- lntet&tpig and. Entertaining
Jewish Commani^' fintered as _ second-class mall mutter on dsinuu? <7?,. HMO.-at postoffice at Omaha, Nebraska, under; the Act OIMMKAZ. 1KZ3.
19, 1930
i Sendah, to
VOL. VIIL—No. 47
Hebrew Club to GiveProgram This Sunday
-The cK 5 . | T f the members of the ConseTvaV^TR aagogue will be entertained VteiL-fhanukah Seudah on Saturday \§,'*f:;.$nf December 20, a t 2:30 p. m.V*$ < ^Jewish Community Center.' " ^ K i S ^ ' , ' . ; , -' , '. : ". >• "VA special \ ;'^T£££** including games, has been arranged. • Refreshments will
Sam Klaver, president of the Omaha Hebrew Club, has announced .that a special program has been arranged to be presented to the members Sunday, Proper Credentials Needed If December 21, in the lodge rooms of They Are to Leave U. S. New York Rabbis Lead in SVthe Jewish Community .Center. Boundaries mand for Revision of Judah Wolf son will deliver an adPlan dress of special interest to the memMrs. William Holzman, chairman of f o l l o w . , . •':•-'.,• bers. A musical program will round Service for Foreign Born of the Coun- "Mrs." David Sherman,. chairman of New Yorki—r(J. T. A.)—Asking for out the program. cil of Jewish Women, -warned all the Religious Committee, is' in'charge. a revision of the present system t>Z aliens to have proper credentials in wine distribution which would case. they, intend to leave the United the average distribution to about States, boundaries. , . ., gallon and a half a family annua rabbis representing virtually all '^ Mrsl Holzman made her announce-' Orthodox Jewish congregations ment following the receipt of a- bul-J New York charged that Jews are > letin from Miss Cecelia Razovsky, na^ ing discriminated against in tional executive chairman. Miss Razgranting of permits for ovsky's statement follows: wine. . Very frequently men" and women Symphony . Director Feel? at At present a Jewish family is al •who are not. American . citizens, although .they have lived in the United $ubsidjjr|of Jewish Groups ConHome With His Own lowed five gallons of wine a year. >UJ> States for many, years, take , trips' Side Stepped for in many instances, the rabbis said. T-C People r . across" the .contingent or to Canada. quisitions made by them were retlow'i Years ,-.-'. ._ ' "This-is the first *iipe that.I have by the government • officials Such people fire always* stopped at thej been among my own people in the two sometimes denied. Canadian or Mexican border by. the ' Vienna.—The failure-of the. Austrianmonths I have been in Omaha and I immigration' officials who. demand cr- cabinet; to include in the ; new. budget"We feel that the rabbis under want you to know" that I sincerely a edentials to prove that these people Submitted to Parliament a subvention present system are distrusted and predate it and feel the pleasure deeply are legal residents " in; the United for the Jewish communities has met jected to espionage and p of being *at home"*, said Joseph LitStates. Very often embarrassing sit- with great opposition on the part .jf j which is b discrimination against A-« tau, director of the Omaha Symphony uations arise because the person so Austrian Jewry-'s spokesmen.- JThey Jewish people," said Rabbis R. Ri?Orchestra at the monthly meeting of halted by the inspectors cannot estab- see in .this action of ;tiie; under govstein of Ezrath Israel SynagopuA. Hie. Brotherhood of Temple Israel a t lish to the satisfaction of the inspecV ernment not only; a breach of the con"Every application • for wine made >ar the Temple Wednesday night. 'tors" the feet that he was legally ad- stitution but also a continuation, oT a rabbi must be authenticated by * mitted into the United States. This the old policy of permitting theTJews "I nave been treated wonderfully by federal official, but both Protestant. is especially true of men and women to be the only group whose religious the people of -Omaha, but I want you and Catholic applications are granted who'entered the United States many needs do not have, the support of the; to know that tonight I find what has as soon as they are approved by « hi>years ago, some of them before 1906, government.; . :••--•• been missing in me «ince I have been hop." when records kept by the government here,** he said. Successive governments in the last Led by.Rabbi M. S. Margolis, <fo&& were incomplete. Mr. l i t t a u explained the reason why three" years have promised to adjust of New York Orthodox Rabbis, Si* many people are Beared away from At this tn6ment, a inan has been this jnatter but some reason for putJewish religious leaders appeared -hrgood music because of: the ' words, held up a t El Paso, Texas, who has ting it off has always been found! The "symphony" and "classic" He said fore,William D. Morse, supervisor of - lived in' the United States since 1900. opposition of the Vienna municipality, v they were meaningless and expressed permits of the Bureau of Industrial He i s a prominent merchant in his the obstacles interposed by various the hope that Jewish people of Omaha Alcohol. community, a large city in this coun- government departments and the would pay more attention and give try. He took his wife and children that the Jews are wealthy enough 1o inore- support to the Symphony Ortake care of their own "religious needs t for a trip to California, and upon their chestra. • ;• return they stopped a t El; Paso ; for were some of the excuses given, "I was amazed and disappointed to i .This last bbjetion, it is pointed !©ut, a change of;trains; -The man and his find not one Jew among the directors overlooks" the fact the economic* dechildren went "across the border to of the orchestra," said Mr. Littau. "In Mexico to see the sights. In attempt- cline of Austrian Jewry, has led ' A all the large centers, the Jews take a, curtailment of the activities of the ing • to return to El Paso .that very an active part in the support of the Jewish communities. • * London.—(J. T. A.)—The Sevenday; they were held- up. The children ©rcheatta.". • -. ••:.".- - . , - « . ; teenth "World Zionist Congress will ** could establish the fact that they were • Meanwhile the government- departEabbi Gohn -;gave the Chanukab held February 24th Jn Carlshlult ment concerned "with the question of -a fl^j States, but-the grayer a n d Ernest PriejEman. tpld the Casecho-Slovakia, the Zionist ExecuUV* subsidy' for jthe. Jewish cdmwuniti«»Sj man had^no~pfoof' with him t o Samui awnoonced. The date had been oet ?r>r to the Jews to "be* patthat" Tie had" been legally adUBBled- to hss appealed p E." Jafcobs, president :«f the i bi f i d a-suitable itbl y 5th by the ZionW ^ . thfc-United-States w h e n i e first came ient until the cabinet Brotherhood, wag toastmaster. ' • Committee at its emergency fflft«£ihJE here-in I960.- He is not an American opportunity for introducing the JewDr. Samuel Gerson, executive direcin November, but no site had b«sa citizen. He does not, remember the ish communities* subsidy and can ob- • A group- of senior and graduate stutor of the Community Center; spoke selected. • name of 1 the steamer on which he ar- tain parliamentary approval for i t . ' dents of the jdepartment of sociology. before the senior nurses of the ,UniUniversity i«f ^Nebraska, "were shown rived, nor the exact date. In order, to Carlsbad was chosen after prolotyr&i versity of Nebraska Medical school establish his right to reside. ii!t this Railroad Line to Palestine* f'~ throughthe Jewish Community Center and careful investigation as to th# Wednesday on "The Council of Social country," the man wilt have to secure jplace best suited for the Congress trts* > s t Fridayymorning. SamM Paris!.—A* new. rail connection "be- « i i n gg> . ]Song Dedicated to Them, Sung Agencies.'* a certificate of. registry at. a cost of tween" Calais', and Palestine^ that wUl Gerson..addressed them on the J. C. C , i der present conditions. The C««v^h^ at Dinner of. Conservative Mr. Gerson is on the executive com$20.-. This-entails loss of ;time and enable travelers to. go directly to the j$\e Welfare Federatidn, and the Jew-| Slovaldan povernment has been ifi* : mittee of the Council, and Dr. Pointer, Synagogue formed of the decision. - much "red. tape"; because many .docu- Holy Land without changing" trains," ish JRhilanthropies, and'their relation j Geneva,—(J. T. A.)—The second indean of the Nebraska University Medments .and witnesses are. required.. was announced «for construction Jhere with, t h e other. agencies in tne city. ternational conference for the study Although the agenda have not t^t A one hundred dollar gift toward » ical school, is president. The moral of this tale;is, of course, by the IVench, government. r The en- - They, were, accompanied on their of the Jewish problem in the univer- •been published this congress will •)* very obvious: The man. should have terprise is part of the $20,000,000 un- ±rip by' Miss Katherihe M.:Dunn, IIK building fund for , the ~" .Conservative sities will be held in Locarno, Jan- the most_ important since the «--*.r. become a citizen many^years-ago. Be- dertaking, of France to develop Syria, structor. of social case work a t the- -Synagogue was donated by Mr. and uary 4th to 9th it was announced here Among the momentous decisions w> Jvfore taking trips across the. borders which is under a, French mandate. by Dr.- Walter Kotschnig, general sec- taken by the congress will be whsU launiversity. ' '•'. ~ . . . ' , " .Mrs. Harry-.EL Lapidus.in honor of or across :the waters. aliens should; alretary, of .the International Student titude the Zionists should take towt-i their twenty-eighth wedding anniverways secure either »n alien return perThe seventeenth annual Maccabean Service, a nonsectarian organization, the British government in view of ?;»sary last Sunday a t the second anmit.or carry with them sufficient docunder whose auspices the conference cent political developments in fratwAi nual dinner of the Conservative Syna- Flag Day of the Jewish NatiomtT will be held.' The first conference was and the White Paper in particular, »?v& umentary evidence to enable; them to Fund held Sunday was wholly successgogue." _ be readmitted without any delay. ful, according to "Mrs. M. F . Levensmi, held a t Bierville, France, in 1928. - the resignation of Dr. Chaim W*»:srAny alien, although he had formerMr. and Mrs. Lapidus were taken chairman of the local drive. The International Student Service, mann as president of the World 5iin.ily lived here many years, who is reby complete surprise when the entire Complete totals are not yet avail- which has. undertaken a campaign to ist Organization. admitted after haying been detained gathering of 275 people enthusiasticAll parties within the Zionist i^>fight anti-Semitism in the universities Fifth International A. 2L A. Day officer; Prominent B'nai Brith mem- ally began singing a song written in able, but will be announced in next of Europe, will sponsor a program of ganizatien are making strenuous J^.5-for' proof of entry, is regarded as a "week's issue of the Jewish Press. The bers will deliver a few remarks at the newly arrived immigrant. If he-should will be celebrated tbis'Sunday by 130] their honor specially for this occasion. amount collected at the Temple Israel address treating the principles of uni- forts to have their delegates banquet. • '• . ' ; . become a public charge, or get-into active chapters of the 'Junior B'nai Those present bad each received a Sunday School was $24.86. T h e "R- versity life with regard to the actual To Speak . . difficulties" with the law, l e will be Brith, spread over, the North American. sheet of-paper containing the melody, NA," a dub meeting a t the Temple situation of the Jewish students, the. liable to deportation, his; last admis- Continent, and will .be featuredz by four; Three Omahaeis -vSll be -the:prin- with a sketch of' Mr. and Mrs. Lapi- under Mrs. Max Fromkin, donated "$2. history of .the Jewish^student in Eur- cipal lout-of-tqwn speakers • at celeb^i- dus, at the top. sion being .regarded .as. his "date-" of radio addresses. • - ' ' . . . ~". . \.. .,• . . Mr. William L. Holzman addressed the ope, the Jewish student in the life of tiodsL^ ^jSanv Bdrer will :g?eak at MilThis nation-wide; observance is~oj arrival into the United States." Temple Sunday School children the •the country in which he.livj5S and 1ihe| especial significance to, Omaha, as the waukee site.of i;he ne3Ct_ A. Z-_A.; con-> -•' The-song, which was sung, to the previous week and' Mrs. Levenson at- problem of the emigre Jewish stutune of "The Vagabound King," is as organization has its headquarters here, vention; Philip... Klutznick, executive tributed the successful collection there dent. : . - ; . • follows: and was J>orn here seven years ago secretary, will speak a t Sioux City, Among the patrons of the Jnternato Ms" appeal. through the efforts of Sam Beber, who and Irvin Stalmaster will deliver the. taonal Student Service mre ^Thomas {"Co-operation of Local Groni" i s Friends of cdl who need them, Collections for the" drive were also today is still president of "the Supreme address at Minneapolis. : Masaryk, president of Czeche-Slovakia, -Sought for Movement They *tftil more, thanfeed them made a t the-Dundee Talmud Torah, Advisory Council. ••'-.--''-, ' • • Radio Addresses : Viscount Cecil, Dr. Albert Einsteui; Being Launched Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus the City Talmud Torah and the CenBen Kazlowsky president of the _ _ Program and Banquet The radio addresses are as .follows: and Paul Painleve. , " ter Sunday School. Creighton University chapter of Pi The Omaha celebration of the ocr Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, preside Rabbi "ildgar Mkgnln, speaking over Side by side they labor Lambda Phi,, national social fratern- casion will be a program and banquet the Council of Jewish Women, station KHJ, Los Angeles, CaJdf^ 5:30 -••• Helpmff4?veryweigk6or -.:•'.•••,:...^. ity, has been chpse'n as delegate t o Sunday, sponsored jointly . by .the received a plea from Mrs. m . ; Julius :3. Cohn, speaking dyer - 'Mr: and Mrs.Iklpidkt ~ z- - -• the order's national convention, to be Omaha No. 1, Omaha No. 100, and Simon, chairman of the Nations! station WDOD, Chattanooga, Tenn., held at Montreal, Canada, starting Decommittee on Deaf and Hard of ; Keep: on :p&ingJ - Set the standard cember 29. . ing, asking for co-operation in * . .-.- < high! ' :.'••.• '-'••*.?:•££:r?r Besides acting as local delegate, tion&l movement launched to in "Such achievements nobody pattbvy! Washington there was an ii Kazlowsky has the distinction of being \-That the late Charles W. Eliotf theaters, synagogues, 'churchf* ing over/station KFWL San Francisco, able delay before ,Jbe ' saw President selected by the National Council of audltoriuin bpeii to the. public, to start president of Harvard IJniversityj favCalif., 4:15 p . m . ' Best of wishestoZyou : .• ored the appointment of Louis D. Wilson and the future president was schools to install hearing aids. the fraternity as the undergraduate a t 3 . p T m . • • ; - ; • ' • -•"•'•" ..-;•;• -.'.-.r.; * Petitions, signed by the liar The local headquarters has furnishYears of health to you. two . speaker at the Convention banquet. TJrondeis as his successor, and that it ready to quit Washington in disgust. hearing in the community, have Other high spots on the program Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus. ; was Mr. Brandeis, then Supreme Mr. Hapgood says. The matter was secured by the local Council SPO Kazlowsky, who is senior in the are a playlet by the Center Players ed a prominent out-of-town speaker Court Justice, who was largely re- finally settled, Mr. Hapgood writes by Creighton Law school, has. figure:! Cuiid,. entitled "His People"; a short to each chapter for its program. The affair, which -was successfully sponsible for the appointment of Her- "a telephone message from Mr. Bran- in order to acquaint public in«t!M prominently in university and Jewish address by Iryin Levin, president of carried out in an atmosphere of jov- bert Hoover a s food administrator deis to Mr. McAdoo, saying that, in tions with the numbers in theit 5 Community Center debating and ora- the Omaha B'nai Brith; piano seleciality and informity "with Abner Kai- during the World War are two of the the emergency of war, Hoover was too spective communities that reqnirf th tory. He has been on the Creightoii tions .by Miss Kose Brandeis, and orman &s toastmaster, was featured by hitherto unknown chapters in the ca- valuable a force to let slip away and special deuces. OfficerE of the Oln»? varsity for five years, arid last year chestral selections by the Jewish Coman address by Rabbi David A. Gold- reer of Justice Brandeis that are re- that McAdoo ought to make it his cil Sections in order to persuade tK*> he was a member of the debate'team munity Center orchestra, under the stein. Community singing, led by vealed for the first time in Norman responsibility to see that the President to make special provision for thp hit which won the Mid-Western Commun- direction of Frank Mack. Washington.—(J. T. A.)—Two thouSamuel Gerson, aided in -heightening Hapgood's new book "The Changing acted. Mr. McAdoo did; and of course of hearing men, -women and chiktr^ ity Center debate championship. • He .;•-„ Sal Michnick, president of the Tri- sand eight hundred sixty-three Jewish the chances " are slight that if Mr. • "We must break down the u-all •"': • Years." / - plans an extended visit througfi' the chapter K. Z. A. council of Omaha and immigrants entered the United States the spirit of the event. Hoover had not been food-controller eternal silence that surrounds r w east and Canada; ." '. • *'\ Council Bluffs, will be chairman for from July 1 to; October 31 last, and As Sunday -was also the first night Devoting an entire chapter to Mr. he would ever have become our Presi- 10,000,000 deafened people in M £he afternoon and will read the mes.- 581 of this category entered during of Chanukah, Master T>avid Mittelmah Brandeis, Mr. Hapgood recalls that dent." • v ; ••..'. , ' . . ; TJnited States, among whom &?*• ' Concessions for Copper the month of. October, i t is shown ny lit the first Chanukaeh. candle. David Justice Brandeis was President Wil000,000 children. These people >>ii statistics issued by the Bureau of Lazarus, winner of numerous singing son's first choice for secretary of comExploitation :: " L . ; :•-.•-.:-.- the A. Z. A. ger for the sound of a human contests, - rendered several selections, merce and the appointment was sidebanquet wiich willfbe.Held at Immigration, Department of Labor. the Council pleads. Jerusalem. — Important ..concessions ks'fcWo at ^ m^Tvilf^feature f: ',Ttotal immigration for October, a>- j and Frank Eisenberg extemporaneous tracked by political maneuvering. for the exploitation of extensive jcop- tHeElks'CWb'a' " ^ * sang ™«r verses ™«=*a about uW,^ various «,«•«„«, ™»^mem- Citing as one of the few occasions on per and manganese' deposits in'H|iie J ; 3;- flnkelstein, Idncolii attorney^ as "cording.'to thisannouncement, was t h e ' poet, which-Justice Brandeis'permitted himDue to the fact that the post; Elected Mayor of Miami SIMM«S bers present. t since October, 1919, showing a' Akaba region of the Red Sea "coast, the -speaker. Finkelstein. isra•=f p r n w self to act in a case not connected office will be closed nest Thursday, Miami, Florida.—Louis Kft ' The success bf the~ dinner was ef^of <;S,85Q or121S per -cent"irom were ^ranted^y the Palestine gov«rii^4 graaid president «ef .the;pxi ;is fected by th& following chairmen and with his judicial duties, Mr. Hapgood the Jewish Press will go to print Jewish rpmmunal worker, hu* ment to Messrs/Macartney and Riffey,1 at present elected; mayor of Miami* Shore**. * their conrmitteesi Mrs. Abner JLaiman, tecounts the ^ momentous i-ole played one day earlier next week. two Englishmen who -have 1>een "profit western region. "ujf.-tlie>; The deadline for all material is suburb of . Miami. Mr.'" * rK*tliti r, ~i9B9Z T.ThiS "dr^pin inrmi-' i B . A^ Simon,.Mrs-. Sam BebeT, by-Justice.Brandeis in the naming of pecting in that district for-some -time. i Tlie toastmaster SQT the -banqnet ,wiil |for' Tuesday evening, 5 p. m. Please. helped to develop Miami Shox«!$ fti * [gration Is^ aftrJb'titeS^to t ^ t lie-'drastic" i i in* Bea Glazer and Mn Joe ;Green?i faoover a s food administrator. The mineral tleposits are said^tof W be Prank} After JVtr. HooTer had laeen called to deputy for this region and past grand siro<^ons"byPr'esident"HooTer'~~ ' resld«nf4»l' suburb. worth nearly $125,000,000. fcerg.
During the eight days trf Chanukah the Maccabean ttfepusmgour J^ We are re-livirig f J ^ i a r i of pur ancestor^ are again deling the tnie wortH^of our Judaisni, and alne^exchanging gifts in keeping witbt^the occasion. "'.* '/••'':
Bdforef the glorious holiipy of Ghaniikah is over, give yourself and your family theideal Chanukahg^ftr.... the meansof perpetuating the ^roybing, Jieart-firihg traditibhsbf that sturdy Maecabeaft band of martyrs... a messenger of Judaism--thenej$&b£ ^pur people-locaL national intferhaHonal—-to. make the Maccabean spirit leap new-
The Jewish Press is your jMenorah for the year, with fifty-two candles weekly lighting the path toward a greater add l&tter-understobd Judaism. , ......
rGhanukah wiltsoon be^oyer: But don't let the spirit '.<^-I^:.^y Jaj^^"yanisfi.'.: S^id f 2.00 for your own Chanukah present, a Jewish Press subscription, before the holiday lsendedr; - , ^
Sodology^Sfeidents - Go Tftiough J. C, C
Before Student^NtirsesI
International A;
Kazlowsky Is to Be Convention Speaker
Wveal President of Harvard Favored Brandeis as Successor
-, \
Earlier Deadline!
PRESS^FRTOAY,- DECEMBERl%%$m fii•* -. t•• .1'.i
Office: 490 Telephone: Business and Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor PAKNIE KATELMAN, Council Blofls, Iiu, Correspmident
Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - - $2J0 . Advertising rates famished an application -'
millionaire..,. -- Primarily, Einstein came to to co-operate with another reknown Jewish scienThey also mention the fact that Landtist, AlbertJMicheison, on filial experiments on his steiner was not admitted into German United States researches in timing the speed of light. But the universities because he refused to be incidental good derived is very important from I baptized into Christianity. Jewess Named Justice our viewpoint, as he is propagating the cause of Boston.—Mrs. Sadie lipner Shulpeace and good-will and creating a better under- man, lawyer and civic worker, was Secretary of Polish Presidium standing toward the Jews. * He is dispelling many appointed special justice of the muni- Warsaw.—M. Mendelson, the onlv Jewish member of the Polish Senate, bigotrous misassmrfptions besides heightening the cipal court in Dorchester by Gover- was elected secretary of that body's nor Frank C. Allen. Mrs. Shulmaii, prestige of the House of Israel. presidium. He was selected on the
From Contemporary Pens
who is 39 years old, is the first Jewish woman, judge in ' Massachusetts. An active and successful trial lawyer, she was for four years- assistant corporation counsel 'of' the city of Boston. In 1920, she was admitted to practice in the' UHitfed"States' Sdprenie Court: '•' •• 4 "" ! J : ~ ••" ~ - - - - -
government bloc.
Back Jewish Aspirants
, fcsjfc explained, that the speaking of He^rewjrequired a more,, decjsife and fe visible ii&outhr movement.
Belgrade.—"The entire Yugo-Slavian nation' stands with you," wrote Dr. Voyislav- Marinkoviteh, foreign minister ©f Yugo-Slavia to the annual conThe irrepi'essible columnist in "The Nation" Chodesh Tebeth____J5unday, December 21 vention of the" Yugo-Slavian Zionist Bfonday, Jan. 19 describes his adventure with Yiddish in such Considered for Pulitzer Prize ~ convention which opened here. Di\ • i — Chodesh. ...jamigha O'serB*Shevat_ Monday, Feb. 2 sprightly fashion that we cannot resist calling at- Cincinnati.J-"Borna Jew," the late Marinkoviteh promised that Yugo..Wednesday, Feb. 18 tention to his} linguistic antics. He was deter- Dr. Boris D. Bogen"s autobiography slavia would support Jewish rights $osh Chodesh Adar , aspirations in Palestine. tid5 By DAVID SCHWARTZ ; __Jtfonday; March 2 mined in his gap* youth to master the language of written in collaboration with Alfred andA Jewish # a s t of Esther r special delegate of Premier Zhiv__Taesday, March 3 Sholom Asch and Molly Picon. He sought to Segal, Cincinnati newspaperman, is koviteh also greeted the convention. .Thursday, March 19 glimpse the Je\Hsh soul "that passionate ageless being considered for,a Pulitzer prize Dr. Isaac Akalay, chief rabbi of Yugo- ELIOT WANTED BRANDEIS dies osh Chodesh Nissaid. according to information re.Thursday, April 2jflame that so few Gentiles ever discover," award, slavia and Yugo-Slavian representa- AS HARVARD PRESIDENT st Day of Pessachceived in Cincinnati. . tive on the Council of the Jewish .Thursday, April 9 thorugh the medium of its own tongue. His first Norman Hapgood in his just pubon Mh Day of Pessach Hebrew Uni Scholarships Agency, presided. He thanked the! lished "auto-biography" presents some disappointment came to him when he spelled out been,Eosh Chodesh Iyar_ Saturday, April 18 New York.—Scholarship funds for foreign minister for the attitude r>e very interesting material concerning over bis neighbor's shoulder a headline in the has ag; JFnesday needy students &t the Hebrew univer- took before the Mandates Commission. Justice Brandeis. One of the most Rosh Chodesh SivaiL. .Sunday, May 17 "Daily Forward:" It read: "Behsball un Yenki- sity, Jerusalem, were announced at To Represent Australia interesting facts recalled in this conFriday, May 22 impeEalism.'* The commercial signs that he read a meeting' of representatives of Jew- Melbourne.—Sir John Monash, com- nection is, that the name of Brandeis HAShavaoth. ', Scholarships amountSaturday. May 23 were a queer mixture of English, Yiddish, and an ish-fraternities. mander of the Australian, army corps J was presented to President Eliot of occasional Hebrew word. Nowhere could he inid ^ 8 t o ^ 3 0 0 » t h e amount necessary to in France during the World War, is Harvard, as a possible successor tocover a stodenfs minimum living exapon his retirement from the flaming word, the alluring thought, the ro- penses, will be awarded by Sigma Alto be selected as Australia's r inantie hint that told the secret of these strange pha Mtt and Kappa Nu fraternities. representative at the ceremonies inciaret Hapgood remindental to the dedication, «kdicatioa of Delhi as . Boston has just finished a mammoth celebrapeople. £L Rieselman, speaking on behalf of dental lsces w a s the; with, the idea and the new capital of India. Sir J o h n ! ' aanounc d h But he-did not-give up his pursuit. He is di- Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, stated, that aanounc«d Cod tion, of the 275th anniversary of the settlement call it to the « « is now chairman of the state electriat its convention >in late December, attention of the Harvard Board of Dec< bf the Jews in the tlnited States. I t was in 1655 verted by a mother who informs her baby who Zeta Beta Tau would undoubtedly re- city commission, vice-chancellor ofi Overseers. char that twenty-five pioneering Jews sailed into the wishes to enter a synagogue: "Ye can't go in jiew Melbourne University and president of j the schol&rsbip awarded last year noui harbor of New York. Today** exactly 275 years there, ya. ain't got no hat on." "This," he feels, to a student at the Hebrew Univer- the Australasian Association for the He was delighted with the idea, but he lamented that he did not think the most Advancement of Science. v we have' grown to be-the largest Jewish ["seemed to throw some light on the old men with sity. Overseers possessed the necessary community in the world; now constituting over Announcement was made at the Honors Hero Ten Years After long mohair coats, splendid white beards, and breadth and catholicity to appoint a mus meeting of a campaign by Young Warsaw.—Ten years after the Rus- Jew. jl,50Qi€00 persons. shiny silk toppers, whom he had observed of a even:' Our banner during these many years has re- Saturday bound for the synagogue. As he thought Judea of Canada, to complete the fund so-Polish War, a Jewish hero was re- And of course, they hadn't. has |t of $5,000 established as a permanent by the Polish government isinabained stainless. P —- We .-- have —--_- had our share in the —.of them, the Drifter felt better, almost romantic endowment for scholarships at the He- membered with the gKHit of a medal for his de- HEBREW AT HARVARD jinalang of this wonderful nation. In industry and again, go that his eyes lighted eagerly on an aged brew University. Things have changed at Harvard. fense of the fatherland during the jjjn council-chamber* in the mine and in the miH, '.-wooden sigaby abasement window. It was faded, Russian evacuation from Lomza. HU-h There is no Eliot there now. Nor, injin art and in profession, the Jew has furthered the [and Eastern, and Talmudic-looking. Its battered Workmen's Circle to Aid Hias Polish officers, headed by a special cidentally, is there the respect for the New York.—At' a conference off emissary, ministerial director Orzech- Hebrew language and Hebrew thought jbest in American tradition. He has lent his in- k u t persistent imperishability seemed to symbolize delegates that characterized Harvard of old. from branches of thei s k i •^&aded a m e d a l h e r e t o jtellect to scientific advancement, to social, com-, character of the Jewish race. Who knew what Workmen's Circle held at its head- Okon. There was a time—in the early -njmunal and political betterment; he has given lib-; struggles and heartbreak hid in the walls behind quarters, it was unanimously decided days of that institution when no stuIn the course of the ceremony Okon haveerally to charity; he has gone out to battle for'that sign? Slowly the Drifter spelled it out. to raise a minimum of $25,000 from expressed the hope that the full rights dent pursuing the cultural arts there the members of the Workmen's Circ- of Jewish citizens would be maintained would think of omitting Hebrew from le for the Hebrew Sheltering and Orxchowski said that the present re- bis curriculum. The old Doctor Mather, that queer Immigrant Aid Society. A resolu- gime would make no distinction bebleed of the witch-burner and thinker tion calling upbri'^each branch to tween citizens. [his potency has-been felt in building j ^ e store-1 No doubt flu* Drifter would be:i-rterest<3d in. raise its" quota in the form of a yolwho at one time was President of % o u s e of An>ei-ic»n; energy. | He5 hair uphelq%a. the announcement of the president of" the con- untary per capita tax was. unanim- Elected to Windsor Mayoralty Harvard is on record as having beWindsor.—David A. Croll, local moaned the fact that many, of the ^ ir |standard of loyal, self-reHanfe and self-supporting gregation who addressed his audience as follows: ously adopted. * *•"• * I American citizenship, a citizenship which w>t "Ladies a n a gentitemen, Ich- will machen an an- The conference was attended by Jewish attorney, was elected mayor students could have acquired more delegates representing 89 branch- of the city in the municipal elections, j proficiency in Hebrew if the; spent ^merely insists on its rights but zealously recog- n o u n c e i n e i l t az next Tuesday evening vet sei sem-a 250 a es from New York and nearby cities. thus making him. the second Jew to some of the time they wasted in. smok-The be chief executive of a Canadian ing by .studying Hebrew instead. s .9nizes. its duty to do its futt share in tiie advance- : m e e ting von de board of management."—' ._ of the nation fcom= every standpoint. Named to Exposition Post The directors of the Jewish. Educamunicipality. Windsor has a Jewish tion Association- are no more anxious The Jew is not hx this country by favor or Boston.—Louis E. Kirstein, vice- population of abaut 1,000. to instill a love for Hebrew than the president of William Fflene's Sons igrace. He has earned his citizenship by Eviag and" Croll, who is 30 years old, is presiCompany, president-of the Asaecia^d dent of the Windsor Talmud Torah, old masters of Harvard. Ifighting for it. Jews partieipated in the discovery __ In the present economically depressing days Jewish Philanthropies, has been named a member of the board of directors A NEW USE FOR HEBREW '6f America i our ancesters had the vision, to f urnas a director of the New- England Mather, by the way, used Hebrew m o n e y which enabled Columbus to undertake men of vision and the leaders of men must be States Century Progress Exposition, of the Shaar Hashomayim synagogue and a leader in every comfor a very peculiar purpose—that of 'Ibis journey. But even before any Jew set foot j careful lest they abuse the sacred trust with which which, will be held in Boston- during teaching the dumb to speak artifimonal enterprise. the soil here, the sout of the Jewish people was, they are charged for the easing of the sufferings the summer of 1931. It is estimated cially. The ordinary method, then that the project will involve the sum J. N. F. Preparing Reply T a t|alread y here. The inspiration of the Hebrew that accompany the unemployment. largely in vague was to speak and let Jerusalera.—A detailed reply to the mute observe the oral movements Jews particularly must be careful lest they of $6,000,000. Bible, the desire for equal opportunity, the love the passages in the White Paper and as each sound was uttered. abuse not only the trust in the present calamities, Cleveland to Have Mof religious liberty led the pioneers and Pilgrim the Simpson report dealing with revi Fathers to these shores. In the spirit of these j but also the trust of the ages wihch directs our Jewish Welfare Fund land has been drawn up by the S. I fathers of this country the Jew is dedicated to- People to strive for social justice for all mankind, Cleveland.—The establishment of a head, office of the Jewish National • • M ward the elimination of any tyranny, bigotry, and-. Jewish leaders must not confuse charity with Jewish Welfare Fund has been ap- Fund. The reply has been prepared Tra' indifference that threaten to undermine the foun-pustice. Too many make the mistake of speakingl by M. Granovsky, Jewish National . „ ,_ ., „ , ,. eration. The purpose of this fund is men official, author of a number of | o f charity when they refer to relief, forgetting t o provide for such local needs as are Fr.id on dations of our noble structure. works on land, taxation and settleIt is well to re-acquaint ourselves with the}that the multitudes of needy in the present de-'not taken care of by the Community ment problems in Palestine. The Jewish pioneers of America. It is well that we pression are not subjects of charity but victims of j Fund, the needs of Jewish national reply is now being printed and will I relief agencies and foreign relief. aug* again team of the influence of our Jewish ances-, an economic calamity. be made public shortly. wini Our warning to Jews is that they should not Prize-Winner at Chicago
-1* its dehberatioiis after netting'" in Paris for three days. The last: meeting; was held Saturday and tbc report was unanimously adopted. It is to be forwarded to the British government. M. Barde said that the Commission itself would not publish the report but it is possible that the British government may do so. The Commission of three has spent .sevei-32 weeks in .Palestine, in? vestigating the .claims of Moslems and Jews to the Wailing WalL
•: Well, our friend Charlie Levin* is out, and I am glad to see i t , largely for-the reason that Charlie is too good a show to be confined behind barred walls. Charlie i s el ways staging a- good show and' yet he doesn't ask any motfe'engagements in return nor does he plague us with indorsements of cigarets or shaving sfiap.*-Eevihe really needs some Dreiser to write him up^-a la Dreiser's "Twelve Men." For in Levine, you have a mighty interesting personality y h of queer antes' tiiat sometimes suggest the unbalanced; ljut never the uninteresting. If one can befieve all the stories that are told about him, he is as full of .little "tricks" as the Jersey meadows are of mosquitoes^—or were.
By the Way
^tlTS —1»
• __
l ^b
t d t
» __
HOW HE STARTED FORTUNE - Eaised virtually on -the streets, Le*~ine laid the foundations of his substantial fortune after the war, When the government confronted by the problem of removing, a monumental mass of derelict war material offered to donate it and add .a bonus, to anyone wbo would cart it away. None could be found to take the job. Charlie Levine got busy. What did he do? . . He merely bought -some land adjoining the government site and on it dumped the material from the government site. Now, I don't know—I am -not sufficiently aware of the details, t o know how ethical this was, but it is an awfully refreshing idea—and it must have given everybody as good a laugh as the Marx Brothers ever afforded.
LINDSEY AND GOULD It has been wittily observed that Victor Hugo made a fortune, pitying the poor. Something along a similar Kne might be said of Simon Gould, except that Gould is making his by a different form of practical idealism. You may have noticed in those accounts of the clash between Judge Lindsey and Bishop Manning a little line to the effect that Judge Lindsey made his entrance into the church accemp*hied~b:r Simon <3oukk • v An interesting fellow, is this Gould! He was the initiator of the first "little cinema" theaters—that type of the movie house which catered to the intelligentsia. Gossip has it that Gould .put aside a nice little nest egg from that form of venture. Then he took to fostering debates— is the head of the Discussion Guild, under which Darrow, Lindsey and other such have expounded their views before a public which paid theater ticket prices to hear the talk. The Manning-Lindsey fight is just so much velvet to Gould. Another who stands to profit from the publicity is Horace Liveright. This pub(Continued on page 6.)
With the
Enchanting Aroma of the Orient
Mac try and; tradition which, has enabled Jewry to en-1 Reform Jews Win in at ti rich American culture so that we may better confusethe Hebraic "Zedakah" with charily. One''institute Berlin Kehillah • scorj parry on in giving intellectual and moral stamina is the very antithesis of the other. Jewish, loref Chicago.—Saul Raskin, noted Jew- Berlin.—The Keform Jews of Berknows, no charity. It knows "Zedakah" lin emerged completely victorious i n I to never-ending generations. iirctirp in t - h P i P r i z e °y the Art Institute of Chica.aro the elections for the local Jewish means justice. And if j u s a c e i n me, for h i g u t h o g r a p h > e n t -tied New York. KehHlah. present calamity we would avoid the very connection award The Reform Jews received an abA GOODWILL AMBASSADOR and spirit of charity which depresses and would [with the second exhibition of iitho- solute over all parties, deThe visit of Albert Einstein to these shores instead strive for that social justice which aims atlgraphy and wood engraving, recently featingmajority the Zionists who had wrested I has been of incalculable value to American Jewry. the removal of the cancerous ills which have! held a t tn ?Art institute. control of the Berlin Kehillah from, JHis constant repetition- to an adoring-"public that poisoned our economic system and brought about. Yale Literary Prize them four years ago. Up to 1926 New Haven, Conn.—Eugene Victor the RefoiM Jews had been in conhe is Jewish and in love with his people has acted the present suffering. I| New g v , Conn.Co. Hal as a strong counteraction to anti-Semitic propaRelief with dignity and in justice to human jlJostow of New Haven, Yale sopho-^tinuous control of the Berlin Kebilore a n d wianeT ' « f t h e bighest fresb-,] lab for over a century, j ganda, anil during his addresses he has proven the beingS is the important Obligation of the hour. f™ ii/Vvon final ^ iniaw award Jast year in'addkion to to] They polled 41,000 41000 votes and elect»T, A ,,Miniaw Aiw* when final j greatest of great ambitions of good-will. And ,:wi31 have come should ^ o t h e r Sf^tic hoooISi^ 24' representatives on the KehilThe father of relativity is the culminating of move public spirited persons to search fqr^sbluV awarded": ifae >5 prize ofjfefretflby CounctL The Zionist "Volksparj the j centuries of Judaic thought, the heir of many tions—-whether they come in the form of social Harkness Hoot, Yale's "newest /tel" polled 26,000 votes and elected I ages which produced Moses, the'Talmud, Maimon- insurance or in some other way—paving the way most sensational magazine, * for ths j 15 representatives. The Poale-Zkm, the Middle Party and the other parides, Halevi, Spinoza. Outside of his research for the prevention of a repetition of the present best essay on Sinclair Lewis . •\-ties elected one represeatatrv« each. ' work—for which he has received recognition as sad and depressing social and economic evils. Orthodox party, -which, was once 1 the world's foremost scientist—there have been Other Countries y.a.| , Thepower —B'nai Brith Messenger. [ in the Kehaiah, was comonly tw» things to which Einstein has been ever ! pletely routed, not being ab?e to Nobel Prize Landsteiner ready to lend his full-hearted support— any acTOO MUCH PEACE elect its ode candidate, the famous Stockholm.—Prof. Karl Landsteiner, Dr. Nathan Birnbaum. Other factivity toward world peace, and anything improvFrank B. Kellog, former Secretary of State ing the present position of the Jewish people. Pal- of the United States, is awarded the Nobel Peace estine has been his pet subject, he has actively prize for his famous Kellog-Briand pact, which Eng Gustave of Sweden for.the year Jews, and two lists aided in the relief work of Eastern Europe, and. was hailed as one of the most important forward: 1930. Landsteiner received fhe prizes Jews. [Zionism-;is his/hope for?a united and spiritually-!steps iii the pacification of the post war world.j f ° r accomplishments in the fields of [Briandfgot his share together with Streseraann' phyMol ° CT a n d m ^ ^ e \ DuI ? I - g . th> i^EitiStein^in hjs?p*i-^te life as in in 1920. But Soloman;Levinson, the Jew, w h o , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ j Copenhagen—To avoid any
drew UP the t e n n s ttat'his blood-test discoveries have dent which might-fetf to a contort between^ Germany and Denmark, the. Danish government prohibited a lecture scheduled iere by Joseph Go&\.. bels, Berlin leader of the Nations^ Socialist party. Goebbels had invited by a Danish Fascist &l Share of the.credit. Such is t h e re- bbm in:Ao*tria, was persecute in tus'organization
Combined with the
Irresistible Havor of Brazil \ and Scientifically in Omaha
ExlHleratlnj|?for Breakfast Retreshm^ for Lunch .and
Stimulating for Dinner There isrt£>;6fherCoffee to be compared with it SoM by An First Class Grocers
Ask for it Insist on Advq """ "Paaioua• f(Mr-
the; Kellog-Briand; Pacti somehow got squeezed sawed thousands of human lives.
fame, Ward|of too much peace.—Jewish Standard.
. own country because be was a Je*n ture the -
foDowed th«
McCORD-BRADY CQ^ OMAHA Blended, Boasted. Ground and Packed by
Novel entertainment consisting o f and Euth Himmelbloom, who «Jj?f the cpiiiuultee m chargereports Russian f E M F t t y ^ to 3iH4fafc^WFta Phi. Beta^^p^lon^ Crea"£hton socTal Verej songs in Russian and Jewish Jbyiraiefnity,"" entertained "." ltk announcetfaents. Mrs. Sarah.GiHeprjjnantt.'ffl^rtiOTas-iy ipjedges, sfu^fiu and presidents of 3ie date f«r /j^s ^ ^ j J^ Cetebration furious Cr&g^hton* fraternities at ia "dance has been tentatively s e t for Miss Gertrude Oruch; ^ a e wfeyt h e The,city Talmud Torah / Bfadassah ifbrmal dinnfer-dance In the" SeVina January 11th. Definite information on Krayn siBters^' mnisij; by »n Ch&nubah with an ^open program iit'V Jacic Sunday morning; xpom^of the Knights of Columbus on Novelties, delicacies and a varied this affair* wM be" reported ait "thecpucrtette, and ente: Short Friedeo, will be 'Tuesday evening:,'Deceinber 16. Music airay- of -outstanding entertainment next meeting. were" delivered by H. Weiner, Wolsky vhas been was "furnished" by" the College Club will feature the third annnaL supper Miss-?fi " Atmosphere will be lent t o the oc- ident'ofthie Talmud Torah; Dr. Phi%/Orchestra. . " * " . . " ' - - " ' . dance of the local, chapter of the H a - elected reporter"!or this year. honorary president; Mrs. KL, casion by the ushers, the Misses Goldie dassah, to be given ..this. Sunday,-De•\ t•>'.b^*~' '* "'• *" (Coktinued on Pa^e 5.) Wolf son, Rose Levin, Pearl Lehrman cember 21; at the city -auditorium..,'_ i - - Center P k y e r s G«ild I The affair, according , to the **pectations of these .in charge, will-out__ __ Community Center do any event of its kind ever .presented Tuesttay' Vvenihg, with an, elaborate to Qrna^a Jewry, and .will, leave its turkey dinner .whetting the. appetites mail, all so- visiting with Mrs. Cohn's parents,JMr. ciety items for next week's Press; and Mrs.; J. Lieb. ;They plan t o re- A thirteen-year-old poetess, Miss mark permanently on the social cal- of those present, Louis I i p p acted main until.New Year's.'to 490 BrandeiB Theater"Bldg., or as master of ceremonies. . Dorothy. Friedel, surprised Mr. an.l endar of local activities. phone them t o A t . 1450 before 5. Sid Wintroub addressed the group. Mrs. Dave Stein, arid delighted the ; The supper ..will be, served, cafeteria -Miss : vpTm- Tuesday, December' 23, ,,a» guests a t the Steins' celebration of style, from 6to8 o'clock. Dancing Mr.-tad Mrs. Aulger ^ f the r Brandeis student at ; . Kansas University, TLaw r , their fifteenth wedding anniversary" will follow,. ?jiOi h .Ai ^Players were'guests a t the affair, Ifr. .-. w e will go t o press one day. early. rence, Kansas, ; i s a poem written for th4Royal Orchestra furnishing the music Aulger favoring-his hosts with a brief- - •, • Christmas Store H o a r ^ - 9 A . M. to 9 P . M. Dafly ^ ^ -dedicated t o . Mr. and Mrs. . A s an added attraction Mrs. Her-a d d r e s s . - ' — ^•?-£3%^v: : . ; i ; ':•;."" Wright-Gross' Wedding ' A' feature w a s a burlesque -of theMrs,', Winiani'Bushman.'. StebL - T h e affair, was given. at" this man Jahr's Center Players-Guild : ^\rP^ &;-:^^i Mr. rand".-Mrs. ' Bernard Gross an-. Qlive Crest Inn, with forty-two guests entertain the guests with songs, vaude- "Good Hope." The skit Was written : ^- 5 ? * -' Bounce tEe marriage .'of' theirf ila _ ville-skits^ and .dancings MissJMythe-.IiM Brown "ofiP^e^no; by M r s Samuel .Gerson and 'Mrs; Herr I ^ P ^ : # ; ^ s . - J e n n i e ; Gross, and^KcM iThose in chaisfe1 _of- -Sunday -night's- man Jdhr.,' Parts "were taken .by Mrfe. follows: uvP'WV•.•^'tW^ghtlof Hew York. The" «rempiijf: •, and FITTEEN^-YEABS-AOO ^SIsT'^^toqk;placed last Friday;: Dej^mber^ 12, 1 Annouricement was made "that" Ihe Tvias on o brisk Wednesday, in De-chairman; . J-. • ^ -Eriedman, Sioux City. Rabbi-RabioovitzVoi; versify, ^qf. .CaHfornjtf-iafcpus' Levinson. I.i Grossman, Joseph Rosen- 'futures-policy .tt> be ifdllowed by .the. cember '_ The young couple ''are - now ^ h : ^ U T v i ^ b f f t faUing thick and ibirg,l>^Theo4orei- Max Lerner,.Dave Center.dramatic departn»ent;wJll be,tp "honeymoon in Stein, J . M.\ firman; M. F.rLevensoin; throw all try-outs open ;to' the. com.muiu^.at large instead of restricting^ JL ,ybwiig -boy and girl started on .the . .. T . . .,& y. . theih to Gaild Members, \. . Blnmenthal-Btkk Engagement •J. "' pathto a '.newlife.':.'_' , . of Zion *.];; Mr.^ and:. Mrs^'A. First %'. lovely] brtiv arid a handsome -The last card 'party 'giveif by the Bounce 4,the ' eiigagejpient of, t^eirj ! ^ ^ t i , ^ p h » ; £ ' ^ S T ^ ' i i £ b n ^ f ! r ^ r 8 d a ^ tte"'->nga'gejai?nt Daughters of Zion a t {he'hope of -Mrs. . Ladier,' Labor Lyceum Club '':'' daughter,Miss Lillian OBlumienthait-'to\ to_spend\iiae^holidays with"*his"pa*ri Next a. baby girl-and*a nursery room. A-Shafton --was very successful. The A Russian ^Oabaret arid; Tea will be a t o m s "Brick, of this 'city." The'Jjiar-' enis; Mr.'and Mr&rH. Alberts, Trials and sorrows, love, happinessT t benefit of "the: affe4r will be* sent to given by the Ladies' Labor-LyceumJ triage will be solemnizedi ea^rly"iii^tte . • s ' •, r.'.'."-. ""I,". V'~ .'..'. J ; "" ~ and all the rest. [the*Jewish'National- Fund, arid' the Ckibyon Sunday evening, December 21, j Then' another baby girl blesses the society wishes to thank all who at-at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd aad Clark | spring. . ,•' _ povcTriest. '.'," " »-.••• tendedi- '•;*• n ^ i -.V: -: "•:• ; Streets; Mxs.-M;.Roeenstem ifi chair-^ social'wJiM-wiil-soon start now 1 sfaidents kre retorning ^ m i ^ ^ « ^ i / £ M r fifteen,year's of hap- ., :">The defin7te -date^ of ihe- nextihan ^»£*he -program.* < - - - • ^spe^VeV^ni^erktiesTforVat ' P* 1 ^*?'.. . ^ . ' .• : ' i r - s :fcar m " iwreiiti ar«d -iM^-'^'3n4v4 i / ^ , « «¥^v at-th^«sid€hce":of..Mrs.' Joe s^al^^-|^?^*? 1^?* ^ <u « vowrffrier* •for ^.^^^^Ytibto^areVbe^hV-plaM^-for thefcoin- .. .'one„ they',.never_ would! later. T-jJfrs. S. RosenTfti^ / t a r | assembled here', happy and btott is chairm'an'of these parties. &£& I * * - * - : v- v full of delight,. . „ > — . „To pish you ati the- luck aiid joy y\~^: -"" -' r Jacob8en^i On 'y6vT:~fifiien£k„weeding anniver.';* 4 Mr. and Mrs, sai^i'night. announce Cdmmu^ty ^C^htef ^ l ^ j l fts: daughter, Miss Ida Jacobsen^pf: b e " S S £ " - .••••""••:Fraternity ~j - ^ . ^ - j " , •monthly busme'ss^jme^tjng' December l l t f e _ of Council ;Blu£f s
Organization News
Pgem-ls Written. for " WeddingAnniversary
: ^
a stag party-ortk«?^"]F>b*1^y U& ^ ^ D : <*«>s«n *# ^ P«te^tyo,op p^^ember 9 ^M&^M^^^T,?m^: to bg sponsored by
' Fifteenth-Wedding-Ai»wera«ry vretiiriied b«ine of 'Arthur Grossman, president; CouhciL , Miss Rose Stein, chairman v ~i \ Olive Crest Inn. wal'thi ^_ ^- i h e holi-^.*! . J.fa.e.^^. orgimication. .... = ; ; r Sunday of a bekuttful^^j^e^darijee"i -days with ^r" p^^ig,Cjfr^ parents,•fMr,*?ad\mt&:\ ^ ^ ^ q ;^- F^r J ^ plans are teing made-for the <jay's/^g i:j!her 5 S ^ ^ / ; l^rgiveVbyMr. a n ^ ^ s : ^ ^ j ^ t ^ ^ ^ _ g R ^ ^ ^ j ^ s ^ ^ be I l ' ^ " y;; « ^ ™ t i ^ ^ - * ^ ^ ^ ^ Omaha -Wornen's' : '•'••;•?•• •-.*'••.• ; j.. c" w v.*_iri_L^i.''n^ "-r'^v^DiU •oj«i?e l n i 3 f o r 42~-ii:^vl..J-"* "I ~ • '» i i ; y-.-^v-'-v •. •• i-c - foi»iir^X!Hub," -which, a c c o r d i n g to * t h e ?Miss social event. Decorations, -:-si;!*v -:r I;!'served as^de^orations and:''crystal' ash*," ^ss^wiU'ar^^Sa^aa^^to:!^' novelties aiid favors of yeryfclever de- ST &i are ^bi made d to t order. d Arthur Ath Grossman is chairman of the social .,4 . ; PERSONALS , .*_' Among the students from our pwtj* committee. rNebr&sW. wfll, be; in*•? ..•.,..: ..• .^*Mrs. David A..Goldstein .a^dl. . . - 13niyj^rsity . - , - . . -r , ™.^. ? who Corawicam Campfire Group' T :•' Jonathan; Amos, departed Tuesday for Omaha are the Misses Ruth Rubin, Nebraska Maid, duji, .sheer crepej—all silk, with pieqt A meeting of the Comwicam Camp: Sacramento, California, to "visit f o r a Lucille. .Goldenberg, Roselyn. Pizer,' ; top. -All%the new ihades. Feature value. inontii with^ Mr. and Mrs.:Alexander..Tobye Goldstein, Dorothy Siiverman: Fire iGroup was held, a t i h e Jewjau" Bermin,-'parents - of -Mrs. -Goldstemr - Grace Dansky, Zelda Sapherstein, Lu- Community Center Thursday, Decemcflle Golde>berg and!.Messrs.^Iwin'ter 11. Important business wasJ -* and Hubert, S o m m e r e , ^ ^ B r ^ e y 4 H : u s s e d ' a j l d the girls jleeided to "to; join; Mrs. Kirsehbraun in Chicane, Morton Richards, AMn Fri©aman, J.«_ a .basket of fo«l to the^needy ^whe're they will make their, home", after Stem, Sheffel Katsky., Herman Levui-! Chanukah; j ^ a r r i v a l >ere for December 2>. - - «>•• .--*.-'-•*.- . . .Pol•-•.. son, Milton BerkowitE^*Harold No- ^OSS-^-fGrenadine'chiffon hose with the -dull lack, Alfred.Fiedler, Sidney-Epstein, finish. Sfik t o the top, picafc-edjpe, xradle foot1 and v M i s s Q a i r e Green of ;,Chicago; is Jimmie Burrough and P&ul Grossman, Frencfi Tieel, $ 1 . 9 5 . "\ 3 pairs f«r r f5*5© ii witk-^her J^otherrjn>laK :and Justin Wolf, son of -Mr. and Mrs. No. ^3ffO3^-rSejni-service. weight, hose that is silk to , -Mr. and Mrs. JosephiM?Rice. V H.- A*'!Wplf,- will -arrive -December US r : ; the •fop." Hcot "edge, .silk plaited -feat and FpeniA* * " - " [ .' '* '"13?. ^ \ from /Harvard w h e r e h e as a-junior^ : : heel, at$1.95. 3 pairs for ^5.50^ -' Mr. and Mrs.^Harry Ros«tifekj[ will David Sher and 'Harold Saxe, also eitertani a t dinner a t the FonteneUe students a t Harvard, will • spend their No. 2243—^-Semi-service weight, silk to the top, silk vacation.in the'east. on December 20. plaited foot and French heel, at $1.50. ' „ ; Miss Jane"Appleman will krrive" to3 pairs for $4.35 ^ g small.deugh- mprrow from< Milwaukee- Downer t o HArney 7545 No. ^)13-—Full fashioned semi-service w«ghts^ p i June>Rose .Kren^ of Sari Fran-Hspend. th« holidays with-her parents, Because French heels." Lisle top/for seryice, $ 1 ; i i i s c o , Califo'rnia; anrvedThursda^y t o Mr^'aM Mrs. Sam Applem ,"*Your Laundry, is Out Business" iarait'at ther homes of her^^ parents'; Mr, Mr. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS and .Mrs.- Leon- p W Baker: ff"-=-i*.-4
or Dozen P<rirs
t Pairs
We Issue Christmas Gift Certificates T y
i^iMrs.'C. Horwitz has returned aft|r \ !^a three-month visit'; in; the east,-.witK ::ilfelatives."'-. "* ' ' *:' ':.'." '• • • ' * . :", - - . . . . :. _ . Mra. Sam J. Cohn of Minneapolis t a bridge^given ' ' h f M -Joseph.H/'Freeman.-{?:' Mrs. L Perimari entertained at a I • ^o'clock' luncheon- at her home r 405 No. v?81st /Street; on Wednesday on the octfcasion of her birthday.' Covers were j.iaid for twenty guests. i ; Mrs. Samuel J. Cohn and sm&ll son, *;iRobertrof Minneapolis, Minnesota, are
Decorate Now! Lower prices and more -Individual ntteitli* »ow . •
SHRIEK'S No.24th St.
SONS WE. 4211
Each Year Increasing Thousands Turn to N^raska's Ol^st and targest MusieHous
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When All Through the House A Gay Party IsDn! Oa Holiday ^ e n i n g s you must be regal, radiant anjj TOmantfi?;. *? : . ; more brilliant and beautiful than ever. J£nd*Herzbergs have a splendid showing-of the type ^of gowns that are a dream on the dance floor! *. Gorgeous gowns for the Holiday affairs. Chiffons . ,.'.,. Tulles . . . . Flat'Crepes and Printed Crepes with flowing hemlines, flounces, and ultra back decoHetage. Black and rotors.
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19, 1930 J»^?«?^are_ emttten. by thfi^Jri^j^is &pul maxjfind tts.refage? Zion ig So, X I &&&, * few*. I •?r<mL&, fee they are_Zionfets the answer to the hunger of the Jew- Zionist Bat "not""a* Zionist in any but .because" they are" Jews. Is there ish heart through! ^derations i rContinued on page €.) any Jew anywhere who does not know tifs£ and agony for peace,and safety. 1 that WhenJBritain strikes at Zlbiulm J^w:-feat the homeland is in sight, 15 : she is;striiqngfatey.efyf Jew high and sKbuld it nofc be received art3> * EXPERT low i o every quarter of the world ? coined by all who boast" the heritage If you are a Jew, the cause, of ^Zion- of Israel's race and faith ?
r ^L' -
ism is your, cause at this hour" if it ghetto, nor my; family into pariahs. never was before, and you should make For Sake of Mankind There are two sides to this business ^lt y 0 U r own if you would not be a And I would be a Zionist, if I were a Jew, for the sake of mankind a s ! of Jewish segregation. There is the| traitor to your race. side of the Gentile, who drives the I j w o u l d ^ a Z i o n i s t sec ondly, be- well as for the sake of my own peoFor Palestine, thanks to the Jew in scorn and contumely from his cause I see in Zion the fulfillment of ple. Zionist experiment, is one of those presence. There is also the side of, t h e a g e . l o n g h o p e s o f a l l m y t r i b e > the Jew, who despises the Gentile, t h ed r e a m f u l f i U e d o f p a t i e n t a n d p e r . few places in the world where new flees from his world, and now that secuted For centuries the Jews hopes are dawning for the human IsraeL the physical ghetto is gone, straight- ( h a v e w a n d e r e d homeless over th sur- race. Soviet Russia, one of the great way way proceeds proceeds to to build build e a social social and ancI' ^ o f l h 7 ^ r T h £ ifrTtwiay'ta' f0"*1 e * P * ™ * t s °* all time-is seeking t 0 i m p 0 S e Aitual ghetto of his own. And if * ^ w 'deal of society count i n c l u d i n g this country, I * r this secregahon ,s to end, there o n s u f f e r a n c e . N o b o d * w a n t s t h e ^ ' ! « P ° n ***n ™ b e r s of people by authmust be work upon both sides of the u RQt e r s e c n t e d n o w a s t h e v u s e J onty from above Z^tnsm, on the Jew and is thus so perfectly equipped
J da
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wall of reparation. , be, they ar. treated with the prejudice ° * f ? . f ' " f ** " ." The SensatidiiatSer^bil by Dr., Holmes to overwhelm and overcome it ? Not only the Gentile but the Jew ^ ^ , ^ ^ c of scc.ety out of t h e w l m g must beat down the barner, and each j , lives of humble workers on the tend Stay by Race Concerning the problem of Young Should the bottom up. I had the feeling cross voluntarily into the other's if It is a tradition of humanity that. I was in Palestine that I was§ world. So no man can do a nobler deed than Israel Starting d)ut liito Life I seeing a surer vision of the happy would not sacrifice one iota of my. to identify himself with the downT
n £ ) td e g t
J e w
All New Crop 1 future of my race than I had ever , Jewishness, I would deliberately seek j N U T H O U S E trodden and oppressed among his seen before. If I were a Jew, I would, contacts with the larger world. I ! 1514 Harney Street kind. Garrison, when he dedicated his D R . JOHN HAYNES HOLMES cherish this vision, and out of love would be o man among men, a citizen' (Second and Concluding Part) j finds it difficult to earn an honest life to the slave—Gandhi, when he among my fellow-citizens. I would for my fellow-men everywhere, give This is the second and- last part of. ! ivil ?8. why is-not one justified, I ^a espoused the cause of the untouch- live where other men live, go where Foster Home desired for 2 my life to making it come true. t'AKD SIGXS KIKTAI. SIC.X8 Jewish children. Reasonable the world on its ow ownable—Debs, when he stood in court other men go, share what other men PKOCESH—STENCII.En SIGNS |H Dr. John Haynes Holmes' sensational sensational ™ meeting the rates will be paid to qualified | p sermon, "If 1 Were a Jew," which terms, beating it at its own outrage- and cried out to his judges: "While share. Wherever a door is open, I JACK \\ MA HER. Attorney at U v homes. there is a lower class, I am in it, 'was presented by special arrangement ous game? Court Hoiinr wouJd enter it; wherever a hand is ofwith the New York Community while there is a criminal element, I Apply: Jewish Welfare FederaXOTICE OK AHKM»MK>T TO THK AKCloth and Paper Banners We see this, also, In the social am of it, while there is a soul in pris- fered, I would clasp it. I would do Church. Among Christian religious tion. 101 No. 20 SU Omaha TIC'LKS OF INCORPORATION «>1 THK OFFICE WIV1MW AVU l 8 ATI.AS ACCI1>KVT AM> HK.tl.TH ASTRICK r^ETTEKIXG ^? £L.!??}™™'Ji^_^ ^™™\world, where ambitious men and wo-on, I ana not free!" But the Jew is this as my duty to the world, that i t . SOCIATION. 1405 Harney JA. 5277 may get acquainted with the Jew, and ' men of the Jewish race seek esc&pe already there in the haunts of misery one of the outstanding personalities \ find in whatever virtues 1 possess the I m«^»tine of fli*» |M.[irj-ji(i!(ifrs < « f thp ATIJIS from the arbitrary and cruel discrimHtn whose liberal and progressive views and oppression. By right of birth he Ar<*i<lenr anfl H<-;tlili Ass<»«-iiiti(>it. beld ou virtues of my tribe. But I would do | WE SPECIALIZE IN FRAMING |5f;t; are a tremendoiis factor in the mould- inations-enforced against them by the! the Mil ila.v of t itxviiilier. 1!>"li. pursu.-im to •is endowed with this opportunity to GIVE YOl'R FKAMED PHOTO flue a»<l proiH-r norice us i>rovidf«l ii\ mul Mi^ing of young Ameriea.—The Editor. arrogance of' Gentiles. I shall never J this also as my duty to myself £cid t o ! rou A oi FT of his fellows J h a ; ; ^ degradations degradationsoThi7fellows try the ArtlfN's of Incorponitioii ittu{ hy NATIONAL my people, for before I am a Jew I', forget the-beautiful woman who came I DC BB31 lnw. alul r.pprcviil <>f the P.nnril of Jrtrwtorg ||fcj If I were a Jew, 1 would-let people w h k h o t h e r m e nm u g t g e e k J u s t fe ' of til** sail! Atlns Arriiipm nml llpnltli Asam a man. Deeper than my Judaism • ACCKSSOMKS. I N C . Ip! know that I was a Jew. I would not to me some years ago and confessed s t a y i n gfey W s I sovi:ition hnviiis l»fn siv>n tl\cn-i<>, nml enduring hai* desire Haciro trt orot nnr f TnP . l;ipprot';i| of thp tH'Pnrrmmt of Trnfl*. mi*} is my humanity. i T|i deny my racial identity and character. •Fi»onV7wr frankly her to get out oof thewith them .the discomfitures and limverything for the Auto' '4'oinnwri-*'. Bnrfiui of lnsunuuf of the Just to the extent that I am a hu- j f|| I realize that this is easily said by I Jewish world by joining my chur.ch, itations of their lot, he is fulfilling State of Nebraska ;« sm-li i>ropose<l .inienilmrtrt tiiivUi^ titst been «'t«taine<K tlie ful2501 Famam—AT. 5524 * i one who has never known what it is and thus save her children from the within himself the highest -and holiest man being, I must keep contact with' i '»lowing, nrthles were amentleil ;is follows: J Artirfe 1. ""The untile of the Corpflmiion J t o be! a member of an outlawed class [humiliations which she had suffered mission of humankind. Think of hisall my kind, for this is the larger i t is "ATJ.AS INSlTtAXCK COMI'AXV." | | o f th;e community. I feel this so in- as a Jewish woman all her life. I had seeking to escape, while his kinsmen, fe-mily of my devotion. As I must fArtirfi- VIII "The romiiauv's rorporntp senl sh-<» comain tlip words. ""ATI.AS 1NI tensely that I would not pass judg- to tell her that I could not receive her and millions of other helpless souls, not desert Jews, in other words, beTAY1.OK CJRAIN CO. WKAXCK t'OMl'A.VY. OMAHA. NKBKASCHARI.KS SIMON KA," Htirriniiitliiif; 'lie minis, "(XllU'dUcause they are my brothers, so I must i? ment upon any man who seeks to es- for such a purpose, and I had to in737-38 Grain Exchange are still in prison. I'ecmnnien'ls AXK Sli\U' gpjfj cape' disabilities whicK I have never form har that she was laboring under not desert humanity, because these SUdAK ATI.AS AC<1I>ENT A M ' HEALTH AS "It is the Jew's destiny to suffer,' 1 The Saaitary Laundry SOCl AT ION. gfff.been called upon, to suffer. a serious misapprehension in thinking also are my brothers. Therefore, if I. j STOCKS and BONDS l!y JOHN A. FARIiEK. President, 'The Bent ot All Ijilinftry Service" said a Jewish friend to me. His des-1 _ , " •. '_"__,',' „ . ". ' , i n. P. FAKltKU. Secreiary. But I must in honesty confess tox that she could get &ivay from Jews by I were a Jew, I would walk freely and — Private Wires tiny to suffer, that he may understand Witness: Anna BlatiU. JAckson 340S—AT 20D8 openly among my fellows. Always a the fact that when I see a Jew, coming to the Community Church. But m AT-2815 injustice &nd hate it, that he may J e w > T w o u U , g t n ] ^ b ea c i t i z e n ) ; + |'(^i fc-7ored by some accident of personal I saw her point, and pitied her plight. MONSKT. KAT1EMAX X' 6KOIHNSKV. taste oppression and rise up against!_ _ _ : _ L , j _ . _« ! J^f_appearance, running away .from asso- . There is a reason for such actions. .\t^orneys i a CO mrade. an American, *!* . . . ... A , , , . ... it, that he may discover prejudice and i ^ j ^ ^ ^ ~ " j ™ ^ £ T w 3 j 1S1 Omuha NHtlonal Bank Bide. I ||ciat,on Relation mth with the the blood blood members members of of hM ^< B u t a reasOR i s ^ a n excuse_:east UKAI. SEItVICE dream of brotherhood! The second N«»TICK ««" AKT1CI.KS OF INCORPORAh? tribe I feel the same sense of shame . of all, a justification. I can underthe tribe of Israel and the tribes of TION OF ••rSfStRAXt'E TKCST. I>Isaiah understood this well as he For 50 Years • !;; ::ihat sweeps over my heart when earth unite, and mankind thus truly j p y ^ , , bow bow a Jew, J e w , in i n his h i smoment moment of worked out his sublime conception of, Your Towel Man Lven that the umlerI N u T l l E is htn-tiy one. • j.'-.discover a Iight-complenoned NegnrJ w e a k n e f i s , c^ geek t o escape from the Israel as "the suffering servant of | iv laws of the Stme i l iu Tft Pbonr ATlnntir 3?5» «f S«?l>r)ista, Uave fornwtl a corporation. , , , „ _ , . , j-• - . I e Rreat Rabbi Elijah Bsramozegh * ; ? ; : living apart from his fellows a s a \ i f f f il l i d v Omaha Towel Supply Co. •lie name of tvlrirb is "InsHrjincv Inmi. InYahweh.'"Despjsed and r e j e c t e d . . . o f L e g h o r n s u m m e d a pt h e w h o , e | eC9 South L3.li St. Koom Sie rorpor:iu-(l." ami its principnl place of 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 a men of sorrows and acquainted with t r u t h o fa J e w , g relations w i t h h i s fel.j Uus.iiess is in the i-ny of 'huaha. 1 >I>UK1:IK Cottniy, Nebraska. Th«pnrpost-s for which grief . . . wounded for our transgres- , o w s w h e n h e , this corporation is furmet) lire to 1>urL-h:i«e. Sjldeny their lineage I doubt if anybody the claT- sions . . . bruised for our iniquities; Wstreng^ j ownership and sal** of stocks itud liotnis in insuraiKv coinpnnii'S. and corponitlons of pipkno^s. It is estimated that there are k n g e ^ i s o f f e r e d t o ^ hest Mcokind cannot rise to the essenthat all character. al><> tlie rifrht and power to LARGEST STOCK ||g^betv7€en two and three millions cf i g ^ ^ ^ him b t h e p e ^ u ^ destiny principles on which society must purchase the Company's own stock: ihe him, with his stripes we are IN WEST purchase, tliscount anil sale of notes, inKr«,s»T—u._ _•_ this country who; have;o ff ^ ^ J ^ rest, unless it meets with Israel. i 11 & W h o ^h e ^ t h e ?huliutr-sur|kliis uotes uf Asw-ssmviu lnsnr& W h o ^ h e Quick Shipments he ed!» This « the doom and also the, « A n < 1 l m B l c a n n o t f a t h o m t h e d e e p iiuce Companies, and trade at^ceptances. in| ;i - ^gone white," and. thus have deserted s h o u l ( , a s k t o b e e x c u s e d f r o m t h e Our Hobby for clndiiiK i>oti-.s siwii in the t»iTch»se of nil glory, of the Jew. Who ,is there; ^ . their % o f iig o w n n a t i o n a l a n d r e l i ous t r a ? brethren. There,- 5351,0*; be, I d i s a b i l i t i e s ofrhWrace, and *th H * <lei i-h.iracfcr ot pleannrr nnd commercial au45 Years tomobiles, vehicles, tractors, etc.; tbe purworthy of the-pam^of mankind, who , . » d i t i o n u n k j s s t m e e l s w i t h m a n k i n d eith-r absolutely o r - T e t a1b v i d y ^ a n ye ,r .e dd f f ^ - ^ f i hkb^hi OMAHA STOVE g i chasiiti; ind discouutiuj; of accounts ce1107 Howard—JA. 0288 would forfeit the glory for" the sake REPAIR WORKS i ceivahle r.ml other evideu«>g of Indebted|such number of Jews who vs fatfers d i d n o t ^fuse to endure? Why of escaping the doom ? 1IOV1NG — STORAGE — } ness. incindniK roortKagvs of n-nl nml per1205-8 Douglas Street Would Be Zionist . 1 « sonal iiroi^rty. ATII) to do nil other things Iffgirchtciked their names and-racial habits .fa 1 ^ ^ h e s e e k ) o r under any condi PIANO MOVING uecvssary or incMlt>nt to the conduct of its Lastly, if I were a Jew, I would S|in imitation of the Gentiles* But th? ^ m f e g t h e o p p o r . Wouldn't Deny I t 1 Inisini'sw. The corporal loir shall have th« b f t wS]ingf
Western Typewriter Co
Iff*** .t^i-^iH^^S ?!"? i iive^"*^-^ffering^
IjfprocesB is going:on in many directions' j^Jt x ""' to ~' face the injustices and Yes, if I were a Jew, I would not c l a i m t h e f u l l n e s s o f » » P r o m 1 s e 0 a n d must be running up its total all. c r u e t t i e s of the world as they ssre deny it, I would proclaim it. But not thf, f u t " e ' , B y t h l s J . w . Courtesy Sei-vice g-tf-the time. : _ : Uisited upon his race, and fight them too load! I would have no defiance " " ^ t h a t l w o u l d ^ a Z i o n l s t T H U L L PHARMACY wonld *« » Zio™^ ' " * » becau« ^ P r e j u d i c e and DtSCOminatioa. ' until they are conquered and done upon my tongue, no chip upon my 24th and Seward l|y- We see it, for example, in "the busi- away? If there is discrimination in shoulder. I would remember that the hundred md sixty thousand of my, fn rhnrce *r RrKlntrrrd I'harmarlst gffbess world, where prejudice again and- the 'economic world, who better than Yery struggle of my people for sur- ? » ^ e are at this momenta dire need, Tel. WE. 2000— Free delwrery m Palestuie, and I have been taught} f|S again denies employment to members the Jew can battle against it not only vival has bred witlfm them ugly qnalha m an _ * ; V 3f the Jewish race. It is hard enough for himself, but for others who suffer ities of aggression. I would recall * ^ ^f^^jfi?"*?™ of are m *>" w o r l d w h e n g^Lis it is to get a job, even under the equally with himself ? If there is pre- fiat, just because I am a victim of Particularly would I be a |ji!;-.3est of circumstances. Why is not one judice and hatred in the social world, prejudice and contempt, every fault Z o n i s t toda of my personality, every' exaggeration . ^ y< w h e n t h e s e it as the ; justified, if one is a Jew, and thus who knows so much about 2808-10 of my spirit, is blamed not upon myCumins St. self as an individual but upon the race STAIJIASTKR & ISKKEK. Attorneys
M. SOMIT 2429 Decatur Street
Dealer in Jewish Books and Other Religious Articles Telephone WEbster 3527
1 just received a supply of Ghanuka articles: Chanuka candles and candlesticks, very beautiful brass and silver plate. Also, Ghanukah greeting, cards. Anyone buying any of the above-mentioned articles will get the story of CHanukah in English and Jewish with Benedictions and Hymns'of Chanukab ABSOLUTELY FREE. I also want to call your attention to the fact that 1 handle the best Taleisim, silk and. wool, at very moderate prices, and also the best anil most beautiful Shabos candlesticks, both silver plate and the very best sterling silvtr. Don't forget about my own make Kosher Soap and all Rokeach Kosher articles of which I am the agent.
. ", ._, . . . . ., , , , .. «a« Omaha KattUaal Ifarak Bldje. to w h . A as an individual I belong. I t N O T I C E o p p a o B 4 T B O F W I L t is not I who do anything wrong, but u, tu« county Court of Dowlas Counalwavs the Jew.! T« Nebrastn. _.* " " " *• ' In «h» Muiter of the Kstate ot Btnan«el Therefore, while not denying my . Vats. uecenseU. ripritao-p 1 woiiirl nnr flaunt i t n n r ' A " persons inten>ste<! Iu said estaie are nentage, 1 wouia not tiaunt it, nor jh e r e b y uotjf.eu that a petiuon u«s Ufu would boast it, I be norquiet, thrustgentle, i t forward. patient, Rather on- i Old «n ««id court, praying fur the proof. a Ctrl a m instrument now on file complaining, unaggressive, unasser- bate iu said Court, purporting lo he tlie last tive. I would let other people know will and testmneut of s.ud deceased, nud 1U3 will be t h u thad on snid petithut a ucariiit: who J appear ""*»»•«• °- •«"« o I am, am, but, b t , like ke a a gentleman, gentleman, withwith ap tiou before, said Courto«fhe on at saidVourr f« etbe f -Ttb^day yof of p
| KKJU. at » o'clock A. M. to
out striving or crying i n the streets. contest p ' tlie probate of said will, the •_. . \. . . , _ , . , j contest tli allp , d id l It. was not JfiSUS but the Psalmist who I Court nuiy allow and probate said will •fi-mt H*x»l5rrpH- "The mpolr B l,oll i n f a n t Inna Bmnt administration of said estate
4-4s SEMI
?&-g£"k $12.00
-$10.50 *300
Sapr C Beat Grado
-M* Sbue—No Bock—Terr UUI« A>h
COLORADO CHUNKS- - - • - $8.75 BEST ILLINOIS LUMP- - - - - $7.50 GENUINE CHEROKEE NUT t ^ f ^ $7.25
Consumers (pal AT-4444
Certified Public Accountants 638 Securities Bldg.—AT. 4451
pxst aeciarea. i ne meeK snail mnent jt o S l t n j y^ber. or some other Bnimwe the earth, and shall delight themselves person and proceed to a settlement M Harry B. ljiptflns. I'rfHiilent- 'Xtvaa. in the abundance of peace." I ereo BKXCE CKAWFUttU. If I were a Jew,. I would live the ' » f f » « ronmy Judge. life of a Jew. I would move in Jew-I STAUAASTE. N O T 1 C E O F & IUSBKK. Atto ish society, I would be active in Jew« »O m a h a N a t l o n i 1 1 B a n k 6 clubs, I would keep contact" with Jew- { t y ^ b r a S T * C°"n °' P ° n s U l S COMPLETE STOKE AND ish- interests, I would belong to Jewish j OFFICE OUTFITTERS ish sxnagogiiea. I would live i n my j v^u^t itecltUSf l h e *?*W* ^ U a " y home, in other words, arfd I would as- J_ AH persona iuteresied in said esmte are Urer JB.OO« Hqnurr Fret notified that a petition liau lieeu sociate with-my family. I would do "hereby filed In tutid. Court iillegmg that said deSouthwest Corner this, first of all, because it i s human. ceased. dWU len-ving un lust -will ami Eleventh and Dpugtae Streets praying for itdnrinlstrntiou upon his esI -would do it,.for the second and very] tate, and tbat a hearing will be bad ou { Phone JAckson 2724 -petition bvfore said coo it on- tlie particular'reason, that there is some- said Omaha. Nebr. Itith day uf Deiemlwr. 1U3U, and that i£ thing precious in the Jewish tradition tltey fuil to appear tit said Conn on the of !>ecemher. > ssaid 20th thday ay er. lll>30. l . at S which the •world cannot afford to lose, o'clock: A M. M to i petition, th to coirtfst said o'o lc k : A. said p it ii, the C Coon jsiay grunt the sitme ana rout «d a gro ut d and that as an inheritor of this tra-
HA 0881
njiluistration of said estate to A. dition I am appointed, so to speak, to Freeman, Da vid o r some other person I Fr tJ -suitable i and proceed to a Beltli-ment thereof. transmit to the future what I have reciiAFtm. ceived from the past. Cotinly Judge. And I would do this thing not only", JACK W. MABKR. Attorney because of what I owe to my people \ Coonty Court Hou»e, City and to the world, bui^ also teeause p £ ] M O T J C l s , B y P U B t I C A T l o x 9 K m i what I owe to myself. For I confess ^ xxox FOB SSTTUKIUM OE- FINAL I have little sympathy withttieJew ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT. '• In the County Court of Douglas Coon- ! who, whfle not hiding or denying hi3 tjv Nebraska. . I Judaism, still tries to live in the Gen-1 In the Matter of the Estate of Leona ] Decenaeu. i tile world and as much like Gentiles WRlklns. All persons Interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 2nd dtty as possible. As though it meant any- of Deoemlier. 1U30, Uarry B. Coheu filed Ij thing to a Jew to belong to a Fifth a petition in said County Co-art, praying ) -
- .
I thit his final, administration nccoant filed I
be settled and and allowed, and thnt I ed, and Avenue church or a Long Island club! • -herein — be * - Idlschnrged •••- settled he ffrom m hig hi trust t t us ftaft ' dschnrged from us afthe be Idlschnrged riitor and that - a henring will be Is there n o t something essentially minist ill b minist ritsaid petition d thbefore said Court hml ou' on unworthyin; ttiia attempt t o Kv6 the t h i thi the 20th day of December. 1030,.and thnt life of other people, a s thongh : <me if you]! fail to appear before said Court the said 26th day of December, 1930, were ashamed o f f ontj's country or on at 0 o'clock A. M.. and contest said per t? tition, jthe Court may grant the prnyer one s faorfle?, ••;'".; -X-.'••'. 1- '
of Bald; petition, enter a decree of heirsbip, and.': make such other ana further orders,! Allowances and decrees as to / h i s Court inajr seem'proper, to the end that But if^I.were a Jew, I would, not all; matters pertaininp to eal<l estate-may Confine-myself t o t h e Jewish, b e tinalfcf s t t l e d n d d t i d
Phone JAckson 1226
HDLSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors 23rd and Cuming Street
j lwwei to establish lirnni-h offices in other parts of the rnhetl Stfttes and toreigu countries anil to purchase, lease nnd own real and personal property outside of a« -. well us in the Slat* of Nel<ri\Ek«. The affairs of the corporation shall lie administerrtl Iry • I'.onrrt of 1'lrectors. which shall , consist of not less thnn two nor more than > seven, vrho shall he elected at the animal J. L. KRAGE, Proprietor 'loeeMu^ to In? held on the 3rd Tuesday after the first day hi January of each rear. "NEW FOR OLD" •The ikrard shall fleet from Ibis iiuiubvr « President. »ive or more Vice-1* residents. Secretary nnd- Trensnrrr and no Assistant 1619 Farnam St.—AT. 8481 Treasurer UJKI such other officers as the Hoard may deem necessary. The -authorized capital stock of the corporation Khali lie $1«X>.0mM)O. divided into 10,tX*> shnres. ot the par vnlne of *WAM> each. $au,IHW.Wl 0t which shall In- comrami stock and $.".(),OOU.(N) of whicli shall be preferred stock. The preferred woik shnll !•*• entitled «• preference over the common Bto<-k ns to I dividends at tbe rale of 6 per cent per an1 num. payable quarterly, semi-auniially or JOB FOUNDRY I annually, ns tbe Hoard of Hirectors may J determriie Such dirWends «h«ll t»e cnotaAND MACHINE WORK I lative from the date of issue of the reREINFORCING STEEL j spective shares of inferred stock. I'referreU stock shnll nlso hiive u preference over the coormon stock in any riisiril.ution at assets. The preferred 8t«M-k shall he , subject to redemption at the option of the i Company upon any dividend date at 105", j per 'fnt nt -par. pins any dividends unpaid ; to date of redemption upon the vote of not less than the majority in Interest of Thin) Ave. and l l t b Street the .outstnndinc common stock. Notice of lire Intention of n»e Company to rerteem Phones: 89 and 519 the preferred stOi'k shall lie mailed thirty COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA days before the date of redemption lo each holder of preferred stock of record to his last known postoffice nddress. The preferred nnd common sfock <>r either thereof may lte increased at any time upon vote of the holders of not less than n majority of I he aggregate' nmmml of common stock outstanding. Stock aui.v lie paid for ii> tnsh notes or in such other property nnd/or •service nt the reasonnhle rnine thereof «6 . the Company may need or lie able to use 1 in the comlnt-t ot its business. Any stockAND • ! holder In the corporation desiring to dis; pose, of his stock must first tender his I holdings for purchase to the corporation. I ShoHld the corporation Require any ot its stock, snid stock, if thereafter sold, must he tendered to the Iheji «tockbokk>rs. who AT ALL GROCERS shall lie privileged to buy it in amounts proportionate totbeir respective BtockhoWMade by ivK: in the corporation and In the event of irny one or more stockholders elert not Uncle Sam Breakfast Fond to lake Uis ox their proportionale sbare «(E snlrt stwk. then Bitch proportionate share Company shall-tie tendered to the remaining sto<'kbolders in the proportions of their reOmaha Nebraska spective . hoWInps. All of such aforementioned tenders must lie in writlnjr and the stock desired to lie RnW mn»t J*» tendered on *]the \Sante terms jtnd conditions Tfor whicli iv bond fide offer" of purchase may be had from some person and Said tender must, remain open for fifteen days after ft fsmarfe. In Mie erent ot fl>eftenthof any Btockholder who ts not nn officer or director: of this company, the company shnll hnfe the option to'pnrchnae the stock of the deceased- at such price per share ns winy lie Hsreed upon. In the event of n failure to asree. the price shall l>e fixed by nrhitrntioD. the company nnminC one nrbitrntor, the «>xeentor or ndmiiilrtTntnr nnminp one arbitrator, and such two arbitrators chooginp the third arbitrator: if a thiwl nrbtlrntor is not agreed itpmi, after a request to act. saia third arbitrator shall upon petition of nny party interested, lie appointed by thp District Court of Douglas County. Nebraska, the conclusion of two of three Rrbitrntors shnll determine the m.itter. The corporate indebtedness shall not exceed two-tbirds of its capital fetock. These Articles of Incorporation mny be amended In the manner provided by ihe lawB of the State of Nebraska nnd upon the^vote of the holders of not less than a mnjoTiljy of the ngprecate paid<up cnpitnl stock ofrtstnnrtinE:. The corporation."shal) hav«l' a', sral contninijnK ,thp Ayorfls "SlTtKnranc«:;T^tst. rncorpotated. pmnba. i^brjiskn" 1surroundinc the 'words '"Corpornte Senl. '" i '
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Carla, -vfho is in, love with Jared Gale from childhood, meets John Max Altshuler successfully defendKings-wood. Carla is the only memed his hcndball championship of the ber of her family to break away from (Continued from Page 3.) Community Center by defeating Sara the fetters of her father. She alone BsF.&K. Kattman in the finals by a score of marries the one she loves. jTatle, president of the Deborah So21-16; 12-21; 21-16. Tragedy, humor, romance, are all eiety; E. Bloch and J. Wolfson. College Students U Return Hone t« mer, Leo Meyerson, Maurice Pepper in "Waters Under the Earth." This) The program included community Harold Lapp captured the ping pong Visit Until After New Year's and Edward Rosen. > is a very poignant novel, and has been' singing, "The Story of Chanukah," title of the Center by nosing out MilMiss Marian Marcus returned home chosen by the Book League! by Ephraim Gershater; a Chanukah College students from far and near lard Segal in the finals after a hotlyWednesday from ParksvOle, M o , play; selections by the choir, consist- are returning home this week to where she is a student at" Parks contested match. The score was 18spend their two weeks' vacation with ing of Isadore Middleman, Daniel M2Festivals 21; 21-13; 21-13. College. What is no doubt one of the best ler, Irving Yaffe, Sol Dorinsky, Bern- their parents. Among those expected - Services Tonight Sermon Tonight home from the University of Iowa Miss Lticj-lle Krasne is expected Sue Corenman -walked away with books describing the nature and spirit aid White, Morton Soiref, Sol WezelRabbi David Goldstein will speak the gold medal in the women's divi"The Hero as a Jew" will be the of the various Jewish Festivals man, Sam Adler, Ruth Finer and today are the Messrs. Seymour borne today from Lake Forest, TIL, Cohn, Milton Krasne, Albert Harding, where she is a student at Ferry Hall. on "Was It Persecution that Enabled sion of the J. C. C swimming meet. subject of the sermon by Rabbi Fred- throughout the year, entitled, "A Per-j Ethel Resnick. Miss Helen Cherniack is expected the Jew to Survive V* at the services Miss Banning won the silver medal erick Cohn at Temple Israel this eve- spective of Jewish l i f e Through Itsj Stories of Chanukah were given by Leonard Krasne, Leo Nogg, and J. Harold Saks. Young Saks was a home from Madison, Wisconsin, awarded to the second-place winner. Festivals," by Dr. Nima H. Adlerbium, j the following: Story of Eleazer, by this evening. Mr. E. Selz, the canning. member of Ihe University of Iowa's chairman of the Cultural Committee Bernard White; Hannah and Her Sev- debate team which defeated the team where she is a student at tbe Unitor, •will chant the services. In the men's division youthful Jerof the Hadassah National Organiza- en Sons, by Sol Wezelman; Matha- of the- University of Wisconsin at a versity of Wisconsin. The choir, led by Mrs. Sam Beber, ome Gordon coasted in with the most Mrs. Abe Bear and son, Aaron Tomorrow Morning tion, is coming off the press. Besides' thias, by Joseph Soshnik; Judah, by debrte held in Iowa City last ThursDavid, of Leavenworth, Kansas, spent "will participate in the services every points, followed by Arthur Adler. Rabbi Cohn will speak on "Re-Dedi- Hanukah, it treats of the Sabbath, I Leo Soshnik, and the Miracle of day evening. •the past week-end here visiting Mrs. Friday evening henceforth. Members The Community Center's Girl basket- cation" at the services tomorrow Pesach, Lag Ba *Omer, Sh&buoth, Tish Chanukah, by Morris Kirshenbanm. Bear's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Among those returning home today 'sh Be-Ab, Rosh Ha?-Shanah, Yom Kip- j Recitations were given by Norman of the choir are Mesdames Benjamin eers defeated the West L Merchants morning. Katelman. pur, Succoth, Shamini Atzereth, Sim-1 Gendle, Ruth Finer, Irving- Rosenbamn from the University of Nebraska at Minkin, Joe Stern, Hyman Belmao, Girls by an 18 to 15 score Wednesday Kaddish hath Torah, Hamishah Assar Bi-She-jand Minnie Kolnick. Rosaline Baum Line-tin are: the Misses Mildred Mrs. Jac* Steinberg and small son Meredith Kenyon, Ben Newman, evening. Kaddish will be recited this Sabbath bat and Purim. The book is a vivid spoke on "Chanukah." Joe Harris and Meyerson, Helen Steinberg, and Ruth left Sunday for Kansas City, Mo., Next Wednesday the Commercial for Moritz Sachs and Lena G. WoloMorris Giller, David Cohen and philosophical interpretation of the Morris Tatelman played the saxo- Bernstein.; and Messrs. Hymie Kra- to visit her parents for a couple of Messrs. David Cohn, Jack Alberts, Basketball League at the Community witz. Jewish festivals and is written in phone. Tbe program was concluded weeks. Center will swing into action with six popular style. It is published by The j with songs by Ruth Finer and Ethel er, Paul Fromlrin, Bess Goldwar-J, Sam Green, Abner Kaiman and Mr. t teams seeking the gonfalon. Games Miss Esther Saks leaves Friday for Jewish Forum Pub. Co., l a c , 40 Lest Resnick. All of the above numbers Esther Green, Rosella Handler, HarBernstein. Next Friday will be played every Wednesday night, Chicago, 111., to spend a couple of 32nd St., New York City. were giveD in Hebrew or Jewish. vey Leon, Reva Malashock-, Gertrude "Special Chanukah selections will be under the direction of E. M. Segal, Rabbi Conn's sermon topic for next As the children left, each was pre- Oruch, Bernice Perimeter, Ernest weeks visiting relatives. rendered. physical director. sented with a box of candy, a Menorah Priesman, Gertrude Rothcop, Myron Friday evening will be "On the Eve and Chanukah candles. Isadore Mid- Tarnoff, Ann Turkel, Sylvia Weiner. of 193L" The quintets entered are Thorpeian dleman collected money for the Na^ •and -Charles- Wiesman. Sermon Topic for Next Week Athletic Club, A. Z. A. No. 1, A. Z. A. tiona) Fund and Mrs. M. F. Levenson Next Friday, December 27, Rabbi No. 100, Psi Mu, Swift and Co., and All Omaha and Council Bluffs high BT WlHfi distributed J. N. F. buttons. school juniors and seniors who would Goldstein will speak on "The Bible Phil Gerelick's All-Stars. i ALL OVKK T U B W«»1MJ> t be interested- in joining this organiteid Evolution—Must We Choose Be-' FRED R. SRAW The annual doubles handball tourR-Na Club zation, may send an application to W- 843 Broadwny tween the Two?" Pftctae 41 New York.—<J. T. A.)—Plans forj" . Q recently been! The R N a ub haa ney at the Center will start next[ "Waters Under Earth," by Martha Ernest Priesman, 2211 Pratt street. o fi Tuesday, with, an outstanding array Ostenso*. is one of the excellent books an intensive study of the various ^ o r g a n i 2 e d UB6BT ^ ^0^^^^ Chanukah Sabbath. Seudah being offered to the users of tbe Jew- phases of tbe employment problem as M r s _ M a x Fromkin. The purpose of! talent entered. th f f t Jews J d att a con-j they affect were made ish Community Center library. This Saturday afternoon a t 2i30 the a.re to coa .tribute to ference of representatives of six na-| charities and to bring together th? Following is a review of the book: children of members of the Synagogue "Waters Under the Earth" is a tional Jewish organizations held at j v o u n _ Jewish mer and women of will have their Chanukah party in the 121 So. 2Stb JAckson 3926 work of finished artistry. It portrays the call of the B'nai B'rith. j Omaha a a and C c i l Bluffs. Meetings Council form of a Chanukah Seudah. Games MEN'S DEPT WOMEN'S DEPT. the mental and. spiritual development The conference resulted in the for-! are held every Sunday morning at 1C and Chanukah favors will feature the of a family dominated by a fanatically mation of a national conference on; under the supervision of under the supervision of at Temple Israel, 29th and L. Av. religious, father. It depicts the fam- Jewish employment with represeirta- j Jackso streets. MR. WALTER ARNOLD MRS. BEDA CARLSON celebration. The women of the Aux- Empire Cleaners | 22 14 .611 . Graduate of tbe outstantllup Mnsseurs' of MassHge in tbe local iliary will act as hostesses. 22 14 .611 ily life so realistically, and character- tives from each of the groups that re- j officers of the club are Faye GoH [[ Srlnxti vt Sweden, and recently Head Instructor Malashock Jewelry hospital* snd lurely associated with fto izes so artistically that one is able t» sponded to the call of the first j ^ j j ^ Chemiss vice-! Masseur of" the City Club of dricagv. L i i Lister -fcospttiil. pp rr ee ss ii << j ee nn tt :: 19 17 .52S Ben's Jewelry Chemiss. vice-! not only read the book but also live ference. ] president; p e i d ; Una U Gross, G s s , secretary; s and !! Both the Men's and the Women'? departments will specialize in Rheu17 19 .528 Wardrobe Women's Auxiliary The study wfll be made by a g e n -l lM ttreasurer. 1 - rratic and Reducing treatments. The department will be open daily from A<fier> 13 23 .361 with every„ character. MMoot rrttoo nn A<fier> A fi Kaiman Insurance _ treasurer. 8 to 6, and 3- evenings a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and by The Auxiliary of the Synagogue in Yousem Battery i h i h will ill submit b i t its; t 13 23 .361 Cariotta, who is tbe main character erall cemmittee which Membership includes Helen Beeson, special appointment. findings to another conference to be the past month has welcomed sixteen throughout the book, has her life surStanley Ader, Sylvia Falk, Rose FisI*The Malashock Jewelry defeated the held in New York on January 4new members into its fold. The new Ben's Jewelry and thereby gained a rounded by her six brothers aod sisThe conference elected the followmembers of the auxiliary are: Mes- tie with the Empire Cleaners for the ters and her father. The vitality and ing officers: Alfred M. C-^-n, of Cincourage of Cariotta, her sensitive and dames Ben Binder, Morris Brandeis, top position. "Muggsy" Goodmen's boys dropped eager mind reacting to the small cinnati, president of the t. nai B'rith, Hyman Cohn, Harry Copleman, Frank chairman; Dr. L M. Rubinow, execu__. , _ , , , a pair to the Wardrobes while the world around her mark her as a chari acter in. literature to long be remem- tive secretary of tbe B'nai B'rith, seeEisenberg, Joseph Freeman, John J. Y o u s e n ) ^ ^ won t h e e n t i r e aeties bered. Her brother Paget loves a girl retary; and Estelle M. Sternberger, Frieden, M. Giventer, David A. Gold- from the Kaiman Insurance. Sammy Yousem surprised the boys but never satisfies bis love because of executive secretary of the National stein, L F . Goodman, Sam Klaver, his father. Matt Welland, the brother Council of Jewish Women, associate Henry Monsky, Ben Perlman, Harry j y pounding the pins for a 626 total, closest to Carla, attempts to break secretary. Roseman, J. Shapiro and J. Treitak. I , „„ ^ . , „ , . , away from the family and to force a _ . ... , ^ ,_, ,. . of 216 and 230. Phil Gerehck with hew way. He is too weak a charucte* Reach Argentine The -Auxiliary* to be congratulated ^ J a c k M e l c h e r > 55^ ^ N a t e and too easily beaten. Ruth, Sophie, Jewish Buenos Aires -Thirty for the great success of the Congrega-XReisg games. ^ ^ a 541, shot consistent "and Jennie, all three daughters are farming families from towns in tional Dinner. Among other commitThe Business Men's Bowling league "bent to the will-of their father. None Transylvania^ Roumania, arrived here *of therthree .are able to many the men tees Mrs. Ben Glazer and her tele- have postponed the games scheduled jthey. love. David, the oldest and the to take up homesteads on the land phone committee deserves special men- £com December 23rd and December 33. most tolerable intolerant of the fam- of the Jewish Colonization AssociaPlay will.be resumed on Tuesday, Jantion for their efficient work. aly, supports the whole family. Not tion. Tbe new arrivals number 200 nary 6, 1931. y, pp people. Forty more families are exh h A. Z. A. Speaker •finding happiness at home, he goes pected shortly. Rabbi Goldstein will address the Lincoln A. Z. A. at their special program Sunday afternoon in observance of International A. Z. A. Day. New York. (J. T. A.)—The National : Council of Jewish Women is W a n t to Know Teachers* Race assisting President Hoover's EmerBerlin.—The schools of Thuringia gency Committee for Employment, have received orders from the prov-jm the effort to meet the present emincial minister of education to tsend'Payment problem throughout the photographs of all teachers in the sys-{ United States, and is extending its tem to headquarters. It is believed co-operation, to prevent human .snnerthis action is part of a plan to check!ing and to alleviate the present SEE the race of all teachers, particularly situation. A survey of the Newark those who have been converted to and Bayonne, N. J., communities has Christianity. These latter are just as beer* completed-by the department of objectionable to the National Social- vocational guidance and employment ists, who control the government of of the National" Council of Jewish Thuringia, as Jews. f-Women,
Notes of Temple Israel
Book Review
Council Bluffs News
Business Men's Bawling League w.
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He is teaching Tamong otfter> things that one* may be frankly'.J^wisi-iuui suffer no diminution of the general respect^ !Not a Sew;, ptfvpor on reaching Bpniej: t>f
period...' '}. '-: ].
of 'other nationalING itiesFewareimmigrants now coming to Canada, be-
cause of the new restrictive regulation. Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—In the last Jewish immigrant6)pre;;Btill|>er|nirted five Tnonths 1,923 Jewish enjimgrants •ttf- enter under penttits granted^ them •were 'admitted 1 to C*»nada( according: before the restrictions became, operaVUAJ; Correspondent to be one more nation" added to the chas vachalila as they say in'French, to figures made public by the-Jewish tive. ; This permit will expire in many unhappy liaticms of the modern' they majr be taken for Jews.' Not so, Immigrant, Aid Society . of ' Canada. February. world. But if i t i s to be one more Einstein; No man comes out more During this period the Society was ; The 1,923 Jewish immigrants were great adventure after the ideal of hu r j frequently in the public prints on jnat- instrumental in obtaining ~ favorable •distributed in the Canadian provinces man brotherhood, if it is to be: one ters of Jewish interest, yethefe^Je- decisions in 74 cases of rejections at [as follows: Quebec, 84*5; Ontario, 708; more endeavor tp establish justice and| destaled above all others in the "worlds overseas ports and at Canadian ports. jManitoba, 228; Saskatchewan, 61; A.Ipeace upon the earth, "with"malice'esteem. Certainly his pronounced Jberta, -37; Nova Scotia, ; 17; New toward none, with charity -for.,; all," avowal ^ of his Jewishness has hot yrfll" be 1 able to get hold of the state i 9; British Columbia, 18. At the annual election of officers Children of the Tclmud Torah will j then would I lift up my hands'and harnied him. -: ";":•money. No, we foreigners know how to hold on to money." E. N. Grues-kin was elected as presiThe Sioux City chapter of the A. Z. present a Chanukah program at the i heart in glad acclaim. I t is because' W W p , ^ - ffig^* « C f t T dent" of the local B'nai B'rith lodge A. will celebrate the fifth internation- Jewish Community Center, Sunday] I believethat Zionism is not one more' **A»*pATrK«I And once again, he scored using the ^fontreal Goes Over Top. ; I for the coming year. Mr. Grueskin al A. Z. A. Day with a program this evening, December 21, beginning at 8 selfish nationalist**^undertaldng, birti^ A ' l ^ t -AlVrJNo > arguments of his opponents to elect p^Montreal.—Local Jewry; went "over LCf is prominent among Sioux City's Sunday^-December 21, at 2:30 p. m. at o'clock. Two plays will be presented! a sort of final chapter 711 the" great j How/aoes. he capitalize i t t ^ ^ ;thje.top" in its response to the $300,himself. ;. c ' " r-J younger Jewish people. He has served the Shaare Zibn Social Hall. and- several recitations and musical; story -bf ^h|mSft^ro^e|hqod; ; tha|^' m Well, havie-xpo ever' And "Uncle Sel", never took any P^..campaign on behalf of, the- Fed1^3 for several years as chairman of the A feature will be the presentation numbers will be given bj members of; even a s ^ i ^ h ^ e ^ ^ ^ j S ^ l n l i . - j l ^ o r , " ™ iqn of Jewish,Philanthropies. *>•";• ^IT•"':• YiifTT--•-•»-";w V , i t - 3 - ' .J."->: . ccourses o u r s e s in. i n ppsj^ology! sVchologv! , t r . the timB.\dien,'^:SInc|e .Sol"-.^agtraa- , . , „ „ „ u *. t • , ™ , f Federation Building Fund Carnival of the Judas Maccabeus degree of the the school. The program wfll be u n - !for ' - its^nUmph.' "-"--'-^ ~• : . ' - * th rdngfi-^r^^^^i^i^f^^^tl (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish TeleI and is a member of the Federation order, to be given by members of the der the direction of Mr. Joseph Aizen-i afiraiiist a^ main ^viihs<>'"namer Wiffti?%fte*K<»vi» graphic Agency, Inc.) against a man-,L whose t?believe | Board of Directors. He is also a mem- local chapter. The principal speaker berg and Mr. Louis Schilling; fac- Summary Such^is was Johnson. 1 is.pj|,an,swer tp |! tier of the Mount Sinai Temple and will-be" Philip M.Klutznick, Omaha at- j pf the Hebrew schooL as to w! Sol was sftealcing before-some farmS Brotherhood. He succeeds M. E. torney who is executive secretary of The following children .will t&ke I wonder how I can summarize the ers in a small rural vkinitj^ sdrae r coi Friedman. . r the order. '-• Other speakers- will iri part in, the program: Tillie Sbindler, hundred miles north ..of Milwaukee. [s i •. Other officers elected.include Morey dude Abe Beechen and Hi N. Slotsky; Isadore Shindler, Jack Merlin, Isa- various "My friend, Johnsonv" began Sol, 'ohi;.Lipshutz; vice-president; Leon JDo- . Isadqre-Mjrowitzr wilL -preside; -over dore Maron^ • Sarah - Sudow, Tillie make this^. moranrgT "t^ri\T"put "it" irt } some such^wayas.^hissi*, L_ r j "when he goes to a Swedish" communn. I brofsky,..corresponding^ secretary; J. ^the-Jpro'graoi; {which" is open' to -the Franklin,.Betty Osnowich, P.erry Osn}re If I wefe a'JewMrwoi C6 be"-- ity^ he points to his; name and; tells ,{ Guttleman, recording secretary;. Abe p u b l i c . •'•-••..•••: : : • " - . . • . owich,.;• Morris. Aizenberg, Morris myself—an* to realize" myhigher self the people, h e is Swedish. When he : oju ' Pill,"treasurer; M. Baumstein,-guardCohen, Nathan Plotkin, Lester Lazrio- through fellowship with all other men goes to a German community, he rs i ianjAbe Jacobsoh,' warden; - Max wich, Jennie Shindler, Sara Wein- upon the earth. to his name.&nd tells the peoCi. Friedman, monitor, and-M. Seff, Abe. stein, Jda Epstein, Charles.Shindler, If I were a Jew, I would seek to points } pie, he kt-GermaiC- .When he appears / jl Sacks and H. Levin, trustees.Lay: Leyich, Sam Riyin, Nathan Fein- live my own life—and to unite -this before: an. Engli^ ;^omniHnity» hf % %.re T 1 3 e m e e t i n g was one of the largest berg,. Benjamin Levin, David Kuntz, life with the life of humanity at larger points to his nameana^ tells itik f. ij{ of the year. Fifteen new members David Tilevitz,. Jack Gorchow,. Sylvia If I were a Jew "J. would seek to pie'he is English." ' " This week's social calendar will be Friedman, Margaret Kriv, Nathan ['.w( were initiated into the lodge at this : achieve my own racial _£<nd religjtous ^ . Everybody smifeoVas^ Sol gay,- with- the young people returning prfikoff jssnd Irving Xevich. SToals—and to xinafe these^;vgwds'\tJie."->Th"en'-;.'his- eyes flami^r iirid^ •home from college to spend their mid'myi winter'.vacation.-^-.- • -r-•-. fulfillment ,of the 'dream of 'a* human- himself as aggressively Jewish -as he lize ity redeemed odd set free". ; Miss Helen Friedman, a student at could, he flared out: "But Idon't havt. the .Goodman Theater school, ."arrived tfftell you what I &m." .."jt"" Funeral "'services "*for Mr. Louis a i home last - Sunday. - Miss' Marcella Friedman, who was shot last Friday The crowd screamed with delightKoolish, who is enrolled at Illinois' morning by two holdup men, were held And meanwhile, Sol keeps on being y *'.- At an election.Tuesday afternoon, University, is expected home this week from the family residence on Sunday re-elected. u pc . Mrs. Philip. Sherman, 3204 Jennings end; as is Miss Elsie Brodkey, who afternoon. 'Rabbi H. R'. Rabiriowitz : (Continusd frp'rftvPage .2.) disi street, was elected president of the POLITICALOTJITSU is a student at Wisconsin University. officiated. ; ; Ladies' Auxiliary,of the Shaare Zion lisher-who hasjrec«it^l>eeh going.in- Uncle Sol Is^a master "of 1 • Synggogue. She succeeds Mrs. S. H. The Misses Delia and Helen GalinDeath claimed H&rry H. Marsh in heavy on the h h transIaiBph l B of.t Y a i h jfu jitsn. As I understand, the secret he : S.huikin. Other officers elected .are sky. will arrive from Iowa University. his home; 2415 Jennings street,' last,( classics is soon totpobHsh Linflsey's of that method of fighting is to de;c ^ |? Mr3; Morey - Ligshutz and, Mrs. Mike! Leon-^GalinSfcyy who is a student at Monday,-after a lingering illness. Mr. r-secon<i.Jbopk. • 5*j./^«r3tv";niake, >more feat your opponent by helping your ra "' Mushkin, vice presidents; Mrs. I. H. Vermilliqn Medical School, also will Marsh was born in Russia-and Came money on the, iie^vli^?®y ^>oo^ ^ * n opponent along. i w Levin, corresponding ' secretary; Mrs. spend bis- vacation in the city. . to Sioux City when he was 16 years on the Yiddish 'cia$sics/.::li we 3 could •'•••- Sol had to fight not only the 1f ? Lester Heeger. financial secretory, and old. He is survived by the widow, a only get some' bisffl^p". to damn and. "charge", that he was a Jew, but also swe Mrs. S. I. Skalovsky, treasurer. author^, of the Yiddish 'that he was ^ fpreigner. er : Among the Iowa University- students daughter, Jane, two sons, Jack and1 kick out the - V'lSure'X-am. a foreigner," he told ' flight , parents, ^ Mr. and^ Mrs. SaniJ 1 classics, it, of; .iM^^*J fg be ap who are expected to return- the early James;,his he addressed,: "aad" youf three sisters, Mrs. R Rose R Riven,[ but mp^' can fc M h th it M i fferent, b ^ ' iff;j&e & bbishops ih er c part of next week are Louis Dirns- Marsh; y.wje-' f o Eeij^rt^a^^^ M Betty.Feder B t t F d andd Miss Mi Aim A Marsh M h nott readd Yiddish. Y i d d i h,y">«, " ? 11. **v / ni daie, Mildred jSirken,. Helen Levitt, Mrsi ^knowing. hpw^oi.\bibld: o n : i t 6 ; ^ ^ . Harry Ziflrin appeare.1 in "The Red and*)ur brothers, A. Marsh, Isadore, I ANOTHER; ;hei Irving Passman, Ida Fish. LESSON. by Heavens, we do. ,WeH,' elect "i Mill," a.musical opera, which was prePhilip and Joe Marsh of Sioux City. This man.Ein§tehi,->is teachingra (state treasurer,'"and -3 sented by the music department, of Funeral services were held on Wedj i •Misses Blujna Merlin ..and Miu ?n | Central High last Saturday e>ven?-lg. nesday afternoon. es He took the part of Willem, Keeper Greenstone entertained sixteen friends honoring Miss Sybfl! Merlin on her bn of the Red Mill. Others who took birfhday.. Bridge preceded light repart in the choruses, and orchestra" freshments. '"-' ir' JRabbi Lewis will speak on n ^ were: Dena Baron, George Fineberjj* Spirit>4)f jthe .Maccabees"-,:at the.reglf | + Dorothy Friedman, Chorlotte Gelfend, Miss Fr&nces Xutstnn visited in ular Friday ev^aihg:* service tonight. "a^- Harry Kanofsky, Elsie Schulman, Ber- Omaha recently. ••>•".. Last Monday vnight children-of the j j nard Lazriowich, Jake Slutsky, Gisela Sunday School presented a Chanukah ust ^ ' ' ^ u c i l ' e Kronick and Sarah Hal- The N. M. A."Clob will meet Sun- prpgr&m.for therr.friends and parents, tin day at the home of Miss Jessie Slot-1 in the Temple annex. Ruth ^ozberg "p , .. •••*..•'. opened t^ieprpgrani with a piano'spia. Billy Mosow,. son of Mr., and Mrs. sky. see • —1 -1..-,' JA/play "''The.'UnIighted Menotah/' > J. H. Mosow 'recetitly was awarded a orl< prize for his essay, "Why the Rail- The Phi EpsilouTau Sorority, m^tt Was presented by Bernard ' Markr, Rosenfeld^Dorothy London and den r o a d s a r e the Best-Public-Servants." last Wednesday at the- home of Miss ~"~ ' ~ floyd KronickT It was directed, by Bernice Goldstein. • ..•' ^ He was given* a miniature electric railMiss Gladys Weinberg. Miss, Weinway train, valued at twenty-five dolMrs. A. Mazie visited in Omaha this berg also- directed the play, "Ons lars. Chanukah D&y," in which the follow-, week. •' id. ing appeard: Rozena Kozberg, Robert Sulamith Bereskin has been appointJaffee,' Betty Marx, Bernard': Roseh-> .Jack^Mushkin has returned home ed to serve as copy editor of the High thai, Blossom Kaiin, Billy Prusiner. from. Chicago. .. School Record for next semester. OthBobby Pill, Harold Lefkovxh, .Bobby ers who will -work on the Record, board Cohen, Seymbr Robinson, Georgia Ga:A daughter, arrived, to R&bbi and next semester are ,Julia Bereskin, insky, Dorothy .Davis, Barbara Davjp, Mrs. Hi H. Rabinowiiz last weeki Thev Loyal Keir, Naomi Sacks and AbraMarion Fishgall, Marjorie Weinberg. have named, her Sgoolah-, Shevah. I ham Singer. which in Hebrew means Sevenfoll Doris Marx, Dorothy Sherman, RuMv I ca Weiner and Doris Pill. Treasure. | c l^! Max Maron, ' Loyal Keir,. Arnold The Ladies' Auxiliary ,of the conMiss Freda Albert directed. the: pla^. neilfi Baron, Marvin KJa-ss and Israel GreenI a berg debated against the Lincoln high gregation held a shower and p&rty "Pictures out of* the Past?' which, was honoring the baby, on Monday after- presented by LilKan Magaziner. Berleisi: ^ e a m o f Council Bluffs recently. nice-Gallneky,-Frances Kalin, Leonar'i I me • . '. * noon. Mirkeii,: Sara ^ocklirii. B.obby Don'-.. Lucille Barrenfc'"was r elected into Wallace Rpsenthal, Dprotlvyj Jack Merlin placed first infthe" Dissher PhilomatTiian Club a t the last elecEtheJL; i^aeiMarks, Edwarft ^ covery \ Night' Cotttest/lfjonsbred by • tion. • •* ' "the RKO Orpheum-last JMpnd^y eve-. Morton Rbsenfeld, Marguerite^Pinkus. Lawrence Slbtelqf, and Cecil Pill.; Leonard Baumstein is on the Cen, Mina Slotsky... presented a reading tral High fiifst bcsketball team. and Betty Rosenstock gave a piano solo. .'",.. . •' ShaareZigri The regular-service of Shaare Zion A ••. Members of the Epsilon Phi soror- this evening will be turned over: to; ity will present a program before the the members of the-Maccabee club. — . children of the Boys' and Girl's Horre Mickey: Maron \ will speak on "Judas on Sunday, December 21. They, will Maccabeus.'" Rudy Shindler wi}l deWarsaw.' {3/ Ty A.)—A\t•give several "scrap books ,to'the chil- liver-'a brief address on "A Program ; slaughtering houses," eyen':; • those Sam Satire'n, which the,members';have made. for the" Modern. Maccabees." w doff-will speak on - An~ American" maintained by the ^venimehit^ Business Girl's Club held _a. Chanu- Poet's Conception of a Jewish- Hero." recognized Jewish; communities,! will k&ih party after theirdinner meeting h Children of the religious school pre- b"; required •tp-'pay'- a ta<" similar, to P nm Uioa ke hu "* Wednesday. Small '-gifts : were., ex^ sented a Chanukah program in thethat levied on any private business, *Ir# air goocLas • Gpodrcar." Coma j Social hall of the synagogue on Sun- according to a'ruling handed down In—weH den(Hatnte the p«t*nied changed by the members. :. « d exclmir* Geodyear iopmorj day afternoon; • A play, ''The M&ke by the Supreme Administrative lti«s wUeh oalj QtOytu Tirw can Members of the Maccabee club will Believe Chanukah" was presented by Court. Jewish leaders see in this l ^ X be in charge of the senices at Shaare: Jack Gorchow, Earl Wigodsky, David. decision an obvious discrimination against the Jews because the Polish "*.' Zion Synagogue this evening. Mr. Sirken,-Charles Shindler, Mauri-e HasFrank Margolin is in charge of thij kin, Rpsanna Dikel, Marion Shiloff,- constitution specifically provides that H&zel Kantrovich, Sydney Shapiro, all religious enterprises are to be JR arrangements. Howard Sacks, Inez Leaff, TJebecca free from taxation. .• Girl Scout Troop No. 9 held a Chem- Stillman, Philip Zeligsort, .Velnii Beechen and Leah Herman gave recita- Thousands of Jews Jobless. ukah party Tuesday/afternoon.. tions and Rebecca Stillman r 3ad an Warsaw.- —Thousands of Jewish arkers in L6dz,: Wolyn and ' other The meeting of the Deborah Club original poem. i?as postponed.last Sunday afternoon, j The program was directed by Miss cities were thrown out of work by the iDena^a/pn and. Misa.Ida Heshelpw. closing of a number .of textile factorib'JLibbiellOlenslsj:-^Jand'-Jemjje ^Shindler ies. Economic depression is blamed |The Intermediate 'Dramatic''-CluK for the shut-down. The bulk of .work-. affected-by0 theiay,-Hoff are in Lcjjs where the iGrohmarrJand Gyer plaret „ ,,., .^ n^fiefl their,wpBcmih thaFthe *-'L-"' N --_.,-, = ^- v ..^ r _ Mrs. S. H. Shuliant"prlsident'6i therorieg*-.wbulai'~clPseifdr ' a"~ nionth
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Central High News
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ilitual Slaughtering
Don't Buy Until You See iKe G0OTWFAR TIRES
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Weed Chains 30x4.50, Regular
on their
5 t'JWe feed: the multitude" With tasty Foods
^ 1ndtistry.T~'"t
and p gift. Miss Ida Heshelow responded in left jobless In Kostopol ^when.the only behalf of the teachers. Refreshments! Jewish-owned! furniture, factory' closed down. were served by the; auxiliary.
HOBERMAN BROS., Proprietors