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Interesting and Entertaining
In the Interests of The Jewish Community
Entered as second-class mall matter cm .• \ry 'SI, UGH., at a, Nebraska, under XiSSj, . >, Mnrcb 3, lB7a postonice nt Omaha,
TACOMADNITO OFFER COURSES IN HEBREW, ZIONISM Studies, to Be Conducted by Dr. I. Spector; First on West Coast
VOL. VIIL—No. 84
I-Jewish City Planned in Palestine Center Orange, N. J.—A new all-Jewish dty is being planned south of Jaffa, Palestine, according to information reaching Samuel Friedlander of this city, who heads the Erez Israel Land Agency in New York. Mr. Friedlander declared that from present plans the new municipality's growth will parallel that of Tel Aviv. At present the only all-Jewish city in the world. . Mr. Friedlander made this, statement in connection with an announcement that nineteen more purchasers of land in "Nathanyah" the citrus colony which is being established in Palestine in honor of Nathan Straus, distinguished philanthropist, have received deeds.
Sunday School Will Open Next Sunday Morning
Services at Temple Israel Resumed Tonight
Regular Friday evening services Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of the1 firmation class that undertakes reEducational Committee of the Jewish search projects and studies Jewish at Temple Israel will be resumed tonight at the Temple, starting at Community Center, announces the problems of today. opening of the Center Sunday School The Sunday School hopes to under- 8 p. m. on Sunday morning, September 14, take a number of project dubs, each Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen vhen all children planning to attend club being formed by a class and fol- | "Religion Again" as the subject of the Center Sunday School this year lowing a specific type of work and | his introductory lecture. should present themselves for enroll- project activity. The first Saturday morning serment between the hours of ten and vice for the coming season will be The assembly is the common meettwelve. ing ground of all the. classes. Here held this Saturday morning at The Center Sunday School has the class bringing the most charity is 10:30 a. m. Dr. Cohn's subject grown rapidly and is entering the awarded the charity banner. A short will be "Coming." third year of its existence. The kin- service is conducted and songs are The Temple Israel Sunday school dergarten class where the tiniest pu- sung. It is planned to have prom- will start on Sunday morning at pils paste biblical pictures into scrap inent members of the Jewish Com- 10 o'clock. books and dramatize bible stories has munity address the assemblies briefly become so popular that it was found each week. necessary to divide it into two secThe members of the educational tions. committee of the Center include beThere are ten grades in all, and when a pupil has completed them, he side Dr. Sher, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, has a comprehensive view of Jewish Leo Rosenthal, Henry Monsky, Irvin biblical history. Then follows con- Stalmaster, Harry Wolf'and William firmation. There is also a post-con-1 Holzman.
Subsidy Cut Endangers JJEWISH AGENCY Institutions in Saloraca
Salonica, (J. T. A.).—The Jewish institutions of Salonica find themselves in a very precarious situation as a result of a reduction of more than 40 percent in the annual subsidy granted by the Salonica municipality to the Jewish community of Salonica. The drastic cut is attributed to the municipality's need for exercising economy. The subvention this year to the Jewish community will be $89,310 compared with $136,500 last year. The grants allowed to six specific Jewish institutions last yea' totalling j $18,850 ha\-e been entirely cancelled. The subsidy to 12 other Jewish institutions has been reduced from $6,500 to $650. In view of the reduced subsidies the Jewish institutions will be compelled to restrict their services and dispense with some of their employees.
f m P C TTC
Administrative Committee Ap» proves of Budget Amounting to $3,325,000
Berlin.—(J, T. A.)—With the election of & new Jewish Agency Executive, the adoption of a budget of $8,325,000, and the passage of resolutions making clear the attitude of the Jewish Agency towards the British government, the Palestine Arabs and the Mandates Commission, the Administrative committee of the Jewish Agency, in session since last Friday, closed its sessions here. Of the budget of §S,325,000 adopted $725,000 was allocated for the payment of debts, $800,000 additional for land and colonization, $380,000 for education, 5430,000 for medical work, ?105,000 for the expenses of the Palestine Executive, and $90,000 for the expenses of the London Executive. Ann Arbor, Mich.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. In connection with relations with Jewish Population of Moses Gomberg, professor chemistry Proposal for Separate Jewish the Arabs the Administrative Comat the University of Michigan here, Palestine Now 172,000 Entity Is Steadily Gainmittee announced its intention to inis on a roster of men who have coning Ground tensify efforts to reach an tindertributed to the progress of chemistry Jerusalem, (J. T. A.).—From Sept. standing with them and recommended in America during the past century. 1, 1929, to July 31, 1930, 5,671 Jews Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — The prothe establishment of a special departThis roster has been submitted to the entered Palestine, including 4,663 posed plan for the creation of a sepment for this work in the Palestine National Research Council's science who came in on immigration certifiarate Jewish municipality within the advisory committee for use in plan- cates, according to figures made pub- An informal meeting held Septem- Jerusalem municipality appears to be New York.—(J. T. A.)—An orig- Executive of the Jewish Agency. The committee recommended that ning an historical chemistry exhibit lic today by the Jewish Agency. The ber 8 opened the ensuing season of gaining ground. A delegation of the inal idea which he hit upon two years supervision of the Jewish educational at the 1933 Chicago world's fair. Jewish immigrants included 700 from the Center Players Guild. The new Jewish community which will call up- ago of settling up for firm offices system in Palestine be transferred to Dr. Gomberg was born in Russia in Yemen and 458 Russians. officers who were installed are: on the Acting High Commission to j with a staff of stenographers, a com1866. In 1890 the University of Mich- The Jewish Agency's figures show Mrs. P. Wintroub, president; Has- discuss the status of the Jerusalem j munal telephone exchange, etc., has a committee composed of representaigan conferred upon him the degree of that the Jewish population of Pales- kell Cohen, vice-president; Mamie municipality, which has had no Jew- earned for Herman Levy, New York tives of the Jewish Agency and of the Doctor of Sdence. Since1904 he has tine is now 172,000, or twenty percent Temin, secretary; Abe Saltzman, cor- ish councillors since the Jewish mem- Jewish business man, a million dol- Palestine Jewish community, the committee to take control with the bebeen professor of Chemistry at the of the total. responding secretary; Pauline Hur- bers resigned last April as a protest lars a year. Mr. Levy, who is now ginning of the Jewish year 5692. University of Michigan, having prevwitz, treasurer; Margaret Hurwitz, against the treatment of the Jews, forty-five, started his career by sellAnother resolution urged the coiously taught at the university, first publicity manager; Max Weinstein, will raise the question of a separs^e ing newspapers on the Lower East ordination and co-operation of the as instructor of chemistry and then business manager; Ralph Nogg, ser- Jewish municipality, after the fashion Side at night. various Jewish economic enterprises as- assistant professor in organic of Tel Aviv. AJEWISH geant-at-arms. After the war Mr. Levy was a sales- in Palestine and the establishment of chemistry. V • .. -.'•'.;'"..'• J A new and most interesting office, A society' calling itself Hatoshav man. While making frequent visits co-ordination between them and the Dr. Gomberg received the;Nichols which is that of "booking agency, has has been organized to take the legal to offices and office buildings he no- Jewish Agency. The Executive of the Medal in 1914 and the Willaiwl Gibbs All natatorial proclivities at the been opened. One-act plays per- steps necessary to separate the Jew- ticed that stenographers and other Medkl. in 1925." He is noted :for ;his Jewish Community Center are now/^n- formed by members of the Guild are ish community in Jerusalem from the clerks were wasting too much time Jewish Agency is instructed by this resolution to prepare ih? necessary available-for any organisation of the rest c£~ the population -end to. obtain and were being paid too much for the plans for co-ordinating these underAif "Active"~Ss£sorr wiffi" Itfany lent carbon and free radical quino- Foster* -Mr. Foster, who was swim- Jewish Community Center. autonomy for it. The founders of She amount of work they did. It octakings, Entertaining Events Is carbinuin salts, tautomerism in th§, jning instructor and physical director Haskell Cohen, who is in charge of movement, chiefly lawyers* have an- curred to him then that a communal A concluding resolution advocates ^ Planned nounced that the Hatoshav now has tripheriy methane series, and ethylene at the Omaha Athletic Club for the the booking, can be seen at the Censtaff of office assistants, paid to do that Zionists and non-Zionists should 1,000 members. chlorhydrin. . .• : .'-.' , ".. past two and a half • years, left that ter for any further information. •• only what the tenant wanted done, work together for the Keren Hayesod, Dr. David Gahn Platt, scoutmastei post to assume his duties at the CenThe Guild, under the direction of Some weeks ago the Jewish town would mean a saving of expense to the chief financial instrument of the of the Jewish Boy Scout Troop No. 62 ter. Mrs. Herman Jahr, has chosen for its council of Jerusalem declared that it each office employer. Jewish Agency, in central and local and assistant scoutmaster Julius BisMr. Foster comes to the Community first offering of the new season "The was opposed to the Hatoshav move- Mr. Levy's corporation now serves organizations. The Administrative no and Herman Faier took fifteer Center with an excellent record in Jazz Singer," adapted from the screen ment which it termed irresponsible more than 1,000 individual offices in Committee also called attention to the members of the troop to Camp Gifaquatic sports. At Technical High production of that name. This play and likely to undermine discipline. New York in this way. He has signed need for strengthening the Jewish ford on an overnight hike last SatThe town council demanded that the contracts that bring under his con- Agency by means of increasing the school, under the watchful eye of will be given sometime in October. urday and Sunday. The Daughters of Zion will hold Coach Hubbard, he attained the state This year the Council of Jewish Hatoshav leaders desist from further trol more than 250,000 feet of office interests in the work of the Jewish The boys were given instruction their first regular meeting of the sea- championship in diving for three con- Women will give prizes to the best activity. space at a yearly rental cost of mere- Agency among wider non-Zionists astronomy and had many games an< son on Wednesday afternoon, Septemthan $1,000,000. circles. contests to entertain them. Thes ber 17, at the Jewish Community Cen- secutive years and was also crowned male and female performer in the champion of the mid-western A. A. U. Guild. Miss Bess Weinstein, winner Eemo.—A special university conwere followed by swimming in the ter at 2:30 p. m. diving events for two years. While of the Council Scholarship last year, taining three faculties for the traincamp pool. A program including a prominent in high school he was also a mem- is now studying at a New York con- ing of anti-religious workers in the This flashlight hike was so success- speaker has been arranged, and re- ber of a state championship relay servatory. Jewish, Greek Orthodox and Roman ful that another overnight tramp is freshments will be served. Details of team. Catholic religions has been opened by being planned for the end of the the rummage sale, which will be held the Soviets at Vologda, the OsserAfter leaving his scholastic career, Gerson Is Speaker month so that the boys can witness soon, will be discussed. vatore Romano, the official organ of Mr. Foster has been the assistant the initiation ceremonies of the Black Before Social Workers the Vatican, reports. Mrs. A. Wolf, chairman of the rum- athletic director under Denny Ryan at Moscow.—With the approach of the along the whole front o£ Soviet conDiamond, a group composed of one the Omaha Athletic Club and also unmage sale, requests anyone who can Mr. Samuel Gerson, executive secJewish High Holidays, the Yiddish structive work. The war agaiast reoutstanding scout from each troop. Communist press, hitherto quiescent ligion must be waged especially at Herman Faier, a member of Troop contribute a bundle to call JacksoQ der Ryan at the Knights of Colum- retary of the J. C. C, the Federation Beth Hamedrosh Is on the subject for sometime, is again this time when the Jewish High HoliNo. 62, has been elected "medicine 5814 and an immediate pick-up will bus. During the past two and one- and the Jewish Philanthropies, adhalf years, Mr. Foster has been in full dressed the Social Workers at the Y. be made. Ready for Holidays starting an ardent anti-religious cam- days are approaching and the Jewish man" of the Black Diamond. All members and friends are invit- charge of the athletic department of M. C. A. on "The Highlights of the L. Harris, president of the Beth paign. The Emes, organ of the Mos- clericals are engaged in a campaign With fail here the Jewish troop ed to attend. the Athletic Club. National Jewish Conference." Hamadrosh Hagodol congregation, J cow Yiddish Communists, devotes a of their own. Anti-religious activity expects to become real active, and has announced that preparations are recent issue almost entirely to the must be combined with a fight against many affairs are being planned, for now being made for the High Holiday question of religion, and launches a Jewish nationalism and chauvinism.0 the scouts. services. Rev. Moses Katz, cantor fierce attack upon rabbis, who, the A correspondent from Homel writes from Winnipeg, Canada, will officiate. paper says "are no better than the that the clergy there are offering to Rev. Katz chanted the services here clericals of the Greek Orthodox, Ro- conduct services even without money during one of the summer Sabbaths man Catholic, Lutheran or churches so long as they can get a congregaand according to Mr. Harris he made doing everything they can to exploit tion and synagogue. such an excellent impression upon his the difficulties of the Soviet regime." "Unless the tendency of the major- ing the first meeting of the B'nai of European nationalism. An eco- listeners that he was immediately en- Zionists, Jewish Socialists, and two The first meeting of the season for of the most famous rabbis of Europe, the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary ity- in American life today is diverted B'rith season last Monday evening at nomic boycott of Jewry—industrially gaged for the holy day services. will be held Monday afternoon, Sep- from its present channels,, we Jewish the J. C. C. In an eloquent and force- and professionally—has been launch- Those wishing seats have been re- the Chofetz Chaim and the Gerer quested to apply any evening at the Rebbe, are linked by the Emes with tember 15, at the Jewish Community people here will be facing pogroms ful, yet engaging manner, this elo- ed in America. of one kind or another in the none quent orator held his audience while "The organization best equipped synagogue between 5 and 9 p. m. the Roman Catholics in an alleged atCenter. The Recreation Rooms at the JewA board meeting will be held at too distant future," was the startling he advanced his theory of economic and most highly qualified," the speak-' Prices for all seats have been reduced tempt to overthrow the proletarian dictatorship. ish Community Center open for the for this year. (Continued on Page 6.) 1:30, and the regular meeting will prognostication voiced by Richard E. boycott of American Jews. Gutstadt of San Francisco in address- The speaker was introduced by AfteT calling this "dark conspiracy" coming" season next Monday under the~ follow at 2:30. to the attention of its readers, the personal supervision of Leo Fried, Henry Monsky. Mr. Gutstadt is exeEmes remarks "no wonder then that who was in charge of that departcutive secretary of District Grand the Jewish masses have converted ment last year. Mr. Fried will be Lodge Now 4 of the B'nai B'rith, is many synagogues into clubs and assisted by Millard Sigal. a past president of the district, and is workshops. They will see to it that The coining season has hi store director of the newly created memberthese synagogues which have been tournaments in ping pong, checkers, ship bureau of the international order. Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Not since Corporation, to which office he was left will also be turned into useful in- chess, pool and snooker. Last year He was honor guest at a luncheon at Louis Brandeis was named to the Su- appointed by President Wilson in stitutions." the ping pong championship was won Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Negotia- without the full consent of all con- the Athletic Club Monday noon. Nevertheless the Ernes finds that by Arthur Grossman, the checker tions between the Arabs and the Jews cerned, namely the Jewish Agency, "We are living in ghettos in Amer- preme Court-by President Wilson, has 1919, Mr. Meyer did much to organconcerning a possible compromise ar- the rabbinate, the Jewish National ica today," the speaker declared. a Jew held so high an appointive of- ize the resources of the farmers and religion is not yet exterminated and title by Jake Temin, and the snooker rangement that will settle the Wailing Council and the Agudath Israel, "The entrance of even the Jewish fice in the federal government as Eu- insure credit to them. He made a that "it is serving as an obstacle crown by Philip Stien. These champions will defend their titles against Wall issue are continuing with the World Orthodox organization. aristocracy within the portals of many gene Meyer, Jr., who was Saturday successful fight for the continuation all comers again this season. active assistance of the Palestine • Joseph Meyuhas, a member of the exclusive clubs is considered a con- appointed governor of the Federal Re- of the War Finance Corporation after government, the Jewish Tel. Agency Jewish National Council arid presi- tamination. We are so ostracized be- serve Board. Few appointments made it had been liquidated by secretary of Only members of the Center in was informed today by Col. Frederick dent of the Jewish town council of hind the gates by various agendes in by President Hoover met with such the treasury Houston. good standing will be allowed to Kisch, chairman of the Palestine Exeparticipate in the games in the RecJerusalem? told the Jewish Tele- many ways that we are truly socially widespread approval in business and i When the corporation was revived cutive of the Jewish Agency. * reation rooms. and psychologically ghettoized." financial circles as has the naming of Mr. Meyer again headed it. He was graphic Agency that he did not beThe annual meeting of the conThe continuance of the poerparlers lieve there was a possibility of reach- Mr. Gutstadt pointed out many ex- Mr. Meyer as head of the Federal Re-! reappointed in 1925 by President gregation of Temple Israel will be was prompted by the agreement of amples proving the tendency to dis- serve Board. Coolidge. the Wailing Wall Comissionto extend ing a'.. ' compromise on the Wailing criminate. He mentioned resolutions A native of California, Mr. Meyer When the cotton market collapsed held at 3:30 p. m. Sunday afternoon, Renew Attacks the period for submitting compromise Wall question because the Jews had adopted hy many groups and called established his own banking business j ^ 192 6 Mr. Meyer was appointed by September 34, in the vestry rooms of Bucharest. — Renewed attacks on Jews are occurring in Bessarabia, proposals regarding the Wailing Wall. already made the greatest concessions attention to such productions as the in New York in 1901. He abandoned President Coolidge to a commission the Temple. While Colonel Kisch declined to dis- while the Moslems remained intran- "King of Kings" and the "Passion it in 1917 to take up a government consisting of the secretaries Of agri- The main business will be the elec- where the anti-Semites members of tion of officers for the ensuing year, the Iron Guard maltreated members ' close the details of the negotiations sigeant. His feeling is bome out by Play." He paid particular stress to post during the world war v-hen he culture, commerce and treasury. including a president, vice-president, of the Jewish population at.the sum-'he admitted.that there was some little the Arabic press comment on the the increasing employment discrim- was named technical advisor on metals As a result of his excellent work secretary and treasurer, and three mer resorts, Terlcarnoli, and Movilfa. ' to the Advisory Commission of the hope of reaching an agreement. He negotiations. The papers say that ination. he was appointed chairman of the trustees. Other important business A few of the ringleaders were"***; gave, assurances, that no decision the Moslems will only agree to per- "Even this God-blessed land is fall- Council of National Defense. .j rested by the police. would be made for the Jewish side mit the Jews to visit the Wall. • ing under the psychological impress As director of the War Finance Federal Farm. Loan Board, ia 1927. . will likewise be transacted-* Tacoma.—(J. T. A.)—The college of Puget Sound is the first university on the west coast to offer a course in Hebrew to their students. This is to be conducted by Dr. L Spector, director of the Board of Hebrew Education of Tacoma. Dr. Spector is also to give a course designated as "Palestine of Today," •which will be a study in contemporary Palestinian history. It is intended especially to serve biblical staL dents, teachers of ancient and modern history and to Zionist leaders. It will, include a historical and geographical survey of the Holy Land up to date. An impartial treatment •will be given to the spiritual and poliitical Zionist movement and its achievements. The place of the Arab in the country will be presented. The Balfour Declaration and the English Mandate and their influence upon the country will be thoroughly discussed. This work of course, will be credited to students for an academic degree. . : ' . About a year ago, Dr. Spector published "The Ethics of the Shulhan Aruch." Dr. Spector is a member of the administration of the American Hebrew organization, the Histadruth Ivrith. He is the presSient of tin Western League of Writers, Tacoma branch.
Yiddish Communistic Press Renews AntWReligion Drive
"Unless Vicious Discrimination Is WOMEN'S AUXILIARY (Checked, We are Facing Pogroms" WILL MEET MONDAY
HopingforCompromiseon Wailing Wall Controversy
Eugene Meyer Named Head of Federal Reserve Board
.^'l ,.^.lJ'..^.r'
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 comedy, unless "Flying High" continues its phenomenal run. Ferdinand Pi Lam Rush Party Gottschalk and Horace Braham are to Be Held Tuesday among the few legitimate actors still left behind the footlights. Clayton, The Creighton Chapter of Pi Lamb-1 Jackson and Purante, that delightful da Phi, national social fraternity, will Jewish trio, will be featured in a new be host at a rushing party next TuesNew York, (J. T. A.).—Dr. R. L. musical show. day evening. An interesting evening These days musical shows seem to Kahn, Director of Laboratories of the has been arranged for the prospective University Hospital and Assistant Vienna, (J. T. A.).—Anti-Semitism be the only things that survive the members and their "dates," the affair Professor of Bacteriology of the Unir in Austria has not assumed such onslaught of the talkies. In this "istarting at the fraternity house at portant field Jews have a pretty good versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, forms that the government needs to 36th and Douglas. Michigan, is on his way to Montetake action against it, Johann Schoemonopoly. When it comes to supplying This event will inaugurate a season music and lyrics there are a few video to take part in a Serological ber, Austrian chancellor, said in an of intensive activity for the local "I Conference in that city which will interview with the Jewish Telegraphic names that stand out. Among them group. are George Gershwin and his brother meet from September 14 to 30. The Agency. Doctor is the only representative from He said that "anti-Semitism at Ira; Sigmund Romberg and Oscar By MARTIN GOLDE Hammerstein; Irving Caesar and Otto North America invited to participate times finds noisy expression but the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS In thia prospectus of what the com- by JVJarya JIannes and "Through $h« tinguished Jew, this time from Harbach and that excellent ;eam, in the conference. equal citizenship rights of the Jews ing drarnqtio season offers, Mr. Night" by Samuel R, Qplding. Miss France, in the person of Henri Bern- Milton In 1922, Dr. Kahn discovered a new nevertheless always remained unreAger, Jack Yellen and Lou Golde gives. a comprehensive view of Bfann.es, in pace yqu haven't heard, is, stein, whose "Melo" will delight Herbert Fields, responsible for bipod-test for social diseases to take stricted. Occasional Hackenkreutz the participation of Jews in making the American stage what it is. Mr. the wife of Jo Itjiejziner. In addition American crowds. *'Fifty Million Frenchmen," will be the place of the Wassermann test. At disturbances and student's demonstraFor Rent Golde gives us some interesting star to "Through the Night," which colIt seems that John Wexley, nephew heard from again. Arthur Schwartr! a conference arranged by the Health tions do not desei-ve to have importheard from again. Arthur Schwart Committee of the League of Nations, ance attached to them abroad." tisties and some • littlpikjiown facts. Maurice ^Schwartz, who came / 2 Furnished Rooms Mr. Golde. is widely knoivn for his lapsed hurriedly, lje is planning to put of of Maurice Schwartz, who came m t o j^ H ^ ^ ^ d o t u n e g m& and held in Copenhagen in 1928, Chancellor Schoeber recalled that "Scanning the Jewish Horizon."—The on "Ppppet Show" and' "The Crown overnight fame>as ajesult of his .sen-j HA. 7316 WE. 0414 hook f o r a . ^ ^ ^ o f c o n Iated where several methods were put to anti-Semitic excesses in the universiEditor. Against Mary Stuart." He certainly "Paul James, stage name sational "The Last-Mile," is engagedk, „ , . ~ -, „ „ , „ „• n Q o writes quipkly—if not too well. in writing a new play. Billy Rose th.2 ^ t h e "gon o f pa u l "w a r burg, hlsTup- a practical trial, it was shown that ties were worse when he was a stuThe Great White Way is about to the Kahn test was superior to the dent thirty-six years ago. At that David Liebowjtjs will give us "Sis- songster, plans to use some of hisj p l i e d t h e l y r f c s {m J o e be lit up again. But its flamboyant ters of Magdalene." Louis Weitzen- money and presumably his wife's too others in practicability and reliabili- time he said the anti-Semitic movelights will be a little dimmer, its col- korn, famous Sunday editor of the to show Broadway a new style of re- and Dandy." Those two outstanding ty of results. j rnent was at its height. ors will be somewhat darker. For the New York World and later managing vue which will be called "Corned Beef operetta composers, Rudolf Friml and Dr. Kahn is a product of the New Voice of the Screen has drowned out editor of the New York Evening and Rosesi" Obviously Fannie Brice Emmerich Kalman, have written the York schools, studied medicine at the The Austrian premier spoke of the the still small voice of the stage. But Graphic, America's yellowest sheet, would lend her services, inasmuch as music, respectively, for "Luana" and University of Valparaiso, obtained his time when Karl Lueger, Christian Socialist leader, was elected mayor of Duchess of Chicago." despite the admitted difficulties, de- proposes to expose the tabloid racket Billy Rose is her husband. George "The ... c ^«i... M o ux v,.»w«s«. ] M a s t e r ' s degree at Yale university, Vienna for the first time in 1897. spite statistics which show that with his play "Five-Star Final." Jessel will also grace the show. When it comes to settings and cos-,aa n d ]] aa tt ee rr hh JJ ss DD JJ cc tt oo rr oo ff ggcci ieennccee ^ But even under Lueger, he said the tumes few- names are more respected eighty-seven per cent of the produc- Weitzy has sponsored other plays on There are so few outstanding Jewposition of the Jews as equal citizens tions that come to Broadway are fail- the Big Street—but they have always ish actors left for the Broadway stage than Aline-Bernstein, Lee Simonson gree at New York University. ures, the producers continue to buy flopped. Marya Marines will try again today that they can be counted on and Jo Mielziner. Among the-'direc-i Cairo.—The Cairo daily El Mokket- and their right to enjoy equal rights rights to plays, hire directors to with "The Strad Mystery." Our dis- two or three fingers. A number of tors Chester Erskin, Jed Harris and jtam, reports that the Transjerdanin was not affected, stage them and engage book and lyric tinguished Minister to Albania, HerDavid Belasco, to mention only three, | government is fortifying the country are appeanujj appearing m in various MOKSKT. KATLEAIAX * GKODIN'SKY UUMU are vanuua producl«uuui.-. writers to enliven them with words man Bernstein, who has in recent them b i g _ t i m e r 5 . Everywhere alopg the 737 Omaha >"afl Bank B i d e at various strategic points in anticithe opening of a Moodein bons, but none of them receive stellar ,ljnes—from . s _ f r o n i the wbox-office _ o f f i c p tto o hbehind Pw) j and tunes. PKOBATE NOTICE years given Broadway some of its parts. Undoubtedly :.Sidney Tojer is pation of an attack by Ibn Saud. Oth-j Hebrew School at Broadway is the Street of Chance— finest successes, among them .-"The. one of- the finest character actors on the fopHghts—the Jews of Manhattan J er Egyptian papers state that Pales- In the of the estate of HAItllY ACKEUMAN. 3509 Dodge St. and Jews have always taken chances. Command to Love," has -translated the do their share, and do it quite well. ! tine is taking measures to forestall Notice is hereby given: That the creditstage today, but he has never had I>y Seven Arts Feature j Perhaps that explains why out of for "American audiences ''The Npbel a real chance. The only hope for this (Copyright. 1030.Syndicate.) ors of said deceased will meet the executrix ; an expected Arab attack on British of said estate, before me. County Judge of For children (i to 13—classes accordfifty-four prominent individual pro- Prize" by Halmar Bergman, which the season is Joseph Schildkraut, who is ing to the school »ge of ench child. IJou^las County, Nebraska, at the County authority. Court Room, in said County, on th« 30th. ducers in New York today twenty- Civic Repertory Theatre will produce. withdrawing from he movies tempoAdvanced clnsses—for contirmants day of October. 3030, and on the 30th clay v Jewish Artisans Lose up to 1" years of age. four are Jews. But these Jews, alof DecemiK-r, 3930. ar 0 o'clock A. M., each rarily to appear in "The Tyrant," by The critics qn the road have already day. for the purpose of presenting Iheir though constituting a little less than IX'onomizing in time by tenetiing iu claims for examination, adjustment and alRafael Sabatini, in which he will take Savings in Bank Closing! the language the children underlowance. Three rr.omlis are allowed for the fifty per cent of the producers, put given sympathetic criticism to "Sym- the role of Cesare Borgia. We can stand and presenting u modern view creditors to present their claims, from the jf Israel's creation. on almost sixty per cent of the plays.1 phony and ^fazz," by Louis K. Ans- just see Joseph making mincemeat of Warsaw, (•.'. T. A.).—Considerable; 27th dav of September. 3030. papjxer, that veteran craftsman. Wo JO UN" F. MERICLE. And, between you and me, their prothe Jewish artisans wl;o the part. What an actor !-!f only they i K y e s tto ^ had ^ j Applying the latest 9-3—3T County Judge. ed ^ g g ^ ^ ductions rate high above the average all look forward to a spectacular play ft methods of Psychology and in "Jews Without Money," the draLaw Offices gave him the right roles—which; they presented by other show owners. STAMASTEK & BEBEK, Attorneys Ar ti s ^ns.' Bai.k will follow as a result matic version of (Gold's best-selling certainly did not in the movies. Pedogogy 650 Omaha National Bunk 151 rip. Coming as it does somewhat early, book. George S. Kaufman will be repof the decision of the directors to Omaha, Nebraska Lou Tellegen, veteran of stage and the Jewish New Year coincides with resented this year through his colliquidate the bank. UKGISTEH I'OEE CHILDREN" NOTICE OF INCORPORATION" OF screen, will try it again in a play The notice of liquidation caused an "M. VKXGEK & SONS, INC." 131 MEDIATELY the period of intense frenzy which laboration on "Once in a Lifetime." called "Love Technique," a comedy. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PKKSwill reopen her studio marks the full-fledged opening of the Benn W. Levy, uproar and some of the depositors! EXTS that the nndersigned have formed a Englishman, will! Before Billy Rose announced "Corned corporation under the laws of the State of Broadway theatrical season. Producers be heard again the attempted to attack officials of the! September 15 in "Mrs. Moonlight." Nebraska. The name of this corporation and Roses" it was thought that bank whom they regarded as respoh- i begin to announce their programs,. Qur German friend, Herman Ungar.i shall be "M. Venger »Vc Sons, Inc." With Graduate of the University of George Jessel would appear'in "Die WAlnut 5237 its principal place of business at Omaha, Some of them, of course, are never will have his play '*The Red General" Nebraska and its Teachers College sible for the catastrophe. j Nebraska. The general nature of the busiWunder Bar," a Central European ness to he transacted and the object nnd realized. Directors take their outfits presented to American audiences. ' WEbster 3318 purpose for which this corporation is ormusical show sponsored by the Shu- Life is not so short but that there ganized and established shall be to buy, to nearby villages—ras though audiI have a suspicion that Gilbert berts. Perhaps he will—if Rose's out- is aUvays time enough for courtesy. sell nnd distribute cigars, tobacco?, cigences there are any less' sophisticated, g e l d e t h a t v e r s a t £ l e c r i t i c . e s arettes, candies, soft drinks, smokers* eupfit isn't as good as Billy thinks it is. -—Emerson. i plies, novelties and miscellaneous items of than they are ,n Hew York Although, n o v e l i s t _ a d j i p t e r ) win make a n I personal property of nil sorts and to do Even the musical comedy veterans are and thereupon the IJoard shall elect n l ey l e i any and all things pertaining to the enrryv 1-ir >I « T V 7 • £ ^ ~'tjonal mint this year tlnbugh to be seen no more on the stage, all his President; a Vks; President, a Secretary M| ing on of the said business including the until after the first nights, when a and a Treasurvc. Any two of said offices ] I IP I right to own nnd hold real estate. Organist at Temple Israel ABE SKLAR goodly percentage of the-shows wither adaptation of Sacha Guitry's "Berg- of them having deserted for the more may be held bj-"one and the same person. j The authorized capital stock shall be articles way beJ amended at. any op-Zoom." As you probably know, lucrative Long Island and Hollywood. These, S15tJ.000.00 and all of said stock shall be Instructor in Pipe Organ away from the blasts of scorching resjijar or special me< tiniJ of the stock-, common and of the par value of $100.00 jf Announces the opening of a g Seldes is responsible for Aristophanes' Ruth Altman has been given the holders by a two-lhirrls vole of the out-) per share, and all of said stock shall be and Piano hot criticism directed at them by the Lysistrata," which has disproyed the choicest musical comedy /role of the standing stock. j'ully paid up and non-assessable. Snld 3iJJ5 .WHKHEOF. the parlies, stock may be issued for cash, real esta<-e, ruthless critics. , : Body and Radiator Fall Season Starts Sept. 1 personal contention that there is a financial year; she has the lead in Arthur -Ham- have hereunto, subscribed their .names this property or personal services. List day pf' Apsust, JOOO. The corporation shall commence doing • Let's see what Jewish names are dp- depression. merstcin's "Luana." Libby. Holman, j ' : - M A X VEN 516 Karbach Blk. AT. 2318 business upon the filing of its articles EXGEU. Shop ing the "presenting" for the forth- Ferenc Mplnar, that deft, charmL..; the crooning songster from Cincinnati JIOSES. A. VKXUEK, with the County Clerk of Douglas County, VEXGEK. Nebraska," and shall continue for a period coming year. We find the partnership Hungarian Jew, comes to Broadway who scored a tremendous hit in "The In the presence 4BE 1919 Clark St.—WE. 0200 of: of fifty years from said d.nte. The highest of Alex Aarons and Vinton Freedley, again -srith Gilbert Millers production Little Show," will be seen in someSAM P.EBER amount of indebtedness shall not exceed Expert body work, fender straighttwo-thirds of ifs capital stock but this 'David:Belasco-and Edward Blatt. The of "One, Two, Three." We are rather thing similar this year. Joe Cook will 4T—9-12-30 restriction shall not apply to indebtedness XI ening, radiator repairing, recoring KATLEJL1S & secured by mortgages or liens upou any of latter gentleman made his big entry wpnflering what will happen to "The and fender welding. Ail work guar• • • • ' • • Attorneys' the corporate property. MAX YAFFE anteed. Eeasonable rates. into, the stage world last year with Dreyfus Affgir," which Gilbert Miller- star in "Fine and Dandy," asjsisted lo" p^ualia National Bank BIdjr. |( The affairs of this corporation shall be Notice is hereby civen that at a special ' | managed bj* a Board of Directors consist- a his sensational hit, "Subway Ex- wijl also present—rfrom the German by his partner, Dave Chasen. -Bert meeting the stockholders of the Frank- j j ing of not less than two members. The Lahr will appear in another musical forter Oilof Process, Inc.. held on July 17th, i j annual meeting of the corporation shall be press." He hopes to repeat the sucof Hans Hehfi^ph and William HerViolinist and Radio Soloist 19IJ0. pursuant to proper notice to all I held on the second Tuesday in January of cess with an underworld play, "The stockuoiders. Article IV of the Articles of i encb year, nt which meeting I he stockIncorporation was nmended. increasing the ! holders shall elect a Board of Directors Up and Up." Bela Blau and Charles zpg. In Berlm it had an astonishing capitdl stock from $100,000.00 to SiiOO. O OOOO. j Abranson plan some" good entertain- success. I yentuje to predict an adall the stock being common, having the par i Announcing the Opening of 5IOXTGO3IEHY, HAtL, TOING AXD 0 ralue of Sino.OO' per ghare. JOUJfJEJ.', Attorneys. ment. The former will stand sponsor verse future for it here. Gladys Upger His Residence Studio ' FKA^KFORTER Oil, PROrKSS. I J ; C . 63* Omaha National Bank PldK.. Omaha. Harry H. lippirtus. PresidentTreas. g " l!y"H. J. GINSBEKO. KOT1CK TO \OS-UESU)EXT for the posthumous play of that dis- has written "High C," which Brock Modern principles of instruction President. 31 tinguished journaljst, William Bplithp. Pemberton will sponsor. which develop technic hi the shortest LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS CARL, C. KATIiEMAN", IN' THE COUNTY" COURT OF DOUG4t-0-32 ' ' Secretary. possible period of time. LAS COUNT1", NEBRASKA. The Jewjsh producer on >yho.m n".st There ^re a rare number of plays 2401 No. 2i— WE. 605o To Frederick Sloan and Company, a coreyes wil} be directed this, corning year which ctand above the ordinary fish poration, and Frederick Sloan, nonJACK, W. 5IAKEK, AttonoejPhone WE. 2S6D .. 5*41 Flnfcnejr St. resident Defendants. County Court Hou^e is Ghestpr Erskin, whp pnt.ers the pro- and herring 'wliich wi}l be brought to COMPLETE STORE AND Toil and each of you •will hereby take 1'ltOlUIK .NOTICE' ducing field for the first time, al- the Big Street. Most of them are by OFFICE; OUTFITTERS notice that: on the 14th tiny of July, 1930. We Occupy the A. B. C. Mail Advertising Company, a For 50 Years In the matter of the estate of ELLA I though he has gained prominence as foreigners, including • Molnar. Sir Over 70.000 Square Fret co-partnership consisting of Fred Driver 11 CAMPliELL, dt-ceosed. i Your Towei Man Arthur Wmg Pinerp, that old rpjic pf nnii Clarence E. .Tackmnn, ns philntiffs. a director. Of course,'Erskin won't I Notice is hereby given: That the credit-! Southwest Corner filed their petition in ihe County Court of j ors» of said deceaseU will meet the adroinhave any financial difficulties to dis- tlje Victoir|an Age, lias been resurDouglas County. Nebraska. Docket £!), Eleventh and Douglas Streets J istratrix of said estate, before me, Cuuiity Omaha Towel Supply Co. pajre S», the object nnd prayer of which is 2SOS-10 turb', him, sjnee Paramount-Publix is rected fuv tJiP Purpose Pf presenting Judge of UouglUB County. Nebraska, ut the; to recover a judgment airaiust you upou Phone JAckson 2724 | Cpuiity Court tfoom, iu said County, ou the! 209 So. 11th St. JA. 052S a chock issued July !). 10;>II. made and debacking him. his T?ew play, «Qr. farmer's i SOth tiny of October, l«J30, and ou the 30th j livered by you to the plaintiffs in the Qmaha. Nebr. gilrVara and hjs • d a y of December, 1U30,'at U o'clock A. SI., amount of JO40.00 and costs of this action. Philip Goodman, Max Gordon and j each day, for fhe purpose of presenting That under and pursuant to an order of 'their claims for examination, ^adjustment Morris' Green plan musical comedies Arthur Sphnitzler will send, us frpm attachment nnd garnishment, duly issued and allowance. Three months are allowed Austria -'The Genius and His Brother-' out of the county court of Douglas County, and dramas, ampng other things. for the creditors to present their claims, Nebraska, on the grounds that you are "a from the Sith day of ^September, 1030. respectively. Arthur Hammerstein proposes a gor- and "The Lonely . non-resident of the State of Nelvraskn, the HltYCE CRAWFORD, I Union State Bunk, summoned as garnishee, 9-5—BT "' Couutj" Judge. geous; musical version of "The Bird of Thsse two pjays, as well as Fran? ] lias unsworn! that it is indebted to you in WprfeJ'^ "Spiegelmensch,'' are being 1 the amount of .So.l-tli.fK,>. jui<l said garnishee ParadiesI" The indefatigabb Jed HarJOB FOUNDRY AGGESSORIES, I N C . Max. Fromkin, Atlqrney has been ordered to pay into court to abide ris, who at the age of thirty, only two considered by the Theatre (Gfuild. A. 623 l'rters Trust Bldi;., Omaha AND MACHINE WORK the further order of tlic court the sum of BY JPCBUCAT1OX O>" PETIi ?I"MO.OO. fqr ti»e Auto" KQTIVH years ago, announced that he was H. WPffds js tp bring us anpther disREINFORCING STEEL TION FOB SKITLEMEM QV F1XAL '1 Von and each of you are required to a p 4420 Florence Blvd. pear and nnsiver said petition ou or before A1J3H5.ISTIJATIQN ACCOfSfT through with the stage, is back again. 2501 Parnam—AT. 5524 Stalmnster & Reber,. Attorneys i the Ctli day of October. 3 030. In the County Court of l}puglas County, KE. 1500 Incidentally, Germany calls him Amer- Bofl tyiuahtf National Bank JJlds:., Omaha A. 15. C. ADVERTISING COMPANY, Nebraska. a co-partnership consisting of In the JIatter of the Estate of Louis The House With A Reputation ica's great director; Sam • H. Harris, EIJQBATE srpTrcE' Fred Driver and Clarence JackRuback, deceased. In the Matter of the Estate'of Alex LipsJack Linder, Hpra.ce Ljyeright, Pauj ronn. nian, rinintiff. All persons interested in said matter are dpceasejl. MON'TCSOMERY.' HALT,. TOUNG hereby notified that ou the Sth day of Mpss and Robert Ngvnnan also hope ' 1\otiee ifi hereby given that the creditors AND JOHNSON. September, 1930, 1'ctfa Selinsky filed a p.eThird Ave. and 11th Street of pail] deceased tfill meet the adminisS-L'O—4t Thpir Attorneys. tltlon in said County Court, praying that to mgke inpneyr—SjfJney Ross, the tratrix of said estate, before me. Cpunty Phones: 89 and 519 her final administration account filed hereof Dotiffln'ti" County', Nebraska; at SIOSJS'KY. KATIvKJIAK & liRODIVSKY, realtor, who used to be the angel for Judge IMCll—CKEA51V in'be^ sett ted' and allowed, and that she be COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA the ''County Court Room, in said County, Attorneys discharged from her trust as executrix and some sho/jys, has bjpssomed ojit iptp on the fth rtajr'nl November. 1020. and' on "is1! (Imalia Xationnl Bank Bldjr. BLUE LINE that a hearing will be had on said petition ICE CREAM the 7th day of Januaryl'J03J, at 0 n'pWu Notice is hereby given that (lie underbefore said Court on the 4th day of Octoa real producer. We undprstand ihaf 4. M., e:ic|i day. for the -purpose of presigned have formed a corporation pursuber, 30,30, and that if you fail to appear Express & Transfer Co. ant to the Laws of the State of Nebraska. he will bring Meyerhold, Russia's senting their claims for examination, adbefore said Court un the said 4th day'of 1M-EASES I'AKTICIH.AU 1'KOPLE The name of Ihe corporation is Consumers justment -.'mil allowance. Three months October. 1U30, at 0 o'clock A. Si:, and cont di ( All Kinds of Hauling Company, Tvith its principal office in the allowed for the creditors"t^ present. test said pelilipu, the Cpurt may grant the greatest director a Jew, of tire Phone JA. 4373 City of Om.iha. The corporation is authHr claims, from the 4th day of October. prayer of said petition, enter a decree of U4 So. 10th St. AT. 6405 thorized to imtintniu nnd operate a general cqijrse), tq the U. S. spine tirrie this JOHN' F. 5IERICLE, jieirship, and make such other and furrier coal and building material business juirt orders, ajlo.\ynnces and decrees, as to this season. ,ln connection therewith buy, sell and deal Court may seem proper, to the vnd that all generally at wholesale nnd retail in any KATLJ5MAN & Schwab and Mandel, Argh and Edmatters pertaining to said estate may be ami alt materials pertaining to coal or 1 tefp," ,^'?' finally settled and determined. building material: to maintain and opgar Selwyn, Herman Shumlin, .George 137 Qraulia National'Bank IHds. BRVCE CRAWFORD, erate an establishment for the compoundfptSce i§ hejrpl)/ "given- tljat the nnileF0-12-at ^ County Judge. ing, handling and marketing of lubricatWhite afid A. H. Woods are other i slgnc Multigraph Letters iiC(} have formed a corporation pursuing oils, greases, gasoline, kerosene and najiies that will appear gn the posters,' aift'to the' Lawp of tire St;tte of JfeifrasUa. DAN' J. GUOSS, Attorney petroleum products of every kind nnd naMailing f}18 Grain Exchange Hid?., Omnhu ture and any and all kindred articles of But the most important producer of iu6re llualty Company, with its pprincipp J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor '' every kind and nature: to buy. sell, lease Call Our 'Phone for Service Eg qffieei Omaha' The' q e iin the City of O m a h a . TThe' h e cqr cqrand encumber real and personal property them alLis stijl Shubert (which s,tarids nqrat|on js .futhoriz/::! to |>uy, sell,, lease leas ijtjd jtjd To Frederick 'sloair and Company, a corof all kinds. It shall have the right to real anil'personal property of all Ifieal Letter Advertising | issue bonds, for ^F. J. an4 Lee). This organization encnhibpr poration, and preileriek Sloap, nonmortgages and other pviilenpes kijidg. Jt glipjl h!)ye flip right to igsue AT. 2936 307 Paxton Block @ of indebtedness. The authorized cnpitfil resi'leiit Defendants.' , bon<I«. mortgair<»ii ami other evidences of 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 vrijl nut out alrnogj; foijr tiirjes as indebtedness. stock' shall be ?,"0.000.00. divided into HOC! l o u ' a m l each of you will hereby take The authorized capital Istock shares, par value $11X1.00 each, nil common noMce fhat o'fi the -3rd day of July, 1D30. many productjpns as any ofher single sli'all be $100,000.00. divided into 100'shares, and -when issued shall be fully paid and Samuel C. Perlman, as plaintiff, filed "his par value S100.00 tach, all common and non.-assessable. The corporation shall person. Unless the list is later en? petition iii the District Court of Douglas j commence business when the Articles are County. Nebraska, docket 'J«i7. "'pajfe 23l>, the Iarged the Shubert name wifl" (filed with the County Clerk of Douglas object and'prayer of WliJch is to recover County and continue until January 1st. . . . . . . -,, „.,...-., ...eflfeil C0ARLES SIMON a judgment against you upon a prpmis-, over twenty-five pjays during 2030. The highest amount of indebtedness with the Cpunty Clerk'of Ppuclas County M1MElYcfR A¥H fNG eory'"note"dated April 15. 1030. made and! Recommends shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital anil cpiitiiiijp' until January Isf,' '2030.' The next year. . delivered b,y you to the plaintiff jn the! stock. This restriction shall not apply to Highest aiiipnnt pf indebtedness fehall not PRINTING amount of $2,703.00, with interest at 7 per' The Sanitary Laundrj' indebtedness secured by a mortgajre. The But Jewish names are not restrjpt- exceed two-thirds" of Its"'/capital' "stock. cent' from JMy 23, 1930,' and the cost8 of affairs of the corporation shall be adminCommercial Duplicating Co. shall-not- apply to indebt'The Host of All Luundry (service" this actiqu. , ed to the producing end. These afore- This.restriction istered by the Board of Directors. There edness geenrpd by a nigrt^ace. Tlip. afAND " That under and pursuant to an- order of j 1511 llotlge St.—4A. $854 shall be not less than two nor more than of the corporation' sllsill lie adminismentioned gentlemen as well as their fairs attachment anil 'garnishment, duly Issued : AT-2815 five directors. The annual meeting shall tered fly the Board of f)irectprs. thrpf in out of the ' district court of Pouglns be held in January of each year, at which non-Jewish confreres will present number. The "animal meeting shall't>e held County, Nebraska, on the grounds that you meeting the Directors Khali be elected. n JnnUary a u y of carh e c h year. y e r . af.-ivbfrli'nieet'jng f i v f r nieetjng in are a non-resident of the State of NebrasImmediately thereafter the Directors shall quite q. number of dramas written the. Directors Bhnjl be electe<l Imme,linteka, the Union State Rank, summoned as meet and elect the officers, consisting of |y. thereafter the Directors shall meet and AT ALL GROCERS ladies and gentleman of tjie i sarnlshne, has answered that it is indebted President, Vice-President. Secretary and elect the officers, consisting of President:. to you in the amount of $3,142.03. and said Treasurer. The nffairs of tl>o corporation Vice-President. Secretary and Treasnrijr. persi}3sion. Two or three of , The affnir'g of thj- corporation shall be ciingamishee 'ling "been "ordered to pay into Made by shall be conducted by the officers nnd dicpurt to abide the further, order of the rectors. These Articles jnav be amended iluctetl by )|ip pffjppr.« and directors. TJit^e s c h ^ H N t Q r u n i n 192q-3Q, hayp ah Articles The corporation shall have a seal. court fhe sum of S2.4ST.C:!. ; Uncle Sam Breajsfast Po«d may be'nniendul. The corporation j Dated August 2Sth. ]9S(>. l o u and eajch of you nre required to aprejdy been trjpd pu^—an4 h,,ave been sliajl li'IVf a seal. Company pear and answer said petition on or bei n tiia fe'pfetnber '.'rid. 1030. s4^nt})T fo?fJgd avy^y t W.QSt ft: "rratrd fore the 13tU-«lay of October. 1030: PAVIJl SHERMAN. Omaha np; rr A i ? m Nebraska •f • -rnp; HARltT It. COHEN, in^jjs of aU Manhattan storphpvj^es, FKN.V
A Glimpse of Jews in The Broadway Theatre
A Forecast of the Coming Theatrical Year In Which Jews as Usual Will Play an Important Role
Give Your Child A Modern, Enlightened Jewish Education
Rose Brandeis Pianist and Instructor
American Laundryj
Katelman Foundry &
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
Okay Bran Flakes
.Cain's. JThese latter inpl^de
'Cafe"j4 t . 0 . 12
OKOSS. J.. O l i ' Jlis' AU
"Dont you want some sandwiches, Estelle? I'm hungry." Estelle shrugged her shoulders. How could Saul think of sandwiches on such a night? -Late that night,.Estelle faced herself Inner mirror. Now. she knew why she hadn't takes Saul for granted. It was the hopt, almost the knowledge, that some day, someone like Dr. Harold Walman would come along. And oh, she was happy that she had waited, had kept her heart for him I She dropped off to sleep thinking of his smile, which was so gay, while all the time his eyes were sad. Her first thought on waking was
Slowly, without the burst of im- lated Harold on having picked out Dupetuous joy with which a young girl mount in which to settle. "It's a grow5should mount a stairway, especially ing community,' Tie said. "The kind of when she is going upstairs to dress place to grow up with. There are lots for a dance, Estelle Berger went to of young folks here and they'll be her room. With the same unhurried marrying soon. You'll get to know movement her hand trailed listlessly them all tonight and just as soon as from sheer ruffled chiffon to sleek you get your office established, they'll black velvet in the corner of the be calling oh you. It's well that you wardrobe reserved for her party.know us. They wouldn't be likely to frocks. . . . I go to a total stranger." Oh, what did it matter what she. "Are there any woods around wore? Tonight would be the same'here?" Harold asked, as every other Sunday night at the j "Woods?" Saul demanded. "What Community Center. She could take will you be wanting with woods?" that for granted, just as she could j "Oh, I don't know. Just fancy I'd take for granted Saul Meisel calling like to go off tramping, where my for' her as usual exactly at eight- heels could sink down into last year's thirty. Coming sedately up the walk autumn leaves and I wouldn't meet a from his sedan, he would stop to soul for days." chat with her father on the porch. If j "That's no way for a doctor to she kept him waiting half a minute talk," Saul spoke sharply. "Suppose he would be impatient. j you got a call while you were off in And no "matter what she wore, the woods?" Saul would say the same thing in , "Yes, it would be awkward," Harold his matter-of-fact voice. "You look admitted. nice tonight, Estelle." j When Estelle came into the lounge everything about Saul -where the informal Sunday evening f Indeed, Meisel could be taken for granted, dances were held, she saw Saul and His future—he was cashier of the Dr. Walman the center of an interFirst National Bank and one of the ested crowd of young men. Saul was leading figures at the "Y." His al- accomplishing the introductions skOlvri.ys doing ; everything in the most fully. He was adept at such things, approved, methodical manner. And For only a moment she stood alone, eventually, just as soon* a3 Saul She saw Dr. Walman detach himself deemed himself sufficiently well from the group and come toward her. established, her marriage to him. i "Saul tells me he hasn't learned to This especially was to be taken for dance yet. That means I'm to have granted. .Since the days of Purim this first with yon, doesn't it? I can plays and Chanukah celebrations; hear all about your wonderful town since the time when they were paired some other time, but this music, it off at high school parties, it had been dies as it is born." taken for granted by all their friends, She gave herself to him for the by Estelle's father and mother who dance. As she floated off in his arms, highly approved of Saul—by everyone, Estelle had the feeling that she had in fact, except Estelle herself. never danced, really danced, before. It was not that she did not like Kummage in her brain though she did, Saul. She had grown up with him and she could not think of a single thing •she was accustomed to always having to say. Nor d'd he speak. him there to take her to parties arid When the dance was over, they the Center dances. Nor could she find together absently waiting for a point on which to criticize him. He which did not come. Soon % had all the cardinal virtues and had t h e floor w a s c l e a r ed except for them. \ even, cornered the market, on the less- Estelle looked around for Saul but he 1 Nsr ones. was not to be seen. He had gone, she But then Estelle- would remember a knew, to the card room for bridge. rijrht when thsy were coming home How well she knew just what Saul from a dunce. The moon hung low, il]".min«itnip: the dew-strewn grass un- was doing at every moment! It would fl it shone like a diamond studded be so easy to guess with this tall * '1. Estelle drew close to Saul, driyf ntranger who liked to tramp through i ~ careTul!\; at legal speed.' '"The the woods and not meet a soul; for . 5 -n.-s looks as if it were covered with days. "Couldn't we escape?" he asked, f "ry blankets hung out to dry in the j -onlight," she whispered. And Saul smiling down on her. i~:\ answered in his phlegmatic way,' Her breath caught in her -throat. ' 'sn't jostle my arm when I'm driv- "There's a park near here. We often walk there between dances." i -,. Estelle/' Recalling. that nirrht and others He took her arm and together they vhen Saul talked stocks and bonds went through the French windows, Vv'.rla her far.cy played hide and seek threaded their way past parked auto\ itli the shadows, Estelle was not mobiles and crossed the street to the quite ready to take for granted a se- quiet darkness of the park. Tene, secure future with Saul. As they walked, Dr. Walman spoke With a .sigh which she could not of himself. Saul had been right, he have explained, Estelle bsgan to dress. was twenty-eight and had not yet setEstelle's first thought when she tled down. Of course, he had passed a came out on the porch was a silent! long interneship in New York and little prayer that she had chosen her could have stayed tin, a satellite to a white chiffon. For Saul had not come great surgeon. But he didn't want to al<-Tc. Standing beside him, slightly take root in the city. Years ago e~l>:;rrassed and attempting to smile had lived as a child out west. In his to make hiiri appear more at ease, was dreams he still saw the place and a young man Estelle had never seen longed for it, though in reality he before. His blade hair swept back knew it was a mean little town and from his forehead. In his eyes there no place for an ambitious young phywas a .fearless flash that spoke of the sician to settle. The great surgeon had spirit behind them. Broad shouldered, suggested Dumount, which was sure he was half a head taller than Saul. to grow with the new bridge which Estelle could not forget that Saul was would span the- river, joining two her height and she thought because states. He hated to choose a place she was a woman she appeared taller. for its financial possibilities. "I'rr-alSaul neglected his usual greeting. ways reproaching myself for T»ot "This is Dr. Harold Walman," he in- thinking of the money end, and when troduced them, though their eyes had I do, I reproach myself just the same," ' '_ met the moment she came out. "I he said. bumped into him as I was coming Estelle answered, "I know." from the bank," Saul explained. "Just Music floated from the lighted Cenimagine him picking out this town to ter, lulled by the intervening trees, "open an office, and riot even remem- as they walked on and on. When they bering his frat brother lived here. came to the boathouse he suggested, Harold's as old as I am and hasn't "Let's sit down here. Is there any settled down yet," Saul attempted a sound in the world more wonderful jest. "But, of course, he's studying than water lapping against anchored medicine since we were in college to- boats?" . gether." ' They sat on a low bench listening Estelle extended her hand in wel- to the lap-lap of the water, watching come. At the handclasp she felt some- the mist rise from the black lake. Es|thing1 course riotously up her arm and telle felt that always, before, she had i end with a strange pounding in the seen these things. alone, but at last \ vicinity of her heart. She seemed to there was someone who .'saw them JL float off for a moment into glorious with her eyes, who felt about the ^- space. When she was back on earth ethereal, unimportant things the way again she heard her father speaking. she did. The darfl, silent figure beside • "Well, Dr. Walman," he said, "you her was not likely to start talking couldn't have a finer friend than about stocks and bonds or the tax on gasoline. Saul—" -Saul laughed in embarrassment, They sat thus, two strangers, who better be moving along. Harold, did not need talk to hridge the gap "here, is in for a round of introductions toward acquaintance. The night was a tonight I made him come along with singing stillness. The moon was sad gas to the Center. I told him he'd and Estelle felt an aching helpless£neet, all of the. people he needs to ness. Involuntarily she dropped her "jknow, all in one night." hand to the bench. It encountered his, 4 Estelle sat in front with Saul, who reaching toward her. ndt believe.in youthful crowding As if electrified by the touch, he meant cramped driving. Dr. sprang to his feet. "Let's go back and lounged deep into the back dance,** he exclaimed. When they stepped into the brightly fi * As -they drove along, Saul «ongratu- lighted lounge, Saul came up to her.
how soon she .would see_him and then —how soon they would be able to tell others of their love. Estelle went down to breakfast a new buoyancy in her tread, a n-W sparkle in her eyes. Beside her plate was a letter. She opened it quickly, her teeth catching her lower lip with anxiety. "Dear Miss Berger—she read It's no use. I'm cut out to be a failure, while Saul coul' be nothin.; but a success. All through college he was always winning everrthing I wanted. And when I saw he had won you—the only girl I've ev r met that I could care about—I decided there
was no use trying. So I'm off maybe for the West. Perhaps you'll rememtmr me sometimes. If life weren't made for people like Saul, we might have meant more to each other."
candidate in the primaries but came JEWISH MERCHANT in a close second to his friend Joseph. The election of Meier, prominent in HAS REAL CHANCE Jewish affairs, as governor, would a long succession of important FOR GOVERNORSHIP climax political offices held by Jews in
Es.;lle stumbled from the table. Remember hiin. sometimes! Tears blinded, her as ; she groped for the door. Every time she looked at Saul, every time she thought of all that he was not, she would remember Harold Walman and last night, the night she had thought v:as the beginning of rrv mance for her, the night that was only a shining interlude.
Portland, Ore., (J. T. A.).—If the opinion of experienced political observers means anything, a Jew will be the next governor of Oregon. Julius Meier, Portland merchant and civic worker, was recently nominated as an independent candidate at a monster mass meeting of Liberals and those Republicans who nominated the late George W. Joseph as the Republican
Oregon. Should he be elected in November he would be the first Jew elected governor of a state since Moses Alxander was elected governor of Idaho for a second term in 1915, Contempt is a kind of gangrene which, if it seizes one part of a character, corrupts all the rest by degrees.
Extend Greetings Through the Columns of the
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Mr. and Mrs.. wish their friends both far and i A Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. and family extend to their friends sincere wishes for A Happy New Year.
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friends health, happiness and prosperity in the coming year.
These greetings willbe published in our New Year Edition on Friday, Sept. 19. The charge will be $2.00 for each Greeting — mail any of these forms, or phone your Greeting to the—
Mr. and Mrs. take 4. this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes
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4—1115 JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12,11980 the present labor government, has The great Irish wit took a look ut been j«u»fid head #f the British coal Ceas&r anj. said: "Would ,,'ou mi\vi The anti-Defamation League of the B'naij dcAegakhm which is leaving next ¥?wk running- around the g-arden for a far a visit to Norway, Sweden andcouple of hour/K, so I can jret used B'rifch has scored a laudable triumph by having Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by study the British coal ex-] to your such bigoted, narrow-minded terms as extortioner, POLISHING COMPANV heretic, usurer, and cunning removed as Bynonyms JEWISH port m3,%H in coB». rabbinate, the Jewish Agc-my, the Mr. Shimvell, who vas _lsot : Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building POL1CE of the venerable word "Jew" in the next edition Keren Hayesod and various colonists. United States .•' <;f mims in Uie first labor,' Telephone: ATlantic 1450 •Te Jews are making progress. We of Roget's MThesa.urus of English Wpi'ds and wan i'eoerilly j^appoirteti to I Birth, Death Rate out pretty good policemen DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business ancj Managing Editor Phrases/' This literary gem, which is used ex- Talmud Torah Classes in 'iet nfxev & period of servicei these days. There are no less than 300 Jerusalem.—The birth v&Ui '4 PalPublic Schools FRANK R.ACKERMAN - - - - - - - r. - . , ,- , Editor ft-H fjjySJK'ia] gttryeilr.ry to t h e V'SJT C.f-i tensively by authors and writers and is recognized | hiuecosts of the Jewish persuasion >n Newark, N. J.—A notable precedent estine has shown a drop of KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, fa., Correspondent as an authority qn words and their meanings, has iie*.f j the "New York police force. (has been set by the local Board of cent for 1929 as compared -with j'e^fe for some time been linking the word "Jew" with Education in granting permission to while the death rate from. "If,2!i im j But it is not generally known, that ._ SIOUX CITY OFFICE i New York once actually had a police I JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street these terms common at the time of the Spanish a Talmud Torah to conduct its classes fallen 2.51 per cent in VMi,fes&nu* j Commissioner — a Jewish Grover '{.inquisition, but which we had long thought of in a public school building. The re-pared with 1928, according to th«- at,' | IVhsSfin. And from all appenra?i...s, ;SvibsgriRtion Price, one year • > . , T »> * * • $2,50 [obsolete usage. However, through the efforts of ligious school of the Tifereth Zion nual report of the Palatine ikputu : ment of health for VJ2'J, tnmk p\ih\h. ' he V.TP the real article. It appears rates furnished on appiication congregation, Orthodox, is undergoing the B'nai B'rith the Thomas Y. Cromwell com; that he mads? it so hot for tl.e criiualterations, and the officers applied :o The figures show that t t a llrih rs*u. CHANGE OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old pany's new issue of the book will not contain the the board for permission to conduct in 1929 was 51.15 per i incJ element, that that wicked Ki-oup compared with 53.98 per thousand in and new address; be sure to give your name. objectionable references. i h&jj-ed <.he day when he put off the classes In a nearby school building for 1928. The death rate figures ar«r ) tog-ii o f his office. The Jewish police If the originators of the Thesaurus years one month. 77 M _f ; commissioner who heV\ office in 1840 Contrary to expectations, the re-per thousand for 1929 an back had been acting in good faith and without with 29.01 for 1928. • v.£..s Jtx-ob Hays, a member of the soul-cutting prejudice, why instead of vilifying quest entailed little discussion, several HEBRAIC CALENDAR i Jewish family of Revolutionary dayK, The health department's r«?p«rt us with such choice epithets as insidous, deceiver, Board members taking the view that shows that its medical service person5690-1930 if political meetings are permitted in Rosh Hashanah.__~,:_THesd8$r, September 23 underhanded, crooked, designers, and impostors, school auditoriums, the request for nel includes 33 Arabs, 24 Englishcould they not have at least mentioned under the use for religious instruction was not men, 6 Jews and 7 Armenians and Yom Kippur___,—-^-.Thursday, October 2 igis i t not Greeks. The report announces that recent dhiiw oi & tJsr%&m .Jevrish QX~\ t are descendants. I am indebted to Dr, 1st Day Succoth-~~——^-Tuesday, October 7 i Block of the New York Public library Jews such terms as People of t h e Book, the; ish out member of place. of There is only one Jew- the health department has applied to ganiz&tion <Uni^'nstr%t(i4. the board, former Chosen People, the Decalogue, ihonotheists, teachShemini Atzerefh,---.—Tuesday, October 14 the Colonial development fund for a The fipeaker nsui dilated for hzM an >for a lit Je rhyme, current in the days ers of peace, Talmud, Torah, philanthropy, the Judge Edward Schoen. Simehath Toraiv..._mWednesday, October 15 loan for sanitary •fcork, especially hour. As ; concluded one of those] of Chief Hays, which gives some idea Mosaic Laws for U. S. Eternal People? Why when enumerating these •water supply and sewerage in Jeru- present remarked: "He's all right, b^t! of the invpresRlon he Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan_Thursday, Oct. 23 he doesn't put enough fire in hiti Detroit.—The Mosaic laws are an salem, Haifa and Jaffa. Rosh Chodesh K!slev__ ..-Friday. Nov. 21 hate-breeding phrases could they not have recogOLD HAYS! OLD HAYS.! . speech." advance over existing rules. This is nized that we Jews have a Moses as well as a Want Parliament 1st Day Chanukah Monday, December 15 Here it is-. "You mean," said the second, "that the opinion of former Governor Chase Judas, a Spinoza as well as a Rothstein, a Rosen,Jerusalem.—A part of the Arab Rosh Chodesh Tebeth_Sunday, December 21 he didn't put enough of his tipeech in Old Hays, Old Hays, that name of S. Osborn of Michigan, who opposes wald as well as a Shylock? fear Fast of Tebeth., ... Sunday, December 28 Senator James Couzens for the seat "rights," namely a Parliament, would the fire." be welcome if they cannot obtain their Rogues tremble at the sound Jewry owes a great debt to the anti-Defama- in the United States senate. MR. SHAW MAKES A full "rights," writes the Arab paper From north to south, from east to tion League of the B'nai B'rith—doing this excel- Addressing the Turover Mutual Aid Meradt Al Sharak. The paper also REQUEST west OUR HERITAGE Society, Mr. Osborn paid tribute to lent work since 1913—for creating and fostering It is really a little cruel on Arthur j points out that "if the Jews want "And these words which I command thee this good-will and better Understanding by coping! J e w j s h etl » cs - "Have the present laws tranquility in the country they must Caesar, for personally I don't think! His fame extends around. 3ay shall be upon thy heart; and thou shalt teach with such defamatory attacks. Such wider scope!• as clear cut as the Talmudic laws and cease their opposition to a parlia- "his physiognomy is at all unpieasing/ Pickpockets, thieves and gamblers all you "will see an advance in modern and even if it were, the talents of the Pursue their wicked ways them diligently unto thy children!" activities aye a blessing to QUr people and meet j society," he said. "The Mosaic laws ment." This sentiment bears out re-author of "Napoleon's Barber" are of' ports that the moderates among the This holy command has stood forth as a per- j our wholehearted approval and approbation. are just. They provide a reapportion- Arab leaders are prepared to accept such a nature as to more than com- But oh, they do OM Hays. And incidentally, a painting of petual light which has eternally kept Israel from rnent of property every 50 years." the reported offer of a legislative pensate for mere superficial hand- Commissioner Hays hangs in the ofthe valley of darkness and ignorance. This edu-' Theatrical Season council which the British government someness. OLD AND NEW Anyway, the story goes that follow- fice of Mayor Walker. cation of the children has for over five thousand New York.—The New York Yiddish will make them when the High ComBefore a very large convention meeting in jtheatricai" &eason will begin during missioner, Sir John Chancellor, re- ing his great success, Caesar decided j WE CONGRATULATE years been the well-spring of Jewish permanence to visit Bernard Shaw. And he did.] ANOTHER MR. SCHWARTZ and the source of Jewish inspiration and perpetua- B °ston last week, the principal speaker, an emi-,the week of Rosh Hashonah. The} turns to Palestine. 1 And so what was ? as Milt Gross j I see by the papers -hat up Wyo, ,, F , tion. When m the friden days a Roman com- nent Catholic churchman, repeated the judgment:theatrical circuit in other cities, which. A would say? Well, this was. i (Continued on Page 6) mander asked to see the defenders of a.h ahrient that the Old Testament is a harsh book. The!inthe Hebrew actors Union is establish- Assemiuy fci< The elections of the ~ -M,. „«„•!,„ ;„ *.!,_ „„„,„ „£ „„%,„!n*.ci.;~ and: n-r*A «r i insrthis this Jerusalem. y vear to relieve unemploymentRepresentative Jewish city, he was introduced to the schoolgentleman spoke in the name of scholarship Jewish Assembly of also church tradition. He characterized the Old Testa« ™ f Palestine (Assefat Hanivcharim) the teachers. Thesee lehrers in spreading the-.wisdom ehrrs thewisdom „.„„_ to „„ .function during the last mence officially recognized representative ment ort h o s e b o o k s w h l c h a l o n e of the Torah were the bulwarks of defense, t h e y ! < constitute the w e e k o f t h i s i Bible to Jews) as a book filled with hatred and plans for the theatrical circuit were organ of Palestine Jewry, •will be held were the fortresses of our nation. in November, it was announced here But of late thg citadels of Israel seem to have revenge as expressed in the formula "eye for eye, worked out at a meeting last week in connection with, the making public of the Hebrew actors union. ComHAT HEADQUARTERS crumbled and decayed,. No longer can we point tooth for tooth." And the New Testament panies will be sent out to present Yid- of the number of electors eligible to with pride to our Jewish learning. No longer are (which to Jews is not part of the Bible), he de- dish plays in Boston, Newark, Mon- vote. The latest census figures show our Jewish children ^inculcated with the lofty | scribed as the book of gentleness and love, and treal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Cleveland, that there arje 93..000 qualified eleci st. Louis and Pittsburg. Selections tors, including 27,000 in Jerusalem, morals and charming \ beauty of Israel's history. i t h « antithesis of the bitterness of the older bbooks, » The speaker continued t h a t t h e faults of t h e ] of the plays to be produce^ and other 30,000 in Tel Aviv and 10,000 in Haifa. Indeed,, we would be b mentally y blind not to see the! connection with it will be at- Every 80 electors return one member acuteness of the problem confronting us. Wecan-! Jews, as even the weakness in the Puritan char-j J ^ the union, which willj to the assemblv which in turn elects not deny the deplorable fact that not even twenty] acter, were traceable wholly to the influence upon j ~ * ™ W * r e c ™°"' f the actors' t h e " J e w i s h National Council, its executive per cent of t h e . e l i g p e Jewish children in Omaha! their lives of the spirit of • the Old Testament.j § 3 l a r i e s . K euben G u s k i n m a n a & e r of! attend our Talmud""forahsy. when the number|Thus does the new anti-Semitism look to pseudo- the union, will also manage the Yid-Hitler Victory Spells War. should be a minimum of .eighty per-c^nt. Here, j scholarship tf or support! I n the classes of a large! dish Theatrical-circuit. Berlin.—A new world war will be t h e r e £ u ! t o f a v i c t o r y b yt h e a n t i tauly, is the menace of splritual ; impr6verishmentj eastern university, the same opinion was proposed j A m InteUectual Leaders ' ' which needs immediate attention'and an imme- in the name of exact scholarship by the professor' N e v ^ k . _ T w o p r o m i n e nt Jews are diate "refuah." " ' ^ ,•-.•• and the waiter of many textbooks on geography. i n d u d e d o n a UstVof t h e s p i r i t u a l a n d g j ^
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The cause of this unparalleled,condition does Speaking of the life of the desert and the life of j intellectual leaders of the nation com-]} terze5tolg o n e o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t . not lie with t h e Talmud Torah. The:administra- the oasis, he insisted that the Old Testament is} Massachusetts piled by Prof. Institute Herbert of E.Technology Rogers, ofa n t 's . G e n n a n y w a m s . D i s . tion is headed by a group of most able men who the harsher rule of life of the desert, plunder and at the request of the United Press. closing that Hitler's proposed foreign have given unstintingly of their time and effort d,i§h.one§ty and revenge. T^e New Testament, he Prof. Rogers * has selected twenty- policy consists first of the immediate breaking up of the Young Plan and for the promulgation of the Talmud Torah ideal. added, was wholly unlike that; it was the book three persons in contra-distinction to then a sudden union of German, EngThe finances of the Tamud Torah were never in of the oasis, the kindly spirit "of the gi'een pas- the "59 rules of Amera" selected by land and Italy against France, Kussia, better shape. A new system of class arrange- j tures and beside the still waters." When his at- James W. Gerard. the Frankfurzeitung sharply attacks ment, modem pedagogical methods and a corps tention was invited to the description of the New- The two Jews on the former list are L . m f o r t h i s d a n g e r o u s s c h e m e . Dr. Felix Adlef and Walter Lipmann of unexcelled teachers have all failed to stem the Testament in words quoted directly from the Old,Of Dr. Adler, Prof! Rogers states: Seeking Fascist Dictatorship this professor ,added merely that he was- sur-"Founder of fithical Culture, which Burcharest. — Manifestoes bearing tide of decreased Jewish education in Omaha. What, then, is wrong in this perfect setting ? prised at that, and "ahywa.y, the description was seeks to blend the best of Hebraism, the picture of Professor Alexander Frankly, facing the facts fairly and squarely, the more appropriate in the New Testament than i n | Christianity and Paganism in a new Cuza, Roumanian anti-Semitic chieftain, and declaring that only a Fasctrouble lies with the parents. The parents are the Old." Pseudo-scholarship rewrites its own I intellectual discipline." Of Mr. Lipist dictatorship can save Roumania apits not even lukewarm to the all-important proposi- sources to asonable conclusion'. author, he says: "A man to (peared this morning placarded over It tion of Jewish education, are totally indifferent. Students of the Old whom all knowledge and all opinions the streets of Bucharest. The maniAnd there lies th§ crux of the situation. They i the book of harshness and sternness that the are grist for his mill; a modern stoic festoes recommend Professor Cuza as ignore the fact that the future Judaism of thej speaker at the convention and the professor in who believes man must stand on histhe best candidate for dictator. ' • ' • children "• * • ' h,is class decayed: Upon what pa.ssa.ges and books own feet." Jewish defends almost exclusively Urge Yiddish and Hebrew Toronto.—Yiddish and Hebrew must home environment and present training. If the will these men base their claim that the Old Testa- Receive a Million be an organic part of the cultural inspiring tenets of Jewish education are not im-ment .is of vengeance, and the New Testament is New York.—The Hospital for joint •work of the Young Poale Zion movediseases received $1,000,000 in beplanted now, the yputh when grown to manh.qpd. of love? Righteousness, charity, loving-kindness j ment it was decided at the closing quests during the last year, according will be devoid of the spirit which glowed in the (upon which rest entirely the New Testament conto the 23rd annual report of the in-session of the movement's convention hearts of his forefathers. These parents evident- cept of -'love") are the repeated* themes of the stitutions made public by its presi- here. English is'to be used only when ly overlook the fa.pt that it is just as necessary Old Testament. -''And thou shalt love they neigh- dent, Frederick Brown. Louis F. necessary. The convention also voted to supply their children with a Jewish education bor as thyself" (the sentence quoted by Hillel as Rothschild, treasurer, reported that of to recommend that its members join of the American Federation of as it is to supply them with food and shelter- centval to Judaism;) is found .twice in Leviticus this sum $750,000 was from the late unions Labor, and when of-age, the Jewish Alfred M. Heinsheimer as trust fund that however much wealth they may bequeath and. from there quoted in,the New Testament, for the perpetual maintenances of the National Workers Alliance. Support their children, they are leaving them spiritually whose supporters like to claim the priority of Country Home and $250,000 from 27 for the Jewish National Fund and the bankrupt by failing to build up their mind.• anfl great ideas and religious values. If one studies other persons. The hospital's total gewerkshaften campaign was pledged. heart. .• . ' ' ' . ' •• • •• ' : • ; ••'. -' . '-•. • the three passages in which the lex talionis ("eye expenditures during the last year Protest Tomb Repairs We are neglecting the word of the Torah at fQij eye, tooth for tooth") is mentioned, it will be were S750,Q0. Jerusalem.—Arabs have made a Of this sum the federation for theprotest against slight repairs to the our peril. We must solve this problem practically,. found that they are not cruel -and vindictive. in a 'business-like w^y—by sending our children- These passages introduce a sublime note in human Support of Jewish Philanthropic So- Tomb of Rachel, one of the holiest cieties contributed §146,000 and the to the Talmud Torah, now that the new term is | history, a note of tenderness and compassion pro- United Hospital Fund $18,316, the de- Jewish sanctuaries, being made by the Jewish beadles. They have also profavor and good intentions jected into a civilization that could not grasp its! ficit remaining after the use of these. tested against the bringing of chairs starting. may balm the souls/of, well-meaning parents, but full baauty and love. In Exodus chapter 21, the to the Tomb which is on the road beit does not get us anywhere. We have reached threat of "eye for eye, tooth for tooth," is first tween Hebron and Jerusalem. HitherCountries the point where talk won't do—^we.need action, heard as a reminder to mankind to consider.the to the Jews have always brought chairs and have made repairs undisSend your children, tp the Talmud Tpra.h. Let rights of the pregnant mother, and her unborn QQthYear them drink in the romance of Jewish history; let child, to remernber that life already exists and ' Jaffa.—The famous Mikveh Israel turbedly. them learn the fundamentals of their peoples' should be shielded and protected. Is that revenge Agricultural.School, founded in 1870Proposed Legisative Council by Charles Netter, French philanthro- Jerusalem.—Norman Bentwich, the wondrous,"• culture, their literature, ethics,, philo* j or hate or lack of love? pist who also aided in the establish- Jewish attorney general of Palestine, sophy; folk-love; «if the mariydonv of Israel's j The Old Testament influence upon the Jews ment of the Alliance Israelite Univer- speaking before the Brith Shalom Soheroes.- Let them;obtain a Jewish; outlQQk <>n the j h.as been tremendous and for the gopd, U only selle, celebrated' its sixtieth anniver- ciety which seeks peace between the present and future, Then, and only then, will you som.e of the ideas of the" Old Testament could pro- sary last week. Dr. A. Krause, direc- Jews and the Arabs on the basis of ject themselves into the world's experience still tor of the school, reviewed the history its own program, confirmed the rebe true to your noble heritage a,sftJew! more by the way Jews lived, the world and the of the institution, which in its six de- port that the government intends to cades has trained some of the best establish a legislative council in PalWhen you speak the truth, you are using the" Jews would be richly blessed- The Old Testament known Jewish colonists in the coun- estine. He also said that the governjis not to be judged by one or two incidental'try. language of God. ment is planning to enlarge the jur'phrases,, isolated from context, and considered' Dr. Krause pointed out that the isdiction of the various Palestinian Most people learn their lessons,the ,worst way. without reference to the spirit of the whole. Ad- school now has 200 students. Almost municipalities. lts in Palesgraduates by xloing the opposite of what experience of dresses before a large convention by a well-known Heads Coal Delegation mankind, -has proven of value. ' However, this, and high official bring rancor and malice, and ^ London.—-Emanuel Sliinwell, secremethod W h e s . t h e values of life so that they will certainly do not promote the righteousness o v ' ^ ' e ^ ^ ^ S t ^ of agriculture, tary of mines in the MacDonald cabHo rpm&ribereol forever. " . . i6 v e that he declares himself seeking.—Advocate, the Tel Aviv munici municipality, the chief inet, and the only Jewish member of :
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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 Meyer Braude will leave soon for West Point. Miss Ruth Ziev will depart Friday for Chicago, where she will visit before returning to her studies at the "University of Chicago. Miss Adele Wilinsky will leave the latter part of this month for Chicago. Miss Frances Simon, who recently moved to Los Angeles, and who was a student at Chicago last year, will attend the University of Southern California, as will her cousin, Stanley Simon, who attended that school last year. Norman Sam Fregger is at presBatt-Forman Gross, brother of Mrs. Ziev, was ent in Washington, D. C, where he is Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Batt an- toastmaster for the occasion. Mr. studying foreign service at Georgeaounce the engagement of their and Mrs. Ziev were remembered by town university. daughter, Miss Bertha Batt, to Mr. numerous gifts and telegrams from Miss Sarah Ferer who is at present David Forman, son of Mr. and Mrs. their friends and relatives. visiting in Chicago, will return to A- Forman of this city. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kraft cele- spend a few days here before returnMiss Batt is a graduate of. Techni- brated the Bar Mitjvah of ing to Ward Belmont in Nashville, cal High School. Mr, Forman is a son, Isadore, last Saturday at their the Tenn. graduate of Central High School and Adass Yeshurem Synagogue at 25th Miss Lucille Krasne left last Sun.has attended the University of Ne- and Nicholas St. Sunday afternoon day to enter Ferry Hall in Chicago. braska. they were hosts at a reception in his Miss Joie Kalis and her cousin, Miss The engagement was announced at honor. Jane Appleman, are planning to ata dinner party given by Mrs. Harry tend Milwaukee Downer. Copeland, at Olive Crest Sunday eveMiss Lea Rosenblatt will resume HIGHLAND ning.. No date has been set for the her studies at Wisconsin. The closing dinner dance of the wedding. . Miss Dorothy Muskin will leave Highland Country Club will be held Monday to enter Stephens college at Announcement has been made of Saturday. Mr. Milton Livingston, Columbia, Mo. the betrothal of Miss Frieda Adler, chairman of the entertainment comMiss Rose Brandeis, who recently daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Louis mittee, will be in charge of the af- moved to Omaha from Council Bluffs, J. Adler of this city to Mr. Isadore fair. The new Highland Club" or- will continue her studies in music Elewitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam chestra will provide. the music for from Professor Berryman and at Elewitz. The wedding will" be a dancing. Omaha university. Miss Brandeis is January event. The club has had a very successful well known in musical circles and has season, and all of the newly inaug- given several private concerts and has . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fellman urated plans will be enlarged upon played before the public numerous have returned home from their during the coming year. times. She will also continue to give honeymoon trip in Denver, Colo. piano lessons. Miss Pearl Dansky and Miss Esther Morgan will also attend SCHOOLDAYS -ENTERTAINMENTS In the fall the younger set turn Omaha university. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman, resi- their thoughts from holiday pleasures Miss Ruth Cohen will enter Creighdents of Omaha for the past forty- to the more serious ones of study and ton, and Miss Marian Scharf, Miss two years, will celebrate their golden achievement. Schools in all parts of Josephine Monheit, Miss Irene Hirsch wedding anniversary on Sunday, Sep- the country will find the young peo- and Miss Ida Hoffman will continue tember 14, at their home, 352 North ple of Omaha . earnestly entering j their studies there. 35th Street. They will be r 'at home" their portals of learning. Numerous students are leaving this from three to six o'clock. No cards weekend to register at Nebraska uniJustin Wolf, David Sher and Harhave been issued. versity. Mr. David Fellman wall old Saxe will attend Harvard this Mr. and Mrs. Sherman will be hon- year. Mr. Wolf departed last Sunday study for his Doctor of Philosophy deored at this affair by the presence of for the east, where he will visit for gree, while instructing in the Politi:Mr. Sherman's father, Mr. Abraham a while before resuming his studies. cal Science department. Miss Ruth Sherman, of St. Paul, Minn., who mot- Mr. Sher, a senior in the law school, Ruben will take pre-medic course at ored here on Wednesday for this oc- plans to leave Monday and stop in Nebraska. Edwin Sommers and Edcasion with his daughters, Mrs. A. B. New York for a few days, and Mr. win Brodkey will also enter the state Chemiss, Mrs. L. Abrahamson, and Saxe, who is entering his freshman university. Mrs. L. Stolerow. Mr. Sherman is 95 year, is at present visiting in PhilAmong those who will resume their years. of age and makes the trip to adelphia. studies at Nebraska are Lucille GoldOmaha at least once each year. He Earl Lapidus will leave on August enberg, Roselyn Pizer, Tobye Goldis well known here and "will be glad 26 to resume his studies at Annapolis. stein, Dorothy Silverman, Grace Danto meet his friends on this occasion. Mrs. Joe Ban entertained for •TiV guests at a bridge luncheon or ::;!nesday, complimentary to Mic; i -Alette Katelman, whose marriage ;o Ur, Sam Ban will take place an October 26th. ' Mrs. Fritz Rosenstock entertained ] at her home on Tuesday to honor her j son, Buddy, on the occasion of his ' sixth birthday. j • I
Just See How the Peplum Has Grown!
"'• A-surprise party honoring the silver wedding1'anniversary of-Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ziev was held last Sunday evening at the home of their brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky. Forty guests, all memr bers of the family ^ were present. The lawn was attractively decorated for a buffet supper. Mr. J. A.
sky, Zelda Sapherstein, Morton Rich- Among the reservations at the Athards, Hubert Sommers, Alvin Freid- Club Roof for last Friday evening man, Joe Stein, Sheffel Katsky, Mey- were those of Leo Unger for a party er Goldner, Herman Levinson, Milton of six, Max Holzman for four, and Berkowitz, Harold Pollack, Alfred Justin Wolf for six. Fiedler, Sidney Epstein, Jack Epstein, Milton Berkowitz, Isadore Mann, Jim-j Mrs. J. Falk and children, who have mie Burroughs, Paul Grossman, Ar-j been visiting in Los Angeles for the thur Lerner, Harry Rich and Louis' past two months with her sister, Mrs. Azorin. M. Rosen, have returned to Omaha.
PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. E. Meyer and daughBETH HAMEDROSH Miss Helen Pitlor has returned from ter, Mrs. J. Blank and children have HAGODOL Chicago, where she visited with rela- returned after a two months' stay in A regular meeting of the Beth tives. California. Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery Improvement Organization will be held Mrs. Louis Blotcky and son VISITORS on Tuesday, September 16, at S p. m., Myron returned Monday afternoon Mrs. Murray Klass of New York at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol SynUse Our Extermination after a several weeks trip to CoCity arrived this week to visit with Service or Our lorado Springs, Manitou and Estes her mother, Mrs. Joe Greenberg, for agogue at 19th and Burt. A report of the progress of the Park. Mr. Frank Blotcky will re- about two months. OKey Insecticides cemetery road will be made and elecmain at Manitou Springs until Nov. Instructions to fit your indi1st. Mrs. Maurice A. Wally of New York tion of officers held. vidual case v, ith every order. City is a guest of the Misses Dora and Vree Information Miss Rose Forman returned Sun- Rae Wolowitz. l?rre Deliverer BIKUR CHOLIMt day morning from Tulsa, Okla., after AT 3507 The winners of the five Hebrew a month's visit. She was extensively prayer books raffled away at the last Mrs. M. Pike of Des Moines stop-i entertained while there. ped in Omaha en route home from meeting of the Bikur Cholim Society 1727 Leavenworth, Omaha Yellowstone National Park to visit were won by Mrs. M. Wintroub, Mrs. Mrs. C. Horwitz is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Evelyn Monheit. H. Greenberg, Mrs. Sam Zusman, Mrs. relatives in Chicago. Mies Elizabeth Passman of Sioux Mrs. Harry Kolnick and daughter, City spent last weekend here as the Ruby, have just returned from Ex- guest of Miss Evelyn Chaiken. celsior Springs, where they spent two weeks. Mrs. Maurice Okun who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.! The Misses Eose Sidman, Bess Wohlner for the last two months, left Cooper and Jeanette Turner have re- Tuesday for her home in Fort Wayne, New York Has Gone Cossack turned from Lincoln after visiting1 Indiana. I Coat Minded' several days with Miss Faye Polsky.
Jewelry Needs
WITH THE SICK Miss Jeanette Levinson underwent Mr. Leo Byron Klein and son, Laurance, have returned from a two an apendectomy at the Nicholas Seen Hospital last week. week's motor trip to Chicago. Among the patients at the Wise Mrs, J, Berkowitz left Monday for Memorial Hospital last week were Chicago, where she will visit for about Mrs. Ida Malashock, Mrs. Joseph Iiptwo weeks. sey, Mr. Fred Cherniss, Mr. I. Beber, Mrs. Sam Bierman, Mrs. H. Sokolof, Mrs. Nathan Weisman and children, and Miss Rebecca Ratner. Merriman and Charles, are on a motor trip through Kansas, Iowa and MisPAINT NOW souri. Mrs. Heyn-Unverzagt and son, Mr. Jerome Heyn, have returned from a fishing trip in northern Minnesota. They spent three weeks there makingthe trip by motor.
rier's Sons Painting Contractors 1314 No. 24th St.
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Fur Coat:
Mrs. Melvin Levin is being treated Charles Guss and Mrs. Taxman. The organization has expressed U* at the Nicholas Senn Hospital for a tnanks to Mrs. Kuklan, who sold fcfeft throat infection. largest number of tickets; Mrs. M, Turner, donor of the prizes, and nlTHETA PHI SIGMA Plans are njw in progress for "The who assisted in making the aff»i? * Goblin's Hop,' a -unique dance to be success. given by Kappa chapter of Theta Phi Sigma, national sorority, on October 26th. IF your home is infested with [
The linings are beautiful— The •workmanship is flawless— The h a n d s e m e s t coats to be had . . . equaling anything shown last season at half again this price —the very last word in fur values. Never have we feeen able to go into the showrooms of high type makers and secure their &nes& fur coats to sell at such an unusually low price.
t * * ««
Soviet Russia only on a cash basis. But Sherman believed that there were many people of means who had faith in Soviet I. 0. U.'s. He put two and two together. Let us say the U. S. Steel sells Russia five million dollars of its products. The Soviet gives a note 'or the money. But U. S. Steel won't accept that note. Sherman takes that note to people with money. They accept it. Of course, they as well as Sherman are well paid by the American corporation for assuming the responsibility. And yet the responsibility in th3 last analysis is not highly speculative. For the Soviet covernment, as long as it remains in force, will obviously, in its own interests, stand behind its notes. And should the Soviet regime collapse, and a moi - conservative government inherit the dominion the conservative government could scarcely afford to incur the ill will of big business interest of foreign lands, and so they, too, would not renounce the obligation.
space and clerical service, but could not afford the ordinary charges for such facilities. Most of them, however, would not need full offices, nor could (Continued from Page 4.) they use the full time of s stenog"Jewish Hour" is being broadcast rapher. ming way, Harry W. Schwartz has re(Continued from Page 1.) ceived the Democratic nomination for So Snetley proposed to fill these over station KOIL every Sunday floors with desks, ' istall a general morning, beginning at 10:30 a. m., er continued, "to combat these evils United States Senator, ravin; the switchboard, and hire stenographers central etandard time, and according is the B'nai B'rith. It is amazing how last name of Schwartz, the candidate must be a capital one. It appears, to be paid for on the work basis. He to reports has made a tremendous ignorant the Jewish people are of the however, that this Scl v;artz is a bigtried it out first on a small basis. hit with Omaha Jewry's radio lisprogram of this organization •— too Now, he pays over a half million dol-j teners. many take the B'nai B'rith for grants ger boy than I am—in fact, he's not a Jew at all. I'm sorry. It's time 2 lars yearly for renting floors alone.' The Jewish Day (£)er Tag) sponed. And what we need most of all had a Jew in the U. S. Senate. Here for a modest sum, a man may sors this weekly program, which is By HENRY J. BOHN today is leadership, leaders to train have: a desk, a telephone at hi.; com given over the Columbia chain. No the army of Israel to prepare for the Back in the days prior to the Civil (From Hotel World, Aug., 1930) mand, someone to answer his phone!?, English whatsoever is spoken during War, we had Benjamin of Louisiana battle of the future." and a stenographer available at any} the hour, everything- being in Yiddish. It 'seems indisputable that what we fought this fall. It will "smoke out" He called the B'nai B'rith the focus and Yulee of Florida in the upper time for his service. ' call civilization is at present passing a lot of hypocrites. These statesmen and the perifery of the Jewish circle house. And after the war, we have So cheer up. Somebody will get an through the most interesting period who drink wet and vote dry have land the backbone of ^constructive had a few men like Rayner of MaryLADIES LABOR LYCEUM idea. It may be you. the world has known. How fast we come to the end of the lane. Even American Judaism today. ^ land. But now that our numbers have . CLUB are going, how far we will go and the public, which can't think soundly, He also highly praised the work of so greatly increased, we seem, to be The Ladies Labor Lyceum Club will HOW LEBLANG STARTED what'will be the end, are other ques- may begin to comprehend that a man the Wider Scope • Movement, under unable to get as much as one Jew in The subect is intrijEruinK, ax they sponsor a concert and buffet lunch, to tions. We must ever bear in mind has a right to be wrong as well as the direction of Henry Monsky and the Senate. We number now four milmay say down in Greenwich Village, be given at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd Hegel's statement: "We learn from to be right, for it is he who must pay the Hillel Foundation, the A. Z. A. lion Jews in the United States. By and so he continues on the same t«xt. and Clark, on Sunday, October 26. history that we learn nothing from the price of being wrong. A few of under Sam Beber: the law of averages, we should have There is Joe Leblang. You have heard history." That is, we do hot : profit our high moral people may learn that President Philip Klutznick an- about four Jews in the Senate. And of him, if you were ever in New York A. Z. A. from the lessons of experience. The there is no credit due for being sober nounced the following committees for yet we have nary a one. Is there and tried to get a cut rate ticket for A rfc^uiar mpfbtinsr of A. Z. A. chapgreatest armed conflict of humanity when there is no opportunity to be j the ensuing term: something wrong with us? IT'S LIKE CASH any theater. ter I, win be held Sunday, at three came in the twentieth century, the drunk; that all character and morality j Intellectual advancement commit- Of course, I would naturally be disI can't recall the source, but at any Leblang buys up seats of j«1o* row- p. m., at the Jewish Community Cenmost generally enlightened era of his- is based on having a choice of option. tee: Irvin Levin, chairman; Jack posed to favor any man by the name rate the story goes that recently a ing shows, or shows that raff; \,HA a ter, at which time a discussion will The convicts in a penitentiary are all tory, but what percentage of manMarer, Alexander Frank, Leo Abram- of Schwartz, but even if his name Bronx merchant was approached by a long run and are about to ciwt and be heM <>T. the holding of the district kind realizes that the world-wide de- total abstainers, all "dry." The dry son, Dr. Morris Margolin, Dr. A. A. were Cohen, or Goldberg, I would jobbing salesman. sells them at half rate. trtufr.2.rrtent m Or.iaha about February pression of industry today is simply man or woman who would shoot a Steinberg, Dr. Nathan MusWn. still say aye. And I do this, not be- . "I can't buy the goods," said the He started his business with a lit- I, ari'-t a ria-r.e£ f> he jjivftTi or. Novemman for violating the Volstead law paying the price of the great war of Membership committee: Dr. S. Z. cause I am clannish and would sup1914 to 1918? How hard it is for is the worst kind of an inebriate, for Stern, chairman; Abner Kaiman, vice- port a Jew merely because he is a merchant, "unless you give me four tle stand in Grays Droj? Store at 42rri ber I. All member? are nrgnd to atSt. Soon Gray's Drug Stars itsfctf was tftrfl this irr.poTtart r.t^tiujf. the human mind to understand that such person has never at any time chairman; Louis Sogolow, J. J. Green- co-religionist, but because it seems to months time to pay the bill." "Oh that's all right," replied the not doing so well. If it wasn't actsa-Hy. everything in the world has a price a sober mind. berg, Sam Green, Harry Trustin, me that there must be something jobber's representative, "nowadays, losing money, it certainly was rr.akif,?; and that price must be paid by someLet's Wait John Feldman. wrong somewhere, when' four million four months time is like crsh." little. But Leb]2nsf? stand ws,« &<At>zHENRIETTA SZOLD GIRLS body, somewhere at sometime! Every We laugh at '.'heathen China," Budget committee: Sam Beber, people of any stock one-twenty-fifth a rushing1 busine?..-. \vAt^A l/>.-hl?,r,z:Plar..* for a Clvih- Fo-niT* to be BIJwise action in proper time brings its which has had organized government chairman; Harry Lapidus, H. A. Wolf, of the population of the United States A NEWS DEALER HAS : made so much momv that Y,t~. h*xt%htfU:r . the ^po-ns.-.fs'.rp nf K?SL Herman reward and every error its penalty. for five thousand years. Let us at- Isadore Abramson, ex-officio; Philip haven't as much as one man in our AN IDEA Xss.hr vftTft &zcs$iA<iC a t a. nv&zting of the drug (store and nov; TOT..* that.-? Life is a fight from start to finish tain that age before we laugh too Klutznick, ex-officio. Another instance This man formerlast Tacsdav leading legislative body. too. He continued to mzke m reset*, with only one gateway of escape— loud. We may wave our flag and ly sold newspapers. His name is Snet- that he bought out every piece «vf':; Center. The Publicity committee: Frank Ack•death! ley. Recently, a mammoth building property on Broadway from 42?>A t&* fjrst tit. thft rejralar irwr,thly meeting shout for patriotism and think we erman, chairman; Robert Kooper, A MAN WITH AN IDEA It is splendid to have lived in an are the smartest government on I David Blacker, Philip Klutznick, ex- Nevertheless, there are some people was erected in New York called the 43rd St. He is reporter! to he, wrth il of ti<? F'/rcr; nr~u fc* Y&vl October 6. A pro7r;ir.«??.i per?ori ha? he*m selected age that has experienced the meta- earth; but that doesn't prove it. With! officio; Isadore Abramson, ex-officio. even making money in these trying Salmon Tower. Snetley had no money, something like forty millions Sr)ll&.Tr'] morphosis from the tallow candle to our Eighteenth Amendment to thej Social service committee: Dr. Phil- times. There is Isaac J. Sherman, for but he had an idea and he went to now. | in "speak at each meeting. the incandescent bulb; the stove to constitution we have advertised our- \ Up Sher, chairman; Rabbi Frederick instance. Maybe you've never heard of Salmon and on the basis of that idea And that's a lot of money exen cm I The treasure bunt the club -will give the radiator; the dirt roadway and selves to the wide world as a freak Cohen, Samuel Gerson, Dr. Meyer Be-j him, but with little money to begin was given a lease on several floors in I Broadway. i on Saturday evening will terminate at horse to the cement highway and government; in our law enforcement j ber, Harry Silverman, Leo Rosenthal.j with, he now does business in mil- the new building, so muc' faith did i (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish T^te- j Somberg's delicatessen, where a lunch be !?erveri. auto; hand and horse power to the methods we "tell the world" we are j William Grodinsky . graphic Agency, ITIC.) | lions. He just had an idea. And idc ; the owners of the building have in it. j This idea, too, was a simple one. The raffle the club is sponsoring are wonderful things sometimes. J Diesel engine that shoots us through illogical, cruel, tyrannical, relentless,) Resolutions committee: Isadorej end on Sunday and the winner Sherman's idea was very simple. ] Snetley had noted uiat there were Some persons are so devotional they the skies at hundreds of miles an revengeful, unjust and inequitable in! Abramson, chairman; N. S. Yaffe, F. He knows that a great many of the! any number of small business andj have not one bit of true religion in. of the prize, an electric mantel clock, hour; that brings the best song and our trespass on fundamental human I J. Alberts. 1 will be announced next week. music into our parlor with the push rights. We are .not building strong,] Vigilance committee: WilliamHolz- big corporations will Ho business with. professional men, who needed office them.—Havdon. of a button; that has, in short, chang- self-coritrolled evil-resisting charac- j man, chairman, Harry B. Zimman, ed every phase of daily routine and ters, but hypocrites, weaklings, who Henry' Monsky. transformed the old. inn into a thou- can't withstand temptation. Initiation committee: I. F. Goodsand-room hotel palace for the weary man, chairman; Cantor Swaczskin, My Plea wayfarer. ,, , . . ,. ... . , , i Sam Leon, Jacob Malashock, Sam Fell Mightily My plea is to discuss this problem\" . Cleveland Orphan's Home commit1 a But let us learn that "the glory basis not on of the individual dollar angle human but rights on the for I * ,..., , , ,. , i tee: Irvin Stalmaster, chairman; that was Greece" and "the grandeur •which the ages have fought and sac-f „, . , , . „ ., . . ... , .,,. - , ,. Harry Malashock. A. B. Alpinn, that was Rome" passed away—passed nficed millions of human lives; to „ *„ 7 , ' r, * ' , , . , , , . .. . • Harrv Friedman, Ben Glazer. away not because the world of matter ,help ,.. •. , T .' „ ... .. v build an enduring 6 nation of men changed tut because men and their and women who will live sober lives National Jewish Hospital comnutmentality changed, deteriorated and outside of prisons and laws, and let I• tee: Dr. A,. Greenberg, chairman; erred. Well may we bear in mind the us not perish from the face of ..the Harry Lapidus, honorary chairman; ••peet-s-vJofcds; "111 fares the land, .to earth .as- did.the 'ancient.Orient and H. H. Auerbach, Joe L. Wolf, Fred White. hastening ills a prey, where wealth write another "Fall of Rome." Central Council committee: Max accumulates and .men decay." Do we Fromkin," chairmart; William Alberts, learn from history? It seems not. I. Sokoloff, Reuben Brown, Dr. O. C. Go'- back two thousand years and Moabite Antiquities Goldner. learn that our Eighteenth AmendTurn Out Forgeries House committee: Dave Freeman, ment had a close parallel in the Roman law that prescribed exactly.what Budapest. — (J. T. A.) — Moabite chairman; Maurice Micklin, Dr. O. S. ] Belzer. every citizen might eat at every meal antiquities purporting to date from j £ j ^ ^ ccommittee: Harry ommittee: Harry B. B. and officers like the "dry" officers of the time of Isaiah about 750 B . C . , ' ; ^ . laver, WilCoh nj airman Sam K our day went from house to house to enforce the law. And after looting which have been offered for sale here liam Racusin. Leo -N. Levi Hospital committee: the world of its wealth; gold—tyran- to archeologists and antiquiarians by ny and debauchery sat in the seat of an Armenian woman have been label- Dr. M. I. Gordon, chairman; David power, and passed such laws for "the led very clever forgeries by the lead- Greenberg, Milton Abrahams, Max M. H E JEWISH PRESS common herd." Rome fell arid fell ing Hungarian scholars and semito- Barish. - - ' ' ; „ .-•-'. logists. mightily. The antiquities consist of a number Worcester, Mass.—A gift of $7,500 requests that its subscribers patronize those firms Go into; the sand-swept deserts of of terra cotta tablets supposed to in the campaign to raise $125,000 for the oriental lands and we find the have been made by the Moabite king, a new home for aged and orphaned and individuals who advertise in its pages. This ruins of great.cities, where thousands Mesha. Professor Kmozko, the fam- Jews in Worcester was announced by of years ago were powerful .peoples. ous Hungarian Semitologist, investi- drive officials. The donation is claimrequest has a double significance . . . Advertisers Why did these cities and nations gating the authenticity of the so- ed to be the largest single contribuperish? We have not their history called antiquities, declared that they tion ever made to a Jewish cause in but make the unescapable deduction are remarkable forgeries probably this city. Except to say that he was who adopt "The Jewish Press" as a medium that they'made errors of government emanating froni the forged collection aw prominent local merchant, directhey had not the wisdom to correct. of a Jerusalem.dealer known to arch- tors of the campaign would not dithrough which to address their Jewish clientele, are : All our mechanical ingenuity and tal- eologists. vulge, his name. ent, all our sky-scraping' buildings, all assuring our subscribers of their desire for Jewish our wealth piled high .as'Olympus, cannot save us if we leave governpatronage. ment t o ' the fanatics, such; as now tread on each others toesiin our august United States senate halls and listen to bishop cannons. Yes, we learn from history that we leam>nothAnd it is these same advertisers who with money ing from history! One of the most interesting politispent through our advertising columns make the cal campaigns in our history will be
e i^mes
from the Morgan Park Desk
A Request
f Our Subscribers!
publishing of this newspaper possible.
'•'? -.is
This week you received an enlarged, 8 page paper. We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading the various features, news articles, and editorials it contains. But we cannot continue without your co-operation. We must have your help if wTe are going to build a better paper, all we ask you to do is mention The Jewish Press to any one you trade with and . . . . ,
Chicago.—(J. T. A.)—The American Astronomical Society is the logical body to express an authoritative opinion on the problem of calendar reform and it is the privilege of the scientists to propose a calendar which wjould improve the present system, if thought necessary, without at the same time causing great perturbation of conscience, economic loss and civil disabilities to many that the proposed Eastman Plan would, Dr. Moses Jung, of the school of religion of the University of Iowa, told the annual meeting of the* American Astronomical society, which is in session here. • Calling the attention of the society t£ what he-termed the "present propaganda for the adoption of the thirteen" month calendar" Dr. Jung, who Hi opposedfta-th&'jEastman Plan which contains the^bljinkfday feature, pointed a nuaoberoKreasons why'it' isnot desirable to accept Mr. Eastman's
;*t-. •
Please Patronize Our Advertisers II
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Coney y M
y J ewish
of America
A Fkture of the Jewish Scene at the Resort After the Segson Is Over and 94 Percent of the Residents Are Jewish By BERNARD POSTAL The Goney Island season is over. The merrymakers have left the far motis seashore. playground to the permanent winter residents. It is not generally knoivn that 94 percent of Coney Island's all-year population is Jewish or that Coney Island in the winter is the nearest thing to a Jewish medina in America.
Heard and Seen in Washington By MORDECAI
The appointment of Frederic Wil-j set a man like him might prove to the One cannot help but ponder how liam Wile, jr., as private secretary of; Jewish people, so direly in need these the Ambassador to Italy, John W.j complicated days, of the influence of differently Jewish history for the next Garrett, is worthy of special comment j those of its sons who have risen high few decades might read if the young Preliminaries for g for it is the first time at least within ir the councils of nations. How much Wiles—yea, even the James MarRailroad Are Being my recollection, that a young Jew has, men of this type, with their myriads shalls, had during their student days, C l t d been recently given the opportunity ? of contacts, could accomplish in easing been caught up by the tide of the of launching on a diplomatic career i the difficult way for the progress of ardent Jewish national sentiment London.—(J. T. A.)—The prelimin these United States. Young Wile, the aspirations of the Jewish nation which swept students of European inaries for the projected railway 3ittc like Weizmann and from Bagdad to Haifa have been sr~ it will be recalled, is the son of the J in Palestine, toward a greater respect universities, noted Washington Jewish political j for the status and rights of Jews in countless others to the front line of ranged for, Reuter reports, sayjnff writer who is so often heard over the countries like Roumania and Poland our nation's great struggle for re- that surveying of the line will bspi* as soon as cool weather sets in. Natradio commenting on the official and in countless other directions. And i birth and self-realization. Washington scene. i what a world of thought this provokes j What a bitter commentary for ex- urally the construction of this TICWT I have never attempted to check the' as to the far-reaching importance of ample, that Jewish leaders of today railway to the Mediterranean sep imstatistics (if there are any) but have( bringing the proper Jewish influence so little understand or appreciate the plies the construction of the g???» often heard it said on good authority to bear upon the Jewish student youth vital and immediate role a movement Mosul pipe line from the Iraq ful i like Avukah, the American student fields. that it is practically impossible for a of our universities. According to Reuters, it is now deJew" to enter the "career" branch of j Wile, for instance, is a recent grad-! Zionist organization, might play in the diplomatic service. Sounds strange' uate (this past June to be exact) of the lives of young men like Wile and cided thr.t this pipe line will start *u a point near Bagdad and extend fot for the great United States, but 'tis j Princeton. Was there any current in countless others.' Given the material help it needs, over 400 miles through Iraq aero?* affirmed most true! Once in a while,; bis life reminding him of his own peoof course, a Jew has been appointed^ pie, its problems, thought, history, such a movement could penetrate even Transjordania and then through tVtminister, and much more rarely, am-j ultimate destiny? During the days the impregnable walls of Princeton, estine to Haifa. The exact location of the Merlifcorits young TJews a new vision bassador ,but this is not the "career"! when his mind was perhaps more than and ~" J ubring ~ — '" ~~" ~ branch of the service, composed of at any later time pf his life receptive and a new understanding- of them- ranean terminus of the Mosul nip* the specially trained men who enter and open to ideas and ideals, there selves and the meaning of being a line, which will carry the oil from t>i? into the foreign service at an early. scarcely could have been any direct Jew. The future possibilities in Jew- Mosul fields in Iraq to the Mediterage with the intention of devoting to Jewish influence at this particular uni- ish terms of many a brilliant young ranean, has long been a subject t£ it the rest of their lives. They are versity. Princeton is one of the i Jew's career might prove of far less discussion and dispute between the. the experts of diplomacy, highly academic seats of learning which has conjecture than today, when an Avu- British and French interests in th? skilled in the technique of interna- assuredly felt no Jewish emotional or kah must struggle against the great- Iraq Petroleum company which og.w tional negotiations, and comprise "the cultural impact. The Jewish students est odds in order to carrv on its the concession to the Mosul fields. King Feisel of Iraq was recently ir. backbone of the foreign relations ma- of that select institution, for the most j work, and does not have the financial chinery of the government. Without part are son& of the wealthy and live' resources to venture into the more Germany negotiating with German teI dustrialists for the construction of vh* them, most of our ambassadors and in a rarified atmosphere, far above difficult and forbidding campuses. ministers, often appointed because of the pale of (to them) meaningless (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Tele- railroad from Bagdad to Haifa, graphic Agency, Inc.) wealth, spcial position, or political in- Jewish life. One of the foremost aims fluence rather than special fitness, of the typical Princeton Jewish stuRabbi Heads Board could make but little headway. More dent is to forget he is a Jew—and Calendar Reform Baltimore.—The Rev. Dr. and more "career" men are being still more important, to induce his Geneva.—The question of calendar L. Israel, rabbi of the Har Sinai chosen for the highest, as well as in- Gentile classmates to do likewise. reform, which is up for consideration ple, has been selected fpr the termediate diplomatic posts. Hugh by the League of Nations, -will be manent chairmanship of the muni I know of a recent young Jewish Gibson, former minister to Poland, placed on the agenda of the next gen- Commission on Stabilization of and John Grew, our emissary to Tur- Princeton graduate, who is a serious eral session of the league's advisoi'y ployment. As permanent secr key, are note worthy cases in point. problem to his warmly JeAvish father, and technical committee for communi- the commission chose Simon Ebeloff, Deputy City Solicitor. They rose through sheer personal mer- misguided into sending his son to'fhis cations.and transit in October, 1931. it, gained on the field of operations. "very best" college. The isolation experienced at Princeton forced him inso far' as-1 know did not en- to a four years of acute intellectual WEbster 2429 ter the diplomatic service via the us- introspection, where Judaism, howual route of special examinations, per- ever, found no place, since there was 3527 sonal interviews, and other establish- no direct channel for its communicaI have j n s t recpived direct from Falestine a very nico stock of most ! tion. His mind soared into what Esrofirim and X-.uloviro for Sucoth Anyone dewi^cinR- to bny one will pteape 1*^: ed procedure of "career" diplomacy. me know (*o tliat I enn have it read?- for him for Vontii. In that case, perhaps he would have seemed to him the supreme heights of \Ve w-nnr to'cnll to the nHention of Jhe JesviFh public flint vre are fceting in now n ne-w supply of the Beesnnafrlp religiotip nrricles. Machzelrini x\"ith <Te^'tPl; met the same unfortunate reputed social and philosophical ideas—with and English translations, prayer booke, Tplcogim Bi!k and >vooj of the bent kind, etc. fate of others of Hebraic persuasion the result that today, a young man of! K-ho made the attempt, only to bite extreme brilliancy and talent, he is j A full line of New Years Carrls iji JewisSi and JSnglish Eeraeml»er our famous Kosher Eonp. On the deinnml of n few ciiPtompru T the dust of .rejection. Wile, instead, contemptuous of everything that is nrdered the follo-n-inp- article* of pure silver and plate silver candle had the rare good fortune of being Jewish. Ignorant of their true worth, Kidush cups. Hndeses. etc. Everyone, ivho is interested in buying one them, should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, BO I enn have it rei Judaism and the Jewish destiny seems personally chosen by Ambassador for them. Garrett as his private secretary, which utterly insignificant in the light of the evidently he hajS~the right to do with- Utopia of all mankind which he^ hasout: reference -fco the official machinery of the department of state. If Wile achieves success, he will probably be in a position to demand the recognition for career appointment which otherwise might have proved beyond his reach.
show freaks are Jews, Josephone Jo- seats on the subway. They meet with seph, the half-man, half-woman, Prin- no insults from loaferish shkotzim cess Fritzie, the smallest woman in who avoid a Coney Island free of the world, Ella, the girl with the seal- crowds. The train from Coney Island UJce fins,Yiddishers Leonette, the girl in the morning and-from New York with the lion's face, Madame Gabri- to Coney Island in the evening might elle, the half woman minus limbs and well be called the Jewish express in.AI Flosso (Al Levinson) the famous stead of the Sea Beach express for People who think of New York as magician. Not many of the hundreds more Yiddish is spoken on these a Jewish metiina know nothing about of thousands of Jews who visit Coney trains than English and more Yiddish Coney island. In New York every Island annually know that these hu- papers zre to be seen than English fourth person is a Jew. Of the perma- man curios upon whom they stare are. papers. The subway conductors who gather old papers either to sell >_s nent population of Coney Island, Jews. junk or to read have a real pile of The permanent Jewish residents of •«t-hich is about 43,000, 94 percent is Yiddish papers at the end of the Coney Island, however, know more Jewish, which makes this island the most densely populated Jewish dis- about their community. They know day's run. While the Coney Island Jewish comtrict in, Greater New York. Few peo- that one of the best known chassidic ple except the permanent residents rabbis in the world lives there. They munity is not organized as such it and their friends know much about know that Coney Island boasts of six has all th'e characteristics of a kehilConey Island in the Winter when it synagogues and eight mikvahs. Thpy lah. There is kashruth supervising becomes a real Jewish medina. Of j 'kno^ t n a t 8 ^ 0 0 copies of New York's board that keeps a watchful eye on course during the Summer a large four Yiddish daily newspapers are the meat sold to the Jewish houseproportion of the millions who throng sold"there. They know that the score wives. The various Jewish landsmanits beaches are Jewish but they are or more of kosher delicatessen shops schaft organizations have branches not real Coney Islanders. They are to and the dozen kosher Lutcher shops there. National philanthropic drives Coney Island what the Summer board- do a thriving business in the winter. never fail to have special campaigns ers are to the Catskffl Mountain I They know too that the three public for the Coney Island district. Jewish schools in Coney Island are practical- labor unions are well representat'd hotels. at the_ island resort. There are a numThe Jews of Coney Island are of ly deserted on all Jewish holidays. The winter Jewish residents if ber of popular Jewish book stores and two kinds, thpse who Jive throughout a score of Jewish clubs. Of course the year and those who live there only Coney Island have the famous play- Jewish signs are no rarity and a ground of New York practically all during the Summer or who come to the Island only over-- the .weekends. vto^. thernsdyes. • When < they leave fpr knowledge ofJ Yiddish'is sufficient to Both groups, however, make a defi- business in the morning th«y find'ho assure one's b'ein"g able- to getabout. nite contribution to Coney Island. pushing, milling crowd of Sunday J Coney Island's Jewry received the September 14 marks the dividing line amusement seekers crowding them fpr final approval as a separate community when the Jewish communal surbpfPV'een the departure of the latter vey of New York was made. In the group until next Summer and the population statistics Cone;- Island did coming jnto its pwn of the former not compare with such Jewish secgroup. tions as Brownsville, the East Side The temporary residents who numIJarlem or Fordham but in density of ber about 250,000 a year see in Coney By GEORGE JOEL .Jewish population f Coney-Island/ led Island nothing but a Summer resort, a place where millions crowd on hpt Sakoah Srjccer Team Returns From all the rest. Aside from the 40,000 Jews there are about 3,000 Italians afternoops to escape the stifling heat ; Sjouth America living in Coney Island. The Jews are of a New York Summer,' where other more than an overwhelming maojrity millions come to gape afc freaks a.ni! Tttey iureiEoney Islan*"in"the^-inter. to partake of strangeJooktifg alSd $ie high se^s bifrnd f # &ew iCorlg Th .JFalnfud Torahs are well patronquear smelling delicacies and" where hundreds of thousands of multicol- from Spilth America where they have ized. Seats for Eosh Hashonah are at ored lights twinkle from the fronts been exhibiting soccer as the Jews a premium in all synagogues and the of the most ingenious gambling de- play it. Unfortunately the tour was mush-rppro synagogues flourish. Only not successful as far as the playing a Yiddish theater and a Yiddish newsvices apd thrill producing rides, ^ent. The Jewish boys were defeated) paper are lacking to make Coney game unimaginative people These think of Coney Island in the Winter too often. Financially, however, the Island really? independent of the rest This will have distinct moral value as a dessrtfd island, with block trip was not without its compensation of New ¥ork s Jews. as the South Americans turned out with respect to the "unwritten law" after blqck of shuttered shops, a clean (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Te.e- subconscious attitude, or whatever it in large numbers to see Jews play socgraphic Agency, Inc.) beach apd empty, playing host only cer, a npyel sight in the southern conis, that has somehow kept highly to the rplling breakers. 'tinent. - . :•• ark, the Jewish fighter stormed qualified Jewish, young men from obHe w))o seeks things of Jewish inThe team arrives next week, just in through a ten round bout to win the taining access to this fascinating terest will find them almost anysphere of action. And who knows but S £ S Cote,"S^ £ ™ T rj|™ !* «* opting of the African decision from Buster Brown. More that America has not thereby lost a than 11,000 fans were on hand to Winter/is no o p t i o n . In the Sum- 8occer League season, and Disraeli or Reading If Jewish witness the contest and were treated mer every front porch in Coney Isjand j against brains have proven so successful in to a slam bang affair. Berg won as is crowded with Summer boarders,; Sam Marks' Soccer Team Makes other avenues of American endeavor, he pleaspd despite the undeniab'.j Hasty Departure From Europe chiefly Jews. Every cellar is strong opposition given him by the it would seem questionable judgment Iously transmuted into at least a Sam Marks, who owns the Fall rugged Brown, who finished with his indeed, to exclude Hebrew talent from dozen lpckers where several dozen Riyer §pccer Team, took a team to fight eye cut. Berg was unmarked a field where brilliancy of mind and people fleeing the heat change into j Europe in August and promised to and breathing evenly when the final ingenuity are such prime requisities. bathing suits. Private residences turn j ma fc e a j o u r o f the continent. His bell sounded. their si;x or eight rooms into boarding jt e a m w a s advertised as the champions Another thought occurs to me in houses/Nearly all of the people who of the world. When the club got Jewish Wrestling Champion Claim connection with young Wile. If his do this thriving trade are Jews and abroad, after being refused permisDisputed career proves as successful as all his those who rent the lockers and rooms sion to go by the local league, it lost Sam Markowitz is the present mid- friends so ardently hope, what an asr are also Jews. It is said that this busi- every game played. The trouble was dleweight wrestling champion but ness runs into half a million dollars that only a few of the regulars on the Slartin Merkur, another Jewish jioy, a year. Fall River team sailed, the rest of the disputes Sam's claim and is telling the The small Jewish merchant who positions were filled by some of the world that he is the best middleweight has a store on ESurf Avenue, the rgal old timers who are too slow for grappler in the business. Merkur has Broadway of Coney Island, knpeks out the big league competition. The result not lost a match in two years and has his window and turns his place of was a scandal that almost resulted in a victory over Gus Kallio, a former business into a soft drink emporium ripts. Things got so bad that Marks holder of the title. He will get a crack and carries a line of Jewish delica- called off the tour and is hurrying at the title in the near future. Sam, j cies including knishes, blintzes and back to America. He will be investi- incidentally, won the Jewish middlesalami sandwiches as a side-line. His j g a t e d by any number of committees weight championship when he defeatwife and family become barkers and and will be sued freely. ed Harold Ross of Illinois a few weeks he the general manager. rnin BouJ pplds Fistic ; ago. The jthree largest types of concesSpotlight Football News sions in Coney. Island are the thrill The fight between A} Singer, lightThe football camps are open and; producing rides, soft drink emporiums, and the enticing gambling ma- weight champion, apd SfcLarnin, going full blast. From New York uni-jr chines. With the exception of the leading welterweight contender, is all versity comes the information that above-mentioned storekeepers the set fpr Friday night at the Polo Harry Schneider will play his third Jews have comparatively little to do Grounds. A rumor has been current year of varsity football as regular j with the management or ownership that the bout would not come off as center. Chick Meehan also expresses of these concessions. A few Jews lease Singer was afraid of BIcLarnin but great interest in a Jewish guard L want to j them but their number is small. Jews Singers handler assures the public named Hugh Greenblatt. that Al will be in there when the are employed as barkers for thege G. C. N. Y. will again have an All j scone one that concessions but even here their num- opening gong sounds flat. What "Will Jewish team which consists of many I evetyoue appreciates— ber is small. Speaking of barkers ihappen I won't try to guess. The veterans. Bernie Bienstock, last year's! sen&yaar congratulations championship is not at stake as Mcthere are a number of Jewish barkers captain, is assistant coach and makes; Larnin will fight over the lightweight ani test wishes the prediction that C. C, N. Y. wfll j in Coney Islantl who are real^ charach ters. There is one who was educated limit. The Irish boy is a swell fight- be a power among the smaller elevens for thg rabbinate and goes by the er—tough, hard hitting and clever. He this year. • • name <}f Bill. He ballyhops fgr (me of will carry a six pound advantage over Chatterings the larger sideshows. In front of the Singer. Singer has been suffering from a cold and whether he will be Dave Ross, star announcer of W. A. "Rocky Eoad to Duhlin," of all places, few can talk 4 9 airline inilej for in first class condition for the fight B. C, hac deserted the tennis courts 35£?;?9 sMit miles forSOc; there is a barker who says not a and ! P 0 epifce raijes for SOc*. word. He- makes only queer gestures is questionable, but even at that I after many year-s of active service Long «Ciiaocetelephonerates ara not advise you to bet against with the racquet. Dave finds the and never smiles. His antics amuse bated on aWine miles and are less Anyway it should be a good strain of introducing warblers and per mile as the distance increases. the crowds and he packs them in. He other air spoilers over the radio has too is a Jew. Outside of the famous scrap. , -k Th!< it til* day stnb'on-to-itataken the "edge off his game. He is tipn TBt» pom tn3p A. M. to 7 Luna Park there is a Jewish college Berg Wins Again P_ / > for o thr»e-m!aut» eonstill writing poetry . . . A champion nrrsctiDn sad oppiin when yon student -who has been barking fpr Jackie Berg, tHe English' light- Tom Thumb golfer is Ethel s>R £p twit with onyone ovoilseveral-Summers. obl. =t the trlepfecne co!l«L -weig:htr"is~ keeping'- in- trim -for- Jti& "of'BiiffalD~whois'-ncm- living -in-New .chanjBiQnBfifp, .fight ifwhicVj wilKtake .Yark. Ethel is -a contender. for., the NORXH^ESTEBN BELL in front of side shows arid inside the place almost any year now. His meth- state championship. TELEPHONE COMPANY side shows are a good many Jewish od of keeping fit is to fight as often 1930, by the Jewish Telefreaks. Six of the best known side as possible. The other night at New- (Copyright, graphic Agency, Inc.)
Sport Notes
discovered for himself. He does not know, of course, that the Jewish pro?, phets anticipated by many centuries the modern Utopians who are his gods.
What Shall I Send ? '
this year . . . .
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PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1930 the family residence, 152 West WashTESTIMONIAL BANQUET ington Avenue, Sunday afternoon, at which a large crowd* attended, PLANNED FOR LIPSKY sBurial took plaice in^the Oak" Hill
Trio. She is a member of the Gam-j Nathan Nogg was re-elected as Seo ? ma,TTheta Phi sorority,. a n d also a i retary of the local organization. member of the Continuo,. a honorary musical society.' Two Umversities/to
cemetery. A committee of two hundred and • Miss -Phyllis Shapiro -of • Chicago, Avoid Holiday Conflicts fifty prominent.Jews, from all walks • Among '.. those who attended the 111.,"' left Wednesday• for i. her v home.j of life, and from every part of the Annual State Grocers' Convention at following a two weeks visit here^at Philadelphia, Pa.—The University MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent country, will sponsor a testimonial Davenport the first part of the week the home of Mr. and Mrs.' William of Pennsylvania as well'afe Temple banquet to Louis. Lipsky, noted Jew- were: Messrs. Sam Bubb, Max Conn, Bernstein. University will see to it that Jewish ish leader, on his completion of thirty Sam Meyerson, Simon Steinberg, students are not required to register Miss Betsy Gates of Memphis, or to attend classes on the High Holiyears of service to varoius causes in Nathan Nogg, Phil Saks, Harry the. American-. Jewish community, ac-Krasne, Richard Gordon, Sam Gross, Term., arrived Sunday to visit Miss days, according to the assurance recording to an announcement issued by Max Steinberg, Abe Markovitz, Sam Flora Marks. ceived by Rabbi Mortimer J. Cohen. Mr. Bernard S,;Deutscli, chairman of Lincoln, Joe Gotsdiner, M. Bernstein, According to the original schedule Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Adler enterthe Executive, Committee arranging and Sam Steinberg. of both of these institutions of learnthe function,. president of the Bronx, Mr. Sam Meyerson was elected as tained the members of their evening ing a number of functions were schedCommittees of the Jewish National bridge club at their home Tuesday Rabbi Hirsh Braver of Kansas City i County Bar Association and president; a director. Council Bluffs was uled to take place on Rosh Hashona. Fund Organization of Sioux City, are of the American Jewish - Congress. . {selected as the 1931 meeting place evening. is a guest at the home of his, parents, When the matter was brought to the \ at work on the sale of the J. N. F. Rabbi and Mrs. M. Braver, 1020 Iowa Committees Have Been AppointIt is planned to tender a banquet for the Iowa Retail Grocers' Assoattention of Rabbi Cohen he immeStamps, as a project toward raising Mr. Sam J. Steinberg was recently Street. A Hook "Great Figures and to Mr. Lipsky, -former president of' ciation. . ed and Hope to Finish Work j diately communicated with the auelected President • of the Council the city's J. N. F. quota for this year. Events in Jewish History" has been • By October \ Mrs. Barney Baron and Miss Ida the Zionist Organization of America, j T h e thorities of both institutions. Bluffs Grocers' Association. Mr. written by Rabbi Braver, and was reFeldman have been appointed by Mr, some time next month after his return j their firstLadies Aid Society will hold cently published by the Bloch Publishnieeting of the fall season ( Mrs. Morey Lipshutz, chairman of Joseph Aizenherg, chairman of the J, from Europe. According to Mr. [n e x t ing Company of New York City. afternoon, September the Ad committee for the program! N. F. committee, to take charge of Deutsch, the .testimonial banquet had ' 16th aTuesday t t h e hom In commenting on the book the of t i e Shaare Zion Ladies' Auxiliary been decided upon to coincide-with Mr. I » e of Mrs. S. White1 Bloch Publishing Company writes "A Show, has appointed most of the com-! the sales. book, 2504 Avenue C. Lipsky's election to the presidency of new history, in unusual form, intend- mittee that is to assist her, and an- ' In addition to the work by this com- the Judea Life: Insurance Company. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosenberg of ed to arouse the interest and enthus- nounced that several of the workers mittee, a stamp is placed' on each Chicago, 111., left Friday by motor iasm of those adult Jews whose have already, completed their territory ticket issued by the Synagogue for for their home following a month's knowledge of their own history is and report unprecedented success. the High Holidays. Mrs. Baron and Miss Feldman are visit at the home of Mrs. Rosenvague, and particularly to hold the inIt is planned by Mrs. Lipshutz and berg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. terest and promote the further desire her co-chairman, Mrs. Robert Sacks being assisted in this work by Mrs. Marks. for knowledge-of their own people.on and Mrs. Sam Weiner, to complete Abe Friedman,- Mrs. Ike Levin, Mrs. the part of Jewish youths It calls at- the work on the .ads by October 1. M. Leaff, Mrs. H. Mirowitz, Mrs. A. By V. R. K.. Messrs. Louis H. Katelman and tention to the great men and events The goal set by the committee for Slotsky, Mrs. Rose Rabinowitz, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Mrs. Sam Sampson, Ben I. Seldin returned home Wednesin the story of Israel which have made the amount of ads they want to sell, Mr. Louis Cherniack, 57 years old, day from Sioux City, Iowa, where it unique in the history of mankind." exceeds that of last year, and from Mrs. Emil Sloutzky, Mrs. Sam Passman,. Mrs. Abe Pill, Mrs. W. C. died last Thursday, September 4th, j they attended the Annual ^tate Le"In writing this new history" the the incoming reports of the commitreviewer continues, "Rabbi Braver has tees, that goal will be reached if not Slotzky, Mrs. Joe Oxman, Mrs. j in Los Angeles, Calif., following a: gion Convention as delegates from i. i l l '' Z ~YI ~ U _ J - ! « * * <"<«». *;i i 4.1. _ TJ~r_T Tl *- X T - o • ' •--• s h o r t m n e s s . ^ H e had left Council the Rainbow Post No. 2. Hied a. long felt want—a history suit- surpassed. The committees also re- Charles Raskin, Mrs. Joe Levin a n dtj _-! Mrs. M. B. Herzoff. (Bluffs a few-Weeks ago* accompanied able for the Jewish youth of today port that they have had no refusals, Plans are being made by the The city has been divided into dis-1 by~ M r s . Cherniack, "for-- a trip to who insists upon receiving his infor- or lack of co-operation. . Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud tncts and the committees are can• , • • < • ! :. « . • . . mation in ah' interesting as well as The workers on Mrs. Lipshutz com- vassing each Jewish home. It is the west coast, Mr. Gberniack was Torah Society to hold a rummage instructive way. The first .volume of mittee include Mrs..Sam Shulkin, Mrs. well known,^ having been a resident sale in October. Everyone is urged this history covers that portion of the Sam Skalovsky, .Mrs. A. Sloutsky, urged by the workers on the commit- of Council, Bluffs for over twenty to save all old clothing, etc., that history of Israel known as the, Gaonic Mrs. Philip Sherman, Mrs. Mprey tee that the stamps be'used in send- years. He; was a member of the can be used for the ; rummage- sale. period and continues down through the Miller, Mrs. Louis Sinykin, Mrs. J. ing out Jewish New Year cards this Chevra B'nsi :Yisroel synagogue and and call either Mrs. Abe GilinskyV; Golden Age of Spain. It contains in- Harkoway, Mrs. J. N. Kruger, Mrs. year. the B'nai Brith Lodge No. 688. phone 1779, or Mrs. I." Morgens'tern, formation .as to some of the great Joe Kutcher, Mrs. John Levin, Mrs. Besides his /widow, he is survived phone 5063 W, who: will be in events as well as stories of some of Levin, . Mrs.. Milton Mushkin, Mrs. by three sons, Jay' and- Harold of charge of collecting all- bundles. ; the most fascinating yet little known Charles Raskin, Mrs. David Mazor, Council Bluffs,.and Isaclore, of Stamphilosophers and writers who lived Mrs. J. H. Moscow, Mrs. Harry Wigford, Conn.;: and Uyo^ daughters, Mrs. Miss Helen~ ,Whitebobk,; daughter;, during that era and who had their \ odsky, Mrs. Sam Weiner, Mrs. M. I. Chapman .'of Omaha, and Miss of Mr. and-Mrs. S. .Whitebook,' left influence and effect not only on Jewish Silverberg, Mr. Bill Baron, Mr. BarHelen Cherniack of Council Bluffs. for Iowa City to ;enter-her Junior life and thought but on that of the ney Baron, Mr. Max Friedman, Mr. Mr. and .Mrs. Isadore Cherniack j year at the: University.'; of Iowa. She Harry Lewis, executive of the country and generation in which they John Levin, Mr. Bob Sacks, Dr. Sam arrived here. Saturday from their' has bsen awarded a; scholarship to lived. Among the outstanding figures Shulkin, Mr. Milton Mushkin, and Mr.Lewis Detective Agency here, will home in Stamford, Conn., for the. complete her course, due to her;high address members of the Bnai Brith of which the author writes are Sam-John Lansberg. v I scholastic average in music, and a Lodge here at their first meeting of uneral. • uel Ibn-Nagdela, Solomon Ibn-Gabirol, The rest of the committee will be Funeral .services were held from place as pianist with the University. the .season which is scheduled for Closes Ibn-Ezra, Judah ha-Levi, Rashi, appointed at a later date, according Tuesday evening, September 16. The and a host of others whose names speaker will be introduced by Mr; have shed glory on the history of the to the chairman. E. N. Grueskin, who is the chairJews. • • " - . . . •-•.'. j man of the program committee. Mr. ''The history is particularly adapted Lewis' subject has not been anfor the use in the high school division nounced. of the religious school, one of the most difficult periods in the .religious deThe high spots of next week's so- . At the business meeting of the velopment of Jewish youth. Rabbi cial calendar, will be several parties lodge, a report /will be made by Mr. Braver's book will be found to fill a given by, members of the younger set. Grueskin on the plans' for the Anlong-felt want for a suitable textbook On Sunday afternoon, September nual Bnai Brith informal" Dance, for use at this stage of religious ed- 14, the .Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority which is to Jtake place a t the Riucation." will give, a "RushParty"' a f the so- gaudon Thursday night, October 2. This volume of Rabbi Bravers work, cial hail of the Jewish Community From plans . already disclosed the which consists of 360 pages, is the Center. A program by- the members affair promises to be one of the first of a series of five books on post- of the sorority will be followed by a high lights on the Bnai Brith proBiblical history, beginning with the tea. The club colors will decorate the gram for this year. historic event recounted in the last hall. Miss Sally Ginsberg is in A smoket stag will follow the sentence of the Bible down • to our charge of the arrangements. program and -business meeting. Mr. present day. The remaining four Max Friedman, President, will presbooks are in process of preparation Members of the Hawkeye Club will ide at the meeting. And for months thereafter! Enjoy your car and will shortly be published. tender a farewell party Sunday evewithout delays or expense for tire trouble. Rabbi Braver is at the present time ning, September 14, to members, who enrolled in the Kansas University will leave soon for school. They are Mid-Night Services Here's a genuine Goodyear of fine quality—where he is studing law. He plans to George Kuntz and Martin Kozberg. at Shaare Zion Sep. 13 leave for his home in Kansas City The party .will be held in the Jewish tough of tread and stout of body—-that you'll some time next weekCommunity Center. A program will The Shlichoths Service at Shaare be proud to own.. Only because Goodyear be followed by a buffet supper. Mr. •Zion Congregation will be observed bnUds MILLIONS MORE tires than any Edwin Baron is the advisor of this Saturday night, September 13, at 12 Mary Kaplan to Head other company, and thus enjoys lowest costs, Cantor Pliskin o'clock, mid-night, Community House Club group. with the aid of a special Holiday can you buy such a value today. Mrs. Irving Goldstein and children Choir will chant the customary ritual. Mrs. Mary Kaplan was elected!jdeparted for their home in Chicago, The Service is designated as a Represident of the Dramatic Club at the Sunday evening, after a visit of sev- pentance Service which. preceeds the Community House, 1704 East Fourth eral weeks at the home of Mrs. Gold- New Year. Leonard Baumstein was steins parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Street. elected vice-president and Milton Baron. | Junior Hadassah Help Fishgold, secretary. in J. N. F . Stamp Sale Mrs. Abe Meyers of Des Moines, j Iowa, is a guest at the home of her Sigma Iota Sigma Several members of the Junior Mr. and Mrs. Barney RosenElects Officers parents, lifetime Hadassah organization have taken thai. an active part in the home to home Guaranteed The Sigma Iota Sigma Sorority Mr. and Mrs. Wolkin of New York sale of Jewish National Fund elected officers for the coming year City have been guests at the home of Stamps during the past week. They BIG OVERSIZE at their first meeting of the season, Mr. and Mrs. John Lansberg. FUIJL are Elizabeth Raskin, Sadie Dimsj held at the Jewish Community Cendale, Sadie Shulkin and Ida Feldter last week. Miss Helen. Herzoff > Mrs. E. N. Grueskin presided at a man.. was elected president of the group to tea in her home, 3321 Jennings street, succeed Miss Rosalie Sacks; Miss Sal- Saturday afternoon, honoring Miss ly Ginsberg was elected vice-presi- Vera Rothschild of Chicago, who is a Business Girls Club dent, Miss Charlotte Borshevsky, sec- guest at the M. Rocklin home. Miss to Hold First Meeting retary and Miss pena Baron, treas- Rothschilds' engagement to Mr. Ben urer. Miss Marcia Robinow is the ad- Brodkey of this city -was recently an- The first meeting of the season visor of the group. of the J. C. • C. • Business Girl's Club nounced. will be held next Wednesday eveMrs. R. Mandelstam of Gettys, ning. The meeting will be preceded South Dakota is a guest at the home by a dinner at 6:15. An election of S E F F ' S of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.officers will constitute the business meeting and the members will then Hendlyn. [ DELICATESSEN 10-PLY TRUCK TIRES adjourn to bridge. Tubes also low priced AND Mr. Jack Magilevsky has. departed SANDWICH SHOP for his home "in Buffalo, Minn., after Our prices include careful mounting and a friendly all-year service KOSHER MEATS OF ALL KINDS a visit at the home of his father this High School. The Record is a weekly newspaper, published by. the stuweek. dent body. The members elected are The Misses Bluma and Sybil Merlin, Sulamith and Julia Bereskin, and For New Year {.and .Mary Rozofsky left Thursday NeomI- Sacks. -• • Cor. 17th and Capitol Ave. Phone AT. 6427 evening for a week's stay in Chicago, Greeting Cards Mrs. Emil Rosenstock has acwhere they plan to visit friends. HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors SEE companied her daughter Charlotte Miss Ida Cohen, of Minneapolis is to Wellesley, Mass., where the latPROTCH & CO. visiting - a t the home. of - her - parents, ter, will, enroll .at .school this year - • 420 Pierce Street . Cohen:" ' Enroute" to that city, they will make several stops at eastern. cities. ,..', Miss.'Ruth'.Cohen of ,'Omaha, visited' - ' ' ^ # W : : M ; ; a n ; y ; - G t l i e r k i n d /// ' y • •• ' in the home-.of • Mr. and' Mr-S/ Morris " , , J K and. Mrs.. A.- M. Davis and Pill,". 1514.' Jones, Street; ;iast.,week: \ children are' expected to return homte next week- after spending the past ^^l-^^iiie-'mitltitude^': Three Jewish students at Central six weeks at Colorado Springs. High School have been elected to serve on the Record board of Central PATRONIZE OUfi ADVERTISERS
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