October 17, 1930

Page 1


t/ie Interests of The Jewish Community

Interesting and Entertaining

Entered as eecond-dass mail mutter on January 27, S postofflee at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March |


FNAI B'RTTHTO DarrH 'Wilson Debate J. H. KULAKOFSKY BE ADDRESSED IS CONSERVATIVE A|* ises Great Interest BY A M . COHEN SYNAGOGUE HEAD Internationa] President to Be Featured at Dinner Dance November 6 Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, international president of the B'nai B'rith, -win be guest of honor at a mammoth dinnerdance to be given at the Blackstone hotel on the evening of November 6. According to present plans this event promises to be a feature event in the social calendar of the coming season. It will serve as a dual celebration, welcoming a newly-initiated membership class as a -culmination to the present membership drive and at the same time taking"official cognizance of the election of Sam Beber to the second vice-presidency of the District Grand Lodge. ; Beber's election to this post is exceptional in B'nai B'rith annals in that he is the youngest man to ever hold that post. Hon. Alfred, Cohen, who will deliver a short message, will be the only speaker on the program. The balance of the evening will be spent in a program of entertainment and dancing. According to Vice-President Irvin C. Levin, head of the Intellectual Advancement committee, reservations will be necessarily limited to 200 couples. As it will be impossible to accomodate a larger crowd, the first 200 reservations will be accepted. The charge per couple will be $3.00. Beservations can be made by writing to 301 Electric Building or calling Levin at Atlantic 9840. Next Thursday the local lodge will entertain its members with a special smoker, to be featured with peppy entertainment and a bridge tournament with prizes awarded to the best players. • • .-: . . . •

FIVE SCHOOLS IN GREECE WILL BE B i l l fOR JEWS These to Be Established for Exclusive Use of Jewish Students Salonica.—(J. T. A.) — Five new schools-for-the exclusive use of Jewish students will be established in Salonica by the Greek government, according to a decision reached by the ministry of education following an agreement with the Jewish community. The curriculum of these schools will provide for at least ten hours weekly for the teaching of Hebrew and other Jewish subjects. The teachers to be employed for the specifically Jewish courses will be paid by the government but named and supervised by the Jewish community. The upkeep of these schools is estimated to cost about 2,500,000 drachmas!!. These government Jewish schools will be able to accommodate about 1,600 pupils. These pupils have hitherto been attending the foreign schools, chiefly the Congregational schools, the school of the French Laique Mission and the Italian schools. Children of Greek citizens are now forbidden to attend the elementary classes of these foreign-managed schools . The new legislation prohibiting the children from attending the foreign schools does not apply to the schools operated by the Alliance Israelite uni* versalle, a French organization. These schools will be permitted to function as in the past.


Twenty-five new members have been added to the Toster of the local chapter of the Mizrachi, orthodox branch of the Zionists. Officers elected for the group are Samuel Ravitz, president; Abraham Cohen, treasurer, and Elihu Bloch, secretary. Max Venger, retiring president, heads the executive committee. The fifteenth annual convention of the national organization will open in Baltimore Oct. 26, with the Wailing Wall question'the main problem under discussion. .

Jewish "Talkie" Jerusalem.—The Yiddish talking picture, "The Jewish Mother", was presented at a local theatre without any of the unpleasant disturbances that marred the showing of the Yiddish talkie in Tel Aviv last week.

A flood of ind favorable comments has been evoked by the announcement of the prohibition debate between Clarence Darrow and Dr. Clarence True Wilson on October 22 at the City Auditorium. This will be the inaugurating event on the 1930-31 Community Forum program, sponsored jointly by the Jewish Community Center and the Council of Jewish Women.. One correspondent asks, "Is wet propaganda against the eighteenth amendment fair when it advocates law violation ? Can Mr. Darrow for all his brilliance justify the - American citizen in patronizing bootleggers under existing laws, thereby becoming law violators?" Another letter illustrates the attitude of the "neutrals." "I am interested in Mr. Darrow*s substitute for the present situation. Does he favor the return of the saloon, state control, local option or what form of regulation?" A note signed "Wet and Proud" brings this query for Dr. Wilson, "What sort of a nation would this be if we eliminated the influence of

BLOOD RITUAL LIBEL REVIVAL ALARMS JEWS Jewish Peddlar of Carpatho-Russia Arrested on TrumpedUp Accusation

New Medical School a Boon to Jews

VOL. Vm.—No. 38

Heimwehr Rejects Anti-Semitism as a Slogan in Elections

New York.—(J. T. A.)—Kepresentative William L Sirovich, M. D., has accepted the invitation of Dean Washington, Jefferson, Grant and othGeorge R. Hardie of Long Island er drinking men of historical fame? Even today with prohibition doing all Officers and Trustees Are Elect- University to serve on a committee which is to formulate plans for the ed at Annual Meeting of its prohibiting, this country is wisely creation of a medical college which Congregation entrusting its destiny to men the bulk is to be a part of Long Island uniof whom find solace in "the cup that J. Harry Kulakofsky was elected versity and which is to provide clears." Dr. Wilson is hailed as one of the President of the Conservative Syna-; additional facilities for Jewish students who desire to study medicine. outstanding leaders in the prohibition sogae for the ensuing year att the | Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—The rejection X>ean Hardie writes: movement. He was in the midst of ; f P ^ a l meeting of _the congregation at the Center-last week. "Three-fourths of the students of of anti-Semitism as an election slogan the battle when Oregon was in. the Other officers.- -chosen are Mose Long Island University are Jew- by the Heimwehr has led to a complete vanguard of the states that went dry. Yousem, first vice-president; Dr. A. ish. Facilities for the study of break in the negotiations between In recognition of his services to the cause, he is at present National Sec- Greenberg, second vice-president; A. medicine in the city of New York Prince Starhemberg, Heimwehr leader, retaryof Board of Temperance, Pro- B ; Alpirh,treasurer; Philip Klutz- are pitifully inadequate. The med- and bis German counterpart, Adolph i ical schools of the city have many- Hitler, chieftain of the National Sohibition and Public Morals of the nick, secretary.. - . times as many applicants for ad- cialists. .The following were elected to serve Methodist Episcopal Church. The pourparlers between the GerClarence Darrow has won fame in addition to the officers to serve on; mission as they are able to man and Austrian Fascists leaders receive," Dean Hardie wrote Sirothe executive committee: Harry Lapithrough almost innumerable debates looking toward mutual co-operation vich. dus, Sam Beber, Bv A. Simon, Harry and sensational cases before. the have been abandoned because of the • j courts, always as the, champion of in- A. Wolf. influence of the Christion Socialists. The board of trustees consists of Dr. I dividual rights and the protection of Hitler's proposed visit to Austria has the minorities. He is regarded as one' Morris Margolin, Dave Cohen, Julius also been given up. of the most fluent and brilliant ex-! stehi> L w - Rosenblatt, J. J. GreenThe Heimwehr, under the influence temporaneous speakers of the day. His. ber S> William Alberts, Sam Klaver, ijulins of the Christian Socialists, turned debate with William Jennings B r y a n Altman, Dave Greenberg, Ben down the Aryan race principle as elecGlazer, Irvin Stalmaster, Simon Bordy at Dayton, Tenn., in 1925, on Evolution propaganda since the Christian tion, attracted nation-wide attention Al Wohlner, Paul Bernstein, Sam Socialists insist that racial anti-Semiand provoked countless controversies. Cohen, M.F.Levenson, Louis Sommer, tism is contradictory to Christianity. Louis Kulakofsky, Dave Feder, L F . This is in direct line with the recent Goodman, Isadore Abrams'on, Jack j ~~"~~"~"~~ Marer, Keuben Bordy and Henry Mon- P l a y b y A d l e r F a m i l y I s Closed action taken by the Archbishop of Mainza who prohibited all Catholics in sky. Prematurely After Three his diocese from joining the Hitlerites A dinner for the new board of trusDays because the program of the latter was tees was held Wednesday at the Omaincompatibely with the teachings of ha Athletic Club. The guest of honor New York.—(J. T. A.)—The New Catholicism. was Rabbi Peter Halpern on the ocEphraim Marks, prominent in casion of his departure from the city. JYork Yiddish theater season started While the Heimwehr's rejection of Creighton university activities, was Rabbi Halpern conducted the services ) somewhat inauspiciously with the dos- anti-Semitism as a campaign issue is ing of the Adler vehicle, "Millions," gratifying to the Jews they are faced chosen president of the junior law here during the holidays. a play by Carl Hoessler, based on the with the unique situation of not findclass last Tuesday. At the congregational meeting moMarks has been a member of the tions of appreciation -were unanimous- house of Rothschilds, three days after j ing any Jewish candidates on any of Creighton debate team for four ly passed extending thanks to Sam it opened at the New Yorker theater. the bourgeois tickets for parliament. years, and was captain last year. Beber, outgoing president, and Jack The play had received fine notices in The Schober center bloc has declined He won a Corpus Juris award last Marer, retiring secretary, in behalf both English and Yiddish press, and to invite any of the Democratic eleyear and is a member of the Pi of the congregation for their efforts though George Jessel, its producer did ments to participate in the new party Lambda PM fraternity v during the past year. I not expect it to be a financial success, because the Democrats are considered i* somewhat premature. No "too Jewish." . Addresses were given by Rabbi Hal-

Decision of the Austrian Facists Leads to a Break Between Heimwehr and Adolph Hitler


Elected President of Creighton Class

The social Democrats are rumomi to be replacing a number of Jewiufe members of parliament elected «* Socialists by Christians. The Jews are said to be retiring because of old age. Schober himself reported to b* greatly disappointed that his own bloc has been turned into an anti-Semitic affair. The leaders of the only independent Jewish ticket, headed by Dr. Robert Strieker and supported by the Radical Zionists are of the opinion that the anti-Semitism of the Schober bloc improves the chances of the Jewish, ticket which had previously been considered hopeless.

RUMORED THAT ZIONISTS PLAN CONGRESS SOON Executive Neither Denies Nor Confirms a Congress for January

London.—(J. T. A.)—Reports that the coming 17th World Zionist Congress will take place in January were neither denied nor confirmed by tbs>. • Bratislava.—(J. T. A.)—A revival World Zionist Executive following inof the long-exploded blood-ritual acquiries made by the Jewish Telecusation against the Jews is agitating graphic Agency. the Jews of Carpatho-Russia who are It was officially indicated to the aroused at the arrest of a Jewish pedJewish Telegraphic Agency that in p l a n s 1 1 0 0 to dler charged with;cutting the arms of pern and Harry A. Wolf. Plans for ^J** ^f^ ^ date view of the expected declarations by two Christian girls and extracting the installation of officers were re->i as to the future plans of the Adler " the British government of its future their blood for holiday ritual purposes. ferred to the executive committee, to clan. policy with regard to Palestine as well The incident began when two ChrisOn the other hand, Ludwig Satz be carried* out in conjunction with the as in connection with the Simpson retian-girls in the vicinity of Ujazeme Ladies' Auxiliary. The auxiliary's j opened at the Public Theater with the port which is expected to be published injured each other's arm while playThe peace problem study group of members on the boaid were elected at > "Bridegroom from Berditchev," a light at the end of this month it is likely musical comedy, with lots of girls, ing. The mothers .of the .girls; refused. *hfr-Gmafca CaunaLcf- Jewish Women a meeting of the yesterday. that the Zionist • Executive will avsii J dancing and singing and a l i t of to believe "that/the girls had hurt •will hold its first meeting of the sea- j The third annual rummage sale^sf itself of the .opportunity to utilise th« tragedy. A commendable feature of theniselveBj charging that the Jew had son Tuesday, October 21, at 12 o'clock recommendaion made by the Zionist the play is the music by the young Hadassah will be held on Monday, Actions Committee. extracted blood for holiday purposes. noon at the Blackstone Hotel. Plans October 20, at 2008 No. 24th street. composer, Abraham Elstein, whose The- Jewish- population .at-- lirst for.thejseason's program will be made This recommendation, which wss Mrs. B. A. Simon is chairman of melodies are reminiscent of chassidie ignored the charge as silly chatter" but at this meeting. ad ted a t t h e recent session of "lidlach" and American jazz, which the affair. She is being assisted a t j ° P the situation became serious when the Mrs. Manning Handler, Mrs. Morris the sales at the store by a committee committee in Berlin, stated that it I strikes a new note in Yiddish music Jews learned that the criminal court The following were elected commis- j Levey, Mrs. F. H. Roddy, Mrs. Fred including Mesdames Julius Stein, Max outstanding developments take place will try the case because the gendRosenstock, Mrs. Albert Shafer and sioners of the B'nai Israel Synagogue, a t The opening play of Mark Schweid Lerner and Sam Frohm. which make it desirable to call a conarmes who investigated the matter Mrs. H. A. Wolf, are new members 18th and Chicago streets, at an elec- mBTthe' Bronx Art theater, the forMrs. I. Grossman, chairman of the gress the executive should then issue are alleged to have found that a Jewtome of the late Rudolph Schildof this group, which meets twice each tion held hist week: M. Black, S.! motors corps which will pick up a call for the congress. ish peddler, Moritz Steinberger passed month for the study of peace prob- Riseman, H. Marcus, L. Ackerman, J. kraut is a very serious presentation It is not excluded, however, that the through Ujazeme the day on which from the pen of the perennially pop- bundles on Sunday and Monday, is lems. Members of the Council who Tretiak, S. Ferer and M. Wintroub. the girls were injured. being assisted by Mesdames Julius j congress will take place in January ] wish to join this group are asked to i n tfa e event that circumstances inMany peasants, as well as the local .communicate with Mrs. Samuel Ger- The heads of the congregation ex- ! Chair." The play is well presented Abrahamson, J. J. Friedman, Max: quire, it was pointed out pressed themselves as highly satisfied! Fromkin, Joe Goldware, H. A. Newteacher, have testified that they saw son, chairman of the department. with the large attendance at the holy- j Jf ™ extremely large cast, each doing man, Harry Perlis, Abe Praedell, I. Steinberger cutting the girls' arms a r t t o a d d to t h e company s am- Rosenblatt and Richard Shlaes. Mrs. Samuel Cohn is telephone day services, featured by Rabbi Man- i ^ P and extracting the blood into a bottle. bitioa t o uel Laderman of Chicago, and Cantor' produce plays in a modern, Mrs. Meyer Friedel is chairman of It is further charged that a local doc- chairman of the group and Mrs. 'tasteful and intelligent manner. Joseph Bonoff, secretary. A. Schwaczkin and his choir. the telephone committee and is astor who examined the injuries diagsisted by the board. All members nosed them as the result of a blood wishing bundles to be picked up are extraction. requested to call Mrs. Simon at GlenThe entire Carpatho-Russian Jewry dale 1028, Mrs. Grossman at Harney is disgusted over the silly accusation Young husbands will welcome witle 7813, or Mrs. Friedel at Glendale glee the announcement of the openand they are appealing to the court 0S19. to speed up Steinberger's trial in oring of the domestic science departder to establish truth before the counment of the Jewish- Community Center Geneva.—The first meeting of the and the news is expected to find & try is disgraced and made ridiculous London.—(J. T. A.)—While giving Arab point of view, the Jewish Tele- the road between the Jewish National international Wailing Wall Commis- ready response from vrives and hopein the eyes of the world. expression to his admiration for the j graphic Agency learns. Sir John, Home and the second part of the sion will not take place before the to-be brides. A balanced schedule of Sofia.—King Boris conferred high Jewish achievements in Palestine and whose report is to be made public Mandate referring to the non-preju- end of this month, according to classes covering all classes of Home honors upon x.uke Moskowitsch, pres- lauding the constructive work done in shbrtly, describes the Arabs* concep- dicing of the rights of the existing Charles Barde, the Swiss member of Management has been prepared under the Commission. The first sessions the Smith-Hughes act and provision ident of the Ashkenazic Jewish com- the" country through - Jewish enter- tion of the growing danger of Jewish non-Jewish population. Pending the publication of t h e of the Commission will probably be has been made to receive non-tnejnbers munuity of Sofia, and upon Joseph prises and initiative^ the report of predominance. (Continued on Page 6.) held in Stockholm, M. Barde said. Noting that while the Palestine govHaimoff, prominent tobacco merchant. Sir John Simpson also stressed the as well as members of the Center. ernment has done little to bring the Classes in cooking from the eimpl* Jews and Arabs together and to make meal to the utmost is culinary art them understand one another, Sir will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays John's report points out that the inand Thursdays in the evenings. Other stallation of the Jews in Palestine is groups are forming to study Mental being watched with jealousy and sus- ( Hygiene, Home Management and picion by Hie Arabs who see in it a Budgeting, Beauty in the Home, Homp Vienna, (J. T. A.).—An outline of Pointing out that the Jewish peopBoston, (J. T. A.).—Selective im- immigrants that are to be admitted menace to their land possessions, their Nursing and First Aid. The departmigration, which would abolish the annually. existence and even to their religious j measures that would help to create le or "rather Jewry forms in the ment is under the joint sponsorship present quotas and allow only a seThe present labor law, which pro- freedom, the Jewish Telegraphic! a reapproachment between Jews and first place a cultural commonwealth of the Jewish Community Center anR Arabs in Palestine is given by Dr. and that the assistance of valuable the Council of Jewish Women witii lected number of immigrants to en- vides -alien skilled labor be admitted Agency understands. ! Albert Einstein in an interview pub-" elements can only be secured if the Mrs. William Alberts in charge. ter the United States, will become if labor of like cannot be found in » an important issue at the next ses- this country, is criticized in the Exilished in the Juedische Stimme, local Arab question is solved in the sense Registration is made at the Center sion of Congress. This has become ecutive Council's report for its broad closely guarded to prevent any leaks | Zionist organ. of an honest understanding between it is learned that his findings show dear from the annual report of the interpretation. I Dr. Einstein points out that "it is nations", Professor Einstein said, and classes meet as soon as fifteen that the march of Jewish progress in Executive Council of the American "in the near future it is important are registered for the course. Paid-up The Executive Council is also in Palestine is considered by the Arabs j impossible for two peoples to live Center members may enroll free, and Federation of Labor. favor of including professional musi- as the advance of an enemy and a (the same country without regular chiefly to establish close relations non-members are taxed a registration uiie economic anu between the working masses and the The report comes out in favor of cians and artists under the terms of daily growing danger, realizLg that I fee of one dollar. s. A particularly dif- line of action by the General Federathe bill which was presented during the alien contract labor law. lands purchased by the Jewish Na-!lficolt robleni ip to tion of Jewish Labor in this direction the. last session of congress which W l J Fund w T can ™ »never r Kbe restored. J7L. lnj_.«. f contact tional ^P »_v>" _,-_«*aMfeh 4-w CJ is suitable." i with the Arabs, gain their confidence provides that no immigrant should bis report Sir John will probably try 1 "Through constant fights in Palesbe given a visa unless he can prove land have them understand that it is to hold the balance between Jews and tine the better elements of the Jews to; the American consul that his ennot intended to affect their economic Arabs, it is believed. He, will no try into the tJnited States would not have been driven from the moveThree Jewish students in the Creighdoubt endeavor to find the middle of well-being. Through patient politibe detrimental to employment concal work it must be endeavored to ment and it is in the interest of the ton University Medical College were Gedaliah Bublick, president of the ditions in-this country. This clause Mizrachi, Rabbi Manuel Laderman of break the influence of unconsoiable upbuilding of Palestine as an idealis- chosen class officers in the elections however is not applicable in the case Chicago, and Rabbi N. Feldman adelements and professional politicians. tic movement of enormous importance held this week. of immigrants who have a right to dressed the meeting of the Bikur It must be remembered that England to secure a peaceful understanding Sol Goldman of Brooklyn, New enter outside the quota. can only help us when we facilitate on political problems", he concluded. York, was chosen secretary of the Cholim society this week. Over three The report of the A. F. of L. Ex- hundred members were present. senior class, Bernard Bloom of Brook"The Goblin's Hop," sponsored by her task by ourselves establishing lyn, vice-president of the sophomores, ecutive Council states that during , A feature of the meeting "was the the Kappa Chapter of Theta Phi Sig- relations with the Arabs", Dr. Ein- For Protection of Women Warsaw.—A decision to create an and Morris Blacker of Omaha, vicethe next session of Congress a bill presentation by the organization of a ma will be held at the Blackstone stein declared. He recommended that particular organization for the protection of president of the freshmen. will be introduced providing for se- check for 5150 to Mr. Bublick for-the Hotel on the evening of October 26. Mizrachi, which the orthodox -wing of A feature will be a prize mask waltz. attention be paid to a study of the Jewish women was adopted by the Goldman and Bloom are members ©f lective immigration and that the bill the Zionist organization. RefreshHerb Feierman's orchestra will Arabic language "because otherwise Jewish delegates to the International the Phi Delta Epsilon Fraternity and will contain a clause empowering the ments were served at the conclusion furnish the music. Admission is §1.25 it is impossible to establish effective Congress for the Protection of Wom- Blacker is a nledee to this tnedkal President to control, the number of of the meeting. group. per couple. contact". en which met here last week.

1 **

Council Peace Gronp . to Meet on Tuesday



Simpson Report Praises Jews and Stresses Arab Viewpoint


Einstein Outlines Plan to Achieve Arab-Jewish Peace

Selective Immigration to Be Important Congress Issue


Jewish Medical Students Elected Class Officers

Well-Known Speakers at Bikur Cholim Meeting

Theta Phi Sigma Giving "Goblin's Hop"



The last Witt and

ure their budgets on what they con- MOXBKT, KATtEMAN & GBODIJTSKY.. or share* fif capital stock of any corporation or corporations, or for nnv kind or sider an. absolute minimum, the budAttorneys • ;. species of property or obligation or se"V: Omaha National Bank Bid?. get committee very rarely finds it curities. The Articles may be amended by NOTICE OF INCORPORATION n majority vote of the issued outstanding possible to grant a request in full.

is hereby given thatofthe stock upon written notice ten davs For instance, more than $55,000 was Sf.SINOTICE x<ih Pu^uant to the laws theunaerstate capital Prior to nny meeting called for that purDated September 3, 10S0. and with t h e a ^ e n t of TVIP ncrpnniec1 Principal office shall be in Omaha, bougH. A. WOLF, <uiu witn m e dsseni 01 m e agencies. las County, Nebraska. The objects and H. H. AUEREACH, n oses AVM. L. HOLZMAN Some 15 sessions were devoted to P n> and nature of the corporate busiLOUIS H1LLEK, budget study this fall, each session operate a general real' estatff'and^nsnrH. H. BROWS, When the eighth annual Omaha s 0 KOBEKT H. KOOPER ^n^wfe ^! Community Chest campaign opens on lasting from three to four hours. All! S s ? uT To* purchase J. J. GREENBERG, 1 DAVID OHEENBEH November 12, all of Omaha's citizen- budget committee members give their &§^ g^gfe^ ™* £Zg*g $g£ 4T 10 17 improved and unimproved, of any and ery will lend their support to the oneservices g r a t i s . every kind and description, and to sell, annual civic effort which unites every dispose of, lease, convey, mortgage or 8TAI.MA8TEB Ss BEBF.R, Attorneys otherwise encumber nnd to manage, operOmahan, regardless of station, creed 650 Omaha National Bank Bide ate, improve, develop, control, maintain, NOTICE BY rCBMCATION ON PETI. construct nnd generally to deal in said or color. TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAI, aAlj property or any part thereof and nny imADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT provements thereon, either directly or Henry Monsky is president of the In the County Court of Douglas County through ownership of stock in nny other " Community Chest. The drive will be corporation or association, (b) To main- Nebraska. I" *ne Matter of the Estate of Max tain an agency for the writing and sell- fehrier. led by Ford E. Hove, president of the Deceased. ing of policies of insurance issued by regAll persons interested in said matter are ular corporated companies lor insurance Stock Yards.National Bank. Other any and every kind of hazard, in- hereby notified thnt on the 20th day of September, 1930, Hrman S. Shrier filed a campaign leaders have been appointed Dedication services for the group of against cluding life, health and accident, fire, lia•CT] bility and all other varieties and to write petition in said Comity Court, praying thnt as follows: : new Duucungs at final administration account filed herer i a n a gga n| i a n d sell bonds, fidelity, surety and nilhis be settled and allowed, and that he Gwyer H. Yates, big gifts chairman; Boys' Home, eleven miles west of Iothprx matters and things incidental to the in be discharged from his trust as adminig_ , ., _. , , , maintenance and operation of a complete rv constant association with men and his trotor nnd that a hearing will be hnd on Forrest N. ^roxson, business chairAt the age of seventy-fve Sigmund its other expressions." Freud conJ adequate J and Insurance agency, (c) To Omaha on the Dodge street road, will — * '-—• • ~ said petition before snid Court on the 25th maintain an agency for the selling, dis- day of October, 1930. Freud has at'last come into world re- cludes that the idea of a purpose in dependence on his relations with them man; W. F. Cozad, industrial chairthat if you fail and dealing in real estate nnd /or to appear before said nnd cognition, after a rich career which life "stands arid falls with the-relig- even estrange him from his duties as man; Hairy B. Zimman, foreign cor- be held at three o'clock Sunday after- posal Court on the snid other property as agent or factor for -oth day of October. 1030, nt 0 o'clock noon. has brought lasting benefits to manothers and to operate, supervise nnd man- A. M.. nnd contest, snid petition, husband and father. Woman finds porations chairman; Mrs. Adolph Sach The buildings, which were recently age Conn office buildings nnd every kind nnd may grant the prayer of said the kind. . Freud has just written a vol- ious system." petition of real estate holding, improved ume which constitutes his "last will It..is the pleasure-principle which herself thus forced into the back- residental chairman; James J. Fitz-'. completed at a cost of- more than character a decree of heirship, nnd make snch and unimproved, for itself or on behnlf of enter other nnd further orders, allowances and and testament" in which he records dominates life, according to Freud. In ground by the claims of culture and gerald, South Side chairman; Victor, $300,000, including an office and gym- the owners thereof. 2. To engnge in thedecrees, to this Court may seem proper investment and security business to the as his impression of men and their fu.' their mental and physical life men she adopts an inimical attitude to- B. Smith, publicity chairman. Among] nasium building, faculty building, financial end thnt all matters pertaining to and for this purpose and to the end of ac- said estate ture.•' There will be many who will may be finally settled nnd deany of its objectB, among Chairman Hoyey's vice-chairmen are | trade building and power plant. The complishing violently disagree with him, but hisfashion the program of their existence wards it." other things: (n) To acquire by purchase, termined. The Communitsts find no support in Otto H. Barmettler and E. S. Water-!power plant was rebuilt shortly after subscription or otherwise and to hold ns 1( BRTCE CRAWFORD. views are pungent and deserve wide in accordance with the pleasure which investments, any bonds or other securities J-3-3t County Clerk. attention. ...... —THE EDITOR. . it will bring. The difficulty, as Freud Freud, who ridicules their contention bury. or evidences of indebtedness, or any shares a fire destroyed it and threatened the of capital stock of any corporation, public that man is fundamentally good and or private, or of nny association, or of an When the municipality of • Frank-points out, is that the world itself does friendly to his neighbor. "I have no . When the campaign opens to raise other buildings of the home. individual of the State of Nebraska, or of not operate with that end in view. The operating funds for 30 social agencies • Special preparations are being made any fortt, Germany—origin of the Rothsother state, territory or country. (t>) concern with an economic criticism of To purchase, guarantee, hold, assign, childs—recently awarded its gift of purposes of man seem to be diamet- the communistic system," he says." "I for 1931 the goal will probably be for to' care for the large crowd which is transfer, Phone JAckson 1226 mortgage, pledge or otherwise of any bonds, or other securities, ten thousand - mark for the: Goethe rically opposed to those of nature. The cannot enquire into "whether the "aboli- something over* $450,000, as compared expected since Father Flanagan Boys' dispose or evidences of indebtedness, or shares of prize to Sigmund Freud for his con-inevitable clash causes the unhappi- tion of private property is advantage- with $442,427!. raised last fall. The j Home has made thousands of friends capital stock created or issued by any croassociation or individual of the tributions to -science, the father of ness and misery with which the world ous and expedient. But I am able to increased quota is necessary because j all over the country and many are ex-poration, State of Nebraska, or of nny other state, *.!,„ unusually ,.«,,m,«ii,, great ^.^^i- demand ^OTVIOTI^ for -r«7. aid, *M 'pected to come from long" distances. territory or country, nnd while owner psychoanalysis:was too ill to.be pres- abounds. When people see the world recognize that psychologically it is of„* the thereof, to exercise all the rights, powers ent at the occasion, whichvconstituted going against their wishes they try to founded on a untenable illusion. By due chiefly to unemployment and the On the stage will be seated repre- and privileges of ownership, including the to vote thereon, to the same extent the pinnacle of the world's grudging change the world,to their own con-abolishing private property one de-ensuring complications of sickness, de- sentatives of all religions, races and right as a natural person might or could do. (c) To aid in any manner any corporation, recognition of his benefactions to man- ception of it, attempting to eliminate prives the human- love of aggression linquency, eteJ, according to Lawrence color, symbolizing the spirit and prac- firm, individual, or association of which kind. In an .unostentatious _ home in the > •undeairaiple ieatures^ubstitutjng of one of its instruments, a strong one Brinker, acting budget committee | tice of the institution which is open any bonds, or other securities, or evidences a wish-fulfilment for some aspect of of indebtedness, or stock are held by this chairman . j to -homeless lads of all faiths and Vienna Sigmund Freud is now living: company; and to do any acts or things undoubtedly, but assuredly .not. the designed to protect, preserve, Improve or his last days," burdened by 'a mortal the world whicfii is unbearable. " T h e strongest. It in no way alters the in- The increase in the goal is not,;from all states. enhance the value of any bonds, or other disease which is aggressively wearing religions of humanity must be classi- dividual differences in power and- in- however, proportionate to the in- Father Flanagan Boys' band will j securities, or evidences of indebtedness, or fied, as mass-delusions of this. .kind. stock, including the guaranteeing of any creased need for aid, Mr. Brinker 23rd and Cuming Street the music for the exercises. dividends his body away. But ..the. mind of or bonds, or contracts or other jfluence which are turned by aggres-states and explains that exact figures furnish Needlessto say, no.one who shares a Governors Arthur Weaver of Neobligations of any such corporation, firm, Freud remains as limpid and penetrate association or indivdiual. (d) To have one siveness to its own use, nor does it ing as in the days when he abandoned delusion recognizes it. as such,": is change- the nature of the instinct in on this ration can be given at t h e ) f a r a s k a a n dJ o h n Hamill of Iowa are or more offices to carry on all or any of Freud's devastating comment."• operations and business and without retime the quota is announced, as a re- o n t h e prO gram. Others who will its the conventional paths of medicine'to striction or limit as to amount, to purany way." chase or otherwise acquire, hold, own, suit of _ the budget committee's i n j s h ^ fc^ ^ ^ _ make B i s h o p Jo launch upon a creer of original re-Defining Religion mortgage, sell, convey or otherwise disx Taking the stand that the tendency NATIONAL vestigations. ^ "seph J. Rummell, Mayor Richard L. pose of real and personal property of every search that was to bring him con- Perhaps Freud's most pithy deaaiclass and description in any of the states, to aggression is an innate, instinctual A word about how Chest budgets Metcalfe and Henry Monsky. ACCESSORIES, INC. tumely and slander- -and ultimate ad- tion of his viewpoint on religion is districts, territories or colonies of the disposition, Freud believes that it is are determined might be interesting. United States, and in any or nl foreigln miration. Father Flanagan Boys' Home is contained in the following: countries, subject to the laws of such "Everything for the AutoM the most powerful obstacle to culture. The annual goal is not set by merely State, district, teritory, colony or country, supported by the general public and As he surveys the scene of his life "Religion circumscribes these meas- He provides no solution to the prob- considering how much the community (e) To acquire the good will, rights and 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 at seventy-five Sigmund Freud looks ures of choice and adaptation by. urg- lem. He merely indicates it. He doesmay be expected to give, although through wills and bequests. It re-property, and to undertake the whole or nny part of the assets and liabilities of back at a career rich in understanding ing upon every one alike its single not have any too great faith in human this must be taken into consideration ceives no assistance from Community any person, firm, association or corporation, to pay for the same in cash, the of the human mind, sympathetic to way of achieving happiness and guard- nature. And as he concludes, he in keeping budgets down. The real Chest, City, State or church. stock of this company, bonds or otherwise, and to hold or in any manner to dispose human foibles. Perhaps more than ing against pain. Its method consists leaves us with a spark of hope, en- basis of allotment, however, is the reef the whole or any part of the property any other man in modern times Sig- in decrying the value of life and pro-flamed not by man's love for bis fel- sult of intensive study of each agency so purchased; to conduct in any lawful 0. manner the whole or any part of any busimund Freud has taught civilization to mulgating a view of the real world low but by bis recognition of the need expense estimate for the coming year, ness so acquired, and to exercise all the J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor powers necessary or convenient in and look inward, rather than to concen- that is distorted like-a delusion, and of conserving himself, taking into consideration actual exFOE RENT about the conduct and management of such trate on its outward achievements. both of these imply a preliminary in- "Men have brought their powers of penditures of the present and precedbusiness. 3. To acquire, lease or sell or "NEW FOB OLD" assign licenses in respect of, mortgage, or Bedroom and kitchen for Enemy of inhibitions, antagonist of timidating influence upon intelligence. subduing the forces of nature to such ing years, and statistics on services j otherwise dispose of letters patent of the 1619 Farnaro St.—AT, 8481 Light Housekeeping." BeautiUnited States or any foreign country, unnatural reserve, Sigmund Freud has At such, a cost—by the forcible impo- a pitch that by using them they could rendered. The total of these budgets, patents rights, licenses and privileges, inful rooms well furnished. championed the "natural man. "When sition of mental infantilism and induc- now very easily exterminate one an-plus four or five per cent for shrink-! ventions, improvements and processes, copyrights, trade-marks and trnde-names Frankfort bestowed the Goethe prize ing a mass-delusion*—religion succeeds other to, the last man. They know age, and from six to seven per cent 2429 Decatur—WE; 3527 relating to or useful in connection with ftny business of thl« corporation. 4. To upon jum it was purely a gesture of in saving many people from individual this — hence' arises a great part of for the expense of administeringriand join, or consolidate with and to enter into German chauvinism. But to the world neuroses. But little more. There are their ..current unrest, their dejection, collecting the fund, maintaining- the For 50 Years agreement ana cooperative relations "With any person, firm, association or corporaat large Freud stands forth as man-many paths by which the happiness their apprehension. And now it may Council of Social Agencies and the Your Towel Man tion, governmental, municipal or otherwise LARGEST STOCK in end about the carrying- on and out of land's greatest defense against repres- attainable for man can be reached, be expected that the other of the two Social Service Exchange and conductall or any of the purposes of this comIN WEST Omaha Towel Supply Co. sive environment. pany. 5. In general to carry on any other but' none which, is certain to .take him 'heavenly forces,' eternal Eros, will ing the campaign, makes up the total Quick Shipments business in connection with the foregoing1, 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 In ttie quietude and calm of his last to it. Nor can religion keep her put forth his strength so as to main- campaign goal. whether manufacturing or otherwise, nnd Our Hobby for to have and exercise all the powers condays Freud has written what might be promises either. When the faithful tain himself alongside of his equally The budget committee is composed BOIUEH 45 Years Iferred by the laws of Nebraska upon corp| orations. The foregoing provisions shall OMAHA STOVE called: his last will and testament. It find themselves reduced in the end toimmortal adversary." of nine men and.".\7omen, representa! ba construed both ns objects and powers; REPAIR WORKS synthesizes the thought of a lifetime. speaking of God's 'inscrutable decree,' jnnd it is hereby expressly provided that tive of both the business interests and 1206-8 Douglas Street (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts (the foregoing enumeration of specific powIt is a rich edmixture of psychoan- they thereby avow all that is left to l ers shall not be held to limit or restrict the social agencies of the community. : Feature Syndicate). alysis and philosophy. It is his. mes- them in their sufferings in uncondiin any manner the powers of this corporaAfter the' proposed budgets for the jtion. 6. Without in any particular limitsage to humanity, after having seen tional submission as a last-remaining ing any of the objects nnd powers of the coming year have been submitted by 'corporation, it is hereby expressly deits crdsssection under the most reveal- consolation and source of happiness. Egypt Plans Tariff iclared and provided that the corporation LAUNDERS & DRY CLEANERS ing of microscopes. His will is called And if a man is willing to come to Cairo.—The Egyptian government each agency and reviewed by the ' shall have the power to borrow money for 2401 No. 24—'WE. 6055 committee, conferences are held with I any of the purposes of this corporation "Civilization and Its Discontents" this, he could probably have arrived is planning to impose a duty on (and to issue bonds, debentures, debenture Follow the Crowd to delegations from the agencies, to de.stock, notes and other obligations therefor. (Cape and Smith). Therein Freud has there by a shorter road." oranges and bananas from Palestine. i and to pledge or mortgage all or any part THE TURKEL COFFEE analyzed man and his passions, his There are three sources of human Egypt has been a large consumer of termine what curtailments or read, of the property then owned or thereafter justments of expense items can best SHOP ; acquired, together with the income, rents ambitions, his fears, his pettiness and suffering, as Freud sees it: the super- Palestinian oranges and bananas. I and profits of property of the company, : 219 So. 14th St. land to issue bonds, debentures, debenture vulgarity. His views are those of an ior force of nature, the disposition to The duty is in retaliation for a re- be made.- Although the agencies figI stock, notes or other obligations without idealist-realist, of a man who, know- decay of our bodies and inadequacy of cent Palestinian tariff on vegetables IBVIX C. I,EVI>\ Attorney I any such securitv. The total authorized 301 Electric Bids. capital stock shall be $3000,000. divided inJOB FOUNDRY ing the worst, is yet able to point a from Egypt. to i;000 shares, par value $100 each and our methods of regulating human reNOTICE XO XON-1HESIDENT AND MACHINE WORK way to the best. when issued shall be fully paid nnd nonDEFENDANT lations in the family, the community assessable. Stock shall be issued as the REINFORCING STEEL corporate needs require and shall be paid In the Municipal Court of Omaha, Dougand the state. '?In regard to the first His Theory for as issued and may be paid for in cash, las County, Nebraska.' '• j notes or in other property, real or personal, To Raymond B. "Wixson, defendant. According to Freud, life is a strug- two, our judgment cannot hesitate; i t i at the reasonable value thereof as the comYou are hereby notified that on the 1st forces us to recognize these sources of j pany may need or be able to use in the day of October, 1030. Iiadore Schultz, as gle between Eros and destruction^ bej conduct of its business. The corporation MARIE FLANAGAN'S plaintiff filed his petition, Doc. 27, Pjige 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 I shall commence business upon the filing of tween the principle of love and the in- suffering and to submit to the inevit343, in the Municipal Court In the City of ! these Articles with the County Clerk of HAT SHOP MOVING — STORAGE Omaha, Nebraska, the object and prayer of stinct, of death. These are in effect able." But for the last source there: Third Ave. and 11th Street i Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue •which are to recover the sum of 350.00 and PIANO MOVING 2nd Floor, Aquila Court i until January 1, 2030. The jiighest amount new names for Ormuzd and Ahariman, is still hope. It is in this section of, fhones: 89 and 519 the costs of this nction; that one (1) Buick of indebtedness to which the corporation Room 234 Sedan, Bearing License No. 1-2735S Nebrasthe ancient Persian gods, who repre- his will that Freud reveals himself an j COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA shall nt any time subject itself shall not ka, and Motor No. 2347504 In the possession AI/WAYS THE NEWEST' exceed two-thirds of He capital stock. The of Frank Teach, proprietor, of the LockEXCLUSIVELY MHAINEBY sented light and darkness. As far as optimist, though hardly a sentimental- I affairs of the corporation shall be adminwood Garage, have been attached in snld istered by a board of directors; the numFreud' is concerned, life revolves ist. He analyses the various "discon-, action on the ground that you are a nonber not in excess of nine, shnll befixedby resldent of the State of Nebraska; and tents" in our civilization and posits around love, whether it is the Mndship the by-laws. The directors shall be elected that said cause has been continued until niCH—CREAMY from and by stockholders nt the annual the 2Cth day of November, 1030. at 9:00 between man and woman, or between certain fundamentals. I stockholders' meeting. The term of office A. M. of said day, at which time you are "The first requisite of culture, there• shall be one year and hold office until their man and his society. But the prinrequired to appear and answer In said WE FKAME PICTURES I successors are elected. Immediately after cause, or judgment Trill be taken against ciple of death intervenes, and subjects fore," he says, "is justice—that is, the the annual meeting of stockholders, the diyou in accordance with the prayer of the Beautiful Pictures and Decorations PLEASES PARTICULAR PEOPLE rectors shall meet for transaction of all AND man to wars, pestilence, aggression. assurance that a law once made will petition. for tho Nursery [business property coming before such a IZADORE SCHULTZ, Plaintiff, Within man himself there is the con- not be broken in favor of any individ[meeting and to elect a President, VicePhone JA. 4373 By IRVIN C. LEVIN, his Attorney. president, Secretary and Treasurer, which He hastens to add: "This imT stant battle between the spirit of love ual." officers shall serve for one year until their successors are elected. The Secretary need and the spirit of destruction. Man's plies nothing about the ethical value AT ALL GROCERS MONSKY, KATIEMAK * GRODINSKY. not be a stockholder or member of the future depends on the outcome of that of any such law." He then goes on to Attorney* board of directors. Any two offices ex"37 Omaha National Bank Bide. cepting that of President nnd Vice-PresiMade by battle. define the essential nature of the conNOTICE OF INCORPORATION dent, may be held by the same person. 2808-10 : NOTICE is hereby given that the unI Vacancies on tne bonrd of directors Bhall flict between man and society: "Man Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Freud ridicules man's efforts to dersigned have formed a corporation puri have the power from time to time to direct Cuming St.' suant to the Laws of the State of Neland determine the use nnd disposition of Company summon to his 'aid any outside force, will always, one imagines, defend his braska. The name of the corporation is HA 0881 the capital and nny surplus or net profits; Nebraska claim to individual freedom against Omaha ANCHOR OIL CORVOBATION. with its nnd in its discretion the Board of Directors any Superior Being. He thus slashes principal office in the City of Omaha. Tho may use and apply any such capital, surthe will of the multitude. A great at the average man's interpretation of corporation is organieed to engage In theplus or accumulated profits in purchasing part of the struggles of mankind centselling at wholesale and retail, of oils, its own bonds or other obligations or religion. greases and lubricants of every kind find shares of its own capital, to such extent ers around the single task of finding character, and kindred products; to deal In and in such manner nnd upon such terms "The ordinary man. cannot imagine any other commodities; to buy, rent, or as the bonrd of directors snail deem exProvidence in any other form but that some expedient solution between these; otherwise acquire and to hold, sell, lease, pedient, all such shares of capital stock so individual claims and those of the civ-1 mortgage and otherwise dispose of any and purchased or acquired being subject to reof a greatly exalted father, for only all kinds of property, real, personal or sale, unless they shall have been retired •M Barry H. Lapidus. President- Treas. 5 ilized community." mixed, and uny interest therein or rights for the express purpose of decreasing the such a one could understand the needs thereto, convenient to or neceBsnry for company's capital stock but then only ns In the course of his examination of] 4420 Florence Blvd. of the sons of men, or be softened by the accomplishment of any of the objects of provided by lnw. The annual meeting of human nature Freud analyses the j the corporation; to enjoy thru ourselves or the stockholders shall be held the second their prayers and placated by the KB. 1500 otherwise the rights, .privileges and licenses Monday in February of each year at 2:00 under patents, trademarks, copyrights and P. M., at the office of the company in the signs of their remorse. The whole is command: "Love thy neighbor as thyThe House With A Reputation processes: to borrow money for corporate [City of Omaha; if said flay shall be a so patently infantile, so incongruous self." He says the following of this j purposes and to issue Ha obligations; to .legal holiday, then on the next succeeding time-revered and immortally ignored 1815 Farnam own and dispose of stocks or securities I business day. The stockholders who have with reality, that to orie whose attitude injunction: "A love that does not disof this corporation or :tny other corporapaid the fair consideration agreed for the We Occupy tion nnd to do any and all thtnea related purchase of their stock shall not be liable Over 70,000 Square Feet to humanity is friendly it is painful criminate seems to us to lose someto Its objects authorized by ftw. The for any debts or obligations of the comSouthwest Comer to think that the great majority of thing of its own value, since it does nuthorliod tnpllnl stock shall be $10,000.(M pany end in no event shall stockholders be CHARLES SIMON divided Into 1,000 scares, par value $10.00 personally liable for acts or commissions Eleventh and Douglas Streets mortals will never be able to rise ah injustice to its object. And seceach, all common and when lssned shnll of the officers, directors or agents of the Itecommends . Phone JAckson 2724 be fully paid and non-assessable. The company. Each stockholder shall be enabove this view of life." ondly, not all men arc worthy of love." corporation shall commence business when titled to one vote in person or by proxy Omaha, Nebr. The Sanitary Laundry Adjuring mankind to divest itself of the Articles are filed with the County for each Bhare of stock held by said stockClerk of Douglas Connty and continue for holder at every stockholders meeting. With "The Best of All Lnundry Service* its illusions, Freud, in his testament, "Women Is Culture's Enemy" fifty years. The highest amount of inthe assent in WTiting of the holders of esis debtedness shall not exceed two-thlrd« of sixty-five per cent of all the capital stock attempts to demolish the theory of a Freud beliesves that woman is the PLACEMENT BUREAU Farnam Us enpitnl stock. The affairs of the corof the corporation issned nna outstanding, In Its fortieth year "purpose in life." He thinks the ques- greatest enemy of culture. She is the y of poration shall bo ; administered by the or pursuant to the votes given in person or l employer* Board of not l«ss than two nor mora tban by proxy, by stockholders holding nt lenst tion: "What is the purpose of human great bulwark of conservatism. "Since five, directors, elected nt the annual meetsixty-five per cent of the issued and outSERVICE I. It fills permanent ing on the second Monday In January of standing srock of the corporation which is positions at salaries from $C0 to life ?" is entirely superfluous. After man has had not an unlimited amount each year. Immediately thereafter the .direpresented and voted npon in person _or $1.00; continuous pnr^tlmo posiall, nobody asks what is the purpose of mental energy at his disposal, he rectors shall meet nnd elect the officers, by proxy nt a meeting specially called for tion; supplies weekly, daily, or consisting of President, Vlcc-President. that purpose, or at nn annual meeting, hourly workers. No fees charged. of animal life. Why is the one higher must accomplish his tasks by distrib•"ym^' Et^C RAVERS \ Secretary nnd Treasurer. These articles the Board of Directors shall have power SERVICE I I . I t handles eonraay lw nmended by~twa-Uilrd« vote of outand authority to sell, assign, transfer, conthan the other?. The question, he uting his libido to the best advantage. \ tract -work, done by graduates. $&&ATLANTIC 0 6 j # J standing* stock. vev. or otherwise dispose of, the property In out rooms, tinder our supersays,"seems to presuppose that belief What he employs for cultural purpDated September SO. 1030. . „ . , _ and assets of the corporation as an entirely vision. ]51 ySO. !4 TH. ST. OMAHA.1 or going concern on such terms and condiin the superiority of human race with oses he withdraws to a great extent JA 5883 207 So. 19th St. H7MARQtTARDT, tions as the Board of Directors shnll deem SATIN ICE CRtAM CO fit right and Just, either for cash or bonds. Incorporator*. •which we are already so familiar in from women and his sexual life; hisi 4M0-3

Testament o









cut from the total requested for 1931, The name is H. A. WOLF COMPANY, INC'


The Father of Psychoanalysis Probes Civilization in Latest Work and Expresses His P u n g e n t Views on Timely Subjects



HULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors

Jewish-American Restaurant



Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company




Uncle Sam Laxatrre Food Okay Bran Flakes

[American Laundry]

Ground Gripper Shoes For Comfort

Ground Gripper Shoe Store



Van Sant School of Business



f •X

PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17,1930 She was even considering on whom to know Mildred's willing, but easy she could foist her own tasks. There going way. She would gladly have wr»> Mildred Goldberg but, ah, Mild- consented t o act for all of them, for red had never been one to bite off Mrs. Mortimer Myron ScbwartzberBy F- R. K. more than she could swallow. Year ger herself. And having undertaken in year out her task had been that all the task*, promptly forgotten of committee on halL Since the ball about them. So, the committees Plans Completed for Agudas Achim was always held in the basement of knew better than to call on Mildred. Dance to be Given Sunday Though t h e telephone rang incessthe Community Center hers had been Night at Eagles Hall more or less an ornamental post. ently from house to house, tied as Final plans for the Dance, carniJoseph Solomonow, son of Mr. andTo expect more of Mildred was notthey were by grippe and cares, they val and bazaar to be given by the Council Bluffs Agndas Achim Asso- Mrs. W. Solomonow of Council Bluffs, ciation a t Eagles Hall, 19 North la., was appointed cadet major of the Main Street, on Sunday night, Octo- R. O. T. C. a t Creighton University ber 19th, were announced a t a meet- last week. The appointment putting ing held Thursday night. Mr. M. L. him second i n command of the school Marks is general chairman of this batallion, is said to' be the first comaffair and Mrs. Charles Saltzman, mission ever given a Jewish student assistant chairman.. This affair is at this university. Solomonow, who is a sophomore, is sponsored by the Agudas Achim for the benefit of the local Talmud To- active on the school campus. He is rah. All profits derived from this a member of Phi Beta Epsilon, local affair will be contributed toward social frat; secretary of Chi Delta Chi, equipping the Talmud Torah school, senior military fraternity; reporter on •which is t o be located in the new The Creightonian, school paper, and an assistant circulation manager of synagogue. Shadows, school literary magazine. Mr. Marks stated that everything Last year h e was a member of the is being done to make this a n . out- frosh debate squad and was ranked standing event for t h e season and high scholastically. have this a big success, both. socially and financially. According to the advance sale of tickets, a large so arranged that each and every crowd of the Omaha and Council customer pays his just share of the Bluffs Jewry i s expected. Tickets costs. The Council Bluffs Gas Comare now on sale a t one dollar per pany has stated that no new apcouple. A good time is assured all pliances will be needed a s the preswho attend. Valuable prizes -will be ent appliances will be adjusted l o r given away, including a n elctric natural gas free of charge for t h e customer. Everyone is urged to vote lamp and gas stove. •. .. for Natural Gas next Tuesday and Marr's Imperial Orchestra will furhelp build up a bigger and better nish t h e music for the dancing Sunday night. Attractive booths are al- city in which to live. so being famished by various groups The Council Bluffs B'nai B^rith for the Bazaar. The public is urged Lodge .No. .688 will entertain a t a to attend. Bridge Party for all the members Council Bluffs Given Opportunity to and their families and friends on Monday evening, October 27th, a t the Tote Natural Gas Tuesday. Eagles HalL' Refreshments will also The election on the natural gas be served. A good time is assured franchise will be held in Council Bluffs next Tuesday, October 2L all who attend so everyone is urged Natural g a s i s being offered t o Coun- to save that date for this affair. cil Bluffs a s a cheaper and better fuel for cooking on water heating, . Miss Fannie Katelman entertained and -will compete with other fuels twenty-eight guests a t a Bridge Parfor the house heating business. I t t y a t her home Sunday afternoon in will not be compulsory to use natural honor of her cousin. Miss Jeanette gas for house heating. Natural gas Katelman of Omaha, whose marriage is-so rich, clean and inexpensive that to Mr. Sam Ban, will take place it can run a house for even less October 26th, a t the Omaha Athletic money .than ordinary, heat. It. is a Club. safe fuel, and i t is not poisonous. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein left Every voter is urged to be sure to get out and vote next Tuesday Monday for Excelsior Springs. for natural g a s . Natural gas will Henry Mendelson is director of the cut t h e average gas bill one-third. The proposed -natural gas rates are Operetta which is being given a t the fair t o all concerned. They give Thomas Jefferson High School this •: Council Bluffs t h e lowest priced fuel week. Miss -Florence Whitebook has that can be obtained and they are one of the leading roles.

Council Bluffs Press News

Solomoriow Appointed Creighton Cadet Major


dispose of ten tickets, reporting on eight, a t most. They talked by telephone, of summoning back to town Mrs. Mortimer Myrony Schwartzberger. But they never actually came to it. When a card, talking of the invigerating ocean breezes came with a "wish you were here", Millie Mintz was lying in fever and cared neither for ocean breezes nor for charity balls. Han-

nah had managed to get around *• some of the sponsors, but the ICT-* gram was nowhere near being rsistf£<r for printing. Julia Spivack, occaniaA with her household cares, gave n.*' thought to decorations and Mildred Goldberg, bridge fiend that she wsfcs. telephoned "none of them and v.-asnever home when they called. While this mild insurrection, fis (Continued on Page 8.)

ffiHE average gas customer in Council Bluffs will save at least one-third on the monthly gas bill by the coming of Natural Gas. "VT ATURAL Gas contains almost twice as much ^ heat value as manufactured gas. It takes only 58 cubic feet of Natural Gas to do the same work that requires 100cubic feet of manufactured gas. AS users will not notice any difference in the use of Natural Gas in their stoves or water heaters. The only difference will be in their bills, which will be lower. The savings will be at least one-third for the average user. It will benefit the whole city—even those who do not use gas.


FOLLOWTBELEADER Mrs. Mortimer Myron Schwartz- look after each thing. So she manberger was, as usual, the committee aged her house. - So she managed on committees for the annual charity her pet charity. She was inclined to ball which yearly reaped a harvest think herself a smart woman indeed. for t h e Old Age Home and added And then she made a yet another crown of glory to the the task in hand, Mrs. Schwartzberaustere brow of that leader of wom- ger, who was considered a person en, Mrs. Mortimer Myron Schwartz- more or less faultless, made a misberger. ' f take. When Mortimer Myron SchwartzThere was, of course, a committee on budget, & committee on hall, a berger came home to his dinner he committee on tickets, a committee on suggested that since business was a decorations, a committee on refresh- trifle slow on account of the bad ments, a committee on sponsors. -weather i t would be a good time to Yes, Mrs. Schwartzberger distributed drive to Atlantic City for that vacaamong her satellites the coveted tion they had promised themselves. honor of working hours on end for Faced with nothing ahead of her weeks before the affair. but t h e charity ball a month off, and She was so happy, as she put it that well, very well, taken care of, . a t the final meeting of all the com-Mrs. Schwartzberger readily agreed. With a hasty telephone call to her mittees, to have such capable hands to enturst with the difficult task of many committees, telling each how making this year's ball "the best tremendously sha trusted her. with the task in hand, Mrs. Svhwartzbere v e r . " . . ' ••"...• Confronting her little group in the ger and h e r husband set out on their ' - drawing room of the largest and trip. While behind, in the town gripped most pretentious of the sedate mansions which line the principal resi- in t h e icy fingers of a raw autumn, dential boulevard i n our town, Mrs. insurrection brewed. Brewed ? Boiled Schwartzberger went over her final over. instructions. Turning from one eager It all started with a common cold. face to another she saw not Mrs.Millie Mintz, the committee on tickHenry Mintz, Mrs, Samuel Novak, ets, called Hannah Novak on the Mrs. Julius jGoldberg, Mrs. David telephone two days after the deparSpivack. ; To her they were personi- ture for more pleasant climes of the fied committees who, leaving her committee on committees, and told house, would proceed about the var- her she wouldn't be able to get down ious tasks allotted them, tasks which town to see the printer about the they had fulfilled in previous years tickets because the doctor had forto rebound in glory to herself. bidden her to leave the house for a When they had gone, Mrs. week. She had mailed him the inSchwartzberger turned from the win- formation t o print on t h e tickets do with a sigh of relief. Her should- and would Hannah please arrange ers were light, they bore no burden. somehow for the distribution among There was nothing for her to do the women of t h e auxiliary for sale? Hannah, already burdened with the now but keep herself fit for the final, tasks of the committee on sponsors, triumphant ordeal, the ball itself* Again she ticked off on her fingers agreed to take on the tickets. And the countless things to be done in she would have, willing slave that the connection with the ball. No, she committee hat* become, had not her had forgotten nothing, everything two boys, Sammy and Arthur been was in charge of someone "who would laid up successively with the grippe. look after it perfectly. A glow of She telephoned in distress t o Julia pride mounted within Mrs. Schwartz- Spivack -who, entrusted with decoraberger a s she went up to her room. tions, had all she could do, considerShe-was to be congratulated on being ing that her maid had left and her { able t o find just the right person t o three children had t o be looked aft?"

could not meet for a conference to consider emergency measures. There were, of course, other members of the auxiliary, newcomers, mainly who had grown around the nucleus of the committees. They were not to be pressed into service. They had their homes and their families and considered their contribution great indeed if they managed to

NATURAL GAS RATES First 400 cubic feet of gas or less 90c (Minimum charge included) This little orifice is what cats your gas biE. AH that is required to change your gas appliance to use Natural Gas is this little cap. Its opening is only about half as large as the orifice on your present gas stove or water heater; therefore I t win cut down the amount of gas used. You can do the same work in the same time with less gas.



. ,

This block affects only a few customers using m vary small amount of gas for convenience. I n 1929 the cost of servicing each customer was Sle per month, not including the cost of manufacturing the gas.

Next 600 cubic feet of gas, loc per 100 cu. ft. « Next 1,000 cubic feet of gas, 12c per 100 cu. ft. Next 1,000 cubic feet of gas, 7*4 c per 100 cu. feet Next 7,000 cubic feet of gas, 6c per 100 cu. ft. In excess of 10,000 cubic feet of gas, 5c per 100 cu. f t

See Amount You Will Save Monthly

Equivalent Monthly Monthly TOTUngAmount of Billing on Mfg. Gas Natnrl Gas Mfg. Gas Natori Gas Monthly Co. F t . C. F t . Bate Bate SAVING 1000 580 $ L40 $1.17 * 3& 870 A9 1500 2.10 1.61 ZSO 2000 1160 1.99 U6 &50 2500 1450 2.84 USX .< 3000 1740 4.20 2.69 Z3A 4000 2S20 5.60 SJ3 5000 2900 7.00 S.68 &40 446 6000 3480 4.04 4J8 &AZ 7000 4060 9.80 9At 8000 4640 UL20 4.7J SSZO 7J» 9000 12.60 5.08 &57 10000 5800 14.00 6.4S Initial rates are subject to change by City Council ml any time. An costs aze open t o City Inspection. The Council has fixed fiie rate to all consumer*. It teas 1 low or ]ower tii&n many cities closer t o the gas field*. |






PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS* FETDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1930 to eSasal-faSy a E&ptist eterdb—«a*f it i Fetid Beym, Today the plight of oar f eSow-Jews in eastern | r B.Tf^.*?ffy jjsst I £ Sv^aig- J e w aa; one cf. fEa saints, fly pat isto e*ecfe the Europe is most critfeaL Seldom, if ever, hasj # o£ A rare ijr ececsfied egaaEty ef American Jewry been confronted with graver ^ I DE. HOLMES JEWISH PnfcKated every Friday arCtaaha,tfeferasfca,by problems, domestically as well 23 in Europe and| t Jerzst tners are tctnr SHE JEWISH P R i S S FCBEESHING COMPANY Palestine, problems -which require the application \ •« ties ci:. the Tie sgc&'zd pjierunnesas. ef t Office: 490 Brzndeis Theater EoiMisz of intelligence to leadership. The ultimate sola- _. cf the the SG Tj.: ' .• JTefeis&JEe: ATIactic 1450 'dis&er Bsechsr wiE reserve is'Gcisj£=d Jsse^S. Zstrsg-a. In; tion of these perplexing tribulations and the gen-i| United States I Professor Dnbsaw^s "Gescsicate f = 21; Addssapre tiers are £T« Jrriil- caf~; DAVID BLACKER - - - - E x c e s s asd eral, universal amelioration of our status is great- *Dr. Kannes ia tbe [didate* FBAKE. EL. ACSBHMAS - - * V - Editor \y enhanced by the existence of the American Appeal For Hias And ati A icme for all t i e New Ycrk ae-[£sfc includes tlrrse FANNIE KATELMAJI, CooncO BlaSs, Ia^ Correspoiidcnt Philadelphia.—Wholehearted eaose nssBoers cf Jewish Congress, adding prestige and dignity to dorsesent cf the werk being' do~e rities of t i e Yiddish Cnlcsre Sa-\:-3?Gzzzz, i e zzzxxsxsSr are Jnws, ' SIO0X CITY OFFICE Jewish representation and making the world by the Hebrew Sheltering and I s - i ^listed. Be-' st be rsnesKwred t&afc tke 3E7/1SS COMMUNITY CENTER—208 Pierce Street SodzEsts "cr meetings safer for Jewish caltore and progress. migrant Aid Society and the call to}21'1165



Sabscrfptfon Prfeev eae yesr • - • • • • • » • • $£50


Advertizing rates furnished en application


From Contemporary Pens j


HEBREW CALENDAR 5690-1930 Eosb Chodesh Cheshvan Eosh Chodesh Kislev 1st Day Chanokah. Rosh Chodesh Tebeth_ Rosh Chodesh Shevat_

faruss, t i e home the Jews cf Aiserica to ccalribute to i £=i the eirergeiury fssd cow being raised; «z^2 of in tils ccsstry are contained in s ; fctireaE, etc statement issced here by Dr. Cyras f Adler, presf dent of Dropsie College r Passion Play and president cf the American. Jew-t WashfEgtoa, D. C—Use FreOKirg I isti Conu-ntics. Xcucnin^ upon "ds* of the -ssrerk being done by; ^^^^ j. for the

The Jew and the Machine Age

lion Feucbtwanger, noted playwright and j Hias and the urgency cf the need novelist, Of the Jews" in existing overseas, Dr. Adler declares: declares:?? less nrsday, Oct. 23 n o v e iist, writing on "The Trend of

JWday, NOT 2 1 ^N e w Y o r k Herald-Tribune, expresses the ^ - i ^ - ^ t S ^ ^ / ^ S ^ ^ i

S i f f i o a

c fti&e

p T O t est

1• • - - • •





1l .


<±^zhT It ia saw '<• ^srr.'-r^jr.-^v

~&T3<iCXZL~Z Ctl'-ft'


cf Babfci

* ^


»^ nuamiuw y\\...than o .t h. e-r . ' .. . Idepresscu econsi^ic concitzQii 12 East-• . * *_ve re-. Monday, December 21f and. .because they have .beenjgni Europe taakes It dISIcul fc-lthe "" " " 19!j estranged from the soil for many centuries, Will • many Jews to earn their .Iirelfhaod J scieeui^d to £

Aadttori^rri were or"_ Acccrcing to

Chamisha O*ser B'ShevatHonday, Feb. 2^pj a y s iga^ug. r o ] e j n the technical progress of a ia tiis cooEtries in. waicit they Rb'sh Chodesh A«far... ,., . Wcdaesdar, Feb. fmachine^overne world. Referring to the posi- side, To esable tiers to innmgrate of the Passion Ray, a country in wtich they Monday, Miarch 2-. tion o ft h e J e w g Fast of Esther ; the nations of the earth, to beea made eventaaDy earn a Hving without fear \ management with the managers cf ___Tnesday, Slarch Ptarim _._: _L™ v Feuchtwanger writes:

' cre if ci- tkesterx BSL 3Se» York dsri-As; i.--e pssr wade. ISist in Sae, with.

Scanning yy



A crarsle

<vf welcs ayo, j

LctC ^' 11 ££UC£nE£E£23&~ Y W S u B J tjbe £ 8 C t t i t t t

~r^r.r-S" pictasm at rskidt aadeatsQy,. an acsai the part «£ a a otoemml Jew.

of oppression ia a praiseworthy cfcar-ftjjg play.. The information also iaity and deserre3 the support of every dicsted that the reported What their enemies formerly reproached them ;^s- idraseid: fsrsm, wsrfc on TMB Sipand condemned 23 their most contemptible characteristic— f pablia spirited iiaa. of the sponsorship by the cr-i their cosmopolitanism—their lack of roots in the soil, sad-1 Bj DAVID ganized Bible Class Associatiaii denly discloses itself as an immense Eoperiority. That' Earned Mayor fee fattaae, t&» caftamnot ander ander any any exze they were Intrigroed against for centuries, that they were j Jlobile.—Leon Schwarz, prominent would would not exzenzostaoces ta kaww if Al ia real life The Jewish people have made innumerable in- obliged to adapt themselves always to new men and new! TmT_^t, ,__J O ^ ., taffttf fnun work oc prevent the showingbetween of ttethe Kay. -jiSAINT A I ^ E E T £D»ST£Dt , . „ , _ , ., Wiv.».iUi«, maltes them, in a qoickly altered time of rapid; SOIH* cf 1ST east f25 Or valuable contributions to mankind during their ccommunications, 2aSsm.be it rememb113111 superior to those who can move only on! ^ mayor sec- ^ £3mzed Bible Class Association «*»•»£»«» Aisd t»tiaea, He of •willMobile serve tor till the October *»*~a— -• • - T it ~wxzzs. — — <*"^t. JH , _ _ir own soil. It is consequently their historic mission to jond time. rich history, but when we Torah a3 a fitting end t o t h e Holy Season We were j take front rank in helping to do the work of construction j 15 1939 Mr. Schwarz was elected \ Adolph Fassnacht, owner of the Frei-ftfee sp£rrt- cf ta* L c j s - s a raiHiaical ^ ^ e ^ r Cay, fur which he is Passion Fiaj", bad annoBed its | spirit eotnea ©was. crsr s^s a=ii I WSUJI • most strikingly reminded of the greatest con- tiSadS^S^^*"^ ^ * ™ " °f f a r m e r s |a dty co issioner in 1&26. In ac- fbarg ft cordance with the rotation system! agreement as a result at tbe protest a sersKR. ^ «T,««a- ^ «» , ^ f c tribution of all—our Torah. After triumphantly

Bosh Chodesh


_Thtirsday, 3Iarch 19


What this famous German-Jewish author ending the reading of the last chapter of this sees fit to prophesy might very appropriately have used by the city commission, he was of Rabbi Simon. mayor by the outgoing $10,000 Raised imperishable treasure we immediately began i t j ^ ^ ^ 0 ™ ^ i n t o a s e r m o n to be preached Mapor,-tuny a. aartweu. tm* X e w York.-Forty Jewish" families Harry H. anew, rejoicing freely, not as some wag remarked L t h eJ e w i g h Mobile adopted the commission form\o,Ztc^'i^j^r^^ m W e h a do c c a s i o n p r e v i o u s l y because we have finished a burdensome task, but! ^ p o m t ^ ^ d a n g e r s i n g t o r e f o r J g w s ^ a of government Mr. Schwarz was also ImCTlber3 of ^ Astoria center ^ instead glad because we are starting it overj r e s u l t ^ t f a e ^^^f. c h a nges throughout the\m2'J0T\**** ^ ^ subscribed to a fond of



-I world. We pointed to the decline of the middle I ^ ^ " S ^

This repetition is symbolic of the _eternity of| c l a s s a n d to t h e n e e d the Jew. We rejoice m the law which has b e e n ! a v e n u e s o fa c t i v i t y t 0 jUrj^fln§QJatiQnJBJ=exilpLfln/l^nr.saly^timti^liffieg^ig^ypyij^ppg^g

f o r t h e J e wt os e e k

new i

MI Hfost Kippor, and coming of £ » reie said:

C o ? t ^ g ^ 1 h ? w J ^ cf the «TTTU TO Ise two other iasages cf J«ws.. 7 B'nai in appreciation of the completion of Moses


[president of District ?




his livelihood. A hOS-}BTrith, a member of^the^ dude a J y o ^e'growing even more more hnostlle growing even o s t i l e ! ation Commission, chairman for Ala- year of service at the Astoria Center

er I seoc&i appear today (Tom Kiplor) m a I have dedded it is better Sst cnoe ifire and help make iwoplc roam antnztd tits streets a hypocrite.'*

of t h e of sore privation. We have in the eons of our| i n c o n s e q u e n c e o f the sad economic depressions i Soatheastem Confer- of Israel and will enable the Sabbi llXBIN A3O>PORK 6066 U a glorious past given our lands, lands our homes, homes our our i ^ t hhave encircled i l d the h globe, l b and d more than h ever, i °J ^ 5 ° Heb- to carry oat his plan of activities Bet these last _ .. ^American ,. tiree asg&& The last of these Schwarz for 1930-31. wealth, even our lives that Israel might continue TOOL -KSI feed their [-which have somethisg: ' rew Congregations. Mavor £ on, but through it all the Torah has been the images carved o s tlwBMrwfs of; came from Eorne. The must be on guard; he must be careful and\ had a l s o h a d I Other Countries | staff upon which we leaned. No true understand{ from that city that preparations were cfatrrches the voslel over. The lest a people that has always managed to j tary career, ing of Jewish history or of our racial integrity survive the worst of political, economic and social i \ j) yis Dies ing e£ TSBS&FTW. amocg tfaesn — the; being made for tire celebration of the jeSL a San l Francsico.—Mrs. Leah H. Da-Premier Pays Tribute carving of his image on the facade cf f t»euty-fifth ESnfversary of the fonndcan be had without realizing.and recognizing t h e |disasters i m p o v e r i s may h e d tenow c a r r be y turned into a nation too vis, organizer and national president Belgarde.—A warm tribute to thea Baptist clmzdt—is to nse an epochal' ing-, by David Lctia of the Internaextent the Torah has molded Jewish life and o f t h e Gold s t a r at Mothers of America, loyalty and patriotism of the Jews and Mgfely sigrsifigant event. To be; tforsl J-stftute cf Arriculrore. Lubin dominated its existence wny we are tne oniyi . . There is . -no question, "\r , ,all —but x that T 7 in ~a , ma- is dead h

of Jug-o-Slavia was paid by Premier ssre, Dr. Fcsdlck-'s Baptist dmrcn. is! ^ cr cf the prophets eff today, as , ,, , ,, .. 1, _ ^ adead , ,here at the age of 50 as the u -1!chine a g e t h e youth m u s t t u r n t o technical p u r - 'is people on t h e face of t h e globe w h o p a y + their •*•*•!. :. . . , , •, •, . , ' result of a J eart attack. She was Pera Zhivkovitch in replying to be of William •* . , , *, -.-1. suits, h e y aare ren o t tto ob e shelved nd S s tteenpnpeeddi !^^ m o t h e r o f o n eo f t h e Jewish greeting from a deleg-tion of Jewsldjurdi^ o f that fecEi^tics. Bz.1 CksclcT has petted cet. suits, if tthey L , , r . t_ not be Shelved aand

respects and show reverence to the law, who set And the Jewish, minority, always forced (heroes of the World War, the late! who caEed on Mm to express the[Fosdiek is the deas fnge ef A=»rica.| Like FcsdicL life Hrlises, bis mind aside a holiday to sing our. praises to the "torah." upon. to be on the defensive, must act wisely in guiding j Victor H. Davis, 3* privato of the t gratitude of Jogo-Siavian Jewry for? He has reciterpr^teii vie ' We have every right to be called the "people Infantry. Mrs. Davis devoted j the recently promulgated Jewish re-! tian. dogmas is. 2, way that leaves lit- j Jelscn. e^rer.. he had. given up mcch of of the book." Through this book we laid the| the youth to honorable, safe and productive pur- 363rd |tb<; doraa r- Jtrfsir^—yet ralike the much of her time to aiding in the -ligious communities law. This law He bn± the old =a=tes. foundation of modern law, given a code of ethical ! suits. made I provides many facilities for the JewNevertheless, it is still fc cr Page 6.} passage of legislation which g The elders of Israel, burdened with many p g standards and philosophical conduct which has ; possible the recent pilgrimage t o ish population of the country and withstood the ravages of time. Through it weproblems, must place this question of the security France of Gold Star mothers. She [places Judaism on a par with other have devised to the world a monotheism which j of the youth ahead of all other consideration. herself was unable to go because of' religions, The Jews always enjoyed complete: has had a steadying influence on religious thought There was a time when preachers and editors de- illness. equality in Serbia, tae Premier said,} Long active in uniting the various and practice even till this day and has lent a cried what were referred to as the influences of chapters of Gold Star mothers, she *** government never having made | spiritual faith which has balanced universal the machine age. Today we must acclimatize our- was named president of the national any distinction between people religious grounds. The Premier morality. It is a literary monument which is un- selves to the technical aegis of our times and organization in 1929. the delegation, that the Jews of Jugostrive for Judaism and the influences of science paralleled in human wisdom, though written when Lewisohn Daughters slavia, especially those of Belgrade, [ that control our lives not to counteract each other civilization was still in the rough and human b u t e x i s t New York.—Irene and Alice Le-were, during the War and afterwards 1 minds were supposedly only crudely developed. **> harmoniously. The happiness of the wkohn, daughters of Adolph Lewis- in the constructive period of peace, [ youth depends upon the wisdom with which we ohn, the philanthropist, are founding always in the van of those who'. In this unequalled fountain of instructive eduwill be able to guide them economically and tech- The Neighborhood Playhouse Studios j fought for the South Slavic ideal, j cation and expression of Hebrew genius Israel has devoted to the teaching of the o , r>~-: r» *u „ * as well as spiritually.—Detroit Chronicle. to be handed down through the ages the tile-deed I .„ - _related . , . ^ J *_ « . * « . „ * „ 12nd P a n s Outburst ' . various arts to the theatre. their birthright. Within the well-fenced bounParis.—The second anti-Semetic The Nebraska's Selling of The curriculum will include dancing attack within a fortnight in Paris daries of this epic they have lived their lives; it and music, and the pupils of the CARDIOPHOBIACS was their refuge from tempest and wreck, the school will be affoxded an opportunity occured when a crowd of Royalists j Dr. Albert S. Hyman, heart specialist at Mt. to appear in the Neighborhood Play- attacked a group of Jewish war vet-1 holy word from which they could not be dislodged. Sinai Hospital, New York, explodes the notion that erans who were placing a wreath on j Its protection has been greater than the mightiest Jews are more suspectible to high blood pressure house forthcoming productions of the memorial plaque outside of the I symphonic music. bulwarks and deadliest weapons. It was transtown hall. .The Royalists, armed j than other people. He divides into three groups with sticks, rushed at the Jewish! mitted to our generation as our birthright and as Seeks to Bar School such we are duty bound to see that this noble the stream of patients to heart specialists: those Worcester, Mass.—Claiming that a war veterans who were defended by > heritage is passed on to the future generations who" really have high blood pressure of one sort or Hebrew School which has recently the crowd witnessing the ceremony. another, those who wish to find,out, and the third been opened in the East Side of the The Jewish war veterans were deof Israel. class, perhaps the most numerous, those who fear dty is an intrusion on the peace of fended by a large number of Christ-! 4 V U C ,

b*W WA ¥ W


M l H ^4 * • f^



**A,.«v WW



A Money SairiEg Evert!

1,000 Pairs

A n d i nt h e neighborhood, a resident of theians in the audience. The clash led a severe brawl in which a numthis latter class, says Dr. Hyman, Jews predom- district has begun suit in Superior to ber of the Royalists were badly beainate. The experience of his associates bears out Court to restrain the school from they have some sort of h e a r t ailment.


ten. Some of the Royalist ringleaconducting future sessions. his own observations. These people who are so ders were' arrested by the police but j Officials of the school declared that A year of intensive activity dedicated to safe- anxious about their condition that they go from were later released on request of the { there has been no breach of any guarding the political and civil rights of the Jew-specialist to specialist and "view with the greatest on their part. The school has Union of Jewish Soldiers^ ish people throughout the world by the American suspicion the attempts of the doctors to depreciate rules been conducted in an orderly and Arrested for Demonstration Jewish Congress will be climaxed by the annual their symptoms," he calls "cardiophobiacs." quiet manner and no complaints have Tel Aviv.—Four Jews were ar-j session of the Congress in Washington next Sunbeen received relative to improper rested yesterday during an attempted j Far from being, especially susceptible to this day and Monday. The work of this organization, conduct on the part of the pupils. demonstration against Dr. Drum-' condition, Jews, it appears, are more resistant to which has become a most potent factor in comInstitution mond Shiels, British under-secretary J maladies than non-Jews. Dr. Praise batting the forces of bias and bigotry, will New York.—The Hebrew Orphan for the Colonies,-who is here for a j points out that: reviewed and plans for bettering the present JewAsylum, the oldest Jewish institu- ten day visit The demonstration j "High blood pressure, when it occurs in Jew-tion for orphans in this country, now took place in front of the Palatin j ish situation formulated. Whether stemming the tide of anti-Jewish ish persons, is more apt to be seen in somewhat 108 years old, is highly praised for Hotel. A great crowd surrounded • activities on behalf of the buliding shouting "Shame" and > economic discrimination in the United States, bat- later age periods. A study of this condition made its increasing welfare, in the report of of the [hissing and .booing as the Shiels j child of the Witkin Witkin Foundation Foundation for for New York State Department of tling "numerus numerus clauses" clauses in American universities, under the auspices p Pub- j party emerged from tbe Hotels, j g jBtente Study and Prevention of Heart Diseases at the lie Welfare which has been published- Shouts of "Down with a parliament! or seekingg needed immigration relief,, the Ameri-j can Jewish Congress has constantly been doing j h David Hospital, New York City, suggest that this week. The Hebrew Orphan Asy- which does injustice to the Jews" j noble work in our country. But even nobler under similar circumstances the Jew is more re- lum is affiliated with the Federation were also heard. These latter cries' acftievements have been accomplished in defend- sistant to those leading to the establishment of for the Support of Jewish Philan- were the result of reports from Lon- < don that Dr. Shiels had promised; ing Jewish rights elsewhere. , In Palestine, inhigh blood pressure levels and that having once thropic Societies. the,Arab Executive a parliament for ecom Rumanie,;in Russia, in all of the political and na-,^ e possessed of this malady, the chances of Yiddish Book Club Palestine. 1 tional problems of our decimated brethren abroad hhn outliving his gentile neighbor with the same New York.—A "Yiddish Book Turkish Jews in Race Club, modeled after the various Engthis group has recorded many successes. They 'disease is greatly in his favor." Constantinople.—The Jews of Turlish book clubs in this country, has hafe demanded retraction of insults, have had of-1 The "cardiophobiacs" need attention, it's true, just been organized as part of the.key will be able to stand for election ficial (Jfnsure impreased upon guilty parties, and but of a different sort than those truly afflicted.activities of the American Yiddish in the Turkish municipalities for the j have ^counteracted any tendencies to destroy the The intense attachment to life that is perhaps I "Kultur. Gesellschaft". Every; sub-first. time In the forthcoming elecas a result of the establishsense of security of Jews everywhere in respect sends us to clinics. Excessive self-contemplation, sc ^ er °f ^ "Yiddish Book Club" tions ment of the Liberal Republican par-j more characteristic of the Jew than of the non- is a habit of every introvert. More activity of an ^ r0TwhTch ^ t p e a ^ d u r i n ^ t e ty, the opposition party. The canJew• is'in-irmeasure responsible for anxiety that objective nature should lessen the percentage of c o m i n g y e a r ^ £ „ which have didacy of Jews is made possible beof life, limb and property. Jewish cariophobiacs. .—The Scribe. i previously appeared. The first book cause the leader of the new party,

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Buy them 2 and 3 pairs at a time when you can buy 'em like this! Tie Nebrsshs Does Not Quote Comparative Pikes INCOMPARABLE VALUES NEED NO COMPARATIVE PRICES



PAGE 5-rTHE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19S0 motored to Sioux City, where they chafr""^; Joe Goldware and Maurice squares) over it. Cover with chopped Anti-Hitler Hadassah Luncheon nuts. spent last weekend. While there they Katz. Berlin. — Archbishop Hugo attended the Pidjan Ha Ben of the Program committee: Harry Colick, The first affair of the season for Mainz has issued an official proba son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mazie. chairman; Ralph Nogg and Max Chocolate Cottage Pndding the local chapter of the Hadassah was tion to all Catholics in his They were accompanied home by Mrs.r FIatt % cup or 4 level tablespoons but- against joining the Hitlerites. Reuben Kulakofsky, who had been Decorating committee: Joe Mona- ; a luncheon and bridge given by Mrs.ter, 1 crap sugar, 2 eggs, Vz cup has also 'prohibited members of visiting for a few days in Sioux City. witz, chairman; Morris Meyerson, O. C. Goldner, chairman of the infant welfare fund, at her home last milk, 1% cup flour, S teaspoons bak- National Socialists who are of Morton Ferer, Dave Greenberg and week. A sum of $51 was raised. ing powder, 1% squares chocolate Catholic faith from taking part ir. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman, Dr. Er- Sam Fleishman. The Omaha quota for the infant melted, % teaspoon salt, 94 teaspoon fuierals or other church rituals man's" sister, Mrs. Morris of Chicago, welfare fund is $325. This will be vanilla. and Dr. Samuel Z. Stern, left by motCLUB NOTES raised by card parties and personal Cream butter and sugar. Add or Sunday morning for Chicago, Yiddish Dramatic Clab yolks. Add milk alternately with where Dr. Erman and Dr. Stem will The Omaha Yiddish Dramatic dub solicitation. flour mixed with salt and baking attend a clinic The two doctors will held their annual election of officers powder. Add whites beaten stiff, return Monday, but Mrs. Erman will on October 12. New officers elected chocolate and vanilla. Nefsky-Sherman Wedding The Most Difficult of All the afternoon and evening to offer the visit for a while in Chicago. are: Mr. J. Radinowsky, dramatic diBake 40 minutes in moderate oven Peste to Get Rid of Kitchen Chats One of the most beautiful cere- engaged couple their felicitations. rector; Mr. M. Minldn, literature diin angel food pan. We have worked out a monies of the season united in mar- Those who assisted in serving were Mr. Dave Chesneau has returned rector; Mr. E. Sellz, musical director; By method by which we Remove from pan, fill center with tfage Miss Helen Sherman, daughter Miss Rose Forman, Mrs. David Bern- to Omaha after a year in the east. Miss Rose Soffer, corresponding and Mrs. David M. Newman whipped cream sweetened, and pour of Mr: and Mrs. David Sherman, and stein and Mrs. Philip Ringle. Mr. Chesneau was athletic director financial secretary; Miss Sarah Taub, around pudding chocolate sauce: % Mr. D. David Nefsky, son of Mr. and Out-of-town guests were Mr. andof the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian treasurer. The executive committee Creole Cake to rid your home of cup cocoa, 1 cup cold water, 2 cups Mrs. Samuel Nefsky of Lincoln. The Mrs. Louis Bordy, Miss Jeanette Society in Ne%v York, and was swim- consists of Mrs. J. Radinowsky, Mr. % cup butter, 2 cups brown sugar, sugar, pinch of salt, 2 teaspoons these pests wedding took place a t the Blackstone Bordy and Mr. J. Bordy of Columbus, ming director at Camp Modin in J. Raznick, and Mr. Harry Blacker. We treat jronr liusetnpnt, XJv 3 eggs, 2 squares bitter chocolate, vanilla, 1 tablespoon butter. Kooms and Grouna AToiinci hotel last Sunday at high, noon with Nebraska; Miss Syble Merlin, Mr. and Maine this summer. The group recently held a success- 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour, Va cup Mix water and cocoa together and the Hoime It lnfe»trtl Rabbi Frederick Cohn officiating. Mrs. Joe Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. Max ful campaign for new members. The j of sour cream, and % cup milk. stir directly over heat until smooth. Use O-Kay Insecticides Miss Bernice Sherman, sister of theMerlin, and Mr. and Mrs. Al Swartz Miss Rose Brandeis broadcasted sev- season's work •will open with the reor Our Cream butter und sugar. Add Add sugar, salt. Stir until disbride, and Mr. A. Joseph Nefsky, of Sioux City, Iowa. Exterminating Service eral piano selections over the radio hearsing of a new production, the date yolks of eggs. Add in order given solved. Boil 3 minutes and add butbrother of the groom, -were the only at station WAAW last Thursday af- of which will be announced later. cream and milk, flour sifted with ter and vanilla. bridal attendants. ENTERTAINMENTS All proceeds of the club go to local soda, melted chocolate. Fold in ternoon. Miss Jean Levy of Philadelphia is Preceding the ceremony, Miss Milcharitable institutions and to thewhites beaten dry. 1727 Leavenworth AT. 8507 The tears of true penitence are not dred Nefsky, Bister of the groom, sang the house guest of her sister and Miss Anna Pill and Miss Rose Pill Chalntzim in Palestine. Bake in two layer tins in moderate shed in vain. "At Dawning" and "I Love You brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel of Sioux City spent a few days in oven for 25 minutes. Truly." She was accompanied by Nefsky of Lincoln. She plans to visit Omaha:this week. Ladies* Labor Lyceum Club . -'..-. Miss Frances Emline also of Lincoln. in Lincoln for about a month. A concert and buffet supper wiE be Put layers together with boiled On last Wednesday, Mrs. Nefsky The bride was lovely in a cocoa-colgiven by the Ladies' Lyceum club on icing and when set spread a thin WITH THE SICK ored chiffon gown with an egg-shell and her daughter, Miss Mildred Nef- Mrs. Harry Segall who underwent Sunday evening, October 26, a t thelayer of chocolate melted (about 4 The Omaha House of Swansdown Coats yoke trimmed in pearls and sequins. sky, entertained for twenty-four an -apendectomy last Friday at theLabor Lyceum, Twenty-second and Her small velvet hat and her shoes guests at a charmingly appointed one Nicholas Senn hospital is doing nicely. Clark street were of matching brown. She carried o'clock bridge luncheon in courtesy to Mrs. Sam Pollay is chairman of the Miss Levy. Mrs. Dave Sherman of a boquet of Ophelia roses. Among the patients at the Wise ticket committee. The arrangement Sixteenth and Farnam Miss Bernice Sherman wore an at-Omaha was an out-of-town guest. Memorial hospital this week were Mrs. committee consists of Mrs. H. M. tractive dress of deep brown crepe Stein, Mrs. Sam Zernovsky and Mrs. Al Gilinsky, Miss Jeanette Gray, Mrs. and Three tables of afternoon bridge L. M. Rosecrans, Mrs. Reuben Shapiro, Sam Yaffe. with matching accessories. Her bofollowed by an evening party were Mrs. Harry B. Shefts of Okmulgee, The public is invited to this conquet was of yellow roses. A beautifully appointed dinner, given in honor of Miss Belle Green, Oklahoma; Mr. Lewis Asbull, David cert. which was attended by forty-five who is vacationing here from Milwau- Colton, Aaron Smith. members of the family, followed the kee, by her sister, Miss Mollye Green, Selections on last Sunday. ceremony. Mrs. William Bushman who was opFrom three to five o'clock in the The dining table was centered with erated upon after having an acute atalways at their afternoon a reception was held for a basket of roses and lighted by oldtack of appendicitis last week is conrose candles in blue holders and was friends. Assisting were Mrs. Leo valescing at the Nicholas Senn hos- A special meeting was held at the best at Milder, Miss TJoselynPizer, Miss Har- very effective. pital. Mrs. Bushman is expected to Adass Yeshurin Synagogue for the Out-of-town guests included Miss be able to return to her home the riett Nefsky, Miss Toby Goldstein election of officers. The seven comand Miss Lucille Goldenberg. The Lillian Schulman and Miss Charlotte first part of the week. missioners elected were A. Kirshenserving1 table was decorated with SalHn of Sioux City, and Messrs. Abe baum, S. Rochman, M. Wintroub, Mr. Lewis Asbyll is in the Wise baskets of roses and softly lighted by Novicoff, Harry Levine and Sam Sny9 Meyer Kirshenbaum, J. Ban, N. ResMemorial hospital recovering after an der of Lincoln, and Irving Goldvart of tulle-tied candles. operation for appendicitis. His con-nick and B. Polikov. J. Kirshenbaum After an extended eastern honey- Chicago, HL was re-elected secretary . dition is reported as satisfactory. moon trip including Chicago, New Rabbi N. Feldman will continue conPERSONALS York, Niagara Falls, Washington, ducting services at the synagogue for BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kneeter and Philadelphia and Canada, the young couple will be at home a t the Corn- daughter, Miss Ruth Kneeter, have Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schlaifer an- i the coming year. <-iEWELRYCo. moved to the Hamilton apartments. nounce the birth of a son at the Methhusker hotel in Lincoln. odirt hospital, Saturday, October 11. Happy the man who repents in the Miss May Tucker has returned from The baby has been named Howard strength of his manhood. PRENUPTIAL AFFAIRS Miss Jeanette Katleman, whose Lincoln where she spent several days JoeL marriage to Mr. Sam Ban will take of the Succoth holidays with relaCLUB NOTES place on October 26 at the Omaha tives. A. Z. A. Plans Dance Athletic Club is the inspiration of a Dr. A. A. Sternberg has departed The "Dance of the Century" with number of attractive events. Omaha!* Style Center -.-.:Miss-Ruth Fanger,entertainecLat a for Philadelphia^.to teke a ^ost gradr. music by Art -Randall and .his Royal luncheon at the Fontenelle hotel, fol- uate course at the University of Penn- Recording orchestra will be presented lowed by a theater party on October sylvania, where he will specialize in Sunday, November 16, at the J. C. C. 4, and Mrs. Abe Cohn was hostess at Ophthalmology. by A. Z. A. chapter 100, according to a luncheon at the Fontenelle on Octoplans laid at the club's last regular 16th and Harney Mrs. Morris Wohlner and .Mrs. H.meeting Sunday, October 12. Comber 11. Hirschmann are visiting in St. Louis A delightful bridge was given by mittees for the dance appointed by Miss Fannie Katleman at her home with Mr. and Mrs. E. Sussman, for- Aleph Godol Meyerson are: in Council Bluffs on Sunday, October merly of Omaha. General, committee: Arthur Kazlow-12. , sky, chairman; Sam Meyerson and A beautifully appointed bridge Mrs. Ida Levin and daughter, Miss Henry Sterling. Grace Levin, are now living at the luncheon was given October 15 at the Printing committee: Daniel LintzBlackstone hotel in courtesy to Miss La Salle apartments. man, chairman; Sol Yaffe and Art Katleman by her aunts, Mrs. Sam EpSchlaifer. One of the new artists on the Peostein and Mrs.' Louis Epstein, ple's Department Store hour is Miss Ticket committee: Henry Sterling, Miss Anne Zalk will be hostess on Hermine Hirschmann, daughter of Dr. Saturday, October 18, at a bridge and Mrs. H. Hirschmann, Miss Hirschluncheon at the Omaha Athletic Club, mann sings on this program which fe GLASS! GLASS! at which Miss Katleman, and her broadcast over station WAAW, the Complete line of -vrinacnv glass cousin, Mrs. Elmer Gross, a recent Omaha Grain Exchange every Friday SHRIER PAINT AND bride, will share honors. afternoon from 1:30 until 2:30. WALLPAPER CO. A trouseau tea will be given by WHOIiS TAI Mrs.* Dave Epstein at her home on Mr. and Mrs. Nate Simon, Mrs. B. 1314 No. 24th St. "K"E. 4211 Sunday, October 19, for her sister, the A. Simon and Mrs. David Blacker bride-to-be. On Monday evening Miss Esther Blumenthal will entertain at bridge. A bridge luncheon of charmi^j appointment will be given on October 22 at the Omaha Athletic Club for Miss Katleman by Mrs. Samuel Swartz and Mrs. Ruben Brown.



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"Of Course*



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Second Slots

PAGE 6^THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1930 "Your honor, that i« a very old Final Big League Standings Finds j testament. That beiongwl to my Jewish Players Only Fair J grandmother." The final batting averages of the | (Continued from Page 4.) j LOOKS ARE DECEIVING New York.—(J. .T. A.)—Maurice j players in the American and National; league bring home vividly that the' t h o u g h he associated with kings! Back from Europe, v>hffre be hied last Temple Israel - . Schwartz, noted Yiddish ; actor- and! great Jewish ball star has yet to ld, he would {Continued from Page 1.) himself to attend Kome -convention or a n d t h e e l i t e o f t h e w o r Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak theatrical director,, who. recently re- j make bis appearance on an American _ ^ observed many of Simpson report, the return of Dr. other under the &w/.p'icj;ti, <>i the n o t e a t p o r k a n d on "The Hebrew Advantage; A turned to New. York ifrbm.a .South Christian's Appreciation", based on American tour, will, remain in New diamond. In the junior circuit the t h e o t h e r J e w j s h t e n e t s and still did League of Nations, Davj/I Eezniek, Chaim Weizmann to London is exNew York and St. Louis scribe, com- pected to lead to an intensification of Alumnus Reveals That Univer- an article appearing in the October York this reason instead of Philadel- leading Jewish batsman was Jimmy n o t r e g a r d himself as a hypocrite. • r<o ' mented on the seevniTigly complete dis-the negotiations between the Jewish sity Has Established "Num- issue of Scribner*s, at the services phia, as had been• previously an- Reese of the Yankees who finished the A N D GAGS , appearance of &nii-S<imiimrn in Agency and the Colonial office. While .., erous Glausus" of Temple Israel this evening. Satur- nounced. Mr. Schwartz has leased season with an average of 342. He ADAM A the Imperial Conference is in session, was 22nd on the list, but played in' «adep forwards to me a wail that f France. day morning his topic will be "Be- for the season the .Second Avenue storv recentlv hon-ever, these negotiations are likely Perth Amboy, N. J.—(J. T. A.)— ginnings." only 77 games or just"about half as * e recounted m these, "When you recall that it wasn't so theater, which he will open two weeks Rumors that have been current and many as a regular. Jonah Goldstein columns anent Yom Kipjrar is so old long ago, that France seethed with to lag somewhat as the various memhence with a production of Sholom suspicions that have existed for the Sunday evening Rabbi Cohn will Asch's "The Witch of Castile." of Cleveland was the next Jew listed »t h a s arteno-sclorosis. that most inflammatory of anti-Sem- bers of the government with whom leave for Cincinnati to attend a past few months to the effect that and he was way down near the botThe reader is probably right. Harry; itic spectacles, the Dreyfuss case, the the Jewish Agency leaders are dealing a "numerous clausus" affecting Jewish meeting of the executive committee torn with a mark of 249 with 112 Schneiderman of the American Jew-; change that has t&ken place in strik- are preoccupied with the conference. BUSINESS MEN'S BOWLING students had been established at Rut- of the Central Conference of Amerigames played. Jonah, a notoriously i s h Committee once reminded me that; ing. Perhaps, it is to be explained, Swift developments may, however, can Rabbis, to which he was elected gers University, located in New L E A G U E ••-••••-• weak hitter, finished with a higher i f A d a m c a m e b a c k t o e a r t h ^ e 0Tdy\ said Resnick by a story I recently be expected after the government's 1 th'r. summer at the conference at Brunswick, N. J., were brought prom''-':•- - W. L. Ave. average than was expected. It is just thing that he would be perfectly fa-1 heard. An American Jew went to statement on its future policy in PalProvidence. The meeting will take Ben's Jewelry inently to the fore. . 8 1 • .889 about enough to keep him in the big m f l i a r ***** w o u l d b e t h e «?aSs- ^ ^ France and was struck by the many estine is issued. The statement is explace at the Sinton Hotel. He exEmpire Cleaners ... ..^.6, 3 .667 circuit for another season. Berg of n e v e r change. Julius Kass, a Perth Amboy attorpeople walking about with Jewish pected to be published even before pects to return Thursday noon. ney and an alumnus of-" Rutgers Wardrobe 5 4 .556 Chicago didn't get any rating as his NOT SO N E W , BROTHER physiognomies. So many Jews here, parliament reconvenes. It is a matter charged openly that the university A week from today Rabbi Cohn Malashock Jewelry ...._ 4 . 5 .444 average was below the 200 mark. j The same reader, who makes thei he mused to himself. He approached of only a few weeks before the issuwas accepting students oh a basis will speak at the Thomas Jefferson Kaiman Insurance . .. 3 6 .333 Jackie Fields Wins in Comeback ^complaint about the Yom Kippurj one, saying something in Yiddish to ance of the long-awaited statement Try ; story sends me in one of his own on j him. The man responded in incom- which will probably be based largely other-.than, .scholarship and that a^ High school of Council Bluffs . on Yousem Battery ...„.„ ..... 1 8 .111 ', great many Jewish students who were "The,Value of Classical Studies," at New all time bowling records were prehensible French. He approached on the findings of Sir John Simpson. Jackie Fields, who recently lost the t h e s a m e subject. Jt f recommended by the'principals of high' a celebration in commemoration of the established in the Business Men's welterweight championship to Jack concerns a Jew, who confessed another, and still another. All in In the meanwhile the Colonial office ^schools from which they graduated, 2000th birthday of Virgil. Rabbi Bowling League wjien Aaron Weitz of Thompson is slowly building himself to t h e r . r a b b l t h a t h e h a d e a t e n o n turn replied in French. has not yet released the suspended •were refused admittance, while their Cohn was recommended by the Phi the Wardrobe shot a high total of 652 up into the "big fight" class again. Y o m ^ P P u r j The American Jew returned and labor schedule immigration certifinon-Jewish classmates with lesser Beta Kappa Society as the speaker and his team with a 2771,total won an Fighting at Rochester last week The r a b b i v e r y naturally denounced visited the Yiddish newspapers and cates. The economic situation in Pal^qualifications matriculated at the lini- of the day. wailed- "Those Jews over there are estine, which is more and more being easy victory from the Yousem Tire. Jackie easily won the decision from h i m i n b i t t e r lanS^aS^ .versity. Last Thursday at Grand Island Jackie Homer in a 10-round heat' "Listen, rabbi," said the Jew. "Must ashamed of themselves — ashamed to affected by the general world depresBen's Jewelry continued .theirgood Mr.- Kass stated that he makes the Rabbi Cohn gave the opening lecture speak in the "mame lashan." He pro- sion, might have increased the ColoFields won every round and had the o n e n e v e r e a t o n Y o m Kippur?" ..charges reluctantly and after due re- for the Book Study Club of that work by winning the entire series Homer boy on the floor five distinct "Never," said the rabbi, posed to organize a society which nial office's reluctance to reopen imWel1 rabbl t h e r e a r e s o m e exce flection, but since the state of New city, on the subject, "The World in from the Kaiman Insurance Agency. should have as its objective the in- migration, particularly in view of the " ' ' P times. The Jewish boy is on his way Jersey appropriated almost a million the Making". Miss Grace Abbott A decisive victory was also secured to New York, where he hopes to meet taons- I f a m a n i s l U » x t 1S ] stilling of Jewish pride in the French fact that the number of unemployed by the Empire Cleaners over the dollars of the taxpayers money last was among the auditorsf o r h i m t o e a t i s lt n o t ? Jews." in-Palestine is rising somewhat. ' " Malashock Jewelry. "Muggsy" Good- some real opposition and prove that • year for the support of the university, Well yes re lied the rabbL U His mistake of course was due to he still is championship caliber. j " > ' " P " man's boys were all in good form, 'and since, whenever it " had suited its Conservative Synagogue Batling Levinsky, the old veteran' t h e ma:n i s seriously ill, the fasting the resemblance of the French phyparticularly Jack Melcher and Lester FROM THE TALMUD •purpose,-Rutgers had designated itself aiv ed siognomy to the Jewish." Regular Friday evening services Simon. ' •_ ex-%ht heavyweight champion, who. " ^ y ^ ^ . -'' T • Jas the "University of the State of When a man has turned away frorri said the Jew, "so the only (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Tele'New Jersey," he feels that the public will be held ihis evening by the Con- Leo Weitz, Abe Venger, Ben You- retired from the ring last year has! t r o uA-ha," sin, reproach him no more. ble that u wan graphic Agency, Inc.) to be should be apprized of the system used servative Synagogue at the Jewish sem, Leo Chaiken and J. Malashock opened a boxing school in New York s e r i o u s l y ^ a L I f y°v e r e v*e r me v s £ d c ft City, where he will teach the younger * in selecting the future "men of Rut- Community Center, starting at -8 He who sins repeatedly, looking for- A man along that road "is led generation the art of fisticuffs. Lev- j w o u l d s u i t y o u ' y e s ? T h a t ' s t h e k i n d were leaders in the team totals. gers." He further stated that he is p.m. of a m a n y o u are insky, a clever boxer, should make a ' " ward to penitence to cover his sins, Which he himfeelf desires to tread. "(Prepared.to substantiate every charge T h e story is not so bad b u t Read good instructor as there is little about I ' " his penitence will avail him nothing. i ! —Tho Talmud. •made;iby'him. . •-.'.• fighting he doesn't know. i e r " m a v b e interested in learning that w e f i r s t s a w Jt According to Mr. Kass only 38 To-riaW T«« • n • • * o about fifteen years ^Jewish, students were admitted/this Jewish Tennis Captain at Syracuse j fa fte y - d d i s h T a g e b l a t t < year out,of a freshman class numberFor the first time in the history of j t „ „ , „ , , , , , , . , . . . ing about 330. Of these 23 Btudents, Hakoah Soccer Team Off to a Flying lege football season gained momen- the university, the captain of the t e n - ! A S ENGLISH NIFTY nskv 9 are from New Brunswick- and of » correspondent of the Lon-1 tum. Hirschberg played through the nis team for 1931 will be a Jewish! d o n^ i Start these 9, Mr. Kass states, 8 were origstudent, Stanley Dritz. He is of Jewish Chronicle tells me this SOLD With: college football news getting entire game for Pittsburgh against one inally rejected and were admitted only course the number one man on t h e ' ** happened, said London scribe, West Virginia. Michigan,•• a college most of the space in the sport pages i n a s m a 1 1 after their former principal, Robert C. ONLYIN English village, seldom without a Jewish player used team. Incidentally the Zeta Beta Tau Carlson, had protested against their little news about that other kicking Samuels at tackle through most of fraternity chapter has its smallest; A J e w w a s involved in some legal exclusion from the university and in- gam&—soccer—gets around. This is the game. Ohio State opened up its group—only 20 members. The boys proceedings before the English squire, fluential Rutgers alumni and politi- to inform you that the fall soccer seaare beginning to feel the pinch of the] " Y o u a r e Jewish," said the English, cians had taken up the cudgel in their son is off to a flying start and lead- season with Nashman at center, Rab- restrictions of admissions. j "Yes," said the Jew. ing the procession are the all-star enstein at right and Greenberg at half behalf. / ; j| "Well, I suppose you want to take back. There were a few other susCnattenngs y o u r o a t h on t h e Old Most of the letters of rejection Hakoahs. The Jewish team com- piciously Jewish, sounding* names' in Arthur Gross was the first Jewish "Yes," replied the Jew. which were written by the university menced the league competition by the lineup and as soon as I check skater of the year to break into print' "Bailiff," said the judge, "get me beating their rivals—the Wanderers, to the student applicants simply stated them 111 let you know. Rothstein is when he won th£Tialf mile race at the the Old Testament." ' "Your application for admittance to 1-0, in a well-played game. At the tackle at Cornell and Levine is playskating program of the Ice Club at The bailiff returned in about five end of the first half the game was Rutgers University lias been denied," scoreless, but in the last half Gruen- ing the same position at Washington Madison Square Garden indoor rink, minutes and handed the judge a with no reason being assigned. feld, substituting for Nickolsburger, and Jefferson. Si Cohen held down a last week . . . . Benny Leonard has volume. • linesman's position for Vermont. Last been named boxing instructor at C. C. Glancing at it the judge saw Luke, found the net with a fast one. Grosz, Brooklyn Square Named Eisenhoffer "and Schneider were the week's favorites came through again N. Y. for the coming year. He will Matthew, Corinthians, etc ' for Late Marcus Ljoew Jewish boys playing, for the Wand- with Jack Grossman stealing the bows also help out at the Y. M. H. A. Leon- "You have brought me the Newerers. ; This victory .was sweet but a by scoring two touchdowns for Rut- ard now weighs in the neighborhood Testament. I said an Old Testament," I New York.—(J. T. A:)—In the- much" sweeter one was the win over gers—enough this time.. to give the of 170. replied the judge. same vicinity in which the; late Mar- the Fall River team, a club that drop- New Brunswick boys their first.vicPOUTICAI. ADVERTISEMENT! POtlTICAL ADVERTISEMENT! cus Loew, founder of the Loew thea- ped but one game all last year. The tory of the year. Bromberg of Dartmouth and Sington of Alabama, both ters circuit and pioneer in the motion occasion was the final round of the picture exhibition business, began his Lewis cup matches—Sam Mark's team playing their last year of college footsuccessful career as a showman, a needed the game to hold the cup, but ball, were also among the stars. gathering of state and city officials the Hakoah boys upset the dope and It seems to me that the strong as well as notables in the entertain- won 2-1, which makes it necessary for teams in the east this year are Yale, ment field gathered last week for the la third game. The matches are de- Harvard, N. Y. U., Columbia, Army, dedication of Loew Square in the PitSyracuse, Colgate and Pittsburgh. I kin Avenue district of Brooklyn. The cided on a goal basis and as things think the same bet placed on these stand now the teams are tied with coming of the intersection of iPtkin teams to win each week would add Avenue and Barrett Street for the three markers each. The final game to the family gross. I'd also like to Republican Candidate for late Mr. Loew was characterized by will be played in New York in the make a bet that Booth of Yale does the Board of Aldermen as "in mem- near future and it wouldn't surprise not enjoy the same success as he did ory of a man who did much for his me to see Hakoah walk off with the last year. • laurels. The Jewish boys seemed to native city." have found themselves and are due The naming of this square after for a good season. With the Marcus Loew adds another name to the list of streets in New York City Hakoah A, Hakoah B and Hakoah C named for Jews. Among the Jewish teams all won their opening games "Just "Around the Corner from Everythina" street names in New York are Schiff of the season against an assortment Parkway, ^erzl Street and Straus of opponents. The youngsters looked very strong and give an idea of the Square. Addressing 350 members of the reserve strength of the senior club. Combined with the Benson high school Parent-Teachers' Jerusalem.—The Yiddish talking More Jewish Football Players association, Dr. A. C. Stokes, nonpicture, "The Jewish Mother", was Get Into aGme partisan candidate for the board of presented; at a local theatre without any of the unpleasant disturbances •; Another batch of potential Jewish regents of Nebraska university, told that marred the showing of the Yid- football stars were introduced to a of the needs of the university and the , dish talkie in Tel Aviv last week. gridiron public last week as the col- problems that confronted it. and Scientifically Blended "I have compared Nebraska university with various other universities in in Omaha this country and Europe. Our own university compares favorably with the old classic schools that have stood in Europe for the past hundreds of years," Dr. Stokes said. "Where our university excels is in systematic teaching." is Dr. Stokes is particularly interested in the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. "The college of medicine is not receiving the proper attention from the and with a high rate of interest present board of regents and for the benefit of Omaha and the University accruing daily. That's what PUNNING ICE WATEP hospital I will plead for recognition Neat, Tasty IN EVERY ROOM for this integral department of our ?AHO3? There is no other Coffee state university." ; • •. ,





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Sport Notes







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Dr. Stokes then discussed the housing situation in Lincoln. The fraternities and sororities in Lincoln house only one-half of the pupils in the state university, he said, adding that the remaining half is forced to find rooms in various parts of the city. "This should be corrected- at once," Dr. Stokes stated. "I recommend that dormitories be built in conjunction with the university and placed under the jurisdiction of the heads of the school. Plans that I have compiled will not call for any taxation. A small charge can be placed on the students who wish to live in the dormitories and in that manner pay for the build1 ings and their upkeep." . ^







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PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1930 5. The personality of the indi"Everyone should be interested in vidual, e t c county offices. Mr. Greenleafs record There were 33 college graduates commends him to the intelligent votin the Virginia Penitentiary State er," said Malcolm Baldrige, republican Farm and Convict Road Force in Eiga.—(J. T. A.)—That sevsvsi candidate for Congress. 1929. Would you say that they were thousand Jews of Latvia are now te^A W. C. Fraser, chairman of the in jail because of tbeir college trainowners was made known by minisChamber of Commerce membership ing ? Again, up to 18 years of age,Over Three Hundred Boosters drive, and A. W. Jefferis, republican ter of agriculture Gulbis in conne-el'ofe Attend Meeting Boosting of 105,000 working hours, 8000 hours county chairman, urged support of the with Latvia's celebration of the tenth His Candidacy are spent in school. Would you say entire republican ticket and party anniversary of its agrarian that any success was due entirely to M. Gulbis pointed out that More than three hundred Omaha unity in the coming election. school ? of Jews who participated in men and women friends of Sam K. Greenleaf, when called on by Chair- war of liberation received si*!--".-; The only conclusion we can reasonGreenleaf, County Assessor, attended man Cunningham, thanked those pres- lands. The JCWE who held land *.<• ably come to is that the man with a meeting that filled Republican Coun- ent for their support and promised, if tenants before the war became the brains would succeed just as well ty headquarters last Thursday eve- re-elected, to administer the office of full owners, the minister said. ThflK.without college. ning in behalf of Greenleafs candid- assessor to the best of his abilitv. Jewish landowners now have » f>v*> Now the above statistics apply to acy. cial representative on the governJew and Gentile alike. But we know By H. B. ROGOSIN M. O. Cunningham, attorney, a' "It is the height of folly to throw ment's land distribution committed. that the Jew faces many more ob- friend of Mr. Greenleaf for 32 years, up attempting because you have failed. stacles, because of his religion. Big pointed out the need of selecting a Failures are wonderful elements in deThe new college year is now in full raent he has been quoted in the that it takes a long while,.if ever, corporations which draw a great capable assessor and stressed Green- veloping the character." Display is like shallow water, whsr* swing and thousands oj'Jewish fresh- Newark Evening News of March, b&ore he can claim his investment many college graduates into their or—Fitche. you can see the muddy bottom. leafs record during his present term! men are familtarzing themselves unth i O o a * •,• M. * « n ganizations and offer a lucrative field of office as deserving of re-election, j then- new surroundings and vetting a 1929> M stating that "a college is bringing in returns. Clark claimes that the professions for the "brainy" individual, either thrill out of being at college. What course does not increase the recip"The large crowd at this meeting will these Jewish young men think ients earning power, but may have mentioned above can support (at thedo not take Jews or else have a bears testimony of the high regard in minimum of Jews on their payrolls. present time and considering the dewhich Mr. Greenleaf is held," said IT'S THE CHEAPEST IX THE J.OSG Et'N—MORE HEAT MSS5 A8H while? Mr. Rogosin, a recent grad- urinary statements of last year mand for such services) about 1,« Just let a Jew try to get into the Judge Howard Kennedy, republican U:SS WORK. LESS ffOKEI uate, has some pertinent thi.ngs_tojsay year were confirmed by Professor 600,000 people. Last year there were Standard Oil Company or the NationHtt de candidate for clerk of district court. about these questions. —EDITOR. Clark a few months ago. 800,000 graduates about to enter al City Bank! A Jew must struggle "Taxation comes home to all of us. HAXB-riCKED LUMP The statictics on which he bases professional fields. No wonder the to get into college (except for a T*.'th the opening of the fall semWe need a man of unexcelled integfew colleges such as New York UniO17R TRIBE ICMP _ the above conclusions include the professions are overcrowded and that ester of college thousands of Jewish rity and judgment like Mr. Greenleaf MIXE lil'K—50% parents have sent their youngsters!v e i 7 important fact that the majority stringent, harsh and sometimes un- versity, Alabama and City College in the assessor's oflice." to college. They believe that the in-! o f college students enter certain fair measures are being taken to re-of New York), must hurdle a JewFrom Surar Cr*ek Anthony Zaleski, south side atBest Grade vestment of $4000 to $6000 in a col-1 definite professions: medicine, law, duce the number eligible to these ish quota to get into medical school torney, reviewed Mr. Greenleafs reclege education will result in greater' teaching, engineering, dentistry and professions. In the other profes- and then come into contact with anti- ord as assessor and also as an employe jnaterial benefits, socially and finan-,the ministry. As an example" of thesions similar conditions prevail. If Semitism while serving his interne- in the treasurer's office, under both recially, to their children and to them-jtype o f thing that is happening in- yor develop skill for which there is ship. Finally, if he clears these ob- publican and democratic administraBootless—No Slate—No Rock—Very Little Ash selves. Besidus this, it seems to be{these professions, is an advertdse- a great demand, the pay will be high. stacles, he must go out into the tions. a particular trait oi the Jew that h e ; m e n t t n a t appeared in the Nev York If there is a laige supply of skilled world where in nine cases out of 10 "As a member of the equalization is interested in higher education, j University Daily News about a year workers and the demand is small the he will earn a bare pittance for hisboard for eight sessions, I know some picbably because he is denied it in a £°- Ifc called for a law graduate pay will be small. That is the situa- trouble and perseverance, to say. of the difficulties which the assessor 0 countries other than the United,* serve his clerkship without pay tion ; that exists in the professional nothing of the amount of money that must face in keeping everyone satisand giving as part of his duties the fie .ds. As the widely quoted Balti-he has spent. . States. fied," said County Commissioner John Such are the obstacles that face Briggs. "Mr. Greenleaf has been fair Yet the Jew has achieved educa- removal of snow from the office more Sun has poh-ted out, we seem to be heading for the same condi- the Jewish college graduate. The and courteous at all times." tion in the face of tremendous ob-. sidewalk, tion that existed in prewar Germany, foregoing to show the obstacles that stades, because of the Jevish tradi- [ ^j^ B e D e r > attorney; Mrs. Jean where brilliant young chemists, phy- face the Gentile college graduates. j a r m i n , Omaha university instructor; tion that a Jew should go to school. Professors overcrowded Teachers are notoriously under-' sicists and engineers worked for Might they not be better off finan- Ira A. Jones, republican candidate for From earliest times in Jewish history, the < highest honors and t h e ' P a i d The medium salary for 1929about $100 pei month, with very cially if they did not go to school? county treasurer, and Peter Mehrens, greatest reverence have been paid t o ' f o r teaching was $1,-800. (World's little chance for advancement. Does education pay? DAVE SHEEMAJf AT-4444 among others who spoke in behalf of scholars.. -The driving force of this( Wor k> June, 1929.). In one town in Mr. Greenleaf. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) Factors in Success centuries-old .tradition cannot be New Jersey the'highest salary paid overestimated.--.- V . . [to grade_school teachers is $2000 per When a college man does succeed So -to-day parents continue that year, and" at the'end of JaTlifetime or where «• large group of men who Jewish tradition by sending their ; o f service the grade .school teachers have made successes are college sons and, in increasing numbers, [a r e retired on" half,- pay ($1000 per graduates (as in Who's Who statisttheir daughters to college. Partic- }year.) Even in" New York city, ics), the college training is said to larly is this true in New York city, i which pays about the highest teach- b": the most, important factor. As a with its large Jewish population and j e r s > salaries in the country, $2500 matter of scientific investigation, as great many other factors are in!its great percentage of Jews in New is a good salary. The medical profession requires volved: York University and the College of 1. The ability of the individual. two years- college, ^foui?* years of , the City of New.York. ..-..-. ; ' At the present "time, l:in a period medical school? and >tsirp <years of in- 2. The influence of the individual. 3. The family connections of.the '. of business;: depression, the Jewish terneship. ^Now twhit ^return must j shopkeeper^. are especially hard h i t a doctor eipect^orj ei^ht years of individual. 4. The business opportunities. Business conditions'has'e, beett,;' going • expensive^.,study 7^- Tijjere^s ;,no doubt


Is a College Education >

^ ^ ^ ^

Many Thousand Jews Own Land in Latvia

to a Jew?

Many Obstacles Are Confronting the Student of Today Who Seek a Professional Training, Especially the Jewish Students*





4-4s SEMI







Consumers(bat (p.

$. Request

2 from b a d ••£& •sjiv &&&Qp* c&^d^tGSre^ i s n o

; indication at-present of the return 1 of Harding's so-called normalcy. Stricter competition and the lower distribution costs of large combina- j tions have,so pressed the^small shop- j J kreper, who is generally Jewish, that 1 some economists- have predicted the ' extinction of this portion of the middle class in the near future. We must keep in mind that it is from tlis middle class' of Jewry, including th'-. prof ess;onal class, that the greatest proportion of our Jewish students come. -However, one may-safely- say, that, in spite of business depression •'and the scarcity of money, there will tie more Jewish college students this! tfall than ever before. Parents have j found a way, somehow, to raise the jmoney to send their boy or girl to [school.


Now what .;_-e the actual facts in the case. Parents expect their son or daughter who goes to college to .uake a very good living af*"*r graduation. Professor Harold Florian Clark, of Columbia University, after about two years of research^ says the following: "When we are talking in economic terms, it is absolutely certain that four years of college is wrolly or pavially a waste of time for many who enroll." (Worlds Work, June, T.929.) In another article (Survey, May 15, 1929) he put it even more strongly:; "-^—, • The economic arguments in its behalf (i. e. in favor of college attendance) not only are out of keeping with many of the, scholars' ideajs,: but frequently are harmful because they are leading thousands .of- .American* boys -and' girls into expectations of large incomes—expectations that cannot be realized." Besides the above state-

• - * -

• %


H E JEWISH PRESS 1 H requests that its subscribers patronize those firms and individuals who advertise in its pages. This request has a.double significance . 7 . Advertiser! who adopt "The Jewish Press" as a medium through which to address their Jewish clientele, are assuring our subscribers of their desire for, J patronage.


; The greatest argument in favor of ^sending a girl or boy to college is that college graduates earn more • .money than nongraduates. Educators in particular have claimed time and time again that a college education pays high dividends. Pamphlets such as those distributed to schools and libraries (at 10 cents pei copy) by the Fointerex Club enjijtled "Education Pays Showing the Benefits of Education in Money, Per,so:.ality, -Power, Fame and General fSuccess," contain such statements as •the following: "Education is the iroyal road to Glory. The Education Highway will lead you toward the Hall of Fame. Teachers (who get about the lowest salary of the professional classes) are among the greatest offenders in 'pushing* college. What they say in effect is: 'Go to college. It pays: Look at me!'"


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MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent -

ELECTEDHEAD Local Answers to OF BROTHERHOOD National Questions

if it





Follow the Leader

guests, on the morning of the ball. She drove them to her home, established them in various guest cham(Continued from Page 3.) bers and telephoned her committees. Xr.ere was no denying it. While Frankfort-on-Main. — (J. T. A.)— Plans are rapidly progressing for insurrection of lassitude, of preoccuthe Annual Revue of the Ladies The liberal Frankfurter-Zeitung ridi- pation and illness was getting under the members of the auxiliary had reAuxiliary of Shaare Synagogue, cules the Aryan fighting unit, the way, Mrs. Mortimer Myron Schwartz- ceived tickets, no reports had been which is scheduled for November 2. Stalhelm, the anti-Semitic and nation- berger, seated beside her august taken, Millie hadn't any idea whether The ticket committee under the di-alistic war veterans organization, be- spouse, was being pushed up andtwenty or two hundred had been rection of Mrs. Mike Mushkin and cause some of its members sought re- down the boardwalk, or she loitered sold. No, she hadn't done anything, Mrs. Sam' Weiner is planning to go j fuge in a synagogue when they were before the inviting windows, buying she hadn't been out of the house. out this week. The committee in- attacked by a band of Communists. presents or playing bridge at theWhile there was a committee of sponsors, their names had not been cludes Mrs. Sam Weiner, Mrs. Joe Two score members of the Stalhelm hotel. engrossed on the front page of the Rosenthal, Mrs. Sam Passman, Mrs. had stopped in Frankfort for drinks. It was over a bridge table, the program, because there was no proA. M. Herzoff:, Mrs. Max Herzoff, A little bit under the weather the war Mrs. Sam Lipman, Mrs. Sam Shul- veterans went out for a walk and met other three matrons also leaders in gram. Hannah hadn't been able to kin, Mrs. D; Baker, Mrs. L. Shindler, the Communists. The inevitable clash their own towns, that Mrs. Schwartz- sea any advertisers. While the hall berger spoke of the forthcoming balL was there, empty, waiting for the Mrs. A. Silverberg, Mrs. M. ..Silver- ensued and the war veterans fled. berg, Mrs. Jake Shindler, Mrs. S. The nearest refuge was the syna- She had been urged to stay on an-sound of music, the rythm of dancing feet, there were decorations and no Broscow, Mrs. L. Hurwitz, Mrs. J. gogue crowded with worshippers at other week. "Oh, no. I must get back for my orchestra -had been engaged. Lansberg, Mrs. B. Shindler, Mrs. Succoth services. The panic-stricken Max Lasensky, Mrs. J. Kauffman, worshippers thought they were about ball". "My ball", she called it, and Tears of vexation stood in Sarah Mrs. A. Slotsky, Mrs. S. Kozberg, | to be attacked but after a brief ex* as she described it to them, it grew S"hwartzberger's eyes. So these Mrs. F. Berger, Mrs. B. Epstein, planation the sjexto.n; hid them, in an in magnificence. She had a brilKant the committees she had so deeply Mrs. M. A. 'Levich, Mrs. J. Harko- ante-room and called the police. The idea as she talked. Instead of stay- trusted! She went to the kitchen to way, Mrs. M. Friedman, Mrs. Robt. Communists in., the', meantime were ing on here "another week, she would give orders for lunch for the guests Sacks, Mrs. Milton Mushkin, Mrs. patiently waiting for .their prey cer- stay with them until the day of the and again established herself at the Meyer Daskovsky, Mrs. A. B. Fried- tain that the, Jews-would not harbor ball.- Then they could all drive back telephone. man and Mrs. Joe Shulkin. the anti-Semites.; .Then the police ar-j with her "and she would be only too And that night the walls of the rived and routed the Communitsts. glad to have them as her guests. Community Center resounded with The barried war veterans than quit She wrote Millie, hoping that music and laughter. There were decJ. N. Krueger Dies their hiding place in the synagogue everything was running smoothly, as orations and refreshments, a comand left the city. . . . , j always, and expressing her intention mittee of sponsors hastily run off on of bringing as her guests the three hand bills. And the three out-ofMr. J. N. Krueger, pioneer resident of Sioux City, died in a Rochester both of Sioux City, Mrs. S. M. Bai-i social leaders whom she had met at town guests were there to hear the hospital, after a lingering illness. lin of Atkinson, Nebraska, Mrs. S. IAtlantic. City and who had given her speech of congratulations delivered Mr. Krueger had been a resident of Kassove, Anthon, la., and Mrs. A. such splendid ideas for the charitable by the president of the Old Age Sioux City for over forty years, com- Greenfield and Miss Nettie Krueger j work in town. Home to Mrs. Mortimer Myron ing directly to this-city from Rus-j of Chicago; four sons, Mark KrueMillie, just up from bed and nerv- Schwartzberger. For Sarah Schwartzsia. He was born ; December 20, ger, of Wakonda, S. D., and S. .L.OUJ from weakness, read the letter berger was a leader, even when 1862. ; Krueger, Sovel Krueger and . Louis and ran, trembling to the telephone. there was no one to follow. Mr. Krueger was the president of Krueger, all of Sioux City; a brother She called the committee, one by one, (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Kruegers Inc. Fruit Wholesalers for Abe Krueger and "a sister Mrs. M." told them she didn't care what they vere going to do, for one she was" the past 20 years. \ He was an ac-Dizon of Sioux City. going to have nothing to do with tive member of the Bnai Brith Lodge j The Day of Atonement is given for the charity ball this year. If Sarah the atoning of sins committed against and Shaare Zion Synagogue. Junior Hadossah Schwartzberger chose to spend the God; but the Day of Atonement will Funeral services were held Sunwhole month in Atlantic City, well, not atone for sins committed against Junior Hadassah will hold its first day afternoon at 3 o'clock from the Krueger home, 3701 Jackson Street,) meeting of the season next Wednes- then there wouldn't be any ball! It a fellowman, unless the offender has asked pardon of the offended. with Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz officiat-'day evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Jew- was open insurrection now. ing. He is survived by the widow,' ish Community Center. New officers Mrs. Mortimer Myron SchwartzSo great is the virtue of repentance Mrs. J. N. Krueger, six daughters, will be installed at the meeting,-and berger returned to town, accompanied by her three important. that it prolongs a man's years. plans for the year will be outlined. Mrs. Abe Pill and Mrs. J. H. Mosow, J

Under the supervision of-Mr.-Sam Local enthusiasts for:the Yiddish Passman, the Shaare Zion _ SynaMorris Pill was elected President Stage have been exceedingly dis- gogue Choir will make its first apof the Mount Sinai Temple Brother- couraged by the pessimistic reports pearance this season at the'opening hood-meeting, held in the Davidson concerning the Jewish Theater in the of the late Friday evening - services Tea Room, Tuesday evening.; He United States. That the Yiddish at the Synagogue this-evening. -The succeeds Mr. IL H. Slotsky who has Theater is on a decline is admitted personnel of the Choir includes Dena Ruiir^Bernserved the organization as Presi- by practically all interested in theBaron, Dena B. Baron, stein, Miriam Barren?",1' THanya Broproject. Jacob Ben Ami, who apdent for the past two years. Mr. .Morris E. Skalovsky was peared' in Sioux City. last, spring in scow, Rubin Cohen, Dorothy:friedelected Vice President; Mr. Abe; Ag- the-- Title Role of the play "Jew man', Albert Herzoff,:-Lee- Her'zoff, ranoff, Secretary, and W. C. Slotsky, Suss" deplored this fact in speaking Ida Heshelow, Sovel Heshelow, rSara Treasurer. The foljowing men were to the members of the National Kuntz, Eleanor Lefkow, Jack'Lipman, elected to serve on the Board of Workers Alliance, in an interview. Mae Lipton, Elizabeth Passman, Jack Directors: Enchel Barish, M. Blank, How can interest be stimulated in Reznickj Rose Reznick, Sonfa -Rich, L. S. Goldberg, Louis Haeger, Si the Yiddish Theater, we asked sev- Morris Rubin, Margaret'. Saitlin, eral local men and women, who are Henry Saitlin, Jessie Slotsky, - and Krueger, • Joe Kosenthal and Ben Ruth Wigodsky. Mr. Sam Passman S e k t . • ' - - . - • • '••• , "•'- ' • ' • • interested in this phase of art. arranges and writes the music used . Following the Brotherhood meeting Mr. D. Sperling, owner of Sper- by the Choir. Tuesday, evening Mr. A. M.. Davislings Grocery, is an ardent enthuNewly elected officers of the Choir presided at the Mount Sinai Annual siast, worker, and admirer of all Congregational meeting. Five new Jewish Art. Last year, Mr. Sperling are Ida Heshelow, President; Ruth Wigodsky, Secretary; and Morris directors' for the* Temple Directorthe Jewish Play "TheOnly E u & n / U s u r e r : Mr. Morey - Lipship, were elected at this time, and ducted Way", which was written by Mr. | shutz, President of the Kadima Club included • W., Cr Sldtsky;- J. *H. Abe Stillman. stein., Sam.L. Cohen, E. N. Grueskin, "If local dramatic groups would is Patron of the organization. and J. Kalin. : ... ; „ . ; . present and sponsor Yiddish plays Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak A dinner and program preceded the more often, interest in the Jewish this craning on the subject of "Jewish Conception of Womanhood". This elections. Theater would increase." There are service is the first of the late Friday a number of excellent plays, written evening Services which will begin at by the finest Jewish authors, plays 8 o'clock. They will continue every Mr. and Mrs; A. Mazie entertained 0.. excellent Yiddish grammar and Friday evening throughout the year. forty-five gussts- at -their home, Sun- worthwhile content that could be pre- Cantor Pliskin will chant the ritual day afternoon, honoring their grand- sented locally, even if dramatic tal- with the assistance of the choir. son Marvin Edward Mazie, son ofent were limited." This ideal is a Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mazie, at theforemost one in the mind of Mr. customary Jewish ritual of "Pinyan Sperling to increase the interest in the Yiddish Theater. .: A' Ben", for a first born son. Mr. Barney .Baron, acted as "Ca- Mrs. M. Leaff has appeared in sev\ yan" at the ceremony. Out of- town eral Yiddish Plays in Sioux City, apMr. • E. N. Grueskin, Vice Presi pearing also in "The Only Way". guests included Mr. and Mrs. B. A. dent of the Lodge and chairman of Simon, Mrs. A. Simon, and Mrs. She felt that the hope of the Yid- the recent B'nai B'rith Dance will dish Theater lay in the young people David Blacker, all of Omaha. of today. "If the young people were give a-report of the Dance at the Twenty five couples tendered Mr. taught Yiddish, the .future of theregular meeting, of the B'nai B'rith and Mrs. Max Haligman, a surprise Jewish Thejitei would -be assured. Lodge which is .scheduled for ;TuesHouse Warming Sunday evening at As it is, very few of. them under- day evening, October 21, at the Comthe new Haligman residence, 28 Con- stand Yiddish, arid as a result can munity Center. At that time,.Mr. M. E. Friedman, gress Street. A dinner was served not be coerced into supporting this at' six .o'clock'and was followed by movement. A : thorough . knowledge President of ^the B'nai B'rith -advises an evening' of Bridge. An elaborate of the Jewish language would of that, plans .will be furthered for the gift was presented by the guests to course ^inean , that knowledge of .the "Past;i PresidentSr Meetfngf-Y which Mr. and Mrs. Haligmari. Yiddish literature would be greater." wjll. take place the^first Tuesday in November. This meeting^ will-..,: be Mrs. P. Okin, of Chicago, Hljnois, Mr. Joseph Aizenberg, .;.• faculty turned over. to the men who have is a guest at the home of Mr. and member of the Hebrew School, al- served the organization in previous though not interviewed at this time, years, in,the capacity of President. Mrs. B. H. Raskin. ,_.j" often expressed his desire to see The N. W. A., a newly organized t h e yi(jdish Theater flourish. He Senior Hadassah girl's club, will meet Sunday after-, t o 0 f h a s expressed himself as believnoon at the home of Miss Ann Ras-j^g t h a t t h e f u t a r e o f the Yiddish kin, on Vina Avenue. Bridge will j T ^ t e r lay in the education of the The first meetng of the Senior be followed by light refreshments. young people along Jewish lines of Hadassah Organization this fall will be held at the Jewish Community Mr. Meyer Levitt left Monday literature^ Center, Tuesday afternoon, October ; Mr. A. Stiliman, author of a four evening for St. Paul, Minnesota. 28. The* program for the meeting act Yiddish' Play "The Only Way" is Twenty .five members of the Ques- an enthusiast for the Jewish Art will be announced by Mrs,^. William tion Club, and their guests opened Theater. Lszare, President, ' through- the colthe fall social, season, with a Hard ums of the Jewish Press next Friday. Time Party, Sunday evening, in the Sioux Ball Room. Paul Ross and BUSINESS GIRLS his orchestra furnished the music t ' Eleven members were elected into S EFF' S for dancing/ A midnight supper con- the J. C. C. Business Girls club at a cluded the party. meeting held Thursday evening. DELICATESSEN They include Freda Lass, Rose LeA N D . ' - • • • ' • Miss Sylvia Urbach, of. Dubuque, .._-—.-.,...». „.«.«, ^.^uuuH-*,.^ . Mollie M r s - s > L a z u r e E n b i n Iowa, hhas been a guest at the home 1 ,v M„ , ., «• „ , . „ rt SANDWICH SHOP * t u ti. n/r nu 1 TT u u Mary Berkowitz, Eva Perel, Eva OrKOSHER MEATS OF ALL KINDS of her brother, Mr. Charles Urbach. ... ' „ .', T.' . „ hkoff, Rose Baird, Mae Lipton, MarMr. Sol Tuchman of Omaha visitedigaret Saitlin, Bessie Seeks. Mary y friends in Sioux City on Monday. Rozofsky was elected as shopper for Mr. and Mrs. W. Weinstein will the coming year. and entertain 75 guesls on Sunday even-., Mr. . Michael Guttman, , ., player m . , , "We feed the multitude" i ing honoring thsir son-in-law and business manager of the Trousdale With Tasty Foods Oa daughter, Mr. and Mrs™ Sidney Lin- [ ^ J ? r S / S p° k e m f * *meetms ^ work, of the« Theater, r denbaum, whose marriage yps an event of last week. . Last Sunday afternoon, Miss Roma [\\ ; -.;; Sioux City's. Most Popul&^i^, •... Wigodsky, Miss Tillie. Merlin and Place to Eat Miss Dorothy Merlin entertained 16 guests in the home of Miss Dorothy Merlin, honoring Mrs. Lindenbaum. Bridge was followed by Tea. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson departed Tuesday evening for a; two •week vacation to Excelsior Springs.

Social News





-i'ivMr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky returned recently after a brief visit in Chicago. Misses Charlotte Salkin and Lillian Shulman, entertained eighteen guests at a dancing- party, Sunday evening honoring several out of town 'guests, who include Marylon Glazer, Ethel Staler, .Belle Green and Sylvia Goffstein all of Omaha. Mrs.- Bent Sherman left Wednesday morning for St.. Louis for a ten day visit- Enroute to St. Louis, Mrs. Sherman ( stopped at Council Bluffs to visit friends. She will alsc visit al-'7ulra, Oklahoma, .and Kansas^City bki-e her return home^ rir. and Mrs. Dave Rosenthal left C"'-.y to visit their son and daugtC H I crd Zlrr.. II. Hymman of Aber•• i c* v^czis at the S. Roginsky , ":• .Tnc!:con St.


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