August 22, 1930

Page 1

. , In the" ' * ," Interests of The

. > Winterksti

Jewish Community

Entertain^ *^ Entered as second-class man matter on January "J7, lH'il, at postofflce nt Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8. 187a.


Zaltzman to Speak to Workmen Group



New York to War on Mushroom Synagogues


Excavators Find Objects Proving Bible Narratives


Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The disBen Yousem was elected president covery of objects authenticating the of the Business Men's Bowling version of certain events as told by Mr. R. Zaltzman of New York New York, (J.T. A.)—The war on In the Bronx, Rabbi Jacob Kate, League at the annual meeting held the Bible has been announced by City, general secretary of the Tec- the "mushroom synagogues," which spiritual leader of the Montefiere last Monday. Abner Kaiman was the joint expedition of the Ixenia ently organized ^fraternal Inter- each year springs up just before the congregation, is making arrange- chosen secretary and treasurer. Seminary and the American School national Workmen's Order, will High Holidays, is on again. These j ments to spend §10,000 to enlarge the of Oriental Research which has been To Officiate in Conservative The following were granted fran'Assistant Executive Secretary address a mass meeting on Wed- synagogues have been attacked from'vestry room so that it-will aceomo- chises: Kaiman Insurance, Captain excavating at Tel Beit Mirsin, the Pulpit for nesday evening, August 27, at two sources, one a condemnatory reso-J date 200 people, or the equivalent of Plans to Do Social Work site of the ancient Eiryat Sepher, Leon Mendelson; Ben's Jewelry, CapHigh Holidays 8:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, lution adopted by the Rabbinical As-1 the number of persons ordinarily at; in New York 22nd and Clark. Admission will sociation of the Yeshivah College, tending services - at one mushroom tain Jules Gerelick; The Wardrobe., thirteen nvles from Hebron. Rabbi Peter Halpern of the Jewish Captain Leo Weitz; Empire Cleaners, The excavations revealed objects Louis M. Shanok, assistant execu- be free. calling upon the Jews not to attend synagogue.. Captain I. F. Goodman; :Malashock showing the cultural development of Theological Seminary of New York tive secretary of the Jewish Communservices in these temporary ssyna-1 other Bronx «bbis who'have joined Jewelry, Captain Dr. D. C. Pliatt; Palestine during the two years has been obtained to officiate at the ity Center and Welfare Federation .gogues, and the other the enlarge- ^ fl u a & a i n £ t t h e m u s h r o o m s y n a . Glazer Clothing, Captain Leo Shlai- preceding 586 B. C, the year in High Holiday services of the Conserfor the past two years, has resigned inenb of synagogues in the Bronx to ^ H a m m e r of t h e are Dr j which Nebuchadnezzer razed Jeru- vative Synagogue, according to an anfer. from his position,' effective Septemprovide additional seating room to nouncement just made by Sam Bebcr, This league will bowl, as in prev- salem. ber 1. meet the needs of those who would president of the congregation. Those Basel of the. Jacob H. , at Francisco's Alleys, on The era of the patriarch Abraham, ims y e a r s Mr. Shanok plans to go to New ordinarily patronize the mushroom who have heard Rabbi Halpern acthe story of the exodus from Egypt | Tuesday evening at 9 p. m. Schiff Center. York to do social work and at the synagogues. claim him as a spiritual leader of and the conquest of Canaan are same time study for a doctor of philPointing out that the mushroom brilliant qualities. among the authenticated Bible narosophy degree at' Columbia Universynagogues are conducted for the Services this year will again be held ratives, according to M. Albright, sity, majoring in the field of ecoprofit of private individuals without in the auditorium of the Jewish Comleader of the expedition. nomics and social legislation. any benefit to the community and munity Center. During the past two years Mr. Final Report by Brown Shows that the services in them are not con- j No services were held by the ConSum Obtained by EmerShanok has directed the successful ducted in a true religious spirit, the j servative Synagogue during: the sumgency Fund Center Summer Flay School, and was Rabbinical Association urges the Jews * Buenos Aires (J. T. A.)—Maurice .here he received cables from several mer months, but they plan to begin principal of the J. C. C. Sunday not to patronize these synagogues Schwarz, noted Jewish actor and 1 large Jewish centers in various parts 1 conducting regular services each FriNew York.—More than $2,000,000 School. He is especially noted for his and makes a special plea at this time former director of the Yiddish Art j of the world in which he is offered day evening early in September. were collected from American Jewry •work among the younger children. for the aid of their stricken coreli- because the economic crisis makes Theatre of New York, will not re- the financial support necessary for Immediately following- tha Succoth Mr. Shanok -graduated from Yale gionists in Palestine as a result of the them a particular menace to the rcgu- turn to America unless an organiza- the upkeep of a Yiddish art theatre. services, the Synagogue will bring a, •University in 19?6. He held a thou- Arab uprisings last year, it was an- lar synagogues. I tion is founded in New York which From New York tob, he said, permanent rabbi to Omaha to becomo sand dollar fellowship at the Train- nounced by David A. Brown, chair: | will finance a Yiddish art theatre there came a cable signed by inspiritual head of the congregation. It ing School for Jewish Social Workers man of the Palestine emergency, in for him there. National Socialists Seek to Oust fluential people in •which he was is planned to again have the services in New York City. He was director a final report just issued. According Planning Export This was tba statement made by asked to return and continue his Them From the chanted by a cantor, and it is hoped of clubs at New Haven and also di- to Mr. Brown, $2,083,818 was actually Mr. Schwartz, who has been appearCountry I Yiddish theatrical work in the North that a choir will be organized to asHouse in Palestine Tected Center work at the Bronx Y. collected, which plus interest earned sist him. ing in Buenos Aires in Yiddish American metropolis. Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—An export II. H. A. and the Federation Settle- of ?30,407.50, makes the total secured Berlin, (J.T.A.)—If the National The Conservative Synagogue is house with a capital of ?500,000 will plays for the past couple of months, "I answered my New York mends Socialists get control of the German ment of New York City. reach $2,114,225.89. This sum, Mr. be established in Palestine by the to the Argentine correspondent of now almost one year old. The first that they must first suggest a conLast June he graduated from the Brown added, does not include $100,government at the forthcoming Reichthe Jewish Telegraphic Agency. crete plan whereby a Yiddish art stag elections and carry out to the services were held on September IS. law college of Creighton University 000 which was sent direct to Pales- noted exporters, Landau Brothers of Mr. Schwartz r?vealed that while theatre there would be able to main- letter their campaipn planks no Jew 1929, and since that time the conand is a member of the Nebraska bar. tine by Nathan Straus, who gave London and South Africa if Palestine industrialists comply with conditions tain itself financially, before I could will be permitted to be a German citi- gregation has grown tremendously, §50,000 of this amount, and by Jnlius numbering at the present time 300 consent to return", declared Mr. zen. Rosenwald and Felix M. Warburg, which would make the proposed exmembers. port house a profitable undertaking. Schwartz. who each dispatched $25,000. The program of the National SocialThe proposal, "was reported during ists, led by Adolph Hitler, himself The cost of raising this large fund, a meeting of industrialists at which not a citizen of Germany, calls for a Mr. Brown emphasized, was 3% per M Sheinkar, described the interest Miss Ida Lostgarten, talented pianj W a i l i n g W a l l R e p o r t national program to deprive the Jews cent, which, in his opinion, is an ex- which South African Jews have in of citizenship or to rid the country tremely low record for such under- products emanating from Palestine. ist, is visiting here with her parents, to Be Ready October Mr. and "Mrs. Ben Lustgarten after of them entirely. takings. If the interest earned on the At the same meeting- it was resolved Hitler's plank contains 21 issues on money is deducted from :£he expenses to send _a message of. thanks .to Vla- a year's-stady-in Chicago. Geneva ( J . T. A.)—Charles Barde, In June Miss Lastgarten graduated which he is-appealing to the German incurred in the campaign, Mr. Brown of Activities d'mir Jabotinsky, Revisionist leader, from the Chicago Musical college t h e Swiss j u r i s t who is a member electorate and six of them are aimed Full Day's pointed out, then the cost of collect- who on TUB x&Ssni tonr through of the international Wailing Wall cum lande in Commission which" at the Jews. la addition, to the one Arranged for the ing over-$&QQD)BOft trom~m& parts*-<rf SouEn Africa^ rnrged • tEe use of~Pa» with entTy- — piano under Utioolph. -Gans. -When banning Jews as citizens he would not Jerusalem, (J. T. jL).—A resoluAmerica and Alaskaj would be a frac- lestihe products. eluded i t s labors in investigating her instructor left for Europe this permit anyone not of German blood tion recommending that the Jewish Moslem and Jewish claims -to t h e The Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity of tion of over 2 per cent, thus^fissursummer, she spent the summer to li\-e in Germany except under spe- educational system in Palestine, now Wailing Wall, on - his r e t u t - . here the University of Nebraska is to hold ing 98_cents of every dollar for Pales- Lay Cornerstone for studying with two international cial laws, he would bar those not of under the control of the Jewish told t h e Jewish Telegraphic Agency its annual roundup in Omaha on Sun- tine. masters ^by virtue of scholarships. German blood and not German citi- Agency^ should pass to a jooint Of the sum raised in this country, day, August 24. t h a t t h e report of t h e "Walling Wall New Jewish Colony These were Percy Grainger, Austzens from holding public office, he board of representatives of the JewThe annual reunion was initiated Mr. Brown said, iri his report, §146,- Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The corner- ralien pianist, and Alexander Raab, Commission would be ready by t h e would oust all non-Germans and non- ish Agency and the Jewish communiabout five years ago and since then 624.79 still" remains here. He said stone was laid today for the first Hungarian pianist. end of October and submitted to the citizens so long as unemployment ties starting with the year 6692 the number coming back to -renew ac that moneys -were transmitted abroad Jewish colony established in_ Pallasts, he would not permit immigra- adopted at to-day's meeting of the She recently gave a recital at the British government then. quaintances has gradually increased; during the past year as follows: estine this year. The colony, which Little Theatre, Chicago, receiving Explaining t h a t the Commission tion of non-Germans who came to Jewish National Council following until this year more than fifty for- $716^625.65 to Palestine, $189,242.88 is called Beith Hanan, is near Ness many favorable comments from a full discussion of the matter. h a s voluminous material to study, Germany after August 2, 1914. mer members of the University c to England and $1,000,000 to the Ziona. The 35 Bulgarian Jewish newspaper critics. She also taught t h e minutes of t h e various meetings Although the National Socialists The meeting was attended by repNebraska Chapter from all parts o: Deutsche bank in Berlin, under a spe- families who are the first settlers piano in her studio. filling a thousand typewritten pages, demand the freedom of all religious resentatives of the Jewish teachers. the country are expected back for th< cial agreement with Felix M. WarHer sister, Miss Dorothy Lustgarare being provided with §2,000 each M. Barde said t h a t the first con- sects this liberty does not apply to If the new arrangement is carried burg to cover allocations already festivities. by the Keren Hayesod and the Jew- ten,- is also a scholarship wircner in those who "offend against the moral out it would be effective i'or a period An outing and early Sunday morn- made by the Palestine Emergency1j ish National Fund is furnishing the music. At present she is studying sultation of t h e commissioners would feelings of the German people." of five years and would relieve the be held during September either a t ing breakfast will begin a very active Committee in Palestine. Mr. Brown land. Jewish Agency of the sole response violin at Falls Village, Conn. Geneva or Stockholm. The National Socialists believe that day. In the afternoon the men will also announced that the funds are bility for Jewish education. Judaism is offensive to the moral 'attend a smoker and stag party, being handled in Palestine by a speThe Jewish National Council also feelings of the German people. •while the feminine guests wfll be en- cial committee composed of Pincus instructed its officers to place on ths Ruttenberg, Dr. Maurice B. Hexter, tertained at a tea and bridge. agenda of an early meeting thr>. American member of the Jewish The day will be culminated with a Mother Chapter of question of transferring the Jewish dinner dance to be held at the Olive Agency, and Colonel Frederick H. health sanitation work to the A. Z. A. Holds Outing Jewish and Crest Country club. The ballroom Kisch. communities. •will be decorated in the fraternity colThe Council voted to devotr The A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 held ors of purple and white. Novel en- Bikur Cholin Society an all-day stag outing last Sunday, $25,000 of the relief funds at it* tertainment has been planned for the "The affiliation of the Aleph Zadik disposal for the extension of MotER Mr. Russ, who was in Omaha teaching him the scout oath, scout Augnst 17. entire evening and a host of surprises Raffle Is Postponed Aleph with the Jewish Committee of Tuesday, completed details of the law, honesty, loyalty, and ethics, The members of the Mother provided the Palestine Emergency -are in store for the guests. - The raffle of the Bikur Cholim the Boy Scouts of America is our "union" of forces at a conference while a high standard of citizenship is Chapter met in the morning at the Fund carried out the full program Out of town guests include Arthur society which was scheduled to be high -water mark thus far," was the with the executive heads of the jun- built up through inculatng the Jewish Community Center. They of reconstruction there involving Romm of New York City, David held at the organization's picnic last significance attached by Philip W. ior Order of the B'nai B'rith. idea of service—service to God, to I motored to Elmwood Park, and after another 830,000. The Cpuncii &lm Wohlner of Schnectady, New York; Sunday at Elmwood Park was post- Russ, executive director of the com- The A. Z. A. thus becomes one of the community, and lastly to him-1 a torrid baseball tilt enjoyed a voted to take the initiative in revivMr. and Mrs. Henry , Rosenstein, poned due to the storm. mittee, to the arrangement whereby the constituent organizations com- self. He is a potent force for good plentiful feast, ing the question of the reconstrucLouis, Diamond and Jerome Diamond The five Hebrew prayer books will the A. Z. A. chapters throughout posing the Jewish Committee on in the community and is pressed into tion of Hebron and voted another The group then went in a body : of Chicago, Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. I instead be raffled off at the next the country will sponsor Boy Scout Scouting. This committee, formed $25,000 if plans for that arc to the races and topped off the afservice upon all occasions." David Zolot, Morris Zolot, Jacob regular meeting of the society. They troops as part of the Order's educalaunched. two years ago, interests the Jewish jternoon with a swim at Peony. (Continued on Page 7) Marx, Louis B. Finkelstein, Jacob M. were donated bv Mrs. M. Turner. tional program. lads in boy scouting and has the Finkelstein, David Rosenberg, Hyman backing of such organizations as the Ladies Labor Lyceum Rosenberg, William Rosenberg, L Leo B'nai B'rith, the Union of American Rosenberg, Morris Poaster, Irving Club Will Hold Pknk Hebrew Congregations, the Union of Schneider, Harry Schneider, and Leo Orthodox Jewish Congregations, the The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club TTfli of Lincoln, Nebraska; Morris Union of Orthodox Rabbis, the Unitwill hold a basket picnic Sunday, Gordon, Fred Sherman, Bunny Dued* Synagogue of America, and sev- Vienna (J. T. A.)—The Austrian any children resulting from the August 24, at Elmwood Park. brofsky, Phineas Dubrofsky, Dresmond Barish, Syd Barish, Juluis Geneva (J. T. A.)—The obser- the findings of the Palestine In- eral others. The society will also sponsor * Catholic Church is now permitting union will be brought up as In assuming the initiative and the contracting of religious mar- Catholics. Mosow, Gerald Cohen, Burnell Kool- vations of the British government to quiry Commission which reported card party August 26 at the home of ish, Bernard Idpman, Vivian Mosow, the report of the Mandates Com- that there was nothing anti-British active sponsorship of the Boy Scout riages between Catholics and Jews B. Helman, 1617 No. 22 St. It is alleged that a similar prac- Mrs, Roggie Kozherg, Neoma Hurwitz,] mission on the Palestine question in the riots of last Summer, the troops, the A. Z. A. will organize without the .previous conversion of tice has been introduced into the Hostesses will be Mre, J. Elkin and May Ehrenberg, Ida Ldpton, Bernice which sharply criticized Great Bri- observations of the British govern- the groups of lads, obtain the proper the Jewish party to tbe marriage, Catholic Church in other countries. Mrs. F. Glikcn. Levin and Florence Holland of Sioux tain, is an extremely outspoken and ment are said to uphold the report leaders and scoutmasters, and re- thus making it possible for the cruit the services of prominent lay- bride and bridgegroom to retain City, Iowa; Mr. Max Glazer of Fort pungent document not only defend- of the Shaw Commission. Dodge, Iowa; Mr. Carlton C. Saltz- ing the British actions but actually Although the Mandates Commis- men. The troops' membership is •their own faith. man of Spooner, Wisconsin;* Mr. Ed- going so ' far as to counter the sion is said to hold that the in- open to boys between the ages of 12 This permission is "being granted ward Rosen of Papillion, Nebraska; criticism by the Mandates Commis- adequacy of British military forces and 16. in oder to cut down on the growMr. Cassie Baron of Nebraska City, sion with criticism of its own, it is and police was one of the chief When interviewed, Mr. Russ ing number of civil marriages which Nebraska; Mr. Hyman Osheroff of learned. causes for the spread of the riots, stressed the fact that the committee Montreal (J. T. A.) — Sir Boyd inviolable rule not to make aisj? makes it necessary for both parties Ericson, Nebraska, and Mr. Joseph The delay in releasing the Com- the reply of the British government does not favor segregation of any Merriman, counsel for the Jewish. public statements regarding s case to declare themselves as without Ginsburg of Ponca,.Nebraska. mission's report is due to the fact is reported to be repeating the ar- form, as this is directly contrary to; any religion or for both parties to Agency before the Palestine In- in which he appeared professionally. quiry Commission's hearings, arrived For the same reason, he declared, The committee in charge of reser- that Great Britain had asked that guments of the Shaw Commission the spirit of the constitution of the become either Christians or Jews. vations and arangements consists of the Teport and the British govern- that the riots of 1921 occurred when Boy Scouts. He pointed out that the Not only does the Catholic Church in Montreal with a party of English he will not voice any opinion if tfess Milton Berkowitz, Harold Pollock, ment's observations on it should ap- the British garrison was adequate, only reason the Boy Scouts of Am- here feel that this permission will jurists and lawyers on their way to question is raised in Parliament. He added that he was personaliaSydney Epstein, Carl Sokolof and Al- pear simultaneously. The British heuce it is no indication that larger erica have a Protestant, Catholic do much to prevent civil marriages the convention of the Canadian Bar Association in Toronto. Sir Boyd interested in the Palestine question observations were only received by military forces could have prevented and Jewish Committee on Scouting bert Batt. is to enlarge and hold the member- between Jews and Catholics but it absolutely refused to express any and that Felix M. Warburg and Dr. the secretariat of the League of the disturbances of 1929. hopes that after such a marriage opinion on the report of the Inquiry Chaim Weismann were fully acship. Nations this week. the Jewish party will submit to Commission or to discuss the situa- quainted with his attitude. Jew Appointed "The benefits of boy scouting", While the report of the Mandates WINS SCHOLARSHIP conversion. tion in Palestine. Mr. Russ stated, "though numerous St. Paul.—Irving Gottlieb, local Commission in advance summaries H. Hyman Goodbinder, son of Mr. The party of over 200 English He explained that professional Jewish attorney, has been sworn in as is said to have blamed - the British and Mrs. J. Goodbinder, sophomore can be classified into two fundamen- No change has be^n effected in and French advocates contains i the ;ftfeW city prosecutor to handle government more' strongly than is at the University of Nebraska, has tal advantages, its character building the custom of requiring the non- ethics do not permit him to make ' case^fprthe city in police court. He- •usual in dealing 'with mandatory been awarded a scholarship for the and its citizenship training. The Catholic party to the marriage to any statement regarding the findings Jews, one from France and from England, ' succeeds Edwin J. Murphy. character is molded through sign powers1 and to have taken issues -with coming year by the University, thstlcf the Commission,. j&s he h&s


Schwartz Not Returning Till Yiddish Art Theatre Assured





A, Z- A, Chapters Will Sponsor Scout Troops

England Critizices Mandates Body's Report oil Palestine

Dispense With Conversion in Catholic-Jewish Marriages

Sir Boyd Merriman Flatly Refuses to Make Any Statement on Palestine

-..-' , , - t'/t-.^-.r.'SJ- '„/= ".'.,-„ *•'


Wanted: A Positive

Ideal for Judaism

to emerge into the? open. : As Abad Ha-am said: "In the case of some truths it is not enough to be conviflced* we must feel them." It is this feeling which Tve must recover. Let our primary purpose be to achieve an awakening of the heart and of the conscience, tehiyath, halebaboth. Our Jewish youth must beware of negative programs. To fight against anti-Semitism, to conduct a defensive battle against conversion and the other perils which threaten the Jewish individuality today is not enough. Our young . people must fight for something. They must become Jews possessed of a positive Jewish ideal in which lies also a full and satisfactory solution of the problem of their own destiny.

Ail Impassioned Appeal in Forcef ul Language to the Youth of Our People to Emerge From Its Negative Attitude WITH A N INTERNATIONAL MESSAGE

(Copyright, 1930, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

that have^at least one church in e e r y s^te. ; 'ri / ; ' ;..* . . . -' r '.The -value.. of 'the~ synagogue per synagogue adult; member is ?33 but £his sntall investment' does not mean that synagogues are comparatively inexpensive, but on the contrary. The average synagogue costs $86,000, which is higher than the cost of a church for any other large denomination in the United States. The Jewish congregations also have the smallest expenditure per adult: member. In view of this small expenditure per adult member it is surprising to find that the Jews are among the highest in expenditures per congregation with an average of wore than $12,500, contrasted with a national average of only $3,800.



"It is however Eufficientiy Clear what!conceived an even more intrigui an excellent opportunity the five to j time .Lester Cohen,, author ot six hundred thoasand Arabs of Pal- ''Sweepings" has sailed for the Dalestine have of surpassing all other matian coast to a place called Spaia* Arab countries in the economic and tt . . . . and Samuel Hoffensteln has financial spheres and of securing an again achieved public approval with unchallenged hegemony." his> "Year in You're out" which. is "We cannot help being ctruck by certainly the most enjoyable book if the economic recolution which has jcr.'re planning a trip or even if been brought about by the immigra- you re not its verse but don't tion of merely 100,000 Jews," the let that frighten you away yet. report states. "A spot of earth on which a total capital of some eight Lurie to Head Bureau pounds existed, and that - for Chicago.—Harry Lurie superintendthe most part non-liquid and in- ent of the Jewish Social Bureau of capable of being made liquid, has Chicago, resigned to become director been flooded with ever forty million of the Bureau of Jewish Social Repounds of liquid cash. Moreover the search in New York. He will succeed e'ght million pounds of that time Samuel Goldsmith who is going to r-ioltiplied through a mere rise in Chicago as director of the Chicago values."' Jewish Charities. Mr. Lourie, who will leave for New York in October or November, is a About Atrmors member of the faculty of the Universof Anita Brenner whose stories ity of Chicago and a former member Mexico have appeared in such widely of the Illinois Public Welfare Board. divergent mediums as the "Mercury" He came here six years ago from Ann and the "Forwards", not to mention the "New York Times" has been Arbor where he was on the faculty of awarded a fellowship by the Gugjrec- the department of sociology at the heim Foundation, Miss Brenner is University of Michigan. still in her early twenties bat has! croated for herself an enviable repu-! * tation as an authority on Mexican life and lore . another mention about the Guggenheim concerns Harrj F. whose "Seven Skies" will be published by Putnam this month . . . its about aviation as you've probably guessed a new game for tfce cross-wcrld puzzle fan is (Century) by A. H. Sakier who has

elements it would be only a sangu- of Jewish youth to waste its time inary tragedy; but they make it into with sterile debating. To live! Does life have meaning? one of tiie most gripping episodes of If it has none morality also is meanJewish history. ingless, and we fall into & bottomThe position of the Jewish people less abyss. If, on the other hand, life on that Passover in the year 8833 Shrinkage of Jewish Immigradoes have meaning we must seek to New York. (J. T. A.)—A 3C0 per was desperate. The least we can say tion Would Destroy discover it. And thereby we rise to cent increase in the vakife of synaof the moral situation of Jewry as Arab Wealth the plane of religion; for it is religion gogue •buildings in tfee decade from the year 5690 draws to a close is that which binds us to the very spring jg& 1^16 to 1926 is shotv-n in a volaase it is most critical. Our Jewish New York.—Jewish immigration of life, to the principle of our own •exist- eutitled "The Ignited States looks at youth has lost its way. Awakened t<5 100,000, and forty-four million dolence and that of all other creatures; rts-^Churches" -qrhich war-compiled for a deep but still faf too obscure conlars: in liquid capital poured into the That which is frequently called re- the Institute of "Sdcial and Religious sciousness of the destiny of its race Holy Land in connection with Jewish ligion and which our youth thinks ^it Eeseafch by DfrC. Luther Fry; In it is seeking to orient itself, but hears enterprise during the past decade, cannot accept because it does not be- the two decades from 1906 to 1C2S I have just reread the speech which only contradictory Calls. It cries out lieve is only a partial aspect of re- the increase was 400 per. cent, the have resulted in improving the conFlavius Josephus puts into the mouth for leadership, but gets only advisors ligion, an external aspect of the true actual figures for the synagogue ditions of the Arabs and in enlargof Eleazar ben Jair at Masada. I who oppose and anathematize one an- and full religious life* Finally, if hu- values in the years 1906, 1916, anding their prosperity to a degree _.-' ^.. • ' read it in Hebrew, in Schnimann's other. man life had nV meaning the life of 1926 being, $23,198,925, £31,012,576, which they had never before known, according to a survey of Palestine translation. A language is the eoul "Believe in God," our young people the Jewish entity also would be mean- and $97,401,688 respectively. STAtJlASTER * BEBEB, Attorney* just issued by' the Jewish Agency, of a people. Only in Hebrew do Jew- are told. Very good. But what God? ingless, folly to de650 Omaha National Bank Bldg. the opening of a Moodern Dr. Fry gives the total; memberwhich has been received by the Omabo, Xcltr. ish words acquire their full force and There are Gods in whom our young sire its survival; the more so since it Hebrew School at JfOtlCE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE resound in their true accents. If you Jews no longer can believe. I can is so easy and, from a material point ship of Jewirb synagogues as 2,- Allied Jewish "Campaign. 3509 Dodge St. read a passage from the gospels in understand-that they are ho longer of view, so "advantageous to assimilate 930,000 persons over 13 years of age The survey, 'compiled by the Pal. * .. . • . , ,.. . >i .. „ .. ., , , , • j Notice is hereby tpv«n than on the loth ' Latin you can feel the atmosphere of able to perform conscientiously faith and disappear. But if human ilife has but he explains that this number "unFor children fi to 13—classes accordExecutive, the body of men] Adaya ofat septemirer. 1030. at 10.30 o'clock i| iug to the school ;ige of encb child. ttK a Gothic cathedral;, in Hebrew it re- in the fiod^who supposedly champions meaning the same is true of the sur- doubtedly exaggerates the- numerical estune pnmistprl with rarrvinff nut thp -' Capitol <Jnr:ige. 1VJ -VorUijj , y t l l s t r eWill Nebraska, the uuder-i e l > <_>mati.i. seTl at p«l>lic auction, to the: il gains the authentic flavor of Hie the Law. _ This God is; stripped of vival- -of Israel-as a--distinct entity strength . . . because Jewish mem- entrusted w i m carrying oui m e signed Advanced classes—for confirmants highest bolder "for c;isli: " •--'••- - up to 17 years of ajje. l*irke Aboth. Similarly the discourse morality; they are fright in refusing among the nations; and this signifi- bership has recently been "denned in Agency program, declares that JewOne Essex Sedan, 30-9. Scriiil No. Motor Xo. 11J2U77. ] Economizing in time by teaching ici of Eleazar, in the language of Isaiah, him their adoration*- But some sons cance must be clear to usy lest "we fail such inclusive fashion that the date ish immigration and the accompany- covered 1t«37*j. by a chattel mortgage in favor i i he language thp children undering influx of liquid capital has collected are virtually population of Midland Nnt.ionnl Life Insurance Com-1 is permeated with that breath of pro- of our people can no longer believe to realize our own inner equilibrium •?tnnd and presenting n modern view pany, signvd by William A. Anderson; saiil quadrupled the value of the property .if Israel's creation. estimates rather than membership phecy whose inspiration the Alexan- even in the God of the Covenant. They as human beings and as Jews. ri lieing dated September 13. 1KTJ, !1Ild £ remaining in Arabian hands; has infigures comparable with those for creased the purchasing power of the County «viti filed in the office of tire drian Jews, even Philo, writing in think that by rejecting the idea of K i«e?n Applying the latest Clerk of l»ouglas County. Nebraska on Oetotret 2. l'XXt. Greek, sought in vain. j Israel as the chosen people they pay Just as the voice of Eleazar urged other religious bodies." Palestinian Arabs above that of methods of Psychology and ., . , . SrtM sale will t>e for the purpose of foresaid mortgage for costs of sale'nnd The leader of the besieged, in or- allegiance to a more just ideal of hu- the besieged of Masada to return-to j In giving figures for church mem- those in otlier countries, has made n.losing I1 Pedogogy der to bring those who together with man equality and fraternity. It;, is their true selves-and to confess their bers by rural or urban areas Dr. Fry • . j , _ p c fnr ,).„ AroViinn nnnnlsitinn I lHHTUing costs and for the purpose of t a x e s i o r t n e A r a w a n population | s . l t i s f j - i n ! ! , t h t , ., m0U1 ,i 1U)w due thereon, points out that 94 per cent of all KUGISTEK YOIH CHILDREN because they cannot penetrate to the sins, so-thir young people are called him are confined within the stronglower r.ian those in o t h e r A r a b i a n ' t o - w i t : $730.w); ttnt no unit or other proIMMEOIATEI.V hold to .the decision to sacrifice their fbfldament of the idea. Yet they be- upon to recognize humbly their short- synagogues members are in urban cover said Uebt or any part thereof. , , , ., , , J ceeflings at law hiive IM^II Instituted to I-1FE lives heroically, depicts for them the lieve that the Jewish people must live; comings. After a recent meeting of jareas which makes Judaism the most countries; and has provided the j recoverMIDLAND saidIXSCKA.N'CE debt NATIONAL CO.. Mortgagee. glorious vistas of immortality; not indeed, they work to revive it in them- the Shema Israel Association at Paris urban religion in the country. Of all government with new sources of S-S—3T A Grarlunte of the rnlversHy of the immortality which the military selves. And what is this belief if not two members of the audience, leaving the church members in the United revenue which have made possible MO5SRV, KATLEMAN & GKODIXSKY A Nebraska ami its Teachers Coliece chief promises his •warriors, however, an act of implicit faith in the God the hall, were deeply discouraged* States ^6.6. per cent are Jews wh51e valuable public improvements. Attorncj-», 7S7 OmaJia > a t l Bk. BideNOTICE OF INCOnrOKATlOV OF but that of which 'the. priest preaches of their fathers? Never shall I cease "We can hope for nothing from the j 69 per 'cent of ^aSTthe Jews in the / T h e country has not yet learnt WEbster 3318 BLSCK-gPELLUAS CO3KFAJTT to trite believersl - And he does this to repeat that it is only through their spirit that rules this group," was country are affiliated with syna- to"- make the rtost productive use of Notice is beretoj- given thnt the trndcr-l with a faith# whose, arddf ia lost to historic conscience that they can, as their lament. We h&ve heard eyact- gogues. its resources," declares th* survey. siguetl have fornml a corporation. Th^' nsme of the t-orporatiec i« BLA«'K- Jews,' find God. If their metaphysical ly the same observation made after While there is naturally, not a our assimilated Judaism. Israel, sunk &VE1.I.S1AS COHPASV »nd its pri3Bcipa! ' 1 restlessness is fto different from that meetings of^the' TJitieri yhiver|£lle d^ j tatft4n ^hMv^yiiagfflgtie n«mI>lactof business shall Ix; UKCity o' g> deep into western rationalism, no Un3*IiB. The *KJrpoW?*<»B 4y CTrtfeotSR^ in cansfitare ?&.\ majority- of all For 50 Years longer can speak jpf • the eternal- life of oth&t peoples-^verily, I do n6t see la Jennesse Juiver- Eet iis, theyefbtei maintain mnl ojwraie a 'JuxnSwr :md poai ; «Hd bnilding msterial hcsiiHjss cud to imj Your Towel Man without the constraint of a conven- why they cannot appease it by falling confess in all humility that aft; ot as church members 'there is no -state in »n0 sell all isent fesefllrd in cfiRnpriKin' Organist at Temple Israel with such a business, either wiiolcsr.Te CT ; tional and insincere phraseology; the to their knees in any temple whatso- stand far below the plane on which which there is -o synagogue memretail. It is a«tiori*<»d t# engine >u the' Omaha Towel Supply Co. we should be. Instead of speaking bers, making the Jews one of the Jewish mother who weeps for her er; contracting autf bDildingr l>i:siii«--ss. and to Instructor in Pipe Organ buy. sell, lease ami dral in all kir.tis «f209 So, 11th St. JA. 052S chiid- receives but'banal and embar"Be Zionists," others urge them. ill of others and exalting our own eight denominations in the country and Piano real or persona! proper?y in «rder to cerry, worthiness, let us recognize that all out the corporate objects. The total au:h-i rassed consolation. . Very good also. But what should be <n-iz«l capital stock 5s STiO.tW.W, par vnlne ; & OCOX>OK, Attornrys Fall Season Starts Sept, 1 To his promises of life Eleazar adds their Zionism? A sure instinct warns of' us are groping for the lo|tr true ABRAHAMS $100.00 per sbsre: SotUKHUm shsll I* COBS- i 409 Hranth-1» Theatre Bids. mon and S2II.OWI.00 shall be prtfeMiea. toj a fervent exhortation to reperitence: them that Jewish truth is n6t limited rojid. If werrdb riot admit t& our516 Karbach Btk. AT. 2318 Ire Tnily p&U\ wlwn isswerl »nd n<»n-*y»r¥y- i PKOBATK HOTICE selves our dire straits we cannot hope able. Preferred stock Bhall receive <3ivid-" In the matter of (lie estafe »f HEBECCA We are Vanquished; because we have to a party. 'fAnd they begin J to feel-^at tbe rnte of Vf^ per nmninj. Tbesc i CASTr.EMA.N, deceased. sinned God has delivered us into the eonfusedly, -for everything" in presentshall be cnumiative str<3 nil mcb ; Notice is hetelry given: Thiit the credflivldends shall be paid before any diviii- \ tters ot said deceased will meet the exepower of our enemies. Let us be day Jewry is confused—that the imends ore t»aKl on the common et<>ct. After' cutrlces of said estate, l/efore! me. Count jDressmaking—Alterations payment of dividends to the preferred, ihej Judge of l>ougl»s County. .Vvbraeko, »t the chastened at the memory of our faith- potence into which we have fallen Uniforms to Order balance of tlie earnings shsl! lie pny.iWe «pj County Court ltootn. in said .County, on lessness to the mission that was as- and the difficulties whidh loom are the holders of the common stock. In the' the 2»ith day of September. 1030. and on Sophia Monovitz. JAckson 1328 event of luinidatkm or dissolution o w w t s ! the £Gth day of N«Teml»er, IS»3O. at l» o'clock signed us. . May our death bring us all the result of an insufficient knowlof the iirefcrrrd stock shall be paid before^ S2S Brandeis Theatre BIdg. A. SL, each day, fof the purpose of preExpress & Transfer Co. any jiayments are made to holders of tlw; scntins tbeir t'laJms for exiiminatfon, ndredemption from our sins! edge of true Zionism. We accuse the common Stock. The corporation shall connluslment and allowance. Three mouths are All Kinds of Hauling This confession of : Israel's moral Arabs, we accuse the English, but the inencc bitsllH'SS upon ihe filinp of the artot the creditors to present their Annpuiaces the opening of a | allowed 314 So. 10th St. AT. 6405 ticles wltti Ibe County Clerk and shnll con-} claims, from the 23rd day of August, 1030. failure, this profound certitude of im- root of the evil lies elsewhere. It lies tinne nntil 1080. The highest amount of; I5RYCE CUAWFOftU, jndpbtedHfss shall not exceed two-thirdsmortality lend grandeur to the mem-within Jewry Itself, which was not 8-1—8T Comity Judge. of the ftuthorized Cfipitnl. This Ehall ^ot i orable scene of Maseda. Without these equal to the tasks of the inoment— Bf>|Jy to any indebtodneBS secured by uiorr- | JACK W. 31.VKEK, Attorney Kngv. The affairs of the corporation shall | Court H*«se within Israel,.which replied *with probe administered by a Board of not lc«^ • 1919 Clark St.—WE. 0200 than thrpe unless otherwise provided for.! LEGAL KOT1CE tests, disputes and dissensions to the The Ronrd shall elect from tbeir niimlx"! Expert body work, fender straight- .::: n President. Vice-President. Secretary auti | LAUNDERS & DRt CLEANERS In the District Court of Doujrlas County, call of its God, the supreme exhortaTreasurer. Annual Jneetings shall be lirld i ening, radiator repairing, recprlng ;• Nebraska. To Harry Fitzhugh i'ayne wlioi>e 2«>1 No. 'Jl—WE. €0Tw 4420 Florence Blvd. tion to unity. Just as our young peothe second Wednesday in Jannary. f"o!-i i n d fender welding. Ail work guar- j place of residence: is unkuo\yn and upon lowinp same thp Directors shnll me»-r nnd whom personal serTiees of Eummons canKE. 1500 ple need to find their way back to inteeri. Ecasonnble rates. elect officers. Tile f6fe of 73^ of all outnot 1« had, defenaant: standing stock is required to seil or disi'oa are hereby notified that on the 3rd their own God, so they need to unThe House With A Reputation pose of nil or a substantial pOition of the J day of May, ]'J3O. Sarah Margaret Payne, derstand and embrace the true Zioncorporate assets. Articles mvy be amended at as plaintiff, filed her petition against you «pon ttiO'thirds vote of t".i« outstanding in the District Court of Douglas County, ism. stock. The corporation 6l.all have a seal. Nebraska. Docket 2U5, No. 131. the object Dated July 5>. 1B30. and prnyer of -which petition is to obtain It was for this that they were suma divorce from you on the grounds of 3ARKS T. BT,ACK, SALES LETTERS deSel:tl6n, extreme cruelty and rion-supmoned to assemble at Geneva. They AND FnjL.-v-K S. SPELLMAX. port. MULT1GBAPB1NG S-8-4T were called to entrench themselves Ton are required to answer said petition 2808-10 MIMEOGRAPHING on or before the 2Bnd day of September, there as in a fortress. May it be Miniature Golf Links L a v Offices Cumins St. VJ3O, or said petition against you Will be PRINTING 8TALMASTEK £ BEBER. AtterncTS their spiritual Masada—may they, Harney Streets taken as true. C50 Omaha XntionM Bank Bldp. Commercial Duplicating Co. HA 0S81 AT ALL GROCERS Sarah Margaret Payne. Plaintiff. Omaha, ?>rbranka like the comrades of Eleazar, find the 1311 Dodge St.—JA. 4854 4T—8-15-30 Faraam and 33rd and NOTICE OF INCORPORAtiOX OF true life there! Those who go there Made by "M. TENOKB i 8OSTS, IXC." MONSKY. KATLKMAX * GUODINSKTt for the purpose of introducing -vain Atfornrj-* Uncle Sam Breakfast Food KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES7S7 Omalia S u ' l Sank Oldff. ENTS that the Undersigned hare formed a discussions, to repeat commonplaces, Company corporation under the laws of t&e State of Notice br Publication on Petition tor to attack some and revile others - ^ Nebraska. The name of this corporation Omaha Nebraska Settlement ef Final Administration Account shall be "M. Veneer & Sons. Inc.' TVith those may just as weir spare them* In the County Court of Douglas County, its principal place of business at Omaha, Nebraska* Nebraska. The general nature of the busiselves the trouble of going.- The mo, are using Silhouette Treatments ness In the matter of the estate of ELLEN to be transacted and the object and KICH—CREAMY for Reducing, Arthritis, and ment is too grave, the spiritual need LAWLESS,' deceased: All persons inter- ' purpose for which this corporation is ors . CBBTHS Covers, Tents. Rheumatism ested In said matter are feereby notified ganized nnd established shall be to buy, of Jewry tod pressing for a congress Camp Supplier AH Kinds that on the Oth day of August. 11)30, Nellie I sell nnd distribnte cigars, tobaccos, cipAT. 3635 UWeil filed n petition in said Contity Court. i arettes, candies, soft, brinks, smokers' supElks Club 15 and Howard AT. 1493 praying that her flnal administration ac' plies, novelties nnd miscellaneous items of STAIiMASTEB & BEBEB, Attorneys PLEASES PARTICULAR VEOVUE AT. 3911 Third Floor count filed herein be settled and allowed, personal property of all sorts and to do 630 Omaha Not'l Bank Bide. and that the be discharged from her trust ttnj- and nil things pertaining to the carryPhone J A. 4873 XOTICK d F AmtimSTKATlOX as executrix and that a hearing will be ing on of the said business including tbe Recently there took place at Geneva a Congress of the Union Universelle de la Jewnesse Juive, a Jewish youth organization, which was-attended by delegates from the world over. In this article the celebrated-proselyte to Judaism addresses himself to the Jcwiih youth of the world, /n forceful and impassioned language the faittuus religions leader exhorts Jewish youth to emerge from its negative at* titude to the Jewish faith. A docittnent of international importance is Rabbi Palliere's article, herewith presented to American Jezcish readers through the Seven Arts Feature Syndicate and Jcivish Press.-^-Editar.




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In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. , .." In the, matter of. the estate of AiEX

IFSSlAfc. deceased;

AH persons interested in snJd estate lire


"Everything for the Auto" 2501


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•reby notified that n pefltiOn hits 1te£n Bled III s.tld Court "alleirlng said deceased died leaving no last will and pray ing for administration upon bis estate," «'iiid thiit a Hearing Trill lie had oil said petition before said court on the SUUi riiiy ot Augiise. 1020. and that if they fnll to nppcar at 8uid Goatt on the feaid of August. 1930, at 9 O'clock A. M., to contest said petition, the Court may grant I ha same nhd grant administration of said estate to Vhilip SI. Kiufzfilek or some other suitable person and proceed to A eettte-

nieut thereof. . BRtCB CKAWFOKP. 8-8—3T. County Judge.


Xdw Oftic** gTAX.3tASTBR * BEBER, Miontj* 650 Omaha National XJaak Bfdc. O h l M Sr#b«UUa

XOTlCB OP IH«SOlt'TlO*f OF PABTNEUSUI1* Notice is berebj siren that on this 1st day of August, 1030. tbe partnership doing business its the Omaha Tobacco Companr. consisting of Max Veneer. Moses A. Veneer

and Altc Venger. bas fleet) dlssolred mid Oil of tbe liabilities of said partnership llftVee nsRUined hy "M. VifiKC* & Sous.

It*.", a c o r p o r a ^ .




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had oft said petition before said Conrt on the 80th day of August. 1030. nnd tlint if yori fail to appear before said Court on the Sflttl 30»li day of August. l'J30, at S o'clock A. M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer" of; said pelltifwi, eiitef u decree of heirship. find make such othtf aiid further orders, allowances and decrees, us to this Court may seem proper. to the end tliat all matters pertnlning lo «aid estate may be finally settled and determined, BRTCE CRAWFOUD. S-S—3T County Judge.

I Multigraph Letters Mailing Call Our Fbone for Service

Ideal Letter Advertisingg

a AT. 2936

SltrjiSKIT. KATLE5UK * OBO»1!TBKX Atterner* . 737 Omaha Xati Bank Bids. NOtlCE OF PROBATE W t t t In the County Court of Doouglas County,




In the matter of the estate of HAJiKX ACK15KMAN, deceased. .. AllpertOns luterested in said estate ore hereby notified tnat a petition has been «I«J In said Cotitt, praying for the probate at a certalu instrument now on tile" in snia Couft. purporting lo be the lost Will and testament of teiid decensed. nml I hat a hearing will l>e dad on said petition before said Court on tlie 29th day of Auguu, I93ti, nnd that if t i e r fail *° appear nt «al<i Court oh tho ftild'tSHh day of August. 3U3O. at 0 o'clock A. St.* to contest the probnie of saltl will the Court may allow aita probate Mid win «tid grant naniililstrat ion of said esbite to Esther Aefeennnn Or sonic other suitable person find proceed to a settlement'thetp-.f. C U A V F O 1 U , 8-S—ST Ceuiity

307 Paxton Block

CHARLES SiMON Uecornmends

The Sanitary Laundry •TJie Best of All Laundry

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AT-2815 Er CRE ^


fight to own and hold real estate. The authorized eapitnl stock shall be ?lij0.000.00 and ail Of snid stock shall be common and et the par value of yioo.oo per share, and nil of said stock shall be fully paid up nftd non-osgessftble. Snid stock may be 4ssned for cash, real estate, personal property or personal services. The corporation shall commence doing business upon the filing of its articles •with' the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd shall continue for a period of lifty years from said date. The highest amount of Indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital stock but this restriction shftll not ni>pl? to Indebtedness secured by mortgages or liens upon any tti the corporate property. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting ot not less thRft two meml>eri». * The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the second Tuesday in Jahunry of each year, at which meeting the stockholders shall eloot a Board of Director* nnd thereupon tho Board BhHll elect a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Any two of said offices may be held by one and the same person. These articles may be amended at nny l-egnlar or special meeting of the stockholders by a two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. IK WITNESS 'WHEREOF, thp parties have hereunto subscribed their names this

1st day ot August. 31)30;


In the presence of: SAM REBEft . «t—S-13-30.


Kateban Foundry & Mfg. Company Third Ave. and llth Street Phones: 89 and 510 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA

Sfe5s(&2'ilLT&Jj£l!iifi&J§°£ ^uTa.lBS£5'.&?SR

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 financial support to the obviously antiSemitic Austrian-Fascist organization. "Heimwehr," was the statement made by Dr. Eobert Danneberg, president of the Viennese Landtag, to a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, after his arrival in this country. Socialist Chief They Dr. Danneberg, who is himsell a Jew, heads a party of 89 socialists Prefer Class Protection Dorothy Gold was the beauty of the waltzed her about .the room. "He' composed of political leaders, educatto Race Protection family.. No one ever, denied that.] called for me! And I'm glad I wasn't ors and trade unionists to study the Certainly not her sister Hilda, who home. Hell see how popular I am. political and educational development New York—(J. T. A.)—The Jewish had gloried in Dorothy's fresh, blonde And hell come again. He'll come bankers and big. industrialists in Aus- of the U. S. loveliness since the days when she again." "Although political and social antiled. her to school and proudly displayHe did come again. The very next tria seem to prefer the protection of Semitism has*~ lessened of late in their class rather than their race, for ed "my iitile sister." night. And Dorothy was at home. Austria, there is still a great antithey do not hestitate to give their . Now that they were grown, Hilda Hilda greeted him coldly, though her still felt, herself in the shadow cast eyes clung to his face. She was about by Dorothy's glowing personality. to steal away, to hide herself in her Laughter filled automobiles were al- room, when he suggested that they ways stopping outside the Gold's all sit on the veranda. house. But it would never occur to Dorothy, her bubbling self, led him Hilda to. rush out, imperiously order: gleefuly toward the\ swing, Hilda sat a re-arangement of the seating and behind the -vines, out of sight and alensconce.herself in the place of hon- most out of earshot. Again and again or.. This wasfor Dorothy, confident their exuberant laughter came to her of her charm, taken up with her own until she could bear it no longer. They enjoyment, never thinking of Hilda hardly noticed when she rose and went who watched with' heavy heart from inside^ her hiding . place behind the living During the summer, AT came often room curtains. . to the Gold's house; "Usually, the eveHilda sighed, especially on soft, nings were- much the same ras that moonlight, nights, when in her imag- second night. Al seemed to slip into ination she walked along leaf-carpeted the Gold's family circle with much paths or; trailed, idle figures in the more ease than any of Dorothy's waters that lapped a canoe paddled •other friends. He preferred to stay 4>y , .....Hilda did not know. No matter there, talking business -to : Mr. Gold, -how much she thought about it, there listening to Dorothy's chatter or playno-one. for. her to place opposite ing bridge under the glowing lampher .in-'the" imaginary canoe. For light. Except when she was needed ililda knew the men of the town* only as a fourth at bridge, Hilda remained as Dorothy's friends and they knew always apart; She saw how fine Al her r only as "r Dorothy Gold's older was and she was wise enough to read sister. the signs. Al was not one of those •..-' It vyas on one of those nights when fly-by-night friends who had so often jthe moon turns the very air to shira- "rushed" Dorothy and soon given way -jnering silver, when a girl left alone to .others. Al had come to stay. And ;>vith her dreams might turn a trifle although it meant stifling within her giddy, that a second automobile drew a heartache so deep she could not bear up before the Gold's door not long it, she was glad, glad for Dorothy's after the first had borne Dorothy sake. away to pleasures unknown but sighed That Dorothy irked under the placid after. A solitary male climbed out of domesticity of Al's preferences never the car and came up the walk. occurred "to her until one night when -, Hilda called to her mother that she Dorothy stood before their dressing would answer the bell. She did not j table mirror, sullenly pulling out her know him, but knew his question and ilip. "I don't know what's the matwas ready with her answer. "No, ter with Al," she began suddenly, "he Dorotuy isn't home." never wants to go any place with me. ; : "Oh," he . said with evident disap- I've tried to get him to take me to pointment, "I thought she'd like to parties, but he always says he prego for a ride on such a wonderful fers to stay here. Oh, I know the Jiht'V ; : '" whole town thinks he's the perfect As he stood irresolutely on the catch, but," Dorothy stretched her ^threshold, the magic of the night arms, "you're only young once." " iseemed, to enter Hilda and she was Although she could never feel the |-for a moment mad, so mad she step- same* Hilda understood her sister. : - ped--out-o;£ Jher. .role. of . timid, elder "That's his way, I suppose. Of course, sister long enough to say, "I'll go if you don't care,for him enough." with you." Even as the words came "Love!" Dorothy said the word with^J . from her >BK«ith she inar^velled at her. the. world-weariness, of: the young, tell you "he's the perfect catch." own temerity. His face lit up. "Oh, that will be Hilda turned to the window- im-4 great. Better get a light coat. It's patiently. How unfair life was. Shej cool driving." . • could give Al such perfect love. Yet, Breathlessly, Hilda ran for a wrap. it was Dorothy's kind of love, love When she was seated beside him in with all the illusion rubbed off, :that . • the car, the wind whipping her chest- he preferred. nut curls about her face, it was not When she heard his car draw up difficult for her to give herself up to before the door, Hilda slipped out the dreaming. Here she was, riding with back way. She didn't want to see him this man who told her his name was| tonight. She didn't want to see him Al Parker. What did it matter that!lay wreatb.3 before his clay-fotted she had invited herself? What didj young goddess. it matter that until tonight he did not Two hours later Hilda came back know her, that to Mm she was merely from her walk. She was surprised to a girt,' any ; girl, he happened to be see that Al's car was gone. And her taking for a ride ? As he talked and surprise was greater when' she found she grew to know him from his talk, DoTothy in their room; Whether she Hilda 'knew that she would not mind was in tears or laughing, Hilda could •-'- '<$*•: :^;:iW%mi:. having him opposite her in her imag- not tell. inary canoe, that, indeed, he was the "Well," Dorothy greeted fi?r,- "did if 1 one she had been % dreaming of all he find you?" • along. 11 "Who find me?" . ? But then he spoke of Dorothy, de"Why, Al, of course." claring thatLlie thought her the most "Al?" Hilda repeated. . ^attractive gitrl in town. Time was "Oh, Hilda," Dorothy roseand came ;. when Hilda would, have hugged the forward to embrace her. "I've always compliment to her as if it had b6en been a vain little goose. But you're ^intended for her, but now it brought supposed to be-the smart one. The V-her up with a start. After all, this •minute Al got here and found you J^.Al Parker was not interested in Her. weren't home^ he started to leave. | like all the rest, it was Dorothy When I told him you'd gone for a T:. whom he sought, She was just a sub- walk, he said he'd look for you. It's Mr. and Mrs. wish -, stitute and a poor one at that. The too bad you didn't meet Mm, because .'* * their friends both far and near -V thought seemed to becloud the very if you did, you'd have come back an A Happy and Prosperous New *;. beauty of the night. , engaged girL" Year. 1 >' When she was again at home, rthe "But you—I thought it was you— "rmejnpry • of,- his , soft "Good night. Hilda murmured. Mr. and Mrs And . family extend to their friends .Thank you for a pleasant evening,' "So did mama and papa. So did I.' sincere wishes for A Happy still in the air, Hilda leaned against When they lay side by side, staring New Year. the door." Oh, it was hard, hard to into the darkness with no thought of realize'^that the words were an empty sleep, Dorothy came close to her sisMr. and . Mrs. and formality. There was no reason why ter and whispered. "Don't think \ • family wish their friends health, happiness ano prosperAl..Parker..should have had a pleasant mind terribly, Hilda. Al will make ity in the coming year. ;»vening with her, when he would .have a perfect brother-in-law. And I'm rpreferred to be with Dorothy. just aching to step out for a good Mr. and Mrs. take , Despondently, she tiptoed into the time." this means of extending greet-room she shared with her sister. (Copyrighted, 1930, "by the Jewish Teleings and hearty good wishes , graphic Agency, Inc.) for A Happy and Prosperous JDorothy sat on the edge of the bed, Year to their friends far and lier. tumbled' hair a golden crown near. about her -.round face. "Where have Funds for Symphony Orchestra involuntarily creeping into her voice. Newark, /Hi J.—A local symphony Dorothy was used to Hilda waiting orchestra, which will endeavor to achieve for musical art in this city for her. For a moment exultation filled what the Philharmonic Symphony OrHilda's throat. Then her heart sank. chestra has done-for New: York, will "I was riding. With Al Parker." She be a reality- soon .due to the munifidid not try to make her words casual. cence of Mrs. Felix Fuld, widow of the late noted merchant and philan.They were already leaden. But they Vere a match which set thropist. Dorothy afire. "Al Parker! You! According to present announcement; How do you know him? Why, any Mrs. Fuld will contribute sufficient girlan town would, I don?t know what funds to establish an orchestra comto go out with him!" prised of a sufficient number of muHilda explained, "He called .Jfor sicians to make up a complete symphonic organization and be conducted you." Dorothy sprang from the bed, threw by a leader of outstanding promin. l-:r arms, around her . .sister and ence arid ability. '



Jewish feeling in the economic world, the Christian-Social, which is Fascistthus the economic sufferings icj will .come oat victorious, although of & great number of Jewish employ- not strong enough to take over the ees who are victims of the economic • crisis in the country," declared "Dr. powei- of "the cpuntry." '"' -3Sie 2bp,000:rJews Using in Vienna: Danneberg. « : . ' } • ' { To the question as to whether there consist mostly of office employees antf They are in an/ acute danger'of Fascist dicta- small tradesmen, he said. ; torship in Austria which should cause largely followers of the 4Social-Demo* fear afoong the Jewish population, Dr.- crat party,- tmt only the Tew great DanBebeTg,«statecf that there' is' no Jewish industrialists and bankers, who. are members of the Industrial Assosuch' immediate danger. "As a matter of fact we Socialists ciation, are supporting the Fascist expect that in the next elections, anti-Semitic "Heimwehr" organizawhich will take place in the Spring, tion, because they are more opposed to the Social-Democratic party, which Socialism thaw they are to antinow has only two deputies less than Semitism.

Deny Trouble Expected London.—(J.T. A.)—Inquiries is authoritative circles here elicited no confirmation of the report In thg Dtffly Mailv that»"serre$s ^rouble m^ghti-te expectecj at any *tim§|on the tprdtSr of Patesiirie," the" trouble \6 be provoked by HwrSaud, King of the Hedjas and Emir Abdullah of Transjordania.



St. Paul.—Irving GottUeb, local Jewish attorney, has been sworn in *s the new city. prosecutor to handle cases for the city in police court. He succeeds Edwin J. Murphy.


Extern w-




Styles •8

I -v


EWISH PRESS Jews throughout the entire United States are taking advantage of this convenient method to wish their relatives and friends a Happy New Year. These greetings will be published in our New Year Edition on Friday, Sept. 19. The charge will be $2.00 for each (greeting — mail any of these forms, or phone your Greet' ing to the—

7- '.x. :

*-\;i>x;,-~-*..< -



1 i i

Atlantic 1450 sioux CITY; IOWA MISS ANN PILL Jewish Community Center 8-6619

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•v::;-i;:;r C;V. '••••&'f/S:ji'£-'::


PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1930 life in these communities and indicate in some measure why Jewish families, instead of settling there temporarily as was previously true, are now Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by establishing themselves in these countries perTHE JEWISH COMPANY manently.



Speaking of inventions, New York is how' watching oiie of. the keenest •legal battles in recent years over an invention. I am referring to the fight between the Gillette blade people and Agency during the half year ending Office^ '490 the Probak blade organization. Building May 1st in the development of its United States : •• Telephone; Atlantic 1450 The story goes back ta Memphis, economic and cultural program in that Tenn., where there lived a Jewish inBusiness and Managing Editor country, according to an announceWise Approves ventive genius by the name of Henry * . - » . . . ^ . - . . . Editor New York.—The movement started ment by the Allied Jewish Campaign. J. Gaisman. This southerner had By DAVID SCHWARTZ Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent The largest expenditure, L. P. 105,by New York Catholics under the aupatented a number of things and has spices of Cardinal Hayes to rid the 455 ($527,275) was by the Coloniza- A NEW MOVIE STAR reaped a fortune in the millions from CITY OFFICE New York theaters of obscenity has tion Department of the Agency and of them. The movies at last are to have their j JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER-^-308 Pierce Street Commenting upon Dr. Michel S. Ginsburg's the approval of Rabbi Stephen S. this sum L. P. 36,514 went for in- first actor drafted from the ranks of Recently, he patented the new butnewly issued work entitled "Rome and Judea," Wise, as well as of Bishop William dividual settlements, L. P. 29,542 for the rabbinate. 1 terfly type of razor blade. I am not Subscription Price, one year » - - - - r - - • - $2.50 large farmsteads and L. P. 27,258 for Norman I Bentwich in an article appearing in the T. Manning, New York Protestant cooperative well enough versed in the mechanics Gossip on the Rialto has it that Advertising rates furnished on application farms, according to a releader. of the thing to dwell on the alleged Jewish Quarterly Review says in part: Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg, who report from the Palestine Executive of advantage?, but at any rate, shortly CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old cently resigned a highly lucrative "Religious freedom was one of the planks of Resigns the Agency. after his blade called the Probak ' and new/address; be sure to give your name. position with one of the leading synathe program of the popular party of which Julius Los Angeles.—Feeling that his blade was issued by the Auto-Strop gogues of New York is to join Hollyviews on spiritual matters differed Caesar was the leader; and when he became mas77 Other Countries wood's constellation. The stage name Razor Company, the Gillette people from those of the majority ter of the Roman Empire he made the Jews materially tentatively chosen by Rabbi Feinberg came out with a similar looking blade. of his congregation, Rabbi Mayer ' HEBRAIC CALENDAR everywhere a privileged people. They recovered Winkler, who for the past eight years Renew Persecution I hold no brief for either company, is Arnold Fabian. complete independence in their own land, and re- was the spiritual leader of Temple Warsaw.—A renewal of the reli- Feinberg, it will be recalled, re- so I think I can put it impartially by 5690-1930 gious persecution in Soviet Russia, cently created a sensation by hisj saying whoever originated the blade Rosh Chodesh AIM.. „^Monday, August 25 ceived back the coastal cities and many of the hel- Sinai, one of the largest conservative which early this year aroused the withdrawal from the rabbinate, when first, the Probak people at least had synagogues on the Pacific coast, Rosh Hashanah...,,., ..Tfoegdtiy. September 23 lenized towns in the north and east of the coun- handed in his resignation, which was whole world is reported by the Ortho- he announced that no longer did the the advantage as far as getting the Utomkippur.—l-l-Ll^Jxhursday, October 2 try, which had been granted automony by Pom- accepted by the congregation regret- dox organ Tageblatt on the basis of Jewish pulpit afford a vehicle for true patent. For the fact of the matter is, that the Gillette blade has on it 1st Day Succoth—, ___Tuesday, October 7 peius, though they had to brook the tyranny of fully, and followed by a vote information received in Jewish circles religious expression. Patent Pending. The Probak blade of Vilna. According to this informaShemini Atzereth_ .Tuesday, October 14 the Idumean house of Antigonus and Herod as the thanks for his past eight years on the other hand long ago received tion the rabbi of Slutsk has been ar- ALAS ALICE! Simchath Torah_^__ Wednesday, October 15 price of independence- Outside their land they service. rested on a charge of counter-revoluThis has been in many respects a the patent. Rosh Chodesh Cheshyan.._Thursday, Oct. 23 had a special status similar to that of Roman Named on Board However, I do not think we need to tionary activity. troublous year. Arab riots, RoumanRosh Chodesh Kislev«.^_^_Friday, Nov. 21 citizens.themselves. .Their scattered settlements! St. Paul.—Gustavus Loevinger, Slutsk is a town of 15,000 popula- ian excesses—and now to cap it all, concern ourselves with this aspect of 1st Day Chanukah___Monday, December 15 enoyed their own jurisdiction under a kind of cap- prominent St. Paul attorney, has ben tion not far from the Polish Russian H. L. Mencken announces he is to the matter, for rumor has it that Rosh Chodesh Tebeth .Sunday, December 21 itulatory regime such as has been common in the elected by Governor Theodore Chris-1 border. wed. There at least, one might had negotiations are under way by the tianson as a member of the State hoped, Israel would get what is called Gillette organization to buy out the Fast of Tebeth__-___.Sunday, December 28 East for centuries. Thus a Roman decree issued Arab Strike Loevinger is Teachers' college' board, in •Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh. to the Jews of Sidon gave them a right to address one of eight members appointed to Jerusalem.—The Arab executive the vernacular "the break," but no, Probak company. THE JEWISH INVENTOR themselves direct to the High Priest in Jerusalem the board. The board supervises and has decided to call a general Arab destiny has willed' otherwise. According to Park Row gossip, What I want to talk about here is in legal matters without regard for the local directs the curriculum and activities strike on August 23, the first anni- Mencken for some time had been en- the inventor of the Probak blade. BUILDING MEN versary of last year's riots. The strike courts. And again the Jews in the Isls of Paros of six teachers training or normal will be called as a protest against the amoured of a Jewish maiden—a Jew- There is an interesting story to the The International Order of Aleph Zadik were authorized by decree to follow their national schools throughout Minnesota. ish maid with the unJewish of Some years ago, he invented Aleph, born and reared in Omaha and one of our laws and usages and to organize their meetings." Mr. Loevinger, who has participat- reprieve recently granted to the Jew- Alice Hughes. The young lady writes j man. a razor, which combined with it a ish merchant from Zzlis., Joseph Mizproudest contributions to Jewish life in America, stropping atachment. This picture of conditions existing during the ed actively in all important Jewish rachi Urphali, whose death sentence for the New York Telegram. hjjas taken a most progressive step forward toward reign of Julius Caesar strikingly reveals the high communal activities in St. Paul, is a has been commuted to ten years im- But whether Miss Hughes was Eastman of Kodak fame, reading past president of District Grand lodge prisonment. merely one of the many numerous an advertisement of the razor, sent cementing the Jewish youth to their people and esteem, which the greatest leader that Pagan No. 6, of B'nai B'rith. The decision to call a strike follow- friends of Mencken or whether there Gaisman five dollars for one of the shaping the destiny of our. adolescents along most Rome produced, manifested for the Jewish people. Aid ed severe criticism levied against the was some other reason, Henry will razors. Later, he liked it so well, that admirable lines by affiliating themselves with the "It is no wonder," comments Mr. Bentwich Increase 10 per cent increase Arab Executive for its weak stand re- middle aisle it, as Winchell would say, IGaisman received another letter from Jewish Committee of Boy Scouts. According to further, "that as Suetonius records, when Caesar in Worcester.—A the amount of money expended to garding the reprieve. The Arab not with Alice, but with some other! Eastman, enclosing thirty dollars for ! a half dozen razors, which Eastman their arrangement with this group, the A. Z. A. was murdered, the Jewish population in Rome aid Jewish families in the city is not- Womens' Society is alleging that re- damsel. chapters throughout the country will organize, mourned him more bitterly than any other ed in the July report of the United prieve to Urphail shows favoritism to Nevertheless, Henry, Mazel Tov! j distributed among his friends. Gaisman, noting- Eastman's interJewish Charities issued today. The the Jews and is not calculated to imsponsor, and lead Jewish Boy Scout troops. people." A LOVE THERMOMETER est, sent a letter to him, inviting him prove Arab-Jewish relations. unprecedented demand for relief, the ; The Boy Scout movement aims toward makThe friendship of Julius Caesar for the JewMencken is getting married at the to acquire an interest in the new since the foundation of the ing the American lad physically strong, mentally ish people and their reciprocal regard were but re- highest Lessing Prize to Jewish age of fifty. Others get married at razor company. Eastman retorted organization, is due to the depression awake and morally straight, and it is to our credit cently referred to by Prime Minister Mussolini which has hit Massachusetts with Professor fifteen. This marrying business is so that in a business way, he intended Berlin.—The famous Lessing prize, complex. What is the reason? to concentrate entirely on the camera. that Jewish' parents and thinkers are taking an when a bigot group in modern Italy called upon particular severity, officials claim. valued at 15,000 marks, now awarded Gaisman, as I have said, is an inThe reason is simply: We will un, increasing interest in their work. Combining him to inaugurate -oppressive measures against Receives Appointment for the first time by the municipal derstand so little the science of it. We ventive genius. He commenced to wholesome attractive out-of-doors activities with the Jewish people of Italy. Albany.—Gabriel Davidson, general government of Hamburg, was today know what forms of electricity at- think. He had an idea for the camera, physical development, the Boy Scouts -are true To this group Prime Minister Mussolini by manager of the Jewish Agricultural granted to Friedrich Gundolf, prom- tract each other, but we really don't too. He wrote Eastman that he rnolders of men and character. Their develop- way of answer described the devotion of the Jew- Society, has been appointed by Gov- inent literary figure and professor of know what types of people do. We thought he could devise what is now ment of initiative and resourceful leadership in-, ish people to the memory of the fallen Caesar. ernor Roosevelt to serve on an agri- history at the University of Heidel- know what gases and chemicals are called the Autograph camera. Eastcultural advisory committee that is to berg. suited to combine, but we don't know man told him to go ahead. He did, sures a better type of citizenship, while their inWhen many inhlgfcpiaeeS in bewildered f bewildered, facguide the activities of a newly formed and the rest, is history. Gaisman was what sort of people are. struction in moral values heightens the qualities tion-torn; Rome, \ feared to reveal their .loyalty to information bureau to-serve prospec- Demand Zionist Congress We salute therefore our good Jew- paid §300,000 for the Autographic- inPrague.—A demand for an txtra of American manhood. Caesar, the Jewisbl people mourned for him and tive purchasers of farms in New York world ish inventive friend, Gernsbach, who, vention. Zionist congress this year and And it i.=; an interesting fact that However, besides, supplymgr needed environ- Tjia«|e no effort to conceal their grief at his fall. state. The bureau has been set up in the resignation now come forward _-with a love .of tbje, vrorjd Zionist. the New York city office of the state for foiir years, Gaisman -while workr : ment, companionship^ h ^ and?? t t e % 3 t^ ^ is joint chapter in the story of Rome and department of agriculture and mar- Executive is !voiced" in fh6 political ing on the camera invention, arid Boy Scouts give valu'able - inistrtiction in useful in the annals of; the Jewish people varies sharply kets; ' resolution adopted by the fourth world -This apparatus, for which a patent, keeping Eastman informed of all de' ••-.. arts; They learn the secrets of nature, cooking, from earlier contacts and the later meetings of • Mr. Davidson has been affiliated conference of the Union of Zionist I understand, is pending, tests scien- velopments, refused to have any writtifically the reaction of man on -wom- ten guarantees from Eastman. Legalbuilding fires, camping, -first, aid, and many other Judea and Rome. with the Jewish agricultural move- Revisionists. an and vice versa. Should the demands of the Revisarts, under men well-versed in boyhood psychology Rome hnd many Caesars but only one Julius ment in the United States for close ionists fail and the same executive be The instrument is applied about the ly, Eastman might have appropriated invention without perhaps giving together with an insight into boy nature—afford- Caesar rose to point the way to Roman greatness. on to twenty-five years — for over elected at the extra congress if called body, and as soon, let us say, as your the Gaisman a cant. half of that period as the head of the ing every opportunity of having the growing —Jewish Independent. Jewish Agricultural society, an or- the conference authorized the Revis- lady comes in, it registers the exact YOUR NOSE KNOWS adolescent's surplus energy directed into useful ganization that assisted thousands of ionist executive to take some definite increase in the pulse, breathing and Jewish Tribuno Wallach tells' it. instead of destructive channels. And under the Jews the country over to become es- action or to call a special world con- other functions. Morris decided to visit one of those ference for such a purpose. How: many possible couples have PROUD OF ONLY ONE tablished on the land in the XJnited direction of the A. Z. A., the Jewish youths from facial surgeons to have his nose looked >t each lother with pining eyes, Boruchov Schools Do you know that Wickham Steel, noted States.-: the ages of twelve to sixteen are assured of proper but each know not of the love of the fannybriced. As he recovered from Buenos Aires.—The Boruchov Jew- other. - Weil, this machine will do the effect of the operation, the surguidance, a guidance which augurs. well for the British journalist, has divided world Jewry into On Power Commission schools, named after the late Poale away iTrith all that. geon handed him a mirror. four definite categories? Do you know that, in Albany.—Julius Henry Cohen, New ish future of Jewishness in our country. Zion leader, B. Boruchver, are now York counsel to the Port Authority of That is what the inventor says. "It's wonderful, doctor. My wife his opinion, you are either a "daylight Jew"—the celebrating their tenth anniversary. Wer veiss ? as they say in French. New York and New Jersey, has been (Continued on Page 6) nationalist, the Zionist, who sees the Jewish peoby Governor Roosevelt as one There are five such schools in Buenos A NEW HAVEN Aires and several in the provinces. iple and their obstacles in a clear light; or a "twi- named of the five members of the St. LawWith the gates of Canada and the United;light Jew," who tries to hide his Jewishness; or a rence Power Development commission, They were organized before the Poale States practically closed to aliens and immigrants "midnight Jew," who does not a t all understand whose duty it will be to investigate Zion split and were then taken over by the Left Poale Zion. The schools 'temporarily" barred from Palestine our pogrom- the Jew's position in the world V the development of state-produced have done much to counteract the asNot a bad classification,-is. it? Even if you]P<™«-. ™ the St. Lawrence river The similationist tendency among the Jewridden brethren of Eastern Europe have been •--•- {commission is headed by Professor i s h compelled to turn to South America as a haven of would substitute for the term "Zionist," another A representative alumni M. Haig of the School of Busi- committee is aiding in the celebration. refuge from their economic and, spiritual persecu- expression to denote faithfulness and loyalty to Robert ness at Columbia university.


From Contemporary Pens





tions. There, with the exception of Mexico, no one's people, it is a good-classification. Which Missionary Activities restrictions are placed upon the Jew, no distinc- should lead you to think-^in which class do you To Palestine Warsaw.—Intensfied missionary acPhiladelphia. — Professor Hayim tion between Nordic and Eastern European is belong? tivities among the Jewish population • -:.. -.i:, \: ," Fineman, head of the English departPoland are revealed in a number recognized, and as a consequence the population If you are in any of the last three categories, ment of Temple University, and one of of cases brought to the notice of the of these Southern countries is being steadily en- it seems to us you should do everything in your of the outstanding leaders of the local Jewish community. After a richened.' , power to elevate yourself to. the first type, for Poale Zion movement in the United short absence, jChainv Solnik, a resiAt first the prospect of settling in this then you are a true-blooded Jew, proud of the States, has accepted the position of dent of Lodz, returned and declared of the English department in in a private villa near Lodz, a missparsely-settled, only partially-civilized section of j traditions, customs, and ideals of your people, as head the Beth Sefer Beali school in Haifa, called Father Simon is prethe world was looked upon with disfavor by Jews proud of their achievements as4 of their diffi Palestine. Professor Fineman ex- sionary paring a number.of Jewish youths for who were seeking a emigrate from the lands of Uulties. pects to leave this country September conversion, '. oppression. The possibility of immigration to it must be remembered that Mr. Steel makes 16 so as to arrive at the school in At Radoso missionaries are also South America, however, becomes more and more such a classification on the strength cf a keen ap time for the opening of fall semester. said to be organizing a propaganda Beth Sefer Reali school is one center. encouraging and heartening. Several advantages preciation of the Jew and his problems. He of The the outstanding educational institur to such colonization stand out pi-ominently. These studied anti-Semitism in many European coun- tions of Palestine and has a large Woman to Be Named Justice countries, as Brazil, Argentina, Peru/are healthily tries. He even knew Theodor Herzl back in 1896, number of American Jewish students Tal Aviv.—At least one woman will be appointed a justice'of the peace in growing and .progressing,while conditions there when he first considered him a dreamer, and later in attendance. this all-Jewish city,when the municipare now economically sound. Instead of being came to realize that "Zionism put a new strength, "Jewish Agency ality appoints the three additional faced with the problem of unemployment, these a new dignity, a-new sincerity into the Jewish Unrepresentative" •justices it needs, the town .council denations are broadcasting a great demand for mem- soul, that Zionism straightened bent Jewish New York.—The Jewish Agency, cided. It also decided to cpnsider the the body representing Zionists and restriction of juveniles to the moving bers of practically all ti'adtss, as tailors, plumbers, backs!"—Jewish Advocate. non-Zionists for the upbuilding of •picture houses except by permission electricians, bricklayers, painters and the like. BePalestine, is an unequal partnership sides,; the climate is excellent and the atmosphere The soul is the life of one's being. It may be with the non-Zionistside unorganized of parents or teachers. healthy. represented as the River to the Streamlet, the and unrepresentative, as far as Amer- Named to Professorship But what is still more important from our Lake to the River, the Sea to the Lake, or the ica is concerned.was the assertion Berlin.—Dr. Martin Bbber, interviewpoint, the Jewish communities in these sec- Ocean to the Sea. It is a real though always a made by Louis Lipsky, American nationally famous Jewish scholar and Zionist leadsr, and President of the philosopher, has been appointed protions, though small in size, are knit together by relative state of being. In its deepest analysis it Judea Life Insurance Company, on | f esS or of religious sciences at the Unitheir/common bond of Judaism ajad are well-dr- is an aspect of the One Being of the universe. his departure from America on the versity of Frankfurt.: ganizid f or the advancement of religious and^^ culJlajestic to attend the sessions of theJ Award Contract > v tural purposes. Indeed", in Buetios Aires plans are How much do you owe to God for life, and all A dirrn?m^- 'ft1-3 c Committee oi tne Jew- Haifa.—The contract for the conbeingicarried forward to build "a Yeshivah, train-of its gifts? How much are you doing for His ish Agency which will take place at struction of the railway shops here ing school for rabbis. Then, too, Baruchov Jew- children, by way of payment on account, for blesswas awarded to Guth and Gurewith, r Expended Jerusalem contractors. Thny were low Over $1, ish schools•"'are now celebrating their tenth anni- ings received? New York.—Over a million two bidders with a bid of $290,900 as comversaiy of their work in counteracting theassiml-J -""•-.' - ;• . hundred and fourteen thousand dollars '• pared with the high bid of $350,000 lationist tendency among the Jewish youth-con-' Imagination is the door through which op- ^ ^ n t V ^ n T S ^ ^ ^ e ^ ! predict a rosy future for Jewish portunity enters - of Palestine Executive of the Jewish, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS

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BIKLIN-ZAGEK. Sir. and Mrs. A. Riklin announce the marriage of their daughter, Sarah,'to Mr. Sam G. Zager, son of Mr. and-Mrs. S. Zager, Sunday afternoon, August 17, at the home of the bride's parents: Rabbi Grodinsky officiated at the wedding at which only the immediate family were present. The bride wore a flesh chiffon £0\vn. fashioned with a jacket of chantilly lace and a hat of matching hair braid straw. She carried a boquet of Columbia roses. Miss Annete Rildin, sister of the b:£<fe was maid of honor. She wore a : powdet blue chiffon frock with a hat of natural hair braid straw and carried a boquet of yellow roses. Mr. Louis Kiklin served as best man. * bridal dinner for the immediate family followed the ceremony after which the couple left on their honeymcpn. Upon their return they will be at home at 556 South 35th Street. The bride is a. graduate of Technical High School and a member of the Theta Phi Sigma sorority. The groom attended the University of Southern California and is a graduate of Nebraska University where he; received bis electrical engineering degree. • BUDESKY-FORBES Mr. and Mrs. I. Budesky of Philadelphia, Penn'ylvania, announce the engagement of their daughter, Esjther, to Mr. Paul M. Forbes, son of) Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Forbes of thjs city. No date has been set for the wedding.

fpr about two weeks with his parPERSONALS ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Shafton Wohlner, who was graduated in 1928 returned Sunday . from Excelsior from the University of Nebraska, Springs, Missouri. where he was a member of the SigMrs. A. Silverman and daughters, ma Alpha Mu, is manager of the Hadassah and Elaine, have departed commercial department of the Abraham Ferber Insurance Agency in for Amarillo, Texas, where they will visit Mrs. Silverman's brother, Mr. Schenectady. i He was accompanied by Mr. Jack Mose Steinberg. From there they Nachinoff and "Mr. Isidore Wolk, will go to California where they will both formerly of Omaha, but now visit in San Francisco with Dr. Rose of Washington, D. C, where they Lintzman, Mrs. Silverman's niece, are employed by the United States and in Los Angeles with relatives. Patent office. Mr. Nachinoff is visit- They will spend the winter in PhoeQualifying rounds for the women's ing in Omaba and Lincoln and Mr. nix, Arizona. tournament will end Tuesday at 6 Wolk in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein are in p.m. The scores are to be turned I Excelsior Springs, Missouri. in to Mr. George Miller, the club's .Mr. Arthur Romm of New York professional, who will have the pair- City formerly of Omaha, is visiting Mrs. Joe M. Rice and ings for the tourney, ready by Wed- here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. have returned from Chicago where nrsday morning. A. Romm. they have been visiting. ATHLETIC CLUB RESERVATIONS Among the reservations for the regular Friday evening dancing on the Athletic Club roof were those of Dr. M. Gordon for 6, W. S. Degen, 2, Nate Mantel 4, Al Lew 4. Leo Unger 6, Archie Jacobs 4. ENTERTAINMENTS Miss Bess Lipp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lipp of this city, who will be wed this month to Mr. Herman Wise of Chicago, was honored by Miss Lillie Steinberg of Council Bluffs on Sunday afternoon at bridge. On Tuesday she was honored by the Theta Phi Sigma sorority with a dinner. Mrs. E. M. Konecky will entertain with a slumber party, complimenting Miss Lipp on Saturday night, and on Tuesday Mrs. Harry Chernies will entertain her sorority in her honor at the Cherniss home.

Miss Mildred Soble of St. Louis, Missouri, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt and of her fiance, Mr. Herman E. Rosenblatt. Many affairs are being planned in her honor. Mrs. Sam Harmel entertained at a luncheon last Wednesday; Mrs. Joseph Gotsdinei of Council Eluffs was hostess Monday afternoon; Mrs. P. H. Rosenblatt gave a luncheon Thursday; and Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt will be hostess at a luncheon next Thursday honoring Miss Soble. Mrs. E. Hurwitz of Sioux City visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Morgan last weekend. Miss Rae Dlbogoff of Kansas City is spending her vacation in Omaha as the' guest of her brother and sister-in-law; MT. and Mrs. I. Dloogoff. \

Dr. Julius C. Swartz of Des Mcines visited for. a few days last Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Kohlberg entertained at four tables of bridge week with Messrs. Edward ard Ellis Shafton. Tuesday evening.

Miss Ida Lustgarten arrived SunMrs. L. Ackerman was hostess at a benefit bridge at her home Wed- day to spend three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lustgarnesday afternoon. ten. Mrs. Julius Moskovitz of Missouri Miss Frances Emlein of Rioux City Valley entertained at a luncheon at is visiting with Miss Rosaline Pizer. the Fontenelle Saturday honoring her sister, Miss Kose Schindler. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosenbloom of Sioux City are guests at the Conant VISITORS hotel this week. Mr. Mark Pollack of Cuba is VJSMr. and Mrs. E. J. Chambers and iting here with his mother, Mrs. Alexander Pollack, and his sister, their niece, Miss" Iinnette Haykin, have returned home to. Kansas City. Mrs. Dollie Elgutter.

children, Miss - Doroothy Muskin and Harold Saks, Council Bluffs, last Leonard and Stewart, returned Sun- Wednesday evening. day from a five weeks stay at Lake A. Z. A. Okohoji. A. Z. A. chapter No. 1 held an allMiss Anne Alexander left Saturday day stag outing last Sunday August for a visit in Minneapolis and Chi- 17. The day's progTam consisted of cago. playing base ball, picnicking, attending the races and Bwimming. Miss Sophie Beber took part in the Camp Fire Girls "stunt day" at ElmIcor vood Park last Wednesdav. The annual picnic which was postMiss Faye Gerelick returned Mon- poned last Sunday on account of day from Kansas City and St. Jo- rain, will be given on Sunday, seph, where she visited for two August 24 at Elmwood. A man's wrist watch will be awarded as a weeks. prize. Numerous games and races Miss Sophye Handler is visiting for everyone will be part of the day's program. in St. Joseph, Mo.

Park where they will gather a campfire and roast weiners and marshmellows. The XL quartet'toil entertain the group. Art Grossman is in charge of arrangements and is assisted ^ Cackjft.and Harold Barish.

MOTHS Kill Them with

0 KAY MOTH SPRAY £•«*(? Gallon A water white liquid that can be used without fear of damage on rugs, upholstered furniture or clothing. Will kill eggs—as well as larvae end meth.

Messrs. Max Altshuler and Sam XL Zweiback are taking a motor trip to The XL fraternity of the Jewish St. Joseph, Kansar: City, Minneapo- Community Center will hold its annual treasure hunt on Saturday Miss Dorotohy Lustgarten is now lis, and then back home. night, August 23, starting at the studying -violin in Falls Village, ConMr. and Mrs. Dave Blumenthal and necticut, having won the Jacques la.-, and Mrs. Louis Blumenthal left Center at 9 p.m. The hunt will lead through varGordon fellowship. Mr. Gordon was Sunday by motor for Excelsior AT 3587 ious parks of the city and outskirts. concert master of the Chicago Sym- Springs, where they will stay for two 1727 Leavcnworth. Omaha When the treasure is found, the phony orchestra, but has now formed weeks. young couples will meet at Hummel the Gordon String quartet at an endowed farm near a musical colony which has grown up as Falln Vil- WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL lage. Among the patients at the Wise hospital this week are Mrs. Morris Miss Bess Stalmaster left Satur- Fptash, Miss Josephine Rubnitz, Gor* day for Indianapolis, Indiana, where don Margolin, Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, she will visit fcr two weeks. Miss Martha Ree Civin, Miss Rose Rubenstein, Mrs. Rose Smith, Mrs. Mrs. Sam Beber has returned from Denver, Colorado, where she has Ben Rodinsky, Mrs. Hinda Gorelick, been visiting for the past ten days. and Mr. A., Wolowitz. Opposite '^VszgJZm*" Orpheum She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Margaret Riekts, who CLUBDOM was also visiting in Denver. Mrs. K. T. Club Beber stopped in' Denver en route The. K. T. dub of Central Hifh home from California, where she atSchool entertained 19 guests a t a ' tended the A. Z. A. convention and rush luncheon on Wednesday, Aug. visited alo.ig.the west coast with her 20, at the Fontenelle hotel. TaHe husband, Mr. Sam Beber, who redecorations were in lavender and turned home direct from there. green, the club colors. Mr. Julius Bisno, assistant execu'Phi Epsilcn Pi tive secretary of the A. Z. A., rePhi Epsilon Pi of Iowa University turned . Sunday from Memphis, Tensponsored a smoker at the home ef nessee, where he visited with his parents. Mr. Bisno had gone to Memphis from Oakland, California, where the A. Z. A. convention was A group that offers a held. On his return trip to Omaha •wonderful -variety of the he stopped over-in Texas on official very dresses which will business. lead for Autumn. Dresses —CALL— Mr. I. W. Rosenblatt returned tojust right for now. Smart, day from a two week's vacation in later, too.

Levenson Chemical Co.

Omaha's Style Center

These New Satin—Canton Crepe and Velvet »-


are early but authentic


! HIGHLAND The Highland Country Club will hold a golf dinner on Saturday evening, August 30, preceded by a mixed tlifc B l a c k H i l l s . *•'• •••-•• twk>-ball foursome. Mrs. Manny Handler is in charge of the affair. Mrs. Charles Schimmel returned HAmey 7545 Prizes will be awarded for the golf last week from .Lincoln where she Because Misc Margaret Abrahamson of Des visited a week. winners. The dinner will be folMr. David Wohlner of Schenecta•'Your Laundry is Our Business" Moines is visiting here with Mr. and loowed by a bridge party of progres- dy, New York, formerly of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muskin and sive partnership contract bridge and arrived Monday by motor to visit Mrs. Dave Stein. progressive partnership : auction b.^'dge. -Mrs. Allan Tarmer, who took a course .,.i»,.. Chicago, under , Mjlton Wood, will take charge of the bridge and give a few pointers on no-trump Sixteenth at Farnam bidding: Reservations should be phoned in Styles that are First in Fashion-r-In this Selling to, the club. of over 200 iThe dub held its annual. women's open house last Tuesday, with local clubs and thres Lincoln clubs invited. Because of the rain, the golf events were postponed. The luncheon was a; huge success, with 65 attending, including twenty guests from other clubs. However uncertain she may The afternoon was spent in playbe as regards such weighty ing bridge. Mrs. Carl Furth won the problems as the one above prize for high contract bridge score, and Mrs. Lutch of Lakewood Country —the girl who selects her Club won the prize for high auction college or high school wardscore. The prizes' were donated by Developed from Latest Mr. A. Herzberg; robe in our




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to., give .this Jtime to. you, eo instead Miss Ida Oppiham-of-tBes: Moin«8. of playing pinochle on those days, I Iowa, visited here 83veral weeks as write this play.the house guest of Mrs. N. (Continued from Page 4.) "My friends, 1 have given up my man. pinochle for you." won't recognize me. She will be Miss Fern Osheron entertained, As the doctor concluded, there were tickled to death at my handsome ap- shouts from all parts of the house: bridge at her home last Thursday pearance. "Doctor, play pinochle, play pinochle!" evening in honor of Miss Ida Opjjihani of Des Moines, Iowa. Prizes He got up and went home. He Rumors State Financial SyndiDEBREST SPOTS ANOTHER were won by the Misses Ann Gordon climbed the step's and rang the doorcate Will Get Warner My private detectives ,inform me and Ella Cohen. Miss Sophie Ryesk?/1 bell. His- wife came to the door. Brothers Pictures "Hello, can 1 come in?" he said that Harold Debrest, who is the cham- of Johnstown, Pa,, and Mrs. Charles pion American "Jew-spotter," will Rosch of New York City were outNew York, (J. T. A.).—Omission buoyantly. soon say in a copyrighted article that of-town guests. A two-course lunof the regular quarterly dividends on "Yes," replied his wife, "come in Basyl Sacharoff, the "mystery of! cheon was served at the close of the Warner Brothers Pictures common my husband isn't hei«." Europe," is a Greek Jew. ! evening. stock and a marked upward swing Sacharoff, it will be recalled, is one! in the company's stock despite a MR. BROWN WILL SOON of the richest and most influential Knowledge and wisdom, far from general weakness in the market have ANNOUNCE figures in Europe. Indirectly, he was The announcement is a little pregiven rise to rumors in financial being- one, responsible for the fall of Lloyd Have ofttimes .o connection. mature, but according to reliable gosBy M. A. TONENBLATT circles that the control of the synj dicate headed by Hayden, Stone & sip, you can count on it. David A. George. «—Cowper. Some year8 ago' a Viennese Chris- the Jews. Their prophecy has not) the court. It is now impossible to ob- Company. One thing anyway is certain. Ifj Brown is planning to get into the tian novelist, Hugo Bettauer, was been confirmed. The only result was tain large sums of money.. Formerly taxicab business. A new company is you are a Jew, you might as well own j shot and killed by an anti-Semitic higher prices all around, which is nat- within 24 hours one could obtain from Should the Warner brothers lose We are none of us infallible, not fanatic for having written a book ural, since the city must levy annual- 50 to 100 thousand gulden. But today control they would be the second! being organized with Brown at the up to it. No matter how much you i even the youngest. —Thompson. head. The Cadillac car will be used. may seek to conceal it, rest assured,! called "The City Without Jews" in which-he told what happens to a city ly upon its citizens the sum of 13,700 one cannot, even after many weeks of Jewish owned film company to passj From the same sources comes the Debrest will find you out some day.! when the Jews' are driven out. The florins, which it had formerly re- hard effort, obtain even ten or fifteen into the hands of bankers, the Fox prognostication that Brown will short- He has a bloodhound scent along these j book created, a sensation because of ceived from the Jews in the form of thousand gulden, even if one gives the Film Corporation and the Fox « the subject and method of treatment. taxes and tolerance money. And be- best promissory" notes. Christian Theatre Corporation having been ly withdraw from his banking posi- lines. (Copyrighted. 1S»3O. by the Jewish Toletion and that the bank will be merged Now it is revealed - that - Vienna, the grnphic Agency, Inr.) city Bettauer had in mind, was once sides, the Christian citizens are los- women, who became money brokers, lost control of by William Fox ear- with another. ^really a city without Jews for reasons ing much from the fact that they are ask ten times more from their clients lier in the year. It is interesting to note that most • almost identical - with, those, advanced receiving no rentals and have no con- than the Jews did formerly. The Warner brothers, Albert, Har- of the smaller banks launched in the by .Bettauer. The document has_ re- sumers for their foodstuffs. One "The citizens, the court and the ry M. and Jacob L. and the late Sam flush of the brief splurge of post-war cently been found in the Archives of may estimate the loss at a half mil- Kaiser are all suffering from the fact Warner, who are now celebrating prosperity have now been swallowed the Hapsburgs.—Editor. . lion gulden. Trade itself has also that there are* no Jews. But there is the 25th anniversary of their entAbout 360 years ago, during the been very much damaged because of no doubt that the Kaiser wouldn't rance into the moving picture busi- up by the larger banks. ! Reported by Misses Ella Cohen j long- reign" of Kaiser Leopold 'the the expulsion of the Jews, especially have given his consent to such a gen- ness have had a phenomenal career. AN IDEAL SYSTEM and Mildred Nefsky { First,- all Jews were expelled from the trade in antiques, since the Chris- eral expulsion if he had previously About four years ago they came Ezekiel Leavitt, rabbi and poet,' Vienna, hut were afterwards asked tians in general and the Viennese in had this information. If -will there- out of comparative obscurity in the tells it. It concerns a colleague of Miss Gertrude Lotman entertained . to return. They were asked to re- particular are too lazy to occupy fore not be harmful to the Kaiser's industry with the first talking pict- his, who at one time did much book a week ago Saturday at a bridge When you dorit hear turn because not only the -Kaiser and themselves with this business. The dignity if he will annul the former ures which were produced by Vita- reviewing for the Boston Transcript. party for the Misses Frieda and from those away his entire court, but, also the entire traffic in - money'<has suffered more decree. The Kaiser might also take phone, a subsidiary of the Warner Tillie Lotman, who have recently } home . . . . Every day this man would come the country could not -get along vd than all the others, since the Jews into consideration the wishes of the Company. and get a half dozen books for review. moved from Toronto, Canada, to live Christian population, realized that were best as money brokers. : lower Austrian professions, all of The talking pictures achieved in- The literary editor was a bit taken in Lincoln.! Bridge prizes were wen you can make ' . the co-operation of Jews. The very by the Misses Ruth Hill and Irene "This later loss has hit hard even whom beg that the Jews be read- stant popularity and the earnings of back. Christian groups and professions sure in only a few "How can you read a half dozen Ellis. the company mounted prodigiously. mitted." which had demanded, and had sucbooks every day," he asked. Then followed a period of expansion These are the most important parts minutes that every| ceeded in obtaining, the expulsion of In courtesy to Miss Sophie Ryesky in which the Warner brothers bought "Well, you see," replied the reof this historic document, upon which the last Jew from Vienna, soon began thing is all right Kaiser Leopold himself commented: i up hundreds of theatres, the First viewer, "first I write the reviews, and of Johnstown, Pa., who is the house ; to plead that the city be saved from guest of Miss Ruth Hill, Miss Selma National Pictures and the Stanley then if I like my review, I read the "This is of the highest importance." by calling them • ' ' dire poverty, since without Jews there Lotman entertained at a bridge party Chain of Theatres. book." As a matter of fact even the Theologiwas no money, no work and no posat her home Wednesday evening. cal Seminary of Vienne revoked the The stock market slump that co- PLAY PINOCHLE DOCTOR By P. R. K. sibilities of earning a livelihood. , Prizes were won by the Misses Ruth former decree of expulsion. But it incided with the Warner brothers All this is proven by an official Another good one that Leavitt tells Grossman and Nina Goldstein. MISK took almost a decade for the Jews period of greatest expansion hit is of the well-known physician and The marriage of Miss Rose Shyken, document of those times now lying Marion Martin of Omaha was an in the archives of the Austrian-min- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken, to regain full confidence in Kaiser them -hard and their present financial playwright, Dr. Slonimsky of Phil- cut-of-town guest. istry of the interior, which" after the to Mr. Charles Fellman, sen of Mr. Leopold and his government and to difficulties are traceable to the stock adelphia. You can la!!: CO a'rlir.o milrsfcr Mr. Sam Diamond entertained at Republican revolution, and the de- and Mrs.. J. Fellman, of Omaha, will return to Vienna in numbers suffi- crash. It harks back to Slonimsky's earlC S c * ; 7 0 ;.;:!;.-ic m'.'.ez !:4v t fc--« cient to re-establish a Jewish comand TOO airline Riiks tot 6 O C * . thronement of the Hapsburg mon- take place Sunday, August 24, at six iest days, when he had just finished j bis home for sixteen guests SaturLong distance telephone cio day evening in honor of Miss Sopnie archy took possession of all the docu- o'clock at the Eagles Hall in Council munity here. his first Yiddish play. I (Copyrighted. 1030. by the Jewish Telebt:c6 on ahvne tr.ilc; r--J r•? !?;j ments which formerly belonged to the Bluffs. At the conclusion of the perform-1 Hyesky of Johnstown, Pa. The c-ve graphic Agency, Inc.) per rniie a; C-.5 dictoncc ;r:rc.-:c3. Mrs. Richard Gordon entertained court. The document . proves conance, there were calls for Slonimsky.! ning was spent in bridge and in-% This is Hi? c'.:y :!.3v!.-a-l5-:'.t- . clusively that it wasn't from motives trirty-two guests at a bridge party Finally, the good doctor doffed his formal entertainment, followed by ticn TO to trem -:CO A. AY. 'D 7 P. A\. foT a tiires-mtnuL^ c:rof pity or humanity that Jews -were at her home last Wednesday evening, •modesty and made a little curtain supper. Miss Mamie Temin of Omaha venation ond rpp|:es whei ;T-J csS to te'k witS anyone c'-r'-'during those dark ages allowed to live in ~ honor of her sister; and - -on speech. ' , and Mr. Charles Sherman won fti-jt in Christian countries, but Thursday evening Miss Dorothy "My friends," he began," in the prizes. Other out-of-town guests inBuenos Aires, (J. T. A.).—If the able ot tSe lel;pht>M celled. cause of the vital economic interests Saltzmait ~ entertained at a bridge plans of the organization committee past every Tuesday and Thursday cluded the Misses Helen Kriefeld ano NORTHWESTERN BCLI. of the Christian population itself. The party, :hon6ring Miss Shyken. On of rabbis and orthodox Jews are afternoon, I had been playing pinochle Marion Martin, Messrs. Joe Kriefeki petition; which- the court presented to Sunday. afternoon?;;ffiec-Misses Doda : Dondon—(J. T. A.)—The long-ex- successfully carried out the Jewish but I decided some six months ago | and Ed Temin. all of Omaha. Kaiser Leopold in 1673 shows this, as and ,-Tillie Tilli?^ Maf£o$jtz j i n d Esther pected debate on the Palestine ques- community of the Argentine will well as 'the remark of the Kaiser that tion'1% the House of Commons is un- soon have its own yeshivah (rabbis' it is very necessary for *h(?j|tate to guests Ai%iyitbiake place before the House training school). The yeshivah has get the Jews back. ? : ^ ^ ' : y honor.. recesses for the Summer, beeen tentatively named Tifereth The expulsion of thej Viennese Jews Isaac. For a number of the months it is !<jartied here. The Council' Bluffs-Tjodge; ^ ? -The'Palestine debate has not been the committee has been carrying on came about through of June 13, 1669, and" by »the^ end^pf of the Independent' /Qrder oFjthV :placed on the agenda for the closing a campaign throughout the country July, 1670, was carried out in Its en- B'nai: Brith,will hold a, "meeting next days of the_^session but Premier Mac- urging the establishment of the 2othJ t iK Donald recently suggested in replying yeshivab. tirety, not one Jew remained in Monday evening, August : '\.:.• ./' "' Vienna.- The great (Jewish synagogue Eagles ,Hall., to an- inquiry from Leopold Amery The committee members have spo'Was converted into-a Christian church that'thojsewhff ~want the debate could ken in all the synagogues of Buenos Mrs. H. Arensott of; Lincoln, and was named "LeopoldsMrche"' in utilize "some of the supply days for Aires and the neighboring towns. honor of the Kaiser, which name it returned to he?, home Sunday ip the discussion, during which time any In view of the large number of orretains to this day. The lower part ing a week's visit here at the home question may be raised. thodox Jews in the Argentine it is of the building is still that of the old of her daughter,; Mrs. David Cherbelieved that the yeshivah can be In the meantime it is understood synagogue, and even today one can r.iss, and Mr. Cherniss.. Come to oar Electric Shop this that af&r consulting with .Sir John self-supporting. very easily read the few Hebrew inweek, sit down and iron this The 200,000 Jews of the Argentine, Chancellor, High Commissioner of scriptions which have remained on the Mrs. Philip Saks ;left Saturday for Palestine, the Colonial Office has re- most of whom are, of East European beautiful towel to a glossy finSt. Paul, Minn.,' to visit relatives for •walls. History seems to have taken commended to the:. Conservative lead- origin, are now dependent for their a couple of weeks. ish through the Thor Electric a curious revenge in the fact that toers, who have been-foremost "in de- rabbis upon .Europe and the United Ironer and you can have the day the neighborhood of the-'LeopoldJack Steinberg left Sunday for manding a day for the Parliamentary States. These . rabbis who come kirche" xontains the most thickly set- Des Moines, Iowa, where he will debate, not to provoke a debate until from' Eastern iBufrbpe: and America towel FREE. A lovely towel, tled Jewish section of Vienna. daintily bordered with your spend the next two weeks at Camp. Sir John Simpson has made his report. are not familiar with the needs of Three years after the Jews were exfavorite color. Sir John is not due in London for the Argentine Jews and require some pelled from Vienna, in 1673, the Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner entertained some time yet. He is now staying in time -to familiarize themselves with Kaiser asked the court 'officials twenty guests at a bridge party at Athens where he is said to be prepar- the country.. * This Offer Will Last ' (whose functions then were similar to her home Monday afternoon in honor ing the draft oT his report; based on One Week Only that of a ministry of finance today) of Miss Mildred Soble of St. Louis, his three • months of investigating Consequently it is believed a yeshivah in the Argentine will be able to prepare for him a new report about Mo. Miss Soble's engagement to Mr. problems of land settlement, immigrathe eventful re-admission .of Jews to Herman E. Rosenblatt of Omaha was* tion and development in Palestine. to train Argentine rabbis who will have little or no difficulty in obtain.Vienna. The report was prepared and recently announced. It is also learned from an official ing congregations among the various this is how it read: The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 source that the members of the Wail- Jeiwsh communities. "ThetJews are nowJbeing. tolerated ing Wall Commission are expected in in many places ancHtKisis' a sign that of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting London August PATIIOMZE OUR ADVERTISERS they are of use to the "^countries next Thursday evening, August 28, wherein they dwelliC; •Wherever;"they at the home of Sal Michnick, 1404 were expelled thejresult~wa's"ardecline Avenue B. All members are urged The ironing job is no longer a woman's •: ] in population arid;-materiar harnr'to to attend. job. It belonp to the Thor Electric the respective coimtnes. ^With regard Ironer. With this servant in your home, Mrs. • Harry Cherniss entertained to the accusation ihaf they usei Chris- sixteen guests at a bridge party and ! ironing day turns into a few delightful tian blood o,r that"they poison the "seven-day shower" r at her home \ moments. The roller on the Thor dqps wells, no one has ever brought any Tuesday evening: n r honor.;of; her, all the work. All yon do is sit down and proof of "it. All,the prophecies on the sister, Miss. >BesY> Lipp of Omaha, feed the pieces through. No labor . . . part of individuals, who supported the •whose majriage to Mr. Herman Wise | I no exertion. ; • expulsion of the Jews claiming; that of Chicago will take place next j jl the community will/be greatly bene- Sunday. The guests were members ' j ' Small . fitted by it, have also come to naught. of the Theta Sigma sorority to -which ; j Additional Charge It has been many .years * since there the bride belongs. tor has occurred any .treason or revolt on Payments the part of the Jews. *',' Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Katelman "But the present.' financial situation left Wednesday for Des Moines, la., requires more than; anything else that to be gone about ten days. Mr. Katelthe Jews be re-admitted. One can man will have a booth for his Imquite calmly state that as a result of. plements at the Iowa State • Fair. the expulsion of the Jews, the income Miss Goldie Ruback of Kansas of the state fell forty thousand florin Places the Thor Electric Ironer iityour home. The balannually. The state has been greatly City," Mo., is spending a couple of weeks here visiting at the home of ance can be paid in small monthly payments to suit you. damaged through the smaller income from taxes and other revenues. A Mrs. Jack Steinberg. large' quantity of foodstuffs rotting, Ben Bromberg is confined at thsince there are less consumers, and Mercy hospital where he is ill with thus too! the producers finchthemselves pneumonia. 17th and Hartley Sts. "Electric Shops" 2314 M St ' unable to pay their taxes.v- It is undoubtedly a fact that woolens, cottons Mr. and Mrs. Ben I. Seldinleft and othjbr goods were worth much Sunday for a motor trip to Denver. ' more when the. Jews*were still in the Colorado. country;', and in that way the common people eould pay their taxes more To gather riches," do " not hazard health, easily. truth to say, health is the "The Viennese merchants and trad- For, wealth of wealth. era had."hoped that the city would -Baker. • greatly benefit from the expulsion of

a City Without Jews




Dust-Covered Document in Archives of Austrian Ministry Reveals How Jews Were Recalled After Expulsion

| Lincoln News j

Council Bluff?. News



Iron This Attractive •and You Can Have

Ironing Is No Job for a



A "Perfect Tood


FACE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 19S0 5< percent of the funds and the local1; Prof. Louis A. Strauss, Dr. Louie societies furnished two; thirds of the Mann, Prof. Hairy Ai Wolf son, «; money and the Agro-Joint the rest. LOUIE Lipsky. ' ; By 1926 the Agro-Joint's contribution fell to 25 percent of the total Chicago,. (J. T, A.).—A "Jewish- Canada May Further and in 1929 it was only eighteen and Curtail Immigration a half percent. The nurftber of book-of-the-Month Club" has been people who received aid in the medi- ' organized in Chicago. It has for its aim the fostering of Jewish Ottawa, (J. T. A.)—There is a posArgro-Joint Subsidizes Organ- cal institutions maintained toy these J chief culture through the encouragement sibility that the new conservstiv.-societies increased from 169,000 in izations for Helth of 1924 to 1,350,000 in 1929. The total j of Jewish authors by creating a government will shortly put into efJews for the entire period was 5,085,000. j greater demand for their works and fect legislation that will fu'rthrr The importance of the medical aid by recommending books of Jewish sharply restrict immigration to CanMoscow, (J. T. A.).—In the generada from Europe and the rendered by these local societies with values to its membership. al attention that has been devoted The idea was brought to fruition States. the aid of the Agro-Joint is heen in to the colonization and settlement activities of the Agro-Joint among the fact that lack of means prevents by Ralph H. Goodman of Chicago. the Jews of Russia work not specifi- the government from evtending free Others instrumental in organizing "Jewish Book-of-the-Month j cally of a colonizing nature has been medical aid to the entire population the overlooked, as for example the activi- and hence limits this service to in- Club" are Dr. Gerson B. Levi, editor ties of the Medical Commission of the sured working-men, government em- of the Chicago Keform Advocate ami Agro-Joint which subsidises Jewish ployes and the basic classes of the Rabbi G. George Fox, chairman of A brief statement of the history mankind, . . . . are doctrines of the principles of conduct the Torah sur- communal and aid societies in the peasantry. Since the "Jewish popula- j the board of judges, and also of i of the Jewish community in the Jewish religion. rounds the Jewish people with num- j various cities and townships in the tion of the cities and townships is to 'Cldcago. The "Jewish-Book-of-the-Month i a larg-e extent not entitled to all J where the Agro-Joint tJnited States and its work, statis- The Law.—The belief in the unity ei-ous laws and rites. . . . These; regions Club", which aims to cooperate with forms of free government medical I i tics of the Jewish congregations, and of God, in the future hope of the particularistic religious obligations] operated. a short expose of the doctrines of vorld, and in the other doctrines is of the Torah, written and Oral, en-: From 1924 to 1929 the number of aid the value of the aid rendered by ithe various Jewish cultural agencies, JacksoJudaism are- given in a bulletin is- of no value unless one lives in ac-atled the small Jewish people to re- these societies that the Agro-Joint the local Jewish societies is apparent. and particularly with the Jewish ! Publication Society, has among its 35$ Brandeis Theatre Bldg. 1 sued recently by the United States coidance with the requirements of sist the disintegrating forces of the has subsidized increased from 4 to judges Dr. David Philipson, Mrs. Bureau of the Census, The bulletin th; beliefs. The emphasis is not onidolatry and error which surrounded 49 and in 1927 reached a total of 55. Rebekah Kohut, Dr. Felix A. Levy, •was prepared by Dr. H. S. Linfield, belief, but on righteous conduct,. them, and encouraged the Jews to The Jewish population in the regions Director of the- Statistical Depart- What is required; is service of the live by the principle, ••scribed by the'where these aid societies functioned ment, of the American Jewish Com- Lord, a just system of human con- early rabbis to Abraham, let all the^was 1,130,000 in 1929 as compared mittee, .who acted as Special Agent duct in accordance with statutes and world stand on one s;de, I side with with 550,000 in 1924. Sirmlarfy the of the Bureau of the Census. In Oidinances, 'which if a man do, heGod and shall wi~> in the end. . . . amount of money spent by these Warsaw, (J, T-A.) — Hundreds of; MISS SHIRLEY ADELE JANOFF * speaking of the doctrines of Judaism shall live by them' . . . . the law oftLe whole life f the Jew, even his societies each year increased from Jewish women here and in other' the Government bulletin states that Mtses, the Law, theTorah, the commonest acts, are invested with 110,000 roubles in 1924 to 1,130,000 parts of Poland are extremely inter-] Announces u the Jewish religion is a way of life Written Law,—and it must be under- religious obligations and meanings, roubles in 1929 and a total of 4,84€,- ested in the ruling of the Polish sn-; '^* the opening of her and has no formulated creed, but on stood in the light of Jewish tradi- And they are rega'dc'l as P sign of: 000 roubles for the entire period. preme court that divorces granted in: the other band, it-has certain teach- tion, the Oral Law. This Torah of iterit. . . . A ioc.= man is 'eager Indications of some measure of America are illegal in Poland if ihe\ ings, sometimes called doctrines or in the pursuit o religious obliga- self-support on the part of these marriages were contracted in Poland.! devine origin, which will not be dogmas, which are considered obligations' and they fill the life of the local aid societies are seen in the in- In such cases a Polish divorce is also tory on the adherents of the Jewish changed, is the foundation of the Jew with a higher joy. .^r,, a t t h e spacious •". — » creased percentages of the funds necessary. religion, and these are grouped un- Jewish faith. . . . used for medical aid that are conThe husbands of these Jewish wtrniGentiles and Proselytes der four headings: 1) Unity of God, Teachings of the Torah > SOMMER HALL j The Jewish religion and the Gen- tributed by the societies themselves. en are now in America and the wom-j 2) The World and Man, 3) The Fut- The Torah, written and oral, pre:";.'.' ' F&rnam Street at Twenty-eighth 'J In 1924 the Agro-Joint contributed en are to a considerable extent dfe-1 ure of Mankind and Israel, and 4)*enjiently emphasizes the principle tile world. — Although the Jewpendent on the money sent them by! faith brooks no compromise with The Law. JSojloving is the essence oi justice; other principles stressed their husbands. The decision of the Private and Class Lessons ^ J of the bulletin statements on each are purity and truth, optimism and other faiths, the Jewish religion, un- by the Soviet land commissariat on Polish supreme court makes it irapos-' like other creeds, does not consign the basis of the report • rendered by a of these cardinal points: - Acrobatic, Tap, Ballet and Ballroom Dancing hope, joy and thanksgiving, holiness an -unbeliever to eternal doom; for special commission sent to investigate sible for the husbands in America to rid themselves of their wives in PoPreparation for stage dancing with special attention to The Unity of God.—The funda- arc", the love of God. It implies a man is not judged by creed but by Bira Bidjan "in view of the repeated mental doctrine of the Jewish relig- the purest motives Toi action, spe- detds. . . . The Jewish religion en- complaints and criticisms as to mis-land by obtaining a divorce in the Character dances and musical comedy routines United States. ion is that God is One. At all times cifically serving the Lord, not from joines upon its adherents the appli- management. Special Classes for Adults \ the . religion of the Jew vigorously fear but rather out of love and forcation of one law for Jew and non- As a result of the investigating Most of these Jewish women are protested against' any .infringment of th- sake of God and •ibr. glorification Jew, home-born and stranger; 'Ye commission's report the land commis- unable to join their husbands in the Classes now forming this dogma.; .of pure-.monotheism, of His name; the doing of good, not, shall have one manner of law, assariat declared that the methods United States because of the imnri-; Studio Phone JA 9444 Residence Phone MA 5280 whether by ^the dualism of the East iii view of s.ny reward, bat for its well for the stranger as for the hitherto used £ot colonizing Bira Bid- gration laws. Tire supreme court's or by the 'Trinitarianism of the own sake; and the love of man andhome-born' (Numbers xxiv, 22). . . . jan have been' -unsatisfactory and decision constitutes an important West. . . . 'Hear, 0 Israel: The th» most -unselfish--devotion and the'the rigliteous of all nations have a recommends a-BtHsber of • important piece of protective legislation for Lord our • God, the Lord is One' is willing surrender of ore's life itself share in the world to come.' The changes to improve conditions. these Jewish women. the declaration of faith. . . . 'Look whenever the cause . of God de- Jewish religion recognizes two clasunto Me, and be ye saved, all the mands. . . . . ses of proselytes—'a proselyte of the cuds of the earth; for 1 am God and gate is one who abondons idolitry The Torah emph *sizes the need of there is none else'-(Isaiah,, xlv, 22). an"' accepts instead the seven NoachHe is the God of righteousness, study and education, v . . The Law iai- laws of humanity, and 'a prosanctions labor and makes the teachmercy, love, and JHoliness; the ideal s-Jyte of rightousness' is one who of moral perfection. God is mercy, in». of a trade whereby one maysubmits to the Abrahaniic rite and love and Holiness; the ideal of mor- eiin his living "a duty upon the becomes ;a full member of the House al perfection.;^ 'God":is""'our ;'i-r%tTier;; father.-.and. upon ...the. cojtnmunal au- of Israel. No distinction whatever bur Redeemer for everlasting' (Isai- thorities. Each man "is enjoinea to" is drawn between a born Jevr and a bvild a home sun to rontribute to the ah lxiii, 16). . . . welfare of human society; celibacy, proselyte of righteousness. . . . In The World and Man.—The world except tinder fare ^circumstances, is the fullness of time, L however, all is acosmic unit and it is good. -unlawful;: Systematic cara' of ;the nations -. will liow to the mountain of Ther§ is no inherent nmpurity in the poof is r: duty of £' commuiriti. Love the God of Jacob to learn His ways, fieshSor in matter. . . . There is no of one's country and loyalty to his ar.c as the Jew expresses it in his original sin; sin is the erring from government >s enjoined upon every prayers on New Year's Day, 'God the right path. The : crown .and ihe Jew,; and-. ie i s solemnly adjured' to*, will -reign in His glory over the acme' of God's creation is man/ Heseek the peace of his country and to •\vhole universe and al'. the living is capable of perfection without the pray for the welfare of its govern- shall say, the Lord, the God of Is-' GET ^_.. aid of an extraneuos being... .From ment. Tc.el, is King, and His kingdom ruSPECIAL OFFER one" man did all the races of the' on Side by side whn thes universal leth over all'..' e u t h descend, and thus, they conGOODYEAR stitute one family. . . . and the One Doable Eagles God ^is in direct relation with man, Others Beside Jews to all men, there mediator beand Settle in Bira Bidjan tween God and man. Ail^WEATHERS The Future of Mankind and IsMoscow, (J. T. A.)-fBira Bidjan, rael, i— The perfection of humanity (Continued, from Sage 1.) Far Eastern Republic, where the through the unfolding of the divine Soviet government had planned to "Then too", the executive secre- establish a Jewish republic, is now powers in man is the aim of history. That is Tfhy Goodyear sates are going aKead at a rate beyond any previous Daily the Jew concludes his prayers tary continued, "the moral stamina considered a prospective district for record. Building many millions more tires a year than any other company,' by ^declaring bis hope to behold of the lad is also greatly enhanced by the development of general collectives speedily the time when God, . . . . his boy scout training. He is set up of Jews, according to plans prepared Goodyear enjoys greater experience t;and lowest costs-^can give: more for yonr r r •will ,be manifested, and the abomin- to be his own leader, the heads of the money. " • " " ^ • i ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ % j j ' , .C '' " "5* ations will be removed from the troops remaining in the background earth. and all flesh will call as much as possible. Come in and get the benefit—the best tires^-Iowest prices—backed by onr "The development' of useful crafts • upon his name. Jewish religion friendly service. teaches the coming- on this earth of. p.;very description;has been of greatj:a social order of human perfection value as pre-vocational tests. After arc j bliss, of peace without end, a youth has subjected himself to •when none shall hurt or destroy, and ninety-nine different subjects for when the earth shall be full of the merit badges he has an excell^t knowledge of the Lord (Isaiah chap- idea of just what sort of woil? he is ters -;ix, xi); this is the Messianic fitted for when growtf to era. ~ Mr. Euss was especially-enthusiFor What was Israel "Chosen astic about the outd6oV\p?tS*affii 6? ^CHICAGO Israel is the .One God's own treas- the Boy Scouts. This includes' camp ure-•from among the people, a craft in practicaL'y,. every conceive ONLY uniqtie people that shall never cease able form, making fires,-cooking, first Round from; being a nation before the Lrod aid, life saving, nature study, and Trip Lifetime guaranteed, Quality fHreg—values only; fo?ever (Jer. xxxi, 36). It is many other diversified forms of not) claimed that this people is better activities. the world's largest tire production makes possible Fivcpiece orchestra .and separate •.-• than; others or that it possesses . a . He also stressed the spirit of tol-1 dance car on Illinois Central'* coachexcursion train leaving Saturday night 6-PLY FULL OVERSIZE j FULL OVERSIZE REGULARS special share of the divine love; but erahce which prevails among the before Labor Day. Lots of "blue" it ,'is affirmed. . . . . that God hasmembers. Number 12 of the Scout music as long as anyone wants t? chosen Israel from the peoples and Law states: "A scout is reverent dance. tongues and brought them near to toward God. He is faithful in his SPECIAL TRAIN Hi great name, to give thanks unto religious duties and respects the con- Going August 30 Lv. Omaba "•• 7:50 P. M . Himj'and to proclaim His unity. viction of others in matters, of Lit. Council Blufl» •-.:.• ' 8:05 P . M . "As: His chosen people, Israel has custom and religion." A r . Chicago • . • * '• 8:05 A . M . • Coaches, chair cars and lunch car. been: judged more severely by God: Jewish troops are located in about 'You:, only have I known of all the seventy-five' cities, < according • to Mf. Returning T'cltSu good ifl eoacha erf' in? train, to and families of the earth, threfore I will Buss. . These are principally in the 1 including special train leaving Chicago 5:00 P. M. Monday (6:00 P. M. Dayli|ht Siving). arvisit'upon you all your iniquities' East but the movement is spreading riving Council Blufis 6:00 A.' M . , Omaha 6:15 (•Asafes iii, 2); and Israel has been westward. A. M . . Tuesday. Sept. 2 . dispersed and has suffered, but in the The Jewish Committee on Scouting 16 Day Excursion end :will be restored. . . .(Peut. xxx, was organized to counteract the high also low priced $20 Round Trip 1—4). The restoration will be not mortality of Scout troops, caused at i Good in Pullmans merely to compensate the people for least partially by the lack of reTicltttt good on any train leaving August JOth, including special coach train—also good in al its suffering, but to enable Israel, sponsible sponsorship. TIRE REPAIRING Pullmans'" on payment ot regular Pullman tare. Return limit, midnight. Sept. 15th. unhampered by . unfriendly environ- . Oman* has / a Jewish Boy :Scout ment, too carry on Iffis work fts>an troop-.which meets, ~tegular^!,.at;«ie: ''Toi full information g ' K. j.Cig£tictt,O.P.A, Utlioa TiAet Office exemplary nation, '""fhlglr "above afi J. € . : 311 So. letfast. J. V. O'Dta, p. A . with t>r. 'Dkvid n«.tions, that He hath" made;""in scoutmaster,., PLone Atlantic 988S 313 City Nat "1 Bank a n d * J u l i u s - Bisno a s praise, and in name, and in- glory;- sistant-'scoutmaster. Jaclson 0264-0561 • Union Station • ••-.'•v ••'-'?.--v::. Omaha, N Pbone Jackson 5570 Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 and =±hat thou (Israel) mayest be a ••••«• holy ' peol5?r^ttSRr tBe^rorr'tiJeut.T r ~ - - - ^ ~—~ r -~ ^ - ^-^-;,. _ - , - . , _ HOBERMAN BEOS,, Proprietors xxxi, 19. . . . The choice of Israel, j Heroism feels and never reasons, its ; imperishability a_d restoration, 1 and therefore is always right, DEPENDABLE FOR 79 YEARS and the blessed f utura that await* ' —Emerson.

overnment Publication's Explanation of Judaism



In Bulletin on Jewish Congregations Issued By the Census Bureau Judaism Is Called a Way of Life BASIC ETHICAL TEACHINGS OUTLINED

| Dell Zaring Modiste



Studio of the Dance •#

Tires cost so little today it's folly not to buy the best

A. Z. A. Chapters to Sponsor Scouts


NOW!In 6-Ply or Regular

30x450 29x450

29x440 - - S5.55 - $7.60 30x450 • $6.00 $10.00 28x475 • $7.00 • 18.00




Sport Notes CITY NEWS MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent

I- V--'

A B'NAI News FRITH PICNIC HELD . MissSociety Shirley Fralkin of Brooklyn,

Members of the B'navB'rith Lodge and their families enjoyed the first annual -outing of that organization last Sunday afternoon and evening at Shore Acre; Boat Club, with over 600 attending. A program of games and sports during the • afternoon was arranged by Mr. A. M. Davis, and proved entertaining to everyone present. A feature of the program was the baseball game staged; between the A. Z. A. members and the men. of the B'nai B'rith. '." A basket sapper was served at 6 o'clock. Ice Cream, Cake and Drinks- were -served- by- the Lodge. Mr. E.' N;'Grueskin was the chairman for the arrangements of the affair.

Field Worker for Orphanage Here

New York, who has been visiting at the home of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. I. Chesen, 1108 8th Street, has departed for a trip to Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, and Buffalo, where she will visit enroute to her home. While in Sioux City Miss Fralkin was entertained by Mrs. I. Chesen, Mrs. L. Chesen, Mrs. B. Blecker, Mrs. H. Feinberg, and Mrs. S. Schwid. Miss Fralkin also visited with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. H. Feinberg in Canistota, South Da:ota, while" she was in this vicinity. Miss Rose Tessler and Miss Rutlr White have returned after a two week stay in Omaha where they were guests of Miss Lee Gilman and Miss Hazel" Zazette. Miss Zazette motored to Sioux City on Sunday with Miss Tessler.

NOTED WRITER Mrs. Elma Erlich Levinger, with her husband, Rabbi Lee Levinger, visited in Sioux City for several days at the home of Rabbi Levinger's mother, Mrs. Anna Levinger. Both Rabbi and Mrs. Levinger are authors and have a number of books to their credit. . ' Rabbi Levinger is well known for his book written during the war "A Jewish. Chaplain in. France".: Mrs. Levinger has twice won the national contest of the Drama League of America# The prize winning plays are "Jeptha's Daughter" and "The Return of the Prodigal". "The Tenth Man" , her most recent play, won the tournament of the drama league of the Little Theatre in Chicago and wiil be published this fall. "A Child of the Frontier" won a prize given by : the drama department of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Outstanding in the works of Rabbi and Mrs. Levinger is the book "The Story of the Jew" on which they : collaborated. Mrs. Levinger has written many children's books which are used in the Jewish Religious Schools. Among them are "Jewish Holiday Stories",,"The New Land", "Playmates in Egypt", and "Jewish Festivals in the Religious School". Mrs. Levinger reads her stories to her three children before she sends them to the publisher. Wherever she happens to be she is surrounded by a flock of children clamoring for stories and .her great supply of stories .to satisfy them never seems to diminish. Mrs. Levinger studied at the University of Chicago and Radcliffe College before her marriage. Later she directed the entertainment department of the Bureau of Jewish Education in New York City, and edited a paper "The Jewish Child". Rabbi Levinger directs the work of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Ohio, where he is a faculty 'member in the department of

Jack and Louis Levitsky, 815 Iowa Street, have returned after spending Miss Ruth Cohen, Field Director of the Cleveland Jewish Orphan several weeks visiting in St. Louis, Home, Beliefaire, stopped in Sioux Missouri. City, Monday, enroute from Omaha Mrs. Jules Gerelick of Omaha, to Duluth. Nebraska, is visiting at the home of Miss Cohen who has been with the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Home only tree months - was former- Mosow. ly associated with the Senior Hadassah Work in New York, serving Miss Ethel Bergen of New York in the capacity of Executive Direct- iity is visiting at the home of her or of that organization. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergen. While in the city Miss Cohen visitMr. M. Seff haj returned after a ed with several members of the Federation Board, and officers of the trip to Kansas City, Mo. B'nai B'rith Lodge, acquainting them with the work of Bellefaire. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson have returned home after spending several weeks at Crandall Lodge, in Spirit Workmen's Auxiliary Lake. They were .accompanied by Elect Its Delegates Mr. and Mrs. Abe Davidson, of Chicago, who will visit. here for several " The" members of the Women's Aux- days gefore returning to their home. iliary of the Women's Circle No. 664 Max Kroloff ,-spent several days elected three delegates to the district convention at their meeting last visiting in Omaha, this week. Tuesday; afternoon, held in the JewMr^s. Sam Lipman has returned ish Community Center.. The Conhome after spending a week at the vention is to be held in Omaha on horned of her son-in-law and daughAugust 31 and September 1. Mrs. ter, Mr. and' Mrs. Henry Harlow, in M. Shiloff, Mrs. M. Derwin, and Canby, Minnesota.:"•':.*.'. Mrs. M. Mason will be the official ' ;••"••• representatives from, the Sioux City Mrs. Harry J Bailin, formerly of p h i l o s o p h y / ' group. Other members of" the or- iLtkinson» Nebraska, formerly Miss ' Rabbi and Mrs. Levinger and their ganization, however, plan to-attend Mae Bolstein, is a gjuest at the home children, Leah, Samuel and Joseph, the convention, as guests. This of her parents, Mn and Mrs. J. H. left Sunday for Yankton, accompani ied by Mrs. Anna Levinger, where Convention will he held in conjunc- Bolstein. tion with that of the Workmen's Mr. and Mrs, H. Eirenberg, spent they will visit Rabbi Levingert Circle. several weeks:ias guests.of Mr. and brother Harold. From there they Mrs. M. Lavine, in Aberdeen, South plan to tour Yellowstone Park before returning to their home in CoDakota. Helen Friedman Is to lumbus, Ohio. ' Attend Theater School Miss Dena Baron has returned home Word has been received by Miss Helen Friedman that she has been accepted as a student in the Goodman School of the Theater in Chicago. Admission to this school is limited and after students are admitted they are placed on a twelve week trial before they can be enrolled for the full scholastic year. • Miss Friedman, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friedman, appeared several times with the Trousdale Players last year in the Rialto Theater. She has also- appeared' in many of the Jewish Community Center Dramatic Club productions. Miss Friedman plans to leave for Chicago durnig the earlf part of September. ••'.'.

afterspendjng several weeks visiting 30,000 D e c l a s s e d A r e

friends in Chicago.

Settled Upon Land

Miss Frances Emlein has been visiting in Omaha during the past two Moscow.—Over 30,000 declassed weeks. She plans to return home this Ukrainian Jews have been settled on week end. . the land by the Ozet, society for I settling the Jews on the land, accordMiss Mildred Ruth Barojn departed ing to a report published in the recently for Omaha, where she plans | Charkov "Shtern" on the occasion of TT1 to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the "--••"-''--—• —•'-fifth anniversary of* ^the UkrainS. Katsky. . ian Ozet. The report shows that rr ore than 8,000 Jewish - families The stage of the Community Center have been settled in the Ukrainian Hall, banked with flowers wiE form i Jewish colonies and nearly. 18,000 the background of the wedding of Mr.! families have received- land in the Joseph Kantor, son of Mn Meyer j vicinity of the villages where they Kanterovich, and Miss Mollie Sro-1 previously lived, thus making it ungovich, daughter of Mr. Harry Sro-1 necessary for them to emigrate. govich> on Sunday evening, August Over 10,000 families have been 24. Rabbi M. Braver will officiate at settled in Crimea and in-Bira Bidjan. the ceremony which will take place at The report showed too that while in Soviet Reassures Ort 6 o'clock. 1926 the Ukraini&n Ozet had a memAbout Declassed Jews Miss Charlotte Kanterovich will at- berslip of 36,539 including a thoustend the bride as maid of honor, and and non-Jews who formed three perBerlin (J. T. A.)—A revision of the the Misses Leah Schneider of Minne- cent of the total, now on the fifth status of the declassed Jews of Rus- apolis, Bessie Kanterovich and Lillian anniversary the membership is sia with particular attention to the Dishlip of Sioux City and Miss Lillian 175,000 with 53,000 non-Jews or 35 problem of the Jewish youth is prom- Gelfand of Omaha will act, as brides- percent of the total. ised to the Ort, society for the pro maids. Ushers will be Sidney Sable motion of technical trades among th< of Des Moines and Meyer Arkowitz, Jews of Eastern Europe, in a lette Morris Goldberg and Isadora Kanter- "Jewish Intelligence from M. Gorbuney, writing on behal ovich of Sioux City. to Solve Arab Problem of V. V. Schmidt, vice-president o A supper will follow the ceremony Soviet cabinet. and will be served to 200 guests. New York, (J. T. A.).—"I am conThe letter points out that thi Table and hall decorations will carry fident that Jewish brains. Jewish inSoviet cabinet has already reinstated out the bridal colors of orchid and telligence will in the long run find a considerable part of the declassed green. a solution to the problems of ArabJews and the technical difficulties to Out of town guests will include Mr. Jewish relationship in Palestine." their admission to industry and t and Mrs.- Harry Lipsman of Daventheir -receiving technical, instruction port, Mrs. Harry Weiner, Misses This was the statement made here in the professional workers' institutes Esther Weiner and Martha Himilstein to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency by Wickham Stoed, famous British have 'now been abolished. and Lillian Gelfand of Omaha; Miss journalist, former editor of the "LonBee Gelfand of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. don Times" and present editor of the M. Sable of Des Moines. English "Review of Reviews", who The bride and. groom will make came to this country to address the their home at 1217 Iowa street. convention of American newspaper editors J in Washington. sl fSe'il tjie multitude" Plans Eraus Memorial "Jewish work in Palestine should With Tasty Foods Prague.—(J. T. A.)—The B'nai be so conducted as to comprehend B'rith lodge of Prague has decided to not only Jewish, but Arab interests rr establish a memorial to the late as well. And if you will bear that r Adolph Kraus, international presi- in mind, the Arabs will sooner or F F ' S . S dent of the B'nai B'rith. The mem- later give up their opposition to orial will take the form of a fund for Zionsm, for even^the most benighted DI "CATESSEN .' ! . .the pooriin his native town o£ Rockys- among them -will recognize that may and the placing "of a" 'memorial Zionism is working for their interSAJ WICH SHOP . tablet -OBr-the- house-in -which he was; ests, as well as for the Jews", said ^1fSj-OB" AtL*1 KINDS born." ""I" " *• Mr. Steed




._ _,


JACKIE BERG'S AMBITION TO ti>- was shedding too much gore RETIRE AND MARRY from.a cut over the eye. It was a Jackie Berg, Jewish English light- great fight all the way. Goldman weight who defeated Kid Chocolate took a seven count early in the fight last week, has two laudable ambi- when he walked into one of the fortions which he hopes to realize be- mer bantamweight champion's lefts fore another year has passed. He but came back strong to win dewants to marry 17 year old Eleanor cisively. . The local matchmakers are Krauss, N. Y. U. Student and make after Marty's services as they believe the boy has the stuff and is bound $200,000. to draw the crowds. The "money part of it is not so hard as you might think. The BARONESS LEVI TO PLAY L\ scappy littele English fighter al-; NATIONAL TENNIS TILT ready has salted away $60,000 and I Baroness Giacomo Giorgio Levi, he thinks he can make the rest of four times tennis champion of Rome tns quota within a year, and retire. and second best tennis player in Jackie is only 21 years old, although vtaly, is entered in the National the records state he is 25. However, Women's Singles Championship it is customary ao pust up the age °which is taking place at Forest of fighters due to the rule against Hills. The Baroness is no stranger minors fighting more than G rounds. t these shores as sha used to live The romantic angle of the case looks in Chicago and was then called like a push over for Berg, as he rates Maud Rosenberg. Playing in the Rye with the family and the girl. Tournament Baroness Levi (It just Although he will not admit it, it doesn't sound right) gave the Ameriis gossiped around, that Jackie plans can girls plenty of trouble, reaching to become a citizen of these United the finals before succumbing. States and is going to take out NO NEW TENNIS CHAMP IN naturalization papers very soon. SIGHT The promised fight between Berg Looking the tennis field over careand Champion Singer looks off right fully in the boys and junior chamnow. Both boys want so much p.onships one can't get very enthumoney that the promoters can't see siastic over the chances of our Jewwhere they will get a break. Inish youngsters. Although they are cidentally Berg and Singer are very represented in large numbers there good friends, pals in fact, a..d how doesn't seem to be any one player they would perform in the ring is that towers over the rest so that questionable. y.u can point your finger and say— GOLDMAN MAKES GOOD "Here's a coming Jewish star". It IMPRESSION still seems as though the day of the Marty Goldman, a protege of Abe Jewish tennk champior is still a Attell, once i. great ring champion, good ways off. The coming Jewish finally broke into headlines when he tciinis star has yeA to make his apknocked out "Cannonball" Martin, in pearance in tournaments, if he exists f ninth round of a scheduled ten at all, it is on some court hidden round affair held in New York City away from he eyes of the sports last week. The end came in the writer. The current crop of Jewish next to the last round becausp Mar- pl< yers remains about the same, Se-

Mgson still- heads the-list Jacobs a close second and then we fird no Jewish players of note until we get way down the rankings. I don't like to be pessimistic but I uon't think we will have either a boys' or junior champ this year and it will be the first time that has happened in some seasons. CHATTERINGS Herman Perlick, one of the twins of that name from Kalamazoo, was put on the card with Ju^to Suarez, the South American lightweight for the sole purpose of being slaughtered. He lost the fight but it was no slaughter and he made such a good showing that Suarez looked quite bad in comparison. . . . Reese is still in the game for the Yankee, holding down second ase. . . . Have you read "American Girl" b? John Tunis, sports writer for the New York Evening Post? It is the story of a female tennis champion. If you read a story called, I think, "The Champion" which appeared in Harper's Magazine last yeai by Mr. Tunis, don't read the book because it is based on this story, as a matter of fact the story is much better than the book; saying the same thing in fewer words. Still you might try "American Girl", as it gives a convincing picture of -what goes on behind the tennis scenes, pointing out just how amateur players make their money, etc. . . . The Hakoah Sdccor Team is having a tough time getting back into America after their South American tour. The immigration authorities are holding them up and the story goes that a rival soccor team in the United States put the bug in the ear of the immigration officials. . . .

MANYlWSl UKRAIN1A STILL 1DIREWANT Officials Say 380,000 Jews Are _ in Need of Assistance

Moscow, (J. T. A.).—There are 380,000 Jews in Ukrainia even new who require relief it was officially stated by M. Kantor, chief-secretary o* the Ukrainian Comzet, the government department for settling the Jews on the land. The economic facilities which the Central Soviet government has lately begun for the relief of the declassed and voteless Jews will undoubtedly improve the position of a considerable number but many of these Jews Till continue to be in need for some time because they are unable to settle anew in better circumstances. The number of Jews requiring aid includes 72,000 ex-traders and 50,000 artisans for whom it is difficult to obtain raw materials. There are 200,000 able to work but stil] remain dependent on their families whila 32,000 are entirely unemployed. In Odessa alone there are 30,000 Jews capable of work requiring relief. Of these 12,000 are registered with labor exchanges but the others cannot register becausa they are extraders and voteless. Kantor finds that during the last three years between sixty and ?evonty thousand Jews havs found <>mploj-ment in Ukrainia. Of thie um10,(Copyrighted, 1930. by the Jewish Tele- ber 15,000 were in the colonies, graphic Agency, Inc.) 000 in farm vrork in the v:cinity of the village, 20,000 in the cooperaNo one can boast of having never tives and 20,000 in various industbeen despised.—Vauenargues. ries. Bad laws are the wor=t sort of Hurry is of the devil, but slow tyranny.—Burke. advancing comes from God.

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