In the Interests of The Jewish Community
Interesting and Entertaining
Kuterea us second-class mail 1• • *£ o < January W, IKa,' at postofflce at Omaha. Nebraska. !, •£ $ > Act of March 3, 1S7&
University Is Asked to Excavate
Zionist Election Tuesday
VOL. VIIL—No. 44
The local Zionists will hold ondon. (J. T. A.—The Hebrew Advance ticket sales indicate a ca'•ersity of Jerusalem was invited their annual election next Tuespacity attendance at the Center Playby Harvard University to participate day evening at the Jewish Comers* Guild second production of the in a project for excavating on the munity Center. Rabbi David season, "The-Good Hope." The play Goldstein will be the speaker of be site of Samaria, Palestine, it was Past Presidents of Local Lodge disclosed today"- after the annual the evening. Auxiliary Sponsoring Affair to torium next P ^ 8Thursday ! ^ 1 f *evening, DecemBe Held First Night of meeting of the British School of to Be Honored at the ber 4. Archaeology. The Hebrew University Prolonged nightly rehearsals by the Chanukah Meeting cast on this difficult drama point to a Elections will share honors with will be represented by a member of The beautiful custom of lighting according to Mrs. Past Presidents at the closing meeting its staff. Dr. E. L. Sukenik,'who the Chanukah candle will be observed finished production, J d ctor has already done considerable exof the present administration of at the annual congregational dinner of ? f**> Jf? ' who md Omaha Lodge No. 354 B'nai B'rith to ploring in Palestine. the Conservative: Synagogue at the Good Others invited by Harvard are the be held in the lodge room of the Jew? l ? Jewish Community Center on Sunday, ish Community Center Thursday, Palestine Exploration Fund, the December 14, at 6:30 p. m., the first Players. *«* attempted by the Center London.—(J. T. A.)—The announced London.—(J. T. A.)—A great law! The leads will be taken by Samuel December 4. One of the features of British Academy and the British night of Oianufcah. conference between representatives of development scheme to provide frc Berek and Martha Himelstein. Sol School of Archaeology. Although the meeting will be the annual reports The committee in charge of this afe ewls Agency and the British the settlement of approximately Jft,« Michnik, Elsie Hurwitz Fogel and Earl " h actual work will not begin until of the committees. . Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of fair has arranged an interesting pro- Seigel have strong supporting roles, government regarding the interpreta- 000 families in Palestine involving The oldest past president in point March the necessary workshops are gram for the "occasion. Abner. KaiJewish Women's Welfare tion o f the Mandate and , a expenditure of not more than $12,*of service will occupy the chair for now being built and the labor needed man will act as master of ceremonies. Also included in the cast are Nate SekOrganization 500,000 for works of a productive tw* the opening ceremony of the lodge- He for the expedition is being organized. Dr. David A. Goldstein, rabbi of the erman, Sarah Sekerman, Shirley Jan- discussion of the government's Paies- ture euch as irrigation and •will be.assisted by those next in point The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- congregation, will deliver a short talk off, Leo Brown, Pauline Hurwitz, Mar-. **** policy is now under way in the was announced by Dr. of service in the ceremony. There will ganization will hold its twenty-sixth and the presidents of the Synagogue garet Hurwitz, Helen Adler, Irvin ' foreign office with Arthur Henderson, Shiels, under-secretary for the Col<ras chairman, be a short address by one of the past annual meeting on Tuesday after- and the* Auxiliary will speak. David SternhiU, Syd Wintroub, Haskall Co-; foreign secretary, ewish hen, Max Wienstein, Sol Miroff, • The J Agency is represented nies, in the course of the presidents. . ; noon, December 4, at 2:30 o'clock at Lazarus will'render a group of. songs, Charles Guss, Ealph Nogg, and Yale ** members of its political commit- tary debate on Palestine last The election promises to bring out tee> nsistm Dr the Jewish Community Center. Elec-; and Samuel Gerson will lead the com- Meyerson. «° & °f - Charm Weiz- Premier MacDonald, who spoke some close races for the offices. . msnn tion of officers will be held. munity singing. Tickets are 50 cents. ' d'Avigdor Goldsmid, Dr. Selig leaders of the laberal and In addition to the regular officers Dr. Olga Stasny will address the Mr. J. J. Greenberg, Mrs. B. A. Godetsky, M. Namier. delegates to the next meeting of the group relating some'of her*experi- Simon, Mrs. Abner K&iman, Mrs. Sam HIGHLIGHTS OF HISTORIC Although the conference is behind > District Grand Lodge which is to be ences abroad. Myron Cohen, accom-! Beber, and the members of their comPARLIAMENTARY DEBATE closed doors, the correspondent of the held this coming summer in St. Paul panied by Betty Fellman, will offer, mittees are in charge. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, visiting Omaha Womens' Club Gives Pro- j will also be elected. Mailed notices are being sent to all 1. Land development scheme te r a violin selection. the foreign office, was reliably ingram at Council's NovemPhilip M. Klutznick, who just remembers of the Conservative Synacost $12,500,000 for settlement ft? The Jewish Women's Welfare Orformed that preliminary list of quesber Meeting cently concluded a speaking tour of ganization is the oldest Jewish Wo- gogue and it has been requested that tions prepared by the Jewish Agency 10,000 families. the Canadian.lodges, is the outgoing reservations be sent in as soon as 2. MacDonald says government Political Committee and placed before The November - meeting of the men's organization in the-city. The possible. president. will not abandon Mandate policy, first president was Mrs. LouisRichthe conference for discussion included Council of .Jewish Women was held or Balfour Declaration but will do proposed changes in the text of the Monday afternoon at the Jewish ards, now of San Jose, California. its duty. Government holding In years of service ^Mrs. Reuben Says Anglo-Jewish Weeklies White Paper regarding the questions parleys with Jews andnow Community Center. The_ Current later dimof immigration and land. Kulakofsky ranks first, having acted Play Important Role in GenTopics: department • of the Omaha The Jewish Telegraphic Agency also Qar ones to be held with Arabs. era ting Good-Will Womens'• Club, presented a drama- as president for ten years. Mrs. 3. Lloyd George characterise learns that after an understanding tization of the Disarmament Con- Nathan Mantel and Mrs. Abe GreenWhite Paper as anti-Semitic docuBishop Francis J. McConnell, resihas been reached with the Jews the ference held in' London last winter. berg, present president, served three ment and urges Britain to give «!* dent Bishop of the New York area of government intends to initiate negoMrs. Louis Sommer, the Council's years each. Mrs. Dave Sherman is Mandate if it can't carry it out. The Jewish Community Center dethe Methodist Episcopal Church and tiations with the Arabs so that any program chairman, was in charge. also a past president. bate 4. Sir Herbert Samuel sees n© The Jewish Women's Welfare Orteam are in quest of their sec-; president of the Federal Council of the possible changes in the text of the the Council at this open on d reason why Palestine should not b* Makes It Impossible for Jews to Assisting Peace meeting, were the other Jewish ganization has for its purpose char-| . consecutive championship of the; churches of Christ in America, points White Paper wfll probably be sub- able to support between two Form Parliamentary Mid-western debating league when t ^ need of a tolerant interrelimitted for consideration to the Arabs ou e itable and communal work. The orwomens' organizations of Omaha. three million people. Club gious relationship between Jew and also. Mrs." Samuel Gerson is chairman ganization furnishes many workers Gentfle in an article appearing in the Instigated by MacDonald Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—The failure of the Peace Department of the to ths Community Chest as well as Jewish Criterion. j London.—The present negotiations tive parties had criticized the governan annual contribution of ^ three famCouncil. of the electorate to return more than According to Bishop McConnell, between the British government and ment's Palestine policy, announeaa eight Jews running on" Jewish tickets Preceding this meeting the regular dred dollars. The organization also anti-Semitism has reached its apex, the Jewish Agency are the result of that while circumstances made nec**to the.Sejm in Sunday's national elec- board meeting was. held. . At this sponsors the annual father-and-son "People are beginning to ask ques-'•] premier MacDonald's personal inter- sary a "pulling up" in the rapidity. «£ tion", thus making it impossible for the meeting the following new members banquet held at the Jewish Comtions and are realizing that something vention, the Jewish Telegraphic the development of the Jewish Jewish members to form a Parliamen- were announced,,: bringing the mem- munity Center each year. is wrong. _ Disregard all the talk \ Agency learns from an absolutely re- tional Home the pulling up in no taryClub ; because; the constitution re- bership to 352^ Mrs. Hi. S. Alperabout-anti-Semitism; dont accept pet- liable source. This source points out meant an abandonment of the Pali** quires at least 10 members for such a son, Mrs. Clarence Bergman, Mrs. ty challenges. Keep the discussion of; tjmt Qts Jewish Agency would never tine Mandate. ^ab^will' •prevent-the-Jews-fisBft hav*; The debate was .opened , 4 ing any representation in the various Mrs. I. G. Goodmanj/Mrsv Phil <ftGeorge, Liberal leader, who in his **• on a~lofty level, on a hfgS. intellectual the government so long as the White linsky, Mrs. Nathan Greeiberg, Mrs. Parliamentary-commissions. plane." _ ' " r Paper was not withdrawn if Premier tack on the government's policy, termArchie Jacobs, Mrs. E. • I. Kraus, With 13 Jewish members in the last MacDonald,'under his own signature, ed the White Paper an injustice to £h£ •The" Christian-Jewish good "will Sejm, the Jewish Parliamentary Club Mrs. .Benjamin Minkin,' ; Mrs. -Max movement is very much ill the'pub-" had not addressed an invitation to Dr. Jews and the Arabs. If Britain is n»> was unable to put up a strong fight Moskbvitz, Mrs. Nathan r Sekerman, lie eye these days," Bishop McConT Chaim Weizmann saying, "let's put able to carry out the Mandate, The Nathan Weinstein Jewish for Jewish rights in the budget and Mrs. Harry I. Shumow, Mrs." Henry nell stated. "Credit for the broad- the. White Paper aside for the mo- George suggested it be returned t-b education commission. The sweep of Solig, Mrs. Walter Schimmel, 'Mrs. Players will present "Yente on ening and intensification of inter- ment and consider the situation as the League of Nations. the pro-government bloc not only re- L D. Iseman, Mrs. S. H. Singer, Broadway" at the Jewish Community religious contact is' due primarily to it is." Reply sulted in the defeat of five of the Mrs. Jack Bramson, Mrs. Sam Ban, Center Sunday evening, November the editors of the English-Jewish Accepting this invitation the Agen30. Last Sunday the company preMrs. Ben Binder, Mrs. Loyal Cohn, Replying to Lloyd George, DP. previous thirteen Jewish deputies but weeklies in this country. These cy's political commission nevertheless Shiels criticized the draftsmanship of also led to the triumph of the Na- Mrs. N. Greenhouse, Mrs. Louis H. sented "Stepmothers" before a packed publications have shown so genuine found it politically wise to devote the the Mandate but assured that it won3a tional Democrats and the Korfanty Katleman, Mrs. Aaron Levine, Mrs. house at the Brandeis. a desire to dedicate their columns first session of the conference not to be carried out. The land development Sunday's play deals with a wealthy Party, both anti-Semitic groups. The Lester Lapidus, Mrs. Harry Silverto the free discussion of good will (Continued on Page 7) plan that he announced was family who lost all their money in National Democrats increased their man, Mrs. Isaac Sternhill. that when the history of the develLouis Lipp to provide for the landless the stock market crash. The young mandates by 30 seats while the Kor- . The Civics. Group of the Council of religions good will in the "who have been dispossessed as th* held their regular luncheon meeting and lovely wife cannot accustom her- they open the season this week-end opment fanty wing gained four seats. United States will be written the result of land passing to the Jew*" Of the eight Jews who won, seven at the Blackstbne Hotel Wednesday, self to live on poverty while her hus- against Kansas City and St. Louis. while the balance of the fund to be The men composing the local duo American-Jewish press will have to were elected on the United Zionist November'26th; Mrs; Robert Glazer band is recuperating from his finanbe given the place of honor." provided will be made available tor cial losses and her efforts to remain are Sam Zacharia and Louis Lapp. The bishop further stated that in ticket, while one was elected on the is leader-of this group. the settlement of both Jews sou! in wealth lead to'tragedy. Agudist ticket. In addition to these his opinion Zionism" is helping the Arabs. The leading role is taken by Nathfive Jews were elected on the pro-gov- Omaha Boy Directs Jewish people in that it is calling Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—Upon the CoL Leopold Amery, former Co«« an Weinstein. The part* of the wife ernment ticket. In Warsaw only Isaac forth the respect of the Christian invitation of the B'nai Brith, repre- servative Colonial Secretary, criticised is taken by Mrs. Weinstein, while Gruenbaum, dean of the Jewish depuEastern Orchestra world because of Its undoubted* ideal- sentatives of six national Jewish or- t h e ^ ^ P a p e r a s cona"tining Baby Diana, the "wonder girl", again ties and former president of the Jewism ganizations will confer in New York, I the n e g a t i v e passage of the Simpsoft ish Parliamentary Club, was elected. Oscar Gross, 21-year-old son of Mrs. makes a hit by her portrayal of the November 30, to consider the entire report and ignoring t h e pos itive oiwas Heschel Farbstein, noted Zionist leader M. Gross, 1026 Park avenue, is now part of "Lucy." Mr. Nathan Richter question of employment discrimina- He also pointed out that with mol* and president of the Warsaw Jewish leading the Jack Chapman Victor Re- takes the part of Mr.' Green; from tion against Jews. The organizations tact and foresight the world-wide atcording orchestra, due to Chapman's Broadway. They will be supported community, was defeated. . which have accepted the invitation are tacks on the White Paper could hav« In Warsaw alone 150,000 Jews went illness, according to word received by a cast of Yiddish Players. the American Jewish Committee, the been avoided. here by his mother. to the polls of whom 80,000 cast their Reserved seats are now on sale at American Jewish Congress, the Jewvotes for the Jewish tickets, while the The orchestra is now filling an en- the Jewish Community" Center. All Mrs. Matilda Moseoyite, 26, wife ish Welfare Board, the National Coun- London Press Divided rest of the Jewish votes were divided gagement at Toledo, after having com- seats will be reserved. London.—A marked division of Opof Dr. Julius Moscovitz, of Missouri cil of Jewish Women and the United among other parties, with a large ma- pleted a Jengthy stay in Cleveland, inion is manifested in the London Hebrew Trades. Valley, la., died Friday morning, jority to the pro-government bloc. where it was featured over radio stapress as to whether the parliamenNovember 21, at the Omaha MaterAll of these organizations have altion WTAM.' Mr. Gross began his The general impression here is that nity hospital. She had given birth ready discussed the employment prob- tary debate on Palestine will do atiy* the failure of the Jewish electorate to musical career in Omaha, Harry Bra(Continued on Page 7) to a daughter two days previous. lem as it affects Jews and have eviconcentrate on one, or at the most der's orchestra, and later went to Short funeral services were held denced interest and concern in finding Kansas City to play with the welltwo, Jewish tickets was an important at the Jewish Funeral Home Friday | a possible solution. It is agreed by known Slatz Eandall's orchestra there. factor in the Pilsudski victory. afternoon. Dr. Moscovite and his each of them that before any effective father, Mr. M. Moscovitz, ' accom- ' action can be planned the facts in the Vienna.—(J. T. A.)—Jewish leaders panied the body to Baltimore, where case must be accurately ascertained here are voicing considerable anxiety funeral services were held Sunday. It is hoped that out of the forthcomover the return of Major Waldemar ing conference wfll come a united efSam Zacharia Pabst, former leader of the Heimwehr, fort for a survey of the entire field An enthusiastic crowd of 266 whose exile on a charge of high treas- Last year Zacharia paired with Ben of employment in relation to oppor- auspiciously inaugurated the Junior on some months ago by ex-Chancellor Kazlowsky swept through the league tunities "for Jewish workers. Forum, sponsored by the Henriett* Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—The bread ing less than a 40 per cent reduction Schober was recently cancelled by without a defeat. Szold club and the A. Z. A. chapter in prices,, is-preventing a settlement. Prince Ernst von Starhemberg, Heimstrike, supervised by a committee On November 29 the Omaha debatNo. 1, at the J. C. C. last Monday The members of the Conservative speaking for leading Jewish workers' The conference asked for a reduction wehr leader, and minister of the in- ers will meet Kansas City there. evening. of" three cents on the pound of bread. Synagogue Auxiliary will hold a tea and other organizations, enters its terior in the Vaugoin cabinet. The next evening the local repre- and reception after the special Rabbi David A. Goldstein spot* Many Jewish housewives who' resecond week with no relief in sight When he was expelled last June, sentatives will meet St. Louis. on "Youth and the Synagogue." FolThanksgiving services of the Conserand with housewives compelled to fuse to buy non-Jewish baked bread Austrian. Jewry bre&thed a sigh of reThe question in both debates will be lowing the address an open forutn. Word has been received here of the are, as a result of the bread boycott, bake their own or to eat non-Jewish lief because it was felt that he was « Eeso lved, that the suspension of Jew- vative Synagogue Friday evening, baked bread. . . . - ' • making real the legend in the "Mah the principal cause of the anti-Semitic j ish Emigration to America will de- November 28, at the Jewish Com- death of Dr. Leo Frachtenberg of was held, a spirited discussion efrChicago, HI., Tuesday morning at suing. While the striking housewives, Nishtanah" of the Passover Hagga- policy of the Heimwehr, of which he j s t r o y J e w i s h d i t ^ e m m s country." munity Center. Nathan Sekerman and wife Waterloo, Iowa. He had taken ill dah by eating matzoth, Jewish groRabbi David Goldstein Goldstein will will address address "»«="««» *«"». through their picketers in front of all is the founder. Pabst is an intimate i i p p i s a former Creighton univerRabbi David ">= " ° " »~~w. — ( .,.,.*.,*,«... K,W>^.,.~*. ~..~ . «, cers reporting a big increase in the bakeries and through the press and at friend of Adolf Hitler with whom he sity debate captain, and forensic star. the Auxiliary and a quartet which following a speech at Waterloo and several violin and piano selections sale of unlea'vened Passover cakes. developed pneumonia. He was to round out the program. meetings are determined that a reducwas associated in the abortive Munich • Zacharia has represented • the Center has been organized under the leaderscheduled to be the principal speaker | According to Rabbi Goldstdtj, tion be made in the price ."f bread to putsch. ^ in debating for three years and is at ship of Mrs. Sam Beber will render and honored guest at an open meet- youth's enthusiasm runs high correspond with the tirop in the price Geneva.—(J. T. A.)—Keen disap- Although Major Pabst's youth was! several selections. ^ g p o n s o r of ^ debate dub ing of the Council Bluffs B'nai Brith everything youth does is in the of flour, the master bakers maintain pointment prev&ils here in various cir- spent in a Jewish home in Berlin ne'xj i e r e Lodge No. 68S for Monday evening treme. The speaker told his audieftc* that the high overhead and the refusal cles interested in the Palestine ques- has been a leader of the anti-Semitic K ' _ Honorary Palestine Consul in Council Bluffs, but due to his ill- that if they want something to of the Jewish union bakers, who are tion over the probability that the faction of the Heimwehr. His return' _ ,. , , ., _, Jerusalem.—S. A. Van Vriesland, a ness the open meeting in Coiinci' excited in they should look to said to be the highest paid bakers in League of Nations will not be able to to Austria, which was accompanied by: National -Assembly Elections ish history, the Bible, and the times. Detroit, to consent to lower wages, take any action on the British White a triumphal march from the time he] Jerusalem.—The elections to the former member of the Zionist Execu- Bluffs was postponed. tive and now an official of the PalestDr. Frachtenburg -was well-known, Or if they want something make a drastic reduction impossible. Paper much before a year from now crossed the border from his Italian re- j Assefat Hanivcharim, the - national Representatives <of the conference in view of. the fact, that the present fuge, coupled with the untrammeled • assembly of • Palestine Jews, will "be ine Potash, Ltd., was appointed hon- having been here pre\"iously (last thrilling to do, ho advised them to of Jewish organizations and of- the session of the Mandates Commission anti-Semitic agitation of the Heim- held December 15, according to a re- orary counsel-general of Holland in year). He was a former professor of aid their brethren who were being Palestine. He succeeded Jacobus philosophy at the Columbia Univer- suffocated in Poland, or to master bakers agree, however, th?* will end tomorrow without the Palthe interference of the small group of estine problem's. having been dis- wehr Minister of Justice, Frauz Hue- port of the election committee to the Kann, also a Zionist, as Dutch consul sity, and worked for the government their attention to Zionism and tb£ ber, is causing serious concern to Aus- j Jewish National Council. The asuphuilding of the Holy Land. { a long time in research work. Jewish communists, who demand noth- cussed. sembly elects the Council. here. trian Jewry.
Jewish Agency and Palestinian Que tion Debated in Government Parliament Confer
Mrs. J. Moscovitz Passes Away
Detroit in Throes of Jewish Bread Strike
American Hebrew Medal
Hitler's Hat§*Mongers Adolph Hitler Spr&ids of His Bigotrotis Mindedness to
here Sunday for Palestine, where he will become principal of the Teacherp'1 Training School for Girls at Jerusalem. A graduate of the University of Berne, Switzerland, Dr. Seidel tame to America in 1912 and for several years was connected" with the Rabbinical Seminary of New York as instructor of the Bible and Hebrew. Numbering 1,200 pupils, six schools have been under his supervision here.
ALFRED New York Club Meets Regularly toGarry URGES BRITAIN Out the Program ofGerman Anti-Semite TO RECONSIDER By MEYER LEVIN
NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, INC. 'Everything for the Auto** 2501 Farnam—AT. 6524
President of B'nai B'rith Wires
The arm of the law M .said, to beif the aims of the Hitler party were up. "Jewish rights" in Palestine to British Amlong,.but.that qf Adolf Hitler, Ger- accomplished, in' Germany., Would •were always referred to with one, bassador many's Fascist generalissimo, appears the American "cells" then feel that <two, or three exclamation marks, to be longer. On assignment from Cincinnati.—(J. T. A.)—Voicing an the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Mr, their service had been completely thusly ( ! ) . Levin daringly invaded p. meeting of accomplished, or would they . con- Then the members began to sing. "earnest appeal and solemn protest the-American Hitlerites and conveys sider it a part of their program Copies of the official Hitler Songbook, against the recently issued White Pahis impressions of their plans and to propagate the Hitler plan of in German, were circulated. per" on Palestine in behalf of the doings in this unusual article.—THE government in the United States." B'nai B'rith, Alfred M- Cohen, interEDITOR. Songs of Violent Character The American Hebrew medal for the first time this year to the Hon. "We believe in facism," said the • * • The songs were all of a violent, national president of that Jewish orOn a murky cellar door at 303 E. member. "We believe facism is the war-time character. The name of der, wired Sir Ronald Lindsay, Brit- the promotion of better understanding Newton D. Baker of Cleveland, in New between Christian and Jew in Ameri81st .Street, New York, is the cele- best form of- government." Hitler continually recurred, as that ish ambassador at Washington, urg- c a w h i < w a s York on the evening of December 9, "For America too?" an anbrated Hitler sign of the ".Hafcenof a national hero or a God. Such ing that Great Britain carefully r e - ' n u»a l w a r*d a t testablished—as 1930. The medal was executed by h He smiled. — e fiftieth anniversary kreuz". From - within, on a y Friday lines as "Hitler will lead us to consider the subject matter of that ! Ernest Wise Keyser, American sculp"How would American nationalism victory," "We'll follow Hitler even document and of the Simpson report. ^ebration of the publication, Novemnight, one may hear a few- score tor. Jbe. .determined? in Germany, you unto death" recurred again and Speaking in the name of an interoa- | ber 21, 1929. It will be awarded for lusty voices singing, ' . •': feel • tbat :: it is simple. -A Teuton, a again. Most songs were sung to a tional fraternity of Jews with 80,000 ~~ "No 'Jewish eye shall dare behold members in 26 countries, Mr. Cohen who, in behalf of the Jewish people, cerned in the Mandate of Palestine German maid with hair of gold-—!" German by race, is alone entitled to vigorous marching rhythm. belong to your party. How would And other, more violent themes. Almost every song had one or two wrote that the B'nai Brith "respect- are urging careful reconsideration of may be assured." The first, "cell" of the Hitler or-; that be applied to America? What verses directed against the Jews. fully requests you to convey to His the subject matter of the White Paper ganizatipn Is 'already active in New is an- American by Would a Thus, in a favorite chant, occured Majesty's Government its earnest and and the Simpson report to the endBaltimore Educator solemn protest against the recently is- that the inviolability of the pledge of Baltimore.—Dr. Moses Seidel, who York. Following the Hitler principle German—American or an Irish- the sentiment: sued White Paper which by denying! His Majesty's Government to the Jew- for the last eight years has been of rapid expansion and division" the American or even a Jewish-American "No Jewish eye shall dare behold New York' cell has sent a rep- be eligible to participate in an German maid with hair of gold!" further immigration of Jews in con-! ish people and to all the nations con- supervisor of the Board of Jewish siderable numbers and setting up in- — — — • • •—• Education in Baltimore, will leave ~ resentative to Chicago. His report, American nationalist movement?" In another verse the Hitlerites surmountable barriers to the acquis-1 read at a recent New York meeting, Against Jews intoned the belief that "Hitler will ition of land by Jews, nullifies t h e ! WE SPECIALIZE IN FRAMING MONSKY, KATLEMAN & GRODIN8KY, containing cheering news of eighty SEE OVR NEW lAMrS, Such general questions, the Hitler- give the Jews the boot!" Again they Attorneys provision in the Mandate of Great; Hitlerites marching to the gteuben ite felt, were not within his scope. .REASONABLY PRICEP 737 Omaha National Bank Bldgr. sang: Britain over Palestine, guaranteeing NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORArne ijerr club.' It is planned to organize units He offered the observation however TION* OF "INSUKANCE TBCST, INthat His Majesty's Government will. in Milwaukee, St. Louis, and in all that, "We don't have to do anything "All wealth and property be ours. COHPO RATJiD" No Jew shall be allowed to keep our use its best endeavors to facilitate the ' NOTICE is hereby given that the undercenters where Germans are thickly about the Jews. Everybody in signed, pursuant to the laws of the State wealth!" establishment of a national home for, settled. oi Nebraska, have formed a corporation, America is against the Jews." He the name of •which is "Insurance Trust, Inthe Jewish people. j The American "cejls" of • the Na- smiled slyly, and said intimately, Social and Political corporated," and its principal place of business is In the city of Omaha, Douglas •The B'nai Brifch farther, respect-j tionalist Socialist party will co-" "The Jews 7are .Sinjfair -in rbusiness."' County, Nebraska. The purposes for which The meetings gave every evidence this corporation is formed are to purchase, operate with the organization in Then he nodded, indicating that the of being carried on according to a fully, bat none the l<jss firmly, pro-1 ownership and sale of stocks and bonds in Insurance companies, and corporations of Courtesy Service Germany by, sending/ funds;, pro> Hitler cell would. not hang back '-pattern of meetings for these "cells."- tests against the implication, if inall character, also the right and power to mulgating "fascist" propaganda, and from particijpationr-in any -anti- Social and pleasurable activities were deed it be not the conclusion, of both purchase the Company's own stock; the THULL PHARMACY purchase, discount and sale of notes, inusing whatever influence.;.. they,. _, can^ Semitic nivvehifixit^n- this coflntryJ combing(L_ wjth ^thejrolitical purpose. the Simpson report aliSS the White Pa- ' cluding surplus notes of Assessment Insur24th and Seward per tti&t»the enormous amount of conj ance companies, aud trade acceptances. Incxerfc in- America for the, Abolish- Tljey simplyD felt^tha* the movement iThe wily c.-tengthj; talk *-wa$ t>y & In charge of Registered Pharmacist cluding nows given in the purchase ot all character ot pleasure and commercial aument of the Young plan and the can- was. far ei*i«^i^^V^ted so' that member-- who described *a camping structlve work done in Palestine b y ! Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery tomobiles, vehicles, tractors, etc.; the purcellation of reparations. With the they, did not Eaye'to do active work trip "during whieh he got lost in. Jthe. Jews at the expense and sacrifice of chasing and discounting of accounts receivable and other evidences of Indebtedworld Jewry has been detrimental to celebrated anti-Semitic plank in the in .making Americans hate the 'Jews. woods. ness, including mortgages of real and perthe interests of the Arab population. sonal property, and to do all other things Hitljsr Platform, the New York The meeting of the Hitlerites was The very lack of political discus- The evidence of hundreds of impartial! necessary or. incident to the conduct of Its business. The corporation shall have the members are also in full sjnnpatjiy. unusually devoid;--of any form of sion served to indicate how compower to establish branch offices in other HAVE YOUR PICTURE "However," the smilingly point -o#t,a Intelligent discussion, such as is to 'pletely the members accept the Hit-observers of many nations is to the parts of the United States and foreign MADE NOW contrary. countries and to purchase, lease and own "it is not necessary for us "to start be expected ' in any ordinary in- ler, program, and-how devoted they real and personal property outside of BB ?"The B'naf Brith unites with others 6 Photos for 15c well as in the State of Nebraska. The afan anti-Semitic campaign in America surgent group. •• are to their* purpose. As in a war fairs of the corporation shall be adminisas everybody in America already is Dozen photos ._._ 25c tered by a Board of Directors, which shall Each member, on entering, raised program, there was nothing to dis- STALMASTER * BKBER. Attorneys consist of not less than two nor more than against the Jews." seven, -who Bhall be elected at the anuual 650 Omaha Nafl Bank Bids. SMILE STUDIO his right arm in a salute resembling cuss, only one feeling to be heightmeeting to be held on the 3rd Tuesday NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ened by the widely effective massthe Fascist salute, and said out loud, 300 Douglas Bile., 16th & Dodge after the first day in January of each year. Organizes "Cells" The Board shall elect from this number a In the County Court of Douglas County, President, one or more Vice-Presidents. I s organizing his party, Adolph "Heil!" The others replied in the exciting agencies of hero-worship, Nebraska. .Secretary aud Treasurer and an Assistant In the matter of the estate of John CrawTreasurer and such other officers as the Hitler adopted the ''natural" or same way. He then took his place at song, and such other paraphernalia ford, deceased. • " * * ' Board may deem necessary. The authoras a special salute, and an emblem. All persons interested in said estate are "protoplasmic1' > system of - growth. the table. ized capital stock of the corporation shall hereby notified that a petition has been The hero is Hitler, the emblem is A younger lad, in boy-scout unibe $100,000.00, divided into 10,000 shares, of j The. party is organized in small filed in said Court alleging that said dethe par value of $10.00 each. $50,000.00 of , died leavlnp no last will nnd praywhich shall be common stock and $C0,units of from thirty to fifty, mem- form, wearing a "Hokenkreuz" the Hakenkreuz, the songs are re-ceased ing for administration upon his estate, and 000.00 of which shall be preferred stock. ' 4420 Florence Blvd. The preferred Rtock shall be entitled t o ; bers. Each^ such unit is- called a sleeveband, served the members with ceived from the Hitler headquarters that a hearing will he had on said petition before said court on the 20tn day of IJecempreference over the common stock as to | in Germany," the salute is delivered K.E. 1500 "ceU." A "cell' may exist in a, beer. dividends at the rate of 6 per cent per an- i ber. 1830. and that if they fail to appear at with enthusiasm. num. payable quarterly, semi-annually or; said Court on the girtd 20th day of DecemThe House With A BeputatUn factory, a town, a city district, in Dues for German Fascists annually, as the Board of Directors may i ber. 1030. at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said When the meeting was. over, all petition, the Court may grant the same and determine. Such dividends shall be cumu- . a- school, in a large office. Thus, in The meeting began with a financial the members arose, lifted their right grant administration of sold estate to Irene lative from the date of issue of the re-1 Berlin, there are: 1200 such cells. report, the collection of dues, and spective shares of preferred stock. Pre- J Davis, or- some other suitable person and ferred stock shall also have a preference j thereof. When a healthy trail grows large, it other fees, which the treasurer an- arms, and repeated three times, with proceed to a settlement orer the common stock in any distribution ' BRTCB CRAWFOUn. gusto, "Heil! Heil! Heil!" of assets. The preferred stock shall be: divides. New''cells are constantly nounced "went directly to the party 11-2&—3T County Judge. subject to redemption at the option of the ' fL (Copyright 1930 by the Jewish Company upon any dividend date at 105, formed. WILLIAM BRYDEN CO. MONSKY, KATLEMAN * GBODINSKT, in Germany." Then a letter, was per cent of par, plus any dividends nnpaid Attorney* Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) .to date, of redemption upon, the vote of The New York unit meets every read from the Chicago envoy, who 78? Omaha N«t1 Bank Bid*. not less than the majority In-Interest oft Friday. The door marked^with the described his success with the Chithe ; outstanding common stock. . Notice of , Notice by Publication on Petition tor STA1.MASTKK ft BEBER, Attorney* the Intention of Che Company to redeem] Settlement of Final Administration Account swastiska opens' into, aV long' base- cago group. Many German newsthe'preferred stock shall ba mailed thirty) 030 Omaha Nut'l Bank Bid p. ; before the date of redemption to each In the County Court of Douglas Connty, ment room. A table is stretched.the papers were j>asse,d along the table. 638 Securities Bid?.—AT. 4451 days, ; NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATION holder of preferred stock of tecoud to his • Nebraska. ' -last known postotfice address. .The pre-1 full length of She room. On- both Most of. them -,'bore anti-Semitic In the County Court of Douglas County, In the matter of the estate of Morris M. < ferred and common stock or'either thereof I Rosenblatt, deceased. I sides of the table, sit the 'JNalzi'A'.'i stories and articles ,6n the front Nebraska. may be increased at any time Upon vote of j All persons interested in snld matter are • In the matter of the estate of Elizabeth the holders of not less than a majority of hereby notified that on the 24th day of numbering- some thirty ' young men page. Some of 'these stories are Crjawford, deceased. the aggregate amount of common stock November. 1930, Henry Monsky, Mollie MolAll persons Interested in said estate are outstanding. Stock may be paid for in and ten young* women! They' drink concerned with. the recant develop- hereby notified that a petition has been lle Rosenblatt, and Pavid Sherman filed a cash notes or in snch other property and /or petition In said County Court, praying that Barry H. Lapldua. PresidentXrcas. filed in said Court alleging that said debeer, and they sing songs out of the ments in Great Britain regarding service at the reasonable value thereof as final rdminlstration account filed ceased died leaving no last -will and pray- their the Company may need or be able to use be settled and allowed, and that official Hitler songbook. A piano is Palestine. Efforts of Chaim Weiz- ing-for administration upon her estate, and herein in the conduct of Its 'business. Any stockthey be discharged from their trust as thSt a hearing -will be hnd on-said petition holder in the corporation desiring to disand that a henrinc will be hnd on at the further end of the room. mann and Felix M. Warburg to before said court on the 20th day of Decem- executors pose of his stock must first tender his said petition before said Court, on the 20th ber; 1030, and that if they fail to appear at holdings for purchase to the corporation. The walls -are covered with protest the White Paper were reday of December, 1930. and that if you fail Should the corporation acquire any of its sajjd Court on the said 20th day of Decem- to appear before said Court on the said violently-colored posters,, and with ferred, to with greatest scorn. The ber, 1030, at 0 o'clock A. M. to contest said 20th stock, said stock, if thereafter sold, must day of December, 1930. at 0 o'clock COMPLETE STORE AND be tendered to the then stockholders, who petition, the Court may grant the same A. fS., and contest snid petition, the Court snapshots of Hitler in uniform. shall be privileged to buy it in amounts • OFFICE OUTFITTERS report of "a Jewish mob breaking and grant .administration of said estate to may grant the prayer of said petition, enter proportionate to their respective stockhold- J Irene Darts or some other" suitable person a decree of helrship, and make snch other the windows of the English consulate and ing in the .corporation and In the event j proceed to a settlement thereof. Posters and further orders, allowances and decrees, Over 10.000 Square Feet of any one or more stockholders elect not BRY.CH CKAWFOBD, as to this Court may seem proper, to the to take his ot their proportionate share of Most of the posters are varia- in Warsaw" was gleefully played 11-28-T3T Southwest Corner Counts: Judge. end that all matters pertaining to said said stock, then snch proportionate share estate may be finally settled and deEleventh and Douglas Streets tions of the same design. A stalshall be tendered to the remaining stocktermined. holders in the proportions , of their rePhone JAckson 2724 wart,' bare-chested German laborer spective holdings. All Of such aforemen_„ BRYCE CRAWFORD, Omaha. Nebr. tioned tenders must be in writing and the 11-28—3T County Judge. is swinging a sledgehammer pver the stock desired to be sold must be tendered top hat (and incidentally the head) on the same terms and conditions for MONSKT, KAT1EMAN * GROHINSKT IT'S THE CHEAPEST IN THE LONQ RUN—MOKE HEAT LESS ASH which a bona fide offer of purchase may 187 Omaha National Bank Bldic. of an obviously American gentleman be had from -some person and said tender LESS flOKK, LESS WOKKI • NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF must remain open for fifteen days nfter COLONIAL MOTORS, INC. labelled "Young Plan". On another Ha e 8t de It is made. In the event of the dentil of j Notice is hereby given that, the underany stockholder who is not an officer or T poster, the same stalwart, baresigned have, pursuant to the laws of the dtrector of this company, the company HAND-PICKED LCMP State of Nebraska, frfrmed a corporation. Phone JAckson 1226 chested Teuton is ramming into bits shall have the option to purchase the stock The name of the corporation is COLONIAL. of the deceased »t such jtrice per share as OCR PRIDE LUMP _ _ ~ » MOTORS. INC.. Its'principal place of busia bank-like pagoda labelled "High may be agreed upon. In the event of a MINE RUN—50% LUMP ness in the City of Omaha. The corporaJ $9.00 failure to aswe. the price shall be fixed Finance." Other posters show the tion is authorized to maintain a nil operate j by arbitration, the company naming one . a general automobile njrency. to maintain j arbitrator, the executor or administrator; Hitlerite in uniform, bearing a rifle. From Swear Creek. and operate shops nnd to buy, siVl. lense j naming oue arbitrator, and such two arbf- I nnd encumber all necessary rea) or per- I Best Crada ; trators choosing the third arbitrator; If a | The New York cell is called the sonal property required to enrry out the third -arbitratoris -not agreed upon, after I affairs of the corporation. The capital is "Teutonia club." The Chicago cell a request to net, said third arbitrator Bhall $.TO.000.0O. par value of stock $100.00 pet upon petition of any party interested, be share, all common nnd fully pnid when iswill bear the same name. The chain appointed by the District Court of Douglas sued. The corporation shall commence Sootltss—No Slate—No Boclt—Very MttU A»h County. -Nebraska, the conclusion of two of "Teutonia clubs", it is hoped by business when these Articles nre filed with of three arbitrators shall determine the the County Clerk of Douglas County, Kethe members, will soon swing across matter. The eorpornto indebtedness shall braskn, and shall continue for 50 years. not -exceed two-thirds of its capital stock. The highest amount of indebtedness) Khali the country. . . :. These Articles of Incorporation may be not. exceed two-thtrds of the capital stock. ' amended in the manner provided by the The affairs of the corporation Khnll be ad- . The aims :of the club, as expressed laws of the State ot Nebraska and upon ministered by a Board of Hired ors to be the vote of the holders of not less than a b^r'a member, are • simply and abfixed by the by-laws, to lie not less than 23rd and Cuming Street majority of the aggregnte paid-np capital two nor more than five in number. The stock outstanding. The corporation shall solutely in accord with the aims of Bonrd shall he elected flt the annual meet- I have n seal containing the words "Insuring to be held the second VCednpsdny In I the Hitlerites in«Germany. The local ance Trust. Incorporated. Omnnn. Nebrase January of each yenr nnd' immediately I ka" surrounding the words "Corporate thereafter shall elect a President, Vice- ' members are in correspondence with President. Secretary nnd Treasurer. The v Adolph Hitler. affairs of the corporation shall l>« ad"HE-CREAM <-ThfT0WN ministered by the offlrprs and the Hoard. "We are against the reparations," Articles may be amended. The entire assets of the corporation may be sold by Dated nt Omahfl. Nebraska, the 30th day paid a member. "We are against the vote of (US per cent of the total outstanding of October. 103a stock. The corporation may have a seal. Young plan." Dated October 3. 1030. j DONALD L. BOSB,
Certified Public Accountants
&, r
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MORRIS JACOBS GETS PICTURES FROM EUROPE ' < -Frasers Send Views of Interest-
Larnin. The Irish boy punished Al unmeicifnHy and he never got over it. Singer was the victim of mismanagement and greed. I f s too bad but Al is through as a fighter. The next lightweight champion of the world worthy of the name will be Jack Ie Berg, that is if he ever gpls into the ring with the present champion.
of Pennsylvania. The Jewish were granted a franchise and put a strong team on the James E . Dessen and Dr. Benj. iD**sen will do the coaching— BS*X Baer, now of, Livermore, Califorrti*, «nd more recently of Denver get his big' chance in the prise if tentative plans to have the Jew&it heavyweight meet Jack Sharkey »£ the Charity Milk Funds bouts which Chatterings Brith Sholom of Philadelphia have will be held in Madi'on Square entered the Jewish Basketball League den this winter, go through.
Two Interesting Jewish Views in Prague
• ing Jewish Scenes from Prague
Pictures of the Staronova Synagogue in Prague and the Jewish Cemetery in Prague were mailed to Morris E. Jacobs of Bozell and Jacobs Advertising Agency by Mr. and Mrs. W- A. Fraser,. who are now on a tour of Europe. Mr. Fraser, who is president of the Woodmen of the World l i f e Association, is combining pleasure with business. He is touring the continent and England to see what opportunity there is to broaden the activities of the Woodmen of the World. He is investigating the friendly societies in England and is also seeking an interview with Mussolini in Italy to see if-'; camps of , the Woodmen of the World fraternal organization may be established there. • The Woodmen of the World numbers thousands of Jewish people in its membership in the United States and Mejdco. • ' The Woodmen of the World l i f e "Association is the largest of its kind in tae world. ' ' ' • . ' . IV
M. SOMIT 2429 Decatur Street The above Cemetery is an old Jewish Cemetery in Prague visited by Mr. and Mrs. W. A . Fraser.
"Jndaiant in the MakingBeginning Monday" evening, December 1, Rabbi Goldstein will give a course in' "Judaism in the Making." This will be. a survey of Jewish hisBy GEORGE JOEL tdry and "Jewish.literature from earliest times to the present. The ma-! A i ginger Tumbled from Throne terial will be treated from a modern j ^ rige rf M g i fnm &sUc cribcal and « e n f a f » point of v.ew.1 ^ %Q ^ ch ibnshi was Those interested in creative study « a y as swift as his seemapply to the Jewish Community office . ,. ., , 1,. ., 4 ... for admission to this course. , , , ' j. ' ., ,. for less than four months Al on his attempt to defend it went down to Chanukah • defeat before Tony Canzoneri, in the Dont forget that the first evening I first ro^.nd of a scheduled tenround of Chanukah is Sunday, December 14. j bout. The end came before the specPrepare your candles and Menorahs; tators had had a chance to get comand remember to surprise one another j fortably seated in their seats, with Chanukah gifts. Make Chanukah j A crowd of 14,592 paid $70,000 to so attractive and exciting to your fam- js e e Al lose his crown and there was flies that t i e observance of Christmas much murmuring about "fixed fight." will be no temptation to them. Al had been a heavy favorite to win. He had beaten Canzoneri before and there seemed to be no- reason for his Second Annual Dinner The second annual dinner of the not repeating. Tony is a veteran Synagogue will usher in the Chanu-' a n d certainly not getting any better, kah festival for the members. Keep; J t seemed to me that Singer's the date in mind, Sunday evening, De- trouble was the result of his fight cember 14, the night of the first with the welterweight Jimmy Mccandle. Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "This Changing World and the Decline of Sermon Topic for December 5 On Friday evening, December 5, Religious Faith."
Sport Notes
Notes of Temple The above Synagogue is one of the sights of Prague and dates back to 606 A. I>. and is described as one of the most interesting buildings visited on Sermon Rabbi .Frederick Cohn has chosen the European trip of W. A. Fraser. u .The Conquest of happiness," based on Bertrand Bussell's book, as the sub? ject of;-.his- sermon at Temple Israel tonight. Saturday morning his topic will be VThe Dream of Heaven." Candle Lighting Time, Friday, NoKaddish vember 28: 4:15 p m. be recited this Sabbath Speakers Using- Strong Language in Battle for Jewish Charles Eosewater and Marion Hortense Ungar. Rights Thanksgiving Services this Friday Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "The Book Review Budapest: (J. IV. A.)—The fight True Thanksgiving." A special proRabbi Cohn reviewed "The Build- for Jewish: rights, in Hungary was gram of music has been arranged by ers of Bay Colony," by S. E. Morison resumed during the parliamentary Mrs. Sam Beber. At the dose of the Tuesday afternoon before the Sister- debate with the speakers using lan- services, there will be a social hour hood Book Review Club at the Black- guage even .stronger that that em- for all under the auspices of the Synastone Hotel. ployed in the discussion' in the last gogue Auxiliary. two days over the exclusion of Jews The next book review by Rabbi Cohn from membership in the Hungarian before the Sisterhood will be .given Order of Heroes; . The Synagogue plans to enrich i t s December 9, at 2:30 at the BlackDeputy Fabian openly accused the .services with a permanent choir, ta stone. He will review "Oblomov," the government of "practicing an un- (Soloist and fervent congregational ^Russian,masterpiece b j Ivan Gon- oiEcial numerus clausus in providing •singing. . . £' 'charow. Jewish ex-service men with'''civilian employment. He "supported this charge by citing ; figures to prove The Community Center Sunday -School The Conservative' Synagogue has that only ten percent of the Jewish The regular monthly luncheon of war veterans had received civilian agreed to contribute the services of Rabbi D. A. Goldstein, as administrathe Temple Israel Sisterhood will be jobs. - held in the vestry rooms of the Tem- This charge aroused Julius Goem- tor of the Community- Center Sunday School. Rabbi Goldstein is now busily ple on Monday, December 1, followed boes, minister ' of " war, who had engaged in reorganizing the schooL by a most interesting program confavored the barring of Jews from New teachers have been engaged and ducted by Bernard Szold of the Comthe Order of Heroes, to interrupt new text books have been ordered. munity Playhouse. Reservations may Deputy Fabian by shouting "mention The curriculum has been reconstructbe made with Mrs. Burt Hene, Walnut specific cases." The. debate then de- ed in accordance with the very latest •5651. veloped into a heated argument ex- views as to what a. Sunday School ceeding by far the stormy scene ought to be. Because of this reor, -< Psychology Class enacted during the discussion on the The Psychology class of the Sister- question, of Jewish, exclusion from ganization there will be no session, on November 30. The f m * session of the hood will meet on December 2. the Order of Heroes. school will take place on Sunday, DeThis matter was again raised to| c e m b e r 7 . After the fourteenth of DeEntertaining Evening Planned day by the Jewish deputies,.one o t j c e m b e r p o s i t ively no children will-be A most entertaining evening is them inquiring from his seat why enrolled. Parents are cordially invitpromised for December 9, when a somother or wife is a ed at all times to visit the school. cial .affair,4 conducted by Mrs. Sam Jewes y Robinson and Mrs. Sam Appelman j f ™ beJcome * " ^ f " ' Rabbi Goldstein will always be glad wfll .be held in the vestry rooms of the l s t e * b u t j s ™* Permitted to belong to advise with any parents about the Jewish education of their children. Temple ' *° t h e O r d e r o f H e r o e s -
Conservatwe Synagogue News
1413 Douglas
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This is a lamp designed along scientifically correct lines, with a patented inner diffuser to give the proper downward distribution of light for reading, and an evenly diffused light upward for proper i l l u m i n a t i o n throughout the e n t i r e room.
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If you are going to. remember your lovedones across the sea with m o n e y t h i s Chanukah, now is the time to send it.
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I just received a supply of Chanuka articles: Chanuka candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanukah greeting cards. Anyone buying any., of the above-mentioned articles will get the story of Chanukah in English and Jewish with Benedictions and Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also want to call your attention to the fact that I handle the best Taleisim, silk and wool, at very moderate prices, and also the best and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling silver. Don't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Rokeach Kosher articles of which I am the agent.
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1930 Gosling, because the constituency is There are those of course, who Providence who protects, decides, rewards, and overwhelmingly Jewish and there is felt that this bidding was demeanpunishes. To these two forms.. Einstein adds his great' resentment there against the &ig and undignified. Somehow, I "cosmic feligious sense," which exceptionallygovernment because* of its Palestine never could get excited on that scores Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by gifted individuals may attain, though traces of it policy. If the bidding were for something THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY |a r e f o u n d some who have never made reselfish, then I would grant the point, Office: 490 Brandeis Theater Building (Commodore. Cardinal Hayes pleaded Polish Embassy Intervened but if someone is trying to make jsearches in the universei as the Psalmist David Telephone; Atlantic 1460 London.—Thj8$5'the Polish embassy what virtually amounts to a larger United States i for cooperation and unity among • (who saw the heavens declaring the glory of God Protestants, Catholics and Jews to in. London h^f "intervened wth thedonation to the synagogue than I, DAVID BLACKER . . . . Managing Editor \ showing forth his handiwork. Aid War on Rackets a n d t h e f i r m a m e n t advance the teachings of religion in British foreign" «»ffic«' regarding the then I cannot fee "the perfidy of the PRANK R ACKERMAN Cd tOfl Ten prominent Jewish leaders in ' According to this mighty Jewish thinker the "cossuspension cf^immigration to Palest- act. the public schools of the country. P ANN IE KATELMAN, Council Bluffs, la., Correspondent industrial, professional and religious religious sene sense" comes the Among at theine was reveSfe^i h*re. •* The Polish mic reigious com of contemplating pg _ the other speakers ^ (Continued on page 7)
nobility and marvelous order revealed in nature;fields have been included on the com- jbreakfast was Mr. I.'David Cohen, embasy has c&nplitiited over the fact h " I t involves HO " G o d AHt t*o*r n»e « C r«a m* t oinvited Jwj**™*(president of the Jewish Teachers' that 2,000 PoKsh Jews had liquidated and the worldd of thought." their businesses rwith • the intention
recognizes y devise means of, Association, who expressed the hope made in man's image" but r e c o g n i z e sijsuppressing racketeers here. The « — cooperation -between the three of proceeding to Palestine and then suppressing that a power that set all things in motion and developed committee includes: Micheal Fried- largest denominations in the country had not had permission to go granted living, sentient being. sam, president of B. Altaian & Co.; would enlarge the scope of religious them. As is to be expected, most of the clergy dis- Rev. Dr. Nathan Krass, of Temple teaching for all children. The British foreign office replying Emanu-El; Arthur Lehman of Lehto the protest indicated that of the agree with the Einstein philosphizing. His cosmic New Type of Zionist Club man Bros.; Rev. Dr. David deSola 1,500 immigration certificates *ocentsense of awe at the mystery of the universe is not HEBREW CALENDAR Boston.—Designed to furnish a forPool, of the Spanish and Portuguese ly released, Poland wouio. probably Monday, December 15 sufficient to satisfy them, but his expressions Synagogue; R- Sadowsky, president um for the open discussion of Zionist receive over 1,000. 1st Day Chanukah At the same time Rosh Chodesh Tebeth______Suiiday, December 21 should meet with the approval of a majqrity of of Clothing Manufacturers' Associa- problems and to act as a source of the foreign office expressed surprise Monday, Jan. 19, *he Jewish People. Judaism never did fetter her tion; S. S. Samuels, president of Fur- Zionist propaganda for the entire that so many Jews were able to Rosh Chodesh Shevat. Monday* Feb. 2 followers with strict, straightjacket dogmas. riers' Association; Benjamin Schles- New England Zionist Region, a new liquidate their affairs in the two days Chamisha O'ser B'Shevat Zionist club has been formed here Wednesday Feb 18 Service to mankind, Judaism has ever taught, inger, president of International La- composed of a selected group of that elapsed between the time thej Rosh Chodesh Adar_____ LjVionday.March 2 should be an uppermost precept for all Jewish peo- straus ^ l ^ l 1 e T o r i ^ ^ l young business and professional men. High Commissioner released the cerFast of Esther ___ Tuesday, March 3|ple. Einstein strikes a concordant note in his own > P™* *"* of K. H. Macy & It is intended that this group, tificates last May and the time the Porim Co., Miss Lillian Wald, director of Colonial Office suspended them. i «*„__!. 19 in faith -foifVi when OTIIOTI he ha states efafoc that +Vinf "Man's "ATSJTI'H plight nlicrtif. would wnilM in inRosh Chodesh Nissan. .Thursday, March the Henry Street Settlement; and whose membership will be restricted .Thursday, April 2 deed be sad if he had to be kept in order through Otto D. Wonnser, president of Na-to fifty young men, will supply « • - - 1st Day of Pessack. speakers to the various districts scat.Thursday, April 9 fear of punishment and hope of reward after tional Jewelers' Board of Trade. 8th Day of Pessach tered throughout New England, and Rosh Chodesh Iyar_ Saturday. April Anril 181 18! death. The ethical behavior of man is better Jobless Commission .Saturday, while strengthening their own backLag B'Omer, —Tuesday, May 5,based on sympathy, education and social relation- St. Paul.—Babbi Harry S. Margo- ground on Zionism, will instil this By DAVID SCHWARTZ Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Sunday, May 17 j ship." More of the principles upon which religion lis of Mt. Zion Temple, St. Paul, has same knowledge in the outlying comShavuoth i. ... .';,", ... Friday, May 22,is founded and less of the specific forms of ritu- been appointed a member of the munities also. Minnesota Unemployment CommisKarl Marx and Apples Saturday, May 23 alistic dogmatism would work a-healthy influence sion by Governor Theodore Chris- Principal Resigns After all, there is something in upon modern religion. tianson. The commission consists of Portland, Ore.—Bert L. Treiger, Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2.60 Advertising rates furnished o n application
By the Way
principal of the Portland Hebrew the first part of New York's name fifteen men and women. that is suggestive of the city. For Rabbi Margolis has for the past School since 1916, has resigned his the city does always offer something' The resumption of collegiate good-will semifive years been active in social work position to take up work in New"new". j nars and the recent- award to Son. Newton D. in this city and has served on im-York. A testimonial luncheon to the Just now, the sight of hundreds of' Baker of the American Hebrew medal for the proportant city and state commissions. occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Treiger's apple hawkers scattered about the; motion of better understanding between Christian departure from Portland was held Bull Fighting Exhibit recently at the Heathman Hotel, at city is a thought provoking spectacle. and Jew in America again brings to the fore the One's first feeling as one comes to Newark. •— Sidney Franklin, the which Mr. J. Shemanski presided. value and necessity of a more humane fellowship New York now is that there must be Brooklyn Jewish bull fighter who re- Announcement was made of the apbetween faiths. Good-will meetings, dinners, joint The only national history which has ever cently returned to this country from pointment of Mr. Treiger as honor- some convention of physicians nearby services, forums and symposiums, religious educa- been as much concerned with intellectual advances Spain, will give a modified and ary principal of the Portland Hebrew and the good people of New York are consuming apples in this wholetional associations and a National Conference of as with political and economic changes, is that of bloodless version of a bull fight on School. sale fashion to keep the doctors Jews and Christians all show progress toward the the Jews. Efforts have been made, with indif- November 30 at the New York away. But the sign above the hawcreation of a more cordial relationship of creeds. ferent success, to write purely cultural histories Bears' Stadium, Newark. William kers gives the real motif away "UnEgan, Director of Public Safety But the mere fact that such meetings are held o f c e r t a i n modern nations. Their stories replete J. employed" reads the sign. of Newark, has already, announced New York is solving the unemand such propaganda is required unmistakenably Jewish Aviator Wins Trophy changes, conquests, and racial as- that a permit for the exhibition will demonstrate that the feeling between races is not pirations, do not lend themselves to a treatment be granted. No weapons will be Vienna. — Robert Kronfeld, noted ployed by turning all the workless what it should be. Hi-Willis present in many c o n c e r n e d with the mind as opposed to the baser used in the fight, which will consist Austrian aviator, was awarded the into apple sellers. quarters, gnawing at the vitals of tolerance a n d j e f f o r t s o f humankind. But Israel has, even in j simply in the toreador's waving a International Fliers Trophy for 1929 Karl Marx told the workers to and the annual aviation prize of the unite and gain control of industry. fraternalism of spirit. Bigots of the Ku Klux; t h e times o j s t r e s s a n d perS ecution and wander- red flag before the bull and display- Internationa] Aviation League. Clif- Henry George following the idea of ing his skill in dodging the irritated Klan ilk take diabolic pleasure in generating racial i n g j b e e n a - a t u d i o u s a n d philosophic folk . ford B. Harmon, American president the Mosaic land laws, advised the animal. animosity and fanning the flame of religious hate. of the League, came to Vienna espe- people to tax the land into use, and It required no violent break with Jewish hisOthers dissemble loving words of brotherhood be- torical writing, therefore, for Dr. Meyer Waxman, Welcome to Dr. Einstein cially to confer the honors on Kron- thus provide employment for all. But New York simply says: "Sell hind a cloak of proselytizing. These detestable once of Brooklyn and now professor in the He- Pasadena, Gal.—Pasadena's Jewish feld. community began laying plans to The ceremonies attending the apples". feelings are somewhat but by no means wholly b r e w Theological ^College of Chicago, to compose welcome Dr. Albert Einstein, the awards took place in the office of alleviated by our good-wm projects. If some are "A History of Jewish litera- great scientist who i s coming hers President Miklas. The trophy given The Case of Mrs. Hammerstein mistaken in their conceptions, these contacts will ture." It did require an immense knowledge, huge eary in January tdi1&' series of lec-to Kronfeld today has been awarded • Oit ,one corner stands the widow right them. .Complete, candor'and feajlessness| re ^ ding a n d research,; aitf many years of labor, tures at the Pasadena Technical High in the past to such internationally of the great Jewish impressario, Mrs. Radlin, spiri- famou£\fliers as Colonel Lindbergh Oscar Hammerstein. The widow of the man who was • one ' of the outIsrael, cabled and "tel standing men of his generation in .Professor Loans for Jewish Arab Farmers America, the man who, it is said, Pasadena Jewish commua foggy atmosphere. Though without stylistic pretensions,- Dr.jnity greatly honoredSbxyour coming Jerusalem.*^-An official statementis would not hesitate to tell a member In these the Jewish people as instigators and Waxman's work i s t h e first English presentation' and is anxious to help make your expected here announcing government of royalty sitting in the box of his participants of the movements are in deep earnest. of Jewish literary productions, from the close of visit to Southern California pleasent. agricultural loans totalling $175,000 theatre to be quiet—the widow of Both because of belief and necessity as a minority the Bible to our own days, to be complete and au-We are proud to welcome you. Our for Arab and Jewish farmers. The that man i s selling apples, with a loans are to enable the agriculturists sign over faer basket—reading "Unrace they have patiently labored through the gen- thoritative in detail. Volume I extends to the facilities are at your disposal." to buy forage and seed without which employed". erations for a broader, more intelligent spirit of close of the twelfth century, and the interested Krass, Darrow Debate many farmers will be unable to sow cooperation. A fellowship of creeds has been one reader will dp well to amass the knowledge it pre-j A debate between Clarence Darrow their winters crops owing to the poor True Jewish Spirit I believe that Mrs. H&mmersteln, of Israel's most cherished ideals—love of mankind. sents before the publication of the concluding „ , „Rev. Dr^-N»tfean . _ . „ , - Krass , . of harvest and the ravages of the field unlike her husband, is not Jewish. mice. The loans will not exceed $75 But good-will movements, cannot succeed when , , , , , -, , Temply Emanual-El on t h e subject "Is TT, to each farmer and will be payable But she is nevertheless following the y J only the liberal non-Jews participate and those \ volume. know of no better production of W e regularly commend new books t o o u r readers; w e good Jewish tradition. Relig;.o nNecessary?,, h e M at t h e ih two years. who need this contact most scoff and boo instead r e c e n t y e a r s t o f i n d a n h o n o r e d p l a c e i n € V e r y Mecca Temple, attracted an overflow The old Jewish sages had no use of attending. <Of what avail; are our efforts to- u b l i c o r h o m e U b r a r y u s e d by our p e o p l e - crowd. Dr. Krass' upSeld~the afnrm- Join Coreligionists on Palestine for false dignity when it came to ative and Mr. Darrow the negative Bombay.—Zionist and Moslem lead- matter of employment. "Peshot Neward a better ^relationship if the noble thoughts viewpoint. Examiner. era of India are now joining the re-veltoh boshuko". Dont hesitate to expressed at these gatherings are never repeated Religion was described by Babbi spective sides' of their coreligionists "skin the carcass in the public Krass as "man's great adventure", as before strictly Christian congregations or groups. in the Palestine conflict between the market place" they advised, if there a "guess" in answer to the question Of what avail are they when the Passion Play is is no other means available for get"why" that helps man along the ArabB and the Jews. being shown as ever, and professional and economAny lover of old books will-add his plea for a pathway of life. Mr. Darrow,on the While the Zionists have joined ting work. ic discriminations, injustices in colleges, snobbery true Jewish library. Oh, not for one with newly other hand asserted^ that "it's toothe world-wide protest of the Jews and Apples in clubs and resorts, and boycott in trades are still printed books in black and red covers and with) cocksure to say that there is or there and sent resolutions to Premier Mac- Alcott There is nothing . that requires . From the time they are tiny tots Chris- content of varying excellence, with illustrations of is not a God" and declared that "you Donald, Lord Passfield, and the more careful analysis than this mattian children are taught that their Jewish neigh- old gentlemen who are invariably cross-eyed; and can find anything in the Bible if you Zionist' Organization, against the re-ter of "dignity. So much of it is cent'White Paper of the British govbors are "crucifiers," and the good-will ideas of ladies who are voluptuously unrecognizable, butj look for -It". ernment .on Palestine, the Moslem false aadi a poison to life. Yet the come too late in life to be of true value. To be of the rare manuscripts that were inscribed1 with so Ort Conference ___ leaders are now inspiring a drive presence of the; actual article—true real worth, good-will movements must be started much labor, the parchments that are brittle with More than a hundred delegates, among the Moslems in India to sup- dignity-»-can ennoble seemingly, even by Christian ministers at the time" children are in age, yellow with centuries of <-areful handling. representing various "landmabschaf- port the Palestine Arabs. For this iniquity. There is the app^ story, you may the adolescent stage and their opinions are inbuld- Rare vellums, commentaries and text of the:Tal-' :en", Jewish societies in this country purpose the All-India- Moslem Con- remember, that they tell of Bronson organized according to the cities of ference reconvened here. able; all discriminations, direct and indirect, must mud; scrolls inscribed with the sorrows, with the Alcott, Tthe famous transcenaentalist their former countries, have already be eliminated. If less good-will were spoken and tears of the years of persecution—there is a cry-? registered to attend the national con- Montreal.—The national council of and contemporary* of Emerson. the Canadian Zionist Organization tomore good-will actually done, when we all cameling need for some place where the young people ference (if the American Ort, which.: day endorsed the proposal of H. Wol Alcott liked t* philosophise but he wasnt strong for work. One day, a m to the realization that religion is "one ray of light may look upon them with wonder, where they will take place November 30th in ofsky, editor and • publisher of the farmer found him picking apples from the sun coming through a prism broken Up may summon tears to the eyes of the older folk. New York. : Montreal Jewish Eagle, - that the from off one of fcia trees. into many colors," then we can really! say we are T conflagiiration in Russia must have swal- The conference, according to a seventeenth world Zionist Congress "What are you doing in there?" statement made by Murray Levine, held in Montreal. The Congress generating good-will. lowed many of them; but it must also have chairman of the American Ort, andbe is to convene February 5th at a place shouted tthe stranger. brought many of them across the ocean. They Dr. Henry Moskowitz,. chairman of as yet undecided. "I need them", replied Alcott, continuing his picking. are treasured among the dearest relics of many the executive committee, will discuss The farther was non-pluBsed. How families, but they belong to the Jews of th eworld. the report from the Ort representa- Canadian Z. O. Approves Plan The theological world has a new bone of oisdis-I n Cincinnati the Hebrew Union College is open- tive in •• Moscow that the Soviet Following the endorsement, the can on# answer a thief who steals sension over which to wrangle since authorities in Ukraine signed an council took steps to initiate imme- with such dignity? agreement whereby the former will diate negotiations: with:the Zionist ^challenged c r ii p t belt Einstein, world-famous ^ to contain 15,000 vol- grant the declassed Jews in Ukraine Organization of America f o r ! that Auctioneering and the Synagogue researches into the realm of higher mathematics, umes, eventually to be the greatest collection in raw material and space for factories, purpose. In local Zionist circles it is I have seen-Borne eight or, nine expressed his religious views in a featured article t H e w o n d . We cannot hope for anything that provided the "landman'chaften" in reported that a delegation of Ameri- thousand articles in the last seven*?of the New York Times. Ajd regardless of whetii- c o u l d e v e n ^ ccompared o m p a r e d to tothis this magnificence. magnificence.But But the United States will furnish part can Zionist leaders may be sent to five or is it one hundred and seventyer those from the pulpit have praised., or . criti- surely someone, some organization who has a little of the money to equip the factories. London to convince the World Zion- five years of my life with the Jew ist Executive of the advisability of in this *n«t that field, but I have yet cized, they all admit that his ideas are at least l o v e f o r thebeautifuliin'.JewUHchistoiyaiidlitem. Cardinal Urges Unity holding the Congress in the Canadian to see an article,-(although a play stimulating food ^^^^^^^ the) "It is only right that the state metropolis. once dealt;: with the cubject) on the Einstein in explaining his credo has amystic h a n d s o f Jewry the treasures that are there, and should spend millions, and even bilJew as an auctioneer. Parliamentary By-Election view of the universe m contrast to the anti-rehgi- w i l l s h o w them to us—Western Jewish News, lions, as it does on the educational Yet the field, is largely a Jewish London.—The Parliamentary system. But it is not right for the ous belief, although he has no feeling of religion one. Not only are the majority of state to halt at the most important by-election in Whitechapel,. where the as the term is used by ordinary, organized religion. auctioneers of the Jewish persuasion, When the spirit of active humility is vital in point of its work and to neglect the Liberal candidate is a Zionist leader, but auctioneering, Jewishly speaking, He describes the "religion of fear" of the primiwill be held December 3, it was anspiritual education of the child". of hunger, of illness and death. Next your life, you draw out the best in all folks, even has a synagogual significance. This was the statement made by nounced. The Labor party is ser- I am referring of course to the he points out the "religion of comfort," which has — ^ Cardinal Hayes in an address to iously worried over the possible out- bidding on some of the holidays for its SOUrce in the social feelings of human beings The price of ideal relations With all peoples is morTtnanT,200 Catholic teachers at!come of the election to fill the seat the honors' of the Torah.
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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rosenthal and children were also in Chicago, where they spent the day with their families and wfil remain for the weekend.
position by reason of their victory over the Maiashock Jewelry. Morris Meyerson hit the pins for the hifh single mark of 234. Leo Weitz pounded out a three game "The Meaning of Culture in the Won Lost Aver. total of 58i and was high for the 1 Modern Civilization ' will be Dr. Fred- Empire Cleaners- _17 10 .630 evening. Jack Fleischman and Sam 12 .5S6 erick Clayton's next subject at the The Wardrobe - -.15 13 .510 Yousem also registered consistent Current Topics Course. The meeting' Ben's Jewelry .... J.4 totals. .519 13 will be held Tuesday morning, Decem- Malashock Jewelry 14 .407 Kaiman Insurance -11 16 The Yoassm Tire have entered an ber Z at 1Q;3O at the Jewish Com- Yousem Battery .370 all-star aggregation to compete in 10 17 munity Center. The Kaiman Insurance upset the the Mid-West tournament. They will "Child Study" Empire Cleaners and defeated the bowl Sunday evening at 6rO© p. m. at The Council of Jewish Women is leaders in three successive games. I Francisco Alleys. again sponsoring a course in "Child The Yousem Tire also sprung- a! Study." Mrs. Eva Morse who con- surprise on Ben's Jewelry by also Seek Kehillah ducted the class last year will have winning the entire series. Montreal.—A movement to unite charge this season. The first meeting j all Canadian Jewish congregations The Wardrobe five went into second -will be held-at the Jewish Community !
Jecomter Gampfire Group The guardian of the Jecomter Gamp Fire Girls has appointed chairmen of committees to obtain certain duties for tile ehib. The girls made up a charity basket for a poor family on Thanksgiving. Among other things, the group accompanied the smaller group on a tou r through Dresher Brothers on Gross-Richards i Saturday after visiting in Kansas City Wednesday, November 23, and plans The wedding of Miss Belle Rich-j for a week at the home of her fiance's to attend a council fire at the Y. W. ards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abrani parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schere. C. A. Saturday, November 29. -Richards, and Leon G. (Jross, sun of j Miss Hermanson was honored at a Mr. And Mrs. Harry Gross, was sol- reception while i s Kansas City. Comivican Campfire Group Center, Friday, December 5 at 1 p. m. j oamized at noon Thanksgiving day at On Thursday, November 20, a meet- The group will meet every two weeks. the home of the bride's parents in Miss Pansy Brown visited with ing of Comivican Campfire Group was the presence of the immediate family. friends in Sioux City last weekend. held at the J. C. C H. Grodinsky performed the Election of officers took place. LotMiss Evelyn Adler, student at the tie Rips is president; Edna Moskovitz, ceremony. Mr. Abe Epstein, who recently reThe bride was lovely in a gown of University of Nebraska, spent last vice-president; Helen Smith, secre- turned from Russia, will apeak on cream lace over flesh satin and car- weekend in Omaha . tary; Sylvia Simon, treasurer, and T h e Jewish Colonization in Russia" ried a bridal coquet of roses. A reLillian Monovitz, reporter. at the Labor Lyceum on December 1 Mr. and Mr*. B. "Welcher of Chicago ception was held from seven until ten at 8:30 p. m. are visiting in Omaha, in the evening. Talmud Torah After a short honeymoon, Mr. and The Cinb of the highest class of Mrs. Max Kaufman and young son, the Talmud Torah showed slides of Mrs. Gross will be at home at 1556 Joseph, of Minneapolis are visiting the work in Palestine to the lower North 19th Street. Mrs. Kaufman's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. session last Tuesday. Last Thursday By Leo Rosenthal. Rosenblatt-Sobel slides were shown to the higher sesMM. David M. Newman Miss Mildred Sobel of St. Louis will sion by David Bernstein* sergeant at Mrs. Harry Superior of Wheeling, arms and chairman of the executive become the bride of Herman E. RosenFrench Peach Pie blatt of Omaha on Sunday evening, West Virginia, has returned to herj were made by Drain 2 1-4 cups of sliced peaches. home after a three-week visit with November 30, at the Kingsway hotel. Ethel Turn into a baked pastry shell. Whip Mr* Rosenblatt, his parents, Mr. her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and reporter one cup of cream, add one tablespoon and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, his brother, Mrs. Abe Heraberg. Last Tuesday a debate was held on peach syrup and add one tablespoon Sam, and Mrs. I. W. Rosenblatt and the question, "Resolved, that Britain powdered sugar. Spread over peaches Word has been received that Louis daughter, Betty Edis, motored ThursIs Treating Her Subjects Fairly." On day to St. Louis. Mr. P. H. Rosen- A. Babier, formerly of Omaha, but the affirmative were Irving Jaffee ami serve. now of Los Angeles, was recently inblatt and Mr. L W. Rosenblatt will and Daniel Miller. On the negative Peach Turnovers leave Saturday evening to attend the' ducted into the office of the Noble were David Bernstein and Bernard Arch of the Hollywood Grove of the wedding. Make a flaky pastry for one pie. White, secretary. The treasurer of Roll out 1-4 inch thick, cut in 4-inch The young couple will make their United Ancient Order of Druids. Mr. the club is Isadora Middleman. Babier i s a member of the California squares. Add two tablespoons sliced home in Omaha. This club has organized another peaches. Brush edges of pastry with and New York Bar associations. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Babier. club in another class of the Talmud cold water. Then press together in a • ENTERTAINMENTS Torah. triangle. Prick on top and bake in a Mr. and Mrs. George M.'Cohen of Irvin Rubinow and Charles Keller hot^oven 15 minutes. New York, City arrived in Omahar November 12 to spend their honeymoon of Lincoln, motored to Omaha last *"with Mr. Cohen's parents, LMx.: and Sunday. Mrs. M. G. Cohen.. ME. Cohen is a Dr. David C. Platt and Nate Reiss former Oros-han. The Jacobson Sisters* Trio, comspent last weekend in St. Louis. Many affairs have been given to posed of In» Jacobson, violin; Molly FOR YOUR honor the young couple. Mr. and Mr. Dan Bezman left Saturday for Jacobson, piano, and Sara Jacobson, Mrs. M. G. Cohen entertained at a Kansas City, Mo., where he has been trumpet, will broadcast over radio stabridge on Friday, November-14, and promoted to assistant manager for tion WAAW on Tuesday, December 2, at a family dinner on the following the John Hancock l i f e Insurance Co. f j o m 4.30 to 5 p. m. Sunday. Mr; and Mrs. Abe Cohen He will be joined shortly by Mrs. BezThe trio, pupils of Frank Mach, were hosts at-a dinner on the. follow- man and daughter. have been heard over stations WOW ing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen Robert Magnus Singer, a member and KFNF. were hosts at a dinner at the Hotel 16th and Howard Paxton, followed by a theater party. of the Zeta Beta Tan fraternity at the On Tuesday,'November 16, the young University of Nebraska, won a gold PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS couple were honored at a bridge at medal in the all-university free throw the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kap- finals in the last basketball tournaOmaha's Style Center ; ment. lan. '. • '' ' •-'.,•'% Among the others who entertained for Mr. and Mrs^Colien^BTO^ajel'a Thanksgiving was celebrated 1 Mrs. Henry Selig, Mr. Martin Falk various ways yesterday. Besides at- j and his sister, Miss Bernice Falk; Mrs. tending family dinners, football en-; John Faier, Miss Helen Shapiro and thnsiasts witnessed the games in Lin-1 Mrs. Ben Shapiro. Mr. and Mrs. Cohen departed yes- coin and Omaha. Many students came i 16TH AT HARNEY ST. terday for New York, where they will home from the universities to spend; the day or weekend with their par-1 make their home. ents and a number of people visited in Mr. and Mrs. S. Lansky celebrated neighboring cities. The day was topthe sixth birthday of their son, Bern- ped off with the successful Hadassah ard J. Lansfcy, on Sunday, November dance. Hiss. Hermine Hirschmann spent | 28, with a party attended by thirtyfive guests. Miss Sarah Kat2 and Eli Thanksgiving in Iowa City as the M. ZaUrin, whose engagement was re- guest of Miss Florence Glassman. MiBB Dorothy Margolin, a student cently announced, shared honors. at the University of Nebraska, will be • Mr. and Mrs. J. Richlin honored at home for Thanksgiving and bring Miss Sarah Katz and her fiance, E. M. as her house guest Miss Esther RosenZalkin, at a dinner at their home on berg of Lincoln, a schoolmate. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brandeis were in Svmday, November 16. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brandeis were in Chicago over Thanksgiving. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder anddaughter, Rita Eleanors, visited in Blair last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. She**
Labor Lyceum Lecture
Business Men's Bowling League
into one national group ha* gaining ground and appears t© be « i the verge of realization. Toronto has already taken the fiiwt step wit** the organization of a local kehillah.
Vani ^ l , believed to Fasuacta, smeared soot over the foWrtain erected to the memory of thfc late Waiter Rathenau in People'* Park, in the Rehberg section of the city. The bas-r«lief of the mniered German diplomat and industrialist was also covered with anti-Semitic and Hitlerite emblems white a pfcrt of the bas-relief Itself wa* i off.
GOL DSTEIN CHAPMANS SIXTEENTH AT FARNAM A pre-Thanksgiving offering that takes you out of the beaten path . , . Monday
Kitchen Chats
Jacobson Sisters' Trio To Entertain over Radio
COATS Instead of
Jewelry Needs
Now Is the Time to Buy and Save
m a n .
Mrs. Allen Kohan Jay, spent the past Island at the home M. Shapiro, brother of Mrs. Kohan.
• • • - " ' '
and son, Richard week in Grand of Mr. and Mrs. and sister-in-law
Decorate N o w ! Lower prices ana more Indivia-unl attention now
MAX SHRIEK'S SONS 1314 No. S*th St.
WE. 42U
Miss Libby Blacker visited in Sioux City last weekend. Miss Julia Hermanson arrived home
Jewish Community Center § Sunday Eve., Nov. 30
Nathan Weinstein
And His
Yiddish Players
~ Because . . •'Your Laundry is Qur Business"
| Diamond and Platinum 1 Selections always at their best at
Tfente 9 Broadway 4 Acts with 12 musical numbers Prices 50c-75c-$1.00 Strictly reserved »eat» nov en cote
j! "CHEERFUL CREDIT" *:;;»:»!
at the JfcwlBb Ceounnnit}'
(Because We Have No Old Coats)
After-Thanksgiviiig Sales of Brand New High Quality
In •••wwt
An opportunity to discover how much your fashion dollar will buy.
A Special Selling of I K Specially Purchased Brand New Goi^eous Styled
WINTER GOATS At Prices T^at Give You More for Your Dollars Than at Any Time Since 1913 Third Floor
Wales Retains Sartorial Crown .
English Prince's 500-CostmneWardr"obe Has Just Been-Replenished with New Service Uniforms Betokening His Recently Advanced Ranking to General, Admiral and Air Marshal.
This shoemaker J of Roxbury, Mass., has announced that he will Repair free-of cost shoes of children of unemployed families. The cobbler tells.his youthful listener of his offer to aid the worthy poor while mending a. t>air of shoes.
R a d l o s ift
Byron Patton Harrison, Jr., 22, son of Senator and Mrs. Pat Harrison, of Mississippi, with his bride,' formerly Mary Louise Dorroh, 23, of University, Mississippi. The couple first met whe* ••hey attended school together. They left by motor for a short honeymoon immediately after the wedding in Washington, D. C.
k it
I t
A picturesque scene at the Battery, New York City, as three men, residents of Brooklyn, set sail in their 22-foot lifeboat, bound for Bermuda, and return. Supposedly unsinkable, the craft will be tested to the utmost- on this hazardous voyage. The men are Captain Harry Tyohlenbersr. William T^V* ami Hantain Casuer Barth.
These amphibian plane observers have,.worked many long hours searching for Mitchell B. Kaufman, Maiden, Mass., rubber manufacturer, missing since November 5th in the Maine woods near Jackman (Left to right) True Ellis, deputy; Gerry ^mead, pilot, and Dan MacRae, mechanic.
Don Gillman, of San Francisco,^ vice-president of the National' Broadcasting Company, predict^, that the radio will soon be widely used in school work. Mr. Glllmari^ was a pioneer in developing broadcast programsf&r use in California^ schools. • Eventually, he believes) nation school-hours will be evolved on the.J^rbstu'casting chains.
Made~ftim Walk
Jndge John Barton Payne, chairman of the Red Cross, pinning the new button on President Hoover as the new. enrollment crusade cot under way in the Capital. The Chief Executive is now in good standing with the great organization.
Al Singevfonher lightweight king, still dazed in his corner as Tony Canzorieri( the new monarch, comes over to shake hands. Canzoneri 'iuton'siied' fans "aV*Madison Square Garden. New York C-ty, by Ttmt S nz'cr in 1 minute and 6 seconds in the first round.
President Herbert Hoover presenting his cup to V. W. Kliesrath, winner of the president's cup regatta held at Annapolis recently. In the center are President Hoover, Mrs. V. W. Kliesrath and Mr. V. W. Kliesrath. of New. York.
Mae McGoorty behind the bars in, a New York City jail awaiting trial on charges brought by Edward Baxter, 19. He claims that she made him walk home from an automobile ride and then stole his car. The defendant is. married and the mother of a 3-year-old baby.
Gene Tunney,..the ..ring's "niost literary product, after legal bout with Tim Mara, is pictured with, Charles1 Francis Coe, author of "Me, Gangster," and other" stirring novels. Coe's next offering will be a story of the ring. • Tunney is being sued by.Tftn Mfcra for breach of contract
28, 1S3D the official -spokesman of Palestine Jewry, indicates definitely that it will arot participate in tte proposed lative rminrfl.
I Council Bluffs Press News
(all sn-ff.) (Continued from Page
caught sight ;nf hfc !Dy veh is mir—der
Along a Similar
With the
Enchanting Aroma i^f die Qrioat €kmihiixb&& -with the
Irresistible •p. r ~ 1
Advo rshil eratin g for Breakfast Sstesimg for Laaadi «nd
Thsr£ is no other Cpjf^ to he coTnpav^d "with it SoW ijy
Ask lor U
AH Pirst Class
Insist on &dvo,
"•Fatftdus Jo*
TFiyury where
OO^ OMAHA Blended, "Roasted, Ground and Packet! by raa S a i n t wiBl iSeal it lams^Sr—iro 3Eix-nam ia> 35fh StrffiSt, -aaufli xm 35tfa.^tr> ^fTpwnrfl, -wyst -TTTI ^P"?;^ ard~i;D if&ffa, n o r t h orr ISfh ~ko , T w a s t i ifco 'tfioyland :oiL3Hifi^ei^ifEifiiWjr.
miss the dag . ^ and pony shmv •:te.
fas a pk iot boy and prl BB I D luvlte evsry little boy and -grfl HIESi n allaiskfifl 3*ebraska and Iowa ID come "to see Mm. ]He -wantB ±D i n o w just what rthey -want to rfind 3n -Qieir ChiiKtrnaE ainakfngK .And he has a Bpecial jgift i n r evfiry i o t V&ID -visits TTOYLAND Saturday.
Tlhey Joan. dx> s&sry&ntig inrt i&Skt IPDiitll seErfhe m t i h ^ y * irldje tfee jmtiTeK, :yori*ll see -fee i f l u j s ~jtr. 1 'Turmtng jtni«y.Tmr tfcefc^s, lanSTyonSl laiijgh -till ^yimr 'Ktft^^ ^BjBit 3B£t old J&xtie, diffl gnat. 13jeia5% a t ^ o f e a t "3i0Y-
-And if •y
good you can ridr Jrsagg White's
-:Jfc *
And with M "milchig knKti, Which recalls another story about one xat meat? a Jewish high way man, -which I hope (Copyright 1930 "by -flie Jewish 1 haven't told before. -graphic Agency, Inc.) This Jewish bandit also stopped a driver along the road. med wiUioul that's Brandishing a big knife, i e dewithin. manded "your money, or 1 will cut you to pieces". A powerful imagination bring«aSK«e As he concluded his demand, his the event. ,
j Besides, it seemed t o me "that "this (Continneri jrom Page 1.) ! auctioning lent tremendous spice to ILaaiei' Jfcukiliary ;nf -the Hal- Jesses Helen "the worship. It seemed to tie up the rmna ITntah dSocfety will ihold .a rmsafc- Steinberg, Moth Bernstein, and submitting demands, but to itwit synagogue with life. And uniess ing next Wednesday afternoon, ZDecMymie :, l*eo JBsyer- iiie injustice contained in the White j-fchere is "this tie-up, for all of our «mbefr :•'&, a t tthe homejaf! -Mrs. 35. ^son, JELanrice Pepper, asnd Edward 2BapEris reoommendaliuus. -was | professions of spirituality, it doesn't •±o serve as B stepping stone by-which 3tosen. (Continued from Page 1) amount t» murh. "the government would •iwriii'M'Hy lie advised of the character that the Jew-. tziincr AO pacify Jewish ^grxevanses re- Auctioneering and Singing ; would have when submit- sulting ±rom the "White Papex. "It 21U5E f .-A | ' -I ,,l , Bat auctioneering has progressed still remains to lie seen whether the iurtfaer Society will -hold & lFBSt a. xne *fllHUiB from the synagogue phase. Tour explanation Ijy Premier MacDonald ^Xhunriiay evening, December 4, at 1 modern Jewish auctioneer, if you land anfl indnsttialiaine on B<nd Dr. ShielE will compose the angrv ,, , , Ragles | it, is an artist. -and Jewish lead\ -be among the .,, . * .know _._, , ! .. — , existing ... ,, Jews _ would onlx eentrated on Grimaa amd natl divided in "their attitude j in Bixa Bidjan, F a r ^Sawtem 3tepubof many countries, . . especial . ,,IT m . _, Most of them mUeed the Tesulte of the debute on lic, "was voiced by J. T^aiin, prPBUJeul liondon Times. The Tork," • \3C3i2 "GbeTzrS 3B*nai ^Society; Perhaps the ~man "who employs tfhe-Oast, the CTcisty 3bx aetfiing ^ J ^ k f ™ *heBrtiigh Parliament, that the debate •wall Ihbld x. meeting ooext "most auctioneers in 'JJew York L= 'fiie «JewB on tiie land, ~in a lecture at " ' «miotnH£- ^warning of evening, 3>ecember 35, a t SStn •South the Communist Club. Joseph A. Sdiwab, President of the ' street . ... i Bira Bidjan is the Tegion independent Fruit Auction Corporato "the British government ±or not TB~ | of tion. irom t i e White Paper on nuking M contrary attitane the 3telly "those who spent ttne past an ^dependent Jewish isjpublic i a d *r^*ing t i e aubject of Telegraph points out that Iws dtmt T3very day, tons and tons of fruits Palestine, -wtoMi ; been planned by the Soviet 3xraa Clty i o -attend the Monday's PaxBamentary debate. suppose that the «CTf»n»enfc^ aranr- «acn "the piers in 3Sevr Tork. TttouEment Ibxit aittmnntijsTa] ^odtball -were "wimonnaTry'ieiter- ances -will- placate the -resentment ands of wholesale deaTers of thi the 1 Saks, 3ttrs Cdnn, ^ ate "the Arab demands :for a xonstitu- aroused :in ^Zionfem circles :br Use icy metropolis gather every a.m. to iid Whitebobk and with the unwillingness of tion, but -will accept "the jolicy nf "the Iand dsheriting tone of the White Pa- on this fruit. ^Florence; and iand •per. This assurance however ahows It is SifawaVs men -who auciior Jews $D -go ID Bixa Bidjan ^brought '• that the .government is very anxious to them off. ^bout si. change in the plans and Bira j i t e bad impression caused by t Before Schwab hires a man as an as stow *i>eing administered ^ s Sam ^Inncoln entertained Xiondon.—-The Colonial office ifaas Weizmann's and the ^>ther resig- i auctioneer, he gives the candidate an independent economic unit instead .guests -at a lumsheon-iridge informed the -Jewish TTetegrapbic;' a „ audition, in wluch the candidatf ; a as a p e r Ihome Titesday afternoon i n Agency that while instructionB to gjvje ' ^' "33i» Horning- Post says t&at the de- "must among o13ier things, sing a # xonah, 3ffifi5 Aime GoldyPTinvr'Wnl ^cniefly with ^tiri xew songs. thnana, a bnde-to-be. "Pnjyr'faid already been TTariouB jcharities -will Palestme government s the Tost 500 irom -fire TW!1 of Htm. S«lina 1LThe paper criticizes .carrying out of "these instructions may And here's the -crucial test, Bluffs H a h n u d Tnrah Summsrfield, widow of lEIias SumLloyd George for his accusation of fi TChe be postponed far the time ;being. -merfteld, who left an estate appraised .anti-Semitism saying that this aecusachwab. "if the Town sings fron 35b<aetjr -will iiold -a Tneetmg aiext the This information was given to the' -•at Sl,796^41. The yfidexation i o r disgraceful but "fanstomach, hell make a good auc g USiursd^y evening, December 4, at the Support of JewMi Kulantnropic-j .concludes that Premier "tnmeer. If he sings from the throat. Jewish TetegraphH: Agency as -fire rej 3 5 .fiouth. Eight astreet. Societies will rrtaxivB. $10,000, thejault of an inquiry made fbllowingjaie ] and J>r. Ehiek deserve ^ ^ ^ through in E week." • Atnong "&c students attending the IHenry Street Setttement -will [praise ier having the courage to stand -&J1^t m 5 business of talking for a IDniveSity of 3Nebraska .at Xincom $15,00D0, ^7^00 goes to Mount Sinais eeutive "from its jior the principle of a fair deal to living is not so very simple, it ate expected itome :$or UliankB- Hospital, S5,000 to the Crippled saying that the Palestine Administra-1 I seems. "After five hours of anctioiv races. IDay and the •week-end wee the Children's East Side Free School and tion was prepared to enact legislation jeering, they all go home and put ic€ carrying out the recommendation of §1,000 each t o six other charities. l^round their throats'". Art Wori nn Xhddbxtion -fiie White Paper. Newark.— An exhibition of the ( Those Jewish Bandits Young Jewish Peonies' 'Groups Council Rejects White Paper tn-eative genhip of Prof. Boris Bchatz, J Credit this one to Dx. Rersch, I INew Dajleansi—A heretofore temiFemsalem.—-Bejection off the White founder and director of .the Acts & Miami, Plorida. A Jewish highwayporary •Council of Toung Jewish Paper and the Hni,nrmmniiiiiii not to Crafts School Bezatel «nd tise fla- man went out on his daily job. J eople'B Organizations of Hew Orco-operate with the British govern- tnrnal .^Suseum of Jects&^BmV • ;is Along the road he waited for a j leans became a permanent body with ment until the White Paper is with- on Tiew in the lnral ^OtlS -victim. Presently, a man dTove up) the adoption nf constitution and by• fipivak, Coin.—The iacilitieB of "tiie laws -and the election df officer* ."at drawn i s -voiced in the Tesolution of Building. The exhibrtion meludeB oil in his wagon. The .lewish highway-1 'loading iuberculofliE.,sanatoria in the, the first monthly meeting i n tire the Jewish ^National Council made paintings, brass Tepousse and jvory man made the man dismount. i public here. The resolution, adopted carved siimatures ^dru wing ~"Cive me your money or 111 kill • country :must ;be employed to the ;JullMen's Hebrew A at a special meeting t o consider ac- jrecord audiences. est mttent, declare i«^»^fng imen in the you", said the Jewish highwayman. "building. tion on -file White Paper, bespeaks field x£ anti-tuherculosiB work. 3n the "Shtitz'", replied the traveler in •flie sentiment of the Palestine Jewish present times of privation and -unem- Montreal Workers Taxed French, "ice hab a weib and acht Minneapolis.—-Mrs. "i. B . Schwartz' ployment an : increase in tuberculosis Montreal.—ZChe Montreal branch -of community. kinder''—and of Minneapolis was -elected "northwest By turning down the White Paper more along- the same K feared, and any attempt to curtail the Amalgamated -Clotbing Worker's and announcing that it -will not work regional president of Badassab at the line, giving the -hifrht an "elabthe efficiency of the .sanatoria i s tOnion "^TiTinrmffgn th&t i t strongly deprecated by ^fiie imen -of- xtssess&d -jtE Tn^rn"**^*^ i$,wo ~ oollars an- witLt the government s o long as its closing session of the northwest con- orate hard luck -story. *39u", said !the idgiiwayman, Palestine policy is based xm ^ i e White ference i n the Jewish Educational ainallv per TTHHI SBS. nne dolhir per Paper^flffi .Jewish 3Ia±innal .Eoimcil, ** In Sie Jewish woman l a s 3 cimSifinlHm~~Tto -flw. -Society xif IDenver, Colo., -wiiicn !is ^300,000 xanmaign nf the 3finntrfial ways ^faced with a great pressure on federation of Jewish Philwiltlii'uuies. its j£acilxti@, present' out rfiie countay are Teflacted .by •» Plan Memorial ^to Berger '• ^growing .list' of japp*lican^f jand at A 'memorial "will be imllt t o t h e iihne Ijy :a decreasing iflow .rate "Victor X. iBerger oif ^WiseonnB, contributions irom "the public. A s -the une of "fiie Sounders uf "flie American voluntary -aid of the public tis thiB in- Socialist Party and the inunder and HliUiiion'B sole rmeanp Df support, this editor of the Milwautee Sally -Leadsituation is "^veryfltLritruB,and warrants er, ms a Tesult nf a luncheon 'held the public's immediate attention. ;this -week at which a committee Tras Ths Jewish CoonsumptivBB' Uelief 'chosen or this purpoBe. Society :is "the laffgest Jewish sanatar-; anm iqr 4he tuberculosis 3n -the -coanitry- 5'or 2& lyearE i t ims treated thotiU X "TCIKE gnnflc xif pstiente without any cchargE. VvMit THE ^ Ht arilty anmits inoigent pafente. 3n KEDK.r^ jnation-v?ide iiiepression,' ihe»e JILOTTEK SHOP fiie <wnfk of an institution 33oe tiie' ~ j 315 ~Ehtme JCRS of ^Denver i s of partieiular imipoTtance snd necessity. : SAFE UHUG BEEVICE The 3CES >x£HenvEr i s .broadcasting tfco rthe Jewry nf ^fee Tiation tthat its «0BIKET!r DBTJG CO. dfadlities anuBtie employed t o the iull4D9 W. Broadway—Tel 3S7 *est extent; 3t expects tihe public tto ^W "respond promptly, and s o aid 3iot only largest and most Complete poor, 'lnrt & e poor and diseaseLuncheonette in -flie City
Santa arrives at die Union Station at 10 o'ctecfe—fce^fl lead a Big "Paradz through the downtown sectionto his Omaha head' quartersIHAiri A Ml\ §
SD :givE me a pinch
Society News
A. H. Baron Addresses Sioux Falls B'nai Brith
For National Fund
Mr. A. H. Baron, one of Sioux City's prominent attorneys, addressed the B'nai Brith banquet Thanksgiving evening, which was held in Sioux Falls, S. D. The banquet, which was largely attended preceded the Charity Ball sponsored by the B'nai Brith of that city.
. • • ' . • ' . • .' ;
Mr. Baron, who is a past president of the local B'nai Brith Lodge, has been delegated to speak before the lodges of South Dakota and- North Dakota this winter.
forward with joy to the wider,understanding of the ideals of Zionism and greater inspiration for extending^ the upbuilding work, which will result from his presence among us." A man of great courage, political vision and unbending determination, Mr. Ussishkin is expected to bring to ; the Jews of America an important message concerning the Palestine- situation and the reaction of world Zionism- to the recent political developments in London. For many yeart past Mr. Ussishkin has carefully abstained from expressing his views concerning the state of Zionism. • In an address he made shortly before his departure, at Haifa, on an occasion marking the completion of the Jewish National Fund drainage work of the Haifa Bay lands, Mr. Ussishkin remarked that "the comedy of the last 13 years is over." Ussishkin, who is variously described among Zionists throughout the world as "the great old man of Zionish," "the strong man of the Zionist movement," the embodiment of Zionist will-power," is also regarded as "the redeemer, of. the Valley of Jezreel and the Vale of the Sharon," two of the most important stretches of Palestine soil, which^are now under Jewish cultivation" under the auspices of the Jewish National Fund, of which he is the head. Under Ussishkin's leadership the Jewish National Fund increased the national Jewish land possessions in Palestine from 24,000 to over 300,000 dunams.
Master Teddy Sinikin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sinikin celebrated his Those in Charge Expect Affair fifth birthday on Sunday, by entertaining fifteen little friends. The afto Be an Outstanding ternoon was: spent playing games afSuccess „ JewishGridders on^ ter which refreshments were served. "Extras," "Five O'clock Editions," j j. and all matters of "business" were Central High Eleven Final arrangements were made at Mrs. E. E. Baron has been elected forgotten by over one hundred newsies a joint meeting of the Poale Zion, The season's football . games for The; Pioneer Women, and the National to the Girl Scout Council,.succeeding yesterday noon when they were the Central High, closed last week with a a real Thanksgiving Dinner, Workers Alliance for the Benefit Pal- Mrs. Arthur Sanford, who has resign-\ S^ats at Com-1 victorious game: '.played .with Sioux to them at the ed. Mrs. Baron is also a member of i estinian Bazaar, which is to be held at Through, the co-op-; Falls. Abe Epsitejn," Leonard Bau"imunit the Girl Scout Troop committee at the * Center. the Jewish Community • Center-- . eration of Mr. A. M. Davis and num-' s t e i n a n d Joseph;*Goldberg played on Jewish Community Center. The Bazaar program Sunday -will erous leading business men of Sioux ; t n e team this yea.r.begin .at 4 p. m. Mr. H. Mirbwitz is '—' ~ ~ Members of the Junior Hadassah j 9*ty..e*. the newsies were served a j general chairman, assisted by D. Sperl- Organization dinner of turkey and all the j Order Sons of Zion Founds were hostesses at a [plentiful •P^ ^ ing, Mrs. Goldie' Levin, raffle chairman, Membership Tea Sunday afternoon, in o t h e r necessary items for the Thanks- Junior Group and Harry Epstein, advertising chair- the Jewish Community Center. Mrs.! giving tables. The dinner was open For the first time in the history man. . ;• Theodore N. Lewis, addressed t h e ! t o e v e r y newsboy Jewish and non-of the Order Sens of Zion, which The participating organizations ex- guests, telling about her trip to P&l-1 Jewish. was founded 21 "years ago; special pect the affair to be a great success e s tin e and giving first hand. informaArrangements were in the hands of Junior Camps of the Order, consistin view of the untiring work of the • ti o n about the work Junior Hadassah Miss Rose Lipman, Mr. Lduis Tatle- ing of young men and women of-16 chairman and the co-operation of t h e J i s doing there. Jack Merlin sang a man, Mr. A. M. Davis and Mr.H. N. years and upwards," are' now'bieing committees, } group of popular songs and Sylvia I Slotsky. Mr. Slotsky, Who acted a<s formed, according to an •" announceProceeds of the Bazaar..will be di- Friedman presented a tap dance and; toastmaster delivered the invocation, ment from the headquarters' of the rected toward the work of the~Ghal- reading. Miss Ida Feldman, presi- j Brief talks were made by Mr. Gott- Order. It is hoped that the establishutzim arid Chalutzos in Palestine/ I fring of the Y. M. C. A., Mr. A. M.meit of Junior Camps will give the dent,' greeted the guests. M. M. Ussishkin Tea was served following the pro-1 Davis, president of the federation and I older members of the Order an opPrize Winning Jewish Novel gram. Out of town guests included several other business men. Miss portunity to bring up their children M. M. Ussishkin, the famous Zionmonths, and will visit a limited numj Publication of the Jewish prize Miss Libbie Blacker and Miss Pansy \ Sylvia Friedman, Miss Mary Berko- in a Zionist spirit. ; novel ist leader and president of the Jewish ber of Jewish communities here. offered by the Stratford Cornwitz, Master Jack Merlin and Mr. The Ohabei Zion Camp, No. 2 is Brown of Omaha.' an 3 n t h Jewi sh Tribun National Fund, whose life story is an ! Zionists throughout the country, as P y ^ ^ . ^wiU be Clifford Jurgenson appeared on the the first to establish a Junior Camp. ! he n t h e firs t 1ES Ue f tne embodiment of the struggles, success well *s representatives of other Jew] ^ . , ° " ^ The Marble room of the West Hotel program. Through the courtesy ofj and set-backs of the Zionist movement! ish organizations, have great interest 'monthly magazine that has recently The business meeting of the. B'nai, was the scene of the formal Thanks-! Mr, "Mickey" Gross, manager of the! Judaism and Social Ideals rith on Tuesday evening,' December! giving party given by the Question Orpheum Theater, the boys were! Cincinnati.—A series of sseminars from its early inception in the days • in the expected visit of the veteran:' been announced. The $2,000 prize is Brith 2, will be occupied by the report of Club last evening. Mixie Anderson J guests of that theater at the matinee vvin b e conducted, in the nation's of Herzi up to the issuance of the •• Zionist leader, who stood at the cradlefor serial right publication in the the Nominating Committee. — The! and his orchestra furnished the music' performance, following the dinner, important cities to arouse communi- Passfield White Paper, left Palestine j of political Zionism and has to his 'Jewish Tribune and for book pubhcommittee met this week and will pre-• for dancing. The committee in charge Flowers for the table were given by t i e s " t 0 a greater sense of inter- on his way to the United States, where | credit a life long career of service in c a t ' o n by the Stratford Company, sent its choice of nominees at that' of the party included Cecil Seff, Leon' the Rocklin and Lehman company, i relationship of Judaism and social he will arrive on December 2mi, it' the rebuilding of Palestine as the,1 It was recently announced that betime. Nominations will also be made \ Dobrofsky, Lawrence Sampson, Jack The Epsilon Phi Sorority and the | ideals". This was decided at a joint was officially announced by Emanuell Jewish National Home. This interest ginning January, 1931, the Jewish from the floor. Fifteen new members London and E. W. Paron. the Social Justice Com- Neumann, President of the Jewish Na- ' was demonstrated in a resolution Tribunte will publish two seperate { Business Girl's Club assisted in the j meeting will be voted upon at that meeting also. adopted unanimously by a representa-' publications, a national monthly and i serving and the preliminary arrange- mission of the Union of , American tional- Fund _oi America. Great progress has been made by the Miss Shirley Harkoway is visiting ments. Hebrew Congregations and the SoThe distinguished visitor, whose tive Jewish Conference held in New a New York weekly. David N. Momembership drive committee, accord- friends in Muscatine, Iowa. cial Justice Commission of the Cen-mission is closely connected with the York a fortnight ag-o. The resolution sesohn is the editor and M. Mosesing to the reports of Mr.'M. E. Friedtral Conference of American Rabbis, work of the Palestine Land Fund, will invited Mr. Ussishkin to come to sohn the publisher of the- Jewish man, president of the lodge. • The Phi Epsilon Taii Sorority met held at the Union offices here. stay in the United States for several- America, and declared that it "looks Tribune. at the home of'Miss Bernice Levin on-Wednesday evening. The regular * Shaare Zion business meeting at which initiation - "What Shall the American Jew be plans were made, was followed by reThankful For" is the subject of 'Rabbi freshments and dancing. Twelve new members were elected j I Habinowitz sermon this "evening" at i to the Board of Directors ' of the : Shaare Zion. The service will begin Miss Sara Baird will depart today \ Chevra Kadisha &t a meeting held, as usual at 8 o'clock with Cantor Pli- for m extended visit in New York;«?« Sunday evening. The new mem-skin chanting the service and Mr.-Sam bers include M. Sacks, M. Levich, A. j City.' Passman leading tin* ^hoir. *" ' Kozber£r F. Gbrchow, j . Robin, J. Ja-« Saturday morning Philip Silverberg, cobson, A. Mazie, J. Harlow, I; ChesProgram notes for the Sioux City son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Silverberg, en D i m s d a l e S Li m Symphony Concert which will be held, » / " P an and N.l will become Bar Mrzvah. Following Sterling, this coming week; were written by the services Mr. an'f Mrs. Silverberg At a meeting of the directorship in • will honor Philip ar. a reception for Miss Rose Pill, who is the associate the near future, officers of the dr^j music editor for the S. C. Tribune. their friends in the social hall of the ganization will be elected. ..Plans were Synagogue. made &t the meeting. for the annual The N. M. A. club met Sunday afLast weekend Ra'jbi Rabinowitz visChevra Kadisha banquet," which will ternoon at the home of Miss Bess GET . ited Iowa City, where he addressed be held at the Jewish Community CejiSPECIAL OFFER the Philip Club, which is compo'sed of Sacks. ter Sunday evening. December 7. a Jewish membership. He spoke > on Miss Joyce Sanders has departed on ''Jewish Faults and Virtues." - Rabbi for her home in Santa Barbara. Calif., GOODYEAR Rabinowitz was pleased to note that after a visit &t the home of Mr. and Donble Eagles Victor Mazie. the meeting was attended by every and Sioux City student who1 is "attending Miss Evelyn Green' of Omaha, is a AIL-WEATHERS Iowa university. He was accompanied guest of Miss Florence Holland this The, first J. C. C. dance, given last on the trip by Mrs. Rabinowitz. • . Sunday evening proved both a social week. and financial success. Music was furMount Sinai Te?nple '• Thanksgiving vacation has brought nished by Larry Burkle and his orRabbi Theodore N. Lewis will, speak many of the college students to Sioux chestra. That is why Goodyear sales are going ahead at a rate beyond any previous record. on "The Soul, of America" at .the xeg- City for a brief visit. Those who are Building many millions more tires a year than any other company. Goodyear enular services'this evening which will visiting their homes over the weekThe Macc&bees and A. Z. A. basket j joys greater experience and lowest costs—can give more for your money. begin- a t B. o'clock. end are Fred Sherman, Morris Gordon, ball teams met in an interesting game Julius Mosow, Philip Dobrofsky, and last Tuesday evening. Come in'and get the benefit—the best tires—lowest prices—backed by our friendly Frances Emlein, 2<!1 of the University Brotherhood Hears of Nebraska at Lincoln. The Masque and Wig players are service. Greening Speak Lillian Dobrofsky, Vivian Mosow, rehearsing for . two one-act plays, which they will present early in De" Mr. G. K. Greening, Siotix City's Elizabeth Raskin and Neomi Hurwitz cember. 'Weather Man*' spoke before--'the visited in Lincoln, Nebr., recently. members of Mojint Sinai Brotherhood i at their regular monthly .dinner*1 meet- Larry Sampson, Morris Miller, Abe • The Newsies. Club held .their reguing Monday evening. Mr. Morris_PiIl, Feldman, Abe and Jack Kozberg and lar meeting Monday evening. A propresident of the Brotherhood intro- Jack London spent Sunday visiting gram of boxing matches preceded the business nieeting. The" play room at duced the speaker. —in Omaha the Community Center has-been equip.The dinner was served by thejmemped with ping pong tables,. checkers bers of the Sisterhood. and indoor horseshoe games for the Auxiliary Banquet benefit of this club. •
Cfreyra Kadisha Elects Board of Directors
J. C. C, News
little not to buy the best
Speeial on Alcohol for Your Radiator, 7$c per Gallon
on December 17 Talmud Torah Dance The Ladies' Auxiliary of Shaare Set for January 13 Zion Synagogue will hold their Eighth
Mrs. Reilly of the Maison Lorenzo at Davidson Bros. Company, will At » meeting of the Talmud- Torah Annual Banquet on Wednesday, De- speak at the next meeting of the Board Tuesday, January 13, was setcember 17. This event will mark the Business Girl's Club on Wednesday. as the date for the annual Talmud eighth anniversary of the organization . The Boy Scout Troop hiked to Stone Torah dance. Mrs. B. Sherman was of the Auxiliary. appointed as chairman for the' affair, The program will include the in- Park on Sunday for a steak fry. . which will be Jield at the Rigandon stallation of officers for the coming J dance, hall. The Girl Scout Troop held its first year, as well as a program arranged of the date has been by Mrs. H. R. Rabinowitz and the cul- meeting under the direction of Miss made at this early time to avoid con- tural committee. The faculty of the Dorothy ,-Mosow; on Saturday eveflict with any other organization's Religious school will be guests at this ning. They will have a party for new members on Saturday' evening,' Noplans. banquet. . • vember 29." Mrs. B. Sherman will act. as menu SENIOR HADASSAH chairman and Mrs. Philip Sherman, HEAR REPORTS 3204 Jennings street, will act 'as din- SHAARE ZION CHOIR ing room chairman. AND REVUE CAST TO BE •Reports of the recent card party and FETED BY AUXILIARY luncheon occupied the business meet- Jewish Actors to Appear irig of the Senior Harlassah on Tuesin Cast of "Shrine Jollies" On Sunday evening, the cast which day afternoon. Mrs. William Lazere appeared in the recent Auxiliary Represided. A number of- Sioux City's young vue, and the members of the Shaare Jewish men and.women have been Zion choir will be feted a,t a party in chosen for the cast of the Shrine Jol- the social holl of the Synagogue. The lies which will be presented in the party to which only these two groups Orpheum Theater, December 2, 3, 4 are invited is to be given by the and 5. They include" Max Rosenthal, Ladies Auxiliary of the Synagogue, "We feed the multitude" H. N. Slotsky, Rose Shiloff, Elsie Dancing will be followed by refreshWith Tasty Foods Schulman. Annette Baker and Serene ments. Mrs. D. L. Baker is in charge of the arrangements. Barrent.
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