interesting and Entertaining
In the * "^ Interests of The Jewish Community
Entered as eecond-dasa mail Bg^S&tlft January 2V UKO, at poBtofflce at Umaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 3, IOTA
Jewry to ENGLAND MAY Palestine Must Become HADASSAH PLANS Hungarian Resume Relationship Outstanding Speaker ASSIGN FUNDS Bh-National"—Weizmann ITS EVENTSFOR Obtained for Initial TO BUY LAND COMING SEASON Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—In a speech of or remain in the Zionist, executive
Warburg Says Economic Depres- that appears to pave the way for a which shares such a policy and hence Mrs. Simon Asks for Housewives sion Is Affecting Agency's rapprochment with the Arabs and intends to withdraw its members from Aid in Rummage with the British government, Dr. the executive. Budget Sale Chaim Weizmann, president of the
Budapest—(J. T. A.)—Hungarian Jewry is about to resume official relations with the various Jeweries abroad after an interval of sixteen years. This was decided upon by the central committee of the newly organized Union of Hungarian Jews which represents all organizations of Hungarian Jewry. Baron Kohner, president of the Jewish community of Budapest, speaking at the first meeting' of the union, said that the aim of the organization was to resume relations with foreign Jewish organizations, both from the view of the union of Israel and also to benefit the cultural and social institutions of ' Hungarian Jewry. .""•'.'
B'nai B'rith Meeting
Richard E* Gutstadt to Address First Meeting of Fall Season, MondaySeptember 8
It announced, however, its further Berlin (J. T. A,)—A detailed re- World Zionist organization and of the support of the present Zionist execu- The activities of the local Hadassah view of the plans of the Jewish Jewish Agency, speaking at the ses- tive from outside of Its ranks. for the ensuing fell and winter season Agency regarding Palestine -were sion of the World Zionist Actions com- According to a resolution of the were planned s i s board meeting -of outlined here by Felix M. Warburg, mittee, created a sensation vrhen, in Actions Committee's political commis- the organization held last Wednesday chairman of the Administrative Com- using the word "bi-national" for the sion a Zionist congress will not take at the Jewish Community Center. mittee of the Jewish Agency, as the first time in referring to Palestine, place this year. The Zionist executive following-^affairs will be held: Hichard & Sutstadt, eloquent Jew- Mr. Gutstadt was just recently apopening session of the Committee's he declared that "we must agree to is, however, empowered to call an ex- A The rummage sale in October, a card ish orator from the west coast, has pointed director of the newly created ujeeting under his chairmanship. Palestine hecoming a bi-hational state. traordinary congress in case of any party in November, a bazaar in Debeen secured as the speaker for the membership bureau of the internaThe session -was attended not only It is impossible to continue the talk decision of the British government cember, and a luncheon in March. The first meeting of the fall season for tional order, with offices in New York about a Jewish state as did during by the members of the Administrawhich may vitally effect the Zionist definite date for each of these events the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith, City. His address here will be his tive Committee from all parts of the period when the world was en- movement. will be announced later. to be held at the Jewish Coramunity first public appearance in this secthe world but also by most of the gaged in war. Our present slogan Mrs. B. A. Simon, who is in charge Center Monday evening, September 8, tion of the country since his appointmust be 'peaceful co-operation'." members of the Zionist Actions Comof the annual rummage sale to.be at IS p. m. Henry Monsky will intro- ment. mittee. Pointing out that it is necessary "to held in October, has asked that everyduce the speaker at the meeting, which In addition to his B'nai B'rith work, That Great Britain may assign change our mental outlook and to one prepare her bundle and have it is open to the public. he has been outstanding in the field special funds to purchase land for consider reality," Dr. Weizmann said, ready to be collected. This -will be the first-of a series of soda! service work. This year he the development oof Jewish close "We cannot drive the Arabs out of "With house cleaning time arriving of lectures to be delivered monthly at was director of the San Francisco nasettlement in Palestine and that the Palestine. Two nations must exist in soon, you will no doubt find many the' "B'nai B'rith gatherings by na- tional Jewish Fund drive for some British government will encourage Palestine." ; things which yon will -want to distional and international figures. Ac- ?200,000. He was also the leading railway building by private groups The aim of the Zionists, Dr. Weiz-, card;" she stated, "so please save them cording to Philip M. Klutznick, presi- proponent of the Y. M. H. A. project thus giving employment to many maim explained, is not a Jewish state j Organization Seek* to Raise for the Hadassah rummage sale." dent of the lodge, all will be of known in San Francisco. Through his efwas revealed in the impressive ad- but "the creation of the material Money for the Jewish repute and excellent calibre. Prominent Jewish Communal forts they are constructing a tore*foundation for an automomous and dress by TTeliX.M. Warburg. National Fund A luncheon -will be held in honor quarter million dollar edifice. Worker to Aid in Program productive Jewish unit." Touching upon a discussion of the of the guest speaker Monday noon at The sessions of the Zionist Actions for Extending Activities problem of Jewish and Arab relaThe Daughters of Zion, organized the Athletic Club. His address in the tions, Mr. Warburg said whether one Committee closed after a budget of since 1924 for the chief purpose of New York.—Morris A. Zeldin, well- evening will be preceded by the regagrees with the viewpoint of those $2,640,000 had been adopted and the raising money for the Jewish offer of Dr. Chaim Weizmann to reknown Jewish communal worker of ular business of the organization, inThe Talmud Torah branch in Dunwho demand a clear cut statement National Fund, will sponsor a rumcluding the announcement of commitdee is now open and registrations are New York and identified with the tees for the ensuing term. lay the government regarding the sign as president of the World Zionist mage sale soon. . terms of the Mandate before dis- Organization..' President Mrs. S. Platt and her being received, according to announce- Zionist movement for many years, has Mr. Gntstadt is executive secretary been appointed National Field DirecFollowing Dr. Weizraann's sensa- committee are working hard to get ment made this week. cussing Arab-Jewish problems, or of District Grand Lodge No. 4 of the "The offices of the Talmud Torah," tor of the Zionist Organization of whether one agrees •with the pro- tional remarks the Mizrachi, Orthodox a large number of packages for tbe B'nai B'rith, which encompasses the found conviction of many of. the Zionist Organization, adopted a reso- affair. The committee urges those stated Mr. Judah Wolf son, principal America, according to an announce- west coast states. He is also past ment issued by Mr. Robert Szold, Jewish Community of Norwa3r lution officially stating that it could American group to take affirmative, •who promised packages to gee them of the institution, "feels that they will president of the district and is conIs One of Smallest in steps for a more harmonious rela- no longer share in the responsibility ready immediately to be picked up be able to offer better accommoda- chairman of tbe administration. sidered the outstanding Jewish orator Europe tions and improved facilities if the tionship, a declaration of honest In making the announcement of Mr. •without unnecessary delays. If the on the west coast. opinion must not and should not donors cannot be home when the enrollment is increased. We believe Zeldin's appointment, Mr. Szold inRiga.—{J. T. A.)—There is a posbe taken to indicate a lack of decalls are made, the committee re- that every Jewish child in the city dicated that the National Field Direcsibility of the prohibition of Shecbita of school age should be enrolled in votion to the ideals of the Jewish tor would assist him in a number of guests that packages be left on the in Norway, which went into effect in the Talmud Torah.** Agency. " Ms administrative tasks. It is underporches marked for the Daughters the New Year being lifted, Aaron Any infannstJan desired may be ob- stood that Mr. Zeldin will derate him."The suspension of the immigraof Zion. ^ Gruzd, a leading Jewish , communal tained by calling Mr. ST. S. Yaffee at self to securing funds to carry on tion certificates", Mr. Warburg conThe organization requests tele-worker in Norway, president of the tinued, "and its shock upon the Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—On the site phone calls front anyone willing to Jackson 0770, or Mr. Wolfson at Wal- tbe work M the organization and will Norwegian Keren Hayesod and leader Jewish world constitutes the low of the ancient .home ol Jbe. Patriarch give packages. They solicitjmy land- nut 875i, or the Talmud Torah at concern-himself particularly with, the of the Jewish Youth Federation in water "mark of "the status «f, Jewish Abraham at Kirjath Sepher the joint of new and used articles that are Jackson 3007. Norway, wh? is now on a Tf iit t* addition, have charge .of the Zionist affairs in Palestine. Today we have expedition of the Xenia Theological saleable at a rummage sale. AH Latvia has told the Jewish Telegraphic Cleveland, O.—(J. T. A.)—A batch speakers' bureau and will arrange leca right to look into the future more Seminary of Pittsburgh and the Amer- interested should call- Mrs. S. Platt, Agency representative here. tures, mass meetings, and . similar of letters written by Israel Zangwill confidently because the last few ican School of Oriental-- Research in Harney 1207; Mrs. S. Wolf, Jackson The question has come up, he said, during October and November, 1905, functions. - -. months have brought sober thoughts Jerusalem has found -a small lime- 5814; Mrs. S. Fellman, Harney 375". in connection with the export of pigg when the Jewish Territorial Organizainto the mindB of the Palestinian stone lion perfectly preserved and beMrs. S. Platt, president for three In the performance of these duties, tion was formed, were presented to to England. The buyers insist that people." lieved to be one of a pair- that flanked years, and Mrs. M. Braude, one of Word has been received here of tbe Mr. Zeldin will, from'time to time, the Hebrew university library in Jeru- the pigs must be slaughtered by inConcluding his report, Mr. War- the sides of an ancient ruler's throne. the founders, have been active fig- death of Mrs. Anna Wolf in Jeru- visit various communities throughout salem by Isaac Carmel of Cleveland, cision and not by stunning, and the burg announced that the Jewish the country in order to secure, -more who, during this period, was in Eng- leaders of .the Jewish community inIt may also have been part of the ures in the organization's active fig- salem, Palestine. Agency had received an official como- support of a Canaanite idol because a raising money for the Jewish Na- \ Mrs. Wolf passed away two months ^effective co-operation between the lo- land, was active in the Zionist move- tend if this is agreed to, as they exinunication from the British govern- small altar was found nearby. tional Fund. They raise their money sifter "the death of her husband, Mr. cal Zionist districts and the national ment, and was one of the supporters pect it will be, to demand that Shechment formally recognizing the enDr. Melvin G. Kyle, one of the di- through bazaars, balls, nimmage Ben Wolf. Both died at the age of G7. office. of the movement led by Mr. Zangwill. ita should again be permitted. larged Jewish Agency. rectors of the joint- expedition, esti- -sales, concerts, regular card parties The couple- had been resident* of For many years closely associated Mr. Carmel also dispatched a letter The Jewish community in Norway, Following Felix M. Warburg's mates that both objects date from and society dues. They also solicit Omaha for thirty years. Sis years with the Zionist movement, Mr. Zeld- addressed to him, written by hand, by according to Mr. Lucien Wolf's memopening address at the first sessiono about 1,400-B. C. The chiefs of the donations from persons, in memory ago they moved to Palestine, where in was executive director of the Keren the late Jacob Moser of Bradford, orandum, is one of the smallest In of the meeting of the Administrative expedition regard the archeological of their dead, when children get they lived till their death. Hayesod for the Greater New York England, who was once Lord Mayor Europe. The last religious census, in Committee of the Jewish Agency finds as the most important ever engaged or married, in honor . of Mrs. Wolf is survived by her daugh- area when it was first organized. He of Bradford, and who made possible 1920, showed that it numbered only thife morning, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, found in Palestine, being far in ad- newly-born children and those who ters, Mrs. Joseph Lipsey and Mrs. M. later held the same office with the the erection of the Herzlia gymnasia 457. Since then it has not very appresident of the Jewish Agency, vance of any pre-Greek object un- become Bar Mitzvah. in Tel Aviv, Palestine. Mr. Moser preciably increased. Previous to 1851 J. liong, both of Omaha. United Palestine Appeal. delivered his presidential message. The committee announces donations earthed in Palestine and offering wonhas also built the Herzl-Moser in- there were no Jews in the country, derful Epecimens of genuine Canaa- by Mrs. S. Riekes in honor of the stitute, and also a Jewish hospital in owing to an old law forbidding their marriage of her daughter, Ethel, nite art. Leeds, England. Mr. Moser's letter entry, which was reaffirmed in 1814 Jewish Cemetery The lion was found standing on its to Mr. Philip Klutznick; Mrs. I. was addressed to Mr. Carmel, dated when Norway was united to Sweden. nose in a heap of rubble and was ap- Beber in honor of the marriage of January, 1920, in response to greet- The repeal of this law was not due Totally Destroyed parently thrown out by the Israelites her daughter, Sadie, and Mrs. Ben ings extended to him by Mr. Carmel, to any overtures made by would-be Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—A revival of after conquering a Canaanite fortress. Lustgarten in honor of the Bar 1 Geneva (J.' T. A.)— Unanimous session reveal that the members of on the occasion of his eightieth birth- Jewish immigrants, but, by a manifestation of public indignation against the desecrations of Jewish cemeteries The lion will be housed in the Pales- Mitzvah of her son, Avrum. Anyone disapproval of Great Britain's Pal- the Mandates Commissiono this time day. who is not solicited by the committee estine policy by members of the too: the greatest possible pains to in Germany is seen in the total de- tine museum of Antiquities. In this letter, the noted philanthro- it, set in motion by the poet, Honrik and wants to donate to the Jewish League of Nations Mandates Com- study the Palestine problem, read- pist claims as the greatest achieve- Wergeland. Until four years ago struction of the old Jewish cemetery Trust men, and they will be true to National Fund through the Daugh- mission at the recent extraordinary ing most carefully all documents, ment of his life, his having made pos- this small community had no history. at Kieferstaedt, Silesia. The vandals escaped. There is no longer a Jewish you; treat them greatly, and.they will ters of Zion should call Mrs. S. Platt, Palestine session of the Commission j whether brought to their notice of- sible the establishment of the first- When the doors were opened to them in 1851 no conditions were imposed, show themselves great.—Emerson. Harney 1207. community in Kieferstaedt. is recorded in the minutes of that ficially or not, which as seen from Hebrew high school in the world, in and they found themselves in the enmemory of the founder of Zionism, session made public here. The Com- the reply of the British government joyment of all the civil and political Nip Plan to Counterfeit mission's report on the Palestine to the Commission's report is not Dr. Theodor Herzl. rights extended by the constitution to of 1929 sharply criticised the exactly pleasing to the British govLarge Sum of Money riots friendly foreigners, and eventually to British policy. Bikur Cholim Society eminent. native-bo^n Norwegians. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The watch- The minutes of the extra-ordinary Even newspaper articles such as to Meet on Monday They proved a modest, Industrious, fulness of the French frontier police that by William Martin, editor of and inoffensive element in the populaBanff, Canada (J. T. A.)—"When develop our common country. We on the Syrian-Lebanon border frusyou stop to realize that out of a have not time to waste our energy trated what .appeared to be an at- - Conservative Services the Journal de Geneve, written after The Bikur Cholim Society will hold tion, and at no time came m conflict his visit to Palestine shortly after its regular meeting on Monday after- with national sentiment. "world population of nearly two bil- in .internecine strife," Mr. Bennett tempt to counterfeit Palestinian monthe riots, were quoted by members noon, September 8, at the 25th and Will Be Resumed lion only 13,000,000 Jews have exer- said. ey on a large scale. Suspicious of a of the Mandate Commission during Seward street Synagogue. All memcised so commanding an influence "The Canadian Premier pointed out car crossing the border, the police September 19 the discussion. The memorandum of bers are urged to attend. in world affairs, it is some in- that "We have only to return to stopped it and found that it contained the Jewish Agency in reply to the The raffle of the five Hebrew books, dication that they are indeed the Leviticus to realize the wisdom of a complete plant for making counterServices of the Conservative Chosen People". Thus spoke the the old Jews. We are glad to have feit Palestine notes and currency in Synagogue will be resumed for the Shaw Commission's report proved a the gift of Mrs. M. Turner, which Hon. Hi R. Bennett, Canada's newly their spiritual heritage as one of the addition to electrotype plates, consid- coming season on Friday evening, most valuable document, figuring were to be given away at the club's Officere for the recently-organised elected Conservative premier in an assets of t>ur country. From time erable counterfeit money was also September 19, following the sum- side by side with the Shaw report picnic, but was postponed because of Dagle Yakudah club were elected at an much to the dissatisfaction of Drumthe weather, will be raffled .away at interview with Betty Ross, Jewish immemorial, the antiquity of this found in the possession of the chauf- mer recess. : organization meeting held at the J. C. the meeting. (Continued on Page 6.) writer and novelist, as she inter- Tace has brought beauty and art to feur who was arrested and taken to Word has been received here C. Wednesday evening. viewed him in fcis private train on whatever land it graced." Beirut for questioning. that Kabbi Peter Halpern of the The heads are: Isadore Dorinson, the Canadian Pacific Imperial limitJewish Theological Seminary of president; Aaron Corenman, viceed en route to Banff. New York, will be here to conduct president; and Max Marcus, secretary. the services in addition to the high Reporters and photographers were Nathan Yaffe, Judah Wolfson, and holiday services. denied admittance to the private Sam Beber spoke to the.boys at the After November 1, Kabbi David train, but •when the Premier was meeting. Meetings hereafter will b« New York.—In spite of the Jewish in the section of which 2,000 are va- held on Monday nights instead of WedA. Goldstein of Minneapolis, for informed that an American representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Philadelphia. — Maurice Schwartz, in an interview with the Jewish Tele- the past four years rabbi of Tem- exodus from the east side in the last cant. nesday nights, -when refreshment!! will Agency was present, he paid tribute noted Jewish aetor and founder and graphic Agency, declared that he ple Beth El of Eocka-way Beach, few years, and in spite of the fact Many of the stores are of a local be served. The next meeting will be to Canada's Jewish citizens. director of the Yiddish Art Theater would not return to the United States New Y'ork, will occupy the Con- that there are 2,000 stores and many character, catering to their immediate held this coming Wednesday evening houses vacant in that section as a re- neighborhoods. Among them are 556 at the J. C. C. and all boys over 18 "When we hear how other coun- in New York, will move his troupe to unless he was assured of support for servative pulpit. sult of the exodus, the east side is butcher shops, 444 restaurants and are invited to join. 'The interest in the Conservative tries are torn by anti-Semitic re- Philadelphia next season, according to his company. still a great center of business and movement is stronger than ever," Mr. Harry Marcus, sponsor of the an announcement made here by Reu. He plans to take most of the actors volts and anti-Jewish strife, we, in 75 per cent of that business is In lunch rooms, 117 delicatessen stores, club, states that the group ie comPresident Sam Beber stated. "The ben Guskin, manager of. the Hebrew who have appeared within New York Canada cannot understand it. We members of the congregation are Jewish hands, according to an investi- 516 candy and soda stores, 165 baker- posed of a lively bunch of boys and do not know what anti-Jewish feel- Actors Union. The new home of the to Philadelphia. ies, S76 cafes, ISO drug stores, 25S they are expecting to have some very Yiddish Art Theater will be in the The Gibson Theater, which will very eager to have services renew- gation made by the East Side Chaming means. This is a country whe~re Gibson Theater. laundries, 396 cleaning and dyeing good tiroes at their future meetings. ber of Commerce. ed and we regret that Rabbi Halhouse the Yiddish Art Theater's people • of all races, 'Jews and Gen- Just before his departure from the troupe, will be under the management pern TRIII be unable to arrive here stores, 329 shoemakers, 480 barber The territory includes about 85 tiles, Greeks and Barbarians, bond Argentine, where he has given a series of -Morris Burns and the direction of sooner than September 19." streets and avenues amd about 500 shops and numberless small business There is a remedy for and' free*-, are working together to of star performances, Mr. Schwartz, Jacob Cohen. [blocks. There are over 12,000 stores establishments. and a satisfaction for every
Commission's Minutes Offer Many Interesting Disclosures
Canadian Premier Praises Achievements of the Jews
Schwartz Will Move Yiddish Art Theatre to Philadelphia
irtVj^ii 1 ^.CS5&#^*-if'^ r i ^
Seventy*five Percent of the East Side Business, Jewish
.^^/>^~i'^i*i'^>''-.VA-»^''.«E,-S>.'iJ^S»v^=r.,.- '-
S 'East, along the lines conjectured by him from office »nd ffbm Palestine; and Roach were concocting messaged 1 Lawrence, will be possible. Every But as iii tHe case t>f Storrs, who left for aid, writing appeals to the Arabs' crisis* every outbreak is an arrow in earlief ibt the same reason, Luke was chiefs, trying to gain time until rein* their quiver to drive the idea home promptly promoted to a more respon- forcements should arrive. But the Jews stood firm. that Britain was wrong with the BaUsible post. four Declaration. In this light the Thousands of ex-legionairee offered Jews, with touching solicitude for Arab attacks of 1921 appeared as a British honor, still hesitate to charge themselves for active service. Thev welcome, "I told you so," to these bf» the Palestinian British bureaucracy did not argue as to where the blame ficials, ex-Lawrence men as they with complicity in the outbreaks, but rsted. They did not cover the cowerwere. And when the growing pros- the present writer, as a Canadian, ing officials with reproaches for past perity of Palestine, following the eco-having the utmost respect lor the conduct that had consciously paved nomic crisis of 1923-26, threatened to great British nation and its traditions the way for the outbreaks. They stood repudiate their thesis ahd sweep it Of fair play and justice, must say that firm. When the effendis saw the away forever, and discredit them com- in his estimation those men over, in Jewish attitude — uncringing, firm pletely in the eyes of the world, the Palestine acted neither as Britishers ready to pass to the Cduhtfef-offensive August outbreaks' occv.rred at a pro- nor as honorable men. The truth is at a giVen signal, the mass attack colpitious moment. With the aid of a they Welcomed the disturbances, for lapsed completely. All this, let us skilful official propaganda, which set the simple reason that the outbreaks remember, happened before the first about at once, to allot fifty per cent tended to substantiate their theories British contingent arrived from Egypt on Near Eastern politics. It is time or Malta. tb look this matter squarely in the the officials have managed to throw Who, then, saved British prestige? sand in the eyes of public opinion and face. The camouflage bf the Shaw Who afe entitled to British gratitude ? therewith havo saved their own faces commission has hidden the real issue and the real causes aiid the real ac-j for the time being. I do not go too far, 1 am sure, when tors iii the August events long| Never before in the history of Jour- hope—-the real plans and intentions Home, Vague as the term might be I say, as a witness of those harrow- enough. When we know the game, nalism has a writer spoken'"so freelyt of the Home government. In this re- and without any precedent or signifiing days and as the recipient of the Luke and his friends have been play-. so fearlessly and so frankly about the spect they iully conform to the views cance whatsoever in international jurconfidence of Mr. H. C. Luke arid his I &S, arid which his successors and coU political difficulties which conffont the building of the Jeivish homeland of Bols and Storrs and the first Brit- isprudence, the Lawrence party ih the colleagues in the administration in leagues in Palestine and in the Coloin Palestine-. Pierre Van PaasSin, ish administrators after" th6 cdnquest. Near Eastern army was their pipeJerusalem, that the August outbreaks nial office are still playing today, noted non-Jexoish . foreign correspon- Most of these officials, or at least the dream evaporating, as it were, before dream. He made a secret proposal to jw e r e n o t entirely unwelcome in that things are considerably simplified and dent of the.Nero York Evening World it had had time to grow into reality. and df the Seven AHs PeatUre Syndi- Most important among them, affe rtlert For it meant much, at any rate, that the commander of the Jewish Legion quarter. They came just in time to clarified. bf army extraction and of army mentb turn that unit ih a non-Combative substantiate the old theories, which cate, exposes for the fi'rst tithe Got. Once the tempest was unchained j Lawrence's part in the political man- tality. They came to Ereti Israel Palestine would be left out of the la'bbf outfit. This would have kept were in danger of final liquidation. I Luke stood quaking in his shoes. Not j 1 1 euvering of the Palestine adininiatra- from Egypt, dr elsewh^rCj in the Al- proposed Pan-Arabic confederacy brice" the Legion in £j*yj)t, aiid thus away admit at once that blind Arab fanati- only because he knew on which side j tion and tells us who.pills the sand in lenby afmy. They were, moreover, the Turk was ousted and peace estab- frbm Jerusalem.* Therewith the Arab cism went beyond official expecta- was right, but because he fully realthe Palestine niachinery. In the light of the report of the permanent, indn- frbm ail early date in the campaigns lished in the old Ottoman domains. chieftains would liaVe'Ijeeti mollified.- tioris. But that the storm struck like i ;ized which side was strongest, he datcrs cdiiimisaioii of the Lcuyut of against the TtirltSj imbued with ahd Whether or not the Arab Chiefs have For a Jewish "navvjr" outfit across a thunderbolt from the blue as Mr. J turned to the Jews of Jerusalem and Nations the British memorprndxlmt dazzled by the ambitious scheme bf ever been formally promised by Lon^the Suez canal obviously constituted j L u k e intimated, to me, wag (a delibarmed them. Then he did a thing unPierre V.an Pdassen's survey is high- Colonel T, E. Lawrence', whlcfi? con- don that Palestine '•vvould in fact be- no menace to their ambition's reveries. erate and clumsy Untruth uttered by precedented in the annals of Britain's j lit illuminating and revealing — The sisted in tfie cfeatiGtt Of arL Aferdbic come a part of. the federation of Ara- However, the commander of the Jew-a man scared for his job and reputa- empire-building history. He gave in Editor. 1416-1420 coftfedfefac^ ruftniflgf frotfr Anatlijiia to bic states will not be known so long ish Legion ahd Vladimir Jabbtinsky tion. Legitimate Jewish indignation to the threats of the Mufti and disNO. 34* ST. One of th.6 thittgs frhidi roufees illy the Red Sell aiid from Persia to the as the Colonial office persists in its | told Sols plainly that they intended forced the Colonial office to remove armed the Jews. More degrading ominous refusal to publish the secret Mediterranean shores. This fe'der^^ to gb tb the ffoht and participate in indignation as I ailoW rojr tnifid tct stillj he went out of his way to beg niii oVfif- the series df events in Pal-1 tion, Lawtehte' tonjectufedi was to be correspondence oh the subject between the capture of Jerusalem. World Jewthe Mufti—a man condemned for subestihe feiiice Ailgiist> 19295 is the Cal- placed undef British suiSefaihty, "while Ming Husseih and the British diplo- ry expected no less. versive agitation on a previous occaslous ingratitude of the JPalestiniaii the, three 06ns of HUsseiil, the Grand matic representative ih the Near East, I And so it happened. But Bols was ion—to intercede with the Bedouin! '-\ hot through yet with saving what British bureaucracy tmvartl the Yis- Shfefif bf Mecca—Abdullah, Feisal General MacMahdn. tribes reported to be massing in 7 Room modern home huv. . F o r not only do we See dfficial ahd Ali—wei^ to be rewarded fof Transjordan. The Mufti turned him, There can be no reasonable..doubt tiawrehce calls the "British reputation fcf honesty." He rushed through the their co-opefcitlan with throne's In £)enewly decorated. anti-Jewish chicanery aUd sabotage of down coldly. But while Luke lost his today, .hbweVerj.that the British-,milithe building of the National Home masciiSi JeniSalefti and Bagdad: t am tary authorities ..in the Near.East demobilization of the Legion at a time head and the Governor of Jerusalem 2203 North 18th Street continuing as if the protests of a sing- perfefclly- well aware that the fcolohial dangled an entirely different bait be-, when the country was far from paci-j with him, the Jews stood firm . ularly unanimous world-Jewry had office has made it clear on several oc^ fore Hussein and his royal sons than fied. He still hoped, in spite of the There was not a British battalion nevei- ocfeufredj But no objective ob- casiohs that there was never any in- that of throhes in dusty old Amman j Balfour Declaration and Jewish rejoicwithin hundreds of miles of Jeru- •, TAYLOR GRAIN € 0 . server wlil deny, in the light of re- tention Oh its i>art to ineliide Palestine ahd far away Bagdad. The sohs of ing throughout the world, to give one | | salem. British prestige was menaced cent happenings, that the tempo of in this Pan-Abrabian dreani fcastle, Hussein, during the "Revolt in the or more of his Arabic friends the j i 737-58 Grain Exchange Bldg. ! in a way Lawrence and his friends! this undeniable underhand and sullen but in this respeit the Colonial oflfce Desert'*" we kfiotvj had, their eyes def- spoils of war which he had held out SUGAR — GRAIN j had never foreseen. British prestige, \ the opening of a Mooderh oppositidh has actually b^eh acceler- lias gone flatly contrary to Lawrence's initely fixfed on Damascus and Jeru- tc them at Jedda on the Red Sea beSTOCKS aftd BONDS in fact, was on the point of receiving Hebrew School at Storrs j j -—Private Wires— ated. Yet when dhe looks a little expressed ambitioii and consequently salem; And it was for nothing less fore the campaign started. a shattering blow throughout the east. 3509 Dodge St. baeked him. So did the officers who j 4 JAckson 3403—AT, 2008 to the hopes of that mjrsteriotls gencloser for the sources and .the menthan this wondrous prize that they The Arabs exulted. They grew arro-j how entered the Palestinian civil servtlernah's nufinefoiis cfbhies — Bbls"; tality ifrhifch inspire this, distegartl of brought the Bedu and Arab tribes in gant. Their threats redoubled. GOT-I For children 6 to "IS—classed accordleg to the school nge of each child. Jewish hopes and this friisfcriltidh df Storrs, Roach^ Saiinders, etci-^-whd lihe on Allenby's right flank. Would ice Updh demobilization. When these ernment House was closed and forti-; Jewish effdft oite sbdti comes face td have' for years how ruled the roost the Arab sheiks, we may well ask, men saw their plans finally balked Advanced clnsgpR—for confirmants fied. Somewhere in its depths Luke up to 17 years of age. fate with the remarkable fact that in Eretz Israel. have fought and massacred _ as they by San Remb, and J}ritish">prestige,-as they firmly h'elrjj -gtavely injured by Keonomizing in time by teaching In the gfbuti df factual 'aomihistratbrs KAtJLTErfttAX * GRODINSKT Before ov about the time that Alienthe language the children underthe exclusion _«f Palestine and Syria Announees the opening of a | of the Palestinian Monday has, ttt all by set out on his victorious campaign stand find presenting a modern view 1ST Omaha Xati Bank Bid?. of Israel's creation. from their Pan-Arabic scheme^ which intents and purpose's, i-emaihed uh- through thfe Sinai fcesert with Suria PROBATE NOTICE therewith, collapsed^ automatically, one . .In t i e , matter of the estate of HARRY i I clianged siricfe t h ^ J i y s of Geherai as his Ultimate objective the British Applying the latest ACKERMAN, »>cease<l. might say'jj.the^'^e'gyn to verit their Bbls (ddmihiStratbr". dutiiig the war).g6vernment, we know; had concluded . Notice is hereby siren : That the credit-! 1 methods of Psychologj- and ors Of said deceased will meet the executrix *, chagrin -and . spleen upon, the newly j j The p'ei'sonttel, indeed* has undergone a feargaitt with tne Zionists ili Lbhdoh. of fcnid estate, before me. CotmtT Judge <rf| Pedogogy 1919 Qark St.—WE. 0200 born Jewish National Hdrne. their j j Uonplns County, Nebraska, nt the County j | some modifications! but the peculiar Estfehiely hard-pressM as she was Court Koetn. ill eald County, O n the 30th 1 1 entire course of action and that of Expert body work, fender etrnigbt- i? <lny of October. 1930, ntitl On the "Oth (lay i I UEGISTER YOri? CHILDREN cehcepti&hS eriteriaihed' by the first on thewestefn frtht, Britain couW Violinist and Radio Soloist of December, 1930, nt $> o'clock A. 5t., eachjj their successors—f or the '-. mentality fening, radiator repalMne. recoring IMMEDIATEI/i: British niiiifafjr authorities in Pales- not afford td miss ah Opportunity to fliiT, for the purpose of presenting their jl and lender welding. All work guarand bitterness over disillusion not only tJnlmS for examination, adjnstment and n\J { tine have Hot veered one iota iti tend- niake an appeal for the moral and anteed. Reasonable rates. lowanco. Three months are nllowert for the, Announcing the Opening of perpetuated themselves butrgrew^ more 3 io' ency; ahd this in spite 6f the imtriense material support df world Jewry^ The ee he rlnims, from the n creditors to p present their His Residence Studio ;., pr6hdudced—has ever since'that tim£ TtWO. changes that haV6 come about in the waning mdrale at home also heeded 8 * 2 7 th 1 ' "day of September. Graduate of the University of JOHN" Pi 5IERICLE. Xebrnska and its Teachers College •iModern: principles" Qf -instruction {§ j taken a direction of proving tb Britsocial and economic cdhditibri of tne to be revived, '•&£ becomes cleaf frdni 0-5—3T County Judpe. Vhich'develop technic in the shortest g j ain aiid the world that th'e Balfour country. Mr. Lioyd Geofge)sr reftaffi Id G§nWEbster 331S possible period of tline. . ' : ' ^ Declaration was a mistake and the *ACK, TT. StAtttlK. AttorneyCennty CoBrt Honse A great/deal b! the uhgatisfadtdry e*al "Wilson. (chief of the genefal Jewish National Home a practical imPhone WE. 2860 .. SHI Plnkney St. TROBATE NOTICE situation ill Erelz Isfd^t ' Will be staff) j Who asked him why he wanted possibility; They still hope" a revision OrRanist at Temple Israel In the matter of the estate of ELLA cleared tip when toe rfehlize that the to take Jerusalem. Lldyd Geofgg is of Ihe political structure of the Near CAXtPBELL. deceased. '. men how funning affairi ih i^alesti reported td have fe'pli§a oft that ocNotice is hereby given: That the credit-1 For 50 Years Instructor in Pipe Organ ors O f said, deceased will meet the ndrnini look upon the August 5utt»r6ak§ ih casion: "It will ple-ase the Methdaists;" and Piano istratfli of said estate, before me. County' Your towel Man 9 Judge ,df l'Ouelas County, Nebraska, at the i the light of an amplfe vindication bf t o riiii aWay with the notion that County Court Room, in said Couhtv, on the' lfr C. tlSVIK, Attorney Fall Season Starts Sept. 1 30th llaj- Of October. 193&, anil on the 30th their own particular theories 8f _ what Britain w«mt iht8 the Hbly Land for Omaha Towel Supply Co. sol EUcttic mag. day of December, 1S»3O, at 9 o'clock A. M.,! the political postwar i-ecdhStrlictibn bf the greater gldry df Gbd - Almighty, 516 Kafbath Blk. AT. 2S1S 209 So. 11th SL JA. 0528 each tiay, for the purpose of presenting! SOTICE OF BALE I'XDEll ARTISANS theit dailris for examination, adjustment! K that bit T the entire ftear East shdlild hilVe df t6 meet the ancient nostalgia of Xotice is herebj 1given y nnd allovcance. Three months nre allo-wed Uie 18th day of September. lt)30, at ten bein, as against—w& still yehtiird td the Jews lor their afteestfal h6me*, of* Ibr the creflitbrs tt» iiresent their claims, o'clock A. M. of said day. the uhaeHipheii from the 2Tth day of September, 1030. , will sell at pulillc auction to the hiRhest fdr that-inattgf, t6 gratify the sehtiBKICE CKAWFORD, i (iidder for. ensn at 10OC Curninfr Strt>ct, ttiehis d! the Welsh wizard's Wesley9-r—ST County Judge.; Omnhfli Kebihska, known us SfitihitS I*ody fe KMiator C'otripaiij-,-the fdllnwhiR: j aft cohstitutehts, a notion «hidH sfeemS 4420 Dodge Street One Essex coach automobile, model HAtt,. lOl'NG ANI> j 1027, ,motor number 64S135, ownbd by , , mw01.jt9.iSN, Attornejns. i to have fceeh fondly entertained at a ohe WllUitiil JveSlte, . . C34 Omaha National. Bank Fide.. Omaha, j just feast of Saddle & tt-ahsfer Co. tifiie when ^af-idSalism and Waf-hysSaid sale will be for the pnrpose t>t foreLAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS All Kinds of iJ&uiihg closing s Hen for repairs iiuil work comCreek Eoad tta fan heck to neck} is ptifg rubbieh, 2401 NO. :4-ViE. 6Coo pleted it thte request of saW- uwtirr iilid IN THE cotvxy cwlrr OF DOUG-! U4 So. 10th St. AT. 6405 for, costs *>t sale and all "accruing costs df course,- and always was. It was a I I.AS COUNTY, NEUKASKA. aiid for the purpose bf Satisfy!nc.the I To Frederick Slonn and Comphny, a cor- j Bid for Siippdrt-^JeWish sUg|>drt first amount now due thereon, tp-wit: $3S0.(Ml. poratjon, and Frederick Slonu, nonnhd that nd siilt at. law br ttthet prOt'etUresident Defendants. 61 allj bUt also ah appeal to the imagIriRS at law hare been Instituted to reeorer Tou and each of you will hereby fnXe salt! .Ofbt.O" j»ny part thereof.ination of t M pOWerfui e'vangelieai notice that i on th« 14th «\>ty of July, lWM). SALES the A, B. C. Mall Adver'tisinfi Cbmiiiiuy, a I PfoWstant BodiliS ffi AnglOi'Sajttth MAX SHAMES, rroprletor. co-partiiprsliip conMsttnc; 01 Frctl liriver yBy ULllGRAPaiim ; 3O nnd Clnn>nce E. Jnckman, ns plnintlf's, countries aflbl iii AnieMCa, whb still AND ftJIMEOORAPHiNG filed their petition In the County Court of PftlNf INQ regard the rettirn of the Jew as a Miniature (iolf Links Douglas County; Nebraska. i>ocket 29. 4420 Florence Blvd. page Si>, the object nnd prayer of which 1B n i DK6ER. Atttirrifcyt requisite essential for the sSebnd comCommercial Duplicating Co. KE. 1500 to recover a judgment ncuinst you upon Bk BlQ Harney Streets CtO Omaha National Bank isiiPjdg8^JIjiJfej n check issued July 1\ lt»3(>, lniule «nd tleihg of Christ. Britain's need of Pal' Omaha, Nebraska . . Tbl> RoilSe With A ttrpotatlnn livered by yoti to the plulhtlfts in the AT ALL GROCERS ana 3^6! estine, as a link in the empire; as a SfO^iCE Oi? ijffctiitiPOiiAi'loN O F * smount of JfMO.OO nntl costs «f this notion. That undvr nn»l pursuant to nn order ©f "M. VENGEU & SONSi INC." base df defense for Suez and, more Made by jilttiennU'nt «ml parnishment, duly issued KNOW Ahh MK2C BY THKSE, 1'KKSout et the Miunty court of Holiplns County. impdftant still tb a hatidh bf' shopESTS that the undersigned have formed a Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond Nebraska, oil the grounds that you «re a cSrp'dfhtian UnOer: the lattB bf the State Of keepers, as a point d'appui to tap the non-resident of the Stnte of Nebraska, the Nebraska:- The name of this corporation Company Vhtun Stnte Bank, sumtnomMi ns parnishpe entire Near East cbmniferciaiiy, alter shall lie "M. Venger fc Sons. Inc.", With has tin*to*'tea thnt It is imloUtwl t 0 TOU In Omaha Nebraska Its principal, .place of .business at Omaha, the nniount of $3,l4s.tst, «ntl said the Germanic rifal tiVerland mfethod Nebraska: The general nature of the busiItlCH—CKEAMY )ms n«>ii orflettMl to pay Into ronrt to nl>Ult> ness to be trnnjsaelbd nnd the.bliject 11ml iii the same airefitiSh ty way df th£ th«- further order of the court the sum of iwnihcsj CdhvSs t'oVer*, TetiU. purpostf for which this corporation is orCatitn supplitg. an KihSS Bagdad railway shbUia be elimiHatgd, ganized and .established Bbnll.be io buy. i"ou nni", pnth of you are required to spsell and distribute, bleats, tdbiiccos, cig15 anil Hnwnnl AT. I4U3 jwar nnd vustt'ef wim petition on or before heeds no further eiabdratidn hSrfe, arettes, candies, soft dnnks. smokers' supPLB&HES PARTICULAR I'EOPLB the tith ilMy of Oct^brr, WSO, plies, novelties and miscellaneous Items of A. B. C. AIHEWTISINU COMVANT. By accbrdihg tne Jewishfeebpie>bepersonal property of nil sorts and to 00 1 £hbne JA. 4373 j p oi>Ms«fi nisii iill thliigs pertaining td tht> carryfore all the world, the standing bf .hrlvrr and ClartMiw iTuck itig. oh of the saitl business JncludinB tile wh», Plaintiff. right to own nnd hold real esliite. partners in the liberation bf Eretz Kht to By MONTUOMRttT. HALL. TOVNO aullioHied ' AND JWi.NSOS, Isfaei, by siibfeequehtiy jieftnittlng the ) and Jill capital of said fctbtk stock shall shitll t Their Ati.»rr.t-v*, iiiid tit the par value df SKI famotis Jevl-ish" Legloh and the Ziari r share, nnU all of said stock shall, be 1>A3* *. GtSOSS, AttofMr J, L. KRAGE, Proprietor NATIONAL paid up and non-assessable. Sain Mule corps to be incorporated in the may be issued tor ensln reitl fcstate, CaU Our l'hone for Service Allenby forces, the London govern"NEW FOR OLD" rfergdnal property or. personni services. ACCESSORIES, Xhe cofpofjtObh. Ishall comte&iice fiolUf! ment seriously disturbed the basis of To Fr*«l*ricls Moan nnrt C«»mpsny, a eorIdeal Letter Advertising business upbn the flllntt -of MB ttrtlelts 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 pnrittton, mul Frederick ^<onn, «on"Everything for the Auto'' the Lawrence scheme. When hext with the Comity Clerk of Douglns.County. a AT. 293» 307 Paxton Block NeHrhgkh; aha sHftll t-ohtintte for n period . \*M& Jtiui vt\ct\ of. ifou will Xiftr^bt1 t»^p came the Balfour declaration, with the £50i FMrnaW—Afi 6524 Of fifty years from salil date. , The hiphest ntaount of lndeliteiluefts shiill not ^x^eed Samn<! hofofe it held but to the JewisR p6o^le his «» plaintiff. tfc'0-thlrds of its capitnl fstocls hut this restriction Bnnll uot apply .° iBdebteaness for the establishment of a National tn th» W*trtrt Court «r itijfcftfeks ANii SNAGS scctirfed by mortfenjires »r Hen* updn liny Of
Tme Facts about the Palestine Situation
Van Passen Frankly Reveals How Colonel Lawrence's Arab Scheme Blocks theJewish National Homeland A SENSATIONAL REVELATION By PIERRE VAN PASSEN
did if they had known that Syria and Lebanon would be handed over to f ranee find that Palestine was to be turned.iritd a Jewish National Home? A child Can see they would not. The arrival of the Jewish Legion in Egypt, therefore, must have put a serious crimp in the plans of the Lawrence-men in Allenby's army* How, indeed, could they explain its presence and the objective of a Jewish Legion to their Abrabic allies ? Lawrence says softiewhere in his "Revolt ih the Desert" that if the Foreign office and its bureaus h&d kept each other informed of how things actually stood In the Near East the British reputation bi hbhesty Would never have bettome .the object of the attacks to which it was later subjected. He is talking hef6 of unofficial promises made to the Arabs, of hopes held out to Abdullah and Feisal and their powerful cousin, ^Sheriff Shakir—hopes tMFtitta'erwerit a first withering blast with the injection of thfe Jewish Legiofl 6n the scene. Gehferal fedla, however, did his best at once tb save the compromised situation, that is to say, the Arabic
fixtures 6 Supplies tkctritaf Contractors
Ghre Your Child § A Modern, Enlightened f Jewish Education
Body ahd Radiator $ Shop
Uncle Sam Laxative Food
Okay Bran Flakes
American Laundry]
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Multigraph Letters Mailing
JACK W. BlAllRlt, Attorney Court House H; LnjHHUs. WfesMeBt-'d il'ri-as;
I # 9 ~
.. jSdUthwest Gorhfer - Eleventh and Douglas Streets
Phone JAckgon 2784 Omahai Nebr.
'Ih the Dtttrh't t'dtift of DbufelaS Count?,
Npltrnskn- To Hnrry Fltzhugh Parne iriiose place tif re&idencg 18 ttribntftt-ii nrid tlhon wham nersonnl BerricgA of sumtnons tnhnot be bad, defeminnt,: , , loll rifp fifcn<f»y tttftltlei b a t bn the 3M any pf.Mor. 1030. Sarah Mnrgnrut Vnyne, tier jjieHtlon itgriliifst yriti ns .ftlnlhtlffi ftlnlhtffiflierf flierf g yri the District Court of Donclns County, C t in .the Ncllrflskn. DdckSl fltt. No. 131i th(J Ohjeff nnil.prnyer.of which petition la to obtain di>fi?rtion. extreme cruelty mid non-supYon nre. reniiireil to answer s.ilil petition low, or said petition ngnlust. you will be taken ns true. Snrib Mnrgnret i'oj-ne, l'lalntiff. 4T—8-13-30
REMOVED Bolt hose lending Shop One-ilay Bcrvlce1 or while'y&u wait •^sinil Orders i'r&tnbtly SSrvibeii^-^ 533 Securities lJMjj.—AT. Wh
the c'brMr'ate pronerty. , .,• •„..t. The affairs bit this corporation »Wll be lrianageil b^ h BBftrtl of birectors ton«jAtlag of hot less tlyin two wembeM. ^Ine aftilunl ttieetiiiB bf t!ie corporntidh sliali b«1 hfeld on the Becontl Tuesflar in JannnW JJ each year, at ivhJcTi iheetintr the stocuhb'derg shall elect a Bonril »f Directors Oiia .thereupon, the Bonnl «nnllfaelect n Presia^ht. n Vice President, a fveretnry tthd n TJrensurer. Any two bf iBaid offices Way be heJd hy ohe and the snttie •-•*»« These rirtleleg inily be attiendert
hbfi'els Vil H t^vd-lniMs tot« of t!
hate Hereitntb «Ub8cflli's« ^ r «n*^ B 1st day ot A._>J MDS In l h e j p c SA^£ BEBER. 4T—8-15-30.
!Che Sanitary laundry 'Tut
Beit »if AH l*tin«iry Ftlrnam
|>r»yw oi wMvh Is fft * judenwut at j pt\\ Wittd t *nt frwn July Sa this, nftlon. the n'h d and ywrs hnt «nd«r «tt«efem«iit «nd ftntU r*
CREAM• tnlf
le M \ I n the ftnumtrt of fci.m'JiS, «»w\ jrnrntsW \\t\u \«<*« «st«fe?w| to tt
lunn 1* »bi(^ itw, t$fft\p* *****
Katdaiafi Foufidry & Mfg. Company Thiwl Ave. and 11th Street fhones: 89 and 519
"Tired " he asked, noting her lassi- and at once." Of course, there was tude as she sank into the chair op- only one wayfor Arnold to decide. posite him. • She would not hold him when he no Selma shook her head, flow could longer loved her. he put so much tenderness -into his She wet her lips and began. "I voice when he no longer loved her took your blue suit to the tailor, Arnk, 1 could forgive mm everything old." but the pretense,'* she told herself. He looked up. " I hope you cleaned ""It's being made a fool of that hurts out the pockets, Sel. I had a letter .so much. While I was so proud, he in the coat pocket, I wouldn't want didnt even care at all!" Now sheanyone to get hold of." could have cried, but she must not ad- "I found the letter," she said woodmit weakness. She didn't want him to enly. be sorry for her! But she must know "Good. I dropped It out of my that she knew about the letter. The brief case the other day and because sooner it was all over, the better. Be-^ I was too lazy to open it op, I stuffed sides, it had saia, "you must decide it in my pocket. Then I changed my
- Between breakfast and dinner, Sel-I Selma knew that in the end she must ma Morrison's snug little world top- read it. pled down on. her. She had her hat on and Arnold's At breakfast, sitting opposite her blue suit was across her arm. She husband in the cheery dining room, was at the door. She was almost out she'-might .have-been envied by any of the room. Then she turned, tipwoman. Indeed, just that morning toed across the floor and picked up the feeling of well-being1 engendered the letter. Later, Selma told herself by the bright September sunlight filt- a force greater than she had made ering through the glass curtains, had her read it because it was necessary caused her to ask herself in sheer ex- that she know what it contained. ubefance, "Was there ever a woman Standing at the window, just where with more to be happy for?" A hus- she had been- thinking of her hapband like Arnold, a rising lawyer who piness in Arnold's love, Selma read: was already spoken of as one of the "Dearest: This can't go on fortown's leading younger men. A charm- ever. Haven't I any rights ? Doesn't ingvJhouse, which-was both the expres- our love give me any? You're alsion of herself and of her husband's ways putting me off. I know I'd give position; A busy little maid in'the up everything, everything for you. fcJFtchenand just enough responsibility Surely it's not too much for me to tf keep Interested, with plenty of time ask the same from you? I don't want oyer;|or: bridge, and matinees, shop- to be nasty, but this is to let you know piBg and golf. ' •'",'._ you must decide and at. once." £ Selma:. brushed the last crumbs' of' The letter was unsigned, undated. raiuffin from her finger 'tips',' rose to Selma held the sheet of paper in V?alk'arni.to;arm with .Arnold to the limp fingers. Crash! Her world topfiont door, raised her lips for his firm pled down on her. For a time she Joss''and waved until the little car had could not think, could do nothing but disappeared around the corner of their stare at the unfamiliar handwriting tree bordered street. As she turned and watch, the words float before her iijdqors again, Selma had the feeling eyes. " .. tf at she: was treading on air. - A Later, thoughts.came tumbling unslightly shamed feeling came over her bidden into her brain. Arnold, in aid she chided herself, "Selma Morri- whose, love she had been, so secure, • s^n^'do you think you're the only iro- had received a letter. Oh, ^he should maxr who is happy? Almost every have known such happiness as hers woman 'you know is in love with -her could not last. She should have made husband: anar he "with her. Do you more of it while she had it. And this /tiiink yours is a special case?" letter, its very vagueness, its posses• But in-her heart of hearts Selma sive tone, spoke volumes. It did not 4id think hers was a special case. She matteT to Selma who the writer was. •was sure no'-Tiusband was as good as All that mattered to Seima was ArnArnold. They had been married more old, whom she loved. And all the than a year'and'he was still as at- time she thought he was loving her. tentive as during their honeymoon looking after her, it was. all a sham as days. Even her friends had noticed it and he was thinking of someone else, and often 'Selma's cheeks glowed with while she, she was in the way! a pleasure, wjiich they in their teasing The little maid'* step on. the stairs brought Selma back to where she was. mistook for confusion. -, Selma went into her room and stood She could not stay here, staring at the absently staring out of the window letter. She was due at her sister Ger'".ike a love-sick girl," she told her- trude's for lunch and bridge. And she self. But on Euch a morning, when, was still holding Arnold's suit which the air was alive and shimmering, she had to leave at-the tailor. What Selma could not help thinking of did it" matter that her heart was Arnold and the happiness his love breaking? The suit had to go to the brought her. . tailor. She must :put in an appear. "Oh, I suppose there will come ,a ance at Gertrude's time when well take each other fox There were'no tears for her to wipe granted," she murmured. "But thank away. Sehmrs hurt wasf too great to igoodness that's a long vrsy>ff." Evejn be washed away An ".tears,;',. She rose, % she said it,? it? Selma:did:not:belief %s S e l m a : d i d : n o t : f called to the, maid that she was going it. Such love as hers and Arnold's out and went down.the steps with un'did not grow stale. - faltering tread. • No one seeing .Mrs. ;;" With a shake of her head to bring Morrison hurrying • down the street l e r back from dreams to the pleasant could have told that she had just dislittle realities about her, Selma went covered her husband did not love her. All during lunch, Selma took part •/io'the clothes closet. As she opened .the door, more thoughts of Arnold in the merry talk. To her the most rushed out and enveloped her. With important thing was that no one, not a tender gesture she ran her hand her friends nor her sister, should disalong t i e sleeves of his suits, hanging cover anything wrong. • Oh, they must neatly on their half of the rack.' Then not know, they must not know, she she laughed. "I'm such a good wife, kept murmuring to herself. Only I didn't even send Arnold's blue suit once, when the usual teasing broke to the tailor. I'll drop it off on my out. Selma could hardly control herself. way to. Gertrude's." She swung the suit out of its place While they were commenting, a litand began deftly to clear the pockets, tle jealously perhaps, on Arnold's at-piling up handkerchiefs, matches and tentiveness; Selma's hand touched the keys on a comer of her dressing table. letter which she had thrust into the "Each of these things she touched pocket of her sport dress. fondly as she put them down, as if The afternoorislipped by on wings, she -were lightly caressing Arnold's although Selma could not "keep her cheek. mind on the cards. Always before It .was in the inside pocket of the her swam the words of the letter. Yet; coat that she found the letter. At she did not want the Tiours to pass, first she tossed it to the table with- hours which brought her ever closer ou glancing at it, finished with the to the time when she must face Arnsuit 'and- laid : it on a chair. ."Later, . old. But the women were rising from" H when she came in from her bath, and the tables, Selma and Gertrude helped sank with a delicious fatigue before them with wraps, the two sisters stood her mirror, her eye caught the letter for ar moment talking about the guests iigain. .It .was strange for Arnold to and Scliaa was again in the street, "leave a letter 'in Tils pocket. Like lagging steps bringing her nearer am ,thost lawyers, he was BO careful about nearer home. papers, even unimportant ones. Per- How could he kiss her like that liaps he had meant to throw it away How could he throw his arm fondly) I d forgotten, it. Perhaps .• it was abont her shoulders Selma steeled he thought he had lost. It herself, kept herself from trembling folded in half and then three while she walked with him the length j across. It had been lying deep of the hall. Pretending she had to in the pocket. Well, she would keep see about the dinner, she parted with him at the foot of the stairs. She it and give it to Arnold that night. When she. had finished brushing her stood clinging to the dining room hair, her hand went out involuntarily table, while she listened to him singand 'turned over the letter. "What a ing as he strode about their room. woman I am," Selma .exclaimed and To Selma it was as.though a ghost sprang up. • "It can't possibly concern were walking in the footsteps of their me and I can't keep away from it." happiness. But -as she went about her dressing, Arnold came downstairs still in the no matter what part of the room she midst of his,song. His hair was damp happened to be in, her eyes darted and his cheeks glowed with well-being ever to the table and the letter. And and health.
WBbster 3527
2429 Decatnr St.
SEE 5,1930 suit and forgot all about the letter. It's pretty important, too. One of our biggest cases." Selma began to laugh hysterically. She ran from the room. Upstairs, -she added the letter to the pile of matches aaad keys and sank in a fit of relieved sobbing to the taffeta covered bed. But when she heard Arnold mounting the stairs, she rose quickly. He must not see her crying, and he must never- know what she had thought that day. (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
work, or because of physical disabiliMANY UNDESIRABLES ties or inability to find work. A lack of funds prevents nort ©1 AWAIT DEPORTATION these unfortunates from leaving France, \fhile the consulates of 3 AWAY FROM FRANCE .native countries are for tiheimost ipart
Paris, (J.~T. A.).—The tragic situation of hundreds of so-called "undesirables" is occupying the attention of the French government and Jewish organizations here. 1 .. The foreigners classed as undesirables are concentrated at Marseilles awaiting deportation chiefly because of such technicalities as the absence of a regular passport or permit to PATEONIZE OCR ADVERTISERS
.refusing to grant visas for. their return. The situation is especially tragic fm former citizens of Russia who are unable to return there and'consequently are "imprisoned for terms &£ one t« six month* for their failure to observe the deportation order. Iinnugration societies are making every effort to intervene in behalf of these for. eigners.
1.v T
Greetings *T -T
• <"
Through the Columns ofihi
Styles Mr. and - Mrs..
Cheir friends both far and i A Happy and Prosperous New Tear.
Mr. and Mrs and family extend to their friends sincere wishes for A Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. and family wish their friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
. »- .•
1 have just received direct from Palestine a very nlee stack of most neantlful osrlm and tulovim lor Snr«tli__Anyone desiring- to buy one. irlU please let me know no that I can Have It nadjr. lor him for Xontlf. . We -mint to call to the attention of the Jewish public that -we are eetUnir in now a new supply of the seasonable religious articles. Maehielrim with Jewish and English translations, prayer boots, Toleoeim silk and -wool of the best kind, e t c
A foil line of New Years Cards in Jewish and English Remember our famous Kosher shop. On the demand of a few customers I ordered the following articles of pore silrer and plate silver candle1 sticks. Kldush cups. Hndeoes, etc. Everyone, who Is interested in buying one -of them, should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, BO I can hare It ready for them.
'.-- - n ,.
Mr. and Mrs. , ^ . take this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for A Happy and Frosper"us Year to their friends far and near.
Jews throughout the entire United States are taking advantage of this convenient method to wish their . relatives and friends a Happy New Year. These greetings will be published in our New Year Edition on Friday, Sept. 19. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting — mail any of these forms, or phone your Greeting to the—
JEWISH PRESS Atlantic 1450
,,-f^ —»
Brandeis Theatre Bldg.
SUSS ANN PILL Jewish Community Center 8-6619
FANNIE KAXELMAN 417 Oakland Ave. Phone Co. Bluffs 4491
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMEBR 5,1980 Tannen," spoke the mayor, "we are hayIling a"Mr.gathering of over a thousand prominent
Pilsudski, according to a report in There was comething intoxicating the Hajntige Najes which is not con- about his career. Alas that most who firmed as yet from, other sources. Mr. ape the little Corsican come soon I citizens at the Statler today to discuss civic affairs. Hautener, was recently recalled enough to Waterloo, but seldom attain . - Pubjiehed every Friday at Omaha, 'Nebraska, by I We should be delighted to have you say a few : to Poland by the foreign ministry on the Napoleonic heights. Seigel ended THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY words to us. The gathering is eager to listen to a ,. , „ , . . . , matter relating to the promotion of his days in a modest haberdashery, you off the stage. Mrs. and I were so pleased with Office: 490~Brandeis Theater Building ecutive and $100,000 for the expenses trade between Poland and Palestine, after a term in prison. United States your performance last night that we have both Telephone: ATlaritlc 1450 of the London Zionist executive. j ister decorated former trade min- GIVE YOURSELF A HAND with by^theofficers' Poionia Re- A. C. Blumenthal, millionaire realDAVID BLACKER - . - • Business arid Managing Editor! been most anxious t o meet you. Experimental Course | ^ Though taken suddenly, Tannen dressed and Cincinnati—An experimental course War on Mushroom Synagogues stituta. FEANK R. ACKERMAN . . . ; . . . . . . . . .Editor tor, who, it is reported made ten milWarsaw.—The war on mushroom' g FANNIE. KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent prepared to attend the luncheon. His mind still in Jewish history, 1200 to 1600 B. C.synagogues, which spring into exist- jj Anti-Semitic Agitation lion in five years has just been' givfilled with the atrocious charges of the Ford was offered in the Teachers Institute ence ence every ever year aroundd the th high h i h hholi-j Berlin.-r-Genrian Jewry js amazed ing some advice. SIOUX CITY OFFICE days, has spread to Warsaw. The by the fact that the great German at Hebrew Union College this sumpaper, he made up his mind to speak of that very Part of it as follows reads: "ApJEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street mer. The course as taught jointly by rabbinate today warned that it would, Centre Party to which the present plaud yourself every day, if applause fact to the assemblage. One Jewish leader whom Dr. Jacob E. Marcus and Prof. Abra- no longer permit the conversion of • Chancellor, Heinrich Bruening, beurges the actor to do better work, it Subscription Price, one year - • »".'••- • - - • - §2.50 he consulted agreed that it was a good thing; but ham N. Franzblau, both of whom at- " m o v i l l £ picture houses, dancing halls longs, has begun an anti-Semitic agiinspire you to improve you." 1 .Advertising .rates furnished on application another, who is now a well-known New York resi- tended all sessions of the course. Dr. and theaters into synagogues for the tation in connection with the forth- will suppose there is a good deal of value dent, telephoned to say, "I forbid you making any Marcus presented the subject matter high holidays. coming Reichstag elections. The Deut- in Mr. Blumenthal's advice. It is CHANGE;OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old sche Tageszeitung, the organ of Dr. Coueism. Christian Science, Jewish remarks of that nature!" Tannen invited the and Prof. Franzblau offered the most Queen Appeals and new address; be sure to give your name. M. Stegerwald, parliamentary leader Science. I think even the prophet modern methods of teaching the subprotesting gentleman to see him personally and Bucharest.—A sum of 12,000,000 of the German Centre Party, has pub-Isaiah once observed that "if you do ject matter to children. n lei, the equivalent of 572,000, was asmake that demand. The latter arrived, spluttered lished an attacking the Social not believe, you shall not be estabsigned by the Roumanian government Democraticarticle out his commands again, and was informed by the Benny Leonard Joins Faculty party, because of its Jew- lished." I am quoting from memory. credit for the sufferers of the ish leaders. actor that he would do as he pleased. The "leader" New York.—Benny Leonard, noted as The actual words may be different. Borscha fire to rebuild their burned boxer who retired as the undefeated l l cMandates u a t C i Commission of; The report of the r r The article says that "the leaders ^ " ^ " % ^ " " X "«4i appeared at the gathering in great dudgeon and AUC lightweight chainpion of the world, homes. A fire of anti-Semitic origin the League of Nations, fully repudiating the find-! , . , . ° . ° ° A KICK ALSO WORKS pll t lt l00nn t r e p has joined the faculty of the School destroyed scores of houses and did of the social Democrats are Jews and mgs of the Shaw CommiBBion and Britain's course ij ^ ' . , „ . , SOMETIMES £^ of Business at the College of the City property damage estimated at from that is the, reason why they are aimv. . ,. , ,. , .v. ,. • .,.•• T • . i XT +- „ The guest was called upon to speak. He told of New York as an instructor in box- $300,000 to $500,000 early in July. ing at the destruction of German in- But I wonder, if similar results canstories, and then made asr though to sit 6 Simultaneously with this grant of dustry and at the same time favor- not also be obtained by just the reof action leading to vitiation of the Jewish Nation-j He will take up his new duties down. "Go on!" came thevcry from eleven hun- ing. government credit, Queen Marie, is- ing financiers and bankers who are verse method. al Home in Palestine, comes most appropriately at; dred t h o a s H e a r O s e a n d r £ U s e d h l S l o n g a r m at the beginning of the fall semester. For while there are people, who do He will also aid in coaching the var- sued an appeal to the entire Rouman- chiefly Jews." of despondency. While were the Mandates Com-j ^ * '1 aebbtime when Jewish hopes at their lowest) better work, when you tell them they sity boxing team. Leonard will give ian nation to collect relief funds for . mission's version of; the Palestine situation is! across the table. can, there are also people who are the Borscha populace. Calling the 'Gentlemen," he began, suddenly, "there is a instruction in boxing to the students spurred to do a tiling, when you tell nothing new, nevertheless its indictment of the! Jewish populace of Borscha "our unin the commerce division. that is bemirching the fair name them, they can't. # Shaw conclusions which sharply contradicted thej happy brethren," the appeal of Queen in ot Claims Movement Afoot to I dare say that a great deal of the Marie says "impoverished children testimony of impartial observers is an official! Detroit. Re-Try Jesus significant accomplishments of the hundred bodies stiffened in their Eleven and adults, homeless and starving and paper and as an indicator of the "world's con-j Memphis, Tenn.—The assertion that suffering from hunger are in dire world are due to people who have litchairs. science" heartens the Jewish supporters as well! Denver Jews are interested in need. I appeal to everybody to help tle faith in themselves, and who for lies about my people. He has certain "He is having the Jewish people reconvene these poor suffering brethren of ours. as all minority peoples whose rights depend upon i that very reason strives to gain peace brought you much prosperity, but he is taking the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem for the Let everybody help these poor victims. by the accomplishment of what seems the enforcement of a reign of law and justice. a a y y o u r g od purpose of retrying Jesus, was made Let each citizen subscribe to the fund, beyond their reach. Great Britain was undoubtedly discomfited by j T ° *f me - Is it right that you should by Dr. David L. Cooper, of Los An-contributing a minimum of one lei." What is really harmful, it appears, the sharp rebuke of the Mandates Commission, a raise, na protest. By DAVID SCHWARTZ geles, at the Central Baptist church nt h W l e is to believe that you are neither very rebuke which caused her, usually so phlegmatic* f ! he spoke for fifteen minutes. The here. Dr. Cooper stated that this Boycott Agitation Unpunished good nor very bad. Then you are ally calm, to burst forth in a ruffled, explosive! crowd, relaxed, listened breathlessly to his elo- startling movement was initiated by Vienna—The anti-Semitic boycott HE WANTED TO BE lost. answer. Nations, even more than human beings,! Quence. And when the actor, who would not be certain orthodox Jewish laymen in agitation against Jewish places of. NAPOLEON The Messiah will come, said the old will apparently go unpunishSo another would-be Napoleon has offttimes do not relish being brought face to face.: intimidated by a self-appointed leader, arose to Denver, Colo., in 1929. He said that ebusiness d a s a result of Jewish legends, when the people are passed. And for a while, it seemed these men plan to hold a court a t | the chief states atwith the true facts. In an unmincing, unwaver-! leave ' e l e v e n hundred, men arose to pay him their Jerusalem, that Henry Siegel would be that in «ither very good or very bad. The composed, of 71 persons, [ torneys of Salzburg and Innsbruck, ing, straightforward manner the Mandates Com-' respect. He promised to keep the incident secret, divided as follows: Twenty-three of t h e center of this agitation, rejecting the world of commerce. Those whose I Messiah in personal life seems to come about the same way. mission criticizes the inexcusable laxity of the and until now no one has knmvn of it. But.Many the world's most influential rabbis;,' the applications-of the Union of Aus-j memories run back fifteen years of those attending were undoubtedly turned from Jews against the Salzburg antirecall that Siegel-Cooper meant in the J i t th S l b ti " """' " ' ^ 24 Jewish professional and business ^ WHY? QUERIES British government and refuses to clear the addepartment store world. Henry Sie- FROMBERG Semitic organ "Eisen" for printing Ford by his timely polemic. men, and the balance the most famous ministration of blame for the uprisings. It mainappeal exulting in the fact gel had built up mammoth stores in Harry Fromberg, Republican nomanother occasion Mr. Tannen was visiting scholars in Jewry. The witnesses at h aweekly tains that the outbreaks were preconcerted, clim- s t P On would be Christian and Jewish s a - j t Germans are avoiding Jewish all of the principal cities of the coun- inee for judge in Brooklyn put this aul The axing prolonged agitation, organization, and in- first information given him was vants. try. shops. one to me the other day: flammatory incitement by Arab leaders. It ac- th a* a certain sensitive young Jew he knew had The attorneys replied that there If there was one thing noticeable "Why is it that Jews seem to fare was no legal ground for prosecution, about Siegel, his friends observed, it cuses Great Britain of having shirked her inter- committed suicide after being blackballed by the Jews, two despite the decision of the. Austrian was his cocky air. He walked about better politically in sections that are national obligations so solemnly assumed.' under j l o c a l University Club, now holding office, won nominations supreme court that such agitation is with that Monte Cristo feeling "the not Jewish? Here he received a sudden invitation to adthe Mandate. Andj imost encouraging of all, it in the statewide primaries that were punishable. The organ of the union world is mine." And for a time, it "Cincinnati has had a Jewish maydress 1300 or. New York City never has. reminds Great Britain that the establishment of a members of Rotary. The manager had held this week. Congresswoman of Austrian Jews asks whether the seemed so. "Georgia, home of the Ku Klux has Florence Kahn, widow of the late attorneys would act similarly if a Jewish National Home is a primary object of the j already given consent, so that he could not well He wanted to be a Napoleon. He had a Jewish governor. New York Congressman Julius Kahn, was re- Jewish paper called for a boycott of Mandate which iShehpt only must not impede but,' r6fuse forgot, as so many other would»be never has. nominated to succeed herself and EdA th Napoleons forgot the sad story of "Florida, Oregon, Colorado, Maryinstead has | the (positive obligation of actively! * e hall each member was given a num- gar C. Levey, speaker of the state leg- Christian shops. Waterloo. Siegel had his Waterloo land and other states have sent Jews promoting: ; A negative policy, the report points' bered slip, of which the'counterpart was retained islature for the last two years, was Melbourne Reform Services b van when he turned to the deposits of his to the United States senate, New out, is insufficient:;i alle inust take steps tp develop j official. After the meal, the president drew renominated as the Republican candi- Melbourne,—Melbourne . will have customers to bolster up his mercan- York never has." date for the state assembly. Jacob reform Jewish services for the first the country's^eap^t^o; receive And absorb ( ^ - : fifteen numbers put of a derby hat, followed by tile business. of San Francisco was namedi time during the coming high holidays. r AND WE TRY TO ANSWER niigrants in iarg?ifiqu^ntities. ' ./ -' '" ./ r IJ fifteen more. The first group was by custom to Enrlich antsinlarg^jfgu^ the Democratic candidate for attor- With ' financial support from the THEY FORGET WATERLOO Our answer to the • above , question This^paper,^Wei Hope and expect, will be the! introduce individuals in'the second group. .Yet ney«general. ' :* World Union of Progressive Judaism, "It would be interesting if it could would be that the Jew is better liked the services will be_ held by Rabbi be ascertained how many people the in those places where there is less of turning point in ;th>ffuture of our rights in the after all the speeches concerning brotherhood and Attorney Honored Jerome Mark from the United States. career of Napoleon has influenced. I him. And we are not trying to be Holy Land;; Its ijonjeiand text indicate that world! "Rotarianism" only four knew the men they were In organizing Reform Judaism here dare say, it would be found that the funny here. We think what we have opinion is now veering toward support of the Jew- to present; the rest sat down lamely, inent local Jewish attorney was hon-the Liberal Synagogue of London is said is quite natural. '. We believe Tannen employed the same tactics as in the ored at the annual convention of the rushing the necessary, material. Rab- effect' of Napoleoh has been as great that ish claims in Palestine, as this group is an inter"" there is less real knowledge—less in "the lives he has influenced as in American Bar Association in Chicago bi Mark, a graduate of the- H«brew national body representing all the powers of the other case. On being recalled he electrified the by acquaintanceship between Jew . and the actual changes he wrought in the being elected to the executive com- Union College of Cincinnati, is for-* world. This should; give England an inkling into, assemblage by announcing. "There is a club here Gentile where there are more Jews mittee of the section on criminal law merly the rabbi of a reform congre- map of Europe. Recently, there died the true status of ;affairs which she has heretofore] that will not admit Jews!" the Jewish theatrical magnate, Abra-jthan there are less. The reason is and criminology. ham Erlanger. He too modelled his [ simple. Where there are a great nuraA University Club," he continued. "You Mr. Cochane is also a member of gation inSelma, AiaT)afna.( , v ;' blindly neglected.; She has everything to gain and life after Napoleon and sought to be ber of one class, one is naturally disnothing to lose by recognizing that the mistakes of send your sons to collegeto broaden them. And the Psychiatric-Jurisprudence commit- Voldemaras to be Tried Bonaparto of the theater. It is posed to associate constantly with that t i e past must be adjusted and an affirmative, yet by this.policy you add to their innate hate an tee of the American Bar Association. Kovno.—Former Premier Augustine the said that Woolwcrth always had the! class. Whereas where there are not positive policy of statesmanlike counsel and aid acquired prejudice. Is this just? Is this to be This committee's feport waa accepted Voldemaras will have to stand trial on picture of Napoleon before him.! many, one must make up his assoby the convention with the recomcharge that he-organized the po- James J. Hill, the railroad builder i ciates from many classes. The avermust be followed. If England will reaffirm in un- the result of higher education? Here in this hall, mendation that a, survey be made of the groms which occurred in Slobodka in ntistakenable terms its Balfouric sentiment of a despite all your talk of friendship, and your long psychiatric service to courts by the August of last year. While it was likewise was markedly influenced by age Jew in the smaller town by rea(Continued on Page 6.) decade ago and display a sympathetic understand- association, only four out of fifteen knew their American Social Service Research previously known that Voldemaras Napoleon. was instrumental in furthering the ating of the Jewish 'attitude, then Israel is ready and brothers. How then, in God's name, can any of counciL. tacks on the Jews the prosecutor willing to seal anew a covenant of friendship and j you say that you know your brother, the Jew?" United Yeshivah Chest cooperation which will go far toward upbuilding a | Thirteen hundred men stood and cheered for New York.—Two thousand volun- taken no action against hira- up to It is believed that the prosecuJewish National Horns which shall bring added; him when he was through. And today there are teer workers have resumed the out- now. tor has now decided to prosecute in | Jews both in the University Club and in St. Paul door campaign of the United Yesh- order to render the former Premier glory to civilization. ivah Chest, which under the leaderRotary. ship of Judge Max S. Levine, is seek- prfeectly harmless as a political opi It is well that this public recognition be here ing to raise :;$500,000 to cover the ponent of the government by disgrac.The.B,oy.s' Oxen Store. Most Wonderfully Preto Julius Tannen. He is brilliant, loyal, un- combined annual deficit of 10 Jewish ing him abroad and eventually mak.a future political career impos• So many Jev/ish stage folk have intermarried. pared with Greatest Values , and deserving the laudations of all Israel. schopis'in the metropolitan area. The ing sible for him by preferring a criminal and otherwise shown, deficient loyalty to t h e i r j ^ " campaign will continue until Yom they be'charge against, him. people, that an active defender of Judaism among, c d m e rfJ e w gt h e t f i e at ht eeri r J u_d Ba irsot tol k wl yhne nE x a m i n e r . pp Quit Austrian Health Resort them seems an anomaly. It does not appear prob. ^ The campaign is being conducted •': Vienna.—Many Jewish visitors at able that a man brought up in the excessive freedin; the ; vicinity of Jewish cemeteries the : Syrian health resort, Poellau, have om of the stage, laboring every day in the^year \ A' MENTAL GIANT.' where huge Tiron chestn have been left because of the anti-Semitic dismerely to amuse, forgetful of his childhood teach' Another honor was added to the niyriad al- placed for the deposit of contributions. turbances. Anti-Semitic songs ..echo-, ings, marrying the ; first attractive maid that ready achieved by distinguished Jewish minds Representatives of several Jewish ed through the town, Jewish visitors strikes his fancy,: without regard for her religion When Dr. Sigmund Freud, world famous psycho- youth organizations are also engaged were molested, and -some Jewish py in personal canvassing. Boys'. Boys' houses were threatened by -the row-' or other con.traindicative factors, should become a | analyst "of Vienna, was Friday awarded the 1980Heads Chicago Bureau Two Long Two Golf dies. Even near the police station the prime protagonist 6f Israel's welfare. [Goethe'Prize, the greatest scientific nd literary Detroit, Mich'.—W. Abraham Gold- shouts against the Jews were heard. Pants • Knickers. berg for the past seven and a half Fearing serious trouble the Jewish Suits Yet among men, of that class there still ejdstijjji^indion'itt Germany. Suits Ages 9 to IS a real spark of loyalty, that sometimes flares up] Dr." Freud was chosen from a mighty field years supervisor of investigationst nine visitors have cut short their holidays Ages 6 to 1J, the domestic relations division of Years Years into a conflagration. They are frequently in posi-j because of his scientific accomplishments which recorder's court probation department, Other Wonder Value Boys' School Suits has been granted leave of absence to May Return to Fold Feature Values ?10 to $35 direct a study of institutional inmates Vienna.—The possibility that the' Boys* Boys' Golf Boys* Sport in Illinois for the Jewish Social Serv- world famous composer Arnold English Long Pants Wool Shorts Knickers of all actors is Julius Tannen. Brought up in the tribution to. our scientific knowledge, and even ice bureau of Chicago. Mr. Goldberg Schoenberg may return to Judaism is Sweaters S3.50 S1.5O §3.00 New York Oyphan Asylum, he turned a t an early those who do not believe in the Freudian com- will fill the position of Harry Lurie foreshadowed by his completion of a S2.S5 and others who resigned to become director of new oratoric entitled "Moses and 4 and others and others $2.50 to $6 age to the rtheatej , and by means of a fluent and piexes or his brow-wrinkling theories cannot help the Bureau of Jewish Social Research Aaron" in which he presents the ideas and others up to $3.50 $2 to $3.50 extraordinary wit became the greatest monologist but i—X-J_J—!.-•_ _.-__ _-_^.i, :. $8.50 to S2.35 admire his giantJ intellect. and the divinity of various religions in New York. Boys' Kaynee Shirts op„ to95£ on the American stage." It 4* to.his high credit ' Wejtotf admire his progressive thought in the culminating in a paean to an unperBoys* Kaynee Blouses 7 5 ^ to S I . 4 5 ; sonified Jewish god. Schoenberg,-.a; that he has never given up'his loyalty to his realm of science but we admire even more his I Other Countries \ native of Vienna, has been the conAthletic Shirts and Shorts..'....45d'tq SJ51.00 people; in fact, has done them many la great serv- staunch and steadfast adherence to his JewishNeckwear for School Days... 25«* to 75<* ductor of the Bunt theater in Berlin Fall Cops 95£ Fall Hats 81.45 to $3.00 ice in secret—as is attested, by several incidents ness. Despite; bitter denunciations and baiting $1,335,000 Appropriated and professor of music theory at'the'• Berlin.—The annual budget as apthat have, just becomepubllc. It is because of because of his refusal to stray from his ancestral Sternschen conservatory in Berlin^" , Jersey Juvenile Suits these incidents that this tribute is here paid him. j fold, this worid-rekriown psychiatrist has re- proved by the Zionist Actions com- For many years he has hadino affiliaKaynee—newest styles appropriates 51,335,000 for col- tion with Jews or any connection with. in the early stages of the-Ford- diatribes, :mained loyal to his faith and the Jewish spirit mittee onization and consolidation of exist• . ,; Boys' Own Store^—Fourth Floor Tannen was appearing in a Detroit theatre. Some-continues to dominate his life. We will always ing settlements, $235,000 for approved Jewish groups. '"'~ i one handed him several copies of the Dearborn In-| remember him as a creative genius who fructified immigration, $45,000 for labor activ- Cabinet Division Warsaw.—A special department for; ities, $155,000 for health work and dependent,' which he read avidly and angrily for an entire generation and spread the fame of his dep l lftt hours He slept until noon to* be science'to the furthest parts of th ld b his $350,000 for education. It also con- Jewish problems head id ly B. Hausseveral lftte hours. He slept until noon, to* be science'to the furthest parts of the world but we tains grants of $1,080,000 for paying ner, Polish vice counsul i t Tel Aviv, Palestine, will be created by the new irrCOKRECT APPAREL FOU MEN AND WOMEN&tdift him far more affectionately a s another great brother-Jew. expenses of the Palestine Zionist Ex-1 Polish cabinet headed,, by ^Marshal( ayor.
Scanning •the**, orizon
m v
« j
One Week toSchool Days
2-Pants Suits
*3.00 ,„ *6.00
/~ ~\ J -V >v , v .»"
t b t h J
PAGE 5—.THE JEWISH PEESS^ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,19S0 .Master Lee Calvin White entertained thirty guests at his home last Monday on the occasion of his seventh birthday. * ,
from the west coast next Tuesday to her cousin, Miss Hilda Gilinsky. Miss Lora Berek spent the week* a get-together meeting at the J. G. C be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Miss Bess Kantrovich of Sioux City md in Minneapolis. . Sunday, when plans were made for m M. Rosenstein. She will be joined visited at the home of Miss Ruth SlutMessrs. Frederick and Lester Giv- bunko party to be given at the horn*? here by her husband and they will re- sky. The Misses Mary and Sarah nter and Irving Goldfish motored to of Pearl Lasarns, 3310 Webster, Satturn together to their home in Chi-Kaplan and Ida Cohen, also of Sioux Chicago. They returned accompanied urday •evening, September 6. Miss Tina Altschular of New York cago. Mr. and Mrs. Reihmer have City, were here as the guests of Miss y Mr. Joseph Fink of Chicago, who The committee appointed to make is visiting here with her parents, Mr. spent several months -in. the Orient. Ethel Stoller. visited here for a few days. arrangements included Ida Gitlin, and Mrs. Max Aitscbuler. Miss Evelyn Ruben of Des Moines Sally Greenberg, Ann Herman, Pearl BIRTHS was the house guest of Miss Lilyan Lazards, Sarah Rifkin and Dora DolCLUBS Miss Ann Zalk is spending two Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox announce the Haykin over the week-end. Miss goff. Young Poali Zion weeks in St. Louis as the guest of birth of a son at the Covenant hos- Vivian Mosow of Sioux City who has The Young Poale Zion Club will Mr. and Mrsj M. J. Novoson, been visiting -with Miss Haykin left rive a dance on Wednesday evening PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS pital on Monday, September 1. for her home on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Leonard Hackenburg and son, •Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg an- Dr. Julius Swartz, and Lou and Benny Jetember 24, at the Lighthouse. The If vour home is infested with Harlan David, of Des Moines, who nounce the birth of a daughter at the Beckerman of Des Moines came in ihairman of the event is Mr. Max . WEDDINGS will arrive in San Francisco Wed- has been visiting here with her moth- Wise Memorial hospital on Friday, Monday to play in a tournament at >tein. • nesday to celebrate - with their er for the paet two months, returned August 29. the Omaha Tennis Club. The BeckerLapidus-Rosenthal Henrietta Szold Girls to her home accompanied by her parentSj who will return with them man brothers left after the game, but "At a beautiful garden wedding at The Henrietta Szold girls have volmother, who will spend about two Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weinberg an- Dr. Swartz stayed for the evening five o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Miss to visit in Los Angeles before they unteered to help the Jewish National weeks with her. also. Mr. Sam Markman visited here nounce the birth of a daughter at the Grace Rosenthal, daughter of Mr. and return to Omaha, sometime in und by going out and collecting from Wise Memorial hosital on Monday, also. Mre. Leo Rosenthal, became the bride October. he boxes. Among the reservations last Fri- September 1.. Mr. Iz Krensky and Mr. Abe Shapof Mr. Lester Allan Lapidus, son of Use Our Extermination day evening at the Athletic Club roof ero of Waterloo, Iowa, • were the They will canvass the Dundee terPERSONALS Mr^and Mrs. Harry Lapidus. Rabbi ritory and the territory between Service or Our : were those of W. S. Degan for four, guests of Jack Gotsdiner for the Mr. Norman Green has returned WITH THE SICK Frederick Cohn read the marriage Dodge and Cumings streets from 26th OKsy Insecticides services "with only the immediate rel- from a nine weeks' trip in the east. Herman- Rosenblatt, four, and Dr. Among the patients at the Wise week-end. to 30th on Sunday morning-, SeptexnHe-will be home until after the high David Cahn Platt, six. Labor day found many Omahans >er 7th. Instructions to fit your indiatives present Memorial hospital this week are Miss vidual case with every order. Rebecca Rattner, Mr. Israel Beber, Mr. away from home also. Mr. and Mrs. The treasure hunt the club will give • The bride wore a brown ensemble holidays. Free Information VISITORS Louis Minkin, Mr. Isaac Ostennan and Leonard A. Cherniss motored to Sioux on September IS was discussed in full Free Deliveryof moraine crepe, the frock of which Mr. and Mrs. M. Smooke of San Mr. Malcolm Trachtenberg. City. Miss Bertie Berger, Miss Doro- at a meeting Tuesday and all plans •was trimmed with ecru lace. Her hat Miss Lillian Greenburg, who visited AT 3507 ty Muskin, Miss Minnette Sterling, are now completed. •aria1, accessories were of matching for two weeks i t Kansas City and Francisco, Califs visited with friends Miss Dorothy Margolin and her couLABOR DAY WEEK-END brown. She wore a corsage of roses- St. Joseph, has returned to Omaha. in Omaha- for. a few days last week en. route home from Kansas City. Mrs. M. M. Kaufman of MinneLabor day week-end found Omahans sin, also Miss Dorothy Margolin, were 1727 Lcavenworth, Omaht Junior Daughters of Zion Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leon returned apolis, sister of the bride, as matron making special plans for recreation among those who journeyed to Sioux The Junior Daughters of Zion held Mr. Harry Rubenstein, formerly of either by entertaining out of town City. Many attended the Question of honor, wore a beige wool lace Thursday from an eastern trip. Omaha, but now of Denver, was the Mark Club party which took place guests, or leaving-the city to visit gown, with corsage of ward roses, and Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy, Mr. andguest of Mr. Hyman Shrier while vis- with friends and relatives in the there last'week-end . Miss Lea Eosenblatt, bridesmaid, wore neighboring cities. Parties, picnics, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rosenblum a blue silk frock with corsage of pink Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky and Mr. anditing here last week. Omaha's Style Center and every sort of entertainment com- and family and Mrs. A. Theodore motroses. Mr, Earl A. Lapidus, brother Mrs. A. Jacobson of Minneapolis, have of the bridgegroom, was best man. returned from Ohio, where they: at- -Mrs. Louis Albert was hostess at a prised a pleasant holiday for all ac- ored to Des Moines where they visitbridge luncheon last Saturday honorThe bride's mother -wore a black tended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.ing her sister, Mrs. Maurice Okun of cording to the appearance and report ed with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman Arthur Levy which was solemnized at of Omaha society on "Blue Tuesday." and family. Mrs. Theodore is an aunt satin afternoon gown and the groom's Fort Wayne, Ind., who is visiting' her Dr. Victor Levine spent Labor day of Mrs. Chapman. The Chapmans mother an abiege lace afternoon gown. Ironton on August'2&. parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wohlner. in Omaha. He has been doing work formerly resided in Omaha. A family dinner followed the cereMrs. Nathan Wiesman and children, in the Children's hospital in St. Louis. Miss Ida Tenenbaum visited in St. mony, and in the evening a reception Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter of Des Orpheum Opposite Joseph over Labor day, as did Mr. •was held for the friends of the young Merriam and Charles,., are touring Chicago are-visiting here with relaMoines were here for the -week-end Sam Green. couple. The garden was prettily dec- through Kansas, Iowa and Missouri. tives and friends . with Mr. Kneeter's mother, Mrs. The Blacker brothers motored in 9 orated with lanterns and was very While in Kansas City they stopped at Mamie Kneeter. picturesque. Those who assisted in the Hotel President. Mr. S. Levitan and daughter, Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fine had as different directions over this holiday. serving were Miss Rita Mantel, Mrs. Mr. Morris Blacker visited in Kansas Edward Schimmel, Miss Kathryn El- Mr. Louis Shanok left Tuesday for ence Joy, of Sioux City, are visiting their guests, their son and daughter, City. Mr. Harry Blacker in St. Louis, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Levy. the east, where he will reside perMr. and Mrs. Morris Fine and the gutter, Miss Elaine Berkowitz, Miss Mrs. Levy entertained at dinner Tues- Misses lily and Lllyan Sugar, all and Mr. Leo Blacker in Lincoln. Charlotte Heyn, and Miss Florence manently. day in honor of Mrs. Levitan. Mrs. of Chicago. Wolf. Miss Anne Greenberg and Miss L. Paperny entertained at luncheon at Miss Eve Hienitz of Minneapolis Mr. Lapidus and his bride left for Toby Steinberg have returned from her home on. Wednesday, and Mrs. N. was the guest of Miss "Sylvia Wohlner a honeymoon in California and Lake a two weeks' vacation in Chicago. Wolf son was luncheon hostess on last week-end. On Friday evening 'Louise. They will be at home in Miss Wohlner entertained at a rather Thursday. Omaha after October 5. Miss Sophie Rosenstein who has impromptu informal party to honor FOE YOUR been visiting in Chicago for the past Mr. and Mrs. Mike Taylor and sons, her guest and also her brother, Mr. Adler-Pearlman Mr. and Mrs. L. Adler of this city two weeks has returned to Omaha. and Mrs. Mary Rose of Kansas City David Wohlner of -Schenectady, -who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave left for the east last Saturday after announce the marriage of their daughThe Misses Nellye and Sophia Ferer ter, Mis.-;. Ethel Adler, to Mr. R. L. returned Wednesday from St. Louis, Bolker while visiting here last week. visiting- here for about ten days. Pearlman of Cranford, New Jersey. where they attended the wedding of They returned to Kansas. City Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bolker had as ' "'•.• their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Mike TayThe wedding took place in Cran- Miss Gertrude Hertzman to Mr. Jack day.' '• • * .• loe and sons, and- Mrs. Mary Rose, ford Saturday evening, August 30, Brickman. 16th and Howard ' Mr. Henry Rosenstein returned who drove in from Kansas City. An"•with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Garfiedl, brother-in-law and sister of the bride Mr. Earl Lapidus,* a student at Monday to her home in Chicago after other guest from -Kansas City was a short" visit hew with his parents, Miss Belle Gerber, -who visited with as the only attendants. Annapolis, is visiting Tiere with his Mr. and Mrs. Pearlman will reside parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus. Mr. and Mrs.'Max M. Rosenstein. in Cranford. . . ,, ; ]' Mrs. . Mose Buck and ; daughter, Mr;' 'ahiirMfg.'J: jat MalasBock ENTERTAINMENT Betty Ruth,, left "for their home in Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy will be a t j ^ f j Edward and Buddy, and Mr.Lufkin, Texas, Saturday, after a two' home from 3 until 6 o'clock Sunday Malashock's mother, Mrs. Ida Malar months' visit with Mrs. Buck's par-1 Now Being Shown afternoon at the home of their son- shock, motored to Kansas City, where ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss. ! in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mrs. C. Jerome Reihmer will arrive i Louis Kulakofslry, 5111 Cass street, Rosenblum. They will also, spend Exceed in loveliness and to honor .their son and daughter-in- several days in Excelsior Springs before returning. quality of fabrics anything law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Levy of PAINT NOW Lincoln. we have ever shown in seasIda Platt has returned from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levy have reons past at this price. turned to* Lincoln following their a two weeks'vacation in Kansas City, Missouri. honeymoon trip which was spent motPainting Contractors I oring in the north. Mrs. Levy was Miss Rose Forman is vacationing in 1814 No. 54th St. WJE. 4211 Miss Lillian Salle of Ironton, Ohio, Tulsa, Olda. before her marriage. No cards have been issusd for the' affair.
Levenson Chemical Co.
Carman s Frocks Reflect a Smartness All Their Own
Malashocks' Jewelry Needs
The Distinctive
New Fall
Max Skier's Sons
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Horn, residents of Omaha for the past thirtyfour years, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on September 10. Mr. and Mrs. Horn are at the present time visiting their daughter and -• son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sylvan Hersh of San Francisco, and the latter are having open house in honor of their father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horn and Mr. Maurice .Horn of Los Angeles
THE NATIONAL HArney 7545 Because "Your Laundry is Our Business"
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Everywhere . . . o n every side . . . women and misse* e r e talking aLoat 'these Franchon Frocks. It isn't just t h e valne . . . it's the exclnsivenes* of t h e atyles that makes them popular, t o o . They look like more expensive frocks-*and they are the greatest values w e V i offered at thii price.
- Anywhere.— Anytime Anything
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For Yonr Convenience
A bit of lace here, a bow there, a sleeve of ingenious styling, lines that subtly reveal the figure . . . certainly feminity is with us still, but . . . the subtle, sophisticated feminity that takes a master mind to design. But then-^ there is always little short of genius in Carman's frocks. How else could Carman's so accurately iOretell the trend of fashion ? 'j -
Third Floor
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• i ^ i r H t e A N
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Charge Discrimination in Federal Appointments
Yonkers, N; Y.—Jews are not receiving their just due in the matter of Federal appointments, former assistant corporation counsel, Charles Feeling the Harm Their Anti S. Wintwer, of this city charged here. "At the present time the Jews do j Semitism Has Done Their not have 'equal- representation with f Business
Gentiles," he declared. Mr. Witwer is a candidate for the Republican nomination to congress (Continued from Page 4.) from the 24th Congressional District. In a campaign statement, he declares) he will immediately proceed to bring! son of the lesser number of Jews is to bear every possible influence to se- thrown into more contact with noncure for the Jews federal appoint- Jews. And association breeds friend. ments in Washington in proportion to ship. Well, that's our answer. What is the Jewish population." This is, of course, if he is nominated and elected. yours?
Vienna.—-(J, T. AO^-Seeing the great harm that anti-Semitism is doing tp their business, Austrian summer resort proprietors are now staging a retreat from the. methods they have been practicing for the last few ion when the Jewish National Home (Continued from Page 1.) years. From patriotic- motives the would be established and - whether Jews did not at first' institute any. •wide protest s against the open dis- mond Shields, British undersecretary it was possible to say when the crimination; fearing that their pro- for the Colonies and accredited Brit- Jews themselves will consider the tests might hurt the Austrian tourist ish representative at the Mandates Jewish National Home as established. 'Commission's session. He was ac- On this question Dr. Shiels evasivindustry. companied by Harry C. Luke, former ely preferred not to, express any The anti-Semites, however,, interchief secretary of Palestine and act- opinion. preted this complacence to mean that ing-High Commissioner during the The discussion on the suspension the "Jews were not insulted by the riots. . • of immigration was considerably manner in which they-were treated and1 would continue to patronize their The main contention of the Man- handicapped, the minutes indicate, resorts. ~ " ' • • * •' dates Commission, borne out in its by Dr. Shiels referring the Mandates "Anti-Semitic insolence _ thus grew report, was that the body of the Commission to the inquiry of Sir from year to year until the Jews could Shaw Commission's report was in- John Hope Simpson. no "longer endure it and they initiated consistent with an often conotraThe Mandatory Power's failure to dictory to the conclusions it reached. encourage the close settlement of a boycott campaign against it. The minutes indicate that had the the Jews on the land, which is an They also obtained the support of Mandates Commission had. available important factor in the establishthe Liberal Vienna press, which feared the evidence \ and minutes of the ment of the Jewish^ National Home that the organized Jewish campaign •would also keep away many non-Jews! Shaw Commission, which at the time and is incorporated in the Mandate, " " ' of the extraordinary sessioon were was also pointed out by members from the anti-Semitic resorts and-this would bring economic ruin to a great still unpublished^ the severe criticism of the Commission. The feebleness of the Mandates Commission levelled of- the Shaw Commission's conpart of the country. The fear proved to be only too true. -against the British government would clusions regarding the Arabs evicted The Jewish campaign actually made have been even more severe. from the land as not based on figthe anti-Semitic Tesorts free from According to the text of the Man- ures or facts was emphasized, parJevrs, but it also mads them free from dates Commission's minutes even the ticular stress being laid on the fact many visitors, and the hotel proprie- British member, Lord Lugard, point- that the term eviction cannot be aptors with mounting debts and lessen- ed out various instances where the plied when the purchased land is ed patronage were driven to bank- Mandatory Power failed, ( while Dr. not confiscated. ruptcy. That was the best lesson the Shiels, accusing some members of A sharp verbal cross-fire passed misled Christian population could I the Commission of pro-Jewish symbetween Harry Luke and the chairhaye learned. Such bitter experience j pathies, pleaded for complete imman of the Mandates Commission partiality and said that he was takopened their eyes and released their T when the smallness of the comanger against anti-Semitic agitators ing neither the . owish nor the Arab J pensation paid to the riot victims by who, by their agitation, had turned side nor even the side of the Shaw the Palestine government was disCommission's conclusions. their resorts not only into resorts cussed, Luke maintaining that it was The retort of the British governwithout Jews, but also without many an act of grace on the part of the ment to the conclusions of the Manliberal Christians. British government to pay any comThe Hitlevist press tried to quiet dates Commission that the latter the angry proprietors with promises to had not'foreshadowed any criticism pensation at all while the chairman supply'them next summer with trans- of the Mandatory power seems to be remarked that it would have been ports of guests from Germany, bu1 unjustified in view of the statement an act of justice. these promises failed to produce -re- • of William Rappard, the Swiss memsuits. -Many proprietors have already jber v of the-Commission, who pointed Silver, and-gold are not 'the only begun to remove^ the'anti-Semitic pos- outfthat the High ^Commissioner,.of o coin; virtue too passes current all ters, "Jews Not ;Wanted,"#om their; Palestine, during the Mandates Coin- over the world.—Euripides. I buildings. They'are alscytcommuni- mission's session of Jijdy-Ji.929, left cating Iheir change of attitude offi- the Commission with the. .impression cially ah'd privately to Jewish organi- that the entire "situation in Palestine zations?'in Vienna, saving that they was becoming brighter and brighter are ready next summer to receive 'Consequently claimed Consequently M. Rappard pp Jewish ijg\iests Vwho h TT_ wi^ i^ b t t d { ^ M be treated {tba£ the ^-Mandates Commission wias j courteously and plfasantjiy. f j fin$"the 5present; 5 p ; ipsinformedtas p £ jj t ••;• ':. jj fin$l £c That^was the first result' of the'the situation which' he attributed h fit l f h' i i hih' h ttributed to to Jewish '.protest. against stupid anti- the fact that the High Commissioner Semiticj business methods. But next himself had probably been misinBy the summer is still to prove ^whether the formed. ,-; ;.-,••'•" -•'••£ >: •".••• • r Jewish • protest campaign really ac- The minutes of the extraordinary' hieved success, or is to continue its session alsoo show that Dr. Shiels boycott on even wider lines. took it upon hincself to plead on be-
loq te|
i Announcement
He has a habit of twitching his Additional Council Bluffs News neck. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7 of He falls easily for. the-autogacaph the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting next hunter on the theory that "they must Thursday evening, September 11, »t get a little out of life to be able to the home of Donald Richards, Apt. 20, E.. M. .Segal, physical director of get such a big kick out of my signaOakland Court. All members are the .Jewish Community Center, has anture." '•••••"'.'"> nounced the following swim and gym urged to attend. CARTOONIST TURNS schedule for women and girls, effecAUTHOR tive September 8: Mrs. Ben Harding has returned Who has the most elaborately fitted Junior Girls—Tuesdays and Thurs- home following a two-weeks visit in up off ices,in America? J. P. Morgan, days, '4 to 5 p. m. Woman's Health GOOD POETRY—BAD Charley Schwab, Otto Kahn? No, ! Club, gym and pool, Tuesdays and the Black Hiils. LOGIC you're wrong. It's a fellow that You remember Nathalai Crane. draws comical pictures for the news- Thursdays, 10 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. Some years ago, the newspapers were! papers, none other than Harry Hersh- •* Business Girls—Mondays and Wed- Kovno Municipality to nesdays, gym, 5:45 p. m. to 6:30 p. m., full of her—a child of nine writing field, creator of Abie Kabbible. Support Jewish School 6:30 p. m. to 7:15 p. m., 7:15 p. m. poetry that everybody thought was The equipment of the Hershfield of- to 8 p. m.; swim, 6:30 to 8:45 p. m. lovely. And there was a charm about fices in the Chanin building is estiKovno.—(J. T, A.)—A school for Mr. Segal will be in charge of all them. Her mother, you recall, was' mated at close to three hundred thouJewish children subsidized by munigym classes. Mr. Jack Foster, fora Jewess. ' Today, she is grown up—' sand dollars. That is a little food for merly athletic director at the Knights cipality funds has been authorized by a young lady of seventeen—and her thought for you. of.-Columbus, and well-known swim- the municipality following prolonged picture seems to indicate a decided And now Hershfield is to add to his ' ming star, will direct the national conferences between the Jews and ofJewish physiognomy. Nathalia has ficials of the municipality. Building cartoonist work that of being an activities. now written another poem. operations have already begun. Simauthor. He is writing a book to be It tells about an invasion of AmerCleverness is serviceable for every- ultaneously the Jews are erecting a ica by the Bolsheviki and how the called the Super City and if you talk to him, he will tell you that it -will thing, sufficient for nothing.—Amiel large community building to house a country is saved by a group of poetsreal gymnasium (high school), here, sell one million copies. —Lindsay, Untermeyer and others > Trust that man in nothing who has funds for which are being supplied who gather an army and make pie; Most books being' published nowa- not a conscience i n everything. by Lithuanian Jews in America. days don't return enough to the authout of the Reds. or to enable him to take a boat ride Nathalia is still a child—despite her to Florida, but Hershfield expects to seventeen years. No army—no in- reap a fortune on his work. And vading forces were ever put to route very likely" he will. He knows the by poets with their pentameters or secret of reaching • the • mass 'mind. f^NTft; hectameters. And blank verse is even Few authors can do that. Most of Worse than blank cartridges for that them -write with their eye on the same purpose. Butter-Nut "J critic of the New York Times or the As far as I can see the only thing American Mercury. They disdain to that would happen, if Bolsheviks think of the "millions of the masses [DELICIOUS »S * j came here would be an increased cir- and the Jatter retaliate by disdaining culation of the Freiheit. to buy their books. • ••.- -
GERSHWIN GOULASH Here are a few things about George Gershwin that may interest you. He believes that' if his public school teacher hadn't laughed when he showed her a drawing; he would have been a very successful artist today. For a long time, he suffered from stomach trouble, but his new house man put him on a diet of sugar, and now he is forever discouraging on the virtues of that.
WHY COWS GIVEI IT AWAY George Jessel tells it. He was out recently with a friend who' is a liabitual imbiber of the non-Volstead bottle. Jessel coaxed him to drink some mil If instead. Finally he drank some. "Phew," he said, "what are you trying to do poison me. No wonder the cows give it away." (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
Japan Tea igreen]
m l . ^ _ ^
half of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem when the tatter's official position and relation to the British government -while drawing a salary as a paid official was questioned. Dr. Shields did not deny that the Grand Mufti had figured on the police | blacklist in Palestine but merely contended that many political leaders Berlin, (J. T. A.).—A' minumum even in Western Europe were watchbudget-of $850,000 was submitted by ed by the police but that thefcf the Executive to the Actions Com- recorods hardly ever weakened their mittee now in session. Of this sum positions. He added that the Grand $300,000 would, be used for coloniza- Mufti's prison term had been commuted similar to that -of Jewish tion work in Palestine. ".'.•".'•''.".' The /possibility of settling 55J000 leaders, referring probably to Vlad• families'in Palestine on the eastern imir Jabotinsky. An interesting 'point was raised coast of Palestine, in Hufe, BaiSan and thfe land around the lower j o r - by Marquis A. Theodoli/ chairman don was submitted to Sir John Hope of the Mandates Commission, when Simpson, investigator" into land and he asked whether the. Mandatory immigration problems,- Dr. Arthur Power had formed any definite opin-
Euppin 'told the Committee. He declared that he informed Simpson that this possibility was merely a n ' example of the tremendous possibili- | ties for suitable colonization exist- j ing in "^Palestine. j There are vast districts for colohi-1 zation -and the Arabs on such land could be compensated and be enabled to develop other land purchased by them debt-free. - • The report of the Keren 'Hayesod, submitted by Dr. Arthur Hantke, revealed that in spite of the large contributions to the Falestine Emergency Fund for which $240,000 was raised outside of America, the American .'Allied Jewish Campaign • was unsatisfactory and it is most essential, the report said, to 'utilize; the coming, four months in a- vigorous campaign,to increase the^income*,.
1615 North 24th Store No. 1, 1206 No. 24th Cut prices on bread, rye bread, regular 12c loaves 8c, 2 for 15c Rye bread, regular 20c loaves 15c. Saturday bread, regular 14c loaves 10c; Saturday bread, regular 24c loaves 20c, White bread, small loaves 4c, 3 for 10c w
c4tt are Delicious
A Request ^*-?, " ' ^ . ' , \ Y ^ ' • V 1^*.* ^~S(r'
V I *!•
Kovio.—(J. T. A.)—Over 1,000 rjewis, formerly Russian citizens, who ' reside-in Lithuania, but are not citi- j zens will lose- the right to work when the new law withdrawing the rights j of noii-citizens to work without speciaf pfrmits is put in operation. The Jews Effected fear that 'permits^ will not ]bet given, to them and are greatly alarmld, for the future
3 „ - v a ->':''•••(•••• ^ ' t E - ' y i '
•.•>. ^ •«^-
l* *^-.**-. "-V.—•-* -~=—--—;---•
liSifft®S^ liliilli
•,r —All" Kinds of Rolls— M. GRUNGER, Propr.
H E 5)|JWISH PRESS |l|eqii«ts that its subscribers r>aSronize those firms i&nd individuals who advertise4n4ts pages. This J request has a double significance^. . Advertisers who adopt "The Jewish PressT^-as a- medium through which to address theif^Mwsh cEfenteIe^ar« assuring our subscribers of their $esire for Jewish patronage. [•
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Jews May Lose Right to Work in Lithuania eH.ii':1;';:.'-':,- :
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it taste better-increase food value
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7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1930 may be true in some instances, but in the Kansas City lad got up and fought "I have been reading your coluftvn the bulk of eases young men are back with such gusto that he had tot years and have never seen nwrrcrowded into the fields of industry Ruby backing away. The second tion of a'Jewish chese player," Cotrand commerce, where parents can help round went to Joe, but in the third plains Saul Goodman of Duluth, Mifin, them get a foothold and start, because I Ruby got to work and almost com- You will never find them mentiottpn By GEORGE JOEL discrimination keeps them out of medpletely annihiliated Joe when the ref- here, neither pool, chess, nor checkical schools. Ruby Goldstein Coming Back Again eree stepped in and stopped the show. ers, as they are barred from this colMatty earnest-minded Jewish young One of the great mysteries of pro- National Track Championship Fail to umn—I confine my rhetorical nutmen turn with aching hearts from fessional prize fighting is the yearly bursts to sports that make a man per" Bring Out Jewish Stars hopes for a professional career be-i j comeback attempts of Ruby Goldspire but not from worry. cause they know, as Dr. Songy has stein, east side New -York Jewish " TheTfational Track aha Field chamChatterings himself said, "It is very, very rare lightweight. Four or five years ag-o pionships of the United States were Armand Emanuel lost to a ncv, that a Jewish doctor can gain a first- Ruby" popped into the boxing scene held .in Pittsburgh and when the rate appointment to a medical fac- and almost immediately won a large events had been run off and the names comer on the coast some time ago in ulty." Is such a situation fair to Jew- i and rabid following that has never de- of the winners posted it was found a ten-round bout . . . Charles Francis ish candidates for medical education, serted him, even in his moments, (and that not one Je'wish name appeared Coe, the writer, has done a hovel callahd to the millions of Jewish citizens! there have been many such) of de- among those champions who were ed, "the Other Half," it deals with crowned. The only Jewish boys who racketeering in the prize fighting proin America? Manifestly no, ana it is feat. Four distinct times Ruby has g-ot in the listings at all were Morris By RABBI J* X;COHEN* indoubly unfair for an eminent physi- worked himself up through" the ranks Davis, of the 92nd St. Y. M. H. A. fession . . . Yale university issued 1 vitations to certain aspiring youn£ cian like Dr. Rongy to come tb the of mediocre fighters and stepped into in New York, who finished third in Executive Secretary of Free Synagogue aid of the exdusionists who are liter- the ring with a first class fighting the three-mile walk; Sol Furth, N. Y. men to attend football camp. Amohf ally forcing the establishment of Jew- man. Four times has Ruby been U. third place in the hop, step and them was E. Orshinsky . . . . For thr first time in years there were no Jewignobly and thoroughly beaten. "The interview of Dr. A. J. Eongy fessional course. Dr. Eongy is> un- boys will not Be freely admitted to ish sectarian medical schools. jump and Julius Siegel, fourth in the ish players entered in the National The creation of such schools does In every one of these instances 440-yard hurdle. If there were any doubles tennis championship . . . repotted in The^ Jewish Tribune, in fair to those students who are mo- certain schools on the proper basis of which Dr. Eongy discussed the "spe- tivated by the same desire that actu- merit and competence, ilence he says not find favor with Dr. Rongy. Then Ruby has definitely proved to the as- other Jewish boys performing they Nancy Joel, the Jewish girl athletp he should join those who are seeking sembled fans that he was unable to were simply among the "also rans;'' cial^restrictions imposed upon Jewish ated Jews throughout the ages to be "almost any." I spoke to you about, is celebrating Jewish boys are patently excluded standards of admission to medical take it. The dope was that Ruby medical candidates," will be welcomed messengers of healing. her second birthday this month. "Great Britain" held a track meet with glee by those who impose these Dr. Rongy says "every Jewish stu- on Jewish grounds. Are medical schools that will be unprejudiced and had a -glass jaw and other frail, ana- to which its various colonial posses- Joel is studying under the restrictions. dent, of proper competence and talent schools theological seminaries, or are non-discriminatory, choosing men on tomical appendages but he could hit sions sent teams. You might care to f George Joel and can already Psychological tests, territorial ap- can eventually succeed in- entering the they scientific institutions? the only the grounds of scholarship, industry, like a mule and his opponent was al- know that a gentleman named Cohen e r e c hold a tennis racket. If her old mm : ways in danger of meeting one of f 6rtibnnleMs-^and other devidus ex- doors of; almost any medical school in religious disqualifications I can think intelligence, integrity and capacity for was a member of the English team. can throw the ball on the rackK 1 Ruby's famous right-handers. eltisionist deuces will' henceforth he this country." Does Dr. Rongy mean of for a medical school applicant is service to humanity . He ran in the 440-yard relay which Nancy can hit it. She already likfes I'm not so sure about Ruby's frailEvery physician, whether eminent adherence to Christian science. And abandoned by- entrance txaminirig by this that the many Jewish students finished second. He will be seen in Beards.-Jewish applicants • will be who have been excluded from Ameri- even an ardent (jhristian Scientist "in American and international Jewish ness. In all his easy fights he has I the United States when the British tennis courts, especially the dirt on them which she attacks vlgoi'ously. been hit arid hit hard, but he never handed a inarked dopy of the Bongy can medical schools are both, incom- would be most assuredly saved from affairs" or riot, will agree that the compete with Uncle Sam's boys. (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Telefolded. It was biily When he got into his misbeliefs bf the instruction of a virus of infection need be but mistatefheht arid sent honie to doting petent, and untalented? If he does, the ring With a well-known battler Answering a Fefr More Letters graphic Agency, Inc.) medical school faculty: croscopic to become the focus of a parents» with the advice:that social then he adds fresn insult to -deeply J. F. B. wants to know, "Where do Thousands of Jewish young men, fatal malady if the parasite finds that the blows began to tell. Which • pfestige fdf "low-strata parents" can: -wounded spirits^. . . . .. no longed be 'so easily acquired . -Knowing- all; too well -how r deliber- Dr. fiorigy admits, find "that Jewish- lodgment in a receptive environment. is a nice way of saying that Ruby you come off, criticizing our athletes. through" .the-"rheaieal course "at " X Y 2 ately unfair ,ajid prejudiced, are the ness is a handicap in the acquisition Can we not see then how the example lacks "heart." When feeling confi- I'll bet you sit around all day and Protest Conflict Budapest.—A serious conflict has uriivefslty."" Dr.- Ebtigy charges the fcxclusionist ^tactics of > niedieal -schoolof a triedical education." There can of restrictive and exclusionist tactics dent there isn't anvbodv whom he couldn't run 100 yards without a taxi fr "Jewish- parent with ah iri- officials, Dr., Kongy-hagnpt the cour- be ho extenuating circumstances, suf- of a medical school faculty will find j can't lick but the minute the other fel-' cab under you." A base libel without arisfen between Jewish lawyer's hefe ofditiat¥ ¥:desire-;t6 gain "social fcre's- age to rise to a complete -vindication ficient in America; to overcome such fertile lodgment in other segments of j low has the psycholog-ical advantage! a shred of truth. I ran a half-mile and the Royal Gentral District Court, only last week and as soon as I get because a nutnber of cases have b«*n tige in the community through his of their conduct. --He qualifies his un-American discrimination. Men campus life and activity ? Jewish his- Ruby is through. All of which is merely introductory over the effects I'm going to finish put on the calendar for the second Children* Adoctor in the family re- statement by affirming that : eventual- study medicine riot as- Jews nor whol- tory is more than full of the disasflects ^ pride: up»n' the father and ly applicants may be admitted, for he ly for future practice emong Jews. trous effects of professional indoc- matter to the main theme of this yarn that other half if I have to do it in day of Rosh Hashonah, September 2«i. The Jewish lawyers contetid that thr knows :- that •-some. • men have; been Nor should an eminent Jewish physi- trination of unmatured student minds which is to tell you that last week at ten-yard installments. "Why don't you write about Johnny second day of Rosh Hashonah also a one of the local clubs in New York To ditmh ifewisTi medical candidates forced to apply one—and, even :two— eian cdndone the tactics of the dis- \ with prejudiced notions, as social climbers is unfair to the score times to different schools before criminators, strengthening their pre-j The rising tendency of discrimina-. Ruby came back after an absence of Davidson of Chicago." writes a sub- legally recopnized Jewish festival htii ! tion against Jewish students in pro- more than four months and knocked scriber, "he went around the muni- the court insists that it ohly reCbjrydung" men nand" young wBmferi, too, they . eventually succeeded. ' And he jodiee by words of approbation. Let us hope that unsuccessful Jew| fessional schools other than medical Out Joe Trabone in the third round of- cipal links in 60?" Am I being kid- nizeS the first day. The Jewish lawwhd already undergo sufficient handi- •knows, far better than he dares concaps as they wbrk their way through sciously acknowledge in his philo- ish medical candidates will not notice! could no doubt be traced to the spread a scheduled ten-round bout. Ruby ded—does the mug mean 60 minutes? yers have decided to take their pr> test to the highest authorities. what is' admittedly the; hardest pf B- anti-Semitic interview, . iMt ; Jewish 'Eungy's "cruel remark: "One inay pos-joi" this exclusionisi virus from medical dropped Joe in the first round but One can't be too careful. es a thousand faults justifying criticriti j departments. departments And. And will anyone declare sess cism, and yet proclaim that the faults j that students, sitting at the feet of •*= are but mirages in the eyes of the prejudiced teachers, and coming from if that one happens to be a backgrounds steeped 1 in classic misinweak-natured fool." I presume H. S; formation concerning the Jewish peowould be such a "weak-natured fool," ple, will leave their college halls free in Dr. Eongy's eyes. H. £. had been of the taint of prejudice? This inchosen for Phi Beta Kappa at Colum- dustrial discrimination that Dr. Rongr bia; Ms academic standing was un- so justly deplores, does it not repreusually high; undoubtedly near, if not sent in part the frightful fruition of at> the very top of his class; he had false notions implanted in the minds bfien endorsed for adinission to the of industrial subordinates when they College of Physicians and Surgeons were college students? members of the'*premedieaV The existence jjof discrimination Htere^s-aSTa Srie^ ^against Jewish- |§edical candidates *?\ > bis life's hope blasted almost at constitutes a focus^-of infection that the very start Of course he could must be studied and adequately treatcontinue to apply to other medical de by wise Jewish leadership. It must schools, but this takes time arid money neither be condemned nor approved which neither he nor his struggling by spacious reasoning or by jugglery parents can afford. of questionnaires. "We know too well Third and fourth fate classmates of how the apparently reasonable and his were admitted to the P; ft S.; riot seemingly innocuous "literacy test" so much because they would reflect for education to the United States was credit to their future professiori or cultivated into quota restrictions, and bring competent healing td future pa^ how this dangerous policy may yet idents, bat Because they wete ttbfa- find noxious affloreseence in a comJewish. Ana Dr. Rongy approves plete stoppage of Jewish immigration. thereof. Save us from such friends, One need be rio prophet to predict the who are willing to barter the well- trend of development in American being of their people for the lauda- educational affairs if the medical extions of Christian colleagues. These clusionist tactic becomes a meekly acsame colleagues, when among them- discrimination in universities has beselves, will say, "Well, we certainly discrimination in universitie shas bepulled the wool over his eyes with gun a study of the wider phases of our 'country doctor stuff." this whole problem, and it is to be To read Dr. Eongy's interview one hoped that it will Soon find it possible would imagine that the whole trend to release its report and recommendaOf American life has suddenly swung tion. rural. The 1930 Federal census shows While I am not a physician and do the continuation of the urbanization not jsresuine to speak for Jewish phyof our population. To assume that sicians, yet I feel sure that they -would our medical schools are training rnen not seek the establishment of a "closed for country doctoring only is to as- shop" in m3dicine> an eventuality sure Usually Priced sume a false position. And to assUme to result if restrictive policies contliafc Jewish the n will not go into that tinued. They know too well the danIs your old stove cooking you at $10 and 12.50 field, where there is an admitted gers and heartaches such a policy inright along with the mfeal? If it lilat Jewish meli will not go into that volves, for rnany of them, as Jews, is, it's time you tveifc gettiflg « d they have lost all sense of econoiriie have writhed under its sting both as HOICE of 2 knickers, or but of this old cooking method; Elecopportunity, arid to overlook, further- toedical students and hospital internes. knickcr and one longie. Also tric cooking is now available for more, the increasing tendency of Eton ana Rugby suits with 2 Dr. Rongy fears we will have too young1 Jewish physicians to practice riiahy Jewish doctors. Preventive every home at a cheaper rate r>air English shorts. All-wool in suburban arid Tural areas. tweeds and cassimereS. Sizes 4 medicine is rapidly coming forward. than ever before. You should -to. 10 and 6 to 14, So likewise is the socialization of medThe exclusionist policy that has won have it in your home. EteetHc ical practice, in the opinion of Dr. the approbation of Dr. Rongy is dancooking is the deaner, tooled gerous to both public health and pri- Louis I- Harris, former commissioner quicker and cheaper method of vate welfare, and I am surprised that Of health, New York City. Such is | cooking. an feminent physician should overlook the opinion of other authorities as | this possible menace. Hundreds of well Socialized msdical practice has! bur ambitious young men, excluded already reached high levels in Eurofrom American schools, obtain admis- pean countries, and though we are a sion to Scotch, English', French, South bit slow in adopting Europe's good | African and other foreign schools, ideas, we are moving well on this seme of which are admittedly fenb- road. This will call for more physigrade in laboratory equipment arid cians, and, as civil servants, Jewish teaching personnel. These men will doctors in state institutions and Your Cheapest Domestic Servant return to America, wDl be licetised clinics will need have no fear of not Tit' •» hotsito has hie eye to practice, with possible ill results to acquiring "a clientele among nontl^batl, but his coinJews," which Dr. Eongy intimates is patients and public health, and rriayHundreds of residents have inpariions have their eyes their present unhappy experience. j h&ps serious harm to the general repon his, neic "Sonny Boy" stalled electric rahges and are iilation of Jewish physicians. Thus suit of tan tweed, priced I submit, in conclusion, that I have ; now enjoying the low 3c rate. at 6S5. another weapon would be added to the not fully met, nor attempted to meet, You are entitled to j a low rate, armory of the exdusionists. Usually Prtced the issues raised "by Dr. Rongy. This too. The more electricity you use> One can join most heartily with Dr. would require the use of available at 1230 and $15 the cheaper your rate becomes. Eongy in his declaration that Jewish statistical material which, I am sure, leaders sh ^uld apply themselves to the will be released in due course wheti WO pairs of knickers for removal of the barriers against Jews the committee on medical discriminab&ys of 6 to 14 years, and in the fields of industry and eoin- tion of the American Jewish congress "Electric Shops" 'ftftj pairs K>i longies for boys of m*ros; But no friend of Jewish youth presents its report. In the mean2314 M St. 17th and Hatney Sts. 10 to 18 years. Expertly tailored cart accent his taeit position that; be- while, 1 offer this word on the exerA side of "Prep" *mfl? for &©#* Of fftim fiiife, all-wool fabrics in difeerilnlnatibn ixists in emfilby- cise of a fundamental American privhigh school mi tollem thie iiew blues, grays, browns and 'ile]*e-i-^the untrarHmeled right to actans. makers of "Sonrig Boy" clottieS. quire an education' in : all fields, inbnd is as indefensible as the first. Arid cluding medicine. fiRAKBEIS—Fourth Floor Courtesy - Service furthermore, Dr. Eongy thinks that industrial discrimination forces young Covetousness is ever attended with men into the field of .medicine. This solicitude and anxiety.—Frankliiu
Are Medical Colleges
Sport Notes
I)iscrvmitujiting Unfairly?
Despite Report of Di% Rotigy, Rejection of Jewish Candidates Is Assuming Proportion of Active Menace
Why should any woman spend the afternoon in a hot kitchen, when she can cook electrically for a few cents a
, Two to Go! n
"Soriny Boy Suits
Make An Economy Goal Friday
Boys' AiWool Two-Pant Suits
Boys All- Wool
Two-Pant Suits
3*Cent Electricity
Coming Saturday!
Nebraska Power
Five Jewish Teachers MELCHER HONORED on School Faculties
Kubby; finance committee, Max Shostak, Sam Rosenthal, M. Brandeis, Harry Krasne, and aarry ICubby; grievance committee, M. L. On the faculty of. the Sioux City Marks, Sam Bubb, Sam Friedman, Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The highest public schools - will be five Jewish By F. R. Harry Cohen, and Max Cohn; memteachers this year. ; Miss Freda Al- order of the Prussian state was today bership committee, Nathan Nogg. bestowed upon Dr. Carl Melchier, notbert, a graduate of the Sioux City The Bar Mitzvah o f Leonard MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent normal school, will teach at Hunt ed Hamburg banker, partner of Max Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake j Sam Meyerson, Louis Weinberg, school; Miss Sadie Shulkin, also a Warburg, and world famous econom- Brown, will take place Saturday! Charles Saltzman, and Ben Kubby: normal graduate will again teach at ist, for the services he rendered to the morning, September 6, at the Chevra j sick committee, M. Hoffman, Herman the Hopkins school; Miss Ruth Marx German republic as the German rep- B'nai Yisroel synagogue. On Satur- { Meyerson, and Simon Steinberg; who received her degree from the resentative on the directorate of the day afternoon he wilJ entertain! find synagogue committee include Wayne normal school, will be on the Bank for International Settlement. twenty of his friends at a theater M. L. Marks, Sam Steinberg. Sam Meyerson, Sam Grose, and Charles Webster school faculty; Miss Ida He-The mayor of Hamburg, M. Ross, party at the Broadway theater. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Weiner, 1315 Saltzman. lauded Mr. Melchier's work for the shelow will again be on the faculty of Jennings street, announced' the en- At a meeting held in the Community upbuilding of post-war Germany, sayHawthorne school, and Miss Gladys The Council Bluffs Chapter of the i Center Tuesday evening, plans were gagement of their daughter, Chaiah Joe Scharf and nephew, MarSarah, to Otto Gotthold Graf, of Annj begun for the annual B'nai Brith Weinberg, who in addition to her work ing that "Melchier convinced the vic- Senior Hadassah will hold their tinMr. Gluckman, returned home Tuestorious powers of German's inability in the normal school here, studied at opening meeting of the fall season Arbor, Mich., son of Mr. and Mrs.dance and card party which is schedWith the beginning. of next week, Joseph Graf of Manitoba, Canada. uled for Thursday evening, October Drake, will teach at the Riverview to carry the burden of debt imposed next Tuesday afternoon, September day, following a ten day trip to Sioux City's Jewish boys" "and girls Miss Weiner is well known in musical 2nd at the Rigaudon. upon her by the Versailles treaty." school. 9, at 2: SO o'clock, in the Corn Room Rochester, Minn. will••"•begin" to-depart' for the various circles here. She received her bachDr. Melchier, who has represented of the Chieftain Hotel. A delightful Mr. E. N. Grueskin, vice president schools of their choosing, where stu- elor of arts degree at the University of the lodge is chairman for the arhis country at every one of the post- program has been arranged and all dies, - sports, fraternities and sororities of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she rangements. He will be assisted by The Cooler Days war international conferences, recent- members are urged to attend. The will occupy- their .time for the com-was awarded the Juillard scholarship A. M. Davis, Ben Sekt, Dr. H. M. ly declined the position as head of the program will include piano solos: Bring Riding Days Reichsbank ing, .scholastic year.. after the resignation of by Miss Rose Brandels, and read- j under Guy Maier. Mr. Graf was Levin, Robert Sacks, Al Feinberg, Jim .The .first to. depart will probably awarded his bachelor of arts and mas- Greenstone, Morely Lipshutz, I. H. The cooler days of fall entice many M. Schacht. In order to accept his '.ngs by Mrs John Baird. A board j be the students,going to .the Univer- ter of arts degrees at the University Levin, Leon Dobrofsky, Abe Pill and of Sioux City's younger set to their position on the directoriate of the meeting- will precede the regular! sity of Nebraska at Lincoln. They of Michigan and was a scholarship Joe Levin* T . favorite pastime of riding/and early Bank for International Settlement he meeting at the Chieftain Hotel. are Fred Sherman, - son of Mr. andstudent at - the Institute of Musical According to the committee this af- mornings will find groups of girls resigned from the finance commission Mrs. Ehilip Sherman, Morris; Gordon, Art in Detroit, Mich. He will be an fair -will be. the highlight of the sea-riding horseback on- the bridle paths of the League of Nations. The Council Bluffs Chapter No. Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—The creation son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gordon; instructor at the university this fall. son, and if previous entertainments of Stone Park. ,„ . 688 of the Independent Order of the Frances Emlein, daughter of Mr. andMiss Weiner and Mr. Graf appeared sponsored by the local lodge are any One group of enthusiasts for this B nai Brith will hold a meeting next of a world Sabbath bank to furnish Mrs. R. H. Emlein; Philip Dobrofsky, in a joint piano recital last year for indication-the dance and card party sport is composed of the Misses Private Kindergarten Monday evening, September S. at the financial assistance to Jews who find themselves in economic difficulties beson, of Mr.. and Mrs. N. Dobrofsky; the Shaare Zion Synagogue benefit. will be well attended. Bluma Merlin, Ida Feldman, Sybil cause of their strict observance of the to Be Opened Soon Eagles Hall. Julius: Mosow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Weiner entertained at The dance and card party will be Merlin and Dorothy Levine. Sabbath, was decided upon at the closSam Mosow, and Carl Saltzman, son a reception honoring their daughter held on Yom Kippur night Another group that is- thinking Miss Dorothy Moscow, a graduate Mrs. J. Scharf returned home ing session of the world congress of of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Saltzman. seriously of forming a Jewish Saddle of the Pestalozzi Froebel kindergar- Tuesday following a.ten-day visit in on Sunday afternoon and evening.'The Shomrei Shabbos, the league for upClub is composed of the Misses Bess ten school in Chicago, will open a pri- Minneapolis, Minn. A number of Sioux Cityans have wedding date has not been set. ' holding the sanctity of the Sabbath. Lipshutz, Leah Herzoff, Elizabeth vate kindergarten in her home, 2823 registered for Iowa university. They The congress also adopted a resoluMisi Fannie Katelman returned Raskin, Sadie Shulkin,, Marcia Rob- Sunset Circle, September 15. . will leave the week of September 14th Miss Bertie Berger of Omaha has tion appealing to the entire cultural home' Tuesday from St. Louis, Ma., inow, Sara Mosow, and Freda Albert. and include Mildred Sirken, daughter been a guest at the homes of Mr. and ,- .Miss Moscow - has but recently re•world and to all organizations conwhere' she spent the past week-end of Mr. and Mrs. J..Sirken; Delia Gal- Mrs. Morey Lipshutz and Mr. and turned from Chicago, where she comnected with the proposed calendar reinsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- Mrs. Meyer Lipshutz, where she has pleted a post graduate course in kin- visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs.form plan to assure the fixity of the Mrs. Pickps' Mother M. J. Novoson. man Galinsky; Freda Rozmofsky, been extensively, entertained. dergarten work.u. ., ,. „ ... .... Sabbath. Dies in New Orleans daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. RozmovThe education of our children along The congress also authorized its sky; Ida Fish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Veiihoff of Chicago, Miss Dorothy Margolin of Omaha, the-lines of Jewish history, culture Mrs. Albert Pierrej Levy, tnother of world executive to make certain that Mrs. Ben Fish; Helen Levitt, daughter visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Seldir..! Sain l4$hisy: 3319.' Jackson Rabbi Rabinowitz and of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Levitt; Lionel Nebr., is a guest at the home of Miss and literature is acknowledged by Mrs. Dl., spent the past week-end herej the Sabbath would be included as one Dorothy Friedman, 1722 Jackson our leaders as a paramount factor Wife Back from East of the two" rest days when the plan street, died in^her home in New O'rr London, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. and Mr. Seldin. in the perpetuation of Judaism. leans, La., Saturday, according .to for the five day week is realized in London; Sol Seff, son of Mr. and Mrs. street. However, according to our educators word received: here. Mrs. Levy had Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz The Council Blufis Agidas Achim the United States. The American A. W. Seff; Isadore Lasensky, son of the difficulty lies in providing for visited her daughter here several have returned home this week, after Association held a meeting Thnrs- j delegates had expressed-optimism that The Misses Bee and Ida Burke of Mr. and Mrs. Max Lasensky; Louis Dimsdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. JoeSt. Paul are visiting at the home of that education, and finding time in times, and was "well known in Sioux spending the summer months in' day evening,' September 4, at the the growth of the five day week plan Dimsdale; Dave Alberts, son of Mr., the Misses Rogie and Margaret Koz- the average school child's days city. .•" •: •;;.: • ; . -j..*;.' New York City. They also spent Eagles Hall. Mr. Ben I. Seldin, would solve the problem of Sabbath which are already .crowded with and Mrs. Morris Alberts; Sam Ep-berg. Mrs. Pickus^as with her mother some time in Philadelphia and Wash- president, has announced the follow- observance. school work, music or dancing les- throughout her iltne^sand is expected ington, D. C. • ; ing • committees for the ensuing! A decision to appeal.to all the world stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Epsons and other pursuits, .for obtainMrs. A. H. Baron and daughter term: Entertainment committee, powers to mitigate the effects upon Regular services at the Shaare stein; George Kuntz, son of Mr. and home about Septeinber 10. ; Zion will not begin until the High Charles Saltzman, Sam Steinberg.' the Jews of the compulsory Sunday Mrs. Jacob Kuntz; Dave Kaplan, son have returned home after spending ing this knowledge. The establishing of Jewish PATRONIZE OU& ADVERTISERS Holy Days.' Ben Kooler, M. L. Marks, and Benrest day was also adopted. of Mri and Mrs. Paul Kaplan; Irving the summer months at .the home of Passman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mrs. Barons' parents, Mr. and Mrs.parochial schools has been suggested by many as a remedy for this suitPassman; Sol.Kronick, son of Mr. and S. Weisberg at-Lake Minnetonka. uation, and the idea has been debated Mrs. L. Kronick. , Dave Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Florence Kaufman is visiting upon from many platforms. Our local answers to this question, as. to I. Singer, will study at Grinnell this friends in Chicago. •whether or not the establishment of year. Miss Marcella Koolish, daughI--;" •, Mr. and Mrs. Max Herzoff spent Jewish parochial schools would be ter of Mr.' and • Mrs. Louis Koolish, plans to go t o the University, of Illi- the week end visiting friends in Oma- of advantage to the Jew, were equalnois at Champlain; Miss Elsie Brod- ha; fThey, accompanied byvtheir sons, ly divided pro and con.", c, • , : ' DK -J.'N.. Lande - replied with a key, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. John Lee and Ben,, and Dave Albert. .._, most emphatic "No!" . :. Brodkey* will study at the University "We don't want to separate our of Wisconsin.,- Sam Hurwitz and Louis Mr. Max Gohen and son, Gerald, Hurwitz will go to Ann Arbor, Miss spent several days in-Lincoln, Nebr., Jewish children from children of other faiths," he continued. "IsolatFrances Passman, daughter of Mr. where- they visited friends. ing ourselves will only tend to and Mrs. Sara Passman, will register Mrs. Anna Herzoff. visited with rel- create bad will. again at Drake; Burnell Koolish, son Separation in of Mr.. and Mrs. Louis Koolish, will atives and friends in Omaha this schools of children at this early age go to the University .of Minnesota, week. She was accompanied by.her would be a distinct disadvantage te as will Bernard Weiner, son of Mr. son and daughter, Stanley and Louise. the Jew." and Mrs. Sam Weiner. Frank EpHowever,-Mr. Herman N. Slotsky, stein, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ep- Alfred Albert -has spent the past one of Sioux City's most prominent stein,. will take his fourth year of two weeks visiting friends in Vermil- young attorneys, seemed to favor the dentistry at Creighton; Paul. Lelehook, lion, So. Dak. plan. son of Mr.,and Mrs. E. Lelchook, and "The establishing of Jewish Ray Friedman, son of Mr.- and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Herzoff and parochial schools, said Mr. Slotsky, I. Friedman, will study at Detroit; Mrs. Sam Robinow spent last week- "would offer a greater assurance of Leon Galinsky, son of Mr. and Mrs.end in Omaha visiting at the home of inculcation and perpetuation of the Herman Galinsky, will register again Mrs. Fanny Kroloff. Jewish conscience and Jewish culture in the University of South Dakota at in the minds of the future generaMr. and Mrs. Jack Falk of. Omaha, Vermillion; Martin Kozberg, son of tions of our Jewish people/' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kozberg, will enter visited last week-end at the home of But, on the other hand, Mrs. B. H. Mr. Falk's brother and sister-in-law, the University of Michigan. Raskin, whose central interest is Mr. and Mrs. Sol Falk, Swanson A number of students will remain apartments. with her children, felt that Jewish • in the city and study at Morningside parochial schools would be a dis College. They are Helen Herzoff, advantage 'to-the- Jewish population Miss Vivian- Moscow has returned daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Her- home "In Epite of the fact that the child after spending the past two zoff; Dorothy-Merlin, daughter of Mr. weeks visiting in Omaha. would ^receive a more thorough reland Mrs. I. Merlin; Ida. Edelman, igious training and a greater knowldaughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Edelman; edge of Jewish customs and literaHymie Hurwitz, son of'Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Bandarin of CouncB Bluffs, ture, still the segragation from Iowa, formerly of Sioux City, who is —Stunning-looking on y«nr car I. Hurwitz, and Martin Kronick, son visiting friends here, was the guest of . children of other faiths and religions of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kronick. honor at a party'given Monday eve- •would be a very great disadvantage —Gives super-protection. snper-Tiear Miss Charlotte. Rpsenstq'ck; daugh- ning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. to the Jew. It would make the difter of- Mr. andlMrs.-Emil Rosenstock, Mirowitz, 900 Sixteenth street. Twen- ference of religion a paramount —Sells at ordinary heavy duty priees has registered at Wellesley. issue in the child's life and distort ty-five guests were present. A bufits values." fet lunch concluded the evening. DEATH CLAIMS CHILD Mr. Abe Jacobson gave excellent - Little Julius Weinberg, son., of,Mr. Miss Ida Orlikoff has returned reasons for the Jewish scftool being and Mrs. Nathan Weinberg, 1115 West home after visiting friends in Omaha. an advantage, and stated that "the Sixth Street died following an operaestablishing of Jewish parochial tion, last Wednesday. Funeral, servMiss Rozena Sacks is expected to schools would permit the child to ices were held at the home and Rabbi return home this week-end after have more time for studies in M. Braver officiated. Julius was 8 spending the past six weeks visiting Hebrew, Jewish customs, literature, years old and a fourth grade pupil of friends in Chicago, St. Louis and and history. They can not get a the Hopkins school. Minneapolis. sufficient education along these lines, at the present time, because by thft The Misses Dorothy and Bertha time their regular school day is Greatest bargain in tire history — especially for S E F F ' S Margolin of Omaha were guests in over, they cannot give their best bard drivers and folks who like to feel EXTRAthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Halig- energy and attention to the Hebrew DELICATESSEN safe when riding. school. That makes the school day man this week. Guaranteed mucth too long In addition to this," | SANDWICH SHOP , It's extra big. Has an extra thick, extra d««p Tire The Misses Dorothy Muskin and he continued, "it would help the KOSHER ,MffATS OF ALL KINDS All-Weather Tread with tapered side-bars pointDorothy Cohen of Omaha, spent the child avoid much anti-Semitism and Repairing ing to the silver striping. Has an extra-powerful week-end in" Sioux. City: prejudice that he ineets now." body underneath—six plies of Goodyesr's pat* Estimates free <,-'-• ' JFJor -New, Y e a r cnted, shock-absorbing, SUPERTWIST CORIX The members of the Hawkeye Club Jewish'Textile Unions Raided Everything is extra, including its stunning style—* of the Jewish Community Center,'unGreeting Cards Warsaw.—Following a raid on the der the leadership of Edwin W. Baron only the price is ordinary. That's doe to Good* SEE are making plans for a farewell party left wing union of the Jewish trade year economies effected by building MILLIONS for .two members, who will leave soon employees, the offices were closed and MORE tires than soy other company.. PROTCH & CO. for college, George Kuntz and Martin 53 of the union members were arrested; The Jewish Textile Union was 420 Pierce Street Kozberg. also raided and 28 members arrested. Mrs. Eli JacobsonTof Chicago, HI., is a guest at the home of her parents, examination with the government inspector.. Mr., and Mrs. L. M. Rice.
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