I FORtiMDt(MH

Miss Clara 'Goldberg, a graduate of fhe variousT European health rejj of Iowa University, who regards the sorts. question ^with" a:= • ieerf Insight?'r#oa3r< "I don't think it would be wrong to If thou hast commenced a good read the Bible in the schools, IF—", action, leave it not incomplete. By F. R. K. and this is where the thinking JewReport of Picnic Committee Is ish man und woman pauses—"if it To be faithless to a given promise Cornerstone of Chevra B'nai Yisroel is as sinful as idolatry. Made at a Check Up were properly read by some one wno MISS ANNA PILL, Corresvondent Synagogue Will be Laid Sunday Meeting showed good judgment and no perFOMTICAI. ADVEKTISBMWKTl Afternoon. sonal leanings toward a particular At a meeting of the Talmud Torah creed or dogma." But unless this The Cornerstone laying ceremony Picnic Committee held last week, the condition were certain, Miss Gold- of the new Chevra B'nai Yisroel VOTE FOR report was made by Mrs. R, H. Em- berg felt it would be unwise. Synagogue will be held next Sunday lein, chairman, that $.450 was cleared! • Mr. William Mazie was of the afterno6n, August .10,. at 2 o'clock. at the affair. Mrs. A. B. Friedman entertained opinion that if only the Old Testa- The main address will be "The The committee expressed themMr. Herbert E. Marx-died in St. ment were read, tne idea might Cornerstone," by Mr. O. Hochman. Plans are being made by the at a Luncheon Bridge recently in the selves as being very well satisfied Louis where he had gone for treatprove to be of worth, but, he con Invocation will be given" by Rabbi Independent Order of the Bnal B'rith Sara Davis Tea Shop, honoring Mrs. H. Grodinsky of Omaha. Among with the result of the picnic and of Sioux City for their annual out- Morris ShulkLn of Los Angeles who ment, after an illness of • several were pleased with the amount of co- tinued, "There would always be the others who Will speak include Mayor To the Jewryof OinaTia: months. Funeral services foi Mr. In submitting the name of door picnic. Mr. E.N.-Grueskin and is visiting here. Tables for sixteen operation they received from tbe .danger for the Jewish boy and girl, O. H. Brown, W. R. Orchard, Henry Sam K. Greenleaf for re-election . Mr. M. E. Friedman are in charge of were attractively arranged with sum- Marx, who moved to Sioux City from Sioux City Jewish population, accord- that the permission of the scnool K. Petersen, and I. Morgenstern. as County Assessor, I am advoOmaha only two years ago, were board to read the Old Sestament the arrangements for the affair which mer flowers. ing to Mrs. Emlien. cating the candidacy for a true The cornerstone was expected to held in Mount Sinai Temple Tuesday would lead to the permission to read -will be held Sunday afternoon and Miss Helen Friedman was hostess The door prize was won by Mr. M. the New Testament also, and that be laid a few weeks ago, but due to friend of the taxpayer. afternoon at 4 o'clock. Rabbi Lewis evening,' August 17, at the Shore ,t a bridge party last evening, comMr. Greenleaf has always the "Three Weeks" period of mournfficiated at the Service at which A. Herzoff. The 400-day clock was Acre Boat Club. been willing to lend a helping plimenting Miss Margaret Shulkin ieveral hundred friends were present not raffled off, but will be disposed would violate the principles of the ing it has been postponed until Sunseparation of the church and ihe hand in our philanthropic enAccording to the plans the picnic who is visiting here with her mother. of in that manner in the near future. day. The $30,000 structure, built :o pay their last respects. deavors. I personally have state." -will-be an old fashioned family gathwith donations of local Jews, after The proceeds of the picnic will go frequently had the occasion to Mr. Marx is survived by his widow, ering- for the members and their Miss Jeanette Segal of Chicago is ask him for donations to charittowards the maintaiftence of. the bus, Mr. A. H. Baron, one of Sioux fire destroyed the old synagogue last families. Cards and a program of visiting here at the home of Miss firs. Johanna Marx, a son, Robert, which takes the children ,'in" outlying City's prominent younger attorneys, February 28, is about half comable institutions, and not once two daughters, Doris and Betty, his has he refused, but has always sports will occupy the afternoon. -~ Sara Mosow. •was most emphatic in his view that pleted. The new synagogue will be districts to and from the school. been generous in his contribumother, a brother Leon, and a sister , Mr, GruesMn and Mr. Friedman tions. Those who assisted in the prepara- Bible reading had no place in the. ready for use for the High Holidays '.•'. are being assisted with the plans by 'Miss Rhea Finsod of Chicago spent Ruth Marx* ' school curriculum. "In the event of next month. tions of the plans for the picnic, the week end in Sioux City visiting . Then, too, Mr. Greenleaf has I. H. Levin, Ruben Miller, Abe Fill, making the reading of the Bible in employed more Jewish men and many of. whom attended the final The public is cordially invited to ;he home of her mother, Mrs. M. and Dr. Levin. Other members of the a'omen during his -administration check up meeting of the committee the public schools a part of trie attend the cornerstone laying cerecommittee will be appointed at a Dizon. than any assessor in Omaha has curriculum," Mr. Baron stated, mony next Sunday. include Mrs. Emlein, Mrs. J. Shulkin, | " " ™ w « « v «ir. D a r o n swea, heretofore. later date. Mr. Louis Skalovsky has departed #th e wou!d that Mrs. Max Haligman, Mrs! A. B. ^ ** tendency of a During his thirty years ex« for a two week trip to Toronto, CanThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Friedman, Mrs. A. Slotsky\ Mrs. Sam conflict of religious ideas which of the Independent Order of the j perience in taxation and assessada, and points east. ments, Mr. Greenleaf has built Passman, Mrs. JoeOxinan, Mrs. Ben wt>uld be very wrong. The issue ->f Tisha B'ab Collections re n nas no Presented by Anna Pill up an enviable record. He has Sherman Mrs A*~W" Kaplan^ "Mrs.- . " £ i ° place in the school Bnai Brith will hold a meeting Abe Baron spent several days personally re-inspected properAugment J. N. F . Fund in.Mr. Monday evening, August 11, atnext the J. Shindler, Mrs. Abe*Agran6ff, Mrs! and reading the Bible would s o o n 1Eagles " — 1 Hall. -•-- • - — " - «-Minneapolis this week, where he : ties and adjusted valuations Much attention has been given the Max Brodkey, Mrs; D. L. Rodin, Mr. result in that very issue. made in the 1926 assessments. The annual collections made from joined Mrs. Baron and their daughter problem of Bible reading in the William Kantor, Mr B. Shiloff, Mr. "However," Mr.-Baron added, " I Many big corporations in Dougwho are spending the summer at the' Leo Ungar returned home Monday the various synagogues in the city : can see no harm in the study and , las County, especially in Omaha, public, schools in many large dues B. Baron, Mr. M. Lazriowich, Mr. a sending, the past ten days . have had large, increases on commemorating Tisha B'ab, made a summer home of Mrs. Baron's par- f the United States.. Current newsreading of the Bible in .higher 5 , ^ their valuations, while /the homematerial addition to the Jewish Na- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Weisberg, on Lake papers and magazines have carried Max Brodkey, Mr, A. Stillman, Mr. schools of learning, for then the • S l t i : at Mackinaw Island, Mich.Jack London, Mr.: A. M. Davis, Mr. owners have enjoyed a decided tional Fund Collections for the sum-Minnetonka. fiery -articles pro and con. • It was E. N. Grueskin, Mr. Max Friedman^ pupil is of a more mature age£"aniif" cut in taxes. The 1930 taxamer, -according to Mr. Joseph Aizen- .' Misses Margaret Kozberg, Serene interesting to note that of the several tions will conclusively prove this is able to grasp the subject from 'arr Free*llander Appointed Mr. Lou Agranoff; Mr. Morris Pill, berg, chairman of that fund. fact. . ;' Barrent, Ida and Anne Greenberg local Jewish men and women we Mr. A. W. Kaplan,. Mr. A.; Goodsite, educational point of view, "which . vAlbanyi—Joseph _'H.' Freedlander Those who were in charge of the and Bertha Berger spent several days interviewed concerning this question Mr. Sam Lipman, Mr. I. Chesen, Mr. would not conflict with his religious .has, been, appointed consulting archiAbove all else, Sam Greenleaf is and has been honest. And collections at the synagogues include in Des Moines where they were which is before many groups in as M. Seff, Mr. M; -Albert, Mr. ' A.' ideas.". ' ' ,'', ". „' " ":..'\"".-:"~'..,;. .•tert .of the -Saratoga ,Springs' Comnow, as never before, it is necB. Zifkin and H. Friedman at the guests of friends. many cities, danger to the Jew.was Greenberg, Mrs. A- I- Sacks.'. , " ' • While tolerance would mission; Mr. Freedlander, who is the essary that we have an honest Adash Yeshuren; M. Sen* and J. Bofelt in the issue. shown by the Jewish! population, in president of the Fine Arts Federation man at the; helm: in., the assess: bin at the Shaare Zion; M. Laz- Cecil, Eli and Max Seff, also motor's office. • -• -" ' • of • the • State, is .the designer of the keeping with the We are pleased to note that the could be fair to even begin to - read riowitch at the Tephereth Israel, and ored to Des Moines for a visit. I appeal to all of my friends Jewish business "man and woman, the Bible in the public schools; No the teaching of the Bible in "the Fifth Avenue, Towers .in New York M. Hendly and M. Shulkin at the to vote for Mr. Greenleaf and rushed with the pressure of his matter what part of the New or public school, the' cohc'ehsTis"" of -City,,, the White Plains Municipal Announcement has been made by thereby cast their vote for honBeth Abraham. Mr. N. W. Pickus, of Waukegan, Il- work, does take the time to con- Old Testament was read, i t . would opinion indicated ^that- the-idea was Building, the Museum of the City of esty, fairness, and capability. JNew York and the new Bronx Coimty linois, of the engagement of his rider problems that deal with iiis be discriminating against some crepd not a welcome one. " ' .: : ': (Signed) Building. ,• •• . daughter Dorothy Marie Pickus of people, and is alert to the welfare )r race, and there is no room for Shaare Zion Social Toby A. Silverman. Mr.; Freedlander. sails for Europe Use the best vase tod^ay; tomorrow Waukegan to Fred B. Gordon, of cf the religion, literature and culture discrimination in an institution like bi his race. next week to -study the architecture it may break. >ur public school system." Hall Is Redecorated Indianapolis, Indiana. The Pickus "What do you. .think of teachingfamily formerly resided in Sioux Committes p£ the Ladies Auxiliary City, where Miss Pickus was a mem- she Bible in the Public Schools," we of Shaare Zion Synagogue are busily ber of the graduating class of Cen- asked. ..-•-. at wotk superintending the redecorat- tral High. The date for the wedding -Mr. Abe Stillxnan, prominent Zioning the social hall of the synagogue has. been set for August 31. ist-worker, who has the literature of in preparation for the social events our people at his finger tips as it DYEAK of the coming year. Mrs. S. H. Mr. and Mrs. L. Plotkin and daugh- were, was strongly against placing Shulkin and Mrs. S. Weirier are in ter Rita Goldie, ai.d "Mrs,. Nate. Ster- the Bible in the achool curriculum. HEAVY c h a r g e o f t h ep l a n s . ; ' • .-.' • -,•••••. ling and children,-Dorothy and David "I have ;two reasons for; not adof Carrol," Nebraska, are guests at vocating -the reading or teaching - oi the home of Mrs. Eva Woskoff; 611 the Bible i a the public school,'* said J. C. C. Scout Wins MaineStreefe -• - A -' - .< u-:- '-.-.• Mr. Stillman,fin ;the- first place, the Magazine Ghampionship Mrs. I . ,E. Krolpff." and daughters tlhristlan translation.- carries with it Betty ,and Louise left last week. foi the • Christian interpretation, awi Dave Kaplan, scribe of the J . C. G a trip to Kansas City arid Chicago there is; the possibility of it's being Boy Scout Troop, holds a unique rec- They^plan-to be gone about three used for the purpose of missinonary ord of selling the most magazines work in the schools, .and to propoamong the boy salesmen of this city, weeks. gate dogmas contrary to the belief Dave has defrayed part of his ex- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky ah' jof the Jews." penses while attending Central High children returned " recently afte; "In the second place," he confour years by selling a total of 30,000 spending several weeks at the lakes j tinued, "we do not have the assurmagazines. He is helping his .father in Northern Minnesota. I ance that, only the Old Testamer-t in the Pioneer 'Iron works this sumMr. and Mrs. Abe -Davidson of will be used in teaching the Bible mer and plans to attend the UniverChicago visited in Sioux City for a the schools, and of course if the sity of Iowa this f alL • • several days, enroute from their New Testament were used tha home, to Spirit Lake, where they will •would be unfair to the children of spend some time visiting at Crandall )ther faiths, since its purpose would Miss Clara Goldberg Mrs. Davidson also left for be ., to disseminate only Christian Moves to New York Lodge." doctrines and dogmas." Crandall Lodge last week. Mr. Alva Abrams, manager of Miss Clara Goldberg, v Personnel Miss Helen Friedman spent the ladio department of Davidson manager at Davidson Bros. Company week end visiting friends in Omaha. Brother Company, did not favor for some time; has announced her reading the Bible in the schools. Miss Frances Rutstein has returned resignation from that firm and'plans "The schools are supported by the to leave about August 15th' for New after a two week visit in Omaha taxes of every race and creed," said York City where she: will make - her where she visited her sister, Mrs. Mr. Abrams. " I don't see how, it • h<me. Prior -to going to New York Harry Belmont.. Miss Goldberg will visit at the home Mr. Jerome Hyman has departed of her parents in Elkador, Iowa. for Chicago." After a brief stay Miss Goldberg has been prominent there he will go to Louisville, Kenin many activities here, having been tucky, before his return home. active in the work of the Community House, The Jewish Community- CenMr. Herman Herzoff, of Chicago ter, and Mount 'Sinai 'Sisterhood, ha? been in the city this week visit(MPLY where she lead the Reading Circle ^ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. during tlie past year. Misa Goldberg Herzoff. was president of the Woman's Club EW tires — Goodycars — though finer than Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Greenberg and and at one time president of the J: ever this year, are selling at the lowest prices in children left Monday for Omaha C. <C. Business Woman's Club. where they plan to visit. history. It doesnH pay", these days, to bother with



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Mrs. William Lazere and sons Bobby and Leonard have departed for Colorado. Springs where they plan to stay 'fflree • weeks. Miss Shirely Sialkin of Brooklyn New Tork, is a guest at the home of her aui\t and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I. Chesen/1110—8th Street. Miss Anne Cohen has returned home after spending a month visit ing friends in Los Angeles. Mrs. E. Chesen entertained fifteen young guests. at an Orpheum party

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