December 12, 1930

Page 1

Interesting and Entertaining

In the Interests of The Jewish Community Enterea g» «ecoml-eiaw m a l l on J i a n p o g f a att Omaha. O h M b k &~% Va» Act Nebraska, A oSTdarch 8. i m


Recall Role ofJewsin Insurrection of Poland Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—A memorial one in honor of the Polish patriots fell in the insurrection of 1830, in defending the arsenal, which is now a prison, was unveiled here in the center of the Warsaw Jewish quarter on Nalewki Square. Thousands of Jews participated and special memorial services were held in the synagogues. During the 1830 insurrection not only the Jews of congress Poland but also of Vohlynia and White Bussia helped the insurrectionists against the Czarist armies. The Jewish press published hitherto unarchives containing material regarding the Jewish participation in the Polish insurrection.



VOL. Vin.—No. 46

12, 1930

Again Heads LOCAL NATIONAL Littau Will Be Speaker Hebrew Club FUND COUNCILTO HOLD FLAG DAY

Irish Organization Aids ! i Jewish Philanthropies

j New York. (J. T. A.)—An Irish society in New York has donated one thousand dollars to the Federation Joseph littau, who has received the for the Support of Jewish Phflanplaudits of musical critics for his fine thropic Sodties, Dudley D. Sicher, work as conductor of the Omaha Sym- J president of the federation, anpbony Orchestra, will be the principal j nounced this contribution yesterday speaker at the December 17 dinner of j by the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the Brotherhood of Temple Israel in James A. Foley, president of the the vestry rooms of the Temple. | Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, in a The dinner will be in celebration of i letter to Mr. Sicher, stated that the Chanukah. arid appropriate Chanukah; contribution was one of three voted ceremonies and decorations win be a: at the annual meeting of the society, feature of the dinner. I the others being $1,500 to the Ca"We have been most fortunate in tholic Charities and $1,000 to the securing the speaker of the evening, Charity Organization Society. Mr. Littau," said Nathan E. Jacobs, j president of the Brotherhood.

Sam K Klaver was honored by being elected to the presidency of the Omaha Hebrew Club for the third successive time last Sunday at the annual election of the organization. Other officers chosen are:: Irvin Levin, vice-president; Sol Rosenberg, secretary; John Feldman, treasurer;


Max Barish, long active in Zionist circles, has been elected chairman of Officers, Trustees, Execoti** the local Jewish National Fund CounBoard and Delegates of cil for the new year. Local Lodge Chosen Other officers chosen are Mrs. J. Iintzman, vice-chairman; J. RosenIrvin C Levin was elected berg, treasurer; Dr. O. C Belzer, secof the local lodge of the B'nai retary. for the ensuing terra at the Flag Day of the organization held at the CseLondon.—(J. T. A.)—A marked xeThe seventeenth annual Maccabean ter last Thursday. He succeeds Phi% treat by the British government from Flag Day of* the Jewish National M. Klutznick. , its Palestine policy as enunciated in Fund will he held locally during the The other officers elected the recent White Paper is seen by week of December 14 to 21, according Harry B. Conn, vice-president; Zionist circles in the important assurto Mrs. M. F. Levenson, ^franr*"*?? of Abramson, secretary; Harry ances given by Lord. Passfield, Colothis drive. man, treasurer; Leo Abramson, nial Secretary, in the House of Lords The fonowingvwere.named to help den; Jack Alberts, guardian; Dr. €K SL during the debate on Palestine, that the chairman: Max Barish, Rabbi Belzer, Harry L. Sommer and the government does not intend to David Goldstein of the Conservative S. Yaffee, trustees. prohibit the purchase of land or to Synagogue, Miss Ida Flatt, president Those named to the executive prevent the exclusive employment of of the Junior Hadassah, Mrs. Julius are Dave Freeman, Harold Jewish labor on land held as the inStein, president of the Hadassah, and alienabla property of the Jewish peoReport of Jewish Education As- J. J. Friedman, Dr. S. Z. Stern, S&» Jndah Wolfson, Hebrew School teacher pie. sociation Shows Proand Poale-Zionist worker. gress Made The debate which was impromptu New York—(J. T. A.)—Jewish.labThe committee iledded to hold this was introduced by Lord Islington, or in the United States, .organized to drive this year in ihe Sunday Schools, New York.—(J. T. A.)—A report champion of the Arab cause, who ask- help Jewish labor in Palestine^ answTalmud Torah, and all Junior dubs. describing the work of the Jewish ed whether the government considers ered the British Whit* Paper by quadOn account «f the coming to this Education Association since its founit in consonance with public policy rupling its Palestine quota in a $500,country of M. M. tTssishkin, president dation nine years ago, with special that the acquirement of large tracts 000 campaign that was launched at of the World Jewish National Fund, data-on the work of the past year, has of land in Palestine as the inalienable the annual convention of the organizaa greater effort is going to be made been issued by Israel Unterberg, presproperty of Jewish organizations tion. locally and in other communities to ident of the organization, which will should* be permitted and that condiraise more money than in past Flag Over 800 delegates attended the conmark its ninth anniversary at a dintions should be allowed to be inserted vention, while more than 2,000 symDays. ner on Sunday. Justice Benjamin N. preventing the lessees from employing p a t e r s were present at the SaturCardozo, Chief Justice of the Court Collections will be: acknowledged in sn iUt m ZJ Ji ^ laborers. . d a y g^ning meeting at Carnegie hafl. of Appeals of the State of New York; the Jewish Press. ' Joseph Littaa The statement of Lord Passfield ^ ^myear a NatJonal Labor CoL Michael Friedsam, merchant and Mrs. J. Iintzman, chairman of the Sam E. Klaver eame as a great rehef to tiie Zionists ^ttee for the -Jewish" Workers of National Fund boxes, is being assist- eame to Omaha a total stranger, and philanthropist, and Adolph S. Ochs, here, who had swaited. with a certain- Palestine raised $174,845. It was the D. Schwartz, Morris Brandeis and Sami ed by Mrs. J. Eosenberg, Mrs. N. Le- he has electrified not only the city but publisher of the New York Times, are anxiety the outcome of this debate, in m o s t &e^ h a d e v e r raise(L the honorary chairmen of the dinner. vinson, Mrs. I. Hnrwitz, and Mrs. L. tha nation." Altschuler, trustees. view of the many anti-Zionists in the This year, as speaker after speaker The organization is now planning a! Rosenblatt. Mrs. Lmtxman announces • The dinner is open to the public, but Increase in Attendance House of Lords. emphasized the necessity of carrying mammoth affair to be held at the city' that Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kulakofeky reservations must be made by letter or Dealing with the work of the past Purchase of Tracts Legal on Jewish labor in spite of all diffi- auditorium on February 22." This will and Mr. and Mrs. L Osheroff bought telephone to Louis Somberg, secretary year, Mr. Unterberg states that deBeplying to Lord Islington, Lord culties imposed by Great Britain's pop be given in conjunction with a mem- j trees in honor of their new born sons, of the Brotherhood. spite' the economic slump, there has f liti Passfield said, that is not unlawful litical attitude, the workers became bership drive, and according to Presi"The dinner is open to men, women been no drop in the total number of now, in accordance with the laws of convinced of the necessity of making dent Klaver, "will be an event, the and children, and is not a stag dinner," children receiving a Jewish education Palestine, to purchase large tracts of: a tremendous effort. At the Saturday like of which Omaha has never be-' said Mr. Somberg. in Greater New York, that number I land as the inalienable property of the- evening mass meeting, a campaign for fore seen." i The dinner will start at 6:30 o'clock consisting of 71462 pupils in attend- j half a million dollars was launched. Jewish--people- or to insert in agree-! and the program will be finished by anee a& organized religious schools "Although business condition, as While tiie workmen pledged them- everyone knows, has been very demerits -with lessees on such land a eight o'clock. and approximately 30,000 receiving conditiemiffojr the exclusive -.tstaployrselves to carry on their efforts for pressing," Klaver stated, "the OmaIrvin C . Levin private instruction. During1 the per- J ment '^f J^wisli labor. Openly starts Palestine,- they were not hesitant in ha Hebrew Club has gone through the iod that the Jewish Education Associa- | Bothenberg and Sam Stem. Berlin^—{J. T. A.)—A demand to Ing the official government view foT"denoundng the action of the British past year in .an excellent and roost ention has been in existence, Mr, ,.Un-| Delegates elected for the eliminate the O^d ^Testament ftom the .first, tfjw^^ in_ issuing the couraging manner.'' -He pointed- oxttthe Christian fsrthis made by Prrf. terberg says, there has been an in-" BrSa conwntkm to beTield at St. dear that "the government does not White Paper. Aresolutionrwaspassed that during the past eleven months the crease in the number of Jewish chil- »ex* spring are Sam Beber, F i the reasserting, the of ithe Jewish organization has paid out $12,000 in Willy Hellpach of the University of 'propose any amendments making New York. (J. T. A.)—Adolpli S. dren receiving a Jewish education of Lapidus, Philip Klutznick, Irvin Heidelberg in a two-volume work people, to establish a homeland purchase of landd unlawful as such. l in Pal- its charitable work without having to; "Between Wittenberg and Rome," Ochs, publisher of the New York 25,000. I master, Ahner Kaiman and Dr, A, estine, and calling upon tfreat Britain draw on an y of its reserve funds. Specification Not Unlawful which appeared here. Times and national leader in civic The progress that has been made in Greenberg. Alternates chosen wn?s to remove rthe obstruction to the Lord Passfield further denied that In eliminating the Old Testament and Jewish communal affairs, has j the licensing of teachers of Hebrew J a c k w - Marer and Joe Greenberg. a-specification of which class of peo- "establishment of harmonious rela- Heads Bucharest Department Professor Hellpach suggests that accepted the honorary chairmanship : schools is, perhaps, the most import- j ?*** presidents shared the spotlight pie should be employed on land is to tions between the Jews ^TI^ tl an exception be made to the Psalms of the Jewish Education "Association! ant forward step that Jewish educa- ^ t n the election at the meeting. A Bucharest.—Horia Carp, a set up by the White Paper. such an extent contrary to public pober of the Bucharest city council andv of David and the Prophets. The dinner which will take place Decem- \ tion has to record during the past feature was a mock trial in wWah licy that it ought to be prohibited by .".former senator, was appointed con- stories of creation and the fall of ber 14th at the Commodore HoteL j year, says Mr. Unterberg in his re- President-elect Levin indicted the law. "It would at least require very! T _ _ • x. T> r • T7f J presidents, who were ably defended troller of the municipal department man in the first book of Moses are The announcement of Mr. Ochs' ac- port. definite evidence of harmful effects J e w i s h PTO1eSSOT * UlOS Henry Monsky. of cheap dwellings. Thi3. is the cited by him as "dangerous and im- ceptance was made by Mark Eisner, before it conld be declared to be confirst time a Jew has been named to moral." chairman of the Arrangements Com- F o r m e r K i n £ H l l S S e m I s trary to law," Lord Passfield stated. mittee of the function. . n-7 • % such a public position here. . *j T . In paragraph 19 and 20 of the White Kiga.—(J. ff. A.)—A new method of Paper, the policy of the Jewish apen- rejuvenation has been discovered by des of acquiring land as the inalien-' Prof. S. Lebedinsky of the Latvian Jerusalem.—{J. T. A.) — The forable property of the Jewish people and University, it became known here. mer King Hussein of the Hedjaz will in providing for the exclusive employ- j Professor Lebedinsky's method conspend the rest of his days in Ammeht of Jewish labor was criticised. | sists of a slight operation lasting not man, the capital of Transjordania, of The Colonial-Secretary recalled that: more than a minute. It is entirely which one of his sons, Emir AbdulLth, Lincoln, Nebr.—(Special.)— not many years ago Irish and Cathc-j painless. Although no experiments is now the ruler. Hussein left Cyprus London*— (J. T. A.)—Sir Isaac Al- born in Melbourne in 1855. This is Three years later he was named to where he had been exiled, on Friday Chapter No. S of Aleph Sadik lies were often barred from work in have been made on humans, experi(Continued on page 8) ' ments on dogs have proven successful. fred Isaacs, .recently appointed Chief also the first time that a non-Protest- the judicial committee of the privy for Amman. He is accompanied by has been awarded the district tournaMedical authorities who witnessed the Justice of Australia, has been named ant has been selected as the represent- council, the highest legal tribunal in j Abdullah who went to Cyprus follow- ment in oratory, debate and baskftfoperation on aged dogs and saw how governor-general of Australia. The ative of the British Crown in Aus- the British Empire. In 1928 he was ing recent reports that Hussein was balL The dates of the tournament have been set as February 6, 7f & knighted. During the second Deakin seriously ill. the canines took on new energy and appointment of Sir Isaac marks the tralia. "vigor are examining the possibilities first time that a native Australian j The selection of Sir Isaac as gover- government, from 1905 to 1906 he was It is recalled that when Hussein 1931. There will be an orator, of the rejuvenation method for hu- has been chosen for the highest of- nor-general climaxes a long and bril- attorney-general of the commonwealth was exiled he was not permitted in debaters and a basketball team ttntu mans. the following cities: (Continued on page S.) S in the Dominion. Sir Isaacs was liant legal and public career dating any part of Arabia. Kansas City, Misso*^ Kansas •j back to 1892 when he was a member Kansas; St. Joseph, Missouri; T of the legislative assembly of Victoria, Kansas; Sioux City, Des Moines j In 1901 he became a member of the Council Bluffs, Iowa, and from fe<i ra r* •* • ~ •' •* • -»*• •* •••> •* '-•<«' ^ ^ house of representatives. D u r Washington.—(J. T. A.)—The exOmaha Chapter No. 1 and Omsht pected renewed attack on immigration Chapter No. 100. V}^HVMJ1& 1 1 1 l V l . U l l i r C c l l O l c t & L C U . ing-premier of Victoria, attorney-genin congress was launched both by Abe Novicoff, president of the eral of Victoria and a member of the President Hoover in bis message at Montreal.—(J. T. A.}—All hopes of fifth, Protestants assure that they will At a testimonial dinner at the Hotel isdiction over Jewish immigration and ter has been selected as the convention that framed the Australian the opening of the last session of the Jewish nationalists in this city not discriminate against employing Astor, Sunday night, Louis Lipsky, re- settlement, with full financial and chairman of the tournament, H, Sr» present Congress and by the intro- establish a separate Jewish school sys- Jewish teachers, but will make such constitution. ceived his meed of praise for thirty moral responsibility, and under the man Goodbinder has been chosen ut duction of Senator David A. Eeed's tem 3n accordance with the right given appointments and. promotions when Brilliant Career years of service in the Zionist move- general supervision of • the .govern- the chairman of the publicity cntrv. bill to suspend immigration for two them by the school bill which was deemed fit. He served in the house of represent- ment. Messages from colleagues in ment; third, free purchase of land by mittee; Jack Singer chairman of th* years from all countries on the hemis- passed by the Quebec Legislature last The complete control of the schools' atives until 1906 when he was ap- all parts of the world and speeches by Jewish people subject to liberal laws arrangements committee and Eltot phere and from Europe, and the of- year have now vanished as a result of which Jewish children attend in Mon- pointed a justice of the high court. those present contributed to the ap- for protection of tenants; fourth, the Goldberg chairman of the fin&na* fering of another measure by Repre- the publication of the official text of treal will on the other hand remain preciation of his efforts. unreserved acceptance of the Mandate committee. sentative Cable, to exclude all immi- the contract entered into between the exclusively in the hands of the Pro- In 1921 he became a privy councillor. President Hoover,. Governor Frank- as the constitutional basis of governAn executive council for this totsm*igration of laborers, until the Secre- Protestant and Jewish School boards. testant Board. Begacding the finanlin D. Roosevelt, Lt, Gov. Herbert H. ment in Palestine be the basis for ment consists of the four cbsirnwos tary of Labor decides they are needed. According to this contract, Montreal cial side of the contract, $75 per anLehman, Senator Boyal S. Copel&nd, eligibility of appointment of British under the leadership of the In his message to Congress Presi- Jewish children will, as in the past, num is to be paid for each Jewish Judge Otto A. Kosalsky, CoL Fred- civil servants in the Palestine admin- chairman. dent Hoover said, "there is need for a continue to attend Protestant schools, child attending a Protestant school, erick yjgfiTi, chairman of the Palestine istration; fifth, no form of legislation The committee is making revision of our immigration laws up- though their liberty of conscience will such money to come from Jewish taxes Zionist Executive, Dr. Chaim Weiz- be considered that includes those ele- tionE for the accommodation of. SOfon a more limited and more selective be recognized and provision will be and from the "neutral panel," which The Jewish Press wishes to call mann, Felix M. Warburg, Dr. Isaac ments of the population that refuse to contestants and visitors. There its fes basis flexible to the needs of the made for their observance of Jewish receives taxes from various corpora- particular attention to a feature, Gruenbaum, president of the Polish accept the Mandate as such basis of store for those attending this tournacountry. Under conditions of current holidays. "If I Were a Jew," started in tins Zionist Federation, Harry Sacher and government in Palestine; sixth, thst ment luncheons, sightseeing1 tours. * tions. employment it is obvious.that persons The main points of the contract are The Protestant Board also grants issue and to be concluded next Selig 3rodetsky, English member of grsnts-in-aid of Jewish education and theater party, a dance at the coming to the United States to seek as follows? '< ' the Jews the right t o use two schools week. the World Zionist Executive, were' health institutions be proportionate to place in Lincoln and last but not work would likely become either di- First, "Jewish children are to enjoy in the Jewish district after school "If I Were a Jew" is a sensaamong those who sent laudatory mes- the taxes paid by proportionate to the a gala banquet where trophies, rect or indirect public charges.1* the same rights and privileges as Pro- hours for classes in Hebrew, Jewish tional sermon by Dr. John Haynes sages to the former president of the taxes paid by Jewish citizens of Pal- and other awards will b" presentee!. As a temporary measure the offices testant children in the Protestant history and religion. Holmes, recognized as one of the Zionist organization of America, now estine. The tournament will last three issuing visas to immigrants have been, schools; second, Jewish children may most outstanding personalities in honorary vice-chairman, in recognition days and each individa.n1 attending. in pursuance of the law, instructed to attend any Protestant school in their the Christian ministry. An analy- of his influence in the cause of Zioncontestant or visitor, will hfe refuse visas to applicants likely to fall district and not be' segregated' from Hecht Heads Boston Committee whether tical perusal of it cannot help but ism. given adequate housing. into this class. As a result the visas other children in classes; third, the make us better Jews and enkindle Boston.—Simon E. Hecht, head of In regard to Palestine, Mr. Lipsky, Announcement has also been m&tl* issued have decreased from an aver- Protestant School Board recognizes 13 pride in our heritage. who is a member of the World Zionist the board of overseers of the public by the A. Z. A. of the appointment «J age of jabout 24.000 per month, prior Jewish holidays and Jewish children These thoughts, uttered by a non- Executive, outlined a program of co- welfare of the city, has been named the international senior and jtmlot The "Sweetheart Dance" of the A. to the restriction, to a rate of about will not lose any marks for absence; Z. A. chapter No. 1 will be held at Jew, contain a message which is operation between the Jewish people deputies of the A. Z. A. for the 7.000 during the last month. These fourth, Jewish children will not be the Paxton Hotel this Sunday evening. meant for every Jew, a lesson and Great Britain, which includes the chairman of the Boston group of the tern region chapters of district Massachusetts emergency committee are largely preferred persons under forced to study the New Testament The College Club orchestra will play. which is of incalculable benefit following points: First, political and 6. Jacob Finkelstein of Lincoln the law. Visas from Mexico are about and will not lose any marks if they The committee in charge includes Don't fail to read *If I Were a econpmic reconstitution of Transjord- on unemployment,, is the announce- Frank Acker-man of Omaha are 250 per month, compared to about 4,- will bring a letter from their patents Saul Graetz, Harry Weinberg, Harold Jew" by Dr. Holmes. . . sada. as a. part of Palestine; second, ment made by Majpjr James M. Cur- senior and junior deputies, 000 previous to the restriction. voicing disapproval of this subject; Barish and Jack Epstein, j t i e JewishAgency to fee assigned jur- ley. fed

Jews Hopeful from. Statements by Passfield



Seek Christian Ban on OH Testament

a Rejuvenation Method

t l

in 1 ransjordania

Jewish Jurist, Sir Isaac Isaacs, Is Appointed to Qovern Australia


Lipsky Honored for 30 Years of Work in Zionist Cause

Don't Miss "If I Were a Jew"

"Sweetheart Dance" by A. Z; A. on Sunday





1& 1980

miracle of history. Where is there has gtai the impregnable'arrogance. Here the Jew is under a anything to compare with the story fortress of his spirit } « « * temptation, net only because of of the Jew during the last two thojj-j What can compare with this achieve- the greatness, but more because of sand years? His pitiful subjection to ment? Where elsewhere can be found the nature oi his achievement. The the brutal tyranny of Rome, the de- such evidence of tfeat profotmdest of psychologist has told us how an instruction of his country and of his all truths—that "the tilings which are feriority complex develops out of exholy city, Jerusalem, amid conditions seen are temporal, but the things periences of prejudice, disability and of horror unparalleled in ancient times which are not seen are eternal?" persecution. —his scattering through the western When I s e s the Jew two tboasand This psychologist has also told us -world like seeds flung before the years ago driven like a hunted animal how, out of this inferiority complex, from the hearthfires of his home and engendered by unusual circumstances the altars of hie temple—when I see of misfortune, there deve'.ops a suThe Jew's Survival Mm, centuries ago, plunged into the • periority complex as a compensation Why did he not disappear, as the ghetto a s into a dark, iiwpenetrabJe, to hold even the balances of self-esten tribes of Israel h«d disapipeared sea in which he mast be lost forever— • teem. The Jew is an impressive exbefore him? ^ There are various aa- and then when I see him, in my own' ample of both of these two extremes. swers. His fidelity to tb* l*w of his time, emerging from this ghetto and The idea of "the chosen people" was people is one; his dream of the Mes-! taking bis place among the greatest (Continued on page 8) s u b and of the return to Zion isfen-] of mankind—I say again that here is other. But in essence the explsna- J the supreme miraete of that inner soul Hxm is a sheer triumph cf the spirit .j of nuu which is the reflection of that -s. over all the ingenious cruelty and arm- ! spirit of reality which is God. Who The Jewish God ed violence of the world could bring, would not be prond to b« bora of such 2808-10 It is amazing to discover how prim- against it. The Jew is the most trag- a race, and carry in one's blood the Crnnine St. itive seUgiooa ii^e vrorkl aroond had ic of men, since he has always been living tradition of each a people! HA 0881 BO moral content of any kind. It is

If I Were a Jew

Famed Non-Jewish Minister Advises Yowng American Jewry What They Si Da

|American Laundry]

The Sensational Sermon by Or* Holmes Concerning the Problem ofYoung Israel Starting Out into Life . JOHN HAYNES HOLMES

Temptation So I say that, if I were a Jew, be proud of it.

of such highly cultivated peo-j

I have certainly never, would I try to do, and pray to the The Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, tianity. by special arrangement, presents Dr. thought of myself as stepping into the! God of aty frtfeess that I would sucJohn Holmes' sensational ser- synagogue, and have not the slightest: ceed sa doing, if I were a Jew? respect, but it is easily corrupted lsy mon, "If I Were a Jbw" to tkesAmernevlaw, and they glorified this God and' ican Jewish public Among Christian interest in the question of what I . { er bent him to the ground. The dark- excess into egotism, selfishness and ihis law which, they believed to be Ms ness of indescribable woe has failed rvligious leaders Dr. Holmes, head of woflld do if I should suddenly become Proud of It the New York Community Church, a son of Abraham. JACK W. MAKER. Attorney at t a w First of aB, if I were sbJew; I would will in a tradition of prophecy, which to quench the flame of his inner life. . , • " ' • ' Conrt llauM tanks as one of the outstanding perbe proud t o b e a Jew. I would be Qowtfattea xuhose tibero.1 cntct progresKOTICB OF AXKSTDMEJJT TO THE ARproud of the tradition of my tribe, the e the grreatest single moral force in TICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE sive views are a tremendous factor in; The Born Jew ATLAS ACCinEXX AKD HEALTH ASIKe moulding of young America. Jfnij What does concern me Is'the prob- longest tradition that has survived in- ill the experience of man. In so far SOCIATION. Christianity has been a religion of! of the significance of Dr.* i e m o f the real Jew—the man who is to toe modern world; I would be proud Notice is hereby given that At a special WE SPECIALIZE IN FRAMING regeneration and not merely of meeting ef the poiieyhoiiler* of the Atlns a member <rf the of of the history of my people, the most ethical GIVE AS ETCHIKG FOB. Accident and Health Association, beld ea m the Seven ad The and The Jewish i theological speculation h i s a religion the 8tb day of December, 103©, pursuant to CHRISTMAS Press will publish "If i Were a Jew" Israel, who has behind.him the noblest heroic, it also the most .painful, his- of the Jews. due and proper notice ns provided fn ami ' rue ! in extenso, this being th first instal- spiritual tradition in the history of tory that lies recorded in the annals liy ttue Articles of Incorporation pud by All that is best in Christianity, in iiient.—THE EDITOR. of mankind; I would be proud of the hiw, and; aprr«w»I of the Board of Directors mankind^ yet finds himself living in «C thf said Atlas. AccideBt and H«uJCh A»other words, is in its origin Jewish. achievements of my family, which run BOclBtfon hnvlng been given thereto, and Jxk entering upon the discussion of an unfriendly world and tbna forced |apjtr0Y9tl «t the .Department of Trade and And if, in the wider field, in tbe world j Commerce, Bureau of Insurance of the this rather' personal question of what to ^dapt himself to a hostile environ- in an unbroken span from Isaiah, the at large, we have any such things to- i State of Nebraska to such proposed nmendI. would do if I were a Jew, it may ment. The problem of the Jew cast greatest prophet of ancient times, to roent bavise first been obtained, the folday as moral conscience ^noral vision, Albert Einstein, the greatest thinker lowing articles were amended as follows: ba well for me to explain at the out- into the life of our western civilization moral culture and endeavor, we owe Article 1. "The name of th« Corporation set what kind of a Jew I have in mind. with his destiny all entangled with the of modern times. ^ I hate the word is "ATLAS INSURANCE COMPAKY." these to the Jew. This may not mean "aristocracy" for what a snobbish ArtMe VIII. "Tne company's corporate unhappy traditions of t i e dominant Forther* are two kinds of Jews in CHARLES SIMON seal si»H eon tain the wer<lg. "ATI.AwS INmuch in this age, when humanity SURAXCB COMPAJTV. OMAHA, NEBRASthemodern world. In the first place, religion of Christianity, presents, to worid has made this essentially noble Rwwn mends seems to be so definitely in revolt KA," Bnrr««ndJBe the words, •CORPORthere are Jews who are born Jews, my mind, one of the most difficult word to mean. But if we can. speak ATE SEAL." . The Sanitary Laundry E-gainst all things ethical and spiritATI/AS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH ASwho are members of the tribe of Israel ethieal prohlems of our tima. Some of an aristocracy in the true sense of T h e Best ot All Laundry Service" SOCIATION. ual. But it is my conviction that it the word, then I believe it is not to? Jews meet it in one way, other Jews by blood and inheritance, and who are By JOHN A. PARSER. President, H. P. FAKBER, Secretary. in another. How should it be met <m much to say—in the light of anjsajah is righteousness that holds the world Farnam thius destined to be JewB to. the end Witness: Anna Blaafc. together. And it is my memory that yesterday, and of an Einstein today— * T—12-12-30 of their tame upon the earth, whether the highest, plane of personal charit was the Jews who.first proclaimed they want to be or not. On the other acter and racial integrity? How that the Jew belongs to the greatest KOSSK.T. SA1USMAN * CKOIMN6KT, that "justice shall dwell in the wildr hand, here are Jews who have become would I meet i t if I were a Jew born intellectual and spiritual aristocracy Attorneys erness, and righteousness shall abide ft* Oatfai National Bask Bide. Jews by process of ^wnversion or as-in the synagogue and reared in the that the world has ever known. For 5» Years KOTIGX OP ARTICLES OX1 tNCOBPOKAin the fruitful field. And the work of j sitnilation. For Judaism, like. Chris- traditions of my people? TION OF "INSCBANCE TKCST, IKThere are two things that are dis- righteousness shall be peace; and the! Your Towel Man COBPORATED" tianity, is an open faith, and we may In answering- this qttestion, may I tinctive of the Jew. In the first place effect of righteousness, quietness and KSTiejB is hereby eiren that the nnderenter the synagogue from without ex- say. by way of introduction, that $ i f is the Jew who discovered the ethiOmaha Towel Supply Go. slgned, pursuant to the laws of the State confidence forever.** of Nebraska, have formed a corporation,, acUy a s we may enter the Roman have in mind very particuisrly the cal contest of religion. It is some209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 the name of which is "Insurance "lrust. InThe second thing that is distinctive corporated." and its principal place of Catholic church or any Protestatn de- problem off&e yoaag Jew--*-tttei boy, times paid that the Jew was the disbusiness i* in the city of Omsha. DouffliiB nomination. A conspicuous . example ot tfce girl, born of a Jewfefc family, coverer of religion itself..: This is not of the Jew is his survival. At botCounty, Nebraska. The purposes for which j this corporfttioa ts formed are to purchase, I of such a converted Jew. is the dis- who finds Wmself starting- oat into true, for religion i s a part of the uni- tom, of course, there is nothing wonownersUip and Bale o£ Btoeks and b«ndB in Insurance companies, and corporations or tinguished M. Aime Palliere of France life with what most seem to be a t versal • experience of mankind. . But derful about survival. The giant torall cbaiacteE. SJBO tJse right and power to who has written an account of bis times the fatal handicap of birth. the Jew had a genius, Jfor religion, as toise In the zoo imaaages to survive purchase the- Company's own stock; the one kaows not exactly how many cenpurchase, discount a«a «Ue of notes, fftspiritual' experience in his famous Every young person, of coarse, should the Greeks had a gehios for beauty «)udiog; surplus notes cf Assessment Ingurturies. But the Jewhas survived onj ance Companies, and trade acceptancee, infind the world a fHendry ptace. ©or and t&e Romans for law, and this book, "The Unknown Sanctuary." ciotttng nates given in the purchase of all be;just, oar dviU- genius- displayed itself in. the appre- der conditions which mark his achieve-] Now it might be supposed from the society wiH never chaiacter of pTensure End commercial an1107 Howard-JA. 0288 : tnent a s in matey ways the supreme t»m»bBes, vehicles, tractors, etc,: the pm> faet that 1 am a pure-blooded Arigfo- zation ttever* &' i?entmi£'civilization, un* hension* altogether peculiar to this one BCOV1NG — STORAGE — c h a s e s *nd ^iscountiag of accounts re-, cefvable and other evidences of indebtedSaxon, born and Tearedtm the ex-til it opens its freest and fullest ©p- people, that the substance of religion PIANO MOVING ness. iBCludtaj; mortgage* of rettl ana perJACK W. MA3RfiBt Attorney treme left-of the English Protestant poitohities, •without favorantl certain- is ethical idealism as worked eut in sonal property, and to do all other things, Oanty Court "House, City necessary er incideitt to the conduct of its tradition, that I am thinking-of the ly without ptejtfdlee, to «rory son of right Relations between business The corporation shall have the K O T I C B me rvnuLCATion ow PETIpower to establish branch offices in other Jew- of tiie second, W artificial type. man that isfcorninto the world. T I O N FOR SBTTtEMEXT OF FIN'A I, parts of the Cnited States and foreign ADMINISTRATION ACCODNT. Perhaps I am thinking myself of Bat that happy time is far removed countries and to purchase, tease and own In the iZtmnty Court' ofDouglas Counreal and pereon*! property mitstde of as STAI/MASTEIt £ BEBER, Attorney* becoming a Jew, like M. Palliere, and into the future.. Meahwhite here are ty. Nebraska. well as in the State of Js'ebrnska. The af1WO Oorn^a ^at'I Bank BId In the Matter of the Estate of Leona fairs of the -corporation shall be adminie-1 raising the question of what I shall Jews, among many others, who start Wat kins. Uec-ensed. teied by a Board of Directors, which shall OF ^ J.. L. KRAGE. Proprietor All persons interested In said matter <Jo fat my regenerated state! As a the race of life handicapped by dis.consist of not less than two nor more than County Cotirt of D«urla» Coonty, *re tereby netttted•: that «n the 2nd day seven, who Shall t e elected at the anmial, "NEW FOR OLD" matter of fact, however, I am not con- abilities attaching not to anything for ejrasfea. . •: ' : • «f December, 1030, Harry B. Coheu filed 1 weeing to be held on the 3rd Tuesday IB tke matter of ttuf estate'of John Craw- a petition In said County Conrt, praying i after the first day in, January of each year. sidering this side of the question a t which they are responsible, but to the ford, 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 deceased. ' • . • . that bia final administration account filed The Board shall elect from this number a ill. I have never been much interest- accidental fact of th^ft" membership by All persons interested Is said esf.tte are hereru t)e settled''abd-""allowed, and thnt President, one OT more ¥ice-Presidents. -be dlspharspd -trtrm' his frost ns adSecretary and Treasurer aad an Assistant ed in conversions—as little interested birth in a peculiar religion and a per-,filed in said Court alleging that said de- be ministrator mid that a hearing will be Treasurer nnd such other officers ns the died lenvinj; no last will nud prny- had on said petition befote said -Court on Baatd may aeeni necessary. The authorin converting Christians to Judaism secuted race. What shall these young- ceased »ng for ndminlstrntion.upou bis jestate. jaiid the 2(>tb aay of. UeceBJjter. 1930. and thnt ized capital stock of the corporation shall. r4njr will ill l>e l e had o on said petition If you fail to "appear- before said Court as I am in-converting-Jews to : Chris- people do ? What would 14o% or what thatt a hoar4njr be #«MWO.oa..dtrid«<1 into *>,000 eh»res. of j

WANTED— Foeter Home desired for 2 Jewish children. Reasonable rates will be paid to qualified homes. Apply: Jewish Welfare Federation, 101 No. 2ft S t , Omaha

NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, I N C . "Everything for the Auto" 2501 Farnam—AT. 5624

LARGEST STOCK IN WEST Quick Shipments PURNACE Onr Hobby for 45 Yean OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas Street




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Dealer in Jewish Baoht and Other Religions Articles

2429 Decatmr Street

Telephone WEbster 3527

I just received a supply o f Chanuka articles: Chanaka candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Chanq!">w - — * " ? cards. ^ Anyone buying any of the above-mentioned got; the story of Chanukah in-English-and Jewish with and Hymns of Chanukah ABSOLUTELY FREE. ' want to call your attention to the fact tha* I -jumdle th» best . _. silk and wool,. at.very, moderate prices; ah<Talsa the bast and most beautiful Shabos candlesticks* both silver plate and the very $^tfnver. »on't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Eokeadt oshw articles of whi«h \ am the agent, ^ u •**


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Consumers (pal {p. AT-4444


STALMASTKB « BEBBB, Attorneys W» b N a t ! O ^ BW OF AI)MIN|STt»ATtON la. UJ* C«OBty Court of .pouglas County, Nelirasfcn. •. . - *"- • - ' Iti tJw Bjatterof th« «ttate vt EUzabeth Crnwforu,, d d f ewa wdd . . ,. All persons InteivBte^'trjenld-estate nre Jiexebs juuilwd <tat a— p«tiilou-h»B-4w«n flleU In. said Court allerfiig thnt saia deceased died leaving BO fast wtH and aniyiii« for t, aud ad or aflmiuUtmHon aflmiuUmHon UIWMUIWM- ber-estate, b tft«t 8 bwrtng wilt l>» l ta»d tad i * petition titi oa *ai* .'befors siltd court rt on th the a»tl a»tli d day o f ll ll w a n ber, 103Q, and that if th*>y foil to appenr at mid Coett o» tbe said akix tiny of l>e«-enil»«f, j m . s t 9 oVJock A. M. to coiitest said titt th o t mny grunt the h same petitton, the C Court and grant administration of saJd estate e a t e to o Ire b suitable person renff V^i ^xig ut sonw otbar Una proceed to a settlement thereof. 8&XCB CEAWPOKU. County Judge.

on the said 28th day f>f December, 1930, at 9 o'clock A. M.. and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer Of said petition, jffrter n decree of-heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled "and determined. ^BRTCB CKAWFORP. 12-5-30-3t ^ " County. Judge,

MONSKT. KA.TLEMAN « GRODINSKT. "Attorneys 137 Omaha Xat'l Bank BIdp. Notice by PuWlratlon on Petition f«r Settlement of Final' Administration Account In the Cobtrty Court ;Of Douglas County,

In the matter of the esfate of Morris M. osenbltt h * 6 S ''' o b l a t t o <h*e6s»S. All persons interested In sold matter are hereby noHflf-a that oh thp 24th day of MoK Neveraber. JB30 Heftry. Wonskyv Molfiw M He Rosenblatt and d II»atriti » i i Sh Sherman filed fid petltioa th'SKIA ti's*iIA County O t 5Cout1. 5C! l petition prnylnc,tha;t-., their final ,-rdailnistfatloi* ncoQuai fited herein be ijpttjprf and altpwe*. anil that-' they tx- 4tf*ftsrg*>4 rroih :their' trust a s executors atjd (hat a h i r i n g will h* had on! said petition Keferet »»H Court en the »>»ti day ox DecenUvr. 1830. auO I cat if yen fait to appear before "said'. Court on the Bald | 20th day of December, 1030. at 9 o'clock I A. M., and contest snld petition, the Court ,' may grant fh» prayer «f »aW petition, enter I a decree of helrship, and mate such other, and further orders, ailownnees anH decrws, i 660 Omaha Rational Bank Bide. ns to this Court way eeetn proper, to the KOTJCS! OP PBOBATE OF YfltXt end that all matters pertaining t» said In th* County Court of Douglas Coun- estate may be finally settled and determined. ty. Js'abrpsha. L»n the Matter of th$ Estate of EcmniieL BKXCB QUAWFORD, yaks. Deceased. 11-2S—3T Conuty Judge. • All poraout Interested ID said estate are hereby notified that'•%. petition lias been , 111*4 in Bald Court, pjtaytiie for the. pro- MONSKT, KATtEMAN & GBQDINSKX t pate pf a certain instrum«nt BOW on file 737 Omaha National Bank Bids. la sold Court, ptnrportlne to be the fast NOTICE Of INCOUPOKATION OF wUl and testament «f •aid deceased, nod COLONIAL MOTOK8, IMC. that it Wiring win be bad on said peilNotice is btreby pi Ten thnt the underUna before said Conrt oa th* 27th day of December. 1SJ3Q. and that if they fail to signed have, pursuant In the laws of the ebk fformej d ooration . ot of N Ne>»rasta. a corporation. aproar at sate Court on the snfd 2Tth day Xtatie ot Decenrtur, IB3O. U S o/cloei; A- M.-«o 'Che n m a of tha corporation ta COLONIAL. eqntest the. probate of said will, the MOTQHS. INC., Its prluclpnl.plare of busiCourt may aftaw nnd prohnte B«I<1 will ness in the City of (hnith.1. The corporaana grant administration of said vetatt tion is authorised to mainlain and operate to Sam Beber, or some other suitable a general imtomolille uRency. to malninln p««o» and proceed to a eeitlenuutt ana operate shops and ta buy. sett. Iea«e mid encuinher ull- necessary real or personal property required to carry out the BKTCB CBAWFOH0, affairs of the corporal ion. The cnplini Is Couaty Judge. $50,000.00. pur value of stock $100.00 per Bhaie. all common and fully paid when isj?B(? * , WBMtB. Attorney* eued The corporation sball cemtnvnre \ Omah* Satloqal Banfc BW business when these Articles are filed With toe County Ctert of ihrngbis County. Jsebrnslui, and sh.-ill t-ojiliime far -10 years. bigfces? nmviinf of t»*btt^new shall .<»•««««'COM*. The not exceed tveo-tbtrd* of the capital stack. The affairs of the corporation shall be adt h e E s f a t f e ot ralntstered by a Board of IHrectors to tie 8e fixed ny tbp by-laws, to be not less than taa* iweietted to Bald ectafe ore two nor more tb*n tire in onmner. The thjU a petttlou ha« been Board* shall be electi>d at the nn-nual meet- j Pled n notified cewsed B H Cburt altegSns that eafd de- IBB to tw held the second Wednesdiiy In ] «Ked iwjyiBK 00 last will and January of eitcit yenr snS lBjinedi»fely ; p his eses tbertiifter shall elect » President. Vice- j administration upon his prarff for o istrat 8 had fiat afieiirtngr had oa oa PrtwWent, 8e«T»4»ry ond Treasurer. The i &t«v . « * ;; fiat afieiirtn wlU !^ *a> the at the corporation shall h« ftdconrt that It ttff»tr» M* t t o befnte sa minlsterpd by tfes officers and the Board. Conn «* the Articles nMy .be ntmiwferf; ' The entire as1030 at 9 sets of the corporation may tie Wii "y . — _ _ J. Sf. te contest v the -vote of UH per cent at the total oirtslamltnK at »4 stock. The corporation may have a Seal. graat Csttct. BUS gt»B* the *ame B s t t * October 3; fSSB. vtd A; nrfnUrtrattoq. of snia estate to Untd h iPiigvounfc* o& goof ot&$£ ynhirhfe wnsu JOB -IJAI'IDOS and proceed to a settlement thereof. CARJL C. KATLEMAN. . . . . . . BttYCE CRAWFORD. U-21—4X 12-5-80-3t County Judge.

? 3


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JA. 5277


Weslern Typewriter Co. Phone ATlnntle S759 209 Sotrtu 15th St. Ro«in t i e


Standard Shoe Repair Co.

bf before* snid s i d courtt on the th 20th aajr-o^lHvetn a l H ?>er. 1030, and that if they f»il-to npwnr at said Co»rt on the snid 20lh day of npepmb«*. 1030. at 9 o'clock A. M. to cojitpst. said petition, the Court may grant tf& same and KlDBt «aminlstratier> of eniriestate t* Iren* t>avis. or some other suitable person and proceed to a getllempnt thereof.'. . BHTCECIUWFOBD. . 11-2S—3T C<j«nty J«dge.


Courtesy Service

THULL PHARMACY 24th and iSeward In charge of Reetstered Phannaelst

Tel. WE. 2000—Free delivery

the pat value of $16.00 «ach, SoWMO.Ofl of j which shall be common stock and $..0,- < OOOuOO «f -which »hnll be preferred stock. The preferred stock shall be entitled to (preference -over tn« common sfoek as te dividends *t the rnte of 6 per cent per an•num. payable quarterly, seml-annuatly or swjtwfiy, »R the Bonwi of Directors may determine. Such dividends shall l»e cumulative from the date of Issue of the respective shares of preferred stock. Preferred stock shall also have a preference orer the common stock, in any distribution of assets. The preferred stock snail be subject t» redemption at the option of the Company upon any dividend date ot lps ,per cent of pfir, plus any dividends unpaid t« flate o t redemption upon the vote of not less than the majority In Interest of the outstanding common stock, ^ o t i c e of t&#- intontion of the C*>ra-?w*Ry TO reneenx the preferred stock shnll be mailed thirty days before the date of redemption to ench holder of preferred stock of reeosd «o his inst known DOStoMire add re ss. The preferred and common stock or either thereof may, be increased at nny tim» upon vote of the holders of eot less than o majenty of tne agjrrecate amwin* of common stock & outstanding. Stock may be paid for in cash notes or in such other property and/or service s t the reflSonivWe value tbereef as the •Company may need or be able to use i B i h e conduct pf tie business.. Any stockholder In the corporation desiring to qls&xe »t his stock most first tender-hi* boldihcs for narchaie t* tb« cftrp©ratl»». Should th* cornorarton ncfi«5re mty of its Bfcrck. wtd «to«k. if tte-wnftw sold, mnet l>e tendered to the th»n stockholilers. who »b»H be prlTiteged t o bny n in amottnts pcoportiooat* t* rto^Jr re#f>ect»w BtockhoW;. ing 11» the corporation and fti the event of any on* «r n»n> 6to*kholder* etect not to rake his or their proportionate shore of e»M stock, theft »«ch proportiomrte share shsU be tendered t * tb» remwlntojr s#»efcfeolders In the proportions of their re-. Tioldlnes. All of such ofomneoHoned tenders, must be In wrttinx and themtork "desired to he told rouet be tenoored en tht earn* teems s n 4 conditions f«r whteh a bon« fiite offer of pu-rehnse may h a t x * from Mine person and saig tender miiBf remain open for fifteen dnvg after, If Is BHKte. ' *n tn« event of the tivtttb of nay «tocklM)ld«r »-l>» ia net an ©Xficer er! director of this company, the company | B&nll hnve the option to purchase the stork | of the deceased at Mich Jirtce per 6»a.fe as nwty be «r»«ed wpoa. In the ewnt of a failure to acree, the prit-e shall b« fi*ea by-arbitration, the compnny nnjninj? one ; artrffnrtOT. the execotor <w ndaiinistrBNjr namiSK one nrbitrntor, ana such two. arbltwttow chboilnir th* third «m>Itrator: if a' third arbitrator l» not aewed u,»on. utter • re<iuest to net. snW third arbltrntor slinll petition of imjf party Inttwttea. be ited by the District Court ot Pouslas y. Nebraska, the etinclnslotj of two Of three *rhitn*em stoU de*e*ml»« tb« matter. The corporate iodebtedness shall not exceed tWB~tbta£s of Its capital stark. Kbese Articles of Incorporation may he rmentted f» the immner providpfl by the laws of the ittete of NehrasbM »nd upon the vote of the no,tders of not less than * uujwily of the agnn'tntp oaW-np enpitnl Stock outstundinB, Thf corpoenMon shall hate B>'«e»I eonfnJnhTjr the woriig "Tnsrjranoe Tr»wi. Incorporated, nawba, Nei»nw ,"- iturrxHmdlng the words ''Corporate!

PEERLESS CLEANERS 4420 Florence Blvd. KE. 1500 The House WItb A RepatatioB


Certified Public Accountants 63S Securities Bids.—AT. 4451

Barry B. L>apldus. resident- Treat.



*t On«h8. Nebraska, the 30th day I>ONALT> L. HOSE. Incorporators. WTTNBSS:, A o n * Blank.


Over 70.M0 Hqnare

Southwest Comer Eleventh ami Douglas Street* Phone J Aekson 2724 Omaha. Nebr.

Phone JAcksoa 1226

KULSE &RIEPHI Funeral Directors 23rd

Cuming Street


- • ; / : " , •








12, 1930

Fighting Discrimination Charles E* Russell in Exclusive Interview Urges Education So That the Gentile «£ May Know Me Jew. Dark Days for Jews His room,, too, is of the vintage This Education, HeAsserts, Must Be a of another day. Thi walls wear flowered wall-paper, a brass bed stands in the center of the room. p^ Practical One "-a Systematic Campaign Near the window a small portable

of religious persecution on the pre-T tees should arrange for distribution ous strides in the development of

tense of inferiority or undesirable on a large scale of historical data social qualities. Furthermore, he was dealing with the most beautiful and thoroughly convinced that whatever idealistic chapters of Jewish history. activities the Jews have undertaken Courses of Je'wish culture should be in the industries and commerce that made a part of the regular curmay be questionable were forced riculum in American universities. Of upon them by their non-Jewish course all present good-will activneighbors, who exclude them from ities carried on by the three principal worthier channels of endeavor. religious denominations should be "It's stupid and inexcusable, this enlarged and intensified. hatred trf the Jew," he exclaimed. "It is my firm conviction that such "Arent we all made of the same a consistent effort will eradicate exclay? I have been around the world isting prejudices." twice, and even in the United States, Dr. Russell later displayed visible while automobiling through Michigan, signs of regret at the suggestion I frequently noticed outdoor signs that the Jew would ultimately be advertising exclusive hotels which assimilated. did not admit Jews. In some German restaurants large placards announced "Jews Shouldn't Merge" on every pillar that Jews were not "I don't see why the Jews should wanted. It's a deplorable state of merge with other religious faiths. If he does America will suffer the affairs." loss of a most valuable cultural unit, How to Fight Discrimination for the Jew can be a much more " W h a t can be done' about this potent factor as a separate enitty." situation? How can we fight dis- The past testifies irrefutably to that, crimination?" we then asked Dr. Dr. Russell added. RusselL The high forehead became "The Jews are the world's greatest wrinkled, and his gray eyes gazed musicians and have made tremenddreamily at the typewriter. "Education," he replied a t last in a throaty voice. "And when I say education I don't mean teaching the Gentile to love the Jew .No one has to be taught to love him. I know. Fve lived among Jews my whole life. "We must teach him to knaw thej Jew and, knowing him, he cannot help accepting him as a friend. I believe that all this bias and unfair treatment are the result of ignorance and misunderstanding.

typewriter, oper for work, sits on a bare table. Two suitcases, veterans By DAVID MANN of two world cruises and bearing the labels of famous foreign hotels, When. Dr. Russell discusses Jews taming statements of not tmalloyed Jew at the same time that he was he&knows whereof' he speaks. For praise is .irrefutable evidence of- a an intense, thorough-going American. stand in a conspicuous corner. thirty years this' distinguished nonHis telephone conversation ended, Jewish scholar and author studied the mind steeped in blackest anti-Semit- When the Revolutionary War began Jewish question, as preparatory work ism. Which, one must i agree, is pur-and he sacrificed a substantial frac- Dr. Russell continued: "These are Ttw n \\r\t\1* '"Plifl rri^--. t l . -,«»**F. -*Z. — for a book, "The Trouble with the est nonsense.. In order to* tion of his fortune to finance the dark days for my Jewish friends. Jew," which was never published. In | i n g misunderstood Dr. Russell, like War of Independence he had been In Poland and Rumania they are this interview Dr. Russell teUs howmany other non-Jewish sociological in the colonies but four years. attacked and beaten. In Germany the "trouble" could be overcome and the Fascists are bent upon driving student who has looked into the discrimination eradicated. — THE ^'It is quite obvious that those EDITOR. Jew's problem in the. .United States persons who look upon the Jews as them out. And now England kicks them in the face with the Passfield and abroad, confined himself tc what When one sets out in the" gray is absurdly . "called ! ^'constructive" foreigners are ignorant of early VTiite Paper. The Jew is hampered American history. The Jew was one afternoon of a - November. • day in criticism. '•• • • .. •.'• ^ of the first settlers, and immigrated and obstructed everywhere by foolsearch of a non-Jewish scholar, Yet innocuous as were his ob-here when he was needed-most. More ish prejudice, and he must bear the in^wspapermari and historian to sound servations on this subject; Dr.: Ruspain which he suffers because of a Him on the sitdation of the Jews in sell arrived at them • with more than than any other single class' of. im-difference in religion. Practical Education Needed America to-day, the extent to which, the desultory glimpses* of many of migrants the Jew stimulated the "Yet the Jew shows a damn sight "This education should be a pracgrowth of industry and commerce." discrimination has affected'their so- his contemporaries.'His interest in more toleration to his Christian tical one. It should take the form of The telephone' bell jingled, and O&l, economic and political develop- the welfare of the Jewish populaneighbor than the latter deserves. a systematic campaign to put Genz raent and their contribution to Amer- tion in this country- has been part Dr. Russell-rose to answer it. Your He is a man of progressive ideas tiles in close contact with Jews. Jewidan commerce and culture, the ting- of an aggressive, militant battle for correspondent took this opportunity and has always striven to improve ish charitable and cultural organizaling suspense that so often courses justice and the eradication of to look about. The hotel listed in the social conditions of the commun- tions and institutions should be vis"Who's Who" as Dr. Russell's res*, through the mind of an interviewer "idiotic" prejudices." ited by non-Jewish! groups. Commitidence is an unpretentious hostelry ity in which he makes his home." on the trail of a celebrity iff de"For thirty years, before I came in East Twenty-seventh Street. Here Hangover from War finitely lacking. The Gentile iiivarAll this intolerance and discriminiaby heaps encomia of praise on .his upon scraps of the story of Haym no thick carpets sprawl across Solomon, I had'been planning to ation, Dr. Russell explained, is a spacious lobbies; no gigantic pillars Jewish neighbors. Only the conDecorate Now I centration of his superlatives is anwrite a book, 'The Trouble with the of marble line its entrance, no ornate hangover from the war. "It's part Jew", to show how all the supposedprices and more of the letting-down of moral strings candelabra hang from gaudily paint•unknown quantity. The rest, unIndividual attention now ly disagreeable qualities in the Jew that followed the war," he said. ed ceilings. On the contrary, it is fortunately, is too well-known a for-, MAX SHRIEK'S SONS mula of exoneration, glorification and were the figment of prejudiced minds. a homely - setting . whose modest In general the septuagenarian his1314 No. 24th St. WE. 42lf vindication. Not a molecule of icono- I wanted to combat the unfounded simplicity recalls the less'harried torian considered it outrageous that assertion that the Jew wai? not in-pace of a generation ago. the Jew should be made the object clasm. Strange. terested in the country in which he Greater is the disappointment in: lived. But I was hampered by one . the cose of Charles Edward Russell, problem, and that was that an abone-time candidate for the Presidency, stract, .didactic volume would defeat of the. United States, newspaperman, it? own purpose. Omaha's Style Center lecturer and, more recently, biographer of Haym Solomon. His words, Haym Solomon "Then ' I . discovered .historical ret6o/wefe' ! cut ofthe cloth of "Jewstice^tq.the Jews?. If after,knowing ferences to Haym Solomon and 4 and studying the Jews for thirty saw in Ms story the personification years this ' keen observer, of the of all the abstruse arguments J bad cyclofama. o£, American life has notprepared in defense" of Jewry;""'For 16th. and Hartley Sts. found them inadequate in any parr Solomon was a fervently religious ticular, certainly a sincere "love for them' has been the button on his. sabre-like^ intellect. If he has been sufficiently emotionless in his analysis Kaplan Says— and'has 'discovered • some inevitable FOR LAUNDRY smudges here and there he is guilty SERVICE ol? dangerous reticence.


^Constructive" Criticism

Is not old wine wholesomest, oI4 pippins toothsomest, old wood burns brightest, old linen whitest? —Webster. )*2~&$Sl~}&'&2'}^^^

Mother Chapter's


DANCE Paxton Hotel Sunday Eve**-Dec* COLLEGE CLUB ORCHESTRA 9P.M. $1.50 Per Couple

A. Z. A. Chapter No. 1

i I ii i I i\ I I

I I | 5



'. Bii" for that regrettable fact we Ji'ave but our own Jews to blame. The'majority' of them, like other HArney 7545 , ^majorities, are somewhat myopic and Because not altogether sure of the meaning of "criticism" or its ramifications. "Your Laundry is Our Business" To them' an honest summary con-



AVer feet Tood for Everybody-:'j'<'>

Change of Management iX

orchestral music in this country. The unwavering, zealous support of the arts by the Jewish population has time and again shown their ur.« mistakable love of music and beauty. In the cultural development" of the United States they have played »n important part. The writers, musicians, painters and poets they haves produced far exceed in number an<i talent the proportion of those of other racial or religious groups." As we approached the elevator the gray-haired biographer, who strongly resembles Thomas Edison, remarked; "The Jew bears himself fairly well in the face of everything, but I be~ lieve he would improve his standing! in the community if he did not keep aloof from its problems both in its political and social activities." (Copyright 1930 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.) 4

Fifth Ave. Hotel Bath Dept H. Weiner and Son, proprietors of the Fifth Ave. Hotel, announce that they have taken over the supervision of the Bath Dept. of the Hotel which they formerly leased out. , The Bath Rooms have been extremely *Y redecorated and the finest of health equipment installed, making it one of the finest health and bath departments west of Chicago.

I Black . • . Jewel Tones . . . Flattering Prints! . . .Friday An event planned for smart women and misses to fill their holiday needs.


Instructor of the local hospitals and lately, associated with the Lord lister hospital, is in charge of the Women's Department. Both the Men's and the Women's departments will" specialize in Rheumatic and Reducing treatments. The department will be open daily from 8 to 6,* and S evenings a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and by special appointment.


300 Daytime (aid Sunday Night

MR. WALTER ARNOLD Graduate of t h e outstanding Masseurs' School of Sweden, and recently Head Masseur of t h e City Club of Chicago, is in complete charge of t h e Men's Department. ••'."•'"•• '^

HOTEL?^ "'•• I



? A

FROCKS So new bt lot* aid color, to ultra tmart, they may literally be described us advance spring models.

3 ?


New, Smart, Graciously lively, Yes and Priced at Only— And no wonder the styles are to clever, Bach is a copy of a far higher priced model.



NO PARKING WORRIES Direct Entrance From Hotel to Harrison Parking Garage . t-l/VRPISON





Second Floor

• • • : . : • : • &




JEWISH PRESS cvtjty Prtdsy s t Cnxisl&i,



terryln^ oot i3ie tajsteas and eeremoiiiafe of A ftoiiday like Cftafrtffcah. Editor Mn<2e the tapers till their hearts fake fire fifittf' fee heroism of their ancestors. Let them that the Jews tod have stories and legends of I

DAVED &LAC&E9 « - * * ffep*rw»pff and tSasaghzg "'FRAWK. •" "" B. " ' ' FAJINIE EATEI.MAN. Ckxasdl Blsffie, la., Conen

12, 1330 camnand for .... . Krewf'g 150 years ©f * • company's Magic Anita Colombo is now of £ * Seals, ARI5A to Hat post foSkPWiujS the. "This man, Kresel, by the way. dfatfe #1 -Signer :-Scasai*&L - serves some interest tot other than his " m ^ c key.**" In a crowd Lord B J. MM gTrip to you would never notice him. in pj, ' for the will be pro honorary vice-pressidency of t i e English Zionist FederatioB. -

JThese children atfe capable of being even bettet

Jens tfisa their ancestors;, if &e rigfii diredion is I only pointed oat to them early enough, if eariy in rielijidBfca< 'their lives were implanted in their young souls a to oar past. For their sake vr& hhave the GOMPAKY th

ATlaotic 1459


WORLD-WIDE United States the an-

Give Synagogue to CaQsclies

the tragic Beriia^-The Jewish eesasajmiiy of court. fe BerHa. ***** Bavaria donated the syw»-jiew victories of the outmflnfeered Jews^tiie Old *Tour Honor, f am already stanr]. ansy that be if ra Sa&oloviich *«"« ing," was fee the niigiity armies of a tyrant. Tell them' eho, King of Egypt, overwhelmed JoSubscription Price, e n «f e a r - - » - - . - - . under its jurisdiction, to the making preparations to reach t i e No, this did not happen to Kre^i, about 609 B. C , / Advertising rates furnished on application cause bat it might have, for he is scarce^ than five feet from nortV to the them ber of years. Thi* *ctkm And he weighs just about one yr U n i v c r s i t y of Ciii. seven sons. Let ffieif gifts be Cfcantfkah gifts,!^ c a g 0 Pfalz JeTri^h community is due to hundred pounds. paia for Gain • not Christmas L Let OUT traditions thrill j famous site, according to Dr. James &i Tet for all that, the last couple of Berlin.—The constant growth of and instill the HaccabeanIL Breasted, director of the Orien- " " " ^r e mo fo vWa ia t t nohf e i m •» W * t Tesv3i them into teBll iB National Socialist movement was'. decades have oot revealed anyone who 1st Day fft*Ttt»Vfr*» Mmwiay, December « * Institute"*of the University of when the Nazis 'could make a witness "fess Bosh Chedesb Tebeth ,„-. impressive gains in the muni- j he can. pointing oat the proper path. Bosh Chodesh Sherat-.— It .was elections is Bremen, Luebeckj These liUie people have just got to tapers wffl be symbols of Chamisha O'ser B'Sherat'and Bielefeld. Coubling their best; be a little better than others. They : previous vote in Bremen^ the Nazis have got to make up for nature's perKosh €bed«5h Adar v. . Fefe, 1» > members of; simony in inches by other compensa. 32 < 2" .tfttft afld righteOtiSfieSS ttf the cite of Afmaggedton should &s compared tions. And very often they do. " the muuidaa! Purim prove a s archaeologist's "treasure the wall of the University **, with only tw« before. diodesh Nissan. 1 house". The site was purchased ttania here in cointectiuft wttfc 7 s e s t s rf • Loebeck * Bernard G. Richards, executive association elections. Apri)2 Day of Pessack. from the 90-year-old widow of ; SIOUX CJT? OFFICE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTEE-503 Pierce Street

W« <SOi b e flHJst VtmA.

Ecceont t o t b « ^ ; Mount CariB€^wh»e according l o



8th Day of Pessach Jfcsl Chodesh Iyar_ ffOmer _ Itosli Chodesh SlrafL

April 9 .Saturday, April 18;


f4J , May'


cow and the other" towkrds Paks- 00 in the last general

Second Hebrew Conference 'tine?" t i e proclaniatioa asks. Mascon, Ga.—The Georgia Hebrew? This & the first anti-Semitic Friday, May 22} ^ompuisory reading oi works long rated by conference, second permanent state litniatic ever posted at fte gfcafruotfa Saturday, May 23 <xr^a educators as "classics" was frowned upon being organized under the aus- A' ~ 6i S§ A method o f imparting a lOVe Of gOOS bteratiire pices of the Union of American HeBy DATID SCHWASTZ a t » convention of t h e National Council of TeaCfe- brew Congregations in South Carotri 6f England held! tecefttty in Cleveland. j K»a, tlorida, Alabama, Mississippi The success of Jewish statesmen in the BrkIn reporting the convention the Plain Dealer an^ Tennessee, was established here. AND HIS KEY with 1 sh Empire in contemporary history* when viewed I If you wiS hark back to the Belgium • j» . . « . i-~~—--— • j Ambassador _-^___» of „» ~,-~^*^**. ,tbd Jewish Agency on all q&estkms •I in ttompanson with the present British govern* "Teachers wef6 told they shotlld ttetrer shove; Washington.—The Belgiaa eabas- fuadamentaiiy affecting tfce re^ooineilt's attitude toward Palestine, ha# ca^is^'a classic int6 the hands of a pupil and say*. *Here, &Yh e ^ confittned that Paul May wal ti<m of Zkmism. The


By file Way


gress, doesn't like Sank*, Coffee Hag, Pestum or anything else that lets yoc Bleep. I would not go so far as to say that this is due to the fart that be lives in Yonkers, where the peace and quietude is such that one has BO difficulties of sleeping, even if one lives on coffee solely. The point I want to make here fe that Richards like* his eoffee strong. And every morning before he boards the New York Central, for downtown New York, he takes his cap of

Grand he i Richards supplements the first cup 'iwiih its twin. w ^ 7 1 7 ; , i xtraxii. o e was formerly minister "tfae political failure «nd feaakrtrpt-j"™° " " " " ~-«~— | Q^ ^ fl White Paper on p \ l P ^ * 6 that it is for totm dm- d s % i n g -m t h e E a g l i s h teachers of about two decades ago, when to Sweden, it is not yet known ing economic policy". "Listen, does your Wife know about Stelsaac Alfred Isaacs is appointed governor-gefl- t h e p r o p o s a j W a s made to abolish comptilsofy when M. May win assume hia new The election fight wffl ceftter eMef- 3 a r TCTS0D t h a t W f f l E o g e T S ^ ^ ^ while this second cup?" f a ^ efal of Australia, the highest office in t h e i r e a d m g o f Shakespeare's "Sferchant of Venice" post jiy around th« Revisknrists who a » ^ " » •*•*? s p p e a ^ e s Richards eyes beamed: "111 tell dominion. ^ t h e Hi^h Schoolswin appreciate the advantages 1 * **** * m U tte first Jewish trying to d « w teto tbetr ra.k, MU you. Once in an unguarded moment, ambassadorjn Wasjungtoa since the cla««, fcdedio* tfa« Ort»o*» #«#. His elevation to rulef of Australia culminates', •ly that I told her all." —«--»• fte a long and excellent legal and public career for Sir \ Because of their belief in the alleged . _ r the psyche wwld explain the habit of, WANTED TO B E JEWISH Isaacs, who is recognized as one of the most b r n - p a s s e d qua iftiea of the ''Merchant of Venice" as Isidor J. Kresel of twirling a key in j Fe* be it from me to turn into one i. Orange Growers lianfc legal minds in the Empire. Frtttrt the huTnble a literary g&a *f purest ray sererie, certain mines his wit- of those Jewish pollyannas, and deny j Jerusalem.—With the beginning of beginnings as son of poor Russo-Jewish tailor he gj.0ViVS o f teacher^ opposed the existence of anti-Semitism. But Favors Ban OS Aliens J the orange-picking season the annual rosei by sheer ability through the ranks, being ^ o n ^e m o v e |Q I think that its time somebody reabout the banishment of "Washington. _ A recommendation conflicts over the non-employment of n * HYPNOTIZES THEM choden attorney general and chief justice of Ausvealed "that there is quite a little of . u . ,. * ^L» - r i.- « -i. • play 33 a Subject for compulsory study in that all immigration to the United a sufficient number of Jews on the Tt fa the opposite article as well, tralia among other important posts. Certain quar- t h e m g h s p o o l s despite the fact that it was States be limited, to aliens who are Jewish plantation* have been re- *n rf these first page stories Love for the ters , it is trne, were agamat his appointment, but g n O w l l that the reading of the work engendered qualified for special work that is vived. Disputes between organized the New York police racket, and it'^^Zi for the Jew. they Opposed it because 1J& native Australian n&S bigotry a f l 4 slanderously misrepresented the Jew. n e e d e d 'm "»»» c o ^ r y « contained Jewish labor and the planters have w a s Kresel incidentally, who did much] j ^ h someone would ask me to

hitherto ever governed Australia, afl agreeing thati


were selected, he wasthe nort^


t h e n e w system,


teachers will follow !? V16 T ^

traditions^concerning the ^£^%^J?&£iZL

7**"! ° f 0??\lm

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thing noble; something beautiful which shsuM be fet Americbn Zionists the coming of Ussish-'^ e f e r a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S k h S - f t w ^ ' a t Helm forever eommemOtated in the minds of btif JeW* kltt is ft real holiday, and his, presence here is ex- recentl^reslgnedTs11 chairman of the Milan, Italy.—The new season at ish chiMreh. Of tate SfoUng Israel haS gfoWtt Up |Jected t6 serve as a great Stimulant for the Jew- Council of the Jewish Agency and of La Scala, famous Milanse opera g [ef alleh CU.ltUres; they afg in ^langeif Of Stray* ish National Fund in particular and the Zionist the Agency's political commission as house, opens Sunday with a woman, M^ from th# eohBfectafced ideata bf JewtshneBlk cftus* in general.—B'nai B'rith Messenger. - 0 protest against th* .White_P«>er? 5 f e ^ w j ^ ^ t o i«mpiete

abcBt i t





It is brought to my mind just now by the death of noted engineer in New York—Louis L. Tribus. Tribus, as far as he knew, was not a Jew, and yet strangely enough, he loved to think that there was Jewish strain in him. His wife who adored him, was even more possessed with this idea. She was not an infrequent visitor at the New York Public Library where she was wont to drop in for a chst with Dr. Joshua Bloch, chief of the Jewish division. She would point to the name Tribns> in her conversations with Bloch and argue, that there must be some(Continued on Page 7)

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I m m !1 m m

has beef! transfritttedtnrdU^h thousands of yfearS his Opposition td the Brahdeis group in this COUn- Of the English Zionist Federation, dared at a meeting in Finsbury and Stilt Hve§. brightened by W& gtbW Of beatttt- try a t the^Cleveland Convention in 1921. Because i informed the Federation that he will P a ^ ^ reference to the Jewish ff^fh'n!*»lure lidrhts. ibf.hiS refusal to make concessions, he has become'not be a candiaste for re-election be- Agency's negotiations with the BritIn the celebration of1 Chahltitali there 1S *6ni6* Sn6wn as the "man of iron" in Zionism. j <*«• oi hls h e a l t h a n d becanse h * ,^h government.

^ ^

* " * ^for it."** ^

mode Of hterary perfection. The new plan 30th. Mr. Davis would, however, ex- Jafcfons at Petach Tikveh. In the' But way does he daai hk key fa Of , . . '(Should leave thft way clear for dasS Wom avoid- empt from thi3 rule immigrante who latter place the Jewish laborers the eyes of the witnesses7 the JewiSH Viewpoint It tadds* One thing, an- a f l f i g ^ g u c h emanations as "Little Hugh of Lin- are near relatives of those who re- claim that Arabs form more than 75} A»"l have said, I surmised, it was other, ceftcltlslve rebuttal <> theI Of fallacious notien e nervousness. But »/* "The JeW of Malta," "Shylock" and their s i dThe in Secretary the U. S. A. cent of the workers in the part of his own nervousnes that & lew U ftai endowed with the requisite! of Labor urges a jper groves. such is not the case. Many lawyers successors. hee^'^gWem a country. In comparatively re»J of late, have been watching Kresel in May Have to Work Saturday value that all of these may or cent"#fles^ Jewish individuals have efficiently! 150 Jewish labor- action—and their conclusion is that s worthy of no consideration, in e r s . Mr> D a v i s ^ recommends the the key work* in quite another way. shown theif administrative ability* In England of the fact that their message spells Dark enactment of a law providing for the * " 5 °h^a^ ^ It has a mesmeric, hypnotic! action on Itself Disraeli was governor-ggneirsl of India and ^S •hm« for ^ ;eness Of SOUL {revocation of citizenship of persons muu witness—and when one is mesmer?f the works, may have to the Sabw then became one of the Empire's most powerfull iaed, the srtificialities_ of the contheir own choice, boys and girls of high k° commit felonies or acts of gross their scious are prime ministers. Sir Herbert Samuel was High' The unconwithin five years subseby " sciou3 takes coatroL In other words, Commissioner of Palestine and is at present being their acquisition of citizen, conflict with the natural impulse and is permitted ftientioned most frequently for the leadership of the mere you can hypnotize your witstand. Tboa deasion, communicated the more likely he is to tell the n of normal youth for all that promotes -gqQiyg o{ ^ applicant BeBS> India. Then, too, Lufgi Ltisszatti was one of Italy's through the resident manager, M. truth. „ ahd fellowship. [ship definitely to establish his abili_, wisest premiers and in New Zealand Sir Julitls| on Around the court house, where compulsion is to give way to mere sugges- ty to speak, read and write the Eng- ° hfth'eWo^^rmit work » the tTpgel is still considered aS that dominion's ttiost y the racketeers

_ it Is to be hoped that only such works will lish language and to show a knowi' ** creative and Constructive p-ftme minister. | n a v S p j a c e o n the favored list, as will Stimulate ^ee of the American system of Jewish laborers include a self-con-i5i tained unit of 00 workers. - Again, the appoih^ttient of this Jewish, jurist t h |g tendency bad build so firm a foundation that s° v e m m e n t strengthens well-established belief that in i t w m a b ipost-school all the changes and iHclssi- Refuses to Swear on /King Asks for Jewish Immigrants d e through years, Australia the the Jewish communities attd their mem-| James Bible tudes of .—A plea to send Jewish New bers are highly regarded. In Australia the Jew-' yield to YorL—Befusing to take the j oath on the King James Bible which ifeh population has always enjoyed perfect equal* M Far Eastern the Wise." f is customarily used in court rooms, iiy. iiit>t4, Sir John Monash, an6ther Jewish M cow Ozet, the society for settling The. transition is inevitablc-^Jewish Jews on the land. Of the 500 famisatellite, viBs Australian cdmrnande^in-chief dur- pendent. Moses Weinberger, Inc., in an antito be sent to Bira Bid-]&; ihg the World Wai1 and was Second ctlolce for" the trust suit in the Federal Court . sapposed , ^ 4overnor-gengral8hb of the dominion* Australia against matzoth manufacturing com- ^ ^ « ^ « i f . according to to the Ussishkin lans dan well be proud of its hietfumindedness and has panies, demanded ' that a lebrew g " ^ . P » «** 800 actuaUy went. The comiiig . *_j to.. this country. • - of j j Itenachem , t «- ; Bible be procured for him. Only af- Of this number only 100 remained, ^rrespondinorly prospered by the invaluable servrest returning disappointed. This Mendel UssishKin, international head of the Jew-^j. a Hebrew Bible was brought in- the ile rendered by its Jewish citizens. ish National JHihd, brings as ithe guest of Ameri- to court was Mr. ifeirOwitz sworn explains why, only 105 hectares of land instead of 605 have been sown, can Jewry the most powerful spokesman in in and the fri&I proceeded again. the Ozet says. Zionism. Arbitration Commission Ussishldn's Zionism dates back to the "Bilu" Washington.—George Cohn, Coun- Numerus Clausus for * On Sunday the Jewish people will again for movement in the eighties of the last century. As selor of Internatiohal Law of the Prague.—A demand for th* estabeight days tight the tinf 'ttptoi which m bolic of. the ehkittdling of tat nation: **"" clausus in f Student in the Moscow Gymnasium, he affiliated j Mmistry ot F o r e i ^ the Fea«t of tights* 18 oil§ of liraei'i the Jewish cause, w a s P ^ ^ g e n , has b«& designated Joint tfae C z e c h o .by of joy^a hoiiday of thattfesgivifl^, feagtihf, tnettrf- hlrhselfyfrith s l o vDr. a k i a Ant n linni ately acclaimed as national one of the best and workers. Hajn, Nabetween" th€ ment. 3fe c6ffimfemorales a Brief btti iliutned €fa, . . Choveve _ 2ion. He carried his activities to i United States and? Poland, it was tional Democrat, during the parliain the life of the JeWs ag a rac& the-Strflggle of j Odessa* "Yekaterinoslav and other Russian-Jewish announced by the State Department. mentary debate on the budget. This M the Maccabees to k§eii the identity of tar p^o-.'Centers* and with the advent of Herzlian Zionism The other Commissioners are George measure would not affect the EusJ. B. M. pie Jewish* • • j became One of the pillars in the modern move- W. Wickersham, Minister o*f •- South Slavic origin but would apply to HertzOg, Prime . Anliochus, Anliechu&, King of Syria, found foud that he ment meht for Palestine's Palestines reconstruction. of a certain race" who symand could not feree the pagan Greek cultuUte upon the As a member ofvthe Greater Actions Com- , f pathize with the Communists, Depud ty Hajn said. followers Of the Macgabefiris 2098 years ago. »e- mittee of the World Zionist Organization and as J ° h a ". 633.5' °T'.5ffTgoverni oddst dd this h heroit i featia fedcon-ithe j acknowledged leader of Russian Zionism* l ^ ^ spite overwhelming: j Weizmann Resignations Stand stituted the first martyrs ttt die f6r religious lib- sishkiri «oon beciame a symbol of strength in the ! London.—"We do not accept and will Dot accept the White Paper, and erty, arid thfeir death-defying £ea? for &M*ftOujl-(movement. He never conceded in principle. He Other Countries so far as it depends on us, future try and theif God inspired an Un^Uehctiabie Bpirit. was as dtttspokefa in his opposition in the Herzlian ; Palestine laws must not be based on Even wheii the last of the Maccabees Was killed, tJfanda Idea as he was to the principles of Achad Melchett Not td Ruri the spirit or letter of the White the enemy: couM# hbt^ destrb^'that spirit . . . .-it Ha-Agfcn. And he Was just as outspoken in ^oh—Lord Melchett, president P a p e r » f D r . C h a i m W e b a a a i m d e .



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5—THE JEWISH P&E&3; FKHJAY, UECEKEEK 12, 1930 Choiiuk<ili Scudah for flffrlt Bi A. SfflSofi ra uSF Gwrreat T p Miss Dorothy Lustgarten, daughter chairman of the supper and dance to of members only on Saturday, DecemThe current topics class of tile of Mr. and Kfr& Ben Lustgafiefi, wilt bergrveir Samfcry, December 21, at the ber 20, from 2:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Council of Jewisl* Women; will meet <t arrive Saturday from New York City, ci% auditoriffm. Mrs. Simon's culin- at the Jewish" Community Center. 10:30 a. m. Tussday at the Jewtth where she has been .studying violin ary achieVwiSeaits are very well known, Al t children are urged to attend, as Community Center. Jewish Women's under Jack Gordon. and with" her staff of capable assist- ait enjoyable program including games Organization Dr. Frederick Clayton's subject will Miss" Ida Lustgaften, her sister, whtf ants, is prepared tff serve you a real has been arrasged. Refreshments Mrs. (Continued on-Page 7) is studying /P&ao under Rudolph Ganz kosher supper, everything you like. will be served at the close of the proin Chicago, will be here on December pre from gram. 22. The Misses Lustgarten will visit fare Federation at the December I eight o'clock. After which there will Mrs. David Sherman, chairman of with fte* parents antii after New meeting of the organization. '' * d&ncmg^ cards and other amuse- the Religious Committee, is in charge. SB Other of fleers chosen wer* Yearfc The Omaha chapter of Hadassah is FOR YOUR William' Holzman and MisS BlaBthe sponsoring thi& big party and assures SE&S Evelyn Cfiafkeit is Ooagregatiotial Dinner Zimman, financial secretaries; pfendrd time, so come and Everything is in readiness for an LEW-MILLER ENGAGEMENT f Tae«fa?.&t a beautifully appointed 1 from an apendecfomy underwent last Malashock, recording, secretary; 1 family and friends, Sattcrday at the Lord lister hospital entertaining evening at the annual 'Abraham L. Lew announces the o'clock luncheon followedby bridge in Mrs. Moe Yotrsem, correspofflEfig; K6>| forget the date—Sunday, De- dinner of the Conservative Synagogue raatriage of his sister, MisaMildred tin* LfndbGrg room to honor Miss ' ceinlie* 21.** i£r: Walter Appet of Benver, Colo- retary. at the Jewish Community Center on trew> & Joseph E. Miller of Sioux City, Kredar Bo&er^ whose marriage to HowThe Jewish -Welfare Feders8ott is rado, is visiting in OroaHa, Sunday, December 14, at 6:30 p. m. 1 son pi Mr. and Mrs. Tsaae Miller of atd Milder will be solemnized on Janthe oldest organization df it* £n*5 Jn Conservative Auxffisij Mr. Abner Kaxroan is toastmastcr for that city, on Wednesday, December 10, nary 4. L6th ami Howard Mr. arid Mr*. Louis Befia of Mil- Omaha, having been organized twenTBe Women'* Auxiliary of Che Con- the evening ami the program contains at; $ O'clock a t thehome of the groom's' Krsr, P. Hofner and daughter, Miss ty-six years ago. waafee itpent their honeymoon here servative gygagogue wBl 6oM a Sab- many interesting numbers. parents. The couple left for Cuba for Rotfe Hefner* entertained 22 members A program of great interest to the thei? itoneymoon. of tfte family at a charming bridge wits Mr. arid Mrs. Paul Wohlner last Jewish women of the city is befeg outweefc On SttSdSy, November SO, Mr. Miss Lew is the daughter of tie g t i e tea at their home Thursdayy Decemlined and will be submitted at the late. Mr., and Mrs. Samuel W. Lew of ber 11. The same evening Miss Bolk- and Mrs. Wohlner honored their next regular meeting ori fh* fIrSt guests at at receptJotu The young .;tbia «fty* She attended" Northwesterft e!r snared Honors wifK Mrs. Melvin Tuesday in January. univdftity at Evanston, Illinois, and Levin whes Tatf Delta Gamma of couple returned to Milwaukee last Fri- ' Thd newly-elected officer* wiH . Cteightott ttiuvefsity of tMs city. Creighton entertained at a theater day, after being extensively enter- instsJIed at this time. tained throughout the weefc. Mr. Miller attended Chicago univer* party at the Brandeis theater. sity, and is in business in Siotfx City, On Thursday, December 18, Mrs. Robert B. RdeentfcaJ, son of Mr. and Hadas^ih "where titey wilt reside. B, Fleishman will be hostess to Miss . A reception was given at fhe'Black- Bolker and on Saturday, December 20, Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, is a member Mrs. Julias Abrahamson, Aairrna* stone Sunday from 3 to 5 o'clock by Miss Hermine Green will entertain at of tffte band at the Unfvenaty of of the membership committee of fiaPennsylvania, where he is a stfpbo- dassah, is pleased to report a successMr. Lew to honor his sister and the Iftdcheon at her hoibe. vi6ttL Mr. Rosentfial is a member" of ful membership campaign, and iijp groom. the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. nounces the following new members BAR MlTZVABt Set Wedding Date thus fat this season: Mesdames 3. The Bar Mitzvah of Morris TatleMiss Ruth Kaplan returned to Oma- Block, M. Blass, M. Brandeis, Sam Announcement has been made of msOr son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tatleman, ha from Juarez^ Mexicd, wherfe she the d'ate for the wedding of Miss take place n£ic£ Saturday at the has been living for the past two years. Brown, D. Blacker, Fanny Coneri* Marie Klein to Lou Elewitz. The cere- i Herman Cohen, Morris Cohen, Dav* at 24th and; Nicholas mony will be performed at the home MrS. Ben Minkin is recovering from Crounsef Sam Fregger, J. Friedel, M. of the bride's parents,- 3510 Harney H. Fox, Sam Goldblatt, Max KaplaEn, Mr. and Mrs, Tafletnan wfit receive a» attack of pneumonia at Qie Covstreet, ftt 6 o'clock in the afternoon of Jack Kaufman, Nate Karpin, AQati in honor of their son on Sunday af- anent hospital. Monday, January 5; Kohen, Phil Klutznick, Nate Mahttf, Alpha Tau Miss Klein entertained at a trous- ternoon from 2 until 7 o'clock at their J. Meyer, Ben Minkin, jf. Stern, B*. M. home, 2831 South 32nd street. No seau tea Sunday afternoon. New pledges of the AlpRa Tan sor- Roddy. cards have been issued. ority are Beulah Belzer,. Bianche Bin"Every Jewish woman a Hadaasab £hilips*Kaplan Wedding stein, Zelda Charney,' Sara. Felfman, member," is Mr3; Abrahamson's . Mr. and. Mrs.: Meyer Kaplan anMr. and Mrs. Heine Delrogh cele- Ida G;reenbanm, Lillian K©6tn, Maffan nounce tfie marriage of their daugh- brated the Bar Mitevah of their son, Motiovitr, lluth Reshici, Sosalie Roster, Miss Reva Kaplan and Max Phil- Philip, last Saturday at the B'nai enberg and Ruth Tuchman? foHHal dresses should -OS Ste that, dramatic, ips, of El Paso* Tex. The ceremony Israel synagogue. The pledges must wear one light lovely things, that cr#> -took- place in Kansas City, Tuesday, . In honor of the occasion, Mr. and hose and one dark hose and a red ribate a perfect evening: Selections always at their Dedember &. Mrs. Delrogh entertained 40 guests bon until their initiation on December wherever yon wear best at theta* lf*s easy to fina at dinner at their home on Sunday .20, at a slumber party to be- held at Engaged fast yinr (rock ia evening* December 7. the home of Ann Gitnick, president Two announcements of interest have Goldstein • Chapman'i of the organization. -complete collectioi, beeft made recently in New York City. "OF COURSE* Pi Lambda Phi Tea and we suggest thai They are;the engagements of Miss Comivican Campfire Group yoO view our veW The first annual "parent's tea" was Lena Grossman and Sidney Miller and The Comivican Campfire Girls sponv&A-itinttr collection given by the Creighton chapter of Pi Miss Sonia Cohen and Sam KasminIn <»hile, c r e a m y JtKtLRV Lambda Phi fraternity at the chapter sored & candy sale doting the showwUtej cool pastel*, sky. Miss Grossman and Miss Cohen | ing of the ''Good Hope" at the Comhouse Sunday afternoon, December 7. amethytt, coral, blade wert formerly of Omaha, and Mr. £*«&-* little trimnpti The parents of all the members munity Center Thursday evening to "CHKBRFUL CREDIT" Miller and Mr. Kasminsky are of New «f J i i were shown through the house and earn enough to pay for their charter All Sizes amd Sharps Yort. were made acquainted5 with the work and dues. Watch Crvnt&U FRF.S The committee in chaTge of the sale of the members. There was entert»RENUPTIAL APFA1BS JDLES GEHEt-iGK, ' Mrs. Morris Brandeis was hostess tainment throughout .the afternoon, included Pearl Friedman, Helen Shrier and "Freda Bernstein. ...-,..•..... f h t V d %18 guests at the Paxton hotel last andd refreshments Vrere served.

Organizatioa News-

MaJashock's Jewelry Needs

Hil Ever Write My Memoirs 111 Mention That Dress" She Said •








• • •




Diamond and Plattnura BEN'S





/ \


'.. tlt$lSM to S71SS

Evening £



Stress the importance of the feminine mode «J

IL^vlsh creations that captivate all the chic atitl dh&nto of Paris fashions are these gowns copied ttora. imports by Chanel, Patou, Lucille Parey, Victtmet, I^af ia» and other famous contourierfc iHey ere all very delightful with their distinctly feminine lines—peplums* flares, godets, and eapelets. You will find jtisi the govms for the holidays in this group.

Your New Formal Needs $5

Select your favorite material:

Urt «npp«H mi man lines attainel by Modart Foondaikm wear. Various models «(ul <a%riex all«w a choice expressing your individual preference, and the charm of feminine carves wiO be yoon through their perfett designing. Featuring models »t . . . . . . . . . .

Iritde*—nets—flat dtepe^—^otin—embrd&dered chiffon printed 6h£ffdtir-Jvelvet and canton crepe

Afid yoixt indsif becoming color. ~ bbla&—white — fflesh l & h l h — purple l — blue green * - br&wit and orange • Brandeis—Freich Boom—Second Floor


2nd Root

$36 to $125








TURES Tol^avelUndertheNorthPole

Th* submarine O-12, rechristr ened the "Nautilus," aa it was ipped in the Philadelphia Havy Yard*a drydock, for Its trip to the-Arctic Sir Hubert td eminent" explorer, will d t h Nautfloa for the


boldest voyaget on record, an undersea expedition to the North Pole. The workmen are putting a special ice drill in place as the first logical bit of overhauling and equiping.

One of the first essentials of a good private secretary ia the ability to keep mum, thinks Miss Lola Williams. She is shown keeping mum t t the beautiful display of "mums" which features the Waahingtoa, D. C^ flower show. Miss Williams is private secretary • to Vice-President Curtis,

Historic Building

Dianas of Capital University

Spiritual Head of 450 Million Mohammedans

Recent portrait of Hadschj Hafis Maglajlitsch, the new Reiss-UlUlema, who is spiritual head of the 450,000,000 Mohammedans scattered over the face of the world. The new Reiss-Ul-Ulema, highest priest, was recently select* ed to succeed the late Reiss, who 'died more than a year ago.

Violin Loaned by Henry Ford)

Miss Beatrice Griffin, young American violinist, holding the genuine Straaiyarius (dated 1709) upon which she played when she made her debut with

Ossip Gabrilowitsch's Detroit. Symphony Orchestra. The price-, less instrument was loaned to hf»» hv Henry Ford.


, Manly Perfection

The sisters, Joan and Thelma Archer, t-w.ns, pictured aft^r they had created eight new world's motorcycle records on the Brooklstnds track, Brooklands, England. Between them the girls accounted for new records for the 50 to 100 kilometre distances, the 50 and 100 mile distances, and the one, two and three-hour mileage records. The eirls used a machine made by their father and which wa» • equipped with a one-box»epovrer engine.



• •



Blazing fiercely are the two towers at the entrance to Fairnount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., scene of the Centennial Exposition in 1S76) at the Height of the fire. In the foreground is the sloping glass prof- of Horticultural Hall.

•which was partly ruined by water and flames. Many priceless plants were killed. James J. Hearn, Assistant Superintend* ent of. Police, died suddenly from heart disease while he was directing police.

Fin co-eds of George Washington University, Washington, D. C.j line up with their bows and arrows on the ellipse dur~~ing « practise session of the

jSIiaw GMJJecoiries Baroness


team in preparation tor contests with other schools. The girls are: Dorothea Adams, Helen Kbehne, Helen Lambert, Ellen Howard and Ann Burger.

At b$t—the perfect man! Harley Volkman, 18-year-old University of Kansas freshman, is rated 100 per cent in all things. Among his qualifications are good looks, wealth, athletic ability and physique. He is six feet tall, weighs 200 pounds, and blew off the top of a spirometer—an \vr Etrument for measuring lung yower.

Ousted for MetKods

He Tinkers With Plane Motors Major-General Hanson E. Ely, commanding the Second Corps Area. receiving on behalf of the Regular Army the beautiful cup donated by Colonel Thatcher T. P. Lupuer to the -winner of three-cornered rifle and pistol competition" among the Regular Armv, National Guard and Reserve Officers of New York, New Jersey and Delaware.' Colonel Luquer is himself making the presentation during the cer»» _roonies at Governors Island, New York. ;•


Marion Benda, beantifal soidety and show girl, 'whose '.teeeet marriage to Baron Rupprecht Von Boecklin was rfevealefl .Hn Norwoik. Conn. The couple -sailed from Montreal » week •go for. Germany, where they


will make their home. Th« bride ia known - off stage as Marion Wilson, daughter of the late William G. Wilson, noted financier. The Baron's mother was Gertrude Berwin, of the prominent Philadelphia coal family.

Although his parents, Charles and Mary Beard, are wellknown authors, this young man's tastes lie in a different direction. He is William Beard,

Of New Milford, Colin., aud iB shown at work at "the Dlsttiet of Columbia Air Lesion Headquarters, Washington, where he is a student.

Miss Edith Harding (above), (chool teacher, of Milton, Mass., ic-as ousted by the Milton School Board for her "modern" methods »f teaching the grammar school children. Miss Harding was formerly a student of new developments in education at Yale and at Bates.



in connection with Hefiin's

I ,\J


'i-s,~ re.

:•,• ••

PAGE 7—THE JEWISH. PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930 day flight, ISjOOOjOOO Jews the world over will be celebrating Chanukah, the Feast of l i g h t s . The inemory of the hexoie victory of the Maccabees, is inspiring t o o s today. ^ Every Jewish father and mother should use every effort to make Caano&ah a thrilling \ •week in the fives of the daWreju Let joy reign supreme. Chanukah lights, Chanukah. presents, parties, special foods should mark v tbe week, E x Candle lighting Tlnie Friday, Dechange gifts with one another. Thus, cember 12—4:15 &'im. no Jewish child heed ever envy the % * tuTst .OjsnajcBh ,<sindle t o he & coining holiday of his gentile neigheYening,December 14. ; bor.

Conservative Synagogue News

received by Mrs. B. Meyer, $ Organization News being North 20th street* and annual mem-

rheumatic and reducing treatments. They wiil be open daily from 8 to 6 and three evenings a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and also by

Sorority Pledgees Suffer Many Tortures

bership dues, at $3, by Mrs. A. Eatskee, 2217 Lothrop streetMrs. Katskee makes an urgent glea be, "India and Its Belation t o the Brit- for members to mail their checks. ish Empire." His discussion will be "Wotta life" the initiate into a in part a review of Andrews' book on -sorority leads. Ladies' Labor Lyceum Club Ghandi. If you should perchance see sevA Russian Cabaret and Tea will be (Continued from Page 4.) eral girls promenading at the Comgiven by the Ladies' Labor Lyceum munity Center wearing one light Daughters of Zion club o s Sunday evening, December 21, A Chanokah card party will be at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark tjose and one dark hose, with a thing of Jewish significance and of given by the Daughters of Zion on streets. The committee in charge has bright red ribbon in their hair, have (Jewish heritage in such a name. It Sermon This Evening Monday, December IS, at the home of promised to present novel entertain- no qualms as to their sanity or col- : was a bona fide feeling on her part. Mrs. A. Shafton, 8113 Lincoln Blvd. ing Russian dances and songs at the or-blindness, or even lack of taste. : She fell there was .glory in being Eabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver They are merely neophytes going ! Jews, with our inferiority complexes, a sermon on "The 275tfa snnirerwuy at- 2:80 o'clock in the afternoon. All affair. through the pledgeship ordeals of ! may regard such an attitude. members and friends are urged to at- The public is given a cordial inof the Jews in America," « t the servthe Alpha T*u sorority, prepara- THE CASE OF LEVITAN tend. ices at Temple Israel this evening. vitation to attend. tory to initiation. Let me point to another significant - TheT>roceed3 from this affair-will be The club also announces its apServices Tonight •• Sermon Topic Friday* Dec; 19 sent to the Jewish National Fund. proaching Rummage Sale. The or- The girls being so maltreated are even if more modest illustration, •when Satnrday Morning i GoWatein will speak on "Wigr Next week Rabbi Goldstein wUl Mrs. S. Rosenblatt i s chairman of the ganization will greatly appreciate-any Beolah Selzer, Blanche Einstein, compared with such a Titan « s EinTomorrow morning Rabbf Cohn*« ZeWa Charney, Sara Felltnan, Ida Chanukah?" tonight. T h e choir un- speak on "DM Persecution Enable the card party. ' bundles or packages which anyone Greenbaum, Lillian Koom, Marian stein. topic will be "From the Farm to the My friend, Sol Levitan, State TreasThe Daughters of Zion "wfll hold a may wish to contribute. der the leadership of Mrs. Sain Beber Jews to Survive f* The -com- Monovitz, Ruth Besnick, Rosalie : Throne." urer of Wisconsin. Wise "Uncle Sol" reguhtrx meeting on Wednesday, De- mittee will be glad to caD for them. •wSJ .render special Chanukah, selecRosenberg and Ruth Tuchma-n. when he is a candidate for office incember 17, at 2:30, a t the Community Anyone having a bundle or package tion* , .'-.•-'.-.stead of denying his Jewishness, Kaddish Center, to spare is •'-. asked to call Mrs. SL capitalizes it. Kaddish will be recited this Sabirounse, Webster 2693 or Mrs. J. ElBeth Hamedrosh Auxiliary kin, Webster 3910. . ?l Massage in local hospitals and lately Dinner Sunday I do not mean that be seeks the bath for Florence Slosborg, Rose associated with the Lord Lister hos- Jewish vote. On the face -a? it, that Sommer, Samuel Livingston and CaroGraveling of tfae road leading to t&e Tfee annial Congregational Dinner The location and date of the rumpital, in |n charge of the women's de- could not elect hira insuch a state -asj Una Cabn. Beth Hamedrosh. Hagodol cemetery in ana' <3ianu!kan vcelebration *w3l take mage sale will be announced latex. Sarpy couittjr is being completed this partment. Wisconsin, -wnete tiie Jewish ^vete i s I plants'at the. Community Center this week, Mrs. Harry Trustin, president Both departments will gpedalize in a minority significance^ 'PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Sunday nighty December 14, a t 6:30Rabbi Max ScHehk of Cedar of the Synagogue Women's auxiliary, Daughters of Israel Aid Society Rapids Guest Speaker at The Daughters of Israel Aid Society announces.' T h e cemetery i m p l e B^naJ Britti Meeting ment projeet was initiated more than give their annual linen shower a year; ago/;... ; : .:. • ., ._,_ Tuesday, December-16r at 2 o'clock in NevrMeinbers The Council Sinks .fcodge No. 68$ Fuirds-are now sought t o complete the afternoon s t the Old Peopfcs* The Congregation welcomes the fol- of the Independent Order of thethe impTpvemeat program, which in- Home, 2504 Charles Street. Mrs. Samuel Gersen will lowing new members into its fellaw- B'nai Brith held a a Open Meeting eludes -the pvzrcb&se of foaerai equipat the Eagles Hall on Monday even- ment and cemetery maintenance, Mrs. the mennbeTS. A musical program has sMpt Mrs. A. E . Krasne, Mrs. Ann ing. Rabbi Max Schenk of Cedar been arranged. ''...-. Gotadiner, Ben Binder, N. G. Bammel» Rapids, Iowa, w a s the principal Trustin further stated. Donations are W. Vfexmer, Leo Waxehberg, Joseph speaker and honored guest. Mr. noon. December 18th, « t the home Pioneer Ladies' Club Tretiafe, ML Mayerowicn, Joseph Pree- Julius Rosenfeld presided a s chair- of Mrs. Abe Gflinsky, 726 Mynstex of the The n°yt"1'tp>*gtry • ' . ' . ' man, Mjer Freeman, I. Baznick, Bu- man and introduced Rabbi Schenk street Pioneer Ladies' Club will be held next who delivered a wonderful message Wednesday, December 17, at the home bea Vsn, irvia C Levin, Harry RoseThe Ladies Aid Society will meet of Mrs. Barson, 2124 Burdette with a. on "The Jew and His Problems". n m , Abe Meyer, David A . Freeman, A clever dialogue, entitled "A Mid- next Tuesday afternoon at the !tome Chatrakah celebration. Refreshments Frank Eisenberg, H. D . Shapiro, Jack night Fantasy11" was presented by of Mrs. J; Katehnan. will be served. The public is mviiid. ; June and Lorraine Meyerson, This Hytnan. The benefit show held November 2$ open, meeting was the first of a Mrs. Charles Endelman enter- at the Corby theater was very racseries sponsored by the. Intellectual tained twelve children a t h i r home eessful and the organization wishes t o Chanukah Seudah Advancement Committee of which Saturday afteraoon in honor of herthank all those who purchased tickets the ^children of members only, Ben. Kubby i s . chairman. daughter, Sylvia, who celebrated her from the committee. there-.ivillfeea Chanukah party in the Li his speech, Rabbi Schenk stated eleventh birthday* The afternoon forfn t>f Sabbath afternoon Seadah on that the biggest problem i s the Jew was spent playing games which was followed by • refreshments. Saturday, December 20th, at 2:30 p. himself. The Jew-, here i s always m. There will be a happy time of ready t o answer when the call comes, . '. .. Agudas Achim. as they have always helped ther lessTh^_ gqxmcu BTnffs Agudksr Achim Caanakah gamca-aad -refreshmeat* for j •ortunate brethefn":. He "stressed the all. Reserve this date for your chil- marvelous work, being accomplished Association will hold a regular meet- . A change of management has been When; you choose yonr Ghmtma* ^ ing twst-Thursday-evening, Decem- announced in the Fifth Avenue Bath, drea. ; by the Allied Jewish, movement this year, jehdeee ^fifcs th»t ar* jraetical; ber i t t & a i t the Eagtes HalL department by H. Weiner and Son, There are three or f6ur million Jews gifts tliat,will last^au4 keep pn bringing owners of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. literally starving today m - Bossia CoJlaan Yodelson, student at the 1 C . C. Sunday School and joy for years to come. The department was recently redeck and also lack adequate elothing. Thomas Jeffei^on High School, spent On Sunday morning the children, of Electrical 'gifts are these practical gifts The Allied Jewish Campaign i s now a couple <tay& in Sionx City, Iowa, orated, with new health equipment the Sunday School will have their spe- io progress and everyone should do •installed. Among this equipment IB for they are permanent rfemind&rs of yourthis Week a s « member of his included a new Zoalite Infra Lamp cial Chanukah program. After (the his-utmost t o see that his quota school's Debating Team. thoughtfulness. - ; :-._;_.ii;;::.';_%J.,.;........ .• and Ultra Violet Sun Lamp. program a : committee consisting : of la V-: Subscribed. _*' T^e ;>_ quota f o r ' Miss Ida Cohen of Chicago, Illinois, Walter Arnold, graduate of th* Council Bluffs h a s been set a t Two Mrs. Harry Wolf, Mrs. William Holawho has been secretary/ to the late Masseurs.' School of Sweden and i thousand dollars. A special comm&ti, and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, will mittee meeting* will be b&cl next Dr. Leo Fracbtenberg, was a visitor cently. head .masseur of the City Club present them , with Chanukah, gifts. Sunday morning, December 14th, a t nt Ccunol Bluffs the first of the of Chicago, will have complete charge, Candles, menorahs and candles; fot "the. tO o'clock a t Mr. Rosenf eld's office, week i n the interest <>f t h e Allied of the men's department. Mrs. Beda, Carlson, instructor of Chanukah week are provided by the315 _West Broadway. The drive on Jewish Campaign. Center Education Committee, of which the Jewish Community will commence Monday morning1, and Mr. Dr. Philip Sher is chairman. Rosenfeld, who i s chairman of this The following are members of the campaign here, has requested that Sunday School staff: every family do all they can t o helpJulius Bisno, Mrs. Philip Klutznkk, this movement. Mrs. Herman Jahr, Esther Faier, La A. Z» Aa Verne. Feblowitz, Ruth Kiekes, Ida The Council Bluffs Otapter Nov ?. Tennenbaum, Jeanette Levinson, FranUrn Setg Egg Cooker of the A. Z. A. will hold a meeting cis Green, Sophie Rosenstein, Edith next Wednesday evening, December Waffle Irons $24.75 $5.50 Dolgoff and Bess Bernstein, Five of 17th, at the home of Joe Solomonow, $8.95 up the -teachers are now teaching in the213 Stotsman street. Plans for the Omaha public schools. The rest are National A. Z. A. Day, observation either college graduates or else are win be made at this time.:;'All members are urged tb attend. now, studying a% the university. Sewing Circle. ... We. ask that parents, cooperate with The Sewing Circle of t % Coimcii this splendid staff of capable $eachers Bluffs Chapter of .that; Seiior Hadand see to it that their children at- assah will meet next Thursday aflerSunlamps tend regularly and do their home (Continued from Page 1)


Notes of Temple Israel

Council Stuffs

When Santa Comes In Through the Wall-Plug


Make Your Christmas Gift TAis Tear Conrtr^

Give Something pleefrical I





".••', ,' ,'., .'

• ': ).

No children will be registered for the school after Sunday.


Hunting Equipment Skates Golfers SuppliesPunching Bags \ Boxing Gloves Foot Baits Basket Balk , : Rods and Reels Athletic Equipment




Chanukah For eight days beginning this Sun-

FLOWEU SHOP 515 Broadway Phone

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1903 Farfiam

H^KTMAN'S Furniture Needs Lamps $11.50 up

Commission Basis

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Washers $99.50 «p

floor Polishers $29.50 up

for your


Cleaners $37.50 up


Solicit Subscriptions

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Frwlt Mixers

Crosley Radio


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2814 M St.

"Mectric Shop*"

Nebraska Power € Courtesv - Setvke • \

V <\?-:y

PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1930 ,v»o»/i;iT/.',l-!*A.";./"/;,\ •/;:'. V \\


MOTHERS ASSOCIATION TWO OF COMMUNAL Social News ELECT OFFICERS a quiet cermony in the study E V M S POSTPONE) of AtRabbi vH. R. Rabinowitz, Miss



J. CCNews

In Those Schools Where the Jewish Children Are Predominate

New York.—(J. T. A.)—A suggestion that Chanukah be celebrated in the public schools of New York City is contained in an editorial in the December issue of the Jewish Forum, monthly Orthodox magazine published in New York City. The editorial says: If the authorities who foster the Christmas exercises are sincere about subduing the sectarian character of the celebration and stressing the spirit of good will to mankind, let them, at least in those schools where there are Jewish children, not to speak of Jewish populations, celebrate Chanukah and make it the occasion of renewing the spirit of the Maccabees in their fight for idealism and recall the Maccabean efforts made by the fathers of our country in their stand against the greater numbers in the British armies in Revolutionary dayi —or, let them not foist a Christmas celebration as part of their educational influences, on the minds of Jewv ish children. "Jewish parents of children in a particular school should get together to devise ways and means of enrolling all the other Jewish parents whose '." ". " i s s u e . ) . - ; -•..." -,' .. • -. the battle of the leadership for ttie win but one victory out of three self-respect may dictate a combined league. The Malashock Jewelry de- games played. Their opponents were protest to the principals of their refeated the Kaiman Insurance the en-the Thomdjke Auto team and Pill jective schools against the introductire series. , ; Brothers five. A return match is be- tion of strange influences in the deBen's Jewelry went Into third posi- ing planned. velopment of the religious life o l tion by reason of their victory over their children, and there is no better the Wardrobes. time for such organization than beW. L. Av. Employ 4,000 Jews fore the Christmas celebrations now Marvin Treller smashed the pins for 2 1 Empire Cleaners _ 12 .636 Moscow.—A huge new textile factalmost universally observed in the . 2 0 13 .606 a 602 total, registering games of 202, Malashock Jewelry ory that will employ 4,000 Jews was schools. 180 and 220. Other good counters Ben's Jewelry - 18 15 .545 opened today at Vitebsk. The factory "We call upon Jews to organise were made by Ben Yousem, P. WinWardrobe _ - 1 7 16 .515 Kaiman Insurance - 1 3 20 .894 troub, Jack Melcher, "Muggy" Good- ia equipped with the latest: machin- against those who would destroy the ery. Nearby are homes for the Maccabean spirit in our youth. Let . 1 0 23 .303 man and Ab Kaiman. Yousem Tire „ _ _ workers, a kindergarten, clubs, and a us not shame the Maccabean spirit [ The-Yousem Tires and the Kaiman The Empire Cleaners defeated the hospital all fitted up with the most during the period when we should Insurance journeyed to Sioux City last Yousem ^ Tires the entire series and :.• celebrate it.1* are as yet one game to the good in Sunday and both teams managed to modern appliances.

communal events which were Mollie Glatstein, daughter of Mrs. to have taken place this month, have H. M. Glatstein of Muscatine, Iowa, became the bride of Dr. J. M.-Krigbeen postponed indefinitely. ' The Third Annual - Dinner' of., the steri, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. KingDaughterhood of Tephereth Israel, ston of Ohawa, Iowa, on Sunday which was to have taken place next afternoon. The immediate relatives Sunday, has been postponed. -The of the couple witnessed the cerefuture, date for the', dinner which mony. After an eastern trip, Dr. was to have been held in the Telephe- and Mrs. Krigsten will make their reth Synagogue-has not been' set, but home in the Sioux Apartments. • the committees have requested the Mr. and Mrs. J. Wolfson announce tickets holders to keep their tickets the marriage of their daughter Ceuntil" further notice. cilia to Louis Prager, son of Mr. The Birthday Dinner of the La- and . Mrs. Samuel Prager' of New dies Auxiliary of Shaare Zion Syn- Haven, Connecticut.. Rabbi Mr.Braagogue which was 'to have been held ver officiated at the ceremony. on Wednesday, December 17,, has been postponed also. No future date Mr. and Mrs. J. Harkoway announce the engagement of their has been set for this affair. daughter Shirley, to Harry Glatstein, son of Mrs. H. M. Glatstein of Muscatine, Iowa. Miss Harkoway has studied at Ward Belmont, Chevey Chase, and Ohio U. No date for the wedding has been set. The Second Annual Hawkeye CabAt a party held Sunday afternoon aret Dance which will be opened to in the Blackstone Hotel of Omaha, the public will be held in the Jewish Community Center» Sunday evening, Mr. Allen Lew announced the enDecember 14. Isadore Mirowitz is in gagement of his sister, Mildred, to charge of the arrangements, and an-Joseph Miller, of Sioux City, son of nounces that this will be one of the Mr. and Mrs. L Miller. Mr. and most elaborate affairs of the season. Mrs. I. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. The Collegians will furnish the Herman Miller were guests. (Continued from Page 1) music for dancing throughout the Next Sunday aftferhoon Mr: and' evening. The Decoration committee Mrs. Herman Miller will entertain has planned their decorations prom- at a tea in their home honoring their of Australia. Last March he was ising a novel'effect Refreshments brother and Miss Lew. The wedding named Chief Justice of Australia. will be served free of charge during date has not been set. Miss Lew is When the British government began j the evening. . a graduate of Northwestern Univer- looking for a successor to Lord Stonesity and Mr. Miller attended Chica- haven as governor general last April, Sir Isaac was prominently mentioned. go University. The Labor government of Australia Mrs. E. Rubenstein and Mrs. A. headed by Premier Scullin, favored a W. Kaplan were hostesses at a lunch- native Australian" and supported Isaac Two one-act plays which were to eon in the Jewish Community Center There then arose considerable opposihave been given by the Masque and yesterday noon, honoring Miss Lu- tion to the projected nomination of Sir Wig last night have been post- cille Rubenstein, daughter pf Mr. Isaac because certain political circles poned. The future date will be an- and Mrs. E. Rubenstein, whose mar- felt that an appointee from England nounced through th"e columns of the riage to Mr. Maurice E. Kaplan, son" would,mean an important link with Jewish Press. . . of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kaplan, will Great Britain. It was felt that a native Australian would be less disinterested I •• Mrs. A. H. Baron member of .the be an event of January 11. The than an Englishman. Nevertheless, I Girl Scout Council, will take charge luncheon was followed by bridge. Sir Isaac had the support of all of the Brownie pack this month. groups,.including the Catholics.: The Phi Epsilon Tau Society met at the home of the Misses Lucille The matter of. a new governor-genThe Girl Scout troop is .planning a Chanukah party next week. Eeg- and Serene Barrent on Wednesday eral, however, was left in abeyance un"istration for the members are being evening. The regular program was til Premier Sculin came to London for followed by dancing and refresh- the Imperial Conference. ' Sir Isaac's brought in. name was the only one submitted to ments. the British government by Premier Several clubs at the Center are The Junior Hadassah held a meet- Scullin. donating Chanukah Baskets to needy families this week. The distribution ing Wednesday evening at the Com- The appointment of Sir Isaac marks V is under the direction of the Federa- munity Center. the second time that a Jew has been tion.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanford named Crown representative of one of the British possessions. Lording ReadThe Intermediate Dramatic Club have returned after a trip to -New ing (Rufus Isaacs} having been ViY o r k C i t y . • • '-'' . ; } ' ': . •••': •••:"" ••• is practicing for the play "Two ceroy of India. ,-.-••• Tables of Bridge". Mr. and Mrs. Sam Greenstone Melbourne.—(J. T. A.)—The Australian press, which hitherto almost Miss Ruth Marx presented a book visited in Chicago last week. without exception had been opposed to review at the last meeting of the The Silver Set raffled off at the the appointment of Sir Isaac Isaacs as S. I. S. Club. recent Bazaar given for the Pales- governor-general because they regardMrs. Agnes Falk, executive of the tine Chalutzim Bazaar was won by ed it as severing the link with Great Britain, today offers guarded comment Travelers Aid Society spoke before Mr. A. Davis. on Sir Isaacs' appointment. The pamembers of the Business Girl's Club Miss Sybil Merlin and Miss Ida pers generally agree, however, that if on Wednesday. • Feldman were hostesses at the J. N. any native Australian were to be apThe Hawkeye Basketball team in- F. Benefit Bridge last Sunday after- pointed, Sir Isaac is the most suitable, augurated the Basketball season by noon at the former's home. Bridge and the best qualified. winning their first game with.the was played at three tables. A fourth The Australian Labor Party* is jubiMaccabbee. Team,- Monday evening, table was played at the home of Mrs. lant, because the appointment of an at the North Junior High Gym. TheL Greenstone. Australian as governor-general is aa score was 16 to 13. Intense rivalry The Alumni Club of the Talmud important plank in its political, prohas. been created between the two Torah will have a Chanukah piarty, gram. Nationalist party leaders deteams and many interesting tilts can next Wednesday evening at the Com- clined to comment. Jewish communal be looked forward to in the future. munity Center. leaders are delighted with the high Morris Lefkovick is captain of the honor accorded to a Jew, but regard Hawkeye Team, while Mickey Maron the political circumstances surroundheads the Maccabees. " Rabbi Rabinowitz will deliver a ing the appointment. Chanukah message this, evening, durInitiation was held Tuesday evening the regular Friday night sering for the new member^, of the vices. His subject will be "Courage Hawkeye . Club. They are^ Morris Brethren". ' Bernstein, Alfred Levich, Sydney On Sunday afternoon, December Sable and Sydney Slutsky. 14, the children of the Synagogue Religious School will present a Cha(Contiriued from Page 1) nukah . program. I t is under the direction of Miss Ida Heshelow and Miss Dena Baron. A group of mu- England, and "nobody considered it Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis will sical selections, readings and a play necessary to prohibit such discriminaspeak on "A Growing Judaism" at will be included. 'Principal charact- tions by law." Lord Passfield conthe regular Friday evening services ers in the play are Rebecca Still- cluded with the assurance that the tonight. man, Inez Leaf, Jack Gorchbw; consideration would be born in mind Monday evening, December 15, at Charles Shindler, Charles Raskin, for the complete execution of the Pal7:30 sharp, the children of the Rozella Dikel, Marion Shiloff, Helen estine Mandate incorporating the BalTemple religious school will present Kantrovich, Howard Sacks, Nathan four Declaration, and applicable not a Channkah program in the Temple. Oriikoff, Earl Wigodsky. ?A Make only to Jews but to all sections of the . Miss Gladys Weinberg, a member of Believe Chanukah' 'is the name of population. Lord Reading said that Lord Islingthe Sunday School Faculty is direct- the play. The Religious School Facing the program which will consist ulty will assist with the production. ton "seems to forget the entire position as regards the Jews. The jews of several plays, recitations and went to Palestine by virtue of a decmusical numbers by the children of laration made and accepted by Great the school. Following the program, Britain. The Jewish purchase of land ,the- Sisterhood will serve refreshis enabled >by voluntary contributions ments to the children. ^ The first meeting of the Kadina and has nothing whatsoever to do with Club, playground of the Shaare Zion expropriation because the land was Synagogue, was held last Tuesday voluntarily sold by the Arabs. Under •+• evening. Reports on last years ac- such circumstances I would have been tivities were heard and plans for surprised to hear that any community the coming year's banquet were dis- intended to provide new land for a cussed. Mr. Morey Lipshutz pre- man who had sold land in such a i;""We feed the multitude" 1: sided. Refreshments '"concluded the manner, because he could sell the land With Tasty Foods again ad infinitum." evening. • .' 1 „. ...-' • "

Many at Banquet of Chevra Kadisha


(Continued from Page 2.)

an inevitable reaction within the soul of a race who were suffering such disasters and injustices as have never been visited so uninterruptedly, through so long a period of time, upon any other nation. It was this psychological and spiritual compensation for their woes which helped to keep them alive through the darkest periods Mrs. Ben Sherman was elected of their distress. It remains a compresident of the Hebrew Mothers fort today amid the disabilities that Association at a meeting Tuesday still are forced upon the tribe of afternoon. ^ Mrs. L Greenstone was Israel. But to the enlightened and emanelected vice-president; Mrs. L. Sinikin, Financial Secretary; Mrs. H. cipated Jew this idea of "the chosen R. Rabinowitz, Corresponding Secre- people" is, of course, a superstition, which can have no part in the pride tary; Mrs. J. Shindler, Secretary. The association is an auxiliary of which he justly feels in the tradition the Talmud Torah, looking after, the of his fathers. There are no superior needs of the school, and paying for not inferior peoples. None of us can fall BO low that we are unworthy— the school bus. none of us can climb so high that we are "chosen." "Children of destiny" do Menachem Ussishkin, the interna- mittee, appointed by Mayor James J. not exist. We are all simply humans, tionally famous Zionist leader and Walker of New York. members together of the one universal j president of the Jewish National fund, From left to right: Mr. Montrose family of earth. For what we are,'was enthustically received by New Strassburger, Assistant Corporation Aproximately 175 people attended we: may be proud; for what we are jYork Jewry as well as by the city Counsel of the New York City governthe Chevra Kadisha- Banquet last not, we should be humble. So, if V government of the American metrop- ment, Master of Ceremonies; Mr. MenSunday evening held at the Jewish were a Jew I would be proud—but not olis, on his arrival in this country last achem ^Ussishkin, President of the too proud! Always would I remember; week on the Steamer "Bremen. Community Center. World Jewish National Fund; Mr. Mr. Sam Lipman acted as Toast- the proverb of which the".history of The above picture, taken on the Emanuel Neumann, President of the master. Short talks were given byi my race has been one long, agonizing, Bremen, shows the famous Zionist Jewish National Fund of America and Rabbi M. Braver, Rabbi Rabinowitz yet glorious parable— leader being greeted by Mr. Emahuel Mr. Samuel Levy, Commissioner of the and Mr. A. M. Davis. Cantor Plis- "Better it is to be humle with the Neumann, president of the Jewish Na- New York Board' of Education and kin sang several solos.' He was poor than to divide the spoil with the tional Fund o f America in the pres- Chairman of the Mayor's Ussishkin .. accompanied by Miss Iibbie Olensky. proud." ence of the leaders of Citizens' Com- Reception Committee. (Second and concluding part next

MISS ANNA PILL, Correspondent IW*Y.r*ur*w»u4atf/«w*W*W4h.rft£a>~/fe?f«\?s4OA~tfiV/*^^


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