November 14, 1930

Page 1

- -:^in the Interests of The Jewish Community

Interesting and Entertaining

K6 HB second-class mall matter on Janntry 27, UK3, at post office at Omaba, Nebraska, under the Act at March SUffa


Chest Song, by Gerson Dedicated to Monsky

Jewish OutL||k On | Ituation Is Steadilf mproving


Vni.—No. 42


Synagogue Campaign of Conservative Dinner on December 14 Community Cbfest Opens

The second annual congregational dinner of the Conservative Synagogue will be held on December 14 at the Jewish' Community Center, at 6:30 ; '*•.*"..':' : ' Jewish Workers Aiding in Mak- p. m. The dinner win be sponsored by the ing thetDrive a women of the Conservative Synagogue Success Auxiliary, who are planning an elaMen and women of all races and all borate affair for the occasion. creeds have been drawn together by Let's go, you. workers of the Chest a common cause in the-annual camSing to its glorious--name. paign of the. local Community Chest, Show how proud of. it are we. Louis E. Lapp and Samuel Zacharia By singing out loud its fame. . which opened" officially' Wednesday Toronto.—(J. T. A.)—The British wflil represent ^ e Omaha. Jewish Comand will continue fwtil"November 20. Hon. Burton K. Wheeler, Come one and all, join^in song . Mrs. Sam L. Morris, 2623 Ames government neither intends to nor has munity Center in'..the.'raidwestern J. from Montana, will be the second tee* Make the whole world see : . , has written a poem dedicated it enacted any legislation stopping or C. C- debating", league^ according to crisis," . Henrjr ,M<^isky,president of turer of the Community Forum course, All the good the Chest is doing to Joseph Litta, new, conductor of announcement made by. Judge Irvin prohibiting Jewish immigration and it the Chest, ' teM • the workers before to' be given at the Jewish CommUhltJ" • With.the aid of you and me. i .. • the Omaha Symphony orchestra, who expressly provides for the continua- be with St.'Louis and Kansas City on Center auditorium on Thursday eveihey started';,4ut Wednesday, came to Omaha from the Boxy theater tion of Jewish colonization operations November, 2£> arid SO., " ning, November 20, at 8:15. good name of1 Omaha i s at stake. We of New York. For its care, for its Jove in Palestine, according to a cable from Both Lipp; and. Zacharia,* who are Senator Wheeler has just returnM For its lessons sf.good that it ' must raise every-penny of the budget Premier Ramsay MacDonald. attorneys, were members of the Mrs. Morris's poem to the talented to assure that* Ihe very urgent ttefrom Russia where he made a thoroteaches -us. . Declaring that the protests against CreigMon UniVersity ' debate ' squad, mands made on all of the thirty agen- batonist follows: ugh study of conditions there and -tote the British government's statement of Lipp, captaining -the team in 19291 For its work, for its help cies shall be met. Our budget is lecture will be on "Soviet Russia." To OUE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA For its efforts to make better policy in Palestine are founded on a Zacharia is a].veteran member of J. seventy thousand dollars less than the All holders of season ticket! wiE CONDUCTOR men. of us. •• : • complete misconception, Premier Mac- C. C.'forensic teams; haying argued minimum asked for, so we must do be admitted upon presentation *£' 1 saw v Littau man For its plea, for its wish. Donald says that the government "has for the Center : for the' past three everything possible to make the drive their tickets. Admission for all othats As smart as man can be, To help the unfortunate help • explicitly declared its intention of ex- years. He" was a. member of the "team a success. will be one dollar. The advance s*J* He came this far out west themselves. ecuting the Mandate exactly in ac- which won the league 'championship has been tremendous and praetiea&j' One thousand volunteer workers For its push, for its grip We Omahans to see. last year. •'. ' , cordance with all of its terms. It every seat in the auditorium has AlFor its effortfto make us ~ have. been inspired to. put across the slakes ho '.change whatever in the" inready been sold out. drive for $459,665, among whom are Hon. Burton K. Wheeler W-e welcome you Littau man succeed. . ; , terpretation of the Mandate as adJewish! workers! yho number well Wheeler is one of the youngest tatm. And hope that you will find, hered to by all successive ministeries above the 100 maifc. The first day's in the United States Senate. He is * Musicians good and plentiful Let's go you workers of the Chest, since 1922." results' were a ^ o f t encouraging prenoted progressive and leader in th» To please your clever mind. Sing to its glorious name. Premier MacDonald denies that the diction' for the ultimate outcome of country's highest law making body. Show how proud of it are we government intends to or has already the campaign. | Born in Massachusetts of Quatnr A Littau man he came By singing out aloud its fame. enacted any legislation aiming at the A campaign .sony wnttenrDy Samuel stock, he worked his own way through And we are glad to tee, Come one -and all, join in song stoppage of prohibition of Jewish A conclave of District Number 20 Gerson lias been-made the theme song the law college of the University Altho he is a little man Make the whole world see immigration to Palestine. : of the National Federation of Temple of the drive andf is sung »t every Michigan. He then traveled west A mighty man is he. All the good the Chest is doing On ithe contrary, he says that the Sisterhoods was held- at' Lincoln on Dr. Samuel Gerson was elected first fore entering the law practice. meeting of the; volunteers. With the aid of you and me. government's new • policy "expressly November 10th- and 11th.. - rice-president of the Nebraska State In 1913 he was appointed by The Jewish •" people are also co-opSo, welcome to you, Littau man, conference of Social Workers at their provides for the continuation of coloniOmaha delegates were Mesdames dent Wilson as United States district, erating- with' two exhibits, one a live As I said before, zation Operations without a break. It Nate Mantel,' Harry • Rosenfeld, Max thirteenth annual conference held at attorney for the District of Montana. >, and the other a still exhibit. These Omaha will be your home set no limit whatever to the expan- Holzman, L Rosenthal.- Omaha visitHastings last week-end. In 1922 he was elected to the Senate \ were held on; "Wednesday and ThursAnd a peaceful home—-Littau. sion of the Jewish National Home ors included Mesdames William HolzGerson and Henry Monsky de- for the first time by a combinations.-- \ day and will be repeated today. — M R S . SAM L. MOSRIS. that in accordance with'the terms of man, Sam Appleman,- Joseph Pick, livered addresses at the conference. of the farmers and industrial workshj*) the Mandate may prove practicable. Mayer - Cohn, Frederick Cohn, and l i r e Exhibit Gereen outlined a program of future and has been a strong advocate of tlffe Munich.—(J. T .A.)—The Jews of It is indeed in order to make available Clarence Bergman^ activity to meet present social needs peoples' rights. The live .exhibit is being shown in Bavaria are taking measures to im\ additional land that the government of the state. The conference adopted The keynote of the convention was port sufficient quantities bf meat" from the Brandeis Store window at 16th The lecture course iB being spoft\ ^ undertakes a large scheme of land de- a resolution favoring any project that nearby countries to overcome the and Douglas, under the auspices of the each of his suggested measures, and sored jointly by the Council of JtttA 1 velopment and irrigation." •fee-executive committee voted to ish Women and the Jewish will promote peace.* The next-conven- shortage, of kosher meat in Bavaria Jewish Comrmurity Center. There is sh n d J lommofr-^^f print bis entire address on T h e Fua big drop painted on the back of ihe as .a result of the anti-Schechita law tion; will be held at -Jjeaveinworth The Center Players Guild will preCertificates Issued ity Center. Herman Aaerbach i* / ture of Our Conference," and distribinsas. Mrs. Meyer Shane of Kan- which went into effect recently. The window and on the drop is a rising sent "The Valiant** before a join chairman of the Forma Committee f>i London.—The Colonial office offiAround l i e rays of the sun is meeting of. the various lodges of the ute-jit; among the 1800 people in the the J. C. C. and Mrs. Harry Kulakofcially announced that the British gov- sas City 'was re-elected-president of slim lopes heW in'Bavarian Jewish' sun. printed "The Jewish Community Cen- Odd Fellows at the Odd Fellow Hall vazioos .Nebraska counties who were sky is chairman of the education*! circles tibat-the.'Reicli .government the district. Mrs.' Nate"iMantel was ernment had authorized Sir John especially- interested in social work. committee of the Council of Chancellor, High Commissioner of chairman of -the nominating commit- would find a way to overrule the ter" in laige letters, symbolic of op- on Wednesday evening. portunity. Schechita ban imposed by the BavarThe cast, which i s the-same as pve- j;Monsky as president of the Omaha Women. Palestine, to issue 1,500 certificates tJ» play a t the Gufld open Community Chest, spoke on the state's In front of the asm. are .four stairs. for Jewish immig'rants tinder the lab- -Mrs. Maurice Steinfeld of St. Louis, ian parliament were frustrated! and made a plea for tfce national prealdeiit, «av« ^he^pxincjpal ^. Jaw. . xxiakes it-compulsory The Icrwest s1»mi f«r -clean n£, faring Rabbi Singer of Chicago: f o r all animals" to be stunned before manship, the next"for-co-oper Eebeccah * Kii forecast ini3e by CM^Predetific Efech address. K b Stemhfll, at the' Zioriist"" Actions Committee gave a revival of < Jewish £6Qc^mohgs,th&fy&re kiHed. This is Contrary to the third for good -citizenship, the Jewish laws governing the -slaugh- the fourth for success. Brown. meeting that 1^500 of 2,100 certifitering-of animals for food. The JewAt present the Guild i s "concentrat On each of the three days at 12:15 cates asked for by the Jewish Agency ish community of Bavaria has issued p. m,"an .exhibition is being given un ing on "The Good Hope," which is tt Executive" for the six month period them that the anti-Schichita law has der the direction of E. M. Segel, Cen- be given at the Center auditorium on •from October 1 to March 31 Would be ' Morris M. Pranklin was chosen to notice to all its members informing ter physical director. This starts out December 4. An exceptionally large granted. head the Thorpeian Athletic club at gone into force. Simultaneously, ah cast is being used for this production. the semi-annual election of officers In Jewish circles the action of the The Peace Group Of the Omaha announcement has gone out to all with about ten boys fighting among Ras Taf ari Traces His Ancestry -Last Wednesday evening- Pleurette themselves. Segel comes ont -and British government is interpreted first Council of Jewish.Women'met Tuesheld at the J. C. C. Wednesday eveBack to King SoloJews telling them that the necessary stops the rowdyism, tears the: raggedy Jeoffrie,- opera star, spoke to the cast ning. as being the first step in modification day noon at the Blackstone Hotel. mon steps have been taken by the Jewish of "The Good Hope." jf the White Paper, which has aroused Mrs. Joseph Bonoff gave a paper on officials to insure a sufficient supply clothes off the lads, and then they are Other officers elected are: Sam in t&eir gym outfits. They then do (Continued on page 6.) Steps Forward" in Peace Since 1918." Katzman, vice-president; Iz Elewitz, Abyssinia.--(J. T. A.)—At least on* of. imported kosher meat. exercises under his direction. Mrs. H. A. Wolf reviewed a section .secretary; Harry Chudacoff, treasurer- foot of the Lion of Judah still rests of the book entitled "Between War Leon Mendelson, reporter; Max Rosen upon an Eastern throne, and the wisStill Exhibits and Peace." and Al Sofer, sergeant-at-arms. dom of Solomon, imparted to th* The still exhibit is being shown at Mrs. Phillip Levey will be librarian Many gala affairs are being planned Queen of Sheba about 8,000 years ago, i : • ' . " ."• • •' the Nebraska Clothing store. This" of the group this year. Dr. Victor E. Levine of the Creigh- by the organization for the coming and transmitted through her to count*' window exhibit is being shown by the ton University of Medicine, will per- season, the feature of wiiich will be less generations of Ethiopian royalty, Family Welfare Society, a Protestant Mayor Richard L. Metcalfe is sponsonally conduct a scientific course in the annual New Year Eve event, to now flowers in the mind of Ras Taf* soring a campaign to prevent automq-; organization, the Diocesan Catholic reducing open to both'men and women be held at the Rome HoteL ari, emperor of Abyssinia. Charities,' and the Jewish Welfare bile accidents in Omahat at the Knights of- Columbus building federation. The handsome, thirty-five year old The death rate from such accidents on the evenings of November 17 t o 21, ruler, whose warm brown complexion Quotas 'for Countries of Jewish It shows a miniature golf course in Omaha for this year has .shown ah inclusive. Dr. Levine is an eminent is almost exactly the complexion of A Immigration Completely increase over last year of 4,4 per cent, with various hazards representing the authority on diet and nutrition.. w a s r^rngTTgt] Tlmpprif»r* Exhausted and the mayor has sent out :an ap- difficulties met in caring for family The cuuxae aims to "give "are scienof Abyssinia before an imposing asThe Daughters . of. Zion will hold peal to Omaha citizenry, to take inore iweEfare cases, as unemployment, ill Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The im- their second annual card party at the care in their driving. semblage of ambassadors from all th« health, insufficient income, delinqu- tific methods of reducing so that health and vigor are not lost during migration quotas for Russia, Poland, Jewish Community Center on Monday world powers. He now rules over * ency, and desertion. The police department hag pledged New York.—(J. T. A.)—Milton Dia- huge country many of whose people* Lithuania, Czecho-Slovakia, Eouma-1 afternoon, November 17, at 2s30 p. m. itself to war on careless driven and / Two little figures are playing the the process. Those 'wishing to take the course mond, who for a number of years has still live in the manners of Biblia&l ma, Hungary, -Germany and PalesMrs. S. Rosenblatt is in charge of are arresting all offenders £>f the game. A large sign broadcasts "Playshould' register this week at the been legal representative for foreign times, and whose undeveloped retine were all exhausted during the the" affair. All members .and" their traffic regulations. ing the Game of l i f e at Par." Knights of Columbus. past fiscal year ending June; 1930, friends have been' invited to attend. rinprna companies here, has been ap- sources are said to be the richest in according to an announcement issued The proceeds will go to the Jewish pointed "Czar" of the Producing Mus- the world. by the state department. ic Managers Association, Inc., which Has Taf ari proudly claims to be ft National fund. These countries - are the chief carries with i t the almost absolute direct descendant of that royal wot The next regular meeting of l i e orsource of Jewish immigration to the ganization will be held on Wednesday power for concert and radio perform- Merielek, who was born to the United States. From these countries afternoon, November 19, at 2:30 p. m. Clinton Brome will speak on "Our ances that Will Hays enjoys in the of Sheba through her union with a total of 44,676 immigrants were at the J. -a G. * . Solomon. Constitution," at the luncheon meeting motion picture- world. admitted during the last fiscal year The organization, formed by several Mrs. S. Platt, president, and the The Abyssinian Jews were of the Legislative Study Group of the in which 11,526 -Jewish immigrants committee in charge of the recent leading managers who control about ered about 60 years ago by Profewin? Omaha Council of Jewish Women to Close to four hundred enthusiastic mittee. of which Dr. Philip Sher is were admitted from all countries. rummage sale have expressed their be held at the Blackstone Hotel No- two-thirds of all concert bookings in Halevi. Though lost sight of for At the same time the state de- thanks to all who contributed bundles dads and lads gathered at the Jewish chairman and which includes' Dr. vember 19th. the country, and include such artists tunes, they had preserved their partment . ordered a stricter - applica- to the sale and also co-operated in Community Center Sunday evening Meyer Beber, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Mrs. Phillip Schwartz, Ha. 0463, is as Jascha Heifetz, Hischa Elman, ish traits, keeping the Sabbath tion of that part of the immigration conducting the sale. The enterprise for the ninth annual -"Father and Samuel Gerson, Dr. A. Greenberg, Efram Zimbalist, Yehudi Menuhin and the Jewish festivals, circumcising receiving reservations. law holding up passports from immi- was highly successful, netting the or- Son Banquet", said by many lib be by William Grodinsky, Mrs. R." KulaHarold Bauer, was formed with the their male children, and conducting far the most successful in the Cen- kofsky, Leo Rosenthal, Harry Silvergrants likely to become "public ganization over $150. purpose of presenting a "united but worship in houses of prayer. The?* ter's Aistory. William LV Holzman man, - Irvin Stahnaster, and Mrs. charges" after admission to the friendly front to the radio and the are 50,000 Falashas in Abyssinia. Harry A. Wolf. acted as toastmaster. United States. sound film." Rabbi Cohn spoke on behalf of the The Social Service Committee has This step was taken at the perfathers, and Jerome A. Gordon re- j expressed, its "appreciation and gratisonal request of President Hoover, The graduating class of the Talmud sponded for the sons. The invoca- tude for the splendid service rend- Torah has organized into a club to who is seeking to restrict immigration as much as possible in order to "The New Psychology of Unemploy- tion was led by Rabbi David A. Gold- ered by the Jewish Women's Welfare promote deeper interest in Jewish afOrganization." relieve the unemployment situation. ment" will be the subject of the first stein. fairs and literature among its memAccording to those in charge of the This step, however, is not likely to lecture which Dr. Clayton will discuss At the banquet the Community ! Mrs. A. Greenberg, president of the bers. The chief feature of its proAll plans indicate that the Jr. Ha- "Dance of the Century," to be giv#n affect Jewish immigration to any at the current topics class' at the Jew- Chest theme song, written by Sam- organization and chairman for the gram will be talks on Palestine and'dassah dance to be given Thanksgivby Chapter No. 100 of the A. Z. A. great extent, the Jewish Telegraphic ish Community Center- on Tuesday uel Gerson; to the tune of the Stein dinner, was assisted by Mesdames its important cities, Biblical slides, de- ing night, November 27, »t the Fonat the Jewish Community Center balltenelle hotel will be an outstanding Agency was informed by Isaac L. morning, November 18, at 10:30 a. m. Song, was introduced to the banquet- Jack Alberts, J. Blank, Samuel Ger- bates and plays. room this Sunday evening, the affair Assofsky, general manager of the This class is sponsored by the Coun- ers. The song was dedicated to son, M. I. Gordon, R. A. Goldstein, event of the season. Art Randall's William L. Holzman, Sam Josephs on, Royal orchestra will furnish the music will be one of the outstanding event* Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Mr. cil of Jewish Women and meets bi- Henry Monsky, president of the ComSam Kaplan, Abner Kaiman, H. LaAssofsky pointed out that th ebulk weekly at the Center. The dance is in charge of a com-jfin A. Z. A. history. munity Chest. Monsky gave an eloof the Jewish immigration to this mittee headed by Miss Rose Levine j Elaborate plans are being made bj? quent address for the needy of the pidus, Lester Lapidus, Charles Levinson* Lena Mandelson, E. Meyers, S. country consists of family reunions, "New York.—Assurance that .Great city. Dr. Ben Greenberg sailed Monday and consisting of Mrs. Mary Claire the Century lads to make the danc* with parents sending for minor chil- Britain would, in the long run, do her Community singing was another Monsky, Helen Nefsky, Henry New- for a two months' cruise on the Medi- Franklin, and the Misses Grace Rosen- a success. Many new features atiis dren and children sending for aged utmost to render justice to both Jews feature, as was a humorous- talkie. man, Ben Newman, Philip.Sher, Dave terranean sea on the S. S. Excelsior stein, Ida Daytch, Tobye Steinberg, novelties are being planned. Art Ranparents. and Arabs in Palestine was given as "Guess What?" "The Runaways'' Sherman, B. A. Simon, Irvin Stal- in the capacity of ship surgeon. This Fanny Katleman, Anna Greenberg, dall's Recording orchestra will furnish All of these immigrants are pro- a parting message by Harry M. Snell, was given under the direction of master, A. Somberg, Louis Som- trip includes visits tc Egypt, Jeru- Sylvia Bernstein, Eva Katzman and the music. A l&rge advance sale has been reported. vided for by their kin here before chairman of the Labor Party of <5reat Emanuel Segel, physical "director of berg, Mose Yousem, and the Misses salem, Italy, France, Spain, and Eng- Ida Minkoff. Ula Albert, Rose Cohen, Rose Ro- land. Art Kazlowsky is chairman of ths Tickets may be purchased from * " their arrival and hence there is no Britain, who came'- to v the United the Center. senstein, Bemice Sherman, and Berdance. Sam Meyerson is president of members of the committee or any Jr. likelihood of their becoming public States a week ago to address .the Dr. Greenberg is the son of Mr. The banquet was under the ausnice Yousem. the chapter. Hadassah member. ; ._«, American Jewish congress. and Mrs. S. Greenberg. charges pices of the - Social Service Com-

MacDonald Deny* itigBanonlnv migration

Dr. Samuel Gerson has .written a song £or *ke Community. Chest campaign, which has been adopted as the drive's theme "song to ..inspire, the" workers. The song' was" dedicated to Henry Monsky, president of the Chest. The theme song, which" is sung to the tune of the Maine Stein song, is as follows:

Lipp/Zacharh to Represent Ji C C.

Senator Will Speak Thursday at Center*

Mrs, Morris Writes Poem About Littan












, .-••• ..i::-li



F^aftMin Is Elected Head of Thorpeians

Meets Tuesday Noon




Dr.LevinetoG?e Coarse in Redncing :






Qmfon Brome Speaker Chose to 400 Attend f jji£0ie. Group Father, Son Banquet

Current Topics ,Class to Hear Dr. Clayton

Talmud Torah Class Organize Into Club

"Dance of Century" Jr. Hadassah Dance to Be Given Sunday Thanksgiving Night

Dr. Ben Greenberg to Sail as Ship Surgeon

:"~* jA



PAGE 2 T - T H E JEWI $1,161^48 at t h f ^clos« of the Prev-J| ions y&ar, 5|Mt#tbf-af£ assets "of ~ Corporation-Mave increased to 238,027 a s ' compared-^Tvith $92f^60i at the time of its formation, according to the report.

chants who ha*)e been Seriously hu*t by the world economic ^epressi«n. -^ La§t .July, Jollowing th* reconf dti f | , the Palestine government increased by fifty per sent the tariff on wheat flour and ueminola, ngolated the importation of wiieat flouiJerusalem.*—A direct railroad con- and seminpla under ••** > Bystem of necting between £gypt and Bri#sh licenses controlled by a permanent India by way of Haifa, the rapidly committee for commerce and indusgrowing pjjrt of Palestine^ will try, banned the importation of unshortly be. built, according to a refined olive ail ^tkti) further no(trustworthy Egyptian source. This tice and reimposed a tariff on connection, which will realize a 30 , sesame seeds. New York.—(J. T. A . ) ~ A model year old British dream, will result Jewish, community of 160 families, from the construction of Hie SyrianApplause is the spur of noble which will have its own school where Trans-deserfr Haifa-Bagdad railroad minds, the end and aim of weak ones. both popular and Hebrew snbjects wilJ which will link up with the British —Colton. controlled Port Euad-India line via appeal to all Otfahjjas as a splendid ^ taught and which will establish a opportunity to offer concrete thanks health,center :for Jewish children, will Persia and Iraq. for Omaha's good fortune," Chairman' b e bonded shortly on - Silver Lake . One line will run from the IndianHovey. said. Gardens, Staten Island. The com-Persian frontier to the Persianv Iraquian frontier which will meet Campaign officials include the fqi- m u n i t y i s bein8 foundedby the Judea another line running to Haifa from Maccabee association, an organization lowing members: 442d Florence 6lvd. Bagdad, thus extending the existing T: Big Gifts, Gwyer H. Yates; Busi- interested in the development and line from Haifa to £1 Kantara, at KE. 1600 By BERNARD POSTAL ness, Forrest N. Groxson; Industrial, growth of Jewish community life, in the southern end of the Suez Canal, fostering the teachings of Judaism The Bens* With A BeputatUn •fhe • recently concluded elections France, As president of the Colum-- York where %% Jews will sit in the W. F. Cozad; South .Side, James J.' and the Jewish communal spirit and to Port Fuad in India. It is reportbia River J^ghway Association he next assembly and six in the state Fitzgerald; Residential, Mrs. Adolph in establishing a health center for the ed that the Persian government and bnyight victory to Jewfafi Sachs; Publicity, Yictpr B, Smith; Nafoii governor in t\po states, P was one of the; original promoters penate. The Supreme Court of .New tional Firms, Harry B. Zimman; Jewish communal spirit and in estab- Ibn Saud have already general in onfi, lieutenant governor in of the Columbia River Highway, ' • jYbrk wijl have an additional Jew .by Speakers, W. F. Cozad.' lishing a health center for the young- the lines passing thru their territory In recent yearrs he has become an 'irtue of the election of Julius Milwhile iraq is^ naturally delighted "at another, Congress in five and Qtfier er generation. 1 1 380840 the prospect. . • officea'in fifteen. M*. Postgl advocateof public development ; of er, popular Borough President of Silver Lake Gardens, Staten Island, Owning 8L the state's power resources. It was; Manhattan,. who won together with The Egyptian NationalistE, howsummarises the results of the has been selected for the establishHA 0881 this interest in the public ?&al. Ijhafc budge Bernard Sheintag. In Detroit tiino from a Jewish point of ment of this model community be- ever," ars eajd tP be betraying ,miseventually brought him into the po-'Henry Behrendt was unanimously project for. perfecting Editor. cause it is 380 feet above sea level. arena Last^ Last Spring his ergfcj Hti(sal _ arena. ergfc-? (elected sheriff of Wayne County and this . y : network from,. Sgypt to ^ future Jewish historian will litical Its air is remarkably rare and it is nrl.iitn 'IniA ?-Ar*W-nA*4 :'.rv: (fAHn^Av Tstc*'AWk * Judge filiAim XJfinW l l f v a l lwas i m e TonnTYloH Henry RButzel renamed f.n to law partner, Senator Joseph, i niay undoubtedly' -record 1930 as an im-while only 25 minutes by ferry from Man- Indiat,because- they fear- .it. poftant'landmark in the achievements won the Republican nomination for the State - Supreme Court without hattan. A hospital and sanatorium to Great Britain annexing] the. Sinai Opposition. of;* American "Jewry for in the elec- governor. Shortly after . Montreal (J. T. A.)-—The Protest- are among the things planned for the Desert,to Palestine to jatisfy alleged WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. Zionist ambitioflfl. The Jewish Teltions of that year two Jews were JVfr. Meier entered the campaign as- j(Copyright-.1930 by the.Jewi3h Tele- ant School Board of :Montreal-.will, model community. i graphic Agency, Inc.) an independent candidate to,taker The: egraphic Ageney is. Bemi-officially .insimultaneously elected governors; of Certified Public The officers of the "Judea Maccaon principle, interpose no objections states for the, first time.-White they jjilace of his friend who had won ther to the creation of a separate Jewish bee Association" are: Hyman L. fonjietf : that while thin railway Accountants in the face -of--the eom* are notjthe:first Jews to be elected nomination school system in Montreal,, the Rev. Landy, president; Cantor Shein, vice- scheme is. not likely to -be ? realized c ; 638 Securities Bid*.—AT. 4451 pined oppo3i'tibn' bf ^ihle! leading: Re-* chief executives of' Ainericap "comDr. James Smythe, chairman of the president; Charles Rosett, treasurer) immediately such a linking in the : l .nubjjcan papers and the' Republican future' is easily conceivable. monwealth.- 'the- fact .that .fwj> ;of Protestant- School Board announced and business manager; Sigmund Susstljiem wejre' «hosen in "one. year ' in the course of an address to a man, Harry Resnick and BaHe Lvovthe fact that the election of Jews to sky, trustees; Rev. Isaac Rottblitt, local gathering. " • Identified with -Communal any high political office u,ti]&[United Dr. Smythe pointed out that no chaplain, and S. Rosen, recording infrequent th>t ipJiJfes agreement had yet been reached retary. their election an event of first rate- • The governor-elect of Oregon,-Hie between the Pirotestants and the first Jew to be so honored since" Mosimporjanpe.. The Community Chest has set New- York,—r(J. T. A.),—"The monu1107 Howard-^A. es Alexander won a second :term as $459,685 as its goal for the eighth Jewish school commission that was MOVING — STOBAGE — mental work of Lujgi Lozzatti on the The two Jews singled out for this governor of Idaho in 1916, is promappointed last April to negotiate REAL SERVICE PIANO XOVJNQ history of religious liberty under the signal honor are Julius Meier who, inently identified with the Jewish annual campaign which opens Nov. with the Protestants and failing that 12, according to an announcement retitle-of "God in Freedom,", has been as an independent candidate, was communal life of his native city. to establish a separate Jewish school made avai}al>le to the English readelected governor of Oregon, and -Ar* Amciig his philanthropies are thecently made by Ford E. Hovey, chair- system. Fbona ATlantlc 37S9 ing public, through a transjatjon pubthur Seligman, Democrat, chpsen establishment of a B'nai Brith cen-man of the drive. This quota is some Dr. Smythe said that "if • despite 309 South IStb St. Boom 816 lished by the MacMillan Company. governor of New Mexico. That these ter and summer camp for boys and $17,000 more than was raised last fall all we have done and what we still Phone JAekson 122i Max J. Kohlsr, m tiie editor's preface, two ijien were not elected with, the girls. He is a trustee of Temple and about $13,000 more than has ever stand ready to 6.0 -our Jewish fellow in a single campaign in states that. this volume is the isnaid of any BO-caJled' Jewish,'v.qte is Beth Israel, president of the P'prtcitizens decide to, ^withdraw, -their largred rworik* of ;tfae; author, completed obvious in view of the fact that the Jand .Jewish Shelter Home and prom- Omaha. children from ourschools and set up CARD SIQKS ' SIETAI. SIGNS ; The quota was determined upon in 1^29., . ,- • Jewish population of Oregon is just inent in B'nai B^th work. . PROCESS—STENCILED SIGNS pfter the Chest budget committee had a school system..,of-.their own, the a bis more than 13,000 while that of La??atti wrote, not- «s a student Arthur-^Seligman,_ who becaines thorough study of the 1931P-otestant School . Board of MonNew Mexico just passes the 1,000.sovernbr pf New'-M^Sdco on January standing at a dietsnee from, the treal, on principle^s not oppqsed submitted by the mark* Cloth and Paper Banners scene he described, but as one who financed by to such action provided the rights OFFICE WINDOW AKD had hurled himself into the thick of TKUCK tETTEBIXG state. Trend Continued v^ the following state- of the Protestam^^^are not -prethe battle. He championed the 1405 Hafney ' ' JA. 527T judiced thereby. As Canadian citizThe election "of Jews .as^g Scotch, church, fought for the caue* ens, however, we will deplore it tot long bejore.Uco in Oregon aiidf.|IeV M e x i c o ' w ^ of religious liberty in Italy and raised believe that the', self -segregation Unionfin 1312. ; ««n Jews are -numerically unimportant it 23rd and Cumiitg Street his voice in behalf of his co-religionJews wooJiSfltijt'Cbe in the WE SPECIALIZE IN FRAMING L Brosi department'' continues- a^fxend that has been -apists in Russia and Boumania. in fita^e banking best interest /of"'^s'jpr»vince, of GIVE PICTURES FOR parent trqughont the history of" the circles and active jn sfcate^wide Jewthe country .as as" ';a/wn6l#>pV ef ef the CHRISTMAS Jew's particiijation in American pubTariffs Disappointing ws j^ieoiSeTves.H'Jy •.-,?, rne uejr Jews lic life. The evidence indicates con- ish affairs, Mr. "Seligman's election Jerusalem.—The recently enacted climaxes a political career of 85 ; Dr. 'JSinythe; alsdjrgave' ^JK^ been con?clusively that* -wherever the Jews NATIONAL 1 tariffs on food products have not years, ^o- rneet emergency statistics' concerning?the are -numerically—an: • -uunimportant pjetely g { pschooY-'popp had the desired effect of protecting ACCESSORIES^ INC. Mr. Seligraan's long and distin- demands• lti f Montne^ M t ^r {~slio ~li wing in t that ht ^by the unen4j»lqy- ulation minority there they win the highest of Palestine agriculturists or of bol1 guished service to his state began in "Everything for the Auto" ment of the past eight months. political preferment, while in those i f of approximately" ^31,000 pupils stering the Palestinian agricultural "The quota is at least $10,000 un- in the Protestant schools about states where the Jewish population 1895 when he served on the territo2501 Farnam—AT. 5B24 market, the Hebrew daily, Doar is large, well-organized and articu- rial Democratic committee. He hasder the amount actually needed by the 10,000 are Jewish. Hayom points out in noting that HAVE YOUR PICTURE late their chances of gaining impor- since been mayor of Santa Fe, chair- agencies for next year's work if presthe price of wheat here has slumped MADE NOW tant political posts are. not so good. man of the Santa. Fe County Conv- ent conditions continue. Only thorough to below the pre-war level. The prese Photos for J5« Jaws that have been- elected gover- missioners, membej. of the Board of tfee co-operation of the so-called charent prices are also lower than those Dozen for only -_-—.--—S5o Irrigation Commissioners, member ufar building.,.ag^<jfes,| wBich ?have f ; nors in the past have come from existing before the tariffs became Two Poses such states as South Carolina, Loui- of the Democratic State Committee,j| agreed to *^ojfer«»r-less money.than operative. The Doar Hayom claims member of the Board of Equalize i was allotted to them this-year.^is" it J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor • SMILE STUDIO siana,Georgia, Utah, Idaho and now that the fall in wheat prices has tion of New; Mexico, member pf the!possible t^>keepdEhe'goalat tbiSTfig !>• keep dEhe-goar;at- tljiST fig300 Douglas BIk., 16th & Podge New Mexico and Oregon. The hand•WBW FOR OLD" bankrupted many Arab wheat merD t i N t i l C i t t i National Committee aince ure, since HIVCTOi jBgcessary bfcreases ful of Jews elected to the United Democratic 1619 Farnam St—AT. 8481 New- York must be granleo*;.'"id relief' giving, A-)— The third States Senate have represented 1920 and delegate, to .every cratic national convention since 1916. health and Children's organizations for annual report of the Palestine EconABRAHAMS ft O'CONNOB Maryland, "Florida,' Louisiana, ' arid FOR REISIT omic Corporation, which is headed 400 Brandt* Theatre Bids, City Oregon. All of these are states with Lehman Polls Heavy Vote Two Furnished-Rooms. 3TOTICB! B I rCBXICATION ON PBTIsparse Jewish populations. In euch In addition to the election of Mr. "Cerjuinly we are in.aiposition'to by Bernard Flexner*. has just been v H O X F O H SBTTUEMZKT OV FINAL Call For 50 Years ADMtNiSTEATION ACCOUNT heavily populated Jewish states as Meier and Mr. Seligman the recent meet "ihS3.e. modest inSreases/: and I issqed. Felix, M.s Warburg, Herbert In the County Court of Douglas County, Your Towel Man H. Lehmarir.J,ulius §imon and Robert believe/thBtHhe; campaign, coming as HA. 7316 or WE. 0414 Nebraska. • • '• Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, elections were marked, from the JewIn the Matter of the Estate «f George S. Szold are? the v|ce;presidents of thej at does just "before^Thanksgiving, will Missouri, California, and Massachu- ish point of view by a number of {Tohnsan. Ue^ensed. ;-. Omaha Towel Supply Co. 'Al f ' : ; ' ' Corporation. The* Corporation, sub.AH persona interested in.said matter are setts we find no Jews as governors, significant happenings. In New York hereby notified that on the 27th day of 209 So. Hth St. JA. 0528 sidizes . in. Palestine the Palestine October J, 1980, Milton R. Abrahams filed a none as senators and with the excep- Herbert H. Lehman, banker, philanpetition-in said County Court, praying that Jklortgagfi^anii .£i^tr\Ete.nl6- fctd., of tion of New York • not even other thropist, civic worker and statesman hl& final' administration account filed herev which Emanuel 'iC Mohl "is the' settled ana allowed, and that he be state-wide officers. The Empire State was not only -reelected' lieutenant diBchnrged from bis trust as executor and managing director, and the Central 'Owi^a bearing will be bad on said petition in recent years' has had a Jew asgovernor b«t; polled a-larger vote in For one or two younger or Bank of Cooperative Institutions, of IVLT Hobby for I before said Court on the 22nd day of Nolieutenant governor, Herbert H. Iieh- New 'York City; than hi» : Democratic vember, 1930. and that a yon fail to ap? older people. • 45 Years wJiich .Harry. Vitales is the General fpear before said Court on t i e said 22nd man,- a Jew as attorneyrgeheral who 'running mate, Governor Roosevelt. Ql^'oTefliber. 1930. at 8 ocloctAo'cloct-A- M., Ql^oTefliber. STOVE:; ifltfy Jewish Pii^s--Box No. W Manager. .V". ...' .„ '"";• Ml d petrtlon later failed of election ' to"' the gov-'Of alj, the Jews who were candidates •-said petrtlon, the' the'Court Court may may REPAIH WORKS' i' «iMl~wnte8t AND grant the prayer of said petition, under a The year 1929, declares the reernorship and a number of secre- for Congress only the eight sitting 1206-8 Douglas Street decree of heirship, and moke such other port, was one of continued expanand further orders, allowances and detaries of state. In additionto these congressmen -were eleeted although crees, as to this Court mny seem proper, sionin' ? thej cjrgdi£f^activities which AT ALL GROCERS offices the states containing the early returns had indicated that newto the end that all matters pertaining to f said estate may be finally settled and dethe {\Palestfhe Ecbtioihic ; Corporation bulk of the Jewish population have, comers- might win in Massachusetts Made by tenfiined. undertook as its' particular sphere BRXCE CRAWFORD, • CHARLES SIMON of course, elected many Jews to Con- and New Jersey. When the 72nd Uncle Sam Breakfast Food iO-Sl-3t . County Judge. tai announce"^"change _:• Recommends " of dperationsiin''Faiestine *^from its gress and scores of them to.state Congress meets, the Jews in- that of residence, to. W* S # ?8thSt. Company inception. Its ^thris^'tb; five year STAIJtf ASTER ft BKBEB, AU«ra«-rn and municipal legislatures^* But the body^will::b.e The Sanitary Laundry Beildence phone: HA. 19%S '•' bd^illb identicat i t with those of 650 Omaha National Bank Balldlnff agricultural loans, Tfor the developMA. 2898 ' Omaha Nebraska fact remains that in those, centers the 71st, namely Sol/Bloom <D)and -Tho Best or All Lanatry Scnrioa" Omaha. Jfebmika ment of orange groves, amelioration where the so-called Jewish "-vote Emanuel Gelier (D), all of New 2TOTICJB Ot INOOBPOHATIOK OV AT-2815 • l l O CIA7B SHOP, tNC." of almond groves, planting of vinemight be expected to exercise some York, Adolph Sabath (D) 5 who has Notice is hereby given that the underyards, : general farm improvements, influence Jewish preferment has ser\-ed as Congressman longer than signed have formed a corporation under the laws of Nebraska, the name of which etc., have increased during the year lagged. •••..•• any Jew, from Chicago, Isaac Bachais "Field Club Shop, Inc." and its principal plaice o* ^business is at Omaha, Ifefrom $160,000 to $250,000 and an WELLS : rach (R) of Atlantic City, back for History "."'Are greatly, i additional- amount of $180,000 has m Harry B. Lnpidus. President- 'XreaaL 5 braska. in-' develIhis tenth consecutive; term, Benjamin The tmtnf of the business to be transacted Js the operation of drugstores. The f talent Of the two goYeTnorByelect, only Golder (R) of Philadelphia, an4 Mrs. oping ^ ^ / c h been authorized but not yet paid out JOB FOUNDRY authorized capital stock is $10,000.00, all Mr, Seligman has held public office Florence Prag Kqhn (R) pf San of which is common aBd $100.00 pnr value to borrowers. The Corporation's inAND MACHINE WOKK per share. All stock is to be paid for when before. Mr. Meier, a native of Port- Francisco, the only Jewess ever vestment in new housing loans inREINFORCING STEEL issued and non-assessable and may be issued for cash or for real or personal land, owns the largest department elected to Congress, v creased from $69,000 to $143,000 and roperty. The corporation shall commence COMPLETE STORE AND i t the h time i it til a filoa store west of the Mississippi. The • !buEineBs at its articles are rlloa ita? "Investment''jn small industrial 5 in in the office of the County u t y Clerk of D Doug; g OFFICE OUTFITTERS Withstands Landslide establishment was founded by his credits increased from $21,789 to las, County, Nebraska, and terminate SO ^ Serviced We Occupy years thereafter. The highest amount of In Ohio where the Democrats swept father jn 1857 who was one of the $48^579. The work of aiding laborOver 70.000 tiquare Feet indebtedness to which this corporation HULL PHARMACY shall subject itself shall not exceed twoi in the state. Julius . Meier through to a sensational victory the er*/ in and near the colonies to Third Ave. and 11th Street Southwest Corner thirds of its capital stock, but this re* and, ^e^aU:_^. e his education and. business only survivor ©f the Democratic Phones: 89 and 619 establish themselves was substantstriction shall not apply to any mortgage Eleventh and Douglas Streets indebtedness; The affairs of the corporag^| i j Pbarmaclst COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA trafning in Oregon. Thirty five years landslide was the popular attorney, ially expanded under the 1928 ap'Phone JAckson 2724., tion shirtl be conducted by a.Bourd of not deliver^. less than two Directors iind officers conTel,, WJS?jjJOqqUFreeU ^ agq h,e- entered, into a law partner- general, Gilbert Bettman, whowas propriation and a new appropriation ';••' Omah*a;-Nebr. -" sisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and two of which ship with Senator George W. Joseph, returned to office although he ran, on eft $250,000 was made in 1929 for may be heia by the same person and-nll For two generations Mr. Meier the Republican ticket. For the'fifth this:, purpose, including loans for the officers shall be elected by the. Board. The annual meetinp of the corporation shall oe MID WEST was a leader in the piyic life of consecutive term Sol Levitan "was btiflding'. of houses' and barns, purheld on the first Monday of January of each year. These articles may be smenflafl ENCRAVINC Cd of his state. IJuring the. World War elected treasurer of Wisconsin. and ohase ,-of.''Poultry,..paws::and other at any regular or special meeting of tap 'THE' CREAM \ ARTISTS he. iyas a leader1 in the Liberty Loan it- appears' that he.: will handle the stockholders upon the affirmative vote of equipment Required' for. the establishtwo-thir<lB of nil outsfamline stock. .ric drives, being Northwest,regional dir- finances of the Badger state in* ment of/new workers*."settlements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties ' WE B hawj hereunto subscribed their names on ector. He was also connected definitely. ^rDuring ,the year'1929 the investthis ?m aaj » r i ° T ^ A » In fifteen states one er- mave Jews the Council of National Defence and mentr of the. : Palestine.' Econoniis 311 5O14TH ST.OMAH/t. FIlBnA n-ATUJZtNEK. were elected to the statte legislature, active in the work for the rehabilitaCorporation in pklfestine increased In the presence of Sam Beber, SATIN iCL C! «-10-24 tion of the devastated regions of the largest number being in New to $1,627,004, as compared with

Two Jewish Candidates Elected State in One, \J\mXmxmtQovemor in Another.



A Summary of the Results of the National .-• • Elections From the Jewish Viewpoint



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Translate Luzzatti's Book Into English


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14,1980 broker, and Benjamin Holxmao, who's associated with George White ,the producer, takes 3,000 boys a year for a two weeks' vacation att Surprise %xke, Cold Springs, New York.


to everyone attending. A beautiGALA NEW YEAR'S EVE dub ful surprise gift will be given t * lady. AFFAIR BY TH0RPE1ANS every Irvin Levine is head of the commit-

tee in', charge. Reservations .can' b* Manjr gala -events "are planned by made nxj«w*with any^member ©f the -or* Boys Help Others ~ - the Thofpeian-Athletic dub for the ganizatnftu "Does the outing, do these boyscoming season, of which the annual good? Yon bet! Why, some of these New Years Eve affair portends to be boys have made such headway that the greatest The big Ball Boor and Palestine Products they're now helping us to support Crystal Room and KbtKMining rooms • Paris.—Palestine products, pa>the camp. You see," Eddie went on, of the Rome Hotel have been arranged ticuarly those manufactured J almost naively, "we try t» teach them for, and new and fancy decorations will have a prominent place in This year the International Colonial Exhibition that they must do for others what are being installed. affair will be arranged "a-la-night opening hers next year, as a result we're doing for them." of action taken by the Franco-PatesWe switched to a discussion of the dub" style and "cabaret." so-called "Employment Boycott" Turner's Twentieth Century orches- tine Committee and the Franco-P*!~ against Jews. Eddie exploded, "Jews tra, the Omaha Athletic Club's favor- estine Chamber of Commerce. The are the worst offenders! We're an ites, have been chosen to furnish the two groups in cooperation havs ambitious race. The department music,.and the best and latest dance acquired a plot on the site of th£ Exhihitkm and have started constore owner, the manufacturer knows tunes are on their repertoire. that few Jews are satisfied with being, Tables will be arranged so that struction of a pavilion to house the sed his lips and rwhispered satirically, employees. They realize that the everyone may see the entertainers and Palestinian exhibits. mean dubs." average Jewish lad looks forward to acts at all times. A jolly feed, enthe day when he can enter the busi- tertainment and fun is assured by the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Jew Has Mission ness as a partner. Naturally this 41 "Of coarse the Jew has a mission. And that welfare luncheon made me .doesn't delight the employer. thirik of the prime part of it. We've! "We must make ourselves indispengreatest weapon against always taken care of our poor and! I T S TEE CHEAPEST UT THE LOJTO RUN—MORE HEAT LESS ASH sick. That's a good example for the the boycott is a boycott against unfair UiSS WOBK, LESS WORRT By RAYMOND DANNENBAWM H de vf ; , • Test of the world. And for that rea- firms. But it's hard to get the goods Eddi* Cantor, the world famous we've got enough to make thousands son-—" here. Cantor repeated his in' on the offenders in order to punish' T black-face comedian, is well-known -to HAND-PICKED laugh! Maybe we've been delegated junction to the Welfare Workers at them. the9Jp&-g_der8 as an actor and enterOUR P R I D E IXTKP by God to bring laughter "into the the luncheon. "No drive for any Jew- Goes to Temple .tainpjp, but'Ms views and beliefs • on MIKE BCN—60% hearts of these "who still suffer today. ish cause must ever fail!" thii£ff& Jewish are unknown. Mr. Dan"Do I go to school? Do I observe You bet! nenbaum lias interview Eddie Cantor F l 8n k •VI say to people," he had worked the holydays? I wish I had the whtrhas -some unique things to Bay— "And say, don't let anyone kid you himself up to **" high pitch of excitej money I lost by not'working on these Editor. . •,.•. into believing that Jews are'responsible for lowering the standard of ment, Talk charity, think charity, be' last holydays. Why do I go to ternabout -a California taste in the movies. Producers—Jew- charitable!'-nothing -Is more import-1 pie ? That's another thing. I don't SMUHH—No Blate—Ko Kock—Very Uttle Aah Board of Rabbis passing a resolution ish and non-Jewish—are giving the ant. Every time we aid Palestine or j know, except that I feel better when some stricken Jewish child, we're I do, and that, in the end, is the esagainst ^nfrvnnanaage. Say, those public what it wants, and because the* planting seeds of goodness to benefit sential answer to why we do most nataisters are off on the wrong foot. man and woman in the street want the lives of our own children. everything. ._ Irving Berlin—he's a close friend of sex, they get it! You bet! Supposing infae—inamed.a\Mackay, and she's a "Can I help being a funny man? you were in the clothing business, and A Cohesive Force better Jew than he is. Why, she loves Ha! Ha! It's inescapable. I can't help your customers wanted blue serge And another good thing about JeVs, and everything Jewish. No bluff, suits. You'd order plenty of them to charity—it brings Jews closer to-i it any more than the strong man can either—a real, deep, sincere feeling. escape showing off his prowess. I'm fill the demand, wouldnt you ?" gether. Gives one a chance to say to' funny whether I get paid for it or«not An<i*L»lHicrat dozens of similar cases. H a s F i v e Girls •-=_ _ the other. 'Here, you son-of-a-gun, As a matter of fact I have had my Why, the non-Jewish woman when you can't let us down on this cause. funniest moments when I didnt get t< she's marriedrto a Jewish fellow takes Innocently, I queried. Mr. Cantor, We need your help.' And when the a darn cent!" her Judaism inuch more'seriously than have you any children?" "Oy!" he he ever dreamed of doing. shot back at me, "My wife ought to help is obtained, both giver and asker (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish TeleDAVE SHERMAN AT-4444 hear that! WeVe five giris — 16-15- are better Jews for the experience." graphic Agency, Inc.) Love Over Religion 11-9 and three years of age." At this point I interrupted to ask And another thing—there's only one This gave me the opening for which Cantor about his famous boys' camp. religion greater than Judaism, or any I had been waiting, "But Mr. Cantor," He nodded his head, opened his wide Jewish Immigrants religion—that's love. No one ought to Washington. — During the three I rejoined, "do all Jewish'-comedians -eyes wider and began as gaily and as letiEmjrprejudicVfetand in the way of Like their communal .family and re- enthusiastically as a boy. "It's a great J months of July, August and Seplove." ligious duties as seriously as you? thing. Years ago a group of fellows, j tember, 1930, 2,282 Jewish immiEddie Cantor is speaking. The diHow about George Jessel . . . and Al who for the first time in their lives grants entered this country, accordminutive laugh-monger of the round had been taken to a summercamp, ing to statistics issued by the ImJolson?" , • face, sloping shoulders and wide eyes "Well, Georgie is a fine boy* and I Vowed that when we made our money, migration Bureau of the Department is no jokester when talking seriously. think he does, but . . . " Here Eddie we'd return the compliment. And we of Labor. During the month of SepThe llvfe^-hatred at th? final.San hesitated, and faltered, "I guess not did! Now the Eddie Cantor Camp tember alone 835 Jewish immigrants Francisco VWei&re Fund Appeal lunchCommittee, headed by Daniel Lipsky, entered the United States. During all of us do." eon rally discovered that. They came h r t a big shot in the Manufacturer's the same period -75 Jews emigrated to laugh—ft^was free!" Eddie gave Anent Great Actors Trust Co.; Irving Cummings, he from the United States, of whom 29 them their laugh—he's pretty wise "Why?" I came back at "him. "Per- makes dresses; Jack Crandall, just a left in the month of September. that way-=7and .then he : got. down to haps," he said thoughtfully, "because Eddie Cantor •• • • cold facts. i H e £rought : 4earsito the stage people feel they're too good to ghetto nights, the moaning of emaof the woman next to me. go to the ~synBgDgu£v Sowevex, ^v ciated polish j e w s . .. : ]j And when those welfare workers' ; Then Eddie answered a question are the loser. Most of them are that got up from luncheon, 'they remem- which Rabbi Irving Reichert had sug- way because, after all, you nave- to bered Eddie's fervent plea, "You cant gested I, propound. "Why are Ed be really great in a way to pass for let this or any other Jewish drive Wynn and George Jessel and Al Jol- what goes as big stuff in our profesfail!" Today they're putting the son, Sophie Tucker and Fannie Brice sion. "Zionism. Well, Tm not a Zionist, campaign over the top for the full and dozens of other Jews our greatest but I believe that any movement which ojjjota of $265,000. American clowns?" furthers - the ^ welfare of any portion Inspirational Ice-Cream Why Clowns Are of Jewry, deserves the entire support ^Afterwards Eddie Cantor grinned "Well, I guess I'm in on that, too," of any honest Jew, regardless.of his tftjme over a chocrinalt. ^Made them beamed Cantor. "Thafs a good ques- personal views on the subject. It's so easy to keep your linens gleaming white with laugh ? . That was easy. I f s my tion. I think there's a solid reason. '"Zionism, like all good tilings in business. When Kreisler walks on the We've suffered; so long that humor life, is hard. Then too, it's hard to the Decker Washer, The difference between a Decker si^ige.nobody is startled when lie plays has been walled up deep within us. be a Jew, but i f s worth while fightwash and an ordinary wash can readily he seen by the "fiddle. That's his business and he When we've .a" chance i t bubbles up ing to get into places where you're comparison. knows • how. But when, I-^ot right in an over-abundance of joy. 'Why, not wanted." He rolled his eyes, purdown to bare truth and think about all The Decker Washer has many modern improvements the sorrow in' the world, and of the that place it in a class by its own. Here is a washer millions of suffering Jews in east that washes CLEAN. European ghettos. and. elsewhere, I'm the Corn& from Everything** pretty senou;. You bet! It's jjSme Jobber Sad/but thinking-about those poor devils makes me so, and Fve got to put that over to others too! ". "Say—about that Christian-Jewish relationship .stuff again—I'd rather see one of rhy kids go around with a good' Christian than a bad Jew any We Invite Yon to i day.: Now, the bad Jew Is neither fish nor flesh. Look out for the fellow Free Demonstration 1413 Douglas _.,. 3fi|)s|Be!s $ Jfewt^ihefirnb; good! he goyinv don't want him, and th'4: Yon are invited to come to ,sw6 ^doa't, either.; 'And let- ?me; teffi our Electric Shops and see jjbu something—there's nothing finefe the new Decker demonstrato> higher-minded than a good Chrisr ed. Yon will be surprised at Ijan. Atlbfctif'us Jews ought to have the easy movement, the §itftat drummed into our heads. ; ence and many other exclu-

Views on Things Interesting

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"When being a Jew get's to be a little Hard, I just stop and think fHow wjjuid/it'have been if I weren't born a^Jew?.' And then I remember the great heritage of" Israel, and how we have been custodians of learning and culture and idealism for-thousands of years, even though I may not measure up to top-notch myself, I'm proud to think that I'm one of a great raceJ" '

A Real Man The malt was practically gone. Eddie pushed .the glass aside and leaned forward on the table. Then he clasped his h ^ & and continued talking in his tangy,|^gueyr voice. I realized that hereV-ijras a'real .man. . One of. vision and:Seeling^ Giie: who * on the heights of successf-r^E'd.die's'many' times a^millionatrei-haartibt forgotten the depths of h^^rigfflilwhoystai 'wks-"moved by the -jcrjr^HofI stiffed children on hot

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Nebraska Power Courtesy * Sttvice •> Low l e w s

2814 M St.

PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1930 year Dr. Gabriel Lippmari of Luxenberg was hymn -is Ittaxnar Benf Avi,;Palestinian A Variation of the Story newspaperman, who led in the singawarded the Nobel prize in chemistry for his disThey tell a similar the ing o|vJthe,vhymn. ,... * >-'w#y about I h ^ ^teswnjs, the great covery of the "interference method" of photoNorthern fife-eater^ o | CSvB Wai'tJayg. Published every Friday at Qmaha, Nebraska, by Anti-?mmtg«a^ion \ ••;', 7 :aj)Hy. In fhe same year" Dr. Paul Ehrlich was Me^co City* Jfejfc—A can|paiKn<of THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY awarded the prize for medicine for his research unwelcome against an/infiuaf of Jew- .-•-•On one occasion, "fetf; 'was very Office: 490-Bpahdefs'Th'e&ter Building work. The prize for chemistry was again given in that the University of Vienna's an- ish immigraiints^mipoland isbenqj much opposed to the nomination of 1 Telephone: ATlantic 1450 ; United States ti-Semitic policy also prevented Dr. carried strenuously forward every a certain man to a pwstmastersKip. 1910 to a Jewish.scientist, Professor Otto WalBela Schick, now of New York,! day here, s^phe recent announcement He went "to JSicoui and expressed in DAVID BLACKER - - - - Business and Managing Editor lach of the University of Gottingen. to Jews in Movie from becoming a full-fledged pro-! that Jewish-immigration to Palestine his usual vigerous way his opposiPRANK R, AOKERMAN . - - - - . - - , - - - • » Editor There wer^ twQ Nobel awards to Jewish Awards Industry. fessor. Other famous Jewish scien- is closed ,haa Bet anti-Jewish factions tion. F A N N I E KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent scientists in i 9 i l . They were to Dr. T. M. C Hollywood.—This week Jewish art- eists such as Kraus, Freud, Ziele re-' in virtual .Jefror of a' "Jewish; r "Bur!,-replied Lincoln, "dont you , .; SIOUX CITY OFFICE ' Asser- of Amsterdam, who wrote widely on eco-ists and producers were given recog- mained a tth e University as a pro-' here r invasion think he is hone&t?" JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER—808 fierce Street nomics and law; and Alfred H. Frieda of Vienna, nition at the annual dinner of the test despite the fact they too were ."Well, Mr. President, "he wouldn't who devoted his life to the study of methods for Academy of Motion Picture Arts and not admitted to full professorships. steal a fed hot stove". Subscription Price, one year - • - « , « - - - - - S2.50 Sciences, which assembled to dis-: The papers also recall that in his The story got about and there bringing about world peace. Professor Richard tribute Advertising rates furnished on application the awards for service. youth Dr. Landsteiner was a victim were demands that Stevens retract Willstatter of the University of Munich received It is significant of the ineffective of poverty and anti-Semitism. hi* statement. Finally, he consented. the chemistry honor in 1915 for his investigation anti-Semitic campaign conducted by By DAVID SCHWARTZ He went to the President. of chlorophyll. There was much resentment from one Major Pease, that, the trophy for Sabbath Violators Barred "Mr. President, I told you that so Warsaw.—Jews who violate the the outstanding production of the the French when the Nobel chemistry prize for and so would not steal "a red hot HEBREW CALENDAR year was awarded to Carl Laemmle, Sabbath openly or even those who Personality Plus stove. I retract that. He would 1918 was given to Professor Fritz Haber of the In his "Outline of History", Mr. Rosh Chodesh Kialev Friday, Nov 21 Sr., for "All Quiet on the Western shave their beards may be deprived steal a red hot stove.*' University of Berlin for his work with ammonia of the right to vote in the elecWells essays to discount the career Front." 1st Day Channkah-.. — Monday, December 15 gases, as Dr. Haber had discovered the processes The award for the best direction of tions for officials of the Jewish com-j of Napoleon, Of course, one can Mert Miami Pioneer Rosh Chodesh Tebeth Sunday, December 21 for the German war gas machines, but scholars the year went to Lewis Milestone, di- munities or kehillahs, and conse- understand Mr. Well's point of view. I have been spending some time Rosh Chodesh Shevat____ -.•••.Monday, Jan. 19 quently of the right to hold any ofHe is thinking in terms of the sorector of the same picture. It will be with Iaidor Cohen dowa here. He is, Chamisha O'ser B'Shevat. ____JMonday, Feb. 2 everywhere regarded the award as just. Pro- remembered that Major Pease, self- fice in the councils of executive com-! cial conscience of the liberal, and in as I have said, one of the pioneer Rosh Chodesh Adar.... ........,,, ..Wednesday, Feb. 18 fessor Albert Einstein, considered as one of the styled head of the alleged Motion Pic- mittees of the kehillahs in the var-that lexicon the militarist is but an Jews of Florida. Indeed, one might aggrandized gunman. Yet I do not say, he is the pioneer Jew. For he Fast of Esther__ i—„ ,-_JMonday, March 2 greatest scientists of all time, was awarded the ture Technical Directors Association, ious Polish cities and towns. Physics prize in 1921. The great French philosThis possibility was discovered in! believe that Napoleon can be dis- was here, when Miami was nameless, conducted a vicious campaign against Purim _»__^.: «__; «. -—Tuesday, March 3 opher, Henri Bergson, was awarded the prize in the Russian director Eisenstein and Jewish circles after a careful read-' missed as easily as Wells would have when it was vaguely described as the Rosh Ghodesh Nissan. ..Thursday, March 19 1927, and now Dr. Landsteiner is the latest Jewish the picture "AlFs Quiet." ing of the new government ordinance us believe. Napoleon— brought the region of the Bay of Biacayne. There 1st Day of Pessach._ __Thursday, April 2 recipient. ... ' Norma Shearer (Mrs. Irving Thal- governing the functions of the kehil-' sword, it is true, and for that, con- were a half dosen other JBWS at 8th Day of Pessach _ -^Thursday, Aprils berg) was also awarded first prize as lahs, the election of rabbis and the demnation awaits him, but he evi- the time here, but most of them left. Thus Jewish scientists and scholars, as demRosh Chodesh Iyar— .-.Saturday, April 18 onstrated by the Nobel awards which are uni-leading actress for her role in the methods and regulations for choos.-! denced also a remarkable personality Cohen stuck it out. He has written kehillah officials. It was point- that haa Had few parallels in the the official history of Miami. When Lag B'0mer_ . Tuesday, May 5 versally regarded as the highest marks of honor "Divorcee," and George Arliss for his ing ed out that if those who violate [ world'shistory—and you just cant Wtn. Jennings Bryan resided in Miawork in "Disraeli." Rosh Chodesh Sivan_ •-.••-••.Sunday, May I T certain orthodox Jewish precepts are wave aside a great personality. mi—as he did in the last years of to be won in modern civilization, are benefacting ittiavuoth -:':... ',:/•'-' ,., JFriday» May 22 mankind; by their contributions to the advance- Musicians Turn Inventors to be barred from participation in 1 his life—Bryan frequently visited Saturday, May 23 ment of human knowledge even as they did in New York—Leo Godowsky, Jr., and t h e w o r k o f t h e Kehillahs, which in' I Make a Discovery Cohen and vice versa. Indeed, it was Leopold Mannes, both musicians, who all ether countries represent the en- Why do I say all this. Because Cohen who induced Bryan to write days of yore. , have dabbled in amateur photography tire Jewish community, such a situa- down in these tropical regions of an editorial in the Commoner criti-



By the Way


since they were 15 year old school boys, are now invited by the Eastman Kodak company, to develop their color photography process at the laboratory in Rochester, N. Y. Though the process is still in its experimental stage, the young inventors hope $o develop it whereby color The drift from strict party allegiance to photography will be as simple as black white photographs. greater interest in individual candidates referred andMr. Godowsky was recently married to several weeks ago in an editorial in these col- to Frances Gershwin, sister of George umns, was emphasized at the election last Tues- Gershwin.

Florida, I think I have uncovered the cising Henry Ford for his anti-Jewish trail of a vital personality. Far phobia. This is Father and .Son: Week, a week, set from Napoleonic, i t is true, but nevertheless unusual. The man is Bryan and Cohen apart so that we might more fully realize the not living now, but the Jewish HistBryan, says Cohen, was a great beautiful relationship which could and should Fightin in French Chamber orical Society should get busy and friend of the Jews. He really liked exist between lads and their dads. Fathers in Paris.—An insulting cartoon of pursue the trail further. I can only them intensely. He was too big a their duties of child training and home making Leon Blum, Jewish Socialist leader' give Dr. Adler or Mr. Kohler, a few man to' try to convert them, yet at all too frequently let their emotions for their sons of France, published in the Nation-j clues, and for these- I am indebted times, so intense was his' faith in wane, while sons do nothing to avert, if they do alist newspaper "La Liberte", whose to Isidor Cohen, an old time Miami Christianity, that he would turn to director Canaille Aymard called M.| Jewish resident—but these dues are Cohen and say: "Why, dont you see not actually, aid, the widening chasm between Blum a traitor, led to a fistfight in | enough to indicate that the state of Mr. Cohen, that your own Bible conthemselves and their dads. the corridors of the Chamber of De- Florida once had as a member of its firms what I have said". While some deplore the necessity of putting day. Students of American politics see in this puties between Socialist and Nation- lawmaking body an unusual Jew. But he seldom touched on this aside one special week'for a'feeling" which should new tendency a wholesome manifestation by theOn Regents Board alist Deputies and newspapermen. note. Evolution however waa con* be universal at; all times, we are nevertheless individual iiji the affairs, of the State and the Na- San Francisco.—Sidney M. Ehrman, Armed Republican guards had to Dancing as Boat Sinks stantly on his mind. Cohen took up San Francisco banker and a leader in greatly benefitted by the ferue sentiment generat- tion. Goveirnment by political parties has its ad-civic and Jewish affairs, has been be called to put an end to the fight j The man's name was Michael and the cudgels for evolution. figured in the annals of Florida ed by focussing country-wide attention upon a vantages. 'I'hese advantages, however, in the past honored with an appointment by Gov- in which about thirty persons were! he One day in Cohen's presence, he some forty years ago. It appears week of filial and paternal love. Such an ob-have frequently been offset by blind allegiance to ernor C. C. Young to a place on the engaged. M. Aymard, who was the'he possessed a rather sharp tongue, turned to Mis. Cohen and smilingly principal point of attack, had friends: said: "Mrs. Cohen, I believe that: I servance fosters a proper recognition and appre- a machine. ; Under one name or another, this ma- board of regents of the University of on and his fellow members of thhe Flohis side. During the fight he! everybody els* w r e created by ciation of the qualities we are prone to overlook chine has been used to serve interests other than California. He will serve a term of produced from his pocket adog whip,' rida legislature recognized in him and God, but if your husband and others, 16 years. * and accomplishes much materially toward cement- those for wjttich it was originally created. which indicated that he came pre- one who was unafraid of anything insist that they were descended from Ehrman has played an active part below the stars. ing the devotion between-father and son, by givmonkeys—why!" . The absence from .the campaigns just ended in financing the' musical studies of pared for the tussle. Cohen tells me, he rant Miching them an opportunity to better understand each of religious 5and racial exploitation is an equally Yehudi Menuhin, the boy violinist, Keren Haysod in Its 10th Year aelOnce The laugh was on.Cohen. on a boat. "If this boat were other. This i s : particularly needed in many of welcome change,- -There-never should have been whom he took asjji_ protege several London.—"It every acre of land going down", said Michael, "I'd beThe Town as a Whole our Jewish homes where fathers whou immigrated ,-Jewish R|puT51ic>in Club, or a Catholic Repub- years ago when the lad first showed now in Jewish, hands were brought dancing." Sherevis NJetzsdjStfor ;j£ou. All told, there are some five thoushere 'cannot comprehend their Anterican-born lican Club, or a Protestant Republican Club, Jews, unusual talent. under cultivation and if all economic j Ac one* &rae in tfee -Florida -legis- and Jews in Miami. In tile winter lature, -he bitterly assailed another season, this i s ' increased By" about sons who", in t u r ^ cannot fathom the actions .'of Catholics aiM Protestants in so-far as this coun-* Jewish Artists Win and icultuxal efforts -were rendered' their fathers. Each is alien to the other-lit lang- try is concerned have this in common that they' Chicago.—Louis" T^tman, just re- more \fruitful then no power on earth ! member. *I would not condescend three thousand others coming to to epit on 3Un¥r,ie fcxpdded, referr- spend the-winter In 'its IJatafy elinies. st _, uage, ; customs, outlook, and observances. The are American citizens. The appeal along racial turned to~ Chicago- from I , was *? ^ e further progress' of f injg t o his OTlleagae.' w&rt-he act- It boasts two spiritual. leaders,. Rabbi e w awarded the Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. j **» ^ ^ National Home", reads a natural, inborn "love they; feel toward each other lines may have brought results; it was always prize of $1,500 for his paintingj manifesto of the Keren Hayesod, the( xtaHy said was a little more un- Kaplan, leader of the Reform eleis quashed andsubordinated-under misunderstand- obnoxious to the enlightened American citizenry. Logan "Jullien" at the annual exhibit ^flj c n i e f financial instrument of the Jew- '•printable, but it gives the roagfe Inent and Rabbi Machtel, directtng ings, until gradually but effectively both respect To the credit of the campaign committee through- American painting and sculpture at! i s n Agency, issued in connection with idea. -/ < ' fKe affairs of the orthodox. I am 1 told that factionalism has Been qiifte Immediately, the House -wa» in upand devotion ^isappepr. i ^ e tenth-anniversary of the Keren put the country it should be noted that there was the Art Institute of Chicago. M r . lHayesod. prevalent in the past, much t o the roar. From all aides of the house The solution is comradeship. If intolerance little or none of this in the preliminaries to the Ritman also received .the Wfiliam M. arose the cry that Michael must ill of the community, but there is a Issued under; the signatures of R. French gold medah Jacob Getler and harshness "give way to kindness and a sym- elections of last Tuesday. growing tendency towards the erasSmith of New YorK was awarded the Oscar Wasserman, president of the apologize. Finally, Michael arose. pathetic heart, over half of ^he'problem is over. The fact that a large number of the candi- $750 Logan prize for his painting, Deutsche Bank and chairman of the "Iwill take back what I said. I tire of the sharply drawn lines. Become pals with your father or your son.- Take dates were men pre-eminent in their respective "FriendsJ?.- Beatrice Levy of Chicago, board of directors of the Keren Ha- said ("Would not condescend to spit There is a Jewish weekly, edited him into your confidence. Cultivate hfe-friend- communities regardless of their party affiliation, received' an honorable mention for an yesod, and Arthur Hantke and Leib en hint. Gentlemen, take that back. and managed by, I believe, the (Continued on page *.) Jane, the manifesto calls on the Jews j I will condescend to, spit on him." ship. . Learn his likes and dislikes, the why and contributed no little to the high level upon which architectural subject. of the world to renewed efforts on] wherefore of his beliefs, the true well of character the campaigning was done. Such men as Frank- Large Donation _... of the Keren Hayesod as -a.-1, of which you have riot ;even tapped the surface. lin D. Roosfevelt and Herbert Lehman, in New New Orleans.—Samuel Zemurray: behalf reply to- the British policy. Talk over your differences—be pals. _/._, York; Gifford Pinchot, in Pennsylvania; Dwight president of the Guyamel Fruit Com- Warns of Expulsion The father as head of the house can exert.a Morrow, in [New Jersey, to mention only a few, pany, one of the largest owners of mighty influence in moulding his son's character^ lent color aid prestige to the campaigns in which banana plantations in Central Ameri- Bucharest.—Warning the students ca, has announced a contribution of against permitting themselves to be His life • should be a pattern any son wojild b^ they were engaged. $15,000 to the New Orleans Com- j utilized by politicians and agitators proud to follow, an example which, should be ^ inanity CheV! This is one of the in the organization of street demonThe defeat of United States Senator Heflin, guiding star in. his son's firmament... His. intelargest contributions ever made to strations, particularly those of an grity, his honesty, his upstanding citizenship must in; Alabama, will be welcome wherever his ob-local charities. anti-Semitic nature, Prof. Nicholas Jorga, rector of the University of all be threads in a beautiful design. The son, on noxious tactics are known. Here was one case in whichari effort was made to dr^g racial prejudice Schwartz' First Offering Bucharest, opened the new college the other hand, has a duty to his father which fe and bigotry; into "a campaign. The overwhelming New " York.-*-A^ Jewish "Passion year in the presence of Premier Mican never fully repay. All he can*do-is.ifi some 5e_fea£'suffered by this spokesman forjthe Klu Play" on a small scale describes fair-1 ronescu. and other Heading govern- j measure recompense the unselfishnessraEJdra ly aecuratefy "The Wftch of Castile?',' i ment officials. sacrifice his parent has undergone; by.- r6spWt|fig- ~;Klttx•--^Ian jjand other sinister influences in this with-which ;flpus Maurice Schwartz') Recalling the last year was the; __™f Hat Headquarters* a i t his father's wishes, living the life hisrdad woulcP ji^^shquld serve as a lesson for others of his Yiddish Art Theatre opened this! first Rafter • the War in which there swenrthe call with extensive jkand f:ri|me ofj mind. The citizens ,of]Alabjama iea^bn&niNdw^Y&rk. The play, writ-! wefe~no anti-Senjitie troubles in thewill, being the man his father expects him toi be. selections of Derby hats from Heed the advice of your honored father—it will took advan|age of the opportunity that Offered ten by Sholom Asch, seeks to P<«>H Roumanian universities, Professor. [Ainefica 's foremost: hat tnak! Jewish life during the Inquisi-r [ j o r g a categorically declared that so pay you well. Father and son—become pals. A itself last Tuesday to show Mr,^ Heflin what they tray e^.~ 'Your individual style is tion -period of the Roman-Catholic 'long as he remains the head of the moment's reflection and you know how much he thought of Ihim. For-tfife thjy thave %arne# the Church under Pope Paul IV in the University excesses swill never occur. here. means to you. A week's reflection and you are gratitude of enlighten|j<i pub^e Opinion through- 16th centunry.' Hf undertakes to del He assured thhe[ students/that all ready to do anything for your dad of your son, out the country.—Jewish -Exponent Fashionably Correct Derbies scribe the horrors "which the Jewislj those participating in any sort of po-j Ghetto lived through during thii litical demonstrations" will 'be immeStartiout by becoming his best friend. Comfortable Fitting Derbies •_ ; diately expelled. We lik? people when we contact them from era. Properly Proportioned Derbies The production is^ very elaborate; their developed and unfolded aspects of life. We as far as scenic effects are cpn-j Opportunities to Declassed are not so fond of them when we contact them' cerned. .The types, however, ard Moscow.—A new law which .,-wili [ New Stetson Derby Hats Ever since Albert Nobel, who made an im-from their undeveloped sides.- Life declares added very inuch misrepresented, especially ienable thousands of declassed Jews j mense fortune through the invention of dynamite, dividends of joy and gladness when we are always the Eope. who plays the leading rolei to join Soviet industries as laborers j •wa? issued by the Soviet .Governleft a foundation fund of nine million dollars, the related to the better side of all things and beings. ment. interest to which was to be distributed yearly in The law says that the cause of the five prizes to those making the greatest contribuNew Mallory Derby Hats scarcity of laborers the government Rev: John Haynes Holmes, pastor of The tions in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature Community. Church of New York, regards Moses, Nobel Winner Left Austria ! employment bureaus should in the j coming Season register for work, not and peace, Jewish names have figured prominent- Isaiah, Jesus, Spinoza and Carl Marx as the five Because Persecuted Vienna. — The Austrian press iii only members, of traded unions as ly in the annual awards. Dr, Karl .Landsteiner, greatest Jews that ever Jived... commenting on the award of the No-* hitherto but also the wives and .childthe "man who made blood transfusions possible," New Nebraska bel Prize for medicine to Dr. Karl ren of laborers who are not memhas just won this year's- Nobel prize and true to Aoyal Club Derby Hats Unhappy folks have an eclipse of the sun of Landsteiner of the . Rockefeller In-? bers of trade unions, including:-all the fashion of the genuine scientist he will destitute in New York, reveals that those who never worked before, vote the forty-eight thousand dollars given him their soul. Divine sunshine will irradiate your while the University of Vienna is being when faith, love, worki^and equaaiimity are now joining in honoring Dr. Land- New Hebrew Hymn * to his science. Hat»—Mr-hr Floor active in you. Jerusalem.—The catchy music of steiner, who was pathologist for the! The Jewish torchbearers of science who have

From Contemporary Pens

tion would deprive tne Polish kehil-1 lahs of any serious claim of representing the entire Jewry of their respective localities.


Velvet Collar Overcoats Out the Smart




$8 and $10


Other Countries


$6.50 and $3


university for man? years prevented won these signal honors number one out of every him from becoming a professor beTo give expression to truths, to a heart that twelve and rank among the world's great benfrcause he was the son of a poor Jewfactors. The first Jewish individual to capture a is hungering for truth^ blesses the giver as well ish journalist. Nobel prize was Albert A. Michelson, American as the receiver with a delight .and refreshment, This resulted in his leaving his physicist, who was named in 1907 Chiefly for his and something of the immediate exaltation en- native Austria for the United Stares; The oaners simultaneously report •' work in determining the speed of light. The next dures/

^ ^ f ^ L ^ ^ J f Z t

anthem, has been adapted to a Hebrew-hymn which was sung for the first time to an overflow meeting at Rishon le Zion .protesting the British White Palestine. The author of the words to the newHebrew:



PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FREDAY^NOVEMBER 14,1930 where she attended the sixteenth an-; nual convention of Hadassah.

roses. . , , Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taxman of .Kansas City were qut-of-rtown guests at the dinner. Many friends from Lincoln,. Blair and Kansas. City attended the reception and dance. The wedding date has been set for Sunday, January 4, 1931. .ENGAGEMENT RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaplan entertained at a reception at their, home on Sunday* evening, honoring- their daughter, Bess, and her fiance, Mr. Barney Grey of this city. . The-decorations were of pink-and jwbite, and the color design was furth•er carried-out-in a large-centerpiece of pink and white joses. , • Those assisting-were the Misses ^Elizabeth Goldberg, Bess rRose Kaplan and Tillie Segal. Prenuptial Affain . Additional affairs honoring" Mi jBose Fine, a November-bride-to-be, "include a bridge-luncheon on November 5, at which- Mrs. A. Marcas and 'Mrs. H. Maduff were joint hostesses, ^ari3 a bridge-tea on November 9 given



makes the smartest

End of-fhe-Day;

Selections always at their best at



HAnrey 7545

,» • Because ."Yoar Laundry is Our Business"

By after a four weeks visit with her Mrs. David M. Newman parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mink™ of Omaha, and her brother-in-law and FRENCH ORANGE CAKE sister, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg of One-half cup sugar, and juice of 1 Fremont. Dr. Mikelberg was extensively en- large orange. Set aside for sugar to Messrs. Irvin Rubinow, Charles Kel- tertained during her visit. dissolve. Cream together 1 cup sugar, ler, and Mac Zelen motored to Omaha 1-2 cup butter, add 2 eggs, rind of from Lincoln for the week-end. Mrs. S. Moiisky returned Sunday 1 orange, 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoonfrom a week's visit with her son-in- fuls baking powder, 1-2 teaspoonfui Miss Ruth Hofner and fiance, Hy- law and danghter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- salt, 3-4 cup milk, 1-2 cup cocoanut mie P. Milder, will spend Sunday in liam Lazere. Bake in a long pan 40 minutes in Lincoln visiting with Mr. and Mrs. moderate oven. Remove from oven, Jules Shapiro. Miss Nina Shostak of Los Angeles pour the dissolved sugar and orange visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. juice over cake. It will not get sogMrs. Sid Morris and daughter, Pa- S. L. Shostak of Lincoln for a few gy, but form a glaze over the cake. Cool cake in the pan. tricia, of San Francisco, are visiting days. with Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosen, parents MOCHA TART of Mrs. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Klutznick deFour eggs, 1 tablespoon essence or parted Tuesday for a tour of Canada Through error the name of Herman where Mr. Khitznick will address the 2 tablespoons cold coffee, few grains salt, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 Faier was omitted last week from the B'nai B*rith lodges. teaspoon baking powder. Separate list of pledges of the Creighton UniMilton Attsuler, who k a student eggs, heat yolks until light, add versity chapter of Pi Lambda Phi. at the University of Nebraska, spent mocha salt and sugar gradually, add flour and baking powder, fold in the week-end with his parents. Mrs. S. Dixon of Minneapolis, whites of eggs. Mix the orange thordeparted Sunday for her home after Alfred Fiedler, Sigma Alpha Mu at oughly without beating. Spread in visiting for three weeks with her parNebraska, attended the football game two well-buttered layer pans. Bake ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kenyon. at Lawrence, Kans* last Saturday, and beginning with a slow temperatare increasing heat. spent Sunday in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. M. Markowitz honored Whip 1-2 pint cream, add 1-3 cap their granddaughter, Nell Marks, andj powdered sugar, 1 tablespoonful cold AT THE WISE HOSPITAL her fiance, Mr. Irvin Rubinow of LinMr. and Mrs. J. H. Ktdakofsky an- coffee, spread between lawyers and coln, at a dinner Sunday, the event) nounce the birth of a son on Tuesday, on top of cake. Sprinkle top with being Miss Marks' birthday. November 11, at the Wise Memorial chopped browned almonds. hospital. Mr. Jack H. Weinberg of Chicago, who has been the guest for the past Sally Aekerman underwent a tonten days at the home of his parents, sflectomy at the Wise hospital on Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinberg, returned Tuesday. to Chicago Ss.'turday. He is the manFOR YOUR ager of the Lorraine theater of that Among the patients at the Wise city. hospital this week are Mrs. M. Kulakofsky, Mrs. Irvin Shedle and Mr. Dr. and Mrs. M. Margolin and fam- Harry Delschtein. ily have moved to their new home at 112 South 38th street. Golden Hill Society The regular meeting of the Ladies' 16th and Howard Dr. Rose Rena Hikelberg of Phil- Gilden Hill Society will be held Tuesadelphia departs Sunday for her home day, November 18, at 2 o'clock at the

1 Malashocks' j

Jewelry Needs

Henrietta SsoM Girls The first of a series of social affairs sponsored by the Henrietta Szold Girls will be a hike on Sunday, November 23.

Yiddish Players Add Star to Their Cast Mr. N. Weinstein, who with his company, played three Yiddish productions before packed houses at the Jewish Community Center, has added a new star comedian to his cast Mr. Lew N. Richter, who played in New

Wei Do Our Share to Relieve Temporary Depression People out of employment, who cannot afford to pay for cleaning, can have their suit, dress or coat cleaned free this week. Bring Them to Us at

1717 Douglas

live Wire Cleaners

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Every author, in some degree, portrays himself in his works, even be it against thir. will.—Goethe.

Kitchen Chats

Mrs. Sam Herzberg entertained 12 guests at luncheon at the Fontenelle today to honor her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Superior of Wheeling, W Virginia.




York in "Abie's Irish Rose," will appear with Weinstein and company when they present their newest show, "Stepmothers," at the Brandeis theater n e n ' o i f Sunday evening, November 28/',L' : \4 ,,. _. . .


Complete line of window glass


Mr. and Mrs. B. Platt and children left Sunday by motor for Chicago. William Boasberg, owner of the From there they plan "to drive to Cali- l i v e Wire Cleaners, 1717 Douglas St.. has.evolved a novel and unique way fornia. of relieving the-present business deMrs. Sam Theodore visited in Lin- pression. He .has made an open offer to anycoln last week. one out of employment who cannot Miss Bess TCntm of Goldstein-Chap. afford to pay for cleaning to bring man's has just returned from New their suit, dress, or coat to his busiYork and has taken charge of the ness establishment this week and he will dean them free of charge. fourth floor dress department.

home of Mrs. M. Goldenberg, 3708 for a lecture to be given the evening Dodge street. All members are urged of November 25. The name of the to attend. Election of officers will speaker will be announced later. take place. J. C C. Chess d u b Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club An informal meeting of the J. C C. The Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club will Chess Club was held Tuesday night at sponsor a card party on Wednesday the home of J. Felhnan, winner -of at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Novem- last year's tournament and president ber 19, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and of the organization. Clark street. Regular meetings will be held on This organization have also plans Tuesday evenings at the J. C. C. at "8 o'clock. All prospective ehess or checker players are invited to attend the meetings.


The d««dime for all social news by Mrs. William Polack. Mrs. A. » Wednesday, S p. m. Either Shrago will entertain in honor of Miss phone items to Atlantic 1450 or Fine on November 16 at her home. nail, them to 490 Brandeis Theater Soildiiig,. please. PERSONALS • * * Mr. and Mrs. Ben Taxman of Kan• ;• Kohlberg-Melcher Wedding sas City, Mo., returned home Monday T^ie secret marriage of Miss Fran- after -visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. ces Melcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder, parents of Mrs. Taxman, A'.*MelcKer, and Mr. S. Stanford Kohlberg', son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. KohlMr. and Mrs. Harry Perlik left on betg, was revealed last week. The Wednesday by motor for Los Angeles, ceople -were--married at a civil cere- California, where they plan to spend nwrBy' in Jirfy. On Wednesday eve- a'raonth. nl^?at~9 tfdock in. the evening, at the-home of the bride, the religions Harold Margolin left Tuesday for ceitmony took place with Rabbi David Kansas City, where he will assume the A. "Coldstein officiating. Only mem* presidency and general managership bars of the immediate family were of the Peoples Ice Company. This corporation is at present building ice Mr. and Mrs.' Kohlberg will leave plants in Kansas City and St. Louis in about a week for Dallas,- Texas, as part of their expansion program. where ^they will make their home. Miss Jean Levy, who has been visitEngagement Dinner, Dance and ing for a month in Lincoln with Mr. (•'•• ,-, Reception and Mrs. Samuel Nefsky, has returned Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Bolker hon- to her home in Philadelphia. ored their daughter, Miss Freda BolkMrs. Manuel Grodinsky and infant er, and her .fiance, Howard Milder, at a beautiful dinner for the family and daughter, Mayla, hare returned home a leception .and dance for friends at from "the Omaha Maternity hospital. t|ie Paxtaa/hotel ball room last SunMiss Aon Rosenblatt, danghter of day evening. ! Covers .were, placed for 53 at the Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt and the late dinner.. The guests were seated about Morris Rosenblatt, is achieving fame ^hearVBhiped tabie, which was dec- in New York as a writer of popular ortttetf with baskets oi pink roses and music. Her newest song is "Baby's yellow*pom poms, tall yellow tapers Birthday Party." tied with pink tulle bows, and clever Miss Rosenblatt, or Ann Ronell, as span sugar ornaments. 1B tike e a t e she is known professionally, not only of the heart was a display of ekry- writes her songs, but also sings them santhimums and palms. About 200 for the radio and accompanies herself attended the reception and dance on the piano. She plans to remain in which followed the dinner. New York. Miss Bolker wore a gown of peach satin which was made on the new silMr. and Mrs. D. David Nefsky vishouette-lines with which she wore ited in Omaha last Sunday and Moncontrasting slippers of dolce blue. Her day. shoulder corsage was of ophelia roses. Mrs. Bolker, her mother, wore a stunMrs. Julius Stein, newly-elected ning gown of torquoise blue crepe and president of. the local Hadassah, has matching moire slippers. The mother returned fram Buffalo, New York, of the groom-to-be, Mrs/ Harry, R. Milder, was charming in silver gray chiffon. Mrs. Bolker and Mrs. Milder

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Charming chiffons sath as these make grand occasions ef "little" suppers, restaurant dining, debutante teas and afternoon, bridge. Other new Franchon Frocks In crepes and feather weight woolens for all daytime occasions. .

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PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14,1930 like your father's old Racket Store.1?, -'•Times have

of ctoarse, in other "fleMvbut In tfce.cornmunal. life of- the., .city a s a i | i whol^ Je*rry; =it!* appears to thid *pb-' \<t server, at least, is somewhat defective. W. L.-AV. But after all, the community is Empire Cleaners ......16 5 .762 young. 11 10 .524 Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Tele- Ben's Jewelry „ Malashock Jewelry 11 10 .524 fraphic Agency, Inc. Wardrobe .r 10 11 .476 KMihan Insurance 8 13 .381 Yqusem.-Tire & Battery™. 7 - 14 .333

' Esta "sighed. "I -wonder if we've changed as welL"; V TEMPLE ISRAEL Dave shook his head emphatically. Kabbi Frederick Cohn bas chosen "Not you. You're just as pretty as "Dr. Fosdick's New Church" as the you were when you: went away." j Esta laughed. "Remember, you topic for his sermon at Temple Isr&a! '• said I'd come back and I vowed I this evening. Tomorrow morning his w e r e was something about—Esta longed to her ;as ;much as her own, wou idn.t?-. Well, here I aril, Dave."f subject will be "life." 3in jjlr^which made the other pajfflen- youth. There befqr£;her lay all that Dave Friedman edged uneasily in 'pause in their swaying progress she had renounced. -Yes, she.^-was hi humility. h willing eyes land ,defe^ve Jobk- come tronf one end of the parlor car to the g . "The Synago^be, JFamily--What It' ~ ~t : hy :,'$•e m he"fin%ired'%letjther". It might have been her" slim,; She had found all she sought when i n t o "' H . § Means," will be?ihe fabject of the ser^ ; < (Continued fromJlPage 1.) aoised figure at ease in the roomy; she went forth and knew now it was ter; opened*"on his "desk, "how long do mon tonight by^Rabbi David A. Goldiepths of the green plush chair.. It not worth.the effort. . Y e s , she would youexpect to stay?" - . ^ stein at the Conservative Synagogue yg such wide-spread resentment and critimight have been the .perfectly admit to Dave that he was right. She ' The room seemed to swim away beat the Jewish Community Center. cism, and secondly as a withdrawal of groomed auburn head against the had come back. fore her .eyes. She was on her feet. . the-Colouial office's order of last May white towel at her back. ' It might Thirty-five i s getting on . in life- She was shaking his hand. Did her T suspending Jewish immigration. >iave. been the exquisite fit of her She was afraid to loolz ahead to the voice sound hysterical as she an- more discrimination.,*:; in Miami .. Fifth" Avenue clothes. But it wasn't rest of her years alone. She-wanted swered. "Oh, I was'ji?6t -passing in the. average AmeHcan town.' [Personally Interested r \V,as it possible that these strang- to take her place by Dave's sidei. Mrs.- through Hiniilton. I thought? I'd stop ' ^X -' ' ' If \London L o d o n.—The . T h e iinitiative t i a e in dealing 1 ers, -passing and repassing her chair, Fishberg said Dave had done*welL A over between trains and say 'Hello'." After the Boom Ii J with? the government's Palestine 'pols Economically, Florida • Jewry-f- °^'.. icy :ou!S sense the exultation within her? complacent pride mounted within Esta. -DaVe sho'cjc her hand' warinly. A icyhasSeen Pass h'as*Se"en wrested from Lord PassCyulil they see into those grey eyes, It did not matter whether or hot Dave- trifle too.,'; warmly. Perhaps he put course is sufferingiftonl the after- } field, Colonial Secretary, and Premier ialf veiled by creamy lids 7 - Could had done well. She had ample for some of his relief into that handclasp. maths of the boom along, with the MacDohald is now dealing with the ;hcy know that Esta Singer felt as the two of them. Esta did not admit Esta Singer huddled into the cor- ills of the present economic string- matter personally, the parliamentary ihough she had been born, anew.?.. that it would have added to her sense ner of the cab. When the driver ency. But the worst is over. Florida, correspondent of the Jewish Chronicle ItSvas so easy to shut outt .the .t rest of. drama if. Dave had not done well. turned as he started his motor and as Mr. Cohen remarked to me, nas says. Ministerial circles are reported of the world and retire' into . the How glad she would be to share every- asked, "Where to, lady?" he re- suffered all of Pharaoh's to be admittedly worried over the deceived the singular reply, "I don't Fire, frost, yellow fever, hurricane, nunciation of the White Paper on dreamy cavern of one's self. She had thing she had with Dave! know." boom, have all passed over it. Yet strictly legal grounds by so eminent Esta put away mundane consideramerely to close "her. eye's"and~shr. coultf be-back again • in New"York> tions and thought of the companion (Copyrights 1930, by the Jewish "tele- Phoenix like, i t has arisen from its a legal authority as Sir John Simpchaos and iff-, today fundamentally son. graphic Agency, Inc.) which was as much a part of her! she would be for Dave. Just as they sounder than eyer. as sljc wcs part of it. Or,"if she" chose )• used to share their budding thoughts, A number of-cabinet members who Florida Jewry has the weaknesses find no comfort-in Lord Passfield's atshe/could l e a p ahead df the flying so now they would blend their mature and the;strength of all young com- tempts to "interpret'* away the paswhf'pls in Hamilton King be- judgments and experience. 'rturiitiek («i*e[jthe train which was carrying her instance, compared to [ sages in -.tile<\Vhlte: Paper that have A tiny, tired vein throbbed in Esta's the leadership,r which some southern , offended -the Jews are: really alarmed, temple. Yes, she sighed, after all the (Continued from Page 4.), dties'ofvloriger age show, it is saulyiit-vfefeltthat unless the terms of the the reluctance of one who s»>ls years of independence, it would be wanting. Take the city of Savamiah^f ,'WTiite Japerare. substantially changed a dainty morsel to.-be saVcred | nice to be cared for, cherished, show{'e^Ruro. Esta saw herself V;ck injered with little attentions which youngest Jewish editor in the eount- j Georgia, for- instance. For years,H^^oTCraineXt's^position will be bad•; Ellard Kohn, formerly of Dayton j ^ t o w n ;-, Savanah. 4>oasted o f a • ly shaken as. a result of the forthcomNewl Yovlz. Kaleidoscope, of sound every woman in her heart of hearts Ohio. Kohn i s only twenty-three' j e w j s } , ror a long time j ing by-eTec^onin^White,.cha!pel, a Jewand; smell and color, shimmering like craves, The train pulled in at a huge marble! «»* / a s been running bis paper, m the': Historted p'ciure it, is., the New Jewish chief fof police, j ish constituency,-- wliich the governhad "York sho visualized settled-dour- to a pillared station. (Esta had left. from c a U e d t h ? J e w i s h £ " ? * " T Many other Southern towns show ment's Palestine policy will be the a like prominence of- the Jew. In. chief issue. littlp shop «n a side street in the one of red brick) She was driven in twenty years, wtiica that hehis •v»s-only when means he .launched paper. | Miami, there is a.Jewish girl, who ; p g streets team- Twenty year old publishers are not upper Fifties, Yesterday the window | a resplendant taxi along is the champion,tennis player of thej The aim and end of all wisdom are hacV;borno in elegant gilt letter': the! i n g TO'th traffic, throbbing with comvery abundant. - , • -, - •, , -. • town, and there are prominent Jews, repentance and good works. wortls, Esta Singer. Gowns Now' merce. A glance in her pocketbook mirror A Nephew of Marshall J_ some one was already busy scrapping off jthese letters which spelled fifteen told her she was looking her loveliest. The town" boasts as one-~bf :ts years of labor for Es!a Singer, which ( She stepped from the cab with easy business, Marvin Brohne)p. : a marked • - ' time between her arrival in assurance, bade the man wait with nephew, told, of Louis M?-rNew, York a;:d her departure. Hajiily her bags and crossed the sidewalk to- shall. DuHng the winter months of a woman then, she had seen ahead to ward the entrance of Freedman's course, any .number ,of Jewish celebthe'ftime when her name would he a Department Store. Yes, Mr. Freedrities may be seen. John Berz: the synonym for style. But if anyone had man was in. His office was on the millionaire >;taxi man;. Jesse Lasky told'her she would turn her back on seventh floor. of cinema, fame arid others of simitar all she had accomplished, that a ttain Esta had the feeling she was walk- typo have palatial homes on the would be carrying her back willingly ing back into her girlhood as the door to the Hamilton .she had left with opened for her and she found herself aristcicratie.- northern 'pajt of Miami - - •such disdain, she would have count- gazing into Dave Freedman's eyes, Beach. This north Beach 1E fontrolled. by ered with that scornful glance wheih The eyes of the young man of twenty an individual who is diarjged with even; then marked her for success. in the already seamed face of the man anti-Semitism. There is A* slight smile of satisfaction played of forty-five. oveji- her lips, lips that might have "Esther Singer! When did you a clause inserted . in' all. been> 4 trifle too thin were she not come to town! I am glad to see you. this part of the beach which forbids- •T? the/.hufeiness she was. No, she was Why didn't you keep in touch with the resale of any land to all but memlaaving New York without regret. She anybody here? Many a time I was bers of the Caucasian race. Origin" d b dher h bridges bd behind her. in New York to look you up, but—" ally, this was intended to prevent the i -burned In her bag was the bil! of sale which His voice trailed off with a mumble settlement of negroes on the nortridk,* from her the business she had of "So busy . . . . Flying trips . . . thern part of thhe Beach. I «m told, it is at present interpreted, so as to l-.-.ilt-up. True, her bankbook showed Buyers." toat.she had not labored in vain. It Esta smiled and her teetfe Sparkled. prevent Jews from settling" therre. depended on one's sense of values. "You should have. Dave. Maybe I How the'classification "Caucasian" Esta: sighed and stirred a little and would have come back sooner if you -is distorted to prevent Jews from settling there, I cannot understand she-was in-Hamilton. But not the'had." Hamilton cho would see in five brief |, "Who knows?" . . — He shrugged his I always thought Jews were part of 1*. hours. It ires the Hamilton of fif- shoulders. "Mrs. Fishberg was only the Caucasian race. Anyway, bar or no bar, as I have teen.'years apo. v/hen she was twenty, j telling me what a fine shop you've got noted, the very influential type of Perhaps, if she had been born there ' there/* 1 » she-would not hr.vo minded its strict! "What a fine shop I had, Dave. I Jews, such hF Here and liasky are and., narrow life, its patty self -pride.' sold out. You haven't done so badly! not discriminated against. On the .Cominj? Ih-ru wivh her father when yourself, This certainly doesn't look whole, T do not think any shejwup tvrclve. she Fan at once that it WES too small a nlace for her far flun.9: ambitions. Not even Dave Freedni^n cc.uhl beep her there. She' had, mcu::t every ore of her stinging' wo^ds that day vrhen Dave begged her4o curry him, had oaerad to take' the;p!ace of her father. i Be.'. ::ll thai har in Hamilton' warit vrli-M he- fallier died and al-1 vedliy her t«cs vrere pointed toward \ No^r Vork. Though she had walked} with Dave along the fragrant, treebofjiared streets, though theirs had i beap the boy and jjlrl romance which : J* shojild' to full flower, l^sta (her name V:J:S Eslliev then) shook her r v stubborn and would hot stay. "Koii'll come back," Dave had said in O m a h a ; : ••;. •-.;' ;:. • * v > . . i v , - . bitterly, "You'll come back and 111 be ivatting for you.'? * 'JYoii naedn't bother," she' had replied. > • • -•- - • - , 1 Now, she was going back.. Because sher knew that Dave, waa still waiting for; her. is 'if. month ago, Esta had no thought to go on with her shop." If Mrs. Soljomon Fishberg had not chosen to stakle Hamilton society with 5 Paris (vituFifth Avenue) gown, .Esta would and not have known that Dave had never married. To Esta Mrs. Fishberg had been something distant and formidable in those days when she was a girl in Haimilton. It was with just • pride thalt she showed off her shop. They spdke of Hamilton and all its changes. Casually, Esta inquired for Dave. It. was not until she sat ^own to" .Sold by . dinjner; alone in her kitchenette apart-* ". ;Ask fb)r<it : merit that the full significance of iMrs. All First'Class Insist on Advo Fishberg's words came to' her. ^0 Grocers "Famous for Dave never married." Just "when .the wildiidea of selling out and goirigtiack Everywhere ' Flavor" ' to [him occurred to Esta she could not say, but here she was, hardly five hours.away. - . She-passed a hand over her eyes and ^visualized the scene of their Blended, Roasted, Ground and Packed by meeting. She was no coy young girl who need wait to be sought out and wooed anew. Dave's love f.or her be-

Bowling League

.'.In the battle of the Jewelers the ^alashock's trimmed the Ben's Jewelry-three successive, games " The Yousem tire won two games \ from the Kaiman Insurance while the ••• Empire Cleaners strengthened their position by winning a pair from the ' Wardrobe. J. Malashock was high for the evening with a three-game total of 544. ' Ben, and .S&m Yousem and Leo Chai*-* ken also contributed fairly good totals. "



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When a solicitor for the Community Chest calls at your home or o&ice within t j ^ next few days, you can not in conscience do less than open your pocketboik generously to those unfortunates who are in need. Take your example from those volunteer workers who are devoting their time arid efforts as weB as their financial assistance for the sake of their fellowmen. More is needed than ever before.—M©re sh^j^jd^^^p^p than

ever before.

; . *


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We are not divided by race or creai. We are all working together for orie anted cause —to lessen the human suffering and human want The present situation^ can be alleviated only by sincere, heartfelt^ sacrifice. Give more for a greater need. More willingness is needed oa;^fae paft of those who can give. Give thanks that you are nc|£ one of the army of -uj^, fortunate ^souls who need the help of the Comiri^ity Chest—Give, thanks mtl|L dollars, not :wid4 meaningless intentions. If fthere is any possibility of error in the amount you give to this most worthy iliuse, let diat error be on the side of giving too much. ~ ;'_ } ; Vt 1 ) '


n you are solicited, give liberally. In such dire times our community must sl|§teh its heart to encompass the greater number who i of our i



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sioex CITY

MISS ANNA PILL, Corresvonderit

The hostile reception accorded to Harold Saks Head of l>r^ Drummond Shiels, British under* HUNGARIAN JEWS Council Bluffs Philo Club at Iowa secretary for the Colonies, in certain quarters on his visit to Palestine, wa» ARE PLANNING OWN Iowa City, la., (Special)—Mr. Har- not unexpected by the British governold Saks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil ment. Under normal circumstances Saks of Council Bluffs, and junior in Lord Passfield himself would have PARTY The Ladies'SAidl?^Society i?''' will°^J hold the Liberal Arts college at the State gone to Palestine, but owing to the y


a meeting ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' W & V ^ of Io^a, was elected'presi-i tension1, in Palestine; it-ww decided WiU Have O\j^i Flo£rain in Poli- November, 18, 18, ^ ^ ^ m e of-Mrs. ^ ^ ^ Phfl& c l u b h e r e s ™ day . that Dr. .Shiels should g<v It i* semi"""• ticaf Part^'P^ifcanient, and. j/Mendelson, 10 N^rtlf 28th street. officially^ stated in ministerial circles Municipal .Councils both to men and jWomen that • after \ the Palestine program of The Council Bluffs "Agudas . the government is.launched very freJewish* ;students and has a member! Association will .haki an important f Budapest.—jS|ip. -TJ-"^At)—-Hungarian ^ ; quent visits to Palestine win be made The Phi Epsflon-Tau Sorority met meeting next Thursday evettteg, Jewry is taking .wlfijfvlo'r that Jewry ship *-w£ approximately two hundred. by members of the government. Wednesday evening at the home of is considered aa^extreineiy novel step November 20, at £he£_Eagles Hall. Saks is* affiliated with Phi Epsilon - A capacity audience attended the Miss Ida Levey, 3301 Jackson Street. —the creation of'af §liparate Jewish ^ V 5 r a t e r n i t y , and Pi Epsilon Pi, At a meeting held Tuesday afterProtest-Meeting'held Wednesday eve- The regular business meeting was' political party-^comprising all Jewish noon at the Chieftain'-Hotel, the as Defends Inclusion as well Over; 300 fathers and sons are a memberPep of fraternity, the University debate ning; at-Shaare Zion. Synagogue. The followed by a book,review. Refresh-' groups in the*"-country." The new. Council Bluffs chapter ;of the Senior team.. ',of Einstein on Facade meeting was called as a demonstration nients and dancing concluded the expected at trie Annual Father and a v e lits ts have Hadassah organized a sewing circle Son fcanguet to be held at the Shaare} £ « * *"* ? wn.progr v prrogram. . . _ . ' • protesting the recent White Paper, isNew York.—Preaching befowif conZ^^iosuB^Mon^-^^^^ H™**™ Parliament and to make garments ^or> the Orphans sued byithV British Government corimunicipal councils, and will represent in Palestine. The; fa-sit; meeting of gregation-of more than 4,000 people Mr. and Mrs. Harry Braverman,' November 17th, at 6:45. cprning Palestine. • 3601.Riverside Avenue, announce the; An entertaining program has been the interests ,of .a united Jewry. at the new Riverside church, the ReV. the sewing circle *iil/fee held next Speakers that evening included engagement of their daughter Mild- ahgedDy' In Budapest,the.;*Jews have de- Thursday afternootf, November 20. Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor the committee "a^d spearr United States Representative Ed red to Simon Rife, son of Mr. Sam-' veloped a new found unity which is at the home of Mrs.'i;M. Yudelson, of the church, defended the preseoce ! songs for the occasion Jiave been Campbell Mayor W. D. Hayes, State's uel Rife, 719 Iowa Street. The date seeking expression?, in' the- plan to 151S Avenue D, who will be in charge of the statue of Einstein among those Representative W. M. Short, Rabbi H. jfor the wedding has been set tfor arranged, by Mrs. S. Shulldn. of saints and philosophers on the faorganize a new middle class party of this work. Mrs. J. J. Friedtnin Miss Dorothy Mazor and Miss .TilR. Rabinowitz, Mr. J. Aizenberg tind ; December. 28, at the Jewish Comcade of the1 new; church. €ome critithat will include ail the' provincial of Omaha will attend this "meeting. lie" Shindler will appear in a sketch e w s n Mr. Kruzoof Chicago. | cism had been made recently against One ' * organizations. Mr. E. E. Baron, Sioux City At-, Both Miss Braverman and Mr. Rife "Mrs- Amos and Mrs. Andy", Henry Mendelson and Collman Are Planning a New Offensive the church for placing a statue «f At the same time the Joint Reof the feature numbers on the pro- construction Foundation, which is. Yudelson, students at the Thomas tomey presided at the meeting. £ Einstein, who considers himself a graduates of Central High gram will be presented by at the Forthcoming Sponsors for the meeting and the or- are gram win De preaenieu uy ,wr. • . , . - line*j" ewishf Colonization Jefferson High School, left Thursday panthoist and a disciple of Spinoza Session School. Mr. Rife also attended Franklin Evans, well known cornetist, j ?**** of ganizations they represented, include .••.-.• . . . . . . . Association a and who is therefore not considered a for Grinnell,* Iowa, to attend the Association and the Joint DistribuMornirigside College and the Univerwhose playing has been highly praised Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi M. religionist in the church sense of the tion Committee,;?is •beginning its acState Journalist Convention. London.—(J. T. A.)—The pro-Arab by John Philip*Sousa, Sims and other Braver, Rabbi T. N. Lewis; Zionists: sity of Iowa; term. tivity in Hungary by providing credforces in parliament are determined R. H. Emlein, Max Brodkey; Poale Miss Esther Steiman will spend to undertake a campaign of action "I am glad that Einstein is over the Mrs. H. Glatstein of Muscatine, American Conductors. * its to save thousands of Jews whose Jack Merlin will present a specialZion, I. Levin, A. Stillman; H&dassah. Iowa, announcesi vthe> engagement, of livelihoods are threatened, especially the week-end visiting in Lincoln, at the next session which will sur-' church's portal because I hope that Mrs. William Lazere, Mrs. H. Wigods- her daughter Miss Molly Gladstetn ly arranged humorous number ^ith the middle class Jews and those en- Nebraska. all their previous efforts, the minds- like his, faciiig the gams gnat ky; Jr. Hadassah, Miss Ida Feldman. to- DrI J.J M. "Krig3teri, son1 of. Mr.songs and dances, with the-assistance gaged in small industry. . -Florence Whitebook, Bernard Bala- Jewish Chronicle writes. Encouraged questions about God that he faces, win Miss Sadie. Shullrin; National Workers and Mrs. A. Krigsten of Onawa, la. of Isadore Maron, David Wigodsky, The entry erf the Joint Reconstrucand Henry Mendelson are among by the government's decision suspend- come-through that portal and sit in Charles and IsadoraShindler and Alliance; H. Mirowitz, D. J. Sperlin, Dr. Krigsten is a graduate of Iowa these pews and profit by our •ministion Foundation into' Hungary, as well j members of the High J. Aizenberg; Pioneer Women; Mrs.. University and a member of the Phi Phil Silverberg. ing immigration the anti-Zionist par- try," said Dr. Fosdick in his sermon. as theplans for a Jewish party are orchestra-"Who/will .spend' H. Mirowitz, Mrs.. Sperling; .B'nai Epsilon Pi Fraternity; The date of Short.talks in .behalf of the: Fath"They are a notable company today, i B'rith; M. E. Friedmcci, E. N. Grues- the "weddding has -not been set. Miss ers and the Sons will be given by | traced to the recent understanding end in Des M(Mnes,'Io'W!a^ .where they dent "feat they would not'better re- these choice men and women are between .Hungarian Jewryarid for-. .will play for the Iowa State Teach- sults by-an efficient organization. kin"; Ml. Sinai Temple, Mike Skalovs- Glatstein has been a guest of Miss Frank Margolin, William Seff, M. •Ihe^ehief ^leaders of the anti-Zionist puzzled about God. What should be ky, A. M. Davis; Brotherhood, Morris Shirley Harkoway. Silverberg, Howard Sacks, Joe Le^eign Jewries by means x>f which Hun- ers' Convention. ; * bloc are Howard Bury, F. Seymour our attitude toward them. Some of Pill. William Gallnsky; Shaare Z}on vine . and Isadore Mirowitz. Mr. garian Jewry again resumes its "-relations' with the foreign Jews.' To " The Council . Bluffs chapter No. 7 v and J. J. McShane. These together our great scientists belong in this Synagogue, Jchn Lansbevg, B. Baron; 1 Miss Min Greenstone is visiting Barney Baron will act as Toast- aid in this there has" recently g been of ^the "A. ZrA: will hold a meeting with about a dozen others will launch group. They are dedicated spirits. master and Larry Burkle and his They give themselves without rest to Adas Yeshuren, M.Levitsky, H. Fried- friends in Lincoln, Nebr. organized a Hungarian Jewish j Wednesday evening, November a new anti-Zionist offensive. orchestra-- will furnish music during man: Beth Abraham, Paul Kaplan, „, „ ~—'.',. _.... , Children's study 19, at tne home of Milton Yudelson, The pro-Palestine parliamentary the search for truths -that will help T h e PPre r e S School ch o1 the evening. * Joe G6rchow;Tif9reth Israel, Z - group ° A.Children's of the A. U. W. met Mon1518 Avenue D. The-resumption; pf relations "hegroup, under the leadership of CoL.human need." riowich, M. Lipshutz, A, Z. A., Abe ( evening ' at the home of Miss tween the Jews op" Hungary -and Josiah Wedgwood, with the influential Beechen, Kodimah, Morey, Lipshutz,' Aids Jewish Artisans , Mosow, 2825 Sunset Circle. those of other countries' was^consumsupport of representative members, Warsaw.—With the belief that the Workmen's Circle; M. Mason and H. I Miss Mdsow who is conducting a primated recently wit&C- the?signing of 'Moscow.-r-Ten-thousand Jewish ar- seeg'no danger from this new move match-making business needed only Singers ; • •'-. . .• \ - ... • 6y a new law on the part o' fthe anti-Zionist bloc. a few "modern fixtures'* to be reinj vate Kindergarten in her'" home adan agreement betv^ectt a number of; tisans will \ dressed the club on "Kindergarten among adopted-, to improve the position of The Jewish Chronicle's correspondent stated to its former status as one of prominent Hungarj^ Play and Equipment." Partisans in - Russia. The bill enables | states on the highest authority that the most honorable of Jewish profesthem Baron Kohner," sions, the "schadchonnn" or Jewish the children- of artisans to have equal Budapest Jewish decision h a s y e t been -Tee Masque and Wig Players have Mrs. S. Monsky departed for her Th Brith Lodge -will hoiidr s e opportunities with workmatchmakers of Poland have organthe representative^ p ^ ? , V^ regard to the suspended immigration chosen two One-Act plays, to open home in Omaha, last Sunday, after a n the Past Presidents of the Locil their season. December"11.! They are week's visit a t the home of her son- aLodge at a Jarge and open meeting international Jewish or^^nizlatioAs jjn ers,. permits the^ artisans equal treat- certificates. Representatives on this ized a union and begun to publish a the ^lotment allotment of dwellings, dwellings score have been made by the* Pales- "trade journal". 'The Wedding "Tlie Grill" by George Woodruff in-law and daughter, M R ,and Mrs. to be/held Tuesday evening, j{6vem- Paris, Berlin, Londiw and NeW,Yi>|k; meni-Hi the : ; receipt ofrawf material and intine Parliamentary group and by Zion- Journal" is the name of the Jewish Johnson and "The Master Salesman" WUUam Lazere.j ber 18th ^t 8:30, in the Jewish O m - PATRONIZE Match-Makers Union's organ. vjist leaders to the government. by William Hazlitt Upspn* Appearmuiiity Center. The presidents who ing in the play will be Rose Tesler, Mr. F. Falk announces the Charlotte Salkin, Lou Slotsky and riage of his son Harry Falk to Miss have served the lodge up to date are Milton."Fishgold. The seeond play Gertrude, Levin of __ Chicago, illiriois. Mr. Abe Baron,E Mr. Barney Baron, - Baron, will be given by Alfred Albert, Wil- The ceremony, was,performed at .the Ifarri Slotsky and Ev,a .Maron. They Tephereth Israel 'Synagogue, with will_ be' presented, at^ the Jewish Com- Rabbi M. Braver officiating. Mrs. L. munity, Center. , - ,. ) ^ i . . . Kaplan and Mrs. B. Friedman, enter-1 now tained for the couple prior to the president.. < .Tlie .first session of the Americani- \redding. • • ••.« ' >• i - - - * "of zatioty Class, was ,held last, evening Jack Merlin, son of Mr..and Mrs. thfe pfdgram" announces that'-Anniette with Miss Rufh- Marx in charge. Mis3 ,Marx is a teacher on the pub- 1.^Merlin, was Bar Mitzvah. at Sbaare Baker •-'will present several, dances, lic School faculty in Sioux City and Zion Synagogue, last Sa,1;«iday morn- Jack Mertin* will appearr iri~ a Song ha3 done' extensive work with Citi- ing. A. reception following the %$r, and "Dancfe' Specialty and Sylvia zenship qnd Americanization Classes Mitzvah was given aat the Merling Fnedfrian"-will present'a'group"of j readings. - • '* ' r T f at the Center.. . aome. The membership drive 'which is) The Newrboy's Club will meet Mrs. H. Rozram of Chicago is visit- steadily'progressing "will be discussed j Monday evening. Features of theing at the home of her son-ih*law and ata the meeting. Refreshments —ift j evening will be a program of stunts daughter, Mr. and Mrs; Harry Wig- cdnelude Trie evening. "Mr.' Joe by the boys and will be followed by odsky. virie will be chairman for the evenrefreshments. ' : ing. ' •' k- - , M. Skalovsky, 3301 Jackson, The Sigma Iota Soroity gave a , Mrs. dinner and theater party Jor BaltifnoVe^ p t y Wednesday ^J^rtei p m ; V 4 evening. V7here she will visit her daughter; Mrs. g Dinner was a served at the M Bahcftiet oh Sutnday • | Silverman. Before returning hoftie -Canton Tea Gardens. ' I Mrs. Skalovsky will'stop in New York The Annual. Banquet of the Wom"\Tha Intermediate Dramatic club City a<nd Washington, haVc en's ^Circle.No. 664 will be held Sunparty next Thursday j even-njf; in place Mrs. Barney Barqn, 1810 Grand- day.^yening, November 16th, at 6:30 of their regular meeting.' view, has departed for an extended o'clock in the; Jewish Coimnuhity Center. Mr.. M. * Shiloff, "chairnian, of visit at Battle Creek, Michigan. - •-Miss' Ida Feldman presented a book the_ program aonourtces that a musi•review'at t.v regular diner meeting Thxough-an error the name of'. cal.program'.of exceptional interest of the Business Girl's Club, Wednes- Evelyn Jacobs was omitted from..the L wBLbje a^feaiure -of; the-^^eveniKg.' Mr. day evening. program of theh Shaare Zion Rsvue,••'' S. Lerner of Omaha, who is the Sec. The M,accabee Football. Team" de- in last week's issue of the -Jewish retary of. ther MidrWestern District feated, the Westside Football Team "5ress. She appeared in the"Oldetfjofc the f.Workmen's Circle wilt 'icome to, Si'^tjiiQty for. tbisraffair to -ad? Time" act, -• ' at a game held Sunday afternoon. dress the members at the Banquet. ' Menibsrs of ths Hawkeye Club held ., Ten ne,w members of'the organizaa stag Tuesday evening, honoring Dan tion will-he initiated at this timel Levlch who is' leaving soon for IKJS Angeles'. Jay 'Riaff;. Dan Lev>eh, Junior Congregation Morris Lasensky and Morris Marsh appeared on the program; Refresh- • Funeral Services for Mrs. Fannie : ..Elects Its Officers Friedman, a former resident of Sioux ments were .served.'' City, were held in Mount Sinai Tem- , The.Shaare Zion junior Congrega. Basketball Practice is held every ple, Sunday • afternoon, with Rabbi tion, .comnpsed of the children of the Monday evening at North Junior T. -N.- Lewis, officiating. Mrs. Fried-! Congregation elected. Jack" .Merlin as High with many of the members man died in Los Angeles. j president for the coming -year. Libbie turning out. Football practise is hel«J Mrs.; Friedman came to Sioux City Olensky was elected Vice-President, Don'tfetanyone ten you he has "a on Sunday/ Plans for the near - fu- inlpO3, and lived here until several and Jennie Shindler, Secretary-Treastire as good as a Goodyear." Come ture include the organization of a years ago when she moved to Call-' urer. " ' ia-^weH demonstrate the patented and debating team. • fomia. While a resident of Sioux | . and- exclusive Goodyear superior. Ities which only Goodyear Tires cmn City she was an active member of, Mount Sinai Temple l the Mount Sinai Temple and Sister-i Teinple's Sistei-hpocl hood [ Reverend S. D. Huff, minister of Organises Book Club She issurvived by a daughter Mrs.! the First Baptist Church will occupy Emil Rosenstock, 2211 Jackson Street the pulpit of Mount Sinai Temple at •Thirty-five members of the Mount and two sons, Sam and Victor, both the regular evening services tonight. Sinai Temple Sisterhood have Joined of St; Louis. ! , the. Sisterhood Book Club which was j Chalutzos Plan Drive newly organized and which will meet H a d a s s a h C a r d P a r t v Detroit.—A decision to launch a nathe third Friday afternoon jof each *? 0Bal «unp8ign for |60,000for the month. Mrs. ,C. A. Hojrt, will,lead ' * ^r> TT 1^1X7 1 • J the discussions on the books, presentTO t$e rleld yVeanesday women's! co-operative iriPalestins was ing . at each mee'ting '•&. reviewj on a . made, atf'j^ie,,.closing session of the blrtJk'of fiction and one of non-fic- The Senior Hadassah will sponsor a convention of,-the Pioneer Women's tion.'. The- first: meeting: will; take C a r d ] P a ^ a t t h e Community; Center, Organization (Chalutzos). The con; - place November 28. Wedhesday- evening1,-November 19. A ventfoh adopted a resolution- urging large attendance is expected to attends the organization's workers to Vote for Wigodsky orbeat the Center Other candidates. resolutions adopted by the Tickets may procured fromoffice. Mrs. H. Socialist convention •urged support of the mov«P Shaare Zion mentr to train pioneers in this conn* try for settlement in Palestine, aid : *•* "We feed the rnuit!tu<Je" Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will use as for the Jewish National Fund and ex- , r Wi^h Tasty Foods bis sermon subject this evening -''Why tensioni of cultural activities-among- *-f' Our" Parents needed a'Schatchan."* the various Hiagtera. " HOBERMAN BROS.. '


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