In the interests of The Jewish Community
Interesting and Entertaining.
UsrMl as second-class mall matter on Jt'S-.2 "7. lino, at pottofflce at Omaha, Nebraska.: under the A< re^.
*':--^.'P: 1"-y=i*-'1
Unusually Higher Number of Dependent Families Seek Some Aid
$610,000 Budget Is Adopted for Their Palestine Work
The first 10 months of 1930 have placed upon the Jewish Welfare Federation greater burdens in the support of dependent families than.this organization has carried in its previous history, according to a study completed today analyzing the Federation's case load. The number of major care cases carried during one month did not fall below 42 during any of the 10 months January to October, inclusive, in 1930, while in 1928 and 1929, the greatest number of cases of major, care car? ried during any one month was 33. The federation's records show an unusually high number of active cases during the summer months of .1930, J. A. Gordon a season which is usually regarded as light in comparison with winter deJerome Gordon will represent the pendency. sons in an address at the Father and Causes for the increase in calls upon Son Banquet to be held at the Jewish the Federation's budget were analyzed Community Center this Sunday. in the case records. The general unemployment situation combined with the fact that the small shop keeper, who has in previous years made a bare living in his small store is finding it increasingly hard to hold his own against the competition of the large, corporation, are in part responThree hundred and fifty dads and sible for this situation, according to ' lads will gather to celebrate the ninth Samtiel Gerson, executive secretary of j annual, Father and Son "Banquet at the Jewish "Welfare.Federation. the:Jewish Community Center on Sun"The Jewish worker i s not hit so day evening, November 9, at six hard by- technological unemployment," o'clock. he said, "because he is rarely an inThe Social Service Committee, undustrial worker, but the small, shop- der whose auspices this event is keeper is having the hardest time in staged, has arranged what it terms his history.. to 'make a bare- living. the .most elaborate program in its Many a man closes his corner store history in order to transcend its forbecause he cannot make ends meet me? successes. and BetSvQUV to hunt a job, merely to Jerome Gordon will.-speak for the Gnd industrial unemployment forcing sons. .; William L* Holzman, president him backk upon the bounty of the of the Jewish Community-Center, will social agency." serye'as toastmaster. J During the first 10 months of 1930, ':• The program:."Orchestra selection, the Jewish Welfare Federation has f*Melooy; 4MaH^; invocation, Kabbi
Buffalo.—The sum of $500,000 for Hadassah's medical organization, and affiliated work was voted by the convention of Hadassah, Women's Zionist Organization. Mrs.* Edward Jacobs . was. elected president succeeding Mrs. Robert Szold, who was elected first president. Miss Pearl Franklin was named second, viceipresidenti*Mrs. .Samuel Halpern, third vice-presldent» and Mrs. Henry Hay, fourth vice-president. The new secretary is Mrs. Moses F. Epstein; treasurer; -Mrs. • Samuel Rosensohn, and. Miss Henrietta Szold, honorary president. In addition to the regular budget Hadassah delegates to the convention voted unanimously to allot $110,000 for infant welfare work, school lunches and welfare centers. The sum of $813,000 was voted for the reclamation of land around Haifa Bay by the Jewish National Fund Branch of Hadassah. "The Jewish National. Fund represents the fundamental ideal of Zionism," Mrs. Irma Lmdheim told the Hadassah convention. "Socialist England attacks the fund on the grounds that it has encouraged self labor on the land. England feels that the Jew should secure labor and merely be an overseer." Mrs. lindheim warned Britain against "selling short the high ideals of the Jewish National Fund."
Invite Einstein to Chicago World's Fair Chicago.—Professor Albert Einstein will be invited to lecture at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933 on the practical workings of his theory of relativity, according to an announcement just made by Dr. W. F. G. Swann, a member of the Science Advisory Committee of the World's Fair. It is intended that the lecture should be in the form of a talking picture. Such a lecture would supplement an exhibit showing some of the problems aroused by the Einstein theory, declared Dr. Swann.
VHL—No. '41
Local Jewry Berates Mandatory's Policy at Mass Meeting Sunday Over 800 Present Protests of Jewry At Protest Having Their RaUy Effect
Over eight hundred Omaha Jews The exiled Jewish nation held concrowded into the B'nai Israel syna- gress Sunday night in every corner gogue last Sunday to voice their pro- of its dispersion, and demanded tbe test along with that of the world* return of its home. The demand ws* Jewry against the British'White' Pa- made on the thirteenth anniversary «£ per, which virtually nullified the Bal- the Balfour Declaration, which was four Declaration and-the promise of to have given Palestine to the Jews aiding in the upbuilding of the Jewish as a homeland. Fifty thousand Jews National Homeland in Palestine. in New York, and proportionate numResolutions were passed by the as- bers in other American cities and -In Dr. Samuel Gerson Chairman of sembly in* registering their protest. cities all over the world attacked the These were not directed at the British recent Passfield White Paper which, Conference Session at CenHenry Monsky people, but at the present Labor Gov- by closing immigration into Palestine * ter on Tuesday Henry Monsky is. president of the ernment. They said "they refused to and forbidding sale of land to Jew* Community Chest for the second consubmit to this 'breach of faith' and re- would put an end to the promise of One of the most outstanding social secutive year. The annual drive will fused to discontinue the Jewish work tire Balfour Declaration. be officially launched on November 12. workers' conferences ever held here in the Holy Land." The storm of protest which ha* met at the Jewish Community Center M. F. Levenson, head of the Oma- swept over the Colonial office because Tuesday. One hundred and twentyfive workers, mostly non-Jewish, rep- ha Zionist district, acted as chairman of the latest British White Paper has resenting thirty-five different organi- of the meeting. Philip M. IQutznick been so severe that reliable sources addressed the crowd in English, stress- indicate that very shortly the Labor zations were present . ing the fact that now is the time for Government will issue an "explanaDr. Samuel Gerson presided as the Jewish people to demonstrate chairman. The session was in the what the National Homeland means tory* statement. This statement, according to reports, will .modify ths Omaha's citizens, regardless of race, form of a dinner meeting, being held color, or creed,' a*e joining forces for at 5:30 with a Kosher meal served. to them. He pointed out that instead announced government policy and -will the city's annual concentrated Com- The Kashruth idea was explained to of being discouraged by this latest tone down the harshness of its conBritish announcement of policy we tents. munity Chest drive, which will be held the guests. should redouble our efforts. The municipal elections held in from November 12 to November 20. The women aiding with the dinner L Morgenstern spoke in Yiddish. Great Britain last week showed «. "Give More for a Greater Need. Be include the Mesdames William AlGlad You Can." • This is the rallying berts, Reuben Kulakofsky, B. A. Si- He analyzed the situation point by narked loss by the Labor Party, cry of the workers during the drive. mon and Miss Rose Rosenstein. The point and made an impassioned plea While this does not directly concern that we should not let England's lat- national politics, still many politics! Henry Monsky, who is serving as Tonku Coda club served. president of the Community Chest for A miniature cabaret show enter- est treachery stand in the way of forecasters Bay that the Palestinian policy has already had a weakening the second consecutive year, has issued tained the social workers during the realizing our hopes. The mass meeting was sponsored by effect on the MacDonald administrathe 'following statement to Omaha dinner. Those taking part in this a committee of organizations and tion,, especially since the Labor Party Jewry: "were Shirley Janoff, Rebecca Kirshensynagogues representative of Omaha lost out in places which were their "The Jewish:Welfare Federation baum and Rose Steinberg Jewry. strongholds the last election. Abraham Epstein, national secreof Omaha receives from the Community Chest financial .support for tary of the American Association for all of its relief work and in addition Old Age Security, was the main thereto a substantial ^ntn of money speaker. Through special arrangement with for the support of rainy of t h e CteThe speaker deplored the inadeEya. La GalBene arid the^Gwic The pre-scagon baskettjall "tesgae<g«£ "iriS^Y^ month, making""nr-soine -months « "50 &n& TSans; Jerome "Gordon? Father and ^eSSST -TSeaEer He claimed that-/ insurance underway at the Jewish Conmrartty ^Traditionally has it *een the age; per'cent increase. .This care of de- Son, partners, Sabbi Frederick Cohn* rithe Center Players Guild will present proud boast of the Jew that he dis- clauses axe totally -inadequate and Center Wednesday evening with Phys* pendent families has. been carried ori "*The Runaways,"- direction^ Einanuel 'Good Hope" at the Center Decem- charges f nlly the responsibility to- seeks legislative action in fee form ical Director, E. M. Segal in charge. the budget provided by the Communty Seigely physical director of Center; ber 4. This play is written by a ward the social needs of his own of old age pensions. '-. . - . . . • in the three fast and furious games Chest, without &ny increase since specialty, Billy Myers, courtesy Pub- Dutch Jew, Herman Hjierman, and group. Every Jew in Omaha is or The United States, he pointed out, played, there were also signs of good Conference on Child Welfare and this is the only translation in exist1928. should be intensely interested that is one of the very few countries who material for the coming season. lix World Theater; Give them a lift, ence. Protection to Be Held The amount of free recreational Henry Monsky j Guess What, courtesy our community shall be no excep- are backward in this field. The poor The U. S. Oils nosed out the November 19-22 The play is one of the most famous tion to the rule. service given by the Jewish Commun- Phineas Wintroub; American songs, farms were declared expensive as well Broadway All Stars by the score of ity Center has increased correspond- leader, Samuel Gerson; pianist, Lilyan of the Dutch dramas and involves four "We owe it not only to the Com- as inadequate. 10 to 9. Dr. Samuel Gerson, executive secremain leads—two character and two munity Chest but to ourselves if we ingly during the same period, accord- Chudacoff. • • In the second game, the A. Z. A. tary of the J. C. C. and the Welfare ing to Mr. Gerson. Families faced The Social Service Committee con- jnvenile. All four parts are of equal are to maintain our own self-reNo. 100 tested the Psi Mu team 13-11. Federation, has received an invitawith the economic situation described sists of: Dr. Philip Sher, chairman; importance. This fact brands the play spect to support the Community The big upset of the evening came tion from the White House to be * above are permitted the use of the Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Samuel Ger- unusual as the average drama has Chest in fullest measure. Our conin the windup game when the Ben's delegate to the Conference on Chili! Jewish Community Center without Bon, Dr. A. "Greenberg, Mrs. R. Kulak- only what is known as "straight tributions must include not only that Jewelry hasketeers were smothered by Health and Protection, which Is being cost, including the participation of ofsky, Leo Rosenthal, Harry Silver- leads." measure of support which .we feel the A. Z. A. No. 1 to the tune of 18-7. called in Washington from November boys and girls in swimming, gym, and man, The character roles will be played is due to the institutions in which Irvin Stalmaster, Mrs. Harry Extensive improvements are now in 19 to 22. club and class work of all kinds. by Miss Martha Himelstein, who has we are interested, but also our pro- progress at the Highland Country Wolf, WiiliamrGr6dinsky. Mr. Gerson is the only Omaha «chad previous experience with the portionate share of the Community club on the club's golf course. The dal worker to be invited, out «f 12* Guild, and by Samuel Berek, who had Chest budget for the support of entire course has been re-seeded, parts who received invitations. the male lead in the last Center pro- other social agencies in Omaha in of some of the fairways have been The conference is based on ths duction. which we as citizens are likewise sodded and some of the tees rebuilt. thought that home life is the higlwwt Fourteen traps have been put in. The juvenile characters will be interested. A double duty thereand finest production of civilisation fore is placed upon the Jewish Com- The-roadways have been leveled and given to Mrs. Elsie Fogel and to Earl and that if the families were assuT«c A junior forum has been organized munity. Our contributions must oiled. Arrangements have also been of a sound economic life there would under the auspices of the A. Z. A. SiegeL Both Mrs. Fogel and Mr. therefore be the most » « can pos- made to plant seventy-five to a hun2. Crounse, 924 North Sixteenth be no neglected children in this cowfc* chapter No. 1 and the Henrietta Szold Siegel have taken part in previous sibly give in every case." dred additional trees in the spring. street, was elected to the state legis- try. plays. girls. The forum consists of a series Baldrige Is to Be Speaker at of lectures to be given by prominent The cast, which is a very large one, Shelters against sun and rain will be lature from the Eleventh district He The conclave aims to study the presAffair Sponsored by Boston.—For the first time in this installed at different tees. includes: Sol Michnik, Shirley Janoff, will be the only Jewish member of ent Btatus of health and well-beiac people locally. The club is also making extensive the coming legislature. Brotherhood The forum will be inaugurated on Nate Sekerman, Sara Sekerman, Abe city's history, Orthodox, Conservative among the children of the United November 24, with Judge Irvin Stal- SaJtzroan, Ralph Nogg, ' Margaret and Reform Jews will hold a joint plans for additional parkways. The States, to report what is being don* Congressman H. Malcolm Baldrige, master as the first speaker. Among Hurwitz, Pauline Hurwitz, MaxJWein- Chanukah festival on December 14. work now being done will be finished for them, what ought to be done, and newly elected to the House xfi. Meyerson, Leo Brown, The event will be held under the au- in about three weeks. others who will lead discussions at stein, how to do it. presentatives, ivill be one of ihe later" dates are Rabbi David Gold- Haskel Cohn, Syd Wintroub: and 'Sol spices of the Brotherhoods -of Greater Mr. Jerome Heyn is chairman of The first of these conferences speakers at the annual Father, and stein, Dr. Samuel Gerson, Rabbi Fred- Myroff. the greens committee. Boston. by President Roosevelt in 1909; Son dinner to be given at .Temple erick Cohn, Dr. Victor Levine, Wilsecond by President WilBon in lftlS," Isiael Wednesday evening by -the liam 'Holzman, and Harry ffimman. and this, the third, by President Brotherhood. Hoover. Robert Stiefler, son of Mr. and Some of the outstanding intellect* Mrs. B. Stiefler, will talk in behalf of the country will address and atof the sons. tend the conference. The address >JT Nathan E. Jacobs, president of the President will be broadcast over the Brotherhoods will be chairman a national hookup. The Deborah Society will hold the of. the dinrer. alien world. Not only must we pre"The Conservative Synagogue in serve the Jewish past, hut we must This is the first meeting of the first meeting of the season will be Omaha will stand for a Judaism which also carry on the Jewish traditions, so Brotherhood this year and is . open held on Tuesday afternoon,'November disregards differences between Jews. vital in our life." to all. Dinner reservations should 11, at the Jewish Community Center It wUl strive for a Jewish unity in • • .".••••be made by phoning Louis Sdmberg, at 2:30 p. m. But Rabbi Goldstein is not despairOmaha above &!1 things, as a united ATlantic 0470, secretary of the ing of the future. "Judaism," he Jewish community will be best able to Brotherhood. The dinner is to start stated, "is much more than a reserve world Jewry, America and huat 6:45 promptly. ligion-—it is a civilization. Religion manity." is but one element of our civilization, The dinner will be prepared and Harry Mendelson Is Main Speak* With these words Rabbi David A. which consists of a language, folkserved by the Sisterhood of Temple er on Organization's •Goldstein expressed his lofty purpose A regular, meeting of the Biknr lore, an art, a music—each an imIsrael under the charge of Mrs. Program Cholim Society will' be held at the as new spiritual head of the Conservaportant factor." Molly Cohn. Rabbi Goldstein, 25th and Seward Synagogue on Mon- tive Synagogue. "So far Judaism in the lives of A large attendance marked th« Mr. J. Crounse day afternoon at 2 o'clock. A report who arrived in Omaha Monday with many of us plays a purely negative his wife and small son, will assume Mr. Crounse defeated Herbert opening meeting of the local chapter of the last meeting will be rendered. part," Rabbi Goldstein continued in White, a veteran member of the leg- of Hadassah held last week at th* his duties Friday evening, when he analyzing our situation. "We suffer islature who stood well in his district Jewish Community Center. Mrs. J. X will conduct the Conservative services as Jews and many of us find no com- and who was a member of many im- Friedman, newly-elected president, at the Jewish Community Center. pensations and see no reason why we portant legislature committees. presided. Rabbi Goldstein, who has been rabOmaha Jewry will be well represhould suffer. And yet, if we willed Mr. Crounse started out to win and The meeting was featured by th*. bi of Temple Beth El of Rockaway sented at the Nebraska State conferit we would find that Judaism could' d a canvass of everv home in his program, arranged by Mrs. A. Greenm a e Beach, New York, for the past four ence of Social Workers to be held at A mass meeting and celebration ma-ke a positive difference in our district. span. The main speaker was Harrr Hastings, Nebr., Saturday and Sun- commemorating the 13th year of years, has a pleasing personality and lives. "I made a pledge that I would give Mendelson, who spoke on "Palestine day. Soviet Rule in Russia will be held when he speaks his charming manner "We have one of the richest tradi- the best service possible "to Omaha and its Historical Reminiscences. Dr. Samuel Gerson will speak on here Sunday evening, 8 p. m. at the puts one at ease at once. tions in history, one which could be a if elected, &nd I plan to carry out that Robert Smith, clerk of the district "The Future of Nebraska's State Con- Labor- Lyceum, 22nd and Clark. Miss . When questioned as to- the present source of ethical idealism and reli- pledge," said Mr. Crounse. "I hope court, spoke on his experiences as «n ference" on Saturday afternoon. In Clara Speer, of Kansas City will be crisis in Judaism, Rabbi Goldstein adRabbi David A. Goldstein gious inspiration. This JtWrish tradi- to conduct myself to be a credit to immigrant during his early manhood, the evening Henry Monsky will- de- the main speaker. A musical pro^ mitted that the problem is an acute David Lazarus, winner of the tri-ststi one. "Not only Judaism but all re- explained. "But we have a double tion can help us feel at home in this the Jewish people of this city." liver an. address. gram is also to be featured. Mr. Crounse started on the streets music contest, rendered several voo&J This is the thirtieth annual meeting Those interested in Soviet Russia ligion is faced with the problems of problem to solve, as we also have to word, not only as Jiws, but as huselections. of Omaha as a newsboy. (Continued on page €.) modern science and philosophy," he maintain our identity as Jews in an of the conference. are cordially invited to attend.
Pre-Season Basketiball League Is Started
Highland Golf Course
Deborah Society to : Meet Next Tuesday
Rabbi Goldstein Pleads for a Positive, Not Negative,
BikurQholim Society to Meet on Monday
To Discuss Thirteenth Year of Soviet Rule
--.~.~\r ..si."-
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1930 Great Britain has contract by'thq; Bal- MONSKY, KATXEMAN * GBODIN8KY. ' &i, right nnd Just, either for cash Attorneys four letter and the Palestine Mandate tioif or cbrporiifioim. or for nny kln.i or 737 Omaha National Bank Bide. "were wise or unwise. The sole quesspecies of property or obligntlou or se' NOTICE OF INCORPORATION 1 eunties The Articleu tuny lie nmemlecl try tion is whether they £<re being fuli NOTICE Is hereby given that the under- « majority vote of the issued oms muting , filled, or that they ..are-incapable of *'«n?d. pursuant to the laws of thg-Stnte VIM**1* 8 t o c k u p o n . w ri«eu notice fen "inVB prior to any meeting-culled for that mirposo. i ^ fulfillment; or that our latest Govern3, <t030. ment has neither the will nor the ! Principal office shah be in Omaha,fc>o*u~-J Dated' September H. A. WOI.P, las County. Nebraska. The objects nnd H. U. AUEItBACH. means to persevere in their fulfill- purposes and nature of the corporate business are as follows: 1. To maintain and WM. L. HOLZMAN ment, there is one relief and one re- operate a general real estnte nnd insurLOUIS HII.LKR, ' It. H. BKOWN, lief only which can be sought. No janee business and to that end among other .things: (a) To purchase, lease, hire and ROBEUT H. ftoOPEK one could claim that the British na- I otherwise acquire, real and personal propJ. J. pUEKNBEHG, D I P P L V fiHfl « • * • • J * - * * * * - - . . — * —. _ .^ _ * _ » .t *. • * 4T 1Q 17 AVID GUUUNUUl tion is bound for all time, irrespec[improved tive of events or of their own physical idl „. _ and moral strength to pursue the pol- j otherwise encumber and to" mauage"""oper•ate, improve, develop, control, maintain, Jewish Teachers Convention icy of establishment of the Jewish I construct and generally to deal In said New Haven.—Plans for the annual National Home. But from the mo- property or any part thereof and any improvements thereon, either directly or convention of the Jewish Teachers' ment that we recognize and proclaim through ownership of stock in any other corporation or association, (b) To main- Association of the New England Libthat we have departed from these un- tain an agency for the writing and selleral Schools which is to be held here dertakings and are regarding the Zion- ing of policies of Insurance issued by reg-! ultfr corporated companies for insurance December 28 and 29, were formulated ist cause as a mere inconvenient inci- against any nnd every kind of haznrd, inat a meeting of the executive comdent in the Colonial Office adminismittee held at the Harmonie Club tration of Palestine» we are bound to here, with Rabbi Harry Kaplan, pressages and phrases might easily hare return our Mandate to the League Of. maintenance nnd operation of a complete pt ! brought* the balance of the statement agency, (c) To! ident of the organization presiding. j Nations and forego the strategic and into the balance acand dealing in real estate and /or moral and ma-terial advantages arising' hieved in 1922. This, we hope, may other property a i agent or fnctor for from the British control of, and asso- others h and ud tto operate, supervise and manyet be done. age office buildings nnd every kind and ciation with, the ^loly Land. character of real estate holding, improved Private Deviations of Principle (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Tele- and unimproved, for itself or on behnlf of By WINSTON CHURCHILL the owners thereof. 2. To engage in' the graphic Agency, Inc.) There are, however, at least two definancial investment and security business and for this purpose and to the end of acviations of principle which must be complishing any of its objects, among other things: (a) To ncquire by purchase, There are four milestones or sign-* the Permanent Mandate CoTMnissionjvember 1917, which is not suceptible remarked. The first has already been I subscription or otherwise and to hold ns by well-qualified Lehrer T-) . . . !oinvestments, any bonds or other securities posts in British policy towards Zion- of the League of Nations, surveying to change. Secondly, a Jewish Na- mentioned. Lord Passfield in basing X OS1 t l O n I r evidences of Indebtedness, or any shares ism and. Palestine, and the question the problem ten years late, made in tional Home will be founded in Pales- himself upon the report of the PerABRAHAM OSOFF hmself Per j of capital stock of ._ any any corporation, corporation, public public which has now arisen is whether they, 1929 the following pronouncements: -- nrlv" ' tine. The Jewish people will be in m anent Mandates Commission of the AT. 7076 I or private, or of any association, or of an Sofia fT T A >—Thp mpmlwa . Individual of the State of Nebraska, or of will point the same way. Th© first Firstly, "tthat obligations laid down n y o t h e r Btate terrltory o r c0,,ntry. ( b ) Palestine asa right and not on suf- L e a g u e of Nations that the obligations t n e oona. u Consistoire . i . A.J meof memoers Teacher of Hebrew in Tel Aviv. " "" assign, of these" signposts was erected when in the Mandate in "regard to the two ferance. But the Majesty's Govern- laid down bv the Mandate in rpcard Central Bulgarian' To purchase, guarantee hold, uua aown uy me mandate in regard _ «> .transfer, mortgage, pledge or otherwise on.Jthe.seco.ndiofNdverober 1017 the sections of population, janre,of equal ment have no such aim in view as that to the two Graduate of Teachers Traino sections secions of population are a r e11 J e w s w I u c h represents Bulgarian Jew- dispose p of any y bonds,, or other securities. scties. a<!' e I .v, , , . , I rv in its relations with the crnvprn I o r evidences of indebtedness, or shares of late Lord'Balfour addressed to Lord, weight." Secondly, "that the two obsnoum Decome as ing College in Jerusalem. q l weight, has overlooked or j^pj,,,, i n u s r e i a 0 T l s vn a as oo f eeq uuaal weight, has overlooked or ** " *' t i e govern - j ^ p j , , gg tt oo cc kk ccrreeaatteed o r i B S I K , d b y n n v c r o . Roihschild the letter known as "The Jigations imposed on the Mandatory n ee n n tt a am m ii n England is English. Thirdly, nor do do i ignored the fact that obligations are ' * Jewish organizations abroad, pomtion, associatio h f ' * Jewish organizations abroad ssociation or individual of the sxssx Balfour Declaration." "His Majesty's Power are in no sense irreconcilable." totally different different in e c o n d i r e s i ^ n e d because of its failure to get g territory y or^'co'un c y , n d n ner the Majesty's Government contem- totally in character character S Second-i of its failure to g e t territory or^'co'untry', Government," wrote the British For- The two obligations are indeed of plate the disappearance or subordina- , -_ . , -," -. , . , ", thp ^ovprnmpnt t o nHnnt itfc •nnint n-F tthereof, to exercise all the rights, powers h f t i l . . . " "llth with regardtotoaaopt support Jewthereon, same extent eigai Secretary* "views with favor the equal weight, but; they are 'different tion of the Arab population, language paper ly, frequent use in Lord Passfield's ? government its for point of aright including the i u l p r ito v l l erote geB o fo w n e r s nto i p ,the of Mandatory obligations "to view : v, v,. i m. /-. • * • -i. j ns a natural person might or could do. TAYLOR GRAIN CO. Fourthly, the status of inhabitants of Palestine, both Arabs lsn scnools. i n e Consistoire had com- <c) To aid In nny manner nny corporation, establishment in Palestine of a Na- in character. The first obligation is or culture. firm, individual, or association of which 737-38 Grain Exchange Bldg. tioh&l Home for Jewish people and positive and creative, the second ob- all citizens of Palestine will be Pales- and Jews" diverges the Jewish schools in nny bonds, or other securities, or evidences fundamentally SUGAR — GRAIN wiH. use. their best endeavors to fac- ligation is safeguarding and concilia- tinian, no section of the population from the 1922 White Paper which fol- the towns and cities were not receiv- of indebtedness, or stock are held by this company; and to do any nets or things STOCKS and BONDS will have any other status in the eye lowing upon the Balfour Declaration ing maintenance equal to the Bulgar- designed to protect, preserve, improve or ilitate achievement of this object." I tory. —Private Wires— enhance the value of nny bonds, or other TheTrear 1917 marked perhaps the) Our Mandatory obligations towards of the law." (There are other points and the Mandate, recognized in obli- ian schools. seenrities, or evidences of indebtedness, or JAckson 3403—AT. 2008 stock, including the guaranteeing of nny in the telegram but they need not be To discuss the situation the Conmost dreary" and sombre period of the Jews throughout the world who gation not only to the inhabitants of dividends or bonds, or contracts or other wafc I t was. the time when many helped us, and towards Palestinian cited here.) Palestine—Arab or Jew—but to the sistoire has called a conference of the obligations of any y such corporation, firm. Jewish communities throughout the hithertoTinswerving despaired of vie-:, Arabs who were the conscript soWiers Zionist movement eJl over the world 'to^arry Accept Hesitantly tory of the allieB. I t was. the mo-' o f our Turkish enemy are both bindto whom the original promise was country The conference will a l s o j ^ g ^ u ^ ^d b i This statement of practical policy i,i .•. .. . , I striction or limit as to amount, t meitt when most resolute elements of fag and we are bound both to preserve d. take u p the matter of electing a new ehnse or otherwise acquire, hold, own, required to fulfill the obligations of made. the Fritifeh Government sought to en-'in estabUshment of the Jewish Na"When it is asked." says the White! Consistoire and the problem of Jewish x every the Mandate and of the Balfour Decclass and description in any of fhe states, list every influence that could hold tional Home in safeguarding the civil Paper of 1922, "what is meant by the districts, territories or colonies of the 1107 Howard—JA. 0288 3 laration was inconsistently rejected by allied the associated nations to the and religious right of Arabs. Merely United States, and In any or nl foreigln ; development of the Jewish National MOVING — STORAGE — the Arabs and accepted only with excountries, subject to the laws of such, task. The Zionist movement through-' t o sit still ^nd avoid friction with PIANO MOVING Home in Palestine it may be anState, district, teritory, colony or country. | (e) To ncquire the good will, rights and out the world was actively pro-Ally,'Arabs and safeguard their civil and treme disappointment by the Zionists. swered that it is not the imposition property, and to undertake the whole or and in a special sense -pro^British. religious rights and to abandon the Nevertheless, the Executive of the of a Jewish Nationality upon the innny part of the assets and liabilities of ! any person, firm, association or corpora- | No^hereiwastnis jirovement;in6reLrib-. positive exertion for the- establish- •Zionist Organization passed a resolu- habitants of Palestine as a whole, but j tion, to pay for the same in ensh, the | j stock of this company, bonds or otherwise, , tieseable'tiian in the^Mted States and- m eht"of the Jewish National Home tion assuring His Majesty's Govern- the further development of the exist- j and to hold or in any manner to dispose' : Phone JAckson 1226 upon th^ active' share: of the United would not be a faithful interpretation ment that the activity of the Organi- ing Jewish community, with the assist- j ' of the whole or any part of the property | 1 so purchased; to conduct in any lawful ; sation would conform to the policy States $nv*h<j; bloody struggle, which: o f-the "Mandate. • • - - • " - " J manner the whole or any part of any busiance of Jews in other parts of the ! ness so acquired, and to exercise all the ftherein set forth and in letter conveywafe impending'rested a' large; pro-' •' " world in order that it may become a i powers necessary or convenient in and ang the text of this resolution. Dr. I about the conduct mid management of such poftion of our hopes. The able lead- _ M i s t a t i n g the Case center in which Jewish people as a i business. 3. To acquire, lease or sell or •Chaim Weizmann wrote, "The Zionist f; the Zionist jn.ovement^aud^theii. j ; . Lord AJ whole may take, on grounds of re• assign licenses in respect of, mortgage, or Organization has at all times been ! otherwise dispose of letters patent of the widespread branches exercised an BpK_ case trulyjvhen _Jie. writes in the new ligion and race, an interest and pride, i I United States or any foreign country, sincerely- desirious of proceeding in But^ in order, t h a t ^ this ..community' pricTabTe influence upon "American White Paper, "It is dear from the patents Tights, licenses and privileges, inharmonious, co-operation; with alt sec- should have tKeHbest prospect of free {rentions, improvements nnd processes, j opjnion and that Influence—like the wording of this article that jthj-gopu;I copyrights, trade-marks and trade-names "tlons ofUhe people of Palestine. It development and provide full opporrelating to. or useful in connection Xrith Jewish influence generally.JP— -was latiori of Palestine, and_ noJt*any"?£ecany business of this corporation. 4. To lias repeatedly made it clear both in tunity for the ...Jewish people to dissteadily .cagt in-:.ourT;favpr.,~Through:- tiofial interest, is jftfi^fthe .object of • Join, or consolidate with nnd to enter into rword and deed that nothing is further play its capacities, It Is essential that I agreement and cooperative relations with out t h e ^ o r l d ofaflied nafibiis.fJevffi tK|fGoveroiperit'svcaire..i' The essence any person, firm, association or corpora.from its purpose, than prejudice in it should know that i t is in Palestine tion, governmental, municipal or otherwise ELECTRJ.CCOMPANY (Zionist and^norfZionist alike) syrn- joif the Battottt Declaration in 191? and 23rd and Cuming Street , in and nbout the carrying on and out of the smallest degree of civil or reli- as of right and not of sufferance. That, ''OMAHA . pathized'jvitb,th"e Allies and worked the^teniffoii of the" Mandate in;1919 all or any of the purposes of thiB company. 8. In general to carry on any other gious rights or ijnaterial interests of is the reason why it is necessary that for the success of Great Britain- and' was-that "the' sectional interest" of business in connection with the foregoing, the non-Jewish population." whether manufacturing or otherwise, and the existence (of the Jewish National the close co-operation, with Great Brit- the Jews in the establishment of their to have and exercise nil the powers con. On this basis, therefore, the Gov- Home in Palestine should be internaferred by the laws of Nebraska upon corpain of the United States. | National Home was to be the object LARGEST STOCK ! orations. The foregoing provisions shnll ernment: of Palestine has been con- tionally guaranteed and that it should NATIONAL The Balf our Declaration must, of the Government's care and in the , be construed both as objects and powers; IN WEST ducted for the intervening eight years. be formally recognized to rest upon and it is hereby expressly provided that, Quick Shipments therefore, not be regarded as a prom- words of the article, the Mandatory the foregoing enumeration of specific powACCESSORIES, INC. FURNACE Our Hobby for ers shall not be held to limit or restrict We now come to the fourth mile- the ancient historic connection." ise given from sentimental motives; it Power assumed responsibility for BOIl.FR ' in any manner the powers of thiB corpora45 Years E v e r y t h i n g for t h e Auto" i tion. 6. Without in any particular liniitwas a practical measure taken in the bringing1 about the political, adminis- stone, namely the White Paper issued OMAHA STOVE ] ing any of the objects nnd powers of the Discrepancy from the Colonial Office by Cord interests of a common cause at a mo-' trative and economic conditions which 2501 Farnam—AT. 5524 . corporation, it is hereby expressly deREPAIR WORKS clared and provided that the corporation Discrepancy in fact and in spirit is ment when .that cause could afford to would secure the establishment of the Paesfield in the present month. The 1206-8 Douglas Street shall have the power to borrow money for any of the purposes of this corporation question which has to be judged is obvious. British obligation is not limneglect no factor of material or moral Jewish National Home. and to isBue limirts, debentures, debenture ited to the inhabitants of Palestine. stock, notes t\\ other obligations therefor, assistance. The third milestone is found in the whether the new Declaration of the and to pledge *.. mortgage all or any part of the property then owned or thereafter Colonial Office dispatches and corre- Socialist Government departs from the It must also comprise further exterAcceptance of Mandate CHARLES SIMON acquired, together with the income, rents nal obligation. The duty of the BritTh« second milestone was the ac-; spondence published in June, 1922. position est&bliBhed in 1922, which Recommends jand profits of property of the company, ish Government cannot be discharged 'and to issue bonds, debentures, debenture ceptance in 1919 of ithe Palestinian Here we have quitted the region of position was, however, reluctantly, aeJ. L. KRAGE. Proprietor The Sanitary Laundry j stock, notes or other obligations without merely by a convenient administrative cepted by Zionists as an interpretanny such security. The total nuthorired Mandate by Great Britain upon cer- mandates and declarations, and the •The B«st ot All lAandrr Service" capital stock shall be $5000,000. divided in"NEW FOR OLD" tain express terms. Article two, the British Government is face to face tion of the Balfour letter and of the treatment of a local situation. to E000 shares, par value (100 each and when issued shall be fully paid and nonThere is no use at this stage in exprime and fundamental article, states with the inherent, though not insep- Mandate. Here it should be sa>id that 1619 Farnaro St—AT. 8481 assessable. Stock shall be issued as the corporate needs require and shall be paid "the Mandatory shall be responsible arable difficulties of the problem, the difference is larsrely one of em- amining whether the obligations which for ns issued and may be paid for in cash, for placing the country under such They have to set limits both of speed phasis. Lord Passfield is an aged note* or in other property, renl or personnl. ABRAHAMS ft O'CONNOR At tbs reasonable value thereof as the com400 Brandets Theatre Bldg-. City political adminiBtrative and economic and,method; to "practical year-to-year minister, worn with a lifetime of literpany? may need or be able to use in the NOTICE B ¥ POBMCATION ON PETIconduct of its business. The corporation I ary and sociological labors who has, conditions as wiil secure the establish-. programs of the ^idnist scheme. They TION FOR SETTLEMENT OF FINAI* pg ^ For 50 Years shall commence business upon the filing o f ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT 2808-10 as is well known, long been anxious these Articles with the County Clerk of ff m»nt ot the Jewish National Home, have to offer to the Arat>-population In the County Court of Douglas County, Your TWel Man Douglas County, Nebraska, and continue Cumins, St. until January 1, 2030. The highest amount j ae laid down in the preamble, and the f definite and concrete assurances as to to seek repose. I t may well be that Nebraska. of indebtedness to which the corporation ' HA In the Matter of the Estateof George S. Omaha Towel Supply-XJo. development of self-governing institu-1 the sphere within which their civil, re- he has not given that intense personal ohnsoii, .Deceased. shall at any time subject itself shall not' exceed two-thirds of its capit.il stock. The, All persons interested In said matter are 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 tJODB, and also for safeguarding the ligious rights wilrte safeguarded. In- attention' and original effort to this nffairs of-the corporation shall be admint e 27th dny hereby notified that on the dny of istered b y V board of directors: the numcivjl and religious rights ,of all in- structlons:telegraphed on June 29th, White Paper that controversial de- October 1 1030 Milton. It. filed-a Milt It Abrahams A b h filda ber not in excess of nine, slinjl be fjxed'b Ctnjnty Court, piayi i W t S t in saw. CbtintyTCotfrt; habitants in Palestine, irrespective ".of, frbm the Colonial Office to the officer licacy arid importance of subject re- petition the by-laws. The, directors shnll be electei J» ffled3 ^ _ l final fldministration,<iqeomit tti i from and by stockholders at the annual quired. ' No one, according to the in be settled and allowed; and thut he-Be race or religion." The du&l obliga- administrating the Government of Palstockholders' meeting. The term of office discharged from bis trust n» executor nnd I shall be one year and hold office until their Premiers was more surprised than the i no doubt replete with difficul- estlne set this out in a simple sumhat a hearing will be had on said petition successors are elected. Immediately after was deliberately accepted bv \ mary, "Firstly, the Majesty's Govern- Colonial- Office a t the Interpretation before said Court on the 22nd day of Nothe nnnunl meeting ot stockholders, the divember, 1030. and that if you fail to aprectors shall meet for transaction of all Britain. Upon this obligation ment reaffirm the Declaration of No- placed upon their document. The al- pear before said Conrt on the said 22nd business property coming1 before such a 4420 Florence Blvd. AND meeting and to elect a President, Viceday of November, 1930, at 8 o'clock A- M.-,teration of the emphasis of a few pas- day :*„..„.., the Court ipay "HE. 1500 contest, President, Secretary and Treasurer, which and grantI th the prayer of said petition, under a officers shnir serve for one yeftr nntil their decree of heUship, and make such other, BUo«9 With A • Reputation successors are ejected. The Secretary notSL and-ifurther orders, allowances nnd de.not be a stockholder or member of the crees, as to.this Court mny seem- proper, board of directors. Any two offices exAT A L L GR( cepting that of President nnd Vice-PresiWE S^ECIAUZE IN FRAMINGs to the end that nil matters pertaining to dent, mny be held by the same person. said estate may be finally settled and deSee > u r new bequtlful line of ^ Vacancies on tha board of directors -shall termined. • M a d e by::.-'..; lamps and. Vases have the power front time to time to direct BRYCE CRAWFORD, i BO BWT and determine the use nnd-disposition of J 0-31-3t . County Judge. Uncle Sam Breakfast; Food WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. the capital and any surplus or ,net profits: nn<l in its discretion the Boardof Directors Company 8TAI-MA8TER ti BEBEB, Attorneys may use and apply any such capital, sur650 Omaha National Bank Building plus or accumulated profits in purchasing Omaha ' Nebraska Omaha, Nebraska its own bonds or other .obligations or shares of its own capital, to such extent KOTICB OV INCORPORATION OF and in such mnpnsr and upon such terms "VUHH CtCB SHOP. INC" 638 Securities Bldg.—AT. 4451 as the bonrd of directors shall deem expedient, all Suon shares of capital stock so Notice is hereby given that the underpurchased ,o t . acquired being snbject to reilgned have formed a corporation tinder sale, unless they shall have been retired h» law* of Nebraska, the name of which for the. express purpose of decreasing the Is "Field Club Shop, Inc." and Us prinFOB'RENT company's capital stock but then only as cipal place of business is at Omaha, iseT o m e e t t h e g r o w i n g demand f o r classes, i n differprovided by .law. The nnnunl meeting of raeka. Comfortably furnished the stockholders shall be held the second e n t p a r t s o f t h e c i t y and t o maKe i t convenient both file nature of the business to be tranHarry a. Lapidus. President- '.press. JOB FOUNDRY room, in', private.' honjie. Monday in February of each year at 2:00 sacted Is the operation of drugstores. The f o r t h e p a r e n t s and children, classes h a v e been formed P. M., at the office of the company in the J authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, all AND MACHINE WORK . Board'.optional, '" City of' Onrnha; if said day shall be a of which Is common und $100.00 pur Value i n t h e following d i s t r i c t s : legal holiday, then on the next succeeding per share. All stock Is to be paid for when REINFORCING STEEL WA. 0976 ;* V ;" 413£fc business day." The stockholders who have ssued and non-asseBsablo and may be paid the fair consideration agreed for the ssued for cash or for real or personal 2 4 t h and Ida purchase of their stock shnll not be liable iroperty. The corporation shall commence for nny debts-or obligations of the commslness at the time its articles are filed 5 25th and Pinkney. '•'>> COMPLETE STORE AND pany nnd in no event-£liall stockholders he in the office of the County Clerk of Douea» County, Nebraska, nnd terminate •*>, 6 OFFICE OUTFITTERS 1 9 t h and Lake. " T E HAVE YOUR PICTURE rears thereafter. The highest amount of 2 {f« Occnpy Indebtedness to which this corporation 25th and \yoolworth. . MADE NOW Third Ave. and 11th Street shall subject ltBelf shall not exceed two- J5 Orer T0.000 Square Feet • personally'iintrte for nets or commissions thirds of Its capital stock, but this re» Photos for „„ .15a of the officers', directors or agents Of the Phones: 89 and 519 1 9 t h and J, Southwest Corner striction shall not apply to any mortgage i company. £!aeh stockholder sbnll be enDozen for only ,. .._ >5e COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA indebtedness. The affairs of the corpora-1 titled to otic -vote in person or by proxy Eleventh and Douglas Streets S 5 t h and Hamilton ( i n t h e process of formation. tion shall be conducted by n Board of iiot' for each shore of stock held by snid stock' -Two Poses-—less than two Directors nnd officers conT holder nt every stockholders meeting. With Phone JAckson 2724 slsting of a President. Vice-President, Sec'Am r e a d y and willing t o organize classes i n a n y part the assent' in writing of the .holders of SMILE STUDIO retary and Treasurer, nnd two of vvhico Omaha.. Nebr. Sixty-five per. cent of. a IJ the cnpital stock o f Omaha w h e r e 5-7 children are available f o r a class. may-be held by the same person end an of the corporation Issued nna outstanding, 300 Douglas BIk., 16th. & Dodge officers shall be elected by the Board. The or pursuant, to the votes given in person or MID. WEST annual meetins of the porporntlon shnll i>e by proxy, by stockholders holding "at lenst held on the first Monday of January of si sty-five pe? cent of the issued and; outENGRAVING CO,INC. each, year, These articles may lie nnended standing stock of the corporation which is at -any regular or special meeting of the represented 'and voted upon in. person or /^S ARTISTS £*»\ stockholders upon the affirmative vote ot FOR RENT OMAHA'S MODERN HEBREW SCHOOL by proxy at) a.-meeting'specially ?nHad for J>). ENGRAVERS V two-thirds of nil outsinmtinR atoci. that purpose, ox nt (U) annual" meeting, Furnished Rooms. the Bo»i«a of Directors Shall :hnve- power H. Mendelgon, B, Sc, a"nd Pedagogy, Director IN WITNESS WHEKKOF. the parties PnonMTLANTiC O 6 | 9S and authority to sell, assign, transfer, conhave hereunto subscribed their names pn > -Call vey, or otherwise dispose of. the property this 21st day of October. 1030. HA, 0582 S509 Podge Stret?* 313 SO.I4-TH.ST.OMAHA. and assets of the corporation its an entirely HA. 7316 or WE. 0414 or going concern on such terms «na c-ondiWIM.JAM KAJJ tiousas the B w « l ol Diractprs - — " - 1 — SATIN ICE FltKUA jUnU Lincoln BJvit. In the presence of Sam Beber.
To League of Nations! Qreat English Statesman, Winston CRuro kill, Advises Jewish People to Take P(destine Dispute There
Points Out How Present British Stand Is in Violation of &tandate and Past Policy
Consistoire of Bulgarian
HULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
American Laundry]
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes
Good News for the Jewish Parents of Omaha Opening Glasses in Different-:' Parts of the City
Certified Public Accountants
Katelman Foundry & Mfg. Company
ing victory over the Yousem Tires. although he is playing on a weak son. Knute Rockne, himself, coach o£ Mike Goldsmith has been added to the -the-football team is not of the ftdtfc. Yousem Battery quintet. Another informer from Chicago, He is a master Mason and one must The Kaimari's surprised the Mala- Bernie Feinstein, tells me about New- either be non-Catholic or renounce .!»** man and other western players. He faith to join that lodge. The football W. L. Av. shock Jewelers by winning a pair of.; says that at Wisconsin two sopho- team is made up of the Jews teen* Empire Geaners w — — 1 4 4 .778 games. Ben's Jewelry won two games more backs,' Goldenburg and Schnel- tioned and such Irish monicker* «c Ben's Jewelry -_^j 11 7 .611 from the Wardrobe. ler, are getting into action with suc- Garideo, Metxer, Savoldi, also appear Leo Weitz rolled high total with a cess and on the line Tobias is playing in the lineup. Wardrobe 9 9 .500 Malashock Jewelry 8 10 .444 count of 587. Harry Smith and Abe his usual competent game. Chicago, were next with 566 totals. Kalmatn Insurance. 1 11 .389 says Mr. Feinstein, is fortified with Chatterings Abe Venger shot the high single Kanne, Stackler, Riewitch and Wie- This is a football column, but what Yousem Tire & Battery.^. 5 13 .278 The Empire" Cleaners held on to the game of the evening by crashing the mare, all of whom are playing reg- can you expect with no other sport «ft top position by virtue of their sweep- pins for 234 count. ularly. Greenberg, Rabenstein and the horizon . . . Paul Gallic*, sports Fried are doing their stuff for Ohio editor of the Daily News has written and at Purdue Deutsch is a sub back. a story in defense of college football Northwestern is using Bernstfein in for the current issue of "Vanity Fair" which you might read with profit. H« the backfield. says what the boys get out of th* Bernie also takes exceptions to mygame is inconsequential compared to. mediocre Wolverine team. It entered remarks about Kaplan and Schwartz the returns of the college, tt loofcs Harry Newman of Michigan the lists against Ohio State, touted of Notre Dame. He claims that the as though the retirement of Horweeft This fall up at Ann Arbor, the seat better man is Schwartz who is a reg- as coach of Harvard is going to "b* Dr. Goldberg, critic and author, that serve c chiefly; as'. compulsions the inner nature of humanity ever of the University of Michigan, the as having the best sophomore material ular. He admits that both boys are permanent. No statement denying talks' about a proposed world morals upon an intelligent minority. succeeds, in the long run. boys didnt have much faith in their in the conference, with Newman again up to the Rockne standard. conference ana what.its effect may the announcement has come from thfe Let us, then, have the sex-code football team. It was a medicare out- at the helm. The team couldn't gain 60 on the prevailing code of morality, Why Is Dubious through the line. But when Newman athletic governing board of the inNotre Dame an Irish Legend the Hebrew-Christian morality. He conference, by all means. But letfit at best and it is not considered to asks the significant question, do the, This however, is not my chief reas- us not expect too much. Every have any chance to win the champion- cut loose with those bullet-like passes The presence of three star Jewish stitution . . . . morals of the Jew change with his on for doubt as to the success of a country must settle its code for it- ship of the "Big Ten," but that was it was all over, and the Kipkemen re- football players on the Notre Dame enviroment? —EDITOR. universal sex j code. football team, Schwartz, Brill and self, and—this is most important of before they saw Harry Newman in turned home in triumph . Cleveland—The Orthodox Old Horns, The most ° superficial reading of Kaplan gives the appelation. ~The constitutent of the Jewish Welfare "Last week, against Illinois, Michiaction. Just because that little Jewall—be ready to alter its attitude in The newspapers carried, recently, history reveals, among other things, a report from Vienna to the effect that there is nothing- so - changeable the light of new knowledge and new ish boy can throw a football the camp- gan showed a total loss in driving at- Fighting Irish" a trick meaning. Notre Federation of this city, will open ft us is now all pepped up and it looks tack. But Newman threw four passes Dame is under Catholic supervision, new hospital unit to house 35 men and experience. that a Parisian professor, director in the very nature of things as the of the School of Psychology in the The importance of the proposed as though the Wolverines are headed during the game. Three of them were but the student body is 40 per cent women. The cost of the structure is sex code. It has never, at any time, completed. Two of them resulted in non-Irish. About seven per cent of estimated at $35,000. Formal dediFrench capital, advocated a League Morals Conference to the Jews is for a big season. been -the same -world, over; it has for the Regulation of Sex Morals. direct. The prevailing morality is ' Harry Newman, the boy respon- touchdowns and combined with a field j the student body is Jewish. Even the cation of the unit will be postponed The League, according to his am- ver, during the evolution of any the so-called Hebrew - Christian, sible for it all is" a sophomore quar- goal, ran up s> total of 15 points to 7 faculty is not all Catholic At least until a second unit to house 25 more three professors are outside the pall old people is completed, Jacob WoK bitious—and, let us say at once, single nation, remained the same. against which many new thinkers terback and has already earned the for the Illinois. and one of them is a 33rd degree Ma- paw, president of the Home anUteopian-plan, would be affiliated with' This i s not-because we are perverse; have been' inveigling for- years. Is right to be called a "second Benny "Newman's rapid development it is because we ^are human. Sex the League of Nations. it possible for a morality conceived Friedman," that. other great Jewish brought to light a really unusual codes are not made high upon- abI do not mean to ridicule the mo-stract mountains, they - are evolved in a warm climate to hold good for quarterback. Harry can toss the pig- episode which preceded his appeartives of the professor. I mean, how- out of professional consciousness. temperate zones and countries of skin like nobody else and if he con- ance on a Michigan gridiron. It dethe far North, The Jew, the eter- tinues the pace he has set in the veloped that last summer, in a sumever,, to question both his psychology IT'S 1 K B CHEAPEST IN THE LONG RUN—MORE HEAT LESS ASH They have an intimate relation to nal wanderer, inhabits every climate. early games he will be a serious con- mer encampment, where Benny Friedand his physiology. Any plan whereLESS WOKK.XESS WORRY th* food we eat, the climate we live man was working, Benny heard of a by the vexed questions of sexual Do bis morals subtly change vith the tender for "All American" honors. ] in, the economic structure of our morality' are brought into the healenvironmental thermometer? Should . Let Hal Totten, special correspon- lad who was going to play football for HAND-PICKED L€MP infc sunlight and discussed with sin- society. they? Do morals come from God, dent for the New. York Evening Post his alma mater. The lad was NewHot countries do not have the OUR PRIDE 1CMF .. man. Friedman sought him out and flQJH cerity and intelligence should enlist or from surrounding Nature?. Are tell you the rest of the story. MINE RUN—50% the sympathy and the support of all same moral codes as do cold. "Against Purdue Newman began to voluntarily drilled him for many hours our morals always behind the times, Countries in which women axe in. intelligent persons. If, on the other since the majority is a slowly mov- show his stuff.' He had made so on controlling and throwing a football. vast preponderance.over men do not hand, we begin by expecting too ing mass, ever in the rear of the many mistakes in previous games that That this foundation has borne fruit much, we shall end by achieving next have the same morality as do count- thinking and the acting few? it was thought that he might be is beyond question." ries in which men outnumber women to nothing. The Jew, radical or orthodox,* has benched during a greater part of the by two or three to one. Wars that Mid-Western Football News It is well that there should be as destroy manhood in the flower of its an immense share in the question tussle with the Bottiemakers. But Battero—No Slate—No Boek—Vcrr littta A»k H. A. Hayden of Chicago writes at many conferences on birth control, years have.' a direct, effect upon the that soon may be agitating a new Coach Harry Kipke ha-d confidence in bis young star and kept him right in great length of the mid-western playfor example, as we can arrange for. virtue of the women who survive. League. there. ers and says I don't give the open (Coypright 1930 by the Jewish TeleIt is high time that we showed as If any one thinks that even Puri"Newman developed almost over space boys a break. He informs me graphic Agency, Inc.) much common sense in breeding our tanical United States regards sex night. Sitting on the bench he watch- that Lew Gordon of Illinois, one of own kind as we have developed in with the same inhibition that chared Purdue roll through to two touch- the Jewish players picked by Knute the breeding of animals; It is well, downs in the first period. Then he Rockne as A!' Jewish Tackle, is playin discussing such problems as this, acterized . the ante-bellum ; era, let Quebec J e w i s h Hospital to throw.off once and for-all the that innocent person at once disabuse j Montreal.—The Quebec provincial raced into the game. The difference ing with the Chicago CaTdinals, a progovernment passed an order in coun- in the Michigan team was noticeable fessional team. He also puts in a theological restraints which too long himself of .his fancy. The sex laws are written in the ^ granting ?3O0,000 to the local Jew- at once. His handling of the team word for Sammy Behr of Wisconsin have been in the way of a decent solution. The very fact that we canstatutes and in the religious books ish-hospital. This amount was prom- brought back its confidence. Before who ran through the whole Pennsylmeet in the open and discuss sex atare one thing; what people do is an-' jg^, jagt year during the campaign to the half-way mark Newman had vania team last week for a touch^ funds .for the first. Jewish hos- driven his charges across the goal line down. Horwitz, the big Chicago uniall is a great victory for true mor- other. And'he who does not realize AT-4444 DAVE SHERMAN the importance of the distinction bein Montreal'which is to be built twice and Purdue was licked, 14 to 13. versity guard, is another boy that deality. tween written laws and living acts, "That was the tonic needed by theserves mention, according to H. A. H., But a word code,—a universal —-he who dismisses the Itransgreslaw? sors" as criminal or blasphemous,-is Our faith in laws is sometimes not- fit to advise/ his f e l l o w ; beings ..*i ^«?jAajfefcbpT * Specially, •on t h e "subtly changing sub* whenever a social problem is to be ject of sexual morality. solved, we at once pass a law. And we confuse between, law and compul- Doomed to Failure sion.. We forget that, just as the A League for the Regulation of old conception of the all-black vil- Sex Morals, looking to a universal lain and pure-white hero has passed code, is foredoomed to failure. As out of our drama, so has the con-'well devise a universal menu, a uniception of all-wrong and all-right versal standard of taste in candies passed out of our life. We don't" or art. If we can make tolerance settle questions of right and wrong universal; if we can be got to realize by. counting heads. That's a false that the approach to sexual standards conception of democracy. During must differ in accordance with racial the evolution controversy; in Ten- environment, racial psychology and nessee somebody suggested that we other factors,—then we shall have take a national vote on the question achieved something far more importand abide by the expressed will of ant than a Uteopian code of morals When 70a purchase the majority. What a stupid way that will never be obeyed because it your new electric range of settling anything! Majority rule is contrary to the higher laws of at the Nebraska Power m a y be a necessary evil; it should human nature and human nurture. Co. yon will be given not make us forget the minority, too, Real laws do not establish custa U S Trade Credit ha", claims to consideration, and that oms! they recognize them. The dicCertificate which will frequently- it -may be in the i right.- tionary does not. invent words; it be good for $15 In The victory of a majority * never registers them. The wise law-giver, trade, for payment of abolishes the.existence, or the rights, in his laws, reveals the people to bills or for professionof the minority. And there are laws themselves. No law that violates al services anywhere in Omaha. Here's an idea: Do your- Christmas shopping aow with a Nebraska Power Co. Trade Credit "Certificate.
Will Hebrew*Christian Morality Be Changed!
A Discussion About Proposed C o n f e r e n c e for Morals and the Morality Given Mankind By Our Ancestral Forefathers By ISAAC GOLDBERG
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seems impossible to translate them and retain the full flavor. You recall the story of the Jewish bridegroom, who was asked on his wedding night, how he liked his bride. "Well, you see," he replied. "It's a matter of taste. I don't like her." Now, one May get the general story from this poor translation, but I maintain thai; one can't possibly get the full; flavor, without the Jewish intonation and "quetch."
Tuesday we celebrate Armistice Day. Twelve years have swiftly passed by since the nations of By DAVID SCHWARTZ 'IPS'JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANV the world snarlingly butchered their iellowrineia and sacrificed thousands upon thousands' of ibvecl Office: 490 Brandeis Tjieater Building to the support of anti-Semitic politiones on the altar of the menacing ogre,; War. Telephone: ATIantic 1460 cal parties will be aired in court here HARRY IS RIGHT UmtedSiates At the conclusion of that Woody; br^y ihe peoI suppose there must have been when the Hitlerites and the followers DAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor of Dr. Johan Schober bring action something like one hundred million FRANK R. • AOKEHMAN - - - - - - . - - - . - - Editor ple said they had learned their 'lesson/ .JPeace and Diamond Slump • • Washington.—Because of the recent against each other, it was learned to- dollars worth of talent, sitting on the FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent good-will among men, they hertided,' far and wide throughout the globe, must be the guiding prin- slump in the diamondindustry, unem-'day. Both parties are anti-Semitic dais of the "Commodore af dinner SIOUX CITY OFFICE given, to Harry Hershfield, the other ciples of our conduct. And in accordance with ployment is very serious among the Each has been accusing the other of night. And a large part of it was the GET THE POINT? JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Piered Street diamond cutlers of the Netherlands,'enjoying Jewish support. They are these "new" ideas, which had been advanced by Or, take another story. Said the to a report-received by the, therefore bringing actions for slander "humor manufacturing" variety. Subscription Price, one year - * - - « - . . * - - $2.60 the Jews in Biblical times and written into our according As Hershfield himself said, "If all man from Pripichok: When the Gerdepartment of labor? here. Most of against* each other. '"• Advertising rates furnished en application the lazy people of the world were man soldiers came to Pripichok, thirlaw, strenuous efforts were made in the direction the diamond cutters are Jews. Biblical Archeology Lectures put side by side—they would stretch ty thousand of them were lodged in of international amity. The fruits of this work Jerusalem.—The first of a series of Model Hebrew School the synagogue of "Pripichok." is seen in the world court, disarmament treaties, New York.—The teachers Institute lectures on Biblical Archeology was "No, go on—how was it possible for peace plans and pacts, arbitration agreements, of the Jewish Theological Seminary delivered at the British Academy in RENAN WAS WRONG thirty thousand Germans to lodge at good-will tours and literature, and the like—con- of America, wMcjhJdedicated its new [London by Dr. El Sukenik, archeolo- There were of course any number one time in the little Pripichok synaHEBREW CALENDAR of prominent non-Jewish as well as Friday, Nbv 21 crete evidence that some people have really had building on Sunday evening, October r gist of the Hebrew University of Jeru- Jewish notables at the feast, but I gogue?" Rosh Chodesh Kislev. 1' m . '' _ •.*_*»•• a . _ ^ . *H ? . 19, 1930, has opened a Model Hebrew, salem. The lecture was one of the "Nu—sieht ihr doch?" (well, but .Monday,December 15 j the lesson of peace and^ good-will impressed1 upon 1st Day Chanukah. School in its new quarters, to afford Schweich series and dealt with "the couldn't help thinking of the number you see . . . replied the man from of celebrated Jewish laugh-makers -Sunday, December 21 their hearts. Rosh Chodesh Tebeth_ the teachers-in-training an opportun- Ancient Synagogue of Palestine and i there—Rube Goldberg, Jessel and the Pripichok. Monday, Jan. 19 But, unfortunately, these people are in the ity to observe the best teaching avail- Greece." Rosh Chodesh Shevat. Now, the above is, I think, one of like. We seem to have become so Chamisha O'ser B'Shevafc. Monday, Feb. 2 minority.' The vast majority of the inhabitants able, and to put into practice its own The Right Honored Charles Arch- paramountly a race of "kibetzers." the most delicious stories I ever heard, Rosh Chodesh Adar... ..„ -Wednesday, Feb. 18, oh this globe have not learned the real lesson of aims and ideals of Jewish education. deacon of Westminster was chairman Surprising, I say, when you remember and yet, I dare say, reproduced into of the Academy meeting. .Monday, March 2* the World War. Twelve years after the war they Merger Fails Fast of Esther, ,...•••.. that so eminent a figure as Renan another language, even with the aid solemnly asseverated that the Jew of the little Yiddish, it does not fceem ——Tuesday, March 3' still carry the cuts -and scars of that blot on civilColony Sparsely Settled New York.—Failure to merge the Purim . -, .' " to click. _Thursday, March 19! ization. Millions of human beings were hurled Brooklyn Federation of Charities with j Moscow.—Only 2,500 people settled had no sense of humor. Rosh Chodesh Nissan.. —Thursday, April 2 into the bloody fray to preserve ideals which were the Federation for the- Support of in Bira Bidjan for the last three Carlyle, too, was of the same op- RABBI MENCKEN, 1st Day of Pessadt__ NATHAN ET AL Societies of years, since this district in the far inion. —JThursday, April 9]immediately forgotten. People still thirst for' New YorkPhilanthropic 8th Day of Pessach __ We have the Marx Brothers, DoroCity, which embraces Man- j east became open for Jewish immiSometime ago—when his own nup__Saturday,ApriM8j hatred, and rapine. Their passions flow on, un- hattan and the Bronx, was announced, grants. Rosh Chodesh Jyar....... thy Parker, Cantor, Hershfield, Gold- tials were announced, the highly sa--™u~T«esday, May 5 checked,, unchanged. They revel in the fact that after a final joint meeting of com- The activities of the Ozet, the or- berg—a preponderant portion of the pient, Mr. Mencken announced that Lag B'Omer.. Sunday, May TT; momentarily they have kept the ogre—War—in mittees representing the two organi- ganization which conducts the Jewish American laugh makers are Jewish. he would eat his headgear in public, Rosh Chodesh SivanHow w o u l d Renan and Carlyle have join the Baptist church, and mount -Friday, May 22'abeyance,;heedless to the tragedy that hi3 four zations on Thursday night. A gift of i migration to Bira Bidjan, were t h e r e - 1 Shavuoth the water wagon, if George Jean one million dollars for Jewish char-:f erely criticised today at a explained that? Saturday, May 23 offspring—Hatred, Bigotry, Prejudice and Nar- ities of Greater New York was offered ore> sev One begins to wonder, when one Nathan was not married within a conference which took place in the row-mindedness—are blinding the eyes of man- a year ago by Ralph Jonas, provided proclaimed Bira Bidjan region. realizes how far wrong they went in space of a year or so. kina^injesting poison into their systems and pol- the two Federations would merge . newly And now, it is announced, that Mr. The conference adopted a resolution that appraisal, how wrong they may f GIVE GENEROUSLY 111 o t h e r luting the world's soul. Nathan is definitely to wed Lillian that the work of migration to B i r a j ^ directions, in which it is Jewish Section of Heimwehr v The Jewish people are pledged toward harm- New York.—The organization of a Bidjan should be taken away f r o m ' n o t s o e a s y *° 2 e t t h e o v e r t evidence. Gish, so Henry's hat is in no danger When the Community Chest opens its annual of the annihilative processes of digescampaign in Omaha-on November 12. one of the: ony between the families of the earth. Our his- Jewish branch of the Heimwehr, Aus- the Ozet management and transferred A SAFE INVESTMENT tion. Sometimes we fain would prefer inleaders of the. Jewish community—Henry Monsky tory, our philosophy, our religion, our very exist- tria's nationalist private militia which to one central state instituoin. Mr. Nathan, like Mr. Mencken is deed, that Jews were not so prone to is headed by Prince Ernest von Star• Wrought Up by Football ence pledge us to that ideal. We, too, fought in r-will be serving his second yearaspresident of marrying at the half century mark. humor. minister of the interior, has Playing Our ancient rabbis advised marriage this civic and philanthropic organization. For the the World War, shoulder to shoulder with the rest chemberg, Standing the other day and watch- for men, at the age of eighteen. But a n d we a r e r e a t e d a sensation throughout AusJerusalem.—Orthodox Jewish leadi n t h e s t o c k second consecutive year Mbrisky is'givEqg unstintfor tt rr ii aa TT hh ee amons men fJ> leaders and and the' the e r s a n d t hh e officials ticker—we like to watch Rabbi Nathan and Rabbi Mencken Heimwehr leaders f f i i l off the h Agudath A d t hI S ingly of his dynamic energy and ability, his force; dedicated to continue fighting relentlessly for that tax^i- a n d f i l e o f its members are Israel,d Orthodox organization, arei 1 *' e v e n i f w e d o n ' t invest, a brother think fifty is just about the ripe age. ful eloquence, and his executive leadership in the ideal till there is "Peace on earth, good will to largely anti-Semitic. highly incensed at the playing of the j °* t h e h o u s e o f I s r a e l rushed to our Aristotle thought a man should not Chancellor Vaugoin, in receiving' first f oo tball match in this city be- S l d e cause of humanitarianism. His unselfish devotion men. marry until aged thirty-six allowing hav a 1 h a v e a ti Leo Berger, president of the Jewish tween two Jewish teams since the pro- t" fs ^ P " ; , P-" a difference between the male and feto Omaha's communal endeavor asr head^pf the section of the Heimwehr, praised the test strike last May against the sus-l " Y e n ? " w e s a i d . imitating our fav- male ages corresponding to the sex Chest is an example which we would do Well to orite w a i t r e s s organization for its patriotism and pension of immigration. The g variations. Dr. Watson, of behaviorist p g game' i emulate indecidingr uponhow "much" we will confame, thinks a man should be ten or p that Austrian w a s ppi ayy ed to the accompaniment p expressed the hope of ' res, buy thermometers, they're fifteen years older than his wife. tribute to the-coming drive. :• '• ' Jews will J ill lend l d vftfll ffll supportt to t the th a chant of protest by members of the government in its endeavors to obtain shomrei Shabbos, the Society for the bound to go up." • We as a unit need have no fear^-that we will I myself know a well-known auThat day, I think, even the therforeign credits and in its fight against Preservation of the Sabbath, who surthoress who is married to a man some fail in doing our share toward aiding the material mometers went down. The Jewish section rounded the playing field, ten or fifteen years younger than she and spiritual life of our feljbw-citizehs. Th^ Jew- TWO -DAUGHTERS OF TYPE unemployment. WE GROW SPECULATIVE of the Heimwehr has made public' l e is, and they seem contented. Queen Dido, mythical founder of Carthage, plans for a mass meeting to be held * « S KUSSia ish peppie'everywhere, especially right her^ in are problems that will not d i eThere ' s u c h a s t h e qu«tion of free wili ITS ALL MYSTERY Omaha, :have demonstrated a strong sense of so- whose tragic fate served as a subject for a most I under its auspices to organize Aus- Wareaw.—Half famished and clad The truth is, that it is about as cial responsibility. Jewish giving, Jewish; philanimpossible to make any definite rules thropyhas become a worthy^tradition ambnglthe as to ages, as it is as to types. Jewish people and has placed them in th%) van of close i Walter Lippman, in his Preface to Polish city oT Ostrog. Anapolie is a} Pe<=tacled cognoscenti would write ;Holiday Absences mfcny humanitarian efforts. Indeed our record last week,; Morals, feels.that only those with town is the question whelehr there is Such similar. Jil(;ei!, 6ho»ld. ,jnarrK ,one anCarthage was; founded about 950 B. C. as a New York.—A loss of a half inl'philanthropy is one7 which stirs the heart and j i t 0 border. a thing as a specific Jewish humor. lion dollars'to the New York Citjrj When he was revived he told a harother, like types. appeals to the imagination of every one to whom colony of Phoenecia. In that very peripd Tyre4 system ^frdm the state approp-' rowing story «f his experiences in . On broad., principles,. I would say, Yet Goethff I believe, married his was rulediby Tthbaal, whose daughter Jezebel was school it Ss known. riation for the year 1930-31 because fleeing officers of the Russian secret that I have ;a fundamental scepticism cook. Somerset Maughm, if we are j No, we are not worried about the Jewish peo- married to King Ahab of Israel. of increased absences for Jewish holi- police from whom he had escaped by- as to all .'class generalizations. to judge from his opus "of Human When someone tells me, that wom- Bondage," vrhich is generally regardDido,j too, was a daughter of a. King of Tyre, days is expected by officials of the, fleeing across the border. ple measuring tip to past standards. They ican^be en are like this, or like that, or Jews ed as autobiographical was desperateBoard of Education, according to a „ . . . _,, . depended upon to do that But that is not according to legend. so and so, I immediately file a mental ly in love with a waitress whom he statement by Dr, William J. O'Shea, a i l l e r t h r e a t s Dido and Jezebel — No types could be in New York' City superintendent of Berlin.—Germany will emulate the caveat. enough! The situation is so tragic this year that recognized as coarse grained. George every ounce of resources will have to be strained stronger contrast than these two princesses of an Schools. Nevertheless, Dr. O'Shea, example of Spain and drive out all I will agree that a certain woman Gissing, a novelist of novelists, fancews! is Th prediction is made in the J may be like this or that, and a cer- ied a lady of Mrs. Warren's profesto! the limit. The army of unemployed is vast, ancient Semitic nation, destined to have a supreme ^^"everyone^should'o'bse'rve the'h'oli- J place in a far-flung empire and to place its imprint ' ™—•-— .• o._...» cam-1.*_.•_ , . , . r.... Fascist press -— "whose anti-Semitic tain Jew or ^—.Esquimaux or TPole, but sion. Lady Chatterly falls in love T days of bis religion. hunger and privation are on a rampage. Shelter paign develops more and more into J this wholesale business has always with her gardener, because he thinks .The appropriation made by the state and clothing are luxuries to thousands of needy upon the art and culture of many peoples of many for schools is based on the per capita' unabashed agitation for pogroms. I seemed to me generally the bunk. of her only as a female and she re—Cleveland Independent. souls. Families have been struck down by gnaw- lands. vels in her femininity. "What Spain did centuries ago," the] JJJJ DIDNT LIKE HER student attendance, Nearly all Jewing want and hunger. Babes are in dire distress. I cannot mention his name, but he pupils in the New York City Voelkische Reobacheter, the official And yet, every now and then, for James Russell Lowell uttered these words in ish Children are crying out to us with arms outschools are absent on Rosh Hashona.h, organ of Adolf Hitler, says, "Germany instance, I meet with a story, that was one of the greatest figures that stretched in pleading to alleviate their torturous an address on "The Independent in Politics" in Yom Kippur and the first and last' will do tomorrow. Hearken, O Israel, seems to me thoroughly Jewish. It (Continued on page 6.) days of Passover, while only the chil- your regime is over. Give up your existence. It is squarely up to us whether those 1888: "What we want is an active class who will dren' of very Orthodox families are illegal economic and cultural power little lives are given the nurture and the promise on the other Jewish holidays. (J lest'your experience in Spain be reoft a hope of some happiness which is the inalien- insist in season and out of season that we shall absent "The schools should endeavor to peated. Hitler is before the gates. SOCKS 1931 MODEL able heritage of every child born into God's world. have a country whose greatness is measured, not eliminate unnecessary absence, but? The Jews, however, will not listen unonly by its square miles, its number of yards , While it is well for us*to remember that the should not attempt to reduce absence til they are expelled, and beyond our important local Jewish relief and social agencies woven, of hogs packed, of bushels of wheat raised, that is justifiable in every respect,'' frontiers." depend upon the Community Chest for their sub- not only by its skill to feed and clothe the body, declared Dr. O'Shea. Weizmann Memoirs sistence since we merged forces with the other but also by its power to feed and clothe the soul; Heller Chosen London.—Chaim Weizmann's story, constituent elements of the city, it is even more a country which shall be a s g r e a t morally a s i t is New Orleans.—Isaac Heller, prom- the story of a Polish Jew who, workimperative that we realize that the Community materially : a country whose v e r y n a m e Shall not i inent attorney and son of the late ing in the basement chemistry laborCftest is founded upon a basis of universal giving. Its appeal is non-secTetarian and non-partisan— the human element is the guiding factor. Prjvaeminent in •exchange for. a promised tidn; want, and need such as the Qpmmunity.Chest better - arid nobler and .more enduring than we, I land for the iews,-;will>at last, be is combatting, know no racial or religious lines. of something that- shall*fullfill our-thwarted* am- j Other Countries | given to the^ public, 'according to an Their call is to all; it makes the blood of all of us bitions when we are but a handful of forgotten, V < r j announcement made here by Victor tingle with something real, something poignant, dust.' Wins Nobel Award ' Gollancz, publisher. Following his Stockholm.-—Dr. Karl Landsteiner resignation as president of the World something thattugs and tears at our heartstrings. eminent scientist was awarded the Zionist Organization and of the JewIf we ever had a duty in this life, it is above all'to Folks who have their nose to^ the srrindstonej Nobel for "medicine, Dr. Land- i s h Agency, Weizmann has agreed to : help the helpless. The need is greater than ever can usually lite it off by putting ever finer ideas steiner.prize who has {been connected with write and publish his memoirs. before;-our response must be correspondingly; in-their mind and working for eternal values in the Rockefeller institute for Medical They will reveal the career of the greater than ever before. We riever'heardaTaily- tneirworic; This will at least take away the ele- Research since 1922, was born in' m a n w h o received, after Theodore one dying because he gave too much and neither ment of grind from their lives. Viehna in 1868 and is noted for his Herzl, the title of "A King Without • • . * • • • • • work in the fields of bacteriology and a Country." For Vfeizmann, although have you. Give generously, be thankful you can. "When . . . J began to search for the means pathology. The prize amounts to he discouraged the suggestion as had about $48,000, end was granted to Herzl, was oft p p y hailed as Nothing"to d a but pulKem up and they, often popularly We are in the Business of Life. We are rich of preserving the spiritual legacies of Israel as an him for his discoveries in classifying «King of the h Jews." Born November stay up. The Autogart feature is guaronly as we have an «ver greater degree of life and active force in the world, I became a Zionist and different types of human blood. 27, 1874, in Grodno, Poland, the child a follower of Herzl."—Louis Dembitz Brandeis. : Before coming to the Rockefeller <3haim -Weizmann was educated to be anteed to outwear the sock itself.' And quality." • Published every Friday ati&inaha, Nebraska, by
From Contemporary Pens
Institute, Dr. Landsteiner had been a Jewish scholar. Then he became a pathologist for the University of and, under Herzl, a Zionist Vienna from 1909 to 1919. [leader .
We are beginning to live more abundant life Every act that is not in harmony with true as we become partners in the "life elements" with principles, causes your organism to function off Legacy by Priest j Bans Talkie all beings. center. Every act in harmony with true /princiCzarnovitz. — ^ A legacy for the j Berlin.—Because it deals with a ples bring somewhat of truth, beauty, harmony Keren Kayemeth, the Jewish organ- p 0 g r o m On the Jews and the love and growth in enduring values into your being. Imaginationis the magic word that opens up ization for colonization work in Pal- a ffai r between an Austrian army offlaffair between an the mines of enduring wealth within your own estine, was left by the Roumanian ine talking film cer and a-Jewess, The resurrection of .the human consciousness, soul. It is the key to the liberation of undreamed priest, Vac-sil Isapescu, who died reWorlds" has been prohibited cently, it was learned here. The priest ii. the moving picture houses of to vital life, .upon the ever-on-going plane of; soul of forces and powers awaiting your command. was a keen supporter of Zionism dur- Thuringia by the minister of the in-j consciousness, is the eternal resurrection which ——— — • — ing his lifetime, vigirously denouncing Dr. William Frick.. "To char-j ' we must individually achieve. . ,; We are always gaining the "wealth of experi- "Hooliganist Kusism," and preaching terior, acterize the Jews as better people; ence." When we have gained some degrees of co-operation with the Jews. than Austrian officers Is an insult The face is the mirror of the soul. I t our "mine of experience" begins,to yield Charge Sympathy which we could not inflict upon our Austrian brethren," DA Frick dedcasting outlet of the living influences of the dividends of happiness, understanding and char-1 Vienna —Charees t -Charges that Jews thembroadcasting clared in explaining the ban. acter values. i selves have been contributing money
soul. -
'it costs no more than > a pNair of firstquality, long-wearing Holeproof Socks; plain or in many new patterns. You owe yourself a pair off $ 1 0 0 , Holeproof Autogarts. |
"5—*EHE JEWISH-PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1930 The table -wasredecorated with basMrs. The Bible is the great f&nal? kets of roses and tall rose tapers tied Mrs. chronicle of the Jews.—Seine. with green tulle bows. An unusual David Blacker; telephone, Mrs. Ben floral display about a fountain was Glazer; ways and means, Mrs. Abner -Beauty Is based on reason.— very attractive. Kaiman; program, MrB. Sam Beber; Miss Hofner was charming in a publicity, Mrs. Mose Yousem; gift satin tnd tulle gown, shading from fund, Mrs. Harry Lapidus; house, Mrs. eggshell to orange and fashioned I. W. Rosenblatt; religion, Mrs. Dave with a long full skirt. Her sUppers Selections always at their Sherman. were of orange crepe -and her sorsage best at The regular monthly meeting of the of Ophelia roses. Her mother, Mrs. Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, NoHofner, was gowned i n black chiffon vember 12, at 2:30 p. m., at the Comand lace, and completed her costume': "OF COURSE" munity Center, preceded by a board with black moire slippers. Mrs. Harmeeting at 1:30. Rabbi Goldstein, the ry R» Milder, inotber-<£tne groomnew spiritual leader of the Conserva.WEDDINGS friends comes the news from New to-be, ware a stunning frock of silver tive Synagogue, will speak to the York of the marriage of Miss Ida gray chiffon, .fashioned with deep - -Sddmmcl-EIgutter members of the Auxiliary. Fleischer, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. yokes of lace i n both front and luck. At a beautiful ceremony Wednes- Jacob Jordan Fleischer of Omaha, to "CHEERFUL CREDIT* day evening at 6:30 o'clock at Tem- Abraham Lincoln Frank, -son of Mr. She wore contrasting < slippers of 4i PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ple Israel, Miss Kathryn Elgutter, and Mrs. Max Frank of New York green. Out of town guest* included Mrs. daughter of Mrs. Dollie' Elgutter, City. The ceremony took place on became the bride of Walter Schim- the afternoon of Tuesday, October 28, Ben Taxman of Kansas City; Mr. and mel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles with Rabbi E. S. Halpern officiating, Mrs. Jules Shapiro and Mr. Irvin Omaha's Style Center Schimmel. Rabbi Frederick Cohn read and the bride's father assisting, and Rubinow of Lincoln; Mr. anfd Mrs. the marriage lines in tne presence of was witnessed by the immediate Herman Friedman, Mr. and Mrs. Max Goldberg, and Miss Nina Bassin, of about two hundred relatives and family only. of Kansas City. and friends. Yernon Bennett played The bride was gowned in an afterthe -wedding marches. noon costume of guardsman blue crepe .The bride'a gown was of antique accented with white. Her only attenAt Home 16th and Barney Streets ivory satin, fashioned on the lines of dant, Miss Kate Arlene Goldstein, forMr. and Mrs. Samuel Nefsky of the new silhouette. The bodice show- merly of Omaha, but now of New Lincoln were at home last Sunday ed a modified high waistline, with York City, wore astrakhan beige sat- from 3 to 5 o'clock to honor Mr. and the neckline draped in the new cowl. in offset by Indies brown accessories. Mrs. D. David.NefBlcy who returned The long sleeves were closely fitted After an extended southern trip, last week from an eastern honeyMrs. William Alberts , to the elbow and a circular cuff of Mr. and Mrs. Frank will reside at moon and are now at the hotel satin fell to the finger tips. The 314 West 100 street, JNew York City. Comhusker in Lincoln. Mrs. WilHam Alberts, who haB been ed Jewish Campaign in 1928 and 1929, skirt showed a draped hemline, the The table was very effective and active in social service work in this and is also active in the club activities -closely fitted line of the hip reaching ENGAGEMENTS beautiful in gold and green. A large city, is the newly elected president of of the Jewish Community Center. a knee length and the circular fallbasket of gold chrysanthemum* tied the Conservative Synagogue AuxMrs. Alberts and her Board of ExeMilder-Boiker ness of the flare reaching a floor with a green bow centered the- table iliary. cutives are planning an extensive proThe engagement of Miss Freda Bol- and on each side of i t were gold length. A long satin train fell from Mrs. Alberts, in conjunction with gram of activities for the Auxiliary ker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abrathe bride's shoulders, and she also tapers in green crystal holders. Those the Jewish Community Center and this season, the first of which will be r wore a long tull veil, caught into a ham Bolker, and Howard Milder, son assisting were Mrs. Walter DeButts, the Council of Jewish Women, has the annual congregational dinner of Juliette cap of pearls, and fashioned of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder, will Mrs. William Seelenfreund, Miss had charge of activities under the the Conservative Synagogue, which with a face veil that just reached a be formally announced at a dinner for Elizabeth Sandlovieh, Miss Tobye Smith-Hughes act, which bill arranges will take place the early part of Dethe immediate family and at a recepshoulder length. Goldstein, and Miss Lucille Golden- to conduct educational classes for cember. tion and dance for friends on Sunday adults who are working and cannot Mrs. Edward Schimmel, as matron The members of the Executive evening, November 9, at the Paxton berg. of honor, wore a pale blue moire hotel ballroom. A color scheme of Out of town guests were Mr. andattend school, the expenses of -which Board are the officers and Mesdames gowhj fashioned with a Prinosss Anne yellow and pink will be carried out Mrs. Dave Sherman, and children, are divided among the government, Paul Bernstein, Robert Glazer, Philip ; -punV~8iat reached to a knee length. in the table appointments. Irvin ard Bernice; .Mr* and Mrs.state and city. She supervised classes Klutznick, L Dansky, Joseph Stern, The bridesmaids, Mrs. Abram Julins Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Phil in cooking, home nursing and first aid. I. W. Rosenblatt and the Committee Miss Bolker has attended Creighton Schimmel, Mrs. Max L. Eolzman, xmiversity and the University of Cali- Rosen ulatt and children, Frances and home management and home hygiene Chairmen, who are membership, Mrs. Miss Helen Cohn, and Miss Mildred fornia, and is a member of the TauRichard, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. in .the Community Center. Mrs. Al- L Staimaster; social, Mrs. B. A. SiLew, walked in pairs. Their gowns Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Milder is Charles Nefsky of Gretna; Mr. andberts was also secretary of the Unit- mon; educational, Mrs. David Gold were fashioned like that of the ma-engaged in business in Omaha. Mrs. Simon Gauitzki and Mrs. Greentron of honor, but differed in- color. No date has been set for the wed- berg of Topeka, Kansas. Mrs. Schimmel and Mrs. Holzman ding. wore coral pink moire gowns, while PERSONALS those of Miss Cohn and Miss Lew Engagement Dinner Mrs. Ben Taxman of Kansas City, were of "Nile green moire. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hofner were Missouri, is visiting here/with her parSixteenth at Farnam Two little flower girls preceded 'the hosts at a charmingly appointed ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder. Mrs. bride down the aisle. They were formal dinner-dance at the Paxton Taxman came to Omaha to attend the Miriam Etta Schimmel, sister of the hotel ball room last Sunday evening, engagement dinner-dance given for bridegroom, and Edna Kirschbaum, honoring their daughter, Miss Ruth her nephew, Hymie P. Milder, and and they wore-dainty frocks of'peach Hofner and her fiance, Hymie P. Mil- Miss Ruth Hofner last Sunday, and georgette, and carried baskets of rose der. Approximately ninety guests, also to. attend the engagement-dinnerpetals. Edward Schimmel was best- all members of the families, attended". (Continued on page €.) man, land Abram Schimmel, Nathan Facobf, Arthur Hatteroth and Bern a r d Sduramel, groomsmen. •• The bride's mother entertained at a dinner Immediately following the ceremony, when members of the two families were present. Later in the evening a Teception was held. Mrs. Elgutter, mother of the bride, wore E dahlia red velvet gown, fashioned with the long full skirt and low cut'decolletage, and Mrs. Alexander Pollack,, grandmother of the bride,.wore a handsome black velvet, gown. Mrs. Schimmel, mother of the bridegroom, was also gowned in black velvet, which was trimmed in an effective motif of rhinestones. After weeks of "Russian" days and Among the out of town guests were ''Grecian" nights, it's refreshing . . . Mr. and ^Mrs. Immanuel Kinstler, and exceedingly chic . . , to appear at Harry Levinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday night supper-parties looking Frank Eubel, all of Chicago; Mr. and as feminine and demurely fetching as Mrs. William Fan tie and Mr. and a belle of the 80s. And either of these Mrs. Harold Levinger of Yankton, two City of Paris frocks will make S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Eubel you look . . . just that way! of Minneapolis. Mr. Schimmel and his bride left Some of the Most 'early today for a, southern honeyExacting One* Are Fmhloned moon, and -will return to Teside' in of Chiffon and Lace Omaha.
Heads Conservative Auxiliary t
ffiaiond and Platinnm BEN'S
Sunday Night Supper Frocks
Settle That Winter Coat Problem Now!
Are More Important Than Ever This Season
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In this selected Group of 150 Smart Coat fashions priced $59.75 you will find the identical model your'mind's eye has pictured at $75 or more! Each coat is an outstanding Herzberg value, rich in material, exclusive in d e s i g n , immaculately tailored, gorgeously silk lined... and UNEQUALED FOR F A S H I O N ANB Q U A L I T Y AT THE PRICE! Luxurious furs such as Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Russian Fitch, Genuine Beaver, Black and Brown Caracul and GENUINE PERSIAN LAMB adorn them! Select yours Today!
Other Coats $39*75 to $295 Fourth Floor
The most exciting fashions of the hour Featured at
Tunics, Peplmns and Fur-Trims in chiffons, «repes and cantons; beaded fairies, rMilestone .studded materials, nallliead trimmings, transparent velvet . Dresses far every occasion from general wear to business wear, dressy occasions, tea and bridge and Informal occasions, dining and dancing.
Junior, Misses' said Women's Sizes Fourth Floor
Direct Entrance From Hotel to Hnrrison Parking tinrnge -IAPRISON, 5' *-" CHIGAN
1 m\
E. K. T. XL,Frater»ity TOns The recently organized E. K. T. club r« t.Close ^ootba^I will, hold their first annual party -Sat" -(-Continued - from -Page 5.) urday evening, November 8, at Spring (Continued'-trom Page 4.) The XL fraternity continued th»lr Lake pavilion. The color scheme for : TEMPLE ISRAEL dahce and reception honoring another football winning streak by downing the evening will be green and white. Jewry has produced in the last gen- Rabbi Frederick Conn of Temple the Tuxis eleven at Elmwood Park (Continued from Page 1.) nephew, Howard Milder, whose engagement to Miss Freda Bolker will Twenty couples are to attend the man beings. Of course, this takes an •Mrs. Eva Morse Is to Teach a eration. Not so many years ago, he;Israel will deliver a sermon this eve- last Sunday by a score of 6 to 0. party. Six Weeks' came to America and everywhere was j ning on "World Conditions." Tomor- The first half ended scoreless, the 'Ife announced Sunday evening.- Mr. j effort to study and master the conCourse greeted by the elite of the community. I row morning his subject will be "An-XL's threatening frequently but lackTaxman is expected to be here for the! Hendietta Szold Girls tents of our inheritance from our' Minei was th« opportunity of being [gels in Disguise." latter occasion. ing 'the scoring punch. However, j b The Henrietta Szold girls enter- fathers." Twenty-two women, members of the very close to-him in one city and the the second half the winners were not tained at a pajama party at the home T H e r i stated that the reason.Council of Jewish Women, have sign- privilege of seeing this great literary ] ^^CONSERVATIVE SYNAGOGUE to be denied and smashed across to {Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gre'enberg and'of Miss Ida" Blacker on Saturday; that1 Judaismin in America work ips e d up up a six weeks' w e ks ' c is .work J d course off Child figure reject consistently the atten- " RabbKDavid A. Goldstein, new head daughters, the Misses Buth^and. Ger-!riight,-'Noveniber J. Decorations-si i Jewish i people l have been llazy (study with Mrs. Eva Morse, head of tions'-of all who" I regarded as de- ot the Conservative Synagogue, will victory. that thie In the backfield Barish and Himeltrade Greenberg spent the week-eiid carried out in:orange and black Instead, it se"emed to me, that deliver his introductory sermpn this stein were outstanding for the win.iij. Lincoln, where they attended the j Hallowe'en. • Prizes were, won by- the in regard to-their Judaism.;/"Yilien [the Adult Education Department * of "fiirable. k evening at the Jewish Community JjtebraskarPittsburgh football game-Misses Ida Blacker, Ann Zweibact arid Juda^ism; makesvan inspiritiorial, pjosi-• the Omaha Board of Education. At ill his efforts were"- converged, on Center • auditorium. ' In his' sermon ners. • Their entire line Was stroag, ogling to amarried'lady, who was "detive difference in our lives, then aoti- {&& organization; meeting held Wt the Grossman, Korney and Firikle showand also visited with their son, Elmer Blanche Soskin. Semitism will mean little to us/' he j Jewish Community Centeron Tuesday, j void of-either brain's or charm—in fact Rabbi Goldstein will outline his atti- ing up to best advantage. • Greenberg, who plays the position of it was decided that the course be held jeverything except a sort of bovine tude and future policy. asserted. Karmelite 'guard, on the Nebraska team. TJie new Conservative head declared] On-Friday afternoons, at I o'clock be- look.. their •-• Among the other Omahans who The KanneUte sorority held that Britain by its latest action in j ginning ginning on Fridays December 5th< The flame of anger, bright and Anger is a bow that will shoot • 'TKe/ways of God are not the only first anniversary party st the home journeyed to Lincoln for the game,' of M i s s ; brief, sharpens the barb of Love.— sometimes where another feeling will th .ngs'±hat are inscrutable." • regard .to: Palestine is guilty of the j j j . Morse is leaving on.Novem'ber r s were Miss Josephine Monheit, MuSs; Sue Corenman withjten couLandor. not.—Beecher. • Ida; Tenenbaum, Leo Chaiken, Lester |ples present. .An enjoyable evening, "basest : treachery.", -"However,", he 12th to attend the White House con- SP^KPER AN1> HITLER : consistln f many went on, "Palestine isitoo precious to ference on Child. Health and ProtecSimon, Ernest Nogg ond Nathanl ? » - surprises was Hoover, and .-.It*was one of the profound..obser-! | spent The home was. decorated with us. Wewon't give up, bat will carry tipn, caUed by President ; Reiss. ' Oinaha - • at• the •• end -"of.' - vations of Herbert -Spencer"..that the the dub colors, lavender ahd white. on. No' sacrifice is too great for-thejytf& return to human being is so constituted that be-' upbuilding of our Homeland. It is the month. . Mr. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg who merely a challenge to us to redouble .Those who have signed up are: Mes- fore he finally adopts the right course { have been in' Excelsior- -.Springs _ for Pioneer he will go through every wrong methour efforts." dames Wm. Alberts, Paul Bernstein, the. past ten days arrived home SaturHold^I^terary Meeting He suggested as,a possible solution M. A. Bercovici, Dave Blacker, Sam od. It is not a very flattering opy ITEN'S > day. They have as, their'guest-Mrs. inion of the brotherhood of man, but to the situation that Palestine be in-; y Joe Jacobs, it- seems to be true. Harry Superior of 'Wheeling, Weist The first literary meeting of the ternationalized and be governed by an Virginia, who is visiting here/ Mrs. year was held by the Pioneer Wom- international committee of the League •Witness Mr. Hitler in Germany. Hymxe ' It is the same Mr# Hitler, who, not Harry [Superior is a sister of Mr. Herzberg. en's Club at the home of Mrs. H.of Nations, inasmuch as it is sacred ^CRACKERS; Milder, Ben Minkm/ Jules Newman, So long ago took great stock in an j Okun. Mr. Osoff who recently re- to three religions. turned from Palestine gave ah inter- In regard to the tragic position of Sam Peltz, F. H. Roddy, Harry Rub- alleged gun invention, which, it was • '.'{.;• Miss Sylvia Moskovits ,has left for Morris Rubenstein, A. S. Rub- declared was- so sensitive to different' Ghicagtf where; she will spend several esting talk about the significant part the European" Jews Rabbi Goldstein' enstein, ., 4 C f o _ Q .- tt ~ ^ , ^ played by the..Chalutzin in Eretz Is. , . . . . •• ,,.,*,. __ , imtz, J. Stern, S. H. Stern and Mose types, that with it one could turn it T {weeks visiting friends. had this to say: "We Jews have v ' rael. Mrs.: J.Richlin. spoke on the; i • •> - ^• • T» 1 • J i. ^ • i. • i o u s e m . loose and it would automatically kill learned again from England not to put 2 Mr. Henry Monskyy president Of the importance of the work of the Pioneer our trust on e m p i r e s ' o r a t i o n s . We *** o t h e r c o u n d l members who off all the Jews. Community Chest was speaker at a Women's Club in Palestine, and urged have to depend upon ourselves. Leon w l s h t o *>™ ^ group may do so be- -' Yet of such, do 'nations make their' *phe o'clock luncheon-meeting of • the members to take part in the member- Pinski's cry of auto-ema4icipation, jf o 5 e D e « m b e r 5th, by communicating leaders—^and -Germany, home of 'Omaha district dental auxiliary at the ship drive; which is being conducted self-help, should bfe heard by every J ^ t h M r s - J - H. Kulakofsky, chairman science—home of Einstein—above all. -.3?udor Arms Coffee shop' last.Monday. j this month. Maybe after ail, Kenan was right. Jew in the world^Jewish unity, J e v ? - 1 ^ ^ C o ^ ^ ' s Education Committee, Maybe at the beginning, we had no ish solidarity is the only answer. We | f Mrs. Ida Levin, Mr. and Mrs; Ststi- [Boston Youth Winner of must help one another to'help^. oursense of humor, but how could we y. F. Levin, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin,,, Broadcast at fail to have one now ? J selves. After all, the differences besyiri, and Miss , Grace Levin_ will! Harry Ldpidus Award'' tween Jews are only superficial: Fund(Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Tele-1 "Dance.of Century jmotor to Sioux.Falls, South Dakota, ' graphic Agency, Inc.) j amentally, we are all members of the Omaha, Nebr.—''As the boy who ;Saturday, where they will": attend a same Jewish family. We form & great Radio announcements will be one 7 ^reception given by Mr. and Mrs. ** * has done the most, during the past brotherhood and fellowship; and we of the many features being planned |i ? ,;in Light in honor of their, daughter year, toward ^constructive Jewish com- must stand together." ' by the Sam Beber chapter of the A. Council Is Sponsoring "•"'•;•' * land son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley munal work in his own community," Jewish History Class! Z.-A. for their "Dance of the CenfP. Levin, who were recently married. Harry Cushing, 19, of Boston, Mass., was honored by receiving the Harry Ping Pong Tournament tury" to-.be inven at the Jewish Com" The religious department of the munity Center November 16. '^;;•..-. ' / ;•• B I R T H S • • ; . . V. .;-.-;. H. Lapidus Award given annually at Community Center Council of Jewish Women will spon-', The Century chapter has obtained •;"i Mr. and Mrs. J. Raznick announce through Aleph Zadik 'Aleph of the spr a class in Jewish history, to be, Randall's Royal orchestra for the af: £the birth of a son On November 4, B'nai B'rith, for the promotion of j community service by American Jew- Forty youths are in heft competition air and have arranged fpr novel dec- conducted- by -Mrs. H. Mendelson. :*M theMaternity hospital. : ' '-for the ping pong championship of the >rations and unusaal entertainment. Anyone desirous of joining this class ish youth. Jewish Community Center in 'the Henry Sterling is chairman of the is asked to call Mrs. Julius Newman, Ut" Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Salzman; of tournament now taking place at the ianee. Harney 6039. tSarlan, Iowa, announce the birth of Center Debate Group Center recreation rooms. T • ist: s6n a t the Clarksoh:-hospital on Will Meet Thursday Five medals will be awarded tothe October 31. " -• ;':;"'' •-. winners, a gold medal for first place, A meeting of the Debate and Pub-silver for second, and bronze medals lic Speaking group at the Jewish Com- for third, fourth and fifth place winPi Lambda Phi .£ Gypsies, Spanish Senoritas, French munity Center, under the direction of ners. Zacharia, will be held on Thurs- The favorites of the tourney are the ^peds&nts, Chinamen and representa- Sam 1 day evening, November 131, at ,8 p."m. four seeded players: Art Grossman, t i v e s of many nations mingled at the ^[-''.Lambda Phi costume party held Many, showed their interest in the defending champ; Mfllard Sigel, William Lohrman and Harry Iipp. ^ a t u r d a y , November 1, at the frater- class at its first meeting.
Social News
A VerfectTood for Everybody*
.^Bty house in honor of t h e freshmen. Jdonfetti, pumpkins, dark lights/ arid' •fjx spooky atmosphere »dded to the Vgayety and successfulness... of. the
d:k: 1 1 - ~.
\c jii3iV
;t;:; BI!;;
si aj
e it i- •
'"' Psi Mu ri Psi Mu, Iocc-1 fraternity will give »j smoker Wednesday evening, NovemT i e r 12, at the Jewish Community Cenier gymnasium and is open to the public. An interesting program including boxing, wrestling and a gymSastic exhibition will be presented. •:";This is the first attempt of the : club in offering an event of this kind, but Mr. Slegal, physical director of jbhe J. C. C. and Mr;. L Levin are % f k i n g hard for itsr success. . :} «"The committee in- charge consists '§* Ab? Bogdanoff, chairman, Sam : §Jhwartz,
and Sid Katleman,
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Fa^Hon Club •" The Fa-Hon Club, under the sponsorship of Mrs. Sam Berek are making great headway in their plans for an autumn dance to be held Saturday, November 15, at the Fontenelle pavilion. Invitations have been issued to approximately fifty couples. The autumtt idea wilL be carried out in dec,orations. Music will be furnished by the Happy Rythm Boys' orchestra. 7
"Just 'Around the Corner from Everything"
!•' The
y Refreshments were served by. the .'freshmen pledges who are Joe Kap-'fan, San Francisco, "law student* at •Creighton; William Wolf son, frtsh;inan at Commerce College, "Ben endArt Smith, freshman and sophomore 3t Commerce and Arts. colleges,-respectively; Harry Colick, freshman at ,. Commerce college, and Milton Yudel-j spn, Council Bluffs, freshman at Arts. i _,and Science college. •• • ' I ~ Racial discrimination was not j ,s^iown in awarding prizes for f the h best b i| ;costumes, for Miss Hermine "Green,! ^ho appeared as a colored girl, with'a j •blackened face, large hat, colorful [ ?^kirt, striped blouse, lavender jacket; j iajid high top shoes won first ,prize.' j ^Mr. Edward Shafton dressed aa Al Jol•}spn won the men's prize. •, - . V; Earl Ross as master of ceremonies •^as quite a striking figure as strong •jpah in red tights with rath_er too 'targe muscles. Harold Margolin &fld | ^aurice Alperin were both, realistic^ 'looking characters as small town sher- i iff and cowboy, while. Dr. David Plattj iaroused the envy of every girl in his j female attire of a vampire. Among •tine- gypsies, Miss Marian Scharf pre~sented a real picture with her long iblack braids, bright beads and costume. Other attractive gypsey maidens were Mrs. Frank Ackerman, Miss •Rose Brandeis and Miss Neomi Bordy.
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^Fo iihe Jews of Omahft*—* '*•j
'HEN the Community Chest campaign opens on November 12, remember above ail else—the future welfare and happiness of thousands rest solely in your hands. Their need is greater than ever before; to help ttjem you must give with heart and soul. Every dollar you give to the Community Chest is a messenger of health and joy to the needy* Every cent you contribute is a blessing to an unfortunate brother, a helping hand to a povertystricken family. Every penny that you can con~ tribute and don't means taking a crumb from a \ starving child's mouth. .;-.'
^ -;
-, ,
' .'. The Jewish tpeopi|§:'6f:(!)maha need little be tdfcLof the splen^diS^Pfork of the Community Chest and the worthiness of its cause. We have only >to look at our own Community Center, teeming with activity, carryingput a program of wholesome prevention ^and, judicious relief, for Eloquent proof aplen3%i^.4K "' i • But, what we^hiUSl all realize is that the situation this, yearvismpspa^ife and in planning our Icpntribution to-tiiis EMoBle enterprise, we must consider the greater Heed, the sharper distress that has accompanied the present business depression. Unemployment and wage reduction have left-manywilling*but powerless to support , their families. .. Perhaps no one has escaped the effects of these hard,times,, but it is not enough that one does not seek charity. He should be thankful that he can give, for if it were not for the fact that .bejias.his job or his occupation, his place in the business world would be taken by one now unemployed. So in justice, those working must share the burden of unemployment and be grateful that it is their lot to give and-not to receive. That is true CHARITY—the Zdoka of our fathers.
Z:& &8L 3l
*i ~ .
-- \ ,
OTo tEe Jews of Omaha:—
1 %»%~i
As the annual drive this munity Chest opens, I am opiprtunity of addressing a o my fel' lo#-Jews in pur Community: Kormany-years^—as far back as I can remember—Omaha Jews always prided themselves on taking care of their own people who in any way needed the helping hand of the community. ' No matter how little one hadi there was always a iit> tie of that little for someone else who was in need. From yeartoyear the amount raised in Omaha for Jewish charities increased, as the nee,& increased. Then came the' time when Omaha Jewry decided to-join with the community at large in taking care not only of their fell6w-Jews but also of their fellow-citizens. Have we lived 3V '%p to thispself-imposedrduty'?.; Whether we have ,m'the pastor/not, we n>ust realize that this year I'.r ' w^f.cannot,-.must'not failf- The need is greater : than" ever before and the response must be ade- ! quate. Moreover, we^—the Jews of Omaha—are O on trial during this year's-Chest drive. Are we going to put into the Chest as much as we .take , . out; or are we going to shift our responsibility .uponlour neighbor? and absolutely refuse to share in the..duty of taking care of the non»Jew?;:-... We are being challenged. Let our answer be one
^/ "»
{that we
". i'
. SSA,I-
. .. •
Ifom these pocn^ ppfortunates who cannot g^kemselves. If^o^-'iftothijc-wete hungry, Ayou want someone ! to give ^ber food? If your Jfcrother were roofless, would you want someiiae to give him shelter? If your sister were in talprs, would you want some angel to clothe her warmly? Then "Give with heart and soul, be ttetnkful that you can," for these are yoiir fMlow<rnen ?who are in dire distress. ;=.' Qr^|ha's^most worthy cause needs your liberal dontrpBution. It is your duty to give—to give more 4han-you c a i ^ n o one need do moi^e—no <?ne should do less-
More for a Greater Be Glad You Can
T I•
ace 4 ..:•.-
- . . < . - . t
•Rabbi Lewis Addresses Large Attendance at B'nai B'rith Meeting Hadassah Luncheon
Council Bluffs News
Omaha Chapter of the Hadassah to attend this meeting which is expected to be one of the outstanding meetings of the year. Mr. Bernard Szold of Omaha, director of the Community Playhouse and dramatic critic, will give a dramatic reading, Everyone is urged to attend.
One hundred and seventy-five womRabbi Theodore ;N. Lewis addressed en attended the opening meeting and members of the B'nai B'rith meeting luncheon of the Senior Hadassah last Tuesday evening, speaking on chapter at the Community Center, "England, Palestine, and the Jews." Tuesday noon, Mrs. William Lazere, B'nai Brith to Give Bridge Party : MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent Mr. Max Friedman presided at the president of the organization, presided Monday Night at Eagles Hall. meeting. Plans were furthered for a t the luncheon and meeting. FollowThe Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman of the 'Tast President's meeting" which ing the meeting, at which several letof the Independent Order of the Harlan, Iowa, announce the birth of is scheduled for November 18. ters and reports were read by Mrs, a son, born Friday, October 81, at Local Answers to Barney Baron and Mrs. Lazere, Mr. B'nai Brith will entertain at a bridge the Clarkson Hospital fn Omaha. ( Mickey Franzman sang a selection of party for all of their members and National Questions S. I. S. Dinner Party vocal Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman solos. He was accompanied by their families and friends next Monday evening, November 10, at eight were hosts to the members of their Members of the Sigma Iota Sigma Miss Sara Weiner at the piano. Historians and men of great JewMrs. A. Goodsite nd Mrs. Sam Mo- o'clock at the Eagles Hall. Prizes bridge club at their home Sunday "The- Follies of 1930" given last ish learning have widely, acclaimed In protest to the present policy of •Sorority, will give their annual Dinwill be given and refreshments will evening. Sunday night before a capacity aud- and often repeated that the wonder- England with regard to Palestine, » e r P a r t y a t the- Canton T e a . s o w were i n charge of the menu, Mrs. be served following the bridge game. ience at the Auditorium, was cleverly ful preservation of the Jewish people united Sioux City Jewry will hold, a Gardens, next Wednesday evening, ] Charles Raskin, t h e dining room; Mrs. Everyone is cordially invited to atBen Gilinsky left Wednesday for reservations.^and Mrs. arranged: and presented by a •well- is due to-the Jewish woman. It is meeting a t the Shaare Zion Syna- November 1 2 , a t ! 6 : 3 0 o'clock. A ] S a m Passman, Los Angeles, Cal. tend this affair. Mr. O. Hochman is r> Baron and Mrs.«R. H. ™ ~ J ••"— " Rabin- chairman in charge of the affair. trained cast and gave evidence to much through the influence of the home gogiie Wednesday evening, Novem- | Theater Party will follow the dinner. Barney Mrs. S. H. Katelman entertained exceptional talent of the young people that, the customs and ideals of Juda- T)er.l2J a t 8 o'clock. Every Zionist j Miss Ida Lipton is in charge of owitz, program. twenty-four guests at a bridge party the arrangements. of Sioux City Jewry. organization, including the Zionist, ism have been preserved. The Senior Hadassah of Council at her home, at 601 Willow Avenue, A Mock Trail for the new memThe- Kevue, -which- included sixteen, Our day and age sees the modern the Poale Zion, the Pioneer- Women's. Bluffs will hold an Important meetFailure to Collect acts, was. lengthy, but the clever young woman* not in the, home, but Club, the'•/j'., N. F. Council, the Senior bers was a feature of the meeting ing next Tuesday afternoon, Novem- Monday evening. sketches, and entertaining musical in business; not where, she can learn Hadassah and the Junior Hadassah, Wednesday evening. New members Crops Causes Crisis ber 11, at 2:30 o'clock, at the Chief- Though a man declares himself an numbers held- the interest of the aud- the customs and traditions of til?. will co-operate to. make this meeting are Rozena Sacks, Bluma Olensky, tain Hotel. They extend a cordial atheist, it in no way alters his obience. Jewish home, but in an office -or an outstanding one, as well as a Dena Martha Baron, Sadie Louise - Moscow.—(J. T. A.) — Failure to invitation to all members of the ligation.—Beecher. collect the crops from the Jewish Burnett, and Sara Kaplan. ,., . The three numbers "Happy Feet," shop : where her hours are fully, oc- large one. - _ , fields after the harvest is responsible "Strike Up the Band" and "Miniature cupied with business; and commerce. Similar protest meetings are befor the'difficult situation in the Jew- 1 Golf" presented by Annette Baker, How .then, we asked, can; the iriodern, ing -held in practically every Jewish Sisterhood Meeting ish agricultural districts, particularly Henry Saitlin and Dorothy.Friedman, young, Jewish business woman help Community in the United States. I in the Kaliniridorf region, the "Ernes, Mrs. Grace Sloan Overton opened the gay presentation. •, . A capacity audience is. expected^ perpetuate- the. Jewish ideals7\ How ' Mildred Baron and Mickey Franz- can she help carry en those .fine and. spjonsors of the meeting are 'address t h \ regular monthly meeting organ of the Moscow Jewish Communman scored in a song and dance spec- customs and traditions .that have urging every Jewish man and women of the Sisterhood tl»s noon, in the ists complains. _. The failure to collect ialty, and were, enthusiastically re- meant str'iiiueh1 to our raw? . . to participate in this meeting. Temple Annex. Her subject hat the crops is due to a lack of organiButlcr-Niit 1 ceived by the audience. not been announced,. The meeting, zation and discipline as well as to As in many questions discussed Two skits Wot Lost" and "Troubles, Taefore, the answer at once simmered will follow,the lunkeon at 1 o'closk. disinterest and criminal negligence, of a Hotel Clerk" caused the audience down to, Jewish Education. / A rummage sale held last week the Ernes charges. much meririient and were replete with was-in charge of Mrs. J. H. GreenWhile only-a few days remains, for' Miss- Elizabeth Raskin ' f6It that dever repartee. Ben and Albert, Herz- keeping up with modern Jewish berg, Mrs.-William Galinsky, Mrs. the winter seeding ' the summer bar-! "off, Sovel Heshelow and Henry Saitlin literature was- an important factor.vest is still on the. fields unthreshed E. Barish/ and Mrs. A. I. Sacks. presented the latter, with Bill and and rotting, much to the dissatisfacNew York.—The Israel Fripdlander tion of the Ukrainian district land! Lou Slotsky appearing in the former. ''By reading- books and magazines pertaining to Jews and Jewish issues, Sunday,. November 30, has been set classes have announced that public commissariat, who has drawn the at-' [Black] "Coming Movie Stars" presented by the business woman can do much toMiriam Blank, Jack Merlin, Sylvia •ward gaining-an insight of the fine as "the date for the annual Benefit school teachers are offered courses in tention of the • Kalinindorf Jewish'; Friedman and Sarah Mae Graetz was Jewish customs and traditions.' She Bazaar, which will be sponsored by Hebrew, Jewish history and allied sub-! authorities to the state of affairs. The especially well received. As usual xan realize the value of the per- the Pioneer- Women's organization. jects, to fulfill the requirements of Emes also complains that there are 1 Tack Merlin, clever young dancer, was petuation-of these ideals. That i3,of The Jewish National Workers and the the education alertness clause adopted an insufficient number of workers on. Poale Zion. The bazaar wili be held by the Board of Education. A num- the land. called back fbrnumefoiis encores. utmost importance", said Miss Ras- in the Jewish •Community Center with ber of scholarships have also been Miss Sara Weiner presented a piano kin. Mr. D. Sperling end Mr. H. Mirowitz available for afternoon and evening Art can never give the rules that solo' "The Erl King" and accompanied in ^charge of the arrangements. Miss .Ida Feldman is president of students. make an art.—Burke. Mrs. John Levin who appeared as soloist in the next act of pastoral set- the Junior Hadassah. "Through. Jew- They will. be assisted * by Mr. L. ish organizations, the modern busi- Schilling, secretary of the committee, ting. and' Mr. N. Maisel, treasurer., Mrs. Miss Miriam Barrent appeared as ness woman -can. help perpetuate' J. Shindler will be in charge of the soloist in several acts."• Eva. Lipton, these Jewish ideals", said Miss Feldr Cafeteria Supper^ which will open the Mary Kaplan, Dr. S. Bt ShulMn, JRuth man. "She can develop in that way affair. Others who will serve as Wigodsky, also took prominent parts. a- greater Jewish consciousness, which heads of various committees are Mrs. Dances by Serene Barrent, Annette is vital in. the perpetuation of Juda- Ben Levin, raffle; Mrs. Ida Sperling, ; ;-•* _ • Baker and Rose Shiloff added to: sev- ism," Miss. Leah Herzoff w a s of t h e Mr:»-H. Epstein, Mr. M.. Mason, and eral of the acts. Mr.-and Mrs,. Lebowitz. A beautiful The Carolina Minstrel Act proved opinion that these ideals were being silver set will be raffled off at the perpetuaiedr "We have only given most entertaining. ' bazaar.- > » Others who appeared in the Eevue the old: ideals and race aspirations, are: Jenny Montrose, Ethel Shindler, a :nev^_gajrb.; jfe'kernel isi theisame. It iis only in a different shelL" Saray Meyer, Leah Herman, Hazel ;lt Kariterovich, Elairi Muskiri, Lucille reorganized Appelang, Sara Appelang,-Betty Os^ 5 ) f J h e , ' s^.nowitzj Dorothy Gelson, Jennie Snirofaon list jSie^da^ ^Vgiujig." Lionel ler, Lillian Turchen, Rebecca DiinsSlaier was ]eleeti6d, p l ^ e n t , Domindale, Edith Fineberg, Charlotte Salkin, 1 Lillian Shulman, Elsie Shulmah/ Saray Mrs. Mine,Bro'dkey, and Be&Bradkeyick Boyle, vice president, and Abe Meyer, Tillie Franklin, Rose Shiloff; and; Mrs. 'M."~Kocklin .are visiting', at Bravennan secreta-ry and treasurer, club is open to any boy, Jewish Anna Lipton, Leah Herman, - Irene the I. Rot^child home.ih Chicago..'„ or non-Jewish, who , sells papers _on Mirowitz, Ruth Rice/ Enid Berger; Shirley Cohen, Margaret- Kriv, Elean- Mass Anne 'Cohen visited friends in streets. " One: of the features of -the year's program is the annual Thanksor Rozofsky, Frances Maron; Lucille Oni!sha last Saturday and Sunday; jgiving dinner served at thevC Mushkin, Harriet Levirie," Dorothy Wutkin, Bernice Reznick, John Levine, Mrs. J. Kauffman is visiting rela- ity Center. During the week the "play room at the - -Center is open to Morey- Iapshutz, Morris Rubin, Alfred tives in Chicago. newsieajiand-duringthewinter months Albert, Ike Levin, Esther and Pauline h o t cocoa Miss GertrudeKroloff of Council and-a ToU,«re served them Friedman. Bluffs visited in Sioux City over the f o r a Penny.Frank Fisher was, elected Presiweek-ecd. dent of ^the newly organized Center requests, that its subscribers patronize those firms Glub,, at their-iirst meeting. Milton Auxiliary Luncheon Fishgold was elected Vice President; and individuals who advertise in its pages. This to Be on November 12 Max Turchen, ; Treasurer, and L Kantoroviteh, \Sergeant at Arms. st* n Members of the Senior Hadassah request Jias a double significance . . . Advertisers - The Deborah club .will have a Plans are l>eing made, for a lunchire ,making plans for their annual eon to be given Wednesday, October "Hard Time Party" Saturday evencard party,' which will be held in the who adopt "The Jewish Pfess'^as a .medium by the Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare ing, at the home of. Gisela Pill. Jewish Community Center,^ Wednes- 12, Zion Synagogue. The cultural comMiss Eva Lipton was elected adday evening, November19.' Mrs: M. has planned the following pro- visor of the club. -through which to address the!#3lvB_sh,clientele, are A. Marks and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky mittee gram.for meeting.: Songs,, by Miss The Intermediate Dramatic Club are co-chairmen for this event, which Elizabeth the Passman, accompanied on elected officer's- at a recent -meeting. assuring our subscribers of tKgirMesire for Jewish is always a high light in the year's the.piano by Miss;Sara Weiner; Dance' Bessie^ZeBgSoiii^^ Fay Im a s s , - • ' • • ' • - - • • • •president; — social calendar. Elaine Mushkin; Skit by Tillie vice president; Mildred Plotkin, secpatronage. -t^ One hundred and severity-five.wom- by Shindler and Dorothy Mazor; Play-, Plans ore being en attended the Hadassah luncheon, "Two Goyim," by Mrs. S. H. Shulkin, which was given recently, in the'Cen- Mrs. William Mazie, Mrs. Rueben' Mil- made for the presentation of several ter. Mrs. William Laze.re p"regided. ler, Mrs^ M. Daskovsky, ilis* Rozena plays in-the near .future. • Appearing on the program was Mr. Sacks, Miss Sara Weiner arid Miss The \ Masque ,and Wig Players resumed. meetings.Thursday evening. 'And it is these same advertisers.who.with money, Mickey' Franzman,; who presented a Elizabeth Passman. .A report on ;the recent party was group of Yiddish and English songs. Mr^. J. Shindler: will be in charge made at the meeting sof the Hawkeye Mrs. Lazere and Mrs. Barney Baron of the dining room. spent through our advertising cdlumns make the Club Tuesday. Practice for football gave reports on the convention last is held.eyery. Sunday .morning at 12th June: at Kansas: City. publishing of this newspaper possible. Hadassah Starting and Pierce streets.. Many of the members are turning out for basketball J.C.C. Silver Fund practice on Tuesday evenings at North At a meeting of the Senior Hadas- Junior Gym. Games with several Plans, for the Annual . Junior sah Board of Directors held Monday loc&l and out-of-town teams are1 on Hadassah Tea were .made at' the afternoon, .the. members voted to start the club's schedule. Any team wishThis week you received'an enlarged. 8 page paper. * meeting of that organization," Wed- a Silver Fund for. the Jewish Com- ing to play the Hawkeyes is renesday evening. The date has been munity Center Kitchen, with the ini- quested to write Morris Lasensky, We sineerely-hope you enjoyed reading the various set, for Sunday afternoon, -November tial donation of $35. The Hadassah manager of,the team. 23. Miss Elizabeth Raskin has been has started the fund to "purchase new , The Maccabee Club met Sunday affeatures, news articles, and editorials it contains. appointed as chairman for the Tea silverware, for the Community Center ternoon with its new advisor,'. Mr.' with Sadie Shulkin, Anne Cohen, and other organizations will undoubt- Frank Margolin, Sioux City attorney. But we cannot continue without your co-operation. Ida Feldman, Leah Herzoff, Bluma edly follow with additions, to this The regular meeting of the Boy Merlin and Ida Heshelow. fund. Scout Troop wiil be held Saturday We must have your help if we are going to build Miss Bess Xipshutz was appointed evening, under the direction of Mr. J. chairman of the membership . comSlate, Scout Master.. ... • a better paper, all we ask you to do is mention The mitte for the year; Miss Beatrice Hebrew Mothers ifiH, ways:and means committe; Miss Meeting Tuesday Mpunt Sinai Temple . Freda Albert, cultural committe; Jewish Press to any one you trade with and . . . • / Miss .Sybil. Merlin, J. N. F. ComThe Hebrew Mothers Association "Making Peace Patriotic" will be mitte and Anna Pill, publicity. will resume its meetings Tuesday af- the subject-o'f the sermon to be given ' Rabbi H; R. Rabinowitz spoke at ternoon, November 12, at Shaare by Rabbi Lewis, this evening, ~ at tho meeting Wednesday on the sub- Zion Synagogue. The meeting will the regular service this evening. begin at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. R. H. ject of Palestine and England. The following Honor Roll of the Emlein, president of *the organization, Temple-. Religious School -was anwill, preside. nounced, for the month of-October: . A 400-day clock will be raffled off Harold Lefjcovitch, Teddy Skalivsky, at this meeting. According to Mrs, Margaret Kozberg, Lea Rose NewEmlein, the committees have a stub mail, Melvin Rosenfeld, Miriam "We feed the multitude" for every ticket sold/ so that it will Barish, Herman. Barish, Eugene " W i t h Tasty Foods not be necessary to present the ticket Sherman, Frances Kalin, Bernice ' at that time. linsky, and Lillian Magaziner.
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Annual Hadassah Card Party on November 19
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