October 3, 1930

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JIV If".-




Interesting and/' %

X Interests of The Jewish 'Community £ ? ¥ £ ? M.'««W>a-eluMi mall matter, on J r T ' 1 ' , ' !7. Una, at l^Btofflce at Omaha, Kebra«lcn.nnde» tie A<i . - , . fch 3, 187a


R< I is Taxes of BUBLICK TO Converted Jew SPEAK HERE ONSOeCOTH

*VOL. VHI—No. 36

Is Appointed


to N a t ^ a l Academy

(J. T. A.).—Because he becas H" convert to Christianity, taxej *•* ,e thousand zlotys sent by Felix liczki to the Jewish comof Warsaw have been returned ' to him by the community. Leader of Mizrachi Wing Will In a letter that he received from the community's executive he was in;i Speak at Orthodox formed that converted Jews could ;> Synagogues not be members"'of the community. Omaha Jewry •will have an opportunity 'to hear Gedaliah Bublick, •worl^, renown spokesman for the Mizrachi, the Orthodox Zionist party,

Samuel Gerson, executive secretary of the J. C. C, the Welfare FederaIEVIN STAIiMASTER ' XAWornras'or tion, and the Jewish Philanthropies, Assistant Attorney General STALMASTER & BEBER SAM BEBER has been appointed a member of the 65*458 (MUHA, JTATIONA^ BANK KLSO. American Academy of Political and Program to Officially Usher in PHILIP M. KXUTZNICK NEBRASKA Social Science, of which Ernest MinWILLIAM STALMASTER the Thirty-Ninth Year of or Patterson, University of PennOrganization sylvania, is "president and President Herbert Hoover is vice-president. The Omaha Hebrew Club will officially begin its thirty-ninth year on Sunday afternoon, October 5, at three-thirty o'clock in the auditorium October 1,1930 of the Jewish Community Center Mr. David IJlacker, Publisher, with an open meeting, at which Sam 1 The Jewish Frefcfc, -,Klaver, president of the Hebrew Club, will act as chairman. Brandeis TKeatef Building, The meeting will be featured by Omaha, Nebraska 5 « an address by Rabbi Peter Halperin Talented Violinist, Formerly of of New York who has chosen as his London, (J. T. A.);—Twelve new Dear Mr. Blacker:. . subject "Palestine". Omaha, Soon Resumes versions of the Scriptures have been : Davis Lazerus,- state winner of tlie • Concertizing printed during the last year, two for The New Yea*'s Edition of the' Jewish) Press was .so splendid an AtwateivKent' contest who has reAsiatic, two for Oceanic and eight cently returned from Europe, will example of what an Anglo-Jewish newspaper should be that J want Mr.%Joseph • Harding, son of Mr. for, African peoples* ithe} annual reand Mrs.' David Harding of this city port, of the .British and Foreign to* congratulate you upon what I consider the outstanding achievement .and well-known for his violin talent Abraham Dansky, popular young Bible Society declares. The Society's in the history of-Omaha's Jewish newspapers. L . : . . : ' * musician, will play several piano i :~-«I»eading a short vacation list of .versions now totals. 630. The Switzerland before resuming his connumbers. number of copies of the- Bible di The Center Players Guild will preIt so happens "that I see most-of the other Anglo-Jewish newsce.rtMng this fall. seminated during the year broke all sent a Jewish Welfare Board prise Perhaps no other young artist has previous" records, the total being 12,papers published in this country, an<Tl have no hesitancy in'sajring play,. "His Children" coached by had die Jiottor of playing in so many, 1 7 5 , 2 9 2 . ' "••"""••'.••/'••" that Omaha's Jewish Press ranks among -the foremost of the Amerihistorical Chateaux and before so: Haskell Cohn. The cast includes Of this number overs million were Inany royal personages. Last year Ralph Nogg, Israel Sternhill, Max complete Bibles, 1,125,000 complete can Anglo-Jewish newspapers. played for the Princess Broglie Weinstein and Elsie Fogel. New Testaments and 9,795,000 copies A violin and piano number by Mv, ih her Salon at the Chateau de ChauT of portions of. the Bible. The inThe art work, the make up/the feature stories and the copy was and Mrs. Nate Sekerman will conmont; the same year at a neighborcrease in the total compared with all so attractive that I spent several hours in going over your paper. clude, the program. ing Chateau of the Princess de Kothe figure for 1928-1929 'is 775,000 The open meeting is an annual reVa, who was a great prima donna The advertising matter was particularly impressive andattractive. The Egyptian agency, which serves event. "I think we have one of the i n S e r younger days, and who occuGedaliah Bublick. part of, Asia, as well as Northeastern best programs we have ever had'", pied .:"f or many years the office of The Jewish Press has become ^institution in Omaha and renders 1 dwring .the Succoth services. He will Africa, sent out almost 150,000 books said Mr. Klaver, "and I hope evevy President of Federated Music Clubs in 92 languages., In.. Palestine and • ^ here October 6, 7, and 8. invaluable Service .to every worthwhile. Jewish cause "and organizaone will turn out for it." of Women Professors and Composers Syria the Scriptures, were -purchased ; f On Tuesday morning he will speak of" Paris, France. tion in Omaha. For that reason; we are proud that the Jewish Press •at the .B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th by Christians,. Jews and Moslems Edouird Mignan, musical critic .. . is publishing a paper that is accredit to our community. • " , • and Chicago Sts. Oh' Wednesday alike. and'one of-the judges of the Nationxaorning he will "address the Beth al Conservatory in Paris, present at - " " '• ' Sincerely, '.Hamedrosh HagodoL. He will speak the ibove concerts, writes of Mr. before a general mass meeting Harding's playing: ! Wednesday evening at the Beth 4 !Mr.' Joe Harding belongs to that Hamedrosh Hagodol synagogue, 19th privileged class of virtuosi for which f and Burt. a suppje t technique is constantly at His address should be of special Been ; they service •. of musical expression Excellent Progx-am Has interest as he was the first to take Mrs. Harry Trustin was elected wiQiout.'losing by that fact an origipresident of the Beth Hamedrosh. HaArranged with Kazlowsky i exception to D|^ Weizmann's state1 nality, ;. a distinction; of tone and a inent afthe world Congress in Berlin godol Cemetery Improvement society Main Speaker firjnfand leicate bow a m , brilliant, at their annual meeting. Mrs. Trusrecently that "Palestine must be a A. mammoth Saccoth rally in celeagile, and always elegant. He has bi-national state". Mr. Bublick is a tin succeeds her mother, Mrs. J. Adl»o feat • rare- quality-artistic >.• sincerj-bration of the Harvest-Festival will ler, organizer and • first "president of ! staunch^ believer' in the Jewish r.state. the" sorieiiy, -who- expects to spend t y . . Thera ire the characteristics of be held at the Jewish Community One ;lif-i3ie foremost Jewisa autby* Center anditorraitt on Thursday eyenHsnliag*sbeautiful talent.** $ winter out of the city. ors of the day,^ Mr. Bublick was ingj October -9. The celebratioti Is? Jewish Boy Scouts x~ hjiirijigian Prayers of Mr. Harding was an excellent rraofficers, jselected^JSW? "Mrs. called early, this -year- to England to Other: ; open to the public B." A. -Simbri, vice-president; Mrs. confer'on the Palestine situation land The - main - address of the evening: :*go * to-perfect himself with , was appointed a member of a special Jack Katafman,- secretary; .and Berlin.—*The prayerp- of hatred will be delivered by Ben Kazlowsky, Kobert J. Blank* treasurer., Mrs.. Ernest Herman Fairer-ami Gilbert Rosen-1 K ^ ' *»#* •*****'*' star Creighton/University debater delegation to Lord Passfield, colonial toward Jews which had- been oViiered. minister, to interpret the attitude of Meyer continues as.chairman of.the saM 'in--the. Thuririgian schopis';bx • • •. i . . , j blum, both members of "the Jewish _ _ ^ finance committee and Mrs. A».,KatsSametini of the and a member of the Center team j T s et3 l the Jewish people. . 1 "•'Di^^ifegfaiMin;,T4r^Vfa»^FC!oinmpnity Ceater Boy Scout Troop ^ ™ ^ . }*™^» that won the Mid-west Community ML'astepof Education :' Frick.'• 1 kee of membership.., .... • for .his ''ivmy-'philanthropies- and\?xOt 6 2 , were awarded five-year yeter- J Chicago Musical College, and had Center debate championship l&ui 'In 1900 Mr. Bublick founded a been ordered withdrawn by the or three appearances as soloist Jewish-colony in the Argentine, He The chief -undertaking of- the so- ister :himself. The order at the Eagle court of Boy d of,: withr donor of the $2,500,00&;l)aniel the Chicago Civic Symphony. year. Louis E. Lapp, new assistant came, to,the United States and be- ciety—to grade and gravel, the-road drawal was issued after Frfc£ was jfehheim fund for" the .promotion of Scout awards held at Technical high He was also soloist with the Kansas executive secretary of the J.C.C. will came editor of the Jewish Daily in Sarpy county leading to the ceme-: finally compelled; to publish an offi*school last Monday. ; preside as chairman. City Little Symphony. News. He founded the Jewish Con- tery—will soon be accomplished, ac- cial government ..paper, which stated Fairer is an eagle scout and. is Mr. Harding . was born in Omaha, The Center Players Guild, undst cording to announcement made at gress in America and has been a medicine man of the .Black Diamond, where he spent his early boyhoo3 the direction of Mrs. H. Jahr, will the last meeting: The Sarpy county that such prayers are in violation of Zionist leader for thirty years. honorary group.., Both he " and Ro- years, He was one of the most pop- present a' one act play. commissioners have let -the contract the constitution of the Grerman V rer senblum are assistant scout masters. xilar child violinists of his time. Another feature of the progr&in ' ;/'.':' -» t ,': - f to the Central Bridge and Construc- public , , At "the present time the Center arranged for the occasion will be a tion Company ' of Wahoo with the Since they assumed ', the reins, of .troop'is staging an interpatrol con-[ few special dance numbers by Mis« specification that the project must government in the German"state j Shirley Janoff. A w«5ll-known quartest. Dr. David C. Platt, scoutmaister be completed by November 1st""" of Thuringia several mon^is ago, S tet has been obtained to render somJ? and the other. anti-Semitic members of the troop, will honor the winners this year.. vocal selections. of the Thuringian cabinet! haveBeen with a party. Purchase of funeral equipment and he'd responsible for the fierce* antij1 A Succoth reminiscent of the anthe erection of a new chapel are The Daughters of Zion will hold Jtewish. agitation vhich has been* go^ cient days in Palestine has been built the first of a series of card parties among: the future :aims of the wom- ing on ;in thv state." Btesides introand will be installed in the Center en's organization: " ' ; on Thursday, October 9, at the Jewducing•-he anti-j'ewish^prayers'in; the lobby. It will be decorated by the A series of dances to be held at ish Community Center at '2:30. p. m. Those who pledged funds to the schoolSf an anti-Scnechita .Ijny had the Jewish Community Center each fruits of the harvest by the girls of cause or wish to ' enroll as . members Everyone is invited to attend and Saturday evening, starting October Alpha Tau, sponsored by Mrs. are urged to. communicate with Mrs. been passed ' and oth^r., disc^fimina-' to bring her -friends. tions against Jews -were plaimed1 by j j be inaugurated, according to uel Gerson. E. Meyer, 2919 No. 20th SW or Mrs; Proceeds of the affair -will be sent : th • Thurittgiangbverntoent* '•••''•'-.> tThe Sisterhood .of Temple Israel announcement made by Louis E. A; Katskee, 2217 ;Lbthrop S t . to the Jewish National Fund. is sponsoring a bridge for the benefit Lipp, assistant executive secretary. •Mrs. H. Janoff is chairman of the of the building fund, on October 17 The social season at the Center event. Hostesses include Mesdames at 2 p. m. at the Blackstone Hotel. made an auspicious beginning ThursM.: Aronrick," Ben Earshner,'S. CanThis will be the one bridge party day evening with an informal dance. Daniel Guggenheim tor, S. Platt, A Shafton, J. Goldof the Sisterhood this year. The music was furnished by the Colware, I. Perlman, S. Handler, A. aeronautics, died of heart disease in - Very attractive., door prizes will lege Club orchestra and the dance Wolf, E. Weinberg, I. Kulakofsky, Port Washington, N. Y., Sunday be awarded. -Everyone is welcome to was patroned by Mr. and Mrs. Max The Temple Israel Sisterhood's P. Hoffner, 'S. Feldman, A. Melchior, after a short illness. come and make up a table. Holimari. '. • opening meeting will be held on* A. Greenberg, Y; Margolin, H. Del- Jerusalemj- (J. T. A.).—Although Dahnevig, the Norwegian ~ Guggenheim was the guiding ' The committee in- charge: consists Mr. Lapp, who was chairman of the Monday, October 6, with a luncheon rogh, M. Brodkey, Y. Katleman, S. recognizing the evils of child-mar-1 the Commission;. -;',; genius in the creation of r some of of Mesdames Clarence Bergman* dance, was assisted by the Senior followed by an address by Dr. Rosenblatt, M. Braude,. . B. Lust- riage, the rabbinate of_ Palestine has : Replying to he n t f , ; ; whitt •£he largest- enterprises. in. the his- Morris Jacobs, Irvin Stalmaster, and Council of Clubs who were in charge Lawrence Blank of the Unitarian her q question-t garten, R. Sterling, H. Ziegman, J. declined to become :'%n outspoken was the situation in regardd id ^, child tory of this country. Important of refreshments. Church. Tretiak, S. Lincoln, J, Lincoln, J. supporter of the Jewish Women's marriage and whether anj?, legisla- among these was -the American Manny Handler. - i On Friday, October 10, the GerSherman, S. Friedman, J. Fregger, Richts Association in its struggle tion on the lines of that recently Smelting and Refining company, one man classes will start, headed hy J. Rosenberg. .-.'.• . to obtain legislation' making I6 : the passed in India and Egypt, hid''been of the world's largest producers of Mrs. Carl Werrendorff. On Friday, minimum age at which marriages provided or contemplated/yby^^ the petals. •• . October 17, there will be & social may be. cdntracte'd^ '".The Jewish' Tefc Pclestine k Administratiipn, Harry C. 1 The Guggenheim enterprises and afternoon sponsored by Mrs. Clarence egraph Agency learns that, the Pal- Luke, former chief secretary of .Pal interests not only extended over a Berryman. estine government, on- the firm inti- estine, said -here was; no. problem wide field in the United States, but ^ harvest dinner will be held on mation from' the League of Nations, of the sort that existed in: indiifc:,and penetrated into Alaska, Mexico, The wives of the- trustees of the and Miss Blanche Zimman. Jewish. Community Center with the Four hundred invitations have been Wednesday evening, October 27, in The Omaha Chapter of Junior Had- is now drafting a bill making 14 the he could not say what - were the South America, Asia and Africa. minimum ages of marriage. __ ' dassah will give their Thanksgiving minimum age. Born at Philadelphia, July 9, 1856, wires of the membars of the execu- extended, and there will be a teaithe Temple vestry room. The book class, conducted by Rabbi Dance at the Fontenelle Hotel Ball- The compromise figure is due to Mr. Luke took note of *fll« Dan- Daniel Guggenheim was the second «ve committee of the Jewish Wel- table at either end of the room, a !'review Frederick Cohn, will begin Nov. 12. color scheme o yellow . room, November 27th. Randall's Ro- t h ' government's reluctance to intro- nevig's remark that she had Been in- eldest of seven sons of-Meyer Gug- f and green Federation Fderation and the members of ofMeyer Gug yal Orchestra will furnish the dance, duce legislation that may lead to op- formed that not a f«w Arab irirU • genheim. The latter had. come to the Women's Work Committee^ the being- carried out. At one table I music for the evening. position among the Palestine Mos- were married before the age. of 14. this country from Switzerland with Community Center are entertaining Mrs. Herbert Arnstein and Mrs. HARRY SCHNEIDERMAN Rose Levin is chairman of the. af- lems similar to that evoked among R E V I E W S J E W I S H YEAK Ilk father in 1847. Daniel' received Jointly at a candle light tea at the Louis Kulakofsky will preside while I fair and is being assisted by the fol- th Hindus of India over'the Sarda Ids education in the schools of Phi- Community Center on Sunday after- at the other will be Mrs. Harry Wolf j The artBe appearing in the Rosh lowing committee: Mary C. Frank- act which forbids marriages between ladelphia, leaving high school at the noon from four until six o'clock, and Mrs. Harry Silverman. wel-' Hashonah edition of the Jewish Ptess lin, Ida Fine, Anne Greenberg, Syl- children' over 14 years of age, a fine An inter-chapter council consisting age of 17 to return to Switzerland honoring the member* of the girls Mrs. theWilliam Holzman will come girls to the Center and of- entitled "Glancing Back at the Ye*»r u b s via Bernstein, Ida Minkoff, Fannie} of $300 being levied for violation. .of three A. Z. A. groups, Chapters to take charge of the foreign branch cl •* ^ Center, Eatleman, Tobie Seinberg, Eva | Boy and girl marriages are, still 1 and lOfr and the Council Bluffs of his father's business, the, man-! The hostesses include-Mesdames A. ficially open the club season. Miss 5680", containing a resume of the Katzman, Ida Daytch, Grace Rosen- very popular in the Sephardie Jew- chapter, was organized last Sunday. nfacture of lace and embroidery. B. Algirn, Sam Beber, Abe Goldstein, Martha Himmelstein will respond for Jewish activity throughout the world during the past year was written by stein and ttose Rosenstein. ish communities of • Palestine,-which i Officers chosen, are Sol Hiehntck, Abe Greenberg, Ab2~HembeTg, Sam- the girls. Tickets are now on sale and can oxplains the hesitation of .the labbis president; Saul Graetz, vice-presi- Kovno—Dr. Samson Eosenbaum, uel Gerson, Herbert Amstein, Win. Otner features of the program Harry Schneiderman as editor of <** be obtained from the committee or to join wholeheartedly in the figtit dent; Henry Sterling, secretary; and consul-general, in Pales- Holzman, J. H. Kulakofsky, Louis will be Vocal selections by Miss Rose American Jewish Year Book and W»P printed in Volume 32 of that publiany member of Junior Haddassah. tin*, was decorated with the .Order Aoul*kofsky, Keuben Jack Epstein, treasurer. this recognized evil. Kulftkcfsky, Brick accompanied by Kiss Lillyan cation, which is issued by the Jewish p ., : The - dance promises to be a social The' child marriage problem iin t h e main purpose of the organiia- of - Gedimin - by, the Lithuanian gov- Morris Levy, Harry Lapidus,, Harry Cbudacoff and the Jacobson sisters '.success as well as financial and will' Palestine-was raised-at the extraor-: tion. is to arrange for the district ernment. Dr. Rjjsenbaum.isa.former Malashock, Philips Star, Harry Sil- trio consisting of Miss Ina Jacobson, Publication Society of America. qh.e/of the outstanding events of dinary session of the Mandates Com-» tournament to be held here this minister of Jewish affairs-.in the verman^ J. J. Slbsbetg, Inrin Stal- violin, Mies Sarah Jacobson, cornet, Through an error, thte fact-Was not mentioned in the Jewish P 'on. W -Diet, • - • mission last June by Mile Valentine winter. master, Harry. Wolf, Joe L. Wolf, and Miss Molly Jacobson, piano. •












Hate Are Discontinued







MembersofGirls*'Clubs To Be Entertained Sunday

Jr. Hadassah Giving Thanksgiving Dance

A. Z. A. Council

. /



j f & / g at earlier periods, and thai; in-a new] m. Eabbi, Cohn will 'speak on membership of a Christian Church, and wholly f riendl/" atmosphere, "'tie : Spirit of Succoth." 1 this once already, might find himself;* ' He was interto grief; but that was esting mer.for hit own sake, and I Conservative Synagogue -unfortunate publicity. ha/e -Teasen to believe that he so The Succoth Services will be 1 only moments of my understood- rhe."- "He' - spoke freely -; Temple Israel ushered in by the Conservative een able to love the about his desire for religiosity. The Eabbi Frederick Cohn has selected Synagogue at the Jewish Community a Chris- orthodox Jews had failed him, and if 'A Material Philosophy" as the sub' Center auditorium this coming Montian*"; I ^ s v f t ^ / W t ^ a s j - only then 11 understood him rightly, the Liberal | j e c t o f h i s s e r m o n at "Temple Israel day evening, starting at 8 p. m that_I was a^hfcsto-^erthe reality j Jt<\vs of England had rejected him jt h i s F r i d a y . Tomorrow morning his Eabbi Peter Halpern of New York' only among because he was a Nationalist, He was j suubject j c will be "Lend Me Your who conducted the services dnring "Christians" (I &ave'Catholics in my thinking of. Unitarianism and Quak-;E a r s .» the High Holydays, will again be' mind) that I have found a perfectly erism. I confess to having been Succoth will be.ushered in with in the pulpit during these sen-ices. clear comprehension of the Jewish puzzled why the sensuousness of the a Children's Harvest Service Monday Nationalists ~ position. To me the Catholic Church appealed to his ra-evening, October 6, On account of " - ^ - ' - • - ' ^ " " - ^ ' • V t h e Jewish State. tionalism, for he in no wise accepted the participation of the children, PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - dissociation from Ihe Catholic creed. But I did not who will deposit fruit upon the •;::;•:-rr;z'-..'.: what offends put him down as normal and there- altar, the service will begin at 7:30 WE FRAME PICTURES By intellect- fore excused his normal logical pro- p. m. instead of 8. "Bringing in cesses. rationalist, the Sheaves" will be Eabbi Cohn's He had as far as I could judge, subject. that Thedeath of Paulina Kergl, Theo- terred -Vienna. She believed Zionism repression toward persbnalHnfilriori-* J f ^ ^ h d i h i M brought her husband to -an early ty. If b* had 'any • great rgjf*shedid Catho- no attachment to individual Zionists, Tuesday morning, October 7, the H e stru< brwm?rtothtlim!l& ^ f ^ ^ p is perhaps in fact he disliked most of them. Succoth service will begin at 10 a. * coi™ of the Herzl family which.is- now<*nne • cause and all its works, She slow and somewhat ponderous, par71 a-pity that I i a v e entered into this j But then he had been blunderingly ichis n o w * e • cause and all its works, She slow and somewhat ponderou r reduced to one survivor,. ,Mr... de-. tried to influence her-three children Ocularly so in 1919 when he vras' question now. My mind fluctuates j related, not to men of his own age, Stalmaster & Beber, Attorney* Haas, the biographer of Theodor] with but no :narked- success;, .she bowed-'down .with the burden of this so much, that «p«rhaps I ; have not. but to his seniors to whom he was ¥ef?h ° w £ a,-friend of the Herzl ^ ^ before they attained maturity, ,. I borrow, j In his talks .with me atjconveyed a 'clear impression* of itHo at all times Herzl's son. Of Zionists 650 Omaha National Bank Bide, Omaha family, tells the 'story of the "Herzl FKOBATE NOTICE Herzl besides being a Zionist and t h a t t i n i e this was his only griev- you. One thing^I ahvsure, is ultim- of his own years, he spoke to me In the Matter family.—-Editor* ' ' • of the Estate of Alex LipsViolinist and Radio Soloist - writer was a n emotional father. ; 8™*. He laid no claims to leadeT-; ate with me: th^t I-O\ve a duty:bf with warhith of Maxa Nordau. I wji, deceased. Modern principles of instruction is hereby given that the creditors Baitl which develop technic in the BUort- ' For the children <if • the great pa- Hecloved his childrew.with^more^than « hi P °* fcuthority, though in some j loyalty to those who call themselves tried always t o steer clear 6f' prob- !e{ Notice decensed will meet the adminlsest possible poriod of Hme , .,-, , . , T |I tratrix ternal achievement often is a» cross tile1 average-paternal affectioni-AHis'way he _ made me feel that -1x4 >was j my father's "friends.'^ Thare has been i tratrix of ofsaid Baid estate, estate before before me, me Countv Countv KKSIDEXCE STUDIO 2441 Pinkney St. WE 286S T hard to bear. In my salad days j relationship to his parentsi^wejre of * hangeHjn^in a movement in which estrangement, but n o t ' I ' ' h o p e for lems and causes with ham and I j Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, a"t 4 did try io.deal.with him as one Hans i tbe ^ 7t; t ^ d ^a g ^ ^ove^blr, isifo. aTon' - - - - _ _ _ watched the- struggles >of T^erberi r e l a t i n s i p to his parentsi^wejr always. b ih h l d another th Herzl whom I knew as- a child and \ k y ft January, i«3i, at 6 o'clock the satne intense character.This be might have played part, Qladstpne Tsia wanted, to shine,.a* M., each-day. for the purpose of preYour own kind words and actions wnoae iriendsnip 1 was trying to re- A. senting their claims for examination, ada/ parliamentarian, ^-in; ihe presence probably""did"not ada taithe^peitcjj I did not accept that seriously. 1 are helping me in this;"7 tain in his middle years. justment nnd allowance. Three months Phone JAckson 1226 o | hia^father^William' Ewart Glad- of the •: Herzl inonage.. He. nu^seH did, not even assume that he was a : With-; my" .best greetings and re- S i s waywardness was- unwilling are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 4th day of October, his *hildrett through, their infftptile Zionist and had no .conception either 1D30. stone. "He never succeeded in being aiid his'- end tragic I can appreciate JOHN F. MERICLE, a .successor of spects to "you. and '-Matt de Haas, , ajiythihg, more than the' son; of his ailments, and there are plenty <!{. mentally or. otherwise Acting County Judge. O-12-St. :: told me that he was . .. -y ujca sincerely,' • the grief his life occasioned those— O stories still current among old Viei&his father. H e stories still current among old Viei&his father H e told me that he was father. In this country those so in- nese I was ~am6ng, the, number—who hoped Hans Herzl. MONSKY. KAILE5IAN ft GROBIXSKY, Zi6nists of bis Haggard figur| a Jewish nationalist as a matter of clined may. have sympatheticaljjs ob- appearing pi the Zionistr.office afte*, conviction ana was keenly Interested Attorney* From-then on rwas.able.-to exer- t h a t : the- scepter Gf._;Zionisnv would served that attempt^ of the sons of he; spent an. anxious* Jiight by the in the general tendencies: of Zionism, cise* somewhat --of-a restraining _ hand pass from a Herzl. to a . 737 Omaha National Bank Bldgr. H ^ " " ' " • " ' " i. T " :' " ^ , meetiue stockholders theaFig-kNotice of isthe hereby given thntof at Theodor. Roosevelt- "to achieve> inde- bedside of Paulina or Trude. Som§ • without bemg elated by the. revents over • his . wayward.- but gentle -way. ?Z (Copyright. 193& by. the Jewish Tele- ' forterOll_ Process, Inc.^ held on_July icth, pendent : ; reputations.-• Perhaps only of Herzl's mosi . brilliant article^, which had made his father's dreams Although he livtd in London and his 1930, pursuant to proi)er notice to all .. graphic Agency, Inc.). . stockholders. Article. IV of the Articles of tHeir sisteiritjilice'ihas sufficient per- were evoked by' His' love 'tot 'h&come Incorporation was nmended, incrBnsing the ^" t 'H was pleased l d b^t not'sisters t true.,"He were in Germany or Austria, a r e n capital stocte from $100,000.00 to ?300,000.00. sonality, thet Inen. ° t Jaove than all the stock being common, having the par vworried about •himself j they were constantly on his mind, Professor Dubnow at 70 children. The: celebrated essay "Kisl£. excited, tits son? of Theodor. r Of value of $100.00 per share. else, Lieff" .which.I reproduced in full ia I He corresponded Twithrthem frequentJfEANKFOKTEK OIL PROCESS, INC. Berlin-^-The -German press devottoo was,,the. fate^ of rTodd By H. J. GINSBEUG. and showed and 1925 ' he jseemed less ' ly and visited . : *: vita; elicited -thy 23rd and Cuming Street ed • considerable . attention to Simeon President. A t h e ^hadow^,pf CARL C. KATLEMAN, ] burdened by his inferiority; He had'% more than brotherly interest in their; Uybnow, noted Eussian-Jewish hisSecretary. acquired an excellent English, style,' affairs. ~ - loyalty - - one j , whose seventieth birthday is •it-0-12 t^ IJVJ?oSpt jt'• 3.s^ms iairlyjcjea|f;that' STALMABTER ft BEBKB, Attorneys translated some French and German could exercise some control of him. j being celebrated. Dubnow's achieve650 Omaha National Bank Bldtrg|niys[ ii? iJigirjiaBsed $rQm genera'tion g $ g BY PUBLICATION ON PETI"books—his name, appears on• some Last year. he. spend some days inents in the field of Jewish histo- NOTICE TION FOB SETTI^EJCENT OF FINAL NATIONAL ^ generation, it; may recur, but not between the mother's naturaljassimit : P ° P u l a r volumes as trahslater,' and with Mrs. de Haas and myself in rical research are being praised ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. in orderly sequence.; ; j^r.iijj: .v? •_»• tid In the County Court of Douglas County, h ever-growing i i f c I ^^^ he translated considerable considerable of he translated of; Ixmdon. He-seemed-much improved everywhere. ACCESSORIES, INC. ktion-and the Jewisfc, Nebraska. ^The cMldrien,_of lieodor; gerzl, two In the Matter of the Estate of Max: father's -diary in 1928-for' the in health, physically, and mentally. consciousneSsrrof ^e^poatizn^s.S8 'Everything for the Auto" Shrier, Deceased. of wfiorii' died in the past two week's,- tradition-weaving father. How far London "New Judean". By that time I began, casting*about for some ocAll persons interested in said matter are were in a measure victims of a world these contradictions* affected them i n . 1 had interested' him in. the reaUty casion that would provide employ-1 hereby notified that on the 29th day of 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 September, 1930, Hyman S. Shrier filed a wide solicitude for their welfare. later life I do "not know. From my o f his father's life workj and I cher- ment and remuneration for him in i '••• petition in said County Court, praying that his final administration account filed here• They never measured up to expecta- knowledge of Hans, I should say not i s n t h e letters of all three of Herzl's th°. United States believing that • • Follow the Crowd to in be settled and allowed, and that he tions'/and their tragedy has become <be discharged from his trust as adminischildren they wrote hild iin which h i h th te .me there was evolving: inhim, something . THE TURKEL COFFEE : trator and that a hearing will be had on at all. a sort of palimsest upon their fathi said petition before said Court on the 25th «Tifi o? iix&t- my biography gave them.;an more of the Herzl"-than I had .seen j SHOP , day of October, 1030, and that if you fail After Herzl's death er's remarkable career, When Theoto appear before said Court on the said organized by the leading Zionists,: msight uxtp, his life which they,,had 219 So. 14th St. ,...-„ GKODINSKY, dor Herzl died in the full bloom of 25th day of October, 1S30, at 0 o'clock and what was regarded as a S f a i r , not previously possessed^ ' ^ • Attorneys : • • • ••.:• A. M., and contest said petition, the Court J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor manhood in 1904 the Zionists 737. Omaha Katlpnal Bank Bldgr. may grant the prayer of said petition, .provisionwas made for the widow ^We corresponded keenly over his ICOXXC£ OIT '*lnCl>RPOItAXlOX enter » decree of heirehip, and make such guilty. They had permitted the "NEW FOR OLD" NOTICE, is hereby (/ gi7ea ,.tbat the -uri-' other and further orders, allowances and dersigncd. have fortnecr tf corporation pur-; LARGEST STOCK i decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, *1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 suant to the Laws rofruhe .^Jtate of ;Neto. the end that all matters pertaining to

Intimate Story of The Herzl Fa

Religious Services

The Biographer of Theodor Herd Narrates Interesting j ^ Intd the Romantic History of the Herzls By Jacob De Haas


IULSE & KIEPEN Funeral Directors

Jewish-American Restaurant

Standard Shoe Repair Co.


braska. The name. 6f the corporation is 1 said, estate may be finally settled and deA-NCHOR OIL COKliOKA'l'ION.'-nrith. its - Quick Shipments f tecmlned. possible penury of his -widow "arid 0 a principal office, in -t&gjCUty of Omaha. The ' •'BRTCE CRAWFORD, -Our Hobby for corporation is organized to engage in the c h S n . mrzlhad wUlingly^oseh'they wgarHed as their legaVproper- ^ f « ^ r * ' ^ f ^ , ^ 10-S-3t • . County Cl . ....." 45 Years, selling at 'wholesale and retail, of oils,; r the »ath of ofhard i S S L S *KHie % ^ r interest H e h a d j W greases and lubricants of every kind and ' iy*. -;tHeir interest in. in. royalties royalties.i**nd and Christian_missionary the path hard resistance^ . OMAHA STOYB ; t a w Offices iever,. no .such desire though58s£*^jBld and kindwsd products; to deal ln.' For 50 Years -6TAUHASTER & BEBER, Attorney* REPAIR WORKS kne^j he could not lead Jews'&nd at ijpyrtghts, • I heard no complaints have been influenced for Jfef *"*""" character, any other conunotRties; to buy, rent, or.'1 National Bank Bldgf. • 1206^8 Dtfugls»Street V .' - -. 65Q Ojwana from them,' but thenI was not in otherwise acquire aW* to hold, sell, lease,' Your Towel Man the same time'•accept a salary from Omaha. Nebraska iplay any and otljerwrtK; dispose of any and KOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF Europe from 1904 to 1919, an$ our them; He knew moreover. that the .__. of pi«oitertyi-»ieal, personal or "M. VENGER & SONS, INC." ing himaelf t o ; Omaha Towel Supply Co. mixed,.-and uny^ Interest therein or rights KNOW ALL MBN EX THESE PRES. snpbbocracy, correspondence was fugitive' ant ir- was shy powerful ito.:' convenient s ta'ijr necessary for ENTS that the undersigned have formed a 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 regular.. But in all my talks ?with ccomplishnient o£, any <>t the objects of which makes as Jewish h aristocracy ri corporation under the laws of the State of mood corporation;.to enj»y-thru ourselves or Nebraska. The name of this coTporation Hans thiuja. was n < > complaint against woujd treat him as an - employee otb-ersviae the rights, p/ivlleges and licenses I Bhall be "M. Venger & Sons, Inc." With could not be pl«fi»",Hahs;-HferEi tmaer-patentg, tradtmjirk&, eppyrights andj ; Ydung man after r school. for i its principal place of business at Omaha, though they did not help tofillhisthe Zionist organization, or against n«nn>!si>B s tp borrow^fflouey'ior"corporate J : hfs father lost iij^iiie cbackgreund.' 1 Nebraska. The general nature of the busi"•' to,,issde.its obUgatioes; to] ...correspbndence and to help in p-.:rs,e. WithBome enlargement, this, Zionists personally. ness to be transacted and the object and Oijie of his lp^sfc^tette^rs written _ ..osev of /stocks or securities | purpose for which this corporation is ortailoring and furnishing store. It may - be argued that it. was uri- in <|ctober i^28t*^>^traps-"^ell! still holds good.. He who pays any corporation iff any other corpora-I ganized and established shall be to buy, mote X t o t l o any ;^S(1 all things related • Fairbanks Tailoring Co. sell and distribute cigars, tobacco, cigpiper believes- he , has the tight to •wise to. bring- him to England; and aboiijt Hans t'.an--an£. WordsT- <ri to 4ts -objects ^sUthArized by law.*." The I arettes, candies, soft drinks, smokers* sup. " • ' • / ' 1412 No. 23th St. ' ' authorised capital stock shall be $10,000.00 provide him with an English educacal ,all the tunes in Jewish life. plies, novelties and miscellaneous items of „ ,^^^.—r^t Bllaregi p a r T a i u e , ? 1 0 , w "Your kind letter 'reachjSd- me«* personal property of all sorts and to do and when jssned . shall i Hence Herzl was a volunteer-who, tion, instead of allowing him to grow days ago, and no#-F?recefw ftfe any and all things pertaining to the carry- LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS b? risWyAP*id^and nonassessable. non-assessable. •' The | ing on of the said business including the struggled between the absorption of up in Vienna, and become a Viennese, two' rhagniflcent volumes^ EveM iso. .corporation 2401 No. 2-t—WE. 6055 'sbaUrcOTiineiice business when . right to own and hold real estate. (| with the County! iate-.filed The authorized cnpital stock shall be his ;time by -Zionism and the hours but having had no hand in the mat- manjy thanks 1 I have^ be^n thriiugk tJie•:*4rtlcjfi.s.i ClerkJorfJ)j>nglatP. lerkJorfJj>ng C County u t y and continue for $150,000.00 and all of said stock shall be needed to maintain, his family with ter, my impartia' judgment is that difficult times, in variou3t>,v?a.y3r-but fifty Jciarai. Jciara The The: highest amount of In Incommon and of the par value of $100.00 debtedness shall not exceed two-thirds of per share, and all of said stock shall be the ^aid of his pen. ' We are still far the tragedy of his existence and of late things have been" a^ood deal its capital stock. The affairs of. the corfully paid up and non-assessable. Said poration, shall be administered by the that of his sister Paulina who did stock nmy be issued for cash, real estate, f ron> the end of this paradox, -Jews 1107 Howard—JA. 0288 easier and I can almost =;SeiBi^ny Board.of not less than two nor more than personal property or personal services. still'.esteem bnl-r voluntary . service, not come to 3n land, had nothing to towards even water. I hoj^: this is fitteddfractQ.rt, elected nt the annual meet- i MOVING — STORAGE — The corporation shall commence doing n s on the -.second Monday in January of business upon the filing of its articles and ;lheip best appreciation of a do with envir/inient. Perhaps if not too confidently, said fjat" any rate ieach PIANO MOVING year. Immediately thereafter the diJOB FOUNDRY with the County Clerk of Douglas County, rectors < shall meet, ami elect the officers, Nebraska, and shall continue lor a period write? is his free gift ;of his mental psychoanalysis had been practiced help'has come a t critical moments. AND MACHINE WORK consisting of President, Vice-President, of fifty years from said date. The highest offspring. I t thus came' about that on, them in their adolescence, they Secretary ana Treusurer. These articles amount of indebtedness shall not exceed REINFORCING STEEL "With -regard to the,removal of v may be amended by two-talrds vote of outtwo-thirds of its capital stock, but this Herzl!s brilliance in "Die. Welt", the may have turned out otherwise, but ! standing, stock. '>i * restriction shall not apply to indebtedness my father &-"renwins-toPalestine, I TAYLOR GRAIN CO. XXitd September SOT,'1930. secured "by mortgages or liens upon nny of best;Jewish.-publication ever issued, I seriously doubt it. had been shown' an. issue of the J . •GEOHGE V. PINNE, the corporate property. 737^38 Grain Exchange Bidg. his '*Altnculapd" and .'-'Das Neue H. MAJRQUARDT. The affairs of this corporation shall be There is nothing in the paternal T. A. Bulletin,- mentioning the proSUGAR — GRAIN managed by a Board of Directors consistGhetto" and\ i-veh the editions of his ancestry of Theodor Herzl that sug4M0-3. " ' ta ins of not less than two members. The posal. I am under the impression STOCKS and BONDS annual meeting of the corporation shall be "Jewish State" were published-at his gests eccentricity or insanity, .On Third Ave. and 11th Street that, my father expressed the wish —Private Wires—* held on the second Tuesday in January of T/i Fr«mklo,. Attorney own.1 expense, to his serious financial the: mother's, side there was accepteach year, at which meeting the stockOSS Peters Trust Bids., Omaha , ^Ackson 340$-r:AT. 2008 ."J Phones: 89 and 519 that, this should ; be done, in one of Bhall elect a Board of Directors NOT1CK BX lossi' Even in the las]fc.-two-, years I ance, of an old tradition, not a t all : OT X V M A T 1 J ON PET •+ holders ON PETICOUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA and thereupon the Board shall elect a his wills, I tjiink; hence, if the mat- IION N F FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAX President, a Vice-President. a Secretary, have had to fight for _±he pittance^ unique that cwing to the Spanish ter Ii_d been- put to me," I could not ADMINISTRATION ACCOVNT and a Treasurer. Any two of said offices which was due the children under the/ origin, of the family i t was o f Dala the Coanty Coart'of Douglas County, may be held by one and the same person. but have expressed agreement. Of Nebrasfea. These articles may be amended at any copyright, laws. Editors "and publish:/ vidic descen* : P,J,1 therefore had In tba Matter of the Estate of Louis regulnr or special meeting of the stockcourse, as it is a Jewish publie ac- Rubact. deceased. .. - •. i holders by a two-thirds vote of the outers who will weep -'over Hans' claims to kinship With the Messiah, tion, it doei not' concern n*e. (I All persons interested In said matter are > standing stock. tragic end, . aiu. mourn the public notified that on the 8th day of *1N WITNESS "WHEREOF, the parties do not. believe that that vein find that this does ^not.express my. hereby September. 1930, Yetta Sellnsky filed a pehave hereonto subscribed their names this neglect of the Herzl children, had to of mysticism was expounded until tition in said County Court, praying that 1st day of August, 1930. meaning;^: owing'" to '- circumstances. * her'final administration account filed hereMAX VENGER. ,be brought to reason by threats of Herzl had become .the full fledged J AND PLEASES PA RT1CD LA K PEOPLE have ho voice in •_3w&&1ti -public1 in J » settled nud a l W e d . and that elie be J1OSK.S A, VENGER, legal' action* The Herzl fortune, not Zionist leader/, an3 'his adhesion to discharged from her trust as executrix and ABE VENGER. ters.> Bjit : ^fia'd;:-^i6*• proposal (bat a hen ring will be hnd on said petition ^^Phiine JA: 4373 In-the presence o£: . a lar^e one, was thus invested" in un- the cause needed: explanation «ven 'before said Court oiv-the 4th day of.OctoSAM BEBER. gruous. & | ; Bet, 1930, and that If you fail to appear profitable literary Zionist ventures. within the family circle. Nordea; by said Court on the said 4th day of AT ALL GROCERS I am .afiaid'; thisfetter -will after •tjefcre MONSKY. XATXTESiAN > (JRQDJNSKY, In addition Herzl was the.^largest th3 way, had a similar tradition October, 1B30, at 0 o'clock A. M.. and con: . Attorneys •• ... l l?e a;iongoiiap I^iyea kesire* test said petition, the.Court may grant the 737 Omaha National Bank B!<5g. contributor in his own time to Zion- about himself, and I war intimate Made by pruyer of said petitlqn,-enter a decree of -"'• - 2 8 0 8 - 1 0 Notice- is' hereby 'given that the .underhefrshlp, and make sirclr other and further ist propaganda.' Lastly, he suffered enough with both men to induce signed have formed ncorporation pursuUncle Sam Breakfast Food writer", nllowanceB and decrees. n« to this ant to the Laws of the State Of Nebraska. a great drain on his resources in the them to make no reference to i t even Court mny seem proper, to the end that all Company •The name of the corporation-is Consumers shatters pertaining to mild estate may be form; of gifts with .which to placate in intimate circles, because in those Company, with its principal office in the .finally settled and_determined. Nebraska City of Omnha. The corporation is nu- Omaha BRICE €KA\VPORD, a wife, who was not a t all placated early Zionist days I hold that we had thorissed to maintain nnd operate n general ... County Judge, ShJS-St coal and building -material bUBiness nnd by these presen*s and who objected more to fear from a resudesence of in connection therewith buy, sell and deal MONSKY, KATLEMAN & GRODIN6KY, generally at wholesnle nnd retiiil in nny .. to being the grasjs-widow of a1- man protest-rabbis in the world. I t is a Attr and nil materials pertaining to coa] or " who ,for purposes in which she was fcliRbathii Zevismy than from all the !1 building material; to maintain and on. 731 Omaha National Bank Bide erate an establishment' for the compoundNotice is hereby telven that the underlittle interested cor.'-inually travelled. now forgotten fact that the apearing, handling nnd • mnrfce.ting of lubricnt*i£ned have farmed., a corporation pursuHurry a. nnpWua, President- Treas ing oils, greases, gasoline, kerosene and Julia Nashaucr- did not marry a ar.ee of Herzl an' the convening of ant, to the Laws of the State of Nebraska. petroleum products of every kind and naThe name ot the- corporation is Broadture and any -ond nlL, kindred articles of 4420 Florence ?lyd; ,! Zionist leadei. S'o" proudly wedded the. first Zionist • Congress did stir mors JBealty Company, with Us principal every kind"and nature; to buy, sell. lease Office in the City o* Omaha. The cor-and encumber real and personal property a handsome man wit)- the prospects some Messinaic excitement. I went ^ • . . . ^ I C E / ^ o d , ; •;. ; ; poration i« and i authorizud authoriuid to: ttrbuy, buy, sell, sell, lease leas a of all kinds. It shall have the right to ^Rcarober real ana personal property of all '•' of a .great l i t e w y yareer, a man wha to the length of tracing- .i number issue.- bonds, mortgages-and other evidences .flf 1th A Reputation I kinds. It shall have»the right to issue of indebtedness. The. authorized capital i by virtuo of that reputation * could of " mystical legends that floated bonds, mortgages and other evidences of COMPLETE STORE AND Btock shall "be $50,000.00, divided into BOO 1 1 Indebtedness. The authorized, capital ptock shares, par value $100.00 each, nil common OFFICE OUTFITTERS about Semlin in Hungary, from which introduce her into the best and ^most ; shall be $100,000.00, divided Into 100 sbares. and when issued shall be fully paid and We Occupy par value 5100.00 each, all common and non-assessable. The corporation shall desirable circle* in yienna. To her place the Herzl family came, but Over 70.000 Sqtinre F*et shall be fullyy paid p d when hen issued i s nnd noncommence business when toe Articles ore ' ' mind Vienna was the beginning ..and they proved as unsubstantial as most l l . Th lile. Tha corporation i h shall l l comfiled with the County Clerk of Doujrlns Southwest Corner >«*CBARfcES SIMON mence, business i when the Articles are filed County and continue until January 1st. ') the«end of. • a * orld surrounded ,by stories' of that. kind. As to the An effective preparation with the County Clerk of Uouslas County SO3O. The highest "amount «f indebtedness Eleventh and Douglas Streets ^Cy!*;-. Recommends • continue until January 1st, 2030. The 1 1 shall not exceed two-thirds of ils cnpital Dome desirable re3orts. ..She had no. Nashauer family, I know nothing of i against w a t e r b u g s, and Phone JAckson 2724 highest amount of icdebtcdness shall not} stock, TTjis -restriction shall not apply to ^6.?8aiutary Laundry ejteeed twp.thlrds of its, cnpital stock, f intfebtedness seenred by a mortgage. The hankering after foreign^ parts, and its history. Omaha, Nebr, reaches, spiders, silver fish, This restriction shall not apply .to indebt- [ nffairs of the corporation Bhall be mlmmThe Best of All tailndry Servic*" i the boulevards of Paris, where As to Paulina, who was Prau Pauedness secured by n. mortgutre. The (jt-t istered by the Board of Directors. There fairs of the corporation shall be adminisBhull be not less than two nor more Ilinn lived in the early years of her lina Hift-Herzl, if she had not been tered by the Board' of Directors, three In five directors. The nnrmnl meeting shall nqmber. -Toe annual meeting eball be held be held in Jairnary of each yenr. at which wedded life, did not compare' "with Theodor Herzl's daughter her erratic in jnhuary of each "yetfr.iat which meeting meeting the Directors shall be elected. For the" Ring, the Prater Alee, and.the tendencies-would have readily escaped the Directors- shall, be elected. ImmediateTlje tragedy of attention. Hans- distinctly suJTered meet 'and elect the offirers. cbnBistlng of Danube elect, the oflteers, coflafetihg of President. Danub J^esldent, Vice-I'resiileiH. Secretary nnd : Free Delivery .-.••' Vlcs-President, Secretary nnd Trea»urgr. | Trensnrer. The nffnirs of the corporntlon Herzl's demaestic tragedy were well from the complex that he could not .Th,e affairg of the corporation Bhnll be con- ; shnll be conducted hy the officers ami didttcted b y t h * officers itnd directors.AThese ; ;. Jaiown facts, it intimate Zionists be himself, but was only known and rectors. These Articles mny be amended. Articles may lie amended. Tbe corporation j The corporation shall have a seal. J 8hnll linre a seal. Circles, Sir , Francis Montefiore. ,-of- accepted as his father's son. There Bated A.ugu8t 2Sth. 1030. • Dated September 2nd-J 930.. • • ' PAVIIt HHERMAN. ' fered -her his -tovyr - house, in London! ia no reasoning with that type of JOK I^APID HAKKX B. COHEN, 313 Soii4 rti st. 6MAMX. 1727 Le^venworth 9 t morbidity for it sees in every act of A BUNA rJlVlPCS. his fpuntr7 seat, and presentation T n portiotat ors. V HAltJtX B. CO HEX, kindness an added injustice and a 41-9-12 ntBaddngham Palace, but she pre• 4t-0-12 Incorporatorg.





Okay Bran Flakes

I Amen can laundry;



Special Powder


: • . ? • , • •


. / • . ; • . ; ;



. ,


. < ! , . . •:...;.

Levenson Chemical Co.





A Few Facts About Anti-Semitic Hitler



Patrons will receive their. about five days after the date feGoed. These d&tes are: For persons with Jackson telephone numbem tbs first -of the month; Kenwood, the fourth? Barney, the" seventh;' Wsl"Rotation Billing" for telephone mt, the thirteenth; Webster, the sixtolls will be placed in-.effect by tht .eenth; Atlantic from 0001 to 4990t Sortbwesterfi Bell Telephone Com- che nineteenth; Market, the twenty.pany in Omaha and all other places second^ Atlantic from 5000 to 99SS, in the Nebraska-South Dakota ares the twenty-fifth; and Glendale, the of the company October 22, it is an- twenty-eight. nounced by H, L. Frentress, district The bills that go out on October manager of the telephone company. 22 when the plan becomes eiffeetivs This method of billing, now suc-will be for local telephone servics cessfully used by many public utility from November 1 to November £1, companies, reduces the number of and any long distance charges fraro customers coming to the telephone September 21 to October 21. Thoss business office on any one discount dated October 25 will be for local date and each can be served more service from November 1 to NovemPromptly, according to Mr. Frent- ber 24 and long distance charges, if xesa. The bills themselves will be any, from September 21 to October more legible as figures which pre- 24, and .so on through to the laet viously have been written in by hand group on November 19 which ..will. lw. will be printed by a billing machine. for local service from November 3 tTnder this plan Omaha telephone !to December 18 and long distatic* patrons will be devided into nine \ charges from September 21 to Nogroups and bills will be sent to each vember 18. group on a different day of each month - instead of all at the same Never look for birds of this time. No changes will be made in in the neets of the last.—Cervantes. charges and: the usual discount will be allowed for 15 days after the date Better a blush in the face than s. •of' the bilL - • • blot in the heart.


Adplph Hitler, WhoIs Not Even a German Citizen, Is Imminently Threatening the Existence of German Jewry ; By Bernard Postal

Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitic Na- varia in 1927, and. shortly after; frank anti-Semites, Pobedonoitaev in tional Socialists have scored a sen- most of the other' states followed, Russia, Cuza and Bratumu in Rousational triumph in the German Reichstag elections. The party's antir suit. In Prussia, however, he is still! mania, Stoecker in . £ermany ' sad S4mitism is well known and Ger-tmable to speak in public Person-! Lueger in Austria. None of the**, many's Jewry is anxiously waiting ally attractive and making the most- however, have- combined tuch outAFTER the' developments of. the Hitlerites' of a histrionic pose, Hitler has a landish social and economic reform •victory. In the 'meantime they -are voice whose sonorous and appealing with anti-Semitism and"violence. A t The pictures above represent; an was by a serious error that the Jewprobing the career of Hitler for qualities together with nis youthful least six of the 21 planks in Hit- exact reproduction of a job per- ish Press : resumed i t to a_ stock cut some indication that hii anti-Semitism- is only political and transtory i;rdor enables him to sway the ler's platform are directly aimed at formed in 192S by Mr. Max- Shames, and used it i n another firm's ad in pcrmanet. They are. seeking the an- masses, especially those of them that ( the Jews, and another half dozen euto and radiator xebuilder and re-the New Tear edition. swer' to the question "who is Adolf have grown to • maturity since t h e ' are probably intended to apply chief* pairer. _. - • • . ' • .- -:;" •; The cuts are living testimony of Hitler?" ; Armistice. •'-•• . { iy to them. . . . Mr. Shames has osed-these pictures what Shames can do with a smashed Who is Adolf Hitler? This quesHis persuasive oratory is skillfully If the Hitlerites wer6 to -get con- of the efficiency: of his workvin; all or battered machine, transformhig a tion is being atked everywhere since combined with his unusual knack for trol of Germany- no Jews could be of his advertising until it has prac- hopeless wreck into a car that looks the National Socialists, or Fascists j organizing. Originally founded by citizens, all Jewish aliens • resident tically become his trademark, and it Eke new. ' as they are more commonly called, General Ludendorff, the National in Germany since 1914 would W exled by Hitler swept into a sensa- Socialist party was a moribund and pelled, no more" Jews .would be per* It is hoped that a new table will take Thursdays, 9:30 to 10:15 p. m. tional and nationwide victory in the second-rate political organization un- xnitted to -enter Germany, lib per-care of the excess crowd and give . Holler skating, Mondays, 7:15 to recent; elections for the German til Hitler took it in. hand. The party son not of Gennan blood (even Jews everyone his or her chance at the 8:30 p» m, Iteichstag by winning 107 seats and immediately showed signs of life and descendants of generations of Ger- game. Basketball, Mondays snd Wednesbecoming the second largest political j its present strength is -due in large mans are in this category accord- The regular. J. C C. fall and win-days, ;S:30 to 9:15 p> m. party in Germany. German Jewry in ; measure to Hitler, ing to the Hitler code) <tonld hold ter :gynrand pool schedule is already Swimming, Mondays and Wednesparticular is anxiously probing thej Hitler first came Into real promi- public office, and the practice of under way, wi-Qt a progrant Sensitiv- days, 4:45 to.8:45p. m.;. Sunday, 3:00 : turbulent career of Germany's anti-1 nence in 1923, the year of the abor- Judaism would not be allowed be- ities TPhich will reach every member to 5:00 p..m. Eemitic MuBsojini in a half-hearted! tive Munich Putsch in which Hitler cause Hitler believes Judaism, is a of the family. Join a class now. attempt to discover the slightest in-J and Ludendbrff were the moving religion that "offends t i e moral The schedule: ... dication that his frank and un- spirits. On November » of that year feelings of the- German race,*1- -' ",/ Men and Boys' Division abashed ant-Semitism, an anti-Semi- Hitler and liudendorff in command On the strength of this program Business men, Monday, Wednesday tism that..he utilized to the full in of an army of 100,000 Bavarians of anti-Semitism and violence,.Hit- end Friday, 12:15 to 1:00 p." m. his surprising political triumph, was planned a coup-in Munich to over- ler, the man without a country, the Senior men, Tuesday and Thursday, With "more music' and more fun" enly a- political anti-Semitism and throw- the Republic. Hitler pro- ex-Communist, the leader of an abor- 7:30 to 8:15 p. m. as fheir aim, the J.C.C. Symphony claimed Ludendorff dictator of Ger- tive rebellion against^ the •-Republic Junior A. boys, Tuesday and Thurs- Orchestra started work for the seasnot meant as a permanent policy. • Hitler is a strange combination of many and himself Premier and made and the associate of Ludendorff, has day, 45:45 to' 7:30 p. m. on auspiciously, with a well-attended a Trotsky, a Mussolini, a Ludendorff ready to march on-Berlin. The puta- accumulated sufficient strength to Junior boysi Tuesday and Thursday, election of -officers. Mr. Frank Mack said a Ford. He combines in himself tive revolt, which had its start in a become not only a menace to the 6:00 to 6:45 p. m. . '" '•••-will again be -seen a t the Conductor's come of the characteristics of each Munich beer garden, was "quickly put hardwon rights of German Jewry .Junior B boys, Tuesday and Thurs- platform. of these personalities, and his plat- down and Hitler went into the po-but is now the master of a political day, 5:15 to 6:00 p. m. Miss Pearl Marcos was elected form and tactics smack of the dis-litical ash-heap, or so it was thought. army of rabid nationalists and anti- Handball,' daily, 11 a. m. to 9:15 president of' the group. She sucHe -appeared to be •' completely Semites that threatens"the furore'.'of p.m. =tinctive methods and ideals of these ceeds/Mass Ina Jacobseru Other offiifour figures. He preaches the class licked with a five year prison sen- the Republic Hitler so cordially de- Tumbling, Tuesdays, 8:0 0 to 8:30.cers chosen, are Miss Lilly .Epstein, ,-K-ar of Trotsky, utilizes the ruthless \tence ahead, of him while his asso- spices. ' • ' • . - . _ - ;. Wrestling, Tuesdays, 8:30 to 9:15. vice-president; Miss Florence Levey, jneans of Mussolini and has t h e ' ciate, Ludendorff, got off scot free, Copyright, 1930* by the Jewish Tele- Swimming,... Tuesday, Thursday and secretary-treasurer; -Barney Guss and was at graphic Agency, Inc. ; Sunday morning; 11:00 to 12:80^' fcame demagogic oratorical powers; Hitler's ~"'"~~' influence " "*" such ^ a~low * David Goldwitre, librarians. that the government took pity Relieves, or iiiofesses to believe, in oebb All boys and girls who can play Women and Girls* Division the same silly. and threadbare lies! n him and; released him after he any musical' instrument and are inBusiness girls^Monday and Wednesj. a a PHYSICAL about the Jews that have made Lu- [i a d served a year. The year in terested m the orchestra work are inday, 6:00 to 6:30 p. m. •••.••. DEPARTMENT) dendorff the laughing stock of Ger-' prison gave him time ; for- thought "-•-Slenderizing club, Tuesday and vited to attend rehearsals. and planned revenge; Thirty days The summer is now "nrtuaTly jjone. many and practices the same high pressure methods of organization and iifter his release, he had a sufficient The days are gettmg;':^|rfiEqir,"? : mass propaganda that has made following' to• •" re-organize his shat- shorte^v^.GJ?|£'a^d' . tennis•-t&iCj&far be tered -forces-"and-to; launch '-the Naplayed on .^atardays 'and "Sundayl Henry Ford a billionaire. Socialist Workers Party, as only. Our thoughts must .now tuna . Hitler may. or may net be a men- tional ace to the peace of the world or to the Hitlerites are officially known. to the gymnasium and swimming pool t i e stability and permanancy of the Ludendorff had by this time aban- which are open to members for fall German Republic but there can be doned his erstwhile ally but Hitler and winter sports. These.include no doubt that his new-found political made greater and more rapid strides handball, volleyball, basketball, indoor importance constitutes an imminent without -. the former German war baseball, wrestling and boxing. Memdanger to the security of German lord. The Hitlerite movement grew bers should start early to take advanJewry. Innured to a decade of spo- with redoubled acceleration and' in tage of this program. The feeling of radic anti-Semitism that manifested the 1928 Reichstag elections the Na-well-being can only be brought oh by which is physically wholeitself in anti-Schechita legislation, tional Socialists polled over 800,000 recreation some and mentally stimulating and votes and won 12 seats. Hitler's cemetery desecrations, economic boymorally sound. •, cotts, anti-Semitic prayers in the comeback was neajrly completed, and the stage was set for the last act of public schools, unabashed discriminaOnce again the ping pong teascn tion at summer resorts and from of the generations outstanding poarrives and with it a new tournament time to time actual physical vio- litical phenomenon. 1 Germany santi-Semitic Mussolini and new roles. Starting October 3, lence, German Jewry, cirough the bided his time. This man without a entries win open for the tournament startling triumph of the Hitlerites, country, this' rabid anti-Semite ha"? and close on October 16. - The (entry is now faced with an anti-Semitic waited a long time to jeopardize the fee will be nominal. Entries may be movement that is well-organized; Republic he so cordially hates.* He handed in either at the desk or to the cleverly directed and that has for obtained control of Thuringia by ping pong committee, consisting of Its spokesmen 107 Reichstag depumeans of a coalition government in Leo Fried and E. M. SegeL The ties and for its tribunal the floor of the German Iieichstag. It is not sur- which the Fascists Installed one of committee expects to 'have a team prising then that German Jewry is their own as a minister of the in- which will play other • Centers and -' Banning . . . skipping ^ . . sliding! There's anon the anxious seat and that Hit terior, the notorious Dr. Frick. That enter tournaments. gave them control of the police and Each day and night the game room other bloTise . . . and it's just filthy, toor D o n t ler's past is being as eagerly exscold the little fellow. The new. -Automatic plored as his next move is being Thuringia became a hotbed of anti- is crowded with players waiting for Semitism aided and abetted by the their turn to try their hand ^ t hitting Washer -will solve a troublesome problem for you. fearfully awaited. provincial government. a little white ball back and forth ETerything that is Trashed i n the Automatic This 41-year-old chieftain of a po- Modern Europe has known other across a little net on A small table. conies out dean as new. litical party that holds the balance of political power in Germany is a native of Austria who lost his Austrian citizenship when he enlisted Automatic hi the German army at the outWasher break of the World War. While lie |was yet a political nobody he | Washes neglected to apply for German cit-1 izenship and now he is a real man Clean! without a country. Here then we have the anomaly of man who leads The swishing, swasha party that polled ever 6,000,000 ing of the Automat ivotes on a.platform that would deny Electric W a s h e v German citizenship to Jews" and treats- your laundry would oust those not of. German with, the finest of blood or not German citizens, himself care. Every piece i<not a German citizen, an alien. washed CLEAN . . . While Hitler is a former architecnot worn tural draftsman his principal assets are his remarkable oratorical powers and his rare organizing abilities. Even his bitterest foes concede that Hitler is one of the great public speakers of the post-war decade. His Small additional for ability, demagogic though it may be, terms. to harangue the masses, particularly •the younger elements of the German Sold on Easy Terms populace who are his devoted fol-r "ELECTRIC SHOPS* lowers, has been largely responsible 17th and Harney Sts. 2314 M Sts. for the phenomenal growth of man Fascism. The German authorities were ! Ireenly aware of this unusual power : of Hjtler. For four years every Ger-! man - state but Mecklenburg and Thurmgia" forbade Kim "to "speak in nubile. The ban was lifted.by Ba-


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Vw/cfcober I ill order to ttnprev* eur biTlin^ <tn<f bnsinon office service to our customers, • change will be made i« -the method of issuing telephone bills. BiDs issued after the October ! bills, witl be received by subscribers ebout five deyt efter one of the following dctes, depending upon the Omaha central office from which each subscriber h served:


.Octobw 22

AtUntic O00M999 Octob«r25 Gbndal* Octebw 28 Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , November } Kenwood , ........Hormmbm4 H«m»y ,...-..,.:.-.,.-. vNov»inb«r 7 Walnut r«^.»^.. .Nov»mb«r 13 Wvbtfor November fo AKinfie 5000-9999.., .Nev»mb*r 19 Due *o th« adoptioB of the jjew bitting plan, the subscriber'* first bill under the new clan will cover. more or less then the charges for the regular billing period. . For enmple: The bill which Market subscribers will receive about five days efter October 72 will cover charges for local telephone service from November I to November 21. inclusive, and the bill received by Harney subscribers about five days after November 7 will cover charges for local telephone service from November I to December 6. inclusive, e+e. All bills also will cover long distance charges, if •ny, from September 21 up to the date of the bill. Tne usual discount will be continued and wit) expire f5 days after the date of the bill. Thereafter, subscribers wtfi always receive their telephone bills about five days after the same date each month, as shown above with the central office •from which they .are served. It will cover charges for local service for one month from the dete en the bill, end long distance charges, if any, »p to that data. Further information ebout tht new biflmg plan wit! 6« mailed to each subscriber, giving dates of his bitty We shaft be gled to answer mny questions poo may have at any time. Just call our Business Offict—Atlantic 4000.




the year 'exacts little or no thought from-the! general run of, the Jews—presenting an intriguing;' and perplexing problem. We as : a people cannot j i Pnbtiafced every Priddy^^maJm; Nebraska, by content ourselves with a religious zeal, which\\ ^J^^H^EE^pp^HlNG 'J^^H^EE^pp^HlNG COMPANY spends itself in the course of ten days* We as a a-; - . Office; &D Brandels Theater Building religious entity must make our spiritual media%£'•: szi: t- £ Telephone: *ATlaniic>i450 United States tion and contemplation last the entire year and DAVID BLACKER • - • «- Business and Managing Editor not merely blossom forth- sporadically. The JewFRANK R / ACKERMAN . - - . . Editor ish spirit cannot find consolation in a synagogue Warburg, Rosenwald Honored New York—The golden ring of PAKNIE;^ATELMAN, Council Staffs, la,, Correspondent which functions, not as a stimulating, spiritual- honor of the Deutsches Museum in

fourth Polish parliament proportion- some more in his latest Yiddieh ate to its numbers are decidedly un- effort. For the truth is the Yiddish theafavorable, according to the opinions of various Jewish leaders here. The tre is in its last gasps, and the fact elections for the Sejm, _/or lower might as well be recognized. Maurice house, will be held November lt> Schwartz will "not even attempt the ~* i>a Jewish physician on the condition while the elections to the Senate will New York field this year. Max Gable too is not planning to open. that Dr. Salzborns anti-cancer take place on November 23. He has been quoted as saying that methods prove to be correct. Dr. lie doesn't intend to lose every cent Salzborn claims to have discovered & Shortage of Rabbis Prague—Thirty-seven cut of 59 he has made. And Molly Picon, rage cure for cancer. J Mr. Kraus handed over $50,000 in Jewish- communities in Moravia and as she is, is far from finding things T-- • SIOUX CITY OFFICE force throughout the year, but as an annual scene Munich was presented this week to cash when the agreement was signed) Silesia are without rabbis because as rosy as they have been depicted. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce Street in which men and women'sue "for absolution for I*11* M \ Warburg by Dr. Gustav with Dr. Salzborn. Tbe agreement j t h e government, while refusing to Even the "benefit" tickets, which ^ provides that Dr. Salzborn is to util-1 admit foreign rabbis at the same have done so much to keep the Jew- ••%>v! ! Heuser, Acting German Cosul Genmisdeeds which they eagerly courted. Jewish Subscription Price, one year « - • - • • » - • « $2.60 eral on behalf of the Bavarian gov- ize the initial $50,000 to build a ' t ™ e refuses to support the establish- ish stage going in the past is al- ' life, indeed, should not tolerate such an unlovely ernment. Th£ honor was conferred cancer Advertising rates furnished on applic&tion hospital to experiment with' m e n t of the rabbinical seminary in most defunct. tendency toward disintegration. ' upon Mr. Warburg in recognition of his cancer cure. While the experi-! Czechoslovakia. This discrimination Time was when the old "landsInstead,' "We should hold spiritual Communion' the services rendered by him. to theinents are, being carried on a group! against Jews is particularly obvious man'haften" would raise money by and establish a closer unity with our God through- »oseum. cf American doctors will come here' s 5 n c e t h e Lutheran Church has been buying wholesale quantities of these A similar honor was conferred last to watch and study Dr. Salzborn's £ i v e n permission to bring in clergy- benefit tickets. But now the landsout the year. Holy thoughts should . frequently week by the German Consul General HEBRAIC CALENDAR men from abroad merely by' sub- man'haften are in a comatose state, recall to us that we must follow the paths of jus- in Chicago upon Julius Rosenwald.. healing methods. 5690-1930 mitting them to an examination by approaching extinction, and those let Day Saccoth~_^__iTaesday, October 7 tice and righteousness. Sacred memories should who had alro aided the Deutsche Heads Sex Reform Group a leader in the same church. This few that have some vitality buy Shfettifni Atzereth - Tuesday,, October 14 quicken our conscience as we learn to approach Museum in Munich. The Deutsches Vienna—Dr -.Magnus Hirsehfield, privilege has been refused the Jews. "benefits" tickets from the English "worship t p in due humilityy to God. Thuss we! e Museum represents the achievements eminent. German authority on sexual, j theatres. Sfjnchath Torah -Wednesday, October 15 oftener in the * Germany G h fields fild of f iinven- problems and professor of sexual •! R»sh Chodesh Cheshvan-__Thursday, Oct. 23 can conform our lives to the loftiest standards and tion LESS BEARDS, BUT and artisanship for the past knowledge in the Sembold HochRdsh Ghodesh Kislev_ r ___Friday, Nov. 21 approximate more closely the exalted ideals of our few centuries. . schule, was elected president of the LESS LIFE [•1st Day Chanukah__Monday, December 15 lives. By answering this call to highest duty and Sol Levitan Re-elected International E-exual Reform Asso-| Dov.-n at the bottom of it all is RoBh Chodesh Tebeth-,Sunday, December 21 noblest devotion we -will feel a spiritual happiness Madison, W'is.—The white-haired ciation at its fourth congress now; the fact that times have changed. in session here. Dr. Hirschfield wasi The old type of Jew is becoming as Fast of Tebeth—__Sund&y, December 28 of unequalled bliss. Solomon Levitan, one of the real instrumental in the calling of the: extinct as one of those fossils, of characters of the Wisconsin politics,, first congress in 1921. . ••the*.. j which the geologist is so glib. And willbe treasurer of that state for Known for his wide knowledge of j to me, there is not a little pathos in the fifth consecutive two year term sexual problems and a pioneer advo*! the transformation. v as a result of the primary elections A- new specter has risen on the anti-Semitic Take a walk down the East Side this week in which he again won cate 6f sexual reform, Dr. Hirsch-1 field organized the Institute of Sexof today. If jou chanced to see it in horizon in Germany to menace the Spiritual and the nomination, on the La Follette By DAVID SCHWARTZ ual Reform in Berlin in 1928 which the days prior to the war, you will physical well-being of-the Jewish people—-the ticket. Mr. Levitan has been active was later taken over by the Prus- IT HAPPENED IN A YEAR know what I mean. It is drab, colin Wisconsin political circles since paradoxical Adolph Hitler. 'Adolph Hitler—exThe new eigthy floor structure orless today. Once upon a time it sian government and renamed the COmmunist, ex-convict, revolutionist and.fascist, " I am one of those whom the gods turn mad 1907 when he was a delegate-to the Magnus Hirsehfield Institute. H i« Y ^ 1 1 . i s . t o ^ l ^ 6 t h e ° 1 l d .. W a l d ° r f ; thrived with life, hope, dirt, long state' Republican convention. The But t o r i a is nearing theory rests on thuggery and thievery and before they take them," Hans Herzlwrote sev- nomination of the La Fcllette ticket Services have frequently been util- ^I am thinking of the old Waldorf beards. Today there are less long eral days before he committed suicide. His: own ized iii sexual-analysis of criminals. beards, less dirt, but it is equally murder, if necessary, ij^tead of the iimaW is equivalent to election. itself. New things have beauty and us devoid of its former good qualiwords perhaps; offer an explanation for his r i g h | s Of t h e p e o p l e . , - . ':'.•].;.. •'..... freshness, but for richness of in- ties. Budapest Insults a convert from. Judaism ttottheEastern Penn Sylrania Leads gy F Wpll-fortifled by a grbjip^ of forty; subordinates tragedy. , Budapest—^Telling a, man he is ofterest, one must go to old things. He is passing—the old picturesque who'ihave all served prison sentences, this rabid Baptist church, then to CatiioHcism, back to Jud- Philadelphia—-With the forward- Jewish descent is an insult, accord- What stories the old Waldorf could type of Jew, and there is no better exponent of ruthlessness novf: heads • a party aism, there is hardly a doubt now that the soning of a check for $25,000 to Paul ing to a decision rendered by the:tell, if somehow those old bricks sign of it than the fact, which my national treasurer of theBudapest court during the trial of .become articulate! Why doesn't which polled over six million votes m the-recent of the great Theodor, Herzl, the founder of polit- Baerwald, tJnited, Jewish campaign, by Albert the anti-Semitic rauway official, j someone write its story. It would private detectives bring me this week, that Joseplx Margulies, who Reichstag elections. To> h i m t h e i ; Versailles ical Zionism, was demented. H. Lieberman, chairman of. the U.M* Kinzler. During a quarrel with j be a thriller. has established something of a reThe tragedy of Hans Heril grew even more Treaty should be torn to shrjEids and thtowii into J. C. for Eastern Pennsylvania, l>sidsr Buday, a member cf the Hun- One of the most interesting incipute in etching1 old Jewish types, is intense at his funeral, with the Bordeaux Zionist that region has now completed a garian parliament, and leader of < dents that comes to my mind in conthe Iwaste basket. Thepresent Germangfoverhsoon to bend his efforts to make a ment, he franldy; orates^should;bf;scrapped in leader, M. Stopner,as the only attendant. What total contribution of $1,250,006 to- the Awakening. Magyars,.' K i l l e r j nection with the old Waldorf oc- collection of old East Side types, in, the campaign, making. East- wrote to . Buday that he was "of curred some half a dozen years ago, expectation that soon the type will favot of a Hitler dictatorship. Indeed, violence a difference between, this and the funeral of hiswards ern Pennsylvania the leading region and has to do with Anzie Yazierska, be no more. Felix Warburg, I unmust displace law and order, government must be great f ath?r, of blessed memory, whose Joss was in the country in amounts raised Jewish descent." authoress of "Salome of the Tene- derstand, is interested in the project. Buday brought charges against mourned by a worshipping people! Twenty-six and transmitted to the campaign. subversive to his personal ends. Kinsler charging him with throwing ments". : Despite his irresponsibleand/fanatical platform, years ago, on the Vienna cemetery, young Hans Seven or eight years ago, Miss A GREAT MAN SHOULD "a shadow on his past," The court . __ Kaddish .at . his . _..,... the father's-..__., grave, and Pulitzer Awards his party has become the balancing wheel in Ger- recited Yazierska visited the Waldorf-Asto- NOT EAT IN PUBLIC fined Kinzler. ^ multitude-in i lproclaiming, i i New York—Of the twelve high ! ria. But she didn't go around the The story is related of Shalom man political life, due undoubtedly to a momen- later joined with t^e No Esrogim front entrance. She went into a Aleichem, the Jewish Mark Twain. graduates of Greater New tary resentment caused by economic misery and "If I forget thee, OlJerUSaleni, may JO?"right school ork w wer6 Warsaw—Itisking their lives, three side entrance marked "Employment". Once he visited the city of Pittsburg. *° awarded Pulitzer unemployment within the ranks of misguided hand forget its; cunning;." :And\-last "week the ?Prize scholarships, eight of them Jews took desperate chances to de- "I was wondering whether you Thousands of Jews went down to j son of the man iwho was responsible for retainGerman youth. True, this temporary fever will were Jews, according to an announce- liver esrogim (the citron required have an opening for a dish washer", the railroad station to welcome him J ^ in the ritual of the Jewish Festival j Miss Yazierska was not seeking ex- to the city. tnade at Columbia University. { eventually subside—during the" Dreyfus" affair ing the loyalty Of thousarids of young Jews was was mot practically all of France - anti-Jewish—- buried with the disgirace of a^^ suic!de r the.ques-|The awards will entitle each of theof the - Feast of Tabernacles which j perience or local color for fiction, As the Jewish humorist came off the train, he felt the pangs of hunbut ^in the meantime the Jewish people, are in1 tion of whether he was "to "begranted a Jewish! recipients to four years' free tuition starts Octobci" 7) from Poland to She was looking for a mere job. ger. He asked the chairman of the Russia where esrogim are unobtain"Sorry, we have nothing today", »*.. Columbia, in addition to $1,000 jeopardy as long as a maniacal type like Hitler! burial for a time remaining in doubt *_"._. , . \ cash reception committee to lead him to able. Their dating attempt was tin-'she was told. is nding the saddle. Bias' - and undistilled pre- It is difficult t?> forget the tragedy of the found-, successful "and they were caught at I The year following, a banquet was a restaurant. judice must fairly reek, from- a- ruler who'advo- erof the^liti^ZioiMm^menrm^ehOuyS^ •=«"* ? t \ H t - '^^ V Stolpcy,oh the Russo-Polish boi^ejr.i given to Miss Yazierska to felicitate Inside the cafe,: the chairman., .led ," ,* T • f^~>! ii % t'l^-i jj~-*3i.-Jx~LL-Gained the holiest bating m the col-, him to a seat, and soon the humorist cateS revival of the ""Dark Age" inquisition . . . Their load of esrogim was conlis-: her on the success of her book. of his only son's, bural^Gallef bydeal* ^ f h * ieggL e n t ^ n s a ^ ^ ^ w i t h | cated and all three arrested.. as It-was held at the Waldorf Astoria. was partaking of some borsht and iagai&st the Jews. His mind must be distorted to'j • And yet there are people who be- blintzes, while outside, through the ^, preach a program which unequivocally "states that, early age 6f forty-four* Dr. Herzl'S gfiniUS,,JBt bOOn : Uarold L. Po^ner," rating second. smugglers. i lieve that fiction is stranger than window, the throng of Jews peered. all lews who entered Germany -since 1914 be ex- to the Jewish people, was a detriment t o his only News of the award was made to Can't Close Saturday " Oy er esst auch", chorused many truth. ' while he was suf-. Czernowitz, Roumania—A number j pelled, that Jews should be excluded" from all of-son. Because Hans evidently suffered from the Herbertf Goldstein of the Jews. "Pheh!" and they left. m &e had104d fact that the Jewish people failed to accord him a *™* ™ %**™\ }Th ° i ? n ! ! ' cf Jews in the town of Zastavne T H E YIDDISH T H E A T E R fice^ in public life, and that members of the have been sentenced to jail for keep- N E A R S ITS E N D HANDKERCHIEFS AND Mosaic faith be barred front the. German army, share of the honors that histdry! gave to his MILK BOTTLES ing their stores closed on Saturdays, And now George Jessell is planand navy, paying instead a defense tax. If Hit- father. If he suffered moods bf depression, the ^ which the government regard as be- ning to sponsor Yiddish productions Aaron Kopman, a New York Jew, ler's- program is carried out Jews will not be ad-fact that the family of Herzl was left in com- wa8 informed of the prize. ing against the law. The local Ke- on Broadway. Jessell of late has is back from Russia after a rather mitted to the universities; sale of land to Jewsj parative poverty after his death may account for; M i ^ ^ i Convention hillah has lodged a protest with the been earning fabulous sums in mov- interesting experience. Kopman said wiil be prohibited and teaching" in the public j it. And if the Jewish people failed to pay its: BaItimOre.~The fifteenth annual Bukowinian ministry against these ies and vaudeville and losing it in something which provoked the wrath schqols denied to them, and newspapers employing j debt to the family of one of its greatest sons, convention of the Mizrachi Organi-j arrests, pointing out that compelling his efforts to produce. And our pre- of the Sovet authorities and he was (Continued on Page 7) Jews," to trade on. the Sabbath •• is !• diction is that he is destined to lose Jewsy or which/are^owned-by..-them-\w^l:have;to then the tragedy of Herzl is also the tragedy of j zation of America, the Orthodox.' against the constitution which guar* j j Zionist party,-wiU .be Held in Balti-janteea the freedom of the Jewish state that fact in a front page headline together Herzl'S people. TO Dr. Herzl'S only surviving daughter, and j **»»» -October 26 to October 28, a o jreligion. with a representation of the Mogen David. . „ . - .- -r • -L. t. I J i« ^ • - i . j » « - ; cording to an announcement by This is the anomalous .stand of Adolph Hitler. , .,










From Contemporary Pens THE HERZL TRAGEDY





Decorated by Pope Himself not a citizen of Ge?nlany, this anti-Sem- totheimlhonsof Jews who hold his memory dear, ^ a l ^ . B u b J . c k > president> I tW J Rom _fhe Cross of the itic ^Mussolini wants to expel, the peaceful, law- the consolation in this hour is that instead of one: decided to hold the convention on! Holy recentinBerlin meetings ofconthe; order to enabh* the abiding, cultured Jewish element from the coun* son, so tragically a renegade, millions loyally pay. this date Giuseppe Toeplitb, General Director Actions Committee and vention to receive a full report ofthecf the. Banco Commerciale - Italiana try to which he has no claim. Himself a "jail homage to, this great modern prophet. The: Administrative tragedy place of Herzl's son him in no way detracts, from Jewish Agency. Committee of the by the Pope. Mw ToeplitZj who-is a accorded by Jewish history.— bird" sentenced in 1923, he now desires the up-honored Polish Jew who emigrated to Italy the genius of the Zionist founder and from the Chronicle. holders of honest' government to be squelched Detroit Raskob, Jr., and Jewess to Wed many., years ogo, wa?-until recently while he plans another "worlds conquest.'* GerNew Haven, Conn.—A pretty Jew- the subject of anti-Semitic : attacks man Jewry must arouse. themselves against this ish stenographer, Minerva Aaronson, published in some, sections..of tho WE LIVE TO LEARN menace, while there is yet time; Let them in19, in a law office here, Italian press. : • \ - r • „. ::••-... „;• Through an article in the Texas "Jewish will secretary marry John J.' Saskob, Jr., son tensify Jewish sentiment, close ranks, and deHerald," we learn that six years ago James E. Moslem-Christian Arab' Split mand expulsion of Adolpji Hitler from Germany Ferguson, forme? governor of Texas, had, this to Jerusalem — Moslem"""" ^effiwners National Committee and a Catholic white his party is still only second in power. By say of the Jews pf Dallas^ •' • •--— .Miss Aaronson states she will be announced that in- mixed iMoslemeffecting the expulsion of this ex-convict ere it "Recent disclosures show that there is now married next spring." The engage- Christian quarters, they-' would reis too late they will not only,save Jewry from hatched to tell-water to?-.Christians. Dalla$ an unholy alliance between the ment was confirmed by Mr. Raskob, fuse severe anti-Semitic persecution, but will save the big Jewsin This is the latest"'•development in stated that the the Big Ku Klux Klan whereby the place here and denied the breach between the Moslem and worid from another horrifying debacle as was wit- Big Jews and are to get the Big Business and the Ku reports that he would establish a Christian Arabs . growing', chit of a nessed in the last "war to end war." Klux Klan the Big Offices, When the Jew will $2,000,000 trust fundl for the young dispute over the • ownership ; to a cemetery in Haifa,' a dispute that hook up with the Ku Klux Klan and surrender his couple following their marriage. led to a fatal street-affray, v : A SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK religion to help his business, there is not muchj The Moslem paper El-Yarmouk Oblivious to the bustling commercial world hope of free government, unless the independent j Other Countries accuses the *' Christian Arabs, who which surrounds us, we Jews yesterday complete^ people wake up and take notice." are Catholics, of conducting propaour ; ten days of penitence. In prayer and medi-1 Now that's interesting, to say the least. W« Einstein Submits Paper ganda favoring the transference of tatidn, by fasting and reflection we have sought thought we were pretty well pOBted on most of the Berlin—A. new' 'papt-.r on "thethe Palestine Mandate'to Italy. The of Spapie Conceptions with paper asks "are Arabs >" chattel, to cleanse bur hearts of sin and by true repent- important happenings in Jewish life in this coun- Theory Rlemannian' Metrics and Extended transferrable from one-power "to anence become one with God that we might thetry but this is the first time^eeyer heard of the Parallelism" has been submitted by other? The Christians are ' not enbetter fulfill our duties arid discharge our respon- Jews and Klan forming an alliance. Prof. Albert. Einstein t» the Prus- titled to speak for the Arab nation." sibilities toward humanity. During this season, —THE JEWISH CITERIONY sian Academy of Sciences. Prof. .,..-.. Einstein, famous for his theory of Fear Depression absolved and forgiven, our souls vibrating with '. London—The growing number of relativity, stated that his new consacred emotions, we are imbued with His spirit, When we fail to functiph in harmony with tribution is closely connected with bankruptcies among the leading* Arab the spirit of faith and )oving obedience. ethical principles, there is a decline in the quality his formulation of a uniform field merchants, of Jerusalem • is causing In all the world nothing can be found to com- and quantity of life in our being. You can easily theory but includes only a limited/ fear in Jerusalem's commercial cir- j part with .this appeal and efficiency of the re-prove this by following the ethical principles Of section of the whole problem and des th&t they may cause a serious general ^depression, the Daily Teleligious genius of Israel, as displayed by the High life, and you will observe a very gradual increase, 1 «i u i r e 3 considerable research, graph reports. A number of ^bankHolySays. They stand, out as unforgettable days of lill of your powers. Anti-Cancer Contribution ruptcies are said to be fraudulent. in the Jewish calendar. The tremendous problems Vienna—Joseph J. Kraus, Last week several Armenian! merof Itfe and of destiny.itir us.profoundly as we The compensation for being lonesome is that v* o r k pharmacy manufacturer filed bankruptcy petitions. seek expiation of OUf sins; But, unfortunately, after the Jewish people .has concentratedly maniOf contentment and Satisfaction in beillg obliges Wmself to contribute $1,000,Warsaw—The chances of Pdlish fested its recurring desire to free its soul from alone. In; being alone one develops activities and 000 towards the proposed anti-cancej Jewry winning a representation in the sfraefclfis*5©f- indifferent conduct> the rest of attitudes of life that enable one to live on happily, hospital of Dr. M. Salzborn, a Vien- ] the forthcoming elections to the

, {

• ' " - " •*->•'



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-PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 193a. of Omaha, is now connected "with a Zeta Beta Taa has pledged MauAT THE WISE HOSPITAL hospital in Glendale, California. rice Pepper, Edwin Sommer, Ed-ward Robert and Harold Chapman, twin Brodkeyr and Ebrier Share of Oma- sons of Mr. and Mrs. I. Chapman, CAMPUS COMMENT ha; Joseph Levin, Columbus; Leo underwent a tdnsilectomy at the David Sher, son of Dr. and Mrs. Skafousky, Norfolk"; Harold Speier, Wise Memorial hospital last Tuesday. Philip Sher, is continuing to win Sioux Cityj Bob ~Wassern.!in," Chehonors at Harvard. yenne, Wyoming; and Sidney Ziffren, Among the patients at the Wise A graduate, of Central high school, this week are Mrs. Stella Casper, Rock Island, Illinois. he was graduated with an A. B. deMrs. Ethel Haykin, Mr. P. AlexanPledges of Sigma Alpha Mu are gree from Harvard two years ago, der, Mr. Shoul Rips, Mr. Morris Koland in his second year at the law Henry Chait, Louis Goldstone, Leo nik, and Master Martin Cohen. Hill, and Milton Moskowitz of Omacollege, won a scholarship. Now he lias been chosen one of a ha; Jules A. Mosow, and Phil Dabstaff of students of high rating to rofsky, Sioux City; and Dave Rosengive legal aid to the poor of Boston, berg, Lincoln. WEDDINGS Miss Elgutter and Miss Fantle will and has been recommended to be a Many of the students from -NeBy again be honored at a delightful af- member of the board of students of braska returned home to attend the fiiklin—Silvennan J Mrs. David M. Newman Yom Kipper services. Mr. and Mrs. A. Biklin announce fair on October 4, when Mrs. Charles advisors for underclass students. the marriage of their daughter, An- Schimmel, mother of the two bride- Miss Edwina Morgulis, daughter German Apple Cake Marion Graetz has registered at nette to Mr. Perry A. Silverman, grooms-to-be, will be hostess at of Dr. and Mrs. Sergious Morgulis, the University of Nebraska. (Two recipes) son of Mrs. N. Silverman of Los luncheon at the Blackstone hotel. who is in her junior year at Rad2 cups fiour, 2 teaspoons baking Angeles, on Sunday, September 28, Thirty-five young women of Lincoln cliffe college, has been awarded honVISITORS powder, % teaspoon salt, *4 cup at four o'clock in the afternoon. The and Omaha are to be guests at this ors at her school. Her most recent Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chauss and butter, 1 egg, scant cup milk, 2 'Wedding took place at the home of prenuptial party. distinction is to be named calendar small son, Bobby, and Mrs. Sam tablespoons sugar. the bride in the presence of the imMiss Fantle and Mr. Abr. Schim- secretary for the year, in charge of Grabstein of St. Paul, Minnesota, Mix as for cake, put in pan. Slice mediate family. Rabbi Peter Halan official calendar, showing all spent Monday and Tuesday visiting apples, core and quarter them — pern-of New York City officiated. mel have set Oct. 8 as the date for social engagements scheduled from here -with Mrs. David Newman en put on top, sprinkle with sugar and Mr. and Mrs. Silverman are at their wedding which will be solem- the opening of the college until the route to Chicago. cinnamon. nized in Sioux City. Miss Elgutter home at the Morris Apartments. • «• • Christmas holidays. and Mr. Walter Schimmel will be Miss Esthyre Rosofsky of Sioux Miss Morgulis was also one of the 1 pint flour, 1% teaspoon baking married in November at Temple Pregler—Trochtenburg City visited over the holidays with representatives at the Center Hill Miss Helen Castleman. powder, % teaspoon salt. ..The marriage of Miss Ruth Preg- Israel. conference, the fifth annual Radcliffe Sift all together, rub in two ler, daughter of Mrs. A. Pregler, to Student conference, and been elected Mrs. Harry Rose of St. Joseph, tablespoons butter, 1 egg beaten and BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. Max Trochtenburg of Council Bluffs, -was solemnized Sunday after- . Charles Arnstein, son of Mr. and one of the class marshals of her Missouri, spent the week-end with milk to make a thick batter. Add % cup seeded raisins. Spread one noon at the home of the bride's Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, entertained class. Miss Morgulis's picture ap- her mother, Mrs. Mamie Kneeter. inch thick in a greased shallow pan. mother. The ceremony -was preceded twenty-one boys at a weiner roast peared in the Radcliffe Daily last Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Q. Marx of Have apples pared, cored and cut by a" musical program, given by last Wednesday in honor of his ninth week. Alexandria, Louisiana, Mrs. Lillian Mrs* George Gasper, pianist, and her birthday. Pi Lambda Phi was host to twenty Stine of Hollywood, Florida, and daugTier, Miss Thelma Gasper, violCreighton freshmen--at a smoker at Mrs. Abe Gotchaux of Big Cane, PERSONALS Here is a asmm a inist, including selections from Lothe fraternity house following the Louisiana, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Richards have first football rally of the season last their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinhengrin. Rabbi Frederick Cohn of moved into their new home at 1033 Friday night. Talks were given by ger and brother-in-law and sister, Temple Israel officiated. Mrs. Arthur Pregler was matron North 32 Str. Dr. David C. Platt, member of the ill. and Mrs. Nate Kort. They will for of ionor, and Mr. Sam Satin served faculty at Creighton dental school; return home after the holidays. Mrs. Ben L. Folsky, and children, - ks best man. The bride wore a gown Milton Abrahams, former editor of of vrine Colored chiffon velvet, with of Lincoln have left for Hollywood, the Creightonian; Louis E. Lipp, BIRTHS California, for an extended visit with matching hat and accessories. Her Mr. and Mrs. Clyde A. Krasne of past president of the fraternity; and To acquaint you frith boquet was of roses and lilies of the her sister, Mrs. Max Levin and fam- Ben Kazlowsky, present president Council Bluffs announce the birth of the Jewelry Values in vislley. Mrs. Pregler, the mother of ily, formerly of Omaha. a- daughter at the Omaha Maternity of the fraternity. our store we are offerthe bride, was in navy blue velvet, Mrs. Max Orkin is visiting in ChiHospital on Wednesday, September ing for these 2 days. Though a few pledges are yet to 17. Mrs. Krasne war formerly Miss and Mrs. Trochtenburg, the groom's cago. be broken and a few made, the final Dorothy Rubin. H LADIES' AND MEN'S jnother, wore a navy blue chiffon. unofficial list of freshmen newly af| LINE WATCH BANDS After a honeymoon trip to Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan have re"Hi, and Mrs. T. Trochenburg will turned from an extended seven filiated with the Greek letter fra- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Newman an- | Regular their home in Omaha. week's eastern trip. They attended ternities and sororities of the Uni- nounce the birth of twin ~ boys at if. $3.50 Values versity of Nebraska has been rethe Methodist Hospital on Saturday, the convention of the Equitable Life i | for September 27. ]r- ENGAGEMENTS Insurance Company at French leased. The pledges of Sigma Delta Tau ' Shapiro—Butler League, Indiana, where Mr. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Katskee of ' Mr, and Mrs. I. Shapiro announce 'was the only representative from the thi3 semester are Esthyre Steinberg, Lincoln announce the birth of a son, the engagement of thir daughter, state of Nebraska. They visited Martha Iippett, Ruth Reuben, and Le Roy. Bertha, to Mr. Harry Cutler, son of with friends and relatives in Mil- Zelda Saferstein of Omaha; Ruth Bernstein and Helen Steinberg of Mr and Mrs. Henry N. Solig anMr. and Mrs. TJlm Cutler of Omaha. waukee, Chicago, Cleveland. New Miss Shapiro is a graduate of Tech- York, Niagara Falls, and Washing-: Council Bluffs; Gertrude Ellis, Har- nounce the birth of a boy on Sepriett Nefsky, and Bsrnice. Riseman tember 13 at the Methodist Hospital.. nical High school. No date has been t o n . . • • • 303 So. 16th of Lincoln; and Hattie Speck, Fort Mrs. Solig was formerly Miss Bertha Jules Gerelick, Mgr. •set for the -wedding. Dr. William D. Wessly, formerly Collins, Colo. Abrams. 1-; PRENUPMAL AFFAIRS , Mrs. Leo Milder, Mrs. I. Sherman Df Blair, and Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt Omaha's Style Center -entertained. 4ft.guests jafc Luncheon, last Thursday at the Paxtori hotel to honor Miss Helen Sherman. Miss Sherman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman and will wed Mr. D. Nefsky of Lincoln on October ;i2. Out-of-town guests at the luncheon included Mrs. S. K. Nefsky and Miss I6TH AT HARNEY ST* Mildred Nefsky of Lincoln. , r A Special Selling oi Superb Furred " Miss Marion Bell Fantle of Yankton, South Dakota, her fiance, Mr. Abram Schimmel, and Miss Kathryn S.; Elgutter and her fiance, Mr. Water T. Schimmel, will be honored •with a beautifully appointed dinner on October 5 when Miss Mildred Lew and her brother, Abram Lew, entertain at the palm room of the Fontenelle hotel. Other guests at this event will be Offer Everything You Expect Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schimmel, Mr. and Mrs. Max Holzman, Mr. and to Find-at. f 75 . . . at Mrs. H. Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bonoff, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somberg, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levy, Misses Helen Kohn, Gertrude Kroloff, Ruth Kulakofsky, Charlotte Heyn, Flora Marks, Florence Wolf, Minnie Wolf, Ruth Kendis, Ruth Kohn and Messrs. Alfred Mayer, William Failer, Sandy Steinbach, Leon Ferer, Lee Marks, Marvin Treller, Max Cohen, Edward Resenthal, Bernhardt Wolf, Sam Wcrtheimer, Yale Kroloff, and Milton Rothchild of Chicago.

In quarters, Press points into dough. A happy childhood is the.pledg* Sprinkle thickly with sugar—nutmeg a ripe manhood.—Alcott. and cinnamon. Bake in hot oven. Cast" thy "breads upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days. -—Ecclesiastes. That which is everybody's business is nobody's business.—Walton. Buffonery is rft-n lack of wit.


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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1930 the Center, which is so new that it merit with Santanget She ordered"a{£ has not yet been named. Mrs. Klutzfast-horseman .to..ride,, speedily and• 2 nick is going to appoint one of her recall Columbus, who was plodding| S girls assistant to Mrs. Roddy. Mrs. away on his mule, his hopes all j 5 Palmer from headquarters is helping dashed to. the ground. . . to organize the troop and the "baby" Fred B. Cherniss, practicing atORNER And so it was through this Jew, torney in Omaha for the past eighis thriving. nephew of he who: was- burned by teen years, died on Wednesday Sen the Offices, of; the Inquisition, that vraikiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi;.*: tember 24, after a three-month illthe voyage was macte possible. . The Center Players Guild are re- The Eagle Girl Scouts got away to ness. For the second voyage of Colum- hearsing "Captain Applejack," which a flying start with the aid of their Mr. Cherniss is survived by his bus, there was plenty offmoney, for will be presented Oct. 26. The leads leader, Mrs. Hyman Greenberg. widow, Freda, and four children: Paul, 18, Joel, 14, Zella, 10, and The Henrietta Szold Club has been be confiscated. Columbus was wont in the cast are Margaret Hurwitz, El- meeting regularly and recently en- Irene, 3; his mother, Mrs. Isaac to say that he had been inspired to sie Fogel, Mamis Temin, Shirley Jan- joyed a treasure hunt. Their plans Cherniss; three brothers, David p., make the voyage by the prophecies j off, Haskell Cohn, Max Weinstein and for the year include a communal ac- Harry L., of Council Bluffs, and of Isaiah. Jews furnished the in-; j^be Salzman of Council Bluffs. The tivity which will be announced later. William Z. Cherniss of Omaha; three sisters, Mrs. Goldie V. Adler and spiration—the astronomical tables, J Guild is selling season tickets this sea•Pearl Cherniss of Council Bluffs, and the expert help on the expedition, SOn for a series of four plays indudThe Senior Council has already be- Mrs. Clara Frost of St. Paul. By David Schwartz' and the financial wherewithal. ing "Captain Applejack," "The Good gun its work and the first project it Rabbi Frederick John officiated at H o w ha must "I don't know perhaps Van Loon one of a group of Jewish conspiraj PPy have been the j Hope," "The Golem" and "The Jazz is undertaking was aiding in the • burial service held last Friday. Qolumbua Day, October 12, and hearts of the J e w s on Columbus j jginger." Succoth'htivs something in common, is right, but when Torres looked at tors who had attempted after all! b o a t s a t b e y g ,„„,. promotion of the dance given Yom j Burial was at the Hebrew Congreere i n tthe h e distance Mr.' Schwartz finds, showing that the high cheek bones of the Indians, other efforts had failed" to thwart, f Peered in Under the direction of Haskell Cohn, Kippur night at the Center. P« <* distance Under gation cemetery in Council Bluffs. Columbus landed-in the N?w World and observed some of their ceremon-, the work of the• Inquisition by as-j 0 1 1 Hoshana Rabbah, and: glimpsed j Max Weinstem,. Elsie Fogel, Irving The deceased was bom in 1883 on. .Hoshana Rabba, the seventh day ies, I feel quite sure that he at least sassination. They had pleaded with, l a n d - A n e w world had been uncov- j Sternhill and Ralph Nogg are preHeads Journalist Federation of Succoth.—Editor, hi Council Bluffs, a son of the oldest e r e d w h i c h wc uI ve a n a s I u m tried to say: "Shalom" to them. For; the court to step the Inquisition, but! c r - <* Pr° y senting "His Children" for the open Rotterdam Dr. M. Van BlakenSuccoth—Festival of -Tabernacles their pleas had failed. They had, * all the lands of intolerance—for meeting of the Omaha Hebrew club s+ein, editor of the Rotterdamsche Jewish family of that city. He Torres knew Hebrew very well. studied for the bar at Creighton a11 t h e and Columbus Day—there' is no lit! benighted Spains of the. on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 5. Courant, has been elected president University. We know that the physician of the'brought brought all forms of influence $ o ' tle 'affinity between them!, ,.•world. .. • . ' . . . . ' | Another member of the Guild will of the International Journalists' expedition was a Jew, and that there j bear, but with no avail. Now,, they We are td live in tabernacled dur- were at least several others on board)! planned to. do a little assassinating On the boats of Columbus, these! produce a one-act play for the first federation at the League of Nations. There are many objects of great ing this holiday, says; the Scripture could net raise their "lulabs meeting of the Jewish Women's Wel- Dr. Blakenstein is a member of a value to man, which cannot be obof some of the ringleaders^ of the aJews nd csI a memorirj to the days of Our of Jewish origin. ke. And 8u at Santangel'sj esrogs" and chant "Hoshana," if are organization in November. Dutch-Jewish family that has given tained by unconnected individuals, \v^ : eft^h^ > ¥rSn3ut the land of a very large percentage' of the crew Vhome, they-met'and * • but silently their lips' must" havei . -^— — Holland's Jnwry many Zionist but must be attained, if attained at selected' as their l Egypt'' to t th' th'e land of * •Canaan-—as a; murmured those words and their | Miss Evelyn Chaiken, leader of the leaders. all, by association.—Webster. memorial'to -the days when the sky were Jews, for as Keyserling points' first victim one of the prominent'In- hearts must have danced with a ] Brownies, announces that the first out, the greater portion of the crew; quisitors. was our only roof. j meetingg of the Brownies will be held In accordance with their decision, peace that is beyond expression! The period of Succoth, by one of was obtained from the Spanish jails. Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish TeleThursday afternoon, Oct. 9, at 4 WEbster 2429 those eternal recurrences of history The whole venture looked so dubi- they made their way to one of the graphic Agency,-Inc. ' o'clock. Miss Chaiken wants every cathedrals at which the Inquisitor in ous that the safe, sane and respecDecatur St. 3527 commemorates another great migraBrownie to be present as she has imtion of a people—or rather it recalls table elements weren't at all anxious question was in the midst of his BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING portant hews for them. I have jnst received direct from Palestine a very nice stock of most beantlfol EsroRim and I^ulovlm for Sucoth Anyone desiring to buy one nil) please let the beginning of the end of a great to go., The king as a result, ordered devotions. me know »o that I can have it ready for him for Vontif. Then a scream was heard, LEAGUE We want to call to the attention of the Jewish public tbnt we nre petting In migration. On Tisha B'Ab; 1492, thothat any prisoners who would care Cn Friday afternoon, October 3, at dagger had been thrust through j now a new supply of the seasonable religions articles. Mnohzeirim with Jewish W. L. Av. 4 o'clock, Miss Shirley- Janoff, dancJews of Spain, at the climax of a to go along, would be given their theA heart and English translations, prayer books, Toleosim silk and wool of the best of the Inquisitor. He fell • Malashoek Jewelry,™,.,..^ 0 1.000 h . ,000 ing instructor for the Center, will hold bind. etc. period of glory, such as had hotfreedom. Tln+- natv? *vF +Vt«i uecoeoinafiftn I UGI1S "J e W d r y ...„.„.. «.«..-.O -U l.UUU Remember our famous Kosher soap. On the demand of a few customers 1 And during this particular period, finori dead. But news of the assassination, j been theirs since the days when ordered the following articles of pure silver ami plate silver candle sticks, .667 the first dancing cla$s of the year. Empire Cleaners Kidush cups. Hadeses, etc. Everyone, who is interested in buying one of the Spanish jails were largely filled instead of stopping the Holy Office,] their forebears dwelt in their- own them, should be so kind and let me know ahead of time, so I can have it ready Yousem Tire & 2 1333 All who are interested are urged to with Jews arrested by the Holy Of-' only put new zest in-the work of the; for them. land, were reduced to wanderers Kaiman Insurance .... 0 3 .000.be present at the first class. Every Jewish child who is attending any Jewish Religious School will again. On that day, they were forced fice of the Inquisition for the crime' Holy Office and added.more; victims Wardrobe .... . receive at my place of business during the days of Sundny nnrt Monday, Oct. . 0 3 .000' 12 and 13, a Jewish flag for "Simchas Torah." ABSOLUTELY FREE. of "judaizing," which meant that .to the fires cf_ the anto-da fes. The by royal decree to quit forever the J u s t ' a fair brand of bowling in-i The elocution class will be resumed ; £< r some of ;'them hadlieen found'to pjlt" " ~ ----^'-•----—•«-<Santangel \ was " caught and soil of Spain. More than a quarter augurated the season of the Business' on Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 7, at 4 of a million of people left to beg in on a clean blouse on Saturday, or burned, at -.the. 'stake! 1,".'"'. o'clock. Mrs. Venger, who taught the Let us now-; return'to, the younger Men's Bowliftg League at Francisco's class last year, will again be in France, Italy, and other parts of the «at a little better on the Sabbath— alleys. / — •world for a piece of earth on which . all going to prove that they were . Santangel, ~ who, as"."before stated, The Malashock Jewelry, last year's charge of th e class and urges all the Jews rather than Christians att despite the deed of His uncle, reto. rest and labor. With the , champs, defeated the Kaiman Insur- old members to attend and bring their heart. • • " . . - . ' . . tained his office as Finance Minis- ance the entire series, while the Ben's friends. On the day following this great expulsion, a man by the name of Co- •We know furthermore that,,,the .ter. Jewelry, a new entry in the league, The Jecompter Campfire girls, lumbus set out to find a new world, astronomical tables which Colu^nbus ;; As so&n; as hfe heara that Colum- surprised - the Wardrobes by winning whose guardian is Mrs. Philip Klutzand in his journal he wrote: "Or, carried with him were those of the biis' petition had * been rejected . by three games.' ~ the day their Majesties 'ordered the Jewish astronomer, 'Abraham 'Zacutol the Court, he "mad a gracious bow The Empire Cleaners won a pair nick, had .their first meeting Monday, For the financing of the expedi- before the Queen. Sept, 129, at the Center. They plan Jews to leave their lands, on the tion, i t is now generally admitted She and the King thought very from the Yousem Tire >& Battery Co. to keep a hew and unusual calendar Combined with the same day, they provided^ the means •. Jack .Melcher; set, the high; mark credit is largely due to Jewry. well of him. He waj a ke^en minded, for me to 3et out on my search of with a 224 single game and. a total iii the lobby of the Center. It is goThe familiar legend has it that level headed, cool business man, not ings to be In the form of posters that new lands-* I am quoting from memoryr Th*e' Queen Isabella pawned her jewels likely to be carried away by any fanBen Yousem, Harry Smith, "Dr. D. will- record the birthdays of great exact words are slightly different, to defray the cost of the expedition. tastic, half-baked or fly-by-night en- :.C. Platt, Leo Weits and Jules Gefe- Jews and Jewesses. .".-.-". ^ but the difference will not be found We now know, however, that it was terprises. iick shot excellent scores. • w "Jews not jewels" who made the Your.Majesty)?.he began, "think • Mrs. Fv\ H. Roddy is to be the and Sciejitifically Blended to alter the meaning. ,' ef the dominions that will be added PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS guardian of a new Campfire rtoop at Why did Columbus couple 'the Jn- voyage possible. " in Omaha But there is a debt which the to Spain if the hopes of this expecident in his diary? '.•';,There is one school of historians world owes the1Jew that goes even dition come, true. deeper than this . I rfefer to the fact "Consider' the Ships 'laden with j I which answers very simply: Colum; bus was a Jew himself. He was a that after Columbus- had been turned gold that will dome'back" from the J Marrano, one of those converted tlowh ; by:: tjieir ; Catholic' :Majesties Eewly discovered; jands-{th^fc will "help | ' I Jews of Spain, who outwardly pro- Ferdinand and Isabe.J"!a,; it .was a ' us in our wars.,.w^thpthex;countries. fessed Christianity, but inwardly Jew, Luis da" Santangel, who ap-J; (Spain at the time, was having conIS clung to their , Jewishness—one of pealed to Isabella that she alter her j stant wars with neighboring lands.) those many thousands who in the decision and so forcibly did he a r - | Knowing that Isabella "was a dedays of the Inquisition went to im- gue, that he' won his point.' Colum- vout Christian, the canny Santangel i • ! posing' Cathedrals on Sunday and bus gratitude and. appreciation for argued further, "Your Majesty has said herself; sang -Te Deums and implored the this act is revealed by the fact that 1 and saints and on the following Satur- when he returned to Spain after his that you have 'decimated' whole ' day in synagogues built in subter- first voyage, he sent the first letter towns and cities "and wiped out .peo-i ranean caverns, prayed forgiveness announcing his discovery to San- pies for the good of the church.'i1 Now,-you" have an opportunity a t a for their prayers on the ^previous tangel. Who was; this Luis de Santangel? •much smaller cost to bring to t h e | There is no other Coffee Sunday. MO T I O N There.is quite a school, which, as He was a Marrano, who served as church the thousands of souls of the to be compared with it I have said, adheres to this theory of Minister of Finance to the Court of savages who. inhabit the undiscovSpain. As a Jew, he was, therefore, ered countries. The saints will sing the origin of Columbus. | subject to arrest by the.Inquisitors, your' praises in Heaven." My good friend, the very scholar"And even if the-expedition should : ly editor of the Jewish encyclopedia, but their Majesties thought so highAsk for it Sold by Dr. Isidore Singer, firmly credits ly of him that they granted him a fail,' ^he concluded^ "it cannot be a "special dispensation" affolding him total failure. Certain . discoveries this theory. In his moving prose, he Insist on Advo All First Class once predicted that in the days to immunity from all "judaizmg" must inevitably result if the voyage "Famous for Grocers come, instead of the swarthy Ital- charges. In brief, it was an order across the seas is made.* to the Holy Office to let Santangel Isabella was impressed." Flavor" ians of Milan and Genoa, the Jews Everywhere alone. It was well that Santangel "But. Senor Sanrangol, we have of Berditcheff and. Jassy, and of Keshiheff—now living In New York, stood so high in the grace sof the; no^ money." ! •would march on October 12th from Court, for otherwise, he would un-1 Santangel was prepared for this. .the Columbus monument on the East doubtedly have met the same fate as -I Ks pointed to a fund in the Aragon McCORD-BRADY CO., OMAHA Side of New York, carrying repro- his uncle; Luis de: santangel, the • treasury, which could be used. More, Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed by ductions of the Nina, the Pinta and first, who was fed to the flames of he was prepared to give of his own an auto da fe. ' * i personal-purse, . the Santa Maria, and miniature flags This elder Santangel had been • The Queen was. now in full agreeof Zion. Just at this moment I merely desire to make, passing reference to SHOES this aspect-'qf the Discovery. WALKING At present—=at this Festival of Succoth—i£ "interests-me more than To grace your smartest that these thireelw^ts ha<l a number 1 walking costume I of, Jews on-tfiem and that on Hosh•UncdSn's Leading Hold*' ana Raba, the^ seventh day of Succoth after a long J journey' over the* UpKolding the finest traditionsof - * uncharted .seas, a.: cannon'boomed forth on one of the, boats. Nebraska's famed hospitality.... It was the agreed signal of "Land Ho!" Lunch Room. Pompeian Restaurant, Auto. Who was this sailor who first RUNNING t e e WATEC Club Headquarters, Social and Civic and upward IN EVERY ROOM sighted the land? We know definiteCenter, Convenient to Everything. ly only one thing, and that w&s— AND 53?° A shoe you'd choose for its WITH BATH . that he was not of Spanish-Christian NO HIGHER 250 Modern Rooms stock. We - know that it had been style alone, even though you from $1.50 promised that' the sailor who first sighted land would be given.a bonus know that it's primarily built and , that this sailor in displeasure at the'fact that the promise was not for comfort.... "Motion-Measfulfilled quit his adopted faith and NO returned to the religion of his ancesured" for the enjoyment of PAPKIMG. tors. So the' historians all tell us. WORRIES He may- have been a' Moor* and reDIRECT EKTBANCE active, walking feet. CenterFROM HOTH- TO turned to the Moslem fa|th, or he may have,been a Jew. buckled for instep fit. DecorBut;let us return to the realms of the more undisputed facts. Wo ated with true L Miller disknow £hat-the interpreter of, the/ex KARL HEUMANM AUtuging Dirtctor UNCQLN, peditipn was Louis de Torres. Van tinctiveness! Loon 'In his. history of America has 4 fe-winmt in OMAHA—THE FONTB«U£I)> visualized Torres iri.hjs first AtBrandeis—Second Floor tempts a t holding convers with the .Indians as sayiiur—"huhl"



A^merw^ OnSuecoth

Turning Back the Pages of Time to Look Over the Part the Jews Played In the Discovery , ,<iU of Our Country •<





Enchanting Aroma of the Orient Irresistible Flavor of Brazil


Introducing the New

Advo Coffee Exhilerating for Breakfast Refreshing for Lunch Stimulating for Dinner










' . " *-. ' 4

- ,-*' V



Scanning the Horizon

Council Bluffs Press News

(Continued from Page 4.)

By F. E. K.

COUNCIL BLUFFS TO VOTE \ ONJSATURAL GAS OCT. 21 Mrs. The natural gas franchise was adopted by the city council last week without a. dissenting vote and the election has been set for Tuesday, Oct. 21» at which time the voters of Council Bluff s will be given their privilege to vote on the natural gas issue. Natural gas will be offered to Council. Bluffs as a cheaper and better fuel for cooking and water heating, and will compete with other fuels for, the house heating business. It will not be compulsory to use natural gas for house heating. The Council Bluffs Gas Company has stated that no jnew appliances will be needed for doing the same work the people are now doing with manufactured gas, and that these gas appliances will be adjusted for natural gas free of charge.


Clyde Krasne and infant daughter was taken to their home Tuesday from the Omaha Maternity hospital. The baby, which was born September 17, has been named Jacqueline Lou. Mr. and Mrs. Max Shostak and small son , Harry Lawrence, left last Friday for Lincoln, Nebr., where they will make their future home. Mrs. J. E. Schlank of Los Angeles, California, is spending a few weeks here visiting at the home of her father, Mr. Barney Gilinsky.. . Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossman are spending a couple of weeks in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. David Kolra'tz of Los Angeles California, arrived last week to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs, Ike Krasne and Mr. Krasne.

sentenced to prison. For two years, hs lingered there, writing scores of letters to his American friends, asking that they intervene, for he is an American citizen. Bat Kopman no sooner wrote a letter, than the guards destroyed it. Finally, he hit upon an idea. He wrote a plea to the State Department on a handkerchief and gave it to a stranger who agreed to see that it reached the American envoy. It worked. Kopman is now back iu New York. Reminds me of that apostle of religious tolerance, Roger Williams. In his day, he was-denied writing materials for an onslaught against the authorities. But Williams waB not daunted. He took his milk battle and used the wrapper for writing paper, and the milk for invisible ink.

He sent the milk written manuscript A few days later,! the man came to the printer with instructions to h. again and redeemed the ring. He apply heat, and the writing would repeated the act the following week b e c o m e v i s i b l e . - •••.• and again the next vreek. The fourth time the broker did not examine i t WHEN ROTHSTEIN Hi gave, the customer the $300 and WAS PEEVED put the ring in the safe. He was Perhaps this is not exactly the making easy money on this particuplace for such a story, but it is so lar piece. This time however, Kothinteresting that I cannot refrain .stein's man did not come in on from telling it. It's shortly to, be schedule. Finally, the broker looked told by Texas Guinan in her forth- a* the article, and saw that he had coming book: "Hello Sucker". The been taken in, for the ring the man "hero" is the late racketeer king, Ar- brought in the fourth time was a nold Eothstein. The story is as fol- phony, not worth more than a few lows: dollars. The broker had been done Some years back there was a out of $300. pawnbroker who specialized on loans But Rotbster was not through to people in the show business and his rates were extremely usurious. yet. He waited another month and After listening to some stories about sent a different man to the shop, him, Eothstein's ire was aroused and who told the pawnbroker he wanted he decided to even things up a bit. something flashy,, in the way of an He gave one of his henchmen a imitation stone- The broker figured diamond ring valued at $12,000 and that the man who had pawned the told him to get a loan of $300 on fake ring with him would never come the piece. The $300 was of course back, so he sold the false stone to given without any questions. the new customer, for $25.00.

Then fiothstein sent the original man to him and demanded his ring. The pawnbroker was compelled to admit that he had sold it and said that i t had but very little value, Whereupon the henchman drew out of his pocket an insurance policy to prove that the ring was worth $12,000. The broker was caught. He had to pay the §12,000 to get out of the jam.

who had some over with, him Gradno, thought it would be a al idea to asl. for phylectterje* (prayer shawls) and (tzitzes). But the Napoleonic Mr. Siegel did not fci; thf time, meet his Waterloo. Thowr items, were, of course, ruled oe«~ And the group of young men left muttering deprecatory threats." (Copyright 1930 by.the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

WHAT? NO PHYLACTERIES! I. FRIEDMAN RETURNS AFTER LONG ABSENCE Miss Freda R. Gloffer of St. Clair Shores, Mik., sends me in a little story anent my recent comment on Henry Siegel of Siegel Cooper fame. Miss Glosser credits the story to her father. In the days of its glory, the famous Siegel-Cooper store created something of a sensation in the commercial world by announcing that it would pay a reward to any person who "would ask for an iteir that was not available in the store". "My father and several young men

I. Friedman, who was in the clothing business in Omaha from 1914 fcft 2923, has returned to the city to b*»* come manager of the Omaha office of the Fairbanks Tailoring Company 1412 No. 24th St. For the past gevea years he has been connected with Edward E. Strauss & Go., Inc., o£ Chicago, Ills. Boast not of thyself of tomorrovr; for thou knowest not what a day jn&y bring forth.—Proverbs.

New Year Greeting from the Mayor of Council Bluffs Greetings to the Jewish people of Council Bluffs on the beginning of their Jewish New Year. ' » .1 wish to extend my kindest regards to the Jewish people of my city who have shown by their liberality in "supporting; any move of our citizens for the betterment of our city, making it a better place in which to live and in which to do business. Their liberality in supporting civic improvements should be appreciated by alL With kindest regards and best wishes for the coming year to your people and your organizations, I am . • ^. . .Very truly,. *•' ;,; O. H. BROWN, Mayor. •*..

1 B'nai B'rith Open Meeting


• '* The Council. BluffB lodge No. 688 of fhe Independent Order of the B'nai jS'rith, held a meeting Monday night |ft the Eagles ."hall. Mr. Sam Bubb Was chosen as the new vice-president •ftp' take" ihe place of^ Max ShostaK, •^ho weekly—*esigne| -io leave thj£ tnty. ; Plans .are being made by, the intellectual Advancement committee, of which Ben Kubby is chairman, for a series of open meetings and pro-grams. In place of the next regular meeting an open meeting and bridge %arty is being arranged for the meni" hers and their families and friends, which will probably be held Oct. 20. "Further announcement will be made in la later issue of the Jewish Press.

T I S T E X to the vohupererg. They Tfrill tell you that *•?". Natural Gas explodes. So, it does, and so does artificial gas. They won't tell you that more deaths have been caused from artificial gas than from Xatural Gas.


Berlin.—(J. T> A:)—TThe vascillafcing attitude of the former Kaiser Wilhelm toward Zionism a generation ago is now revealed for the first time in the memoirs of the late German chancellor, Prince von Bulow, which are now being published in the Vossiche Zeitung. ; Through the intervention of Prince von Eulenberg, German ambassador to Austria, Theodor Herzl obtained an interview with von Bulow. Herzl asked the chancellor to arrange for (SUCCOTH SERVICES audience with Kaiser Wilhelm.. AT NEW SYNAGOGUE anKaiser Wilhelm's -visit to Jerusa-. Services for Succoth will begin at lem in 1898 followed an interview flhe Chevra B'nai Yisroel new syna- j Herzj had with him in Constantinogogue at 618 Mynster street on Mon- • pie. This visit is described in the day evening, Oct. 6, at 6 o'clock. On , chapter of Bulow*s memoirs. On No^Tuesday services will be held in the , vember 2, 1892, Herzl and his col•^morning starting at 8:30 o'clock, and rleagues were received by the Kaiser fin the evening at 6 o'clock. On Wed- I outside the Jaffa Gate and Herzl nesday morning services will start at T made a brief speech of greeting. . 38:30. Everyone is urged to attent. In pointing out the Kaiser's weakness of character, von Bulow says that at iirst Wilhelm was. very enCzech Students : Prague—The. statistics of foreign thusiastic over Zionism, since he students who rtudy in C7.echoslovak- ho;ied by supporting the movement ian schools, which have just been is- to get rid of the German Jews whom sued by the government, show that he did not like. ] jaterj on learning that "the Ger-the Jewish students among the foreigners are not at all as large an ' mis n ambassador to. Turkey had said element as some Czech nationalists ! that the Sultan was opposed to a alleged recently. Jews constitute 46.1 [ Jewish -State, Wilhelm abandoned his percent pf the foreignerB studying entire interest .inrZi6riifinv according . in the "Chechoslovakian universities. ! to jvon iBulow. In thej;_tjechnical schools-; Jews are Statement "of the. ownership, manape27.7 of ijhe foreign students, while ;I rment, circulation, etc.? of * -The Jewish Press, published weekly at Omaha. JCehr., in the . A?3 Academy they. are only required' by the Act-of August 24. 1912, for October 1st, 1030. "Business Manager, 4.5 percent. Altogether there are Pavifl Blacker, Omnha. Nebr. Known 4,137 :fo}reigners studying in the stockholders, mortgages and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of higher s'chools.. of the country, of totnl amount of bonds, mortgages and other securities: None. Sworn, to and subwhom ju#t one-third are Jews. scribed before me this 3id day of October,



3930, Jsnuare Abrnmson, Notary Public. (My commission expires Aug. 6, 1030).

They will tell you there is no odor to Natural Gas and that you might light a match in a gas-filled room. This isn't true. Xatural Gas has a. distinct odor but the odor is less-offensive.---They won't tell you that 20,000,000 people notf using Xatural Gas are not worrying about explosions.


Listen for the tchispcrers and, remember this: That if a single one of the whispers were true every one of the 4M>QO American cities now using Xatural Gas would throw it out tomorrow.

Whispering campaigns are as old as politics. Such, campaigns consist of . arranging for people to whisper untrue stories about the opposition. The whisperers work in the stores, in your office, in your home, over the telephone, on the street corners. They say:"Have you heard so and "" so," or "Did you see that report," or **I wonder if so and so is true," and so on. Whispering is an; old trick practiced on peoplejwho are inclined to let others do their thinking.

Natural Gas is the - cleanest cheapest fuel. - . Xatural Gas, will reduce" domestic gas biUs in Coancii Blijfis, 1 J h e price will Jbe knr- enough: .'^at . homej owners can useit f-o?-heating if tbey^ so desire. Those who prefer, will'of


I Black 1

<All are Velicious


They will tell you that a few people may be thrown out of work, but they won't mention the hundreds that we have already put to work on account of Xatural Gas.


course, continue to heat with coal or oil. Xatural Gas will be another competitor, that's all. A number of industries in Council Bluffs will be benefited by.Natural : Gas -just as they are benefited in •every-xithier city. Evfery city that has Xatural Gas points to that fact as one of its advantages.



Council Bluffs Gas Co.




They will tell you that Xatural Gas, which is universally knoAvn to be the cleanest fuel in the world, will blacken your pots and pans, dry your wallpaper, discolor your curtains, get too hot, etc., just to make you suspicious. They will tell you that "pressure may be low in cold weather and that you might get cold." But they won't tell you that you don't have to heat with Xatural Gas unless you want too. And they won't tell you that pressure doesn't get low when the pipe line is equipped with modern compression stations such as are being built on our line.

E plain 'ami simple facts about THXafural Gas do not need any

Japan Tea i l

- - •






Its for wife" Holy

m nity, the upbuilding of which

disturbed national development.'1 - T h e memorandum> also declare* A number-of-the cast -for the that the considered "policy of *i— "Follies of 1930" to" be presented ' London, (fl.T. "A:).—The" demands particularly the new settlers,' are \ Jewish National Home can be under the_ auspices of "the" Shaare of the Jewish ^Agency: for Palestine much* more 'heavily • taxed than the j templated!',. the .memorandum state J g to the while the followingg three fundamen Zion Auxiliary on November 2, have wth regard to Palestine are formu-JArab peasant, partlyy owing

been seleceed-by Miss Florence Coates laved in a 100-page memorandum! obsolete Turkish system of taxation tals must be safeguarded: who is directing the production. submitted by the Executive of the still maintained in Palestine, and (a) "The recognition of the histThose who' have been chosen so farJewish Agency to the British govern- partly owing to the new regulations orical connection with Palestine of introduced by the British administra- Jews all over the world, as contained include Saxel Heshelow, Ben Herz- ment. Jewish immigration into Palestine tion." off, Ephriam Baron, I. H. Levin, in the Balfour Declaration and the Mrs. J . A* Oxman and Mrs. A. P . Morey Lipshutz, John Levin, Henr/ unrestricted on racial grounds in the Touching on the question of Jew- Mandate, must be maintained. Saltzman entertained forty guests a t Saitlin, Charlotte Salkin, Mrs. John fundamental condition of the estab- ish labor on Pu>'ic Works, the mem- (b) "Jewish immigration and cola luncheon and' Bridge Tuesday v lishment of the Jewish- National orandum charges that the share of - Registration for the,new' semester afternoon in the Davidson Tea Mr. Gedaliah Bublick, President of i DL eo vr oi nt h' E v a Lipton, Ruth Wigodsky, Home, the memorandum declares, | Jewish labor on Public Works is onization must be free and not subcf • the Talmud Torah will be held Boom. The. party was given; honor- the Mizrachi organization of' o f AAmerm e r jj y Friedman, Lou Slotsky, pointing out that the economic capa- \ wholly inadequate. Nothing that ject to any restriction on political D S. S Shu.'kin, S h ' k i WilW i l city of Palestine-to absorb a greater | since the establishment of the civil grounds, being limited only by the Sunday, October 12, between- the ing Mrs. Saitzman's daughter-in- ica, will speak a t the Jewish Com-1SS aa r a WWe J Jn e >>. Dr. desire and ability of the Jewish liam Slotsky,'Miriam Barrent, Mrs. law, Mrs. Albert Saltzman. formerly inurs of 9 a. m. • to 5. p. m. All munity Center Thursday evening, | population than it now holds will al- I administartion the Palestine govern- people to raise financial means for S. ShulkihV Maurice Rubin, Mildred Esther Korsch of Minneapolis. children, registering must be accomOctober 9, a t 8 o'clock. The lecture ways, depend on the developement of.ment has spent millions of pounds t h i s p u r p o s e j and b panied by their parents according to which is sponsored by some of Sioux Baron, Milton Barrent, Albert Herz- it;, it; resources resources. The meorandumfinds meorandum, finds i on public works works, the extent to which ' Mrs. Emil Bosenstock and Mrs. H. City's leaders, will be open to the off, Alfred ' Albert, Eleanor Lefko, it .equally true, that the development; Jewish labor finds employment on ment of Palestine, and its power the announcement made by the school Fishgall entertained a t a luncheon public. The ' Mizrachi organization- Ida Lipton j - Ida Gresnberg, Mary of Ithe, economic .potentialities of the , these works is a matter -of • para- absorption "• of • new. immigrants. No officials. * ,and bridge a t the Davidson" Tea represents the- Orthodox movement Kaplan and Margaret Kozberg. country "depends, •. above all else, on! mount importance, the memorandum limitation • upon the ultimate perMr. Louis Schilling, of Duluth, centage of Jews in the country can Other members of the cast will be Minnesota, hea been secured as the Room Saturday noon, honoring Mrs. of the Zionist Organization. 1 ,the: : influx of ; Jewish • men; and > points out because " t h e government b : accepted. announced through the Jewish Press Carl Fiirth who is a guest a t the aew,. teacher• on. the. staff 'of .the Mr. Bublick is a member, of the money." One condition essential; for hai never awarded to the' Jewish (c) "The Jews in Palestine are school. Mr. Schilling is a graduate Leon Marx home, and Mrs. C. Samp- Actions committee of the World at a later date. j the success of the Jewish; effort,, the i Agency any concession to construct to be considered • as constituting a of the Teachers', Seminary .in Balti-. ler, who is visiting to'the Fishgail Zionist organization, and also is a memorandum declares, is the_regula- j or operate any public works, utilities wore and has held the position of. home. member of th9 Administrative Corar A. Z. A. Members, Added tion of--Jewish immigration... by. the ! and services, or to develop natural united community upon a national Superintendent, of the Hebrew mittee of the extended Jewish authority. . chiefly responsible^', for ; resources, which the Mandate sug- basis, on an equal footing with the Arab community of the, country, not Schools of Duiuth. He received recog- Friday afternqohj Mrs. Leon Marx Agency. H e has but recently reSeven new members Were elected Jewish settlement — the , Jewish j gests the government do when the only as regards language, education nition last year for. the feat of copy- was hostess to sixteen guests, honor- turned from Berlin where the ses-into the A.i Z. A. at their meeting Agency for Palestine. | latter does not itself undertake and culture, but also as constituting ing the Five Books of Moses on a ing her mother, Mr». Carl Furth of sions- of these two committees took held recently a t , the Jewish Com! Consequently the extent to a partner in the political life of the Turning to the economic depression postcard. The card contains 23,000 Omaha, who visited at the Marxjl place. Mr. Bublick is considered an munity Center. *They are Morris in the Jewish community in the:them. which Jewish labor is employed on words,, and ca/i be read only with a home. ' Bridge was followed by aj expert on Palestine matters, having Borshevsky, .- Leonard Baumstein, years 1926-1928, the memorandum' public works depends almost exclus- country. Jews in Palestine will never desire to dominate the non-Jewish luncheon. .microscope. •. visited the country five^ times. He I Raymond ^iadmanv'Raymond Bar- declares that it affected only -Jewish ively on the ' Falestine government inhabitants of the country, and will On Sunday evening, October- 12, has written a T " - standard _*. J J work ' •' on ish, Sam Bermani Lawrence Silver- colonization and the Jewish popula- and its labor policy, always refuse to be dominated by Mrs. A. M. Davis will leave Octo- Palestine and is considered one of berg and H a r r y Zifkin, parents of j the Talmud Torah Stution. The burden of;that-period of | The memorandum of the Jewish them." dents will meet to discuss ways and ber 8. for JExcelsior Springs, where the foremost Jewish authors of the Abe Beech^n, president of the or- unemployment and ' the : cost of the Agency charges . that in Trans-Jorhe will attend the annual conference means of the school and any probdayV He was at one time editor-in- ganization, presided: at the meeting. successful liquidation "of that period dan, .part of the Mandated Palestine .r of the Prudential Life Insurance chief of the Jewish Daily News. lem? pertaining, to the school. Plans for was borne, almost entirely by the area under the supervision of the 70th Birthday of Dubnow the coming year were Company of which he is a n agent. discussed. Zionist organization and other'Jew- High Commissioner of Palestine, Berlin.—The seventieth birthday of ish institutions, the memorandum there , exists discrimination against Simeon Dubnow, famous Jewish hisLouise Herzoff Heads 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Rich, 709 West shows, commenting that the irregu- Jews, whether nationals of Palestine torian, will be celebrated here by a Macabees Aided Jr 1 XtipSUOn 1 ail -; Eighth street, announce the birth of lar influx of private capital, an in- or nationals of states that are mem- group of his friends and admirers on Prague—iThe Czechoslovakian govThe- Maccabbe Club held its regua son. flux over which t h t Zionist Organiza-, bers of the League of Nations. the 2.4th of this month. A conference Miss' Louise Herzoff, daughter of j lar meeting Sunday afternoon, under ernment through its Ministry -of of representatives of various Jewish Health has granted a subsidy of! As regards.; the: important question Mrs. Anna ' Herzoff, was elected' Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ruback of the direction of Mr. Ben Kab. One.1 0 0 0 0 ^ ^ ^ t h e J c w i s h M a c c a . tion had no power of control. organizations will be held here during Turning to the problem of agricul' of Jewish?Arab relations, the memPresident of the • Pi Epellpn Tau i Avoca, Iowa, announce the birth.of of ^ f e a t u r e s of the clubs pro-! b e e g p o r t federation of Czechoslothe next few days at which the details tural taxation of new settlers,the orandum of :tae Jewish Agency reitb^Sp^Fedrration^rCzeXX Sorority which met a t the Davidson a son a t the Lutheran Hospital on gram - for this year is uie weeKiy of the sub-Jewish Agency's memorandum com- erates the affinnation of the Twelfth of the celebration will be arranged. y a k i a > T h e ,^#1^^: Tea Rboni 'last Saturday afternoon, September 26. Mrs. Ruback was for- football practice. : "hat the Jewish agricultural Zionisi Congress; held at Carlsbad Among his best known works are vention lies' in the fact that the tr> mark its fust anniversary. Other ; merly Eva Baker of this city, a two-volume history of the Jews Macabee ^Federation is thus recogj settlers are allowed none of the exin Augrst 1921 that the Jewish officers selected a t the time include] . Sigma Iota Sigma elected new 31 2ec as one from post-biblical period up to 1882, reductions of, ,peope (in Palestine) on terms of sorority a t their' * * by'the ^government of {err.ptions from, or Miss Bernice Levin, Secretary, and; Mrs. Ted Fishman is a guest a t Mss Ida Levy, Trasurer. Outgoing' the home of her parents, Mr. and j last meeting..The new members a r e j ' t h e l e a d i n & ; Organizations promoting; taxes which are almost universally [harmony and mutual respect, and to-and a histroy of the Jews of Poland activity in Czecho-| conceded on new settlements" but on gether with them to make the corn- and Russia. He is a fluent writer in officers are Neomi Horwitz, Presi- Mrs. L. Sterling. Bluma Olensky, Rozena Sacks, Sara ; I the contrary 'Jewish cultivators, mon home, into a-flourishing com- Hebrew as well as Russian. dent; Elizabeth Passman, Secretary,| ] Kaplan, Sadie Burnett, Bernice Goldond.Eogie Kczberg, Treasurer. j Mr. Hymie Lazere of Chicago, II- stein and Dena Baron. The meeting was held following linois, i s a guest a t the. nome of his j a luncheon^ a t . the Tea Room. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. LazrioThe Epsilon Phi Club held trreir tables were prettily appointed in the I •wich.. first meeting- of the year iast Tueisorority coloi-s- of Silver and green, j day evening, when they elected of^ vfith flowers and tapers carrying One of the outstanding social sue- ticars for- the coming year. Miss out the icolor scheme. cesses of the season w the' annual Rhoda Woolfson was elected PresiB'nai. Brith"Dance, held in the Ri- dent; Hannah Sperling, Vice Presigaudon,.Thursday-evening.,jOver 3Q0 dent? Sarah Goldberg, Secretary, and Religioxis Services couples-attended the affair. Arrange- Esthe Wutkhi; Treasurer. Mrs. ArthTMs evening a t Mount Sinai Tern-1 «?«*» l o r .the dance iwere i n the ur- Safcford is the advisor of this pie Rabbi L e w i s ^ U speak on 'the hands, of E.rN-.. Grueskin,; chairman* group which h a s been i n existence >ecent book by Boris Bogen,""Born: ?nd.his,;committee consisting :pfc A« for-fiver years.-'A program - for the a Jew.' r ' v " v ,'• • ! M.Bavis, Ben Sekt,.£»r. H> M, Ley; coming year was-- outlined at the The Religious School of the Tem-i in^Bobert Sacks, A. Ffiinherg, Jantes meeting and includes" work in home pie has begun its work for the year ! Greenstone, Morey. Lipshutz, I. H. economics; cultural subjects and athIf you regularly make long* bard trips wet with a record registration. The ; Levine,, Leon -Dobrofsky, Abe. Pill letics. • • bad roads—if you've had considerable trouBchopl has been divided into ten! and Joe. Levine. . .>-- - ^ _^_ ble w i t h punctures, blowouts or getting classes with the following teachers! M r - — : T -The Business Girl's Club held ari on the staff: Neomi Horwitz, Johan-J ' and Mrs. Philip Chisen an- open meeting last week. Dinner a t ; jnijed— ^ \ '*• :':<--h ' ^ ^ ' ' * na Weinberg, Rozena Sacks, A n n a i n o ^ c e the engagement of their 6:15 was followed by bridge. Pill, Beatricei Pill, Gladys^^ Weinberg, I daughter, Miss Dorothy, to Cliarles members will be elected into the Sudie Shulkin, Ruth Marx, Freda' Osheroff of Moline, Illinois. The wed- club a t the meeting next Thursday Come in and see the latest Goodyears for Albert ^nd-Rosdlie Sacks. Norman ding will be held;in the aear future, evening. • super-service and super-protection! Brodkey read the Service a t t h e : ~* i • ; -. .. M Assembly; last Sunday and the sing***** - Chudakoff and son, ofTaA newly organized project a t the ing was directed by Annette Baker hor, South Dakota, have been visit- Community Center is thei Masque The new Heavy Duty All-Weather—and the and Miriam Blank, with Rosalie | hig Mrs. : Chudakoff's parents, Mr. and Wig Club, which meets regularfamous Double Eagle—are the two greatest Sacks at<the piano. | a n d ^ r s - A* Levine, over the holi- ly every week under the" expert di; endurance tires ever built. Also we have a days. j lection of Miss Florence Coates. The . new 6-ply Heavy Duty Goodyear Pathfinder. . ;—— -'.group is organized for the purposes Siiccoth Services Mrs. Mike Grueskin of Kansas of dramatics. The Club is planning Low Summer prices—NOW IS THE TIME _ - . , __ . _• .. , .... ; City has been a guest a t the home to produce several brie-act plays in TO GET YOURS! Succoth, t l u Harvest Festival, will o f h e r m o t h e i v M r s . A . K o z b e r g . , t h e n e a r fainre aaid^:;ukxatt .pro. be commemprated next^Monday eve_ _ _ i duction-later in the season. Charter , and Tuesday and Wednesday ^ F l p r e n c e . ^ 8 6 ^ ^ o f W i _ m e m b e r s ; ^ t h e group- include BUI morrungsin^ the Shaare Zxon Syna- ^ o n E l f I o w a j w a g a ^ ^ a t t h e home Slotsky, Eva Gordon, Ruth Gigpdsky, gcgue and Mdont Simai Temple. ! Charlotte Salkin, Tsadore Mirowitz, o f M i s s M a r y Kaplan recently. Monday evor.mg at Mount Sinai ' I . , , , -.,. . ' - „• , „ ' Tample services begin a t 8 y ; & will Miss Bernice Pinkus departed re-f Alfred Baird, Albert, Ida Heshelow, Sovel Mesh-4 ' * • Mary Kaplan, Sara Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis f CTTTf \ T g / lDTf



Social News



t Goodyear is made to give you extra service; it is oversize and extra

will "use as hu subject "Tabernacies." ;.On Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning, Shaare Zion Congregation wijl. begin special holiday ..Services, at 8 o'clock. An elabjiipate.; Succah has been erect^d_ .»n .'the .Synagogiie and will accommodate iabout fif,ty persons. . , Tuesday morning Rabbi Rabjnowitz~will speak on "Tne Succah, a, fjymbol of Jev?ish Life." Wednesday morning: his subject will be '"The Jewi^i Search for Happiness."

Shaare Zion Synagogue „ •* « , „. l Registration for rtthe OShaare Zion EcUgious Scnool, which was begun last Sunday will be completed this Sunday, and regular work will begin on October 12. -, The faculty this year will consist of the Misses Dorothy Mosow> Dena • Baron, Ida Heshelow, BJuma Olensky and Helen Herzoff.

An organization of former stu-| dents-of the Talmud Torah will be N e w officers of the Hawkeye Club formed on Wednesday evening, Octo- assumed their duties a t the opening ber 15. An announcement of the meeting of the season held last Tuesmeeting will be sent to all boys and day. They are Morris Marsh, Sugirls between the ages of 14 and 19/ periorj Joe Skalovsky; -Vice-Supe^ Exchequor: onew a t t e n d thft H e b r ^ w r i o r . L e o n a r d ghindler, ^ hhoo afc afc o n e w a t t e n d thft H e b r ^ w r i o r L e o n a r d ghindler, Exchequor: wiU organize for George Fineberg, Scribe; Morris Th the purpose of assisting in matters kefkovich, Sergeant a t Arms. pertaining to the Hebrew school, to form study circles in. Hebrew, Jew-\ Committees appointed by the presish History and Hebrew literature. ident Includ'e Harry Kanofskyj MorThe faculty of the Talmud Torah i-is Lefkovich, Kubin Bird, Program urges every boy and girl between Committee; Jay, Eiaff, Dave.Wigodthe ages specified to miike plans to sky, and Pave Kaplan, Finance be a t this meeting, October 15, a t Committee j Philip Mirken, Morris Lasensky and Sidney Slotsky, Initia7:30 p. m. 'tion Committee* . -

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• ' : • • • • • "

;ie'': p r e s e n t - a t ^thje; ^ba^J:U:^l,




Your Tire Troubles to the HOBERMAN

Talmud Torah Alumni

J. N. ^F. Meeting The d u b held its first" football Mr. Joseph Aizenbergj Chairman practice a t the Twelfth and Pierc« ibsJERSMfcATS: OF ALL KINDS street "lot > Sunday morning wher mittee, has called a meeting of that many of the members turned out; group for Wednesday evening, Octo- Practice in punting and passing was ber -8, in the Jewish Community stressed, . . With Dave • Kaplan and Gentefi:Themeeting ^ i l l begiirat;% Morris--Lasensky' leading--the squad; Isb'cKfefe:''?%&$'. mattersj ^ta^aiia^g- to, two teams were -picked* and scrims* mage .was .held,', 1, ; ' •*"..,> f , ;


cently for Chicago, where she is en- elow, Rose Rife, Ida Llpton, Eva rolled in the Pestolozzi Froebel Kin- Lij<tori,;Charlotte KanterovJch, Sara dei"garten School. • I (Joldbergi* Morris Merlin, Ben Herz— off, Milton FiShgold, Bess KahterpMr. Max Krploff has returned to vich, Eva M&ron and Louis Slotsky. Chicago, where he will .continue his at Chicago U. The Deborah Club held its first meeting'- of the season last Sunday afternoon. The group' is composed of girls 13 to 15 years of age. Miss Ida Lipiori'is the advisor of the group.




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