December 26, 1930

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Interesting arid Entertaining Entered da second -classmail matter on Jaunary 27, uca, at-, poalofflrt at Omaha, Nebraska.- under the Act or March 8. 187i


(By.Abner Kaiman.)





Greetings dear reader! . . . . just a — J£ little columnizing about Omaha folks g> Syou Tmow . . . . and some you don't 2. * scow.—(J.'-T. A.)—The sum of Pifth International A,;Z. A. "Day lodge of .the B'nai Brith, delivered ] 1,000 rubles has been set asjde know. .". -.'. Mark Helliriger, Walter!^ e Soviet government to assist was celebrated "throughout the length the message. of the Oma4la^7l3dge .to" Winchell, Jake Rachman arid other} ltural colonies in 1931, it {was and breadth'of the £0UHtry. last Sun- the work "6t; the A. Z. A v ^ & Ease E famous columnists . . . . pardon our fmounced day, when over 50,000 .people were Brandeis gave.; several pi^ into this new journalistic * at the closing sesaon of {selections entrance Lpresent•£* r craze . in the "Kibbitzers" corner the All-Union conference of the'Ozet, present-at special programs x sponsored and ed a^one-actJplay entitle^rt'His Chilat luncheon in the Brandeis S t o r e ' t h e soc**? f o r settling the Jews on by chapters of the order. ' ' - "'" '"•' Sam Beher, founder of the order in drenlr ."'. ' restaurant Dr. Sher.'the Green-j• t h L 1 | a T'.•'•.,'.• ''•' „ " The sum "In the evening a banquet was held v this city some seven-years ago, was berg twins (Joe and Dave), Dave J 0^16,300,000 rubles was Sherman and Leo Eosenth_1 i n _i contributed-by the. Soviet government^ highly pleased with l i e success of the for the .members of the three chapters' dulging in his usual "bobby mises"! m * e last four; years to helpp settle observances. "The reports which we and their sponsors at the Elks Club. .-•.".. . . . and the next table, a few of the f under the'auspices have received," he stated, "Jnoicate J. J. Finkelstein of Lincoln was the of B-andeis "celebs" including Harry ^ e Gomzet and the Ozet, accord- that this was the most successful A. principal speaker and Frank Ackerman acted as toastmaster. u ing t o a r e p o r t Zimman. Karl Louis discussing s h o p ' . \ submitted-today to Z. A. day we have ever had.-"We esti-. The Junior. B'n-i Brith received oiie t hh c oc onnf feerr e :: ee mate that t h e r e w a s a total of apwith the buyers ..._. . Dundee school !!^ " f -of. its higheit-tributes ^ w e d " that the proximately 56,000 people present in teacher received "35.%gifts'.frplib her .Herbert Hoover who adsettled abdut-23,000 Jewish 125 different dties in which ~ope_r punils . . . . & majority of the gifts ^dressed to the. fraternity~"of "Jewish _„ on the land;" 20,000 of -them meetings • were "sponsored ::by>-^ the were handkerchiefs... . . Little" girl '"*. 1926. - 'In "Criniea, r-"Dkrainia, A. Z. A.": " • •: - -". "t r.."* . : - r : yojgth,; expressed :''* .romarffs" "Oh teacher if youonly,had T . . . now" .._ _ ,. R u s s i a . J ^ c a ^ a ^ a . a n d ^ t h - j ' . 3 ^ - delivered the principal ad~ ^ovthe .members> hay fever . . . . „Sober _nd warm hearts . . . . . Henrv * L j ^ ? - • P ? ? 0 1 * * * . ? ? " * * ^ ^ kdress at the"*;-•_.• A. meetinVTield Aieph of. the B'I celebration of In -Day -and my.

26, 1930

• VOL. Vin.—No. 4S


Tryputs for "Jazz Singer* Open to Public The next play of the Center Players Guild will be the famous "Jazz Singer/* under the direction of Mrs. Herman Jahr. Tryouts will be held on Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock" at the J. 'c. c . : . . - • , • ; . - These: tryouts will be under the new policy, open to anyone .whether a. member of the Guild or not Previously, only Guild members were allowed to participate. - Anyone interested in dramatics, whether he or she lias had previous histrionic training or not, is invited to try out,1 . .. _

The third of the series of lectures at the Junior Forum, sponsored jointly by the Henrietta Szold Girls

New York.—(J. T. A.)—The o p tions for American delegates to the seventeenth World Zionist Congrns* will take place on Sunday, January 24th, according to &n announcempri;, made by the Central Election Board, which represents all factions of the Zionist movement in this country. Polling places will be established in practically every Jewish community in the United States, and every ,1>v? £«nd Jewess, over the age of oiphteen, who has paid the shekel fee h? fifty cents will be entitled to -votr. for delegates. . The forthcoming .Congress, -which, will take. place in Cai'lsbad, Czerhcsloyakia beginning February 24th", is regarded as the most importe-nt in. the history of the Zionist movemor'l, so that all Zionist groups are con-" centjrating their efforts on'disposinc of as many shekels as possible in n?der to insure a large and representf-*!-tive American delegation at Carlsbnfi. The rules for the elections provide that any one who presents a shclr^ receipt at ;the polls on Jsmuaiy Z4,th will be entitled to vote, but that card* of membership in any organization are not valid substitutes. Any shekel payer over the agr of twenty-four is eligible for candirtaT^r as a delegate, and: may beEane ot* upon the submission of a petition signed by one hundred other shekelpayers. All candidacies must be submitted to the Central Election Bo«rrir not later than noon of January I?


,;th«.; religious, SuraLdife of thei' and Jack Marer at Des MbfnesV1 ., •


Stalmaster . . ; . belatedop- ~th? .°**.;V#*W .%ough_purely agrir, Investigating Omuoittee Points Sam Beber r-rva^ons at Conservative Synagogue, c u l t u r a ; " n f , , ? ™ P * * Russia j. The Tri-dty councfl^ conilstinf J pi :^\£cxe I Oat Higher Living Standmo h~nruc\ . . ." . J. Harry K u l a k o f s _ y . i J*^:^^^ sad the A. Z. A. chapter No. 1, will the: Omaha ch&pters. Nos. _1 and^XOO ard of Jews tWprcsictent, delivering his "maiden",, hfhe^ on the soil ^ the immediate and the Council "Bluffs Chapter, spon- quarters .to,all.p: be held at the J. C. C. Monday evespeech . . . . and in a capable manner' ™ i n l t y ••«>*• their towns. ning, December 29, when Sam Beber sored a program and banquet in Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The reP^ewise Mrs. Wm. Alberts, the Omaha. Abe H. Baron, Sioux City atwfll speak on "The Stigma of Being placement of the existing taxes by an & ""i!iary president, in a few well-j torney, delivered &n inspiring mesincome tax, the abolition of the ani-' c'^osen remarks, delivered in a sweet. sage at the opemneeting held in Jthe «nal tax when the income tax is introp"d r'l-cminrr m a n n e r . . . . and Harry afternoon at the Center auditorium. iloeied, the-' reduction of-the already a^'l Minn'e Lapif'us' utter surprise Sal Michnick" acted a s charrmah. • • commuted lithe to seven and a half a-d smiling broadly at. the. sudden anIrvih Levin, president of the' local j per cent and as an emergency measr.DU7ccment of their wedding.- anni-} ure the issuance by the government of v-»-F_ry . . . . Frank Eizenbsrg,-the •New York City.—The Jewish com-. a $500,000 short term loan is recomLandsmannschaft to Unite whoVmnrrities of the United States are be-: Prrr—toimt "fillum" man j . . mended in the report of the PalesAssist Relatives in up -withi j y i jingles ing'requested by the National Council -up tine committee to investigate the eco1 Europe . - .'. the toastmaster ? shyness v . ...j of Jewish-Women to send clothing for nomic conditions of agriculturists one tn the presence .of^^ the oharmin<», the inen; women and children who are New York.—(J, T. A.)—Over two two and to suggest fiscal measure that the Official Sees Jewish , Citizens N'ss -Goldstein.- sister of the • Eabbi,^ detained at Ellis Island. ;. This plea mfflion dolfias every year is" sent in^government- should take relative to Gradually Becoming an V7ho sat on his left •••- i - the ziatural • has been madeiriti behalf o f the-drs^uiipetty contributions by small Lands-'["them. _ Important Factor d^liaeatcr of Yiddish stories: Isador, sation by Mrs. Mauri<» - L. Goldman, mann organizations to their n e e d y « - ! Other recammendations are the Dsnsky . . . . and Yiddish humor: National Chairman of itu-Department New York.—The Jews of Poland Farry Wolf ." . .. ...the "chic" Mrs;' of Service for;foreign born.'Packages The old Jewish way ,"of centering latives and ^friends' in the "home i establishment -of gwrernment experi. tter are gradually becoming a more active SsV-zman.whq has just returned fromvare-to. be.addressed to'the:'National all life about the idea i>f" the family town" in Russia, according to a stated f*nental demonstrations on factor in the work of consolidating California, indulging -in.-.. Hollywood. Council of Jewish Women, Ellis. Is- i s s^t-forward as -the, scientific ideal ment.inade by L.'B. Bousin, chairman farming methods, t h e creation of vil- the Polish -State, writes a prominent grossip with a group - of ^ ' Klot- iand, New Yiork Sarbbr: It was point- of.^the best social ^spiutipn JEpjr... tiie of the I_ihdsmannschaft Department lage co-operatives, and the^temporary Polish -statesman. Tadeusz fiolowko, at an Ort nsaet- fn*hibition ~on the importatioii of ! T e c e n t gentle reminders; E<tten«l ed out ihat stockings,- dresses, "and sex- prpbtem by" Dr. Magnus Hirsch- of the American Ort, chers" 1 l y e h i e f o f the Eastern division ing. The meetiAg was attended by ^ft-CPMervative Synagogue . every warm clothing,..-for men,-^omenlandr.feid, founder-of the;lifts of Sex- about 150 officials of such Lands•«* * « p oBsh Foreign Office,'election -for rn&a.yJmi4fr.\£^it'.s a good h a b i t . . . . childrenju^pardcularly children are particularly rsqiMed w i i h - ^ J o - j ^ j ^ of Berlin is in lBamj'Oi g'<_llfc<iliJriSf~WttO TPSOlvftd ft)X f the a p p r f e ; n ^ - : « « ^ ^ w ^ in l i e JEastern provinces, and pne of ( flie Tint time <to hand together and,' tiiereby make tite poor happy. . . . j t h e present --us&iess depisssiori, "thje. m e o _cal societiesi " Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The c.l o M s t . f r i e.n S of Marshal Klsudf through - the Ort, combine their ef-. "The committee's wpprt emphasizes stunning and not- g_udy:,Mesdames, welfare organizations at Ellis Island! m e eT posal to create in Palestine a govern"The Jewish idea of the farnlly"hss j j o r t s t^-make their relief work more the difference in the standard of l i v - j * ^ ™ ™*l wuensta. Morris Milder, Peggy- Ferer,. Elmer-have been" receivmg . » n inadequate 1 Mr Uolow who ment agricultural bank to aid th? for the Ji eeffectual. ffectuaL j ing of Arab and "Jewish farmers/ ' *°> . „-. . influence ^ . , v. Gross . . . . a little busy ; body quite amount of trldthihg. so the" National been a tremehdpns Arab-fellaheen is emphatically rejectgood in m odern life", said Pi". - The new plan for thus extending 1 Painting a gloomy picture of the Arab ' . alert: Master Lynn Arlen-Stalmaster,!Council of Jewish Women is addfessed by tiaside F. Strickland, British j?v^ Hlrschfeld. t «nphasi_es the cred-, the activities of the Ort, which had cultivator's lot, the committee as- j " "1 ™ •J e w ' ^ e j m ' s&ys' pert on rural economics, in his re3-year-old youngster of Mr.; and-Mrs.-1 ing & special plea-to the country. J e w s are Irvin Stalmaster . . . . . in the chair I . It was said hy -Mrs. Goldman that * TClations. Father,! hitherto confined itself largely to rais-I sumes that with very rare exceptions (active I 8 » *in i a _the y becoming a more factor consolidation of port on agricultural and co-operatitf ree<dy-for,a tooth extractdon •. .- . .-.when the"immigrants Ellis mother, and child—that ,is the most ing its funds through, big unit con-! every village provides for its own the Polish State in the Eastern prov- conditions in Palestine made public dentist hands you a jarag.-i»-. but it's Island, they are equipped with insuf- important entity in the world. It tributions from wealthy philanthropies1 subsistence. inces. In a number of election dis- here. no joke! . . . . Auf Wiedersehn! next-ficient clothing and-anticipating the brings human satisfaction,' ethically, was set forward by Murray Leving, , The Jewish farmer is better equipMr. Strickland, who last July visitweek. . .'-. • - • • . possibility of detention upon their fail- biologically, and physically". ed Palestine on the invitation of tb? the than is the Arab farmer, his standard The Narcomsobez, which is The grizzled scientist, vastly symure to meet certain reuirements. per cent solid for a united , Jewish Palestine government, to study tJioIn describing the work at Ellis Is- pathetic and serious in aspect, dis- Central Welfare Committee of the' of living i s higher and he enjoys solection regular economic position of the fellaheen ir, . ' land for immigrants, it was pointed cussed some of the things he has Soviet authorities in Ukrainia agreed,' cial and cultural emenies unknown to tions. The Jews understand that the order to instruct the district of fie.'* U s t _ o w c o m b m e s &n w h o • •out th&t. during the months of Sep- found to be true through thousands that the government shall furnish de- j the Arabs hut appears to be weighed ^ ^ ^ classed Jews with raw material, space down by heavy debts, the committee ^ _ ^ _ « _ ,TOIM«« -r v,-> t»^is_i, 1 about objects and methods of coopera+ of cases studied in his institute. "The tember-ana October, over 2,000 meals consolidation of +the Polish' tive credit, declares he •w&s deeply want were served to - Jewish immigrants sex feeling is often stronger than •for factories, „ and, credits, provided reports, although not estimating State without distinction of national- J and immovably convinced that an agrialone, and that special arrangements any other. It is stronger than the that the Jews find a way of securing these debts, ity or religion. cultural bank dealing on a small rottt(•were made for enabling the Jewish feeling of race. This you see when part of the money necessary for the "The Jews understand that Marshal j tnercial basis with the small Arab fcBerlin.—The board of the Berlin "Iimmigrants to observe" the-Jewish you witness successful cases of inter- equipment of their factories. Pilsudski opened a .new era in Poland j That task was set before the repre- Jewish community appropriated 700,- j and that it would have been' unthink- j mers would be the greatest evil any — . . iholidays. ' In -all-- of these activities, marriage. I believe ihter-marriage, government could introduce because 000 marks for the immediate relief of New York.—-(J.T. A.)—With Can-1 the social workers the •when it follows so strong an urge, is sentatives of the Landsmannschaften , T T J J * T • _ able for the names of Mincberg, Wish- proper supervision is impossible, reT in New York. licky Mendelson, and•, in payment would be reluctant and ihr ada and South Africa this year added'(Jewish organizations en joyed the co- a good thing. Inter-marriage between needy Jews. Hundreds of Jewish ,. , and, _. • , , - TLemberg,-' _ Jews and Gentiles has increased since' T°™*™ °*.» permanent body to families have applied for aid and the name of the president of the Jew-| resultant sale of lands would be unof Commissioner "of Immiu to the long list of "closed": countries', e c d the the war, with the general increase in * ^ f "Landsmannschaften without this grant from the Jewish ish community, to be together with: pleasantly frequent. the "surplus". Jews of Europe have gration "Day. , ... _^_ , i Council was recommended, as well as community would be ejected from I practically no region to go to but the "Denver.—Jewish school, children in personal liberty everywhere. Such a bank existed before, Mr. their homes for failure to pay rent that of _ Catholic on the Government j foTaa&M o{ ^ ^ a u x U i a r i e s and a list before the coup d'etat of May. unsettled, and sometimes even wild two .public Schools in Denver learned Dr. Hirschfield spiked the popular .. . , . .-, r y Strickland points out, but was closed long in arrears. .,' , Z^Z , , * ! nabonal advisory council, "The exchange of letters between by the former High Commissioner, Si: parts of South America, according to Chanukah .songs, instead of Christmas idea that Jewish men and women are; Dr. Myron Kreinin and .Aaron Ben- carols. And instead of Christmas more passionate, as a rule, than Premier Slawek and . Kirschbraun Herbert Samuel, thus becoming one f>T deeply impressed the Jews here just the main points in the anti-Zionirf jamin, Jewish immigration authorities, j cards, the art classes drew Chanukah people of other races. "Such genera s did the letter of Kirschbraun to : propaganda of the Arab leaders. They •who' arrived in New York this week greetings.alities are generally unfounded' . .. Marshal Pilsudski, a letter full of the claim that the bank would be of reto consult with other authorities on The plan effect in two gram- said. ~ "Though s as .a rule Jewish State spirit and written with dignity lief to the Arab peasants. means of carrying on the work of women have a deeper conception of Strickmar schools at. the Cheltenham and at and with, conscientious emphasis of land's report also outlines various* finding places of refuge for the Jews love, and are deeper in love than Coif ax schools, the former having a the attitude of Jewish society." New York.—Charles Edward Rus- should keep culture in the schools. of Eastern Europe. schemes for aiding the fellaheen v.iih Jewish enrollment of 98 per .rant, and most women". He attacked the antigovernment credits and relief oi thfir Dr. Kreimin is president -of the the latter beingialmost equally di- Semitic charges against Jewish mor- [ sell, occupying the pulpit of Temple j "Fourth, you should make your sloWarsaw.—Marshal Joseph Pilsud- debt burdens. university education for Emig-direct; Mr. Benjamin is vice- vided between Jewish and non-Jewish ality "Charges that the Jew is Israel of New York, declared Friday gan: night that the Jews in America are everybody or nobody.* We are now ski. Minister of the War, expects to president, a<nd commissioner to Eur- pupils. • morally lax are unfounded*' he said. During- his visit to Palestine, Stricknot using their power. The famous building up a class of educational visit Palestine where he will be the ope, of the HIAS (Hebrew Sheltering land expressed admiration for ibc ! guest of Sir John Chancellor, Palespublisher outlined five, ways in which aristocrats. and Immigrant Aid.Society of AmeriJewish co-operative societies. He s?j\ti, "Fifth, the Jews should be cham- tine High Commissioner, according to Jewi could use their power. ca). Both these organizations have however, that while the Jews are ahlr " F i r s t , there are about four million pions, and defenders of peace. There an announcement made public here. joined with the ICA (the Jewish coloto finance their co-operatives fron\ The newspaper fiaintigre Najes reJews in the United States and about should be no movement for peace nization agency) to- form the HICEM, their own means it would be necessary one-and-a-half million- in New York •without you Jews, because you "have ports that Pilsudski will go abroad for the government to establish ?<*• which will carry - on the emigration, back of you' this wonderful preachshortly and that he will also visit i City, and yet you do not exercise the work that all three organizations had operative credit systems for th~ Egypt. Directing a joint expedition of the civic power which you. should," said ment of peace." undertaken before. Baltimore.—(J. T. A.)—Early IsraArabs. "Last year we sent 15,000 Jews to elite women put one "over in extreme American School of Oriental Research i Mr. Enssell. "There are notable exSouth America," said' Dr. Kreinin.j st y le ?^ o v e r t h e modern, beauty par- in Jerusalem -and the Pittsburgh ceptions but I speak .of the. general"They must emigrate from Eussia,j l o r s > w o r d i n g to excavations made Xehia Theological Seminary, Dr. Al- ities. You do not t&ke part in civic Poland, Lithuania, and other Eastern' b y D r - - w - ? - Albright, Spence pro- bright said this past summer the ex- life as you ought to. You say: "but countries where their numbers are I f e s s o r o f Semitic languages _t the pedition-reached the rock bottom o f | l am not. desired.' Ah, but you are Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Professor Al- Hitlerites ever gain the upper hand superfluous.. In Poland, there is an Johns' Hopkins university. Dr. Al- ten successive l&yers, each represent- needed. Your place in the world i s Norman S. Fregger, son of Mr. HTUV to uphold righteousness and conquer bert. Einstein, now. on his way to Cali- in Germany. annual emigration of 20,000 Polish bright, who gave an illustrated lec- ing a city. Mrs. J. Fregger of S167 Lincoln Blv*3.., ; oppression. 1 ture, here before the Churchmen's Toys were,discovered in the IsraelHistory would repeat itself if Profornia, may not return to Germany Jews " because" there is not."' room "Second, you have a great cultural hut may take up his residence in some fessor Einstein changes his place of was a member of the Jewish Comenough in the country for their own Club in the Emerespn Hotel, telling of ite period., toy day animals and dogs, munity Center team of Washingtonpeople. So what is to become of the excavations of hidden cities this past rattles and whistles.' . No toys. were mission in this country. The greatest other - country, in the event that the residence from Germany to some D. C, which defe&ted the debaten» discoveredin the. Canaanite layer. . composers and-orchestra leaders are summer at Tell Beit, Mirsim, near Hitlerites, obtain control of Germany, other country in the event that the Jews there ? Jews. In every European capital you it is reported here in circles cogni- Hitlerites get control of Germany,. from Patterson, New Jersey, recer^f ; "While the necessity for emigration Jerusalem, said carved stone palettes in the first debate contest of fh« can go to a concert for twenty cents. zant of Dr. Einstein's plans. Arthur Brisbane writes in his daily \ is greater than ever before, the "means which were employed for pulverizing Middle Atlantic States Federation ir>£ \ How far could you get for twenty column, "Today." "Persecution ofj Replying to-an inquiry from the is smaller, and the field is smaller -minerals to paint women's faces were . | cents at the Metropolitan Opera house Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Dr. Boris Jews drove many of the ablest minds Y. M. H. A. Associations. than even before. rOne by one the unearthed. The Washington team upheld the Due to the fact that the postof- | or Carnegie hall? could get Brutzkus, a leader of the World Ort, from Portugal and Spain, men that These Israelite women, whom the nations close their doors to newcomers fice will be closed next Thursday, J the Jews &roused one could get music close friend-of Dr. Einstein and the could have prevented the Spanish affirmative «£ the question, "Resolvs* prophet Isaiah scorned for their love —hot bnly~to\Tews but'to alPpeoples: r - -----~~*~ " I o f finery, used powdered manganese New Year's, the Jewish Press wfll j as easily as one could get the sun. m_n >who brought the great savant to decline into failure and superstitu- that i t would be advis&ble to. establish • "As low as a university for Jewish students in ; go to print one day earlier again 6 Ber cent of Jew- 1 . : / , , * _ • ^ y e l a s'•-,••,•'* 1' Third, Jews will know. You should London recently for the Ort-Ozet din- tion," Mr. Brisbane says. "Among hes ; ish emigrants fan ',..; to .. accommodate America.*' . those thus driven out were the parents " > ! , • * to'paint bl_etc their eyelashes and eye next week. ' I use your influence to prevent our edu- ner, said that d e report may be true powdered themselves to new surroundings. This b r o w s Fregger is * former international The deadline for all items and catibnal institutions from turning into since Dr. Einstein told him that he of the great Spinoza. At about the eompares favorably to the usual fail- plained Dr. Albright. Haematite clay material for the issue of January 2 I mere training schools, and the stu- would prefer to settle in some quiet same time, the wisdom of Cromwell, debate champion of A. Z. A. H P it welcoming the Jews, helped to build. now -sttendiag~£h&. .Georgetown ^ch^a|. w nre,percentage.^whkhis-_rom 15. to •erred-ochre ?*< |[ ufiztts £rO-Q bcciSCrtLnt tni6ii6^ "CDSfS" xxilesort in .southern France where he the prosperity of England." of Foreign Service.' tarry on his work quietly if the £0, among; trther -peoples." their cheeks, he added. this mad orgy of production. You






_._•-: "*

Important Conclave to Be in Czech-Slovakia February' 24





£i Russell Says American Jews Are Not Using Their Power

Early Israelite Women Ahead

Einstein May Not Return to Germany in Event of Hitlerite Coup d'Etat

Deadline Tuesday!

Fregger Member of Winning Debate Team

L -


JER 2S, 1930

arrangements were made for him to docked, bat jumped from aboard, remain in office for another quin- -while the boat was some half a mile qoenhnn when his term has expired distant and swam to shore? Published every Friday at Omaha, Nebraska, by in order that he continue the policy 1 -. . -• of the White Paper. . j That one of the Rothschilds said SOB JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING .COMPANY' Dwelling upon this uncertainty con-; that if Pulitzer had not become blind, Office: 490 Brandeia Theater Buiiding W. Kraemer, a German production cerning Sir John's, tenure of office, he would have owned pretty nearly Prediction of the future is always a risky and •-Telephone z ATIantic 1450 expert. the Hebrew daily Haaretx states that everything else beside the New York liazardous business. Yet enthusiasts have always >AVin'BLACKER - " - - . - Business and Managing Editor the High Commissioner will leave inj World, but that since his death, the Praise Philanthropy of U. AOKERMAN - - . - - - - - - - - - . Editor been willing to incur the risks and hazards that Ready for Jewish Educational the middle of 1981. sheet has been lagging financially, Budapest Work 'ANNIE KATELMAN. (Council Bluffs, la., Correspoiident are entailed in prophecy. though its sister papers, the Evening for the contribu- Mount Ararat Transferred This bit of historic repetition is conspicuous New York.—A sum approximating oBudapest—Praise World and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ns of SIOUX CITY OFFICE Hungarian Jews to the fath-11 Jerusalem.—Mount Ararat, where are very spry indeed. at the present time in the different Jewish camps $110,000 was subscribed in donations i "edand edand JEWISH (COMMUNITY CENTER—308 Pierce; .Street their ark came t o rest after the *>& / t h i generosity in i jjNoah's N in this country. Champions of-Orthodoxy predict and annual scohlarship contributions,!! 1 1111 **>& at the ninth annual dinner of the Jew- t ^* ^ Christians at hospitals main-jj deluge had ended, is changing hands. that the Orthodox form of Judaism will be the Myron Weiss, associate editor of Subscription Price, one year - - - - - - - - - -r $2.60 Education Association held Sun- tained by Jews was voiced by repre-jThe Persian government is under- Time hails from Cleveland on the Advertising rates furnished on application only type of Judaism to survive in this country. ish sentatives of the government who stood to have agreed to the inclusion Cuyahoga ? day. The affair was attended by visited the hospital of the Leaders of Reform Judaism, on the other hand, nearly 650 persons. of Mount Ararat in Turkish territory Jewish community, which cost $1,600,- in exchange for a strip of Turkish contest this view and claim the future for Reform j o s e p h Leichtman, treasurer of the Attacks Revisionists, Brith 000 to remodel. Jewish leaders pres- land on the southern frontier. This American Judaism, while Conservative leaders stake their Shalom Jewish Congress establishT ent expressed the hope that the prinfaith, on the future of Conservative Judaism. Cleveland. — Terming the Zionist ciple of equality will also prevail in- step is a sequel to the recent K-ur-jed the second largest industrial bank Our own conviction in the matter is that it Revisionists "demagogues," Louis Lip- side of daily life, thus abolishing dif- dish insurrection in that region m the country while still in the early I A few hitherto unknown sidelights in the rewhere the rebels took refuge on thirties? Jnarkable career of Supreme Court Justice Louis is simply a waste of time to worry or to speculate*sky, former president of the Zionist ferences among citizens. Persian soil. Hence Turkey has requested the Persian government to "!>. Brandeis have been brought to light for the'as to the particular form Judaism will assume i a j P 1 * 8 ^ ^ ? ^ *f ..^ff^f* ^J*0* Voices Distrust in Joseph Goldmark, father-in-law of Roumanian Government consent to an exchange of terri- Justice Louis D. Brandeis was the in% lirst time in Norman Hapgood's latest book, "TheJ the future. Neither the past nor the present Bucharest—Distrust of the Mirone- rtories. ventor of the safety match ? |Jbanging Years." Prom that well-known poHtical, warrant a safe prediction, for "we know not T V * " " ^ B r i t h shalon Society of scu cabinet and displeasures with, the Ijhinker's pen, we learn that this eminent seventy-[the day may bring forth." Nor is it even im-| a t a banquet given in "bis honor here government's measures to TTW*"*~ * • A friend of a prominent Jewish fig;, ear-old jurist, who could have the presidency of; portantto know what particular type of Judaism!by the Cleveland Zionist district. anti-Semitism were expressed i s the ure, who demised not so long ago, World Zionist Organization for the asking,!w2iprevail in the future. The all-important thing Refute Charge About Judges Roumanian Parliament by the Jewish consulted a soothsayer, who predicted i'vas favored by the late Dr. Charles W, Eliot,; is that the Jew survives and that the essentials Chicago.—The recent charge by the parliamentary club. Speaking on bethe death of a prominent figure, but By DAVID SCHWARTZ missed the time of its occurrence by president of Harvard University, to be bis suc-j©f the Jewish conception of God and the universe Hitlerite organ in Berlin, the Voel- half of the club, Senator Meyer Eb-i r u fl about nine months? are4 preserved. ritual- Irische Beobachter, that 80 per cent f ner, said that while the Jews apprelessor, and was also largely responsible for the'-"" ~~*°^"- J rThe - finer ~-~ +ltheological —1«-s-«i —and A -I*««I of the judges in Chicago are Jews is date King Carol's honest efforts they istic differences may safely, even carelessly, be /appointment of Herbert Hoover as food' admin-' YOU KNOW THAT? j refuted by figures obtained here,; are displeased with the government's Adolph S. Ochs is a brother-in-law ?/5trator during the World War. j which show that only 13 of the 100 actions in fighting anti-Semitism. of Rabbi Jonah B. Wise? Neither the government nor the wald, thrilled the intelligentsia Hapgood in his opus enhances the great re* makes really very little difference by what partic- j ^ ' T ^ r courts are Jews. hj part of the pect we already had for the keen intellectualjular wing and under what name the survival of Of the four judges on the U. S. «ourts have done their duty, Senator;i Boston in the Judah F. Benjamin was once oflectures on chem- fered a place on the Supreme Court y century J ^ J -iant who is recognized as one of the greatest of j the Jew and philosophy of Jewish life and con- court of appeals bench, one is a Jew. Ebner charged, adding that this fcfl-| istry? ze of the United States but declined? Il American judges. His ability has always been'dilct are strengthened and assured. The Jew of None of three judges of the U. S. ure has created tbe impression that *" ™ the anti-Semitic agitators are above district court of northern Illinois are i^dmitted, but he was handicapped by the fact j two hundred years ago would probably have re- Jews and none of the seven judges of the law while the Jews are outside A grandsire of Dr. Solomon Solis The early Americans christened | Cohen by the name of Reuben Etting, c<hat he scorned the riches offered by "big busi-jjected all i&e designations by which Judaism is the state supreme court azs Jews. the law. more frequently after who fought in the American Revohzless" and fought zealously for his love of the, labeled and/'trademarked" today. Yet the spirit Three of the 20 circuit court judges than Nazis Open Theater units of civilization as opposed to stand- of Judaism in its broad sense is found in all of are Jew's, 3 of the 28 superior court Berlin.—A theater producing noth- British and given the choice of eating ardized bigness. The records still ring with his them. Why, then, should we care what theologi- judges are Jews, 5 of the 36 munici- ing but anti-Semitic plays has been' pork or nothing—just because he was of the Yankees thought that or ritualistic designation will be attached to pal court judges are Jews, the probate opened here by the National Social-' a Jew, and that as a result of bis re- theMany I successful battle against the tentacles of influence: Indians were of the lost tribes of court judge is a Jew and no Jews are ists. The first opus being offered" at^fusal to eat the*' forbidden meat and the New Haven railroad, his, subsequent en-^the Judaism of the future? It is possible, in fact, county court judges, Red Men this theater is a piece called Poison | the malnutrition which ensued, he dein the arena on national railroad questions, ' i t is even reasonable to. suppose, that in the fupigs? Songs, Not Carols Gas 506, depicting the Polish Jew asveloped tuberculosis, from which he "nd his brilliant exposures in the Bellinger affair, fture, to paraphrase an ancient prophecy, it will Chasakah shortly after died ? Denver.—Jewish school children in *a war intr*Mrs. Sholom Aleichem lives in the ^.'resident Wilson was among those mightily im- not, happen that some of our people will inscribe •two public schools in Denver learned Bronx? Jewish Chosen eressed with his grasp of business and economic themselves as Orthodox and others will designate Chanukah songs, instead of Christmas Dr. Joshua Block, chief of tbe JewI Klein, a. local ish Division of the New York Public Questions and with his h'berahsm of thought In- themselves as Conservative and still others will carols. And instead of Christmas Czerr. The Vanguard, independent Jewish oday received werd l i b r a r y f w h o h a g „ „ „ h a d anything s. deed, Justice Brandeis was President Wilson's call themselves by the name of Reform, but all cards, the art classes drew Chanukah Jewish publication, has folded up? carol that he would be from King to do with trade in his life is presifast choice for secretary of commerce, and the will be known as true sons of Israel, the champion greetings. permitted to make a bust of the King. dent of The plan was in effect in two gramof Trade of the Z. Tygel of the Haym Salomon Meappointment was sidetracked only by political people of the one true, living God, and as the mar schools at the Cheltenham and at j Pilsudski t o V i s i t Palestine town of New Hyde Park, Long Ismorial has a suit for every day in jianeuvering and high pressure. friend of all humanity.—Jewish Ledger. Colfax schools, the former having aj Warsaw.—Marshal Joseph Pilsudthe week, but sometimes wears the i! Brandeis's unwillingness to subserve his Jewish enrollment of 98 per cent, and ski, Minister of the War, expects to Wednesday suit on Friday? Stranger than Fiction, Lewis Brown lieals to the interests of the "money powers" althe latter being almost equally di- visit Palestine where he will be the vided between Jewish and non-Jewish guest of Sir John Chancellor, Pales- now has a partner to share his royaljiost led to a rejection in the Senate of his apSeligman, who financed the northpupils. tine High Commissioner, according to wntment to the Supreme Court bench* and it was Walter Winchell, $200,000.00 a year ^ a n ^ r x C r f ™ * " " * ^ Unusual interest was directed to the by-elecan announcement made public here. y after a bitter fight that his confirmation was j t i o n w M c h w a s h e M -m whitechapel last week, Jewish Merchant tne The newspaper Haintige Najes re- columnist at one time sang in "~~ who did the same for the Confederacy, tained. But as the slanders, attacks, and hbels; F o u r ^ ^ c o n t e n d e d f o r t h e v a c a n t s e a t > The -r,. . P ., . J ports that Pilsudski will go abroad choir of Cantor Rosenblatt? were Jewish? '


From Contemporary Pens


WORLD-WIDE United States


By the Way



iiltiplied, so did correspondingly public confi-* Laborite. candidate, James Hall, in o¥der to: meet, a. local department .store,, i ^ ?offered « S to ?! shortly and that he will also visit The name of the same Winchell at ! As-a result of the widespread prac-"' ence in him increase. Yet, as Hapgood states, the profound discontent among the thousands of advance to the city $350,000 to meet Egypt. the time was Lipschutz? tice of the underlings of Nicholas I. thinking out constructive devices to improve Jews in. the district, unreservedly condemned the salaries of the public school te&ch- Austria May Also Bar AD «f Russia of seizing Jewish children e Quiet on Western Front jjr business activities from the standpoint of re- Passfield White Paper. The liberals and t h e - ^ beJh J^^^^S"JZ Vienna*—Austria is city authorities means that 1,500 between. big business and the government, Conservatives, and even the Communist sysfollow in the ^ in pur time has equalled Mr. office> hfised t o a g r e a t e r or'tern will receive their December pay, resourceful leadership, his energy, his Russia? which would otherwise have been de- American talking picture, All Quiet, f l e s s e r d e g rreeee>>, u p Q n t h e P a l e s t i n e 4 u e s t i o i u Lk) yd p ( GG e oorrggee m a d e a vigorous ple %d.his prestige are not only aiding the Jewish( plea for his party. He layed through lack of (public funds. on the Western Front A campaign! Marcel Proust was of quasi-Jewish The father of Bernard Baruch, Dr. In accepting the offer, Mayor Bags- to prevent its showing in Vienna and* ggause but b t are also l benefiting b e f t i n g the country. country He w a s i o i n e d b y g^ H e r b e r t Szran^ Lo rd Me i_ Simon Baruch, was a surgeon in the dale said "never has there been a Other cities of Austria has already j ^presents the great devotion to the peoples m ^ ^ e tion of the t t > o n o t h e r h a n d ) u r g e d t h e eIeC ^presents the great devotion to the peoples m - ^ t t > o n ^ e o t h e r h a n d ) u r g e d t h e eIeCtion of the more generous attitude taken in At- been started by anti-Semitic groups.! A "goy" Henry George, penned one Confederate army and later became Jferest his gift of the first exponents of J=Ununity f e t and d Me hi ift off creative rative thinking thinking about about .Conservative.^ ^It was not surprising that, surHackenreuz societies have called of t h e most brilliant and readable esis helping to shape our destiny.J rrounded therapy ? ounded b y o f f e r s rf f r i e n d s h i p > m& a s by offers rf friendship> m&as are intense- many meetings to protest against the says on Moses which has ever been f is fodi soUcitude U i t d ffor th J i h people, the fly interested in the welfare of the •picture. is widely widely believed believed among among intelligent intelligent lawyers lawyers f founding the Jewish done^—and which you should read? The Mormons regard themselves as t oh questions involving basic community J e w s o f whitechapel should have been somewhat' teachers and other employes of the New Efforts to Vindicate a. branch of the House of Israel and school system "who are "'"""" giving Halsmann tha Rights, a dissent mademade by ^Justice Justice Brandeis or or' t a llo s s as h to t markk their h i bballots, \ ^ i c sch °°1 «•"*-" ^ """ l that Brigham Young once attended » to to how ^ T !fJ L f °T T I their services for the education of Atllolmes, carries more weight in the law schools,! W h e B t h e e}ection r e s u ]ts w e r e announced, Vienna.—New efforts on the part party? I wish to commend courted by. Jed Harris, now rules the b a r among those who are to be the leading law- J a m e s J J ^w a s f o u n d to h a v e m a d e t h e s u c c e s s . of influential legal and scientific cirl 4 * * ^ ^ action in the highest possible in Austria to reopen the case of theater producer, and that when she A well-known figure in the New niers and judges of the next generation, th?n run. The Liberals and the Conservatives were terms. It is a gesture of loyalty un- cles Philip Halsmann, young Jew now first heard of Jed's great success, York journalistic world, who not long \i>.lie official court decision. surpassed in Atlanta." shocked, to say the least* They could not reconserving a four-year prison term for she couldn't believe it was the same ago was accounted as leaning to antia I ' • • - " • cile the tremendous protest against the White To Continue Work Semitism is now wedded to a Jewess patricide, began here. In an endeavor Jed? :i« and now can speak more Yiddish I to prove Halsmann innocence and to BOOMERANGS Paper with the election of a man who represent- Unimpaired Isaac M. Wise, father of reform ed the government which, had issued the White New York. — Jewish centers in show that his trial was biased, a num- Judaism in America was so fed up^.<his J e w i s h Fate has taken a hand in playing a"der Mcable trick" upon the ai^ti-Semites of Canada.!Paper. Actually, of course, the showing made Greater New York-will continue their ber of prominent professors have by his «arly experiences in. America—j activities unimpaired by any excessive taken it upon themselves to examine to the general reactions to his rabbJohannesburg.—The purchase of Politicians, led by Camillien Houde, mayor^>f {by Hall was nothing on which the Labor Govern- curtailment due to economic depres- the grounds on which Halsmann was inical views, that he took up the study 15,000 dunams of land in the Sharon =? tontreal, anxious to again rule Canada, decided ment could congratulate itself. The other candi- sion, and will devote themselves un- convicted. Valley of Palestine in the name of «"» j»at the shortest route to the purple was via anti- dates secured a total of almost twice the number qualifiedly to relieving unemployment PrSTsigmund Prof. Signrand Freud, Freud, i n t e r s £ South African Jewry became possible me i»nitismf virulent anti-Semitism of the Le Goglu obtained by Hall. It was unfortunate for the lib- distress among their own member- himself in the case for the first time,t when it was announced that the ype. The Montreal mayor showed the way at a erals and the Conservatives that each had to ships, it was decided at the fifth an- criticizes the psychoanalytic elements A well-known "bootlegger" who Jewish National Fund campaign here the verdict The Austrian indiciary lonster public meeting by "deriding and attacking introduce their own candidate. Otherwise Hall's nual convention of tbe Metropolitan'! in was recently sentenced to prison for,had raised an amount exceeding that League of Jewish Community Asso- has thus far shown no signs of sup- publishing the forbidden is out again; raised in last year's " " ' ~ le Jewish people, telling them to go back to slim margin would have been cut so deeply that ciations. drive. The porting the movement but well-in_ _ _ _ _ of — the _„-_ drive „».„. „ is . „ lstid t o ui& J jalestine and endorsing a cry from the audience he would never have been elected. formed circles are of the opinion that and has just ~gotten out a so-called!_success to Commission expurgated edition of an extremely [tremendous enthusiasm of the various the case will be reopened soon. j jiat they go to Hades. The Poale Zion leaders in Whitechapel are Named naughty work? nsHiofctv but hnt. highly M<rMv literary litprarv worV? Jewish communities despite the New Haven, Conn.'—Two of the The cry was taken, up by the mayoralty candi- happy that the Laborite won. They are in hopes leading members of the Jewish com-j Hungarian W a r Chief Quits financial depression and the effect of xtes of Windsor, Ontario, the important; Canad- that the party chiefs will recognize the valiant munity have been appointed to im- Budapest.—Julius Goemboes, Hun- The aforesaid individual was at one the White Paper. |n industrial center bordering on Detroit. David efforts which they made for the government portant municipal commissions by garian minister of war, is to resign j time regarded as one of the two or laron Croll, a thirty-year-old Jewish barrister, candidate, and that the Cabinet will in turn, show Mayor Thomas A. Tully, Joseph H.'shortly, being piqued at Chancellor three most promising poets in AmerUUman, brother of the late Col. Isaac' Bethlen's failure to support him more cia? [as in the race, and his opponents pleaded withjitsVappreciation by way of the elimination of the M. and Major Louis M. 1111-1 strongly in the recent uproar over the constituents not to elect a Jew mayor of a( policies of the Passfield White Paper. The op- man,Ullman Not that it matters, the Jewish has been appointed to the board' minister's statement that Jews could All I have been, you are ristian community. It became an issue; Chris- timism of the Jewish Laborites is refreshing. We of fire commissioners, succeeding not be admitted to the Hungarian Or- population of Philadelphia in 1857 All that you are, I am. an pulpits heard this plea, as did radio audiences. hope that it may be justified.—New Palestine. President John T. Sloan, and Alexan- der of Heroes. After his resignation was 5,000? How looks your, arc-light there der Cahan has been named to the it is reported that Goemboes will reOn the day of judgment the anti-Semites obAgainst that dim-eyed star ? There would probably be a wholeS sume the leadership of the Hungarian jined their just reward. .Croll was elected mayor As we advance in years, we should be making board of education. sale slaughter of the staffs of some [ anti-Semitic party. I see the East aflame-* f Windsor, the first large city in Canada to elect an increasing number of genuine friendship conof the Yiddish dailies to meet the Our Temple burng there still. Other Countries 1! Jews Face Deportation hard times but the Jewish press union Jew to the chief executive's chair, and he is, j tacts, growing in our capacity to love all beings, | Paris.—Hundreds of Polish Jews "no let?" And these are but the sparks, ier, the youngest man to ever be elected gaining an increasing measure of responsibility to now resident in France will be deThese great lights that you claim Aids Needy Jews ayor of a Canadian city. His opponents eagerly all of life, and working with the eye of service to- Kehillah ported as a result of a disclosure that Babbette Deutsch, poetess, is d Berlin.—The board of the Berlin •oadcast that Croll was born near Mosow, Rus- wards all lives, in the field permanent values. Jewish community appropriated 700,- an international swindlers organiza- wife of Avram Yarmolinsky, chief of You have lain with me and these, Your children are mine too. A "multitude of sins" were added to the 000 marks for the immediate relief of tion has been supplying false foreign the Russian division of the New York cards to aliens desiringr t© Instead of conquering me, ijor one—his Jewishness—for which many library? Some folks count their age as of the body. needy Jews. Hundreds of Jewish identity settle in France. The swindlers opYou have my blood in you. families have applied for aid and have gone down in defeat. But to the The wise count their age as, of the soul, and that —Joseph Leftwich. without this grant from the Jewish erated chiefly among Jews from PoThe Henry Clay family was interedit of Ontario, to the credit of humanity, Wind- is always in terms of eternal youthfulness—eter- community would be ejected from land and Russia, providing their vic- married with the Gratz family of • emerged above prejudice. The anti-Semites nal fullness. their homes for failure to pay rent tims with cards now shown to have Philadelphia? Boston.—Morris T. Shaffer of Bosbeen counterfeit. long in arrears. id led the disparagement of Croll have had their ton, a student in the Massachusetts Reflex Dr. Melammed is one of the Institute of Technology, is one of the ii pofeoh forced down their throats. The racial When we count the cost of hurry, physically, Talking Film of Dreyfus Case Hear High Commissioner few contemporary Jews, whose books few Jewish boys named a Rhodes to Quifr d religious tolerance of thinking people demon- psychologically and financially we gradually try London.—The famous Dreyfus Afare officially listed as forbidden on Scholar for 1930. Thirty-three stuiated what they thought of such tactics—tactics to overcome it, if Common Sense is one of our fair is to be made into a talking pic- Jerusalem.—According to persistent the index Expurgatorus dents from various sections of the of Kome ? ture, according to an announcement rumors Sir John Chancellor, High ft were meant to defeat a Jewish immigrant, active lieutenants. country were selected for this high Commissioner of Palestine, will leave by the British International Pictures. scholastic honor. Shaffer is the only When Joseph Pulitzer, founder of j which reacted as a boomerang—as all preIt is to be filmed in the Elstree Stud- his office when his term expires in 1931. Amerifrom Massachusetts selected wm ^ directed by Maton 1931. Other rumors have it that when the New York World came to Amen student fi Each added Step in humility unto all beings ill-will and narrow-minded bigotry always ioSf directed by Milton extends the area of the Divine life tnrough you. i



The Jew


PAGE 3—THE JEWISH' PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER" 26, 1930 week in Missouri Valley, la.; visiting ; with her Uncle and aunt, Mr. and f MrsVBavid" Kaplan." '

twice this price. These suppers are very interesting program, including ployment, i s announced for January not intended as money-raising affairs educational, social, and recreational 26-27, 1931, at the Hamilton Hotel, in by the Auxiliary but are for social ideas, has been arranged for the year. Washington, D.X., by the Social Jusand get-together purposes only, for All boys 13 or over are eligible to tice Committee of the Central ConMiss Sadie- Shulldn of Sioux City,* members, their children and friends. belong, without regard to previous ference of American Rabbis, the Sois- visiting with, friends and relatives . Council of Jewish Women Rabbi- David A. Goldstein announces Talmud Tbrah education. Their pro- cial Service Commission of the Fedh e r e . ". . - . . - • • ."..." . . . - : • that a yeryvintgresting program will gram not only calls for a higher study eral Council of the Churches of Christ The Decem]ber meeting of the be held at each "of these suppers,' of the "Bible" but also debates, enter- in America, and the Social Action DeCouncil of Jewish Women will be held . Mr. Richard Gutetad*.: ^rector. of M(mda ^ December 29 £ ^ ^ ^ these programs to be finished by 8 tainments and recreational activities in partment of the National Catholic o'clock. - .However,- those wishing to the gym. Prominent speakers will Welfare Conference. ^ Center.- : v j also be obtained. do &o hisyj'reftiain The General Committee in,.charge 4- Gold A teil V of the Con-'~ "Mrs. -Abirie'r Kaiman, Glendale 2488, ) » !Tuesday on his^return i)enn - \ of the conference includes prominent v e r / V o e r e h e addressed a n A . Z. A . ^ r v ^ ! y e . S y n a ? 0 & U € : T " 1 * * ' P ? " A S Mrs. B. A. Simon, Glendale 1028, or Hatiah Jewish, Protestant, »nd Catholic lead, Moderns See It". This is Dr. program" Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Alherts, Harney 3428 may ers. Prominent among the reprei Goldstein's first appearance before the be' called for reservations for any of A meeting of the Hatiah club of the tCE—Please mail all so- school entertained a t a formal dance Talmud To rah was held Sunday &t the sentatives of the Social Justice ComCoundl of **»'*& Women. these suppers and members are urged J. C. C. A committee chosen to draft mittee of the Central Conference of ems for next week's Press in t h e ball "room o f t h e Fontenelle i Mr. and Mrs. David Kaplan of MisThe Board Meeting will be held at to attend ssid make reservations Valley, have as their houseto 4*)0 Brandeis Theater Bldg^'or Hotel Monday evening. ' R a n d a l l ' s . a constitution include Daniel Miller, American Rabbis are Professor Jacob phone'them to At. 1450 before 5 Royal orchestra played: f o r &bbut^>ne ? u e s t » M r * . K&plan's sister, M r s . i:aw preceding t h e business meeting, early. Sol Dorinson and Ethel Resnick, with H. Hollander, Rabbi Julian Feibelman, The Council's circulating library a t i>. m. Tuesday, December 30, as hundred couples I Mdttia Harriet Willahs, o f N e w , York Bernard White alternate. Isadore Maurice Bisgyer, Edmund I. Kauft n e Blackstone Hotel will open shortly City. She i s being extensively, enterwe will go to press one day early. Chanukah Seudah man, Rabbi Abram Simon, and Rabbi Mittlemc<n spoke on "Chanukah." after t h e first o f t h e year. M r s . I. tained. ORATORICAL WINNER; Seventy-five children of the mem- ' The group sponsored a party at theEdward L. Israel. Rabbi Israel's ",— (D. Weiss' will be in charge.- If youbers of the Conservative Synagogue Talmud Torah Tuesday. Mr. J. Wolf- name appears on the Executive Board RECEPTION Miss Marjorie Frieden of Gmaha, Alpha Tan 'have any new books which you will were guests of the Ladies' Auxiliary son, sponsor, spoke on the Hasholah f the Conference with two others, Mr. a m . llMrs. A . Blumenthal g a v e a w h o i s spending t h e winter i n E l Paso, o One of the group's most outstand.give "to us please notify Mrs. Weiss, at a Chanukah Seudah which took . period of Hebrew literature. reception a t their home "yesterday T e x a s , w a s winner o f first place i n James Myers, Industrial Secretary of i r o m 3 until 5 o'clock in t h e after- a n oratory" contest held there. " S h e re- ing events this year was the initia- Walnut 8157. Please give us your place te*~t Saturday afternoon at the the Federal Council of Churches .of noon a n d 7 until 10 o'clock in t h e ceived $ 5 0 in gold for "her delivery o f tion of the pledgees to the Alpha Tau magazine subscriptions anil help the Jewish Community Center. Christ of America, and Rev. R. A. evening in honor of the engagement "Citizenship." She is attending the Sorority held" Saturday at the home scholarship fund, Rabbi Goldstein entertained the McGow&n, Assistant Director of the of Ann Gitnick, president of the or-! Mrs. Wm. Holzrhan, who is in children with humorous stories, and of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. Mor-El Paso* School for Girls. V Social Action Department of the Na7 ^ Brick. Miss Frieden is the daughter of ganization: The pledgees included charge of the :Department of "Service the rest of the afternoon was spent in tional Catholic Welfare Conference. Blanche • Bin- f for Foreign Born" is making a plea competitive A conference on "Permanent Pregames, prizes being Mr. and Mrs. M. Frieden of this city, the following girls: stein, Lillian Koom, Ida Greenbaum, for clothing for Ellis Island. If you awarded the winners. Ice cream and ventives of Unemployment," intended FOR BRIDE-TO-BE who are visiting friends in Los AnAs a rule most of 'is would rather Ruth Resnick, Beulah Belzer, Marion have any • worn garments for these cake were served, and at the conclus- "to focus the conscience of a nation" A number of affairs are being given geles at present.' ' Monovitz, Zelda Charney, Rosalie unfortunate people please notify Mrs ion of the program each child was upon the recurring tragedy of unem- be admired than respected. complimentary to Miss Marie- Klein, Rosenberg and Ruth Richman. I Holzman. Harney 0945 and' she will given a box of c&ndy. who will become the bride of Louis THEATER PARTY AND SUPPER Elewitz on January 5V The"' Misses ' the" Henrietta" Szold club enter- -; The initiations lasted—throughout collect- -them end see.-that they are Mrs. David Sherman, assisted by the members of her Religious ComTobye Steinberg and Dorothy Weiner tained at a theater party at the World the night. They consisted of various.' sent to Ellis Island. mittee, had charge of the affair. gave a luncheon at the Blackstone Theater Friday, followed by a supper. clever yet difficult stunts. Lipht re-, freshments were served at 2 a. m.' Hadassah Hotel yesterday in "_her_ honor, and* Breakfast wr<3 served at 6 in the Mrs. Simon Burger entertained at" AT PLAYHOUSE : The next monthly meeting of the Pioneer Women's Club morning. Omaha • chapter of Hadassah will be 16th and Farnam dinner at her home yesterday evening. | -The- Community Playhouse . had The Pioneer Women's Club is maks p o n s o r e d b y Mra Mrs. Sam Elewitz, mother of < the' seventy-five children of the J. C. C. This - held on Wedne«lay, December 31. at k ing arrangements to bring Madam the J. C. C. An elaborate program, Hannah Chizik to Omaha. She regroom, will honor the >roung, couple Sunday School .as their- guests at a Samuel Gerson. I under the management of Mrs. Her-cently arrived in New York ami is jointly with Miss Freda Adler and performance of their marionette show, a ' man J&hr, h a s been arranged. Isidor Elewitz, who will be wed Jan- I when "Pinocchio" was presented known as the mother of the Pioneer r zed R The newly -i , S E ™ " N a club; M r . A h e S a l t z m a n - w i l l speak on Girls in Palestine. The date of her uary 20," when she entertains at bridge day afternoon. . _-. .. Miss at her home Sunday for twenty-five A special chartered c a r w a s furn- held, a debate last Sunday a t Temple , « jj uu dd aa ii ss mm ^ ^&ad Motherhoo.1." Motnerhoo.1. Miss arriv&l in Omaha will be "announced, guests. - ' " " •' ished b y t h e Omaha and Council Iserael on the .question: Resolve^l, that] shiriey Janoff wfll render several vo- later. i piano numbers will Miss Freda Adler was hostess a t a Bluffs^ Street Railway Company t o the Chahr^ore is Detnmentel to the ^ ^deitlbift,-and ^ - e n b -M s g M £ ^ a r e t B u r w i t z . bridge party at her home in Miss take t h e children, t o and • from t h e American People. - ••_ - ^ Degel Yehudah Morton Adler^nd Ernest Pnesman m h e r i n t e r e s t i n g f e a t u r e s w i U ^ o n Klein's honor last Thursday. Playhouse. The Degel Yehudah Club, has been; upheld the affirmative against Joe. ^ e p r 0 J ? r a n u reorganized and the first meeting of Chemiss and Paul Frumkin; The This ^ n be an open meeting and the- group as-reorganized will .be held ENTERTAINS * " RECUPERATING .' • •. judge, Mr. M a x Fromkin, decided in 1 Mr. J. M. Baker left Sundry mornMr. Nate Simon, of the Table your friend3 are invited. Monday evening at the J. C. C. A ing for a four weeks visit in Califor- ply, who has been seriously ill for the favor o f t h e affirmative. T h e organization will hold a N e w n i a and points along t h e Pacific coast. past two weeks,- is convalescing at Conservative Auxiliary Mrs. B a k e r entertained^ in h i s honor h i s home. , g e a r ' s theater party &t t h e Brandeis,, The- Ladies' Auxiliary of the Cont o : b e followed by a dance &t the' " at' a dinner Saturday evening for I •—r, ... servative Synagogue announces that home 'of Miss Una Gross. twenty-five guests. T h e evening w a s [ M r . Moje Bercovieu.ia. recuperating beginning-Tuesday, January 6, at 6 s p e n t in playing- bridge, prizes being- a t the Lord Lister hospital,-where h e on the first Tuesday of FOR YOUR ^ . . Jecomter Campfire Girls _ won b y Mrs. J . P . Crounse, Mrs. Dave t underwent .an-xjspendectomy.-;. thereafter, they will serve This group., is -planninga "kid OFEXPENSIVE Baben, Mrs. S. Okun, Mrs.' H . "Wohlsupper at the Jewish Com" party" to be held at the home of Miss ner, a n d Mrs. Rosen. "or members and their Pearl Monsky Saturday evening, DeOn Saturday afternoon Mrs. Baker - Mr. and Mrs. Maurice- Einbinder cember" 27. New members will be entertained in honor o f t h e eighth and Mrs! H a r r y Novey- and s o n , o f Although- the price of this supper initiated at this affair. birthday of h e r daughter, Lillian, | Chicago, have motored t o Omaha to will be the nominal sum of 60c for , The group is also planning a count w e n t y - t w o children being present. spend.the holidays with Mr. and M r s . adults and 30c for children, the comcil-fire. New members are now mak16th and Howard Krizehnan a n d - family. * Mrs. E i n mittees in charge announce that they ing their head bands. binder, formerly of Omaha, w a s Miss BIRTH will, serve a home-cooied meal worth . ;Mr. and .Mrs,'Ben Schall announce Freda' Nbvey. the .birth of a son at the Emanuel hospital. Mr. Ben Kazlowsky left Monday Center evening for Montreal where he will attend the convention of the Pi LambCHANUKAH PARTY Los-Angeles.—(J. T..A,)—Complete ' The Junior Hadassah sponsored a da* Phi fraternity as delegate from Jhe furnishings' and equipment for»,the !reighton university chapter. En Chznukah party "at • the J. C. C. last building'at Xos Angeles Sanatorium Thursday evening. An -inexpensive route' he will visit various "points in Sam and Milton Warner Memorial gift was each girl's admission ticket, the East and in Canada. gift of the Warner family; which has the presents being exchanged by will- be provided through the latest The Misses Ida .and Dorothy Lustmeans of • a "grab box." Entertain^contributed generously to the imment, dancing and refreshments jgarten are visiting -here ./ for, two AT HARNEY ST. igrovement of this national institution weeks with their -parents,' Mr. and helped make-the affair enjoyable. in recent years; Mrs.. Benjamin Lustgarien. , Dorothy: has been studying violin iir New; York „ A fluoroscope x-ray apparatus card-, ENTERTAIN Among-those--who -entertained • dur- and Ida- has been studying; piano in iograph, full equipment for" physio-;,' . -* -•• therapy, complete furnishings for the; ing the past week for Miss Anne Kai- Chicago; medical'- offices and : clinics and all ; man, a bride-to-be, "wereMts.- Henry Miss Pe&rl Sherman, senior at the other necessary equipment and apSolig and Mrs. pave.Denenberg. Mrs. University of Nebraska, is spending paratus are-included in - this gift. Solig entertained £* a linen shower at her home, and Mrs. Denenberg fav- the holidays with Mr. and .Mrs. Meyer ored Miss Kaiman at a luncheon and Rachofsky of Dallas,-Texas. bridge at the P&xton Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J&cobs spent the last week-end in. Sioux City, where they CHANUKAH SEUDAH The members of the Adass Yeshurin attendedi the- opiening v^of the new synagogue gave a Chanukah Seudah Warrior Hotel Saturday. —CAM for Rabbi N. Feldman Sunday- eveMrs. Samuel G. Saltzman and son, ning, seventy-five attending. The rabbi spoke on "Chanukah," after which M&rvin, have returned from' Los Anthe congregation presented him,with geles, where they visited with Mrs. HArney 7545 $200 as a gift. Saltzman's mother, Mrs. Sam Adler. ', Because The. committee- in charge - included "Your Laundry is-Our Business'* 3rd Floor Esther Silverman, daughter of Mr. M. Wintroub, A. Kirshenbaum, Joe and Mrs. D. Silverman, is spending a Ban, and Meyer Kirshenbaum. •

Organizarion News

To Hold Conference About Unemployment

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Jewelry Needs

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DANCES - About twenty-five Omahans are planning to attend, the dance to be given Sunday at Sioux'City by the Sioux City A. Z. A. A bus is being chartered for the trip. The U. T. sorority of Central High

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e Jew



I visited the Jewish section in Europe. I saw people, whoby some happy accident were the guests of American tourists in the Warsaw restaurants, wrap up the leavings on their plates to take home to their children. Whenever I hear American wails about economic depression I think of that sight. Our situation is as in a Garden of Eden by contrast.

Paris.—(. T. A.) •— Anti-Semitism among French university students, hitherto unknown in modern France, is reported today from the university One Jewish Child of Every Five town of Tours. The students' genin Poland Has Tub' eral organization decided to tax the erculosis We Need Their Spiritual Values so-called foreigners one franc for din"And I saw, too, the great religious New York.—One out of every five ner in the students' hostel. The Jewzeal of the Jewish youth, who despite ish students, -who number 120 out ofJewish schoolchildren in Poland have their hunger are such earnest students 300 members of the association, de- tuberculosis, declares Rabbi Ferdinaoid in the Rabbinical academies in Warcided to resign and form a separate M. Isserman, of Temple Israel, St. saw. I was thrilled by that sight, and union. Louis, in a report which he has just was filled with admiration for their , This is the direct result of a grow- submitted to the national officers of devotion to Torah and Judaism. We ing anti-Semitism among tiie students the Allied Jewish Campaign of his ob- are sending money to them, but they "who for some time now have refused servations during a recent visit to that are sending Rabbis to us. We are to lend text-books to Jewish students, country. sending food for their bodies; they are "Appallingly large as is this pro- returning our gift, by sending food for or work with them in the laboratory. Under pressure of the . students a portion of doomed Jewish children in our souls. Polish Jewry must be number of boarding houses have re- Poland, it would be much larger except for the efforts of the TOZ, the I tested t o Giecontrelled impatience of fused to accept Jewish boarders. suffering great health organization which has' his artist-nerves. it also because The agitation is led by a professor been set up in that country by the! i spiritual values and Jewish loyalties in the school of medicine, Dr. Bosc, Joint Distribution Committee with Discusses Zionism •which Polish Jewry possesses. He ended,. "And in the case of. our ^ ° ^ ! ^ n t ! y , p u W i f e J d m a r t i c l e * funds supplied by the Jews of this JewisKpeople, there is something e k e . P ^ ™ e d i c a l J d a r n a l ^™a.nduig that country," Habbi Isserman says in his There is. a quality that we feel, but e university bar the "crows of the report. "So efficient is the work of CARD SIGNS MKTAL SIGNS By MEYER LEVIN -which cannot be defined." He stop- .Danube." The dean of the medical this organization in combatting tuber- j ranmro SIGNS school, Professor Guillaume has been culosis, trachoma and other infections' ihen, amidst the flood of requests ped. Again he thought. And sud-constantly attacked by the reactionary When the great scientist Albert diseases among the Jewish population. Einstein reached America, •'he was that came to him on the boat, he denly he dropped the whole formality students for refusing to introduce a Cloth and Paper Banners that the Polish Government has had overwhelmed by reporter?, flooded of his manner. He turned, and said found a telegram from the Avukah, OFFICE WIKIUMV \ S O with requests for interviews, almost to take official, even if grudging cogquite casually, like a Jew, "That's it. a small organization, the Student TKCCK VKTTKRVS4i overcome by the plethora of invitanizance of its efforts, and to contribYou caa't put it into words. You feel 1405 Harney JA. 5277 Zionist organization of America. tions. In all three cases lie showed ute toward its maintenance." himself first andioremost a JmolTHs To them. Prof. Einstein felt, he had it." The Jew had defeated the scienfirst statement was under 1the ausm» Czaristic Disabilities Stand something to say. They were stu- tist. spices-of Avukah. Hisfirst interviewNEW AND OLD dents, he likes to greet students. They Then he discussed Zionism. "I think Dr. Isserman describes the Jewish was to. the Jewish T'elegraphic Agency. His first guests were reprewere Zionists; he too is a Zionist. To* that the greatest value of Zionism is * situation in Poland as "tragic" in his NATIONAL sentatives of the Jewish; National the amazement of all America, he in this," he said: "It builds up again report in which he says among other Sellable Repairing Fund and the Zionist; Organization of ACCESSORIES, INC. cabled back that his greeting to the self-respect of the Jew. That, things: "Although the Jews have America. Veritably, Einstein, -the N. C. NIELSEN America would be delivered over the self-respect has been weakened byl 'Everything for the Auto" feic!—EDITOR. 1 " ft North 16th_. ...JA. 5880 ? fought for Polish freedom, the Polish radio through Avukah! various forces active in the world tb-| Government, after all these years, has 2601 Farnam—AT. R&24 A Jewish man, not tall, with a great Of all organizations that thronged day. Through Zionism, a new Jewish' thus far failed to remove the disabilg g day. Throgh Z massive he*d surmounted by a vioities placed upon them by the Czaristo him o n his arrival, be offered to1( solidarity is felt.' linist's crop of upstanding white hair; tic regime when the republic was still accept delegations from the Zionist In this way, Prof. Einstein arrives j with poetic brown eyes thattedthe a part of the Russian Empire. Premier Organization of America and from at bis Jewish. philosophy. The Jew, 1 CHARLES SIMON characteristic Jewish way of - sinking Foster Home desired for 2 Pilsudsky, though in his youth a friend the Jewish National Fund. UiTommenfls self as a having once realized himself Jewish children. Seasonable far back into reflective abstrution, of the Jews has as yet refrained from The Sanitary Laundry member human rates will be paid to qualified tied to of a group, uou I*/, Psychologic Effect sat discussing what seemed to him doing anything to mitig&te the dishomes. The Best or All Laundry Service" group by a common historic past, t for. the time being to be the supreme Prof. Einstein's vigorous activity in criminations from which they suffer 2815 problem: the problem of the relation the Jewish world has had a rremarke a k j by certain psychic traits, and by a, Apply: Jewish Welfare FederaFarnam so atrociously. Not only is it exceed- -{ tion, 101 No. 20 St., Omaha of. the individual Jew to his racial able psychologic effect on Jews, and common moral code, most so regulate ingly difficult for Jewish individuals ' background. certainly on non-Jews. It has wonhis behavior as to express, in the to get credits in Poland, but even the \ him the respect of the entire world, furthest possible way, his relationship An hour earlier two reporters, had bank, which the Joint Distrbiution and it has also won him a little un- to bis group. "Every one must find stood in the swarm of reporters who For 50 Years Committee has set up there for the his own way of expression," he said, j pleasantness on the part of the Hitler swept out to the "attack." A re-enYour Towel Man 2808-10 purpose of supplying credits to the "For me, there are two ways. The anti-Semitic party in Germany. forcement of cameramen, and a barCursing S t Jewish co-operatives gets very little first is for the individual to take part Omaha Towel Supply Co. rage-division of movie-photographers But this does not concern him. HA 0881 assistance from the other banks of the with his fellows, working together to, Stands the Ordeal 209 So. 11th St. JA. 0528 were behind the mass of reporters. A "Hitler is living on the empty stomcountry. develop a full understanding of Judhalf-dozen sob-sisters attested to the The swarm of newspapermen had ach of Germany," said Professor Ein"I saw the utter hopelessness of ( aism. The second, is for the individfact that this was an extraordinary come and gone. Einstein had faced stein on his arrival in America. "As thousands of fine, decent people when ual to try to make secure, and to betevent; a chqsen-among-the-chosen the ordeal with surprising good hu- soon as the stomach is filled. Hitler ter, the moral good of the group." BT.VJ.MASTKR &BRBKR celebrity was to be greeted by Amer- mor. He had allowed the photog- will have no more reason for exist030 Omaha National ttank Bide.. Omaha ica. The two reporters debated. One raphers to wheel him around. He had ence." "At Home" a§ a Jew PROBATE NOTICE In thp Midter of the Jistate of John . had it that Lindbergh was better bantered the reporters, made quick But these, too, were only practical with this philosophy, Crawford. I>ecp.nse<l. J clever remarks, for the sob-sisters, and thoughts, related to the everyday stein's open, sample avowed Judaism J known than Einstein. Noticp is h«»rphy sriven: That lite crffl-1 itors of said <!<>ceasp<l will itu'et the nilJ 1107 Howard—J A. 0288 '"In America, maybe. But you take shown no hint of losing his temper world. Prof. Einstein's deeper rela-1 becomes readily understood. He is rhone ATlantlc 3739 ministratrix of siiiil estate, before me, i County Jtule* of Donarlns County, NeI RIOVING — STORAGE — it all around, Einstein gets the when asked foolish "scientific ques- tion to Judaism is, with him, a matter utterly "at home" as a Jew, and, hav209 South tatb St. Boom 216 braskn, nr the Co«ntj- Cmrt lloora. in snid tions." True, for a moment he hadfor abstract thought, and for phil- ing no further questioning on that PIANO MOVING County, on the 20th day of February, 3031. medal." and on the 2Mb dn.v of April. 1031. at 0 betrayed himself. He had said, in an osophical thought. When he discussed 1 part of himself, has no self-consciouso'clock A. M. each day, for the purpose of aside to his assistant. "Mein Gott! it, he assumed that slow, word-by-. ness of his "Jewishness." presentins their claims for examination, Most Respected LARGEST STOCK i mljuntment nni1 nilownnce. Three months They decided that Einstein was theThey are like wolves, they will not word way of thinking that must be are nllowed for the creditors to pre»ent 1 IN WEST In speaking of American Jewry, their claims, from the 17th day ot Janbest known, and the most respected go away until,they have taken a bite characteristic of his mathematical • nary. 1031. Prof. Einstein said, "They are an imQuick Shipments BRYCB CRAWFO11P. man on earth. Then one said: "Why out of my flesh!" FURNACE research. He may be called three portant factor,in world-Jewry. EcoOur Hohby for 12-20-30—3t County Judge. nobody knows anything about his B O ; L F I 45 Years J. L. KRAGE. Proprietor And he was finally allowed to gettimes to lunch. But he is on the track nomically, they.are the strongest part] work. Only the furthest advanced of OMAHA STOVE of an idea, and he stays in his place back to his cabin. Then he consent.TACK W. MAKER, Attorney at l o w of our group. Politically, they have "NEW FOR OLD" REPAIR WORKS scientists. understand his theories. Court House ed to the first calm interview to beuntil he has realized his thought. suffered less in the last ten years than 1206-8 Douglas Street 1619 Farnam St—AT. 8481 Why ' do people worship him when NOTICE OF AMKNnjIENT TO THE ARgranted on his. coming to America. Forces at Work any part of our group." Spiritually? TICLES OF IXCORPOKATIOS OF THE they don't know what he has done?" ATLAS ACCI1>E>T AND HEALTH ASAnd it is significant that the interHe was asked to define the forces Of that he would not speak. SOCIATION. The other said, "That's just why." view was granted to a Jewish Agency, Notice is hereby given that at a special Somehow the magnitude of a manand that the problem was a problem that should keep a modern Jew at one And then, Frau Einstein finally meeting of the imlicyboUlers of the A tin 8 Courtesy Service penetrates to veils of mystery. The of Jewish life. Hundreds of requests "with his race, since the powerful won him to lunch. She too, is a char-'; Accident nntl Health Assoi-intion. held on the Sth clay of December. 1830. pursuant to THULL PHARMACY mass public identifies a field with a for interviews on science, on politics, agencies of the forms of orthodox re- acteristically Jewish woman. She is6 due and proper notice as provided in and liy the Articles of Incorporation nnd by name.; Science has come to take the on art, on Germany, on America, were ligion are no. longer everywhere felt. the manager of everything from her 24th and Seward JOB FOUNDRY laTr. and npprovti! of the Bonrd of Directors "Every human group is kept to- husband's meals to his bank book.! place of religion and of magic. It isbeing made. The man chose that Im charge of Reei«trrrd Pharmacist of the said Atlas Accident nnd Health AsAND MACHINE WORK sociation having lieen eiven thereto, nnd gether fundamentally because of a When reporters asked whether he had the all-powerful. And the mass has TeL WE. 2000—Free delivery REINFORCING STEEL approval of the Department of Trade and which he felt concerned him. He was body of tradition shared by all itsbrought his violin along on the boat, Commerce. Birreau of Insurance of the room for only one name for each field a Jew. He had something to say State of Nebraska •» such proposed nmendmembers, and through the observance, it was Frau Elsa who said, "No, beo f thought. Flying means Lindraent hnvine first been obtained; the folabout being a Jew, and on that sub- of a common way of life," he said.' cause the heat around the Panama lowing articles were amended as follows: bergh. Science means Einstein. Thus Article 1. "The name of the Corporation "The existence of a common blood! Canal would destroy the violin." identified as the ruler of that wide ject he was willing to speak. Is "ATLAS INSURANCE COMPANY." Article VIII. "The cOmpanv'B corporate, WILLIAM BKYDEN CO. mystic universe, he becomes a god,;Relation to Judaism may be a strong factor in the preser-1 Practical and sensible in such things \ sent shall «_-ontnln tUe -words. "ATI.AK. INThird Ave. and 11th Street SURANCE COMPANY. OMAHA. NEBRASand more a god because his ways are : Einstein's complete^ simple and vation of the unity of the group, as and widely understanding in all other"j Phones: 89 and 519 KA." surrounding the words, "CORPORunknown. • '_ frank relation, to Judaism was evi-it i s among our Jewish people, but 1 things, she -knows in what groups her COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA ATLAS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH ASAn hour later this man Einstein dent i n another way in his coming, there may be a strong national unity • husband will be interested. She talks SOCIATION. 638 Securities Bldg.—AT. 4451 I with him of Jewish needs, Jewish orBy JOHN A, FAttttKB. President, was sitting., with two representatives to America.- Innumerable agencies without blood-unity." H. P. KAKBElt, Secretary. of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, had cabled requests, for him to ad- The American, he pointed out, was! ganizations, Jewish appeals, Jewish Witness: Anna Blank. 1 T—12-12-30 while his wife/ a nice Jewish-woman, dress them, radio companies had tried a national type, though a mixture of movements, much as a Jewish houseIRVIX C. I.EVIN. Attorney. wife would discuss the affairs of the kept reminding him that i t was time to get him to speak, publisher's many bloods. SOI Electric BnlMtne congregation with her husband. In to eat. ••-•..•••;•.. • V . { : agents had flocked to him. KOTICK He looked into the fire-place, where LnpicUu. PresidentXreaa. appearance, she is what one recogOF IWCOKrOltATJOTf •«•" COR»WP8MS» AND a coal fire glowed. As "he gave himAMU8K9CK3rr COMPANY, INC. nizes at once as "sympathetic" She Notice 1« hereby iflven that the nnilerself over to reflection, the muscles in Mgned hn*e- associated theo»et*e8 -together his cheeks seemed to taughten, and is short, no longer slim of course. Her and base- orBanixed a corporation under hair is straight and gray. Her clothes th« Laws of the State of Nebraska. The for the first time his face lost the AT ALL GROCERS . -name of this corporation la "CornhuBker are quite simple. .: Amusement Inc." That the air of rubicund joviality that it gives .)OPKR CONSTRUCTION CO COMPLETE STORE AND 2 principal idaceCompany, of transact!** Jts IwaineM Made by Herr and Frau Einstein are a good on first impression. It looked warm. OFFICE OUTFITTERS 5 shafl 1»e Onmh*,- Nebraska; tliat the genoral nature ofthe ttnsiness shall T M > to couple. One may easily imagine them We Ocrupj K lease, own and oftrate theatres tar *»• CJnde Sam Breakfast Food "Common Historic Past" Ovei 18.000 Square Feet K «M1»ltl<>n»rmotion picture-shows or perat peace in a small house. It is cerCompany WA. 5766 4tt» DOUGLAS of any other cHaracter snd to . His mind was organizing thought. tainly a Jewish;' house. Southwest Corner R formances deal In and to contract with reference *o Omaha Nebraska picture film and nil other things What held people together as a groupEleventh and Douglas Streets # motion requisite or proper lor the •penrtion of Tuxity? First, he said,, "a common (Copyright, 19j£o, by the Jewish Teletheatres. To tony, lease or mortjfalte Phone JAckson 2724 ft said and sell all real «nd p«r»»nai property graphic Agency, Inc.) historic past." And that was cerOmaha. Nebr. 4 including trade-marks, trade-names and copyriskts Teqaimlte « « * appropriate frr tainly true of the Jews. Next, there *HE CHEAPEST n f THE M>JI6 BBN—MORE HKAT X.KS3 ASH use i » the afutfdeBrdbed business, and t o do all things- necessary or incidental to followed "certain distinct psychic I4K89 ffOBK. 1 2 8 8 WOKBl the -eondnct «f t i e irtOTrd<»«erili«l business traits developed in the people through mud •*« pertotan all nrtR and thinfis nece»sary »r 4«ci*»ntal t o the conduct of Hie this common historic experience." And «for«l«scrJU«d l»DgJ»e«» and. Jo perform •II Phone JAckson 1226 HAND-I'ICKXD LtMT ^cts and thlJijrs and to exercise any ana that was certainly, true of the Jews. all powers wfticli « ro-parttwraMp or »»©FB PRIDE Certain commercial traits, certain t«ral person co«Jd do ana exercise nnu MINE Wlf 9.00 wMch *a»r or herenttrr mnf be inffhnrispjl traits of resistance, as when they were Moscaw.r-(J. T. A.)-—Theodor Rothhy U-*. That Ihf Hinoiuit of capital Htoc* authorized is $2Ti,(«l0.00 divided Jnto 2S0 called the "stiff-necked people." stein, former member of the collegium From Sueac Creek •Hares, eaetr. rt«w> fl* the p«r «lt*e «* Tltst Grade SIOOJOO which shall l>e fully paid for when Between each of these thoughts,, -of the foreign conunissariat and a forissued and non-assessable and may be pnW worded in characteristically compli- mer Soviet ambassador to Persia has for eltlwr In monej- or otb«r Property far Clean* Bat the value of BUCB property fixed »>r the cated German phrases, he paused. His been appointed to the Soviet Academy Smokeless Beard of littectors^ WMch shall be co»elusive. That tile time of commencement of Sciences. A native of Russia, Rotheach further thought was a perfect - » • 0!Me—Ho Back—Terr IMtU A of this corporation shall be on the 12tn' grammatical continuation of his in- stein lived in London for many years day of December. S838- a-nil -the ternrinirtioa. «f thii cerpotation shall be on the 1MB volved sentence. "A common under- \ where he was active in the Socialist day of l»ecen>ber. 1080. That the highest amount of indebtedness or liability t» , standing of morality," he specified, na movement; which this corporaUon ig at any time t» subject itself ie -not to exceed two-thirds a factor determining group-unity, and He was the editor of the Die Naye 23rd and Cunnng Street of its capital Btock. That the affnirs of a common "way of life." WochenWatt arid London corresponthis corporation shall l>e cond-ucted by * .Board of Directors of not less tlian two. This "understanding of morality," dent of the Volkszeitung. After the Large site nor more thiifl five and the following officers a president, » vice-president, or MID. WEST would be fixed in youth-time, and Bussian revolutioirhe returned to Mosmore than one vice-president, a secretary therefore would remain firm through- cow -where lie bfecame-a niember of the ENGRAVING CO. INC. and a treasnrer any two of whicB offices may be held »T one and the same person. out life. A ARTISTS (i Peoples .Commissariat for Foreign lncorpprators : \^£>, ENGRAVERS V*y Now, all these qualities might de- Affairs, In 1921 Jie was named Soviet SAMUEL H STEKN, termine a group of people. But they ambassador to Persia. Later he was PnoneATLANTIC 0 6 3 9 JACK WKINBSKG, IBVIN C LEVIN. appointed to the collegium of the fordetermine the Jew. Professor Ein313 S0, H.ST.OMAHA. stein continued to think. A tiny, eign commissariat. He is one of Hxt DAVE SHERMAN AT-4444, closed shaving; Bear on his cheek at- editors of the Soviet encyclopedia

The Views of the Great Scientist Upon of


Professor Einstein Is Vitally Interested in the Progress andProblems of His Peotde





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'*-,"> . "'••••'- ; : . V : T \ ^ V ^ r - ' ^ - V ^ ^


26, 1930

START iiistein Presented wiik Qolden BoonL [TORI ISONTOHAffA RAfl,WAY

Notes of

Conservative f Synagogue Hews


Bagdad.—(J. T. A.)—Work on the proposed-Haifa-Bzgdad raflwa^ which will link Egypt and British India by rail via Haifa, ittll start within a fortnight it is learned here in -connection with the arrival of 80 British engineers from India. They are leaving shortly for Haifa where work on the project, which together with the MosSermon Tonight sul pipe-line will entail- an expendiEabbi Dc<vid A. Goldstein will speak ture of $100,000,000, will start this evening on "The Bible and EvoLate in September the British Cololution—Must We Choose Between tr# nial Office issued a statement granting assistance from the Colonial De- Two?" velopment Fund towards the cost of "a detailed, survey to be. undertaken in Yahrzeit connection with the Haifa-Bagdad, The Yahrzeit of Miriam Sashke railway. It is believed that the 80! •engineers a*e about to start on this j Kaiman will be observed this Friday evening. survey. The Mosul .pipe-line, winch will carry the* »ii jfrom the Mosul fields in Sermon Topic Next Week •Iraq,, is to have its Mediterranean Rabbi Goldstein will -preach, on "J)» uel Neumann, Prof* Einstein, Henri- k termiruis at Haifa. The proposed a i l etta Szold, Mrs. Einstein, Robert ! w£.y is expected to parallel Om pipe- We Need a New Idea of God.?" Szold. * line. Second row: Abraham Goldberg, Dr. de Sola Pool, Sol Lamport, P. SL Raskin, Dr. N. Ratnoff, Mrs. Jacobs, Rabbi Wolf Gold, Abraham Spierer, Bernard Stone, Rabbi Lewis L Newman and Ida Flatow . Third row: Adam Rosen, Louis A group of leading Brooklyn Jews, Gordon and Rabbi Israel Goldstein. headed by Manassah Miller, president Oit . of the National Title Guaranty Com• Opitz. G. G again at tomorrow morning's services. ^etprmm G The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688 Mat hews. G the newspaper reporters know Ben j o f ^ imiepe^ent Order of the Bnai pany and president of the Eighth Avenue Temple, has started a campaign Cantor as p&pa's secretary, how will B r i t n ^JJJ n o W next Mon- to raise $30,000 for the purpose of by % Dinner they respect him as papa's son-in-law, j evening, Dec 2S, at the Eagles placing a memorial window in the NINA KAYE The trustees-andfthe officers of the But Judith had tossed her prtrad ) H a l l ^ election of officers will take sanctuary of the new Central Methohead. "We don't want any of papa's; Temple Israel congregation will enall members are urged to dist Episcopal Church of Brooklyn. For a while after her daughter left to serve on committees, her name top- money. We don't mind being poor!wj.! tertain Rabbi Levi at dinner at the her sitting on the needle-point sofa ped the list of donors to all causes, The suggestion for such a window oriNo, Judith didn't mind being poor.i Blackstone hotel this evening at 6 in the pretty room which was a re- who had charge accounts in all tire She didn't know what it was. NoJ Abraham Bramberg, €7 years old, ginated among several of the roost p. nu, preceding the services. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The project flection of her pretty self, Mrs. Mor--big stores. Yes, Sol had given her all horseback riding. No golf- No Miami Monday -Right at. tine h o u * of his prominent rabbis in Brooklyn, headed to settle 1,000 Jewish families on ris did not stir. Her hands, her soft the-things her mother had-premised. m the winter and Lake Placid in the-son, Barry B-., wMSt whom he hadby Rabbi Alexander Lyons of the Eighth Avenue Temple, Rabbi Samsmall holdings in the. orangf growing and lovely hands which were begin- I Yet, never had she recaptured the summer. She knew she would have to^mate his home, zone along the coastal .plain of Pal-ning to take on the plumpness of mid- joy that had been hers and Paul's. To give up these things. But the rest. Mr; Brsmbexg is survived by his uel J. Levinson of Temple Beth Emeth estine is now under way with the first" dle age, rested in her lap. The dia-thrill at the accidental encounter of Tiie penny pinching. Life hemmed in widow; 4 daughters, HCxs. J. L. Mor- in Flatbush and Rabbi Sidney S. Tedesche of Union Temple on Eastern 400 families about to be settled, ac- monds in her ears caught the light hand and hand. To look into his eyes by money. and- l b s . Kalley Ehle, of Omaha; Parkway. -- — . — . , cording to reports reaching here from which streamed through the casement sand see yourself there, not only mirShe had argued with Judith,. = j — - M r s . S. R. Xewis, And Mias Leah tion that The window will depict Abraham, i that the the Palestine Palestine administraadministra London. The funds to coastrufit the windows and magnified it a thousand- rored in the earnest brown pupils, but tried to point these things out to her. jBrombexg ef Chicago, Illinois; and tion, will eventually pass from the first 600 honses and to make the nec- fold. The sun brought out golden shining as a part of his very _soo} . Her words had seemed an echo of her two sons, Harry, and Jake, of €•. jurisdiction of the Colonial Office to essary improvements on the land have tints in her soft brown hair. StIBcandlesticks and the Tables of the Yes, Sol had given her everyth^ig-, own mothers's. Bluffs. that of the Foreign Office was made been furnished by the Palestine Eco- without a tint of grey. No frown dis- everything but love. He cherished her Law. The-Rev. Dr. J. Lane Miller, Judith had cried out, "I love him, He has been a resident of Co. Bluffs- senior pastor of the church, has hailed by. Commander Ken worthy prominent nomic Corporation. figured her white forehead, but Mrs. as the most beautiful of his posses- mama," and ran from the room. This, labor member of Parliament, in an sions. He liked to- be seen with her, too, seemed like an echo over the were held Tuesday afterneoa from his the gift -as "ore of the most signifiThe plans was publicly announced, Morris was troubled. cant contributions that has ever been Was it her daughter, Judish, who in a box at the theater or at the many years. at the meeting of the Adminfetratfve son's home, 329 Lawton Terrace. Mr. made in Brooklyn's long and honored Bull Hebrew Board of Guardians. But Martha Morris was a> mother. Committee of the Jewish Agency last had just run from the room, handker- public dinners they attended. He was The Palestine administration was at August in Berlin, when it was learned chief pressed to trembling lips, head like someone who owns a perfect pearl Taking an ivory telephone from be- Louis Harris of Omaha officiated. religious life." Burial took place m the Oak Hill one time under the control of the that the funds for the -project, which raised to keep from showing her displaying it proudly. Resplendent in hind a tapestry panel she called a Foreign Office. \ it is estimated will cost 2,175,000 were *ears? Martha Morris had a queer the Jewels he gave her, Martha per- number, Sol Morris's private number. cemetery. Set a beggar on horseback and he He also said that the policy of the will .ride a gallop. —Bohn. "Hello, SoL This is Martha. Yes, Mr. and Mrs. John Beber and small _ T h e l a n d o n w h i c h t h e v feeling that it wasn't Judith at all, formed her part. That she spent long White' Paper did not meet with sup- a v a i l a b l e that it was she herself. The thought hours in day dreaming mattered to no I know you're busy, but this is im-; daughter have moved to Omaha, Nebr. tQ port of many leaders of the Labor mQ { a m i l^i e s one. Hadnt she everything her heart j portant Please have Mr. Cantor book••(, — probal)ly t h e W a d i H a w a r e t h lands carried her back twenty years to a Party. scene faithful in every respect except, desired? passage for Judy and me on the nest Ignorance is of the Jewish National _Fund. m o t h e r o f deyo_ Lord Passfield,' author~bT the muchBT Wilts* Where was Paul nowi No, he had boat for Paris. And SoL, I think you | ^ setting to the one which had just The Palestine Economic Corpora—Tawior ALT. -ttVBM TI1K WORLD criticized White Paper, is Colonial tion, it is understood, has granted taken place in the Merris' drawing not had that success she had dangled better have a new secretary when we I' ^ FRED R. SHAW Secretary, while Arthur Henderson, o f 50aj0QQ d o U a r g a t thfi room. With the ease of a woman who with such assurance before her moth- come back. No, Sol, I'm not imag-l . . . , , . . . FM>WEU SIKIP who i s presiding over the negotiations o f $ 5 0 0 {m e a c h h o u s e t o b e b u D t is accustomed to day dreaming, Mar- er's eyes. She had never heard of him ining things. Judy told me herself, L ^ V ^ f ^ 1 d n n k m g t h * ± * * 545 Broadway Phone 41 tot M t e s between the Jewish Agency and the tha let herself slip back in fancy to since. Fruitlessly she had sought his today. Now, dont get excited. I'm M**"* *•« —S^den. m British government is Foreign Secrename in the literary news of the.pass- taking care of it, don't you see? No, that other scene. tary. don't speak to him. Hell understand Had she run from the room to hid* ing years. Martha paused and listened. Over- when you tell him to get our tickets. her tears? No, she had stayed to shed them copiously on the leather- head she beard her daughter Jjuriith's Judy ? She'll be all right. When she ette couch while her mother stormed step^ Was she, too, pacing her room ? is older she'll realize i f s for her own up and down the. combination living H«r sunny room with its iour win- good. Detroit.—(J. T. A.)—The eliminaand dining room. "Paul Klauber she dows and striking modernistic furni- (Copyright, 1930, by the Jewish TeleBerlin.—(J. T. A.) —Two national tion of. miraculous and supernatural .picks out from all of them! A girl ture. With its mirror walls reflecting graphic Agency, Inc.) elements in the religion education of Germain groups pledging to uphold f' . her defiant, taut young body. Its with twenty fellows running after her the-Republic opened a vigorous cam- ****** m tte f i r s t f o u r ^ r a d e s of picks out a good-for-nothing. A poet! wardrobe hung with dresses of sheerpaign against Adolph Hitler and hisJewish schools was urged by Dr. Ja-.What is a poet? How much does he est silk and chiffon velvet, a coa-t of brown-shirted Fascists i n view of the cob S. Golub of Cincinnati, addressing make a week? Who will pay the-mink and one of beaver. And she growing danger of Hitlerite suprem- the convention of the Jewish Religious rent ? Who will buy the pretty cloth- wanted to give all this up! acy. Jewish leaders expressed great Education Association of Michigan ing-for you? Who will take you out "Papa wiH never consent," Martha London.—(J. T. A.)—The report of and Ohio at the Hotel Statler. satisfaction _with .this news. had cried. "You think and he thinks the Wailing Wall Commission is alwhere your beauty will shine?" Dr. Golub's theory was opposed by The two- organizations that" have The trmebling girl on the couch had papa will support you -even after you ready in the hands of the British opened war on the Nazis with meth- Dr. Emanuel Gamoran of Cincinnati, cried out, "I love him. Don't you real- are married. But I know "better. Rapa Colonial Office the Jewish Telegraods similar to those used by the Nazis Rabbi Louis Witt of Dayton, Rabbi ize I love him?" is so proud of you Judy. He wants to phic Agency learned today from a reare the youth organization pf the Re- Leon Fram of Detroit, Rabbi Israel be proud of bis son-in-law. What will liable source. The Colonial OfficeHer mother had turned on her with publican Reicnsbanner and the Deut- Lebendiger of Windsor, Ontario, and tyrannical scorn. "Love! That is for people say when they hear Sol Mor- has not yet had an opportunity to others. Discussions of methods of schland-Bund. ris's daughter married Ms secretary ? consider the report and hence has not. s who cant get anything else, J In'every s town and village ia_ Ger- teaching in primary departments fea-j you, with your looks, you should take Everybody, all the chanty heads and decided whether it will be published. many'the youth groups of the Reichs1- tared the convention sessions. only a millionaire. If he's not a milAt the convention banquet last lionaire now, only let me see someone banner are distributing pamphlets and posters aimed at counteracting the night Dr. Abram Sachar of the Uni- who will be rich. A hustler. A busiversity of Illinois Hillel Foundation, ness man." Hitlerite propaganda., Speakers are being sent t o every author of a history of the Jews, urged Her mother had crouched beside her Nazis meeting with a demand for teachers to make Jewish history a and whispered insidiously in her ear. freedom of speech and if this re- living thing, declaring that there is "You are so beautiful. You are quest is not granted these meetings much more dramatic possibility in throwing yourself away on Paul. Mark will be broken up. The Reichsbanner Jewish than in other histories. my words, you'll be sorry. Marry him : groupB are also planning street meet- Dr. Leo M. Franklin of Detroit was and where will you be in ten years? No sputtering . . . no Jerking! Just a ings throughout the country. toastmaster at the banquet. One hun- In a flat, washing clothes and cooklot of pep — that's what you get in dred and fifty delegates are attend- ing all day long. Marry someone like Caesar said he loved the treason, but ing the convention which will end —like Sol Morris and where will you Hits marvelous winter gasoline. It's best —Plutarch, today. be? Riding around in automobiles. tated. the traitor. "With maids and a chauffeur. Look, -look at my hands. Do you want yours foryouTmotoT and starts RIGHT NOW. to look like that? Look at the veins, the cracks. Muscles like a man. From scrubbing floors. My mother didn't warn me!" It was the appeal to her beauty that had won her. Martha had sent Paul away though her he&rt was breaking. Their last kiss. Clinging to each other with the world whirling on while they paused in a spaceless, timeless 1 mpment. Oh, she could never give fhim up! But Paul had pushed her | gently awayj "life for your own g'ood," lie: said, his face twitching. "You are smart enough to see it." • _* Martha Morris shook ont a lacy handkerchief and wiped a tear from her cheek. After twenty years she could feel the pitiless ecstasy of that farewell. Rising, she paced the floor, crumpling her handkerchief between her clasped hands. Yes, Sol had become a millionaire. "He wag one <jf the largest property owners in the city. Wherever she went, she heard the name Morris mentioned "with A certain envious awe. She -was asked r . ii i • »--rt i •*

The Jewish Community Center beeketeers under the coaching of Physical Director E. M. Segal, opened the season with a hard-fought victory over the Florence Merchants, to the tune of 22 to 17. Rosenblatt, Gerelick and Altchnler Guest Rabbi . were the mainstays for the J. C C. Rabbi - Gerson B. Levi, rabbi of hoopsters, while Gurman and" Smith Isaiah temple congregation of Chi- starred for the losersSaturday evening at 8 p . r n . o n the cago, -will occupy the pulpit of Temple Center "floor the J. C. C varsity will Israel this' evening, services to begin play the Vondra Brothers of Omaha. at'U p. m. The Vondra team is composed, of six "Rabbi Levi i s the son-in-law of the brothers who have been playing basklate Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, famed rabbi et baQ together for the past four of Sinai Temple and one of the most years. According to Segal, this should noted rabbis of the country during be a sensational game. Score of Florence Merchants game: MR lifetime. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTEB Pts. The guest rabbi, who is editor of Sadofsky, P 0 the Reform Advocate, will discuss •g> F - -\ One of the most interesting mom- s s its "great brother," not merely on me ptihse of American Judaism in r, cats in the four busy days spent by ;'the basis of the "national and racial {>>Frvfesaor and Frau Einstein in Newpride that we take in your unique is sermon. "He is a very interesta [York, on their way to California, was -position in the world, of thought," but ing speaker sod i s a noted scholar. I Tnruer. Chaiken, G _ . the presentation to him by the leade JOT the singular devotion of the .groat G _ hope everyone will come to hear what J?, of the Jewish National Fund of Amsr- scientist to the ideals of Ziomwn and wiJl -unquestionably be an • Inspiring' r - Gereiici. G "— T iea of the Einstein Volume of thet h e work ot the Jewish National Fund sermon," Pabbi Frederick Cohn said. in reclaiming and redeeming the soil ~ i Golden Book. FLORENCE MERCHANTS of Palestine. PtR. The American press devoted much {•iirman. F a attention to this occasion when EinJNoorey. F 5; Front row: (from left to right): Tomorrow Morning Kelllngpr, C Harry J. Kahn, Joseph Weiss, Emanr, j stein was honored by American Jewry Smith. G Rabbi. TLevi will probably




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Council Bluffs


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A: Zt A -Witt Sponsor Annual Dance Sunday

. Members of the A. Z. A. Chapter will sponsor their Annual Dance Sunday evening, December 28, in the Bellevue ball room. Arnold Baron is in MISS ANNA PILL; Correspondent charge of the^ .general _s arrangements and is being" assisted by Abe Beechen, ticket committee, and Emil Levich, advertising ; committee. The chapter has secured Larry Burkle and his or- Among vthose " Who attended the chestra .to furnish the music for the ' IC IIEI fV grand opening of the Warrior Hotel evening. last Saturday evening were' Mr. arid IlJilEliU According to the chairman of the Mrs..A. L. Galinsky, Mr. and Mrs. V affair, a record number .of tickets Nine A. Z. A. Members Receive Adolph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Herman University students who. have re- have been sold and a large attendance • • the Judas Maccabeus Miller, Mr. and Mrs. I. Miller, Mr.* and turned home for midwinter vacation is expected. ; •'.,, Decree , Mrs. Ben Schulien, Mr. and Mrs. H. will be guests" of honor at. the regFishgall, Mr. and Mrs; Bernard Baron ular Friday evening service at Shaare Sinai Temple and daughter, Dena;,Mr. a*hd Mrs. Zion Synagogue this evening! Rabbi program, held Sunday 'afternoon in Dave Davidson, Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Herman M. Cohen of St. Paul, Minn., ; At* the-regular service this evening, the-Shaare Zionsocial hall, nine mem- Sariford, ;Mr. and Mrs. Leon. Dayidson, will be the guest speaker. He will Rabbi Lewis will give 'a book review bers. received the Judas Maccabeus de- Mr. Frank Davidson, Mr. Lawrence be introduced by Rabbi Rabinowitz. of a .recent book by Rebecca Kohut, gree. .They are Ray Barish, Joe Rabbi Cohen subject will be "Pre- entitled "As I Know Them."' Baron. Skalovsky, Jack Reznick, Ray Friedparedness as It Is - Needed Today/' Next Sunday there will be no sesman, Leonard Baumstein, Morris Bor- j William Mosow of Bridgeport, Con- The choir will chant special wel- sion of the Religious School. Classes ehevsky, Sam Berman, Harry Zifkin-necticut, and Julius Mospw, who_ is coming music, assisted by Cantor A. will be resumed on Sunday, Jan. 4. and Lawrence Silverberg. ' a student at the University of Ne- Pliskin. Mr. Philip Klutznick of Omaha was brsska, are guests at-the,, home of. Following the "service the students the guest speaker, and inspired his their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam will be the guests of the congrega- DEATH CLAIMS, IKE KARP Mr. Ike Karp died in his home audience'; with a most eloquent plea Mosow, 3405 Nebraska.., . --. tion at an informal; reception in the Wednesday morning following: a sudfor unity. "The A. Z. A. Chapter canf .social hall of the synagogue. be a most important -.factor in the ,Milton Bolstein is visiting-at .= the /Burnell Koolish son of Mr. and Mrs. den, heart attack. He is survived bv the. widow, and three, ^children. Fuhbme of his sister. Mrs.; Harry Bailm, perpetuation of Judaism,'' said ",. . L . Koolish, who is a student at the neral. services were held from the Klutznick. "Unity is a paramount"'11 Atkinson,--Nebraska University of Minnesota, will act-as famify residence with Rabbi H. R need in" Jewry today. The A. Z. A.1 Question Clufc will hold jtjs'an-j toastmaster. .The following students Rabinowitz officiating. . '.« j ^ speak> - p ^ ^ g £ univ*reve ^ members, by their organization^ their', ^ -, ^ • .' -•-- - *- -• * - , » Martin nualball-" foQmr^Jirry^sitx which they are attending:,Miss._A. Z...A.. BASKETBALL -TEAM -TO e Burkle's. orchestra will "furnish.'thejBelen Levitt,, daughter of Mr. and ' • PLAI OMAHA CHAPTER music for. dancing. • Novelty favors, Mrs. J. L. Levitt, Iowa university; The local A. Z. A. Basketball team be "used *in\' Fred Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs~. will plajr the Omaha Chapter I Team, City attorney lauded the fact that thewith the season. [Philip Sherman, the University of Sunday afternoon, at 2r30 in the K. A. Z. A. organization pravitled (the' i_ i . i Nebraska; Leonard Weiner, son of C. gymnasium. fine. Jewish environment for the, The ball Toom of the New ^Warrior. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weiner, the Uniyoung men of today. _ _, , , , Hotel will be the scene of the Tvre -versity of Minnesota; Ruth Falk, The gratitude of most" men is but a Sam Berman presented a group of N e w Y e a r , g e v e p a r t y Dancing dur- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Falk, secret desire of receiving greater violin solos. Isadore Mirowitz intro- ing the evening will be followed by Morningside College; Bert Mazor, son benefits.,duced the speakers. Abe Beechen, T e f r e s h m e n t s . F a v o T S , appointments of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mazor; the Uniwill * in keeping versity of Wisconsin; Otto Graff, the ed the audience in behalf of- the A.'-;University of 'Michigan. Other stuwith the "season. Z. A. dents whose names have not yet been Miss Lillian-Magazmer has depart- announced will also speak. ed for a visit with friends in St. Following the program the , memLouis, Missouri. bers of the Ladies' Auxiliary will serve refreshments. Miss Rose Gottfried of St. ..Paul is a guest at the home of her uncle and "aunt, - Mr.- and "Mrs.. H- Hirowitz.



Social News






tion "amonj?~ Montreal -Jews; who. d ^ dare this is the first time that a mayor of Montreal "has come out with open anti-Semitic views. Indignation at the present moment is especially great, since it was expected that an agreement-between the Protestants, and the Jews on the school Mayors Qi>enly, Shows: His Atti- question would'be annourtlsed,. and the tude on Jewish School resentment aroused in certain ChrisQuestion tian quarters of the province of Que-

Montreal.—(J. T. A.)—''To hell with the Jews!" came a cry from a member of the audience. "Weil said," came the reply from Camillien Houde, mayor of the city of Montreal, who was addressing a meeting in Quebec City on*the Jewish school questipn. "They have a new country and ifthe,y won't.••'meet.your demands they can go to Palestine, their country." •'••" ' , This startling statement was made by the mayor of the Canadian, metropolis, which contains about 75.000 Jews, during one of his periodical attacks on the Jewish School Bill. Mr. Houde is the leader of the Conservative party opposition to the Liberal government of the'Province of Quebec, which lapt spring passed a law" giving the Jews of Montreal equal rights with "the_ Protestant-English and Cath; olic-French of th?<t city in the rnatte'r of schools for Jewish children and providing ..for the' appointment of a Jewish school commission of seven.' The-Jewish-school -commission1: is now negotiating Tvlth- the" Protestant schoof commission of Montreal with regard to the poisJ'-rtlhy of - Jewish. children, continuing to attend) the Protestant schools of- the city, instead of the Jews opening separate Jewish schools, and an announcement of the result of the negotiations is expected shortly. The Mayor's statement meeting has caused great- excitement and indigna-

bec over Jewish schools being established would be allayed.

Jewish Sculptor Chosen Czernowitz.—Will Klein, a local Jewish sculptor, today received word from King Carol that he would be permitted to make a bust of the King. PATRONIZE OCR ADVERTISERS

AVerfettTood fbrEverybody*


Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dayidson v preAccording to the committees in sided at a family dinner Thursday charge, one of the most elaborate evening honoring their son. Stanley Mr. Stewart Gilman, former mayor parties to T)e held in Sioux City this j a c o b s , who is home'from collegeof Sioux. City, will be the principal New Year's will be that of the Ques,' Students from various colleges .have speaker, at the Father and. Son bantion .Club.- This affair will be the most pretentious party of the club's been ;comin.(* in the city during the quet at Mount Sinai Temple, which is social calendar and will be outstand- past week, to spend their midwinter scheduled for Monday evening, Deing in many respects. vacation with parents and friends. cember 29. Mr. Morris Pill, president of the Mount Sinai Brotherhood* The party will be in the nature of Burnell Koolish is visiting at the a Formal Supper Dance and will be . home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. will act as toastmaster. Talks in beheld in the main dining room of the half of the fathers and tlie sons will Hotel Martin. Tables will be- ar- 1 Koolish, Alhambra apartments.. be given on the program in additioa ranged in cabaret style and dancing Stanley Jacobs has returned from to several selections, and skits. will be in the center of the dining the University of ^ Pennsylvania • to The Mount Sinai -Sisterhood is in • roonv which will be profusely deco- spend his vacation with his mother, charge of the dinner whieh will prerated with flowers and other decora- Mrs. Dave Davidson . cede the program. tions symbolic of the New Year. Miss Frances Emlein returned home A reserved table will be for the Friday afternoon from Lincoln {to officers of the society and members of the board who have served during visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Emlein. the past season. The Sigma Iota: Sigma sorority Tn the center of the dining room Fred Sherman, son of Mr: and Mrs. gave a party Monday evening honorwill^be erected a huge Question Mark Philip Sherman" has also returned ing three sorority sisters who have portraying the symbol of the society. •from Lincoln. returned home for the midwinter vaEiStboeate favors and programs will cation. They are Marcella Koolish, be' distributed as the affair in a pro- • Miss Charlotte Rosenstock has re- Helen Herzoff, and Elsie Brodkey. turned to spend the vacation with her Refreshments followed a program gram dance. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosen- presented by the members. : In strict accordance with the rules slock. of the. society only members will be permitted to attend, no local guests Miss Doris Rosenstock, daughter of The Intermediate Dramatic Club a"owed. Admittance will be by card Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rosenstock has de- leld an. open meeting on Tuesday eveparted for a visit with' relatives in ning, A program was followed by reonly. Over 50 invitations have been is- Kansas City. freshments. Miss Eva Maron is adsued to out-of-town guests who are visor of the club. Miss Freda Albert departed for expected to attend the function. Minneapolis on Monday, where she Larry Burkle and his augumented will visit - for several weeks with The regular meetings, of the Busiband of eight pieces will provide mus- friends. ness Girl's Club have been postponed ic for the occasion. Specialty numuntil January 7. bers and surprise acts will be presentMiss Ruth Jacobson departed Sated during tho evening. Larry Burkle urday evening for a visit of several Miss Helen Friedman, daughter of himself will act as master of cerev weeks with friends in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Friedman, was monies for the evening. Miss Sadie Shulkin is, visiting awarded a six-month scholarship to SpeciE-l lighting effects have been the Goodman Theater School. Miss arranged and several unique numbers friends and relatives in Omaha. Friedman, who has been a student of the nature of which will not be revealr Mr. J. M.. Cohen of Los Angeles, that school this winter, has returned ed until the time for their -presenta- formerly of Sioux City, visited here to the city to spend the vacation with tion. her parents. She has appeared in a with friends last week. Supper will be served at 11:30 and number of plays presented by local Friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Abe groups. 'dancing: will be during the serving of Stillman with' a party at the home the courses. The committee in charge of the af- of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Levin. Refreshfair is Lawrence 'Baron, chairman: ments concluded the evening's enter- Rabbi Lewis Addresses Jlilton Bolstein, Eli Seff, Leon Du- tainment. Central High Assembly brow and Charles Urbach. The Phi Epsilon Tau sorority met Rabbi Theodore N. Lewis addressed Wednesday evening at the home of the student body of the Central High Miss Louise Herzoff, 2713 Virginia school last Friday morning, at the street. occasion of the admission of several Mrs. M. Dizon who suffered severe of the -high school students to the "We feed the multitude" injuries from a fall in her home, has Honor Society. During his talk RabWith Tasty Foods recuperated and is able to be out bi Lewis urged the students to honor and revere those who had accomagain. plished much in the way of learning and not those who had wrought nothing but disaster and destruction. He compared the honor given to Napoleon to that given Pasteur.


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Maccabees Elect Officers Sam Sadoff was elected to head the Macabee Club for the coming year. He succeeds Rudy Shindler who was elected as vice president. Milton Grueskin was elected treasurer and Bernard Lazriowich secretary. The meeting was followed by an initiation and'stag party held at the Center in the 'evening. Refreshments concluded ilje "meeting, r t • ! ••

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