~ ^ — ' . - . ' V ^ r . . ! * * * - ^ ,; , .i.i: ?
•. In the. Interests of The Jewish Community
Interesting and
as Becond-class mall matter on Jaiinux 27, 1921. at postofflce at Omaha, Nebraska, under tbe A*?1-? * ^ r c h 3, •""•*
VOL. Vni.—No.
I\ ^rest>Holding Beifo
Gives $20,000 for BibEography Fellowship
. Dae to the fact that Thursday is Thanksgiving, we will go to press one day earlier next week. All articles and Ketns mast lie in the office by 5 o!dock Tuesday, November 25th.
Philadelphia.—Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, president of the American Jewish Historical Society, editor, biblioA Eft land holding the dagger Month Club, Literary Guild, Book grapher and collector, has given $20,x poised deadening blow. The League of America, and Charles Bonni j 000 to the University of Pennsylvania Twenty Prominent Jewish New wind marling softly in the silver sun- Monthly Selections, and from these Is .Directed-at ^ t i s h JOtffidals ! for the establishment of an honorary tinted trees. The harsh sound of Chi- the most recent and best books can be - Yorkers Named to Who Are Discarding Bal! fellowship in bibliography, it was an- Political Commission of Five to nese horns and low thump of tom-found. It is not necessary to wait a Committee nounced here. An appointment to the Work With Zionist four Declaration toms mingled with the pattering of long time for books either. fellowship will be made in the near ' Executive bare dancing feet All these, mystery, What is described as another "J'Acfuture. New York, (J. T. A.).—While Jew- romance, history, picturesque, bar- Or perhaps you care to read about cuse!7 directed;at;those British offi- The fellowship is said to be the first London.—(J. T. A.)—February 6th ish leaders were joining with Protest- baric tales of foreign lands. can all commerce, finance, business problems cials who are attempting to repudiate of today, or perhaps you are interestin its field at any university in the was set as the opening, day for the ant and Catholic spokesmen in plan- be found at the library a t the Jewish ed in the fascinating ad found in Har- the Balf our Declaration has been writUnited States. forthcoming 17th World Zionist Conning a meeting in Washington for Community Centerv Reach for a book pers and Vanity Fair, or perhaps you ten by Dr." Stephen S. Wise and Jacob Dr. Rosen'bach was graduated from gress by the Zionist Actions CommitJanuary 26 and 27 to organize a instead of a sweet and become so en- are-young and WBUld like to read de Haas, noted-AraeBcan Zionist leadthe University of Pennsylvania with tee at the conclusion night of its emercommon drive to assist in the cam-raptured that you'll forget all about something more youthful. Magazines ers, In a book called; T h e ' Great-Bethe degree of baehelor of science in gency meeting called to consider the paign against unemployment, 20 food. Books of all types and natures pertaining to all these matters can be trayal," according: Cto an announce1898 and three years later received future policy of the Zionist Organiprominent New York Jews were can be found and are available a t thefound on the magazine shelves, such ment issned by t i e Zionist Organizathe degree of doctor of philosophy.' sation and its leadership in view of Buffet Sapper and Dance Is to named to a committee of 100, headed Center library. as: Outlook, Independence, Vanity tion of America; ;The -volume is. to The honorary degree of doctor of fine the crisis created by the British White Be Held on Decemby former Governor Smith, to coordbe published by Brentano's within the. On the shelves of this Toom are Fair, Harpers, Jewish Tribune* Readarts, was conferred upon him in 1927. Paper. The Actions Committee, which ber 21 inate and aid the work of all unem- some of the best sellers trf current ers Digest, B'nai B'ritb Magazine, next ten days. has been in session for five days, did ployment reorganizations in the city. fiction. Waters, under the Earth, Life, American Girl, Young r Judae, Both of the •authors, were important The next meeting of the Omaha not decide on the place where the Tha committee, known as the Wel- Scarlet Sister Mary, Exile, Xtodsworth, and many others. factors in securing-American adher- chapter of Hadassah will be held next Congress, which bids fair to be thfe fare Council Coordinating Committee, The Coming of the Lord, Success, and The Center library: has the finest ence to the BaJfoux Declaration which Wednesday afternoon, November 26, most important in a generation, will and is sponsored by the Welfare lily Christine are just a few of the and most excellent Judaica Section in was issued by theSritish Government at the J . <J. C. Dr. David A. Goldstein, be held. .••-.Council, includes the following Jews: many excellent and interesting books Omaha. All references can be found on November Z, In their volume rabbi of the Conservative Synagogue, The Actions Committee also -decided Ralph Jonas, of the board of di- that can be found here. The- Center among the books on.Jewish, history, they make publip documents affecting will address the society. upon the creation of a special political American relations ;to the Balfbur De- Mrs. Julius Stein, president of the • .-,"' rectors of the Brooklyn Federation library belongs to. the Book of the or current matters. committee .of five which is to have claration, which have not hitherto been local organization, will give her reof Jewish Charities, Philip Klein, »f full voting powem with the members known. Inclnded among these is the port on the national convention which the Training School for Jewish SoelraS of a note "by President Wilson, •she attended several weeks ago in'Maryland J e w Advocating Move of the World Zionist Executive. The da! Work, Dr. Samuel Kohn, execufive members of this new committee Jr. Forum Series . •: directed to -the British Cabinet, in re- Buffalo, New York. tive director of the Brooklyn Federafor the Religious Minwill be Leo MotzMn, chairman of the t& Start Monday: gard to the Beclantion. tion of Jewish Charities, Edgar Levy, The meeting will be followed by aj orities Actions Committee, Nahum Goldman, - "The, Great Betrayal" gives.a his- tea of which Mrs. R. M. SWaes will "a member of the board of directors leader of the German Radical Ziontory of the background of the Balfour The newly-organized Junior Forum Baltimore.—(J. T. A.)—An amend- ists, a representative of the Jewish of the Jewish Social Service Associa"be in charge. sponsored by the Henrietta S2old club Declaration and; the events thai have ment to the Maryland Constitution National Council of Palestine, an tion, Sam A. Lewisohn, president of Buffet Supper and Dance -and A. Z. A. Chapter No. 1 is pre-transpired since, then, culminating- in whereby religious oaths would not be the American Association for- Labor £h» latest White-Paper tm Palestine Plans are behig formulated for Ha- required of non-believers and religious American member, who it is rumored Legislation, Dr. Solomon Lowenstein, To Visit Here to Aid Jewish Na- senting as the first speaker in the issued by: the British Colonial Office, will be Prof. Felix Frankfurter of the dassah's third annual buffet supper j series, Rabbi David A. Goldstein in a wiaQliiisB advocated here by Harvard Law School, and Dr. M. D. executive director of the Federation tional Fond Camheaded by Lord^iBfield. The Zionist «nd dtaice to be held on Sunday, De- R ^ Baltimore Jewish Eder of Palestine. for the Support of Jewish Philanpaign Organization /ag$fpncement, says of member-21. A kosher supper wfll be, ^ thropic Societies, Mrs. Henry MosIn view of the indefiniteness of the the book that T£J!SS much more than swrod from five to eight o'clock abd political situation and the absence of kowitz, Ida L. Oppenheimex, secre- Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.) — Mendel ah indictment o"f*|-Passfield and bis will beiollowedrby dancing 4rf the American members of the Comtary of the Lower East Side Com- Menachem Ussishkin, head of the Jew- j malign and masterful underlings of Those on the-various committees! mittee, who were in constant touch orities and non-betievers in this mismunity Council, Mrs. Joseph H. ish National Fund and known as; the the Colonial Office,- It is an appeal are as follows: Mrs. B. A. Simon, i free be effected by a with the sessions by telephone and Proskauer, chairman of the Housing "grand old man of Zionism," will from Passfieldiasfc-,. partisanship and general chairman; Mrs. Charles Lev-j in the statutes. Thus we com- cable, no radical changes of any kind Section of the Welfare Council Sam-- leave for the United States shortly, prejudice to the -wise and just states- enson, cafeteria; Mrs. I. Grossman,^;change : where he is due to arrive December a non-believer to have a religious were-adopted. The political commisuel Rabinovitch, executive : director manship of Balfqurte England." tickete; lire. Dora Stein, cards; Mrs. sion appointed to collaborate with -the of the: United Jewish Aid Societies 2nd coincidental with the launching of Theodore, cake table; Mrs. J. '£ Fried- « ™ » - J r spite the Constitution of the United Zionist Executive was: opposed by the of Brooklyn, Rose Schneidermanj a campaign by the Fund .in America man, dance; Mrs. Sam Cohen, candy to further its work of land-buying in States, we , require, here the oath of Revisionists who voted against it as president of the Women's Trade Palestine. wheel;-Mrs. Meyer FrifideL icfe cream office on.the'faifh*'of a Christian' an-expression of non-confidence in Union League, Dudley Sicher, presibooth;"Mrs;-M.;F. Levenson, fortune"; Ussishlriny who was born in Du•with exception t o ' t h e J e w , who must the Weiznrann regime. The moderates teller; 'Mrs. O.T C. Goldner, hot; dog dent of the "Federation for the Sup-browna, Russia, in 1863, | founded a •-*— the •*•''-- commission -"—s—explained i-r—J stand;, Mrs.', ?A, „ Romny; and Mrs. J .proclaim his "creed, with exclusion supporting port., of Jewosh Philanthropic Socie- branch of the ChovevZionuf lovers of froinoffice of non-believers and bethat it was created in order to unite Rosenberg, door; Mrs. Romm and Mrs. ties, Jesse Straus, president of R, H. Zion) in 1882 while at college. His liverj fin " exotic;' religions, Moslems,- with the opposition ot the Wejsjnann A class in psychology Tinder the auGoldner, dtmatiotts. ' . 4 Macy & Co., Arthuy* Hays Sulzber- first visit to''Palestine* was made in, spices of the Sisteriiopit -tif the Hat proceeds. ef the aiSair will Ae Hindus, Confudahists and t h e like, regime to enable the campaign of the ger,5vice-president*of'the New York d ai the th 'iddiMif non-believers bli Keren Hayesod, the chief financial bi1 ^ ji and led by^I , to. tt^ and - "l'lirielff* Ott&TTr**"SwopeV president tjZionist «treine«t *>t the -Jewish Agency, tat,b* minister of the Unitarian Church-o£ Fand wlwatf yuii the General Electric Co., Frances Congress in 1897 he has always emtheir learning and good morals. But conducted this winter with as little this, city, is announced for this Friday the ravages; of Taussig, executive--director ~ of the phasiz'edthe 4>Qlicyl and the first and third Fridays.of the tion, and :aHr-di§easejr ctprioon tiitjthe since our Court of Appeals has elab- .friction as possible. Jewish Social Service Association, cal Zionism. " orated'the? Coifttifeitionkl ^provision It is understood that * Dr. Chaim winter months at Temple Israel,. Park Lillian D. Wald, chairman of the In 1903 he established the Palestine AvV. at Jackson, at 2 p. m. Admission "Help u»-make-4i»6 a-^safd suc- 'the daty to worship God,' by saying Weizmann, who resigned the presiexecutive committee of the Henry Hebrew Teachers. Organization. • His to this course is by ticket and-is open cess and come on Sunday, "December Hhie is a Christian community* and dency of the Zionist organization and Street Settlement and Felix M. War- emphasis on the practical aspect of to the general public 21>" those in charge-urge. "Bring further adding "it is a duty to foster tht Jewish Agency more than a fortburg, chairman of the board of di- Zionism led.him to place in the fore. Rabbi David Goldstein MxvTlank has made an intensive, jrour families and friends.*—There will and encourage Christianity,' by en- night ago as a protest against the new rectors of the Federation for the front the acquisition of land, and as •discussion on "Youth and the Syna- study of this subject in postgraduate forcing Sunday as a Sabbath for re- British policy, is somewhat dissatisSupport of Jewish Philanthropic So- head of the Chovey Zion he made a gogue," on Monday evening, Novem- work at Columbia and Harvard uni- be fun for alL" ligions reasons, a new Constitution fied with the political commission becieties. . number of purchases. Subsequently ber 24, at 8 p. m. should say this, union of church and cause he considered the present Zionversities -and in work with psychohe became the head of the; Jewish Na- Organized for the purpose of afford- analysts of the east and through -perstate is unconstitutional, as decided by ist Executive of 12 persons sufficienttional Fund-which in the decade of his ing a discussion on controversial sub- sonal research and investigation. a Federal Court in the District of Co- ly large to deal with the situation. administration .has increased the jects pertinent to'Jewish life and con- Following are the subjects of the lumbia 22 years ago." The resolutions of the Actions C amount of land owned from 20,000 to ducted prominent Jewish men nine lectures to be given in this mitfee condemn the Passfield White 300,000 dunams. ; Paper and endorse the action of- the thoroughly acquainted with _ the sub-,course: Dr. Clayton Addresses Jewish At the Peace Conference in 1919,ject on which they speak, the'.Junior The Bodily Basis of Psychology; National Council of Palestine Current Topics Class not to participate in theproposed legUssishkin was elected to present the Forum hopes to create a spirit of in- Group Psychology and the Emergence The • Nathan Weinstein Yiddish Zionist case in the Hebrew language The Senior Council of Clubs will after which he proceeded to Palestine terest both among the young and the*>f*. the-individual; The Egg and thePlayers, who have previously present- The New Psychology of Unemploy- islative council. Love Life; Psychological Types and ed three plays before packed bouses sponsor a "Get-Acquainted night" on where, as the head of the Zionist Com- old, in questions of Jewish interest. Other speakers to appear•Life's Central Problem; Body Brain in Omaha, will offer what Mr. Wein- ment" was the subject of the first Tuesday evening, November 25, at the mittee, he transferred - its headquargrams at later dates are: Irvin Staland Higher Levels of Integrated Men- stein terms "one of the greatest and topic discussed at the Current Topics Jewish Community Center auditorium. ters from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He master, Samuel Gerson, Rabbi Fred- tality; Fears, Worries, Conflicts and biggest Yiddish shows Omaha has Class on Tuesday morning at the JewEarl Segal, president of the Senior has since resided there, having earned erick Cohn, Dr. Victor Levinev Wil- Emotional Education; Psychism Spir- ever seen" a t the Brandeis Theater, ish Community Center. Dr. Frederick __ Council, will preside. the appellation of-"chief ^citizen of the i i a m Holzirian. Sam Beber. Haxrv Zim- itualism and Individual Psychology; Sunday, evening, November 23. The Clayton of the All Saints' Church is The president of each organization The Creative Process in Personality play will be "Stepmothers/7 in three in charge of the course this season. man. in the council will be introduced from Vishuv." and in Act; New Realms of Psycho- acts, with twelve numbers of popular Dr. Clayton traced employment Bucharest.—(J. T. A.)—Thousands the stage. The Center Players Guild problems through the ages and he suglogic Facts and Values. Jewish melodies. will present a one-act play, "The Red Council J^eace Group a five-day week, state or fed- of Jews in Roum&nia will regain the At the close of each lecture there Up 'to now their, shows have been gested Lamp," and Samuel Gerson, director insurance and straight govern- citiaeniship rights they lost as a reto Meet oii Tuesday will be an opportunity for questions presented at the J. C. C , but be-eral of the Center, will lead community ment pensions as solutions to the sult of the post-War map change* if and discussion. singing, cause of the exceptional quality of this King Carol's recommendation, in his The Peace group of the. Council of problems of today. Tickets may be procured through play and the crowd expected, Sunday's message to parliament today, advo* After the program in the auditorium I Jewish Women will meet^ at the Mrs. Louis Sommer or Mrs. Mary Le- performance will be .at the Brandeis. This class is sponsored by the eating a revision of the existing citia dance will be held in the gymnasium. Blackstone Hotel, -November 25, at 12 Council of Jewish Women, which wQl The affair is free to all members of o'clock for the regular luncheon meet- JElsie Hurwitz Fogel, juvenile lead vings or at Temple Israel this Fri- Prices are fifty cents, seventy-five, meet bi-monthly and is open to the zenship law is carried out. and one dollar. the Community Center and to jnemr i n g . ' ; • ' • • / '•••:- •-'• •'••'•••.' •' ~ ; > : • . • • . •• in the Center Players' next produc- day afternoon before the lecture. The royal mess&gre opening the new public Baby Diana Weinstein, the 12-yearbers of the consituent groups compossession of parliament also assured 4hat tion "The Good Hope" will also take Mrs, Louis Sommer will lead a dis? old "wonder giri,"_who made such a ing the Senior Council. the various minorities in the country, cussion on Military Training in the ithe/juvenile lead in the Yiddish play .Large Crowd at Dance popular hit in former productions, will of which the Jews are one of the most An outstanding affair is being al- Schools:and Colleges. .to be presented at the Brandeis thea, >• By "Century Chapter" again appear in Sunday's play. ready planned for February 14, and Mrs. Irvin Staimaster. will review ter Sunday evening. important,' shall in the future, as in "We want every Jewish fattier and Segal has urged everyone "to keep the second section of the book, "Be- • Mrs. Fogel's debut into professional the past, enjoy the complete good-will The "Dance of the Century," spon- mother to see "Stepmother," Mr. that date open." and rights of which. Roumania has al:-dram» is the result of a chance viewtween War and Peace." •• . • ing of her. performance in a Players' sored under the auspices of the SamWeinstein stated, "and to bring their Winnipeg, Manitoba.—(J. T. A.) — ready given proof in solving its great Guild play two months ago by Nath- Beber Chapter No. 100 of the A. Z. A. children. We want every bride and The Yiddish language is taught to a minorities problems. Lecturer to Speak .an Weinstein, director of the Yiddish at the Jewish Community Center aud- groom to see this show, a show which larger extent in Winnipeg than in any Assurances of equal treatment for He was so impressed with itorium last Sunday evening was the you will never forget as long as you] other city on the North American con- all religious .and national minorities in on Russian Problems Players. her performance in a one-act play that most successful dance in the group's live." tinent, according to an article in a re- accordance. with Roumanian constituMr. E. Sultan, known Yiddish jour- he offered her a contract with his history, with over 200 attending. cent issue of Dos Yiddishe Wort, local tional institutions were also voiced in Arthur L. Kazlowsky was chairman of A meeting of the Jewish Orphanage nalist, who has recently visited Soviet company that evening. Yiddish daily, which reports that sixty the royal message. The King menthe affair. Randall's Royal orchestra society will be held Tuesday, Novem- Russia, will lecture on Wednesday eveper cent of all the children who attend tioned in passing the demand of the Ties of home and husband, however, ber 25, at 2:30 p. m., at the Jewish ning, November 26, at the Labor Ly- proved too strong to allow the sur-played. Jewish schools in this city are taught Jewish parliamentary Club for the enCommunity Center. The meeting has ceum, 22nd and Clark St., at 8:15 p.m. prised young amateur to accept the Yiddish. actment of a Jewish communities orbeen c&lled jointly by Mrs. Rosenblatt, His subject will be "How the Soviet offer. She did finally consent to apNine hundred Jewish children attend j dinance. First Orange Shippresident of the society, and the Child Solves the Problem of Nationalities." pear with the company when they Miss Ida Fine was recently appointthe purely Yiddishist schools here, in-j Care Committee of the Jewish Wel- The lecture is under the auspices of again "appeared in Omaha. As a rement Leaves ! ed Editor-in-Chief of the Omaha eluding kindergartens and day-schools, A 7 A ' c O r f l t o T V fare Federation, j the International Workers Order sult she will take the role of the Tel Aviv | Junior Hadassah Chatter, a new.bul- which the Winnipeg Yiddishists were r%" ^ ,' . , ^ .* Mrs. Samuel Gerson, chairman or Branch No.'126. stepdaughter with the Yiddish Playthe first in all North America to inDebate Topics Given letin, which is to be issued once a the Federation's committee on Child Tel Aviv.—(J. T. A.)—The first month. ers Sunday evening. stall. The Winnipeg Talmud Torahs Care, will explain the Federation's Congfegational Dinner i" Besides learning her part for the large consignment of oranges from This paper made its first appear-j and Hebrew schools also employ Yid- Omaha, Nebr. — "Resolved; that plans for child care. Mr. Gerson will Yiddish play, Mrs. Fogel is rehears- this year's bumper crop left here ance at the Supper-Frolic held at the dish either as the language of instruc- Parochial Schools are necessary for Dance Is Being Planned outline the plans in Yiddish. All meming every evening with the Center today for England. The shipment Jewish Community Center recently, tion or as an important subject in their the preservation of Judaism in Amerbers of the organization are'urged to ica," and the "Jew in World Peace," A congregation dinner dance is be-Players for the "The Good Hope," consisted of 27,000 boxes which are where it was enthusiastically received. curriculum. be present. have been selected by the Supreme being shipped via Jaffa, Port-Said the heaviest drama the Center PlayThe purpose. of this publication is to Even in the B'nai B'rith lodge in ing planned by the Women's Auxiliary Advisory Council as the subjects for and Haifa. The shipment for the ers have yet attempted, according to Winnipeg, continues the article, Yidcreate interest in Junior Hfcdassah, of the Conservative.. Synagogue for debate and oratory, respectively, for entire year is expected to Teach Mrs. Herman Jahr the director. 'What I Believe" r and is to include educational features. dish is often spoken at meetings. Sunday, December 14, at .6:30 p. m. the Seventh International Tournament 2,500,000 boxes. The play will be presented on Courses for adults which were recently as well as local news items. the Jewish-.Community Center. of Aleph Zadik Aleph of the B'nai to Be Sermon Topic -atThe Thursday, December 4. Average prices are expected in Miss Sophie the asso-'announced by the Yiddishist Peretzfollowing chairmen - arid their the English market as compared date editor, and the Misses Annette Schools attracted more than 150 j B'rith. These tournaments will be -"What I Believe" will be the topic committees are arranging ior some in• j with the low prices of last year. Bender and Dorothy Ringle are Busi- pupils, sp that the number of teachers held this winter and will attract more of the sermon to be delivered by Rab- teresting entertainment for the occas- Ninth Annual Dinner . T h e annual dinner of the Jewish The price is beeter this year to the • ness Managers. Miss Ida Minkoff. for these courses had to be increased, participants among youth than any bi David A. Goldstein at the Con-, ion: Social,'Mrs. B. A- Simon; will assist in the mechanical depart-' A large library of Yiddish - books J other Jewish educational undertaking servative Synagogue at the Jewish and means, Mrs. Abner.Kaiman; pro- Education Association will be held on reduced Spanish crop. ment. t^eatly utilized by Winnipeg Jewry. in Amer>»" Sunday, December 14th. Commuttity-Genter this evening. gram,: Mrs. Sam Beber.
Ifjientletter to ol_ Hartogensis
American Jewry
Inscribed in Golden Book
Noted Rabbi Claims We Are Gri a Panic Which Portends a Moral Crash. An. Incurable. Optimist, Writer Sounds a Warning for American Leaders to Act* By RABBI I. L. BRIL
paign along similar lines being waged jp. the. provincial press in the form of Aftispicudusly published new* stories concerning the impending arrival of t» large contingent of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. ' Inquiries made at the offices of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society here indicate that nothing fa known in Jewish circles about a reported migration of 40,000 Jews from Eastern Europe to Mexico. It was pointed out that no funds are available for such a mass movement • even if Mexico could absorb such a number of immigrants at one time and if Mexico's immigration laws were to permit so many Jews to enter at one time.
TAYLOR GRAIN CO. 737-38 Grain Exchange Bfdg.
New York.—-(J." T. A.)—-Aaron RabSTOCKS and BONDS Talking plainly and fearlusty, Rab- tifths with the harden of this build- ballyhdo affair, but a serious grapp- inowitz, one of the founders and vice* —Private Wires— bi 1. L. Bril contends that as regards ing matfiav And just as there was ling with conditions so as to allay president of the Real Estate Exchange JAckson 3403—AT. 2068 Jewish public activities American neither rhym* not reason in this fears and bring to an end the panic and a member of the State Board of Jewry is in the grip of a panic which translates itself into a hoptless building prodigality which character- that has taken hold of American Housing, who, together with Lieutenwhat's-the-use attitude toward Jewish ized American Jewry in the days of Jewry. ant-Governor Herbert H. Lehman had education, religion, charity and Zion? prosperity, so there 4SjVHo v.-warrant."iS5*a4most useless to..plantiew . •<5toeeived-the-;plan:of rmodel housing r v ism. h:L. B., known throughout the to-day for its veering to the other campaigns " and drives as long as on the East Side,Tias now the satisCountry as an inveterate optimist, J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor sounds'a warning to Jewish leaders to extreme. this mental state exists. B.ut this faction of seeing, the project in suc•prevent a moral crash of American "NEW FOR OLD" sate - jsj^^rejy psyclxplogicaJi., j_~.XtC is. operation^ The new co-operaJewry as an aftermath of tke'SYf.allSomething: Bas|ra%^Wi5qn5;ji- essential ^lliaTt the.£same lexers ,',pf ^ ^ i o u s e , in the heart of 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 Street crash. —TIIE EDlfQR. America*«-Jewry.jjShajlk?step,tia "*no^ Side, occupying two Mrs. Felix M. Warburg and Mrs. Rebekah Kohut TV Jews of this country-'have-'be- thing^baskailly wrwig.><in Afneirfcan q ^ ^ and sponsored by the "Time, will not destroy it, nor will memory efface" tvefe the words come franic-striekeri. the economic Jewry.: TKe.'sitttati6n"*is so seSpus to stabilise conditions—wnicn are not State'Boar"d*Jrof Housing, welcomed its used by Mrs. Rebekah Kohut, •well-known American Jewish welfare leader conditions arising out of the Wall that it is affecting the whole of merely temporarily, unhealthy, but first tenants last week, c For 50 Years and S'Uthoress, when she presented Mrs. Felix .M. Warburg, the daughter Street crash of -a -year ago appear American Jewry. The Union of .r Aaron cRabfnofvntz has now realized : Your Ttrwe! Man of the late Jacob H. Schiff, with a certificate of her inscription in the to have had that-.result.' ; ' a" dr"eani5he'^stered many years ago, as"^'conditiohs Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund." ' I mh moved to fti'ake tfiiS-'state* a_deficit[ of eighty.thousand dinars, p Omaha Towel Supply Co. 7 Ijrireeasurjib- ;when, outtePt^e e<}ualof of the East The Golden Book of the Jewish National Fund is a roster of Jewish ment not to create a sensation Tint to the United Synagogue one .of ^seven- ofTSis|coitt'try ar Side which -^a&^his childhood home, 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 ly SeSfir situated than '^he Jews /of : state a fact, after having visited ty-iive thousand; 'and a'few week! he emerged to 'make his! way in the and non-Jewish men and women who have helped in the upbuilding of any and all other countries of Euago the Union of Orthodox Jewish the Jewish National Home in Palestine, and in particulaT in the redemp• Eastern and Midwestern States Where world. The year 1923 foand him head there are numerous Jewish communi- Congregations had exactly 'seven rope, with the one possible exception of Spear & Company, and it was not tion of the soil of Palestine for reclamation through the National Fund. Several hundred members of the Hadassah were gathered at the tieg of varying size and importance. dollars in the treasury, with a lotof the Jews of France* To give way many years later that his great capacto despair indicates that the founda- ity for work and his absorption in real Commodore Hotel in New York and enthusiastically applauded when Mrs. Since August 1 have been on theof unpaid bills to meet. 280810 road practically all the time, and I am not exaggerating when 1 say tion upon which American Jewry estate values won him the authorita- Kohut made the presentation with these words: "I remember once his (Jacob H. Schiff) saying in public that when (taming St thus have had the opportunity to that several hundred thousand dol- rests, are unstable. tive position of advisor and judge Of KA08S1 The time has come for American real estate property. The proper as- he should pass on he knew that his work would be undertaken, as it had study .conditions very closely and to lars r are owing to rabbis, teachers sumption was that he became rich with already been yndertaken, by his son-in-law, Felix M. Warburg. And so, talk with all sorts and conditions of add communal workers. One institu- Jewish leaders to take action. enough to retire and for that reason it was felt th£<t the mantle of Elijah had fallen upon Elisha. The Bible Jews. The Jewish populations of the tion of learning owes its teachers lELEAS^'iSWEEm (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts turned Spear & Co. over to his two tells us nothing about the mantle including Elisha's wife, but the fact cities I have been in total more than close to fifty thousand dollars. SynaFeature Syndicate.) brothers. But the actual-reason was that I am privileged today to present to you this Certificate which states a million* I am excluding New York gogues have been sold by the holders that now Aaron Rabinowitz was in a that your name has been written in the Golden Book of the National City, which is in a class all by it-of mortgages, and in one cas& the BERRYMAN position to realize his dream. If he Fund, proves that the great leadership of Felix W&rburg and yourself, equipment of a temple was put up self. . AUC15 UAVIS CBCIf. the daughter of Jacob Schiff, is, as it were, one." Zeffe-Ziort Convention was going td see a model apartment at auction. ~ Are gre£41y iriterested in develAnd I repeat: The Jews have beoping the child's musical talent Cleveland.—The coming convention house, livable, clean, roomy, airy, built come panic-stricken. A spirit of No Sense Of Proportion of the Zeire-Zion Hitaehduth will be for the convenience of the lower East PIANO STUDIO hopelessness has gripped them. The The trouble Is that there is HO held in Cleveland, opening on Decem- Sid* residents, he must devote himself 214-15 Bahlrige IHdg.—T«I. \V,V 3811 world' has come ta an- end-. There ber" 5th and closing'on Deeeniber 8th, completely tot th*~ task at^and, and as is no t<Mnottow.. Wherever >I-wiht T ^ to"a.-1 decision'of the. central a 'consequencgjJSpear & Co. was con! 1 4420 Florence Blvd. heard !the cry: What's "tfie " use ?' signed to the Trorention of his brothers. <aS(niittee. KE. 1500 There is no future for Judaism in. SIMON pntention, w^l jtfi^rH Jthevcloslt was Mr. Rabin6witz*s elo(|uence America. Judaism, is dytngf Zfoiilsm nearly ten thousand dismisses fhe nfg'of the party s4 te% y€&ta <r£ eiast- at; a meeting of pr6tfiine$t personalhifery Latihdfy th^ is deadTeverything is dead. The-i1??. 4irecto* of ^ti-^Yi^oB^^he. .ettceJn. £ifigfiea. The jvarions develop- ities in Governor Roosevelt's offices All Ijtiuftrtrr p#rTt' suit is $nat there is no effort to ittefit 'grotrnd"that fc^fcais rfV inonev^-Aifa ni*Atfc'*'<Gf ttAA^HorSst'tUx/T^ht^tit idnd that inspired Lieutenant Governor i Chambers m Commerce Fight conditions, there is no attempt at when this same oomintinity write^ me ^ y B ' f t f lie entire jsituatibn will Lehman to g(S "fifty-fifty*^ en the proAT-2815 ; ge|eMia^Je readjustment. the" eSief'topie of d^ciassidil^at the ject with the understanding that he that "we cannot pay more' than Immigjatton WILLIAM was not interested if* It would be a twenty-five .or^thirty dollars a^weefe convention. ;TalMtfd Torahs Closing "profit-makirtg'' proposition. I Certified Public falfflttd Torahs are elbsing d6itej for a rabbi", and then goes and Mexko City.—(J. T. A^-rThe NaLARGEST STOCK tional Chamber of Commerce in the! IN ^'EST teachers are being dismissed of suff- spends fifteen hundred- dollars-' on § Accountants Quick Shipments Laguna district, state of CoahuSa, toi ering ^reductions M salary. This' four lectures which last four hours 638 Securities BIdg.—AT. 4451 6>ur Hubby for t^*y "^£*n an infensive camBafen for i FURNACr holds true, too, of Synagogues aild and which nioreover, have nothing Boarding homes for Jewish Child„« 45 Years to do with Jews or Judaism—then I the support e>f-all chambers of com-i rabbis.. renv Reasonable rates will be CM AHA STOVE Contend there is something "rotten metce in Mexico-in its move to protest fpaid to qualified homes which REPAIR Y R Educational institutions and com- in the State of Deamar.". What is have the standard requirements.. t* President Eubio against the admit1205-8 Douglas Street munities which should and could have true of this Ohio community is Apply: Jewish Welfare Federation tance of 40,000 Jewish immigrants, alspiritual leaders are simply giving equally true of many-others. There, Jerusalem^—(J. T. A.) — A report legedly supposed to start arriving l6l j j . 20th St., Omaha •way to ;a policy of despair. Appeals is no money for Judaism, but there that a vast oil field has; been found here early in December from Poland for funds for any Jewish cause are are thousands arid thousands 6f dol* CAKD SIGNS MBTAli SIGKh near the Dead Sea has created a senand other East-European countries. met with the now stereotyped reply: PROCESS—STBNCH/ED SIGN'S 110f Howard—J A. 0288 lars for Will Durant and Lewis sation throughout Palestine. Scores of Chambers of Commerce j Timeft-are bad. , Browflfe and" an Irish-Australian MOVING — STORAGE — The Hebrew daily, Doar Hayom, throughout the country a-re already; ROOMS FOR RENT Yet I have seen no diminution in. named Skeely. said that an English oil company, backing the proposal which will bej PIANO MOVING Cloth and Vsrtsr Banners the standard of living. Gars have Single person or Couple closely linked with the Standard Oil Submitted to the Confederation ofj Hiere are bad times* to be sure. TRUCK LETTERING not been' given up, and elaborate interests, Bad uncovered hitherto «iiChambers of the tFnited Mexican State Millions are out of work, and busi• .2419 WoolwoTth 1405 Harney JA. 5277 homes are being kept going just the knowli oil field ort an aere&ge of 2,000r for presentation to the highest auAtlantic same. In the summer the resorts ness is low, slow indeed. Vet t 000 which had it been Quietly assembltho4tie?::of tfie repuMic.' The LftgUna] NATIONAL were , crowded* Only the spiritual, maintain and reiterate that there is ing for more than A year.. The paper •ehaBiBeii' of Commerce, which is/lafge-j no cause for this,policy of. despair, cultural and philanthropic instituACCESSORIES", INC. further asserts that D. A.-Sutherland, ly1- <S6^ros^aJ of planters and other I tions throughout the country have for this spirit of hopelessness. It is a well-known mining engineer, has "lEverything for the Auttf" agrfcuiturists^ represents Mexico's been the victims of this poliey of purely and simply a matter of readbeen representing these; English oil leading CotfKI pfdducifig- center. Courfesjr Service justment, of becoming imbued with the I 2501 i^arnam—Af. 6524 despair,- of this spirit of hopelessness interests during a year of prospecting right sense of proportion, Arrifral Must Se Preveiitted THULL PHARMACY ATlantlc S?» which., has undoubtedly" grippedin the vicinity of tile Dead Sea. - Keuben Brainin, tjje teminent Hebj 360 Booth IStk St. Room \ . In its appeal to other chambers it Reward .. . _y' s fct-tte government offices ^ i t t ^ % warnsthat the -arrival of the Jewish 4 r r ^ tHf^JJjwish TeleJtraphk Ag.ceptidn given in ' hia htonor ^Wjf 'thi^ Hie .Real Sitiiatidii r *iinnsi|ftints must be pnevented and inifly (Joncerning the reporfrin the Uoar Havruthah, a group of New Y6rk Now what really is the situation? fhAfme immigration dfffcials ntttflt b* Hayom elicited an uneqatrocal denial. Ordered not to allow them to land. Tfoc American Jews, haying lived for ifltellectuals^ analyzed the fifuatidii Governtnent officials explained that the •appeal is-bfts*>d o*i-9i« cdftfe-fitioft ituit, years jn unprecedented prosperity, very succinctly when he coiitrasted report appeared td be based on the SPECIALIZE IN FRAMING r 1 JOB FOUNDRY as p'rEJctically none of the' expected having grown wealthy almost over- the state of mind of the JeWtf of granting of a prospecting permit to i W 1INE OF AND MACHINE WORK newdomefs ar£ agri«jultarists th«y will night/ have lost their bearings. In Soviet Rasaia- with the state of mind Mr. Sutherland. Such permits are REINFORCING STEEL j I*HOTO THA3SES make graver the prevailing1 the days of opulence Jews were dazz- of the Jew's 6f this cdBntry. available to any qualified, engineer, it ciaL, depression as they Will i me eeit led. They lost all sense .of propor-* is unders t«*od. -i ente^ coinmetce in cotnpetltion with tion, both as far as their personal Jews of The concession for the-development "The Jews of Eussia", said BraiMexicans. affairs' were concerned and in their of the valuable mineral "resources of The appeal p©intfi-6trt that if the tfommarial activities. There was nin, "are looking forward hopefully the Dead Sea is held by the Palestine Third Ave. and 11th Street to the days that are to ddmei C?6nJewish immigrants were agriculturists never any thought of to-nHnrrtfw* Potash Ltd., while the Palestine MinPhones: 89 and S19 ditions; cannot ire afily rWorse, they they would be received cordially. This Why should there be, sinee there 23td and Cuihing Street ing Syndicate, Ltd., ow»r certain d#COUNCIL BLUFF'S.:fOWA nold, and hehce ihef scan the te appeal follows up anextensive camwould hot arid cou^d not be an end veloimiertt rights in the vifeittity oi the YOUR PICTURE td prosperity, to this making of and" see the dawning suii. With the MON'SKT, KATtBM.^N * GRODINSKT Dead Sea. MAbE NOW •S31* Omalii* Natlalial WnJ I*™*jfloflefr to this waxing rich? And Jews of America^ however/ prosperiNOTiCfc OF INCOBl'OHlA'iflOS Of 6 Photos for 15c COliOJTlAlr MOTOKS, IXC. IJIIIIIIIIIIIII& sdj wh'eri evil days have come1, thefiS ty is the thing at t W pasi> ihfey^ idave Notice is hereby given (hat the •andrrtasted of all the delights' and" ^pleassltffted hftve. piitsuant. to the laiivs 6i tn* Dozeit photos _... 25c is Still this lack of the sense of pto-= ures, and they can see only darkness il&tty fl. Lnpfdut. President- Tfeaef. Mate of Netrratska. fofmed n corpOrabOn. What is my faith? A memory pdttidti, and the elatiofi felt when enveloping them." The name of the corporation is COLONIAL 'SMILE STUDIO MOtORS i^C , its pfinciliftl place of ntiDiAND Of Sabbath lights and hallowed nidriey\- tv^s doming in copiously hfls iiess in the City of Omnha. The corporaDoOfelafi'Blk.j lGthji Dodge Brainin is, right} hence the panic. lion iS authorized to maintain- nfrcl operate breadj . •••• V •'• r given way to a hopelessness which is a ceneral- aatciniobiie agency, t* maintHfft Unless this panic, this haunting And tw6 old Mfi4s a§tif with prayer, anrt operate shops and to buy, sell, lease a menace to the future of American and encumber all necessary real or perfear of to-morroW is checked the Laid ort * €ttrty he*A • sonal property reqniml to carry oi'*: the COMPLETE STORE AND \C ALL GROCERS' progress of Jewish life and the fdraffairs of the corporation. Tne capital is OFFICE OUTFITTERS I snail be told that' American theranee of Jewish fictiTitifes will be S.-JO 000.00. par value of Mock $100.00 l*f ! What is my faith 1 A fragrance >; share, all common and fully paid when isMade by •: : We Oiftipy Jewry have given millions' of dol- retarted for decades: . sued TBe corporation shall commence Over 70.0W1 Square Feet ' _; Of willow boughs and myrtle leaves^ business tvhffl these Articles are filed wtfh Uncle Sam Breakfast Food lars for Jewish and. other purposes. Southwest Corhef' the County Clerk of tJongln*. Cotinty, NeThere may never again be1' such And airy'Sukkahs hung about Company braska, and shall continue for nfl years. Elevfehth and Douglas Streets I maintain, though, that even in prospetity as we Have enjoyed siride The nifcTiest nmnnnt of inYlpbtMnfffS Shall • With dried and yellow sheaves. Omaha Nebraska Phone" J Ackson 2724 times of affluence the Jews of this the war. "Waf babies" are not born nnt exceeil two-thirds of the capital Stock. The affairs of the conwrntioj} Fhnll be ad: Omaha. Nebr. Country did not give to Jewish causes every day, thank God. But this ministered by a Board of Directors to be What is my faith? A mejody ; fixed by the by-laves, to be not Ies4 than beyond their means or _anything, like cbuiltry will 'recWe'rV and-there- will.;, tvio nor more, than five in number. The ;.Of Hebrew chants and strange, Board shall be elected at the annual meetwhab tfhey should* ljave cpnjtribnted. siirely^be a bffgHt torm'oTrrowt"--' •'" ing *o be held the second Wednesday tn . . weird prayers, Jaiuinrv of rarh year nnd immediately jjoney". has been obtained frojn them K I D WEST 1 All dying in a wordless wail fhcr^nftef shall elect a President, \icethrough hlgh-poittered campaigns and National Conference deeded I'rpsi/lent, Secretary and, Treasmrer. U he CNGftAVWG COJNC. Of old despairs. . / aff.-»irs of the corporation RhiiU be adIn, fieW of the situation, and for mirifsteTCd'- by the officers ftiffl the board. .1 - • . . . Articles- may be amended. The entire, ns- , I EHaiFbe told that the Jews of tills the purpose .of. mefeting eortditionsj I sets of'thV totpoftii ion inay I*-sold hf '{'What is my.faithy A sorrow TOff i f «S. per cent trt. the totftl Outsfsmlint . •Want to stiggest to Jewish leaders t&ttfltfy had a marvelous building S^OCK Tlie' rorporntion may nave a~ seal. ELECTRIC COMPANY Of one vast grave on Bussioii plaiil, "Bated Oblt>b#r 3. ffeg^SiBi Sui the" truth is that they that there- be called a national coin Heaped stark against a naked fikyV Bull* Beyofid fill rtastfn and beytffld fertfhee of £ommdnal M&tex*: This Where huddle my poor slain. all need, saddling yet unbdtti jreilera- ia tS Be rid JnlBlicity fitunt Snd no —Leah Rachel Yoffie.
Standard Shoe Repair Co.
j American Laundry]
Western Typewrit^f Co.
HULSE&RIEFEN Funeral Directors
SPRAGUE FURNACES Katdman Foundry & Mfg. Company
Uncle Sam Laxative Food Okay Bran Flakes
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1930 ^features wej j delicate as a Dresden figure's. Of course he^never expected to meet his dream girL That is wh'y he blinkRabbi Frederick Conn will speak on ed and wondered if he were awake, "New England's Tercentenary;" or : when he saw her passing his store one I America' and Israel," at Temple Israel NINA KAYE morning. In the broad patch of sun-'services this evening. Tomorrow momlight, she seemed all golden, like a 1 ing his subject will be "Two Nations." statue. Petite, as he had' imagined. Everyone called him Sammy, though summer; swimming with his powerful Fragile and ephemeral in pale green Kaddish will be recited this Sabhe would never see thirty again. stroke that sent his -body plunging ruffled chiffon. : •.-•"i bath for Johanna Seligsohn. Originally an affectionate diminutive, through the waters of the lake which Sammy Reich's courtship was like it had come to describe him. "Don't is our town's chief attraction to vaa' whirlwind, to describe lit: mildly. you know Sammy Reich? The little cationists, he heard cries of-help. A Rabbi Conn's next book review will Hopping about on his short, legs, he be given Tuesday afternoon, Novemfellow "who owns the shoe store on the girl's cries. Sainmy had no visron'of lost no time in finding out -that she' Square." himself as the" gallant k^right when he was Rita Kahn, who had come to town! ber 25, at 2:30 p. m. at the Blackoverturned with her mother. Mrs. Kahn came stone HoteL He will discuss "BuildYou might see him standing outside came to her beside Tier; : canoe. It was ..only after he had for the baths and had taken a. house ers of Bay Colony," by S. E. Morihis store on a fine day, his thumbs : hooked into the armholes of his vest, turned the boat • oyer, his muscles rip- at the edge of town near the'springs. .; son. his hands beating a tattoo on his pling under his sunburned skin, satDaily Sammy -drove out in his' roadbroad chest. Except in height, Sam- iny with water,:that"he~ thought of the ster, which had raised foot brakes for . Cight seats in the Natdonrat, the my had the proportions of a large girl as a girl. Her bright red bathing his convenience. He brought flowers lower house of the Austrian Parliaman. Broad chest, muscular should- cap framed~a~r6und~lface5with full, and candy, perfumes and exquisite ment, were captured by the Heimers, strong head. His voice was deep- pleasure loving" lips" and "taaght brown wehr, Austria's - -"private nationalist lacy handkerchiefs. ly resonant and his laugh rolled like eyes. To Sainmy jshe "was instantly Rita was seventeen. Flattered by militia which is inclined towards anti. . ^. , _ , minor thunder. And Sammy laughed beautiful. his attentions, she liked him., Rexnein* Semitism, in Austria's election. This often, for he was very unhappy. "You: can't"getvinte thfijboat; here. ber, he did not appear so short t o her, i s the first time that the fieimwehr has had direct representation in the This might sound like a paradox t o Can you swim to shore? ^It's about for she came only to his shoulders. Nationalrat. those who have not been unhappy a mile". ~'["°~~~~l~r^T"~." Mrs. Kahn inquired about-town and themselves. Oh, not sad for a day or With a women's trustlng^snnle she found Sammy's business and reputaa week, but permanently unhappy. told him she^ CBtoS^swim,'' i f he were tion all that could be desired. She Sammy hid his unhappiness behind the alongside t o give 3xer confidence. They put off Rita's entering high school. smoke screen of his laughter. started " out: '."Sammy sending the (Rita had planned to take up her stud• '. Men greeted Sammy cordially, canoe riding ahead of them with an ies where she had left them' off at raised their hands to him in«passing, occasional thrust of his forearm. As home). "Hi, Sammy." "Howdy, big fellow." they swam the girl talked with the Sammy did not laugh so much now. But women rarely noticed him; he was easy familiarity of vacationists. Her not a romantic figure. There was not gaze was admiring.'; HerxdnveTsataon For he was happy. HSa -f ace-beamed one .girl who did not. tower was inviting to the starved Sammy. and there was no hurt within to hide with laughter. For so many years the over him. And Sammy was lonesome. By the time they neared shore, Samcringing underling who always had to my was iiflove. ; This was the cause of his unhappiness. look up to everyone he spoke to, there A man must have a -wife. The canoe scraped the bottom. was a new assertiveness in his'walk. What could he do? He dared not Sammy's toes struck the sand and he Every time he stood beside Rita, he venture to the Community Center stood up,-waist deepin the water. The seemed to grow in stature. dances on .Saturday. night. No one girl emerged, straight and'tall, like a If, at the wedding, there were would dance with him. He knew they young pine tree, the water barely to whispered references to a "Tom would not risk the chance of appear- her hips. Thumb marriage," Sammy did not ing ridiculous. Mothers did not look Oh, Sammy knew he would never hear them. He beamed on every side on him as «n eligible bachelor, so he forget the searing glance she gave as he went down the aisle, his diminwas never Invited to Friday night Mm. She said no word- but continued utive bride on his arm. dinner. to stare at him/her eyes speaking volI would like to add that they went i Yes, men greeted him cordially, but umes. Sammy had wanted to cry out, to dwell in a little house and lived there was always a slightly patroniz- "It's not my fault," but she started off happily ever after. But Rita Reich ing tone in their "Hi, Sammy." As if with a curt, "Thanks." • From the set was only seventeen at the time of her they were patting a child on the head, of her shoulders, he could see that she marriage, and in the next four years Sainmy accepted this attitude with an' was angry. As if he had deliberately she grew more than twelve inches. outward lightness and an inner sting, hoodwinked her. • (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) He even talked, about himself as the j From then on, Sammy did not build "little fellow.1* Often he joined in fond hopes.about any of the girls he poking fun at himself. It made thet knew. Instead, he manufactured for Heads Women's Federation ache keener. And he continued to himself a dream girl and spend his Port Chester, N. Y.—Mrs. William yearn- for unneone who would not,'days thinking of her. She was just Dick Sporberg of this village has just literally, look down on him. "so high" he decided, indicating his been eleeted president of New There had been one disastrous ex-] shoulder. She was dainty and petite,' York State Federation of Women's perience whtah caused him to be even with feet so small he would have to' Clubs, at the annual convention to shyer of tba goal he longed for. One order special shoes for ,her. Her] Utica, N. Y.
Temple Israel Notes
A Man Must Have a Wife By
' ,'y-''-- rl'A .
or villa of Byzantine origin, whose and of the same material i s the figure rooms still retained much of their of a cock. Some gold earrings and a original mosaic paving. The Palestine large number of carnelian beads were expedition is directed this year by among other objects-unearthed-. Gerald M. Fitzgerald, who served for "A wholly, unexpected discovery was several years as Acting: Director of made on the summit of the cemetery Antiquities in Jerusalem. slope when a stone gateway over thre* . "Since beginning its work at Beisan metres wide was uncovered leading Archaeologists Find Articles of this season the expedition has concen- into a room paved with a mosaic floor. Byzantine and Roman Eras trated itfc efforts chiefly on the ex-On the threshold the mosaic bears a cavation of a cemetery and we have Greek inscription, obviously of the in Palestine succeeded in excavating about thirty Byzantine period. Beyond the inscriptombs there thus far," Mr. Fitzgerald: tion part of a pattern has been unPhfladelphia^-(J. T. A.) — Gold jewelry and coins of the Byzantine writes in his report. "Nearly all of covered, including figures of birds in Empire, as well as articles c^ bronze, them,** he continues, "have proved to square, panels, apparently arranged glass and terra cotta from* the Bo-be of Roman or Byzantine date, but round an octagonal figure." man period have been excavated at one tomb we discovered was of a difBeisan with the renewal of archeo- ferent type, namely a ledge of rock Warsaw.—Three Jews received declogical work here by the University on which lay five of the pottery sar- orations from the Polish government of Pennsylvania Museum's Palestine cophagi of tiie 'slipper* type with lids in connection -with the celebrations expedition, according to a report re- representing' human heads, which have marking the twelfth anniversary of ceived by Horace H. F. Jayne, direc- been associated with the Philistine or Polish independence. The three Jews tor of the Museum. other Egyptian mercenaries of about honored are Dr. Joshua Gottleib, presithe 12th century, B. G. dent of the Jewish Journalists AssoIn addition to finding- these objects, "The principal finds in the Eoman ciation, Zionist leader and one of the all of which belong to about the Sixth Century, A. D-, the expedition also and Byzantine tombs consist of lamps, editors of the Heinta. Cecelia Klafmade « wholly unexpected discovery glass vases and small objects of fen, a communal worker of Lemberg, of importance when it unearthed a bronze. An extremely graceful terra and Dr. Joseph Steinberg, a Cracow building, believed to be either a chapel cotta figurine is a noteworthy find physician.
WHAT PRICENATURAL GAS The Gas Promoters tell you how much you will save on your gas bill... BUT, you don't buy your gas from them. And they don't guarantee their claims; * And they won't have to make good on them; * • And the Utilities District, from whom you do buy your gas, doesn't back them up on their wild claims.
Let's Look at Past History
-._. „
Style Without Extravagance
v ,\
Baby Day For Wednesday Brushel Wool
Values in Boys' Wash Suits
Sweater Sets
Sizes 2 to 6
£4.95 Four-piece brushed w o o t l sets with sweater, leggings, c a p a n d mittens . . . in white, pink, red and tan. Sizes 1 to 6.
Of course your little fellow Is already adorable . . . but if you could just SEE him in one of these cunning hand-made, hand embroidered ..broadcloth suits you'd fairly squeeze* him to pieces! They're in maize, and pink, bine, green and orchid . . and they're all been SHRUNK.
Why Natural GasRates Go Up
Also-Hand-Made Rompers For the wee little fellows who wear sizes 1, 2 and 3, we've a specially purchased group of the same cunning suits . . .only they are in romper and creeper styles. White and pastels.
#1.95 New
Goat, Hat and Muff Sets #13.95 Sizes 2 to 6 Warm sets for the little people . . . fashioned of Camel pile .. . . are Just the thing for snappy winter days, with their matching coat, hat and muff! Or If you prefer Camel Hair . . . you.may buy a matching hat and coat. Germania Chinchilla coats in wine, tan, brown, green and red are also priced $13.95.
Silk Padded Quilts £1.00 .Light weight aad warm . . . are these Japanese padded quilts in blue and pink.
Zipper Suits $6.95 Make your baby like a little " "bus in a rug" . . . in one of these zipper fastened suede doth suits. Bed, green, tan and blue. Sizes 2 to 6.
Dozen 27x27-In. Diapers Special ,for Wednesday . . . a dozen of the absorbent flannelette diapers! Herzbergs Babj-land—Fifth floor
; - ; • ' V - •: i~:-;
Instead of Future Promises, Which Nobody Guarantees V Our present domestic rate is 75c and iteanonly ~ go one way-AND THAT IS DOWN. It has been reduced seven times since we bought the Gas Plant and will be reduced again. The Natural Gas rate will start at the same fig; ure (75c) and it, too, can only go one way— BUTTHATISUP. ": ; While Omaha was making seven different reductions in Muny GasRates, Kansas City was getting four raises on Natural Gas by Federal Court order. "i While Omaha was making steady reductions in its gas rates, Wichita spent $100,000.00 during the last five years in court fighting Natural Gas rates and never wona case.
Infants9 Sacques 85c All wool sacques . . . Just the right weight to keep on baby in the house. White, with shell trim in' pink or blue. .:
The pipeline, Mr. Ritchie says, will cost 20 million dollars. The contract says it is for Omaha's exclusive use. Well, then, it isn't hard to figure that Omaha consumers will have to pay interest, upkeep and depreciation on a 20-milliondollar layout, in addition to our present plant, which Mr. Robison says must be kept up incase the pipeline don't work. If we don't, then the Stockholders or Bondholders of the pipeline simply go into court and ask for a fair return on the valuation of the pipeline and up go the rates. Natural Gasrates can only go up—as they nave Muny Gas rates canonly continue to come down—as always have here. ,
Omaha Taxpayers' League
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH.PRESSy FRIDAY,. NOVEMBER 21 r 1930 festival from ,the custom of the ancient Hebrews, j **• equality, and its program of tax re- ic. Darwin had no stomach for poetry singing hymns of thanks to God for material duction and economic reform the Jews and even Plato, wanted to exile all have flocked-to its banners « plentif ulnesa in a land where they could enjoy repoets, though not for reasons that he • Published every Friday at Qmaha, Nebraska, by was unsusceptible to poetry. ligious freedom, equality and justice. To Fight Taberculosis THE JEWISH PRESS'PUBLISHING COMPANY We, too, as Jews and Americans, attach a' Saranac Lake.—No special- plans PALESTINE AND Office: 490 Branded Theater Building have yet been made for use of nearly dotible significance to our approaching celebra-1 sity. The leaders of the seminar are POPULATION Telephones ATIantle 14$0 United States tioh of thanksgiving. We have enjoyed economic President G. W. Richards of the Lan- a quarter of a million dollars left to caster Reformed Seminary, Father F. the Northwoods Tuberculosis Sana- Amid all this talk* about the stopDAVID BLACKER . . . . Business and Managing Editor comforts and prosperity in a land of the free. page of immigration to Palestine I J e s h a t i o 1 F n d D ? i v e Fay Murphy of Georgetown, Rabbi torium of Saranac Lake in the will of wonder FfcANK R. AOKERMAN - - Editor A whole fourth of our people are blessed with the,' v ^ ^ , ^ * ? that somebody has not said the late Mrs. Minnie H&yman of New FANNIE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, fa., Correspondent New York<—-The Jewish National Abram Simon of the Washington He- York, widow-of Al Hayman, prominent something about another way of inf : manifold rights and advantages of citizenship in ^.oxxuv/iu * i 6 U w c « « * «, U .< U *,» S "' 2",Ul*"*""* ''"j*'j*"iFund will shortly undertake a great brew Congregation and Rev. Everett theatrical man. creasing its Jewish population. The CItV OFFICE y The excruciatingg tortures and de- jm o n e y . r a i s i n g ca^ign f o r the pur- R. Clinchy of the Federal Council of this country. According to Maurice M. Feustman, good old Biblical way of "increase and COMMtfNIT* CEJiTER-3w8 Pierce Street cimating persecutions ii t i which h i h haunt h t pur b brethren t h P6se of furthering ita work and buy- Churches of Christ. of this village, treasurer of the institu- multiply." elsewhere have had no place in these United ing more land in Palestine. The cam- Discussion topics will include occu- tion, the money bequeathed to the We have heard a great deal in these Stibseriptteri Pride, on£ year ' » • ! « « ' « • « • $2.6tf e s> Jews, States* where each man can worship according to, i will wmreach reacn its I H peak peaK coincident couiciaenv pational i ~ — " discrimination « - « « « « « « » against B P ^ V ,1 r i Northwoods Sanatorium amounting to ultra-liberal days of the opposite Advertising rates fnrtiished on application1 the coming of Meadel Menachim aMM of misrepresentation in religion I $ 2 4 0 # 6 5 2 # m a v „ t o w j m , a fmA £intr theory of reduction in the sizes of the dietates of his own conscience. The preme*! may go toward a fund being and possibilities for community .co-op-1 families, but under certain conditions, economic extettnination aiid financial ruin eration. Two hundred clergymen, eduI suppose it would be quite as logical n the old which has crushed Jewry Unde* its heel iii t h e | m a n Of Zionism' te America. Mr. cators and lay people will attend. The 'looking Lake Flower to advance and urge the opposite docPalestine earlier eeminar in Pennsylvania was other countries has had no foothold in our land in Saranac Lake, where land was ob- trine. HEBREW CALENDAR Where all are equal. What is justice for one has for! the Chanukah holidays. The Con- held November 2nd and 3rd at Dick- tained last year. When Benjamin Franklin was in :Ftfday, Nov 21 been justice for all. Rdsh Chodesh Kis;!ev_ vening df a National Conference on inson College. London seeking the annulment of some -Monday, December 15 1st Day Chanukah. of the British colonial acts, and de^ our gratification for Rosh Chodesh Tebeth, .Sunday, December 21 j spite adl his effort the Stamp Act Other Countries Bestowed upon us, rei let us us uuo fiot IVIB^U forget " ; tiOtial To* l««ui;gcam:iiiuiYcu UJIUU us, came into being, many of the AmeriA m e H r a ,w a s Rosh Chodesh SheVat._^__ cans were howling for war. Franklin 5SL oi who are in Want and suffering. He' Who: urged. JMortday, Feb. 2millions Cfianiisha O'ser IPSllevflt. Anti-Semites Get 8 Seats By DAVID SCHWARTZ was also exercised over it. selfishly gives thanks for his possessions with- Aach's "The Mother" Picked i Feb. I out thought of those less fortunate is not deervRdsti Chbdfesft Adar.. Eight seats in the Nationrat, the To an American who wai just then Chicago.—"The Mother,'! a novel of lower house of the Austrian Parlia-; Jfbnday, March 21 ^ Fast of Esther leaving for the American colonies, he rtTT . __. A ^T-rv n_»T^,_w,^».T ing of God's bounty. y We are all brethren and our Jewish life by Sholom Asch, famous ment, were captured by the Helm- j S H A W AND EINSTEIN said: "Go home and tell the people Piirim . ' "'' "" March 3t thanks should be tempered with a prayer for the • Yiddish writer; translated" into Eng- wehr, Austria's private nationalist W e h a v e ^ s e e n t h o s e canvasses to raise children." The colonies were Rosh Chodesh Nissan.. ; militia which is inclined towards anti-1 depicting the meeting of great states- then also receiving a large influx of 1st Day of Pessach.__ Semitism, in Austria's election. This men and diplomats. Who has not seen immigrants, but not enough in Frank8th Day of Pessach is first time that the Heimwehr the painters representation of the Ber- lin's opinion. But by increasing the ance amidst religious freedom* equality and jUs- George; Fox, chairman oi th« Board hasthe Rosh Chodesh lyaru. had direct representation in thelin Peace conference which brought size of tlje colonial families, Franklin be a true thanksgiving. of Judges. The "Jewsh Book Club" Nationalr&t. together such personalities as Disraeli felt that the American colonies would Lag B'Chher_ .Tuesday, May 5t i t h e n i t of which Felix SI. Warburg; is one and Bismarck ? It is to be hoped that soon exceed in population the British Rosh Cflddesh Sivaa —Sunday, May 17 of :the: sponsors, has beeri organized Win Decorations some artist will not permit the recent Isles, and when once that was accomShavudih en D membership and non-profit-mak- Warsaw.—Three Jews received dec- dinner at which Einstein, Shaw, Wells plished, Britain would bow to the ^-.Ffiday* May 22 (
By the Way
Why You Should Vote tinst Natural Gas
ing, basis and sefids its members one orations from the t*olish gOTernment and other notables were present pass American spirit. For smaller nations outstanding of Jewish' interest i n connection with the celebrations unrecorded in oils. This man Einstein do not relish war with larger peoples. every month at an average cost con-j marking the twelfth anniversary of is continually unfolding new and re- Manifestly, increasing the size of siderably less than the usual retail Polish independence. The three Jews freshig facets to his personality. We the Jewish families in Palestine will price of these books. honored are Dr. Joshua Gottleib, presi- have long known that he was a great not take care of the Jews from other "Tfie Jewish p60ple were exiled in;tieuter*'The Mother" in its English trans- dent of the Jewish Journalists Asso- scientist, and a great mathematician lands seeking asylum there, but it will onomy." ~ , ; You should vote against Natural Gas be- lation, which was made by Nathan dation, Zionist leader and one of the! and no little musician, but his speech in the course of a couple of genera"Palestine is the land of the lame and the cause the streets must be torn up and the Ausubel, contains an introduction by editors of the Heinta. Cecelia Klaf- on Shaw reveals a great literateur as tions build up a large indigenous popLudwig Lewisohn. fen, o communal worker of Lemberg, j well, blind." ulation and it is hard even for Lord mains changed if they are to carry Natural Passfields to argue against such overt and Dr. Joseph Steinberg, a Cracow j JJTJT NOT PAINTING "AUti-Semitism in modern times has been Rockefeller Foundation Gas. This Will necessitate an expenditure of : realities. Perhaps we need a Roosevelt physician. New York.—The Rockefeller Founcaused by the attempt to bring Jews and Chris- two million dollars. Therefore, it is proposed Not even Einstein, it appears, has in Palestine thundering against "race dation has spent a total of $51,489.69 Einstein Honored one blind spot in his make-up. I am tians cldser together." to take two million'dollars out of the Utilities for suicide." The Palestine dailies ought investigations of the malaria sicktold, he is not very susceptible to "Jeaeus read the Law of Moses to the peoDistrict's surplus for. this purpose, a surplus ness in Palestine between the years Zurich.—Dr. Albert Einstein was painting. That should make a lot ofto picture this Roosevelt seated with honored with an honorary degree here ple on their return from Babylon." which was created to reduce rates or retire 1913 and 1930, according to the an-by the Swiss Institute of Technology us feel more comfortable. When we the mother of a brood of say fourteen "dHaim Weizmann is the leader of the Re- bonds on the present plant. nual report of the Foundation, which in connection with that institution's gaze at a Rembrandt and somehow to sixteen Palestinian Jewish children. cannot go off into raptures, we shall has just been issued. The largest form Jews." of its 75th anniversary. You should Vote against Natural Gas be- sums, $10,572.80 c<nd $12,369.77, were celebration now be able to confess that fact and BRIDGING IN LEISURE These are among the misconceptions of JewThe institute is particularly proud caUse if the proposition should win every gas expended during 1923 and 1924, re- that not only were some of Professor make no hypocritical pretense of lik- TIME ish life" and history given as answers by Jewish In the smaller town, however, bridge appliance in Omaha will have to be changed. spectively. Einstein's pre-war lectures delivered ing it. childreh to "Jewish History Advancement Tes.tsV and the occasional lecture and concert Far be it from me to belittle painthere but that he also obtained some They say it won't cost a cent, as the Utilities Mexico May Rescind Licenses scarcely fill the bill. prepared by the Union of American Hebrew Coning, and t am quite sure that Einstein District Will do it for nothing. BUt the New York.—President Ortiz Rubio of his technical education at the in-does not, but it has always seemed to I am surprised that some of the gregations. In the tests the average score of of Mexico is expected to take action in stitute. Utilities District is spending the money of me that in the art of painting, the large Jewish organisations do not correct Replies was 37 per 100 questions, the exam the next few weeks on proposals to The degree of honoris causa was real joy must be th&t of its creator realize this fact and capitalize it. the people of Omaha, who own the plant, and being taken by 7,000 Jewish children attending the licenses of commercial conferred upon Dr. Einstein, who was r iher t h a n i n every cent they get comes from our gas rates. suspend observer. Painting There are thousands of women in ! *. religious schools in the country and embracing houses owned by Jews and Asiatics present, in recognition of his scien-! is one of the least these towns aching for something to achievements and in .grateful re- j * absorb their interests. The women, it only those items^ which had been tattght in the You should Vote against Natural Gas be- and to prohibit intermarriage between tific membrance of his services to Switzer- ! communicable arts. seems, might be reasonably expected classes* cause rfttes will advance unless Omaha home Jews and Asiatics .with Mexican wo- land If that is not so, why is it that it to and to the Swiss Institute of do much more than men, already l men, according to .cable firom Mexico is eo possible to pass off forgeries employed, owners spenfl: between five and ten million City in yesterdayigp New Yoi*k Times. Technology. The humor in these repli'ef is moi e\thaii offare able to do. I believe and counterfeits of the great painters the American dollars for ga&-Jurfiacefi^i^fe^^e^f^^T-Ms set by their tragic portent. The'Jewishvpeople. in Jewish congress has had .The proposals^re being--^advocated even among the: connoiss'eurs?' Oldest Jewess Dies America have heard a great deaf about Mi4 blind- means 'selling Iwice' &s^ffiafly fuMaces" in by the National League against Chi- Lodz.—Sheindel Hirschkorn, said to masterful work of -literature or ofsome dim perception of this fact in its organization of a women's division. Omaha in five years as were sold'fir Kansas nese and Jewish'Penetration. ness td the growing estrangemeiii Of pUl? children be the oldest Jewess in Poland, is dead music can be detected, irrespective of I believe the work and the scope of City in twenty years, or our rate will be from Jewish knowledge and learning'. But We alhere at the age of 119. She was a the signature attached, but not so with many of the larger organizations Rabbi Bookstaber Named hiked- White Omaha was making seven reways rehtained skeptical, secure in the belief that Philadelphia.—The Rev. Dr. Philip well-known character in the City, hav- painting. would be vastly multiplied, if they our national Jewish thinkers were merely har-| ductions in gas f ates» Kansas City and Witch- D. Bookstaber is the only Jew appoint- ing been a peddler for two genera- NO GENERAL RULE turned over more of the work to the ed to the commission for unemploy- tions. Despite her great age she nev- Literature is replete with maxime women. They have the leisure, and ita» for example, have had to stand rate arguing1 from force of'habit. However, these j as to what the cultured man must not the will to do. tests—accurate and undeniable—ring out an raises by Federal court order. They "freefce ment of Pennsylvania, jusjt named by er wore spectacles. I governor-elect Gifford Pinchot. Rabbi be without Aristotle, I believe, had ominoUS Warning which must surely Waken Us to the tOWn" With low pressure until they get Bookstaber, who is E-ctive in social Arab Pressure over the portals of his sanctum the YANKEE AND JEWISH their raise in rates. our danger. We should be alarmed if Jewish welfare work in this city, is a former Jerusalem.—Strong pressure from line: "Let no man enter who has Hot DECUNDITY children Who have had no training write that we social worker. He_ has served as anmany parts of the country is being mastered mathematics." Well Ein- Not more than a decade ago, we You should vote against Natural Gas beexpert agent in the United States de- brought to bear on the Arab Execu- stein could enter that portal, but used to believe that Jews were pretty received the ten commandmenti at Jerusalem df catise Whfen the gas rated are raised they will tive to call the members of the last Goethe could not. He had am aversion efficient that way. Look at the Jewpartment of labor. that o\it greatest historian, Josephus, is a member (the seventh) Arab Congress to dis- to not be raised against the industries but the of the United States Supreme Couri But we whaT'action^ttieTrals should! mathematics. Tennyson who wrote ish sections, with their large families, Bread for Jobless doihestic uses will have to stand it all. In we were told, ahd compare them with should be startled into action When those Who I. Wisotsky, a Jewish baker of take oil the new British policy in PeJ- poetry, which is but the music of litevery city using Natural Gas, in order to erature, could not endure "real" mus(•9 tio p9nui?uoo) have studied these very answers show such gross- make a low enough rate to sell it to the in- Brooklyn, has come to the aid of the estine. The failure of the various factions to agree on a Unified proi unemployed in what was probably the ignorance of Jewish affairs. Sixty-seven per cent it is necessary to charge the small .most timely sad - efficacious expres- gram has thus far prevented the Arab right Wduld have been bad enough, but 37 correct dustries, consumer a high rate to make up the dif- sion of human kindness. This week Executive from taking a public stand out of 100 is actually appalling! j he loaded a wagon with 700 loaves of for which it has been sharply critiference. ! bread and 600 rolls and stationed him- cized by all sections of the Arab press. Unless our Jewish children are You should vote against Natural Gas be- self within the vicinity a£ the city's with Jewish education, they can not and will not free employment bureau Where more Rebuty War Heroes be able to combat outside influences. With such tiaUse it will increase Omaha's taxes to tear I than 1,500 discouraged, hungry men Rome.— Thirteen Jewish soldiers meagre knowledge, they are totally unprepared to up a hundred miles of Omaha paving to were crowding outside the1 building. who fought in the Italian army duf* change gas riiains. Joe Routsky, head of the meet the onslaughts of science arid their Jewish It did not take long for the men ing:the late war were reburied in the Department of Public Improvement, has individuality is necessarily obliviafced in the philto realize that Mr. Wisotsky had come Jewish cemetery at' Merano today with emphatically Jh&ihted this put. to their;Hid, &d,tte'bre*d tod rolls full military honoris jn the presence of osophy of the "Melting^ Pot/'; To Save thei* Judofficers of the garrison, officials of we*fe distributed in"record time, almost the aism their education must be had white theijf You should vote against Natural 6a« beJewish Wlar;-Veterans Organizaminds are maturing, before they are "at sea," or cause it has failed in other cities. If it catising a riot tions and representatives of the Austro-Hiingariari army thart fought else it IS futile. doesn't Work ift Aftiarilloj how <saa it Wdrk in Medal for Opera Book against Omaha—-500; miles away? In Los Ahg6les :, Ralph H.Korn, author of books for passes. Italy in the Alpine mountain is a history close td ttii'ee thbusMa the Fire Department issues Warnings to air {"music-lovers • arid amatettf iausicians, Today's reburial was the result of years did, a culture which is *ieh and pulsating. received a gold' medal laSt Week for It is th& spiritual legacy of Isr&el, afi ftavgntUi'otls 6Ut youf hbnie because they haVe sd Many his latest book, "Building the Ama- the Italian government's recent decisromance which if properly handiel COulfli'iihaf hi explosiohs. Lban companies in Bfc Joseph teur Opera Company."' The award ion to re-inter all soldiers previously and magnetically attract our. youth. ' Our beau- make you carry explosion insurance before came to him from the Washington buried at various cemeteries in the deights Musical Club; of which Miss main inilitary cemetery &t Trento. The ibariiiig yoU Mohey oil yoUf hOhie. Arid fight tiful tfast is our sole guide for the future arid appeal of Chief Rabbi Joshua Gruenhere in NebMSka drily this fall Nebraska" Jane R. Cathcart is president. Mr.wald should bfe made into a lever tb a spiritualljr for separate burial for the JewHorn's book has been endorsed by wealthiei!' world. We, like all strong peoples; must -farmers appealed to the Attorney General- outstanding leaders in the world of ish soldiers was granted and the first for protection 6ri aecourit of pipelines blowirig music, including Gafti-Casaiza, Wal- 13 of jthe exhumed Jewish bodies were hearken to the voice of .our historic Conscieriee; up dri their f afffig otherwise, we face the grave danger of losing o\it ter Damrosch, Mme. Mfcrcella Sem- brought to Merand today on a special AS WE BUY—SO WE SELL ! brlch, Arthur Bodanzky, Fortune Gal- gun caisson. - •• : youths. Every instrumentality _ of Jewish learnle and many others. Every man who seen the marvelous clothing values at The ing anot education, every Talmud Torah arid SunRaps Admission of Jews to Nebraska today realizes that something out-of-the-ord;nary day scho'Dl, every youth organization Which aids Every righteous act brings the Light at God, Honor Des Moines Rabbi Elections , has been achieved to produce such amazing values. But The Nebraska does not quote' comparative prices— in proittulgating Jewish knowledge should be illuminating the soul and mind of mail to a greater Des Moines, Iowa.—After twentyorgan of the Tursb g strengthened and fortified; every Jewish child degree. Alsd it Brings the wells 6f gladness to five years of service as spiritual lead- kish goverrimeiit, Vakit, attacks ^he Whett The Nebraska Saves Money in a should be given the opportunity to view the treas- functioning into our being. The Psalmist •wr'tite* ! er of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, liberal party for. permitting the t|arBuying Masterstroke the Savings Are ious minority groups* especially the ures df their ancestors. For, either we dissem- "Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness Rabbi __„ Passed on to You Without the Use of Price Jews, to become candidates in the j i sented with a silver service by the inate fehbwledge of Jewish things afid efsaifoite fdr" the upright in heart;" Comparisons. members of his congregation last forthcoming municipal elections. Valit! present ignorance of thirigs Jewish or else the YOUR NEW FALL SUIT IS HERE— week. Some 125 members of the con- claims that Fetfii Bey, leade? of the' Jewish spirit will be dissected. THE GREATEST VALUES OF THE YEAR I attended a dinner honoring Liberal party, has "created » new When an idea becomes a faSI in c6RseioU§"i the rabbn M. O. Kahn, president of menace which we thought we had got ness, it moves you in its direction. The Nebraska Does Not Quote Comparative Prices rid of," by granting ihe minorities the congregation, presided and preARABLE VALUES NEED -NO COMPARATIVE TRICES INCOMPARABLE the right to be elected. sented the rabbi with the gift. SEE OfcR WINDOWS tfODAY As you become awake to your Higher Self, The criticism of the government's ! 7 n; t h f e l t a ^ baMb! pilgfims who fifst organ is believed due'to the fact that ~«r- " -- i - ' i i u T iS ~ ** ytfU inspire mm Life. When the lower self is Good-Will 8§hiihar Liberal party has dftiwn to -its gave thanksgiving to tfte Lofd One November acti^ej uhnietifated ffohi the Jfighe^ Self; it tends! ar^wisbufg, pa;^-The secdndNational semin- the support almost all of the Jews of Ihe to be arranged by iiai VT mornifl'.the seventeenth century and the Jewish toward death. . ' * " of Jews' and ' -"—' countfy, who havje hitherto not bien Christians Conference „„„ month and hfeta' on 8 Christian! permitted to be cjandid&tes for publk » principle ana pnnuoui/i^. w ™ : mvem, yiuirai'; - - i?ofi 6afin§| ^hifik \ &8t dfentOminatidnai Coitege Gafnpus is office, Because of the Liberal party's/1 tifileSS now taking place at Bucknell Univer-1 promise . of economic and T^ftirai I , \.r,. amerit Meyptj<ees borrowed: what is how^ a national;trulyy ^ ^ ;
Saturday, May 23'
The Clothing Corner of Omaha Features a Masterstroke r /. in
Over 2,000 Quality Suits for Men $
PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1930 home in Oakland, California, after visiting with Mrs. Sigal's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Goldberg, for the past seven months. During their visit feere, they were entertained extensively by their friends and relatives.
To Reside Here 1
Due to the fact that Thursday is Ttonkngiving, oar paper will go to press one day early next week. All Hems mttst be in by Tuesday, 5; punu, thW «ming week. Phone them to Atlantic 1450 or mail them to 490 Brandeis Theater Building, please. • * • Osheroff-Fine At a quiet home wedding, Sunday, at three o'clock, Miss Bose Fine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Philip Fine, -will become the bride of Dr* Irwin Osheroff of Chicago, son of Mrs. B. Osheroff of that city. Kabbi David A. Goldstein will read the marriage lines in the presence of the immediate family and a few dose friends. Miss Eebecca Segal -will play the wedding march. The bride will •wear a graceful gorm of eggshell satin, and will ca^ry- a shower boqttet of golden OjiheHa roses and lillies of the valley. Miss .Ida Fine, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, will wear a green, chiffon gown, and will carry a boquet of Columbia roses. Harry Osheroff, brother of the groom, wiU serve as best man. Following the ceremony, a reception will be held from 4 until 7 o'clock, after which the young couple will leave for an eastern honeymoon. Upon their return, they will make their home in Chicago. A number of out of town guests are expected for the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman of Harlan, Iowa, announce the birth of a son, Paul Wesley, on October SI at the Clarkson Memorial hospital Mrs. Saltzman was formerly Miss Sarah Fellman of this city. Mrs. Saltzman and her son are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Saltzman's parents, Mr. and Mrs Sam Fellman.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shimznel have returned from a ten-day wedding trip in the south. They visited New Orleans, where they were entertained at the yacht club and the country clubs, and were the guests of Mrs. Schimmel's cousin, Mrs. J. B. Katz in S t Louis; They are making their home at the Blackstone hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. L Shedle announce the birth of a daughter on November 12 at the Wise Memorial hospital.
Mrs. Edward Schimmel is visiting in Chicago and Glencoe with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kinstler, and her sister, Mrs. Merton Jacobi. She will return before Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kohlberg an nounce the birth of a son at the Methodist hospital on November 19 Mrs. Kohlberg was formerly Miss Leone Delrogh.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn was the Mrs. David A. Goldstein and son, Jonathan Amos principal speaker on the peace proMrs. David A. Goldstein and son, to the University of Minnesota as a gram following a one o'clock lunchJonathan Amos, are the family of teacher of French and taught there eon of the Woman's club of the Rabbi Goldstein of the Conservative until her marriage three years ago. Railway Mail Service last WednesSynagogue. They arrived here two A book review group was conducted day. weeks ago from Rockaway Park, New by Mrs. Goldstein for the Sisterhood Mr. and Mrs. Y. Katz of Chica; York. of Temple Beth El of Rockaway Park, Mrs. Goldstein graduated with high will celebrate the first birthday of their son, Jerome M. Katz, on Thurs- honors from the University of Minne- and she was in great demand as a day, November 20. Mrs. Katz was sota and received her master's degree speaker at Hadassah gatherings in formerly Miss Freda Rosenbloom of at Columbia university. She returned the New York region. Council Bluffs, Iowa. BANQUET HOMECOMING Mrs. Mary Zalk entertained sixteen Mr. Jay B. Van Veen of New Numerous Omahans journeyed to guest* at her home at luncheon and Both-Levinson York, Supreme Archon of the Pi Lincoln last weekend to attend the A wedding of interest to Omahans bridge Wednesday. Lambda Phi fraternity, inspected the homecoming game and tne Zeta Beta is that of Miss Betty Ruth Levinson Creighian University chapter of the Mr. and Mrs. S. Siporin have just and- Nathan Both which will take returned from a month's trip to De- Tau and Sigma Alpha Mu frater- fraternity last weekend. A banquet place on Wednesday, November 26, troit While there, they attended nity house parties. was tendered in his honor at the in Chicago. two weddings of relatives, Mr. and Among those who went to Lincoln Fontenelle hotel Sunday evening. -Miss Levinson is the daughter of Mrs. M. Fishbain, and Mr. and Mrs. for the event were the Misses HerRev. and Mrs. Louis Levhuon, for- L. Rosenberg. mine Green, Marian Scharf, JoseVISITORS merly of Omaha, but now of Chicaphine Monheit, Nioma Cohn, Ruth Mrs. Anna Dworkowitz of Kansas go.' Miss Levinson was graduated Mr. Melvin Monheit who has been from Central High School and. has in Los Angeles for the past eight Cohen, Jeanette Levinson, Lilyan City wiU arrive Saturday to be the HayMn, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonofif, attended West Side College. months returned home this week. Mr. and Mrs Louis Somberg, Messrs. guest of her sister and brother-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. David Green. .Mr. Both is a graduate of the En route here he visited in Dallas, Yale Kroloff, Arthur Lerner, Bill University of Chicago. Texas. Gerelick, Nathan Jacobs, Joe Krasne, Mrs. Jack Slgal and sons, Melvin Manny Iseman, and Dan, Greenhouse: and Norman, have-returned to~their Miss: Ida Platt returned Monday Cohen-Epstein from Kansas City where she visited Announcement has been received of the marriage of Miss Fannie Ep- for a few days and attended the stein of NJW York City and George wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. RadetsSI. Cohen, formerly of Omaha but ky. Mrs. Radetsky war formerly Miss Ann Green. Omaha's Style Center • now of .New York, on November 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Brandeis, and son, Nathan, will leave next Tuesday for Chicago where they will attend the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Brandeis's niece, Miss Betty Ruth Levinson and Nathan Roth which will be an event of November 26. The Brandeises plan to. be gone about a week.
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Dr. and Mrs. Julius Moskovitz of Missouri Valley, la., announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, November 19, at the Omaha Maternity hospital.
BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Hoberma.ii announce the birth of a son at the KAPPA TAU FOEMAL Methodist hospital on Sunday, NoKappa Tau sorority of Central vember 16. Mrs. Hobennaa was High School is sponsoring a formal formerly Mrs. Margaret Cohn. (Continued on page €.) Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Hisch of San Francisco, California, announce the birth of a son on November J. 5. Before her marriage Mrs. Hirsch was Miss Bess Horn of this city.
PERSONALS Mrs. Julius Sherman and Mrs. J. 3. Greenberg departed last Friday f or Mudbaden, Minnesota, where they will be joined by Mrs. Louis Morosnick of Winnepeg, Canada, Mrs. S. Stolorow of, St. PauJ, and Mr. A. Hymeii of Minot, North Dakota. Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. Greenberg plan to return in about ten days.
Prenuptial Affairs Mrs- Harry R. Milder and Mrs. Leo Milder were joint hostesses to thirty guests at a one o'clock luncheon at the Paxton hotel on Thursday, November 20, to honor Miss Freda Bolker whose marriage to Howard Milder will be an event of January 4. The. table appointments of pink and white were very effective. After luncheon, bridge was played ( in the new Oriental room of the hotel. Mrs.; L Sherman of Blair, Nebraska, was an out-of-town guest. Miss Esther Faier will be hostess at herhome in honor of Miss Bolker next Sunday afternoon.
announce the birth of a son at the Methodist hospital on Saturday, November 15.
'I may be romantic or moderft, iweet or sophisticated, daring or demure. I t may be of lace, velvet, satin crepe or a dozen other fabrics. Its color may be whatever you prefer. ^ Some of tke loveliest Paris and New York fashions are here for pour selection. Priced at
$25 to $89.75 Third Floor
At This Feature Price HOTLtL
The 12*yeaf old wonder girl of the American Yiddish stage with $J her star cast of Yiddish players in • ™
STEPMOTHERS , in 3 Acts with 12 Musical Numbers - Prices Seats Now on Sale at Box Office
Cace Frocks Chiffon Frocks Georgette Frocks Crepe Canton Frocks Printed Crepe Frocks Tunics, peplums, cape sleeves, fitted boleros, bows, tier*, lace collars, lace yokes, lace cuffs, tiered sleeves, flaring sleeves, tight sleeves . , • styles with almostoo-the-flooi* "romantic looking" skirts . . the RIGHT lengths for infornaal wear » . . yoH can* not name a new frock that isnt in this showing tomomtr . . , YES, there are titt new BRIGHT BEDS, greens, blaes, beige shades . . . pastete - . . navy, black and ferown. Second Floor
NO PARKING WORRIES Direct Jfintrunce From Hotel to Hnrtleon Parking U
trance of business into what hitherto were functions performed within the household—laundries and the restau(Continued from page 5.) rants and such things—have created a (Continued from Page 4.) domestic revolution. By F. B. K. dance'at'the Prettiest Mile.'Club on 1 In the: Trigger city; the problem is Wednesday 'evening, November 26. non-Jewish American families^ genernot so difficult Not so long ago we ally much smaller. One hundred invitations have been B'nai Brith to hold open Meeting of weeks here visiting at the home attended a Philharmonic concert in The truth is, that the earliest Amerissued. of her sister, Mrs.. Jack Steinberg, Monday Night at Eagles Hall. New York. The audience was about Chaperones for the affair are Mr. ican families were far more prolific 90 per cent feminine. The opporThe Council Bluffs Loijge No. 688 and Mr. Steinberg. and Mrs. Sam Beber, Mr. and Mrs. than even our early immigrant Jews. tunities offered by the arts and such of. the Independent Order of the Dr. and 'Mrs. Isaac Sternhill enterIrvin Stalmaster, and Mrs. L. Neve- Thomas Jefferson was one of a dozen things provide women ift the bigger Bfnai Brith will hold an Open Meet- tained the members of their Evening I children. John Marshall had a simleff. ing next: Monday evening, November Bridge Club at their home Wedi l a r number of brothers and sisters. centers with something to do with "24th, at the Eagles. Hall, and allnesday evening. E. K. T. {Benjamin Franklin was the thirteenth their leisure. members and their families and their The E. K. T. Club held a regular or fourteenth child. ALACK, ALAS, O MALE! friends are urged to attend. Dr. meeting at the home of Miss Rose I am inclined to think that psychoAnd mentally, I suppose we males ,teo "Frachtenberg of .Chicago, 111., Kelberg on Friday, November 14. logically, the children of these very will have to admit that they are up former Professor of Philosophy at Mrs. Iz Weiner was elected sponsor. large families were better off than to our standard. It appears to me inColumbia University, who; has. been those of smaller families. They were deed, that those who have been preengaged in Research' Work for; the X. L. not bothered with, fussed over, pamGovernment for a long period, will The X. L. fraternity held a stag pered as much. They were forced dicting the reversal in the status of man and woman are not far wrong. be the honored guest and principal Tuesday evening at the home of necessarily from infancy to depend a For the opportunities of leisure offers speaker. His subject will'be'''The their advisor, Phil Feldman, whom great deal on their own resources. time for the cultivation of. the mind. Jew and His Palestinian Problems"; they presented with an imported And thus forced into more self-reNew York.—(J. T. A.)—This article In time, it seems to me these book The public is cordially . invited to ostrich skin bill fold in appreciation liance. by Prof. Albert Einstein in the New reading, concert hearing, lecture going attend this program. of the help he has rendered the fraThe feline which when quite young women are bound tp become even a York Times Magazine of last Sunday ternity. bids her offspring good-bye may have bit wiser than we males, who know The members.. of the former on "Religion and Science" is calling A short business meeting was held much to teach our professors of peda- nothing but our business. Council Bluffs Chapter of the Sister- forth praise as well as criticism among at which preliminary plans for thegogy. leading thinkers and religious leaders hood Society held a meeting TuesWe men seem destined to lose the Sermons on Einannual New Year's Eve party were THE JEWESS AND LEISURE role we have long essayed and become day afternoon at the home of Mrs. in this country.' discussed. Abe Gilinsky, at which time they tein's creed were already preached on The tendency to the other extreme, mere hewers of wood and drawers of Sunday by Dr. Harry P. Ward of the Donald Richards of Council Bluffs in America, as to size of families, is water. donated the balance of the treasury is a new pledge of the fraternity. of the organization, which disbanded Union Theological Seminary, who to my opinion, creating a problem, (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish Telea long time ago, to the Chevra B'nai criticized Dr. Einstein for 'overlooking graphic Agency, Inc.) whose significance is scarcely realized. PIONIER WOMEN'S CLUB Yisroel Synagogue for the ' purpose the "overtones of sin" in his search Particularly so in the smaller towns after truth, and by Rabbi Solomon B. . A benefit show at the Corby of the south and west . of purchasing Seats for the new Bread Strike Freeh'of of Chicago, who in a sermon Theatre will be given by the Pioneer synagogue. The amount donated; is It seems to me, I have noted, an Detroit.—A bread-strike has been at the Fiee Synagogue in New York, Women's Club on Tuesday, Novemapproximately One Thousand Dollars. unusual uneasiness among the Jewish called here against the Jewish master praised Einstein for having a mystic ber 25. The public is urged to buy married women of the smaller towns. " ' * . " * ""•" *- "Mrs. Louis Sommer, The new, synagogue, which is being bakers to compel a reduction in the view of the universe in"contrast tb'the tickets from the committee and thus Small families have brought the wom- price of bread. The strike is a result built at 618 Mynster stree, is hear- anti-religious view which "looks upon , „ • Chairman of Program Committee, which arranged for to help a good cause. ::.-••••'" -v ...-.Monday's Dramatization. ing-completion. '•••••..'. "'• ••-. en face to face with the leisure prob- of the failure of the Jewish bakeries the world as axiearly understood"maAt a meeting of the organization lem. And the problem of leisure is as to submit to a demand for ti-_ reducMrs. Jean Weisstocfc of Kasisss chine in which every 'riddle' is either • A dramatization of the London Nav- ing of the pact. Scene four, Ratificaj last Sunday, Dr. Katharine M. Hunt difficult of solving as that of employ- tion in ,prices from the radical Jewish alvJC[oMererice; held by the -five great- tion of the three "power piact." • City,. Missouri, is] spending -a couple solved or on the way to solutioBL." gave a lecture on "Diseases of Middle m e n t . Smaller families and the en-j groups in the city. In connection with the", dramatiza- AAce" f o r e aa.ilartre Dr. Einstein's article is.summarized eTstjnavalpewers from -January ge» ^ a r g e attendance. lwfore sttunilonm i * in an editorial in the "New York April 23,-1930, will 'feature* the No- tion Mr. Samuel Gerson will sing the yember meeting of-the Council of the Negro Spiritual "(-Twine Study War ' LADIES LABOR LYCEUM CLUB j Times" as follows: Among the sermons preached yes- Jewish "Women Monday afternoon at No M'o." Dr. Katharine M. Hunt -will be the The other Jewish Women's organi- speaker at the lecture sponsored by terdaymay )«s'rek6ned the ^article byij 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community ; Pittsburgh.—:(J. T. A.)—The; Jey- Albert Einstein in the> New York Center. The dramatization will be zations have been-invited to assist at the Ladies Labor Lyceum Club on Times on 'Religion and Science.'. He given by the Current Topics^Depart- the meeting. ish child population of the elementary Tuesday evening, at 8:30, November Mrs. Sam Wertheimer, chairman of j 25, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and and high schools of Pittsburgh is 8,-describes the 'religion of fear* among inemV of the Omaha Woman's club. 743, as compared with 9,129 two years primitive peoples—fear of hunger, of The historical background, will be the Peace department of. the Sister- j o ^ D n H unt, who has her ofhood, will join with the. Peace group j fice ^ t h e M e d i c a l A r t s wild animals, of illness and death ago, or 386 less than in 1928, accordgiven by „, Mrs. W. A. -. Baldwin. „ . —The . . , in the Medical Arts Building, o ing to a census of Jewish children.ab- showing itself in deeds and sacrifices Mrs. C. L. Hempel. The o f t h e C o u n c l 1 m sponsoring this pro-j ^ se s p e a k o n a s u b j e c t o f interest t o ! sent from the public schools intended to, secure protecting part King „_ (George w « ^ t» ^ , , « t ithe ,» ™ w K n » favor f a ™»,I _i _L of ,.-*.. •_;.-_. —willbe-taken .„-,- s , by , cram. • -•• — '. men and women. The public is inYippur which was taken by the. He- -•* — -nthropomorphic divinity; Next M r s . George W. Covell; .that of Ram-' Mrs. H. A. Newman is in charge of vited. brew Institute of Pittsburgh, with the came the religion -which has its sey McDonald, Great Britain, by Mrs. properties. Mrs. Samuel Gerson is The committee in charge of the t. co-operation.of School Superintendent sources in the social feelings of human Joseph C. Lawrence; of • -Henry L. chairman of the Council's Peace group. lecture consists of Mrs. J. Eikin and Dr. Graham. ' * beings—in the longing for guidance, Stimson, United,States, .by,Mj?s,,L. J. Mrs. Sam Zernovsky. • The census also reveals thai; out of love, comfort -by a Providence' who Greer; of M. Tardieu, France/by Mrs. - 8,743 Jewish children, 2,417 or 27.6 per protects, decides, rewards and pun- J. Floyd McLain; oivM; Briaiid, France by Mrs. Lawrence T. Hoffman; of SigArt is an absolute mistress; she > cent attend high school>cwhfle out'of ishes. ' "To these two- forms the scientist nor Crandi, Italy, by Mrs. Chris Johnwill not be coquetted with or slighted; 1 a total Gentile child population of 99,Einstein adds a third, -which excep- son; of Signor Sirianni, Italy, by Mrs. she requires the most entire selft 400, only 16,000, or 16 per cent'• attend "-. thejhigh schools, and out of the paro- tionally gifted individuals may attain, John W. Barth; of Mr. Wakatsuki, of devotion, and she rtpays with grand New York.—(J. T. A.)—American;, chial child population of-43,200 only though traces- of it/are..foon'd: in some Japan, by Mrs. C. E: Hines; Secretary triumphs.—Cushman. Jewish who have never made researches* in . 3,200 or 7.5 per cent attend the paroGeneral, Sir Maurice Hankey, by Miss a s e 1 1life in all its phases, historical ^ as economic, social, etc., will -•- chial high schools. This indicates that the universe, as the/Psalmist David Minnie Thomas. Others taking, part • in proportion to the total child popula- who saw the heavens declaring- ithe, are Mrs. Clark Haas, as Ghas. Dawes; tion in the schools, the percentage.of glory of God and. the firmament show- Mrs. H. C. Noll as Dwight Morrow; Yiddish Scientific ^ t i t u t e , according 'Efiisteih' Mrs. ^ r o y ' w ^ ^ ' " ' " " ^ * ^ - * ' ^ * t a conferJewish children who attend high ing forth 'iua'handiwork! ence of the Institute; _ Sixty Jewish schools is the greatest—27.6 • per cent calls this the 'cosmic religious sense', Navy Adams. organizations were represented at the as compared with 16 per cent and' 7;5 which comes of contemplating the "nobility, and. marvelous order revealed in Mrs. B. B. Hopper and Mrs. Bernconference. '%' per cent. ' / nature and the world of thought.* It ard Brand,. Mrs. E. M. Searle, Mrs.' During the debate on this resolution involves no 'God made in man's image, J. F. Holly, Mrs. W. S. Paynter, Mrs. speakers declared that research into but none the less recognizes &n An- W. W. Watt, Mrs. Thos. Burchmore, American-Jewlh life has been very cient of Days, an antecedent power Mrs. J. C. Suhr, are other delegates; m Q ^ neglected; that a good deal of that set EJI things in motion and de- Mrs. S. C. Johnson and Mrs. Herman materf-a bearing on Jewsrin this counveloped living, sentient being." HiUmer as pages, and Mrs. Everett t r y w hich is of great historical value Jerusalem!.—(J. T. A.) —^Members Stpll as "Messenger," Mrs. H. J. is in danger of being lost and that of thVBritish':archeologicai expedition Hblmes, Department Leader will give t h e p r o c e s s o f development of Jewish whicb/iaI excavating the ruins of JeriIf you have othet questions in addition to those below the prologue; interiogue and epilogue. mh ^ America "has not been studied cho believe that it was .shovels, not we will be glad to answet them. The Western Natural trumpets, which caused the -fall of • This enterprising department has'as yet. Gas Corporation is anxious that the people ot Omaha that city 4,000 years ago before Jost& American Jews to been, working all ^summer rehearsing Ah appeal hus apd the invading Israelites. They -of The London help the headquarters of the Yiddish get the Truth about Natural Gas. Just call at the the" Dramatization are convinced that the march of'the Naval Conference. There will be Scientific Institute; in Vflna, Poland, Natural Gas Demonstration Office, 1902 Farnam. Jews (around that city and the blowHaifa. —(J. T. A.) •The undaunted I three-scenes: First, taking place in continue its work was issued by the ing of trumpets was simply.& maneu- attitude 6f Palestine Jewry in the iace * h e Eoyal Gallery of the House of conference. Zalman Raisin, who is ver Jtor diverting attention from^the Vibia headquarVbf rthe British White Paper and the lords, when King George makes the the secretary of the 1 morejimportant work. •• ' - •;..; r ters and who is now visiting/this counopening speech. His gold throne chair deterimnation of the Jew~s to continue Natural Gas has nearly twice the heat value of manufactured gas. : The British archeologists believfe "their1 work of upbuilding the- country was brought from Buckingham palace, try on behalf of the institute, in an That's why it will cost you about one-third less than manufactured that ^during the seven days Tthat Jos- despite all - obstacles- was- manifested and Jhis own silver microphone was address before the conference describgas to get the same results. "' hua's legions marched the Jewish1 eng- here; at' the ceremonies attending the- Used. Each of the five leading powers ed some of the achievements of the then make their opening addresses. institute in the field of Jewish reineer? of that time were engaged in completion of the great ' drainage undennining the walls and placing scheme on the Haifa Bay lands of the Scenes two and three take .place in search in various parts of the world, the red and gold Queen Anne drawing stating that the work of the Yiddish trunks of trees in holes and crevices Jewish National Fund. which were set on fire when the sigMore than 94,000 acres of high grade gas reserves have been set * The entire project, which will, rid room of iE?t. James palace.. In scene/ Scientific ^Institute has now been aside for Omaha's use. These reserves contain two and one-half n&l was given on the seventh dajrby these lands of mosquitoes and malaria, two each; country outlines his individ- gratefully acknowledged both by the i demands. In scene three, the clos- Jewish masses and by Jewish scientimes as much Natural .Gas as Omaha will need during the next the blowing of tnimpets. • But asjre- cost, $125,000 and employed 250 men twenty years. : , gards the Biblical story that Jericho since it was started in July 192J9. i t ing speeches, and. the dramatic sign- tists of Europe. was destroyed by fire, the British; involved the construction; of a special archeblpgists believe this to be true, canal to carry rain, and spring water sincejthey have found much e^dence, towards Jhe River Kishon. in the form of charred timber,~stones M. MrUssishlan, head of the Jew-' . Adequate pressure and heat-content are. assured by the contract. cracked by heat and ashes to support ish National Fund said, "We know that' Heavy penalties are provided in case of any deficiency. the Biblical account. ''••''.'"" "~~ the British government, standing in • the shoes of Turkey, is against us, but nevertheless our courage is undaunted, i Form Welfare Group An organization whose purpose will- The comedy of the last thirteen years Natural Gas is so safe that die United States Government specifies be . to look. after the social welfare is.over.- We know that Great Britain it for use in Veterans Hospitals wherever it is obtainable. wants to make; Palestine the l&nd of needs of Jews in Nsssau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, is,,now being Ishmael and not the land of Israel. formed' by Rabbi A. Joseph Lasker But we shall win'for Palestine to us is ' of T/emple, Emanu-El, Lynbrook, L.- I. our very, life.''. Natural Gas is the modern fuel. 80% of all gas used is Natural Gas The .other speakers, including' the. Sick and, needy Jews, as well- as those while only 20% is manufactured. It is sold at a price that makes labor leaders, Isaac Ben Zvi, M. Mohi having' difficulties with the law, wjll it practical for home heating and for industries. It helps to eliminate be aided by the organization, in which and M. Razily, spoke in similar-vein the smoke nuisance. N o city that has adopted Natural Gas has of the practicai'work "that is the best there, will; be representatives of all the ever desired to go back to manufactured gas. Jewish communities in the two coun- means of parrying the political blow.'' Recalling that Justice Louis D. Branties. •. deis in 1919 told him that mo'squitoes
Gouncil Bluffis Press News
Arranges for Program
Social News
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isihemakin^ofpumpkin pie- as well as most desserts and salads. Serve it generously. Tor best results use
ix Questions About
on Biblical References
Will It Save Me Money? '
Will There Be Sufficient Supply?
What About the Pressure?
Is; Natural Gas Safe?
Why Change to Natural Gas?
ROBINETT DRUG CO. 409 W. Broadway —Tel 357 Largest and most <Jomplete, ' Luncheonette in the City
FRED R. SHAW ; - FJ>OWBJt SUOI» 645 Broadwiiy
How Will Natural Gas Affect Employment?
and, malaria, were the greatest enemies of the Palestine workers, Mr. Razily ^aid, "we have gotten rid'of both."
Appointed < Baltimo're.^On the recommendationof .some of .the country's most distinguished physicians and psychiatrists, .Dr. Manfred S. Guttmacher, son of the late Rabbi Adolf Guttmacher, was appointed medical officer .of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore, in order to take the post, Dr. Guttmacher plans to resign as assistant in clinical neurology at Johns Hopkins University.
Natural Gas offers a definite aid to the employment problem. The building of a pipe line will furnish employment to thousands of men—both skilled and unskilled—and by supplying cheaper, better fuel it will attract and hold factories, thus making more permanent jobs for more people.
Visit the Natural Gas Demonstration—1902 Farnam See Nataral Gas in Actual Use under Same Pressure as will be Furnished to Your Home
PAGE .7—-THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1930 Franklin is vice-chairman to Mrs. Le-: vin tod the-girls assisting them are the Misses Grace Rosenstein, Ida Daytch, Tobie Steinberg, Fannie Katel* man, Anne Greenberg, Sylvia Bernstein* Eva Katzman and Ida Minkoff. The affair will be held in the FonteceUe Hotel Ball Room. Art Randall's Royal orchestra will furnish the music. The dance -tnfl-be the group's gala event of the year and several hundred couples are expected to' attend..
Is Not Writer Calls the Latest Defaultations Great Britain a Blessing in Disguise* Our Answer Must Be Greater Efforts and Greater Contributions to Palestinian Work, By HARRY MENDELSON
Junior Hadassah is one of the most active. girl., clubs; in the -city. Theit work • i»i mainly/the, supporting of.7 or* phansjand assisting in various charitaWe drives.. Mrs. J^lax.F^omkin is the sponsor- of the -organization. •
this'official lack «f sympatiiy created in Palestine f a direct andrindirect a«mosphere . ''-ii-.' %"iriendly"' neuiyality
87 and Still Young
Business Men's Bowling Won Lost 1 Empire Cleaners.... 27 14 10 Ben's Jeweliy 11 Malashock Jewelry.—13 11 Wardrobe -43. Kaiman Insurance ...«* 17 You'en Tire & Batt 7 The Malashock Jewelry stifi Empire Cleaners staged a contest, wi£h the Jeweler* a pair of games by a *#fy Close gin. "Muggsy" Goodman's boys as yet a comfortable lead fot position. - - -— The Yousem Tires dropped **s?» games to the Wardrobe Five »s»d Ben's Jewelry Company woa tke tire series from the Kaitnan surance. Gerelick's boys went into place as a result of theit A. Venger was high with game total of 583 and a single game if 226. Morris Meyerson hit * tetftl 554 with a single of
Nashville, Tenn. — Jacob Levine, 87 years of age and a long time resident of Nashville, Tennessee's Capital, has just entered upon his seventh six-year term as a member of the comity court of Davidson Count?, the county in which Nashville is located. Mr. Levine, who is familiarly known as "Squire Jake," has the distinction of having served as » member of the Davidson County-«mrt longer than any other man Ninth Annual Dinner The annual dmtter of tlw in the county. He was first -elected magistrate in 18&4 and has been a Education Association wffl be Winner in every. election since that Sunday, December 14th. time at the expiration of hit terms, Custom reconciles to •which covered a .period of six yenrs.
to which. 1' HaveJpften ; 'drawn3ie' attention of prelm^ryirid coroniaC secretaries, as •we^tra^-the .iigfi~ commissioners.* , ^ Z'C I ' Suminari^Sr i&e" outlook fotthei*-, tore, Xbr3f*^©caett" believes tii^t no real" progress |is possible in". Palestine so longas f£e "spirit of indiridual^ officials is unchanged" and" so losg ."as the government Ifeaders•. dp J, not realize that it is n6tsufficient.toi-say a'few friendly won&•regarding.^eTMandate and the Jews.* Lord Metchett voices the conviction that the White Paper is also the .work of the Palestine officials of the Colonial Offiee.
John Holmes in his "Palestine To-T spired the nrost and showed nle the speak for Israel. The electrification day and To-morrow" declared that strength, meaning: and potency of of the land, scientific farming, afMrs. Irvifl € . Levins ; the greatest tragedy that ever befell Zionism ag a way of life on the same forestation, sanitation, medical aid the Zionist movement was the Eng- ancient soil which inspired-the proph- (even to the rioting Arabs), and lish mandate. By this time, I be- ets of old. higher standard of living for the lieve, every Jew is inclined to folly The return of 20tb- century eman- natives—and the Jews have done agree with him, after having been cipated and intellectual Jews to the nothisg for the benefit ef the land. so shaken up by the latest declara- ancient foundation of Jewish inspiration* of Bnglatkl. Perhaps no less tion and the creation of a life in Blessing in Disguise tragic is the fact that Jews have al- which the ancient cultural values are There are blessings in disguise as lowed themselves to be misled by the used with modern science and daily well as curses in disguise. The Simppromises! of England and have talked iroblems has given the Palestinian son report, I believe, is a blessing BUY THE BEST COAL themselves "into really believing that ew new vigor, courage, idealism in disguise. It will only bring Jews Government Aids Needy Jews IT'S THE CHEAPEST IK THE LOSG RCN-HOlW HEAT USSS M.WM under the- wings and protection of and stamina to bear the greatest to answer, less with protests, and Bucharest.—A dedsKm to grant IJEfSB WORK. LESS WORRY imperialistic-England they will real- hardships and to place his Hie* ideals more with added efforts on behalf 250,660 lei for the Jews of Borsefaa ize '.their ,2000 year dream of a 'Jew- and aspirations beyond the reach of of . ilestine; hard-necked endeavors to aid them in their agricultural WEARD-PARI5-SEMI "W^r* $12,00 to increase the absorptive power of work, particularly for the purchase ish decrees, reports of commissions. state with all its HATvD-riCKED the land for more chaluzim and of seeds, was made by the Rffnmape* the paraphernalia of a Our Citadel OUR PRIDE V greater contributions for the pur- nian cabinet. The government had HIKE RUN—50% ICMP conyehtional political state. An3 "X suppose there were a con* The unique Jewish life Jnr Pales- chase of more land and more coloni- previously assigned 1,800,000 lei for Creek the victims of the anti-Semitic fire $14.00 Grade PETROLEUM COKE FromBestB«(tar £ number of extreme fanafi- tine, the distinct cultural and *physi- zation. eal ^ionista who tended to leave out cal achievements on that -sBfi'are the Palestinian Jewry is as strong as in Borscha. The Jews of Borscha <r£ tLe picture the 600,000. Arabs and citadels oi 25onism, they- ate the it ever was since the Balfour Declar- were also recently permitted to use BURNWELL ffift-S1 $10.00 the government timber reserves for ation. They are, as it were, oh the armor through which no atnoknt of their, resentment, whether right or Borrtlvra—No Slate—No Koch—Terr IJttle A«ti wrong, whether genuine- or artificial. criticism, hatred and eo^fity will battle^front, They cannot and will the reconstruction of their burned "A Jewish state at all expense" was penetrate. If we judge Zionism in not retreat under any conditions. horfies. COLORADO CHUNKS-- • - - - $8.7S terms of dollars only theftr.'one is We can at least lessen their burden While these government grants are the-.cry of many. Thtans -were on the. other hand Hable to be sadly disappointed- if we and hardships. Indeed the American doing something' to mitigate the BufBEST ILLINOIS LUMP- - - - • -especially ^those-who claimed look at it in terms of generations, Jews can present the greatest chal- ferings of the Jews of Borscha the actual compensation is> only a snail] GENUINE CHEROKEE NUT Large She thetoselves to be internationalists, in tefms "of "cultural values and crea- lenge to the Simpson report by percent of the damage suffered. With wlijg^lovked upon the aspirations -of tions, then no doubt exist-as'to the thnrwing themselves into the wofi winter • couui^f>-on"therr- situation is as reactionaries who xm- power of Zionism. That fas been with greater determination. Mrs. Morris M. Fraakfin serious. Mayq^. Protoplescn of the der£jt%e. protection of English can- achieved in spite of crushing obsecond districtof Bucharest today is a glory and credit'to the Mrs. frvin C. Levin is chairman of nons^ anjl aeroplanes were frying id stireles s issued an appeal to the population the annual Thanksgiving Dance, which ^ :; set;:up*a Jewish state. These rJews," Je w&h -genius. to help the Jews of Borscha with will be given by the Omaha Chapter' a- small"' minority, eSerted all efforts Israel's claim to Palestine is not money and gifts of food and clothing. ef Junior Hadassah the evening of DATE SHERWAS weakened by. the broken promises of AT-4444 to combat Ziotrismv - November 27th. Mrs. Morns M. politicians and statesmen. Sacrifices, PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS Sober.-Many-~^ : ~> -—'•. ..«« - .*__-_ -achievmcirtB, :tb*- conversion- of- -death The- riots of last year sobered up —bearing swamps into fruitful fields, most i of the extreme Zionists and deserts into orange groves, a dead language into a living, pulsating, made | them get down :±o earth Lord Mcfchett Says Anti-Zionist sj&ratJcnai f-otcg io£ face tiie harsh reality; it;forced' Vtiky One to Unfriendly rather, unwillingly to modify their Official Views attituHe and position, towards a Jewish state. Already many of the more T1 A.) — The 21-conliberal leaders are ^tending towar£ cealed nnf rieridly attitude of the Pal' Achad Haam's "Spiritual vC«rtetf estinej officials charged with carrying rather than toward a politicalstaie. Arrangements are being completed out Britain's obligations to the Jews When Dr. Magnus, well ecqttaitrted for the annual New Years Eve affair under the Balfour Declaration and the with .Palestinian problem, came ©at to be held at the Rome HoteL ' TMs Palestine Mandate is blamed for the with -the statement that JfiWi. affair, always the big event of the .British government's anti-Zionist polabandon the thought oi a Iftorpekrii Club, is being made mseh icy by I^ord Melchett, prominent Britstate-as Herzl saw it and be cofl- mote elaborate than any other affair ish industrialist, who resigned as tent with Jewish imnsigrationy ColWK ever undertaken by them. Tables chairman of the Council of the Jewish izatitn and Hebrew cultural develop- seating groups and parties have al- Agency, and of the Agency's political ment-in Palestine, he, in toy opinion ready been arranged for and reserva- Commission as a protest against the was the prophet of the new attitude1 tions for* tables in groups can bis made White Paper, in a statement today to which" is being taken by waft ttttd through L Levine, chairman, or Mor- tne Vienna Freie Presse, Austria's .. and what deliekraaly temptmg meals iliey will be! leading paper. more W the intellectual Jews towards" fi* Franklin, president.. The savory goodness cf the Tbsmkegiviiig turkey is Palestine. •..•«»...•:..•." The norel seating arrangement en- Lord Melenett charges that the Palmore genuinely realized when the electric range is Sad to say, so many American Itbles every one to see th# entertainers estine problem has been acute since Jews /are inclined to think that with at all times. A continuous round of 1921 because of the unwillingness of used. All of the yahfe-giving juices are retained in the liquidation of the Jewish politi- efitertafdiaent after each dance, "a-la- Palestine offidalddin to execute the electric cooMng to impart full and lasting flavor. can state^Zitmism loses all its'force, & ' 1 ' of. "iii&si Xb&, style^ Wai Mandate, and particularly because of the "idealism between good-will exmeanjng aftd signineafiCe, They for- fceep the evenang artive and Yon should be one of the 1,200 housewives "who wiD. pressed by the various London governget that Zionism is more, than a Special talent froiH Chicago is on cook electrically this Thanksgiving day • . . and for ments and the executing officials who matter of blue papers, white papers, created for us only obstacles and diffiumiiy years to follow. You will never know the Teal A big surprise on which the compromises and assurances of the high thrill of cooking until you have an electric range. , and mighty. As a matter of fact, Zion- mitted has heett working is in store enlties because they do not beKeve in ism existed" long before the Balfour for everyeneV A seven-course supper, the possibility of the realization of the i Hence they used served so as not-t»tinteffero-"Balfour Declaration^ Declaration" and tnB exist long after HERE'S $15 •~d-i^._-^-^ __^i ^ '-±: Oieir irtnK^ efforts through the years with'the eiitertaiiimeiit, will be prothe Decoration has been forgotten. 1 FOB YOU to prove the impossibility of its realiIt exjsted Before the English people Tidsd fe*. zation." "Remember to get your reservation* appeared on the arena of history and you pmrehajw ' will ' outlive, the broken promises in early as all the deseryable places Offering to produce a fist of all the new eiectric at ihe Nebrasprompted only by imperialistic am- may be taken. Arrange to hold your high British officials .in Palestine who repeatedly told him of the impos^ Co. w« vr3l bitions, of mighty llttgiaM Tie New Yeara Eve affasr with the Thorps. had sibility of carrying out the Balfoor Your friends will be there," Morris a Trade Jew's eternal love for Zidh '-was Declaration, Lord Mekhett says thai - . Certificarte with i destruction of the Temple and Franklin urged. is good $or $15 his dispersion and will grow only in in trade ifi1 any store intensity the more he faces disapin Omana- Ton may pointment 'and defeat in Ms efforts also use ttte $15 as towards its rehabilitation. cash for pkyinent o£
4-4s SEN I
(jmsumers (pal (p
Will Be Cooked
ELECTRICALLY in Omaha This Year!
Depend on jlcpOFts Zionism does not depend upon the goodf or bad will of England, for Zionism does not depend for its existence upon reports'and declarations, for it is afway**of life. One hundred and fifty thousand Jews are living there a unique" Jewish Hfe suffeVing, toiling, dreaming, hoping, creating, .rehabilitating ~ • the long neglected and tens of times overrun fatherland, a half desert into a habitable jplaeey* fir fronr a land flwwirig with-; milk/anVh hbtrey, butr nevertheless,! a national home where- they can give full expression to their cultural and spiritual capacities* They are giving birth ~to a way of life that'is uraqtieiy Jewish, a culture that iravrs its- nourishment from the iepths of a mighty fountain, the 3000 years of Jewish experience. That above all things in Palestine in-
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MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent
Society News
The N. M. A. Club which meets Over fifty boys and girls between twice -monthly will have its meeting the -ages of 14 and 17 have joined this.' Sunday afternoon at the home the Talmud Torah Alumni Club of Miss Bess Sacks. Bridge will: which meets .every Thursday evenTwo hundred and seventy five fath- be followed by refreshments. ing. At a recent meeting George ers-and sons of the Shaare Zion ConShinder: was elected President; Joe The Phi Epsilon Tau Sorofity met gregation attended the: annuaL' ban- at the home of Miss Louise Herzoff, Barricfcj, Vice President; TiDie guet- given for them last Monday Wednesday evening, when it "accepted Shindler, Secretary and Dorothy Ma-; evening, in the Social Hall of the two new -members into the sorority. zor, Treasurer; Rebecca Stillman, Synagogue. " '.-:. . . .> ' \ They were Bernicft Goldstein and publicity chairman; Inez Leaff, Coun' Mr," H. H. Buntley led the Com- Lucille Barrent/; Refreshments were "cil jnember. ' 'fhe Board of Execu• munity Singing. A skit of humorous. served at the Paramount. tives includes Anna Lipton, Max LeFolk Songs was presented by Jack vin, Arnold Rivin, Roseabelle Wi.Merlin, Isadore Maron, David WiMrs. A. Mazie spent the week end godsky. The program -committee godsky, Charles and Isadore Shirid- in Lincoln, where she attended the is composed of Joe. Barricks, Anna ler, Phil' Silverberg, Albert Herzoff, Home Coming Game.. Lipton, Ben Raskin, Arthur Gelfand, and Bernard. Passman. A pen and and Leah Herman. pencil set was presented to each of •Miss Min Greenstone has returned Plans for the club include classes these, boys in . appreciation of their after visiting, in Lincoln for "several in Jewish. and Jewish History, and weeks. . / . .* • • . services during the High Holy Days; work along cultural lines. A skit "Complications'* was preMiss Mildred Ruth Baron attended Mr. J.. Aizenberg and Mr. Schilsented by the women, of--;th%'Auxilia- the Home .Coming Game- a t . Lincoln; ling; teachers of the/Talmud Torah ry. The cast included'Mrs. S> Shul- this ^week. Before returning home are advisors of the group. kin, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. Wm. ;Ma- she will visit friends in Omaha. zie, Mrs. M. Daskovsky, Miss R<K Miss Ida Greehberg: spent several zena Sacks, Miss Elizabeth Passman, and' Miss Sara, Werner:'- They were days visiting, in Iowa City, this week. enthusiastically received: by the audMiss.Frances Emlein who is a stuience. " ' • . ' •"' ~ • The'Annual Junior Hadassah Memdent at Lincoln will visit'her parents bership Tea "will be given Sunday Franklin Evans presented' several over" Thanksgiving. afternoon, November 23, at the Jewcornet solos. He. was accompanied by Miss Catharine Vincent at the . Miss Rose Dale became, .the bride, ish Community Center. A program piano. •-••••-•.- of .Mr; Joe Rosenberg at a ceremony for the afternoon has been arranged Brief talks were given by Frank- in-"the-studyof Rabbi H. R. Rabin- by Miss Leah Herzoff. It includes Margolin,' William Sen7, M. Silver- owitz, last .Friday- afternoon. Mr. a talk by Mrs. N. Lewis, dance by ! berg, Howard Sacks, - Joe Levine - and- and Mrs.. Rosenberg will make their Rose Shilojf, songs by Jack Merlin, and dance by. Sylvia Friedman. Charles Shindler. Mr. Barney Baron home in 'Des Moines; Iowa. "*" was' Toast'master of the. eyennigi Appointments for the Tea Table Mrs. M'orey Ldpshutz was -in charge will be in keeping with the Russian of the general arrangements; Mrs. Samovars from which Tea will be Max Herzoff and Mrs. M;-Av~HerzofF {served. Miss Ida Feldman, Miss Sawere in charge of the dinner, and die Shulkin, Miss Elizabeth Raskin, Mrs; A. Silverberg and Mrs, -M; Sil-- At a recent: meeting of the spon- Miss Bluma Merlin and Miss Ida verberg were in charge of the;dining sors for the Benefit Bazaar, t o ' b e Heshelow are. assisting with the arhall. Larry Burkle* arid "his orchestra held November 30, Mrs; I; Lebowitch rangements. chairman of the furnished, the music'during the din- "was appointed, 1 ner. , kitcbea committee. The Bazaar will be given' at the Jewish" Community Center - under-the" auspices of the Pioneer Women, the-Poale Zion, ,and the^'Je'wSsh -National Workers Alli- •"Over 1*75 women attended the Lunance,', The-proceeds will go to Pales- £he6h^given-by the; Ladies Attsdhary tine; for-'-furthering^ the work^of the. Of Shaare Zioir •Synagogue,-held're-; One hundred Sioux City Newsies," ChalUtzim'-and^Chalutzos.' r" v ^ " Sently in'the WcfaFnalTbf'the;Synaregardless of race or religion will >". -M>.- H.i Mfr6witi%nd Mr. D. Sper- gogue. "'The program* included song's partake of the Annual Thanksgiving ling, co-chairmfeis- b£ the Bazaar'/haVfe by TEJi'iabetli Passman', -with* piano Dinner given at the ^Jewish .Commur urged, every member "of "the Jewisii accompaniment by Sara " Weiner, nity Center, through the kindnesS community to save the date of'the Dance by Lucille Mushfciii, Skit by ' ' and. generosity, of several of ;Sioux 30th-for this Bazaar. ; Tillie Shindler and Dorothy Mazor; City's ijusihess~ttienv ; ' The final- meeting of the v conimittee Play "Two.Goyim" by Mrs. S. H. Dinner which will include Turkey on arrangements will;l>e held^^ Tues- Shulkin,: Mrs^ Wm. Mazie, Mrs. Reuand all the necessary-trimmings, will days November-25, at the: Commun- ban Miller^ Mrs. M. Dashovsky, Miss be "served at l o'clQck^ori Thanks- ity Center. This will be a'.joint meet- Rozena Sacks, Miss Sara ,Weiner, giving day. A program will follow^ ing of the three organizations. Sirs. Miss Elizabeth Passman, Miss Mildthe dinner and through the courtesy Mi Leaff is. in ^charge of the publicity red Baron and Mrs. L H . "Levin. of Mr. Mickey'" Gross,' Manager of the for the affair. Mra.. J. Shindler. \vas. in. charge of Orpheum Theater, the Newsies will the dinner and Mrs. Max Herzoff and be taken to the afternoon performMrs. M. A. Herzoff were in charge of ance of that theater. the'dining room. • . . Solicitations for the Banquet were made by Mr. A. M. Davis. ArrangeAt one ,of the-largest Bnai Brith ments Were hi the hands' of Miss meetings ever held, members of 'the Rose Lipman, Mr. Herman Slotsky lodge honored the presidents wlio and'Mr. Louis Tatleman.1 have served the organization during ' ' At' a recent: meeting of the Hebthe-past years.. The meeting held rew Mother's Association, held in last Tuesday was arranged by E . N . Shaare Zion Synagogue, the followGrueskin, vice-president. !ing. officers "were elected: Mrs. B. Speakers on the program included Sherman,"'President; Mrs. A. W. At a- meeting of the Boy Scout Troop, held Saturday evenirig, Jake B. Baron, E. J. Fribourg, E. • E. Kaplan, Vice President; "Mrs. Louis Mirowitz" was chosen Senior • Patrol Baron, Si Rich, Dr. Levin, A. H. Sinikin, Recording Secretary, and Leader.- Earl Lewis, Scribe; Max Baron, Joe Levin and Morris Pill. Mrs. A. Sloutsky, Treasurer. Sylvia Friedman presented several Gorchow, Lewis Hurwitz and Eatt . The. purpose, of the. association, is. Lewis,. Patrol leaders. ' Any boys readings and dances and Jack Mer- for the-benefit of.the/Talmud Torah. twelve years or over who are inter- lin sang several solos. The Hebrew.Mothers Club are payRefreshments concluded the meetested in the Scout movement -are ing for the School bus and take care urged to attend the meetings which ing which was open to the public. of incidental expenses of the school. are held every Saturday evening.
Junior -Hadassah
FurtherCoriimittees AppfoMtied i&t bazaar
Auxiliary Luncheon Is Well Attended
injustice has been done to one of our Hakoah Go Into Second Place great Educational Institutions. in Soccer Race Syracuse"-University is-a '' The All Star Haicoah soccer team Institution founded by Methodists and after resting in third place for weeks supported largely by the Methodist finally rose a step in the ladder that Church. Despite this, the attitude of leads to the championship, by defeatSyracuse University has always been ing The Newark Americans 2-1. The most liberal toward our co-religion- league standing shows Fall River leadOther Problems Chicago.—(J. T." A.)—The first voligts." ing with 773 and Hakoah second with I wrote about Brill of Notre Dame ume of a comprehensive work dealing 608. It is going to be tough going with the history of Jewish literature, stating that he was not a Jewish boy, Chicago Fish Pedler Beats for Hakoah to bridge the gap that but repeating in the same item, that Slattery which is to be in two volumes, has just separates them from the leaders but Mortie Schwartz, the other back was appeared. It is the.first of its kind King Levinsky, the Jewish ex-fish at the rate they are playing it is not of the faith. Walter Winchell, the to be published in English and covers well known columnist of the Daily peddler of Chicago and contender for an impossibility. the sixteen centuries from the close Mirror made the remark tfcat Schwartz the light heavyweight crown won a of the Bible-tothe endjpf the classic was not so kosher.' Mr. Winchell who" decision from Jimmy Slattery of Buf- Chatterings Well Worth period, the year 1200 of the Christian is usually right, happens to be-wrong falo in a ten round bout held in Chi-i Reading In last week's Saturday Evening In this work Dr. Meyer Waxman of this time. My authority for Schwartz's cago recently. The verdict was deChicago, jthe ^author untolls before-the Jewishness is no less a person than cidely unpopular with the crowd that Post, Sol Metzger wrote an article in reader tiie. pages of hundreds of books his roommate. paid some $50,000 to witness the af- which he attempts to show that the produced by. various', reprfesentatives" of fair. A slashing fight replete with ac- success of a football team has little Jewish genius during " the centuries i)r. Rabbi Defends Charge of tion it seemed as though Slattery was effect on the registration, endowment His and presents their contents in a schol- Discrimination-at Synagogue" .' the cleverer fighter a>nd gave a superb fund or growth of a college. point of view which he backs up with arly but clear style, tt is a history -Dr. Benjamin Friedman, the 'little exhibition of boxing. With the excepof literature and not of books, in the rabbi of the Temple Society of Con- tion of those fans who bet on Slattery, j interesting statistics is at variance fullest sense of the word, inasmuch cord of Syracuse rushes to the defense the result was not important. It did; with the accepted conception of the importance and virtue of football— as it gives "a'~ complete view of. the of Syracuse University when I charg- show, however that Levinsky has a ! Sidney Franklin, the Jewish bull spiritual and cultural development of ed the college with limiting the num- long way to go before he will be a j fighter is a flop as a drawing* card in the Jewish people during this period. ber of Jewish students admitted totthe real top notcher but the big Jewish vaudeville. Playing in Brooklyn, bis I t deals with all phases of Jewish lit- University. : The good Doctor whose boy does definitely show promise andj own home, the theatre found little inerature and. with all expressions of letter I reproduce here, evidently got with competent handling will arrive crease in attendance. Babe Weiner, the spirit,of Israel;'- '•. ' ' . . ' his figures" from the University-auth- before long. He will be seen in New captain of the West Virginia baseball The Jewish Apocryphal and Apo- orities. When I wrote my story some York some time during this coming team has been elected to an honorary calyptic works,' the.. Mjshna, the Tal- weeks ago I felt that my information winter. fraternity, the second Jew-to be so mud, medieval Jewish poetry, mysti- was correct and I am. at present conhonored. Jake Sebulsky of the same cism and Agadaic books, Jewish phil- ducting an. investigation of the matter Jewish Life Guard Makes college is the/football's team first osophy and ethics, Rabbinic literature all over again. I sincerely, hope I was Enviable Record string quarterback. , • Edward Gold, a life guard at Re-; and many other subjects are dis- wrong and Rabbi Friedman is right. (Copyright 1930. by the Jewish cussed and extensively described. Here is his letter, which was addressed vere Beach, near Boston saved more Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) lives during the past summer than all Some of the chapters are mono- to the Jewish Chronicle of Newark. other life guards combined.; Th'eJewgraphs on the subjects dealt with, one : "My attention was, .called to a<n arBoston.—Boston Jiewry will, officialof them befeg : a . - 4 ^ | ^ : : h i s t o i y : of ticle' -fir yc^i--^wspap^ e6atfng thai ish-.bey.4st»ea&ed withhavihg fished ly celebrate the 275Ui\anniver8airy of Jewish philosophy Trbih- Seadie- to out of two thousand students" admitted but six of .ihe^tfen^water logged adults the founding of the first Jewish colony who were drowning at the beach. He Maimonides, and another covers the to Syracuse University, only 70 were did it all with an aplomb that puts to in the United States on Wednesday entire Rabbinic literature from the Jews. -r - • '- ' shame our more vociferous heroes who evening, December 17, at Francuil close of the Talmud to the end of the Your contributor has distorted the do their deeds of valor to the accom-| Hall, the cradle of American liberty. twelfth century. Distinguished Jews and non-Jews facts. The Director of Admissions in- paniment of booming flashlights and will .'participate in the elaborate proforms me that 1347 students were ad- packed gallerys. gram being planned by Alexander mitted this fall; that of this number Eahn Named ; French Jewess Flyer Briri, publisher of the Jewish AdvoLouis L. Kahn has been appointed 142 registered as Jews. cate, who is chairman of the commit.Your writer should bear in mind Crashes by Governor Roosevelt as a judge of Among the notable array of Lena Bernstein, French.- Russian tee. the City Court of New York City to that- some students do not record their speakers will be the Rev. Dr. S. Jewess who is the holder of the, •religious preference., In -all probabilfill the place left vacant by the elevation of Bernard L. Shientag to the. ity-Jews will also be found among this world's record for Women's endurance; Parkes Cadman of New York, former flights crashed near Bagdad when her • president and chairman of the Good Supreme Court. Mr. Kahn was elect- type of .student. plane which she was driving on a non- i Will committee of the Federal council It may interest your readers to ed two weeks ago to complete the five years remaining of Justice Shientag's Isnow that there are". exactly 609: Jewr stopjfllgnt from Paris t o , Tokio re-j of Churches of Christ in America, and fused to Junction. Mlle'Benistein was' j Professor Albert Bushnell Hart of term and this appointment by 3tbe i s h students at our University. Governor is only for the balancef-j^P ; I have been Rabbi in Syracuse for slightly injured but will be'in the" air Harvard University, the eminent hlsV;{ tbriani this year. •;; more-than ten- years and feel that an again very soon.
.:: r
B'naf B'rith Honors Past Presidents
Hebrew Mother's Group - Elects Its Offfcers
J. C. C. News
The Maccabee -Club held a Tom Thumb Golf Tournament at the Up-' town Links Sunday afternoon. Over, thirty boys participated! Winners and respective places were Rudolph Shindler, Wilbert Shindler and Morris Lebowitcli. The Girl Scout Troop No. 9 will hold its first meeting of the season Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. The Hawkeye Club initiated several new members into the club at a meeting held Tuesday evening. The Intermediate Dramatic Club gave a party last evening.
Mount Sinai Temple Rabbi Lewis will speak on the subject "The- Jew Accepts" in answer to a . recent article which appeared in the .magazine "The Thinker". Rabbi ' Lewis returned home after spending a week in Chicago.
STOlIP&SCHAtFER •r "We feed ,the .multitude" "" * " Witii Tasty Foods
Sfiaare Zion Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will speak ton "The Jewish Economic Position in the United States. Is it Secure?", at the regular services this evening. Tuesday evening, November' 25, the Annual Congregrational meeting will be held in the" social ball of the Synagogue.. Several new board members will be elected at this time. A report of the progress of the congregation, its activities, financial standing and plans, will be' made also on Tuesday. A brief program and refreshments will conclude the meeting to -which all members and their wives have beeri invited.
J. C. C. Dance Sunday
Brotherhood Is to : " Meet on Monday "Members of the Mount Sinai Temple Brotherhood will hold their regular monthly dinner meeting in the Social Hall'of the Temple. Monday evening, November 24, at 6:30. Mr. Morris Pill, President of the Brotherhood will be in charge of the meeting. The program will include an outside speaker as well as current ics by' Rabbi Lewis.
Stop in—let us look over your tires— and if a little repairing or one or tw« low-priced Goodyears will answer your needs, we'll say so. Never before have we had such derful values as the 1930 Goodyears. They reflect, in fine quality at low prices, Goodyear's great leadership in the industry. Now is the time to get YOURS — with our service back of them.
Senior Hadassah Card Party Well Attended The card party sponsored by the Senior Hadassah organization „• Wednesday evening was one of'the "largest, andfmost successful held, according to the] report of the committees in "charge. -Mrs. Harify Wigodsky and M. A. Marks were in charge, of the affair. • .
The first J. C. C. Dance of this season will be held Sunday evening, November .23^; in..: the Auditorium _of the' Jewish-'^ '(femmuiiity'-WSehter. The dance, which wili begin at .8:SOt promises to" be one; of the largest attended and. most successful ever staged at Ihe Center, according to Defeat Religion in Schools the committees, m charge. . | Sari" Antonio, Texas.—A recent atLarry Burklei* and / h i s orchestra tempt by. the; Ministerial Association will furnish the music for the eve- of this city to introduce religious ning, .and several specialty' numbers training .in, connection with the school of interest and. entertainment are curriculum of San Antonio has been " - - * - - • " --. being'planned." ' defeated.
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