August 29, 1930

Page 1

* Interesting. 1 and Entertaining


In the Mterests of \ Jewish Community

Entered as second-class mall natter on January 27, m a , at postofflce, at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act o£ Marcb 3, 1S7&

Mandates Commission Gives Voice to Sharp Criticism of Britain Puts Part of Blame for the Moslem Riots of Last Year Upon the Inefficiency of the British Government



VOL, Vm—No. 32

Conference of Jewish Workers Alliance Schools ACnVEYEARB Syracuse, (J, T. A,).—Co-ordination with other Jewish schools was voted by the conference of the Jewish National Workers' Alliance schools held here. The conference decided to continue the publication of "Kinderwelt," the magazine issued for the school children, to revive the pedagogical magazine for the teachers, to publish a reader for the 5th and 6th years, to be prepared by Solomon Weisman of Montreal, to aid the Jewish Teachers' Seminary and to establish a national school exhibition and school archive. The conference also agreed to establish six years as the school period and the curriculum to contain Yiddish, Hebrew, singing, Bible, history, stressing modern Jewish life, folklore, and the celebration of Jewish and workers' holidays.


F i r s t Meeting to Be Held on

Thursday Evening, September 11

Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Blaming his wife, the former Mathilda Kemnitz, for having tricked him into agitating against the Jews and Masons and for his adoption of certain unorthodox religious practices, General Erich von Ludendcrff, former commaflder-inchief of the Imperial German armies has filed suit for divorce. Madame Ludendorff, who was once a psychiatrist, is now the editor of the Ludendorff organ "Wochenschaa," which has been zealously spreading the most fantastic anti-Semitic tales. The suit for divorce was brought by General Ludendorff upon the advice of his friends who made him realize that his wife had foisted upon him her fantastic theory that the Jews and Masons were plotting

An ambitious program has been outlined for the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith during the ensuing year under the guidance of Philip M. Klutznick, new -.president. The sealon will officially open with the first meeting, to be held at the J. C. C. on Thursday evening, September 11. The executive board has met several times in order to formulate plans for the lodge's activities. A special feature will be an open forum which will be led by national and international figures. Particular emphasis will be placed on a membership drive. The initi- Hungarian Minister ates will be honored at a mammoth dance or banquet to be given later. Condemn anti-Semitism According to present plans, no phasBudapest, (J. T. A.).—M. Goembos, es of activity will be OA'erlooked durHungarian minister of trade, coning the present regime. demned anti-Semitism and appealed Another innovation will be a small j t o fbe p o l i t i c a l l e a d e r s o f a U parties local B'nai B'rith paper, to be pub- j to c o T l a b o r a t e f o r the country's ecolished monthly. Frank Ackerman nomic revival. will edit this bulletin. .. Speaking at a political mass meetThe officers are: Philip M. Klutz- I ing, the former leader of the Party of nick, president; Irvin Levin, vice- Racial Defense urged that religious president; Isadore Abramson, secre- differences be disregarded and that tary; Harry Friedman, treasurer; no differences be made between Jews Dr. O. Z. Belzer, warden; Dave Free-1 and Christians. man, guardian. Trustees are Dr. S. Both must live together like brothZ. Stern, Harry B. Cohn, and Can- ers, he declared, because they are tor A. SchwaczMn. , both fighting for the ideals of Hungary.

against the lives of noted Germans. So zealously has he propagated her ideas, which have become his own, that the former German war lord has been entirely isolated and ignored because of the obviously stupid and false legends he has been creating. Since the end of the War General Ludendorff has been an active antiSemite, having at one time been associated with Adolph Hitler, leader of the anti-Semitic National Socialists. Among his ridiculous charges against the Jews were the increase in railway accidents in Germany was due to the "machinations" of Jewish manufacturers of aeroplanes and automobiles for the purpose of the furthering of their industries.

Secretary of Joint Foreign Committee Dies in London Monday

London.—(J. T. A.)—Lucien Wolf, secretary of the Joint Foreign Committee, died here early Monday morning. Geneva, (J. T. A.).—Regarding as of the disturbances by the Palestine Lucien Wolf, a journalist and authunjustified the view that the Pales- Arabs were not proven, and that BO or of note, was born in Vienna and be attached to the Palestine outbreaks were not directed blame received his education in Brussels and against British authority or that they tine Administration and to the ActParis. He had been editor of the were unexpected disturbances "in the ing High-Commissioner, Harry Luke, Jewish World, assistant editor of the midst of a political calm like those for his failure to obtain reinforcePublic Leader, foreign editor of the : sudden explosions of popular pas- ments from neighboring countries beDaily Graphic and London corresponsion so often witnessed in Eastern fore August 23. dent for the Paris Le Journal . states", the long delayed report of The Mandates Commission also exIn 1919 Mr. Wolf represented the •the Lague of Nations Mandates (Continued on Page 6.) Jewish community at the Paris Peace 'Commission of the 1929 Palestine Conference and obtained Minority outbreak to the Council of the League Treaties with Poland, Rotunaj»&, Propose All-Jewish of Nations blames the limited numCzechoslovakia, Greece and Jugo! ber of British troops in Palestine and Chorus in Providence slavia and had before and since, s* the inadequacy of the police force as secretary of the Joint Foreign Comithe principal causes for the spread Providence, (J. T. A.).—The promittee striven to present the cause of of last summers' Arab attacks on the posed Jewish Chorus, plans for which j the minorities both before the League [Jews and for the Serious consequenare now under the leadership of of Nations and to the individual govces which followed. Arthur Einstein, director of Temple ernments. Emanuel, will attempt to include all In differing from the view that the Convenes With Executive Boards Mr. Wolf was the founder of the Palestine troubles did riot arise sud- District Conference to Be Held classes of Jews in the city regardless of J. N. F. and Zionist Advisory Committee of the High Comof congregational or other affiliations. Next Sunday and :denly the Mandates Commis«ion Groups mission for Refugees of the League of The chorus is in part an outgrowth Monday points out that "they were preceded Nations and was the first president of the Jewish Festival Chorus which during the last four months of 1928 Mendel Fisher of St. Louis, execu- of the Jewish Historical Society of was also under the leadership of EinA district conference of the Workand the. early part of 1929 by a secretary of the Southwestern England. Besides his position as seci number of premonitory incidents men's Circle will be held in Omaha stein. Region of the Zionist Organization retary to the Joint Foreign CommitThe new. chorus will, it is hoped, usually connected with the Wailing Sunday and Monday, August 31 and and the Jewish National Fund, met tee he also acted as secretary for the Wall. That historic spot became the September 1, at the Labor Lyceum, introduce to the Providence Jewish Sunday at the J. C. C. with the ex- board of deputies, and the Anglo-Jew'focus of the claims of both races with delegates present representing public all varieties of modern Jewish ecutive boards of both organizations, ish Association and was joint editor concerned, each of which sought to Sioux City, Des Moines, Lincoln and music Many Jews of the city have alMr. Fisher's visit was to arouse of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exready offered their financial support. • utilize the incidents, unimportant Omaha. greater interest in raising money for hibition and of Bibliothecal Anglcin themselves, in order to establish Arrangements have been made to the Jewish National Fund. Various Judaica. Finds Door Beam of their respective claims de jure or de entertain all delegates and guests. ways were discussed for raising ad- Mr. Wolf contributed several artifacto. The historical account of the A dinner will be sponsored by the Old Jewish Hospice ditional money during the high holi- cles to the Encyclopedia Britannic* troubles contained in the Shaw Com- local unit at the Elks Club, Sunday days. The money raised by the Jew- and to the Cyclopedia of Architecture, mission's report on pages 26 to 70 at one o'clock. There will also be a Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—Isaaz Benish National Fund is used chiefly besides being a contributor of essays had not been, seriously disputed and dinner given in their honor Monday. zvi, Jewish b bor leader, heading the for the redemption of the laud in on foreign and colonial topics to ths ! has therefore, been referred by the One of the features will be a banJewish Archaeological Expedition Palestine in the name of the Jewish Times and other periodicals. He was Mandates Commission- to the Coun- quet at the Labor Lyceum Sunday which has been excavating in Upper people. the author of many "well-known evening fox all members and repreGalilee, has •uncovered in a ruined vilMr. Fisher- commented upon the among them "The Russian Govern1 sentatives. The. banquet win start Jewish National Fond Increases lage .a d o o r , ! ? ^ * - Referring to .the four'conclusions Qeveland Convention, of the Ziea- ment- -End "Massacres," -published in Its Land PossessionsIn " scription on it, showing that it dated Some Arab:Papers scd London ists. He was very enthusiastic 1906; of the Shaw Commission's' report at 7:30 p.n£sharp, to be followed "The Myth of the Jewish MenHerald Enlarge on the Holy Land back to the Talmudic period, or about which the British' government adopt- by a musical program. • about the joining of all the forces ace in World Affairs," published ift At the business "sessions .the work the second or third centuries of-the Accusations ed, the Mandates Commission takes for a united front. The new direct- 1921, and "life of the First Marquess : the stand that two of them call for ^of the district during the past year New York.—Notwithstanding the Christian era. ors are working out plans for the of Ripon," also published in 1821. certain reservations and draws at- will be reported on and discussed Turbulent period through which life The discovtry of the door beam in- London, (J. T. A.).—Under the future and will soon appoint an exMr. Wolf was a Fellow of the Intention to a. contradiction which and plans for the ensuing year will in Palestine passed during the last dicates that where the relic was found heading, "Grand Mufti Accused of Fa- ecutive director. stitute of Journalists and a memb?.: nine months as a result of the antibe laid. . seems to exist between certain decthere may have been an ancient Jew- voritism to Relatives and Misuse of The speaker also stated that Jus- of the Authors' club. Jewish Arab riots of a year ago, the Funds," the Jerusalem correspondent larations made in the body of the retice Louis D. Brandeis is taking part Jewish National Fund has added con- ish hospice or inn. for the London Daily Herald stated actively and is even writing personal port, and the second of the conclussiderable stretches of land to its posthat serious accusations of corrupt letters in his handwriting. ions regarding the question of pre^ sessions during the same period, acpractices have been made against the Mr. Fisher sees a bright future meditation, on the part of those who cording to a report received through caused" the disorder. Mufti. ahead for the Zionist Organization of the Jewish National Fund of America, paper also states that the America. . In a White Paper issued by the The and made public by. Mr. Emanuel Neubreach between the Moslem Supreme British government on May 27th, it mann, President. •: • A boys' club, Dagai Yehudah, for Council and the Arab Executive accepted the four conclusions of the The purchase of a site for an Jewish youths who have recently finwhich became apparent when Auni Shaw Commission, namely that the A group of former Omafcans now ished the Talmud Torah, has bes* outbreak was not premeditated nor Moscow,-(J. T. A.).—After .--many American Zionist colony in Palestine, permanently residing in Chicago have Abdul Hadi, secretary of the Executo be known as Nachlath, Pittsburgh, formed by H. Marcus. •was it aimed at British authority, weeks of discussions and suggestions formed an Omaha Club. They had tive, was discharged, is widening perwas completed during the period, the Mr. Marcus started the organization ceptibly. that the Zionists complaints against and reports the presidium of the been meeting together for some time tLe Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Were Union Central Executive Committee report states. The land on which the and their decision to organize was the A member of the Arab Executive Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—The use of because he thought that when tbfc youth* leave the Talmud Torah the?. not justified, that the Zionist charges of the Soviet Union has decided to colony will be erected is located in the result of the desire to make per- stated today: aeroplanes in connection with the are at the ripe age for further trainWestern part of the Valley of Jezreel of premeditation and of organization separate Bira Bidjan, Far Eastern Re- and comprises an area of 2,287 du- j manent this organization of those who "The Mufti comes to us as a beg- anti-locust campaign has been recoming. The purpose is to inculcate Jew* public, into a self-contained adminis- nams. The project was initiated by the j hail from the place they called home. gar. Now he comes to give us orders." mended in the report of the govern- ishnesF and Jewish ideals into the unit including the previous -Zionists of Pittsburgh, Pa., who con-! Dr. Irving Osheroff, 4723 Lincoln The charge of favoritism and ne- mental committee on locust control. lads. Tony Kuznit Awarded trative districts of Miehailosemichovski and tributed up-to-date the inital sum of Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, is the first potism is made against the Mufti who The report also advocates a co-ordiTwo meetings have already been Engineering Scholarship Yeksterinonikolski and parts of other $30,000 for the purpose. presiding officer. Anyone sojourning is also charged with appropriation of nated scheme of research and recom- held. According to the sponsor, eleven funds of the Arab Executive and the mends concentration on the breeding districts which had been principally A series of land purchases in vari- in Chicago will be made to feel at enthusiastic, interested boys have alTony Kuznit, 22-year-old son of Mr. allotted for Jewish settlement in ac- ous parts of Palestine has been accom- home by either getting in touch with Moslem Supreme Council. It is alleged ground of the locust. that the Mufti bought land from his and Mrs. Nathan Kuznit, 2225 Charles cordance with plans for a Jewish Re- plished during the last nine months, Dr. Osheroff or Meyer Kasper at 226 The Red Sea region, Sudan, North ready signed up. Meetings will br held twice & week. own relatives at fabulous prices and St., has been awarded a scholarship public at Bira Bidjan. the total area acquired amounting to South Wabash Avenue or Herman registered it in his own name. He Kenya, South Arabia, are all men- Ail lads who have been Bar Mitzvtkh in the engineering college of the "Uni- The Jews here are greatly disap- 12,600 dunams of agricultural land, Wise, 2717 Sawyer Avenue. tioned for concentrated research. then, it is stated, lease the The report estimates the cost of are invited to attend the Hcxt meetversity of Nebraska. • :; pointed at the failure to declare the which includes important stretches The boys have not completely sev- would same land to his relatives at ridicu- such research as about 8,000 annual- ing, which will be held at the J. C. C.' Tony, who is a member of the Pi new district Jewish, but the Moscow suitable for intensive cultivation. This ered home ties and always come lously low rentals. ly,, of which the governments of Pal- Wednesday evening at 8 o'closk. Mu Epsilon, national honorary mathe- Ernes, Yiddish Communist paper, is progress was made possible partly home when in need. Dr. Osheroff j matical fratrenity, will start his un- already retreating from its program through the aid of the Zionists of recently became engaged to Rose Fine Several Arab papers carry leading estine, Sudan and Kenya offered con- Speakers will be Sam Beber, N h Yaffe and Judah Wolfson. ior year at the university this fall. He of a Jewish district, saying that for South Africa and partly through the of this city and Herman Wise was articles opposing the Mufti, who is ac- tributions of 2,830. cused of ridding the Executive and the has worked his own way through Jewish Communists national terri- co-operation of American Zionists. wedded to Bess Lipp last Sunday. Supreme Council of a member whom school. torial unification'is not an aim in ithe disliked. self, their chief desire being productivisation of the Jewish masses. B'nai ShoHm WiU Hold Nevertheless there is still some hope Wins Yale Prize Jerusalem.—Dr. Jacob Levitsky, a Services for Holidays in Jewish circles here that if the plan 1 graduate of the Tel Aviv high school Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—The breach due to Mufti's fear of Abdul of the land commissariat to settle and of the University of Goettingen, between the Arab Executive and the growing power and influence. The B'nai Sholim Synagogue will 50,000 Jews at Bira. Bidjan in the Toronto, (J. T. A.).—That the privilege they had heretofore. With the dismissal of Abdul hold services for the High Holidays next five years succeeds, which means doors of Canada will now be com- Although it is said here that - the and now a teacher of mathematics in Grand Mufti is growing wider each it was expected that the lon day, a prominent member of the Arab this year at Sommers Hall, 28th and the creation of a Jewish" majority pletely shut for immigration shows new immigration order will .be in ef- Jerusalem, has just been awarded the Farnam Sts. the district will be declared Jewish.' the full report of the recent order fect only until after the Imperial annual prize of ?2,000 of the Sterling Executive informed the Jewish Tele- dering dispute between the Arab Exconcerning the immigration stoppage Conference in London, where the Ca- Fund of Yale University. Dr. Levit- graphic Agency. Mouzza Kszem ecutive and the Moslem Supreia* issued by the government, now re- nadian question of immigration will sky will leave for the United States Pascha, president of the Arab Execu- Council would break out, with ceived by the immigration office. The be discussed, there is great anxiety shortly to carry on his work at Yale. tive, is not permitting the Grand Muf- Hadi joining the opposition to the ti to interfere in the activities of the Mufti. details of the order show that all imExecutive. migration laws have been withdrawn Leading members of the Executive and immigration completely stopped. : say that the Grand Mufti has ambi- Arab Press Critical of Washington, (J. -T. A.).—Prepara- will be a guest, of the Congress dur- Not even parents, sisters and tions to be an Arab "Mussolini" and Philby's IsiamizatioT! brothers of Canadian residents, nor tions for the sessions of the American ing its convention here. Jewish Congress, which will be held The officers elected for the conven- farmers and servant girls wall be ad- Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—The Pales-: present method of official land sur- they also ehargje him with nepotism tine government will be advised to veys and registration in order to sub- in the affairs of the Moslem Supreme Jerusalem, <J. T. A.).—The Arabic here October 19 and 20, were com- tion include Leopold V. Fruedberg, mitted under the new regulation. abolish "mushaa," or the common land divide the present oint land tenures Council of which he is the President. press here is expr»)seing consideraW* Only women whose husbands are pleted at a conference held here. chairman of the banquet committee; dissatisfaction at the report fwwn The conference, which took place at Joseph Tepper, chairman of the elec- now in Canada and their children un- hold in which no peasant owns any of the fellaheen into ir«3ividual par- Earlier in the week there was an- Jeddah that St. John Philby, * pnrother indication of a growing rift bespecified piece of land but cultivates cels which will make it possible for th "National Press club, was attended tion .committee; Mrs. John Safer, der 18 will be allowed to enter the a specified area, in the report of Sir the Arab peasants to get individual tween the Mufti and the Arab Execu- Arab Englishman and former adviser by local Jewish leaders who were ad- chairman of the women's committee; country. tive in the dismissal of Auni Abdul to the Transjordanian governnwnfc, dressed by Samuel Blitz, organization Morris Garfinkle, Louis E. Speigler, The order of the Minister of Immi- John Simpson, who recently left Pal- title deeds. has become converted to Islamis*, estine after completing an investigadirector for the Congress. If the recommendation of Sir John Hadi, secretary of the Arab Execu- The papers call him "a political stifi Joseph A. Wilner, Mrs. David Alper, gration also decrees to revoke all pertion into problems of land settlement, tive and counsel for the Arabs at the mits that have been issued since AuA "banquet in honor of Harry Snell, vice chairman of'the election commitis carried out it will roake it possible Inquiry Commission and the Wailing commercial Moslem." The Falaistiu gust IS, and withdraws the privilege immigration and development, the M. P., Labor member of the Shaw for an Arab peasant to obtain long tee; Maurice Bisgoyer, executive secJewish Telegraphic Agency learns. Wall Commission, as counsel for the says that many non-Moslems fern* of persons holding permits issued Comission which investigated ' thebraced Islam this year merely for pocauses of'tlje August, 1929, riots in retary, and Oscar Leonard, secretary prior to August 13 to renew them It is understood that Sir John term farm credits with his land title Moslem Supreme Council. litical and business reasons. The dismissal was said to have been after the expiration of five months, a recommends the reorganization- of the as securityPalestine, was arranged. Mr. of the election committee.








All Immigration Completely Stopped Now by Canadians

AmericanJewishCongress Sessions Open October 19


\y-\£'--X-iy£$S*?l.:K--<-^'^g?V-. 1'iM•

Hear Simpsoh'sReport Askslndividual Land Ownership for Arab Fellaheen

Breach Widening Between Mufti and Arab Executive

PAGE 2—OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 English. in its undemonstrativertess. ner, instead of sending material And that is Jabotinsky. He who loves gifts. the dramatic gesture, the gallant The local Jewish National Fund smile in the face of danger hates •Council requests those interested in physical restlessness. When he speaks making donations to call Dr. Morris he does not gesticulate. Intellectually Margolin, JA 1985, M. F. Levenson, unconventional, he is a slave of conAT, 3507, Mrs. J. Lintzman, HA. ventional iorm in dres3 and manner. 4229 or Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, HA. 2425. He is stiff , but superficially only, Contributions to Jewish Nalike a real Englishman. His sense of tional Fund on These Ochumor never carries him beyond the casions Increasing limits of good taste. His sense of loyalty is very strongly developed. His Many people are contributing to the colleagues in the leadership of the Re- Jewish.National Fund in memory of visionist movement are to him his their dead, upon the birth of childcomrades-in-arma. He has the power ren and when children get married. of keeping friends as well as enemies. The committees are working upon It is also typical of his English some definite plan to reach those Harry Snell Makes Proposal to trend of character that he is a great willing to donate. Effect Good-Will Between admirer of the man Weizmann while Dr. O. S. Belzer, secretary of the Jabotinsky is a poet. The heroic ap- he is a severe critic of the Zionist the Two peals to him. When, in 1920—after the leader Weizmann. He is Weizmann's Jewish National Fund, received a Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—Forty-two bloody Easter riots and as a result friend and will not stand for any re- letter from the National office, ackof his organization of the Jewish de- viling of his name; yet he is merci- nowledging the contribution by Mrs. proposals made by Harry Snell, lafense corps—he was interned in the less in dissecting Weizmann the pub- S. Flax and congratulating her upon bor member of the Shaw Commisher daughter's wedding. Tree cer- sion which investigated the causes prison of- Acco, a martyr to the lic man and' diplomattificates will be sent her fcr the do- of last year's riots, are published cause, the popular imagination spun Legend has made of Jabotinsky an nation. by the Erith Shalom organization some more legends about this pictur- impetuous, almost reckless militarist The local committee also an- headed by Dr. Judah L. Magnes, esque Zionist leader. His finely at- who, if given a free hand, would settuned, poetic nature sensed the Jabot- tle the Arab-Jewish question with a nounced a contribution by Nathan Dean of the Hebrew University. insky who existed in the imagination shotgun. As a matter of • fact he is Steinberg in the memory of his The proposals urged that Arabof the Jewish masses—and of course too much a man of the twentieth cen- mother-in-law, Mrs. Eva Robinowitz. Jewish cooperation be fostered, that he played up to that mythical figure. tury to believe that might is right. Also S. Shyken of Council Bluffr,, the government should appoint Arab The only grave error he committed He is, too much of an artist to glorify contributed in honor of the marriage and Jewish members on the existing was his acceptance of membership on the scintillating blade of the bayonet. of - his daughter, Rose to Charl cs committees for railways, harbors, the World Zionist Executive under He, the Russian writes and lover of Fellman. roads, commerce, industry etc. and Wiezmann, when he, instead of fight- art for art's sake^is thoroughly Eng- M. F. Levenson, jchairman of the give preference to officials knowing ing for his intransigent Herzl Zion- lish in his political outlook.. Few re- local Zionists,. received a letter this ! three languages. Arab mukhtars, ism, submitted to the Weizmann pblweek from Professor Gustave Klaus- states Snell, in the interest of fostmember that from the very beginning ner of St. Louis, chairman of the ering friendly relations, should visit icy. During that period of office-holdwar Jabotinsky believed ing he lost his..dash. his free critical in the ultimate triumph of,the Allies Southwestern Region of the Zionists, the meeting of the Jewish colonies' congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Leven- councils, when questions affecting attitude. Had.he stayed longer in of-1 and insisted upon hitching the destiny son upon the birth of their daughter the Arabs are discussed. fice the Jabotinsky of the Legion and of Jewish national aspirations to the J e a n Marfe< M r K l a u s n e r enclosed of-the prison cell of Acco would have Mixed Jewish-Arab chambers of become a dead memory. But Jabotin- tail of the British lion. In his Zionist a certificate showing that by his commerce should be reestablished, sky • himself 'understood this, and re- political views he insists that Great contribution he planted two trees in Mr. Snell feels, and mixed Federasigned. He wanted action, not recogni- Britain is much more involved in the her name. tions of manufacturers and trade tion. Since that time he has been in upbuilding of a Jewish Palestine than The Jewish National Fund plants unions should be formed. Jewish Weizmann and his Agency, colleagues these trees for every $1.50 contribu- credit organizations should extend the opposition and has recruited an . evergrowing army of Revisionists, " _ , ,*«?!?«; . , . ^ A T , J T. * tion. Certificates are then mailed by Law Otliecs mostly young men dissatisfied .with , ^ o t m s k y points to Ireland Egypt the National office, showing money STALMASTEU £ BEBEK, Attorneys the cautious, slow, old-school diplom- a n d l n d > a a ? *™oi t h a t E n g l a n d ' p a y s received and trees planted. Many' C 5 O Omaha National Bank Bldg. - •-• a n d kjj- col _! more attention to courageous and per- people are now contributing to the I acy of Chaim Weizmann Omaha. Nebraska "{'sistent demands than to cautious Jewish National Fund in this manleagues. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF I PARTNERSHIP Strange though It may seem to memoranda. Notice is hereby given that on this 1st A brilliant, gifted leader, he seems; those who know Jabotinaky only as condemned day of August, VMO, Hie puruiership Uoiug to the eternal role of op- j I business as the Omaha Tobacco Company, the legendary hater of England, he positionist. For the Jabotinsky legend j ; consisting of Max Venger, Moses A. Veuger Abe Venger, bus been dissolved tuid loves both English literature and Brit- —which is true in many details—has J Fixtures 6 Supplies JI and all of the liabilities of said partnership ish political tradition. In his outlook created the figure of a reckless ad-1 ussutneU by "M. Venger &, Sons, Electrical Contractors iI buvee Inc.", a corporation. on life • he is much more of an Ehg- venturer who cannot be trusted with j I MAX •VENUKU. MOSES A. VENGER, lishman than Weizmann. He loves to:t h e highest responsibilities of the ABE VEXGEH. 3T—S-15-30 play a game—any game—-according to j Zionist movement. And yet—it will! sportsmen's rules. There is in him a s u r p r i s e no one if, one of these days,' DAN J. GROSS, Attorney 518 Grain Hxrliaiig'e Hills:., Omaha Byronic strain of Lyricism, lust, for 1 jabotinsky will make that beau geste XOT1CE TO XON-KES1DEVT adventure and pitiless logic," trul£ j wm 'ch will give-rise to a new Jabot-1 DEFENUAKTS To Frederick Sloan and Company, a cory, insky legend, a.;jeg«nd that wilbcarry | poration, and Frederick Sioan, nonresident Defendants. him to world Zionist leadership. ! You and each of you will hereby take


Sketch of


A Close-up of the Picturesque Firebrand of Modern Jewry —Vladimir J a b o t i n s k y , , Revisionist Leader By BEN MORDECHAI RUBIN

ing journalist and a perseverant man of action, invites the comparison with Gabriele d'Annunzio, the great Italian poet and patriot. Others have nicknamed him the Jewish Mussolini, be-> cause of his military affiliations. Both comparisons, though of course superficial, are appropriate. Jabotinsky is a Romantic. He has never discarded his admiration for Alfred de Musset's love poems. He is still under the spell of the heroic tirades of Edmond Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac. More than anything else in the world does Jabotinsky love the beau geste, the dramatically perfect situation.. He has read a great deal, and. his phenomenal memory has reFew contemporary: Jewish figures tained much. When he speaks or are surrounded with the mystic aure- writes he quotes constantly, consciousole of legend that enhaloes the mem- ly and unconsciously. ory of some of our .dead leaders. Dr. Until the war he was, despite his Chalm Weizmann, generally, recog- Zionist interests, called. a "Jewish nized as an outstanding personality, Goy." His activities were : limited to has remained a rather sober, unro* Russian journalism. His feuilletons in maniac figure in the mind of the the foremost Russian papers enjoyed present-day Jewish public. Nor did a , readin Mic among fte the late Louis Marshall, surely a com- telligentsia. When he published a volfiianding and unquestioned leader in ume of translations of Bialik's poems world Jewry, ever grip the popular he rose into the hall of literary fame imagination. These examples are cited as one of Russia's most virtuosic merely as facts. They cannot be ex- stylists. It was commented freely that plained. Legends that inflame the Bialik's Russian poems via. Jabotinimagination of the masses are not sky were better than the Hebrew manufactured by journalists or skilful originals. His artistic interests lay, as publicity men. They, develop somehow they now lie, in world literature. Yidmysteriously, finding their basis, in dish literature does not interest him, events and actions of course, but most notwithstanding the fact that he frequently in a gesture. writes and- speaks a brilliant Yiddish Vladimir Jabotinsky, eloquent lead- —though it is not altogether devoid er of the Zionist-Revisionists, is per- of a Russian accent and Russian synhaps the most picturesque personality taxical construction. in world Jewry today. He is picturIn pve-war days, therefore, he was esque because a romantic aureole sur- the infant prodigy of Jewry, a brilrounds his figure. The popular imagi- liant youngster with a gifted pen, a nation has woven legends about his fiery .tongue and a world of daring. creation of the Jewish Legion for Pal- He was a passionate Jewish nationestine, his imprisonment in the fort- alist, but even then he was already ress of Acco after'the Jerusalem dis- weary of debating halls and mass turbance of 1920, his uncompromising meetings. This although he was at his fight against the j Weizrnann policy, best on the platform," Juggling with his recent exile from, the Jewish Na- Hebrew, French and German quotational Homeland by;order of the Brit- tions, closing addresses with a recitaish Government. His Zionist slogans tion of Heine's "Lorelei," swaying are repeated with- the same fervor audiences that acclaimed him the Rusand admiration at ; Warsaw and at sian Lesalle and, in the heat of his New York.'Throughout the Diaspora eloquence, coining epigrams that 4420 Dodge Street : great numbers of young Zionists have spread through all • of Europe as -slo..just east of Saddle "filled the ranks of .the Revisionist or- gans. He rather felt himself to be the .7' Creek Road" ganization in recent years, until to- Russian edition of Theoddr Herzl:-" A day it threatens seriously to oust the journalist recognized in the non-JewWeizmann administration in the near ish world, dedicating his young and future. promising talents to the Jewish cause. And who 13 that man Jabotinsky, When Jabotinsky set to work to crewho lias become a symbol and a Zion-. ate the Jewish Legion he gave proof ist battle cry before he bas passed the' that he was not merely a platform Announces the opening of a half-century mark? His brilliant ver- performer but a finished diplomat as satility, which makes him at once a well. He amazed-his friends by carryBody ^nd Radiator gifted poet, a fiery orator, a. cohvinc- ing on endless negotiations with British statesmen, dismissing disappointShop ments with a smile and, when all I 1919 Clark St.—WE. 0200 * seemed hopeless, finding a new apKxpert body work, fender straightproach to the same goal. He al3o reening, radiator repairing, recorlng vealed himself as a skilful tactician and fender welding. All work guarand Realpolitiker when it came to anteed* lteason:il>le rates. utilizing and exploiting conditions as at he found them, convincing British officialdom that through the Jewish THE JUNIOR legion they would overcome the everSALES LETTERS growing dissatisfaction of WhiteCOUNTRY CLUB MULT1GRAPHING chapel Jewry with .the conscription MIMEOGRAPHING Miniature Golf Links of aliens into the British army. When PRINTING he obtained England's consent for a Harney Streets Commercial Duplicating Co. Jewish Legion and, donning a British 1311 Dodge St.—JA. 4854 Farnam and 33rd and officer's uniform, moved into Palestine with some five thousand Jewish boys from England, Canada* the United States and the Argentine, Vladimir Jabotinsky achieved a distinct political success whose significance for the HIGH— CltKAMY further development of Jewish-British awnings, Canvas Covers, Tents, relations in Palestine was perhaps as Camp Supplies, All Kinds great as that of the Balfour DeclaraPLEASES l-AUTlCOfvAK t»EOl'LE 15 and Howard AT. 1492 tion. Phone J A. 4373 In recent times the spotlight has been thrown* frequently on Vladimir Jabotinsky, head of the Zionist-Re' visionists, the most important opposition group to the Weizmann administration of the World tionist Organisation. The Zionist-Revisionist World Conference has revealed that the organization created by Jabotinsky has developed into a -powerful Zionist body that toill play an interesting part in the next World Zionist Congress. The author of this article sketches in a frank manner the personality of one of Contemporary Jctvry's most picturesque figures.— The Editor.

Play Golf on the - §







MONTGOMERY. KAfcX,. YOUNG AND JOHNBEN, Attorneys. 031 Omaha National Bank F i d e Omaha. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT



AccEssQurEs, INC. "Everything for the Auto" 2501 Farnam—AT. 6524 '

Harrj U, hapltlua. {/resident-Trona.





Southtfest Corner Eleventh and Douglas Streets ' Phone JAckson 2724 Omaha, Nebr.

IN THE COUNTY COURT OP DOUG T,AS COUNTY, NKBKA8KA.: To Fredericfe Sloan nnrt Compnny, a. corporation, and -Frederick -Sloan, nonresilient Defendants. Tou and each of you -will hereby take notice.that: on the 14th dny of July, 1030. the A, .B, C. Mnil Advertisins Compnny. n co-nartnershlp consisting of .-Fred- Driver nnd Clarence E. Jackman. as plaintiffs, filed their petition In the County Court of Douglas -County, Nebraska, Docket 29, page 89, the ohject and prnyer of which Is to recover n judgment ncainfit you npon n check Issued July 0, 1030. mnde and der llreied by yon to the plaintiffs In the amount of $(H0.0O nnd costs of this net-ion. That under nnd pursuant to nn order of nttnehment nnd garnishment, duly iggned out of the county court of Pondns County. NebrnsUn. on the grounds thnt you are a ndn-renirtent of the Stnte of NebraBkn. the Union Ktate.Bank. summoned JIR garnishes •baa answered thdt it is indebted to yon In flip nmoiint of $3,142.03, and said Enrnishee tins been ordered to roiv Into court to abide the further order of the court the Bum of 1F5.00. Ton nnd each of you are required to apncar nnd ntiBwer snid petition on or before the -Oth dny of-October. 1030. A. B. Cl ADVERTISING COMPANY; n co-n.irtni'rshin consisting. of Prod Priver find Clarence Jnckinnn. I'lnlntltf. By MONTUOMHUV. HALL. YOUNG T AND JOHNSON. 8-20—it . Their AttorneyF.

Standard Shoe Repair Co. J, L.'; KRAGE, Proprietor

"NEW FOR OLD" 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481

RUNNERS AND SNAGS REMOVED Bolt Hose Mending Shop Oiie-dny service or while you wait Mail Orders Promptly Serviced — 533 Securities K M R . - - A T ; 8021

313 S0.14TH.ST.OMAKA.

(Copyright. 1030. !>r Seven Arts Feature I Syndicate.)

Conference of ^lizrachi

"; > ^

Vienna.—Trie 'Irorld conference of| the Mizrachi, orthodox Zionist organi- i zation, opened here. Ail Mizrachi j members of the world Zionist Execu- j tive are in attendance as are also Gedaliah Bublick, president of the American Mizrachi and Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, American Mizrachi leader. The conference's chief aim will be to define the attitude of the Mizrachi to the meetings of the Zionist Actions Committee and the administrative j committee of the Jewish Agency •which open in Berlin next week.

WEBSTER 2-8-2 1416-1420 NO. 24* ST.

VERNON C. BENNETT Organist at Temple Israel

Instructor in Pipe Organ and Piano Fall Season Starts Sept 1 516 Karbach Blk.

IBVIN C. LEVIX. Attorney S01 Electric Bide. KOTICE OF SALE TNDER ARTISANS HEX Notice is hereby Riven on Thursday, the 18th dny of September, 1930, at ten O'clock A. M. of enid dny, the undersigned will sell nt public nuctinn to the highest I bidder for cash nt 1IXX1 Cumins Strort. j Omnhfl. Nebraska, known n« Shnmea I'ody & Rndiator Company, the following: j One Essex coach automobile, incdel 1 1027, motor number C4Sl-3o, owned by I one Willinm Leslie, 1 said salen will be for the purpose of foreclosing < lien for repairs and, work completed nt the request of said owner nnd lor costs of snle and nil accruing routs and for the purpose of Ratisfyinc the amount now due thereon, lo-wit: SHCO.OI), fllld thnt. no Bilit nt. l-iw or other proceedings nt law hare been instituted to recover Said f'rht or any part thereof. SHAMKS BODY & RADIATOR CO., P.y MAX SHAMKS. Proprietor. 2t—8-29-30— MOSSKT, KATtEMAN * OKODTNSKY Attorneys, 737 Oranha Kat'l BU. nidff. NOTICE OF INCOKPOKATION OF BLACK-SPEtLMAN' COMPANY Notice is hereby given thnt the undersigned hnvg formed n corporation. The name ot the corporation iR BIJACKRPELTJMAN COMPANY and Its principal place of. business shall be the City of 1 Omaha. The corporation is authorize*! to I maintain nnd operate a lumber and coal i and building material business nnd to buy nnd sell all items handled in connection with such n bnsiness, either wholesale or retail. It is nuthorized to encaee in the confrncting nnd building business, nnd to buy, sell, lease and deal in nil kinds of real or personal property In order to carry out the corporate obiects. The total authorized cnpltnl stock is $.-.0,000.00. pnr value 5100.00 per share: $30,000.00 shall be common nnd $20,000.00 shall be preferred, to be fully pal.l when Issued and non-essesR- : able. Preferrpd stock shall receive dividends at the rate of fl% per annum. These dividends shall he cumulntlve and nil snrh 1 fllvidenfls shall be paid before any dlvld-1 ends ore pnid on the common stock. After payment of dividends to the preferred, the balance of the earnings shnirbe payable to the holders of the common stock. In the event of Hnuidntion or dissolution owners of the preferred stock shrill be paid before nny payments nre made to holders of the common stock. The corporation shall commence business upon the filinff of the articles with the County Clerk nnd shall continue until 1080. The hiKhest amount of indebtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of tho authorized onpltnl. This shall not npply to nny Indebtedness secured by mortcnge. Thfl affairs of the corporation snail be. administered bv n Board of not loses than three unless "otherwise provided for. The Donrrt shnll elect from their numbe* n President, Vice-President, Secretary 0>n1 Treasurer Annual meetings Bhnll be ijrld th* second Wednpsdav in January, fo!-

lowlnt; snrae the Directors shall m^T ami elect officers, The vote of 7-"i% of xH.ontstnndiiig stock is required to seil or dispose of nil o r n s"bstnnlinl pouton of the corporate assets. Articles mry be amended Upon two-thirds vote of f.,e outstanding stock. The corp'»rntlon e-nll have n seal. Dntcl July p ior>O. „„ nxnvr T. RT.ACK 8-S—*"•




AT. 2318

BLUE LINE Express & Transfer Co. All Kinds of Hauling 314 So. 10th St.

AT. 6405

PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House With A Reputation

[American Laundry] 2808-10

notice that on the 23rd dny of July,. 1030, Samuel C 1'erlman, as plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Douglas County,'-Nebraska, docket -li7, page -3S), the object and prayer of which is to recover a jtKlgmwit against you upon a promis'I sory note dated April 13, 1S1B0, made nnd delivered by you to the plaintiff in the amount of S2.7P3.O0, Yvith interest at 7 per cent from July 23, l'J30, and the costs of this fiction. -That under and pursuant to an order of attachment and frurnishment, duly issued ont of the district court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the grounds that you I are a non-resident of the State-of Nebraska, the Union. State 15ank. summoned as jrarnishee, has answered that it is Indebted to you in the amount of #3.142.(!3, and said garnishee has been ordered to pay into i court to abide the further order of the court the sum of f2,4ST.O3. You and each of you are required to appear, nnd answer said petition on or be-: fore the 13th day of October. 15)30, SAMUEL C. PEKLMAX. I Plaintiff. ' By DANIEL J. GROSS, S-20—4t His Attorney. JACK AW MAKER, AttorncjCourt House LEGAL NOTICE Tn the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. To Harry Fitzhugh Payne whose place of residence is unknown and upon whom personal services of summons cannot be had, defendant: i'ou nre. hereby notiiled that on the Srd Cny of May, 11)30. Sarah Margaret Payne, as plaintiff, filed her petition against you in the District. Court of Douglus County, Nebraska. Docket a>3, Xo. 131, the object i nnil prayer of which petition is to obtain j a. divorce from you on the grounds of j desertion, extreme cruelty and non-support. ( Ton nre required to answer said petition on or before the 2t'nd day of September, 1930, or suid petttiou against you will be taken os true. Sarah Margaret Payne, Plaintiff. 4T—8-15-30 L a v Offices STA1MASTEB & BEBEK, Attorneys C5O Omaha XaQobal Bonk Bids. Omaha, Kel>rja>H5a NOTICE OF fSCOlSrOR'ATIOX OF "31. M i X G E B t ONSPJNC" KNOW AI<L EN'TS that, the undersigned have formed a corporation tinder the--iaws-of the State of! Nebraska. The name of'lhjs corporation shall be "M. Venger &:Si>ns, Inc.", With its principal place of-Jfiisiness at Omaha. Nebraska. The general.nature of the busi-1 ness to be transacted and the' object and ! purpose for which this .corporation is or-1 gatiized iin(l established .shall - be to buy.] sell nnd distribute cignrs, tobaccos, cigarettes, candies, soft drinks, smokers' supplies, novelties and miscellaneous items of personal property of all sorts nnd to do any and nil things pertaining to the carryle

credit t.» Arabs, he emphasizes, and encourage the formation of • Arab cooperatives. Jewish research organizations should extend their research into Arab areas and Arabs should be admitted to Jewish schools and special opportunities should be given them to attend the Jewish secondary and technical schools, also the HebrewUniversity. Evening classes teaching Arabs Hebrew and Jews Arabic are a necessity in promoting friendly relations, Mr. Snell states, and mixed community centers- should be opened containing libraries and recreational opportunities. Jewish medical institutions should extend their service to include the Arabs and their professional societies as well. The Jewish Agency for Palestine, should, he feels, have a special member to concentrate on the Arab-Jewish relations.


Jerusalem.—C. F. Strickland, Colonial Office expert on co-operatives, has been invited by the American Foreign Policy Association to lecture on Palestine in the United States.

Give Your Modern, Enlightened I Jewish Education I the opening of a Moodern Hebrew School at 3509 Dodge St. For children IS to 13—clnsses nccordiug to the school age of each child. Advanced classes—for up to IT years of nge.




g in time by teaching iii I lie language the children understand nnd presenting a modern view ;if Israel's creation.

Applying the latest methods of Psychology and Pedogogy



H. MEMDELSON Graduate of the University of Nebraska and, its Teachers College

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SUGAR — GRAIN STOCKS and BONDS —Private Wires— JAckson 3403—AT. 2008

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Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Company Omaha \


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CHARLES SIMON ltccornmenrfs

The Sanitary Laundry •The Best of All Lnondrj Service" 2815 Farnam


right to own and hold real estate. The nuthorized capital stock shnll be $150,000.01) and all of said stock shall be common und of the par value of S100.00 per share, and all of said stock shall be fully paid up nnd non-assessable. Said stock may be issued for cash, real estate, personal property or personal -services. The; corporation shall commence doing business upon the tiling of its articles with the County Clerk of Douglas County, Nebraska, nnd shall continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The highest nmpunt of indebtedness shall not exceed ] two-thirds of its capital stock but this, restriction shall not apply to indebtedness! secured by mortgages or liens upon nny of I the corporate property. I The nffnire of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of not less than two members. The onnunl meeting of the corporation shnll be held on the second Tuesday in January of each year, at which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Xioarrt of Directors nnd thereupon -the JSoard shall elect n President, a •<yiee Trcsident, a ^ Secretary and n Treasurer. Any. two of snid offices mny be held'by-one and the-snine-person.' These articles -may be nmejidprt at,--»ny regular or special meeting of flifi-stockholders by.-ft two-thirds vote of the outstanding stock. IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, .the parties hare hereunto subscribed their names this 1st day of August, 5T)3u.


A15E VENGEK. In the presence of: SAM BEBER. 4T—S-lo-30.


Ifg. Company Third Aye. and 11th Street Phones: 89 and 519 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA



The Bet



At thirty-five, my friend Meyer' right. Bay has to take his vacation Cohen is a confirmed bachelor. Often now because there's nothing doing in I have tried to lure him. with the bait law, but this is my busy season. I'm "a most attractive, interesting girl," lucky to get away for week-ends.' but he •will not bite. I knew there She added that she was a milliner. Of must be a woman somewhere in the course .she didn't have to work, but case and I demanded an explanation. she was bent on being modern at all costs. --_---—....... .... Here is the story he told me. i When first I saw her my eyes shiftI sat listening to her chatter and 1 ed quickly away, repelled, (Meyer be- could not help comparing her comgan). Then slowly I turned to look placent happiness with the desolate again and stared at her. There was outlook of that other woman who had nothing about her face, plain though no one and who was afraid of every• . . - . , ..:, "it was, that should have repelled me. one. Now, the very quality which had Next week, when 1 set out for my made me turn away, held me. Her two day rest and recreation, I chose eyes, deep-set and smouldering, her the Mountain View House again, ipinched nose and drooping mouth car- drawn, there by some irresistible force •ried a message across the boarding stronger than my typical bachelor Ihouse dining room to me; a cry of habit of going to a different place i loneliness so deep, so keen that all each time. In the dining room, the •that roomful of chattering people converging point of all the social life .seemed to have faded away, leaving of the boarding house, I sought the same table. I found there "the two her adrift in space. For one breathless moment I ga2ed young girls who had been my table into "her barren past and saw her mates the week before, but Mr. and empty future. An instant later some- Mrs. Weiss had been replaced by two one at my table spoke to me and I self-confident youths who kept the turned, forgetful of the appeal in girls in a constant stream of laughter. Hardly had I settled myself than those burning eyes. Perhaps it would have been better if I had forgotten my eyes combed the dining room. altogether, for I hold myself respon"Oh, I bet you're looking for Miss sible for what happened to Jennie Raskin," one of the girls said. Raskin. It was true. A flush of vexation I would have forgotten her, had I at being found out climbed my throat. not come across her again, sitting on Just then she came into the room, ala tree stump in the unfrequented though I did not recognize her at first. woods behind the Mountain View She moved with a buoyant step. House, where I was week-ending. She Her cheeks glowed wih a rosy haphad no book with her, but simply sat, piness and the light in her eyes was staring into space, her hands resting at the same time triumphant and tenin her lap. der. She took her place at the table "All alone?" I asked for the pur- where I had first Been her isolated among all those people. Now she bepose of making conversation. Instead of replying, she rose and gan to talk with an easy grace as she unfolded her napkin. : darted deeper into the woods. The young girl on my left leaned That night at supper 1 spoke of her behavior, strange indeed for the coun- toward me and whispered, "She's in try, to my new friends, my table love with Mr. Weiss!" mates at the. Mountain View House. "Nonsense," I turned to her, "he's They were two young gills, hold eyec married and in love with his wife. I'm and confident of snatching a good; sure yon could see' that." time for themselves, and a- young i Both girls went off in a peal of couple, healthy, gay young people laughter. "Of course he is. But she who played tennis and swam all day doesnt know it. She doesn't even and were continually laughing. When know he's married!" 1 spoke of the strange action of the I turned on them astounded. young woman (I did not learn until "What's all this foolishness?" later-that her name was Jennie Ras- They told me through bubbles of kin) the girls dismissed her with a laughter which they did not know " pat definition, ""Born old maid." were cruel. After I had left, Ray : . Young Mrs. Weiss shook her head. Weiss had wagered no girl would run /}"You're wrong," she said,''that's just away from him as Jennie Raskin had '•• what she's dying _ not to be." Mrs. run from Tne. He, too, had encounWeiss looked at her husband fondly tered her sitting alone and dreaming. and they both laughed boisterously at The first thing the girls knew, he had her remark. moved to her table. Then they were The next morning, on my way back seen together on th lake, horseback to the city, I was surprised to meet riding and on the long walks lit only Mrs. Weiss in the hotel bus. "Oh," by the occasional flash of an inquisi" she tossed her head with robust pride, tive flashlight. • "we're the modern young couple, all "But the funniest thing," the girls

said, "is that everybody here told her he's married. But she just wont believe it." "Well," I sighed with relief, "Mrs. Weiss will be up foi the week-end and that will put a stop to this nonsense.' They shook their heads. "Oh, no. Mr. Weiss decided to go back to the city. He told her he was called back on-business, f suppose he got a little more than he bargained for." I turned to gaze, at Jennie Raskin. Every look, every gesture had in them the assurance of a woman who knows that she is loved. In her new aspect Jennie Raskin was a desirable, attractive woman and I knew why I had noticed her.

1 tried to talk to her several times during the week-end." While she did not flee as she bad done before, 1 -ould see that she heard me only through the veil of her happiness, a happiness 1 knew would dwindle wheti the letter she awaited from Ray Weist would not come, when she would at last believe what she did not want to believe now. It was with the hope of again seeing her that 1 went to the re-uniotj hall of the Mountain View House that winter. I found her sitting in a corner, her eyes fixed on the entrance. Her hands lay in her lap, but they were tightly clenched, the knuckles showing white through the drawn

skin. All the softness had gone out of her face and again 1 saw the smouldering eyes, the pinched nose and drooping mouth. All of her features were drawn together by a grim suffering and a burning hatred that had not been there before. "Ah, Miss Raskin," 1 greeted hei, ."1 can't tell you how glad 1 am to see you. Yov know, I've been hoping we could be friends. Last time we met you didn't give me half a glance.™ She rose and surveyed me with withering scorn. "Men!" she said Into that one word she poured enough venom to last through all her lonely lifetime. Then she moved quickly away, leaving me to wonder how

much stronger would be her greeting to Ray Weiss. But neither Ray Weiss, nor his wife came to the ball. (Copyrighted, 1H30. by the Jewish. Xeterbi

Agency, Inc.)


and District Attorney of Suffolk County. Five Jews are running for th* House in Ward 14 alone, which compriseB one ot the largest J«wwh Wards in the State. Of these ft**, only two can be nominated. Two in th* Fljghth District are opposing eacfc other for State Senate and two in the Chelsea District', for the House. A Jewess, Mrs. Eda Feinberg the unopposed Republican candidate for the Governor's Council in th? Chelsea District.

Boston, (J. T. A.).—An unusually large number of Jews of Boston and surrounding communities are in the race for nomination to political office at the primaries on September 17. The legislative posts range from They are never alone that are acthe House of Representatives and companied with noble thoughts.-— State Senate to Governor's Council Sidney.

« > •

• * ,

Greetings Through the


know the difference Those who drink a great deal of coffee, tea, or any other beverage become expert tasters of the beverage they enjoy. It must be the right brand of coffee and be made^ just light to give them the most satisfaction. -

Jews throughout the entire United States are taking advantage of this convenient method to wish their relatives and friends a Happy New Year.


These greetings will be published in our New Year Edition on Friday, Sept. 19. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting — mail any of these forms, or phone your Greeting to ther—

Mr. and Mrs.. 1•» Atheir friends bothfarand twar Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs.. «•» family extend to their friends sincere wishes fox A Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs _ and family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.

These same people rarely realize that children who drink milk every, meal become expert tasters of milk. I t may be "sweet" but they also want it fresh and of perfect flavor. Most children prefer Roberts milk because it is fresher and better.

Mr, and Mrs. take «• this means of extending greetings, and-hearty good wishes for A Happy and Prosper*»us Year to their friends far and near.

Atlantic 1450

Call HArney 2226 and OUT wagon will call. Or order horn your grocer.




->.•-.. u





Brandeis Theatre Bldg*



MISS ANN PILL Jewish Community Center S-6619

FANNIE KATELMAN 417 Oakland Ave. Phme Co. Bluffs 4491








In the various memorial services it was recalled that Hungarian Jewry owed much to the great monarch 'for equality of rights and religious recognition as well as for the creation of a public Jewish fund for cultural institutions, particularly the rabbinical seminary. It was on-February 18, I860, in the reign of Francis Josef that legislation was promulgated giving the Jew? of the empire the full right to hold property. In December 1667 the,new constitution adopted with the approval of Emperor Francis Josef finally removed all disabilities under which the Jews labored.

She now wants the business man. Money seems to cover a multitude of sins. But one shouldn't make any too broad generalization from the experience of a marriage broker. After all, people of greater intelligence do not consult schadchans. We prefer the method of finding some interesting girl and spilling a little acid on her clothes.

In a recent issue of The Baptist, an editorial comment on the "Passion Play" of, OberPublished every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by ammergau reads in part as follows: ' THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY "It is difficult to tell the story of Jesus withOffice: 490'Brandeis Theater Building out revealing the fact that he and some JWs United States Other Countries Telephone: ATlantic 1450 were on opposite sides of the tragic issue which DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor resulted in his death. When a controversy goes On Unemployment Commission Weil Is Candidate FRANK R. ACKERMAN - - - - - - . Editor to the point of crucifying a man, somebody is Washington, D. C—Dr*. Lee Wol- Berlin.—The failure of the new RING FOR POSTAL! FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent wrong. Was he in the wrong in that controversy ? man, member of the experts' commis- German constitutional party to nomEut there are a thousand different sion, which was sent to Palestine prior inate any Jews on its slate for the If not, who was? Jesus and Judas were both to SIOUX CITY OFFICE methods. Take the case of my disformation of the Jewish Agency Reichstag elections was remedied JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street tinguished confrere, Professor BernJews. Is it an offense to the whole Jewish race with the nomination of Bruno Weil, ard Postal, who is being wedded this to think that Jesus makes a better religious and j f i vice-president of the Central AssoSubscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.50 U L <lay to Miss Margaret Solkowitz of ciation of German citizens of the Jewmoral, showing in that tragedy than Judas does? £mericI,"hrs\een7ppolnted brpres'i. ,-". Advertising rates furnished on application Union City, New Jersey. The Christian who, on the basis of the story of dent Hoover to his Unemployment ish faith, and a leader of the recently The bride, in this case, never saw Jesus, invokes perpetual hatred against the Jewish Statistical Commission. The commis- liquidated Democratic party. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old Bemie hamllinjr any acids. And Bevsion is scheduled to meet here Protestations people does an unspeakably mean thing." and new address; be sure to give your name. nif: really thinks that when people October 6 . While we appreciate the evident goodwill and «ay "schadchen" (shotgun) they mean Jerusalem.—Strong protest against iV. a rifle. That's how much he knows the proposed transfer of the adminiseffort at fairmindedness on the part of the writer, Gutstadt Appointed about marriage brokerage. we cannot forget that this subject involves his- San Francisco.—Richard E. Gut- tration of Hebrew schools, a joint j HEBRAIC CALENDAR -was H accomplished ? All very body composed of representatives of tory rather than logic. Theoretically, the life and stadt, executive director of District 5690-1930 the Jewish Agency and the Jewish | One «tay, Mi#s SelkowiU happened Rosh Chodesh Allul_._.—Monday, August 25 teaching of Jesus should bear the fruit of peace Grand Lodge No. 4 of the B'nai National Council (Vaad Leumi) B'rith and prominent in the San Fran- voiced today in a resolution adopted! jte rfsrit the Jewish Telegraphic Rosh Hashanah____Tuesday, September 23 and good will among men. But theories are often cisco Jewish community, has accepted by the Palestine Hebrew Teachers' confounded and put to shame by facts, and in | Agency. Sitting im a wfeil* in Mr. Yom Kippur Thursday, October 2 an appointment to the newly created Conference in session here. this instance notoriously so. It would be difficult [ Postal's of/ice, *fae «tw Mi» Kassell By DAVID SCHWARTZ 1st Day Succoth— Tuesday, October 7 of director of the National I null In irHh ifee new* that « * tnaruThe conference also protested to deny that for generations the minds and hearts position Shemini Atzereth. Tuesday,' October 14 of Sunday school children have been poisoned Bureau of Membership of the B'nai a g a i n s t t h e p o l i c y o f t h e B r i t h S h a . **»Pto fntewkwl im neSesse wafafai an nth with headquarters in New lom organization headed by Dr. J. HOUDINFS LOVE LETTERS heK emM Simchath Torah____ Wednesday, October 15 against the Jew by the emphasis upon the cru- B nth, History may have to write down{! E, *** * • L. Magnes which aims at the achieve- the late-Harry Houdini, as not onlyi Tf 1 ![f**J D * 7 * £ **". Rosh Chodesh Oheshvan..._Thursday, Oct. 23 cifixion story. It has fed the source springs of York. Rosh Chodesh Kislev ...Friday, Nov. 21 prejudice and hate. It has been a potent factor The selection of Mr. Gutstadt for ment of friendly relations between the one of its greatest, if not its greatw*]*"" **£ ****** ?? ?*** * this important place out of a large Arabs and Jews. l magicians, but also as one of ta\*? %*^J^^ *****•:?** **' 1st Day Chanukak^^Monday, December 15 in Christian antipathy for the Jew. number of persons considered is rer greatest lovers. j * ***** *•* «** *«* ******* Rosh Chodesh Tebeth_Sunday, December 21 garded as a signal reward for his long Warsaw-Jews Indignant A volume of Houdini's love lettenrjj If the Christian churches are really sincere ** * *° *****,. . Warsaw.—The exclusion of the Fast of Tebeth_ . Sunday, December 28 years o f faithful service to the frato his wife will soon be published. Itj „_ - . . , « . , «„ % and earnest ir^ their protestations of good will and Jewish vice-president of the munincr ternity. *Also observed the day previous as Rosh Chodesh.


Scanning orizon

LUCIENWOLF Jewry throughout the world are lamenting the death of Lucien Wolf, secretary of the Joint Foreign Committee, whose passing away is a genuine loss which will be difficult to replace. Famed for1 his newspaper work and his writings on Jewish topics, he was also an outstanding figure in international politics, representing the Anglo-Jewish communities at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and obtaining minority treaties with Roumania, Poland, Greece, Czechoslovakia and Jugoslavia. World-wide recognition was accorded him as editorial writer of the Jewish World and foreign editor of the London Daily Graphic. His books are truly inspirational, vivifying the latent and benef icient energies of Judaism by emphasizing its ideals and developing its historic culture. In his demise Israel has been bereaved of a great statesman, scholar, and benefactor of humanity, whose rich and full life and philosophy may well be emulated. His steadfast and noble advocacy of Jewish causes will be forever cherished and his efforts in behalf of worth while Jewish causes will remain an imperishable memory of the; fine spirit of service that characterized Lucien Wolf.

better understanding, they will have to p a r t with t h a t story. This m a y be asking a great deal b u t those who are t r u e disciples of t h e Nazarene

ought to be willing to go that distance. Liberal Christian leaders like Kirsopp Lake have pointed the way. Will others follow his leadership?— American Israelite.

, . , _ . , . _ " o r a b o n i m Convention New York.—The annual convention of the New York rabbinical organization "Vaad Horabonim" will open on Monday, September 1, and will continue for three days, according to an official announcement made yesterday. The convention will discuss the complicated problem of Kashruth and other important questions now before New York orthodox Jewry. Rabbi Feivelson, the director of the Vaad, declared that due to the very urgent problems this year's convention will be the most important in the history of the organization.

V a a d

cipality from awards of the Legion of Honor, which were bestowed by the French government on the president and non-Jewish vice-presidents of Warsaw, has caused great indignation in Jewish circles here. The exclusion is regarded by Warsaw Jews as a manifestation of anti-Semitism on the part of the French government.

testifies to an abiding affection fatj. . **•*« *«****«i»»» " * " " • one woman, which is not frequently .<_ _ . , . . •, paralleled. Every day, when away • • "Heaven*," *be exclaimed, "what a from her, Houdini sent his wife a let- nan. Suppose I were marooned on ter,-it appears. Sometimes, he wrote some island without reading matter. her as many as six in one day. All I •would have to say is write a half dozen stories ** HOW THEY MET And BO they are wedded today, by

It has been generally held that mar- Dr. Israel Goldstein—and we hope and riage between Jew and non-Jew does know that they will live happily ever not generally take the form of happy after. Mazeltov! JEWS IN NEW YORK unions. Certainly, this generaliza- MAXIE AND CLARA Return to Hebron | New York City, the metropolis of America, Jerusalem.—Three Jewish artisans tion did not apply in the case of 1 But we are not through with talkwith a population of 6,958,792 of which about onehave returned to Hebron to reside in Harry Houdini and his wife. Per- ing about marriage yet. Bachelors the Jewish district. Sixty Yemenites! haps, it is one of those exceptions seldem are. Our privat detectives fourth are Jews, has the largest Jewish population which prove the rule. are also planning to settle there. have just brought us in the news now of any city in the world. Never in the history Houdini met his wife in the early that the Clara Bow-Harry Richman Since the riots in 1929 only one Jew of the Jews, which covers a period of 5,690 years, has returned to Hebron, which was days of his career while giving a per- romance seems to be waning. Maxie has there been such a large center of Jewish popthe scene of a massacre. Dr. Daniel formance in Brooklyn. She was sit- Rosanbloom, the pugilistic artist, has ulation. The Jews were among the earliest colElkana, who was saved by his Arab ting in the front row of the show hall, fallen for the great female exponent fa Kashruth Controversy landlord from the attacks of Arabs, watching his tricks, when he dropped I o f onists in that city, having settled there in 1655 some acid out of a tube which he wasj Clara Bow, it apears, is destined and have played an important part in the develop- Paterson, N. J.—The controversy returned to Hebron on August 10, at to have a Jewish chasan. between two factions in the United the request of his former neighbors "So ment of the great metropolis. So clumsy," clumsy, said the girl s mother. p , T r w T ^ R C , and landlord, who guaranteed his Hebrew Orthodox congregations here "Don't listen to mother — I think *H*Hlli 1 KS It has been said that a community in which has resulted in the discharge of Rabbi safety. Talking about Maxie Rosenbloom, you are wonderful," said the girl. there are no Jews lacks a progressive spirit. William Wittenstein from the post he reminds us of something else. Maxie "I think you are wonderful, too," Fined Many who have given the matter much careful held for ten shears as its director, a it is said, has one trait, which he Berlin. — The National Socialist, replied Houdini. thought, maintain that the phenomenal growth,of suit against the organization for two Blumbau, shares with that other great fighter, was sentenced by the BoNew York is partly due to the many Jews living weeks pay brought by the rabbi, and chum court to pay a two hundred HE MARRIED FIVE Jack Dempsey. And that is, both of the formation of the Vaad Hakohl by marks fine because of his conviction THOUSAND them would walk a mile to avoid a there. those butchers continuing to accept Perhaps more bachelors ought to real personal fight. Shortly after the Jews settled there, they Rabbi Wittenstein's supervision. of Fritz Ebert, first president of uer-1 ^ y spilling acids. There are other I do not mean that either of them formed a congregation and bought a cemetery plot Officials of the four congregations though. When you are in are Theyy couldd easily though after the . revolution and of] a ae afraid. fd a y make early in 1655. Today, every element of Jewry is .announced that Rabbi Leiser Shotland many Walter Rathenau,-late German Jewish j Brooklyn, drop around to see Louis j m a s h e d meat out of their probable represented in New;York, ranging from the ultra will be the only rabbi recognized as minister of Foreign Affairs, who was Rubin. ' " J "*• •" " :•" [foes, but both seem to utterly loathe orthodox to the reform element. I the leader of the - congregations and assassinated by the anti-Semite, Ober- He has engineered the marriages, it a p e r s o n a i quarrel, and will do anyTemple Emanu-El, which recently erected a as head of the Vaad Hakasruth, and Lieutenant Brandt because of his is said, of more than 5,000 _ couples, | t h i n g . t o a v o i d o n e - j u s t s o u i s that BIGOTRY AND HATRED accuse Rabbi Wittenstein of breaking I j e w j s h origin. and he hasn't spilled any acid yet. j a r e peaceable by nature. The-recent recrudescence of anti-Jewish ex- new edifice, is probably the largest and richest his -j strange paradox on the surface! agreement with that organization. "Jamal El Arabia" Confiscated | "Most of my five thousand mar-! Jewish congregation in the world. There are cesses in Roumania have-shocked an already calried," he says, "are happy and veryjj A n d y e t n o t s o strange. The fellow Jerusalem.—All copies of "Jamal Elj few divorced for my kind of marriage j w h o ij] ces t o fight, who is always loused world. Suteh ^flagrant violation of the civil numerous Jewish houses of worship scattered Saranac Lake Synagogue Arabia" which contained the call for! is almost a guarantee against unhap- j carrying a chip on his shoulder is genthroughout that city. Saranac Lake, N. Y.—The installaand religious rights ,of a minority peoples who a general strike issued by the Arab, piness. erally simply a person with an intion of Rabbi Samuel Perlman as the It is worthy of note that much of the busiare loyal and law-abiding citizens is an inevasible Executive have been confiscated by feriority complex. His faith in his first spiritual leader of Congregation reflection upon the government responsible for ness of New York is in the hands of Jews, who Emanu-El was made the occasion for the government. The "Palestine Daily LOVE AND LUCRE is"his" kind oYmarriage? Here I 0 ™ e ^ ° i s £ 0 t e n u o « ? t h a t h e f e e l * the outrages and adds another horrible mark to own some of the largest and finest mercantile a general gathering of all Jewish resi- Bulletin" and the Hebrew press have is What his "A thorough * e must resent anything in__ which establishments. Such men as Frederick Brown, dents from Lake Placid, Plattsburgh been threatened with suspension for knowledgeexplanation. a scarred Jewish soiil. is the slightest suspicion of atof each others background,! tack. The present regime cannot explain away this Louis J. Horowitz, Benjamin Winter and numer- and Tupper Lake in addition to those reprinting the call. a clear understanding of how much hate-mohgery onto the governments of the past. ous other Jews are the leaders in real estate ac- of Saranac Lake. Representatives of Warburg to Confer with each possesses and what future op- Samuel Johnson had the right idea. various Christian denominations Passfield portunities for wealth are open. This "I can be insulted only by a gentleSurely no government can sincerely declare it- tivities. The banking, theatrical and motion pic- the man and anyone insulting me is no were also present. Rabbi Stephen S. self impotent to ; avert such monstrosities. The ture business in New York is controlled to a great Wise conducted the installation cere- Berlin.—Felix M. Warburg, has is more important than romance. gentleman." left Wiesbaden and gone to London, Love? That comes later, if there is present ruler took solemn oath that he would extent by Jewish capital. monies for Rabbi Perlman who is a where he will confer with Lord Pass- enough to eat." THE WARNER RAINBOW establish and preserve a system of justice based It is due to Nathan Straus, the noted New j-graduate of the Jewish Institute of field, presumably about the Jewish Rubin maintains that the day when The clouds seem to be lifting over on,racial, social and economic equality, but thus York philanthropist, that the lives of thousands Religion of which Dr. Wise is presi- situation in Palestine. the young woman sought a profes- Warner Brothers. According to one far his government has in no way succeeded, in' of infants have been, saved through his pas- dent. Berlin Committee Formed sional man as her mate has passed." (Continued on Page 6) For a number of years the few per- Berlin.—A special committee to precurtailing hooligan enterprises, which by their teurized milk stations. resident Jewish families vent anti-Semitic incidents during the very nature are a disgrace to any civilized nation. The amount that the Jews of New York manently here have tried to serve the many coming elections has been created at Indeed, these uprisings, with all the physical hurt, spend annually runs into millions of dollars. There Jews who come here for their health. instance of the Berlin kehillah material loss and spiritual wound it brings to our is probably no community in this country where Adequate service was impossible until , the (Jewish Community). The Central fellow-Jews, is the more disheartening because of there is such a great contrast in the financial con- the installation of Rabbi Perlman. I Union of Zionists and other Jewish . the pillars of promises upon which Jewish hopes dition of the Jews as in that vast city, where Attend College on Council organizations are represented on the were built with the ascension of Carol to the there is such extreme poverty and such abundant Awards committee. throne. wealth. Storrs, Conn.—Ten Jewish glris of Auni Abdul Hadi Dismissed as • Unless Roumania changes its attitude and efThe Jews are among those who are the most this state, chosen from various rural Counsel fects a cessation of these frequent acts of bigotry anxious to obtain an education and the night districts have just completed a short Jerusalem.- -A crisis in the Palesand brutality, she will find herself condemned by schools in the Jewish districts are the most large- course at Connecticut Agricultural tine Arab Executive was precipitated the tribunal of the nations of the world. The ly attended. Jewish students attend Columbia college through scholarships provided by the sudden dismissal of Auni Abthe National Council of: Jewish dul Hadi as counsel of the Moslem Stimulating anl Inspiring New Patterns world can hardly be expected to have faith in the University and the Collegeof.the City of New by Women, under the direction of its de- supreme council of which the Grand and Effects Just Arrived stability of a country which tolerates excesses by I. York in large numbers. Mufti is the president. Auni's friends partment of farm) and rural work. one portion of its people against another, and as The Guggenheims are, giving large sums of The scholarship holders had re- are remarking that this is his reward! Jewish brethren the least that we constitutionally money to advance aviation, Adolph Lewisohn has ceived instructions ,in classes con- for his labors for the Arab cause behave the right to demand is immediate and vig- given a magnificent stadium" to the city? Otto JL ducted by the field representatives of fore the Palestine Inquiry CommisNational Council of Jewish Wom- sion, as a member of the Arab deleorous, sincere steps to suppress anti-Semitic agi-'Kahn, backer of the Metropolitan Grand Opera the en, according to Mrs. Elmer Eck- gation to London and as counsel for tation in a cultured Roumania, which our fellow- Company, has made the 'busy metropolis the house, director of the rural depart- the Moslems at the hearings of the r Jews have for centuries deeply cherished and greatest musical center of this country . Wailing Wall Commission. —Only at The A ebraska ment. While no cause has been given for The New Young Men^s "Hebrew Association faithfully served. the unexpected dismissal it is alleged HE new arrivals in smart shirts are different building recently completed at a cost of two and Convict Raises $500 Toward Memorial Fund that the Grand Mufti is jealous at unusual. Distinctive in pattern and color treat"It is our privilege, yea, even our good for- a half million dollars is the; largest Jewish center Columbus, Ohio. — Three thousand the growing power and influence of ment; original in design.. You'll see so many new in the world. . . tune that in this overwidening breach we stand dollars has so far been contributed to Auni Abdul Hadi. Arab political style ideas in shirts that shirt selection will be a vr The Jewish population of New York has the Gashnofsky* Memorial fund in leaders here now expect that Auni on the same side as the British people, and not new joy and satisfaction to you. Choose your seathe Government. For the time being it may be achieved much that has not only been beneficial Honor of the late Isaac B. Gashnofsky, will join the opposition group that son's supply. been fighting the Grand Mufti. hard for us, for the people have no povver, and to its own community but to Judaism throughout rabbi at Ohio State Penitentiary for has more than fifty years. The fund is 100th Birthday of Emperor governments have. But in the long run all power the .United States, and be it said to their credit to be used for loans and aid to pris- Budapest.—All of the Hungarian emanates from the people and if we were to that the Jewish woman have done their share in oners upon their release in order to synagogues were filled to capacity choose between the mechanical strength of an t this magnificent work. : aid them in obtaining a new start in last Tuesday when Hungarian Jewry and Better celebrated the centennial of the birth official governmental machine and the inspiration j Many of our co-religionists there, who have ac- fife. derived from the living soul of a great-people we (complished great things, are immigrants or the} Five hundred dollars of the total of the late Emperor Francis Josef who was a great friend of the Jews in the, could not choose other than to be where we are children of immigrants, who willingly put their .thus far raised was contributed Austro-HunKarian empire. GovernCharles Goldthe shoulder to the wheel and who in a spirit of grati- j now .»—William Zuckerman. ment representatives and C delegation of they are the ^£a i*n e T i7 OJKABA. KBb. , , f . tude, for the many blessings ff Z enjoy T IT it b by7 communicating with of Jewish army officers fed by the COUKECT Al'PAKEL fc"OK MEN AND WOMEN:


New Style Ideas . for Fall 1930

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We lose the zest of life as we fail to function most useful Citizens of that great City.—Review friends on the outside who sent him Jewish General Zoeld attended the from diving principle in our actions. and Observer. " the money for the fund. {services in Budapest.




PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 cob Freed of this city. No wedding date has been set. Goldberg-Bernstein Mrs. Ida Goldberg announces the engagement of her daughter, Ann, to Mr. Isadore Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Bernstein. No definite date has been set for the wedding.

WEDDINGS AND ENGAGEMENTS 1 Rosen thal-Lapidus Tuesday, September 2, has been set as the date for the. marriage of Miss Grace Eosenthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Eosenthal, to Mr. Lester Lapidus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus. The wedding -will take place at the home of the bride's parents. A reception will be held in the evening. Fantle-Schimmel Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fantle of Yankton, South Dakota, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marion Belle Fantle, to Mr. Abram Q. Schimmel of Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schimmel of Omaha. The date for the wedding has not yet been set. . Miss Fantle attended the Milwaukee Downer School at Milwaukee arid was graduated; from Ohio State university where she was a member of the Alpha Epsilon Phi sosority. Mr. Schimmel attended the University of Chicago. Following the marriage, the couple expect to reside in Lincoln. Shamberg-Katzman Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shamberg announce the marriage of their daughter, Rose, to Mr. David Katzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Katzman on Sunday, August 24.' The ceremony took place in Sioux City with Rabbi T. N. Lewis officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Katzman are now on a honeymoon trip to Canada. A reception, will be given in their honor at the home of the bride on Sunday, September 7.

in Southern California and upon their return will make their home in San Francisco. Fellman-Shyken The wedding of Miss Rose Shyken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Shyken of Council Bluffs, to Mr. Charles Fellman, son of Mr. and MrB. J. Fellman of Omaha, was solemnized Sunday evening, August 24, at the Eagles Hall in Council Bluffs. Rabbi N. Feldman officiated. The wedding march was played by Betty Fellman, cousin of the groom, and Paul Hoffman, cousin of the bride. Dave Fellman was best man and Sam Shyken was usher. The bride's attendants were Euth Shyken, maid-of-honor, and Sarah Fellman, bridesmaid. Little; Ethel Gordon, niece of the bride, was a flower girl. The ceremony was followed by a dinner. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Fellman left for a two weeks' honeymoon in Denver. Upon their return they will make their home in Omaha.

Pittell-Brookstein Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pittell of Kansas City announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Flo Pittell to Mr. Frank Brookstein, son of Mr. Meyer Brookstein of this city. The announcement was made to a number of friends of the copule at a dinner given Saturday evening at the home of the gToom's father. The marriage will take place after the first of the year. Miss Pittell is a graduate of Central High School in Kansas City and is prominent in athletics in that city. She is at present the guest of Mrs. Philip Gedanken, sister of Mr. Brookstein. Mr. Brookstein is a graduate of Technicle High School.

Lipp-Wise Mr. and Mrs. M. Lapp announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Bess Lipp, to Mr. Herman Wise of Chicago. The wedding took place last Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wise who are honeymooning in the South will reside in Chicago.

Kupperman-Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kupperman announce the engagement of their Kovitz-Modlin daughter, Yetta, to Mr. Irving •S.Announcement has been made of Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Iocob the marriage of Miss Libby Kovitz, Cohen of this city. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kovitz of this city, to Mr. David ModHurwitz-Freed lin, son of Sir. and Mrs. Abraham Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hurwitz of ToModlin of San Francisco. The marpeka, Kansas, announce the engage' riage took place August 17 at the ment of their daughter, Pearl, to home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. Harry J. Freed, son of Mr. JaMi-, and Mrs. M. A. Kully, of San Francisco in the presence of the immediate family. The bride wore a white crepe gown fashioned on princess, lines and her veil of'tulle was caught into a cap of real lace, which has been in the family for one hundred years Style Without and which was garlanded in orange blossoms. Her boquet was of white roses, lilies of the valley, and gardenias. Her only attsndant was Mrs. Leonard Ressler, aunt of the bride while Mr. Sidney Modlin acted as best man for his brother. The bride's mother went to the coast to attend the marriage. The couple are now honeymooning

ENTERTAINMENTS Miss Zerline Somber? entertained at a bridge tea Tuesday afternoon in honor of Miss Elberta Cohen of Nebraska City. Among the entertainments honoring Miss Ada Miller of Chicago, guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Noddle were those of the Misses Reva and Sarah Ann Noddle, Mrs. H. Noddle, Mrs. Louis Gitlin, and Miss Constance Goldberg. Numerous other affairs are scheduled for the Chicago visitor this week. Mrs. Jacob Brookstein entertained sixteen guests at a one o'clock luncheon on Tuesday afternoon complimentary to Mrs. Louis Milhnan of Chicago, and Mrs. S. Blake of Arizona, sister of Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldstein. The Misses Sadye Kohlberg, Anne Tretlak, and Zerlene Somberg gave a weiner roast at Hummel Park last Friday night in honor of Miss Rose Kahn of Des Moines, la. Sixteen guests attended. HIGHLAND NOTES Highland Country Club held the last dinner dance of its season last Saturday night. The new Highland Club orchestra furnished the music for dancing.

Rabbi and Mrs* Cohn Return I from Two-Month Trip East

By Mrs. David M. Newman

at the marriage of his son, Ealphl Apple Roll Frederick Cohn, to Miss Elsie Flor-j Two cups flour, 4 teaspoons bakingence Gerard. The ceremony tookj powder, ^ teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon place at high noon on July 17 at the sugar. Sift all together 3 times. Add Park Royal hotel. 4 tablespoons crisco, ?i cup milk. Roll Dr. and Mrs. Cohn visited a few \k inch in thickness and brush with 2 weeks with their son-in-law and tablespoons-melted crisco. Add 1 cup daughter, Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Herz- brown sugar, 1 quart chopped apples, berg of Chicago and spent the rest of 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Roll like jelly the summer at Lake Minnetonka, roll. Cut in Vz inch pieces. Put in a Minn. baking pan brushed with crisco and On the wa.y back to Omaha they ^4 cup brown sugar. Bake in moderate visited with their newly-wedded son oven 25 minutes. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. * * * Ralph F. Cohn, at their home in Loaf Nut Cake Dixon, 111. One cup sugar, a i cup butter, 2: Dr. Cohn plans to start services at eggs beaten and added ^2 cup milk. Temple Israel for the coming year be- Sift 2 cups flour, S teaspoons baking powder, M teaspoon salt together and fore the high holidays. add to first mixture. Add % cup For the first time in the history Miss Neoma Hurwitz of Sioux chopped walnuts or pecans, 1 teaspoon of the Highland Country Club, a City is the guest of Miss Lucille vanilla. Bake a loaf pan in a moderate oven. Cover with chocolate icing. two-ball. mixed foursome will be held Krasne of Council Bluffs. for members and their guests on August 30. Play will begin at four Miss Ida Iipton of Sioux City is few more weeks before joining him. o'clock and an 18 hole match will be the guest of Miss Dorothy Cohen. Miss Ann Zabrach of St. Louis played. Prizes for both high and will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bud low score will be given. Miss Jeanette Witten of Des Levin until after Labor Day. Following the match a special din- Moines will be the guest of Miss Miss Gertrude Ellis of Lincoln is ner will be served and in the evening Francis Turner until after Labor the guest of Miss Mildred Lipsey. Mrs. Allan Parmer, who has studied Day. with Mr. Work of Chicago, will give Miss Nessa Grodnik of MinneapoMrs. Joseph J. Pink who has been a talk on the "no trump" bid in lis has been visiting with Mr. and visiting with her parents* Mr. and bridge, and will explain progressive, Mrs. Louis Fanger, for the past six Mrs. Boasberg for the past two partnership, contract and auction. weeks returned to her home in Los weeks. She plans to remain here for Mrs. Manning Handler is in charge Angeles, California, last Wednesday. another week. of the affair and will be assisted by Before her marriage she was Miss Miss Maye Erinberg of Sioux City Mrs. Harry Rosenfeldt and Mrs. Ann Fanger. She was accompanied Morris Jacobs. . is the guest of Miss Ida Krasne of by her mother who will visit with Council Bluffs. Highland Country Club will hold her daughter and son-in-law in Los its first golf tournament for women Angeles for several months. Miss Rodgie Kozberg of Sioux members on Sunday, August SI. Messrs. Leonard and Milton Shefts A ladies auxiliary of the Highland of Tulsa, Oklahoma, motored to Country Club will be organized next j Omaha where they are visiting at the Tuesday at a luncheon. Officers will home of Dr. and Mrs. A. Romm. be elected and plans for the future made. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hurwitz of SIXTEENTH Charleston, West Virginia, have been VISITORS the guests of Mr. Hurwitz's parents, Mr. Sam Markman of Des Moines Mr. and Mrs. N. Hurwitz, for the will motor to Omaha tomorrow where ' past two weeks. Mr. Hurwitz plans he will visit until after Labor Day. i to depart for home tomorrow, and Mr. and Mrs. Sol Fox of Kansas Mrs. Hurwitz will visit here for a City drove to Omaha last Tuesday, j to be the guests of their daughter PAINT NOW and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Bushman. They will return home Friday accompanied by their daughter, Miss Fannye Fox, who has ; Painting Contractors been visiting here with her sister for ; 1314 No. 24th St. WE. 4211 several weeks. '

Miss Esther Rosenberg and Miss Selma Lotman of Lincoln have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Goodman of Council Bluffs. Mrs. B. L. Hertzberg, formerly Miss Mildred Cohn, of Chicago, is expected to arrive tomorrow to be the guest of her parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn and her sister, Miss Madeline Cohn. Miss Ada Miller of Chicago is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. H. Noddle and Mr. Noddle. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Grey of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ai-rived Tuesday, the wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer D. Giventer. to visit here for a week. They will then return to Milwaukee where Mr. Grey will resume his (Continued on Page 7)

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Eabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn returned Monday from an extended twomonths trip to the east. They left Omaha on June 20 for Providence, R. I., where Rabbi Cohn attended the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Here Rabbi Cohn, who has won honor and recognition as the spiritual leader of Temple Israel for over 26 years, was signally honored by being elected one of the six rabbis named to the executive board of the conference for 1930-32. From there Rabbi and Mrs. Cohn traveled to Kennebankpart, Maine, where they stayed for two weeks. They then visited in Boston and vicinity. At New York Rabbi Cohn officiated



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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1930 shortly follow his footsteps and midUt the League &t £»feii<rns &s$ fc p«rty ikms laid down by the Mandate redle-aisle it. gurtiing the two sections of the popio the V&te&litrts Um4»,%4>, thef will The American Jewish congress will twi find ehctntrngmanl ff&m tti# ulation arc of equal weight, and sechold its next convention in WashingMandates CotntnMUjti, AtUt resting ondly that the two obligations imton in October. itself to "ali sMrtiotifc of t t e papula* posed on the Mandatory Power arc in (Continued from Page I.) Jacob Leichtman, New York bankthm wfikfr wfc rebelling fegatesi t t e iif> sititmb jrreconciliable." er and philanthropist is back from presses doubts whether the khidly M&tiG&U whether" on the ptit>(ApU <A Europe visiting his old home sod in judgment passed by the majority of objection tit the wish tc* retain its America. the Shaw Commission upon Urn &Uprovisions favoring their p&ttiwi&r (Copyrighted, 1930. by the Jewish Tele- titude of the Arab leaders, bath po- cause," the Maivfsics CttrttmU&itm graphic Agency, Inc.) litical and religious was fully justi- points out that the Mamtalofy power fied by the Commission's report.! "must ofrw/usly return a definite Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—The Jewish The fourth conclusion of the Shaw' uwl catsgOTieal refusal so Jong &» Agency hm assigned f50,000 for the Henrietta Szold Girls that the outbreaks were j th« Jca/lers o! the eommaiiity persist relief of the Jewish settlements in the Plan Active Program Commission not directed against British author- Ut repudiating what is at crnce the Ernefe where the recent plague of ity, the Mandates Commission finds fundamental charter of the confitry The Henrietta Szold Girls have "seems to be expressed too categori- and so far as the Mandatory- p6V?tt field mice die! considerable damage in outlined an ambitious program of cally. Doubtless the Arab attacks' is concerned an international obliga- the crapa. The action of the Jewish By ISRAEL COHEN Agency i& prompted by the governactivities for the coming season. were directed only against the Jews,' tion which cannot be set aside." ment'n failure to do anything about Sir Herbert Samuel, former High It is, to say the least, rather far- command of the Australian forces on At present they are in the midst but the resentment which caused the j Summarizing the various British it thu* far. Commissioner of Palestine, has been fetched to argue that because ancient the western front in the latter part of a money-raising campaign, the Arabs to commit these excesses was declarations made since last ye&r's In the meantime the government sounded out by the British govern- Palestine, over two thousand years of the war. It would indeed be a funds to be distributed to the various ultimately due to political disap- riots including those by Premier has refused to exempt from Freight striking exemplification of the Jew's Jewish charitable organizations and pointments which they attributed to MacDonaM at Geneva and in the vient concerning his possible appoint- ago, was riven by fraternal dissension, the parties concerned in the Man- House of Commons, and by Dr. ch&rgea the seed gent by the Jewish ment as the next Viceroy of India. therefore a modern descendant of ability not only to suffer, but also to the Community Chest. AtfMicy to the Emek settlers. rule if at one and the same time the Another feature being planned is dates, and primarily the British' The suggestion of Sir Herbert has re- Israel is incapable of governing a Prummond Shiels at the last session In this, connection the Hebrew press Viceroyalty of India and the governora Speaker's Forum. Once each government. I of the League of Nations* the vived the question whether a Jew can country. If there were any validity recall* that daring the drouth in the generalship of Australia were in Jewmonth prominent speakers, both Jewat all in such an argument, then there govern. Mr. Cohen, prominent ArigloThe Mandates Commission views of the Mandates Commission Soxithftrn part of the country two ish and Gentile, will address the Jetoish writer and author, answers would hardly be a single nation today ish hands. that two assertions emerged from | with approval the Mandatory powers j-ftars ajro, the government gratituithe question with an emphatic "yes." capable of ruling itself. W*e there (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Tele- group on appropriate subjects. intention of "keeping Jewish immi-1 these declarations which shotikJ b« Itoxsaly transported cattle of the graphic Agency, Inc.) not civil wars once upon a time in The group will sponsor a Treasure —Editor. gration proportionate to the country's ' emphasized; "first that the obh'^a-' bedrrairss to the North for pasturing. England, in Germany, in Italy, and Hunt on Saturday evening, Septem- capacity of economic absorption in j ber 13. The couples will meet at accordance with the White Paper of The /well-founded rumor that Sir in America? All those wars were the home of Ida Bercovid. Herbert Samuel has been sounded by much more recent than the conflicts 1922. The Mandates Commission is The next meeting will be held at inclined to ask whether the obligathe prime minister as to his willing- in ancient Judea, and if the wars of the J. C. C. on Tuesday evening, tion to encourage close settlement by ness to accept the office of governor- the roses or the thirty years' war (Continued from Page 4.) September 2, and all girls are ask the Jews on the land does not—as general of India when it is vacated have not incapacitated the modern next r year by Lord Irwin has aroused Englishman or the modern German street report, banking negotiations to attend. a measure for the preservation of the a discussion in some quarters as to from directing the - affairs of his have resulted in the assurance of their social' order and economic equilibhis fitness for that exalted position. country, then it is absurd to suggest retention of the control of the movie rium—imply the adoption of a more In view of Sir Herbert Samuel's rec- that the schisms in ancient Israel enterprise for at least five years active policy which would develop ord as a statesman and administrator, must disqu.vify the Jew of today from longer. the country's capacity to receive and one would have thought that such a exercising any administrative ability absorb immigrants in larger numMeanwhile, the policy of retrenchdiscussion was entirely superfluous. either in his own ancestral country bers without ill results. ment is holding full sway. This week, It is true that his administration of or in any other. Pointing out' that hitherto all Palestine could be criticized from the As for the argument that the Jew, all employees received a letter from Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Optimism as those institutions which should have point of view of Great Britain's spe- as the member of an oppressed race, Harry Warner notifying them "to pay cific obligations under the Mandate is handicapped by an inferiority com- more attention to business and less to the five-day movement progress in been equally open to both sections -. America was expressed by M. Gruen- of the population associated together and" the degree to which they were plex and is therefore unable to dis- to pleasure." Which seems to mean that there baum, president of the Shomrei Shab- under the patronage of the Mandaobserved, but nobody can seriously play qualities of rulership, that may question his ability to govern any. of be true of Jews who are still suffer- will be less "playing of golf among bos, world movement for the preserva- tory power had been established enBritain's great dependencies, for few ing from some form of persecution, those in the higher salaried classes. tion of the Jewish Sabbath as a holy tirely on the initiative of Jewish orBritish statesmen of the present day but not of those who have long en- MR. SARNOFF SPEAKING— day, in his address before the world ganizations, "and naturally in the interests of the- Jewish population are possessed of his capacity, his effi- joyed the blessings of civil and politiWhat will happen when radio sends congress of the organization. Mr. alone" the report of the Mandates ciency, and his industry. cal equality. If Poland or Roumania, the movies into - the homes. Here is Gruenbauro, however, stated that in Commission notes that "if instituThe doubt suggested in connection for example, had a colonies of their David Sarnoffs prediction, which of- Europe progress had been somewhat tions were now to be founded on ofhalted. •with Sir Herbert Samuel has not been own, it would be difficult to conceive fers some pabulum for thought. ficial initiative for the benefit of the prompted by any consideration of his of a Polish or Roumanian Jew being "The home screen will open many Two hundred delegates attended the whole population and more especialpersonal qualifications. Had he been appointed to administer them, for the new phases in the development of the congress which was held at the Sing ly for the Arab element, which so a Christian, no question whatsoever disabilities and the indignities to talking picture art. Through the Akadamie. Prominent members of far has been, left to its own resour•would have been raised; the doubt is which a Jew in those countries is still home screen the motion picture will Jewish communities from all parts of ces, there is some reason to fear due solely to the fact that he is a Jew, subjected are so strong that it would find its great opportunity to justify the world as well as rabbis and repre- that they in their turn will be viewed for there is still a widespread notion be impossible for him to command the the edurational and cultural destiny of sentatives of the embassies of France, with indifference by the Jewish poputhat however able a Jew may be in instinctive respect and obedience of the art. In the home the talking film Italy and other countries were pres- lation which is already provided for." other spheres of life he is not en- his subordinates which are essential will be able to select its audience to ent. ...... dowed with the qualities requisite for to a successful governorship. But in key its message to higher standards The ethical" aims of the organiza- The Mandates Commission warns governing a country. This is afalacy .western Europe, as in America, Jews of appreciation and to meet the cul- tion were outlined by M. Gruenbaum that "if those responsible for the that has frequently been exposed in have acquired for themselves such a tural requirements. of specific groups who-appealed to the governments of agitation hoped by its means to secure, the triumph of their opposition modern times by actual instances of position of equality in the political rather than of multitudes.'' the world to. follow the example of successful Jewish administrators, but world that they have no difficulty in England,-Francej Holland in abolishit nevertheless persists. It was ex- exercising and enforcing authority in IN A LINE OR TWO ing the'compulsory. Sunday rest. ploded fairly. recentiy^ in • India itself, any position to which they may at- AlJolson has been offered the star •where the Marquis of-'Reading upheld tain. . . '.•'." ;.. ;•...'.• •'•-.• -••. .-;':. ' role by Earl Carroll in his projected all the traditionsi prestige attaching . W a s Disraeli^ although not only a1 personalities at a salary of ?12,000 Evenin to the Viceroyaity. and discharged the Jew "by. race, but. a ,'maii o£extrava- per'week. •.;•..-':.: >V-:-'.- .Yv-^r-V-^" gantly exotic manners, prevenfed frbm Organized onerous duties^ofth^t responsible an<S Irving Berlin is writing; a'campaign difficult posiQon in a particularly try- becoming a powerful prime minister? song for Heywood Broun, columnist, ing period with* abounding success. Or was Luigi Luzzatti, even though a who has been nominated on Socialist . An evening high school has been organized at .the "Y" to begin this When it first became" known "early in Jew by religion as well as by race,(ticket for congress, 1921 that Mr. Lloyd George had se- prevented from becoming: one of i Kid Berg and Al Singer, both Jew- fall, according- to announcement made lected Lord -Reading to. be governor- Italy's wisest premiers? Or, to take ;ish prize fighters are said to so cor- by the Board «f Governors of the general of the Indian empire, politi- a case from far-off New Zealand, was I diaUy hate one another, that when Omaha "Y" schools^ r^-_ —==2 cal critics immediately became very Sir Julius Vogel restrained i n . any j Berg saw Singer recently eating The new school,%which opens Sepbusy and many of them contended way by his Jewish origin from be-jborsht, he announced that henceforth tember 15, will foffer a full program that a Jew could not make a good coming that Dominion's most creative he would have nothing to do with it of commercial,'^ technical and college governor. It was not very long be- and constructive prime minister? And H/L/Mencken predicts" that George preparatory higbV school subjects and fore they changed their opinion. It if Jews^ can make successful premiers ! J e a n N a t h a n { w h o i s Jewish) wfll will. employ- accredited high school teachers Hs.instructors. 'did not seem to occur to them that why should they not make efficient • -- = . ' ' there was no. more reason: why-a Jew governors? The position ai\ should not be able to make an effi- colonial premier calls for even higher powers," cient administrator than a Christian for he is essentially self-made, and especially as the overwhelming ma- has to assert his authority over rival With the * jority of the inhabitants of India are ministers, whilst the colonial governeither Jews nor Christians. nor owes his appointment to a premier Why is it that some people still and need not fight to retain it for j Houbt the fitness of a Jew to govern the allotted period. Moreover, a mili-j a country , even though contemporary tary general commands even more un- j history provides the case not only of questioning obedience than the head., Combined with the ;.'.47 a Jewish Viceroy of India, : but also of a cabinet, and the armies of mod- > of a Jew who proved himself the able ern Europe have had scores of^Jew- i administrator of British dominions ish generals^—in France, Austria and! j and dependencies so varied as the Italy. Gold Coast an Natal, Hong-Kong and It is, therefore, absurd to suggest} Queensland, namely ji. Sir Matthew that- a Jew, simply because he is a You "will enjoy washing your Nathan? It is probably due, in the Jew, is unlikely;to make a successful and Scientifically Blended main, to two reasons:: one is'the idea governor of Viceroy. That such ideas laundry in the new Decker. It in Omaha ^ that the Jew, being a member of a are not entertained in Australia, is so easy to simply place your nation that lost its ancient: indepen- where Jews have always enjoyed perclothes in the Decker Washer, "dence owing to a civil -''strife; arid fect equality, is shown by the fact tura the switch and forget it is failure to maintain peace;and unity that the Australian prime minister, •wash day. After the Decker is .•within its own ranks, Iwould not be who is anxious that the next governor able to exercise proper control over general of the commonwealth should through washing, everything will another nation; the other; isthe.theory be a native of Australia, has recom-j come out clean as new . . . and IS that the Jew, as the member of an mended- Sir, Isaac Isaacs—the son of > unharmed. Decker washes thoroppressed race, is apt to feel a sort a poor Russo-Jewish tailor—for the oughly. % of inferiority complex and. is, there- office. And in case this selection for, not endowed with the requisite should proye acceptable, the alternaThis sale has been extended and qualities for being in command over tiye recommendation is another Jew, will last only a short time longthose of another race. General Sir John Monash, who was in and er. Qet your Decker now.


Answer to Whether a Jew Can Qovern


According to Well-Known Author There is No Logical




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PAGE 7—THE-JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1S30 Mrs. Sarah Kohn has returned af- friend, and attend -the reception given Greenberg, Mix. A. Haykin, and Mr, ter spending six weeks in California. honor of her eightieth birthdav I A. Wolowitz. Sunday, August 31. (Continued from Page 5.) Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick kCohn ZETA BETA TAU Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kacusin and Zeta Beta Tau of the University duties as master of ceremonies at have returned from an extended two month's-'trip in the East. Mrs. Victor Zucker have returned j of Nebraska, and their guests, many the Publix theatre. Their daughter, Miss Madeline from a short stay in Excelsior i out-of-town, frolicked at a dinnerMr. and Mrs. Charles Spiegel for- Cohn, returned yesterday from Kin- Springs, Missouri. I dance at Olive Crest Country Club merly of Omaha now living in Ma- nacamps in Colorado where she was I on Thursday, August 21. rion, Indiana, are guests at the home a counselor for this summer. Mr. Meyer Coren left for a two of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren. I weeks trip to Excelsior Springs, SIGMA ALPHA MU Miss Sylvia Wohlner, Mr. David Missouri. £ Mr. and Mrs. Spiegel are being Wohlner of Schenectady, New York, Sigma Alpha Mu of the Univerextensively entertained by their many g Mr. Harry Rosenstein of Chicago, Nebraska held its annual friends and relatives. Miss Constance Goldberg returned i s ity of and Mr. Morris Hurwitz of Charlesroundup last Sunday. from an eastern sojourn where she j Miss Delia Shiloff, Miss Bess Har- ton, We Virginia, drove to Lincoln visited with relatives in ~ Rochester, In the afternoon while the memlow, and Miss Ann Singer of Sioux last week to visit their alma mater, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls, Newbers and rushees attended a smoker City were the weekend guests of the University of Nebraska. They York, and Ontario, Canada, for the in the Lindberg room of the Paxton were accompanied by Mrs. H. Wohl- past four months. Miss Helen Stein. hotel, their guests were entertained ner. Mr. Morris Lasensky and Mr. Sid ______ j Mrs, Louis Sommer and daughter, at at a bridge-tea at the Athletic Slotsky of Sioux City visited with Mrs. Bella Bolker who has been | Beatrice, left Wednesday morning Club. A fortune teller was an interThe talk then switched to collective Mr. Max Stein last weekend. visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. Abe for Sirux City where they will spend esting feature. Among the novel entertainment at farming in Eussia. Mr. Eisenstein beBolker and family left Tuesday for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. the dinner-dance at Olive Crest in Miss Evelyn Green ox Norfolk, Ne- Chicago where she will be with Mr. Blank. lieved that the five year program will the evening were tap dancing by be effective in.Eussia. For that rea- braska, is visiting here and Mrs. Mike Bolker and family. J son he was given the' task of making Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Brandt Sam Brown and a Sigma Alpha Mu PERSONALS the picture "Old and New," pure Dr. and Mrs. A,Komm left Sun- have just returned from a five-week song written to the tune of the Mrs. Lena Mandelson. left Monday day for. a vacation in Colorado. propaganda, not political, but ecotrip by motor to New York where Stein Song by Miss Dorothy Cohen. evening for a two month's trip to nomic, so that the peasant might learn they were on a buying trip. On Importu entertainment was furnished the.value x>t modern methods in agri- the East. She will visit with her .Mrs. Sam Cohn has. departed for their return home they stopped off by Miss Rose Brick, Miss Grace Leson, Leon, in Chicago, and from Chicago where she will visit for two at Lake George and Lake Cham- vin, Mr. Morris Toaster and Mr. culture. there w-ill go to New York and Ros- weeks. plain in the Adirondacks, where they Carlton Salzman. "It will be a difficult task, howA buffet supper was served at one ton where she will %-isit with her spent two weeks. ever," he stated. "You must remem_Among those who will be in Sioux a.m. ber that we have to overcome cen- son, Milton. City over Labor Day are Miss Ruth turies of ignorance, superstition and WITH THE SICK Richard Gordon, son of Dr. andCohen, who will be the guest of her illiteracy." Mrs. M. I. Gordon, returned .home Mr. Julius Sherman is at the Ne- Chesed Shel Ernes aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Morris (Copyrighted. 1030, by the Jewish TeleThursday after spending "the ' sum- Pill; Miss Dorothy Musfctn, and Miss braska Methodist hospital where he graphic Agency. Inc.) to Meet Monday underwent an operation for the reA '!• p ; ' -u A • • HT -uirner at Camp Indianola, at Madison, Dorothy Cohen. movel of eve cataract; Acting High Commissioner, Mark * . * . . . •-'-.^ Aitchison Ycung, who received the Wisconsin. A special meeting of the Chesed Mrs. Henry Newman .will"visit in American Jewish labor delegation Miss Reva Ziev will' return home Cleveland, Ohio. Among the patients at the Wise Shel Etnes society has been called here. Sunday from Chicago to spend a Memorial Hospital this week are for Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock *«t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene and Miss Eose Rubenstein, Mrs. J. J. the Chesed Shel Ernes building. Abraham Shipliacoff, chairman of •week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the delegation, expressed the anxiety Louis Ziev. Miss Ziev is secretary son, Arthur Greene, are on an extended motor trip in the East. of American friends of Palestine at to Senator Roy C. Woods. the recent events, particularly the She will return accompanied by " rArownd the Corner from Everytldng" Mr. Nathan Reiss is taking an exsuspension of immigration. Isaac her sister, Miss Ruth Ziev, who will tended trip in the West and South. Hamlin stressed the need of the Jew- enter her last year at the University He plans to be away about a month. ish masses for a large and free im- of Chicago. Mr. Philip Greenberg and Bon, migration to Palestine. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy and sonMorris Finestone, the third member in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenberg, have returned from of the delegation, declared that Louis Kulakofsky are registered at a two and a half month's tour of American Jewish workers are united the Edgewater Beach hotel in Chi- Europe. in urging Britain to fulfill its obli- cago. Mrs. Sam Berkowitz and children, gations toward the Jewish people. Selma and Melvin, Miss Berta NewMr. and Mrs. Nathan Green of OkActing High Commissioner Young man, and Mrs. Morris Lapp have molahoma City, formerly of Omaha, told the delegation that colonization must be based on the principal of were guests this week of Mr. Green's tored to Chicago where they will 1413 Douglas visit their aunt, Mrs. Kate Goodprofitable investment and expressed mother, Mrs. Meyer Green. the hope that the American Jews would support this view. He promised the delegation that he would do all in his power to aid its members' in making a thorough study of the country.

Discourses (mVctriedSi^

Social News

Famous Russian Movie M a g n a t e Would Have Been a Jew If His Grandfather Had Not Willed It Otherwise By DAVID WEISMAN

lectuals who feel as I do. I am'will-' ing to submit to a higher rate of taxation, to a higher rental for a poorer room than the workingman, because I earn a good deal more than the workingman does. And while we are talking about .the intellectual, let me tell you, that there is a wonderful field for him in Soviet Eussia, especially the technically trained intellect• Two things strike you as you look ual—he is the darling child of the at Sergei M. Eisenstein for the first Soviet and nothiijg^is^tpo. good for lime, his. maisiv^r forehead, and the blue humorous-ey.eikoi his. The latter doy notf beBe-1- the-r -humor in him. ..Of the,.:Mr.. EisenWhen •i"sKbwe>d;hini?the'copy of- the . stein stated. ;tha_t. he liked, "best of all telegram which ;'the- "Hollywood Tech- King,"Vidor's''Hallelujahj?'^^-I \ surprise;, to hear nical 'Directors - -Institute" sent to that this picture-ba3'been-shown in Lasky, Hacking.-tie latter and- the \'~r.yy rJ" Jewish clergy"*f6r importing a "cut- Bussia. "Well, why not?" he smiled. "Bethroat red dog" like Eisenstein, to make a "cesspool of the American cause i t is a spiritual picture. Well, r if it is, i t evidently overshot its mark cinema," he chuckled. as far as the Russian audience is con"That's. fine publicity," he said. cerned, for-Mm itr is. .only, an indica"I'm surprised t 'at you," I "replied. "I thought you.j.vere^.a^Hussiatf direc- tion of the:-~superstitions! element, of tor, and here^au-Iare talking just like religion.- I don't know, what Vidor inT one of our American movie publicity tended,4s'ut--as-far-as Russia is concerned it is pretty gnodTpropaganda hounds.";- L" . rvr - ; ; 1 \ ; : . • ;" against religion."" *'..".'' r "Well, I jre;tf.ayeled scrme in the last nine months and I learned a thing or two," he answered. As ,a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agencvj^my interest in interviewing this, littlegiant .of-Kussia's •moriedoiir'-v'fa's' to get a story with a Jewish-angle,. .But that_angle became very", -obtuse, when he dis- High Commissioner Expresses missed his .Jewishness .by saying it His Appreciation for Work was all his grandfather!?; fault that «f American Jews ^ he was not a Jew. "His grandfather, Jerusalem, (J. TA.).—Appreciation he said, was tired of being a Jew. "If it were up to me, maybe things of the remarkable work accomplished by American Jews in behalf of Palwould be different," he smiled. 'Mtine and of; the important role So we had to- talk about - other things, and that included religion in played by the Jewish workers in buildRussia,.-the American^filmY the com- ing ;up. Palestine was expressed by PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS munist --party, co-operative farming and ecstacy. "•.... "AH 3ny life," saltt^Eisenstein, "I have been a student of ecstacy and it -a • ' has been my ambition to put 'on .the screen all phases of that emotion. -I have gathered enough material in my life to ;write a book on ecstacy, and recently when I obtained possession of a book'by the Jesuit Loyola on 'The Way Ho Ecstacy,' I found that we | were in strange agreement. It is this ecstatic^ emotion fgund in religion, More Than, a Quarter Million Dollars* which, the Soviet is trying to transfer Applied During the First Nine Months to Bridge to a more social sphere of activity, to' turn its' power into socially productive f Debt Under the Escrow Plan '• ends—that is • one reason the Communist;is opposedto religion as such. "But : there is no persecution of the TIME IS-5YEARS—9 MONTHS religionist in the Soviet, he may follow "his religious bent with the utmost cfreedom. Of course there will The third 'quarterly; report' of the Douglas Street be arguments, his fellow worlriirgmen, Bridge under the escrow agreement plan whereby will try to persuade him otherwise, the Bridge is to become the property of the two but he is free to worship the ever and cities in six and one-half years from Oct. 31,1929, whatever he desires, as long as his shows a total of $119,605.09 applied on the debt worship is not a source of income to during May,'June and July, the third quarter. The himself, to any other individual or to report showed §259,757.42 applied on the debt a group. Then it becomes a violation —-'during the nine months' period, Nov. 1, 1929,' to of the fundamental economic laws of July 31,1930. ., .._... : j the Soviet, and persecution follows. "All these stories of the terrible deThese reports for the third quarter and for Jhe struction of cathedrals and synanine months' period were given today to ;the gogues Syou read about, are not so terBridge Trustees, F. EL Davis, Ford E. Hovey and rible after all. In the first place the W. Dale Clark of Omaha, and B; A. Gronstal, J: G. o.uestion of the advisability of allowWadsworth and E. H. Lougee of Council Bluffs, i ing aj church or a synagogue to stand At the end of the next quarter, which will be She is determined by a plebiscite, of those first year of the.plan,.the debt undoubtedly will be in t h e community/ :It is true that below 53,800,000 and the time will be cut to five there; is a constant propaganda caryears .and a half. • • ried onitby the Soviet against religion, but that is one place, at least, where Under the escrow agreecent the Douglas Street no force is used. Bridge will become the property of Omaha and "On ?the contrary, take the matter Council Bluffs at the end of six and one-half years of anti-Semitism. In no country in from Oct. 31, 1929, or sooner if the debt of $4,the world is anti-Semitism so ruth155,296 specified in the agreement is paid out lessly^ persecuted. And whenever an sooner than six and one-half years. The Trustees attack is made upon the Jews, and the have the deed .to be delivered when the conditions culprit';found, the Soviet sees to it of the agreement are met. that thj; trial is given the fullest publicity.: : It. is held in" the open if .posThe agreement is irrevocable by us, but will end sible,,-and the entire community given automatically if anotherbridge is started within a the opportunity to be present. Eelimile of the Douglas Street Bridge or if condemna. gion in) Russia is persecuted only 6n tion proceedings a r e started against the Douglas economic grounds, when it is opposed Street Bridge, and the time will be changed if any to the fundamental laws of the counchange is made in the present low rate of tolls. try, just as drinking is persecuted in America because i t is opposed to the Note: Provision is made in the agreement for us lav; af^the land." to retain the bridge for the few months necessary Asked what part he took in the after thesis and one-half year period to recover the Communist government of Eussia, the taxes daring the period of the agreement. The director gave the somewhat startled Cities, however, can automatically end this provision reply that he was jiot a Communist. at any time by taking title to the bridge and leasing: "No, £. km not a member - of the -^ it for Sl.tfO per year.. ._„_.. party;"-he stated..7"! aro. in Baaed. with its edonomfe-4heory, but I da riot believe.. that the intellectual should take part in running the government. It is he should have the complete' domination. "My position is not unique in the Soviet. There are many other intel-

The great Russian moving picture director, Sergei M. Eisenstein, who is now in this cotintru is not Jewish despite the reports to the'contrary, but he would be,- he-says, if hi& grandfather had not been baptised. Nevertheless Eisenstein has been the victim of an anti-Semitic attack. In this informal chat he discusses Jews, religioiti'¥novies,~ politics and .Russia.-— Editor.








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PAGE 8—THE. JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 29, 1930 tSbJBUtiUtlba!&Ji>SdaUtiiU^



Society News

Mrs. Dave Davidson entertained at a luncheoon last Friday afternoon, Executives Director of Jewish honoring her guest Mrs. I. E. Huffman of Tucson, Arizona. National Fund Optimistic


A letter from Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis, on the importance of the - of Zionist Work Sovel and Ida Heshelow have re- study of Hebrew in Public Schools, turned to Sioux City after spending recently appeared i n - the column Mr. Emil Fisher, Executive Direc- the past week visiting at. the home "Random Thoughts" by'Charles H. tor r of the Jewish: National Fund, of their parents in Minneapolis. Joseph, which is printed in many of spoke before the members of the the Anglo Jewish newspapers of this local Jewish National Fund CommitEabbi and Mrs. T. N. Lewis an- country. tee at a meeting in the Jewish Com- nounce the birth of a daughter at In commenting on the letter from .munity: Center, Tuesday evening. In the Methodist ~ Hospital, Thursday, Rabbi Lewis, Mr. Joseph says "Rabbi addressing the •. members, Mr. Fisher August 22.. Lewis has • presented his case most stressed the importance of the Jewconvincingly and I am particularly • Several engagements and a wedish National Fund in Zionist -work impressed with the reason he gives ding hold the lime light in the sostating, that "Land is the. foundation in Paragraph 4." of a people. Every inch of land in cial' calendar of this week. Thfe letter reads "1. It (Hebrew) Palestine has to be bought by the Announcement has been made ' of possesses the identical cultural valthe 'engagement of Miss Vera RothJews before we can be assured of ues that Latin, Greek, and Spanish child, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. a Jewish Homeland. -The purpose of do. It has as important a literature the J. N. F.", continued Mr. Fisher, Rothchild of Chicago, to Ben D. as any of. these and is more inspir"is to buy, the land, in, Palestine. Brodkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max ing and vital than all combined. Its Brodkey, 32 Twenty-ninth Street.' Every Zionist and every Zionist organization "must commit themselves Miss Rothchild arrived in Sioux City exclusion from our academies is due to a program of redemption of the this week to spend a month as a to the attitude of contempt for Juguest in the M. Rocklin home. The daism and the Jew with which land." •••'•;... . * Christianity regards other faiths and Mr. Fisher is very optimistic about wedding has been set for mid winter. their adherents." the outlook of Zionism in this counThe engagement of Miss Anne "2. It will enable Jewish boys try, Zionism, he said, must be looked Greenberg, daughter of Mr. and and to discover and to appreupon from the point of view of Mrs. A. Greenberg to Eli Seff, son j d a t e girls a n d t o l o v e t h e i r people and eternity. • Not what we have ac- of Mr. and' Mrs Mrs. E. Mr and E W. W Seff of C o r i t ^ hheritage. i . Wih Without . a kknowcomplished" in one year, or in the rectionville, Iowa, was announced at last year, but what can. be done. a reception. given at the Greenberg ledge of Hebrew, Judaism is a closed The speaker, whose home is in home last Sunday. The date for the book, and the Jews a strange and mysterious people. Instead of memSt. Louis, is a correspondent for the wedding has not been set. orizing Latin conjugations and Jewish Telegraphic Agency and was French irregular verbs, a futile exerMiss Mollie Srogovich became the at one time editorial writer for a bride of Mr. Joe Kantor at a lovely cise, they should obtain a knowledge Hearst publication in Boston. Mr. Joseph Aizenberg presided at wedding held in the Jewish Commu- of their own language." the meeting. Plans were formulated nity Center last Sunday evening. .''3. It will raise the prestige of and the Jew in the eyes of to hold one annual affair in behalf Rabbi M. Braver officiated at the i Judaism the non-Jew. The official recognition of the Jewish National -Fund, which ceremony, which was. followed by a • of the Hebraic culture and civilizawill enable this community to raise dinner served to 200 guests. tion will serve as a constant reminits' quota of about $2,000. AnMrs. Ezek Chesen entertained at der to the non-Jewish world of the nouncement was made by Mr. E. H. Emlein, President of the Zionist or- an afternoon bridge party recently, unique achievments of Israel s in the ganization that since February 1, honoring her -niece, Mrs. •-Harry J. realm rdf Ithe, spirits .'J . . . Di,.;;..; ?600 has been raised toward that Kadwit of Kenosha, Wisconsin. Mr. ,. ."4..- It. will help the Jew .to acquire and Mrs. Kadwit and son Marshall respectrian'd' esteem "for hirriself, his amount, up to date. , , will return home early next' week.^ people, his language, literature and The synagogues will be asked this year, according to plans made at Mrs. Irving Goldstein and children religion. . The American Jew needs, this meeting, to place a Ten Cent left for, their home in Chicago after more than, .anything else in .the J. N. F. stamp on each card of ad- spending several weeks visiting at world, self-respect and self-esteem* mission to the High Holy Day Serv- the- home of :Mrs. Goldstein's par- He is constantly and humiliatingly apologizing for being a Jew. The ices this year. This amount will be ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baron. teaching, of- Hebrew in our schools turned oVer to 'the Fupd. Committees Miss Ruth Sterling and daughter, and colleges will instill in the heart in charge of this project are Sir. B. Baron, Mr. M; Hendlyn, Mr. J. Miss Sally, are guests in the home of the cautious and. hesitant AmeriRobin, Mr. H. Friedman^ Mrs. Bar- of Mr. and Mrs; AI B. Friedman, can Jew,:, confidence; courage, and above all. pride. • A knowledge of the ney Baron is in charge of stamp 1722 Jackson St. sales to individual homes for place- . Mr. and Mrs. Abel Davidson have sacred tongue, will transform the American Jew into a better Jew and ment on New Year greeting cards. departed for their home in Chicago, after spending several weeks visit- a finer American." Emlien to Be Associated ing here in the city'and at Spirit Lake. -'' :

With R. G. A. Corp.

Harold Emlein, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Emlein, will visit in Si6ux City this week-end, enroute to Gamden, 'New Jersey, where he has been accepted as a candidate for the R. C. A. training course of that corporation. Mr. Emlein recently, received his degree from the University of Minnesota, where he received his training as an electrical engineer. While a student at the-university he played on the varsity football team in the positions of guard and tackle. According to items in the Minneapolis press, his loss will be keenly felt on the team for this season. Emlein is a member of the Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and also took an active interest in the Menorah Society. He was a member of the Junior Senior Prom Committee.

Milton Bolstein left Sunday for an extended trip to Chicago, Milwaukee, and points.of interest in Canada.

field for us right now but we will not get a chance to try him out until next seasonKa|^Wichita; is^In a; posi,season^ series for the all-year title." Of course reports by managers on potential baseball stars must be taken less ten per cent but it does seem as though a real Jewish star is about to ascend and its about time. Ever, since Solomon of the Giants cavorted around first base the quest for a Jewish ball player has gone on apace and up to the present writing, the peer of them all has not been found. It will be with pleasant anticipation that the Jews of this country will await the -appearance of Jim Levy. Other Baseball News In again, out again, just about explains the hectic career of Jonah Goldman, Cleveland shortstop. Every time you pick up a paper you find a different name in the Indian lineup. Jonah has been benched three or four times this year. The old complaint still holds good—he can't hit big league pitching and I don't think he ever will. Jimmy Reese of the Yankees seems to have had a new lease on life and is holding down second base with some degree of regularity. Moe Berg is the steady boy, the Chicago catcher has been bearing most of the backstop burdens this season and it can't be said that he has failed. Jay Cohn Wins Boys Net Title Again With complete disdain for the predictions of this column Jay Cohn, fifteen year old Santa Monica boy again won the Boy Singles championship of the United States. Starting the tournament with the dope that he would not repeat against him the Jewish boy from' California blasted his way through the field and finished on top. It is rare for a youngster to win the boys' title twice and I think Jay is one of the few lads to turn the trick. He beat Jack Lynch of Taft,

took place in the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol cemeterj;. M^ i.L. Harris of

Ben Bromberg, florist, died SaturBaroness Levi Plays Well in Women's day evening, August 23,* at the Championship Mercy Hospital, where he had been At the National Women's Tennis ill for ten days of pneumonia. He Championships, Countess Levi, of was thirty years old. He was born Italy, reached the semifinals before in Omaha, the son of Mr. and Mrs. being eliminated. The countess was Jake Lohman, but following his second seeded foreign player and mother's death, he was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bromberg of justified her high ranking. The only other Jewish entry was Council Bluffs. our old friend Clara Greenspan of Besides his foster parents, he is New York, who went out in the first survived by his widow, Mrs. Gladys round. It means the Jewish girl will Bromberg; four brothers and two go down a few places more in the sisters. nation's rankings. Funeral services were held SunThe men's championship starts in a day afternoon from the Bromberg few weeks, but we Jews have only an residence at 919 Avenue E. Burial academic interest as there are no players of the faith that are given even-an outside chance to win. Selig-J when somebody calls "Izzy" while the son and Jacobs will be on hand and I boys are playing. Writing about the All Jewish teams would like to lay a little bet that Jacobs gets farther. He carried alway s makes me think of C. C. N. Y. Mangin, the Davis cup player, to five From that institution comes the news hard sets in the current Southhamp- that Brenie Bienstock, captain of last ton tournament before he bowed in year's football team has been added to the coaching staff. He will probdefeat. ably take the place of Roy Plaut who All Jewish Team Wins Basketball is now too much engrossed in the Championship practice of la w to give his time to The future of the Jew in basketball the gridiron. is secure as long as the youngsters This Week's Fight News continue to go in for the sport and The fistic world is revolving slowly reports from New York City are to the effect that our boys are still in these days. All the boys are laying there tossing the big pill around. In low awaiting the settlement of finana tournament held for all the outdoor cial matters. The Madison Square playgrounds teams of the New York Garden Corporation who absolutely City Public schools five little Jewish' control the game has banged the lid boys won the title. The winning team, I down on big purses, saying that they not one boy being more than twelve' are not in business solely for the enyears old, consisted of Isidor Friscoer, richment of leather pushers. Berg, Milton Gilbert, Isidor Hermowitz,' Singer, Fields, and the other stars are Israel Lundenberg Harry Goldberg, withholding their invaluable signaIsrael Kuferschmid, and Anthony tures until there is a rise in the Klemsky. Just imagine what happens market.

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud Torah Society will hold their first meeting of the season next Wednesday afternoon, September 3, at the home of Mrs. Simon Steinberg, 710 Willow Avenue. All members are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky announce the birth of a son, born •'I Thursday, August 21, at the Ed- ^ mundson Hospital. The Bar Mitzvah of Sam Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Epstein, took place last Saturday morning, August 23, at the synagogue. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Epstein entertained about forty guests at a supper party at their home in honor of their son. Mrs. E. Gilinsky returned home Tuesday following a three months' visit in Brooklyn, New York, where she visited her daughters, Mrs. Ralph Castle, and Miss Gertrude Gilinsky. The Council Bluffs Agudas Achim Society will hold a meeting next Thursday evening, September 4, at the Eagles Hall. Mrs. Max Steinberg and children returned home Tuesday following a three months' visit in Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. I. Goldberg and sons, Ben, and Jay, of Chicago, 111., arrived^ last Saturday by motor to visit Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalswy. Mrs. Suvalsky is a daughter of Mrs. Goldberg. Miss Dorothy Handler of Oskaloosa, Iowa, returned home today following a three week's visit with relatives, in Omaha and Council Bluffs.


Our #


.,•„-,,•,.,;,. „ -., Mrs. S. H. Shulkm, President of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brodkey, 209, the Ladies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Sioux Apartments, spent the last Synagogue will act as general Chairweek at Edgewater Beach Hotel in man for the arrangements of the Chicago. Eighth Annual Revue "Follies of 1930", which will be presented under Mrs. S. H. Shulkin and her house the auspices of the Auxiliary, on guests Mrs. M. A. Shulkin and November 2, at the City Auditorium. daughter Margaret of Los Angeles, . Shulkin will be assisted by Mrs. have returned to Sioux City after re Li hut c h a i r m a n fo ' r t h e spending a week in Chicago. |Ads ^ M r s . Robert Sacks, viceMiss Freda Albert has returned l chairman of that committee; Mrs. home after spending the past weeks \ Meyer Daskovsky will assist Mrs. visiting in Los Angeles, Calif., and Mike Mushkin and Mrs. Sam Weiner other points of interest on the coast. I who are co-chairmen for the ticket— j sales, and Mrs. Milton Mushkin is in Mr. Stanley Robinow spent the t c l i a r g e of publicity for the presenweek-end in Idncom, Nebr., visiting' tation. ^nendsMiss Florence Coates has been engaged again this year to direct the The Sigma Alpha Mu party in play. Dates for the cast tryoute Omaha last Sunday attracted many Question Club Will of Sioux City's younger set. Among will be announced through the JewGive Party Sunday those who spent the day in Omaha ish Press at a later date. Members of the Question Club and for that event are Morris Gordon, their guests will frolic at a Mid Fred Sherman, Bunny Dobrofsky, Summer party, next Sunday evening, Philip Dobrofsky, Dresmond Barish, August 31. The party will be held Julius Mosow, Gerald Cohen, Burnell at the Morningside Country Club and Koolish, Vivian Mosow, Roggie Kozmusic will be furnished by Larry berg, Neomi Horwitz, May Erinberg, By GEORGE JOEL Ida Lipton, Bernice Levin, and Burkle and his orchestra. Florence Holland. Another Jewish Ball Player , Lawrence Sampson, E. W. Baron, Discovered Ben Pill and Milton Bolstein are in Miss Sadie Shulkin and Mrs. A. charge of the plans. Arrangements Elphont returned home Monday, The St. Louis Browns baseball dub have been made to have several after spending the week visiting in claims they have found the $1,000,000 Jewish ball player John McGraw of special novelty entertainments .and Chicago. the Giants has been looking for all features for the evening.. these years. Manager Bill Killefer Miss Rose Lipman is visiting at Industry pays debts, while despair the home of her brother-in-law and of the Browns made the claim last increases them.—Franklin. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harlow, week after a trip through the minors. He reported to the club owners that at Canby, Minn. Jim Devy, shortstop of the Wichita Falls team of the Texas league, is the JEWISH ART PROGRAM boy. The stamp of approval was RELAYED THROUGH placed on Levy the first time Killifer KSCJ ON SUNDAY saw" him an'd he was immediately , "We feed : the multitude" signed up. The manager Baid that he : v With Tasty Foods. . The Jewish Art Program present- felt; certain the Br,owns had acquired ed over the radio from The Day, a a first class shortstop. Yiddish Newspaper in New York, is "You know I like our present shorty relayed through the Columbia Broad- stop," explained Killefer, "but he is casting System through the Sioux slow compared to Levy, who looks to City Journal Station KSCJ. The pro- be the most impressive member of his f:K. ''DELICATESSEN gram • under, the direction of Dr. race to appear on abalj field. I saw , MargosheSj editor^ of .The Day is a couple of other players I would like BWICHSHQP f presented\ffom> 1&30 to 11:34) Sun- to Jfave, •but, they are-aot *s finished d i as Levy. He could step, out on tite

California, in the final round, 6-3, 6-3. Anyway, I was right about the junior class/ all Cour Jewish-boys -felt by the wayside. Willie Jacobs of Baltimore being the last of the large continent to pass out of the tournament.



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